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[ FS: UNIX Systems: SUN / HP / IBM / SGI ]

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Team UnixHQ

Jan 4, 2013, 8:39:58 PM1/4/13
We have several SUN, HP, IBM, & SGI systems for sale, with prices
starting at only $125 -- in most cases, just add your PC monitor and go!

---------------- New Years Usenet-only Liquidation: ------------------------

All systems 15% off with no further website discounts applicable.

You must mention newsgroup name to obtain special pricing.

Please see website for full details on these and other system configs


Why bother playing with PC UNIX on a CISC box when you can work
with the real thing on RISC boxes?

These are the same versions of UNIX that power the large servers in the
back-office environments. Work with HP-UX 10.20/11.x, Solaris 8/9/10/11,
IBM AIX V5/6, or SGI IRIX 6.5.30 at home or elsewhere without the risks.
These make excellent learning tools / development boxes, and you can
also set up your own UNIX network cluster or install Oracle, etc.
The uses are many!

This truly is "RISC without the RISK" ;^)

FYI: These systems originally cost anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000!
And, although they may not be considered cutting edge today, they still
easily run the latest versions of HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, or IRIX.
You can own one for just a tiny fraction of original cost.

Inquire about our UNIX time and money by learning
UNIX at home in your spare time.

Again, buy more than one system and take advantage of additional discounts
of 10-15% (as per the website). With valid student or educator ID, you'll
save even more! Ask for details.

Team UnixHQ
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