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MSN Money: What if no one were fat?

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Apr 28, 2008, 8:38:14 PM4/28/08

What if no one were fat?
Imagine a lean and healthy America: The savings on medical, fuel, food and
other costs would be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.

By Shirley Skeel
Editor's note: This is part of an occasional series on financial what-ifs.

In the United States today, 66% of adults are overweight. Almost 33% of
adults are obese, and 4.7% are morbidly obese, or more than 100 pounds
overweight. But . . .

What if nobody in America were fat?

We'd save billions of dollars in gas. Airlines would double their profits.
A dearth of diabetes and other diseases would save billions of dollars more
-- and put thousands of doctors on the street. McDonald's would sell not
Big Macs but little steamed chicken snacks -- or watch its profits melt
away. Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more
jobs or higher wages all around.

Add up the savings up on health, food, clothing and efficiencies, and you
could buy a professional home gym for every U.S. household -- or hand each
$4,270 in cash.

$487 billion in gas, sweat and stretch pants
Yes, it sounds a little wild, but the implications of a leaner, meaner
country add up to a weighty $487 billion. That's almost 3.5% of gross
domestic product, no small sum.

Mind you, only 1.8% of that is new growth. The rest is a radical shift in
resources, away from the needs of our bigger citizens to . . . well,
whatever we and our overlords would spend these extra billions on.

First, let's put the meat on that $487 billion. The estimates below assume
the average American adult is at least 20 pounds overweight, a figure
nutritionists see as fair.

Savings on fuel for cars and airlines due to their lighter loads would top
$5 billion, according to industry studies. Researchers say each overweight
driver burns about 18 additional gallons of gas a year, or just under a
billion gallons altogether. Savings in the air are far greater: The
jet-fuel savings alone could double North American airlines' forecast 2008
profits to $3.8 billion and maybe persuade them to stop stranding
passengers because they can't afford the fuel for flights. As for oil
imports, they'd be dented by less than 1%.

Plus-sized clothing costs 10% to 15% more, so shoppers would save $10
billion on shirts, pants and dresses. And clothes might fit better too.
Cynthia Istook, an associate professor in textile apparel at North Carolina
State University, says the economies of making fewer sizes would be
tremendous. Clothing makers could then afford to offer more variety in hip
and bust sizes, rather than asking every woman to squeeze into an hourglass

Because 3,500 calories translates into a pound of fat, somewhere along the
way, America's 227 million adults have eaten 16 trillion calories too many.
That's 14 billion Big Mac meals, with fries and a soda. Eliminate those and
you wipe out $81 billion, or McDonald's past four years of sales.

If Americans were slim and maintained their weight by eating 150 fewer
calories a day (half a slice of pizza), that could snip roughly 6.5%, or
$20 billion a year, off U.S. farmers' sales (assuming no extra exports).
Bob Young, the American Farm Bureau's chief economist, says farmers would
cope. They'd switch some land from fattening seed oils and sugar beets to
fruits and vegetables. Or they might grow corn for ethanol, or even open a
hunting resort.

The medical costs of obesity-related problems such as diabetes, stroke and
heart disease run near $140 billion, or more than 6% of all health-care
costs. That ballpark figure was calculated by Joel Cohen, an economic
researcher for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, using data
from a 1998 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. Cohen reckons
that if no one were fat, medical insurance costs would fall -- to
everyone's delight -- and doctors and drug makers could do more preventive
care. That sounds good, but Roland Sturm, a senior economist for Rand in
Santa Monica, Calif., doubts anyone would pay for preventive care. More
likely, he says, some doctors would be on the street. "They could drive
cabs," he suggests.

Productivity in the workplace would jump as people took fewer sick days and
spent less time at work feeling unwell. Ross DeVol, the director of health
economics at the Milken Institute, says the loss of productivity due to
people showing up at work sick is "immense." Using a recent Milken report
on the subject, he calculates that if no one were obese, the added output
from workers and their caregivers would give the country a $257 billion
boost. That's 1.8% of GDP, enough extra output to allow businesses to hire
tens of thousands more workers or to raise wages, economists say. Or at
least, that's the theory. Given bosses' love of expanding their profits and
their own pay, you can count on some of this being spirited away. Just look
at 2000 to 2005, when worker productivity rose 16.6% while median wages
rose less than half that amount.

"Jenny Craig would be very unhappy" if everyone were slim, says Rand's
Sturm. And so she would, along with the rest of the $55 billion weight-loss
industry. Trimmed-down citizens would be swapping their diet pills for
bikinis and their gastric-banding for nose jobs.

What to do with all that money?
On top of these savings would be billions of dollars more. Manufacturers
and builders wouldn't have to make doorways bigger, car seats wider,
furniture stouter. Some even argue that global warming would slow a mite,
as consumption of gas, energy, fertilizer and methane-producing cattle

Even without those extras, the $487 billion reshuffle of the economy would
put us on the spot. Exactly how would we spend all this freed-up cash?
Optimists sing about improving education or medical research. Others figure
we'd fritter away the money.

Lady Veteran

Apr 28, 2008, 9:55:23 PM4/28/08
On 29 Apr 2008 00:38:14 -0000, (Marge) wrote:

Who would idiots like you ridicule?

>Imagine a lean and healthy America: The savings on medical, fuel, food and
>other costs would be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.

For charm school?

>By Shirley Skeel
>Editor's note: This is part of an occasional series on financial what-ifs.
>In the United States today, 66% of adults are overweight. Almost 33% of
>adults are obese, and 4.7% are morbidly obese, or more than 100 pounds
>overweight. But . . .

Yes and there is a fat guy under my bed right where Joe McCarthy said
the communists would be.

>What if nobody in America were fat?

What would brain stems do to keep themselves entertained with no one
to poke sticks at? How would they spend their day.

>We'd save billions of dollars in gas. Airlines would double their profits.

They would make this profit only because there are no fat people.
Never mind the bad management practices, poor financial habits and

>A dearth of diabetes and other diseases would save billions of dollars more
>-- and put thousands of doctors on the street.

Yes-remember that only fat people get diabetes. I guess a lot of thin
people would die becuase there would be no insulin available for them.
Id there is no diabetes, why have insulin?

> McDonald's would sell not Big Macs but little steamed chicken snacks -- or watch its profits melt

Yep-that is how they made their money you know. Being just like
everyone else.

> Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more
>jobs or higher wages all around.

Right-that is becuase only fat people are lazy and take advantage of
employer amenities and do it every chance they can, right?

>Add up the savings up on health, food, clothing and efficiencies, and you
>could buy a professional home gym for every U.S. household -- or hand each
>$4,270 in cash.

Ad everyone would be so very happy grunting and groaning on a bowflex
and even the women would look like Mr. Universe.

>$487 billion in gas, sweat and stretch pants

Of course everyone knows that only fat people wear stretchy and comfy
clothes. Only fat people waste gas, right?

>Yes, it sounds a little wild, but the implications of a leaner, meaner
>country add up to a weighty $487 billion. That's almost 3.5% of gross
>domestic product, no small sum.

Come on, how are you gonna make the fat people disappear and put the
brain stems in charge?

>Mind you, only 1.8% of that is new growth. The rest is a radical shift in
>resources, away from the needs of our bigger citizens to . . . well,
>whatever we and our overlords would spend these extra billions on.

Of course, a blighted case of Aryan delusion. You don't want the
"bigger citizen" to even exist, do you?

>First, let's put the meat on that $487 billion. The estimates below assume
>the average American adult is at least 20 pounds overweight, a figure
>nutritionists see as fair.

Oh well, lets all make allowances for a fatter boy with titties.

>Savings on fuel for cars and airlines due to their lighter loads would top
>$5 billion, according to industry studies. Researchers say each overweight
>driver burns about 18 additional gallons of gas a year, or just under a
>billion gallons altogether.

Blame it all on the fat people.

> Savings in the air are far greater: The
>jet-fuel savings alone could double North American airlines' forecast 2008
>profits to $3.8 billion and maybe persuade them to stop stranding
>passengers because they can't afford the fuel for flights. As for oil
>imports, they'd be dented by less than 1%.
>Plus-sized clothing costs 10% to 15% more, so shoppers would save $10
>billion on shirts, pants and dresses. And clothes might fit better too.
>Cynthia Istook, an associate professor in textile apparel at North Carolina
>State University, says the economies of making fewer sizes would be
>tremendous. Clothing makers could then afford to offer more variety in hip
>and bust sizes, rather than asking every woman to squeeze into an hourglass

As if the average shopper isn't confused enough as it is.

Fat people don't need clothing-god forbid that they have money to buy
what they want.

This proves that the inmates are trying to run the asylum.


"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones
"A fanatic cannot change his mind and will not
change the subject."

---Winston Churchill

Posted Via Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services

Rod Speed

Apr 28, 2008, 10:01:44 PM4/28/08
Marge <> wrote


> What if no one were fat?

We'd be in a famine, and you'd really have something to get excited about.

> Imagine a lean and healthy America:

There would still be plenty with other medical problems even if no one was fat.

Most obviously with the stupid smokers.

> The savings on medical, fuel, food and other costs would
> be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.

Easy to claim. Hell of a lot harder to actually substantiate that claim.

> By Shirley Skeel
> Editor's note: This is part of an occasional series on financial what-ifs.

> In the United States today, 66% of adults are overweight.

Doesnt mean that all of those are unhealthy tho.

> Almost 33% of adults are obese,

Doesnt mean that all of those are unhealthy tho.

> and 4.7% are morbidly obese, or more than 100 pounds overweight. But . . .

> What if nobody in America were fat?

We'd be in a famine, and you'd really have something to get excited about.

> We'd save billions of dollars in gas.


> Airlines would double their profits.


> A dearth of diabetes and other diseases would save billions of dollars more

Wrong, you'd still have type 1 diabetes that has nothing to do with obesity.

> -- and put thousands of doctors on the street.

Wrong again. They be dealing with the effects of famine.

> McDonald's would sell not Big Macs but little steamed
> chicken snacks -- or watch its profits melt away.

Just another of your pathetic little pig ignorant fantasys.

> Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more jobs

That would REDUCE the number of jobs available, fool.

> or higher wages all around.

Just another of your pathetic little pig ignorant fantasys.

> Add up the savings up on health, food, clothing and
> efficiencies, and you could buy a professional home gym
> for every U.S. household -- or hand each $4,270 in cash.

You've plucked that number out of your arse. We can tell from the smell.

> $487 billion in gas, sweat and stretch pants

You've plucked that number out of your arse. We can tell from the smell.

> Yes, it sounds a little wild, but the implications of a
> leaner, meaner country add up to a weighty $487 billion.

You've plucked that number out of your arse. We can tell from the smell.

> That's almost 3.5% of gross domestic product, no small sum.

Pity you've plucked that number out of your arse.

> Mind you, only 1.8% of that is new growth. The rest is a radical shift
> in resources, away from the needs of our bigger citizens to . . . well,
> whatever we and our overlords would spend these extra billions on.

Pity you've plucked that number out of your arse.

> First, let's put the meat on that $487 billion.

Not even possible to put meat on a steaming turd.

> The estimates below assume the average American adult is at
> least 20 pounds overweight, a figure nutritionists see as fair.

Pity you've plucked that number out of your arse.

<reams of your mindless silly shit flushed where it belongs>


Apr 28, 2008, 10:02:14 PM4/28/08

"Marge" <> wrote in message

My stock in MacDonalds wouldn't be worth anything. I support
fat-acceptance, as it helps my investment more dammit.

The Master

Apr 29, 2008, 10:29:41 AM4/29/08
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Marge wrote:

> What if no one were fat?
> Imagine a lean and healthy America: The savings on medical, fuel, food and
> other costs would be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.

If everyone was skinny, the fat people would buy less food, need to buy
less gas to make their car move, save money on medical costs, things of
that sort. The majority of the savings would go to the fat people. The
only savings that an already skinny person gets would be do to the
lowering of demand. Less gas bought means less demand, means lower
prices. Very misleading story already, and that's only in the synopsys.

> In the United States today, 66% of adults are overweight. Almost 33% of
> adults are obese, and 4.7% are morbidly obese, or more than 100 pounds
> overweight. But . . .

33% skinny
33% over
33% obese

Sounds like the normal numbers... Skinny people are outnumbered... We
need to elect a fat president, to protect the rights of fat americans.

> Productivity would rise, potentially creating tens of thousands more
> jobs or higher wages all around.

I call bull shit on that one.

If I was skinny, my productivity wouldn't be affected. I have a desk job,
I sit on my fat ass all day long. If it was skinny, I'd still be sitting
on it at my desk. Would I some how sit on my ass faster?

Do you mean the productivity of fat people who have manual labor jobs?
How many fat people have manual labor jobs? If they have to be on their
feet walking 8 hours a day, that's a lot of exercise. And since they are
already doing it, I doubt that productivity would rise much, if at all.

No new jobs would be created, nor would wages increase.

Arguably, since food would be more abundant, farmers would go out of
business. People buying less food means that less time at the check stand
at the store, which means less cashiers would be needed. In fact, there
would be more unemployment, not the other way around...

> $487 billion in gas, sweat and stretch pants
> Yes, it sounds a little wild, but the implications of a leaner, meaner
> country add up to a weighty $487 billion. That's almost 3.5% of gross
> domestic product, no small sum.

So the economy would actually slow down, while the dollar is already
dropping on the open market. Great idea...

> Mind you, only 1.8% of that is new growth.

None of it would be new growth. You don't grow demand when it drops.

> Savings on fuel for cars and airlines due to their lighter loads would top
> $5 billion,

Exxon would make less money, and less demand means less workers are
needed, so Exxon would terminate the employment of workers. Most of that
"savings" would be taken away due to the lost income of workers.

> Plus-sized clothing costs 10% to 15% more, so shoppers would save $10
> billion on shirts, pants and dresses.

Needing less cotton for each shirt means the garment workers need to spend
less time making each shirt, which means less workers are needed. Less
cotton per shirt means the cotton growers have less demand for cotton.
Again, most of that "savings" would be taken

> Cynthia Istook, an associate professor in textile apparel at North Carolina
> State University, says the economies of making fewer sizes would be
> tremendous. Clothing makers could then afford to offer more variety in hip
> and bust sizes,

A lot of women's "plus sized" clothing stores offer that already! They
would all go out of business though.

> Because 3,500 calories translates into a pound of fat, somewhere along the
> way, America's 227 million adults have eaten 16 trillion calories too many.
> That's 14 billion Big Mac meals, with fries and a soda. Eliminate those and
> you wipe out $81 billion, or McDonald's past four years of sales.

And then where would teenagers get their first job? More "savings" thrown
out the window.

Mind you, I'm not even talking about the lost income due to the stock
market. What would McDonald's share holders do? That's right, dump the

> If Americans were slim and maintained their weight by eating 150 fewer
> calories a day (half a slice of pizza), that could snip roughly 6.5%, or
> $20 billion a year, off U.S. farmers' sales (assuming no extra exports).

Really shafting US farmers, who wouldn't need to hire as much farm help,
thus negating more "savings" again.

> The medical costs of obesity-related problems such as diabetes, stroke and
> heart disease run near $140 billion, or more than 6% of all health-care
> costs.

Doctors, hospitals, drug companies... More workers out of jobs.

> Productivity in the workplace would jump as people took fewer sick days and
> spent less time at work feeling unwell.

I have taken about 3 or 4 sick says since I started with my current job
back in 2004, and currently have 234.17 hours on the books for vacation.

> What to do with all that money?

Give most of it back in the form of unemployed workers having no money to
spend, except for what they get in unemployment benefits.

> Some even argue that global warming would slow a mite,
> as consumption of gas, energy, fertilizer and methane-producing cattle
> decreased.

And some scientists STILL INSIST that global warming is a 100% natural
cycle. They just aren't given press coverage.

Apr 30, 2008, 9:52:23 PM4/30/08
On Apr 29, 8:29 am, The Master <>

I agree with you Bro!

Somebody should write an article about how much money we would save if
there was no hatred, prejudice, and bigotry in this world. Just think
of how much money would be saved if we didn't have any more wars, and
how much would be saved if we feed all the hungry people in the world,
because hunger, and lack of resources, often lead to violence and war
which exacts heavy costs in the number of deaths, and damage to

I grew up knowing about the cost of hatred when I went to school as a
kid, back in the 1960s. I'm 46 years old now.

And yes, I'm a fat person at only 5 ft 6 in and 400 pounds.

When I was 4 years old, I fell out of a car, and busted my left knee
on the road, so as a kid, my left leg was crippled up, and I walked
with a limp, and I could not run, and I was lousy at sports.

My mother taught me how to read and write before I even started
school, and by the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I was already
reading at the high school and adult level. When I was 13, I scored
150 points on a standard IQ test, so going through school should have
been a breeze for me. Science was my favorite subject, especially

But then, back in 1962 I believe, the President's Council on Physical
Fitness said that Americans were out of shape and that we all needed
to go on 50 mile hikes, and then, our schools became super gung-ho on
Physical Education, while cutting back on academics.

In the 4th grade, I was suspended from school because I failed to
climb a rope in a gymnasium. In the 5th grade I had my first male
teacher who made my life a living Hell in the PE class. He would
humiliate me in front of all the other students, and one day he
punched me in the stomach with a basketball. Then there was another
time when our class went to the school library. There was this one
Astronomy book that I wanted to check out, but the teacher would not
allow me to have that book. When I asked why he let all the other kids
check out any book they wanted, but not me, he dragged me out of the
library, out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders, and bashed
my head up against the corner of a concrete block wall. The following
year, that teacher was fired and could not get a teaching job anywhere
else. But for years after that, from the age of 11 years and through
out my teen ages years, I had dizzy spells and headaches as a result
of my head injuries.

I suffered a lot of mental and emotional problems, and during my teen
age years, I gained a lot of weight, and I got fat, weighing about 280
pounds by the time I was only 17 years old.

In school I was harassed and bullied around by the jocks. I was called
a "fat sissy boy" because I didn't care for sports, and in high
school, I wanted nothing to do with the drug scene. I tried to avoid
anyone who was using drugs, but a couple of pusher keep harassing me,
trying to get me to try some of their stuff. Then I made a stupid
mistake. I turned them in, because they wouldn't leave me alone. After
than, I was harassed even more. In the art class, my oil paintings
were destroyed, I had books stolen from me, and my life was even
threatened, so for my own safety, I had to drop out of school. After
that, I had a total breakdown, mentally and emotionally, and spent
three weeks in a mental hospital, where I was beatened on a regular
bases, and one night, I was raped by an older man. I was 17 years old
at the time, and after I came home from the mental hospital, after the
effects of the drugs wore off, my weight shot up from 220 pounds to
around 280 pounds in less than two months!

When I turned 18, I was in no condition mentally and emotionally to
holed a job, so my mother had to file a claim for disability on my
behalf, and of course, this was back in 1969 during the Viet Nam war,
so I had to register for the draft, but the Army reject me because I
was about 120 pounds overweight. Actually, I was glad for that,
because it meant that I didn't have to go to Viet Nam and die for a
country that treated me like a 4th class citizen.

Since I never graduated High School, I took the GED Test, and I scored
high in it, and got a certificate that is as good as a High School
Diploma, and from 1975 to 1978 I tried going to Collage where I
majored in Physics and Astronomy, but I never completed my degree. I
was under a lot of emotional stress. I made Bs in most of my math
classes, and I love Trigonometry. For me its' fun, but I couldn't hack
being under too much stress. I have become emotionally fragile, unable
to control my emotions, probably due to my head injuries and some
other factors in my life.

And so, I have been a victim of prejudice and hatred, the same kind of
bigotry being spouted off by the likes of people like Shirley Skeel,
who is a slimy green with the lust for money. All she cares about is
money, and she does not care if human lives are put on the Sacrificial
Alter of Capitalism and Greed just to save a few bucks.

I'm more interested in saving human lives than saving money!

As for me, being fat has done me no harm, and has actually protected
me from more serious injuries from beatings I had received in the
past. But the hatred, just for being different, had taken a far
greater tole on me than my weight ever could.

Hey, because I'm fat, I actually save more energy. I don't need to
have my thermostat set so high during the winter months and have my
home heated at tropical temperatures as thin people do. I'm too fat to
drive a car, so I use public transportation, thus saving more energy.
Also, I have a slow metabolism. Normal body temperature is about 98.6
degrees, while mine averages 96.5 degrees. That usually indicated
hypothyroid, but I've been checked for that, and the lab results
always come back negative. I can maintain my weight on fewer calories
than the average size person, thus saving more on food. It's been said
that to maintain a weight of 400 pounds, that it would take about 4000
calories, but I can maintain my weight on just 2500 calories per day.

I know a lot of skinny people, like my younger brother for example:
who is much taller, and only weighs about 160 pounds, and he eats a
Hell of a lot more than I do, but he is not anymore active than I am,
because he is also crippled up and walks with a cane, and he needed to
use a cane about 10 years before I finally needed one myself. He has
had surgery done on one of his feet, and he has incurred far more
medical expenses than I have.

I'm not harming anybody else, but I have been harmed several times
repeatedly, and it has cost me much. I'm unable to hold a job, not
because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with
emotional stress than most people, thanks to all that had happened to
me, so my earning potential is greatly reduced. I plan to go back to
working on my oil paintings again, and perhaps I might be able to
supplement my meager income.

And so, someone should publish an article about the high cost, of
prejudice, hatred, and bigotry!

I say we need more fat people in this world, and we need to get even

Most of the fat people I have known were very kind and gentle people.
I only knew a few who were mean or aggressive, but most of us fat
people are gentle and more docile. We are far less pron to committing
violent crimes, and fat men have much lower suicide rates than thin

I hope more and more people become obese, and when every man, woman,
and child is obese, we will all be too soft and weak to want to fight
in anymore bloody wars, and we will have to depend more on human
intelligence to solve our conflicts, and seek more peaceful solutions.

Increasing obesity around the world may one day bring about world
peace, thus saving even more money.

Apr 30, 2008, 9:52:49 PM4/30/08
On Apr 29, 8:29 am, The Master <>

I agree with you Bro!

Apr 30, 2008, 9:58:11 PM4/30/08
On Apr 29, 8:29 am, The Master <>

I agree with you Bro!


Apr 30, 2008, 10:40:57 PM4/30/08
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
>I grew up knowing about the cost of hatred when I went to school as a
>kid, back in the 1960s. I'm 46 years old now.


>When I turned 18, I was in no condition mentally and emotionally to
>holed a job, so my mother had to file a claim for disability on my
>behalf, and of course, this was back in 1969 during the Viet Nam war,
>so I had to register for the draft, but the Army reject me because I
>was about 120 pounds overweight.


I'm calling bullshit!


Apr 30, 2008, 11:02:48 PM4/30/08

"Monty" <> wrote in message

Because at age 46 he would have been born in 1962 and drafted at age 7?

May 1, 2008, 1:10:50 AM5/1/08

Sorry! That was a typo! I meant to say 56 years old and NOT 46.

It was a typing error.

I have probably misspelled a few word as well, one is bound to make a
few mistakes when typing a long message.

I was born September 30, 1951, so my age of 46 was in error. I'm
actually 56.

It can happen to anybody!

Sorry about that! OK?

May 1, 2008, 1:11:43 AM5/1/08
On Apr 30, 8:40 pm, (Monty) wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
On Apr 30, 9:02 pm, "jcderkoeing" <> wrote:
> "Monty" <> wrote in message

Rod Speed

May 1, 2008, 2:07:06 AM5/1/08

Nope, a Jap would at least have the decency to disembowel itself.

Dont make a mess of the carpet.

Rod Speed

May 1, 2008, 2:22:33 AM5/1/08
to wrote
> The Master <> wrote
>> Marge wrote

More fool you!!

> Somebody should write an article about how much money we would
> save if there was no hatred, prejudice, and bigotry in this world. Just
> think of how much money would be saved if we didn't have any more wars,

Thats arguable. Wars can be claimed to be just another way of
boosting the economy and providing hordes of jobs, particularly
with modern world wars and the cold war in spades.

> and how much would be saved if we feed all the hungry people in the world,

Its a lot cheaper to let them die.

> because hunger, and lack of resources, often lead to violence and war

Bet you cant list even a single war thats been due to hunger.

> which exacts heavy costs in the number of deaths, and damage to civilization.

War has big benefits to civilisation too tho. We wouldnt have seen the same
boom in heavy aircraft without war, and the resulting cheap world travel either.

> I grew up knowing about the cost of hatred when I went to
> school as a kid, back in the 1960s. I'm 46 years old now.

> And yes, I'm a fat person at only 5 ft 6 in and 400 pounds.

And thats all due to hatred eh ?

Nope, its due to all that food you shovelled into your mouth.

> When I was 4 years old, I fell out of a car, and busted my left knee
> on the road, so as a kid, my left leg was crippled up, and I walked
> with a limp, and I could not run, and I was lousy at sports.

Plenty who were similarly crippled didnt even up such bloated hippos.

> My mother taught me how to read and write before I even started school,

Plenty of kids taught themselves before they started school too.

> and by the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I was already
> reading at the high school and adult level. When I was 13,
> I scored 150 points on a standard IQ test,

But were clearly so stupid that you didnt even notice what the
inevitable result of shovelling all that food into your mouth would be.

> so going through school should have been a breeze for me.
> Science was my favorite subject, especially Astronomy.

> But then, back in 1962 I believe, the President's Council on Physical
> Fitness said that Americans were out of shape and that we all needed
> to go on 50 mile hikes, and then, our schools became super gung-ho
> on Physical Education, while cutting back on academics.

Bullshit they did.

> In the 4th grade, I was suspended from school
> because I failed to climb a rope in a gymnasium.

Bullshit you were.

> In the 5th grade I had my first male teacher who made my life a living
> Hell in the PE class. He would humiliate me in front of all the other
> students, and one day he punched me in the stomach with a basketball.
> Then there was another time when our class went to the school library.
> There was this one Astronomy book that I wanted to check out, but the
> teacher would not allow me to have that book. When I asked why he let
> all the other kids check out any book they wanted, but not me, he dragged
> me out of the library, out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders,
> and bashed my head up against the corner of a concrete block wall.

SURE he did.

> The following year, that teacher was fired and could not get a
> teaching job anywhere else. But for years after that, from the
> age of 11 years and through out my teen ages years, I had
> dizzy spells and headaches as a result of my head injuries.

Nope, due to the ear to ear dog shit.

> I suffered a lot of mental and emotional problems, and during
> my teen age years, I gained a lot of weight, and I got fat,
> weighing about 280 pounds by the time I was only 17 years old.

So its all someone else's fault eh ?

> In school I was harassed and bullied around by the jocks. I
> was called a "fat sissy boy" because I didn't care for sports,

Nope, because thats precisely what you were.

<reams of your mindless pathetic whining flushed where it belongs>

Message has been deleted

May 1, 2008, 4:41:57 AM5/1/08

You're just another Fascist Nazi scum-bag piece of crap!

So, you think I'm less of a man because I don't care for sports! Eh?

You think that to be a "real man" your IQ must be exceeded by your
shoe size!

So, you think it's OK for jocks to bully everyone around in our

What if it were happening to your kid?

Or are you a pedophile who likes to butt-bang little kids?

Go to Hell, Short Eyes!!!

I bet you probably even burn books!

Tell me. When doe the band play Der Führer Forever?

Rod Speed

May 1, 2008, 4:51:07 AM5/1/08

This is from the tub of lard that was stupid enough to claim that

>> Most of the fat people I have known were very kind and gentle people.

> So, you think I'm less of a man because I don't care for sports! Eh?

Nope, I dont bother with them myself, hippos.

> You think that to be a "real man" your IQ must be exceeded by your shoe size!

This is from the tub of lard that was stupid enough to claim that

>> Most of the fat people I have known were very kind and gentle people.

> So, you think it's OK for jocks to bully everyone around in our schools!

Nope, just whining tubs of lard like you, hippo.

> What if it were happening to your kid?

It wouldnt.

> Or are you a pedophile who likes to butt-bang little kids?

This is from the tub of lard that was stupid enough to claim that

>> Most of the fat people I have known were very kind and gentle people.

> Go to Hell, Short Eyes!!!

Is this where I'm sposed to curl up and die or sumfin is it, hippo ?

> I bet you probably even burn books!

Nope, read them, actually.

> Tell me. When doe the band play Der Führer Forever?

This is from the tub of lard that was stupid enough to claim that

Rod Speed

May 1, 2008, 4:52:06 AM5/1/08
Naughty Boy <naughtynaughty> wrote:
> wrote in
> Is there an award for Troll of the Year?

Nope, and that wouldnt get it even if there was.

May 1, 2008, 5:04:31 AM5/1/08
On May 1, 2:51 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:

Rod Speed

May 1, 2008, 5:30:26 AM5/1/08

Even an obscene tub of lard should be able to do better than that, hippo.

Kadaitcha Man

May 1, 2008, 5:47:39 AM5/1/08
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message

There is a k0oK award with your name on it, Woddleypoo.

Coward of the Month.

"We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us."
Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [129]

Hammer of Thor: February 2007. Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook,
Line & Sinker: September 2005, April 2006, January 2007.
Official Member: Cabal Obsidian Order COOSN-124-07-06660
Official Overseer of Kooks & Trolls in 24hoursupport.helpdesk

Member of:
Usenet Ruiner List
Top Assholes on the Net List
Most hated usenetizens of all time List
Cog in the AUK Hate Machine List

Find me on Google Maps: 24°39'47.13"S, 134°4'20.18"E

"If it is non-empirical, then it does not exist."
"DanielSan" <> asserting that his mind does
not exist.

"Godel was wrong."
"DanielSan" <> asserting that he is one of
the most significant logicians of all time, not Kurt Gödel.

"The firmware of a router can become sick after awhile of continuous
usage." DUHane Arnold <MR.> giving technical


May 1, 2008, 2:13:38 PM5/1/08
On Apr 29, 10:29 am, The Master

<> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Marge wrote:
> > What if no one were fat?
> > Imagine a lean and healthy America: The savings on medical, fuel, food and
> > other costs would be enough to give every U.S. household more than $4,000.
> If everyone was skinny, the fat people would buy less food, need to buy
> less gas to make their car move, save money on medical costs, things of
> that sort. The majority of the savings would go to the fat people. The
> only savings that an already skinny person gets would be do to the
> lowering of demand. Less gas bought means less demand, means lower
> prices. Very misleading story already, and that's only in the synopsys.

Fat people do not pay a fuel surcharge on airplanes. Assuming the
airlines didn't just take higher profits, and passed the savings
all air travelers would benefit.

Similarly, if you are in a large group insurance and all the obesity
and diabetes related costs suddenly vanished, everyone in the group
benefits. There are no "obesity" surcharges in group insurance.

Medicare/Medicaid and other government taxes that might see
reduced costs with the reduction of the obese would flow to all as

Clothing manufacture streamlining benefits all. Efficiency in
would lower costs across the board. Additional fabric saved would
lower demand for raw materials, again, reducing cost for all.

Reducing gas consumption. Yes, the formerly obese would yield the
highest benefit, but a reduction in demand (due to cutting the obese
excess demand) would reduce costs across the board. You, Master,
would yield a higher benefit than me, but a high tide raises all
even the Hollywood machine.

Your dismissal shows weak thinking. Sorry. The rest isn't even
worth discussing, since you have yet to think through this at an
adequate level.

The Master

May 1, 2008, 2:48:33 PM5/1/08
On Thu, 1 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:

>> If everyone was skinny, the fat people would buy less food, need to buy
>> less gas to make their car move, save money on medical costs, things of
>> that sort. The majority of the savings would go to the fat people. The
>> only savings that an already skinny person gets would be do to the
>> lowering of demand. Less gas bought means less demand, means lower
>> prices. Very misleading story already, and that's only in the synopsys.
> Flawed.
> Fat people do not pay a fuel surcharge on airplanes.

They do on South West, where they are forced to purchase two tickets.

> Assuming the
> airlines didn't just take higher profits,

Now THAT is flawed thinking... A company willing to give back profits?

> Similarly, if you are in a large group insurance and all the obesity
> and diabetes related costs suddenly vanished, everyone in the group
> benefits. There are no "obesity" surcharges in group insurance.

And that affects everyone, that is true. In my quick retort to the faulty
article, I neglected to specifically address group insurance rates.

> Medicare/Medicaid and other government taxes that might see
> reduced costs with the reduction of the obese would flow to all as
> well.

So all the previously fat people get to live to a ripe old age, with lots
of other medical issues that Medicare/Medicaid and other government
agencies have to deal with instead. Like I said, much of the "savings" is
taken back in other costs.

Articles like the original are based on a static economy. If you take
away one thing that costs money, the rest of the system continues to
function as is. Thinking like that might make good "MSM Money" articles,
but are bad economics.

> Clothing manufacture streamlining benefits all. Efficiency in
> production would lower costs across the board.

And you think they will need to keep as many workers due to the effeciency
increase? Yes, it takes less time to make a size 4 dress then a size 24.
So why on earth would they need to employ the same number of workers? Eh?
See my point? And what about the fact that unemployed workers tend to
spend less then they did when they had jobs? The economy is NOT static.

> Additional fabric saved would
> lower demand for raw materials, again, reducing cost for all.

And put the producers of that material in a financial bind, until enough
of them go bankrupt and thusly lower supply.

> Reducing gas consumption. Yes, the formerly obese would yield the
> highest benefit, but a reduction in demand (due to cutting the obese
> excess demand) would reduce costs across the board.

Exactly what I said. The skinny people will only see benefit from the
lower demand pushing prices down.

> Your dismissal shows weak thinking.

No, it means I'm not silly enough to think the economy is static.

Lady Veteran

May 1, 2008, 8:24:13 PM5/1/08

Call bullshit all you want. It can happen. Is Bullshit your little

Lady Veteran

May 1, 2008, 8:25:49 PM5/1/08
On Thu, 01 May 2008 03:02:48 GMT, "jcderkoeing" <>

If brain stems can lie about their age and human status, fat people
can lie about their age.

Lady Veteran

May 1, 2008, 8:30:43 PM5/1/08

I don't know about Der Fuehrer forever, but Deutschland Uber Alles
comes up regularly....

There are many Aryan wannabes in SSFA.

To weed through the vermin, some of the regulars use kill files.

If you can battle the brain stems-welcome.


May 1, 2008, 9:03:46 PM5/1/08
On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
> I'm unable to hold a job, not
>because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with
>emotional stress than most people

So you're a worthless fucking parasite sucking on the public tit.

Yours in Christ,



May 2, 2008, 8:28:55 AM5/2/08
On May 1, 2:48 pm, The Master <>

> On Thu, 1 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:
> >> If everyone was skinny, the fat people would buy less food, need to buy
> >> less gas to make their car move, save money on medical costs, things of
> >> that sort. The majority of the savings would go to the fat people. The
> >> only savings that an already skinny person gets would be do to the
> >> lowering of demand. Less gas bought means less demand, means lower
> >> prices. Very misleading story already, and that's only in the synopsys.
> > Flawed.
> > Fat people do not pay a fuel surcharge on airplanes.
> They do on South West, where they are forced to purchase two tickets.

Uhm, yeah, except that policy is the exception, not the norm. And
have to be very obese to have to buy two tickets. When I was 270, I
could cram into a small airline seat. It wasn't comfortable, but it
require an extra fare.

> > Assuming the
> > airlines didn't just take higher profits,
> Now THAT is flawed thinking... A company willing to give back profits?
> :p

Market competition. Someone would to take higher market share.
Google for "airline fare war". Lively up your mind.

> > Similarly, if you are in a large group insurance and all the obesity
> > and diabetes related costs suddenly vanished, everyone in the group
> > benefits. There are no "obesity" surcharges in group insurance.
> And that affects everyone, that is true. In my quick retort to the faulty
> article, I neglected to specifically address group insurance rates.
> > Medicare/Medicaid and other government taxes that might see
> > reduced costs with the reduction of the obese would flow to all as
> > well.
> So all the previously fat people get to live to a ripe old age, with lots
> of other medical issues that Medicare/Medicaid and other government
> agencies have to deal with instead. Like I said, much of the "savings" is
> taken back in other costs.

Of course, the ones who object to these other costs are welcome to
eat their guns and save the rest of us the cost. The author noted that
only 1.8% of the $487B would be new growth. The rest would be
available for redirection. The manufacturing savings and engineering
costs alone would probably lower costs. Can you imagine having to
engineer a truck to be comfortable for everyone from Kate Moss to
you? The cost savings pointed to in the article are only the obvious

> Articles like the original are based on a static economy. If you take
> away one thing that costs money, the rest of the system continues to
> function as is. Thinking like that might make good "MSM Money" articles,
> but are bad economics.

Hrm. The article is weak headed on this point. What do you expect? It
doesn't really affect many of your contentions.
Non-obese workers (even desk jockeys) are more productive in pretty
much every study that's been done on this. If telephone customer
service reps are more efficient when not obese (true), your contention
"f I was skinny, my productivity wouldn't be affected." Regardless of
the speed at which you sit on your ass. You take more sick leave or
more breaks or whatever. And before you build the smoking strawman,
I concede that elimination of smoking would have some pretty big
economic impact, particularly along productivity and group health
insurance lines.

> > Clothing manufacture streamlining benefits all. Efficiency in
> > production would lower costs across the board.
> And you think they will need to keep as many workers due to the effeciency
> increase? Yes, it takes less time to make a size 4 dress then a size 24.
> So why on earth would they need to employ the same number of workers? Eh?
> See my point? And what about the fact that unemployed workers tend to
> spend less then they did when they had jobs? The economy is NOT static.

I don't think it takes less time to make a size 4 than a 24, but I
leave knowledge on all things dresses to you. The gain I see is not in
piece efficiency (already fairly high). It's in materials (it clearly
more fabric to make a size 24 anything than a size 4 anything), and in
set up. If you have a factory line, making khaki pants, resizing means
doing a reset on some of the machines. This eats time. Lot of people
make large money figuring out optimal batch sizes to optimize set ups.
If, in this hypothetical world, you can take out everything from size
and up, that's fewer set ups. More efficient production. Using less

One more thing: most clothing bought in the US is not made in the US.
So those lost jobs are lost Chinese and Taiwan jobs. Yes, the
are all linked, BUT, a million unemployed Chinese garment workers
have much impact on an American consumer's ability to spend. Sorry,
you're wrong on this.

> > Additional fabric saved would
> > lower demand for raw materials, again, reducing cost for all.
> And put the producers of that material in a financial bind, until enough
> of them go bankrupt and thusly lower supply.

Over the long haul, everyone is dead. Ramping down factories in longer
haul than the price reduction. It's unlikely that supply would drop
drastically enough to return material prices to current real dollar

> > Reducing gas consumption. Yes, the formerly obese would yield the
> > highest benefit, but a reduction in demand (due to cutting the obese
> > excess demand) would reduce costs across the board.
> Exactly what I said. The skinny people will only see benefit from the
> lower demand pushing prices down.

So, an obese person gets 18 gallons a year back in their pocket. And
a 5% reduction on cost for the other 500. An already normal person
gets the 5% reduction on cost for the 500 gallons of gas. I think
everyone is happy with that outcome.

> > Your dismissal shows weak thinking.
> No, it means I'm not silly enough to think the economy is static.

Lack of vision. You're getting better, but you're still not seeing it.
Not that it matters. It's a hypothetical exercise.

As a side question, I wonder what kind of car the Master drives.

Hollywood drives a Volvo s80, 1998. Will be trading out for a
smaller car in the next two-three years.

The Master

May 2, 2008, 12:36:33 PM5/2/08
On Fri, 2 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:

> Over the long haul, everyone is dead.

I'll actually accept that, and agree with it as is. Given the fact that
in 200 years everyone alive now will already be dead, none of this crap
matters. As such, I'll go take my productivity crippling "ding-dong
break" as often as I want (yes, I'm being a smart ass).

> As a side question, I wonder what kind of car the Master drives.
> Hollywood drives a Volvo s80, 1998. Will be trading out for a
> smaller car in the next two-three years.

2005 Kia Rio, that gets a real MPG of 30. What do you get on that Volvo?

Lady Veteran

May 2, 2008, 7:59:46 PM5/2/08

Marty are you afraid there won't be enough for you? A third-rate
Canadian like you can't get a job and the army won't have you.

What ever will you do?

(Like I care)

May 2, 2008, 10:25:56 PM5/2/08
On May 1, 7:03 pm, (Marty) wrote:


The worthless fucking parasites are football players who can't read
the second grade level and yet, they get paid millions of dollars
every year
just for kicking a hunk of pig-skin over an iron post.

They rape our sisters and daughters, but all they get is a slap on the

No! Not even that!

They get a pat on the back and a brand new car! For FREE!

OH! And I don't believe in your Jeezer fuckin' Keeeeeeeerist!

I don't believe in the Trinity, Papa, Junior, and The Spook!

I'm a B'nai Noach, or Noachide so I don't believe in your pagan idols!

So! Fuck off, and may God bless you, because you're going to need it!


May 2, 2008, 10:34:27 PM5/2/08

That's pretty funny coming from an emotionally crippled welfare mooch who
can't hold a job.

Mercellus Bohren

May 3, 2008, 12:10:43 AM5/3/08
On May 2, 9:34 pm, (Lou) wrote:

Why are people so hateful in these chatrooms?
It makes me depressed; and then I eat.

Rod Speed

May 3, 2008, 2:19:59 AM5/3/08
Mercellus Bohren <> wrote
> (Lou) wrote
>> wrote
>>> (Marty) wrote
>>>> wrote

>>>>> I'm unable to hold a job, not because of my weight, but because
>>>>> I'm far less able to cope with emotional stress than most people

>>>> So you're a worthless fucking parasite sucking on the public tit.

>>> No!

>>> The worthless fucking parasites are football players who can't read
>>> beyond the second grade level and yet, they get paid millions of
>>> dollars every year just for kicking a hunk of pig-skin over an iron post.

>>> They rape our sisters and daughters, but all they get is a slap on the wrist.

>>> No! Not even that!

>>> They get a pat on the back and a brand new car! For FREE!

>>> OH! And I don't believe in your Jeezer fuckin' Keeeeeeeerist!

>>> I don't believe in the Trinity, Papa, Junior, and The Spook!

>>> I'm a B'nai Noach, or Noachide so I don't believe in your pagan idols!

>>> So! Fuck off, and may God bless you, because you're going to need it!

>> That's pretty funny coming from an emotionally crippled welfare mooch who can't hold a job.

> Why are people so hateful in these chatrooms?

It isnt a chatroom, you stupid tub of lard.

> It makes me depressed; and then I eat.

Do the decent thing and top yourself or sumfin.


May 3, 2008, 3:03:32 AM5/3/08
On May 3, 2:19 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> Mercellus Bohren <> wrote

> > Why are people so hateful in these chatrooms?
> It isnt a chatroom, you stupid tub of lard.

Of course it is. We're chatting; hence, chatroom. Try to keep up hear,
its not that hard.

> > It makes me depressed; and then I eat.
> Do the decent thing and top yourself or sumfin.

Learn about the Innernets and stop being such a tool.


May 3, 2008, 8:59:37 AM5/3/08
On May 2, 8:34 pm, (Lou) wrote:

On May 2, 8:34 pm, (Lou) wrote:

I only get a lousy $600 dollars a month SSI.

While some stupid jock with an IQ exceeded by his shoe size gets
millions just for chasing a ball!

Hell! I can teach a dog to do that!

That is my retirement pension for doing the hardest work there is.

Being a human punching bag for the jocks to practice on.

But I didn't get paid for it. And it was not a job I volunteered for.

It was assigned to me against my will!

And human punching bags don't last very long on the job. You get
burned out after just three years, and then you're discarded, without
any severance pay!

And you don't get a free car, unlike the rapist cowardly scum-bag

My parents were factory workers, and they paid property taxes on our
home, and school taxes. Their tax dollars paid for the book I was not
allowed to read, the rope I was unable to climb in the gymnasium
because of my crippled left leg, and paid the salary of the teacher
who have me suspended from school because I failed to climb the rope,
and their tax dollars paid the salary of the teacher who bashed my
head against the wall during an argument over an Astronomy book the he
would not allow me to check out of the school library. My parents paid
for that book!

My parents were tax payers and they got ripped off, royally, as I was
beaten and battered.

This is how Shirley Skeel would really love to save money, by stealing
it from the tax payers to line her pockets. She does not care if
anybody gets ripped off, and neither do the rest of you morons on this

That contemptible Jezebel would like to enforce mindless conformism
just so she can save 50 cents on each one of her size zero outfits!

Hey! I have a solution on how to save money and improve the economy!

All football players should be ground up, and made into lunch meat to
feed the homeless!

You are all a bunch of moronic retardos!

You're such a retard that you can't even find your way back out of
your own socks!

Yeah! Lowlifes like you, and Shirley Skeel, think it OK for people to
be oppressed just so you can have a little extra jingle in your
pockets. You would probably cut your own mother's throat for a dime!

Now, you can go suck some football players cock!!!


May 3, 2008, 9:11:28 AM5/3/08
On May 2, 12:36 pm, The Master <>

I actually get about 1 month's use per full tank. I don't drive very

May 3, 2008, 9:37:36 AM5/3/08


You are a retard!!!

But then, I must remember, your a product on the American educational

I notice there are a lot of semi-literates or borderline illiterates
on the Internet these days.


UR instead of you are.

allot instead of a lot.

i instead of I, which indicates most users are sub-human.

Many don't know the proper use punctuation.

More examples:

A lot of people don't know when to use, you're or your, or, their or

Some type in all lower-case letters, when I was taught how to read and
write by my mother before I even started school, and that you're
suppose to capitalize proper names or people and places, and the first
word in each sentence.

Then some morons TYPE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that scream out at us.
Now that looks really retarded, like someone who had just learned his
ABC's in Kindergarten.

Also, I read in a recent poll, that 20 percent of Americans believe
that the sun revolves around the earth!

They are probably extreme right-wing Christian "funny-mentalists" who
vote Republican, watch football on Sunday afternoons, get drunk on
their ass, and then, beat the Hell out of their wives and kids when
their favorite team looses the big game of the season!

Some of you here probably refer to your parents as Uncle-Daddy and

Many of you here, are rednecks who's family tree can be represented by
a straight post without branches.

Yeah! It's the result of cutting back on education, to save on our tax
dollars. But the rest of us with brains have to pay the price, and put
up with over paid, ignorant, illiterate gutter-thugs who chase balls,
and rape our sisters and daughters, and they get away with it!

So, if you are an illiterate scumbag, then, thank a teacher!

May 3, 2008, 9:39:47 AM5/3/08
On May 3, 1:03 am, OrangeDood <> wrote:


May 3, 2008, 9:41:12 AM5/3/08
On May 3, 1:03 am, OrangeDood <> wrote:



May 3, 2008, 10:23:12 AM5/3/08

<> wrote in message

>> Learn about the Innernets and stop being such a tool.

It's a teachers' fault that you can't figure out how to not triple post?

I don't expect you to understand this message.

Mercellus Bohren

May 3, 2008, 12:19:34 PM5/3/08
On May 3, 1:19 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> Mercellus Bohren <> wrote

huh? Please don't be hurtful. Don't you care about others?

Message has been deleted

Rod Speed

May 3, 2008, 3:27:48 PM5/3/08
Some raving tub of lard desperately cowering behind wrote just what you'd expect
from a raving tub of lard that deservedly gets the shit
kicked out of it at every opportunity.

Rod Speed

May 3, 2008, 3:30:08 PM5/3/08
Mercellus Bohren <> wrote

Go and fuck yourself, if you can actually find your arse.

> Don't you care about others?

Yep, thats why you should hang yourself.

May 3, 2008, 3:31:08 PM5/3/08
On May 3, 8:23 am, "jcderkoeing" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message


Sorry about that.

It's just that whenever I post, I see the yellow bar that says my
message is successfully posted, but my new message does not always
show up.

I try clicking on the refresh button, and it still does not show up.

Then I make another attempt, and another, then I give up.

Now, I've been away for a few hours, and when I just came back, I see
it's been triple posted.

Again, sorry about that.

Apparently, not all my messages show up right away. Some do, and some

So I guess I need to be patient enough to wait and hour, then click on
refresh to see in my new message shows up.

I don't have this problem at most other forums. Only this one for some

Also here, there is no option to edit a message once it's been posted
in order to correct mistakes, or to deleted my own unwanted copies of
my posts.

The owner of this forum, or the web site needs to correct whatever
technical problems there are.

Again, sorry! OK???

I apologize for the triple post.

But I make no apologies for what I have said in my posts.

That still stands.

Lady Veteran

May 3, 2008, 7:25:19 PM5/3/08

That is pretty funny coming from an incestuous fuck who couldn't get
it up in viagra factory.

Lady Veteran

May 3, 2008, 7:27:15 PM5/3/08

You cannot control brain stems but you can control your reactions.
Remember that they are not worth the shit on a dog's rear and you will
be ok. They think that no one can track them down and make them
accountable for the hurt they love to dish out.

May 3, 2008, 7:35:36 PM5/3/08
On May 3, 1:13 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:
> You have a lot in common with Lady Veteran. She has also experienced a
> lot of rejection. You ought to correspond with her via email.
> Jeremy
> ** Posted from**

Thank your very much Jeremy.

I would love to correspond to Lady Veteran.

But how do I find her E-mail address?

The link offers no clue.

So far, only The Master, Mercellus Bohren, and you, seem to be the
only decent people here on this forum.

The rest, like Rod Speed, and a few others are contemptible scum! Rod
Speed = Speedy Rapist.
They all believe that anyone who is not good at sports, or anyone who
is fat deserves to be bullied around.
They're all Fascist Nazi scum!

Maybe I should register with Teranews, then I'll see her on one of the

Once again, thank you.

Lady Veteran

May 3, 2008, 7:35:53 PM5/3/08
On Sat, 3 May 2008 06:37:36 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>On May 3, 1:03 am, OrangeDood <> wrote:
>> On May 3, 2:19 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
>> > Mercellus Bohren <> wrote
>> > > Why are people so hateful in these chatrooms?
>> > It isnt a chatroom, you stupid tub of lard.
>> Of course it is. We're chatting; hence, chatroom. Try to keep up hear,
>> its not that hard.
>> > > It makes me depressed; and then I eat.
>> > Do the decent thing and top yourself or sumfin.
>> Learn about the Innernets and stop being such a tool.
>> Cheers,
>> --Jeff
>You are a retard!!!

The brain stems usually are you know.

>But then, I must remember, your a product on the American educational

Not all education is wasted.

>I notice there are a lot of semi-literates or borderline illiterates
>on the Internet these days.

Only the ones who think it acceptable to ridicule people they don't

>UR instead of you are.

That is texting short cuts.

>allot instead of a lot.

That is sort of goofy.

>i instead of I, which indicates most users are sub-human.

Well if they think of themselves as an "i" instead of an "I" they may
be right.

>Many don't know the proper use punctuation.

In Usenet that is not a priority.

>More examples:
>A lot of people don't know when to use, you're or your, or, their or


>Some type in all lower-case letters, when I was taught how to read and
>write by my mother before I even started school, and that you're
>suppose to capitalize proper names or people and places, and the first
>word in each sentence.

Again in Usenet, one takes poetic license.

>Then some morons TYPE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that scream out at us.

Yes, that is called YELLING...

>Now that looks really retarded, like someone who had just learned his
>ABC's in Kindergarten.

Maybe they did...

>Also, I read in a recent poll, that 20 percent of Americans believe
>that the sun revolves around the earth!

They think the sun revolves around them.

>They are probably extreme right-wing Christian "funny-mentalists" who
>vote Republican, watch football on Sunday afternoons, get drunk on
>their ass, and then, beat the Hell out of their wives and kids when
>their favorite team looses the big game of the season!

Or they come onto Usenet and poke sticks at fat people as if that is
their right. WRONG!!

>Some of you here probably refer to your parents as Uncle-Daddy and

No, They call their parents bubba and sis.

>Many of you here, are rednecks who's family tree can be represented by
>a straight post without branches.

See above.

>Yeah! It's the result of cutting back on education, to save on our tax
>dollars. But the rest of us with brains have to pay the price, and put
>up with over paid, ignorant, illiterate gutter-thugs who chase balls,
>and rape our sisters and daughters, and they get away with it!

Yes they do. It is the pits.

>So, if you are an illiterate scumbag, then, thank a teacher!

NO. Thank their parents

Stupidity begins at home.

Message has been deleted

Mercellus Bohren

May 3, 2008, 11:17:29 PM5/3/08

I'm already dead.

Rod Speed

May 4, 2008, 12:04:18 AM5/4/08

From the shoulders up, yep.

Message has been deleted

Lady Veteran

May 4, 2008, 11:05:51 AM5/4/08

Hell, we knew that-a living person would not post this nonsense.

Lady Veteran

May 4, 2008, 11:06:39 AM5/4/08
On Sun, 4 May 2008 07:04:17 +0000 (UTC), Ozzie Dog
<> wrote:

>On 03 May 2008, Lady Veteran <> posted some

>Isn't blubber bulletproof?

Why do you want to know-did someone try to shoot you in the head?

Lady Veteran

May 4, 2008, 11:11:23 AM5/4/08
On Sat, 3 May 2008 16:35:36 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

>On May 3, 1:13 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:
>> You have a lot in common with Lady Veteran. She has also experienced a
>> lot of rejection. You ought to correspond with her via email.
>> Jeremy
>> ** Posted from**
>Thank your very much Jeremy.
>I would love to correspond to Lady Veteran.
>But how do I find her E-mail address?

My email address is no secret. it is

>The link offers no clue.

The idiot uses Teranews-not me.

>So far, only The Master, Mercellus Bohren, and you, seem to be the
>only decent people here on this forum.

If you think I am the villain here you are very much mistaken, but
feel free to think what you want.

Jeremy is a brain stem of the highest and he will only hurt you, but I
guess you need to find out that for yourself.

>The rest, like Rod Speed, and a few others are contemptible scum! Rod
>Speed = Speedy Rapist.
>They all believe that anyone who is not good at sports, or anyone who
>is fat deserves to be bullied around.
>They're all Fascist Nazi scum!

I agree with that.

>Maybe I should register with Teranews, then I'll see her on one of the
>Once again, thank you.

Barbara Richardson

May 4, 2008, 6:47:28 PM5/4/08
On Sat, 3 May 2008, wrote:
>On May 3, 1:13 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:
>> You have a lot in common with Lady Veteran. She has also experienced a
>> lot of rejection. You ought to correspond with her via email.
>> Jeremy
>> ** Posted from**
>Thank your very much Jeremy.
>I would love to correspond to Lady Veteran.
>But how do I find her E-mail address?

From The Official Lady Veteran FAQ v1.12

29. How can I get in contact with Lady Veteran?

Home phone: 972-447-2109
Work phone: 972-893-0100 x 273
Mobile number: 972-786-6275
Personal email:
Work email:
Employer: MMC Group
Employer website:

Before you get too comfortable with Lady Veteran, Google "Lady Veteran" And
"FAQ". Since you're a welfare leech, you won't have to worry about LV
contacting your employer should you have a disagreement with her. However,
she might contact welfare officials to get you thrown off the dole.

Fat Teddy Bear

May 4, 2008, 10:24:29 PM5/4/08
On May 4, 4:47 pm, (Barbara Richardson) wrote:

> On Sat, 3 May 2008, wrote:
> >On May 3, 1:13 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:
> >> You have a lot in common with Lady Veteran. She has also experienced a
> >> lot of rejection. You ought to correspond with her via email.
> >> Jeremy
> >> ** Posted from**
> >Thank your very much Jeremy.
> >I would love to correspond to Lady Veteran.
> >But how do I find her E-mail address?
> From The Official Lady Veteran FAQ v1.12
> 29. How can I get in contact with Lady Veteran?
> Home phone:972-447-2109
> Work phone:972-893-0100x 273
> Mobile number:972-786-6275
> Personal email:
> Work email:

> Employer: MMC Group
> Employer website:
> Before you get too comfortable with Lady Veteran, Google "Lady Veteran" And
> "FAQ". Since you're a welfare leech, you won't have to worry about LV
> contacting your employer should you have a disagreement with her. However,
> she might contact welfare officials to get you thrown off the dole.

Excuse me Barbara Bitchardson!

But I'm not on Welfare, it is SSI.

Again, I only get a lousy $600 dollars per month.

A leech is a football player who gets paid millions of dollars just
for chasing a ball, and he can rape our sisters and daughters and get
away with it!

Why hasn't anyone here complained about the jock leeching off the
educational system, about the curriculum being "dumbed down" to make
it easier for retarded monkey boys to get passing grades.

And when I mentioned about my experiences with the system, How I was
beaten and battered around, and how it ruind my life and effected me
both physically and emotionally, all I get back in return is the I'm a
leech, I'm a mooch!

Well, you had better hope that some jock leeching of the educational
system doesn't beat up and bully your kids around and get away with
it, or rape you one of these days. The law won't touch him, and as
usual, he would get away with it.

Now you can pack that in your Gucci bag!

You can take that to the bank!

Fat Teddy Bear

May 4, 2008, 10:58:27 PM5/4/08
OK everybody.

Shirley Skeel asks, what if no one were fat?

The question is irrelevant, because it's never going to happen. There
will always be fat people, skinny people, people in between, short
people, tall people, and people of average height.

Just as there will always be white people, black people, yellow, red,
and brown people!

Diversity within a species insures the survival of the species, and
all attempts to make everybody alike are doomed to failure. Hitler
tried it, and look what happened.

Instead, we should ask:

What if there were no bullies in our schools?

What if there were no pedophiles molesting and raping children?

What if no child was denied a decent education?

Of course, the answer is there has always been evil in this world, and
there always will be, but if we asked these questions instead, we
would be more motivated to try to do something about it.

We may never be able to get rid of these problems entirely, but we can
take steps to alleviate them, by doing all we can to either stop the
bullying in our schools, or holding the bullies accountable for their
actions, by protecting our children from the pedophiles, and punishing
those who abuse children, and making every effort to provide every
child with a good education, and encouraging children with unique
interests to pursue those interests.

Now, those are things we can do something about.

We're not going to make everybody thin, or tall, or athletic, or make
us all alike.

Instead, we should embrace the differences that makes every individual

So, Shirley Skeel's question, "What id no one were fat?" is an invalid
question, because it's not going to happen!

She might as well be asking, where if there are invisible pink

Answer . . . . .

They would eat rainbows and shit butterflies!


May 5, 2008, 8:37:39 AM5/5/08
On Fri, 02 May 2008 18:59:46 -0500, Lady Veteran <>

>On 2 May 2008 01:03:46 -0000, (Marty) wrote:

>>On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
>>> I'm unable to hold a job, not
>>>because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with
>>>emotional stress than most people
>>So you're a worthless fucking parasite sucking on the public tit.
>>Yours in Christ,

>Marty are you afraid there won't be enough for you? A third-rate
>Canadian like you can't get a job and the army won't have you.
>What ever will you do?
>(Like I care)

You cared enough to hire a PI to find him...



The Master

May 5, 2008, 9:50:55 AM5/5/08
On Sat, 3 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:

>>> As a side question, I wonder what kind of car the Master drives.
>>> Hollywood drives a Volvo s80, 1998. Will be trading out for a
>>> smaller car in the next two-three years.
>> 2005 Kia Rio, that gets a real MPG of 30. What do you get on that Volvo?
> I actually get about 1 month's use per full tank. I don't drive very
> much.

That doesn't tell me what your MPG is. Do this little test. Next time
you fill up on gas, set the trip meter to 0. Drive as you normally do.
When it's time for the next fill-up, divide the number on your trip meter
by the gallons you put in your tank.

I'm curious as to what you are getting.


May 5, 2008, 12:54:13 PM5/5/08
On May 5, 9:50 am, The Master <>

Have no idea. It's got a 21.8 gallon tank. I don't fill that with
The car supposedly eats greenhouse gas transforming pollutant filled
air that it takes in for combustion cleaner as a waste product than it
was as an input. It's still a crap car. I guess I'd estimate 18 mpg in
real life use, or 550 miles to a tank on a long interstate travel.
gotten a 600 mile tank (at 21.8, minus whatever fumes were still in
the tank, figure .3, so about 28 when we run free and fast).

I really couldn't tell you. Don't have any good data that isn't really
error prone. Wife drives it way more than I do. But I am sure I'm not
getting what you get in a Kia Rio. More massive car.
Your engine: 110 hp, 4cyl 1.6L with CVT with curb weight of 2400 lbs.
My engine: 201 hp, v6, 2.9L with 4speed auto & curb weight at 3600

My car out masses your car by 50% and I'll still probably smoke you
off the light. Your car is much better suited to peak oil, otoh.

FWIW: my next car is gonna be a lot smaller. The s-80 made sense
in the world it was bought in. I don't live there anymore.

The Master

May 5, 2008, 1:04:30 PM5/5/08
On Mon, 5 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:

> The car supposedly eats greenhouse gas transforming pollutant filled
> air that it takes in for combustion cleaner as a waste product than it
> was as an input. It's still a crap car. I guess I'd estimate 18 mpg in
> real life use, or 550 miles to a tank on a long interstate travel.
> Have
> gotten a 600 mile tank (at 21.8, minus whatever fumes were still in
> the tank, figure .3, so about 28 when we run free and fast).

On average, you estimate it at 18. Even using your highest ever 28, it's
still not as good as my car. So back to the confines of our original
discussion, that means your less effecient car drives my gas prices
higher, right?

That's odd, because this article implied that fat people get worse gas
mileage then skinny people... :)

> My car out masses your car by 50% and I'll still probably smoke you
> off the light. Your car is much better suited to peak oil, otoh.

I guess that would depend on if you drive like a 75 year old woman... :p


May 5, 2008, 6:19:39 PM5/5/08
On May 5, 1:04 pm, The Master <>

> On Mon, 5 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:
> > The car supposedly eats greenhouse gas transforming pollutant filled
> > air that it takes in for combustion cleaner as a waste product than it
> > was as an input. It's still a crap car. I guess I'd estimate 18 mpg in
> > real life use, or 550 miles to a tank on a long interstate travel.
> > Have
> > gotten a 600 mile tank (at 21.8, minus whatever fumes were still in
> > the tank, figure .3, so about 28 when we run free and fast).
> On average, you estimate it at 18. Even using your highest ever 28, it's
> still not as good as my car. So back to the confines of our original
> discussion, that means your less effecient car drives my gas prices
> higher, right?
> That's odd, because this article implied that fat people get worse gas
> mileage then skinny people... :)

If they ride the same car. If I drive your Kia (thanks but no thanks),
I will probably get better mileage, all things being equal. Car is
with Hollywood than with the Master at the wheel. Ditto if you drove
car (thanks but no thanks, I like how the seat is adjusted).

> > My car out masses your car by 50% and I'll still probably smoke you
> > off the light. Your car is much better suited to peak oil, otoh.
> I guess that would depend on if you drive like a 75 year old woman... :p

If I floor it and you floor it, we both have auto tranny, though your
CVT is
probably slower than if I go 1-2-3-D off the light. My car is only 50%
than yours (edit for relative weights... I'm 218, you, I wouldn't
guess). My car
pulls nearly double the horsepower. 0-60, you could not beat me, no
how heavy you are on the pedal.

Affluent people who drive big cars do drive up gas prices. I'm not a
driver, but if everyone drove a little car like in Europe, I suspect
might fall a little. Not as much as a sane US Monetary policy, but
maybe a
couple pennies. Weak currency has a lot to do with the run up.

Lady Veteran

May 6, 2008, 9:37:02 PM5/6/08
On 4 May 2008 22:47:28 -0000, (Barbara Richardson)

>On Sat, 3 May 2008, wrote:
>>On May 3, 1:13 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:
>>> You have a lot in common with Lady Veteran. She has also experienced a
>>> lot of rejection. You ought to correspond with her via email.
>>> Jeremy
>>> ** Posted from**
>>Thank your very much Jeremy.
>>I would love to correspond to Lady Veteran.
>>But how do I find her E-mail address?

Hey Teddy Bear-this brain stem is a Dizum. It isn't even real. If you
look at the headers for the message you can see that it is using an
anonymous remailer.That means a great deal that you should know like
1. It is a coward and has no belief system.
2. It has a penchant for trolling, specifically going in to the groups
SSF-A and insulting fat people in general and trying to out-insult me.

That will never happen. What will happen is that I will find the
identity of the idiot that is trying to sabotage my real life and hang
them the gonads.

Fat Teddy Bear

May 6, 2008, 11:13:15 PM5/6/08
I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer
will use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda

I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!

So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!

Especially Shirley Skeel who wrote "What if no one were fat?" that
Fascist piece of drek!

My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in
this world?


May 7, 2008, 6:37:04 AM5/7/08
On Tue, 6 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
>I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer
>will use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda
>I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!

That's because you can't afford a car on your $600 per month welfare check.

>So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!

Learn your place, freeloader. Without us taxpaying citizens, you would

>Especially Shirley Skeel who wrote "What if no one were fat?" that
>Fascist piece of drek!

You parasitic piece of shit!

>My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in
>this world?

What if there were no more welfare parasites?


May 7, 2008, 8:34:05 AM5/7/08
On May 6, 11:13 pm, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
> I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer
> will use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda
> Civic.

Missing the point. That's apples to oranges. A normal sized person
and a fat sized person, driving the same car, the same way, directly
off the factory lot, consecutive serial numbers, with the same
routine, the fat sized person will use more gas. They pay for the
privilege, making it a- it's own penalty or b- a fascist scheme to
fat people down by making them pay more for gas. Depends on your
frame. Unless you have some convincing evidence that there is an
inverse relation between weight and automotive curb weight, I think
we're done on this one. Thanks for being obtuse. We should expect
no more.

> I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!

I use public transport. When I used it in Kansas City, I could not
that it was actually more fuel efficient. Here in DC, a different
a question of use. If it's just you, the bus driver and two other
the bus is probably not the efficient solution, though it's not your
for trying. Here in DC, where all the transport is full (and is still
subsidized to keep prices where it can be full), the efficiency
is clearly on the side of public transport.

> So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!

That's helpful.

> Especially Shirley Skeel who wrote "What if no one were fat?" that
> Fascist piece of drek!

It's not fascist to ask a what if question. She didn't suggest that
Teddy Bear needs to lose weight or be put to death. Or even force
marched until he's not fat anymore. THAT would be fascist. Visit a
holocaust museum. You'll get a better idea of what real fascism is.

> My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in
> this world?

There would be more people in the western world. A lot more Jews.
Yugoslavia would probably still be one country. A better What If. Not
necessarily applicable to this conversation.

Call me when someone sentences you to hard treadmilling. I'll be there
for your rights then. Till then, if you were the obese man who sat ON
me on the bus yesterday, in Alexandria VA, going to Mark Center, in
85* and 90% humidity, you might want to stop worrying about your
rights long enough to worry about the rights of the squished, crammed
hot and now sweaty thanks to you people who ride next to you on that
mass transit.

The Master

May 7, 2008, 9:48:12 AM5/7/08
On Tue, 6 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear wrote:

> I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer
> will use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda
> Civic.

Don't you know? In MSN fantasy land, everyone drives the exact same
car, the economy is totally static, and cost savings affect everyone

The Master

May 7, 2008, 9:33:34 AM5/7/08
On Wed, 7 May 2008, Hollywood wrote:

> Missing the point. That's apples to oranges. A normal sized person
> and a fat sized person, driving the same car,

But they don't

> the same way,

But they don't

> directly
> off the factory lot, consecutive serial numbers, with the same
> maintenance
> routine,

But they don't

> the fat sized person will use more gas.

Under your above conditions that don't exist in the "real world", I'll
agree. But anyplace out side of Disneyland, more gas would be saved if
the government outlawed SUVs then if there were no fat people. Why don't
someone make an MSN money comentary about that?

> Till then, if you were the obese man who sat ON
> me on the bus yesterday,

ON you? As in he didn't aim his butt properly and it was momentarily on
your thigh, or was he like in your lap the entire trip?

> in Alexandria VA, going to Mark Center, in
> the
> 85* and 90% humidity, you might want to stop worrying about your
> rights long enough to worry about the rights of the squished, crammed
> hot and now sweaty thanks to you people who ride next to you on that
> mass transit.

Yeah. Damn fat people shouldn't be allowed out on public transit...
*rolls eyes*

Rod Speed

May 7, 2008, 2:02:18 PM5/7/08
Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:

> I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer will
> use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda Civic.

Pity a 400 pound hippo cant even get into a Civic.

> I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!

Wrong again.

> So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!

Nope, you can, as always.

> My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in this world?

You'd have nothing to whine about, hippo.


May 7, 2008, 2:29:35 PM5/7/08
On May 7, 2:02 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:

> Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
> > I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer will
> > use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda Civic.
> Pity a 400 pound hippo cant even get into a Civic.
Yes they can.

> > I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!
> Wrong again.

Please substansiate.

> > So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!
> Nope, you can, as always.

So can you.

> > My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in this world?
> You'd have nothing to whine about, hippo.

I'm sure he does.

Rod Speed

May 7, 2008, 2:38:36 PM5/7/08
Ragnar <> wrote

> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote

>>> I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer will
>>> use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda Civic.

>> Pity a 400 pound hippo cant even get into a Civic.

> Yes they can.

No they cant.

>>> I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!

>> Wrong again.

> Please substansiate.

Most obviously when there is just the driver and a couple of passengers in a full sized bus.

Fat Teddy Bear

May 7, 2008, 3:37:13 PM5/7/08
Rod Speed = quick rapist!

So, why don't you go fuck yourself instead???

Fat Teddy Bear

May 7, 2008, 4:19:21 PM5/7/08
Rod Speed, you're a dumb ass!

Yes, there has been a few times when I was the only passenger on the
bus, but that usually doesn't last long.

Then more people get on the bus, and there are times when a bus is
over crowed and people are standing in the isle. Sometime I'm waiting
for a bus and one goes by with the panel on the front flashing FULL
LOAD and it goes on by and I have to wait for another bus.

But, between those rare times when there is only one or two passengers
on the bus, and those times that the bus is over crowed and can't take
on more passengers, it all averages out.

In the real world we have random fluctuations between the extremes.

But in Shirley Skeel's fantasy world, she envisions a world where we
all look alike, all being the same hight and weight, all standing at
attention like rows of pencils, in a world without random

That is like dumping a box full of dice from a tall building, and
expecting all the dice to come up snake-eyes, or expecting an ice cube
to suddenly appear, floating on top in a pot of boiling water!

That is never going to happen!

Not in a billion years, not in a trillion years, not even in
googleplex raised to the power of googleplex number of years!

So, we will never have a world where no one is fat. There will always
be fat people, thin people, short people, tall people, and people in
between. It's called genetic diversity, and genetic diversity within a
species insures the survival of the species as a whole, contrary to
what you Nazis might think!

She is really asking "What if we were all alike?" and that is what she
would like for us to become, just so she can have a little extra
pocket change, thinking that it would be more economical if we were
all alike, not having to design everything to take individual
differences into account!

Well, if Shirley Skeel want to have more money in her slimy pockets,
then she should just go out and whore for it, and shut the fuck up!

She might as well since she is just another anorexic bimbo slut!

So, you can take that to the bank!

Lady Veteran

May 7, 2008, 8:29:36 PM5/7/08
On 7 May 2008 10:37:04 -0000, (Sid) wrote:

>On Tue, 6 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
>>I skinny person weighing only 90 pounds driving an SUV or a Hummer
>>will use up more gasoline than a 400 pound fat person driving a Honda
>>I use public transportation, so I use up less energy that either one!
>That's because you can't afford a car on your $600 per month welfare check.
>>So, everybody else here can just shut the fuck up!
>Learn your place, freeloader. Without us taxpaying citizens, you would

Your place is under the bus.

>>Especially Shirley Skeel who wrote "What if no one were fat?" that
>>Fascist piece of drek!
>You parasitic piece of shit!

You incestuous mother fucker.

>>My question is . . . . . What id there were no Fascist scumbags in
>>this world?

We could all breath a sigh of relief.

>What if there were no more welfare parasites?

What if there were no useless pricks like you who think the world owes
them a living?

More people would be smiling, and You not exist.

Lady Veteran

May 7, 2008, 8:31:12 PM5/7/08
On Wed, 7 May 2008 05:34:05 -0700 (PDT), Hollywood
<> wrote:

>fat people

Don't confuse fascism with Nazism. There is a big difference.

Message has been deleted

Fat Teddy Bear

May 7, 2008, 11:47:58 PM5/7/08
On May 7, 6:53 pm, "" <>
> On 03 May 2008, Lady Veteran <> posted
> > On 3 May 2008 02:34:27 -0000, (Lou) wrote:
> >>On Fri, 2 May 2008, wrote:
> >>>On May 1, 7:03 pm, (Marty) wrote:

> >>>> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
> >>>> > I'm unable to hold a job, not
> >>>> >because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with
> >>>> >emotional stress than most people
> >>>> So you're a worthless fucking parasite sucking on the public tit.
> >>>> Yours in Christ,
> >>>> Marty
> >>>No!
> >>>The worthless fucking parasites are football players who can't read
> >>>beyond
> >>>the second grade level and yet, they get paid millions of dollars
> >>>every year
> >>>just for kicking a hunk of pig-skin over an iron post.
> >>>They rape our sisters and daughters, but all they get is a slap on the
> >>>wrist.
> >>>No! Not even that!
> >>>They get a pat on the back and a brand new car! For FREE!
> >>>OH! And I don't believe in your Jeezer fuckin' Keeeeeeeerist!
> >>>I don't believe in the Trinity, Papa, Junior, and The Spook!
> >>>I'm a B'nai Noach, or Noachide so I don't believe in your pagan idols!
> >>>So! Fuck off, and may God bless you, because you're going to need it!
> >>That's pretty funny coming from an emotionally crippled welfare mooch
> who
> >>can't hold a job.
> > That is pretty funny coming from an incestuous fuck who couldn't get
> > it up in viagra factory.
> > LV
> You're familiar with incestuous fucking are you? Oh that's right, you're
> in Texas.


I was molested when I was 17, and it was not from a family member.

Most of you jerks here are unsympathetic, but how would you feel if it
happened to you or one of your kids.

Then I'm sure that you might be singing a different song!

So, none of you can't say shit! You're all a bunch of punks who have
had it easy!

You can all go to where the woodbine twineth and the iceman venture

Message has been deleted

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 3:11:54 AM5/8/08
On May 7, 11:29 pm, Jan wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:58:11 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >Somebody should write an article about how much money we would save if
> >there was no hatred, prejudice, and bigotry in this world. Just think
> >of how much money would be saved if we didn't have any more wars, and
> >how much would be saved if we feed all the hungry people in the world,
> >because hunger, and lack of resources, often lead to violence and war
> >which exacts heavy costs in the number of deaths, and damage to
> >civilization.
> >I grew up knowing about the cost of hatred when I went to school as a
> >kid, back in the 1960s. I'm 56 years old now.

(previous typo corrected. I'm 56, not 46. earlier post was typing

> >And yes, I'm a fat person at only 5 ft 6 in and 400 pounds.
> >When I was 4 years old, I fell out of a car, and busted my left knee
> >on the road, so as a kid, my left leg was crippled up, and I walked
> >with a limp, and I could not run, and I was lousy at sports.
> >My mother taught me how to read and write before I even started
> >school, and by the time I was only in the 3rd grade, I was already
> >reading at the high school and adult level. When I was 13, I scored
> >150 points on a standard IQ test, so going through school should have
> >been a breeze for me. Science was my favorite subject, especially
> >Astronomy.
> >But then, back in 1962 I believe, the President's Council on Physical
> >Fitness said that Americans were out of shape and that we all needed
> >to go on 50 mile hikes, and then, our schools became super gung-ho on
> >Physical Education, while cutting back on academics.
> >In the 4th grade, I was suspended from school because I failed to
> >climb a rope in a gymnasium. In the 5th grade I had my first male
> >teacher who made my life a living Hell in the PE class. He would
> >humiliate me in front of all the other students, and one day he
> >punched me in the stomach with a basketball. Then there was another
> >time when our class went to the school library. There was this one
> >Astronomy book that I wanted to check out, but the teacher would not
> >allow me to have that book. When I asked why he let all the other kids
> >check out any book they wanted, but not me, he dragged me out of the
> >library, out into the hallway, grabbed me by the shoulders, and bashed
> >my head up against the corner of a concrete block wall. The following
> >year, that teacher was fired and could not get a teaching job anywhere
> >else. But for years after that, from the age of 11 years and through
> >out my teen ages years, I had dizzy spells and headaches as a result
> >of my head injuries.
> >I suffered a lot of mental and emotional problems, and during my teen
> >age years, I gained a lot of weight, and I got fat, weighing about 280
> >pounds by the time I was only 17 years old.
> >In school I was harassed and bullied around by the jocks. I was called
> >a "fat sissy boy" because I didn't care for sports, and in high
> >school, I wanted nothing to do with the drug scene. I tried to avoid
> >anyone who was using drugs, but a couple of pusher keep harassing me,
> >trying to get me to try some of their stuff. Then I made a stupid
> >mistake. I turned them in, because they wouldn't leave me alone. After
> >than, I was harassed even more. In the art class, my oil paintings
> >were destroyed, I had books stolen from me, and my life was even
> >threatened, so for my own safety, I had to drop out of school. After
> >that, I had a total breakdown, mentally and emotionally, and spent
> >three weeks in a mental hospital, where I was beatened on a regular
> >bases, and one night, I was raped by an older man. I was 17 years old
> >at the time, and after I came home from the mental hospital, after the
> >effects of the drugs wore off, my weight shot up from 220 pounds to
> >around 280 pounds in less than two months!
> >When I turned 18, I was in no condition mentally and emotionally to
> >holed a job, so my mother had to file a claim for disability on my
> >behalf, and of course, this was back in 1969 during the Viet Nam war,
> >so I had to register for the draft, but the Army reject me because I
> >was about 120 pounds overweight. Actually, I was glad for that,
> >because it meant that I didn't have to go to Viet Nam and die for a
> >country that treated me like a 4th class citizen.
> >Since I never graduated High School, I took the GED Test, and I scored
> >high in it, and got a certificate that is as good as a High School
> >Diploma, and from 1975 to 1978 I tried going to Collage where I
> >majored in Physics and Astronomy, but I never completed my degree. I
> >was under a lot of emotional stress. I made Bs in most of my math
> >classes, and I love Trigonometry. For me its' fun, but I couldn't hack
> >being under too much stress. I have become emotionally fragile, unable
> >to control my emotions, probably due to my head injuries and some
> >other factors in my life.
> >And so, I have been a victim of prejudice and hatred, the same kind of
> >bigotry being spouted off by the likes of people like Shirley Skeel,
> >who is a slimy green with the lust for money. All she cares about is
> >money, and she does not care if human lives are put on the Sacrificial
> >Alter of Capitalism and Greed just to save a few bucks.
> >I'm more interested in saving human lives than saving money!
> >As for me, being fat has done me no harm, and has actually protected
> >me from more serious injuries from beatings I had received in the
> >past. But the hatred, just for being different, had taken a far
> >greater tole on me than my weight ever could.
> >Hey, because I'm fat, I actually save more energy. I don't need to
> >have my thermostat set so high during the winter months and have my
> >home heated at tropical temperatures as thin people do. I'm too fat to
> >drive a car, so I use public transportation, thus saving more energy.
> >Also, I have a slow metabolism. Normal body temperature is about 98.6
> >degrees, while mine averages 96.5 degrees. That usually indicated
> >hypothyroid, but I've been checked for that, and the lab results
> >always come back negative. I can maintain my weight on fewer calories
> >than the average size person, thus saving more on food. It's been said
> >that to maintain a weight of 400 pounds, that it would take about 4000
> >calories, but I can maintain my weight on just 2500 calories per day.
> >I know a lot of skinny people, like my younger brother for example:
> >who is much taller, and only weighs about 160 pounds, and he eats a
> >Hell of a lot more than I do, but he is not anymore active than I am,
> >because he is also crippled up and walks with a cane, and he needed to
> >use a cane about 10 years before I finally needed one myself. He has
> >had surgery done on one of his feet, and he has incurred far more
> >medical expenses than I have.
> >I'm not harming anybody else, but I have been harmed several times
> >repeatedly, and it has cost me much. I'm unable to hold a job, not

> >because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with

> >emotional stress than most people, thanks to all that had happened to
> >me, so my earning potential is greatly reduced. I plan to go back to
> >working on my oil paintings again, and perhaps I might be able to
> >supplement my meager income.
> >And so, someone should publish an article about the high cost, of
> >prejudice, hatred, and bigotry!
> >I say we need more fat people in this world, and we need to get even
> >fatter!
> >Most of the fat people I have known were very kind and gentle people.
> >I only knew a few who were mean or aggressive, but most of us fat
> >people are gentle and more docile. We are far less pron to committing
> >violent crimes, and fat men have much lower suicide rates than thin
> >people.
> >I hope more and more people become obese, and when every man, woman,
> >and child is obese, we will all be too soft and weak to want to fight
> >in anymore bloody wars, and we will have to depend more on human
> >intelligence to solve our conflicts, and seek more peaceful solutions.
> >Increasing obesity around the world may one day bring about world
> >peace, thus saving even more money.
> Say Teddy. If you don't like life as an obese person why don't you
> bring your weight down by about 250 pounds.?
> Hundreds of thousands before you have made a decision and shed the
> excess weight and opened up a new life for themselves.
> No one has said that it will be easy. However, it took a long time to
> put it on and you will not take it off within a short period of time.
> It takes dedication, self discipline and a willingness to follow a
> whole new lifestyle. A six month diet is not the answer.
> People I know who have quit smoking and lost large amounts of weight
> tell me that quitting smoking is the most difficult of the two.
> Jan


Oh please! I've heard that tired old Cliche' over and over again. It's
been done to death!

Like, who pulled your string?

My weight is not the issue here!

What is at issue is the media propaganda of mindless conformism being
shoved down our throats on a daily bases. They want us all be be
alike. God forbid that anyone should be different!

You assume that I don't like being fat, that I would be happier if I
have a 32 inch waist.

No! The problems I had growing up as a kid, going to school, etc. etc.
all started before I got fat. I was 13 when I started gaining a lot of
weight. Before then, I was of average weight for my height and age.

OK! So now, some people hate my guts because I'm fat!

Like, big fuckin' hairy deal! I was hated before I got fat.

In school, I was hated because I was lousy at sports, being made fun
of because I couldn't run. But that was due to a knee injury I had
when I fell out of a car, so I always walked with a limp.

I was hated, by ignorant people, just for being different!

Shirley Skeel in not merely asking "What if no one was fat?" what she
is REALLY asking is, what if we were all alike?

Yeah, clothing might be cheaper if we all wore the same exact size. A
lot of things would be cheaper if we were all the same exact size, but
it would be a very dull and uninteresting world if we were all exactly

I didn't like sports, I preferred studying Astronomy instead. But in
school, they tried to enforce mindless conformism on us. Back when my
parents went to school, it was the same. My mother was left-handed,
and she had this one teacher who smacked her on the back of her left
hand with the hard metal edge of a wooden ruler, so she learned to
write with her right hand instead. After that, her handwriting sucked.
She wanted to be an artist, but her school diverted her along a
different path.

I wanted to study Astronomy, but I got my head bashed against brick
wall. I was unable to get a decent education in our oh so wonderful
educational system. I'm also left-handed, but when I want to school,
we weren't forced to switch hands, so perhaps they knew better than
they did when my parents went to school.

But now, they really weren't more enlightened. Not at all. When I was
in school, we all had to be good at sports, so they just traded in one
old stupidity for a new stupidity. So, whenever we overcome old
prejudices, we just invent new prejudices to take their place.

I have always been a nonconformist. Nothing wrong with that, because
it's the nonconformist who brings about changes in this world. When I
went to a public library, I was able to check out any book I wanted. I
read about Galileo. He was a non conformist. Back when every one
believed that the sun and planets revolved around the earth, he knew
differently, that it was the earth and planets that revolved around
the sun.

Humanity need nonconformists, otherwise we would still be living in
caves, banging two rocks together to make fire, and going ugga! ugga!
uggs! or some shit like that!

So, this isn't about me having a 32 inch waist, but rather, my right
to exist as a unique individual regardless of my size and weight!
Somehow, I don't believe that having a 32 inch waist is going to
magically transform my live, as some many people are being led to
believe by the mass media.

The average home has two washing machines.

One for washing clothes, and one for washing brains!

The second washing machine is in the living room and it's operated
with a remote control, and you just sit there and stare at it,
drooling like a mindless zombie.

It's called a TV!


May 8, 2008, 6:51:41 AM5/8/08
On Wed, 7 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:

>I was molested when I was 17, and it was not from a family member.

You were old enough to say 'no'. It was probably the only sexual activity
that you've ever had.

>Most of you jerks here are unsympathetic, but how would you feel if it
>happened to you or one of your kids.

You're a professional victim.

>Then I'm sure that you might be singing a different song!

You probably enjoyed it.

>So, none of you can't say shit! You're all a bunch of punks who have
>had it easy!

With your next welfare check, you should have "victim" tattooed on your

>You can all go to where the woodbine twineth and the iceman venture

Is this what we get for supporting you with our taxpayer dollars?

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 4:56:15 PM5/8/08
On May 8, 4:51 am, (Mac) wrote:

First of all, when I was molested, the gut was physically much
stronger, he had his arm around my neck, and I didn't have the
strength to fight him off, and he said that if I struggle that he was
going to kill me!

So, what the hells was I suppose to do!

I'm not on welfare, I'm on SSI for disability! A lousy $600 per month.

If anyone is a mooch, it's the monkey boy super-jocks who get paid
millions of dollars just for chasing balls, and they get to rape our
sisters and daughters, and get off with a slap on a wrist.

Most of the time, they don't even get a slap on the wrist. They get a
pat on the back and a brand new car for FREE!!!

So, you may shove it up left and go fuck yourself sideways!

And, you can take that to the bank!

The Master

May 8, 2008, 5:57:15 PM5/8/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear wrote:

> First of all, when I was molested, the gut was physically much
> stronger, he had his arm around my neck, and I didn't have the
> strength to fight him off, and he said that if I struggle that he was
> going to kill me!

Never give real details about your private life on the internet. Anything
you say can and will be twisted around, mocked, and made fun of, by those
users who make themselves feel better by causing others pain.

I for one am sorry such things happened to you, but there are others who
will insist on using such hardship as a cruel joke. Those emotionally
crippled people have no concept of how to deal with their own misfortune.

Message has been deleted

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 7:37:37 PM5/8/08
On May 8, 3:57 pm, The Master <>

> Never give real details about your private life on the internet. Anything
> you say can and will be twisted around, mocked, and made fun of, by those
> users who make themselves feel better by causing others pain.
> I for one am sorry such things happened to you, but there are others who
> will insist on using such hardship as a cruel joke. Those emotionally
> crippled people have no concept of how to deal with their own misfortune.

Good afternoon Master.

Thank you and god bless you.

Yeah, I can see that there are a lot of people on this particular
forum who are pig-ignorant morons.

I don't use my real name on these forums, for obvious reasons.

But I'm trying to make a point, that some of these crazy schemes to
save a few bucks might result in the wasting of human lives.

When I want to school, they decided that they could save money by
cutting back on academics and investing more in athletics, because
football makes money for a school, while educating students cost
money. It is much cheaper to put up new basketball hoops and replace
worn out balls, than it is to resupply a chemistry lab, a biology lab,
and a physics lab with new equipment. Scientific equipment is far more
expensive than sports equipment.

Also, they decided that instead of educating students in science and
math, it was cheaper to train football players, because then, they
might go on to become professionals, keeping the rednecks entertained
on Sunday afternoons, then they get drunk, and then, they beat the
ever-living Hell out of their wives and kids when their favorite team
loses the big game on the season.

Ah yes! God bless America! Don't-cha just love it!!!

But then, since we save money by not teaching science, we can always
import techno-geeks from Japan to keep the wheels of our modern world
turning. Yeah, Japan got it's revenge for the time we bombed Hiroshima
and Nagasaki. Their students are better educated, and they come over
here and snatch up all the good jobs because too many American
students who graduate from High School, can't even read or write
beyond the 6th grade. DUH!!!

To Be Continued . . . . .

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 7:38:59 PM5/8/08
On May 8, 3:57 pm, The Master <>
> Never give real details about your private life on the internet. Anything
> you say can and will be twisted around, mocked, and made fun of, by those
> users who make themselves feel better by causing others pain.
> I for one am sorry such things happened to you, but there are others who
> will insist on using such hardship as a cruel joke. Those emotionally
> crippled people have no concept of how to deal with their own misfortune.

. . . . . . . Continued from earlier post

A recent opinion poll shows that about 20% percent of the population
in the USA believes that the sun revolves around the earth. Americans
are becoming increasingly dumbed-down as a society.

Reading of books, newspapers and magazines is on the decline. A 2007
study even found that 80 percent of American families did not buy or
read a book in 2006. General knowledge is eroding. This is evidenced
not only by the fact that one in five U.S. adults believe the sun
revolves around the Earth, but also many others.

Yet, it’s not bad enough that knowledge is quickly declining in the
United States. On top of that, there is an arrogance about this lack
of knowledge, almost as if a good portion of the population is saying,
“We know we are ignorant, but we really don’t care!”

Consider, for instance, that a 2006 survey by National Geographic-
Roper found that nearly half of young Americans did not think it was
necessary to know the location of other countries in which important
news was being made. And another one-third felt it was “not at all
important” to know a foreign language.

Why is this so concerning? Because …Fear and Ignorance Go Hand in

When I was a kid, Astronomy was my favorite subject, but I also liked
Geography, One of my favorite hobbies was collecting maps.

Yeah! I AM A FAT SISSY BOY! Because I HATE football! I hate sports!

But I love reading books. I love classical music. I love working on
oil paintings. And no, I'm not gay. Guys who bully people around, the
Macho Jockos, they are the ones who are insecure about their own
masculinity, so they have to act tough and be bullies to prove their
so-called manhood. But they only expose themselves for the moronic
imbeciles that they truly are!

So, I'm proud to be a fat sissy boy!

We also live in a Bimbo Culture of young anorexic teens who's shallow-
minded conversations revolve around jogging shoes and wearing Nikes
And Rebacks.

So, how many lives must be destroyed just so that screaming anorexic
bitch, Shirley Skeel, can hear a louder jingle in her pockets?

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 8:30:21 PM5/8/08
On May 8, 5:06 pm, Jeremy <> wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:52:23 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >I hope more and more people become obese, and when every man, woman,
> >and child is obese, we will all be too soft and weak to want to fight
> >in anymore bloody wars, and we will have to depend more on human
> >intelligence to solve our conflicts, and seek more peaceful solutions.
> >Increasing obesity around the world may one day bring about world
> >peace, thus saving even more money.
> You better be careful what you wish for, Teddy.
> If everyone were morbidly obese who would left to be working and
> paying the taxes that provide you with your $600 a month freebie.
> Who would repair the streets, who would build houses. who would work
> in the factories, who would build and repair our vehicles, who would
> operate the utility companies, who would mine the coal, who would grow
> the food. Who would be delivering the pizza to your house? Do you
> think, for a moment, that folks like you would be doing these jobs?
> As for that $600 per month that you get for doing nothing and then
> scoff at. Do you realize that many people toil hard all week for less
> than $600 and are pleased to have their jobs.
> You believe that you are treated unfairly because you are morbidly
> obese. You can do something about your obesity. How about a very
> short person, how about an extremely unattractive person. how about a
> person with a disfiguring dermatological condition? You, Teddy Bear,
> are all hung up on yourself. Time for you to start counting your
> blessings and perhaps send a thank you note to the folks working at
> the SSI office.
> Have you ever considered sending in a "Letter to the Editor" to be
> printed in the newspaper thanking all the people who go to work
> everyday and pay taxes while you sit at home in front of your computer
> complaining and whining.?

> Jeremy
> ** Posted from**

OK! I was just kidding about that part! OK?

No, I really don't wish that everybody were fat like me. I know that
is just as unrealistic as Shirley Skeel wishing that everybody were

So, I was just being sarcastic. But I guess you're not intelligent
enough to recognize satire. You probably believe that Mad Magazine is

But the rest of what I'm saying is not satire.

All I'm saying is that we can not all be alike, nor would I want to
live in a world where everybody was alike.

There will always be fat people, thin people, and people in between.

Hey! How come almost everybody here complains about my measly little
$600 dollar monthly check when almost nobody complains about the
rapist moronic monkey boy who gets millions of dollars just for
chasing a ball?

I was beaten and battered around by a monkey-boy, and he was the one
who should have been expelled from school, and not me!

In our schools, as you enter the lobby, what is the first thing you

You will see a glass display case, with all kids of nice shinny
football trophies to honor all of the monkey-boys!

But for all the students on the A Honor Role, all they get is a sheet
of paper tacked up on the bulletin board with their names on it, and
eventually it disappears, or it's covered up with announcements for
the next sporting event, or some other shit!

I believe that students on the A Honer Role should have their names
engraved on a nice shinny bronze plaque, nothing really fancy, but
something that looks dignified. They deserve some recognition. Do they

OH! Just think of my measly little $600 dollar monthly check as my
retirement pension for the years I worked (involuntarily I might add)
being a human punching bag and a tacklin dummy for the jocks to
practice on in school!

While I was on "the job" I was not paid for it, so I was actually
their slave!

Gee wiz! I thought slavery was abolished after The Civil War.

But most student are not awar of that, since most high school students
today can't even read and write beyond the 3rd grade level anymore!

Oh! By the way, I did not come from a welfare family.My parents were
factory workers.

They bought a house, and paid property taxes on the house, and they
paid school taxes. Their tax dollars paid for the Astronomy books I
was not allowed to read. Their tax dollars paid the salary of the
teacher who bashed my head up against a concreted block wall in an
argument that I had with him over a book he would not allow me to
check out from the library. Their tax dollars paid the salary of the
PE coach who had me suspend for failure to climb a stupid rope that I
was unable to climb because of my knee injury.

So, the only thing my parents got back for their tax dollars is the
SSI Disability Check I get every month. My mother helped me to apply
for it when I turned 18. That's my early retirement pension!

So, suck on the Bimbo!

If you want to hear a louder jingle in your pocket, then go out and
whore for it!

Else, shut the fuck up!

Lady Veteran

May 8, 2008, 9:09:25 PM5/8/08
On 08 May 2008 00:53:04 GMT, ""
<> wrote:

>On 03 May 2008, Lady Veteran <> posted some

>> On 3 May 2008 02:34:27 -0000, (Lou) wrote:

>>>On Fri, 2 May 2008, wrote:
>>>>On May 1, 7:03 pm, (Marty) wrote:

>>>>> On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, wrote:
>>>>> > I'm unable to hold a job, not
>>>>> >because of my weight, but because I'm far less able to cope with

Yes, I noticed you didn't deny my assertion, right?

Your mother/sister can explain it to you if you cannot comprehend.

You poor little fuck.

Lady Veteran

May 8, 2008, 9:11:31 PM5/8/08

Yet they will enjoy causing misfortune for others.


May 8, 2008, 9:59:39 PM5/8/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
>First of all, when I was molested, the gut was physically much
>stronger, he had his arm around my neck, and I didn't have the
>strength to fight him off, and he said that if I struggle that he was
>going to kill me!
>So, what the hells was I suppose to do!

Did he make you swallow?

Fat Teddy Bear

May 8, 2008, 11:10:59 PM5/8/08
On May 8, 7:59 pm, (Nick) wrote:

> On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
> >First of all, when I was molested, the gut was physically much
> >stronger, he had his arm around my neck, and I didn't have the
> >strength to fight him off, and he said that if I struggle that he was
> >going to kill me!
> >So, what the hells was I suppose to do!
> Did he make you swallow?

No, you you sorry sanctimonious scum-bag piece of dog shit!

I was butt-banged!

Now, you may go suck on a gun and blow your shit-for brains out
through the top of your skull!

Message has been deleted

The Master

May 9, 2008, 9:38:49 AM5/9/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear wrote:

> A recent opinion poll shows that about 20% percent of the population
> in the USA believes that the sun revolves around the earth. Americans
> are becoming increasingly dumbed-down as a society.

Seriously? I heard that about 25% of Americans couldn't identify Florida
on a map, and more then 50% were unable to identify Iraq on a world map.
But 20% thinks the sun revolves around the earth?

> Yet, it’s not bad enough that knowledge is quickly declining in the
> United States. On top of that, there is an arrogance about this lack
> of knowledge, almost as if a good portion of the population is saying,
> “We know we are ignorant, but we really don’t care!”

That's probably why the crowned prince of Nigeria keeps offering me half
his fortune if I help him smuggle it out of his nation.

> And another one-third felt it was “not at all
> important” to know a foreign language.

This one I actually agree with. I live in America, English is spoken
here. Honestly, why in the hell should I learn how to speak spanish? If
spanish speaking people want to move to the USA (legally or otherwise),
they should learn the language, not the other way around.

I'd like to learn Japanese. But that's for fun, so I can buy import
games, and watch unedited anime.

The Master

May 9, 2008, 9:43:54 AM5/9/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear wrote:

> No, I really don't wish that everybody were fat like me. I know that
> is just as unrealistic as Shirley Skeel wishing that everybody were
> thin.

There is an idealized view of people. Must be this height, this weight,
this religion, etc. If you aren't that, by God you should be. If you
don't want to be that, there is something wrong with you. If you are
that, it is your job to piss off, annoy, and otherwise be an asshole,
until others realize just how right you are and convert.

That is the troll thought process, and there is nothing more annoying then
a troll who writes for what some consider a legitimate web site.

The Master

May 9, 2008, 9:25:45 AM5/9/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear wrote:

> When I want to school, they decided that they could save money by
> cutting back on academics and investing more in athletics, because
> football makes money for a school, while educating students cost
> money.

When I was in public school in California, most teachers didn't care. At
least the ones I had. Don't bother trying to teach, then pass anyhow
because they don't want to make the student "feel bad". My boss here at
work is taking his daughter out of school, and will home school her,
because of how much the system has failed her. It takes a lot of hard
work to make up the lost ground...

> Also, they decided that instead of educating students in science and
> math, it was cheaper to train football players,

Those who can do, those who can't teach... If the teacher was any good at
science, they wouldn't be teaching it, they would be doing it.


May 9, 2008, 10:46:51 AM5/9/08
On Thu, 8 May 2008 16:37:37 -0700 (PDT), Fat Teddy Bear
<> wrote:

>On May 8, 3:57 pm, The Master <>
>> Never give real details about your private life on the internet. Anything
>> you say can and will be twisted around, mocked, and made fun of, by those
>> users who make themselves feel better by causing others pain.
>> I for one am sorry such things happened to you, but there are others who
>> will insist on using such hardship as a cruel joke. Those emotionally
>> crippled people have no concept of how to deal with their own misfortune.
>Good afternoon Master.
>Thank you and god bless you.
>Yeah, I can see that there are a lot of people on this particular
>forum who are pig-ignorant morons.
>I don't use my real name on these forums, for obvious reasons.

You reveal way too much though. Master is right (yeah that hurt to
say). I've only read one of your posts, so assuming you aren't a
troll, you shouldn't be telling all of usenet about painful personal
experiences like that. You're in the one place where people will use
it to kick you in the balls.

Obviously, and with good reason, you are troubled about your past. I
would encourage you to visit moderated forums on the many abuse
support groups out there to discuss it. Usenet is probably not the
place for you.


Fat Teddy Bear

May 9, 2008, 10:54:51 AM5/9/08
On May 9, 12:05 am, Naughty Boy <naughtynaughty> wrote:
> Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote in news:4594e955-0744-4f26-

> > On May 8, 7:59 pm, (Nick) wrote:
> >> On Thu, 8 May 2008, Fat Teddy Bear <> wrote:
> >> >First of all, when I was molested, the gut was physically much
> >> >stronger, he had his arm around my neck, and I didn't have the
> >> >strength to fight him off, and he said that if I struggle that he was
> >> >going to kill me!
> >> >So, what the hells was I suppose to do!
> >> Did he make you swallow?
> > No, you you sorry sanctimonious scum-bag piece of dog shit!
> > I was butt-banged!
> Did you enjoy it a little too much?

> > Now, you may go suck on a gun and blow your shit-for brains out
> > through the top of your skull!
> That should be reserved for non-productive members of society.
> --
> Look at that. The one, the only, the original, the stupid Naughty Boy is
> back. Who said Usenet couldn't go further downhill?

No, that should be reserved for football players, for ALL JOCKS
because they are nonproductive, and they are responsible for
destroying our educational system, because all the classroom courses
have been dumb down to make it easier for monkey boys to get passing
grades so they can go on to collage and play football.

Back in the 1980s while watching ABC News Nightline, the program
featured a collage basketball player who could not read or write
beyond the second grade level.

Like, what's that all about???

Well, one day, he finally got smart, Oh! Wonder of wonders! and
decided to go back to school and get caught up in his education,
because he came to realize that you can't think with a basketball.

So, you may go suck some jock cocks.

Now, fuck off, eat shit, and die! Scumbag!

Fat Teddy Bear

May 9, 2008, 12:26:30 PM5/9/08
On May 9, 7:38 am, The Master <>

Good morning Master.

No, I kid you not!

If you go to Google and type in, One In Five Believes Sun Revolves
Around Earth, then you will get a whole bunch of websites on the

The first time I found out about this little gem was in my E-mail, a
Health Newsletter from and I couldn't believe it. So I
went to Google to search for more information, and lo and behold!

There was even a New York Times article saying the very same thing,
and many other web sites that confirms this as well. So, nothing
really surprises me anymore.

That 20% percent of the USA population are probable right-wing
Christian "funny-mentalists" who voted for Reagan back in the 1980s.
No doubt, many of them probably believe that the earth is flat as

So, some of them are also the morons posting on this forum.

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