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Hit The Fitness Reset Button!

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chad austin

Oct 28, 2022, 2:29:36 PM10/28/22
Hello Everybody! My name is Chad Austin, I am a personal Trainer with nearly 2 decades of experience. I've been busy working on a new program that is finally finished and ready to share with the world. My new program is called The G.A.I.N Transformation Program, and I believe it will be the most impactful program that I have ever created. Before I tell you more about it, here is a quick explanation of why it was created.

Already curious?? Learn More About The G.A.I.N Transformation Program here:

In 2016, after over 10 years in fitness, I decided to write a book. I wasn't exactly sure what my book would cover, so I started by asking as many people as I could the question, "What are your top priorities in life?" The answers to this poll question lead to my first book, "Make Fitness A Priority: How to win the fight against your excuses." Eventually 1 book became a 3 book series, and an awesome fitness community.

The make fitness a priority mission was all about helping people get long term success in fitness. That is what I believe the true purpose of a personal trainer is. It's not about helping people get results as fast as possible that will only last temporarily (which describes the majority of fitness programs out there). It is about helping people look past their short term goals that got them started, and helping them find what works for them long term.

Eventually I realized that although this change in thinking was helping my clients keep fitness a priority in their lives longer, they were still falling off track from time to time. What I wasn't accounting for was life's unexpected curveballs that we all get thrown. When life's changes happen, we are very good at adapting to them when it comes to our family and our career. Unfortunately we are terrible at adapting to them when it comes to our fitness plan. Now after over 15 years in fitness I understand the glaringly obvious problem that I missed before with my first book. It is life's changes that cause us to fall off track with our health and fitness.

Whether it is a good change or a bad change it doesn't matter. We still have to adjust to how fitness fits in our life after the change.

Here are a few examples:
Get Fired or Get Promoted
Job gets more sedentary or more active
Get Divorced or Get Married
Have Kids or Kids leave for college
There are so many more....

When life changes happen it will probably change the way fitness fits in your life. If you don't adjust to that change then fitness will fall out of your life for awhile. It's simple...What you do for fitness must fit in your life. If it doesn't fit it won't be there very long.

The G.A.I.N Transformation Program is a 4-step formula that teaches you how to hit the fitness reset button every time life throws you an unexpected curveball. When I started the Make Fitness A Priority Mission, I asked the question, "What are your top priorities in life? Now as the next step of my make fitness a priority mission begins I am asking a new question. What will you G.A.I.N by making fitness a priority?

Want to learn more about my G.A.I.N Transformation Program? Click the link below to apply. (Takes just 3 minutes)
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