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The coming fire that will melt her panties (veil of harlot, church)

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Steven Spence

Oct 15, 2003, 3:14:01 PM10/15/03
The coming fire that will melt her panties (veil of harlot, church)
and leave her with nowhere to hide.

Matt. 10:34 the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
will be fighting over [B]who is right[/B] .

The fruit of the tree of life is abiding in the spirit, there is only
YOU and I, my life.

I still remember how loosing my life I found my life, how the blame
and shame of all manner of accusations led to being alone with my
life. Like a tree I gradually took on this form. Like an empty canvas
the painter waited for spirit to move. Dabbing where spirit moved
until the painting (tree) took form. It's all about life in the
spirit. And the spirit never speaks of "who is right" You see it is
neither the liberal's or the conservatives (unless your rightness
exceeds that of the pharasees and the saducees? you will not enter the
kingdom)but only a life spent with the spirit. The more you believe
interpretations the more you fight over who is right.

The whirlwind has set the spark to blaze and the "great fire" that
will melt the veil (panties) and leave her (church, harlot) with no
where to hide has begun to spread. Soon it will encompass the earth.
And the wood hay and stubble that the church taught was important. Sin
as defined by religion will turn on the harlot that used the law
against the bridegroom and consume her.

Let go of the veil that separates you from each other before it is

Steve Hayes

Oct 16, 2003, 1:46:41 AM10/16/03
On 15 Oct 2003 12:14:01 -0700, (Steven Spence) wrote:

>The coming fire that will melt her panties (veil of harlot, church)
>and leave her with nowhere to hide.
>Matt. 10:34 the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
>will be fighting over [B]who is right[/B] .
>The fruit of the tree of life is abiding in the spirit, there is only
>YOU and I, my life.
>I still remember how loosing my life I found my life, how the blame
>and shame of all manner of accusations led to being alone with my

Prometheus unbound?

Steve Hayes

Steven Spence

Oct 29, 2003, 1:17:08 PM10/29/03
Days before the hurricane even developed I sent the whirlwind syncs to
my family on the (east.) (mother and siblings there)
Four days before the fire I sent a message about the fire synchs to my
ex and two days before I told my sister in simi valley (west) about
the synchs with the fire and the veil burning separating our
understanding. The fire is now at her door and we have been having
many miracles with my family. Only the beginning and soon this forum
will feel the effects of that fire. (when the spark hits the powder,
Read about the synchs March 14, 1994

It is love across time, get ready for the ride. More of the story will
be coming out soon and will spark much more. Sorry I have not had much
time lately on this forum but those left here don't want to hear it
anyway cause they love their interpretation.

four days before the fires broke out I had to send this message to my
ex who had set me up over and over.

Byron Canfield

Oct 30, 2003, 3:26:56 AM10/30/03
"Steven Spence" <> wrote in message

What are you on about, anyway? Or are you just "on" something?

"There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who understand binary numbers and those who don't."
Byron "Barn" Canfield

Steven Spence

Nov 4, 2003, 1:55:08 PM11/4/03
No there are 111 types of people, one for each day of the week.

Aug 13, 2017, 12:37:11 PM8/13/17
DNATREE came back here to reveal these predictions have come true
Here on the day after the white supremicists clash … … … … …
Predicted Aug 13th 2014 exactly on time!!!

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