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Jesus, the Syrian - JESUS, a Syrian by BLOODLINE

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My Name

Dec 18, 2010, 3:11:54 PM12/18/10
Matthew traces the genealogy of JESUS forward from Abraham and
Luke traces the lineage of JESUS backward through Abraham to Adam.

Abram, AKA Abraham, is descendend from Noah's son Shem, a "S(h)emite".
Abraham is from UR, "The Land of the Chaldee's." Genesis ch11 v28 & 31, ch15 v7
That is Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris & Euphrates rivers,
which run in what is now known as Iraq, Syria and Turkey.

Isaac is Abraham's son of whom GOD said: "I will establish my covenant
with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him." Genesis ch17 v19
"My covenant will I establish with Isaac" Genesis ch17 v21
And: "In Isaac shall thy seed be called." Genesis ch21 v12

Isaac's son Jacob AKA Israel, is to whom GOD said: "The land which I gave
Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee
will I give the land." Genesis ch35 v12

(One of Israel's sons, Joseph, was sold by his brothers to Ishmeelites
who took him to Egypt. And then the Midianites sold him to Potiphar
of Egypt to be a slave there.)

Isaac married (his father Abraham's brother) his uncle Nahor's
daughter, the Syrian, Rebekah. Now, because Abraham's brother's
daughter is a Syrian, so too necessarily is Abraham, and so too
necessarily are Isaac's descedants of Rebekah, namely all of Jacob's,
AKA Israel's, descendants, Joseph, his brothers
and necessarily too, all their descendants.

So *you* SEE that "The Promised Land" was promised to Syrians and
that JESUS, "The CHRIST", is necessarily too, by descent, a Syrian.

I Call MOSES speaking to Israel to WITNESS against *you*:

"Thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, a SYRIAN
ready to perish was my father (Joseph), and he went down
into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there
a nation, great, mighty, and populous: And the Egyptians
evil entreated us, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard
bondage: And when we cried unto the LORD God of our fathers,
the LORD heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and
our labour, and our oppression: And the LORD brought us
forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an
outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with
signs, and with wonders: And he hath brought us into this
place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth
with milk and honey." Deuteronomy ch26 v5-9

So are there any other "SEMITES" *you* ignorant "christians"
want to murder on the behalf of the Ashkenazis, they are
descendants of Noah's son Japheth, the Sephardis, they are
named after a mountain range, and the Ethiopians, they are
not named descendants of Noah at all, all of whom say that
they are "Jews" but are not, but are of "The Synagogue of
satan"??? Because, they are not of the lineage of Shem, the
son of Noah from whom Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Joseph,
the Syrian, S(h)emitic, Semetic line of people are descended.
From thence are the people of Judah. They are the ACTUAL
"Jews" and from thence the jews derive their name.
From Judah, are "jews"!!!

Or, can we put an end to the satanic rule of jews who are not
jews and their wars for empire now that FINALLY, at long last,
"THE TRUTH" has been CLEARLY, UNDENIABLY, been pointed out to
*you* so-called "christians"???

Do you DENY the testimony of Genesis, Deuteronomy, Abram/Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob/Israel, Joseph, Moses and JESUS???

As far as israel fighting with syria, it don't mean nothin';
israel fighting amongst itself is not unusual. Scripturally,
the whole "thing" is an intrafamilial feud. If you will read,
Genesis and Deuteronomy, you will SEE that.

War is simply an oil driven, industrial age, big business.
There is no righteousness in war.

There is NO FLAG that can COVER-UP the BLOOD of the INNOCENTS

PILATE washed his hands of "BLOODGUILTINESS"

A government, of Israel, by Israel, and, for: Israel.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light:
for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not. The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Jun 17, 2017, 11:26:19 PM6/17/17
On Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 6:11:54 AM UTC+10, Audrey Love wrote:Thank you so much, I have just recently received this same revelation. WOW, Yes all of Jacobs sons were born in Padanaram but for Benjamin. Thanks so much, Praise God.
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