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Pacesetter Story: Employee Rebuttal

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Ima Myself

May 3, 2003, 2:13:16 PM5/3/03
Found these stories on a website, and thought I'd share in case they
go away. Most are good reads.

Employee Rebuttal

I am currently employed by the Pacesetter Corporation, and I have a
few things to say in response to the posts on your website. I have
read all of the information from top to bottom, and I feel that there
are some things that deserve to be rebutted.

I work in what you would call the "telemarketing" department, and I
have recently been one of their top producing "telemarketers".

The Pacesetter Corporation is a 41 year old company with a good
reputation in all of its nationwide offices. On occasion, and perhaps
on too often an occasion, things do occur that shed a bad light on any
large company. If all of those things were completely unavoidable, it
would be a much simpler world. The fact is, mistakes do happen, and
every effort is taken to amend any problems that do arise in the
course of our business process.

The Pacesetter Corporation is a sales organization, and I do not
believe that anyone in any office would claim otherwise. Speaking
from experience, I can tell you that Pacesetter strives to maintain
consistent relations with all of its customers. We regularly make
follow-up calls to ensure that work was done properly, and that the
customer is fully satisfied with the work that was done. Again, on
occasion there is a customer that cannot be pleased regardless of what
efforts are taken to quell their concerns. It is the nature of any
sales business, you can not please everyone all of the time.

I will tell you that I call hundreds of our previous customers on a
weekly basis, and rarely do I have complaints from these individuals.
I say rarely, because there are those that have had problems with
their work, or were unhappy with the level of service that they were
provided. I am instructed by my management to ensure by the end of
that call, assuming that individual does not hang up on me, that said
customer has all of the necessary information to resolve their issue.
If they were such a cold-hearted and faceless entity, why would they
even care?

Many people with posts on this site speak of Pacesetter "preying" on
the elderly and uneducated. It might interest you to know that there
are many sections in the training manuals for every department that
deal with these atrocities. For example the first "red light" for
telemarketing representatives is that if the individual that you are
speaking to sounds to be mentally impaired in any way, you are to
immediately and politely end the phone conversation.

As for the mistakes of individuals, these things do happen. It is
unfortunate that laziness and bad work ethic do lead to unsatisfied
customers, but nonetheless, it is very difficult to weed out those
sorts of individuals with interviews. When it is found that an
individual employed by the company is not doing their job to its
fullest, prompt corrective action is always taken, and depending on
the severity of the offense, those individuals are often terminated.

I can confirm for you that, yes, our company does have a ten step
sales approach. The ten steps do have to do with control, and for
anyone who knows anything about sales, they know that you don't simply
go into someone's home, measure windows or siding, calculate a price,
and then leave a price on the coffee table and slink silently out the
door and wait for them to call and make a purchase. Rapport must be
built. Trust must be established. Pacesetter does not sell the least
expensive product on the market, frankly, but we do sell a quality
product worth the price. We want a customer to know who they are
buying from or potentially buying from before we even want to show
them a product. Would you pay $400 for a brand new window if you
didn't know why it was worth that price?

Realistically, many of the problems stated on your website are
well-founded, and should be dealt with in a timely fashion. I am not
arguing that problems do not exist. They do, and I can assure anyone
reading this, assuming the publisher of this page is willing to post
things that are not negative on their website, that Pacesetter does
have a vested interest in ensuring that all of the concerns of their
customers are met.

There are a great deal of previous customers of Pacesetter who have
done business with us five, ten, fifteen times over the course of the
years. I talk to them DAILY, and I rarely hear complaints. The
absolute majority of our previous customers are completely satisfied
with the work that has been done for them and the products they
purchased from Pacesetter, and many of them ask me without prompting
about new products they would like to have installed on their home.

I call people who have not been previously contacted by Pacesetter
regularly as well. I feel compelled to tell you what our instructions
are when attempting to create a sales lead. We are instructed to
attempt to set an appointment. We are instructed to attempt to find a
product that a customer might like at some point to do. We are
instructed to be courteous, polite, and friendly. If a customer
becomes upset or frustrated, we are to politely end the call. This a
company standard, and anyone who is not doing their job according to
these instructions should be reported, and are always either warned,
formally reprimanded, or terminated for violations of these rules.
Unfortunately, every incident of a "bad" telemarketing call can not be
tracked, but I can tell you from experience that incidents such as
these are not tolerated.

Defamatory though this website may not be, the simple title of this
site speaks volumes. Perhaps what is posted is not defamatory, but
the title most definitely is. While you post these negative things
about our 41 year old company, why not seek out the thousands upon
thousands of satisfied customers across the country who are completely
satisfied with our treatment of them, and who constantly refer
friends, family, and anybody else who will listen to our company?

Coming to a close, I promise. As for Pacesetter putting liens on
someone's home as collateral for a loan, this is common business
practice. I am not aware of any company that will provide large loans
without any collateral whatsoever, particularly for those not blessed
with stellar credit.

I love the company I work for, and I respect the integrity with which
they run their business. We are not a "Glen Gary, Glen Ross" type of
sales organization. Those companies do not last long, and our
longevity should tell any reasonable individual that we do not conduct
our business that way. Quite frankly, I was personally offended at
reading that quote. We do not try to "hook" anyone into coming into
our office to pick up a part and then attempt to slam them into a
sale. In most cases, the part is waiting for them at the front
office, if we know they are coming, and the front office staff is not
a sales force. They are to input data, and keep the paper stream

I would appreciate it greatly if the publishers of this page would
post this feedback on their site. I have nothing bad to say about
them. All I can say is that they must feel pretty strongly about
their dislike of our company to have put the work in that they did to
create this site, not to mention the money necessary to maintain the
domain name and the webhosting service. I am sincerely sorry that you
had such a bad experience.

I will be looking to see if you were "fair" enough to put something
from a devoted Pacesetter employee on your site. Thanks in advance
for letting me respond.

Editor's note: This post has only been altered from the original
version to remove the sender's name and e-mail. Spelling and grammar
have not been corrected.

Pacesetter Corp. may sell a quality product, but it definitely wasn't
worth the price, at least not for us. We bought these windows to keep
the heat in and our heating bill down during the winter, but the
windows don't seem to have made much, if any, difference.

The title of this site is merely our opinion of Pacesetter Corp. based
on our experience with the company. This site was created to tell our
experience with Pacesetter Corp., and thus it would seem natural for
the title of the site to reflect our opinion of the company.

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