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Preposterous lies about Charles Novins retracted by masked, cowardly critics.

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Atlas Bugged

Dec 12, 2009, 6:43:47 AM12/12/09
The anonymous posters using falsified identifiers have e-mailed
prominent attorney Charles Novins with apologies, concerned they may
be found out, and jockeying to avoid being sued, as several others
have. The falsified and libelous posts, alleging "drug addiction,"
"rape" and other ridiculous, libelous, and other obviously false
acusations have appeared on Usenet and been republished in various
internet fora.

Atlas Bugged

More info on this here:

John McWilliams

Dec 12, 2009, 11:40:34 AM12/12/09


Malcom "Mal" Reynolds

Dec 12, 2009, 12:57:28 PM12/12/09
In article
Atlas Bugged
<> wrote:

What about your trips to Asia to secure
little boys for your clients ?

Barbara Schwarz

Dec 12, 2009, 3:59:59 PM12/12/09

Hi Charles,

Sorry to hear that you are still the target or libel and defamation. I
was hoping that your lawsuit would correct these violators of the law
and your rights.

I noticed that some associated you with Greg Hall (Neal Warren) who
does exactly to others what others do to you. What you do is your
decision but I advice you to distance yourself officially from that
man and his sidekick LadyPilot (an unsuccessful woman in Oklahoma).

They conspire, cyberstalk, defame, libel, violate copyrights, abuse,
harass, make false factual statements, etc. and all under the cover of
Christianity. Their law violations are significant. They are some of
the worst cyberstalker on the net.

They have no other purpose on alt.religion.scientology than to harass,
defame, insult, harass and lie.

Best wishes,


Gregory Hall

Dec 12, 2009, 4:14:48 PM12/12/09
"Barbara Schwarz" <> wrote in message

Hi Charles,

Best wishes,




Novins and anybody else would be crazy to believe anything you say, Barbara.


Just read the sig.

Gregory Hall

If somebody emails you in your private life
claiming that she is of good character and
ethics and promises not to use your real
name on Usenet

"** I will not use your real name on Usenet."
-- Barbara Schwarz

but later does exactly that, then that female
named Barbara Schwarz proves to the whole
world that she is an oath breaker and a liar
and her word isn't worth anything. And, she
discredits Scientology and common decency
with her low character and suppressive
behavior so she is not worthy of representing
Scientology teachings.

Among these teachings by L. Ron Hubbard
is this: "Trustworthiness is a highly esteemed
commodity. When one has it, one is considered
valuable. When one has lost it, one may be
considered worthless." Sad that this great
man if alive today may consider his own
daughter to be worthless.

I don't think Barbara Schwarz is worthless,
however, as I maintain from a Christian
perspective that it is fair and reasonable
to give any misguided person a chance
to repent.

An honest and mature person would apologize
for willfully breaking her promise and ask
forgiveness for her lack of morality. Her actions
are an affront not only to me but to all civilized
people. This apology is especially important when
a person such as Barbara Schwarz has repeatedly
claimed on ARS that she is honest and truthful
all the time.

But, now that Barbara Schwarz is a proven liar,
who can trust anything she posts anymore?

This is a severe punishment for somebody to
impose upon herself simply because she
would rather remain a stubborn immature
individual who sees nothing wrong with a
breach of trust.

This also reflects badly on the Church of
Scientology. Is it any wonder they no longer
wish to be associated with her? She drags
all of Scientology down with her childish
and irrational actions.


Dec 12, 2009, 4:40:14 PM12/12/09
On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 03:43:47 -0800 (PST), Atlas Bugged
<> wrote:

>The anonymous posters using falsified identifiers have e-mailed
>prominent attorney Charles Novins with apologies, concerned they may
>be found out, and jockeying to avoid being sued, as several others
>have. The falsified and libelous posts, alleging "drug addiction,"
>"rape" and other ridiculous, libelous, and other obviously false
>acusations have appeared on Usenet and been republished in various
>internet fora.

Has anyone apologized for having said true things about you, such as
that you may be the worst lawyer on the face of the Earth next to Orly

Gregory Hall

Dec 12, 2009, 4:44:12 PM12/12/09
"henri" <he...@nowhere.invalid> wrote in message

Don't you worry, henri. She's gonna get Obama convicted for fraud one of
these days for not being born in the USA and forging a birth certificate.

Gregory Hall

Barbara Schwarz

Dec 12, 2009, 6:55:06 PM12/12/09
On Dec 12, 3:40 pm, henri <he...@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 03:43:47 -0800 (PST), Atlas Bugged

Neal Warren aka Greg Hall is somebody nobody should be associated
I had to complain also to ElfYourself to remove his copyright
They removed but but despite I told him to take it off, the criminal
did not remove it.

Charles Novin, that man is a criminal and he libeled, defamed,
harassed, and abused so many people online that it is just a matter of
time till he is being sued.

He thinks he can't be served as he lives a bum life on a little
nutshell but police has his data and he can be found via the Dept. of
Veteran Affairs where he gets handouts and welfare.

I have read some of first postings, Charles, in which you posted kind
information about subjects that you were interested in. You are not a
Greg Hall aka Neal Warren. You are not a vicious defamer and liar who
stalks his victims relentlessly as Warren does. He just gets you in
troubles and I give anybody the advice not to reply to his postings or
e-mails who does not want a cyberstalker on her back.

Let him and his cheap sidekick (she defamed me as Nazi!) Katy
"LadyPilot" rant, it is their time that they are wasting and whatever
libel they post is just important for the law enforcement and law
suits but needs no reply.

Barbara Schwarz

Attrocities committed by Christians, human race insulting idiots who
think that their despicable crimes will be forgiven by God and/or
Jesus and that is why they continue to commit crimes.

I am rather a Scientology as Scientology per L. Ron Hubbard teaches
ethics, which I uphold. It teaches that ANY bad act has not just
horrible consequences for the victim but also for the person who
commits the crime.

Gregory Hall

Dec 13, 2009, 1:05:05 PM12/13/09
"Barbara Schwarz" <> wrote in message

> Neal Warren aka Greg Hall is somebody nobody should be associated
> with. I had to complain also to ElfYourself to remove his copyright
> violation. They removed but but despite I told him to take it off,
> the criminal did not remove it.

I made a new one already, Barbara. I can make hundreds of new ones and you
can spend the rest of your life trying to get them removed and FAIL.

But, I won't tell you the URL so you can't complain about it and get it
removed. I will tell everybody but you the new URL so they can see you
dancing (and singing, too). LadyPilot said it was a hoot! And Garry Scarff
is rolling on the floor laughing his ass of and so is Tigger and many other
people you don't like you.

> Charles Novin, that man is a criminal and he libeled, defamed,
> harassed, and abused so many people online that it is just a matter of
> time till he is being sued.

Says the woman who posted numerous times saying I, Gregory Hall aka Neal
Warren was Cecil Warren a rapist and convicted sex offender. Says the woman
who bothered the police and wanted them to arrest me until they told her to
take a hike because Cecil Warren does not equal Gregory Hall aka Neal
Warren. In other words Barbara got slapped by the authorities because she's
a nut case known as the most prolific abuser of the freedom of information

> He thinks he can't be served as he lives a bum life on a little
> nutshell but police has his data and he can be found via the Dept. of
> Veteran Affairs where he gets handouts and welfare.

Can't be served by a nut case, for sure. And law enforcement authorities
stick up for veterans of the armed forces against libeling, slandering
Germans living in the United States under assumed names. So watch out,
Barbara before YOU are the one who gets served and then kicked out of the

> I have read some of first postings, Charles, in which you posted kind
> information about subjects that you were interested in. You are not a
> Greg Hall aka Neal Warren. You are not a vicious defamer and liar who
> stalks his victims relentlessly as Warren does. He just gets you in
> troubles and I give anybody the advice not to reply to his postings or
> e-mails who does not want a cyberstalker on her back.

Nobody listens to you, Barbara. Everybody knows you're nuts.

> Let him and his cheap sidekick (she defamed me as Nazi!) Katy
> "LadyPilot" rant, it is their time that they are wasting and whatever
> libel they post is just important for the law enforcement and law
> suits but needs no reply.

All law enforcement has to do is Google Barbara Schwarz and this is what
they will see:

They will just laugh their asses off and then have a discussion how to get
rid of this strange person.

Barbara Schwarz

Dec 13, 2009, 11:16:12 PM12/13/09
On Dec 12, 5:43 am, Atlas Bugged <> wrote:

As I said, Charles, Neal Warren (Gregory Hall) violates the laws and I
would not want to befriend a lawless person like him.

He is involved in forgeries (He now forges Mark de Rothschild),
copyright violations, libel, defamation, abuse, cyberstalking, lies,
harassment, sexual harassment and retaliates when he is rejected. Any
person that befriends that homeless sexist who claims any cruelty he
does is forgiven by Jesus will end up in troubles.

Before you e-mail him again or respond again to his posted messages,
please google first his postings and see yourself that he is exactly
the type of person who also defame you and others.

As the saying says: Tell me who your friends are, and I am telling you
who you are.

He looks for a "helpmate". An old guy as he apparently needs help but
he won't need it because a prison warden will be his helpmate.

Best wishes, Charles.

Barbara Schwarz

Barbara loves Marty

Dec 14, 2009, 3:17:49 PM12/14/09
On Dec 12, 2:59 pm, Barbara Schwarz <>

> On Dec 12, 5:43 am, Atlas Bugged <> wrote:

Charles, google Neal Warren (Gregory Hall's) e-mail address. As you
are an attorney, you should be able to make clear to criminal Warren
that forging Mark Charles de Rothschild can cause litigation, can
result in an arrest and can result in him being convicted and hauled
to jail.

Barbara Schwarz

Neal Warren aka Greg or Gregory Hall forges Mark Charles de Rothschild
on Usenet.
Neal Warren is a fanatical Christian sexist and anti-semitist who
commits one crime after the other and who
should be incarcerated.

The Dark Bible Women's Inferior Status

Burn the daughter!
Cut off her hand!
Expose her breasts!
Female births get penalty
Female inferiority
God's OK on abortion
Jesus will kill children
Kill the witches!
Moses' mass murder
Rape my daughter
Raping and killing
Silence the woman!
Stone the woman
"Virgin" mistranslation
Virgin's worth
Wives, submit yourselves!
Women shall not speak
Women's sorrow
Rip up pregnant women
The wicked woman

And here the bible paragraphs, where you can find that disgusting


Dec 14, 2009, 11:28:24 PM12/14/09
On 2009-12-12 12:59:59 -0800, Barbara Schwarz
<> said:
> They conspire, cyberstalk, defame, libel, violate copyrights, abuse,
> harass, make false factual statements, etc. and all under the cover of
> Christianity.

are you implying that anonymous is a bunch of christians? I -for one-
am Buddhist and Anon (i guess i just name-fagged myself a little but
what the hell)

Maybe I just misunderstood



Dec 14, 2009, 11:29:28 PM12/14/09

oh *snap*

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