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Bunker in and let the world fall apart!

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 7, 2010, 2:52:15 PM11/7/10
On Nov 6, 6:41 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > Let me ask you, do you know of blacks in South Africa living in Gated
> > Communities?-
> Yes, there are some blacks living in the gated-community I'm at right
> now,
> also at some of the places I went too look at before I came here.

Exactly, just like my Wisdom of the Jungle told me:

Many blacks fought to be part of "the Club" or got corrupted along the

There's no racism in it, just ECONOMIC APARTHEID.

That's the name of a book and such apartheid is happening in America
and spreading to SA, Mexico, India, the Green Zone, and beyond.



His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 7, 2010, 3:41:13 PM11/7/10

On Nov 7, 11:32 am, Deidzoeb <> wrote:
> On Nov 6, 11:11 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
> of the Jungle" <> wrote:


> > That's the name of a book and such apartheid is happening in America
> > and spreading to SA, Mexico, India, the Green Zone, and beyond.

> I've been sort of a fan of "survivalism" books and ideas since I was
> little, mainly because of worries about nuclear war, The Road Warrior,
> playing Gamma World (a post-apocalypse game by the makers of D&D). But
> I got a nagging feeling as I got older and noticed how so many
> survivalist groups have conservative or dog-eat-dog "libertarian"
> political views. They act like they'll jump into a bunker with their
> immediate families, ride out the nukes or the tough times, then come
> back and form a community afterwards, maybe a better society somehow.
> Some don't worry about the community or later society at all,
> imagining a kind of cleared-out utopia where they can live by
> themselves, no contact with or interference from neighbors.
> These days I see some green anarchist groups or just environmentalist
> groups who worry about our government or system crumbling due to peak
> oil or capitalist fuckery or whatever, and they talk about preparing
> for it now, learning skills to become more self-sufficient, but also
> building community now. The whole idea of "buy local", locavores,
> concentrate on local business and local infrastructure, because
> outsourcing jobs and tech and everything to other countries or states
> or communities can be a way of starving your own community. There's
> this interesting crossover of environmentalist and survivalist ideas,
> because some of them talk about trying to build strong local
> communities that might weather tough times better.
> That seems to make more sense than the macho libertarian loner fantasy
> of "bunker-in and let the world fall apart". As a nice side effect,
> making your community stronger and more self-sufficient benefits
> everybody even if the fears are unfounded and the world doesn't fall
> apart.

Sometimes I like to think of my posting as "going fishing," and today
I think I really got a big one, luckily not a shark! ;)

Yep, I think exactly the same way. Actually I have a campaign going
called "BUY LOCALLY, BIKE LOCALLY" which can shorten the pace and
lighten the load of your local outings hunting for bargains.

I live in a working-class community that must have been nice many
years ago. Everything is within walking distance and it even got a
water fountain like in Europe.

Sadly, BICYCLING IS NOT POSSIBLE around here with any dignity as the
ones that do use sidewalks as a survival strategy against PREDATORY
DRIVERS, who are many and hungry for an easy meal. This puts some
pressure down the food chain and we pedestrians better watch out for
cyclists out of control. My bicycles --top of the line indeed-- are
stashed away, possibly rusting, waiting for better times. And better
times are coming indeed! Right this month --I hope they don't postpone
anymore-- 1000 bicycles are being put to service in a program similar
to Velib in Paris. If not bike facilities, I'd expect at least SAFETY
IN NUMBERS. You know, sardines are better off sticking together. ;)

The problem with the older communities --open communities or simply
COMMUNITIES-- is that they are weakened as the big fish move to the
Gated Community, which is not a community at all, but more like a
Feudal city.

There's a symbol to my community: THE HOMELESS ARE SITTING IN THE
WATER FOUNTAIN. If you fight it, the American Civil Liberties Union
will fight for the "rights" of the homeless, and if you turn to people
they'll dismiss you. The name of the game is MOVE UP IN THE FOOD
CHAIN. If you don't like it... MOVE TO A GATED COMMUNITY, which are
many around here.


Edward Dolan

Nov 7, 2010, 5:56:38 PM11/7/10
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.

He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.

TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.

But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 8, 2010, 9:39:15 AM11/8/10
(See, now I hit Ed and by the time he reacts the whole world knows
about it. They also know he's a clown without a good act)

On Nov 8, 1:53 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 10:56 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
> of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > On Nov 7, 3:30 pm, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 7, 5:14 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
> > > of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > > > On Nov 6, 4:46 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > > > > On Nov 6, 10:07 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > > > > > > SA must create multiple spaces, without Apartheid, without Gated
> > > > > > > Communities... with one priority in mind: SAFETY.
> > > > > > But who lives where ?
> > > > > Personally I think if different cultures live in
> > > > > differnet areas things will be much better
> > > > Don't believe it's not that way in America, where things are supposed
> > > > to have been fixed a long time ago. You still don't find blacks in
> > > > white areas, unless they are something like a personality.
> > > > In nature each species get to stick together. I do not believe though
> > > > that one species is better than the other. Now if you leave
> > > > voluntarily the South African project and start a white nation, what
> > > > do you do with your riches?
> > > How do you mean ? Rather than a white nation, say an Afrikaner
> > > nation.
> > > Well, I build infrastructure and ensure proper education, I make sure
> > > that there are plenty of symbols and structures to remind the nation
> > > of its identity, heritage, history and pride. Under a strong system of
> > > nationhood and hard work, building not demanding, there is room for
> > > social services (look at the Scandinavian countries) to uplift the
> > > nation.
> > Either they fix the jungle or you guys leave. Create your own
> > homeland.
> Willing to leave if there is no hope, don't know about Zuma
> but Thabo Mbeki gave the impression that he does not want
> skilled whites to leave. As for a homeland, most certainly,
> but the government would never grant us our own homeland.
> > But I'm all for union, but when it doesn't work, doesn't work. ;)
> Yah, I don't understand you guys, you have a (English?)
> heritage too, why not build on that whilst respecting
> other nations ?

Well, don't expect major changes in SAfrican politics so long as
American politics are not so much better. We are facing a Global
Jungle under the name of Globalization and few countries escape from

I have made noise at the local level and nobody says a word of
dissent. The sheep are happy with what they got. Only hope is to go
international and look for the weakest link in the chain.


The Wise TibetanMonkey is not at all like the Wise Tibetan Monks
praying for peace. The Tibetan Monkey goes into the Jungle with three

1- The Truth,

2- The Banana (WMD or weapon of mass distraction),

3- A Bag of Shit (to throw at the system and expose the lies).

But the main weapon is the inspiration from the REALITY of the jungle,
not mental masturbation like Jesus. The Spirits of the Jungle are with

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 8, 2010, 9:59:22 AM11/8/10
On Nov 8, 9:25 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 4:22 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits

> of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > On Nov 8, 9:02 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > > On Nov 8, 3:54 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits

> > > of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > > > On Nov 8, 1:58 am, Etienne Marais <> wrote:
> > > > > > I see. Now, do you know the guy I'm talking about? He's a trumpet
> > > > > > player or something.
> > > > > Afraid I don't know him.
> > > > I'm trying to find him, but see what I came across. The government is
> > > > afraid of Dalai Lama! Not very liberal government....
> > > > The South African government is under fire for denying a visa to the
> > > > Dalai Lama. The Tibetan spiritual leader was invited to the region for
> > > > a peace conference promoting the 2010 World Cup.
> > > >
> > > Yeah, I remember this. Why would the ANC deny
> > > a man from a country which is under threat from
> > > Communists a visa ? The answer is not that hard !
> > They would be even more afraid of the Wise TibetanMonkey and with a
> > reason! ;)
> > Let me tell you, I'd expect government officials to live in humble
> > ways (ie. no SUVs or large salaries). They are not even doing their
> > job and lying.
> > The ones that don't, would be exposed as "lions of the jungle" (notice
> > lie in li-on).- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> You are insulting lions :) Lions hunt for the pride and work together,
> the corrupt ANC work for themselves.

The ANC top elite is now the King of the Jungle. Everything that goes
bad in it goes back to them. If they grow too fat and try to secure
their "lion's share" they are suspect of being predatory.

Sorry my two favorite subjects are REVOLUTIONS BETRAYED (see Animal
Farm) and THE ENVIRONMENT. We need a revolution in the world but not
the wrong kind. We need humble people who don't drive SUVs and
surround themselves with the symbols of power. People who can do
honest mistakes, but not lie to get to power. The lie makes you a li-

I just replied this...

On Nov 8, 9:35 am, "Mike" <> wrote:
> That's nothing new, climate change has been happen in this world from day
> one. What color is the "rain" in your world?
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"<> wrote in message
> > On Nov 7, 3:57 pm, "Mike" <> wrote:
> >> What color is the sky in your world?
> > It's raining. And it will be more stormy as Climate Change sets in.

Sorry, I didn't know you considered MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE to be a
conspiracy. I also expected that you knew driving an Stupid
Unnecessary Vehicle creates a larger carbon footprint. It's kind of
common sense, but not everyone has it.


My fight is for the environment and endangered species in particular.
I wished I was doing something but I'm forced to sit at the keyboard
because it's a jungle out there. The simple act of RIDING A BICYCLE is
not possible. The HOMELESS occupy our best public places. What's a
monkey in the cage to do? Right, throw shit! ;)

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 8, 2010, 3:33:24 PM11/8/10

On Nov 8, 3:02 pm, Deidzoeb <> wrote:
> > The thing is to lay out the SOLUTIONS that even a monkey can follow...
> I read some kind of anarchist article suggesting that if we organize
> communities well enough and they thrive and become really successful,
> there would be no need to persuade other people or lobby to change the
> system or society or the govt, because people would want to copy those
> techniques and make their own communities successful and thriving.
> Awesome theory, but I'm afraid some people are so dumb they wouldn't
> notice, or so greedy they'd want to keep being capitalists.

The thing, my friend, is the capitalist lion doesn't want competition.
Too many of those tired of our communities breaking down would rather
live in a kibbutz or similar enterprise. One thing we can do is fund
and educate the people with Credit Union funds, which is people's
money anyway. Imagine that possibility for those surviving at the edge
in Mexico. Hey, but there would be no cheap labor for America!

Here's the lion...


Once upon a time, in the deep jungle, lived a Lion and a Monkey... One
day the Monkey, tired of the Lion taking the LION'S SHARE, and seeing
that such injustice represented a danger to all, demanded JUSTICE...
The Lion, yawning and stretching, said, "You would have to have paws
and sharp teeth..." Then the Monkey, who was very clever, devised a
plan: He would go to the costume store, and look like a lion...

When the HUNGRY LION saw him, noticing that the new lion wasn't a
match for him, and fearing COMPETITION, killed him on the spot --
before the indifferent look of the little animals of the jungle... And
that's how the Law of the Jungle was re-established one more time...
(NOTE: Other monkeys survived him...)

Edward Dolan

Nov 8, 2010, 8:05:15 PM11/8/10
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle"

> The thing, my friend, is the capitalist lion doesn't want competition.
> Too many of those tired of our communities breaking down would rather
> live in a kibbutz or similar enterprise. One thing we can do is fund
> and educate the people with Credit Union funds, which is people's
> money anyway. Imagine that possibility for those surviving at the edge
> in Mexico. Hey, but there would be no cheap labor for America!
> Here's the lion...
> Once upon a time, in the deep jungle, lived a Lion and a Monkey... One
> day the Monkey, tired of the Lion taking the LION'S SHARE, and seeing
> that such injustice represented a danger to all, demanded JUSTICE...
> The Lion, yawning and stretching, said, "You would have to have paws
> and sharp teeth..." Then the Monkey, who was very clever, devised a
> plan: He would go to the costume store, and look like a lion...
> When the HUNGRY LION saw him, noticing that the new lion wasn't a
> match for him, and fearing COMPETITION, killed him on the spot --
> before the indifferent look of the little animals of the jungle... And
> that's how the Law of the Jungle was re-established one more time...
> (NOTE: Other monkeys survived him...)

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits of the Jungle

Nov 9, 2010, 10:20:29 AM11/9/10
(This is an overall exposition of my ideas, aka Wisdom of the Jungle.
It's not my style to be long, but challenges such as these deserve
proper attention. Perhaps someday school children will be avidly
reading stories of the jungle such as these. I don't think even Dalai
Lama can be this deep --or free)

On Nov 8, 4:44 pm, Deidzoeb <> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 3:29 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits

> of the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > On Nov 8, 3:02 pm, Deidzoeb <> wrote:
> > > > The thing is to lay out the SOLUTIONS that even a monkey can follow...
> > > I read some kind of anarchist article suggesting that if we organize
> > > communities well enough and they thrive and become really successful,
> > > there would be no need to persuade other people or lobby to change the
> > > system or society or the govt, because people would want to copy those
> > > techniques and make their own communities successful and thriving.
> > > Awesome theory, but I'm afraid some people are so dumb they wouldn't
> > > notice, or so greedy they'd want to keep being capitalists.
> > The thing, my friend, is the capitalist lion doesn't want competition.
> > Too many of those tired of our communities breaking down would rather
> > live in a kibbutz or similar enterprise.

> Chomsky sometimes mentions kibbutzes as examples of anarchist
> communities that have been successful, although he has said the modern
> ones in Israel have turned right-wing, if I remember correctly. I
> don't know much about them.

They are also places where people move for SAFETY. The lion can't
provide us safety, we must look for ourselves. I'm sure there's no
place for the homeless either. I really don't understand how these
rich capitalist societies can't deal with their own homeless and then
dump the problem to charity. This charity then is tended by the
churches where they manage the food, and WHOEVER CONTROLS THE FOOD,

(yet another story)


One day all the little animals went up to the King of the Jungle and
complained about their poverty, and in particular about the fact that
every time, during the dry season, they had to travel long distances
to drink the precious fluid, and demanded a WATER WELL be built for
them... They cited how the resources that they contributed to the
kingdom were wasted in WARS and EXTRAVAGANT PROJECTS to the tastes of
the King... He, however, replied with all kinds of excuses: the lack
of resources, that it wasn't a matter of him not wanting it, but that
it was a matter of "priorities" --which was one of his favorite

Meanwhile, an Owl --who had very good eyes-- had been observing life
in the jungle, and thought this way: "Every time there's a dry season
the little animals must come to the little dirty waterhole where the
Lion waits for them... Had they been well fed and strong, he would
have had to run after them and even risk resistance. And, more
importantly, the little animals are forced to fight the Lion's wars as
the quick way out of poverty..."

And that's how the Owl landed an important --and well paid-- post in
the brand new Astronomy Department created by the King of the Jungle --
to the effect of exploring life in other planets...

> > One thing we can do is fund
> > and educate the people with Credit Union funds, which is people's
> > money anyway. Imagine that possibility for those surviving at the edge
> > in Mexico. Hey, but there would be no cheap labor for America!

> The secret is that we could easily afford products made with expensive
> American labor, and afford to feed, clothe, shelter and educate
> everyone in the world through high school and up to college if we
> chose to spend money on that instead of wars and fantasy missile
> defense systems.

All these issues are as complex as the jungle, so my model helps in
understanding the complexity and inter connectivity of the problem.

Yes, stopping that waste of the lion will help provide water for all.
Notice I'm not for multiplying the aid to Africa. They must grow their
own rice and beans, which they can. We can help them with technologies
and know-how though.

> I don't know what the solution is to helping everyone around the world
> have good standards of living, because if we try to keep manufacturing
> jobs in America, are we taking jobs away from Mexico and China and
> elsewhere? I don't think jobs are necessarily the solution anyway,
> because that might be helping capitalists make more for themselves,
> not necessarily helping workers get what they deserve.

Buying a big SUV certainly doesn't help anyone and I'm yet to see
American workers refuse to make them. So let the SUVs go the way of
the dinosaurs along with anyone behind them. I often see towns
dependent on the military industry fight for their jobs. Hey, let them
eat peanuts. :)

> Like I see these bumper stickers: "Out of work yet? Keep buying
> foreign."
> Okay, I'm glad they acknowledge that the free market is full of fail
> and they need subsidies to keep businesses afloat. (Choosing to buy
> American is like a subsidy, because you're sacrificing some extra
> money to pay for a product you could get cheaper from somewhere else.)
> Although they wouldn't admit it's a subsidy.

You must make a conscious choice as to what lion to feed. Cheaper
prices make you forget you are feeding communism but it's still real.

> But let's say I spend an extra couple thousand dollars to buy a Ford
> that gets lower gas mileage and maybe isn't as reliable as a Toyota.
> That would be subsidizing some American workers at Ford, but it's also
> subsidizing American capitalists, people who are going to profit from
> Ford but who don't do any work to deserve it. Why do I need to
> subsidize those parasites? If I was going to subsidize American jobs,
> how about a company that was owned and managed by the workers who
> deserve it.

That's choosing NOT to feed any lion. There was a bicycle manufacturer
from Oregon producing recumbents, but I think the competition from
Taiwan made them quit. I'm not against competition from Taiwan where
they have a better healthcare system than America. They also produce
very good scooters, something we could be using more. (Not sure of
their carbon footprint though.)
> I don't know how to boil this idea down to fit on a bumper sticker
> response though. "Still buying American? How's that working out for
> ya? Have they been loyal and kept you working even in hard times? Are
> you supporting the workers or the rich people who can afford to invest
> in Ford?"

And you are feeding Climate Change as well.

> Ugh.

> > Here's the lion...
> > Once upon a time, in the deep jungle, lived a Lion and a Monkey... One
> > day the Monkey, tired of the Lion taking the LION'S SHARE, and seeing
> > that such injustice represented a danger to all, demanded JUSTICE...
> > The Lion, yawning and stretching, said, "You would have to have paws
> > and sharp teeth..." Then the Monkey, who was very clever, devised a
> > plan: He would go to the costume store, and look like a lion...
> > When the HUNGRY LION saw him, noticing that the new lion wasn't a
> > match for him, and fearing COMPETITION, killed him on the spot --
> > before the indifferent look of the little animals of the jungle... And
> > that's how the Law of the Jungle was re-established one more time...
> > (NOTE: Other monkeys survived him...)

> Yeah, I don't know how we declaw the lions. And violent revolution
> would probably just replace the old lions with some new lions (given
> that the people who could best carry out violent revolutions are lion-
> ish).

We must pacify the beast and give him a banana, a symbol of peace in
the jungle. ;)

> Dude, have you read any stories by Subcomandante Marcos? He writes
> little parables about cockroaches and stuff, they're pretty cute and
> manage to get across political ideas. Sounds right up your alley. Or
> maybe that's where you read some of this?

These jungle stories are mine and have led to this funny character of
Wise TibetanMonkey. Well, even Buddha is being questioned. They gave
me a tough choice: "Do you want to be a Monk and live without sex?"
And I said, "No way, I'd rather be a Monkey!"

Anyway, I haven't read SubComandante Marcos --I'm ComandanteBanana--
but have read this Mexican writer, whose most famous story I

The story reads, in its entirety:

Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí.
("When [s]he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.")


Don't you wished this DINOSAUR went away? ;)

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