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All about mere nuclear radiation... and nuclear *source particle contamination. 100,000 times worse

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phil scott

Mar 14, 2011, 6:11:24 PM3/14/11
For instance in an X-ray machine.. you get a dose of radiation, that
does some damage at that instant..

but then its gone.... it does minor and cumulative damage, a risk we
accept because of what we can learn using x rays.

So that is *radiation* we are constantly bombarded, part of the
electro magnietic spectrum, like light and radio waves....from the
cosmos and the sun etc.. and from naturally occuring sources in the
earth. it is harmful, but unavoidable.

If however you take the X ray machine apart and remove its little ball
of glowing lime green Cesium.. the highly radioactive **source** of
the x rays..... and swallow it. You will be deader than hell in half
a day.

Yet if it were ground up into dust, and swallwed ... and you are
checked with a geiger counter,, for what emits from your body... you
will not be much higher than the normal background.!

That is how govt checks for radiation in radioactive *source*
contaminated people... declaring them 'just fine' "radiation levels
not much higher than the background'

Its fraud.

Its done to protect this incredible tool of war and viable nuclear
energy from public panic and for less honorable reasons. Considred
a little white lie at first, .... but really its a huge black lie.

To get dlear on my motives,

I am a supporter or nuclear power plants... and as bad this coming
series of completely nasty melt downs is going to be in Japan... and
the thousands that will die in the following years, the damage is
absolutely minor compared to say .... ummm cigarette smoking for

Yet there is this lie...the people need to be aware.

Even many scientists if not most scientists are not aware of this
difference between merely 'shinned on' from a radio active source or
the sun... and having ingested the radio active source itself.

From there these issues parse into a range.... from great *benefits
by ingesting or injecting radio actives... to serious liabilities.

First the benefits, you can look this up on google. tests done in
1945... a group of terminal cancer patients, all on schedule to die
within months were the subjects.

These were injected with radioactive source material in solution
(atomic particle sizes)... well guess what.

out of the 45, two (2) died on schedule, 25 or so werer *cured of
their cancers... and a few more lived on for a number of years!

Why thats the case is interesting... and a longer story.

for now suffice it say that in solution (disolved in water in this
case) the plutonium distributed widely in the body, so that no single
ion emitted enough radiation to do any damage, but the toxicity of the
material stimulated the bodies immune system.. so most of the cancer
patients recovered.

The cases where damages occur are across a broad spectrum from curable
to fatal ..

.....or damaging the human genetics into future generations.

One of those mid range damages occurs when radioactive *dust is
ingested, or breathed,,,

... as you can see with various dust experiments on the surface of
water or wet mucous membranes ....some will *clump together,, now you
have clumps of a few million radioactive sources inside your lung for
instance,, radiating just a few cells....causing cander.

Where do we see that form of source radiation damage?

In war when depeated uranium is used... and in melted down nuclear
plant debris thrown into the atmosphere.. actual radioactive source
particles .... that are later ingested...

Where it is prone to clumping together (aglomerating) you see a higher
mortality rate than in cases where not enough was ingested to form

So there is abroad span of damages, there as well.... most 'minor'.
The closer to ground zero the more damaging

In the late 1940's and early 1950's the US govt tested these issues by
releasing plutonium oxide by the ton from its stacks at the Hanford
Nuclear weapons site in eastern washington state, with the plume
blowng into northern nevada so they could track any cancer rate
increase in that population (where I was a kiddie at the time)..
(that was exposed on 60 minutes a years ago).

that of course was criminal level experimentation. (I blew the
whistle while consulting on that site for similar reasons in 1994)


Getting back to this mess in Japan, a hundred tons of high level
radioactive particles (the radiation itself harmless more or less,
unless you get 'shined' on directly and in quantity'...

the tons of mass of the radioactive *sources themselves though, ..
released, and breathed in by people, animals and plants world wide
causes most of the damage, concentrating in some of what we and
aninmals eat....... it IS bad, but not to the level one would expect
in all cases.

In dust form its the worst, since dust aglomerates and forms high
point load radiation on indivicual cells in the lungs.

Other forms, that do not aglomerate... such as radioactive Idodine and
many others are filtered or attracted by various of our organs, and
that load if its high enough can destroy those or cause them to go

Putting this into perspective... the worlds coal burning plants put
out several hundred thousand of tons of *high level radioative *source
particles every year

... and yes... that and other radiation *sources such as from
depleated uranium in war zones...drives up the cancer rates world

Can we eliminate all risks to living on the planet? Not hardly...

we could choose to live like cave men though, that would reduce the
cancer rates.. we might live hundreds of years without such

I just don't think we need to be spun and lied to about risks and
benefits of living in an energized world.

Phil scott

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