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She wants to "spend, spend, spend...")

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Feb 14, 2024, 6:59:31 PM2/14/24
I can only assume this so-called adult's parents weren't much better than she.

Or else they didn't really TEACH her anything about saving...

And, as some pointed out, anyone will save a LOT by not eating out - IF you have the half a brain that it takes to shop the sales at the Right Stores.

There are 1,700 comments.

"This 20-year-old model wants to ‘spend, spend, spend,’ believes groceries are a ‘scam’ and maxed out credit cards at 30.49% interest for a beauty pageant. Caleb Hammer responds"

Beaver Fever

Feb 15, 2024, 2:18:35 PM2/15/24
She needs a sugar daddy. But modeling (and acting, being a musician, any sort of creative arts) is expensive and if it doesn't pay the bills it's just a hobby. This was part of my roommate's downfall, he was California to the core and just couldn't see himself doing anything for a living not within the entertainment industry.


Feb 15, 2024, 5:13:29 PM2/15/24
On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 2:18:35 PM UTC-5, Beaver Fever wrote:

> She needs a sugar daddy. But modeling (and acting, being a musician, any sort of creative arts) is expensive and if it doesn't pay the bills it's just a hobby. This was part of my roommate's downfall, he was California to the core and just couldn't see himself doing anything for a living not within the entertainment industry.

So what did he end up doing instead - besides becoming homeless, maybe?

Btw, the trouble with "sugar daddies," I suspect, is that they tend to lose interest in any particular young person after a short while.

Beaver Fever

Feb 16, 2024, 4:50:23 PM2/16/24
Then you keep trading in like they do. Between 20 and 29 is still young and you can lie about your age if you keep your looks into your 30's. LOTS of people in the entertainment industry turn tricks on the way up, or out.

He helped someone get the hoarder house in order. It's a 40 year plus bachelor pad that he is couching on and doing occasional maintenence like on rainy days while I "foster" his cat. Original last ditch plan was to go back to his home state somewhere in the midwest and mooch off family members.
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