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My wisdom about consumption

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TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

Jan 30, 2010, 12:12:53 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 11:25 am, default <> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 21:06:32 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey
> showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle
> <> wrote:
> >See, no wonder we see the world in a similar way: I also do kayaking.
> >I motorcycle too, but not now.
> Try some "kiteyaking?" Great fun. Needs a fairly large body of water
> unimpeded by trees along a mile or more of water. I live on the coast
> so have wide rivers, the ocean, waterway, as well as creeks and lakes
> to choose from. You can only go downwind with a kite, but can steer
> about plus or minus 45 degrees of downwind. Steer by adding drag to
> one side or the other. Takes skill to launch a kite from a yak, but
> its worth learning. I run three kites - tiny parafoil, large sled,
> and larger sled depending on the amount of wind. To launch I raft
> from a buoy or trail a drogue in the water to slow the boat. Large
> sled in high wind is exciting and not without danger.

This wind sailing would change the course of the revolution. The
revolution must be able to go downwind and upwind, and that takes an
experienced sailor like you, and you don't want to be part of the
revolution. Anyway here's the kayaker in me:

I've got kayaks and canoes and have the stabilizer for the canoe that
can be adapted to a sail. I think we will do it sometime. I also have
the solution for sailing upwind --and this may serve as a metaphor for
the revolution-- wich is an electric trolling motor.

We also go to islands and stay there. It's another world.
> >The reason we see the world this way is because we are at the bottom
> >of the food chain, and every idiot out there puts stress on us. The
> >stupid drivers on the cell phone threaten us and so the motorboats.
> >Ending the law of the jungle on the road and sea would be particularly
> >beneficial to us. I've seen several motorcycle accidents lately that
> >make me hesitate as much as bicycling.
> Well, being at the bottom of the food chain is a matter of some choice
> for me. I never bought into the crap my parents and the nuns fed me.
> Bummed around the country on a MC for ~15 years working odd jobs. Did
> settle a few times and had a 26 foot cruising sail boat for 15 years.
> I'm more sedentary now - and found a woman who's great for me and
> doesn't try to change me.
> Had I bought into the whole concept of the classic, consumer oriented,
> "american dream," I'm sure I would be pretty well off by now. I
> caught on to the hypocrisy of it all (government religion consumption
> waste etc.) much earlier than most is all.
> I've no doubt you are no less able to "make it," in hypocritical
> society. You also made some choices along the way. It is easy enough
> and comfortable enough to be a "safe and secure" mindless drone.
> Most people don't get the concept that "possessions," possess them.
> They work to preserve what they own and worry about losing it. Always
> living at the cusp of bankruptcy just in order to have what they were
> told they should want, or wealthy and don't see how immoral they have
> become.
> --

I have no "possessions" but lots of gadgets like bicycles and kayaks,
which is not exactly like Gandhi, but it's good for a monkey that
loves toys. I think we can indulge in certain pleasures --like
sailboats or kayaks-- while staying away from the filthy ways --like
SUVs and motorboats.

The Tibetan Monkey way is the middle way.



"The middle way is between the right and the left path," says the wise
Tibetan Monkey

Jan 30, 2010, 12:25:59 PM1/30/10
<> wrote:

>I have no "possessions" but lots of gadgets like bicycles and kayaks,


but you have NO possessions? Not a bed to sleep on?
Tables, chairs? Please explain


Jan 30, 2010, 2:21:16 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 12:25 pm, wrote:
> TheTibetanMonkey
> showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

> <> wrote:
> >I have no "possessions" but lots of gadgets like bicycles and kayaks,
> agree
> but you have NO possessions? Not a bed to sleep on?
> Tables, chairs? Please explain

I have all I need to live. My mattress though is on the floor...
Japanese style. ;)

No big wasteful house, no SUV, no motorboat, no desire to have them.

I don't interpret though John Lennon's song as having no tables or

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


Jan 30, 2010, 2:44:51 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 2:22 pm, default <> wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 09:04:57 -0800 (PST), TheTibetanMonkey

> <> wrote:
> >I have no "possessions" but lots of gadgets like bicycles and kayaks,
> >which is not exactly like Gandhi, but it's good for a monkey that
> >loves toys. I think we can indulge in certain pleasures --like
> >sailboats or kayaks-- while staying away from the filthy ways --like
> >SUVs and motorboats.
> >The Tibetan Monkey way is the middle way.
> The problem is, the "middle way" is still not tenable for
> sustainability.
> There's huge numbers of people that are far below the middle -
> compared to what you are calling the middle. If they are to enjoy the
> same standard of living that you do (your middle) - you have to
> relinquish your toys. Implicit in the concept of the developing
> nations achieving parity with the developed nations, is the idea that
> we will lose more than they can ever hope to gain.
> The Abrahamic religions will never understand that. They can't, its
> written into "their charter." go forth and multiply
> The incredible stupidity of religion;
> 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature
> after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth
> after his kind: and it was so.
> 25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle
> after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after
> his kind: and God saw that it was good.
> The clincher:
> 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, 1 Cor. 11.7
> after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the
> sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
> the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
> So you see - the planet and every thing on it is for man's amusement
> and to be used and discarded as man see's fit. God says so.
> All a matter of balance. The earth is finite; human greed,
> stupidity, short sightedness, and ambition are not. Live well and die
> young.
> --

"If you die young you'll never reach wisdom," I say.

We can't live like we do, we can't live like Gandhi did, for all
wisdom. My model of the jungle, allows for different species to live
in different ways, so long as there's a minimum safety net, like
healthcare, roof and food. Then the rest is for the individual to
reach. What you fancy, shoes? Hey, go for it! It won't be completely
sustainable, but it will be absolutely worth living and very much in
line with human nature.

How many kayaks you got? Don't you wish for a newer motorcycle? How
about the sailboat that you had? A lot of labor went into it, and yet
it's entirely sustainable!

Yes, we can go sailing with my middle way. ;)


Jan 30, 2010, 4:13:36 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 2:44 pm, TheTibetanMonkey <>

You must grow your own pot too as you sure are on something.
I've been poor and I've been rich. Being in between seems about right.


Jan 30, 2010, 4:22:24 PM1/30/10
(As you may see this is NOT a popular topic in Miami, land of the SUV
and motorboats, but someday they must start changing, right?)

rk wrote:
"Commandante, Your new series of posts have me confused again. Maybe
you should not assume the reader knows a lot. Just what or who is the
Tibetan Monkey? If you don’t have a house, where are you living? And
what does this have to do with Miami?"


Well, I do live in an apartment, not a big house. And this apartment
is located in Miami, and the Tibetan Monkey is teaching a frugal way
to live.

I know it sounds crazy to preach frugality in Miami, so I post these
teaching for the world and send you a copy. It’s not really important
other than in Miami I’m forced to drive everywhere and that’s not very
clean. It’s not filthy like an SUV, but I still could do better with a

But really, all you got to do is ignore my posts.


Jan 30, 2010, 4:23:40 PM1/30/10
> I've been poor and I've been rich. Being in between seems about right.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Banana peels, brother, for austerity and safety. I won't smoke again
until it is totally legal.

Jan 30, 2010, 4:59:43 PM1/30/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:

>No big wasteful house, no SUV, no motorboat, no desire to have them.

you live in an RV?


Jan 30, 2010, 5:43:17 PM1/30/10
On Jan 30, 4:59 pm, wrote:

> TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:
> >No big wasteful house, no SUV, no motorboat, no desire to have them.
> you live in an RV?

Apartment. I just wished to live in a house boat with my kayaks. I say
like Hemingway, "The sea is the ultimate freedom."

I'd give my bikes I guess, but one.

Jan 30, 2010, 7:42:59 PM1/30/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:

>Apartment. I just wished to live in a house boat with my kayaks. I say
>like Hemingway, "The sea is the ultimate freedom."
>I'd give my bikes I guess, but one.

I am a big bicycle rider as well....and like you
invest my money in camping equip and bikes and
adventure equip RATHER than 55" HDTV's.

I have little in terms of traditional "stuff" but am
happier than my friends who work 100 hr work weeks to
keep their SUV and big boats

I have considered an RV to live in...and could do it
space wise


Jan 31, 2010, 7:29:27 PM1/31/10
On Jan 30, 7:42 pm, wrote:

I was tempted into such a TV but went the way of a 17" laptop that
lets me see Netflix without the status symbol. I can pretty much enjoy
the "big screen" by placing it real close to my eyes and I can choose
my own reality.

Jan 31, 2010, 7:39:58 PM1/31/10
TheTibetanMonkey <> wrote:

>I was tempted into such a TV but went the way of a 17" laptop that
>lets me see Netflix without the status symbol. I can pretty much enjoy
>the "big screen" by placing it real close to my eyes and I can choose
>my own reality.


Have thought abt the BIG laptop as a TV but maybe an
all in one PC might be better yet as a "TV"?

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