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Re: Grand Theft Bailout....

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Sep 28, 2008, 5:40:11 AM9/28/08
On Sep 27, 10:08 am, Skeptik <skep...@stop.scams> wrote:
> Bail Out the American People, Not Wall Street!
> An Economic Recovery Strategy for Protectionists, Dirigists,
> Mercantilists, and Populists
> September 24, 2008
> by Webster G. Tarpley
> Washington, DC, September 23, 2008 -The grand theft bailout now being
> rammed through Congress by Treasury Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve
> Chairman Bernanke, and other officials of the Bush regime with the
> help of accomplices Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and other
> parliamentarians is a monstrosity for the ages, combining every
> hideous feature of monetarism, elitism, oligarchism, and sheer
> feckless incompetence. It is to all intents and purposes a national
> suicide note of the United States of America , a contract with the
> devil that absolutely guarantees irrevocable national decline. For any
> person of goodwill there can be only one impulse at the present
> moment, and that is to stop this bailout - to block it, to sabotage
> it, to bottle it up, to load it with killer amendments, and to do
> everything legally possible to stop this insane design from going
> through.
> In political terms, McCain is now running well to the left of Obama on
> this issue, with a much stronger populist profile. McCain has attacked
> the outrageous greed and corruption of Wall Street. Obama does not
> dare attack Wall Street, since these are his masters. Obama, sounding
> like Milton Friedman, only attacks Washington . Obama has said that he
> will support whatever Paulson demands. That is not a surprise, since
> Paulson represents Goldman Sachs, and Obama is a wholly owned property
> of Goldman Sachs, which is his single biggest source of campaign
> contributions. Obama is a creature of Brzezinski, Soros, and
> Rockefeller, and without them he has no existence; Obama is an abject
> Wall Street puppet, an agent of finance capital. This week, both
> senators will have to decide how they vote on the odious derivatives
> bailout. Obama will surely vote in favor of it, since this is what
> Wall Street demands. If McCain votes against it, he will most probably
> propel himself into the White House on the model of Give `Em Hell
> Harry in 1948. Filthy corrupt Democrats like Schumer are already
> attacking McCain as the new Huey Long. Huey Long, the Louisiana
> populist of the 1930s, had many positive features, and we could
> certainly use a good dose of Huey Long in this country to counteract
> the elitism, oligarchism, condescension, and arrogant snobbery of
> foundation operatives like Obama. The bailout is already very
> unpopular - 72% of all voters are opposed to it - and it will become
> more and more hated when it becomes clear that it is also a failure.
> McCain's course is clear. Will he have the brains and guts to cross
> Obama's T on this vital issue?
> Paulson is a ruthless and brutal eco-freak usurer who learned his
> trade at the Goldman Sachs stock-jobbing operation. He is now the
> leading member of the committee of public safety which rules in
> Washington, and which includes Gates, Rice, and Mullen. He now demands
> the astronomical sum of 700 billion dollars for the bailout of
> mortgage-backed derivatives, collateralized debt obligations, credit
> default swaps, and other poisonous derivatives. Make no mistake - this
> is not a bailout of homeowners who are threatened with foreclosure; it
> is a bailout of the lunatic house of cards which desperate bankers
> have built on these mortgages using derivatives. The entire crisis is
> not a crisis of subprime mortgages, it is a crisis of the derivatives
> bubble which was launched by Wendy Gramm of the Commodities Futures
> Trading Commission and Greenspan of the Fed with the connivance of
> Robert Rubin of Goldman Sachs and Citibank, and others in the Clinton
> administration, some 15 years ago. These derivatives now amount to a
> total worldwide notional value that can be estimated between 1
> quadrillion and two quadrillion US dollars. This sum is so large that
> it dwarfs the total value of the entire planet earth and all those who
> live here. Compared to the cancerous, bloated, and fictitious mass of
> derivatives which is at the root of this crisis, the $700 billion
> demanded by politicians, large as this may seem, is nothing but a drop
> in the bucket. And a drop in the bailout bucket is what it will be.
> The mass of world derivatives between $1 and $2 quadrillion represents
> an insatiable black hole which is capable of putting an end, not just
> to civilization, but the human life itself. The moral choice could not
> be clearer: humanity will either destroy the derivatives bubble in our
> time, or the derivatives bubble will surely destroy humanity. Those
> are the stakes in the current exercise.
> Paulson and Bernanke, both lawyers for the Wall Street jackals,
> lampreys, vultures and hyenas, argue that the public interest demands
> a bailout of their cronies at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J.P.
> Morgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Wachovia, and the other large
> money center institutions. Before the American public antes up $700
> billion just for openers in the game of genocidal poker which run by
> the infernal croupiers Paulson and Bernanke, we would be very well
> advised to examine the veracity of this premise.
> Article continued

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