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Surprise: North Korea is part of the Kyoto Protocol!

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TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 24, 2010, 5:24:34 PM4/24/10
This would seem almost like a trivia fact. Who could have said that
the Devil himself is part of the Kyoto Protocol. What an evil thing to
do, even signed by the Supreme People's Assembly (the equivalent of
Congress here)...

SEOUL, Nov. 20 (Yonhap) -- North Korea has joined an international
treaty aimed at curbing emissions of greenhouse gases, a South Korean
government official said. The official said on Saturday, on condition
of anonymity, that the North, which had acceded to the Kyoto Protocol
on global warming on April 27, appears to be stepping up efforts to
conform with the pact. North Korea has had the Supreme People's
Assembly, its parliament, ratify the pact and is expected to send its
delegation to a United Nations...


Do you think they go around in SUVs or bicycles there? We may never



"The reputation of the Devil is earned by dubious means"

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 24, 2010, 11:03:55 PM4/24/10
On Apr 24, 3:05 pm, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit" <>
> wrote in

> > This would seem almost like a trivia fact. Who could have said that
> > the Devil himself is part of the Kyoto Protocol. What an evil thing to
> > do, even signed by the Supreme People's Assembly (the equivalent of
> > Congress here)...
> > SEOUL, Nov. 20 (Yonhap) -- North Korea has joined an international
> > treaty aimed at curbing emissions of greenhouse gases, a South Korean
> > government official said. The official said on Saturday, on condition
> > of anonymity, that the North, which had acceded to the Kyoto Protocol
> > on global warming on April 27, appears to be stepping up efforts to
> > conform with the pact. North Korea has had the Supreme People's
> > Assembly, its parliament, ratify the pact and is expected to send its
> > delegation to a United Nations...
> > ***
> > Do you think they go around in SUVs or bicycles there? We may never
> > know.
> They promised to minimize the release of kimchee fumes into the atmosphere.

Listen brother, they have too few calories, and we have too much.

Solution? Ride a bike!

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 25, 2010, 11:06:08 AM4/25/10
Since we are talking about trivia facts --which may not be trivial
after all-- America is not member either of the International Court,
which is largely financed by countries like Japan...

"The maximum amount a single country can pay in any year is limited to
22% of the court's budget; Japan paid this amount in 2008."

In other words the USA is only member of the organizations for which
it finds any use, but not those which may impose have any obligations
on itself.

(I quote)

Some argue that the protections offered by the ICC are insufficient.
According to one conservative think-tank, the Heritage Foundation,
“Americans who appear before the court would be denied such basic
constitutional rights as trial by a jury of one's peers, protection
from double jeopardy, and the right to confront one's accusers.”

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 28, 2010, 12:32:55 PM4/28/10
On Apr 28, 8:39 am, The Greenwood is Magic <>

> On Apr 28, 3:56 pm, "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"

> > I call it the money jungle.

> ...a jungle made with seriously evil intent by ritual abuse, an intent
> which also, by the way, makes these skitzed out western wankers that
> are heading towards self destruction due to their (programmed) lack of
> awareness/respect for the living Mother Earth. Thats being a bit
> harsh. Even western science now has proved beyond all reasonable doubt
> that it is a dangerous physcopath towards the planet earth:


> Have respect or die sucker ;)

The jungle (fear, hierarchy) is created by the hungry predators for
the unaware monkeys (aka the sheep) to fall in the trap.

Buying an SUV (basically a "jungle vehicle") is such a way to feed the
predators (corporations that make such behemoths) in order to be king
of the road.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 28, 2010, 12:50:30 PM4/28/10
On Apr 28, 8:45 am, The Greenwood is Magic <>
> On Apr 28, 10:43 am, Yap <> wrote:

> > Karma, god, hell, heaven, are all just terms fabricated by human
> > brains.
> > They all don't exist.
> a sense they are human inventions...or at least the human mind
> alters the dream/mind/mechanism. All these concepts and magical
> traditions (real religion is about the occult/religion/magic) are
> true. There is not one religious truth. In a sense they don't exist
> because all is illusion ultimately perhaps - but you don't mean it
> that way, where you're coming from is from a materialistic anti occult/
> anti magic cult that must sustain (win)...ego perhaps..the
> materialsistic 'western' skitz must sustain (continue to exist)! Well
> now look here sucker. You fucking fail. Have respect for the living
> Mother Earth or die:

Hey Magic, we seem to be on the same side of the issue, and yet we
interpret it differently.

What's dooming the West is NOT the rational mind of the scientists,
but the reckless abandon of those who ignore the warnings of science
and keep driving an SUV in "automatic pilot." Eastern philosophies are
more spiritual in that sense, but don't have the power to stop Western
materialism (see China & India).

Now, who are those who ignore scientists if not the Christian sheep? I
just want to meet a man who believes in science that denies what
science is projecting into the future. I haven't met many.

The both get my...

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 28, 2010, 2:05:45 PM4/28/10
On Apr 28, 10:07 am, Xan Du <> wrote:

> On 4/28/2010 12:48 PM, TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit wrote:

> > What's dooming the West is NOT the rational mind of the scientists,
> > but the reckless abandon of those who ignore the warnings of science
> > and keep driving an SUV in "automatic pilot." Eastern philosophies are
> > more spiritual in that sense, but don't have the power to stop Western
> > materialism (see China& India).

> I don't have much faith in China or India being any friendlier to the
> environment than the West. China is gearing up to produce automobiles
> for the export market, borrowing heavily from Japanese production and
> design techniques. The Economist expects Chinese automobile factories
> to be as state of the art as the product they eventually produce, and
> therefore quite competitive. The US will of course slap heavy tariffs
> on them to keep the UAW campaign dollars flowing into their election
> coffers.
> I'm too lazy to find the Economist article, but here's a recent blurb on
> the Chinese auto industry:
> Now, to its credit, the Chinese have been making noises about becoming
> more "green" in their own domestic energy production, but I suspect that
> this is more political than practical -- BP and ExxonMobil have been
> hyping their renewable energy research for years, but have made very
> little progress in my estimation. The simple fact is, fossil fuels are
> too cheap and too readily available at the moment to make it
> economically viable for emerging economies like China, or struggling 1st
> World economies like the US, to abandon any time in the near future.
> This is why Kyoto is moribund, and why the Copenhagen AGW summit
> accomplished all but nothing. My opinion is that climate engineering is
> going to be the most overall cost-effective means to combat climate
> change. It has a strong backing by some climate scientists, but is
> politically very unpopular on the left -- unrealistically so, I might add.
> IMHO, that is. I am still learning.

> > Now, who are those who ignore scientists if not the Christian sheep? I
> > just want to meet a man who believes in science that denies what
> > science is projecting into the future. I haven't met many.
> > The both get my...
> >

> Excellent find sir, excellent. If God exists, may he bless the
> TibetanMonkey!!!!
> -Xan

Well, this question of climate engineering got the monkey curious and
here's some article on the subject...

My wise opinion? I believe before it comes to that we should start
with the common sense approach: bicycles, public transportation,
bullet trains... I believe in science, but science fiction is beyond
my simian brain.

You mention China & India, but Japan didn't go that way. I think the
Japanese are smarter, except for making SUVs for America. My sources
tell me cyclists ride on sidewalks though, and that's very
uncivilized. But their approach to public transportation is first
class. I don't think they want to be B-I-G like America.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 28, 2010, 5:44:52 PM4/28/10
On Apr 28, 1:10 pm, "Xan Du" <> wrote:
> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit" <>

> >I believe in science, but science fiction is beyond
> >my simian brain.

> You read a bad article. The links I gave you are far more grounded.

> >You mention China & India, but Japan didn't go that way. I think the
> >Japanese are smarter, except for making SUVs for America. My sources
> >tell me cyclists ride on sidewalks though, and that's very
> >uncivilized. But their approach to public transportation is first
> >class. I don't think they want to be B-I-G like America.

> I do give credit to the Japanese for being very smart about quite a number of
> things ... the '90s economic meltdown there notwithstanding. Hopefully they've
> learned their lessons on that score.
> Here are 2005 C02 emissions in tonnes/person:
> US 23.5
> UK 10.6
> Japan 10.5
> Here are 2005 net food imports in millions of USD:
> US 7,424
> UK 11,069
> Japan 13,911
> On a per capita basis, Japan has 4 times higher net agricultural imports than
> the US. The UK has 8 times higher net agricultural imports than the US.
> In the US, agriculture accounts for about 9% of our greenhouse gas emissions. I
> can't find the numbers for UK or Japan, but I haven't looked very hard either.
> But maybe you can see where I'm going with my math here.
> -Xan

Oh brother, these debates are leading to some serious stuff. I hope
all the world leaders are following us... ;)

Anyway, I should start with this issue, whether we believe or not: We
are going to have to do like Jesus and ride a donkey or something...
Actually we can make the campaign sound catchy such as: GET ON YOUR

As you say, our roads are SAVAGE & INTIMIDATING, but if we provide a
safe area for bikes many people will actually get on their ass and do

This is PLAN A (PREVENTION) and then PLAN B (HIGH TECH) comes when we
have the money to make those technologies feasible. Bush spoke those
alternative vehicles that never seem to come. "Pie in the sky" like

Putting America on a diet and being frugal like Japan & Germany is
feasible, though not likely.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 28, 2010, 6:03:41 PM4/28/10
On Apr 28, 12:20 pm, "JoeSpareBedroom" <>
> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit" <>

> > You mention China & India, but Japan didn't go that way. I think the

> > Japanese are smarter, except for making SUVs for America. My sources
> > tell me cyclists ride on sidewalks though, and that's very
> > uncivilized. But their approach to public transportation is first
> > class. I don't think they want to be B-I-G like America.

> I love my bicycle, but the only way they'll ever become a major player in
> the transportation game is:
> A) Make bike lanes which cannot be entered by cars unless the car somehow
> becomes airborne. Painted lines are a silly idea.
> B) Put most automobile drivers to death, or otherwise prevent them from ever
> operating a motor vehicle.
> Until that happens, I'd never use a bike as a daily method of travel. The
> more you do it, the greater the chances of being mowed down by an
> automobile.

Oh thank you, partner. Same here. You know something: That's the
reality of the jungle that many so-called cyclists deny --usually the
"pros" riding on weekends for no practical purpose. They say I'm
chicken, but I don't like playing chicken with the BIG BOYS.

I have a solution to that problem, nice, simple & free, actually it
may make some good money for bike facilities such as bike paths. My
solution is:


In the meanwhile we are waiting impatiently for better times.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 29, 2010, 12:50:20 PM4/29/10
On Apr 29, 4:44 pm, Hachiroku <Tru...@e86.GTS> wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 08:46:37 -0700, TibetanMonkey,
> the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit wrote:

> > On Apr 28, 7:11 pm, Larry <> wrote:
> >> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"
> >> <> wrote in news:a9970617-4a28-4045-99df-
> >>
> >> > If you believe science to be accurate about the past, you should
> >> > expect science to be accurate about the future. Only an obtuse mind
> >> > (such as a Christian mind) can doubt that.
> >> Climate change, formerly called Anthropogenic Global Warming, until the
> >> skeptics pointed out there hasn't been any global warming since 1997, has
> >> about as much to do with SCIENCE as Creationism.
> >> --
> >> Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics.
> >> Larry
> > When the overwhelming majority of scientists believe is real, and
> > mostly the ignorants deny it... in itself that tells me something. WE
> > But we have some doubts about the severity of the problem, ISN'T IT
> Sure.
> But prior geologic history shows us the Earth heats up to just about this
> level before there is a drastic cool off, and it occurs every 150,000
> years. Golly, guess where we are right now?!??
> The IPCC posted this evidence on their web site, and then removed it 2-3
> days later. Gee, I wonder why?
> BTW, if geologic history holds true, this is not just a "glacial period"
> coming up, it is a full-blown Ice Age. Up to 70% of the Earth covered in
> glaciers. THere isn't enough oil in the ground to heat the Earth if this
> happens.

Play it safe, Hichikuru, just play it safe. We are too many monkeys
overcrowding this tiny planet, and then the SUVs came to add the
dinosaurs to the problem.

Tell me why we are in the cage intimidated to go out on a bicycle and
enjoy the sun and the moon.

TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit

Apr 29, 2010, 9:32:07 PM4/29/10
On Apr 29, 3:01 pm, Larry <> wrote:
> "TibetanMonkey, the-Monkey-with-the-Bag-of-Shit"
> <> wrote in news:8a6cc55c-a9c4-442f-9746-
> > Airplanes only account for 3% of pollution according to my sources.
> > SUVs though have become a common household, so they become a bigger
> > problem than airplanes....
> Ah, but they are the ones closest to the ionosphere destroying it, a much
> more important thing to worry over then stupid CO2 emissions.
> --

So tell me, Larry, you are an atheist that denies science. Funny thing
that is.

I hope you don't. But can we do about airplanes? Maybe shipping from
China is even worse, don't you think?

I can't cross the Pacific in my canoe, but I can use my bicycle

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