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Freecycle for the Earth! Earth Day's coming up!

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Apr 15, 2004, 4:12:03 PM4/15/04
There are now over 51,000 people around the world freecycling, that
is, using the Internet and email to find good homes for things they no
longer want, and to ask for things they do want. The only rule is that
everything has to be free.

Here in New York's Hudson Valley, we've freecycled swing sets, Little
Tikes outdoor climbers, freezers, computer equipment, entertainment
centers, baby furniture, and much, much more! There are curtains,
couches, and even a tame rat snake being offered, plus a couple of
cars that would be good for their parts. And that's in less than one
month's time.

Freecycling takes recycling a long way from dropping off some cans and
bottles. It's a great way to reduce our ecological footprints, and to
meet others who share our frugal values. There are now some 360
freecycle groups all over the world. For more info, including the
location of the freecycle group nearest you, visit

Nancy Castleman

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