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Re: Christians planning to burn Korans

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His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 8:53:29 AM9/9/10
On Sep 8, 1:58 pm, Father Haskell <> wrote:
> On Sep 7, 9:46 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
> the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > "Gen. David Petraeus added his voice to mounting protests from both
> > the US and abroad over the Dove World Outreach Center's plans to burn
> > Korans on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the September 11 terror
> > attacks. His comments ratcheted up the pressure on once-obscure pastor
> > Terry Jones to call off the event."
> >
> > I think the Christians are in rush to fulfill the prophecies of the
> > Bible, and want to rush the Second Coming of Jesus, who will be riding
> > a Mushroom Cloud.
> > If it wasn't dangerous it would be a good circus to watch, but I'm
> > happy to watch my parakeets do their amazing performance celebrating
> > life. Why the Christians hate life?
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Therapy for a crazy world: Get a bunch a parakeets and turn off the
> > news"
> >
> Burning WHAT?
> Oops. My mistake. I thought you said Koreans.
> Sorry...

They may also throw the Origin of the Species and Curious George in
that bonfire.

That's how the Nazis got started.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 10:06:14 AM9/9/10

On Sep 9, 4:45 am, TLC <> wrote:
> The burning of books is nothing new to True Christians®. We invented
> the practice over two-thousand years ago as a way to promote our faith
> in the Lord Jesus. In the early days of Christianity, when new
> believers in Christ were converted, they were naturally moved by the
> Holy Spirit to grab as many books as they could and pitch them into a
> fire.
> Unlike the sissy "Jesus is Love" fake-Christians (whom both the Lord
> Jesus and we loathe) we have running around today, the early followers
> of Christ were never ashamed to burn books. In fact, if you ever find
> yourself being grateful for the destruction of most of the works of
> pagan nincompoops like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, you have a
> Christian to thank!
> In the Book of Acts we learn that anyone who wants to follow Jesus,
> should get ready to start burning books at the drop of a hat. The Book
> of Acts teaches us that burning someone's books is a great way spread
> God's word.
> "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books
> together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of
> them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew
> the word of God and prevailed." Acts 19:19-20
> In the aftermath of September 11th, a spiritual awakening is sweeping
> across the United States of America. One of the great signs that the
> Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts and souls of Americans is our
> glorious and sacred return to the practice of book burning.
> Secular humanists and Atheists have spent hundreds of years trying to
> make "book burners" look bad. Oftentimes the media paints a terrible
> image of book burners. "They make us out to look like fanatics or
> Germans," said one Christian. Did you know that a militant homosexual
> named Ray Bradbury, even wrote a popular book called Farenheight 451
> about book burning?
> He made Christians out to look like fools! Well, Mr. Bradbury, if you
> are still alive, and God hasn't sent you to Hell yet, we'd like you to
> know that Farenheight 451 is also a book that can be burned. And
> nobody would miss it!
> The truth is, burning a book is one of the most loving things a
> Christian could do for a person they really care about.
> The Landover Baptist Church is proud to be sponsoring America's
> Largest Book Burning on Satan's Birthday, October 31st. This will be
> the third consecutive year we have held the event. Last October, we
> had 152,800 American Christians show up for the event. We burned over
> 3.4 million books!
> That's right! Don't let the numbers dissuade you from holding a book
> burning at your local church this Halloween. Thousands of churches in
> America have collected millions of Harry Potter books to be burned
> that very night. As a Christian, you should be eager to participate in
> this Bible based tradition. Burning books just like the first
> Christians did in New Testament is a great way to say "no" to Satan
> and "yes" to Jesus.
> As most Christians already know, the Harry Potter book series is the
> most evil and dangerous set of books to be released this century. "The
> Potter series is worse than pornography. The books are even more
> dangerous than the Satanic Bible," reports Pastor Deacon Fred, "At
> least with the Satanic Bible, young people know that the book was
> written by Satan. The Devil just changed his name to J.K. Rowling this
> time." The release of the fifth book in the Harry Potter series has
> been delayed because Christians have been praying to God that he will
> send angels to scramble Satan's brain and force him to admit Rowling's
> spent body to a mental hospital so that the whole series will never be
> completed.
> To celebrate the delayed release of the fifth Harry Potter book and
> the post September 11th return to American Christian values, The Truly
> Saved® all across America are calling upon the name of Jesus this
> Halloween to decrease the number of Harry Potter books currently
> circulating in America by at least 70%. "We're giving True Christian®
> school children the Biblical authority to remove these evil books from
> their school libraries, bookstores, homes, grocery stores, and
> anywhere they find them," said Pastor Deacon Fred. "All they need to
> say is, Jesus wants me to take this book! Friends, let's help this
> great Country return to it's True Christian® roots. Wont' you please
> set up a Holy Ghost book fire at your local church on Satan's Birthday
> this Halloween?

I thought the True Christians® were using the burning of books to keep
warm in long winter nights.

But there's no denial that they did distrust the Greek philosophers
and all wisdom that was relevant to the enjoyment of life and
irrelevant to Jesus. There's no original works of Epicurus, who had
more to say than Jesus about how to live.

Jesus though taught that life begins after death, and this is only a
world of suffering, where you pass or fail the test of faith.

It is under this light that the True Christians® burn the books.

NOTE: May I suggest the Christians to burn "Curious George"? First
he's a monkey filling kids' imagination with ideas, and second he's
curious, something that's a liability for a Christian bent on faith
are rejecting science. Animals and scientists are very curious, you
know, and that's how they get to know the world around them. But they
ignore God and that is a problem.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 6:20:13 PM9/9/10

On Sep 9, 2:23 pm, TLC <> wrote:
> Your Highness and Searcher of the Sacred Bush and Clutcher of the Holy
> Nuts,

> "Animals and scientists are very curious, you know, and that's how
> they get to know the world around them. But they ignore God and that
> is a problem."

> I see no problem in ignoring the Sky Fairy god. When was the last
> time animals and scientists felt inclined to go on a book burning
> spree or refused to listen to children in school read Harry Potter?

Oh you have misinterpreted my wisdom. That is a problem indeed for the
Christians, but not for those who are instinctively curious. It's the
same curiosity that drove Adam & Eve to take a bite.

Only a dumb God would consider that a sin.

Edward Dolan

Sep 9, 2010, 9:39:03 PM9/9/10

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message

> On Sep 8, 1:58 pm, Father Haskell <> wrote:
>> On Sep 7, 9:46 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of
>> the Jungle" <> wrote:
>> > "Gen. David Petraeus added his voice to mounting protests from both
>> > the US and abroad over the Dove World Outreach Center's plans to burn
>> > Korans on Saturday to mark the anniversary of the September 11 terror
>> > attacks. His comments ratcheted up the pressure on once-obscure pastor
>> > Terry Jones to call off the event."
>> >
>> > I think the Christians are in rush to fulfill the prophecies of the
>> > Bible, and want to rush the Second Coming of Jesus, who will be riding
>> > a Mushroom Cloud.
>> > If it wasn't dangerous it would be a good circus to watch, but I'm
>> > happy to watch my parakeets do their amazing performance celebrating
>> > life. Why the Christians hate life?

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.

He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.

TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.

But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Edward Dolan

Sep 9, 2010, 9:55:27 PM9/9/10

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 10:21:41 PM9/9/10
On Sep 9, 4:07 pm, Father Haskell <> wrote:
> On Sep 9, 10:04 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

> the Jungle" <> wrote:
> > NOTE: May I suggest the Christians to burn "Curious George"?
> The book? Or the actual chimp himself?

I think it's the book, and they would dismiss anyone who may appear
too curious to believe in the Bible. God created everything... and who
created God?

Curious George would also question that a serpent can talk or would
wonder why miracles don't happen anymore. In other words, everything
would seem unbelievable to him.

His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle

Sep 9, 2010, 10:56:23 PM9/9/10

On Sep 9, 7:37 pm, ""
<> wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2:21 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of

> There's no need to be afraid of being eaten by a python since serpents
> eat dust, not people:->
> God curses the serpent, "upon your belly you shall go, and dust you
> shall eat all the days of your life

See, that's a lie on the part of God. I saved my mouse --Coco-- from a
certain death to feed snakes. How low can they go?

Now Coco gives me all the wisdom of the jungle for free and confirms

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