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A Day in the Life: 5/5/6

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President, USA Exile Govt.

May 5, 2006, 2:07:09 PM5/5/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

May 5, 2006

From: "goldbugger_y2k" <>
Date: May 4, 2006 7:27:53 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: Cutter ChargesB Brought Down WTC Buildings

Video with run time of 2:49 shows thermite in stunning action at WTC.
A must-see.


--- In, "mojo_j_2000" <mojo_j_2000@...>

Professor Says `Cutter
Charges' Brought Down WTC Buildings
Evidence of Thermite
Uncovered at World Trade Center

By Christopher Bollyn

PROVO, Utahb"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act," said the British writer George Orwell. Orwell's
words aptly describe the situation of Steven E.

Jones, a soft-spoken professor at Brigham Young University (BYU) who
has turned his attention to the unanswered questions of the Sept. 11

Provo, the home of BYU, is America's most conservative city in the
most Republican county. With more than 85 percent of the population
supporting President George W.

Bush, Provo seems an unlikely place for any "revolutionary act"b
unless that act were simply telling the truth.

On the picturesque campus of the private Mormon university,
surrounded by snow-capped peaks, Jones teaches physics and carries
out research in the fields of metal-catalyzed fusion, solar energy
and archeometry, or the scientific study and analysis of artifacts.

As an archeometrist, Jones applies physics to explain events in the
past. Since last year when he became aware of the unanswered
questions of 9-11, he has focused his attention on the available
data and evidence.

The unexplained presence of molten metal at the World Trade Center
(WTC) puzzled Jones and he contacted this writer to confirm the
reports first published in American Free Press in 2002. These
reports came from two men involved in the removal of the rubble:
Peter Tully of Tully Construction of Flushing, N.Y., and Mark
Loizeaux of Controlled Demolition, Inc. of Phoenix, Md.

Tully told AFP that he had seen pools of "literally molten
steel" in the rubble.

Loizeaux confirmed this: "Yes, hot spots of molten steel in the
basements," he said, "at the bottom of the elevator shafts of the
main towers, down seven levels."

The molten steel was found "three, four, and five weeks later, when
the rubble was being removed," he said. He confirmed that molten
steel was also found at WTC 7, which mysteriously collapsed in the
late afternoon.


Last November, Jones presented a draft which has since evolved into
a 52-page paper. His paper begins with an appeal for "a serious
investigation of the hypothesis that WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were
brought down . . .through the use of pre-positioned cutter-charges."

Jones presents evidence that an "aluminothermic process"
called "thermite" was used to weaken and sever the 47 massive core
columns that held up the towers. The official version fails to
explain how these critical columns failed. When ignited, thermite, a
combination of finely ground aluminum and iron oxide (rust), cuts
through steel like a "warm knife through butter," Jones said,
especially when mixed with 2 percent sulfur. The resulting
combination, called "thermate," lowers the melting point of steel.

Thermite was patented in Germany by Hans Goldschmidt in the late
1800s. Extremely high temperatures are produced when the aluminum
and iron oxide react. The reaction produces temperatures of more
than 2,500 degrees Celsius (4,500 degrees Fahrenheit) as the ferric
oxide is reduced to molten iron. Iron melts at 1,535 degrees
Celsius. The reaction causes the oxygen from the ferric oxide to
bond with the aluminum, producing aluminum oxide, molten iron, and
approximately 750 kilocalories per gram of thermite. The aluminum
oxide is a whitish smoke.

AFP recently attended a presentation of Jones's 9-11 research at
BYU. Jones began with footage of the unexplained collapse of Larry
Silverstein's 47-story building, WTC 7, at 5:25 p.m.

When Jones was interviewed by Tucker Carlson of MSNBC, the producers
refused to air this short but crucial video segment.

AFP observed thermite reactions in Jones's physics class. As a
colleague combined the powdered rust and aluminum in a mounted
ceramic flowerpot, Jones filmed the reaction. A paper wick with
magnesium ignited the sand-like mixture.

The reaction was intense, nearly explosive, and white flames and
pieces of metal flew out of the pot. From the bottom poured a white-
hot liquidbpure molten iron. After a few seconds a glowing yellow-
hot piece of iron was lifted with tongs and shown to the students.

Because thermite does not require air and can react underwater, it
may explain the persistent hot spots that were unaffected by a
continuous dousing from fire hoses. The white-hot molten iron and
slag can itself prolong and extend the heating and incendiary action.

"As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and
molten steel was still running," Leslie Robertson, structural
engineer responsible for the design of the WTC, told fellow

Footage taken by WABC-TV of the burning South Tower at 9:53 a.m.,
immediately before the building collapsed, reveals large amounts of
white-hot molten metal, presumably iron, pouring from the 81st floor
of the east corner.

The amount of spilling molten metal suggests a pool of molten iron
was in that area of the building. While some have suggested that the
molten metal was aluminum, this is easily disproved by the fact that
molten aluminum appears silver-gray in daylight. The only possible
explanation is that the white-hot metal gushing from the South Tower
was molten iron and had been produced by a very large amount of

The amount of molten metal seen falling would indicate that tons of
thermite had been used on that floor. From the video footage it
appears that several cubic yards of molten metal fell, which, if
iron, would have weighed over eight tons.

Jones's explosive paper is accessible on his web page
( and will be published in a forthcoming book by
David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott. Reading Jones' paper on-line
allows the reader to review the photographic/video evidence.

"I consider the official FEMA, NIST, and 9-11 Commission reports,"
Jones writes, which claim "that fires plus impact damage alone
caused complete collapses of all three buildings."

He challenges the official explanation and provides evidence to
support the controlled-demolition hypothesis, which, he says "is
suggested by the available data, testable and falsifiable."

Jones notes that the hypothesis that the towers were demolished by
explosives "has not been analyzed in any of the reports funded by
the U.S. government."

Ignoring the evidence of the controlled-demolition hypothesis, the
FEMA-sponsored study of 2002 concluded, "The specifics of the fires
in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain

Furthermore, the official report found that the fire-induced
collapse hypothesis "has only a low probability of occurrence."

The engineers concluded that "further research, investigation, and
analyses are needed to resolve this issue."

"That is precisely the point," Jones says, "further investigation
and analyses are indeed needed, including serious consideration of
the controlled-demolition hypothesis which is neglected in all of
the government reports."

The fact that the 9-11 Commission report does not even mention the
collapse of WTC 7 "is a striking omission of data highly relevant to
the question of what really happened on 9-11," he said.


Further investigation is what Jones is trying to get other
scientists to do. One would think that the mainstream media would be
interested in a highly respected physicist answering questions about
9-11, but that has not been the case. The controlled media and
supporters of the official version completely avoid Jones.

Like a modern-day Galileo or Luther, Jones has exposed the flaws in
the official version, "a myth," he says, "which has taken on
religious proportions.

"There is a clear disconnect between what the official reports say
happened and what actually happened," Jones says. "A scientific
theory has to be falsifiable. It must be able to be tested and

"The data stands on its own. Where are the honest scientists?" Jones
asks. "Take the blinders off and find out what happened."

The official 9-11 reports are what Jones calls "pathological
science," in which investigators ignore all evidence that
contradicts the conclusion they have been asked to prove.

AFP contacted three scientists who support the official theory to
ask if they would review Jones's paper.

Thomas W. Eagar of MIT refused to even look at the paper and said
there is no evidence of molten metal pouring from the WTC.
Challenged with the evidence, he hung up the phone.

Zdenek P. Bazant of Northwestern University submitted his fire-
induced collapse theory to the American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE) two days after 9-11, without examining any evidence. Asked if
he would review Jones's paper, Bazant also refused, "I have seen
Jones's fiction before. If you want my private opinion, it is
nothing but sensationalism," he said. "His purported refutation of
my analysis is baseless."

Asked to simply look at five photos in an e-mail showing the
cascading molten metal and core columns, which appear to have been
cut with thermite, Bazant responded, "I do not have time."

Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, an Iranian-born professor at Berkeley, who
was a member of the ASCE team studying the WTC collapse, also
refused to look at Jones's paper.

"I will not be able to find time to review the material that you
have sent me," said Astaneh-Asl.

(Issue #18 & 19, May 1 & 8, 2006


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 4, 2006 8:04:09 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Universal Admits Defeat, Removes Flight 93 Forum

"Flight 93 is a badly researched hit piece on the reality of what
happened on the day and an insult to those who lost their lives and
their families...

Now a visit to the website only returns the text, "There are no
message boards currently available."

Universal Admits Defeat, Removes Flight 93 Forum
Crescendo of dissent on official fairy
tail leads to wiping of website

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | May 4 2006

Universal Studios has admitted defeat in its efforts to re-package the
official 9/11 fraud and has completely deleted its own forum after the
website was hijacked by individuals posting truthful information about
what really happened to Flight 93.

We previously reported that Universal's forum moderators were deleting
entire threads in real time deeming them, "inappropriate."

The website had been turned into a battle ground for countering the
Flight 93 government apologist propaganda being regurgitated in an
impetuous lunge to give credibility to a tale about as reality-based as
Humpty Dumpty.

Now a visit to the website only returns the text, "There are no
message boards currently available."

The fact that Universal took the decision to remove the entire forum
suggests they were concerned that people voicing alternative
explanations behind 9/11 and attacking the government version of events
was harmful to the reputation of the film, proving again that Flight 93
was produced, in addition to making hundreds of millions of dollars, to
negatively reinforce the official 9/11 orthodoxy.

Polls on the website returned results of 80% believing a government
cover-up behind 9/11.

Find out the truth about 9/11: Subscribe to Prison and watch
all of Alex Jones' films!

The Stop The Lie website highlights one exchange with a debunker that
illustrates how the forum portrayed those opposing anything other than
the official story as ignorant and ill-informed.

"Those challenging the official account were mostly polite and
articulate. -They laid out well-reasoned arguments and produced
references to back their assertions. The defenders of the "Official
account" on the other hand were habitually rude and inarticulate. They
laid out poorly reasoned arguments and relied on pejoratives to back
their assertions."

"For instance, a post about the importance of the Northwoods Document
was made. One of the boards "Official theory" defender's considered
this a sufficient response:

"It never happened; people got fired, next-"

I replied:

"The relevance of the Northwoods Document is: It irrefutably
establishes our government WOULD openly conspire to not only provoke
and allow an attack (to further an already established military agenda)
...they'd actually manufacture the entire event."

"Perhaps equally important: If the plan hadn't been made public, the
same type of people who blindly accept whatever the government says
would be calling the Northwoods Document an "urban legend" spun by
kooks, loons, and moonbats."

" -Worse, if it had been enacted, the government groupies would have
bought the official account hook, line, and sinker."

The removal of the Flight 93 forum can be marked down as a victory for
the 9/11 truth movement. Just as the San Francisco Chronicle had to
issue a major retraction to a badly researched 9/11 hit piece, so
overwhelmed were Universal with the crescendo of dissent, the majority
of it sent by way of big alternative websites encouraging people to
participate, that they were forced to retreat and pull the website.

Flight 93 is a badly researched hit piece on the reality of what
happened on the day and an insult to those who lost their lives and
their families.


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IRAQ: The Occupation Is the Disease

By Sarah Meyer
May 3, 2006

Index Research and Global Research

The following information is from three highly esteemed Iraqi
professional people. Their lives are in danger. Two peoples names and
professions have, by request, thus been withheld.

ONE: There is no way out of this Camp Iraq.

Iraq is worse than during sanctions

By February 2006, 224 (health professionals) had been killed. 1000 had
left the country. Since February, I personally know six more highly
specialised doctors who have been killed Many in medical training
have also left Iraq Post graduate studies have closed down because of
lack of teaching staff. So a (generation) gap has been created.
Experienced doctors are unable to pass on their experience to new
doctors Specialised health services have declined.

"The airport road used to be a lovely area, with trees and roses.
Families used to go there for picnics. An American soldier threw a
stone at me because I didnt stop. My architect friend was killed
shot dead on this road by Americans. If you dont stop, the Americans
will shoot you

"The US kill civilians and blame the resistance

"A doctor friend of mine was shot in front of his home by Americans.
There was no apology. Why have doctors been killed some by Americans?
Some are kidnapped. In Fallujah, why did the Americans go inside the
operating theatre and kill? Why go to a house at night? At 2 AM, there
were helicopters and bombs. He was a neighbour of mine. His name was
Riad Khammal.

"A child runs to his mother when he hears a helicopter. A child is now
afraid of helicopters

"Once a bullet came into my office, towards me, but it hit the metal on
the window

"Omar Salem Khattab, a urology surgeon, was taken by the US-trained
Iraqi police and National Guard when he was trying to help people in a
bomb blast. He was taken away for detention. I went to ask about him.
The doctor had been abused and hit. He was released. He left Iraq

"There is a difference in the study of history. In the West, one
learned a little about western history, but nothing about the rest of
the world. In our country, we studied the history of Europe and of the

"Education had been free since Saddam. Books were free. It was
compulsory for children to go to school until 1993. Literacy was
compulsory for everyone who didnt know how to read or write, no matter
how old they were. Before the Gulf War, 92% of the children attended
school. And now? The schools are closed; 362 schools are closed in
Baghdad because of the difficult situation. Dijula school was bombed.
Children are not going to school. People are afraid I have a
daughter. It is dangerous for her to go out.

"There is poverty. The children are outside, begging. Begging is
greater than in the 70s or 80s. There is malnutrition. Iraqi people
want to eat just like all other people.

"Why destroy the electricity, water supply, waste-product system? The
aim is the complete destruction of Iraqi society The healthy aspects
of home life have disappeared. There is no water, no electricity. There
are no drugs in the hospitals; no theatre gloves. Hospitals need to be
renewed. They were destroyed in the sanctions, and now we cant renew
them. Twice my hospital has been destroyed first in 1991, when it
then took two years to rebuild; and again in 2003, it was destroyed
when an American bomb hit the building beside the hospital, causing the
hospital roof to collapse. The hospital needed to be renewed again, but
there was no money - and there was the occupation. The hospital was out
of action for 8 months. Now, the generator is sometimes not working.
This is a danger to the patient during an operation, as the generator
has to be worked by hand.

"It is difficult and frustrating for a patient to go to hospital. There
are bombs, no oxygen, no drugs, cant do surgery. In the private
sector, it is better.

"Those inside the wire are not like those outside the wire. We need
courageous men inside the wire.

"Do you fight, or do you negotiate? If you negotiate, will you not be
killed anyway? How can you say fight when are also speaking for the
children, who will be killed?

"There is no way out of this Camp Iraq.

"The US should announce that their forces will go out by X - this
date. And on this date, the UN should move the security forces to Iraq,
so no one can then criticize anyone.

TWO: Heart of Darkness

Another Iraqi source told me that there is a DU (Depleted Uranium)
project in Baghdad supported by the University of (!) Texas.
Congenital abnormalities and stillborn children increased five-fold
during the 90s, particularly in the Basra region DU is killing
thousands Cancer increased 1 year after the bombing in Basra; there
were 460 cases that year.

My source suffers from bad memories first from the severe sanctions,
then war and imprisonment in a 3x3m cell, now with the occupation.

"It is a long pain, an interruption of peaceful living. To live under
occupation is Hell. We have elusive enemies we do not know. We dont
know why they are targeting us

"Many academics had senior posts; for example, they were the head of a

"Academics have been subjected to four types of hassle. First, to being
interrogated and detained, right after the war. This was due to an
accusation of participating in the (non-existent) WMD secret programme.
Detention was from a few days to three years. Two women scientists, Dr.
Huda Amash and Dr. Rehab Taha, were only recently released after
confirmation that there was no such secret programme.

"The second hassle is that many have been subjected to
de-Baathification. Hundreds were fired from their jobs because they
were members of the Baath party, although all of them were seniors in
different scientific fields.

"The third problem is having to endure threats and intimidation by
students who are motivated by different political and sectarian
parties. Academics receive threatening letters, asking them to leave
the institute and the country. Or they find a bullet in their
letterbox. Some letters are written by students who are not doing well
a kind of blackmail but we cannot take chances.

"The fourth problem is the assassination list. Those who are still
alive try and survive in the heart of danger the heart of darkness.
Many are trying to leave Iraq.

"Iraq is very chaotic The academics need temporary jobs or
fellowships to get them away from the risks. They are the treasures of
Iraq. The heart of darkness is overshadowing them.

I ask: And if the US leaves Iraq?

America is the germ. We need to flush the germ out. The symptoms can
then be treated and relieved. Then we can restore our living.

THREE: We need international support

Eman Khamas is a journalist, author and human rights advocate. She is
passionate about her work; driven by and dedicated to justice. Eman

With every dead man, woman and child, Iraq is killed anew. The bombing
continues to this minute. The US bombs hospitals, and buries the people
under the rubble. Schools are bombed and destroyed. Every time, all
Iraqis rights are violated.

"It is criminal to kill thousands of people because there are a few
individual criminals. Almost 300,000 Iraqis have been killed in the
last 3 years. 1,400 Iraqi civilians were killed in the last month.

"Students cannot go to school. Professors cannot go to school. Many
girls do not go to school. It is dangerous for girls. The roads are
closed, or there is a curfew, or bombs, or suicide bombing. People have
to walk for miles to get to their school. For some, it is a two-hour,
dangerous walk ... We had a demonstration under the window of the dean
of a university. He wouldnt look out the window

"We have never had this phenomena in the past only since the
occupation. 224 (health professionals) have been killed. 1000 are in
exile. The only thing these people have in common is that they are
Iraqi and intellectual. If they are in jail, they are tortured,
released, and then they disappear People are assassinated by
Americans and insurgents. We dont know who they are. There are lists
on the wall of people who are going to be killed so these people
leave Iraq. They are afraid of retaliation. People are threatened
either by being accused by the occupation or by those who are giving
information to the occupation. If one talks about the occupation, one
is fired. It is dangerous to talk about the occupation.

"The United States and the United Kingdom have programmes. There is
collaboration. They are only interested in scientists with certain
qualifications. They want to ensure those scientists stay in the
country, and not to go to the Axis of Evil countries. They say, come
attend a workshop in Jordan, for example. There are trainers. They
might organise something for environmental health, for example, in

"There is no information from any institution. They are not allowed to
give information to journalists

"What is the future of Iraq under occupation? The killing is done by
the militias political militias, using the religious emotions of the
Iraqi people to gain power. The US know they can do this and get away
with it. There are no official Iraqi investigations. The people in
government are behind this killing

"What about the families of those who have been assassinated?
Displacement, too, is a problem because of the bombing and fear. These
people need everything. They cannot wait. They need help NOW. There are
widows, orphans. They have no financial help. Their husbands have been
killed or are in jail. There are homeless families, living in tents or
in unsafe structures. There is a problem with a shortage of medicines.
The US apologises for bombing hospitals, but this means nothing.

"We need to work to educate people. It is the right of any people to
resist occupation. Iraqis have resisted because of the killing of
civilians the bombing of cities. Mainstream Media does not understand
the urgency The US and Mainstream Media concentrate on political
success, elections, democracy. All of this is irrelevant to the Iraqi

"The occupation is responsible for everything that happens. What
happens are the symptoms. The occupation is the disease. The occupation
works on division. The issue they are working on now is civil war. We
have never had civil war in our history. Because the occupation is in
Iraq, there is violence. The US says that Iraqis are not capable. This
is a lie. There are many Iraqis who are capable, given a chance.

"We need international support for the Iraqi intellectuals I have a
recommendation to call for Spanish universities and then to the
International Federation of World Universities and the Association of
Arab Universities, and ask them to raise the issue in regular meetings
Scientists are national treasures."

The Dead and Homeless

Refugees. The number of Iraqi refugees is up for grabs. The
Displacement and Migration Ministry said two weeks ago that the number
of refugees was about 60,000. A 28.04.06 Reuters article quotes the
Iraqi vice president as recently saying that there are around 1/2
million refugees.

The number of widows in Iraq is increasing. There is a rising number of
orphans. Families huntfor Iraq's Lost.

Murdered Academics and Doctors

On 01.06, The Washington Post reported on the Exodus of Iraqi educated

The Iraqi Minister of Health has just declared that 220 health
professionals have been assassinated. Approximately 190 academics have
been murdered. See the BRussels Tribunal list, report and Madrid
conference resolution here. The Spanish website CEOSI, (Statewide
Campaign to End the Occupation and Restore the Sovereignty of Iraq) has
further details.

For latest information on doctors in Mosul, see 01.05.06 Reuters report.

The BRussels Tribunal needs help from the Iraqi people themselves to
substantiate the number of doctors and academics killed, when, and how.
The dead are victims of war crimes.

Murdered Journalists

Reporters without Borders says that 88 journalists and media assistants
have been killed since the start of fighting in Iraq in March 2003. Two
are still missing. To put this in perspective, around 63 journalists
were killed in Vietnam during the 20 years from 1955 to 1975. Read
their March 06 report, Three Years of Slaughter, here.

Dead Iraqi Civilians

The Iraq Body Count, 38,661 killed, appears to be incorrect. Mr.
Sloboda has tried to defend his figures. Both Media Lens and Gabriele
Zamparini at The Cats Dream have disputed the Iraq Body Count figures,
backed by evidence. William Bowles does not find Mr Slobodas Newsnight
defense convincing.

In 2004, The Lancet, a UK medical journal, wrote a report, Mortality
before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq: cluster sample survey. This
report said there were approximately 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians.

The estimated number of civilian dead now is between 250,000 -
300,000+. Iraqis are afraid to go to the police if a relative has been

Suicide Bombers

There have been rumours that in Iraq, the US secretly puts bombs in
cars and then sets them off from a helicopter. These rumours are now
becoming more substantiated. See The Independent, 29.04.06, Robert Fisk

The url for Iraq: The Occupation is a Disease is:

Sarah Meyer is a researcher living in Sussex, UK. Her email is:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Evo Morales' Courageous Move Now Makes Him a US Target
along with Hugo Chavez

By Stephen Lendman
May 3, 2006

To get a good sense of where US policy is heading, one need only read
the front page of the New York Times or Wall Street Journal - painful
as that may be to do. I skip the Times but do read the Journal daily
because of the audience it reaches - high-level people in business and
government who want real information to guide them in their work. So
despite the Journal being a voice for US business and imperialism,
knowing how to read it and doing it carefully yields useful information
and clues about what future US policy is likely to be.

The Wall Street Journal Signals Evo Morales Is Now a US Target

The May 2 Journal was a good example as they had a feature front-page
story headlined "Bolivia Seizes Natural-Gas Fields in a Show of Energy
Nationalism." That alone signals a call to arms that's backed up
strongly in the copy that follows.

The Journal began its heated rhetoric claiming Evo Morales has been
"emboldened by Hugo Chavez's moves against private oil companies" and
on May 1 (symbolically on May Day celebrating working people around the
world including in the US in a big way for the first time) nationalized
the country's largest natural gas field, San Alberto, and ordered the
army to "take control of it and the country's other fields." It went on
to explain that it ordered foreign oil companies to relinquish control
of the fields, accept "much tougher operating terms or leave the

Bolivian law is clear that the state owns the resources in the
country. Up to now it's allowed foreign investors to operate the fields
and take the majority share of production from them to sell for their
gain. Last year, however, Bolivia raised the state's take to an
effective 50% of production by increasing taxes and royalties.
Yesterday the government went further by declaring the state owns the
gas once it's been extracted and that the companies operating in the
two largest fields would only get 18% of the production for themselves.

Translating the Journal's Message Including What They Failed to Explain

A little translation is in order. What the Journal didn't explain and
never would is that those "tougher operating terms" are simply
Bolivia's right as an independent nation (and all other nations as
well) to get the majority benefits from its own natural resources and
that foreign investors are there sharing in them only because the
country allowed them to. But instead of being grateful, the Journal
makes clear, without stating it, that the investors are greedy and want
the lion's share and on their terms. What's also left unsaid or
unsatisfactorily explained is nationalization does not mean

Evo Morales has made it clear that foreign investors will not lose the
rights to their investments. What they will lose once Morales' plan is
implemented (he's giving them six months to comply) is their unfair
share of the profits and benefits they never had a right to have in the
first place. Under the Morales plan, a new contract will be made
between the government and foreign investors guaranteeing that the
people of Bolivia will receive the majority of benefits from its own
resources while at the same time foreign investors will receive their
fare share but no more than that. It also means the government alone
now will decide the terms of revenue sharing and tax obligations due
rather than Big Oil dictating them with the long shadow of the US
looming in the background, which is still the case, of course. The
Journal then became more inflammatory as it has in its past and recent
railings against Hugo Chavez. It claimed high energy prices have
sparked a resurgent wave of nationalism from Caracas to Moscow. Of
course, it forgot to mention the one country above all others where
so-called nationalism and protectionism is a national religion - the
US. Here where I live, no outside investors are allowed in (especially
from developing nations) to profit except on the ironclad rules we set,
take it or leave it. So by US imperial rules (the only ones, no others
allowed), what's good for us is not acceptable or allowed for anyone
else because we said so.

The Journal went on to say Morales is mimicking measures against Big
Oil by "Mr. Chavez" (he happens to be the President and should be
addressed that way), and that Morales and Chavez are "both playing a
game of chicken with foreign oil companies." It also couldn't resist
raising the specter of Fidel Castro and the fact that Chavez and
Morales signed a free trade accord over the past weekend with the man
the imperial US hates most. There's more to this story as well which
the Journal points out into their long article. The leading Peruvian
candidate, Ollanta Humala, in the upcoming presidential runoff election
against US choice by default Alan Garcia, has also called for
nationalization of the country's natural gas and mining resources. And
Evo Morales has made it clear he intends to nationalize Bolivia's other
natural resources likely beginning with its forests and mines. Further,
to cap off a growing US Latin American nightmare, last month Equador
passed a law designed to cut the windfall profits of foreign crude
producers (including US based Occidental Petroleum) by giving the
government (meaning the people) 50% of oil company profits whenever the
international oil market exceeds the prices established in existing

What These Developments Mean for the US and How It's Likely to Respond

There certainly is trouble for the US in Latin America and in the oil
patch there as well as in Iraq, Iran, Nigeria and who knows where else
it may spread. So what can we make of all this, and what's most likely
to happen going forward. The US is now spending hundreds of billions of
dollars trying to hold on to the oil treasure it stole by invading
Iraq. It's also made it clear it has designs on those same resources in
neighboring Iran and may attack that country using nuclear weapons. And
if that isn't enough on one plate to digest, it faces a dilemma in
Venezuela it's tried unsuccessfully three times to solve. Venezuela has
even greater hydrocarbon reserves than Iraq or Iran (possibly the
largest in the world even above Saudi Arabia's) and is led by a
courageous man unwilling to surrender his nation's sovereignty (or its
resources) to its imperial northern neighbor demanding it and them. And
now the heavenly virus of the desire to be truly independent is
beginning to spread to Bolivia, Peru if Hamala wins the runoff
election, hopefully Equador and significant opposition groups outside
the governments in other countries as well like Nigeria and Nepal.
These nations, or opposition groups in them, are demanding equity and
justice for their people, and are beginning to raise their heads and
demand the rights they're entitled to. If they all get them, that's bad
news for the US and the dominant corporate interests here that profit
handsomely by exploiting the resources of underdeveloped nations and
its cheap labor as well.

Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales know this and have spoken out and acted
courageously against these longtime abuses in defense of the rights of
their own people. But their doing so is intolerable to the US which
will do everything in its power to reverse the loss of its special
privilege. So what can we expect ahead? I have no doubt whatever, and
I've written about this several times. When the heat is turned up
against US interests, this country won't go quietly into the night. The
plans are well underway now for a fourth attempt to oust Hugo Chavez
that may include assassinations and possibly an armed assault by US
invading forces.

Last Sunday VHeadline published a commentary/review I wrote about Noam
Chomsky's new book Failed States. In an email I received from Chomsky
on April 29 he updated the views he stated in his new book and gave a
blunt assessment of what may be in prospect which I'll quote again
here: he said he "wouldn't be surprised to see (US inspired)
secessionist movements in the oil producing areas in Iran, Venezuela
and Bolivia, all in areas that are accessible to US military force and
alienated from the governments, with the US then moving in to 'defend'
them and blasting the rest of the country if necessary."

I share that view although I'm not privy to what hostile plans my
government has in mind. I'll only state my strong belief that something
big is planned to oust President Chavez (and now maybe Evo Morales as
well) that will only become apparent once the fireworks begin. Today's
feature article in the Wall Street Journal only strengthens my view.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog address at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 3, 2006 6:08:43 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: The Inevitable Collapse of the Greenback

The Inevitable Collapse of the Greenback

Mike Whitney
May 2, 2006

"The ultimate financial impact of trading oil in Euros rather than
dollars is a complex one, but according to many experts, such a move
could lead to a collapse in value for the American currency,
potentially putting the U.S. economy in its greatest crisis since the
depression era of the 1930s." "Petro-euro: a reality or distant
nightmare for the US?" --

Today, Iran fired the first shot in a battle that will ultimately
change the global economic system. Mehr News Agency announced that the
long-anticipated Iran Oil Bourse (OIB) will open sometime next week on
Kish Island competing head-on with the US dollar. Currently, all oil
transactions are denominated exclusively in greenbacks (via the London
and New York oil exchanges) giving the US a virtual monopoly on the oil
trade and maintaining the dollars position as the worlds reserve
currency. This privilege has allowed the US to generate massive
deficits as well as a national debt of $8.4 trillion without fear of
economic collapse but, the "times they are a-changin". If Iran
proceeds with its plan, the central banks around the world will convert
some of their reserves into euros sending billions of dollars back to
America. This will result in either recession or depression.

The notion that the bourse poses a serious threat to the US economy has
been widely dismissed as a left-wing, internet-conspiracy theory. In
fact, there is nothing conspiratorial about it, unless the fundamental
law of "supply and demand" no longer applies.

If fewer people want the greenback it becomes worth less. Is that

Articles about the bourse have magically disappeared from the internet.
The more reputable accounts of the potential disaster have slipped into
a cyber black-hole.

No matter. If the bourse opens next week, then gold will shoot into the
stratosphere while jittery currency traders continue to edge away from
the shaky greenback.

The Bush administration has done irreparable damage to our currency.
Under the guidance of the Federal Reserve, Bush has increased
government spending by 35% while raising the national debt a whopping
$3 trillion. The only thing keeping the dollar on its lofty perch is
the oil trade and that may soon change.

The dollar fell steadily during Bushs first years in office as
currency traders recognized Bushs intention to enshrine deficit
spending as a permanent function of government. The greenback has
managed to keep its head above water due to shaky lending practices in
the mortgage industry (which sluiced trillions into domestic housing)
and because of the estimated $2.3 trillion circulating in oil
transactions. The increase in oil prices has allowed the Fed to keep
the printing presses going at full-tilt while Bushs friends were
making off with hundreds of billions in lavish tax cuts.

Now, it appears that the game is over. Oil-thirsty nations will be free
to purchase petroleum in a stable currency leaving Uncle Sam to flail
away in ocean of red ink.

Nearly 70% of the reserves in the worlds central banks are currently
denominated in US dollars. This monopoly allows the US to purchase
valuable resources with fiat currency and maintain enormous deficits
without hyper-inflation. It is the perfect rip-off. The administration
has shown its willingness to go to war and kill hundreds of thousands
of innocent people to defend this global extortion racket. However,
forces are in play now that will make it impossible to maintain the
present system. If the Fed increases interest rates much more the $9
trillion housing bubble will burst, and if it doesnt raise rates, the
$2 billion of cash inflows the government needs each day to cover its
trade deficit will evaporate.

It is a "lose-lose" situation.

The opening of Irans bourse will only hasten the inevitable decline of
the dollar and a death-spiral for the American economy; that is why
Congress passed the Iran Freedom Support Act last week (even before the
Security Council had made its recommendations!) Hidden in the small
print of the legislation is a clue that reveals Congress real

"The Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States to
deny Iran the ability to support acts of international
limiting the development of Irans ability to explore for, extract,
refine, or transport by pipeline petroleum resources."

Yes indeed; Irans plan to sell oil in euros is now tantamount to an
act of "international terrorism", a clear sign of the importance that
Washington attaches to the coming bourse.

The fate of the greenback is entirely the result of Bushs enormous tax
cuts, profligate spending, and a deeply-flawed foreign policy agenda.
By now, Bush and Co. had expected to topple regimes in Iraq, Iran,
Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. If his "5-year campaign" had been
successful, then Washington would control enough of the worlds oil to
force the other nations to continue using the dollar even while the
gargantuan debt kept piling up. This explains why the oil giants linked
arms with the 12 central banks to dupe the American people into the
apocryphal war on terror. Terrorism is simply a public relations scam
that conceals the ongoing global resource war.

America is now facing a slow-motion meltdown that could escalate into a
widespread run on the dollar. Attacking Iran will only aggravate the
situation and push tenuous states towards new alliances. (China, India,
Venezuela and Russia have already expressed support for the new

If the bourse opens as scheduled theyll be no turning back. The Bush
administration is loaded with hawks who still believe the issue can be
resolved through force. They have learned nothing from Iraq.

Military action will do nothing to relieve Americas enormous account
imbalances or lesson the vulnerability of the ailing greenback. The
dollar is teetering on the brink and its about to get a big shove from

Big changes are coming whether we want them or not.

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Gradual Change Is Not Progress

By Prof Denis G. Rancourt
May 3, 2006

Comfortable First World liberal and left intellectuals claiming to work
for change often project the opinion that positive change is best
achieved by incremental improvements, gradual progress, dialogue, and
negotiations that acknowledge the legitimacy of the other side. They
assert that confrontation is counter productive. There is an army of
academics, managers, and professionals, who will argue this point quite
strenuously. They are the service intellectuals.

Their job is to block any model that would involve people of the
disadvantaged side actually demanding change in the structure that
keeps them at the bottom. Instead, they promote a dialogue model in
which the disadvantaged side enters into loaded and unwinable
negotiations with players that hold all the cards. These negotiations
ensure that institutional structures of inequity are reinforced rather
than progressively dismantled.

The service intellectuals argue that the only alternative to gradual
change via education and dialogue is all out revolution where all the
leaders are killed and replaced by tyrants. They propose a binary
landscape of change where one must choose between either the gradual
evolution that they manage or civil war and its uncertain outcomes.
They monitor attempts for change and intervene when the latter attempts
are too confrontational or too undiplomatic or too aggressive or
too radical, implying that those guilty of such crimes risk pushing
us towards a bloody carnage. They contrast the restraint that they
promote, design and manoeuvre to chaos.

This fallacy is so ingrained in much of the First World middle class
that it has become part of our culture. Many of us are allergic to
opinions, differences, arguments, political discussions, etc.

The truth is that there is a broad spectrum of possibilities between
polite consultation and an armed revolution. The truth is that change
requires confrontation. Change requires confrontation because we are
not talking about a change in hairstyle; we are talking about changes
that redistribute power and relative advantages between different
groups and between undemocratically controlled entities (corporations,
banks, institutions) and people.

One argument of service intellectuals is that we are all people, that
mutual respect must prevail, that those on both sides want what is good
for everyone and that both sides only need a chance to see this.

The latter is certainly the right working assumption in interpersonal
relations between individuals but what are the two sides in societal
and political struggles? The two sides in societal change are:
management and workers, corporations and citizens, ruling elite and
ordinary people, developers and residents, investors and inhabitants,
etc. A manager representing a corporation cannot be abstracted into the
shoes of ones next-door neighbour who wants to talk about repairing a
shared fence. The manager yields power over employees and is backed by
a corporation with political clout. The situation is highly asymmetric.
She may be a good mother to her children and she may be on the boards
of a dozen charity organizations but all that is irrelevant. This
manager has a job to do and its not a pretty one. Its about
manipulating and exploiting people (workers and consumers) to maximize
profits for investors. Its about making sure that those with money get
more money, as much as can be extorted. Public pressure and organized
resistance are the employees only chance.

If you dont need to use force, if a polite discussion will do the job,
then you are on the same side! You are collaborating. You are in a
symbiotic relation. You collaborate with your peers; you fight your
exploiters. You love your neighbour; you fight your oppressor. Your
heart is the size of your fist.

Its so damn obvious that its hard to recognize. Union officials that
collaborate with employer executives are part of the same management
elite. Professions that collaborate are part of the same system of
exploitation or of inherited privilege, such as the medical
establishment and big pharma. Where there is cooperation there is
relative advantage for both parties, relative to other groups. Where
there is institutionalized asymmetry and injustice, only confrontation
and forced adjustments can partially restore equitable distribution. It
doesnt take a Ph.D....

Actually, it does take a Ph.D.: One must be indoctrinated by a
sufficient amount of formal education to not see the obvious and to
partake in the lie. Gradual change my ass. A true intellectual doesnt
preach the religion of gradual change but instead steps out of the
mental framework of privilege to defend those on the other side. A true
intellectual helps the other side develop the tools it needs and does
not participate in neutralizing defiance.

Change occurs when people risk as much as they need to. First World
citizens have a responsibility to risk as much as they need to to be as
effective as possible. True intellectuals are impolite, unprofessional,
uncollegial, inconsiderate, etc., in pushing the limits as far as they
must. In the light of the crimes being perpetrated by our governments
and our corporations and financial institutions, true intellectuals
have no choice. The question is not What is too far? but rather What
is far enough?.

Respect for individuals as persons is distinct from attacking
representatives of oppressive power structures. The representatives
must be attacked as representatives, as strongly as is necessary. They
must be attacked as individuals wielding illegitimate (undemocratically
controlled) power that is used unjustly. One must assume that they can
be intimidated, perturbed, educated, etc., and that our actions will
either make them see the light or at least force them to back down.
People enmeshed in a system and culture of power and privilege cannot
be reasoned with from the other side of the divide without the
reasoning being based on a real threat.

Polite discussions and orderly debates are fine between different
segments of the ruling class arguing about how best to preserve and
enhance their class dominance but social justice comes only out of risk
and confrontation, organized resistance and mass movements. True
intellectuals speak truth to power [1]. True intellectuals expose power
and say the obvious. True intellectuals side with the exploited and
oppressed and are examples of defiance.

Service intellectuals maintain a mental environment that preserves
privilege. Service intellectuals maintain intellectual discipline
constantly identifying, isolating, and neutralizing true intellectuals,
however few there are.

Denis G. Rancourt is Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa.


[1] Said, Edward. Representations of the intellectual. Vintage Books,

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

May 6, 2006, 1:07:43 AM5/6/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 3, 2006

From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 2, 2006 7:09:17 AM EST
Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Bolivia gas under state control [bbc]

Bolivia Gas Under
State Control

Bolivia's President Evo Morales has signed a decree placing his
energy industry under state control.

In a May Day speech, he said foreign energy firms must agree to channel
their sales through the Bolivian state, or else leave the country.

He set the firms a six-month deadline, but the military and state energy
officials have already started taking control of the oil fields.

Bolivia has South America's second largest natural gas reserves.

But the country has suffered years of political crises over how to
and profit from the industry.

The main foreign oil firms operating in Bolivia are Brazil's Petrobras,
Spanish-Argentine company Repsol YPF, British companies British Gas and
British Petroleum and France's Total.

High energy prices

Speaking at an oilfield in the south of the country, Bolivia's left-wing
president called it an "historic day".

"The pillage of our natural resources by foreign companies is over," he

He said the companies had six months to re-negotiate their contracts and
urged them to "respect the dignity of Bolivians".

Foreign companies would receive 18% of oil and gas revenues during the
transition period, reports said.

Vice President Alvaro Garcia said the military and officials from the
energy firm YPFB moved to take control of 53 energy installations -
including gas fields,
pipelines and refineries - immediately after the decree was signed.

There was no immediate word from the foreign energy companies

The firms will get less favourable terms but current high global energy
prices may be an incentive to see if they can work with Mr Morales, the
BBC's Americas editor
Simon Watts says.

Friendly meetings

Mr Morales swept to victory as Bolivia's first indigenous president in
January elections after vowing to "recover" the country's natural
resources by renationalising them.

However, he has shown signs of pragmatism since coming to office, and
held friendly meetings with several oil bosses.

On a visit to Brazil in January he said renationalising the industry
not mean expelling foreign companies or expropriating foreign property.

"Foreign companies have every right to recover investments and make
but profits should be balanced," he told a press conference at the time.

Petrobras is one of Bolivia's largest foreign investors, controlling
14% of
the country's gas reserves.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

In Praise of a President?

OK, so it would be virtually impossible for me to praise a president
unconditionally. After all, anyone who wants to run for power is by
definition probably a dick.

But any guy who tours the heads of state of a few different countries
wearing an old jumper - and doesn't even bother changing it! - is a
trustworthy man in my humble opinion.

And now, Evo Morales of Bolivia has done something even more remarkable
- he's kept an election promise! He said he would renationalise control
of Bolivia's energy reserves. And today, he's taken back control of,
especially, the gas reserves. Not only announced it, but simultaneously
ordered the troops into the gas fields. To make the point, as it were.

I guess Chavez is looking and just *has* to follow the example!

And somehow, I don't think that this being International Workers' Day
was a coincidence.

"The time has come, the awaited day, a historic day in which Bolivia
retakes absolute control of our natural resources "

What a fucking cracker. I wouldn't give shit for his life expectancy,
mind you!

Isn't it kind of ironic that whilst the mad Neo-Cons of Washington are
obsessed with the Mid-East, the revolutionaries are back in their own

I like him. Morales still dresses like he doesn't give a shit for the
pretensions of office. He still says what he thinks, but seems a hell
of a lot smarter than he's being taken for by the Western media. He
hasn't got the party shit of Lula or the military shit of Chavez. OK,
I'm not too familiar with Bolivian politics, but for now, till I know
better...Viva Morales!


From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: May 2, 2006 8:59:43 AM EST
Subject: Do You Know Who's Killing You? - Depleted Uranium Dust: the
crime of the century

----- Original Message -----
From: Barbra-renee Brighenti
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Do You Know Who's Killing You? - Depleted Uranium Dust:
thecrime of the century
----- Original Message -----

From: FPF
Cc: The New York Times Direct
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 10:05 AM
Subject: Do You Know Who's Killing You? - Depleted Uranium Dust:
thecrime of the century

Marion Falk, a retired chemical physicist who built nuclear bombs for
more than 20 years at Lawrence Livermore Lab. was asked if the main
purpose for using it was for destroying things and killing people: "I
would say that it is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people."


FPF/HR: Does the PNAC-pack forget the world turns? - "Anybody who likes
war or cancer?" - Url.:





By Douglas Westerman*

05/01/06 "Vital Truths" - In 1979, depleted uranium (DU) particles
escaped from the National Lead Industries factory near Albany,
N.Y.,which was manufacturing DU weapons for the U.S military. The
particles traveled 26 miles and were discovered in a laboratory filter
by Dr. Leonard Dietz, a nuclear physicist. This discovery led to a shut
down of the factory in 1980, for releasing morethan 0.85 pounds of DU
dust into the atmosphere every month, and involved a cleanup of
contaminated properties costing over 100 million dollars.

Imagine a far worse scenario. Terrorists acquire a million pounds of
the deadly dust and scatter it in populated areas throughout the U.S.
Hundreds of children report symptoms. Many acquire cancer and leukemia,
suffering an early and painful death. Huge increases in severe birth
defects are reported. Oncologists are overwhelmed. Soccer fields, sand
lots and parks, traditional play areas for kids, are no longer safe.
People lose their most basic freedom, the ability to go outside and
safely breathe. Sounds worse than 9/11? Welcome to Iraq and

Dr. Jawad Al-Ali (55), director of the Oncology Center at the largest
hospital in Basra, Iraq stated, at a recent (2003) conference in Japan:

"Two strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen
before. The first is double and triple cancers in one patient. For
example, leukemia and cancer of the stomach. We had one patient with 2
cancers - one in his stomach and kidney. Months later, primary cancer
was developing in his other kidney--he had three different cancer
types. The second is the clustering of cancer in families. We have 58
families here with more than one person affected by cancer. Dr Yasin, a
general Surgeon here has two uncles, a sister and cousin affected with
cancer. Dr Mazen, another specialist, has six family members suffering
from cancer. My wife has nine members of her family with cancer".

"Children in particular are susceptible to DU poisoning. They have a
much higher absorption rate as their blood is being used to build and
nourish their bones and they have a lot of soft tissues. Bone cancer
and leukemia used to be diseases affecting them the most, however,
cancer of the lymph system which can develop anywhere on the body, and
has rarely been seen before the age of 12 is now also common.",

"We were accused of spreading propaganda for Saddam before the war.
When I have gone to do talks I have had people accuse me of being
pro-Saddam. Sometimes I feel afraid to even talk. Regime people have
been stealing my data and calling it their own, and using it for their
own agendas. The Kuwaitis banned me from entering Kuwait - we were
accused of being Saddam supporters."

John Hanchette, a journalism professor at St. Bonaventure University,
and one of the founding editors of USA TODAY related the following to
DU researcher Leuren Moret. He stated that he had prepared news
breaking stories about the effects of DU on Gulf War soldiers and Iraqi
citizens, but that each time he was ready to publish, he received a
phone call from the Pentagon asking him not to print the story. He has
since been replaced as editor of USA TODAY.

Dr. Keith Baverstock, The World Health Organization's chief expert on
radiation and health for 11 years and author of an unpublished study
has charged that his report " on the cancer risk to civilians in Iraq
from breathing uranium contaminated dust " was also deliberately

The information released by the U.S. Dept. of Defense is not reliable,
according to some sources even within the military.

In 1997, while citing experiments, by others, in which 84 percent of
dogs exposed to inhaled uranium died of cancer of the lungs, Dr. Asaf
Durakovic, then Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at
Georgetown University in Washington was quoted as saying:

"The [US government's] Veterans Administration asked me to lie about
the risks of incorporating depleted uranium in the human body."

At that time Dr. Durakovic was a colonel in the U.S. Army. He has
since left the military, to found the Uranium Medical Research Center,
a privately funded organization with headquarters in Canada.

PFC Stuart Grainger of 23 Army Division, 34th Platoon. (Names and
numbers have been changed) was diagnosed with cancer several after
returning from Iraq. Seven other men in the Platoon also have

Doug Rokke, U.S. Army contractor who headed a clean-up of depleted
uranium after the first Gulf War states:

"Depleted uranium is a crime against God and humanity."

Rokke's own crew, a hundred employees, was devastated by exposure to
the fine dust. He stated:

"When we went to the Gulf, we were all really healthy,"

After performing clean-up operations in the desert (mistakenly without
protective gear), 30 members of his staff died, and most
others"including Rokke himself"developed serious health problems. Rokke
now has reactive airway disease, neurological damage, cataracts, and
kidney problems.

"We warned the Department of Defense in 1991 after the Gulf War. Their
arrogance is beyond comprehension.

Yet the D.O.D still insists such ingestion is "not sufficient to make
troops seriously ill in most cases."

Then why did it make the clean up crew seriously or terminally ill in
nearly all cases?

Marion Falk, a retired chemical physicist who built nuclear bombs for
more than 20 years at Lawrence Livermore Lab, was asked if he thought
that DU weapons operate in a similar manner as a dirty bomb.

"That's exactly what they are. They fit the description of a dirty bomb
in every way."

According to Falk, more than 30 percent of the DU fired from the
cannons of U.S. tanks is reduced to particles one-tenth of a micron
(one millionth of a meter) in size or smaller on impact. "The larger
the bang" the greater the amount of DU that is dispersed into the
atmosphere, Falk said. With the larger missiles and bombs, nearly 100
percent of the DU is reduced to radioactive dust particles of the
"micron size" or smaller, he said.

When asked if the main purpose for using it was for destroying things
and killing people, Falk was more specific:

"I would say that it is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people."

When a DU round or bomb strikes a hard target, most of its kinetic
energy is converted to heat " sufficient heat to ignite the DU. From
40% to 70% of the DU is converted to extremely fine dust particles of
ceramic uranium oxide (primarily dioxide, though other formulations
also occur). Over 60% of these particles are smaller than 5 microns in
diameter, about the same size as the cigarette ash particles in
cigarette smoke and therefore respirable.

Because conditions are so chaotic in Iraq, the medical infrastructure
has been greatly compromised. In terms of both cancer and birth
defects due to DU, only a small fraction of the cases are being

Doctors in southern Iraq are making comparisons to the birth defects
that followed the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII.
They have numerous photos of infants born without brains, with their
internal organs outside their bodies, without sexual organs, without
spines, and the list of deformities goes on an on. Such birth defects
were extremely rare in Iraq prior to the large scale use of DU.
Weapons. Now they are commonplace. In hospitals across Iraq, the
mothers are no longer asking, "Doctor, is it a boy or girl?" but
rather, "Doctor, is it normal?" The photos are horrendous, they can be
viewed on the following website

Ross B. Mirkarimi, a spokesman at The Arms Control Research Centre

"Unborn children of the region are being asked to pay the highest
price, the integrity of their DNA."
Prior to her death from leukemia in Sept. 2004, Nuha Al Radi , an
accomplished Iraqi artist and author of the "Baghdad Diaries" wrote:

"Everyone seems to be dying of cancer. Every day one hears about
another acquaintance or friend of a friend dying. How many more die in
hospitals that one does not know? Apparently, over thirty percent of
Iraqis have cancer, and there are lots of kids with leukemia."

"The depleted uranium left by the U.S. bombing campaign has turned Iraq
into a cancer-infested country. For hundreds of years to come, the
effects of the uranium will continue to wreak havoc on Iraq and its
surrounding areas."
This excerpt in her diary was written in 1993, after Gulf War I
(Approximately 300 tons of DU ordinance, mostly in desert areas) but
before Operation Iraqi Freedom, (Est. 1,700 tons with much more near
major population centers). So, it's 5-6 times worse now than it was
when she wrote than diary entry!! Estimates of the percentage of D.U.
which was 'aerosolized' into fine uranium oxide dust are approximately
30-40%. That works out to over one million pounds of dust scattered
throughout Iraq.

As a special advisor to the World Health Organization, the United
Nations, and the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Dr. Ahmad Hardan has
documented the effects of DU in Iraq between 1991 and 2002.

"American forces admit to using over 300 tons of DU weapons in 1991.
The actual figure is closer to 800. This has caused a health crisis
that has affected almost a third of a million people. As if that was
not enough, America went on and used 200 tons more in Bagdad alone
during the recent invasion.

I don"t know about other parts of Iraq, it will take me years to
document that.

"In Basra, it took us two years to obtain conclusive proof of what DU
does, but we now know what to look for and the results are terrifying."
By far the most devastating effect is on unborn children. Nothing can
prepare anyone for the sight of hundreds of preserved fetuses "
scarcely human in appearance. Iraq is now seeing babies with terribly
foreshortened limbs, with their intestines outside their bodies, with
huge bulging tumors where their eyes should be, or with a single
eye-like Cyclops, or without eyes, or without limbs, and even without
heads. Significantly, some of the defects are almost unknown outside
textbooks showing the babies born near A-bomb test sites in the

Dr. Hardan also states:

"I arranged for a delegation from Japan's Hiroshima Hospital to come
and share their expertise in the radiological diseases we

Are likely to face over time. The delegation told me the Americans had
objected and they decided not to come. Similarly, a world famous German
cancer specialist agreed to come, only to be told later that he would
not be given permission to enter Iraq."
Not only are we poisoning the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, but we
are making a concerted effort to keep out specialists from other
countries who can help. The U.S. Military doesn"t want the rest of the
world to find out what we have done.

Such relatively swift development of cancers has been reported by
doctors in hospitals treating civilians following NATO bombing with DU
in Yugoslavia in 1998-1999 and the US military invasion of Iraq using
DU for the first time in 1991. Medical experts report that this
phenomenon of multiple malignancies from unrelated causes has been
unknown until now and is a new syndrome associated with internal DU
Just 467 US personnel were wounded in the three-week Persian Gulf War
in 1990-1991. Out of 580,400 soldiers who served in Gulf War I, 11,000
are dead, and by 2000 there were 325,000 on permanent medical
disability. This astounding number of disabled vets means that a decade
later, 56 percent of those soldiers who served in the first Gulf War
now have medical problems.

Although not reported in the mainstream American press, a recent Tokyo
tribunal, guided by the principles of International Criminal Law
<;l=EN> and
International Humanitarian Law <> , found
President George W. Bush guilty of war crimes. On March 14, 2004, Nao
Shimoyachi, reported in The Japan Times
that President Bush was found guilty "for attacking civilians with
indiscriminate weapons and other arms,"and the "tribunal also issued
recommendations for banning Depleted Uranium shells and other weapons
that indiscriminately harm people." Although this was a "Citizen's
Court" having no legal authority, the participants were sincere in
their determination that international laws have been violated and a
war crimes conviction is warranted.

Troops involved in actual combat are not the only servicemen reporting
symptoms. Four soldiers from a New York Army National Guard company
serving in Iraq are among several members of the same company, the
442nd Military Police, who say they have been battling persistent
physical ailments that began last summer in the Iraqi town of Samawah.

"I got sick instantly in June," said Staff Sgt. Ray Ramos, a Brooklyn
housing cop. "My health kept going downhill with daily headaches,
constant numbness in my hands and rashes on my stomach."

Dr. Asaf Durakovic, UMRC founder, and nuclear medicine expert examined
and tested nine soldiers from the company says that four "almost
certainly" inhaled radioactive dust from exploded American shells
manufactured with depleted uranium. Laboratory tests revealed traces of
two manmade forms of uranium in urine samples from four of the

If so, the men - Sgt. Hector Vega, Sgt. Ray Ramos, Sgt. Agustin Matos
and Cpl. Anthony Yonnone - are the first confirmed cases of inhaled
depleted uranium exposure from the current Iraq conflict.

The 442nd, made up for the most part of New York cops, firefighters and
correction officers, is based in Orangeburg, Rockland County.
Dispatched to Iraq in Easter of 2003, the unit's members had been
providing guard duty for convoys, running jails and training Iraqi
police. The entire company is due to return home later this month.

"These are amazing results, especially since these soldiers were
military police not exposed to the heat of battle," said Dr. Asaf
Duracovic, who examined the G.I.s and performed the testing.

In a group of eight U.S. led Coalition servicemen whose babies were
born without eyes, seven are known to have been directly exposed to DU
dust. In a much group (250 soldiers) exposed during the first Gulf war,
67% of the children conceived after the war had birth defects.

Dr. Durakovic's UMRC research team also conducted a three-week field
trip to Iraq in October of 2003. It collected about 100 samples of
substances such as soil, civilian urine and the tissue from the corpses
of Iraqi soldiers in 10 cities, including Baghdad, Basra and Najaf.
Durakovic said preliminary tests show that the air, soil and water
samples contained "hundreds to thousands of times" the normal levels of

"This high level of contamination is because much more depleted uranium
was used this year than in (the Gulf War of) 1991," Durakovic told The
Japan Times.

"They are hampering efforts to prove the connection between Depleted
Uranium and the illness," Durakovic said:


(NOTE ABOUT DR. DURAKOVIC; First, he was warned to stop his work, then
he was fired from his position, then his house was ransacked, and he
has also reported receiving death threats. Evidently the U.S. D.O.D is
very keen on censoring DU whistle-blowers!)

Dr. Durakovic, UMRC research associates Patricia Horan and Leonard
Dietz, published a unique study in the August 2002 issue of Military
Medicine Medical Journal. The study is believed to be the first to look
at inhaled DU among Gulf War veterans, using the ultrasensitive
technique of thermal ionization mass spectrometry, which enabled them
to easily distinguish between natural uranium and DU. The study, which
examined British, Canadian and U.S. veterans, all suffering typical
Gulf War Syndrome ailments, found that, nine years after the war, 14 of
27 veterans studied had DU in their urine. DU also was found in the
lung and bone of a deceased Gulf War veteran. That no governmental
study has been done on inhaled DU "amounts to a massive malpractice,"
Dietz said in an interview.

The Japanese began studying DU effects in the southern Iraq in the
summer of 2003. They had a Geiger counter which they watched go off the
scale on many occasions. During their visit,a local hospital was
treating upwards of 600 children per day, many of which suffered
symptoms of internal poisoning by radiation. 600 children per day?
How many of these children will get cancer and suffer and early and
painful death?

"Ingested DU particles can cause up to 1,000 times the damage of an
X-ray", said Mary Olson, a nuclear waste specialist and biologist at
the Nuclear Information and Resource Service in Washington D.C.

It is this difference in particle size as well as the dust's
crystalline structure that make the presence of DU dust in the
environment such an extreme hazard, and which differentiates its
properties from that of the natural uranium dust that is ubiquitous and
to which we all are exposed every day, which seldom reaches such a
small size. This point is being stressed, as comparing DU particles to
much larger natural ones is misleading.

The U.S. Military and its supporters regularly quote a Rand Corp. Study
which uses the natural uranium inhaled by miners.

Particles smaller than 10 microns can access the innermost recesses of
lung tissue where they become permanently lodged. Furthermore, if the
substance is relatively insoluble, such as the ceramic DU-oxide dust
produced from burning DU, it will remain in place for decades,
dissolving very slowly into the bloodstream and lymphatic fluids
through the course of time. Studies have identified DU in the urine of
Gulf War veterans nine years after that conflict, testifying to the
permanence of ceramic DU-oxide in the lungs. Thus the effects are far
different from natural uranium dust, whose coarse particles are almost
entirely excreted by the body within 24 hours.

The military is aware of DU's harmful effects on the human genetic
code. A 2001 study of DU's effect on DNA done by Dr. Alexandra C.
Miller for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute in
Bethesda, Md., indicates that DU's chemical instability causes 1
million times more genetic damage than would be expected from its
radiation effect alone.

Studies have shown that inhaled nano-particles are far more toxic than
micro-sized particles of the same basic chemical composition. British
toxicopathologist Vyvyan Howard has reported that the increased
toxicity of the nano-particle is due to its size.

For example, when mice were exposed to virus-size particles of Teflon
(0.13 microns) in a University of Rochester study, there were no ill
effects. But when mice were exposed to nano-particles of Teflon for 15
minutes, nearly all the mice died within 4 hours.

"Exposure pathways for depleted uranium can be through the skin, by
inhalation, and ingestion," writes Lauren Moret, another DU
researcher. "Nano-particles have high mobility and can easily enter the
body. Inhalation of nano-particles of depleted uranium is the most
hazardous exposure, because the particles pass through the lung-blood
barrier directly into the blood.

"When inhaled through the nose, nano-particles can cross the olfactory
bulb directly into the brain through the blood brain barrier, where
they migrate all through the brain," she wrote. "Many Gulf era soldiers
exposed to depleted uranium have been diagnosed with brain tumors,
brain damage and impaired thought processes. Uranium can interfere with
the mitochondria, which provide energy for the nerve processes, and
transmittal of the nerve signal across synapses in the brain.

Based on dissolution and excretion rate data, it is possible to
approximate the amount of DU initially inhaled by these veterans. For
the handful of veterans studied, this amount averaged 0.34 milligrams.
Knowing the specific activity (radiation rate) for DU allows one to
determine that the total radiation (alpha, beta and gamma) occurring
from DU and its radioactive decay products within their bodies comes to
about 26 radiation events every second, or 800 million events each
year. At .34 milligrams per dose, there are over 10 trillion doses
floating around Iraq and Afghanistan.


How many additional deaths are we talking about? In the aftermath of
the first Gulf War, the UK Atomic Energy Authority came up with
estimates for the potential effects of the DU contamination left by the
conflict. It calculated that "this could cause "500,000 potential
deaths". This was "a theoretical figure", it stressed, that indicated
"a significant problem".

The AEA's calculation was made in a confidential memo to the privatized
munitions company, Royal Ordnance, dated 30 April 1991. The high number
of potential deaths was dismissed as "very far from realistic" by a
British defense minister, Lord Gilbert. "Since the rounds were fired in
the desert, many miles from the nearest village, it is highly unlikely
that the local population would have been exposed to any significant
amount of respirable oxide," he said. These remarks were made prior to
the more recent invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq, where DU
munitions were used on a larger scale in and near many of the most
populated areas. If the amount of DU ordinance used in the first Gulf
War was sufficient to cause 500,000 potential deaths, (had it been used
near the populated areas), then what of the nearly six times that
amount used in operation Iraqi Freedom, which was used in and near the
major towns and cities? Extrapolating the U.K. AEA estimate with this
amount gives a figure of potentially 3 million extra deaths from
inhaling DU dust in Iraq alone, not including Afghanistan. This is
about 11% of Iraq's total population of 27 million. Dan Bishop, Ph.d
chemist for IDUST feels that this estimate may be low, if the long life
of DU dust is considered. In Afghanistan, the concentration in some
areas is greater than Iraq.

What can an otherwise healthy person expect when inhaling the deadly
dust? Captain Terry Riordon was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces
serving in Gulf War I. He passed away in April 1999 at age 45. Terry
left Canada a very fit man who did cross-country skiing and ran in
marathons. On his return only two months later he could barely walk.

He returned to Canada in February 1991 with documented loss of motor
control, chronic fatigue, respiratory difficulties, chest pain,
difficulty breathing, sleep problems, short-term memory loss, testicle
pain, body pains, aching bones, diarrhea, and depression. After his
death, depleted uranium contamination was discovered in his lungs and
bones. For eight years he suffered his innumerable ailments and
struggled with the military bureaucracy and the system to get proper
diagnosis and treatment. He had arranged, upon his death, to bequeath
his body to the UMRC. Through his gift, the UMRC was able to obtain
conclusive evidence that inhaling fine particles of depleted uranium
dust completely destroyed his heath. How many Terry Riordans are out
there among the troops being exposed, not to mention Iraqi and Afghan

Inhaling the dust will not kill large numbers of Iraqi and Afghan
civilians right away, any more than it did Captain Riordan. Rather,
what we will see is vast numbers of people who are chronically and
severely ill, having their life spans drastically shortened, many with
multiple cancers.

Melissa Sterry, another sick veteran, served for six months at a supply
base in Kuwait during the winter of 1991-92. Part of her job with the
National Guard's Combat Equipment Company "A" was to clean out tanks
and other armored vehicles that had been used during the war, preparing
them for storage.

She said she swept out the armored vehicles, cleaning up dust, sand and
debris, sometimes being ordered to help bury contaminated parts. In a
telephone interview, she stated that after researching depleted uranium
she chose not to take the military's test because she could not trust
the results. It is alarming that Melissa was stationed in Kuwait, not
Iraq. Cleaning out tanks with DU dust was enough to make her ill.

In, 2003, the Christian Science Monitor sent reporters to Iraq to
investigate long-term effects of depleted uranium. Staff writer Scott
Peterson saw children playing on top of a burnt-out tank near a
vegetable stand on the outskirts of Baghdad, a tank that had been
destroyed by armor-piercing shells coated with depleted uranium.
Wearing his mask and protective clothing, he pointed his Geiger counter
toward the tank. It registered 1,000 times the normal background
radiation. If the troops were on a mission of mercy to bring democracy
to Iraq, wouldn"t keeping children away from such dangers be the top

The laws of war prohibit the use of weapons that have deadly and
inhumane effects beyond the field of battle. Nor can weapons be legally
deployed in war when they are known to remain active, or cause harm
after the war concludes. It is no surprise that the Japanese Court
found President Bush guilty of war crimes.

Dr. Alim Yacoub of Basra University conducted an epidemiological study
into incidences of malignancies in children under fifteen years old, in
the Basra area (an area bombed with DU during the first Gulf War). They
found over the 1990 to 1999 period, there was a 242% rise. That was
before the recent invasion.
In Kosovo, similar spikes in cancer and birth defects were noticed by
numerous international experts, although the quantity of DU weapons
used was only a small fraction of what was used in Iraq.


Verifiable statistics for Iraq will remain elusive for some time, but
widespread field studies in Afghanistan point to the existence of a
large scale public health disaster. In May of 2002, the UMRC (Uranium
Medical Research Center) sent a field team to interview and examine
residents and internally displaced people in Afghanistan. The UMRC
field team began by first identifying several hundred people suffering
from illnesses and medical conditions displaying clinical symptoms
which are considered to be characteristic of radiation exposure. To
investigate the possibility that the symptoms were due to radiation
sickness, the UMRC team collected urine specimens and soil samples,
transporting them to an independent research lab in England.

UMRC's Field Team found Afghan civilians with acute symptoms of
radiation poisoning, along with chronic symptoms of internal uranium
contamination, including congenital problems in newborns. Local
civilians reported large, dense dust clouds and smoke plumes rising
from the point of impact, an acrid smell, followed by burning of the
nasal passages, throat and upper respiratory tract. Subjects in all
locations presented identical symptom profiles and chronologies. The
victims reported symptoms including pain in the cervical column, upper
shoulders and basal area of the skull, lower back/kidney pain, joint
and muscle weakness, sleeping difficulties, headaches, memory problems
and disorientation.

Two additional scientific study teams were sent to Afghanistan. The
first arrived in June 2002, concentrating on the Jalalabad region. The
second arrived four months later, broadening the study to include the
capital Kabul, which has a population of nearly 3.5 million people. The
city itself contains the highest recorded number of fixed targets
during Operation Enduring Freedom. For the study's purposes, the
vicinity of three major bomb sites were examined. It was predicted that
signatures of depleted or enriched uranium would be found in the urine
and soil samples taken during the research. The team was unprepared for
the shock of its findings, which indicated in both Jalalabad and Kabul,
DU was causing the high levels of illness. Tests taken from a number of
Jalalabad subjects showed concentrations 400% to 2000% above that for
normal populations, amounts which have not been recorded in civilian
studies before.

Those in Kabul who were directly exposed to US-British precision
bombing showed extreme signs of contamination, consistent with uranium
exposure. These included pains in joints, back/kidney pain, muscle
weakness, memory problems and confusion and disorientation. Those
exposed to the bombing report symptoms of flu-type illnesses, bleeding,
runny noses and blood-stained mucous. How many of these people will
suffer a painful and early death from cancer? Even the study team
itself complained of similar symptoms during their stay. Most of these
symptoms last for days or months.

In August of 2002, UMRC completed its preliminary analysis of the
results from Nangarhar. Without exception, every person donating urine
specimens tested positive for uranium contamination. The specific
results indicated an astoundingly high level of contamination;
concentrations were 100 to 400 times greater than those of the Gulf War
Veterans tested in 1999. A researcher reported. "We took both soil
and biological samples, and found considerable presence in urine
samples of radioactivity; the heavy concentration astonished us. They
were beyond our wildest imagination."

In the fall of 2002, the UMRC field team went back to Afghanistan for a
broader survey, and revealed a potentially larger exposure than
initially anticipated. Approximately 30% of those interviewed in the
affected areas displayed symptoms of radiation sickness. New born
babies were among those displaying symptoms, with village elders
reporting that over 25% of the infants were inexplicably ill.

How widespread and extensive is the exposure? A quote from the UMRC
field report reads:

"The UMRC field team was shocked by the breadth of public health
impacts coincident with the bombing. Without exception, at every
bombsite investigated, people are ill. A significant portion of the
civilian population presents symptoms consistent with internal
contamination by uranium."
In Afghanistan, unlike Iraq, UMRC lab results indicated high
concentrations of NON-DEPLETED URANIUM, with the concentrations being
much higher than in DU victims from Iraq. Afghanistan was used as a
testing ground for a new generation of "bunker buster" bombs containing
high concentrations of other uranium alloys.

"A significant portion of the civilian population"? It appears that by
going after a handful of terrorists in Afghanistan we have poisoned a
huge number of innocent civilians, with a disproportionate number of
them being children.

The military has found depleted uranium in the urine of some soldiers
but contends it was not enough to make them seriously ill in most
cases. Critics have asked for more sensitive, more expensive testing.


According to an October 2004 Dispatch from the Italian Military
Health Observatory, a total of 109 Italian soldiers have died thus far
due to exposure to depleted uranium. A spokesman at the Military
Health Observatory, Domenico Leggiero, states "The total of 109
casualties exceeds the total number of persons dying as a consequence
of road accidents. Anyone denying the significance of such data is
purely acting out of ill faith, and the truth is that our soldiers are
dying out there due to a lack of adequate protection against depleted
uranium". Members of the Observatory have petitioned for an urgent
hearing "in order to study effective prevention and safeguard measures
aimed at reducing the death-toll amongst our serving soldiers".

There were only 3,000 Italian soldiers sent to Iraq, and they were
there for a short time. The number of 109 represents about 3.6% of the
total. If the same percentage of Iraqis get a similar exposure, that
would amount to 936,000. As Iraqis are permanently living in the same
contaminated environment, their percentage will be higher.

The Pentagon/DoD have interfered with UMRC's ability to have its
studies published by managing, a progressive and persistent
misinformation program in the press against UMRC, and through the use
of its control of science research grants to refute UMRC's scientific
findings and destroy the reputation of UMRC's scientific staff,
physicians and laboratories. UMRC is the first independent research
organization to find Depleted Uranium in the bodies of US, UK and
Canadian Gulf War I veterans and has subsequently, following Operation
Iraqi Freedom, found Depleted Uranium in the water, soils and
atmosphere of Iraq as well as biological samples donated by Iraqi
civilians. Yet the first thing that comes up on Internet searches are
these supposed "studies repeatedly showing DU to be harmless." The
technique is to approach the story as a debate between government and
independent experts in which public interest is stimulated by
polarizing the issues rather than telling the scientific and medical
truth. The issues are systematically confused and misinformed by
government, UN regulatory agencies (WHO, UNEP, IAEA, CDC, DOE, etc) and
defense sector (military and the weapons developers and manufacturers).

Dr. Yuko Fujita, an assistant professor at Keio University, Japan who
examined the effects of radioactivity in Iraq from May to June, 2003,
said : "I doubt that Iraq is fabricating data because in fact there
are many children suffering from leukemia in hospitals," Fujita said.
"As a result of the Iraq war, the situation will be desperate in some
five to 10 years."

The March 14, 2004 Tokyo Citizen's Tribunal that "convicted"
President Bush gave the following summation regarding DU weapons: (This
court was a citizen's court with no binding legal authority)

1. Their use has indiscriminate effects;

2. Their use is out of proportion with the pursuit of military

3. Their use adversely affects the environment in a widespread, long
term and severe manner;

4. Their use causes superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering.

Two years ago, President Bush withdrew the United States as a
signatory to the International Criminal Court's statute, which has been
ratified by all other Western democracies. The White House actually
seeks to immunize U.S. leaders from war crimes prosecutions entirely.
It has also demanded express immunity from ICC prosecution for American


If terrorists succeeded in spreading something throughout the U.S. that
ended up causing hundreds of thousands of cancer cases and birth
defects over a period of many years, they would be guilty of a crime
against humanity that far surpasses the Sept. 11th attacks in scope and
severity. Although not deliberate, with our military campaigns in Iraq
and Afghanistan, we have done just that. If the physical environment
is so unsafe and unhealthy that one cannot safely breath, then the
outer trappings of democracy have little meaning. At least under
Saddam, the Iraqi people could stay healthy and conceive normal


[enditem] - Url.:

Fwd. by the Foreign Press Foundation

* Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.:

GLOBALLY ALL CRIMINALS (especially their propagandists in the PNAC's
media, without whom this never would have been possible) MUST BE JUDGED


'President' of the United States of America - Url.:


under-5 infant mortality for 2003 was 110,000 in occupied Iraq, 292,000
in occupied Afghanistan.' - Gideon Polya: 'Non-reportage of US-linked
infant mass mortality' - December 23, 2004 - Url.:

TODDLERS: "Children Continue To Be the Main Victims Of the U.S. War
Crimes." - By Dr. Cisar Chelala - Url.:

TOO - Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.:

* US 'BABY GENOCIDE' DEFENDED: Former U.S. PNAC-Secr. of State
Madeleine Albright-Korbel, 10 years ago in her comment on the at least
HALF A MILLION dead children in Iraq, which now is estimated at ONE
Minutes' - Url.:

Margolis: "The Soviet's genocide accounted for at least 40 million
victims, not including 20 million war dead. Kaganovitch and many senior
OGPU officers (later, NKVD) were Jewish." - Url.: - Stalin's Terminator: LAZAR KAGANOVITCH -

GOVERNMENT - "He asked if there was an international conspiracy to
overthrow our government: The answer is ''Yes" - Short video - Url.:

as George Bush keeps repeating: 'Gott mit Uns' - 'God is on our side' -
SS/CIA - Url.:

don't react now... - Url.:

economic 'hit man'. World Bank insider Perkins explains: "Jackals' are
C.I.A. - sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or
revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try
to." - They steal billions for the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP, AID
etc. - Perkins web site - Url.: - It's your
life too: Must watch Video Url.:

around the globe for more than forty years, I can not find anything
wrong with this eloquent description of the state of affairs: ''Just
six simple words that carry the weight of the world upon them, six
simple words that act as the engine for so much turmoil and unrest.'' -

MANY BY THE PNAC's CIA: John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in
Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush.
said and wrote in 1986: ''How 6 million People Were killed in CIA
secret wars against Third World countries.'' - Url.:

* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we
Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets
and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with
Sarah McClendon in December 1992.

CONNECTION - by John Loftus, a former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi
War Crimes prosecutor, the President of the Florida Holocaust Museum
and the highly respected author of numerous books on the CIA-Nazi
connection including The Belarus Secret and The Secret War Against the
Jews, both of which have extensive material on the
Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection. - Url.:

* GLOBAL PREDATORS - FRAUDS-R-US9 - The Bush Family Saga - Url.:


* US TERROR in a CNN Poll - Question: "Do you believe there is a U.S.
government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" - 'Yes' - 89% - 'NO' - 11% -

* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, killing
Americans to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this
video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC
pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.:

* SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other scientists, diplomats,
researchers etc.: What happened on 9/11? - What is happening to our
world? - How can we improve our situation? - Url.:

* The MAD COW MORNING NEWS is one of the absolutely best 9/11 sites on
Internet - by Daniel Hopsicker - Url.:

* PSYOPS: How to make anybody say and see anything - William M. Arkin's
"The U.S. Military Online" - When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing -
Special to the Washington Post - already on Feb. 1, 1999 -

* FOX: Video 49" - The example how viewers are brainwashed and
'outfoxed' - Url.:

* All the more reason to read the 'FIGHTIN' COCK FLYER' - Url.:

* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops, including the revolting
generals and other officers - of whatever nationality - to come back
FOR BY TAXES - [] - We need them
badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called
'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:

The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad for more than 4
decades for international media - when they still knew what honest
journalism was - as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10
years - also during Gulf War I - in the 'Arab World' and the Middle
East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more
terrorism !

* IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but if you indeed would prefer to unsubscribe
from the FPF-list: just send an email in return with the word

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section
107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the
Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to
those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information.

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


From: John Leonard <>
Date: May 1, 2006 12:18:31 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] PRweb Progressive Press release

Publisher Slams Immigration "Mex Hex," Moussaoui
"Frame-Up;" Hails Power of Tarpley's Patsy-Mole
Model; Sees Only One Way to Stop War: Thru 9/11 Truth.

9/11 Truth Against War in NYC and on Talk Radio,
New 911-?!! Buttons. World Crisis Radio Airs Top
French, Italian 9/11 Authors Meyssan, Blondet.
May 3rd Events in Worcester MA, Los Angeles,
Chicago; in Munich, Allianz Wants to Pay Silverstein.

Washington DC, May 1, 2006. (PRWEB) Organizers
said over 300,000 attended Saturday's anti-war
march in NYC. The idea for the April 29 protest
came from, who also leafletted
last week's premiere of the war party-line docudrama United 93.

"Anti-war protests are ideal for spreading 9/11
Truth." said Progressive Press publisher John
Leonard. "9/11 is trump. With the myth, no chance
for peace. Imagine reaching 300,000 people at
once with our message." He has a new activist
button at, with 911
writ as "?!!" and the motto, "Question the Official 9/11 Conspiracy

Progressive Press publishes the radical 9/11
best-seller, W. G. Tarpley's "9/11 Synthetic
Terror: Made in USA." Leonard says the Moussaoui
trial validated Tarpley's work enormously:
"Nobody could cut through the layers of
greasepaint on this victim without the analytical
power tools of Tarpley's patsy and mole
framework." Lee Harvey Oswald's desperate cry,
"I'm just a patsy," once shattered the corporate
media taboo on this spy-world term. Leonard adds
psychological depth to it in "Moussaoui: Mad
Patsy Playing for the Prosecution," at

Leonard thinks the "war party" took a huge risk
in blowing up the WTC, but not an irrational one.
"To trump them, we need aces. Even if you show
they let 9/11 happen, if you admit there really
were Arab hijackers, they can take that, and you
lose. The average Joe figures, we were attacked,
we had to attack back. You have to show him 9/11
was an inside job from A to Z. Do that, and we
win really big. Not just on Iraq and Iran, but
over the whole political landscape." The stakes
seem high enough that Leonard wonders if this is
why the corporate-owned chain bookstores refuse
to carry "9/11 Synthetic Terror," in spite of
strong Amazon sales. It's the first book to go
beyond the deduction that insiders had to
demolish the towers, and describe the elites behind it.

Tarpley is inviting other 9/11 authors on his
World Crisis Radio talk shows, which are archived
at Some
rough transcripts are at

On April 22 Tarpley hosted the great pioneer
Thierry Meyssan, president of the Voltaire
Network. Meyssan told how his 9/11 books came
about. He had assembled a team of specialists in
ballistics, architecture and so on to look into
differing reports on the Pentagon explosion and
fire. Suddenly they were saying to each other:
"But where is the plane?" Meyssan's "The Big Lie"
set all-time sales records in France, but never
got the reception it deserves in the US.

Yesterday Webster Tarpley hosted Maurizio
Blondet, the Italian author of "September 11:
Coup d'Etat in the USA." Tarpley was a Fulbright
scholar in Turin, and his first book was in
Italian; it showed the Red Brigades were covert
NATO psy-war terror assets. With Wisnewski and
von Buelow, we have heard an international panel
of leading authors from the school of 9/11 as
inside job (dubbed "MIHOP" or "Make It Happen On
Purpose" by researcher Nico Haupt).

Blondet noted the anthrax case was a key part of
the 9/11 coup d'etat in the USA, which terrorized
Congress and people outside large cities. He told
how insider palace revolutions in the US operate
by capturing the president -- as laid out in
"Coup d'Itat : A Practical Handbook" by neo-con
defense intellectual Edward Luttwak! Blondet also
sees dual-citizenship neo-cons like Wolfowitz
hijacking America to hammer Israel's enemies.

** More Progressive Press and 9/11 Truth News **

* Mexifobia *

What do 9/11 and the current rash of
anti-immigrant demagogy have in common? That's
easy: the fabrication of enemy images to evil ends. But why the hex on

In "Welcome to Mexiphobia, Amigo: or, Why Did the
Melting Pot Call the Immigrant Kettle Black?"
Leonard speculates the terror button is getting
tired and "the junta" need a fresh issue for
their "strategy of tension" -- among a range of
sinister possibilities.

* 3 de Mayo *
It's not Cinco de Mayo, but a lot is happening on May 3rd:

- At Clark University in Worcester MA at 1 p.m.,
a screening of the popular "Loose Change,"
followed by a special treat: theatre pieces by
the students of the 911 Project, directed by Ray
Munro, and a discussion moderated by Prof. A. A.
Anderson. He is the latest distinguished academic
to come out in active support of the 9/11 Truth
project. See

- In Los Angeles CA, a dinner lecture with Prof.
David Ray Griffin, author of "The New Pearl
Harbor." Details at

- In Munich, Germany, insurance giant Allianz
refused to put shareholder John Leonard's
counter-motion on the agenda of the May 3rd
general meeting. Leonard wants to censure
directors for their readiness to pay out billions
to WTC demolition suspect Larry Silverstein.
Details will be posted at

- In Chicago, a major "anti-terror drill" will be
staged by "Homeland Security" from May 2nd to
4th. Activists warn such drills can go live. In
"9/11 Synthetic Terror," Tarpley tells how drills
camouflage and conduit terror ops, as with the
London 7/7 bombings, see

And on June 2nd to 4th, is
scheduling the largest 9/11 Truth convocation yet this year in Chicago.


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"United 93": What Happened on the Planes?

By Michel Chossudovsky
May 1, 2006

This article was first published in August 2004, following the release
of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Our findings cast doubt on the Commission'sB narrativeB regarding what
actually happened on board the planes. This narrative, which describes
in detail the 9/11 Arab hijackers, is almost entirely based on recorded
cell phone conversations.B The telecomB industry is unequivocal. Given
the wireless technology available on September 11 2001, these cell
calls could not have been placed from high altitude.

What happened on the planes is now the object ofB an "an exhilarating,
somber and heroic" HollywoodB B docu-drama entitled bUnited 93b. Directed
by British filmmakerB PaulB Greengrass, the filmB B describes what happened
on flight UA 93, using the "findings" of the 9/11 Commission:B

"At 10:00:03, Jarrah stabilized the airplane. Five seconds later,
Jarrah asked, bIs that it? Shall we finish it off?b A hijacker
responded, bNo. Not yet. When they all come, we finish it off.b The
sounds of fighting continued outside the cockpit. Again, Jarrah pitched
the nose of the aircraft up and down.At 10:00:26, a passenger in the
background said, bIn the cockpit. If we donbt webll die!b Sixteen
seconds later, a passenger yelled,bRoll it!b Jarrah stopped the violent
maneuvers at about 10:01:00 and said, bAllah is the greatest!"

The film braodly follows the Commission's narrative. ItB describes how
the passengers heroically challenged the Arab hijackers in the cockpit,
prior to its crash in Pennsylvania:B

bUnited 93b respects the attempt by its passengers to take back the
cockpit and their group minded sacrifice. When the men and women
attempt to tackle a hijacker and pummel the cockpit door, you want it
to crack open, you want that prospective passenger pilot to take the
controls, and you want to see a smooth landing a la the fictional
bAirportb movies.

None of these deviations and hopes for a miracle lessen efforts of what
the heroic passengers attempted to execute; they merely inscribe the
directorbs mastery of the material which reaches off the screen at
least fleetingly into a bfeel good,b good guys prevail Hollywood


"United 93"B replicates the official story of 9/11. It serves to
galvanize public opinion in support of the "war on terrorism". It is
important,B therefore, thatB the flaws contained both in the 911
Commission Report and the movie be the object of serious debate and

"We have some planes"B (quoting the alleged Arab hijackers) is the title
of the first chapter of the 9/11 Commission's Report.B With the release
of "United 93", what happened on the planes is rapidly becoming part of
America's pop fiction culture.

The movie serves the interests of the Bush adminstration. It imprints
in the minds of millions of Americans that "the threat is real" and
that "America is under attack".B

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 1 May 2006

The article below was also published as a chapter in the author's book:
"America's "War on Terrorism"

911 Commission Report:

More Holes in the Official Story: The 9/11 Cell Phone Calls

by Michel Chossudovsky
(original date of publication) 10 August 2004

"We Have Some Planes"

The 9/11 Commission's Report provides an almost visual description of
the Arab hijackers. It depicts in minute detail events occurring inside
the cabin of the four hijacked planes.

In the absence of surviving passengers, this "corroborating evidence",
was based on passengers' cell and air phone conversations with their
loved ones. According to the Report, the cockpit voice recorder (CVR)
was only recovered in the case of one of the flights (UAL 93).

Focusing on the personal drama of the passengers, the Commission has
built much of its narrative around the phone conversations. The Arabs
are portrayed with their knives and box cutters, scheming in the name
of Allah, to bring down the planes and turn them "into large guided
missiles" (Report, Chapter 1, ).

The Technology of Wireless Transmission

The Report conveys the impression that cell phone ground-to-air
communication from high altitude was of reasonably good quality, and
that there was no major impediment or obstruction in wireless

Some of the conversations were with onboard air phones, which contrary
to the cell phones provide for good quality transmission. The report
does not draw a clear demarcation between the two types of calls.

More significantly, what this carefully drafted script fails to mention
is that, given the prevailing technology in September 2001, it was
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to place a wireless cell call
from an aircraft traveling at high speed above 8000 feet:

"Wireless communications networks weren't designed for ground-to-air
communication. Cellular experts privately admit that they're surprised
the calls were able to be placed from the hijacked planes, and that
they lasted as long as they did. They speculate that the only reason
that the calls went through in the first place is that the aircraft
were flying so close to the ground (

Expert opinion within the wireless telecom industry casts serious doubt
on "the findings" of the 9/11 Commission.B According to Alexa Graf, a
spokesman of AT&T, commenting in the immediate wake of the 9/11

"it was almost a fluke that the [9/11] calls reached their
destinations... From high altitudes, the call quality is not very good,
and most callers will experience drops. Although calls are not
reliable, callers can pick up and hold calls for a little while below a
certain altitude" ( B B B B B B )

New Wireless Technology

While serious doubts regarding the cell calls were expressed in the
immediate aftermath of 9/11, a new landmark in the wireless telecom
industry has further contributed to upsetting the Commission's
credibility. Within days of the release of the 9/11 Commission Report
in July, American Airlines and Qualcomm, proudly announced the
development of a new wireless technology --which will at some future
date allow airline passengers using their cell phones to contact family
and friends from a commercial aircraft (no doubt at aB special rate
aerial roaming charge) (see )

"Travelers could be talking on their personal cellphones as early as
2006. Earlier this month [July 2004], American Airlines conducted a
trial run on a modified aircraft that permitted cell phone calls." (WP,
July 27, 2004)

Aviation Week (07/20/04) described this new technology in an
authoritative report published in July 2004:

"Qualcomm and American Airlines are exploring [July 2004] ways for
passengers to use commercial cell phones inflight for air-to-ground
communication. In a recent 2-hr. proof-of-concept flight,
representatives from government and the media used commercial Code
Division Multiple Access (CDMA) third-generation cell phones to place
and receive calls and text messages from friends on the ground.

For the test flight from Dallas-Fort Worth, the aircraft was equipped
with an antenna in the front and rear of the cabin to transmit cell
phone calls to a small in-cabin CDMA cellular base station. This "pico
cell" transmitted cell phone calls from the aircraft via a Globalstar
satellite to the worldwide terrestrial phone network"

Needless to say, neither the service, nor the "third generation"
hardware, nor the "Picco cell" CDMA base station inside the cabin
(which so to speak mimics a cell phone communication tower inside the
plane) were available on the morning of September 11, 2001.

The 911 Commission points to the clarity and detail of these telephone
conversations.B B

In substance, the Aviation Week report creates yet another embarrassing
hitch in the official story.

The untimely July American Airlines / Qualcomm announcement acted as a
cold shower. Barely acknowledged in press reports, it confirms that the
Bush administration had embroidered the cell phone narrative (similar
to what they did with WMDs) and that the 9/11 Commission's account was
either flawed or grossly exaggerated.B B B

Altitude and Cellphone Transmission

According to industry experts, the crucial link in wireless cell phone
transmission from an aircraft is altitude. Beyond a certain altitude
which is usually reached within a few minutes after takeoff, cell phone
calls are no longer possible.

In other words, given the wireless technology available on September 11
2001, these cell calls could not have been placed from high altitude.

The only way passengers could have got through to family and friends
using their cell phones, is if the planes were flying below 8000 feet.
Yet even at low altitude, below 8000 feet, cell phone communication is
of poor quality.

The crucial question: at what altitude were the planes traveling, when
the calls were placed?B

While the information provided by the Commission is scanty, the
Report's timeline does not suggest that the planes were consistently
traveling at low altitude. In fact the Report confirms that a fair
number of the cell phone calls were placed while the plane was
traveling at altitudes above 8000 feet, which is considered as the
cutoff altitude for cell phone transmission.

Let us review the timeline of these calls in relation to the
information provided by the Report on flight paths and altitude.

United Airlines Flight 175

United Airlines Flight 175 departed for Los Angeles at 8:00:

B "It pushed back from its gate at 7:58 and departed Logan Airport at

The Report confirms that by 8:33, "it had reached its assigned cruising
altitude of 31,000 feet." According to the Report, it maintained this
cruising altitude until 8.51, when it "deviated from its assigned

"The first operational evidence that something was abnormal on United
175 came at 8:47, when the aircraft changed beacon codes twice within a
minute. At 8:51, the flight deviated from its assigned altitude, and a
minute later New York air traffic controllers began repeatedly and
unsuccessfully trying to contact it."

And one minute later at 8.52, Lee Hanson receives a call from his son

[Flight UAL 175] "At 8:52, in Easton, Connecticut, a man named Lee
Hanson received a phone call from his son Peter, a passenger on United
175. His son told him: bI think theybve taken over the cockpitbAn
attendant has been stabbedb and someone else up front may have been
killed. The plane is making strange moves. Call United AirlinesbTell
them itbs Flight 175, Boston to LA.

Press reports confirm that Peter Hanson was using his cell (i.e it was
not an air phone). Unless the plane had suddenly nose-dived, the plane
was still at high altitude at 8.52. (Moreover, Hanson's call could have
been initiated at least a minute prior to his father Lee Hanson picking
up the phone.)

Another call was received at 8.52 (one minute after it deviated from
its assigned altitude of 31,000 feet). The Report does not say whether
this is an air phone or a cell phone call:

Also at 8:52, a male flight attendant called a United office in San
Francisco, reaching Marc Policastro. The flight attendant reported that
the flight had been hijacked, both pilots had been killed, a flight
attendant had been stabbed, and the hijackers were probably flying the
plane. The call lasted about two minutes, after which Policastro and a
colleague tried unsuccessfully to contact the flight.

It is not clear whether this was a call to Policastro's cell phone or
to the UAL switchboard.

At 8:58, UAL 175 "took a heading toward New York City.":

"At 8:59, Flight 175 passenger Brian David Sweeney tried to call his
wife, Julie. He left a message on their home answering machine that the
plane had been hijacked. He then called his mother, Louise Sweeney,
told her the flight had been hijacked, and added that the passengers
were thinking about storming the cockpit to take control of the plane
away from the hijackers.

At 9:00, Lee Hanson received a second call from his son Peter:

Itbs getting bad, DadbA stewardess was stabbedbThey seem to have knives
and MacebThey said they have a bombbItbs getting very bad on the
planebPassengers are throwing up and getting sickbThe plane is making
jerky movementsbI donbt think the pilot is flying the planebI think we
are going downbI think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and
fly into a buildingbDonbt worry, Dadb If it happens, itbll be very
fastbMy God, my God.

The call ended abruptly. Lee Hanson had heard a woman scream just
before it cut off. He turned on a television, and in her home so did
Louise Sweeney. Both then saw the second aircraft hit the World Trade
Center.50 At 9:03:11, United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower
of the World Trade Center. All on board, along with an unknown number
of people in the tower, were killed instantly."

American Airlines Flight 77

American Airlines Flight 77 was scheduled to depart from Washington
Dulles for Los Angeles at 8:10... "At 8:46, the flight reached its
assigned cruising altitude of 35,000 feet."

At 8:51, American 77 transmitted its last routine radio communication.
The hijacking began between 8:51 and 8:54. As on American 11 and United
175, the hijackers used knives (reported by one passenger) and moved
all the passengers (and possibly crew) to the rear of the aircraft
(reported by one flight attendant and one passenger). Unlike the
earlier flights, the Flight 77 hijackers were reported by a passenger
to have box cutters. Finally, a passenger reported that an announcement
had been made by the bpilotb that the plane had been hijacked....

On flight AA 77, which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon, the
transponder was turned off at 8:56am; the recorded altitude at the time
the transponder was turned off is not mentioned. According to the
Commission's Report, cell calls started 16 minutes later, at 9:12am,
twenty minutes before it (allegedly) crashed into the Pentagon at

" [at 9.12] Renee May called her mother, Nancy May, in Las Vegas. She
said her flight was being hijacked by six individuals who had moved
them to the rear of the plane."

According to the Report, when the autopilot was disengaged at 9:29am,
the aircraft was at 7,000 feet and some 38 miles west of the Pentagon.
This happened two minutes before the crash.B B

Most of the calls on Flight 77 were placed between 9.12am and 9.26am,B
prior to the disengagement of automatic piloting at 9.29am.B The plane
could indeed have been traveling at either a higher or a lower altitude
to that reached at 9.29. Yet, at the same time there is no indication
in the Report that the plane had been traveling below the 7000 feet
level, which it reached at 9.29am.B

At some point between 9:16 and 9:26, Barbara Olson called her husband,
Ted Olson, the solicitor general of the United States. [using an

B (Report p 7, see )

UnitedB Airlines Flight 93

UAL flight 93 was the only one of the four planes that, according to
the official story, did not crash into a building. Flight 93
passengers, apparently: "alerted through phone calls, attempted to
subdue the hijackers. and the hijackers crashed the plane [in
Pennsylvania] to prevent the passengers gaining control." ( ). Another
version of events, was that UAL 93 was shot down.

According to the Commission's account:B

"the first 46 minutes of Flight 93bs cross-country trip proceeded
routinely. Radio communications from the plane were normal. Heading,
speed, and altitude ran according to plan. At 9:24, Ballingerbs warning
to United 93 was received in the cockpit. Within two minutes, at 9:26,
the pilot, Jason Dahl, responded with a note of puzzlement: bEd,
confirm latest mssg plzbJason.b70 The hijackers attacked at 9:28. While
traveling 35,000 feet above eastern Ohio, United 93 suddenly dropped
700 feet. Eleven seconds into the descent, the FAAbs air traffic
control center in Cleveland received the first of two radio
transmissions from the aircraft...."

At least ten cell calls are reported to have taken place on flight 93.

The Report confirms that passengers started placing calls with cell and
air phones shortly after 9.32am, four minutes after the Report's
confirmation of the plane's attitude of 35,000 feet. In other words,
the calls started some 9 minutes before the Cleveland Center lost UAL
93bs transponder signal (9.41) and approximately 30 minutes before the
crash in Pennsylvania (10.03)

"At 9:41, Cleveland Center lost United 93bs transponder signal. The
controller located it on primary radar, matched its position with
visual sightings from other aircraft, and tracked the flight as it
turned east, then south.164 "

This suggests that the altitude was known to air traffic control up
until the time when the transponder signal was lost by the Cleveland
Center. (Radar and visual sightings provided information on its flight
path from 9.41 to 10.03.)

Moreover, there was no indication from the Report that the aircraft had
swooped down to a lower level of altitude, apart from the 700 feet drop
recorded at 9.28. from a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet:B B

"At 9:32, a hijacker, probably Jarrah, made or attempted to make the
following announcement to the passengers of Flight 93:bLadies and
Gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining sitting.

We have a bomb on board. So, sit.b The flight data recorder (also
recovered) indicates that Jarrah then instructed the planebs autopilot
to turn the aircraft around and head east. The cockpit voice recorder
data indicate that a woman, most likely a flight attendant, was being
held captive in the cockpit. She struggled with one of the hijackers
who killed or otherwise silenced her.

Shortly thereafter, the passengers and flight crew began a series of
calls from GTE airphones and cellular phones. These calls between
family, friends, and colleagues took place until the end of the flight
and provided those on the ground with firsthand accounts. They enabled
the passengers to gain critical information, including the news that
two aircraft had slammed into the World Trade Center.77...At least two
callers from the flight reported that the hijackers knew that
passengers were making calls but did not seem to care.

The hijackers were wearing red bandanas, and they forced the passengers
to the back of the aircraft.80 Callers reported that a passenger had
been stabbed and that two people were lying on the floor of the cabin,
injured or deadbpossibly the captain and first officer. One caller
reported that a flight attendant had been killed.81 One of the callers
from United 93 also reported that he thought the hijackers might
possess a gun. But none of the other callers reported the presence of a
firearm. One recipient of a call from the aircraft recounted
specifically asking her caller whether the hijackers had guns.

The passenger replied that he did not see one. No evidence of firearms
or of their identifiable remains was found at the aircraftbs crash
site, and the cockpit voice recorder gives no indication of a gun being
fired or mentioned at any time.

We believe that if the hijackers had possessed a gun, they would have
used it in the flightbs last minutes as the passengers fought back.82
Passengers on three flights reported the hijackersb claim of having a
bomb. The FBI told us they found no trace of explosives at the crash
sites. One of the passengers who mentioned a bomb expressed his belief
that it was not real. Lacking any evidence that the hijackers attempted
to smuggle such illegal items past the security screening checkpoints,
we believe the bombs were probably fake. During at least five of the
passengersb phone calls, information was shared about the attacks that
had occurred earlier that morning at the World Trade Center. Five calls
described the intent of passengers and surviving crew members to revolt
against the hijackers. According to one call, they voted on whether to
rush the terrorists in an attempt to retake the plane. They decided,
and acted. At 9:57, the passenger assault began. Several passengers had
terminated phone calls with loved ones in order to join the revolt. One
of the callers ended her message as follows:

bEveryonebs running up to first class. Ibve got to go. Bye.b The
cockpit voice recorder captured the sounds of the passenger assault
muffled by the intervening cockpit door. Some family members who
listened to the recording report that they can hear the voice of a
loved one among the din.

We cannot identify whose voices can be heard. But the assault was
sustained. In response, Jarrah immediately began to roll the airplane
to the left and right, attempting to knock the passengers off balance.
At 9:58:57, Jarrah told another hijacker in the cockpit to block the
door. Jarrah continued to roll the airplane sharply left and right, but
the assault continued. At 9:59, Jarrah changed tactics and pitched the
nose of the airplane up and down to disrupt the assault. The recorder
captured the sounds of loud thumps, crashes, shouts, and breaking
glasses and plates.

At 10:00:03, Jarrah stabilized the airplane. Five seconds later, Jarrah
asked, bIs that it? Shall we finish it off?b A hijacker responded, bNo.
Not yet. When they all come, we finish it off.b The sounds of fighting
continued outside the cockpit. Again, Jarrah pitched the nose of the
aircraft up and down.At 10:00:26, a passenger in the background said,
bIn the cockpit. If we donbt webll die!b Sixteen seconds later, a
passenger yelled,bRoll it!b Jarrah stopped the violent maneuvers at
about 10:01:00 and said, bAllah is the greatest! Allah is the
greatest!b He then asked another hijacker in the cockpit,b Is that it?
I mean, shall we put it down?b to which the other replied, bYes, put it
in it, and pull it down.b The passengers continued their assault and at
10:02:23, a hijacker said, bPull it down! Pull it down!b The hijackers
remained at the controls but must have judged that the passengers were
only seconds from overcoming them. The airplane headed down; the
control wheel was turned hard to the right.

The airplane rolled onto its back, and one of the hijackers began
shouting bAllah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest. bWith the
sounds of the passenger counterattack continuing, the aircraft plowed
into an empty field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 580 miles per
hour, about 20 minutesb flying time from Washington D.C. Jarrahbs
objective was to crash his airliner into symbols of the American
Republic, the Capitol or the White House. He was defeated by the
alerted, unarmed passengers of United"

The Mysterious Call of Edward Felt from UAL 93

Earlier coverage of the fate of UAL 93 was based in part on a reported
cell call from a passenger named Edward Felt, who managed to reach an
emergency official in Pennsylvania. How he got the emergency
supervisor's number and managed to reach him remains unclear.

The call was apparently received at 9.58 am, eight minutes before the
reported time of the crash at 10.06 am in Pennsylvania:

"Local emergency officials said they received a cell phone call at 9.58
am from a man who said he was a passenger aboard the flight. The man
said he had locked himself in the bathroom and told emergency
dispatchers that the plane had been hijacked. "We are being hijacked!
We are being hijacked!" he was quoted as saying. A California man
identified as Tom Burnett reportedly called his wife and told her that
somebody on the plane had been stabbed. "We're all going to die, but
three of us are going to do something," he told her. "I love you

The alleged call by Edward Felt from the toilet of the aircraft of UAL
93 was answered by Glenn Cramer, the emergency supervisor in
Pennsylvania who took the call.

It is worth noting that Glenn Cramer was subsequently gagged by the
FBI." (See Robert Wallace`s incisive analysis published in Sept 2002 by
the Daily Mirror, (

Ironically, this high profile cell call by Ed Felt, which would have
provided crucial evidence to the 9/11 Commission was, for some reason,
not mentioned in the Report.

American Airlines Flight 11

Flight 11 took off at 7:59.B Just before 8:14. The Report outlines an
airphone conversation of flight attendant Betty Ong and much of the
narrative hinges upon this airphone conversation

There are no clear-cut reports on the use of cell phones on Flight
AA11.B According to the Report, American 11 crashed into the North
Tower of the World Trade Center at 8.46.

Concluding Remarks

A large part of the description, regarding the 19 hijackers relies on
cell phone conversations with family and friends.

While a few of these calls (placed at low altitude) could have got
through, the wireless technology was not available. On this issue,
expert opinion within the wireless telecom industry is unequivocal.

In other words, at least part of the Commission's script in Chapter 1
on the cell phone conversations, is fabricated.B

According to the American Airline / Qualcomm announcement, the
technology for cell phone transmission at high altitude will only be
available aboard commercial aircraft in 2006. This is an inescapable

In the eyes of public opinion, the cell phone conversations on the Arab
hijackers is needed to sustain the illusion that America is under

The "war on terrorism" underlying the National Security doctrine relies
on real time "evidence" concerning the Arab hijackers. The latter
personify, so to speak, this illusive "outside enemy" (Al Qaeda), which
is threatening the homeland.

Embodied into the Commission's "script" of 911, the narrative of what
happened on the plane with the Arab hijackers is therefore crucial. It
is an integral part of the Administration's disinformation and
propaganda program. It constitutes a justification for the anti-terror
legislation under the Patriot acts and the waging of America's
pre-emptive wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.B


Emphasis added in bold font.


Michel Chossudovsky is the author of War and Globalization, The Truth
behind September 11 , which can be ordered by mail or online from the


The 9/11 Report's Footnotes on the Cell Phone Conversations

70. On FDR, see NTSB report,bSpecialistbs Factual Report of
InvestigationbDigital Flight Data Recorderb for United Airlines Flight
93, Feb. 15, 2002; on CVR, see FBI report,bCVR from UA Flight #93,b
Dec. 4, 2003; Commission review of Aircraft Communication and Reporting
System (ACARS) messages sent to and from Flight 93 (which indicate time
of message transmission and receipt); see UAL record, Ed Ballinger
ACARS log, Sept. 11, 2001. At 9:22, after learning of the events at the
World Trade Center, Melody Homer, the wife of co-pilot Leroy Homer, had
an ACARS message sent to her husband in the cockpit asking if he was
okay. See UAL record,ACARS message, Sept. 11, 2001.

71. On FDR, see NTSB report,bSpecialistbs Factual Report of
InvestigationbDigital Flight Data Recorderb for United Airlines Flight
93, Feb. 15, 2002; on CVR, see FBI report,bCVR from UA Flight #93,b
Dec. 4, 2003; FAA report,bSummary of Air Traffic Hijack Events:
September 11, 2001,b Sept. 17, 2001; NTSB report, Air Traffic Control
RecordingbUnited Airlines Flight 93, Dec. 21, 2001.

72.The 37 passengers represented a load factor of 20.33 percent of the
planebs seating capacity of 182, considerably below the 52.09 percent
for Flight 93 on Tuesdays in the three-month period prior to September
11 (June 11bSeptember 4, 2001). See UAL report, Flight 93 EWR-SFO load
factors, undated. Five passengers holding reservations for Flight 93
did not show for the flight.All five were interviewed and cleared by
the FBI. FBI report,bFlight #93 bNo Showb Passengers from 9/11/01,b
Sept. 18, 2001.

73. INS record,Withdrawal of Application for Admission for Mohamed al
Kahtani,Aug. 4, 2001.

74. See FAA regulations,Admission to flight deck, 14 C.F.R. B' 121.547
(2001);UAL records, copies of boarding passes for United 93, Sept.
11,2001.One passenger reported that ten first-class passengers were
aboard the flight. If that number is accurate, it would include the
four hijackers. FBI report of investigation, interview of Lisa
Jefferson, Sept. 11, 2001;UAL record, Flight 93 passenger manifest,
Sept. 11, 2001.All but one of the six passengers seated in the
first-class cabin communicated with the ground during the flight, and
none mentioned anyone from their cabin having gone into the cockpit
before the hijacking.Moreover, it is unlikely that the highly regarded
and experienced pilot and co-pilot of Flight 93 would have allowed an
observer into the cockpit before or after takeoff who had not obtained
the proper permission. See UAL records, personnel files of Flight 93
pilots. For jumpseat information, see UAL record,Weight and Balance
Information for Flight 93 and Flight 175, Sept. 11, 2001;AAL records,
Dispatch Environmental Control/Weekly Flight Summary for Flight 11 and
Flight 77, Sept. 11, 2001.

75. Like Atta on Flight 11, Jarrah apparently did not know how to
operate the communication radios; thus his attempts to communicate with
the passengers were broadcast on the ATC channel. See FBI report,bCVR
from UA Flight #93,b Dec. 4, 2003.Also, by 9:32 FAA notified Unitedbs
headquarters that the flight was not responding to radio
calls.According to United, the flightbs nonresponse and its turn to the
east led the airline to believe by 9:36 that the plane was hijacked.
See Rich Miles interview (Nov. 21, 2003); UAL report, bUnited dispatch
SMFDO activitiesbterrorist crisis,b Sept. 11, 2001.

76. In accordance with FAA regulations, United 93bs cockpit voice
recorder recorded the last 31 minutes of sounds from the cockpit via
microphones in the pilotsb headsets, as well as in the overhead panel
of the flight deck. This is the only recorder from the four hijacked
airplanes to survive the impact and ensuing fire.The CVRs and FDRs from
American 11 and United 175 were not found,and the CVR from American
Flight 77 was badly burned and not recoverable. See FBI report,bCVR
from UA Flight #93,bDec. 4, 2003; see also FAA regulations, 14 C.F.R.
B'B' 25.1457, 91.609, 91.1045, 121.359; Flight 93 CVR data. A transcript
of the CVR recording was prepared by the NTSB and the FBI.

77. All calls placed on airphones were from the rear of the aircraft.
There was one airphone installed in each row of seats on both sides of
the aisle.The airphone system was capable of transmitting only eight
calls at any one time. See FBI report of investigation, airphone
records for flights UAL 93 and UAL 175 on Sept. 11, 2001, Sept. 18,

78.FAA audio file, Cleveland Center, position Lorain Radar; Flight 93
CVR data; FBI report, bCVR from UA Flight #93,b Dec. 4, 2003.

79. FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of calls
from Todd Beamer, Sept. 11, 2001, through June 11, 2002; FBI reports of
investigation, interviews of recipients of calls from Sandy Bradshaw,
Sept. 11, 2001, through Oct. 4, 2001.Text messages warning the cockpit
of Flight 93 were sent to the aircraft by Ed Ballinger at 9:24. See UAL
record, Ed Ballingerbs ACARS log, Sept. 11, 2001.

80.We have relied mainly on the record of FBI interviews with the
people who received calls. The FBI interviews were conducted while
memories were still fresh and were less likely to have been affected by
reading the accounts of others or hearing stories in the media. In some
cases we have conducted our own interviews to supplement or verify the
record. See FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of
calls from Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham,Sandy Bradshaw,Marion
Britton,Thomas Burnett, Joseph DeLuca,Edward Felt, Jeremy Glick,Lauren
Grandcolas, Linda Gronlund, CeeCee Lyles, Honor Wainio.

81. FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of calls
from Thomas Burnett, Sept. 11, 2001; FBI reports of investigation,
interviews of recipients of calls from Marion Britton, Sept. 14, 2001,
through Nov. 8, 2001; Lisa Jefferson interview (May 11, 2004); FBI
report of investigation, interview of Lisa Jefferson, Sept. 11, 2001;
Richard Belme interview (Nov. 21, 2003).

82. See Jere Longman, Among the HeroesbUnited Flight 93 and the
Passengers and Crew Who Fought Back (Harper-Collins, 2002), p. 107;
Deena Burnett interview (Apr. 26, 2004); FBI reports of investigation,
interviews of recipients of calls from Jeremy Glick, Sept. 11, 2001,
through Sept. 12, 2001; Lyzbeth Glick interview (Apr. 22, 2004).
Experts told us that a gunshot would definitely be audible on the CVR.
The FBI found no evidence of a firearm at the crash site of Flight 93.
See FBI response to Commission briefing request no. 6, undated (topic
11).The FBI collected 14 knives or portions of knives at the Flight 93
crash site. FBI report, bKnives Found at the UA Flight 93 Crash Site,b

83. FBI response to Commission briefing request no. 6, undated (topic
11); FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of calls
from Jeremy Glick, Sept. 11, 2001, through Sept. 12, 2001.

84. See FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of calls
from United 93.

85. FBI reports of investigation, interviews of recipients of calls
from United 93. For quote, see FBI report of investigation, interview
of Philip Bradshaw, Sept. 11, 2001; Philip Bradshaw interview (June 15,
2004); Flight 93 FDR and CVR data.At 9:55:11 Jarrah dialed in the VHF
Omni-directional Range (VOR) frequency for the VOR navigational aid at
Washington Reagan National Airport, further indicating that the attack
was planned for the nationbs capital.

For media inquiries:

B) Copyright Michel Chossudovsky,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: "insideinfo911" <>
Date: April 29, 2006 10:17:22 AM EST
Subject: Photos of deformed children. Victims of BushBs WAR & depleted

Photos of deformed children. Victims of Bush's WAR & depleted Uranium!

Look at what the Depleted Uranium is doing to children in Afghanistan
and around the world.

This is what Bush is sooo proud of, his freaking war, killing
children everywhere!

If you promote this, I just want to know who you are!?

I have to catapult the Propaganda you knowb&

Scott D

Warning: if you are squeamish, don't openb&.
From Renseb&.

Death Made In America
Wondering if your conscience is still anesthetized
Mohammed Daud Miraki, MA, MA, PhD

I took this photo on the last day of my journey: one the triplets
Afghanistan is has become the disaster words could not describe,
hence, I decided to illustrate this disaster via these photos of
babies born deformed.
On many occasions, I pointed out that we need funds to build a
research institute and the linked monitoring stations. Unfortunately,
majority of you simply brushed off my request. I wonder if these
photos could elevate your humanity that has been overwhelmed by your
comfortable life and materials desires.
Again, it is up to you, to do whatever you think is human; that
should not be too difficult. The funds for the research institute are
very small price you have to pay after all your tax dollars have
created this disaster. Whether you like it, admit or deny it, it does
not absolve you from the indirect complicity in these war crimes.


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 8, 2006, 12:34:19 PM5/8/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 8, 2006

From: Kevin Barrett <>
Date: May 7, 2006 4:16:47 PM EST
Subject: Reynolds: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!

Reynolds: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!

Ex-Bush Official Busts 9/11 Perps at U.W. Historical Society

Madison, WI
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Kevin Barrett, 07.05.2006 13:06

An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd overfilled the 300-seat
Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush
Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and
military officials for the 9/11 inside job.

Reynolds to Cheney: "You're BUSTED!"

Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs
Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,
conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic
response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on
all counts.

The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come with explosivesa shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned long war in the Middle East, massive increases in
military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.

Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence community
knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with the
obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida
being the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence
service Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official
Wayne Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly
called 9/11 an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of
his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffins work on 9/11.

Reynolds, who served as George W. Bushs Labor Department Chief
Economist in 2001-2002, believes that a 9/11 truth victory is looming
on the near-term horizon. He predicted that one or more of the 9/11
insiders will soon give it up and come forward with what they know,
saying Remember, you heard it here first. He said that most of those
complicit in the attacks did not realize how over-the-top the plot was,
due to the need-to-know compartmentalization of such covert operations,
and that some semi-complicit individuals will probably be coming
forward. Reynolds said that most of his email acquaintances are now
worried that the 9/11 truth movement is going to win, triggering the
greatest Constitutional crisis in U.S. history. For Reynolds, this is
less a cause for worry than for rejoicing: We need a Constitutional

Reynolds argued that 9/11 truth is a matter of extreme urgency, since
the perpetrators seem to be preparing another 9/11-style terror hoax as
a pretext for attacking Iran with nuclear weapons. He said that
exposing the 9/11 fraud is the best way to stop Cheneys plan to stage
an unprovoked nuclear attack on Iran, and the military draft and
Pinochet-style prison camps and death squads for dissenters that might
accompany it.

Reynolds urged the audience to help educate the American public about
the 9/11 inside job. Personal contact with family and friends, the
internet, alternative media, and public events like this are all good
educational strategies, he said, adding that a demonstration of 100,000
9/11 truth supporters at Ground Zero next year would be hard for the
media to ignore.

Politicians and the media will help expose the 9/11 inside job, he
said, only after the growing grassroots movement reaches critical mass.
The organizers of Reynolds talk urged audience members to come to the
upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, 9/11:
Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, June 2nd-4th, 2006:

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]

* * *

Introduction to Dr. Reynolds Presentation

(delivered in much abbreviated form due to time constraints)

by Dr. Kevin Barrett
Coordinator, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]
Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth:

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]
Member, Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE):

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]

Friends, we are gathered here today not just to speak truth to power,
but to start fighting back. The information you are hearing today is
political dynamite. It is the stuff of which revolutions are made.

Evil rulers use divide-and-conquer strategies against their subjects.
In Iraq, the occupiers blow up mosques and markets, and murder
thousands of bystanders, in a lame attempt to provoke a Sunni-Shia
civil war. But theyre not fooling anybody. The Iraqis all know whos
really doing these bombings, just as 90% of the Arab and Muslim world
knows that 9/11 was an inside job. Here in Ersatz America, our criminal
rulers are trying to divide us by whipping up emotional hysteria:
abortion, immigration, gay marriage, liberal versus conservative,
religious versus secular, Christian and Jewish versus Muslimanything
to distract us and keep us from seeing what theyre doing to all of us.

9/11 truth unites ALL of us left and right, gay and straight,
religious, spiritual and secular, Muslim, Christian and Jewish,
military and civilian in revolutionary outrage against this evil
regime, and in determination to overthrow it by any means necessary.

We hope the 9/11 truth revolution will be a nonviolent revolution. We
are starting with education, symbolism, and nonviolent action. Please
honor the request of Veterans for 9/11 Truth (

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff] to fly the American flag upside down as a symbol of
Constitutional distress. And please come to Chicago for the
international 9/11 truth strategy conference June 2nd 4th, sponsored
by and the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11
Truth. Posters are available at the table outside. We are meeting in
Chicago to figure out how to win on 9/11 truth. And we are going to
win. See:

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]

And when we win, the brave man we have invited here today will get a
big chunk of the credit.

Dr. Morgan Reynolds is Professor Emeritus at Texas A & M University. He
served as Chief Economist in the Department of Labor under George W.
Bush during the Cheney regimes first illegitimate term. He is the
former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center
for Policy Analysis, and appeared on innumerable political discussion
shows in the mainstream media back when we used to have a mainstream
media rather than a Ministry of Propaganda. Im sorry, I shouldnt say
that its the Ministry of Love. Wait a minute, thats the one that
runs Abu Ghraib and the sex torture gulag. Or is that der Ministry of
Unheimlich Insecurity? Im sorry, I grew up back when we had something
vaguely resembling a democracy I cant keep all this stuff straight.
In any case, Dr. Reynolds has a stellar resume, and the best part of it
is that he is a Wisconsin Badger with three degrees from this great
university and he is living up to its motto, The Truth Will Set You
Free! Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.

* * *

(For Morgan Reynolds work, see his website

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: May 1, 2006 10:41:45 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Christopher Bollyn: 9-11 Lawsuits Stymied --
victim families under gag order

From: Thomas R. Ascher

9-11 Lawsuits

By Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 04/24/06

While the media plays up the significance of the government show trial
of the seemingly deranged 20th hijacker Zacharias Moussaoui, not
one 9-11 victims lawsuit has been allowed to be heard in a trial by
jury. Why have the 9-11 victims families not been given the same right
to have their cases heard in an open trial?

Ellen Mariani, who lost her husband Neil on United Air Lines (UAL)
Flight 175, filed the first 9-11 wrongful death lawsuit against UAL on
Dec. 20, 2001. Mariani was interviewed on national television in May
2002 by Bill OReilly of Fox News, who repeatedly questioned her about
why she had chosen to pursue litigation instead of accepting the
government fund. I want justice, Mariani said. I want
accountability. Who is responsible? I want the truth.

Today, Mariani, like the other 9-11 plaintiffs, is under a gag order
which prevents her from speaking about her ongoing lawsuit. Likewise,
thousands of employees of federal agencies like the Federal Aviation
Administration have received gag orders in the mail keeping them from
telling what they know about the events of 9-11.

After more than four years, however, Marianis determined pursuit for
the truth about 9-11 through the court system has failed to yield any
answers or discovery about who is responsible for 9-11. Today, she is
no closer to obtaining what she has stated she wanted from the
beginninga trial by jury.

Why have the many victims cases like Marianis, brought by relatives
of loved ones lost on 9-11, not been allowed to be heard in a trial by
jurya basic American right? And why have the foreign-owned security
companies involved in the shocking security lapses, which enabled the
attacks of 9-11, been granted immunity by the U.S. Congress?

All of the relatives wrongful death criminal lawsuits against the
airlines and their security companies have been consolidated by the
presiding judge into a negligence lawsuit, which is a civil case and
much less likely to be argued or investigated in an open trial with a
jury. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against
American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security
companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation
Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being
handled by U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of the Southern
District of New York.

In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh,
there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the
airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security
lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties
to Israels military intelligence agency, Mossad.

Hellerstein, 73, on the other hand, has deep and longstanding Zionist
connections and close family ties to the state of Israel. A Zionist is
a supporter of the state of Israel.

Hellersteins wife is a former senior vice president and current
treasurer of a New York-based Zionist organization called AMIT. AMIT
promotes Jewish immigration to Israel and stands for Americans for
Israel and Torah. AMITs motto is Building IsraelOne Child at a
Time. Hellerstein is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and a
former president of the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.

This raises the obvious question about why, in the 9-11 terror case in
which an Israeli security company is a key defendant and in which
individuals from Israeli military intelligence are suspected of being
involved, was Hellerstein chosen to preside over all 9-11 victim

Huntleigh USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Israeli company called
International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS) International
N.V., a Netherlands-based aviation and transportation security firm
headed by former [Israeli] military commanding officers and veterans
of government intelligence and security agencies.

Menachem Atzmon, convicted in Israel in 1996 for campaign finance
fraud, and his business partner Ezra Harel, took over management of
security at the Boston and Newark airports when their company ICTS
bought Huntleigh USA in 1999. UAL Flight 175 and AA 11, which allegedly
struck the twin towers, both originated in Boston, while UAL 93, which
purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport.
ICTS also operates the German port of Rostock on the Baltic Sea.

Some victims families brought lawsuits against Huntleigh claiming the
security firm had been grossly negligent on 9-11. While these relatives
have a right to discovery and to know what Huntleigh did or did not do
to protect their loved ones on 9-11, Huntleigh, along with the other
security companies, was granted complete congressional protection in
2002 and will not be called to account for its actions on 9-11 in any
U.S. court.

Hellerstein, however, is not the only player overseeing the 9-11
litigation process who has close ties to Israel. In fact, all of the
key players and law firms involved are either active Zionists or work
for firms that do a great deal of business representing Israeli
companies and/or the state of Israel.

Kenneth R. Feinberg, for example, the special master of the federally
funded Victims Compensation Fund, is also a dedicated Zionist.
Feinberg single-handedly administered the $7 billion fund that paid out
U.S. taxpayer money to some 97 percent of the families who could have
sued to recover tort damages for monetary loss and pain and suffering.
Those who accepted funds signed away their right to litigate against
the government, the airlines or the security companies.

The Kenneth Feinberg Group is listed as one of the top 10 supporters of
the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies for 2004-2005. The Jerusalem
Institute is an Israel-based Zionist organization that, among other
things, supports the building of the illegal separation wall across

The Feinberg Group also lists as its clients major insurance and
re-insurance companies such as Lloyds of London. These are the
companies who stood to lose billions of dollars if 9-11 victims
lawsuits had gone forward.

Feinberg was appointed special master by then Attorney General John
Ashcroft. Ashcroft, a dedicated Christian Zionist and supporter of such
groups as Stand for Israel, is today working as a lobbyist for Israel
Aircraft Industries (IAI), Israels major military aerospace company,
which hired the former U.S. attorney general to help secure the U.S.
governments approval to sell an Israeli weapons system to the South
Korean Air Force.

The Israelis hired Ashcroft to improve their chances against a system
built by Chicago-based Boeing.


From: s culver <>
Date: May 7, 2006 11:58:46 AM EST
Subject: Bush The Decider: Watch this drive !

Subject: George Bush - the decider
"I hear the voices and I read the front page and I know the
President Bush told reporters in the Rose Garden. "But I'm the decider
I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as
secretary of defense."

"I'm the Decider"

By Roddy McCorley

Well, it took me awhile, but I finally realized what "I'm the decider"
reminds me of. It sounds like something a character in a Dr Seuss book
might say. So with apologies to the late Mr. Geisel, here is some idle
speculation as to what else such a character might say:

I'm the decider.
I pick and I choose.
I pick among whats.
And choose among whos.
And as I decide
Each particular day,
The things I decide on
All turn out that way.
I decided on Freedom
For all of Iraq,
And now that we have it,
I'm not looking back.
I decided on tax cuts
That just help the wealthy.
And Medicare changes
That aren't really healthy.
And parklands and wetlands
Who needs all that stuff?
I decided that none
Would be more than enough!
I decided that schools
All in all are the best,
The less that they teach
And the more that they test.
I decided those wages
You need to get by,
Are much better spent
On some CEO guy.
I decided your Wade
Which was versing your Roe,
Is terribly awful
And just has to go.
I decided that levees
Are not really needed.
Now when hurricanes come
They can come unimpeded.
That old Constitution?
Well, I have decided-
As "just goddam paper"
It should be derided.
I've decided gay marriage
Is icky and weird.
Above all other things,
It's the one to be feared.
And Cheney and Rummy
And Condi all know
That I'm the Decider -
They tell me it's so.
I'm the Decider
So watch what you say,
Or I may decide
To have you whisked away
Or I'll tap your phones.
Your e-mail I'll read.
`cause I'm the Decider -
Like Jesus decreed.
Yes, I'm the Decider!
The finest alive!
And I'm nuking Iran
Now watch this drive!


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 7, 2006 1:41:22 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked!!!

Police Chief: Lockerbie Evidence Was Faked!!!

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement
claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was

The retired officer - of assistant chief constable rank or higher -
has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board
crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.

The police chief, whose identity has not yet been revealed, gave the
statement to lawyers representing Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi,
currently serving a life sentence in Greenock Prison.

The evidence will form a crucial part of Megrahi's attempt to have a
retrial ordered by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
(SCCRC). The claims pose a potentially devastating threat to the
reputation of the entire Scottish legal system.

The officer, who was a member of the Association of Chief Police
Officers Scotland, is supporting earlier claims by a former CIA agent
that his bosses "wrote the script" to incriminate Libya.

Last night, George Esson, who was Chief Constable of Dumfries and
Galloway when Megrahi was indicted for mass murder, confirmed he was
aware of the development.

But Esson, who retired in 1994, questioned the officer's motives. He
said: "Any police officer who believed they had knowledge of any
element of fabrication in any criminal case would have a duty to act on
that. Failure to do so would call into question their integrity, and I
can't help but question their motive for raising the matter now."

Other important questions remain unanswered, such as how the officer
learned of the alleged conspiracy and whether he was directly involved
in the inquiry. But sources close to Megrahi's legal team believe they
may have finally discovered the evidence that could demolish the case
against him.

An insider told Scotland on Sunday that the retired officer approached
them after Megrahi's appeal - before a bench of five Scottish judges -
was dismissed in 2002.

The insider said: "He said he believed he had crucial information. A
meeting was set up and he gave a statement that supported the
long-standing rumours that the key piece of evidence, a fragment of
circuit board from a timing device that implicated Libya, had been
planted by US agents.

"Asked why he had not come forward before, he admitted he'd been wary
of breaking ranks, afraid of being vilified.

"He also said that at the time he became aware of the matter, no one
really believed there would ever be a trial. When it did come about, he
believed both accused would be acquitted. When Megrahi was convicted,
he told himself he'd be cleared at appeal."

The source added: "When that also failed, he explained he felt he had
to come forward.

"He has confirmed that parts of the case were fabricated and that
evidence was planted. At first he requested anonymity, but has backed
down and will be identified if and when the case returns to the appeal

The vital evidence that linked the bombing of Pan Am 103 to Megrahi
was a tiny fragment of circuit board which investigators found in a
wooded area many miles from Lockerbie months after the atrocity.

The fragment was later identified by the FBI's Thomas Thurman as being
part of a sophisticated timer device used to detonate explosives, and
manufactured by the Swiss firm Mebo, which supplied it only to Libya
and the East German Stasi.

At one time, Megrahi, a Libyan intelligence agent, was such a regular
visitor to Mebo that he had his own office in the firm's headquarters.

The fragment of circuit board therefore enabled Libya - and Megrahi -
to be placed at the heart of the investigation. However, Thurman was
later unmasked as a fraud who had given false evidence in American
murder trials, and it emerged that he had little in the way of
scientific qualifications.

Then, in 2003, a retired CIA officer gave a statement to Megrahi's
lawyers in which he alleged evidence had been planted.

The decision of a former Scottish police chief to back this claim
could add enormous weight to what has previously been dismissed as a
wild conspiracy theory. It has long been rumoured the fragment was
planted to implicate Libya for political reasons.

The first suspects in the case were the Syrian-led Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC), a terror group
backed by Iranian cash. But the first Gulf War altered diplomatic
relations with Middle East nations, and Libya became the pariah state.

Comment: In other words, Western Zionist powers deftly changed the
"Terrorist du Jour" from the Popular Front to Libya!

Following the trial, legal observers from around the world, including
senior United Nations officials, expressed disquiet about the verdict
and the conduct of the proceedings at Camp Zeist, Holland. Those doubts
were first fuelled when internal documents emerged from the offices of
the US Defence Intelligence Agency. Dated 1994, more than two years
after the Libyans were identified to the world as the bombers, they
still described the PFLP-GC as the Lockerbie bombers.

A source close to Megrahi's defence said: "Britain and the US were
telling the world it was Libya, but in their private communications
they acknowledged that they knew it was the PFLP-GC.

Comment: In fact, it was the CIA itself!

"The case is starting to unravel largely because when they wrote the
script, they never expected to have to act it out. Nobody expected
agreement for a trial to be reached, but it was, and in preparing a
manufactured case, mistakes were made."

Dr Jim Swire, who has publicly expressed his belief in Megrahi's
innocence, said it was quite right that all relevant information now be
put to the SCCRC.

Swire, whose daughter Flora was killed in the atrocity, said last
night: "I am aware that there have been doubts about how some of the
evidence in the case came to be presented in court.

"It is in all our interests that areas of doubt are thoroughly

A spokeswoman for the Crown Office said: "As this case is currently
being examined by the SCCRC, it would be inappropriate to comment."

No one from the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland was
available to comment.


Foxes in the hen-house: Iraqi
puppet government submits candidacy for the UNHRC

Dirk Adriaensens - 06 May 2006

Did you know that the government of Iraq submitted its candidacy for
the newly formed UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC)? Until a few days ago,
its written pledge was not online. Now it is. Look at the document

In that document you can read some incredible things. Iraq presents
itself as being deeply committed to human rights.

Elections take place in New York on Tuesday, 9 May. If elected, Iraq
would be subject to the new "universal review," mandatory on all
members of the UNHRC. Note the pledge (point #24 of the voluntary
commitments) to consider ratifying all Optional Protocols of key human
rights instruments. Relative to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, this could be significant, as the Optional Protocol
allows for individual petitions. Another question is whether the
government of Iraq will sign the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court. In general, though scandalous in other respects, the
election of Iraq to the UNHRC would be positive... if the Office of the
High Commissioner in Geneva, or the special rapporteur on summary
executions, were soon to propose substantive action. Perhaps a country
visit? The government of Iraq, which more or less has to assent, would
be hard pushed to refuse. Whether Iraq will be elected to the UNHRC is
another matter.

The Iraqi puppet government is so deeply concerned about human rights,
that most of the civilians tortured and killed recently, had been
arrested by officials of the Ministry of Interior. Of course with the
help of that other great democracy: the USA, who created, funded, armed
and trained these death squads.

After exact counting and documenting, the Iraqi Organisation for
Follow-up and Monitoring has confirmed that 92 % of the 3498 bodies
found in different regions of Iraq had been arrested by officials of
the Ministry of Interior. Nothing was known about the arrestees fate
until their riddled bodies were found with marks of horrible torture.
Its regrettable and shameful that these crimes are being suppressed
and that several states receive government officials, who fail to
investigate these crimes.

Organisation for Follow-up and Monitoring

30 April, 2006


FBI Puts SOA Watch under Counterterrorism Surveillances
By Matthew Rothschild
May 4, 2006

The FBI has been keeping tabs on SOA Watch, the human rights group that
monitors the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.

In fact, the FBI has elevated its concern to priority level, claiming
that the group is subject to counterterrorism monitoring, according
to documents released on May 4 by the ACLU and its Georgia chapter.

SOA Watch was founded by Father Roy Bourgeois back in 1990, and it
organizes annual protests at Fort Benning that now draw about 10,000
protesters. (The School of the Americas, in a PR stunt, has changed its
name to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.)

Our intentions are peaceful and our commitment unwavering as we
nonviolently call attention to a school that has trained some of the
worst human rights abusers in this hemisphere, says Father Bourgeois
in the ACLU press release.

The FBI itself recognizes the nonviolent nature of the group, according
to one memo from October 2003. The leaders of the SOA Watch have taken
strides to impart upon the protest participants that the protest should
be a peaceful event, the FBI document states.

The FBI denies doing anything wrong in its investigation of SOA Watch.

Our reaction is the same to all the other ACLU allegations about FBI
spying, says Bill Carter, a spokesperson for the agency. The FBI does
not investigate individuals based on First Amendment activities. The
FBI investigates only when we have information that an individual or a
group may be involved either in violent activity or national security


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America's Geopolitical Nightmare and Eurasian
Strategic Energy Arrangements

By F. William Engdahl
May 7, 2006

Part I: The disintegration of the Bush Presidency

By drawing attention to Iraq and the obvious role oil plays in US
policy today, the Bush-Cheney administration has done just that: They
have drawn the worlds energy-deficit powers attention firmly to the
strategic battle over energy and especially oil. This is already having
consequences for the global economy in terms of $75 a barrel crude oil
price levels. Now it is taking on the dimension of what one former US
Defense Secretary rightly calls a geopolitical nightmare for the
United States.

The creation by Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and company of a geopolitical
nightmare, is also the backdrop to comprehend the dramatic political
shift within the US establishment in the past six months, away from the
Bush Presidency. Simply put: Bush/Cheney and their band of
neo-conservative warhawks, with their special relationship to the
capacities of Israel in Iraq and across the Mideast, were given a

The chance was to deliver on the US strategic goal of control of
petroleum resources globally, in order to ensure the US role as first
among equals over the next decade and beyond. Not only have they failed
to deliver that goal of US strategic dominance. They have also
threatened the very basis of continued US hegemony or as the Rumsfeld
Pentagon likes to term it, Full Spectrum Dominance. The move by
Bolivian President Evo Morales, following meetings with Velezuelas
Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, to assert national control over oil and
gas resources is only the latest demonstration of the decline in US
power projection.

Future of the Bush Doctrine in the balance

As the reality of US foreign policy is obscured by the endless rhetoric
of defending democracy and the like, it is useful to recall that US
foreign policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union has been open and
explicit. It is to prevent at any cost the congealing of a potential
combination of nations that might challenge US dominance. This is the
US policy as elaborated in Bushs June 2002 West Point speech.

There the President outlined a radical departure in explicit US foreign
policy in two vital areas: A policy of preventive war, should the US be
threatened by terrorists or by rogue states engaged in the production
of weapons of mass destruction. Second, the right of self-defense
authorized the USA to launch pre-emptive attacks against potential
aggressors, cutting them off before they are able to launch strikes
against the US.

The new US doctrine, the Bush Doctrine, also proclaimed, the duty of
the US to pursue unilateral military action when acceptable
multilateral solutions cannot be found. It went further and declared
it US policy that the United States has, and intends to keep, military
strengths beyond challenge. The US would take whatever actions
necessary to continue its status as the world's sole military
superpower. This resembled British Empire policy before World War I,
namely, that the Royal Navy must be larger than the world's next two
largest navies put together.

The policy also included pro-active regime change around the world
under the slogan of extending democracy. As Bush stated at West
Point, America has no empire to extend or utopia to establish. We wish
for others only what we wish for ourselves -- safety from violence, the
rewards of liberty, and the hope for a better life.

Those policy fragments were gathered into an official policy in
September 2002, a National Security Council text entitled the National
Security Strategy of the United States. That text was drafted for the
Presidents signature by then NSA head Condi Rice. She in turn took an
earlier policy document prepared under the 1992 Bush senior Presidency
by neo-conservative Paul Wolfowitz.

The Bush Doctrine of Rice had been fully delineated in 1992 in a
Defense Planning Guidance final draft done by then Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy, Paul Wolfowitz, and known in Washington as the
Wolfowitz Doctrine. Wolfowitz declared then, that with the threat of a
Soviet attack gone, the US was the unchallenged sole Superpower and
should pursue its global agenda including pre-emptive war and
unilateral foreign policy actions.

An internal leak of the draft to the New York Times then led President
Bush senior to announce it was only a draft and not US policy. By
2002 it was officially US policy.

The Bush Doctrine stated that military pre-emption was legitimate
when the threat was emerging or sufficient, even if uncertainty
remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack. That left a
hole large enough for an Abrams tank to roll through, according to
critics. Afghanistan, as case in point, was declared a legitimate
target for US military bombardment, because the Taliban regime had said
it would turn Osama bin Laden over only when the US demonstrated proof
he was behind the September 11 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
Bush didnt give proof. He did launch a pre-emptive war. At the time,
few bothered to look to the niceties of international law.

The Bush Doctrine was and is a neo-conservative doctrine of preventive
and pre-emptive war. It has proven to be a strategic catastrophe for
the United States role as sole Superpower. That is the background to
comprehend all events today as they are unfolding in and around

The future of that Bush Doctrine foreign policy and in fact the future
ability of the United States, as sole Superpower or sole anything to
hold forth is what is now at stake in the issue of the future of the
Bush Presidency. Useful to note is that Deputy Defense Secretary
Wolfowitz wrote his 1992 draft for then Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney.

Bush Administration in crisis

The most fascinating indication of a sea-change within the American
political establishment towards the Bush Doctrine and those who are
behind it is the developing debate around the 83-page paper, first
published on the official website of Harvard University, criticizing
the dominant role of Israel in shaping US foreign policy.

The paper was initially trashed by the ADL of Bnai Brith and select
neo-conservative writers, as anti-semitic, which it is not, and as
one commentator tried to smear it, as echoing the views of former KKK
leader and white power advocate David Duke, who has also attacked the
Israel lobby. However, profoundly significant is the fact that this
time, leading mainstream media, including Richard Cohen in the
Washington Post , have come to defense of Walt and Mearsheimer. Even
certain Israeli press has done so. The taboo of speaking publicly of
the pro-Israel agenda of neo-conservatives has apparently been broken.
That suggests that the old-guard foreign policy establishment, types
such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft and their allies, are
stepping up to retake foreign policy leadership. The neo-cons have
proved a colossal failure in their defense of Americas strategic real
interests as the realists see it.

The paper, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, was written by
two highly respected US foreign policy realists and consultants to the
State Department. The authors are neither neo-Nazi skinheads nor
anti-Semites. John J. Mearsheimer is political science professor and
co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the
University of Chicago. Stephen M. Walt is academic dean and a chaired
professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Both are members
of the Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy. They are so-called
realists along with Kissinger, Scowcroft, Brzezinski.

Some of their conclusions about the Israel lobby's goals:

No lobby has managed to divert foreign policy as far from what the
American national interest would otherwise suggest, while
simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are
essentially identical.

American supporters of Israel promoted the war against Iraq. The
senior administration officials who spearheaded the campaign were also
in the vanguard of the pro-Israel lobby, e.g., then Deputy Defense
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz; Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas
Feith; Elliott Abrams, Mideast affairs at the White House; David
Wurmser, Mideast affairs for Vice President Richard Cheney; Richard
Perle, first among neocon equals, chairman of the Defense Policy Board,
an influential advisory body of strategic experts.

A similar effort is now under way to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.

AIPAC is fighting registering as foreign agents because this would
place severe limitations on its congressional activities, particularly
in the legislative electoral arena. ... American politicians remain
acutely sensitive to campaign contributions and other forms of
political pressure and major media outlets are likely to remain
sympathetic to Israel no matter what it does.

Its useful to quote the official goals of the Coalition for a
Realistic Foreign Policy, of which Walt and Mearsheimer are members, to
have a better indication of their factional line-up in the current
factional battle inside the US elite. The website of that Coalition

Against the backdrop of an ever-bloodier conflict in Iraq, American
foreign policy is moving in a dangerous direction toward empire.

Worrisome imperial trends are apparent in the Bush administration's
National Security Strategy. That document pledges to maintain America's
military dominance in the world, and it does so in a way that
encourages other nations to form countervailing coalitions and
alliances. We can expect, and are seeing now, multiple balances of
power forming against us. People resent and resist domination, no
matter how benign.

Authors Walt and Mearsheimer also note that Richard Perle and Douglas
Feith put their names to a 1996 policy blueprint for Benjamin
Netanyahu's then incoming government in Israel, titled, A Clean Break:
A New Strategy for Securing the Realm [Israel].

In that document, Perle and Feith advised Netanyahu that the rebuilding
of Zionism must abandon any thought of trading land for peace with the
Palestinians, i.e., repeal the Oslo accords. Next, Saddam Hussein must
be overthrown and democracy established in Iraq, which would then prove
contagious in Israel's other Arab neighbors. That was in 1996, seven
years before Bush launched a near unilateral war for regime change in

When NBC's TVs Tim Russert on the widely-watched Meet the Press
asked Perle about his geopolitical laundry list for Israel's benefit,
Perle replied, What's wrong with that?

For all this to succeed, Perle and Feith wrote, Israel would have to
win broad American support. To ensure this support, they advised the
Israeli prime minister to use language familiar to Americans by
tapping into themes of past US administrations during the Cold War,
which apply as well to Israel. An Israeli columnist in Ha'aretz
accused Perle and Feith of, walking a fine line between their
loyalty to American governments and Israeli interests.

Today, Perle has been forced to take a low profile in Washington after
initially heading Rumsfelds Defense Policy Board at the Pentagon.
Feith was forced to leave the State Department for the private sector.
That was more than a year ago.

Wave of Bush resignations underway

Now White House Chief of Staff and a man who was a Bush family loyal
retainer for 25 years, Andrew Card, has left, and in an announcement
that apparently shocked the neo-conservative hawks like William
Kristol, on May 5 Bushs pro-neo-con CIA head, Porter Goss, abruptly
announced his resignation in a one line statement.

Goss departure was preceded by the growing scandal involving Goss
Number 3 man at CIA, Executive Director, Kyle Dusty Foggo. Last
December the CIA Inspector General opened an investigation into Foggos
role in Pengaton-CIA contract fraud. Foggo is also being linked to an
emerging White House-GOP sex scandal which could pale the Monika
Lewinsky affair. As Goss violated seniority precedence in naming Foggo
to No. 3 at CIA, the Goss resignation and the imminent breaking sex and
bribery scandals around Foggo are being linked by some media.

The Foggo case is tied to disgraced Republican Congressman, Randall
Duke Cunningham. Federal prosecutors have accused, as an un-indicted
co-conspirator, one of Foggos closest friends, San Diego businessman
Brent Wilkes, of participating in a scheme to bribe Cunningham, the
former GOP congressman from San Diego. Cunningham in turn is linked to
convicted Republican money launderer and fix-it man, Jack Abramoff.
Foggo oversaw contracts involving at least one of the companies accused
of paying bribes to Congressman Cunningham. The Wall Street Journal
reports that Foggo has been a close friend, since junior high school,
with California defense contractor Brent R. Wilkes. They report, an
ongoing criminal investigation centers on whether Mr. Foggo used his
postings at the CIA to improperly steer contracts to Mr. Wilkes's

Wilkes was implicated in the charges filed against Cunningham, as an
un-indicted co-conspirator who allegedly paid $630,000 in bribes to
Cunningham for help in obtaining federal defense and other contracts.
No charges have been filed against Wilkes, though federal prosecutors
in San Diego are working to build a case against him, as well as Foggo.

The FBI and federal prosecutors are investigating evidence that Wilkes
had given gifts to Foggo and paid for various services, including
alleged sex orgies at the Watergate (now Westin), while Foggo was in a
position to help him gain particular CIA contracts.

The CIA inspector general has opened an investigation into the spy
agency's executive director, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, and his connections to
two defense contractors accused of bribing a member of Congress and
Pentagon officials.

The Goss resignation follows on the heels of public calls for Secretary
Rumsfelds immediate resignation over the Iraq military debacle coming
from a growing chorus of retired US military generals.

The latest in the slow, systematic let em twist in the wind process
of downsizing the Bush regime, was an incident in Atlanta May 4 before
a supposedly friendly foreign policy audience where Rumsfeld spoke.
During the question period, he was confronted with his laying about the
ground for going to war in Iraq.

Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA veteran who once gave then-President George
H.W. Bush his morning intelligence briefings, engaged in an extended
debate with Rumsfeld. He asked why Rumsfeld had insisted before the
Iraq invasion that there was bulletproof evidence linking Saddam
Hussein to Al Qaeda.

Was that a lie, Mr. Rumsfeld, or was that manufactured somewhere else?
Because all of my CIA colleagues disputed that and so did the 9/11
commission, McGovern asked a startled Rumsfeld. Why did you lie to
get us into a war that was not necessary?

Significant in terms of the shift reflected in how the establishment
media handles Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush today is the following account
in the Los Angeles Times:

At the start of the exchange, Rumsfeld remained his usual unflappable
self, insisting, "I haven't lied; I did not lie then," before launching
into a vigorous defense of the administration's prewar assertions on
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

But Rumsfeld became uncharacteristically tongue-tied when McGovern
pressed him on claims that he knew where unconventional Iraqi weapons
were located.

"You said you knew where they were," McGovern said.

"I did not. I said I knew where suspected sites were," Rumsfeld

McGovern then read from statements the Defense secretary had made that
weapons were located near Tikrit, Iraq, and Baghdad

Rumsfeld was stone silent. The entire episode was filmed and shown on
network television. Rumsfelds days are clearly numbered. Karl Rove is
rumoured to be days away from being co-indicted with Cheney aide Lewis
Libby for the Valerie Plame CIA leak affair. Recall that that affair
was over alleged Niger uranium evidence as basis for convincing
Congress to waive a War Declaration on Iraq and give Bush carte
blanche. All threads are being carefully woven, evidently by a
re-emerging realist faction into a tapestry which will likely spell
Impeachment, perhaps also of the Vice President, the real power behind
this Presidency.

Part II: Disintegration of US Eurasia Strategic Influence

A Foreign Policy disaster over China

In this context, the recent diplomatic insult from Bush to visiting
China President Hu Jintao, is doubly disastrous for the US foreign
position. Bush acted on a script written by the anti-China
neo-conservatives, to deliberately insult and humiliate Hu at the White
House. First was the incident of allowing a Taiwanese journalist, a
Falun Gong member, into the carefully-screened White House press
conference, to rant in a tirade against Chinese human rights for more
than three minutes, with no attempt at removal, at a White House filmed
press conference. Then came the playing of the Chinese National Hymn
for Hu. The Chinese hymn, however, was the (Taiwan) Republic of China
hymn, not the (Beijing) Peoples Republic hymn.

It was no slip-up by the professional White House protocol people. It
was a deliberate effort to humiliate the Chinese leader. The problem is
that the US economy has become dependent on Chinese trade imports and
on Chinese holdings of US Treasury securities. China today is the
largest holder of dollar reserves in form of US Treasury paper with an
estimated $825 billion. Were Beijing to decide to exit the US bond
market, even in part, it would cause a dollar free-fall and collapse of
the $7 trillion US real estate market, a wave of US bank failures and
huge unemployment. Its a real option even if unlikely at the moment.

Chinas Hu didns waste time or tears over the Bush affront. He
immediately went on to Saudi Arabia for a 3 day state visit where both
signed trade, defense and security agreements. Needless to say, this is
no small slap in the fact to Washington by the traditionally loyal
Saudi Royal House.

Hu signed a deal for SABIC of Saudi Arabia to build a $5.2 billion oil
refinery and petrochemical project in northeast China. At the beginning
of this year, King Abdullah was in Beijing for a full state visit.
HmmmmmSince the Roosevelt-King Ibn Saud deal giving US Aramco and not
the British exclusive concession to develop Saudi oil in 1943, Saudi
Arabia has been regarded in Washington as a core strategic sphere of

Hu then went on to Morocco, another traditional US sphere of interest,
Nigeria and Kenya, all regarded as US spheres of interest. Hmmmm. Only
two months ago Rumsfeld was in Morocco to offer US arms. Hu is offering
to finance energy exploration there.

The SCO and Iran events

The latest developments around the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO) and Iran further underscore the dramatic change in the
geopolitical position of the United States.

The SCO was created in Shanghai on June 15, 2001 by Russia and China
along with four former USSR Central Asian republics-- Kazakhstan,
Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Prior to September 11 2001, and
the US declaration of an Axis of Evil in January 2002, the SCO was
merely background geopolitical chatter as far as Washington was
concerned. Today the SCO, which has to date been blacked out almost
entirely in US mainstream media, is defining a new political
counterweight to US hegemony and its one-polar world.

At the next June 15 2006 SCO meeting, Iran has been invited to become a
full SCO member.

Last month in Teheran, the Chinese Ambassador, Lio G Tan announced that
a pending oil and gas deal between China and Iran is ready to be

The deal is said to be worth at least $100 billion, and includes
development of the huge Yadavaran onshore oil field. Chinas Sinopec
would agree to buy 250 million tons of LNG over 25 years. No wonder
China is not jumping to back Washington against Iran in the UN Security
Council. The US had been trying to put massive pressure on Beijing to
halt the deal, for obvious geopolitical reasons, to no avail. Another
major defeat for Washington.

Iran is also moving on plans to deliver natural gas via a pipeline to
Pakistan and India. Energy ministers from the three countries met in
Doha recently and plan to meet again this month in Pakistan.

The pipeline progress is a direct rebuff to Washington's efforts to
steer investors clear of Iran. Ironically, US opposition is driving
these countries into each others arms, Washingtons geopolitical

At the same June 15 SCO meeting, India, which Bush is personally
attempting to woo as a geopolitical Asian counterweight to China,
will also be invited to join SCO. As well, Mongolia and Pakistan will
be invited to join SCO. SCO is gaining in geopolitical throw-weight
quite substantially.

Irans Deputy Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mohammadi told ITAR-Tass in
Moscow in April that Iranian membership in SCO could make the world
more fair. He also spoke of building an Iran-Russia gas-and-oil arc
in which the two giant energy producers would coordinate activities.

US out in cold in Central Asia

The admission of Iran into SCO opens many new options for Iran and the
region. By virtue of SCO membership, Iran can now take part in SCO
projects, which in turn means access to badly-needed technology,
investment, trade, infrastructure development. It will have major
implications for global energy security.

The SCO has reportedly set up a working group of experts ahead of the
June summit to develop a common SCO Asian energy strategy, and discuss
joint pipeline projects, oil exploration and related activities. Iran
sits on the worlds second largest natural gas reserves, and Russia has
the largest. Russia is the worlds second largest oil producer after
Saudi Arabia. These are no small moves.

India is desperate to come to terms with Iran for energy but is being
pressured by Washington not to.

The Bush Administration last year tried to get observer status at SCO
but was turned down. The rebuff - along with SCO's demands for a
reduced American military presence in Central Asia, deeper Russia-China
cooperation and the setbacks to US diplomacy in Central Asia have
prompted a policy review in Washington.

After her October 2005 Central Asian tour, Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice announced re-organization of the US State Department's
South Asia Bureau to include the Central Asian states, and a new US
Greater Central Asia scheme.

Washington is trying to wean Central Asian states away from Russia and
China. Hamid Karzai's government in Kabul has not responded to SCO's
overtures. Given his ties historically to Washington, he likely has
little choice.

Gennady Yefstafiyev, a former general in Russia's Foreign Intelligence
Service, says, The US's long term goals in Iran are obvious: to
engineer the downfall of the current regime; to establish control over
Iran's oil and gas; and to use its territory as the shortest route for
the transportation of hydrocarbons under US control from the regions of
Central Asia and the Caspian Sea bypassing Russia and China. This is
not to mention Iran's intrinsic military and strategic significance.

Washington had based its strategy on Kazakhstan being its key partner
in Central Asia. The US wants to expand its physical control over
Kazakhstan's oil reserves and formalize Kazakh oil transportation via
Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, as well as creating the dominant US role in
Caspian Sea security. But Kazakhstan isnt playing ball. President
Nursultan Nazarbayev went to Moscow on April 3 to reaffirm his
continued dependence on Russian oil pipelines. And China, as we noted
back in December, is making major energy and pipeline deals with
Kazakhstan as well.

To make Washingtons geopolitical problems worse, despite securing a
major US military basing deal with Uzbekistan after September 2001,
Washington's relations with Uzbekistan today are disastrous. The US
effort to isolate President Islam Karimov, along lines of the Ukraine
Orange Revolution tactics, is not working. Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh visited Tashkent in late April.

As well, Tajikistan relies heavily on Russia's support. In Kyrgyzstan,
despite covert US attempts to create dissensions within the regime,
President Burmanbek Bakiyev's alliance with Moscow-backed Prime
Minister Felix Kulov, is holding.

In the space of 12 months Russia and China have managed to move the
pieces on the geopolitical chess board of Eurasia away from what had
been an overwhelming US strategic advantage, to the opposite, where the
US is increasingly isolated. Its potentially the greatest strategic
defeat for the US power projection of the post World War II period.
This is also the strategic background to the re-emergence of the
so-called realist faction in US policy.

F. William Engdahl is a Global Research Contributing Editor and author
of the book, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New
World Order, Pluto Press Ltd. He is about to publish a book on GMO
titled, Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Political Agenda Behind GMO.
He may be contacted through his website,

For media inquiries:

) Copyright F. William Engdahl,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



President, USA Exile Govt.

May 9, 2006, 4:32:47 PM5/9/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 9, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 9, 2006 12:32:11 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Ice-capped roof of world turns to desert

Ice-Capped Roof of World Turns to

Scientists warn of ecological
catastrophe across Asia
as glaciers melt and
continent's great rivers dry up

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

Published: 07 May 2006

Global warming is rapidly melting the ice-bound roof of the world, and
turning it into desert, leading scientists have revealed.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences - the country's top scientific body -
has announced that the glaciers of the Tibetan plateau are vanishing so
fast that they will be reduced by 50 per cent every decade. Each year
enough water permanently melts from them to fill the entire Yellow

They added that the vast environmental changes brought about by the
process will increase droughts and sandstorms over the rest of the
country, and devastate many of the world's greatest rivers, in what
experts warn will be an "ecological catastrophe".

The plateau, says the academy, has a staggering 46,298 glaciers,
covering almost 60,000 square miles. At an average height of 13,000
feet above sea level, they make up the largest area of ice outside the
polar regions, nearly a sixth of the world's total.

The glaciers have been receding over the past four decades, as the
world has gradually warmed up, but the process has now accelerated
alarmingly. Average temperatures in Tibet have risen by 2 degrees
Fahrenheit over the past 20 years, causing the glaciers to shrink by 7
per cent a year, which means that they will halve every 10 years.

Prof Dong Guangrong, speaking for the academy - after a study analysing
data from 680 weather stations scattered across the country - said that
the rising temperatures would thaw out the tundra of the plateau,
turning it into desert.

He added: "The melting glaciers will ultimately trigger more droughts,
expand desertification and increase sand storms." The water running off
the plateau is increasing soil erosion and so allowing the deserts to

Sandstorms, blowing in from the degraded land, are already plaguing the
country. So far this year, 13 of them have hit northern China,
including Beijing. Three weeks ago one storm swept across an eighth of
the vast country and even reached Korea and Japan. On the way, it
dumped a mind-boggling 336,000 tons of dust on the capital, causing
dangerous air pollution.

The rising temperatures are also endangering the newly built world's
highest railway, which is due to go into operation this summer. They
threaten to melt the permafrost under the tracks of the #1.7bn Tibetan
railway, constructed to link the area with China's northwestern Qinghai

Perhaps worst of all, the melting threatens to disrupt water supplies
over much of Asia. Many of the continent's greatest rivers - including
the Yangtze, the Indus, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, the Mekong and the
Yellow River - rise on the plateau.

In China alone, 300 million people depend on water from the glaciers
for their survival. Yet the plateau is drying up, threatening to
escalate an already dire situation across the country. Already 400
cities are short of water; in 100 of them - including Beijing - the
shortages are becoming critical.

Even hopes that the melting glaciers might provide a temporary respite,
by increasing the amount of water flowing off the plateau - have been
dashed. For most of the water is evaporating before it reaches the
people that need it - again because of the rising temperatures brought
by global warning.

Yao Tandong, head of the academy's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research
Institute, summed it up. "The full-scale glacier shrinkage in the
plateau regions will eventually lead to an ecological catastrophe," he


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 7, 2006 7:14:27 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Pan Am 103 and 9/11 Connection

Pan Am 103 and 9/11 Connection
By Russell Pickering

In the recent Rense-linked article Police Chief - Lockerbie Evidence
was Faked, there is a huge clue as to what may have happened to 9/11
evidence as well (1). The key lies in the fact that the exact same
person "handled" both investigations. In fact, the person who led the
Pan Am 103 investigation for Bush Sr.'s "Justice" department just
happened to be appointed the director of the FBI by Bush Jr. just seven
days prior to 9/11.

"Robert Mueller was nominated by President George W. Bush and became
the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on September
4, 2001". (2)

"After spending 1988 and 1989 in private practice, he joined the staff
of Attorney-General Richard Thornburgh, and his star rose at the
Justice Department as the head of the criminal division under President
George Bush's father from 1990 to 1993.

And he led the investigations of the 1991 collapse of the Bank of
Credit and Commerce International banking and the 1988 bombing of Pan
Am 103." (3)

Here is a link about Pan Am 103 ( ) - note the part about
the Intelligence Officers on board.

I tried to find out more at the George Bush Sr. Presidential Library
since Pan Am sued the US government and, "In its suit, Pan Am alleged
that the United States Government had prior knowledge of an impending
terrorist attack on a Pan Am airliner". But as luck would have it the,
".....court transcripts, affidavits, depositions, motions, objections,
reports, and news addition [to] the remaining NSC
files deal[ing] specifically with the Lockerbie bombing and the
subsequent investigation which led to the indictment of two Libyan
nationals..... are closed because of various security classifications".

As we know, literally all evidence regarding 9/11 has been under FBI
lock and key for nearly 5 years. That includes the fact that
no National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) crash reports were
done on any of the four aircraft because the FBI took the investigation
away from them, that the Pentagon videos confiscated by the FBI are not
being released and that the "hijackers" remains have never been
positively identified. (5)

I will highlight two specific details where Robert Mueller was directly
involved in 9/11 evidence. One is the Flight 77 cockpit voice recorder
and the other was the identities of the 19 "hijackers".

The NTSB claimed:

"Over the next few days, working the 3 p.m. to morning shift, she and
several other NTSB experts struggled to separate airplane parts from
office parts. Early on the morning of Sept.14, while Cushman was at the
site, the cockpit voice recorder, or CVR, was found. It was quickly
transported across the Potomac to the NTSB lab in Washington, D.C.,
where Cushman works with three other analysts, and its data was

"Ordinarily, that would have been just the start of Cushman's
association with the device, but this time, it was the end. The events
of Sept. 11 had already been classified as criminal acts, rather than
accidents, so the FBI, which has its own forensic audio lab, took
charge of the box and its data.

That's also why Cushman can't say much more about her role in that
investigation, or about the work she did on the recorders recovered
from Flight 93, which plowed into a field in Pennsylvania after
passengers apparently thwarted another hijacking. Like the Pentagon
CVR, the black box from that plane came to NTSB only for the extraction
of its data before being turned over to the FBI". (6)

Robert Mueller had a different story:

"FBI Director Robert Mueller said Friday that the agency has gotten
information from the flight data recorder recovered in the crash of
American Airlines Flight 77, which slammed into the Pentagon. He
declined to say what information the FBI received from the recorder,
which tracks an airplane's flight movements for the last 25 hours. He
said the agency had not gotten any information from the voice data
recorder from Flight 77". (7)

When it came to the identities of the alleged 19 hijackers Robert
Mueller said, "that the identity of several of the suicide hijackers is
in doubt". That is no surprise since the BBC has documented that a
couple of them are alive and well. (8)

The FBI controlled every aspect of the Pentagon incident from start to
finish. They still control it with total secrecy. How did they know to
show up within minutes at the civilian video locations? Why did the
Pentagon originally claim to have no video surveillance? I believe the
answers may lie in the statement that the FBI Director's "star rose"
under Bush Sr. and he already had Pan Am 103 under his belt. Maybe
that's why the evidence was snapped up and secured so quickly.
Russell Pickering



From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 9, 2006 12:18:08 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: EC approved GM crops despite safety
fears [uk telegraph/bbc]

EC approved GM crops despite safety
fears: The Daily Telegraph


The European Commission approved a range of GM foods and crops despite
having serious doubts over their health and environmental impacts,
according to new documents released by green charities.

Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth said the documents revealed
scientific arguments put forward behind closed doors in the European
Commission's recent GM trade dispute.

The groups have called for the immediate suspension in the use and
sale of all GM foods and crops until the safety issues have been

In the documents, the Commission argues that there were "large areas
of uncertainty about the health risks posed by GM produce," and that
"some issues have not yet been studied at all."

The papers also say "there simply is no way of ascertaining whether
the introduction of GM products has had any other effect on human
health," and "no unique, absolute, scientific cut off threshold
available to decide whether a GM product is safe or not."

Among other revelations, the documents suggested ther were huge
disagreements between the Commission and the European Food Safety
Authority, the agency that is responsible for GM risk assessments.

At the same time as the Commission wrote and submitted these documents
to the World Trade Organisation highlighting safety concerns it
approved seven GM foods, despite a lack of support from the majority
of EC member states.

Clare Oxborrow, a Friends of the Earth GM Campaigner, said: "This is a
political scandal. The European Commission must call a halt to the
sale and growth of all genetically modified food and crops given the
serious concerns over their safety that have come to light.

"When the EU Commission broke the moratorium and forced GM foods into
Europe, it told the public they were safe. But the Commission clearly
knew this was not the case and was prepared to recognise the risk
behind closed doors. The UK Government must now reveal whether it had
access to these documents and whether it voted in support of GM foods
while knowing the risks they posed."


From: Peter Myers <>
Date: May 9, 2006 4:52:32 AM EST
To: clem clarke <>
Subject: The US's geopolitical nightmare, by F William Engdahl

Asian Central Banks Preparing to Dump
the US Dollar Currency Peg

Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 18:57:24 -0400 From: "David Chiang"

Asia Is Getting Ready to Dump the Dollar Peg: Andy Mukherjee

May 8 (Bloomberg) -- Li Yong, China's vice minister for finance, said
he had heard a "rumor" that the U.S. dollar was headed for a 25 percent
drop. If the gossip was true, the consequences would be "shocking," he

Li's comment, which he made at a discussion on global financial
imbalances last week at the annual meeting of the Asian Development
Bank in the Indian city of Hyderabad, was aimed directly at fellow
panelist Tim Adams, the U.S. Treasury undersecretary of international

The unspoken message was: "Don't try to talk the dollar down." And
Adams knew better than to ask, "Well, what are you going to do about
it?" The answer to that question has already begun taking shape: Asia
may be getting ready to fix its currencies to a local anchor, dumping
the region's unofficial dollar peg.

Even as they continue to pile up U.S. debt in their foreign-exchange
reserves to keep their currencies stable against the dollar, Asian
nations, China among them, are preparing for a scenario where the
dollar does indeed collapse under the weight of a record U.S. current
account deficit.

At the Hyderabad meeting, finance ministers of China, Japan and South
Korea got together with their counterparts from the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations, or Asean. The 13-nation group said it would
sponsor a research project, titled "Toward greater financial stability
in the Asian region: Exploring steps to create regional monetary

Asian Currency Unit

This is no innocuous academic exercise. Regional monetary units are a
euphemism for a parallel Asian currency, an idea that has been around
since the 1997-98 financial crisis and is now, for the first time,
entering the realm of policy-making.

Both Japan and China are extremely serious about it and are vying to
take ownership of the project.

An Asian Currency Unit, or ACU, will be an index that seeks to capture
the value of a hypothetical Asian currency by taking a weighted average
of several of them. The weight for a particular currency in the index
may be determined by the size of the economy and the quantity of its
total trade.

What's the big deal with the ACU? Given the data, anyone can set up an
index. It isn't that Asia is talking about replacing its national
currencies with the ACU. A European-style single currency in Asia is at
least decades away. The ACU is an accounting unit; it won't change
hands in the physical world.

The ACU will start making a difference when it becomes the fulcrum of
exchange-rate management in Asia. There is some sign that Asian nations
want to do just that.

A New Peg

Korea, Japan and China agreed in Hyderabad to "immediately launch
discussions on the road map for a system to coordinate foreign exchange

The ACU can help a lot in such coordination. It can become a basket
peg against which any Asian nation can fix the value of its currency
within a band. The ACU, itself, will float.

Why might the ACU work when the now-defunct European Currency Unit, on
which the concept is modeled, didn't? One good reason, as noted by
economist Barry Eichengreen of the University of California, Berkeley,
is that Europe's need for a parallel currency was satisfied by the

The ACU may well emerge as a viable currency for denominating export
invoices, bank loans and bond issuances if the dollar is no longer
perceived as a safe storage of value.

So far, Japan has been driving the ACU concept. Haruhiko Kuroda, a
former Japanese vice minister of finance and currently the president of
the Asian Development Bank, was vigorously pursuing it. The ADB was
going to start computing and publishing several ACUs sometime this

China in Control

One such ACU would have comprised 13 members, including the Japanese
yen, the Chinese yuan, the Korean won and the currencies of Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
and the Philippines. Another ACU would have included both the yuan and
the Taiwan dollar -- and that would have been anathema to China. Nor
would China have liked to peg the yuan to an ACU that was overly
dominated by the yen.

Now China has taken control. While the research will still be
conducted in Japan, Asean will take the decision on the composition of
the ACU. While Japan is a member of this club, its influence is in
decline. The association is now firmly under China's thumb.

While China continues to exhort the U.S. not to follow weak-dollar
policies, it, like everyone else, can only guess about the longevity of
the present global imbalances.

If there is a sudden collapse in the dollar, the U.S. appetite for
imported goods may vanish. The Chinese export engine may seize up and
its fragile banking system may collapse under a spate of new bad loans.
The idea behind the ACU is to buy some insurance, however inadequate,
against all of this.


With its "my currency is your problem" attitude, the U.S. has made a
negotiated settlement of global imbalances a diplomatic non-starter.
China isn't willing to consider the U.S. argument that quicker
appreciation of the yuan may prevent a costly adjustment later.

Once again in Hyderabad, Undersecretary Adams tried valiantly to get
this message across to Chinese Vice Finance Minister Li. He was wasting
his breath.

Li, as Adams noted wryly, "knows all my talking points."

To contact the writer of this column: Andy Mukherjee in Singapore


From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: May 8, 2006 7:38:54 AM EST
Subject: Grandin on Rumsfeld's Latin American Wild West Show

----- Original Message -----

From: m
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 3:20 PM
Subject: Grandin on Rumsfeld's Latin American Wild West Show

"Our neighbors are allies who, in general, share similar values. The
Western Hemisphere has a lot to teach the world," said McCaffrey's boss
Secretary of Defense William Cohen two years later, "as the world
reaches for the kind of progress we have made."

now let us see what these similar values are that have so enriched
Western Society and given them the much bragged about progress and the
civilising force that the Third World, Non White Western Nations has
been so kindly gifted with by the Mighty America and its fellow White
European dictators;

Exploitation of the country's rich resources such as Oil, gas, minerals

Exploitation of the country's populace who have been convenient cheap
labour for the greedy Corporations- they reap the profits while the
indigenous workers struggle to make ends meet for themselves and their

Exploitative financial "Aid" in the form of 'economic loans',, or
better still- USURY - lending at exorbitantly high interest rates and
unreasonable payback periods, resulting in bleeding the governments
dry, forcing them into unconscionable repayment terms that keep them
under the stifling tight screws of the Money Lenders- the infamous
corrupt World Bank and IMF and the equally corrupt and manipulated
United Nations!!

Exploitation of rich resources for corrupt use- namely drug trafficking
and money laundering which the UN, the USA, Israel are deeply
entrenched in, along with also a not much publicised scandal of Human
Trafficking, especially Latino children!

Exploitation and interference in the political structures of Government
in these Latino countries where the Western hemisphere, in order to
protect its profit making assets, encourage unrest, instigate military
coups, attempt Election Rigging through bullying, harassments, threat,
and Voter ballot tampering, and installing like minded Dictators to do
their bidding and protect their long term 'investments, at the tragic
expense of the indigenous people!! We had Chile as a classic example of
American democracy at its working best in the 1970s, and the CORRUPT
leaders the CIA installed in Nicaragua, Colombia, Grenada etc...
Of course we must also NOT forget the foreign policies of this Great
Master of democracy doing its dutiful bidding and transformation, its
great civilising handy work that has brought so much JOY and PEACE and
brotherly love and Humanity to the Iraqi people, the Afghani people, to
the oppressed Palestinians

Then we have their wonderful Prison system they wish to teach us all
about- their greatest prized trophies of course have been Guantanamo,
on the stolen island that belongs to Cuba, and naturally Abu Ghraib,
the Diego Garcia prisons along with the outsourcing torture cells they
have going in non American/Israeli Cells, such as in the shameful
puppet Arab Muslim countries of Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi,
and even in some East European Hosts (Poland, Hungary I recall). Even
within the US, it has prisoners serving time for unproven crimes with
no legal representation, incarcerated indefinitely or once taken to
court our acquitted by their jury but none the less deprived of their
freedom by their Zionist controlled Government (Sami Al Aryan for
example). and then This master of Democracy ahs the audacity to preach
to other countries about Human Rights!!

We also have their Education system which only teaches a limited
version of history and geography that keeps many of its citizens in
ignorance, many not even knowing where countries their Government is
waging its Terrorist wars on are situated in the world.
As for their Legal system which is in the hands of corrupt, bought and
paid for Judges and its Censorship Media again owned by the very same
Money lenders and Corporations
Last but by far not least, the Endless WARS perpetrated by the this
Western Hemisphere country that has slaughtered, murdered, killed,
tortured, maimed, bombed, destroyed so many nations and their innocent
citizens, more than any other country on this miserable planet!!!

YES this Western IDOL has indeed much of its 'values' to extol,
encourage and to teach to the other Human World where it deems they
lack its UNIQUE style of civilising and progression: WARS and
EXPLOITATION and to emulate the 'human values' of characters like all
the corrupt, murderous NEOCONS, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, Bolton,
Wolfowitz, Clintons, Blair etc
This is the wrong kind of idol worship!

Grandin on Rumsfeld's Latin American Wild West Show
posted May 7, 2006 at 4:59 pm

The Wide War
How Donald Rumsfeld Discovered the Wild West in Latin America
By Greg Grandin

How fast has Latin America fallen from favor? Just a decade ago the
Clinton administration was holding up the region as the crown jewel of
globalization's promise: All is quiet on "our southern flank," reported
the head of the US Southern Command, General Barry McCaffrey, in 1995,
"our neighbors are allies who, in general, share similar values." "The
Western Hemisphere has a lot to teach the world," said McCaffrey's boss
Secretary of Defense William Cohen two years later, "as the world
reaches for the kind of progress we have made."

Today, with a new generation of leaders in open rebellion against
Washington's leadership, Latin America is no longer seen as a beacon
unto the world but as a shadowy place where "enemies" lurk. "They
watch, they probe," Donald Rumsfeld warns of terrorists in Latin
America; they look for "weaknesses." According to the new head of
Southcom General Bantz Craddock, the region is held hostage by a league
of extraordinary gentlemen made up of the "transnational terrorist, the
narco-terrorist, the Islamic radical fundraiser and recruiter, the
illicit trafficker, the money launderer, the kidnapper, [and] the gang

"Terrorists throughout the Southern command area of responsibility,"
Craddock's predecessor warned, "bomb, murder, kidnap, traffic drugs,
transfer arms, launder money and smuggle humans." Problems that
Clinton's Pentagon presented as discrete issues -- drugs, arms
trafficking, intellectual property piracy, migration, and money
laundering, what the editor of Foreign Policy Moisis Namn has described

as the "five wars of globalization" -- are now understood as part of a
larger unified campaign against terrorism.

The Pentagon's Wide War on Everything in Latin America

Latin America, in fact, has become more dangerous of late, plagued by a
rise in homicides, kidnappings, drug use, and gang violence. Yet it is
not the increase in illicit activity that is causing the Pentagon to
beat its alarm but rather a change in the way terrorism experts and
government officials think about international security. After 9/11,
much was made of Al Qaeda's virus-like ability to adapt and spread
through loosely linked affinity cells even after its host government in
Afghanistan had been destroyed. Defense analysts now contend that, with
potential patron nations few and far between and funding sources cut
off by effective policing, a new mutation has occurred. To raise money,
terrorists are reportedly making common cause with gun runners, people
smugglers, brand-name and intellectual-property bootleggers, drug
dealers, blood-diamond merchants, and even old-fashioned high-seas

In other words, the real enemy facing the U.S. in its War on Terror is
not violent extremism, but that old scourge of American peacekeepers
since the days of the frontier: lawlessness. "Lawlessness that breeds
terrorism is also a fertile ground for the drug trafficking that
supports terrorism," said former Attorney John Ashcroft a few years
ago, explaining why Congress's global counterterrorism funding bill was
allocating money to support the Colombian military's fight against
leftist rebels.

Counter-insurgency theorists have long argued for what they describe as
"total war at the grass-roots," by which they mean a strategy not just
to defeat insurgents by military force but to establish control over
the social, economic, and cultural terrain in which they operate.
"Drying up the sea," they call it, riffing on Mao's famous dictum, or
sometimes, "draining the swamp." What this expanded definition of the
terrorist threat does is take the concept of total war out of, say, the
mountains of Afghanistan, and project it onto a world scale: Victory,
says the Pentagon's 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review, "requires the
creation of a global environment inhospitable to terrorism."

Defining the War on Terror in such expansive terms offers a number of
advantages for American security strategists. Since the United States
has the world's largest military, the militarization of police work
justifies the "persistent surveillance" of, well, everything and
everybody, as well as the maintenance of "a long-term, low-visibility
presence in many areas of the world where U.S. forces do not
traditionally operate." It justifies taking "preventive measures" in
order to "quell disorder before it leads to the collapse of political
and social structures" and shaping "the choices of countries at
strategic crossroads" which, the Quadrennial Defense Review believes,
include Russia, China, India, the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast
Asia -- just about every nation on the face of the earth save Britain
and, maybe, France.

Since the "new threats of the 21st century recognize no borders," the
Pentagon can, in the name of efficiency and flexibility, breach
bureaucratic divisions separating police, military, and intelligence
agencies, while at the same time demanding that they be subordinated to
U.S. command. Hawks now like to sell the War on Terror as "the Long
War," but a better term would be 'the Wide War," with an enemies list
infinitely expandable to include everything from DVD bootleggers to
peasants protesting the Bechtel Corporation. Southcom Commander
Craddock regularly preaches against "anti-globalization and anti-free
trade demagogues," while Harvard security-studies scholar and leading
ideologue of the "protean enemy" thesis, Jessica Stern, charges,
without a shred of credible evidence, that Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez is brokering an alliance between "Colombian rebels and militant
Islamist groups."

A Latin American Wild West

In Latin America, the tri-border region of Paraguay, Brazil, and
Argentina, centered on Paraguay's legendary city of Ciudad del Este, is
ground zero for this broad view of global security. It's the place
where, according to the Pentagon, "all the components of transnational
lawlessness seem to converge." The region had been on the Department of
Defense watch list ever since two Lebanese residents were implicated in
the 1992 and 1994 Hezbollah bombings of the Israeli embassy and a
Jewish community center in Buenos Aires.

Right after 9/11, Douglas Feith, Pentagon Undersecretary and neocon
ultra, suggested that the U.S. hold off invading Afghanistan and
instead bomb the tri-border region, just to "surprise" al-Qaeda and
throw it off guard. Attention to the region increased after U.S. troops
discovered what CNN excitedly called "a giant poster of Iguagu Falls"
-- Latin America's most visited tourist destination, a few miles from
Ciudad del Este -- hanging on the wall of an al-Qaeda operative's
abandoned house in Kabul. Since then, security analysts and journalists
have taken to describing the place as a "new Libya," where Hamas raises
money for its operations and al-Qaeda operates training camps or sends
its militants for a little R and R.

Rio may have its favelas, Mexico its Tijuana, and Colombia its jungles
overrun by guerrillas, drug lords, and paramilitaries, but none of
these places hold a candle to the tri-border zone. It is truly the
last, or at least the most well-known, lawless territory in the
Americas, the War on Terror's very own "Wild West," as one military
official dubbed it.

The Pentagon's overheated definition of the terrorist threat melts away
distinctions between Shiites from Sunnis or either from Marxists. Thus,
we have former CIA director James Woolsey claiming that Islamic
extremists and criminals in the tri-border region work together "sort
of like three different Mafia families," who occasionally kill each
other but more often cooperate. Jessica Stern says that there
"terrorists with widely disparate ideologies -- Marxist Colombian
rebels, American white supremacists, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others --
meet to swap tradecraft." In Ciudad del Este, "international crimes
like money laundering, gunrunning, migration fraud, and drug
trafficking," according to military analyst Colonel William Mendel,
"recombine and metastasize." The proceeds of these various illicit
trades reportedly arm Latin America's leftist guerrillas, fund Islamic
terrorism, and enrich the Russian, Asian, and even Nigerian mafias --
everybody, it seems, but the Corleone family. Rumors drift through the
Pentagon's world that Osama bin Laden even turns a nice profit running
untaxed cigarettes into Brazil.

It's difficult to assess the truth of any of these lurid allegations.
The second largest city in South America's second poorest country,
Ciudad del Este is a free-trade boomtown, home not only to roughly
30,000 Lebanese and Syrian migrants but to lots of Koreans, Chinese,
and South Asians, many of them undocumented. The city is no doubt a
"free zone for significant criminal activity," as former FBI director
Louis Freeh once described it. Its polyglot streets are packed with
money changers, armored cars, and stalls selling everything from
bootlegged War of the Worlds DVDs and dollar-a-pop Viagra to the latest
sermons by respected Shiite Imams. Everyday, more than 40,000 people
cross the International Friendship Bridge from Brazil, many looking for
brand-name knockoffs either for personal use or for resale on the
streets of Rio or Sco Paulo. Surrounded by porous borders and
crisscrossed by river routes linking the continent's interior to the
Atlantic, the city is certainly a trading post for Andean cocaine,
Paraguayan marijuana, Brazilian weapons, and dirty money.

But security experts have found it a distinct stretch to link any of
this criminal activity to al-Qaeda. A couple of years ago, for example,
senior U.S. Army analyst Graham Turbiville pointed to the purchase of
30,000 ski masks by a Ciudad del Este Lebanese businessman as evidence
that terrorism was flourishing in the region. The transaction, he said,
"raised many questions" -- one of which was whether Turbiville was even
aware that some of the world's best skiing takes place in the nearby

Newspaper accounts depicting the region as Osama's lair are inevitably
based not on investigative reporting but on the word of Pentagon
officials or analysts, who either recycle each other's assertions or
pick up rumors circulated in the Latin American press -- stories many
Latin Americans insist are planted by the CIA or the Pentagon.
Brazilian and Argentine intelligence and police agencies, which have
done much to disperse tri-border criminal activity elsewhere, insist
that no terrorist cells exist in the area.

Ciudad del Este is thick with spies from Israel, the U.S., various
Latin American countries, and even China. "There are so many of us," an
Argentine spook recently remarked, "that we are bumping into each
other." If any of al-Qaeda's operatives were actually prowling the
city, odds are that at least one of them would have been found by now.
Yet the State Department says that no "credible information" exists
confirming that the group is operating in the tri-border region, while
even Southcom chief Brantz Craddock admits that the Pentagon has "not
detected Islamic terrorist cells" anywhere in Latin America.

Establishing Dominion over Ungoverned Spaces

Whether or not bin Laden's deputies kick back at Iguagu Falls with
skinheads and Asian gangsters to trade war stories and sip mate, the
specter of this unholy alliance provides plenty of cover for the
Pentagon to move forward with its militarization of hemispheric
relations, even as nation after nation in the region slips out of
Washington's political and economic orbit.

According to the Department of Defense, the hydra-headed terrorist
network now supposedly spreading across southern climes cannot be
defeated if Latin American nations continue to think of criminal law
enforcement and international warfare as two distinct activities. What
is needed is a Herculean Army of One, a flexible fighting machine
capable of waging a coordinated war against criminal terrorism on all
its multiple fronts and across any border. Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld regularly tours the region urging security officials to break
down bureaucratic firewalls in order to allow local police, military
and intelligence services to act in an integrated manner. The goal,
according to the Pentagon, is to establish "effective sovereignty" or,
more biblically, "dominion" over "ungoverned spaces"-- boundary areas
like the tri-border region, but also poor city neighborhoods where
gangs rule, rural hinterlands where civil institutions are weak, and
waterways and coastlines where illegal trafficking takes place.

So far, the Pentagon has had the most success in implementing this
program in Central America and Colombia. In Central America, the Bush
administration has pushed the region's defense ministers to set up a
multinational "rapid-response force" made up of military and police
officers to counter "emerging transnational threats." Such a force, the
formation of which is underway, worries human rights activists, who
have worked hard since the region's fratricidal civil wars of the 1980s
to strictly limit military mandates to the defense of national borders.

According to Adam Isacson, who monitors Washington's Colombia policy
for the Center for International Policy, the U.S. is "carrying out a
host of activities that would have been unthinkable back in 2000."
Then, the Clinton administration promised that no portion of its $4
billion counter-narcotic funding package would be used to fight leftist
rebels. In 2002, however, a newly emboldened Republican Congress tucked
money into its global counterterrorism funding bill to support
Colombia's counterinsurgency program. Since then, the Pentagon has
increasingly taken the lead in directing what is now being called a
"unified campaign" against cocaine and guerrillas. Over the last couple
of years, the number of U.S. troops allowed in country has doubled to
800. Some of them teach Colombian police officers light-infantry
training tactics, skills usually associated with low-intensity warfare,
not civilian law enforcement; but many are involved in directly
executing Colombia's counterinsurgency offensive, coordinating police
and military units, and providing training and intelligence support for
mobile brigades and Special Forces.

Well-armed Diplomacy

In Latin America more generally, it is increasingly the Pentagon, not
the State Department, which sets the course for hemispheric diplomacy.
With a staff of 1,400 and a budget of $800 million, Southcom already
has more money and resources devoted to Latin America than do the
Departments of State, Treasury, Commerce, and Agriculture combined. And
its power is growing.

For decades following the passage of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act,
it was the responsibility of the civilian diplomats over at Foggy
Bottom to allocate funds and training to foreign armies and police
forces. But the Pentagon has steadily usurped this authority, first to
fight the War on Drugs, then the War on Terror. Out of its own budget,
it now pays for about two-thirds of the security training the U.S.
gives to Latin America. In January 2006, Congress legalized this
transfer of authority from State to Defense through a provision in the
National Defense Authorization Act, which for the first time officially
gave the Pentagon the freedom to spend millions from its own budget on
aid to foreign militaries without even the formality of civilian
oversight. After 9/11, total American military aid to the region jumped
from roughly $400 million to more than $700 million. It has been
steadily rising ever since, coming in today just shy of $1 billion.

Much of this aid consists of training Latin American soldiers -- more
than 15,000 every year. Washington hopes that, even while losing its
grip over the region's civilian leadership, its influence will grow as
each of these cadets, shaped by ideas and personal loyalties developed
during his instruction period, moves up his nation's chain of command.

Training consists of lethal combat techniques in the field backed by
counterinsurgency and counter-terror theory and doctrine in the
classroom. This doctrine, conforming as it does to the Pentagon's broad
definition of the international security threat, is aimed at
undermining the work civilian activists have done since the end of Cold
War to dismantle national and international intelligence agencies in
the region.

Chilean General Augusto Pinochet's infamous Operation Condor in the
1970s, for example, was in effect an international consortium of state
intelligence agencies that served as the central command for a
continental campaign of political terror, compiling execution lists of
left-wing activists, while coordinating and directing the work of
police, military, and death-squad units throughout Latin America.
Condor was dismantled when Chile returned to civilian rule in the early
1990s. However, a similarly integrated system is exactly what the newly
established Counter-Terrorism Fellowship Program, run (with no
Congressional supervision) out of the Pentagon's Office of Special
Operations and Low Intensity Warfare Conflict, evidently hopes to
restore. Every year the Program's curriculum encourages thousands of
select Latin American Fellows to return to their home countries and
work to increase the "cooperation among military, police, and
intelligence officials" and create "an intelligence sharing network
with all other governments in the region."

During the Cold War, Washington urged Latin American soldiers to police
their societies for "internal enemies," which anti-Communist military
regimes took as a green light to commit mass slaughter. Today, the
Pentagon thinks Latin America has a new "internal enemy": Southcom's
General Craddock recently told a class of Latin American cadets at the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (nie School of
the Americas, the alma mater of some of the region's most infamous
executioners) to be on guard against anti-free trade populists who
"incite violence against their own government and their own people."

Osama at the Falls

Outside Washington's sphere of influence in Central America and
Colombia, the Bush administration is finding most Latin American
militaries a hard sell. Since the end of the Cold War brought sharp
reductions in their budgets, the region's cash-starved armed forces
eagerly take U.S. money, training, and equipment, and regularly
participate in Pentagon-led conferences, war games, and military
maneuvers. Police agencies work with the FBI and the Department of
Homeland Security to combat money laundering as well as gun- and
drug-running operations.

But most regional security officials have snubbed Washington's attempt
to rally them behind a broader ideological crusade. Two years ago at an
inter-American meeting of defense ministers in Quito, Ecuador,
Rumsfeld's Latin American counterparts rejected a proposal that they
coordinate their activities through Southcom. Chile's defense minister
insisted that the UN is the "only forum with international legitimacy
to act globally on security issues." "We are very good at taking care
of our borders," sniffed Argentina's defense minister in response to
Rumsfeld's claim that borders don't matter in a world of stateless
terrorism. They likewise rebuffed a U.S. plan to draw up a regional
list of suspected terrorists to prevent them from obtaining visas and
traveling between countries.

In contrast to the Pentagon's attempt to ratchet up a sense of
ideological urgency, the region's military leaders have sounded quite a
different note. "The cause of terrorism," said Brazil's Josi Alencar,
"is not just fundamentalism, but misery and hunger." When the U.S.
delegation at the meeting pushed for "narco-terrorism" to be ranked the
hemisphere's number-one challenge, the Latin Americans balked,
insisting that poverty was the major threat to stability. From the
sidelines, the former head of Ecuador's armed forces mordantly observed
that in "Latin America there are no terrorists -- only hunger and
unemployment and delinquents who turn to crime. What are we going to
do, hit you with a banana?"

During the Cold War, Washington was able to mobilize fear of Communism
-- which for Latin America's political and economic leaders generally
translated into fear of democracy -- and so make its particular
security interests seem like the region's collective security
interests. Today, a majority of South Americans not only oppose the
U.S. occupation of Iraq, but refuse to get too worked up about
terrorism in general. Polls have repeatedly revealed, not surprisingly,
that poverty is their major concern.

Last year, a publicity foray by the Brazilian tourist town of Foz de
Iguagu, just outside of Ciudad de Este, to capitalize on its post-9/11
notoriety captures just how untroubled so many Latin Americans are by
Islamic terrorism. Its city government ran full-page advertisements in
leading newspapers featuring a photograph of Osama bin Laden above the
caption: "When he's not busy blowing up the world, bin Laden takes a
few days to relax at Iguagu." Asked about the ads, a city spokesperson
explained, "Where there is laughter, there is no terror."

In sharp contrast to the unanimity with which the hemisphere
sequestered Cuba during the Cold War, the region's governments have
roundly rejected the Bush administration's attempts to redefine
Venezuela as a pariah state. Brazil, in fact, signed a "strategic
alliance" with Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez last year, promising
military cooperation and economic integration, including joint projects
on energy development.

The region's refusal to follow Washington's various leads on a whole
range of issues reflects a broadening rift over economic issues,
undercutting Washington's ability to cast the War on Terror as a common
struggle. More and more Latin Americans -- not just the poor and the
outspoken who marched against Bush during last year's Summit of the
Americas in Argentina, but many of the region's elites -- understand
that the free-market orthodoxy promoted by the U.S. over the last two
decades has been the very font of their problems. In one country after
another, national elections in recent years have brought to power a new
Latin America left sharply critical of unbridled capitalism. Brazil,
Venezuela, Argentina, and Bolivia, among other countries, are now
working together to contest Washington's hemispheric authority.

A Train Wreck of a Policy

Even the Pentagon acknowledges that the "roots" of Latin America's
"poor security environment" can be found in the "hopelessness and
squalor of poverty." At times, it goes so far as to admit, as Southcom
did in its most recent annual report, that the "free market reforms and
privatization of the 1990's have not delivered on the promise of
prosperity." But rather than build on this insight to trace, say, the
connections between financial liberalization and money laundering or to
examine how privatization and cheap imports have forced rural peasants
and urban workers into the informal, often illegal, economies in areas
like the tri-border region, the Department of Defense is now openly
positioning itself as globalization's Praetorian Guard, making the
opening up of markets across Latin America a central objective of its

During the Cold War, the Pentagon had a surprisingly small physical
presence in Latin America. Except for some Caribbean bases, its
strategists preferred to work through local allies who shared their
vision of continental security. But the failure to rally Latin America
behind the War on Terror, combined with the rise of economic
nationalism, has led the Pentagon to return to more historically
traditional methods of flexing its muscle in the region. It has
recently been establishing in the Caribbean and the Andes a chain of
small but permanent military bases, known euphemistically as
"cooperative security locations." The Pentagon also calls them "lily
pads" and from them imagines itself leapfrogging troops and equipment,
shifting its weight from one "pad" to another as crises dictate to
project its power deep into Latin America.

This is where the obsession with Ciudad del Este comes in. With
Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela acting in unison to temper U.S.
ambitions, corrupt and repressive Paraguay is the new darling of the
Bush administration. In 2003, Nicanor Duarte became the first
Paraguayan head of state to be hosted by the White House. In August
2005, Donald Rumsfeld flew to Asuncisn, the first time a Secretary of
Defense visited Paraguay. That trip was shortly followed by a meeting
between Dick Cheney and his Paraguayan counterpart.

Even though the terrorist threat reportedly emanating from the
tri-border region has yet to be substantiated, it serves as an
effective stalking horse, topping the agenda not only of these
high-level meetings but of every ministerial gathering sponsored by
Southcom. And the drumbeat is producing some rain.

Last summer, Paraguay, over the angry protests of its neighbors,
invited the Pentagon to begin eighteen months of bilateral military
exercises, training local troops in "domestic peacekeeping operations,"
small-unit maneuvers, and border control. Washington and Asuncisn
insist that the training mission is only temporary, yet observers point
to the U.S.-built Mariscal Estigarribia air base in the northern part
of the country, capable of handling large-scale military air traffic,
as an indication that the Bush administration is there to stay. If so,
it would give Washington its southernmost bridgehead in Latin America,
within striking distance not just of the storied Ciudad del Este, but
of the Guarani Aquifer, one of the world's largest bodies of fresh
water, not to speak of Bolivia's important natural gas reserves.

At the moment, it is ridiculous to say, as Gen. Craddock recently did,
that "transnational terrorism" is Latin America's "foremost" problem.
Then again, Iraq was not a haven for Islamic jihadists until our
national security establishment made it so.

The Pentagon today is pursuing a train-wreck of a policy in the region.
It continues the march of free-market absolutism, which its officials
insist, despite all evidence to the contrary, will generate economic
opportunities and rein in crime. At the same time, as it did during the
Cold War, it is going forward with the militarization of the hemisphere
in order to contain the "lawlessness" that such misery generates; and,
once again, it is trying to rally Latin American troops behind an
ideological crusade. So far, the region's officer corps has refused to
get on the bandwagon, but Washington's persuasive powers are
considerable. If those in charge of the Bush administration's
hemispheric diplomacy continue down these tracks, the disaster that
waits may very well transform much of Latin America into the Ciudad del
Este of their dreams, the wild west of their imaginations.
Greg Grandin teaches Latin American history at NYU. He is the author of
the just published Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States,
and the Rise of the New Imperialism, part of the American Empire
Project series. He has written for Harper's Magazine, the Nation, and
other publications.


NOTE: Excellent that there'll be a remake of this magnificent earlier
effort! -- kl, pp

From: "Graham Jukes" <>
Date: May 7, 2006 5:12:21 PM EST
Subject: "I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"

I am Not a Number I am a Free Man"
Will the return of The Prisoner to TV prompt a new generation to
question reality?

Steve Watson | May 5 2006

British TV channel Sky One today confirmed plans for a big budget
remake of cult 1960s classic The Prisoner, with former Doctor Who actor
Christopher Eccleston expected to take the lead role.

The original series was way ahead of its time in exposing the globalist
agenda and the coming emergence of a big brother surveillance society.

The lead character in the original, played by Patrick McGoohan, was a
British government agent who mysteriously resigned and was subsequently
abducted and re-located to the nightmarish cosmopolitan community known
as the "village" on an unknown island.

Number 6, as McGoohan's character was dubbed, was informed that he was
there because the information stored in his head had made him too
valuable outside. Thus, Number 6 was a prisoner, although his prison
was an idyllic setting with parks, green fields, recreational
activities and even a butler.

Every week Number 6 , was grilled in a variety of ways for
information. Methods included psychometric brainwashing, implanting
false memories and manufacturing phony situations to trick him into
cracking. McGoohan's character would try to escape most weeks, only to
be pursued by a huge drones and brought back to the village.

The program was an attempt at forewarning against the accelerating
relationship between science, technology, and tyranny, and how it would
be used to enslave a docile population concerned only with mindlessness
and convenience.

Residents in the village have been turned into rotting cabbages,
encouraged not to think for themselves and expressly informed that they
are constantly under surveillance and that there is no way out of the
village. The majority have simply accepted this in favour of a simple,
carefree existence.

The hierarchy of power was represented by a glowing pyramid with an
all-seeing eye in the center of The Village control room. Meanwhile the
identity of the mysterious Number One, the overlord was never
ultimately revealed.

In addition to 24-hour surveillance, loud speakers all around the
village would inform residents when to awake and when to sleep and what
mundane activities were on offer that day.

Common phrases among residents included the loaded "Be Seeing You", and
"A still Tongue makes a happy life".

The climax of the series saw McGoohan escape the prison of The Village
and re-enter society only to discover that society itself was the
prison and that, in his words, "freedom is a myth."

The Prisoner is especially relevant in todays advertisement-driven,
image-preoccupied, television-saturated, surveillance dominated,
frenetically hustling consumer society that is propelled by post-9/11
paranoia and fear and dominated by government scare tactics.

Just as McGoohan was referred to as a number and not a man in the
village, so too will we get our own number with our ID card and our
entry onto the biometric database in the UK. Are we to allow ourselves
to be "pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed and

The database will contain electronic "biometric" eye scans and
fingerprints as willing volunteers line up to lick the boots of the
government who promise to keep them safe by taking scans of their
eyeballs. The government itself has admitted that the information WILL
NOT keep us safe from fraud and identity theft, nor will it prevent

Furthermore, the British government has passed legislation to make
every offence arrestable. Every suspect arrested, even if proven
innocent, has their DNA added to the criminal database and stored
forever in perpetuity.

Will the new series of the Prisoner address such issues within the
village and relate them to the wider world, encouraging us to question
the control mechanisms placed upon our society after 9/11, or will it
simply be a big budget pro-state propaganda tool such as 24 or Threat

Will it once again encourage the masses to scream "I am not a number, i
am a Free man!", or will it be simply be another one of the mindless
distractions that the original series warned would kill off
individuality and free thought?

Be Seeing You.


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 10, 2006, 1:18:49 PM5/10/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 10, 2006

NOTE: It's interesting that pimp/whore CNN is willing to circulate
this; it may mean that Boosch is toast. -- kl, pp

Hussein Attorney Slams Tribunal,

Lawyer also calls for tribunal to be abolished, trial to be moved
From Paul Courson
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 Posted: 2318 GMT (0718 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- He's questioned the legality of the court. He's
called the trial "pure chaos." He's called a judge's attempt to protect
attorneys and witnesses "absurd."

Now, a member of Saddam Hussein's defense team is saying they need an
extra month to prepare the defense of the former Iraqi dictator because
the court has been uncooperative.

Ramsey Clark, who served as U.S. attorney general under President
Lyndon B. Johnson, said Tuesday that Hussein's legal team won't be
prepared to defend its client against war crime charges May 15, the
date the team is scheduled to present its case to the Iraqi Special
Tribunal in Baghdad.

Hussein's defense lawyers "haven't had the central documents to
prepare the defense, which we have asked for time and time again. We
don't even have the transcript of the testimony that has been given,"
Clark said.

At a Washington news conference, Clark leveled accusations at the White
House, which he said is using the tribunal "to vindicate its invasion,
to validate occupation and to make the world believe that the Iraqi
people demanded that Saddam Hussein and other leaders in his government
be executed."

He added in a written statement, "The trial is clearly the planned
continuation of the essentially unilateral war of aggression waged by
the Bush administration against Iraq."

Clark also echoed remarks he made earlier this year about the legal
validity of the court, which he questions because of its alleged
inability to protect participants and because of what he feels is the
court's bias against Hussein.

The former Iraqi leader and seven other members of his regime are
charged with torturing and killing 148 civilians in the Shiite town of
Dujail 23 years ago. The killings are believed to be retaliation for a
failed assassination attempt on Hussein, a Sunni.

Clark, who said Tuesday that the tribunal should be abolished and that
Hussein's trial should be moved to a neutral court, made similar
comments earlier this year. Two defense attorneys had already been
killed when he joined the defense team in late November.

Sadoon Janabi, an attorney for Awad Hamad Bandar, the former chief
judge of Hussein's Revolutionary Court, was kidnapped and shot in the
head October 20, the day after the trial began. Adil Muhammed
al-Zubaidi, who was representing former Iraqi Vice President Taha
Yassin Ramadan, was shot to death November 8.

Though Clark did not request a specific change of venue for the Hussein
trial, he suggested that Hussein may have a better shot at a fair trial
in the United States.

The U.S. court system holds promise, Clark said, because a federal
jury recently declined to issue a death sentence to Zacarias Moussaoui,
the al Qaeda operative who pleaded guilty to having a connection to the
September 11, 2001, attacks.

Clark said the Moussaoui jury acted fairly in deciding that there
wasn't enough evidence to justify the death penalty, and he said an
American jury would be more objective than the Iraqi Special Tribunal.

Clark has been a civil rights attorney and controversial activist in
recent years. He opposed the war in Iraq and met with Hussein in
February 2003, just before the U.S.-led invasion of the country.

In January, Clark suggested during an interview with The Associated
Press that a lack of proper medical care caused the death of former
Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic, whom Clark said "became
president during a time of great crisis." (Full story)

Milosevic died during a U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague,
Netherlands, where he faced 66 counts of war crimes, including

Saying it was important to remember Milosevic's "struggle to preserve
Yugoslavia," Clark told the AP that during the tribunal, "everyone knew
his health was failing, but he was not granted proper medical care.
Amid the struggle, his heart gave up."


From: janet phelan <>
Date: May 10, 2006 10:02:54 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction]
Update on Susan Lindauer

Reporter and activist Susan Lindauer's initial court date on whether or
not she will be committed to a mental institution and/or forcibly
medicated was May 4. According to J. Fields, who was in court that
day, things did not go well for Susan. Fields stated to me that there
were two witnesses who consumed most of the time in court. These two
psychiatric experts testified that Susan's "psychosis"--which
apparently is comprised of such symptoms as "delusions of
persecution" --(seriously, how transparent can they get?) may not be
treatable at all. There were citings of psychiatric clinical trials,
in which standard anti-psychotic medications do not work with people
who have these delusions. In a nutshell, the considerations in court
had narrowed to whether Susan should be committed and forcibly
medicated or simply committed.

Her attorney, Sanford Talkin, had initially contacted these
psychiatrists for their opinions. It was Talkin who had made the moves
towards declaring Lindauer incompetent.

Dr. Kennedy, whose pre-trial counseling with Lindauer produced a sheath
of documents stating that she was quite sane, was not called as a

Along with J. Fields, Mark Bilk and I had been doing some of the radio
interviews about Susan's plight--Republic Broadcast Network,
Preparedness Now, etc. Bilk contacted a National Lawyer's Guild
attorney of his acquaintance, Riva Enteen, who was able to locate an
attorney in NYC who expressed interest in this case and sat in on the
proceedings on May 4. Through diligent eleventh-hour networking and
hours on the phone, Mark Bilk was able to arrange for this lawyer to
begin the legal maneuverings toward having Sanford Talkin removed as
Susan's attorney and having herself substituted.

The hearing had been continued to May 9, yesterday. At this point in
time, the new attorney, Liz Fink, was able to get a continuance until
June. She has a concrete strategy to obliterate the "incompetency"
declarations, and believes that the "espionage" case is quite weak.

In other words, this is wonderful news.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Mark Bilk, J. Fields
and Riva Enteen, whose involvement in Susan's plight may have
facilitated a minor miracle for Lindauer. Thanks also to Dick Heiser
and all others who took it upon themselves to contact Sanford Talkin
and/or Judge Mukasey.

I'll keep you all updated as to what transpires in June. Things are
looking much brighter for Lindauer at this point in time.

Janet Phelan


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: May 9, 2006 9:42:45 PM EST
Subject: Fw: Depleted Uranium, Forty-Seventh Edition

Depleted Uranium, Forty-Seventh Edition

Greetings to all Email Update Members, From: Karl W B

There have been numerous nuclear exposure incidents in the United
States as a result of air and surface testing, firing of DU type
weapons, contamination releases from manufacturing and laboratory

If you caught the news May 8 there was a nuclear incident near
Flagstaff, Arizona when a tractor trailer rig carrying nuclear waste
hit another tractor rig. One dead, one critically injured and no word
from the feds if nuclear waste was spilled in the accident.

Some reports regarding the full implementation of the Yucca Mountain
Nuclear Waste Storage facility in Nevada indicates that up to 50
million Americans would have nuclear waste transported within one-half
mile from where they live. Yes, they plan to ship this waste on our
freeways to get it to Yucca Mountain and there would be many loads
each year, many chances for massive accidents and spills.

These are some of those many things that the United States government
likes to keep quiet and also reasons that they can and will ignore the
elephant in the living room to keep lying to you. They want you to
keep ignoring the elephant in your living room too.

Go back to soccer, beer, work, shopping, Little League, TV, whatever
it takes to get America to not pay attention.

The policies of our government are detrimental to your health, not

Legend for Percent Increase in Cancer Incidence, Cancer Mortality,
and Other Health Effects of Human Exposure to Ionizing Radiation

1. 1500% increase in incidence of testicular and ovarian cancer in
children on Navaho reservation in uranium mining area

2. 500% increase in bone cancer in children affected by uranium

3. 250% increase in leukemia (all ages) in the Navaho population

4. 200% increase in each of the following non-cancer effects:
miscarriage, infant death, congenital defects, genetic abnormalities,
learning disorders.
Baseline for 1-4: Navajo residents living near Uranium facilities were
compared to Navajo residents in non-uranium areas

5. 500% increase in birth defects when compared to the national
(Southwest Research and Information Center. Uranium Legacy. The
Workbook, v 8, no 6. Albuquerque, NM: 1983.)

6. 400% increase in leukemia incidence in the population living
downwind of the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor in Massachusetts in the
first 5 years after fuel was know to have leaked excess radioactivity.
Baseline: Disease in population before and after Pilgrim radioactive
releases and comparison to upwind population.
(Morris M. Knorr R. The Southeastern Massachusetts Health Study
1978-1986-Report of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
October 1990. See also: Clapp R. Cobb S. et al. Leukemia Near
Massachusetts Nuclear Power Plant. Letter in Lancet. December 5,

7. 300400% increase in lung cancer in the general population
within the plume of the Three Mile Island accident releases

8. 600700% increase in leukemia in the general population within
the plume of Three Mile Island accident releases Baseline: Disease in
population upwind (out of the radiation plume path) is compared to
disease in population downwind (in the pollution plume.)
(Wing S. Richardson D. et al. A Reevaluation of Cancer Incidence Near
the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant: The Collision of Evidence
and Assumptions. Environmental Health Perspectives, v 105, no 1.
National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, Maryland. January 1997.)

9. 50% increase in childhood cancer incidence in the Three Mile
Island area for each 10 millirem increase in radiation exposure per
Baseline: Children living with different radiation levels are compared
for evidence of disease.

(Hatch M. et al. Background Gamma Radiation and Childhood Cancers
Within Ten Miles of a US Nuclear Power Plant. International Journal of
Epidemiology, v 19, no 3. 1990.)

10. 8000% increase in thyroid cancer in Belarussian children living
near Chernobyl, reported 6 years after the meltdown.
Baseline: Comparison of population health before and after the
Chernobyl explosion.
(Hudson RL. Child Cancers Found to Rise Near Chernobyl. The Wall
Street Journal. September 3, 1992. The article they quote was published
in Nature on the same day and was researched by the World Health

Further effects found in victims of the Chernobyl accident less than
ten years after the meltdown

11. 500% increase in thyroid cancer in Ukrainian children.

12. 75% increased incidence of heart disease

13. 200% increase in respiratory and digestive disease

14. 200% increase in birth defects

15. 200% increase in spontaneous abortions
Baseline: Comparison of population health before and after the
Chernobyl explosion
(Rupert J. Illness Tied to Disaster Still on Rise. The Washington
Post. June 24, 1995.The reporter was quoting Britains Imperial Cancer
Research Fund, The Ukrainian Health Ministry and the United Nations.)

16. 63% increase in leukemia incidence among workers at Oak Ridge
National Laboratories(US) who received very low doses of external
(gamma) radiation on the job.

17. 123% increase in leukemia incidence in the same population where
there were also very low internal doses of radioactivity
Baseline: Cohort comparison of worker deaths and radiation exposure
(Wing S. Shy C. et al. Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory: Evidence of Radiation Effects in Follow-up Through 1984.
JAMA, v 265 no 11. March 20, 1991.)

18. 80% increase in eight types of cancer deaths in Department of
Energy atomic workers exposed to external doses of radiation. Baseline:
Various baselines. Usually cohort comparison of workers with various
doses and their deaths from resulting diseases were used.
(Mancuso TF. Stewart A. Kneale G. Radiation Exposures of Hanford
Workers Dying From Cancer and Other Causes. Health Physics, v 33.
Pergamon Press, Great Britain. November 1977.)

19. 200% increase in leukemia in children of atomic workers Baseline:
The parents of children with cancer were compared for occupation to
discern if those adults who worked with radiation had more children
with cancer than those who worked in other jobs.
(Roman E. et al. Case-control Study of Leukemia and Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma Among Children Aged 0-4 years Living in West Berkshire and
North Hampshire Health Districts. BMJ 1993 #306.)

20. 287% increase in cancer incidence in children of nuclear workers
who received internal radiation in England
Baseline: The parents of children with cancer were compared for
occupation to discern if those adults who worked with radiation had
more children with cancer than those who worked in other jobs.
(Sorahan T. Roberts PJ. Childhood Cancer and Paternal Exposure to
Ionizing Radiation: Preliminary Findings From the Oxford Survey of
Childhood Cancers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, v 23:
343-354. 1993.)

21. 250% increase in all cancers among atomic workers

22. 190% increase in leukemia incidence
Baseline: General Population
(Kendall. GM. et al. Mortality and Occupational Exposure to
Radiation: First Analysis of the National Registry for Radiation
Workers. BMJ v 304: 220-5. 1992.)

23. 500% increase in childhood leukemia in children visiting the beach
once a week near the French nuclear reprocessing facility at LaHague

24. 760% increase in childhood leukemia if they ate the local fish

25. 345% increase in childhood leukemia associated with drinking well
water from the vicinity of the nuclear facility
Baseline: Observed leukemia cases were compared to expected leukemia
(Viel JF. Pobel D. Incidence of Leukaemia in Young People Around the La
Hague Nuclear Waste Reprocessing Plant: A Sensitivity Analysis.
Statistics in Medicine, v 14: 2459-2472. 1995.)

26. 1200% increase in all cancers exist around the Sellafield,
(formerly Windscale) reprocessing facility and of these,

27. 600-1000% increase in leukemia of children whose fathers were
exposed to certain amounts of radiation prior to conception

28. 1000% increase in lymphoma was found in children near a
reprocessing facility in Cumbria
Baseline: Local and Area Controls
(Gardner et al. Results of Case-control Study of Leukemia and Lymphoma
Among Young People Near Sellafield Nuclear Plant in West Cumbria. BMJ
v 300. February 17, 1990.)

29. 1000% increase in leukemia incidence in children living near a
nuclear reprocessing facility
Baseline: Children of the same age in the same area prior to the
facilitys operation.
(Heasman et al. Childhood Leukemia in Northern Scotland. Lancet, v
1:266. 1986.)

30. 27.3% increase in all cancer deaths among atomic workers exposed
to internal doses of radiation
Baseline: Comparison of worker deaths and radiation exposure levels.
(Morgenstern H. Froines J. Epidemiologic Study to Determine Possible
Adverse Effects to Rocketdyne/Atomics International Workers from
Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. State of California Health and Welfare
Agency. June 1997.)

31. 500% increase in leukemia among Utah nuclear bomb test Downwinders

32. 121% increase in thyroid cancer incidence in the same group

33. 200% increase in breast cancer

34. 700% increase in bone cancer
Baseline: Utah Mormons exposed to bomb fallout are compared to all
Utah Mormons.
(Johnson CJ. Cancer Incidence in an Area of Radioactive Fallout
Downwind From the Nevada Test Site. JAMA, v 251 n 2: 231-6. January
13, 1984.)

35. a greater then 120% increase in thyroid cancer in those who drank
milk laced with Iodine-131 from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests
Baseline: Estimated cases are based on dose reconstruction where
estimated exposures were between 6-112 rads per individual child in the
bombs plumes.
(Ortmeyer P. Makhijani A. Let Them Drink Milk. The Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientists, Nov/Dec. 1997.)

36. 200% increase in lung cancer in women who received radiation
treatments for breast cancer
Baseline: Breast cancer patients treated with radiation were compared
to those who were treated only by other methods.
(Bishop JE. Study Links Breast Cancer Treatment to Higher Risk of the
Disease in Lungs. The Wall Street Journal, May 14, 1993: B6.)

37. 6696% increase in early cancer deaths due to background radiation
Baseline: Deaths of children living with different radiation levels
are compared for cancer.
(Kneale GW. Stewart AM. Childhood Cancers in the UK and their Relation
to Background Radiation. Radiation and Health. 1987.)

This list was compiled by Cindy Folkers & Mary Olson on 4/24/98,
Nuclear Information & Resource Service, 1424 16 th St, NW Suite 404,
Washington, DC 20036 (202)328-0002 -- it is arbitrarily based on what
studies are on file at NIRS.

A partial list of non-cancer health effects of human exposure to

Downs Syndrome
Cleft Lip and Palate
Kidney and Liver Damage
Thyroid Disease
Low Birthweight
Increased Infant Mortality
Increased Stillbirth
Genetic Mutations/Chromosomal Aberrations
Spinal Defects
Congenital Malformations

Even if those percentages were cut in half, it is way above what is
normal in the human population.

Nuclear toxicity is deadly, it will ruin your health, and whether you
get heavy metal poisoning or radioactive side effects neither are good
for your health.

They ignore the consequences of their actions and they want you to
ignore it too.

If you remember the lung cancer spike information that came out in
March, just look at the numbers above. Such spikes are inevitable as
long as they continue to pollute our environment and walk free. The
photos of birth defects from Iraq and Afghanistan are to be expected
here too and some of our soldiers have already had such tragedies visit
their lives.

They have exposed 1.3 million of our soldiers to this deadly DU
material in Iraqi Freedom and even more when you factor in Afghanistan,
Bosnia and the Desert Storm misadventures. They have exposed tens of
millions of Americans that work in the bases, live near enough to be
exposed from the test firing of such weapons.

The insanity has gone on long enough and it is time for some rational
sane people to lead us out of this mess.

Best regards,



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: May 9, 2006 9:31:17 PM EST
Subject: The Oil Boil

The Oil Boil

Anwaar Hussain

May 8, 2006

As Americas naval armadas continue to surf the Persian Gulf, hovering
just off the Iranian waters, the supreme commander of the US armed
forces recently said that threats from Mr Ahmadinejad, particularly
towards Israel, had to be "dealt with". He told Germany's Bild am
Sonntag newspaper that if Mr Ahmadinejad was ready to destroy one
country (Israel), "then he would also be ready to destroy others".
President Bush added: "This is a threat that needs to be dealt with."

Are the Iranian presidents blustering statements towards Israel really
the cause for this ominous proclamation from the US president? Or is it
Irans nuclear ambitions that have caused it? Or is the oil boil
finally reaching its global critical temperature?

The answer most probably lies in events likely to unfold in the very
near future in a tiny Iranian island by the name of Kish.

A little bit about Kish first.

This beautiful oval-shaped Iranian island in the Persian Gulf is
roughly a hundred square kms in area and is located only 18 km off the
southern coast of the Islamic Republic. Because of its beauty, Kish has
historically become known as the Pearl of the Persian Gulf since
ancient times.

In the year 325 BC, Alexander the Great commissioned one of his naval
commanders by the name of Niarkus to set off an expedition voyage into
the Sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf. Niarkus's writings indicate that
he visited Araracta in the 4th century BC. Araracta is one of the the
olden names of the present day Kish Island.

Kish has a long history of about 3,000 years. It has been called under
various names such as Kamtina, Arakia, Arakata, and Ghiss in the course
of time. Other than Niarkus, two other great travellers of their times,
Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta, too wrote about the beauty of the island.

In the year 2006, Kish is about to re-enter history in a most
momentous style. A few days from now, the first Iranian Oil Bourse will
come into being on this island.

The question is, why this outwardly innocuous looking Iranian bid in
pursuit of their legitimate national interests may seem so menacing to
some in the West, particularly in America?

To answer this question, let us first have a look at Americas current
financial health. Here are the main highlights;

* America, already the world's largest international debtor with $5.7
trillion in cumulative trade deficits in goods since 1985, exploded
international trade deficits to new records as it depends more and more
on the production and savings of others than on itself (see
International Trade Report ).

* With a total debt of $44 trillion, and rising rapidly, America now
has the highest debt ratio in history that translates to $147,312 per
man, woman and child - - or $589,248 per family of 4, $44,312 more debt
per family than last year.

* Last year debt increased $3.5 Trillion, 5 times more than GDP.
Household debt soared 12%.

The debt level of US is increasing at an alarming 80 million dollars
per hour. To sustain this American trend, the worlds readiness to soak
up the soon to be worthless American dollars is increasingly becoming a
key issue. China and Japan, the two main debt holders of America for
example, who together hold an accumulated $1.7 trillion in US
securities and currency, are already steadily moving away from the
dollar towards the Euro.

Americas financial health report, to say the least, is grim and the
future prospects grimmer.

Currently there are only two exchanges for trading oil in the world.
One is called the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the other as
International Petroleum Exchange (IPE). Oil remains the chief commodity
on both exchanges.

NYMEX, together with its subsidiary New York Commodities Exchange
(COMEX), is the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange
located in New York City. Together they handle the buying and selling
of billions of dollars worth of energy products, metals, and a whole
range of other commodities. Needless to say, all transactions are done
in US dollars and the prices quoted for these deals on the exchange are
the basis for prices that people pay for those items throughout the

The IPE, based in London, is another one of the worlds largest energy
futures and options exchanges. Brent Crude is a world benchmark for oil
prices. This exchange additionally handles futures contracts and
options on Oil Gas, natural gas and electricity.

In simpler language, these two institutions presently ensure that the
world stays awash with US dollars. Their locations too are not a very
faint hint at the names of the two main coalition partners that
attacked and occupied Iraq.

Although since 1971 the US $ value has not been openly linked to any
commodity, it has in fact stayed linked to the Middle Eastern oil after
the US secured the oil-for-US $ deal with Saudi Arabia in return for
supporting the House of Saud. Since then, however, the US dollar has
continued to lose value and now stands at a mere 10% of what it was
forty years back.

With the arrival of Euro on the scene, the US dollars hegemony started
to wane at even greater pace. The Euro began to appeal to many oil
selling countries. In 2000, for example, Iraq converted all its oil
transaction to Euros. To stem the trend and send a chilling warning to
other would-be Euro lovers, Iraq was attacked and occupied by the
dollar keepers immediately later. When U.S. took over Iraq in 2003, one
of the first things it did was to return oil sales from the Euro to the
U.S. dollar.

Likewise, in 2001 Venezuela's ambassador to Russia spoke of them
switching to Euro for all oil sales. Within a year there was a coup
attempt on democratically elected Hugo Chavez, reportedly with the
assistance of the CIA. Chavez has been, since then, called a Hitler and
a dictator and his name has been promoted on Americas most wanted list
to immediately below Irans Ahmadinejad's.

Now let us come to Iran's cardinal sin. Since the beginning of 2003,
Iran has required Euros in payment of exports toward Asia and Europe,
though prices are still expressed in US dollars. Now Iran is planning
to open a commodity exchange, the Iranian Oil Bourse, for the sole
purpose of trading oil, petrochemicals and gas in various non-dollar
currencies, primarily the Euro. When successful, this would establish a
Euro-based pricing mechanism for oil trading. That would, in time,
break the stranglehold of NYMEX and IPE on the worlds financial market
by sending the US dollar into a graveyard spin. The US economy would be
an unfortunate, but sure, accompaniment.

To imagine that the American and British bankers, the principle war
profiteers, are unaware of the coming fate of the US dollar, is hoping
for an ice flake to survive in hell. To keep blinders on the US
dollars coming instability, they have already taken their first
action. The United States Federal Reserve, from March 23, 2006, has
stopped reporting the M3 money supply data of the U.S. dollar. (M3 is
the quantity of money available within the economy to purchase goods
and services.)

Any wonder then that the chief spokesman of the bankers, the president
of United States, says that Iran "is a threat that needs to be dealt

Kish is at an aerial distance of 1052 kms from Tehran, more than 10,000
kms from Washington DC and roughly half that distance from London.
Also, unless something is done about it, Kish is now a mere breath away
from becoming a host to an institution that may begin the final
unraveling of The Empire.

Copyrights : Anwaar Hussain

Sources :

1. Various articles on Wikipedia
2. A Guardian Report


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 10, 2006 6:57:44 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Iraqi Resistance Report

Iraqi Resistance Report for Events of Tuesday, 9
May 2006

Translated and/or compiled by
Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

Tuesday, 9 May 2006.

7 Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing on road
from al-Fallujah to as-Saqlawiyah.

7 US preparing massive offensive against ar-Ramadi, likely to
begin at dawn Wednesday.

7 Fighting in ar-Ramadi leaves four US troops reported dead.

7 Resistance bomb south of Abu Ghurayb blasts US patrol killing
a reported four American troops.

7 Six residents of al-A'zamiyah reported killed and four more
wounded in Monday night attack by US-backed Shi'i sectarian gunmen and
puppet forces.

7 Humanitarian disaster looms over Samarra as residents endure
fifth day locked indoors with no water, food, medicine, or
electricity. US troops reportedly carry out summary executions in
front of friends and family. Following Zionist practices, American
troops bulldoze houses of suspected Resistance fighters.

7 Jaysh al-Mahdi official: Muqtada as-Sadr movement not
involved in shooting down British helicopter in al-Basrah on Saturday.


From: Tim Barton <>
Date: May 10, 2006 4:28:45 AM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>
Subject: [bluegreenearth] Katrina Activist Research Workgoups

Katrina Activist Research Workgoups

From: Lance Hill <lhill at>
Southern Institute for Education and Research

Dear Friends:

So many of us are overwhelmed here in New Orleans by the basic research
tasks necessary to counter the racial injustices of the recovery. To
address this need, I would like to float a proposal for this summer.
Many people plan to travel to New Orleans to engage in humanitarian
relief work--primarily gutting flooded houses. To complement this
much-needed work, though, I recommend that we encourage out-of-town
groups to organize "Katrina Research Workgroups" to come down to New
Orleans this summer to research and develop brief and accessible reports
on social justice issues surrounding education, housing, homelessness,
employment, social services, resettlement patterns, community
organizing, the environment, etc The mechanisms that reproduce
inequality and prevent poor African American's from returning are
sophisticated and not discernible through simple human interactions or
gutting houses. There are a set of research imperatives that will help
demystify these processes and illuminate strategies for overcoming them.
The government and planning elites are not going to take on this work
and it the projects provide an extraordinary opportunity for volunteers
to place their academic skills in the service of humanity.

I envision these research working groups as comprised of experienced
researchers, perhaps graduate students working in partnership with
established scholars local community people to develop reports based on
community needs. They could come for one week from the same area or
networked via the internet and perhaps stay at "common ground" facility
in the Ninth Ward and operate out of volunteered space near the
campuses. We have five workstations, ten phone lines, meeting space for
20, internet connections and use of library resources, etc. I am sure
that Loyola and Xavier might have some space as well. The working group
would develop their own goals and research and writing plan from day
one, letting the expressed needs of local community members guide their
research agenda. Our own organization, the Southern Institute for
Education and Research at Tulane will be recruiting volunteers to do
research on ethnic conflict trauma stress in the wake of Katrina and a
long-term racial healing and reconciliation training program for schools
and communities.

I have already asked some University of Kansas grad students in
education to do a similar research project on schools this
summer--interview students and parents and do a survey of the charter
schools and new State-run schools. No one is "watch" these issues, or if
they are then there findings are making their way into the public
discourse. It would be a great way to encourage voluntarism and
self-organized research in the service of social justice. In all
events, we want people interacting and learning from local people who
have made it back, rather than gutting houses where they are isolated
from the community--or worse yet--locked in a room doing research all

Would a web site help with this--where people could sign-up for projects
and plan? Any volunteers for the web site? In the interim, please
forward this notice to interested educational and religious groups and
post it to all academic list-servs and related lists.

I would be happy to connect you to (1) local organizations that have
research needs and (2) local places to stay and work.


Lance Hill, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Southern Institute for Education and Research
Tulane University
Mail Room Box 1692
31 McAlister Drive
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 865-6100
fax (504)862-8026

lhill at


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 9, 2006 12:16:33 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: German 'Robin Hoods' give poor a taste
of the high life

German 'Robin Hoods' give poor a taste of the high life


A GANG of anarchist Robin Hood-style thieves, who dress as superheroes
steal expensive food from exclusive restaurants and delicatessens to
give to
the poor, are being hunted by police in the German city of Hamburg.

The gang members seemingly take delight in injecting humour into their
raids, which rely on sheer numbers and the confusion caused by their
presence. After they plundered Kobe beef fillets, champagne and smoked
salmon from a gourmet store on the exclusive Elbastrasse, they
presented the
cashier with a bouquet of flowers before making their getaway.

The latest robbery is part of a pattern over the past several months,
suggesting that the thieves deliberately set out to highlight what they
perceive as the inequality inherent in German society.

However, the authorities do not agree. Bodo Franz, a police spokesman,
"They get off feeling they are just like Robin Hood. There are about 30
the group. But whatever their motives, they are thieves, plain and

Carsten Sievers, the manager of a luxury supermarket in the wealthy
Blankenese area of Hamburg, recently watched the robbers run off with
trolleys full of expensive foodstuffs, including Kobe beef which, at
than #100 a pound, is always on their illicit shopping list.

In another recent swoop, the gang emptied a groaning buffet table in a
restaurant into sacks, while one of their number held up a sign saying.
fat years are over" - the title of a hit film currently doing the
rounds in

In internet statements, the gang have made a point of saying their
booty is
distributed to Hartz IV recipients - the poorest of Germany's long-term
unemployed. The benefit is named after the disgraced Volkswagen
director Peter Hartz who, before he lost his job with the car-maker in a
prostitutes-and-bribes scandal, devised the new means-testing which is
loathed and derided by society's most economically challenged.

When the gang robbed the gourmet store in April - triggering a massive
police investigation that cost #20,000 in taxpayers' money without an
being made - they left a note behind saying: "Without the abilities of
superheroes to help them, it would be impossible for ordinary people to
survive in the city of the millionaires."

Police say they are concentrating their investigation on a loose
of anarchists and malcontents called "Hamburg in Vain", to which they
believe the superheroes belong. But they admit there is a certain
and skill about their robberies.

The gang are also behind black market cinema tickets which they
free to the poor, and they have printed leaflets telling passengers how
dodge ticket inspectors on the city's underground and buses.

Mr Franz said: "They try to make crime fun but are politically


From: "Chihaya" <>
Date: May 9, 2006 9:34:04 PM EST
Subject: My letter to the local paper

"Mothers' Day" Is for Peace

I do pay respect to those who went to wars and fought for what
they were made to believe, who have been killed, maimed and
traumatized. And I believe "determination, courage and mateship"
should be handed down to our youth. However I strongly oppose the
way ANZAC Day has been displayed in these years.

It should be a day to seek solution for any conflict, in order to
achieve peace in the region and the world, so that our children
won't have to have any horrific experiences in wars. Instead they
are glorifying the wars and instilling our children to think that
it is patriotic and wonderful to go to war when wars as a matter
of fact, are for a fraction of the population to make $$$.

They say "go and fight for our country" but what is a country to
begin with? It consists of us, citizens. People who live
there. It is not for the Government or military.

And the pattern is like this: those in power create a potential
enemy somewhere, nurture them and fund them, then eventually turn
around, calling them evil and start a war to sell weapons and to
steal resources. So, we should not allow ourselves to be used and

And now, Mother's Day is coming up. But most of us don't know the
origin of the day. It was not a day to thank your mother for what
she does--before shops made it that way. It actually started as
"Mothers' Day"(note where the apostrophe is) and it was the day
for mothers to march demanding an end of wars--and peace.

When the US seems to go ahead to attack Iran and the Howard Government
quite likely to support it while Iran has their right to develop
and research nuclear for peaceful use as the NPT clearly states,
why don't we mothers on earth demand PEACE loud and clear!


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 11, 2006, 1:55:53 PM5/11/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 11, 2006

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

Loose Change 911: Incendiary
documentary exposing the falsehoods
of the events of
Sept 11, 2001
Korey Rowe, Dylan Avery
and Jason Bermas, Producers

May 9, 2006

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this carefully
researched documentary on 9/11

' Loose Change 911 (2nd ed) ' (click to view)

To order or for more information on the video

"Loose Change 2nd Edition" is the follow-up to the most provocative
9-11 documentary on the market today.

This film shows direct connection between the attacks of September 11,
2001 and the United States government.

Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most
important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day.


For media inquiries:

) Copyright ,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Kevin Barrett <>
Date: May 10, 2006 8:02:41 PM EST

Subject: MUJCA News: Reynolds DVD Bootleg Available!

Reynolds DVD Bootleg

(use paypal button at and note Reynolds suggested
donation $10 each or 3 for $20 or send a check or money order to
MUJCA, POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556)

Did a former Bush-Cheney administration official really say that his
bosses blew the Twin Towers to kingdom come ? Did he really charge
that 9/11 was an inside job designed to trigger a pre-planned long
war in the Middle East? And did he really make those incendiary
charges to a packed house in a prestigious forum of one of Americas
top universities?

Some people are just not going to believe it. You need to give those
people a copy of Morgan Reynolds at U.W. : Was America Bush-Whacked?
The Bootleg.

Theyll see Reynolds, the former top economist in George W. Bushs
Department of Labor, and former head of the Criminal Justice Center at
the National Center for Policy Analysis, prosecuting Bush
Administration members and top military and intelligence officials for
9/11 mass murder, high treason and other high crimes.

Reynolds packed the Wisconsin Historical Society a historic
marble-slabbed edifice that radiates gravitas and stunned the
overflow crowd with his biting wit and unsparing candor.

The bootleg DVD we are offering features high-quality audio and only
moderate-quality video due to the poor lighting. But hey, it has a
whole lot better quality images than the Fatty Bin Laden bogus
confession video! It is a no-frills, you were there production. Like
Bob Dylan bootlegs from the 60s, it captures some amazing material with
not-quite-professional production values. Reynolds talk is a
masterpiece of devil-may-care truth and sincerity, and for that reason
we feel that this bootleg format is the best way to get it out fast.

For more information, see:

Reynolds: Come Out of the White House with Your Hands Up!
Ex-Bush Official Busts 9/11 Perps at U.W. Historical Society


From: (T Lee Buyea Fla News Service)
Date: May 10, 2006 3:55:48 PM EST
To: (Foreign Press Foundation, France), (London Standard),
(Michael & Marsha),,
(Pendennis The Observer), (Truthout), (Radio 4 Today Programme),, (Presiden, USA Exile Govt.),, (Peter Barron), (The Times Online),
(BBC 2 Newsnight), (The Times), (Midlands Today), (Jeremy Vine
\(Radio Two\)), (Tom at I.C.H.),, (Daily
Express), (David Musa Pidcock),,,, (Ed. Doolan), (B'ham Evening
Mail), (Foreign Press Foundation),
(The Gaurdian), (Jacques Hardy \(Canada\)), (Michael Portillo M.P.),
(Nadia Sindi), (The Sun \(Zionist-owned\)),, (News of the World),,, (People's
Attorney/Volks - Anwalt Wolfram Gratz), (Peter
Marshall), (The Politics Show), (The Observer),, (Rory Bremner), (S. Johnson), (Tony Benn),, (I.T.N. Television News), (Channel 4 T.V. News),
Subject: Text of President of Iran's Letter To Pres.Bush-says 9/11 done
by gov

Text of President of Iran's Letter To Pres. Bush--says 9/11 done by govt

Full Text: The President of Iran's Letter to President Bush says on
page #4 that the Whole World Knows That 9/11 Could Not Have Been Done
Without the Cooperation of the U.S. Military and Intelligence
agencies!!! (click below)

(IMPEACH and Charge with US and Foreign War Crimes NOW ! )
Iranian Letter: Lecturing Bush - New York Times

( I Warned You This Would Happen
Jeb Bush appointed Florida Senator then Appointed President ! It Will
Never End Unless You End It !)

BREITBART.COM - Brother Jeb would make 'great' US president: George Bush


WTC stairs, on 'endangered list

(any evidence left of the WTC would certainly be on the endangered

This is the Loose Change, 2nd Edition. Runs about an hour and a half.
All Americans should be forced to watch this....

Order this one also postage only
9/11 Revisited - Were explosives used?

Major New 9/11 Truth Symposium Coming To L.A.

The move against the Internet is real
Please sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you
support preserving Internet freedom. Click here:
John K.

China, India, Cuba in Gulf oil partnership


From: Cathy Garger <>
Date: May 10, 2006 9:43:52 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] SWANSON: Depleted Uranium Stories Breaking
Through Media

Distribute Widely

Depleted Uranium Stories Breaking Through Media

By David Swanson
Bob Nichols, an investigative reporter for the San Francisco Bay View,
tells me that U.S. Airforce Lt. Col. Roger Helbig often threatens media
outlets to intimidate them into not covering stories about depleted
uranium and radiation. Today, Nichols says, he's been unsuccessfully
threatening Rob McConnell, host of
...which at 11 p.m. ET this evening and for the following three hours
will be covering the story.

The following is from Bob Nichols:

"The American Revolution on Uranium Weapons will Bring Down this
obscene Government. They all have to go. Are you ready?"
- Bob Nichols
San Francisco Bay View newspaper
More ...

If the crazies and the psy ops aren't after you, then you're barking up
the wrong tree.
~ S.P. ~


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 11, 2006 6:48:55 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Putin lashes out at 'wolf-like' America
[guardian uk],,1772175,00.html

Putin Lashes Out at 'Wolf-Like' America

7 Response to Cheney attack feeds war of words
7 US 'eats and listens to no one', warns president

Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow and Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Thursday May 11, 2006
The Guardian

Relations between the US and Russia sank to the lowest point in a decade
yesterday when Vladimir Putin harshly rebuked Washington for its
last week and compared the US to a hungry wolf that "eats and listens
to no

Mr Putin, stung by an attack from Dick Cheney, the US vice-president,
his annual state of the nation address to denounce US expansionism and
military spending. He also questioned Washington's record on democratic
rights. Although he refrained from mentioning the US by name, it was
that the "wolf" in question referred to Washington.

The deterioration in relations is risky for the US at a time when it is
trying to persuade Russia to support a United Nations resolution against
Iran over Tehran's nuclear programme.

The acrimony will also encourage senior US Republicans such as John
to renew calls for Mr Bush to boycott this year's meeting of the Group
Eight, the world's wealthiest countries, which is scheduled to be held
Russia for the first time.

The war of words is a long way from the optimism with which George Bush
said, after his first face-to-face meeting with Mr Putin in 2001, that
had looked into the Russian president's soul and liked what he saw.

Mr Cheney, reflecting Washington's growing disenchantment, told a
in Vilnius, Lithuania, last week that Russia was sending "mixed signals"
over democracy, as well as using its energy resources to "intimidate and
blackmail" neighbours.

Mr Putin, in his speech, noted that the American military budget was 25
times the size of Russia's and said the US had turned its home into a

"Good for them," the Russian president said, looking up from his notes,
directly at his audience, "but this means we must make our own home
and reliable. Because we see what is happening in the world. We see it."

He added, in what appeared to be a reference to the US-led invasion of
and its approach to Iran: "As they say, 'comrade wolf knows whom to
eat. He
eats without listening and he is clearly not going to listen to
anyone'." He
accused the US of hypocrisy over its criticism of Russia's patchy human
rights record.

"Where is all this pathos about protecting human rights and democracy
it comes to the need to pursue their own interests?"

In another veiled reference to Washington's approach to Iraq and Iran,
said: "Methods of force rarely give the desired result and often their
consequences are even more terrible than the original threat." He added
Russia was "unambiguously" against the spread of nuclear weapons.

In another apparent jibe aimed at the US, he said countries should not
Russia's negotiations over membership of the World Trade Organisation to
make unrelated demands.

"The negotiations for letting Russia into the WTO should not become a
bargaining chip for questions that have nothing in common with the
activities of this organisation," Mr Putin said.

US senators visiting Moscow last month said Congress would consider its
application in the light of Russia's behaviour on human rights and Iran.

Mr Putin said Russia had to resist foreign pressure by bolstering its
which is currently a ragtag group of a million conscripts galvanised by
special forces and nuclear weapons. "We must always be ready to counter
attempts to pressure Russia in order to strengthen positions at our
expense," he said. "The stronger our military is, the less temptation
will be to exert such pressure on us."

Much of his hour-long address was dedicated to Russia's demographic
which some forecasts have suggested could see the population fall from
million to 100 million by 2050. "The number of our citizens shrinks by
average of 700,000 people a year," he said, promising to double state
payouts for a first child to #30 a month, with #60 for a second one. He
a healthy population, free from the vices of smoking and drinking, was
for a healthy army to protect the state.

Boris Makarenko, deputy head of the Centre for Political Technologies,
the speech marked the beginning of a new approach in which Russia,
by high oil and gas prices, had stopped discussing democracy and other
issues with the west and had said instead: "We are strong, we have
and we'll use it in a way we consider necessary."

Mr Makarenko said the bitter exchange between Washington and Moscow
the past week was designed to get their mutual criticisms out of the way
prior to Russia chairing the G8 summit in St Petersburg in July.


From: Harriet Stone <>
Date: May 11
Subject: NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls - Yahoo!

Harriet Stone ( has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls - Yahoo! News


From: Tim Barton <>
Date: May 10, 2006 3:35:36 PM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>

Subject: [bluegreenearth] URGENT UPDATE Chavez London visit change of



President Chavez will now be speaking at a public meeting organised
by the Greater London Authority in central London on SUNDAY 14 MAY at
3.00 P.M.

The meeting arranged for Monday 15 May at 7.00 pm at Friends House,
Euston Road, London is therefore cancelled.

People are encouraged to attend the meeting on Sunday 14 May which is

President Hugo Chavez will address the meeting hosted by the Mayor of
London, Ken Livingstone. We will send you details of the venue as soon
as possible.

People are required to register their names with the GLA or they will
not be admitted. Places will be allocated on a first come first
served basis. To register you must contact . or

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting

Venezuela Information Centre



NSA Wiretapping Case Dropped

The Bush administration wins again. The courts cannot get clearance to
investigate so the case is dropped. Apparently the government _can_
deprive you of the rights granted by the Bill of Rights.

digg here:

Source article:

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier -
just so long as I'm the dictator." - George W. Bush

digg comment by "star":

Right after 9/11 George Bush said "the terrorists want to take away
your freedoms (sic)". - Now you know who the "terrorists" are...

The NSA Knows
Who You've Called
Posted by Zonk on Thursday May 11, @08:55AM

from the at-least-i-know-i'm-free dept.

Magnifico writes "USAToday is reporting on the National Security
Agency's goal to create a database of every call ever made inside the
USA. Aided by the cooperation of US telecom corporations, AT&T,
Verizon and BellSouth, the NSA has been secretly collecting phone call
records of tens of millions of Americans; the vast majority of whom
aren't suspected of any crime. Only Qwest refused to give the NSA
information because they were uneasy about giving information to the
government without the proper warrants. The usefulness of the NSA's
domestic phone call database as a counterterrorism tool is unclear."

Jamie adds: Traditionally, the devices which record dialed phone
numbers are called pen registers, and trap-and-trace devices. The ECPA
provided some legal privacy protection. It was controversial when
Section 214 of the Patriot Act amended 50 USC 1842 to allow the FBI to
record this information with minimal oversight. The Department of
Justice has been required for some time to report to Congress the
number of pen registers and trap-and-traces, though in recent years
[PDF, see question 10] it declared that information classified.

If anyone has information about how the NSA, as opposed to the FBI,
has been involved in domestic phone number collection, please post
links in the discussion.

In related news, the National Security Agency has closed down an
inquiryinto the so-called "Terrorist Surveillance Program," a separate
program from this one, by refusing to grant security clearance to the
lawyers in the Department of Justice. The NSA and the DoJ are both
established under the executive. Continue reading discussion at:

Ex-Bush Official Exposes 9/11
As Inside Job

An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd packed the Wisconsin

Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush Administration
insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and military
officials for the 9/11 inside job.

Reynolds indicted Richard Cheney, George W. Bush, former Joint Chiefs

Chairman Richard Meyers, confessed WTC demolisher and
insurance-fraudster Larry Silverstein, and others for mass murder,

Conspiracy, and other charges including high treason. The enthusiastic

response from the overflow crowd was a de facto vote for conviction on
all counts.

The former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National
Center for Policy Analysis, showed that the defendants conspired to
create a false cover story of suicide hijackings in order to blow the
World Trade Center to kingdom come with explosivesa shock-and-awe
psy-op designed to coerce the American people into supporting a
pre-planned long war in the Middle East, massive increases in
military spending, and the rollback of Constitutional civil liberties.

Reynolds stated that everyone in the worldwide intelligence community
knew that 9/11 was an inside job as soon as it happened, with the
obvious stand-down of US air defenses, controlled demolition of the
World Trade Center, and non-protection of the President in Florida
being the biggest tip-offs. The head of the Russian equivalent of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the former head of the German intelligence
service Andreas Von Bulow, former National Security Agency official
Wayne Madsen, and former MI-6 agent David Schayler have all openly
called 9/11 an inside job, while former CIA official Ray McGovern has
confirmed this directly in private, and indirectly in public by way of

his ringing endorsement of David Ray Griffins work on 9/11. Continue
reading at:

[snip: much more good stuff]

From: Naveed <>
Date: May 10, 2006 10:26:38 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] We are RIPE for harvesting! Any wonder why
the geopolitics are the way they are......

Dumbed Down Americans: Chattel for Global Tyranny

Wednesday May 03rd 2006, 8:18 am

Education in America has done a fine job. Despite nearly constant news
coverage since the war there began in 2003, 63 percent of Americans
aged 18 to 24 failed to correctly locate the country on a map of the
Middle East. Seventy percent could not find Iran or Israel, reports
National Geographic. Young Americans just dont seem to have much
interest in the world outside of the U.S., mused David Rutherford, a
specialist in geography education at the National Geographic Society in
Washington. Young Americans are so ill-educated, half of them cant
find New York on a map, let alone Iran and Iraq. Many young Americans
also lack basic map-reading skills. Told they could escape an
approaching hurricane by evacuating to the northwest, only two-thirds
could indicate which way northwest is on a map. But it is not simply

Three in ten respondents put the U.S. population between one and two
billion (its just under 300 million, according the U.S. Census
Bureau). Seventy-four percent said English is the most commonly spoken
native language in the world (its Mandarin Chinese). Considering the
widespread ignorance of the American publicand older Americans are not
much better when it comes to finding countries on a map, or for that
matter naming their state representativeit makes perfect sense a
gaggle of neocons, espousing what amounts to fascist authoritarianism,
were able to capture the government, invade two countries in six years,
and now threaten to attack a third.

As John Taylor Gatto writes, the once mighty reading Samson of
America was led eyeless to Gaza with the rest of the slaves. Gatto
points out a few astounding facts. Looking back, abundant data exist
from states like Connecticut and Massachusetts to show that by 1840 the
incidence of complex literacy in the United States was between 93 and
100 percent wherever such a thing mattered, writes Gatto, a former New
York teacher of the year.

According to the Connecticut census of 1840, only one citizen out of
every 579 was illiterate and you probably dont want to know, not
really, what people in those days considered literate; its too
embarrassing. Popular novels of the period give a clue: Last of the
Mohicans, published in 1826, sold so well that a contemporary
equivalent would have to move 10 million copies to match it. If you
pick up an uncut version you find yourself in a dense thicket of
philosophy, history, culture, manners, politics, geography, analysis of
human motives and actions, all conveyed in data-rich periodic sentences
so formidable only a determined and well-educated reader can handle it
nowadays. Yet in 1818 we were a small-farm nation without colleges or
universities to speak of. Could those simple folk have had more complex
minds than our own?

Dictatorship and despotism thrive when ignorance and stupidity rule
societies. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of
civilization, it expects what never was and never will be, Thomas
Jefferson declared in 1816. At the time, the populace of America
understood the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are
exercised by the people, not the government. Americans read and
comprehended the Preamble of the Constitution, where specific tasks are
assigned to government. In the early 19th century, John Lockes
liberal philosophy of natural rights (universal rights derived from
natural law) inspired and guided many Americans. Now most Americans
follow the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes, although they have no idea of
Hobbes or what he wrote about government. Hobbes believed that
sovereignty was vested in the state. As an example of the Hobbesian
state, consider that most Americans believe only the government may
grant civil rights, when in fact rights are natural, much like the
physical laws of nature, and inalienable, that is to say the government
cannot take them away.

In 1810, an editorialist for the Portland Gazette and Maine Advertiser
wrote in response to Napoleon Bonapartes banning of printing presses:
When people are determined to be ignorant, what is the use of
printing? When a man is determined that he will not receive
information, it is of very little use to lay it before him. You may
talk to him, and print for him, he will still be ignorant. An ignorant
man is easily led astrayhe envies the man of enlightened mind, and
would sooner vote for an unprincipled blockhead, than an honest and
upright man of talents and learning. This kind of system leads to riot
and anarchyanarchy leads to absolute despotism, and ignorance fits the
people to bear that despotism.

In Napoleons time, prefects of departments and special censors
micromanaged news and information. Now we have the corporate media
releasing select government propaganda to masses dumbed-down by decades
of public education. Many people are functionally illiterate and unable
to navigate the written language. Knowing the characters of American
Idol is more important than knowing the names of state representatives.
In such a fetid environment, tyranny grows quite naturally and
unopposedand thanks to the corporate media and state administered
education, most people do not know their country is now a dictatorship,
or dangerously close to this condition, and the situation will be
nearly complete after our Napoleon and his minions ban the equivalent
of the printing press.

Of course, for our neolib rulers and their bankster handlers,
widespread ignoranceespecially ignorance of geography and, more
importantly, igorance of the concepts of our one-time constitutional
republicis the preferred state of existence, for chattel unenlightened
make for better slaves. As George Orwell wrote in his dystopian novel,
1984, the state depends on ignorance and fear to control the masses,
who are of course the ultimate enemy:

At this moment, for example, in 1984 (if it was 1984), Oceania was at
war with Eurasia and in alliance with Eastasia. In no public or private
utterance was it ever admitted that the three powers had at any time
been grouped along different lines. Actually, as Winston well knew, it
was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in
alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge
which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily
under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened.
Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at
war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute
evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave,
and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for
then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 12, 2006, 1:40:16 PM5/12/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 12, 2006

From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 11, 2006 12:09:52 PM EST
Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: MEXICO: Zapatista Leader Back in the

MEXICO: Zapatista Leader Back in the Spotlight
By Diego Cevallos

MEXICO CITY, May 9 (IPS) -- Mexico's Zapatista guerrillas
are no longer thinking in terms of armed conflict, despite
the state of "social indignation and rage" in the country,
the group's leader "Subcomandante Marcos" said in an
interview with the Televisa TV network, which he has
criticised vehemently in the past for its political
influence and power.

Marcos, who has been visiting the capital since last week as
part of a nationwide tour, was interviewed Tuesday on a
Televisa news programme, where he predicted that leftist
candidate Andris Lspez Obrador would win the Jul. 2
presidential elections, although he clarified that he does
not support the candidate and does not see the former Mexico
City mayor as a true leftist.

The interview, and another that he granted the left-leaning
newspaper La Jornada on Monday, were the first that he has
given since 2001.

He said the barely-armed Zapatista National Liberation Army
(EZLN) does not plan on boycotting the elections, and is not
interested in generating violence, as Senator Diego
Fernandez de Cevallos of the conservative governing National
Action Party (PAN) has alleged.

Wearing his trademark face mask and military-style outfit,
Marcos explained that his national tour is aimed at building
a leftist political and civil society alternative to the
country's political parties.

"That is why we are carrying out 'the other campaign'," said
the rebel leader, who was an important actor on the national
scene, and enjoyed international support, between 1994 and
1999. "We want to build for the people down below, because
great social tension and anger is building up."

"The other campaign" is a six-month tour that set out in
January from the indigenous EZLN's stronghold in the remote
jungles of the impoverished southern state of Chiapas. The
idea is to forge alliances with leftist groups that are not
participating in the elections but are interested in
"changing the country from below, with the participation of
civil society."

The tour is taking place parallel to the election campaign,
in which PAN candidate Felipe Caldersn has caught up to
Lspez Obrador of the leftwing Democratic Revolution Party
(PRD) in the polls, after months in which the latter was in
the lead. Roberto Madrazo, the candidate of the
Institutional Revolutionary Party -- which ruled Mexico from
1929 to 2000 -- is third in the polls.

"I believe that Marcos has the moral authority to reappear
on the scene and express his positions, especially when
there is a great lack of representativity in today's
politics," Francisco Farina, at the Centre for Labour
Research and Consulting (CILAS), a non-governmental
Mexico-city based group that advises workers and unions,
told IPS.

A similar opinion was expressed by Pedro Gelert with the
Mexican Solidarity with Cuba Movement. "There are many
people receptive to Marcos's radical message against
neoliberalism," he remarked to IPS.

The activist, who said he was speaking from a personal
standpoint because in his Movement "there are members who
see Marcos in a different light," said the EZLN leader is an
honest man who identifies with the best of social causes,
and has a lot to offer.

But not everyone is impressed by Marcos's reappearance in

"I don't like Marcos's decision to cast himself as the
ultimate conscience," writer Carlos Monsivais told the
magazine Poder y Negocios. His fellow writer Guadalupe
Loaeza wrote in a column for the daily newspaper Reforma
that the guerrilla leader is a vain man driven by a desire
for protagonism.

The Zapatista leader has drawn renewed attention since he
announced that he was changing the itinerary of his tour and
would stay on in Mexico City to lead protests demanding the
release of some 200 demonstrators arrested last week after
violent clashes between the police and local residents of
the town of San Salvador Atenco, 15 km from the capital.

The confrontations, in which a 14-year-old boy was killed
and several police officers and a number of locals were
badly beaten, were triggered by a police attempt to evict
flower vendors who were hawking their wares in an
unauthorised area.

Marcos warned that the protests would escalate if the
imprisoned demonstrators were not released.

In his interview with La Jornada, a newspaper that has given
the EZLN heavy coverage since it first burst on the scene in
Chiapas in January 1994, demanding democracy, justice and
indigenous rights, Marcos said that "as a whole, the
political class no longer represents Mexican society."
[Did it ever?--DC]

According to Marcos, "not even (Madrazo's) family trusts
him," and the election of the PRI candidate would imply "an
impossible return to the criminal past" and the "enthroning"
of organised crime.

And a victory by the ruling PAN's Caldersn, he said, would
lead to "fascism" -- a decision to call the army out onto
the streets to crack down on protests.

A triumph by Lspez Obrador, meanwhile, would bring about "a
state functional to capitalism, while establishing a new
structure that would be authoritarian and would not resolve
the problems of those down below," added Marcos.

For that reason, "the other campaign", which is a peaceful
initiative to reach out to civil society groups, "is the
only possibility to ensure that change, which is inevitable,
will not be violent," he argued.

The state intelligence services reported in 1995 that Marcos
is Rafael Guillin, a former university instructor with a
degree in philosophy who would be turning 49 on Jun. 19.
Guillin was active in a guerrilla group in the 1970s and
reportedly went to Chiapas in the early 1980s to organise
the EZLN among the indigenous people of that state, one of
Mexico's poorest.

But Marcos has consistently denied that he is Guillin.

The EZLN has been holed up in the hilly jungles of Chiapas
without firing a single shot since the second week of 1994,
when the government of Carlos Salinas (1988-1994), under
heavy public pressure, declared a ceasefire. The Zapatistas
broke off peace talks with the government of Ernesto Zedillo
(1994-2000) in 1996.

After declaring a war that actually consisted of nothing but
a few skirmishes with the army in the first two weeks of
1994, the group took refuge in the jungle, where it became a
voice critical of the political system and a symbol of the
anti-globalisation movement, which earned it allies within
Mexico and around the world.

But in late 2000, when the PRI lost its grip on the national
government for the first time in seven decades, the EZLN
began to fade into the background. (FIN/2006)


Report: Asia's Forests Face

Booming pulp mills endanger tropical lands, group says
Thursday, May 11, 2006 Posted: 0416 GMT (1216 HKT)

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- A shortage of wood to fuel growing demand
from pulp and paper mills worldwide is forcing some companies to tap
illegal sources while others are clear-cutting tropical forests, a
leading conservation group charged Thursday.

In an eight-year study, the Indonesia-based Center for International
Forestry Research, or CIFOR, also found that international investors
have sunk US$40 billion (euro31.3 billion) worldwide into "financially
risky and environmentally destructive" projects with little concern for
their sustainability.

"Financial institutions have shown a surprising lack of interest in
understanding how the pulp companies requesting loans are going to get
all this cheap wood," said David Kaimowitz, director general of CIFOR.

"In reality, some of these mills have vastly overestimated what's
legally available from timber plantations," he said. "So the only way
they can meet production targets is through unsustainable logging of
natural forests or by shipping in wood from distant sources at a much
higher cost."

Pulp and paper companies have long been a favorite target of
environmentalists. Activists have accused them of converting tropical
forests into plantations and being responsible for fires that cause
choking haze which blankets parts of Asia each year.

The companies have denied the charges and insist they are operating
sustainable plantations.

According to CIFOR, demand for cheap wood worldwide -- especially in
China -- is causing a rapid expansion of the sector. Analysts expect
companies to invest another US$54 billion (euro42.2 billion) by 2015,
much of it in Brazil, China, Indonesia, Uruguay, and the Baltic States,
CIFOR found.

Part of the concern with this growth, CIFOR said, is that the investors
that fund many of these projects rarely assess their viability. It
singled out private banks but also the World Bank's private sector
lending agency, the International Finance Corp., for failing to
adequate consider the environmental impact of their loans.

"Most banks have little in-house forestry expertise and rely heavily on
data provided by the pulp producers themselves and on projections of
global paper demand," the report said. "The study concludes that pulp
mill projects often carry significantly higher degrees of financial
risk than investors realize."

The report also contends that pulp companies do their part to mislead
investors, either by overestimating the size of their plantations or
promising to use wood from sustainable supplies when much of it comes
from clear-cut forests.

Still, the report found reason for optimism.

It said that a growing number of financial institutions -- such as
Dutch banks ABN AMRO and Rabobank -- are adopting policies that require
better social and environment assessments that would bar them from
financing the purchase of illegally harvested timber.

Also, more than 41 of the world's largest lending institutions have
endorsed the IFC-sponsored Equator Principles since 2003, which commit
them to meeting enhanced environmental and social standards in their
loans for specific types of projects, the report said.

CIFOR, established in 1993, is an independent organization whose
research activities are aimed at conservation and improving the
well-being of people whose livelihoods are dependent on forests. It
works in more than 30 countries worldwide. Its activities are financed
by more than 50 governments and funding agencies.


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Controversial Experimental Weather
Modification Bill in US Congress

By Rosalind Peterson
May 11, 2006


U.S. Senate Bill 517 and U.S. House Bill 2995, a bill that
would allow experimental weather modification by artificial methods and
implement a national weather modification policy, does not include
agriculture or public oversight, is on the fast track to be passed in

This bill is designed to implement experimental weather
modification. The appointed Board of Directors established by this bill
does not include any agricultural, water, EPA, or public
representatives, and has no provisions for Congressional, State,
County, or public oversight of their actions or expenditures.

Weather Modification may adversely impact agricultural
crops and water supplies. If the weather is changed in one state,
region or county it may have severe consequences in another region,
state or county. And who is going to decide the type of weather
modification experimentation and who it will benefit or adversely

This experimental weather modification bill will impact
residents across the United States not just in California. Many
current and ongoing weather modification programs (80 listed by NOAA in
2005), including the one in Wyoming that is designed to increase the
snowpack, may be diverting rainwater away from Oklahoma and Texas, two
states that are currently fighting fires caused by a lack of rainfall.
We have no idea what the unintended consequences of the Wyoming action
or other experimental weather modification programs might be now or in
the future.

In addition to the experimental weather modification
programs listed by NOAA, there are both private and ongoing government
sponsored atmospheric testing and heating programs underway in Alaska
and across the United States. Alaska Senator Stevens recently received
$50 million in funding for Alaskas atmospheric heating program.

All of these unregulated, private, government, and public
weather modification programs, may also have unintended synergistic
effects. Senate Bill 517 does not address these issues but intends to
implement more experimental weather modification programs without a
national debate or public oversight.

Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by
reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles,
reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most
experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into
the atmosphere the public could be subjected increasingly toxic or
unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and

Trimethyl Aluminum (TMA) and barium are just two of the
toxic chemicals used in recent atmospheric heating and testing programs
according to NASA. The Alaska H.A.A.R.P. atmospheric heating program
may have the capability of changing the Jet Stream which could also
change our weather.

Many private weather modification companies admit that
precipitation effects may be positive or negative. Fog dispersal
programs, using dry ice, liquid nitrogen, liquid propane or silver
iodide may improve visibility while adversely impacting Redwood Trees
along the California coast by depriving them of needed water they
derive from the fog.

The increasing use of varied chemicals like aluminum
(coupled with increasing air pollution), can severely impact tree
health by depriving trees of water and nutrients normally absorbed
through their root systems.

The December 2005 Popular Science Magazine discussed a plan to use an
oil slick to stop hurricanes without noting the adverse environmental
impacts of the oil used to cover the ocean.

Popular Science also noted that a private company,
Dyn-O-Mat, plans to purchase jets to drop thousands of pounds of a
water absorbing chemical powder (unknown substance), into hurricanes to
absorb moisture that may dissipate hurricanes. There is no agriculture
oversight or public hearings to determine the consequences of this and
other actions or to monitor or prevent adverse impacts of this chemical
once it falls on the surface of the ocean or on land.

Alaska and other areas across the United States are
beginning to feel the impacts of climate change. Enormous changes are
being seen in the declining health of native plant and tree communities
in many areas across the United States.

NASA noted in an October 2005 newsletter that increasingly
persistent contrails are trapping warmth in the atmosphere and
exacerbating global warming NASA goes on to note that: Any increase
in global cloud cover will contribute to long-term changes in Earths
climate. Likewise, any change in Earths climate may have effects on
natural resources

Global dimming and the persistent contrails, that produce
man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. A recent
corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop
production while direct sunlight increases production. In addition,
increasing man-made clouds may reduce the effectiveness of solar

Gil Smolin, an Avian Bird Flu expert, noted on the Ron
Owens Show on KGO Radio (January 5, 2006), that the flu was spread more
quickly in the winter when there was a lack of sunlight. Would
man-made clouds be contributing to the lack of sunlight which might
cause the Avian Bird flu to spread more quickly at other times of the
year? Experimental weather modification programs could also exacerbate
this problem by changing climate patterns, increasing man-made cloud
cover, and changing our weather and climate patterns.

Senate Bill 517 does not address any of these important
issues. Its sole purpose is to establish an experimental weather
modification policy without any agriculture or public oversight of
private, military, and government programs. Without oversight or
public hearings agriculture, our natural resources, and watersheds may
be negatively impacted. And who will be responsible to determine the
synergistic effects of these programs or pay for unintended disasters
created by this experimentation. If these programs change growing
seasons and interrupt the pollination process crop losses could be
substantial exacerbating economic losses.

Please contact all of your elected local, state and
federal officials to stop this bill in its present form. This bill
needs to have appropriate agriculture and public oversight, with public
hearings included, prior to any more experimental projects. We need a
national dialogue on this subject before more experimentation takes

For more information please contact:

Rosalind Peterson
Post Office Box 499
Redwood Valley, California 95470
(707) 485-7520

In 1995, she became a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss
Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. Many
crop losses throughout the State can be attributed to weather related

Rosalind has a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental
Studies & Planning (ENSP), with emphasis on agriculture and crop

Rosalind Peterson was born and raised on a working farm in Redwood
Valley, California. The weather was the foremost factor in determining
whether or not our tree crops produced fruit and nuts.

Between 1989 and 1993 Rosalind worked as an Agricultural Technologist
for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture. After leaving
Mendocino County she took a position with the USDA Farm Service Agency
as a Program Assistant in Mendocino, Sonoma, and the Salinas County

The first successful protest rally against U.S. Senate Bill 517 was
held in Los Angeles, California on March 23, 2006.

The second successful educational forum and demonstration rally
opposing U.S. Senate Bill 517 was held in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday,
April 29, 2006. The Agriculture Defense Coalition is now moving their
message east across the United States toward Washington, D.C.

Concerned grassroots citizens are involved in this educational protest
movement to protect agriculture from unwise experimental weather
modification programs. We, the people, simply will not accept this
reckless experimenting on our weather and are fighting the passage of
this bill in order to protect agricultural crop production and our
water supplies.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Rosalind Peterson,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Carol Brouillet <>
Date: May 11, 2006 10:36:55 PM E
Subject: [consortium] Update: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our
Future in Chicago June 2-4

Please distribute widely and freely - thanks!
See our new website for the latest information visit
Please join us in Chicago & circulate this announcement widely & freely
- downloadable PDFs and Word docs are available at .
Upcoming International Conference sponsored by and
the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future

An International Education and Strategy Conference
Chicago, Illinois June 2-4, 2006
Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont

The 9/11 truth movement has gained enormous credibility and momentum in
2006. Help us build that momentum into a political force that will
carry us to success. Let us reveal to all that 9/11 truth offers the
greatest opportunity in modern history for courageous, ethical people
to positively influence the future of humanity. We hope to achieve no
less than a return to Constitutional rule with the re-establishment of
our precious civil liberties, the end of fraudulent wars and true
justice for all the victims. We should act on this opportunity with
gratitude and intelligence, sounding an alarm as well as a declaration
that we are free and in charge of our own destiny as awakened and
empowered citizens shaping a better world.

In Chicago we will be offering an intensive weekend which will include
workshops, presentations, strategy sessions and abundant opportunities
for the growing 9/11 truth movement to come together. We are very
pleased to announce we have speaking commitments from BYU physics
professor Steven E. Jones, Alex Jones of, ex-MI5
whistleblower David Shayler and Annie Machon, radio talk show host
Meria Heller, Peter Phillips of Project Censored, Canadian activist Ian
Woods of Global Outlook magazine, scientist Kevin Ryan, Dr. Faiz Khan,
author Jim Marrs, Canadian media critic Barrie Zwicker, Scholars for
9/11 Truth founder Jim Fetzer, strategist David Kubiak, video producer
Ken Jenkins, Ralph Schoenman, California 9/11 truth congressional
candidate Carol Brouillet and Chris Emery of the Oklahoma City Bombing
Investigation Committee. Media coverage is planned by INN World Report,
KPFA Berkeley, KPFK of Los Angeles, KBOO of Portland and many others.
Many more important luminaries, authors, researchers, organizers and
media activists can be expected.

This gathering has been taking shape since last fall with the help of a
diverse group of grassroots activists. We expect this conference to be
a major, watershed event bringing together the many new credible voices
from across the political spectrum. It will be an education and
strategy conference that moves well beyond past 9/11 events. We
particularly wish to have widespread representation from across North
America and abroad so please consider participating or helping to send
people from your community.

Everything we need to succeed -- we now have:

Mounting facts and evidence from 9/11 truth movement researchers
Dynamic new truth groups bursting forth at an unprecedented rate
The support of respected leaders across the political spectrum
A nationwide communications network in independent media
Enduring inspiration from courageous whistleblowers & victim families
A country gradually waking up to the desperate need for truth
Visual and performing artists offering their creativity to our cause

All thats missing is a shared strategy and synergistic efforts -
Please join us in Chicago and help turn 9/11 knowledge into the
transformative power we need.

Making A Contribution & Volunteering How You Can Help: We need your
financial help to bring these outstanding presenters and advertise the
event to make it a resounding success. Please consider making a
donation to support this effort via Paypal at the
donations page or send checks, payable to, to Chicago
Conference c/o, P.O. Box 140332, Kansas City, MO
64114-0332 . Credit card donations can be made by calling (831)

For those who would like to help with any aspect of this effort from
outreach and publicity to volunteering some of the weekend in Chicago
please contact these members of the five person organizing committee
Gabriel Day (831) 325-3135 , Kevin Barrett (608)
333-2859, Hal Snyder (847)921-3145,
Geraldine Perry (708)460-5683 .

Conference Times: Our press conference starts at 1PM and
registration/welcome starts at 4PM on Friday June 2nd. Conference
program will run from Friday evening until Sunday at 6PM.

Registration and Costs: Pre-registration is requested so we can plan
accordingly for the projected number of participants. Please register
as soon as possible at
Costs are as follows:
Full Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . $50.00
Student / Senior (60+) Full Weekend . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00
Single Day Pass: Saturday or Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00
Single Evening Pass: Friday or Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.00

Lodging: Reduced Rate Deadline extended to May 12th at 5pm CDT: We
have a block of rooms reserved at the Embassy Suites Hotel
Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont, site of the conference events, with special
room rates--$119/night for King bed and $129/night for two double
beds-- which will be available until May 12th or until the group block
is sold-out, whichever comes first. All suites are two room suites with
a queen-size pull-out bed and a maximum occupancy of 4 individuals.
Guests wishing to arrive early may do so starting May 31st and depart
as late as June 4th and receive this pricing, based on availability.
Room rates are quoted exclusive of local taxes and fees, currently 13%.
Online Registration Site for lodging:

Transportation Options:
The Elevated Train (CTA Blue line to downtown) is two blocks from the

Driving Directions to the hotel, including a map, can be found at:
Take the ramp marked 190 West-O'Hare. Pass through the tollgate and
proceed to the second exit - Mannheim South. Stay to the right and take
the ramp marked 190 East-Chicago. Drive approximately one mile and exit
at River Road South. At the bottom of the ramp, make a right turn onto
River Road. Proceed past the first stoplight. The hotel will be on the
right side.

Airports: The hotel offers a complimentary shuttle to and from the
Chicago O'Hare International Airport. O'Hare will be the more
convenient airport by far, but airlines such as Southwest often offer
many low-cost flights into Midway Airport. We suggest you use websites
such as or to find a reasonable ticket.

To get from Midway to Chicago, in order to utilize the free shuttle to
the hotel, several options are available:
Shuttles between the airports are described at
$2 Regional Transportation Authority Bus/Train availability with
route planning info is at

Rideshare/Roomshare Forums:
Available for help in keeping the costs down--one for finding hotel
roommates ( )
and another for discussing transportation sharing. ( ).

Gabriel Day - Wireless: 831-325-3135 Home Office/Fax 831-420-1445
Website: National Outreach Coordinator and Steering
Committee member

NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Oxen Return to Cuban Farms

Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 01:02:34 EDT From:


CAROLYN WHYTE, SENTIENT TIMES - The world's largest ever transition to
small scale, organically-based farming is taking place in Cuba. . .
Until the fall of the Iron Curtain, Cuba's agriculture was strongly
dependent on oil, pesticides and fertilizers, mostly provided by
Eastern Bloc countries. 75% of Cuba's trade was with these countries,
and the USSR subsidized the sale of their sugar cane by about 300. . .
However, this all changed drastically after the collapse of the Soviet
bloc. Suddenly, oil supplies were reduced by 80%, and fertilizers and
pesticides became much more expensive and difficult to obtain, leading
to the largest-ever conversion to small-scale, organically-based

Many of the large, state-run, mechanized farms which used to be
dominant in Cuba have now been replaced by much smaller, un-mechanized
farms which use few chemicals. Would-be farmers are granted land by the
government in exchange for growing a certain amount of a particular
crop. They are also encouraged to grow their own gardens. Anything they
grow above and beyond the amount demanded by the government can be sold
at farmer's markets. Competition is intense at these markets and the
quality of the food is usually very high. In addition, there's a
movement to make the cities of Cuba as self-sufficient as possible.

26,000 people in Havana now take part in urban gardening. In the early
nineties, the conversion to modernity had been so successful that there
were over 75,000 tractors in Cuba, and a half million tons of
fertilizer were used every year. However, Cubans are now beginning to
re-learn traditional methods of farming. Tractors have some limitations
anyway, as they can t be used on soil which is not dry, whereas oxen
will work in all conditions. Oxen hadn' t completely died out in Cuba,
but their numbers had dwindled considerably, from around 400,000 pairs
in the fifties, to 1,000 in the late eighties. However, now their
numbers are up to over 300,000 pairs again.


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Tehran Insider Tells of US
Black Ops
May 12, 2006

Asia Times - 2006-04-25

TEHRAN - A former Iranian ambassador and Islamic Republic insider has
provided intriguing details to Asia Times Online about US covert
operations inside Iran aimed at destabilizing the country and toppling
the regime - or preparing for an American attack.

"The Iranian government knows and is aware of such infiltration. It
means that the Iranian government has identified them [the covert
operatives] but for some reason does not want to show [this]," said the
former diplomat on condition of anonymity.

Speaking in Tehran, the ex-Foreign Ministry official said the agents
being used by the US "were originally Iranians and not Americans"
possibly recruited in the United States or through US embassies in
Dubai and Ankara. He also warned that such actions will engender "some

"Both sides will certainly do something," he said in a reference to
Iran's capability to stir trouble up in neighboring Iraq and
Afghanistan for the occupying US troops there.

Veteran US journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in a much-discussed recent
article in The New Yorker magazine that the administration of President
George W Bush has increased clandestine activities inside Iran and
intensified planning for a possible major air attack as the crisis with
Iran over its nuclear program escalates.

Hersh wrote that "teams of American combat troops have been ordered
into Iran, under cover, to collect targeting data and to establish
contact with anti-government ethnic-minority groups". The template
seems identical to the period that preceded US air strikes against the
Taliban regime in Afghanistan during which a covert Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) campaign distributed millions of dollars to
tribal allies.

"The Iranian accusations are true," said Richard Sale, intelligence
correspondent for United Press International, referring to charges that
the US is using the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) organization and other
groups to carry out cross-border operations. "But it is being done on
such a small scale - a series of pinpricks - it would seem to have no
strategic value at all."

There has been a marked spike in unrest in Kurdistan, Khuzestan and
Balochistan, three of Iran's provinces with a high concentration of
ethnic Kurdish, Arab and Balochi minorities respectively. With the
exception of the immediate post-revolutionary period, when the Kurds
rebelled against the central government and were suppressed violently,
ethnic minorities have received better treatment, more autonomy and
less ethnic discrimination than under the shah.

"The president hasn't notified the Congress that American troops are
operating inside Iran," said Sam Gardiner, a retired US Army colonel
who specializes in war-game scenarios. "So it's a very serious question
about the constitutional framework under which we are now conducting
military operations in Iran."

Camp Warhorse is the major US military base in the strategic Iraqi
province of Diyala that borders Iran. Last month, Asia Times Online
asked the US official in charge of all overt and covert operations
emanating from there whether the military and the MEK colluded on an
operational level. He denied any such knowledge.

"They have a gated community up there," came the genial reply. "Not
really guarded - it's more gated. They bake really good bread," he
added, smiling.

But that is contrary to what Hersh was told by his sources, According
to him, US combat troops are already inside Iran and, in the event of
air strikes, would be in position to mark critical targets with laser
beams to ensure bombing accuracy and excite sectarian tensions between
the population and the central government. As of early winter, Hersh's
source claims that the units were also working with minority groups in
Iran, including the Azeris in the north, the Balochis in the southeast,
and the Kurds in the northwest.

Last week, speaking on the sidelines of a Palestinian solidarity
conference, Major-General Yehyia Rahim Safavi, the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander, sent a warning to the US
and British intelligence services he accuses of using Iraq and Kuwait
to infiltrate Iran. "I tell them that their agents can be our agents
too, and they should not waste their money so casually."

On April 9, Iran claimed to have shot down an unmanned surveillance
plane in the southwestern province of Khuzestan, according to a report
in the semi-official Jumhuri Eslami newspaper. US media have also
reported that the US military has been secretly flying surveillance
drones over Iran since 2004, using radar, video, still photography and
air filters to monitor Iranian military formations and track Iran's
air-defense system. The US denied having lost a drone.

This new mission for the combat troops is a product of Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's long-standing interest in expanding the
role of the military in covert operations, which was made official
policy in the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review, published in
February. Such activities, if conducted by CIA operatives, would need a
Presidential Finding and would have to be reported to key members of

The confirmation that the US is carrying out covert activities inside
Iran makes more sense out of a series of suspicious events that have
occurred along Iran's borders this year. In early January, a military
airplane belonging to Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards went down close
to the Iraqi border. The plane was carrying 11 of the Guard's top
commanders, including General Ahmad Kazemi, the commander of the IRGC's
ground forces, and Brigadier-General Nabiollah Shahmoradi, who was
deputy commander for intelligence.

Although a spokesman blamed bad weather and dilapidated engines for the
crash, the private intelligence company Stratfor noted that there are
several reasons to suspect foul play, not least of which was that any
aircraft carrying so many of Iran's elite military luminaries would
undergo "thorough tests for technical issues before flight". Later,
Iran's defense minister accused Britain and the US of bringing the
plane down through "electronic jamming".

"Given all intelligence information that we have gathered, we can say
that agents of the United States, Britain and Israel are seeking to
destabilize Iran through a coordinated plan," Minister of Interior
Mustafa Pour-Mohammadi said. This sentiment was echoed on websites such
as, where one reader commented, "We couldn't
have made a better hit on the IRGC's leadership if planned ... sure it
was just an accident?"

Then, in late January, a previously unknown Sunni Muslim group called
Jundallah (Soldier of Allah) captured nine Iranian soldiers in the
remote badlands of Sistan-Balochistan province that borders Afghanistan
and Pakistan. And in mid-February, another airplane crashed just inside
Iraq after taking off from Azerbaijan and transiting Iranian airspace.
The Iranian Mehr news agency reported that the "passengers on board
were possibly of Israeli origin". It added that US troops have
restricted access to the site to Iraqi Kurdish officials and that
Western media were reporting the passengers aboard as having been

The Iranian government has not sat idly by and just taken these
breaches of sovereignty. Early this month, an unidentified source in
the Interior Ministry was quoted by the hardline Kayhan newspaper as
saying that the leader and 11 members of the Jundallah group had been
killed by Iranian troops. Then last Friday, Iranian missile batteries
shelled Iranian Kurdish rebel positions inside Iraqi territory. They
were targeting a militant group called PJAK that seeks more autonomy
for Iran's Kurdish population and has been operating out of Iraq since

The former Iranian ambassador argues that in the event that US pressure
on Iran continues, "the end of the tunnel" for President Mahmud
Ahmadinejad's administration is "weaponization of the [nuclear]
technology ... and a military strike".

"The Americans are pushing Iran to become a nuclear state. Iran just
wants to be a supplier of nuclear fuel. But [with their threats] they
are pushing it further."

For media inquiries:

) Copyright , Asia Times, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: May 11, 2006 6:42:46 PM EST
Subject: Phone tower cancer fears

Tower Cancer Fears

By Adam Morton and David Rood
May 12, 2006

A SPATE of brain tumours among staff has forced RMIT University to
close part of its business school and test for radiation emissions from
rooftop phone towers.

As staff reacted with shock, the university yesterday shut the top two
floors of the Bourke Street building and ordered more than 100
employees to work from home for the next fortnight.

The closure follows the discovery of five brain tumours in the past
month and two others in 1999 and 2001. Two were malignant and five were

WorkCover has launched an investigation and RMIT has promised its own

The academics' union last night expressed concern that the tumours were
caused by the communications towers on the roof of the former Tivoli
Theatre site.

National Tertiary Education Union state secretary Matthew McGowan
warned that anecdotal reports from hastily arranged staff meetings
yesterday suggested the number of people affected would grow.

"You have to ask some pretty serious questions and we're obviously
concerned that it could be linked to the tower," he said.

"This would appear to be much more than coincidence and RMIT has a
responsibility to leave no stone unturned in seeking the truth."

Five of the seven affected work on the top floor of the 17-storey
building. All except one have worked in the building for at least a

An RMIT academic who did not want to be named said staff the 16th and
17th floors are home to offices of senior management and lecturers
were "in disbelief, concerned and upset" as they attended meetings and
left the building late yesterday.

Medical experts contacted by The Age said no definitive link had been
proved between mobile phone tower radiation and cancer.

Australian Medical Association president Mukesh Haikerwal said there
was no proof of a connection but "if you get clusters of disease it's
sensible to investigate."

Dr John Gall, from private health company Southern Medical Services,
which has been called in to assess the sick, said last night three of
those affected had tumours showing symptoms consistent with radiation.

But he said there was no causal link with the building based on
preliminary observations.

A spokesman for state Health Minister Bronwyn Pike said WorkCover would
investigate the matter and the Department of Human Services would
provide any expertise needed.

RMIT chief operating officer Steve Somogyi said testing was carried out
on the building after the first two of the seven tumours were reported
in 1999 and 2001. It found radiation and air quality levels within
recommended guidelines.

"We value the health and safety of our staff and students very highly.
The incidence of illness is disturbing and we shall continue to check
for any possible cause connected to the building," Mr Somogyi said.

But RMIT union branch president Jeanette Pierce said the university
agreed to shut the two floors only after being pressured by the union.
"I'm a bit mystified that the university wasn't planning to vacate and
that we had to make the point that they needed to vacate those two
floors," she said.

There are more than 160 mobile phone towers in central Melbourne alone.
A Telstra spokeswoman said last night the company had two towers at the
Tivoli site, but both met health and safety standards and were tested

"An enormous amount of medical research has been conducted without any
substantiated evidence of a link between mobile phone technology and
adverse health effects, including cancer," she said.

RMIT management emailed all staff and students late yesterday and said
health check-ups and counselling would be made available. About 600
staff work in the building.

Mr McGowan said shutting the two floors should be just the first step.
"We think they should be testing all staff who have worked on those
levels and not just for tumours. We need to understand what are the
health risks that people are suffering," he said.

A help line for students and family members is available on 1800 155

Tanya Stoianoff, the executive director of the Mobile Carriers Forum,
which represents mobile phone companies, said there was no credible
scientific evidence of health effects from living or working near a
mobile phone base station.


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: May 11, 2006 6:44:58 PM EST
To: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Subject: the NOT-SO Divine Strake

From: [] On Behalf
Of Maggie Erotokritou
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 12:18 PM
Subject: [Pan] Divine Strake

Divine Strake

I wish to make known for those who have not heard.

A 700-ton detonation on ground surface is planned for June 2, 2006 at
the Nevada Test Site. This day is 2 (duality, partnership, shadow,
light) Keme/Owl/death/Birth

This will create a giant mushroom seen from Las Vegas, Nevada, which
will create possible fall out over all nearby state and nearby states.
This detonation is also very dangerous due to the instability of our
Mother Earth's core. This could potentially affect San Andreas Fault
line and other enviornmental areas on earth, which will feel the
impact, as the earth is round she will shift. We would think after the
tsunami, our governments would take any precaution not to upset the
balance of the earth and endanger the lives of many. We also would
think since our government is so concerned about countries like Iran,
Iraq, Philippines, and India not developing nuclear weapons that we
should follow and abide by our own rules for others. Why is our country
never monitored?

Does our government not remember the terrible effects of previous tests
which cause the death and sickness of many living in nearby areas, such
as Western Shoshone, Zuni, Hopi, Navajo and other cultures. Now as
well as the all city of Las Vegas, shall be affected. They have named
their gift to humanity "Divine Strake". Maybe our mission is to ask the
divine to strike out that mission.

Stop this testing! Make it Known however, wherever you can. We are so
many, so many. Please share the news and do what you can.

Please join us in ceremony May 13th and 14th, 2006- Day of 8(masculine,
manifestation) Keme /death and birth, 9 (feminine) Deer/Nature/4

A Uto Aztecan crescent moon Dolphin, Whale, Bear Clans ceremony is
planned for mother's day weekend in the Grand Tetons Medicine Wheel
that was activated on May 8th, 2004 in Wyoming (for more information
see - Bennie Le Beau). This ceremony on May
13th and 14th will take place simultaneously in different places and
states encompassing California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona,
Oregon and Washington along the shape of a crescent moon, a holy grail

This ceremony is to help reconnect leylines, song lines, spirit lines
between those places, clear and heal old energies remaining, connect
the waters of sky and earth, anchor balance on earth thru the
mountains, rivers and our prayers. We ask you to participate either on
sites or from where you are. As you will see below, our earth and
people are in need of much protection. Please rise above self and
reach for the highest in you on these days whether for just a moment or
both days, help to connect and weave our energies together, use your
own way and medicine.

May our prayers, wisdom and love keep rising. May every one take up
their sacred responsibilities as caretakers of this earth? Believe you
hold sacred gifts through your heart and intention and share them at
this time with each other.

We are all in need of healing and support at this time, learn to teach
and be there for one another. Our spirits joined together make a most
beautiful song rising to the heart of the universe, anchoring our love
and strength into the earth. All wisdoms and teachings were left upon
earth for us, for these times. We make the story of what will be
together, each and everyone of us who holds the same intent, makes the
prayer, the protection, the healing for all. Some speak, some act, some
pray, it is all-important, and we need to continue. We all, as human
beings, take on energies of imbalance for the earth, reflected through
our own. The more each of us shifts false beliefs, heal traumas,
release these things and learn to understand our personnel walk, the
more we assist the earth in her shift. The more we heal self and
places of earth or advocates for each other, the more we lift the
imbalances and minimize impact of what others do. What we dream for to
be in the physical realm, first must be made manifest, woven in the
spirit realm of our Creator.

In the dreamtime unseen worlds, within the realms of femininity in
Mother Earth comes assistance of all guardians and beings who love
earth and human beings and are here for us waiting for all to
remember. The Elders say this will be our protection, developing our
instincts, intuition, and communication with our higher spirit, nature
and all its guardians. Honoring remembering them, asking them to assist
us in healing self and earth for all. Be the voice and spirit for all
who cannot speak, for all who suffer. Be that voice, that heart that
inspires, uplifts, and helps another. In so doing your gifts will
emerge, your confidence will grow. Make your circle stronger. Believe
in each other. Believe they taught us everything. Learn from keepers
of wisdom ways who hold an open mind and heart. Find the spirit way
tradition that gives your heart wings. They say the new prayer is to
dream, imagine what wishes to be seen, for what we imagine, we bring in
and keep feeding, watering those dreams.

Help each other dream in your path or talents to express and join
together. Help the earth dream herself. This is the story of this
time, where human beings make the choice to remember all that is
beautiful, where human beings make their own destiny together. In the
dreamtime, we are not ourselves; we are all that is most wise, most
love, most true. We leave our old selves behind, the petty, the
ego.... In the dreamtime we all know each other, we no longer care
whether we are rich or poor, black or white. There is no competition of
knowledge or truth or way. All ways exist and merge. Begin or
continue. We need each and every one of you. They say to heal all
things, bring back the beauty in thousands of ways in community,
family, and for each other no matter what we see, or hear.

When we do our prayers we anchor them to the mountains we know, to the
rivers we know. We ask the forest to carry it, for the trees speak to
each other. We ask the wind to take our songs and weave them together.
We light our candles and our fires and we weave their flames together.
We anchor those flames in that first fire, in the fire of our heart, in
the fire, which lives in heart of all things that exist. We anchor that
love inside of us to help us have faith and courage and strength and
forgiveness. We anchor it to the sacred places that we know, thru their
temples, pyramids. Giza is the center where all leylines and energies
meet. Become the caretakers of the area you live. Return to that
nature and make offerings to its thousand realms. Offerings of your
give heart love, flowers, gifts, songs, stories. Speak there your
sadness, your story, your dreams and learn to listen, listen, listen in
the way that will be yours.

This year beginning April 4th, the guardian thru the sacred Mayan
Calendar is 8 Kiej, Deer. The sacred deer nation holds the teachings
of the 4 elements and of nature. Deer nation anchors those teachings to
make one. These realms of nature are calling us, are waiting to teach
so we may understand, make new, purify ourselves. Work with those
elements to balance self, to balance earth for those doorways shall
open for you. We need each and everyone to remember. What a most
beautiful song we already make together. If all could only see, the
beauty we are.

I will send out the sacred Mayan Calendar guardian energies and
teachings held for those days, soon. The ceremony and the testing are
exactly 20 days apart. What we weave together from all places on those
days shall be sent forward. Also make those prayers for yourself.
Remember we will see the effect of our prayers yet know that it has and
forever will be.

To All that Love ever was, is, will be ...

Monique De Montaigu, White Owl

Sister and Great Friend of Bennie BlueThunder LeBeau

May 5th, 2006

The Planetary Awakening Network
co-ordinator Maggie Erotokritou


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 11, 2006 12:30:49 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Important new film: a MUST SEE!

A 'must see'

by Merry Linski From: Dstacey

Once in a while you stumble across an earth shattering documentary.
Or it may only happen once in your lifetime, but when it does occur
you experience a lump in your throat that lingers. There's an urge to
track down the filmmaker to offer your thanks; tell everyone you meet:
SEE THIS FILM. Yes, you say it in big capital letters.

"America: From Freedom To Fascism" is just such a documentary. Just
as the words 'genius', 'awesome' and 'fascinating' are overused, so the
term 'riveting' is overworked by and large, especially in the film
industry, yet this is an instance where it's difficult to find another
suitable adjective. "Freedom To . . . " is utterly riveting. We've all
been aware on a gut level if not consciously that our freedom, so
prized for so many generations, has been eroded to the extent that our
founding fathers would scarcely recognize this country, yet we keep
muttering to ourselves that something will ameliorate matters, that it
will right itself, that our Constitution is rock solid beneath all the
Patriot Acts and talk of New World Order: a totalitarian world
government in an incubator but closer to hatching each day. (Orwell
had the date wrong, that's all.)

"Freedom To . . ." doesn't pull any punches. If we've been lulled to
sleep by living the fat life, the film jars us back to reality. We
haven't been paying attention to the political landscape, dear reader.
We aren't really aware that we no longer have a free press; rather
it's corporate controlled. We have an educational system that is under
control of the global elite, as well, as we are not taught in high
school about the Federal Reserve System and that it is not part of the
federal government at all. Moreover only Congress has the
Constsitutional power to coin money, so who are these interlopers who
would dare to move in, taking our currency off the gold standard
thereby slowly reducing our money to sawdust? Did you know that there
was no Federal Reserve prior to 1913? We don't know that the extortive
IRS has no legal right to exist because we are not taught that in
school, either.

There's never a stagnant moment in Aaron Russo's "America: From Freedom
To Fascism," never a time when you think, was this part necessary?
The film moves seamlessly, morphing from the aforementioned illegality
of the IRS, and of course the secretive Federal Reserve (whomsoever
controls the money controls the country; yet how much do you know about
the board members that comprise the Fed? You know Bernanke, who else?)
to where you get to see just how many of your rights have been lost
through the misnamed Patriot Act, just what your government has in
store for you with RFID chips in this national ID card that's on its
way, good people! After that, under the skin implantations is more
than on the drawing board; branded just like cattle so that "every move
you make, every breath you take, they'll be watching you." Borrowing
from the hit record by, coincidentally, The Police.

Speaking of police, "Freedom To . . ." illustrates, as well, how police
brutality is becoming the norm.

One of my favorite parts in the film is when Russo interviews the
initially reticent IRS Commissioner, Sheldon Cohen. Cohen, who wrote
the 1954 tax code, strikes like a cornered viper when asked to produce
the law that says we must pay income taxes. Since there is no law, he
skirts the issue, none too deftly, then finally hisses, "You understand
Yiddish, Aaron. Gornischt von helfen." Russo translates this, which
could easily be interpreted as a threat: "Nothing will help you."

Two titans, in a sense, butting heads. One, with the purest of
intentions, going to bat for the people; the other, a seller of his
soul to the fire-breathing dragon known as the IRS. On rare occasion
60 Minutes has had its moments but nothing like this. In fact, it's a
rare moment in history that you're able to glimpse a real piece of
drama such as this. No re-enactment, no actors. Award-winning
producer Russo calmly backs Cohen into the corner before Cohen issues
that only slightly ambiguous threat, "Nothing will help you," but
Russo deals Cohen a coup de grace when, in the closing credits, he
actually thanks Sheldon Cohen for the interview, for without it, he
says, he wouldn't have made the film. Touche!

If Michael Moore had difficulties getting distribution for his film,
Russo has had difficulties of his own, times ten. Major distributors
won't touch it. That alone speaks reams. In any event, do visit the
website for a glimpse of what will come to us in theatres in the fall. Moreover, Russo could use a hand with
advertising costs, as he had to go with a small distributor which is
unable to spring for that kind of money, so kicking in is the least all
of us can do. Don't you think?

Aaron Russo deserves a hero of the millenium award for writing,
producing, directing and appearing in the feature length documentary.
We need to make certain that it's seen.

In viewing this film, for the first time in a long time, you'll have


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 13, 2006, 4:09:04 PM5/13/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 13, 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
13 May 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Condoleezza Rice at Boston College? I quit. --An open letter to William
P. Leahy, SJ, president of Boston College. By Steve Almond 12 May 2006
"Dear Father Leahy, I am writing to resign my post as an adjunct
professor of English at Boston College. I am doing so -- after five
years at BC, and with tremendous regret -- as a direct result of your
decision to invite Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to be the
commencement speaker at this year's graduation. Many members of the
faculty and student body already have voiced their objection to the
invitation, arguing that Rice's actions as secretary of state are
inconsistent with the broader humanistic values of the university and
the Catholic and Jesuit traditions from which those values derive. But
I am not writing this letter simply because of an objection to the war
against Iraq. My concern is more fundamental. Simply put, Rice is a

Secrecy Privilege Invoked in Fighting Ex-Detainee's Lawsuit 13 May 2006
For at least the fifth time in the past year, the Justice Department
yesterday invoked the once rarely cited state secrets privilege to
argue that a lawsuit alleging government wrongdoing should be dismissed
without an airing, this time in the case of a German citizen seeking an
apology and monetary compensation for having been wrongfully imprisoned
by the CIA. Assistant U.S. Attorney R. Joseph Sher said yesterday in
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia that the
government cannot confirm or deny the allegations made by Khaled
al-Masri, who sources have said was held by the CIA for five months in

Hacker fears Guantanamo Bay as judge urges his extradition 11 May 2006
A British man accused of the biggest military hacking operation yet
faces trial in the US after a judge recommended him for extradition
yesterday. Gary McKinnon believes that he could be sent to Guantanamo
Bay and tried by a military tribunal if his extradition goes ahead. He
said that he was "practically already hung and quartered" if US
government claims that he would face a federal court in Virginia proved

Bush says privacy maintained in spying [LOL! Actual headline!] 12 May
2006 President [sic] Bush defended the Pentagons domestic spying
Thursday after a report that the National Security Agency, searching
for evidence of terrorist communications, has obtained records of
telephone calls placed by millions of Americans since Sept. 11, 2001
a massive database created with the cooperation of three of four major
telephone companies.

Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room 07 Apr 2006 AT&T provided National
Security Agency eavesdroppers with full access to its customers' phone
calls, and shunted its customers' internet traffic to data-mining
equipment installed in a secret room in its San Francisco switching
center, according to a former AT&T worker cooperating in the Electronic
Frontier Foundation's lawsuit against the company.

Wiretap Whistleblower's Statement (Wired News) 07 Apr 2006 Former AT&T
technician Mark Klein has come forward to support the EFF's lawsuit
against AT&T for its alleged complicity in the NSA's electronic

Verizon Sued for Giving NSA Phone Records 12 May 2006 Two New Jersey
public interest lawyers sued Verizon Communications Inc. for $5 billion
Friday, claiming the phone carrier violated privacy laws by turning
over phone records to the National Security Agency for a secret
government surveillance program.

CIA nominee Hayden defends NSA programs 12 May 2006 CIA director
nominee Gen. Michael Hayden on Friday defended the secret surveillance
programs he oversaw while head of another spy agency as lawful...
Hayden's visits to lawmakers on Capitol Hill were complicated by
reaction to public disclosure of a National Security Agency program
that has been collecting millions of Americans' everyday telephone

New phone-tap row threatens President's nominee for CIA 12 May 2006
The Bush regime is embroiled in a new electronic snooping storm, after
allegations that major US phone companies had handed phone records of
tens of millions of citizens to the ultra-secret National Security
Agency. The revelations provoked an uproar on Capitol Hill and could
possibly even wreck the nomination of a former NSA chief [Gen. Michael
Hayden] to head the floundering CIA.

Qwest's Refusal of N.S.A. Query Is Explained --The telecommunications
company Qwest turned down requests by the National Security Agency for
private telephone records because it concluded that doing so would
violate federal privacy laws, a lawyer for the telephone company's
former chief executive said today.

Ousted CIA No. 3 Is Target of Raids --Foggo's Home and Langley Office
Swept in Corruption Probe 13 May 2006 Federal agents yesterday searched
the CIA offices and Northern Virginia home of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the
spy agency's No. 3 official who was forced to resign this week amid a
widening criminal investigation into allegations of government
corruption and bribery. Officials inside CIA headquarters saw agents
hauling away items from Foggo's seventh-floor suite from his rented
house in the Oakdale Park section of Vienna.

Home, office of outgoing CIA official searched --Executive director
under investigation by FBI, IRS, CIA inspector general 12 May 2006 Law
enforcement officials executed search warrants Friday on the house and
office of CIAs outgoing executive director, the FBI said. The agencys
third ranking official, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, has been under
investigation by the FBI, IRS, Defense Criminal Investigative Service
and the CIAs inspector general, said FBI spokeswoman April Langwell in
San Diego.

US Army Troop Build up on Iraq-Iran Borders 11 May 2006 The US Army in
Iraq is claimed to have increased the military build up of US troops on
the Iranian border. Tehran local radio announced the US stationed army
units on the Iraqi border, increased reconnaissance flights in the
region, and trained anti-Iran militias in Iraq. Iranian Interior
Ministry confirmed the information.


NOTE: This will probably turn out to be a fake story: it's extremely
unusual for "diplomats" to leak confidential information of this sort
prior to confirmation--unless they're part of a black-op frame-up. --
kl, pp

Diplomats: Enriched uranium found in Iran
Friday, May 12, 2006 Posted: 1609 GMT (0009 HKT)

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- The U.N. atomic agency found traces of highly
enriched uranium at an Iranian site linked to the country's defense
ministry, diplomats said Friday, adding to concerns that Tehran was
hiding activities aimed at making nuclear arms.

The diplomats, who demanded anonymity in exchange for revealing the
confidential information, said the findings were preliminary and still
had to be confirmed through other lab tests. But they said the density
of enrichment appeared to be close to or above the level used to make
nuclear warheads.

Still, they said, further analysis could show that the traces match
others established to have come from abroad. The International Atomic
Energy Agency determined earlier traces of weapons-grade uranium were
imported on equipment from Pakistan that Iran bought on the black
market during nearly two decades of clandestine activity discovered
just over three years ago.

Uranium enriched to between 3.5 percent and 5 percent is used to make
fuel for reactors to generate electricity. It becomes suitable for use
in nuclear weapons when enriched to more than 90 percent.

Iran's refusal to give up enrichment ambitions has led to involvement
by the U.N. Security Council, which has the power to impose sanctions
but remains split on how firmly to pressure Tehran.

Key U.N. Security Council members agreed Tuesday to postpone a
resolution that would have delivered an ultimatum to Tehran, giving
Iran another two weeks to re-evaluate its insistence on developing its
uranium enrichment capabilities.

Iran's hard-line president said Friday that his country was not afraid
of possible U.S. military action over its enrichment program, but added
that he thought any such strikes were very unlikely. Washington has
said it favors a diplomatic end to the dispute, but it hasn't ruled out
military force.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also told a local TV station that Iran
would cooperate with the Security Council if it makes a decision on the
escalating standoff as long as the world body acts "in line with
international rules."

The Islamic republic denies accusations it wants to make nuclear arms
and says it is only interested in uranium to generate power.

To argue that it never enriched uranium domestically to weapons grade,
it cites the IAEA's tentative conclusion last year that weapons-grade
traces collected from other sites within the country with no suspected
ties to that military came in on equipment from Pakistan.

The origin of the samples now under perusal created some concern in
that regard.

One of the diplomats told The Associated Press that the samples came
from equipment that can be used in uranium-enriching centrifuges at a
former research center at Lavizan-Shian.

The center is believed to have been the repository of equipment bought
by the Iranian military that could be used in a nuclear weapons

The United States alleges Iran had conducted high-explosive tests that
could have a bearing on developing nuclear weapons at the site.

The State Department said in 2004 that Lavizan's buildings had been
dismantled and topsoil had been removed in attempts to hide nuclear
weapons-related experiments. The agency subsequently confirmed that the
site had been razed.

In an April 28 report to the U.N. Security Council and the IAEA's
35-nation board of governors, agency head Mohamed ElBaradei said the
agency took samples from some of the equipment of the former Physics
Research Center at Lavizan-Shian. The diplomat said the evaluation of
those samples revealed the traces in question.

Ahmadinejad's remarks on possible U.S. military action were made in
Jakarta during a discussion with Indonesian Islamic leaders.

Asked whether his country was prepared to face an attack by the United
States, he said "that is very unlikely because they know the Islamic
Republic of Iran is a strong country."

"They are trying to frighten our country by waging a propaganda
campaign using strong words. The people of Iran and the country are not
afraid of them," he said to applause from the audience.

The Chinese and Russians have balked at British, French and U.S.
efforts to put the resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter.

Such a move would declare Iran a threat to international peace and
security and set the stage for further measures if Tehran refuses to
suspend its uranium enrichment operations. Those measures could range
from breaking diplomatic relations to economic sanctions and military


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 12, 2006 11:19:47 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Harmless Levels of Chemicals Prove
Toxic Together

Scientific American, May 1, 2006

Harmless Levels of Chemicals Prove Toxic Together

[Rachel's introduction: One chemical alone may do no harm in low doses,
in conjunction with a few of its peers, even in doses that individually
safe, it may inflict serious harm.]

By David Biello

One chemical alone may do no harm in low doses, but in conjunction with
few of its peers, even in doses that are individually safe, it can
serious harm. New research in frogs shows that a mixture of nine
found in a seed-corn field in York County, Nebraska, killed a third of
exposed tadpoles and lengthened time to metamorphosis by more than two
for the survivors.

Biologist Tyrone Hayes and his colleagues at the University of
Berkeley, have spent the past four years testing four herbicides, two
fungicides and three insecticides commonly used in American cornfields.
Individually, the chemicals had little effect on developing tadpoles at
concentrations, such as about 0.1 part per billion. But when Hayes
them to all nine at the same low level in the laboratory--the lowest
actually found in the field--the future frogs fell prey to endemic
infection. Those that survived ended up smaller than their counterparts
raised in clean water--despite taking longer to mature into adults. "In
humans, this is like saying, 'The longer you are pregnant, the smaller
baby will be," which means the womb is no longer a nurturing
Hayes notes.

Hayes's study joins a growing body of work showing that chemicals in
combination can produce a wide range of effects even at low
Rick Relyea of the University of Pittsburgh has shown in several studies
that tadpoles exposed in their water to low levels of a single
pesticide and
the smell of a predator will face significantly higher mortality rates.
instance, about 90 percent of bullfrog tadpoles died from exposure to
pesticide carbaryl when the smell of predatory newts was present,
whereas no
tadpoles perished if exposed to each individually. "The pesticide may be
inducing a general stress in the tadpole that, when combined with
stressor, becomes deadly, Relyea argues.

It is not just pesticides that show a mixture effect. Phthalates--
softeners that make polymers flexible--can interfere with the sexual
development of male rats. "We have males treated with phthalates where
testes are under the kidneys or floating around in the abdominal
explains L. Earl Gray, Jr., a biologist at the Environmental Protection
Agency and codiscoverer of this deformity, which has been dubbed
syndrome. Gray has also found that various kinds of phthalates in
combination either with one another Or with certain pesticides and
industrial effluents exert ever more powerful effects. For example, two
phthalates at concentrations that on their own would not produce much
deformity combined to create defective urethras (hypospadias) in 25
of exposed rats.

Besides adding to the issue of endocrine disruption--whether industrial
chemicals are mimicking natural hormones--the findings on mixtures pose
incredible challenge for regulators. With tens of thousands of
chemicals in
regular use worldwide, assessing which combinations might prove harmful
is a
gargantuan task. "Most of the offices in the agency recognize that we
operate via the idea of 'one chemical, one exposure' to an individual
anymore. We need to look at broader classes of compounds and how they
interact," says Elaine Francis, national program director for the EPA's
pesticides and toxics research program. But such testing has a long way
go to reach any kind of regulation, particularly given industry's qualms
about the validity of existing research.

Marian Stanley, who chairs the phthalates panel for the American
Council, notes that at least one study showed that rodents suffering
phthalate malformations could still mate and have litters.

"The additivity of phthalates alone are on end points that may not have
biological relevance," she says.

Nevertheless, evidence continues to accumulate that mixture effects are
critical area of study. In its National Water Quality Assessment, the
Geological Survey found that a sampling of the nation's streams
two or more pesticides 90 percent of the time. "The potential effects of
contaminant mixtures on people, aquatic life and fish-eating wildlife
still poorly understood," states hydrologist Robert Gilliom, lead
author of
the study. "Our results indicate, however, that studies Of mixtures
be a high priority."


Sidebar: Human Disruption

By David Biello

Besides affecting amphibians, endocrine disruption -- chemical
with hormonal cascades involved in development--may also be happening in
humans. Shanna Swan of the University of Rochester has linked fetal
to phthalates and genital changes in 85 baby boys. "We found effects at
levels that are seen in a quarter of the U.S. population," Swarm says.

But whether the malformations stem from phthalates alone or in
with other compounds remains unknown, because humans encounter many
chemicals in mixture. To help sort out matters, a Johns Hopkins
study will look for the most common chemicals in people. Umbilical cord
blood will be tested for a wide array of substances, from pesticides to
phthalates to heavy metals, and the overall levels then correlated with
babies' characteristics at birth. Explains the study's leader, Lynn
"If we can identify some of these mixtures to which people are commonly
exposed, then those might be the mixtures to look at more closely."


Date: May 12, 2006 10:07:49 PM EST
To: (Online Journal News Alerts Mailing List)
Subject: Online Journal News Alerts: Week of May 7, 2006

Online Journal needs your financial support

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The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work together to destroy
part 1 of 3
Tibor S. Friedman
Online Journal Contributing Writer

America is being destroyed by enemies within and with the help of a
Congress and dumbed down (through public education and the corporate
apathetic, indifferent and lazy public. The window for action to
reverse the
fascist trend of the last 50 years is fast closing and only an awake and
vigilant citizenry can begin to comprehend and take action against the
totalitarian devastation we have allowed to manifest in our country.

Moussaoui gets life (I think), not death
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer

It was a nice try, but no cigar for trying to get the death penalty for
Zaccharias Moussaoui, the 37-year-old French Moroccan, would-be lone
goat to
stand trial for the entire 9/11 massacre. Instead, to the prosecution's
chagrin, Moussaoui received life, that is, in the maximum security
prison in
Florence, Colorado. And just a word about that life . . .

Blackwell grabs gov nod while (surprise! surprise!) voting machines
By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
Online Journal Guest Writers

Ohio's Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has grabbed
the GOP
nomination for governor in a vote count riddled with machine breakdowns.

The last gasp of the dollar; Iran bourse set to open shortly
By Mike Whitney
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Overnight the story of Iran's proposed oil bourse has slipped into the
mainstream press exposing the real reason behind Washington's hostility
towards Tehran. Up to this point, analysts have brushed aside the
of the upcoming oil-exchange as a "Leftist-Internet" conspiracy theory
unworthy of further consideration. Now, the Associated Press has
the issue showing that an Iran oil bourse "could lead central bankers
the world to convert some of their dollar reserves into euros, possibly
causing a decline in the dollar's value". ("Iran wants Oil Market in
Globe and Mail)

The president says immigrants "must learn to misinterpreate English"
By Greg Palast
Online Journal Guest Writer

Okay, I made that up. The quote may be fabricated, but, for Cinco de
our president did really, truly demand that, "Those who come here to our
country have a responsibility to learn the English language."

The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work together to destroy
part 2 of 3
Tibor S. Friedman
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Nothing important gets into the corporate media unless officially
sanctioned, approved or leaked on purpose.

George W. Bush's War Stamp Tax
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

(WMR) -- According to US Postal Service insiders, the Bush
which has prided itself on tax cuts, has imposed a stealth war tax on
American people.

Reshuffling the cards in Iraq
By Ghali Hassan
Online Journal Contributing Writer

The recent installing of a puppet government in Iraq under U.S.
shows that America's messianic mission of spreading democracy is
The fraudulent electoral law imposed by the Occupation, and the U.S.
addiction to violence to protect its imperialist and corporate
interests at
the expense of the Iraqi population provide compelling evidence against
U.S. imperialist agenda in Iraq.

Call a spade a spade
By Remi Kanazi
Online Journal Contributing Writer

How long is a sane man expected to sit on his hands while his enemy
slaps him
in the face? The Palestinian people have endured a prolonged aggression
by a
pariah state, and yet the world not only expects them to sit on their
the world blames them for it.

As goes Maine . . .
By Michael Ash
Online Journal Contributing Writer

The call for the impeachment of George W. Bush is turning from a leak
into a
downpour. Late last month the Kennebec County (Maine) Democratic
joined with other small communities like Lake Station, Indiana
14,000), and Northampton, Massachusetts (population 30,000), the State
Democratic Committee of Vermont, and several state legislatures
California and Illinois) that have introduced resolutions calling for
president's impeachment.

The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work together to destroy
part 3 of 3
Tibor S. Friedman
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Depleted uranium weapons were first given by the US to Israel for use
US supervision in the 1973 Sinai war against the Arabs. Since then the
US has
tested, manufactured, and sold depleted uranium weapons systems to 29
countries. An international taboo prevented their use until 1991, when
the US
broke the taboo and used them for the first time, on the battlefields
of Iraq
and Kuwait.

World leaders suspect the Bush administration of involvement in the 911
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

(WMR) -- The first skeptics to question what role the Bush
played in the 9-11 terrorist attacks were a few cabinet ministers in the
governments of America's NATO allies. They included German Science and
Technology Minister Andreas Von Bulow and British Environment Minister
Michael Meacher. They were joined by Belgian European Parliament Member

A word of warning about the new Miami Vice film
By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

A new Miami Vice film written and directed by Michael Mann is in the
starring Colin Farrell as Sonny Crockett and Jamie Foxx as Ricardo
Allegedly, the story involves the Crockett and Tubbs characters
battling a
transnational Chinese-Cuban drugs-arms syndicate run by a villainess
by Gong Li. The character of Gina Calabrese is played by British actress
Naomie Harris.

We're all disposable
By Frank Pitz
Online Journal Contributing Writer

I don't remember just when it was that we became a disposable society,
best rise in personal income came in the early 70s and perhaps it was
Disposable kind of crept into everyday use. The problem with that
though, is
that since the 70s real income has actually gone down and we are still
homage to the disposable icon.

Bush to Palestine: Go starve to death
By Mike Whitney
Online Journal Contributing Writer

The United States and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve
decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing
into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off
food and
other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human
suffering while preparing the people for a violent death.

The money pit: Diebold vs. America
By Denis Wright
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Georgia was the first state in the nation to go 100 percent with
voting, thanks to Secretary of State Cathy Cox. This was a mantle she
carried, and continues to carry, proudly. In fact, she's using it to
her run for governor in 2006, and indeed she is currently the Democratic

Iran and US: Nuclear standoff or realpolitik?
By Ramzy Baroud
Online Journal Contributing Writer

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice couldn't possibly have been
accurate when she accused Iran of "playing games" with the international

Save Darfur? Not so fast . . .
By Joshua Frank
Online Journal Contributing Writer

If President Bush had any foresight at all, he'd intervene in the Darfur
mayhem just to slice a wedge in the antiwar movement. President Nixon
attempted to do such a thing in the early 1970s when his administration
helped establish the Environmental Protection Agency.

Only Arabs acting in unison can save Palestine
By Linda S. Heard
Online Journal Guest Writer

Jordan's King Abdallah urged decision-makers to act swiftly bearing in
the new Israeli Premier Ehud Olmert's intention to unilaterally
Israel's permanent borders by 2010. I fear if this short time is over
and we
don't reach a settlement there will be nothing left for the
Palestinians to
negotiate over, the king said.

Silent protest, vocal response
By Walter Brasch
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Enraged would be too mild of an adjective to describe the caller to
Spectrum magazine, a national award-winning student-produced magazine
for the
permanent residents of two rural counties in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Moussaoui comes out fighting again
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Ding, the bell rings for the next round. And like one more lone perp,
Zacharias Moussaoui makes a post-sentencing turnaround to withdraw his

Battle Cry for theocracy
By Sunsara Taylor
Online Journal Guest Writer

If you've been waiting until the Christian fascist movement started
stadiums with young people and hyping them up to do battle in God's
army to
get alarmed, wait no longer.

Israeli Gestapo-like security personnel intimidate travelers from Europe
coming to the United States
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

(WMR) -- According to European journalists, Israeli citizens and
nationals who are employees of the airport passenger screening firm
International Consultants for Targeted Security -- an Israeli firm
based in
the Netherlands, routinely intimidate journalists who are visiting the
States, demanding to know what stories they are working and with whom
will be talking.

The 'better late than never' brigade
By Linda S. Heard
Online Journal Contributing Writer

The British Attorney General Lord Goldsmith has finally called for the
closure of Blair's "anomaly" Guantanamo, based on its illegality.
That's the
good news. The bad news is why did he wait so long to reach a
conclusion that
most decent people in the world had already come to years ago?

The iceman cometh: Canada's new prime minister, Stephan Harper, Starts
By John Chuckman
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Stephan Harper's first budget, while making little economic and social
sense, makes a great deal of political sense. Tidbits of spending are
distributed to enough disparate groups to aim at luring a
coalition of diverse interests. At the same time, Harper toughly
quiet from party members known for blurting out embarrassing,
socially-backward views.

"Philosophical differences": Does property destruction equal
By Mickey Z.
Online Journal Contributing Writer

When the FBI arrested several members (sic) of the Earth Liberation
(ELF) in early 2006, it came as no surprise that much of the corporate

For your convenience, we have added a new feature: NewsLinks -- your
one stop
for links to other sources of news and commentary.

Editors' Blog

The Mailbag

Copyright ) 19982006 Online Journal. All rights reserved


--- kl, pp

From: David West <>
Date: October 26, 2005 7:44:12 PM EST
Subject: Fwd: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] 7 VIDEOS RELEASED ON FREE ENERGY

--- Lou <> wrote:

From: "Lou" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 21:13:42 -0000
Subject: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] 7 VIDEOS RELEASED ON FREE ENERGY

7 VIDEOS RELEASED ON FREE ENERGY! FYI - Do read/watch/listen....

OSEN makes cannon-ball splash opening with release of disclosure
testimonial videos

Earth-shattering never-before-seen video testimonials released for
the first time, featuring seven energy inventors. Affidavit witnesses
urge an end to suppression of new energy technologies that could
our suicidal dependence on fossil fuel.

by Sterling D. Allan, Executive News Editor
Open Source Energy Network
(Permission granted to use this story as a press release)

...sister story...
OSEN Launches Site for Open-Sourcing Clean Energy

Website launch provides inventors and users with tools of
collaboration for shared advancement of clean, free, and renewable
energy technology solutions. Believes that open sourcing, which has
been such a boon to the software community, can be just as much so,
if not more for the energy world.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
(Permission granted to use this story as a press release)


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 16, 2006, 6:12:37 PM5/16/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 16, 2006

From: "Mark R. Elsis |" <>
Date: May 15, 2006 1:09:12 AM EST
To: "Mark R. Elsis" <>
Subject: The Crime That Covered-Up The Coup by Jim Kirwan | A Full
Blown Dictatorship (Video) by Jack Cafferty

The Most Important Independent News On Earth
3491 News Links Published And Archived In 2006

A Full Blown Dictatorship (Video)
by Jack Cafferty
[A Veteran Mainstream Newsman]


The Crime
That Covered Up the Coup

by Jim Kirwan, May 14, 2006

Theres a corporate dagger that has been leveled at the very heart of
all that matters in the USA and the world today. The fact is that the
role of governments around the world have been nullified by those
corporate powers that have taken control over the most pivotal points
of life and promise within the global community. There is a key to this
entire quagmire that can no longer be ignored, which is, the mega-crime
committed on 911. So long as this government along with others in
Europe and the wider world continue to spew lies about what happened on
that day then nothing can ever be changed!

The enemy of the United States of America is located in Washington
D.C., in Tel Aviv and to a lesser degree in London. This cabal has used
and abused the events of 911 to create tyrannies and to advance murder
and torture on a grand scale, while they continue to act as
intermediaries for the Corporatocracy that is the real power hiding
behind most governments. It is these essentially private and protected
corporate interests, that are using governments worldwide, to crush
whatever remains of those freedoms and laws that were supposed to
protect people from exactly this kind of take-over. What has happened
is that governments everywhere have largely become superfluous, because
the real power now lies with the multi-national corporate giants of the

911 was an attack upon the Constitution and the people of the United
States, carried out by forces that had far greater designs for their
private interests than could have ever been allowed under the US
Constitution. Without the chaos of 911 that essentially stripped people
of all the protections of law, and that turned all discussions into
nothing more than fear mongering and terror warnings that we now know,
were used to justify the immediate targeting of the entire US
population, as potential terrorist sympathizers.

This began with the stolen election that put Bush in office. The
Congress and the Courts have both shown themselves to be complicit in
furthering those lies that the Bush administration has been spewing
from the day they took office. The Democrats have proven that they
will not offer any resistance to the hundreds of illegal and criminal
acts committed by this government during these last five years: Bush
alone proudly claims to have violated 750 laws, and this doesnt count
Cheney or Rumsfeld and all the others who have done the same thing.

If citizens of the USA have to abide by the laws of the nation then
how can government not be forced to abide by those same laws? 911 is
and was a crime not the bogus act of terror that is being used to
justify a new dictatorship of privatized authority. What we have now is
a fascist group that ignores the laws that limit them while trying at
the same time to enslave the population. Their goal is to enforce the
dictates of private interests whose only goals are total power and
complete control. The circumstance cannot be changed until the public
accepts the fact that the 2000 election was a Coup and that the 911
cover story was created to redirect the publics focus; while the true
criminals finished killing off the protections of the Constitution: in
order that no real questions could ever be asked because of National
Security concerns.

The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair carried out by
amateurs whose true motives are just beginning to unravel big-time!
Of course had there been a media to cover what was happening, while
this was going on none of this could have continued! Had the media
asked real questions the Supreme Court could not have appointed Bush
as president. If congress had stepped into the Florida vote count, as
was their duty under the Constitution, then the court would have had no
jurisdiction; but congress remained silent and the Court broke with the
Separation of Powers Act thats how the USA got its first Dictator!

The people didnt understand what happened, so they kept silent. Then
on September 11th the Dictator pulled off his first direct attack
against the people of the United States, and to date hes still not
been asked to explain his actions on that day. No one who was
responsible for things like military defense, intelligence failures, or
preparedness has even been fired and apparently at least a third of
the public is still fine with that! Weve even allowed blatant
fabrications about Flight 93 to appear in theaters; posing as a fact,
when too much evidence exists that contradicts every facet of that

People who will not even demand answers from their so-called leaders
get exactly what they deserve. In a time of war, it is imperative that
the public question everything that leadership does. The American
public seems to be otherwise occupied. The public chose to deal with
their government from a distance, when that government was supposedly
democratic and free. But today there is a full blown dictatorship
where the Republic used to be: If that doesnt matter to you then
just delete this, and get on with your very important life.

For those to whom the questions matter it appears that things are
still continuing to change despite the schemes and plans of the
privateers still masquerading as the Corporatocracy. This is Mothers
Day, a Sunday, and none of the Sunday morning talk shows even
mentioned the fact that Puerto Rico is now bankrupt, or that the US has
sent more troops and ships to the Gulf of Arabia. Apparently were
planning to attack Iran sometime around the first of June; Bush is
simply waiting for the necessary excuse to Open Fire. (It wont take
much, as apparently Americans will believe almost anything because they
tend to trust their dictator whenever wars are happening). There was
no mention of Karl Roves indictment that also happened Saturday.
There was no in-depth discussion about anything but the illegal use of
US troops on the southern borders, another presidential edict neither
congress nor the governors were consulted. The president the
vice-president and Rummy need to hold a joint two hour press conference
in prime time and let alternative reporters and interested people
question what theyve done as well as why theyve acted as they have.
If these three criminals cant manage to accommodate the public, then
at least give us Cheney directly, and leave out the middle men!

The public needs to change the subject, as its clear that neither the
congress nor the courts will ever actually investigate 911. Popular
Television and film have been making propaganda for this government at
a rate that surpasses all that was ever done previously for any other
war. Why? Because they want to keep the fear alive, they want to keep
the public terrified and insecure which is exactly the opposite of
what a government is supposed to do. Look at New Orleans; they did
exactly what no one wanted along the entire Gulf coast. No relief, no
help, no food, no shelter and still they have failed to act in the
majority of cases. Where is that investigation, now that the next
hurricane season is almost upon us? Brownie quit, but no one was
fired and nothing has changed except that now FEMA has proven to be
completely incompetent, along with our Jewish run Homeland Security
that too is apparently worthless the largest agency in the federal
government composed of 22 separate agencies, that had to cost hundreds
of billions, and already its completely worthless brilliant strategy

Police departments around this country have taken on the look of
Marines in combat security personnel of every flavor use every
opportunity to insult and interrogate the people they are supposed to
be protecting the same people that are also paying for their gruff
existence. Look at all the secret and illegal acts the White House and
the Department of Defense committed both on and after 911. The PATRIOT
acts are blatantly illegal, and were written well before 2001, by those
who created this deadly and criminal charade. The public never
questioned this. Why hasnt the entire national intelligence
bureaucracy been dismantled and reformed, why havent the FBI, the CIA
and the NSA been totally reshuffled? What about the Department of
Defense and all those career generals, admirals and staff in the
Pentagon. Were losing the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and yet
Bush is keeping the idiots throughout government, those same people
that made failure the order of the day! Of course he hasnt fired them,
because they're his idiots, theyre his loyal fools, and he cant do
much if he begins to lose his loyal thugs and Bush knows that all
too well!

Now we are told that the president decided to monitor all our calls
trillions upon trillions of calls in four years of spying on the
public: During all that time how many were arrested or charged for
anything like the kind of security breach that would have involved 300
million people in plotting against their own government? All of the
above and more was possible, because people bought the idea that 911
was an act of war by foreign forces and NOT a mega-crime against the
people of the USA.

There was an attack alright, but what happened on 911 was home grown
treason designed to capture Americans by using bogus terror tactics to
get us to relinquish all our freedoms, for a type of safety that no
person on this planet has any right to expect. The USA has become the
premier rogue nation in the world today, under false pretenses, that
were dipped in innocent blood and the criminally of outrageous lies.
Look at the levels of criminality within the government, the scandals,
the complicity, the lies that underpin the bribery, the insider trading
(on 911 as well as after): the patterns of collusion, cover-ups,
embezzlement, and fraud on a grand scale as well as outright treason.
All of this is written large for all to see yet still too few even
notice what has happened.

The government of the United States seems to be following orders from
the State of Israel. Israel demanded that Iraq be defanged and we
obliged! Now Israel wants to crush Iran and were in the process of
doing that, despite the fact that there is no justification for our
interference there. Americans have died for these polices, and even
more will die in Iran not for American interests but for those
policies of private corporate business interests who want to silence
any opposition to Capitalism at any cost. Iraq and Iran are both
left-over policy failures from the Western powers decision to insert
the Jews into Palestine at the end of the Second World War.

Peace in Palestine is the key to everything else in the Middle East
yet almost every compliant act of ours, that continues to favor Israel
in that effort, has only further inflamed the region and the world. Now
there is no dialogue, no hope for a viable settlement, and only more
death and destruction on-tap for the Palestinians. In that illegally
brutal occupation of a conquered and unarmed population, the United
States has managed to undo a hundred years of integrity and leadership,
in order to appease the desires of a State that is not one of ours.
Israel does not adhere to human rights, to UN resolutions, to nuclear
oversight, or indeed to the needs or rights of any other nation but
their own. The US has backed Israel against the world, at a tremendous
cost to US taxpayers, for virtually no return on that investment, and
without any justification whatsoever for continuing to do so. Some say
blackmail is involved, but that hardly seems credible given all the
degrees of competing interests in the world today. . .

Yet - like some third world puppet-state the USA is going to again
defend the State of Israel, and again jeopardize the peace of the
world, while again sacrificing even more American lives simply to
appease Israeli Lobbies in Washington and elsewhere? What happened to
American interests because what is good for Israel is not necessarily
good for the United States! If this president had any balls he would
aid the Palestinians for humanitarian reasons, insist that Israel tear
down that wall, and negotiate an end to the dispute over Palestine by
enforcing a return (with American troops) to the original borders
originally agreed to. If Bush were a true leader, instead of just
another an impatient politician drunk with power - he would prove his
power by assisting the people of Palestine to feed and house
themselves, while demanding that the Jews withdraw from all the illegal
settlements they built on stolen land.

As for the American congressional puppets, those imposters that have
illegally accepted so much money from AIPAC and others these are
those who parrot the party line on terror and keep the lies in place.
If they really wanted to know about 911, then they need to look no
further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue if as they say they really
want to know the TRUTH!


Links below, to clarify this article.


The Corporation

In the 1980s there were about 3,000 SWAT team deployments

Annually, across the US -- Now there are at least 40,000 per year.

The History of Rummy & Cheney


Letter from the President of Iran to President Bush


Bill Of Rights


Save The Internet


Be Humane For Free
In Three Minutes A Day


Strawberry Fields

Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive

Through Songs And Interviews Filmed

At Strawberry Fields In NYC Over 5 Years

Including A Photographic Biography

Release Date: Friday, July 6, 2007

(The 50th Anniversary Of John And Paul First Meeting)


Stop Rearranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic

"The time is now for each and every one of us to

fully understand and recognize that if we do not

radically change our corporate driven consumptive

and destructive way of life, we will go extinct."

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis



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"Israeli Plans for Ballistic Missile Strike on Iranian Nuclear


By Arnaud de Borchgrave THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published May 12, 2006

All indications are that Israel does not plan to rely on either the
U.N. or the
United States. Vice President Dick Cheney said 18 months ago, "The
Israelis may
well decide to act first and let the rest of the world worry about
cleaning up
the diplomatic mess afterwards."

At Israel's National Day reception in Washington last week, an Israeli
speaking privately and not for attribution said he believed Israel
would strike
first in the next "month or two or three" and that fighter bombers
would not be
involved as they were to take out Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor before
it went
critical in 1981. For Osirak, Israel used 14 F-15s and F-16s. This
time, the
Israeli said, it will be missiles. Cruise missiles?, we inquired. No, he
replied, with a gesture of his hand that went up and down again.

What about pinpointing tunnel entrances to widely scattered Iranian
facilities? The Israeli responded Israel has its own geo-stationary
spy-in-the-sky satellite taking constant pictures of Iran with a
resolution down
to 70 centimeters: "We know far more than anyone realizes."

Israel has developed some 100 Jericho-II medium-range ballistic
missiles (which
entered service in 1989). Jericho II's range varies from 1,500 to 3,500
kilometers, depending on payload weight. They are deployed in
underground caves
and silos.

Israel has several satellites in orbit -- Ofeq-1 through Ofeq-5 -- that
launched by Shavit space launch vehicles (SLV). The first two stages of
Shavit were Jericho II missiles. There are unconfirmed reports of an
Jericho-3 missile with a range of over 3,000 kilometers.

For world opinion, rightly or wrongly, Israeli action against Iran
could not
take place without a green light from the White House. This wasn't the
case when
Israel vaporized Iraq's Osirak reactor June 7, 1981, at the height of
Iran-Iraq War. The Reagan White House said, "The U.S. government
condemns the
Israeli air strike... the unprecedented character of which cannot but
add to the already tense situation in the area." Most other countries
Israel. It was the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant.

Ten years later, then-Defense Secretary Cheney gave Israeli Air Force
chief a
satellite picture of the destroyed Osirak reactor inscribed, "For Gen.
Ivry, with thanks and appreciation for the outstanding job he did on
the Iraqi
Nuclear Program in 1981, which made our job much easier in Desert

Nonproliferation expert Joseph Cirincione reminds us the raid was also
controversial in Israel. Half the Cabinet opposed bombing. The chief of
Defense Force intelligence, Yehoshua Saguy, argued Israel should
continue to
seek a nonmilitary solution as it would take Iraq five to 10 years to
the material for a nuclear weapon. Prime Minister Menachem Begin
finally opted
for the worst-case estimate of one-year and gave the order to bomb.

Interestingly enough, the raid did not retard but actually accelerated
Hussein's program. Iraqi scientists debriefed since Saddam was
overthrown say he
had planned to slowly divert plutonium from the reactor, which was under
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. The diversion
explain the specialists, might have escaped detection but would have
taken even
longer than the 10 years estimated by Mr. Seguy.

Following the Israeli raid, Saddam, now obsessed, launched a secret
program with some 7,000 assigned to produce weapons-grade uranium. Even
the 43
days of U.S. bombing of Iraq in January and February 1991, that
preceded the
liberation of Kuwait, did not destroy Saddam's hardened underground
sites. That was achieved after the Gulf war -- by U.N. teams. Since the
mid-1990s, there was nothing left to destroy. But Saddam kept on
equivocating as
he wanted Iran to believe he still had some nukes to discourage his
rival from
settling scores in his moment of weakness.

The strategic deception worked ? in Washington.

This time Iran has clearly signaled a casus belli to Israel. When
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declares he intends to wipe Israel off the map and
then goes
to sea in a sieve by declaring the Holocaust a fiction, it is hard to
escape the
conclusion he wants Israel to bomb Iran.

A religious fanatic who believes the return of the 12th imam to Earth
will be
preceded by global death and destruction in his own lifetime, Mr.
presumably sees an Israeli and/or U.S. attack against Iran closing
Muslim ranks
the world over against the imperialist infidels.

The State Department's top proliferation official said the
administration is
determined to ensure "not one centrifuge spins in Iran." Israel is
poised to stop the spinning.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called Mr. Ahmadinejad a "psychopath
speaks like Hitler before taking power." And Israel is not about to
succumb to
the appeasement of the 1930s. Or allow a suddenly conciliatory letter
from Mr.
Ahmadinejad to Mr. Bush to alter Israel's view of mortal peril to its

Arnaud de Borchgrave is editor at large of The Washington Times and of
Press International.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 15, 2006 3:36:56 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Buying Gas From Citgo

For Monday, May 15, 2006 From:

Buying Gas From Citgo

I've noticed, in letters to the editor, a number of people suggesting
that big oil companies be boycotted. Well, that's pretty hard to do,
since they control so much of the nation's oil business.

But, if you object to your hard-earned dollars enriching the already
rich who control British Petroleum, Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell,
there is a solution. Buy your gasoline from Citgo.

Citgo is owned by the Venezuelan government, and yes, I know that the
Bush administration has launched a campaign to demonize Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez. If you believe that band of liars in Washington,
then by all means continue to enrich the rich who put that crowd in
office. Their fortunes and future depend on Americans being saps and
suckers for cheap propaganda.
You have a choice. You can help pay for corporate jets and obscene
bonuses, or you can buy from Citgo and help provide medical care, food,
housing and education for the poor of Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez has never said he hated the United States, much less
threatened it. He is opposed to U.S. foreign policy in Latin America,
and with good reason. He said down with the U.S. "empire." I'm for
that. We should abandon imperialism and return to our republican roots.
The empire and the United States are not the same thing. U.S. foreign
policy has one goal: to make the world safe, comfortable and profitable
for America's largest multinational corporations.

Last winter, Chavez and Citgo made low-cost heating oil available to
Americans in the Northeast. Do you object to that?
He has traded oil to Cuba for doctors and nurses to set up health
clinics for the poor. Do you object to the poor receiving medical care?

He has set up a chain of grocery stores that sell food to the poor at
cost. Do you object to the poor eating?

He has declared war on illiteracy and is providing education for people
who previously had no hope of escaping ignorance. Do you think the poor
should remain barefoot and illiterate?

When the Bush people publicly insult Chavez, he publicly insults them
back. That is how a man should be. It was obscene for the arrogant
Donald Rumsfeld to compare Chavez to Adolf Hitler. There is nothing,
absolutely nothing, in the man's life, words or deeds that remotely
relates to Hitler. Hitler, however, does share one characteristic with
Rumsfeld. Hitler thought he knew better than his generals how to fight
a war, and like Rumsfeld, he was dead wrong.

I've researched Chavez. I've listened to his speeches. Yes, he's
long-winded, but he's much more entertaining than Bill Clinton or Fidel
Castro. I've read profiles by honest foreign journalists who
interviewed his critics and his supporters. I've yet to find anything
he has said, done or proposed to do that any decent American could
object to.

Chavez is not a dictator. He was elected. He survived a coup and he
survived a recall election, both of which you can bet the CIA had a
hand in. He's human. He might fail. But he has shown by his actions and
his words that his intentions are much more decent than George Bush's.
As for his concern about an American invasion, that is not
unreasonable. We invaded Panama and Grenada and Santo Domingo to
dislodge leaders we didn't like, and that's just in my lifetime.
America has a long history of military intervention in Central and
South America.

When did it become a sin for a foreign leader to disagree with an
American president? And when did Americans, free and sovereign citizens
of a republic, decide to surrender their brains to the hired help
temporarily occupying the White House?

So, if you are disgusted by big oil, then you have a choice. Buy Citgo.
That way, you will make not only the big oil companies mad, but George
Bush as well. And don't forget that Citgo has 14,000 American

) 2006 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

From: Mark S Bilk <>
Date: May 15, 2006 2:24:53 PM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Taking Aim Special Tues. 5/16 - "From 9/11 to
Creating the Next Pandemic: A System in Terminal Decay"

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:12:24PM -0700, Ralph Schoenman wrote:

Mya Shone and Ralph Schoenman of Taking Aim will present a Special Fund
Raiser Program on Tuesday, May 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. New York
on WBAI.

The Special is entitled "From 9/11 to Creating the Next Pandemic: A
in Terminal Decay".

The Special will offer as a Premium for a contribution of $100 a 3 1/2
DVD of Ralph's standing room only talk at St. Mark's Church in New York
April 23, 2006.

Please alert your friends and associates.

Many thanks


From: Tim Barton <>
Date: May 16, 2006 7:08:10 AM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>

Subject: [bluegreenearth] New figures reveal scale of industry's
impact on climate

New figures reveal scale of industry's impact on climate
Five biggest polluters in UK produce more CO2 than all motorists

David Adam and Rob Evans
Tuesday May 16, 2006
The Guardian

Five companies in Britain produce more carbon dioxide pollution
together than all the motorists on
UK roads combined, according to new figures which reveal heavy
industry's contribution to climate

A league table compiled by the Guardian identifies EON UK, the
electricity generator that owns
Powergen, as Britain's biggest corporate emitter of greenhouse gases.
It produced 26.4m tonnes of
carbon dioxide last year - slightly more than Croatia did.

The figures, which have prompted new calls for tighter restrictions on
corporate pollution, show
that efforts by individuals and households to cut their carbon
footprints will make little
difference unless accompanied by greater action by industry. A 1%
increase in the efficiency of
the giant Drax power station in North Yorkshire - the largest in Europe
and the single biggest
polluting site in the UK - would save the typical carbon emissions of
21,000 households. Drax
alone produced 20.8m tonnes of carbon dioxide last year.

The top five companies (EON UK, RWE Npower, Drax, Corus, and EDF)
produced between them more than
100m tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2005. On average, the country's 26m
private cars produce 91m
tonnes each year.

The carbon dioxide emissions of more than 700 industrial sites across
Britain are contained in
figures released yesterday by the European commission. They detail the
UK's participation in the
first phase of a Europe-wide scheme intended to tackle climate change
by capping the amount of
carbon the heaviest polluters can emit. Companies failing to hit a
target - applying to emissions
from onsite activities such as combustion only - must buy permits to
pollute from rivals that have
successfully cut emissions. Critics said the first phase of the trading
scheme has made global
warming worse by giving European companies more permits than needed.

Britain was an exception, however. Its participating companies, which
had lobbied for laxer
targets, produced together more than 242m tonnes of carbon dioxide -
they had permits to emit only

Germany negotiated to produce 495m tonnes of carbon dioxide, but its
companies emitted only 474m.
France produced 131m tonnes, but had permits for 151m.

A spokeswoman for EON said: "We are one of the leading green generators
and invest more per
customer in green energy than any other major supplier in the UK." A
spokesman for RWE Npower
said: "We're one of the UK's biggest power generators, so of course
we're going to have more
emissions than, say, a single power station somewhere. The test of
'green-ness' is how much you
are changing."

Hundreds of UK companies are excluded from the scheme - because they
are not classed as big
polluters or because they participate in a parallel system run by the
government. Figures from
these firms have been obtained by the Guardian under freedom of
information laws. They show that
dozens of household names produce more than many small countries.

British sites operated by Tesco, Walkers, Ford, Unilever, Kellogg's,
Allied Bakeries, Nestle and
Cadbury Trebor Bassett are among those that emitted more than 100,000
tonnes of CO2 in 2004 - more
than that of Vanuatu, the Pacific state where 100 people became the
first official climate
refugees when they were moved from their coastal village in December.

The full emissions report
Download it from Europa,,1775689,00.html


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: May 16, 2006 4:40:40 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Bush Demands That Iran Halt Production of Long Letters

Days after receiving an 18-page letter from Iranian president Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, President George W. Bush called the lengthy missive "an
act of war" and demanded that Iran halt its production of long letters
at once.

Bush Demands That Iran Halt Production of Long Letters

May 13, 2006
By Andy Borowitz (and others)

Days after receiving an 18-page letter from Iranian president Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, President George W. Bush called the lengthy missive "an
act of war" and demanded that Iran halt its production of long letters
at once.

At the White House, aides said that writing a letter of such length to
President Bush, who is known for his extreme distaste for reading, was
the most provocative act Mr. Ahmadinejad could have possibly committed.
They said they were waiting for Israel to tell them how to respond.

"Everyone knows that the last book the president read was 'My Pet
Goat,'" one aide said. "Expecting him to read an 18-page letter is
really asking for it, and that Iranian dude must have known that."

According to those close to Mr. Bush, the president was infuriated upon
receipt of the 18-page letter and asked aides if it was some kind of

The president then demanded that the letter be boiled down to a one- or
two-page format, or possibly adapted to a DVD version, just as he had
ordered for news reports on Hurricane Katrina.

In Tehran, President Ahmadinejad said he was "taken aback" by Mr.
Bush's refusal to read an 18-page letter, but said that all his future
communications to the U.S. president would be in short, easy-to-read
instant-messaging format.

In his first IM to President Bush, released to the press today,
President Ahmadinejad writes, "Am building nukes. R U angry? LOL."

Elsewhere, Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden vowed today that as
director of the CIA he would push the agency to find more and better
sources of false intelligence and would be flying to Tel Aviv at once.


From: "S Miles Lewis" <>
Date: May 16, 2006 11:43:28 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Judicial Watch to Obtain September 11
Pentagon Video at 1 p.m. Today

Judicial Watch to Obtain September 11 Pentagon Video at 1 p.m. Today
For Immediate Release / May 16, 2006 Contact: Press Office / 202-646-
Department of Defense Responds to Judicial Watch Freedom of
Information Act Request and Related Lawsuit

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today
that Department of Defense will release a videotape to Judicial Watch
at 1:00 p.m. this afternoon that allegedly shows American Airlines
Flight 77 striking the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The
Department of Defense is releasing the videotape in response to a
Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act request and related

"This is in response to your December 14, 2004 Freedom of Information
Act Request, FOIA appeal of March 27, 2005, and complaint filed in
the United States District Court for the District of Columbia," wrote
William Kammer, Chief of the Department of Defense, Office of Freedom
of Information. "Now that the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui is over,
we are able to complete your request and provide the video"

Judicial Watch originally filed a Freedom of Information Act request
on December 15, 2004, seeking all records pertaining to September 11,
2001 camera recordings of the Pentagon attack from the Sheraton
National Hotel, the Nexcomm/Citgo gas station, Pentagon security
cameras and the Virginia Department of Transportation. The
Department of Defense admitted in a January 26, 2005 letter that it
possessed a videotape responsive to Judicial Watch's request.
However, the Pentagon refused to release the videotape because it
was, "part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias
Moussaoui." Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit on February 22, 2006
arguing that there was "no legal basis" for the Defense Department's
refusal to release the tape.

"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very
important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist
attacks of September 11," said Judicial Watch President Tom
Fitton. "Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the
conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As
always, our prayers remain with all those who suffered as a result of
those murderous attacks."

A copy of the video will be made available on Judicial Watch's
Internet site,

Judicial Watch is a non-partisan, educational foundation organized
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Judicial Watch
is dedicated to fighting government and judicial corruption and
promoting a return to ethics and morality in our nation's public life.



From: "reggie501" <>
Date: May 16, 2006 11:06:51 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Gov't will release photos of Pentagon hit...

"Succumbing to pressures from prosecutors" - they're going to release
the photos. Huh? Why suppress the photos for all these years and NOW
release them? DUH>

They've had nearly five years to come up with their own
films....fabricated and digitalized and whatever it takes to create
another lie..... (assuming it corroborates their version of events).

Should be fun time ahead.


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 17, 2006, 6:26:07 PM5/17/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 17, 2006

From: Rick Davis <>
Date: May 17, 2006 12:40:03 AM EST
To: Pine Ponderosa <>
Subject: 9/11 propaganda overdrive

So what's this? It appears that Judicial Watch is pimping for the Bush
regime. This must be part of the new propaganda drive to counter the
growing influence of the 9/11 truth movement. In fact, nothing new
appears to have been released at all -- from all appearances these are
the same security camera frames that have been out there all along. And
the claims made in this article are simply absurd. Nice try, but people
have to be pretty gullible to buy this.

DOD Releases 9/11 Video
POSTED: 10:34 am MDT May 16, 2006

After years of rumors on the internet and elsewhere, the U.S.
Department of Defense has released videotapes of American Airlines
Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. The release is
part of a Freedom of Information Act request by the watchdog group
Judicial Watch.

Conspiracy theorists have speculated that the Pentagon was hit by a
truck bomb, or a fighter jet or some other type of explosive device.
Many claim that Flight 77 never existed and that plane debris was never

American Flight 77 left Washington-Dulles for Los Angeles, California
at 8:20am. It crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37am, killing all 64
people on board and 120 on the ground. Small pieces of the plane were
found at the Pentagon, but large pieces of the airliner were
incinerated in the explosion.

One of the reasons that the video had not been released up to this
point was the Department of Defense claimed that it could have harmed
the trial of would-be hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui. Jurors in his case
all live and/or work in the Washington D.C. area.

We will post the videotape here on just a soon as it is


From: APFN <>
Date: May 17, 2006 12:55:35 AM EST
To: APFN Yahoogroups <>
Cc: George Noory <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] 9-11 Pentagon Footage - COAST TO COAST AM

9-11 Pentagon Footage
Wed May 17, 2006 02:48;article=101227

9-11 Pentagon Footage

Security camera footage recorded at the time of the 9-11 Pentagon
attack was released today by the Department of Justice after a Freedom
of Information Act request was made by Judicial Watch. The video,
composed of still frames from two different angles, can be viewed at
Judicial Watch, ABC News, and BBC News.

Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson offer their analysis in two
different articles, Pentagon Video is Giant Psy-Op and Assault On 9/11
Truth Movement.

First Hour: Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, Dave vonKleist, and Alex
Jones will share their reactions to the recently released 9-11 Pentagon


APFN FLIGHT 77: SHOW ME THE PLANE! Tue Mar 5 05:10:25 2002


911 maps -flight explorer
Sun Aug 8, 2004 00:37

What do we know about the planes on 911?
A better way to say this, is how did we obtain this info?
We saw maps on CNN/FOX right?....
where did THEY get those maps?
This brings up a critical question.

After looking at a few maps from 911, some things clrearly dont add
up. The maps do not jive with the transcript.

I have found oddities with all 4 flights.
The BIG question is how do these companies get their info? How did it
get to the press in a few hours, and is it reliable?

The original maps i am speaking about are here by a company called
Flight Explorer....
(There are also other maps done by a company called Flytecomm, there
is an oddity there as well, i will get to that later)

I will only highlight a few points here you can read the new pages for
the rest of the info.

There was a report about flight 93 filing a NEW flight plan. That is
already known, what i found was that the estimated time of arrival
changes, radically, twice. (once is understandable, beacause it filed a
new flight plan)

The estimated arrival times starting at 2:15pm then it changes SOUTH
of Pitt, well *after* it was hijacked and a new flight plan was filed
to 10:28 it stays around that time, until the last blip which indicates
9:34 as the ETA, BUT it crashed much later than that. Why do the
transcripts show a different time than the maps for the ETA and the
destination Airport?

How could the ETA show 9:34 when it was well after that at the time of
the crash? Also, the map shows the plane going over 400mph at the time
of the crash (93). This is when eyewitneses said it had slowed down?

Was it reporting a different plane? Perhaps a war games plane?

How hard would it be to turn off a transponder, and have a plane fly
over another (hijacked plane) and confuse the radar?

Radar will see only 1 blip, if the planes are too close to each other !

Another oddity I saw in the 911-commission report was that flight 175
changed its transpoder codes TWICE. Why would a hijacker do that?

It has been said they were turned OFF so that the plane could not be
tracked, but changed, and turned off are 2 different things. Changing a
tx code would only throw UP red flags to the flight controllers.
Not to mention, if they did not want the flights to be tracked, why
let the passengers use cell phones?
Additionally, I noticed that flight 93 was at 40,000ft at the time
most of these calls were being made. (doing over 350mph) As a cell
phone engineer, this seems impossible to me.

Flight 77...
if you look at the Flight Explorer maps, flight 77 turns over
Cleveland, the problem here is that if you look at the transcrips for
flight 77, it is Indy radar that is looking for him. The transcrips
show that 77 was LOST to radar for several mins. they had even thought
it crashed. From my limited understanding, even if the transpoder is
turned off, the plane should still be visible to radar, but the
controllers in different cities talking to each other could not find

Now, this map below is from Flytecomm. This data shows flight 77
turning around in Indy?
Flytecomm Flight 77 NY times

Clearly there is a discrepancy. Why would there be a difference
between these 2 maps, and the transcripts as well?
Isnt this what these companies do? track flights?

this is from the flight 77 transcript, though they are speaking about
flight 11...
9:11:25 $B!2(B Indianapolis Control, Dacos Radar Associate:
there's no flight plan in the machine right now and $B!2(B9:11:28 $B!2(B
Indianapolis Control, Henderson Sector Radar Associate: yeah I just
looked at that, too.

Does this support Gerard Holmgrens idea that flight 11 and 77 were
never scheduled?

INDY radar? didnt the plane turn over cleveland?
Thats what we were told, and also what flight explorer shows?

Anyone know how these guys get their data?
Anyone want to email them and ask them why the discrepancy?
I am not accusing them of anything, but they could have been tricked?

For a full idea of the flight paths, and what may have happened. See
the new pages here...

see Prof Dewdneys work on cell phone calls
suggested reading (related)...
Flight11 the Twin Flight (with comments)

The Cleveland Airport Mystery



From: "dahbud_mensch" <>
Date: Tue May 16, 2006 7:57 am
Subject: When Will Bush Legalize Marijuana? dahbud_mensch

When Will Bush Legalize Marijuana?

by dahbud mensch

It has come to our attention if enough people break the law, the
government will change the law; especially if it benefits corporatists.

Smoking medical marijuana, due to recent Bush Administration law
changes on immigration, should be legalized because there are
two-thirds (2/3) more people who have smoked marijuana than have
crossed the border illegally.

Q: How many people smoke marijuana?

A: According to the government, Marijuana is the most frequently used
illegal drug in the United States. Over 83 million Americans over the
age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once and over 12 million
people had used the drug in the month before the survey.

Q: How many people are illegal aliens?

A: There is no specific answer for this question; however, figures
have been projected that range from 7 million people to 32.5 million

Q: How many people are in jail because of marijuana?

A. Information on this figure is sketchy and the only figure I could
locate at this time was from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports which
stated there were 695,201 marijuana arrests during 1997 and 87% were
for possession.

Q: How much do ancient Marijuana laws cost the American taxpayer?

Key Findings in this Analysis:

* It Costs Over $7 Billion Annually to Fund U.S. Marijuana

* Nearly Three Quarters of a Million Marijuana Arrests Occur Each Year

* $4.2 Billion in Lost Productivity Wasted by Locking Them Up

* 135,488 are Currently Behind Bars for Felony Marijuana Offenses

* $2 Billion Annually to House Them

* 20,000 Defendants Locked Up Awaiting Trial for Felony Marijuana

* It Cost About $85 Million to House Them

* $2 Billion Likely Cost for Marijuana Arrests Since 1998

* An Estimated $257 Million Spent on Probation Costs From 1998-2001

(*) - Costs do not include disposition of misdemeanor marijuana cases.

This analysis goes well beyond what we already know of the arrests for
marijuana each year. (Chart-2) The FBI Uniform Crime Report puts that
number at 723,626 for 2001(ad), a slight decrease from 734,648 the
year before. Following the trend of previous years, about nine out of
ten of those arrests were for possession alone.

Q: What are the number of drug deaths during an average year in the

Source: NIDA Research Monographs

* Tobacco kills about 390,000.

* Alcohol kills about 80,000.

* Sidestream smoke from tobacco kills about 50,000.

* Cocaine kills about 2,200.

* Heroin kills about 2,000.

* Aspirin kills about 2,000.

* Marijuana kills 0. There has never been a recorded death due to
marijuana at any time in US history.

* All illegal drugs combined kill about 4,500 people per year, or
about one percent of the number killed by alcohol and tobacco. Tobacco
kills more people each year than all of the people killed by all of
the illegal drugs in the last century.

If the Bush Administration can change a law for +/- 10 million people
crossing the border, then why can't the Bush Administration change the
law for the +/- 80 million people who smoke marijuana and those who
require medical marijuana?

Become Educated, Visit:

Posted at:


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Solidarity Street Demonstrations to Demand US Keep Hands
Off Venezuela and Cuba

From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: May 17, 2006 6:22:55 AM EST

Hello to all -

Sending my latest article on solidarity street
protests demanding US keep its hands off Venezuela and

For those who don't know it, Hugo Chavez is the real
thing and that's why US hates him - he's a real
democrat who works to help his people as all leaders
should do. He refuses to surrender nation's
sovereignty to imperial US or hand over his oil riches
to our Big Oil. Unacceptable to a predatory nation
wanting to rule the world. We've tried and failed 3
times to oust him. 4th attempt now in works as I've
learned. Chavez knows too.

Quick comment on Cuba. I'm not a fan of undemocratic
strongman rule but Castro is no tyrant. If you're a
low income person and you want a first rate education
free to highest level and if you happen to get sick
once in a while you're a hellova lot better off in
Cuba than here - first rate education system and
health care. WHO ranks Cuba ahead of US. We rank
lowest in industrialized world and sinking fast. So
much for neoliberal free market nonsense. It's only
"free" if you can pay for it. That ain't my kind of


Solidarity Street Demonstrations To Demand US Keep
Hands Off Venezuela and Cuba - by Stephen Lendman

Maybe it's just a coincidence that just days before an
international expression of solidarity demanding the
US keep its hands off Venezuela and Cuba, Rep. Dan
Burton (a right wing Republican in good standing)
introduced an anti-Venezuelan resolution in the US
House of Representatives. His resolution on May 11
was just another step along the way in the Bush
administration's fourth attempt to oust President Hugo
Chavez as the democratically elected leader of the
Venezuelan people. The resolution shows at least two
things: that the US government's stated commitment to
democracy is farcical and empty on its face and that
any resemblance in it between the truth about the
Chavez government's achievements in combatting drug
trafficking and money laundering (and all else for
that matter) and the malicious inaccuracies and
misstatements of facts in the Burton resolution is in
writing for all to see.

Of course, the whole notion of the US making a
determined effort to eliminate so-called ellicit drugs
is even more absurd as I've explained several times
before in other writing. Dan Burton and his
Republican cohorts know quite well that doing that
would be counter to the real US policy of protecting
the ellicit trade to guarantee the huge profits from
it flow unobstructed into the US economy. The
so-called "war on drugs" is really a war to keep the
stuff flowing freely.

On May 20 the People Will Have Their Say

So in glorious and committed counterpoint to the
shameless Burton resolution, large demonstrations will
take place on the streets of Washington, DC and Los
Angeles on May 20 demanding "US Hands Off Venezuela
and Cuba." A broad coalition of progressive
organizations and noted individuals have organized
them including: Venezuela, Cuba and Latin America -
oriented solidarity groups and other groups supporting
and fighting for the rights of blacks, Latinos, women,
immigrants and the civil rights of all people. In
addition, prominent activist figures will also
participate including Noam Chomsky, Cindy Sheehan and
Danny Glover.

And on the same day, there will be similar
international solidarity actions in Venezuela, Cuba,
Colombia, Australia, Canada and other countries.
These demonstrations around the world are historic as
they reflect a growing movement to combat US imperial
aims in Latin America, Central America and the
Caribbean. It was in those regions that offshore US
imperialism first took flight once it left the
incubator of the lands it stole from its original
native inhabitants whose only offense was having lived
on them for the past 20 - 30,000 years. Poor Mexico
paid the price first for its geographical sin (in the
words of its former dictator Porfirio Diaz) of being
"so far from God (and) so close to the US." That poor
choice of its country's borders resulted in their
ending up enclosing half their former territory. I
guess the Mexicans never really wanted California and
the rest it lost anyway.

On May 20, the voices of people yearning to be free
from the yoke of a global criminal enterprise
otherwise known as the United States of America will
take to the streets in an expression of their
commitment. These voices will resonate in solidarity
against clear US aggressive and hostile intentions
against Venezuela and Cuba aiming to crush their
revolutions and the burgeoning one in Bolivia to keep
them from spreading throughout the region. The stakes
are very high on both sides. Call it a war between
the rights of free people determined to remain so
against a powerful and predatory neighbor that has
other ideas and will ruthlessly pursue all means to
achieve them. On May 20, the voices in the streets
will have their say,
. and the sound heard will be: no mas - no more, and
they're willing to fight for it. It also happens to
be the day the Bush administration intends to release
its so-called "Commission for Assistance for a Free
Cuba" report.

A little translation is in order. By assistance,
Washington means new policy sanctions against the
Castro government (the longest standing thorn in its
side) and its commitment to be the sole authority to
decide what economic, social and political priorities
are best for that country. It doesn't matter what the
Cuban people want. After all, they only live there,
which in Washington - think means nothing.

It doesn't matter what the Venezuelan people want
either, unless they're willing to forego all the
benefits they now have and allow them to be replaced
by the poverty and human misery they had before Hugo
Chavez came into office and changed everything. Don't
bank any time soon on that happening as the
overwhelming majority of the Venezuelan people twice
democratically elected Hugo Chavez as their president
and want to keep him as their leader. And why
wouldn't they. Before him, they were repressed and
desperate, and now they're the beneficiary of his
wonderful economic, political and social policies that
have transformed their lives for the better. They're
not about to give that up without a fight. But
Washington policy makers may not understand that, and
even if they do, are likely to take that fight to the
people and try to prevail by any means possible,
regardless of the consequences.

The One Threat Above All Others Washington Fears

Washington also fears another threat: the one it fears
most above all others - a good example that may spread
and become unstoppable, so it must be crushed and not
allowed to advance further. It follows that it now
views any collaboration between Venezuela and Cuba
(and now a likely tripartite alliance with Bolivia) as
unacceptable as the benefits from it to their people
will only encourage a further spread of them to other
nations that may want the same things. Any why not?
When governments improve the lives of their people,
why would they ever want or be willing to give up what
they gained.

So the battle lines are now drawn, and the importance
of what's at stake will play out in the streets around
the world on May 20. Those demonstrations mark a
significant first step beginning and hopefully a
turning point that will lead to a mass movement of
millions of working people inside the US and around
the world unwilling any longer to accept being
subjugated by US imperial rule. Hopefully they will
follow on and build from the historic US nationwide
street demonstrations fighting for the rights of
immigrant workers demanding equity and justice and
being willing to accept nothing less. It may be one
new civil rights movement growing from another and
mushrooming into a giant national and worldwide
expression of the people here, throughout the region,
and spreading everywhere fighting for the rights they
deserve. An epochal struggle may have begun, and the
path ahead for it is fraught with danger. It's the
people against a powerful giant predator willing to
accept nothing less than total global domination with
no "outliers" going their own way allowed. Stay
tuned. The people may have other ideas.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog

site at


From: "marguerite hampton" <>
Date: May 16, 2006 2:59:27 PM EST
To: "ecopilgrim" <>
Subject: Battle Cry for Theocracy

Another chilling example of how people's minds
are being molded to hate. How do we counter
an event such as this which indelibly impacts
the minds of those in attendance influenced by
"mass response" which appears to be staged?

Note that a message from President G.W.
Bush was sent to this group encouraging them.
What is the motive behind this desecration of
the Christian Faith supposedly based in love
and compassion for others?

Thanks to Dr. Michael Ellis in Australia for this one.

Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 21:16:57 -0700
From: "Michael" <>
Subject: Battle Cry for Theocracy

Editor's Note: In this opinion piece, a young activist explores the
frightening world of a Christian evangelical youth movement that is
rock concerts and rallies at city halls nationwide this weekend. This
is the
first reported column in a series of two. Read what BattleCry attendees
saying about this series of columns.

Part I: Battle Cry for Theocracy
By Sunsara Taylor

Thursday 11 May 2006

If you've been waiting to get alarmed until the Christian fascist

movement started filling stadiums with young people and hyping them up
to do

battle in "God's army," wait no longer.

In recent weeks, BattleCry, a Christian fundamentalist youth
has attracted more than 25,000 people to mega-rally rock concerts in San
Francisco and Detroit, and this weekend it plans to fill Wachovia
Stadium in

The leaders of BattleCry claim that their religion and values are
attack, but amid spectacular light shows, Hummers, Navy SEALs and
imagery on stage, it is BattleCry that has declared war on everyone
Its leader, Ron Luce, insists: "This is war. And Jesus invites us to get
into the action, telling us that the violent - the 'forceful' ones -
lay hold of the kingdom."

BattleCry is a part of the evangelical organization Teen Mania, and
can learn a lot about the kind of society that Teen Mania is fighting
for by
reading up on its Honor Academy, a non-accredited educational
that offers directed internships to 700 undergraduate and graduate youth
each year. Among the academy's tenets: Homosexuality and masturbation
sins. Interns are forbidden to listen to secular music, watch R-rated
or date; men can't use the Internet unsupervised; the length of women's
skirts is regulated. The logic behind this - that men must be protected
the sin of sexual temptation - is what drives Islamic fundamentalists to
shroud women in burkhas!

Teen Mania and BattleCry are multimillion-dollar operations that
more than 5,000 missionaries to more than 34 countries each year. Their
supporters and members are some of the most powerful and extreme
lunatics in the country. BattleCry's "partners" include Pat Robertson
got a call from Karl Rove to discuss Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
before the nomination was made public), Charles Colson (who as President
Richard Nixon's lawyer was knee-deep in the Watergate scandal and who
to jail for obstruction of justice in the Pentagon Papers case), and
Falwell (who blamed Sept. 11 on homosexuals, feminists, pagans and
abortionists). BattleCry's events have been addressed by former First
Barbara Bush (via video) as well as former President Gerald Ford. This
weekend's event will include Franklin Graham, who has ministered to
George W
Bush and publicly proclaimed that Islam is an "evil religion."

What most of these figures have in common is their insistence that
Bible be read literally and obeyed as the inerrant word of God. And,
Ron Luce leads youth to say in prayer, "I will keep my eyes on the
submitting to Your code even when I don't understand," it would be
to expect that there is any part of the Bible's literal horrors this
movement would be unwilling to enforce, including stoning disobedient
children and non-virgin brides (Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and 22:13-21),
executing gays (Leviticus 20:13), and keeping slaves (Peter 2:18).

Luce's followers staged a protest in March on the steps of San
City Hall because gay weddings had taken place there. Their answer to
scourge of rape and violence against women is to end the right of
spread ignorance and insist on virginity - the very things that will
more women in these nightmares. And this Friday, they are planning
at 50 city halls nationwide.

Of course, like the president, who gave Ron Luce an appointment to
White House Advisory Commission on Drug-Free Communities, BattleCry
its share of bald-faced lies. For one, it claims that "a society
by Biblical principals and a strong moral code ... is the heritage our
forefathers fought and died to secure for us." But the word "God" never
appears in the Constitution. After three and a half months of debate
what should go into the document that would govern the land, the framers
drafted a secular constitution.

BattleCry also claims America has been "set aside for God's
a country established for good and fruitfully blessed so that we might
God's message to the ends of the earth." It is revealing that for all
talk about the value of life and the evils of violent imagery, BattleCry
never speaks against the real violence and loss of life being inflicted
by U
S. troops in Iraq.

Still, there is one thing that BattleCry gets right: This country
is in
the midst of a deep moral crisis. We are indeed living through times
business-as-usual is unconscionable.

As the Bush regime wages unjust wars and conducts torture in our
as it leaves New Orleans to rot and drags us closer each day to a
in which abortion and birth control are banned, science is pulled under
gays are persecuted, it is no wonder that young people are searching for
meaning and morality. However, the truth is that youth will not find the
morality they need in a stadium listening to Ron Luce preach about
war and intolerance. And they won't find it while buying BattleCry's
keepsake dog tags.

These young people need to be challenged to look around themselves
think for themselves.

I am confident that if they do, many of them may find that the truly
moral way to live is to throw their tremendous energies and dreams of a
better world into stopping this madness and driving out the Bush regime.

This generation P- and its counterparts around the world -P will
have to
live with the consequences of this culture war, one way or another.


Sunsara Taylor writes for Revolution newspaper and sits on the
board of The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime.


Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of reported columns
about the
Christian fundamentalist movement BattleCry, which has produced several
massive Christian Rock shows across the country this year. For the more
on BattleCry and its activities, check out this first column in the
here. Read what BattleCry attendees are saying about this column.

Part II: Fear and Loathing at Philadelphia's BattleCry
By Sunsara Taylor

Saturday 13 May 2006

It began with fireworks so loud and startling I screamed. Lights and
smoke followed and a few kids were pulled up on stage from the crowd.
was asked to read a letter.

This was the letter that opened the event. Its author was George
Yes, the president of the United States sent a letter of support,
prayer, and encouragement to the BattleCry event held at Wachovia
Stadium in Philadelphia on May 12. Immediately afterwards, a preacher
the mic and led the crowd to pray. Among other things, he asked them to
Thank god for giving us George Bush."

On his cue, about 17,000 youths from upwards of 2,000 churches
America and Canada directed their thanks heavenward in unison.

Throughout the three-and-a-half hours of BattleCry's first session,
there was only one analogy that fit the experience: This must have been
it felt like to watch the Hitler Youth, filled with self-righteous
proclaim the supremacy of their beliefs and their willingness to shed
for them.

And lest you think this is idle paranoia, BattleCry founder Ron Luce
told the crowds the next morning (May 13) that he plans to launch a
blitzkrieg" in the communities, schools, malls, etc. against those who
share his theocratic vision of society.


Nothing like a little Nazi imagery to whip up the masses. (Editor's
note: Commenter Vira (#9278) makes a valid point. "Blitzkrieg" is a
word--not Nazi, per se. And though the term is almost indelibly linked
in the
popular imagination to Nazi tactics, notes that the term
used in many other non-military contexts.")

But back to the first rally on May 12. Shortly after sitting down,
imposingly-sized man named Tom, who appeared to be BattleCry security,
down next to me and my friends, and asked us if we were planning any
disturbances. I don't know how BattleCry & Co. knew I was here, but
they had
apparently recognized me from my appearance on The O'Reilly Factor
link) in March. I told Tom that we weren't planning any disturbances,
that no, I wouldn't like to meet with Luce after the rally, nor did I
to give him my phone number. Seemingly satisfied, he ambled off. But
on, as I rose to go to the bathroom, I caught sight of Tom following
me. It
was very unsettling, to say the least.

(While in the bathroom, I saw something equally unsettling--a
girl wearing a shirt being sported by many attendees that night: Jesus
the cross, robes waving, and emblazoned across the front, the words
to Kill.")

After my bathroom break, Tom, my helpful minder, was replaced by an
eerily-cheerful young woman who was also obviously BattleCry personnel.
claimed to be simply making sure that my friends and I were happy. She
stop by several times over the course of the concert. I wonder if all
attendees got that kind of VIP treatment.

But Onto the Show

The first rock band that sang, Delirious, got the crowd festive and
on their feet with lyrics that were also projected on the large screens
that everyone could join in:

"We're an army of God and we're ready to die.... Let's paint this
ol' town red.... We see nothing but the blood of Jesus.... "

In between musical acts, Luce, the BattleCry founder, hammered away
the dominant theme of the night: his contention that "pew-sitters....
passive Christians.... the Christians who just want love, joy,
peace.... "
were the problem, and that the world needed more radical and extreme
god-worshippers - those who would be obedient and fully submit to

Luce would have us believe that everything went off track when the
Bible-toting people of my grand-parents' generation were replaced by the
pew-sitters" of the Baby Boom generation. These are the people who,
according to Luce, just wanted to passively benefit from the "love, joy
peace" message of Christianity without actively surrendering their
wills and
their selves completely upon Christ's altar and working in His name.

Yeah, if only people would stop practicing "love, joy and peace."
t that make the world a better place....

Luce used this critique of pew-sitting Christians to assuage the
of the youths at the rally who may have been feeling uncertain about
commitment to the Church. 'Don't worry,' he was telling them, 'you'e
amongst pew-sitters-watered-down Christians. Welcome to the reign of
submission to the Lord.'

It was a mantra Luce repeated all through the night: the need to
one's self fully to Jesus, to belong completely to Him.

"He doesn't just want to be in your heart, He wants to own your
There's only one good reason to come to Christ: because He's the
owner of your life." "You don't have to know much about Jesus, just
to surrender your whole life."

Throughout this section, a loud crowd from the back of the stadium
periodically erupt, "We are warriors!"

After tugging at countless emotional strings, Ron insisted P with
humility of Taliban members who submit to "Allah's command to stone
adulterers" P "You are the one talking to God, I am just going to help
with the words."

There was a session when, after a great crescendo, the stadium was
brought to silence. Ron instructed individuals to stand up when they
the spirit and cry out, "I want the cross!" The voices of hundreds rose
over the course of 10 minutes. These young people, declaring death unto
themselves and re-birth in Christ, were called down to the floor of the
stadium, directed to get down on their knees, and to put their heads
and pray some more.

Luce put great emphasis on following every word in the Bible,
it as an "instruction book," even when a person doesn't understand or
This is, of course, the the logic that leads to the stoning of gays,
non-virgin brides, disobedient children and much more because the Bible

Interesting enough, it seems that not even Luce has faith in that
admonition. During the afternoon preceding the first rally on May 12,
and about 300 BattleCry acolytes (almost entirely youths) rallied in
of Philadelphia's Constitution Hall - the location having been chosen
because Luce wants to "restore" the Founding Fathers' vision of a
society (never mind that the Founders enshrined in the Constitution an
explicitly secular framework of government).

I and about 20 people representing various anti-Bush, atheistic and
anti-Iraq war factions made our way into the rally and began interacting
with the youths assembled. Some said openly that it was OK that George
s lives have cost the lives of thousands of Americans and Iraqis. Why
was it
OK? Because "God put him [Bush] there."

We then decided to ask them a little about this God, and his
instruction book," as Luce calls it. Specifically, we asked them if they
supported the parts of Deuteronomy and Leviticus that spell out, for
death sentences for women who dare to enter the city while
The most memorable response came from Luce himself. (We were standing
to face in the plaza - he had recognized me from my O'Reilly

"This is your Bible," I told him. "You have to defend this."

He smiled, smugly, and almost looked taken aback that I would
him like this.

"You can't defend this," I continued.

A Biblical literalist, Luce couldn't disavow something in his
instruction book," but neither did he want to appear (I imagine) to
Iron-age barbary. So he stayed quiet, until, after I prodded him
further, he
changed the subject.

"Why are you so angry?" he asked.

My point made, I walked away.


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: May 16, 2006 8:36:58 PM EST
Subject: 9/11 and drugs

May 16, 2006 -- Interesting confluence of activities surround Sky Way's
aircraft confiscated in Mexico with 5.5 tons of cocaine and pre-911
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) investigation of Israeli art
students involved in suspicious activities in Dallas-Fort Worth area
and Venice, Florida in close proximity to some of the 911 hijackers.
That DEA investigation was shut down on orders from Attorney General
John Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller.

This is a further clue that those who planned and carried out the 911
attacks were heavily involved with drug smuggling. These reportedly
include elements of Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian (RUIM) organized crime,
Latin American narco-dealers, U.S. operatives of the radical right-wing
Israeli Kach Party, Saudi billionaire businessmen and Pakistani
intermediaries, and political officials close to the GOP in Texas and
Florida. For example, links have been established between Red Sea
Management in Costa Rica, a company linked to the Sky Way cocaine
plane, and the Israeli embassy in San Jose.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 16, 2006 6:46:59 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Mitre Corp.

Is MITRE Corp. the Trojan Horse of

Posted By: Christopher Bollyn From: Judith Sharpe
Date: Friday, 1 April 2005, 1:38 p.m.


By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

Did a central controller with "super user" privileges of the command
and control systems of the Department of Defense, NORAD, the Air Force,
and the FAA, control the aerial attacks of 9/11? There is only one
agency that has that capability a little-known private company known
as MITRE Corp.

There are basically two versions of events surrounding the terror
attacks of September 11, 2001. There is the government version,
propagated by the controlled media, which claims that 19 Arab
terrorists, organized by Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, hijacked 4
passenger aircraft and used them to attack the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon. This version, used to launch the "war on terror" and two
invasions in the Middle East, is challenged by a lack of evidence.

On the other hand, a host of unofficial explanations, based on
available evidence, make up what can be called the "inside job" or
anti-government version. This version basically claims that agents
embedded within the U.S. military and intelligence organizations
conspired to carry out the terror attacks.

The two foreign nations most often implicated in the unofficial
explanations of 9/11 are Israel and Britain. Both countries are
supporters and beneficiaries of the Bush administration's "war on

For the Israelis, Iraq, a major threat, was drastically reduced in
power and put under military occupation. For the British, a oil-rich
territory, Iraq's southern region of Basra, which it originally
occupied in 1914, was reoccupied and its immense oil assets put under
control of the Crown.

Royal Dutch Shell and BP, formerly named British Petroleum, are two
companies said to be controlled by the Crown, which have posted record
profits since 9/11.

While both Britain and Israel have substantial assets and powerful
organizations in the United States, proponents of the anti-government
version have not explained how a foreign power could manipulate the
computer systems of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the
North American Aerospace Defense Command ( NORAD), and the U.S. Air
Force, and thereby control the aerial attacks of 9/11.

When American Free Press interviewed Eckehardt Werthebach, former
president of Germanys domestic intelligence service, in December 2001,
he said the deathly precision and the magnitude of planning behind
the 9/11 attacks would have required years of planning.

Such a sophisticated operation, Werthebach said, would require the
fixed frame of a state intelligence organization, something not found
in a loose group of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed

Many people would have been involved in the planning of such an
operation, Werthebach said. He pointed to the absence of leaks as
further indication that the attacks were state organized actions.

Andreas von B|low, who served on Germany's parliamentary commission
and oversaw the three branches of the German secret service, told AFP
that he believed that Mossad, Israel's intelligence service, was behind
the terror attacks. The attacks, he said, were carried out to turn
public opinion against the Arabs and boost military and security

You dont get the higher echelons, von B|low said, referring to the
architectural structure which masterminds such terror attacks. At
this level, he said, the organization doing the planning, such as
Mossad or British intelligence, is primarily interested in affecting
public opinion.

In a recent article in AFP, " The Perfect Terrorist Plan To Level the
Twin Towers Created In 1976" by Greg Szymanski, it was reported that
the U.S. Army devised a plan in 1976 to bring down the towers using
commercial airliners and box cutters as weapons.

At the time, George H.W. Bush was head of the CIA and Martin R.
Hoffmann was Secretary of the Army. Hoffmann told AFP that he did not
recall being involved in this planning reportedly done by the U.S.

An architect, even of destruction, needs a contractor. Proponents of
the anti-government version of 9/11 provide evidence to support their
claims, but do not explain how the U.S. military and civil aviation
control systems could have been hijacked to allow the aerial attacks to

Because the attacks involved systems used by the FAA, NORAD, and the
U.S. Air Force, the conspirators would have needed "super user" access
to the command and control centers of these three separate

Super user means the most privileged user on a computerized data
system. The super user has complete access to all files on the system.
For the previously mentioned agencies, and virtually all other U.S.
defense and intelligence organizations, there is one such possible
super user: a little-known private not-for-profit organization, based
in Bedford, Mass., known as MITRE Corp. MITRE also has a headquarters
in McLean, Va., on a campus it shares with Northrop Grumman.

The MITRE Corp. is a major defense contracting organization headed by
the former Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), Dr. James Rodney
Schlesinger. Schlesinger, who was reportedly made DCI at the request of
Henry Kissinger in 1973, later served as Secretary of Defense.

Schlesinger, a former director of strategic studies at the RAND Corp.,
was described in a 1973 biography as a "devout Lutheran," although he
was born in New York in 1929 to immigrant Jewish parents from Austria
and Russia. Schlesinger earned three degrees from Harvard University.

Schlesinger's father, an accountant, founded the accounting firm
Schlesinger & Haas, and was a trustee and chairman of the budget of the
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue. His father was also a member of the New
York State Grand Lodge of Masons.

The MITRE Corp., of which Schlesinger is chairman of the board of
trustees, is connected to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, and Mitretek Systems of Falls Church,

Schlesinger is a senior advisor for the Lehman Brothers investment
firm and a member of the Defense Policy Board and advisory council for
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The MITRE Corp. has provided computer and information technology to
the FAA and the U.S. Air Force since the late 1950's. MITRE is a
Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) for the Dept.
of Defense, the FAA, and the Internal Revenue Service.

The chairman of the board of trustees of Mitretek Systems, a spin-off
of MITRE Corp., is Martin R. Hoffmann, who served as Secretary of the
Army when the "perfect terrorist plan" was reportedly prepared in 1976.

MITRE's Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) FFRDC
for the Dept. of Defense was established in 1958. The C3I "supports a
broad and diverse set of sponsors within the Department of Defense and
the Intelligence Community. These include the military departments,
defense and intelligence agencies, the combatant commands, and elements
of both the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the office of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff," according to MITRE's website. "Information
systems technology," it says, "coupled with domain knowledge, underpin
the work of the C3I FFRDC."

The U.S. Air Force maintains its Electronic Systems Center (ESC) at
the Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Mass. The ESC manages the development and
acquisition of electronic command and control (C2) systems used by the
Air Force.

The ESC is the Air Force's "brain for information, command and control
systems," according to Charles Paone, a civilian employee of the ESC.
It is the "product center" for the Air Force's Airborne Warning and
Control System (AWACS) and Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar
System (J-STARS), Paone said.

Asked about MITRE's role at the ESC, Paone said, "MITRE does the
front-end engineering. It's basically our in-house engineer." MITRE
employees operate the computer systems at Hanscom AFB, Paone said.

MIT's Lincoln Laboratories, the parent of MITRE, is located on the
Hanscom AFB.

A second FFRDC, the Center for Advanced Aviation System Development
(CAASD) provides computer engineering and technology to the FAA.
MITRE's support of the FAA began in 1958, when the company was created.

The FAA's Airspace Management Handbook of May 2004, for example, was
written and published by the MITRE Corp.

Jennifer Shearman, MITRE's public relations manager for "corporate
identity" in Bedford, told AFP that MITRE is a "trusted mentor" for the
FAA and is a "unique" provider of "objective and independent"
information for the U.S. civil aviation authority.

MITRE's Bedford headquarters are located near Boston's Logan airport
where the two planes that struck the World Trade Center supposedly
originated. Bedford lies directly under the flight path of westbound
flights leaving Logan.

MITRE developed the technology "to aid controllers in solving problems
while keeping aircraft close to their route, altitude, and speed
preferences." Shearman was unable to say why the MITRE technology
apparently failed on 9/11.

Indira Singh, an "IT consultant" who previously worked on a Defense
Advanced Research Project, and who was employed by J.P. Morgan on 9/11,
in risk management, pointed to MITRE's role at the FAA during the 9/11
Citizens' Commission hearings in New York last September.

"Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two
years prior to 9/11," Singh said. "Their specific job is to look at
interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the
case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA
that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to
change anything it would have been Ptech along with MITRE."

A representative of Ptech could not be reached. [Ptech appears to have
been a Mossad front company created to provide insecure Trojan Horse
software to the U.S. military and intelligence agencies. Ptech has the
typical Arab owners and financiers - and Mossad operators.]

For example, see Michael Goff, former marketing manager at Ptech, Inc.

Schlesinger bio info:


Articles In This Thread

Is MITRE Corp. The Trojan Horse of 9/11? *PIC*
ChristopherBollyn -- Friday, 1 April 2005, 1:38 p.m.

How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11 *PIC*
ChristopherBollyn -- Friday, 1 April 2005, 11:13 p.m.

Questionnairy -- Saturday, 2 April 2005, 11:05 a.m.

Questionnairy -- Saturday, 2 April 2005, 11:20 a.m.

Esclarmonde -- Saturday, 2 April 2005, 11:39 a.m.


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Globalization as Defined in the West
by Cain Mathema
May 16, 2006
Chronicle (Bulawayo,Zimbabwe)

These days the world is bombarded with the advantages of the socalled
globalisation ideology.

Third World countries are instructed to globalise, to liberalise,
to open up their economies to foreign direct investment (FDIs), to
remove price controls and subsidies, and to reduce public expenditure
by selling to the private sector all state companies and other public

This, it is said, will bring about the much needed development in these
countries, Zimbabwe included. The IMF and the World Bank force down the
throats of all developing countries the socalled structural adjustment
programmes if they are to be assisted by these institutions, which, by
the way, are controlled by the USA and its allies. These structural
adjustment programmes have never worked for the majority in any country
anywhere in the world. Instead they have made developing countries
semicolonised, seen poverty spreading and deepening among the majority,
but giving more power, authority and huge profits to the foreign
multinational corporations that buy public enterprises in developing
countries for their private shareholders back in the USA and the EU for
a song.

Thanks to our ancestors, the government of Zimbabwe has since abandoned
the structural adjustment, neoliberal globalisation model that it had
adopted in the 1990s. I personally have always been opposed to this
model because it is a neocolonial model, it is a model that keeps
developing countries and families in perpetual poverty while it makes
sure that the pockets of the owners of the multinational corporations
(the upper classes of the USA and the EU) get larger and larger all the
time. This globalisation is a strategy of those who really own the USA
and the EU. It is not our strategy, it is not the strategy for any of
our provinces to follow, it is a disastrous, criminal strategy meant to
keep us in perpetual slavery doing what the masters and mistresses of
our economy in the USA and the EU tell us to do.

Kanaga Raja (The Herald, Zimbabwe, 4 January 2006, p. 9) says the
International Labour Organization (ILO) has reported that global
economic growth is increasingly failing to translate into new and
better jobs that lead to a reduction in poverty. The ILO report says
That currently, half the worlds workers still do not earn enough to
lift themselves and their families above the US$2aday poverty datum

The ILO report found that for every one percentage point of additional
GDP growth, total global employment grew by only 0.30 percentage points
between 1995 and 1999 . . . For millions of workers, new jobs often
provide barely enough income to lift them above the poverty datum line,
or are far below any adequate measure of satisfying and productive

The question then becomes: When are we going to see the socalled
globalisation benefiting the workers and their families? And the answer
from the sponsors of this new colonialism is most likely that the
masses must learn to wait, they should be patient enough. But while the
masses take heed of this advice, the upper classes of the USA and the
EU cannot wait to pocket as much as they can from the mines, banks and
sweat factories in the developing countries. Prosperity for all is
around the corner, the masses are told, but they have to wait. One is
tempted to ask why the prosperity that funds wars is ever present with
enough left over to finance an assault on outer space. Prosperity
unused turns into shackles, longer police truncheons, more spacious
prisons and the latest in antipeople weaponry in the form of military
hardware or intellectual riff raff. Or it might turn into space
stations, roundtheclock surveillance and satellites. (Gazi; 2004:304).

According to Raymond Baker and John Christensen (Mail and Guardian in
Business Chronicle, Zimbabwe, 15 December 2005, p. B5), the West allows
and encourages huge sums of money to be corruptly removed from the
developing countries to developed countries and to be hidden away in
safe havens:

Five trillion dollars has been corruptly removed from the worlds
poorest countries and lodged permanently in the worlds richest
countries. Western multinational corporations, banks, governments and
individuals are all involved in milking the developing countries dry.
They break all the rules and contracts on earth in order to syphone the
trillions out of the developing countries. Baker (who himself is a US
businessman) is quoted as having said, Falsified pricing, haven and
secrecy structures and the illicit movement of trillions of dollars out
of developing and transitional economies break the social contract . .
. that Adam Smith incorporated into the core of the freemarket

It was reported in the story that six out of 10 US corporations pay no
tax, and the recent Enron scandal demonstrated how cynically major
household names in the US exploit the system.

Enron used about 800 different Caribbean financial dumps to hide its
debts. Baker argues that the West could break the back of poverty
worldwide if there was political will to tackle the abuse of the tax
and banking systems. Instead, Western countries have been all too
willing to turn a blind eye to the original sources of money.

Baker says, Laundered proceeds of drug trafficking, racketeering,
corruption and terrorism tag along with other forms of dirty money to
which the US and Europe extend a welcoming hand.

But as we all know, capitalism can never fight poverty because
capitalism cannot be there without poor people in the first place. For
capitalism to exist somebody has to be dispossessed of all means of
production first and foremost. Those who dispossess others then have to
employ the dispossessed as wage workers. How can a person who owns
means of production want to be a wage worker? It is out of the
question. So the idea of expecting capitalism to do away with poverty
is meaningless, the upper classes of the USA and the EU will not allow
it, and their governments will not allow it. For capitalism, it is
illogical. Full stop. This will be the case for ever even if it means
workers in the USA and the EU are less poor and better organised than
their brothers and sisters in the developing countries.

That is why multinational corporations have been taking some of their
operations to the developing countries (where workers are less
organised and less powerful), and that is why these corporations and
their governments do not want their former colonies to achieve economic
independence as well, they must always remain neocolonies, poor
countries whose main job in the socalled global economy is to be slave
producers of cheap raw materials and importers of expensive
manufactured goods.

According to Jeremy Seabrook (New African, IC Publication, January
2006, p. 21) one other reason why poverty has to be there in
capitalism, inspite of the fact that the West can wipe it out just like
that, is that . . . the fate of the poor must be maintained, as a
warning and example to all who might otherwise be tempted to drop out,
to relax the vigilance, to withdraw from the competitive ethos that
drives people on to accumulate. It is not ambition that drives the
creation of wealth but the coercive fear of this ghastly version of
poverty, this humanmade construct that creates outcasts of plenty,
human scarecrows brandished as dissenters to urge them to conform to
this, the American or Western Dream. An indispensable component of its
promise of wealth and affluence is its threat of a desperate contrived
and brutal form of poverty . . .

The Mail and Guardian article (15 December 15 2005, p. B5) says
according to John Christensen more than 50 percent of the cash
holdings of rich individuals in Latin America is now held offshore and
that about 30 percent of the gross domestic product of subSaharan
African nations disappeared offshore in the second half of the 1990s.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Cain Mathema, Chronicle (Bulawayo,Zimbabwe), 2006

The url address of this article is:



President, USA Exile Govt.

May 21, 2006, 12:22:52 PM5/21/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 21, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I'm quite pleased that truthout (see below) finally is getting its
comeuppance. Consistently it does more harm than good. That is, the
significance of what it prevents its followers from learning is greater
than the significance of what it shares. The same can be said of many
other northern-white-liberal enterprises--notably,, FAIR, A.N.S.W.E.R., UFPJ. The hour is late.
Also I want to point out an interesting scam cited in the
next-to-last paragraph of the last story below. Among the mega-rich,
only the insurance moguls have an accurate understanding of the Extreme
Weather Events (EWEs) caused mainly by Big Oil/Coal. They have to
understand to avoid total financial collapse. So now they've
devised--with some of their Fourth Reich allies--a clever way to get
farmers to suffer even more when their crops fail. Via "forward
contracts" the farmers are suckered into a seemingly generous guarantee
for their next harvest. However, the guarantees generally work in
favor of the Fourth Reich because they understand weather more
accurately than the hapless farmers kept in ignorance of the
vicious-cycling dynamic explaining why the frequency and severity of
EWEs are so swiftly increasing. Thus these ever-victimized farmers now
too often must buy (at prices much higher than those in their
contracts) other crops in order to keep their end of the contract. In
these instances the Fourth Reich makes obscenely huge profits because
it can resell for much more than it paid.
So while the Fourth Reich pretends in its pimp/whore media that
EWEs aren't big problems, they're in fact slyly making lots of money
from the size of the problems.
And to all this must be added a report that in the US midwest
there have been one or more intentional droughts so the banksters can
come in behind them and buy land from bankrupt farmers at a small
fraction of its value. So now we can see that if indeed intentional
droughts are occurring (anyone have any evidence to share?), they
benefit the Fourth Reich in a second major way by allowing enormous
profits from resale of "forward" agricultural contracts. Prior
knowledge of a drought would lead to the same sort of monumentally evil
profits as those realized by people who had prior knowledge of the 9/11
Inside Job.
Yours for all species,
Keith Lampe,
Ponderosa Pine
Transition Prez


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: May 21, 2006 1:45:07 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>
Subject: U.S. to use lasers on drivers in Iraq 21 May 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

21 May 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

U.S. to use lasers on drivers in Iraq 18 May 2006 The U.S. military is
deploying a laser device in Iraq that would temporarily blind drivers
who fail to heed warnings at checkpoints, in an attempt to stem
shootings of innocent Iraqis... A protocol to the Geneva Convention
bans the use of lasers that cause blindness, and human-rights groups
have protested previous U.S. attempts to employ such weapons.

Soldiers to get life in jail for refusing to act as occupiers 19 May
2006 (UK) Soldiers who object to taking part in a military occupation
of a foreign country will face life in prison under measures due to be
rubber-stamped in the House of Commons on Monday. The little-noticed
Armed Forces Bill will have its third reading in the Commons on Monday
and left-leaning MPs are alarmed that it will legitimise pre-emptive
military strikes. It will change the definition of desertion to include
soldiers who go absent without leave and intend to refuse to take part
in a "military occupation of a foreign country or territory".

Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold --Across central
Iraq, there is an exodus of people fleeing for their lives as sectarian
assassins and [US] death squads hunt them down. At ground level, Iraq
is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold on a massive scale. 20
May 2006 The state of Iraq now resembles Bosnia at the height of the
fighting in the 1990s when each community fled to places where its
members were a majority and were able to defend themselves. "Be gone by
evening prayers or we will kill you," warned one of four men who called
at the house of Leila Mohammed, a pregnant mother of three children in
the city of Baquba, in Diyala province north-east of Baghdad. He
offered chocolate to one of her children to try to find out the names
of the men in the family.

Bloody day heralds birth of Iraq's new unity 'government' 21 May 2006
Iraq's new unity 'government' was approved by parliament in Baghdad
yesterday in what may be the last chance to hold Iraq together as a
unitary state. Underlining how far security has declined since the
parliament was elected five months ago, a series of attacks killed 27
people and wounded dozens more yesterday. Police also found the bodies
of 21 Iraqis who had been kidnapped and tortured by [US] death squads
in and around Baghdad.

The enforcer By Stephen Armstrong 20 May 2006 "Colonel Tim Spicer... is
also effectively in charge of the second largest military force in
Iraq: the estimated 20,000 private security personnel who outnumber the
British army by almost three to one. Spicer's company Aegis has a
contract with the Pentagon worth almost $300m to oversee the 16 private
security companies providing personnel, security, military training and

Roadside bomb targets UK troops 20 May 2006 Two British soldiers have
been injured in a roadside bombing in southern Iraq, the Ministry of
Defence has said.

Guantanamo Bay to remain despite UN anti-torture report 20 May 2006 It
has made difficult reading for Washington, but a report by the UN's
anti-torture body says the detention centre at Guantanamo Bay is
illegal and should be closed... The report has no binding authority
over the US.

German to fight on after CIA torture lawsuit fails 19 May 2006 A German
man who says he was abducted and tortured by the CIA will consider
taking his case to a higher court after a U.S. district judge dismissed
it on national security grounds, his lawyer said on Friday.

Fighting in Afghanistan Kills 34 20 May 2006 Militants hiding in a
vineyard and armed with machine guns ambushed an Afghan army convoy
Saturday, shooting dead four soldiers but losing 15 of their own.
Violence elsewhere killed another 15 people including two French
troops and a U.S. soldier.

One Soldier Killed, Six Wounded in Afghanistan 20 May 2006 One U.S.
Servicemember was killed and six wounded in combat in in southern
Uruzgan province (Afghanistan) yesterday. The six wounded service
members were evacuated to a nearby medical facility and are in stable

Fugitive pleads with US to 'liberate' Iran 21 May 2006 Amir Abbas
Fakhravar, a 30-year-old writer and leader of the dissident Iranian
'student' movement who has been repeatedly jailed, emerged in
Washington last week after spending 10 months on the run inside Iran.
He surfaced at the end of last month in Dubai, where 24 hours later he
was met by the leading American neoconservative, Richard Perle.
Fakhravar was whisked to America last weekend and has already met
congressmen and Bush officials. He said he was in Washington to spread
one message only: "Regime change." [Who funded this whackjob's trip to

Pentagon secret spending said at post-Cold War high 19 May 2006 The
Pentagon's spending on secret programs has hit its highest point since
the end of the Cold War, a Washington-based research group said in a
report released this week. Classified programs appear to account for
about $30.1 billion, or 19 percent, of the acquisition funds sought in
the Defense Department budget for fiscal 2007, according to the report
by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment.

Ex-deputy secretary of state new figure in CIA leak probe 20 May 2006
Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage has emerged as a key
witness in the CIA leak probe, the Daily News has learned. Armitage has
been questioned several times, but is not expected to be indicted by
the federal grand jury investigating who outed CIA spy Valerie Plame to
journalists in 2003, sources said.

Eating their own (Capitol Hill Blue) 20 May 2006 "Late Friday
afternoon, Truthout executive director Marc Ash issued what he openly
called a 'partial apology' [?!?] for the story that didn't pan out...
The faithful on Democratic Underground went into a full feeding frenzy
on Ash, Leopold and Truthout honcho William Rivers Pitt... 'It's not
the first time my editors have had me chasing one of Jason Leopold's
red herrings but I sure as hell hope it's the last,' one angry reporter
told us Friday night. 'Why anybody continues to hire this fucking
nutcase is beyond me.'"

MP to investigate Dr Kelly's death 19 May 2006 A backbench MP is to
investigate the "unanswered questions" from the official inquiry into
the death of weapons scientist Dr David Kelly. The former Liberal
Democrat environmental spokesman Norman Baker today revealed his
decision to stand down from the shadow cabinet two months ago was based
on a quest to establish the truth behind Dr Kelly's death.

Crowd protests Cheney's visit 20 May 2006 (LA) About three dozen
protesters students, faculty and concerned citizens marched outside
the Pete Maravich Assembly Center on Friday as spring graduates mingled
with friends and family. The protesters, drawn by commencement speaker
Vice pResident Dick Cheney, were careful to keep moving lest they be
accused of loitering... LSU linguistics Professor Lisi Oliver said she
is fed up with the university booking graduation speakers tied to the
Bush administration. LSU astrophysics and mathematics junior Luke Smith
has the same complaint.

Graduates at New School Heckle Speech by McCain 20 May 2006 The jeers,
boos and insults flew, as caustic as any that angry New Yorkers have
hurled inside Madison Square Garden. The objects of derision yesterday,
however, were not the hapless New York Knicks, but Senator John McCain,
the keynote speaker at the New School graduation, and his host, Bob
Kerrey, the university president.

More than 230 terror suspects free to stay in Britain 21 May 2006 More
than 230 foreigners identified by MI5 and Scotland Yard as suspected
terrorists have been allowed to stay in Britain as asylum seekers.

FBI raids US House of Representatives office 20 May 2006 FBI officers
raided a House of Representatives office building on Saturday night,
and NBC television said it had searched the offices of Louisiana
Democratic Rep. William Jefferson. The Federal Bureau of Investigation
confirmed the unusual raid at the Rayburn House Office Building on
Washington's Capitol Hill but would not say whose office was searched.

Corporate troll Nagin holds on to leadership of New Orleans (via
electronic 'voting') Incumbent narrowly fends off challenge from
Landrieu in run-off 'vote' 20 May 2006 New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin
narrowly won re-election over Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu on Saturday, in
the race to oversee one of the biggest rebuilding projects in U.S.
history. [See: Ray Nagin's $1,000 contribution to George W. Bush in

Democratic Rival Forces LieberBush Into a Primary 20 May 2006 A
'businessman with little political experience' [That intro, btw, is the
Whore York Times trashing the antiwar candidate.] has forced Senator
Joseph I. Lieberman [LieberBush] into an August primary, surprising
even his own supporters by winning more than twice the number of
delegates he needed at the State Democratic Party's nominating
convention Friday night. Ned Lamont, 'a cable television executive from
Greenwich' [That's slam #2.] who has opposed Senator Lieberman largely
over the senator's support for the war in Iraq, won 505 of the 1,509
delegates who cast votes about 33 percent, compared with the 15
percent required to force a primary.

Lawsuit Is Filed to Force FEMA to Continue Housing Vouchers 20 May
2006 Lawyers for New Orleans evacuees filed suit in Houston yesterday,
asking a federal court to stop the Federal Emergency Management Agency
from ending housing benefits for tens of thousands of people who fled
the flooding of Hurricane Katrina.

2,000 Gallons of Oil Spilled Near Oahu 21 May 2006 An oil tanker
spilled up to 2,000 gallons of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean on
Saturday morning, an official said.

Bonds Hits 714th Homer, Ties Ruth --Giants Slugger Is 41 Short of
Aaron's Record 21 May 2006 When Barry Bonds finally hit his 714th home
run Saturday, it was a warm, cloudy afternoon, and most of the 35,077
people in attendance rose to cheer him. Bonds jogged purposefully
around the bases, stepped on home plate, then gently kissed the San
Francisco Giants batboy, his 16-year-old son Nikolai, on the cheek.

[20 May lead stories:] Drop dead day (Capitol Hill Blue) 19 May 2006
"...Truthout [puke] and reporter [sic] Jason Leopold, who started this
whole [Karl] Rove-watch with an as-yet unproven 'scoop' seven days ago
claiming Rove had already been indicted, keep saying time will prove
them right and hint that today may be the day they are vindicated... On
Democratic Underground, where anything published by Truthout is treated
as gospel, an increasing number of clockers and watchers now say today
is the drop-dead date for an indictment and, if one doesn't come down,
they want answers from Leopold and the web site that published his
story. Writes a poster on DU: 'I'll never read Truthout again. That
site has let us down and this Leopold character is fool. If he had any
integrity he would accept responsibility for his screwups and not try
to make up conspiracy theories blaming other people for his failure.
That goes for us all.'" [After today, we expect "Truth Out" to change
its name to "Lies Out." The rush to steal other people's work has
finally cost them their undeserved reputation for 'breaking news.' The
only thing they 'break' is copyright law, every time they reproduce a
story on their site. --MDR]

U.S. sending additional troops to Iraq 19 May 2006 ABC News has learned
additional U.S. troops are being deployed to Iraq. Pentagon officials
tell ABC news that two battalions -- about 1,300 troops -- are moving
into Iraq from Kuwait. With the additional troops, there will be more
than 134,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

US lawmaker says 24 Iraqi civilians killed in 2005 incident 19 May
2006 The civilian death toll in an incident involving American troops
in Iraq last year could be about 24, a U.S. congressman said on Friday.
Two days ago, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) said that, "They [U.S. troops]
actually went into the houses and killed women and children. And there
was about twice as many as originally reported by Time." He said there
was no firefight.

CLGers: Please contribute for May's expenses, thank you! And, thank you
to all who have donated previously!

Address to receive newsletter:
Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder
and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.


From: John Leonard <>
Date: May 20, 2006 11:06:44 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Pentagon Video should show 6 Frames of Boeing
before Hit, says Publisher of "9/11 Synthetic Terror"

Pentagon Video should show 6 Frames of Boeing before Hit, says
Publisher of "9/11 Synthetic Terror".
Plane takes up to half a second to travel its own length at ground
speed -- enough for camera to show several full, clear images before
explosion, he asserts.

Washington, DC, May 20th, 2006. Amid massive publicity, the government
released a few more frames of footage allegedly showing the crash of a
Boeing 757 at the Pentagon on September 11, 2002 last week.

One point has not been made in the debate, says John Leonard,
publisher of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, which he calls the
most radical 9/11 critique in print.

The ground speed of the plane has been estimated at 250 to 350 miles
per hour.

That equals 360 to 500 feet per second.

The Boeing 757 measures 155 feet.

For the plane to travel its own length, approximately the width of the
field of vision in the video, would take 0.3 to 0.43 seconds.

Most cameras take 24 frames per second. So there should be 7 to 8
frames showing the plane approaching the building before it hits.

What does Leonard himself believe about the Pentagon? He says it was
probably sleight of hand, the simple first trick any apprentice
magician learns. A large plane may have approached the building in a
diversionary maneuver, to fool the witnesses, then avoided it by flying
over it -- the building is quite low. The object striking the building
was probably a cruise missile. Such missiles may fly at around 1,800
mph near the surface, making them hard to see.

"9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA" proposes the thesis that 9/11 was
an inside job by a war faction within the government, heirs of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer, who signed off on the 1962
Operation Northwoods scheme to shoot down a plane and blame it on Cuba
to fabricate a pretext to invade that country. The author Webster
Griffin Tarpley, like Leonard, believes that there were no Arab
hijackers; he says they were patsies or decoys who were framed to
invent a pretext to invade Arab countries.

The government could reply that security cameras only take one frame
per second. However, there were many more cameras trained on the spot
-- some reports say as many as 80 -- with all footage being confiscated
by the FBI. "Why are we only getting a few more frames from the same
old footage released 4 years ago?" Leonard asks.


From: David West <>
Date: May 20, 2006 10:12:22 AM EST
To:, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
<>, ""
Subject: Fwd: Chile...this sounds terrible!!

Dear friends who care about our earth.
Judge for yourself if you want to take action.

In the Valle de San Felix, the purest water in Chile
runs from 2 rivers, fed by 2 glaciers. Water is a
most precious resource, and wars will be fought for
it. Indigenous farmers use the water, there is no
unemployment, and they provide the second largest
source of income for the area. Under the glaciers has
been found a huge deposit of gold, silver and other
minerals. To get at these, it would be necessary to
break, to destroy the glaciers - something never
conceived of in the history of the world - and to
make 2 huge holes, each as big as a whole mountain,
one for extraction and one for the mine's rubbish
tip. The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company
is called Barrick Gold. The operation is planned by
a multi-national company, one of whose members is
George Bush Senior. The Chilean Government has
approved the project to start this year, 2006. The only
reason it hasn't started yet is because the farmers have
got a temporary stay of execution. If they destroy the
glaciers, they will not just destroy the source of
specially pure water, but they will permanently
contaminate the 2 rivers so they will never again be
fit for human or animal consumption because of the
use of cyanide and sulphuric acid in the extraction
process. Every last gramme of gold will go abroad to
the multinational company and not one will be left
with the people whose land it is. They will only be
left with the poisoned water and the resulting
illnesses. The farmers have been fighting a long time
for their land, but have been forbidden
to make a TV appeal by a ban from the Ministry of the Interior.
Their only hope now of putting brakes on this project
is to get help from international justice. The world
must know what is happening in Chile. The only place
to start changing the world is from here. We ask you to
circulate this message amongst your
friends in the following way. Please copy this text,
paste it into a new email adding your signature and send
it to everyone in your address book.

Please will the 100th person to receive and sign the
petition send it to
to be forwarded to the Chilean government.


We ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the
Pascua Lama project to protect the whole of 3
glaciers, the purity of the water of the San Felix
Valley and El Transito, the quality of the
agricultural land of the region of Atacama, the
quality of life of the Diaguita people and of the
whole population of the region.

SIGNATURE ----CITY -------- COUNTRY---------

1) Katharine Proudfoot, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
2) Laura Cole, London, UK
3) David Platt, London, UK
4) Diane Platt, Manchester, UK
5) Tanya Corker, Manchester, UK
6) Claire Colvine, Liverpool, UK.
7) Charles Williams, Liverpool, UK
8) Mary Williams, Manchester, UK
9)Sarah Wettenhall, Melbourne, Australia
10] Mary Moore, Healesville, Australia
11) Jocelyn Harvey, Madrid, Spain
12) Michelle Campbell, Vancouver, Canada
13) Lynn Irving, Westport, NZ
14) Glenn Irving, Westport, NZ
15) Kate
Dermer, Raglan, NZ
16) Joanna McKay, Raglan, NZ
17). Anna Bartlett, palma, spain.
18) Hamish Moeller, Taupo, NZ !
19) andreas eggmann, chamonix, france
20) jackie ke eble, Mount Maunganui, NZ.
21) Simon Fritchley, Mount Maunganui, NZ.
22) Abi Cross, Plymouth, UK
23) Kirsteen Ruffell, London UK
24) Julian Drummond, Isle of Wight, UK
25) Serena Gower-Johnson, Isle of Wight, UK
26) Angela Gower-Johnson, Isle of Wight, UK
27) Jesuriel Senechal, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
28) Alexander Phelps, Miami Beach, FL, USA
29)Christopher Costa, Keaau,HI,USA
30) Nicole Brady, Danbury,CT USA
31) Taryn Gurgol, Haiku, HI USA
32) Brian Igersheim, Haiku, HI USA
33) Susan Ahrayna Zakos, Ithaca, NY USA
34) Anesti Zakos, Ithaca, NY USA
35)Meredith Mickelson, Ithaca, NY USA
36) Susan Blakney, Skaneateles, NY USA
37) Linda Fairbairn,
Brisbane, Australia
38) Megan Breid, Peregian Beach,Australia.
39) Errol and Fionna Wood, Bellingen, Australia.
40) Sharon and Tony MacNevin, Queenscliff NSW
41) Sally Hunter, Bellingen NSW, Australia.
42) Fiona Crosskill, Bellingen, NSW, Australia
43) Wendy Stevens, Totnes, UK
44) Graham Stevens, Totnes, UK
45} Jamie Sermon, Totnes, UK
46} Mike Sermon, Totnes, UK
47) Alan Payne, Totnes, UK
48) Claire Gobeau, Totnes, UK
49) Francesca Bourne, Totnes, UK
50) Liz Thomas, Brighton, UK
51) Tricia Reilly, Madrid, Spain
52) Fiona Smith, UK/Greece
53)David West, UK/China
54) Keith Lampe, US/Bolivia


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 21, 2006 12:08:33 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Iran's oil exchange to trade oil for euros, not dollars

Iran's oil exchange to trade oil for euros, not dollars

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 0.gif]
On the 5th of May Iran registered its Oil Exchange, which will become
the fifth Stock Exchange of its kind in the world. Other exchanges
operate in New York, London, Singapore and Tokyo. Which exact
companies will be allowed to trade at this Exchange is, like the
official opening, still unknown. Yet the Iranian Exchange will be
unique, as all trading will be conducted in Euros. On the already
functioning Stock Exchanges business is conducted in dollars and,
because of this, the specific term petrodollars came into use. If the
Iranian Petroleum Exchange allows the major oil companies to trade on
its floor then the dollar seriously risks losing its position in the
world market. This is a possibility that many experts already consider
very plausible.

Will the situation change on the World Oil Market? How will the
opening of the Oil Exchange affect the rate of the dollar?

The present happenings in the Oil Market are already well known the
price of oil will continue to grow. But what changes will occur with
the creation of the new Exchange? From now on will all the oil have to
be purchased from the Iranian Exchange? With the opening of the new
exchange neither the price of milk will rise nor will it decrease in
quantity. This is a fully political gesture on the part of Iran.

As concerns the introduction of trading with the euro, this
corresponds perfectly with the present direction of the world economy:
the dollar falls and the euro gets stronger.

If we compare the presumed turnover of the Iranian Exchange and the
full turnover of the economy of the USA we will see that the same
mistakes are still being made. The dollar will continue to fall while
the price continues to grow on oil. The growth will continue as long as
American pursues its present political agenda. The USA of course has
its dividends - to raise the competitiveness of its own goods.

Iran declares that with the opening of the Exchange it hopes to reduce
the influence of America on its own economy and the economy of the
region. But can it achieve this?

At present the USA has practically no influence on Iran and its
economy. In turn Iran does not have the potential to influence USA
politics. Therefore, from the Iranian perspective, they are prepared to
make their different political declarations and gestures. The end,
however, is easy to miscalculate. It could lead to the liquidation of
Irans atomic aspirations.

So the creation of this new Exchange, the games of Iran, in which they
continue to play, will carry on until Uncle Sam decides to put his foot
down, for when he does, the games will soon come to an end.

Will Iran gain any profit from the opening of the new Oil Exchange?

Undoubtedly Iran has the potential for economic profit. Yet the
creation of the Exchange will, however, not play a defining role in the
in the Iranian economy, with or without the euro Iran has its own
political agenda and economic motives have, for a long time, not played
a very important role. One main concern is that Iran is governed, not
only by political motives, but by deeply rooted religious ones as well.

Russia has now to adjust its focus of attention from the economic area
to the political. By this I mean her new political energy agenda.

Whats more, these new events will, in no way, have an affect on the
worlds economic direction. Just as the prices on oil and gas have
grown, so they will continue to grow.

How long will the rise in energy prices continue?

This will eventually lead towards a crisis that will hit the economy of
the oil producing countries. To begin with, I think, it will quickly
strike the developing countries such as China and India, followed later
by Europe and the USA.

At this very moment we are seeing the same crisis, only in a slower
from, that already occurred when the Arabian countries established an
embargo. Now it is just on a larger scale, though, in reality, it is
the same thing.

The point is not that the world does not have sufficient oil for
this simply isnt true. World supplies of oil will last us yet many
more years, but for the West there exists the problem of Iran, problems
of the new Latin American countries, terrorism from the East, Russia,
and the constant concerns of energy which still leave the West feeling
very insecure. And all these problems are coming from the very
countries that provide the west with its energy.

The price, therefore, continues to rise but in reality a barrel of oil
is still sold at a cheap price.

However, the desire to reduce the consumption of oil in order to find
different sources of energy does still not exist, despite the fact that
these alternatives are now ready for development. The problem of
thermal reactors is still being dealt with very ineffectively, while
the use of other forms of energy are inexhaustible, and could help
solve the present energy problem. In theory this is a task that will be
decided in the next century.

There is, of course, the possibility to use hydrate methane, another
powerful source of energy, and, if it were developed and used
effectively, would provide the same amount of energy reserves as oil
and gas combined.

So in fact there are solutions to the present day problems, only there
is not the political desire to realize them.

And when the political situation reaches its peak, when Iran and Saudi
Arabia decide to shut off the supply to the west, then it will be the
west that will have to find and develop these alternative fuel sources.


Translated by Guerman Grachev


Chavez on "the
so-called American way of life" -
Viva Chavez,
by Mike Whitney

{sorry, I mistakenly edited out the Sender & Date of this article -
Peter Myers.}
May 19, 2006

Hugo Chavez is a self-made man. He wasn't piggy-backed into Harvard on
a legacy grant (Affirmative Action for plutocrats) or shoehorned into
the White House by corporate gangsters. He grew up in a two-room
thatched palm-leaf house with his five siblings and dreamt of moving to
New York to play baseball for the Yankees. At age 18 he chose to make
the most of his meager opportunities by enlisting in the military.

For 17 years, Chavez served his country; gradually moving up the chain
of command to lieutenant colonel. Unlike his American counterpart, GW
Bush, Chavez never went AWOL during wartime or stumbled through years
of idle profligacy peering at the world through beer-goggles.

While Bush was busy driving three consecutive companies into insolvency
and fattening his bank account with the loot from insider-trading
scams, Chavez was putting together the Revolutionary Bolivarian
Movement; a leftist political organization which promoted
redistribution and civil rights.

Chavez was lifted to the presidency on the backs of peasants and
working-class people while Bush was selected by 5 venal judges who
repealed the democratic process and suspended the counting of ballots.

The differences between the two men go on and on. It is an interesting
study in contrasts and one that is particularly relevant to the
deteriorating state of world affairs. So far, Bush's views have carried
the day; the global superpower is free to act unilaterally and without
concern for either international law or basic standards of decency.

Chavez, however, has presented a competing vision of global
integration, collective action, and participatory democracy. His
world-view is clearly ascendant.

"Capitalism is barbarism," Chavez says; a point that is persuasively
driven home in the daily accounts of butchery in Iraq, Afghanistan or
Haiti. In Bush-world the mounting death toll is simply the price of
opening new markets like the cheerful ringing of a cash register. Its
no wonder the system is collapsing all around him. Chavez has taken the
lead in denouncing Bush and the system that supports him:

"For the horror it has created around the world in the last century,
the United States' war machine should be dismantled. It is a threat
against all of mankind, particularly against our children."

He has wisely taken aim at Bush, an indigent patrician without any
identifiable qualifications, as the foremost symbol of a system run

"The worst genocidal leader in the history of humanity is the President
of the United States. Hitler would be like a suckling baby next to
George W Bush. He is a terrorist, a drunkard, and a donkey".

The stark contrast of the two men's personalities has been a boon to
Chavez. Even the feeble attacks by the media have only enhanced his
popularity and strengthened his case for socialism:

"This model, the so called American way of life, the extreme
capitalism, is not sustainable, life on this planet will come to an end
if we continue down this road, that is why we are motivated to seek
socialism and abandon capitalism, the individualism, the selfish
consumerism, the so called destructive development that is destroying
this planet, we are all in danger, and not so much us, our children and

Chavez has been a thumb in the eye of the Bush Empire. His criticism of
America's duplicitous foreign policy resonates with poor and working
class people alike.

Presently, he is meeting with leaders of Libya and Algeria (supposedly)
to discuss "increased cooperation on oil production" and to develop
"social programs for the poor based on oil revenues". Chavez has
initiated similar programs at home, but he is using his increased
visibility to publicly denounce Bush and American foreign policy:

"We are against America, the imperialist. We don't accept its hegemony.
The whole world should unite against America."

Chavez's trip comes at a time when there are renewed fears of an attack
on Iran. Could it be that the Venezuelan president is actually working
behind the scenes to stem the flow of oil if Iran is bombed? Or, maybe
he is orchestrating a "run on the dollar" (transfer to euros) which
Russia and Venezuela have already threatened? Whatever the plan, he has
vehemently condemned the administration's hostility to Iran while other
nations continue to cringe.

"The world needs to do everything possible to avoid the madness of a
military attack against Iran. We call upon the government of the United
States to halt its warmongering, which will throw the world into an
abyss of more wars, more terrorism, more death, and more desolation.
Europe has a very important role to play in this, and instead of
supporting this war, it should help to stop it."

Chavez has been equally blunt in his criticism of the war in Iraq. In
an interview with British Channel 4 he was asked what he would do if he
was living in occupied Iraq. Chavez answered:

"If I was an Iraqi I would be resisting. I would be in the trenches; I
would have a rocket-launcher; I would be defending the holy sovereignty
of my country against the abuses and oppression of the empire."

His sense of moral clarity is a reprieve from the evasive gibberish of
other world leaders who try to soften their rhetoric so they don't
offend Washington.

In the same interview Chavez was asked (disdainfully) why people
outside of his country "think he is crazy"?

Chavez responded, "If those people think I'm crazy, well, God forgive
them, because they are victims of a media campaign. I am just a human
being like you; no more, no less. But, I am totally devoted to this
cause of equality and justice to see if we can save this planet ... The
great crazy guy is I Washington, not here."

Chavez is slowly transforming Venezuelan politics and making
significant headway in areas of redistribution and social welfare. The
country's 25 million people now have full access to free health care
and illiteracy has been eliminated. Government programs now provide 15
million people with subsidized food, medicine and other essentials.
Medical clinics have sprung up in every barrio in Caracas and college
enrollment has increased exponentially.

Chavez has created a model of governance that is based on human needs
rather than rigid ideology. This has made it more difficult to
discredit him as dogmatic or authoritarian. His policies of income
redistribution have created a burgeoning Venezuelan middle class which
is changing the political dynamic throughout Latin America. He has
become Washington's "biggest nightmare" and a threat to America's
economic dominance in the region.

"Let's consider socialism," Chavez said. "Let's debate it and build it.
I believe that mistakes were in the economic analysis, and there should
be social praxis. 21st century socialism should be based on solid human

No one has done more to reenergize the Left than Hugo Chavez. He
hasbecome the face of anti-imperialism and the champion of progressive
socialism. His views on education, poverty-reduction, social justice,
and the equitable distribution of oil revenues are sweeping the
hemisphere; brushing aside centuries of colonialism.

The politics of personal accumulation and perennial war are on the
decline. Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. As Chavez says,
"We must embrace a new type of socialism, a humanist one, which puts
humans, not machines and not the state, above everything".

This century's Enlightenment is coming from south of the border.

Viva Chavez.


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Monsanto Develops "Genetically Modified Pig"

The patenting of livestock

By Chris Gupta
May 20, 2006

Chris Gupta

Editor's Note: Greenpeace has covered this issue in several 2005
reports, when Monsanto launched the GM pigs Patent

"The Earth is flat, pigs were invented by Monsanto, and genetically
modified organisms are safe. Right."

Through more patent perversions such as the earlier "Terminator
Corporations' Suicide Seeds" Monsanto is blatantly continuing their
scheme of rounding up the food chain from A to Z!

"One way or another, Monsanto wants to make sure no food is grown that
they don't own -- and the record shows they don't care if it's safe for
the environment or not. Monsanto has aggressively set out to bulldoze
environmental concerns about its genetically engineered (GE) seeds at
every regulatory level. So why stop in the field? Not content to own
the pesticide and the herbicide and the crop, they've made a move on
the barnyard by filing two patents which would make the corporate giant
the sole owner of that famous Monsanto invention: the pig. "

"The big picture is chilling to anyone who mistrusts Monsanto's record
disinterest for environmental safety. And if you're not worried, you
should be: central control of food supply has been a standard
ingredient for social and political control throughout history. By
creating a monopoly position, Monsanto can force dangerous experiments
like the release of GMOs into the environment on an unwilling
public.They can ensure that GMOs will be sold and consumed wherever
they say they will."

Such blatant abuse can only continue if it is not challenged.
Unfortunately, the typical lack of response from the masses and the
idle government oversight is precisely why these perversions occur and
continue. Sadly the only way to counter these shenanigans is to
collectively and openly flaunt these patents ...

Monsanto Files Patent for New Invention: The Pig - The original is here

It's official. Monsanto Corporation is out to own the world's food
supply, the dangers of genetic engineering and reduced biodiversity
notwithstanding, as they pig-headedly set about hog-tying farmers with
their monopoly plans. We've discovered chilling new evidence of this in
recent patents that seek to establish ownership rights over pigs and
their offspring. In the crop department, Monsanto is well on their way
to dictating what consumers will eat, what farmers will grow, and how
much Monsanto will get paid for seeds. In some cases those seeds are
designed not to reproduce sowable offspring. In others, a flock of
lawyers stand ready to swoop down on farmers who illegally, or even
unknowingly, end up with Monsanto's private property growing in their

One way or another, Monsanto wants to make sure no food is grown that
they don't own -- and the record shows they don't care if it's safe for
the environment or not. Monsanto has aggressively set out to bulldoze
environmental concerns about its genetically engineered (GE) seeds at
every regulatory level. So why stop in the field? Not content to own
the pesticide and the herbicide and the crop, they've made a move on
the barnyard by filing two patents which would make the corporate giant
the sole owner of that famous Monsanto invention: the pig.

The Monsanto Pig (Patent pending) . . . The patent applications were
published in February 2005 at the World Intellectual Property
Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva. A Greenpeace researcher who monitors
patent applications, Christoph Then, uncovered the fact that Monsanto
is seeking patents not only on methods of breeding, but on actual
breeding herds of pigs as well as the offspring that result. "If these
patents are granted, Monsanto can legally prevent breeders and farmers
from breeding pigs whose characteristics are described in the patent
claims, or force them to pay royalties," says Then. "It's a first step
toward the same kind of corporate control of an animal line that
Monsanto is aggressively pursuing with various grain and vegetable

There are more than 160 countries and territories mentioned where the
patent is sought including Europe, the Russian Federation, Asia (India,
China, Philippines) America (USA, Brazil, Mexico), Australia and New
Zealand. WIPO itself can only receive applications, not grant patents.
The applications are forwarded to regional patent offices.

The patents are based on simple procedures, but are incredibly broad
in their claims. In one application (WO 2005/015989 to be precise)
Monsanto is describing very general methods of crossbreeding and
selection, using artificial insemination and other breeding methods
which are already in use. The main "invention" is nothing more than a
particular combination of these elements designed to speed up the
breeding cycle for selected traits, in order to make the animals more
commercially profitable. (Monsanto chirps gleefully about lower fat
content and higher nutritional value. But we've looked, and we couldn't
find any "Philanthropic altruism" line item in their annual reports,
despite the fact that it's an omnipresent factor in their advertising.)
According to Then, "I couldn't belive this. I've been reviewing patents
for 10 years, and I had to read this three times. Monsanto isn't just
seeking a patent for the method, they are seeking a patent on the
actual pigs which are bred from this method. It's an astoundingly broad
and dangerous claim."

Good breeding always shows . . . Take patent application WO
2005/017204. This refers to pigs in which a certain gene sequence
related to faster growth is detected. This is a variation on a natural
occurring sequence -- Monsanto didn't invent it. It was first
identified in mice and humans. Monsanto wants to use the detection of
this gene sequence to screen pig populations, in order to find which
animals are likely to produce more pork per pound of feed. (And that
will be Monsanto Brand genetically-engineered feed grown from Monsanto
Brand genetically-engineered seed raised in fields sprayed with
Monsanto Brand Roundup Ready herbicide and doused with Monsanto Brand
pesticides, of course).

But again, Monsanto wants to own not just the selection and breeding
method, not just the information about the genetic indicators, but, if
you pardon the expression, the whole hog.

Claim 16 asks for a patent on: "A pig offspring produced by a method
Claim 17 asks for a patent on: "A pig herd having an increased
frequency of a specific ...gene..."
Claim 23 asks for a patent on: "A pig population produced by the
Claim 30 asks for a patent on: "A swine herd produced by a method..."

This means the pigs, their offspring, and the use of the genetic
information for breeding will be entirely owned by Monsanto, Inc., and
any replication or infringement of their patent by man or beast will
mean royalties or jail for the offending swine.

Not pig fodder . . . When it comes to profits, pigs are big. Monsanto
notes that "The economic impact of the industry in rural America is
immense. Annual farm sales typically exceed US$ 11 billion, while the
retail value of pork sold to consumers reaches US$ 38 billion each

At almost every level of food production, Monsanto is seeking a
monopoly position. The company once earned its money almost exclusively
through agrochemicals. But in the last ten years they've spent about
US$ 10 billion buying up seed producers and companies in other sectors
of the agricultural business. Their last big acquisition was Seminis,
the biggest producer of vegetable seeds in the world.

Monsanto holds extremely broad patents on seeds . . . most, but not
all of them, related to Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs). Monsanto
has also claimed patent rights on such non-Monsanto inventions as
traditionally-bred wheat from India and soy plants from China. Many of
these patents apply not only to the use of seeds but all uses of the
plants and harvest that result.

Orwellian: "The Earth is flat, pigs were invented by Monsanto, and
GMOs are safe." The big picture is chilling to anyone who mistrusts
Monsanto's record disinterest for environmental safety. And if you're
not worried, you should be: central control of food supply has been a
standard ingredient for social and political control throughout
history. By creating a monopoly position, Monsanto can force dangerous
experiments like the release of GMOs into the environment on an
unwilling public.They can ensure that GMOs will be sold and consumed
wherever they say they will.

By claiming global monopoly patent rights throughout the entire food
chain, Monsanto seeks to make farmers and food producers, and
ultimately consumers, entirely dependent and reliant on one single
corporate entity for a basic human need. It's the same dependence that
Russian peasants had on the Soviet Government following the Russian
revolution. The same dependence that French peasants had on Feudal
kings during the middle ages. But control of a significant proportion
of the global food supply by a single corporation would be
unprecedented in human history.

It's time to ensure that doesn't happen. It's time for a global ban of
patents on seeds and farm animals. It's time to tell Monsanto we've had
enough of this hogwash. -Brian Thomas Fitzgerald

Tell Monsanto to stop patenting life.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Chris Gupta, Chris Gupta, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Inflated Terrorism - Propaganda Lies
Exaggerated misconceptions of worldwide terrorism to frighten us into
supporting a global police state.

by Peter Phillips
May 20, 2006

Project Censored

The Bush administration is paltering to the American public with
exaggerated misconceptions of worldwide terrorism to frighten us into
supporting a global police state. With seven hundred military bases and
a budget bigger than the rest of the world combined, the US military
has become the new supreme-power force repressing "terrorism"

Vice President Dick Cheney's keynote address at the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference March 7, 2006 is a
telling example of neo-conservative global dominance thought in the
current administration. Here are his exact words, "Israel, and the
United States, and all civilized nations will win the war on terror. To
prevail in this fight, we must understand the nature of the enemy.
America experienced on September 11th, 2001, the terrorist enemy is
brutal and heartless. This enemy wears no uniform, has no regard for
the rules of warfare, and is unconstrained by any standard of decency
or morality
.The terrorists want to end all American and Western
influence in the Middle East. Their goal in that region is to seize
control of a country, so they have a base from which to launch attacks
and wage war against governments that do not meet their demands
ultimately to establish a totalitarian empire that encompasses a region
from Spain, across North Africa, through the Middle East and South
Asia, all the way around to Indonesia."

Cheney claims that evil terrorists everywhere are plotting for the ruin
of "civilized" nations. In order to stop them we must militarily
control all the regions they are threatening in a permanent global war.
Cheney's military empire, set to prevail over the totalitarian
terrorists, will inevitably expand global resistance to US domination.
Large coalitions of freedom fighters, fundamentalists, patriots,
religious zealots, nationalists, and ideologues of various beliefs will
emerge from within the regions the US occupies.

Widespread resistance is exactly what is happening in Iraq. Le Monde
Diplomatique on May 2, 2006 described the Iraq insurgents - terrorists
to Cheney - as "armed opposition often divided into a set of wholly
independent categories which apparently do not have much in common. The
categories include the patriotic former army officers, the foreign
terrorists, the Sunni Arabs determined to regain power, the Muslims
opposed to any kind of foreign occupation, the tribal factions pursuing
their own specific vendettas, the die-hard Ba'athists - and the
"pissed-off" Iraqis (in coalition soldier jargon, POIs) who are simply
sick of the foreign forces occupying their country."

For Cheney and other global dominance neo-conservatives, the terrorist
label is so broad that it can be applied to any individual, group, or
nation that resists US military occupations, US threats, or US
corporate interests anywhere in the world. In reality, the US military
is the world's foremost totalitarian force.

Three years ago I met a Dutch journalist, Willem Oltman, at the
International Campaign Against US Aggression on Iraq in Cairo, Egypt.
Oltman described his teen years during World War II in the Dutch
resistance movement. "The Nazi's called us terrorists," he exclaimed.
"Now as the US invades and occupies other countries you do the same
thing," he added.

Maintaining an US military global police force enriches defense
contractors and enflames resistance. There is no worldwide terrorism
threat other than the one we create when we make war on other peoples.
Addressing world poverty, sickness, and environmental issues will go
much further in preventing single acts of terrorism inside the United
States than any military actions we can muster. It is time to challenge
the neo-conservative global dominance agenda and stand up for human
rights and the traditional American values of grass-roots democracy,
due process, governmental transparency, and individual freedoms for
ourselves and the rest of the world.

Peter Phillips is a professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University
and director of Project Censored a media research group. . He is co-editor with Dennis Loo of the
forthcoming book, Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and
Cheney, from Seven Stories Press, summer 2006.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Peter Phillips, Project Censored, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: "paul illich" <>
Date: May 20, 2006 9:06:43 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Oklahoma - Wheat prices soar as crops

Wheat prices soar as crops wane

By Jim Stafford
The Oklahoman

Here is the upside to Oklahoma's smallest
projected wheat crop in half a century:
dramatically higher prices.
Futures prices on the Kansas City Board of
Trade hit a nine-year high of $5.14 per bushel
during the trading day Thursday before settling
back to $5.06 at the close.

Cash prices in Oklahoma were in a range of
$4.59 to $4.87 per bushel, but state prices track
those on the Kansas City trading board, said Mike
Cassidy, president of Cassidy Grain in Frederick.
Oklahoma wheat prices heading into the harvest
often hover just above or below the $3 per bushel
mark. The downside to higher prices is that many
Oklahoma farmers will have no wheat to sell into a
strong market, Cassidy said.

U.S. Department of Agriculture statisticians
have projected Oklahoma's wheat harvest at 68
million bushels, the lowest since 43 million
bushels were harvested in 1957.

"The price is high, but we don't have any
bushels to sell at that price, but that's why it's
high," Cassidy said of the catch-22 situation in
which Oklahoma wheat growers find themselves.

"Basically, in Tillman County we are in
ground zero," he said. "We are only going to cut
10 percent of the acres that were planted. So we
are probably as bad as it gets locally."

The harvest already has begun in
southwestern Oklahoma.

It will end quickly, Cassidy said.

"We've probably received 5,000 or 6,000
bushels, and I feel like we are winding it up," he

Mike Rosen called the price situation a
"double-edged sword." Rosen is manager of Wheeler
Bros. Grain Co. in Kingfisher, where he expects
farmers to harvest about 75 percent of their
planted acres.

"We're kind of in a garden spot in
Kingfisher County compared to other parts of the
state," Rosen said. "Not that that's good. It
beats what Cassidy has down at Frederick."

Rosen said consumers should consider that
wheat prices at Kingfisher were $4.78 on Thursday,
less than $1 per bushel over what they were in

"Stop and think what you paid for an
automobile 30 years ago, your house 30 years ago
or what people spend on their food budget," he
said. "It's unbelievable how cheap wheat is
compared to what everything else is."

It's all fueled by supply and demand and the
number of wheat producing countries who are
competing with the United States, he said.

"Everybody raises hard red winter wheat,"
Rosen said.

Kim Anderson, a marketing economist at
Oklahoma State University, said state wheat prices
remain far below their historical highs. The cash
price topped $7 per bushel in 1996, he said.

"We could approach it again, but I think it's
going to take more than a short crop in the United
States," Anderson said. "World wheat production is
going to have to be lower than it's currently
forecast to be."

World wheat stocks are projected to be 4.7
billion bushels at the end of the 2006-2007
marketing year, he said. That's below the
five-year average of 5.8 billion bushels but still
above the ending stocks of 5.6 billion bushels for
the 1995-1996 crop year, he said.

"We need to lose another 75 million bushels
for prices to get up to the $7 per bushel (range)
or go higher, or we need the world ending stocks
to go down," Anderson said.

There's always next year, said Troy Rigel
with Johnston Grain Co. in Enid. Futures prices
for July 2007 are well above $5 per bushel, which
means there is some hope for Oklahoma farmers who
survive the drought of 2006, he said.

"That translates into more wheat acres being
planted, more fertilizer being put down, better
farming practices because they are farming for a
$5 wheat price," Rigel said. "Typically when we
see a $5 wheat price, the next year's crop is
priced at about $3.50. This year the market is
acting a little differently."

Farmers can plant next year's crop and then
lock in a price they will receive through forward
contracts, Rigel said. The downside to that? If
they harvest fewer bushels than what they have
contracted to deliver, they will have to make up
the difference.

"It is given an opportunity to sell next
year's wheat at some very lucrative numbers,"
Rigel said. "That never happens, but it is this
year. I guess I will have to stop using the word


President, USA Exile Govt.

May 22, 2006, 1:24:29 PM5/22/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 22, 2006

NOTE: Christopher Bollyn's piece below is on balance quite
helpful--but I'm surprised he faults Webster Tarpley merely because the
latter hasn't provided any 9/11 Israeli info. This would be like me
faulting Bollyn merely because he hasn't provided any 9/11 Insider
Trading info. Also it is not at all clear that Deborah Simon was
handing out copies of the video "Loose Change" in front of the White
House merely to obscure Israeli involvement in 9/11. It's important
just now for us to give each other--where possible--the benefit of the
doubt. -- kl, pp

From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: May 21, 2006 2:15:50 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: Christopher Bollyn: Controlling the

From: "Richard Pierce" <>
To: "911_free_discussion" <>
May 20, 2006
Subject: Controlling the Message

9-11: Controlling the Message
By Christopher Bollyn
19 May 2006

The mainstream media can no longer avoid the red-hot 9-11 issues, such
as evidence of pre-planted explosives in the World Trade Center. But
rather than presenting all of the facts, the message is being carefully
controlled to suppress the evidence of Israeli involvement in the
attacks and media complicity in the cover-up.

William Rodriguez, the last person to escape from the North Tower just
seconds before it collapsed, is a key 9-11 organizer working on behalf
of the victims and their families. His efforts to find the truth about
the terror attacks were instrumental in pressuring the reluctant Bush
administration to establish the 9-11 Commission. Rodriguez, a
janitor who helped rescue many people from the burning tower, stayed in
the building from the time it was hit until immediately before it was
demolished. His observations of what happened in the tower make him an
important witness about the events at the World Trade Center. However,
when Rodriguez testified before the 9-11 Commission not one word of his
testimony was included in its final report. Having known Rodriguez
for a year and having spent many hours with him, this reporter has
learned a great deal about the 9-11 attack from his personal
observations, most of which he does not speak about publicly. On a
recent trip to Venezuela, Rodriguez told American Free Press that he
has been advised not to talk about critical evidence that he has
personal knowledge of. "I can't talk about the Israeli involvement
because it would offend the Jewish families," Rodriguez said, referring
to the relatives of Jewish victims. Yet, Rodriguez has important
information about the involvement of Israeli intelligence agents in the
attacks. For example, he has personal knowledge that Israeli Mossad
agents, posing as employees of a moving company in New Jersey, met
regularly with some of the Arab terror suspects at a video store a
block from his home in Jersey City during the year prior to the
attacks. In the afternoon of 9-11, when five Israeli "movers" were
arrested in New Jersey after having been observed videotaping and
celebrating the attacks on the twin towers, the police sergeant was
told not to mention the fact that the men were Israelis, Rodriguez told
AFP. Arab clothing had been found in their vehicle, he said. After
investigating the five Israelis, the FBI concluded that they had been
"conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer,
Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front," wrote Marc
Perelman of The Forward, a leading New York-based Jewish newspaper, in
March 2002, citing an un-named "former high-ranking American
intelligence official." The five Israeli agents: Sivan and
Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, and Yaron Shmuel were
arrested eight hours after the attacks by the Bergen County police
while driving in an Urban Moving Systems van. The police acted on an
FBI alert after the men had been seen celebrating and videotaping the
events from the roof of their warehouse and van. Suspicions were
compounded when box cutters, multiple passports, and $4,000 in cash
were found in the van, which tested positive for explosives. The
Israelis had taken pictures of themselves smiling with the smoldering
wreckage of the World Trade Center in the background. In the weeks and
months following 9-11, numerous cells of other Mossad "moving" agents
were arrested across the nation. In December 2001, Fox News reported
that U.S. authorities had detained 60 such "movers" and had arrested or
expelled some 120 other Israeli agents, identified as "art students,"
which were part of an extensive Israeli spy ring attempting to
penetrate federal buildings and military facilities. In March 2002,
the French newspaper Le Monde reported that the Israeli art students
had probably been monitoring "Al Qaeda operatives." Le Monde added that the Israeli spies
appear to have been "trailing Al Qaeda members in the United States
without informing Washington." More than one-third of the Israelis
under investigation lived in Florida, which was the home base for at
least 10 of the 19 "hijackers" in the September 11 attacks, Le Monde
noted. These facts, Le Monde wrote, support "the thesis according to
which Israel did not share with the U.S. all the elements it had about
the planning of the September 11 attacks." The French and the Fox
News reports were dismissed by Israel and its supporters and received
limited coverage in the American media, Perelman noted. American Free
Press is the only U.S. newspaper which has reported extensively on
these stories. The Israelis were held for two-and-a-half months and
deported at the end of November 2001, for "visa violations," although
the FBI's counterintelligence investigation had concluded that at least
two of them were, in fact, Mossad operatives, according to the former
American official, who told The Forward that he had been regularly
briefed on the investigation by two separate law enforcement
officials. "The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front
for the Mossad and operatives employed by it," he said. "The conclusion
of the FBI was that they were spying on local Arabs but that they could
leave because they did not know anything about 9/11." What all of
the teams of Israeli "movers" had in common was that their vans had
tested positive for explosives when the tests had been conducted by the
local police authorities. When the Israelis' vehicles were turned over
to the FBI, however, the FBI changed the reports to say that there was
no evidence that the vehicles had carried explosives. Rodriguez, who
was on the first basement level of the North Tower at 8:45 a.m. on
9-11, has often spoken publicly about feeling and hearing a "huge
explosion" coming from the lower basement levels moments before the
first plane struck the WTC. He recently told AFP that he cannot talk
about "explosions," but only about what he heard. The first victim
that Rodriguez helped, however, was a man who had been severely burned
and injured by what he clearly told Rodriguez were "explosions" in the
basement. In return for his co-operation in suppressing evidence of
Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the explosions, Rodriguez has
apparently been given vague promises of financial stability - and even
political office - particularly in the event that Hillary Clinton wins
the presidency in 2008. "I will be set for life if Hillary wins," he
told AFP, which suggests that the powers behind Clinton are directly
involved in the cover-up. On the other hand, countless federal
employees, who could provide essential testimony about the attacks,
have been gagged by secret letters demanding their silence about what
they know, did, saw or heard on 9-11. Into the heavily-censored
media environment, numerous independent researchers have brought forth
a great deal of evidence disproving the official version and showing
that Israeli intelligence agents and their U.S.-based supporters are
prime suspects in the crimes of 9-11. In order to draw attention away
from this growing truth movement, the controlled media has begun
promoting a select group of authors and their books, videos, and
websites. What this select group has in common is that their works
minimize or completely ignore the evidence of Israeli involvement and
point to a variety of other suspects being behind 9-11, such as senior
officials in the Bush administration, the Neo-Cons, the Vatican,
unnamed Luciferians, or the ever popular "Germanic Death Cult."

Webster G. Tarpley, author of 9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA,
is one of the authors being promoted by the controlled media. As his
title suggests, Tarpley's thesis revolves around the Bush
administration being behind 9-11 and completely ignores the evidence of
Israeli involvement. Likewise, without presenting a single piece of
evidence, Tarpley wrote an article claiming that the recent anti-Muslim
cartoon scandal instigated by a Danish newspaper had been a "NATO
intelligence provocation." The "entire affair has been cynically
orchestrated by NATO intelligence agencies to set the stage for a new
world war," Tarpley wrote. Rather than embrace the facts and
evidence, Hollywood has produced several propaganda television shows
and one movie, United 93, to support the seriously flawed official
version. Meanwhile, a product of the so-called alternative media, a
video about 9-11 called Loose Change, is now being promoted by the
mainstream media. As with the others in the media's select group, the
producers of Loose Change keep Israeli involvement out of the picture
and place the blame for 9-11 squarely on senior officials in the Bush
administration. "We don't want to point fingers at Israel for a
number of different reasons," the producers of Loose Change said in a
recent interview on Air America:

DylanAveryBermasRowe_4_15_2006.mp3 only 166 k bytes Questioned
later by Eric Hufschmid, author of Painful Questions; An Analysis of
the September 11th Attack, about their views on who was responsible for
9-11, the producers said that the Israeli role was simply one of trying
to warn the U.S. about a potential terror attack. While they are well
aware of the evidence of Israeli involvement, the producers of Loose
Change say it is more important to prosecute members of the Bush
administration and worry about other issues later. A
third edition of Loose Change is being prepared for release in movie
theaters nationwide this fall, according to the video's producers.
Deborah S. Simon received special thanks in the video's credits for
providing footage and other help in producing Loose Change. Simon told
AFP that she even handed out copies of the video in front of the White
House. Who is Deborah Simon, and why is she helping produce and promote
Loose Change? Deborah Simon (nee Cox) is married into the billionaire
Simon family of Indianapolis. The family owns the Simon Property Group,
Inc., which boasts as being the largest U.S. real estate company. The
Simon family owns, develops, and manages more than 280 shopping malls
in the United States and 50 similar properties in Europe and Japan.
The Simon family, strong supporters of Zionist causes, the Clintons,
and the Democratic Party, also own the Indiana Pacers basketball team.
campus of the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis is named after
Max and Mae Simon, the parents of Melvin, Fred, and Herb. Melvin
Simon, the Brooklyn-born founder of the company, also owned a Hollywood
production company and produced more than 20 films. Simon is remembered
for such films as Porky's, Love at First Bite, and Zorro, the Gay

As of January 2005, Porky's is still the highest-grossing
movie from Canada. More notably, Simon has had
business partnerships with both Larry Silverstein and the
Australian-Israeli billionaire Frank Lowy, the leaseholders of the
destroyed World Trade Center. In the late 1980s, Silverstein and Simon
developed a mall in Manhattan together, and after 9-11, Simon teamed up
with Lowy's Westfield America in an attempt to take over the
prestigious retail properties belonging to Taubman Centers, Inc. of

Silverstein and Simon both sit on the advisory board of the Steven L.
Newman Real Estate Institute of Baruch College in downtown
Manhattan. In addition to supporting the Clintons, the Simon family
has provided generous financial support to a number of Indiana
senators, governors, and congressmen. Lee H. Hamilton, for example, the
retired congressman who came out of retirement to serve as vice
chairman of the 9-11 Commission, received a great deal of money from
the Simons during his political career. During his 34-year career in
Congress, Hamilton served as chairman of several key committees, such
as the Committee on International Relations, the Joint Economic
Committee, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the
Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran.
Although he has retired from Congress, Hamilton remains a member of the
Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council and the President's
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.

As director of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, Hamilton still
receives generous financial support from the Simon family. Birch
Bayh, the former senator from Indiana, has been on the board of
directors of the Simon Property Group since 1993 when his son, Evan,
was governor of the state. The younger Bayh is now a U.S. Senator.
Diane Meyer Simon was director and administrator of the elder Bayh's
senate office with whom she worked from 1968 to 1981. When Bayh was
defeated in 1980, Diane Meyer married the billionaire Herbert Simon in

(Christopher Bollyn is a journalist who writes for American Free Press
of Washington, D.C.) To hear the interview with Bollyn about this
Daryl Bradford Smith Interviews Bollyn about Simon Don't forget to
check out Bollyn's previous article about Flight 93:
The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93 and interview: Daryl Bradford
Smith Interviews Bollyn about Flight 93


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U.S. Aggression-Time Once Again
The Fourth U.S. "Supreme International
Crime" in 7 Years Is Already Underway

By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson
May 21, 2006


U.S. Aggression-Time Once Again: The Fourth U.S. "Supreme International
Crime" in Seven Years Is Already Underway, With the Support of the
Free Press and "International Community"

With the United States having initiated wars in violation of the UN
Charter, and hence engaged in the "supreme international crime,"1
against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq in 1999, 2001, and 2003, one
might have expected that its commencement of a fourth aggression only a
few years later against Iran would arouse the UN, EU, other
international institutions and NGOs, and even the supposedly moral and
independent Free Press, to serious protest and counter-action,
including referral to the UN Security Council under Chapter VIIs
"threat of peace" articles and support of possible diplomatic and
economic sanctions. This has not happened, and in fact the Bush
administration has successfully mobilized the UN, whose "primary
responsibility" is the "maintenance of international peace and
security," and the EU, as well as the Free Press, to facilitate its
fourth attack.

We say that the fourth aggression is already underway, because once
again, as in the Iraq case, the United States has been attacking Iran
for many months, and not just with verbal insults and threats. It has
been flying unmanned aerial surveillance drones over Iran since 2004;
it has infiltrated combat and reconnaissance teams into Iran "to

collect targeting data and to establish contact with anti-government

ethnic minority groups" (Seymour Hersh);2 it has bestowed an ambiguous
"protected" status upon the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a group which, since
1997, the U.S. Department of State has designated a Foreign Terrorist
Organization, but a group that the Washington regime now uses to launch
cross-border attacks on Iran from within U.S.-occupied Iraq;3 and it
and its Israeli client have repeatedly threatened larger scale and more
open attacks. This pre-invasion aggression was an important feature of
the overall aggression against Iraq, where the US and British greatly
increased their "spikes of activity" with massive bombing well before
the March 19, 2003 invasion4major acts of war and aggression begun as
early as April 2002, that were almost wholly ignored by the Free Press
and "international community."

What is mind-boggling in all this is that new attacks and threats by a
country that is in the midst of a serial aggression program, that runs
a well documented and widely condemned global gulag of torture,5 that
has committed major war crimes in IraqFallujah may well replace
Guernica as a symbol of murderous warfare unleashed against
civilians6and that openly declares itself exempt from international
law and states that the UN is only relevant when it supports U.S.
policy,7 is not only not condemned for its Iran aggression, but is able
to enlist support for it in the EU, UN and global media. This
enlistment of support occurs despite the further fact that it is now
generally recognized that the Bush and Blair administrations lied their
way into the Iraq invasion-occupation (but still quickly obtained UN
and EU acceptance of the occupation and ensuing ruthless pacification
program),8 and that they cynically misused the inspections program, all
of which makes the new accommodation to the aggression-in-process and
planned larger attack truly frightening.

The mechanism by which this is accomplished by the aggressor state is
to cry-up an allegedly dire threat that Iran might be embarking on a
program to obtain nuclear weaponsit might be doing this secretively,
and although it has submitted itself to IAEA inspections for the past
three years, it has not been 100 percent cooperative with the Agency.9
Combining this with demonization,10 intensive and repeated expressions
of indignation and fear, and threats to do something about the
intolerable threat, the Washington regime has managed to produce a
contrived "crisis," with huge spikes in media attention and supportive
expressions of concern and actions by the UN, IAEA, and international
community.11 These groups join the aggressor partly to avoid offending
it, but also to try to constrain its determination to get its waybut
in the process they accept its premises that there is a real threat and
hence give at least tacit support to its aggression program, and
sometimes more. On the home front, with the acceptance of the
seriousness of the manufactured crisis by the mainstream media and
Democrats, and with leading politicos like Hillary Clinton and Evan
Bayh even egging Bush on, the noise creates its own self-fulfilling
pressures on the leadership that manufactured the crisis, who now must
"do something" about it to avoid political loss.12

This time, the EU appears to be cooperating even more fully in the
developing aggression against Iran than it did in the Iraq case.
Although Iran has an absolute and "inalienable" right to enrich uranium
under NPT rules (i.e., the NPTs sole condition is that the enrichment
can only be "for peaceful purposes"), and although the NPT imposes upon
other parties to the treaty the obligation to "facilitatethe fullest
possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and
technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy,"13
under British, French and German urging Iran, in November 2004, agreed
"on a voluntary basis to continue and extend its suspension to include
all enrichment related and reprocessing activities," while these states
agreed to continue negotiations in good faith for the sake of an
agreement that "will provide objective guarantees that Iran's nuclear
programme is exclusively for peaceful purposes," and "firm guarantees
on nuclear, technological and economic cooperation and firm commitments
on security issues."14

But subsequent stages of negotiations foundered mainly because the
three EU states could not provide Iran with guarantees on
security-related issues without also securing U.S. guarantees for the
sameand not only were U.S. guarantees never forthcoming, but
Washington and Israel escalated their threats instead. Moreover, it is
the longstanding U.S. position that "no enrichment in Iran is
permissible," in the words of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
John Bolton. "The reason for that," he added, "is that even a small
so-called research enrichment program could give Iran the possibility
of mastering the technical deficiencies it's currently encountering in
its program. Once Iran has the scientific and technological capability
to do even laboratory size enrichment, that knowledge could be
replicated in industrial-size enrichment activities elsewhere, that's
why we've felt very strongly that no enrichment inside Iran should be
permitted, and that remains our position."15 In short, the United
States unilaterally refuses to allow Iran its rights granted it by the

Now some 18 months later, a U.S.-led consortium of states has
introduced a draft resolution within the UN Security Council with the
intent of imposing upon Iran a deadline for terminating all indigenous
"enrichment-related and reprocessing activities" (pars. 1-2), as well
as calling on all states to prevent the transfer of the technology and
the expertise "that could contribute to Irans enrichment-related and
reprocessing activities and missile program" (par. 4)thereby following
the U.S. lead and criminalizing Irans and only Irans pursuit of its
"inalienable" rights under Article IV of the NPT, and treating Irans
otherwise legal, NPT-sanctioned enrichment program as a Chapter VII
threat to international peace and security. Equally striking, this
draft resolution also expresses the Security Councils "intention to
consider such further measures as may be necessary to ensure compliance
with this resolution" (par. 7).16 This is exactly the kind of
phraseology that, if adopted, the Washington regime would have be eager
to interpret as a use-of-force type resolution, regardless of whether
other members of the Security Council went along with it.

We regard the terms of this draft resolution as well as the general
thrust of British, French, German, and European Union diplomacy on the
Iranian nuclear issue to be a perfect accommodation to the needs of the
aggressor state, which openly denies Iran its "inalienable" rights
under NPT rules. This also constitutes a death-blow-by-politicization
to the NPT and a gross abuse of the functions and powers of the
Security Council, all in deference and service to a program in
violation of the most basic principle of the UN Charterthat all
members "shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means"
and refrain from the "threat or use of force" (Article 2).

Since the spring of 2003, U.S. power has produced a steady and
indignant focus on Irans alleged foot-dragging on inspections. As in
the case of Iraqs failure through March 2003 to prove that it did not
possess any "weapons of mass destruction" (WMD), the U.S.-driven
allegations and inspections regime channeled through the IAEA have
focused on Irans parallel failure to disprove a negativenamely, that
Iran prove that it is not secretly engaging in practices that are
prohibited under the NPT and subsequent Safeguards Agreement (May 15,
1974) and the Additional Protocols (signed December 18, 2003, though
only observed "on a voluntary basis"). Moreover, throughout the
current 38-month cycle of allegations and inspections to which the IAEA
has now subjected Iran, the IAEA has repeatedly adopted a phraseology
to the effect that the IAEA is "unable to confirm the absence of
undeclared nuclear material and activities inside Iran"an inherently
politicized condition that no state would be capable of meeting, no
matter what it agreed to do, and whose application depends ultimately
on the strength of the political forces that pressure the IAEA to
continue the search.17 With enough political pressure, no amount of
"transparency" and "confidence-building" measures on the part of the
accused state can meet it, as was evident in the Iraq case. And as
long as the IAEA reports that it is unable to confirm the absence of
undeclared nuclear material and activities inside Iran, Iran is
helpless before the IAEAs negative condition.

The "threat" and crisis have been sustained in the media by the use of
patriotic and fear-mongering frames and suppressions of relevant fact
that may even be more brazen and misleading than those justifying the
invasion of Iraq. The crisis-supporting frames are: (1) that Iran is a
dangerous theocratic state, with an irrational and unstable political
and clerical leadership that has supported terrorists and threatened
Israel and is therefore not to be trusted with a nuclear program; (2)
that it has been secretive about its nuclear program, has not been
fully cooperative with the inspections program of the IAEA, and that
the reason for this secrecy is Irans intention to develop nuclear
weapons; (3) that its acquisition of a nuclear weapons capability would
be intolerable, would destabilize the Middle East if not the whole of
Western Civilization, and must be stopped.

In sustaining these frames it is necessary to suppress major facts,
such as: (1) that there is no proof that Iran plans to go beyond the
civilian uses of nuclear materials to which it is entitled under the
NPT and the IAEA has never claimed that it has evidence of such weapons
efforts or plans; (2) that both the United States and Israel possess
large and usable nuclear arsenals,18 and both have attacked other
countries in violation of the UN Charter, which Iran has not yet done;
(3) that Iran is far less dangerous than Israel and the United States
because it is very much weaker than the two that threaten it, and could
only use nuclear weapons in self-defenseoffensive use would be
suicidal, which is not the case should the United States and Israel
attack Iran; (4) that Iran was secretive about its nuclear program
because it recognized that the United States and Israel would have
opposed it bitterly, but Iran at least did sign up with the NPT and has
allowed numerous intrusive inspections, whereas Israel was allowed to
develop a nuclear weapons program secretly, with U.S., U.K., French and
Norwegian aid, refused to join the NPT, and remains outside the
inspections system;19 (5) that both the United States and Israel are
virtual theocratic states, profoundly influenced by religious parties
whose leaders are arrogant, racist, and militaristic, and who have
posed persistent threats to international peace and security; (6) that
both the United States and Israel have supported terrorists on a larger
scale than Iran (e.g., Posada, Bosch and the Cuban terrorist network,
the Nicaraguan contras, Savimbi and UNITA, the South Lebanon Army,
among many others); and (7) that it is the United States and Israel
that have destabilized the Middle East, by aggression and ethnic
cleansing in violation of international law and by forcing a huge
imbalance in which only Israel is allowed nuclear weapons among the
countries of the Middle East, a condition which allowed Israel to
invade Lebanon and enables it to ethnically cleanse the West Bank
without threat of retaliation.

A first alternative-frame that might be used but is not to be found in
the mainstream media is based on the fact that, year-in and year-out,
the United States has been a chronic violator of the NPTs Article VI
requirement that all parties "pursue negotiations in good faith on
effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an
early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international
control." In the context of the U.S.-driven accusations about Irans
violations of the NPT, it is worth emphasizing that in a 1996 decision
by the International Court of Justice, the fourteen judges on the Court
ruled unanimously that "There exists an obligation to pursue in good
faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear
disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international
control."20 The United States has brazenly ignored this ruling,
refusing to countenance any form of disarmament or international
control over its sovereign rights on questions of war and peace, openly
working on improving its nuclear weapons,21 and even threatening to use
them against Iran.22

Hence the United States not only has unclean hands, but its own illegal
policies and threats pose a clear and present danger that the UN and
international community should be addressing right now. Furthermore,
not only is Iran not an immediate threat, but given the U.S. threat to
Iran and the U.S. refusal to work toward the elimination of nuclear
weapons and to pledge non-use against nuclear weapons-free countries
like Iran, Iran has a moral right to try to acquire such weapons
for self-defense. Noting what the Americans had done to a
nuclear-weaponless Iraq in 2003, the Israeli historian Martin van
Creveld has written, "Had the Iranians not tried to build nuclear
weapons, they would be crazy."23

This point is reinforced by a second alternative frame: namely, that
the United States is using the Iran nuclear threat as a gambit closely
analogous to the WMD claim that it employed as the lying rationale for
the invasion-occupation of Iraq. As before, the gambit is a cover for
a desire to force a "regime change" in Iran to make it into another
amenable client state. This is sometimes even openly acknowledged, and
helps explain the frenzied threat-inflation and artificial creation of
a crisis that can be used as the pretext for an attack and possibly
produce turmoil and political change in Iran. It also helps us
understand the continual U.S. refusal to negotiate with Iran and/or to
offer a security guarantee in exchange for possible Iranian concessions
on its nuclear plans. The same process occurred in the run-up to the
Iraq invasionthe United States inflated the threat, created a crisis,
refused to negotiate with Iraq, and would not allow inspectors to
complete their search for WMD allegedly because of the dire threat, but
more plausibly because of a longstanding U.S. determination to
engineer a regime change.

As noted, the mainstream media have followed the party line on the Iran
"crisis" and failed almost without exception to note the problems and
deal with matters raised in the alternative frames. Remarkably,
despite their acknowledged massive failures as news organizations and
de facto propaganda service for the Bush administration in the lead up
to the Iraq invasion,24 with the administration refocusing on the new
dire threat from Iran it took the mainstream media no time whatsoever
to fall into party-line formationfrom which they have not deviated.
Thus, they never go into the U.S. violations of its NPT obligations,
never discuss international law and its possible application to U.S.
pre-invasion aggression and threats of open attack, just as they
ignored the subject in reference to the Iraq invasion.25 They never
challenge the threat-inflation or consider any possible Iranian right
of self-defense. (We may recall that the Free Press was able to make
an almost completely disarmed Guatemala a frightening threat back in
1954, as well as the badly weakened Iraq in 2002-3.) The media never
suggest that the United States may be abusing the inspections
processnever harking back to its abuses and outright lying as regard
the Iraq inspections effortand they never suggest ulterior motives for
the aggressor.

In treating EU, UN and IAEA responses, the media never suggest that the
real problem is containing the United States. In the comical version
offered and hardly contested in the media, it is often suggested that
there is a threat of "appeasement" of Iran, and that if the world is
"to avoid another Munich," and the "Security Council fails to confront
the Iranian threat," it is up to the United States to "form an
international coalition to disarm the regime."26 But there is never a
hint that the problem might be appeasement of the United States. Or
that the applicable Munich analogy might not apply to the Iranian
nuclear program at all, as the 1938 Pact among the European powers that
impelled Czechoslovakia to accept the cession of the Sudetenland to the
Nazis is analogous to the ongoing UN and EU role in facilitating the
designs the United States is pursuing toward Iranian territory.27

Pravda could not have done a better job for any planned Soviet venture
abroad than the Free Press is once again doing for the Bush


It is clear that when it comes to actions that the superpower (or its
leading client states) chooses to take, international law is completely
inoperative, and that this has become institutionalized and accepted by
the "international community" (which doesnt include the global
underlying population). In the case of Iran, it is as if the lessons
of the recent past, and even of the ongoing present in Iraq, simply
disappear, and similar imaginary "threats" and misuse of supposedly
neutral international bodies like the IAEA and its "inspections" can be
re-run in a miasma of hypocrisy. In fact, as we have noted, the
situation has deteriorated, with the UN and EU now playing an active
aggression-supportive role, following the U.S. lead in denying Iran its
"inalienable" rights under the NPT and making its pursuit of those
rights into a criminalized "threat to peace," setting the stage for a
more direct U.S. attack.

Our conclusion is twofold. First, given the U.S. and Israeli
possession of nuclear weapons, their threat to possibly use them in
attacking Iran, and the record of both countries in major law
violations such as the U.S. violation of the UN Charter prohibition of
aggression and the Israeli violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention
on obligations of an occupying power, and given the fact that the
Washington regime is already in the early phases of aggression against
Iran, the UN and Security Council should be urgently focusing on the
U.S. aggression instead of some minor inspection delinquencies on the
part of Iran (and it goes without saying, instead of giving positive
aid to the aggressors program).

Second, if there is a concern over violations of the NPT, far more
important than Irans deficiencies are the U.S. failure to undertake
any measures to eliminate nuclear weapons and its protection of Israel
as the sole nuclear power in the Middle East, and remaining outside
IAEA jurisdiction. In fact, the United States is improving its nuclear
arsenal with the express intention of making nuclear strikes more
"practicable." As these threaten Iran as well as many other countries,
common sense dictates that this violation of the NPT is vastly more
important than any attributable to Iranreal or imaginary.

In a decent and sane world, bringing the U.S. violations of the NPT and
its nuclear improvement actions before the UN and Security Council
ought to have a very high priority, second only to stopping the U.S.
aggression already underway against Iran and which threatens an
enlargement of the conflagration begun by its prior and still raging
"supreme international crime" in Iraq.


[SNIP: please visit URL below to see the other 26 "Endnotes". Here's
the last of them: 27. The Iran gambit could be a cover for a partial
invasion-occupation of the geographic region of Iran where in the words
of the U.S. Department of Energy the "vast majority of Irans crude oil
reserves are located,"--that is, "in giant onshore fields in the
southwestern Khuzestan region near the Iraqi border." Contrary to
popular myth, this would not entail going "all the way to Tehran," as a
saying attributed to the Neoconservatives has it, but only as far as
the greatest concentration of Irans proven oil reserves extend, where
southeastern Iraq borders Khuzestan. See "Iran ," U.S. Energy
Information Administration, January, 2006, p. 2. As this same report
adds, "in September 2005, several bombs were detonated near oil wells
in Khuzestan, raising concerns about unrest amongst ethnic Arabs in the
region" (p. 2).]

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Edward S,. Herman, Counterpunch, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 21, 2006 2:33:20 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: MP to investigate Dr Kelly's death

"He vowed to question ministers and to unearth new facts in a bid to
establish the 'truth' of the case." Comment: He's a nice man, but a
little simple. "Question ministers?" Hah! They will lie, of course.
That's why they are ministers, they are "team players" good at lying.
The simple truth is that the British government, through its secret
services, murdered Dr. David Kelly...
MP to Investigate Dr Kelly's Death,,1779184,00.html
Hilhne Mulholland
Friday May 19, 2006

A backbench MP is to investigate the "unanswered questions" from the
official inquiry into the death of weapons scientist Dr David Kelly.

The former Liberal Democrat environmental spokesman Norman Baker today
revealed his decision to stand down from the shadow cabinet two months
ago was based on a quest to establish the "truth" behind Dr Kelly's

Mr Baker said he wanted to return to the issue because the 2003 Hutton
inquiry had "blatantly failed to get to the bottom of matters".

He vowed to question ministers and to unearth new facts in a bid to
establish the "truth" of the case.

Dr Kelly was found dead on July 18 2003 after being named as the
possible source of a BBC story on the government's Iraq dossier.

Later that month Lord Hutton was appointed head of an independent
inquiry into the events surrounding Dr Kelly's death. After a two-month
inquiry, Lord Hutton concluded the scientist had taken his own life.

Oxford coroner Nicholas Gardiner subsequently looked into the
possibility of reopening the inquest into Dr Kelly's death, but after
reviewing the evidence with the lord chancellor, decided that there was
no case for doing so.

Mr Baker explained that he had decided to wait until he relinquished
his environmental role before embarking on an investigation to find out
the "truth" that the Hutton inquiry had failed to deliver.

"It did not answer questions," he told Guardian Unlimited today.

"It was not carried out using proper rules of evidence, people were
not giving evidence under oath and the whole thing became a criticism
of the BBC."

Mr Baker said he had given himself a year to carry out his inquiries.
This will include revising the medical evidence, interviews with
experts and looking at issues relating to the government's "behaviour"
in the affair, as well as the weapons of mass destruction claims made
in the months preceding Dr Kelly's death.

Mr Baker admitted he already holds a "number of theories" about the
scientist's death, but declined to speculate so early into his
investigation, which began two months ago just after he stood down from
his shadow post.

Mr Baker, who is known for his forensic use of parliamentary
questions, insisted his decision to stand down after six years as
environment spokesman was his choice alone.

"I have long been unhappy about the sequence of events and I was
unhappy at the time about the way the Hutton inquiry was conducted and
I wanted to free up some time to look into this," he said.

"I haven't informed the party leadership yet," he added. Asked if Dr
Kelly's widow, Janice, was aware of his plans, Mr Baker said: "I
recognise the sensitivity of the matter for the family and the need to
speak with them, but only if they are prepared to do so."


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The IMF in Iraq: The
Second Invasion
by Karen Button
May 21, 2006


"IMF... Takes away everything it can get Always making certain that
there's one thing left Keep them on the hook with insupportable debt
And they call it democracy" - Bruce Cockburn, singer/songwriter Call it
Democracy, 1985

Last December the US-backed Iraqi government agreed to a $685 million
loan from the International Monetary Fund, and effectively sold their
country down the river called economic slaverythe master being the
Free Market Economy.

They will have a lot of company. Many of the worlds so-called third
world and developing nations are already on that river, barely afloat.
Most of Latin America has been under the thumb of the IMFs brutal
austerity programs for decades, though certain countries, most notably
Venezuela and Bolivia, who are nationalizing their resources, are
testament to the pervasive undercurrent of socialist ideals.

For Iraq though, the journey has just begun.

That $685 million loan came with a heavy price tag: end oil subsidies
and open Iraqs economy to the free market. In other words, dismantle
any form of socialised society and make it a commodity.

Just days after Iraqs constitutional election gave oil companies their
first taste of Iraqi crude by requiring all unexplored fields be open
to the highest bidder, Prime Minister Al-Jaafari implemented the first
of the IMF policies, cutting fuel subsidies. Nearly overnight fuel
prices rose nine-fold. Now, five months later, a canister of gas costs
about $14 USD in a country where the average monthly income is maybe
$200 USD.

Defending the cuts, IMF representative Bill Murray told the Cox News
Service that Iraq had to "come up with budgetary resources to finance
health care, education and other important public services". He failed
to mention that Iraq once provided free health care to 93 per cent of
its population with its oil revenues and also had the highest literacy
rate in the Middle East.

Now, even though the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs reported in
January that poverty among Iraqis had risen by 30 per cent since the
US-led invasion, the government is bravely marching toward the free

At the end of March, the Ministry of Trade, largely responsible for
food distribution, announced that it would cancel several items from
the long-instituted food ration program. According to figures from the
trade ministry itself, nearly 26.5 (or 96 per cent) of Iraqs 28
million people are dependent on the monthly ration.

During Saddam Husseins reign, 12 items were included in the rations.
Thats now been cut to four essential items, including sugar, rice,
flour and cooking oil.

The ministry is expecting to cut rations altogether, perhaps by the end
of the year, according to the Ra'ad Hamza, a senior trade ministry
official. "If you keep Iraq under socialist laws, the economy won't
improve," he said to the Integrated Regional Information Networks. "But
we'll continue to provide the population with essential items at least
until the end of the current year,"

Inflation, which has skyrocketed since the invasion, can be expected to
continue unchecked with the IMF policies in place.

Baghdad University economist Omar Abdel Kareem, quoted by IRIN, stated,
"Before this decision, prices on items such as vegetables and grains
had already doubled in January. Since then, they've increased more than
20 percent a week."

With the elimination of some rations, the price of certain products has
risen by as much as 300 per cent. "In 2002 lentil beans were sold for
about US $0.50 per kilogramme. Since then, the retail price has jumped
to around US $2 per kilogramme."

With half of Iraqs population under the age of 18, it will be the
children who bear the brunt of these tried and failed IMF policies.

UNICEF reported earlier this month that 25 per cent of children in Iraq
are now malnourished and underweight; a March 2005 report found that
malnutrition had doubled since the US-led invasion. Expect those
numbers to rise alongside the inflation rate.

But Mr. Murray is not looking at those indices; he will note, instead,
that Iraqs economy has grown by 10 per cent. By IMF standards, thats
success. The poverty, malnutrition, and inflation dont count.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Karen Button, Uruknet, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 21, 2006 1:19:13 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Col. Ted Westhusing: A Journey That Ended in Anguish

A Journey That Ended in
By T. Christian Miller
The Los Angeles Times

Sunday 27 November 2005 From: Brian McDermott From: faye mcgarry

Col. Ted Westhusing
WesthusingTedS_1_original.jpeg> ......Suicide or Execution? The US
says Suicide by Pistol! A Carlyle Insider says Murder!

Anonymous said...
Ted had received threatening letters/notes the week he died,
coincidentally his body guard also went on R&R the week he was killed
and Ted feared greatly for his life and said he thought wouldn't get
home alive. He had already let go some contractors that weren't happy
and was about to expose major corruption with the Iraqi police they
were training which he found out that some of them were insurgents or
had links with them, giving info to the enemy and using their skills
against the Iraqi people and the army was turning a blind eye to this.
He was about to expose a major piece of this treachery and corruption
and when it got known he was going to speak out, he was killed.
Millions of dollars are transfered with the contractors and not all of
it is on the up and up or accounted for. Insurgents in the police
forces are using their american training/weapons against us and the
Iraqi people. Ted was shot behind the head in execution style. There
were also indications he was drugged the final days and that he was
killed when he was asleep/drugged and body found by contractors who had
direct access to him, that was very unusual.
deep throat | 08.18.05 - 10:50 am | #
Anonymous said...
also, there were a pair of surgical gloves in his room on a table
according to the forensic report, the gun was at his feet, the door was
locked when the contractor i.e., manager first came there and unlocked
when he went back in after seeing Ted on the floor, this person, also
unchambered the gun and threw it on the bed (by the way, this
contractor), wasn't checked for residue or interrogated, there was an
argument reported in Ted's trailer (by the person living next door)
before his time of death and additional coverup. USIS? Contractors?
Getting rid of...he was in the fox's den. Ted's note had three pages
missing and was about these major issues not him/suicide and were torn
from a notebook on his bed., tell me. I know......

January 23, 2006 -- More details emerge on Col. Ted Westhusing's
"suiciding" in Iraq. Days before his supposed suicide by a
"self-inflicted" gunshot wound in a Camp Dublin, Iraq trailer, West
Point Honor Board member and Iraqi police and security forces trainer
Col. Ted Westhusing reported in e-mail to the United States that
"terrible things were going on Iraq." He also said he hoped he would
make it back to the United States alive. Westhusing had three weeks
left on his tour of duty in Iraq when he allegedly shot himself in June

It is noteworthy that after Westhusing's death, two top Army generals,
both responsible for training Iraqi forces, General Dave Petraeus, the
Commander of the Multi National Security Transition Command Iraq
(MNSTCI), and Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil, the Commander of the 1st Cavalry
Division, were quickly transferred without much fanfare to Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas and Fort Hood, Texas, respectively.

Informed sources report that Westhusing was prepared to blow the
whistle on fraud involving US Investigations Services (USIS), a Carlyle
Group company, when he died. [See Jan. 14 story below]. He had also
discovered links between USIS principals and clandestine events
involving the Iran-Contra scandal of the Reagan-Bush I administrations.
Westhusing has also linked USIS to the illegal killing and torture of
Iraqis. USIS personnel whom Westhusing was investigating had the keys
to his trailer. In addition, Westhusing's personal bodyguard was given
a leave of absence shortly before the colonel's death.

The U.S. Army's official report on Westhusing's death contained a
number of falsehoods, according to those close to the case. Most
importantly, the Army report stated that Westhusing had electronically
communicated an interest in obtaining hollow point bullets. The bullet
which killed Westhusing was a hollow point. However, the Army's
statement was false, according to an informed source. In addition, the
Army combed Westhusing's service record and interviewed a number of
colleagues in order to concoct a story that would make suicide appear

California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer is reportedly trying to get
the Senate to investigate Westhusing's death. However, with the
Republicans in firm control, it appears that murder of senior U.S.
military officers is also something the GOP is more than willing to
cover up.

In this case, as well as another highly esteemed, well adjusted British
career officer's alleged suicide, it stinks like the 3 month old
corpses we're still finding in my beloved New Orleans.

Capt. Ken Masters supposedly ate his gun. He is responsible for
watchdogging abuses in POW camps. hmmmmm...

Same drill, successful career 25 years, 2 small children, supportive
career officer wife.

Highly unlikely. Given the devastation American business has inflicted
on the majority of her citizens in the name of pure capitalism run
amok, a few mouths silenced in the chaos of Iraq is
the thugs running the asylum.

January 14, 2006 -- Serious questions remain concerning Col.
Westhusing's "suicide" in Iraq. Army's chief ethics expert was
murdered, according to Carlyle Group insider.

According an informed source within The Carlyle Group business
consortium, Col. Ted Westhusing, the Army's top military ethicist and
professor at West Point, did not commit suicide in a Baghdad trailer in
June 2005 as was widely reported in the mainstream media five months
later. At the time of his death, Westhusing was investigating contract
violations and human rights abuses by US Investigations Services
(USIS), formerly a federal agency, the Office of Federal Investigations
(OFI), which operated under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

In 1996, OFI, which conducted background investigations for civil
service personnel, was privatized. The 700 government employees of OFI
became employee-owners as part of USIS. In January 2003, the New York
investment firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe, described by a
Carlyle insider as a virtual shadow operation for The Carlyle Group,
bought USIS for $545 million. With 5000 current and former employees of
USIS sharing $500 million, the deal made them wealthy with the stroke
of a pen. However, upper management within USIS became much wealthier
than the rank-and-file. Insiders report that the twelve top managers at
USIS became multimillionaires as a result of their cashing in of their
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). Many of these instant
millionaires already had a close relationship with The Carlyle Group.

Carlyle had been a shareholder in USIS since 1999 and with the buy-out
deal via the Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe deal, Carlyle became
the major shareholder.

USIS continues to have a virtual exclusivity deal to perform background
security investigations for OPM. The company bills itself as "one of
the largest Intelligence and Security Services companies in North

With the Iraq invasion, USIS obtained lucrative Pentagon private
security contracts in Iraq. At a 2004 job fair in Falls Church,
Virginia, USIS was advertising for "interrogators" and "protection
specialists" for "overseas assignments." While he was in Iraq training
Iraqi police and overseeing the USIS contract to train police as part
of the Pentagon's Civilian Police Assistance Training Team, Westhusing
received an anonymous letter that reported USIS's Private Services
Division (PSD) was engaged in fraudulent activities in Iraq, including
over-billing the government. In addition, the letter reported that USIS
security personnel had murdered innocent Iraqis. After demanding
answers from USIS, Westhusing reported the problems up the chain of
command. After an "investigation," the Army found no evidence of
wrongdoing by USIS.

That decision signed Col. Westhusing's death sentence. USIS and Carlyle
have powerful allies in the administration, including Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, the Princeton roommate of Carlyle Chairman Emeritus
and former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci. Former President George H.
W. Bush, former Secretary of State James Baker, and former British
Prime Minister John Major are Carlyle international advisers. George W.
Bush was formerly employed by a Carlyle subsidiary and the Bin Laden
business cartel was a one-time investor in the firm.

Westhusing, who, according to friends and colleagues, showed no signs
of depression, left a suicide note the Army concluded was in his
handwriting. However, Westhusing's family and friends have thrown cold
water on the Army's investigation.

WMR can report that based on information obtained from Carlyle
insiders, Col. Westhusing's death was not caused by suicide. The fact
that Westhusing was investigating one of the most politically and
financially powerful firms in the world resulted in higher-ups wanting
him out of the way. According to the Los Angeles Times, all of the
witnesses who claimed Westhusing shot himself were USIS employees. In
addition, a USIS manager interfered with the crime scene, including
handling Westhusing's service revolver. The USIS manager was not tested
for gunpowder residue on his hands.

Westhusing's investigation threatened to unearth a network of
fraudsters looting the US Treasury that included the Bush family and
some of their closest financial partners.

After Westhusing's murder, USIS management sent a vaguely-worded memo
to employees about how to respond to derogatory information in the
media or rumors about USIS. Management's attention, described as
"psychotic" in nature, was on USIS's upcoming IPO (initial public
offering), according to a well-placed source.

USIS also owns Total Information Services of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a
commercial personal data mining operation.


Climate Scientist to CEI: Stop
Misrepresenting My Research

On Wednesday, the Competitive Enterprise Institute a front group
funded by ExxonMobil and other big oil companies launched two
advertisements in response to Al Gores new movie about global warming,
An Inconvenient Truth.

One of the advertisements attempts to show that the scientific
evidence for global warming is in dispute, claiming a study found the
Antarctic ice sheet is getting thicker, not thinner.

The primary author of that study, Curt Davis, has issued statement
blasting CEIs use of his study. Heres an excerpt:

These television ads are a deliberate effort to confuse and mislead the
public about the global warming debate. They are selectively using only
parts of my previous research to support their claims. They are not
telling the entire story to the public.

The whole story, according to Davis, is that increased precipitation in
the interior of Antarctica is predicted consequence of global climate
warming. Warmer temperatures mean more participation and more snow on
the interior of the continent. Meanwhile, Growth of the ice sheet was
only noted on the interior of the ice sheet and did not include coastal
areas. Coastal areas are known to be losing mass.

The reality is, there are no legitimate scientists or scientific
studies that support CEIs views on global warming. So they are forced
to grossly misrepresent scientific research. Unfortunately for them,
the scientists dont look like they are going to put up with it.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: May 22, 2006 2:21:11 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Pressed by U.S., European Banks Limit Iran Deals

May 22, 2006

Comment: Typical Zionist U.S. dirty-dealing... somewhat pathetic since
it won't change much and will only increase world dislike of U.S.
tactics... if possible!

Pressed by U.S., European Banks Limit Iran Deals


WASHINGTON, May 21 Prodded by the United States with threats of fines
and lost business, four of the biggest European banks have started
curbing their activities in Iran, even in the absence of a Security
Council resolution imposing economic sanctions on Iran for its
suspected nuclear weapons program.

Top Treasury and State Department officials have intensified their
efforts to limit Iran-related activities of major banks in Europe, the
United States and the Middle East in the past six months, invoking
antiterrorism and banking laws. They have also traveled to Europe and
the Middle East to drive home the risky nature of dealing with a
country that has repeatedly rebuffed Western demands over suspending
uranium enrichment, and to urge European countries to take similar

Stuart A. Levey, the under secretary of the Treasury for terrorism and
financial intelligence, said: "We are seeing banks and other
institutions reassessing their ties to Iran. They are asking themselves
if they really want to be handling business for entities owned by a
government engaged in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
and support for terrorism."

The four European banks the UBS and Credit Suisse banks of
Switzerland, ABN Amro of the Netherlands, and HSBC, based in London
have made varying levels of disclosure about the limits on their
activities in Iran in the past six months. Almost all large European
banks have branches or bureaus in the United States, units that are
subject to American laws.

American officials said the United States had informed its European
allies about the new pressure exerted on the banks, and indeed had
asked these countries to join the effort. At the same time, the
Americans have not publicized the new pressure, partly out of concern
it could complicate efforts by European negotiators, who were still
talking with Iran about a package of incentives to suspend uranium

It is not clear how curbed business with four of Europe's biggest banks
could adversely affect Iran. But some outside political and economic
experts say it is unlikely to do much damage considering Iran is one of
OPEC's leading producers and is earning hundreds of millions of dollars
worth of windfall profits daily from $70-a-barrel petroleum.

The American prodding has not yet resulted in any fines or other
punishment. But UBS and ABN Amro are no strangers to the sting of
American financial penalties for dealing with countries that the United
States has wanted to isolate. UBS was fined $100 million by the Federal
Reserve two years ago for the unauthorized movement of dollars to Iran
and other countries like Libya and Yugoslavia, which were subject to
American trade sanctions at the time. Last December, ABN Amro was fined
$80 million for failure to comply with regulations against money
laundering and with economic sanctions against Libya and Iran from 1997
to 2004.

UBS now says it will no longer do direct business with any
individuals, businesses or banks in Iran. UBS also says it will not
finance exports or imports for any corporate clients in Iran. But the
bank has said that it would not stop doing business with clients who
use other means to transact business there. ABN Amro also says it has
minimized its activities in Iran.

"We have no representation in Iran," said Sierk Nawijn, a spokesman for
ABN Amro in Amsterdam. He added that although the bank does no
dollar-based business with Iran, it was participating in "a fairly
limited number of transactions" with it."

Georg Svntgerath, a spokesman for Credit Suisse in Zurich, said, "As
of January, we have said that we will not enter into any new business
relations with corporate clients in Iran." He said the decision, which
applied to Syria and some other countries, resulted from an assessment
of an "increased economic risk for our bank and our clients."

He said, however, that the bank would fulfill existing contracts with
businesses in Iran.

A United Nations Security Council resolution might restrict some of
those kinds of dealings.

The Americans have taken other steps to pressure Iran. With American
encouragement, Iran's rating as a business risk was raised last month
by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group
of 30 leading countries with market economies.

At the same time, the defiance of the West by President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad of Iran has unsettled markets, and American officials have
said the climate of anxiety over the prospect of globally enforced
sanctions or even military action was having its own effect.

"I think there is a real and growing sense that there's a risk
associated with doing business with Iran, with lending Iran more money
or providing it with a line of credit," said Robert G. Joseph, the
under secretary of state for arms control and international security.
"But I would argue that their motive is market forces, more than any
American pressure."

Some European diplomats from countries with missions in Tehran say that
there are signs of an impact, despite the rise in oil prices.

Whatever the cause, Iran's economic growth has slowed to less than 5
percent, its stock market has dropped more than 20 percent in the past
year, new investments and construction have declined, and Iranians have
been sending their money abroad, or buying gold.

Iran has recently tried to counter diplomatic pressures over its
nuclear program with reminders to Europe that it was a good market,
with a good work force. In a regular weekly news conference on Sunday,
the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hamidreza Assefi, urged Europe
not to take any steps that would jeopardize economic links with Iran.

"We have good ties with Europe, and a bad decision by Europeans over
Iran's nuclear program can undermine relations and will eventually harm
the Europeans," he said.

Many experts said it would be difficult to bar banks from conducting
the lucrative business of financing trade deals with Iran. Iran's
largest trading partners are Japan, China, Italy, Germany and France.
All of those nations have companies that use banks to finance letters
of credit to export machinery, commodities and other goods to Iran.

The laws being applied against banks are varied, and many of them also
apply to North Korea, Syria, Cuba and Sudan. A 1984 law requires a ban
on activities with any country declared a sponsor of terrorism.
Officials are also invoking the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 and a
directive signed by President Bush last year banning transactions with
those suspected of helping the spread of unconventional weapons.

Under that directive, the United States has identified six Iranian
entities, including its Aerospace Industries Organization, the Atomic
Energy Organization of Iran and several private industrial groups, as
off limits to banks that operate under American protections and laws.

Mr. Joseph said the use of American banking regulations and
antiterrorism laws against European banks had been effective against
Iran and would have a greater effect "if we can get other countries to
take similar actions."

Some experts say they doubt that anything short of a sweeping oil
embargo, or a blockade of gasoline imports Iran imports about 40
percent of its gasoline could get Iran to change its behavior, and
the West is not contemplating such steps.

"I don't see that the pullout of a few European banks doing a
tremendous amount of damage," said Karim Sadjadpour, an analyst at the
International Crisis Group, an advocacy organization. "They're making
$300 million a day from oil revenues, and they can weather the storm."

Nazila Fathi contributed reporting from Tehran for this article.


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Afghanistan: Drug Addiction
Lucrative for Neolib Banksters, CIA
by Kurt Nimmo
May 21, 2006

Another Day in the Empire

"An American counternarcotics official was killed and two other
Americans wounded in a suicide bombing in western Afghanistan today,
while heavy fighting between Taliban insurgents and Afghan police
continued in two southern provinces, officials said," reports the New
York Times. "We confirm that a U.S. citizen contractor for the State
Department Bureau of International Narcotic and Law Enforcement,
working for the police training program in Herat was killed in a
vehicle-borne I.E.D. attack," Chris Harris, an American Embassy
spokesman, told the newspaper. After this mention, the Times moves on
to detail the increasing violence between Afghan puppet police and
"militants," that is to say Afghans fighting against the occupation of
their country, an entirely natural occurrence.

Of course, the Times does not bother to mention that the Afghan opium
trade--in fact much of the opium trade in the so-called "Golden
Crescent" (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan)--was cultivated and nurtured
by the United States government and the CIA, leading to countless cases
of miserable heroin addiction in America and Europe. Reading the Times,
we get the impression the Taliban--at one time sponsored by the CIA and
Pakistan's intelligence services, so long as they were kicking Russian
hindquarter--are responsible for the opium trade all on their lonesome.
As usual, the Times twists the story through omission.

"ClA-supported Mujahedeen rebels ... engaged heavily in drug
trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government,"
writes historian William Blum. "The Agency's principal client was
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and a leading heroin
refiner. CIA-supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into
Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the
Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the
heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that
used in Western Europe. U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had
failed to investigate or take action against the drug operation because
of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies," and also
because selling heroin and spreading misery is highly profitable. In
fact, the Soviets attempted to impose an opium ban on the country and
this resulted in a revolt by tribal groups eventually exploited by the
CIA and Pakistan.

"Reports issued by the UN and Drug Enforcement Administration in the
early 1980s stated that by 1981 Afghan heroin producers may have
captured 60 per cent of the heroin market in Western Europe and the
United States. In New York City in 1979 alone, the year the
CIA-organized flow of arms to the mujahiddeen began) heroin-related
deaths increased by 77 per cent. There were no Superbowl ads that year
about doing drugs and aiding terror. You could say that those dead
addicts had given their lives in the fight to drive back Communism,"
write Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.

Making sure heroin addiction continues unabated is such a lucrative
business for the CIA and Wall Street investors, Bush decided "not to
destroy the opium crop in Afghanistan. President Bush, who previously
linked the Afghan drug trade directly to terrorism, has now decided not
to destroy the Afghan opium crop," Charles R. Smith reported for
NewsMax on March 28, 2002, as Bush's illegal invasion of the country
was well underway. "Several sources inside Capitol Hill noted that the
CIA opposes the destruction of the Afghan opium supply because to do so
might destabilize the Pakistani government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf.
... The threat to overthrow Musharraf is motivated in part by Islamic
radical groups linked to the Pakistani intelligence service,
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The radical groups reportedly obtain
their primary funding through opium production and trade." In fact,
destroying the opium crop would have put a terrible financial squeeze
on the agency and angered financiers who routinely trade in misery and

Naturally, the Times did not bother to mention the fact the Taliban
attempted to eradicate opium production and this was likely one of the
reasons Bush the Junior invaded Afghanistan. "Although the Taliban had
virtually stamped out poppy production, the country now accounts for
two-third of the world's heroin. As hard as it may be to believe, there
is compelling evidence that the US (via the CIA) may be directly
involved in narco-trafficing," notes Mike Whitney, who cites the
following from Portland Independent Media:

Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the world's opium. But then the
CIA moved in, and by 1986 they were producing 40% of the world's heroin
supply. By 1999, they were churning out 3,200 TONS of heroin a
year--nearly 80% of the total market supply. But then something
unexpected happened. The Taliban rose to power, and by 2000 they had
destroyed nearly all of the opium fields. Production dropped from
3,000+ tons to only 185 tons, a 94% reduction! This enormous drop in
revenue subsequently hurt not only the CIA's Black Budget projects, but
also the free-flow of laundered money in and out of the Controller's

It also put a pinch on the criminals and gangsters in Pakistan. "The
Taliban's actions ... (destroying the opium crop) severed the ruling
military junta in Pakistan from its primary source of foreign revenues
and made bin Laden and the Taliban completely expendable in the eyes of
the Pakistani government. It also cut off billions of dollars in
revenues that had been previously laundered through western banks and
Russian financial institutions connected to them," explains From the
Wilderness. "Prior to the WTC attacks, credible sources, including the
U.S. government, the IMF, Le Monde and the U.S. Senate placed the
amount of drug cash flowing into Wall Street and U.S. banks at around
$250-$300 billion a year," not exactly small potatoes.

In 2004, according to research conducted by the Democratic Policy
Committee, after "decreasing dramatically under the Taliban regime,
Afghanistan now [2004] produces nearly 3/4 of the world's opium. CIC
[Center for International Cooperation] found that 'opium production,
processing, and trafficking have surged, with revenues equaling roughly
half of the legal economy of Afghanistan.' It is estimated that 1.7
million people, or 7 percent of the total population now grow poppies,"
all of this under the United States installed government of Hamid
Karzai, the ex-Unocal employee.

But then none of this should be surprising--the CIA and neolib
financiers and moneymen have long dabbled in drug dealing and drug
addiction profiteering.

In addition to turning immense profits for societal parasites and other
cockroach infestations on Wall Street, drug dealing is a great way for
the government to intervene in the business of other nations, as Oliver
North well understands (as the Contra was funded by the smuggling of
cocaine). "The CIA functionally gains influence and control in
governments corrupted by criminal narco-trafficking. Politically, the
CIA exerts influence by leveraging narco-militarists and corrupted
politicians... This is really NEO-narco-colonialism, whereby local
criminal proxies do the bidding of the patron government seeking
expanded influence. But because of the quid-pro-quo of protecting the
criminal proxies' illicit pipelines, the result is still a functional
narco-colonialism, involving a narcotics commodity in the actual
practical execution of policy, with the very different twist of covert
action," summarizes the CIA & Drugs website,

So it is not surprising, as the New York Times puts it, there is a
"Sudden Rise of Violence in Afghanistan" and the predictable murder of
"a U.S. citizen contractor for the State Department Bureau of
International Narcotic and Law Enforcement." In Afghanistan, the
Hegelian dialect is working overtime--the U.S. government engineers the
Afghan opium trade, thus resulting in social problems and violence
associated with illicit drug distribution and consumption, and then
turns around and organizes police training programs to combat the
scourge it has spawned.

As well, for the Fabian socialist globalists, it is a great way to
break down borders and implement "free trade zones," that is to say
unhindered thievery zones. Call it a "war on drugs" or the endless war
against "terrorism" (yet another Hegelian contrivance), it is all
engineered to turn the world into a large slave plantation ruled by a
decadent and debased elite cadre of neoliberal criminals.

Kurt Nimmo is a photographer and multimedia developer in Las Cruces,
New Mexico. Nimmo is a contributor to Cockburn and St. Clair's, The
Politics of Anti-Semitism. A collection of his essays for CounterPunch,
Another Day in the Empire: Life in Neoconservative America, with an
introduction by Jeffrey St. Clair is now available through Dandelion
Books: $17.95 trade paperback. He can be reached at:

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire, 2006

The url address of this article is:



President, USA Exile Govt.

May 26, 2006, 1:44:04 PM5/26/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 26, 2006

Date: May 26, 2006 1:35:52 AM EST
Subject: Bush's Enron Lies

Bush's Enron Lies

By Robert Parry
May 26, 200626, 2006

Four years ago, when the taboo against calling George W. Bush a liar
was even stronger than it is today, the national news media bought into
the Bush administrations spin that the President did nothing to bail
out his Enron benefactors, including Kenneth Lay.
Bush supposedly refused to intervene, despite the hundreds of
thousands of dollars that Enron had poured into his political coffers.
That refusal purportedly showed the high ethical standards that set
Bush apart from lesser politicians.
Bushs defenders will probably reprise that storyline now that former
Enron Chairman Lay and former Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling
stand convicted of conspiracy and fraud in the plundering of the
onetime energy-trading giant. But the reality is that the
Bush-cant-be-bought spin was never true.
For instance, the documentary evidence is now clear that in summer
2001 at the same time Bushs National Security Council was ignoring
warnings about an impending al-Qaeda terrorist attack NSC adviser
Condoleezza Rice was personally overseeing a government-wide task force
to pressure India to give Enron as much as $2.3 billion.
Then, even after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, when Indias cooperation
in the war on terror was crucial, the Bush administration kept up its
full-court press to get India to pay Enron for a white-elephant power
plant that the company had built in Dabhol, India.
The pressure on India went up the chain of command to Vice President
Dick Cheney, who personally pushed Enrons case, and to Bush himself,
who planned to lodge a complaint with Indias prime minister.
Post-9/11, one senior U.S. bureaucrat warned India that failure to give
in to Enron's demands would put into doubt the future functioning of
American agencies in India.
The NSC-led Dabhol campaign didnt end until Nov. 8, 2001, when the
Securities and Exchange Commission raided Enrons offices and
protection of Lays interests stopped being political tenable. That
afternoon, Bush was sent an e-mail advising him not to raise his
planned Dabhol protest with Indias prime minister who was visiting
Washington. [For details on the Dabhol case, see below.]
Contrary to the official story, the Bush administration did almost
whatever it could to help Enron as the company desperately sought cash
to cover mounting losses from its off-the-books partnerships, a
bookkeeping black hole that was sucking Enron toward bankruptcy and
As Enrons crisis worsened through the first nine months of Bushs
presidency, Lay secured Bushs help in three key ways:
--Bush personally joined the fight against imposing caps on the
soaring price of electricity in California at a time when Enron was
artificially driving up the price of electricity by manipulating
supply. Bushs resistance to price caps bought Enron extra time to
gouge hundreds of millions of dollars from Californias consumers.
--Bush granted Lay broad influence over the development of the
administrations energy policies, including the choice of key
regulators to oversee Enrons businesses. The chairman of the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission was replaced in 2001 after he began to
delve into Enrons complex derivative-financing schemes.
--Bush had his NSC staff organize that administration-wide task force
to pressure India to accommodate Enrons interests in selling the
Dabhol generating plant for as much as $2.3 billion.
As Enrons corporate house of cards collapsed anyway in fall 2001, the
toll was devastating. Investors lost tens of billions of dollars; some
retirees were financially wiped out; 5,000 Enron employees were laid
off. Enrons accounting tricks also discredited its accounting firm,
Arthur Andersen LLP, which was soon closed by government regulators.
But Bush was fortunate that the Enron scandal broke while he was still
wrapped in the glow of favorable poll ratings that followed the 9/11
attacks. The Washington news media generally acquiesced to Bushs
insistence that he really wasnt that close to Enron or Lay, though Lay
had earned a Bush nickname: Kenny Boy.
The facts, however, suggest a political intimacy between Bush and
Enron, especially with the now convicted swindler Ken Lay, dating back
at least to Bush's first campaign for Texas governor in 1994.
By the 2000 presidential campaign, Lay was a Pioneer for Bush, raising
$100,000. Enron also gave the Republicans $250,000 for the convention
in Philadelphia and contributed $1.1 million in soft money to the
Republican Party. Not only was Lay a top fund-raiser for the campaign,
but he helped out during the recount battle in Florida in November
Lay and his wife donated $10,000 to Bushs Florida recount fund that
helped pay for Republican lawyers and other expenses. Lay even let Bush
operatives use Enrons corporate jet to fly in reinforcements. After
Bush secured his victory, another $300,000 poured in from Enron circles
including $100,000 from Lay and $100,000 from Skilling for the
Bush-Cheney Inaugural Fund.
Yet, after the Enron scandal broke, Bush acted as if he barely knew
Lay. On Jan. 11, 2002, Bush told reporters that Lay was a supporter of
Ann Richards in my run in 1994 for Texas governor, implying that he
had gotten to know Lay as Gov. Richards holdover appointee to a Texas
business council.
The administration also claimed that it turned down Enrons bail-out
pleas in late October 2001 when Lay sounded out senior Bush officials
about overt financial help. By then, however, Enrons troubles were too
advanced and the public spotlight too intense for the
administration to launch a full-scale rescue mission out in the open.
Yet, before Enron went into its death spiral, the Bush administration
did what it could, behind the scenes.
Gathering Storm
The Houston-based energy traders financial crisis can be traced back
to 2000 when the long-running stock market boom ended. During the boom,
Enron had risen through the ranks of Fortune 500 companies to a perch
at No. 7.
A leader of the so-called New Economy, Enron expanded beyond its core
business interests in natural gas pipelines, branching out into complex
commodity trading, which included electricity, broadband capacity and
other ethereal items, such as weather futures.
The bursting of the dot-com bubble in March 2000 put pressure on Enron
as it did many other companies. Even though Enrons stock held strong,
hitting an all-time high of $90 a share on Aug. 17, 2000, the tumbling
market and some risky overseas energy projects left Enron with many
poor-performing assets.
To protect its image as a darling of Wall Street and to prop up its
stock value Enron began shifting more of its losing operations into
off-the-books partnerships given names like Raptor and Chewco. Hedges
were set up to limit Enrons potential losses from equity investments,
but some hedges were themselves backed by Enron stock, creating the
possibility of a spiraling decline if investors lost faith in Enron.
Still, Enron saw a silver lining in the darkening economic clouds of
2000. A prospective George W. Bush victory could speed up Enrons
deregulatory plans for the energy markets. Through energy trading in
California alone, Enron stood to earn tens of billions of dollars.
Meanwhile, in summer 2000, the first signs of suspicions arose that
Enron was trying to manipulate the California energy market.
An employee with Southern California Edison sent the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) a memo expressing concerns that Enron and
other electricity providers to Californias deregulated energy market
were gaming the system by cutting off supply and creating phony
congestion in the electricity grid to run up energy prices. [See Energy
Daily, May 16, 2002]
By December 2000, Enron was implementing plans dubbed Fat Boy,
Death Star and Get Shorty to siphon electricity away from areas
that needed it most and getting paid for phantom transfers of energy
supposedly to relieve transmission-line congestion. [Washington Post,
May 7, 2002]
That same month, after a 35-day battle over Florida's vote count, Bush
nailed down his presidential victory by getting five Republicans on the
U.S. Supreme Court to stop a statewide recount.
Grateful Bush
Once in the White House, a grateful Bush gave Lay a major voice in
shaping energy policy and picking personnel. Starting in late February
2001, Lay and other Enron officials took part in at least a half dozen
secret meetings to develop Bushs energy plan.
After one of the Enron meetings, Vice President Cheney's energy task
force changed a draft energy proposal to include a provision to boost
oil and natural gas production in India. The amendment was so narrow
that it apparently was targeted only to help Enrons troubled Dabhol
power plant in India. [Washington Post, Jan. 26, 2002]
Other parts of the Bush energy plan also echoed Enrons views.
Seventeen of the energy plans proposals were sought by and benefited
Enron, according to Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. One proposal called for
repeal of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, which
hindered Enrons potential for acquisitions.
Bush also put Enrons allies inside the federal government. Two top
administration officials, Lawrence Lindsey, the White Houses chief
economic adviser, and Robert Zoellick, the U.S. Trade Representative,
both worked for Enron, Lindsey as a consultant and Zoellick as a paid
member of Enron's advisory board.
At least 14 administration officials owned stock in Enron, with
Undersecretary of State Charlotte Beers and chief political adviser
Karl Rove each reporting up to $250,000 worth of Enron stock when they
joined the administration.
Lay exerted influence, too, over government regulators already in
place. Curtis Hebert Jr., a conservative Republican and ally of Sen.
Trent Lott, R-Miss., had been appointed to the FERC during the Clinton
administration. Like Bush and Lay, Hebert was a promoter of free
markets, and Bush elevated him to FERC chairman in January 2001.
But Hebert ran into trouble when he broke ranks with Lay on Enrons
plan to force consolidation of state utilities into four giant regional
transmission organizations, or RTOs. By quickly pushing the states into
RTOs, Enron and other big energy traders would have much larger markets
for their energy sales.
Hebert, who advocated state rights, told the New York Times that he
got a call from Lay with a proposed deal. Lay wanted Hebert to support
a faster transition to a national retailing structure for electricity.
If he did, Enron would back him to keep his job.
The FERC chairman said he was offended by the veiled threat. Lay
already had demonstrated sway over selection of administration
appointees by supplying Bush aides with a list of preferred candidates
and personally interviewing a possible FERC nominee.
Lay offered a different account of the phone call. He said Hebert was
the one requesting Enron's support, though Lay acknowledged that the
pair very possibly discussed issues involving FERC's authority over
the nations electricity grids.
Hebert also raised Enrons ire when he started an investigation in
early 2001 into how Enrons complex derivative financing instruments
worked. One of our problems is that we do not have the expertise to
truly unravel the complex arbitrage activities of a company like
Enron, Hebert said. [NYT, May 25, 2001]
At the time, those complex and deceptive derivative schemes were
concealing Enrons worsening losses.
Energy Crisis
The California energy crisis also was spinning out of control. Rolling
blackouts crisscrossed the state, where the partially deregulated
energy market, served by Enron and other traders, had seen electricity
prices soar 800 percent in one year.
After taking power, Bush turned a deaf ear to appeals from public
officials in California to give the state relief from the soaring costs
of energy. He also reined in federal efforts to monitor market
As Californias electricity prices continued to soar, Democratic Gov.
Gray Davis and Sen. Dianne Feinstein voiced suspicions that the free
market was not at work. Rather they saw corporate price-fixing,
gouging consumers and endangering Californias economy.
But Californias suspicions mostly were mocked in official Washington
as examples of finger-pointing and conspiracy theories. The
administration blamed the problem on excessive environmental regulation
that discouraged the building of new power plants.
Again, Lay was influencing policy behind the scenes. An April 2001
memo from Lay to Cheney advised the administration to resist price
The administration should reject any attempt to re-regulate wholesale
power markets by adopting price caps or returning to archaic methods of
determining the cost-base of wholesale power, Lay said. [San Francisco
Chronicle, Jan. 30, 2002]
Cheney and Bush echoed Lays position in their political exchanges
with Davis and other Democrats. On April 18, 2001, Cheney told the Los
Angeles Times that the Bush administration opposed price caps because
they would discourage investment. [L.A. Times, April 19, 2001]
In May 2001, Bush traveled to California on a trip choreographed like
a President visiting a disaster area. Only this time, Bush wasnt
promising federal help to a state in need. He was carrying the same
message that Lay had sent to Cheney. In effect, Bush was saying: Read
my lips. No price caps.
Price caps do nothing to reduce demand, and they do nothing to
increase supply, Bush said. [L.A. Times, May 30, 2001]
After weeks of standoff, as electricity prices stayed high and began
spreading to other Western states, the political showdown ended on June
18, 2001. FERC approved limited price caps, a reversal prompted by
Republican fears of a political backlash that could cost them seats in
Congress. [L.A. Times, June 19, 2001]
Still, the administrations rear-guard defense of deregulation had
bought Enron and other energy traders precious months to reap hundreds
of millions of dollars in trading profits in California.
The imposition of FERCs limited price caps and the states
aggressive conservation efforts brought the energy crisis under
control. That may have been good news for California, but not for
Enron. By losing control over its ability to keep electricity prices
artificially high, Enron faced new economic pressures.
There are some hints of a connection [between the price caps and
Enrons collapse], including the billions of dollars in cash that
flowed in and out of Enron as the crisis waxed and waned, the New York
Times reported later. [NYT, May 9, 2002]
With the easing of the California energy crisis, Enrons stock price
began to decline, slipping from around $80 early in the year to the
high-$40s. That began to put pressure on the stock hedges tucked
inside the off-the-books partnerships.
The Dabhol Battle
In June 2001, the White House went to bat for Enron on another touchy
issue, the natural gas power plant that Enron had built in Dabhol,
The plant had become something of a white elephant. Its cost of
electricity was several times higher than what India was paying other
providers, which led to an impasse over unpaid bills. Enron wanted
India to pay $250 million for the electricity or buy out Enrons stake
in the plant, worth about $2.3 billion.
These sorts of contract disputes between U.S. companies and foreign
governments are normally handled by the Commerce Department or possibly
the State Department. But Enrons Dabhol problem became a priority of
Bushs National Security Council staff.
That level of interest over a contract dispute was almost
unprecedented, according to former NSC officials from both Republican
and Democratic administrations. The administrations intervention even
involved direct appeals from top U.S. officials.
On June 27, 2001, Cheney personally discussed Enrons problem with
Sonia Gandhi, the leader of Indias opposition Congress Party. Good
news is that the Veep mentioned Enron in his meeting with Sonia Gandhi
yesterday, said one NSC e-mail dated June 28, 2001. (I obtained this
and other documents under a Freedom of Information Act request.)
Throughout summer 2001, while intelligence warnings about an expected
al-Qaeda terror attack went unheeded, the NSC staff met frequently to
coordinate U.S. pressure on India over Enron's plant, drawing in the
State Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of U.S. Trade
Representative and the Overseas Private Investment Corp., which had
committed $360 million in risk insurance to the Dabhol project.
While the NSC held no follow-up meetings on the Aug. 6, 2001,
intelligence warning entitled Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S.,
national security adviser Condoleezza Rice organized and led the
Dabhol Working Group.
The working group sought to broker meetings between Lay and senior
Indian officials, including Brajesh Mishra, the national security
adviser to Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. During a trip to
India, a senior State Department official delivered a demarche or
official warning to the Indian government, but New Delhi still resisted
the U.S. pressure.
Also in the summer of 2001, Enron was consolidating its influence at
Nora Mead Brownell, a controversial member of the Pennsylvania Public
Utility Commission, was named as a new FERC commissioner. In support of
Brownells appointment, Lay called White House aide Karl Rove to say
that Brownell was a strong force in getting the right outcome in
deregulating Pennsylvanias energy market, according to a July, 17,
2001, letter by Rep. Waxman to the White House counsel.
Then, in August 2001, FERC Chairman Hebert, who had gone along with
the California price caps and had ordered the inquiry into Enrons
arbitrage schemes, abruptly resigned only six months into his four-year
term. He clearly was forced out, explaining lamely that he desired to
seek other opportunities.
Bush replaced Hebert with former Texas Public Utilities commissioner
Pat Wood III. Lay had included Wood and Brownell on a list of his
preferred FERC candidates. [AP, Jan. 31, 2002]
Accounting Scandal
As Lay was flexing his political muscle in Washington, out of public
view back in Houston, Enrons accounting house of cards was shaking. On
Aug. 15, 2001, Sherron Watkins, an Enron vice president, warned Lay
that accounting irregularities, including the hedges tied to Enron
stock, were threatening to undo the corporation.
On Sept. 11, however, the course of George W. Bushs presidency took a
sharp turn, as Islamic terrorists seized four U.S. airliners, crashing
two into the World Trade towers at the heart of the U.S. financial
markets. Another smashed into the Pentagon and the fourth crashed in
Pennsylvania when passengers apparently battled for control.
Bush vowed to retaliate for the attacks by waging a war on terror,
finally targeting Osama bin Laden and his protectors in Afghanistan,
the Taliban government. On the front lines of that new war were
Pakistan and India, traditional enemies who were engaged in a brush war
over the disputed territory of Kashmir.
Despite the New Delhis importance in prosecuting the war on terror,
Enrons Dabhol power plant remained at the center of U.S. relations
with India.
On Sept. 28, more than two weeks after the 9/11 attacks, the NSC-led
Dabhol Working Group prepared talking points about the Enron business
dispute for Cheney to deliver in a meeting with Indias Foreign
Minister Jaswant Singh.
On Oct. 7, the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan began with aerial
assaults against Taliban targets.Two days later, on Oct. 9, the State
Department was again pressing Enrons case with the Indians.
Undersecretary Alan Larson raised the Dabhol issue with both FM Singh
and NSA Mishra and got a commitment to try to get the government
energized on this issue prior to the PMs visit to Washington in
November, an Oct. 23 NSC e-mail said. Pls give me one/two bullets for
the President to use during his meeting with Vajpayee.
Meanwhile, Enrons financial situation was collapsing. Its credit
rating was cut and its stock was falling. On Oct. 30, 2001, behind
closed doors, SEC commissioners approved a formal investigation of
Enrons accounting.
The NSCs Dabhol Working Group, however, continued to press for India
to make concessions to Enron. On Nov. 1, the White House prepared a
memo on Dabhol talking points that Bush could raise in his meeting with
Prime Minister Vajpayee.
On Nov. 6, OPIC President Peter Watson sent a stern warning to
Vajpayees national security adviser Mishra. The acute lack of
progress in this matter has forced Dabhol to rise to the highest levels
of the United States government, Watson said in a letter. The dispute
could have a negative effect regarding other U.S. agencies and their
ability to function in India.
So, almost two months after 9/11 with the war against Afghanistan
still being fought, the Bush administration was threatening India, a
key regional power, with a pullout of U.S. agencies from India because
it was refusing to meet Enrons demands for cash.
The Bush administrations pressure on India over Dabhol did not end
until Nov. 8, the day the SEC delivered subpoenas to Enron and the
company announced that it was under formal SEC investigation.
That same day, on Nov. 8 at 2:33 p.m., an internal administration
e-mail warned that President Bush can not talk about Dabhol in his
meeting with Indias prime minister.
As Enron slid into scandal and bankruptcy, White House officials
stressed that the administration had rebuffed a couple of last-minute
overtures for a bail-out from Lay, including one to Treasury Secretary
Paul ONeill. Those rejections, administration spokesmen claimed,
proved the mettle of Bushs integrity, not letting politics influence
In early 2002, when OPIC officials released documents on the Dabhol
Task Force, Bushs aides dismissed their significance. On Jan. 18,
2002, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer called the Dabhol effort not
But the available evidence makes clear that the Dabhol operation
like other energy-related initiatives represented extraordinary
efforts to save Enron. Bush even put Enrons financial interests at the
top of the administrations agenda with India, though it threatened to
complicate relations with a key South Asian power after 9/11.
The White House also appears to have taken to task OPIC officials who
released the internal e-mails in a normal response to a Freedom of
Information Act request. When I sought more Enron documents under FOIA,
a shaken OPIC bureaucrat told me that his agency had been perhaps too
cooperative in releasing the earlier records.
All future Enron-related releases from the Bush administration
amounted to boilerplate and documents that were already in the public

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for
the Associated Press and Newsweek.


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: May 25, 2006 11:00:30 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Hopsicker: Goss gone because of 5.5 tons of
CIA cocaine captured in Mexico

DC-9 Caught in MEXICO Was CIA !!!

<Identical TWIN DC9 (N120NE) >

May 25 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker

The mystery of Porter Goss resignation last month as CIA Director
is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several
earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents
recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews.

After Gosss surprise resignation last month he told reporters his
for resigning was "just one of those mysteries," offering no other
explanation for his sudden departure after almost two years on the job.

Goss resignation appears to be connected to the unprecedented
withholding by the Federal Aviation Administration
of the registration records for the DC9 (N900SA) which more than 6
ago was caught carrying a cargo of five-and-a-half tons of cocaine,
packed into 126 identical black suitcases at a jungle airstrip in the

At the time of the planes seizure on April 11, FAA officials stated the
aircrafts title records would become available to reporters within
two weeks.
Six weeks later that statement, in a phrase famous
from the Watergate Scandal, has been rendered inoperative.

CIA "front" company "Who's Who"

However, the MadCowMorningNews was successful in obtaining
the FAA records last week of the confiscated planes sister ship,
an identical twin DC9 (N120NE)
owned and operated by the same partnership.

Both aircraft, painted to resemble U.S. Government aircraft
from the Department of Homeland Security, were parked
for several years at the general aviation terminal at
Clearwater St Petersburg International Airport.

The registration records reveal that the past 'owners' of "Cocaine
identical twin are well-known 'front' companies of
America's Central Intelligence Agency.
The twin to the DC9 bursting with 5.5 tons of cocaine is a CIA plane.

The planes owners over the past two decades, in fact, comprise a
- Whos Who of Aviation Companies known to serve as Fronts for the
whose true identities came to light during the Iran Contra Scandal.

Moreover, the FAAs reluctance to release the registration of
Cocaine One, which should already be a matter of public record,
is the clearest possible indication that those registration records
will disclose the same thing.

5.5 tons cocaine... AND a missing $300 million?

At least three companies to which Cocaine Ones twin was registered
have been looted, to the overall tune of almost $300 million dollars.
The plane's owners have left a trail of tears for investors,
engaging in massive financial fraud, of a particular kind...

Sociologists call it state-sponsored crime.

Innocent investors and shareholders get swindled, the bad guys get away,
and newspapers go silent.

There is clearly something about these particular DC9s which give
their owners a license to treat shareholders and investors like marks,
and steal millions from ordinary citizens.

Working backwards from the present, the planes registered owner
at the time it was busted was SkyWay Aircraft, the only tangible asset
of SkyWay Communications Holding, a firm whose existence,
as weve previously seen, served as nothing more
- than a meager excuse to run a penny stock fraud scam
which bilked investors of a reported $40 million dollars...
in less than 3 years.

SkyWay shareholders will no doubt be gratified to learn
that the bankruptcy of the firm seems
not to have adversely affected the firms top officers financially.

SkyWays 74 yr. old Chairman Glenn Kovar is currently building
a six bedroom vacation chalet on a lake several miles north of
Ducktown, Tennessee,(PIC) tucked away in a picturesque
rural setting boasting splendid whitewater rafting.

What luck to be in Ducktown with a fellow "snuggle person" Kovar,
apparently eager to beginning to fill the six bedrooms in his new
has an online dating profile which reveals, among other things,
that he's eager to convey that he's a romantic kind of guy,
the kind who likes to take long walks on the beach at sunset.

The effect is somewhat marred by the fact he don't spell two good:
basicly i'm a romantic, touch and snuggle person,
Chairman Kovar enthuses.
There is also this nugget, which we hope a prosecuting attorney
someday asks him about, preferably under oath:
I'm fortunate to be a senior advisor to the U.S. Congress
and have dined with the president.
Who might that be, Chairman Glenn?
Do tell.

Beyond mocking a man who needs mocking, in the same way
Southern lawmen talk about a particularly brutal criminal who
"needs killing," these details are important because, incredibly...

Kovar and his son are preparing another scheme. A source in Ducktown
contacted us after speaking with the obviously relaxed Glenn Kovar,
and told us us Kovar and his son Brent are in business together
in a new venture, working hand in hand with the Dept. of Homeland

The development is troubling, in the same way going to bed
on an ordinary school night and waking up in Oz might be.

In a world of uncertainty, a reliable record of shady self-dealing

But SkyWay, which only lost $40 million of investors money,
is an absolute paragon of excellence, corporate governance-wise,
when compared to the DC9's previous owner...

Genesis Aviation is one of several dozen company fronts,
all of which contain the name Genesis in the title,
controlled by one of the key figures in the Iran Contra scandal,
>> Saudi billionaire and long-time CIA asset Adnan Khashoggi. <<

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission charged
Khashoggi and Ramy Al Batrawi, his lieutenant for the past 20 years,
with stock fraud in U.S. District Court for Central California.
The men are accused of orchestrating a $130 million fraud
involving the stock price of GenesisIntermedia.

When the helpful Khashoggi worked with Oliver North to sell arms to
Ramy El-Batrawi was there, as president of a Khashoggi company,
Jetborne International, indicted for illegally ferrying TOW missiles
to Iran,
an enterprise which netted someonethough not the U.S. Government
or the Contras it was supposedly fundinga tidy bit of change.

Apparently neither man learned that crime doesnt pay,
because Adnan and Ramys recent pilferage make the Kovars
look like kids stealing a candy bar from a 7-11 after school.

Just three months after the companys Initial Public Offering (IPO),
nearly $17 million raised in the offering was gone, read one wire
service story.
The creative dealings of defendant El-Batrawi partly explains
how this money disappeared so quickly, reported the AP.

Making money disappear since before you were born

El-Batrawi had a side deal called "Trade Your Way to Riches,"
and he thus arranged to have its mailing lists
- sold to Genesis for $3.8 million of the proceeds lifted from the IPO.
Additionally El-Batrawi gave himself $362,149 for flying himself
around in his private plane to promote the deal on the IPO. road show.

Another area where Glenn and Brent Kovar might learn something
from past master Khashoggi is how, in your financial frauds aftermath,
to make yourself scarce

Lawyers for Mr. El-Batrawi and Mr. Khashoggi
could not be immediately located for comment, reported the L.A. Times.

An SEC lawyer, Kara Brockmeyer, said the agency had not determined
who their lawyers were. Mr. El- Batrawi has no listed telephone number
in Los Angeles, and Mr. Khashoggi's whereabouts is not known,
according to the complaint.
The SEC may be interested to learn what The MadCowMorningNews
discovered El-Batrawi doing a year ago. The high-roller was spending
millions gambling in Vegas, where he flew by private jet.

The TV show Casino Diaries even profiled him in action.

The DC9 has also been owned by Finova Capital, revealed in the early
as a CIA front which also owned the C123 military cargo plane
used by notorious drug smuggler and CIA pilot Barry Seal,
which was later shot down over Nicaragua with Eugene Hasenfus onboard.

The 5.5 ton DC9 flight: A tribute to Fawn Hall?

The crash cracked open the Iran Contra Scandal, and inspired
an ambitious burst of emergency damage control
by Lt. Colonel Oliver North, who embarked
- on a three-day shredding spree reportedly designed to remove
any trace of Barry Seal's name from his files.

U.S. officials vehemently denied the plane belonged to the CIA.

At the time the plane was registered to General John Singlaubs
Southern Air Transport. Much later, Southern Air Transport went
and the proceedings revealed that the company had been owned
by an entity called Finova Capital, a CIA front company
set up in Arizona and headquartered in Canada
to escape American financial disclosure requirements.

By that time, in 1998, no one was paying any attention,
so the CIAs use of front companies had once again been successful.
Before Finova, the DC9 belonged, or, to use the spook phrase,
been parked with a company called Greyhound Leasing of Phoenix, AZ.

Arizona: Fraud like Florida, but with a dry heat
Greyhound during this time period also owned a Beech King Air
used by CIA pilot and drug smuggler Barry Seal. After his death
it became the favorite plane of then Texas-Governor George W. Bush.

But no good deed goes unpunished,
and Greyhound Leasing soon came up a little short.
The company had somehow misplaced $120 million dollars.
The company's accountants wrote that "fraudulent and dishonest acts .
. .
resulted directly in a loss of $119,684,598."

That's just a few bribes short of $120 million dollars.

Not so, replied the company's hapless general counsel, who responded
weakly that the loss has been reduced to a mere $72 million.

The massive fraud included checks written on napkins in Swiss
and set afire after being cashed, the reported blackmailing,
and sheepish looks all around.
The troubling question which puzzled business reporters
in Phoenix were never able to puzzle out was this:
Why were they were giving money away
down at Greyhound Leasing during the 1980's?

While some poor schmuck in Utah gets 55 years for smoking pot...

The disposition of the resulting criminal trial of the major player
in the scheme is yet another illustration of the fact that,
- in America, being connected means never having to say you're sorry.

When Sheldon Player was sentenced for stealing $55 million
from Greyhound Leasing, he received a five-year sentence.
Thats one year for each $13 million he stole, which is a deal that
-- were it offered to ordinary Americanswould have people lining up
around Phoenixs Federal Courthouses to sign up for.

The companys chairman, lucky fellow, never went to prison.
Instead he resigned his position at Greyhound and had soon been
appointed as the new president and chief executive officer of Finalco,
an equipment finance and brokerage company based
in Mclean, Virginia, the home of the CIA.

This all began when Mexican soldiers arrested the Colombian co-pilot
and the two Mexican pilots of a corporate jet sent to await the DC9's

"But the DC-9's pilot escaped," reports a story on the website
of the magazine Flight International, "fuelling conspiracy theories."
Fuelling conspiracy theories in today's America
amounts to putting out fires with gasoline.
And we certainly don't want to appear to do that...
So, we hasten to add, there is no doubt
that this is all just a series of freak coincidences.

There is also no doubt that the DC9 Cocaine One still sitting
on a runway somewhere in Mexico will eventually be shown to belong
to someone with a swarthy complexion and a foreign-sounding last name.

We'd like to hasten to add that as a direct result of the martial spirit
and can-do attitude of our current war-time President,
there is also no doubt that Osama bin Laden will be caught
and brought to justice, perhaps sometime this century.

Thank God our President was able to steal the 2000 election from Al
Who knows where wed be today if he hadnt done that.

NEXT: A banned ultra-nationalist Israeli party
& the head of the Kuwaiti National Guard


From: David West <>
Date: May 25, 2006 8:05:58 PM EST

Subject: Snopes

Hello Pondo,

You might be aware of
This is the site which many people use to check whether information is
truth or rumour, to determine whether it is an Urban Legend or not.

I posted the following, and it was successfully registered. However,
within the hour, they had deleted the entry, and removed my membership.
They obviously support the Fourth Reich, and are therefore not reliable


A Conspiracy theory related to 11th September 2001, often termed 9/11,
falls into the category of an urban legend.
The most publicised conspiracy theory is that 19 Arabs hijacked four
airplanes, and flew three of them into prominent American buddings, two
of which consequently collapsed as result of fire. The 19 Arabs are
named in the conspiracy theory.

This theory has been debunked many times over by a variety of experts,
their main facts stating that
1)Of the 19 named people at least seven are still alive, five of which
were reported by the BBC, ABC news, The Guardian and other national
media outlets
2)It is most likely that the collapse of the twin towers was created
by explosives. The chances of a collapse within their own footprint as
a result of fires alone are so low as to be considered
near-impossible. For this to happen to three buildings (including World
Trade Centre building number 7 - which wasn't even mentioned in the
official conspiracy report) on the same day is beyond belief.,1249,635160132,00.html

3)The failure of Norad to intercept a plane flying off course has
never happened before.. Failure to intercept four planes on the same
day is beyond belief.

4)In all previous air crashes which have happened on land, aircraft
parts bearing serial numbers have been found to enable the aircraft to
be positively identified. The failure to find a single identifiable
part of an aircraft is unlikely. The failure to find any parts from
four aircraft which crashed on the same day is beyond belief.

The most likely conclusion is that this conspiracy theory, as outlined
in the official government 911 Commission report, is no more than an
Urban Legend


NOTE: Thanks to Mark R. Elsis for this. -- kl, pp

Intelligence Czar [John Negroponte] Can Waive SEC Rules

Now, The White House's Top Spymaster Can Cite National Security

To Exempt Businesses From Reporting Requirements

by Dawn Kopecki


From: Henri the Celt <>

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> 911 WTC - Evidence of an Nuclear explosion?, Your advice & Input

A finnish military expert has provided an opinion that a small nuclear
device was involved in the collapse of the WTC...the report can be
found here, in both English and Finnish:

Here are the noted observations, please follow the link to find a
thermographic picture which accompanies the report:

Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs

1) The concrete pulverized into fine dust, 70300 micron particles
(just this could take more energy than the total gravitational energy
available). See Gehue plates 6 and 7

2) Very energetic hot dust after the explosions. (Demolition
charges would produce white clouds of dust, which would not move much,
and a gravity-driven collapse would produce much less and more coarse

3) Brown shades of color seen in the air these are produced by
nuclear reactions of a thermonuclear device. The reactions use (gamma
radiation caused by free neutrons, N2, O2, H2O > nitrid acid, NO2,
NO3). These clouds soon get their usual white color after some minutes
as the heat and fast movement of the clouds cease becoming ordinary
clouds with some water.

Note: many of the pictures taken regarding the WTC Towers and the
clouds seem to have been developed too blue, killing shades of brown.
(This may have been an attempt to suppress the evidence.) Also there
was supposed to be 200 000+ gallons of water on the roof of each tower
this water was spilled into stairwells etc, but was later all
converted into water vapour reducing the brown color.

4) Superheated steel objects, disintegrating into steel vapour. Molten
ponds of steel were found in the elevator shafts. There were lots of
burned cars in the parking areas of the towers. The fire department did
not announce until 12/19/2001 that the fires under the WTC rubble have
been distinguished (more than 3 months after the incident). For more,
see (Gehue plate 8)

location F C name
A 1341 727 WTC7
B 1034 557 WTC7
C 1161 627 WTC1
D 963 517 WTC1
E 819 437 WTC3
F 801 427 WTC2
G 1377 747 WTC2
H 1017 547 WTC4

The thermal survey of the WTC 9/16/2001 (NASA /US Geological Survey).
Despite of fire department having cooled the rubble, aluminium would
still be melting in some sites 5 days after the incident.

5) Elevated values of tritium in this area, but not elsewhere in New
York. The University of California found elevated values on 9/13/2001
and 9/21/2001 within bounds of the WTC. They found them harmless for
health. In pure hydrogen bomb isotopes of hydrogen are fused (D + T > n
+ a + 17.6 MeV).

6) An EMP-type phenomenon blacked out cellular phones at the moment
when the first (southern) tower started to 'fall down', at the exact
moment when a small thermonuclear bomb was detonated. Even in
electronic cameras and videos a strange afterglow was seen in the late
phase of the 'collapse' of both of the towers. See Gehue plate 5

7) A wave of pressure was witnessed in the root of the tower at the
moment when the so-called collapse was progressing just about two
hundred meters and nothing had fallen down to earth. The blast wave
turned over for example a photographer and a fireman close to the
entrance, who was taking photos of the dust cloud. The burst of the
dust cloud on the root of the tower was photographed as well. In the
image at the left below is what probably was the explosion of WTC 6.
The Customs building was deliberately exploded for some reason - it was
not damaged because of the falling girders as they had not yet reached
the roof of WTC 7 when the photo was taken. A couple of seconds later
the clouds of the explosion were already partly above the roof of WTC
7, which was too energetical to be caused by usual blasting agents.
This suggests it was the second hydrogen bomb in the WTC block. The
first hydrogen bomb is discharging upwards (pulverized concrete)
exactly in the picture, and the steel structures vaporized by the bomb
are already falling down 100 meters (approx. 328 ft.) farther down. The
mass of cloud, caused by vaporized steel, is seen in the center of the
picture and even more clearly in the picture at the right.

8) In the cellar, out of all the 47 ultra strong steel pillars, the
steel was melted completely at the length of more than 20 meters
(approx. 65 ft). Even cars were melted and burned in the cellar. The
pillars were far too thick for thermite, which some have suggested. An
explosion of a thermonuclear bomb explains the phenomenon well.

9) Steel columns and pillars were ejected in the surroundings of the
building. In the beginning of the so-called collapse, exists no such
energy exists that could throw steel pillars outwards from 60 to 175
meters (approx. from 170 to 574 ft.) from trunk. Not even cutting
charges can do that. Instead, the blast wave from a nuclear bomb is
capable to do that.



From: Kevin Hammond <>
Date: May 25, 2006 5:58:58 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: SFENTERTAINMENTJOBS Summer of Love
Festival 40th Anniversary SF {Opportunity for activism!}

For anyone in the Bay area, This will be a GREAT CHANCE to wake some
people UP!

Note: forwarded message attached.

Saoirse go deo!

Date: May 25, 2006 12:21:58 PM EST
Subject: SFENTERTAINMENTJOBS Summer of Love Festival 40th Anniversary SF

40th Anniversary Summer of Love Festival SF 2007


Charitable Proceeds to benefit homeless youth and park services and
sending AIDS test kits to India with

"Celebrating alternative music, art, and culture from 1967 to 2007."
Date and Artists to be announced !

Get on the Mailing List for Summer Of Love Festival News & Updates

HI and Welcome

Dateline: May 2006, Haight Ashbury, San Francisco.
My name is Deborah Paulino,, and I will be directing the
Summer of Love Festival 2007 with the help of founders, producers, and
coordinators from Summer of Love 30th and 35th anniversaries, Family
Dog, Maritime Hall, Avalon Ballroom, Tribal Stomp, Haight Street Faire,
2B1 Records, Anonsalon, Reggae on the River, How Weird Street Faire,
Burning Man Decompression, Peace Tour, Modernart Media Group, ArtSFest,
San Francisco Green Party.. and more to come.

I am very excited & inspired to take on the journey to direct the
of Love Festival 2007. Already we have a wonderful support group and
network and the web site is on it's way ! Now we need help from our
extended family and tribes like you to help make this a permanent event
and organization to benefit human beings and mother nature.

I am calling for donations to set up a permanent non profit
for the festival and permits and production for Summer of Love 2007.

* Until the Non Profit is in place please send donations to:..
o to gig @ Ref. Summer of Love Start Up Fund
o Credit Cards online with click

o Checks and money orders in USA $ to Deborah Paulino
Summer of Love Start Up Fund
1621 Haight St. PMB 9
San Francisco
California, 94117

Your donations, no matter how large or small, will help us make this a
safe well run festival with great artists and pemanent funding source
for the festival's future and the worthwhile community causes.
Optional: All donators can have your names or businesses published in
the honors list with a link to your web site or personal page.

Contacts for vendors and other departments at

Thank you for your support & positive energy.

Deborah Paulino
Festival Director

Post Mail 1621 Haight St. PMB 9, San Francisco, California, 94117, USA


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: May 25, 2006 4:35:09 PM EST


FPF wrote:
FPF-fwd. from
Subject: Franklin9s Focus 5-24: Fundamentalists and the Concentration

Concerning US Fundamentalists and the
Concentration Camps

I must hasten to remind you for the nth time that the head of FEMA has
in his hand a signed directive issued by the president authorizing the
head of FEMA to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national
emergency. In other words, if another 9/11 is in the works, we may see
the final putsch in their relentless building of a neofascist state.

The appended article from Prison Planet hints at a rounding up people
and imprisoning them in the various concentration camps that have been
built across America (recently relabeled as 'community centers'). The
information coming from a clergyman suggests what the cabal's blueprint
will be in stark terms. The new element introduced here is the addition
of fundamentalist churches to an active role in gulag America.

IMHO several of my readers may well be among those who are rounded up
if FEMA declares a national emergency; so you folks may want to pay
special attention to the camps and anything involving them.

I'm not offering these comments as a confident prediction. I simply
feel motivated to repeat ad nauseam that the concentration camps were
built for a purpose, and that purpose most likely is for the
confinement of people who have been actively and systematically
attacking the Bush administration. That includes website owners,
newsletter writers, and regular contributors to websites hostile to the


Dismiss this as pure paranoia if you will, but it seems to me the
indications as to where the cabal is headed are clear and ominous.

As of late, what has added to my concern is the apparent lack of
nervousness on the part of Bush and his band of neofascists. Rove is
running around making speeches with seeming joyfulness. I've never seen
him so jovial. Cheney, Rice, et al, also strike me as being genuinely
cheerful. The relentless collapse of public support for the WH cabal
and weakening of support for GOP lawmakers simply does not seem to
worry the WH Mafia in the least.


Not even Fitzgerald's relentless pursuit of WH misdeeds seems to faze

While on that subject, I have to say I suspect the WH has something in
store for Fitzgerald and his crew. One way or another, I believe he'll
be neutralized. Will it be a latter day Saturday night massacre? Not
likely. My guess is Cheney and Rove will be far more imaginative than
Nixon was. Heavy lies the crown of the special prosecutor.

It occurs to me life in today's America seems to include being in an
almost perpetual state of paranoia as to what might be brewing in the
West Wing. As I see it, [Bush's] 9/11 [op] has made almost any new
horror possible.

Warmest regards,



Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial

Nationwide initiative trains volunteers to teach congregations to "obey
the government" during seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations
and forced relocation

by Paul Joseph Watson - May 24 2006

A Pastor has come forward to blow the whistle on a nationwide FEMA
program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives
to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to
"obey the government" in preparation for a declaration of martial law,
property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

In March of this year the Pastor, who we shall refer to as Pastor
Revere, was invited to attend a meeting of his local FEMA chapter which
circulated around preparedness for a potential bio-terrorist attack,
any natural disaster or a nationally declared emergency.

The FEMA directors told the Pastors that attended that it was their job
to help implement FEMA and Homeland Security directives in anticipation
of any of these eventualities. The first directive was for Pastors to
preach to their congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context
bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into
supporting him, in order to teach them to "obey the government" when
martial law is declared.

It was related to the Pastors that quarantines, martial law and forced
relocation were a problem for state authorities when enforcing federal
mandates due to the "cowboy mentality" of citizens standing up for
their property and second amendment rights as well as farmers defending
their crops and livestock from seizure. It was stressed that the
Pastors needed to preach subservience to the authorities ahead of time
in preparation for the round-ups and to make it clear to the
congregation that "this is for their own good."

We have received confirmation from other preachers and Pastors that
this program is a nationwide initiative and a literal Soviet model
whereby the churches are being systematically infiltrated by government
volunteers and used as conduits for martial law training and


It falls under the umbrella of the NVOAD program which is training
volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program in a neighborhood setting.

Pastors were told that the would be backed up by law enforcement in
controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead
SWAT teams in attempting to quell resistance.

"We get the the picture that we're going to be standing at the end of
some farmer's lane while he's standing there with his double barrel,
saying we have to confiscate your cows, your chickens, your firearms,"
said Pastor Revere.

The Pastor elaborated on how the directives were being smoke screened
by an Orwellian alteration of their names.

"They're not using the term 'quarantine' - this is the term they're
going to be using - it's called 'social distancing' don't you like that
one," said the Pastor.


"Three months ago it was quarantine and relocation centers and now it's
'community centers' and these are going to be activated at the local
schools," he said.

Pastor Revere outlined the plan to carry out mass vaccination and
enforced drugging programs in times of crisis such as a bird flu

"In the event of an outbreak or a bio-terrorist attack, there'd be a
mass vaccination....they have a program nationwide 'Pills in People's
Palm In 48 Hours'," said the Pastor who was told that Walmart had been
designated as the central outlet of this procedure.

Pastor Revere said that many attendees believed in the necessity of the
program and were completely unaware to the motivations behind its true
purpose and were offered incentives to become volunteers such as
preferential treatment and first access for themselves and their
families to vaccines and food shipments in times of emergency.


The precedent for mass gun confiscation in times of real or
manufactured emergency was set during Hurricane Katrina when police and
national guard patrols forced homeowners even in areas unaffected by
the hurricane to hand over their legally owned firearms at gunpoint as
is detailed in the video below.

In the following video Alex Jones exposes FEMA's deliberate sabotage of
Hurricane Katrina relief efforts which were used as a platform for a
beat test of forced relocation and gun confiscation.

Alex Jones' 2001 documentary film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny featured
footage from a FEMA symposium given to firefighters and other emergency
personnel in Kansas City in which it was stated that the founding
fathers, Christians and homeschoolers were terrorists and should be
treated with the utmost suspicion and brutality in times of national

We have highlighted previous training manuals issues by state and
federal government bodies which identify whole swathes of the
population as potential terrorists. A Texas Department of Public Safety
Criminal Law Enforcement pamphlet gives the public characteristics to
identify terrorists that include buying baby formula, beer, wearing
Levi jeans, carrying identifying documents like a drivers license and
traveling with women or children.

A Virginia training manual used to help state employees recognize
terrorists lists anti-government and property rights activists as
terrorists and includes binoculars, video cameras, pads and notebooks
in a compendium of terrorist tools.

Shortly after 9/11 a Phoenix FBI manual that was disseminated amongst
federal employees at the end of the Clinton term caused waves on the
Internet after it was revealed that potential terrorists included,
"defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the
UN," and individuals who "make numerous references to the US


In December 2003 the FBI warned Americans nationwide to be on the
lookout for people reading Almanacs as this could indicate an act of
terrorism in planning. Almanacs are popular glove box inventory of any
vehicle and this ludicrous fearmongering was met with a raucous
response from satirists and news commentators.

In another twilight zone Nazi-like spectacle, Pastors were asked to
make a pledge or an affirmation during the meeting to fulfil the roles
ascribed to them by FEMA. They were given assurances that they would be
covered by full compensation in the event of resisters injuring them
during property seizures and round-ups.

The Pastor said that his county had already succumbed to a tattle-tale
like mentality where neighbors were reporting neighbors to the
authorities for things like having chickens in their back yard. The
brown shirt precedent has been set whereby people immediately turn to
the authorities in fealty whenever their paranoid suspicions, fueled by
zealous government and media fearmongering, are heightened.

Pastor Revere said the completion of the first stage of the program was
slated for August 31st. At this point all the counties within the
United States would be networked as part of the so-called disaster
relief program.

We issue a challenge to all of our readers to print off this article
and the supporting documents and confront their local preacher with it.
If they don't receive a response within a week they should investigate
further into whether their preacher is involved and hand out
information to other members of the congregation.

[andend] - Story Url.:


* US 9/11 TERROR in a CNN Poll - Question: "Do you believe there is a

U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" - 'Yes' - 89% - 'NO' - 11%
- Url.:

* US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence - [] - regarding the September 11
TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.:

* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING
AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after

seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from
the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional
help - Url.:

* SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other scientists, diplomats,
researchers etc.: What happened on 9/11? - What is happening to our
world? - How can we improve our situation? - Url.:

* IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but if you indeed would prefer to unsubscribe

from the FPF-list: just send an email in return with the word

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section
107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the
Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to
those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information.

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


From: "Gerard Holmgren" <>
Date: May 17, 2006 11:42:49 PM EST
To: "'Gabbard, David A'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Judy Miller blew 9-11?

This is just a recycling of the missed warnings scandal of early
2002. At the time a lot of people got very excited about it as the thin
end of the wedge, (people who at the time I still trusted like, Bill
Douglas and Kyle Hence) so I thought they were just being naove. I
warned at the time that it might just be a distraction.

As it turned out it just played right into their hands we could have
done better with better intelligence and a tougher attitude, more
police state, now

For those who havent been in this right from the beginning, Ill
summarize the development. Up until about March 2002, the Govt claimed
that it never had the slightest inkling that the attacks were coming.
It was a complete surprise.

Most of the well developed evidence at that time was LIHOP. The stand
down and Bushs complicit behavior were well researched and
established, the demolition was well researched but still too cutting
edge and new for most people, and the pentagon thing was only just
about to break. No WTC planes was completely unknown. I think Rosalee
was on to the first strike by then, but hadnt yet realized that
Cartoon 175 was a fake, and her work on Blobs 11 was pretty much
unknown. Naudet foreknowledge research was still in the distant future.
So was BTS, although the no Arab hijacker eveidence was fairly well

There was strong but not yet conclusive evidence already available that
the attack on Afghanistan had already been planned prior to S11, and
the Bin laden confession tape had been debunked since Dec 2001.

So the idea of ignoring warnings was still fairly close to the front
line. Then in March 2002, documentation came to light which proved that
the Afghanistan invasion had already been planned. The flag wavers
immediately switched their defence from derision to of course they
were going to invade, they were going to get OBL , but he got in
first. About the same time, documentation of missed warnings emerged
in contrast to the official line that it was a complete surprise.

Initially it was a huge scandal, but it quickly got Orwelled to we
always knew that something was going to happen, but we couldnt connect
the dots to predict exactly what. If wed just had better

Kristin Breitweiser who had initially established a hero status for
demanding to know why Bush sat reading to a class and what happened to
the air force and had been promoted by the spooks who now make up gradually morphed into screaming that there are mad
terrorists out there wanting to kill us all and Im appalled that we
havent overhauled our intelligence services to prevent a repeat of the
failures that led to 9/11.

What was initially a scandal eventually turned into a howling for
police state measures. The spooks were at the forefront
of pushing the missed warnings scandal. Spook Douglas and Spook Hence
were particularly active with the whip.

I warned them several times where it was leading, but at the time I
just thought they were naove and stupid. I didnt realize that most of
the people I was dealing with were cointelpro.

This looks very much like a recycling of the missed warnings scandal.
Its been four years which is about double the memory of the average
CNN watcher and several thousand times the memory of the average

From: Gabbard, David A []
Sent: Thursday, 18 May 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Judy Miller blew 9-11?

Read this you all. The timing is really suspect. One day after
Rumsfeld gives the public another video that shows nothing? I smell
the stench of propaganda/disinformation.

David Gabbard, EdD
Dept of C&I
College of Education
East Carolina University

Date: May 25, 2006 12:45:51 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Fw: Paranoia As Policy...How Bush Brewed The Iran Crisis

Paranoia as Policy - How
Bush Brewed the Iran Crisis
By Paul Craig Roberts From:

Why did the Bush regime create a crisis over Iran?

The answer is that the Bush regime is desperate to widen the war in the
Middle East.

What has Iran done? Unlike Israel, Pakistan and India, countries that
developed nuclear weapons on the sly, Iran signed the non-proliferation
treaty. Countries that sign this treaty have the right to develop
nuclear energy. The International Atomic Energy Agency monitors their
energy programs to guard against the programs being used to cloak a
weapons program. Until the Bush regime provoked a crisis, Iran was
cooperating with the inspection safeguards. The weapons inspectors have
found no Iranian weapons programs.

There is no evidence for the Bush regime's accusation that Iran is
developing nuclear weapons. What the Bush regime is trying to do is to
unilaterally take away Iran's right under the non-proliferation treaty
to develop nuclear energy. It is the Bush regime that is violating the
treaty by attempting to deny its benefits to Iran. The Bush regime is
acting illegally because of its paranoid suspicion that 5 or 10 years
in the future Iran will use what it has managed to learn about uranium
enrichment to develop a weapons program.

Why is the Bush regime concerned about what Iran might do in the
future? Is it because the US government intends to continue its
bullying in the MIddle East and is worried that Iran will get tired of
it and develop nuclear weapons as a check on US hegemony over the
Muslim world? Why does the Bush regime think that its interest in the
Middle East takes priority over the interests of the countries that are
located there?

In a CNN TV interview on Sunday May 21, the Israeli prime minister,
Ehud Olmert, said that it was only a matter of months before Iran would
be making nuclear weapons.

Olmert's claim is absurd as every weapons expert knows, and, indeed,
as he knows himself. The only possible purpose of such a nonsensical
claim is propaganda. Olmert is helping the Bush regime use fear to
prepare Americans to accept an attack on Iran, just as Dick Cheney and
Condi Rice invoked images of mushroom clouds to prepare Americans for
the illegal invasion of Iraq.

One might think that having been deceived by the Bush regime over
Iraq, the American people would have their eyes open to deception this
time around. But apparently not. The same public that gives Bush a mere
30% approval rating, largely because of the Iraqi fiasco, is making no
demands that Bush stop his march to war with Iran.

Not a day passes without new threats and lies issuing from Dick Cheney,
Bonkers Bolton, and Condi Rice, and no one holds them accountable. The
US media is proud to be complicit in lies and war crimes.

Ah, but the Iranian president said that he was going to "wipe Israel
off the face of the earth."

He did not. He said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the
Middle East in the sense of being removed to Europe. He was making the
rhetorical point that if the Europeans so favored a Jewish state, why
did the Westerners not give the Jews part of Europe or North America?
Why did they give the Jews Palestine, which was not theirs to give?

One may agree or disagree with the Iranian's point, but it was not a
threat to kill the Jews.

The Iranians cannot kill the Jews even if they wanted, because Israel
has nuclear weapons. Being somewhat paranoid--not altogether without
reason--Israel is not going to sit there and be destroyed.

The US cannot forever dominate the Middle East in behalf of its
interests and Israel's. The US is running out of resources. The US is
heavily in debt, yet continues to hemorrhage red ink. Washington is
dependent on foreigners to finance its wars. Offshoring has diminished
America's ability to manufacture. The US is now dependent on China for
advanced technology products and on Europe and Asia for manufactured
goods. The American middle class is beginning to experience employment
problems and income stagnation. The neocons' idea that the US can
patrol Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria in perpetuity is insane. The
Bush regime has proven that the US cannot even occupy Baghdad.

Unless the US government intends nuclear genocide against Muslims, it
cannot prevail in war in the MIddle East. A solution in the Middle East
requires diplomacy and good will, not threats and aggression. Yet, the
Bush regime refuses to even meet with Iranian leaders.

By refusing to meet, talk, and negotiate, Bush is telling Iranians
that they have no choice. Either they comply and do what Bush demands,
or they will be attacked.

That is the Iranian Crisis in a nutshell.


Date: May 25, 2006 5:59:30 AM EST

Israel caused the Mid-East crisis - World Council of Churches

Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 17:17:45 -0700 From: Jeff Blankfort

World Council of Churches slams Israel

George Conger, THE JERUSALEM POST May. 22, 2006

Israel bears the burden of responsibility for the present crisis in the
Middle East, the World Council of Churches has announced, following a
meeting of its Executive Committee in Geneva from May 16-19.

The Christian Left's leading ecumenical organization stated Israel's
actions towards the Palestinians "cannot be justified morally, legally
or even politically."

The failure "to comply with international law" had "pushed the
situation on the ground to a point of no return," they concluded.

The WCC condemned the killing of innocent civilians by "both sides" in
the conflict and called for the Palestinians to "maintain the existing
one-party cease-fire toward Israel" and asked Israel to base its
security on "the equitable negotiation of final borders" with its

However, the present disparities between Israel and Palestine were
"appalling," the WCC said.

"One side is positioning itself to unilaterally establish final borders
on territory that belongs to the other side; the other side is
increasingly confined to the scattered enclaves that remain. On one
side there is control of more and more land and water; on the other
there are more and more families deprived of land and livelihoods.

On one side as many people as possible are being housed on occupied
land; on the other side the toll mounts of refugees without homes or
land. One side controls Jerusalem, a city shared by two peoples and
three world religions; the other-Muslim and Christian-watches its
demographic, commercial and religious presence wither in Jerusalem,"
the WCC said.

The WCC claimed a double standard was at work in the international
community that favored Israel, saying, "The side set to keep its
unlawful gains is garnering support from part of the international
community. The side that, despairing at those unlawful gains, used
legitimate elections to choose new leaders is being isolated and

"Democracy must be protected where it is taking root," the WCC said,
calling for a relaxation of American, British and EU sanctions against
Hamas. "Peace must come soon or it may not come to either people for a
long time," they concluded.

The WCC's Executive Committee called upon its 340 member churches in
over 100 countries representing approximately 550 million Orthodox,
Anglican and Protestant Christians to "share solidarity with people on
both sides of the conflict," and to "use legitimate forms of pressure
to promote a just peace and to end unlawful activities by Israelis or

It also asked its members to "find constructive ways to address threats
experienced among the Jewish people, including the nature, prevalence
and impact of racism in local, national and international contexts."

In March 2005, the WCC urged its member churches give "serious
consideration" to pulling investments out of Israel and endorsed the
2004 decision by the Presbyterian Church of the United States to seek
"phased selective divestment" from Israel. "This [Presbyterian] action
is commendable in both method and manner, uses criteria rooted in faith
and calls members to do the things that make for peace," the WCC said.

The Presbyterian Church will revisit its 2004 divestment decision next
month at its 217th General Assembly in Birmingham, Alabama, in response
to criticism that the divestment call was one-sided and ill-informed.


From: Ole Gerstrxm <>
Date: May 26, 2006 2:50:45 AM EST
To: <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] Prof. Robert J. Lieber on: 911 and American
Order: Is US Power Necessary and Desirable in the Middle East?
Wednesday 24 May 2006

I attended this seminar. Professor Lieber is a sarcastic man, with no
smiles and instead of eyes he has black holes, reptilian style.
Despite being a registered Democrat, he delivered massive propaganda
for the Bush administration. He mentioned 911 and recommended seeing
the new movie about Flight 93, which he claimed was factual. I asked
him about the claim of passengers making calls with their cell-phones
at an altitude of 30.000 feet. I asked if he was aware that technical
experts state that you cannot make a connection via cell-phone if the
plane is above 8.000 feet. Lieber answered that the passengers used the
built-in console phones. I corrected him and said, no the claim is that
they used cell-phones. He then continued, well, but that calls were
made when the plane was down at a lower altitude.

This I find to be an outright lie. The professor is on a visit paid by
the US embassy in Copenhagen. His credentials listed below are
impressive. He teaches at Georgetown University, which has a department
for training of officials from the US State Departement. And he is an
outright liar.

Another guest mentioned the CIA creation of the Taliban during the
Soviet occupation of Afghanistan 1979 to '89. Lieber handled that by
claiming that the Taliban was created in 1989. Another outright lie.

Yours, Ole Gerstrom,
Former Member of Parliament

The Danish Institute for International Studies
(DIIS) is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Professor Robert J.
Lieber on:
American Order: Is US
Power Necessary and Desirable in the Middle East?

President, USA Exile Govt.

May 29, 2006, 1:07:21 PM5/29/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 29, 2006

NOTE: Almost certainly this Afghan event will lead swiftly to a
quantum leap in the size of the anti-American underground. -- kl, pp

Riot Erupts after
Kabul Traffic Accident

By RAHIM FAIEZ, Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S. and Afghan security forces fired on
protesters in the Afghan capital after a riot erupted Monday because of
a deadly traffic accident involving U.S. troops, police and
eyewitnesses said. At least four people were killed.

Witnesses said the incident began when a convoy of at least three U.S.
Humvees came into the city from the outskirts and hit several civilian
cars in rush-hour traffic jam.

"The American convoy hit all the vehicles which were in their way. They
didn't care about the civilians at all," said Mohammad Wali, 21, a
shopkeeper who said he saw several dead bodies.

Three people were killed and 16 wounded in the crash, which sparked a
riot by stone-throwing Afghans who shouted "Down with America," said
Sher Shah Usafi, a Kabul police chief. U.S. forces then fired on the
crowd, killing one person and wounding two, he said.

A commander with the city's traffic police who was at the scene said he
also saw U.S. forces firing on protesters. He spoke on condition of
anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

A U.S. military spokesman, Lt. Col. Paul Fitzpatrick, confirmed U.S.
troops were involved in the accident but said the military had "no
indication that U.S. forces fired any shots." He said an investigation
was continuing.

AP Television News footage showed hundreds of angry young men hurling
rocks at what appeared to be three U.S. military trucks and three
Humvees as they sped from the area after the crash, their windscreens
cracked by the stones.

A center-mounted machine gun on one of the Humvees was seen firing into
the air over the crowd as the vehicle sped away.

An AP reporter at the scene said he saw about 10 Afghan police firing
into a crowd of about 50 demonstrators, and that U.S. troops had
already left the area. The protesters scattered when the firing
erupted, but later regrouped.

Two helicopters belonging to a NATO-led peacekeeping force hovered over
the area.

State television cut transmission of a live broadcast of parliament
when one angry lawmaker interrupted the proceedings to protest the

"I have seen the incident. ... I come from that area and I have to tell
you," Taj Mohammed Mujahid shouted before the house speaker ruled him
out of order and the screen went black.

Transmission resumed minutes later and parliamentary speaker Yunus
Qanooni called for calm.

"We call on the people to be tolerant because there is the risk this
could be exploited by our enemies," he said, referring to Taliban
rebels who are waging a fierce insurgency in the country's southern and
eastern regions.

He said the Cabinet was discussing the matter.

Afghans often complain about what they call the aggressive driving
tactics of the U.S. military. Convoys often pass through crowded areas
at high speeds and sometimes disregard road rules. The U.S. military
says such tactics are necessary to protect the troops from attack.

Associated Press correspondents Amir Shah, Daniel Cooney and Edward
Harris contributed to this report.

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: May 28, 2006 8:20:42 PM ES
Subject: Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11

Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 9/11
By Morgan Reynolds
March 2006

While more Americans doubt the 9/11 story every week, evidence abounds
that many have a mental block against rational examination of the
evidence about 9/11. The possibility that it was an inside job is a
non-starter for them. Programmed cut outs insure that 9/11 doubts are
consigned to the conspiracy closet.

Last June I was explaining the fuss over my 9/11 article to a family
member who shall remain anonymous and he interrupted and said, I dont
want to talk about it. Millions join him in that sentiment. By
implication they might as well say: Id rather cling to the official
9/11 myth = If mass murderers run free, Im fine with that = If
9/11 was an inside job, then Im ruled by monsters and I might have to
do something about it, Id rather watch Paris Hilton.

Where does this passive attitude come from? Causes are many but
American indoctrination has two sides that figure prominently in the

Belief in American Exceptionalism
Disbelief in conspiracy

The first belief massages the American ego that we are heroes, always
the good guys in history, and we can trust our government to be the
same. The second steers us clear of subversive theories and thwarts
connecting the dots. American exceptionalism is Civics 101, the
Disneyfication of U.S. history, the were so good formula, those
stupid romances commonly called history. Like no other nation in
history, we are an unparalleled success, goes the story. With American
self-esteem unrivalled, denial about 9/11 is hardly surprising.
Conventional wisdom, in effect, says Yes, criminal gangs have ruled in
other nations from time to time, perhaps always, but it has never
happened here and cannot happen here. Evidence to the contrary is
bogus, I do not have to even look at it. For one thing, I vote. We are
the worlds greatest duh-mocracy. In fact, I voted for Bush-Cheney (or
that other skull-and-bones candidate from Yale, I forget). I am fully
invested with the regime and Im not a criminal or traitor, so
Bush-Cheney must not be either. After all, we the people are the
government. Criminals and traitors do not look like us either, they
look like Arabs, Germans, Japanese, Chinese.
Besides, conspiracy theories are little more than a symptom of a
mental disease. Such asinine theories stem from delusion and paranoia,
not objective reality. On its face, it is preposterous to believe that
the U.S. government would attack its own people. History is about
accidents, bungling, lone nuts, chaos and coincidence, not planning,
cause-and-effect, execution and cover-ups.

False Flag Terrorism

Americans know a great deal that just is not so. The hidden history of
false-flag terrorism is key, followed by trained aversion to
conspiracy. When bad things happen on a large scale, chances are that
an important group of people wanted them to happen and made them
Governments throughout history have provoked or staged attacks on
their own people to serve the powers behind the throne (the money
power), glorify themselves, engage in vast government spending, reward
friends, exert domestic control, stimulate the juices of war, annex
neighbors and pursue vast geostrategic rearrangements (the global
domination project). A few examples:

Nero burned Rome to blame the Christans A.D. 64
US provoked Mexican-American war 1846
USS Maine sinking 1898
Lusitania sinking 1915
Reichstag fire 1933
Hitlers staged attack on the Gleiwitz radio station 1939
The surprise attack at Pearl Harbor 1941
Bay of Pigs conspiracy 1961
Operation Northwoods 1962
LBJs Gulf of Tonkin conspiracy 1964
Kuwaiti baby incubator hoax 1991
Bush Jr.s 9/11, yellow cake and WMD scams

Ruthless though plotters be, the basic principle is as mundane as
insurance fraud, as Webster G. Tarpley writes (9/11 Synthetic Terror,
2005, p. 104), and nicely illustrated by the obscure hoax that started
World War II. Hitler wanted to invade Poland but knew the German
majority did not support war, so a group of hapless German convicts was
dressed up in Polish army uniforms (by Tarpleys account, also see
these variations), marched to the Gleiwitz radio station, machine
gunned to death, arranged as if storming the building, and Nazi agents
read an anti-German statement in Polish declaring Polish forces had
invaded Gleiwitz and taken over the radio station. With this farce and
related border stunts, Hitler invaded Poland the next day, September 1,
1939. Wag the dog anyone?

Errors about Conspiracy

Many Americans know that the JFK, RFK, MLK and other assassinations
were inside jobs, and Nixons Watergate and Reagans Iran-Contra are
proven conspiracies with criminal convictions. Blatant government
murder of U.S. citizens occurred at Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma
City bombing. Yet fools and liars argue that the scale of 9/11 was too
big to be an inside job because it would involve so many people. A
conspirator would surely squeal and we would hear about it, goes the
argument, and that has not happened.

JFKs triangulation murder involved hundreds and nobody ratted that
out in any substantial way, although Jack Ruby was close before he was
found dead in his cell and dozens of deaths surrounded the case. Heres
how large, inside conspiracies work:

Conspiraciespartnerships in crimeare common: a corner drug deal is
a conspiracy and one in four federal prosecutions include a conspiracy

Hundreds rather than thousands probably were necessary to pull off
the 9/11 psychological operation.

Many conspirators are ideologues committed to the idea that the 9/11
hoax would serve the interests of the nation. Worthy ends justify
murderous means to this crowd. The human cost of 9/11 turned out to be
only a months highway fatality toll and served the magnificent ends
of starting a global war on terror, two invasions and more to come,
billions more in defense spending, torture, new agencies, Patriot
controls, domestic spying, enormous new contracts, more debt and many
other attractive consequences.

Many participants are cunning sociopaths (amoral) with the mindset of
stone cold killers. They wear a suit or military uniform but have no
respect for the lives of the little people. They are ruthless,
witness the fool in the White House: But all in all, its been a
fabulous year for Laura and me, a tone-deaf president declared in a
December, 2001 interview.

Only the trustworthy are at the center of the hub-spoke-and-wheel
compartmentalization necessary in a complex conspiracy. Only the
arrogant few at the hub know the big picture before hand.

The most secretive regime in U.S. history puts a huge premium on
personal loyalty and gets it.

Most participants did not know in advance how over-the-top the twin
tower demolitions were going to be. That job probably was contracted
out to ruthless foreigners. Once done, its too late to get out.

Any participant would hesitate to squeal after the event because
disbelief, disgrace and grief would follow, at a minimum, anyway. The
major media, inside 9/11 from the start, would discredit squealers, as

Risk-taking behavior is always greater in groups than for lone
individuals (psychology 101).

Once involved in the plot, everyone is in for good.

Conspirators face no threat of arrest, prosecution and punishment by
the governments justice system, a proven fact since government and
media obstructed and trashed New Orleans district attorney Jim
Garrisons JFK investigation and prosecution.

Controllers discipline participants through $billions in black
budgets and drug money, death threats, assassination and black mail.

Blatant and repeated resistance against truthful investigations,
aided by obstruction of justice and abetted by media silencio, prove
there is a lot to hide.

Consider one control technique among many: a very high CIA official
died a few years ago and on good authority I know that he had a 7/24
CIA presence to protect against a deathbed confession in front of
Hospice personnel. Im not into conspiracy theories, says filmmaker
Michael Moore, only those that are true.

The fundamental difficulty is not really disbelief about the ability to
keep conspiracy secrets but disbelief that U.S. government officials
could really collaborate in attacking America and take all those
innocent lives at the World Trade Center. This is naove. First,
government is the instrument of social compulsion. Organized force is
what government does. The belief that soft-hearted people rise to the
top in government is akin to the belief that softies were whipping
masters on slave plantations. Second, setting WTC bombs could easily
have been contracted out to Mossad, otherwise known as executioner to
the world. Killing? Its what we do (because this is life or death
for Israel, blah, blah). Third, people are taught that they control
their government and live in a duh-mocracy but all governments are run
by insiders, usually permanent and dominated by the paymasters. When
policy or personnel really matter, international bankers call the tune
for modern governments daily dependent on them for new loans and
refinance of the old. These financiers look out for themselves and
believe in a New World Order, a one-government world, and have no
allegiance to America or its founding principles. Fourth, the U.S.
military oath requires an oath-taker to support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic. The enemy within the gate is key today, whether called
conspiracy or not, not the enemy outside.

Skepticism about conspiracy, small or large, is somewhat beside the
point in the case of 9/11 because the official
Osama-and-Nineteen-Young-Arabs (ONYA) conspiracy tale is so farcical
and impossible. Nearly everyone in America has easy access to the
internet and hundreds of websites expose the 9/11 fraud. The analysis
is out there and in a few dozen books, although the mainstream media
ignores it all. Only government could have pulled off a psy-op this
big, not a rag-tag band of Arab incompetents with no visible means of
support repeatedly running afoul of law enforcement in the field. All
the other intelligence services and governments know the real story
about who did 9/11. It is like an elephant in the living room,
studiously ignored by insiders who keep quiet about it. After thorough
exposure via the Downing Street memo and other irrefutable evidence
about the Bush-Cheney lies to justify invading Iraq, it takes a lot to
remain ignorant about 9/11. It is not about a conspiracy too large to
work. Ignorance increasingly has to be willful.

Copyright Morgan Reynolds 2006+ unless otherwise specified.
Distribution of and linking to the articles on this website is strongly
encouraged, as long as the content is not manipulated or distorted in
any way.


From: Kevin Hammond <>
Date: May 28, 2006 10:01:15 PM EST

Subject: Re: [911TruthAction] Fw: NYT (1993): FBI allowed the WTC
bombing to happen

Clinton, Who was and IS a dope-dealing partner with bush sr and Larry
Silverschmuck I mean Silverstein had FOUR MAJOR events during his
admin. 3 of them false flag type stuff. First was waco which i guess
really technically was not a false flag, second was the 93 bombing
which by the way was covered up by none other than Fitzgerald who is
supposedly prosecuting the neocons. third was OK city which was 100
PERCENT an INSIDE JOB to further the agenda of the Illuminati/NWO and
annihilate parts of the bill of RIGHTS and constitution, and last but
not least was yugoslavia and the dumping of TONS of depleted uranium in
the Balkans which has caused THOUSANDS of cases of cancer in that
region. is he a slithering, slimy satanic culprit?! I think so.

Naveed <> wrote:
FBI gave a million dollars and furnished the explosives to
the ex-egyptian army officer and told him to carry out the "drill"

john antecif was his name the FBI regional chief

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave,
and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for
then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
- Notebook, 1904

----- Original Message ----
From: Ronald <
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:48:36 PM
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: NYT (1993): FBI allowed the WTC bombing
to happen

Ralph Schoenman was recently in NYC for some lectures, parts of which
were broadcast on local, soon to be gone, community access cable. In
connection with false flag operations, Schoenman mentioned the 1993
WTC bombing and gave the documentation regarding the Times account
which blew the whistle on the FBI operation.

So the truth comes out in plain sight (excuse the pun), but it doesn't
matter, since it's never repeated and certainly not part of the
official story, the only story that is allowed.

In his lecture Schoenman laid out his theory that the Blind Sheik was
brought in to this country against Egypt's protests to serve as a patsy
in these false flag operations and was aided by the CIA while in Egypt
as part of a larger operation to destabilize secular Arab governments.

This reminder from 1993 brings up again the question of Clinton's
involvement in these shadow operations. This false flag operation was
intended to jump start the war against the Muslim community in the
CIA/FBI creation of an Islamic villain and permanent war that is their

Did Clinton know in advance? After the incident, what effort if any
did he make to get to the bottom of it? In all likelihood, the best
that can be said is that he kept a hands-off approach. --Ronald

The FBI allowed the 1993 WTC bombing to happen

* * * * *
Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1
"Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart
Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast"
By Ralph Blumenthal
Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building
a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center,
and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting
harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after
the blast.
The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb
and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by
an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer,
Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.
The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of
hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his
talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as
being in a far better position than previously known to foil
the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.
The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand people
injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars.
Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal Court
[on charges of involvement] in that attack.
Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used
by the Government [of the United States] to penetrate a circle
of Muslim extremists who are now charged in two bombing cases:
the World Trade Center attack, and a foiled plot to destroy
the United Nations, the Hudson River tunnels, and other
New York City landmarks. He is the crucial witness in the
second bombing case, but his work for the Government was
erratic, and for months before the World Trade Center blast,
he was feuding with the F.B.I.
Supervisor `Messed It Up'
After the bombing, he resumed his undercover work. In an
undated transcript of a conversation from that period,
Mr. Salem recounts a talk he had had earlier with an agent
about an unnamed F.B.I. supervisor who, he said,
"came and messed it up."
"He requested to meet me in the hotel,"
Mr. Salem says of the supervisor.
"He requested to make me to testify, and if he didn't
push for that, we'll be going building the bomb with
a phony powder, and grabbing the people who was
involved in it. But since you, we didn't do that."
The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted to
complain to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington about the
Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but was dissuaded by
an agent identified as John Anticev.
Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him,
"He said, I don't think that the New York people would
like the things out of the New York Office to go to
Washington, D.C."
Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute
Mr. Salem's account, but rather, appears to agree with it,
saying of the `New York people':
"Well, of course not, because they don't want to
get their butts chewed."

The result of the explosion:
6 civilians killed Over 1,000 injured 105 firefighters injured - 5
admitted to local hospitals reinforced floors almost 30 inches think
blasted away on 3 levels below grade, plus a concourse level floor,
leaving a crater about 150 feet in diameter at it's largest point. On
the B1 level, the operations control center of the Port Authority
Police Department (and the fire command station forthe complex) was
heavily damaged and rendered out of service. On the B2 level, various
walls of elevator shafts and freshair plenums severely damaged,
allowing smoke to enter and rise through the cores of both towers.
Numerous concrete walls destroyed or damaged. 200,000 cubic feet of
water poured into the lowest grade from damaged refrigeration unit
supplies (from the Hudson River), sewer lines, fresh domestic water
lines, steam pipes, and condensate return. Water 1.5 feet deep across
the B6 level. 124 parked cars destroyed, 102 damaged. Partition walls
blown out onto PATH train mezzanine. Numerous telephone conduits
collapsed from ceiling onto cars (but phone service was not cut,
miraculously). Fire alarm and public address systems out of service.
Elevators out of service. Water cooled emergency generators shut down
due to overheating when their water supply was cut. This disabled the
emergency lighting. Sprinklers & standpipes out of service. 2,500 tons
of rubble removed. Clean up effort involved 2,700 workers per day, plus
a total of 160,000 gallons of cleaning fluid and 200,00 gallons of
detergent. Restoration cost: $250,000,000.


From: "reggie501" <>
Date: May 29, 2006 10:24:19 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 update - 5/29

9/11 News :

911? - Apparently the Bush Regime seems to think very little of the
mental "prowess" of the American people. They claim to have a
thoroughly "authentic" tape from Bin Laden who, despite the fact could
have said a limitless number of things, decided to take credit for 911.

7 Petrified of the ramifications, Americans adopt denial as primary
strategy to ignore 9/11 Scam - Psychologists call it cognitive
dissonance when there are beliefs that threaten your previous beliefs
that you find it impossible to reconcile, and denial becomes the role
that you adopt.

7 Turn 911 Rubble Into A Killing Machine? Hello? - Whoever said that
irony was dead in America clearly hadn't heard about the assault ship
USS New York

7 Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America - Under the guise
of business as usual, consider the huge improprieties in the
securities markets that went unnoticed before and immediately after
9/11/2001, contributing to the attacks' awful success and America's
subsequent decline.


'Candor' Was Scripted Response to Planted Question

By Amanda Moran
Capitol Hill Blue Staff Writer
May 28, 2006, 07:34

President George W. Bush's highly-publicized admission of "regrets" and
"moment of candor" during a joint press conference with British Prime
Minister Tony Blair this past week was actually a scripted response to
a planted question with a British journalist.

Capitol Hill Blue has learned that the question was among a list of
"proposed questions" given to British reporters by Blair and that both
the British Prime Minister and President Bush knew the question was
coming and had prepared responses.

Newsweek correspondent Richard Wolffe says it was obvious to the press
corps assembled for the press conference that Bush knew the question
was coming and had a response ready.

"Of course, it was very rehearsed, everything from the mannerisms you
saw, the upwards glance up at the ceiling for inspiration," Wolffe
says. "And for me, the big giveaway was at the end of that answer-I
don't know if you could see it on camera, but the president flashed a
big grin to those of us sitting in the front rows. It didn't seem that
he was quite as contrite as his performance."

According to multiple sources, Blair planted the question with British
reporters leaving England and informed the White House. Both Blair and
Bush had scripted responses to the question and it was pre-determined
that the question would be recognized so he could ask the question.

"It was a setup from start to finish," says a member of the press crew
that covers Blair on a regular basis. "We knew the question was coming
and we knew Blair had a response ready. As for Bush, we didn't know if
he had been briefed but we suspected he had."

Two sources within the White House confirm Bush knew the question was
coming and was ready with his scripted response.

Blair set the tone with this comment in the closing moments:

"You guys, come on, I want you to -- the British delegation, ask a few
serious questions."

The setup came in the second question:

Mr. President, you spoke about missteps and mistakes in Iraq. Could I
ask both of you which missteps and mistakes of your own you most

Bush was ready:

Sounds like kind of a familiar refrain here -- saying "bring it on,"
kind of tough talk, you know, that sent the wrong signal to people. I
learned some lessons about expressing myself maybe in a little more
sophisticated manner -- you know, "wanted dead or alive," that kind of
talk. I think in certain parts of the world it was misinterpreted, and
so I learned from that. And I think the biggest mistake that's happened
so far, at least from our country's involvement in Iraq is Abu Ghraib.
We've been paying for that for a long period of time. And it's --
unlike Iraq, however, under Saddam, the people who committed those acts
were brought to justice. They've been given a fair trial and tried and

Wolffe says Bush has to go the regret route because his other trite
phrases just don't work any more.

"I don't think those cliches actually work so much anymore," he says.

) Copyright 2006 by Capitol Hill Blue


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: May 28, 2006 12:29:49 PM EST
Subject: Wall-to-wall lies of the mass media mafia...

What the below headline really means to say is that NINE people have
plead guilty to falsifying the circulation figures of two fishwraps put
out by the Chicago-based Tribune Company in order to cheat advertisers
by pretending these publications were popular... if they'll do that,
just how trustworthy is the "news" they print? Hunh?

Plead Guilty in Newsday Circ. Scandal

NEW YORK (AP) -- Six people accused of taking part in a scheme to boost
the circulation figures at Newsday and the Spanish-language publication
Hoy pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy charges.

The pleas, entered on Friday and Monday, bring to nine the number of
people who have pleaded guilty so far in the scandal.

Newsday has acknowledged that, from 2000 to 2004, it inflated its
circulation by nearly 100,000 copies on weekdays and Sundays. Hoy
doubled its reported circulation, prosecutors said.

Chicago-based Tribune Co., which owns both Newsday and Hoy, has set
aside $90 million to reimburse advertisers who were overcharged on the
basis of the inflated circulation figures.

The six who pleaded guilty included four managers who worked in sales,
circulation, distribution and home delivery. Two men with companies
that distribute papers also pleaded guilty. They face four to 20 years
in prison.

Three executives who previously pleaded guilty include Louis Sito, vice
president for Hispanic media at Tribune Co.; Robert Brennan, former
Newsday vice president for circulation; and Ed Smith, an independent
consultant for Newsday circulation.

"We have cooperated with the authorities in every way possible from the
outset of their investigation and will continue to do so," Newsday
spokeswoman Deidra Parrish Williams said in a statement.

) 2006 The Associated Press.

President, USA Exile Govt.

May 30, 2006, 1:37:40 PM5/30/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

May 30, 2006

From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: May 29, 2006 10:02:56 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>
Subject: Fwd: The Meria Heller Show Newsletter Message

wow stuff. gets really good in about the 1/2, names companies, please
send around, copy it if you can

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Meria Heller Show Newsletter <>
Date: May 28, 2006 8:24 PM
Subject: The Meria Heller Show Newsletter Message

Okay. It's Memorial Day and I've been working all day. I want you to go
to the free show link (eventually it will be in the archives, and in
about an hour at the Ipod download). I have a two-hour show that will
blow your mind on 9/11. This man Richard Andrew Grove, a whistleblower
who worked for the big boys and money people behind 9/11 has come out
with information to set the 9/11 movement on fire.
Although many have rejected his work (too busy, big egos, whatever)
including the IRS, Treasury Dept and SEC, what he exposes on Marsh &
McLellan, AIG, Dyncorp, Spitzer, Stewart Air Force Base, Fitzgerald,
Bremer, missing gold and bucks of 9/11, software that predicts the
future and more will ASTOUND YOU as it did me. I will be having him
live on the show in June, but wanted you to hear this urgent
information immediately. That is why I worked on it all day.
If you are a journalist, blogger, etc., DO NOT think this is a ruse. I
expect you to LISTEN intently to what this man is presenting and act on
If you are a friend, subscriber, past guest, listen and then relisten.
Pass it on to every outlet and every email list, group you have. This
information is EXPLOSIVE. The more of us that know this information,
the greater the chances I won't be killed for presenting it, and the
greater the chances for a real revolution in America's thinking
Go beyond the explosions, destruction of evidence, etc., and learn who
BENEFITTED and HOW on 9/11 to find out who the Corporate
Fundamentalists are that were behind it all.
Thank you for trusting me with this one, it's well worth it.

"We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore".
"THE MERIA HELLER SHOW" Soon in it's 7th year!

"Meria is the best weapon of mass instruction we have ; the inventor
of internet radio reality"-
Greg Palast , Investigative Journalist

Conference in
Chicago, June 2-4. Check out for more

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.

From New World Order globalists to our endangered environment to
emerging spirituality, The Meria Heller Show shines the light of truth
on our troubled planet. Listen to a FREE recent show here: (Windows Media Player
required). For just $20.00 per month, you can hear the live show and
interact with Meria using Yahoo Messenger, browse through the
thousand-plus shows in the archives, AND you'll receive Meria's
exclusive breaking news e-mail updates. Find a subscription option to
fit your budget here:

) 2005 Meria Heller. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to forward this
entire message with copyright included, for nonprofit use only.

The Meria Heller Show - The Mouth That Roars!
NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


From: APFN <>
Date: May 29, 2006 7:04:22 PM EST
To: APFN Yahoogroups <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] AUDIO: information to set the 9/11 movement
on fire

Meria Heller
AUDIO: information to set the 9/11 movement on fire
Mon May 29, 2006 20:59;article=101664;


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Impact of Possible Military Attack on Iran

An Iranian Perspective

By Sa'id Davar
May 30, 2006
Kayhan, Tehran

The arrangement of effective elements in the debate over Iran's nuclear
case has now entered a new phase. The new round that has started
chiefly between Iran and America is almost unprecedented in nearly the
past three decades. Iran is planting defensive mines around itself and
strongly resisting the political pressures, the psychological warfare
and the military threats of the West and particularly America, and is
making defensive threats.

Under the current circumstances, the Americans are taking special
measures in Iraq by using the atmosphere of diplomatic tension in the
region. They have been directing the movements of the Kurds in Iran's
border areas in a way that suits America's interests.

There are whispers that they are trying to deploy troops in Georgia and
the Republic of Azerbaijan with the intention of using the space of
these two southern Caucasian republics against Iran. However, their
request to use the Incirlik base and Turkey's space against Tehran was
apparently turned down by Ankara.

America's presence in Afghanistan for a few years has provided a rather
strong position against Iran. In Faw, Iraq, the United States has been
giving the local people notices for population relocation, so that they
could build a permanent military base there next to Khorramshahr and
the Iranian borders. Britain's presence beside America, in spite of the
diplomatic denials in London's Downing Street, takes the United States
to the days before the war on Saddam Husayn.

The United States is showing with its political behaviour that it is
trying to accept and even demonstrate the reality. By making nuclear
threats against Iran, America has made it clear that it truly sees Iran
as a serious opponent, because during the history of the Cold War and
after that, the Soviet Union and China were the only two cases against
which America suggested the possibility of nuclear conflict. All of the
games of the past few years and especially the past few months have put
the United States in a position from which it can reach a unique
analysis of the issues. America is now considering and weighing the
possibility of a military assault on Iran. The demonstration of Iran's
naval and air force armaments and Tehran's proven advances in uranium
enrichment up to over 3 per cent, which the Atomic Energy Agency
confirmed as 3.6 per cent, have placed new circumstances before the
United States.

The general feeling in Iran is not fear of war. Despite the strong
traditional and internal desire for peace in Iran, studying Iran's
society shows that the Iranian people forcefully respond to any kind of
threat or aggressive action and any effort to humiliate the Iranian
nation. Iran has achieved true confidence in its technological
potential in different scientific areas, especially in nuclear
technology, which further strengthens its resolve to protect its
independence. Obviously, everyone has noticed that the circumstances in
the Middle East and even the balance of power have changed in favour of
Iran. The importance of this matter is that the new circumstances,
while consolidating Tehran's positions in every aspect, undermine the
positions of other countries like Pakistan and Israel and destabilize
the special roles that certain countries like Egypt and Turkey have in
the regional system and among the Middle Eastern governments.

To draw a final conclusion from the dispute between a country that is
afraid of losing its military and economic power and a country that
striving to survive among different elements and powers that are mainly
accustomed to the rule of jungle, we can see that a confrontation
between these two forces will endanger the national interests of many
other countries and cause serious and great concerns for them. Right
now the Russians are worried that the NATO is going to move its bases
near the Iranian borders. Any development in favour of America will
permanently undermine Russia's position in the controversial and very
attractive region of the Middle East. This means that Moscow, after
having gone through the 80s, in its worst psychological state will have
to deal with the United States and the global developments. Considering
Islamabad's unstable and agitated background and some pages of Iran's
nuclear dossier, the situation wouldn't be very favourable to the
Pakistanis either. The Chinese will lose a lucrative market and New
Delhi will further realize the futility of the abrupt changes in its
diplomacy vis-a-vis Iran and siding with the United States. From a
security standpoint, the circumstances would not be favourable to
Turkey either, because disruption of security in Iranian territory and
confrontation with America will further deepen the lack of security in
Turkey's border areas and some parts of its internal geography. In
Iraq, the new circumstances will basically speed up the developments,
of course in a negative way.

Controlling this state of affairs would be much more difficult than
messing up the security puzzle of the region, and this is exactly the
conclusion that everyone has reached in Tehran and Washington. For this
reason, they are trying not to lose control.

Iran's national and international prestige is one issue and America's
desire to retain the traditional statue of "superior America" is
another. What we see is a state of deep mistrust, which of course is

Iranian and American logics are defending and attacking, each based on
their own data and attributes. Iran is relying on national unity,
technological motives and a broad and strategic geography that provides
control over extremely crucial passageways of energy, whereas America
is counting on European allies, modern weapons and leaders riding a
white-headed eagle.

Source: Keyhan website, Tehran, in Persian 21 May 06, p2, translation

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Sa'id Davar, Kayhan, Tehran, 2006

The url address of this article is:



May 29, 2006

Evil Is in Our Government
By Paul Craig Roberts

Is the Bush Regime a state sponsor of terrorism?

A powerful case can be made that it is.

In the past three years, the Bush Regime has murdered tens of thousands
of Iraqi civilians and an unknown number of Afghan ones.

U.S. Marines, our finest and proudest military force, are under
criminal investigation for breaking into Iraqi homes and murdering
entire families. In an unprecedented event, Gen. Michael Hagee, the
Marine Corps commandant, has found it necessary to fly to Iraq to tell
our best-trained troops to stop murdering civilians.

Gen. Hagee found it necessary to tell the U.S. Marines: "We do not
employ force just for the sake of employing force. We use lethal force
only when justified, proportional, and most importantly, lawful."

The war criminals in the Bush Regime have dismissed the murders as
"collateral damage," but they are in fact murders. Otherwise, there
would be no criminal investigations, and the Marine commandant would
not be burdened with the embarrassment of having to fly to Iraq to
lecture U.S. Marines on the lawful use of force.

The criminal Bush Regime has now murdered more Iraqis than Saddam
Hussein. The Bush Regime is also responsible for 20,000 U.S. casualties
(dead, maimed for life, and wounded).

Bush damns the "axis of evil." But who has the "axis of evil"
attacked? Iran has attacked no one. North Korea has attacked no country
for more than a half century. Iraq attacked Kuwait a decade and a half
ago, apparently after securing permission from the U.S. ambassador.

Isn't the real axis of evil Bush-Blair-Olmert? Bush and Blair have
attacked two countries, slaughtering their citizens. Olmert is urging
them on to attack a third country Iran.

Where does the danger to the world reside? In Iran, a small, religious
country where the family is intact and the government is constrained by
religious authority and ancient traditions, or in the U.S. where
propaganda rules and the powerful executive branch has removed itself
from accountability by breaking the constitutional restraints on its

Why is the U.S. superpower orchestrating fear of puny Iran?

The U.S. government has spent the past half century interfering in the
internal affairs of other countries, overthrowing or assassinating
their chosen leaders and imposing its puppets on foreign peoples. To
what country has Iran done this, or Iraq, or North Korea?

Americans think that they are the salt of the earth. The hubris that
comes from this self-righteous belief makes Americans blind to the evil
of their leaders. How can American leaders be evil when Americans are
so good and so wonderful?

How many Serbs were slaughtered by American bombs released from high
above the clouds, and for what reason? Who even remembers the
propagandistic lies that the Clinton administration told us about why
we absolutely had to drop bombs on the Serbs?

Wasn't it evil for the U.S. to bomb Iraq for a decade and to embargo
medicines for children? When U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
was asked if she thought an embargo that resulted in the deaths of
500,000 Iraqi children was justified, she replied, "yes."

The former terrible tyrant ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, is on trial
for killing 150 people. The U.S. government murdered 500,000 Iraqi
children prior to Bush's invasion. When the U.S. government murders
people, whether Serbs, Branch Davidians at Waco, or Iraqi women and
children, it is "collateral damage." But we put Saddam Hussein on trial
for putting down rebellions.

Gentle reader, do you believe that the Bush Regime will not shoot you
down in the streets if you have a rebellion?


From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: May 30, 2006 8:15:02 AM EST

Hello to all again -

Sending article written before weekend but was delayed
sending out. This one on depleted uranium (DU) that's
created calamitous situation where it's been used and
to some degree affects everyone as winds carry
irradiated atmospheric dust everywhere.

It's a huge problem and one covered up by Pentagon and
VA. I wrote it specifically to defend a distinguished
man I know (named in article) whose work on DU was
attacked by emailer to one web site.

Hope not sending too much too quickly. Would love
more feedback.


The Threat of Depleted Uranium Exposure - It's Real,
Deadly and Covered up by the Pentagon and VA - by
Stephen Lendman

The Pentagon must surely believe the old but very
foolish saying that what you don't know won't hurt
you. To prove it they nearly always go to great
lengths to conceal what they do know so we won't find
out. That's especially true when what they know is
bad news or hazardous to our health or that of our
troops. That's certainly the case regarding the real
and deadly threat from exposure to the toxic effects
of depleted uranium (DU) poisoning. The public has
precious little information about this crucial issue
because it's been willfully and deliberately
suppressed to conceal just how potentially great and
irreversible a threat it is.

Is it any wonder then that most of those people who've
heard about DU have been seduced by the Pentagon
cover-up and stream of lies and are taken in enough by
them to believe what little information they hear and
read in the mainstream. I know those individuals
never heard of one of the two greatest and most highly
esteemed US print journalists of the last century.
His name was I.F. Stone, and I've read nearly all his
important books. Stone once told a class of aspiring
journalists always to remember "All governments are
run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
Another time he simply said "All governments lie."
If I were asked to address a group of students, I'd be
even more emphatic than Stone and say governments only
lie and never tell the public the truth, especially
about the most important issues affecting us all. I'd
also quote Stone and recommend the students paste his
maxim to their bathroom mirrors so they never forget

Government propaganda, lies and deception are more
extreme and sophisticated now than in Stone's day.
Those unaware of it remind me of a poker player
looking around the table to assess the competition.
He doesn't realize when he can't find who the mark is
it's him. But in a real life game of high stakes
poker when it's you against the "power structure" and
their corporate media allies, unless you know how the
game is played, you surely are their mark and they'll
eat you alive.

I know of nothing more dangerous to a free society
than a deficit of real information on the most vital
issues affecting everyone. It's impossible getting it
from government sources or the dominant corporate
media in league with them because supplying us with it
would subvert their interests. It's true on all
important issues without exception. So, if the public
knew the full truth about the potentially nightmarish
effects of exposure to DU munitions that will only
likely get worse unless exposed and stopped, it would
be impossible for the Pentagon to continue using them.
Only their cover-up has allowed them to be able to
recklessly and criminally use them in four wars since
1991 including the two of them ongoing now. And they
couldn't possibly ever consider raising the stakes
further, as they now have claimed the exclusive right
to do, to fight future wars with industrial strength
nuclear weapons that could lead to a nuclear

What we already know about the deadly effects of DU
munitions use alone is clear and growing, unreported
in the dominant media, and thus largely concealed from
the public. Those unaware of it, taken in by Pentagon
propaganda, or choosing to ignore the few facts about
it they do know should welcome and praise the
impressive work done on this issue by Irving Wesley
Hall. He's a man I personally know and have had
contact with. I've also collaborated with him as he
was preparing his extremely important series of
articles on this growing menace that may eventually
affect everyone. Irving has made an important
contribution, and I respect and admire him greatly for
it. His articles should be widely read and those
doing it should encourage others to read them as well
for their own safety and welfare. Having written on
this subject myself, I know from my own research how
valuable Irving's work is to expanding the knowledge
base about DU and its harmful effects.

What Depleted Uranium Is and How It's Being Used

Depleted uranium is a derivative of the uranium
enrichment process required to produce fuel for
commercial reactors. This process is then followed by
gaseous diffusion in two streams - one is enriched and
the other depleted. Before a use was found for it, DU
was just stored in vast amounts as a byproduct. All
that changed when it was discovered that solid "dense
metal" DU projectiles (in all forms) greatly increased
their ability to penetrate and destroy a target. That
was irresistible to the Pentagon that wanted to use
them in bullets, bombs, shells and missiles and now
has done so freely in four wars since they were first
used in the Gulf war in 1991 (except for one test in
the 1973 Yom Kippur war).

There's a problem with these weapons, however - a
serious downside never discussed and which great pains
are taken to conceal. These weapons in all their
forms leave in their wake an irremediable irradiated
and chemically toxic landscape far more deadly than
the death and destruction to the targets struck. How
deadly and toxic the fallout is varies only with the
amount of these weapons used. Hundreds of tons of
them were used beginning for the first time in the
Gulf war in 1991. A likely similar amount was used
again in Yugoslavia in 1999 and up to 1,000 or more
tons so far in Afghanistan since 2001. Any use of
these weapons is reckless and was effectively banned
by common consent (and common sense) and never used
until 1991 in Iraq (except for that one test).
However, their usage ballooned in successive wars to
over 3,000 tons so far since the US introduced them on
a large and sustained scale again in Iraq in March,

Put in perspective, since first used in 1991, the US
military has willfully and criminally spread deadly
toxic radiation across a vast area of three countries
as well as everywhere else affected by the fallout.
It's caused permanent irremediable contamination with
a half-life of 4.5 billion years or forever by my

One more important fact is these numbers increase
daily as since last December US forces have been
conducting four to six daily bombings of target sites
in Iraq alone that we know about using DU munitions
and an unknown likely less frequent number in
Afghanistan. We also have a new terror weapon we
claim the right to use routinely called "bunker-buster
mini nukes" that aren't mini but sure are nukes.
These are industrial strength nuclear bombs that can
be produced to any desired potency but are likely to
be used in strengths of between one-third to
two-thirds the destructive force of a Hiroshima bomb.
Pentagon propaganda falsely says these are little more
than king-sized hand grenades that are perfectly safe
when used as designed. They're supposed to penetrate a
target site deeply before exploding on the false
theory that their radiation will be contained
underground and thus are environmentally safe.
Testing of these bombs are planned in the Nevada
desert and may be now underway, but at least one
already carried out and observed proves otherwise.
What was seen on explosion is hardly reassuring that
the toxic fallout will be contained when used in
combat. Clearly visible was a huge black
mushroom-shaped cloud (sound familiar) that rose
thousands of feet in the air and was shown to be
deadly and toxic when ground radiation measurements
were taken following at least this one test. There
may have been others as well we haven't heard about.

The Pentagon always deliberately spreads false and
misleading information on its controversial
activities, but especially something as outrageous as
the lingering, spreading and deadly effects from DU
contamination which never end. Those exposed to it and
their loved ones with whom they have intimate contact
and their offspring are henceforth vulnerable to a
vast menu of virtually any illness, disease or
disability imaginable often leading to early death or
at the least a lifetime of pain, suffering and great
expense. It's no exaggeration to say that DU is the
deadly and unwelcome gift that keeps on giving,
disabling and killing.

DU weapons aren't just toxic and deadly, they're
illegal according to the standards and binding
international law under the Hague Convention of 1907
and 1925 Geneva Protocol and other succeeding Geneva
Weapons Conventions that specifically outlaw the use
of any chemical and biological agents in any form for
any reason in war as well as any poison or poisoned
weapons. DU weapons in all their forms are
radioactive and chemically toxic and clearly fit the
definition of poisonous weapons banned under these
binding international laws to which we are
signatories. As such, the US, having used them in
four wars, has violated our sacred treaty obligations
which are the supreme law of the land and is guilty of
repeated war crimes. That minor detail doesn't bother
the Bush administration that considers the Geneva
Conventions and all other international laws
inconvenient to its plans just "quaint" and

The Public Is Largely Unaware of the DU Threat Or
Prefers to Believe Pentagon Propaganda Instead of
Known Scientific Fact

Most people get their so-called news and information
from the dominant corporate media mostly on TV which,
as everyone by now should know, never gives them what
they tune in for. Instead they get state approved
propaganda, lies and deception cleverly disguised as
the real thing. It's almost always true that what
they don't report is lots more important than what
they do. Of course, the reason this goes on is that
if the public knew and understood what our government
was up to, they'd never stand for it. So it's all
kept under wraps, and most people are never the wiser.
It's very easy to be influenced by the slick state
and corporate-friendly messages because they're
transmitted effectively ad nauseam round the clock on
air and in print. The repetition has a powerful
effect. It clouds the mind, blocks out the truth and
distracts enough to prevent those mesmerized by it
from seeking it. Why would you not want to believe
the friendly news anchors you've grown to know and
love over the years. Would they ever lie to you?
Darned right they would if they want to keep their
high-paying jobs.

I comment on this often for one reason. It's the most
important of all issues I know. Unless people know
and understand the truth about what's happening around
them on the vital issues affecting their lives,
they're defenseless against the onslaught of fraud and
deceit delivered through the dominant media. It
allows government to get away with the most egregious
acts as agents for giant corporations and the "money
changers" who buy and pay for their services. This
alliance is hostile to the public interest as it
allows these corporations and financial institutions
(including the US Federal Reserve which is a private
for-profit entity and not a government run one as
commonly believed) free reign to pursue their
predatory quest for greater profits and world
dominance and do it at our expense.

The Disturbing Truths about DU the Pentagon and VA Are
Taking Great Pains to Conceal

Those truths are emerging slowly and convincingly, but
emerging they are. It's quite true we don't have all
the answers yet, and there's still much more to be
learned before we know for certain just how harmful DU
is in all respects and how widespread its
contamination has spread. However, all the new
evidence coming out points in one direction and leads
to an increasingly clear conclusion. It's the same
one I first heard told me by an eminent man in a
required college natural science course I took in
1953. The man was George Wald, distinguished
professor of biology and later a nobel laureate in
1967. Dr. Wald had many admirable qualities I admired
greatly, but I still remember verbatim the dramatic
statement he made one day in class. He told his young
students that "there is no such thing as a safe amount
of radiation." He understood what Albert Einstein did
even earlier, and both these men spoke out forcefully
against the genie out of the bottle that emerged once
the atom was first split in 1938 in a Berlin
laboratory. From that time to now, it's been known
beyond dispute how dangerous and deadly radiation is
in all its forms and in any amount to all those coming
in contact with it even for short periods of time.
However, for those exposed to it daily like our troops
in Iraq and Afghanistan where it's contaminated a vast
area, it's a possible death sentence or at the least a
lifetime of likely misery from the poisoning that
increases each day.

Some Documented Facts On the Effects of DU Poisoning

The greatest damage from DU comes from the radiation
residue after its use. When a DU weapon strikes a
target, it penetrates deeply and aerosolizes into a
fine spray which then contaminates the air, soil and
water around the target area. The residue is
permanent, and its microscopic and submicroscopic
particles are then swept into the air from the tainted
soil and are carried by winds to distant areas as a
radioactive component of atmospheric dust. That dust
falls indiscriminately everywhere over the area it
reaches. It causes radiation contamination that
affects every living thing and cannot be remediated.
As mentioned above, the poisoning from the
contamination causes every imaginable illness and
disease from severe headaches, muscle pain and general
fatigue, to major birth defects, infection,
depression, cardiovascular disease, many types of
cancer and brain tumors. It also causes permanent
disability and death. Months ago I personally alerted
my own medical providers to be on the lookout for any
unexplainable symptoms in their patients, especially
if they had served in the military in the Middle East,
Afghanistan or Yugoslavia.

I reported all this in a major, detailed article I
wrote on this subject a few months ago and available
on my blog site - In it I
went on to explain that all military and civilian
personnel at or near target areas were and are most
adversely affected by DU contamination, especially if
they remained in those areas for an extended time.
During the six week Gulf war about 150 of our forces
were killed and 467 were reported injured. However,
the real effects of that war weren't apparent until
years later. We're beginning to get lots of
information on it now but not without great difficulty
to make it as complete and accurate as possible.

Because of that problem, there's great variance in the
numbers I've seen. But somewhere between about 30 -
75% of the 696,841 military personnel who served in
the Gulf from August 2, 1990 to end of July, 1991 have
filed claims for or have been reported by the
Veteran's Administration (VA) to be on some form of
disability in 2004. It's likely the true number is
closer to the lower percentage, but I've chosen to
report the range in case later on we learn things were
far worse than we now can imagine. We do know an
additional 11,910 vets have died as of early this
year. There's a problem compiling accurate data
because the VA has been complicit with the Pentagon in
the cover-up about DU and has said very little about
the true number disabled or how many of the disability
total were the result of DU poisoning. They could
easily find out by administering blood tests and doing
other proper examinations. Instead they've done as
little as possible just as for years in the 1990s they
denied the existence of "Gulf war" syndrome (most
likely from DU poisoning) and told suffering vets it
was all in their heads. They certainly were there if
any of those heads were afflicted with brain tumors or
their early stages.

We can only speculate about how many of our military
personnel post 2001 are now the victims of DU
poisoning, but it's likely the number is large and
growing with more coming down with disturbing symptoms
daily. We know many returning vets are already
seeking treatment for health problems, and that
medical professionals in hospitals and other
facilities providing it have been threatened with
$10,000 fines and even jail if they speak out about
what those problems are. Think how outrageous this is
- that a nation that sent hundreds of thousands of its
young men and women to fight in two illegal wars of
aggression, then turns its back on them when they
return home with serious illnesses they may never
recover from or that may kill them. And making
matters even worse, the Pentagon and VA are complicit
in a cover-up and denial a problem even exists. They
might as well be saying "let 'em suffer and die." So
think of it. This is the "model democracy" we hold up
to the world to emulate. In fact, it's a deadly and
sinister model all nations should reject and condemn.

Documented Evidence On Recent DU Fallout

In February, 2006, after I wrote my article on DU,
Irving Wesley Hall wrote his carefully researched and
extremely important series on DU and its harmful
effects. His findings were widely posted, and all of
it is available on his web site -
Irving's work is so important, readers should visit
his site, review his series carefully and likely learn
for the first time how serious and deadly a threat DU
contamination is to everyone coming in contact with

Here's a sample of the information included in the
series which needs as much resonance as possible.
I've added some of my own comments to it. Irving has
made an important contribution, and I'm proud to be
associated with him and his work. He wrote that Dr.
Chris Busby, scientific secretary of the European
Committee on Radiation Risk, reported on official UK
radiation levels in the wake of the "shock and awe"
assault against Iraq in 2003. Dr. Busby documented
that uranium particles traveled 2,400 miles in nine
days from Iraq to Aldermaston, England. The invisible
cloud quadrupled Europe's atmospheric radiation
clearly showing that despite Pentagon denials, DU
contamination spreads far beyond the target sites
struck. Once again the Pentagon's mendacity and
indifference to its forces and the rest of us is
revealed in plain sight for all to see if they'll
bother to look.

The widespread contamination is even more dangerous
and deadly than formerly believed. But apparently one
emailer in particular, with little knowledge to
support what he wrote, attacked Irving's findings and
shamed and embarrassed himself in the process. I read
his response and know the facts. They clearly
contradict virtually everything he said and his
conclusions overwhelmingly. The emailer not only put
his ignorance on public display, but he also
arrogantly and insolently attacked the honesty, honor
and integrity of a man of the highest stature.

His shameless act reminded me of a "show-stopping"
moment I saw on US TV in June, 1954. It was during
the so-called Army - McCarthy hearings when chief Army
counsel Joseph Welch gave his famous retort to the
soon to be disgraced US senator, who became infamous
from his witch-hunting, self-serving search for
communists in government without ever finding any.
Welch and his reply are still remembered to this day,
and I clearly recall him making it. In defense of his
client under McCarthy's malicious attack he asked the
senator on national TV: "Have you no sense of decency,
sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency." Not
long after that memorable moment the McCarthy hearings
ended inconclusively, the senator's reputation was
shattered, he was censured by the Senate, and he died
a disgraced man a few years later. We can only hope
for a similar denouement for the band of rogues in
charge of US policy today who are making so many
people around the world the worst for it.

I won't try to match Joe Welch, but I'll just ask the
emailer: aren't you ashamed enough to flaunt your
ignorance to a world audience without compounding it
by shamelessly attacking a distinguished man of the
highest integrity and honor. Like "Tail-Gunner" Joe
(a moniker referring to one more dark side of the
tainted senator), have you no sense of dignity, or
just plain no sense at all?

Additional Expert Scientific Commentary Reported by
Irving Wesley Hall

Here's more from Irving's articles on the DU threat.
He learned about the work of Leonard Dietz who's a
retired physicist from the Knolls Atomic Power
Laboratory in New York state. Dietz pioneered the
technology to measure uranium isotopes, and Irving
quoted what he said: "Anyone, civilian or soldier, who
breathes these particles has a permanent dose, and
it's not going to decrease very much over time....In
the long run....veterans exposed to ceramic uranium
oxide have a major problem."

Irving reported an even more dire assessment that came
from another study of the materials currently in the
DU munitions used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The study
found that in addition to U-238, today's DU weapons
contain plutonium (the most toxic of all known
substances), neptunium, and the highly radioactive
uranium isotope U-236. According to a 1991 study by
the UK Atomic Energy Authority, these elements are
100,000 times more dangerous than the U-238 in DU. It
only takes the most minute, nearly unmeasurable amount
of this substance in one's body to be fatal.

One other expert must be mentioned as well. His name
is Dr. Doug Rokke who was the director of the
Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project. He was assigned
by the US Army to be their chief biological, chemical
and nuclear weapons safety officer and expert in the
Gulf war. Irving interviewed Doug, and I, too, spoke
to and corresponded with him. Doug's extensive work
as director of the project led him to conclude that
"Uranium munitions must be banned from the planet, for
eternity, and medical care must be provided for
everyone - those on the firing end and those on the
receiving end." Rokke understands the problem well
from his extensive study of it and his own personal
and tragic experience. He and his staff of 100 were
all devastated by exposure to DU contaminated dust.
Thirty of them have since died, and Rokke now suffers
from serious health problems including brain lesions,
lung and kidney damage, reactive airway disease,
permanent skin rashes, neurological damage and
cataracts. It's quite clear Dr. Rokke didn't contract
this nightmarish stew of mostly very serious health
problems from an unhealthy life style, bad diet or
lack of exercise.

A Grim Assessment the Evidence Points To

So what can we make from all this. From the Gulf war
in 1991, at a minimum many tens of thousands of the US
military forces sent there for a short period of time
have had health problems or are now on some form of
disability. But the worst is yet to come. In the
Afghanistan war beginning in late 2001 and the Iraq
war from March, 2003, about 1.3 million US military
forces have served in combat and occupation in these
countries. They were all assigned long tours of duty
and most of them have served two or three deployments
to what are beyond question the most dangerous and
toxic environments on earth. Somewhere between 30 -
75% of Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm are
now on some kind of disability or have died. If those
percentages are applied to the 1.3 million of our
military now serving or having served in Iraq and
Afghanistan since 2001, between 390,000 - to 975,000
vets may end up on disability or die from exposure to
the far more toxic DU munitions used in these wars,
the many other poisonous pollutants they've been
exposed to, and the much longer and multiple tours of
duty they've had to undergo.

In simple terms, it's likely we can expect an eventual
catastrophic human disaster of epic proportions and
one being covered up because of its enormity. And
it's in addition to the far greater one we've
inflicted on 26 million innocent Iraqis discussed
below. Should the truth about all this come out
fully, what sane young men and women would ever
volunteer for military service knowing they were
either signing their death warrants or at the least
likely assuring themselves a lifetime of devastating
and/or debilitating health problems. And add to that
the mass outrage by the US public and the people of
other nations that joined with the US in sending
contingents of their military to be part of an illegal
occupying force.

The effect of all this has finally reached the US
Congress, but it's unlikely anything meaningful will
emerge there to reveal how dangerous and deadly
exposure to DU contamination really is. Still on May
11, the House passed legislation that includes an
amendment by Rep. Jim McDermott (himself an MD and
once a practicing psychiatrist) ordering a
comprehensive study of possible health effects from DU
exposure on US military forces and their children.
It's almost certain this amendment will never get
through the Senate or certainly won't ever be signed
into law by George Bush. Still kudos and an A for
effort to Rep. McDermott even though it's almost
certain it will all be for naught.

The Devastating Toll on Iraqis Since 1991

As bad as it's been and still is for our troops and
their families, try to imagine the nightmare 26
million innocent Iraqis have been living through since
January, 1991. The Gulf war began the malicious
destruction of a once modern state. It caused 100,000
or more Iraqi deaths in just weeks and destroyed
essential infrastructure like electricity and clean
water facilities vital to the health, welfare and the
safety of the people. It also began the spread of
deadly toxic radiation across the country from the
first use of DU munitions in combat as well as a
harmful stew of other pollutants responsible for
rampant illness and disease. This living hell is what
US illegal aggression based on lies and deceit brought
to this most highly developed and well-functioning of
all states in the Middle East now unable to cope
against a brutal occupier determined to destroy and
control it for its own imperial purpose and gain.

The sacking and plunder of Iraq began in January,
1991. But although the war formally ended after six
weeks of one-sided fighting, the bombing and brutality
against the people never did. Air attacks continued
sporadically throughout the 1990s (ordered by Bill "I
feel your pain" Clinton) destroying more
infrastructure, causing more deaths and adding to the
spread of deadly pollutants including the toxic
radiation from the DU weapons used. What also
followed the formal end to hostilities was a dozen
years of brutal economic sanctions that ravaged a
population helpless to cope with their horrific
effects. The result was a humanitarian disaster of
epic proportions that never ended. Besides the
physical and human toll, the economy was destroyed as
is evident from the following data. The per capita
annual income of Iraqis declined from a 1979 level of
$2,313 to $255 in 2003 and $144 in 2004. Further, the
college of economics at Baghdad University estimated
that unemployment rose to a level of 70%. Even the
so-called "oil for food" program did little to relieve
the crisis prior to the 2003 invasion. In fact, it
was never intended to as the US planned all along to
inflict the greatest possible hardship on the people
hoping their misery would encourage them to rise up
and topple Saddam. It turned out it had the opposite
effect despite the severity of the toll. Instead of
blaming Saddam, Iraqis relied on him for whatever
relief they could get. It wasn't much or nearly
enough because the US allowed him little to give.

The combination of war and economic sanctions caused
widespread illness and disease that was devastating
and still is. Even by conservative estimates, it
likely caused the death of at least one million Iraqis
including 500,000 children. Some estimates put the
number as high as 1.5 million and some others far
higher still. When Denis Halliday resigned in 1998 as
UN head of Iraqi humanitarian relief he said he did so
because he believed he'd been instructed to implement
a policy of genocide and refused to do it. He added
that 5,000 Iraqi children were dying needlessly every
month. Hans Von Sponek, who took on the UN relief job
after Halliday, also resigned in frustration and
disgust in 2000 voicing similar sentiments when he

But bad as conditions were then, they got far worse
following the US illegal aggression beginning in
March, 2003. The daily toll of death and destruction
since then is unknown precisely, but even conservative
estimates are appalling and shocking. The British
Lancet earlier reported by their "conservative
assumptions" an Iraqi toll of about 100,000 "excess
deaths" post March, 2003. They recently updated their
initial estimate (three years later) to a now likely
300,000 and rising daily as we all should know. Other
estimates place the number far higher, up to 500,000
in one estimate I saw a few months ago. Whatever the
true number is, the US inflicted disaster on Iraq and
its people for over the past 15 years is truly of epic
proportions. It clearly warrants the label genocide
and makes all those in the US at the highest levels of
three administrations responsible for it guilty of
egregious war crimes and crimes against humanity.

What May Lie Ahead

Iraq and Afghanistan are in ruins, and the US is
hopelessly embroiled in two wars it has no possibility
of winning. Both of them will go on without end as
long as we remain occupiers in countries where we're
not wanted and will never be tolerated. Further, both
countries have a long history of expelling invaders
regardless of how long it took them to do it. It will
be no different this time, but it's shocking to
imagine the human toll that will result on all sides
before they finally do end, the final tally is
estimated years later, and the many years it will then
take to rebuild these shattered countries.

So with two out-of-control wars ongoing, it would seem
unthinkable the US would now be planning one or two
more. How can that be possible, and what sane
planners would ever contemplate such an irrational
course? We don't have the troop strength, and our
military budget (on and off the books) is off the
charts and running up huge deficits even the new Fed
chairman is alarmed about. Logic and fiscal sanity
should indicate it would be folly to compound the
current mess with a still greater mess. But that's
exactly what appears to be in the works, and the
preliminary and softening up stage of a planned attack
against Iran is already underway just as it was
leading up to the March, 2003 "shock and awe" assault
against Iraq.

For many months, Iran has known the US has been flying
unmanned aerial surveillance drones to help select
target sites. There have been some scattered but
unconfirmed reports that one or more of these
intruders have been shot down. It's also a not so
hidden secret we've sent special forces or combat
personnel into Iran under cover along with
reconnaissance teams to collect similar information on
the ground as well as link up with anti-government
elements we hope will help our efforts. The Iranians
know all this, and you can bet they're trying to snare
a few of them, but if they have neither side is
letting on. I wouldn't want to be one of the illegal
infiltrators and get caught in the act. I don't think
the Iranians will be very hospitable or understanding
nor should they be. So what's likely to happen next
and when.

I have no timetable, but it's been responsibly
reported, and I believe the reports, that George Bush
has signed off on a "shock and awe" attack against
Iran and is intending to do it using industrial
strength nuclear weapons. They're deceptively called
"bunker-buster mini-nukes" which I explained above are
nukes but not mini ones - they're likely to be from
one-third to two-thirds as powerful as a Hiroshima
bomb. But they can be produced to any potency and
some likely will be and used. I also explained that
the Pentagon has lied (do they ever do anything else)
that the radiation emitted from these
earth-penetrating munitions will be contained below
ground and thus are safe to use. Not so, and the
Pentagon knows it.

Our apparent intentions toward Iran are also based on
more lies and deception as we accuse that country of
violating international law by having a secret nuclear
weapons program. There's no evidence whatever Iran
has one, but they'd be irresponsible not to be taking
every measure possible to defend itself against a
hostile US intending to bring down its government by
any means including nuclear war. Iran is a signatory
to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and so
far as known is in full compliance with it. As such
it has every legal right to enrich uranium for its
commercial nuclear industry as does every other
country following NPT rules.

US hostility to Iran has nothing to do with its
enrichment policy or even its form of government.
It's the result of Iran's intent to remain independent
of US dominance and go its own way. It's been that
way since the uprising that overthrew the repressive
and US installed and supported Shah in 1979 after
which Iran no longer was willing to continue
relinquishing its sovereignty and remain subservient
to US interests. The result has been continued
hostility between the two countries that may now be
culminating with a US planned attempt to oust the
country's leadership forcibly since we've given up
trying to achieve that goal by other means short of
war. The strategy won't be any more successful in
Iran than it's been in Iraq. What US planners may
succeed in doing is engulfing the whole Middle East in
flames without a realistic notion of what the outcome
of that may be. It certainly won't be a good one, but
that never before deterred an administration that's
often wrong but never in doubt.

The US way of doing things is to engage other nations
like a schoolyard bully. It's especially true in our
dealings with the developing world where we generally
treat the countries in it on the basis of an "our way
or the highway" policy. We can't unleash our full
force bullying against most developed ones in the
Global North, but we do that freely and often,
directly or through proxies, against all others that
forget "who's boss." When that happens, that
"highway" is usually strewn with unwarranted economic
sanctions, coup attempts, political assassinations, or
death and destruction from war. The US follows this
hostile course to bring "outlier" nations in line with
our policies, but also to deter others from deviating
from them as well. It's a bloodstained legacy that
puts to rest the myth that the US is a peace loving,
benevolent democracy only wanting to spread those
principles to other nations that don't practice them.
But let me state clearly something I haven't said
elsewhere before but should have. By the US I don't
mean the people. I mean the leadership of both major
political parties and their corporate and elitist
allies all of whom work against the public interest
everywhere and only for their own.

The US and Iranian public interest won't be served by
what our present leadership apparently has in mind for
that country - regime change the hard way. It looks
like the plan is to make it extra hard by upping the
ante to send a clear and decisive message to the
Iranians and all other nations going their own way
that we will nuke you into submission unless you come
around willingly. So far we've only used nuclear
weapons below the radar with DU munitions that alone
have caused unspeakable harm. But should the US go
further and attack Iran with industrial strength
nuclear bombs, we will have crossed an inviolable
threshold, moved the nation one step closer to tyranny
and brought the world a lot closer to a possible
eventual nuclear holocaust. In my judgment, that's
what's now at stake unless a way is found to stop this
aggressive juggernaut before it goes further and it's
too late to act.

Iran is First in the US Target Queue Followed by

Unimaginable as it may seem, high-level leadership and
planners in Washington may have in mind not just a
third conflict but a fourth one as well. I've written
about this several times, and recently wrote a feature
article titled "The US Now Planning A Fourth Attempt
to Oust Hugo Chavez." Based on my knowledge and ear
to the ground observing and listening to the steady
and intensifying drumbeat of anti-Chavez rhetoric
coming from top US officials through the corporate
media (all of it the usual litany of lies and
deception only), I have no doubt whatever a fourth
attempt to oust President Chavez and his government is
planned and likely now being implemented under the
radar. Precisely how and what will be unleashed won't
be known until the fireworks begin. But make no
mistake about it, they will begin, and this time they
may include attempted assassinations and open conflict
with DU munitions or even full-scale nuclear bombs if
that's part of the plan. If that happens, the nuclear
nightmare will have arrived in the Americas and come
ever closer to the US Southern border.

By whatever means the US has in mind in its latest
attempt to unseat Hugo Chavez, its intentions toward
him and his government are clear, unmistakable and
written in stone. The US will settle for nothing less
than full control of his country's vast hydrocarbon
reserves and a government willing to hand them over to
us. Those reserves are far more vast than once
thought as the best estimates of the country's oil
reserves (including the extra-heavy kind more
expensive to refine) are thought to be about 350
billion barrels or even higher. That compares to
Saudi Arabia's estimated reserves of about 262 billion
barrels of (at least mostly) the preferred and more
easily refined "light sweet" crude. It takes no
mental exertion to see the two countries at the head
of the US target queue have vast amounts of the
essential commodity the US wants most and is willing
to go to war if necessary to secure control over
everywhere it feels it's worth the cost and effort.
There's no doubt the US feels that way about Iran and
Venezuela just as it did about Iraq.

The US decided Saddam had to go not because of his
oppressive rule or his "now you see 'em, now you
don't" WMDs. It was because of his unwillingness to
surrender his nation's sovereignty to the US. Same
old story, and it's the same again in Iran and most of
all in Venezuela that has to be the greatest prize of
the three. It's especially tricky for the US there as
that nation happens to have a democratic leader loved
by the great majority of his people. It's because
Hugo Chavez is fiercely and proudly independent, as he
has every right to be, and puts the needs of his
people ahead of the US and its Big Oil interests.
Chavez was twice democratically elected and then
prevailed in an August, 2004 recall referendum (the
third coup attempt by ballot box means) that was a
contrived act of desperation cooked up by his right
wing opposition in league with US corporate interests.
It was a flop as Chavez's supporters flocked to the
polls giving him a decisive victory. He deserved and
earned it and his other electoral victories as he
proved he's the rarest of political leaders who
actually delivers on his promises to the people. Try
finding a US politician who's done that, especially
one with any power to follow through. You'll need a
high-powered version of that lamp Diogenes once used
used looking for an honest man.

It's Hugo Chavez's intention to serve the interests
and needs of his own people and not those of his
dominant Northern neighbor that has him once again
high on its target list for elimination. Hugo Chavez
will remain there until the US finds a way to remove
him which it certainly will keep trying to do. Chavez
is well aware of it and so are the Venezuelan people
who love and support him and are likely to fight to
keep him in office. They know what their lives were
like before he became their president and what a vast
difference he made once he came into office. He
promised to serve the people and proved it by
instituting a vast array of social programs the
majority of the US public might only dream about if
they knew what's available now to the Venezuelan

They include free, comprehensive and high-quality
health and dental care for all as well as free
education through the university level to all those
who wish it and can qualify. Compare that to what's
available in the US - a health care system available
only to those who can afford its high and fast-rising
cost and a deliberately degraded inner-city public
education system as well as a costly one at the
university level unavailable to lower income families
that can't afford it for their children. Now try to
imagine what the US has in mind for Venezuelans. It
won't tolerate a developing nation's leader who'll
institute such essential social services for the
people and will try to end them even if it takes
nuclear war to do it. Try to think of appropriate
language to describe the leader of a nation who would
unleash such an attack and do it for power and profit.
Do the words tyrant and war criminal come to mind?

Get Ready for the Long Knives, the Marines Again in
Action to Go Along with A Little Or Maybe A Lot of
"Shock and Awe."

The plans for two "outlier" countries are set, the
wheels are in motion, and we now must wait and see
what will unfold in the next chapter of the ongoing
drama of an aggressor and imperial US against the
world with Iran and Venezuela numbers one and two in
the US target queue.

Several times before I spelled out in some detail what
I feels lies ahead unless a way is found to stop it.
I fear two more conflicts are ahead for starters to
add to the ones now ongoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Still others will follow against other countries to be
named later and by whatever timetable and means we
have in mind. The result may be that the US is near
to crossing an inviolable Rubicon in two deadly and
dangerous ways - first by unleashing the nuclear genie
in an industrial strength way, and second by
suspending the Constitution and declaring martial law
at home in the wake of a likely inevitable second
major terror attack that may be as much an inside job
as was the first one on September 11.

Unless the US public awakens to these very real
threats, we face the same fate as did the Germans who
lost their model democratic state after the ascension
of Adolph Hitler. Good German people let him steal it
from them while they weren't paying attention or
bought into his false rhetoric that he was serving
their interests and protecting them from an outside
threat - that never existed. We also have no outside
threat from any other nation, but we've been
effectively scared to death and conned by the false
rhetoric that's made us feel we do. The result is
we're getting too close for comfort to the point of no
return. There's still time to act if we're bold
enough to do it. Think of the choice I think we face.
Act together in our collective self-interest or do
nothing and see us pass from a once proud but now
tattered republic
to tyranny. It can happen here as it has elsewhere
unless we act to prevent it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog
site at


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 6, 2006, 2:01:18 PM6/6/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 6, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: June 6, 2006 1:48:34 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To Unravel

Comment:, as we were saying!....

Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To
Terrorists set up in sting operation, more on unfounded London raid

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | June 6 2006

Just as predicted, the frightening plot to bomb high profile targets in
Toronto and the arrest of 17 alleged terror suspects has all the
hallmarks of yet another invented nightmare intended to scare western
populations into quelling their descent of the empire.

From a manufactured scheme to attack the Library Tower in LA to the
British government's hoax Canary Wharf and Ricin terror conspiracies -
every major alert or mass arrest since 9/11 has proven to be a
fraudulent movie script with no basis in reality.

As the credibility of Friday's London terror raid collapses, so does
its counterpart in Canada with the news that the arrests were a sting
operation in which, "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police itself delivered
three tons of potential bomb-making material," to the alleged
terrorists according to the Associated Press. As one blog points out,
"I remember once when huge lots of Chinese food were ordered in someone
else's name by bored teenagers as pranks. Do things like that still
happen, I wonder, and could they happen with fertilizer, too?"

At the moment CSIS is saying very little and it appears that the bulk
of the case is being built around stage prop photos of 'sample' bags of
ammonium nitrate, guns and explosive timers (pictured below).

The Canadians are obviously taking a leaf out of the Russian textbook
of government sponsored terror. After FSB (former KGB) agents were
caught in the act of carrying out apartment block bombings in the late
1990's, the Russian state media relentlessly showcased a bag of hexogen
explosive and cited it as proof that their official story stood up.

For those who are aware of the past activities of CSIS it's going to
take more than a scary display of terrorist paraphernalia to validate
the government's account of events.

In August 2003 26 Pakistani and South Asian men were arrested during a
pre-dawn raid by the RCMP under Project Thread. The weight of the
evidence behind the accusation that they were planning a dirty bomb
attack on a nuclear facility comprised of the fact that the suspects
often burned meals and one of them had a poster of airplane schematics
on his wall. All allegations were dropped and the men were released,
but not before a media juggernaut fearmongering campaign about how
Canadians in major cities were not safe.

The story also coincides with the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service's Senate demand for more funding to fight terrorism. It is
hardly beyond the pale to suggest that this is another imaginary
nightmare dreamt up in order to scare Canadian politicians into rubber
stamping a giant cash cow.

Authorities have been very keen to stress that the Internet, and the
ability of the security services to intercept e mail and web browsing
history, were key to the supposed plot. This kills two birds with one
stone - firstly drag the name of the Internet through the mud and
solidify calls for government regulation - and secondly chill Canadians
into thinking that their every cyber action is being catalogued by the

Racial tension, always a boon for the police state, has increased with
reports of Mosques in Toronto being attacked. Armed tactical units of
the police are now patrolling Toronto streets.

Meanwhile in London it emerges that 250 armed police who raided a
family home in the Forest Gate area, shooting a man in the shoulder,
first smashed their way into the suspect's neighbors house, brandishing
machine guns and beating an innocent man with the gun butt as his wife
and eight-month-old baby watched in horror.

However, as the supposed chemical weapons that justified the raid are
now admitted to "not exist," the police are unapologetic in their
actions, forcefully telling Brits that this is an aspect of the new
world order that they must learn to accept.


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Police planted evidence: Terrorists
arrest in Toronto was a sting operation

by Khalid Hasan
June 6, 2006
Daily Times (Pakistan)

No evidence suspects planned to attack US

WASHINGTON: The three tonnes of ammonium nitrate found with the Totonto
terrorism suspects was planted by the police in an elaborate sting

According to Toronto Star, Sources say investigators who had learned
of the groups alleged plan to build a bomb were controlling the sale
and transport of the massive amount of fertiliser, a key component in
creating explosives. Once the deal was done, the RCMP-led
anti-terrorism task force moved in for the arrests. At the news
conference held by the police, there was no mention of the sting
operation. Among the intended targets of the group, one report said,
was the Parliament in Ottawa and the headquarters of Canadas premier
spy agency.

The 12 adults charged are: Fahim Ahmad, 21; Jahmaal James, 23; Amin
Mohamed Durrani, 19; and Steven Vikash Chand, 25, all of Toronto;
Zakaria Amara, 20; Asad Ansari, 21; Shareef Abdelhaleen, 30; Ahmad
Mustafa Ghany, 21; Saad Khalid, 19; and Qayyum Abdul Jamal, 43, all of
Mississauga; and Mohammed Dirie, 22 and Yasin Abdi Mohamed, 24. Six of
the 12 suspects lived in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga, four came
from Toronto and two from the town of Kingston in Ontario. The last two
are already in custody on a gun smuggling charge.

The police also arrested five youngsters but their identities or names
have not bee made public. At a court hearing in Toronto on Saturday,
all the suspects were produced and Canadian newspapers published
photographs of head-to-toe, black burqa clad group of women said to
belong to the one or more of the families of the men arrested. One
whose face was visible looked like a Pakistani. Several of the men,
photographed as they were being brought in police cars, were bearded.

The charges include participating in or contributing to the activity of
a terrorist group, including training and recruitment; providing or
making available property for terrorist purposes; and the commission of
indictable offences, including firearms and explosives offences for the
benefit of or in association with a terrorist group.

According to the Toronto Star report, Anser Farooq, a lawyer who
represents five of the accused, pointed at snipers on the roof of the
courthouse and said, This is ridiculous. Theyve got soldiers here
with guns. This is going to completely change the atmosphere. I think
the police cast their net far too wide, he said.

According to the Globe and Mail, defence lawyer Rocco Galati, who was
representing some of the suspects, protested the intense security
measures at the court. Galati later scoffed at the allegations. Ive
seen fertiliser for the last eight years, he said.

Aly Hindy, a Toronto imam, said he knew several of the accused because
they prayed at his mosque but said they were not terrorists. The
charges are to keep George Bush happy, thats all, he added
sardonically. The Globe and Mail did not mention that all incriminating
evidence had been planted on the suspects.

AP adds: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said there was no
indication that the arrested were trying to plan an attack in the
United States. We certainly dont believe that theres any link to the
United States, but obviously we will follow up, said Rice. I think we
will get whatever information we need, she said. But its obviously a
great success for the Canadians. Theyre to be congratulated for it.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Khalid Hasan, Daily Times (Pakistan), 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Killing Season in the Philippines:
Repression of Trade Union and Farmers

by Herbert Docena
June 5, 2006

Asia Times Online - 2006-06-02

MANILA -- Political activist Cathy Alcantara was gunned down by
unidentified assailants last December 5, outside the resort where she
had helped to organize a conference on farmers' rights.

Two months later, the lifeless body of her activist friend, 19-year-old
Audie Lucero, was found in a remote rice field. Lucero was last seen
surrounded by police officers and soldiers in a hospital lobby,
inexplicably crying.

Annaliza Abanador-Gandia, another left-leaning activist, had frequently
marched with the two victims, often at the forefront of demonstrations
calling for various sorts of political change, including the ouster of
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, an end to US military exercises in
the Philippines, and overhaul of the World Trade Organization's
free-trade policies.

On May 18, it was Abanador-Gandia's turn to die. It's unclear exactly
what happened, because she was alone inside her shop that night. Her
body was found slumped on a table, eight bullets through her face,
chest and stomach. The gunpowder found on her face indicated that she
had been shot at point-blank range.

All three victims were active organizers of the Movement for National
Democracy (KPD), a left-leaning umbrella grouping of trade unions,
farmers' and fishermen's organizations, and women's and youth groups,
that has seen two more of its members shot and killed in provincial
areas this year.

They are the latest victims in a creeping and escalating killing spree
of left-leaning political activists in the Philippines. Over the past
two months, at least 18 activists have been murdered by unidentified
assailants in various areas of the country - an average of two killings
per week. At no other time in the KPD's nearly 10-year history have so
many of their members been assassinated.

The KPD is just one of many left-leaning groups now under shadowy
assault. UNORKA (Ugnayan ng mga Nagsasariling Lokal na Organisasyon sa
Kanayunan, or National Coordination of Autonomous Local Rural People's
Organizations), a farmers' group that is part of the "Fight of the
Masses" coalition, is now pushing for a "transitional revolutionary
government" to replace Arroyo. So far, no fewer than 13 of UNORKA's
leaders have been killed. The group's national secretary general was
shot dead on April 24.

Task Force Mapalad (TFM), another peasants' group that has been pushing
for land reform in Visayas and Mindanao, has seen at least eight of its
farmer-leaders killed since 2001, the last one felled in May 2005. Lani
Factor, the group's campaign coordinator, refers to the escalating
violence against activists as the Philippines' "killing season".

The majority of the victims belong to the Bayan Muna group, which has
representation in parliament and which since 2001 counts as many as 95
of its local leaders inexplicably killed. Robert de Castro, the group's
secretary general, was quoted saying in the local press that local
leaders "are being killed like chickens ... They are dropping dead like
flies." [1]

Keeping track of the onslaught has not been easy. Human-rights
organizations as a rule only count those cases that are reported to
them, and each maintains separate lists. According to a running tally
by the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper, the latest killings bring
the total number of activists slain since Arroyo seized power in 2001
to 224. The human-rights group Karapatan estimates that figure much
higher, at 601. Nearly all of the cases remain unresolved. An
additional 140 activists are considered "disappeared" and remain
missing. [2] And the number is growing by the week.

Trouble in the provinces

Fallen activist Abanador-Gandia's province falls under the command of
Major-General Jovito Palparan, the most controversial military official
in the Philippines. Widely dubbed "the executioner" by his critics,
Palparan stands accused of perpetrating a rash of killings and
disappearances of leftist activists during his previous postings in
Samar and Mindoro provinces.

He has consistently denied the charges, saying on record, "I can smile
and laugh about it." At the same time, he has also gone on record to
say that the extrajudicial killings are "helping" the armed forces of
the Philippines get rid of those who instigate people to fight against
the government. [3] To him, the deaths of activists are just "small
sacrifices" in the military's anti-insurgency campaign. [4]

"We've got to hate the movement," Palparan said in a recent interview
with Newsbreak magazine. "We've got to have that fighting stand." [5]

Palparan's provocative statements have caused a lightning rod of
criticism. But increasingly, his is not a lone voice in the wilderness.
His military superiors have a quiet way of expressing their agreement
with Palaparan's tactics: through promotion. Palparan is elevating
through the military's ranks and was recently bestowed the
Distinguished Service Star medal for his "eminently meritorious and
valuable service".

Government executive secretary Eduardo Ermita, himself a former
military official, has hailed Palparan as a "good officer", saying his
detractors automatically blame him for violent incidents without
corroborating evidence.

Yet Palparan's fighting mood reflects a growing edginess in the
military. "The enemy that we confronted more than three decades ago is
the same enemy that we are confronting today, only more scheming and
obviously much more dangerous," wrote Lieutenant-General Romeo
Dominguez in his recent book Trinity of War: The Grand Design of the
CPP/NPA/NDF (Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's
Army/National Democratic Front).

Published by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the book has
become one of the military's "know your enemy" guidebooks, as indicated
in a recent military Powerpoint presentation produced by the AFP top
brass and circulated among soldiers. The volume discusses how the
leftist movement has evolved since the late 1940s, how the Communist
Party of the Philippines (CPP) took over its mantle beginning in the
1960s, and how it has morphed and splintered along ideological and
tactical lines since the 1980s.

Complete with tables and flow charts, the book includes a comprehensive
list of what it calls the "communist terrorists' legal sectoral front
organizations" - down to the provincial level - including the names and
top leaders of those groups that have broken away from the CPP's
mainstream or that have only emerged in recent years.

Despite all the attention given to the Abu Sayyaf rebel movement in
past years, "the single greatest threat to the Philippine state
continues to come from the CPP/NPA", concludes Zachary Abuza, an expert
with the congressionally funded US Institute of Peace, who has studied
the various leftist and Moro secessionist groups fighting against the
government in the Philippines. [6]

This threat has not been lost on the military and right-wing
politicians, who have grown increasingly alarmed by the left's
resurgence. The strength of the NPA was estimated at about 25,000
fighters during the martial-law period in the 1970s, dwindled to about
8,000 in the 1990s, and is reportedly on the upswing again.

In recent months, the NPA has launched a series of military offensives
across the country. Apart from the NPA, a number of smaller left-wing
armed groups operate in remote provincial areas.

The Philippines' right has also been spooked by the left's recent
success in democratic elections. When the formal institutions of
democracy were restored after the 1986 "people power" uprising, the
left was split between those who still saw the armed struggle as
primary and those who wanted to contest power through electoral
processes. The CPP initially boycotted the general elections that paved
the way for Corazon Aquino's presidency.

While carrying on with what it calls the "protracted people's war", the
CPP eventually decided to participate after the introduction of the
party-list system, a measure that reserved a portion of seats in
Congress to under-represented and marginalized sectors of society.
Other leftist groups have abandoned armed struggle altogether, choosing
to focus on elections and public campaigns to bring about political

In the last elections, left-leaning candidates won 11 of the 24
party-list seats filled. Though this proportion represents little more
than 5% of the total national vote, the left's visibility in public
debates has been disproportionately high compared with their actual
number of parliamentary seats. On the streets, where in the Philippines
political battles are frequently waged, only the broad left has been
able consistently to mobilize people, albeit on a limited scale.

Military official Palparan has promised to "completely clear his area
of responsibility of rebels before he retires in September this year".
[7] It is a vow endorsed by the country's top civilian defense
official, Avelino Cruz, who has also said that the "communist
insurgency" can be defeated in "six to 10 years". [8]

Cruz is confident that this goal could be attained through the
ambitious Philippine Defense Reform Program, a comprehensive plan to
modernize and upgrade the capacity of the armed forces to conduct
"internal security operations".

Intensifying its long-running involvement in the Philippines'
counter-insurgency campaign, the United States jointly designed the
Philippine Defense Reform Program with the Philippine military and is
funding half of its $370 million budget. Washington has designated the
CPP/NPA and the Alex Boncayao Brigade, a group that broke away from the
NPA, as "foreign terrorist organizations".

But while the military has always considered the armed leftist groups
to be a major military threat, and offensives and counter-offensives
were launched way before Arroyo took office, there has recently been
one significant shift in the mindset of key military officials: an
increasing refusal to distinguish between armed and unarmed leftists,
between those who are in the underground guerrilla movement and those
who are in the open legal struggle. The boundary, at least in the eyes
of certain military and civilian officials, simply does not exist.

This attitude is best summed up by Palparan's stock reply whenever he's
reminded that the activists who are killed are unarmed and participate
in legal mass organizations: "They're legal but they're doing illegal
activities." [9] The decision to decriminalize the communists in 1994
was a bad idea, says Palparan, adding that he would be "happy" to have
it restored. The Trinity of War stresses - in bold typeface - that,
while the CPP still considers parliamentary struggles secondary to the
armed struggle, both struggles are "complementary, interrelated, and

Meanwhile, Palparan has said that his anti-insurgency campaign "had not
yet gone full blast".

Evolution, not revolution

This outlook is shared by the civilian leadership. "We encourage
communism as well as socialism as a party just like those in Europe,"
said presidential chief of staff Michael Defensor. "What we do not want
is when they preach armed revolution."

According to National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales, "What we are
fighting today is no longer the classic guerrilla warfare. They have
infiltrated and entered our democratic process." He has railed against
how the left's elected parliamentarians are taking advantage of their
office to advance the revolution. He has constantly complained about
how Bayan Muna members "moonlight" as NPA fighters and how they are, to
paraphrase Palparan, straddling both sides of what the government
defines to be legal and illegal activities.

'We hate communists'

It's obviously a charge that those who have been killed will not have
the opportunity to contest. Most of the victims belonged to legal
leftist or left-leaning organizations enumerated in the AFP's list of
alleged "front" organizations. As a recent Amnesty International report
puts it, "Increased killing in particular provinces were reportedly
linked to the public labeling of leftist groups as NPA front
organizations by local AFP commanders."

Prior to activist Abanador-Gandia's killing, for instance, police and
military officials in Bataan had ominously told KPD members, "We
already know who you are. We know who's really behind you. We know all
of you."

Other activists belong to organizations that are locked in bitter land
disputes with powerful landlords who, aided by the state's tacit
consent or lack of political will, have historically used thugs to
eliminate peasants pushing for land reform. With their lands now
subject to expropriation, these landlords, said TFM campaign
coordinator Factor, have been acting like "mad, rabid dogs unleashed".

Most of the killings are concentrated in areas of increased
militarization and intensified counter-insurgency operations. In
Palparan's Central Luzon, more than 50 leftists have been killed, or
nearly a quarter of the total 224 killings compiled by the Philippine
Daily Inquirer. In that region, the military has embedded itself in
10-man detachments in various villages, conducting door-to-door
interrogations and nightly patrols.

They have even taken to organizing anti-communist workshops and
mobilizing protest rallies in support of the military. Participants of
these rallies say they were told to make placards saying, "We hate
communists." Negros, where a number of the killings are concentrated,
is another province where the military has launched what the region's
military chief, Lieutenant-General Samuel Bagasin has described as
"decisive operations".

The victims are apparently not chosen at random. Almost all of those
that have been executed are known leaders or organizers who actively
worked on the ground and recruited new members into their
organizations. The operations are in most cases surgical and well
targeted. And while provincial and municipal-level organizers were
being picked off, national leaders are also being persecuted.

Facing rebellion charges, at least one congressman from Anakpawis
remains in detention, while five others camped out in Congress for two
months to elude arrest. Justice Secretary Raul Gonzales has told them
to "go back to the mountains where they belong", [10] an allusion to
where the CPP has historically pitched its base camps.

Activist Factor suspects that the calculated elimination of the upper
echelons of his organization is an attempt to terrorize members and
scare off potential recruits in the hope of slowly debilitating the
movement. One local columnist has called it a "kill one, scare 100"
tactic. [11] That the activists are not being killed en masse, but
rather at a slow-motion rate of one every other day, seems calculated
to maximize the chilling effect while also minimizing public outrage.

In a number of cases, witnesses have pointed directly to uniformed
soldiers, policemen, or known paramilitary or vigilante groups as the
assailants. In many other cases, the victims were shot dead by a pair
of motorcycle-riding masked men.

Observers point out that this manner of killing is reminiscent of the
period in the late 1980s when, at the height of the "total war" waged
by the Aquino government against the left, masked motorcycle-riding men
also shot and killed activists across the country. According to the
human-rights group Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, up to 585
were killed during that orgy of extrajudicial violence.

Proud human-rights record

Now, the government publicly views the widespread killing of activists
as just a sad coincidence. There is no set pattern and the killings are
unrelated, officials contend. Accusations against state security
officials are routinely shrugged off.

A police spokesman has claimed that if there's any pattern at all, it's
just part of the normal crime-rate cycle. "Sometimes it falls,
sometimes it goes up," Philippine National Police spokesman Samuel
Pagdilao was quoted as saying about the spate of activist killings.

State officials have repeatedly insisted that there's no
state-sanctioned crackdown on activists. "We have nothing to hide
about, and we are proud of our human-rights record," press secretary
Ignacio Bunye recently said. Earlier, Arroyo called accusations of
human-rights violations "an insult" to the military.

Other high-ranking officials have claimed that if anyone is to blame,
it's the activists themselves. According to this view, the revolution
is once again devouring its own children - just as it did in the 1980s
when, in an operation that has since been acknowledged by the CPP
leadership, at least 2,000 party members were ordered killed as
suspected government infiltrators.

But those on the left no longer aligned with the CPP and who have been
openly critical of its anti-infiltration campaign have come out to
dismiss this charge as both opportunistic and ludicrous. Robert Francis
Garcia, secretary general of the Peace Advocates for Truth, Healing and
Justice, an organization of survivors, relatives and friends of victims
of the CPP's past internal purge, believes that the government is
"capitalizing on the issue to hammer down the CPP/NPA".

Garcia points out that the manner by which the CPP's infamous purge was
carried out then bears little resemblance to how activists are being
killed nowadays. Then, Garcia recalls, suspected infiltrators were
arrested, detained and interrogated by party agents - they were not
executed summarily in public as is happening now.

Even an officially constituted police task force has recently
identified soldiers and paramilitary forces as suspects in at least
some of the killings. [13] The normally timid Commission on Human
Rights (CHR), an independent constitutional body, has stated that the
"pattern of complaints that come to us show members of the armed forces
and the PNP [Philippine National Police] as suspects". Assuming that
the government is not behind the many unresolved killings, the
commission points out that it still has a duty to solve and prevent

Unfortunately, for many of the cases, there are no smoking guns, and
the masterminds are not in the habit of giving receipts to their hired
assassins. But even a cursory survey of the killings over recent months
makes it difficult to avoid the conclusion that there is an ongoing
systematic and deliberate mission to terrorize - if not exterminate -
the left being carried out by those who have both the motive and means
to do so.

Even if one assumes that a portion of the killings could be explained
away as the result of personal grudges or of turf wars among different
armed leftist factions, the vast majority of the cases paint an
alarming pattern.

A poor record

Arroyo's administration is turning out to be the most repressive regime
in the Philippines since Ferdinand Marcos' corrupt authoritarian rule.
According to the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, about 3,400
people were killed and more than 700 disappeared during Marcos' 14-year

According to Senator Manny Villar, citing figures provided by the CHR,
Arroyo's five-year term has already eclipsed all three previous
presidents' combined 11-year tenure in terms of the number of people
executed, tortured, or illegally detained.

This is not to say that all was well before Arroyo came to power.
Previous administrations also tallied their fair share of rights
violations. But as Max de Mesa, the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights
Advocates chair and longtime human-rights activist, points out, the
total number of cases of rights violations under Arroyo should not be
compared as separate from those of her predecessors.

Arroyo's government, he says, is still obliged to resolve those past
violations - something her government has so far wholly failed to do.
As such, the totals under the previous regimes should be added to that
under Arroyo, he contends.

At the beginning of Arroyo's term, most of the victims were Muslim
civilians, who were often rounded up and detained in droves, caught up
in the government's US-backed "war on terror". In one particularly
shocking episode, caught live on national television in March last
year, the country's highest-ranking security officials, with apparent
approval from the president, supervised the storming of a prison after
suspected Abu Sayyaf leaders being held there mounted an uprising.

Despite being unarmed and secured against a wall, 26 detainees were
shot dead. Human-rights groups called the incident a "massacre" and the
CHR has since endorsed their recommendation to file murder charges
against the officials.

In heavily militarized Sulu in the southern Philippines, where the
military has been pursuing the Abu Sayyaf group, there have been
numerous allegations of serious human-rights violations by the armed
forces, including the February 2005 massacre of a family, which finally
provoked the Moro National Liberation Front to recommence attacking
government forces.

Disappearances, beheadings, and summary executions have once again
become the norm in the area. But the government's documented abuses
have not been given the same attention as the atrocities committed by
the Abu Sayyaf.

Perhaps the clearest demonstration of the government's failure to
protect and guarantee civil liberties has been the unbridled killing of
journalists. Freedom of the press has never come at a higher price for
at least 42 journalists who have been killed since Arroyo took power -
or about half of the estimated 79 killed since 1986. This record
prompted the US-based Committee to Protect Journalists to rank the
Philippines in 2005 as the "most murderous" country for journalists in
the world next to Iraq. Some have contested that label, saying the
country is in a league of its own; Iraq, after all, is a war zone.

While local bosses and criminal elements, and not state agents, are
likely to be behind many of the journalists' killings, the government's
tepid response shows its inability - or unwillingness - to protect the

Instead of working to bring the killers to justice, Secretary of
Justice Raul Gonzales has recently suggested that media practitioners
should arm themselves in self-defense. He also implied that the
killings may have nothing to do with press freedom. "There are media
men killed in drinking sprees or because of a woman," Gonzalez recently

While human-rights violations have steadily mounted, the situation has
taken a sharp turn for the worse after Arroyo, facing widespread calls
for her ouster from across the political spectrum, began to use more
brazenly coercive measures to retain her grip on power. For instance,
she has banned public demonstrations and authorized the use of force to
disperse them. She has gagged public officials from testifying in
congressional hearings.

Finally, on February 24, she declared a "state of national emergency".
This was interpreted by police and military officials as carte blanche
to conduct arrests without warrants and to raid and intimidate media
entities. While the "state of emergency" was quickly lifted - and was
recently declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court - human-rights
violations have not stopped; rather, they have spiked.

Last week, five leaders of the Union of the Masses for Democracy and
Justice (UMDJ), a group identified with imprisoned former president
Joseph Estrada, were abducted in broad daylight - not in the
countryside but in the capital Manila - and were missing for about two
days. Pressed whether the military had arrested the UMDJ leaders,
executive secretary Eduardo Ermita denied the allegations and
emphatically repeated the government's standard line, "They are
automatically pointing at the administration as the culprit, which is

But only two hours later, a military spokesperson confirmed that the
five were indeed arrested and detained by intelligence agents. It was
the same military spokesperson who, just the day before, also disavowed
any knowledge of the five's whereabouts. Accused of being NPA
infiltrators plotting to assassinate the president and a number of
cabinet members, the detainees were later released because of
"insufficient evidence".

Such cases illustrate that the state is conducting commando-style
operations against activists and casts doubts on its claims that it has
not been involved in unresolved killings and disappearances.

Thinking about a new revolution

In many ways, the recent wave of killings is a tragic reprise of
previous episodes in Philippine history. In 1946, leftist legislators
were also expelled from Congress and driven to the mountains. Death
squads stalked the Philippines' countryside in the early 1950s and late
1980s. Newspaper offices were routinely padlocked by the government
during periods of martial law. State-sponsored disappearances gave
birth to a generation of orphans and widows.

The escalating repression taking place now in the Philippines is no
coincidence. Twenty years since the end of the dictatorship and three
"people's power" uprisings later, Philippine society is hugely

If the recent killing spree signifies anything, it's that the growing
coercion and the abandonment of democratic rights portend the fraying
of the post-1986 political order, when the dictator Marcos was
unceremoniously thrown from power and democracy restored. What will
replace those democratic hopes, more than at any time in recent years,
is a point of bitter political contention.

The political crisis triggered by charges of electoral fraud and
corruption against Arroyo have brought these divisions clearly out in
the open. In one camp are those who want to salvage and carry on with
what academics like to call "oligarchic democracy" or "low-intensity
democracy", where ballots are universally assured but food, jobs and
housing are not.

On the other side of the debate are those who are struggling to move
beyond limited democracy and are working to change the system from both
above and underground. Over the past few months, these two sides have
failed to oust Arroyo and now face an impasse.

But as the intensifying militarization and repression signify, another
camp has moved to break the stalemate. Those who seek to roll back
democracy and push the country toward a more authoritarian, albeit
nominally democratic, system are again in the ascendant and clearly on
the offensive.

For the ruling elites and conservatives from 1986, the formal
institutions of democracy - free and fair elections, a free press, the
protection and promotion of civil liberties - were then seen as the
most effective way to maintain their hold on power and wealth.

But as the Philippines' massive marginalized population has
increasingly employed these institutions to challenge the status quo,
sections of the ruling class and military appear to have come to the
conclusion that democracy is a double-edged sword. Low-intensity
democracy is once again giving way to low-intensity warfare in the
Philippines, while being "underground" has taken on its old meaning.

"Nothing has changed," said Lorena Paras, a former guerrilla fighter
with the NPA who surrendered to the government in 1997 and now tries to
live a quiet life at the foot of the Bataan Mountains. And yet for her,
in reality so much has changed: last September, she personally
witnessed uniformed military men drag away her husband, also a former
NPA rebel.

His name has been added to the new list of the disappeared, and she,
most likely, to the list of new widows. Lorena says wistfully that her
thoughts have increasingly returned to the revolution she only recently
left behind.


1. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 15, 2006
2. Associated Press, May 30, 2006
3. Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 28, 2005
4. Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 2, 2005
5. Newsbreak, April 29, 2006
6. Zachary Abuza, "Balik-Terrorism: The Return of the Abu Sayyaf",
Strategic Studies monograph, September 2005
7. Newsbreak website, May 31, 2006
8. Reuters, May 18, 2005
9. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 21, 2004
10. Philippine Star, May 9, 2006
11. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 26, 2006
12. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 25, 2006
13. Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 16, 2006

Herbert Docena is with Focus on the Global South, a research and
advocacy organization.
Copyright 2006 Asia Times Online Ltd. All rights reserved.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Herbert Docena, Asia Times Online, 2006

The url address of this article is:


NOTE: If we interpret Wasp literally as White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,
then we must note at least a third force within the contention for
dominance in the US--e.g., around twenty years ago the chief executive
of the real-estate division of Merrill Lynch confided to a relative
that as a Protestant he could go no higher in the organization because
to get to the top one had to be a Catholic. And I assume he meant a
Catholic male. -- kl, pp

From: Peter Myers <>
Date: June 6, 2006 4:58:27 AM EST
To: clem clarke <>
Subject: Ukraine accuses Russia of inciting new 'Crimean war'

America's Ruling Establishment - Wasp or Jewish?

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 17:23:21 +0300 From: "Israel Shamir"

Powerful, no walking-on-eggs analysis of Jewish Lobby and a devastating
response to Zunes, by Bob Finch (full text on our website)

Hasbara: Blame it on the Wasps.

A Review of Stephen Zunes 'The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it

Published May 18, 2006=20

Updated June 4, 2006

America's Ruling Establishment.

Over the last four decades a succession of America administrations have
sent the Jews-only state in Palestine (Jos) a vast treasure chest: well
over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. According to Stephen Zunes in his
essay, The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it Really? America's ruling
elite sees the Jos as its colony or client state. It lavishly funds the
Jos to pursue its strategic interests in the Middle East.=20

Zunes implies this ruling elite consists of Wasps, "these influential
and (mostly) wealthy, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant lawmakers ..."
(Stephen Zunes 'The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it Really? May 16,
2006). According to Zunes, Wasps have created the world's sole military
hyper power and run what is increasingly looking like an American
empire. American Jews are mere supplicants to the court of the Wasp
emperors and the Jos is an American colony more or less wholly
dependent on America for its survival. If the Jos doesn't obey Wasps'
orders, it won't be rewarded, and it won't survive. In other words, the
Jos is no different from any other American colony such as Honduras.
Zunes argues that neither the Jos nor the Jews-only lobby in America
(Jol)[i] is powerful enough to extract such monies if it wasn't in the
interests of America's ruling Wasp elite.

There is little doubt that, up to the second world war, America's
ruling elite consisted primarily of Wasps. But, thereafter, American
Jews have become increasingly wealthy and politically powerful. Whilst
there are still many Wasps amongst America's ruling establishment, it
is currently dominated by American Jews. They own or manage a
significant part of America's economy.. They own, manage, and run, most
of America's media. They finance, and predominate in, some of America's
most prestigious universities. Although American Jewish billionaires
are only a minority amongst America's wealthiest people, they are by
far and away the most politically active. They fund a variety of
organizations in order to convert their wealth into political power to
achieve their political objectives. They have established more think
tanks and lobbying organizations than any other lobby group in America
- a remarkable achievement given that American Jews compose only 2-3%
of America's population. They fund American political parties not
merely the Republican and Democratic parties but even the country's
smaller parties. American Jews also predominate in all of these
parties. A major component of America's ruling establishment is what is
commonly referred to as the military industrial complex. Zunes implies
firstly, that this complex is run entirely by Wasps even though he
presents no evidence it is. And, secondly, that the political power of
the complex derives from being America's biggest industry. This may
have been the case in the past but no longer. America's biggest
industry is the media and entertainment industry which is dominated by
American Jews.

Since the second world war, America's Jewish elite has succeeded in
persuading/pressuring/bribing a succession of American administrations
into supporting the Jos on a number of critical occasions. Over time,
these victories have become increasingly frequent and increasingly
beneficial to the Jos until, after the Pentagon and New York bombings,
the dominance of America's Jewish elite slid almost imperceptibly into
position as America's ruling elite. America is now ruled by a Jewish
elite consisting of Jewish billionaires, Jewish media owners, Jewish
dominated academic institutions, Jewish run think tanks, Jewish
dominated political parties, Jewish dominated state legislatures,
Jewish owned Congress, and the huge proportion of American Jews in the
Bush administration.[ii]

The increasing domination of American Jews over America's economy and
political system explains a number of critical political developments.
Firstly, that America's defence and foreign policies have all been
imported, primarily by American Jews, from the Jos. Secondly, the
extraordinary transformation of the Jos's enemies into America's
enemies even though they pose no threat to America nor even to American
interests in the Middle East. "With the assault on Iraq," wrote the
distinguished historian, David Hirst, "the U.S.. was not merely
adopting Israel's long-established methods - of initiative, offense and
pre-emption - ; it was also adopting Israel's adversaries as its
own..." (quoted in Jeffrey Blankfort 'A War for Israel' April

Finally, the vast donations that American Jews have been able to
extract from successive American administrations. Today these donations
have become tribute payments that the Jos, with the aid of America's
ruling Jewish elite, extracts from its American colony. These tribute
payments ensure the Jos's military supremacism not only in the Middle
East but around much of the rest of the world.

Over the last sixty years, the growth in the economic, social,
political, and cultural, power of American Jews has been phenomenal.
This has fostered the equally phenomenal rise in the military and
political power of the Jos. The Jos did not exist in early 1948 but is
now commonly regarded as the fourth most powerful military in the
world. "Israel has become a military superpower in its own right. Its
army and air force rival those of the major European countries, and it
has become the world's fourth largest nuclear power, despite never
signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty." (Jeff Halper 'Israel as
an Extension of American Empire' November 7th 2005).
American Jews' control over the American political system gives them
dominance, but not yet total dominance, over America's military hyper
power. The Jos, America's ruling Jewish elite, and the Jewish elite in
many western countries including Russia, compose a global Jewish elite
which runs a Jewish empire for the benefit of this elite and its
headquarters in the Jos.

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
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incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. To
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NOTE: This piece is nearly two years old---but still quite relevant.
-- kl, pp

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: June 5, 2006 3:10:38 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>



By Mary Starrett
August 22, 2004

President George W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health is
pushing for nationwide screening based on a similar program created
while he was governor of Texas.
One of the main goals of the president's commission is to ensure
"early mental health of young children, improve and expand school
mental health programs, screen for mental disorders in primary health
care, across the life span and connect to treatment and supports."
The Bush administration, long tied in an unholy, generational alliance
with the pharmaceutical companies, hopes to pattern this massive effort
to get more Americans on drugs after the Texas Medical Algorithm
Project (TMAP) in effect since 1995. This summer the British Medical
Journal, daring to do what no U.S. publication would do, showed the
connection between the pharmaceutical industry and the dangers
associated with the TMAP program. Investigators and medical
professionals were fired for calling attention to the abuses (including
patient deaths) associated with TMAP. Under TMAP it was not unusual for
some people to be placed on more than five psychiatric drugs at
What will happen under this national push to gain more market share for
the drug companies? As with TMAP, people refusing drugs for what are
diagnosed as a wide array of "disorders" can expect not only to be
forced to take powerful and extremely dangerous neuroleptics, but also
to receive shock treatment.

Sound like something out of "Cuckoos Nest"? Electro Convulsive Therapy
or ECT is alive and well and sparking fear in the hearts of Americans
each and every day. While you might think this Frankenstein-like
"treatment" is a relic of the dark, dank asylums of the past, think
again. Forced ECT happens here. It is an all too- often- used modality
for "severely" depressed people. And get this- virtually every state
has loopholes allowing shock therapy and drugs to be administered over
the objections of the "patient". (A note here; psychiatric
professionals have long railed against the term "person" or "consumer"
when referring to those they deem to need their "medical" attention.)
Bush policy advisor on the New Freedom Commission, and his appointee on
the Center for Mental Health Services National Advisory Council,
psychiatrist Sally Satel has stated "coercive treatment" is essential.
Satel, never one to oppose giving shrinks the power to do extreme
mental makeovers on people, shows just how chilling the climate in this
administration is getting by adding there's an "overemphasis" on
patient "rights" that "people need to be protected from themselves" and
that often "coercion" is essential.[2]

Bush's advisor Satel adds this horrifying hint at her "Me Doctor- You
Subject" mentality when she adds: "My capacity as a physician has often
been frustrated by laws that prevent me from doing my job". This is the
type of influence that makes the president's New Freedom Commission on
Mental Health one of his worst civil and human rights abuses to date.
And that's saying something. (I wonder whether Satel (or Bush for that
matter) ever read that reference in the Bill of Rights to " the right
of the people to be secure in their persons."?)
This plan by the Bush administration to test all Americans for "mental
illness"(just imagine all the ways that could be defined!) hasn't gone
unnoticed by those whose lives have been made "chemical hell"[3]
through forced psychiatric drugging. MindFreedom International, an
umbrella group for over 100 advocacy groups says the New Freedom
Commission has got to be stopped. They think this is nothing but a plan
"cooked up" by the pharmaceutical companies. Group director David Oakes
says "we demand President Bush start (the screening) with himself. We
will provide the mental health professional to do the screening". As a
matter of fact they have secured the professional services of just such
a professional. Patch Adams. The real one. The Virginia medical doctor
who's life story was made into a popular movie starring Robin Williams
said " I'll see him for free".
The president's plan to track down people(especially kids and teens)
looking for "emotional" and "mental" problems only gets more terrifying
when you add new drug-delivery technologies to the mix.
University of Pensylvania professor and psychiatrist Steven Seigel has
developed an implant for time releasing neuroleptic, antipsychotic
medications like Haldol. The device, the size of a quarter, if approved
and marketed could replace the locked wards of the mental institutions
with what has been called a "chemical straitjacket". Imagine, added to
the president's mental health screening plan, an inch-wide implant that
can deliver- for periods up to a year- powerful mind-numbing drugs that
are reported to cause structural brain damage[4] ( Seigel was asked to
implant himself with the device and drug Haldol for a year. He
reportedly just smiled and turned away). Inherently coercive, these
drugs and their time release delivery systems eclipse even the most
far-fetched mind control conspiracy theories out there.
The implant is now being pitched to the FDA as a method of delivering
the drug Haldol. A few of Haldol's side effects include confusion,
disorientation, blurred vision, worsening glaucoma, facial tics,
jitters and drug-induced Parkinsonism.[5] It is a drug that has been
described by former(forced) users as " torture".
Implant inventor Seigel says his device is intended to "empower
patients to relieve them of the burden of having to remember to take
their drugs". Why keep this good old American ingenuity all to
ourselves? The good Doc Seigel has his sights set on selling the
implant to "developing countries worldwide." Another special American
gift to the underprivileged of the world, I suppose. And just think of
the places it would go! Prisons! Daycare Centers! Nursing Homes!
Yes, indeed, the current administration is hell-bent on funding the
ever-expanding use of mind-controlling, mind-numbing drugs. Your money
will now go to fund hundreds of millions of dollars MORE for mental
health schemes than last year's budget allowed for. [6] The American
Psychiatric Association (which, by the way just LOVES what Bush is
doing with your money!) boasts of the increase in funding which, of
course , translates into more money for them and their pharmaceutical
buddies, in their July issue of Advocacy News. The publication also
mentions that the Bush administration is "appreciative" of their
efforts to quash mass media's coverage of the negative aspects and
abuses inherent in the New Freedom Commission.
I'll leave you with the words of psychiatrist-inventor Steven Seigel:
"There is still a segment of the population that has a profound
mistrust of psychiatry. We need people to understand that we are not
trying to do things to them but do things for them".

1, British Medical Journal, Summer/ 2004
2, Sally Satel's First National Advisory Council Meeting/ Chamberlin,
September, 2002/
4, ibid
6, APA Advocacy News, July/ 2004
) 2004 Mary Starrett - All Rights Reserved
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E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Mary Starrett was on television for 21 years as a news anchor, morning
talk show host and medical reporter. For the last 5 years she hosted a
radio program. Mary is a frequent guest on radio talk shows. E-Mail


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 14, 2006, 8:00:50 PM6/14/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 14, 2006

NOTE: Yes, Gore's actions betray his insights. But let's remember
he's at least willing to admit that the current eco-situation is
perilous. How many other Washington DC clowns are willing to do that?
-- kl, pp

From: Rick Davis <>
Date: June 14, 2006 5:23:10 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: The sorry truth about Al Gore's environmental record
Al Gore the Environmental Titan?
by Joshua Frank
June 6, 2006

Al Gore has returned to the political spotlight in exalted fashion,
propping himself up for a potential presidential bid in 2008. Front and
center in Gores new rhetorical entourage is the state of nature and,
in particular, global warming. And while Gore may be delivering an
important message about the fate of our fragile ecosystems, one must be
wary of the messengers past. For Gores own environmental record
leaves much to be desired.

Al Gores reputation as the Democratic standard bearer of
environmentalism dates back to the early 1990s when his book Earth in
Balance outlined the perilous threats to the natural world. Gore also
showboated his green credentials at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, which
garnered the newly minted Senator great respect among Beltway greens
who praised him for his willingness to take sides on controversial
issues. While serving as vice president under Bill Clinton, Gore was
put in charge of the administrations environmental portfolio, but had
little to show for it.

Other than his alleged environmental convictions, Gore was politically
timid when push came to shove in Washington. During Clintons campaign
for president in 1992 Gore promised a group of supporters that
Clintons EPA would never approve a hazardous waste incinerator located
near an elementary school in Liverpool, Ohio, which was operated by
WTI. Only three months into Clintons tenure the EPA issued an
operating permit for the toxic burner. Gore raised no qualms. Not
surprisingly, most of the money behind WTI came from the bulging
pockets of Jackson Stephens, who just happened to be one of the
Clinton/Gores top campaign contributors.

Perhaps Al Gores greatest blunder during his years as vice president
was his allegiance to the conservative Democratic Leadership Council
and their erroneous approach to environmental policy. Gore, like
Clinton who quipped that the invisible hand has a green thumb,
extolled a free-market attitude toward environmental issues. Since the
mid-1980s Gore has argued with increasing stridency that the bracing
forces of market capitalism are potent curatives for the ecological
entropy now bearing down on the global environment, writes Jeffrey St.
Clair in Been Brown So Long It Looked Like Green to Me: The Politics of
Nature. He is a passionate disciple of the gospel of efficiency,
suffused with an inchoate technopilia.

Then came the first of the Clinton administrations neoliberal wet
dreams: NAFTA. After the passage of NAFTA, pollution along the
US/Mexico border dramatically increased. And Gore should have known
better; NAFTA allowed existing environmental laws in the United States
to be undermined. Corporations looking to turn a profit by skating
around enviro statutes at home moved down to Mexico where environmental
standards and regulatory enforcement were scarce.

These follies were followed by Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt's
destructive deal with the sugar barons of South Florida, which doomed
vast acreages of the Everglades. Then Gore and Clinton capitulated to
the demands of Western Democrats and yanked from its initial budget
proposals a call to reform grazing, mining, and timber practices on
federal lands. When Clinton convened a timber summit in Portland,
Oregon, in April 1994, the conference was, as one might expect,
dominated by logging interests. Predictably, the summit gave way to a
plan to restart clear-cutting in the ancient forests of the Pacific
Northwest for the first time in three years, giving the timber industry
its get rich wish. Gore, again, said nothing.

Forests under Clinton and Gores watch didnt fare all that well. The
Clinton administration's Salvage Rider, known to radical
environmentalists as the "Logging without Laws" rider, was perhaps the
most gruesome legislation ever enacted under the pretext of preserving
ecosystem health. Like Bushs Healthy Forests plan, Clinton's act was
choc full of deception and special interest pandering. "When [the
Salvage Rider] bill was given to me, I was told that the timber
industry was circulating this language among the Northwest
Congressional delegation and others to try to get it attached as a
rider to the fiscal year Interior Spending Bill," environmental lawyer
Kevin Kirchner says. "There is no question that representatives of the
timber industry had a role in promoting this rider. That is no secret."

In fact, Mark Rey, a former lobbyist for the timber industry and head
of the United States Forest Service under Bush, authored Bushs forest
plan and Clinton's salvage bill while working as an aide for Republican
Senator Larry Craig of Idaho. "Like Bush's so-called 'Healthy Forest
Initiative,' the Salvage Rider temporarily exempted salvage timber
sales on federal forest lands from environmental and wildlife laws,
administrative appeals, and judicial review," contends the Wilderness

"The Salvage Rider directed the Forest Service to cut old-growth timber
in the Pacific Northwest that the agency had proposed for sale but
subsequently withdrew due to environmental concerns, endangered species
listings, and court rulings. Bush's initiative also aims to increase
logging of old-growth trees in the Pacific Northwest."

Clinton and Gore during the time could have exercised presidential
authority to force the relevant agencies to abandon all timber
contracts that stemmed from the Salvage Rider. But they never flexed
their muscle and instead sat by as the forests were subjected to
gruesome annihilation.

An example of the ruin: Thousands of acres of healthy forestland across
the West were rampaged. Washington's Colville National Forest saw the
clear cutting of over 4,000 acres. Thousands more in Montana's Yaak
River Basin, hundreds of acres of pristine forest land in Idaho, while
the endangered Mexican Spotted Owl habitat in Arizona fell victim to
corporate interests. Old growth trees in Washington's majestic Olympic
Peninsula -- home to wild Steelhead, endangered Sockeye salmon, and
threatened Marbled Murrelet -- were chopped with unremitting
provocation by the US Forest Service.

And the assault on nature continued with Gores blessing.

Around the same time Clinton and Gore, after great pressure from the
food industry, signed away the Delaney Clause, which prohibited
cancer-causing pesticides and ingredients to be placed in our food
products. And after pressure from big corporations like chemical giant
DuPont, the Clinton administration, with guidance from Gores office,
cut numerous deals over the pesticide Methyl Bromide despite its
reported effects of contributing to Ozone depletion.

As for Gores pet project, global warming, he did little to help curb
its dramatic effects while handling Clintons enviro policies. In fact,
Gore and Clinton made it easy for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to
back out of the Kyoto Protocol by undermining the agreement in the late
1990s. "Signing the Protocol, while an important step forward, imposes
no obligations on the United States. The Protocol becomes binding only
with the advice and consent of the US Senate," Gore said at the time.
"As we have said before, we will not submit the Protocol for
ratification without the meaningful participation of key developing
countries in efforts to address climate change." Sadly, Gore stood by
his promise.

Although the Kyoto Accord was a gigantic step forward in addressing
global warming, Gore opposed the watered down version of the Protocol
despite its numerous loopholes that would have allowed US corporations
to continue their business as usual. But Gore backed off in hopes of
not alienating the Democrats labor base who worried that new
environmental standards would shift jobs to developing nations with
weaker regulations. Hence Kyoto's derailment and the Democrats set up
for Bush's misdeeds.

And the list goes on.

So while Al Gore flies a polluting jet around the country and overseas
to preach to the masses about the dangerous effects of global warming
and its inherent threat to life on Earth -- you may want to ask
yourself whether the hypocritical Gores of the world are more a part of
the problem than a solution to the dire climate that surrounds us all.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 14, 2006 6:30:50 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 13 Jun 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

O Iraqis, they make songs now celebrating your deaths!
Truth About Iraqis

In Iraq, from bad to worse, from Nazi to Satanic, the US military
continues to seek new lows of human debasement with which to beat its
chests. Today the BBC has revealed that there is a US military probe
into a song composed by a US Marine singing about his joys at killing
Iraqi civilians. This is the video, see it before someone realizes that
the US military is really going all out to prove how humanitarian they
really are...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Dij` vu in Ramadi
Mike Whitney

An Iraqi city is surrounded by troops and armored vehicles; the
artillery is wheeled into place, the roads are blocked, a giant wall of
sand is piled up around the perimeter, and everything goes silent
before the final onslaught. Weve seen it in Falluja, al Qaim, Husbaya
and Tel Afar; the same persistent refrain over and over again;
Rumsfelds lone mantra; "surround, isolate and destroy". This time its
Ramadi, next time somewhere else; what difference does it make? Iraq is
being! decimated city by city, town by town; ravaged by invaders who
see an opportunity to fatten their wallets or enhance their
reputations. Theyll level everything before theyre done (...) Ramadi
is a teeming city of 400,000 people. Now it is under siege by
Rumsfelds legions. The water lines have been blown up, medical
supplies have been blocked, electricity has been cut off, and tens of
thousands of people are fleeing into the countryside without shelter or

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Freed prisoners speak of violations, torture
Ammar al-Khafaji, Azzaman

Prisoners freed by U.S. troops recently have spoken of violations and
torture at the hands of their U.S. jailers (...) Iraqi human rights
monitors estimate that tens of thousands of prisoners languish in Iraqi
and U.S. jails. One prisoner, released recently and refusing to be
named, said U.S. jailers "used humiliation techniques and resorted to
torture and violated prisoner rights." Another said U.S. jails are
crowed and the jailers "put 50 in! mates in cages less than 50 square
meters." "You could be confined to a solitary cell for no reason," one
prisoner said. The prisoners said jails run specifically by U.S. troops
lacked bathrooms. "Conditions are subhuman and the inmates face
torture. They are subjected to heating in summer and cooling in winter.
Mass punishment is normal," a prisoner said...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Saddam Judge: No More Defense Witnesses

The chief judge declared an end to hearing defense witnesses in Saddam
Hussein's trial Tuesday and said the prosecution will present its
closing argument next week. The declaration came despite complaints by
the defense team that it has not had the freedom to properly present
its case and that many of its motions were not ruled on by chief judge
Raouf Abdel-Rahman in the nearly eight-month-old trial (...) Last
month, three witnesses testified that some of the 148 Shiites! were
still alive and living in Dujail. Abdel-Rahman had the three witnesses
arrested for perjury, along with a fourth witness who claimed that the
chief prosecutor tried to bribe him to testify against Saddam. On
Monday, alleged confessions of the four witnesses were read in court,
admitting they committed perjury either because they were intimidated
by Saddam loyalists or offered rewards by the defense. The defense team
alleged the confessions were forced, and two of the witnesses _ who
have since been released and fled abroad _ told The Associated Press
they were beaten in detention to make them sign the confessions...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:



From: "paul illich" <>
Date: June 13, 2006 6:45:58 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Behind the spin, the oil giants are
more dangerous than ever

Behind the Spin, the Oil Giants Are More Dangerous Than Ever

The green rebranding of Shell and BP is a fraud. Far from switching to
biofuels, it's drilling and devastation as usual

George Monbiot
Tuesday June 13, 2006
The Guardian

For a company that claims to have moved "beyond petroleum", BP has
to spill an awful lot of it on to the tundra in Alaska. Last week,
after the
news was leaked to journalists, it admitted to investors that it is
criminal charges for allowing 270,000 gallons of crude oil to seep
one of the world's most sensitive habitats. The incident was so serious
some of its staff could be sent to prison.

Had this been Exxon, the epitome of sneering corporate brutality, the
would have surprised no one. But BP's rebranding, like Shell's, has
been so
effective that you could be forgiven for believing that it had become an
environmental pressure group. These companies have used the vast profits
from their petroleum business to create the impression that they are
abandoning it.

Shell's adverts feature photos of its technologists in open-necked
and showing perfect teeth (which proves they can't be real greens). They
tell stories of their brave experiments with wind power, hydrogen,
and natural gas. The chairman of Shell UK was one of the 14 signatories
to a
letter sent by businesses to Tony Blair a week ago, calling for the
government to exercise "bold leadership on domestic climate change
in order to speed "the transition to a low-carbon economy".

BP's adverts tell the same story, illustrated with its logo - a kind of
green and yellow sunflower which looks rather like the Green party's. So
what on earth was it doing in Alaska, messing around with crude oil?
its filling stations now dispense pure carrot juice?

Admittedly BP's latest campaign, "exploring new ways to live without"
was prefaced with adverts boasting about its new means of finding the
"By developing innovative technology like BP's Advanced Seismic Imaging,
we've been able to make discoveries that were unthinkable only a decade
ago." But even this campaign seeks to answer an environmental concern.

For the past two or three years, environmentalists (myself included)
been publicising the idea that global oil production might soon peak and
then go into decline. This possibility helps to demonstrate, we argue,
our dependence on oil is unsustainable, and we must find means of
giving it
up. The oil companies have seized our arguments and are using them for
opposite purpose: if oil supplies are in danger, they must be permitted
prospect in new places.

Whatever happens, they can't lose. If they invest in new exploration and
production, they secure lucrative control over a diminishing asset. If
fail to invest, as they have done over the past 10 years, the price
and they do even better. In either case, they make so much money that
can throw a few billion into developing alternative technologies without
gulping, thus cornering the future energy markets as well.

Please don't misunderstand me. I am glad they are spending some of their
money this way. They are among the few companies able to achieve the
economies of scale required to bring down the price of expensive new
technologies, such as solar power and hydrogen fuel cells. The problem
that they are developing these new capacities not in order to replace
production of oil, but in order to supplement it. Their share price
on the current and future value of their assets. To sustain the future
value, they aim for a "reserve replacement rate" of 100%. In other
however much oil they produce, they seek to replace it with new

BP has, so far, managed to meet this target. Shell's desperation to do
same led to the scandal two years ago over the misstating of its
The impression they have created in some of their adverts - that they
seeking to move out of petroleum and into other products - is

And though they have become more transparent, more responsive, less
aggressive in their engagement with the public, the impact of their core
business is much the same. BP has gone ahead with its extraction of
gas from Tangguh in West Papua, even though this means collaborating
the Indonesian government, which annexed the territory and controls it
means of a vicious military occupation.

Three weeks ago, a demonstration outside BP's headquarters in London
reminded us that some of the land seizures, environmental damage and
rights violations associated with its pipeline from Baku in Azerbaijan
Ceyhan in Turkey (which came onstream on May 27) have been neither
acknowledged nor addressed. BP admits that the oil and gas it extracts
produce around 570m tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, roughly the same
as the
amount the UK emits. This is after it changed its methodology to exclude
some of its operations: otherwise it would have been responsible for
twice that amount.

Shell's practices look even worse. Though the flaring of gas from oil
in Nigeria was banned in 1969, it is still burning hundreds of millions
cubic feet a day, wasting a precious resource and producing more carbon
emissions than everyone else in sub-Saharan Africa put together. The
surrounding communities are plastered with sticky soot. In April, Shell
ordered by a court in Lagos to stop the flaring, but does not intend to
so until 2009. It has also been fined $1.5bn for polluting the Niger
but won't pay pending its appeal.

Last year, Shell took five men from the Bog of Erris in Ireland to
court for
refusing to allow its high-pressure gas pipeline to cross their lands.
were jailed for 94 days. Green groups have begged it not to extract oil
the seas around Sakhalin Island, off the east coast of Siberia, where a
spill could wipe out the world's last 100 western Pacific grey whales,
it won't back down. To boost its reserves, it has just invested another
in extracting petroleum from oil sands in Canada. It would be hard to
a more polluting business.

Both companies are cleverer than they used to be. They have stopped
pretending that climate change does not exist or that no one ever gets
by their projects. Shell even publishes a list of its recent
But this doesn't mean they have stopped spinning.

Shell's new sustainability report, for example, says it will reduce its
carbon dioxide emissions "by up to 2.5m tonnes a year" by burying the
gas in
old oilfields in the North Sea. But it is using it to drive
inaccessible oil
out of the reservoirs. It fails to explain whether the 2.5m tonnes is a
gross saving or a net saving (after the burning of the new oil has been
taken into account). I suspect the former, but until the UK has some
effective corporate reporting rules, companies can continue to give us
the information that suits them.

BP and Shell are to Exxon what New Labour is to the old Tories. The
has changed, but the policies are pretty similar. The denial and
which characterised Shell's approach at the time of the Brent Spar
and the hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa have gone. But it seems to me that this
only makes them more dangerous.


NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Rachel Corrie: Will Americans Get to
Hear the Voice of an American Anne Frank?

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:06:15 +0930 From: "Adelaide Institute"

Rachel Corrie: Will Americans Get to Hear The Voice of an American Anne
Washington Report, May/June 2006, pages 21-22

Special Report

By Delinda C. Hanley

AMERICANS are usually excessively polite when it comes to talking about
religion or politics. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so we
may avoid discussing either subject too passionately with strangers -
or even at the dinner table. We're taught to listen carefully to both
sides of an argument before we make up our mind. Not only is that how
we're raised, but it's the cornerstone of our government and our
judicial system.

There are many families which do not shy away from controversial
issues, however. When my parents, Dick and Donna Curtiss, were teaching
their children table manners and when to speak and when to listen, they
also taught another lesson by example. My mother (with her aunt and
toddler in tow) joined sit-ins at Woolworth lunch counters in Virginia
to protest their refusal to serve African Americans, and for years both
my parents protested peacefully in the streets of Washington, DC -
sometimes every day - on behalf of Palestinian rights.

They taught me that if we witness injustice or the violation of another
human being's rights it's our duty to take the gloves off and speak up
- even if it hurts some feelings.

I can't count how many times I read Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl.
This book has been translated into more than 100 languages and studied
by millions of schoolchildren around the world. We all know her story
by heart. Anne's father, Otto, tried to protect his family from Nazi
persecution of Jews by moving from Germany to Holland. He fails. Hidden
with her family and Jewish friends in an attic for more than two years,
however, Anne discovers herself as she writes about her life.

Everyone who's read her diary or seen the films loves Anne and hates
the end of her story. Nazis discover the Franks' secret hiding place,
arrest the family, along with the Dutchmen who'd helped hide them, and
send them to concentration camps. Anne died of typhus in March 1945 in
Bergen-Belsen when she was only 15. Two months later, after World War
II ended, Otto - the only survivor from the attic room - returned to
Amsterdam, found his daughter's diary and presented Anne's words to the

The story of Anne Frank's life and death resonates with people of all
ages and backgrounds. Anne's diary provides a vehicle for people to
learn from Europe's Holocaust and examine prejudice, persecution,
discrimination, hatred and violence.

Anne's words survive death and inspire young people to express their
idealism. Her faith that good will triumph over evil still gives us

It defies belief that anyone today, especially Jewish Americans, would
try to bury the words of another young heroine, Rachel Corrie, the
brave 23-year-old American girl crushed to death on March 16, 2003 as
she tried to prevent the demolition of a civilian family's home in the
Gaza Strip. Indeed, few Americans have even heard about the sweet brave
life and the horrifying death of Rachel Corrie. Unfortunately, that
suits some people - Israel-right-or-wrong Americans, Jews and
Christians alike - just fine.

Rachel Corrie is the Joan of Arc of the human rights movement, a martyr
for Palestinians and for nonviolent protesters around the world. Like
Otto Frank, her parents, Craig and Cindy, recognized the power and
passion of her e-mails home and shared them with the world. When people
saw the Corrie family's home movie of Rachel, aged 10, on a school
stage reciting her poem about how "children everywhere are suffering"
and how she wished to "stop hunger by the year 2000," she became a
daughter to us all. We're achingly proud of her loving spirit and we
mourn her death.

But when Jewish theater patrons and their rabbis heard that Rachel's
Corrie's words would be brought to life at the New York Theater
Workshop - as they had earlier in London - they complained. Artistic
director James Nicola's theater suddenly "postponed" indefinitely the
U.S. debut of "My Name Is Rachel Corrie."

Actress Vanessa Redgrave, who has paid a high professional price for
her empathy for Palestinians, said it best: "This is censorship of the
worst kind. More awful even than that. It is black-listing a dead girl
and her diaries. A very brave and exceptional girl who all citizens,
whatever their faith or nationality, should be proud and grateful

Censorship is not uncommon when it comes to criticism of Israeli
actions. Americans don't want to offend Jews who have suffered so much,
so we censor ourselves. We so dread being labeled anti-Semitic that we
commit another sin - we stand by, or even assist Israel, as it
ethnically cleanses Palestinians from their land. We look the other way
when Israel wrongs Palestinians - or even our fellow Americans.

The survivors of Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty know the
routine. On June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War that Israel launched
against the Arabs, Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats attacked
the American intelligence ship USS Liberty for 75 minutes in
international waters. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 174 were
wounded. This shocking war crime has been hushed up by American
officials for years. Survivors were warned never to talk about the
worst day of their lives. They are labeled "anti-Semitic" when they
gather each year to remember their shipmates and call for an official
investigation of the attack.

Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu served 18 years in prison, 11 in
solitary confinement, for telling the world that Israel was working on
an illegal nuclear weapons program. While serving his sentence in
Israel Vanunu, who earlier had converted to Christianity, was adopted
by an American couple. Vanunu hoped to emigrate to the United States
after his release and live in peace and safety. But Israel won't even
let him leave Jerusalem, and the courts are trying to put him back in
jail and throw away the key. Americans are too polite to exert
political pressure on his behalf.

Israel-first Americans aren't so polite.

Just before the "My Name is Rachel Corrie" controversy erupted in New
York, the Washington Report received a note from Barbara Lubin,
executive director of the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA). Lubin
is a Jewish American activist who has dedicated her life to helping
Palestinian children survive Israel's occupation. She told us that MECA
had teamed up with the Berkeley Art Center and Alliance Graphics to
present an exhibit last November and December called "Justice Matters:
Artists Consider Palestine." In their works 14 Palestinian and American
artists addressed Israel's occupation and colonization of Palestine.

The artists, MECA and the Berkeley Art Center were attacked by the
Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and other people
who claimed to represent the mainstream Jewish community. According to
Jos Sances, curator of "Justice Matters," "there was even an effort to
close the show down and have the city withdraw its annual support for
the Berkeley Art Center."

Fourteen rabbis (one for each artist?) visited Berkeley's mayor to
condemn the exhibit. The artists were charged with glorifying violence
and terrorism, perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes and even lying
about their own history.

On the other hand, there was support from the community and e-mails to
the Berkeley Art Center included comments like: "A powerful, scathing
experience. Thank you for it" and "It was very thought provoking to see
the other side." Even an Israeli offered "my admiration for your
courage in showing this important protest art."

Organizers had hoped to make "Justice Matters" a traveling show to
raise money for a graphics and screen-printing workshop in the West
Bank's Dheisheh refugee camp. There aren't many communities which will
dare host it now. While Americans cherish freedom of speech, some words
and images are not welcome. Lubin concludes her note: "What about our
First Amendment rights to have an art exhibit in Berkeley, California?"

New York Theater's shocking cancelation of "My Name is Rachel Corrie"
is not the first time a brave voice was silenced - but let's make sure
it's the last.

Delinda C. Hanley is news editor of the Washington Report.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 15, 2006, 12:25:32 PM6/15/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 15, 2006

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US, Global Arms & Huge Infant Deaths

by Gideon Polya
June 14, 2006

MWC News

IN WORLD WAR ONE young men of the British Empire were exhorted to join
up to fight the Hun ( Hun or Boche being the popular names for a
German at the time). We are all familiar with the famous recruitment
poster in which a stern Lord Kitchener points and declares Britain
needs you. However an additional impetus for enlistment was given by
propaganda about the Boche bayoneting Belgian babies), a line that
was also used to get America into the war (see: CounterPunch ). Indeed
a version of this canard was used during the 1991 Gulf War, with the US
promulgating utterly false propaganda about Iraqi soldiers murdering
hundreds of Kuwaiti babies by tipping them out of humidicribs
(see: here ). However these lies of commission have given way to lies
of omission lying, racist, Anglo-American Mainstream Media will
simply NOT report the horrendous avoidable infant mortality that is
ACTUALLY occurring in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan
Territories because of gross Israeli, US, Coalition and NATO violation
of the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Civilians in Time of

The latest Yearbook of the Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute, the SPIRI Yearbook 2006, has reported the latest data on
global military expenditure (and here ). The US remains the worlds
biggest military spender, accounting for 48% of the 2005 global
military expenditure of $1.1 trillion. The worlds 15 biggest military
spenders in descending order are United States, Britain, France, Japan,
China, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia, India, South Korea,
Canada, Australia, Spain and Israel (the details and MWC News ). THE
IMPORTANT QUESTION is simply: what are the consequences of global arms
expenditure? This question can be answered in various ways as set out
below, but the short answer is simply that global arms expenditure is
linked to horrendous AVOIDABLE INFANT MORTALITY.

1. $1 trillion per annum would largely eliminate global avoidable

Avoidable mortality (technically, excess mortality) is the difference
between the actual deaths in a country and the deaths expected for a
peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics. Using UN
data it can be calculated that the post-1950 global avoidable
mortality has totaled 1.3 billion (of which about 60% have been
avoidable under-5 infant deaths). The annual avoidable mortality is
ZERO (0) in First World countries but is also ZERO in some very poor
countries with annual per capita incomes (2003 figures) of only about
$1,000 - notable examples being Cuba, Paraguay, Syria and Sri Lanka, in
which such modest incomes coupled with good governance, good primary
health care and relatively high literacy has enabled this excellent
outcome. The annual cost of lifting ALL countries up to an annual per
capita income of $1,000 is about $1.4 trillion. The annual global
avoidable mortality is about 16 million.

2. The dozen US-linked biggest military spenders are involved in war
criminal mass murder in Occupied countries.

Of the 15 biggest spenders, only 3, namely Russia, China and India,
are NOT involved in the illegal, criminal military occupation and
violation of other sovereign nations; the remainder have been
intimately involved in such gross violations in recent years. Thus the
United States, Britain, Japan, Italy, South Korea, Australia, and Spain
have all been involved in the illegal military occupation of Iraq
(Saudi Arabia has been a key accessory); the United States, its
Coalition partners Britain and Australia, and its NATO allies France,
Germany and Canada have supplied forces for the war criminal occupation
of Afghanistan (Saudi Arabia has been a key accessory through provision
of facilities); and Israel has been variously involved in the illegal
occupation of neighbouring countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and
the Occupied Palestinian Territories) for nearly 40 years and is
still illegally occupying the Occupied Palestinian Territories and part
of Syria. The post-invasion avoidable mortality in the Occupied
Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories totals 0.3, 0.5 and 1.8
million, respectively (about 60% are avoidable under-5 infant deaths).

3. European biggest military spenders are linked to huge colonial
and neo-colonial global avoidable mortality

Since liberation in the mid-1940s from the Japanese and the British,
respectively, China and the India have made huge inroads on reducing
avoidable mortality. Thus the annual death rate in British India was
a genocidal 3.5% in 1947 and is now only about 0.9% (still about 2-3
times higher than it should be but a vast improvement). While annual
avoidable mortality is about 3.7 million in India, it is ZERO (0) in
China, which has been much more successful than post-colonial India in
reducing endemic poverty. India and China, while having big military
budgets, have ESCHEWED imperialism and concentrated on improving life
for their citizens. South Korea and Japan have had minor involvements
in US Asian wars, specifically in Vietnam (South Korea) and in Iraq
(Japan) and have outstandingly good annual avoidable mortality outcomes
(zero) and under-5 infant mortality figures that are among the best in
the world. In contrast, using UN data one can calculate the post-1950
avoidable mortality (60% being avoidable under-5 infant deaths) in
countries that have been partially or completely occupied in the
post-WW2 era by the following 7 European biggest military spenders as
MAJOR occupiers: 82 million (United States), 727 million (Britain),
142 million (France), 37 million (Russia), 2 million (Australia), 9
million (Spain) and 24 million (Israel).

The former Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan resolved to eschew
militarism and imperialism in 1945 but are nevertheless on the list of
the top 15 biggest military spenders and have been persuaded to DIRTY
their international reputations through involvement in US wars in Asian
countries, namely Afghanistan and Iraq, respectively. Italy proposes
to withdraw from Iraq, but Germany and Japan are still up to their
necks in war crimes AGAIN the annual under-5 infant mortality in the
Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories totals 0.5 million (1,300 daily,
1 per minute and 90% avoidable), largely due to gross Coalition
violation of the Geneva Conventions.

What can decent people do about this horrendous, war criminal, US-led
passive genocide, mass murder, mass paedocide (pedocide) and mass
infanticide? Decent people are obliged to (a) inform everyone and (b)
behave ethically in all their personal and business dealings with
US-linked countries involved in the continuing passive mass murder of
nearly half a million infants every year in the Middle East and Central

Dr Gideon Polya, MWC News Chief political editor, published some 130
works in a 4 decade scientific career, most recently a huge
pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive
Compounds" (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London, 2003), and
is currently writing a book on global mortality --- Contact Dr.Polya By

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 15, 2006 12:51:10 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 14 Jun 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Depleted Uranium - An American War Crime That Has No End

The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States, defying all
international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on earth
including the human species, and yet this country continues to do so
with full knowledge of its destructive potential. Since 1991, the
United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry,
illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements,
as well as under US military law...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

Outrage of the day
Stan Goff

A Marine corporal has apologized after he was busted by the Council
on American-Islamic Relations for making a video of his musical
performance, before his company of Marines, who are cheering wildly
when the lyrics refer to killing Iraqi children especially the lyrics
"I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets
began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I
laughed maniacally. . .I blew those little fuckers to eternity . .
.They sho! uld have known they were fucking with the Marines." Of
course, the Marine Corps made an official statement that they did not
condone this kind of language and behavior, which is a great big
goddamn lie. They dont condone publicity about it. They followed
orders like good Germans when they massacred Fallujah; the term "hadji"
is as universally used as "gook" was in Vietnam; and when you see and
hear the video, it is apparent that everyone is showing loud, vocal
approval of it. That means it is a cultural NORM, yall. Bad apples, my
dyin ass!...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

Ibrahim Ebeid, Al-Moharer

President Bush never set foot in Baghdad. He does not dare because
Baghdad and all of Iraq are under the control of the Resistance. He
went to the Green Zone to instruct his stooges confined to a four
square miles around the Palace of the Republic of Iraq. This Palace,
which is the symbol of Iraq and its sovereignty was robbed by the
United States and became the residence of Khalilzad, the true ruler of
occupied Iraq. Maliki and the other stooges are n! o more than puppets
controlled when instructed and to repeat Bush's words when needed.
These puppets live in the Green Zone and do not dare to mix with the
Iraqi people (...) The secular government was replaced by a sectarian,
very fanatic and a reactionary one cornered in four square miles
protected by more than a quarter million foreign troops. The Iraqi
members of the legitimate government that built Iraq and made it
flourish are suffering in the occupation concentration camps; they
might be executed to satisfy the ego of the neo-cons in Washington
D.C., and their allies in the Zionist entity...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

Another Cover-Up? U.S. Troops Kill Two Iraqi Women, One of Them
Pregnant, in Samarra
Democracy Now!

...Nabiha Nisaif Jassim, a 35-year-old mother of two children, a
3-year-old boy named Ali and a 4-year-old daughter named Hashmiya, were
shot by a U.S. sniper in Samarra while Nabiha was being raced to the
hospital in order to give birth. Her brother, Redam Nisaif Jassim, was
driving the car and the two women were in the back seat when they were
fired upon. And I spoke with an Iraqi human rights investigator about !
the situation. This investigator went and investigated it firsthand
after they obtained news about what happened there. And it was very,
very clear that the car was shot from actually behind by a U.S. sniper.
There was no warning in the area. There was no sign put up by the U.S.
military; nothing marking the area that showed that it was prohibited
or that these people should not have been there...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

The war on children
John Pilger

... As in Palestine, the war in Iraq is against civilians, mostly
children. According to Unicef, Iraq once had one of the highest
indicators for the well- being of children. Today, a quarter of
children between the ages of six months and five years suffer acute or
chronic malnutrition, worse than during the years of sanctions. Poverty
and disease have risen with each day of the occupation. In April, in
British-occupied Basra, the European aid agency Saving Children from
War reporte! d: "The mortality of young children had increased by 30
per cent compared with the Saddam Hussein era." They die because the
hospitals have no ventilators and the water supply, which the British
were meant to have fixed, is more polluted than ever. Children fall
victim to unexploded US and British cluster bombs. They play in areas
contaminated by depleted uranium; by contrast, British army survey
teams venture there only in full-body radiation suits, face masks and
gloves. Unlike the children they came to "liberate", British troops are
given what the Ministry of Defence calls "full biological testing"...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:



From: Kevin Hammond <>
Date: June 13, 2006 2:25:59 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: One Nation Under Siege

From: "Director William Lewis" <>
Date: June 12, 2006 1:13:43 PM EST
Subject: One Nation Under Siege

A few years ago I released my first feature length film, 911 In Plane
Site. Many of you who saw it had honest questions that deserve
truthful answers, but very few people were willing to come forward and
tell their stories on camera.

In an effort to not let these questions die on the altar of silence, I
began planning a new film that would allow respected experts, authors,
and researchers the opportunity to speak to the American people and
attempt to respond to some of these important issues.

Say hello to Dave vonKleist, Jim Marrs, Joyce Riley, Dr. Stan Monteith,
General Albert Stubblebine, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Joan Veon, Derry
Brownfield, Liz McIntyre, Charlotte Iserbyt, and a few other
internationally respected experts as they introduce you to a very
special circle of friends where everyone has their very own Big Brother

One Nation Under Siege will instantly propel you into a world
dominated by spying, tracking, and control as you go behind enemy lines
drawn in our own backyards.

Through the education system, the mainstream media, and corporate
America it will become strikingly clear that the US Constitution and
the American way of life have been sacrificed on the all-mighty altar
of Corporatism by the very people that we have entrusted with their

Is it too late to rise to the occasion?

Do we have any hope of defeating this rapidly growing Big Brother

If we fail, what will the U.S. look like five years from now?

Please join us...


...and as always, thank you for helping us to spread the word. Keep it

William Lewis
Producer/Director: BridgeStone Media Group

Official website:


From: Cathy Garger <>
Date: June 14, 2006 10:49:22 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Disease in rense

Some might be pleased to know that this 9/11 Disease is the #3 listed
story on .


If the crazies and the psy ops aren't after you, then you're barking up
the wrong tree.

~ S.P. ~


From: Ecological Options Network <>
Date: June 14, 2006 8:42:48 PM EST
Subject: Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway

Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway

"A good reason Bush does not want to secure the border with Mexico may
be that the administration is trying to create express lanes for
Mexican trucks to bring containers with cheap Far East goods into the
heart of the U.S., all without the involvement of any U.S. union
workers on the docks or in the trucks".

by Jerome R. Corsi
Posted Jun 12, 2006

Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the
plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football-fields-wide,
through the heart of the U.S. along Interstate 35, from the Mexican
border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minn.

Once complete, the new road will allow containers from the Far East to
enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas,
bypassing the Longshoreman's Union in the process. The Mexican trucks,
without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will
be the nation's most modern highway straight into the heart of America.
The Mexican trucks will cross border in FAST lanes, checked only
electronically by the new "SENTRI" system. The first customs stop will
be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, their new Smart Port
complex, a facility being built for Mexico at a cost of $3 million to
the U.S. taxpayers in Kansas City.

As incredible as this plan may seem to some readers, the first Trans-
Texas Corridor segment of the NAFTA Super Highway is ready to begin
construction next year. Various U.S. government agencies, dozens of
state agencies, and scores of private NGOs (non-governmental
organizations) have been working behind the scenes to create the NAFTA
Super Highway, despite the lack of comment on the plan by President
Bush. The American public is largely asleep to this key piece of the
coming "North American Union" that government planners in the new
trilateral region of United States, Canada and Mexico are about to
drive into reality.

Just examine the following websites to get a feel for the magnitude of
NAFTA Super Highway planning that has been going on without any new
congressional legislation directly authorizing the construction of the
planned international corridor through the center of the country.
NASCO, the North America SuperCorridor Coalition Inc., is a "non-
profit organization dedicated to developing the world's first
international, integrated and secure, multi-modal transportation system
along the International Mid-Continent Trade and Transportation
Corridor to improve both the trade competitiveness and quality of life
in North America." Where does that sentence say anything about the
USA? Still, NASCO has received $2.5 million in earmarks from the U.S.
Department of Transportation to plan the NAFTA Super Highway as a
10-lane limited-access road (five lanes in each direction) plus
passenger and freight rail lines running alongside pipelines laid for
oil and natural gas. One glance at the map of the NAFTA Super Highway
on the front page of the NASCO website will make clear that the design
is to connect Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. into one transportation

Kansas City SmartPort Inc. is an "investor based organization supported
by the public and private sector" to create the key hub on the NAFTA
Super Highway. At the Kansas City SmartPort, the containers from the
Far East can be transferred to trucks going east and west,
dramatically reducing the ground transportation time dropping the
containers off in Los Angeles or Long Beach involves for most of the
country. A brochure on the SmartPort website describes the plan in
glowing terms: "For those who live in Kansas City, the idea of
receiving containers nonstop from the Far East by way of Mexico may
sound unlikely, but later this month that seemingly far-fetched notion
will become a reality."

The U.S. government has housed within the Department of Commerce (DOC)
an "SPP office" that is dedicated to organizing the many working groups
laboring within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada
to create the regulatory reality for the Security and Prosperity
Partnership. The SPP agreement was signed by Bush, President Vicente
Fox, and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Tex., on March 23,
2005. According to the DOC website, a U.S.-Mexico Joint Working
Committee on Transportation Planning has finalized a plan such that
"(m)ethods for detecting bottlenecks on the U.S.- Mexico border will be
developed and low cost/high impact projects identified in bottleneck
studies will be constructed or implemented." The report notes that new
SENTRI travel lanes on the Mexican border will be constructed this
year. The border at Laredo should be reduced to an electronic speed
bump for the Mexican trucks containing goods from the Far East to
enter the U.S. on their way to the Kansas City SmartPort.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is overseeing the
Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) as the first leg of the NAFTA Super Highway.
A 4,000-page environmental impact statement has already been completed
and public hearings are scheduled for five weeks, beginning next
month, in July 2006. The billions involved will be provided by a
foreign company, Cintra Concessions de Infraestructuras de Transporte,
S.A. of Spain. As a consequence, the TTC will be privately operated,
leased to the Cintra consortium to be operated as a toll-road.

The details of the NAFTA Super Highway are hidden in plan view. Still,
Bush has not given speeches to bring the NAFTA Super Highway plans to
the full attention of the American public. Missing in the move toward
creating a North American Union is the robust public debate that
preceded the decision to form the European Union. All this may be for
calculated political reasons on the part of the Bush Administration.

A good reason Bush does not want to secure the border with Mexico may
be that the administration is trying to create express lanes for
Mexican trucks to bring containers with cheap Far East goods into the
heart of the U.S., all without the involvement of any U.S. union
workers on the docks or in the trucks.

the Ecological Options Network
"What's Working Where, Worldwide"


Trying Times for Palestinians
by Ramzy Baroud
June 14, 2006

The political and ideological division separating Palestinian society
in the Occupied Territories has metamorphosed into a formidable chasm,
despite the urgent need to consolidate Palestinian national unity in
this current crisis.

And a time of crisis it is. Never since the concoction of the Israeli
state and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of nearly one million
Palestinians in 1947-48, has an Israeli government been as determined
as that of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to settle its account with the
Palestinians, in so vile and careless a way.

There is a growing realization among Israeli politicians that mirrors
a sense of fear and anxiety from a possible relegation of the political
hegemony and import of the United States. The US has served and
paradoxically inconsistently with its own interests the role of the
protector and provider, leaving Israel emancipated of any regional and
international accountability, free to pursue its own agenda
imperialistic and violently racist, as it were at the expense of the
Palestinians and its Arab neighbors. The Israeli heyday may be over
soon, due to growing predictions that the American project for
various reasons, notwithstanding the disaster-prone Iraq war is likely
to diminish in coming years. And without US patronage, Israel is much
less capable of serving as the regions bully.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon seemed fully aware of such
a reality. As one of Israels last pioneers and also the last of its
great Zionist elks, he wished to secure Israel, by unilaterally
claiming whichever territories he found strategic - based on military
logic, access to water aquifers and fertile lands and ditching
smaller pockets of land that were a demographic liability and were
strategically irrelevant.

Sharons unexpected incapacitation didnt mean the end of his historic
mission. To the contrary, his sudden absence helped his successor,
Olmert to rally overwhelmed Israelis around Sharons Kadima party
established precisely to carry out Sharons vision of a secured Israel.
Olmert has acquired three significant mandates to follow with what
Sharon has already started in his disengagement from the Gaza Strip:
that of the Israeli voters through the countrys recent elections,
another of a subtle understanding among the Knessets major political
parties, not withstanding his Labor partners and a less convincing nod
from President George W. Bush, which was understood by the Israeli
media as a green light to carry out his convergence plan.

The term convergence is another Israeli newspeak and is as deceiving
as Sharons disengagement. Its aimed at usurping the West Banks
most fertile land in the west and the inclusion of major Jewish
settlements blocks all illegal under international law to become
part of so-called Israel proper. Moreover, Olmerts plan also intends
to seize large swathes of Palestinian land in the east parallel to
the fertile Jordan valley estimated by some 40 percent of the total
size of the West Bank. The remaining Palestinian controlled
territories of the West Bank will be carved up into several major
pockets, very populated, some completely fenced and movement in and out
of such enclaves necessitates an Israeli permit. Such a system has
already been put into practice, especially between Occupied East
Jerusalem and surrounding areas. With the conversion of the Israeli
military check point at Qalandia adjacent to Jerusalem into an
international border point, Palestinians in the West Bank are treated
like foreigners wishing to enter alien territories. In other areas,
Palestinian farmers are urged to acquire permits to farm their own
land, as school kids queue up everyday, sometimes for hours in front of
Israeli fences, walls, and checkpoints just to be allowed passage to
their schools and back.

One need not be a world-class economist to deduce that such physical
restrictions will make it impossible for any economy to thrive in the
Palestinian territories, even after the Israeli unilateral
disengagement from the West Bank, expected within two years. Needless
to say, the Israeli scheme in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is a
violation of international law and represents the most obscene
disregard for human rights, as it aims to imprison an entire
population, holding its hopes and aspirations hostage to the decisions
of some Israeli boy soldiers manning hundreds of checkpoints dotting
the West Bank.

To achieve its grand design, Israel needs time and money; the latter
has been provided with enthusiasm and in abundance - courtesy of Uncle
Sam, who is, ironically broke. But to acquire time, Israel is relying
more than ever on Palestinian divisions and infighting.

The internal Palestinian strife preceding the advent of Hamas rise to
power, resulted in numerous gangs uniting under the Fatah party
umbrella. The gangs are largely managed by rich war profiteers, who
were affiliated with the PA and served as Israels allies in the
region. (Through their VIP cards, they traveled around, in and out the
Occupied Territories without any hindrances.) Neither the profiteers,
nor their clan-based gangs held to any ideological preference, nor did
they seem wary of the encroaching Israeli danger and what it means to
the Palestinian people and their enduring struggle for freedom.

Through their privileges with the Israelis, the PA and outside
donors they knitted an intricate system that is based on nepotism
and corruption. While the PAs top echelons turned a blind eye to the
belligerence of this crowd, both Israel and the US fully supported
them: Israel with free travel access and often weapons, and the US with
political validation and cash.

The results were devastating and pushed ordinary Palestinians to the
brink. The March Parliamentary elections in Palestine were a reflection
of the bitterness that followed. Palestinians from all walks of life
voted for what they perceived as the only viable political alternative:
Hamas. They did not vote for Islamic governance, nor did they wish to
see a rise in suicide bombings. (Its unfortunate that the medias
inane understanding of the conflict insists on seeing Palestinian
politics within these unrepresentative parameters).

The Hamas win was perceived as dangerous, yet embodied an opportunity
of sorts for Israel. It was an opportunity in the sense that it would
absolve Israeli completely from ever engaging in any sort of dialogue
with Palestinians; it was dangerous, because if the elected Palestinian
government managed to moderate its position, it would heap pressure on
Israel to engage Palestinians, which could slow down the ultimate
Israeli project in the Occupied Territories. To use the opportunities
and avoid any possible repercussions, Israel schemed to isolate the
Palestinian government internationally through cutting funds and any
diplomatic contacts and internally, by using its Palestinian allies
to create wide disturbances, instability and a state of chaos.
Ironically, Palestinian security forces have been sent on a mission
aimed at ensuring the opposite of both. The fact that a wider conflict
has been averted thus far is, in my opinion, a wonder.

Time is running out. Palestinians are under total isolation, aside
from friendly but superficial gestures from some Arab and Muslim
countries. Coupled with their failure to transcend above factional
divides and, pitiful and untimely quarrels, Palestinians are allowing
Israel the time and the pretense to carry out Sharons racist vision to
the last letter. The Israeli wall in its most literal and figurative
senses is closing in, and ordinary, defenseless Palestinians are
feeling the brunt of the siege and the inhumanity of the Israeli
occupation more than ever before. Its time fore Palestinian factions,
and those who still posses the wisdom and the courage to unite, to
speak out and to divert their energies to serve their nations
honorable fight for freedom. Indeed, Palestinians are living in one of
the most critical and historic times. Let it not be the most shameful
as well.

-American-Arab journalist Ramzy Baroud is the author of The Second
Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a Peoples Struggle (Pluto Press,

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From: Peter Myers <>
Date: June 15, 2006 4:05:51 AM EST
To: clem clarke <>

Subject: Mearsheimer & Walt get warm reception at US Naval College

(6) Israel says it didn't cause deadly blast on beach - Washington Post

Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:50:48 -0700 From: Jeff Blankfort

{Comment - JB} If this article was not written by a Zionist for a
pro-Israel publication, the article would have been with the
confirmation by the Human Rights Watch professional investigator on the
scene that Israel was in fact responsible for the Gaza attack. Instead
the story begins with Israel's denial and contains a comment that the
HRW inspector and battle damage expert Marc Garlasco held "open the
slim possibility that it was planted there by Palestinian militants,
although fragment patterns did not back that." I heard two interviews
with Garlasco and he was firmly convinced that it was an Israeli 155 mm
shell. Clearly, he was asked by this reporter if there wasn't a slim
possibility that it was a Palestine mine, although in his interviews he
said there is no evidence of a blast from below that a mine would make.

This denial of responsibility which appears to be as inherent in zionism
as is its contempt for non-Jews follows a similar pattern that we saw
in their killing of 12-year old Mohammed Dura at the beginning of the
intifada in which they claimed to have scientific proof that he had
been killed by Palestinian fire and then, of course, their complete
denial of the circumstances of the murder of Rachel Corrie and their
continuing campaign to besmirch her memory. {end Comment}
6061300806_pf.html ==

Israel Says It Didn't Cause Deadly Blast


The Associated PressTuesday, June 13, 2006; 6:52 PM

JERUSALEM -- Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Tuesday that Israel was
not responsible for a blast that killed eight Gaza beachgoers,
rebuffing Palestinian accusations that blamed an Israeli artillery

An Israeli inquiry concluded the blast was caused by an explosive
buried in the sand, not from Israeli shelling on the afternoon of the
Palestinian family's beach picnic.

It was not clear how the explosive got there, or whether it might have
been an unexploded Israeli shell from an earlier military barrage.
Peretz did not address that issue in his remarks. Israel has been
claiming that Hamas militants planted a device to set off against
Israeli commandos.

Maher Makdad of the Palestinians' Fatah movement rejected the Israeli
claims. "I only heard lies," he said. "I also heard an insistence on
continuing these practices, because if they admitted their mistake, we
could understand that they are ready to change their policies."

Peretz denied all responsibility.

"We have enough findings to back up the suspicion that the intention to
describe this as an Israeli event is simply not correct," Peretz said
at a Tel Aviv news conference on the inquiry's findings. "The
accumulating evidence proves that this incident was not due to Israeli

The bloody images of dead Palestinian civilians and wailing survivors
on the beach kindled anger against Israel that has swept around the

The seaside carnage contributed to a sudden spike in
Israeli-Palestinian violence. After the beach blast _ and Israeli
forces' killing of a top Gaza militant _ Hamas called off a 16-month
cease-fire that had significantly reduced casualties on both sides.

Human Rights Watch battle damage assessment expert Marc Garlasco said
he examined the shrapnel on the beach, saw the civilians' injuries and
concluded the blast was caused by an Israeli shell. He held open the
slim possibility that it was planted there by Palestinian militants,
although fragment patterns did not back that.

Unexploded ordnance left over from the current conflict as well as from
wars over the past century has been a problem in Gaza, where there are
several incidents a year of Palestinians wounded in blasts.

"Our information certainly supports, I believe, an Israeli shell did
come in," Garlasco said, ruling out a land mine. Garlasco, formerly of
the U.S. military, was the first neutral specialist to inspect the
scene. Israel is often critical of the human rights group's findings.

According to Israeli findings, shrapnel taken from two wounded
Palestinians who were evacuated to Israeli hospitals showed that the
fragments were not from the 155-millimeter shells used by Israeli

Showing aerial photographs and film, the head of the Israeli inquiry,
Maj. Gen. Meir Klifi, declared: "There is no chance that a shell hit
this area. Absolutely no chance."

Israel has been pounding northern Gaza with hundreds of artillery
shells for weeks, trying unsuccessfully to stop Palestinian militants
from setting up and launching homemade rockets at Israel.

In recent days, Israeli commando forces have entered Gaza to ambush
rocket squads.

Palestinians replied that militants were unlikely to plant bombs at a
beach teeming with hundreds of people every weekend.

"This is a false allegation, and the Israeli occupation state is trying
to escape from shouldering its responsibility by accusing Palestinians
without evidence or any proof," said Ghazi Hamad, a spokesman for the
Hamas-led Palestinian government.

"The eyewitnesses and the evidence that we have confirm that the
massacre is the result of Israeli shelling, and the allegation about
land mines planted by Palestinians is baseless," he said.

Palestinian lawmaker Saeb Erekat, who is close to President Mahmoud
Abbas, a Hamas rival, called for an international inquiry. He
complained that Israel was trying to blame the Palestinians and warned,
"this means that this crime could re-occur."

Klifi said the explosion took place between 4:47 p.m. and 5:10 p.m.,
and no Israeli shells were fired then.

The blast occurred on the outskirts of the town of Beit Lahiya, at the
edge of the area where Palestinian militants frequently fire rockets
toward Israel. The shore is frequented by hundreds of Palestinian
beachgoers on Fridays, a rest day in Gaza.

The army has accounted for five of six of the shells that it fired in
the area Friday evening before the beach explosion, Klifi said. None of
them exploded nearby. The one shell that is not accounted for was fired
before the five others _ more than 10 minutes before the blast that
killed the Palestinians, he said.

) 2006 The Associated Press


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The General, the New York Times and the Gitmo
Suicides: The Evil of Banality

by Anthony Alessandri
June 15, 2006

There are moments that require us to stop everything and take stock of
the time in which we are living. This is one such moment. Listen:

"They are smart, they are creative, they are committed," Admiral Harris
said. "They have no regard for life, neither ours nor their own. I
believe this was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical
warfare waged against us."

This is Rear Admiral Harry B. Harris, commander of the Guantanamo Bay
prison. His words appeared, without comment, in the first news reports
about three men, detained indefinitely and subjected to systematic
torture at the prison, who committed suicide on Saturday by hanging
themselves in their cells.

Take a moment to dwell on the admiral's words. Look especially at the
first sentence, at the adjectives used to describe the dead men:
"smart, creative, committed." There is a perverse compliment being paid
by the torturer to the tortured.

This attitude is also implicit in the follow-up article printed by the
New York Times the next day, with the headline: "Prisoners' Ruse Is
Suspected at Guantanamo." This, we learn from the article, should be
the focus of inquiry: not the circumstances that drove three men to
their deaths, but the question of how, given the fact that one of the
elements of their confinement was constant monitoring by their captors,
these men could have managed their "ruse."
The point of systematic torture, of course, is to force the tortured to
acknowledge, every minute of every day, that his life is in the hands
of his torturer. No wonder, then, that the prison's commanders and
their willing mouthpieces in the press are alarmed. In the most macabre
and tragic sense, these are the first escapees from Guantanamo.

Of course these were acts of despair, no matter what the torturers may
claim. Of course the many attempts by prisoners at Guantanamo to use
their bodies-all that is left to them-to protest against their
systematic and agonizing dehumanization have been acts of desperation.
Many of their ongoing efforts-for example, the hunger strikes that have
been violently broken through force-feedings-have been the tactics of
resistance used by other political prisoners: Irish prisoners held by
the British in Northern Ireland, South Africans in apartheid jails,
Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

These are acts of desperation, but in their tragic way, they are also
attempts to claim back some shred of humanity from the grasp of the
torturers. And so even the capacity to feel despair has to be denied
them by the torturers, at the very moment of their deaths. "I believe
this was not an act of desperation," the admiral assures us, "but an
act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us."

Leave aside "asymmetrical" for the moment, although under different
circumstances a sustained meditation on the abuse of language inherent
in the use of this term would be in order. Go right to this phrase: "an
act of warfare waged against us."

For this is the lynchpin of it all. "They" are being held in
Guantanamo, according to this version of the story, for having waged,
or tried to wage, or plotted to wage, or thought about waging, war
against "us" (thus the invention of the wholly unprecedented but
vaguely legal-sounding term "enemy combatants"). The subsequent charge
of "terrorism" is itself potent enough to preclude any further inquiry,
and, more important, to eliminate any concern for the treatment of the
human beings--human no longer, since they are now of the species known
as "terrorist"--during their confinement. The dehumanization carried
out through the physical acts of torture at Guantanamo (and, it should
be added, at prisons subsidized and run by the U.S. government
throughout the world) is thus both enabled and completed through this
linguistic torture.

When the flesh-and-blood human beings being held captive assert their
humanity through their bodies, whether through hunger strikes or
through suicide attempts, the linguistic torturers have to work
overtime. But they are able to do their work without much worry about
systematic opposition in this country. The White House dutifully
described the three men as "committed terrorists," and in response,
Democrats said nothing, since, as the *Times* reported, they are
"concerned about appearing to be sympathizing with detainees who could
turn out to have significant terrorist connections."

Here we should pause again. Three men at Guantanamo were, in essence,
tortured to death. Their names were Mani bin Shaman bin Turki
al-Habardi, Yasser Talal Abdulah Yahya al-Zahrani, and Ali Abdullah

What is most appalling about the discourse surrounding their suicides
is the banality of the language used to address their deaths. It is as
though nothing out of the ordinary has happened. This is what should
startle us out of our complacency: the thought that a situation in
which three men were literally driven to their deaths by the inhumanity
of their treatment is in fact all in a day's work for our government.

There are of course groups and individuals who have tried to break this
sense of complacency and to place Guantanamo, and the U.S. government's
policies of detainment, extraordinary rendition, secret prisons, and
systematic torture more generally, before the eyes of Americans. But
the fact that these men's suicides can be reported as "ruses" and "acts
of war" without provoking outrage reminds us of how much remains to be

One important part of this effort is to combat the specifically
dehumanizing work being done by the word "terrorist." It is not
necessary to prove the innocence of those being held prisoner at
Guantanamo in order to demand an end to their torture. Of course, a
cursory glance at the insane methods used to capture those who are now
detained there suggests that no legal case could be made against the
vast majority of the prisoners.

But the fundamental insistence should be that it simply does not
matter. Allowing the focus to be shifted to the question of innocence
versus guilt, of good and evil, of terrorism and acts of war, avoids
addressing the heart of the matter. Worse, it allows a shift into the
banal language that allows for generalizations about "us" and "them,"
the very language that underwrites the abuses of humanity carried out
by this government through its terroristic "war on terror."

The real focus must be on a place whose sole purpose is to torture
people until the only recourse that remains available to them is to
somehow bring about their own deaths. The focus must be on the fact
that Guantanamo is not simply an anomaly, not just an embarrassing
example of this government's zeal after September 2001 whose closure
will also close that distressing chapter. The focus must be on the
larger set of processes set in motion by this government, of which
Guantanamo is simply the most visible manifestation.

Appeals to the government to close down Guantanamo are not nearly
enough right now. We have to do more to make known the full extent of
the horror. Guantanamo Bay is not simply a place where men are dressed
in orange jumpsuits and placed in cages. It is a place where humanity
is being systematically destroyed. This is no metaphor. Perhaps it is
time to see that the responsibility for closing down Guantanamo
belongs, not to George W. Bush, but to us.

Listening to the admiral, to the most recent _expression of the
banality of evil flowing from his lips, only one conclusion can be
drawn: the United States has absented itself from humanity. Until those
living in this country can find a way to stop this government, the
admiral's phrase should be applied to us: "They have no regard for

Anthony Alessandrini teaches English at Kingsborough Community
College/CUNY in Brooklyn, NY, and is a member of the Action Wednesdays
Against War collective in New York City. He can be reached at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "paul illich" <>
Date: June 14, 2006 2:30:06 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: BOLIVIA: Moraless 'agrarian revolution

BOLIVIA: Moraless 'agrarian revolution
Pablo Stefanoni, La Paz

The arrows being fired between President Evo Morales and sectors of the
Bolivian business elite found a new setting on June 2: the city of Santa
Cruz de la Sierra. The heart of this rich area, which has embarked on an
offensive in favour of regional autonomy, was taken over by poor
who arrived from the most far-flung populations to celebrate the launch
the agrarian revolution headed by Morales.

Justice, land and liberty, exclaimed some of the placards, carried by
inhabitants of the other Santa Cruz. Their faces and silhouettes
contrasted with the tall, white and English speaking definition of the
people of Santa Cruz recently offered by a Miss Bolivia.

This was the setting chosen by the Bolivian president to respond in
and deeds to the challenge launched two days before by a group of
organisations that had criticised Moraless economic policies,
including his
projected agrarian reform.

When did these bosses organisations raise their voices against
ambassadors that acted as viceroys? When did they oppose the entry of
foreign soldiers in order to massacre and humiliate the indigenous
and peasants in the name of 'zero coca?, he asked the peasants that
arrived to support him.

On June 2, seven of the nine private business owners confederations
published an appeal that denounced the new government for lacking an
economic plan, rejected the nationalisation of hydrocarbons and
the ideological adventure that was creating a strong dependence on
and Venezuela.

The following day, Morales responded by describing the business owners
manifesto as a solicitation of a group of militants from Podemos [the
right-wing opposition] against the nationalisation of hydrocarbons. At
same time, Morales distinguished between productive and patriotic
owners and those who are traitors and parasites of the state. Morales
emphasised his 81% support in recent polls. Those polls are only taken
the cities, in the countryside I feel 100% support, he said.

The other battlefront that opened up on June 1 was against the large
landowners of the National Agrarian Confederation (CAN), whose
representatives withdrew from dialogue with the government, unhappy
with the
official policy of redistribution of idle and public land. They say
the peasants have taken over land, but the landowners, their parents and
grandparents have subjugated us for more than 500 years and even today
continue to take over public lands, Morales said to applause. Until
we have been talking of public land, but the next step will be the large
landowners who do not comply with their social and economic function. I
not afraid, Morales roared.

The issue of land is one of the thorniest that the Bolivian government
on its hands, as it also converges with the Santa Cruz elites claims to
autonomy. It is not a coincidence that one of the main demands of these
elites is that the local government should be able to hand out titles
property that cannot be revised by the national government.

On June 3, Morales accompanied his words with action; he signed decrees
envisaging the distribution of public land (around 2.5 million hectares)
among communities and peasant unions as well as revoking the
concessions on
forest areas that had been transformed into the property of dealers by
previous government of Carlos Mesa.

Morales explained to his followers that the agrarian reform of 1953 only
distributed land, while the current agrarian revolution is about
markets and modernisation of farming.

To round off his challenge to the business elites, Morales launched an
attack against the owner of Unitel, the main television network, which
opposed to the government. I am telling the Monasterios family to
their land, acquired through trafficking, or else we will take it off

Morales also referred to one of the governments successes of that
week: the
tender of the El Mutun iron ore mine, which had generated strong
with Santa Cruz after the government postponed its tender earlier this
and which has now ended up in the hands of an Indian company, Jindal
and Power. Morales emphasised that the situation when he came to power
the one the oligarchs wanted we were only going to export primary
materials without any benefits for the state, but now, the resources
be industrialised.

[To read Moraless statement in response to the business owners
declaration, visit <>.]

From Green Left Weekly, June 14, 2006.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 17, 2006, 2:14:53 PM6/17/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 17, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Perhaps one or two elements of this interesting piece directly
below are hyperbolic.
In any case, it's quite logical to imagine that at the beginning
of what gets subsumed historiographically (quite obscenely) as The Age
of Overkill, control of the US Government started to shift from those
who control the largest sums of money to those who control the most
lethal weapons. Now in the late stages of this transition we see the
US military moving confidently from covert to overt control of
civilians in the US and elsewhere. (It is so confident that it even
tries to get away with interpreting that recent triple suicide at
Guantanamo as an act of war.)
What's not clear, though, is whether in '68 the civilian side of
the US Government (1) assigned the US military to control demonstrators
at the Chicago Democratic Convention, (2) begged them to do so or (3)
the military took control autonomously. Did the '63 JFK-murder coup
d'etat bring the military to power? Remember that the abuse of his
body--immediately after his murder--took place in a navy hospital.
But it's clear that Mayor Daley and the Chicago police were
patsies for the US military. The style of the suppression in that
instance came straight from this or that banal military
counter-insurgency manual of that period. (I say this as a former US
army officer and also as a Yippie.) Was the military assigned to
destroy the Yippie and anti-war movements or did it do so autonomously?
In any case, the scenario called for a one-two punch: first the
vicious suppression in Chicago (cf., David Lewis Stein's LIVING THE
REVOLUTION, Bobbs-Merrill, '69), then in '70 the military's murder of
four peaceful unarmed anti-war demonstrators at Kent State University
as a warning to middle-class parents that their children's lives were
in danger whenever they weren't totally obedient to the values of those
controlling them. That no one was ever brought to trial for these
murders (a forerunner of the pervasive US military behavior in Iraq
now) is quite a stark indication of US military power within domestic
US politics. Ever since, US activism has been a shadow of its former
self--the noble efforts of Earth First!, ALF, ELF and Green Anarchy
Another interesting question in efforts to understand which
faction has the greatest clout within the general Fourth Reich control
system is that pertaining to the Zionists (see Henri-the-Celt's comment
in the second piece below): are they in charge or merely fronting for
certain cabals formed around certain European royal
families--especially the Dutch and Brit ones? Remember that Leuren
Moret has cited the goyim of the English royal family as responsible
for depleted uranium.
The Zionists are so warlike that I suspect the greatest resistance
to them within power circles is from those more interested in the
general prosperity of the various transnational stock markets, bourses,
etc than merely in the prosperity of the war and security sectors
within just a few of the bourses.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

PS: It's a bitterly amusing irony that in the third piece below laments in progressive circles the lack of attention on
the Bush Junta's theft of the '04 US election, while itself remaining
opportunistically silent about the even greater scandal of that same
junta's engineering of the false-flag, inside-job, black-op 9/11 events
which killed nearly three thousand of its own citizens. Till BuzzFlash
indeed starts dealing with this in an accurate manner, its
policy-makers must be regarded as ULs (Utter Laughingstocks). Ditto
for,, the US Green Party, Amy Goodman, Dennis
Bernstein, Norman Solomon, Danny Schechter, Medea Benjamin, Noam
Chomsky, etc ad nauseum.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 17, 2006 2:40:17 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: From Pravda... A MUST READ!

Here's what Russian intelligence says is going on in the USA...

"The ignorance of the American people to these most crucial of events
changing the very structure of the government they live under is both
appalling and a testament to the power of their propaganda media organs
controlled by their military leaders to deceive them on a scale not
seen since Nazi Germany, which was the worlds last
democratically-elected government to assume full dictatorial military

"The twilight of this once-great nation has indeed come upon the
American people, but after twilight comes utter darknessand which they
enter into now unprepared for the true horrors they will soon be

Russian intelligence says constitutional crisis
in the USA takes deadly turn

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 0.gif]
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting that the ongoing
constitutional crisis that has erupted in the United States has taken a
decidedly deadly turn as counter-coup forces attempting to block access
to the American capitol engaged in a brief gun battle with US Army
Special Forces leaving at least 3 dead.

Of this currently unfolding event we can read as reported by Englands
Times Online News Service in their article titled "US Capitol Sealed
Off After Gunshots Heard," and which says:

"Police sealed off part of Capitol Hill today after reports that
gunshots had been heard in the garage of a House of Representatives
office building. The shots were heard in the garage level of the
Rayburn Building, which houses offices of members of the US House of
Representatives. Bill Pickle, the Senate Sergeant at Arms, told
Reuters: "We have been told by staff of shots fired and the smell of
smoke in the lobby of the Rayburn House building ."

Russian Intelligence reports further state that the United States Army
has activated for this event their 4th Psychological Operations Group /
Task Organization and which was the US military unit that coordinated
the mis/disinformation campaign during the events of September 11, 2001
to such great effect.

The causes behind this latest escalation between the coup and
counter-coup forces in the United States stem from the American
President's attempt to wrest total control of his country from both its
elected representatives and its judiciary, and as we can read as
reported by Italys Bellaciao News Service in their article entitled
"Bush Asserting Powers Accrued By Hitler," and which says:

"President Bush has used 'signing statements' hundreds of times to
vitiate the meaning of statutes passed by Congress. In effect, Bush is
vetoing the bills he signs into law by asserting unilateral authority
as Commander In Chief to bypass or set aside the laws he signs. For
example, Bush has asserted that he has the power to ignore the McCain
Amendment Against Torture, to ignore the law that requires a warrant to
spy on Americans, to ignore the prohibition against indefinite
detention without charges or trial, and to ignore the Geneva
Conventions to which the U. S. is signatory."

In effect, Bush is asserting the same powers seized by Adolf Hitler in
1933. His Federalist Society apologists and Department of Justice
appointees claim that President Bush has the same power to interpret
the Constitution as the Supreme Court. An Alito Court is likely to
agree with this false claim.

Bush Justice Department official and Berkeley law professor John Yoo
argues that no law can restrict the President in his role as Commander
In Chief. Thus, once the president is at war - even a vague, open-ended
"war on terror" - Bushs Justice Department says the president is free
to undertake any action in pursuit of war, including the torture of
children and the indefinite detention of American citizens.

In a further bid this week to tighten their grip upon the United
States, military leaders have announced that their nations judges no
longer have oversight over their actions, and as we can read as
reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "US Says
Gov't, Not Courts, Should Judge Spy Secrets," and which says:

"The United States government, not any court, is the best judge of
whether to keep programs such as its controversial effort to eavesdrop
on citizens a secret, an assistant attorney general said on Wednesday.
Peter Keisler, an assistant attorney general, and other U. S.
officials made the claim in the latest filing to a lawsuit alleging
that telecommunications firm AT&T illegally allowed the government to
monitor phone conversations and e-mail communications.

"In cases such as this one, where the national security of the United
States is implicated, it is well established that the executive branch
is best positioned to judge the potential effects of disclosure of
sensitive information on the nation's security," they wrote in a filing
on Wednesday evening."

But perhaps the greatest threat to the American people surrounding
these events was the military leaders of the United States launching an
unprecedented raid upon their nation's Capitol Building, and as we can
read as reported by the Chicago Sun Times News Service in their
article titled "Bush Woos Fiery Hastert With 45-Day Cooldown", and
which says:

"President Bush ordered a 45-day cooling off period Thursday between
Congress and the Justice Department in a battle over a lawmaker's
seized documents, a bid to patch frayed relations between the White
House and House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert.

"Hastert, usually a Bush loyalist, on Thursday accused the Justice
Department of trying to intimidate'him by leaking information to ABC
News. The leak was prompted, he said, by his complaints about a weekend
FBI raid of Rep. William Jefferson's Capitol Hill office. The
Louisiana Democrat is the target of an FBI corruption probe. The
Sun-Times learned that Hastert confronted Bush with his concerns over
the FBI raid during the president's trip to Chicago on Monday to
address the National Restaurant Association."

"Our government has not faced such a dilemma in more than two
centuries," Bush said in a statement.

The military leaders of the United States equally appear ready to
launch further attacks upon the American lawmakers, and as we can read
as reported by Chinas Xinhua News Service in their article titled,
"FBI Wants To Investigate Lawmakers Over Leak Of Secret Spying
Program," and which says:

"The U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wants to interview
top members of Congress from both parties about the leak to The New
York Times concerning the National Security Agency's (NSA) domestic
surveillance program, CNN reported Thursday."

These events also come on the same day that the United States military
leaders have obtained for the first time in their history, complete
control of all of their once civilian organizations by the appointment
of their nation's top general to head the much-feared Central
Intelligence Agency, and as we can read as reported by the American ABC
News Service in their article titled, "Senate Confirms Hayden As CIA
Director", and which says:

"After hearing assurances he will be independent of the Pentagon, the
Senate on Friday easily confirmed Gen. Michael Hayden, a career Air
Force man, to head the CIA. Hayden, a four-star general, currently is
the top deputy to National Intelligence Director John Negroponte.
Hayden, 61, would be the first active-duty or retired military officer
to run the spy agency in 25 years."

The United States Air Force, and which had remained the only one of
the American military branches to voice concern over the US military
seizing control of their country, was retaliated against for their
opposition by having their forces dramatically cut, and as we can read
as reported the US Armys Stars & Stripes News Service in their article
titled, "Rumsfeld: Air Force Cuts Aimed At Balancing Cost,
Capabilities", and which says:

"An Air Force plan to eliminate 40,000 personnel over five years is
driven by advances in technology and the need to cut personnel costs,
said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Friday."

An United States Air Force general, when advised of the drastic cuts to
his forces which mainly comprise their intelligence and security
branches, has, like the United States Congress top leader, had a
concentrated propaganda campaign launched against him, and as we can
read as reported the KNX News Service in their article titled "Highest
USAF Officer Target of FBI Probe", and which says:

"ABC News is reporting that the U. S. Air Force's highest-ranking
officer and his predecessor are are being investigated by the FBI over
a $49.9 million dollar contract for the air force demonstration
squadron known as the Thunderbirds. The network says the Bureau is
looking into charges that General Michael Moseley and General John
Jumper favored a friend, Air Force General Hal Hornburg with a
Thunderbirds contract.

"The Air Force, responding to the report, said in a statement:
"Unfortunately, because of the ongoing litigation and investigation it
is inappropriate to address specifics concerning the issue." Lilkewise,
a spokesman for Moseley did not return calls asking for a comment but
ABC News says all three of the generals are denying any wrongdoing ."

To those reporting on these events within the United States itself
they remain terrified as to the growing threat of their Military
Leaders, and whom have now raised the specter of jailing all dissident
journalists, and as we can read as reported by the American Capitol
Hill News Service in their article titled Bush Wants To Jail Reporters
Who Caught Him Breaking the Law", and which says:

"Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says the Bush Administration may
prosecute New York Times reporters who wrote about the NSA's spying on
Americans, which means Bush can break the law by ordering the spying
but he wants to prosecute reporters who caught him breaking the law."

Virtually unknown to the American people about what their Nation has
become is that the United States now has more imprisoned than did Nazi
Germany immediately prior to World War II, and as we can read as
reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled
"Number of U. S. inmates rises 2 percent", and which says:

"Prisons and jails added more than 1,000 inmates each week for a year,
putting almost 2.2 million people, or one in every 136 U. S.
residents, behind bars by last summer. The report by the Justice
Department agency found that 62 percent of people in jails have not
been convicted, meaning many of them are awaiting trial ."

The ignorance of the American people to these most crucial of events
changing the very structure of the government they live under is both
appalling and a testament to the power of their propaganda media organs
controlled by their military leaders to deceive them on a scale not
seen since Nazi Germany, which was the worlds last
democratically-elected government to assume full dictatorial military

The twilight of this once-great nation has indeed come upon the
American people, but after twilight comes utter darknessand which they
enter into now unprepared for the true horrors they will soon be

Jack Duggan


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 16, 2006 11:41:45 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Cabalistic US Fedgovt steals $4 trillion from apparent

Cabalistic US Fedgovt steals $4 trillion
from apparent Fedgovt....

...and that was just before 9/11...

Comment: Fascinating! The government itself is stealing from itself...
to do what with the money? Let's see, the government was already in the
pocket of the Zionists, wasn't it? And the Twin Towers housed just a
lot of financial records that went up in smoke in the disaster, not
true? Ah sooo.....

The following is an edited version of the original source, "Saving
Tennessee - Tennessee's Get Our Money Back Campaign 2002," at: As the author
wrote in the original, "You are encouraged to take over, lead,
republish, forward, or otherwise use all or any part [of this work] ".

This version emphasizes the fact that the United States government
will not account for over 3 trillion dollars "missing" from the
Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban
Development for fiscal years 1998, 1999 and 2000. Today state
governments are purportedly having to cut back millions of dollars from
their annual budgets because money is supposed to be so tight. Yet U.S.
federal departments' budgets do not account for fiscal systems they are
responsible for by orders of magnitude more than individuals have any
practical knowledge or experience of. How can there be any genuine
responsibility, integrity or legitimacy in the system of corporate
governance practiced here in America?

See Also:
Where is the money? - Demand Accountability Now
U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At Last, Scoop, 5/26/03
Oh, no - Pentagon loses $2.3 trillion, by Uri Dowbenko, 2/17/02


Saving Tennessee

There is $3.3
Trillion Missing From HUD & DOD in FYs 1998-2000
by Catherine Austin Fitts
4 July 2002


The Missing Money:
Why Tennesseens Are Working Harder and Getting Less

State by State Breakdown:
What the Missing Money is Costing You and Your Family

Letter To Congressman Van Hilleary (R-TN)
Letter Sent to Tennessee Candidates

Questions For Van Hilleary:
Actions You Have Taken to Identify and Return Our Missing Money

How the Money Works in Your Government

"Government Fails Fiscal-Fitness Test" --
From Kelly O'Meara's Missing Money Series in Insight

* * * * * *
Fellow Citizens of Tennessee:

Learn more about the missing money -- $3.3 trillion of undocumentable
adjustments ("missing money") in the federal government, fiscal years
1998, 1998, and 2000. That's $11,700 per American resident.

Tennessee's 1999 individual taxes:
$29.4 billion
Tennessee's annualized share of $3.3 trillion of the missing money:
$20.2 billion

EDITOR'S NOTE: This page is illustrated with a series of Mr Global
cartoons. For the full series on one page see Real Deal: Saving
Tennessee The Cartoon Series.
[For daily Mr Global cartoons see Mr. Global
is written by Justin Ward and Chris Sanders and drawn by Justin Ward. )
. Sanders Research Associates and Justin Ward 1999-2003. All rights
reserved. Send enquiries about Mr. Global to Mr. Global is available for syndication on
a daily, weekly or monthly basis. CDs of the complete Mr. Global to
date (pdf) are available.]

The Missing Money:
Why Tennesseens Are Working Harder & Getting Less

To continue with this page please go to


Was the
2004 Presidential Election Stolen?:

Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count (Paperback)

by Steve Freeman, Joel Bleifuss

It is odd to BuzzFlash that so many progressives still think that the
possibility that the Busheviks stole the 2004 election is some sort of
fringe theory.

After all, they stole the 2000 election. Why wouldn't they do it again,
if they could? In fact, it defies common sense to think that getting
away with one robbery, they, all of a sudden, wouldnt try it a second

So many individuals have uncovered the evidence of a multi-pronged
approach to suppressing and altering the votes by Republicans (the
latter theory rooted in the private ownership of electronic voting
machine tabulating software). Why then is the GOP penchant for stealing
elections still a taboo topic among mainstream media and Democrats?

After all, it's only likely to get worse and more sophisticated
with each election.

BuzzFlash has featured several books on the issue, as well as ongoing
links to websites that cover voting fraud and the electronic voting
machine scam.

We strongly recommend another edition to this growing library: "Was the
2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the
Official Count."

Steven E. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss are the co-authors. Freeman is the
University of Pennsylvania academic specializing in polling. It was
Freeman's groundbreaking study that gave the gravitas to the notion
that the exit polling showing Kerry winning the election by a
comfortable margin was statistically likely to be true. In fact, the
likelihood that Bush would have "won" despite the large exit-polling
advantage for Kerry was about equal to being struck by lightning in the
Mojave Desert.

"Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?" is a book grounded in a
thorough, detailed examination of the data. It is grounded in fact.

It is also eminently readable for such an exhaustively researched book.

As the authors note in their chapter on how the media has ignored the
questions raised by the 2004 election, "That a journalistic examination
of the exit-poll discrepancy is deemed 'not fit to print' by both the
corporate and the independent media indicates how far our standards
have devolved. It seems undeniable to us that the very same set of
facts applied to a foreign election anywhere in the world would have
garnered front-page coverage in every American newspaper and would have
been the lead story on every American news program. If election fraud
in Ukraine or Haiti is news, why isnt election fraud in the United

This is a question we ignore at great peril to our democracy.

We know the presidency was stolen in 2000. This book, along with others
that BuzzFlash has featured, makes an extremely strong case that it was
stolen again in 2004.

How long can we keep letting the Republicans get away with mugging


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Massacre on a Beach in Gaza
by Mike Whitney
June 16, 2006

Israel doesnt bother with low-intensity warfare anymore. It goes
straight for the jugular. Day after day Israel has launched unprovoked
attacks on Palestinian civilians only pausing long enough to assemble
the requisite lies to fend off the media.

Its quite extraordinary. One day they blow up a family peacefully
touring in their new car; killing 3 generations with one mighty blast,
and then a few days later they fire a mortar round at a beach in Gaza
wiping out 7 members of another family. The entire incident in Gaza was
captured on video providing a heart-wrenching visual-account of a
traumatized 12 year old girl running around while the limp and bloodied
bodies of her parents are carted off to the morgue.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts response to the tragedy was
astonishingly bland:

"The IDF is the most moral military in the world. There has never been,
and there isnt now, a policy of attacking civilians."

Olmerts proclamations are meaningless; the IDF is neither more nor
less "moral" than any other "organized killing-machine". The IDF simply
reflects the prevailing ethos of the Israeli leadership; a leadership
steeped in arrogance and racism. If we look at the recent American
massacre in Iraq, we see that theres a straight line between the
"execution-style" killing of women and children in Haditha and the Bush
administrations promiscuous attitude towards torture and cruelty. A
fish rots from the head; so it is with the military as well. The
culture of impunity begins at the leadership level, not with a few "bad

This explains why the very next day Israel fired off another 3 rockets
into Gaza killing 9 more Palestinians including two children and one
medic who was attending to the wounded. The policy hasnt changed a
lick. The only difference is that the backlash from the Gaza massacre
is now be managed by an Israeli public relations team.

According to the Jerusalem Post,

"The Israeli Foreign Ministry has launched an information campaign to
change the minds of the world that has already blamed Israel.Israels
message is simple: The Palestinians are responsible".

Once again, Israel has decided to invoke the familiar strategy of
"blaming the victim". Fortunately, forensic evidence has already proved
beyond a doubt that the shrapnel came from a "155 millimeter howitzer
shell from a land-based Israeli firing device". On top of that, the
last surviving member of the family, 12 year old Huda Ghalia, has
provided a lurid description of the Israeli shelling of the beach.

"We were sitting and all of a sudden the shells just started falling on
our heads," she said. What could be clearer?

Theres no doubt that Israel is responsible. Their PR blitz is bound to
fail. Never the less, Israel has drawn up 6 "talking points" that will
be reiterated by government officials and agents in the media. The
public relations campaign focuses on three main themes:

1. Deny everything

2 Blame the victim (Say that Hamas had land-mined the beach)

3. Create the appearance that Israel was just defending itself.

The Foreign Ministry has added 6 "bullet points" to these general
ideas, but theyre hardly worth going over except as a way of measuring
the real depth of human cynicism. After all, were talking about the
life of one despondent, terrified girl whose parents have just been
murdered in a senseless act of violence. Olmert has taken that tragic
event and transformed it into an exercise for manipulating public
perceptions. Thats really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The broader question that arises from the Gaza Beach Massacre is
whether Israel is deliberately killing civilians or not? Certainly
Israel has never backed away from its defense of "targeted
assassinations", but does that imply that killing innocent Palestinians
can be rationalized as a matter of policy?

Heres a statement issued by the Israeli Foreign Ministry on this point:

"Israel does not target innocents, yet must fight terrorists who
willingly shield themselves behind their own population in their
ongoing campaign to kill and maim Israeli civilians".

The Israeli statement actually creates more questions than answers. It
is clear, however, that the fight against terrorism is given priority
over the lives of civilians, and that the state claims the right to
kill "terror suspects" whether innocent people are sacrificed or not.
This is a radical idea and it overturns long-held precedents about the
"inalienable" right to life.

But how can the state authorize "targeted assassinations"? Government
officials are required to comply with the law. Targeted assassinations
are "extra-judicial" by their very nature; it is the deliberate killing
of someone who has never been charged with a crime and has been
deprived of all due process. The victim has no way to defend himself
from completely arbitrary allegations. In Israels case, the decision
for these summary executions is placed in the hands of unreliable
militarists, like Sharon, who have a long pedigree of lying and war

Are these people who can be trusted pronouncing death sentences on
Palestinian "suspects"?

Targeted assassination is premeditated slaughter; it has no place in
civilized societies. Theres no link between justice and murder; the
two are polar opposites. Security concerns should not be allowed to
transform the law into a weapon for autocrats.

Never the less, targeted assassination is a central part of Israeli
policy in the territories. As a result, incidents like the one on the
beach in Gaza occur with increasing frequency. This leads us to
question whether or not Israel has a policy of killing civilians.

The fact that 12 year old Huda Ghalya and her family were not
intentionally fired on makes no difference. The issue is whether Israel
has made reasonable assumptions about how many innocent people will be
sacrificed in executing their policy.

We assume they have. We assume that Israel knows that from 2001, 552
Palestinians have been killed in Israeli assassinations, and that, 181
of these have been people who just happened to be in the vicinity or
tried to help the victims when other missiles were fired. These figures
prove that Israel knows "exactly" what the effects of its policy are,
and that they still believe it is worth the outcome. Therefore, we can
say with certainty that the killing of innocent people is a fundamental
part of Israels calculation. Whether it is intentional or not, makes
no difference.

In Nigel Parrys "Does Israel have a Policy of Killing Palestinian
Civilians?" the author digs into the larger issues surrounding targeted

"After you see someone kill a child, you perceive humans very
differently after that. We like to assume that when such a completely
inexcusable event takes place that the deaths happened by some kind of
"accident" or "error".

"Crossfire" was perhaps Israels most successful lie at the onset of
the Second Intifada, and no amount of statistics showing otherwise
really seemed to penetrate our consciousness and make a difference.

It made no difference because inside we desperately want to believe
that the murderers and serial killers of this world are aberrations,
rare, that they are sick or somehow different. This conclusion is not
possible when you witness a common, recurring pattern with your own
eyes, across an entire army. At some point something gives way inside,
and your fantasies about basic human decency crumble." (Electronic

Parry draws from his years of first-hand experience living in the
occupied territories and witnessing the violent reaction of the IOF to
Palestinians protests. In the many cases when he saw young Palestinians
shot dead by Israeli soldiers, he never remembers an incident when any
of the soldiers were in a life-threatening situation. Parry continues:

"Out of nowhere, when the energy of the clashes seemed to be
dissipating, a soldier would suddenly shoot a child or teenager, 100
feet away from them or more . Let me be clear. The events I am
describing, in the clashes where people died, were not the exception.
They were the rule. And not one soldier was ever punished."

Parrys description is revealing on many levels. The violence against
Palestinians is oftentimes gratuitous, tribal, and steeped in racism.
No one was punished in the confrontations he witnessed and no one will
be held accountable for the deaths of 8 family members on the beach in
Gaza. It is all part of a culture of impunity which has saturated every
aspect of the Israeli leadership and trickled down to the soldiers in
the field.

Israels obfuscations mean nothing. They simply reinforce the belief
that Israel will not conform to internationally-accepted standards of
justice until it elects leaders who are committed to following the rule
of law. Targeted assassination is never acceptable. It is a violation
of the most essential principle of law; the right to life. No amount of
public-relations wizardry or buck-passing can justify firing missiles
into crowded areas or the random killing of blameless civilians. The
law is written to protect civilians against disasters like the tragedy
in Gaza, where a girls life was ruined in a flash by an errant
mortar-round. If the law had been applied, the order would never have
been given and young Huda would not have been left wailing inconsolably
on the sand.

The law is our only refuge from the terror of the state. We should make
sure our leaders comply.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Date: June 17, 2006 3:35:31 AM EST
Subject: A history of thuggery

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Puerto Rico
South Vietnam

What do these 14 governments have in common?

You got it.

The United States overthrew them.

And in almost in every case, the overthrow can be traced to corporate

In Hawaii, the sugar companies didn't want to pay export duties -- so
they overthrew the queen of Hawaii and made it part of the United

In Guatemala, United Fruit wanted Arbenz out.

Out he went.

In Chile, Allende offended the copper interests.

Allende -- dead.

In Iran, Mossadegh offended major oil interests.

Mossadegh out.

In Nicaragua, Jose Santos Zelaya was bothering American lumber and
mining companies.

Zelaya -- out.

In Honduras, an American banana magnate organized the coup of the
Honduran government.

And on down the list.

Democratic Party critics charge that the Bush administration is ripping
the United States from a long history of diplomacy by violently
overthrowing governments.

Not true, says former New York Times foreign correspondent Stephen

Kinzer says that in fact the opposite is true.

"Actually, the United States has been overthrowing governments for more
than a century," Kinzer said in an interview.

He documents this in a new book: Overthrow: America's Century of Regime
Change from Hawaii to Iraq (Times Books, 2006).

Overthrow is the third in a series of regime change books by Kinzer.

His previous two: All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of
Middle East Terror (2003), and Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the
American Coup in Guatemala (1982).

Together, they would make a remarkable "regime change" boxed set for

Kinzer left the Times last year. He says that the parting was
amicable" -- although he doesn't sound convincing when he says this.

What is clear is that Kinzer is not comfortable with establishment
rationales for the American imperial project.

This became clear during an interview Kinzer gave on NPR's Fresh Air
with Terry Gross earlier this month.

Gross tried to get Kinzer to concede that if we hadn't overthrown these
governments, the Soviets would have taken over, or today, radical Islam
will take over.

Kinzer didn't give an inch.

For example, Gross said that had we not overthrown these 14
"the Soviets might have won the Cold War."

"I don't think that's true at all," Kinzer responded. "In the first
place, the countries whose governments we overthrew, all countries that
we claimed were pawns of the Kremlin, actually were nothing of the
We now know, for example, that the Kremlin had not the slightest
interest in Guatemala at all in the early 1950s. They didn't even know
Guatemala existed. They didn't even have diplomatic or economic

"The leader of Iran who we overthrew was fiercely anti-communist. He
came from an aristocratic family. He despised Marxist ideology."

"In Chile, we always portrayed President Allende as a cat's paw of the
Kremlin. We now know from documents that have come out that the Soviets
and the Chinese were constantly fighting with him and urging him to
down and not be so provocative towards the Americans. So, in the first
place, the Soviets were not behind those regimes. We completely
overestimated the influence of the Soviet Union on those regimes."

When Gross asked Kinzer what he thought of the "spread of radical
Islam," Kinzer didn't hesitate.

"We sometimes like to think that our interventions in these countries
don't have effects, but when we break down the doors of foreign
countries and impose our own leaders, as we did in Iran and as we've
recently done in Iraq, we outrage a lot of people," Kinzer said. "We
like to think that everybody will soon calmly come to realize that by
rational standards, this was a good thing to do. But that doesn't
happen. We are not able to change cultures as easily as we are able to
change regimes."

The United States had a hand in many other overthrows, but Kinzer
limited his cases to those where the United States was the primary
and shaker.

So, for example, while the United States played a role in the overthrow
of Lumumba in the Congo, Kinzer says that it was primarily an operation
by Belgium on behalf of large Belgian mining interests.

This might be the most important book to read as the United States
approaches a showdown with Iran.

President Bush says he's trying to bring democracy to Iran.

In fact, Iranians had democracy once.

And we crushed it.

Kinzer is on tour promoting his book.

And he's got a gig at Northwestern University in Chicago, where he

He's teaching a course in regime change.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate
Reporter, <>. Robert Weissman is
editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational Monitor,
<>. Mokhiber and Weissman are
co-authors of On the Rampage: Corporate Predators and the Destruction
Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press).

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

This article is posted at:


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Oxfam Press Release 14 June 2006

Oxfam Warns US-Andean Trade Deals Will Harm Developing

The US is pushing free trade agreements (FTAs) with the Andean
countries of Peru, Colombia and Ecuador that will harm thousands of
vulnerable small farmers, block access to affordable medicines and
favor foreign investors, according to a new report released today by
international agency Oxfam.

The report, Song of the Sirens, outlines the negative impacts the
proposed agreements will have on millions of people in the Andean
region. The US is demanding concessions that could affect the
sustainability of development policies and weaken the ongoing process
of integration with neighboring countries, Oxfam International says.

Although negotiations with Ecuador have been temporarily suspended, the
agreement with Colombia is awaiting final executive approvals and the
Peru agreement, already signed by both countries, will be considered by
the Peruvian Congress in the coming days and in the US Congress in the
coming months.

Developing countries have been enchanted by the appeal of free-trade
agreements, but much like the song of the Sirens, this attraction is
ultimately self-destructive, said Stephanie Weinberg, trade policy
advisor for Oxfam International. The benefits that an FTA offers Peru,
Colombia and Ecuador will be far outweighed by the negative impacts of
agricultural dumping, harsh patent rules and deregulated foreign

Oxfam believes that the Peru and Colombia agreements on agriculture,
intellectual property and investment rules would harm the development
of these countries. In agriculture, the agreements would dismantle
safeguard mechanisms that are vital for food security and the
livelihoods of small farmers, while making no attempt to address the
unfair dumping of American overproduction.

The livelihoods of a quarter of the population of these countries,
especially the poorest in rural areas, depend on agriculture for their
livelihoods, said Weinberg. The FTAs pry open the markets of Peru and
Colombia without any consideration for the damaging effects of dumped,
cheap, subsidized American products.

On intellectual property, the US has succeeded in extending
pharmaceutical patents beyond 20 years, which goes well beyond
agreements made at the World Trade Organization. As a consequence,
medicine prices in Peru will increase by almost 10% in the first year
of the FTA and 100% after 10 years. Colombia will have to spend an
extra $940 million a year to buy more expensive medicines and nearly 6
million people will lose access to medicines. The new investment rules
in the agreements would also curtail the powers of Andean governments
to regulate foreign investment.

Trade could be the engine to pull millions out of poverty, but instead
the winners of this agreement are American and international
companies, said Weinberg. In the Andean countries where half the
population lives in poverty, this agreement will actually reduce access
to affordable medicines and stifle opportunities for development.

The US has started concentrating on bilateral agreements because the
WTOs Doha Development Round is deadlocked and talks on the Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA) have stalled. Oxfam says that the US is
using these new bilateral deals to force poorer countries to give up a
lot more than they would at the WTO.

The US Congress should not approve trade agreements that will harm
developing countries. It should instead encourage developing countries
to utilize trade as a means of achieving sustainable economic
development and poverty reduction, said Weinberg. But with these free
trade agreements, the US is locking in unfair trade rules that pull the
rug from underneath Peru and Colombia.

For more information, please contact: Laura Rusu in Washington on + 1

Some of the facts discussed in the report:

- In the Andean region approximately half the population lives in

- In Peru, nearly 20% of population doesn't have access to medical
care; in Colombia it's 45%.

- Almost a quarter of the Andean population depends on agriculture for
their livelihood (22% in Peru, 23% in Colombia, 30% in Ecuador).

- WTO TRIPS plus measures include extending the patent beyond the 20
years agreed at WTO and prohibiting the use of clinical data to produce
generics for at least five years, even after the patent has expired.

- Medicine prices in Peru could rise by almost 10% within the first
year of the FTA implementation, 100% in 10 years and 162% in 18 years.

- Colombias health system will have to spend an extra US$940 million
a year to cover the cost of medicines after the implementation of the
agreements; nearly 6 million people will not have access to medicines,
of whom 4,440 HIV patients will not be able to afford treatment.

- Producers get $3.5 million in subsidies a year; 28 thousand Peruvian
cotton producers get nothing.

- Cotton production in Peru fell from 260,000 hectares in 1960 to
89,000 hectares in 2004, a 75% drop.

- 1,700,000 families in Peru alone depend on agriculture to make a

) Copyright 2006 Oxfam International

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From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: June 16, 2006 9:44:22 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>, Alfons
Subject: Fwd: Tancredo confronts 'super-state' effort Demands full
disclosure of White House work with Mexico, Canada

Responding to a WorldNetDaily report, Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., is
demanding the Bush administration fully disclose the activities of an
office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada that
apparently could lead to a North American union, despite having no
authorization from Congress.

As WND reported, the White House has established working groups, under
the North American Free Trade Agreement office in the Department of
Commerce, to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP,
signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and
then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, March 23,

The groups, however, have no authorization from Congress and have not
disclosed the results of their work despite two years of massive effort
within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Tancredo wants to know the membership of the SPP groups along with
their various trilateral memoranda of understanding and other
agreements reached with counterparts in Mexico and Canada.

Tancredo's decision has been endorsed by Jim Gilchrist, founder of the
Minuteman Project.

"It's time for the Bush administration to come clean," Gilchrist told
WND. "If President Bush's agenda is to establish a new North American
union government to supersede the sovereignty of the United States,
then the president has an obligation to tell this to the American
people directly. The American public has a right to know."

Geri Word, who heads the SPP office, told WND the work had not been
disclosed because, "We did not want to get the contact people of the
working groups distracted by calls from the public."

WND can find no specific congressional legislation authorizing the SPP
working groups nor any congressional committees taking charge of

Many SPP working groups appear to be working toward achieving specific
objectives as defined by a May 2005 Council on Foreign Relations task
force report , which presented a blueprint for expanding the SPP
agreement into a North American union that would merge the U.S., Canada
and Mexico into a new governmental form.

If you would like to sound off on this issue, participate in today's
WND Poll.

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

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The case for impeachment is clear
beyond question

Worldwide U.S. militarization
June 16, 2006

Last week placed an ad calling for the impeachment
of George W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read
newspaper, USA Today. The impeachment movement has placed similar ads
in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and the San Francisco
Chronicle. If you believe the time to impeach is now, you can help
support the campaign by clicking here.

Spreading the word with more newspaper ads, getting more people to vote
for Impeachment, increasing our organizing and fundraising efforts -
this can make Impeachment a major issue in the 2006 midterm
Congressional elections. A committed effort over the next months can
move Impeachment to the forefront in the elections and to the floor of
the House of Representatives which has the "sole power of Impeachment,"
and onto the Senate for trial.

Ads in newspapers in Congressional Districts can help activate
impeachment organizing to bring the issue home to members and
candidates where their election will be decided.

The case for impeachment is clear beyond question
by Ramsey Clark

The list of Bush's crimes is long. The "Shock and Awe" invasion was
Bushbs war of aggression -- a crime identified as the bthe Supreme
international crimeb by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Remember Falluja, the
American Guernica, a virtual destruction of a defenseless city by
superior military technology (36,000 homes, 8,400 shops destroyed in
the final assault alone); Abu Ghraib, the shameful celebration of sick
forms of sexual torture; Haifa Street, Baghdad, where a U.S. helicopter
gun ship killed 13 unarmed people and injured 50 dancing around a
burned out Bradley Armored Vehicle; Abu Shifa, a small village, where
U.S. soldiers were accused of rounding up civilians, forcing them into
a room, then opening fire, killing 11 people, including a 75 year-old,
a 6 month-old baby, and five children under the age five; Haditha,
where Marines murdered 15 defenseless civilians, and injured many more,
most women and children; and tiny Guantanamo, where the U.S. has
compiled human rights violations in four years that have been denounced
by the entire world including the United Nations. Yet President Bush
arrogantly refuses to close the Guantanamo prison, or return the land
and sovereignty to Cuba while U.S. officials fret over three prisoners
who committed suicide in one day to "embarrass the U.S."

The grand total of civilian deaths in Iraq is probably more than
250,000, and rapidly growing. (The Lancet Medical Journal) U.S.
military deaths exceed 2500, the seriously injured number more than
15,000 and the number who will suffer mental and physical impairment
from the occupation of Iraq is in the unknown tens of thousands.

What respect for human dignity! What reverence for life! What better
way to make enemies?

The necessity for citizen action to secure impeachment is also clear
beyond question. The Congress will not act unless We, the People demand
it and vote those out of office who fail to respond.

Our government is geared for war as directed by transnational
corporations, domestic industries, and the corporate media.

Both branches of our One Party system, Democrat and Republican, favor
the use of force to have their way. Consider,

(1) Regime Change in Iran (1953) the Shah replacing democratically
elected Mossadegh; Eisenhower (R);

(2) Regime Change in Guatemala (1954) military government for
democratically elected Arbenz; Eisenhower (R);

(3) Regime Change in Congo (1961) assassination of Patrice Lumumba,
Eisenhower (R)

(4) the Vietnam War (1959-1975), Eisenhower (R), Kennedy (D), Johnson
(D), Nixon (R);

(5) Invasion of Dominican Republic (1965), Johnson (D);

(6) Contra Warfare against Nicaragua (1981-1988), resulting in regime
change from the Sandinistas to corrupt capitalists; Reagan (R);

(7) Attack and occupation of Grenada (population 110,000)(1983-1987)
Reagan (R);

(8) Aerial attack on the sleeping cities of Tripoli and Benghazi,
Libya, (1986) Reagan (R);

(9) Invasion of Panama Regime Change (1989-1990), George H. W. Bush (R);

(10) Gulf War (1991), George H. W. Bush (R);

(11) "Humanitarian" occupation of Somalia leading to 10,000 Somali
deaths (1992-1993) George H. W. Bush (R) and Bill Clinton (D);

(12) Aerial attacks on Iraq (1993-2001) Bill Clinton (D);

(13) War against Yugoslavia (1999) 23,000 bombs and missiles dropped on
Yugoslavia, Bill Clinton (D)

(14) Missile Attack (21 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles) destroying the Al
Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in Khartoum which provided the majority of
all medicines for Sudan (1998) Bill Clinton (D);

(15) Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan, Regime Change
(2001-present) George W. Bush (R);

(16) War of Aggression against Iraq and Hostile Occupation
(2003)-present) George W. Bush (R);

(17) Regime Change in Haiti (2004) Democratically elected Aristide for
three years of chaos and systematic killing, George W. Bush (R).

There have been major aggressions every several years.

Remember that every Congress in the past half century has approved
excessive military budgets and the last three have approved increases
that have made the U.S. military budget larger than those of all other
nations combined.

The U.S. will remain a military threat to the world until it vastly
reduces its military expenditures. The single highest priority for
peace is cutting the U.S. military budget. The United States government
may have been able to outspend the Soviet Union into economic collapse
in the Cold War arms race, injuring the entire planet in the process.
Now Bush has entered a new arms race and is provoking a Second Cold War
with China. Yet what can China do, as the U.S. builds a first-strike
oriented missile shield and uses Japan and a huge advanced military
base at Pyongtaek on Korea's west coast, not 500 miles from Beijing?

The U.S. at this time is capable of striking any place on earth with a
nuclear armed missile within one hour of the order to fire, launched
from a Trident II, or other nuclear weapons system. We are at this time
spending billions on a new generation of nuclear weapons that can be
used tactically, against four blocks of Falluja, or an alleged Al Queda
camp in Pakistan. At the same time, we threaten Iran and others for
seeking to develop nuclear energy with the claim that they may build a
crude bomb. Yet the only defense a nation today has to U.S. militarism
is the threat of nuclear retaliation. The U.S. is seeking total
dismantlement and prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction
everywhere else, because it possesses the vast majority of all WMDbs
and far superior delivery systems.

George Bush loved being a War President while he was winning - winning
over the bodies of impoverished and defenseless people, that is.
Someone told him only war presidents can be great presidents. He will
love war again if his polls go up.

President Bush would rather make enemies by the use of force to have
his way, than seek agreement with friends by helping others and
recognizing their rights and interests. He prefers to go it alone, and
then entice or coerce whatever help he can get from others, whether it
is for Iraq, global warming, the prohibition of land mines, or the use
of minors in war, addressing hunger, poverty, AIDS, natural disaster
relief, or most United Nations activities, and absolutely, the
International Criminal Court which might indict him. He is spared
defeat at the polls because he cannot seek re-election.

He can be held accountable only by impeachment. The American people
must not acquiesce to his crimes.

Consider that all the major candidates, Democrat and Republican --
Clinton, Edwards, Kerry, McCain, Frist, -- voted for the war and/or
favor the Iraq Occupation.

To stop U.S. militarism, the U.S. must vastly reduce its military
expenditures, 50% in five years and further down from there on. It must
use those savings to combat poverty, hunger, sickness and unemployment
at home and abroad.

The U.S. must seek friends by word and deed, rather than make enemies.
The harm George Bush has done to the way the rest of the world sees our
country will take a generation to overcome, after we change our warlike

But the only way to convince the world that We the People do not
approve of the conduct of George W. Bush is to impeach him. Otherwise
we can only be seen as approving of his acts, or as powerless to
prevent them.

And the only way we can deter the next, and future Presidents, from
seeking war rather than peace is to impeach George W. Bush and his key
advisors now. Only then will political leadership know the American
people will not accept more war.

Last week placed an ad calling for the impeachment of
George W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read
newspaper, USA Today. The impeachment movement has placed similar ads
in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and the San Francisco
Chronicle. The time to impeach is now. This movement has grown with
your continuing support. Please make a donation to the campaign today
so that the movement will grow in the coming months. Click here.

Ramsey Clark June 15, 2006

Go to / to get involved and support the
campaign to impeach Bush.

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From: "paul illich" <>
Date: June 16, 2006 6:19:07 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Why a Global Economic Deluge Looms

"The Demons of Greed are Loose"
Why a Global Economic Deluge Looms

People who know the most about the world financial system are
worried, and for very good reasons. Dire warnings are coming from the
"respectable" sources. Reality has gotten out of hand. The demons of
are loose.

What is that reality? It includes a number of factors. Alone they would
exceedingly serious; combined, they are very likely to be lethal.

First of all, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been undergoing
a structural and intellectual crisis. Structurally, its outstanding
and loans have declined dramatically since 2003, from over $70 billion
to a
little over $20 billion today, leaving it with far less leverage over
economic policies of developing nations--and even less income than its
expensive operations require. It is now in deficit.1

A large part of the IMF's problems are due to the doubling in world
for all commodities since 2003 -- especially petroleum, copper, silver,
zinc, nickel, and the like -- that the developing nations traditionally
export. While there will be fluctuations in this upsurge, there is also
reason to think it may endure because rapid economic growth in China,
and elsewhere has created a burgeoning demand that did not exist before,
when the balance-of-trade systematically favored the rich nations.

The U.S. has seen its net foreign asset position fall as Japan, emerging
Asia, and oil exporting nations have become far more powerful over the
decade, and have increasingly become creditors to the U.S.2 As the U.S.
deficits mount, with its imports being far greater than its exports, the
value of the dollar has been declining -- 28 per cent against the euro
2001 to 2005 alone.

Equally important, the IMF and World Bank were severely chastened by the
1997-2000 financial meltdowns in East Asia, Russia, and elsewhere, and
of the two institutions' key leaders lost faith in the anarchic
descended from classical laisser-faire economic thought, which guided
advice until then. "{O]ur knowledge of economic growth is extremely
incomplete," many in the IMF now admit, and "more humility" on its part
now warranted.3

Worse yet, the whole nature of the global financial system has changed
radically in ways that have nothing whatsoever to do with "virtuous"
national economic policies that follow IMF advic. These are ways the IMF
cannot control. The investment managers of private equity funds and
banks have displaced national banks and international bodies such as the
IMF, moving well beyond the existing regulatory structures and they have
"reintermediated" themselves between the traditional borrowers, both
national and individual, and markets. They have deregulated the world
financial structure, making it far more unpredictable and susceptible to
crises. They seek to generate high investment returns, which is the key
their compensation, and they take mounting risks to do so.

A "brave new world" has emerged in the global financial structure, one
is far less transparent because there are fewer reporting demands
imposed on
those who operate in it. Financial adventurers are constantly creating
"products" that defy both states and international banks. The IMF's
director, Rodrigo de Rato, at the end of May, 2005, deplored these new
-- risks the weakness of the U.S. dollar and its mounting trade
have magnified greatly.4

In March of this year the IMF released Garry J. Schinasi's book,
Safeguarding Financial Stability, giving it unusual prominence then and
thereafter. In essence, Schinasi's book is alarmist, and it both
reveals and
documents in great and disturbing detail the IMF's deep anxieties.
Essentially, "deregulation and liberalization", which the IMF and
of the "Washington consensus" advocated for decades, have become a
nightmare, creating "tremendous private and social benefits" but also
holding "the potential (although not necessarily a high likelihood) for
fragility, instability, systemic risk, and adverse economic

Anyone who reads the data in Schinasi's superbly documented book will
his real conclusion that the irrational development of global finance,
combined with deregulation and liberalization, has "created scope for
financial innovation and enhanced the mobility of risks". Schinasi and
IMF advocate a radical new framework to monitor and prevent the
problems now
able to emerge, but success "may have as much to do with good luck" as
policy design and market surveillance.5 Leaving the future to luck is
what economics originally promised. The IMF is desperate, and not alone.

As the Argentina financial meltdown proved, countries that do not
succumb to
IMF and banker pressures can play on divisions within the IMF
particularly the U.S., comprising bankers and others to avoid many,
scarcely all, foreign demands. About $140 billion in sovereign bonds to
private creditors and the IMF were at stake, terminating at the end of
as the largest national default in history. Banks in the 1990s were
eager to
loan Argentina money and they ultimately paid for it. Since then,
commodity prices have soared and the growth rate of developing nations
2004 and 2005 was over double that of high income nation, a pattern
projected to continue through 2008.

As early as 2003 developing countries were already the source of 37
of the foreign direct investment in other developing nations. China
for a great part of this growth, but it also means that the IMF and rich
bankers of New York, Tokyo, and London have far less leverage than ever.
Growing complexity is the order of the world economy that has emerged
in the
past decade, and with it has come the potential for far greater
and dangers for the rich.

High-speed Global Economics

The global financial problem that is emerging is entwined with an
fiscal and trade deficit that is rising quickly. Since Bush entered
in 2001 he had added over $3 trillion to federal borrowing limits,
which are
now almost $9 trillion. So long as there is a continued devaluation of
U.S. dollar, banks and financiers will seek to protect their money and
financial adventures will appear increasingly worthwhile. This is the
context, but Washington advocated greater financial liberalization well
before the dollar weakened. The world now has a conjunction of factors
have created a far greater risk than the proponents of the "Washington
consensus" ever believed possible.

There are now many hedge funds, with which we are familiar, but they now
deal in credit derivatives and numerous other financial instruments.
for credit derivative futures are in the offing. The credit derivative
market was almost nonexistent in 2001, grew fairly slowly until 2004 and
then went into the stratosphere, reaching $17.3 trillion by the end of

What are credit derivatives? The Financial Times' chief capital markets
writer, Gillian Tett, tried to find out. She failed. About ten years ago
some J. P. Morgan bankers were in Boca Raton, Florida, drinking,
each other into the swimming pool, and the like, and they came up with a
notion of a new financial instrument that was too complex to be easily
copied (financial ideas cannot be copyrighted) and which was sure to
them money. But she was highly critical of its potential for causing a
reaction of losses that will engulf the hedge funds that have leaped
this market.6 It for reasons such as these, as well as others, even more
opaque, such as split capital trusts, collateralized debt obligations,
market credit default swaps, that the IMF and financial authorities are

Banks simply do not understand the chain of exposure and who owns what.
Senior financial regulators and bankers now admit as much. The Long-Term
Capital Management hedge fund meltdown in 1998, which involved only
about $5
billion in equity, revealed this. The financial structure is now
more complex and far larger. The top ten hedge funds alone in March
2006 had
$157 billion in assets. Hedge funds claim to be honest but those who
them are compensated for the profits they make, which means taking
But there are thousands of hedge funds and many collect inside
which is technically illegal but it occurs anyway. The system is fraught
with dangers, starting with the compensation structure, but it also
a constantly rising stock market and much, much else. Many fund
managers are
incompetent. But the 26 leading hedge fund managers earned an average of
$363 million each in 2005; James Simons of Renaissance Technologies
$1.5 billion.

There is now a consensus that all this, and much else, has created
dangers. We can put aside the persistence of imbalanced budgets based on
spending increases or tax cuts for the wealthy, much less the world's
volatile stock and commodity markets which caused hedge funds in May to
far lower returns than they have in at least a year. It is anyone's
which way the markets will go, and some will gain while others lose.
funds still make lots of profits, and by the spring of 2006 they were
about $1.2 trillion worldwide, but they are increasingly dangerous.

A great deal of money went from investors in rich nations into emerging
market stocks, which have been especially hard-hit in the past weeks,
and if
they leave them the financial shock will be great. The dangers of a
exist there too.

Problems are structural, such as the greatly increasing ratio of
debt loads to core earnings, which have grown substantially from four
to six
times over the past year because there are fewer legal clauses to
investors from loss, and to keep companies from going bankrupt when they
should. So long as interest rates have been low, leveraged loans have
the solution. With hedge funds and other financial instruments, there
is now
a market for incompetent, debt-ridden firms. The rules some once
associated with capitalism -- probity and the like--no longer hold even

Problems are also inherent in speed and complexity, and these are very
diverse and almost surreal. Credit derivatives are precarious enough,
but at
the end of May the International Swaps and Derivatives Association
that one in every five deals, many of them involving billions of
involved major errors. As the volume of trade increased so did errors.
doubled in the period after 2004. Many deals were scribbled on scraps of
paper and not properly recorded. "Unconscionable" was outgoing Fed
Alan Greenspan's, description. He was "frankly shocked." Other trading,
however, is determined by mathematical algorithm ("volume-weighted
price" it is called) for which PhDs trained in quantitative methods are
hired.7 Efforts to remedy this mess only began in June of this year and
are very far from resolving a major and accumulated problem that
stupendous sums.

Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's chief economist, on April 24 of this
wrote that a major financial crisis was in the offing and that the
of global institutions to forestall it -- ranging from the IMF and World
Bank to other mechanisms of the international financial architecture -
utterly inadequate. Hong Kong's chief secretary in early June deplored
hedge funds' risks and dangers. The IMF's iconoclastic chief economist,
Raghuram Rajan, at the same time warned that the hedge funds'
structure encouraged those in charge of them to increasingly take risks,
thereby endangering the whole financial system.

* * *

The entire global financial structure is becoming uncontrollable in
ways its nominal leaders never expected. Instability is increasingly its
hallmark. Financial liberalization has produced a monster, and
resolving the
many problems that have emerged is scarcely possible for those who
controls on those who seek to make money, whatever means it takes to do
Contradictions now wrack the world's financial system, and if we are to
believe the institutions and personalities who have been in the
forefront of
the defense of capitalism, it may very well be on the verge of serious

Gabriel Kolko is the leading historian of modern warfare. He is the
of the classic Century of War: Politics, Conflicts and Society Since
and Another Century of War?. He has also written the best history of the
Vietnam War, Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the US and the Modern Historical
Experience. His latest book, The Age of War, was published in March

He can be reached at:


1 IMF Survey, March 13, 2006, p. 66.

2 Philip R. Lane and G. M. Milesi-Ferretti, "Examining Global
Finance & Development, March 2006, pp. 38-41.

3 Roberto Zagha et al, "Rethinking Growth," Finance & Development, March
2006, p. 11.

4 Raghuram Rajan, in Finance & Development, September 2005, pp. 54, 58;
Survey, May 29, 2006, p. 147.

5 Garry J. Schinasi, Safeguarding Financial Stability: Theory and
pp. 8, 14, 17.

6 Gillian Tett, "The dream machine," Financial Times magazine, March
2006, pp. 20-26. Also Financial Times, March 20, 2006.

7 Financial Times, May 31, 2006; June 8, 2006.

President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 18, 2006, 10:22:45 PM6/18/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 18, 2006

NOTE: I'll highlight the Number Nine portion of this significant
petition below because it's unusually important info rarely found
elsewhere. -- kl, pp

Date: June 17, 2006 10:45:43 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Scholars Petition US Congress


A copy of the following petition was sent yesterday by Scholars For
9/11 Truth to every member of the US Congress:

We the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a society of faculty, students, and
dedicated to discovering the truth - and exposing falsehoods - about
events and circumstances of the 9/11 attacks on New York and
bring to the attention of the US Congress and, as witnesses, the
international community in Washington and New York as well as other
organizations and individuals, the recent attainment of more than
signatures in support of our petition calling upon the US Government to
release certain evidence pertaining to 9/11. Such evidence, as set
forth in
the 12 categories of the petition, would tend to show the official
of 9/11 as either true or false. That the US Government has not
released this evidence of its own accord has raised legitimate
concerns and
suspicions in the minds of many thoughtful American citizens. Such
lack of
forthrightness and accountability on the part of the Bush
strongly suggests motives to hide the truth. Such obsession with
secrecy is
not in keeping with truly representative government. Wherefore, we the
Scholars for 9/11 Truth call upon each member of the US Congress to
a very clear choice: demand the release of crucial 9/11 evidence or
to the very powers that benefit corruptly from its concealment and even
destruction. We believe that your loyalty to the republic and your
pledges to support and defend our Constitution will convince you of the
right choice, to act to release evidence enumerated in the following

James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. Steven E. Jones,
Founder and Co-Chair Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth Scholars for 9/11



On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the
Scholars for 9/11 Truth Hereby Petitions for, and hereby demands,
Release of
the Following kinds of documents, video and films, and physical
evidence to
the public for study by experts and scholars investigating the events

1. Immediate release of the full Pentagon surveillance tapes, of which
frames (only) have been released via the official ASCE report, as
Watch has also requested. We further demand release of the video tape
by FBI agents minutes after the Pentagon hit, from the fuel service
near the Pentagon, as well as any other videotape which shows the 9/11
strike on the Pentagon.

2. Immediate release of 6,899 photographs and 6,977 segments of video
footage held by NIST, largely from private photographers, regarding the
collapses of WTC buildings on 9/11/2001 (NIST, 2005, p. 81). In
all footage relating to the collapse of WTC 7 (including shots before,
during and after the collapse) must be released immediately, without
for the NIST report on WTC 7, which is long overdue and may be

3. An explanation from Vice President Richard Cheney regarding the
described by Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta in his testimony
before The 9/11 Commission. Secretary Mineta stated that while in an
underground bunker at the White House, he watched Vice President Cheney
castigate a young officer for asking, as a plane drew closer and
closer to
the Pentagon, "Do the orders still stand?" The officer should be
and allowed to testify at a deposition under oath.

4. The documents generated by Vice President Cheney's energy task
force have
been kept from the public. A court case brought forth a few maps that
display oil fields in the Middle East. We hereby put Congress on
notice that
there is probable cause with regard to criminal activities by the
Energy Task Force involving a criminal conspiracy to launch illegal
and/or terrorist activities. We therefore demand that Energy Task Force
document that comprise, discuss, or refer to plans to invade the Middle
East, including Iran, and Venezuela or other sovereign nations be
See Cheney v. District Court 542 U.S. 367 (2004) and United States v.
418 U.S. 683 (1974).

5. Audio tapes of interviews with air traffic controllers on-duty on
were intentionally destroyed by crushing the cassette by hand, cutting
tape into little pieces, and then dropping the pieces in different
cans around the building. We demand an explanation for this
destruction of
evidence and ask that the possible existence of other copies of such
or perhaps of written transcripts of the interviews be pursued. All air
traffic controllers on-duty on 9/11 should be allowed to testify
during a
public forum under oath.

6. The Secret Service, which is highly trained to protect the
President from
danger and to move him to a secure location in the event of a threat,
breached its own standard procedures by allowing President Bush to
remain at
a public location for 25 minutes after it was known that the nation was
under attack. All Secret Service personnel who were at Booker
School with President Bush on 9/11 should be required to testify in
and under oath about these events.

7. On the morning of 9/11, some five "war games" or "terror drills"
being conducted by U.S. defense agencies, including one "live fly"
employing aircraft. These drills reportedly included the injection of
radar blips onto the screens of air traffic controllers. In addition,
government was running a simulation of a plane crashing into a
building the
morning of 9/11. Who was in charge of coordinating these war games and
terror drills? Who had the ability to issues orders in relation to
conduct? On which screens were "false radar blips" inserted? When did
false injects commence? When were they purged from the controllers'
What was the effect of these activities on standard procedures for
interdicting hijacked aircraft?
031505_mckinney_transcript.shtml (6 minutes, 12 seconds
into the video)

8. It has been reported that the FBI long ago found three of four
boxes" from the two airplanes which hit the Twin Towers, yet has
consistently denied that they were ever found. Their data would be of
greatest importance to understanding the events of 9/11. This matter
must be
investigated and the data they provide released to the public.

For each of the four sites under investigation, the 9/11 Commission
that two Boeing 757s, and two Boeing 767s (FAA, Part 121, airliners)
by United Airlines and American Airlines were hijacked by novice
pilots and
were subsequently crashed, resulting in an unimaginable loss of life.
Approximately 3,000 people died the morning of 9/11 as the direct
result of
these officially reported hijackings and subsequent crashes.
These four scheduled airliners were reported to have carried a total
of 266
passengers and crew members, which, under FAA and NTSB regulations,
a comprehensive investigation of the primary and contributing causes of
each. In the case of suspected criminal foul play, the NTSB would
assign the lead investigative role to the FBI, with assistance of
investigators from the NTSB and FAA. A comprehensive investigation of
aircraft crash is not a regulatory option: they would have been
Therefore, we demand public release of each comprehensive crash
investigation report, including access to all physical evidence that
required to have been collected and secured at a suitable facility.
evidence should have included a large assortment of indestructible
including landing gears, surface actuators, engines, black boxes, and
so on.
The serialized parts would be invaluable in identifying each aircraft
contrary to some reports, could not have "vaporized" upon impact.
Considering the enormous loss of life and financial collateral damage,
if no
crash investigations were conducted, who made the decision to
disregard the
FAA, Part 121, regulatory requirement? In the absence of the Part 121
investigation reports, the identity of the responsible authorities who
the decision not to investigate must be released, and they should be
immediately available for deposition under oath.

9. In the weeks before 9/11, the US Stock market showed rather high
of activity on companies that would subsequently be affected by the
The afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over trading
patterns in stock options. A jump in United Air Lines some 90 times
(not 90
percent) above normal between September 6 and September 10, for
example, and
285 times higher than average the Thursday before the attack, have been
reported. A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60
above normal the day before the attacks has also been reported. No
trading occurred on any other airlines.

Between September 6-10, 2001, the Chicago Board Options Exchange saw
suspicious trading on Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, two of the
WTC tenants. An average of 3,053 put options in Merrill Lynch were
between Sept. 6-10, compared to an average of 252 in the previous week.
Morgan Stanley, another WTC tenant, saw 12,215 put options bought
Sept. 7-10, whereas the previous days had seen averages of 212
contracts a
day. According to Dylan Ratigan of Bloomberg News: "This would be the
extraordinary coincidence in the history of mankind, if it was a
coincidence. This could very well be insider trading at the worst, most
horrific, most evil use you've ever seen in your entire life. It's
absolutely unprecedented."

On September 18, 2001, the BBC reported: "American authorities are
investigating unusually large numbers of shares in airlines, insurance
companies and arms manufacturers that were sold off in the days and
before the attacks. They believe that the sales were by people who knew
about the impending disaster". According to the London Independent,
10, 2001: "To the embarrassment of investigators, it has also emerged
the firm used to buy many of the 'put' optionswhere a trader, in
bets on a share price fallon United Airlines stock was headed until
1998 by
'Buzzy' Krongard, now executive director of the CIA."

The 9/11 Commission, after looking into the pre-9/11 stock trades,
denied their unusual nature. Instead, the Commission declared that
did not conduct the trades, and asked no further questions.

Who, if not al-Qaeda, performed the incriminating trades? This
exists, it can be easily obtained, and it needs to be made public.
illegal money transfers may have been processed through computers
housed at
the World Trade Center shortly before planes crashed into the Twin
Towers on
9/11. We demand a disclosure of the source of the put options and that
whole sordid affair receive a complete and public investigation.

10. Eyewitness testimony and a substantiating photographic record
that a large sample of slag from the World Trade Center is being held
Hangar 17 of the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York
Access to the slag sample should be made available to appropriate
in order to conduct non-destructive X-ray Fluorescence tests and other
of examination, which should reveal evidence of the cause of the
collapse of
the Twin Towers. Based on these tests, we further demand two small
(about the size of a fist) be extracted from this large piece for
scientific analysis.

11. Release of a complete inventory of the plane wreckage and debris
flights 11, 77, 93 or 175 or any other aircraft that crashed or was
destroyed on September 11, 2001, including, but not limited to:
(a) the location (whether warehouses or otherwise) of all such items;
(b) a catalog of photographs and videotapes taken of any and all such
and (c) a list of all tests and examinations concerning any and all
such items,
including reports of such tests or examinations.

12. Release of a complete inventory of any steel, other metal or other
material from the World Trade Centers, including, but not limited to:
(a) the location (whether warehouses or otherwise) of all such items;
(b) a catalog of photographs and videotapes taken of any and all such
and (c) a list of all tests and examinations concerning any and all
such items,
including reports of such tests or examinations.

On behalf of the People of the United States of America, we demand
that the
cover-up in this case end and that the kinds of documents, video and
and physical evidence described above be provided to the public for
and scholars to evaluate and assess in their efforts to expose
and reveal truths about events on 9/11.

James H. Fetzer, Ph.D.
Founder and Co-Chair
Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Steven E. Jones, Ph.D.
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
7 March 2006

*An online version of this petition -- with clickable links -- may be

Questions about this petition? Contact the petition sponsor: Alex

Stephen M. St. John
Post Office Box 449
Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10185

Tel/Fax 212 534 5024
Mobile 917 519 2905



NOTE: Lester Brown's report below leads me once again to urge a
"crash" program of research into the most eco-friendly ways to grow
large quantities of food indoors. -- kl, pp

From: Rick Davis <>
Date: June 17, 2006 6:10:09 AM EST
Copyright ) 2006 Earth Policy Institute
June 15, 2006

Prices Starting to Rise

Lester R. Brown

This years world grain harvest is projected to fall short of
consumption by 61 million tons, marking the sixth time in the last
seven years that production has failed to satisfy demand. As a result
of these shortfalls, world carryover stocks at the end of this crop
year are projected to drop to 57 days of consumption, the shortest
buffer since the 56-day-low in 1972 that triggered a doubling of grain

World carryover stocks of grain, the amount in the bin when the next
harvest begins, are the most basic measure of food security. Whenever
stocks drop below 60 days of consumption, prices begin to rise. It thus
came as no surprise when the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
projected in its June 9 world crop report that this years wheat prices
will be up by 14 percent and corn prices up by 22 percent over last

This price projection assumes normal weather during the summer growing
season. If the weather this year is unusually good, then the price
rises may be less than those projected, but if this years harvest is
sharply reduced by heat or drought, they could far exceed the projected

With carryover stocks of grain at the lowest level in 34 years, the
world may soon be facing high grain and oil prices at the same time
(See Figure). For the scores of low-income countries that import both
oil and grain, this prospect is a sobering one.

The 2006 world grain harvest of 1,984 million tons, estimated by the
USDA in its June crop report, is down 24 million tons from last year,
or roughly one percent. It is down three percent from the historical
high of 2,044 million tons produced in 2004.

World Grain Production, 1950-2006

World grain consumption has risen in each of the last 45 years except
for three1974, 1988, and 1995when tight supplies and sharp price
hikes lowered consumption (See Figure). Growth in world grain demand,
traditionally driven by population growth and rising incomes, is also
now being driven by the fast growing demand for grain-based fuel
ethanol for cars.

Roughly 60 percent of the world grain harvest is consumed as food, 36
percent as feed, and 3 percent as fuel. While the use of grain for food
and feed grows by roughly 1 percent per year, that used for fuel is
growing by over 20 percent per year.

Although the rate of world population growth is projected to slow
further, the number of people to be added is expected to remain above
70 million a year until 2020. Each year the worlds farmers must try
to feed an additional 70 million people, good weather or bad. This
growth is concentrated in the Indian subcontinent and sub-Saharan
Africa, which is where most of the worlds hungry people live.

When incomes begin to rise, low-income consumers diversify their diets,
shifting from a diet dominated by starchy foods, such as rice, corn,
wheat, and cassava, to a more diverse diet, one that incorporates
grain-intensive products such as meat, milk, and eggs. In high-income
countries like the United States and Canada, grain consumed indirectly
in the form of livestock products far exceeds that consumed directly as

Rising incomes worldwide are enabling some 3 or 4 billion low-income
consumers to move up the food chain, consuming more poultry, pork,
beef, milk, eggs, and farmed fish. World meat production, which
climbed from 44 million tons in 1950 to 265 million tons in 2005, moves
higher each year. During this 55-year span, production per person more
than doubled, going from 17 kilograms to 41 kilograms.

The newest, potentially huge claimant on world grain supplies, the use
of grain to produce fuel ethanol, is concentrated in the United States
where a projected 55 million tons, or one fifth of the projected
268-million-ton corn harvest for 2006, will be used for this purpose.
This year the climbing use of corn to produce automotive fuel will
catch up with the U.S. export of corn, which is also estimated at 55
million tons (See Figure). For perspective, although 55 million tons is
only 16 percent of the U.S. grain harvest, it exceeds the total grain
harvest of Canada.

Farmers are facing a record growth in the demand for grain at a time
when the backlog of technology to raise grain yields is shrinking, when
underground water reserves are being depleted, and when rising
temperatures threaten to shrink future harvests.

Water tables are now falling and wells are going dry in countries that
contain half the worlds people, including the big three grain
producersChina, India, and the United States. In China, water
shortages have helped lower the wheat harvest from its peak of 123
million tons in 1997 to below 100 million tons in recent years. Water
shortages are also making it more difficult for farmers in India to
expand their grain harvest. In parts of the United States, such as the
Texas panhandle and in western Oklahoma and Kansas, depletion of the
Ogallala aquifer has forced farmers to return to lower-yield dryland

The worlds farmers are also losing water to cities. In the United
States, for example, hardly a day goes by without another sale of
irrigation water to small towns or large cities such as Los Angeles,
San Diego, Las Vegas, and Denver. Some of these water sales are by
individual farmers selling water rights to a local town. Others
represent sales of water rights by entire irrigation districts, as in
parts of California.

The widespread overpumping of aquifers for irrigation means we are
feeding ourselves with water that belongs to the next generation.
While it is widely recognized that the world is facing a future of
water shortages, not everyone has connected the dots to see that this
likely also means a future of food shortages.

Perhaps the most dangerous threat to future food security is the rise
in temperature. Among crop ecologists there is now a consensus that
for each temperature rise of 1 degree Celsius above the historical
average during the growing season, we can expect a 10 percent decline
in grain yields. When describing weather-reduced harvests, crop
analysts often refer to the crop prospect when weather returns to
normal. They fail to realize that with the earths climate now in flux,
there is no longer a norm to return to.

More and more in recent years, crop-withering heat waves have led to
major crop losses. For a recent example, the early estimate of Indias
wheat harvest this year of 73 million tons dropped to 68 million tons
as high temperatures during the crops critical growth stage in January
and February shrank the harvest.

The troubling constraints on grain production growth, such as spreading
water shortages and rising temperatures, are making it difficult for
farmers to keep up with the record growth in demand. As a result the
world grain market may become a sellers market, one where higher grain
prices, like high oil prices, are an integral part of the economic


Figure 1: World Grain Production, 1950-2006 (figure and table)

Figure 2: World Grain Production Per Person, 1950-2006 (figure and

Figure 3: World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2006 (figure and

Figure 4: World Grain Stocks, 1960-2006 (figure and table)

Figure 5: World Grain Stocks as Days of Consumption, 1960-2006 (figure
and table)

Figure 6: Corn Production and Use for Fuel Ethanol and for Export,
1980-2006, with Projection to 2007 (figure and table)

To return to the Index of Eco-Economy Indicators, click here.

For more information related to FOOD and AGRICULTURE from Earth Policy
Institute, click here.

Copyright ) 2006 Earth Policy Institute


From: ufka <>
Date: June 18, 2006 6:55:41 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Mark in Mexico


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: June 17, 2006 11:37:24 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Pilger: In Palestine, a War on Children

Comment: No to be overly emotional, but I wonder what the hell kind of
twisted wicked world are we living in where such ugly events can happen
to children without worldwide condemnation and where is there any true
civilization? ~- Peta de Aztlan

Thursday, June 15, 2006
In Palestine, a War on Children:
by John Pilger: 06-15-2006

June 15, 2006

Arthur Miller wrote, "Few of us can easily surrender our belief that
society must somehow make sense. The thought that the state has lost
its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is inolerable. And so
the evidence has to be internally denied."

Miller's truth was a glimpsed reality on television on June 9 when
Israeli warships fired on families picnicking on a Gaza beach, killing
seven people, including three children and three generations. What that
represents is a final solution, agreed by the United States and Israel,
to the problem of the Palestinians. While the Israelis fire missiles at
Palestinian picnickers and homes in Gaza and the West Bank, the two
governments are to starve them. The victims will be mostly children.

This was approved on May 23 by the U.S. House of Representatives, which
voted 361-37 to cut off aid to non-government organizations that run a
lifeline to occupied Palestine. Israel is withholding Palestinian
revenues and tax receipts amounting to $60 million a month. Such
collective punishment, identified as a crime against humanity in the
Geneva Conventions, evokes the Nazis' strangulation of the Warsaw
ghetto and the American economic siege of Iraq in the 1990s. If the
perpetrators have lost their minds, as Miller suggested, they appear to
understand their barbarism and display their cynicism. "The idea is to
put the Palestinians on a diet," joked Dov Weisglass, an adviser to the
Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert.

This is the price Palestinians must pay for their democratic elections
in January. The majority voted for the "wrong" party, Hamas, which the
U.S. and Israel, with their inimitable penchant for
pot-calling-the-kettle-black, describe as terrorist. However, terrorism
is not the reason for starving the Palestinians, whose prime minister,
Ismail Haniyeh, had reaffirmed Hamas's commitment to recognize the
Jewish state, proposing only that Israel obey international law and
respect the borders of 1967. Israel has refused because, with its
apartheid wall under construction, its intention is clear: to take over
more and more of Palestine, encircling whole villages and eventually

The reason Israel fears Hamas is that Hamas is unlikely to be a trusted
collaborator in subjugating its own people on Israel's behalf. Indeed,
the vote for Hamas was actually a vote for peace. Palestinians were fed
up with the failures and corruption of the Arafat era. According to the
former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, whose Carter Center verified the
Hamas electoral victory, "public opinion polls show that 80 percent of
Palestinians want a peace agreement with Israel."

How ironic this is, considering that the rise of Hamas was due in no
small part to the secret support it received from Israel, which, with
the U.S. and Britain, wanted Islamists to undermine secular Arabism and
its "moderate" dreams of freedom. Hamas refused to play this
Machiavellian game and in the face of Israeli assaults maintained a
cease-fire for 18 months. The objective of the Israeli attack on the
beach at Gaza was clearly to sabotage the cease-fire. This is a
time-honored tactic.

Now, state terror in the form of a medieval siege is to be applied to
the most vulnerable. For the Palestinians, a war against their children
is hardly new. A 2004 field study published in the British Medical
Journal reported that, in the previous four years, "Two-thirds of the
621 children killed [by the Israelis] at checkpoints on the way to
school, in their homes, died from small arms fire, directed in over
half the cases to the head, neck, and chest the sniper's wound." A
quarter of Palestinian infants under the age of five are acutely or
chronically malnourished. The Israeli wall "will isolate 97 primary
health clinics and 11 hospitals from the populations they serve."

The study described "a man in a now fenced-in village near Qalqilya
[who] approached the gate with his seriously ill daughter in his arms
and begged the soldiers on duty to let him pass so that he could take
her to hospital. The soldiers refused."

Gaza, now sealed like an open prison and terrorized by the sonic boom
of Israeli fighter aircraft, has a population of which almost half is
under 15. Dr. Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist who heads a children's
community health project, told me, "The statistic I personally find
unbearable is that 99.4 percent of the children we studied suffer
trauma 99.2 percent had their homes bombarded; 97.5 percent were
exposed to tear gas; 96.6 percent witnessed shooting; a third saw
family members or neighbors injured or killed."

These children suffer unrelenting nightmares and "night terrors" and
the dichotomy of having to cope with these conditions. On the one hand,
they dream about becoming doctors and nurses "so they can help others";
on the other, this is then overtaken by an apocalyptic vision of
themselves as the next generation of suicide bombers. They experience
this invariably after attacks by the Israelis. For some boys, their
heroes are no longer football players, but a confusion of Palestinian
"martyrs" and even the enemy, "because Israeli soldiers are the
strongest and have Apache gunships."

That these children are now to be punished further may be beyond human
comprehension, but there is a logic. Over the years, the Palestinians
have avoided falling into the abyss of an all-out civil war, knowing
this is what the Israelis want. Destroying their elected government
while attempting to build a parallel administration around the
collusive Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, may well produce, as
the Oxford academic Karma Nabulsi wrote, "a Hobbesian vision of an
anarchic society ruled by disparate militias, gangs, religious
ideologues and broken into ethnic and religious tribalism, and co-opted
collaborationists. Look to the Iraq of today: that is what [Ariel
Sharon] had in store for us."

The struggle in Palestine is an American war, waged from America's most
heavily armed foreign military base, Israel. In the West, we are
conditioned not to think of the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" in those
terms, just as we are conditioned to think of the Israelis as victims,
not illegal and brutal occupiers. This is not to underestimate the
ruthless initiatives of the Israeli state, but without F-16s and
Apaches and billions of American taxpayers' dollars, Israel would have
made peace with the Palestinians long ago. Since the Second World War,
the U.S. has given Israel some $140 billion, much of it as armaments.
According to the Congressional Research Service, the same "aid" budget
was to include $28 million "to help [Palestinian] children deal with
the current conflict situation" and to provide "basic first aid." That
has now been vetoed.

Karma Nabulsi's comparison with Iraq is apposite, for the same "policy"
applies there. The capture of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a wonderful
media event: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called "action as
propaganda," and having little bearing on reality. The Americans and
those who act as their bullhorn have their demon even a video game of
his house being blown up. The truth is that Zarqawi was largely their
creation. His apparent killing serves an important propaganda purpose,
distracting us in the west from the American goal of converting Iraq,
like Palestine, into a powerless society of ethnic and religious
tribalism. Death squads, formed and trained by veterans of the CIA's
"counterinsurgency" in central America, are critical to this. The
Special Police Commandos, a CIA creation led by former senior
intelligence officers in Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, are perhaps the
most brutal. The Zarqawi killing and the myths about his importance
also deflect from routine massacres by U.S. soldiers, such as the one
at Haditha. Even the puppet Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki complains
that murderous behavior of U.S. troops is "a daily occurrence." As I
learned in Vietnam, a form of serial killing, then known officially as
"body count," is the way the Americans fight their colonial wars.

This is known as "pacification." The asymmetry of a pacified Iraq and a
pacified Palestine is clear. As in Palestine, the war in Iraq is
against civilians, mostly children. According to UNICEF, Iraq once had
one of the highest indicators for the well-being of children. Today, a

quarter of children between the ages of six months and five years
suffer acute or chronic malnutrition, worse than during the years of
sanctions. Poverty and disease have risen with each day of the

In April, in British-occupied Basra, the European aid agency Saving

Children from War reported: "The mortality of young children had
increased by 30 percent compared with the Saddam Hussein era." They die

because the hospitals have no ventilators and the water supply, which
the British were meant to have fixed, is more polluted than ever.

Children fall victim to unexploded U.S. and British cluster bombs. They

play in areas contaminated by depleted uranium; by contrast, British
army survey teams venture there only in full-body radiation suits, face

masks, and gloves. Unlike the children they came to "liberate," British
troops are given what the Ministry of Defense calls "full biological

Was Arthur Miller right? Do we "internally deny" all this, or do we
listen to distant voices? On my last trip to Palestine, I was rewarded,
on leaving Gaza, with a spectacle of Palestinian flags fluttering from
inside the walled compounds. Children are responsible for this. No one
tells them to do it. They make flagpoles out of sticks tied together,
and one or two climb on to a wall and hold the flag between them,
silently. They do it, believing they will tell the world.


John Pilger was born and educated in Sydne, Australia. He has been a
war correspondent, film-maker and playwright. Based in London, he has
written from many countries and has twice won British journalism's
highest award, that of "Journalist of the Year," for his work in
Vietnam and Cambodia.

Copyright 2003
Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog
De Todos Para Todos Blog

# posted by Peta de Aztlan @ 6/15/2006 11:15:00 PM

Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Join the Humane-Rights-Agenda Group!
Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog
Sacramento, California, Aztlan


Last Updated: Saturday, 17 June 2006, 15:26 GMT 16:26 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
Bolivia Unveils Anti-Poverty Plan
By Daniel Schweimler
BBC South America correspondent

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 999999.gif]
The government of Bolivia has announced a radical plan to reduce
poverty and create employment in the poorest country in South America.

Almost $7bn (#3.8bn) will be invested in ambitious public works

The economic plan announced by Planning and Development Minister
Carlos Villegas aims to create 100,000 jobs a year for the next five

It is the latest measure in a series implemented by President Evo
Morales since taking office in January.

The people of South America, and especially Bolivia, have often heard
their leaders promise to reduce poverty and create jobs.

But President Morales appears to mean it and many Bolivians believe
what he says.

The money will come from the recently nationalised gas industry,
supplemented by international lending and foreign investment.

The plan, presented in the presidential palace in La Paz, also aims to
deliver more basic public services such as school meals and better
access to clean water.

Speedy changes

Since he came to office, Evo Morales, a former coca leaf grower, has
launched a number of ambitious projects to reduce poverty and close the
gap between rich and poor in Bolivia.

He cut wages in the public sector, including his own, and sent troops
in to take control of oil and gas installations after he nationalised
the industries. He has forged links with Venezuela and Cuba and worries

Few in Bolivia deny that the country needs radical changes.

The speed with which President Morales has moved to implement those
changes has delighted his supporters, but left wealthy Bolivians and
foreign investors nervous and uncertain how they should react.


From: Marsha MCClelland <>
Date: June 18, 2006 9:37:44 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Michael Berg on Father's Day

Michael Berg on Father's Day

Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:07 am (PST)


Fathers' Day Reflections on a Lost Son...

Of all of the holidays a grieving father can be confronted with after
death of his child, Fathers' Day is for me the most difficult.

My son Nick died in Iraq on May 7, 2004. He is buried next to my
father, who
had died just a year and a half before. That is not the way it's
supposed to
be. I'm supposed to go somewhere between my father and my son. My
mother is
on the other side of my father, and my mother's parents are nearby. My
immigrant grandparents died first, then my parents died many years
That is the way it is supposed to be.

I want to make sure no father suffers the loss of their son or daughter
Iraq or a future illegal war of aggression. I urge all those who oppose
military occupation of Iraq and do not want to see future wars of
choice to
sign the Voters' Pledge at www.VotersForPeace.US
<> . Nearly fifty
people have already signed. It will let politicians know that we will
support pro-war candidates in the future.

There is a lot else going on that is not the way it is supposed to be.
leaders are not supposed to lie to us. Yet that is precisely what George
Bush and company have done. They told us to beware of weapons of mass
destruction, Iraqi involvement in 9/11, and Al Qaeda infiltration of
We now know these were all lies, yet still my son and the loved ones of
150,000 other grieving souls lost their lives because of them.

I have no excuse. Though I doubted the veracity of George Bush's words,
did too little too late.

My son Nick was an independent contractor, not associated with
Bechtel, Lockheed-Martin, or the U.S. military. Nick was murdered in
retaliation for the atrocities committed at the Abu Ghraib prison:
rapes, and torture of Iraqi citizens. Though Donald Rumsfeld says he
responsibility for those atrocities, no consequences were felt by him,
they were by my son and everyone who loved him. George Bush ordered
Gonzalez to rewrite definitions of torture essentially ordering these
and he did so with impunity. This is not the way it's supposed to be

Nick was arrested by George Bush's military without reason and then
illegally detained for thirteen days. While he was in custody, the
revelations of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal became public. These
revelations ignited the resistance in Iraq and made it impossible for
to get home alive. When Nick did arrive home, it was to the military
mortuary at Dover Air Force Base, a base from which I and all other
ones of the invisible deceased are barred. This is not the way it's
to be either.

We learn more and more of the truth of what is happening in Iraq every
We learn what is happening to America and our allies as a result of the
voters of these United States electing the wrong men and women:
unjustifiable wars, the undermining of vital social programs, willful
neglect of the maintenance of the infrastructure of our nation, and
dangerous "ignorance" of climate change that could result in
disaster. This is the legacy of these leaders. Neither of the two
political parties in this country are doing anything to make things the
they are supposed be.

On March 17, 2006, I joined many others, both conservatives and
liberals, in
taking the first steps to put things right. I had the honor to be the
person to sign the Voters Pledge for Peace.

The Voters' Pledge on the Voters for Peace website is a project
many of the major organizations in the antiwar movement-United for
Peace and
Justice, Peace Action, Gold Star Families for Peace, Code Pink, and
Democracy Rising-as well as groups with broader agendas like the
Organization for Women, Progressive Democrats of America,, and magazines including the American
and the Nation. The goal of this coalition is to build a base of antiwar
voters that cannot be ignored by anyone running for office in the United
States. We want millions of voters to sign the pledge and say no to

You can help right now by visiting www.VotersForPeace.US
<> and immediately
the Voters' Pledge, which states:

I will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress or President
does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any
future war
of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign.

And after you sign it, send it to everyone you know and urge them to do
same. Together we can change the path of the United States--move
ourselves in
a new direction toward the way it's supposed to be, so that all
fathers, all
mothers, all Americans will be able to face the next Fathers Day,
Day, and Independence Day with the pride these holidays deserve.

6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 240 - Takoma Park, MD 20912 - (301) 270-2355
Copyright 2006 VotersForPeace.US. All rights reserved.



From: "Mark R. Elsis |" <>
Date: June 18, 2006 12:01:19 AM EST
To: "Mark R. Elsis" <>
Subject: Six Million Reasons To Watch All Of These Videos

The Most Important Independent News On Earth

4520 News Links Published And Archived In 2006

Six Million
Reasons To Watch All Of These Videos

Treblinka Investigation

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 1: Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 2: Water Well

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 3: Haircut

Holocaust Denial Movie. Part 4: Engine Exhaust

Holocaust Denial Movie. Part 5: Nuremberg Trial

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 6: Gassing Building

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 7: Abraham Bomba

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 8: Eliyahu Rosenberg

Holocaust Denial Movie. Part 9: Reader's Digest

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 10: Ridiculous Experiments

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 11: Treblinka Burial Space

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 12: Belzec Burial Space

Holocaust Denial Movie. Part 13: Sobibor Burial Space

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 15: Rain, Wind, Fire, Ice

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 18: Physical Evidence Part 1

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 20: Soviets Arrive At Treblinka

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 21: Destroying Evidence

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 22: A Doctor Testifies

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 23: Lamb

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 24: Bone Crushing

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 25: Flameable Fence

Holocaust Denial Movie: Episode 26: Treblinka's Outer Fence

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 27: Confessing Germans Part 1

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 28: Confessing Germans Part 2

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 29: Alexander Donat's Book

Holocaust Denial Movie: Part 30: Conclusion


Be Humane


Strawberry Fields

Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive

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Stop Rearranging Deck Chairs On The Titanic

"The time is now for each and every one of us to

fully understand and recognize that if we do not

radically change our corporate driven consumptive

and destructive way of life, we will go extinct."

Love Is The Answer

Mark R. Elsis



Send us an email:

President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 23, 2006, 5:36:12 PM6/23/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 23, 2006

NOTE: Thanks to Kevin Barrett below for such a spirited missive to the
lamentable US Secret Service. -- kl, pp

From: Kevin Barrett <>
Date: June 22, 2006 4:16:30 PM EST

Subject: MUJCA News: Deprogramming the Bush Cult, Hannity, CHE, an
Interfaith Conference, and the Secret Service

Tonight! Fetzer takes on Hannity
Jim Fetzer, co-founder of Scholars for 911 Truth is SCHEDULED to be on
Fox News tonight (Thursday, June 22nd) with Hannity & Colmes, typically
9pm est.
H&C site:

Deprogramming the Bush Cult:
Understanding 9/11 Anxiety, Avoiding a National Jonestown
By Kevin Barrett,
Synopsis: In Apocalypse of Coercion (Global Outlook #11, June 2006) I
used Douglas Rushkoffs landmark book Coercion as a touchstone for
understanding 9/11 as a psychological warfare operation. Rushkoffs
well-researched insights into the mind-control techniques of car
salesmen, spin doctors, cult leaders, and CIA psych-war specialists
explain how 9/11 was designed as a war-triggering New Pearl Harbor.
In the follow-up article Deprogramming the Bush Cult I use Marc
Galanters analysis of how cults control their followers to argue that
the 9/11 psy-op created a Bush Cult of war fever, pseudo-patriotism,
and unquestioning compliance with increasingly insane leadership. My
conclusion is that if we are to avoid a national Jonestown, we must
understand and expose the way anxiety-induction followed by
anxiety-reduction has been used to establish cult-like control of the
American people during the 9/11-initiated war on terror.
Full story:

MUJCA Coordinator Responds to Chronicle of Higher Education Article on
Chicago Conference
(For the Chronicle article, go to and
scroll down)

To The Chronicle of Higher Education,

Given the pervasive media blackout, I appreciate John Gravoiss article
on the recent 9/11 truth conference in Chicago, which I helped
organize, almost as much as I appreciate the lunch Mr. Gravois bought
me on the Chronicles dime. A couple of items, however, stuck in my

The headline Professors of Paranoia? Academics give a scholarly stamp
to 9/11 conspiracy theories and the article that followed reek of the
kind of pejorative, loaded language that I have always taught
Composition students to avoid at all costs...
Full story:

Unquestioned Answers
Nonconspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin takes aim at the official 9-11
By Steve Bhaerman
[MUJCA-NET endorser Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a. Swami Beyondanonda--one of
the best writers in the 9/11 truth movement--has published a terrific
article on MUJCA's "founding endorser" David Ray Griffin for a Sonoma
County wine-country weekly. Don't miss it.]

9/11 to be marked by interfaith conference
Staff Reporter

[Canadian MUJCA allies who can't make it to NY for the 5-year
anniversary should consider attending this conference and agitating for

MONTREAL - Representatives of religions from around the world will
gather in Montreal on the fifth anniversary of 9/11 for a conference
that aims to demonstrate that those of different beliefs can find
common ground.

Organziers of Worlds Religions After September 11: A Global Congress,
to be held from Sept. 11 to 15 at the Palais des Congrhs, say their
goal about 18 religions will be represented, including Judaism is
to restore a more positive image of religion.

Congress president Arvind Sharma, the Birks professor of comparative
religion in McGill Universitys religious studies faculty, said at the
official announcement of the event that the perception of religion in
general, not just Islam, has suffered as a result of the terrorist
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The arrest of 17 Muslim terrorist suspects in Toronto has only
underscored the need for reflection in an ecumenical spirit, he

MUJCA Coordinator Questions Secret Service on Kentucky Gun Confiscation

emailed to:

Public Relations Office
United States Secret Service

To Whom It May Concern,

It has come to my attention that Michael Cook, a
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth activist in Kentucky,
has been visited by four of your agents, and that his
lawfully-possessed firearms have been twice confiscated as the result
of an email statement Mr. Cook made concerning our twice-unelected,
World Trade Center destroying pseudo-President. Mr. Cook's email
statement made no threat, but simply predicted: "Eventually he (Bush)
will be shot for treason."

I am writing because I am concerned that Mr. Cook's statement may be
incorrect, and I wish to request Secret Service guidelines about how I
may correct Mr. Cook's mistake without running afoul of your agents.
As I understand it, the usual penalty for treason is hanging, not death
by firing squad. In that case, it is likely that Mr. Bush will be
hanged, not shot, for treason. By making this prediction, am I running
the risk of having my clothesline confiscated? I also think that there
is a real possibility that Mr. Bush will be electrocuted for the mass
murder of 2,500 Americans in the World Trade Center. By stating this,
am I risking a court order shutting off my electricity? I also foresee
a small but very real possibility that Mr. Bush will die in the gas
chamber. Does raising this possibility mean that my gas could be cut

I appreciate the difficulty you guys must be having doing your job
right now, with tens of millions of Americans calling for Bush, Cheney,
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company to be prosecuted and (presumably)
executed for 9/11 high treason. With almost half the country believing
the official 9/11 story is a cover-up (Zogby poll, May 2006) it won't
be long before an overwhelming majority of Americans joins Mr. Cook in
eagerly anticipating Bush's execution--which will put you fellas in a
difficult position. Maybe it's time to save the country a lot of
heartache, and rat out whoever it was in the SS who kept Bush at that
school in Florida long after the second plane hit the building.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to not hearing from
you -- though if my clothesline disappears I'll know who it was.

Kevin Barrett
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Edgewood College of Madison
Coordinator, Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth


From: "reggie501" <>
Date: June 23, 2006 11:32:03 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Video: Fetzer on Fox News! tvnl news

9/11 News :

7 Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 911 Truth on Fox News
- TVNL Comment: VIDEO

7 Thousands claim exposure in 9/11 aftermath - David Worby is now at
the helm of what he calls the largest and most important class-action
lawsuit in U.S. history, representing thousands of people he says are
dying at an accelerated pace from exposure to toxins at Ground Zero.


From: "smacko" <>
Date: June 23, 2006 1:37:32 AM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] WTC Black Boxes

December 19, 2005
A CounterPunch Special Report
Did the Bush Administration Lie to Congress and the 9/11 Commission?
9/11: Missing Black Boxes in World Trade Center Attacks Found by
Firefighters, Analyzed by NTSB, Concealed by FBI
By DAVE LINDORFF __._,_.___


From: Tim Barton <>
Date: June 22, 2006 11:56:56 AM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>

Subject: [bluegreenearth] The Next Oil Grab East Timor

Dave <> to mark-thomas

The Next Oil Grab East Timor

Any pretence of unbiased reporting about the East Timor coup seems to
have gone completely out of the window in the mainstream media. It's
obvious the Australian govenment and media have got their threatened
payback against the Alkatiri led government over the negotiation on
Timor Sea oil. The East Timorese are not even going to be allowed the
small gains they have achieved in the oil rights issue.

Classic divide and conquer techniques have been used to magnify the
slight ethnic differences between the Loro Sia (easterners) and Loro
Mono (westerners) by the Australian trained leader of 600 army deserters
Major Alfredo Reinado who has whipped up a dispute about promotion into
the ethnic cleansing of Dili.

The Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri is hounded with one unproven allegation
after another while the Foreign/Defence Minister Ramos Horta, the
Australians favourite, hob nobs with the army deserters who started the
troubles in April. Meanwhile President Xanana Gusmao, who is supposed to
uphold the constitution, is having cosy chats on the phone with the
deserters leader Major Alfredo Reinardo behind the back of the Prime

Xanana and Ramos Horta have already claimed the scalps (in one case
almost literally) of two of their main political opponents Interior
Minister, Rogerio Tiago Lobato, and Defence Minister Roque Rodrigues now
they are trying again for Alkatiri.

In what seems a completely one sided version of the last two months
events, missing is the attempt on Alkatiri at a press conference by a
mob of thirty machete wielding thugs. The murder of six relatives of
Rogerio Lobato which appeared to be the start of the second wave of
violence at the end of May also is being written out of history. All the
emphasis is on the killing of nine police officers who were supporting
the deserters and had disarmed under UN protection after a gun battle.
While not pretending this incident was anything but deplorable it seems
it was in revenge for the killing of some F-FDTL (loyal to government)
soldiers, who were returning from collecting their pay, by the deserters
and an ambush by the deserters in Becora that had killed another F-FDTL
soldier. One of the people involved at Becora, according to journalist
David O'Shea, was Major Reinardo.

The reporting of who the victims are is also very skewed, whilst there
has been violence by both sides of the community by far the majority of
refugees seem to be people from Los Palos, Baucau and Viqueque according
to the UN.

Along with a confusing series of rumours over the last 24 hours about
Xanana asking for Alkairi's resignation the opposition have also sunk to
the most basic racism. At a demonstration yesterday they were handing
out fliers linking Alkatiri, a Muslim in the mostly Roman Catholic
country and a descendent of Yemeni immigrants, with al-Qaeda leader
Osama bin Laden. "We hate Mari Alkatiri. He is (a) descendent of bin
Laden and he is (b) terrorist and communist," the flier said, also
describing him as a "murderer" and "not pure Timorese." Although no one
explained how you can be in al-Qaeda (an organisation originally set up
to fight communists) and be a communist at the same time!

It looks as though the final push to get rid of Alkatiri is going on

See Tyneside East Timor Solidarity at /
global community, ecological, environmental and social
reportage, opinion and analysis + news, views and facts


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 22, 2006 2:49:08 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Resume - George W. Bush

Resume - George W. Bush


GEORGE W. BUSH 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington , DC 20520



I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine , in 1976 for driving under the
influence of alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver's
license suspended for 30 days. My Texas driving record has been "lost"
and is not available.


I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL. I refused to take
a drug test or answer any questions about my drug use. By joining the
Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty in Vietnam


I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. I was a


I ran for U.S. Congress and lost. I began my career in the oil business
in Midland , Texas , in 1975. I bought an oil company, but couldn't
find any oil in Texas . The company went bankrupt shortly after I sold
all my stock.

I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took
land using taxpayer money. With the help of my father and our friends
in the oil industry, including Enron CEO Ken Lay, I was elected
governor of Texas .


I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies, making
Texas the most polluted state in the Union .

During my tenure, Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most smog-ridden
city in America

I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of billions
in borrowed money.

I set the record for the most executions by any governor in American

With the help of my brother, the governor of Florida , and my father's
appointments to the Supreme Court, I became President after losing by
over 500,000 votes.


I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a
criminal record.

I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over one
billion dollars per week.

I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.

I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.

I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any
12-month period.

I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.

I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the
U.S. stock market.

In my first year in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs
and that trend continues every month.

I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any
administration in U.S. history. My "poorest millionaire," Condoleeza
Rice, had a Chevron oil tanker named after her.

I set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips by a U.S.
President. I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving
the most corporate campaign donations.

My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best friends,
Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in
U.S. History, Enron.

My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys to
assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election

I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against
investigation or prosecution.

More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair
than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-
offs in history.

I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused
to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed.

I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.

I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded
government contracts.

I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any
President in U.S. history.

I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest bureaucracy in
the history of the United States government.

I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S.

I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations
remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.

I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law. I refused to allow
inspectors access to U.S . "prisoners of war" detainees and thereby
have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.

I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations election
inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).

I set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any
President since the advent of television.

I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year
period. After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over
the worst security failure in U.S. history.

I garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade Center
attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the most hated country
in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in world history.

I have set the all-time record for most people worldwide to
simultaneously protest me in public venues (15 million people),
shattering the record for protests against any person in the history of

I am the first President in U.S. history to order an unprovoked,
pre-emptive attack and the military occupation of a sovereign nation. I
did so against the will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S.
citizens, and the world community.

I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut in
duty benefits for active duty troops and their families-in-wartime.

In my State of the Union Address, I lied about our reasons for
attacking Iraq and then blamed the lies on our British friends.

I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans
(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and

I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical Bunker Buster," a
WMD. I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden
[sic] to justice.


All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my father's
library, sealed and unavailable for public view.

All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public

All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice-President,
attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and
unavailable for publi c review. I am a member of the Republican Party.



From: Ecological Options Network <>

Date: June 22, 2006 12:30:50 AM EST
Subject: EON's Doc 'GOT DEMOCRACY?' Featured on LinkTV

Hi EON Friends,

We're pleased to let you know that our recently released thirty-minute
documentary GOT DEMOCRACY? will lead off an upcoming election
integrity series that will be repeating on LinkTV in the coming weeks.
(Please pass this on to your lists and networks!)

GOT DEMOCRACY? is a 30-minute report on the electoral crisis in the
United States. It is based on the First National Teach-In on vote
rigging held in Oakland, California February, 2005, which was organized
by the Wellstone Club, Mainstreet Moms and EON.

Presenters include: Ohio attorney, journalist and Political Science
Prof. Bob Fitrakis; Investigative journalists Lynn Landes and Wayne
Madsen; Statistician Allyson Washburn; Researchers Emily Levy & Dr.
Jonathan Simon; Activists, Megan Matson, Butch Wing, Medea Benjamin,
Sharon Cornu & Walter Riley.

Link is a viewer-supported satellite broadcaster with 26 million
viewers. Its expected that 3-6 million would see these 4 1/2 hours of
repeating coverage on election integrity. (Please e-mail LinkTV with
thanks, encouragement and support for this ground-breaking
programming. Send your kudos to: ) .

The series will air beginning at 7:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, on
Sunday, June 25 and again Friday, July 7, being repeated throughout
both weekends.

Scheduling details are on Link's home page ( and there
are partial schedules and information below. The LinkTV press release
is attached

Link is satellite only, the channels are:

DIRECTV ch. 375
DISH Network ch. 9410

---Got Democracy? 30-minute EON documentary Produced by Mary Beth
Brangan, Directed and Edited by James Heddle

Sunday, June 25
7:30 PM
Sunday, June 25
10:30 PM
Monday, June 26
1:30 AM
Monday, June 26
4:30 AM
Monday, June 26
7:30 AM
Monday, June 26
1:30 PM

---Democracy for Sale, 4-hour special in two parts - Host Mark
Hertzgaard interviews Mainstreet Moms Founder/Director Megan Matson***
and investigative reporter Greg Palast and introduces excerpts of
several films including Orwell Rolls in His Grave; the Academy
Award-nominated Street Fight; and the critically-acclaimed documentary,
Counting on Democracy. Amy Goodman also participates.

Sunday, June 25
8:00 PM
Sunday, June 25
11:00 PM
Monday, June 26
2:00 AM
Monday, June 26
5:00 AM
Monday, June 26
8:00 AM
Monday, June 26
2:00 PM

*** [ Megan narrates and co-produced another
recent EON documentary HELP AMERICA VOTE...ON PAPER. For details on
this and other recent EON productions, please visit: ]

the Ecological Options Network
"What's Working Where, Worldwide"


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: June 22, 2006 7:02:33 AM EST
Subject: Take the quiz!

How well can you tell Adolf Hitler and Ann Coulter apart?

I tried it -- it's not easy!


NOTE: Please do not overlook the significance of this report below.
-- kl, pp

From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: June 22, 2006 10:52:48 AM EST
To:, "Dawn Burt" <>, f
Subject: The Astounding Leo

Astounding Leo Wanta $27 Trillion Banking Crisis:
Time for the Banks and the Crooks

By Christopher Story
Editor, International Currency Review, London

LONDON, 21 June 2006 - The integrity of the international banking
system is on the line this week. This is because the behaviour of
certain banks is being closely watched by a team of informed observers
who are privy to scandals that the banks in question hope can still be
swept under their plush boardroom carpets.

Collectively, the scandals represent the most brazen attempt by banks
to seize the funds of their depositors, in history. The relevant
funds, which amounted - when fitfully paid out in 1989-93 - to about
$27.5 trillion, are now believed to be worth approaching $70 trillion.
They represent assets corralled on Presidential instructions by the US
Treasury's most distinguished Secret Service financial agent, Leo E.
Wanta. He remains the Trustor of these funds.

The financial war chest was amassed for geostrategic purposes at the
'end of the Cold War', after Mikhail Gorbachkv had received $10
billion via certain American-assisted international financial
transactions. He has since constructed a colossal headquarters campus
outside Moscow, with some of this money*.

As everyone knows, most scams require a counterparty. For the
international banks involved, their counterparty was, and remains, the
US intelligence community - or rather, corrupt elements thereof, led
by professional criminal intelligence 'barons' such as George Bush
Sr., and Bill Clinton.

Taking their cue from the example of such corrupt operatives, lesser
intelligence fry joined in - scamming billions from Wanta's fund,
which was organised in order to finance, at the supranational
(intergovernmental) level, the post-Cold War 'Global Security
Environment'. A key front man in this endeavour was Mikhail Gorbachkv,
whose 'Global Security Project' initiative was actually designed by Leo
Wanta himself, again of course on US Presidential instructions.

Scams are greatly facilitated when irregular parties share a common
interest. In this case, both the banks and corrupt elements of the US
intelligence community, neither of which of course owned any of these
funds, coveted the billions and trillions of dollars raised during
1989-92, for their own purposes.

The banks saw the funds as the answer to liquidity and prospective
solvency problems. They accordingly collateralised and
cross-collateralised the vast and rapidly expanding deposits placed
with them for safekeeping, and performed elaborate hypothecation
exercises, using the Trustor's funds as base.

Corrupt CIA operatives and fake CIA lawyers muscled in and, on the
basis of Powers of Attorney awarded to certain of their number by
questionable means, misappropriated, redirected and even stole
billions, with one or more fake CIA lawyers illegally placing the
Trustor's funds in foreign bank accounts under their own name.

Moreover the original funds were ransacked even as they were paid out
by the Federal Reserve, under the authority of the Fed's former
Chairman, Dr Alan Greenspan. An analysis published by International
Currency Review in February 2005 of the initial amounts which were
misdirected from the Fed, inter alia directly into private offshore
bank accounts, found that an estimated $742.5 billion had been
misappropriated .

Subsequent investigations have suggested that even this total is

But that was nothing to what happened later. In order to gain control
of these funds - supposedly assembled in order to make the world a
'safer place' after the 'end of the Cold War' - corrupt elements of US
intelligence, headed by President Clinton, set the ball rolling by
targeting the Trustor himself. Ordered by William Sessions, the head
of the FBI, to travel with intelligence aides to Switzerland in 1993
with a brief to arrest Marc Rich, Wanta was himself arrested and flung
into a stinking jail for 134 days - by the Swiss authorities. Almost
simultaneously, Clinton fired William Sessions without giving any
reason, and Vince Foster, an FBI informant who had been handling funds
'belonging' to the Children's Defense Fund, a CIA front for funny
money, was murdered in the Washington, DC area.

Wanta's effects, including 18 US Treasury instruments worth $18
billion, were removed from him - and the official assets worth $18
billion face value have disappeared. Following an urgent intervention
by the late Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, Mr Wanta was
suddenly released, but was then taken, still in shackles, to Geneva
airport and flown to New York. After being frog-marched through
Kennedy, this distinguished and upright US Treasury intelligence
officer was arraigned before a judge on a trumped-up charge at the US
Eastern District Court of New York. The judge saw through the ruse and
threw the case out, but Leo Wanta was illegally re-arrested on the
courtroom steps without a warrant, on instructions from the Wisconsin

The new false charge alleged that Wanta had failed to pay a tax bill
of about $14,000 that he did not owe, in Wisconsin state taxes, dating
back to 1982 - despite the fact that he had been living mainly abroad
on US intelligence business, working directly for the President of the
United States, for many years. He was accordingly extradited to
Wisconsin, where he was jailed.

During incarceration in that State and elsewhere, attempts were made
to have this distinguished US Treasury officer - still of course
Trustor of the original $27.5 trillion of intergovernmental funds and
the relevant accruals - declared insane. He underwent five so-called
'lunacy tests', his life being saved when a doctor of Chinese
extraction, no doubt familiar with similar abuses back in her home
country, refused to certify him. Had she done so, he would have been
sent to a Soviet-style 'psychiatric hospital' and never heard from

After many vicissitudes, Leo Wanta was released into house arrest in
Wisconsin, where he languished for many further years. During this
time, he managed to raise the falsely charged state tax, which the
State of Wisconsin took - but 'lost'. With the help of friends, he
later raised the same amount again, and this time, the payment was
registered. But in the meantime vast additional penalties, fees and
other charges had accrued. His house was sold at a knock-down price
without his consent, and the proceeds stolen. In July 2005, a sum of
$30,626.97 made available by a friend, was paid in person by Mr
Wanta's lawyer to the court in Wisconsin; and on 14th November 2005,
he was released from all restrictions.

(Since this final payment included the false state tax bill for the
third time, it, too, has reportedly been misappropriated. The problem
faced by the Wisconsin authorities was how this payment could
legitimately be recorded. It couldn't).

It was only a matter of weeks before the significance of this
development started to trickle round the US intelligence community,
which, all of a sudden, faced an unprecedented problem.

For it emerged that the CIA had systematically lied that Leo Wanta
had long since been dead. This false information was of course
exploited by the many US intelligence crooks who had been making
illegitimate use of the Trustor's funds.

As for the banks, they likewise took maximum advantage of the CIA's
lie. If the Trustor was dead, then the banks could do what they liked
with the funds. So they used them for every off-balance-sheet ruse yet
invented by their financial engineers.

In other words, neither the banks nor the CIA ever thought that the
funds would be claimed. Imagine the cataclysmic shocks that
reverberated around the world's international banks when it began to
be rumoured late last year that, far from being long since dead, Leo
Wanta was alive and had gone to court to obtain a ruling on the
disposition of the assets.

These are held in offshore bank accounts belonging to so-called Title
18, Section 6 US Government intelligence community corporations. Such
entities were authorised by President Reagan in January 1981, under
Executive Order 12333.

For further information, visit:

For The Complete Wanta Story Set, click HERE

President, USA Exile Govt.

Jun 26, 2006, 2:05:54 AM6/26/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

June 25, 2006

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The Assault on Adhamiya: "Shia against
Sunni" US-Sponsored Ethnic War
Limitations and
perspectives of war reporting from Iraq

By Inge Van de Merlen

June 25, 2006
BRussells Tribunal
Sources in Baghdad

The situation is terrible! said the voice on the telephone, Since
last night, there is fighting in the streets. Here, in my
neighborhood, Adhamiya. The voice is a good friend of mine from
Baghdad. His words brought an uncomfortable feeling to the pit of my
stomach as I realized that Im still not used to the idea of having
friends in a war zone. Whos fighting? Militias? Americans? I
asked. Shia against Sunni, he replied, Shia attacked a Sunni
mosque. When I asked how it had come to that, he said: Well, this is
what the US and Iran have been trying to achieve all the time.
Suddenly, the line was cut and I could only hope the disconnect was a
technical problem in the network, which is not an unusual event in
occupied Iraq.

Shia against Sunni? I could hardly believe the civil war scenario had
materialized. An estimated 30% of Iraqi families are Sunni-Shia
mixed. For years now, the occupation forces and their allies have
talked about Iraq being on the brink of civil war. And all that time,
theyve tried their best to divide the country along sectarian lines.
None of my Iraqi friends ever believed Iraqis would fall into that
trap. Did they get it wrong? Its true that the bombing at the
Al-Askariya mosque in Samarra on February 22 triggered a wave of
sectarian violence, in spite of repeated calls from several clerics and
politicians to preserve calm. Although nobody claimed the attack,
authorities immediately held Sunni extremists accountable. Western
media never really paid attention to the circumstances under which the
assault took place and its professional character. According to the
Iraqi Minister of Construction, it must have taken at least four hours
to drill the holes in the pillars where the explosives were
planted.[1] And the whole operation happened during the nightly
curfew, with Iraqi and American security forces patrolling the

In the evening, I finally reached my Iraqi friend again. This time,
the conversation provided me with sufficient information for a short
report on Indymedia Belgium about the clashes in Adhamiya.[3] The
translated text goes as follows:

Baghdad/Brussels, 18 April, 2006 - In Al-Adhamiya, Baghdad, heavy
fighting broke out at 1 am and lasted until 2 pm on Monday. Men in
police uniforms attacked the neighborhood. The Ministry of Interior
claimed the uniformed men dont belong to the puppet forces, but local
residents are quite sure they are special forces from the Ministry of
Interior, probably Badr brigades. The neighborhood was sealed off and
the mobile phone network was disconnected until 10.45 pm. Electricity
was cut off from 10 am on.

When the uniformed forces entered the neighborhood, the National Guards
that are usually patrolling the streets left. Young armed men from the
neighborhood fought side by side with mujahedin against the attacking
forces to protect Al-Adhamiya. Several residents have been killed in
the streets, but there are currently no figures available. US troops
also entered the neighborhood. At first, they just stood by and
watched; later they, too, fired at the locals, who tried to repel the

Later in the day, rumors circulated that another fierce attack of
Al-Adhamiya is planned on Wednesday, but the correspondent couldnt
confirm this information.

In the mean time, several Iraqi bloggers were also busy covering the
Adhamiya clashes. Baghdad Treasure, who lives in Adhamiyas periphery,
posted testimonies of a friend in the middle of the area.[4] Zeyad
only published a short report during the fighting, because the
electricity was cut off and the local generator was damaged.[5] A more
detailed account followed a few days later.[6] Iraqi-Austrian TAI
regularly posted an overview of the information he obtained from his
friends in Adhamiya, and compared it with reports in the Arab and
western press.[7] By the end of the week, after the neighborhood had
calmed down, Baghdad Dweller had gathered information from his friends
and relatives in Adhamiya.[8]

Independent journalist and Iraq expert, Dahr Jamail, was on alert as
well and consulted his local sources. In an op-ed for Truthout[9] he
put the events in the broader context of the mass medias defective
reporting and in a report[10] for IPS, he promptly showed how it can be
better done.

Direct accounts passed on by Adhamiyas residents via informal channels
delivered a significant amount of information. Without consulting a
single official press report, the events as observed by local residents
could be summarized as follows:

In the middle of the night on Sunday fighting broke out in the center
of Adhamiya. Men in police uniforms and Shiite militias attacked the
district. Assisted by resistance fighters residents took up arms in
order to defend themselves against the attack. The offenders entered
the area from three directions: Omar Abdul Aziz street, the bank of the
Tigris, and the US controlled bridge across the river.

Electricity and telephone networks were cut off. The ministry of
Interior denies any involvement. During the clashes, American
helicopters circled the area. The Iraqi army[1] initially believed it
to be an insurgent attack and returned fire on the residents.
American troops provided assistance. When, on Monday at noon local
elders and clerics were able to correct this error, the Iraqi army
started to set up checkpoints in order to restore security. After the
clashes, the neighborhood came under mortar fire from outside. During
the fighting, residents and resistance fighters had destroyed some
vehicles of the attackers. Residents tried to confiscate one of the
abandoned vehicles, but American troops intervened and pulled it away.

At 6.45 am on Tuesday, unknown gunmen in a speeding vehicle fired at an
Iraqi National Guard check point. The unit responded with a rabid
barrage, damaging several stores and hitting the nearby Al-Anbia
mosque. The mosque guards returned fire. American troops entered
Adhamiya again and fired at anything that moved. The battle lasted
until noon on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, another short clash took place near the police office.
Later, residents helped the Iraqi National Guard to set up checkpoints
throughout the district. Reports of civilian deaths range from one to

The red lines indicate the district borders. The battles in Adhamiya
took place mostly in the lower bulge, where the border goes along the
Tigris bank. Another name for Thawra is Sadr City, a predominantly
Shiite slum. Khadamiya is equally predominantly Shia. The bridge
connecting Adhamiya and Khadamiya is currently closed. Further to the
South there is another bridge across the Tigris, which is controlled by
US troops. According to my contact, armed militias could reach
Adhamiya via this bridge.

Western news reports

Official news agencies it took a little longer to get the story out.
Sources within the police forces and the Ministry of Interior informed
Reuters[11] that fighting had broken out in Adhamiya after armed men
attacked a police office. At the time of the report, it was unclear
who was involved in the clashes. Later police reinforcements arrived
with the assistance of Shia Moslem militiamen. Residents took up arms
to defend themselves from the militias. Casualties had been reported
on Omar Abdul Aziz Street. Hospital staff members told the Associated
Press[12] that one civilian had died and seven more were wounded in
clashes between insurgents and the Iraqi army. The army intended to
carry out home raids in order to search for the offenders. Deutsche
Presse-Agentur[13] reported fighting between residents and armed men.
The Iraqi army, police forces and American troops later sealed off the
district. An Iraqi general reported on television that the
neighborhood was secured. By Monday evening, Reuters had updated
their report.[14] About 50 insurgents had mounted a brazen attack on
Iraqi forces on Monday, a U.S. military spokesman told them. He added
that guerrillas attacked Iraqi forces overnight and that five rebels
were killed and a member of the Iraqi forces was wounded. Residents
had said that Shiite militiamen accompanied the Iraqi troops, but that
could not be independently confirmed. Reuters did not mention whether
the American spokespersons statements had been independently

On Tuesday, newspapers released additional information, which led to an
increase in contradicting reports. The New York Times[15] wrote that
in a statement released on Monday the Iraqi Islamic Party said clashes
were between Iraqi government forces and residents of Adhamiya,
implying that the uniformed forces were the aggressors. In a telephone
interview, a guard at Abu Hanifa Mosque stated, fighting erupted
around midnight when gunmen clashed with Iraqi soldiers at Al Sabah
library nearby. Police commandos, long suspected of operating Shiite
death squads, then entered the area and joined forces with the
soldiers. According to the guard, shooting quieted down Monday
morning only after American troops and Iraqi soldiers rolled through
the streets with armor. He added that at least 5 civilians were
killed and 14 injured, but there was no official confirmation of those
numbers, reads the NYT article. On the state-run television network
Al Iraqiya, an Iraqi Army commander said that Iraqi soldiers had fought
insurgents in the streets. The spokesman for the American military
didnt comment on the clashes.

Meanwhile a Reuters correspondent had interviewed residents and
resistance fighters.

There are six people among our dead and wounded. Just half an hour
ago a sniper killed Ali, said Mohammad, a 28-year-old Adhamiya
resident, of his friend. Today at noon a group of army soldiers came
near the Abu Hanifa mosque and a sniper went on top of the roof. We
managed to kill him with a grenade. I destroyed three of their
vehicles with roadside bombs, said another rebel. We expect them
to come back again, said a man who only identified himself as Abu Bakr
and said he was a former army officer under Saddam. We saw about 100
to 150 men show up in cars. some were wearing military uniforms and
others were in civilian clothes, he said, as five gunmen stood guard
over one of the main roads leading into Adhamiya.[16]

The Los Angeles Times[17] mentioned at least three deaths from that
Monday and for Tuesday, at least five people killed and another twenty
injured. In a telephone interview, an Iraqi commander said that armed
men from outside Adhamiya wanted to make trouble inside, but that they
eliminated them. The LA Times also allowed some residents to speak.
They stated that specialized units of the Interior Ministry had been
acting as sectarian death squads and terrorizing their community.

The Arab perspective

Only a very small fraction of the gamut of Arab media outlets offers
readers an English edition on their websites. Best known is probably
the website of the Aljazeera TV news channel, which was forced to close
its office in Baghdad during the occupation. In contrast to the
sporadic reporting in the western press, the events in Adhamiya were
followed closely by some Arab news sites. Thanks to the translation
efforts of Muhammad Abu Nasr war reports from an Iraqi viewpoint are
also available in English. Free Arab voice compiles war reports from
Iraq, most of which are gathered from the Arab websites Islam Memo and
Al-Quds. Free Arab Voice publishes them daily under the name Iraqi
Resistance Reports. What follows is a summary of Abu Nasrs
translations[18] with respect to the Adhamiya events:

4/17/2006 - On Monday night fierce clashes erupted in Adhamiya when
Iraqi Army troops stormed the district to carry out mass arrests. As
dozens of local residents had been murdered after having been arrested,
the residents defended themselves against this arrest campaign. Shii
sectarian militias and Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (or
Maghawir) attacked the district. The Iraqi National Guard and the
American troops did not take part directly in this attack, but observed
the clashes from the side line. Several houses were destroyed and
scores of residents were killed or wounded. In the afternoon, tens of
armed residents of neighboring Kadhamiya marched upon Adhamiya. They
passed Iraqi and American troops, who encouraged the armed men.
Meanwhile, American helicopters circled Adhamiya, according to the
local correspondent, to prevent the residents from defending
themselves. Residents had already thrown up barriers and snipers
positioned themselves atop of the roofs. The attackers carried modern
Iranian weapons. Al-Numan hospital mentioned fifteen people killed,
among the dead were women and children. The Association of Muslim
Scholars released an international appeal calling for reaction against
the assault. In cooperation with resistance fighters, the residents
detained 35 militia members. Some of them appeared to be high
commanders within the Ministry of Interior. In the mean time, the U.S.
Army sealed off the district. By evening, dozens of resistance
fighters arrived to join the residents in their struggle. Shortly
after a government spokesman had declared that the clashes had
terminated, fierce fighting erupted again on Omar Abdul Aziz Street
between residents on one side and Maghawir and militias on the other
side. The neighborhood calmed down later in the evening, although
American helicopters continued circling the area and troops wearing
Maghawir uniforms stationed themselves outside Adhamiyas perimeter.

4/18/2006 - On Tuesday morning, heavy clashes between resistance
fighters on the one hand and Iraqi and American troops on the other
resumed. According to eye witnesses, the fighting erupted when
American and Iraqi troops backed by helicopter gun ships attempted to
storm the district in order to carry out mass arrests. This time,
Americans lead the assault. At noon, a sharpshooter killed a
high-ranking Maghawir officer, who was currently a commander of the
Badr brigade. At least ten vehicles with pro-American Shii militias,
some of them wearing police uniforms, headed towards the center of
Adhamiya. Meanwhile, residents of Fallujah, Samarra and Tarimiya had
arrived to reinforce the people of Adhamiya. They came on foot and
unarmed in order to get through the checkpoints. Once again, numerous
militiamen stormed the district. This time two television teams
accompanied the offenders: the United Arab Emirates-based al-Arabiya
satellite network and the Arabic language satellite network al-Hurrah
with its headquarters in Virginia, USA. Residents and resistance
fighters were able to counter the attack. By the evening, a meeting of
clerics and tribal leaders was planned in the An-Numan mosque. Since
Tuesday morning residents had placed themselves under resistance

4/19/20096 - Negotiations between representatives of the residents of
Adhamiya and the Association of Muslim Scholars on the one hand and
representatives of the Ministries of Interior and Defense on the other
hand resulted in a resolution. The talks took place in a highly
charged atmosphere. Residents continued to assert that they were
attacked by Shiite militias and Interior Ministry troops with the
support of American troops. The government representatives claimed
that the fighting emerged from an attack on government troops and did
not address the assault of the militias. Then, the residents and the
Association of Muslim Scholars supplied evidence in the form of the
detained militiamen and confiscated Iranian-made weapons. The Iraqi
Army and police do not use these type of arms.

The terms of compromise were as follows:

- All Interior Ministry troops and Shiite militias should have
withdrawn from Adhamiya by 8 oclock p.m. From then on, residents
would have the right to shoot any remaining militia member or shock

- All militia members, who took part in the offensive had to be
handed over to courts.

- Raids, arrests and searches had to be immediately halted.

- The agreement did not cover U.S. occupation forces, for they are
everyones target all the time.

- Residents cannot be held accountable for the death of militia
members, as the latter were the aggressors.

- Iraqi Army forces are still allowed to patrol on specified
locations in Adhamiya, on condition that they will defend the local
residents from future attacks. If they do not adhere to this
obligation, they will be treated like the attackers themselves.

More translations of Arab press reports are available through the pay
services of Dahr Jamail offers the translations of
Daily Iraq Monitor on his website for free. A short news report from
Al Sharqiyah TV informs us that Al-A'zamiyah district in Baghdad has
witnessed clashes between armed groups and local residents since dawn
[on April 17, 2006] in which mortars and light weapons were used.
Clashes erupted following an attack on Al-A'zamiyah police station. It
adds that one person was killed and others were wounded in the clashes.

Word against word

The least that can be inferred from these reports is that the two-day
battle took place under confusing conditions. Obviously, an enemy
wasnt always clearly definable. According to Iraqi government and
American spokespersons, the conflict originated in an insurgent
attack. The western press, especially, parroted this version. Arabic
press only mentioned this assertion within the context of Wednesdays
negotiations. According to the Arab press, the neighborhood was
attacked by militias and Interior Ministry troops. It seems that the
Iraqi National Guard fired on residents up to two times, but according
to the Iraqi Resistance Reports these incidents appeared to have
happened by mistake. What role the American troops played in the
fights is rather unclear. The residents claim that the Americans
supported the Shiite and shock troop attacks. It cannot be
conclusively proved, however, that the US was not acting on the belief
that a so-called insurgent attack had taken place.

Either way, there is once again a considerable gap between the
populations perception and the image Iraqi and American authorities
presented through the media. Too often, the western mass media only
reports one-side of these conflicts, parroting without question the
American governments pretexts for war about the liberation of Iraq
and the war on terror. Bombings, often resulting in many civilian
casualties regularly make the news. Following the American war
rhetoric, western media attribute these attacks to so-called
insurgents. Yet, there are several testimonies indicating that at
least some of these bombings have been black operations managed by the
occupiers themselves.[19] The western public learns practically
nothing about civilians being slaughtered during home raids carried out
by American and Iraqi security forces. They dont hear about thousands
of arrestees, whose bodies are later found tortured and slain in back
alleys and on garbage dumps. The Western press did not report on
civilians being massacred in numerous air raids in western Iraq. To
read these accounts, one must rely on personal sources in Iraq or
consult the Arab press. War supporters often disregard the latter as
propagandistic. Indeed, names like puppet army or puppet
government might sound peculiar to Western ears. Yet these
denominations are less subjective than calling resistance fighters
insurgents, rebels or even terrorists as western mass media
regularly do echoing U.S. military and government statements.
According to article 51 of the United Nations Charter, people have the
right to resist a foreign occupation force.[20]

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of
individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against
a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken
measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.

The acknowledgment of this right of self-defense was reconfirmed by
resolution 2649 of the General Assembly in 1970.[21]

The General Assembly Affirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples
under colonial and alien domination recognized as being entitled to the
right of self-determination to restore to themselves that right by any
means at their disposal.

From this point of view and according to International Law, the Iraqi
resistance is fully legitimated. Western media ignore this perspective
completely and accept the guidance of the war architects demagogy.

What about the victims?

One week after the Adhamiya conflict I called my friend again.
Meanwhile, he had checked the English version of the Free Arab Voice
reports and found no essential contradictions with his own observations
or the testimonies of his fellow neighbors. Of course, one person
cannot perceive everything, but it deserves to be mentioned that
Adhamiya is a neighborhood where people know each other. Additionally,
the FAV reports largely agreed with the testimonies of the Iraqi
bloggers and their local contacts. My friend also told me that the
Iranian TV channel Al-Alam had come to the district with SNG cars to
the time of the clashes. This made him think they had been informed of
the attacks in advance, as permission is required to get into a combat
zone with these satellite vans.

And what about the victims? I asked, The American press reported one
to eight people killed. He said that a local TV station mentioned
eight dead and twenty three wounded, according to hospital staff. A
thirteen-year-old girl, who was at the same school as my friends niece
was one of the dead. She was hanging out the laundry on the roof of
the familys house, when a sniper shot her. And of course, he had
heard the stories about the friend of a neighbor and the neighbor of a
cousin, who hadnt survived the clashes, he added.

Another contact person, a journalist from Adhamiya, announced twelve
people had been killed, at least one of them a woman. Free Arab Voice
mentioned fifteen dead, according to hospital staff. Among the victims
were women and children. It is clear that civilians have been killed
in the clashes; its just not clear how many of them died.

Three weeks after the Adhamiya fights, an update of reported war deaths
was available on the website of Iraq Body Count. Official media, human
rights organizations and even some anti-war groups deem the IBC counter
the most reliable estimate of Iraqi casualties. So, I wondered how
many Adhamiya victims they had registered. Would it be one, the lowest
number mentioned in the press? Perhaps eight, or even fifteen? For
the Adhamiya conflict of 17 April, 2006, Iraq Body Count registered
three civilians killed due to clashes between the Iraqi Army and
insurgents. For this figure IBC relies on press reports of Agence
France Presse and CNN. Apparently none of the other news reports met
with the strict criteria needed to be included in the IBC archives:

- the website has to be updated at least daily;

- all stories need to be separately archived on the site, with a
unique url;

- the source should be widely cited or referenced by other sources;

- it has to be an English Language site;

- the site must be fully accessible (preferably free) to the public;

- its required that two independent press agencies have published a

Registration in the IBC database wouldnt bring a parents child back,
but several anti-war activists argue that whether 30,000 or 300,000
civilians died definitely makes a difference in order to mobilize
people against the war.

The Iraqi slaughter house

In a two-day conflict on a relatively limited surface and without any
air raids, missile attacks, napalm, uranium weapons, and so on, five to
twelve civilian deaths have not been reported in the western press.
Consequently Iraq Body Count will not register them. How many civilian
casualties from the sieges of Fallujah in April and November, 2004,
will they have missed? Mass media announced hundreds of killed
terrorists at that time. For their numbers, they relied solely on
American military press releases, as western journalists had been
expelled from the city prior to the attacks. Nevertheless, some of my
friends and acquaintances managed to enter the city as aid workers.

One of my friends escaped death by the narrowest of margins when
snipers fired at the ambulance she was in. An Iraqi physician who
entered Fallujah with a team of volunteers during both sieges,
testified on the methods used by the U.S. army,[22] no doubt killing
numerous civilians. But even figures corrected retroactively after
photos and testimonies had started to leak to the press, cannot reflect
the human damage the American and Iraqi armies inflicted on the city.
Some journalists tried to investigate the events of Fallujah
afterwards. One way or another, theyve been hindered in the
completion of their work.

>>> In memorium: Fallujah

At the moment of this writing, the first major attacks on Ramadi have
been launched. For the last few months, the war on terror was
systematically forced upon the city. Under the pretext that the leader
of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Zarqawi, was hiding somewhere near the city,
American and Iraqi troops have continuously terrorized the local
population. The official press releases of the army and the reports of
their obliging journalists once again show striking differences with
testimonies of Ramadis residents.

Once again, the number of registered casualties reflects the one-sided
reporting of the western press. In Adhamiya, where only light weapons
had been used, western press missed, according to IBC data, 60 to 80 %
of the deadly victims. In Ramadi, increasingly bombed by warplanes and
with its citizens regularly coming under sniper fire or being subjected
to home raids that every now and then result in the execution of the
residents, the Western press announced 15 people killed due to military
operations between 22 April and 12 May. For the same period, locals
testified that between 47 and 65 people were killed by the American
army. Statistically, this equals a 70-77 % discrepancy with the
official figure. Ramadi is home to about 400,000 people, so it seems
probable that some of the victims have been mentioned in neither the
Western nor Arab press. The worst can be feared, now that the
long-expected offensive on Ramadi has begun.

>>> SOS Ramadi

When last December a journalist asked president Bush how many Iraqi
civilians had been killed in the war, he answered: I would say,
30,000, more or less, have died as a result of the initial incursion
and the ongoing violence against Iraqis. This number obviously
referred to the IBC figure. He couldnt go any lower. The IBC figure
represents an absolute minimum of Iraqi civilian war victims reported
by the Western press. Unreported violent deaths from many hidden
massacres and uncountable Iraqi victims as a result of the demolished
healthcare system[23] and the use of uranium and chemical weapons with
their belated deadly impact are not included here.

Why this one-sided reporting? Shouldnt the media offer an impartial
view on the facts? Thats what they pretend to do, but even the most
idealistic reporter runs into the inevitable obstacles of todays media
structure.[24] Additionally, war reporting is one of the most
difficult and risky branches of journalism. Iraq is currently
notorious for being the most dangerous place on the planet for
journalists. According to the Associated Press, at least 70 of
journalists have been killed in the war-torn country over the last
three years, almost 73 % of them Iraqi.[25] Last May, the Iraqi
Journalists Union published a list of 127 media professionals killed in
the war from Iraq alone.[26] Independent foreign reporters have become
very rare in Iraq. The journalists who remain are forced to employ
what Robert Fisk calls hotel journalism: they work from hotels in the
green zone getting their information by phone from spokespersons of the
American army or the Iraqi government. Of course, there are also the
embedded journalists. They are the ones we expect to show what the war
really looks like, and they do. They show us once again only what the
U.S. military sees or wants us to see, as former embedded journalist,
Thorne Anderson, explained: Embedding with the military is a great way
to do a story about the soldiers and the effect the war has on them,
but its not the best way to report on what this war has done to
Iraq. Anderson continued his job as a war photographer
independently. His fellow photojournalist, Rita Leistner added:

The obvious costs of war are perhaps the ones we see on TV: soldier
casualties, Iraqi enemy casualties. Some destruction of buildings.
The real cost of course is much wider than that. There are uncountable
civilian casualties. There are the wounded and maimed. There are
orphaned children. Schooling is disrupted. Entire cities are leveled
by bombs (this is never shown in the mainstream media). Children
become soldiers willing to die fighting. Security erodes to the point
that everyone is afraid of attacks, of kidnappings, of robbery, of
assassination. Amenities in general suffer with direct results on the
population: No electricity means no water, no sanitation, no added
security of lights at night. The rights of women are deteriorating in
Iraq as religious fundamentalists gain power. This doesnt just mean
being forced to wear covers, but beatings and the legal murder of women
(called honor killing) is finding renewed popularity.[27]

These are not the images the American propaganda machine wants us to
see. The neo-conservative government it works for is firmly determined
to gain total global power.[28] In the eyes of the machine and its
government, Iraq is an important-- though not the last-- step towards
this goal.

[1] A few months ago, residents of Adhamiya and the Iraqi National
Guard made an agreement, according to which the army is allowed to
patrol the streets on condition that no militias or Interior Ministrys
police troops enter the area. These measures had been taken because
people who had been arrested by the security forces of the Ministry of
Interior have often been found tortured and killed a few days after
their arrest.

[1] GHAZI, M., Sunni, Shiite Scholars Meet, Sectarian Killings
Unabated. IslamOnline, 25 February 2006

[2] BAGHDAD DWELLER, The night before the bombing: Two eyewitnesses.
Yet another Iraqi blog, 23 February 2006.

[3] IVDM, Verscheidene inwoners van Adhamiya door mannen in uniform
gedood. Indymedia Belgium, 18 April 2006.

[4] Baghdad Treasure, Fierce clashes in Adhamiya. Treasure of Baghdad,
17 April 2006.

[5] ZEYAD, Stuck in Adhamiya; Area Sealed Off Since Monday Morning.
Healing Iraq, 18 April 2006.

[6] ZEYAD, Street Battles in Adhamiya. Healing Iraq, 20 april 2006

[7] TRUTH ABOUT IRAQIS, Iraq on the precipice, Baghdad Burns: Aadhamiya
under Siege (Update). 17 April 2006

TRUTH ABOUT IRAQIS, Iraq in turmoil: Conflicting reports on Aadhamiya.
17 April 2006

TRUTH ABOUT IRAQIS, Iraq: US version contradicts Iraqi reports of
Aadhamiya attacks. 17 April 2006

Is a new attack on Aadhamiya imminent? 17 april 2006.

[8] BAGHDAD DWELLER, Adhamiya, the lions den. Yet another Iraqi blog,
21 April 2006. (

[9] JAMAIL, D., The ongoing war on truth in Iraq. TruthOut, 18 April
2006. (

[10] HAMED, A. & JAMAIL, D., Baghdad slipping into civil war. Inter
Press Service News Agency, 19 April 2006

[11] Fighting breaks out in Sunni district of Baghdad. ABC News
Online, 17 April 2006.

[12] Gunbattle in northern Baghdad kills 1. The Mercury News, 17 April

[13] US assault on Fallujah leaves three Iraqi civilians dead.
Monsters & Critics News, 17 April 2006.

[14] Insurgents mount bold attacks in Baghdad, Ramadi. Reuters
Foundation Alertnet, 17 April 2006.

[15] WONG, E., Sunni District in Beghdad Is Sealed Off. The Newyork
Times, 18 April 2006

[16] al-Ibadi, O., Baghdad street battle smacks of open civil war.
Reuters Foundation, 18 April 2006.

[17] AZIZ, S. & DARAGAHI, B., Deadly Clashes Continue in Sunni Area of
Baghdad. LA Times, 18 April 2006.

[18] ABU NASR, M., Iraqi Resistance Report 492. Free Arab Voice, 17
April 2006. (

ABU NASR, M., Iraqi Resistance Report 493. Free Arab Voice, 18 April
2006. (

ABU NASR, M., Iraqi Resistance Report 494. Free Arab Voice, 19 April
2006. (

[19] KHADDURI, I., Covert American killing of Iraqi civilians, Free
Iraq, 1 May 2006.

[20] UNITED NATIONS CHARTER of 26 June 1945.

[21] RESOLUTION 2649 of the General Assembly of the United Nations of
30 November, 1970.

[22] VAN DE MERLEN, I., A young Iraqi doctor testifies on the horror in
Iraq. There were only local anaestetics available to amputate limbs.
Uruknet, 27 November 2005. (

[23] JAMAIL, D., Iraqi hospitals ailing under occupation. 22 June,

[24] CHOMSKY, N. & HERMAN, E.S., Manufacturing Consent. A propaganda

[25] Bodies of two Iraqi journalists are found in Iraq. Associated
Press Worldstream, 8 May 2006.

[26] (

[27] KOMP, C., Witness to war. Clamor Magazin, issue 36, 2006.

[28] About PNAC. (

Project for the New American Century, Statement of Principles


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Inge Van de Merlen, BRussells Tribunal, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: June 24, 2006 12:46:30 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 24 Jun 2006 - Part One]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Crackdown in Ramadi
Mike Whitney

Ramadi is not an "insurgent stronghold" as it is characterized in the
media. Nor is it a "safe-haven" for foreign fighters and Al Qaida. This
is merely the Pentagons fairy-tale to justify attacks on a civilian
population. In fact, Ramadi is a city of 400,000, the capital of Anbar
Province; a peaceful enclave that never experienced any widespread
violence or turmoil before the illegal invasion by the United States
armed forces. Most of the citys people do not support the occupation
of their country and a considerable number of them have taken up arms
against the invaders. They are fighting in defense of their country...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Legacy of Treason
Depleted Uranium and the
Poisoning of Humanity
Alok O'Brien

In recent years I have become aware of the issue of depleted uranium
(DU) and its use by the US Military in Iraq in 1991 and again in the
current Iraq war. The photos of birth deformities and stories of
suffering resulting from DU shocked me, reminding me of the Agent
Orange victims of America's Vietnam war. Then I watched David Bradbury
and Peter Scott's new film, Blowin' in the Wind . Its content shocked
and appalled me, and spurred me into researching and writing this
article. It is undoubtedly by far the most significant issue on the
planet today, and yet the mainstream media stays quiet...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]
Ethnic Cleansing in
New Orleans
by Ghali Hassan
June 25, 2006

"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do
it, but God did." Richard Baker (R-La), September 09, 2005.

New Orleans, the city where Hurricane Katrina struck in September 2005
is barely covered in the media these days. The failure to report on New
Orleans is a deliberate omission as the city and its people continue to
suffer. Hurricane Katrina is the precursor to clean the city of its
African-American population, and creates a resort for affluent
Americans and tourists. The aim is to gentrify New Orleans and deny its
black poor population their right of return to their city.

The reconstruction of New Orleans has become a euphemism for the
destruction of the citys cultural and historic heritage. Major
developers and real estate agents are taking advantage of the city new
development at the expense of New Orleans low-income population. In the
current political milieu, economic developments seem to be guided by an
extremely narrow vision capable of responding only to big business and

The Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), in cooperation with the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) planning to
demolish New Orleans largest public housing developments and replacing
them with unaffordable housing units disguised as mixed income
housing program (Hope VI). Hope VI program is designed to
decentralised poverty according to a neoliberal agenda.

The Secretary of HUD, Alphonso Jackson has announced that more than
5,300 public housing units built for low income people in New Orleans
were to be demolished and replaced by units for people with a wider
range of incomes. It would be the largest in the citys history, and
would include the sprawling low-rises of the St. Bernard, C. J. Peete,
B. W. Cooper and Lafitte housing developments, along with most of the
city's public housing. The units had been closed or fenced off to
residents since Hurricane Katrina to allow them to deteriorate. The
decision was taken despite the shortage of housing to accommodate the
over 200,000 still displaced New Orleans residents. Many of the
displaced people are living in abandoned housing, without electricity
and water. It is possible that more than 3,500 families will have no
place to return to if the HUD goes with its decision to demolish the
public housing units.

The Hope VI program allows only about 10% of the original population
who used to live in public housing to come back. Public schools,
healthcare services will be reduced or removed all together to
discourage people from returning. Even if they return, there will be no
public housing, no public healthcare and not enough public schools for
them and their children. The reality is that those who've been
planning the recovery process never wanted poor people to return to the
city in the first place, Lance Hill, the director of the Southern
Institute for Education and Research at Tulane University told the New
York Times. And they haven't made it easy for them to return to their
homes. In other words, the victims will be further victimized.

Thats tantamount to ethnic cleansing, said Mike Howells, a member
of United Front for Affordable Housing. We know who is going to be
shut out as a result of that added Howells. Furthermore, vacancy rate
in New Orleans, especially in areas less affected by Hurricane Katrina
is very high but rental is beyond reach for low income people, and
landlords are opting to keep their properties closed, further reducing
the availability of housing for rent.

In 2000 census New Orleans population constituted of 67.3% black and
28.1 % white. However, in the four months following Hurricane Katrina;
The New Orleans metro area's population was 37% black between January
and August 2005 and fell to 22% between September and December 2005.
The percentage of white residents grew from 60% to 73%. Households
earning between $10,000 and $14,999 annually dropped from 8.3% to 6.5%;
while those with a yearly income of between $75,000 and $99,999 rose
from 10.5% to 11.4%, according to statistics released by the Census
Bureau in June 2006.

The disaster of Hurricane Katrina is used effectively to artificially
change the demography of New Orleans. The Population of New Orleans
metropolitan area has become substantially whiter, older and less poor
not because people suddenly got richer, but because the poor are
being shut off the city and it shrank to less than half its size,
according to the Census Bureau. New Orleans is not going to be as
black as it was for a long time, if ever again, said Alphonso Jackson,
and is moving fast in that direction. It is suggested that only the
whites and affluent are encouraged to make New Orleans their home at
the expense of African-Americans and their cultural heritage.

The current restructuring of New Orleans provides an excellent social
experiment of the new epidemic of privatisation of public housing and
public assets. The destruction inflicted by Hurricane Katrina allows
politicians, the ruling elites and their cronies to remodel the city as
free-market and privately-owned city catering for the rich and
tourists. With billions of dollars of taxpayers monies made available
for reconstruction, the disaster brought by Hurricane Katrina is the
smokescreen for the gentrification of New Orleans and corporate looting
of public resources.

To preserve African-American heritage, African-Americans should be
allowed to participate at the forefront in the rebuilding and economic
development of New Orleans. The citys unique history and cultural
heritage should inspire new urban invention and economic
sustainability, not the neoliberal ideology that have been proven to
advance the interests of the rich and affluent.

Furthermore, as a result of total neglect by authorities, low income
people of New Orleans are experiencing a near-epidemic of depression
and post-traumatic stress disorder. The suicide rate in the city of a
vibrant African-American heritage was less than nine a year per
100,000 residents before Katrina, and increased to an annual rate of
more than 26 per 100,000 in the months after, reported the Times. The
crimes rate has increased dramatically. I thought I could weather the
storm and I did it's the aftermath that's killing me, Gina Barbe, a
New Orleans resident told the Times. The response by authorities has
been to deploy the National Guard troops to patrol the streets of New
Orleans, pretending to fix the social and economic ill they have

Global Research Contributing Editor Ghali Hassan lives in Perth,
Western Australia.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
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community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
the original CRG article must be indicated. The author's copyright note
must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
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request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Ghali Hassan,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: "smacko" <>
Date: June 24, 2006 4:59:21 PM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC
Physical Samples, Building Collapses an Inside Job

"If Dr. Jones's work ever breaks into the mainstream media, and the
rest of the country reacts the way the Utah County audience reacted,
traditional political divisions will evaporate like steel beams
exploded with thermite, and the whole lot of them, the Democrats and
the Republicans, will be swept away, along with the military-industrial
complex that has apparently managed to subvert the constitution of
these United States and to con the American public, mesmerized by the
shock of 9/11 and hypnotized by spell-binding incantations of freedom
and patriotism, into going along with their mad plans for world

summary of 10 recent thermite/thermate posts:


From: "smacko" <>
Date: June 24, 2006 7:56:18 PM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11: Revealing the Truth / Reclaiming Our
Future - Chicago, Illinois -

9/11: Revealing the Truth / Reclaiming Our Future - Chicago, Illinois
- dl

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of serv.gif]

From: "paul illich" <>
Date: June 24, 2006 11:38:28 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: 14th Protecting Mother Earth Conference
[Indigenous Environmental Network]

Indigenous Environmental Network, June 16, 2006


[Rachel's introduction: Every year the Indigenous Environmental Network
(IEN) holds its "Protecting Mother Earth" conference and indigenous
from across the continent arrive, camp out, and spend a few days
topics of interest to us all. You don't have to be an indigenous person
attend -- all people of good will are welcome. This is one not to miss,
you can help it. Come to Cass Lake, Minnesota July 6-9.]

July 6-9, 2006 Veterans Memorial (Pow-Wow and Camp) Grounds Cass Lake,

Held within the territories of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Plenary Sessions on: Water, Toxics & Environmental Health, Energy &
Justice, Sacred Sites

Workshops and Trainings on:

-Models of Tribal Cleanup of Contaminated & Superfund Sites

-Affects of Mercury Poisoning and Policy Solutions

-Toxic Body Burdens: Effects of Dioxin and other Bio-accumulative

-Waste Gasification: An Incinerator in Disguise

-Coal Bed Methane, Coal Mining and Coal Fired Power Plant Technology

-Reform of the 1872 Mining Law: Native Strategy on Mining

-Oil Drilling, Oil Refineries and Petro-Politics

-Climate Justice: Global Warming and Climate Change

-Renewable Clean Energy: Community-Based Wind and Solar Projects

-Water Privatization, Water Trading and Commodification

-Red River Water Supply Project: A Regional Tribal Issue

-Traditional Knowledge in Forest Management

-Sacred & Historical Sites Protection

-Protection of Rice, Traditional Foods and Medicines from Bio-Piracy and
Genetic Modification and Engineering

-Straw Bale Building Construction


Native Youth Activities and Leadership Workshops

This is an outdoor camping conference. Camping areas available. Nearby
available within walking distance (Palace Casino & Hotel

Meals provided each day -- bring utensils, cups and plates. Shower
facilities nearby. Child care. Airplane link in nearby Bemidji with a
hub in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Four hours driving either from
Paul or Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Donations welcome at the entrance

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe 4th of July Traditional Pow-Wow, July 1-4,
Veterans Memorial Grounds -- Come early, camp and Pow-Wow!

A Sacred Fire will guide the conference. Sweatlodge ceremonies will be

Anishinaabeg Water Ceremony and Teachings on Water will be conducted.
samples of water from your homeland.

Limited travel scholarships available for U.S. and Canadian Native
community-based groups working on environmental justice issues.

For More Info:

IEN Bemidji Office Tel: (218) 751-4967 Email:

Hotel accommodations at: Leech Lake Palace Casino & Hotel:

A 80 room hotel next to the pow-wow grounds.

Accommodations in the Bemidji area: http://www.visitbe

The conference site is 16 miles from the town of Bemidji. No shuttles
be arranged.

Rental cars in Bemidji: Enterprise, Hertz, National/Alamo


From: Peter Myers <>
Date: June 25, 2006 5:44:06 AM EST
To: clem clarke <>

Subject: How new drugs are approved; adverse reactions concealed during

(1) Social Isolation growing in US
(2) How new drugs are approved; adverse reactions concealed during

(1) Social Isolation growing in US

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2006 04:14:43 -0400 (EDT) From: IHR News

Social Isolation Growing in US, Study Says The Washington Post
dyn/content/article/2006/06/22/AR2006062201763_pf. html

Americans are far more socially isolated today than they were two
decades ago, and a sharply growing number of people say they have no
one in whom they can confide, according to a comprehensive new
evaluation of the decline of social ties in the United States. A
quarter of Americans say they have no one with whom they can discuss
personal troubles, more than double the number who were similarly
isolated in 1985. Overall, the number of people Americans have in their
closest circle of confidants has dropped from around three to about
two. The comprehensive new study paints a sobering picture of an
increasingly fragmented America ...

(2) How new drugs are approved; adverse reactions concealed during

Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 16:28:23 -0500 From: "Gary Kohls"

Big Pharma Research Racket Is Killing People

June 23, 2006. By Evelyn Pringle

Over the past six years, ten FDA approved drugs have been withdrawn
from the market due to deaths and injuries, leading lawmakers to accuse
the FDA of not doing its job in protecting the public from unsafe drugs
and to call for measures of improvement.

On June 20, 2006, the New York Times reported that "two influential
senators are expected within weeks to introduce a legislative proposal
that could drastically change how drugs are tested and approved in the
United States."

The Senators behind the proposal are Michael Enzi (R-Wy), chairman of
the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and Ted Kennedy
(D-MA), the ranking Democrat on the committee.

"In broad terms," the Times article by Gardner Harris explains, "the
bill would require that drug makers disclose the results of all large
human tests of their drugs, known as Phase 3 and Phase 4 trials; create
a detailed risk management plan to uncover and control any safety
problems that arise after a drug is approved; and pay penalties if they
fail to follow through with this plan, according to four experts who
were briefed on the proposals."

However, while lawmakers search for ways to ensure that Big Pharma does
not continue to conceal adverse reactions that surface during drug
trials and to sever the ties between the nation's public health
officials and Big Pharma, the Bush administration continues to promote
their cozy relationships and help drug companies escape accountability
for misconduct.

The best example of the administration's efforts to protect Big Pharma
was revealed recently when the FDA announced a preemption rule that
would disallow lawsuits in state court against drug makers if a drug
has been approved by the FDA.

"We think that if your company complies with the FDA processes, if you
bring forward the benefits and risks of your drug, and let your
information be judged through a process with highly trained scientists,
you should not be second-guessed by state courts that don't have the
same scientific knowledge," said FDA deputy commissioner on medical and
scientific affairs, Scott Gottlieb.

But in all fairness, the FDA is certainly not the only public health
agency in bed with Big Pharma. Nobody can deny the fact that Big Pharma
is an equal opportunity corrupter. Its obvious that drug companies have
infiltrated every Federal regulatory agency in the US.

For instance, on June 14, 2006, a National Institute of Health
Alzheimer's researcher, Dr. Trey Sunderland, asserted his Fifth
Amendment rights, and refused to testify before the House Energy and
Commerce Committee about accusations that he has profited from giving
Pfizer access to spinal fluid and plasma samples collected by the NIH.

Documents presented at the hearing revealed that between 1996 an 2004,
Dr. Sunderland accepted consulting, speaking and advisory fees totaling
about $612,000 and committee staff members estimate that about
$285,000, was related to 3,245 samples taken from 538 patients who
participated as volunteers at the NIH.

At a price of about $12,000 per patient, the committee estimates the
cost of collecting the samples that Dr. Sunderland handed to Pfizer is
close to $6.5 million.

The committee also noted that he did not seek prior approval to work
for Pfizer, and did not report any of the income to the agency as
required by NIH rules.

In fact, at one point, when asked, Dr. Sunderland said he had no
outside deals. According to the December 22, 2004 LA Times, while
reviewing financial disclosure reports from scientists at the NIH, in
March 2000, ethics officer Olga Boikess noticed that Dr. Sunderland had
not declared any jobs with the industry so she sent him an e-mail that
said: "You did not list any outside positions."

To which, Dr. Sunderland replied: "I do not have any outside positions
to note."

This case had been dragging on for years but the doctor has probably
not been too worried because history shows that any time a Republican
lawmaker get too pesky about the money trails leading to the NIH, Big
Pharma simply offers enough money to induce him to jump ship.

A couple years ago, two Republicans on powerful committees switched
sides shortly after they launched investigations into conflicts of
interest between drug companies and employees at the NIH.

Representative, WJ "Billy" Tauzin (R-La), was chairman of the House
Energy and Commerce Committee, and had cited "secret consulting fees
and stock options from drug companies" as reasons to request
documentation of all payments from Big Pharma to NIH scientists.

But next thing you know, Tauzin announces that he is not running for
reelection, and leaves Congress to become President of the
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the giant trade
group that represents Big Pharma, with a reported $2 million a year in
salary, benefits and perks.

Next up to bat, was Representative James Greenwood (R-Pa), who led 3
hearings on NIH conflicts of interest and criticized the agency for
allowing scientists to use "a swivel chair" to make decisions while
taking drug company money.

But low and behold, shortly thereafter, in July 2004, Rep. Greenwood
announced that he was giving up his post as chairman of the Energy and
Commerce subcommittee to retire, only to become President of the
Biotechnology Industry Organization, a group that in the same year,
urged lawmakers not to bar NIH scientists from entering into paid
consulting deals.

A report by the Office of Government Ethics, released the same month
that Rep. Greenwood announced his "retirement," said the NIH was beset
by a "permissive culture," and revealed that 40% of the 155 randomly
selected sample payments to agency employees reviewed had not been
approved or accounted for within the NIH.

The FDA remains at the top of the list for corruption simply because
the FDA evaluates the safety and effectiveness of drugs and decides
which drugs can be marketed in the US.

Typically, as a first step toward the approval process, a drug company
will initiate laboratory testing to assess the effectiveness and safety
of a drug and if the laboratory testing is successful, the company will
begin testing the drug on animals. The FDA does not become involved
until the drug maker seeks permission to test the drug on humans.

When the drug reaches that point, the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation
and Research, evaluates the results of laboratory and animal testing
prior to allowing any study on humans.

Once a drug is approved for testing on humans an Institutional Review
Board (IRB) is appointed to review and monitor the research. An IRB is
generally made up of outside scientists, doctors and other medical
professionals and has the authority to approve or disapprove a study or
to require modifications to secure approval of the research.

The purpose of an IRB is to assure that appropriate steps are taken to
protect the rights and welfare of human subjects. To that end, an IRB
uses a group process to review research protocols and materials such as
informed consent documents and investigator brochures related to the

In recent years, serious questions have been raised regarding the
impartiality of the review process due to the fact that many of the FDA
advisors recommending approval of a product are at the same time
employed by the drug company that developed the drug or hold some other
financial interest link to the company.

Due to these conflicts of interests, critics say dangerous drugs are
winning approval. For instance, nearly a third of the members of the
advisory panel that reviewed the data on Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra,
and voted to allow the drugs to remain on the market, even after Vioxx
had been pulled off the market, had financial ties to the makers of the
drugs and had their votes not been counted, they would never have
received a vote of approval.

In addition, problems continue to surface in the private research
industry. Contract Research Organizations (CRO), are now hired by the
industry to perform research.

Critics says the competing CROs are skewing research in favor of
approval in order to win more contracts. The funding up for grabs is
enormous. According to a March 24, 2006, MSNBC commentary by Arthur
Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of
Pennsylvania, "Private companies running studies for pharmaceutical and
device companies are now a $14 billion industry in the United States

According to John Abramson, a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical
School, and author of, "Overdosed America", "When the institutional
review boards were created, most medical research was conducted by
universities and nonprofit institutions."

"Similarly," Mr. Abramson says, "oversight of the safety of human
volunteers in most U.S. studies is no longer done by nonprofit IRBs,
but by for-profit review companies, hired directly by the for-profit
research companies."

In his opinion, he says the system lacks the appropriate checks and
balances to protect human volunteers.

In the April 6, 2006 LA Times, Mr. Abramson made a shocking revelation
when he said, "the FDA recently approved "phase 0 studies" in which
human beings can be given minuscule doses of experimental drugs even
before animal studies are completed."

A recent case in the UK demonstrates the dangers that could occur in
such a study. In March 2006, six otherwise healthy men ended up in a
London hospital in critical condition after participating in the trial
of a new an anti-inflammatory drug, called TGN1412, to treat conditions
involving the immune system, such as leukemia, multiple sclerosis and
rheumatoid arthritis, conducted by the US based company, Parexel
International Corp, on behalf of the German drug maker TeGenero.

The worst affected of the six men, Mohamed 'Nino' Abdelhady, called the
Elephant Man because of the extreme swelling of his head, on April 5th,
told the Daily Mail that he is plagued by nightmares.

Still recovering in the hospital at the time, he explained what he
remembered. "I started to feel ill," he said, "almost as soon as they
had finished injecting me."

"I felt as if I had rocks on my head," he recalled, "and I must have
started hallucinating."

"Help me," he told the newspaper that he screamed, "I'm dying."

Ryan Wilson, the most critically ill man, begged doctors to put him to
sleep because he was in such agony. His family was warned that his
heart, lungs and kidneys failed.

His sister-in-law Jo Brown, recalled the horrific moment when they saw
Mr. Wilson in intensive care. She told reporters that his head had
swollen to nearly three times its normal size, and that his neck was
the same or wider than his head and that his skin had turned a dark

Mr. Wilson remained in a coma for three weeks, and upon awakening,
learned that he may lose parts of his fingers and toes, which had
turned black because of his reaction to the drug.

"I'm told it's like frostbite and my fingers will just fall off," he
told the UK's News of the World recently.

In addition, Mr. Wilson also suffered from heart, liver and kidney
failure, septicemia, pneumonia and dry gangrene and is considered very
luck to be alive, according to News Target on May 20, 2006.

The Parexel research was at the Phase I stage, where a drug is tested
for safety with a small number of people who are given a tiny dose
under careful supervision, not to determine whether the drug works, but
to check for side effects, according to Q&A Drug trials by BBC News on
March 16, 2006.

Experts say the recruitment of subjects for the Parexel trial left much
to be desired. The web site that announced the recruitment hardly
mentioned the potential risks, but elaborated at great length about the
good pay, free food and "plenty of time to read or study or just relax,
with digital TV, pool table, video games, DVD player and free Internet

Parexel also recruits by placing ads online or in local papers, where
critics say, they draw the attention of the young and poor. Once on the
books, recruits often get automatic offers. "The offers keep rolling in
via text message," Tom de Castella, a former Parexel volunteer said in
the March 19, 2006 Times Online. "#650 for three days here, #1,000 for
a week there," he said.

Ethicists shown the Parexel consent form, which is supposed to describe
the experiment and its risks, told Bloomberg News, "the document didn't
sufficiently inform participants of the therapy's possible dangers or
properly depict the treatment as a novel drug that can disrupt the
body's immune system."

The 13-page form also exploited the subjects' need for money, they
said, by threatening to withhold the 2,000 pound ($3,500) payment if
the men left the test early.

Highly questionable research recruitment techniques are also occurring
in the US. On November 29, 2005, in Texas, CBS News channel 42
reporter, Nanci Wilson, revealed records showing that staff at state
mental hospitals in Texas help recruit patients into studies of
experimental drugs not approved by the FDA.

At a state hospital in San Antonio, CBS News found 16 beds set aside to
allow drug companies to conduct studies on mental patients under the
state's care. CBS 42 asked Austin psychiatrist, Deborah Peel, to review
some of the records they obtained.

Dr. Peel said the situation raised serious questions as to whether this
is moral and ethical treatment. "They are essentially turning the state
hospital population into research subjects," she noted.

Texas hospital officials claim the mentally ill patients give informed
consent by signing a detailed form describing the risks and benefits of
participating in the study. But Dr. Peel says, "I think there are real
questions how informed their consent would be under those situations,
because these are not people who have the means to choose to go
elsewhere for treatment, and so, there's a powerful element of
pressure, of coercion that they have to feel."

"Once again," Dr. Peel points out, "we have people who have no means,
who are dependent on the state system, and the state system is working
hand-in-glove with private corporations."

In many studies, CBS news investigators determined that patients had
been taken off drugs that were working and in the new study, some
patients were given the experimental drug while others received a

Critics point out that for patients taking a new drug, there is no
guarantee it will work, and the risks and long-term effects are not
known. "To take people off medication when they have just been admitted
for an inability to function and might have even been a harm to
themselves or others, that raises real questions for me," Dr. Peel told
CBC News.

What's worse, she says, is that patients are not told whether they are
taking a placebo or a drug even when they are discharged from the
hospital during the study. They could get suicidal, she said, or could
harm others.

The FDA has ignored atrocities in research involving mentally ill
subjects for years. Back in 1998, a review of the data on atypical
antipsychotic drugs submitted to the FDA, obtained with FOIA requests
by Robert Whitaker, revealed numerous safety problems for subjects who
participated in the trials.

Mr. Whitaker found that among 12,176 patients from the US and abroad at
the time the data was submitted, there were 88 deaths, including 38
suicides, meaning there was an overall death rate of 1 out of every 138
patients, according to his article in the November 17, 1998 Boston

The suicide rate in trials was found to be 2 to five times higher than
the norm. In the medical literature, Mr Whitaker reported, suicide
rates for schizophrenics ranged from two to five deaths per 1,000 per
year, while the rate in trials was close to 10 per 1,000.

In addition, he found that for the three approved drugs in the study -
Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Seroquel - 60% of the 7,269 patients who
received the drugs dropped out before the end of the study, which
typically lasted six to 8 weeks.

In the 1990s the prospect of antipsychotic drugs gaining FDA approval,
promised a major market for Big Pharma and therefore, drug companies
needed to recruit trial subjects quickly. And drug companies were
willing to pay top dollars to researchers for each patient recruited.

In the Boston Globe article, Mr. Whitaker discusses a criminal case in
Georgia that reveals just how far researcher are willing to go to meet
recruitment goals.

Dr. Richard Borison, chairman of the psychiatry department at the
Medical College of Georgia, and Bruce Diamond, a pharmacologist on the
school's faculty, were favorites for schizophrenia drugs and
demonstrated a knack for rounding up psychotic patients quickly for
trials funded Eli Lilly, Janssen, Zeneca, and Novartis.

As faculty members, Borison and Diamond were supposed to get approval
for research and payments for trials were supposed to go the school.
But according to Georgia authorities, who indicted the duo in early
1997, in 1989 they started having the drug makers send payments
directly to them.

They simply opened an office across from the school, hired a commercial
service to do ethical reviews of their studies, and placed their staff
on the school's payroll but kept all the money for themselves.

As unbelievable as it may seem, the scheme worked for about 7 years.
From 1989 to 1996, Borison and Diamond made over $10 million including
more than $4 million from schizophrenia drugs, according to the
indictment and testimony during an investigation by the Augusta
Veterans Affairs Hospital, where Borison was chief of psychiatry.

And these guys were slick. To recruit the mostly male patients, they
hired good-looking young women, who testified that they were paid
bonuses that ran into the thousands, and one staffer was even given a
Honda Accord.

To find their recruits, workers looked for mentally ill patients who
were stable and living in the community and offered them $150 to check
into the VA so they could be in a study. Patients already in locked
wards were offered cigarettes to participate.

Study coordinators, many with no medical training, determined whether a
patient belonged in a study. According to an FDA investigation,
untrained staff drew blood samples and adjusted doses of the drugs, and
Borison and Diamond hardly ever saw the patients at all.

But the two researchers lived high off the hog, according to Georgia
authorities. They socked away more than $5 million in cash and
securities, spent nearly a half a million on antiques and drove
Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

But as the old saying goes, all good things must end. In December,
1997, Diamond pleaded guilty to theft and bribery charges and was
fined, $125,000, sentenced to 5 years in prison, and ordered to pay
$1.1 million to the college.

Borison pleaded guilty to theft and racketeering charges, was sentenced
to 15 years in prison, fined $125,000, and ordered to pay $4.26 million
to the college.

To cover all bases, over the years, Big Pharma has also become adept at
corrupting the judicial process.

For instance, Dr. Bruce Levine, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and author
of, World Gone Crazy, tells a story about Eli Lilly corrupting the
judicial process in a case that began in 1989 when Joseph Wesbecker
opened fire at his former place of employment, killing 8 people and
wounding 12 more, before committing suicide, a month after he began
taking Prozac. The victims of the shooting sued Eli Lilly, claiming
that Prozac had pushed the guy over the edge.

It has long been known that Prozac induces violence in some patients
but the FDA never required Lilly to list violence on the drug's label.
But as it turns out, five of the 9 members on the 1991 FDA advisory
panel investigating the association between Prozac and violence that
voted against requiring a warning label for violence, had ties to Big
Pharma and two of the members had served as lead investigators for
Lilly-funded Prozac studies.

The Wesbecker trial did not take place until 1994, but in the meantime,
according to Dr. Lavine, "Eli Lilly had been settling many Prozac
violence cases behind closed doors."

In fact, he says, more than 150 Prozac lawsuits had been filed by the
end of 1994, so "it was looking for a showcase trial that it could

A crucial component of the victims' legal strategy in the Wesbecker
case was for the jury to hear about Lilly's history of reckless
disregard toward consumers, especially about the drug Oraflex,
introduced in 1982 but taken off the market 3 months later.

"A US Justice Department investigation linked Oraflex to the deaths of
more than 100 patients," Dr. Lavine notes, "and concluded that Lilly
had misled the FDA."

In the end, Lilly was charged with 25 counts related to mislabeling
side effects and pled guilty.

At the Wesbecker trial, Lilly attorneys argued that the Oraflex
information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear and the Judge
initially agreed. However, when Lilly attorneys used witnesses to
testify about it's superb system of collecting and analyzing side
effects, the Judge said that Lilly had opened the door to evidence to
the contrary and so the Oraflex information would also be allowed in.

However, to Judge's amazement," Dr. Lavine says, "victims' attorneys
never presented the Oraflex evidence and Eli Lilly won the case. "

It was later learned that Lilly was successful in corrupting the
judicial process in the case by cutting a secret deal with victims'
attorneys to pay them and their clients not to introduce the damaging
Oraflex evidence.

However, Dr. Lavine says, the Judge "smelled a rat" and fought for an
investigation, and in 1997, Lilly quietly agreed to the verdict being
changed from a victory to "dismissed as settled."

Legal experts are finding ways to expose and punish Big Pharma for
conducting fraudulent research that requires no involvement by the
nation's compromised regulatory agencies. Barry Turner, Lecturer in Law
at Leeds Law School in the UK, is a great fan of the False Claims Act
legislation in the US.

As an academic lawyer, he has for a number of years been involved in
litigation regarding the activities of the pharmaceutical industry and
for the past two years, he has been involved in Qui tam litigation

"Tying Qui tam into human rights and civil liberties issues is easy,"
Mr. Turner says. "When President Lincoln initiated this law in 1863 it
was because Union soldiers were going into battle in shoddy boots and
uniforms equipped with guns and ammunition that were third rate," he
explains. "All because 'businessmen' saw the war as a gravy train."

"Qui tam," Mr. Turner explains, "protects taxpayers and since tax
revenue is the lifeblood of any state, any evasion of liability or
deliberate defrauding of a taxpayers is an attack on all taxpayers and
consequently all citizens."

Qui tam in its long history, he says, has brought to book many crooks
who stole from the US taxpayer and is based on the individual citizen
being able to blow the whistle for the benefit of fellow citizens and
the country.

The more recent Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), was enacted in the
wake of the Enron and WorldCom scandals, and was designed to restore
investor confidence in the nation's financial markets by improving
corporate responsibility through changes in corporate governance and
accounting practices and by providing whistleblower protection to
employees of publicly traded companies who report fraud.

SOX contains a civil and a criminal whistleblower provision. Section
806, creates a civil cause of action for employees who have been
subject to retaliation for whistleblowing, and Section 1107, makes it a
felony for anyone to knowingly retaliate against or take any action
harmful to any person, including interfering with employment, for
providing truthful information relating to the commission or possible
commission of a federal offense.

According to Mr. Turner, SOX is not limited to shareholders of a
company. "What needs to be understood," he says, "is that many millions
of people who own no stock at all get defrauded in scams all the time."

"Those who pay into pension funds are vulnerable to the financial
shenanigans not only of fund managers but of boards of companies," he
explains, "and CEO's that fail to police the companies activities or in
some cases actively encourage fraud and reckless business practices."

SOX came into being to prevent those financial shenanigans, he says.
"The fat cats may lose a small amount of their stake in any scam," he
points out, "but the little man as ever stands to lose all."

One of the features of SOX, he says, is the ability to bring an action
against those who recklessly and fraudulently deal with stockholders
money. Big Pharma, and its handmaiden psychiatry, he notes, is built on

For example, Mr. Turner explains, Ritalin fraud consists of labeling
millions of children as basket cases based on fraudulent research and a
consensus of the vested interest.

"SSRI fraud," he advises, "extends depression into the world of normal
human experience to ever-extend the peddling of the often useless and
frequently dangerous treatments."

In other instances, he says, many poor and elderly people are starved
of life saving drugs because the budgets of Medicare and Medicaid are
bled dry by claims from drug companies for 'me too' drugs that in many
cases are superfluous.

"Even where there is some justification for the use of these drugs," he
explains, "there is a drive to constantly increase the dose above the
minimum effective one because a 'minimum effective dose' to the drug
company means minimum effective profit."

"Where money is diverted from real healthcare provisions, to a profit
greedy industry that manufactures an illness to fit the drug," he
notes, "rather than provide drugs for real illnesses, then the most
fundamental of constitutional rights 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness' is most at risk."

Every unnecessary dose of Ritalin, Prozac, Paxil, and other psychiatric
drugs prescribed and paid for with US tax dollars, he says, deprives
patients dependant on state healthcare programs of drugs they need for
cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other serious conditions.

In addition, Mr. Turner points out that, "the marketing of these drugs
and the ever expanding definition of psychiatric disorder that is part
of this marketing strategy labels, discriminates against, and
stigmatizes hundreds of thousands of American Citizens."

"It is indeed a dramatic irony," he says, "that in very many of these
cases the US taxpayer gets to fund an industry that acts in a manner so
alien to the American Constitutional ideals."

For purposes of the litigation, "knowingly" is defined as: (1) Actual
knowledge of the false information; (2) Acts in deliberate ignorance of
the truth or falsity of the information; or (3) Acts in reckless
disregard of the truth or falsity of the information.

Therefore, according to Mr. Turner, "inducing people to invest in
companies that engage in illegal and reckless activity is a violation
of SOX."

"Inducing people to take vast amounts of drugs that are known to be
harmful and deliberately hiding the known dangers is a violation of
SOX," he contends.

"One day this edifice will come tumbling down," he says, "and what will
the investors in Big Pharma say then?"

In light of the Vioxx disaster, Mr. Turner says, we should perhaps ask
people who invested in Merck.

"Those at the top of this company," he notes, "gambled with the lives
of patients and the money of stockholders in equal bad faith when they
engaged in fraudulent and dishonest behavior that allowed a dangerous
drug to be marketed."

"Those who today peddle drugs for fictitious illnesses and push
dangerous and useless medications on the children," he warns, "in our
societies are doing just this."

Merck acted with reckless disregard for the truth because it had prior
knowledge of the adverse effects of Vioxx. The same goes for Eli Lilly
and its prior knowledge of the lack of efficacy of Prozac and
GlaxoSmithKline's knowledge of Paxil's suicide ideation

While suppressing negative studies, these companies placed drugs on the
market that were known to be faulty in one way or another. All of these
drugs have cost taxpayers dearly, not to mention the personal suffering
they have inflicted in other ways

In considering other acts of fraud, Mr. Turner looked at the Pharma
backed charities that are based on fraudulent research to see what
Federal laws they may be violating.

"Since a number of imaginative illnesses are based on this fabricated
research and since a number of charities are based on the 'imaginative
illnesses' that arose out of the imaginative research," he says, "its
just a matter of connecting the dots."

Because charities receive tax breaks, he says, fraudulent charities
defraud US taxpayers.

"The fraud in this industry is not divided into that which injures by
over drugging and that which cheats taxpayers and stockholders out of
their money," he explains. "They are two sides of the same counterfeit

Mr. Turner says we must tackle them together, and that lawyers in the
US should be actively seeking clients who have lost money by these
frauds and getting the matter before the Security and Exchange
Commission now.

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
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From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: June 24, 2006 9:35:03 AM EST


Hello to all -

Again, yesterday the WSJ made me change my schedule
after reading their most vicious and hostile yet
anti-Chavez editorial. My blood's still boiling from
the pack of lies in it.

I seem to be a one-person vigilante taking on the
Journal. Someone has to do it, and I can't let them
get away with attacking a man as important as Chavez.
We should only be so lucky to have that kind of
president here. Not in our lifetimes.

As they usually do, WSJ had everything backwards.


The Wall Street Journal Calls Hugo Chavez A Threat to
World Peace - by Stephen Lendman

You won't find commentary and language any more
hostile to Hugo Chavez than on the editorial page of
the Wall Street Journal. Their June 23 piece by Mary
Anastasia O'Grady in the Americas column is a clear,
jaw-dropping example. It's practically blood-curdling
in its vitriol which calls Hugo Chavez a threat to
world peace. The sad part of it is Journal readers
believe this stuff and are likely to support any US
government efforts to remove the "threat."

The O'Grady article is about the elections scheduled
to take place in the fall for five non-permanent UN
Security Council seats to be held in 2007. One of them
will be for the Latin American seat now held by
Argentina. The two countries vying to fill the
opening are Guatemala and Venezuela, and the other
countries in the region will vote on which one will
get it. You won't have to think long to guess the one
the US supports - its Guatemalan ally, of course. And
why not. For over 50 years its succession of military
and civilian governments have all followed the
dictates of their dominant northern neighbor. In so
doing, they all managed to achieve one of the world's
worst human rights records that hasn't abated even
after the 1996 Peace Accords were signed ending a
brutal 36 year conflict. Although the country today
is nominally a democratic republic, it continues to
abuse its people according to documented reports by
Amnesty International.

Amnesty is aware of sexual violence and extreme
brutality against women including 665 murders in 2005
gotten from police records; 224 reported attacks on
human rights activists and organizations in the same
year with little or no progress made investigating
them; forced evictions and destruction of homes of
indigenous people in rural areas (echoes of
Palestine); and no progress by the government and
Constitutional Court in seeking justice for decades of
genocidal crimes and crimes against humanity committed
by paramilitary death squads and the Guatamalan
military. The sum of these and other unending abuses
led Amnesty to call Guatamala a "land of injustice."

That record of abuse hardly matters to the Bush
administration nor did it bother any past ones either
since the CIA fomented a coup in 1954 ousting the
country's democratically elected leader Jacobo Arbenz
Guzman. That coup began a half century reign of
terror against the country's indigenous Mayan
majority. It was fully supported by a succession of
US presidents who were quite willing to overlook it as
long as Guatamalan governments maintained a policy of
compliance with the US agenda. They all did, and in
return received the support and blessing of the US and
its corporate giants that continue to suck the life
out of that oppressed country.

Guatamala fills the bill nicely for the Bush
administration and would be expected to be a close
ally in support of US positions that come up for votes
in the UN Security Council. Venezuela, on the other
hand, is a different story. Since he was first
democratically elected in 1998, Hugo Chavez has done
what few other leaders ever do. He's kept his
promises to his people to serve their interests ahead
of those of other nations, especially the US that's
dominated and exploited Venezuela for decades. He's
served them well, and in so doing engendered the wrath
of his dominant northern neighbor that already has
tried and failed three times to oust him and is now
planning a fourth attempt to do it.

The idea of a Chavez-led government holding a seat on
the Security Council does not go down well in
Washington, and the Bush administration is leading a
campaign to prevent it with aid and support of the
kind of attack-dog journalism found in the Wall Street
Journal. Honest observers know this newspaper of
record for corporate America has a hard time dealing
with facts it dislikes so it invents the ones it does
to use in their place.

The June 23 editorial is a good example. It extolls
the record of the Guatamalan government with its
long-standing record of extreme abuse against its own
people falsely claiming it's been "accumulating an
impressive record of international cooperation on a
variety of UN efforts." It claims one of its main
qualifications is its "active role in international
peacekeeping" and that the country is now home to a
Central American regional peacekeeping school and
training center. Oddly, it mentions that Guatamalan
peacekeepers are now serving in the Democratic
Republic of Congo, Sudan and Haiti. What it fails to
mention is that those so-called "peacekeepers," along
with those from other countries serving with them,
have in large part functioned as paramilitary
enforcers, and in that capacity have committed gross
human rights abuses against the local people rather
than trying to protect them. The WSJ writer surely
knows this but didn't choose to share that information
with her readers. Instead she extolls the country's
"democratic credentials." But readers with any
knowledge of recent Guatamalan history surely know
that country's true record is one of extreme violence
and abuse against its own people and one no one would
think of as a nation representing them democratically.

The WSJ's June 23 editorial is titled "A Vote for
Venezuela Is a Vote for Iran." The commentary in it
is one of the paper's most extreme diatribes against
the Venezuelan leader which would seem to indicate the
Bush administration and corporate America are stepping
up their attack on Hugo Chavez in advance of when they
plan to make their move to oust him. The Journal
writer calls him a "strongman" in an "oil
dictatorship" leading a government that values
"tyranny and aggression" who'll use his seat and
Council presidency when his nation assumes it to
support "hostile states" like Iran, Cuba, Sudan and
North Korea. Observers knowledgeable about Venezuela
under Chavez would have a hard time containing
themselves as the true Chavez record is totally
opposite the one the Journal portrays. The Journal
writer, of course, knows this, but would never report
it in her column. Her employer and the interests it
serves wouldn't be pleased if she did.

While claiming that a Guatamala seat on the Council is
a "voice for the region, not its own national
interests," it says Venezuela's "rests largely on oil
'diplomacy' and the capacity to push anti-American
buttons around the UN." It goes on to state "It may
seem strange Venezuela has any support in the region.
Over the past seven years, its meddling in its
neighbors' politics 'have' (even the grammar is wrong)
earned it a reputation as a bully. Mr. Chavez is
persona non grata in more than a few Latin nations.
Many countries are worried about Venezuela's 'big
spending' to acquire fighter jets and 100,000
kalisnikovs from Russia." Readers may need to pause
to catch their breath.

What the Journal writer doesn't explain is far more
important than what she does - but she's doing her job
as a servant of the US empire. Chavez's so-called
"oil diplomacy," in fact, is based on his Bolivarian
Alternative of the Americas or ALBA. It's based on
the principles of complementarity (not competition),
solidarity (not domination), cooperation (not
exploitation) and respect for other nations'
sovereignty free from the control of dominant powers
like the US and its large transnational corporations.
It's the mirror opposite of US-style predatory
capitalism and the one-sided trade agreements it uses
to exploit other countries for its own gain.

The nations participating in ALBA-style agreements are
able to operate outside the usual international
banking and corporate trading system in their exchange
of goods and services so that each country benefits
and none loses - just the opposite of the one-sided
way the US operates. Because Venezuela is rich in
oil, it's been able to trade that vital commodity with
its neighbors who need it, even sell it to them at
below-market prices, and get back in return the
products and services its trading partners can supply
on an equally favorable basis. It's a true "win-win"
arrangement for participating countries but one that
angers the US because it cuts its corporations and big
banks out of the process. The Chavez plan is to help
his people, not serve the interests of the corporate
giants or dominant US neighbor. The WSJ calls this
"meddling" and Chavez a "bully." What glorious
meddling it is, in the true spirit of the country's
Bolivarian Revolution, and "bully" to Hugo Chavez for
doing it.

As for Chavez's so-called "big spending" for weapons
that has "many countries worried," one must wonder
which countries the Journal writer means. She
mentions none, which she surely would have and quoted
their officials if, in fact, there were any. The
truth, of course, is Hugo Chavez is acting no
differently than most all other countries in the
region or elsewhere, has expressed no hostility toward
any of them, has never invaded a neighbor or
threatened to, and is a model of a peace-promoting
leader who's only taking sensible steps to upgrade his
small military and protect his nation against a
hostile US he has every reason to believe will attack
him. But you'll never find that commentary on the
pages of the Wall Street Journal.

The Journal editorial ends in grand style. It demeans
the poor countries of the region benefitting from
below-market priced Venezuelan oil as likely
supporting that country for the Latin American Council
seat. It also attacks Argentina for being a
"Venezuelan pawn," calling it "once a haven for Nazis"
(the US was and still is), and stating "the country
has been so incompetent about managing its 'resources'
that it too needs charity from Mr. Chavez." Indeed,
Argentina had big financial trouble at the end of the
1990s, but the Journal writer doesn't explain why. It
was because the country became the "poster child"
model for US-style neoliberal free market capitalism
in the 1990s. It wrecked the economy causing it to
collapse into bankruptcy it's still struggling to
recover from.

The Journal writer also attacks Bolivia and Cuba for
supporting Chavez but is particularly hostile to the
Lula government in Brazil for its siding with the
Venezuelan leader. She calls that support
"surprising" and accused the Brazilian government of
being "Bolivia's unofficial energy advisor (that)
orchestrated the confiscation of Brazilian assets (in
Bolivia) recently." Bolivian president Evo Morales
nationalized his nation's energy resources which
Bolivian law clearly states the nation owns. He
confiscated nothing, which the Journal writer surely
knows but failed to tell her readers. She also
mentioned a so-called "eternal Brazilian struggle to
prove that it can challenge US 'hegemony' in the
region (that) trumps the need to regain dignity and
protect its investments abroad." Left out of the
commentary is any mention that Argentina, Bolivia,
Cuba and Brazil are sovereign states with the right to
support whatever policies and other countries they
wish without needing US approval to do it.

About the only final comment the Journal writer can
make is to claim Guatamala has the "solid backing of
the 'more serious democracies' in the region - such as
Colombia and Mexico." It's likely what the writer
means by "serious" is those countries' elections are
about as free and fair as ours - meaning, they only
are for the power-elites controlling them who arrange
the outcomes they want.

The June 23 Wall Street Journal editorial was a
typical example of what this newspaper calls
journalism and editorial commentary. This writer
follows it to learn what the US empire likely is up
to. In the case of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, it's no
doubt up to no good. The continued hostile rhetoric
is clearly to signal another attempt to oust the
Venezuelan leader at whatever time and by whatever
means the Bush administration has in mind. Stay

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog
site at


Online Journal Commentary Last Updated: Jun 21st, 2006 - 11:22:31

Refugees of capital
By Frank Scott
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Jun 21, 2006, 11:20

International capital crosses national borders invisibly, pursuing
profits for a global minority that inflict loss on the global majority.
In historic fashion but at electronic speed, it creates economic chaos,
throwing peasants off the land and forcing them to illegally emigrate
as low paid, unskilled labor. Barriers of language, culture and
overcrowding bring with them social animosity and help create a deadly
serious global problem.

The American role in this international drama has seen millions fleeing
here after their homelands were invaded by our finance capital. This
has energized negative social forces, but also served to organize a
maligned and misunderstood sector of the working class.

While many see an invasion of foreigners that they liken to terrorist
attacks, others see entering the country illegally and bringing down
wages as perfectly reasonable. Self-righteous name-calling and
simplistic individualism have taken precedence over analysis of the
economic forces at work, and why they should be challenged.

If, as some believe, we are a nation of immigrants with doors open wide
to all who would enter, how many can we welcome before asking how much
room we have and how much work we can offer? There are billions of
suffering souls in the world, and many owe their misery to U.S.
intervention in their nation's political economy. Should we invite them
all here? Even if they will only find work by innocently serving
commercial interest in lowering the wages of other Americans? And where
will they live?

How many communities that adamantly fight against congestion and the
loss of open space will gladly welcome much more of the first and much
less of the second, in order to accommodate more immigrants?

Ignorance of the real impacts of our foreign policy can only increase
the animosity much of the world feels towards the USA. Many find us a
beacon of freedom and democracy, but many more consider us a monster,
bringing death and destruction to countries like Iraq, and creating
economic programs like NAFTA, which all but force people to illegally
migrate seeking the survival they were denied by American corporados in
league with their own corrupt governments.

Calling all critics of immigration racists is a labeling practice of
equally bigoted people. Some opponents of immigration are racists, but
so are many immigration supporters. It hardly takes a super sleuth to
find racists in America. It's about as difficult as finding sand in the

A nation built by immigrant labor was earlier developed by slave labor,
and with many descendants of slavery still confined to shameful
ghettos, it is galling to hear claims of moral superiority from those
with high regard for immigrants, who are oblivious to the realities of
their own citizens. This can only provoke more divisions among us, when
we desperately need unity.

Some well intentioned people think security for undocumented immigrants
is a simple matter of getting work and finding housing. Often the work
is in their own homes, but the housing is rarely in their own
communities. A far more difficult reality can be revealed by examining
conditions in our penal colony. In these concentration camps of mostly
nonwhite prisoners, Latinos and blacks are often at each others
throats. Their sometimes mortal combat inside mirrors their
socio-economic combat outside, but is hardly noticed by many engaged in
a debate that excludes the Americans most directly affected by

Hostility between the heartlessly vindictive and mindlessly accepting
extremes does not call for a moderate middle ground, but a radically
democratic base from which to consider the very structure of the
economic system that creates and profits from this chaos.

We need to understand the market forces of global capital in order to
stop the damage it does to all nations when it exports skilled work,
imports unskilled labor, and creates inequality, pollution and debt
such as has never before existed in the developed world.

No less a labor hero than Caesar Chavez warned of the negative impact
when business was allowed to import cheap, undocumented labor. He knew
this would only hurt those he was trying to help. The farm workers
organized the unorganized, but they were all legal, not illegal
workers. It is madness to think we can allow selective forms of
illegality in support of specific groups of immigrants, while throwing
many of the native born in jail for their illegal acts, which are
driven by the same economic issue: poverty.

It is equally madness to think we can improve things by building walls
across the border, or imprisoning people who came here illegally but to
pursue an honest living. It would make as much sense to build a fence
around Wall Street and jail those who employ day laborers and nannies.

We must stop enriching corporate capital -- and a minority that needs
household help -- by providing them with an army of desperate people
who will work for the lowest wages, in order to send money home to
replace what was lost to invading corporations.

Our problem is not poor people crossing our borders seeking work, but
rich capital crossing their borders seeking profit. A global economic
system is conducting this assault on our national environment. Its
inherent inequality and injustice requires collective action to
confront the real criminals and not scapegoat their victims. If we stop
international finance's invasive penetration of other nation's borders,
we won't have to worry about refugees illegally crossing ours.
Industrial capitalism of the 19th century threatened so many it
provoked a call for the workers of the world to unite. Global
capitalism of the 21st century is a much greater menace to humanity's
future. It may be time to revive that call.
Copyright ) 2006 Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

Copyright ) 1998-2006 Online Journal


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 3, 2006, 12:51:35 PM7/3/06
GOVERNMENT OF THE USA IN EXILE Free Americans Reaching Out to
Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 3, 2006

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] How Many More Innocents Must Die Before the
World Realizes That Israel Is Gathering Thorns and Thistles?

by Jason Miller July 1, 2006

Ravening Wolves in Sheep's Clothing:

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the
side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of
a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not
appreciate your neutrality. Bishop Desmond Tutu

In Gaza, the elephant has finally removed its foot from the mouses
tail. Much to the dismay of the mouse, the behemoth is not done
with him. Not this elephant. He has decided to bring his immense
weight to bear on the mouses miniscule body, sadistically reveling
at the sight of the blood oozing from the mouses bodily orifices
as it is gradually reduces it to a mass of flattened pulp.

I abandoned my neutrality long ago. My thoughts, prayers, support,
and activist efforts as an essayist, small Internet publisher, and
dissident against the American Empire are with the Palestinians. I
am deeply sickened by fact that the United States government finances
Israels genocide against the Palestinians with my tax dollars. It
enrages me that AIPAC and bellicose supporters of Israel dictate
so much of our foreign policy.

Enabler of Ethnic Cleansing

The elephant has received over $140 billion in financial support
from the United States since World War II. US subsidies to the
Israeli government and military average $15 million per day.
Palestinian NGOs were receiving a pitiful $232,000 per day (for
non-military use only) from the United States prior to the termination
of US aid to punish Palestinians for choosing the wrong leaders in
their democratic elections.

Thanks to Americas benevolence, Israel possesses a formidable
military. Israel has over 3800 tanks, 1500 large artillery pieces,
2000 aircraft (including US manufactured F-16s), and is widely
believed to possess powerful nuclear capabilities.

The mouse recently had the audacity to bite the elephants toe. Some
of the more militant members of the Palestinian community, who
refuse to quietly acquiesce to extermination, kidnapped an Israeli
soldier, an 18 year old Jewish settler and a 62 year old Israeli

An Eye for an Eyelash

In the perverse logic widely employed by Americans and Israelis,
three kidnappings warranted Israel unleashing hell upon Gaza. Forget
that 9,800 Palestinians in Israeli prisons are routinely subjected
to torture while Palestinian prisons hold one Israeli. Never mind
the 23 civilian Palestinians murdered by Israeli shelling and air
strikes over the last four weeks. And disregard the 4,209 Palestinians
that Israel has killed (including 892 children) and the 30,122 they
have injured since 9/30/00.

Note: By way of comparison, Palestinian inflicted Israeli deaths
totaled 1,113 during this period.

As I compose this piece, Israel has launched a ruthless military
assault on the Gaza Strip, one of the two pitifully small Palestinian
enclaves. Air strikes have knocked out the power plant which provided
electricity to most of the 1.3 million inhabitants of Gaza. It will
take an estimated 6 months and $20 million to make the plant
operational again. The Palestinians can afford neither the time nor
the money.

Israeli troops and tanks are rolling into southern Gaza as additional
aerial bombardment has essentially split Gaza into northern and
southern halves by taking out two key bridges. Recent reports
indicate that Israel has violated Syrian air space by flying over
the presidents home and has launched tank attacks on northern Gaza.

Despite the lack of casualties thus far, Palestinian senior negotiator
Saeb Erakat had this to say:

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms this attack on our
infrastructure. We have 1.3 million people under siege in Gaza.
Israel is in the process of reoccupying Gaza -- not in traditional
sense -- but through control of water, electricity, food and medical
supplies, and I don't think the international community should allow
it. A chance should be given to diplomacy. I urge the United States
to intervene immediately."

I shook my head in disbelief as I watched CNN (the liberal cable
news) manage to portray this gross miscarriage of justice as if the
Israeli military strike was justified in its action. It defies logic
to argue that Israel was warranted in destroying infrastructure
critical to the survival of over a million people and laying siege
against brutally oppressed human beings in its hostage rescue and
in its attempt to root out the perpetrators of recent Qassam rocket
attacks which have resulted in zero Israeli casualties. As is often
the case, Israels actions represent blatant abuse of power and
violations of human rights.

Yet why would I feel surprised? For years the corporate media has
conditioned United States citizens to believe in Israels right to
savagely punish virtually defenseless Palestinian civilians using
our military hard-ware. The Israelis specialize in electrocution
for stealing a loaf of bread. And they dont care if those receiving
the punishment are guilty or not.

The Madness of King George and Prince Ehud

Like its benefactors in Washington, Israel is ruled by Machiavellian
militarists who routinely violate international law and human rights.

Mainstream media propagandists have worked vigorously to maintain
the perception that both nations are pillars of morality and
civilization, but the fagade is rapidly eroding.

Quotes attributed to Caligula, the hedonistic and blood-thirsty
Roman emperor, would roll quite naturally off the tongues of George
Bush or Ehud Olmert. It is not much of a stretch to imagine either
of them quipping:

"I wish the Palestinian people had but a single neck"


"Let them hate, so long as they fear."

Playing With a Stacked Deck and Acting With Impunity

Consider that during its relatively short existence, the United
Nations has targeted Israel with Resolutions 65 times. They have
condemned Israeli attacks on neighboring Lebanon, collective
punishment and repeated human rights violations against the Palestinian
civilian population, theft of Palestinian land, and violations of
the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israels response to the condemnations?
More violations of international law. Incidentally, there have been
no United Nations Resolutions against the Palestinians.

From the beginning of the conflict, Israel has held distinct
advantages over the Palestinians. In 1850, Palestine was inhabited
by about 500,000 Palestinian Arabs, 80% of whom were Muslim. By the
1880s, the European Zionist movement had determined that Palestine
was to be a Jewish homeland. Zionists started to establish Jewish
settlements there. As the population of Jewish settlers rose,
conflicts erupted. By 1947, the United Nations intervened and
determined that 55% of Palestine would belong to a newly formed
Jewish state. This was an astounding conclusion when one considers
that at that time the Jewish settlers only owned 7% of the land.
It seems the Zionists had friends in high places.

Harmony eluded Palestine. In 1948 a well-equipped and well-trained
Jewish military force predictably crushed the smaller and much more
primitive Palestinian army. Israel was born and greedily swallowed
78% of Palestine.

750,000 Palestinians became refugees. To this day Israel persists
in denying the United Nations right of the refugees to return to
their homes. Approximately 4 million Palestinians currently subsist
in squalid conditions in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza,
Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.

After the 1967 War, Israel began a military occupation of the
remaining 22% of Palestinian territory when it seized the Gaza Strip
and the West Bank. Under the Oslo Peace Accords of 1993, Gaza and
the West Bank were eventually to form a Palestinian state. However,
Israel has continued to encroach on Palestinian territory and to
deny the Palestinian people sovereignty. In September of 2000 the
Palestinians launched armed struggle against their oppressors with
the Second Intifada. Their courageous resistance to Israeli tyranny
persists as I write this article.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew Israeli settlers
from the Gaza Strip in September of 2005. Ostensibly Israel was
fulfilling its obligation to return this region to the Palestinians.

However, Israelis maintained austere control of Gazas air space,
ports and borders. The Palestinians were essentially prisoners in
their own tiny territory.

When the Palestinians had the audacity to democratically elect Hamas
as the majority party in their nominal government known as the
Palestinian Authority, Israel responded by withholding the Palestinians
$60 million per month in tax revenue. This has financially crippled
the Palestinian Authority and worsened the already devastating
poverty in Gaza and the West Bank. Hamas history of fighting back
against their merciless colonial masters and violent rejection of
Israels genocidal agenda have earned them the label of terrorists.
However, Hamas also has a history of providing badly needed social
services for many poverty-stricken Palestinians.

While Palestinians are often armed with sticks and rocks in their
confrontations with the powerful Israeli military, an occasional
suicide bomber or crude Qassam rocket kills Israeli civilians or
military personnel. As a result, Palestinian civilians have suffered
barbaric Israeli reprisals on many levels.

Israelis have demolished nearly 8,000 Palestinian homes. In one
instance an Israeli driving an armored Caterpillar bulldozer
intentionally crushed Rachel Corrie, a non-violent American activist
who had been attempting to prevent the Israeli from demolishing a
Palestinian house.

According to a UN human rights report drafted in 2004:

Bulldozers have destroyed homes in a purposeless manner and have
savagely dug up roads, including electricity, sewage and water

"1,497 buildings have been demolished in Rafah, affecting over
15,000 people

Israel has uprooted approximately 1.2 million Palestinian olive and
fruit trees. Israeli border and checkpoint security has wreaked
further havoc on the Palestinian economy as residents of the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip are subjected to lengthy and humiliating
waits and searches.

Transportation of goods and commuting to work are nearly impossible
tasks in the Palestinian territories. 66% of Palestinians in Gaza
live in poverty and unemployment exceeds 30%.

As one might expect, fresh water is a relatively scarce resource
in Palestine. Not surprisingly, Israelis control most of it. In the
West Bank, Palestinians are denied access to water from the Jordan

Palestinians consume only 17% of the water from West Bank aquifers
while Israelis consume 73%. Per capita, West Bank Israeli settlers
enjoy four times as much water as Palestinians. Israel prohibits
Palestinians from drilling new wells and limits the amount of water
they can extract from existing wells. Israeli water companies often
make grossly inflated profits on water they extract from Palestinian
aquifers when they sell it back to Palestinian consumers. Israel
is withdrawing groundwater from Gaza so rapidly that saltwater from
the Mediterranean is replacing the freshwater. One would think that
an adequate supply of potable water would be a basic human right,
but it is not for Palestinians.

Adding insult to numerous injuries, Israel is defying a decree by
the International Court of Justice that it is violating international
law as it continues to build its Apartheid Wall. In yet another
example of collective punishment of innocent civilians, Israel is
constructing a 620 kilometer barrier through the West Bank which
encroaches on Palestinian territory by as much as 10 miles in some
places. One purpose of the encroachment is that it will enable
Israel to annex and control vital water access points. In building
the Apartheid Wall, Israel has uprooted over 100,000 Palestinian
olive and citrus trees, confiscated over 4,000 acres of their land,
and demolished 75 acres of their greenhouses.

Victim Turned Oppressor

It is sadly ironic that the United States, a nation whose founding
fathers overcame tremendous odds to escape the shackles of an
imperial power, would support Israels cruel colonization and
extermination of the Palestinians. Perhaps more ironic is the fact
that Israel, a nation formed as a homeland for a group which was a
principal target of Hitlers genocidal policies, would commit such
horrendous humanitarian crimes against the Palestinians.

What Would Jesus Do?

In the very region where the Prince of Peace, who championed the
cause of the poor and oppressed against the rich and powerful and
was crucified for his idealistic crusade, Israeli hard-liners will
not rest until they have crushed those with whom Jesus would be
standing were he alive today. While it is true that there are
defiant, violent Palestinians who refuse to turn the other cheek,
Israel has consistently responded by brutally punishing the 80% of
Palestinians who want peace. And many Americans who call themselves
Christians are cheering on these barbaric acts of injustice.

Doubt His Resolve?

If there was a doubt about Ehud Olmerts determination to continue
the genocide of the Palestinians, he has erased it by deepening
their plight with his military incursion into Gaza. Olmert has said
to expect "an extended campaign against the Palestinian Authority"
and that "all targets" would be considered for possible action.
This does not bode well for innocent Palestinian men, women and
children who are already suffering from the significant infrastructural
damage Israeli forces have inflicted in the early stages of their
extended campaign.

Piercing the Veil of Propaganda

As my family and I started our evening walk yesterday, I found
myself on the verge of tears as sorrow and rage sparred with one
another to become my predominant emotion. Ominous storm clouds were
just beginning to skirt the horizon. Throughout our brief trek,
blue sky and sunshine gradually gave way to a dark, foreboding wave
of cumulonimbi. Seeing the storm clouds triggered mental images of
the acrid-looking jet black smoke pouring from the bombed-out
Palestinian power plant I had witnessed on CNN. I found myself
imagining what I might feel if I were a Palestinian. With the power
unique to raw human emotion, sorrow and rage surged through my

While I believe in non-violent solutions, I also embrace an individuals
or groups right to self-defense. Corporate propagandists (who are
well paid to do our thinking for us) have deluded many Americans
into thinking that economic and military actions by the United
States and its allies that result in civilian deaths are moral and
legal. Concurrently, they have programmed us to believe that if
members of populations which have limited organized militaries
respond to our oppressive imperialism with violence, they are
committing acts of terrorism. I reject this illusion. I denounce
violence by either side, but I recognize that in some instances,
it is necessary for victims of US (or Israeli) militaristic aggression
to resort to violence to defend themselves.

Partners in Crime

Through its history, the United States has slaughtered and enslaved
millions while waging genocidal campaigns against the Native Americans
and the Iraqis. Its noble cause? Global economic and military
hegemony driven by the twisted notions of American Exceptionalism
and Manifest Destiny.

Israel has engaged in a long-term, multi-faceted effort to ensure
the extinction of the Palestinians. Its patron and benefactor, the
United States, shares equal culpability for their egregious crimes
against humanity.

Since the United States and Israel are rogue nations with powerful
militaries, the response of the international community has been
anemic. The Palestinian people have essentially been on their own
in their valiant resistance to genocide. Hamas, the PLO, and similar
terrorist organizations are ultimately enforcers of the universal
human right of self defense.

Leaders of Israel and the United States would be wise to heed the
words of Pope Paul IV:

If you want peace, work for justice.

As long as Israelis are committing ethnic cleansing, Palestinians
will continue to fight for their survival.

And what sane and honest human being can truly blame them?

Jason Miller is a 39 year old sociopolitical essayist with a degree
in liberal arts and an extensive self-education (derived from an
insatiable appetite for reading). He is a member of Amnesty
International and an avid supporter of Oxfam International and Human
Rights Watch. He welcomes responses at or
comments on his blog, Thomas Paine's Corner, at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "t r u t h o u t" <> Date: July 2, 2006
11:11:31 AM EST Subject: FOCUS | GIs May Have Planned Iraq Rape,

FOCUS | GIs May Have Planned Iraq Rape, Slayings Investigators believe
American soldiers spent nearly a week plotting an attack in which
they raped an Iraqi woman, then killed her and her family in an
insurgent-ridden area south of Baghdad, a US military official said


From: Richard Pierce <> Date: July 2,
2006 11:22:55 PM EST To: Apfn-1 <> Subject:
[911TruthAction] Watch "Terrorstorm" Free Now-- Alex Jones' new
video Reply-To:

Watch "Terrorstorm" on Google: 1 hr 52 min 21 sec - Jun 23, 2006

Wow! Great video by Alex Jones.

"It has been written that every day somewhere in the world war
rages, there is untold suffering and torture, and the United States
is usually responsible." -- Amnesty International.


From: Jolly Roger <> Date: July 1, 2006
10:29:49 AM EST To: Subject:
[911TruthAction] The Money Masters

The DVD these people are selling is excellent: (The Money Masters -- How international
bankers gained control of America)

I ordered it, and I'm keeping it circulating around here. It does
a good job of waking people up because they immediately realize
there's a lot they don't know about our monetary system, our history,
and the Federal Reserve. Tough 9-11 truth cases become easier when
they realize they've been lied to, and that there's a lot of
information they should know that's been kept hidden from them.
Once people start seeing the general deception, they become curious,
and more receptive to all kinds of new truths.


From: Kevin Hammond <> Date: July 3, 2006
12:37:44 AM EST To: Subject:

From: "." <> Date: January 26, 2005 5:45:00 AM

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

To find our page on the net, go to:


From: "paul illich" <> Date: July 2, 2006
6:42:47 AM EST To: Subject:
[bluegreenearth] fwd: The IMF's New World Order (The Observer -

Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 09:40:14 +0100 (BST) From: Steve Masterson
<> The IMF?s New World Order (The Observer
- UK)

[and reproduced below... Paul]

The article states that the urgently called IMF summit represents
the ditching of the old G8 of the US, Canada, Japan, Russia, Germany,
France, Italy and Britain; and replacing it with the G5 of the US,
Japan, Saudi Arabia, China and the Eurozone with Britain not

Though certainly the old G8 no longer has the teeth or relevance
it had, this is not the purpose of this summit. The meeting is of
the worlds biggest oil buyers and its biggest seller. This meeting
is about the US finding a way to force these countries to continue
buying and selling oil in US-dollars and not turn to the euro.

It is about the strength of the euro and its vying to become a
second global reserve currency; it is about the threat of the new
Iran Oil Bourse (due to open shortly), set to trade oil in euros,
which may well precipitate the dollars collapse. Read why the US
dollar is on the verge of collapse at:

comradely - Steve

Britain off the list when IMF assembles the new world order

High-level talks on global trade problems show the irrelevance of
the G8 , says Heather Stewart

Sunday July 2, 2006 The Observer

Vladimir Putin will roll out the red carpet for his fellow G8 leaders
in St Petersburg later this month, as they gather for their annual

but news that the International Monetary Fund has invited a rather
different group for high-level talks on global financial imbalances
is a reminder that the G8 is no longer where the action is when it
comes to the world economy.

At the IMF's spring meeting in Washington in April, its member
governments gave it new powers of 'multilateral surveillance',
allowing managing director Rodrigo de Rato to assemble small groups
of relevant countries to discuss in private how to deal with pressing
global issues. Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England,
welcomed the radical reform as a way of opening channels of
communication between countries that had previously had little real
opportunity to consult each other.

The guest list for the first round of talks has now been announced.

Around the table will be the US, the eurozone countries (taking up
a single seat, instead of three as when Germany, Italy and France
fly in for the G8), China, Saudi Arabia and Japan. This select group
has been chosen not on sheer economic weight, but because its members
are crucial to the vast financial and trade imbalances that the IMF
believes could destabilise the global economy.

The announcement has been seen as a long-overdue admission that
full-scale IMF meetings, with more than a hundred finance ministers
making pre-prepared speeches and blaming each other for the state
of the world, were achieving very little. At the same time, the
most prominent smaller-scale grouping, the G8, with all of its
attendant pomp, no longer reflects contemporary reality.

At the G8, the US, Russia and Japan sit alongside ministers from
Canada and Britain - given life membership through historical ties
- and Germany, France and Italy, now bound together in a single
currency and trading bloc.

China, India and other fast-growing and increasingly influential
countries are sometimes invited along to ad hoc meetings - usually,
in China's case, to be hectored about the need to float its currency.
G8 finance ministers also often take the opportunity for a bout of
megaphone diplomacy against the Opec oil producers.

Back at the IMF in Washington, the representatives of a new world
order are gathering, and Britain won't be there. Gordon Brown is
an evangelist for globalisation, preaching to his fellow finance
ministers about the advantages of an integrated world economy. But
the invite-list for the IMF talks is a reminder that one unavoidable
implication of the new economic order is that Britain (quite
literally) loses its seat at the table.

'It's clearly the right bunch of countries,' said Stephen King,
chief economist at HSBC. China, and more recently oil-producers
such as Saudi Arabia, have been piling up US financial assets,
helping to fund a yawning current account deficit now worth 7 per
cent of GDP for the world's largest economy. In simple terms, the
US is spending 7 per cent more than it is earning, much of it on
cut-price Chinese consumer goods, while the Chinese are squirrelling
away their earnings in dollars and Treasury bills, instead of
spending them at home. Japan and Europe, meanwhile, with their
ageing populations, have been expanding slowly, and piling up their
own savings.

Sheer economic logic means these imbalances will have to be resolved
but it could happen in what the economists call an 'orderly' fashion,
through a smooth depreciation in the dollar and a pick-up in growth
elsewhere in the world, including in Europe and Japan; or more
dramatically, through a sharp US downturn - perhaps even a recession
- whose effects could be devastating.

'The preservation of growth requires the imbalances to get worse,
unless the surplus countries really start to spend money,' says
Charles Dumas of Lombard Street Research. 'If you take away some
miracle burst of spending, you're left with only one way out, and
that is to have a big slowdown in the US. I still think that's the
most likely outcome.'

That's what China, the US, Saudi, the eurozone and Japan have to
talk about.

The discussions, which could begin within weeks, will be guided by
IMF chief economist Raghuram Rajan, who warned in April that, 'far
too little is being done in far too many places' to resolve the
imbalances. Without concerted action, including a depreciation of
the dollar, there was a serious risk of a return to 1930s-style

De Rato has sketched out an ambitious goal for the new, more private
talks, which will take place away from the media scrum of a G8 or
an IMF meeting.

'The objective of the multilateral consultations will be to produce
a common vision for action, with balanced contributions and collective
benefits, to address vulnerabilities that affect individual members
and the international financial system.'

Dumas says it will be hard enough to persuade the participants to
agree on what the problem is, let alone the solutions. 'What the
US would say is, "the Chinese need to revalue their currency"; what
the Chinese would say is, "if our market is going south because the
US is slowing down, the last thing we need is to make ourselves
less competitive at the same time".'

Twenty years ago, formal financial pacts were the rich world's
weapon for heading off violent movements in foreign exchange markets
and restoring calm. After a fresh wave of globalisation, and a firm
ideological turn away from government intervention in the markets,
this approach is out of fashion.

King says the most likely outcome is 'something which will seem a
bit lightweight', perhaps a commitment from the US government to
tidy up its finances (and hence borrow a bit less), in exchange for
an agreement from China to press on with financial market liberalisation,
and from Japan and Europe to make more reforms that could help them
to grow faster, and pick up the slack if the US slows. Even if the
initial results of the talks are not earth-shattering, having the
right people around the table could become critical.


NOTE: I urge you to read the interview at the link directly below;

perhaps I can post it later this week as a Special. -- kl, pp

As we all continue to learn more about this topic, we start to
comprehend the grandiosity of the thefts and fraudulent transactions
that took place under the umbrella of 9-11--specifically hundreds
of billions of dollars worth of gold bricks which were surreptitiously
liberated from their safety deposit vaults under the World Trade
Center. Couple that with the realization of the verifiably true
statement made by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10th 2001--wherein
he announced that $2.3 trillion dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds had
been misappropriated by Pentagon accountants and "lost".

Let me do a quick thought experiment with you: If I drew a line,
one foot in length on a white board, and that line represented 1
million dollars, how long would a line representing a billion dollars
be? What about a Trillion Dollars?

The answers are 1,000 feet, and 189 miles, respectively, and keep
in mind, that using 1 unit= 1 million dollars, if one dollar was =
to 1 foot, a trillion dollars would be 189,000,000 miles- or in
everyday terms- to the Sun, and back.

My point is that when we're talking about Trillions of Dollars
missing, we're talking about the largest crime ever committed--right
in front of all of our lives and using 9-11 as the getaway vehicle--and
what was stolen, was our collective Future, it's about time we
realized it.

Grove goes into the gold heist that was going on (though everyone
should already know about that) in the basement of the WTCs during
this billions of billions of money laundering digitially up top,
before the whole buildings came down. It is his contention that the
whole WTC event was a bundle of several operations, whether destruction
because of asbestos via controlled demolition, planned gold heist
in the basements, and killing off hundreds of Marsh witnesses, as
well as the computer architecture that they tailor-made for the
paperless money laundering operation.

His grand theory is that the software industries are a large
money-laundering core of the world economy, based on his personal
insider portraits of how they are tied up with the very people we
see popping in and out of the government complicity story on 9-11,
that even have linked to Cheney criminality, and how their security
software really has intentional loopholes to make such money-laundering
more possible and paperless instead of documented.

He additionally recognizes various CIA (or NSA, he doesn't make
clear) covert surveillance/data monitoring vehicles moving around
the streets at the base of the WTCs before they came down. How he
recognizes this is that after leaving (being fired for complaining
about the hushmoney arrangement as fraud to higher-up people in
Marsh) Silversteam, he works for a NSA cover operation (unknown to
him, until later, where he starts to put 2 and 2 together, and then
gets himself fired from there for the same kind of 9-11 research
that got him in trouble and blacklisted and then fired from

The core issue I feel is his testimony basically about the AIG and
Marsh interlinkages and that many people involved in the the 9-11
operations or later overseas adventures of Iraq came out of Marsh
(like Paul Bremer) as well, as well as the foreknowledge among the
major international banks about 9-11, so they could steal the world
blind during the events. and how AIG and Marsh people keep the
cover-up in place by their insertions elsewhere, which he documents

Charles Stegiel Commercial/Residential Financing FCF: 680 8th Street
#255 SF, CA. 94103 415-863-2200 Ext 23


From: Peter Myers <> Date: July 2, 2006 4:26:45

Lebanon to complain to UN that Israel was behind assassinations

Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 19:53:14 +1000 From:

Beirut to complain to UN about 'Israeli' hand in assassinations

By Jack Khoury, Haaretz Correspondent

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m 17/06/2006


Lebanon has decided to file a complaint with the United Nations
Security Council asserting that Israel was behind a string of
assassinations in the country, the Lebanese prime minister said on

"We consider this as an act of aggression (by Israel)," Fouad Siniora
told reporters.

"We are working on the file and once it is completed we will submit
a complaint to the United Nations Security Council."

An investigation carried out by Lebanese intelligence recently
uncovered the alleged Israeli involvement in the assassinations.

According to the report, the agents involved in the hits were headed
by a former Lebanese police officer.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh said the report on the
investigation includes unequivocal evidence and added that Beirut
would file a complaint with the Security Council in order to "present
Israel's nakedness before the international community," the Lebanese
As-Safir newspaper reported on Friday.

According to As-Safir, the Beirut decision is meant to reduce the
diplomatic pressure that has been placed on the Lebanese government,
particularly by U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman who has expressed
doubts as to the veracity of the investigations findings.

Feltman also maintains that Hezbollah - and not Lebanese intelligence
- stands behind the claim that an assassination network was exposed.

Feltman even hinted that the affair might negatively influence
American-Lebanese relations and U.S. military aid to Lebanon.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese military is continuing with its "Dawn

operation focusing on Mahmoud Rafeh. They were arrested last week
together with three other suspects in connection with a May 26 car
bombing that killed two Islamic Jihad officials. Rafeh reportedly
admitted to a role in the killings.

Rafeh also confessed to assassinating two officials of Lebanon's
Hezbollah guerrilla group and a senior Palestinian militant, the
army said.

The Lebanese are also hunting down Hassin Hatab, a Palestinian
resident of Sidon with extensive connections in refugee camps in
Lebanon and with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
- General Command, headed by Ahmed Jibril.

Hatab was directly involved in assassinations and attempted
assassinations of senior Hamas leaders living in Lebanon and Syria.

As-Safir reported that Hatab and Rafeh each directed a network of
agents working independently in Lebanon and Syria. According to
directives received by their operators in the Israeli Mossad, the
two men reportedly shared information within the framework of
carrying out their assignments.

Hatab has not yet been tracked down but Lebanese security forces
are currently attempting to tighten the ring around him. There are
reports, however, that his wife has been arrested and provided
Lebanese authorities with information critical to the investigation
against her husband. Investigators noted that other family members
of both Rafeh and Hatab were not involved in the assassination
networks and will likely be released from custody in the coming

Lebanon: Israeli naval commandos brought bombs to Lebanon

Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Al-Murr told reporters at a press
conference held Thursday in Beirut there are similarities between
the methods and techniques employed by Rafeh and Hatab in a number
of blasts they orchestrated and the assassination of Islamic Jihad's
military commander in Lebanese, Mahmoud Majzoub and his brother
Nidal, last month.

Al-Murr hinted that Rafeh received a replacement door for a Mercedes
car that contained a remote-controlled explosive device. The car
was blown up next to Majzoub's car in Sidon.

Al-Murr noted that Rafeh and Hatab received their explosives from
various sources - including via the disputed Shaba Farms area on
the Israeli-Lebanese border and via the Mediterranean Sea with the
help of Israeli naval commandos.

According to Al-Murr, the Rafeh investigation revealed that Mossad
agents - including women - would enter Lebanon with Lebanese or
European identification and would take active roles in the operations.

The Lebanese defense minister also said that, despite advances made
in the investigation, there is still no proof of the connection
between the network of agents and the recent explosions in eastern
Beirut tied to the attempted assassinations of minister Marwan
Hamada and journalist Jubran Tawini.


From: Rick Davis <> Date: July 2, 2006 1:04:03 AM
EST To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: Remembering the Marshall Islands

Weekend Edition July 1 - 2, 2006

50 Years After Bravo

Remembering the Marshall Islands


As a result of nuclear testing on the Marshall Islands 60 years
ago, many of the Marshallese Islanders still suffer today. Yet,
few Americans know about this shameful chapter of history. Today,
June 30, which marks a painful anniversary for many in the South
Pacific, is just another day for those unaware of the atrocities
that took place there. This year, I hope the anniversary might
open the eyes of people in America and around the world: We must
acknowledge the damage done in the past and rise up out of our
apathy to ensure such horrors are not perpetrated again.

I became aware of the nuclear testing program initiated after World
War II from a friend who witnessed the aftermath of the devastation
first hand. Rick Asselta was sent to the Marshall Islands as a
Peace Corps volunteer to help comfort islanders whose homes and
lives were destroyed by the testing. Between 1946 and 1958, the
American military tested 67 nuclear weapons at Bikini and Enewetak.
Prior to the first of these tests, the islanders were evacuated to
other atolls, more than 100 miles away, and, as a precaution, the
inhabitants of three other atolls were moved temporarily.

In 1952, the first hydrogen bomb was tested -- at 10.4 megatons,
it was some 750 times larger than the Hiroshima bomb. In 1954, an
even larger hydrogen bomb was detonated. On the eve of this test,
code-named Bravo, weather reports indicated that atmospheric
conditions were deteriorating, and on the morning of the test, the
winds were blowing strongly toward a number of U.S. ships as well
as several inhabited islands, including Rongelap and Utrik.
Nevertheless, despite the clear danger to the people on these
islands, the bomb, 1,000 times the strength of the Hiroshima bomb,
was detonated. Great clouds of gritty, white ash rained down on
several atolls, affecting many people, including some American

It would be two days before people were moved from Rongelap, the
worst affected island, and another day passed before Utrik was

The islanders suffered skin burns, and their hair fell out. Yet,
in a statement to the press, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
stated that some Americans and Marshallese were "unexpectedly
exposed to some radioactivity. There were no burns. All were
reported well."

Subsequently, the commission drafted a report, not publicly released,
in which it concluded that the Bravo fallout may have contaminated
as many as 18 atolls and islands. Some years after that, an additional
survey by the U.S. Department of Energy revealed that yet other
atolls and islands had been affected by one or more of the tests,
including five that were inhabited.

Three years after Bravo, in 1955, the inhabitants of Utrik were
allowed to return because their island "was only slightly contaminated
and considered safe." Two years later, Rongelap was declared safe
"in spite of slight lingering radiation" and the people returned.
A chilling report was issued at this time by Brookhaven National
Laboratory scientists, who stated that although the contamination
was considered perfectly safe "the levels of activity are higher
than those found in other inhabited locations in the world. The
habitation of these people on the island will afford most valuable
ecological radiation data on human beings"

In 1963, nine years after their exposure to Bravo, the first thyroid
tumors began appearing among the people of Rongelap. Thirteen years
later, 20 of the 29 Rongelap children who were under 10 years old
at the time of Bravo had developed these tumors. At the same time,
it became clear that people exposed to lower levels of radiation
were still at risk -- there was simply a longer latency period
before health problems appeared.

Eleven years after the last nuclear tests, in 1969, the commission
announced that Bikini was safe for rehabilitation. However, the
Bikini council was not satisfied by this assurance and only a few
families returned to their homes. How fortunate -- six years later,
a U.S.

Department of the Interior official reported "higher levels of
radioactivity than originally thought" -- some ground wells were
too radioactive for safe use, and several types of staple foods had
to be prohibited. Six years after returning home, the few families
who had returned to Bikini were moved yet again when additional
testing showed that they had sustained an "incredible" 75 percent
increase in radioactive cesium.

Before staging this ghastly series of tests in the Marshall Islands,
home of a gentle people with an ancient culture, the United States,
in its role as administrator of the area, undertook to "protect
the inhabitants against the loss of their lands and resources".

Unfortunately, this promise was hardly fulfilled.

Eventually, in 1977, Congress approved a nuclear cleanup of Enewetak
Atoll. Of course, compensation in dollar amounts has been negotiated
for the abused and exploited islanders, though not nearly enough.

Nor was nuclear testing the only horrifying test program inflicted
on the Marshall Islands. Project Shipboard Hazards and Defense was
part of a United States chemical and biological warfare test program
that was conducted during the 1960s. Project SHAD was designed to
test the vulnerability of U.S. warships to attacks by biological
and chemical agents and to develop procedures to respond to such
attacks. In 1968, biological agents, live staphylococcal enterotoxin
type B, Bacillus globigii and uranine dye, were sprayed in aerosolized
form, not only over six military ships, but also over part of the
Enewetak Atoll.

Those tests were linked to a sudden nationwide outbreak of a very
severe flu-like disease in the Marshall Islands, which caused some

Subsequently, many U.S. servicemen complained of health problems
they believed had resulted from their involvement in SHAD. It was
the complaints of these veterans that eventually led to the above
disclosures by the U.S. Department of Defense, through the Freedom
of Information Act.

How many other people, in how many other countries have suffered,
I wonder, during the testing of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons? That governments are still developing and testing nuclear
bombs -- along with chemical and biological weapons -- is a crime
against humanity that surely can never be justified or forgiven.

I have a small wooden carving made by an old man who, despite the
risk of radiation, returned to his island. It was his home, he
said, where he had known a carefree childhood until foreign nations
determined to use it to test their devil's weapons. He gave it to
Rick, who has given it to me. I carry it with me as a symbol of
the indomitable human spirit, and also as a reminder of the
atrocities that were perpetrated that we must, somehow, prevent
from ever happening again.

Jane Goodall is a U.N. Messenger of Peace and a recipient of the
Gandhi-King Peace Award for Nonviolence. To learn more about the
Jane Goodall Institute, go to

Rick Asselta is Roots & Shoots Coordinator of University Programs
at Western Connecticut State University


From: Henri the Celt <> Date: July 2, 2006
12:48:35 AM EST To: AAAHenri <> Subject: The
Dreamslayers And The Internet

The Dreamslayers And the Internet By Jim Kirwan

Unregulated Capitalism is a continuing crime that has enabled most
of what passes for commerce today.

The latest and perhaps most serious attempt to regulate those of
us who challenge these behemoths of commerce and industry; is the
pending legislation that seeks total control over who can use the
world-wide web. If these people have their way, the internet will
become a toll-road with diamond lanes for them and the backroads
of lengthy delays for the rest of America. If these multi-national
interests get what they want, the money will virtually own the right
of total control, over what gets downloaded, as well as who can
download what.

The ostensible reason for trying to establish this new regulation
over the formally free internet, is to hand over the ability to
broadcast television images on the web - mainly to yuppies to watch
their corrupted media broadcasts of "The their form of news" on
private little phone screens. This will be costly for the internet
providers but by creating these new rules, the money crowd can both
get what they want (and who they want to reach) by taxing everyone
else for the costs of that 'new access'. Of course in that bargain
they will eliminate all those truly troublesome sites that insist
on reporting what's really going on in the USA and in the world.
All of this is being floated though the houses of congress as an
'absolutely necessary' measure to modernize and regulate something
that is The-Last-Best-Hope-for-Humankind.

Since there have been nation states in the world, capitalism has
largely been what has allowed those states to become viable. However
whenever capitalism is treated as a religion-with unfettered access
to anything they might want to do-that path has always led directly
to disaster. Sometime well back in time The Fairness Doctrine for
broadcasters was eliminated: thus discarding the need for any
broadcast medium to balance whatever they chose to report. This
permanently skewed the 'playing field' in favor of those with the
money, and direct access to government regulators. This also insured
that their piece of the public's airwaves could not be contaminated
by anything that might challenge the views that these captains of
media and entertainment wanted to spread. The only avenue still
standing that serves to prevent their total control over America
is the World Wide Web. So for Congress to punish Americans by
crushing public access on the web, and allowing only the most
powerful to dictate terms to the rest of us - Congress shall be
responsible for killing freedom of speech and information in the
USA - if they pass this pending legislation.

Let's go back, in order to understand what happened to "the public's
right to know." When the Bill of Rights was written the scope or
reach of information technology was not even a dream. But the
principle the founders were trying to protect was the right of the
public to be informed. The only level playing field on which that
is even remotely possible today - is the Internet. 'Information'
is and has always been POWER. To deny the public access to the
information that is needed to make sound and meaningful choices -
means that in effect the public will be confined to the current
mass media which is wholly owned by the same people that are funding
the problems and the crimes that are bringing the world to the brink
of global war.

The other aspect in the 'selling of these new rule changes for the
internet' is that capitalism must remain unfettered and free to do
what it does best, which is business. Deregulation of corporate
business practices is what unleashed unfettered capitalism, and
than in turn bought us The New World Order! If Capital can demand
de-regulation of all they choose to do - why then is' regulation'
such a good idea for a forum that reaches the entire world, and
allows that world to respond openly and fully on any subject?

Information or data is only that, if there is no context: and Context
is what the web is all about. A story can be told and augmented
with video clips, or interactive web sites that can actually provide
much clearer images of whatever the topic might be. Precisely because
of this capability; and the frequency with which the web has routinely
challenged the lies and the completely fabricated excuses of
governments around the planet-this is why the "too-powerful" are
demanding the regulation of the web. If the public does not DEMAND
and end to these continued attempts to silence any criticism of the
corrupted pathways of the powerful; then congress can no longer
hide behind the lie that they "didn't know" what they were doing
when they took on this question for "new revisions" that would kill
what's left of our resistance to tyranny.

According to those advocating for - "The Internet of the Future,"
there is no precedent to show how well this will work because it
has not been tried before. That's a lie. There was an effort in San
Francisco that was begun in 1988, to create a "Library of the
Future." This sad story starred the same cast of evil characters,
who were seeking to make the kinds of profits now envisioned by
those who want to own the web. And it's all about the telecommunications
applications as well as public use.

The story was printed in San Francisco FRONTLINES, in June of 1997.
It was called High-Tech Barbarians at the Gates: The Plunder of the
San Francisco Public Library. The relevance of that story here is
that the entire battle with the current government over privatizing
the internet can be seen in our mini-war with the San Francisco
Public Library. This involved everything from the criminal misuse
and abuse of the public's money - to denial of public access. From
the skewing of political and public interests, to specializing
particular groups for inclusion or exclusion - based on their
individual ability to pay - and all of that had been in the planning
stages for ten years prior to the City Librarian's wet dream of
destruction and mega-profits for the same phone companies (then
Pacific Bell, now AT&T) that are pushing for the "NEW" telecommunications
reform act. That "ACT" will wipe out the public's right to information
and anything like an Alternative American Media! (1)

This "NEW Telecommunications Act" is also pivotal in another way.
Money and Power are at the root of what most society's value-and
yet both (Money & Power) are dependent on critical information for
their growth and their effectiveness. In a representative democracy,
so much depends on everyone's access to events as they happen, and
to the extent possible, to knowledge about who pays for whatever
is happening - so there must exist at least one place where "the
playing field" is nearly level. That place today is the World Wide
Web. The Net makes it possible to read and observe events from many
different perspectives, and from a great variety of viewpoints.
This allows the reader/viewer to decide what to search for, how far
they may want to go to discover what they want to know - and on the
web now - they can take advantage of as much information as they
can process.

If the Telecommunications Act passes, then Multi-national Corporations
and this Outlaw government of USA Incorporated shall become the
crown rulers of the American form of the Internet. This action would
inherently deny or severely cripple any site that publishes anything
counter to the government or to the corporate view that those with
the bulk of the money and the power now, seek to see dispensed -
unchallenged! Currently, for a variety of reasons, the people who
own the media now, along with publishing, entertainment and the
arts are the same people who own the major controlling interests
in much of everything that matters in American business, commerce,
and government.

It has taken over a hundred years for these changes in ownership
and influence to arrive where they are today. Most of the key
positions are now held by or are directly controlled by Jews. The
Jews are not the only people in power, but many are there now and
there can be no real question as to this fact. (2)

What matters in all of this, besides whether or not there is another
global war, is that for a society to freely grow and prosper, many
diverse people and interests need to be part of whatever is going
on anywhere in this country or the world. No one group or cabal of
individuals should obtain control over all that any society is
trying to do-because that's unhealthy for the nation as well as the
great numbers of those who are not part of the upper classes (without
the middle and the lower classes - no society can long survive).

There is one other pivotal point where everything comes together
in a representative Republic: that place is in the separation of
government from those that government was created to monitor and
control. In the US that place was the Congress of the United States
(where the laws are made and where "oversight" originates). Yet
Congress now freely admits that for the last ten years they have
relinquished their oversight responsibilities, when it comes to
presidential actions. There is no question that they long ago gave
up on regulating corporate interests, monopolies, or anti-trust
laws: they just accept the bribes and let those they are supposed
to regulate write the legislation for themselves - and then they
rubber-stamp it all and move on to the next-big-thing!

But there's an even more damning connection between money, power
and information. That's national election campaigns. The Supreme
Court ruled quite a few years back, that corporations have a right
to free speech (as if they were people). Then they added to that
insult and made Money a legitimate tool of corporate free speech -
so that MONEY could be given in unlimited amounts to campaigns
(depending only on how they labeled what they chose to give). As
an added bonus, most of that money raised in political campaigns
tends to end up either in political bribes to individual politicians,
or to the media campaigns which most of the money goes to pay for.
This is "the best little investment in America." Because the dividends
that this kind of thoughtful giving yields, is something like at
least a thousand to one.

Add to this, the fact that media is central to everything that
Americans see, or think, or do - and you begin to see how important
this controlling feature is; that there is more than one group
controlling all of that information. The reason that all these happy
coincidences of power, money and influence took so long to happen
was that it took time to stack the courts, and coerce the congress
to the extent that it currently will not tolerate anything that
smacks of anything negative to do with Israel's polices, or whatever
that country might choose to do, supposedly to defend their country.
It should be remembered that not everything that's good for one
country is by definition good for the other.

Besides the USA - Israel is the only other nation that gets away
with doing exactly what they please, no UN resolutions matter to
them, no international agreements have any standing in their world
of global special-ness - in brief Israel has become a law unto
itself: and god help anyone who ever challenges that in any way!
In America today, there is still AIPAC, the American Israel Lobby
which is a lobby for a foreign power, but which is still not
registered as such. Congress should also be polled to see how many
got what from Israel.

A large number of current officials within the exiting US government
also have dual-passports, and had them long before they were appointed
to key positions in the US government. People like the head of
Homeland Security and key government advisors within the Pentagon
and the US Department of State are also in that category. Most
Americans might wonder why those positions could not have been
filled with Americans citizens exclusively - because as it stands
- this seems like a government conflict of interest in action. So
The Dreamslayers exist, much as they have always existed; except
that now they are about to destroy the internet, the worldwide web
- and with it our way of life.(3) That can only happen if you allow
business as usual to happen in congress, in the courts or in the
administration. Americans used to be thought of as being 'very
creative people' - isn't it time that a lot more people began
seriously to become "VERY CREATIVE" - in order to protect not just
ourselves but the lives and futures of our children and our loved
ones as well!


1) The Plunder of the San Francisco Public Library

2) Who Controls the Media? ls/Jews-In-The-Media-Hollywood.htm

3) The future if the people don't stand up, speak out, and break


From: Henri the Celt <> Date: July 3, 2006
2:22:19 AM EST To: AAAHenri <> Subject: Missile

"So sleep easy tonight, America. Your government is on guard and
ready to protect you against a threat that does not exist with a
defense system that does not work. Except in elections."

Missile Dysfunction By Dennis Jett Special to The Star 06-28-2006

For two countries that are edging toward confrontation, the United
States and North Korea have a lot in common. For instance, both
have missile systems that don't work. But that's OK, since both
have deployed them for political reasons and not military ones.

A confrontation is looming because the North Koreans are preparing
to test a long range missile, the Taepodong-2, that some say could
hit the United States. They have not tested it in eight years,
however. And the last time they did, it flew only about 800 miles
and failed to go into orbit.

Washington is responding to this threat by saying it might shoot
the North Korean missile down. The only problem is the U.S. missile
defense system is no more potent than the North Korean one.

The system's shortcomings are not due to a lack of funds. Since the
Reagan administration, the United States has spent $92 billion on
the missile defense program. Nearly half that amount was in the
last five years, and the Pentagon plans to spend another $58 billion
in the next six years.

What has all that money bought us? A ground-based system that has
not undergone a successful test in four years. A major part of the
problem is the Bush administration has pushed for deployment and
development at the same time. The result is a system judged to be
unreliable by the Government Accountability Office and Pentagon's
own inspectors. So much so that the GAO has recommended that the
first nine interceptors that have been deployed should be removed
from their silos and rebuilt because they are not appropriate for
use in space.

The North Koreans are brandishing an unreliable missile because
they want attention and leverage when they negotiate economic
concessions in exchange for freezing some of their weapons programs.
The dictator in charge, Kim Jong Il, may think he is not being taken
seriously and wants the folks at home to know foreigners consider
him a major league menace. Less geeky glasses and a new hairdo would
be more effective.

As for American intentions, it is worth pointing out that the $10
billion a year that goes for missile defense is four times what is
spent on energy research and development and five times the entire
North Korean defense budget. One might ask which represents a bigger
problem for the U.S. a North Korean missile attack or our dependence
on foreign oil?

Here's a hint there is no real threat of a North Korean attack.

Intercontinental missiles can be tracked on radar and therefore
their origin is unambiguous. Kim knows he would be toast shortly
after he launched. Dictators are ruthless, but they are not crazy
and they are not suicidal. They get up every day and the only thing
on their agenda is survival and maintaining their power. They leave
the jihads to others.

So what is the purpose of spending so much money on a system that
doesn't work when our addiction to imported oil and a couple dozen
other problems are far more pressing? Because the purpose of the
missile defense system is to defend against Democrats. Anyone not
willing to waste $10 billion a year on a worthless missile system
is clearly weak on defense.

Besides, Republican stalwarts can have a good second career selling
themselves to the military industrial complex. Having never worn a
uniform does not mean a lack of military experience for those who
have been relentless in their support for defense spending. And as
the recently convicted, former Congressman Duke Cunningham demonstrated,
you don't even have to leave office to do it.

So sleep easy tonight, America. Your government is on guard and
ready to protect you against a threat that does not exist with a
defense system that does not work. Except in elections.

Dennis Jett, a former career diplomat, served as ambassador to Peru
and Mozambique. He is dean of the International Center and director
of the Transnational and Global Studies Center at the University
of Florida.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 4, 2006, 3:14:32 PM7/4/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 4, 2006

From: "t r u t h o u t" <>

Date: July 3, 2006 10:36:59 AM EST

Subject: FOCUS | Pascarella and Palast: Stealing It in Front of Your

FOCUS | Pascarella and Palast: Stealing It in Front of Your Eyes

"Weve said again and again: Exit polls tell us how voters say they
voted, but the voters cant tell pollsters if their vote will be
counted." Matt Pascarella and Greg Palast write, "In Mexico, counting
the vote is an art, not a science - and Calderons ruling crew is very
artful indeed. The PAN-controlled official electoral commission, not
surprisingly, has announced that the presidential tally is too close to


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 3, 2006 7:15:13 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Former Reagan Advisor Paul Craig Roberts: "We have nothing
to fear but Bush himself"

Former Reagan Advisor Paul Craig Roberts:
"We have nothing to fear but Bush himself"

We Have Nothing to Fear But Bush Himself
- Paul Craig Roberts

The insurgency, according to the Five Morons, is because Syria and Iran
won't close their borders, thus letting in "terrorists" who are
responsible for the insurgency. Some might think that this accusation
is an example of the pot calling the kettle black coming as it does
from the US, a country that has not only proven itself incapable of
closing its own borders but also has demonstrated no respect whatsoever
for the borders of other countries...

Putin has already given Bush warnings on several occasions and the
first aboard the Sub St. Petersburg, while on maneuvers with his Navy,
after Bush announced regarding Iran, "We will use every option at our
disposal, including the Nuclear Option." Bush has not taken the Nuclear
Option off the table. The Theodore Roosevelt was already in the
Persian Gulf and then Bush sent in 3 more carriers laying to in the
Arabian Sea and if I know that, we can rest assured so does Vladimir.
Schoeder also warned Bush over the same statement during his campaigne
speech in Dresden. Now Bush and Rice are making cozy with the poor
lemented Merkle the Ferkel.

Russian FM Lavov has also addressed these issues to Rice. She left
her mike open and the world heard her sarcasm with regard to the four
Russians assassinated in Iraq. Do they have assets in Iraq, of course
-- sure they do, but I don't think it was the insurgents that killed
them, and has the CIA fingerprints all over that covert operation.
Iraq is riddled with spies from every country now, similar to Berlin in
that era.

All they need now, according to the "Cheney Doctrine" which is about a
year old and reported by Philip Geraldi in the American Conservative
that Cheney told the Pentagon, "Be ready for the Atomic bombing of Iran
in the wake of a new 911." There would be no proof Iran had done
anything just like Iraq. One thing and another thing happens with no
attempt to prove responsibility just general hysteria and fascist act
of force. So now what do they need -- a pretext and a provocation --
clearly a NEW 911.

So, Bush is going to have his WW3 come hell or high-water, and in the
ME according to Revelations. Now the Israelis have now gone berserk
and Olmert got his marching orders when he visited the US. So, it may
very well lead to a "real threat," because Bush is not a war president
-- He's an Armageddon president. No nation is safe, World Peace will
not be achieved until Bush leaves office, and the troops come home.

I think some analysts have underestimated Bush's military capabilities,
his mental state i.e. diagnosed dissociative behavior, despotism,
nation building, arrogance, and total disregard to what others think.
Bush, his cabinet (shadow government) and his cronies will be in their
bunkers if and when an attack would come, so what do they care about
the rest of us in America or anywhere in the entire world for that

In view of Cheney's remarks, I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop in
America. Chertoff has already clued us into a "domestic terrorist"
event, after Karl Rove's pipedream coming on the heels of the flawed
Canadian sting and the one in Jeb Bush country of Miami. Just what was
Chertoff, Giuliani and Giuliani partners doing during Operation London
bridge the moring the "mock drill" went live, just like 911?

The Neo-Cons find an event that works, replicate it, and tack it on to
another event for their worldwide butchery and debauchery. there is no
war on terrorism -- there's a war on FREEDOM and why Bush is trying to
muzzel the New York Times.

There is a clear legal precedent to what the NYT did and why the
Supremes supported their First Amendment rights. Free Speech benefits
everyone, except the Bushii who rule with paranoid secrecy, and that's
because they are breaking the law and don't want America to know about
it. We are the best entertained and least informed nation in the

On June 26 the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to take both
cases, merging them into the case New York Times Co. v. U.S. ( 403 US
713). On June 30th, the Supreme Court held in a 6-3 decision that the
injunctions were unconstitutional prior restraints and that the
government had not met the heavy burden of proof required for prior
restraint. The justices wrote nine separate opinions, disagreeing on
significant substantive issues. While it was generally seen as a
victory for those who claim the First Amendment enshrines an absolute
right to free speech, many felt it was a lukewarm victory at best,
offering little protection. Papers were subsequently published by
Beacon Press. The full papers have never been published; they are
locked in the classified vault of the LBJ Presidential Library.

Not only did the New York Times write articles, but so did the LA
Times, and the conservative Wall Street Journal. I think Bill Keller,
Exc. Dir. NYT deserves the Pulitzer. Heretofore, they were lap dogs
before we went to war and now they are finally lashing out and Bush
doesn't like it. How could it be a matter of National Security to tell
the American public, Bush is spying on them, which he has repeatedly
promised to do. He always uses the guise of National Security. When
there is censorship, it is the recipe for tyranny and it's a
DICTATORSHIP. It's the media's LEGAL duty and responsibly for "Public
Interest" to tell us the truth, regardless of the issues. We bombed
the snot out of Afghanistan, Iraq, and perhaps Iran next, but you can't
sell them democracy when it doesn't exist here. As they say, It was
the OIL BOURSE STUPID! Rep. Ron Paul has addressed this issue several
times on the House Floor.

Pentagon Papers Ellsberg Urges Leaking

Looking Back at the Pentagon Papers audio related to Iraq

NOTE: The first item below omits some very important info: socalled
Tamiflu doesn't affect the course of avian influenza--merely its
symptoms. One of the sources for this is a Vietnamese doctor who tried
it on quite a few H5N1 patients. -- kl, pp

From: "PEERS: List" <>
Date: July 3, 2006 11:09:11 AM EST
Subject: Revealing News: Elections Manipulations, 9/11 Professor's Job
Threatened, More

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list (one email every few
days) or to reply to this message, see end of email

This message is available online at

Dear friends,

Below are one-paragraph excerpts of important news articles you may
have missed. Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media
website listed at the link provided. If any link fails to function,
click here. These news articles include revealing information on
elections manipulations, a professor's job being threatened over 9/11
allegations, how pharmaceuticals threaten your health, and more. Key
sentences are highlighted for those with limited time. By choosing to
educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a
brighter future.

With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and the Team
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

U.S. signs deal to stockpile anti-bird-flu drug
July 1, 2006, San Francisco Chronicle

Federal health authorities have signed a two-year deal to help states
buy more than half a billion dollars worth of the antiviral drug
Tamiflu as a hedge against a pandemic of deadly avian influenza, but
there is a catch: States will have to pay for three-quarters of it.
Under terms of the deal negotiated with Roche by the Department of
Health and Human Services, the states can order up to 31 million
packets of Tamiflu -- each containing a 10-pill course of treatment --
for a total cost of $596 million over the next two years. The Bush
administration announced late Friday that it had contracted with Swiss
drugmaker Roche Laboratories Inc. to supply Tamiflu for stockpiles in
all 50 states. The federal government, meanwhile, plans to build its
own centralized stockpile. The plan is to have enough antiviral drug in
state and federal warehouses by December 2008 to treat 81 million
people. Tamiflu is considered by scientists to be the first line of
defense against the H5N1 strain of bird flu. The disease is currently
confined primarily to chickens, ducks and some wild waterfowl, but
researchers fear it could mutate into a form that spreads easily among

Note: No mention is made here that Donald Rumsfeld has already made
millions from sales of Tamiflu, and that he was on the board of the
company that developed the drug. Many top researchers also believe
there is little chance of avian flu mutating. Why are we spending
hundreds of millions of dollars to combat a virus which has not even
mutated yet? To verify these and other vital facts, see

Wis. lawmaker wants lecturer fired for 9-11 conspiracy views
June 29, 2006, CBS News Chicago, Associated Press

A state lawmaker is calling on the University of Wisconsin-Madison to
fire a part-time instructor who has spoken out on his beliefs that
figures in the U.S. government, not al-Qaida, were behind the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks. Kevin Barrett is scheduled to teach a class in the
fall in the UW-Madison Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia.
During his appearance Wednesday night on Jessica McBride's show on
WTMJ, Barrett disputed most of the widely accepted information about
the attacks that brought down the World Trade Center. Among other
things, he claimed the group believed to have carried out the attacks
was "a bunch of losers who couldn't even fly planes," and that evidence
indicates the buildings were brought down by controlled demolitions. He
acknowledged discussing Sept. 11 in teaching classes, but said it was
only to give both sides of the issue, not to convert anyone to his
point of view. State Rep. Stephen Nass...issued a statement demanding
Barrett be fired immediately, calling him an embarrassment and accusing
him of spewing "garbage." Barrett received his doctorate from
UW-Madison in 2004 in African languages and literature and folklore

Note: Vote in a website poll on this issue at Kevin Barrett is
the courageous director of a 9/11 website at and a
member of the influential group of professors and scholars who make up
Scholars For 9/11 Truth:

Blair laid bare: the article that may get you arrested
June 29, 2006, Independent (One of the U.K.'s leading newspapers)

In the guise of fighting terrorism and maintaining public order, Tony
Blair's Government has quietly and systematically taken power from
Parliament and the British people. The author charts a nine-year
assault on civil liberties that reveals the danger of trading freedom
for security. A new law...says that no one may demonstrate within a
kilometre...of Parliament Square if they have not first acquired
written permission. This effectively places the entire centre of
British to the protesters. Blair...turns out to
have an authoritarian streak. What is the harm his
government has done to the unwritten British constitution in those nine
years, without anyone really noticing, without the press objecting or
the public mounting mass protests. Last year...I started to notice
trends in Blair's put in place all the necessary laws
for total surveillance of society. The right not to be tried twice for
the same longer exists. The presumption of innocence is
compromised. The ID card [and] centralised database...will log and
store details of every important action in a person's life. "You and I
will carry them because we are upright citizens. But a terrorist
...will be carrying yours." Once a person is arrested he or she may be
fingerprinted and photographed by the police and have a DNA sample
removed with an oral swab - by force if necessary...before that person
has been found guilty of any crime, whether it be dropping litter or
shooting someone.

A Single Person Could Swing an Election
June 28, 2006, Washington Post

To determine what it would take to hack a U.S. election, a team of
cybersecurity experts turned to a fictional battleground state called
Pennasota. The state uses electronic voting machines. The
experts...concluded in a report issued yesterday that it would take
only one person, with a sophisticated technical knowledge and timely
access to the software that runs the voting machines, to change the
outcome. The report, which was unveiled at a Capitol Hill news
conference by New York University's Brennan Center for Justice and
billed as the most authoritative to date, tackles some of the most
contentious questions about the security of electronic voting. The
report concluded that the three major electronic voting systems in use
have significant security and reliability vulnerabilities. But it added
that most of these vulnerabilities can be overcome by auditing printed
voting records to spot irregularities. And while 26 states require
paper records of votes, fewer than half of those require regular
audits. Republican Reps. Tom Cole (Okla.) and Thomas M. Davis III
(Va.), chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, joined Rep.
Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.) in calling for a law that would set strict
requirements for electronic voting machines.

A call to investigate the 2004 election
June 26, 2006, Boston Globe

Nov. 2, 2004...the exit polls were predicting a victory for Senator
John Kerry. But the counts that were being reported on TV bore little
resemblance to the exit poll projections. In key state after state,
tallies differed significantly from the projections. In every case,
that shift favored President George W. Bush. Nationwide, exit polls
projected a 51 to 48 percent Kerry victory, the mirror image of Bush's
51 to 48 percent win. The discrepancy [was] beyond the statistical
margin of error. The media largely ignored this exit poll discrepancy.
In Ohio, Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, the Ohio co-chairman of
the 2004 Bush/Cheney Campaign...used the power of his office to affect
turnout and thwart voters in heavily Democratic areas. Vote suppression
and electoral irregularities in Ohio have been documented. In the words
of DNC Chairman Howard Dean: "More than a quarter of all Ohio voters
reported problems with their voting experience." 64 percent of
Americans voted on direct recorded electronic voting machines or
optical-scan systems. According to a September 2005 General
Accountability Office investigation, such systems contained flaws that
"could allow unauthorized personnel to disrupt operations or modify
data and programs that are critical to...the integrity of the voting
process." The report also indicated that for rural and small-town
precincts...the difference between the exit poll results and the
official count is three times greater in precincts where voters used
machines than in precincts using paper ballots alone.

Analysis finds e-voting machines vulnerable
June 26, 2006, USA Today

Most of the electronic voting machines widely adopted since the
disputed 2000 presidential election "pose a real danger to the
integrity of national, state and local elections," a report out Tuesday
concludes. There are more than 120 security threats to the three most
commonly purchased electronic voting systems, the study by the Brennan
Center for Justice says. For what it calls the most comprehensive
review of its kind, the New York City-based non-partisan think tank
convened a task force of election officials, computer scientists and
security experts to study e-voting vulnerabilities. Together, the three
systems account for 80% of the voting machines that will be used in
this November's election. Lawsuits have been filed in at least six
states to block the purchase or use of computerized machines. Election
officials in California and Pennsylvania recently issued urgent
warnings to local polling supervisors about potential software problems
in touch-screen voting machines. Among the findings: Using corrupt
software to switch votes from one candidate to another is the easiest
way to attack all three systems; the most vulnerable voting machines
use wireless components open to attack by "virtually any member of the
public with some knowledge and a personal digital assistant;" even
electronic systems that use voter-verified paper records are subject to
attack unless they are regularly audited; most states have not
implemented election procedures or countermeasures to detect software

Note: For an abundance of reliable, verifiable information on elections

Climate experts: Gore's movie gets the science right
June 27, 2006, CNN/Associated Press

The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth,"
Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy. The
former vice president's movie -- replete with the prospect of a flooded
New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes,
worsening droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets --
mostly got the science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had
seen the movie or read the book and answered questions from The
Associated Press.

Media to Challenge Publication Ban in Canadian Terrorism Cases
June 26, 2006, ABC News/Associated Press

Four media organizations asked a judge on Monday to hear arguments on
overturning a media blackout in the cases of the suspects charged with
plotting to bomb buildings in southern Ontario. The Associated Press,
the New York Times, the Toronto Star and the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation are challenging a publication ban a judge has imposed on
courtroom proceedings for the 17 suspects arrested in the alleged plot.
Police announced June 2 that authorities had foiled a terrorist plot,
saying the men had obtained three tons of ammonium nitrate, three times
what was used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.
Officials have alleged that the suspects were inspired by al-Qaida,
whose leader, Osama bin Laden, has named Canada as one of the top five
countries to be attacked. Canada's Criminal Code allows judges to
institute bans against publishing details from court hearings in an
effort to protect the suspect's right to a fair trial.

Note: As with 9/11 and other recent terror acts, there are many
problems with the official story here, yet the judge is trying to keep
this information from the public supposedly "to protect the suspect's
right to a fair trial."

Top Democrat Finds F.D.A.'s Efforts Have Plunged
June 27, 2006, New York Times

A 15-month inquiry by a top House Democrat has found that enforcement
of the nation's food and drug laws declined sharply during the first
five years of the Bush administration. For instance, the investigation
found, the number of warning letters that the Food and Drug
Administration issued to drug companies, medical device makers and
others dropped 54 percent, to 535 in 2005 from 1,154 in 2000. The
seizure of mislabeled, defective or dangerous products dipped 44
percent. The research found no evidence that such declines could be
attributed to increased compliance with regulations. Investigators at
the F.D.A. continued to uncover about the same number of problems at
drug and device companies as before...but top officials of the agency
increasingly overruled the investigators' enforcement recommendations.
The investigation found that by almost every measure, enforcement
actions had significantly declined from 2000 to 2005. Dr. Sidney M.
Wolfe, director of the Health Research Group at the watchdog
organization Public Citizen, noted that the agency now received about
$380 million a year in fees from drug makers. "The public," Dr. Wolfe
said, "is getting the kind of F.D.A. that the industry is paying for
them to get."

Note: For lots more on collusion between government and the medical
industry, see our Health Information Center at

Bush Ignores Laws He Inks, Vexing Congress
June 27, 2006, ABC News/Associated Press

A bill becomes the rule of the land when Congress passes it and the
president signs it into law, right? Not necessarily, according to the
White House. A law is not binding when a president issues a separate
statement saying he reserves the right to revise, interpret or
disregard it on national security and constitutional grounds. That's
the argument a Bush administration official is expected to make Tuesday
before the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Arlen Specter, R-Pa.,
who has demanded a hearing on a practice he considers an example of the
administration's abuse of power. "It's a challenge to the plain
language of the Constitution," Specter said in an interview. [Bush has]
challenge[d] many more statutes passed by Congress than any other
president. Specter's hearing is about more than the statements. He's
been compiling a list of White House practices he bluntly says could
amount to abuse of executive power from warrantless domestic
wiretapping program to sending officials to hearings who refuse to
answer lawmakers' questions. But Specter and his allies maintain that
Bush is doing an end-run around the veto process. In his presidency's
sixth year, Bush has yet to issue a single veto. Instead, he has issued
hundreds of signing statements invoking his right to interpret or
ignore laws on everything from whistleblower protections to how
Congress oversees the Patriot Act.

Drug firms a danger to health - report
July 26, 2006, Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers),,1806084,00.html

Drug companies are accused today of endangering public health through
widescale marketing malpractices, ranging from covertly attempting to
persuade consumers that they are ill to bribing doctors and
misrepresenting the results of safety and efficacy tests on their
products. In a report that charts the scale of illicit practices by
drug companies in the UK and across Europe, Consumers International -
the world federation of consumer organisations - says people are not
being given facts about the medicines they take because the companies
hide the marketing tactics on which they spend billions. "Irresponsible
marketing practices form a serious, persistent and widespread problem
among the entire pharmaceutical industry," says the report, which
analyses the conduct of 20 of the biggest companies. Scandals such as
the withdrawal of that unethical drug promotion is a
consumer concern. Merck withdrew the drug in September 2004, but
allegedly knew it could increase the chances of heart attacks and
strokes from 2000 and has been accused of manipulating study results to
play down the risk. More than 6,000 lawsuits have been filed against
the company in the United States by people who claim they suffered
heart attacks as a result of the drug. There is no room for complacency
when drug companies spend twice as much on marketing as on
research...but do not publish information on their drug promotion

Special Note: For those interested in the 9/11 cover-up, many
supportive media stories have been coming out lately. For a Fox News
interview with Prof. Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, click here.
And for a great four-minute spoof of the "Miami 7" on the John Stewart
show, click here. If you feel strongly about the powerful 9/11 video
"Loose Change," Google video has just recently started ranking their
videos. You can go to and click
on anywhere from one to five stars in the upper right corner to have
your voice heard. Thanks for caring!

Final Note: believes it is important to balance
disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call
us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change.
Please visit our Inspiration Center at for an abundance of uplifting

See our archive of revealing news articles at

Your tax-deductible donations, however large or small, help greatly to
support this important work.
To make a donation by credit card, check, or money order:

Explore these empowering websites coordinated by the nonprofit PEERS
network: - Every person in the world has a heart - Reliable, verifiable information on major
cover-ups - Building a Global Community for All - Strengthening the Web of Love that
interconnects us all
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From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 3, 2006 9:19:34 PM EST
Subject: Vet busted for merely wearing anti-war T-shirt in Vet facility

Weekend Edition
July 1 - 2, 2006

Has This Country Gone Completely Insane?

Getting Busted for Wearing a Peace T-Shirt


Yesterday afternoon, drinking a cup of coffee while sitting in the
Jesse Brown V.A. Medical Center on Chicago's south side, a Veterans
Administration cop walked up to me and said, "OK, you've had your 15
minutes, it's time to go."

"Huh?", I asked intelligently, not quite sure what he was talking about.

"You can't be in here protesting," Officer Adkins said, pointing to my
Veterans For Peace shirt.

"Well, I'm not protesting, I'm having a cup of coffee," I returned,
thinking that logic would convince Adkins to go back to his earlier
duties of guarding against serious terrorists.

Flipping his badge open, he said, "No, not with that shirt. You're
protesting and you have to go."

Beginning to get his drift, I said firmly, "Not before I finish my

He insisted that I leave, but still not quite believing my ears, I
tried one more approach to reason.

"Hey, listen. I'm a veteran. This is a V.A. facility. I'm sitting here
not talking to anybody, having a cup of coffee. I'm not protesting and
you can't kick me out."

"You'll either go or we'll arrest you," Adkins threatened.

"Well, you'll just have to arrest me," I said, wondering what strange
land I was now living in.

You know the rest. Handcuffed, led away to the facility's security
office past people with surprised looks on their faces, read my rights,
searched, and written up.

The officer who did the formalities, Eric Ousley, was professional in
his duties. When I asked him if he was a vet, it turned out he had been
a hospital corpsman in the Navy. We exchanged a couple sea stories. He
uncuffed me early. And he allowed as to how he would only charge me
with disorderly conduct, letting me go on charges of criminal trespass
and weapons possession -- a pocket knife -- which he said would have to
be destroyed (something I rather doubt since it was a nifty Swiss Army
knife with not only a bottle opener, but a tweezers and a toothpick).

After informing me I could either pay the $275 fine on the citation or
appear in court, Ousley escorted me off the premises, warning me if I
returned with "that shirt" on, I'd be arrested and booked into jail.

I'm sure I could go back to officers Adkins' and Ousleys' fiefdom with
a shirt that said, "Nuke all the hajis," or "Show us your tits," or any
number of truly obscene things and no one would care. Just so it's not
"that shirt" again.

And just for the record? I'm not paying the fine. I'll see Adkins and
Ousley and Dubya's Director of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, if he
wants to show up, in United States District Court on the appointed
date. And if there's a Chicago area attorney who'd like to take the
case, I'd really like to sue them -- from Dubya on down. I have to
believe that this whole country has not yet gone insane, just the
government. This kind of behavior can't be tolerated. It must be

Mike Ferner served as a Navy corpsman during Vietnam and is obviously a
member of Veterans For Peace. He can be reached at:

NOTE: What's interesting here is that the puppet Iraqi government now
feels so desperate that it psychotically starts believing its own
propaganda and thus demands that other nations feed prisoners to it;
obviously a government is at its most dangerous when it is driven into
psychosis; and if a puppet government has become psychotic, can its
sponsors retain more than trace elements of sanity? -- kl, pp

Gunmen kidnap Iraqi minister, 19

Tuesday, July 4, 2006 Posted: 1026 GMT (1826 HKT)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq's deputy electricity minister was kidnapped
in eastern Baghdad Tuesday morning along with 19 of his bodyguards,
Baghdad Emergency Police said.

According to police, Raad al-Hareth's convoy was ambushed in the
capital's Talibia section by gunmen wearing military uniforms.

Police Lt. Ahmed Qassim said the gunmen were traveling in nine
four-wheel-drive vehicles, The Associated Press reported.

The men were forced into the kidnappers' vehicles and their cars were
left behind, he said.

The kidnapping occurred three days after gunmen seized Sunni female
legislator Tayseer al-Mashhadani in a Shiite area of east Baghdad.

She and seven bodyguards are still missing.

Tuesday's kidnapping also follows a warning from the Iraqi government
to the country's neighbors to turn over people on a most-wanted list or
risk contributing to a spread of terrorism that would engulf the

"Harboring these terrorists and these criminals in their countries,
it's not going to help at all," National Security Adviser Muwaffaq
al-Rubaie told CNN.

"If we cannot control terrorism in Iraq ... the whole region will be
in flames," he said.

When Al-Rubaie released the list of 41 most-wanted Sunday, he said most
of them are inside Iraq.

Topping the list is Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, former deputy commander of
Iraq's armed forces under Saddam Hussein.

At numbers 16 and 17 are Saddam Hussein's eldest daughter and first
wife, who are known to be outside the country.

His daughter, Raghad Saddam Hussein, lives in Jordan where she and her
sister were granted asylum. She has been helping orchestrate her
father's defense as he faces war crimes charges in an Iraqi court.

Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakhi said Sunday that if his country
received an official request to turn her over, "Jordan will deal with
it in an appropriate manner."

Jordanian government spokesman Nasser Judeh added Monday that when
Raghad Hussein was granted asylum in 2003, she was asked not to "engage
in political activity." When asked if Jordan believes she has adhered
to that, he said he would not comment until "we see what we receive."

The ousted Iraqi dictator's wife, Sajidah Khairallah Tilfah Hussein,
has been living in Qatar.

Other developments

The Iraqi parliament convened Monday despite a boycott by Sunni Arab
legislators protesting a colleague's abduction, The Associated Press
reported. A member of the Iraqi Accordance Front, the largest Sunni
bloc in the 275-member legislature, suggested that Tayseer
al-Mashhadani was kidnapped by Shiite militias and said the legislative
boycott would continue until she is released.

The U.S. military and Iraqi government officials announced Sunday that
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the slain al Qaeda in Iraq leader, was buried in
an undisclosed location in Iraq, news agencies reported. On Monday, an
Iraqi legislator said authorities found telephone numbers of senior
Iraqi officials in al-Zarqawi's cell phone after his death, the AP
reported. (Full story)

CNN's Arwa Damon and Jomana Karadsheh contributed to this report.


NOTE: Can anyone do a critique of Jeremy's notion here? Sometimes
he's too fashionable for my taste--but in this instance he may be right
on. -- kl, pp

From: "paul illich" <>
Date: July 4, 2006 6:51:17 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Jeremy Rifkin - Beyond Genetically
Modified Crops [wp]

Beyond Genetically Modified Crops

By Jeremy Rifkin
Tuesday, July 4, 2006; A15

For years the life science companies -- Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer,
Hi-Bred, etc. -- have argued that genetically modified food is the next
great scientific and technological revolution in agriculture and the
efficient and cheap way to feed a growing population in a shrinking
Nongovernmental organizations, including my own, the Foundation on
Trends, have been cast as the villains in this unfolding agricultural
and often categorized as modern versions of the English Luddites,
accused of
continually blocking scientific and technological progress because of
opposition to genetically modified food.

Now, in an ironic twist, new, cutting-edge technologies have made gene
splicing and transgenic crops obsolete and a serious impediment to
scientific progress.

The new frontier is called genomics, and the new agricultural
technology is
called marker-assisted selection, or MAS. This technology offers a
sophisticated method to greatly accelerate classical breeding. A growing
number of scientists believe that MAS -- which is already being
into the market -- will eventually replace genetically modified food.
Moreover, environmental organizations that have long opposed genetically
modified crops are guardedly supportive of MAS technology.

Rapidly accumulating information about crop genomes is allowing
to identify genes associated with traits such as yield, and then to scan
"crop relatives" for the presence of those genes. Instead of using
splicing techniques to transfer a gene from an unrelated species into
genome of a food crop to increase yield, strengthen resistance to pests
improve nutrition, scientists are using MAS to locate desired traits in
other varieties of a particular food crop, or its relatives that grow
in the
wild. Then they cross-breed those related plants with the existing
commercial varieties to improve the crop.

With MAS, the breeding of new varieties always remain within a species,
greatly reducing the risk of environmental harm and potential adverse
effects associated with genetically modified crops. Using MAS,
can upgrade classical breeding and reduce by 50 percent or more the time
needed to develop new plant varieties by pinpointing appropriate plant
partners at the gamete or seedling stage.

While MAS is emerging as a promising new agricultural technology with
application, the limits of transgenic technology are becoming
apparent. Most of the transgenic crops introduced into the fields
only two traits -- resistance to pests and compatibility with
herbicides --
and rely on the expression of a single gene. This is hardly the
agricultural revolution touted by the life science companies at the
beginning of the era of genetically modified crops.

Of course, marker-assisted selection researchers emphasize that there is
still much work to be done in understanding the choreography -- for
between single genetic markers and complex genetic clusters and
environmental factors, all of which interact to affect the development
the plant and produce desirable outcomes, such as improved yield and

So, of course, a word of caution is in order. It should be noted that
MAS is
of value to the extent that it is used as part of a broader,
approach to farming, one that integrates introduction of new crops with
proper regard for all the other environmental, economic and social
that together determine the sustainability of farming.

The wrinkle here is that the continued introduction of genetically
crops could contaminate existing plant varieties, making the new MAS
technology more difficult to use. A 2004 survey conducted by the Union
Concerned Scientists found that non-genetically modified seeds from
three of
America's major agricultural crops -- corn, soybeans and canola -- were
already "pervasively contaminated with low levels of DNA sequences
originating in genetically engineered varieties of these crops."
Cleaning up
contaminated genetic programs could prove to be as troublesome and
in the future as cleaning up the viruses that invade software programs.

As MAS technology becomes cheaper and easier to use, and as knowledge in
genomics becomes more dispersed and easily available over the next
plant breeders around the world will be able to exchange information
"best practices" and democratize the technology. Already, plant
breeders are
talking about "open source" genomics, envisioning the sharing of genes.
struggle between a younger generation of sustainable agriculture
anxious to share genetic information and entrenched company scientists
determined to maintain control over the world's seed stocks through
protection is likely to be hard-fought, especially in the developing

If properly used as part of a much larger systemic and holistic
approach to
sustainable agricultural development, MAS technology could be the right
technology at the right time in history.

Jeremy Rifkin is the author of "The Biotech Century" and president of
Foundation on Economic Trends.


From: "Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr." <>
Date: July 3, 2006 10:26:39 AM EST
Cc: "People's Attorney / Volks-Anwalt Wolfram "Gro?=tz"
<> Cc":
Subject: The Last Space Shuttle?

I often save certain pictures of significance in the news to a folder
on my machine. Saturday I saved a shot of the Space Shuttle sitting on
its launch pad at Cape Canaveral, and named the file "last
shuttle.jpg". It was a subliminal phenomenon, and I don't know why I
named it that.

Just now, I checked Jim Mccanney's website and found the posting
below. Something to think about?

by Jim Mccanney:

July 03, 2006 posting ... as i watched the weather patterns erupt over
the cape to halt the shuttle launch on saturday july 1 i started to
think ... there were similar weather patterns in the caribbean erupting
at the same time ... what struck me however was the precision of
placement and timing of the storm over the cape (once called Canaveral
... then renamed Kennedy after john f kennedy and then renamed
Canaveral ... hmmmm that in itself may tell you something about the
feelings of the CIA boys for honoring or dishonoring our one time
fallen president that was going to eliminate the bad boy CIA bunch) ...
but back to the storm that forced the discovery shuttle launch to the
4th of july ... am i reading too much into this ??? it could easily
have been reset to launch on july 2 or 3 ... the window to launch did
not change to the 4th due to weather ... more hmmmm and hmmm and more
hmmmm ... are we going to see the last shuttle launch as the ultimate
US sky rocket going up in a "terrorist" ball of flames ??? it made me
think ... how convenient ... how timely ... how necessary for the mil
and NASA to bow out as hero's ... think of all the speeches ... think
of all the press ... are the news media specialists already forming the
headlines that we would all see for the next week ... let me think ...
PROGRAM DESTROYED BY TERRORISTS ... the need to officially take the
space program into secrecy for NATIONAL SECURITY ... and last but not
least ... blame it on THE IRANIANS ... WITH FULL COVERAGE ON JULY 4 ...
as every baseball game across the land goes commercial free with their
no commercial break "Operation Home Base" linking the iraqi US "war
heroes" with their families at home and the national baseball players
honoring the "troops defending our freedom" (not to mention the iraqi
oil fields so bush-cheney and their buddies can rape iraq of its oil
and sell it here at URANUS out of this solar system prices) ... many
people are saying the bush team is in great need of "an event" ...
let's wait and see if they select this as the ultimate july 4th sky
rocket ... jim mccanney


Date: July 3, 2006 3:27:48 AM EST
Subject: Beyondanews Update -Inc. An Inconvienient Truth

Beyondanews Update... Welcome to Swami's Beyondanews
June, 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
in this issue
-- The Up-Wising Continues: An Inconvenient and Incontrovertible Truth
-- But Funnyously, Folks ...
-- Swami on the Outernet in June
-- Swami in Print
-- For Californians Only -- A Chance to Make a Difference on Tuesday,
June 6th
-- Notes From the Trail

Dear Friends,
Weve finally upgraded our system, and now thanks to Constant Contact
you can find out about Swamis and Trudys schedule, receive only the
communications you choose, opt out if and when you like, and easily
send the newsletter to your friends.

The Up-Wising Continues: An Inconvenient and Incontrovertible Truth
You may not know if from the headlines, but if you read between the
headlines youll see that the body politic is awakening from a long and
deep slumber. Whether its RFK, Jr.s article in Rolling Stone about
the proven fraud in Ohio that helped re-select George Bush in 2004,
or the growing willingness of Americans to see behind the myth of the
official 9/11 story, people are beginning to wake, wise up and stand
While there are still those who insist that these perpetrations are
just politics (Swami says the Bush Administration is no longer
fooling anyone, so now it is up to Bush supporters to fool themselves),
there is one issue that affects everyone regardless or race, creed,
sexual orientation or political affiliation: We all share the same
planet. And the inconvenient truth is that our human endeavors have
heated the atmosphere to such an extent that life has already been
altered -- not for the better -- and that continuing down the same road
is homicidal to many species on the planet and suicidal to ourselves.

Global Warming - the Issue - is Finally Heating Up
Last Friday night, I went to the local opening of Al Gores new film,
An Inconvenient Truth. When you see Gore on the screen, dont expect to
see that stilted, stultified over-managed guy who won the election but
lost the coup nearly six years ago. Gore is an impassioned man on a
mission, and perhaps now finally the world is ready to listen. With
passion, humility and humor, Gore tracks the slow and sure development
of global warming, an issue hes been interested in since he was a
college student nearly forty years ago. We see him doing his traveling
power point slide show, from Hamtramck to Hong Kong, and while the
movie focuses on Gore, its not an ego trip. Unlike our two most recent
Presidents, Gore is not a narcissist. As I watched him, I felt pangs of
sadness and regret that our country is so politically immature that we
collectively dont know the difference between character and charisma.
But all this is changing, and that is a good thing. As a group of us
got together to discuss the movie afterward it became clear that
nothing and no one has done more to awaken a slumbering body politic
than George Bush himself. Everything we now know about global warming
we knew in 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected. Even with Gore as Vice
President, the Clinton Administration did next to nothing.
From Those Wonderful Folks Who Brought Us Joe Camel ...
One of the most pertinent moments in the movie comes when Al Gore
takes on the contention that global warming is just a theory. He
offered a startling and sobering statistic. Of the hundreds of
scientific studies of climate change, NOT ONE OF THEM refuted the
notion that the planet is getting warmer because of increased carbon
dioxide due to human endeavor. The its not proven argument is
nothing but spin (what we used to call lies in the days before lying
got spun into being called spin) designed to call into question
proven science. This is the same thing the tobacco companies did to
obfuscate the link between smoking and lung cancer, and in fact THE
SAME PEOPLE who lied about smoking have now been hired to spread lies
about global warming.
The Future Is At Our Doorstep -- and May Soon Be At Our Balcony
It is startling and disconcerting to see glaciers melted, the fabled
snows of Kilimanjaro now little more than a book title. In sobering
scene after sobering scene, we watch the continents of Greenland and
Antarctica literally disappear into the ocean. With further melting,
sea level could rise 20 to 40 feet. A glimpse of what cities like New
York, San Francisco and Miami would look like if and when that happens
is like one of those earth changes maps we saw years ago -- the ones
we reassured ourselves were in some imaginary reality or the distant
future. Well folks, the future is not only at our doorstep, its at our
So what do we do in the light of this alarming inconvenient truth?
Well, we can go join up with the rapture lemmings, and insist this is
what God had planned all along. Or, we can finally face the need to
grow up as a species and take responsibility for our own actions. The
last fifteen minutes or so of the film is about what we can do. We have
everything we need to shrink and even reverse carbon dioxide levels in
the atmosphere. The question Gore raises, and the one that reverberates
after the movie is over is, do we have the political will? And do we
have the personal willingness to change our own habits and behaviors?
What If We Had Plenty of Money, But No Earth to Spend it On?
While individual choices absolutely make a difference, the real
possibilities lie in what we can do as a society, a nation and a world.
Another myth Gore blows to smithereens is the notion that we cant have
a healthy economy and a healthy ecology at the same time. (Although
apparently we CAN have unhealthy ones simultaneously, judging by the
current situation.) While there are allusions to the Bush repression of
scientific data and clips of Reagan and Bush Senior making fun of the
entire idea of global warming, those who come to the movie hoping to
see Al Gore take a baseball bat to a George Bush piqata will be
We really do get that this reincarnated Al Gore is not a partisan
candidate for anything but a nonpartisan educator on a mission, perhaps
the most important mission in our lifetime. He cites world governments
(all the major nations except for the U.S. and Australia) that have
ratified the Kyoto Protocols, as well as countless cities and states.
He sees that people everywhere -- from workers to industrialists to
farmers -- have to be enrolled in this mission, and he is an enrolling
stone gathering momentum.
Indeed this is a transpartisan issue, but if those Democrats still
cant come up with a reason for us to vote for them other than were
not as bad as the Republicans, perhaps global warming might light a
fire under them. At any rate, the movement to do something -- as
individuals, community, nation and world -- begins at the grassroots.
Go to see this movie. Tell your friends and family to see it too. If no
theater is showing it in your neighborhood, call the theaters and ask
for it. Go to the website The Earth you save may
be your own!

But Funnyously, Folks ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If the previous piece was just a little too serious, apologies. Its
just that if we dont believe in hell in the afterlife, we sure dont
want it in the forelife either. All the more need for as many of us as
possible to wake up laughing. And to make it even easier to share
healing laughter with your friends on the outernet, we are making
Swamis most popular items -- his Swami for Precedent book, Tickling
the Body Politic DVD, and CDs, Supreme Court Jester, Drive Your Karma
Curb Your Dogma, Dont Squeeze the Shaman, and Beyondananda and Beyond
-- available as the new Fool Enchilada Special. (scroll to second line)
In stores, these products would cost $98 (shipping not included), but
Swami is making them available to you now for just $69 -- including
domestic shipping. How come? Well, its all part of Swamis mission to
feed two (or more) birds with one scone. The world needs more laughter,
Swami needs more money. Lets make a deal!

Swami on the Outernet in June ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Swami will be sticking close to home this month, and is scheduled to
appear next weekend at the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, along with
musicians Bob Weir, Michael Franti, Jai Uttal and many, many more -- as
well as speakers Jim Hightower, Jose Arguelles, Catherine Austin Fitts,
Rob Breszny and others. On Sunday evening, June 25th, the Swami will be
part of Gary Malkins SpiritAlive event.
For those who want Swami to come to them, that can be arranged too.
The week of June 19th, both Steve and Swami are guests on New
Dimensions Radio in a show called Turning America On. The show was a
response to a piece from Notes From the Trail (see below) called Wake
Up, America ... Were Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto, and its a call to
consider that so many of the issues we call political are bigger than
politics. See below for subscription information. Click on the New
Dimensions website to find out where the show can be heard in your
By the way, if you want the Swami to do a performance in your town --
or participate in a conference or other event -- please let us know.
Swami will be in the midwest in October, for example, and is looking
for ad-on venues. Please reply to this email if youre interested in
booking the Swami.

Swami in Print ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For years, the Swami had a monthly advice column (Swamis advice?
Dont take my advice!) called Ask the Swami. Typical question:
Dear Swami:
Are these real questions or do you just make them up yourself?
Typical answer:
We make up all of our questions, including this one.
Well now, after being on hiatus from the Ask the Swami column for a
couple of years, the Swami says he wants to try something new -- a
Dear Swami column where he actually attempts wisely humorous (or
humorously wise) answers to serious questions. In the past, when the
Swami has called for questions he has typically gotten funny questions.
Well, with a funny question, who needs a funny answer?
Serious questions, thats a whole other thing. Serious questions NEED
funny answers. Swami has lots of funny answers waiting. Now all he
needs are your serious questions. Seriously. If we use your question,
we wont use your name, just your initials and city. Swami wont assign
you one of his own names like Lucinda Street or Xavier Onassis or Bill
Stupay or anything like that. If you like those names, you can find
them in any of Swamis books. Just supply an answerable question, and
Swami will supply a questionable answer.
Will this work? If you see the new column announced in the next issue
of BeyondaNews, it worked! Send your questions to

For Californians Only -- A Chance to Make a Difference on Tuesday, June
6th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
While I dont normally use BeyondaNews to make political requests,
tomorrows California primaries are too important to miss. First of
all, Debra Bowen is the only candidate for Secretary of State who
understands the importance of guaranteeing a paper trail for our votes.
Her victory is a step in the right direction, and her loss would be our
Secondly, if you live in the 6th Congressional District (parts of
Marin and Sonoma Counties) Rep. Lynn Woolsey, one of the bravest and
most forward-thinking members of Congress is being challenged in the
primary by a wolfawitz in sheeps clothing. Joe Nation (who might
just as well be called Abomi-Nation for all his stealth support of
drug companies and the banking industry) is a DINO (Democrat in Name
Only). Says a recent email from MoveOn: As a State Legislator, he
refused to vote on privacy legislation to protect consumers. He refused
to vote on stem cell legislation. And he refused to vote on legislation
to stop oil company price gouging.
Just as the key to winning the lottery is buying a ticket, the key to
winning elections is ... voting. As to whether our votes really
count, the answer is we dont know for sure. What we do know for sure
is, if we dont vote our vote definitely wont count.

Notes >From the Trail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If youre interested in Steve Bhaermans spiritual / political
uncommontary, subscribe to Notes From the Trail. Its absolutely
free, although donations are cheerfully accepted. For a $25 donation
(click here and scroll down), Swami will send you an autographed copy
of his latest book, Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body
Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction -- or the CD or DVD or your
choice. If you enjoy this mix of current affairs, timeless wisdom and
just the right measure of healing laughter, put your money where your
mouse is. Subscribe now, and enjoy your gift.
May the FARCE be with you,
Steve Bhaerman (800) SWAMI-BE
Read Swami's 2006 State of the Universe Address

Quick Links... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Swami's Ompage Swami Products An Inconvenient Truth Harmony Festival
SpiritAlive New Dimensions Radio Debra Bowen Rep. Lynn Woolsey

Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 8, 2006, 2:48:35 PM7/8/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 8, 2006

From: Peter Myers <>
Date: July 8, 2006 6:31:29 AM EST
Subject: Cindy Sheehan on Hunger Strike at the White House

Cindy Sheehan on
Hunger Strike at the White House

Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 16:58:37 +0000 From: "Tim OSullivan"

Cindy Sheehan on Hunger Strike at the White House

Ben Frank

July 4, 2006

"We've marched, held vigils, lobbied Congress, camped out at Bush's
ranch, we've even gone to jail, now it's time to do more"

"This war is a crime," the icon mother told a crowd of clapping,
cheering protesters.

"We represent millions of Americans who withdraw their support from
this government."

Millions of American have just watched in disgust as our congress
ignored the will of the American people and voted against setting a
timetable for withdrawing our troops from Iraq. Who exactly are they
representing and what course of action do 'we the people' have at this

Cindy Sheehan has begun a hunger strike at the White House and is
pledging to stay as long as it takes until our government does right by
our troops and the Iraqi people and returns US troops from Iraq
immediately. If you browse around the net however, you wouldn't even
know that she and 150 patriots are camped out in direct confrontation
of Bush and his policies. Cindy is providing the spark, but she needs
our help to spread the word and raise the volume of our demands for

Cindy needs our support to stop this war now. It is time to start
asking questions of everyone who still supports these war crimes,
starting with your 'representative' and senators.

Questions 4 Bush PDF Flyer

When discussing the 4th of July with friends and family, perhaps now is
the time to gently remind them of the meaning of the holiday.

Sheehan said just because Tuesday is the 4th of July does not mean we
should be celebrating.

"Everybody needs to stand up, go out of their comfort zone," Sheehan
said. "And I don't understand how people can party tomorrow while
people are suffering."

Don't just sympathize, open the window and yell, "We're mad as hell and
we're not taking it anymore!"



Browse Stand with Cindy t-shirt/flyer gallery

ready to print on a t-shirt transfer or * have it delivered from * more t-shirts at Cafepress more print your own * pg2

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Cindy Sheehan to Move Camp to National Mall
Washington, D.C., September 8 to 21
Charles Jenks, Traprock Peace Center

Cindy Sheehan and activists in the growing peace movement plan to
establish Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, again this August 16 to
September 2. They then plan to move the camp to the National Mall in
Washington, D.C., beginning September 8. The camp on the Mall will
carry the name Camp Democracy at Fort Fed Up, and details are available
at . Organizers intend the camp to bring
together peace activists and activists for social justice, united in
demanding a shift of public resources from war to the needs of people.
Participants will lobby Congress to end all funding of the occupation
of Iraq, and will demand that Congress hold the Bush Administration
accountable for the falsehoods that launched the war and the abuses of
power here at home that have accompanied it...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 8, 2006 5:21:23 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Representative Of Largest 9/11 Families Group Says Government
Complicit In Attack

Representative of Largest 9/11 Families'
Group Says Government Complicit in Attack
Tells Radio Host 9/11 Commission a
Sham, "Cover-Up Beyond Belief"

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | July 8 2006

The representative of the largest group of 9/11 families says that the
official version of events is a fallacy and that the NORAD stand down
and evidence of incendiary devices used to bring down the towers amount
to government complicity in the attacks - a conclusion shared by half
of the 9/11 families he represents.

Doyle heads the Coalition of 9/11 Families and lost his own son Joey in
the collapse of the twin towers.

"If you want to believe what they want to snow you under on like the
9/11 Commission - that's a total fallacy," said Doyle.

"The continuing cover-up is beyond belief," Doyle told GCN radio host
Alex Jones.

Doyle questioned why WTC steel that was withheld from NIST for
examination for explosives was used instead to build a battleship.

"Isn't it amazing how they got it out of this country within days,"
said Doyle as he addressed the cover-up of the physical evidence from a
crime scene.

Doyle said he had personally talked to six different individuals who
were at the World Trade Center site and described incendiary devices
before the collapse of the towers.

"It's documented proof that tower 7 was not hit by a plane yet it goes
up in flames then the owner of the place Larry Silverstein himself
ordered it to be pulled at 4 o'clock that afternoon and all of a sudden
it exploded straight down."

"We have two planes fly into the towers and all of a sudden they get
blown up within an hour and a half - that's impossible," said Doyle.

Doyle estimated that around half of the family members his organization
represents think that there was government complicity in the attacks.

"It looks like there was a conspiracy behind 9/11 if you really look at
all the facts - a lot of families now feel the same way."

"Where was NORAD," asked Doyle as he highlighted the implausible gap
between the known hijacking times of Flight 93 and Flight 77 and their
eventual destruction.

"It was called a step-down - don't do anything - let it happen."

"From everything I look at I'm sure there was a lot of complicity - in
the least there had to be a lot of complicity - if you read all the
facts there's no way that nineteen hijackers carried out this mission,"
Doyle told Jones.

Doyle also spoke out on establishment charities withholding large
portions of donations from 9/11 families and how 9/11 whistleblowers
have been punished meanwhile individuals who facilitated the attacks
were rewarded.

Prison members can hear this entire interview by clicking
here. Please consider subscribing to Prison by clicking here.



Last Updated: Saturday, 8 July 2006, 04:44 GMT 05:44 UK

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US 'Finds Iraq Killing Failings'

US marine officers at all levels failed to investigate conflicting
reports of killings in the Iraqi town of Haditha, a report quoted by US
media says.

The report has been completed and reviewed by Lt-Gen Peter Chiarelli,
the second-ranking US commander in Iraq.

Twenty-four civilians died in the incident in November. The US
military initially said they were killed in a bomb blast and exchange
of fire.

But reports subsequently emerged alleging that US soldiers killed them.


Gen Chiarelli's investigation is separate from a second, criminal
inquiry into whether a group of marines was guilty of murder.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
A number of women and children were among those killed in an incident
that has become the most serious allegation against US troops in Iraq
since the invasion.

Gen Chiarelli's inquiry looked into how the military handled the
killings on 19 November.

According to US media reports, Gen Chiarelli has found that senior
officers failed to investigate inconsistencies in the initial reports,
which suggested the civilians were victims of a roadside bombing.

The New York Times quoted defence department officials as saying Gen
Chiarelli concluded "that some officers were derelict in their duties".

The Pentagon has not commented on the media reports.

The officers are said to have ignored contradictory evidence, such as
death certificates listing the cause of death as gunshot wounds and
compensation payments that were made to the victims' families.

One official has spoken of false and late reporting.

It is not clear which officers have been implicated or what punishment
they might face.


Gen Chiarelli has passed his findings and recommendations to the
leading US commander in Iraq, Gen George W. Casey.

A US military official told the Associated Press news agency the
Chiarelli investigation "essentially bolsters the ongoing criminal
investigation and lays bare some of the administrative faults that
existed during November 2005".

He added: "What some of these people did wrong is certainly not
illegal or criminal, but administratively their actions are something
that Gen Chiarelli wants to look at."

The findings may be made public over the next two weeks, he said,
although material that could affect the criminal investigation would be

The Haditha inquiry is just one of a number the US military has been
conducting into incidents of alleged unlawful killings by US forces in

Haditha has drawn comparisons with the Vietnam War massacre at My Lai
in 1968.


NOTE: Here's another prime example of left/liberal/progressive
opportunism in the US these days. Cute little Buzzflash will talk
about defiance of the laws of physics in this context involving only
Republicans--but simultaneously covers up utterly unassailable evidence
that the official version of the collapse of those three WTC buildings
on 9/11/01 also defies the laws of physics (plus the laws of
engineering). And while we're at it, let's name again some of the
major players within these circles whose behavior is just as culpable:
Medea Benjamin, Dennis Bernstein, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn,
Kevin Danaher, Amy Goodman, Ralph Nader, Danny Schechter, Norman
Solomon, Howard Zinn. Neither do these people come to the aid of
anyone (e.g., Reynolds Dixon) whose life is threatened for
authoritatively discrediting the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.
They're more interested in foundation grants, publishing contracts and
niches within pimp/whore Fourth Reich media than in truth. May their
names live in infamy. -- kl, pp

Bush Must Have Come Up with Today's "Aspirational
Terrorist Scare," Because
The Idea of the Hudson River Flowing UP into
Manhattan Defies the Law of Physics

July 7, 2006


Is it possible that Bush himself brainstormed with Rove about the
latest Terrorist Aspirational Scare?

The first reports coming from the Rovian propaganda machine claimed
that a vague group of suspected terrorists were planning to flood lower
Manhattan by blowing up the Holland or Lincoln Tunnels.

There was just one major problem with this latest scare them into
voting Republican for a third time tactic: it defied the laws of
gravity and basic physics.

You see, Manhattan is ABOVE sea level. A body of water, such as the
Hudson River, wont rise UP without a rather sophisticated plumbing
system. In short, bombing the Holland or Lincoln Tunnels could not
possibly, according to the law of physics, flood lower Manhattan and
ruin the American economy by destroying Wall Street.

There might be some basement flooding, but thats about it.

Its an idea so contrary to reality and the laws of physics that only
Bush himself could have come up with it.

Some first media reports even dutifully noted that government sources
told them that the alleged aspirational terrorists got their idea of
blowing up the tunnels from the Katrina disaster and the flooding of
New Orleans. This is a sure sign that the idea came from the man who
completely bungled Hurricane Katrina: George W. Bush. Only Bush could
fail to realize that New Orleans is situated BELOW sea level, while
Manhattan is ABOVE sea level.

How else do you explain the second-in-a-row crack-head scheme (after
the Miami clown posse plot) that is so ludicrous, it couldnt make it
past peer review in a class of idiots?

By mid-day, Rove must have realized that he had made a big mistake
going with Bushs brainstorm contribution to the third cycle of
resurrecting the al-Qaeda bogeyman. (Even though, in a horribly cynical
move that shows its true hand, the Bush Administration had the CIA
close down its unit hunting Osama bin Laden. Thats the reality side.
On the propaganda side, they planted a recent story that Osama was
reconsolidating his power over al-Qaeda, a story clearly aimed at
instilling fear in the American public. After all, if the CIA isnt
hunting him anymore and Bush says that hes not important, how could he
becoming an increasing threat? You cant have it both ways in the real
world, unless you are a demagogue.)

Because by the afternoon, we were hearing that really the alleged
aspirational target was something more vague, like flooding the New
York Subway system, which no doubt would send shivers of terror through
Manhattanites because of all the rats that would hit the streets.

As for the Democrats, if they dont start denouncing this nonsense
pretty soon, the scare headlines are going to drive Bushs poll numbers
up, because people out in Topeka believe this stuff. Thats
particularly true because only the New Media is exposing the truth
about Roves Terrorist Fear Campaign 3. Hes rolling out such a
predictable series of fright alerts. All one has to do is look at his
frayed fear the enemy playbook for the 2002 and 2004 elections.

If the Democrats havent learned how to counteract this after two
election cycles, they dont deserve our financial support.

But the end result is that we will end up with two more years of
one-party rule unless the Democrats starting exposing Roves overused
scare tactics, and two more years may give the Busheviks enough time to
complete the conversion of America from a Constitutional democracy into
a totalitarian state.


BuzzFlash Note: Was this written tongue and cheek? Yes and no.
Anythings possible with cynical, power-hungry demagogues who have
hijacked the American government. Everything in this BuzzFlash
analysis is accurate. The only uncertainty is whether Bush, Rove or
another crew member of the ship of fools came up with the "blowing up
the Holland Tunnel and flooding Manhattan idea." Frankly, we doubt any
"suspected terrorists" are THAT dumb.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of spacer.gif]

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Fight Ignorance: Read

From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: July 8, 2006 2:19:41 AM EST

Hello to all -

Early Friday knew I had to write something on stolen
election in Mexico. It works there same way it does
here where democracy only an illusion.

It's high time people got angry enough to demand
change. Never will happen unless we do. I write to
get enough of you to want to because it's in our
self-interest and preservation to do it.

My article on Mexican election being translated and
printed in Spanish in a Los Angeles Spanish language
newspaper. Wouldn't it be nice if NYT or WSJ did same
- mine or anyone else who reported facts. Don't spend
time looking though. Never will happen unless there
are newspapers with those names on another planet.
WSJ disgraced themselves on their editorial page on
this election. Was too busy yesterday to answer them.
Will again in future.


Democracy, Mexican Style - by Stephen Lendman

What do these presidential elections all have in
common: Mexico, 1988, US, 2000, US, 2004, Colombia
and Peru, 2006 and the just concluded Mexican election
on July 2? In each case, the outcome was "arranged"
and known in advance before voters went to the polls.
They're what economist and media and social critic
Edward Herman calls "Demonstration Elections" - the
characterization and title he gave his 1980s book
analyzing and documenting sham elections in the
Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Vietnam.
Professor Herman is an expert, and although his book
was written over 20 years ago, it's clear little has
changed except for the added sophistication gained
since then in the ability of officials to make
elections turn out the way they wish. The same fraud
occurs in many countries, and Professor Herman might
have included many others besides the ones he chose
but had he done so he'd have had to have written a
book with no end.

Elections that only appear democratic happen
throughout the developing world wherever the US has a
strategic interest, which these days means everywhere.
But they also happen in at least some developed
countries, most notably the last two US presidential
elections. We know it thanks to the superb
investigative work of UK based journalist Greg Palast
who analyzed those elections and documented how each
was stolen in his important new book Armed Madhouse.
Palast went on to state his belief that based on
information he's uncovered the plans are now in place
to steal the 2008 US presidential election, and he
explains how it'll be done. It's in his new book,
reviewed in detail and can be read at

With this sort of "democracy" in America, what could
we expect south of the border where longtime Mexico
observer and writer John Ross says the fine art of
election theft was perfected. It certainly was in
evidence on July 2 as that election just completed
with final results announced on July 6 looked just
like the one held there in 1988 when Cuauhtemoc
Cardenas (son of the country's last leftist president
from 1932 - 38) ran against the US choice Carlos
Salinas of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary
Party (PRI) that dominated Mexican politics as a
virtual dictatorship for over 70 years until it lost
the 2000 presidential election to current President
Vincente Fox of the National Action Party (PAN). Both
these parties represent wealth and power so it's of
little consequence to the US which of them runs the
Mexican political system.

In 1988, Salinas was declared the winner with 51% of
the vote in an election Cardenas clearly won. To
achieve victory, the PRI never counted the votes from
thousands of voting stations, stole and burned the
contents of selected ballot boxes, falsified voter
tally sheets and falsely claimed computers tabulating
votes had crashed and couldn't be restored for 10 days
following the election by which time Salinas was
declared the winner. Following the announcement, few
people believed it, and hundreds of Cardenas'
supporters were killed in political violence opposing
it in street protests over the next few years.

At this time, there's no way to know what will happen
next following the just-announced final vote count.
After the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) reported
the final count on July 6 showing ruling PAN
candidate Felipe Calderon with a small but
insurmountable lead, opposition candidate Andres
Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Party of the Democratic
Revolution (PRD) rejected the official count as
"flawed." He called on his supporters to take to the
streets in a mass show of strength on July 8 in both
Mexico City's historic central square as well as
around the country to protest the announced result and
demand a ballot-by-ballot recount. At present, with
99.91% of votes counted, Calderon was said to have
35.87% of the votes to Obrador's 35.32%. But with the
ruling authority in charge of the vote count, a miss,
as they say, is as good as a mile, and that one-half
percent difference is more than enough to likely
assure another election theft.

Why? In claiming he won the Sunday election, Lopez
Obrador cited many clear irregularities including
manipulating preliminary vote totals, initially never
counting 3 millions votes and then in hindsight only
counting 2.5 million of them, ignoring 900,000
supposed void, blank and annulled ballots declared
null, discarded and never included in the official
totals, also never counting over 700,000 additional
votes from missing precincts, denying the right to
vote to many voters in strong Obrador precincts, and
much more. As a result, Obrador announced "We have
decided to challenge the election process and to ask
the Electoral Court of the judicial branch of the
federation for a recount of the votes because we
cannot accept the results" officially announced by the
IFE. Obrador said he will ask that the ballot boxes
be opened and all votes be recounted. Campaign
advisor Federico Arreola added "Building a democracy
has cost a lot in this country and we are not going to
give it up easily. There is no reason for Lopez
Obrador to back out or defend a system that he doesn't
belong to." He might have also added there's no
reason to accept an election result contrary to the
voice of the Mexican people that no doubt will show
they spoke for Mr. Obrador as their president and not
Felipe Calderon if an honest tabulation of votes is

The procedure going forward now is that the Federal
Electoral Institute will submit the final vote count
to the Electoral Tribunal for approval on Sunday, July
9. Lopez Obrador then has four days to present his
case for a recount. The Tribunal, known as Trife,
then has until September 6 to issue a ruling. The new
president takes office on December 1 so it's possible
the electoral challenge could change the result as now
known. Trife has in the past reversed some local
elections, but it's very unlikely it will reverse this
one given the overwhelming pressure on it which in
Mexico may include real and intimidating physical
threats officials take seriously based on past
history. Also, according to Mexico expert George
Grayson of the US College of William & Mary, Virginia,
the rules for the Tribunal's decision are vague -
"It's going to be somewhat like the US election in
2000, where you have the Supreme Court justices voting
without clear guidelines." If Grayson is right, look
for lots of commotion and probable violence ahead but
in the end the people of Mexico will again be denied
their democratic right to elect the president of their
choice - just the way it now is in the US. So much
for democracy. In Mexico it's democracy, Mexican
style which is the same way it works for their
dominant northern neighbor - none at all.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog
site at


Open Letter To Nancy Pelosi

Dear Representative Pelosi:

No planes offically involved with September 11, 2001
seem to be involved with the events of September 11,
2001. I am shocked that this has been ignored.

Subject: VERY Strange 9/11 Aircraft Registrations

Here are some very strange findings regarding the
paper-fate of the
four aircraft that went "missing" on 9/11. The
following info is
copied directly from
You're free to
verify the data yourself if you want to do the
homework. I did...

11 Sep 2001 New York City, New York

United Air Lines
Boeing B-767-222
N612UA 65/65
11 Sep 2001 New York City, New York

American Airlines
Boeing 767-223ER
N334AA 92/92
11 Sep 2001 Arlington, Virginia.

American Airlines
Boeing B-757-223
N644AA 64/64
11 Sep 2001 Shanksville, Pennsylvania

United Air Lines
Boeing B-757-222
N591UA 44/44

It shows the four flights of 9/11, including tail
numbers and crash
information on the links. The information below is
copied directly
from the Federal Aviation Administration's N-number

The first plane listed is American Airlines Flight 11,
tail number
N334AA, which crashed into the WTC North Tower. Note
reason for
cancellation, and cancel date.

FAA Registry
N-Number Inquiry Results

N334AA is Deregistered -- Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1
Aircraft Description -- Serial Number 22332
Type Registration -- Corporation
Manufacturer Name -- BOEING
Certificate Issue Date -- 01/06/2000
Model -- 767-223 Mode S Code 50722254
Year Manufacturer -- 1987
Cancel Date -- 01/14/2002
Reason for Cancellation -- Destroyed Exported To

Next is American Flight 77, tail number N644AA, which
hit the
Pentagon. Please note the same details, reason for
cancellation and
cancellation date.

FAA Registry N-Number Inquiry Results
N644AA is Deregistered
Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1
Aircraft Description -- Serial Number 24602
Type Registration -- Corporation Manufacturer Name
Certificate Issue Date -- 05/08/1991
Model -- 757-223 Mode S Code 52072030
Year Manufacturer -- 1991
Cancel Date -- 01/14/2002
Reason for Cancellation -- Destroyed Exported To

Next is United Flight 175, tail number N612UA, which
hit the South
Tower of the WTC. Please note the same details.

Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1
Aircraft Description -- Serial Number 21873
Type Registration -- Corporation
Manufacturer Name -- BOEING
Certificate Issue Date -- 01/18/1984
Model -- 767-222 Mode S Code 51773757
Year Manufacturer -- 1983
Cancel Date -- 09/28/2005
Reason for Cancellation -- Cancelled Exported To

Hmmm. What? Cancelled registration on 9/28/05? Not
destroyed and
deregisterd in early 2002? What about the last flight,
United Flight
93, tail number N591UA, the one that allegedly crashed
Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1
Aircraft Description -- Serial Number 28142
Type Registration -- Corporation
Manufacturer Name -- BOEING
Certificate Issue Date -- 07/01/1996
Model -- 757-222 Mode S Code 51721341
Year Manufacturer -- 1996
Cancel Date -- 09/28/2005
Reason for Cancellation -- Cancelled Exported To

Huh? Cancelled? On the same date in 2005? Not
destroyed and cancelled in early 2002? How can
American Airlines flights show the planes
destroyed and the registration cancelled, while both
United flights show the planes as simply being
cancelled without explanation 4
years after they allegedly were destroyed? Why?

What the heck is going on here? These are public
records, accessible by everyone until their purge date
is reached. That is Nov. 11, 2006
for both United flights. There is no purge date listed
for the two American Airlines flights.

Why would a company keep two aircraft that had been
destroyed on its active lineup for four years, and then
simply list the registration as "Cancelled"? Even the
most ardent coincidence theorist is going to have to think
hard to come up with some rationale for this one.

Please pass this information on to anyone that you
think might be able to use it.

Please have someone look into this very important
revelation regarding Terrorist abilities. I am
gravely concerned that something very important was
overlooked when we passed the Patriot Act. The
Terrorists now have the power to alter reality
itself--something I am certain was not contemplated by
either the Founders nor the Congress.

I am more afraid now than ever before, even more
afraid than I am of North Korea, Israel and Iran, and
Al-Queda put together.

Charles Stegiel
Commercial/Residential Financing
FCF: 680 8th Street #255
SF, CA. 94103
415-863-2200 Ext 23


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: July 6, 2006 2:28:59 PM EST
Subject: hot new site - just in

Dear Group,

Please take a look at this link:

Excellent and chuck full of great new energy ops. . .


NOTE: Here are a couple examples of what's currently featured. --
kl, pp

Tim Swartz - The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP - Chemtrails and
the Secret of Alternative 4

Submitted by distance on July 3, 2006 - 10:23. Canada | english |
Germany | USA | Dr. Mason Rose | Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld | Dr. T. Henry
Moray | Edwin V. Gray | electrogravitics | Howard R. Johnson | J. Frank
King | Joseph R. Zubris | Lord Kelvin | Michael Faraday | Paul A.
LaViolette | Thomas Townsend Brown | Tim Swartz | William R. Lyne |
wireless | Nikola Tesla | Tom Bearden | diamagnetism | implosion |

ISBN 1-892062-13-5 "We are whirling through endless space, with an
inconceivable speed, all around us everything is spinning, everything
is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be a some way of
availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light
obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every
form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever
inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere
contemplation of these magnificient possibilities expands our minds,
strengthens our hopes and fills our hearts with supreme delight."


Top Scientists Validating the Supernatural Universe
Submitted by cybe on June 11, 2006 - 20:13. body | dna | genetics |
human | mind | NASA | sea | Thomas Herold | 2006 | CIA | energy | space
| universe | waves | ZPE

By Thomas Herold |

2006 01 04

The Field tells the story of a group of frontier scientists who
discovered that the Zero Point Field - an ocean of subatomic vibrations
in the space between things - connects everything in the universe, much
like the Force in Star Wars.

The Field offers a radically new view of the way our world and our
bodies work. The human mind and body are not distinct and separate from
their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly
interacting with this vast energy sea. The Field creates a picture of
an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory which makes
sense of supernatural phenomena.

A bit like finding there is such a thing as The Force in Star Wars.
The Field tells the story of respected frontier scientists all over the
globe who have produced extraordinary evidence to show that an energy
field -The Zero Point Field - connects everything in the universe, and
we ourselves are part of this vast dynamic cobweb of energy exchange.

The Field also reveals a radical new biological paradigm--that on our
most fundamental level, the human mind and body are not distinct and
separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy
constantly interacting with this vast energy sea.


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: July 7, 2006 7:26:57 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: DC - People's Summit on Climate, Energy
and Global Justice


Reclaim Our Fate!

People's Summit on Climate, Energy and Global Justice
Featuring vegan burritos, with workshops & trainings for all!

Rising Tide North America <> & Mobiliztion for
Justice <> present:

<> * At the People's Media Center and
AlFishawy Cafe * - 4132 Georgia Avenue, NW * SUNDAY July 9th,
* (doors open 11:30 am -- see schedule below)

A *FREE* half-day Teach-In, followed by Spokes Council meeting and
Concert <>
On July 9th in Washington, DC, join activists speaking out on Climate
and the "Energy Crisis." * As Global Justice movements plan worldwide
protests opposing the July 15-17 2006 G8 Summit in Russia -- where world
leaders including Bush will meet to cement agreement on their
enforcement of
wartime "energy security" policies and that threaten the Earth and
communities everywhere with invasion, ecological disaster and economic
collapse -- -- we will gather to reclaim the deb8te and our f8te from
domin8tion by the Group of 8, eight of the world's largest consumerist
countries. THEY want massive expansion of nuclear power plants
worldwide AND
trillions of dollars in new subsidies to the fossil fuel industries
responsible for increasing clim8te ch8os and wars... *BUT WE WILL

*SUNDAY July 9th, noon-midnight * (doors open 11:30 am -- see schedule
At the People's Media Center and AlFishawy Cafe * - 4132 Georgia
Avenue, NW
Washington DC (between Upshur & Taylor, 3 blocks North of Petworth metro
Station on the green line, Bus #70/71/62/64)
* 12 to 1:45 -- Climate Science 101 and Direct Action Strategies to stop
Climate Catastrophe*. Presented by Climate Crisis
Coalition<>and Rising
Tide North America <>
* 2 to 3:45 -- The Mountain Justice Movement to save Southern
Mountains from Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining -- and Energy
that Don't Suck! *Presented by Mountain Justice
Summer<>activists and Energy
Justice Network <>
* 4 to 5:45 -- Oil and Empire, Bombs and Poverty ... For Global Justice,
Against War: Linking Our Movements, Before It's Too Late! * Discussion
facilitated DC Anti-War Network <> and Mobilization for
Global Justice <> activists
PLUS trainings (Legal, Medical, Direct Action Tactics)* for affinity
and individuals participating in non-violent direct action with the July
10-16 DC Gr8 Week of Resistance to the G8's Great Greed

Teach-In organized by Rising Tide North
America<>and Mobilization
for Global Justice <>, Sponsored by Reclaim the
Commons. <>
Visit <> and e-mail for more details



6-midnight -- $5 vegetarian dinner-n-drink ( No Alcohol )
6:30 pm -- *Action Spokescouncil* meeting for DC Week of Resistance to
G8 **
8-midnight -- *Benefit Concert * for "Green Scare" imprisoned
activists and for the July 15th International Day of Direct Action
Climate Change <> **

OPEN TO ALL! With Mosquito Death Squadon (art/experimental rock) and
Fiero (political funk female duo) TBA $5 donation suggested (no one

** The Green Scare is a federal round-up environmental and animal rights
activists, which The National Lawyer's Guild among others has condemned
unconstitutional. Officially called "Operation Backfire", this
orchestrated investigation of activists uses paid informants,
spying on a range of organizations, and threats of severe sanctions to
leverage fear of conviction under unprecedented penalties for property
crimes. 888-NLG-ECOLAW is a hotline established to support these
Visit <>for more info on
with Green Scare victims.

** The G8, or Group of 8, is the seven wealthiest industrialized
nations in
the world plus Russia. They officially meet once a year to strategize
policies and plan their joint domination of the world, and in recent
have been confronted by intense popular demonstrations wherever they
go. The
political heads of these countries -- the U.S., Canada, England, France,
Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan -- are pushing the agenda of corporate
globalization at the cost of the welfare of the people they claim to
represent. We take to the streets when the G8 meets to reject their
worldview of profit at any cost, and to reclaim our commons of
political space. Authentic democracy or corporate oligarchy? The choice
<>for frequent updates about global resistance to
July 15-17 2006 G8 Summit. Contact



President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 11, 2006, 12:13:19 PM7/11/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 11, 2006

Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 July 2006, 04:28 GMT 05:28 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

Fraud Video Claim in Mexico Poll

Defeated Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
says he has "irrefutable" video proof of voting fraud by his election

"I am certain the people are not going to permit this abuse," Mr Lopez
Obrador said, repeating a demand for a recount.

Official results show his rival Felipe Calderon won by 0.57 percentage

Mr Lopez Obrador has filed a legal challenge and says he will wait to
see the court's ruling before deciding if he will accept the result.

Amateur video

Conservative candidate Felipe Calderon secured 35.88% of the 2 July
vote, against 35.31% for Mr Lopez Obrador.

The latter's 900-page claim alleges some polling areas had more votes
than registered voters and that his opponent overspent on his campaign.

Among his other complaints, Mr Lopez Obrador says a computer software
programme skewed the initial count of votes.

He has asked the electoral tribunal to order a full manual recount of
all the ballots.

The shaky amateur video footage aired at Mr Lopez Obrador's campaign
headquarters showed two incidents which he claimed were examples of
"old-style fraud". He said that that they had been sent in by some of
his supporters.

One tape, filmed in Queretaro state during a recount of votes for the
presidential election, showed what seemed to be an election official
refusing to recount the ballots in a box which had been declared in
favour of Mr Calderon.

The other showed an alleged supporter of Mr Calderon's National Action
Party (Pan) apparently stuffing six ballots into a box being used for
congressional elections, which were held on the same day as the
presidential race.

Border clash

The EU said last week its monitors had found no indication of

Mr Lopez Obrador's supporters say they intend to visit foreign
embassies in Mexico City to demand that their governments not
congratulate Mr Calderon.

A number of international leaders, including US President George W
Bush have already congratulated Mr Calderon on his success.

On Monday, White House spokesman Tony Snow defended Mr Bush's decision
to call Mr Calderon on Thursday.

Although he did say that if a Mexican court ruling changed who won the
election, Mr Bush would respect that.

Mr Calderon's relationship with the US got off to a rocky start on
Friday when he criticised US plans to beef up security on the US-Mexico
border, saying that it was better to invest in Mexico than to build a
wall along the border to stop illegal immigrants.

Mr Snow rejected that criticism on Monday, saying that Mr Calderon did
not have any authority over the activities of the US government.


Seoul: Japan Inflaming

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Posted: 0415 GMT (1215 HKT)

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- South Korea has accused Japan of
intensifying the North Korean missile crisis with provocative rhetoric
about knocking out the North's missile bases with a pre-emptive strike.

The comments by Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe on Monday
were "threatening remarks" that undermine peace on the Korean Peninsula
and Northeast Asia, said Jung Tae-ho, a spokesman at the South Korean
president's office said on Tuesday.

South Korea "will strongly react to the Japanese political leaders'
arrogance and outrageous rhetoric that further intensifies the crisis
on the Korean Peninsula with dangerous and provocative rhetoric such as
'pre-emptive strike,"' Jung said.

The spokesman also accused the Japanese of using the missile tests as
"a pretext for becoming a military power."

Jung said the Japanese remarks expose Tokyo's tendency for aggression,
noting Japan used the protection of its nationals on the Korean
Peninsula as an excuse for past invasions. The Korean Peninsula was
ruled by Japan as a colony from 1910 to 1945.

Abe, the front-runner in the race for prime minister, told reporters on
Tuesday that he wouldn't comment on Jung's remarks.

Seoul and Tokyo, two major allies of Washington, have recently traded
thinly veiled accusations over the North's missile crisis, weakening a
U.S. call to present a common front to Pyongyang.

The South Korean president's office on Sunday blamed Japan for making a
"fuss" over the North Korean missile launches. Abe expressed regret
Monday for South Korea's accusation and said the missiles -- which
could easily hit Japan -- were a credible threat.

Seoul has favored using diplomacy and negotiations to pacify the
reclusive communist nation, which last week test-fired seven missiles,
which were believed to include a long-range Taepodong-2 -- potentially
capable of hitting the western United States.

South Korean officials planned to raise the missile issue with the
North at the 19th round of ministerial talks that were to begin late
Tuesday in the southern city of Busan.

But Abe said Monday that negotiations may not work, and he suggested
that Tokyo consider pre-emptive strikes on North Korean missile bases.
Abe added that Japan would first need to consider whether such an
attack would violate its pacifist constitution, adopted after its
defeat in World War II.

South Korea has also been critical of Japan's efforts to drum up
support for a U.N. vote on a resolution sanctioning North Korea. Seoul
has said such a move could further antagonize Pyongyang and cause a
split within the U.N.

Tokyo agreed to delay the vote Monday and give diplomacy more time.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 10, 2006 1:37:39 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Intended for widest ALL the West

Subject: Intended for widest ALL the West
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 19:23:29 +0300

Summer Rain Over

By Alice Gray
09 July, 2006

Consider this: an 8 km wide by 23 km long strip of arid land by the
Mediterranean Sea containing a population of one and a half million
people. This is Gaza, one of the most densely populated regions in the
world, and the one of the most water poor, second only to Kuwait. Over
half of the population are refugees, expelled from Israel following the
1948 and 1967 wars.

The Strip bears the scars of 40 years of military occupation. The
economy is in crisis, with over 30 % unemployment (PCBS, 2005) and over
half the population living below the official poverty line of less than
$2 per person per day (PCBS, 2004). Despite efforts by the Palestinian
Authority and international donors, infrastructure is completely
inadequate to serve the needs of the population. The decaying water
system was running at 50 % losses when it was passed over to
Palestinian control after the peace agreements of the early 90s. The
situation has not been improved by repeated Israeli missile strikes
since 2000, smashing pipelines and destroying pumping stations.

The sewage system is even more inadequate. Only 60 % of the population
are connected to any form of sewage network and there are only 3 poorly
functioning treatment plants. Thus 80 % of wastewater is discharged
untreated into the environment, infiltrating the ground and poisoning
the groundwater, which is the only source of fresh water in the area
(UNEP, 2003). The quantity of freshwater available does not come close
to meeting the basic demands of the population and as a consequence,
the aquifer has been heavily overabstracted for years, causing
infiltration of sea water and deterioration of water quality. Currently
only 10 % of the water distributed in Gaza meets World Health
Organization drinking water standards (UNEP, 2003).

Demand for food for the inflated population is high and cultivable
land is scarce. Hence agricultural practices are intense, relying
heavily on toxic agrochemicals which wreak further environmental
destruction. Even so there is no food security and a high dependency on
imported food from Israel, a supply that can readily be cut off by the
simple expedient of closing the border crossings. The water shortage is
so severe and the demand for food so high that sewage water is
sometimes used to irrigate crops, with obviously appalling health
consequences. Put quite simply, Gaza is in a state of escalating
humanitarian crisis: a large population with resources inadequate to
sustain itself in a poisoned and deteriorating environment.

Consider this: Summer Rain over Gaza. A rain of missiles shattering
roads, schools, powerstations, pipelines and people. Shooting fish in a
barrel. In such a densely populated area, it would be difficult not to
hit something important. Power stations and main transport routes have
been deliberately targetted. The consequences? Inability to move food
supplies, breakdown of water pumping stations and sewage treatment
plants, further contamination of drinking water supplies as ruptured
sewage pipes mingle their contents with drinking water supplies. Most
of the water wells in Gaza and all of the sewage treatment plants were
powered by the destroyed power station which also constituted the only
source of domestic electricity in the region (CMWU, 2006). In short, a
humanitarian disaster has been precipitated, as food and water supplies
run dry and hunger, thirst and disease become the daily reality of the
beleaguered population. Summer Rain over Gaza: what exquisite irony.

The reason that has been given by Israeli leaders for this deliberate
targeting of Gaza's life support systems has been that it is necessary
to "tear down the infrastructure of terrorism". This statement begs two
vital questions: firstly, what is meant by "terrorism", and secondly,
what is the "infrastructure of terrorism" or what sustains terrorism?

Terrorism is a controversial and subjective term with multiple
definitions. One definition is "a violent action targetting civilians
exclusively" (Wikipedia -
However, terrorism is defined by the US Department of Defense as "the
unlawful use of -- or threatened use of -- force or violence against
individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or
societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological
objectives." The government of Israel, it seems, defines terrorism as
any act of violence against any Israeli target, civilian or military,
perpetrated by any Palestinian. Any use of force by Palestinians
against Israelis is 'unlawful'.

The current Israeli invasion of Gaza was ostensibly caused by the
killing of two Israeli soldiers and the kidnapping of one more (Gilad
Shalit) by Palestinian militants connected with the elected Palestinian
government (Hamas). There are two points that are extremely pertinent
here. One is that the action was against a military target; and the
other is that Palestine has no 'lawful' army. This being the case,
actions undertaken by the military wing of the elected government
against the deployed military personnel of an Occupying power are
somewhat subject to interpretation in terms of their 'lawfulness' or

The Israeli invasion, and indeed the entire military occupation of the
Palestinian Territories, are themselves on similarly shaky ground with
regard to their 'lawfulness'. Civilian individuals and infrastructure
have been repeatedly targeted and multiple UN resolutions have been
passed declaring the illegality of such actions. Furthermore, the
objective of these actions, namely the furthering of the Zionist ideal,
is political, religious and ideological, and few could argue that they
do not constitute "coercion" of a democratically elected government.
Hence under US Department of Defense definitions, Israel is certainly
perpetrating acts of terrorism against the Palestinian government and

However, let us return to the question of Palestinian terrorism
against Israelis. Whilst there is some question as to whether the
stated cause of the current conflict constitutes terrorism, the firing
of Qassam rockets into Israeli civilian settlements and the suicide
bombing of civilian population centres which have taken place in recent
months fit more easily into generally accepted definitions of
terrorism. So the question we must now ask is what drives such acts?
Will destroying civilian infrastructure in Gaza help to prevent further

It is doubtless true that terrorists, as human beings, are ultimately
sustained by water, food and heat. Also, by Israeli definition, Gaza is
a 'haven for terrorists'. Thus by denying water, food and heat to large
sections of the Gazan population, Israel will almost certainly harm
some terrorists. However, such a strategy could only really be
effective in eradicating terrorism if the entire population of Gaza
were annihilated along with the terrorists. In short: by genocide and
ethnic cleansing. The absolute immorality of such a solution should be
clear to the meanest intelligence. And yet, let us be clear, this is
the strategy that Israel is currently pursuing.

This is quite simply not a sustainable solution to the problem and it
is doubtful that it will be permitted by the International community.
Hence if there is to be any resolution to the conflict, it is worth
considering in slightly more depth what sustains Palestinian
'terrorism' against Israelis. What can drive people to have such a
disregard for human life that they are prepared to indiscriminately
murder people they have never met and will never know, to take their
own lives in the process, to abandon home and family and all that so
many of us hold dear in life? What is the psychological infrastructure
of terrorism?

It is popularly held that Palestinian terrorists are motivated
primarily by religious idealism and rabid anti-semitism; that they are
determined to wage a 'jihad' against Israel and all things Jewish,
possessed by an innate hatred of Jews in general. There is certainly an
element of this in the rhetoric of a number of resistance groups
operating in Palestine which is avidly seized upon by Israeli
politicians to reinforce the notion that there is 'no partner for
peace' in Palestine. Thus it is assumed that the roots of Palestinian
terrorism lie in an unreasoning hatred of Jews and that there is
nothing that can be done about this.

It is the 'unreasoning' and 'nothing to be done' parts of this
interpretation that are fundamentally flawed. The roots of terrorism
against Israelis lie in hatred of Israelis. However, to assume that
this is just some innate quality of Palestinians, or even to assume
that the motivation for this hatred is simple anti-semitism is to
remove it from the context in which it occurs. It is inaccurate. In
truth, what sustains terrorism and fuels anti-semitic rhetoric is the
daily misery to which the people of Gaza are subjected. The wrenching
grief and impotent fury of a caged, abused and traumatized population
living in a rotting cesspool of poverty and despair. It is the lack of
hope for a better life, the grinding poverty and the killing of loved
ones that fuels terrorism. As of May 2006, 2162 Gazans had been killed
by the Israeli military since the outbreak of the Intifada (PCBS,
2006). 451 of these people were children. In the past month the killing
has accelerated and the destruction escalated. Re-read the opening
paragraphs of this article. Put yourself in the place of a Gazan. This
is not unreasoning hate. And it is not an insoluble problem.

Gaza has been for 40 years under the heel of Israeli occupation. Half
the population are refugees. The overcrowding, the poverty and the
environmental degradation are direct results of the expulsion of Arabs
from Israel proper and of retarded development since then due to
Israeli Occupation. Not only is it in Israel's interests to alleviate
the suffering of the Gazans, but it is furthermore their moral
responsibility. Only when the Gazans are given the opportunity to
experience emotions other than impotent fury and crushing grief will
the infrastructure of terrorism be torn down. The current Israeli
strategy of communal punishment in reality strengthens that
infrastructure, with every missile that falls, with every death. Summer
Rain over Gaza waters only the seeds of hatred and the harvest will be
bitter indeed.

Alice Gray is a British scientist working in the West Bank with a
Palestinian environmental NGO.


From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: July 10, 2006 11:45:22 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: A Day in the Life: 7/10/6

Pondo -

It's true - Chavez is offering sanctuary to all US
military personnel who refuse deployment to Iraq or
oppose the war. Bravo. We need many more like
him.....incuding Evo.


From: Cathy Garger <>
Date: July 10, 2006 6:30:08 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] NICHOLS: Diabetes and Depleted Uranium -
Italian Embassy Coverup Continues

For Immediate Release - Request Wide Distribution
Contact: Bob Nichols

Diabetes and
Depleted Uranium

Embassy Cover-Up Continues

by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco Bay View) Dr Mishra described June 29th to July 6 as "A
week from Hell." International radiation expert Leuren Moret talked to
Dr Mishra, a famous surgeon from India, the afternoon of July 7, 2006.
Dr. Mishra's report was grim. I had tried to reach him by phone and
email for a week. I was concerned about his safety. On July 10 Dr
Mishra stated "I will not be cowed down."

Mishra reported "Threats at the hospital, three weird phone calls
claiming 'we have you under surveillance,' one each in American,
Italian and Indian accents."

Dr. Mishra said he was advised by someone in the [Indian] government to
"leave town for three days because of the danger." Mishra said he did
and "unidentified Government agents blocked my computer, blocked my
phone and email and harassed my family."

Dr. Mishra said it started on his visit to the Consul at the Italian
Consulate on June 29th regarding his earlier request for an Italian
Visa. A Visa is an entry and travel permit and can only be issued in
Bombay by Italian Consul Baeceloni. Mishra was called back without an

The Consul asked Dr. Mishra 1) Who is your sponsor in Italy, 2) What is
your hotel in Italy and 3) what is your interest in Leuren Moret, in
diabetes and depleted uranium? Dr. Mishra had said nothing about
diabetes, depleted uranium or Leuren Moret.

Depleted uranium is a genocidal radioactive metal used for bullets,
bombs and missiles by the United States and Great Britain as munitions
in Iraq, Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia. Millions of pounds of
weaponized radioactive uranium gas and dust have been dispersed by
US/UK military forces in Iraq and Central Asia.

The use of uranium weapons has caused a global diabetes epidemic since
1991, according to scientist Leuren Moret. It is enough uranium dust
to cause an estimated twenty five million additional cancers in Iraq in
the next decade. The US and UK military still use uranium munitions.
There are only 24 million Iraqis. Many Iraqis now have multiple

On his visit to to the Consul at the Italian Embassy Dr Mishra answered
the three questions by stating he would bring the email invitation to
the Consul, his reservation and stated "I am going to meet with a
scientific colleague, Leuren Moret, an old family friend who works for
the good of humanity, about matters of interest to international public

Mishra continued his statement "I am a scientist and a medical doctor.
I have an interest in diabetes and public health links to depleted
uranium. There are big unexplained increases in diabetes in India,
China and Jakarta since 1990. I am participating in a meeting about
these issues."

The US, Italian and Indian governments had no way of knowing about the
planned international meeting about the diabetes and depleted uranium
cause and effect link.

The suspicion is that the University of California's Nuclear Weapons
Labs and factories tapped Leuren Moret's calls; then, went through the
US State Department or the Defense Department to the Italian government
and the Indian government.

That is the most probable way the words "diabetes and the link to
depleted uranium and Leuren Moret" came out of the Italian Consul's
mouth in Bombay, India. Scientist Leuren Moret formerly worked at two
Nuclear Weapons Labs run by the University of California.

Moret and Mishra concluded with this statement "Denial of Dr. Mishra's
Visa is an academic, scientific, political and social issue. We are not
against any government. We would like the Italian government to
understand the importance of this issue of global public health as an
indicator and result of depleted uranium pollution. This position is
stifling scientific investigation and is censorship."

Bob Nichols is a Project Censored Award Winner. He is a correspondent
for the San Francisco Bay View newspaper and a frequent contributor to
various on line publications. Nichols is completing a book based on 15
years of nuclear war in Central Asia. Nichols is a former employee of
the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant. Nichols can be reached by email.
You are encouraged to write


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 10, 2006 1:49:49 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: the attacks have created tens of thousands of injuries and
thousands of dead soldiers going home in flag-draped coffins

Comment: In other words, the 'American' forces fighting as mercenaries
of the State of Israel are getting the sh*t kicked out of them... but
of course, Arch-Liar Rumsfeld would never admit to it!

Le Figaro on the Iraqi Resistance

July 9, 2006

I cited US figures a while back showing that the vast bulk of
resistance attacks had been directed against US troops and not
civilians. The effectiveness of these can be judged by the fact that
there are huge areas of Iraq that the occupiers can't even walk into
much less control, and that the attacks have created tens of thousands
of injuries and thousands of dead soldiers going home in flag-draped
coffins. Someone correctly pointed out that these figures went as far
as December 2005, but didn't include more recent months. I am therefore
glad to be able to bring you a Le Figaro article (posted on Marxmail)
which picks up the story:

1,300 Iraqi Resistance attacks in greater Baghdad alone in June. Secret
American report shows US minimizing Resistance attacks, focusing
attention on al-Qa'idah car bombings to divert attention from highly
effective "complex attacks" by hard core Iraqi Army Resistance

A secret American report has confirmed that the US occupation forces
in Iraq are trying to hide the real strength of the Iraqi Resistance.
The report, information from which has been acquired and published by
the French newspaper le Figaro, discloses that there were 1,300
Resistance attacks in greater Baghdad alone in the single month of June

Georges Malbrurot in his le Figaro article published on 8 July refuted
claims made by the American-installed puppet "Iraqi ministries of
defense, the interior, and health," which indicated that in the month
of May only 26 car bombing, 65 bomb explosions, two martyrdom
operations, and 60 attacks with rocket-propelled grenades took place -
i.e., an average of five violent attacks per day.

In fact, Malbrunet wrote, the truth was much more deadly. According to
the data contained in the secret American report, a copy of which he
had obtained, the number of homemade bomb explosions in May was 260,
the number of rocket-propelled grenade attacks was 120 - ten times the
official count.

The secret report noted that since February 2006, the Resistance
carried out one complex operation in Baghdad every day, in which some
50 men and 10 vehicles took part. Most of the operations, the report
said, were being carried out by soldiers of the Army of the Republic of
Iraq (the Iraqi army from the period of President Saddam Husayn's

Malbrunot wrote that according to the secret report, the US occupation
forces "have been trying to hide the facts about those complex attacks,
which reflect the effectiveness of the hard core of the guerrilla
movement, preferring to report on the 'suicide attacks' carried out by
'foreign' jihadi fighters" of al-Qa'idah - the American nemesis so
highly touted by the US media.

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Nationalize the US Defense Industrial Base: Public Good
Should Trump Private Greed

by John Stanton
July 11, 2006

In 1969 John Kenneth Galbraith penned a piece for the New York Times
titled The Big Defense Firms Are Really Public Firms and Should be
Nationalized arguing, among other things, that it was folly for defense
contractors to claim that they were private corporations. Such claims
made a mockery of free enterprise.

Nearly 40 years hence, Charlie Cray and Lee Drutman have resurrected
and energized Galbraiths argument in their work titled Corporations
and the Public Purpose: Restoring the Balance (Seattle Journal for
Social Justice, Winter 2005). They make an exceptionally compelling
case for putting the defense industrial base (DIB) into the direct
service of the American public through a form of nationalization:
federal chartering.

Converting the companies to publicly-controlled, nonprofit status
would introduce a key change: it would reduce the entities impetus for
aggressive lobbying and campaign contributions. Chartering the defense
contractors at the federal level would in effect allow Congress to ban
such activities outright, thereby controlling an industry that is now a
driving force rather than a servant of foreign policy objectives. As
public firms, they would certainly continue to participate in the
policy fora designed to determine the nations national security and
defense technology needs, but the profit-driven impetus to control the
process in order to best serve corporate shareholders would be
eliminated. Thus, by turning defense and security firms into full
public corporations, we would replace the criteria by which their
performance is judged from quarterly earnings targets to criteria that
is more consistent with the national interest.

If Cray and Lutmans notion seems radical, its only thanks to a
fanciful story telling by those who move back and forth through the
revolving, and always open, doors of the national security apparatus
that link the Department of Defense, the US Congress, and the players
who dot the DIB landscape. Apologists for the DIB have always distorted
the importance of the defense industry to the nation's security,
particularly after the demise of the Soviet Union. They really believe
that their industry should get special recognition for producing the
goods and services used to wage war. To sell that concept, they've made
sure that the difference between contractor and uniformed government
employee is completely blurred. With that, it's impossible to know who
is protecting the balance sheet and who is protecting the US
Constitution. In short, they've sold the public good.

There's a lot of evidence to show that the DIB is not functioning in
the nation's best interest. Two interesting studies stand out. An April
2005 report by the Government Accounting Office titled Defense
Logistics took a hard look at the system that supplies US troops in
Iraq and concluded that it needed repair. The pipeline failed to
deliver basic supplies, such as MRE rations, in a timely manner.
Another from the National Defense University (see below) indicated that
defense isnt reaping broad benefits from information technology. That
does not bode well for the push to network centric warfare.

The inability of the Pentagon to account for billions in missing funds
here at home and in Iraq, ongoing criminal investigations spread across
the entire national security landscape, and sensational resignations,
arrests and convictions are unprecedented in US history. There is more
here than just a few bad apples. It is a systemic problem made worse
by the absence of leadership at the highest levels. There is
self-interest, to be sure, but that is different from leadership. The
American public is rapidly discovering that those running the show in
the national security machinery aren't necessarily interested in what's
best for them or the USA.

Fierce Competition? Show Me the Data!

According to a formula that measures market concentration, the
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, the DIB is not a competitive industry. At a
recent Center for Strategic and International Studies panel discussion
on the DIB (, one participant warned that the myth of
competition in the DIB might be exposed. Some federal agencies use
this index [Herfindahl-Hirschman Index] to establish guidelines for
when you have to start worrying about the absence of competition.
Competition is supposed to be a hallmark of the acquisition system that
weve had since the end of World War II, but with only two big
firms--which is the case for some categories of military equipment
provided by our industrial base--there is little competition in the
traditional sense. In fact, this situationtwo firms that divide market
sharehas a name: duopoly. Not monopoly, but duopolyand its pretty
tough to brand duopoly circumstances fierce competition.

The American public is led to believe that the DIB is unmatched in the
broad applications of information technology. Not quite. An astonishing
report by the National Defense University titled Bringing Defense into
the Information Economy (David Gompert and Paul Bracken--March 2006)
indicates that the Pentagon and its minions are still trying to figure
out how to get into the information age. One thing is clear [that] the
phenomenon of increasing capability at declining cost now common in
retail, financial services, telecommunications and other sectors
remains uncommon in defense. To that, DIB apologists retort that the
defense industry is different. But Gompert and Bracken will not buy
into the party line.

Defense is different is a self-fulfilling excuse that perpetuates poor
price-performance and deprives national defense of the benefits of
larger, faster, more dynamic, and more inventive IT markets. It
condones expensive adaptation and integration services. Moreover, by
exaggerating the difficulty of applying IT to defense, this hypothesis
legitimizes the ceding of government responsibility. It implies that
the challenge of managing, adapting, and integrating IT into military
capabilities is so daunting for DOD that it must be left to defense

Profiles in Protecting the Status Quo: The Voice of the DIB

Misconceptions About the Defense Industry (National DefenseJuly 2006,, authored by Larry Farrell, president of the National Defense
Industrial Association, is representative of defense industry's
world-view. Farrell, a retired USAF Lieutenant General, doesnt believe
the American people understand the importance of his industry to
national security. He thinks that the defense industry needs to get out
there and tell its story because it will be critically important with
the coming resource crunch, when the Defense Department will have to
justify acquisitions and force structure costs against calls for
reallocation of resources to other national needs. OK, fair enough.
But what kind of story will the American public get?

He divines that the first thoughts that come to the public mind when
asked about the DIB are $600 toilet seats, $400 hammers (actually they
were $450 a piece), war profiteering, Eisenhowers oft cited
military-industrial complex thesis, scandals, and reports critical of
the DIB. Naturally, Farrell blames the media for faulty reporting on
the $600 toilet seat part and $450 hammers.

The NDIA president takes the reader back to World War I and proclaims
that the only things we took to war [WWI] that were truly American
made were the Springfield rifles and our fighting spirits. Huh?

It is true that US artillery pieces appeared late in the conflict and
that the US had to buy aircraft and other weaponry from the British and
French. The US Navy fought in WWI, at least according to the US Army
and Navy historical offices. In 1916, American-made Navy destroyers,
six of them, were escorting British cargo ships to protect the Brits
from German submarine attacks. A US Navy Admiral, William Sims,
convinced the British Admiralty to change its ship formations to a
convoy pattern. In the end, 37 US destroyers participated in the effort
significantly reducing cargo losses to the German U-Boats.

American made ships--one produced by Newport News Shipbuilding,
the USS Fanning (DD 37)and the the other by William Cramp & Sons, the
USS Nicholson (DD 52), sunk a U-Boat in 1917. And, in quite a feat of
industrial production, 1200 American-made M1917 Browning machine guns
were used late in WWI.

Its worth noting an event of latter day that was putting some strain
on the US Army in 1916. The US Army had its attention focused on the
Mexican border. The American public was more concerned about securing
the Mexican border from the likes of Pancho Villa (attack on Columbus,
NM killed 25 Americans) than war in Europe. At the height of the
Mexican Campaign, some 150,000 national guard troops were deployed
along the US and Mexico border with another 8,000 US Army infantry led
by General John Pershing.

In the editorial, Farrell attempts mightily to challenge the stigma of
war profiteer, but his argument about the tough allocation of
resources ends in language that is precisely that of a war profiteer
hunting for profits in the midst of resource scarcity. This
argumentfocused as it is on the corporate interest, ignores the
lifetime-care costs for the some 18,356 wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq
(and, one supposes, hundreds more wounded during Special Operations and
intelligence activities all over the globe). The pay raises, increases
in housing allowances and medical benefits over the past few years, for
those in the military that matter most, are paltry compared with the
bonuses, stock options and salary increases received by DIB leaders,
and their partners throughout the national security machinery.

Finally, the American public doesn't hear too much about the Lockheed
Martin contracts to upgrade Chinese air traffic control systems. We
Never Forget Who We Work For, says Lockheed. Boeing recently deployed
the Sea Based X-Band radar system that's floating off the coast of
Hawaii. The platform for that technological marvel was built by Vyborg
Shipping, a Russian firm. Is it really North Korea the Missile Defense
people are interested in, or is it the Russian arsenal?

Will the story defense industry provides be the complete or redacted

Full Spectrum Corruption

According to Cray and Drutman, the growth of private military firms
and corporate intelligence contractors in the past decade has created
additional profit-making pressures on national security policymaking
processes. Interlocking relationships exist between the largest defense
contractors and the Pentagonincluding corporate representation on key
defense planning boards, and the regular passage of Pentagon and
industry personnel through the proverbial revolving door; that is, to
the private sector companies that they formerly oversaw.

The result is a steady stream of abusive contracting practices and a
potentially dangerous distortion of American national security
objectives. Another result of defense contractors influence over
Congress and defense policy boards is a long-term commitment to the
development of high-tech weapons systems that only specific contractors
are able to produce. These weapons systems arguably have little to do
with preventing acts of terrorismone of the nations current greatest
security concerns.

The interlocking relationships referred to by Cray and Lutman have led
to spectacular levels of corruption. Convictions, resignations,
investigations and ethically challenged actions plague the national
security machinery. More bad news from the expanding Randy Duke
Cunningham investigation is likely to further rock the decrepit system.

Some of the more troubling public cases include William H. Swanson,
Chairman and CEO of Raytheon, who lifted major portions of his book
Unwritten Rules from another author. He was censored and had his
paycheck cut by the Raytheon Board of Directors. Randy Duke
Cunningham, former US Congressman and Chair of the US House
Intelligence Subcommittee, is serving an 8.4 year sentence in federal
prison for fraud and taking bribes. Jerry Lewis, the Chair of the US
House Appropriation Committee, is under investigation by the FBI.
Porter Goss, former US Congressman and CIA Director is also the subject
of an FBI investigation. In May 2006, Reuters reported that the FBI was
investigating allegations that four star USAF Generals Michael Moseley
and John Jumper helped to steer a Thunderbird contract (the USAF
equivalent of the US Navy's Blue Angels stunt flying team) to a friend,
retired USAF General Hal Hornburg, who once commanded the Thunderbirds.

Cray is also the Director of Corporate Watch (, an
invaluable tool for tracking the activities of the players in the DIB.
His group reported on what, perhaps, is one of the more frightening
trends for US national security: the commercialization of the uniformed
military services to the point where distinguishing between corporate
operative and uniformed government employee is impossible.

Corporate Watch reports that, One of Raytheon's more secretive
subsidiaries is E-Systems, whose major clients have historically been
the CIA and other spy agencies like the National Security Agency and
the National Reconnaissance Office. An unnamed Congressional aide told
the Washington Post once that the company was 'virtually
indistinguishable' from the agencies it serves. Congress will ask for a
briefing from E- Systems and the (CIA) program manager shows up, the
aide is quoted as saying. 'Sometimes he gives the briefing. They're

What is the US Military? What is being Defended?

Ultimately, the entire national security apparatus is going to have to
make some decisions. Is it country before agency? Is it profit before
country? Is it the US Congress saying No to campaign contributions?
P.W. Singer, who monitors the DIB for the Brookings Institution, put
the issue into perspective.

The final dilemma raised by the extensive use of private contractors
involves the future of the military itself. The armed services have
long seen themselves as engaged in a unique profession, set apart from
the rest of civilian society, which they are entrusted with securing.
The introduction of private military firms, and their recruiting from
within the military itself, challenges that uniqueness and the military
professional identity. Its monopoly on certain activities is being
encroached on by the regular civilian marketplace.

On Singer's latter point, the civilian and active duty US military
leadership is aggressively encouraging the commercial marketplace to
take on more military functions. That tactic is being pursued not just
for cost savings (dubious as those might be), but also to avoid public
oversight and the fallout that would come from being accountable for
improprieties ranging from over-billing to the developing of torture

And what about the status of the USA, its people and its infrastructure
that the national security apparatus is supposed to be defending? A day
may come when there is not much worth fighting for.. The FBI reports
that violent crime increased in 2005 to its highest rate in 15 years.
The American Society of Civil Engineers says it'll take almost $2
trillion to repair water systems, roads, schools and electrical grids.
Nobel Laureate Joe Stiglitz says the total costs of the current Iraq
War will cost another $2 trillion. The Catholic Conference for Human
Development indicates that 37 million Americans live in poverty. The US
Census Bureau reports that 45 million Americans can't afford health
insurance. On top of that, add a trillion dollars to fully repair
hurricane-damaged New Orleans, Louisiana, and cover the costs of
neighboring state governments as they absorb hundreds of thousands of
displaced Americans from New Orleans. Federal debt, and personal debt
is at record levels. The home-front is decaying.

Public good, and the ideals it is based on, must trump private greed.
If not, what's the point of this Republic?

John Stanton is a Virginia based writer specializing in political and
national security matters. His last book is titled A Power But Not
Super. Reach him at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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For media inquiries:

) Copyright John Stanton,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 11, 2006 5:30:39 AM EST
To: Pine Ponderosa <>

Subject: Magic mushrooms can induce mystical effects, study finds
11 July 2006 19:28

Mushrooms Can Induce Mystical Effects, Study Finds

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Published: 11 July 2006

A universal mystical experience with life-changing effects can be
produced by the hallucinogen contained in magic mushrooms, scientists
claim today.

Forty years after Timothy Leary, the apostle of drug-induced mysticism,
urged his hippie followers to "tune in, turn on, and drop out",
researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, have
for the first time demonstrated that mystical experiences can be
produced safely in the laboratory. They say that there is no difference
between drug-induced mystical experiences and the spontaneous religious
ones that believers have reported for centuries. They are
"descriptively identical".

And they argue that the potential of the hallucinogenic drugs, ignored
for decades because of their links with illicit drug use in the 1960s,
must be explored to develop new treatments for depression, drug
addiction and the treatment of intolerable pain.

Anticipating criticism from church leaders, they say they are not
interested in the "Does God exist?" debate. "This work can't and won't
go there."

Interest in the therapeutic use of psychedelic drugs is growing around
the world. In the UK, the Royal College of Psychiatrists debated their
use at a conference in March for the first time in 30 years. A
conference held in Basel, Switzerland, last January reviewed the
growing psychedelic psychiatry movement.

The drug psilocybin is the active ingredient of magic mushrooms which
grow wild in Wales and were openly sold in London markets until a
change in the law last year.

For the US study, 30 middle-aged volunteers who had religious or
spiritual interests attended two eight-hour drug sessions, two months
apart, receiving psilocybin in one session and a non-hallucinogenic
stimulant, Ritalin, in the other. They were not told which drug was

One third described the experience with psilocybin as the single most
spiritually significant of their lifetimes and two thirds rated it
among their five most meaningful experiences.

In more than 60 per cent of cases the experience qualified as a "full
mystical experience" based on established psychological scales, the
researchers say. Some likened it to the importance of the birth of
their first child or the death of a parent.

The effects persisted for at least two months. Eighty per cent of the
volunteers reported moderately or greatly increased well-being or life
satisfaction. Relatives, friends and colleagues confirmed the changes.

The study is one of the first in the new discipline of "neurotheology"
- the neurology of religious experience. The researchers, who report
their findings in the online journal Psychopharmacology, say that their
aim is to explore the possible benefits drugs like psilocybin can
bring. Professor Roland Griffiths of the department of neuroscience and
psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, said: "As a reaction to the excesses of
the 1960s, human research with hallucinogens has been basically frozen
in time.

"I had a healthy scepticism going into this. [But] under defined
conditions, with careful preparation, you can safely and fairly
reliably occasion what's called a primary mystical experience that may
lead to positive changes in a person. It is an early step in what we
hope will be a large body of scientific work that will ultimately help

A third of the volunteers became frightened during the drug sessions
with some reporting feelings of paranoia. The researchers say
psilocybin is not toxic or addictive, unlike alcohol and cocaine, but
that volunteers must be accompanied throughout the experience by people
who can help them through it.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 14, 2006, 1:00:02 PM7/14/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 14, 2006

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Israel 'Is Using Chemical Ammunition' in Gaza
by Duraid Al Baik
July 13, 2006
Gulf News

Dubai: A doctor at a Palestinian hospital has accused Israel of using a
type of chemical ammunition which causes burns and injuries in soft
tissue and cannot be traced by X-ray.

Chemical or depleted uranium could have been used in producing the new
type of ammunition according to Dr Jomaa Al Saqqa, head of the
Emergency Unit at Gaza's main medical facility, the Al Shifa Hospital.

In a telephone interview, Al Saqqa told Gulf News that operation Summer
Rain was not just the code name of a military operation launched by
Israel against Gaza since June 26.

"It is a live exercise on a new ammunition that, so far, has resulted
in killing 50 Palestinians and injuring 200," he said.

He said he was not yet sure about the kind of chemical being used
because the Israeli Army had bombed the only criminal laboratory in
Gaza on the first day of the assault.

Dr Saqqa who has been working in the Al Shifa Hospital for almost 10
years said he had never seen such wounds before.

At the beginning of the Summer Rain operation I noticed that people's
wounds looked strange.

I thought it was just because the attack was from a close distance or
that the temperature of bullets penetrating the bodies of injured or
killed people were so high they were causing burns.

I later found out that all wounds referred to the hospital since the
start of the operation were very similar.

"I also noticed that despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the
bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In
other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body."

Al Saqqa urged the international health authorities to come to Gaza and
check the wounds of people in Al Shifa Hospital.

"The situation is very bad because out of the 200 injuries there are 50
children who are suffering badly because of their internal wounds
caused by the new kind of ammunition," he said.

Gulf News contacted the spokesman for the Israeli Army but he was not
available for comment

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Duraid Al Baik, Gulf News, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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US Intelligence Ties to Mumbai 7/11
by Larry Chin
July 14, 2006

Online Journal

On July 11, eight bombs exploded aboard commuter trains in Mumbai,
killing 190 people. No group has come forward claiming responsibility.
But according to mainstream coverage, such as the yesterday's report in
the San Francisco Chronicle by Anna Badkhen, the prime suspects are
militant Islamic groups with ties to Pakistan."

What the mainstream press fails to report is the direct connection
between the terrorist groups they name, and Pakistan's Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI) -- a virtual branch of the American CIA. This in
turn leads back to the same (alleged al-Qaeda) apparatus also
responsible for the Bush administrations 9/11 and other post-9/11
terror events.

Saeed Omar Shiekh and the ISI

The San Francisco Chronicle report, perhaps unwittingly, provides a
damning trail directly back to possible covert Anglo-American

It quotes the Times of India, which cites Indian intelligence sources
saying that two radical Muslim groups are behind the attacks, one of
them based in Pakistan, which has fought two wars with India over
Kashmir. That group, the newspaper reported is the Pakistan-based
militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba, or Army of the Pure . . . The other
group . . . is the Students Islamic Movement of India, which has been
in a loose alliance with Lashkar-e-Toiba.

The Chronicle report also offers this: In Washington, a US official
who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity pointed to
another group, Jaish-e-Mohammed, or Army of Mohammed, which is also
affiliated with al-Qaeda, according to the Bush administration.
Targeting trains at rush hour traffic is a tactic Jaish-e-Mohammed
favors, the official said.

The US government has designated Jaish-e-Mohammed a terrorist
organization. One of its members, Shiekh Omar Sayed, has been sentenced
to death for the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002.

Michel Chossudovsky has exposed this network, including the two groups
named. Through the ISI, a branch of the CIA, US-allied Pakistan has
promoted secessionist movements in India for decades. The ISI has been
instrumental in the creation and ongoing guidance of the militant
Islamic groups, including al-Qaeda terror cells.

From Chossudovskys groundbreaking book, Americas War on Terrorism
[my emphasis in italics-LC]:

The December 2001 terrorist attacks on the Indian parliament -- which
contributed to pushing India and Pakistan to the brink of war -- were
conducted by two Pakistan-based rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of
the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), both of which are
covertly supported by Pakistans ISI. The timely attack on the Indian
parliament, followed by the ethnic riots in Gujarat in early 2002, were
the culmination of a process initiated in the 1980s, financed by drug
money and abetted by Pakistans military intelligence.

"Needless to say, these ISI-supported terrorist attacks serve the
geopolitical interests of the US. They not only contribute to weakening
and fracturing the Indian Union, they also create conditions which
favor the outbreak of a regional war between Pakistan and India.

Attributing the incident to a Saeed Omar Shiekh-affiliated group also
brings us full circle to the original 9/11 al-Qaeda network, which,
in turn has been exposed as a US military intelligence apparatus.

Here is Michael C. Ruppert, from his book Crossing the Rubicon, on Omar
Saeed Shiekh [my emphasis in italics-LC]:

He is variously known also by the names of Ahmad Umar Shiek, Ahmad
Omar Saeed Shiekh, and Umar Shiekh. He was raised and educated in
London, and by whatever name he is known, it has been acknowledged that
he was an ISI agent. When the Times of India revealed that by examining
his cell phone records (obtained through Indian intelligence services)
they could prove that he was the leg man who had wired $100,000 to
Mohammed Atta in Florida just days before the [9/11] attacks, they did
not know that he was going to be arrested and convicted for the murder
of [Daniel] Pearl. It was the cell phone records, among other things,
that tied Shiekh directly to the ISI. And before this link to the ISI
Chief General Mahmoud Ahmad became known and corroborated by major US
papers, the American press had been setting him up as the number one
al-Qaeda bag man.

The ISI connection changed all that and became a liability for the US

Finally, as Ruppert noted, with so much damning evidence stacking up
to suggest that the CIA had actually helped to finance the 9/11
attacks, there was nothing left for the mainstream press to do but
engage in a game of confusion.

This game of confusion was analyzed by Chaim Kupferbergs in 9/11 and
the Smoking Gun that Turned on its Tracker (Part One and Part Two),
another analysis that leaves no doubt about US/Bush administration
involvement behind 9/11, and CIA connections to al-Qaeda."

Bottom line: if the Mumbai attacks can be attributed to the ISI, a
branch of the CIA, and the same al-Qaeda terror groups tied to US
military intelligence groups working (either knowingly or guided) by
the Bush administrations intelligence agencies, what purpose did it
serve US interests?

How does the US benefit from a destabilization of India?

A breakout of war between Pakistan and India favors US geostrategy in a
number of ways. The possibilities will undoubtedly be analyzed, in
coming weeks and months.

Broadly, the collapse of the Indio-Pak peace process opens the
political doors for new US military interventions on the Eurasian
subcontinent, and a restrengthening of the US presence on the Eurasian
corridor, (which has, in recent months, been weakened by perceived
failure of the Bush administrations Iraq operation).

The other geopolitical games that benefit from violence in India
include the setup towards any military action in Iran, revived
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the continuing superpower chess
games with China and Russia. The overriding long-term imperative for
all nations, of course, is energy.

As Ruppert notes in Crossing the Rubicon:

If energy demand in China, India and Indonesia is allowed to grow as
much as analysts say it will, then these three countries may well crowd
the rest of the world out of the energy market . . . It is plain that
growing energy demands will bring China, India and Indonesia into
conflict with the developed world. The United States in particular, as
the top world consumer of oil, will likely either have to curb
consumption to make room for other countries or will have to find some
way to curb demands of the emerging energy consumers. Moreover,
competition for diminishing oil resources could threaten the US dollar
hegemony over world oil transactions.

According to Ruppert, the US attitude on India and energy is mixed.
Being so energy-poor, India may have no choice but to take what they
can get," from Pakistan (which, prior to recent violence, was on course
to provide India with access to a proposed Central Asian gas pipeline).
At the same time, it is foreseeable that India . . . may be left to
starve, with much of the third world. Or it is possible that a nuclear
exchange and/or a bloody war could be spurred on between India and
Pakistan strictly for the purpose of population reduction. Such designs
are despicable, but not out of the range of possibilities for starving

Finally, there is also the perennial propaganda imperative on the part
of the Bush administration, and its many allies in the war on
terrorism." All perceived dips in mass public perception of the war on
terrorism have triggered real as well as manufactured-for-media terror
events. The Indian government, not surprisingly, is vowing to battle
terrorism," and issuing statements that repeat time-honored
anti-terrorist rhetoric. And another shell-shocked populace is

A final sickening reality is that Anglo-American-Israeli war on
terror aggression has (by design as well as unintentionally) fomented
and unleashed real terrorism and blowback that can no longer be

In the end, as was the case with 9/11, London 7/7, Bali, and every
other post-9/11 terror calamity, we are left with another horrific
tragedy. But we have also been handed a damning new evidence trail that
leads to suspects in high places with means, motive, opportunity -- and

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Larry Chin, Online Journal, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: John Fitz <>
Date: July 14, 2006 12:08:21 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] THE TRUE 9/11 CRIMINALS ARE STILL AT LARGE


Veronica Chapman - 2006-06-13


Since the FBI has now openly declared that Usama bin Laden has NOT been
formally indicted and charged in connection with the 9/11 attacks
because of a lack of hard evidence, it seems clear the real
perpetrator(s) of this crime is/are still at large.

Therefore, the following tip-off was submitted to the FBI via their
website at 6.40pm GMT yesterday, Monday 12th June, 2006 by a member of
Scholars for 9/11 Truth...


This is a tip-off insofar as it draws your attention to
publicly-available, corroborated, and incontrovertible (or, I believe
in your terms 'hard') evidence, which could form the basis of an
important investigation. I have reason to believe that such an
investigation would in no way be a waste of the FBI's valuable time.

I refer you to respected physicist Prof. Steven E. Jones' paper on the
subject of the collapses of the Towers on 11th September, 2001

If you read Prof. Jones' paper, you will extract the following
information which, in my opinion, needs to be investigated:

1) As a result of the collapses, pools of molten metal were
discovered. You will also read approximate temperatures, indicated by
colouring. It is well-known that as metals are heated their colouring
changes, rendering (visibly) an approximation to their temperature. You
will also find accurate infra-red temperature measurements obtained by
means of satellites. Added to this aspect (i.e. the existence and
temperatures of these pools) is their persistence, at Ground Zero, for
weeks following the events.

2) Neither the original FEMA Investigation, nor the Independent 9/11
Commission, nor the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(nor, indeed, articles in Popular Mechanics, etc.) have addressed this
incontrovertible evidence in any way whatsoever.

Consequently none of these prior investigations has created a
scientifically-conclusive description as to why the Towers collapsed,
how they collapsed in the manner we all saw on television, and (most
importantly) how these residual pools of molten metal could have been
formed. And, furthermore, how the molten metal could have persisted for
up to six weeks following the events.

I suggest that you should apply resources to create a definitive
explanation, which takes all aspects into account, and considers all
possibilities. I believe that the American people, especially the
bereaved, deserve your fullest attention to this.

In addition to the foregoing, I understand that Mayor Giuliani was
instrumental in arranging shipment of the metallic rubble, from the
crime scene to overseas locations, before a serious and stringent
forensic examination could be performed. I understand that the removal
of evidence prior to a complete investigation is a Federal Crime. I
presume that permission for this was given, and that it was done in
order to facilitate rescue operations. However, in concert with others,
I fail to understand why the rubble was not relocated to a secure
location, so that it would remain available for forensic analysis.

I repeat, I believe such an investigation would in no way be a waste of
the FBI's valuable time. I would not have sent this tip if I believed
to the contrary. I am firmly convinced that a stringent investigation
would elicit the following benefits:

a) As of June 5th, 2006, the FBI is on record(*) as admitting there is
insufficient evidence to link Usama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda with the
9/11 atrocity. I believe that a scientifically-consistent explanation
would conclusively rule out any such link once and for all. (*
Reference link:

b) I firmly believe that a scientifically-consistent explanation would
point the FBI clearly in the direction of the true perpetrators.

These are my reasons for supplying this tip. All that is necessary is
to start with the evidence and work backwards, in the same manner that
any crime is normally investigated. I believe I am in possession of
documents that indicate this crime to be perfectly solvable, in
particular the paper to which I initially referred you. To the best of
my knowledge the City of New York has made no effort to investigate on
the basis of the evidence I bring to your attention, and five years
have passed in the meantime.

If this tip-off is not followed up it might suggest to many, both
inside the USA and elsewhere, that your organisation has been
specifically directed NOT to solve these crimes, regardless of
widespread awareness of these facts. For example, mainstream Italian TV
is now debating the collapse of Building 7, and showing side-by-side
comparisons with a known controlled demolition. Here is a reference:

I look forward to a positive response from you in this matter.

Yours faithfully (in the hope that justice is done, and seen to be

Veronica Chapman
Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Last Updated: Friday, 14 July 2006, 10:49 GMT 11:49 UK

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Farmer Suicide Toll Rises
By Zubair Ahmed

BBC News, Mumbai

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Up to 35 poverty-stricken farmers have committed suicide in India's
Maharashtra state despite a government relief package, officials say.

Many cotton farmers in the state are heavily in debt and hundreds have
killed themselves in recent years.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently announced aid worth
nearly $815m (#444m) for the farmers.

But the federal relief has yet to reach those in need and activists
say the farmers need immediate assistance.

Earlier this week, a court asked the Maharashtra state government to
explain why the farmers were still taking their lives despite the
federal government's help.

It asked the administration to give details of relief packages and
post a list of beneficiaries on its website.

Long wait

State officials say they have released more than $222m (#121m) in aid
over the past year to debt-ridden farmers.

But the federal relief package, announced by Mr Singh earlier this
month, is largely meant for projects which will take three to five
years to complete.

More than 600 farmers have committed suicide in the state's Vidarbha
region since June last year.

Campaigners say the farmers are forced to borrow money from
money-lenders to buy seeds and then are thrown into crisis after crops
fail because of drought.

In addition to relief, the farmers are seeking an end to the free
market regime introduced last year following the World Trade
Organisation agreement.


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Lebanese Tremors Rock Syria
by Dahr Jamail
July 14, 2006
Inter Press Service

DAMASCUS, Jul 13 (IPS) - Syrians are outraged over Israeli air strikes
in Lebanon that have killed 53 civilians and closed down Beirut's
international airport.*

Early Thursday morning Israeli air strikes targeted the new Rafiq
al-Hariri international airport. Israeli naval vessels entered
Lebanon's territorial waters and blocked access to ports while its
forces launched an offensive in southern Lebanon against Hezbollah

Hezbollah is a militant group that has long engaged in armed conflict
with Israel. It is believed to be strongest in the south of Lebanon, in
the areas bordering Israel.

The Israeli offensive was launched in response to the killing of eight
Israeli soldiers in clashes with Hezbollah fighters Wednesday near the
border 15km from the Mediterranean. Two Israeli soldiers were taken
hostage. An Israeli soldier had earlier been captured in Gaza.

In an escalation of the conflict, an Israeli woman was killed after
Hezbollah fighters fired rockets across the border into the Israeli
town Nahariya. An Israeli air base was hit by rockets, along with other
towns in the area. Several Israeli civilians have been wounded.

The Israeli military entered Lebanon for the first time since
withdrawing six years ago.

"I doubt you will find one Syrian who will not denounce what Israel is
doing in Gaza, the West Bank and now in Lebanon," independent publicity
consultant Ibrahim Yakhour told IPS. "Syrians believe that what the
Palestinians suffer is what the Syrians suffer."

Yakhour, a 60-year-old retired journalist said political parties in
Syria have been calling for a peaceful political process in the Middle
East for the past 30 years. "But when people are humiliated, attacked
and killed, radical reactions commence which are deleterious to the
political process."

People in Damascus also fear that a regional war may spread to Syria.
"The entire region is now involved," said Emad Huria, a 45-year-old
literary critic. "All Arabs should raise their voices against the
Israeli invasion of Lebanon."

Maher Skandyran, a 37-year-old worker at a watch store in downtown
Damascus said Israeli double standards are making people furious.

"I feel angry. Ninety-five percent of the Palestinian prisoners held by
Israel are innocent civilians, including women and children. Nobody
says a word about this. But when three Israeli armed soldiers are
detained, this is such a big crime, and everyone is outraged. Is this

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said the Israeli soldiers had
been seized to push Israel to release prisoners.

Israel reacted with unexpected aggression. An Israeli military
spokesman told reporters, "Since this morning Israeli naval vessels
have enforced a full naval closure on Lebanon, because Lebanon's ports
are used to transfer both terrorists and weapons to the terror
organisations operating in Lebanon."

Another official said that the attacks had been launched to pressure
the Lebanese government to deal with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah's al-Manar television station in Beirut was bombed. Israel
also bombed several bridges that link southern Lebanon with the rest of
the country.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the action was in response to
"an act of war by the state of Lebanon." His cabinet promised a
response with "appropriate severity."

But the root of the Lebanese problem could lie in the occupation of
Palestinian areas.

"Everything which is happening illustrates the main problem, which is
the Israelis invading and occupying Palestine and taking the land,"
55-year-old local merchant Faez Ashoor told IPS. "When that situation
ends, we will have peace.."

Some of the Syrian anger is directed inevitably at the United States.

"I feel upset because our neighbours like Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine
are being attacked," said Hamad al-Khatib, 26-year-old owner of a
mobile phone store in central Damascus. "Israel doesn't care about
international law. We thought America was peaceful, but we see them
support Israel, which is killing women and children. What are we to
think of America now?"

Syrians are also now worried about themselves, he said. "This Israeli
attack makes all of us feel insecure now. We are all very anxious."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Gorbachev accuses Americans of arrogance; Britain falls out of Love
with America

Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 20:39:18 -0400 (EDT) From: IHR News

Gorbachev: 'Americans Have a Severe Disease'

ABC News

Mikhail Gorbachev is generally regarded as the man who broke down the
"iron curtain" that separated the communist world from the West and
thawed the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Now, 15 years after a coup removed him from power and the Soviet Union
dissolved, he has some stern words for the United States, whose
relationship with Russia has soured lately. ... The former general
secretary of the Soviet Union Communist Party accused Americans of
arrogance and trying to impose their way of life on other nations.
"Americans have a severe disease -- worse than AIDS. It's called the
winner's complex," he said. "You want an American style-democracy here.
That will not work." ==

Britain Falls Out of Love With America

Daily Telegraph (Britain);jsessionid=0VBEQUVQP

There has probably never been a time when America was held in such low
esteem on this side of the Atlantic. A majority of Britons think
American culture and the actions of the present American administration
are making the world a worse place to live in, and almost no one
believes America is now, if it ever was, a beacon to the world. Well
over half of those interviewed regard the US as an imperial power bent
on dominating the world by one means or another. ... Many Americans
like to think of the US as a beacon to the world - as its "last, best
hope". That view is not shared in this country. Only one in nine
Britons, 11 per cent, accepts that view.


U2'S Bono backs videogame with Venezuela invasion theme

Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 23:43:07 -0700 From: Jeff Blankfort

Public campaign to stop the release of videogame "Mercenaries 2"

U2'S Bono backs insidious propaganda: Videogame with Venezuela invasion

BY: US Venezuela Solidarity Network Submitted by vensol on Fri,
- 8:27pm.

WASHINGTON D.C. - U2's Bono, well recognized for his campaigns to
reduce poverty and treat AIDS in Africa is backing a videogame which
promotes the invasion and destruction of Venezuela in order to check "a
power hungry tyrant" who has "seized control of Venezuela and her oil
supply." Bono has failed to respond to concerns raised by the
Venezuelan Solidarity Network about his funding of this project.

"Mercenaries 2: World in Flames," created by Los Angeles based
Pandemic/Bioware Studios, simulates a mercenary invasion of Venezuela
in the year 2007. Pandemic is a subcontractor for the US Army and CIA
funded Institute for Creative Technologies, which uses Hollywood
techniques to mount war simulations in California's high desert in
order to conduct military training. "Mercenaries 2: World in Flames"
simulates destruction in downtown Caracas, and promises to leave no
part of Venezuela untouched.

Elevation Partners is an investment firm that Bono helped create in
order to exploit marketing opportunities between U2 and its fans,
including projects from Pandemic/Bioware Studios. Pandemic states that
as a partner in Elevation Partners, Bono "has visibility into all
projects at Pandemic and Bioware."

Pandemic's target market is young men of military recruitment age and
indeed this is not Pandemic's first military adventure. MSNBC reported
that the videogame "'Full Spectrum Warrior' was created through the
Institute for Creative Technologies in Marina Del Rey, Calif., a $45
million endeavor formed by the Army five years ago to connect academics
with local entertainment and video game industries. The institute
subcontracted work to Los Angeles based Pandemic Studios."

One cannot escape the irony that today, July 5, Venezuela celebrates
its independence -- just one day after the US celebrated its own. The
most enduring aspect of an independent country is assertion of its
sovereignty and demand that the world recognize international laws
protecting that sovereignty. Yet, amid relentless US threats against
Venezuela, a US-based company, Pandemic, which collaborates with the US
Army to promote war, plans to market a videogame which advocates a most
violent violation of Venezuela's sovereignty.

Although Bono remains silent on the matter and Pandemic insists that
"Mercenaries 2: World in Flames" is "a work of fictional entertainment"
and "Venezuela was chosen for the setting of Mercenaries 2 (because it)
is a fascinating and colorful country full of wonderful architecture,
geography and culture," members of the Venezuela Solidarity Network are
appalled by the game's openly racist, interventionist attitude. Says
Chuck Kaufman, of Alliance for Global Justice, "if it's 'just a game'
and it's all about selecting fascinating and colorful locales, why
didn't Pandemic select Dublin or Washington, D.C.? Because people would
be outraged, that's why. Pandemic is simply capitalizing on negative
and inaccurate U.S. press stories about Venezuela and its leader, Hugo
Chavez, in order to make a quick buck. It's another piece of
anti-Venezuelan propaganda that serves only the U.S. military, pure and

Gunnar Gundersen of the Oregon Bolivarian Circle says, "We have family
and friends in Venezuela and many of us have walked and stayed in the
places featured in the war game. To us, these are not just clever
abstract pictures. They are scenes of a place we consider our second
home. Please try to imagine how Venezuelans must feel viewing a bulky,
blonde, military man laying waste to their country, a country that is
finally rising above a 500-year history of oppression and exploitation
by foreign powers."

The Venezuelan Solidarity Network calls for Bono, who has appealed to
the world on many occasions for peace and poverty reduction, to apply
those same values to block the manufacture and distribution of this

For further details or to help with the campaign email Chuck Kaufman

President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 17, 2006, 12:29:58 PM7/17/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 17, 2006

From: "CLG News" <>
Date: July 17, 2006 6:44:28 AM EST
Subject: Israel: Ground forces have entered southern Lebanon

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government
17 July 2006

Breaking: Israel: Ground forces have entered southern Lebanon. 17 Jul

IDF Reserve Infantry Division Called Up 16 Jul 2006 An IDF reserve
infantry division was called up on Sunday to prepare for a possible
ground operation in south Lebanon, according to The Jerusalem Post.
Armored personnel carriers (APCs) and tanks were reportedly moving
north and command posts were being set up along the northern border.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested.
Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:

Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder
and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.

From: "Webster G. Tarpley" <>
Date: July 16, 2006 11:05:57 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Fw: SYNTHETIC TERROR ALERT: State Dept. leaves Americans
sitting ducks in Lebanon

----- Original Message -----
From: Total Information
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:49 AM
Subject: SYNTHETIC TERROR ALERT: State Dept. leaves Americans sitting
ducks in Lebanon

SYNTHETIC TERROR ALERT: State Dept. Leaves Americans Sitting
Ducks in Lebanon


Update from author Webster Tarpley:



Washington DC, July 15 (11 PM EDT) The below hypothesis has received
further corroboration from Fox News Saturday evening. According to
Silva Boghossian, a US citizen stuck in Lebanon interviewed by Greta
van Susteren at 10:25 Eastern Daylight Time, "the US has no plan" for
an effective evacuation of American citizens in Lebanon. According to
Ms. Boghossian, Italian and South African citizens staying in her hotel
were evacuated "two days ago," meaning on Thursday, one day after the
Israeli bombing began on Wednesday morning. Ms. Boghossian said that
she has registered with US consular authorities, but that "nothing had
happened so far." She added that the persons she spoke with were of
undetermined nationality. The hotel where she is staying is now "full
of Americans," Ms. Boghossian told Fox.

All parts of Lebanon are within easy flying distance by helicopter
from sovereign British bases on the nearby island of Cyprus (Larnaka,
etc.) Nothing would be easier than to set up a speedy airlift which
could bring all Americans in Lebanon quickly to safety. Bush, despite
his constant demagogy about protecting the lives of Americans, is
pursuing a policy of flagrant indifference to what happens to these
25,000 American citizens. They are being hung out to dry, left as
sitting ducks for whatever bloody false flag operation may be cooked up
by the Israeli intelligence services. This is criminal negligence
infinitely worse than Katrina, in that any mass casualties among these
Americans will represent a one-way ticket for this entire nation to
World War III, a war which sooner or later will be fought with nuclear
and thermonuclear weapons. A real US president would right now be
warning Israel that it will be held responsible for the lives and
safety of every American in Lebanon. The feckless Bush, totally
isolated in St. Petersburg, is instead focused on showing his
subservience to Olmert. It is therefore up to US public opinion to
demand effective security measures for Americans stranded in Lebanon,
with immediate evacuation to Cyprus or other safe areas. WGT


FOCUS | Lopez Obrador Urges Civil Resistance in Mexico

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the runner-up in Mexico's presidential
election, called on a massive crowd Sunday to commit acts of "peaceful
civil resistance" to force a vote-by-vote recount. Hundreds of
thousands of supporters poured into the Zocalo, chanting: "You are not
alone." Some walked for six days or took long bus rides to attend the
rally after Lspez Obrador called for a nationwide march on the capital.
Mexico City police estimated the crowd at 1.1 million.


NOTE: This piece is rather long but it's a significant one in that it
provides the US left/liberal/progressive community with quite a good
opportunity for understanding how sleazy and ineffective it is of them
to suppress 9/11 Truth info while trumpeting other Bush Junta dastardly
deeds. It's as though they're not even trying to win! -- kl, pp

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 16, 2006 8:09:35 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: In defense of the conspiratorial world view

In Defense of the Conspiratorial World View

by Jay Esbe
July 13, 2006 at 05:46:15

A lot of effort goes into "debunking" conspiracy theories, and
certainly there are many which are absurd, and poorly defended. But the
tendency to find conspiracies to explain events, is anything but rooted
in ignorance.

One of the things which separates man from the rest of the Animal
kingdom, is his intellectual capacity to recognize patterns. A human
being sees a square peg and a square hole, and knows they go together.
A monkey presumably has trouble unless taught.

The tendency to skepticism is not always a sign of intelligence.
Sometimes, when otherwise intelligent people dismiss the connection
between a square peg and a square hole, it's because they've been
conditioned to ignore it. I believe this is the case with much of the
self-proclaimed intellectual elite's disdain for so-called "conspiracy
theories"; people have to be taught, or otherwise pressured not to see
the pattern.

A person who holds a conspiratorial world view, is generally a person
who demands that the world make more sense than he's told it does.
They're someone looking for the laws of cause and effect, the fit
between square peg and square hole, the connectable dots, to justify a
narrative which makes more sense to them than something that doesn't
make sense to them. Now while one may in fact be so stupid, that
ordinary events are inexplicable, the events which generate conspiracy
theories do not usually fall into that category; they are attempting to
explain extraordinary events.

We use the concept of conspiracy every day in our legal system, and
there would be many thousands more criminals walking our streets were
we not to recognize and include the concept of conspiracy in trials.
Yet somehow, a vastly different standard has been applied to certain
historic crimes over the decades when the public demands a logical
explanation for the extraordinary events in question.

Current polls now show that a majority of Americans believe the
government is not telling them the truth about 9-11. That fact now
makes the majority of Americans "conspiracy theorists" regarding the
issue. It is now a minority of the public who believes they were told
the truth by the Bush appointed 9-11 Commission, but such is not the
case among the so-called "mainstream media". It is nearly universally
hostile to any question of a cover-up by the government. Those who need
the world to make sense do not find the disparity between public
opinion and the media elite's contempt for suspicion to be meaningless.
They reasonably look for a vested conflict of interest on the part of
the corporate media to explain why presumably intelligent professionals
go soft in the head, and they do not have to look far to find one; a
media which sits in an unelected advisory capacity to the President of
the United States through the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations),
innumerable "think tanks" funded by corporate interests all assuming a
global model is "inevitable", and directly attached special interests
which include the world's biggest defense contractors raking billions
of dollars in for share holders as they pursue the war profits of 9-11.
People who point out the obvious are not wearing tin foil hats, they're
simply...pointing out the obvious.
Self-proclaimed debunkers pull out every trick in the book to discredit
the now flourishing "9-11 Truth movement"; pointing out the most
improbable theories as though they were representative (straw men),
pointing out the unrelated UFO believers who may also believe them, all
in an attempt to portray "idiocy by association" and to make a soup so
thick with the stench of lunacy, that anyone who dares tread in it is
sullied by association.

But governments exist as de facto conspiracies to control their
peoples, it's only a question of which people need to be controlled.
The government of North Korea exists to protect itself and control it's
population by keeping them in the dark through continual
disinformation. The governments of China, The United Kingdom, Canada,
and the United States, all have one thing in common; despite varying in
the availability of information, they all exist as rival nations with
militaries, presumably military strategies, and a requirement to keep
their own people in the dark to one degree or another if their long
term global military strategy has any chance of succeeding. All one
needs to understand about so-called "conspiracy theories" is that the
only thing in any question when dealing with a nation of significance
on the world stage, is which particular theory fits the conduct. The
conspiracy is a given. But the requirement of secrecy can manifest
itself overtly as in the case of China, or more artfully in the case of
the United States; one nation will take you out and put a bullet in
your head for questioning the regime, the other will simply create a
culture of derision for those who dare to ask the wrong question in the
midst of plenty. It's no coincidence then, that peoples outside any
particular country can more clearly see the dark side of a nation's
agenda than those within it; the Chinese government's primary motive is
to lie about it's own ambitions, just as the United States is. Both the
Chinese and American people probably get the truth more often than not
about each other respectively if the truth is damning of the other, and
almost never if it's good.

Another frequent charge laid against the conspiratorial world view is
that conspiracies of such magnitude take too many people to be probable
or even possible. Nothing could be further from the truth; they
actually take remarkably few people. I'd like to use the American space
program as a good example. To the unthinking, it's simply the space
program, and any given launch of the shuttle has its purpose in nothing
much further than the idea that man has an innate desire to explore.
But applying the conspiratorial view point paints a far more accurate
picture of reality; the space program is in fact a quest by the United
States to control the space above the earth for military purposes, and
any so-called civilian purposes, are only there for public relations
purposes. Now NASA is a conspiracy: how many day to day people are "in
on it" in the usual understanding of the term? Possibly none. No one
needs to be in on it within the agency itself because the autocratic
power structure of the organization and its controlling overseers
precludes--or at the very least--does not require each individual from
knowing the entire mission; they only need to know their job. The
planners in the Pentagon, unseen and un-elected are now free to engage
the macro conspiratorial benefits of the plan, and the workers are
simply people doing their job who mind their own business if they'd
like to keep it. Such I believe was the case with 9-11; a veritable
handful of people in an autocratic top-down human structure, decided to
facilitate the event. The average New York Port Worker who thought it
was suspicious that certain policies were being changed, that cameras
were turned off as the WTC was "powered down" before the attacks only
had the choice to believe it was perhaps curious, or to ask questions
and put their job in jeopardy. This isn't complicated. Like a NASA
employee, he decides it's none of his business, and of course once the
crime has gone down, it's no trick to make him lay awake in fear should
he talk to anyone about the "problems" he saw.

The individuals who participate in deriding so-called conspiracy
theorists, are generally of two ilk; those who've been manipulated into
it through what is commonly referred to as 'peer pressure', and those
whose rabid nationalism is held as a higher value than any possibility
that their nation just might not be the paradigm of moral virtue in a
sea of evil that the evidence tells them it isn't. Some of these people
may even act as conscious gate-keepers if they're individually corrupt
enough as "party loyalists".

Any decent sleuth who witnesses a crime and wants to solve it however,
begins with an open mind and a first question; who stood most to gain
from the crime? Applying this question to September 11th generates some
very immediate exclusions, first among them being the Arab world,
followed by an immediate inclusion: an aging super-power which has
exhausted it's previous colonizations of treasure and which has
suddenly found itself uncomfortably at peace.

Public opinion outside the United States is statistically overwhelming
of the view that the attacks of September 11th were an inside job. It's
not that the rest of the world is worthy of being labeled "paranoid"
that they should have arrived at such a consensus. They are simply not
subject to the social forces and media which would prevent such a first
question and conclusion.

We are currently residing in a kind of peril most Americans are unaware
of. Although the rampant law-breaking of George W. Bush is openly
discussed, the notion that a demonstratedly criminal administration
would commit every crime imaginable and lie about virtually everything
with the sole exception of the one event that enables them to continue
to commit the crimes, is still something which will result in rabid
attacks on anyone who dares to ask the obvious question. The
nationalistic intimidation campaign we've all witnessed after September
11th continues, although crippled by the exposures regarding Iraq and
the so-called "intelligence failures", and 9-11 is the last taboo
question remaining which can still get you fired from your job or
simply ordered off a television news interview if you dare to ask. But
given the magnitude of the crimes in office which have already been
exposed, allowing one's self to be pressured out of asking the hard
questions about September 11th almost eliminates any meaning to any
other recognition by the public of all the other crimes in evidence;
9-11 is the cornerstone of every so-called justification for every
illegal act commited by the administration, overt or occult, and until
9-11 is confronted with the same level of skepticism as WMD in Iraq and
phony claims of "intelligence failure" have been, the American people
are still residing on a fulcrum whose tipping point is in the hands of
a criminal mad-man. The failure of the Democrats to face down ridicule
and to demand answers on the issue has not only crippled their capacity
to stop all of this, but on a day-to-day basis forces them to remain
complicit in the insane foreign policy which naturally resulted from
the biggest crime in history; there is no chance to reverse the course
when the "war on terror" is assumed to be a given. But--of course--if
9-11 was what most of the world believes it was, that war is as phony
as everything else manufactured by the administration and will continue
unquestioned. Once led down the daisy path, the Democrats will once
again have placed themselves in the untenable position of either having
to admit they were duped, or continue to play the Republican game.
Guess which one has immediate undesirable political consequences. If
they couldn't admit regretting their vote for the attack on Iraq on
false pretenses, how in the hell are they going to admit to regretting
the entire last 6 years of the "post 9-11 world"? They're not going to
do it unless dragged kicking and screaming, and at the end of the day,
who else are you going to vote for if they won't admit it?

It is thus that we arrive at the mother of all conspiracies; the myth
of American democracy. It's never existed apart from an onslaught of
propaganda which claims otherwise. It's only a feel-good story line
accepted by most people because they're comfortable amid the wealth
generated by its undemocratic foreign policy. As usual, the people with
the most are the people which have the most to lose by questioning the
regime. There's no need for a conscious conspiracy, not when an
unconscious or negligent complicity with the status quo will suffice.
It will and it does.

The culture of derision against the conspiratorial world view has real
consequences today. If 9/11 was in fact the inside job so much evidence
indicates that it was, unless that evidence is taken seriously, we risk
continuing down a path that has no basis in reality. Self-proclaimed
debunkers are fond of the axiom "Extraordinary claims require
extraordinary proof". If this is true, then do not extremely serious
accusations warrant extremely serious investigations? But the majority
of Democrats and independent voters in this country who oppose the
innumerable abuses of power undertaken by the Bush administration are
in fact only hurting themselves when they fall victim to the debunker's
tactics to dissuade them from further examining the evidence for
government complicity. They want a new administration, but one
competent to carry out the "war of terror". This is the strict
equivalent of the people of NAZI Germany who opposed Hitler, wanting a
new leader to deal with the Jews' burning of the Reichstag. The bottom
line on 9-11 is that if you don't know the truth, everything you do
based upon the lie is going to be dead wrong.

There also exists a school of thought by too many in the opposition,
that although 9-11 smells bad to them, they can not successfully oppose
the Republican agenda by talking about it, fearing that the right will
hammer them with charges of "conspiracy whackos" if they do. And indeed
they will, for those who've spoken out are excoriated by responses that
the term "hysterical" is not too strong to describe. Witness one Jeremy
Glick's appearance on the O'Reilly factor as exemplary of the kind of
treatment one can expect if they publicly implicate the government. But
as long as the opposition allows itself to be cowed by these kind of
tactics, they will remain crippled; forced to acknowledge the need for
a "war on terror", their representatives pressured to support an agenda
the nature of which always entraps them. Like their disastrous vote to
allow Bush to attack Iraq, each step down the daisy path makes any
chance of political extrication for the so-called "mistake"
increasingly difficult, creating a political calculus of maintained
artifice vs. "I went along to get along". As to which decision is
chosen, we don't have to guess.

It may well be that we are so far down this ruinous path based on our
own subjection to government deception that there is no longer any
possibility of escape. We've started two major wars, alienated the
entire world community, and provoked nations which are actually capable
of causing us great harm, all on account of an event which may well
have been done to us as the pretense to empire it appears to be, by our
own government. Unless the point of origin for all of this is actually
seriously investigated, and suspects questioned under oath, America's
fate appears to have a good chance of becoming the nightmare so many of
us are having. If 9-11 was accomplished by people inside our own
government, the magnitude of this crime is going to define the quanta
of desperation on the part of those responsible as these subsequent
events go from bad to worse. These may well be people who've already
gone so far, that they will do anything to avoid exposure, including
starting a global thermonuclear war to eliminate their would be

I happen to believe that 9-11 was an inside job. That has many possible
definitions, ranging from TLIHOP (they let it happen on purpose) to
TMIHOP (they made it happen on purpose). I believe the attacks were
actually orchestrated by government operatives in conjunction with
other nations, including Pakistan. I don't believe this because I want
to, I don't. No one does. I believe this because despite my natural
desire to see the bad guys paraded before me immediately after the
attacks, the "official story" has a counterpart narrative which is far
more credible, both in respect to 9-11 itself, and the historical
patterns of deception engaged in by this government over the decades.
Anyone who doesn't believe that high-ranking officials within the
United States government do not conspire to harm the people of the
United States as a pretense for military actions, is someone denying
facts, not "theories". From the Tuskegee Experiment, Operation
Northwoods, The Gulf of Tonkin, LSD experiments on unknowing subjects,
prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, to the overt lies about weapons of
mass destruction as pretense to occupy Iraq, and so many more, the
government has demonstrably acted in accordance with the charge of
conspiracy. These are not "theories". So what's really appears to be a
theory? The notion of the pattern continuing, or the notion of the
pattern being interrupted, all evidence to the contrary aside? There
does come a point at which when the record is examined, there is cause
to abandon the presumption of innocence as a finding precluding further
investigation. What can one really say when those who opposed any
independent investigation into 9-11 and attempted to block it, then
refused to testify under oath? Only a fool or someone who's had their
brain washed one too many times fails to find their suspicion. But that
is in fact the pitiable condition which most Americans find themselves
in as they're lead ever further down the path to global Armageddon on
the foundation of an official story told by those who so much evidence
and history points to as perpetrators of the biggest mass murder in

It is not my purpose here to recount the various theories which have
been set forth by those who believe the government's hand is behind
September 11th. Some are more plausible than others, and some are
inevitably way off the mark. It is the climate of repression, the
psychology of a national condition which is being imposed which I hope
to shed light on, by exposing the fundamental falsity of those who
would immediately leap to defend the government against the basic
charge. Those who would do so find their best defense to be an
engagement in debate over the details of the most improbable theories
set forth, chosen by them to distract from the bigger picture they
intend to obfuscate. Their success at this is only temporary, for
eventually, a generation or two down the road when the paradigm no
longer requires the cover-up, their shrieking at their exposure fades,
and sure enough, we find out that the cover-up alleged, was rightly
alleged. The problem we currently face however is that given the global
nature of this conspiracy's impact, and the lethality of the weapons
being readied, we can not afford to keep our heads in the sand until a
new generation uncovers the crime; there just might not be a tomorrow
if the lie is not challenged today.

To deny conspiracy simply because it's conspiracy is to deny a
fundamental truth about human nature; We desire, we covet. And with
desire begins the quest to seek advantage for gain. Human beings
conspire all the time, every day. Those who exclude people in positions
of power have twice engaged in an absurdity; they've denied human
nature, and they've denied it in those most capable of acting. The
person willing to embrace the conspiratorial world view derives no
comfort in it, on the contrary, it's very uncomfortable. The motive
therefore does not exist on the side of the conspiracy theorist, but
with those who dismiss him. History has not been kind to them.
"Conspiracy" explains the world, it's actors and human events better
than randomness and it always has. Who covets? Who stood to gain? Who
stood to lose? Who attempts to excuse themselves from cross
examination? These are not questions generated by well placed tin-foil
hats, nor are otherwise natural suspicions which arise when they're
answered. To take the conspiratorial world view is simply to engage in
reason as evidence presents itself in the light of known history.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 16, 2006 8:04:01 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Very good article on media control by Israel.

Very good article on media control by Israel. If no organization
challenges Israel, none of us will ever know what happens inside
Jerusalem once the wall that is being built around the West Bank is
completed. Everybody who is non-Jewish will simply be kicked out and
their properties in Jerusalem will be transferred to Israel. I
personally have Palestinian Christian and Muslim friends who have
already been kicked out of their home and lands (which they legally
own) in Jerusalem and are simply unable to get back into the West Bank.

Covering Up Gaza

The state of Israel, fearful of the truth, continues to control media
coverage of its brutal occupation, writes Jonathan Cook* From:
Cherifa Sirry

One early and easy victory for Israel in Gaza has been in its battle to
manage the news. Israel's invasion is a very private war against Gaza's
population, to which only invited guests -- the representatives of our
major media outlets -- are being given access.

In the last Iraq war, America set a precedent by requiring Western
reporters to "embed" with its forces before they were let near the
battlefield. Israel is following suit, adopting similar measures to
control the flow of bad news from Gaza.

The restrictions on who can report and what they can tell us explain in
part why more than a fortnight after an Israeli soldier was captured,
almost every Western reporter is still referring to him as "kidnapped";
why the destruction of vital civilian infrastructure such as Gaza's
only power plant is described as "pressure" rather than what it is --
collective punishment, a violation of international law and a war
crime; and why the deaths of large numbers of Palestinians, civilians
and militants, in the current attacks are receiving far less coverage
than the deaths of the two soldiers enforcing the occupation that gave
Israel the pretext to launch its invasion.

Gaza -- a giant open-air prison -- could not offer a more perfect
environment for an occupier wanting to manage the news. Israel controls
the borders and can decide who is allowed in and who is refused access.
Freedom of the press is meaningless on these terms.

Israel developed its own "embedding" strategy during the disengagement
from Gaza last year. Only journalists from the big news organisations
were allowed into the Strip, on special army buses that drove straight
to the settlements. Those without accreditation from the main media
organisations, and those who had upset Israel with their previous
reports, had little hope of gaining entry. Disfavoured journalists were
doubtless supposed to take note for next time, and change the tone of
their coverage.

The big media organisations have no interest in pointing out why they
have special access to Gaza and at what price such privileges were
bought. An admission from them would hint at some of the subtle
pressures already influencing their reporting and might expose the cosy
arrangement that offers them a monopoly on the flow of information at a
time when they are already feeling the heat from the rise of Internet
journalism not subject to the agendas of wealthy owners and corporate

Israel's system of embedding operates at two levels: it ensures that
many potential journalists are not in a position to report from Gaza;
and then it imposes a range of pressures on those journalists who are

When Israel withdrew its settlers and soldiers from Gaza last August,
the windfall was that it gained absolute control over who was allowed
in and out of the tiny sliver of land on the Mediterranean coast. The
result: just as Palestinians find it all but impossible to get out of
Gaza, foreigners find it nearly as difficult to get in.

The hermetic sealing off of Gaza follows a series of steps taken by
Israel in the past few years to discourage foreigners from venturing
into places where its soldiers prefer to go about their business

In late 2002 and 2003 the Israeli army killed two peace activists with
the International Solidarity Movement, Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie.
It was a very effective deterrent to other activists -- as well as
freelance journalists who might be mistaken for activists --
considering living in the occupied territories.

Foreigners stopped "embedding" themselves in Palestinian areas, and in
consequence there was a rapid loss of the Internet diaries of life
under occupation and eyewitness accounts that were creating a fledgling
but useful "alternative journalism".

Since then Israel has been on the lookout for anyone at its borders
whom it suspects of belonging to peace organisations or being recruited
to work in Palestinian organisations. Non-Israelis are held for lengthy
questioning and usually deported if Israel suspects them of planning to
enter the occupied territories, whether their purposes are legitimate
or not.

As a result, the West Bank and Gaza are now sorely deprived of the
young idealists and hopeful journalists who once travelled around the
occupied territories.

Israel has claimed that its measures are designed to protect these
individuals and its own soldiers from unnecessary and dangerous
confrontations. But in practice, Israel has ensured that independent
witnesses -- including those that were once able to describe at first
hand and in their many native tongues the horrors being inflicted on
the Palestinians -- are now largely absent from the occupied

Instead "professional" reporters, based in Israel, venture into these
areas only to report after the event, when the best they can hope to
achieve is to present two conflicting narratives: the Israeli official
version and Palestinian eyewitness accounts.

Since the disengagement, the process of isolating Gaza has intensified,
ensuring that a far narrower range of voices are being heard -- in
practice, only those of professional journalists who have the
sensitivities of their news desks back home and their careers to worry

With an electronic fence surrounding Gaza on three sides, and the sea
on the fourth, the only way into the Strip is through one of several
crossing points controlled by the army. Where once journalists could
freely roam around the occupied territories, reporting things as they
saw them, they are now required to jump through several hoops before
they are allowed to cross into Gaza.

So how does Israel's version of embedding work?

First, to get into Gaza a journalist must be in possession of a press
card issued by the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO). All other
journalist cards -- even international ones -- are worthless in the
eyes of the Israeli government.

To be eligible for a GPO card, applicants must have accreditation with
a recognised media organisation. Freelance reporters and photographers
are considered to be impostors unless they can prove that they have an
assignment from just such an accredited organisation.

The problems for freelance journalists are twofold. First, Israel
decides which organisations are accredited and is likely to reject any
"alternative" media that has been too critical of Israel in the past.

And second, Israel makes it impossible for freelancers to do in Gaza
what they would do in any other conflict zone: head off with an open
mind to see what is happening on the ground. Now, the freelance
journalist must have a specific assignment in mind, and have an
agreement in advance with a media organisation to cover that assignment
in its name.

These conditions severely limit the freedom of freelance reporters and
photographers to find stories that the main media organisations have
overlooked. In practice, if a freelance journalist can get such an
assignment (in itself a difficult task), it is likely to be for one of
the stories the news desk thousands of miles away considers to be
important: that is, the same stories the rest of the media pack are
already pursuing. Innovation and difference of perspective are excluded
from the outset.

Those journalists who do manage to gain a GPO card then have to jump
through a second hoop: they must sign a "waiver" form, exonerating
Israel of all responsibility if they are injured while in the Gaza
Strip, including from the actions of the Israeli army.

The effect of the waiver is to impose a large financial burden on
freelance journalists. While media organisations provide their staff
with war insurance, an armoured car, and a flak jacket and helmet, they
do not feel the same obligation towards freelancers, even those on
assignment for them.

This leaves freelance reporters and photographers in Gaza in an
unenviable position: either they protect themselves in the Strip at a
huge personal cost they are unlikely ever to recoup from their
reporting, or they risk injury for which no one can be held accountable
and made to pay.

Even if it can be proven that an Israeli soldier took a malicious shot
of the kind that in the past killed filmmaker James Miller and UN
official Iain Hook and destroyed most of face of activist Brian Avery,
freelance journalists and their families will not be entitled to a
penny of compensation.

It can be assumed that this measure alone has been a serious
deterrence for many freelance journalists who might otherwise have
considered making a name for themselves by reporting from the Gazan

And then there is the third and most problematic hoop of all.
Reporters who receive a GPO card must agree to submit any reports that
touch on "defence and security" matters to Israel's military censor.
Although in practice few Western reporters refer to the censor, the
knowledge that they are breaking the terms of their agreement -- and
could have their privileges withdrawn -- is intended to encourage
"self- restraint" on their part.

As long as the journalists' reports don't attract too much attention
from the Israeli authorities, this term of their contract with the army
is unlikely to be enforced. If they keep their heads down, and stay
within the pack, there is no danger they will be "picked off". By
contrast, distinctiveness and daring from journalists is a recipe for
incurring the wrath of the Israeli Press Office and complaints to the
reporters' editors.

The most shocking aspect to this embedding of the media with the
Israeli army is the silence from the journalists themselves, from their
employers and from their professional federations. None has tried to
challenge the restrictions imposed by Israel on those wishing to report
from the occupied territories.

The generally dismal standard of reporting during the invasion of Gaza
has proven just how much a cosy club of well-paid journalists are being
protected by these arrangements and what little incentive they have to
rock the boat with either Israel or their news editors. As a result,
Israel's language and agenda have come to dominate the coverage.

Israel's invasion of Gaza is not the end of this story of media
complicity. As the West Bank wall nears completion, Israel's reach in
managing the news will soon extend there too. And with it, doubtless,
we will have yet more craven reporting from our embedded media.

* The writer is a journalist based in Nazareth and author of Blood and
Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State , published
recently by Pluto Press.

From: ufka <>
Date: July 16, 2006 7:59:54 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>


Myspace Hack spreading like wildfire: SPAIRLKAIFS

Well, well. Somebody has managed to hack with a flash based
redirect that exploits what is apparently a gaping wide hole in the
Myspace code. If you are signed into Myspace, and you go to a friends
page, and then find yourself redirected to a blog post containing a
diatribe about how the United States government is behind the 9/11
attacks, then your account has been hacked, and everyone who visits
your page will be infected!! Yes, it's true, at least for now -
everybody who visits an infected profile while signed into their
Myspace account will have their page hijacked!

[snip = continue reading at]:


Sunday, 16 July 2006

Written by Albert Bates

Editor's note: This disturbing report by a climate-change authority
elicited this response at Culture Change: "Oh F_ _ _!" The subject
matter here is also the basis of the new NBC television special report
narrated by Tom Brokaw, "Global Warming: What You Need to Know." The
difference between Brokaw's approach and the following report is that
NBC says there is a centuries-long process, such that there is time to
get our act together; whereas, Bates points out that a sea level rise
of several feet can happen in one season - a sudden, catastrophic
change. This article is being printed in the next issue of The
Permaculture Activist magazine, Fall 2006.

- Jan Lundberg, July 16, 2006

Between the Ice and Ocean

In Jared Diamonds Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed,
there is an oft-quoted tale of the early Greenland settlers. For
whatever religious or cultural reasons, they simply refused to adapt
their European customs of food, habitation and land use to either the
traditions of the well-adjusted and resourceful native populations or
the necessities brought about by sudden climate change. Instead, they
went extinct.

Ironically, the early Greenlanders went extinct because they could not
tame their land to match their ways of living. They died and the ice
prevailed. Today, it is the ice that is dying and the humans who are
seeming to prevail. I say seeming, because the ice is not really
going very far. It is becoming ocean. We might beat some ice. We wont
beat the ocean.

There is an unseen edge at the phase change that freshwater goes
through on millennial timescales. Until now that edge hasnt been
particularly important to humans because it was invisible, and because
its change was so, well, glacial. Both of those attributes are
disappearing and our science is only just coming to grips with what
that means. For the one billion humans and the many more wild creatures
who inhabit coastal plains and shorelines, the importance of far-away
ice, it seems, will be very significant indeed.

The Greenland ice sheet is two miles thick and about the expanse of
Mexico. Deep in its core are memories of snowfalls a quarter million
years ago, including the ice record of 20 sudden climate changes in the
past 110,000 years. To say that Greenland holds the key to the climate
of Europe is not an understatement. The freshwater resource entombed in
Greenlands snows, if loosed into the North Atlantic, could slow the
deep ocean conveyor that regulates weather for much of the world.

The snows of Greenland have been compacted into ice so thick that its
weight compresses the bedrock below, pushing it below sea level in some
interior valleys. But that weight is now lifting.

Around the rim of snow is an isotherm that marks the zone where summer
and winter have historically tussled: the thaw-mark scientists call the
equilibrium line. What had been a narrow band in the 1970s is now at
its broadest since recordkeeping began.

Satellite gravity measurements from 130 miles up in space show
Greenland is melting. In 2005 it lost 52 cubic miles of ice to the
ocean, triple the average 10 years ago. December is a time when
Greenland usually adds ice, but last year, about the same time as the
record 15th hurricane of the season was forming in the mid-Atlantic,
Greenlands ice was melting.

If you have ever sat quietly on a winter day and watched snow and ice
melt, then many of these patterns will be familiar. It gets wetter on
the surface, and that wetness makes it shine but is also more
transparent, meaning the suns rays penetrate deeper. As accumulations
thaw, they crack apart, and those cracks become conduits for meltwater.
Below the surface, sometimes seen, often unseen, the water is making
and enlarging channels for itself, pulled by gravity and pushed by the
pressure of the ice behind. Air bubbles flow in this water like tiny
sledgehammers, smashing new channels and enlarging older ones.

At summer tent camps in Greenlands interior, ice-penetrating radar is
mapping a maze of drainage crevices, tunnels and cracks below the
surface that are completely invisible to the human eye. The process is
not invisible to our senses of hearing and touch, though. As
Greenlands 12 glaciers thaw and their sweat dribbles into the sea, the
bedrock sighs and stretches like someone arousing from a gentle sleep.
Unburdened, it tries to stand up straight again. We mere humans feel
and hear this as Richter 5 earthquakes. In 2005 the total number of
ice-quakes in Greenland was three times the average ten years earlier,
with five times more in summer than in winter.

Half a world away, in the Antarctic, warm oceans are melting the
offshore ice shelves that form a barrier between the continental ice
sheets and seawater. A few decades ago the shelves extended 5,200
square miles further than they do today. As these shelves melt, the
land sheets discharge more icebergs and then, diminished in depth and
eroded from their own water underneath, melt faster. Meltwater that
started as trickles in the hot sun forms broad unseen rivers that move
the great sheets oceanward.

In the past, deep underground, these rivers could encounter such thick
coastal shelves that they would refreeze, slowing the loss of ice. When
the Larson B ice sheet broke apart and slid off West Antarctica in
2002, it added an area the size of Rhode Island to the Pacific Ocean.
It also unplugged many hidden dams in the meltwater rivers extending up
under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Since the Larsen collapse, the West
Antarctic has a snowballs chance in Hell of holding its shape.

The volume of icebergs leaving West Antarctica's coasts doubled between
1995 and 2005 and is expected to double again by 2015, to 100 cubic
miles per year. Greenlands ice mass is diminishing at nearly twice
that rate.

If either Greenlands glaciers or the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to
slide away completely, global seas would rise by 15 to 20 feet,
re-sculpting coastlines worldwide. While worst-case estimates for sea
level rise from august bodies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change have suggested such increases might take a century, the
meltwater roller skates under the West Antarctic sheet and the
earthquakes caused by the unweighting of the Greenland land mass could
precipitate giant masses of ice sliding into the ocean in the short
span of a single summer.

The crash of gargantuan icebergs into the ocean on that scale could
unleash a torrent of tsunamis traveling the earth at jet-aircraft
speed. When the waves finally subsided, the oceans will not have
receded. Sea level could remain elevated for 20,000 years. Perhaps
longer. If the East Antarctic Ice Sheet were to melt as well, seas
would rise as much as 200 feet.

If I were a town planner in Rotterdam, Tokyo, Cancun, Bangkok, New York
or Miami I would not be working on waterfront parks and recreation. I
would be thinking about very large and long dikes about now. Or maybe
about moving low-lying populations to higher ground.

The kin-dom between ocean and ice is very old and very essential. It is
yet another means by which Mother Nature sequestered carbon to soothe
our fevered planet when it drifted too close to the sun. Ice at the
poles reflects sunlight into space and that also keeps us cool. The
effect of ice-chilled saltwater in propelling our deep ocean conveyors
is well known. What is less known is what happens when it is no longer
there. It seems quite likely we, or our children, are about to find

* * * * *

Albert Bates has been director of the Global Village Institute for
Appropriate Technology since 1984 and of the Ecovillage Training Center
at The Farm community in Summertown, Tennessee, since 1994. He is
author of several books on energy, environment, and history, including
Climate in Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect and What You Can Do (1990).
His new book, The Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes
for Changing Times, will be out in September from New Society
Publications. Bates has been a speaker at both the New York and DC
Petrocollapse Conferences.

Permaculture Activist magazine's website:
The Farm:
Petrocollapse Conferences website:
To sign up for the Global Warming Crisis Council email listserve, email
Wanda B, Raging Grannie: wsb70 "at"

To see the Pledge for Climate Protection, visit our Archive webpage:

Culture Change mailing address: P.O. Box 4347, Arcata , California
95518 USA, Telephone 1-215-243-3144 (and fax).
Culture Change was founded by Sustainable Energy Institute (formerly
Fossil Fuels Policy Action), a nonprofit organization.


NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

A Strong reaction to our Fed Is Private article - Stephen Zarlenga

Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 08:57:03 -0500 Forwarded from: AMI

Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute,

Some new materials are added to our web site: on how Economics became a
Clandestine Religion at

And an excellent interview Alistair McConnachie did with me for
Prosperity Magazine at
This one does get a bit hard on the Austrian School gang.

Wow - did we ever hit a nerve with our article demonstrating that the
Fed is privately controlled and not a part of our government!

Responses came in Pro and Con, with several Austrian economic leaders
asking to be taken off our email list! Very interesting!! Discussing
this subject is like waving a cross in front of vampires, while wearing

The silliest responses agreed that the fed is private, but thought that
was better than trusting our government. Its amazing that these folk
who consider themselves an intelligent elite, do not have the common
sense of the average American who understands that in the choice
between trusting government or trusting Enron, that with all its
problems, the only road to future human development is through our
societal mechanisms - translated - properly using and improving
government. But some people have such a bitter reaction to that
concept, that we quickly move into the realm of psychological
disorders. Rather than us dwelling on those errors, I ask those who
hold them to examine the real source of their attitudes, while we move
forward with a good program.

We are not obligated to spend time trying to bring every negative
person up to speed with us. Far from it.

I do understand the reason for their reaction: The "need" to have the
Fed be a part of government is for them to blame our obvious monetary
system problems on "government." Otherwise they have to put the blame
where it belongs - on private wealthy individuals - and that could
bring down their entire world view, and possible collapse personalities
as well. Fascinating. We will write more on this, and soon. Better for
all - including them - that their world view crumble, rather than the
World itself be destroyed, by this essentially undefined creature they
worship and most of the time call "capitalism." We continue to point
out to all that the term capitalism is nowhere to be found in the U.S.
Constitution (or any other as far as I know). Its past time to really
define what this system means, who its working for, who its working
against, so that we can properly evaluate it and separate the wheat
from the Chaff.

On the lighter side, we present this link to what more economists
should be doing: - - Music videos scolding Ben Bernanke the new Fed
Chairman. Take a look, this "Almost" Fed Chairman (Dean Glenn Hammond
of Columbia Business School) is really talented! I'll try to get him
for our conference! It takes time to download but its well worth it!
Click here: YouTube - Every Breath Bernanke Takes
<> *Thanks to Stevan
from Albuquerque.*

Remember the July 17 cutoff for early registration discount! Get your
Conference registration in the post or email it by Monday, July 17th.
Thats tomorrow.

Warm regards to all! Stephen Zarlenga Ami


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 18, 2006, 1:05:11 PM7/18/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 18, 2006

NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Israel's massive attack required weeks if not months of preparation -
Paul Craig Roberts
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 15:40:18 -0400 (EDT) From: IHR News

We're Being Set Up
for Wider War in the Middle East

By Paul Craig Roberts
July 17, 2006

The old adage, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"
does not apply to Americans, who have shown that they can be endlessly

Neoconservatives deceived Americans into an illegal attack and
debilitating war in Iraq. American neoconservatives are closely allied
with Israel's Likud Party. In the past, some neocons lost their
security clearances because of "mishandling" of classified information.
According to Insight magazine, "the Pentagon has banned security
clearance to Americans with relatives in Israel. Government sources and
attorneys said the Pentagon has sought and succeeded in removing
security clearance from dozens of Americans, mostly Jews, who either
lived, worked, or have relatives in Israel."

Despite questions of dual loyalties, neocons hold high positions in the
Bush regime. Ten years ago these architects of American foreign and
military policy spelled out how they would use deception to achieve
"important Israeli strategic objectives" in the Middle East. First,
they would focus "on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq." This
would open the door for Israel to provoke attacks from Hezbollah. The
attacks would let Israel gain American sympathy and permit Israel to
seize the strategic initiative by "engaging Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran
as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon."

Today, this neoconservative plan is unfolding before our eyes. Israel
has used the capture of two of its soldiers in Lebanon as an excuse for
an all-out air and naval bombardment against Lebanese civilian targets.
However, a number of commentators have pointed out that such a massive
attack requires weeks if not months of preparation that could not be
done overnight in response to the capture of the soldiers.

Regardless, in the first two days of the Israeli military attack on
Lebanon more than a hundred civilians, including Canadians, have been
killed by Israeli bombs (gifts from U.S. taxpayers). The Beirut
International Airport has been repeatedly bombed, as have residential
neighborhoods, roads, bridges, ports, and power stations.

Soldiers are a legitimate military target. Civilians, civilian
neighborhoods, tourists, and international airports are not. Under the
Nuremberg standard used to sentence Nazi war criminals to death, the
Israeli government is clearly guilty of war crimes.

Meanwhile, the Israelis are committing identical war crimes in Gaza.
Again Israel's excuse is the capture of an Israeli soldier. However,
the distinguished Israeli professor Ran HaCohen said that the Israeli
army "had been demanding a massive attack on Gaza long before the
Israeli soldier was kidnapped."

By blocking UN Security Council action against Israel for its massacre
of civilians in Gaza, the Bush regime has made itself complicit in
these monstrous war crimes. Just as Germans who supported Hitler were
deemed to be complicit in his war crimes, Americans who support Bush
are complicit in Bush's war crimes.

Hezbollah is not the Lebanese government. It does not rule Lebanon.
Hezbollah is the militia organization founded in 1982 in response to
Israel's invasion of Lebanon. Hezbollah defeated the Israeli army and
drove out the Israeli invaders six years ago.

According to the BBC, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the
two Israeli soldiers "were captured to pressure Israel to release the
thousands of Palestinian prisoners in its jails," especially the women
and children.

The BBC also notes that although Hezbollah operates "from Lebanese
territory and the militant group has two ministers in the Lebanese
government, the central government is almost powerless to influence the
militant group." (Note that the BBC applies the loaded word "militant"
to Hezbollah but not to Israel.) Hezbollah, reports the BBC, "is also
very popular in Lebanon and highly respected for its political
activities, social services, and its military record against Israel."

The prime minister of Lebanon, who was installed with President Bush's
approval when Syria, under Bush's pressure, recently withdrew its
troops from Lebanon, has twice appealed to Bush to pressure Israel to
stop its criminal attacks. Our great moral, democratic, Christian
leader has twice rebuffed the appeal from the legal representative of
the Lebanese people. Instead, Bush is willingly going along with the
1996 neocon script. Bush is laying the blame on Syria and Iran, exactly
as the neocon script calls for him to do.

When Bush demands that Syria "stop Hezbollah attacks," he forgets that
he was the one who forced Syria out of Lebanon (to enable Israel to
attack Lebanon). If Americans were attentive, they would be ashamed to
witness "their" president acting as an Israeli propagandist.

Fox "News," CNN, and the rest of the Bush propaganda ministry are
echoing the lie that innocent Israel is under attack from the
"terrorist states" of Syria and Iran through their surrogate,
Hezbollah. Americans, who are sick of the Iraq occupation and want the
troops home, are being fooled again and set up for wider war in the
Middle East.

Evangelical "Christians" are part of the propaganda show. Three
thousand of them, under the lead of the Rev. John C. Hagee, are heading
to Washington for a "Washington/Israel summit" to demand, needlessly,
that the neocon Bush regime show "stronger support for Israel."

It is difficult to see how Bush could show any stronger support without
using the U.S. military to assist Israel in its attacks, which is, of
course, what the "Christian" Rev. Hagee intends when he declares:
"There's a new Hitler in the Middle East [he doesn't mean Bush or
Olmert]. The only way he will be stopped will be by a preemptive
military strike in Iran."

Present at Rev. Hagee's "Washington/Israel Summit" will be Israel's
former Minister of Defense, Lt. Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, Israeli Ambassador
Daniel Ayalon, Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman,
Republican Senators Sam Brownback and Rick Santorum, the Rev. Jerry
Falwell, and Gary Bauer.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful lobby
in Washington, expressed its thanks to Rev. Hagee for demonstrating
"the depth and breadth of American support" for Israel. Recently, AIPAC
has been under investigation as a suspected nest for Israeli spies.

David Brog, former chief of staff for Republican Sen. Arlen Specter,
has gone to work for Rev. Hagee. Brog, who is Jewish, says he works for
Hagee's evangelical enterprise because "we're bringing into a
pro-Israel camp millions of Christians who love Israel and giving them
a political voice. Israel's enemies are our enemies, and this group
instinctively understands that." Brog goes on to say that Hagee's
evangelicals understand that they are not supposed to talk about Jesus,
only about saving Israel: "Christians who work with Jews in supporting
Israel realize how sensitive we are in talking about Jesus. They
realize it will interfere with what they are trying to do."

Gentle reader, is this an admission that evangelicals have set aside
Jesus for war? Do these bloody-minded evangelicals really believe they
will be wafted to Heaven for helping Israel involve the U.S. in more
war? Have evangelicals forgotten that "an eye for an eye" is Old
Testament? "Turn the other cheek" is New Testament.

On July 14, Reuters reported that alone among Christians, the "Vatican
condemns Israel for attacks on Lebanon."

Whose delusion is the greatest ? the evangelical "rapture" delusion,
the neocon delusion about American power, or the Zionist delusion? The
three together mean disaster for America, Israel, and the world.

One of the great evangelical/Zionist/neocon myths is that "tiny Israel"
armed with 200 nuclear weapons is threatened by Muslim Middle Eastern
countries. In actual fact, Egypt and Pakistan, which have the bulk of
the Middle Eastern Muslim population, are ruled by American puppets.
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the oil emirates are totally dependent on
U.S. protection and, thereby, are also under the American thumb. Iran
is Persian, not Arab, and has no common borders with Israel. Hezbollah
was created when Israel tried to seize Lebanon in 1982. Hamas is a
Palestinian response to the atrocities Palestinians have suffered for a
half century at Israel's hands.

Israel's land-stealing policy is the source of Middle Eastern
instability. America is hated because American money and weapons are
what enable Israel to steal Palestine from Palestinians.

As numerous experts have pointed out, what is decried as "Arab
terrorism against Israel" is, in fact, the only tactic Muslims have for
calling the world's attention to the plight of the Palestinians, about
which Americans are generally ignorant.

It is absurd for Bush to condemn Syria for not behaving as an American
puppet and for not fighting Israel's battles by taking on Hezbollah.
Syria and Iran (and Iraq prior to the U.S. invasion) are the only
Middle Eastern countries independent of American control. It is far
beyond the boundaries of reason and morality to expect these two
remaining independent countries to give up their independence in order
to enable Israel to steal Palestine and southern Lebanon.

It is the refusal of Syria and Iran (and Saddam Hussein's Iraq) to
stand with Israel against Palestine that has made them targets for
American attack. Neocons have total control of U.S. foreign policy in
the Bush regime, and they have morphed our strategic interests into


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 17, 2006 11:35:43 PM ES
Subject: Fw: One Giant Gaza Strip by Mike Whitney
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

One Giant Gaza Strip
Mike Whitney

The last few days have provided a troubling view of the new world
order. The Israeli assault on Lebanons infrastructure has battered
bridges, roads, power-plants, grain depots, apartment buildings,
mosques, community centers, civilian homes, gas stations, ports and
many of the countrys critical life-support systems. Additionally,
Israel has killed 155 civilians including 15 children who were
instantly vaporized by a missile that destroyed their van while they
were fleeing southern Lebanon. Israel has justified the carnage by
pointing to the 2 soldiers who were captured by members of the Lebanese
resistance organization, Hezbollah. But Israels defense is hopelessly
flawed. What if relatives or friends of the many US detainees whove
been illegally imprisoned at Guantanamo, decided to use F-16s and
laser-guided missiles to attack the Golden Gate Bridge, the Sears
Tower, New York Citys electrical grid, and vast swathes of the highway
system? Would that be equally justifiable? Or, more to the point, what
if Hezbollah decided to blow up major parts of Israels infrastructure
in retaliation for the hundreds of Lebanese prisoners languishing in
Israeli prisons without any legal recourse? Would that be okay? (...)
The history of the present conflict did not begin with the capture of
the 2 soldiers as the media would have us believe, nor is it simply
aimed at dismantling Hezbollah. Israel is planning to occupy the
territory between its northern border and the Litani River in Southern
Lebanon. This will provide access to an important water source for
Israel and create a buffer-zone between itself and Arab militants. The
demonstration of overwhelming force is intended to send a message to
Syria and Iran that theyd better "shape up" or expect similar
treatment in the near future...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 17, 2006 10:46:03 PM ES
Subject: Fw: Renew Calls For IMPEACHMENT


From: The Pen

Over the weekend an ad hoc group of Jewish leaders in Los Angeles
denounced Israel's collective punishment attacks on civilians and their
infrastructure. It is time for Congress to call for an end to these
tactics, and to use whatever influence we have to pressure all parties
to cease hostilities.

This last Thursday, July 13th, the diplomatically hostile John Bolton
vetoed a U.N. security council resolution calling for ALL sides to
exercise restraint. This was in response to Israel's "disproportionate"
over-reaction in launching a massive new military assault on Gaza
because of the kidnaping of a single soldier. The resolution called not
just for Israel to suspend its attacks, but for the other side to do
the same and to release that soldier. But even that was not reasonable
enough for the rabid war-mongers who are driving current U.S. and
Israeli policy, including the current incumbent in my district, Kevin

The failure of the U.N. to act because of the Bush administration's
anti-leadership has now precipitated even graver escalations of
insanity as Israel attacks the Beirut international airport, power
stations and other civilian installations. This NOT self defense. This
is the Bush Doctrine of gross violations of the Geneva Conventions.
These are war crimes of aggression which no atrocity on the other side
can justify. And they must stop.

We have no direct influence on Hamas or Hezbollah. But we are currently
giving Israel $2.5 billion dollars a year in foreign aid, most of it
direct military assistance. It is time for us to stop being apologists
for the inexcusable. It it time to demand Israel conduct itself as a
civilized nation regardless of what terrorists on the other side do.
Congress must lead where the president will not.

Call your members of Congress NOW at 888-355-3588 or 800-828-0498 and
demand action, and follow up by submitting this action page.


This alert is brought to you through the activism of James Wright,
running for the U.S. House in the 8th Congressional district, and one
of the leading progressive voices in the state of Texas. Follow the
other links on the action page for Jim's own proposals of bills to
REALLY protect us.

When a brave candidate steps forward in such a district as Texas 8th,
shall we do anything to show him our support? If so, please also
consider making a donation to Jim's campaign so he can spread the call
to action message on impeachment, starting to bring our troops home
from Iraq, and on so many other issues.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function

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Wildly Disproportionate Attack on Lebanon Seems
Like Pretext to Confront Iran

By Linda McQuaig
July 17, 2006
Toronto Star

As Israeli firepower rained down on Lebanon last week, pundits here in
the West wasted no time pinning the blame on Iran.

"Iran and its radical allies are pushing toward war," wrote Washington
Post columnist David Ignatius.

Washington defence commentator Edward Luttwak weighed in: "Iran's
leaders have apparently decided to reject the Western offer to
peacefully settle the dispute over its weapons-grade uranium-enrichment

In fact, Iran's leaders haven't rejected the "Western offer;" they've
said publicly they will respond to it by Aug. 22. This isn't fast
enough however to satisfy Washington, which considers the "offer" more
of an ultimatum.

Is it really Iran that is pushing for war? Think about it. Why would
Iran want to provoke a war with Israel and the U.S. both heavily
armed nuclear powers when it has no nuclear weapons itself?

The U.S. and Israel, on the other hand, are very keen to attack Iran.
In a recent series of articles in New Yorker magazine, Pulitzer
Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has detailed
Washington's plans to attack Iran. Israel has called Iran a "major
threat" that "must be stopped" from developing nuclear weapons.

But the U.S. and Israel don't want to look like aggressors. They
insist their intentions are purely defensive. Recall that Washington
also claimed its invasion of Iraq was purely defensive to protect
itself from Iraq's arsenal of deadly weapons, which, it turned out,
didn't exist.

So when Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon seized two Israeli
soldiers last week, a perfect opportunity arose. Since Hezbollah has
links to Iran, presto, here was a prima facie case that Iran was
gunning for confrontation.

Did the Western pundits who quickly embraced this theory ever consider
that the Hezbollah militants, as well as the Palestinian militants in
Gaza who captured a single Israeli soldier last month, might have had
their own motives for striking Israel?

Certainly the Palestinians have endless grievances against Israel. In
addition to four decades of Israeli military occupation of their land,
Israel has attempted to destroy the Hamas government, which was
democratically elected by Palestinians last January.

Hezbollah's seizure of the two Israeli soldiers was probably an act of
support for the Palestinians in Gaza, who have been under Israeli
military siege since the capture of the first soldier. Hezbollah also
said it seized the soldiers because it wanted to trade them for
Lebanese prisoners held in Israeli jails. A similar Israeli-Hezbollah
prisoner exchange took place in 2004.

Abandoning Canada's traditional role as an honest broker in the Middle
East, Prime Minister Stephen Harper unabashedly supported Israel last
week, calling its devastating attacks on Gaza and Lebanon "measured."

If Israel is simply trying to "defend" itself, its actions are wildly

On the other hand, if Israel and the U.S. are looking for an excuse to
attack Iran, the capture of the Israeli soldiers is as good as any.

Linda McQuaig is a Toronto-based author and commentator.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "Kyle F. Hence" <>
Date: July 18, 2006 8:13:39 AM EST
Subject: [Fwd: Barely One Hour of Voting, Machines Malfunction in
McKinney Election]

From: Cynthia McKinney <>
Date: July 18, 2006 7:58:50 AM ES
Subject: Barely One Hour of Voting, Machines Malfunction in McKinney

July 18, 2006


(Decatur) After one hour of voting, the McKinney campaign has received
numerous calls that the voting machines are malfunctioning. Voters
casting votes for McKinney are reportedly having their votes switched
by the machines for Hank Johnson. This is not a new problem with
Diebold machines. Lawyers for the campaign have been alerted and said
that If this situation is not corrected, Cynthia McKinney for Congress
will be forced to take additional measures.


From: "Elaine Nichols" <>
Date: July 18, 2006 2:22:28 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] An Amazing Coincidence? Norman Minetta
resigned the morning after his damning 9/11 testimony is exposed on FOX
by Fetzer...

An Amazing Coincidence?
Article - 2006-07-09

Regardless of your position on this topic, you cannot help but admit
that a major coincidence (at the very least) took place on the morning
of June 23, 2006.

It all began on the evening of June 22, 2006, when "Hannity & Colmes"
(on the FOX/RNC Channel) had a guest on by the name of Dr. James H.

Fetzer is a member of 9/11 Scholars for Truth. Due to some unexpected
initial confusion on the part of the hosts regarding their chosen
"attack theme" (they got their "facts FOXED," as Fetzer said), Fetzer
was given a rare opportunity to answer an open-ended question --
almost without interruption. As the lawyers all say, "Never ask a
witness any question to which you do not already know the answer."

Colmes asked Fetzer something to the effect, "So can you give us one
piece of evidence that would tend to point toward 9/11 being an inside
job by the Bush Administration?"

While Ollie North (who was guest hosting for Hannity) was apparently
still lost in confusion, Fetzer had a rare opportunity to speak a few
full sentences without hostile, obnoxious interruptions. He said (and
I'm paraphrasing here again), "I point you to Secretary of
Transportation Norman Minetta's testimony before the 9/11 Commission.
Minetta said he had encountered Vice President Cheney in a bunker in
Washington, DC, at 9:20 AM, on the day of the attacks [forty-three
minutes earlier than Cheney said he had arrived]. Every few seconds a
young man would come into the room and say, 'Sir, it's 50 miles out.
Sir, it's 40 miles out. Sir, it's 30 miles out,' and so on. Finally the
young man asked the Vice President, 'Sir, do the orders still stand?'
Cheney replied gruffly, 'Of course, the orders still stand. Have you
heard anything to the contrary?'

Fetzer went on to explain that only later did Minetta learn that the
young man was referring to Flight 77 approaching Washington, DC, and
the orders the young man was referring to were obviously orders NOT to
shoot the plane down. That's why the young man had finally asked if the
orders still stood, to which Cheney replied that they did. Shortly
thereafter, Flight 77 (or a "reasonable" facsimile thereof) struck the

Obviously, the producers of the "Hannity & Colmes Propaganda Hour" had
not anticipated such a damning bit of irrefutable evidence to escape
over "their" airwaves to their glassy-eyed, drool-chinned audience.

Here's the Real Kicker...

The very next morning, less than twelve hours after his 9/11 testimony
had been unexpectedly "exposed" to the FOX faithful, Norman Minetta
resigned as Secretary of Transportation.

What an unbelievably amazing coincidence of timing!

Just for the sake of argument, let's say Minetta's timing was truly
nothing more than a coincidence. If so, then he couldn't have picked a
worse time to announce it (unless it was his relatively subtle way of
sending a message to the masses). Or, if he was forced to resign by
Bush/Cheney (for whatever reason), they couldn't have picked a more
self-incriminating time to make it happen.

There has been barely a peep about Minetta's resignation in the
mainstream media. I saw the same, generic, non-informational, totally
uncurious five-second clip about it several times, but there has been
absolutely no speculation as to why he did it

(although his recent back surgery is implied to be the main reason).

That's incredibly unusual behavior for our babbling heads, isn't it?
Other high-level resignations in the last few months from the Bush
Administration were the subject of endless babble among the MSM

A Final Thought: I can only imagine the sudden conflicting thoughts
of at least five out of every one hundred Fox viewers who had heard
Fetzer mention Minetta's damning testimony just a few hours before
Minetta resigned. What must they have been thinking for a short time
before their self-hypnosis kicked back in?

James H. Fetzer (FM) Distinguished McKnight University Professor of
Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, a former Marine
Corps officer, author or editor of more than 20 books, and co-chair of
Scholars for 9/11 Truth.


"If the people lead, then eventually the leaders will follow." ~ Thomas

Freedom of Speech - Use It or Lose It

When they took away the 4th Amendment,
we were quiet,
because we didn't deal drugs.

When they took away the 6th Amendment,
we were quiet,
because we were innocent.

When they took away the 2nd Amendment,
we were quiet,
because we don't own guns.

Now they have taken away the 1st Amendment,
and very soon,
If we continue to be quiet,
we will have no choice,
BUT to continue to be quiet.


NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


From: "William Douglas" <>
Date: July 17, 2006 5:32:26 PM EST
Subject: FOX NEWS SUPPORTS DEATH THREATS on Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Activist --

SUPPORTS DEATH THREATS on Scholars for 9/11 Truth Activist

Rupert Murdoch
Bull-Goose Loonie & Fascist Billionaire Extraordinaire
Fox News

Dear Mr. Murdoch,

It has come to my attention that one of your announcers, Bill OReilly,
has stated on national television that he would like to see me murdered
and thrown into Boston Harbor.

Since I get so many email death threats I cant keep track of them
(among the 10% of my 9/11-related emails that are negative) this is a
pretty inflammatory thing to say. If anything were to happen to me, Fox
News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family
might very well end up in control of the Murdoch fortune. You may wish
to consider urging your friends in the White House to offer me Secret
Service protection. Please assign me the guy who said were out of
here to Bush when the second plane hit the building at 9:04 not the
higher-up who overruled him and kept Bush reading about pet goats while
our nation was allegedly under surprise attack. See: Secret
Service agent who said were out of here before being overruled was
honest. Thats the guy I want protecting my life.

Also, you might want to tell OReilly that HE'S the one who should
worry about ending up in Boston Harbor. 9/11 was an act of high treason
and mass murder, and media figures complicit in the cover-up will be
viewed, a few years hence, the way we now view Dr. Goebbels.

The last time a bunch of empire-builders tried to trample on our
rights, we had a little uprising called the American Revolution. Its
time for another one. Lets kick it off with another Boston Tea Partya
little red-white-and-blue version of V-for-Vendettaand throw the whole
Fox News crew, along with the traitors in this administration, straight
into Boston Harbor.


Kevin Barrett

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Edgewood College of Madison

******************** BACKGROUND INFO ON 9/11 BELOW***************

PRODUCERS OF "LOOSE CHANGE", a 9/11 documentary viewed by 10 million
Americans, which exposes that 9/11 had to have inside complicity with
people in the highest echelons of our government.



From: Joe Stokes <>
Date: July 17, 2006 6:23:40 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] BELOWGROUNDSURFACE.ORG 100+ Videos

Another TRUTH VIDEO site.
This huge collection Austin, Texas


Eating the Amazon: The Fight to Curb
Corporate Destruction
Huge soya farms financed by Cargill, the largest
privately owned company in the world, are the rainforest's new worst

By Daniel Howden
Published: 17 July 2006

The scars are unmistakably man made. Hard-edged squares and
rectangles, hundreds of acres across, hacked and burned out of the
Amazon rainforest. The dark green of the canopy is lacerated with thin
red lines - the illegal dirt roads that stitch together these giant

Seen from the air, this fearful symmetry marks out the battle lines of
an invasion that has seen the humble soya bean emerge as the greatest
threat to the world's most important rainforest.

On the ground, what was once a thriving ecosystem supporting at least
300 tree species for every hectare, is now a wasteland. Dead roots and
dry grass crunch underfoot and the breeze throws up dust from eroded

Three hours' drive outside the city of Santarem in Para state, along
dirt trails struck by illegal loggers, you arrive in a vast monoculture
inside the Tapajos National Park. Soya fields laden with the dry brown
seed pods stretch in every direction.

This is Father Edilberto Sena's parish. The fiery local priest has
emerged as a fierce critic of the land-grabbers, loggers, ranchers and
agrobusiness multinationals pushing further and further into the

The Amazon basin is home to one in 10 of the world's mammals and 15 per
cent of the world's land-based plant species. It holds more than half
of the world's fresh water and its vast forests act as the largest
carbon sink on the planet, providing a vital check on the greenhouse

Brazil has overtaken the United States as the world's leading exporter
of soya. The protein-rich bean has become a profitable link in the
processed food chain and 80 per cent of world production is fed to
livestock. Brazilian soya beans are feeding Europe's growing hunger for
cheap meat substitutes, and have overtaken logging and cattle ranching
as the main engine of deforestation.

Three years ago, the agrobusiness giant Cargill, the largest privately
owned company in the world, opened a soya port in Santarem. And Father
Edilberto has set himself on a collision course with the Minnesota
multinational that he says represents the worst of rapacious
capitalism. Father Edilberto has used the church-funded Radio Rurale de
Santarem as a means of fighting back against the incursions of the
illegal loggers, ranchers and soya farmers, who in turn supply the
grain giants.

"We are small and we are fighting multinationals like Cargill - people
who are using soya as a commodity. I'm sure there are at least 200,000
listening. Our objective is to educate the people, provide critical and
objective news."

It is less than 18 months since another rainforest campaigner and
champion of Brazil's rural poor, Sister Dorothy Stang, was murdered in
broad daylight further east in Para state, in the city of Anapu. After
death threats, the US-born, naturalised Brazilian nun was assassinated
by gunmen allied to illegal ranchers.

"I don't need a uniform," says the outspoken priest, who eschews the
Catholic garb for a green polo shirt and an indigenous necklace. "My
uniform is my face and my mouth. People know I'm a priest."

Lately he has started to receive the same kind of threats that preceded
the murder of Sister Dorothy. "Two months ago, some crazy, nuts guy
posted on the internet that the best thing they could do with Father
Edilberto Sena was to kill me.

"When I heard about this, the first moment I had a coldness in my

The priest's frequent broadsides against the vested interests eating
into the Amazon have made him powerful enemies, and the diocese has
come under heavy pressure, he claims, to muzzle him. "The elite, they
got mad at us and told the bishop to close us down."

For now, it seems the Bishop's support is holding and Radio Rurale is
still on air, but Father Edilberto launched an impassioned appeal for
help to international church leaders visiting the area as part of a
major environmental conference organised by the Greek-based NGO,
Religion, Science and the Environment. The symposium is the latest
initiative by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Eastern Orthodox
pope who has been preaching against the sin of environmental
destruction for more than a decade.

"The Church needs to take sides," says Father Edilberto. "With what we
are facing we need all the allies we can find."

Santarem, a riverside city hundreds of miles upstream into the Amazon,
has found itself at the centre of the soya boom. Last year, Brazil
produced more than 50 million tons of soya across nearly 23 million
hectares, an area about the size of the United Kingdom. Soya production
remains relatively contained within the Amazon biome, but the decision
to locate a major soya port this deep into the basin is inviting a
catastrophe, according to conservation groups.

In the past three years, nearly 70,000 square kilometres of the Amazon
rainforest have been destroyed. The smoke from burning trees pushed
Brazil into the top four of global greenhouse gas producers in 2004.
Despite commitments from the government of President Lula da Silva, the
destruction of the Amazon rainforest continues.

Almost three-quarters of it occurs illegally. Brazil's award-winning
Environment Minister, Marina da Silva, speaking at the RSE symposium,
was keen to point to progress being made in slowing the rate of
deforestation. According to government figures based on a satellite
survey, there was a 32 per cent decrease in the rate of deforestation
last year.

With satellite monitoring stations now in place and providing an annual
overview of the Amazon basin to the general public, the deforestation
is no longer taking place unknown to the authorities. But that may not
be enough, she admitted.

"We need to create the feeling that we are being watched all the time
and that those who are doing something wrong will be caught and
punished. In some countries it is already too late. It's not too late
here. We can still save it," Ms da Silva said.

But the cycle of deforestation where state-owned reserves are
infiltrated by loggers and ranchers looking for "free land" now has a
third and more lethal phase, where the cleared land is sold to soya
producers who intensively farm the soil until it can no longer bring a
harvest. The cutters then move to new areas and the process is
repeated. Within as little as three years, rich and fertile rainforest
supporting incredible biodiversity can be reduced to a desert.

Cargill's giant silos now dominate the shore in Santarem, on a site
which used to be a beach used by local fishermen. The food
multinational has been accused by Greenpeace of illegally setting up
this conveyor belt facility which delivers exclusively to the European
market, and caters for more than one-third of the UK's imports of soya.

The family-owned behemoth, with a turnover of more than $7bn (#3.8bn)
and offices in a replica French chateau in Minnesota, is the undisputed
ruler of the global grain trade. As the company website says: "We buy,
trade, transport, blend, mill, crush, process, refine, season,
distribute and deliver around the clock and around the globe."

It also owns British-based Sun Valley foods, which processes a million
chickens a week into fresh and frozen, supermarket wrapped products.
Its major clients are McDonald's and the Morrisons chain.

Later this summer the Brazilian high court is due to rule on whether
Cargill's facility should be shut down. Already, two lower courts have
ruled against Cargill on the grounds that the company did not complete
the necessary environmental impact study before opening the facility.
But orders to temporarily suspend operations have been overturned by a
barrage of appeals to higher courts.

Cargill, in an official statement, has rebutted these claims, saying
that the court battle is all over a technicality. "Cargill followed all
the permitting requirements of the applicable government agencies for
the construction and operation of the Santarem facility," the company
said in a statement. Cargill continues to insist that the legal action
relates only to the specific kind of impact study it should have
conducted. Cargill also maintains that its practices are transparent
and that it is "committed to sustainable development which creates
income to support thriving communities and enables environmental
management over time".

Meanwhile, the conveyor belt keeps moving, the tankers keep coming, and
the grain keeps making its way to the fast-food counters and
supermarket shelves of Europe.

Cargill has not limited itself to sourcing, processing and shipping. It
also provides the financing needed to keep the expansion of soya going.
Brazilian banks will not lend to farmers with no title to their lands,
so Cargill steps into the breach, providing loans for everything from
bulldozers and chainsaws to seeds and harvesters.

Cayetano Scannavino Filao has been working with indigenous people
inside the Tapajos for nearly two decades. "When I came here from Sao
Paolo 20 years ago, all of this was forest. It is enough to make you
cry," he said. He helps to run a local NGO, Health and Happiness, which
works with the remote and impoverished communities that have found
themselves in the way of big agrobusiness. The region is home to
220,000 people from 180 different indigenous groups, many of whom live
deep in the forest and are dependent on the rainforest and the river
for everything from food and tools to medicines and shelter.

"Today we have a conflict situation," he laments. "Since the opening of
the port, deforestation in this area has increased by 511 per cent. I'm
not against soya, I'm against soya in the Amazon biome. We used to
fight the loggers, but the loggers, they eat the Amazon in small bites;
the soya is eating the Amazon in big bites."

Tarcisio Feitosa da Silva, who works for an environment agency in the
remote Acre region of the Amazon, has seen with his own eyes how big
those bites can be. In many cases, the illegal invaders don't even
bother with logging. In the worst cases, earth-movers are sent in to
bulldoze priceless primary forest into giant pits where the logs are
then burnt.

"They bulldoze the trees into big holes in the ground and they burn
what's left," Mr da Silva said. The great trunks, he says, can take
more than a fortnight to burn, and keep smouldering for months after.
It was in the context of this kind of assault that the federal
government acted to stop the extinction of the Brazil nut tree, a
national icon and a profitable and sustainable source of revenue for
the people of the Amazon.

The result of the consequent ban on cutting the tree is testament to
the irrational and violent threat facing a rainforest vital to the
survival of the planet. The Brazil nut trees now stand like sentinels
towering over the sea of soya. Preserved while all around them their
ecology is destroyed, they are destined to die of loneliness.

Stripped of supporting vegetation their fate is to perish from exposure
to a tropical sun that only their highest branches were ever meant to
see. Those that endure will be charred black in August, when the
farmers torch the crops ready to plant next season's crop of soya.

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) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited


France's Chirac Warns Mankind Faces Climate Volcano
By Sophie Louet
Monday 17 July 2006

Saint Petersburg, Russia - French President Jacques Chirac warned
on Sunday that mankind faced an inferno unless the world tackles
climate change seriously, in a rebuke to fellow Group of Eight leaders.

"We cannot talk about energy security while there is no progress on
climate change. Mankind is dancing on the edge of a volcano," Chirac
said at a summit of the Group of Eight industrial nations in St

The summit host, Russian President Vladimir Putin, has made "energy
security" one of the main themes of the meeting, pushing environmental
issues, which took centre stage at the G8 meet in Gleneagles last year,
lower down the agenda.

The G8 leaders agreed to disagree on climate change, as well as the
role of nuclear energy, and approved a document on the security of
energy supplies on Sunday which recognised that G8 members would each
deal with the issue in their own way.

"We will continue to work to reduce greenhouse gas and deal
effectively with the challenge of climate change," they said in the

But Chirac echoed environmentalists' views that the G8 leaders
should not ignore alarm bells - such as extreme weather conditions -
that they say are already ringing.

"Emergency signs are going up right across our planet," said
Chirac. France suffered a heatwave three years ago that caused the
deaths of many elderly citizens.

"Such phenomena are the first pre-cursory signs of even bigger
disasters which could lead to millions of refugees fleeing hostile
environmental conditions."

Green groups want the G8 leaders to unanimously back the Kyoto
Protocol, an agreement on cutting emissions of the "greenhouse gases"
blamed for global warming.

It has been hampered by the fact that US President George W. Bush
withdrew support for the protocol in 2001.

Chirac said he regretted the fact that the United States had not
approved it.

Referring to Canada, which has said it cannot meet its Kyoto
obligations and might not agree to an extension of the pact, Chirac
said others had to stick to their commitments.

"It is our duty to act, before our citizens, before mankind, before
future generations who risk paying a grave price due to the passivity
of certain people," Chirac said.

NOTE: Can anyone provide background on these "Western donors. . .
treating Darfur's people as a bargaining chip"? Are they seeking
control of the natural resources there? -- kl, pp

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2006, 07:46 GMT 08:46 UK

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Fresh Warnings of Darfur Disaster

Aid agencies and the EU have warned Darfur is teetering on the brink
of catastrophe and have called for urgent efforts to bolster the peace

The warnings came ahead of a major international conference on Darfur
in Brussels on Tuesday.

The aid agencies said Western donors were failing African Union
soldiers in Darfur who depend on their funds.

A Darfur peace deal was signed two months ago but correspondents say
the security situation has got worse.

Most of Darfur's two million displaced people have rejected the deal
and rebel movements continue to fight one another, says the BBC's Jonah
Fisher in Khartoum.

Troops 'set up to fail'

In their statement, the eight agencies - which include Oxfam, Care
International, Islamic Relief and Oxfam International - say the 7,000
AU soldiers in Darfur are being set up to fail.

The soldiers would like to expand their mission and increase their
capabilities, says our correspondent, but Western donors refuse to
release funds, and so instead they lurch from crisis to crisis.

The agencies accuse donors of treating Darfur's people like a
bargaining chip, and say $300m (#165m) is urgently needed to fund the
AU mission until the end of the year.

The aid agencies' plea comes as some 70 delegations prepare to attend
a large conference on Darfur in Brussels on Tuesday.

International efforts to address the conflict have been hampered
because the AU wants to pull out by the end of September but the
Sudanese government is refusing to allow a replacement UN force to take

But aid agencies say the international community should focus on
funding the existing AU mission now rather than concentrating on trying
to secure agreement on the transfer of the AU mission to the UN.

"While an enormous amount of energy is being spent debating what will
happen in six months' time, no-one seems to have noticed that people
are still being killed today," said Denis Caillaux of Care

Genocide warning

The EU representative to Sudan also spoke out ahead of the conference,
warning of the potential for greater conflict - or even genocide - in

"If the African Union says: 'Sorry, we have to finish now, we cannot
run this operation,' we lose the last internationals who are following
the situation - in the camps, around the camps, who are giving at least
a minimum protection to these refugees," Pekka Haavisto told the BBC.

"I think internationally we cannot afford this... because then we are
very close to the possible scenarios of genocide, or Rwanda scenarios,
if you don't have any organised international force on the ground."


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 20, 2006, 4:28:16 PM7/20/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 20, 2006

From: Peter Myers <>
Date: July 20, 2006 6:15:10 AM EST
Subject: The Human Shields of Nazareth, by Jonathan Cook

(1) Half a million displaced people in Lebanon - Robert Fisk
(2) Israel destroyes the largest milk factory in Lebanon - Robert Fisk
(3) The Human Shields of Nazareth, by Jonathan Cook [shamireaders]

(1) Half a million displaced people in Lebanon - Robert Fisk

Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:52:30 -0700 (PDT) From: James Morris

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Robert Fisk in Beirut: Israeli Assault on Lebanon Inflicting "Mass
Punishment on a Whole People"

AMY GOODMAN: For a report from Lebanon on the crisis today, we turn to
journalist Robert Fisk. He's the chief Middle East correspondent for
the London Independent. He's lived in Beirut for almost three decades.
He's the author of Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon. His
latest book is The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the
Middle East. We reached him late yesterday at his home in Beirut. He
spoke about the Israeli assault on Lebanon.

ROBERT FISK: What's happening is obviously the mass punishment of a
whole people, the Lebanese, in response to the capture of two Israeli
soldiers and the killing of three others on Wednesday of last week. The
death toll now has just topped 240 in the last few minutes. We've --
almost all of the Lebanese dead are civilians, of course, as usual. The
Americans, in the usual pusillanimous way of Mr. Bush, are doing
nothing to prevent this from taking place. It amazes me -- I mean,
living here in Beirut, as I have for 30 years. Here are the Lebanese
people, sophisticated, educated, cosmopolitan, people who don't look
like the Arab world, they look like us; I mean, people who could be
quite at home on the streets of Paris or New York and London, and some
of them are; people who read, who are very well educated; people who
speak English fluently, French beautifully, and fluent Arabic, as well,
of course; and who, when they die in such large numbers, the best we
can produce is a call for restraint by the State Department and a claim
by the British, our own dear Tony Blair, that the Israelis are using
disproportionate force.

The exchange rate for neutral slaughter between Israel and here at the
moment is now 1 to 10. 24 Israelis ? I think 25 now -- to 242 Lebanese,
many of whom, as I say, most of whom, but a far larger proportion of
civilians. Many Beirut people were very moved Saturday when the
Lebanese Beirut newspapers carried a very, very tragic picture of a
young girl, a little girl -- must have been 4 or 5 years old -- near a
place called Ter Hafra, lying dead in a field in her blue pajamas,
looking, as I said in my newspaper, very similar to that terrifying
picture from Poland in 1939 of a little Polish girl lying dead with her
weeping sister beside her. I did receive a phone call today from an
Israeli woman living in the East Coast of the United States, who said
she thought that what was being done to the Lebanese was unforgivable.
I thought she was a very generous and good woman, saying she prayed for
the Lebanese people and the Palestinians, and for the Israelis, of
course. But it's a tragedy of immense proportions, because it's also
tearing apart a country. In the last 24 hours we found the Israelis
have turned to attacking a milk factory, Liban Lait -- it's actually
the producers of milk I drink every morning in my tea -- a paper box
factory, for heaven's sakes, hardly a terrorist target. We've already
seen them smash up the runways of Beirut Airport and destroy part of
the -- most of the lighthouse, the new Manara lighthouse, in Beirut.
The Israelis today even attacked the factory which imports Procter &
Gamble goods here. We've had an ambulance convoy, a convoy of new
ambulances from the United Emirates, cross from Syria into Lebanon, got
attacked from the air. It's an all-out war against the economy
infrastructure of a country that was at last beginning to look modern
again, after the 15 years of civil war, which cost 150,000 lives. And
it's very sad to see.

I think the massacre of the innocents must obviously apply to both
sides. The Israeli dead have an equal right to that claim. But the
scale -- I mean, "disproportionate" is not the word for it -- the scale
of the response is obscene. Even a small example, I'll give you.
Yesterday, something fell out of the sky over a small area of Beirut
called Qurashim [sic]. I think it was part of the wing, the wingtip of
an F-16. The Israelis say it's not, but I think it probably was. And it
crashed in a fiery volcano glow and burned trees, bushes, the roadway,
and decapitated a young man in his car who was driving home to his

I got there in about eight minutes. And there were three very friendly
Lebanese soldiers. By chance, I knew one of them, the sergeant, who
said, "Mr. Robert, you must be very careful. The Israelis will come
back and bomb again, but we'll take you into the fire and show you as
much as we can." And they stood around me and protected me as we went
up the road for about a mile walking -- or running, to be very honest
with you, because Mr. Fisk here is not a very brave warrior. And I saw
parts of what appears to be a wing. I think it was burning fuel all
over the road. I think it came out of whatever the aircraft was. I
think what actually happened is a Hezbollah missile probably hit an
F-16, and the Israelis didn't want to claim it. They said that it was
part of a barrel containing propaganda pamphlets and leaflets, which --
well, I didn't see leaflets anyway, and I know they burn on fuel, but
anyway, I saw what I could and got away afterwards and said, you know,
waved at the soldiers and thanked them.

And the Israelis did come back some hours later and bombed the barracks
of these soldiers, which were members of a logistics unit. Their job
was to repair bridges and electrical lines. They weren't combat
soldiers. And they killed ten Lebanese soldiers, including the three
young men who had protected me the previous day. This was outrageous,
because the Israelis know what each individual Lebanese army unit is
doing. They know if it's a combat unit, armored personnel carriers,
helicopters, whatever.

And they picked on this sole barracks to destroy those men, to
exterminate them, because, of course, their job was to keep Beirut
alive, to keep the power systems running, to repair the bridges which
were being destroyed -- 46 bridges now, according to Minister of
Finance, who told me this a few hours ago, have been destroyed in
Lebanon. This is the inheritance, of course, of former prime minister,
assassinated prime minister Rafik Hariri, who was murdered on the 14th
of February last year. He rebuilt this country. He rebuilt the city of
Beirut. Now, bit by bit the bridges, the lighthouse, the international
airport are being destroyed.

AMY GOODMAN: When Robert Fisk was almost killed by an angry Afghan mob,
when he was covering the war in Afghanistan, Rafik Hariri called him
after he had gotten out of that situation, almost died, and asked if he
could send a plane. But Robert Fisk said he felt that was inappropriate
to receive anything from a government or former government official.
Well, on Tuesday the Lebanese prime minister said Israel's opening the
gates of hell and madness in his country and urged Hezbollah to release
the two captured Israeli soldiers, but said Israel's response has been
disproportionate. I asked Robert Fisk about the Prime Minister's

ROBERT FISK: You know, I know Fouad Siniora, the Lebanese prime
minister, quite well, and I like him very much. And he's a very
affable, friendly and honorable man, but his response has been pretty
pathetic. You know, to call the Israeli response "disproportionate" is
to go along with the European, the E.U.'s equally pusillanimous
response. Roaring on about gates of hell is not something that Lebanese
prime ministers can do. He appeared on television not long ago crying,
which I don't think Winston Churchill was doing in May of 1940. But
he's not Rafik Hariri and never claimed to be. He's an economist, not a
professional politician.

The usual problem -- I mean, the moment the attack took place, the
Israelis blamed the Lebanese government, who can't even control a water
faucet, let alone a Hezbollah militia man. And that, by saying the
Lebanese were responsible, gave them the excuse to start destroying the
infrastructure of Lebanon. Even the beautiful new viaduct that Hariri
had built on the transnational highway to Syria has been broken by the
Israeli bomber strikes. I've been there and seen it and stood on it.

You know, what it needs is a government, which -- there's no power in
the Lebanese army. It's 50,000 strong, but they can't defend Lebanon.
And there's only three Vietnam-era helicopters or some ancient hawk
hunter fighters belonging to Lebanon. They can't fight off the

But, you know, I asked tonight, for example, the Minister of Finance
whether he's considered suing the major American armaments
manufacturers, who are producing the missiles, who are killing all of
these innocent people here. And he hadn't thought of it. You know, I
mean, most of the missiles which are landing here are made in Seattle
and in Miami, Florida, by Lockheed Martin or Boeing. But it's as if
you've got this little tiny parish council, you know, parish pump
government. And they talk about the gates of hell, and then they talk
about disproportionate, and then they cry. I'm afraid that's not a way
to run a country. But Lebanon is a very small weak country, and Israel
is a nuclear-powered superpower, nuclear-armed superpower; what can you

AMY GOODMAN: We return to our interview with Robert Fisk, chief Middle
East correspondent for the London Independent. I reached him at his
home late last night in Beirut, where he has lived for almost three
decades. I asked him about the World Health Organization's announcement
Monday that it expects the number of Lebanese residents displaced from
their homes to reach 900,000.

ROBERT FISK: I think it's probably a little bit less than 900,000, but
it's probably moving towards half a million. I mean, the people from
the southern suburbs, where, of course, the Hezbollah did have their
headquarters -- "did" being the optimum word now -- there are about
half a million of them scattered across Beirut in schools, public
parks. They're living out in the open in parks, where it's warm, but
what a filthy place to live, under trees on dried grass. I mean, this
is a mass punishment of a whole people for the actions of a very
ruthless, powerful guerilla army, Hezbollah, which does not represent
the Lebanese people.

Anyway, it is important to remember that the Hezbollah crossed that
border against all international law. No one gave them a referendum or
a vote to cross the border and kill Israelis and capture two Israelis
and start off this war. But, you see, they relied upon -- they totally
relied upon the cruelty of Israel's response. And Israel, as usual,
obliged them. So no one will now criticize the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

But it's a catastrophe, because here is a country that began to believe
in itself again after the years of civil war, and now it's the same old
story. The country is being vandalized and smashed up by a country
which says it believes in purity of arms. And these civilian deaths, I
don't believe that they're by chance. I don't believe it was a mistake
when they hit that army barracks of logistic soldiers, who are trying
to repair their own country, which they have every right to do.

And Marwaheen is a particular -- this is a village in Southern Lebanon,
where Mossad, the Israelis, ordered the villagers out. I should add
that this is a village closest to the scene of the killing and capture
of the Israeli soldiers on Wednesday. They were ordered to leave the
village. They did so in a convoy of cars, 20 of them. They went to the
United Nations, who ordered them away -- Ghanaian Battalion, shamefully
-- and set off to Tyre. And an F-16 came down and burned them all alive
with bombs. Outrageous massacre. The Israelis keep boasting that they
are picture-perfect, punctilious, surgical strike operations. Well, if
that's true, then that was mass murder and a war crime; if it's not
true, then we can't believe in the riffraff of the Israeli Air Force
anymore -- it's as simple as that -- or the riffraff of the Hezbollah,
if you listen to some of their roaring, by the way. But one has to be
as cynical and as critical as one wants in a war, because no one else
will be, usually.

AMY GOODMAN: Robert Fisk speaking to us from his home in Beirut. On
Tuesday, we broadcast an interview with Syrian President Bashar
Al-Asad, and I asked Robert Fisk about this. But I want to play for you
just an excerpt of that interview that we played yesterday, done by
independent journalist Reese Erlich in Damascus. Erlich asked President
Asad about whether Syria plans to demarcate its borders with Lebanon or
open embassies between the two.

PRESIDENT BASHAR AL-ASAD: The first part about the borders, we had a
letter, formal letter, from the Lebanese prime minister, and we sent
him a reply, formal reply, that we are ready to demarcate the borders.
We don't have any problem, because we had such a problem with Jordan a
few years ago, and we solved it. About the embassies, as a concept, we
cannot say we don't want to have an embassy in another country, as a
concept, but that needs normal relation. Now, we don't have this normal
relation with the Lebanese, so it needs better relation to discuss this

REESE ERLICH: What kinds of issues would have to be resolved in order
to have a normal relation?

PRESIDENT BASHAR AL-ASAD: First of all, not to have a government that
works against your country. This is first of all. And second of all,
you need the Syrians to feel that they have real neighbors, not cradle
for or not a hub for terrorists to come and do such terrorist acts in

REESE ERLICH: One last question, what would it take to improve
relations between the United States and Syria now? Are there any steps
that could be taken that would improve them?

PRESIDENT BASHAR AL-ASAD: Definitely by the United States, not by
Syria, because we did a lot, and we couldn't get any result, because
they don't have the will. So first of all, they should know and they
should understand the situation in the region. They should appreciate
the role of Syria in the region. They should know that we have common
interests that they don't see. And I think they should be neutral in
dealing with our causes. That's how we can get back our relation to

AMY GOODMAN: Syrian President Bashar Al-Asad speaking with independent
journalist Reese Erlich last month in Damascus. The full interview is
available on our website at Well, during our
conversation yesterday with journalist Robert Fisk, I asked him about
what role he thinks Syria and Iran are playing in the current crisis.

ROBERT FISK: They are behind all of it. Look, last year under U.N.
Security Council Resolution 1559, Bashar Al-Asad, the President of
Syria, was forced to make a very humiliating military withdrawal of his
army from Lebanon. Since then, he's been constantly condemned by the
State Department, the Pentagon, the White House, Israel, of course, as
a bastion of evil, as helping the insurgents of Iraq, which up to a
point I think he probably does.

And Lebanon has been allowed to believe, especially by the U.S.
ambassador here, Feltman, who is now mutely and pusillanimously silent,
that it was a democracy, that it won its freedom in "Cedar's
Revolution," remember, from last year, which is actually a fake one, in
quotation. It wasn't made up by the Lebanese. And now, suddenly this
democracy counts for nothing, because, of course, what President Asad
has done effectively is say, "Look, you may think you have your little
seat of democracy over there, but I control events." Syria is the chief
supporter politically of the Hezbollah. And Iran is the chief supporter
military of the Hezbollah. And this is Syria's work. This is Syria
saying, "We're back. We control events. Negotiate over the occupied
Golan Heights." And as usual, poor old Lebanon and the poor old
Lebanese are paying the price for it.

But you need to realize this was planned a long time ago. No one
suddenly got up in the morning and ate their hummus and had some coffee
and said, "Let's fire a missile at a warship." The tele-guided missile
attack on a major Israeli naval vessel had been planned a long time in
advance. And militarily for the Hezbollah, it was an enormous success.
It set the vessel on -- the ship set on fire for hours, and four
sailors were blown overboard. And since then, I have to tell you, I've
only seen one gunboat off the coast of Lebanon, and that was miles
away. They don't come in close anymore, not at least during daylight

There's another point which the Israelis have not talked about, because
it's under strict censorship in Israel, that the Hezbollah, who had
weeks earlier sent a pilot-less reconnaissance drone over Israel, made,
of course, in Iran, taking pictures, they had identified the
headquarters of Israel's top secret military air traffic control center
at Miron in Northern Israel. This is basically where the military
scientists are based. It's like caves in a mountain. They're
untouchable. But the drone identified the antenna on the top of the
mountain and put missiles onto it. Israel has a secret code name of
Operation Apollo. Now, this was an extraordinary breech of Israeli
security. Never, insofar as I know, since the '73 war, has it been
breeched like this. And now, of course, now we're having these constant
flurries of Zalzal-2 missiles onto Haifa, an amazing situation, which,
of course, is frightening, or not frightening, but is deeply
concerning, worrying to the Israeli security people.

AMY GOODMAN: I went on to ask Robert Fisk about Hezbollah and the
reaction in Lebanon to their capturing the two Israeli soldiers, which
sparked the current crisis. Hezbollah has called for a prisoner swap
with Israel, and many in the Arab world see their act as having been in
solidarity with Hamas taking a soldier hostage in Gaza last month. I
asked Robert Fisk to respond.

ROBERT FISK: Obviously, Hezbollah knew when they carried out this
attack across the border on Wednesday that the soldier had been
captured and taken into the Gaza Strip. But I think it's expecting a
bit much in terms of coordination to assume that this was some massive
plot by both Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't believe so for a moment. No,
initially the Lebanese reaction was great fury at Hezbollah, because
they realized that all of these enormous forward movements of the
country, the infrastructure, the money, the security, the safety, had
had all been thrown away.

But the Hezbollah, as I said, had obviously relied upon the cruelty of
the Israeli response, the extent of the cruelty of it, to make sure
that at the end no one was going criticize Hezbollah. And as I say, the
Israelis obliged. Their response has been outrageous. It has been
obscene. And, you know, this is -- we've now got more dead than we had
in '96, when the Qana massacre happened, many more dead than in '93.
Now, it's not the same as, for example, the 1982 invasion of Lebanon,
where 17,500 people were killed. We're only talking about just over
almost 250.

But, nonetheless, many Lebanese now, you see, don't have an experience
of that civil war and that area of invasion. They're young. Many
Lebanese during the civil war were sent away to be educated in Harvard,
New York, London, Geneva, Paris. And they came back believing in a new
world, in the West. And they're suddenly seeing what Israel is doing,
and it is shattering. And when they look around and ask what the
Americans are doing, well, the Americans are evacuating their precious
American citizens, and the British are evacuating their precious
English British citizens, and the French -- and so on. We're more
concerned about the lives of our beautiful blue-eyed white people than
we are about the poor old Lebanese. And this is a big problem, you
know, because the Lebanese are a very sophisticated people. They look
like us. They feel like us. They speak foreign languages. They're much
more better educated than most Westerners. And we don't care about
them. We don't care about them.

AMY GOODMAN: Finally, Robert Fisk went on to talk about the media
coverage of the current crisis and reporters embedded in the Israeli

ROBERT FISK: There were reporters embedded in the Israeli navy,
watching them shell the coast of Lebanon, and I've seen the footage.
Then, suddenly, one of those Hetz-class gunboats is hit by an Iranian
missile. And within a minute, Hezbollah's television station, Al-Manar,
which has been totally bombed, pulverized, pound into dust -- it's
still broadcasting presumably from bunkers elsewhere in Beirut --
suddenly shows all the embedded footage on television, like "Here's the
ship. Here it is firing on Southern Lebanon. This is the ship we hit."
Extraordinary bit of propaganda. I mean, absolutely amazing,
outrageously so.

How on earth did they have those pictures aligned and ready to put out
on the air within a few minutes of the attack on the gunboat? You know,
Nasrallah came on television in Beirut within minutes after the
Israelis had bombed his home and tried to kill him and, of course,
failed to do so, saying, "You don't have to worry about me, but go out
onto the beach of Beirut and look out to sea, and you'll see the ship
burning." My goodness me, that was a stunning piece of propaganda. But,
of course, the embedded reporters, as usual, will do their job in
extolling, I'm sure, the surgical strikes of the Israelis, "as usual."
I put that in quotation marks.

But, you know, there is an awful lot of propaganda roaring on and on. I
get very tired of watching Nasrallah saying it will be all-out war, we
have more surprises, etc. And then Ehud Olmert says we may have a
full-scale land invasion of Lebanon, which is absolute tosh. He has no
intention of doing that. He'd lose hundreds of men if he did such a
thing. And there are all these sort -- I call them the roarers, you
know. Nasrallah and Ehud Olmert are now trying to outdo each other in
all kinds of terror language.

I'm constantly reminded of that wonderful line in King Lear, where he
says, "I shall do such things I know not, but they shall be the terrors
of the earth." I'm contemplating a piece on the roarers of the Middle
East. Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, is another roarer. And, of
course, the worst thing is that they say this, so that the Western
press will pick it up. And heaven spare us all, the Western journalists
do pick it up and use it. You know, they're looking for a good line, as
if this is a football match or football game or a hockey match, instead
of a tragic war which is taking the lives of people like that little
girl in the field.

AMY GOODMAN: Robert Fisk, chief Middle East correspondent for the
London Independent. He's covered the Middle East for the last three
decades. He was speaking from his home late last night in Beirut,
Lebanon. To purchase an audio or video copy of this entire program,
click here for our new online ordering or call

(2) Israel destroyes the largest milk factory in Lebanon - Robert Fisk

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 01:07:11 -0700 (PDT) From: James Morris

The child lies like a rag doll - a symbol of the latest Lebanon war

By Robert Fisk in Beirut

07/20/06 "The Independent" -- -- How soon must we use the words "war
crime"? How many children must be scattered in the rubble of Israeli
air attacks before we reject the obscene phrase "collateral damage" and
start talking about prosecution for crimes against humanity?

The child whose dead body lies like a rag doll beside the cars which
were supposedly taking her and her family to safety is a symbol of the
latest Lebanon war; she was hurled from the vehicle in which she and
her family were traveling in southern Lebanon as they fled their
village - on Israel's own instructions. Because her parents were
apparently killed in the same Israeli air attack, her name is still
unknown. Not an unknown warrior, but an unknown child.

The story of her death, however, is well documented. On Saturday, the
inhabitants of the tiny border village of Marwaheen were ordered by
Israeli troops - apparently using a bullhorn - to leave their homes by
6pm. Marwaheen lies closest to the spot where Hizbollah guerrillas
broke through the frontier wire a week ago to capture two Israeli
soldiers and kill three others, the attack which provoked this latest
cruel war in Lebanon. The villagers obeyed the Israeli orders and
initially appealed to local UN troops of the Ghanaian battalion for

But the Ghanaian soldiers, obeying guidelines set down by the UN's
headquarters in New York in 1996, refused to permit the Lebanese
civilians to enter their base. By terrible irony, the UN's rules had
been drawn up after their soldiers gave protection to civilians during
an Israeli bombardment of southern Lebanon in 1996 in which 106
Lebanese, more than half of them children, were slaughtered when the
Israelis shelled the UN compound at Qana, in which they had been given

So the people of Marwaheen set off for the north in a convoy of cars
which only minutes later, close to the village of Tel Harfa, were
attacked by an Israeli F-16 fighter-bomber. It bombed all the cars and
killed at least 20 of the civilians travelling in them, many of them
women and children. Twelve people were burnt alive in their vehicles
but others, including the child who lies like a rag doll near the
charred civilian convoy, whose photograph was taken - at great risk -
by an Associated Press photographer, Nasser Nasser, were blown clear of
the cars by the blast of the bombs and fell into fields and a valley
near the scene of the attack. There has been no apology or expression
of regret from Israel for these deaths.

The innocent continued to die yesterday in Israeli air attacks across
Lebanon. Five civilians were killed when an Israeli missile struck a
house near the town of Nabatea. Three members of the Hamed family were
killed along with their Sri Lankan maid. In the village of Srifa, in
the south, Israeli air strikes flattened 15 houses which were homes to
at least 23 people but - with no lifting vehicles able to reach that
part of the country - there was no way of rescuing anyone alive trapped
in the buildings.

The Lebanese civil authorities, however, were able to give names to the
dead after an Israeli air raid on the Bekaa Valley village of Nabi
Chit; they included Ali Suleiman; Daoud Hazima; Khadija Moussawi and
her children Bilal, Talal and Yasmine; Maouffaq Diab; Ahmed and
Khairallah Mouawad; Mustafa Jroud and Bushra Shuqr. At least three of
the names were female. Another four civilians were killed in an air
raid on the village of Loussi in eastern Lebanon.

The Israelis constantly boast of their "pin-point" or "surgical"
precision in air attacks. If this is true, then there are far too many
civilians being killed in the Lebanese bloodbath to make every one of
them an accident. And since Israel's target list now includes obviously
civilian targets - deliberately bombed to punish the civilian
population - the evidence is mounting that these air raids are intended
to kill the innocent as well as the Hizbollah guerrillas whom Israel
claims to be fighting.

True, the Hizbollah are killing civilians in Israel, but their missiles
are inaccurate and the West, which has done no more than mildly
disapprove of Israel's retaliatory onslaught, must surely expect higher
standards of the Israeli armed forces than of the men whom both Israel
and President George Bush describe as "terrorists".

Why, for example, did the Israelis attack and destroy the headquarters
of the Liban-Lait company in the Bekaa Valley, the largest milk factory
in Lebanon? Why did they bomb out the factory of the main importer for
Proctor and Gamble products in Lebanon, based in Bchmoun? Why did they
destroy a paper box factory outside Beirut? And why did Israeli planes
attack a convoy of new ambulances being brought into Lebanon from Syria
yesterday, vehicles which were the gift of the medical authorities of
the United Arab Emirates? The ambulances were clearly marked as a
relief aid convoy, according to an Emirates official. Were all these
"terrorist" targets? Was the little girl in the field at Tel Harfa a
"terrorist" target?

An example of Israel's lack of care in targeting Lebanon came yesterday
morning when an Israeli plane fired four missiles into a disused
parking lot in the Christian district of Ashrafieh in Beirut. Their
targets turned out to be two derelict water drilling lorries which were
standing tyre-deep in weeds. Were the tubes on the back of the lorries
supposed to be missile launchers? And if so, who imagined that
Hizbollah would ever try to conceal such weapons in a Christian area of
Beirut where Hizbollah believe many of Israel's own collaborators live.

In Beirut and Nabatea, Lebanese security men claim to have arrested
"collaborators" who were "painting" houses and cars with phosphorus to
guide in Israeli jets to destroy them. At the same time, the Lebanese
Minister of Finance, Jihad Azour, stated that 45 bridges had been
destroyed across Lebanon and 60,000 families - 500,000 civilians - have
been displaced.

Thousands of foreigners - many of them Lebanese holding dual
citizenship - continued to leave the country by bus and ship yesterday,
including hundreds of Britons who started the evacuation on Monday in
HMS Gloucester. Americans were leaving by sea, although a French
security company in Amman - SPO Middle East - was reported to have been
hired by the US to evacuate its citizens by bus at a cost of $3,000
(#1,700) a head.

They, of course, are the lucky ones, who will finish their journeys in
Damascus or Cyprus rather than beside a burnt convoy at Tel Harfa.

) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

(3) The Human Shields of Nazareth, by Jonathan Cook [shamireaders]

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:32:29 +0400 From: "Israel Shamir"

An interesting piece by Jonathan Cook (see below), but before that, an
announcement. I've been now for a few days in Moscow, where I spoke on
a few radio channels, published a commentary to the Israeli attack on
Lebanon < > and
presented my new book in Russian called The Curse of Chosenness published by Algoritm,
Moscow. I believe that Russia presents a hope for the Middle East;
though not as powerful or as strong-willed as the USSR of old, but
still, by virtue of its theopolitics and geopolitics, it's an
opposition to the Judaeo-American Empire, like the Parthians opposed
the Roman Empire. More about it - in near future, inshallah! Why the
Hezbullah missiles landed in Nazareth? Jonathan Cook explains that the
Jews located their military bases in the heart of Arab cities. He
reminds us that the politically-correct term "Israelis" should be
substituted by correct term "Jews", as the fate of Israeli Arabs is
quite different. And by the way, yesterday the Jews bombed a Christian
suburb of Beirut showing once again that they do not distinguish
between Muslims and Christians - and neither should we. July 19, 2006

The Human Shields of Nazareth

by Jonathan Cook

Nazareth hit the international headlines for the first time in this
vicious war being waged by Israel mostly on Lebanese civilians.
Reporter Matthew Price, corseted in a blue flak jacket in Haifa, told
BBC viewers that for the first time Hezbollah had targeted Nazareth
late on Sunday. "Nazareth is a mostly Christian town," he added,
managing to cram into a single sentence of a few words two factual
mistakes and a disturbing hint of incitement.

Whatever the precision of its rockets (and Nazareth's residents are
certainly worried enough about that), Hezbollah struck not at Nazareth
but at a site some distance from Nazareth ? a site of strategic
significance to Israel, though I cannot say more than that as we are
now officially under martial law in the country's north.

Matthew Price was also wrong about Nazareth being a "mostly Christian
town." During the 1948 war in which Israel's army ethnically cleansed
much of the surrounding area of Palestinians, Muslim villagers fled to
Nazareth in search of sanctuary. Today, two-thirds of the city's 75,000
inhabitants are Muslim ? or at least they are by the religious
classification system imposed on all citizens by the Israeli

Which brings us to the nasty element of incitement from our BBC

Several Israeli armaments factories and storage depots have been built
close by Arab communities in the north of Israel, possibly in the hope
that by locating them there Arab regimes will be deterred from
attacking Israel's enormous armory. In other words, the inhabitants of
several of Israel's Arab towns and villages have been turned into
collective human shields ? protection for Israel's war machine.

Before the strike close to Nazareth late on Sunday night, several Arab
villages in the north had been hit by Hezbollah rockets trying to reach
these factories. No one at the BBC saw the need to mention these
attacks nor the fact that "mostly Muslim" villages had been hit. So why
did the strike against Nazareth ? and its mistaken Christian status ?
became part of the story for the BBC?

Because Israel wants to portray Hezbollah, and its leader Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah, as a crazed Islamic militia, as fanatical Muslims who hate
Jews and Christians with equal vehemence. This is all part of Israel's
claim that it is fighting George Bush's "war on terror." Predictably,
the BBC obliged by regurgitating this piece of racist nonsense.

If anybody still doubts that Israel is shaping the news agenda of
broadcasters like the BBC, here was as good as the proof.

According to the jingoistic Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Prime
Minister's Office and the army are delirious at their success in
dictating the headlines and tone of foreign news broadcasts.

Ehud Olmert's media adviser, Assif Shariv, told the Post that the
international media were interviewing Israeli spokespeople four times
as much as spokespeople for the Palestinians and Lebanese. Another
government adviser, Gideon Meir, boasted: "We have never had it so
good. The hasbara [propaganda] effort is a well-oiled machine."

Which may explain why we know so little about what is happening in
Lebanon and Gaza ? and why we know so little about what is happening
inside Israel too.

To remind you, I, like other residents of northern Israel, am under
martial law. As are the foreign journalists ? and in addition they are
required to submit their copy to the military censor. So all I can tell
you, without breaking the law, is that you are not getting the entire
picture of what has been happening here in the Galilee.

Certainly, a piece of news that I doubt you will hear from the foreign
media, although bravely the liberal Hebrew media has been drawing
attention to the matter, is that the "only democracy in the Middle
East" has all but silenced al-Jazeera from reporting inside Israel.

The reason is clear: until recently al-Jazeera had been running rings
around the local and foreign press.

Al-Jazeera is the Arab world's most serious and popular news gatherer,
and essential viewing for anyone who wants to get a realistic idea of
the news from both sides of the border. When I heard the missile strike
close by Nazareth on Sunday night, al-Jazeera told me what had happened
a full half hour before the Israeli media, and a day before my
colleague Matthew Price.

How do they do it? Because most of their staff in Israel are Israeli
citizens, as well as being Palestinian Arabs. Their journalists belong
to the forgotten fifth of the Israeli population whose citizenship is
Israeli but whose nationality is Palestinian.

So not only do al-Jazeera's reporters know the northern patch of Israel
like home ground (because it is home ground) but they are also not
cravenly waiting for the Israeli Prime Minister's Office and army's
spokesman to tell them what is going on.

Watching al-Jazeera has been a revelation: it has dedicated a
substantial portion of its coverage to events inside Israel as well as
in Lebanon, in stark contrast to Israeli broadcasters who rarely use
any of the footage from Lebanon.

Similarly, al-Jazeera faithfully translated Ehud Olmert's speech word
for word into Arabic, and then included a lengthy analysis from a local
correspondent for its viewers. Israeli broadcasters, on the other hand,
repeatedly mistranslated the televised words of Hezbollah leader Sheik
Hassan Nasrallah into Hebrew and English, removing context and his
calls for negotiation.

Similar misrepresentations of Nasrallah's position in the foreign media
presumably reflected their over-reliance on the Israeli broadcasters.

But al-Jazeera's coverage inside Israel ? the Arab world's best chance
of being exposed to the Israeli point of view ? is being effectively
shut down. In the past two days, its editor has been arrested on two
occasions and another senior journalist was taken in for questioning.
According to its reporters, they cannot move from their office without
being followed by the Israeli security services.

Why are they receiving this treatment? Because, according to Israel's
only serious newspaper, Ha'aretz, the country's Hebrew media have been
inciting against them. In particular Reshet Bet radio station, one of
several wings of the Israeli media loyal to the government, has been
telling lies that al-Jazeera is revealing classified information,
namely the location of rocket strikes.

Is the claim true? According to Ha'aretz again: "Other TV networks,
including Israeli news services, made similar reports without suffering
from police intervention."

Freedom of the press rarely means much when governments go to war. The
local media usually consider it their patriotic duty not only to strip
of vital context the information they offer their viewers, but they
often falsify the record too. Much of Israel's media are clearly doing
both jobs with some accomplishment.

But the fact that some in the Israeli media see it as part of their job
to silence journalists not as craven as themselves is the real
eye-opener. Maybe they realize al-Jazeera just makes them look like

Nabila Espanioly, the director of a charitable organization in Nazareth
promoting women and children's interests, makes a point worth
remembering as the foreign and Israeli media huddle in the shelters of
Haifa and Nahariya interviewing terrified "Israelis."

In fact, they are talking not to Israelis but to Israeli Jews. The
fifth of the Israeli population who are not Jewish but Arab are rarely
to be found hiding in public shelters because the authorities neglected
to build any in their towns and villages.

In other words, although the Israeli army has sited several important
weapons factories and military intelligence posts close to Arab
communities in the north, the Israeli government has not offered the
Arab residents any protection should there be fallout ? quite literally
in the case of the Katyusha rockets ? as a result.

This is another tiny facet of the discrimination endured for decades by
the country's Arab population that so rarely surfaces in media coverage
of Israel.

Similarly oblivious to the ironies, the Israeli and foreign media have
been running heartwarming stories about how "Israelis" are opening
their homes and hearths to their compatriots fleeing the north. Again
for "Israelis" substitute "Israeli Jews."

No one I know here in Nazareth believes they would find much of a
welcome in Tel Aviv or Beersheva should they go looking for one. Which
leaves them with nowhere to run should they need to.

The only Arab communities out of the line of Hezbollah fire are those
in the southern Negev belonging to the Bedouin. But that is not much
comfort. Most of the Negev's 150,000 Bedouin have been forced to live
in squalid tents and metal shacks by an Israeli government that
bulldozes anything more permanent. The authorities also deprive many of
the Bedouin communities of water and all public services. So sweating
it out with the Katyushas may be the better option.

A final footnote ? one to ponder in the quieter moments after the worst
of the suffering is over. Those Israeli Jews fleeing for their lives as
they head south to the quiet ? so far at least ? of Tel Aviv and beyond
offer a small echo of events nearly six decades ago when 750,000
Palestinians were forced to leave their homes by the Israeli army.

Israeli Jews have always taken the view ? and happily tell any
outsiders as much ? that the "Arabs" lost the right to their homes in
the war of 1948 because they "fled" (in fact many were forcibly
expelled, but let that drop for the moment).

The Israeli government has adopted much the same view, even refusing to
allow the 250,000 of its own Arab citizens who are classified as
internal refugees ? their ancestors fled the fighting in 1948 but have
citizenship because they stayed inside what is today Israel ? to return
to their original homes and land.

So how exactly should we regard those Israeli Jews now fleeing from
Nahariya and Haifa? Should they lose their homes, their land, and their
bank accounts just as the Palestinians did in 1948?

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 19, 2006 5:12:38 PM EST
Subject: Fw: Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg: Government May
Have Carried Out 9/11, predicts Bush Regime will stage terror attack to
provide pretext for Iran invasion

Pentagon Papers
Author Daniel Ellsberg
Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11

Predicts Bush Regime Will Stage Terrorist Attack to
Provide Pretext
For Iran, Syria Invasion and Justify Internment
Camps for American People

Infowars | July 19, 2006
By Kevin Smith & Alex Jones the industrial/military

Daniel Ellsberg is a former American military analyst employed by the
RAND Corporation who precipitated a national firestorm in 1971 when he
released the Pentagon Papers, the US military's account of activities
during the Vietnam War, to The New York Times. The release awakened the
American people to a systematic program of organized deception carried
out by the Pentagon against the population to continue the Vietnam War.

Daniel Ellsberg, speaking on air to GCN radio host Jack Blood, stated
his concerns that criminal elements of the US government were
psychologically capable to have carried out 9/11. He warned that within
days after a US military strike on Iran that Bush's handlers would
probably stage some type of terror attack in the West to legitimize the
new war.

"If there's another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a
U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after
or within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will
involve massive detentions in this country. "

- Daniel Ellsberg
Author, Pentagon Papers

Ellsberg went on to state that another major Reichstag-like
state-sponsored attack would be followed by a martial law scenario
which might include detention camps for American dissenters.

Ellsberg said that he worked with individuals at the highest levels of
government who staged war provocations several times to whip up pro-war
sentiment in the US. Daniel Ellsberg now joins the ranks of hundreds of
prominent engineers, physicists, economists, military officers, pilots,
high-level intelligence analysts, and cabinet ministers who are
exposing the 9/11 hoax.

Each day more and more respected professionals are going public with
their questions about the official 9/11 fable. The 9/11 cover-up dam is
breaking under the weight of these truthseekers' efforts and the
perpetrators of 9/11 are watching them in horror while wondering who
will be the next to speak up.

Here is a partial transcript of the interview:

Jack Blood: Have you had a chance to take a look at a lot of this
information coming from America's leading scholars, physicists,
engineers, etc. Who have taken a look now at 9/11 and are now, not only
questioning what might have happened on 9/11, but really being very
direct including a number of high level

Daniel Ellsberg: Actually, I have looked at a lot of that, and I'll
tell you without going into it all which would take a lot of time, I
find some of it very implausible and other parts of it quite solid, and
there's no question in my mind that there's enough evidence there to
justify a very comprehensive and hard hitting investigation of a kind
that we've not seen, with subpoenas, general questioning of people, and
raising the release of a lot of documents, there's no question that (
D.E. chuckles) put it this way, very serious questions have been
raised, about how much they knew beforehand and how much involvement
there may been. Is the, is a administration capable, humanly and
physiologically of engineering such a provocation?

Yes, I would say that, I worked for such an administration myself,
Johnson, ah, President Johnson put destroyers in harm's way in the
Tonkin Gulf not only once, but several times, with the, with a lot of
his people hoping that it would lead to a confrontation and claiming
that it had. And could have resulted in the lost of many lives in the
course of it. And what I'm saying now, by the way though is this, and
here there's a very strong analogy, to this day there is a controversy
gone back and forth historically, as to who caused the Reichstag fire,
the burning of their parliament, the Reichstag, on February 27 th 1933.
Goering, at one point, the number two man in the Nazi regime, said "I
set that fire", later he denied that at Nuremberg, and I've noticed
that the latest history suggests, that it wasn't the Nazi's. The point
is that all this time later is there is still a controversy about that.
But, what there's no controversy about is the use the Nazi's made of
it, that very night and the next day.

J.B. Cui Bono, who benefits

D.E. February 28 th, there was a Reichstag fire decree that ended
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, all in
the Weimar Constitution, and privacy of the postal system and of
communications and of telephone, what ended here to, more than we knew
four years ago right after 9/11. If there's another 9/11 or a major war
in the Middle-East involving a U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt
that there will be, the day after or within days an equivalent of a
Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this
country, detention camps for middle-easterners and their quote
"sympathizers", critics of the President's policy and essentially the
wiping-out of the Bill of Rights.

J.B. I know your walking very carefully here Daniel Ellsberg, but
that's pretty strong medicine and we have to look at the history of the
world, governments do this, as you mentioned, governments are liars,
governments are murderers, they, this is not above them, I'm sure your
familiar with the Northwoods Document.

D.E. Ah yes, indeed. Yeah talking about a manufactured provocation
which could have involved even the shooting down of an American or some
other airliner, with American support. Yes I would say by the way, that
Americans definitely play this game, I'm sure that it's happening now.

We, I expected by the way, Bush to manufacture a kind of Tonkin Gulf
incident before he went into Iraq and then I decided well I'd been
wrong they didn't feel they needed that. It is interesting that the
memos that came out, in conversations between Blair and Bush, (aka The
White House Memo), show that Bush was pressing for the possibility of
sending over a U-2 and getting it fired on and using that as an excuse.

J.B. A U-2 painted like a U.N., ah, a United Nations airplane.

D.E. Yes, but they couldn't do that again for sure. But, what is
happening right now is that Israel is clearly seeking a generally
provocative act by both Hammas and Hezbollah, which I think were not
wise acts some people are applauding those in the Middle-East passing
out sweets and so forth, very short-sighted I would say, a lot of
innocent people are going to die as a result.

Former Reagan Deputy and Colonel Says 9/11 "Dog That Doesn't Hunt"

Representative Of Largest 9/11 Families Group Says Government Complicit
In Attack

Neo-Con Blog Fears Bruce Willis Now 9/11 Truther

Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

Former CIA Analyst: Government May Be Manufacturing Fake Terrorism

Former Reagan Treasury Secretary Questions Twin Towers Collapse

Physics Professor Says Science Points To Conclusive Evidence of WTC
Controlled Demolition

Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex
Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow

Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus

Former Bush Admin Member Says Government Complicit In 9/11


From: Tim Barton <>
Date: July 19, 2006 6:50:06 AM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>

Subject: [bluegreenearth] A US call to (more) arms - Bowles

--- InI Newsletter <> wrote:

A US call to (more) arms

A cease-fire that would leave the status quo ante intact is absolutely
unacceptable. A cease-fire
that would leave intact a terrorist infrastructure is unacceptable.
White House spokesman Tony
Snow, 18/7/06 (See American imperialism wants war)

One thing should be absolutely clear by now, when it comes to Israels
actionsthe US calls the
shots. I trust this lays to rest all those deluded individuals on the
left who subscribe to the
fallacious notion commonly referred to as the tail wagging the dog.

Failure in Iraq, failure in the Occupied Territories and failure in
Afghanistan has inevitably led
to the only option left to US imperialism, that is total
destabilisation of the Middle East.

The US, unable to carry it out on its own or with its so-called allies
has instructed Israel to do
the dirty work on its behalf, a mission it is only too willing to take
up, having failed twice

As an aside, one has to question the motives of Hezbollah in
confronting Israel at this critical
juncture. At best, I argue that it was extremely bad planning, at
worst, is it too far-fetched to
suggest that Hezbullah is infiltrated with agent provocateurs? They
have, after all, supplied the
US and Israel with the raison detre. (This may not be such a
far-fetched idea, see Hezbollah
website hosted by a US defense subcontractor? for more on this)

Be that as it may, creating total chaos enables the USably assisted by
the MSM, an absolute
prerequisite if domestic populations are to be carried along on a wave
of hysteria surrounding the
alleged terrorist infrastructures, not to mention the slavish support
of the Zionist stateto
firstly, destroy the remaining obstacle to resolving the Palestine

This leaves Syria totally isolated and no match for Israels military
machine. How long before it
capitulates to US demands or risk invasion? And who will rush to defend
Syria? Iran? Dream on.

It explains why the utterances of the US and the UK are essentially
saying keep on bombing until
theres nothing left of Lebanon. Why else is Israel taking out
Lebanons industrial capacity
including critical food and medical production, having already
destroyed its transportation

Israel switched gears in its military campaign against Lebanon Monday
and Tuesday, launching a
series of debilitating air strikes against privately owned factories
throughout the country and
dealing a devastating blow to an economy already paralyzed by a week of
hits on residential areas
and crucial infrastructure.

The production facilities of at least five companies in key industrial
sectors including the
countrys largest dairy farm, Liban Lait; a paper mill; a packaging
firm and a pharmaceutical
plant have been disabled or completely destroyed. Industry insiders
say the losses will cripple
the economy for decades to come. Latest targets of air blitz: milk
and medicine, By Lysandra
Ohrstrom, Daily Star, Wednesday, July 19, 2006

There is no way these can be described as terrorist infrastructures!
The objective is plain;
reduce Lebanon to a failed state. No doubt, within a short period of
time, the Lebanese
government will collapse and a protectorate aka Kosovo will be
installed, which is where the EU
and NATO can be used.

This will leave Hezbollah completely isolated. All that will remain is
a mopping up operation in
the Occupied Territories. Once the Palestinian problem is taken care
of, the focus will be on
Iran. At least this is the theory.

At this juncture, the only thing that could stop this awful scenario
from unfolding are the
populations of Europe and the US and there seems little likelihood of
this happening.

July Index


Jonathan Mark
Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast
Wed Jul 19, 2006 20:57

Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast

- - Israeli Onslaught Will Only Strengthen Hizbullah

Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast
Published July 18, 2006 by the Inter Press Service
Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast
by Thalif Deen

UNITED NATIONS - Israel is in violation of U.S. arms control laws
for deploying U.S.-made fighter planes, combat helicopters and missiles
to kill civilians and destroy Lebanon's infrastructure in the ongoing
six-day devastation of that militarily-weak country.

The death toll, according to published reports, is over 200 people
-- mostly civilians -- while the economic losses have been estimated at
about 100 million dollars per day.

"Section 4 of the (U.S.) Arms Export Control Act requires that
military items transferred to foreign governments by the United States
be used solely for internal security and legitimate self-defense," says
Stephen Zunes, professor of politics at the University of San

"Since Israeli attacks against Lebanon's civilian infrastructure
and population centers clearly go beyond legitimate self-defense, the
United States is legally obliged to suspend arms transfers to Israel,"
Zunes told IPS.

Frida Berrigan, a senior research associate with the Arms Trade
Resource Center at the World Policy Institute in New York, is equally
outraged at the misuse by Israel of U.S.-supplied weapons.

"As Israel jets bombard locations in Gaza, Haifa and Beirut,
killing civilians (including as many as seven Canadians vacationing in
Aitaroun), it is worth remembering that U.S. law is clear about how
U.S.-origin weapons and military systems ought to be used," Berrigan
told IPS.

She pointed out that the U.S. Arms Export Control Act clear states
that U.S. origin weapons should not be used for "non-defensive

"In light of this clear statement, the United States has an
opportunity to stave off further bloodshed and suffering by demanding
that its weaponry and military aid not be used in attacks against
Lebanon and elsewhere, and challenging Israeli assertions that it is
using military force defensively," she added.

That would demonstrate the kind of "utmost restraint" that world
leaders called for at the G8 Summit of the world's most industrialized
nations, which just ended in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The 25-member European Union has said that Israel's military
retaliation against Lebanon is "grossly disproportionate" to the
kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers last week by the Islamic militant
group Hezbollah, which is a coalition partner of the U.S.-supported
government in Beirut.

Israel has accused both Syria and Iran of providing rockets and
missiles to Hezbollah, which has used these weapons to hit mostly
civilian targets inside Israel.

Israel's prodigious military power -- currently unleashed on a
virtually defenseless Lebanon -- is sourced primarily to the United

Armed mostly with state-of-the-art U.S.-supplied fighter planes and
combat helicopters, the Israeli military is capable of matching a
combination of all or most of the armies in most Middle Eastern
countries, including Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

The air force has continued to devastate Beirut and its suburbs
with no resistance in the skies during six days of incessant bombings,
causing civilian deaths and infrastructure destruction.

"The Israeli Air Force now flies only U.S.-origin fighters, a mix
of F-15s and F-16s, and the rest of the service's fleet is almost
completely of U.S. origin," says Tom Baranauskas, a senior Middle East
analyst at Forecast International, a leading provider of defense market
intelligence services in the United States.

While in earlier years Israel bought from a variety of arms
suppliers, with the French in particular being strong sellers to Israel
of such items as Mirage fighters, over the past couple of decades the
United States has developed into Israel's preponderant arms supplier,
he added.

"The U.S. domination as Israel's arms supplier can be seen in the
Congressional Research Service's (CRS) annual study of arms sales,"
Baranauskas told IPS.

He said the latest CRS survey shows a total of 8.4 billion dollars
of arms deliveries to Israel in the 1997-2004 period, with fully 7.1
billion dollars or 84.5 percent coming from a single source: the United

A major factor in this trend was the rise in U.S. Foreign Military
Financing (FMF) -- outright U.S. grants to Israel -- which now totals
about 2.3 billion dollars a year paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

By U.S. law, Baranauskas said, 74 percent of FMF assistance to
Israel must be spent on U.S. military products. This U.S. assistance
has now become the main source of financing for Israel's major arms
procurements, especially its fighter planes.

From a historical perspective, he said, U.S. assistance to Israel
during 1950-2005 has been staggeringly high: Foreign Military Financing
(FMF) amounting to 59.5 billion dollars; 27 billion dollars in Foreign
Military Sales (FMS) mostly government-to-government arms transactions;
and eight billion dollars in commercial arms sales by the private

Berrigan of the Arms Trade Resource Center said the United States
is undoubtedly the primary supplier of Israeli firepower.

In the interest of strengthening Israel's security and maintaining
the country's "qualitative military edge" over neighboring militaries,
the U.S. Congress provides Israel with annual FMF grants that represent
about 23 percent of its overall defense budget. Israel's 2006 military
budget is estimated at 7.4 billion dollars.

According to the Congressional Research Service, FMF levels are
expected to increase incrementally by 60 million dollars a year to a
level of 2.4 billion dollars by 2008 compared with 2.2 billion dollars
in 2005.

"Israel has been the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid every
year since 1976," Berrigan said.

Additionally, the United States provides Israel with billions of
dollars worth of weaponry.

She pointed out that recent military sales to Israel include
propulsion systems for fast patrol boats worth more than 15 million
dollars from MTU Detroit Diesel; an eight-million-dollar contract to
Lockheed Martin for high-tech infrared "navigation and targeting"
capabilities for Israeli jets; and a 145-million-dollar deal with
Oshkosh Truck Corp to build more than 900 armour kits for Israeli
Medium Tactical Vehicles.

In December of last year, Lockheed Martin was awarded a
29.8-million-dollar contract to provide spares part for Israel's F-16
fighter planes.

Berrigan also said that Israel has one of the world's largest
fleets of F-16 fighter planes, made in Fort Worth, Texas and also in
Israel by Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Israel has a total of over 378 F-16s, considered one of the world's
most advanced fighter planes -- besides 117 F-15s, 94 Skyhawks, 110
Phantoms -- all supplied by the United States.

Copyright ) 2006 IPS-Inter Press Service

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and Gaza: The Politics of Proportionality
Israel used the capturing of 3 Israeli soldiers as a
pretext to wage a larger war

By Remi Kanazi
July 19, 2006

For many Americans, the recent assault on Gaza and Lebanon makes
perfect sense. Two attacks on Israeli soldiers by groups in Gaza and
Lebanon, and the subsequent capture of three Israeli prisoners, were
unspeakable provocations, but a sordid feeling overcomes all those
who have been closely watching the events unfold in the Occupied
Territories and Lebanon. The Israeli government, reinforced by American
steadfastness and the international communitys capitulation, set the
rules for the one-sided catastrophe. Israel can freely pound Gaza,
batter south Lebanon, and hammer Beirut, but if Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah
or any other Palestinian or Lebanese civilian lifts a finger to defend
themselves or their country against Israeli military aggression, it is
tantamount to crimes against humanity.

The reaction against Hezbollah and Hamas has involved an intense
bombing campaigntargeting civilian infrastructure and the innocent
population. In the past six days, more than 230 Lebanese have perished
at the hands of Israeli forces, nearly all of whom were civilians. The
scene in Gaza is equally bleak. Since the start of the month, the
Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) killed nearly 100 Palestinians. The
damage in Lebanon is already estimated to be in the billionsa
staggering sum for a nation with a 2005 Gross Domestic Product of 20
billion dollars. The economic blockade imposed on the Occupied
Territories has driven up the rates of poverty, malnutrition, and

Israel used the capturing of the three Israeli prisoners as a pretext
to wage a larger war on the inhabitants of the Occupied Territories and
Lebanon. Still bitter about Hezbollah forcefully driving the Israeli
military out of south Lebanon in 2000 and emboldened by Hamas election
sweep in January, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reaffirmed that
Israelis will not be held hostage to terror. But Israelis, as Olmert
maintains, will fight with all the strength we are capable of, which
includes the use of terrorism against civilian populations. At no point
is it appropriate for a United Nations member state, a signatory to
the Geneva Conventions, and a self-proclaimed moral democracy to act
in this manner.

Suppose Israel didnt occupy the Shebaa Farms and it didnt frequently
incite and intimidate the Lebanese population with military operations,
sonic booms, border attacks, and the abduction of Lebanese civilians:
Israels recent attacks would still constitute war crimes. Under no
circumstance is a nation allowed to attack another sovereign nations
civilian population with the use of physical force, economic
strangulation and collective punishment due to a provocation caused
by a non-government entityparticularly when the aggressor state is
accusing other nations of orchestrating the attacks. While 23 members
of Hezbollah are representatives in the Lebanese parliament, Hezbollah
is not the Lebanese government, nor does Israel claim it to be.
Furthermore, many critics are condemning Israel for its
disproportionate use of force. While many of these critics astutely
recognize the brutality inherent in Israels offensive, it is necessary
to note that proportionality does not apply to the endangering of
civilian life and the collective punishment of the civilian population;
civilians must never be targeted.

Some Israelis now fear the bombing of Lebanon will have an adverse
effect on the public relations of Israel. Their concern is valid. Just
as the 1982 Israeli invasion of Beirut was a moral stain on the Israeli
state, the image of innocent dead Lebanese on the front page of the New
York Times and TV clips of bloodied women and children being carried
away on stretchers is having a significant impact on American society.
The American mind has become accustomed to witnessing scenes of
Israelis running for cover, but now the images are of
LebaneseArabsand Americans are finding themselves coming to the same
horrific conclusion: this is wrong. The first sign of American
disapproval came a few weeks ago when the US media aired a video which
showed a little girl on a Gaza beach hysterically searching for her
family after an Israeli attack. American minds will start to change if
they are consistently exposed to the atrocities inflicted upon the
Palestinian and Lebanese people. This is Israels greatest fear.
Israels force is maximized by its ability to constantly buttress the
notion that it is a nation of victims. The longer Israel
indiscriminately attacks Lebanonthe further support for Israel will
wane. This is not to infer, however, that the US media is providing
equal coverage of the conflict now consuming Lebanon. Yet, these
glimpses into the suffering of populations that the American mind has
been trained into believing as foreign, as non-human, and as the
enemy, provides a possibility for change.

Although European support for the Palestinian people is overstated in
America, Europeans tend to be more understanding of Arab issues, given
their large Arab and Muslim populations. Furthermore, many European
media outlets are more balanced in their coverage of the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the greater Arab/Israeli conflict than
the outlets in the US. Nevertheless, an unbiased picture of the
conflict in Lebanon and the Occupied Territories has yet to emerge in
the Western press. Some European leaders have been outspoken in their
criticism for Israels disproportional force against Lebanon. Their
diplomatic effectiveness, however, has been hindered by the US
administrations unwavering support for the state of Israel.

Over the last few weeks, a number of protests condemning Israels
assault on Gaza have induced many Arab-Americans and supporters of
human rights to come out of the woodwork. On July 18, more than a
thousand people came out to protest Israels destruction of Lebanon and
the Occupied Territories at the Israeli Mission to the UN, dwarfing the
previous protests.

In the US, the sense of outrage from the Lebanese and Arab community
has been unlike anything Ive ever seen. People are angry, disgusted,
and enraged by these recent events. Over time, many Arab-Americans
became desensitized to the violence engulfing Iraq and the Occupied
Territories. The events in Lebanon, however, have politically energized
many Arab-Americans generally disinterested in the politics of the
Middle East. A few reasons may attribute to this. First, the US is home
to a large Lebanese population. 25,000 Lebanese-Americans, currently
under siege in Lebanon, have yet to be evacuated from the nation.
Second, in the minds of many Arab-Americans, Beirutonce considered the
Paris of the Middle East was nearing that status again. Third, many
Lebanese and Arab-Americans Ive spoken with were stunned by whats
seen as an attack on the Lebanese government, the indiscriminate
bombing of Beirut, the striking of both Christian and Muslim
neighborhoods and interests, and the expansive attack on the civilian
population and infrastructure. Many Lebanese believed that after a 15
year civil war, the calming of inter-religious tensions, and an end to
the Israeli occupation, that they were on a better footing. Yes,
governmental corruption consumed the state, the economy was in tatters,
and political unrest still existed, but the Israeli incursion that
started last week was simply a hit they couldnt afford to take.

Israel lost its moral compass through its creation. The
disproportional use of force against the indigenous civilian
population of Palestine has been its cardinal sin. The firm policy of
keeping an ethnic Jewish majority through means of violence and might
is a cancer that will always plague the state. Today, the majority of
the Israeli population is rallying around Olmert and Israels absolute
right to defend itself. This tends to be the case when Israel is
engaging in a military offensive. The US population has not always been
as supportive of its governments use of military force. Americans
eventually turned on the war in Vietnam; many are now turning on the
war in Iraq. Just as most Americans understood that Abu Ghraib,
Guantanamo, the massacres in Haditha, and the recent raping of the
14-year-old Iraqi girl by US soldiers were wrong, they immediately
realized that the attacks on the innocent people of Lebanon were
deplorable. It is too soon to tell how strongly this will affect the
American outlook, but one can only hope that it produces a change of
unprecedented proportions.

Remi Kanazi is the primary writer for the political website He lives in New York City as a Palestinian
American freelance writer, poet and performer and can be reached via
email at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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) Copyright Remi Kanazi,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: ufka <>
Date: July 20, 2006 6:22:14 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Politicians and Media Selling America's Soul for an Israeli

[Ed. Note: Where was the outrage when Israel Murdered RACHEL CORRIE?]

Politicians and Media Selling America's Soul for an Israeli Shekel ::
Forcing America to Pay and Die for Israel's Invasions, Occupations,
and Massacres ::
by Mohamed Khodr (Monday July 17 2006)

"You use one UN Resolution, 1559, to demand Hezbollah disarm; while
Israel has defied hundreds of UN Resolutions and US policy since 1949.
The same resolution called for all occupiers of Lebanon to leave,
Syria complied while Israel lied about its continued occupation of
Lebanon's Shebaa Farms. That fact seems to be missing from your blood
thirsty pictures and words."

"He who controls the news, controls the views"

It is inexplicable on a human level, not on the ideological,
political, or financial level, that our "mainstream" media are blaming
the occupied victims in Gaza and Lebanon for Israel's "forced"
retaliations. Most of you are either unwilling or careless to learn
about the history of the Israeli Palestinian conflict and how a Jewish
state for Europe's victims was forced violently and with terrorism
expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their home with
the deliberate erasing of over 400 Palestinian villages (Read Ben
Gurion and Dayan's own writings; or Benny Morris's: Palestinian
Refugee Problem). Massacres, rapes, terrorism (first MidEast bomb was
by Begin's group, first hijacking of a plane was by Israel) were
inflicted on the British, Palestinians, and U.N. envoys. Your myths
about Israel as a "democracy" defies the logic that this solely a
"Jewish state" where Christians and Muslims are unwanted. Mosques and
churches have been burned and destroyed. This is part of Jewish dogma
as evidenced in the Babylonian Talmud.

Today the latest tit for tat is reflected in your angry editorials and
articles splashed on the front page "Hamas and Hezbollah" rain rockets
on innocent Israeli civilians thus Israel must retaliate. This is akin
to your hysterical adoption for ideological reasons the NeoCon lies
that got us into Iraq killing Americans and Iraqis. It seems not even
American lives are worth protecting when it comes to Israel.

Bush, "our" Congress, and you are foaming at the capture of one
Israeli soldier as a POW. ; but neither he, the Congress, or you cared
to highlight the deliberate murder of an American woman, Rachel
Corrie, by Israel driving an American caterpillar twice over her
beautiful soul. Where was your outrage then? I see, if Israel kills,
even Americans, we cover the murder.

So I ask you, how long will you allow Israel's military expansionism
(Greater Israel) and massacre of innocent civilians continue under
your protection and support? Are you this heartless and without
conscience? You block the images of dead and shattered Arab children
(Christian and Muslim), massacres of civilian convoys, destruction of
entire villages, besieging entire populations depriving them of
electricity, water, bread and medicines; all for Israel's sake while
enormous coverage is given to the "anxiety" of Jewish children living
in illegal settlements stolen from Palestinians.

I lived through Sharon's murderous indiscriminate bombing and siege of
Beirut in 1982 for three entire months when American cluster bombs,
napalm, phosphorous bombs, rockets, missiles "rained" on an urban
city. I pulled U.S. made shrapnels from burned and injured children
dropped by your ideological soul mates in Tel Aviv. Ten UN Security
Council Resolutions were passed then "urging" Israel to stop the
killing, to no avail. Even Reagan termed it a "Holocaust". Where were
you then? Israel's excuse in 1982 was the attempted assassination of
its UK Ambassador. Today it's the capture of three soldiers as POW's
in a state of war between the powerful occupies and hapless occupied.
"Deceit and adventurism" was how former Prime Minister Moshe Sharrett
characterized Israel's military zeal for blood. Even the motto of
Israel's Mossad is "By way of Deceptionwe shall make war."

You only have to read the quotes of many Israeli officials, Rabbis,
military generals, and some media to understand that Israel's racist
policies and Apartheid existence is manifested in ethnic cleansing
(transfer), massacres, bombing, and assassinations as official policy.
Peace is anathema to Zionist expansionism.

Here's what your hero, Moshe Dayan, said of collective punishment and
U.S. support.

"The method of collective punishment so far has proved effective."
(Righteous Victims, p. 275-276)


"Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the
money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice." (Iron Wall, p. 316)

Israel constantly spits in the face of its American taxpayer grants as
well as our already subservient politicians, as evidenced by Sharon's
public rejection and slap in the face of our Cowboy President Bush
when he demanded Sharon withdraw from Gaza and said "enough is
enough"; only to later adopt all of Israel's demands to kill the "Road
Map" and once and for all to reject all UN Resolutions and American
policy for decades. That's "Chutzpah".

It's difficult to understand the notion that Arabs oppose Israel's
"right to exist" given that no one gives any nation the "right" to
exist. Legally, Israel should not have any United Nations recognition
or seat in the organization given that Israel rejected General
Assembly Resolution 273 that conditioned Israel's admission into the
United Nation upon Israel's acceptance of U.N. Resolution 181
(Partition Plan) and U.N. Resolution 194 that demanded Israel accept
the return of Palestinian refugees or compensate them. Hence, Israel's
rejection of UN Resolution 273 should expel Israel from the United

You deliberately keep the opinions of patriotic American Jews,
Christians, and Muslims and others, out of your television screens and
papers to only allow Israel's narrative, myths, and lies. You and the
Zionist Cabal use "Anti-Semitism" like the Taliban used the whip to
ensure "our" Congress tows the Israeli line. No politician,
journalist, academician or any American seeking advancement dares to
cross Israel and expect to make an honest living or at times eve to

Without Congressional and media support there would have been peace in
the Middle East a long time ago sparing thousands of lives including
Israelis, Arabs, and Americans. But you insist that America continue
to pay and die for the sole "rogue" state, Israel, as so identified
even by our European allies.

You are complicit in the shedding of all human blood as an acceptable
price for your ideological benefit much like the Zionists sacrificed
Jewish life to the Holocaust for the greater goal of a "Jewish State".
Congress is too cowardly to change as long as your power so
intimidates them that they sell their soul to "Satan"; as is the case
with Hilary Clinton, John McCain, John Kyl, Sam Brownback, Rick
Santorum, and most of our Congress. Uri Avnery, an Israeli military
hero and former Knesset member has said repeatedly that if Israel
proposed to Congress the elimination of the Ten Commandments the
majority of the Congress would pass such a bill.

The future of Jewish lives is in your hands. Israel cannot sustain its
militarism and defiance of the entire world forever. Sooner, rather
than later, Israel will lose its control of America's foreign policy
and become vulnerable to a world filled with wrath against Jews,
especially the majority of Jews who don't support Israel nor choose to
live in the "Promised Land." This scenario has been advanced by many
courageous Jews who truly love and care for their brethren and fear
for their future.

Stop spreading current and future hate that can only come back to
haunt Jews with worldwide persecution. Save Israel's and Jewish
futures. This century has been coined by an American Jewish
academician as the "Jewish Century"; but what of the next century?
We'll all be dead by then but your pictures and words will remain be
exploited for potential Jewish persecution.

Christian and Jewish Zionists and the mainly Jewish NeoCons are
itching for a fight with Syria and Iran much like they did with Iraq.
William Kristol recently wrote a piece entitled "..And now Iran." How
willingly callously and carelessly do these Israel lovers wish to send
America's youth to constantly die for Israel while the American
taxpayer funds these wars and our nation's future is mortgaged.

You use one UN Resolution, 1559, to demand Hezbollah disarm; while
Israel has defied hundreds of UN Resolutions and US policy since 1949.
The same resolution called for all occupiers of Lebanon to leave,
Syria complied while Israel lied about its continued occupation of
Lebanon's Shebaa Farms. That fact seems to be missing from your blood
thirsty pictures and words.

Find your reason and human heart and do the right thing to bring peace
to two peoples caught hostage by extremists, our Congress, and your
blind support.

For God's sake have courage and stop hiding behind ideology, fear of
financial loss and"Anti-Semitism". Muslims, including me, hate our
policies, not this beautiful nation and its people who are innocent of
your love fest for Israel, a foreign nation, willing to fight its
enemies to the last American.

In due time Americans will awaken and demand accountability of our
politicians and media. Then, there's the rub.



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United States to Israel: you
have one more week to blast Hizbullah
Bush 'gave green light' for limited
attack, say Israeli and UK sources

by Ewen MacAskill, Simon Tisdall and Patrick Wintour
July 19, 2006


The US is giving Israel a window of a week to inflict maximum damage on
Hizbullah before weighing in behind international calls for a ceasefire
in Lebanon, according to British, European and Israeli sources.

The Bush administration, backed by Britain, has blocked efforts for an
immediate halt to the fighting initiated at the UN security council,
the G8 summit in St Petersburg and the European foreign ministers'
meeting in Brussels.

"It's clear the Americans have given the Israelis the green light.
They [the Israeli attacks] will be allowed to go on longer, perhaps for
another week," a senior European official said yesterday. Diplomatic
sources said there was a clear time limit, partly dictated by fears
that a prolonged conflict could spin out of control.

US strategy in allowing Israel this freedom for a limited period has
several objectives, one of which is delivering a slap to Iran and
Syria, who Washington claims are directing Hizbullah and Hamas
militants from behind the scenes.

George Bush last night said that he suspected Syria was trying to
reassert its influence in Lebanon. Speaking in Washington, he said:
"It's in our interest for Syria to stay out of Lebanon and for this
government in Lebanon to succeed and survive. The root cause of the
problem is Hizbullah and that problem needs to be addressed."

Tony Blair yesterday swung behind the US position that Israel need not
end the bombing until Hizbullah hands over captured prisoners and ends
its rocket attacks. During a Commons statement, he resisted backbench
demands that he call for a ceasefire.

Echoing the US position, he told MPs: "Of course we all want violence
to stop and stop immediately, but we recognise the only realistic way
to achieve such a ceasefire is to address the underlying reasons why
this violence has broken out."

He also indicated it might take many months to agree the terms of a UN
stabilisation force on the Lebanese border.

After Mr Blair spoke, British officials privately acknowledged the US
had given Israel a green light to continue bombing Lebanon until it
believes Hizbullah's infrastructure has been destroyed.

Washington's hands-off approach was underlined yesterday when it was
confirmed that Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, is delaying
a visit to the region until she has met a special UN team. She is
expected in the region on Friday, according to Dan Gillerman, Israel's
ambassador to the UN.

The US is publicly denying any role in setting a timeframe for Israeli
strikes. When asked whether the US was holding back diplomatically,
Tony Snow, the White House's press spokesman, said yesterday: "No, no;
the insinuation there is that there is active military planning,
collaboration or collusion, between the United States and Israel - and
there isn't ... the US has been in the lead of the diplomatic efforts,
issuing repeated calls for restraint but at the same time putting
together an international consensus. You've got to remember who was
responsible for this: Hizbullah ... It would be misleading to say the
United States hasn't been engaged. We've been deeply engaged."

Steven Cook, a specialist in US-Middle East policy at the
Washington-based Council on Foreign Relations, said: "It's abundantly
clear [that US policy is] to give the Israelis the opportunity to
strike a blow at Hizbullah ...

"They have global reach, and prior to 9/11 they killed more Americans
than any other group. But the Israelis are overplaying their hand."

Israel is already laying the ground for negotiations. "We are
beginning a diplomatic process alongside the military operation that
will continue," said Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, yesterday.
"The diplomatic process is not meant to shorten the window of time of
the army's operation, but rather is meant to be an extension of it and
to prevent a need for future military operations," she added.

Moshe Kaplinsky, Israel's deputy army chief, said the offensive could
end within a few weeks, adding that Israel needed time to complete
"clear goals". Israeli officials said fighting could begin to wind down
after the weekend, if Hizbullah stops firing rockets.

A peace formula is also beginning to emerge: it includes an
understanding on a future prisoner exchange, a deployment of the
Lebanese army up to the Israeli border, a Hizbullah pullback, and the
beefing up of an international monitoring force. For the first time, Ms
Livni suggested Israel might accept such a force on a temporary basis.

There were signs of differences of emphasis between the Foreign Office
and Downing Street over the conflict.

Kim Howells, a Foreign Office minister, explicitly called for the US
to rein in Israel. "I very much hope the Americans will be putting
pressure on the Israelis to stop as quickly as possible." he told the
BBC. "We understand the pressure the Israeli government is under, but
we call on them to look very carefully at the pressure ordinary people
are under in southern Lebanon and other parts of Lebanon too ... We
want to stop this as quickly as possible".

Israeli airstrikes killed 31 yesterday, including a family of nine in
Aitaroun. More than 230 civilians in Lebanon have been killed in the
past week.

An Israeli man was killed by a Hizbullah rocket in Nahariya in
northern Israel, bringing the total of Israeli civilian deaths to 13.
The army said 50 missiles were fired yesterday at northern Israel,
injuring at least 14 people.


7 31 Lebanese killed in Israeli air raids. Nine members of one family
were killed and four wounded in a strike on their house in the village
of Aitaroun. Five were killed in other strikes in the south and two in
the Bekaa Valley. An attack on a Lebanese army barracks east of Beirut
killed 11 soldiers and wounded 30. A truck carrying medical supplies
was hit and its driver killed on the Beirut-Damascus highway. Hizbullah
says one of its fighters was killed.

7 One man killed as he was walking to a bomb shelter in Nahariya,
northern Israel. The army said Hizbullah fired 50 missiles, hitting the
port and railway depot at Haifa, as well as the towns of Safed, Acre
and Kiryat Shmona.

7 Hundreds evacuated from Beirut in helicopters and boats. HMS
Gloucester arrives to start evacuation of Britons. The Orient Queen, a
cruise ship capable of carrying 750, sets out from Cyprus, escorted by
a US destroyer.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Ewen MacAskill, Simon Tisdall and Patrick Wintour,
Guardian, 2006

The url address of this article is:



Date: July 20, 2006 3:24:05 AM EST
Subject: Ken Lay's Alive

by Greg Palast
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Don't check the casket. I know he's back. When I saw those lights
flickering out at La Guardia Airport yesterday and heard the eerie
shrieks and moans in the dark, broiling subway tunnels, I just knew
it: Ken Lay's alive! We can see his spirit in every flickering
lightbulb from Kansas to Queens as we head into America's annual
Blackout season.

It wasn't always so. For decades, America had nearly the best, most
reliable electricity system on the planet and, though we grumbled,
electricity bills were among the planet's lowest. It was all thanks to
Franklin Roosevelt and the Public Utility Holding Company Act which
allowed for tough regulation of the power monopolies. They were told
what they could charge, the maximum profit they could take and -- what
I think about when the lights dim -- exactly how much they had to
invest to keep the juice flowing.

But then, in 1992, a Texas oil man, George H.W. Bush, ordered to
evacuate the White House by two-thirds of the US electorate, gave his
Houston crony, Ken Lay, a billion-dollar good-bye kiss: Bush's
signature authorizing deregulation of electricity.

But Lay's operation didn't pick up the really big bucks until after
December 21, 1994, when the Enron chief wrote to the incoming governor
of Texas, George W. Bush, asking the Governor-elect to grant him a
special wish for Christmas:

"The Public Utility Commission appointment is an extremely critical
one. We believe Pat Wood is best qualified. Linda joins me in wishing
you and Laura and the whole family a joyous holiday. - Sincerely, Ken."

And Georgie-Boy granted Kenny-Boy's wish, appointing Wood and thereby
giving Texans an electricity regulator who stumped for Ken Lay's right
to earn unlimited profits without any obligation to keep the lights
on. Thus, by 1995, electricity deregulation had a foothold in the Lone
Star state that would spread nationwide like Dutch Elm Disease.

But, unsatisfied with excessive profits, Lay and his team went for
unconscionable profits, flickering the lights in California in the
winter of 2000. "Let poor Aunt Millie use candles," said one of
Lay's minions as he deliberately schemed to engineer black-outs. When
the public reacted with anger, Bill Clinton, by a December 2000
executive order, ended Enron's right to trade power. Lay's response
was, that month, through a lobbyist, to tell President-elect Bush to
promote Lay's puppet regulator, Wood, to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission. Kenny-Boy wished it, and again, Georgie-Boy granted it.

Lay's hand-picked federal regulator Wood then kept the game going
until, on August 14, 2003, the entire northeast, from Ohio to New York,
went dark. Wood had to take the blame and resigned. Bush replaced him
with Joe Kelliher, a regulator nominated by -- no points for guessing
-- Ken Lay.

In the old, pre-Ken days of regulation, my fellow economists used
to complain about something called the Averch-Johnson Effect. The A-J
Effect was the result of regulations which gave companies incentives to
gold plate the electricity system, making it way TOO reliable. Too
much cash was spent on keeping the lights on.

Well, gone are the days of the A-J effect. The gold-plating is gone
-- but not the gold. Under regulation, power sellers were limited by
law to a profit of about 9%, what the law called a just and reasonable
return. Now, the profits can be -- and are -- unreasonable, unjust and
just out of sight.

For example, one company, Entergy, owns a nuclear plant in New York
called, Indian Point. They get to charge for nuclear power as if it
were produced by oil -- that is, they charge New York City residents at
a price effectively set by OPEC, prices boosted by the war in Iraq. Not
surprisingly, Entergy today reported a record rake-in of profits from
their nuclear business. No 9% limit for these good old boys. On top
of that, the power company is relieved of all obligations to keep the
lights on in New York City.

And in New Orleans. The same company supplies all of the
electricity in the City that Care Forgot. Under deregulation, they
hadn't gold-plated the system; they hadn't even water-proofed it. Last
year, when the levees burst and the city flooded, Entergy simply turned
off the lights and declared their New Orleans subsidiary bankrupt.
Leaving New Orleans in the dark was a profitable decision. The company
reported a 23% leap in earnings for the third quarter of 2005, the
period including Hurricane Katrina, a profit boost they attributed to
"the weather." Hey, are these guys droll, or what?

This year, Entergy's profits have stayed up in the clouds, no doubt
helped by the cash the company saved by not bothering to restore
electricity to a large number of their customers in New Orleans --who
remain in the dark even today.

By now, you've got to ask: after the profiteering from Katrina, after
the California power scandal of 2000, after the Great Black-out of
2003, even after the hand-cuffing of Ken Lay, why are we still under a
deregulation regime that Ken Lay seems to rule from the grave? Why is
it that we're still at the mercy of power vampires?

The answer, in part, is that the bloodsucking is a bi-partisan feast.
Entergy, the New Orleans nuclear company, is well defended in the US
Senate by their former lawyer, Hillary Rodham, who now protects them
under her new alias, Senator Clinton.

Ken Lay's gone, but the ghost of Ken Lay -- the marauding ghoul called
deregulation -- stays to haunt us.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 23, 2006, 9:25:17 PM7/23/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 22, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I've had to omit many photos from this issue because it takes so
long for me to transmit them. So I urge you to visit
so you can see all the photos accompanying Michel Chossudovsky's piece
(third below). And if you scroll down the news section there, you'll
find two other collections of photos from Israel and Lebanon.
The images are quite painful to absorb--but if we don't, we reduce
ourselves to life-in-an-utter-fantasy-world.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te

Transition Prez

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Poisonous Gas Dropped on Villages by
Israeli Military in Southern Lebanon

July 21, 2006

Wayne Madsen

WMR reported that the Israeli military was using poison gas on villages
in south Lebanon. According to a former U.S. weapons expert who served
in Iraq, the artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a
chemical weapon delivery device. It is being handled by an Israeli
Defense Force soldier and Hebrew lettering can be clearly seen on the
armored vehicle. Another chemical weapons shell of the same type can be
seen lying on the ground to the right. It is not known what type of
chemical is in the chemical canister, however, gas dropped by the
Israelis in villages in southern Lebanon has resulted in severe
vomiting among the civilian population.
Media commentators have scoffed that Israel, with its relatively
unique history, would ever use chemical weapons or poison gas in any
war. It is precisely because of that perception that they are using
such weapons. The deniability factor prevents the media from taking
seriously the credible reports of banned weapons being used by the

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Israel using chemical delivery weapons in Lebanon. Fuse and chemical
canister can be clearly seen in photo of Israel Defense Force personnel
in Lebanon. Drawing of chemical weapon is from the Organization for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The url address of this article is:



Subject: Gilad Atzmon cf Daniel Ellsberg
Date: July 22, 2006 5:47:14 AM EST

Gilad Atzmon: Learn Math with Israel 2 = 500,000

Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 14:57:19 +0200 From: "Kristoffer Larsson"

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Gilad Atzmon - Learn Math with Israel: 2 = 500,000

This is obviously the outcome of the newly emerged Hebraic arithmetic
laws. For 2 kidnapped Israeli soldiers who are still kept alive,
500,000 innocent Lebanese civilians are displaced. For 2 abducted
Israeli soldiers, Lebanon, a sovereign state, is brought back down on
its knees. Its civil infrastructure is 'gone'. Some of its capital's
residential quarters and southern villages are already wiped out.
Indeed, 'two equals half a million' is the new arithmetic the Israelis
insist upon imposing on the region. Is it that surprising? Not at all,
as predicted by Gershon Sholem already in the 1930's: once the Jews
start to speak Hebrew, it won't take long before they consider
themselves to be God.

In the Bible Sodom and Gomorrah were "brimstone and fire from the Lord
out of heaven" (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; 19:24, 29; Hosea 11:8). The two
towns where erased by God for the sins of its inhabitants. In the
Biblical narrative (Genesis 18), God informs Abraham that he intends
upon demolishing the city of Sodom because of its gross immorality.
Abraham pleads with God not to do it. God is willing to agree as long
as there were 50 righteous people in town, then 45, then 30, 20, or
even just 10 decent people.

While the Biblical tale is saturated with God's fury and vengeance, it
is Abraham, a morally orientated human being who insists upon saving
the inhabitants of Sodom. Yet, not many contemporary Abrahams have been
raising their voices within Israeli society. In a demonstration against
the emerging brutal attack against Lebanon, less than one thousand
Israeli showed up. But far more worryingly, not many Abrahams are
noticeable amongst our world leaders. While Bush was clearly caught up
welcoming the brutal wiping out of yet another Arab country, his twin
ideological brother, PM Blair, supports Israel's "right to defend

One should ask the British PM the obvious question: if indeed Israel is
solely engaged in merely "defending itself" how come there is no Navy
rescue mission of Britons from Tel Aviv or Haifa? Somehow, Mr. Blair,
it is rather apparent that Israel's aim of 'defending itself' is so
extensive in its brutality that it is actually Beirut and southern
Lebanon that are wiped out.

Following Sholem's prophecy, it is rather clear that the almighty
Israelis indeed endorsed the role of a cruel God. Flying American
F-16's, the Israelis 'brimstone and fire' Lebanese cities and villages
out of existence. Last night, the IAF angels dropped 23 tons of
explosives on a one single bunker in Beirut. They really want to kill
so it seems.

However, within the Biblical tale, even God is willing to bargain,
"just present me with 50, 40, 30, 20 righteous people," he tells
Abraham. Seemingly, Israel, the almighty regional God, is far less
willing to bargain. Till this point in time, it has rejected any
ceasefire initiatives. The Israelis want to 'finish the job' so they

One may wonder what exactly is that job which they want to finish.
Indeed they spread collateral damage all over Lebanon but seemingly
they do not touch the Hezbollah. Instead, rather murderously, they
punish the entire Lebanese people. They flatten Beirut's southern
neighbourhoods, they destroy the Lebanese civil infrastructures, they
destroy the state's economy, half a million Lebanese are now displaced,
hundreds are dead. And guess what, they don't win. Ostensibly, the
Hezbollah is gaining power. In fact, from this point onwards, the
Hezbollah can only win. In other words, the Hezbollah has won the
battle already.

More than anything, it is the Hezbollah that made Israel reveal its
very devastating notion of blood arithmetic i.e., 2 = 500,000. For
those who fail to understand, people who believe in 'two equals half a
million' can easily nuke whoever they consider to be their enemies with
out the slight hesitation. 2 = 500,000 is there to suggest that Israel
isn't just a regional danger, it is the biggest threat to world peace.
This is something I've known for a while but now thanks to the
Hezbollah this will become common knowledge.

While in the history of the conflict, no Arab army has yet to defeat
the Israeli military might, the Hezbollah, a tiny paramilitary group of
patriotic warriors has managed to transform northern Israeli cities
into ghost towns. They did it without a navy, without an air force,
without tanks.

For those who don't know, Israel is all about 'good life'. It is all
about trading in the stock exchange. Having a BBQ party on the beach.
Big imported pop acts in open-air concerts. Rather than Peace Israelis
are after 'Shalom' which really means: one-sided security for the Jews
only. The Hezbollah (as well as the Hamas) made it clear to the
Israelis, you will never live in Shalom unless you dig into the notion
of Peace.

It is important to mention that Israel could never win this war, it
could only lose and in fact it lost already. Israel's power of
deterrence is minced to pieces by a lightly armed paramilitary
organisation. Considering the emerging humanitarian crisis in Lebanon,
the world public attention from now on will be dedicated to the growing
devastation the 'God-like' Israelis have left behind. Israel on its
side is going to be left with a war of attrition. It took the Hezbollah
20 years to get the IDF out of Lebanon. The Israelis know very well
that if the IDF failed miserably in defeating the Hezbollah, no army in
the world can do the job any better. Hezbollah is there to stay. Israel
is now left with a very hostile neighbour and a very strong Hezbollah
on its very vulnerable northern border.

The Old Testament's almighty God is indeed merciless at times, he acts
with fury and vengeance but he isn't vulnerable. In Genesis 18 the
people of Sodom do not fight back, they just pass away. The one who
looks back with awe is transformed into a salty statue. But the
'God-like' Israelites are rather vulnerable. One billion Arabs are
waiting for them behind the corner. One billion Arabs who are
humiliated daily by an Anglo-American Zionised west that backs
'Israel's right to defend itself'.

One billion Arabs that are looking at stolen Palestine, smashed Gaza
and torn apart Lebanon. Those Arabs have a good reason to be cheered by
the Hezbollah. It is the Hezbollah that gives them a very good reason
to look forward with pride. But the Hezbollah is not the only winner.
Clearly, the Israeli attack leads towards a huge humanitarian crisis.
While the Americans and British are concerned mainly with rescuing
their citizens in Beirut (many of them indeed Lebanese by origin),
Syria is there to offer safe shelter to a growing flood of thousands of
Lebanese refugees. While Blair and Bush engage in giving the green
light to Israeli brutality, it is Syria that gives a hand to the real
victims. It is about time we shake off our views and admit that from a
purely ethical point of view. It is Syria and Iran who support the
oppressed people in this battered region. i.e.. the Palestinians and
now the Lebanese. For me this is more than enough to suggest that at
least ethically, Iran and Syria are the most progressive powers around.

And just one final word about the God-like Israelites; indeed, it is
very clear that they do not love their neighbours. But how to say it,
people who inflict so much pain on others probably do not like
themselves either. Even murderers don't like themselves being


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Israeli Crimes Against
Humanity: Gruesome Images
Of Charred and Mutilated Bodies Following
Israeli Air Strikes

Commentary by Michel Chossudovsky
July 21, 2006

As Safir Newspaper Beirut. and

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers photographic
evidence of Israel sponsored atrocities.

Charred and mutilated bodies following Israeli air strikes: While these
gruesome images have been released by acredited news agencies including
Reuters, Agence France Press and the Associated Press , they are
casually dismissed, they are not considered as reliable evidence of war

There is, in this regard, a deliberate media coverup of Israeli
sponsored crimes and atrocities.

Civilian casualties continue to be presented in media reports as
"collateral damage".

Laser guided missiles and "smart bombs" are very precise. They rarely
miss their target. When residential buildings are targetted, this means
civilians will be killed. These actions ordered by Israel's IDF are
quite deliberate.

The atrocities in these pictures are beyond description. Israel has
being using, quite deliberately, deadly "weapons of mass destruction"
in the real sense of the word against Lebanese civilians.

Israel is involved in crimes against humanity and the so-called
international community unreservedly supports Israel's right to "self

Moreover, in providing a green light to Israel to continue its criminal
bombings for another week, the Bush adminstration is directly
responsible for these atrocities.

No compassion on the part of western leaders. "War is good for
business". The killings are for profit and political gain.

The entire Western meda is silent, focussing ad nauseam on the alleged
terrorist actions of Hizbollah, its "links to Iran and Syria", the
rescue of Western expatriates. But not a word on the destruction of an
entire nation. What Israel is doing in a very concrete sense is "wiping
Lebanon off the face of the map".

By destroying its civilian infrastructure and killing its people,
Israel "questions Lebanon's right to exist" as a sovereign nation.

Is this what is called "the clash of civilisations"?

We are dealing with the criminalisation of the Western media. If
atrocities of this nature are not reported or acknowledged, what are
the implications? The end of "civilised society"?

There can be no double standards. If G-8 leaders and the UN Secretary
General do not speak out explicitly, not only in condemning but in
taking concrete actions against Israel, they too are collectively
responsible for crimes against humanity.

It is time for the real war criminals be prosecuted. Extensive
sanctions should be adopted against the Israeli government.

Political leaders who endorse the Israeli sponsored killings must
understand that they too can be prosecuted within their respective

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 21 July 2006

Do you know what kind of weapon causes this damage?

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Israeli aggression on Lebanon
July 2006

Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage?

July 21st, 2006

I left the office early last night ; at midnight.

There was only one devastating picture yesterday : that of two people
who were killed in air strikes on Akkar,(the poorer area) in the north,
late Wednesday night.

Both corpses were black, both were dismembered , both were "weird". I
don't think it matters anymore to try to prove that Israel is using
unconventional, forbidden weapons .. that would only prove that it
should have used "allowed" weapons. Who cares, people are dying anyway.
And whatever weapons are being used , the pollution they're creating
will kill the survivors from cancer later.

The rest of the pictures were less devastating, conventional :
demolished houses, wiped out villages and towns, more refugees , some
of them starving, lovely babes on board of US marines ships and colored
people from poor countries lining up in front of embassies hoping they
will get them out of this hell.

The really devastating pictures will came late, much later, some day
when all this will stop maybe we'll be able to visit the ruins of whole
villages. But even then it might be too late : how long does it take
corpses buried under rubble to disintegrate and vanish ?

Anyway , so I left the office early and went home with my friend who's
staying with us because his house is in the southern suburb of Beirut.
I was a bit worried because my brother in law , Khalil's brother, was
there too and I was wondering if I'd be able to manage space for
everybody to sleep comfortably.

Raed, my brother in law, and his eight-month-pregnant wife had left
Jebshit in the south yesterday morning. They reached Beirut by 5:00 pm.

They had crossed a bridge in Habbouche which had been targeted only
once . It was destroyed but cars were still able to find a way through.
Half an hour after Raed had crossed the bridge, it was bombed again and
completely demolished this time (sounds like an Indian movie, right?).
Of course Raed knew nothing about that , he trying to make out to
Saida, then up to Baakline in the Shouf then way down back to Beirut.

When I got home , I asked if they had dinner. I was a bit ashamed
because my fridge is empty. I hadn't had time lately to buy grocery and
I'm "heavily" relying on milk to feed Kinda, my daughter. "Dinner ?"
Raed asked , "we had 9 shawarma sandwiches, Rana (his wife) and I.
Today was the first time we eat in 3 days".

He tells stories about Jebshit. Sad ones. No electricity , no water, no
roads, no food, no newspapers. Some villages even run out of batteries,
so they can't even listen to the news on the radio. Funny, isn't it,
that in Beirut we know more about what's going on than the people
concerned. Raed only knew they blew the Habbouche bridge when he
listened to the news after he reached Beirut.

I have to admit to all of you that I have very mixed, weird, sick
feelings about all this.

The first three or four days were very strange. I was in Beirut ,
sitting in an air conditioned office, watching the devastation of the
South and the southern suburb. It felt like when you watch news and
pictures from Palestine and Iraq. You feel frustrated and concerned,
but you know there's not much you can do for them, for mere
geographical reasons, at least that's the excuse one uses to comfort
one's self. But "this" was happening a few kilometers away and I'd
still be sitting here watching.

The other weird feeling was related to the first one: I felt that I was
paying my dues. The guilt feeling I've always had toward Palestine, and
later towards Iraq, has diminished a little bit. I felt like hugging
Palestine and Iraq and screaming to them "We're with you, like you:
left alone, suffering and part of your cause, a great one."

Sometimes I just flip and cry. Cry because I'm so helpless and angry.
And most of the time I turn on my "automatic engine on". I wake up at
six , come to the office, report hideous stories , feel nothing about
them , do my job : double check , choose "fantastic" headlines , pick
up the "best" pictures, try to be as professional as one can be. I do
that for 12 to 14 hours. I'd then go home, pick up my daughter from my
mother's house , and go to bed at one. The Israelis love to start their
raids at ten past one, sometimes at five past one. That's when I'm in
bed. Every night, when they start, I rush out to the balcony to see
where the smoke comes from. I live on the twelfth floor. Every night ,
when I go out , I see the moon , my lovely moon , shyly hiding behind
the clouds caused by the fires that are surrounding my Beirut.

This morning , I stayed home till 12:00. I played with Kinda. My poor
little baby. She doesn't understand what's going on. She keeps asking
about her cousins. She looks at their pictures and keeps repeating
their names; as if it was an exercise not to forget them. I tell her
they're in the mountains, and that we can't go there. When they call
us, she refuses to talk to them. She thinks they abounded her.

The first time she heard the bombing, she rushed to my arms asking me
if this was fireworks . I said " no , this is boum boum , ha ha ha "
and started laughing. So now, every time she hears the bombing she
starts singing "boum boum " and she laughs.

I left her at noon. She was sleepy, and wouldn't go to bed. It took a
few minutes to realize the reason : she wanted to fall asleep in my
arms. Before July the 12th, I would not move at her bed time. I'd put
her on my lap , sing to her until she sleeps. For 10 days now, she's
been sleeping in the stroller at my mother's house: only to guaranty
that I will come pick her up when I finish working.

Two last notes: I feel ashamed talking about my daughter while other
people's kids were either killed or lack of food and shelter. But I
feel so guilty towards her.

Second : to all the Israelis who have been sending their comments on
what I write , I say this : I agree with you , we are savages , blood
lovers, we don't have feelings, and we actually enjoy looking at the
pictures of victims. Actually , each time we see one , we party and
dance. And in my writings, I'm only pretending to have feelings , and
being pathetically sentimental only to bluff. Here, I'm admitting it.
And to all my friends in the west : don't believe anything I say ,
cause I'm only viciously using you and trying to turn you into
sympathizers of fundamental terrorism.


July 19, 2006

The attached pictures are hideously gruesome, but you have to look at
them . Help me find out what kind of weapons cause this kind of
dismemberment and mutation.

What kind of weapons cause this kind of damage? Do you know? Could you
find out?

None of this is confirmed, or could be here and now. However, there are
growing doubts that Israel might be using internationally forbidden
weapons in its current aggression against Lebanon. News from "Southern
Medical Center", a hospital in Saida( in South Lebanon) are not good.
Dr. Bashir Sham, member of "French Association of Cardiovascular
Surgeons", explains that the way the corps look when they reach the
hospital, especially those of the air strikes in Doueir and Rmayleih,
is very abnormal." One might think they were burnt , but their colour
is dark , they're inflated, and they have a terrible smell" All this ,
and the hair is not burnt nor do the bodies bleed.

Eight of the victims of an air strike on Rmayleih bridge, near Saida,
on the 15th of July, were transferred to Sham's hospital.

Sham says that only chemical poisonous substances "lead to instant
death without bleeding".
And what indicates the power of these substances, is the high and
unusual of number of dead victimes, compared to the number of injuries.

Sham thinks that whatever "abnormal " substance causing these features
might penetrate through the skin, or another explanation would be that
the missiles contained toxic gas that stopped the proper functioning of
the nervous system, and led to blood clotting.

These toxic materials cause immediate death, within two to thirty
minutes, according to Sham, who admits that these doubts can't be
proven, not even by an autopsy.

The director of the same medical center, Ali Mansour, says that due to
the strong smell of the corps, he couldn't breath properly for at least
12 hours after the corps were handled.

He explains that the center received eight bodies from Rmeileh last
Monday, and none of them was bleeding.

Mansour tells us the hospital wrote to both the commissioner of the
European Union for Foreign Affaires Javier Solana, and the United
Nations Secretary general Kofi Anan. He said that dr Sham will
communicate his doubts to the Doctors Order in Lebanon.



The url address of this article is:



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 20, 2006 8:43:14 PM EST
Subject: Israeli Apartheid and Terror (Black Commentator)

Israeli Apartheid
By Bruce Dixon

Imagine, if you will, a modern apartheid state with first, second and
eleventh class citizens, all required to carry identification
specifying their ethnic origin. First class citizens are obliged to
serve in the armed forces, kept on ready reserve status until in their
forties, and accorded an impressive array of housing, medical, social
security, educational and related benefits denied all others.

Second class citizens are exempted from military service and from a
number of the benefits accorded citizens of the first class. They are
issued identity documents and license plates that allow them to be
profiled by police at a distance. Second class citizens may not own
land in much of the country and marriages between them and first class
citizens are not recognized by the state. Second class citizens are
sometimes arrested without trial and police torture, while frowned upon
and occasionally apologized for, commonly occurs.

Citizens of the eleventh class, really not citizens at all, have no
rights citizens of the first class or their government are bound to
respect. Their residence is forbidden in nearly nine-tenths of the
country, all of which they used to own. The areas left to them are cut
up into smaller and smaller portions weekly, by high walls, free fire
zones and hundreds of checkpoints manned by the army of the first class
citizens, so that none can travel a dozen miles in any direction to
work, school, shopping, a job, a farm, a business or a hospital without
several long waits, humiliating searches and often arbitrary denials of
the right to pass or to return. Posh residential settlements for the
first class citizens with protecting gun towers and military bases are
built with government funds and foreign aid on what used to be the
villages and farms and pastures of the eleventh class citizens. The
settlers are allotted generous additional housing and other subsidies,
allowed to carry weapons and use deadly force with impunity against the
former inhabitants, and are connected with the rest of first class
territory by a network of of first-class citizen only roads.

Citizens of the eleventh class are routinely arrested, tortured, and
held indefinitely without trial. Political activism among them is
equated to terrorism and the state discourages such activity by means
including but not limited to the kidnapping of suspects and relatives
of suspects, demolition of their family homes, and extralegal
assassination, sometimes at the hands of a death squad, or at others
times by lobbing missiles or five hundred pound bombs into sleeping
apartment blocks or noonday traffic. Passports are not issued to these
citizens, and those who take advantage of scarce opportunities to study
or work abroad are denied re-entry.

The apartheid state in question is, of course, Israel. Its first class
citizens are Israeli Jews, the majority of them of European or
sometimes American origin. The second class citizens are Israeli
Arabs, who enjoy significant but limited rights under the law including
token representation in the Knesset. The eleventh class citizens are
not citizens at all. They are Palestinians. One expects to be able to
say that Palestinians live in Palestine and are governed by
Palestinians, but the truth is something different. The areas in which
Palestinians may inhabit have shrunk nearly every year since the Nakba,
their name for the wave of mass deportations, murders, the
dispossession, destruction and exile of whole Arab towns, cities and
regions that attended the 1948 founding of the state of Israel. As the
whole world, except for the US public knows, Palestinians have lived
under military occupation, without land, without rights, without hope,
for nearly sixty years now.

The difference between life inside and outside the US corporate media
bubble is extraordinarily clear on this question. US authorities
subsidize the state of Israel to the tune of at least six billion per
year, and corporate media take great pains to protect US citizens from
news of actual human and legal conditions their tax dollars pay for.
The ugly and racist realities of Israeli society and life under Israeli
occupation are rarely discussed anywhere most consumers of media might
find them. It is nearly taboo in mainstream US print and broadcast
media to apply the words racist or apartheid to the state of Israel or
its policies, or to call its control at the point of a gun of millions
of non-citizens what it is, namely the longest standing military
occupation in the world today. In the US media, and on the lips of
every administration since Harry Truman's Israel is a democracy,
whatever that word has come to mean.

Though news stories in the US talk about autonomous Palestinian areas
allegedly controlled by Palestinian authorities, often referring to
Gaza and the West Bank by name, actual maps displaying the geographic
boundaries of

the so-called Palestinian controlled areas are rarely seen by American
viewers, let alone maps comparing the size of Palestinian areas year
to year, or showing the steady encroachment upon Arab land and water
resources year to year by Israeli settlements, military outposts,
Israeli-only roads, free fire zones and Israel's wall. The massive and
militarized apartheid wall, as the rest of the world calls it, is
termed a separation barrier or a separation fence in the US media,
an understandable precaution against hordes of terroristic former
owners of the land who lurk just outside.

Still, when you Google the terms Israel + apartheid, you get 5.5
million hits. A lot of somebodies somewhere are making the connection
without the help of CNN, ABC or Fox News.

The parallels with apartheid South Africa are many and striking. Like
its earlier apartheid cousin, Israel menaces all its neighbors with an
impressive array of nukes and the largest military establishment in the
region. As Noam Chomsky observed back in 2004:

Not discussed, in the US at least, is the threat from West Asia.
Israel's nuclear capacities, supplemented with other WMD, are regarded
as "dangerous in the extreme" by the former head of the US Strategic
Command (STRATCOM), Gen. Lee Butler, not only because of the threat
they pose but also because they stimulate proliferation in response.
The Bush administration is now enhancing that threat. Israeli military
analysts allege that its air and armored forces are larger and
technologically more advanced than those of any NATO power (apart from
the US), not because this small country is powerful in itself, but
because it serves virtually as an offshore US military base and high
tech center. The US is now sending Israel over 100 of its most advanced
jet bombers, F16I's, advertised very clearly as capable of flying to
Iran and back, and as an updated version of the F16s that Israel used
to bomb Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981....
The old South Africa bombed, strafed and invaded all its neighbors with
some regularity, crippling their commerce and extracting horrific death
tolls from refugee camps and other civilian targets. The last time
Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon, it left 30,000 corpses.

White South Africans rightly fretted at the fact that they were a
minority ruling over an unhappy majority, and concocted schemes to
exile the country's black population to isolated rural reservations it
called bantustans. Israeli pundits calmly discuss the demographic
bomb, their name for the fact that second and eleventh class citizens,
Israeli Arabs and Palestinians will soon outnumber them within the
borders of their supposed Jewish state while Israeli politicians sit
in Knesset and hold ministries in successive governments openly calling
for mass deportations and ethnic cleansing.

White South Africans constructed for themselves a bogus scriptural
narrative in which the God of Abraham promised them somebody else's
land, and brought it into modern

history with the embellishment that they were holding the line for the
free world against godless communism and the black menace. How similar
is Israel's line that European Jews are promised the land of Muslim and
Christian Arabs, and that they now hold the line for the free world
against radical Islam and those ungrateful brown people?

We at BC have to believe that if the American people knew the truth
about what their tax dollars pay for in Israel and what is left of
Palestine, there would be a deep and widespread revulsion, similar to
that occasioned by US support for apartheid in South Africa. But there
are important differences between that time and this one. Though
unspeakably odious, racist South African was only marginally important
to US interests. By contrast, the maintenance of Israel's apartheid
regime, essentially a white hi-tech and military outpost in the middle
of all those brown people sitting atop a large share of the world's
proven oil reserves is absolutely central to US foreign policy for the
foreseeable future. The US is Israel's banker, its arms depot, and its
principal diplomatic sponsor. The US is far more complicit in the
crimes of the Israeli state than it ever was in South Africa.

Racism and apartheid being what they are, and our historical experience
in America being what it is, African Americans have a crucial role to
play. African Americans have seldom supported US imperial adventures
overseas as readily as whites. Our American experience inclines us to
a skeptical appraisal of our government's means and motives at home and
abroad. Even though we live as much within the media bubble as white
America, where images of the broken and mangled families, the
incinerated homes and bombed hospitals are hard to come by, our
skepticism leads us to sympathize with those who live at the sharp end
of US foreign policy far more often than do our white neighbors.

Our first duty is to tell the truth to each other. We must combat
among ourselves the bogus historical narratives which permit
indifference to US policy in the Middle East in general, and support of
Israeli apartheid in particular. The churchgoers among us urgently,
publicly and repeatedly must confront and debunk the nonsense which
holds that wars and rumors of wars are something predestined to
happen in the biblical holy land for what they are bad scripture and
fake history. We need to interrupt, correct and school everyone who
talks to us about a cycle of violence in the Holy Land, as though
some raggedy fool with a suicide belt, or a few hundred fighters with
small arms are or ever have been equivalent to the devastation wrought
by the established gulags, checkpoints, airborne firepower, economic
strangulation, house demolitions and nuclear armed might of the Israeli
state. The two sides do not have access to anything like equal means
of inflicting violence, and so cannot be equally culpable or equally
responsible for stopping that violence.

We need to catch up with the rest of the civilized world, and talk
about what we can do to emphatically withdraw our support from the
apartheid state of Israel and its immoral and illegal occupation
regime. The Presbyterian church, for example, has in the past
considered selective divestiture from Israel and from US companies who
profit from the occupation, as have the Anglicans. Both might do so
again. What can our churches, our unions, our local elected officials,
our young people do? What will we do?

Apartheid in South Africa eventually bit the dust mostly because the
inhabitants of that country, black, brown and white resisted it,
putting their bodies and lives on the line. Their resistance was aided
and abetted materially, financially, politically and spiritually by
people of good will the world over. Someday the sun will rise on a
post-apartheid Jerusalem, one that belongs to all the people who live
there of whatever origin. This is bound to happen because Palestinians
as well as substantial numbers of Israeli Jews do and will continue to
resist the regime. They will do what they can. What will we do?


Israel's Terror

By Margaret Kimberley

"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." Moshe Dayan

Moshe Dayan was one of the founding fathers of the state of Israel. His
political and military successors are certainly living up to his
frightening advice. In retaliation for the capture of an Israeli
soldier, a policy of collective punishment has deprived Gazans of food,
medicine, electricity and their lives. Israel has invaded a sovereign
nation, Lebanon, bombed the Beirut airport and cut the nation off from
the rest of the world. Nothing is safe in Lebanon, simple as that,
said Israeli General Dan Halutz.

Not only are the Lebanese being killed by Israeli bombs, but CNN wont
even mention it to their viewers. Anyone watching CNN or the other
networks would think that Israels arms magically avoid hitting human
beings. The rest of the corporate media join in reporting the party
line, that Israel is threatened, endangered and entitled to keep
killing Arabs.

Not only is the media guilty of sins of omission, but they are once
again assisting the administration and Israel in spreading outright
lies. It was inexcusable when the press spread the falsehood that Iran
was involved in capturing soldiers at the Lebanese border. More
inexcusable was the lie that the soldiers would be sent to Iran. No
stone is ever left unturned in the effort to drum up support for war
against Iran.

It is ironic that this latest bloodshed has taken place on the
anniversary of Israels first foray into wars of aggression. On July
11, 1948 Colonel Moshe Dayan led a battalion in the attack on the town
of Lydda. After a brief uprising, 250 died, nearly all Arabs. Beginning
on July 12, 1948 Major Yitzhak Rabin ordered the expulsion en masse of
the Arab populations in the towns of Lydda and al-Ramla.

The residents of al-Ramla had surrendered without incident. Neverthless
they were driven to the front lines and ordered to start walking. For
three days between 30,000 and 50,000 Arab civilians were expelled from
their homes in the same manner, in 100 degree heat. The number who
perished is unknown.

Those days 58 years ago were the beginning of what Palestinians call
al-Nakba, the catastrophe. Al-Nakba continues to this day for Arabs
unlucky enough to live near Israel.

Al-Nakba is unknown to all but a few in this country. Most Americans
still foolishly ask, Why do they hate us?, or dismiss Arabs as
crazed, violent people with no reason to be upset.

Pointing out that Israel sent thousands to die in the desert always
results in an outpouring of invective peculiar to entitled groups. The
charges are made as if by rote. Every critic is labeled an anti-Semite,
or a terrorist sympathizer. We are endlessly told that Israel is
Americas ally, and the only democracy in the Middle East.

Americans are permitted to be anti any nation on earth, but special
scorn and punishment is heaped on anyone who dares express criticism of
Israel, whose supporters are blatant in their demand that everyone
either join the cheerleading or keep quiet. Israel insists on singling
itself out to commit acts that are rejected by every other democracy on
earth, yet mention of Israels killing of civilians is inevitably
followed by a plaintive wail that Israel is being singled out for

The military industrial complex, neocons who publicly declared that
Israel should be the only military power in the region, and right wing
Christians who yearn for the rapture are the deciders. Politicians who
have dared to defy Israel and its American supporters have all been
targeted for political defeat. Facing an opponent financed by AIPAC is
the price to pay for speaking up.

The Christian right has joined in the Israeli protection racket. They
are far more right wing than they are Christian. Some believe that the
rapture will come faster if Israel kills more people. Others think that
Israel is anointed of God and should be allowed to do what it wants.
They seem to forget the Old Testament prophets who never shrank from
condemning Israels rulers. Doing the bidding of the powerful trumps
anything they may have learned in Sunday school.

Israelis must end the occupation of Palestine. They must tear down the
wall, remove settlements, free prisoners and make monetary restitution
for the devastation of Palestine. Of course, the United States
government would actually do that. The damage done with American
permission will only be undone on our dime.

Secondly, Israel must join the Non Proliferation Treaty, as Iran has
done, and submit to inspection of their arsenal containing between 100
and 300 nuclear warheads. The numbers of nukes are guesses because
Israel neither denies nor confirms their existence.

If Israel will follow through on those actions it will have the support
of most of the world and it will have true security instead of the
security it now has. The security of a mad dog that terrorizes the


From: ufka <>
Date: July 20, 2006 6:25:41 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: ISRAEL ATTACKS U.S.S. Liberty - 34 Dead, 171 Wounded

This is the USS Liberty Memorial Web Site honoring the memory of
thirty-four Americans who were brutally killed by the Armed Forces of
Israel on June 8, 1967.

The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years

By James M. Ennes Jr.

Twenty-six years have passed since that clear day on June 8, 1967 when
Israel attacked the USS Liberty with aircraft and torpedo boats,
killing 34 young men and wounding 171. The attack in international
waters followed over nine hours of close surveillance. Israeli pilots
circled the ship at low level 13 times on eight different occasions
before attacking. Radio operators in Spain, Lebanon, Germany and
aboard the ship itself all heard the pilots reporting to their
headquarters that this was an American ship. They attacked anyway. And
when the ship failed to sink, the Israeli government concocted an
elaborate story to cover the crime.

There is no question that this attack on a U.S. Navy ship was
deliberate. This was a coordinated effort involving air, sea,
headquarters and commando forces attacking over a long period. It was
not the "few rounds of misdirected fire" that Israel would have the
world believe. Worse, the Israeli excuse is a gross and detailed
fabrication that disagrees entirely with the eyewitness recollections
of survivors. Key American leaders call the attack deliberate. More
important, eyewitness participants from the Israeli side have told
survivors that they knew they were attacking an American ship.

Continue reading at:

USS Liberty - Israeli Pilot Speaks Up:



From: Rich Winkel <>

Re: ISRAEL ATTACKS U.S.S. Liberty - 34 Dead, 171 Wounded

Re: [prez_usa_exile] ISRAEL ATTACKS U.S.S. Liberty - 34 Dead, 171

According to Alex Jones "TerrorStorm" video, LBJ & MacNamara concocted
this plot to provide an excuse for the US to join Israel in the
6-day war.

Former senior military staffers claim to have heard LBJ tell the
captain of the nearby aircraft carrier, who was trying to confirm
the order to stand down, that he (LBJ) wanted it to "go to the
bottom" (paraphrase). The only thing that saved them was that a
Russian vessel wandered into the area and saw what was happening.
At that point the crew was rescued and ordered to stay silent.




Muzzling Katrina Trailer-Park Residents
By The Associated Press

MORGAN CITY, La. Residents of trailer parks set up by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to house hurricane victims in Louisiana
aren't allowed to talk to the press without an official escort, The
(Baton Rouge) Advocate reported.

In one instance, a security guard ordered an Advocate reporter out of a
trailer during an interview in Morgan City. Similar FEMA rules were
enforced in Davant, in Plaquemines Parish.

FEMA spokeswoman Rachel Rodi wouldn't say whether the security guards'
actions complied with FEMA policy, saying the matter was being
reviewed. But she confirmed that FEMA does not allow the news media to
speak alone to residents in their trailers.

"If a resident invites the media to the trailer, they have to be
escorted by a FEMA representative who sits in on the interview," Rodi
told the newspaper for its July 15 report. "That's just a policy."

Gregg Leslie, legal defense director for the Reporters Committee for
Freedom of the Press, said FEMA's refusal to allow trailer-park
residents to invite news media into their homes unescorted was

Morgan City Mayor Timothy Matte told The Advocate that he was surprised
residents were being barred from talking to reporters.

"I would think anyone who lives there would be allowed to have any
visitor they wanted," he said.

FEMA leases the land for the trailer park from the city, Matte said.
"It's public property. There's no question about that. You would think
the people would have the same freedom there as everyone else has," he
told the newspaper.

Hundreds of trailers at FEMA parks sit empty and unused in Louisiana,
according to The Advocate.

Officials in Morgan City estimate that FEMA has spent about $7.5
million to build the trailer park but that only about 15 of the 198
trailers are being used.

"We all wonder why no one lives there," Matte said.

FEMA officials refuse to say how much was spent to build the park or
why 183 of the trailers are vacant.

"We're not going to talk about cost," Rodi told the newspaper.

As in Morgan City, the 334-trailer FEMA park in Davant in Plaquemines
Parish is greatly underused.

The north side of the park is empty, and 92 families live in the south
side, Rodi said, adding that the empty trailers would be removed.

"We put them there at the parish's request," she said. "Now we've found
that the need is not as great there or that people don't want to live

The trailers are going to be put on private property or in private
parks in the parish as needed, Rodi said. She refused to disclose how
much the park cost to build.

Meanwhile, Plaquemines Parish President Benny Rousselle blamed FEMA, in
part, for the slow return of residents to the parish.

Rousselle said FEMA knows where many evacuees relocated after the storm
but won't give that information to parish officials.

"FEMA told us because of privacy issues, they can't give us the
addresses of our residents who are spread out in all 50 states. And no
one but FEMA has that information," Rousselle said. "If we could
contact them, I think a lot of them would come back if they knew we had
places for them to live."


Teacher Under Fire for His
Cheney-9/11 Theory
State legislators demand
college bar him from teaching Islam course

Friday, July 21, 2006 Posted: 1829 GMT (0229 HKT)

MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) -- More than 60 state lawmakers are urging the
University of Wisconsin-Madison to fire an instructor who has argued
that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 terrorist

A letter sent Thursday and signed by 52 Assembly representatives and
nine state senators condemns a decision to let Kevin Barrett teach an
introductory class on Islam this fall.

U.W.-Madison Provost Pat Farrell launched a review after Barrett spoke
last month on a talk show about his views that the terrorist attacks
were the result of a government conspiracy to spark war in the Middle
East. After the review, Farrell said Barrett was a qualified instructor
who can present his views as one perspective on the attacks.

Barrett has said he thinks the most likely theory about the 9/11 plot
is that it was an "inside job" organized and commanded by Vice
President Dick Cheney.(Watch why Barrett thinks Dick Cheney authorized
9/11 -- 1:45)

"I still have every expectation this will be a very positive
educational experience for our students," Farrell said Thursday. "Some
are upset about Mr. Barrett's viewpoints on 9/11 and don't want to pay
much attention to what makes for a quality educational experience."

Republican Rep. Steve Nass said the lawmakers' letter, which called
Barrett's views "academically dishonest," sends a strong message to top
U.W. leaders.

"When 61 legislators condemn a decision by U.W.-Madison and demand the
dismissal of Kevin Barrett, the leadership of the U.W. System operates
at its own peril if it continues to ignore views of the taxpayers,"
Nass said in a statement.

Barrett has said Nass was "only interested in name-calling and witch

The state Assembly last week refused to take up a proposed resolution
supported by Nass calling on university to fire Barrett, who will get
$8,247 as a part-time instructor this fall.

In Colorado, another professor has been under fire for an essay
likening white-collar victims of the September 11 attacks to Nazi
official Adolf Eichmann, a key planner of the Holocaust.

University of Colorado officials concluded that ethnic studies
professor Ward Churchill could not be fired over the essay because of
free-speech protections, but they launched an investigation into
allegations of academic misconduct.

A faculty committee concluded he committed research misconduct and
university officials said last month that he should be fired. Churchill
has appealed to keep his job.


From: Nick <>
Date: July 18, 2006 3:47:22 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] KFC Frying the Amazon


I wanted to forward along the newest alert from Greenpeace. The title
sums it up, but read below for more info and follow the link to take

Eating them out of House and Home

KFC really does have a secret recipe - want to know what's in it?
Freshly sizzling Amazon Rainforest. That's what goes into the soy that
KFC's famous chickens are fed.

KFC is serving up Amazon destruction by the bucket, and selling it in
hundreds of restaurants throughout Europe. But KFC isn't alone. The fast
food giant can trace its soy to a single American company: Cargill.

Cargill owns an illegal export terminal in Brazil, that is supplied by
farms operating on illegally cleared rainforest land. Almost all of the
soy passing through this terminal is destined for Europe - and fast food
restaurants like KFC and McDonald's. Soy traders encourage farmers to
cut down the rainforest and plant massive soy crops. The traders take
the soy and ship it to Europe where it is fed to animals like chickens
and pigs. The animals are then turned into fast food products.

Three major companies - Cargill, ADM, and Bunge - account for 60 percent
of the total financing of soy production in Brazil. The Amazon
rainforest is not only one of the richest and most biologically diverse
regions on the planet, it is also one of the most threatened. In order
to protect this ancient treasure, this unsustainable development needs
to stop immediately.

That's why I went to Brazil last month, to participate in an action
against Cargill. Now it's YOUR turn

Tell KFC to put a lid on its destruction of the Amazon rainforest.

I'll be in touch soon to let you know the latest developments to protect
the Amazon.


Jessica Miller
Greenpeace Activist


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 24, 2006, 2:32:28 PM7/24/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 24, 2006

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States Are Obliged to Protect
Lebanon, Militarily If Necessary,
Lest International Law Become a Travesty

By The Brussells Tribunal
July 24, 2006

Israels wanton bombing of Lebanese civilians is an unequivocal war

States are obliged to protect Lebanon, militarily if necessary, lest
international law become a travesty

If the Security Council wont act, the General Assembly can and must

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of brussells_tribunal.gif]
Cairo, Sunday 23 July 2006



Public demonstrations are essential, but even more is demanded of us.
The system has to be disrupted completely if there is to be any chance
of minimizing the casualties of Israel's coming ground invasion and
re-occupation of South Lebanon.

We call on all workers, all management, all professions, all unions and
syndicates, and all Arabs to begin immediately a general strike.

We appeal especially to dockers, oil workers and airport workers.
Anyone who has a position in the supply chain for Israel should act on
their conscience.

This action is needed now. We believe the invasion will begin this week.

General strike, now!

Hana Abdul Ilah Al-Bayaty, BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee
Ian Douglas, BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee
Dirk Adriaensens, BRussells Tribunal Executive Committee

Spread this call for action
We call on people who endorse this call for action to diffuse it widely.

Below is the statement released by The BRussells Tribunal Committee:

Israels wanton bombing of Lebanese civilians is an unequivocal war

States are obliged to protect Lebanon, militarily if necessary, lest
international law become a travesty

If the Security Council wont act, the General Assembly can and must

Over 250 Lebanese civilians dead within a week, all murdered by the
State of Israel. If the elected leaders of the states we, the people,
compose do nothing about this, international society is nothing but
illusion camouflage and safety valve for unbridled aggression.

IsraelIsraelIraqPalestine and across all the crooked
pro-Washington Arab regimes, the USIsraelIsraelMiddle East. We do not

The right to resist

The resistance operation that was the alleged trigger for
IsraelIsraelSouth Lebanon in 2000, it has continued to occupy the
Shebaa Farms area, contrary to UN determinations, kept thousands of
prisoners, as well as routinely violate Lebanese sovereignty with
flyovers by Israeli warplanes.

For over a quarter of a century, customary international law has
explicitly sanctioned the use of all means necessary to achieving
effective self-determination for peoples under colonial rule or
occupation. There are hundred of thousands of Palestinian refugees in
Lebanon since 1948 whom Israel refuses the right to return to their
homes, as stated in resolution 194 of the General Assembly of the UN.
The nature of
StatesIraqUSIsraelGaza to the point of humanitarian disaster, denying
entry for the most rudimentary components of human survival. Supported
by Bushs AmericaIsraelMiddle East ceases to be the abyss around which
the entire world revolves for the sake of the State of Israel. The
attempts to justify Israels state of exception a racist conception
of blood purity and regional supremacy have poisoned not only the
Middle East but world politics as a whole. Yet IsraelIsraelAction now!

We call for the following immediately:

1) Action in the UN General Assembly.

The UN General Assembly has created the State of Israel. It has the
political and moral obligation to protect the Lebanese state and
people. The UN Security Council is morally bankrupt and practically
impotent. These core reasons concern the State of Israel, and blind US
support for the racist policies thereof.


The BRussells Tribunal, in solidarity with the people of LebanonUnited

Support this statement

The BRussells Tribunal calls on people who endorse the sentiment of
this statement to diffuse it widely. Email contact for the BRussells

The BRussells Tribunal Committee

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright The Brussells Tribunal,, 2006

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Famine Response 'Too Little, Too Late'

Sunday, July 23, 2006 Posted: 1041 GMT (1841 HKT)

NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) -- Food emergencies in Africa are occurring
three times more often now than in the mid-1980s, but the global
response to famine continues to be "too little, too late," the
international aid agency Oxfam said on Monday.

Conflict, AIDS and climate change are all exacerbating food shortages
for sub-Saharan Africa's 750 million people, with innovative solutions
and massive long-term support needed to break the cycle, the
British-based group added in a new report.

"It will cost the world far less to make a major investment now in
tackling root causes of hunger than continuing the current cycle of too
little, too late that has been the reality of famine relief in Africa
for nearly half a century," Oxfam Britain's director Barbara Stocking

Billions of dollars of aid have been pumped into sub-Saharan Africa in
recent decades, and its problems have received unprecedented
international attention of late from grassroots campaigners and world
leaders like Britain's Tony Blair.

But despite that, a "myopic, short-term" focus has prevailed, with
emergency food aid still dominating international action on Africa,
rather than long-term support of agriculture, infrastructure and social
safety nets, Oxfam said.

It cited this year's drought in east Africa, where up to 11 million
people still require urgent assistance, and renewed food insecurity in
Niger, where at least 1 million people are vulnerable in coming months,
as evidence of ongoing crisis.

A third of Africans are under-nourished, Oxfam said, while the number
of food emergencies has nearly tripled in 20 years. Nearly half of
Africans live on less than a dollar a day.

'Morally unacceptable'

Conflicts cause more than half of food crises, Oxfam said, citing
violence in north Uganda and Sudan's Darfur region.

"Darfur, where 3.4 million people are dependent on food aid, is a
classic example of the devastating humanitarian emergency that conflict
creates," it said.

The AIDS epidemic is taking "a terrifying toll" on one of the
continent's key resources for food production -- its people. Oxfam said
a fifth of the agricultural workforce in southern African countries
will have died from AIDS by 2020.

And climate change is "wreaking havoc on the livelihoods of small
landholders and nomadic pastoralist," the agency added, citing research
that 55-65 million more Africans could be at risk of hunger by the
2080s because of temperature rises.

"The story of nearly half a century of attempts at sophisticated and
sustainable solutions to hunger in Africa is not a happy one," added
the Oxfam report, "Causing Hunger."

As well as supporting long-term projects, Oxfam said real solutions to
Africa's food crisis should include:

Buying aid from developing countries. "Most food aid is still imported,
meaning it can take up to 5 months to deliver and cost up to 50 percent
more than food purchased locally."

Money-based schemes such as food vouchers, cash-for-work programs or
direct cash transfers.

Increased foreign aid for agriculture, which in fact dropped 43 percent
in the decade to 2002.

More local funds for agriculture, with governments honoring a 2003
African Union pledge to increase spending on the sector to 10 percent
of budgets.

"For people to be hungry in Africa in the 21st century is neither
inevitable nor morally acceptable," Oxfam said.

"The world's emergency response requires an overhaul ... the stop-start
approach must give way to longer-term support."


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The Israeli
invasion of Lebanon was planned between
top Israeli officials and members of the
Bush administration.

by Wayne Madsen
July 24, 2006

Wayne Madsen Report

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon was planned between top Israeli
officials and members of the Bush administration. On June 17 and 18,
former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud Knesset
member Natan Sharansky met with Vice President Dick Cheney at the
American Enterprise Institute conference in Beaver Creek, Colorado.
There, the impending Israeli invasions of both Gaza and Lebanon were
discussed. After receiving Cheney's full backing for the invasion of
Gaza and Lebanon, Netanyahu flew back to Israel and participated in a
special "Ex-Prime Ministers" meeting, in which he conveyed the Bush
administration's support for the carrying out of the "Clean Break"
policy -- the trashing of all past Middle East peace accords, including
Oslo. Present at the meeting, in addition to Netanyahu, were current
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and
Shimon Peres. Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir is very old and
suffers from dementia and Ariel Sharon remains in a coma after a series
of strokes.

[Photos omitted.]
Lebanon and Gaza invasions planned last month in Colorado meetings
between Netanyahu, Sharansky, and Cheney.

After the AEI meeting, Sharansky, who has the ear of Bush, met with the
Heritage Foundation in Washington and then attended a June 29 seminar
at Philadelphia's Main Line Haverford School sponsored by the Middle
East Forum led by Daniel Pipes. Sharansky appeared with Pennsylvania
Senator Rick Santorum who this past Thursday was beating the war drums
against Syria, Iran, and "Islamo-fascism" in a fiery speech at the
National Press Club attended by a cheering section composed of members
of the neocon Israel Project, on whose board Santorum serves along with
Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss and Virginia GOP Rep. Tom Davis.

Our Washington sources claim that the U.S.-supported invasions of Gaza
and Lebanon and the impending attacks on Syria and Iran represent the
suspected "event" predicted to take place prior to the November
election in the United States and is an attempt to rally the American
public around the Bush-Cheney regime during a time of wider war.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Secret 2001 Pentagon Plan to
Attack Lebanon
Bush's Plan for "Serial War"
Revealed by General Wesley Clark

By A Concerned Citizen
July 23, 2006

"Five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven
countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran,
Somalia and Sudan"

According to General Wesley Clark--the Pentagon, by late 2001, was
Planning to Attack Lebanon

"Winning Modern Wars" (page 130) General Clark states the following:

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the
senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still
on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was
being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and
there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria,
Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.

...He said it with reproach--with disbelief, almost--at the breadth of
the vision. I moved the conversation away, for this was not something I
wanted to hear. And it was not something I wanted to see moving
forward, either. ...I left the Pentagon that afternoon deeply

Of course, this wholly consistent with the US Neocons' master plan,
"Rebuilding America's Defenses," published in August 2000 by the
Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

And, as PNAC's website ( ) notes,
that the lead author of that plan, Thomas Donnelly, was a top official
of Lockheed Martin--a company well acquainted with war and its profit

It's no surprise that Republicans are starting to talk about
withdrawing troops from Iraq; the troops will be needed in Lebanon. And
maybe Sudan and Syria?


More on General Clark--and his failure to mention all this in his
pre-Iraq war commentary on CNN--is in Sydney Schanberg's 9/29/03
article "The Secrets Clark Kept: What the General Never Told Us About
the Bush Plan for Serial War" at,schanberg,47436,1.html

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 23, 2006 8:49:29 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: A Day in the LIfe: 7/23/6

In the interest of accuracy: Although Cockburn does have a blind spot
when it comes to 9/11, his article in the newsletter actually does not
discuss 9/11 or conspiracy theories at all. On the other hand,
Cockburn's article does rightfully attack and Daily Kos.

NOTE: I can hardly believe what sleazy little commercial journalist
Alexander Cockburn has to say about 9/11 below!!!! In fact, what's
wrong with the US Left is that they're NOT NOT NOT dealing with 9/11
Truth!!!!!!!! Alexander Cockburn has absolutely no excuse for this!!!
He's easily perceptive enough to understand by now that on 9/11/01 the
US Government--in its most obscene action since its use of atom bombs
in Japan in '45--murdered nearly 3000 of its own citizens as an excuse
for looting various distant places. But he pretends not to understand
this because by remaining so fashionable on 9/11 he can make more money
peddling his sly word-sequences. May his name live in infamy!!!!!
Instead of feeding him $35 (see below), please give the same amount to
folks organizing 9/11 actions in Washington DC September 11-18. Within
a few days I'll provide you with a way to reach them. Meanwhile,
somebody send Sleazy Alex the video of Physics Professor Steven Jones'
9/11 Truth Presentation at Brigham Young University; unless he has
recently moved, you can reach him via General Delivery in Petrolia,
California, USA. -- kl, pp

Peter Kwong gives us the "New China" without illusions: from the
"millionaires' fair" in Shanghai, with $60,000 diamond-studded dog
leashes to one of the most savagely repressed working class and
peasantry on the planet. How China's leaders swapped Marx and Mao for
Milton Friedman. Alexander Cockburn on What's wrong with the U.S. left.
They're sitting in darkened rooms weaving conspiracy fantasies about
9/11; they're blogging; they're confusing a medium with a movement;
they're not doing enough to stop the war in Iraq. John Ross takes us
along the stormy trail of the Mexican election. CounterPunch Online is
read by millions of viewers each month! But remember, we are funded
solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please
support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter, which
contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a
donation for the online edition. Remember contributions are
Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please:
Subscribe Now!
Get CounterPunch Newsletter By Email for Only $35 a Year

On Jul 24, 2006, at 5:38 AM, Jimmy Walter wrote:

I actually live in exile due to physical attacks on me, as well as the
death threats.
I have written Counterpunch about why my $1,000,000 challenge is not
news to them and asking about display ad prices.



From: Gar Smith <>
Date: July 23, 2006 3:58:27 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: A Day in the Life: 7/23/6

Hi Pondo,

Thanks for the latest great collection. I'm posting Fisk's Elegy for
on the EAW website and may feature it on The-Edge.

Also check out the recent postings on

There is a courageous piece by Tom Hayden on his personal experiences
the influence of the Jewish Lobby in the US.

And please consider a correction on the Sharon quote: "We, the Jewish
people, control America." I tried to authenticate the quote and
it appears to be uncorroborated. (See investigation below.)


From: NoSpam <>
Date: July 7, 2006 11:37:17 AM EST
Subject: [WarOnFreedom] 9/11 tort litigation - kangaroo judge says WTC
1 fell on top of WTC7"

Dear Mr. Moller,
I am writing as a radio journalist (and sometime print journalist
for The Baltimore Chronicle).
Please be so kind as to answer some of the, perhaps naive,
questions I have re the tort litigation from 9/11.
In general, given the information cited below, why is this affair
proceeding as though 19 Arabs were responsible for the collapses of WTC
1, 2, and 7?
Stephen Jones of BYU has provided proof of thermite and thermate
(sulfurous) reactions. I have seen his presentation and watched the
demolition of WTC7 many times. I have seen the molten metal pouring
from the towers, and seen the heavy debris sent flying through the air,
and heard the testimony of the firefighters and others re explosions
throughout the buildings and in the sub-basement.
But what I find most amazing is that no-one seemed to challenge the
judge's assertion (on June 8th found at
that a WTC tower fell on top of WTC7!! The judge is giving evidence!
And FALSE evidence! No-one, not even the complete whores of the
Giuiliani and Bush administrations, ever said that one of the towers
fell on top of WTC7! Their wildest claim (which wasn't true) was that a
huge gash was made in WTC7, which so weakened it structurally that it
collapsed in its own footprint at 5:20 pm after a few fires had burned,
and pretty well gone out.
What's up? The judge has already committed mistrial offenses, and
the defense seems to have disregarded evidence of fraud and treason.
Jim Hogue

23 THE COURT: Are you and Mr. Stein together?
24 MS. JACOBS: No. Mr. Stein represents the Port
25 Authority and the defendant with respect to the towers.
1 represent the Port Authority with respect to World Trade
2 Center 7. The interests are quite different.
3 THE COURT: Why are they have different? They're
4 different interests, but why have a different interest in
5 relation to the witness?
6 MS. JACOBS: Your Honor, I think that the World
7 Center 7 issues are very different. For one thing, no
8 flew into our building.
9 THE COURT: You may not have a cause of action.
10 Because One or Two fell down on top of Seven and Seven
11 down, you want to go after the people who caused One and
Two to
12 go down. That's the same interest as Mr. Stein has.

For the latest and deepest insights into the news - Tune in to World
Crisis Radio on

From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 24, 2006 1:03:28 AM EST
Subject: Items censored in many US media outlets

Selected Images of protests around the world against the US funded and
supported Israeli aggression on Lebanon and Palestine

What the US media won't show: images and descriptions from the ground
in Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon

UN appalled by devastation of Beirut (text and images)

Black Commentator: Israeli Apartheid
by Bruce Dixon, The Black Commentator Friday Jul 21st, 2006 10:21 AM

Israel's Terrorism by Gabriel Ash

U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis By DAVID S. CLOUD and

Israel attempts to isolate and destroy Palestinians take a new twist:
increased denial of entry to both Palestnians and their supporters from
Western countries

See also: Human rights activist denied fair trial, to be deported as
"security threat"

Green Party Press Release: Press Israel to end attacks on Lebanon

Puerto Ricans Condemn Israeli Aggression, Prensa Latina,July 21, 2006

In a heavily attended press conference today at Cosatu House, the
Palestine Solidarity Committee of South Africa demanded an end to the
Palestinian genocide ...

A blog in the Houston Chronicle (please post comments)

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews activities in support of Palestinian rights
and against the abomination of Zionism:

New US Military Base in Israel: Cementing US-Israel military alliance
against the people of the Middle East (also at the expense of US

Tom Hayden: Things Come Round in Mideast
In this essay, veteran social activist Tom Hayden, drawing upon his own
rude political awakening to the realities of Israeli and Middle East
politics during the 1980s, warns that the Israel lobby in the U.S. aims
to roll back the clock and change the map of the region and that
its neoconservative supporters will probably try to use the current
Middle East crisis to ignite a larger war against Hamas, Hezbollah,
Syria and Iran.


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: July 23, 2006 9:44:45 PM EST
Subject: MP casts doubt on David Kelly suicide;

MP casts doubt on David Kelly suicide
Sun Jul 23, 8:40 AM ET

An opposition member of parliament has alleged that a government
scientist who cast doubt on intelligence about Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction may not have taken his own life.

A judicial inquiry into the death of David Kelly in July 2003 concluded
that the one-time UN weapons inspector and expert on Saddam Hussein's
weapons programmes committed suicide.

He did so after he was named as the source of a BBC news report
suggesting that Tony Blair's government had "sexed up" intelligence in
the run-up to the US and British invasion of Iraq four months earlier.

"Today, I challenge that conclusion," wrote Norman Baker, from the
Liberal Democrats, in the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"I do so on the basis that the medical evidence available simply cannot
sustain it, that Dr Kelly's own behaviour and character argues against
it and that there were serious shortcomings in the way the legal and
investigative processes set up to consider his death were followed."

Points raised by Baker -- whose centre-left party opposed the Iraq war
-- included the fact that Kelly supposedly cut his ulnary artery in his
wrist, a more difficult and painful option that the radial artery.

In 2003, Baker said, Kelly was the only person recorded to have taken
his or her own life in this fashion.

Baker also said that paramedics who attended the scene where Kelly's
body was found in Oxfordshire noticed that he had lost little blood and
was "incredibly unlikely" to have died from the wound they saw.

Police said that 29 tablets of pain-killer coproxamol were missing from
a packet in his home, but all that was found in Dr Kelly's stomach was
the equivalent of one-fifth of a tablet, Baker said.

Volunteer searchers who found his body said he was slumped against a
tree, rather than lying prone, as police stated.

And despite the stress he was under in the days leading to his death,
Baker said contacts with friends and relatives showed no sign that
Kelly had suicidal thoughts.

Baker also faulted the way Kelly's death was investigated, saying that
the pathologist assigned to the case was one of the least experienced
in the country, and that Lord Brian Hutton, who conducted the judicial
inquiry, had never conducted such a public inquiry before in his long

"Many people find it hard to accept that Dr Kelly's death was suicide
and the passage of time has only firmed up that doubt," wrote Baker in
the Mail on Sunday, which editorially is highly critical of Blair's

"I am conscious that some, particularly those who were close to him,
will want to put all this behind them, to move on. The reality,
however, is that this episode is not going to go away."


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 24, 2006 12:23:54 AM EST
Subject: Fw: The Shame of Being an American

The Shame of Being an American

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 17:54:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Shanti Renfrew
July 21, 2006

By Paul Craig Roberts

Gentle reader, do you know that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing
in southern Lebanon? Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out.
Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers.

That way there is no one to come back and nothing to which to return,
making it easier for Israel to grab the territory, just as Israel has
been stealing Palestine from the Palestinians.

Do you know that one-third of the Lebanese civilians murdered by
Israel's attacks on civilian residential districts are children? That
is the report from Jan Egeland, the emergency relief coordinator for
the UN. He says it is impossible for help to reach the wounded and
those buried in rubble, because Israeli air strikes have blown up all
the bridges and roads. Considering how often (almost always) Israel
misses Hizbollah targets and hits civilian ones, one might think that
Israeli fire is being guided by US satellites and US military GPS.
Don't be surprised at US complicity.

Why would the puppet be any less evil than the puppet master? Of
course, you don't know these things, because the US print and TV media
do not report them.

Because Bush is so proud of himself, you do know that he has blocked
every effort to stop the Israeli slaughter of Lebanese civilians. Bush
has told the UN "NO." Bush has told the European Community "NO." Bush
has told the pro-American Lebanese prime minister "NO." Twice. Bush is
very proud of his firmness.

He is enjoying Israel's rampage and wishes he could do the same thing
in Iraq.

Does it make you a Proud American that "your" president gave Israel the
green light to drop bombs on convoys of villagers fleeing from Israeli
shelling, on residential neighborhoods in the capital of Beirut and
throughout Lebanon, on hospitals, on power plants, on food production
and storage, on ports, on civilian airports, on bridges, on roads, on
every piece of infrastructure on which civilized life depends?

Are you a Proud American? Or are you an Israeli puppet?

On July 20, "your" House of Representatives voted 410-8 in favor of
Israel's massive war crimes in Lebanon. Not content with making every
American complicit in war crimes, "your" House of Representatives,
according to the Associated Press, also "condemns enemies of the Jewish
state." Who are the "enemies of the Jewish state"?

They are the Palestinians whose land has been stolen by the Jewish
state, whose homes and olive groves have been destroyed by the Jewish
state, whose children have been shot down in the streets by the Jewish
state, whose women have been abused by the Jewish state.

They are Palestinians who have been walled off into ghettos, who cannot
reach their farm lands or medical care or schools, who cannot drive on
roads through Palestine that have been constructed for Israelis only.

They are Palestinians whose ancient towns have been invaded by militant
Zionist "settlers" under the protection of the Israeli army who beat
and persecute the Palestinians and drive them out of their towns.

They are Palestinians who cannot allow their children outside their
homes because they will be murdered by Israeli "settlers."

The Palestinians who confront Israeli evil are called "terrorists."
When Bush forced free elections on Palestine, the people voted for
Hamas. Hamas is the organization that has stood up to the Jewish state.
This means, of course, that Hamas is evil, anti-Semitic, un-American
and terrorist. The US and Israel responded by cutting off all funds to
the new government.

Democracy is permitted only if it produces the results Bush and Israel
want. Israelis never practice terror. Only those who are in Israel's
way are terrorists.

Another enemy of the Jewish state is Hizbollah. Hizbollah is a militia
of Shia Muslims created in 1982 when Israel first invaded Lebanon.

During this invasion the great moral Jewish state arranged for the
murder of refugees in refugee camps.

The result of Israel's atrocities was Hizbollah, which fought the
Israeli army, defeated it, and drove it, with its Satanic tail between
its legs, out of Lebanon.

Today Hizbollah not only defends southern Lebanon but also provides
social services such as orphanages and medical care. To cut to the
chase, the enemies of the Jewish state are any Muslim country not ruled
by an American puppet friendly to Israel.

Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the oil emirates have sided with
Israel against their own kind, because they are dependent either on
American money or on American protection from their own people. Sooner
or later these totally corrupt governments that do not represent the
people they rule will be overthrown.

It is only a matter of time. Indeed Bush and Israel may be hastening
the process in their frantic effort to overthrow the governments of
Syria and Iran. Both governments have more popular support than Bush
has, but the White House Moron doesn't know this.

The Moron thinks Syria and Iran will be "cakewalks" like Iraq, where
ten proud divisions of the US military are tied down by a few lightly
armed insurgents. If you are still a Proud American, consider that your
pride is doing nothing good for Israel or for America.

On July 20 when "your" House of Representatives, following "your" US
Senate, passed the resolution in support of Israel's war crimes, the
most powerful lobby in Washington, the American Israeli Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), quickly got out a press release proclaiming

"The American people overwhelmingly support Israel's war on terrorism
understand that we must stand by our closest ally in this time of

The truth is that Israel created the crisis by invading a country with
a pro-American government. The truth is that the American people do not
support Israel's war crimes, as the CNN quick poll results make clear
and as was made clear by callers into C-Span.

Despite the Israeli spin on news provided by US "reporting," a majority
of Americans do not approve of Israeli atrocities against Lebanese
civilians. Hizbollah is located in southern Lebanon.

If Israel is targeting Hizbollah, why are Israeli bombs falling on
northern Lebanon? Why are they falling on Beirut? Why are they falling
on civilian airports? On schools and hospitals?

Now we arrive at the main point. When the US Senate and House of
Representatives pass resolutions in support of Israeli war crimes and
condemn those who resist Israeli aggression, the Senate and House
confirm Osama bin Laden's propaganda that America stands with Israel
against the Arab and Muslim world.

Indeed, Israel, which has one of the world's largest per capita
incomes, is the largest recipient of US foreign aid. Many believe that
much of this "aid" comes back to AIPAC, which uses it to elect "our"
representatives in Congress.

This perception is no favor to Israel, whose population is declining,
as the smart ones have seen the writing on the wall and have been
leaving. Israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims who
are being turned into enemies of Israel by Israel's actions and
inhumane policies.

The hope in the Muslim world has always been that the United States
would intervene in behalf of compromise and make Israel realize that
Israel cannot steal Palestine and turn every Palestinian into a

This has been the hope of the Arab world. This is the reason our
puppets have not been overthrown. This hope is the reason America still
had some prestige in the Arab world.

The House of Representatives resolution, bought and paid for by AIPAC
money, is the final nail in the coffin of American prestige in the
Middle East.

It shows that America is, indeed, Israel's puppet, just as Osama bin
Laden says, and as a majority of Muslims believe. With hope and
diplomacy dead, henceforth America and Israel have only tooth and claw.
The vaunted Israeli army could not defeat a rag tag militia in southern

The vaunted US military cannot defeat a rag tag, lightly armed,
insurgency drawn from a minority of the population in Iraq, insurgents,
moreover, who are mainly engaged in civil war against the Shia

What will the US and its puppet master do? Both are too full of hubris
and paranoia to admit their terrible mistakes. Israel and the US will
either destroy from the air the civilian infrastructure of Lebanon,
Palestine, Syria, and Iran so that civilized life becomes impossible
for Muslims, or the US and Israel will use nuclear weapons to
intimidate Muslims into acquiescence to Israel's desires.

Muslim genocide in one form or another is the professed goal of the
neoconservatives who have total control over the Bush admin. Neocon
godfather Norman Podhoretz has called for World War IV (in neocon
thinking WW III was the cold war) to overthrow Islam in the Middle
East, deracinate the Islamic religion and turn it into a formalized,
secular ritual.

Rumsfeld's neocon Pentagon has drafted new US war doctrine that permits
pre-emptive nuclear attack on non-nuclear states.

Neocon David Horowitz says that by slaughtering Palestinian and
Lebanese civilians, "Israel is doing the work of the rest of the
civilized world," thus equating war criminals with civilized men.

Neocon Larry Kudlow says that "Israel is doing the Lord's work" by
murdering Lebanese, a claim that should give pause to Israel's
Christian evangelical supporters.

Where does the Lord Jesus say, "go forth and murder your neighbors so
that you may steal their lands"?

The complicity of the American public in these heinous crimes will damn
America for all time in history.

COPYRIGHT CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC. ===============================
Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
the Reagan Administration. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution :
An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the
Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the
co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions :
How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the
Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow's Forbes Magazine
interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial

The articles on are brought to you by the Lexington Research
Institute and The Center for American Unity. We are supported by
generous donations from our readers. Contributions are tax deductible
and appreciated. Contribute...

The Ostroy Reporthe White House and Congress.
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cheney Gloms on Middle
East Crisis in Fear-Mongering Attempt
To Rally Votes for GOP
Incumbents this November

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of CheneyLordofWar.jpg]
Stumping in Tampa, Fla. Friday for Republican state legislator Gus
Bilirakis, whose seeking to win the 9th Congressional District seat
being vacated by his 12-term father Mike Bilirakis, vice president Dick
Cheney ratcheted up the Middle East rhetoric, citing the current crisis
as another reason to keep Republicans in control of both the House and

"This conflict is a long way from over," Cheney warned at a fundraiser
of over 200 party loyalists at Tampa's Wyndham Westshore hotel, which
raked in over $230,000 for the GOP candidate. "It's going to be a
battle that will last for a very long time. It's absolutely essential
that we stay the course....If anyone thinks the conflict is over or
soon to be over, all the have to do is look what's happening in the
Middle East today." (This is the same Cheney who declared May 31,
2005: "The level of activity that we see today from a military
standpoint, I think, will clearly decline. I think they're in the last
throes, if you will, of the insurgency"). What's this...Cheney's a

Clearly, the Bushevik fear-mongering is no longer now limited to its
desperate attempt to justify the Iraq war and magnify the terrorist
threat from al Qaeda. It's going to fully exploit for political
purposes the escalating violence between Israel and Hezbollah just as
it has the 9/11 attacks for the past five years. But what's going on in
the Middle East right now has nothing to do with Bush's disaster in
Iraq. While they constantly try to link that colossal military failure
to the threat from al Qaeda, the reality is that there's no connection
whatsoever. I'm not sure what's more despicable, this deception or how
they're now trying to connect our mission in Iraq to that of the
Israeli's fight against Hamas and Hezbollah.

"The central front of the war today is Iraq, and we can expect further
acts of violence," Cheney said. "But progress has been steady." By the
way, Dick, just where exactly is this "progress" again? Because it
appears to me that the entire Middle East is imploding.

About the Bilirakis fundraiser, the Democratic challenger Phyllis
Busansky, a former Hillsborough County commissioner, said, "I'm amazed
that amid everything that's going on--increase in the violence in the
Mideast, the skyrocketing oil prices--that the vice president has time
to come to Tampa. I think this makes it perfectly clear that Gus
Bilirakis stands firmly with Dick Cheney and his policies."

posted by The Ostroy Report @ 9:58 AM 5 comments

Friday, July 21, 2006


From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: July 23, 2006 9:37:20 AM EST
Subject: McKinney

Wayne Madsen on: Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney, facing a run-off
with County Commissioner Hank Johnson on August 8, is being targeted
by out-of-state money being funneled through law enforcement
associations dedicated to her defeat. The involvement of the law
enforcement associations stems from an altercation in April between
a US Capitol policeman and McKinney. The cop was the main actor in a
pre-planned incident designed to embarrass McKinney in an election
year and cost her the 4th congressional district seat. The use of
the Capitol Hill cops to "get McKinney" was the result of a
carefully-planned script involving top Republicans who worked in the
past for the Capitol Police. These include Alexandria's Vice Mayor
and retired Capitol policeman Bill Cleveland, an African-American
Republican, and Terrance Gainer, the chief of the Capitol Police at
the time of the McKinney incident. Gainer, a Republican from
Illinois, resigned after he was charged with nepotism for violating
police rules in hiring his son-in-law for the police force. However,
Gainer is reportedly a member of the conservative Catholic John
Carroll Society, an organization that links him to a number of right-
wing GOP causes. Although Gainer pushed for a DC Grand Jury to
indict McKinney, the jury found no evidence to indict and totally
cleared McKinney of any wrongdoing.

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.

Last Updated: Sunday, 23 July 2006, 01:34 GMT 02:34 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
Israel 'presses US on bomb sale'

By Nick Miles
BBC News, Washington

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 999999.gif]
Reports from the US suggest Washington has been asked to speed up a
shipment of precision bombs sold as part of a deal with Israel last

According to a report in the New York Times, Israel made the request
after it began its air assault on Hezbollah targets in Lebanon 12 days

The weapons, including five-tonne laser-guided bombs, are part of a
sale signed last year.

Unnamed US officials say the request to speed up delivery is unusual.

The disclosure is likely to anger Arab governments because of the
appearance that the United States is actively aiding Israel at such a
sensitive time.

Precision-guided missiles are playing a key part in Israel's military
strategy, which has included attempts to destroy bunkers it says are
used by Hezbollah.

Israel is one of the largest customers for US armaments.

It also receives several billion dollars a year in direct and indirect
aid from Washington.


(5) US Complicit in Destruction of Lebanon, by Paul Craig Roberts

Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 23:47:05 -0700 (PDT) From: James Morris

July 24, 2006

US Complicit in Destruction of Lebanon

by Paul Craig Roberts

There never was any doubt of the Bush regime's complicity in Israel's
naked aggression against the Lebanese civilian population. Bush has
protected Israel from world condemnation. Bush has blocked those who
attempted to bring a stop to Israel's bombing of residential
neighborhoods and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more
bombs for Israel to drop on Lebanon.

On July 22, the New York Times revealed the full extent of the Bush
regime's participation in the heinous war crimes being inflicted on the
Lebanese people:

"The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided
bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after
beginning its air campaign. The decision to quickly ship the weapons
to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush
administration, the officials said."

Obviously, Bush and his government do not think Israel has yet murdered
enough Lebanese. Bush denounces Syria and Iran for allegedly arming
Hezbollah, while he rushes more deadly weapons to Israel. The entire
world is appalled at the Bush regime's support for Israel's policy of
expanding its borders through naked aggression. Every Arab and Muslim
now knows that the U.S. is Israel's enabler. Arab hopes are dead that
the U.S. will pressure Israel to behave more humanely toward people not
armed with American fighter planes, tanks, and high explosives.

America's complicity in Israel's war crimes is more than America's UK
lapdog can stand. According to the French news service, AFP, "The
United States is starting to look isolated in its refusal to rein in
Israel's attacks on Lebanon with key ally Britain criticizing the
wholesale killing of Lebanese civilians and widespread destruction."
AFP reports that Britain's deputy foreign minister Kim Howells
"questioned Israel's military tactics and slammed Israel's killing of
'so many children and so many people. If Israel is chasing Hezbollah,
then go for Hezbollah. You don't go for the entire Lebanese nation.'"

But is Israel after Hezbollah, or is Israel after the real estate that
comprises southern Lebanon?

Right-wing Israelis say Israel needs southern Lebanon as a buffer
against Hezbollah. If Israel were to succeed in driving Hezbollah out
of southern Lebanon, Israel would then want a buffer for southern
Lebanon, where Israeli settlements would quickly spring up, and after
that buffer, another, just as Israel has gobbled up Palestine.

The American people need to understand what everyone else in the world
understands: The Bush regime is empowering the Israeli state to push
out its borders by stealing land from other people.

This Israeli policy is the source of the Middle East conflict. It is
ignorant and immoral to blame the conflict on Hamas and Hezbollah.
These organizations were created by Israeli aggression. Lacking
American jet fighters, tanks, ordinance, and resupply, these
organizations resort to terror, which is the only weapon that they
have. Otherwise, the world would pay no attention as Arabs are ground
under by Israeli expansion. The fault is America's more than Israel's.
The American government and the brainwashed American public are the
source of the conflict. If America did not enable Israeli aggression,
Israel would have to behave responsibly and endeavor to coexist with
its neighbors.

Israel is an artificial state created in Arab lands by European
colonial powers after World War II. Instead of working to win
acceptance and overcoming Arab hostility to Europe shipping off "the
Jewish problem" to the Middle East, Israel has antagonized its Middle
East neighbors. Israel can play the bully-boy role because the U.S.
acts as Israel's big brother. With its policy of fang and claw, Israel
endangers its own right to exist.

Many distinguished Israelis came to this conclusion long before I did.
I am only repeating what can be read in more eloquent writings of
distinguished Israelis.

Israel's greatest friends are its own peace movement and those few in
America who dare to criticize Israel's self-destructive policies. It is
not anti-Semitic to hold Israel to the same standards as other
civilized countries or to report facts instead of Israeli propaganda.

Israel's greatest enemies are the American neoconservatives, who hold
the power in the Bush regime. What we are witnessing in the Middle East
is the unfolding of the neocon plan to destroy all vestiges of
Arab/Muslim independence and to remove all opposition to Israel's
agenda. Can 5 million Israelis, even when backed by the United States,
forever suppress hundreds of millions of humiliated Muslims stewing in
their humiliation? This is a recipe for perpetual conflict and the
eventual destruction of Israel.

Neocons believe that deception of the American public is a legitimate
way for them to achieve their plan. Bush's so-called "war on terror" is
the cloak for neocon deception.

Bush's war is not on terror. Bush's war is on Muslim states not ruled
by American puppets.

(6) Iraq parliament speaker accusing US forces of "butchery", demands
they pull out

Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 15:52:28 +0300 From: "Peace Seeker"
<> ----- Original Message -----

Iraq parliament speaker calls for US withdrawal AFP

Iraq's parliament speaker Mahmud Mashhadani bitterly criticized US
forces in Iraq, accusing them of "butchery" and demanded that they pull
out of the country.

Mashhadani was speaking at a UN-sponsored conference on transitional
justice and reconciliation in Baghdad, and his strongly worded attack
appeared to embarrass his international hosts, who grimaced on the

"Just get your hands off Iraq and the Iraqi people and Muslim
countries, and everything will be all right," the conservative Sunni
Islamist said, in a speech opening the conference.

"What has been done in Iraq is a kind of butchery of the Iraqi people,"
he said in a long winded speech that criticized the tactics of the
coalition forces as well as US support for Israeli strikes against

The two day conference, which was originally supposed to be opened by
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, will address the issue of dealing with
the crimes of previous Iraqi regimes and a plan to reconcile the
country's warring factions.

The prime minister is expected to name a reconciliation committee

Mashhadani bluntly told the audience of UN officials, foreign experts,
Iraqi politicians and civil society representatives that the Iraqi
people had little use for foreign advice on running the country or
foreign-sponsored conferences.

"If a reconciliation project is going to work it has to talk to all the
people," he said. "It must go through our Iraqi beliefs and
perceptions. What we need is reconciliation between Iraqis only, there
can be no third party."

To underscore his distaste for US forces in Iraq, he related an
anecdote about how US soldiers keep people waiting in lines at
checkpoints for hours because they insist on resting their
bomb-sniffing dogs.

"The sleep of American dogs is more important than people being stopped
in the street for hours," he said, evoking chuckles among Iraqi

The UN representative who then opened the conference subsequently
referred to Mashhadani's speech as "spirited".

Mashhadani is a member of the main Sunni Arab parliamentary bloc, the
National Concord Front, which is a member of Maliki's national unity

President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 25, 2006, 4:53:08 PM7/25/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 25, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I agree with Michel Chossudovsky below that Danny Schechter's
piece here is incisive.
In fact, it's so incisive that it supports my assertion that all
the major players in the US left/liberal/progressive/green community
are too incisive not to know that 9/11 was an inside-job false-flag op.
So why do they pretend that they don't know this? Is it because
they're afraid they won't get any more foundation grants? Is it
because they're afraid they won't get any more publishing contracts?
Is it because they're afraid they won't get onto any more radio/TV talk
shows? Is it because they're afraid that they'll no longer be quite so
Not till a substantial majority of US citizens finally realizes
that 9/11 was USG-engineered do we have a generally-agreed-upon
political scandal large enough to turn around this momentum towards
world war. And it seems to me that those currently controlling the
obedient lackluster US anti-war movement are incisive enough to agree
with this. So why do they all cooperate with the massive obscene 9/11
cover-up? Is it because they're afraid they won't get any more
foundation grants? Is it because they're afraid they won't get any
more publishing contracts? Is it because they're afraid they won't get
onto any more radio/TV talk shows? Is it because they're afraid that
they'll no longer be quite so adulated?
And certainly those controlling the US feminist movement are
incisive enough to understand by now what really happened on
9/11/01--and also will agree that world wars always are mega-macho
events. So why do they all cooperate with the massive obscene 9/11
cover-up? Is it because they're afraid they won't get any more
foundation grants? Is it because they're afraid they won't get any
more publishing contracts? Is it because they're afraid they won't get
onto any more radio/TV talk shows? Is it because they're afraid that
they'll no longer be quite so adulated?

Thus we need someone to reach the following people with the latest
version of "Loose Change" or with the video of Physics Professor Steven
Jones' 9/11 Truth Presentation at Brigham Young University:

Carolyn Baker, Medea Benjamin, Dennis Bernstein, Noam
Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Alexander Cockburn, Kevin Danaher, Amy Goodman,
Tom Hayden, Richard Heinberg, Michael Kane, Robin Morgan, Ralph Nader,
Mike Ruppert, Danny Schechter, Cindy Sheehan, Norman Solomon, Gloria
Steinem, Howard Zinn.

All of these major players above pretend to be truthsayers while
simultaneously suppressing the biggest truth of all. So ask them to
provide their readers or listeners with an honest review of either
At the moment I can think of nothing more important than
this--because these people play key roles in the ongoing vicious (job
threats, death threats) suppression of 9/11 Truth. Without them almost
everyone in the US left/liberal/progressive/green community would by
now agree that the infamous US Government did verily murder nearly
three thousand of its own citizens on 9/11/01 in order to obtain a
pretext for plundering various distant places.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez 75 Today

PS: I'm sure I'm forgetting some who belong on the list above. So
let's reach more than just these with one or more 9/11 Truth videos.

PPS: It's important to remember that the tendency towards another
world war has been present in the US since well before Eisenhower's '61
warning about the US military-industrial complex--now more aptly known
as the military-industrial-academic complex.

PPPS: Finally, it's interesting to note that two of those
above--Michael Kane and Mike Ruppert--are in fact recent defectors from
the 9/11 Truth Movement. And they've defected quite insidiously in
that they occasionally still cite briefly some of the less provable
9/11 Inside-Job evidence--which makes them all the more convincing as
they remain obediently silent about all the hardcore 2+2=4 evidence!

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Is It Time for a Third World War?
Stories in the US News Chain

By Danny Schechter
July 24, 2006

This incisive article by Danny Schechter on media disinformation was
published almost a month prior to the bombing of Lebanon.

New York, New York June 17: There are screws loose in high places.

Elements of the U.S. intelligence community (which have done such a
fine job in Iraq) and their Israeli counterparts, along with the cadre
of paid and unpaid cheerleaders in the TV punditocracy, seem to have
decided that what the world needs now is another world war.

And they are not shy about saying so.

First, last week, David Twersky, the Tel Aviv correspondent for the New
York Sun, a mouthpiece for the Israeli hardliners, compared the
kidnapping of a corporal in Gaza to the assassination of Archduke
Ferdinand in Sarajevo, the incident that triggered World War I.

The parallel was planted.

Then, just yesterday Sunday June 16, Newt Gingrich, former House
Speaker and still a darling of the GOP right, stated as a matter of
fact on Meet that Press that a new war is already underway in the
Middle East. It is, he insists, already a world war. THIS IS, IN FACT,
WORLD WAR 3, he said for emphasis, with no regrets and an apparent
longing to bring it on.

Columnist Dave Postman elaborated on his message in his Seattle Times

"Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War
III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this
morning Gingrich said Bush should call a joint session of Congress the
first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in
much starker terms than have been heard from the president.

"We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a
city,'" Gingrich said. He talks about the need to recognize World War
III as important for military strategy and political strategy.

Gingrich said he is "very worried" about Republicans facing fall
elections and says the party must have the "nerve" to nationalize the
elections and make the 2006 campaigns about a liberal Democratic agenda
rather than about President Bush's record.

Hmmm, a world war to save the Bush Administration? How convenient.

But there is more. The always aggressive and often obnoxious Prince of
Darkness, Richard Perle, a leading booster of war on Iraq, is now
lobbying the Administration to finish off the axis of evil. In print
pieces and TV appearances, he is calling for a wider war now.

Hold on. Also on Meet The Press, Martin Fletcher, the NBC veteran
Israel correspondent revealed that the Israeli war plan that is now
being carried out is not simply a response to current risks or attacks,
and that it has been FIVE years in the making. It was a plan just
looking for a pretext.

I think they will never say that publicly, he added, explaining that
this war plan was not made by the current Israeli government but
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party mate Ariel Sharon &
Sharon's generals. Fletcher says Tel Aviv calls it a work plan. He
says it is being implemented step by step.

He added, It will go on until someone steps in and stops them.

The United States is not currently that someonenot now. President
Bush is backing Israel although with an unheard PR appeal asking that
they be gentler in their attacks. He, like, Israel, is blaming
Hezbollah which insists it is acting defensively and reactively, not

Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Sam Gardiner, who appears in my film WMD
(Weapons of Mass Deception) has been running war games Vis a Vis Iran.
He wrote to me on the weekend after talking to Pentagon insiders. His
conclusion: It would be hard to overestimate the danger of a major
war, he says. They say the Israeli soldiers they captured were
fighting illegally in Lebanon.

He says be believes the US and Israel are coordinating their
strategies. While he believes that Iran is orchestrating Hamas and
Hezbollah through Syria, he also says: That does not mean that Israel
is not taking advantage of the events. They have decided on regime
change in Gaza and on punishing Hezbollah while establishing a buffer
zone to prevent rocket attacks. As closely as the US and Israel have
been coordinating, one has to assume coordination.

Former Israeli independence fighter and now peace activist Uri Avnery
goes further: As in 1982, the present operation, too, was planned and
is being carried out in full coordination with the US. As then, there
is no doubt that it is coordinated with a part of the Lebanese elite.

And who wants this war? The Toronto Stars Linda McQuaig challenges the
dominant view in DC that it is only the Iranians.

Is it really Iran that is pushing for war? Think about it. Why would
Iran want to provoke a war with Israel and the U.S. both heavily

armed nuclear powers when it has no nuclear weapons itself?

Summer is often called the silly season. While the Bush Administration
is losing one war in Iraq, and another with public opinion here at
home, it seems to be opting for more conflicts as its backers bang the
drum for a new world war.

Years ago, Che Guevara called for 1, 2, 3 Vietnams. The Busheviks
today may be moving toward 1, 2, 3 world wars.

Sound crazy? In our Orwellian political climate, a new generation of Dr
Strangeloves are in command. Only this time, they dont act like
loonies. They have mastered the art of the TV interview and can, with
selective facts and ideology packaged as information, make insanity
sound oh so sane.

They have convinced themselves, and now want to convince us, to join a
new hegemonic adventure to expand their failed GWOT, (Global War on
Terror), whatever the cost.

And where is the media in all this, to rein them in, to connect the
dots, to offer the missing context and background, to make vital
distinctions between the aggressor and those agressed upon, and to
stand up for international law, human rights, and sanity? NBC is giving
the Gingrichs and Pearls of the world a platform to advocate more
killing with no one to challenge them effectively.

We need more critics like Cenk Uygur, who challenges William Kristol on
Huffington Post in these terms:

Bill Kristol has never seen a war he didn't like. No, that's too soft.
A war he didn't love and lust after. Here's a wolf in sheep's clothing
pretending to be serious, sober minded analyst on television when in
reality he is trying to get us sucked into horrific wars that other
people will die fighting.

Why didnt Tim Russert have the guts to say something similar to Newt

Has mainstream media devolved so far that a world war is now considered
a legitimate subject to advocate? Doesn't this new mission add up to
more madness?

Has it come to this? Is the summer heat corroding our senses? Is global
warming melting our brains?

Danny Schechter is blogger in chief of His
latest film seeking distribution is In Debt We Trust. ( ) Comments to

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
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must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Danny Schechter,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Lebanon Accuses Israel of Using "Internationally Prohibited
Weapons Against Civilians"
Incendiary Bombs and Vacuum Bombs

July 24, 2006
The Jurist

Lebanon claims Israel using banned weapons against civilians
Jaime Jansen at 8:44 AM ET

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[JURIST] Israel is using "internationally prohibited weapons against
civilians" in Lebanon as the country faces "real annihilation,"
according to a statement from Lebanon Information Minister Ghazi Aridi
Sunday after an emergency cabinet meeting. Lebanese media reports state
that Israel used phosphorus incendiary bombs and vacuum bombs
[GlobalSecurity backgrounders] that suck up air and facilitate building
collapses. The use of incendiary weapons against civilians has been
banned by Protocol III to the Convention on Certain Conventional
Weapons [text] since 1980. Lebanon's accusations come amid increasing
violence [Bloomberg report; BBC Q&A] between Israel over the weekend
and Hezbollah militants [BBC backgrounder] based in Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora [BBC profile] said in
a separate address to the Lebanese people [text] Sunday that Israel's
actions "violated Lebanon's sovereignty and its citizens' rights and
dignity." Siniora also said that "Israel is imposing a collective
punishment that does not have any moral or legal legitimacy." AP has

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright , The Jurist, 2006

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Israeli Warplanes Target Red Cross
and UN in Southern Lebanon

Commentary by Michel Chossudovsky
July 24, 2006

Malaysia Sun - 2006-07-19

This report published by the Malaysian Sun confirms that Israeli war
planes are now targeting the UN and the Red Cross. No doubt, we will
be told that this is "collateral damage". The underlying objective is
criminal. Israel seeks, in blatant violation of international law, to
prevent the flow of humanitarian aid to Lebanese civilians.

If the United Nations Security Council does not implement sanctions
against Israel, when UN sponsored missions and accredited humanitarian
organizations are the target of Israeli war planes, what can we

Is this end of the United Nations as an international body?

The arrogance and criminality of Israel is beyond bounds.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 24 July 2006

Israeli warplanes hit UN troop positions in Lebanon
Malaysia Sun
Wednesday 19th July, 2006

UN troops in Lebanon have come under heavy fire in the past 24 hours,
while plans are afoot for their families to be evacuated.

In another incident Israeli aircraft attacked a convoy of 26 Red Cross
ambulances which the UAE was sending by road into Lebanon.

Israeli warplanes fired close to UNIFIL, or the United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon, positions on at least fifteen occasions, scoring a
direct hit on one position near the village of Marwahin. UN officials
said there was material damage, but no casualties.

French army Maj. Eric Minoli, who is commanding a UNIFIL contingent,
said he is sickened by what he has seen.

"The people are clearly terrorized. Many Lebanese are fleeing north,"
he said. "As a Frenchman and a United Nations soldier, I hope the
diplomats work out a cease-fire."

A spokesman said the UN force was facing serious restrictions in
movements due to the ongoing hostilities, and the destruction of roads
and bridges.

The spokesman also revealed Israeli ground troops had entered Lebanese
territory twice on Tuesday. It was previously thought ground troops had
only entered Lebanon on Wednesday.

Meantime the families of UNIFIL members are preparing to be evacuated.

UNIFIL was deployed to the country in 1978 following the invasion by
Israel. It remained through a second Israeli invasion in 1982, and the
subsequent occupation. When Israel finally withdrew in May 2000, UNIFIL
remained in place to patrol the Blue Line, the border between Lebanon
and Israel.

The 2,000 soldiers-strong force is supported by 50 military observers
of UNTSO, 95 international civilian personnel, and 304 local civilian

It draws personnel from China, France, Ghana, India, Ireland, Italy,
Poland and Ukraine.

Separately 26 Red Cross ambulances sent by the UAE government to assist
the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon came under fire from Israeli
warplanes, while being driven from the Syrian border to Beirut. Some of
the ambulances had to return to Syria, while others made it through to

The UAE Foreign Minister, Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, said,
"We condemn and reject this kind of conduct which completely disregards
humanitarian values. It shows Israel's insensitivity to the acute
humanitarian crisis facing Lebanon."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: July 24, 2006 8:24:38 AM EST

Hello to all -

My computer was down for a week on what possibly was
sabotage because of my writing, but I don't know and
likely never will unless lightning strikes twice in
same way.

I'm concerned but unwavering in what I intend to do -
take on big issues and expose big crimes like in
article now sending on Lebanon/Palestine conflict
that's an appalling and massive war crime and crime
against humanity that anyone with any knowledge of
facts understands well. I understand extremely well
especially as I know the history and it repeats as is
happening now.

Read what I'm sending with an open mind. I can assure
you everything I wrote is the truth, but I'd need to
write a long book to tell the whole dirty story fully.

One more thing - what's going on now in Lebanon and
Palestine is so outrageous, I've lost sleep over it.
I get daily reports from on the ground about it. They
make me sick to read. I also get grahic pictures of
charred and mutilated bodies including ones of little
children. Go find some online and see what a
state-sponsored terror war looks like.


The Crime of Lebanon and Palestine - Are Iran and
Syria Next? - by Stephen Lendman

By any interpretation of international law, Israel
today is committing massive and egregious war crimes
and crimes against humanity against the defenseless
people of Palestine and Lebanon. It's doing it with
the full support and encouragement of the US and
willful compliance of the West, most of the Arab
world, the UN and the dominant corporate media
worldwide acting as cheerleaders for the mass killing,
crippling destruction, and immiseration of innocent
civilians in Lebanon and the Palestinian Occupied
Territories. Israel falsely claims its duel assaults
are in response to Hamas' capture of an Israel Defense
Forces (IDF) soldier near Kerem Shalom crossing,
southeast of Rafah, on June 25 and Hezbollah's
cross-border incursion on July 12, killing eight IDF
soldiers in the exchange that followed and taking two
others prisoner.

The three soldiers were captured, not "kidnapped" as
falsely reported. But nearly 10,000 Palestinian and
Lebanese civilians were forcibly abducted, are now
held in indefinite detention in Israeli prisons, many
administratively without charge, and are grievously
abused or tortured according to Amnesty International
and B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights monitoring
group. Amnesty, in fact, reported in 1998: "By
Israel's own admission, Lebanese detainees are being
held as 'bargaining chips;' they are not detained for
their own actions but in exchange for Israeli soldiers
missing in action or killed in Lebanon (during the
Israeli occupation there). Most have now spent 10
years in secret and isolated detention (and many are
still there or have been replaced by other
abductees)." The "civilized world" rails about the
three IDF prisoners of war, yet is unconcerned about
10,000 Arab victims because they're Muslims, not white
enough, and no criticism of Israel is allowed or
tolerated publicly for whatever it does. Still, no
nation claimed it had a right to declare war on Israel
to free its prisoners unjustifiably held nor would the
world community tolerate it if one did.

But that's just what Israel did and is getting away
with it with the full support of the US and world
community. Clearly the events of June 25 and July 12
in no way justify Israel's right to wage all out
retaliatory war, and in doing it Israel is grievously
violating international laws and norms. Nonetheless,
it's known Israel planned to wage them long before it
got the pretexts to do it. Both "wars" were planned
well in advance, Israel intended to wage them all
along and only needed an excuse to do it in each case.
Had not Hamas and Hezbollah obliged (insignificant as
their provocations were), Israel would have
"manufactured" pretexts as it's done in the past to
execute the plans it had in mind. The result since
has been the mass suffering and death of innocent men,
women and children (in numbers far greater than
reported as they always are) who always pay the
greatest price when conflicts begin.

But that's part of Israel's plan as their strategy is
always to deliberately inflict great pain on the
civilian population of its targets hoping the people
affected will blame their ruling authorities for it
and turn against them. In Palestine and Lebanon that
means Hamas and Hezbollah that Israel intends making
every effort to destroy. The strategy never worked
before, and it won't now as evidenced by how events
are now unfolding. Instead of turning the people in
the Occupied Territories and South Lebanon against
Hamas and Hezbollah, both these authorities are
gaining support in response to Israel's extreme and
unjustifiable reign of terror that eventually will
come back to haunt it and its US ally as it always

Israel's Plan Is to Wage a Scorched-Earth Reign of
Terror Similar to What the US Is Doing in Iraq

Israel responded quickly and overwhelmingly to the
Hamas and Hezbollah provocations. It initiated
"Operation Summer Rain" against Hamas and the
Palestinians and "Operation Change of Direction"
against Hezbollah and the people of Lebanon. Both IDF
assaults continue unabated so far through intensive
attacks from the air and on the ground.

It's not the purpose of this article to document the
carnage inflicted thus far in each conflict area.
It's been brutal, unrelenting and excessive involving
suspected use of illegal weapons including chemical
agents, depleted uranium (DU) munitions that will
leave deadly irremediable toxic radiation forever over
the areas struck and beyond, and white phosphorous
bombs and shells, known as Willy Pete, that burn flesh
to the bone and can't be extinguished by water that
only makes it worse when used. The IDF is also
reportedly testing in real time some new terror
weapons, possibly for the first time. One of them is
a thermobaric bomb reported being used freely across
Lebanon. This bomb contains polymer-bonded or solid
fuel-air explosives in its payload. It also has a
fuse munition unit (FMU) used on the nose of Israeli
artillery shells able to penetrate buildings,
underground shelters and tunnels creating such a blast
pressure that all the oxygen is sucked out from the
spaces and the lungs of anyone in the vicinity. The
Lebanese, and likely the Palestinians as well, are
their lab rats with consequences to them too horrible
to imagine.

Much of this is being well covered daily with graphic
pictures of destroyed bodies (including of young
children) in the alternative media online, in print,
on Aljazeera and in other independent media sources
uncorrupted by their governments or corporate
affiliations. Sadly, as usual, it's impossible to
have any understanding of what's going on or why
through the US corporate media, so-called US National
Public Radio and TV that have sunk as low as Fox News
in their corrupted one-sidedness, and the "vaunted"
and "venerable" BBC that's about as bad. As it always
is, especially in time of war, the first casualty is
truth that's being suppressed in the mainstream and
replaced with Israel and US-friendly propaganda.

Nonetheless, those seeking alternative sources of news
and information to learn and understand the truth know
that Israel's response to two minor incursions against
it has been disproportionate in the extreme. But it's
part of Israel's long-standing strategy to provoke
conflict deliberately, to get the PLO in the past and
Hamas and Hezbollah today to respond, falsely label
them "terrorists" for doing it, and then claim a
justifiable right to strike back with brute force in
"self-defense" that's, in fact, an act of aggression.
It's always done to avoid a political solution with
them which Israel has no intention of accommodating
ever. In executing its current plan, the IDF has now
maliciously and willfully attacked innocent civilians
in Palestine and Lebanon and created a humanitarian
disaster in both countries. The world response to
these atrocities has been tepid, shameless and
disgraceful, and hundreds of thousands of defenseless
people are paying a dreadful price as a consequence.
Israel is being allowed and even encouraged to get
away with murder and mass destruction, and most world
governments through their acquiescence are, de facto,
willing co-conspirators. As a result, nothing is
being done to help the innocent victims whose
suffering continues daily with no letup.

Israel's assaults on the Occupied Territories and
Lebanon were planned well in advance with the full
knowledge and approval of the US. It was reported
earlier this year in Israel's Maariv daily that the
events now underway in Gaza and the West Bank were in
the works for months. It was explained in an
interview the paper did with IDF Southern Command
General Yoav Galant, responsible for Gaza, who said
that "we (Israel) have a plan to (re) occupy the
Strip" (and) "We are in advanced states of preparing
forces for readiness" to do it in response to
"increased (Palestinian) attacks." Another IDF
official confirmed what the general said and added
that the IDF completed its training to reenter Gaza
and informed its soldiers to prepare and be ready for
orders to move in. Neither the general or other IDF
official explained, however, that the Palestinian
"attacks" were with crude weapons and only in response
to Israel's daily assaults against them with the most
sophisticated weapons the IDF has other than its
nuclear ones.

The story in Lebanon is very similar and the
predictable outcome from Hezbollah's justifiable
responses to Israeli instigated intermittent conflict,
cross-border incursions, freewheeling abductions, and
repeated violations of the country's airspace. It's
brought us to where we are now and Israel's plan and
intent to destroy Hezbollah as a political entity as
well as the military strength it's built up since the
IDF withdrew from South Lebanon six years ago.

Hezbollah publicly admitted receiving military aid
from Iran and Syria in the Arab press, and the Syrian
defense minister confirmed his country helped supply
some of it. This was just reported on July 21 by
Matthew Kallman of the San Francisco Chronicle Foreign
Service - a most unexpected venue. Kallman quotes
Israeli professor Gerald Steinberg of Bar-Ilan
University who said: "In a sense, the preparation (for
the Lebanon assault) began in May, 2000, immediately
after the Israeli withdrawal, when it became clear the
international community was not going to prevent
Hezbollah from stockpiling missiles and attacking
Israel. By 2004, the military campaign scheduled to
last about three weeks that we're seeing now had
already been blocked out and, in the last year or two,
it's been simulated and rehearsed across the board."
The professor forgot to mention that Hezbollah attacks
were justifiable and in response to frequent Israeli
cross-border ones against them, the Lebanese people
and the Palestinians, as explained above. It's called
self-defense, but not by the Western media or this
Israeli professor.

Kallman reported further that over a year ago a senior
Israeli IDF officer (unidentified) began giving
"PowerPoint presentations" off the record to US and
other officials and unnamed journalists and think
tanks explaining the plan now underway "in revealing
detail." The officer described a three week campaign
to destroy Hezbollah's "long-range missiles," rocket
launchers and weapons stores, its command and control
centers, and disrupt transportation and communication
in the country. He said IDF ground forces in large
numbers would then invade Southern Lebanon in the
third week of the campaign to destroy targets
identified through reconnaissance but not to remain on
a long-term basis. It turned out the IDF did it after
10 days and are now in the south of the country.

Kallman also quoted Eran Lerman, a former colonel in
IDF intelligence who said the Israeli military debated
how to accomplish what it's now undertaken. There
were two sides. "One is the air power school of
thought, the other is the land-borne option......the
air force concept is very methodical....and slower to
get results. A ground invasion that sweeps Hezbollah
in front of you is quicker, but at a much higher cost
in human life and requiring the creation of a presence
on the ground." Moshe Marzuk, former head of the
Lebanon desk for Israeli Military Intelligence, added
"Israel has learned from past conflicts in Lebanon,
the West Bank and Gaza.....that a traditional military
campaign (on the ground) would be counter-effective.
A big invasion is not suitable here. We are not
fighting an army, but guerrillas.....If we are to be
on the ground at all, we need to use commandos and
special forces." So far, the script outlined above is
playing out about as planned. But Kallman was also
told what any military observer knows well. The best
of plans don't always work out as intended which the
daily Haaretz military analyst, Daniel Ben-Simon,
indicated when he said: "I have no idea how this movie
is going to end."

No one does, but it's the purpose of this article to
address why these operations were undertaken, what
Israel and its US ally hope to achieve by them, and
what may follow next, hard as that may be to know.
Still, it's important to try as the danger of an
expanded conflict is possible with untold consequences
should it happen.

Israel's Intent and Goals and Those of Its US Ally

The US is always fully aware well in advance of any
significant operation Israel intends to undertake. As
that small but powerful nation's paymaster and
benefactor, Israel wouldn't dare under most
circumstances not keep its most valued ally fully in
the loop and most concerned about having its full
compliance. That's rarely ever a problem though as
both nations share a common interest in the Middle
East. For Israel it's primarily security against
potentially hostile neighbors, its intent to assure
pro-Israeli regimes in the region, and its ability to
expand its undeclared borders beyond where they now
are to wherever it's able to do it and get away with
it. Israel already controls the choicest parts of the
West Bank, the Syrian Golan Heights it captured in the
1967 war and never returned, and the 25 square
kilometer Shebaa Farms area of South Lebanon it never
relinquished after seizing it as well in the 1967 war.
It's maintained its occupation of both areas after
the end of hostilities with Syria nearly 40 years ago
and its withdrawal from Lebanon in May, 2000, 22 years
after it first invaded this defenseless country.

Like Israel, the US also has a clear interest in the
Middle East that's elementary to a grade schooler with
any intelligence. The region has about half the
world's acknowledged oil reserves and for over half a
century has been viewed by US officials as a treasure
of almost unimaginable strategic and economic value.
That view has prevailed at least since the historic
meeting on the USS Quincy in early 1945 near the end
of WW II between Franklin Roosevelt and Saudi King ibn
Saud to begin a relationship that would later assure
US access to Saudi oil and the beginning of its
dominance in the region in return for this country's
agreeing to provide security for the monarchy.

Ever since, the US has pursued a policy to establish
and support client states in the region and to conduct
hostile covert actions or wage war to install them in
nations important enough like Iraq where they didn't
exist. Despite our rhetoric concerning the Middle
East or anywhere else, this country has no interest
whatever in removing dictators or establishing
democracies. It's only interest everywhere, but
especially in countries with great strategic
importance, is to have in place client states run by
leaders subservient to US wishes and aims.
Independent-minded leaders like Saddam, the Iranian
Mullahs and President Mahmoud Armadinejad, Syrian
President Bashar Al-Assad, and three-time
democratically elected Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez, beloved by the great majority of his people,
are prime targets for regime-changing removal by force
if necessary - only because they chose to run their
countries independently of US authority. Imperial
powers like the US never tolerate that.

Israel's well-planned actions against Hamas and the
Palestinians and Hezbollah and the people of Lebanon
are part of the same regime-changing strategy. In the
Occupied Territories it's to destroy Hamas as an
independent-minded political entity and replace it
with a compliant one like Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas
willing to serve Israel's interests and not those of
the Palestinian people. In South Lebanon, it's
essentially the same thing - to destroy Hezbollah as a
political and resistance force, remove its resilient
threat to Israeli hegemony in the region, and replace
it with an Israel-friendly Lebanese government in full
control of the country.

The Evolution of Israeli-Hamas Relations

Israel wasn't always hostile to Hamas it now views as
an enemy it intends to destroy. In the 1980s, the
Israeli government lent it support to check the
growing authority and legitimacy of the PLO that had
suspended retaliatory attacks and wanted to pursue a
political solution with Israel that Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir at the time explained Israelis would
never agree to and, in fact, said he went to war with
Lebanon in 1982 to prevent. But once established,
Hamas rose in prominence largely due to its well
organized and effective social service network that
provides such essential services as food assistance,
health care, education, daycare and other charitable
aid to Palestinians in great need of them. But Hamas
also has a military or resistance wing that has
engaged in attacks against Israeli soldiers and
civilians in retaliation for Israel's war of attrition
against the Palestinian people that's caused decades
of immiseration with little relief or outside support
to offset it.

Because of that, Israel was horrified when the
January, 2006 election didn't turn out the way it
thought it had carefully arranged and Hamas won a
clear majority of the seats in the Palestinian
Legislative Council (PLC). Without the larger than
life figure of Yasser Arafat to lead it, the
Palestinian people finally rejected the dominant Fatah
party and its post-Oslo history of corruption and
subservience to Israeli authority. From the start, it
was clear Israel had a single aim - to destroy Hamas
as a political entity by any means. The Ehud Olmert
led Kadima government planned it, the IDF trained in
preparation for it, and it just awaited a convenient
pretext to initiate what began on June 25.

The Hezbollah Story

The Hezbollah story is quite similar. It was born out
of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and the
oppressive occupation that followed. Hezbollah was
formed to resist the occupation, expel the Israelis,
and it remained an effective opposition force to
Israel ever since. It's major base of support is in
the Southern Lebanon Shiite region and Northern Beka'a
valley it controls that's up to one-third of the
population. It's also likely supported by the
estimated 400,000 Palestinian refugees in the country
who live in overcrowded camps, struggle to achieve
their basic needs, have no legal rights, and get no
government aid or protection. Hezbollah is also a
major political force and is represented by 11
lawmakers in the Lebanese Parliament and has two
government ministers in the country's cabinet. But it
also maintains a military wing as a needed deterrent
to Israeli oppression that up to now has been the only
effective force against it in the region. That's why
Israel's aim has always been to eliminate Hezbollah
and now initiated on July 12 what looks like all out
war, the reinvasion of Lebanon that followed on July
22, and possible occupation of the country ahead if it
decides that's what's needed to achieve it. It never
was able to do it before and likely won't succeed now
whatever strategy it follows. But Israel is
determined and seems intent to follow the strange and
doomed to fail policy of "always wrong but never in
doubt." It won't be any different this time, but once
again Israel appears to be repeating past mistakes and
making its victims pay the harsh price for them.

Throughout Israel's occupation of Southern Lebanon in
1980s and 90s that price was severe indeed, but
Hezbollah's committed resistance nonetheless finally
succeeded in getting the IDF to withdraw from the
country in May, 2000. After 22 years of failing to
subdue a resilient South Lebanon, it's hard to believe
Israel is once again willing to try and in so doing
inflict mass death, suffering and destruction on the
innocent people throughout this country that are no
match for the IDF militarily in a head-on
confrontation. But it goes unreported and undiscussed
in the mainstream that if Israel really wanted to end
retaliatory attacks against its territory and people,
the easy sure way to do it is to stop provoking the
Palestinians and Hezbollah by attacking them first.
The fact that it hasn't done it shows it won't and
doesn't want to because in a state of peace and calm
it would be unable to avoid the political solution it
never intends to negotiate in good faith.

Israel instead prefers to continue the policy it began
against Lebanon in 1968 when the IDF conducted terror
raids and military aggression against the country that
included attacking the Beirut airport and destroying
13 civilian planes on the ground claiming it was in
retaliation for an attack by Lebanese trained
Palestinians targeting an Israeli airliner in Athens.
IDF incursions into Lebanon continued in the 1970s
against the PLO including the major invasion into
Southern Lebanon, the "Litani River Operation." It
was launched in March, 1978 to establish an occupation
zone that Israel put the Christian South Lebanon Army
(SLA) in place to man when it withdrew its forces
weeks later.

But Israel reinvaded the country in June, 1982 in
force with intent to stay, remaining until Hezbollah
forced it to withdraw in May, 2000. Before it did,
however, the IDF managed to kill about 18,000 mostly
innocent civilian Lebanese and Palestinians. Yet,
despite the carnage, the IDF was unable to destroy
Hezbollah which resisted effectively including against
Israel's April, 1996 17 day "Operation Grapes of
Wrath" that accomplished nothing but more death and
destruction. Today, Hezbollah under its leader, Sheik
Hassan Nasrallah, is stronger than ever and is gaining
support beyond its Shiite base and near autonomy in
the South in response to the Israeli inflicted
atrocities committed in the current conflict. It now
remains to watch and speculate where this conflict is

The Road from Palestine and Lebanon May Lead to Iran
and Syria

The US and Israeli plan may be to escalate the current
Palestinian and Lebanese conflicts and extend them to
Iran and Syria. It's a real possibility and the most
serious threat at this time with all its potentially
dreadful consequences. Whether it will or won't
happen only high-level insiders in both countries know
for certain, and even they may be unsure until the
current conflicts play out further. If it's
undertaken, this added escalation will have unknown
hazards for all involved combined with the increasing
out-of-control conflict in Iraq and the one in
Afghanistan fast heading in the same direction. At
this time, whether the Washington neocons in charge of
things, the Pentagon and the Likudnik spin-offs in the
Olmert Kadima party are willing to risk going further
is anyone's guess.

The Threat to Iran

The future is uncertain, but what is known is that a
number of reports circulated earlier this year and in
2005 that the Bush administration signed off on a
"shock and awe" nuclear attack against Iran to destroy
its entirely legal commercial nuclear program based on
the unproved claim Iran is using it to develop and
produce nuclear weapons. Among other places this was
reported by journalist Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker
magazine recently. Hersh went further saying Israel

has called Iran a "major threat" that "must be

stopped" from developing these weapons. In a
subsequent article Hersh then reported these plans are
off the table because of strong resistance to them
inside the Pentagon. But it's hard to believe this is
so given the position of the hard-liners in charge in
Washington and Israel determined to pursue regime
change in both Iran and Syria and replace the current
leaderships there with pro-Western ones who'll
dutifully serve their obedient role of subservient
client states.

Israel also has long had designs on Iran that have
been known at least since October, 2003, when the
German weekly Der Spiegel reported that the Mossad
(the country's intelligence gathering and covert
action and counterterrorism agency) had marked six
Iranian nuclear facilities as targets for an Israeli
pre-emptive air strike. It added that then Israel
Prime Minister Aeriel Sharon called Iran "the greatest
danger to Israel" and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz
said "Iran calls for Israel's annihilation (and) We
must do our utmost under US guidance to delay or
eliminate the prospect of the extremist regime (in
Tehran from) securing weapons of this sort." It went
on to report "a special unit of Mossad received an prepare a detailed plan to destroy Iran's
nuclear sites Mossad believes (have) reached an
advanced stage....." The completed Mossad plan was
then "delivered to the Israeli Air Force, (to) carry
out the strike."

As far as we know, the US is also making plans and has
since 2004 been committing hostile acts against Iran
by flying unmanned aerial surveillance drones across
its airspace and has infiltrated special forces
reconnaissance teams secretly into the country "to

collect targeting data and to establish contact with

anti-government ethnic minority groups" according to
Seymour Hersh in his reporting. The Iranians are well
aware of these activities and are likely doing all
they can to thwart or counteract them. They also
understand quite well what's at stake for them - that
the US and Israel are planning regime change by
whatever means they think will work and are using the
falsely claimed threat of Iran's perfectly legal
commercial nuclear program as the pretext to pursue
it. The rest of the world so far seems willing to go
along with this duplicitous scheme as well as the
dominant corporate media once again dutifully
performing their customary cheerleading role of
support for whatever operations the US and Israel
intend to conduct, legally justified or not. The
public as usual is largely in the dark and has no idea
what's going on or what's at stake.

Target Syria - Also under Threat

Syria, along with Iran, is also part of the same
apparent US - Israeli scheme to escalate the Middle
East conflict further. Both countries are Hezbollah
allies and, as mentioned above, are known to have
provided it arms, something no nation does more of
than the US and often to empower unstable,
undemocratic regimes that jeopardize global security.
But that's portrayed as perfectly acceptable when it's
done by the world's only superpower and for whatever
reason it has in mind. It's another story, entirely,
however, when a smaller nation does it, especially if
that country is not a US client state and the arms it
supplies goes to a source the US and its allies wish
to keep them from, even if their intended use is only
for self-defense.

Thus, while there's a vast world arms trade for legal
and nefarious purposes the public generally hears
little or nothing about, it's another story when the
arms suppliers are Iran and Syria, their transactions
or aid are quite proper, but the recipients are
Hezbollah and Hamas, sworn enemies of the US and
Israel. The US claims Iran and Syria are state
sponsors of terrorism and says Hezbollah and Hamas are
terrorist entities. It doesn't matter if it's true or
not, just that the US says it is to justify whatever
action it and its Israeli ally have in mind. There's
now a systematic demonization campaign under way to
claim both countries have armed Hezbollah to conduct
"unprovoked terror attacks" against Israel and thus
provide justifiable cause for Israel and the US to
retaliate. Again, truth is not the issue, only what
the US and Israel say is true.

Also, in March, 2006 the UN Security Council took the
unprecedented step, aimed at Syria, of approving a
resolution to establish a hybrid tribunal for a
political crime. It will consist of 2 Lebanese and
three international judges to try the killers of
former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri that will allow
an international judgment to take precedence over
Lebanese law. From the start, the finger of guilt was
pointed at Syria, but so far there's been no evidence
uncovered to prove it.

But by unjustifiably associating Syria with the Hariri
killing and accusing it of supplying Hezbollah with
arms for claimed "terror" attacks, the US and Israel
have now put the mark of Cain on this nation making it
easier to attack it. It's never hard finding a
pretext to act when there's enough determination to do
it. Both the US and Israel have had lots of practice
finding them where they exist or inventing or
provoking them when they don't. The recent Iraq "now
you see 'em, now you don't" WMDs come to mind as an
invented one that destroyed a nation. Iran and Syria
are quite aware of this and are doing all they can to
ward off a similar fate. Still they know full well,
if the US and/or Israel act against them forcibly,
they and their people will pay a painful price. And
the region will as well if the Arab street explodes as
one or two more countries in it go up in flames to
further the imperial aims of two rogue terrorist
states allowed to go unchecked by a complicit world
community hoping to benefit from the scraps left for
it in the carnage or too timid to stand up for what's

What May Lie Ahead - The Potential Danger Is Great

There's much at stake in the Middle East for both the
US and Israel including the very real possibility that
the duel Israeli offensives with US support and aid
may make an already impossible situation even worse.
It also seems strange to some that the most extreme
elements in the US administration, Congress and among
their influential supporters now appear to see a
chance to undo or at least ameliorate the political
and military disaster the US has suffered in Iraq and
likely one ahead in Afghanistan as that country is
rapidly descending into a growing out-of-control
conflict as well. The alternative and more sensible
view unheard in the mainstream is that two or three
wrong decisions don't make a right one. But that's a
consideration those in charge in the US and Israel
probably never thought of, and it's not the role of
their corporate media allies to tell them. Their job
is only to report what government officials say.

It's clear at this time of great potential danger, a
lot more than that is needed. The Arab street in the
region and Muslim one around the world may be ready to
explode if two more of its states are attacked by the
US and/or Israel with support or compliance of the
West and its own leaders. It will be even more likely
to happen if nuclear weapons are used which is now
planned against Iran to destroy targeted facilities
below ground. Whatever the perceived gains may be
from this aggressive adventure, the potential dangers
of undertaking it seem so daunting and the odds for
ultimate success so long, it's hard to understand why
any sensible leader would risk taking them. But it's
quite possible George Bush and Ehud Olmert intend to
try. No one knows how this will play out if they do,
but the world now holds its collective breath waiting
to find out.

There's no need for breath-holding to know one
near-certain outcome of this conflict and another
likely one. Just as Hezbollah was born out of the
rubble of Lebanon in the 1980s, so too will one or
more new resistance groups rise out of Lebanon's
carnage today and the daily killing, destruction and
intensified immiseration in Palestine. It's a simple
law of physics - Newton's Third Law that there's no
action without reaction. And it follows that the more
extreme the action, the more proportionally similar
the reaction. Israel is sure to achieve its goal to
incite the continued conflict and violence it needs to
avoid the political solution it won't now tolerate.
But in the long run, this high risk strategy may prove
Israel's undoing as no nation can survive and prosper
on conflict and war without end or for just cause.
Unless the Jewish state can find a way to coexist
peacefully and justly with its Palestinian people and
Arab and Persian neighbors and abandon the sure to
fail path it's now on, it's very survival is in doubt
and so is that of those it targets. Time for more
breath-holding. Stay closely tuned.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog
site at


From: Joe Stokes <>
Date: July 24, 2006 7:42:12 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Loose Change @ DALLAS VIDEO FESTIVAL 9/10/06


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Robert Fisk - One Week in the Life and Death of Beirut

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 20:28:43 +0930 From: "Adelaide Institute"

Robert Fisk: A gripping diary of one week in the life and death of

Published: 23 July 2006

Sunday 16 July

It is the first time I have actually seen a missile in this war. They
fly too fast - or you are too busy trying to run away to look for them
- but this morning, Abed and I actually see one pierce the smoke above
us. "Habibi (my friend)!" he cries, and I start screaming "Turn the car
round, turn it round" and we drive away for our lives from the southern
suburbs. As we turn the corner there is a shattering explosion and a
mountain of grey smoke blossoming from the road we have just left. What
happened to the men and women we saw running for their lives from that
Israeli rocket? We do not know. In air raids, all you see is the few
square yards around you. You get out and you survive and that is

I go home to my apartment on the Corniche and find that the electricity
is cut. Soon, no doubt, the water will be cut. But I sit on my balcony
and reflect that I am not crammed into a filthy hotel in Kandahar or
Basra but living in my own home and waking each morning in my own bed.
Power cuts and fear and the lack of petrol now that Israel is bombing
gas stations mean that the canyon of traffic which honks and roars
outside my home until two in the morning has gone. When I wake in the
night, I hear the birds and the wash of the Mediterranean and the
gentle brushing of palm leaves. I went to buy groceries this evening.
There is no more milk but plenty of water and bread and cheese and
fish. When Abed pulls up to let me out of the car, the man in the 4x4
behind us puts his hand permanently on the horn, and when I get out of
Abed's car, he mouths the words "Kess uchtak" at me. "Fuck your
sister." It is the first time I have been cursed in this war. The
Lebanese do not normally swear at foreigners. They are a polite people.
I hold my hand out, palm down and twist it palm upwards in the Lebanese
manner, meaning "what's the problem?". But he drives away. Anyway, I
don't have a sister.

Monday 17 July

The phones are still working and my mobile chirrups like a budgerigar.
Too many of the calls are from friends who want to know if they should
flee Beirut or flee Lebanon or from Lebanese who are outside Lebanon
and want to know if they should return. I can hear the bombs rumbling
across Hizbollah's area of the southern suburbs but I cannot answer
these questions. If I advise friends to stay and they are killed, I am
responsible. If I tell them to leave and they are killed in their cars,
I am responsible. If I tell them to come back and they die, I am
responsible. So I tell them how dangerous Lebanon has become and tell
them it is their decision. But I feel great sorrow for them. Many have
been refugees four times in 24 years. Today I am called by a Lebanese
woman with Lebanese and Iranian citizenship and one child with a US
passport and another with only a Lebanese passport. Her situation is
hopeless. I suggest she travels to the Christian mountains around
Faraya and try to find a chalet. It will be safe there. I hope. I come
back from Kfar Chim where part of an Israeli missile or an aircraft
wing has just partially decapitated the driver of a car. He looked so
tragic, his head lolling forward in the driver's seat, just looking at
all the blood splashing down his body on to the floor. Abed was getting
spooked because I spent too long at the scene. The Israelis always come
back. "Habibi, you took too long. Never stay that long again!" He is
right. The Israelis did come back and bombed the Lebanese army.

Now my housemaid Fidele is spooked. She thinks it is too dangerous to
travel from the Christian district of Beirut to my home since the
Israelis blew the top off the local lighthouse 400 metres from my front
door. Fidele is from Togo and makes fantastic pizzas (I recommend her
Pizza Togolaisi to anyone) so I send Abed off to pick up her up and
bring her to my home for one hour. She puts my dirty clothes in the
washing machine, and after five minutes the power goes off and we have
to take them all out and try again tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 July

At 3.45am, I wake to the sound of tank tracks and a big military motor
heaving away in the darkness. I go downstairs to find that the Lebanese
army has positioned an American-made armoured personnel carrier in the
car park opposite my home. It has been placed strategically under some
palm trees, as if this will stop Israeli aircraft from spotting it. I
don't like this at all and nor does my landlord, Mustafa, who lives
downstairs. The Lebanese army is now an occasional target for the
Israelis and this little behemoth looks like a palm tree disguised as a
tank. Later in the morning, I call a general in the army who is a
friend of mine and army operations calls me back to check the location.
It takes an hour before they find the car park on their maps. Then I
receive another call telling me that the APC is next to my home to
prevent the Hizbollah from using the car park to launch another missile
at an Israeli ship. The empty American Community School is just up my
road. The Lebanese army is defending us.

The first French warship arrives to pick up French citizens fleeing
Lebanon. It steams proudly past my balcony. Many French naval vessels
are named after great military leaders, and this particular
anti-submarine frigate is called the Jean-de-Vienne. I pad off to
consult my little library of French history books. Jean de Vienne, it
turns out, was a 14th-century French admiral who raided the Sussex town
of Rye and the Isle of Wight and who was killed - oh lordy, lordy -
fighting in the Crusades against the Muslim Turks. A suitable ship to
start France's evacuation of the ancient Crusader port of Beirut.

Wednesday 19 July

Now that the Israelis are destroying whole apartment blocks in the Shia
southern suburbs - there is a permanent umbrella of smoke over the
seafront, stretching far out into the Mediterranean - tens of thousands
of Shia Muslims have come to seek sanctuary in the undamaged part of
Beirut, in the parks and schools and beside the sea. They walk back and
forth outside my home, the women in chadors, their bearded husbands and
brothers silently looking at the sea, their children playing happily
around the palm trees. They speak to me with anger about Israel but
choose not to discuss the depth of cynicism of the Shia Hizbollah who
provoked Israel's brutality by capturing two of its soldiers. As well
as the Hizbollah, the Israelis are now targeting food factories and
trucks and buses - not to mention 46 bridges - and the bin men are now
reluctant to pick up the rubbish skips each night for fear their
innocent rubbish truck is mistaken for a missile launcher. So no
rubbish collection this morning.

The local Beirut papers are filled with photographs that would never be
seen in the pages of a British paper: of decapitated babies and women
with no legs or arms or of old men in bits. Israel's air raids are
promiscuous and - when you see the results as we now do with our own
eyes - obscene. No doubt Hizbollah's equally innocent civilian victims
in Israel look like this but the slaughter in Lebanon is on an
infinitely more terrible scale. The Lebanese look at these pictures and
see them on television - as does the rest of the Arab world - and I
wonder how many of them are provoked to think of another 9/11 or 7/7 or
whatever the next date will be. What does war do to people? Later, I am
talking to an Austrian journalist and idly ask what her father does.
"He drinks," she says. Why? "Because his father was killed at

I walk across with tea for the soldiers on the APC in the car park.
They are all from Baalbek, Shia Muslims. They would never open fire on
a Hizbollah missile crew. Then I return home from another visit to the
southern suburbs and find they have gone, along with their behemoth.
The first good news of the day.

The minister of finance holds a press conference to talk of the
billions of dollars of damage being done to Lebanon by Israel's air
raids. "We have had pledges of aid from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and
Qatar," he proudly announces. "And from Syria and Iran?" the man from
Irish radio asks, naming Hizbollah's two principal supporters in the
Muslim world. "Nothing," the minister replies dismissively.

Thursday 20 July

A bad day for messages. Phone calls from the States to tell me I am an
anti-Semite for criticising Israel. Here we go again. To call decent
folk anti-Semites is soon going to make anti-Semitism respectable, I
tell the callers before asking them to tell the Israeli air force to
stop killing civilians. Then a fax from a Jewish friend in California
to tell me that a man called Lee Kaplan - "a columnist for the Israel
National News", whatever that is - has condemned me in print for
developing a "high-paid speaking career among anti-Semites". Unlike
Benjamin Netanyahu and many others I can think of, I never take money
for lecturing - ever - but to smear the thousands of ordinary Americans
who listen to me as anti-Semites is outrageous.

Another fax from the editor of the forthcoming paperback edition of my
book, apologising for bothering me at a "very difficult (sic) time" but
promising to send me page proofs by DHL which is still operating to
Beirut. I go downtown to check this with DHL. Yes, the man says,
parcels for Lebanon are sent to Jordan and then in a truck via Damascus
to Beirut. A truck, I say to myself. Ouch.

Friday 21 July

The Israelis have just bombed Khiam prison. An interesting target since
this was the jail in which Israel's former proxy militia, the South
Lebanon Army, used to torture male prisoners by attaching electrodes to
their penises and female prisoners by electrocuting their breasts. When
the Israeli army retreated in 2000, the Hizbollah turned the prison
into a museum. Now the evidence of the SLA's cruelty has been erased.
Another "terrorist" target. The power comes back at home at 11pm and I
watch Israel's consul general, Arye Mekel, telling the BBC that Israel
is "doing the Lebanese a favour" by bombing Hizbollah, insisting that
"most Lebanese appreciate what we are doing". So now I understand. The
Lebanese must thank the Israelis for destroying their lives and
infrastructure. They must be grateful for all the air strikes and the
dead children. It's as if the Hizbollah claimed that Israelis should be
grateful to them for attacking Zionism. How far can self-delusion

Saturday 22 July

I have coffee in my landlord's garden and he climbs an old wooden
ladder into his fig tree and brings me a plate of fruit. "Every day it
gives us our figs," he tells me. "We sit under our tree in the
afternoon and with the breeze off the sea, it is like air
conditioning." I look at his little paradise of pot plants and sip my
Arabic coffee from a little blue mug. We watch the warships sliding
into Beirut port. "What will happen when all the foreigners have gone?"
he asks. That's what we are all asking. We shall find out this week.

Sunday 16 July

It is the first time I have actually seen a missile in this war. They
fly too fast - or you are too busy trying to run away to look for them
- but this morning, Abed and I actually see one pierce the smoke above
us. "Habibi (my friend)!" he cries, and I start screaming "Turn the car
round, turn it round" and we drive away for our lives from the southern
suburbs. As we turn the corner there is a shattering explosion and a
mountain of grey smoke blossoming from the road we have just left. What
happened to the men and women we saw running for their lives from that
Israeli rocket? We do not know. In air raids, all you see is the few
square yards around you. You get out and you survive and that is

I go home to my apartment on the Corniche and find that the electricity
is cut. Soon, no doubt, the water will be cut. But I sit on my balcony
and reflect that I am not crammed into a filthy hotel in Kandahar or
Basra but living in my own home and waking each morning in my own bed.
Power cuts and fear and the lack of petrol now that Israel is bombing
gas stations mean that the canyon of traffic which honks and roars
outside my home until two in the morning has gone. When I wake in the
night, I hear the birds and the wash of the Mediterranean and the
gentle brushing of palm leaves. I went to buy groceries this evening.
There is no more milk but plenty of water and bread and cheese and
fish. When Abed pulls up to let me out of the car, the man in the 4x4
behind us puts his hand permanently on the horn, and when I get out of
Abed's car, he mouths the words "Kess uchtak" at me. "Fuck your
sister." It is the first time I have been cursed in this war. The
Lebanese do not normally swear at foreigners. They are a polite people.
I hold my hand out, palm down and twist it palm upwards in the Lebanese
manner, meaning "what's the problem?". But he drives away. Anyway, I
don't have a sister.

Monday 17 July

The phones are still working and my mobile chirrups like a budgerigar.
Too many of the calls are from friends who want to know if they should
flee Beirut or flee Lebanon or from Lebanese who are outside Lebanon
and want to know if they should return. I can hear the bombs rumbling
across Hizbollah's area of the southern suburbs but I cannot answer
these questions. If I advise friends to stay and they are killed, I am
responsible. If I tell them to leave and they are killed in their cars,
I am responsible. If I tell them to come back and they die, I am
responsible. So I tell them how dangerous Lebanon has become and tell
them it is their decision. But I feel great sorrow for them. Many have
been refugees four times in 24 years. Today I am called by a Lebanese
woman with Lebanese and Iranian citizenship and one child with a US
passport and another with only a Lebanese passport. Her situation is
hopeless. I suggest she travels to the Christian mountains around
Faraya and try to find a chalet. It will be safe there. I hope. I come
back from Kfar Chim where part of an Israeli missile or an aircraft
wing has just partially decapitated the driver of a car. He looked so
tragic, his head lolling forward in the driver's seat, just looking at
all the blood splashing down his body on to the floor. Abed was getting
spooked because I spent too long at the scene. The Israelis always come
back. "Habibi, you took too long. Never stay that long again!" He is
right. The Israelis did come back and bombed the Lebanese army.

Now my housemaid Fidele is spooked. She thinks it is too dangerous to
travel from the Christian district of Beirut to my home since the
Israelis blew the top off the local lighthouse 400 metres from my front
door. Fidele is from Togo and makes fantastic pizzas (I recommend her
Pizza Togolaisi to anyone) so I send Abed off to pick up her up and
bring her to my home for one hour. She puts my dirty clothes in the
washing machine, and after five minutes the power goes off and we have
to take them all out and try again tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 July

At 3.45am, I wake to the sound of tank tracks and a big military motor
heaving away in the darkness. I go downstairs to find that the Lebanese
army has positioned an American-made armoured personnel carrier in the
car park opposite my home. It has been placed strategically under some
palm trees, as if this will stop Israeli aircraft from spotting it. I
don't like this at all and nor does my landlord, Mustafa, who lives
downstairs. The Lebanese army is now an occasional target for the
Israelis and this little behemoth looks like a palm tree disguised as a
tank. Later in the morning, I call a general in the army who is a
friend of mine and army operations calls me back to check the location.
It takes an hour before they find the car park on their maps. Then I
receive another call telling me that the APC is next to my home to
prevent the Hizbollah from using the car park to launch another missile
at an Israeli ship. The empty American Community School is just up my
road. The Lebanese army is defending us.

The first French warship arrives to pick up French citizens fleeing
Lebanon. It steams proudly past my balcony. Many French naval vessels
are named after great military leaders, and this particular
anti-submarine frigate is called the Jean-de-Vienne. I pad off to
consult my little library of French history books. Jean de Vienne, it
turns out, was a 14th-century French admiral who raided the Sussex town
of Rye and the Isle of Wight and who was killed - oh lordy, lordy -
fighting in the Crusades against the Muslim Turks. A suitable ship to
start France's evacuation of the ancient Crusader port of Beirut.

Wednesday 19 July

Now that the Israelis are destroying whole apartment blocks in the Shia
southern suburbs - there is a permanent umbrella of smoke over the
seafront, stretching far out into the Mediterranean - tens of thousands
of Shia Muslims have come to seek sanctuary in the undamaged part of
Beirut, in the parks and schools and beside the sea. They walk back and
forth outside my home, the women in chadors, their bearded husbands and
brothers silently looking at the sea, their children playing happily
around the palm trees. They speak to me with anger about Israel but
choose not to discuss the depth of cynicism of the Shia Hizbollah who
provoked Israel's brutality by capturing two of its soldiers. As well
as the Hizbollah, the Israelis are now targeting food factories and
trucks and buses - not to mention 46 bridges - and the bin men are now
reluctant to pick up the rubbish skips each night for fear their
innocent rubbish truck is mistaken for a missile launcher. So no
rubbish collection this morning.

The local Beirut papers are filled with photographs that would never be
seen in the pages of a British paper: of decapitated babies and women
with no legs or arms or of old men in bits. Israel's air raids are
promiscuous and - when you see the results as we now do with our own
eyes - obscene. No doubt Hizbollah's equally innocent civilian victims
in Israel look like this but the slaughter in Lebanon is on an
infinitely more terrible scale. The Lebanese look at these pictures and
see them on television - as does the rest of the Arab world - and I
wonder how many of them are provoked to think of another 9/11 or 7/7 or
whatever the next date will be.

What does war do to people? Later, I am talking to an Austrian
journalist and idly ask what her father does. "He drinks," she says.
Why? "Because his father was killed at Stalingrad."

I walk across with tea for the soldiers on the APC in the car park.
They are all from Baalbek, Shia Muslims. They would never open fire on
a Hizbollah missile crew. Then I return home from another visit to the
southern suburbs and find they have gone, along with their behemoth.
The first good news of the day.

The minister of finance holds a press conference to talk of the
billions of dollars of damage being done to Lebanon by Israel's air
raids. "We have had pledges of aid from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and
Qatar," he proudly announces. "And from Syria and Iran?" the man from
Irish radio asks, naming Hizbollah's two principal supporters in the
Muslim world. "Nothing," the minister replies dismissively.

Thursday 20 July

A bad day for messages. Phone calls from the States to tell me I am an
anti-Semite for criticising Israel. Here we go again. To call decent
folk anti-Semites is soon going to make anti-Semitism respectable, I
tell the callers before asking them to tell the Israeli air force to
stop killing civilians. Then a fax from a Jewish friend in California
to tell me that a man called Lee Kaplan - "a columnist for the Israel
National News", whatever that is - has condemned me in print for
developing a "high-paid speaking career among anti-Semites". Unlike
Benjamin Netanyahu and many others I can think of, I never take money
for lecturing - ever - but to smear the thousands of ordinary Americans
who listen to me as anti-Semites is outrageous.

Another fax from the editor of the forthcoming paperback edition of my
book, apologising for bothering me at a "very difficult (sic) time" but
promising to send me page proofs by DHL which is still operating to
Beirut. I go downtown to check this with DHL. Yes, the man says,
parcels for Lebanon are sent to Jordan and then in a truck via Damascus
to Beirut. A truck, I say to myself. Ouch.

Friday 21 July

The Israelis have just bombed Khiam prison. An interesting target since
this was the jail in which Israel's former proxy militia, the South
Lebanon Army, used to torture male prisoners by attaching electrodes to
their penises and female prisoners by electrocuting their breasts. When
the Israeli army retreated in 2000, the Hizbollah turned the prison
into a museum. Now the evidence of the SLA's cruelty has been erased.
Another "terrorist" target. The power comes back at home at 11pm and I
watch Israel's consul general, Arye Mekel, telling the BBC that Israel
is "doing the Lebanese a favour" by bombing Hizbollah, insisting that
"most Lebanese appreciate what we are doing". So now I understand. The
Lebanese must thank the Israelis for destroying their lives and
infrastructure. They must be grateful for all the air strikes and the
dead children. It's as if the Hizbollah claimed that Israelis should be
grateful to them for attacking Zionism. How far can self-delusion

Saturday 22 July

I have coffee in my landlord's garden and he climbs an old wooden
ladder into his fig tree and brings me a plate of fruit. "Every day it
gives us our figs," he tells me. "We sit under our tree in the
afternoon and with the breeze off the sea, it is like air
conditioning." I look at his little paradise of pot plants and sip my
Arabic coffee from a little blue mug. We watch the warships sliding
into Beirut port. "What will happen when all the foreigners have gone?"
he asks. That's what we are all asking. We shall find out this week.

) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

=== 07/23/06 "xymphora" --

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events:

The Hariri assassination, immediately blamed on Syria (with no evidence
other than the lies promoted by Mehlis), led directly to Syria being
forced to withdraw its troops from Lebanon. It is obvious that that
step was a necessary precondition of Israeli involvement in Lebanon.

The huge mystery of the current Israeli adventures is why Israel is
sacrificing so much international goodwill in murdering innocent
Lebanese civilians, when its stated goal is 'self-defense' against
Hezbollah. In fact, Israel is spending an inordinate amount of time
destroying Lebanese infrastructure and making direct attacks against
the Lebanese army, the latter particularly odd if Israel really wants
the Lebanese army to disarm Hezbollah. Israel's actions are actually
strengthening the position of Hezbollah, which isn't so odd when you
consider the fact that Israel has long helped to create its own enemies
in order to have an excuse for colonialist attacks against them. In
this case, attacks against the central Lebanese government and army
appear to be leading to an argument that Lebanon - newly destroyed
Lebanon - is incapable of living up to its international obligations to
disarm Hezbollah, leading directly to the necessity of Israel entering
Lebanon to do the job itself.

Israel has another motive in wanting to destroy Lebanese civil society,
as such destruction is part of the Zionist Plan for the Middle East.
Ideally, Lebanon will end up fractured on ethnic lines, following the
Yinon plan of breaking all of Israel's potential enemies into tiny
statelets. A peaceful and tolerant and wealthy Lebanon is bad publicity
for the general Zionist line that Arabs are incapable of such progress.

Hariri was one of the main architects of the reconstruction of Lebanon,
and would not have stood for its re-destruction. He had a lot of
powerful friends around the world, and would probably have been able to
prevent the current Israeli attacks. Even if the attacks had done
damage, he would have been able to lead the re-reconstruction,
thwarting Israeli long-term plans. It was thus necessary to remove him
as a precondition of the current Israeli attacks.

The original Official Story of the Hariri assassination was that it was
an underground explosion of a type that only the Syrian intelligence
services could have handled. When it turned out that the evidence
indicated a truck bomb, the propaganda machine turned 180 degrees and
declared that it was the work of an 'al Qaeda' group hired by the
Syrians (odd given the fact that the Syrian government is probably the
biggest enemy of al Qaeda). We have recently seen that the Israeli spy
ring in Lebanon had very curious connections to al Qaeda organizations
in Lebanon. It is not difficult to see how Israel managed to cloak the
Hariri assassination, now clearly part of the current attack on
Lebanon, in such a way as to direct blame towards Syria, thus leading
directly to the removal of Syrian troops.

Israel has a number of goals in its current attacks, the ultimate one
being fooling the Americans into another war for Israel, this time
against Syria. The most feasible goal, however, is water. With the
connivance of the Americans, Israel is resisting calls for any kind of
ceasefire or negotiated settlement, as that would prevent Israel from
achieving its real goal of seizing southern Lebanon, including control
over the water in the Litani river (some of which is already being
stolen by the Israelis). UN peacekeepers would make such a goal
impossible, and so UN involvement must be resisted. The plan is to take
over southern Lebanon under the guise of creating a Hezbollah-free
buffer zone to protect Israel from Hezbollah rocket attacks. Of course,
we're supposed to forget the fact that the dangerous rocket attacks -
the ones that haven't been faked by the IDF - only occurred after the
Israeli attack on Lebanon, and the fact that a buffer zone will have no
effect on Hezbollah's ability to send rockets into Israel. The real
goal of the buffer zone will be to allow Israel to begin to siphon off
greater quantities of Lebanese water.

It is only in the light of the ongoing crimes being committed by Israel
in Lebanon that we can come to a full understanding of the real reason
for the assassination of Rafik Hariri. Like Hollis Mulwray in the movie
Chinatown, Hariri died so that water could be stolen.


Robert Fisk: Israel Orders Evacuations,
Then Fires Missiles into Evacuation Vehicles

Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 21:44:23 -0700 (PDT) From: James Morris

Robert Fisk: A War Crime?

This mother and son were in a convoy fleeing danger yesterday when the
Israeli air force bombed the rear minibus, causing carnage.

By Robert Fisk

06/24/07 "The Independent" -- - They are in the schools, in empty
hospitals, in halls and mosques and in the streets. The Shia Muslim
refugees of southern Lebanon, driven from their homes by the Israelis,
are arriving in Sidon by the thousand, cared for by Sunni Muslims and
then sent north to join the 600,000 displaced Lebanese in Beirut. More
than 34,000 have passed through here in the past four days alone, a
tide of misery and anger. It will take years to heal their wounds, and
billions of dollars to repair their damaged property.

And who can blame them for their flight? For the second time in eight
days, the Israelis committed a war crime yesterday. They ordered the
villagers of Taire, near the border, to leave their homes and then - as
their convoy of cars and minibuses obediently trailed northwards - the
Israeli air force fired a missile into the rear minibus, killing three
refugees and seriously wounding 13 other civilians. The rocket that
killed them is believed to have been a Hellfire missile made by
Lockheed Martin in Florida.

Nine days ago, the Israeli army ordered the inhabitants of a
neighbouring village, Marwaheen, to leave their homes and then fired
rockets into one of their evacuation trucks, blasting the women and
children inside to their deaths. And this is the same Israeli air force
which was praised last week by one of Israel's greatest defenders -
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz - because it "takes extraordinary
steps to minimise civilian casualties".

Nor have the Israelis spared Sidon. A heap of rubble and pancaked walls
is all that is left of the Fatima Zahra mosque, a Hizbollah institution
in the centre of the city, its minaret crumbled and its dome now
sitting on the concrete, a black flag still flying from its top. When
Israeli warplanes came early yesterday morning, the 75-year-old
caretaker had no time to run from the building; he died of his wounds
hours later. His overturned white plastic chair still lies by the gate.
The mosque is unlikely to have been used for military purposes; a
school belonging to the Hariris, Sidon's all-powerful Sunni family,
stands next door; they would never have allowed weapons into the

Not that Hizbollah - which killed two more Israeli civilians with their
rockets in Haifa yesterday - have respected Sidon, whose population is
95 per cent Sunni. They tried to fire Iranian-made missiles at Israel
from the seafront Corniche and from beside the city slaughterhouse last
week. On both occasions, residents physically prevented them from
opening fire.

The multimillion-dollar Hariri Foundation - created by the former prime
minister, Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated last year - has helped
24,000 Shia refugees out of the south and on to Beirut but its
generosity has not always been happily received. One group of refugees
sheltering in a technical school in Meheniyeh punched and taunted
Hariri workers. Elsewhere, the foundation's staff have been cursed by
fleeing families. "They are telling us that we are working for the
Americans and that this is why we are taking them out," said Ghena
Hariri - Rafik's niece and a Georgetown graduate. "It is something that
drains our energy. We are working 24 hours a day and at the end of the
day they curse us. But I feel so sorry for them. Now they are being
told by the Israelis to leave their villages on foot and they have to
walk dozens of kilometres in this heat."

It's not difficult to see how this war can damage the delicate
sectarian framework that exists in Lebanon. One group of Shia families
- housed in a school in the Druze mountains of the Chouf - tried to put
Hizbollah's yellow banners on the roof and members of Walid Jumblatt's
Druze Popular Socialist Party had to tear them down. Their act may have
saved the refugees' lives. Yet many of the Shia in this beautiful
Crusader port have learnt how kind their Sunni neighbours can be. "We
are here - where else can we go?" Nazek Kadnah asked as she sat in the
corner of a mosque which Rafik Hariri built and dedicated to his
father, Haj Baha'udin Hariri. "But they look after us here as their
brothers and sisters and now we are safe."

These sentiments provoke some dark questions. Why, for example, can't
these poor people be shown the same compassion from Tony Blair as he
supposedly felt for the Muslims of Kosovo when they were being driven
from their homes by the Serbs? These thousands are as terrified and
homeless as the Kosovo Albanians who fled to Macedonia in 1998 and for
whom Mr Blair claimed he was waging a moral war. But for the Shia
Muslims sleeping homeless in Sidon there is to be no such moral
posturing - and no ceasefire suggestions from Mr Blair, who has aligned
himself with the Israelis and the Americans.

And what exactly is the purpose of driving more than half a million
people from their homes? Many of these poor people sit clutching their
front-door keys, just as the Palestinians of Galilee did when they
arrived in Lebanon 58 years ago to spend the rest of their lives as
refugees. Yes, the Shia Muslims of Lebanon probably will go home. But
to what? A war between the Hizbollah and a Western intervention force?
Or further bombardment by the Israelis?

The Sidon refugees now have 36 schools in which they can shelter - but
they are the lucky ones. Across southern Lebanon, the innocent
continued to die. One was an eight-year-old boy who was killed in an
Israeli air raid on a village close to Tyre. Eight more civilians were
wounded when an Israeli missile hit a vehicle outside the Najem
hospital in Tyre. And during the morning, one of Lebanon's journalists,
Layal Nejib, a photographer for the magazine Al-Jaras whose pictures
were also transmitted by Agence France Press, was killed in her taxi by
an Israeli air strike near Qana, the same village in which 106
civilians were massacred in a UN base by Israeli artillery shells in
1996. She was only 23.

In her marble-walled home above Sidon, Bahia Hariri - Ghena's mother,
the sister of the murdered former prime minister and a local member of
parliament - sat grim-faced, scarcely controlling her fury. "We are in
this terrible situation but we haven't any window to resolve this
situation," she said. "Rafik Hariri is no longer with us. The
international community is not with us. Who is with us? God. And the
old Lebanese. And the Arab world, we hope, will help us. The only
resistance we can show is to be a united Lebanon. But we have only a
small margin in which to dream."

) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 26, 2006, 2:09:35 PM7/26/06
Free Americans Reaching Out
to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 26, 2006

From: "Mark R. Elsis |" <>
Date: July 25, 2006 6:16:18 PM EST
To: "Mark R. Elsis" <>

Subject: How Low Can Israel Go?


It Is Time To Create An Equitable, Peaceful,
And Sustainable Earth For Future Generations

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How Low Can Israel Go?

Israeli War Crimes In Lebanon

Israel Opens Fire On Ambulances

Israel Bomb Kills 4 UN Peacekeepers

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]

Lebanon's Pain Seen In A Mother's Heartbreak
Tyre's Volunteer Ambulance Service Was Suspended

After An Air Strike On Two Of Its Vehicles As They Swapped

The Injured From Three Generations Of The One Family

At A Rendezvous Between Two Local Towns

Israel Bomb 'Kills UN Observers'

Four United Nations Peacekeepers Have Been Killed

In An Israeli Air Strike On An Observation Post

In Southern Lebanon, The Un Has Said.

It Said The Four, From Austria, Canada, China And Finland,

Had Taken Shelter In A Bunker Under The Post

After It Was Earlier Shelled 14 Times By Israeli Artillery.

A Rescue Team Was Also Shelled As It Tried To Clear The Rubble.

Israeli War Crimes In Lebanon

The Wanton Destruction By Israel Of Lebanons Infrastructure

And The Creation Of 500,000 Refugees, Is A Brutal War Crime

Visited On A People Unable To Defend Themselves Against

Such An Overwhelming Onslaught.

Not Even The Ancient Roman Remains At Baalbek

Have Been Spared By Massive Israeli Bombardment



From: "CLG News" <>
Date: July 26, 2006 12:57:42 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: Nobel Peace Prize winner 'could kill' Bush 26 Jul 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
26 July 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Nobel Peace Prize winner 'could kill' Bush 25 Jul 2006 Nobel peace
laureate Betty Williams yesterday lashed out at US President [sic]
George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren.
Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum,
being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths
of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East,
and lambasted Mr Bush. "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush,"
said Ms Williams, 64. Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall
clapped and cheered [and thought, 'Line forms at the rear.']

White House Bill Proposes System to Try Detainees 26 Jul 2006
Legislation drafted by the Bush dictatorship setting out new rules on
bringing terror detainees to trial would allow hearsay evidence to be
introduced unless it was deemed "unreliable" and would permit
defendants to be excluded from their own trials if necessary to protect
national security [!?!], according to a copy of the proposal.

Patients admitted with burns from banned weapons used by Israel 24 Jul
2006 Jawad Najem, a surgeon at Najem Hospital in Lebanon, said patients
admitted Sunday had burns from phosphorous incendiary weapons used by
Israel. The Lebanese Red Cross suspended operations outside Tyre after
Israeli jets blasted two ambulances with rockets, said Ali Deebe, a Red
Cross spokesman in Tyre. "One of the rockets hit right in the middle of
the big red cross that was painted on top of the ambulance," he said.
"This is a clear violation of humanitarian law, of international law.
We are neutral and we should not be targeted," Deebe said.

"I've been a doctor for years, and I've never seen anything like this."
As Toll Rises, Lebanese Resort to Mass Graves --In Tyre, victims of
airstrikes are buried in hastily built coffins so a hospital can hold
other bodies. They would bury their dead in mass graves, the doctors
decided. 22 Jul 2006 The government hospital had run out of room for
human remains by Friday. More than 100 bomb-wrecked bodies were already
crammed into poorly refrigerated container trucks, and more corpses
were pouring in daily. So they built cheap coffins of pine. Bulldozers
carved 6-foot-deep trenches into a desolate lot littered with old
telephone poles.

Red Cross ambulances destroyed in Israeli air strike on rescue mission
--Volunteer paramedics demand UN guarantees --Flags and lights prove no
protection for aid teams 25 Jul 2006 Even in a war which has turned the
roads of south Lebanon into killing zones, Israel's rocket strike on
two clearly marked Red Cross ambulances on Sunday night set a deadly
new milestone. Two ambulances were entirely destroyed, their roofs
pierced by missiles.

Israel warns it will hit 10 buildings for every rocket fired 24 July
2006 The Israeli air force is under orders to blast 10 buildings in
south Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold, for every rocket the Shiite
militant group fires at the Israeli port of Haifa, army radio said
Monday. "Army chief of staff [war criminal] Dan Halutz has given the
order to the air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the
Dahaya district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on
Haifa," a senior air force officer told the station.

Israel widens control, seals Hezbollah stronghold 26 Jul 2006 Israeli
troops sealed off a Hezbollah (a.k.a. the "Lebanese National
Resistance") stronghold yesterday and widened their foothold in
southern Lebanon.

Israel 'to control Lebanon strip' 25 Jul 2006 Israel says it will keep
control over an area in southern Lebanon until an international force
can be deployed.

Israel Bombs Kill 6 People, 3 UN Observers --Israel Widens Control of
Southern Lebanon As Israeli Bombs Kill 6 People, 3 U.N. Observers 26
Jul 2006 Israeli troops sealed off a Hezbollah (a.k.a. the "Lebanese
National Resistance") stronghold Tuesday and widened their foothold in
southern Lebanon, as Israeli bombs killed six people in a south Lebanon
town and three U.N. observers in a border outpost with another feared

Israel bomb kills 4 UN observers in Lebanon 25 Jul 2006 An Israeli air
strike on Tuesday hit a U.N. base in southern Lebanon, killing four
United Nations observers, Lebanese security sources said.

Fighting rages as Israel besieges Hezbollah border HQ 25 Jul 2006
Fierce fighting raged Tuesday between Israeli forces and Lebanese
militants around the border town of Bint Jbeil, a Hezbollah (a.k.a. the
"Lebanese National Resistance") military stronghold besieged by Israeli
troops as they push deeper into Lebanese territory.

Israeli missile hits south Lebanon house; 7 die --Military forces
drive deeper into region 25 Jul 2006 An Israeli missile struck a house
in south Lebanon early Tuesday, killing seven people, hospital and
security officials said. It was not immediately clear why Israel
targeted the house.

Beirutis Try to Plumb the Abyss Between Elegance and Chaos 25 Jul 2006
In the days since Israeli planes began to bomb Lebanon, this seaside
capital [Beirut] has been almost physically split in two, with its
largely Shiite flank mutilated by Israeli airstrikes and most of the
rest of the city remaining relatively unscathed, if quieter and emptier
than usual.

Israel probes helicopter crash that killed two 25 Jul 2006 Israel has
confirmed the deaths of two of its airmen in a helicopter crash. It is
not being ruled out that Hizbollah rocket fire was responsible.

A Statement By the Royal Court 25 Jul 2006 "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
has undertaken the role required of it by its religious and national
duty with regard to the situation in the region and repercussions of
events in Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territories... The
Kingdom has dispatched HRH the Foreign Minister and HRH the Secretary
General of the National Security Council to meet H.E. the U.S.
President [sic] in Washington and inform him of its views on the grave
and unpredictable consequences of the unremitting Israeli aggression if
matters went beyond control."


CLGers: Please contribute for July's expenses, thank you! And, thank
you to all who have donated previously! We are a reader-supported news
service, and cannot continue without your help. Thank you.

Please forward this Newsletter to anyone you think might be interested.

Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:
Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder
and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 26, 2006 2:00:10 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Iran warns the west: ignore us at your peril

Iran Warns the West: Ignore Us at Your
Tehran predicts summit failure as
UN observers die in Israeli airstrike

Simon Tisdall and Ewen MacAskill
Wednesday July 26, 2006
The Guardian,,1830141,00.html

Iran warned the west yesterday that attempts to broker a Lebanon peace
deal at today's Rome summit are destined to fail and it predicted a
backlash across the Muslim world unless Israel's military forces were
immediately reined in.

Senior government officials said the exclusion from the summit of
Iran, Syria and their Lebanese ally Hizbullah meant that no lasting
settlement was possible.

Hamid Reza Asefi, the foreign ministry spokesman in Tehran, said:
"They should have invited all the countries of the region, including
Syria and Iran, if they want peace. How can you tackle these important
issues without having representatives of all countries in the region?"

The Rome conference is to be attended by the US, Canada, Britain,
France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt
and Jordan, as well as the UN and the World Bank. It is due to publish
a statement setting out the broad outlines of a possible deal,
including the injection of a muscular international stabilisation force
which Hizbullah rejected yesterday. But the mood in Rome was soured
last night when an Israeli air strike hit a UN monitoring post in south
Lebanon, killing four UN peacekeepers from Austria, Canada, China and
Finland. Kofi Annan, the UN secretary general, immediately demanded
that Israel investigate the direct hit that he said was "apparently

"This coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long established
and clearly marked UN post ... occurred despite personal assurances
given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert," Mr Annan said. Israel
expressed regret, and promised an investigation, but denied it had
targeted the post.

Fears that the conflict could spread across the region intensified
yesterday. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a normally placid US ally,
warned that "if the option of peace fails as a result of Israeli
arrogance, then the only option remaining will be war, and God alone
knows what the region would witness in a conflict that would spare no

Tony Blair's official spokesman, confronting criticism that the prime
minister had failed to call for an immediate ceasefire, insisted he had
been working "on a daily, almost hourly basis" for more than a week on
the details of a Rome deal.

Responding to yesterday's Guardian ICM poll reflecting widespread
unease over the closeness of Mr Blair to George Bush, the spokesman
said the findings were contradictory, wanting him to distance Britain
from the US while demanding he use his influence on the US to bring
about a ceasefire.

The ceasefire, a prisoner exchange and the new international force are
expected to comprise the main elements of the Rome deal. The US is also
thought to be ready to offer Lebanon the return of the contested Shebaa
farms region occupied by Israel since 1982 as part of the package.

But Iran claims that no amount of western effort can bring a
breakthrough, with key parties shut out of the negotiating room. A
senior Iranian official, speaking by phone from Tehran, said: "Iran and
Syria should be involved [in peace negotiations], not because they are
sponsors of Hizbullah, but because they are regional powers. If Saudi
Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are involved, then Iran and Syria should be as
well, if they are looking to be successful."

The official added that a continuing failure to halt the fighting and
reach a just settlement would "certainly spark a backlash" across the
Muslim world. He said that public opinion was increasingly outraged by
the destruction of Lebanon.

Last night, Hizbullah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, said his group's
missiles would start hitting targets deeper into Israel, and warned he
would not accept a "humiliating" ceasefire. Another Hizbullah leader
hinted that the group had not expected such a ferocious response from
Israel, as previous border incidents have usually played out in low-key

The US, Britain and Israel blame mainly Iran and, to a lesser extent,
Syria for the bloodshed in Lebanon, claiming they supply missiles and
money to Hizbullah and say that Iran is seeking to deflect attention
from UN moves to take punitive action over its nuclear programme.

But Iranian and Hizbullah officials say they suspect Israel's action
against Hizbullah is part of a wider US-inspired tactic. Mr Nasrallah
said the US-Israeli "assessment" had identified obstacles to their
vision of a "new Middle East" and had set out to eliminate them. He
said Israel had been looking for a pretext to launch an offensive; the
abduction of two of its soldiers two weeks ago gave it the perfect

Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said UN inaction was not
helping. "Upon hearing the slightest criticism against the Zionist
regime, they issue dozens of resolutions. But now, 13 days after that
regime's massive attack against Lebanon, using most fatal weapons, they
even refrain from asking for a truce," he said.

Britain has been criticised for aligning itself too closely with the
US, and last night the Foreign Office was looking into a report that a
British airport was used as a staging post last weekend by US planes
transporting bunker busting bombs to Israel. "If the Americans have
done something wrong, then we will raise it with them," a spokesman
said of the report in the Daily Telegraph.

An official involved in preparations for the summit lowered
expectations for the Rome meeting: "It's going to be a talking shop,"
he said.

He added: "Iran and Syria are definitely protagonists and people will
need to speak to them as this goes on. But this meeting will not find
the silver bullet."


NOTE: This is quite interesting. The socalled king is providing
Lebanon with fifty times more money than the US pledge. He is
reputedly not a compassionate person, so perhaps he has no interest in
the welfare of the Lebanese people but rather assesses that he must
give at least this much to avoid being overthrown by a monumentally
enraged Saudi citizenry. On the other hand, perhaps he has been so
shocked by recent Israeli behavior that he has been "reborn" into a
huge compassion. Another sign that people may finally be waking up
occurred when (former?) US-Israeli puppet Kofi Annan described the
Israeli murder of four UN observers as "apparently deliberate." --
kl, pp

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 July 2006, 16:49 GMT 17:49 UK

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Saudi King Offers Lebanon $1.5bn

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has promised to give $500m to Lebanon to
pay for reconstruction.

He also approved $1bn for the Central Bank of Lebanon to support the

The Saudi monarch warned that Israel's military offensives in Lebanon
and Gaza could ignite a war in the region.

He has held talks with Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak in the Saudi
capital Riyadh ahead of a conference on Lebanon in Rome on Wednesday.

Pressure on the Lebanese pound has risen over the past fortnight
during the military action by Israel in response to Hezbollah's capture
of two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border attack.

Lebanon billions adrift

Experts estimate the damage to the Lebanese economy at around $2bn,
with investors and tourists fleeing, and believe that the government is
set to lose out on $600m in earnings.

Saudi Arabia has been a major backer of Lebanon since the 1975-1990
civil war was ended with a peace deal in the Saudi town of Taif.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
The king has coupled his aid promises with unusually forthright
comments about the crisis.

"Saudi Arabia warns everybody that if the peace option fails because
of Israeli arrogance, there will be no other option but war," he was
quoted as saying by state media.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt have called for an immediate halt to the
Israeli offensive but have also blamed Hezbollah for starting the

That criticism sparked a wave of anger in the Arab world.

The BBC's Magdi Abelhadi in Cairo says there is a fear that the scale
of Lebanese casualties is being used by radical opposition groups
across the region to mobilise public opinion against moderate leaders
like King Abdullah and President Mubarak.

UN appeal

The Saudi government is also to give $250m to the Palestinians, who are
suffering the effects of an Israeli onslaught following the capture of
an Israeli soldier by Gaza-based militants.

The Saudi aid pledges come after the UN on Monday launched a $150m
(#81m) aid appeal for Lebanon.

The Urn's top humanitarian official, Jan England, said the money was
needed to help feed and shelter about 800,000 civilians caught up in
the conflict.

The US has announced a $30m package to ease the suffering of civilians.

The EU has already pledged $12.6m in aid.


Attention Corporate Media Located Near Beirut: D.U. ALERT

If you do not know what depleted uranium is (within Bunker Bombs), it
might be a good idea to see what you are up against, because chances
are, you will be facing serious medical problems.

Here is a link that explains how Bunker Bombs work (recently supplied
to Israel by the United States and used in Beirut today [25 July
2006]) and the link is neutral (not politically motivated):

If you have been near Lebanon and are planning on having children,

PEACE, the lost concept in fair and balanced,



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 25, 2006 4:52:33 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Its "Put up or Shut up" Time in Lebanon

Put up or Shut up Time in Lebanon

By Mike Whitney

07/24/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- Over the past few days,
the Israelis did the maximum they can do, from the air and sea. There
is no targetold, new, assumed, expected, based on information and
analysisthey did not hit (But) Hezbollah is still managing the battle
calmly, slowly, quietly, and without any emotional reaction. You can
see this. There are no unnecessary threats and no random rhetoricWe
are not a classic army extending from the sea to Mt. Hermon. We are a
popular and serious resistance movement that is present in many areas
and axesOur equation and principles are the following: When the
Israelis enter, they must pay dearly in terms of their tanks, officers,
and soldiers. This is what we pledge to do and we will honor our
pledge, God willing. Hasan Nasrallah, Secretary General Hezbollah, Al
Jazeera interview.

The Israeli High-Command loves the air-war phase of the conflict. After
all, no one gets killed at 30,000 ft. The only victims of this
lethal-strategy are the unlucky women and children who are left
scampering for their lives while Israeli bombs flatten their homes and
all their worldly possessions.

For 10 days now Israel has casually showered Lebanon with laser-guided
munitions, bunker-busters, Daisy Cutters and cluster-bombs. The
cheerily-named ordinance reflects the profound affection that US/Israel
feel for the deadly weaponry that assures their dominant place in the
global order.

But, lets face it; the bombing campaign is the cowards war. It
doesnt take bravery to pelt civilians with high-explosives when the
F-16s are unchallenged in the sky. Nor does it show any courage to
ravage the countryside leveling bridges, milk factories and mosques.
Thats just terrorism, isnt it?

But, now were entering the ground phase of the war and that does take
courage. Israel is massing troops on Lebanons southern border and,
apparently, has already taken a few small towns in the south. The
Israeli-friendly media can be expected to craft a narrative that is
sympathetic to the aggressor but, thats okay. No one disputes the
value of propaganda or the rights of the people who own the printing
presses, but that will not diminish what is about to take place in
southern Lebanon. We are about to see the most powerful army in the
Middle East, armed with every homicidal device know to man, go up
against a tough-minded, well-disciplined nationalist guerilla-force.

Israel thinks that theyll be out in a week or two.

Well see. Perhaps, it will turn out to be the cakewalk that they
predict, but maybe not. Hezbollah may not match up very well to the
Israeli war-machine, but they are considerably more formidable than the
unarmed women and children in the Gaza Strip. Israel will have to fight
tooth-and-nail if it wants to succeed in disarming Hezbollah
according to its stated plan. However, if it turns out that we are
still having this discussion 3 years from now, we should be willing to
admit that Israel lost the war to a very tenacious, hard-fighting

Hezbollah is reviled in the West as a terrorist organization. That may
be true, but what difference does it make? It arose as a direct result
of Israeli occupation, just as the militias in Iraq have naturally
grown up in response to American occupation.

The militia is the most basic societal unit. It emerges when the
centralized government fragments and is unable to provide security for
its people. That is when the masses of young men and women flock to
tribal and religious groups with which they most closely identify. That
means that Hezbollah is an Israeli invention just like Hamas. If we
choose to condemn Hezbollah, than Israel must be held equally
responsible. That is the inescapable logic of 18 years of Israeli
occupation. Occupation creates militias; deal with it.

In the present conflict, Hezbollah is the only nationalist organization
that is prepared to defend its native-soil from foreign aggression.
Thats worth something isnt it?

Sure, if we accept the Bush-Olmert lexicon, than the Israeli aggression
is just another extension of the war on terror. I hope that people are
smarter than that by now. Just as there were no WMD or links to
terrorist organizations in Iraq, Hezbollahs connections to terrorism
are similarly opaque.

Was it wrong for Hezbollah to defend their country and chase Israel
from Lebanese soil? Is that terrorism?

In any event, the present altercation is not about Hezbollah. It is
about the right of people to defend themselves against unprovoked
aggression and violations to their national sovereignty. The two
captured Israeli soldiers are completely irrelevant. Israel has many
Lebanese prisoners in its jails; that certainly would not justify the
Lebanese army marching through Israel destroying everything in its

Sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander; we must apply the same
standards evenhandedly and without prejudice. Israel has never bothered
with a United Nations resolution to justify the current hostilities,
and yet, it claims the right to unilaterally enforce resolution 1559
(The disarming of Lebanese militias) What sort of farce is that? Israel
has stubbornly ignored over 60 UN resolutions in the last 38 years;
defying the world body with nearly as much disdain as it snuffs out the
lives of innocent Palestinians.

The situation could have been peacefully resolved with a simple
prisoner swap; a practice that Israel has engaged in many times
before. So, why not now?

The real reasons are already known. Numerous reports in the media have
confirmed that Israel planned its attack on Lebanon at least a year
earlier; the 2 soldiers were merely a pretext for war. Theres nothing
anyone can say or do that will stop the impending confrontation; it is
a vital part of the Israeli scheme to redraw the map of the Middle East
and they wont be deterred.

The neoconservative plan for the region is no secret. The brain-trust
at the American Enterprise Institute expects to see Old Glory and the
Star of David flying over every inch of ground from sea to shining
sea. (In this case, were talking about the Red Sea to the Caspian)
The US/Israeli overlords will govern a loose confederation of broken
Arab nations which are kept in a perennial state of tribal-warfare
while their resources are trucked-off to oil-thirsty markets in the
West. Lebanon is simply the next domino in the way of regional

The conflagration in Lebanon will define 4th Generation (4-G) warfare
in unforeseeable ways. It will determine whether a disparate,
grass-roots militia can pose a credible deterrent to the high-tech,
laser-guided corporate war machine. It will decide whether a cadre of
resourceful, poorly-armed nationalists can fend off the overwhelming
force of the worlds 4th largest army.

The propaganda war is already in full bloom, but the foul effluent
issuing from the keyboards at the New York Times and Washington Post
will have no effect on events on the ground. The cowards war is
over; the bombing has only strengthened the resolve of the Lebanese
nationalists. Now its time to either put up or shut up.

Well see if the worlds most moral army is capable of disarming
Hezbollah or not.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is

distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest

in receiving the included information for research and educational
purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with
the originator of this article nor is Information ClearingHouse
endorsed or sponsored by the originator.)


From: "reggie501" <>
Date: July 25, 2006 10:47:07 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Officials Question 9/11!!! tvnl new


Officials from Across the Political Spectrum Question 9/11 - The
following table shows that high-ranking officials from across the
political spectrum question the official version of 9/11:

Foremost 9/11 Whistleblower Discusses Possibility Attack Was Inside
Job - Edmonds appeared as a guest on the Alex Jones Show to give an
update on her organization's progress and indicated that the
preponderance of evidence - plus the outright cover-up surrounding 9/11
- suggests that criminal elements at the very apex of the US
military-industrial complex had a direct hand in carrying out the


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: July 25, 2006 4:11:48 AM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>
Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] The failure of the WTO is an
opportunity for the people

Media Advisory - Geneva, 25 July 2006

La Via Campesina, Marche mondiale des femmes, Friends of the Earth,
World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers, Food Water Watch,
Development Fund, Crocevia, CENESTA.

The Failure of the WTO Is
an Opportunity for the People

The above organisations, present in Geneva, welcome the fact that,
despite the ultimate negotiating efforts, the G6 has not succeeded to
move forward the WTO negotiations. This indicates that the neo-liberal
policies promoted by the WTO are a dead-end road.

Several studies have shown that the situation has got worse for an
important part of the world population over the past ten years.

Farmers, fisher folk, environmentalists and consumers believe that this
stalemate creates an excellent opportunity to rethink policies for
food, agriculture, fisheries, natural resources and services.

As a result, the social movements will remain in Geneva this week to
give a new incentive for the development of alternatives:

- 25 July: A farmers and fisher folks delegation is meeting
Pascal Lamy, general director of the WTO and will give him their

It will be possible to interview the delegation after this
meeting please call the Via Campesina coordination from 9:30 am at
the number hereunder.

- 26 July : (8pm-12pm) cultural evening with concerts,
theatre, videos about social movement struggle against the WTO, debates
and discussions - at Bain des Pbquis

- 27 July: (4pm) Press conference in front of Palais Wilson
followed at 5pm by the Water and Land parades from Palais Wilson to the
WTO building.

- 28 July : (2pm 4pm) La Via Campesina invites all to a public
discussion/forum on Time for Food Sovereignty! - Maison des
Associations, 15 rue des Savoises.

Contacts for interviews or information:
La Via Campesina coordination: + 41 (0) 77 431 73 69
Henry Saragih (General coordinator of Via Campesina, Indonesia) +
41 77 432 86 29
Paul Nicholson (La Via Campesina-Europe) +34 636 45 15 66
Josi Bovi (Food Sovereignty, La Via Campesina) +33 6 07 36 30 35
Alberto Villareal (Friends of the Earth) +41 (0) 78 838 95 04
Pedro Avedaqo (World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers) + 41
(0) 77 431 73 69
Valentina Hemmeler (Uniterre) +41 (0)79 672 14 07

Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 24, 2006 12:57:19 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Fw: Theologian/Professor David Ray Griffin exposes 9/11 false
flag operation in new book "Christian Faith & the Truth Behind 9/11: A
call to Reflection and Action"

From: alex james
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 9:44 AM
Subject: Theologian/Professor David Ray Griffin exposes 9/11 false flag
operation in new book "Christian Faith & the Truth Behind 9/11: A call
to Reflection and Action"

Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11:

A Call to Reflection and Action
David Ray Griffin
Westminster John Knox Press, 2006

"Professor David Ray Griffin has a well-deserved reputation for the
thoroughness of his research. All Americans who love their country
enough to dig into the facts of these critical times will be well
rewarded by examining his books. 9/11 truth is a very important
issue---one with the power to bring lasting change to our
country.-The Reverend William Sloane Coffin Jr, author of Credo:
Letters to a Young Doubter and A Passion for the Possible: A Message
to U.S. Churches

If you are open to recognizing that the United States behaves much as
other great powers have behaved, but you get your information through
standard American channels, I dare you to expose yourself to the facts
Griffin summarizes, facts that have been suppressed by our newspapers
and magazines. If you are one who wants to be a disciple of Jesus, you
will have some hard thinking to do about what American Christians are
called to be and to do at this historical moment.
-John B. Cobb Jr, co-author of The American Empire and the
Commonwealth of God

Are we brave enough to read this nerve-wracking book, one of the most
important theological texts of our time? Rooted in the longstanding
belief that Christians share responsibility for shaping a more
justice-loving world, Griffin makes a strong case that the real
"conspiracy theory" about 9/11 is the Bush Administration's silly
notion that nineteen young Arab men could have pulled it off. Griffin
helps us wrestle with questions that are almost too much to bear, yet
which may empower us, if we dare, to build a more truthful and, over
time, more deeply moral nation and world.---The Reverend Carter
Heyward, Robbins Professor of Theology Emerita, Episcopal Divinity
School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and author of Saving Jesus from Those
Who Are Right and God in the Balance: Christian Spirituality in Times
of Terror

A gripping account of precedents for the current global empire, from
the Rome of Jesus to twentieth-century false-flag operations. . . .
His wake-up call to U.S. Christians will be evaded at our
peril.-Catherine Keller, Professor of Theology, Drew University, and
author of God and Power.

In two earlier books, David Ray Griffin established himself as one of
the foremost researchers into 9/11. This book is of immensely greater
scope and importance. . . . It sees the contemporary world clearly and
synoptically in an informed Christian perspective, so that it makes
questions of theodicy and the roots of evil as contemporary as the
events of 9/11. Even though it makes some claims and arguments I
disagree with, I consider this one of the most significant and original
books I have ever read.-Peter Dale Scott, author of Drugs, Oil, and
War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina

"WARNING: If, like most Americans calling themselves Christian, you
prefer the comfort of acquiescing in the official version of 9/11 and
the imperial wars it facilitated, DROP THIS BOOK NOW. But if you are
open to the grace of honest inquiry and the risk of following the
historical Jesus in confronting the evils of empire, this rigorously
argued book is a MUST READ.---Ray McGovern, CIA veteran analyst now
with Tell the Word, a project of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour,
Washington, D.C.

"David Griffin has previously made the case for the Bush
administrations complicity in 9/11 and the cover-up of this evidence
by the 9/11 Commission. Here, in this important book, he puts these
shocking realities in the context of Christian theology and the
challenge to the churches. In a profound exploration of the nature and
history of the demonic, Griffin suggests that American empire is a
culmination of human demonic alienation from God."-Rosemary Radford
Ruether, emeritus scholar, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont
School of Theology

Do American Christians want the United States to act like the New
Rome, invading other countries to impose its imperial rule and its
control of other peoples resources? That, however, is just what the US
is doing, increasingly so since 9/11, explains David Griffin. In this
gripping summary of evidence for the truth behind 9/11 and the 9/11
Commission report, Griffin makes a compelling case that the imperial
practices of the American government have become a destructive force in
the world. And he clarifies the biblical and theological basis for
Christians to challenge the resurgent American imperialism that often
claims divine blessing on its destructive actions.-Richard A.
Horsley, Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and the Study of
Religion, University of Massachusetts, and author of Jesus and Empire:
The Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder

Compelling reading. Here is a remarkably thorough presentation of
facts regarding 9/11 events. Professor Griffin sets the events of 9/11
in a historical, religious, and philosophical context that is most
enlightening. Although this context is also somewhat chilling, he holds
out hope in his discussion of where we can go from here. I most highly
recommend this book!---Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham
Young University



Part 1: Evidence That 9/11 Was a False-Flag Operation

1. 9/11 and Prior False-Flag Operations

2. Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11
Oral Histories

3. The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account
Cannot Be True

4. Flights of Fancy: The 9/11 Commissions Incredible Tales of Flights
11, 175, 77, and 93

5. Bush Administration Responsibility for 9/11: From a Prima Facie to a
Conclusive Case

Part 2: A Christian Critique of 9/11 and American Imperialism

6. Imperial Motives for a New Pearl Harbor

7. Jesus and the Roman Empire

8. The Divine and the Demonic

9. The American Empire, Demonic Evil, and 9/11

10. A Call to Reflection and Action

This book is listed at $17.95. But it can be purchased for $11.67 at

NOTE: Here's more photographic evidence of US-Israeli atrocities in
Lebanon--via the URL directly below. I say "US-Israeli" because the
infamous US has totally financed (billions annually for the Israeli
military) these war crimes, which stand as the most appalling since the
US use of atomic bombs against helpless civilians in Japan sixty-one
years ago. Thus it's particularly important that Americans see these
photos so they know how their tax dollars are used after being
"collected" by the illegal IRS. -- kl, pp


NOTE: It's a pleasure to conclude with this encouraging info. Evo
shows tremendous courage here in confronting a force as large and
malevolent as the Catholic Church. Citizens in the big Bolivian city
of Santa Cruz (see below) live in downright purgatorial conditions.
They're paid just enough to cover costs of breeding another generation
of Catholic slaves while constantly force-fed extraordinary
superstitions like virgin motherhood. What Evo's now addressing is a
problem which began centuries ago when the Catholic Church realized
that the best way to prevent people from becoming educated was to do
its own school system. So is this initiative a sign that the wicked
Judeo-Christian phase of socalled Western history is finally coming to
an end? Let's hope so! -- kl, pp

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 July 2006, 00:43 GMT 01:43 UK

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Bolivian Church 'Must Change Now'

Bolivian President Evo Morales has called for change within the
country's Catholic Church, accusing it of acting as in the "times of
the Inquisition".

Mr Morales said Catholic leaders should understand the need for freedom
of religion and belief.

His government recently announced plans to teach a range of religions
in schools, as well as native traditions.

Church leaders have opposed the planned changes, calling on Catholics
to defend their faith.

"I want to ask the [Church] hierarchies that they understand freedom
of religion and beliefs in our country," Mr Morales said.

"It's not possible to impose their views. I am very worried by the
behaviour of some Catholic Church leaders, who act like in the time of
the Inquisition."

He insisted Bolivia would continue to respect the Church.

He spoke out after Catholic leaders criticised the planned reforms,
which would break the long-standing dominance of Catholicism in
Bolivian schools.


The archbishop of Santa Cruz, Cardinal Julio Terrazzas, said on Sunday
that Catholics were being "passive" in the face of Mr Morales' planned

"Great wars begin with small theories... with this discourse of hate,
of rancour, of unforgiveness," he said.

On Sunday the country's education minister, Felix Patzi, said Catholic
leaders were "lying" over claims that the government was aiming to
destroy the Church.

However, he said the planned changes would allow Bolivians to break
down "ethnic borders" that have marginalised native traditions for more
than 500 years, the Associated Press reported.

A majority of Bolivians describe themselves as Catholic, according to
census figures.

After the Roman Catholic Church consolidated its power across Europe
in the 12th and 13th Century, it set up the Inquisition to ensure that
heretics did not undermine that authority.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 27, 2006, 2:49:05 PM7/27/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 27, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 26, 2006 3:56:49 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: More On The Israeli Killing Of U.N.
Observers....."Accidently On Purpose"

U.N. Hit Apparently Deliberate

@ 5:09 am From:
Israelis Slaughter U.N. Observers
By Kurt Nimmo
July 25th, 2006

After Israel bombed a U.N. shelter near Khiam, Lebanon, killing four
observers, Daniel Ayalon, Israeli ambassador to the United States, had
the audacity to tell Wolf Blizter of CNN he expects an apology from
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan for complaining.

Of course, this is nothing new, as the Israelis routinely attack the
United Nations and little if anything comes of such murderous crimes
against humanity.

For instance, on April 18, 1996, in the Lebanese village of Qana,
during Israels Operation Grapes of Wrath invasion, the IOF killed
106 Lebanese refugees seeking protection at a Fijian UNIFIL compound.
As usual, the Israeli government expressed regret, but words are cheap,
especially considering the fact the IOF consistently issues such
meaningless apologies after slaughtering innocents. The Zionist state
added insult to injury, or rather mass murder, by not paying
compensation to the victims.

A few days earlier, on April 12, an IOF attack helicopter fired a
missile at an ambulance in the village of al-Mansuri, killing two women
and four young girls. On the same day the Israelis killed refugees at
Qana, a helicopter gunship attack on a house in the village of Upper
Nabatiyeh on April 18, 1996 killed nine civilians, including a
newborn baby, six children under thirteen years old, and their mother,
according to Human Rights Watch.

No word if Daniel Ayalon or his counterpart at the time expected an
apology from the families of the victims.

Israels IOF has engaged in numerous massacres in Bint Jbeil, Khan
Yunis, Maaraka, Jibaa, Qibya, Saida, Trqumia, Homeen al-Tahta, Seer
al-Garbiah, Yohmor, Sabra and Shatila, on and on, ad nauseam, killing
thousands of Arabs, massacres so common we rarely hear about them here
in America, what with our fair and balanced corporate media.

The numbers of United Nations personnel killed by the IOF pales in
comparison. However, on 3 December 2002, sixty-four U.N. workers issued
a petition demanding the Israeli military stop beating and killing
them, according to the Memory Hole, an appropriate venue, as the
corporate media ignored the petition.

You might think that such a strongly-worded statement sent by more
than five-dozen United Nations workers to the Middle Easts only
democracy would be highly newsworthy. Apparently not. Among the very
few media outlets to cover it were Reuters, the BBC, the Independent
(London), Haaretz (Jerusalem), and the Jerusalem Post. Notice that all
these sources are British or Israeli. Not one American media outlet has
covered the story.

[F]or two years United Nations staff have been subject to escalating
harassment and violence by Israels military, so that the protection
supposed to be afforded by the blue letters of the UN is being steadily
eroded, the petition explains. UN staffinternational and Palestinian
alikehave been verbally abused, stripped, beaten, shot at, and killed
by Israeli soldiers.

Tragically Iain Hook was not the first person working with the UN to
die at the hands of the IDF this year. In March, Kamal Hamdan was shot
and killed while travelling in a clearly marked UNRWA ambulance in the
West Bank. In April, Husni Amer died in Israeli military custody in
Jenin after, according to witnesses, receiving a brutal beating by the
soldiers at the time of his arrest. From its silence, we presume the
Israeli authorities have ignored UN requests for an investigation and
report of these two incidents, and have not seen fit to take any
disciplinary action against the soldiers involved. To us, this seems to
confirm a pattern of utter contempt on the part of the Israeli army for
the lost lives of these men, the safety of UN staff or the minimum
standards imposed by international law which should protect UN staff
and other humanitarian workers.

Again, no word if Daniel Ayalon demanded an apology.


It appears the IOF targeted UNIFIL for a very specific reason, namely
to send the message the Zionist state doesnt need no stinkin
peacekeepers, especially peacekeepers who mostly evacuate citizens from
Israels killing fields. More specifically, it was a message sent in
regard to the prospect of yet another multinational peacekeeping force
sent to Lebanon. As Bush, or rather the neocons, tell us, Israel must
be left alone to go after Hezbollah, that is to say Lebanese resisting
invasion and occupation.

It didnt take long for the corporate media to shellack the murder of
the UN observers with sickening excuses. In addition to excuses, the
Chicago Tribune felt compelled, as a standard lickspittle for Israeli
crimes, to powder puff the invasion:

The experience for the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, or UNIFIL, has
not been a good one. In place since 1978 and comprising soldiers from
France, Poland, India, Italy and a few other countries, UNIFIL was
unable to stop the July 12 Hezbollah border raid that resulted in the
kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers. It was also unable to block
retaliating Israeli troops from entering Lebanon a few days later.

As we know, the Israeli soldiers were captured in Lebanon, as reported
by Forbes, the Associated Press, ABC News, the Boston Herald, the
Hindustan Times, the Bahrain News Agency, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, AFP,
Asia Times, and others. For more on the ever-morphing story, see this
blog entry.

But then, naturally, the Chicago Tribune would be bucking the
pro-Israel corporate media stampede if it told the truth. Imagine
Winston Smith rewriting historical documents so that they match the
current party line, which changes on a daily basis, over at the
Ministry of Truth, and youll get a good idea of whats going on here.
One wonders what the response would be if the Palestinians and
Lebanese retaliated against Israel for kidnapping their citizens,
numbering in the hundreds.

Finally, according to the Washington Post, the IOF continued firing on
the targeted shelter, even as rescue workers attempted to clear the
rubble. But then this should not be surprising, as the surviving
members of the USS Liberty, the intelligence ship attacked by Israel on
June 8, 1967, will likely tell you. In that instance, our friends
attacked lifeboats with torpedoes and machine gun fire, a war crime.
It seems the Israelis are mighty fond of war crimes.



From: Rick Davis <>

Date: July 27, 2006 4:00:43 AM EST
Subject: UN observers asked Israel to stop bombing 10 times before post
was hit

July 27, 2006
UN observers asked Israel to stop bombing 10 times before post was hit:
JERUSALEM (CP) - UN observers in Lebanon telephoned the Israeli
military 10 times in six hours to ask it to stop shelling near their
position before an Israeli attack destroyed their border outpost,
killing four observers and sparking widespread international anger with


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 27, 2006 12:15:50 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>






--MORE 1625 Local Time 1325 GMT


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 26, 2006 1:08:38 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Iraq Dispatches: Hezbollah Could Be Gaining Strength

Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:49 AM
Subject: Iraq Dispatches: Hezbollah Could Be Gaining Strength

** Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches **
** Visit the Dahr Jamail Iraq website **
** Website by **

Hezbollah Could Be Gaining

*Inter Press Service*
Dahr Jamail
BEIRUT, Jul 26 (IPS) - The continuing Israeli bombing of south Lebanon
and south Beirut might just have strengthened the Hezbollah. *

The bombings appear particularly to have strengthened the hand of Sheikh
Hassan Nasrallah, the charismatic Hezbollah leader.

Hezbollah has over the years gained a strong following in Lebanon
primarily on the back of its engagement in social services, taking on
infrastructure projects, and looking after its followers. The Israeli
assault is giving Hezbollah scope to gain more such power.

Hezbollah now controls, for example, more than half of about 100 schools
in Beirut that have been converted into refugee shelters.

"These attacks show the true force of Israel," a young man told IPS at a
refugee camp in a city park. "I was with Hezbollah before, but now I
want to join them so I can fight the Israelis, who only want our land,
and want to attack Islam."

A Hezbollah member in charge of a group of fighters in southern Beirut
claimed that support for Hezbollah has increased dramatically since the
Israeli attacks began two weeks ago.

"People are afraid, and in need, and we are protecting them and helping
care for the refugees created by this Zionist aggression," he told IPS.
"The longer this fight continues, the more support we will have. We are
prepared to fight to the very end."

Support for the Hezbollah appears to be stronger among younger people.
And some Christians too are speaking in support of Hezbollah. Ramzi
Semaan, a 21-year-old Christian told IPS that "Hezbollah was defending
this country, and the Israeli response was being planned months in
advance. So Hezbollah is helping to defend Lebanon from the Zionists."

But most of the Christian population seem to blame Hezbollah. Of the 3.8
million people in Lebanon, about 60 percent are Muslims, mostly Shia,
and most of the remaining 40 percent Christian.

Views on the Hezbollah fall largely, though not entirely, along
religious lines. Most of the large Shia population obediently follow
every word of Nasrallah.

Many who have their doubts about Hezbollah still speak of their need for
Hezbollah protection against Israeli aggression. And most agree that
Hezbollah is a strong political force, and will have to be negotiated
with. It is clear that there can be no peace in the region without
including Hezbollah in any process towards cease-fire and further, any
lasting solution.

The widespread destruction of infrastructure has been decisive in
turning popular anger against Israel, rather than Hezbollah.

"Israel is protecting itself because Hezbollah made their operation
against her soldiers," said Fuad Rashed, 33-year-old Christian owner of
an electronics store in the capital. "Their reaction is too strong
though, because now they are destroying our country."

A 50-year-old Christian, Nassan Hanin, said "Hezbollah was wrong to
carry out their operation, and Israel is wrong in their extreme
reaction. I'm happy that Hezbollah was hit for what they did, but this
has been at too great a cost for us now."

Many who lived through the worst of the civil war in the eighties blame

"We can barely believe there is war here again," a 52-year-old waiter in
the Hamra district of Beirut told IPS. "We thought we were finished with
it 1990. I believe it was wrong for Hezbollah to kidnap the Israeli
soldiers, but this level of reaction from the Israelis, of destroying
all of Lebanon, is completely unjustified. It is insane."

(c)2006 Dahr Jamail.
All images, photos, photography and text are protected by United States
and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's
Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a
prominent link to the website. Website by
photographer Jeff Pflueger's Photography Media
. Any other use of images, photography, photos and text including, but
not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and
printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free
to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.

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From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: July 26, 2006 11:31:55 PM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Farmers and fisherfolk meet
Pascal Lamy

and Fisherfolk Meet Pascal Lamy

(Geneva, 27 July 2006) On July 24, 2006, the social movements La Via
Campesina, Friends of the Earth, the World March of Women, the World
Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers sent a delegation to the
headquarters of the WTO in Geneva to express their satisfaction at the
collapse of the negotiations.

The following day, representatives of La Via Campesina and the
fisherfolk organisation agreed to take part in a meeting with Pascal
Lamy, Director General of the WTO, in the institutions building.

Mr. Lamy did not hide the fact that the process of Doha was in a dead
end, and that the WTO had entered a phase of hibernation. Mrs. Yoon
Geum Soon (La Via Campesina - Korea) and Mr. Josi Bovi (La Via
Campesina - France) pointed out the unprecedented crisis striking the
agricultural sector since the Marrakech agreement in 1994. Trade
liberalisation of agricultural produce has resulted in a price fall for
the majority of agricultural produce and in an impoverishment of rural
populations. The result has been an increase of poverty, precariousness
and migrations.

During the meeting, La Via Campesina reaffirmed the proposal it has
been defending since 1996: the recognition of the right to food
sovereignty. It is the only credible alternative to solve this un
precedented economic and social crisis. The representatives of the
peasants movement explained their struggle for the creation of an
international system regulating agricultural markets based on
co-operation, dialogue, responsibility and the respect of people and
human communities.

A important number of civil society organisations have decided to work
together in order to organise the World Forum on Food Sovereignty in
Mali, February 2007. The forums objective is to reaffirm the right to
food sovereignty and to define a collective strategy to obtain its
recognition at international level.

For more information: Jean-Marc Deslfilhes + 41 77 4328630

La Via Campesina is the international movement of peasants, small and
medium sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural
youth and agricultural workers active in 56 countries in Asia, Africa,
Europe and the Americas.


Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


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Bush and Blair Say Keep Bombing

by Stop the War Coaltion (UK)
July 26, 2006



Called by Stop the War Coalition, CND, Palestine Solidarity Campaign,
British Muslim Initiative and Lebanese community organisations


Israel is using cluster bombs and phosphorus bombs in Lebanon. George
Bush and Tony Blair say keep bombing. Israel is deliberatly bombing
fleeing convoys and ambulances. Bush and Blair say keep bombing. The
United Nations says the one million Lebanese fleeing the Israeli
bombardment are facing a humanitarian disaster. Bush and Blair say keep
bombing. Israel, says Kofi Anan, is deliberately killing UN observers
in Lebanon. Bush and Blair say keep bombing.

The world is witnessing a country, in the words of the Lebanese
government, being bombed back 50 years, with over 400 Lebanese
civilians killed, unknown numbers buried in the rubble of villages
flattened by Israel's onslaught, Beirut now under collossal
bombardment, thousands injured and without access to medical help and
Lebanon's civil infrastructure completely devastated.

Nothing is escaping the Israeli bombs and missiles: hospitals, schools,
power stations, mosques, residential areas, bridges, roads, airports --
all targeted as Israel turns Lebanon into a free fire zone. And this is
what the commander of the Israel military calls "the most moral army in
the world."

On Tuesday, as the world's fourth most powerful military bombarded over
100 Lebanese towns and villages -- the highest daily figure yet --
Condeleezza Rice stood side by side with the instigator of this
barbarity, Israel's prime minister Ehud Olmert, and pronounced that we
are watching the creation of "a new Middle East".

No doubt this is the same "new Middle East" we were promised when Bush
and Blair invaded Iraq, where -- hidden from view for the moment by the
monstrous war crimes in Lebanon -- over 100 Iraqis are being killed
every day and Iraq sinks ever further into unimaginable depths of
destruction and mass slaughter.

Last weekend's emergency demonstrations in hundreds of towns and cities
around the world relected, in the Archbishop of Canterbury's words,
"the concience of the people". From the 30,000 who protested in London
to the 20,000 in Sydney, Australia -- extraordinary numbers for
demonstrations called at such short notice -- the message was the same:
immediate unconditional ceasfire in Lebanon and Gaza now.

Virtually all opinion polls around the world show the same "conscience
of the people" calling for an immediate end to the killing and the
devastation. Nearly every government in the world is saying the same.

14 British human rights, religious and aid groups, including Amnesty
International, Oxfam and Save the Children, have urged Tony Blair to
support calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Thousands are signing the Stop the War/CND letter to Tony Blair which
will be delivered to Downing Street during the CEASEFIRE NOW
demonstration this Friday 28 July (see below).

But George Bush and Tony Blair say keep on bombing. Which is why all of
us who are horrified by Israel's barbaric war crimes should do
everything we can with the utmost urgency to add our voices to the call
for Tony Blair to end his slavish obedience to George Bush, which has
brought such catastrophe to the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine
and Lebanon, and which threatens to extend the carnage into Syria and


28 JULY 5PM-7PM Called by Stop the War Coalition, CND, Palestine
Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative and Lebanese community


DEAR PRIME MINISTER, Most people in this country are horrified at the
bloodshed and destruction unfolding daily in Lebanon. There can be no
justification for the conduct of the Israeli government and armed
forces, which are laying waste to a country in an operation which will
hugely damage the prospects for peace in the Middle East.

We are dismayed that the British government, almost alone in the world,
is not calling for a ceasefire to enable the suffering to stop. This
either shows a deplorable indifference to the plight of the Lebanese
people or an attitude of total subservience to the foreign policy of
the US administration. Either way, our country is being humiliated and
our isolation from world opinion underlined once more.

We therefore call on the government to change its position and join the
vast majority of the worlds states, the UN secretary-general and the
Archbishop of Canterbury in calling for an immediate and unconditional
ceasefire in the Lebanon to save lives and prevent the destruction of
that country."



ainstream media of Israel's attacks on Lebanon and Gaza have
highlighted yet again the importance of alternative sources of
information and comment. The range and depth of articles now available
on the internet is extraordinary. Three essential websites for everyone
in the anti-war movement are: ANTIWAR:

And of course for news of anti-war activity in Britain, visit the STOP
THE WAR website regularly:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Stop the War Coaltion (UK),, 2006

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From: "Bill Douglas" <>
Date: July 26, 2006 3:17:30 PM EST
Subject: Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth

Why the
Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth

By William E. Douglas, Jr. (Son of William E. Douglas, Sr., who served
with the 45th Infantry Division, the first US military to enter and
liberate the Dachau concentration camp), author of The Amateur Parent
A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the

"It is my belief that when the truth comes out about the attacks of
9/11/2001, we will find that Jewish people, and Moslem people, both
here in America and worldwide will have been the most wronged by the
false flag operation that the attacks of 9/11/2001 appeared to be."

Recently, I watched a new documentary entitled, Protocols of Zion, on
CINEMAX cable. Although the subject of anti-Semitism and neo-nazi
movements worldwide is a dark and repulsive subject, I was glad to see
a documentary bringing this global issue and problem into the light of
day. It is important to shine the light on racism so that the world
can progress on removing it from the global consciousness. So that we
may all move towards a day when we are judged by the content of our
character, and not suffer because of the color of our skin, our
ethnicity, or religion.

It is with this same urgency for fairness and justice, inspiring me to
sit down before the TV late at night when I really should have been
going to bed, to watch this interesting documentary, Protocols of
Zion, that also has driven me to write this essay. As I watched this
documentary I became increasingly disturbed that it gave its viewers
the impression that anyone questioning the events of 9/11/2001, was
suggesting that Israel, or Jewish people, perpetrated the crimes of

The film did this by showing the iconoclastic image of the 9/11 truth
movement, the Stop the 9/11 Cover Up signs now seen throughout the
internet in pop culture and political websites, while an audio overlay
darkly told of how anti-Semitic and neo-nazis ideas were permeating our
culture. This was very disturbing for me, because I personally helped
with the original design of the Stop the 9/11 Cover Up signs, and
raised the funds to print thousands, and send them to San Francisco and
also to New York City 9/11 truth activists, where they appeared in this
documentary. I, in fact, visited New York City to stand with other
9/11 truth activists at Ground Zero with the signs, which is again
where the documentary shot footage of our 9/11 truth seeking action.

The documentary, Protocols of Zion, interviews young men on the
streets of American cities, who make outlandish and false claims that
4,000 Jews did not show up to work at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Again, this is ludicrous, inflammatory, and most of all absolutely
false. This was a rumor that started soon after the attacks of 9/11,
and no one is really sure where that rumor started. My personal belief
is that it was planted by the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks.

In the 1960s there were two programs that are of particular interest
here. One is Operation Northwoods, a government covert operational
plan which was amazingly signed off on by the entire Joint Chiefs of
Staff, calling for attacks on our own military and civilian populations
for the purpose of fooling Americans into a war they would otherwise
not support. The other program of the 1960s was the cointellpro
operations of the FBI, whereby agents were dressed up to look like
anti-war protesters, and assigned to whip up violent actions during
what would have otherwise been peaceful protests, in order to cause
Americans to turn away from the anti-war message the protesters were
trying to share with Americans.

I believe the anti-Semitic and totally ridiculous rumors that 4,000
Jewish people did not show up to work on 9/11/2001, was part of a
cointellpro operation designed to get US media, and particularly New
York media to turn off its logic regarding the glaring problems with
the official story of the events of 9/11/2001. For when one does
actually look with clear eyes at the events of 9/11, it becomes obvious
very quickly that we have been lied to, and that the facts point to an
inside US govt. job with complicity at the highest levels of our

I believe that on 9/11/2001 Moslem people worldwide were the victims of
a huge lie, and an inside US govt. act of terrorism. HOWEVER, I also
believe that Jewish people became victims of the same perpetrators of
the 9/11 attacks, who immediately spread a baseless rumor that Jewish
people were responsible, to turn Americans minds off from looking at
the disturbing facts around the events of 9/11.

The very idea that a foreign government, like Israel, could have pulled
off an operation of the magnitude of the events of the 9/11/2001
attacks, under the noses of the US governments top officials,
presiding over the greatest multi-trillion dollar domestic and foreign
intelligence organization, and largest military power the world has
ever seen, is patently ridiculous. If it werent such a tragic thing,
the preposterousness of it would be laughable. Yet, it is equally
ridiculous to buy the official 9/11 story that 19 rag-tag Moslems were
able to pull off such a catalyzing event.

What the evidence now points to is that thermate charges were set in
the WTCs days before 9/11/2001, when as Newsday reported normal bomb
sniffing dog drills were not held in the days leading up to 9/11/2001.
This points to an inside job, by not only those in charge of WTC
security, but also by officials who had the steel quickly sent away to
China and India to be destroyed before a full forensic investigation
could be conducted (amid cries of foul by Fire Engineering Magazines
editor). Of course there is also the massive air defense failures of
9/11, where four commercial jet liners flew off course for nearly one
and half hours over or toward the most protected airspace in the world,
and not one . . . not one . . . Air Force fighter interceptor jet
arrives until it is too late. And NO ONE is held responsible for this
colossal failure of intelligence and defense.

It is my belief that when the truth comes out about the attacks of
9/11/2001, we will find that Jewish people, and Moslem people, both
here in America and worldwide will have been the most wronged by the
false flag operation that the attacks of 9/11/2001 appeared to be. The
perpetrators, I believe, were willing to allow (and perpetrate) a
groundswell of hatred for Moslems and Jewish people domestically and
worldwide that would wound and poison our worlds psyche for decades to
come, as they used that chaos and distraction to control global oil
resources. (See Project for a New American Centurys (PNACs) vision
paper calling for this, but acknowledging that it would take a massive
attack on the American homeland for Americans to support such foreign
adventures. This was written before Bushs election. PNAC members
included Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Fife, etc.)

One thing that documentaries and innuendo like Protocols of Zion
failed to do, is to point out that some of the earliest organizers of
the 9/11 truth movement in New York City, were Jewish people. Why does
the media allow and sometimes promote the innuendo that the 9/11 truth
movement is somehow anti-Semitic, and does not mention that Jewish
Americans were at the forefront of the 9/11 truth efforts? Perhaps the
same reason that they keep repeating that 9/11 was the work of 19
ragtag Moslem extremists who fooled the greatest intelligence and
military in human history, in spite of the growing body of evidence
that this was impossible and not true. Because they were fed these
stories by US government officials, or those under their direction, who
according to emerging evidence look increasingly guilty of treason, and
the cover up of that crime.

Jewish Americans and Moslem Americans need to stand together and DEMAND
9/11 truth. American Christians need to stand with them because to sit
back and watch peoples being used and abused by obvious lies, goes
against everything our religion stands for. American media, and world
media need to stand for and demand TRUTH, and not allow themselves to
be played. I once read that Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, said
that propaganda was not meant to fool the intelligencia, but rather to
give them an excuse. Meaning that it was more comfortable for the
media, and others who should have known better, to play along with a
lie, then to do the discomforting work of digging for the hard truth.

The best way for Jewish Americans to battle the dangerous
disinformation and the LIES of Jewish involvement in the attacks of
9/11/2001, isnt to subscribe to The Protocols of Zion documentaries
approach of, either through ignorance or intent, in effect defaming
9/11 truth seekers, but rather to join with legitimate 9/11 truth
seeking organizations and DEMAND a full accounting of the facts of
9/11. Because in the end, the emerging facts show they most likely
lead to the highest levels of the United States government.

We do not know where the anti-Semitic rumors came from after 9/11, but
we do know that perpetrators of huge government crimes use cointellpro
operations to distract the mainstream public from looking at real
facts. If Jewish people were used as sacrificial lambs by the
perpetrators of 9/11/2001, to draw attention away from their crimes,
that would be a horrendous crime beyond comprehension, given what
Jewish people have suffered in recent history. My father was among the
first liberators of the Dachau concentration camp. That image haunted
him for the rest of his life. My father would NEVER tolerate
anti-Semitism, and neither would I. THAT is why I DEMAND 9/11 truth.

"Allah created nations and tribes that we might know one another, not
that we might despise one another."
-- The Koran

". . . never to turn aside the stranger, for it is like turning aside
the most high God."
-- The Torah

"love thy neighbor as thyself."
-- The Bible

"Full of love for all things in the world; practicing virtue in order
to benefit others, this man alone is happy."
-- Buddha

"Seek to be in harmony with all your neighbors; live in amity with your
-- Confucious

"Let us walk softly on the Earth with all living beings great and small
remembering as we go, that one Godkind and wise created all."
-- Native American psalm

"A man obtains a proper rule of action by looking on his neighbor as
-- Hindu psalm

"Regard Heaven as your father, Earth as your mother, And all things as
your brothers and sisters."
-- Shintoism; Oracle of the Kami of Atsuta

By William E. Douglas, Jr. (Son of William E. Douglas, Sr., who served
with the 45th Infantry Division, the first US military to enter and
liberate the Dachau concentration camp), author of The Amateur Parent
A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the

Contact Bill at:


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The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil

by Michel Chossudovsky
July 26, 2006

Is there a relationship between the bombing of Lebanon and the
inauguration of the World's largest strategic pipeline, which will
channel more a million barrels of oil a day to Western markets?

Virtually unnoticed, the inauguration of the Ceyhan-Tblisi-Baku (BTC)
oil pipeline, which links the Caspian sea to the Eastern Mediterranean,
took place on the 13th of July, at the very outset of the Israeli
sponsored bombings of Lebanon.

One day before the Israeli air strikes, the main partners and
shareholders of the BTC pipeline project, including several heads of
State and oil company executives were in attendance at the port of
Ceyhan. They were then rushed off for an inauguration reception in
Istanbul, hosted by Turkey's President Ahmet Necdet Sezer in the plush
surroundings of the G}rapan Palace.

Also in attendance was British Petroleum's (BP) CEO, Lord Browne
together with senior government officials from Britain, the US and
Israel. BP leads the BTC pipeline consortium. Other major Western
shareholders include Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, France's Total and
Italy's ENI. (see Annex)

Israel's Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
was present at the venue together with a delegation of top Israeli oil

The BTC pipeline totally bypasses the territory of the Russian
Federation. It transits through the former Soviet republics of
Azerbaijan and Georgia, both of which have become US "protectorates",
firmly integrated into a military alliance with the US and NATO.
Moreover, both Azerbaijan and Georgia have longstanding military
cooperation agreements with Israel. In 2005, Georgian companies
received some $24 million in military contracts funded out of U.S.
military assistance to Israel under the so-called "Foreign Military
Financing (FMF) program".

Israel has a stake in the Azeri oil fields, from which it imports some
twenty percent of its oil. The opening of the pipeline will
substantially enhance Israeli oil imports from the Caspian sea basin.
But there is another dimension which directly relates to the war on
Lebanon. Whereas Russia has been weakened, Israel is slated to play a
major strategic role in "protecting" the Eastern Mediterranean
transport and pipeline corridors out of Ceyhan.

Militarization of the Eastern Mediterranean

The bombing of Lebanon is part of a carefully planned and coordinated
military road map. The extension of the war into Syria and Iran has
already been contemplated by US and Israeli military planners. This
broader military agenda is intimately related to strategic oil and oil
pipelines. It is supported by the Western oil giants which control the
pipeline corridors. It ultimately seeks territorial control over the
East Mediterranean coastline.

In this context, the BTC pipeline dominated by British Petroleum, has
dramatically changed the geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean,
which is now linked , through an energy corridor, to the Caspian sea

"[The BTC pipeline] considerably changes the status of the region's
countries and cements a new pro-West alliance. Having taken the
pipeline to the Mediterranean, Washington has practically set up a new
bloc with Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Israel, " (Komerzant, Moscow,
14 July 2006)

Israel is now part of the Anglo-American military axis, which serves
the interests of the Western oil giants in the Middle East and Central

While the official reports state that the BTC pipeline will "channel
oil to Western markets", what is rarely acknowledged is that part of
the oil from the Caspian sea would be directly channeled towards
Israel. In this regard, an underwater Israeli-Turkish pipeline project
has been envisaged which would link Ceyhan to the Israeli port of
Ashkelon and from there through Israel's main pipeline system, to the
Red Sea.

The objective of Israel is not only to acquire Caspian sea oil for its
own consumption needs but also to play a key role in re-exporting
Caspian sea oil back to the Asian markets through the Red Sea port of
Eilat. The strategic implications of this re-routing of Caspian sea oil
are farreaching.

In April 2006, Israel and Turkey announced plans for four underwater
pipelines, which would bypass Syrian and Lebanese territory.

"Turkey and Israel are negotiating the construction of a
multi-million-dollar energy and water project that will transport
water, electricity, natural gas and oil by pipelines to Israel, with
the oil to be sent onward from Israel to the Far East,

The new Turkish-Israeli proposal under discussion would see the
transfer of water, electricity, natural gas and oil to Israel via four
underwater pipelines.

Baku oil can be transported to Ashkelon via this new pipeline and to
India and the Far East.[via the Red sea]"

"Ceyhan and the Mediterranean port of Ashkelon are situated only 400 km
apart. Oil can be transported to the city in tankers or via specially
constructed under-water pipeline. From Ashkelon the oil can be pumped
through already existing pipeline to the port of Eilat at the Red Sea;
and from there it can be transported to India and other Asian countries
in tankers. (REGNUM )

Water for Israel

Also involved in this project is a pipeline to bring water to Israel,
pumping water from upstream resources of the Tigris and Euphrates river
system in Anatolia. This has been a long-run strategic objective of
Israel to the detriment of Syria and Iraq. Israel's agenda with regard
to water is supported by the military cooperation agreement between Tel
Aviv and Ankara.

The Re-routing of Central Asian Oil

Diverting Central Asian oil and gas to the Eastern Mediterranean (under
Israeli military protection), for re-export to Asia, serves to
undermine the inter-Asian energy market, which is based on the
development of direct pipeline corridors linking Central Asia and
Russia to South Asia, China and the Far East.

Ultimately, this design is intended to weaken Russia's role in Central
Asia and cut off China from Central Asian oil resources. It is also
intended to isolate Iran.

Meanwhile, Israel has emerged as a new powerful player in the global
energy market.

War and Oil Pipelines

Prior to the bombing of Lebanon, Israel and Turkey had announced the
underwater pipeline routes, which bypassed Syria and Lebanon. These
underwater pipeline routes did not overtly encroach on the territorial
sovereignty of Lebanon and Syria.

On the other hand, the development of alternative land based corridors
(for oil and water) through Lebanon and Syria would require
Israeli-Turkish territorial control over the Eastern Mediterranean
coastline through Lebanon and Syria.

The implementation of this project requires the militarisation of the
East Mediterranean coastline, sea ways and land routes, extending from
the port of Ceyhan across Syria and Lebanon to the Lebanese-Israeli

Is this not one of the hidden objectives of the war on Lebanon? Open up
a space which enables Israel to control a vast territory extending from
the Lebanese border through Syria to Turkey.

"The Long War"

Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert has stated that the Israeli
offensive against Lebanon would "last a very long time". Meanwhile, the
US has speeded up weapons shipments to Israel.

There are strategic objectives underlying the "Long War" which are
tied to oil and oil pipelines.

The air campaign against Lebanon is inextricably related to US-Israeli
strategic objectives in the broader Middle East including Syria and
Iran. In recent developments, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice stated
that the main purpose of her mission to the Middle East was not to push
for a ceasefire in Lebanon, but rather to isolate Syria and Iran.
(Daily Telegraph, 22 July 2006)

At this particular juncture, the replenishing of Israeli stockpiles of
US produced WMDs points to an escalation of the war both within and
beyond the borders of Lebanon.


The BTC Co. shareholders are: BP (30.1%); AzBTC (25.00%); Chevron
(8.90%); Statoil (8.71%); TPAO (6.53%); Eni (5.00%); Total (5.00%),
Itochu (3.40%); INPEX (2.50%), ConocoPhillips (2.50%) and Amerada Hess
(2.36%). (source BP)

For details on the Campaign against the pipeline see

See related articles:

The Militarisation of the Eastern Mediterranean: Israel's Stake in the
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
- by Michel Chossudovsky

Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, by Michel Chossudovsky

Is Israel running out of Bombs? New Deliveries of WMD "Made in America"
The Replenishing of Israeli WMD stockpiles points to escalation both
within and beyond the borders of Lebanon, by Michel Chossudovsky

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
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request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Michel Chossudovsky,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Media Bias and Distortion Fuels War in the Middle East

by Abukar Arman
July 26, 2006

Perhaps now more than any other time in human history, objective media
is desperately neededmedia to inform the masses; to provide voice to
the voiceless; and to function as the objective counterweight that
scrutinizes the powers that be.
We currently live in an era that can only be described as the most
volatile in contemporary history; a time when extremism and terrorism,
with all their methods and motives, are on the rise; when human rights
violation and political polarization are rampant, and when respect for
the international law that protectes state sovereignty is
systematically corroding, and mainstream media is increasingly
betraying the very objective that inspired the founding fathers to have
freedom of press prominently enshrined in the US constitution.
Can todays media guard the greater public interest and prevent the
next Iraq, or worse, the next World War?
In his thought-provoking documentary Orwell Rolls in His Grave,
producer Robert Kane Pappas, together with a lineup of media experts,
activists, and academics make a compelling argument that clearly
negates any claim of objectivity in most of what mainstream media does.
Even more condemningly, they charge that media, by and large, has
evolved as unconscionably biased enterprise that poses direct threat to
the preservation of democracy (for it became demosticated and indeed
coopted by the very powers that it was supposed to hold accountable in
the first place).
At a time when media around the world, especially in least likely
places such as the Middle East, are gradually reaching new heights in
promoting unprecedented political openness, the quality of news
coverage, programming, and the overall credibility of the American
mainstream media is ironically ona declining trend as more and more
media organizations are abandoning objective standards of journalistic
ethos and becoming the facilitators of venomous discourse and the
purveyors of misinformation and propaganda.
And nowhere does media bias manifest itself more than in the slanted
reporting of the Israeli/Palestinian conundrum where reporting is,
unfortunately, single-minded in perspective and predictable in
In its report released on July 19th, 2006, the media watchdog FAIR
(Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting) highlighted a closing editorial by
(veteran media personality) Bob Schieffer of CBS Face the Nation three
days ealier in which he did not even bother to project any semblance of
objectivity. According to FAIR, Mr. Schieffer adapted a well-known
fable in an attempt to explain the causes of the current conflictor
rather, the lack of causes.
Here is how he summed up the whole crises and its root cause:
when the war broke out in the Middle East, the first thing I thought
about was the old story of the frog and the scorpion who were trying to
cross a river there. The scorpion couldnt swim, the frog was lost. So
the scorpion proposed a deal, Give me a ride on your back, and Ill
show you the way. The frog agreed, and the trip went fine until they
got to the middle of the river, and then suddenly the scorpion just
stung the frog. As they were sinking, the frog asked, in his dying
breath, Why would you do that? To which the scorpion replied,
Because this is the Middle East.
In his one-sided editorial, Mr. Schieffer offered a metaphorical
diatribe that erroneously labeles the Palestinian people as the
scorpion in that tale of suicidal exploitation. To support his
labeling, he echoed what FAIR refered to as the medias conventional
wisdom in portraying the Palestinian raid that captured the Israeli
soldier as an inexplicable provocation. In that groupthink mindset,
the New York Times, in its June 29 editorial titled Hamas Provokes a
Fight, declared that the responsibility for this latest escalation
rests squarely with Hamas, adding that an Israeli military response
was inevitable. But neither Face The Nation nor the New York Times is
alone in this crusade of disinformation.
The mainstream media seems to be credulously content with the official
Israeli version which asserts that on September 2005 Israel
unilaterally handed over what the Palestinians supposedly wanted, as
Mr. Schieffer put itand that on June 25th, 2006 Israel was flagrantly
provoked by an attack carried by a terrorist organization sworn to
annihilate the state of Israel who killed two of its soldiers and
abducted a third, hence Israels legal and moral right to do what it
did, and pledges to continue to do so till their soldier is returned.
While it is true that Hamas (also Hizballah) is in the State
Departments list of terrorist organizations and that members of its
armed wing have taken an Israeli soldier hostage while killing two
others, that hardly gives the full picture. Whats often omitted or
underreported is that there are over 9000 (including 1/3 of the elected
members of the Palestinian parliament) who, according to the Mandela
Center for Human Rights, also include 342 juveniles are held by
In fairness to the mainstream media, the events they report are often
accuratehowever, the chronological sequence of these events (that
often support one version of the narrative) and indeed the starting
point are, at best, conveniently selective. Having said that, seldom
(if at all) does mainstream media report the daily life of the average
Palestinian man, woman, or child in West Bank and Gaza, and what Israel
does in its freehand daily provocations that make life unbearable and
often trigger knee-jerk, counter-productive reactions that only
perpetuate the all too familiar violent tit-for-tat culture.
Among other forms of torture, terrorization, and provocation, the
Israeli Air Force, for example routinely used the sonic boom torture in
which they lower the altitude of their F16 fighter jets to fly close to
the roofs of buildings and home. The Sydney Morning Herald and other
media sources report a rise in miscarriages, premature births and
stillbirths since the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The paper also reports
that the sonic boom torture is also used at night when people are
asleep to induce terror. The sound is akin to that of a large bomb,
and it can produce panic attacks, shock and nosebleeds (on children)
the report says. The sonic booms, combined with all the other stress,
have a bad effect on the health of pregnant women, added Dr Adnan
Radi, a senior obstetrician of Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
The media failed to adequately scrutinize the wisdom in Israels
inhumane act to impose extra judiciary economic suffocation aimed to
collectively punish the Palestinian people for electing Hamas. On
January 2006, Israel decided to withhold the Palestinian monies they
collect through taxation- $55 million a month essential to pay the
salaries of civil servants. This, despite Hamas dramatic change per
its modus operandi since it finally decided to partake in the
Palestinian elections and uphold a self-imposed cease-fire for 17
monthsnever mind the day before this new crises exploded, Hamas has
signed an agreement with Fatah to form a joint government that
recognizes Israel (implicitly).
Once again the media failed to prevent this whole escalation by
turning a blind eye to the early reports that Israel was planning
months earlier to deliberately provoke Hamas (also Hizballah) into a
fatal military confrontation- something that Alex Fishman, an Israeli
senior security analyst and Professor Tanya Reinhardt of Tel Aviv
University, and others have charged.
On June 8th the Israeli Army assassinated Abu Samhadana, a senior
appointee of the Hamas government, and intensified its shelling of
civilians in the Gaza Strip. And according to Professor Reinhardt,
Governmental authorization for action on a larger scale was already
given (to be carried) by 12 June, but it was postponed in the wake of
the global reverberation caused by the killing of civilians in the air
force bombing the next day (Israeli killing of seven members of a
Palestinian family picnicking on a beach and wounding 30 others
including 13 children).
Could a similar manipulation of truth be underway vis a vis the
invasion of Lebanon?
Well, according to Gerald Steinberg, professor of political science at
Bar-Ilan University, the current conflict was being cooked for several
years. Of all of Israels wars since 1948, this was the one for which
Israel was most preparedBy 2004, the military campaign scheduled to
last about three weeks that were seeing now had already been blocked
out and, in the last year or two, its been simulated and rehearsed
across the board he said. More than a year ago, a senior Israeli army
officer began giving PowerPoint presentations, on an off-the-record
basis, to U.S. and other diplomats, journalists and think tanks,
setting out the plan for the current operation in revealing detail.
Under the ground rules of the briefings, the officer could not be
identified, he added.

While ironically some media organizations in Israel continue to expose
their governments mortal schemes, and set-up forums for rigorous
debates on the reckless nature of their governments actions- how they
threaten both Israel and world peace and whether or not her
heavy-handed reaction and collective punishment would constitute state
terrorism and crimes against humanity- the American media, except
certain flashes of symbolic comments made in the passing, are too
timid to report, analyze, and objectively debate whats at issue

Abukar Arman is a freelance writer and a council member of the
Interfaith Association of Central Ohio

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must
request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Abukar Arman,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Silicon Valley Takes On Detroit July 22, 2006, CBS News

At a glittering Los Angeles party, an ambitious new car maker declared
the electric car alive and well. The Tesla Roadster, which can go from
0 to 60 mph in 4 seconds doesn't come from Detroit, but from high tech
Silicon Valley aiming to do what Detroit couldn't make a commercially
successful car that doesn't burn gas. "Electric cars don't have to be
little, pathetic commuter cars," says Martin Eberhard, CEO of Tesla
Motors. "They can be quick and they can be desirable. " Eberhard made
millions in the computer industry, then convinced other high tech
investors like Elon Musk, the founder of PayPal, to put in big money.
Musk expects huge rewards if Silicon Valley can break Detroit's grip on
the U. S. auto industry. "It's batteries, it's drive electronics, it's
electric motors," says Musk. "Those are skills that are present in
Silicon Valley and not present in Detroit. " There's a quick charger
for the Tesla's lithium batteries but the car can be plugged in
anywhere. It'll go 250 miles on a single charge at a cost the company
says, of just 1 cent a mile. Tesla expects to quickly sell its first
100 cars for $100,000 each. But, don't give up. The company also has
plans for a car for the rest of us. Tesla promises a less expensive
four-door family car within three years. For now, however, it's the
rich and famous who are getting a charge out of this electric car, such
as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who tried out the car and had two words
to say: "Very Nice. "

Note: Don't be surprised if this technology inexplicably disappears as
so many others have, like the once heralded 100 MPG Toyota Eco Spirit
back in 2002. For lots more reliable information on the suppression of
new energy inventions, see


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 28, 2006, 2:29:46 PM7/28/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 28, 2006

From: no-spam <>
Date: July 28, 2006 4:25:05 AM EST

Subject: [WarOnFreedom] C-SPAN to show hard-hitting LA 911 Truth Panel,
Sat 8/11pm EDT

From: Webster Tarpley
Alex Jones LAX
Panel on C-SPAN Saturday 8pm and 11pm EDT

Dear Friends --

The June 25th panel discussion from the Alex Jones Los Angeles
conference will reportedly be telecast on C-SPAN this coming Saturday
evening at 8pm and again at 11pm eastern time (July 29th).

This discussion includes Alex Jones, Professor Steven Jones, Col.
Robert Bowman, Professor James Fetzer, and myself.

The mere fact that it has been scheduled pays tribute to the growing
strength of our 9/11 truth movement.

I urge you to build the maximum audience for this important event,
which represents our best opportunity of counteracting the escalation
of the Middle East and North Korean crises towards thermonuclear World
War III, by means a strong dose of 9/11 truth.

I call upon each of you to put aside other considerations for the next
48 hours and to mobilize all available forces to make this a turning
point in world history. Let it be seen by 100,000,000 Americans, and we
can turn the world back from the brink of the abyss.

Webster G. Tarpley


I saw this panel in person in Los Angeles. The speakers were hitting
so hard, I felt it has to bring down this regime if CSPAN dares to show
it. So even though the panel was arranged specifically for CSPAN, we
weren't too surprised when they didn't show it right away. (After all,
CSPAN is owned and funded by the corporate media.)
Try to see it, and see how many people you can get to see it too.
Such a strong blow for sanity against today's war-crazed rush to
Armageddon is very rare.

(The June 24-25th conference, "The American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 +
The Neo-Con Agenda," sold out to a crowd of 1,200 people, making it the
biggest 9/11 truth conference to date.)

- John Leonard

08:00 PM EDT / 5 pm PDT / 6 PM MDT / 7 pm CDT
1:50 (est.) Forum
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Alex Jones Productions
Ray McGovern , Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Alex Jones

11:00 PM EDT / 8 pm PDT / 9 PM MDT / 10 pm CDT
1:50 (est.) Forum
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Alex Jones Productions
Ray McGovern , Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Alex Jones


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 28, 2006 12:34:39 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Israeli army embarrassed by video broadcast

Israeli Army Embarrassed by Video Broadcast

Video Israel Doesn't Want You to See

JERUSALEM - The Israeli army has expressed a note of contrition after
a television station aired a videotape showing an army assault on a
Palestinian home in which a mother of five children died.

When CBC News spoke with Ismail Hawarjeh at Bethlehem's hospital
earlier this month, there was no way to verify the story he told about
how his wife had died, until Israel's Channel 2 broadcast the tape last


"Hezbollah has never been a terrorist organization."
4-Minute Video

Member of Parliament George Galloway



NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 16:33:26 EDT From: Ichee@aol. com

Attack on UN post and murder of UN observers comparable to attack on
the Liberty ship

U. N. Says It Warned Israel Not to Fire on Post http://www. nytimes.
com/2006/07/26/world/26cnd-nations. html?_r=1&oref=slogin


Published: July 26, 2006 NYT

UNITED NATIONS, July 26 - The United Nations said today that its top
officials in New York and its officers on the ground in Lebanon made
repeated calls Tuesday to the Israeli mission and the Israeli military
protesting repeated firing on its outpost in Lebanon where as many as
four peacekeepers ended up being killed.

Jane Lute, the assistant secretary general for peacekeeping operations,
told an emergency meeting of the Security Council that over the
six-hour period in which the warnings were being conveyed to the
Israelis, the patrol base at Khiam in southern Lebanon continued to
come under fire, subjected to a total of 21 strikes from the air, 12 of
them artillery rounds.

She described the site as "well known and clearly marked" and added
that no Hezbollah firing was taking place in the area during the

Ms. Lute said the United Nations was so alarmed by the incidents that
she enlisted Mark Malloch Brown, the deputy secretary general, to join
her in placing the calls.

When the United Nations force in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, reported
losing contact with the outpost, it secured safe passage from Israel to
send in Indian troops, who found the shelter collapsed and the remains
of three of the four peacekeepers. The fourth is presumed dead, she

"Firing continued during the rescue operation despite repeated requests
to the I. D. F. for an abatement," she said, speaking of the Israeli
Defense Forces.

She said that UNIFIL had reported 145 incidents of "close firings" with
several positions taking direct hits and sustaining damage to
buildings, equipment and vehicles. //


From: "Eric A. Smith" <>
Date: July 27, 2006 3:07:04 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Submission

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A New Final Solution

Having learned all the wrong lessons from the Nazis, the statesmen of
Israel are on a self-declared, long-term mission: the wholesale
elimination of Arabs and Persians. Photos by Reuters, Associated Press
and Agence France Presse show abundant, appalling proof that Israel is
indiscriminately cooking Lebanese civilians with phosphorous and other
chemical weapons. The photos are further corroborated by French and
Belgian doctors in Beirut.

According to the BBC, Israel's air force has admitted to conducting
3000 bombing sorties since the offensive began, displacing nearly a
quarter of Lebanon's total population of 3.8 million and utterly
destroying the country's civilian infrastructure with nearly completely
civilian targets.

Moreover, Lebanon is defenseless. It does not possess an air defense
system and the Israelis know it. The number of declared targets is

The civilian infrastructure has been destroyed: water,
telecommunications, bridges, airports, gas stations, power plants,
dairy factories, etc. Confirmed by the British press, in towns and
villages across Lebanon, schools and hospitals have been targetted with
meticulous accuracy. in an utterly twised logic, the Israeli government
has casually blamed Hizbollah for using the schools and hospitals as
hideouts or launchpads to wage their terrorist activities. (ABC
Australia, interview with Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Nati Tamir,
21 July 2006).
"This is not a war, this is a crisis"
To call Israel's response to the kidnapping of two of its soldiers (as
bargaining chips for the estimated 9000 Palestinian and Lebanese
prisoners it has been holding for years, many of them children)
"disproportionate" is an astonishingly ignorant understatement -- at
least if the Israeli press are to be believed.

Brutal, shocking videos only begin to convey the scale of the tragedy
that has been escalating over the years:

Israeli tanks firing on a reporter interviewing Palestinians gathered
for a funeral.

Israeli helicopters strafed two ambulances carrying a Lebanese father
and his 12-year-old son. The ambulances had spotlights trained on their
red cross markings and were flashing their blue lights.

They have been extensively targeting civilians with indiscriminately
deadly cluster and phosphorous bombs (with results like those in the
pictures above). Even worse, sources also say Israeli military forces
have spent nearly a decade perfecting the most monstrous of weapons:
gene-specific bioweapons designed to eradicate Arabs.

Further evidence of Israel's complete moral atrophy came when IDF
forces obliterated a U.N. observer post in southern Lebanon with a bomb
after shelling it for six hours on Tuesday, killing four international
observers from Austria, Canada, China and Finland, in what U.N. chief
Kofi Annan called a "deliberate attack":

UN peacekeepers in south Lebanon contacted Israeli troops 10 times
before an Israeli bomb killed four of them, an initial UN report
says.... The post was hit by a precision-guided missile after six hours
of shelling, diplomats familiar with the probe say. The UN report says
each time the UN contacted Israeli forces, they were assured the firing
would stop. A senior Irish soldier working for the UN forces had warned
the Israelis six times that their bombardment was endangering the lives
of UN staff, Ireland's foreign ministry said....

Had Israel responded to the requests, "rather than deliberately
ignoring them", the observers would still be alive, a diplomat familiar
with the report said.

Annan said the post had been in existence "for a long time... was
marked clearly, and was hit despite assurances from Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert that U.N. positions would not be attacked."

The precision-guided bomb made a direct hit on the observer post, said
Milos Struger, a UN peacekeeping spokesman in Lebanon. As rescue
workers tried to clear the rubble, Israeli troops continued firing
"...even during the rescue operation," he added.

But according to the head of Israel's northern command, Major General
Udi Adam, Israel's just getting warmed up.

Too bad the Bush "Administration" (sic) doesn't give a damn. At least
not in any humanitarian sense: Condoleezza Rice personally ran
interference on behalf of the PNAC wing of the State Department at the
emergency international meeting in Rome.

So what ARE we doing about the situation? Well, worsening it. As
Lebanese war refugee Esam Haider (one of 2,000 sheltered in an
underground car park after their homes were destroyed by Israeli bombs)
expressed it:

"Why does President Bush send billions of dollars of weapons to Israel
and hands the Lebanese a few boxes of food and blankets? Is he just
trying to fatten us up before he gives Israel bigger bombs to kill us?"

There is, however, a madness to the method; it's once again all in the
name of moving some new product, to paraphrase the glib Mr. Card.

Not that Bush will lack support from the "followers of Jesus" among
America's religious lunatic fringe; the Machivellian genius of turning
Biblical prophecy into a propaganda tool was a Rovian masterstoke that
-- prematurely supposing humanity survives -- historians may one day
rank alongside the work of Goebbels.

So while purported "progressives" at Daily Kos and elsewhere are waxing
knowledgable in taking up the cause of "poor, beset-upon Israel",
contentiously siding with the unpopular view to appear possessed of
some great, rare insight, promoting a "cause" destined to kill more
innocent civilians in the name of conquest is the farthest thing from
"progressive". The truth is, whatever insults and injuries Israel has
borne after claiming its homeland through years of bloody conquest, it
has extracted more than its kiloton of flesh with a disproportionate,
ruthless, merciless brutality as morally repugnant as the historically
unprecedented savagery of the Assyrians.

From destroying power stations and cutting off water supplies for
refugee tent settlements, rolling tanks into the streets and strafing
unarmed citizens with Apache helicopters, then rounding up
newly-elected government leaders the state of Israel is on a genocidal
rampage aimed at once-and-for-all "solving" the "refugee problem" and
abetting the US in its myopic quest for political dominance in the
Middle East.

Maybe their actions can be partly understood as a pathological
nostaligia for the days of the Warsaw ghetto:

GAZANS OFTEN call the Gaza Strip their "giant prison." The name
reflects the crowded, tense quarters where 1.1 million people live on
some 360 kilometers square. The Israeli army surrounds the Strip,
preventing Palestinians from leaving the area without special permits
that are granted only in emergency situations.

Even within Gaza's borders, its people are confined. Israel has divided
the strip into three zones of Palestinian towns and refugees that are
surrounded by Israeli military hardware. Travel between the areas is
allowed only at certain times, and at the whims of the Israeli troops
manning the checkpoints - very much like prison guards.

If the Gaza Strip is a prison, its solitary confinement area is the
agricultural part of Al Mawasi, just west of Khan Younis. Al Mawasi is
effectively controlled by settlers and surrounded by the settlement of
Gush Katif from the east and the sea from the south. The people of Al
Mawasi can neither leave their area nor distribute their agricultural
produce except by special permission from the Israeli authorities.

Abu Ibrahim says all this is unbearable and humiliating. "The settler
who stole my land enjoys his freedom. But I, the owner of the land,
cannot even leave my house without a permit. It is the age of wonders!"

But the complex of walls, fences, trenches and electronic surveillance
devices Israel has erected around (and conveniently into agriculturally
valuable areas of) the West Bank is nothing more than a simple land
grab and forced evacuation of indigenous Palestinians, according to the

The bottom line is still, as ever, the same: we need to get the Hell
out of the colonialism business, particularly in the Middle East, where
Israel's "solution" is no solution at all.

Quote of the Day:

"I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists
alone are guilty of the war. Oh, no, the little man is just as keen,
otherwise the people of the world would have risen in revolt long ago!
There is an urge and rage in people to destroy, to kill, to murder, and
until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars
will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated and grown,
will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to
begin all over again."

-- 15-year-old Anne Frank, before being taken to her death in the Nazi
concentration camps

posted by New American Patriot @ 9:00 AM

About the author: Eric A. Smith is a journalism graduate of the
University of North Carolina currently teaching in Tokyo.


NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. It's all we need to know about
the despicable US Democratic Party. Once Dean's statements below are
combined with similar ones from Hillary Clinton, only a total fool will
continue to believe there's any significant difference between
Republicans and Democrats. -- kl, pp

Howard Dean Calls Iraqi Prime Minister an 'Anti-Semite'

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 22:04:13 -0400 (EDT) From: IHR News

Howard Dean Calls Iraqi Prime Minister an 'Anti-Semite'

Associated Press

Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean on Wednesday called Iraqi Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki an "anti-Semite" for failing to denounce
Hezbollah for its attacks against Israel. Al-Maliki has condemned
Israel's offensive, prompting several Democrats to boycott his address
to a joint meeting of Congress and others to criticize him.... "The
Iraqi prime minister is an anti-Semite," the Democratic leader told a
gathering of business leaders in Florida. "We don't need to spend $200
and $300 and $500 billion dollars bringing democracy to Iraq to turn it
over to people who believe that Israel doesn't have a right to defend
itself and who refuse to condemn Hezbollah."


9/11 Cash for What?
City uses fed millions to
fight sick WTC workers, attorney says


The city is using a big slice of the $1 billion it got from the feds
post-9/11 to fight first responders who claim they got sick on the
site, a lawyer who is suing the city charged yesterday.

David Worby, who is waging a suit on behalf of 8,000 WTC responders
and their survivors, said $20 million has been "spent on city lawyers
to deny the claims of cops, firefighters and others who were sickened."

"That money should be used to help these people," he said. "Take $100
million from the billion, Mr. Mayor, and set up a proper registry" to
monitor the health of those who toiled at Ground Zero.

There was no immediate response to Worby's accusation from Mayor
Bloomberg, but the city contends it is allowed to tap funds from the
World Trade Center Captive Insurance Company to defend itself against
claims. The federally funded entity was set up after the 9/11 attacks
because no commercial insurance company would take on the risk.

Bloomberg promised to look into whether the city stiffed its 9/11
heroes after being prodded to do so by hard-hitting Daily News
editorials that described the plight of 12,000 ailing Ground Zero

So far, he hasn't acknowledged that the deaths of at least four first
responders - and the illnesses of thousands more - were directly
related to their toiling amid the toxins of Ground Zero.

Yesterday, Gov. Pataki also vowed to do right by the ailing workers.

"I believe that the reporting by the Daily News is important," he
said. "I have directed all relevant state agencies to follow up on
these reports and ensure that critical treatment and compensation for
injuries suffered as a result of their involvement in the rescue,
recovery and cleanup efforts is accessible to each and every one of our

Worby wasn't the only City Hall critic yesterday who accused Bloomberg
of pinching pennies while Ground Zero heroes are suffering.

Peter Meringolo, president of the Correction Captains' Association and
chairman of the state Public Employee Conference, said the city is
sitting on a $5 billion surplus and some of that dough should be used
to help 9/11's forgotten victims.

"I really don't want to hear it's not in the city budget because
that's nonsense," Meringolo said. "The mayor talks about productivity.
If risking your life after 9/11 isn't productivity, I don't know what

"Currently there are also over 100 firefighters that FDNY doctors have
deemed as too permanently disabled to continue working as firefighters,
yet the city won't allow them to retire," added Steve Cassidy, head of
the Uniformed Firefighters Association. "If we are not going to take
care of the rescuers, what type of message does that send?"

With Lisa L. Colangelo
Originally published on July 26, 2006


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Base in Syria, a Symmetrical Strategic Move

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
July 28, 2006

Russian military officials have consistently denied reports that Russia
is creating a permanent naval base in Tartus, Syria that would give it
a Mediterranean outpost and represent a major shift in the regional
security balance of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Levant, and the
Middle East as a whole. Reports were emerging long before the Israeli
attacks on Lebanon that Russia had begun work on deepening the Syrian
maritime port of Tartus, used by the Soviet Union and later Russia as a
supply point since the Cold War, and widening a channel in Latakia,
another Syrian port. Both Tartus and Latakia are significant for both
Syria and Russia in that they face the outlet of the Ceyhan endthe
receiving endof the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceylan oil terminal giving Russia and
its partners the ability to disrupt or secure the port and route during
the possibility of the eruption of any future war(s) with the United

The establishment of this Russian project has been presented as an
alternative hub for the Russian Black Sea Fleet, based in the Crimean
port of Sevastopol, in the Ukraine, but this seems to be undermined by
upgrading and expansion of the Russian naval port of Novorossysk off
the eastern margins of the Black Sea. The creation or expansion of
naval or military bases off the Syrian coast and Russian coast off the
Black Sea seem to imply the future employment of two different forces
with different applications for the national and security interests of

The Russian expansion of the Tartus would include the installation of
an air defence system with S-300 PMU2 Favourite ballistic missile
system that would be a virtual threat to the Ceyhan, maritime traffic,
the flow of oil, and would provide an air defence shield for vital
portions of Syria that are strategically important, especially in the
event of a war. In essence Damascus, the Syrian capital, and Syria
would be protected from either Israeli or American aerial bombardment.
It is clear that the Russian aims in Syria are a symmetrical reaction
to American objectives for the Middle East and part of a global chess

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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British Labor Party Insider: US, UK, Israel Will Go to War with

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 02:22:33 EDT From: Seth17279@aol. com

British Labor Party Insider: US, UK, Israel Will Go to War with Iran

by Leland Lehrman,

We've all been worried about a looming war with Iran and Syria for
quite some time now. Here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, young men and women
protest every week on the Plaza downtown under the banners, "Stop the
Next War Now" and "No War Against Iran. " Try as I may, I just can't
figure out how to comment on the tragic, but definitively diabolical
Israeli invasion of Lebanon, supported as it is by rush shipments of
"precision guided munitions" and "experimental weaponry" from the Bush
Administration. I should say however, that it is clearly designed as
part of the desired larger regional war involving Syria and Iran.
Perhaps it's best to let Israel Shahak, former professor at Hebrew
University in Jerusalem comment for me:

"The wish for peace, so often assumed as the Israeli aim, is not in my
view a principle of Israeli policy, while the wish to extend Israeli
domination and influence is ... Israel is preparing for a war, nuclear
if need be, for the sake of averting domestic change not to its liking,
if it occurs in some or any Middle Eastern states ... Israel clearly
prepares itself to seek overtly a hegemony over the entire Middle East
... , without hesitating to use for the purpose all means available,
including nuclear ones. " ...

Nafeez Ahmed broke the story this week that government insiders believe
the US and UK will go to war with Iran. He is the esteemed author of
The War on Freedom, perhaps the first book to expose the official 911
story as manipulated propaganda designed to legitimate foreign military
adventures. He writes from England and has recently testified before
Congress regarding his research. This is what he has learned regarding
Iran, as published on his excellent blog where you can read this story
with links intact. Of course, I hope we can prove his source to be

UK Govt Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On
by Nafeez Ahmed

In the last few days, I learned from a credible and informed source
that a former senior Labour government Minister, who continues to be
well-connected to British military and security officials, confirms
that Britain and the United States "... will go to war with Iran before

the end of the year. "

As we now know from similar reporting prior to the invasion of Iraq,
it's quite possible that the war planning may indeed change repeatedly,
and the war may again be postponed. In any case, it's worth noting that
the information from a former Labour Minister corroborates expert
analyses suggesting that Israel, with US and British support, is
deliberately escalating the cycle of retaliation to legitimize the
imminent targeting of Iran before year's end. Let us remind ourselves,
for instance, of US Vice President Cheney's assertions recorded on
MSNBC over a year ago. He described Iran as being "right at the top of
the list" of "rogue states". He continued: "One of the concerns people
have is that Israel might do it without being asked... Given the fact
that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction
of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the
rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess
afterwards. "

But the emphasis on Israel's pre-eminent role in a prospective assault
on Iran is not accurate. [Not so sure about that - Ed. ] Israel would
rather play the role of a regional proxy force in a US-led campaign.
"Despite the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, the Bush
Administration has not reconsidered its basic long-range policy goal in
the Middle East... " reports Seymour Hersh. He quotes a former
high-level US intelligence official as follows:

"This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The
Bush Administration is looking at this as a huge war zone. Next, we're
going to have the Iranian campaign. We've declared war and the bad
guys, wherever they are, are the enemy. This is the last hurrahb*"we've
got four years, and want to come out of this saying we won the war on
terrorism. "

Are these just the fanatical pipedreams of the neoconservative faction
currently occupying (literally) the White House?

Unfortunately, no. The Iraq War was one such fanatical pipedream in the
late 1990s, one that Bush administration officials were eagerly
ruminating over when they were actively and directly involved in the
Project for a New American Century. But that particular pipedream is
now a terrible, gruelling reality for the Iraqi people. Despite the
glaring failures of US efforts in that country, there appears to be a
serious inability to recognize the futility of attempting the same in

The Monterey Institute for International Studies already showed nearly
two years ago in a detailed analysis that the likely consequences of a
strike on Iran by the US, Israel, or both, would be a regional
conflagaration that could quickly turn nuclear, and spiral out of
control. US and Israeli planners are no doubt aware of what could
happen. Such a catastrophe would have irreversible ramifications for
the global political economy. Energy security would be in tatters,
precipitating the activation of long-standing contingency plans to
invade and occupy all the major resource-rich areas of the Middle East
and elsewhere (see my book published by Clairview, Behind the War on
Terror for references and discussion). Such action could itself trigger
responses from other major powers with fundamental interests in
maintaining their own access to regional energy supplies, such as
Russia and particularly China, which has huge interests in Iran.
Simultaneously, the dollar-economy would be seriously undermined, most
likely facing imminent collapse in the context of such crises.

Which raises pertinent questions about why Britain, the US and Israel
are contemplating such a scenario as a viable way of securing their

A glimpse of an answer lies in the fact that the post-9/11 military
geostrategy of the "War on Terror" does not spring from a position of
power, but rather from entirely the opposite. The global system has
been crumbling under the weight of its own unsustainability for many
years now, and we are fast approaching the convergence of multiple
crises that are already interacting fatally as I write. The peak of
world oil production, of which the Bush administration is well aware,
either has already just happened, or is very close to happening. It is
a pivotal event that signals the end of the Oil Age, for all intents
and purposes, with escalating demand placing increasing pressure on
dwindling supplies. Half the world's oil reserves are, more or less,
depleted, which means that it will be technologically, geophysically,
increasingly difficult to extract conventional oil. I had a chat last
week with some scientists from the Omega Institute in Brighton,
directed by my colleague and friend Graham Ennis (scroll down about
2/3's to see Graham's letter published in The Independent), who told me
eloquently and powerfully what I already knew, that while a number of
climate "tipping-points" may or may not have yet been passed, we have
about 10-15 years before the "tipping-point" is breached certainly and
irreversibly. Breaching that point means plunging head-first into
full-scale "climate catastrophe". Amidst this looming Armageddon of
Nature, the dollar-denominated economy itself has been teetering on the
edge of spiralling collapse for the last seven years or more. This is
not idle speculation. A financial analyst as senior as Paul Volcker,
Alan Greenspan's immediate predecessor as chairman of the Federal
Reserve, recently confessed "that he thought there was a 75% chance of
a currency crisis in the United States within five years. "

There appears to have been a cold calculation made at senior levels
within the Anglo-American policymaking establishment: that the system
is dying, but the last remaining viable means of sustaining it remains
a fundamentally military solution designed to reconfigure and
rehabilitate the system to continue to meet the requirements of the
interlocking circuits of military-corporate power and profit.

The highly respected US whistleblower, former RAND strategic analyst
Daniel Ellsberg, who was Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of
Defense during the Vietnam conflict and became famous after leaking the
Pentagon Papers, has already warned of his fears that in the event of:

"... another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a U. S.

attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after or
within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will involve
massive detentions in this country, detention camps for

middle-easterners and their quote 'sympathizers', critics of the

President's policy and essentially the wiping-out of the Bill of
Rights. "

So is that what all the "emergency preparedness" legislation, here in
the UK as well as in the USA and in Europea, is all about? The US plans
are bad enough, as Ellsberg notes, but the plans UK scene is hardly
better, prompting The Guardian to describe the Civil Contingencies Bill
(passed as an Act in 2004) as "the greatest threat to civil liberty
that any parliament is ever likely to consider. "

As global crises converge over the next few years, we the people are
faced with an unprecedented opportunity to use the growing awareness of
the inherent inhumanity and comprehensive destructiveness of the global
imperial system to establish new, viable, sustainable and humane ways
of living. Unfortunately, we have no other option. There is still
light, however dim it may seem in this overwhelming smog of escalating

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
41262296 Mirror: I use the old Mac OS; being
incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. If
your emails to me bounce, write to me at To
unsubscribe, reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line; allow 1 day.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 28, 2006 1:07:52 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Whistleblower "suicide" parade continues

Whistleblower "Suicide" Parade Continues

The suicide parade

It's funny how assassinations tend to occur in clusters. We have
recently seen the obvious assassination of Philip Merrill, likely
related to what he knew about billions of dollars stolen in Iraq. Now
we have the odd 'suicide' by shotgun, again, along with killing the
twelve-year-old autistic son to whom he was devoted - of William H.
Lash III.

Lash had the same type of information as Merrill (my emphasis in red):

"Lash took a leave from the law school in 2001, when President Bush
appointed him assistant secretary of commerce for market access and
compliance. Among his duties at the Commerce Department, Lash headed a
task force on the reconstruction of Iraq, in which he dealt with
businesses seeking contracts."

The Lash story has been set up specifically to make it clear that it
had to be a murder-suicide, like a 'locked room' murder mystery:

"But shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday, police said, Lash and Zackula had
a dispute and Zackula ran from the house and called police. Zackula was
not hurt, but the dispute was physical enough that police later
obtained a warrant charging Lash with domestic assault, Officer Richard
Henry said.

Lash never knew about the warrant. When three or four officers arrived
at 9:55 p.m., Henry said, they knocked on several doors but got no
answer. Within 10 minutes, while trying to decide their next move, the
officers heard two gunshots from inside the house, Henry said.

Not knowing who was shooting -- and who was being shot at -- the
officers called for help. Teams of tactical officers and hostage
negotiators were summoned, Henry said. Black-clad officers with rifles
darted across front lawns, a command post bus was brought in, and
police dispatchers phoned neighbors with urgent instructions: Turn off
all lights and get in the basement, neighbors said.

After phone calls failed, a police negotiator began circling the house
with a bullhorn, two neighbors said. The negotiator gently pleaded with
Lash, 'Bill, we need to know you're okay,' the neighbors said. 'Please
give us a sign. Answer the phone. Turn on a light.'

The negotiator tried to reach Lash for more than two hours. 'He was
incredibly compassionate,' said one neighbor, who spoke on condition of

After 1 a.m., police released a remote-controlled robot, equipped with
a video camera, so police could gauge what was happening inside. The
neighbor said the robot rolled slowly down Pathfinder Lane, up the Lash
driveway and into the house.

Finally, at 3:50 a.m., officers went inside and found Lash and his son,
both dead from gunshots to the upper body."

So by 10:05 p. m., the police knew that two shots had been fired in a
house containing a possibly violent man with a gun and his young
autistic son, a man who they knew had barricaded himself in the house
(by the way, apparently a completely out of character move), and they
wait almost six hours before entering the house?

The 'incredibly compassionate' negotiator had to know he was talking to
a dead man. The boy could have been bleeding to death during this time.

I find the story far too convenient a way to prove that it had to be
suicide. Someone is making sure that there is no one left alive to
disclose the names of the guilty. Look for a few more 'suicides' and
'accidents' before this is done.


From: Rich Winkel <>


The first step in confronting terror is to know the nature of the
enemy. The following CD provides powerful scientific evidence that
the World Trade Center towers were brought down by controlled

If you can hit a keyboard key you can also do the following:

make a directory called "atk".


i.e. in a browser go to the URL, do a file->save and be sure to
include the entire site or page in order to include the graphic
image. Save it in the atk directory. atk should contain:


Download the videos at all the URL's listed in the CONTENTS.html
from and save them to the atk directory. Also be sure
to download both the Mac and PC versions of the Google video players.
Save it all in the atk directory.

Check that the local video links work, since the file extension
will be dependent on the platform (mac, pc or unix) you use to do
the video download. If they don't and you don't know how to edit
HMTL, never mind. There's a fallback mentioned near at the bottom
of CONTENTS.html.

Burn the entire contents of the atk directory on a cdrom. For maximum
compatibility with all platforms you should use a macintosh running OSX
to do this.

Duplicate and distribute the CD to everyone you can think of, especially
activists, local and state officials. Do this quickly.

My assumption is that the war in Lebanon is leading up to an attack
on Iran. Since there aren't enough troops to invade and occupy
Iran I fear they intend to use nuclear weapons. The way to drum
up public support for a nuclear attack is to stage a new 9/11 using
a nuclear weapon or nuclear dirty bomb.

There's over 100MB of space available to include other multimedia
Suggestions are welcome.

Rich Winkel


From: J M <>
Date: July 28, 2006 3:33:21 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Svali

This is a real eye-opener story as to what is going on. It is too long
for one email.

Born into the Illuminati, a Friend Fears for
Svali's Safety As She Has Come Up Missing

After going public with details of her lifelong experience in the
Illuminati, including childhood torture and brainwashing, Svali has

26 Jul 2006 By Greg Szymanski

In January, a woman named Svali told an incredible story about being
born into the Illuminati and witnessing a young child being sacrificed
in the catacombs of the Vatican.

Her eyewitness testimony was verified by an Italian woman named Maria,
who said she suffered through the same type of gruesome ceremony,
telling her story to this reporter only weeks before she reportedly
took her own life jumping from the Vatican roof in the early 1980's.

Having interviewed both women, the details of the Vatican child
sacrifice were remarkably similar right down to the detailed
description of the room where the ordeal took place, as well as the
details about the particulars of the satanic ceremony.

Details of both stories can be found in the Arctic Beacon archives
under a four part series entitled "The Secrets of the Dangerous

Although Maria was found dead on the cobblestones of St. Peter's Square
under suspicious circumstances, Svali remains alive, giving an
exclusive interview on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative
Journal, in January 2006.

However, recently on the word of a reliable source, Svali has come up
missing, as all attempts to contact her have turned up empty. Further,
her rather detailed website has been taken down and her telephone
number disconnected.

One of her close friend's, who wanted to remain anonymous, fears
something serious has happened. With that in mind and in an effort to
keep her publicly protected and her story alive, the Arctic Beacon is
reprinting a transcript of her lengthy interview from her appearance
with Greg on the Investigative Journal radio show of January 17, 2006.

Svali's startling comments, as well as the Arctic Beacon series on
child sacrificing, should serve as a reminder how the evil intentions
of the New World Order knows no bounds or limits.

Transcript of Illuminati Survivor Svali's Appearance
on Investigative Journal with Greg Szymanski

January 17, 2006

GS: You're listening to the Investigative Journal. I'm your host, Greg
Szymanski. Two hours - two hours with great interviews all the time. We
get into the news behind the scenes that the mainstream media refuses
to cover. What a shame.

Let me just update some things before I tell you who my guest is today.
I've been promo-ing it all week, and we're going to get deep inside the
Family, the Order, the Illuminati today, for two hours. And you've got
to stay with us from the beginning to the end of this interview.

I just wanted to mention we had Dr. Martini on earlier in the week. A
big aspartame vote, to ban aspartame in New Mexico, is going on today.
I called her last night. They held it over until today. So we'll know
later this morning whether aspartame is banned in New Mexico. That
could have a chain effect that could really save a lot of lives.

Also, I wanted to mention the bulldozing in New Orleans. Now this is a
story on my website. You can go to, and you're
going to see this story. This is an incredible story we've been
following, with Brandon Darby from Common Cause Relief down there. A
New Orleans federal judge, a crooked order here, folks, last Friday
quashed all hopes for Ninth Ward residents to get their day in court as
he indiscriminately canceled a January 17th hearing to hear evidence on
why the city has no right to demolish homes under eminent domain laws.

Basically what he did is that there was supposed to be a hearing this
week. There was a restraining order to stop the indiscriminate
bulldozing of over 44 thousand homes in the Ninth Ward, many of which,
Brandon says, are in good shape. Needless to say, they do not need to
be demolished. But the people are a long, long, long way away from New
Orleans, kept away by these FEMA programs that we've documented.

Brandon says now what happened is the judge called the lawyers in,
canceled the hearing, and said, "Listen, you're going to take my
orders, which are this. Both lawyers are going to adhere to this. You
can demolish the homes as long as you give the people notice." So it
doesn't matter if they object, apparently, just as long as they know
their home is going to be bulldozed down, and that's what the city is
doing right now. So we'll keep track of that story as it goes on this

Now, on my website all week, I've been running this series on the
feared Illuminati. That word started to be used back in the 18th
century. There are other words - the Family, the Order, for people that
are inside this group. So let's not get hung up on the words. What this
group does is amazing.

As I documented in my series which is going on now, part three is on
today, so if you want to go to Arctic Beacon and get that, and it's
talking about Svali, who was a member of the Illuminati, the Family,
the Order. She is with us as our guest today, and after this break
we're going to find out the whole story from beginning to end about
Svali's involvement, and then about how she decided to get out and what
she's doing now. And I might add, it's a great thing what she's doing
now, alerting people and also helping many, many people in America
understand exactly what this group is all about.

So anyway, we'll be back with Svali on the Investigative Journal. I'm
your host, Greg Szymanski.

[commercial break - resume 8:30]

GS: Okay, we're back. It's eight minutes after the hour, and we're
going to get deep inside the Illuminati, the Family, the Order. We have
a guest who was involved with this group, born into it, for over thirty
years. Her name is Svali. Svali, are you with us?

SV: Uh, yes I am.

GS: Well, it's nice to have you here. I know you don't give radio
interviews, and I really want to thank you, because I think it really
does help the American people understand about this secret organization
that you were born into. So I guess we can just start from the
beginning. Tell us - right from the beginning you were born into this,
from wealthy parents. Tell us about your training in this group when
you were a young child and then up until your orientation at the
Vatican. Go ahead.

SV: (surprised, laughing) Well, that's a pretty broad area, Greg! That
could take hours, if you know what I mean.

GS: Yes, but do it, you know, if you could just outline it for us.

SV: Yeah. I mean, I was born in the group, I was born in Germany, and
came to the US very young. I basically went through all the training
that the group... all members of the group do undergo training to
various degrees, depending on the role.

By the time I was a teenager, I was a youth leader, and by the time I
was 22, I became the youngest member of Leadership Council in San Diego
County . At that time I was a head trainer. I was the sixth trainer
and eventually moved up to the second position.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: When I was twelve, I had mentioned with you the ceremony at the

GS: Right.

SV: ...that they really do make all leadership in the group undergo at
some point.

GS: Now basically when you were growing up, I remember you told me that
you were instilled at a young age. You were born to a very wealthy,
well-to-do family.

SV: Yes.

GS: You moved back to the States. You were told at a very young age you
were special, you were "chosen." Correct?

SV: Well, they tell everyone in the group that they are special and
chosen, and that's one of the things that made me very cynical when I
was older. You will never meet a person who is an Illuminati who has
not been told or programmed for years that they're special, they're the
only one that can do things for quote-unquote "Family".

But I was told, yes, I would do great things for Family one day. The
reason why I can filter some of this with an objective view is that I
know what my role in the group was. It was over quite a significant
number of other people. So I don't evaluate my role or specialness
within the group so much by what I was told, but by what I did.

(regretful downturn in voice on "what I did")

GS: So you reached the age of 12, and then you're told by your parents
you're going to an induction ceremony in the Vatican.

SV: Yes.

GS: Can you tell us how that happened and what occurred at that
ceremony when you went there?

SV: (deep breath, voice becomes stressed) Okay. Um, this isn't easy to
talk about, as you know.

When I was twelve, I was flown over to Germany. And I was at, I'll call
them the German Fathers' house, over there. And, there was some
preparation for a few days, beforehand, and I was told that there would
be a very important ceremony. And it was considered a sealing ceremony
at that point. And basically I was told a little bit about what I was
expected to do during the ceremony.

When we got there, we went through the Vatican. Underneath the Vatican
there is a large room that I described to you when we talked before. It
has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it. And what they do is as you go
down these steps into the room, you can see that it's circular, so
they're all rounded. They bring out the mummies from the catacombs. And
they set them beside each one [each of the 13 catacomb chambers], and
they say "That's the spirit of the Fathers watching over the ceremony."

During the ceremony, there was a large table in the center of the room.
It was on top of this huge golden pentagram. They had a ceremony there.

GS: So how many kids, how many other children were with you being
inducted into the Family or the Order, as they call it?

SV: There were two other children at that point. But there were several
adults too.

GS: Okay.

SV: See, the Church also brings in adults to swear their allegiance,
too, just so you know. I was told, and I don't know if this is true,
that if you want to rise to a certain position within the Catholic
Church hierarchy, you do have to go through that ceremony as well.

GS: Okay, so you're down in this room. Your parents weren't present.

SV: No. No. The German Father and the French Father were.

GS: Okay, and at that point tell our listeners what you witnessed.

CONTINUED: read more.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 29, 2006, 1:23:51 PM7/29/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 29, 2006

Last Updated: Friday, 28 July 2006, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK

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Orange 'Caused Gene Damage'

New Zealand troops who served in the Vietnam War suffered significant
genetic damage from exposure to Agent Orange, a study suggests.

The chemical was used by the US military in Vietnam in the 1960s.

It has been blamed for a variety of medical conditions suffered by
soldiers and up to four million Vietnamese.

The study by New Zealand's scientists could have a big effect on
campaigners' efforts to sue major chemical firms and the US government,
correspondents say.

Highly toxic

The US military sprayed some 80m litres of Agent Orange on North and
South Vietnam.

The aim was to destroy jungle foliage in order to find communist
fighters more easily.

Agent Orange contained highly toxic dioxins which have since been
blamed for causing cancers and other illnesses.

They have also been blamed for birth defects suffered by the children
and even grandchildren of Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians.

This has been strongly contested by the two main companies which made
it - Dow and Monsanto - and the US government, the BBC's Bill Hayton in
Hanoi says.

A team from New Zealand's Massey University has now shown that the
group of 24 Vietnam veterans it tested suffered significant genetic
damage, compared with a similar sized group of soldiers who did not
serve in Vietnam, our correspondent says.

This may be crucial evidence in the lengthy legal battles still being
waged in courts in the US and other countries to prove or disprove the
link between Agent Orange and a legacy of illness across three
continents, our correspondent says.


Indulging Folly

The Guardian (Britain) - Editorial mentisfree/story/0,,1830976,00.html

It seems astonishing that the world is still watching rather than
acting two weeks after the Lebanon war began.... The US alliance with
Israel has
been a fact of international life for decades, but seldom has
Washington acted
so blatantly in support of the country and with such disregard for the
rest of
the international community. By blocking diplomatic action, the US has
alienated the Arab world even further. And Britain, shamefully, has
been a party to


Death Toll in Lebanon Could Be Twice the Official Figure
By Dahr Jamail
July 28, 2006

*BEIRUT, Jul 28 (IPS) - Lebanese doctors, aid workers and refugees are
all reporting that the official number of dead in Lebanon is far lower
than the actual.*

"I think that the real number is at least 750 dead so far," Dr. Bachir
el-Sham at the Complex Hospital in Sidon city told IPS in a telephone
interview. Sidon is 43 km south of Beirut, and just north of Tyre. This
region has seen the worst of the Israeli bombing.

Sham said that by coordinating casualty figures with other hospitals
and clinics in the south, he believes that an average of 40 civilians
are being killed by Israeli air strikes each day.

"One day we had 100 dead. The authorities in Beirut can only estimate
-- we never have official statistics about anything in Lebanon," he
said. "Regarding the number of dead, we can say for sure that by the
numbers we're seeing down here, it is at least 750, if not more."

One reason the real number will be higher is that "so many people are
buried in the rubble," he said.

As in Dahaya district of southern Beirut, both Sidon and Tyre have had
large numbers of civilian apartment buildings bombed to the ground,
many with entire families in them.

"When you have a building demolished, how many people are under the
rubble? Who can say? But we know there are many."

Bilal Masri, assistant director at the large Beirut Government
University Hospital in Beirut, also told IPS that the official number
was far too low.

"We have had several reports from the south that there are many bodies
buried under buildings, or left in cars that were hit by Israeli
rockets," he said.

Ghadeer Shayto, a 15-year-old girl being treated at the Beirut hospital
for wounds she suffered during an Israeli rocket attack while fleeing
her village Kafra near Bint Jbail, said she had seen many dead on her
way to Beirut.

"On our way out we passed so many civilian cars which had burnt bodies
in them," she said, weeping. "They were burnt, and left there because
nobody could come to take the bodies away." Bint Jbail is the southern
town that has seen the most intense fighting between Israeli troops and
Hezbollah fighters.

She said the bus in which they were leaving had hoisted white flags,
but it was hit by a rocket. "My brother and cousin were killed, and the
rest of us are wounded."

Abdel Hamid al-Ashi, father of two, saw similar sights as he fled Bint

"I had to walk 10 kilometres to a small village to find a taxi, and
along the road I saw many bodies rotting in the sun," he told IPS.
"There were also cars which had been rocketed which were full of

Many patients and refugees reported seeing bodies along the way when
they fled. Under continuing air strikes, no aid teams have been able to
rescue anyone or retrieve the bodies.

In Dahaya district of Beirut about a fifth of all buildings have been
totally demolished. There was a strong smell of rotting corpses at many
of those sites that this correspondent visited.

Volunteer workers are also reporting that the officially declared toll
is too low.

"Several of our relief workers who tried to help in Dahaya have
reported to us that many families are buried under the rubble there,"
Wafaa el-Yassir, a representative of Norwegian People's Aid-Lebanon
told IPS at her office. "And we have similar reports from Tyre and

"The number of dead is as much as 800 by now," she added. "And probably
even more, but it will take some time to find all of the bodies."

Ahmad Halimeh, with the non-governmental organisation Popular Aid for
Relief and Development who is now working primarily to aid war victims
in Beirut and southern Lebanon, said that "in my experience you can
always at least double the initial figure, and we are seeing the same
thing happen again now. So the number is at least 800, and will be more
over time as we continue to gain access to these areas that have been

There is little doubt that the real death toll is far higher than the
official one. The question remains, by how much?

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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4. Life is like photography. You use the negative to develop.


No Evidence Left Behind - News Control

There is no proof from yesterday [27 July 2006] that at approximately
one o'clock in the afternoon, Eastern time, a memo was circulated to
heads of Corporate Media telling them how to handle Israel's
OCCUPATION of Lebanon; however, if one could corner Tucker Carlson and
ask why U.S. Military made such a great emergency effort to get him
and his crew to Cypress.........???

The above reminds me of how CNN and other CORPORATE MEDIA attempted
to LIE to the United States people after the Oklahoma bombing .

Despite the facts:

"...within hours of the explosion, dozens of Muslim organizations
around the country issued statements condemning the bombing in the
strongest terms possible. " 2

The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, a nation-wide
Muslim group, held a blood drive, and donated $7,500 to disaster
relief organizations.

Fifty Holy Land Foundation volunteers flew to Oklahoma City to assist
local charities.

Muslims met with the governor and presented him with checks totaling
$21,000 for the Victims Relief Fund.

there was minimal coverage in the media of these positive acts.

Shortly after the bombing, TV and radio newscasters speculated that
the terrorist act had the markings of a Middle Eastern perpetrator:

Washington-based journalist Steven Emerson allegedly said on a
national news program that the bombing "...was done with the intent of
inflicting as many casualties as possible. That is a Middle Eastern
trait. "

One day after the bombing, Bob Grant of the Bob Grant Show responded
to a caller who suggested that there was no evidence that the
terrorists were Muslim. Grant allegedly commented " the Oklahoma
case...the indications are that those people who did it were some
Muslim terrorists. But a skunk like you. ...What I'd like to do is put
you up against the wall with the rest of them, and mow you down along
with them. Execute you with them. Because you obviously have a great
hatred for America, otherwise you wouldn't talk the way you talk, you
imbecile. "

In their coverage of the bombing, the New York Times commented: "Some
Middle Eastern groups have held meetings there (Oklahoma), and the
city is home to at least three mosques." Mere presence of a conference
or mosque in the city was deemed to be suggestive of an involvement in
a mass murder.

Even after McVeigh was arrested and the government identified two
white males as perpetrators, CNN correspondent Wolf Blitzer insisted
that "there is still a possibility that there could have been some
sort of connection to Middle East terrorism. One law enforcement
source tells me that there's a possibility that they (the Caucasian
suspects) may have been contracted out as freelancers to go out and
rent this truck that was used in the bombing. "

A lot of people seemed to agree with this media speculation. Within
two days after the Oklahoma City bombing, there were hundreds of
recorded instances of harassment and hate crimes against Muslims,
Arabs, Iraqis, people who appeared to be Muslims, and Muslim
organizations and buildings. Two days after the explosion, Timothy
McVeigh was arrested. But the anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, and anti- Iraqi
attacks continued for weeks. 2 One Muslim woman miscarried after an

Local Muslims later asked to participate in a mass memorial service
led by the Governor. They were refused. However, Muslim delegations
from other areas of the country were allowed to attend. The service
was entirely Judeo-Christian in format. [Continue reading at]:

"The revulsion against war not too long hence will be an almost
insupportable obstacle for us to overcome. For that reason I am
convinced that we must begin now to set the machinery in motion for a
permanent war economy. " --Charles E. Wilson, president of General
Electric Corp, 1944.

General Electric, WE PROFIT FROM WAR, owns NBC, MSNBC, Comedy
Central, etc. and is alleged to be the largest exporter of Weapons of
Mass Destruction on the planet.

Truth be told, trading with the enemy is a time-honored American
corporate practice or perhaps "malpractice" would be a more
appropriate description of big-business ties to repressive regimes.

Given that Saddam Hussein, the pariah du jour, has often been
compared to Hitler, it's worth pointing out that several blue-chip
U.S. firms profited from extensive commercial dealings with Nazi

Shockingly, some American companies =96 including Standard Oil, Ford,
ITT, GM, and General Electric secretly kept trading with the Nazi
enemy while American soldiers fought and died during World War II.

Today General Electric is among the companies that are back in
business with Saddam Hussein, even as American jets and battleships
attack Iraq on a weekly basis using weapons made by G.E. But the
United Nations sanctions committee, dominated by U.S. officials, has
routinely blocked medicines and other essential items from being
delivered to Iraq through the oil-for-food program, claiming they have
a potential military "dual use." These sanctions have taken a terrible
toll on ordinary Iraqis, and on children in particular, while the
likes of Halliburton and G.E. continue to lubricate their coffers.
[Continue reading at]:

Why Israel does not like General Electric

General Electric Pleads Guilty In Defense Fraud Case
To: National Desk
Contact: U.S. Department of Justice, Press Office, 202-514-2007
CINCINNATI, July 22 /U.S. Newswire/ --

The Department of Justice today announced that the General Electric Co.
has pleaded guilty to charges of defrauding the federal government of
$26.5 million in the sale of military equipment to Israel.

The department said that General Electric at the same time had agreed
to pay $69 million in fines, penalties, and damages for committing the

United States Attorney D. Michael Crites of the Southern District of
Ohio said General Electric's guilty plea involved funds diverted from
the U.S.-financed F-16 jet engine program with the Israeli Air Force
from 1984 to 1990. [Continue Reading at]: [UPDATED]

If you still do not believe what you are reading, check this out:

Controlling the News - In-House Memos on Television News Presentations
[Continue Reading at]:


Satan's demons take on the image of God, similar to that done in Eden,
(How else do they gain control of earth?): II Corinthians, 11:14

Christians are to no longer execute sinners, so they should not wage
carnal war, but spiritual warfare John 18:36; 2 Corinthians 10:1-6;
Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Timothy 1:18-20; 6:11-14; 2 Timothy 2:3-5; 4:6-8

Christians must be peacemakers forgiving those who do them harm
treating their enemies with love and not seeking revenge Matthew 5:9,
Romans 14:19), (Ephesians 4:29-32; Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 6:9-15;
Mark 11:25-26), (Luke 6:27-36) (Romans 12:17-21; 1 Peter 3:8-12

Hatred which is the same as murder is unforgiving, vengeful and
hostile towards one's enemies 1 John 3:15


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Empire, War and Propaganda
By John Pilger
July 28, 2006
New Statesman

The National Museum of American History is part of the celebrated
Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Surrounded by mock
Graeco-Roman edifices with their soaring Corinthian columns, rampant
eagles and chiselled profundities, it is at the centre of Empire,
though the word itself is engraved nowhere. This is understandable, as
the likes of Hitler and Mussolini were proud imperialists, too: on a
"great mission to rid the world of evil", as President Bush has also

One of the museum's exhibitions is called "The Price of Freedom:
Americans at war". In the spirit of Santa's Magic Grotto, this travesty
of revisionism helps us understand how silence and omission are so
successfully deployed in free, media-saturated societies. The shuffling
lines of ordinary people, many of them children, are dispensed the
vainglorious message that America has always "built freedom and
democracy" - notably at Hiroshima and Nagasaki where the atomic bombing
saved "a million lives", and in Vietnam where America's crusaders were
"determined to stop communist expansion", and in Iraq where the same
true hearts "employed air strikes of unprecedented precision".

The words "invasion" and "controversial" make only fleeting
appearances; there is no hint that the "great mission" has overseen,
since 1945, the attempted overthrow of 50 governments, many of them
democracies, along with the crushing of popular movements struggling
against tyranny and the bombing of 30 countries, causing the loss of
countless lives. In central America, in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's
arming and training of gangster-armies saw off 300,000 people; in
Guatemala, this was described by the UN as genocide. No word of this is
uttered in the Grotto. Indeed, thanks to such displays, Americans can
venerate war, comforted by the crimes of others and knowing nothing
about their own.

In Santa's Grotto, there is no place for Howard Zinn's honest People's
History of the United States, or I F Stone's revelation of the truth of
what the museum calls "the forgotten war" in Korea, or Mark Twain's
definition of patriotism as the need to keep "multitudinous uniformed
assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people's
countries". Moreover, at the Price of Freedom Shop, you can buy US Army
Monopoly, and a "grateful nation blanket" for just $200. The
exhibition's corporate sponsors include Sears, Roebuck, the mammoth
retailer. The point is taken.

To understand the power of indoctrination in free societies is also to
understand the subversive power of the truth it suppresses. During the
Blair era in Britain, precocious revisionists of Empire have been
embraced by the pro-war media. Inspired by America's Messianic claims
of "victory" in the cold war, their pseudo-histories have sought not
only to hose down the blood slick of slavery, plunder, famine and
genocide that was British imperialism ("the Empire was an exemplary
force for good": Andrew Roberts) but also to rehabilitate Gladstonian
convictions of superiority and promote "the imposition of western
values", as Niall Ferguson puts it.

Ferguson relishes "values", an unctuous concept that covers both the
barbarism of the imperial past and today's ruthless, rigged "free"
market. The new code for race and class is "culture". Thus, the
enduring, piratical campaign by the rich and powerful against the poor
and weak, especially those with natural resources, has become a "clash
of civilisations". Since Francis Fukuyama wrote his drivel about "the
end of history" (since recanted), the task of the revisionists and
mainstream journalism has been to popularise the "new" imperialism, as
in Ferguson's War of the World series for Channel 4 and his frequent
soundbites on the BBC. In this way, the public is "softened up" for the
rapacious invasion of countries on false pretences, including a not
unlikely nuclear attack on Iran, and the ascent in Washington of an
executive dictatorship, as called for by Vice-President Cheney. So
imminent is the latter that a supine Congress will almost certainly
reverse the Supreme Court's recent decision to outlaw the Guantanamo
kangaroo courts. The judge who wrote the majority opinion - in a high
court Bush himself stacked - sounded his alarm through this seminal
quotation of James Madison: "The accumulation of all powers,
legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of
one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or
elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

The catastrophe in the Middle East is a product of such an imperial
tyranny. It is clearly a US-ordained operation, with the long-planned
assault on Gaza and the destruction of Lebanon pretexts for a wider
campaign with the goal of installing American puppets in Lebanon, Syria
and eventually Iran. "The pay-off time has come," wrote the Israeli
historian Ilan Pappe; "now the proxy should salvage the entangled

The attendant propaganda - the abuse of language and eternal hypocrisy
- has reached its nadir in recent weeks. An Israeli soldier belonging
to an invasion force was captured and held, legitimately, as a prisoner
of war. Reported as a "kidnapping", this set off yet more slaughter of
Palestinian civilians. The seizure of two Palestinian civilians two
days before the capture of the soldier was of no interest. Neither was
the incarceration of thousands of Palestinian hostages in Israeli
prisons, and the torture of many of them, as documented by Amnesty. The
kidnapped soldier story cancelled any serious inquiry into Israel's
plans to reinvade Gaza, from which it had staged a phoney withdrawal.
The fact and meaning of Hamas's self-imposed 16-month ceasefire were
lost in inanities about "recognising Israel", along with Israel's state
of terror in Gaza - the dropping of a 500lb bomb on a residential
block, the firing of as many as 9,000 heavy artillery shells into one
of the most densely populated places on earth and the nightly
terrorising with sonic booms.

"I want nobody to sleep at night in Gaza," declared the Israeli prime
minister, Ehud Olmert, as children went out of their minds. In their
defence, the Palestinians fired a cluster of Qassam missiles and killed
eight Israelis: enough to ensure Israel's victimhood on the BBC; even
Jeremy Bowen struck a shameful "balance", referring to "two
narratives". The historical equivalent is not far from that of the Nazi
bombardment and starvation of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto. Try to imagine
that described as "two narratives".

Watching this unfold in Washington - I am staying in a hotel taken over
by evangelical "Christians for Israel" apparently seeking rapture - I
have heard only the crudest colonial refrain and no truth. Hezbollah,
drone America's journalistic caricatures, is "armed and funded by Syria
and Iran", and so they beckon an attack on those countries, while
remaining silent about America's $3bn-a-day gift of planes and small
arms and bombs to a state whose international lawlessness is a
registered world record. There is never mention that, just as the rise
of Hamas was a response to the atrocities and humiliations the
Palestinians have suffered for half a century, so Hezbollah was formed
only as a defence against Ariel Sharon's murderous invasion of Lebanon
in 1982 which left 22,000 people dead. There is never mention that
Israel intervenes at will, illegally and brutally, in the remaining 22
per cent of historic Palestine, having demolished 11,000 homes and
walled off people from their farmlands, and families, and hospitals,
and schools. There is never mention that the threat to Israel's
existence is a canard, and the true enemy of its people is not the
Arabs, but Zionism and an imperial America that guarantees the Jewish
state as the antithesis of humane Judaism.

Government silence

The epic injustice done to the Palestinians is the heart of the matter.
While European governments (with the honourable exception of the Swiss)
have remained craven, it is only Hezbollah that has come to the
Palestinians' aid. How truly shaming. There is no media "narrative" of
the Palestinians' heroic stand during two uprisings, and with
slingshots and stones most of the time. Israel's murders of Rachel
Corrie and Tom Hurndall have left them utterly alone. Neither is the
silence of governments all that is shocking. On a major BBC programme,
Maureen Lipman, a Jew and promoter of selective good causes, is allowed
to say, without serious challenge, that "human life is not cheap to the
Israelis, and human life on the other side is quite cheap actually . .

Let Lipman see the children of Gaza laid out after an Israeli bombing
run, their parents petrified with grief. Let her watch as a young
Palestinian woman - and there have been many of them - screams in pain
as she gives birth in the back seat of a car at night at an Israeli
roadblock, having been wilfully refused right of passage to a hospital.
Then let Lipman watch the child's father carry his newborn across
freezing fields until it turns blue and dies.

I think Orwell got it right in this passage from Nineteen Eighty-Four,
a tale of the ultimate empire:

"And in the general hardening of outlook that set in . . . practices
which had been long abandoned - imprisonment without trial, the use of
war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract
confessions . . . and the deportation of whole populations - not only
became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who
considered themselves enlightened and progressive."

John Pilger's new book, "Freedom Next Time", is published by Bantam

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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) Copyright John Pilger, New Statesman, 2006

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Prepares Major Escalation of Lebanon Aggression
By Patrick Martin
July 28, 2006

World Socialist Web Site

The Israeli government issued orders Thursday to mobilize as many as
40,000 additional reserve soldiers in preparation for an escalation of
its war of aggression against Lebanon. The action was taken by the
security cabinet of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in response to mounting
demands from the military brass and the media for a full-scale invasion
of south Lebanon.

The large-scale reserve call-up is but one indication that Israel is
preparing a massive escalation of violence against the Lebanese
population. Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon gave an interview to
Israels Army Radio in which he said that the Israeli air force should
bomb Lebanese towns and villages before the ground forces enter in
order to cut Israeli casualties. Asked if this meant destroying
villages and their civilian population, he responded, These places are
not villages. They are military bases in which Hezbollah people are
hiding and from which they are operating.

Ramon hailed the outcome of the Rome conference of the major
imperialist powers and selected Arab countries, held Wednesday to
discuss the Lebanese crisis. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
blocked all efforts to pass a resolution calling for an immediate
ceasefire. Ramon interpreted this outcomequite correctlyas a green
light for further Israeli destruction of Lebanon.

We received yesterday at the Rome conference permission from the
world... to continue the operation, this war, until Hezbollah wont be
located in Lebanon and until it is disarmed, he declared.

The Israeli ruling elite has been shocked by the fierce resistance
which Hezbollah fighters have put up in towns like Bint Jbail and
Maroun el Ras, just across the border from Israel. Nine Israeli
soldiers were killed early Wednesday when they were sent into a
well-prepared trap in Bint Jbail.

As troops of the Golani Brigade entered the center of the town,
thinking that air strikes had reduced the resistance to a few dozen
men, hundreds of Hezbollah fighters opened fire on them from all sides.
It was an hour before the Israeli troops could even mount serious
return fire, and the town remains contested despite incessant air and
artillery pounding.

The setback at Bint Jbail triggered a firestorm of media criticism of
the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and the Olmert government. Newspapers
from the liberal Haaretz to the more conservative Yediot Aharonot
blasted the military tactics as inept, demanded a commitment of tens of
thousands of troops, and warned that failure to inflict a highly
visible military defeat on Hezbollah would represent an enormous
political, psychological and strategic blow to the Israeli state.

In the daily newspaper Maariv, Amir Rappaport criticized the enormous
gap between the military challenge posed by Hezbollah, a shadowy
guerrilla organization equipped with the best Iranian and Syrian
weaponry, and the relatively smaller number of troops that took part in
the incursion.

In Yediot Aharonot, military correspondent Alex Fishman declared, The
public does not quite understand the ground offensive and has the
feeling that something about this machine is not workingthat it is too
slow, too limited, too many accidents, that it should look different.

The long-time military affairs commentator for Haaretz, Zeev Schiff,
declared that Hezbollah must be destroyed at any price, warning, If
Hezbollah does not experience defeat in this war, this will spell the
end of Israeli deterrence against its enemies. He expressed particular
concern that failure to destroy Hezbollah would inspire a new wave of
resistance from the Palestinian population of the West Bank, making the
territory uncontrollable.

The security cabinets order to mobilize three reserve divisions was
accompanied by assurances from Olmert that his government had decided
not to carry out a full-scale invasion of Lebanon or press beyond the
border area in which ground operations have been confined. But as the
Associated Press noted, the large size of the mobilizationone
division has 12,000 to 15,000 soldiersraised questions about
officials insistence that they were not contemplating a wider

Defense Minister Amir Peretz boasted that the campaign of bombing and
border incursions had already inflicted a strategic defeat on
Hezbollah, and he declared that the purpose of the offensive was
changing the reality on the northern border. But despite this claim,
Hezbollah was able to launch over 150 rockets in the 24 hours ending
Thursday night, Israeli time, the heaviest bombardment of the
two-week-long war. Rockets hit Kiryat Shmona, Haifa, Safed, Carmiel,
Maalot and Shlomi, among other cities and towns.

A Likud member of the Knesset who heads a defense preparedness
committee, Yuval Steinitz, called for a far more aggressive prosecution
of the war both in the air and on the ground. Steinitz revealed that
secret committee hearings had debated the IDF plans for an air war
against Hezbollah two years ago. This underscores that despite the
media campaign to paint Israeli as the innocent victim of terrorism,
the war of aggression against Lebanon has been in preparation for a
long time, awaiting only a suitable pretext.

While invariably described in the American and Israeli media as
terrorists, Hezbollah has performed as a well-trained military force
in the first two weeks of war. Its fighters should be called what they
are: Arab soldiers fighting courageously for their people and their
land against an invading army which has enormous superiority in
firepower and numbers, and uncontested control of the air.

The saturation bombing of Lebanon continues, with one report estimating
that more than 2,000 Israeli air strikes have been conducted since the
July 12, each strike delivering anywhere from one to four tons of
explosives in the form of bombs and missiles. In addition, there has
been constant shelling of border towns and villages that are within the
range of Israeli artillery, as well as shelling of coastal areas by
Israeli gunboats.

The cumulative bomb tonnage dropped on Lebanon has probably already
exceed the destructive power of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
(the equivalent of 10,000 tons of TNT), and will soon approach that of
Hiroshima (20,000 tons). This is a criminal devastation of a largely
defenseless country.

The Lebanese health minister said Thursday that at least 600 civilians
have been killed in the bombing, including as many as 200 still buried
in the rubble of destroyed buildings. Each day brings new reports of
atrocities committed by Israeli Air Force: the targeting of ambulances,
cars driven by refugees clearly marked with white flags, trucks
bringing medical supplies, food and water to the hundreds of thousands
trapped in the war zone.

The monitoring group Human Rights Watch charged that Israel used
cluster bombs on the Lebanese village of Blida July 19, killing one
woman and wounding 12 more civilians, seven of them children. Major
General Beni Gantz, the Israeli commander in the area, admitted that
the IDF has employed cluster bombs as part of the arsenal of weapons
unleashed on Lebanon, although he claimed, We try to minimize their

Perhaps the most flagrant war crime was the deliberate destruction of
an outpost of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on
Tuesday, killing four unarmed observers from China, Canada, Austria and

UN officials have provided new details of the doomed effort to persuade
the Israeli Defense Forces not to target the outpost and murder the
four observers. Jane Holl Lute, assistant secretary general for
peacekeeping operations, told a Wednesday session of the Security
Council that UN officials in both New York and Lebanon made repeated
calls to the Israeli UN mission and the IDF command after bombs and
missiles began to strike the outpost at Khiam in southern Lebanon.

Among those making the calls were Lute herself, deputy secretary
general Mark Malloch Brown, Khaled Mansour, a UN spokesman in Lebanon,
and Major General Alain Pellegrini, commander of UNIFIL. Lt. Col. John
Molloy, the senior Irish officer in the UN observer force in south
Lebanon, reported making six calls to his Israeli counterparts before
the strike on the post, according to an Irish defense ministry
spokeswoman. He warned the Israelis that they were shelling in very
close proximity to the post, and his warnings were very specific,
explicit, detailed and stark. Obviously those warnings went unheeded,
the spokeswoman said.

A total of 21 strikes were made on the Khiam post, 11 of them air
strikesin which the pilots would have had a clear view of the UN flag
and insigniaand at least six artillery strikes. Lute noted that the UN
post was well known and clearly marked and said there had been no
Hezbollah activity near it. The post has been used by UNIFIL for

When a UNIFIL force consisting of soldiers from India went to relieve
the outpost, eventually recovering the bodies of the slain observers,
Israeli forces continued firing on the position.

This war crime has two clear purposes, one tactical, the other
political. The IDF wanted no UN scrutiny of its cross-border ground
operations, which went into high gear shortly after the UN observers
were killed. More broadly, the Israeli regime is sending a message to
any country which might contribute troops to a future peacekeeping
force in the region: the IDF will brook no opposition to whatever
methods it chooses to employ against the Lebanese people or anyone else
it targets.

The Bush administration intervened in the UN Security Council
deliberations, as it did at the Rome conference, to block any criticism
of Israel. The Security Council adopted a resolution declaring itself
deeply shocked and distressed by the attacks on UN peacekeepers, but
any stronger language was abandoned after the US ambassador, John
Bolton, threatened a veto.

Bolton cited Israeli assurances that the killings were an operational
mistake and said that he had seen no evidence to the contrary. He
refused to permit language directly condemning the killing of United
Nations personnel in a resolution adopted by the UNs highest body.
Even a general statement which made no reference to the Khiam atrocity
or to Israelthe Security Council condemns any deliberate attack
against UN personnelwas blocked. Bolton also insisted that the
resolution should not call for a UN investigation of the killing, but
instead call on Israel to investigate itself.

One only has to contrast this despicable cover-up to the response from
the Bush administration and the US media to the August 2003 bombing of
the UN offices in Baghdad, in which the top UN official in Iraq, Sergio
Vieira de Mello, was killed. The targeting of the United Nations, the
US government declared, proved that the bombers were the enemies of all
humanity. There is no such conclusion drawn after an equally deliberate
strike on a UN facility by the state of Israel.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Patrick Martin, World Socialist Web Site, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Judy Cunningham <>
Date: July 29, 2006 6:18:02 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] "Freedom to Fascism" movie great!! Go see
it!! New Expossee' & call to action!!

The movie, "Freedom to fascism" was great!!! It had some new exposure
of criminal actions by the corrupt Bush regime, against the people of
the U.S. and the world, and new calls for action by the people. Bus
loads of people from Pennsylvania and other states showed up for the
movie, as it is only showing in 4 theaters around the country, Chicago,
NY City, Austen TX & Seatle.

The movie showed that there is no law requiring payment of income
tax, but people are convicted and sent to jail if they do not pay. It
showed that tax on wages or labor is illegal according to the U.S.
Constitution, and IRS officers and judges only use double talk or
evasion, when faced with the question, or legal cases. Also, it showed
judges saying such things, as courts have nothing to do with the law,
or that they can do what ever they want.

The movie, also, showed that the Patriot Act gives the President
totalitarian power, which he has been using, secretively, not published
by the media. Executive orders have been implemented that give the
power to seize bank accounts with no notice or reason (mine already has
been). Citizens no longer have the right to a trial, or charges or
notice,etc., formally signed into specific law by an executive order.
Many more police state laws, have been implemented that make the U.S.
the worst totalitarian regime in the history of the world.

The movie calls for revolution and action, in the forms of civil
disobedience, but if we are utilizing our Constitutional rights, and
refuse to accept the executive orders, is that really civil
disobedience??? --Anyway, it calls for non-compliance with all unjust
laws, and to think about justice, and not partys or other divisions
among the people.
GO SEE THE MOVIE. I believe that it is only playing until Sunday. It
is not out on DVD.

drjudyforjustice, Judy Cunningham, RN,BSN,BA,MS


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The Lies Israel
Tells Itself (and That We Tell on Its Behalf)
When journalists use the word "apparently, or
another favourite reportedly"...

by Jonathan Cook
July 28, 2006

When journalists use the word "apparently, or another favourite
reportedly, they are usually distancing themselves from an event or
an interpretation in the supposed interests of balance. But I think we
should read the apparently contained in a statement from the head of
the United Nations, Kofi Annan, relating to the killing this week of
four unarmed UN monitors by the Israeli army in its other sense.

When Annan says that those four deaths were apparently deliberate, I
take him to mean that the evidence shows that the killings were
deliberate. And who can disagree with him? At least 10 phone calls were
made to Israeli commanders over a period of six hours warning that
artillery and aerial bombardments were either dangerously close to or
hitting the monitors building.

The UN post, in Khaim just inside south Lebanon, was clearly marked and
well-known to the army, but nonetheless it was hit directly four times
in the last hour before an Israeli helicopter fired a precision-guided
missile that tore through the roof of an underground shelter, killing
the monitors inside. A UN convoy that arrived too late to rescue the
peacekeepers was also fired on. From the evidence, it does not get much
more deliberate than that.

The problem, however, is that Western leaders, diplomats and the media
take the apparently in its first sense -- as a way to avoid holding
Israel to account for its actions. For apparently deliberate, read
almost certainly accidental. That was why the best the UN Security
Council could manage after a day and a half of deliberation was a
weasly statement of shock and distress at the killings, as though
they were an act of God.

Our media are no less responsible for this evasiveness. They make sure
we -- the publics of the West -- never countenance the thought that a
society like our own, one we are always being reminded is a democracy,
could sink to the depths of inhumanity required to murder unarmed
peacekeepers. Who can be taken seriously challenging the Israeli
foreign minister Tzipi Livnis assertion that There will never be an
[Israeli] army commander that will intentionally aim at civilians or UN
soldiers [sic]?

Even the minority in the West who have started to fear that Israel is
apparently slaughtering civilians across Lebanon or that it is
apparently intending to make refugees of a million Lebanese must
presumably shrink from the idea that Israel is also capable of killing
unarmed UN monitors.

After all, our media insinuate, the two cases are not comparable.

There may be good reasons why Lebanese civilians need to suffer. Lets
not forget that they belong to a people (or is it a race or, maybe, a
religion?) that gave birth to Hizbullah. We can cast aside our
concerns for the moment and take it on trust that Israel has cause to
kill the Lebanese or make them homeless. Doubtless the justifications
will emerge later, when we have lost interest in the Lebanon crisis.
We may never hear what those reasons were, but who can doubt that they

The apparent murder of four UN monitors, however, is a deeper
challenge to our faith in our moral superiority, which is why that
apparently is held on to as desperately as a talisman. No civilised
country could kill peacekeepers, especially ones drawn from our own
societies, from Canada, Finland and Austria? That is the moral
separation line that divides us from the terrorists. Were that line to
be erased, we would be no different from those whom we must fight.

An iconic image of this war that our media have managed to expunge from
the official record but which keeps popping up in email inboxes like a
guilty secret is of young Israeli girls, lipsticked and nailpolished as
if on their way to a party, drawing messages of death and hatred on the
sides of the missiles about to be loaded on to army trucks and tanks.
In one, an out-of-focus soldier stands on a tank paternally watching
over the girls as they address another death threat to Hizbullahs
leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Is this the truer face of Israeli society, even if it is the one we are
never shown and refuse to believe in. And are we in the West hurtling
down the same path?

Driving through the Jewish city of Upper Nazareth this week, I realised
how inured I am becoming to this triumphal militarism -- and the racism
that feeds it. Nothing surprising about the posters of We will win on
every hoarding. But it takes me more than a few seconds to notice that
the Magen David ambulance in front of me is flying a little national
flag, the blue Star of David, from its window. I have heard that
American fire engines flew US flags after 9/11, but this somehow seems
worse. How is it possible for an ambulance, the embodiment of our
neutral, civilised, universal, Western, humanitarian values, to fly a
national flag, I think to myself? And does it make a difference that
only a few months ago Magen David joined the International Committee of
the Red Cross?

Only slowly do my thoughts grow more disturbed: how many hospital
adminstrators, doctors and nurses have seen that ambulance arrive at
their emergency departments and thought nothing of it? And is that the
only Israeli ambulance flying the flag, or are many others doing the
same? Later the BBC TV news answers my question. I see two ambulances
with the same flags going to the front line to collect casualties. Will
others soon cross over the border into southern Lebanon, after it is
secured, and will no one mention those little flags fluttering from
the window?

A psychologist tells me how upset she is about a meeting she attended a
few days ago of the northern coordinating committee of her profession.
They were discussing how best to treat the shock and trauma suffered by
Israeli children under the bombardment from Hizbullah. The meeting
concluded with an agreement that the psychologists would reassure the
children with the statement: The army is there to protect us.

And so, the seeds of fascism are unthinkingly sown for another
generation of children, children like our own.

No one agreed with my friend when she dissented, arguing that this was
not the message to be telling impressionable minds, and that violence
against the Other is not a panacea for our problems. Parents, not
soldiers, are responsible for protecting their children, she pointed
out. Tanks, planes and guns bring only fear and more hatred, hatred
that will one day return to haunt us.

The slow, gentle indoctrination continues day in, day out, reinforcing
the idea among Israels Jewish population that the army can do no wrong
and that it needs no oversight, not even from politicians (most of whom
are former generals anyway, or like the prime minister Ehud Olmert too
frightened to stand up to the chiefs of staff if they wanted to). We
will win. How do we know we will win? Because the army is there to
protect us. Add into the mix that faceless Arab enemy, those
sub-beings, and you have a recipe for fascism -- even if it is of the
democratically elected variety.

The Israeli media, of course, are the key to providing the second half
of that equation -- or rather not providing it. You can sit watching
the main Israeli channels all day, flicking between channels 1, 2 and
10, and not see a Lebanese face, apart from that of Hassan Nasrallah,
the new Hitler. I dont mean the charred faces of corpses, or the
bandaged babies, or the amputees lying in hospital beds. I mean any
Lebanese faces. Just as you almost never see a Palestinian face on
Israeli TV unless they are the mob, disfigured with hatred as they hold
aloft another martyr on his way to burial.

Lebanon only swings in to view on Israeli television through the black
and white footage of an aerial gun sight, or through the long shot of a
distant urban landscape seconds before it is pulverised by a dropped
bomb. The buildings crumble, flames shoot up, clouds of dust billow
into the air. Another shot of arcade-game adrenalin.

The humanitarian stories exist but they do not concern Lebanon. Animal
welfare societies plead on behalf of the dogs and cats left alone to
face the rocket fire on deserted Kiryat Shemona, just as they did
before for foxes and deer when Israel began building its mammoth walls
of concrete and steel across their migration routes in the West Bank,
walls that are also imprisoning, unseen, hundreds of thousands of

The rest of the coverage is dedicated to Israeli army spokespeople,
including the national heartthrob Miri Regev, and media commentators
and analysts. Who are these people? They are from the same pool of
former military intelligence and security service officers who once did
this job in the closed rooms of army HQ but now wallow in the
limelight. One favoured pundit is even subtitled Expert on
psychological warfare against Hassan Nasrallah.

And who are the presenters and anchors who interview them? The other
day an ageing expert on Apache helicopters interrupted his interviewer
irritatedly to tell him his question was stupid. We were in the army
together and both know the answer. Dont play dumb? It was a rare
reminder that these anchors too are just soldiers in suits. One of the
most popular, Ehud Yaari of Channel 2, barely conceals his military
credentials as he condones yet more violence against the Lebanese or,
if he can be deflected for a moment, the people of Gaza.

That is what comes of having a citizen army, where teenagers learn to
use a gun before they can drive and men do reserve duty until their
late 40s. It means every male teacher, professor, psychologist and
journalist thinks as a soldier because that is what he has been for
most of his life.

Israel is not unique, far from it, though it is in a darker place, and
has been for some time, than we in the West can fully appreciate. It
is a mirror of what our own societies are capable of, despite our
democratic values. It shows how a cult of victimhood makes one
heartless and cruel, and how racism can be repackaged as civilised

Maybe those UN monitors, with their lookout post above the battlefield
where Israel wants to use any means it can to destroy Hizbullah and
Lebanese civilians who get in the way, had to be removed simply because
they are a nuisance, a restraint when Israel needs to get on with the
job of asserting our values. Maybe Israel does not want the scrutiny
of peacekeepers as it fights our war on terror for us. Maybe it feared
that the monitors reports might help to give back to the Lebanese,
even to Hizbullah, their faces, their history, their suffering.

And, if we are honest, Israel is not alone. How many of us want the
Arabs to remain faceless so we can keep believing we are the victims of
a new ideology that wants only our evisceration, just as the Red
Indians once supposedly wanted our scalps? How many many of us believe
that our values demand that we fall in behind a new world order in
which Arab deaths are not real deaths because they are not fully

And how many of us believe that deliberate barbarity, at least when we
do it, is only apparently a crime against humanity?

Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His
book Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic
State is published by Pluto Press. His website is

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Jonathan Cook,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 28, 2006 11:34:22 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Is Bush Trying To Dodge the Gallows?

Is Bush Trying To Dodge the Gallows?
By Dave Lindorff

Could George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and maybe Alberto
Gonzales all end up sucking poison gas?

That, apparently, is a concern now being taken seriously by Attorney
General Gonzales, who is quietly working with senior White House
officials and friendly members of Congress to do what murderous
dictators in Chile, Argentina and other bloodthirsty regimes have done
as their future in office began to look uncertain: pass laws exempting
them from prosecution for murder.

At issue is a growing legal threat of the president and other top
administration officials facing prosecution for violations of the U.S.
War Crimes statutes, which since 1996 have made violation of Geneva
Conventions adopted by the U.S. violations of American law, too.

Gonzales knows the seriousness of this threat. As he warned the
president, in a January, 25, 2002 "Memorandum to the President"
(published in full in the appendix of Barbara Olshansky's and my new
book, The Case for Impeachment), "It is difficult to predict the
motives of prosecutors and independent counsels who may in the future
decide to pursue unwarranted charges based on Section [the US War
Crimes law]." In another part of that same memo, Gonzales notes that
the statute "prohibits the commission of a `war crime'" by any U.S.
official, with a war crime being defined as "any grave breach of" the
Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War or of the Geneva
Convention's Article 3. That article extends protection to combatants
in other than official wars or formal armies. Gonzales, in that memo,
also pointedly notes that the punishments for such violations, under
U.S. law, in the event that mistreated captives die in custody,
"include the death penalty."

What has the White House, and Bush's mob attorney, Gonzales, worried is
the decision last month by the U.S. Supreme Court in Hamden v.
Rumsfeld, which expressly established that the president has "violated"
the Geneva Convention's Article 3 by arbitrarily deciding that captives
in the so-called War on Terror and in Afghanistan, and held in
Guantanamo, would not be considered POWs, and would not be accorded
protection from torture or access to the courts as required under the
Geneva Convention. This determination by a 5-3 majority of the US
Supreme Court could easily provide the basis for the very "unwarranted"
prosecution Gonzales warned about.

Of course, the president could not be indicted for this offense while
in office. The Constitution provides a protection against that. But he
could be indicted once his term ends. Meanwhile, other administration
personnel, including the vice president, have no such protection
against indictment even while in office.

The very fact that Gonzales, according to a report in today's
Washington Post, has been "quietly approaching" Republican members of
Congress about passing legislation exempting Americans involved in the
"terrorism fight" from war crimes prosecution suggests how worried Bush
and his subordinates really are.

It's interesting how this has become the tactic of choice for the
criminals in the White House. When Bush was caught violating the clear
provisions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by authorizing
spying by the National Security Agency on Americans' communications
without a warrant, the administration went to Congress to seek
legislation retroactively authorizing the crime. Since the president
was exposed as having summarily and unconstitutionally invalidated some
800 laws passed by Congress through the use of what he calls "signing
statements," an astonishing breach of the separation of powers, the
administration has been seeking a new law in Congress that would in
effect grant that power to presidents, again retroactively. Now Bush is
apparently hoping to get the same compliant Republican-led House and
Senate to backdate a law exempting him and his cohorts from punishment
under the War Crimes statute--a law, ironically, passed almost without
objection by both houses of a Republican-led Congress in 1996.

Of course, this attempt at a legal dodge might not work. Not only could
a future prosecutor seek to have such a law ruled illegal itself (after
all, the U.S. is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions, making them
legally binding anyhow), but because the U.S. is a signatory of the
Geneva Conventions prohibiting torture in any form, the president and
his subordinates could also be charged as war criminals by other
nations--particularly if it were determined that the U.S. was unwilling
or legally unable to prosecute.

That could make things a little claustrophobic for administration
personnel once they leave office.

No doubt Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et all would like to continue their
world travels once they leave government "service." For one thing,
there's lots of money to be made on the international speaking circuit.
Lots more can be made by doing international business consulting. But
if there were a threat of arrest and prosecution by prosecutors in
countries like Spain, Germany or Canada, such travels would pose a huge
risk. Similar fears have kept former National Security Director and
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pretty much housebound since a near
detention in Paris on war crimes charges a few years back.

Gonzales' anxious behind-the-scenes scuttling about in the halls of
Congress in an effort to save his boss's neck also suggests that the
White House is getting anxious about the November election. After all,
if they thought they had a secure grip on Congress through November
2008, why the sudden rush to get a bill through undermining the War
Crimes statute now? Maybe Bush is afraid that if he waits until
November, he'll be dealing with a Democratic House and/or Senate, which
would be unlikely to grant him such legal protection.

There is a delicious irony in watching this law-and-order, let-'em-fry
president and his tough-guy VP, attorney general and defense secretary,
resorting to the same kind of dodgy legal tactics that they accuse
convicted killers (and terrorists) of using in an attempt to avoid the

Chances are their strategy will work, at least in the U.S. But at least
it's entertaining to watch.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Jul 31, 2006, 2:18:09 PM7/31/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

July 31, 2006

From: John Leonard <>
Date: July 31, 2006 2:50:11 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] for PRWEB: Rx for War: Full-strength "911
Truth" Panel on C-SPAN, Tues. 6-8 pm -EDT; "Pass it On, Call it In!"

Press Release

Rx for War: Full-strength "911 Truth" Panel on
C-SPAN, Tues. 6-8 pm -EDT; "Pass it On, Call it In!"

Experts insist 9/11 an inside coup by US war party; ask citizens to
promote CSPAN panel on talk radio; warn of WWIII, martial law, unless
we learn to recognize fake terror

Washington, DC, July 31, 2006 (PRWEB)
"A grand slam," panelist Webster Tarpley calls the surprise fourth
showing of the landmark Los Angeles American Scholars Symposium on
"9/11 and the Neo-Con Agenda." CSPAN will broadcast it again on
Tuesday, August 1 at 6:10 PM Eastern Time on Cable TV.

Currently the show may also be viewed online from the "Recent shows"
archive, or live via the CSPAN1 "Live Stream" link on Tuesday, at . It is also on google video,

Tarpley called on all who wish to protect their families from the
threat of thermonuclear war to mobilize and organize a huge audience
for this show via radio and television call-in talk shows, by blast
emails, by direct personal contact alerts, by public signs, leaflets,

The CSPAN panel is seen as a rare break in a monolithic media fagade
supporting the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. Talk radio is
dominated by right-wing cheerleaders for foreign wars and leftist
"gatekeepers" who censor out any doubts about the 9/11 myth, says
Tarpley, but you can still get on the air long enough to telegraph a
quick message to other prisoners.

He thinks these rare breaks may be a sign that "a faction of the
ruling class may actually desire to turn back from the catastrophic
abyss of thermonuclear World War III -- let us exploit this opportunity
with all our energy. The official 9/11 Big Lie is collapsing around the
ears of Bush, Cheney, the neo-cons, and the invisibles who run them."

Tarpley suggests turning the AM dial to find call-in talk shows,
listening a few minutes to find an angle to present your question, and
then calling in and waiting until you get on. Any time is good, but
drive time on the major talk stations is best. "Have you thought about
the fact that the 911 myth has been completely destroyed on CSPAN this
weekend? And its showing again now?"

It's easy, anyone can do it, but here are some websites with advice
about call ins. , good tips and
four national 800 numbers. good list of tips,
links to major outlets

Webster Tarpley is the author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the
USA. It's the only book on 9/11 that is "inside job from A to Z," with
the structure of the criminal network, the methods of false flag
terror, and the urgent insight that "9/11 truth" is our only chance to
stop more wars. He told the panel, "The 9/11 myth is the premise and
the root of the Afghanistan war, and the Iraq war Washington is
gripped by a war psychosis. Preparations are virtually complete for the
nuclear attack on Iran, based on absolutely nothing... Foreign Affairs,
in the March-April issue, talking about a first strike against the
thermonuclear forces of Russia and/or China paths leading to the
incineration of this planet, presided over by the neocon fascist
madmen, the Strangeloves The Cheney doctrine calls for a nuclear
attack on Iran, in the wake of a new fake 9/11, or a new fake Gulf of

His publisher, John Leonard of Progressive Press, , agrees it is all about war and peace. "9/11
truth is too important for the 9/11 truth movement. We need to get on
the same page with the peace movement. Without knowledge of the tricks
of synthetic terror, they are not getting any traction. And without a
sense for geopolitical intrigues, '9/11 truth' becomes a side-show.
What if we prove the WTC was a controlled demolition, and they start
WWIII just by escalating the Middle East crisis?"

He gives an example of the tricks used: the Israeli soldiers captured
by Hezbollah. "Not only a thin pretext for the bombardment of Lebanon
-- but the soldiers were captured after they had crossed into Lebanon,
driving a tank!"

That's the same type of provocation as the Mexican War of 1846, when,
as Tarpley writes in 9/11 Synthetic Terror, a freshman congressman
named Lincoln dared to ask,

On what side of the Rio Grande was this gunfight with the Mexicans?

6:10 PM EDT, 5:10 PM CDT, 4:10 PM MDT, 3:10 PM PDT
1:50 (est.) Forum. Panelists:
Alex Jones, film-maker
Lt. Col. Bob Bowman, ret., Director of Star Wars under Carter and Ford.
Dr. Steven Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University,
working on proof the WTC was demolished with the aid of thermite.
Prof. James H. Fetzer, Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Webster G. Tarpley, intelligence expert, author of 9/11 Synthetic
Terror: Made in USA.


Schedule date: Tuesday, August 1, 2006

06:10 PM EDT

1:50 (est.)
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Alex Jones Productions

Alex Jones
James H. Fetzer , Scholars for 9/11 Truth


For those outside the US or otherwise not able to access C-SPAN via
cable television, the program appears also to be obtainable through the
C-SPAN website archive.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of watch2.gif]
Theories about 9-11 (American Perspectives) (7/29/2006)

As shown above, the broadcast can also be obtained directly from Alex
Jones via and


From: "Bill Douglas" <>
Date: July 31, 2006 2:42:03 AM EST


This will take you all of 2 or 3 minutes to accomplish and MAY CHANGE
THE WORLD!! (Below find a message to send the UN members, and their

As you may know, Chavez of Venezuela is talking to other leaders about
forming a global 9/11 truth investigation. C-SPAN is airing the "9/11
Inside Job" 2 hour program AGAIN TOMORROW, Aug. 1st, for the 4th time.
message to them, and B) forward this entire email action on to all your
contacts, urging them to do the same. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE C-SPAN'S


C-SPAN TOMORROW, Aug 1st, 6:10 EDT - 9/11 INSIDE JOB !! Media MUST

It is incumbent upon ALL United Nations members to watch this program,
and to investigate the evidence analyzed at BYU Physics Dept. proving
9/11 was an inside job, by way of the controlled demolition of the 3
WTCs. Thermate/Sulfer traces on WTC debris.

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and other leaders are discussing launching a
global International Tribunal to Investigate 9/11. PLEASE JOIN THEM !!

This HISTORIC telecast can be seen worldwide over the internet as a
video stream over the internet at

C-SPAN at *06:10 PM EDT*

1:50 (est.) Forum
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Alex Jones Productions

Alex Jones, rtd. Air Force Lt. Colonel Dr. Robert Bowman, BYU Physics
professor Dr. Steven Jones, James H. Fetzer , Scholars for 9/11 Truth

At below link, click on the:
American Perspectives: Sept. 11, V.P. Cheney, & Congress (07/29/2006)
to watch this C-SPAN coverage. If there is a problem watching it from
the C-SPAN site, another link is below of video coverage of the same


ALSO, if you've yet to see the "LOOSE CHANGE" DOCUMENTARY - which is
covered in a four-page article in "VANITY FAIR MAGAZINE"s AUGUST 2006

View the FREE ONLINE VIDEO DOCUMENTARY that raises many important
issues regarding 9/11, by visiting:



UNITED NATIONS MISSIONS OF ENTIRE WORLD:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


NOTE: I've had to omit the photos here--but hope you can visit the
site. -- kl, pp

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The Second Qana Massacre:
Photographic Evidence of Israeli Crimes
against Humanity
55 Civilians in a UN shelter
Massacred--Including 27 Children

July 30, 2006

Global Research Editorial Note

On the 30th of July 2006, a massacre was perpetrated at the village of
Qana in southern Lebanon. The victims had taken refuge at a United
Nations shelter, which suggests that the UNIFIL facility was the object
of a specific IAF attack.

Ten years ago, on April 18, 1996, at the same village in Southern
Lebanon, the Israeli Air force bombed and killed 106 Lebanese
civilians who had taken refuge in a UN shelter inside the UNIFIL

The July 2006 attack on the Qana UN shelter replicates with meticulous
accuracy the April 1996 IAF operation, entitled as "The Grapes of

The Badil Resource Center published the following report on the 1996
Qana Massacre, which was the object of a UN investigation.

The initial report concluded that the shelling of the shelter inside
the UNIFIL compound by Israel was deliberate. "When former UN Secretary
General Boutros Ghali wanted to publish the report, he was threatened
that this would cost him his job and forced to publish a revised

Photographic evidence of the Qana I is provided below by from

The 1996 UN Investigation into Israel's War Crime at Qana, South
Lebanon (excerpt of Badil Report)

"On 18 April 1996, during a massive Israeli military offensive on
Lebanon code-named "Operation Grapes of Wrath," approximately 800
civilians were sheltering in a United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon
(UNIFIL) base in the village of Qana, South Lebanon. They had assumed -
incorrectly - that since international law strictly prohibits the
targeting of civilian structures and UN facilities they would be safe
under UNIFIL's protection. Just after 2 PM on April 18, a barrage of
proximity-fuse shells crashed directly into the pre-fabricated
building. Minutes later 106 people lay dead, many burned and
dismembered beyond recognition.

On 25 April 1996 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution (UNGA
Res. A/RES/50/22 C) characterizing Israel's actions in the "Grapes of
Wrath" offensive as "grave violations of international laws relating to
the protection of civilians during war." Then UN Secretary General
Boutros Boutros Ghali appointed a team to investigate Israel's bombing
of the UNIFIL compound. The team was composed of military experts and
headed by the Dutch General Franklin Van Kappen. It conducted an
official on-site investigation of the Qana incident, interviewed all
available witnesses, including UNIFIL staff and Israeli officials, and
obtained maps and ballistic evidence. According to experts familiar
with this UN investigation, the initial report concluded that the
shelling and killing of 106 civilians inside the UNIFIL compound by
Israel was deliberate and that there was no possibility of an accident.
When former UN Secretary General Boutros Ghali wanted to publish the
report, he was threatened that this would cost him his job and forced
to publish a revised report. This report concluded that "while the
possibility cannot be ruled out completely, it is unlikely that the
shelling of the UNIFIL compound was the result of gross technical
and/or procedural error." The Van Knappen report also indicated that
IDF officials of "some seniority" were involved in orders to fire upon
the base, which they knew was sheltering hundreds of civilians.
International human rights organizations also conducted investigations
and concluded that the shelling of the UNIFIL compound was most likely
deliberate, not mistaken.

The United States and Israel vigorously contended that the attack had
been an unfortunate mistake. No further action was taken by the United
Nations. Moreover, the United Nations has yet to act upon a petition
filed by families of the victims of Qana with the UN Human Rights
Commission. The families' petition requests the UN to re-open its

(Badil Resource Center,

Will the Qana II massacre, which was also the result of an IAF attack
on a UN facility, at the same location, be the object of a war crimes
investigation? The underlying pattern cynically replicates the 1996
"Grapes of Wrath Operation".

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 30 July 2006


Qana Massacre II
30 July 2006
55 Civilians massacred including 27 children in a shelter (Early

Qana is the place where, according to the Fourth Gospel, Jesus
performed his first miracle, the turning of a large quantity of water
into wine at a wedding feast (John 2:1-11)

Qana Massacre I
18 April, 1996
The Israeli Air force bombed and killed 106 Lebanese civilians (almost
all either women, children or old men) who had taken refuge in a UN
shelter in the village of QANA. A further 110 civilians were injured

To the FREE PEOPLE of the World:
Lebanese Civilians (Christians, Muslims, Druzes & Jews)
PRESSURE your government to stop this GENOCIDE!

Please take a moment and sign the Save the Lebanese Civilians

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

To become a Member of Global Research

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
the original CRG article must be indicated. The author's copyright note
must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
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has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We
are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
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request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright ,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: ufka <>
Date: July 31, 2006 9:25:42 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Cyberwar : the beginning

Cyberwar: The Beginning
Written by Marcelo Dos Santos de Almeida
Friday, 28 July 2006

The war in Lebanon is now showing its consequences in the digital world
and a huge number of websites has been attacked and defaced as a
protest against the invasion of Lebanon by Israel.

Today two NASA websites were attacked as well. The intrusion was
carried out by the Chilean group of crackers known as Byond Hackers
Crew through a leak in the SQL Injection they entered the system and
subtracted user names, passwords and e-mails from the NASA web server.

After this information had been stolen, they managed to enter the
administrative area by using an administrator user ID and password ,
and finally they made the defacement replacing the homepage with their

This group goes with the others that in last days carried out attacks
against governmental and commercial websites both from America and
Israel, whereas other blackhat groups attacked Israeli websites
provoking a denial of service (DDoS) of that particular webpage.

The messages conveyed by all these defacements focus on the idea that,
according to the attackers, the search of terrorist is just a pretext
for the war on the south of Lebanon, that actually killed a lot of
innocent people .

The list of the websites that have been defaced this week follows,
including NASA , Berkeley University, Microsoft and U.S Government web

byond hackers team
byond hackers team
Soot Hackers
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Assassinating the

By Mike Whitney
July 30, 2006
Palestine Chronicle

Israeli intelligence seriously misjudged Hezbollahs military
capabilities and the dedication of its fighters to execute complex and
daring operations.

People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows,
they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget
injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the
terrorism of mighty powers. They not only dont forget; they also
strike back. -- Harold Pinter, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech

On the 17th day of Israels military offensive, Prime Minister Olmert
is no closer to achieving any of his objectives than he was on Day 1.
Olmert originally promised that he would disarm Hezbollah and create
a buffer-zone from Israels northern border to the Litani River. He has
accomplished neither. His violent reaction to the capturing of 2
Israeli soldiers was applauded by the Bush administration, Israeli
public, and the America media. At the time, we questioned Olmerts
ability to disarm Hezbollah (Its Put up or Shut Time in Lebanon) or
his foolish belief that the invasion would be a cakewalk. Now Israeli
forces are bogged down in southern Lebanon fighting a tough-minded,
well-disciplined guerilla organization with no end in sight. This has
forced the panicky Olmert to call up 3 more divisions and appeal to
Bush for more precision-guided missiles.

Additionally, Olmert has begun to back away from his promise to
"disarm" Hezbollah and now only talks only about weakening them. The
Israeli PM has decided to step down from his earlier rhetoric and move
the goalposts to suit the realities on the ground. Olmert will not
disarm Hezbollah and he knows it.

Israeli intelligence seriously misjudged Hezbollahs military
capabilities and the dedication of its fighters to execute complex and
daring operations. Yesterdays attack on an Israeli patrol killed 9 IDF
soldiers spreading a palpable sense of unease among the Israeli public.
They remember the Vietnam-like quagmire which Sharon drew them into
which lasted 18 years, ending only 6 years ago in 2000. The deaths of
the soldiers have triggered a fierce debate among politicians, pundits
and retired officers about the questionable objectives of the operation
and the competence of the leadership. Olmert has shown himself to be a
vain and stupid man whose ignorance of military matters has clouded his
sense of judgment. He is surrounded by the untested Defense Minister
Amir Peretz, who excels at killing unarmed women and children in the
occupied territories, but cannot seem to adjust to the exigencies of
real combat. The final member of the trinity of bunglers, is Chief of
Staff, Dan Halutz, an incompetent braggart whose penchant for
destruction has flattened the better part of Lebanons critical
infrastructure, but hasnt produced any tangible rewards. For the most
part, Olmerts War has been little more than a massive display of
gratuitous violence which has failed to achieve any recognizable
strategic goal. (BBC has provided a fairy comprehensive account of
Israels calculated destruction of Lebanese infrastructure. It includes
3 major airports, 3 major ports, 5,000 civilian homes, 62 bridges, 22
fuel stations, 72 overpasses, 3 Dams, 4 TV and communication
facilities, 3 main power-stations, 150 private businesses including a
tissue paper factory and a bottle factory)

Israel is now planning to step up its bombing campaign in the vain hope
that it will root-out and destroy the resistance. This explains why the
United Nations outpost was deliberately leveled by an Israeli missile
yesterday. Clearly, Israel wants to conceal its orgy of carnage from
the watchful eyes of international community. We should expect that
more banned weaponry; cluster-bombs, napalm, lasers, bunker busters and
chemical weapons will be used in the next major assault on Hezbollah
strongholds. Like all desperate men, Olmert believes that he can
extract himself from his present dilemma by increasing the level of
violence. The upcoming week or two should be extremely perilous for

The Bush administration has blindly supported Olmert without assessing
whether his military objectives are attainable and without considering
the damage that the conflict is doing to Americas long-term interests.
Theres no chance that the United States will ever be seen as an
honest broker in the region again. Bush has cast his lot with Israel
and is betting that the neoconservative strategy to reconfigure the
Middle East will move ahead according to plan. From the very onset,
Washington has enthusiastically embraced the war by giving Olmert the
go-ahead to destroy Lebanons infrastructure and by providing Israel
with additional ordinance to prosecute the air-war.

The Bush team has repeatedly headed off efforts at the United Nations
for a cease-fire and created the sense that Israels rampage bears
the stamp of international legitimacy. The US State Dept no longer
functions as diplomatic agency working out details for political
solutions, but as a franchise of the Defense Dept.; skillfully blocking
negotiations, subverting treaties, and obstructing any dialogue which
may lead to peace. Condoleezza Rices performance in Rome only
underscores this point.

Neither public opinion, nor the United Nations, nor the Arab League,
nor Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, nor even Hezbollah can stop
the ongoing conflict if Bush and Olmert want a war; and they clearly
want a war. Secretary of State Rice summarized their views when she
said to the world press on Wednesday:

Its time for a New Middle East. Its time to say to those who do not
want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail. They will

Perhaps; but the growing resistance in Iraq and Lebanon may have a
thing-or-two to say about Ms. Rices plan.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

To become a Member of Global Research

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
the original CRG article must be indicated. The author's copyright note
must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We
are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Mike Whitney, Palestine Chronicle, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 30, 2006 5:00:39 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Iraq Dispatches: "If You Haven't Left, You're Hezbollah"

Jews: "If You Haven't Left, You're Hezbollah"

*Inter Press Service*
Dahr Jamail

*SIDON, Lebanon, Jul 30 (IPS) - The Israeli attack on Qana has taken the
biggest toll of the war, but it is only one of countless lethal attacks
on civilians in Lebanon. *

Large numbers fled the south after Israelis dropped leaflets warning of
attacks. Others have been unable to leave, often because they have not
found the means. The Israelis have taken that to mean that they are
therefore Hezbollah.

Israeli justice minister Haim Ramon announced on Israeli army radio
Thursday that "all those in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related
in some way to Hezbollah."

Justifying the collective punishment of people in southern Lebanon,
Ramon added, "In order to prevent casualties among Israeli soldiers
battling Hezbollah militants in southern Lebanon, villages should be
flattened by the Israeli air force before ground troops move in."

This policy explains the large number of wounded in the hospitals of
Sidon in the south..

Wounded people from southern Lebanon narrate countless instances of
indiscriminate attacks by the Israeli military.

Thirty-six-year-old Khuder Gazali, an ambulance driver whose arm was
blown off by an Israeli rocket, told IPS that his ambulance was hit
while trying to rescue civilians whose home had just been bombed.

"Last Sunday people came to us and asked us to go help some people after
their home was bombed by the Israelis," he said from his bed in Hamoudi
Hospital in Sidon, the largest in southern Lebanon. "We found one of
them, without his legs, lying in a garden, so we tried to take him to
the nearest hospital."

On way to the hospital an Israeli Apache helicopter hit his ambulance
with a rocket, severely injuring him and the four people in the back of
the vehicle, he said.

"So then another ambulance tried to reach us to rescue us, but it too
was bombed by an Apache, killing everyone inside it," he said. "Then it
was a third ambulance which finally managed to rescue us."

Khuder, who had shrapnel wounds all over his body, said "this is a
crime, and I want people in the west to know the Israelis do not
differentiate between innocent people and fighters. They are committing
acts of evil.. They are attacking civilians, and they are criminals."

At Labib Medical Centre in Sidon, countless survivors of Israeli
bombardment had similar stories to tell.

Sixteen-year-old Ibrahim al-Hama told IPS that he and his friends were
hit by an Israeli bomb while they were swimming in a river near a
village north of Tyre.

"Two of my friends were killed, along with a woman," said al-Hama. "Why
did they bomb us?"

In an adjacent room, a man whose wife and two small children were
recovering from wounds suffered in Israeli bombing told IPS that they
had left their village near the border because the bombings had become
fierce, and the Israeli military had dropped leaflets ordering them to

"We ran out of food, and the children were hungry, so they left with my
wife and her sister in a car which followed a Red Crescent ambulance,
while another car took the two other sisters of my wife," he said. "They
reached Kafra village, and an F-16 bombed the car with my wife's two
sisters. They are dead."

Such killings have been common throughout the south.

On July 23, a family left their village after Israelis dropped leaflets
ordering them out. Their car carried a white flag, but was still bombed
by an Israeli plane. Three in the car were killed.

The same day, three of 19 passengers in a van heading away from the
southern village Tiri were killed when it was bombed by an Israeli

A 43-year-old man from Durish Zhair village south of Tyre lay at the
Labib Medical Centre with multiple shrapnel wounds and half his body
blackened by fire.

"Please tell them to stop using white phosphorous," he said. "The
Israelis must stop these attacks. Do not allow the Israelis to continue
murdering us." He and his family were bombed in their home.

Zhair said his family were scattered in hospitals and refugee centres in
Sidon and Beirut. But in the hospital hallway outside his room, head
nurse of the hospital Gemma Sayer said "all of his family is dead. We
cannot tell him yet because he is so badly injured."

United Nations forces have been targeted again by the Israelis. Two
soldiers with the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon were wounded
after their observation post was damaged in an Israeli air strike.

Last week, an Israeli missile killed four UN observers; an attack that
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan described as "apparently deliberate."

Thousands of angry protestors stormed the UN building in Beirut Sunday
after at least 34 children and 20 adults were killed inside a shelter
targeted by an Israeli air strike in the southern town Qana.

As Israeli military drones buzzed over the capital city, smoke was seen
rising from the building as UN troops struggled to control the crowds.

Efforts to evacuate the wounded in Qana have been hindered because roads
around the town have been destroyed by air strikes.

The Israeli military refused to take responsibility for the Qana deaths,
because they said Hezbollah had used the village to launch rockets.

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud told reporters Sunday that the Qana
attack was a "disgrace" and that there was no chance for peace talks
until an immediate ceasefire was called. "Israel's leaders think of
nothing but destruction, they do not think of peace."

Prime Minister Fuad Siniora described the bombing in Qana as a "war
crime." At least 600 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and 51 Israelis have
been killed since the conflict began.

(c)2006 Dahr Jamail.
All images, photos, photography and text are protected by United States
and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's
Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a
prominent link to the website. Website by
photographer Jeff Pflueger's Photography Media
. Any other use of images, photography, photos and text including, but
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Last Updated: Monday, 31 July 2006, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK

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Poll Protests Block Mexico City

The left-wing candidate in Mexico's disputed election, Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador, and his backers are occupying the capital's main square
and avenues.

Mr Lopez Obrador on Sunday called on his adherents to paralyse Mexico
City until every vote was recounted.

Official results from the 2 July vote gave victory to the conservative
Felipe Calderon by half a percentage point.

Mr Lopez Obrador alleges vote counts were rigged - but EU monitors
have said they found no irregularities.

The country's electoral court has until the end of August to rule on a

Chaos feared

Thousands of people are reported to have set up camp overnight in the
historic Zocalo plaza and the Reforma boulevard, blocking traffic on
one of the capital's main roads.

While some set up tents and cots in preparation for a chilly night,
others made do with strips of cardboard and blankets - or said they
would pass the night dancing and singing.

Some of the largest camping sites are reported to be located opposite
the US Embassy, the stock market and the Polanco hotel zone.

Mr Lopez Obrador said he himself would be living in one of the dozens
camping sites set up by his supporters. He said he would stay until the
electoral tribunal gave its ruling on the recount he is demanding.

"I know what I propose is not easy, but it is essential for our
cause," he said.

Local media say 1.5 million vehicles drive through the area daily, and
there are fears the blockade will cause chaos in the city, which is
home to some 20 million people.

Correspondents say police are unlikely to intervene, as Mexico City is
governed by Mr Lopez Obrador's Democratic Revolution Party.

The blockade was set up after Mr Lopez Obrador led a mass march to the
Zocalo square. Estimates of the attendance ranged from 500,000 to two
million people.

As Mr Lopez Obrador rallied his supporters, ruling party candidate
Felipe Calderon appeared before the electoral tribunal to argue that a
full recount was unnecessary.

"I had powerful, very charismatic adversaries - but I won clearly," he
told the panel of seven judges.


NOTE: These two pieces by David Icke provide lots of helpful
background. -- kl, pp

From: "Charles Bruce, Stewart" <>
Date: July 30, 2006 6:41:09 AM EST
To: "CCLNews>" <>, "SCLUSA>"
<>, "CCLGA>"
Subject: CclNews> David Icke, Middle-East Wars & Illuminati Conspiracy
Update - 29th July 2006 <Fwd>

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: David Icke Update - 29th July 2006
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 21:11:47 +1000
From: Arthur & Fiona Cristian <>
Reply-To: Arthur & Fiona Cristian <>

PLEASE NOTE ... Due to overwhelming requests we have decided to make
David's two recent special background articles to the Middle East war
available to everyone with the request that they circulate them to
every person and website they think might benefit from the information.

They are available on the subscribers section FREE of

Click here for PART 1

Click here for PART 2

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Killing the Messenger: Israeli Air Force Targets and Kills
Journalists in Southern Lebanon

July 30, 2006

Journalists' group says TV crews complain of targeting by Israeli

By TAREK EL-TABLAWY | Associated Press
July 27, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) - A leading journalist freedom group on Thursday
demanded an "immediate investigation" into reports that Israel is
targeting Arab television crews operating in southern Lebanon, the
latest in mounting criticism that Israel is making little distinction
between civilian and combatant in its campaign in Lebanon.

The call by the Committee to Protect Journalists came in response to
allegations from several Arab television stations that Israeli aircraft
fired missiles within 80 yards (75 meters) of them on July 22, in an
apparent bid to prevent them from covering the effect of Israel's
bombardment around the town of Khiam.

So far, at least two journalists and media workers have been killed,
and another seven wounded since the fighting began on July 12,
following the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah
guerrillas, according to media groups. In all, at least 420 Lebanese
have been killed since the start of the fighting, most of them
civilians, while 52 Israelis have died, including 34 military

The strikes in question were directed at television crews, especially
those of the independent satellite channels Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya
and the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar channel, said Ghassan Benjeddou,
Al-Jazeera's Lebanon bureau chief.

"It's a miracle that our crew survived the attack," Benjeddou told the

An Israel Defense Forces spokesman denied that Israel was targeting
journalists, telling CPJ that "we are targeting the roads because
Hezbollah uses those roads; under no circumstances do we target
civilians, including the media."

"Journalists working in those areas are knowingly taking a risk," said
Capt. Jacob Dallal.

The allegations, however, have fueled criticism that Israel is not
doing enough to guard against wounding civilians or journalists _
particularly as July 25 Israeli air strikes on Khiam left four U.N.
observers dead in an attack that drew widespread international

On Thursday, another press freedom group, the Paris-based Reporters
Without Borders, said its secretary-general had traveled to Beirut
where he met with executives and editors of media outlets that have
been hit by Israeli air strikes, including the private Lebanese
Broadcasting Corp. and the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar television

A statement by the group said the goal of Robert Menard's trip was "to
demonstrate its solidarity with Lebanon's journalists - regardless of
the positions of the media concerned - and to stress that there can be
no grounds for targeting journalists."

The group said it was preparing to ask the International Humanitarian
Fact-Finding Commission to "investigate these Israeli attacks on the
grounds that they are violations of the Geneva Convention."

Although denying targeting journalists, Israel has been criticized
earlier after journalists were wounded or killed while covering
Israeli-Palestinian clashes.

In the case of the strikes on Al-Manar in Beirut, which left three
employees wounded, Israel argued that the station has, "for many years,
served as the main tool for propaganda and incitement by Hizbullah, and
has also helped the organization recruit people into its ranks,"
according to a Foreign Ministry statement July 13.

CPJ and Reporters Without Borders officials criticized that
explanation, with CPJ executive director Joel Simon saying that "in our
view, broadcasters are not making a contribution to the military

"It is incumbent on Israeli soldiers to make distinctions between
civilians and combatants," Simon told The Associated Press. "I
understand that it's difficult in this conflict, but journalists are
entitled to the same protections as other civilians which include the
right to not be targeted."

Another Al-Manar correspondent was also hit during bombardment of a
bridge in southern Lebanon, while on July 12, three journalists with
New TV, another Lebanese station, were slightly wounded when their
vehicle was hit by fire from an Israeli helicopter in southern Lebanon,
CPJ and Reporters Without Borders said. The station said their vehicle
was clearly marked with the New TV logo.

On July 22 - the day on which the Arab crews said they were targeted -
Israel also struck a Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. transmission tower,
killing Sueliman Chidiac, the head of LBC's transmission center. Simon
said that strike appeared to be deliberate. "We don't know the reason
and we have asked for an explanation," he said.

"In the case of the air strikes on LBC's installations, neither the
official or unofficial explanations have been in any way satisfactory,"
said the Reporters Without Borders statement. "The usual Israeli
excuses do not suffice, and Reporters Without Borders call for a
transparent investigation to determine who has been responsible."

The following day, photographer Layal Nejib, of the magazine Al-Jaras,
was killed on a strike near the convoy in which she was riding in the
southern Lebanon.

While Israel-based journalists have generally been able to cover
Israeli operations, live footage of the operations along the border on
the Lebanese side are now virtually impossible, journalists have told
the CPJ.

As the Israeli attacks intensified in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah's
stronghold region, most television crews with satellite uplink trucks
pulled out of the strategic town of Marjayoun, CPJ said. Those that
remained included the international satellite channels Al-Arabiya and
Al-Jazeera, LBC and Al-Manar.

But according to the broadcasters, while three LBC vehicles from
Marjayoun reached the village of Hasbaya, where the Lebanese Red Cross
had a presence, a convoy of Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya and Al-Manar
vehicles was chased by Israeli fighter aircraft.

The stations told CPJ they were chased by the aircraft, which fired
missiles on the road behind them as they approached an already
bombed-out bridge. While the broadcasters made an escape along back
roads, they said, the planes again fired at the road ahead and behind
them. They finally abandoned their vehicles and walked to Hasbaya.

"Their cars were clearly marked Press and TV," Nabil Khatib, executive
editor of Al-Arabiya, told CPJ.

Al-Jazeera has come under criticism - both by the United States and
Israel as well as several Arab countries - for allegedly slanting the
news and stirring public sentiment. The station has denied any
allegations of bias.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 1, 2006, 2:49:58 PM8/1/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 1, 2006

Last Updated: Monday, 31 July 2006, 22:41 GMT 23:41 UK

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Environmental 'Crisis' in Lebanon
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website

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The United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) has expressed its
"grave concern" about oil pollution in Lebanese coastal waters.

An oil slick caused by Israeli bombing of the Jiyyeh power station now
covers 80km (50 miles) of coast.

Local environmental groups describe the slick as an "environmental

Almost as much oil may have entered the water as during the 1989 Exxon
Valdez tanker incident in Alaska, which led to widespread ecological

The UN and other international organisations are assisting the
Lebanese government as it attempts to contain thousands of tonnes of

"The Lebanese government has requested international assistance from
the UN, and we stand ready to do all we can," said Unep Executive
Director Achim Steiner.

A number of Mediterranean countries are contributing equipment and

But according to the Lebanese environment ministry, "minimal amounts
of dispersants, booms, adsorbents, and skimmers are readily available".

The incident began with Israeli raids on the Jiyyeh power utility 30km
(19 miles) south of Beirut between 13 and 15 July.

Initial reports indicated that 10,000 tonnes of heavy fuel oil had
escaped from damaged tanks, but the eventual total could be 35,000

By comparison, spillage from the Exxon Valdez accident totalled just
under 40,000 tonnes of crude oil.

Fishing and tourism

"What we have here is equivalent to a tanker sinking, and 20,000 to
30,000 tonnes reaching the shoreline," said Berj Hatjian from the
Lebanese environment ministry.

"We've had it immediately rushing into the sea from the beach line,"
he told BBC News.

The Malta-based Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre
(Rempec) for the Mediterranean, which is advising the Lebanese
government, says "a small quantity of tar balls" also reached the
Syrian coast further north.

A coalition of environmental groups declared the Jiyyeh spill "one of
the worst environmental crises in Lebanese history".

The group Green Line says that some of the oil has settled on the sea
floor, threatening areas where tuna spawn.

It also says that slicks on beaches will prevent baby turtles from
reaching the sea after they hatch.

The green turtle, whose eggs hatch in July, is an endangered species.

Unep agrees that the oil is a significant threat to some Mediterranean
wildlife, but also says the slick could compromise livelihoods when the
current conflict ends.

"Firstly our thoughts are with the suffering of the civilian
population," said Mr Steiner.

"But we must be concerned about the short and long term impacts on the
marine environment, including the biodiversity upon which so many
people depend for their livelihoods and living via tourism and


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 31, 2006 2:04:22 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: How Can We Stand By And Allow This To Go On?

'How can we stand by and
allow this to go on?'

By Robert Fisk From:

07/31/06 "The Independent" -- -- They wrote the names of the dead
children on their plastic shrouds. "Mehdi Hashem, aged seven - Qana,"
was written in felt pen on the bag in which the little boy's body lay.
"Hussein al-Mohamed, aged 12 - Qana',' "Abbas al-Shalhoub, aged one -
Qana.'' And when the Lebanese soldier went to pick up Abbas's little
body, it bounced on his shoulder as the boy might have done on his
father's shoulder on Saturday. In all, there were 56 corpses brought to
the Tyre government hospital and other surgeries, and 34 of them were
children. When they ran out of plastic bags, they wrapped the small
corpses in carpets. Their hair was matted with dust, most had blood
running from their noses.

You must have a heart of stone not to feel the outrage that those of us
watching this experienced yesterday. This slaughter was an obscenity,
an atrocity - yes, if the Israeli air force truly bombs with the
"pinpoint accuracy'' it claims, this was also a war crime. Israel
claimed that missiles had been fired by Hizbollah gunmen from the south
Lebanese town of Qana - as if that justified this massacre. Israel's
Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, talked about "Muslim terror" threatening
"western civilisation" - as if the Hizbollah had killed all these poor

And in Qana, of all places. For only 10 years ago, this was the scene
of another Israeli massacre, the slaughter of 106 Lebanese refugees by
an Israeli artillery battery as they sheltered in a UN base in the
town. More than half of those 106 were children. Israel later said it
had no live-time pilotless photo-reconnaissance aircraft over the scene
of that killing - a statement that turned out to be untrue when The
Independent discovered videotape showing just such an aircraft over the
burning camp. It is as if Qana - whose inhabitants claim that this was
the village in which Jesus turned water into wine - has been damned by
the world, doomed forever to receive tragedy.

And there was no doubt of the missile which killed all those children
yesterday. It came from the United States, and upon a fragment of it
was written: "For use on MK-84 Guided Bomb BSU-37-B". No doubt the
manufacturers can call it "combat-proven" because it destroyed the
entire three-storey house in which the Shalhoub and Hashim families
lived. They had taken refuge in the basement from an enormous Israeli
bombardment, and that is where most of them died.

I found Nejwah Shalhoub lying in the government hospital in Tyre, her
jaw and face bandaged like Robespierre's before his execution. She did
not weep, nor did she scream, although the pain was written on her
face. Her brother Taisir, who was 46, had been killed. So had her
sister Najla. So had her little niece Zeinab, who was just six. "We
were in the basement hiding when the bomb exploded at one o'clock in
the morning,'' she said. "What in the name of God have we done to
deserve this? So many of the dead are children, the old, women. Some of
the children were still awake and playing. Why does the world do this
to us?"

Yesterday's deaths brought to more than 500 the total civilian dead in
Lebanon since Israel's air, sea and land bombardment of the country
begun on 12 July after Hizbollah members crossed the frontier wire,
killed three Israeli soldiers and captured two others. But yesterday's
slaughter ended more than a year of mutual antagonism within the
Lebanese government as pro-American and pro-Syrian politicians
denounced what they described as "an ugly crime".

Thousands of protesters attacked the largest United Nations building in
Beirut, screaming: "Destroy Tel Aviv, destroy Tel Aviv," and Lebanon's
Prime Minister, the normally unflappable Fouad Siniora, called US
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and ordered her to cancel her
imminent peace-making trip to Beirut.

No one in this country can forget how President George Bush, Ms Rice,
and Tony Blair have repeatedly refused to call for an immediate
ceasefire - a truce that would have saved all those lives yesterday. Ms
Rice would say only: "We want a ceasefire as soon as possible,'' a
remark followed by an Israeli announcement that it intended to maintain
its bombardment of Lebanon for at least another two weeks.

Throughout the day, Qana villagers and civil defence workers dug
through the ruins of the building with spades and with their hands,
tearing at the muck until they found one body after another still
dressed in colourful clothes. In one section of the rubble, they found
what was left of a single room with 18 bodies inside. Twelve of the
dead were women. All across southern Lebanon now, you find scenes like
this, not so grotesque in scale, perhaps, but just as terrible, for the
people of these villages are terrified to leave and terrified to stay.
The Israelis had dropped leaflets over Qana, ordering its people to
leave their homes. Yet twice now since Israel's onslaught began, the
Israelis have ordered villagers to leave their houses and then attacked
them with aircraft as they obeyed the Israeli instructions and fled.
There are at least 3,000 Shia Muslims trapped in villages between Qlaya
and Aiteroun - close to the scene of Israel's last military incursion
at Bint Jbeil - and yet none of them can leave without fear of dying on
the roads.

And Mr Olmert's reaction? After expressing his "great sorrow", he
announced that: "We will not stop this battle, despite the difficult
incidents [sic] this morning. We will continue the activity, and if
necessary it will be broadened without hesitation." But how much
further can it be broadened? Lebanon's infrastructure is being steadily
torn to pieces, its villages razed, its people more and more terrorised
- and terror is the word they used - by Israel's American-made fighter
bombers. Hizbollah's missiles are Iranian-made, and it was Hizbollah
that started this war with its illegal and provocative raid across the
border. But Israel's savagery against the civilian population has
deeply shocked not only the Western diplomats who have remained in
Beirut, but hundreds of humanitarian workers from the Red Cross and
major aid agencies.

Incredibly, Israel yesterday denied safe passage to a UN World Food
Programme aid convoy en route to the south, a six-truck mission that
should have taken relief supplies to the south-eastern town of
Marjayoun. More than three quarters of a million Lebanese have now fled
their homes, but there is still no accurate figure for the total number
still trapped in the south. Khalil Shalhoub, who survived amid the
wreckage in Qana yesterday, said that his family and the Hashims were
just too "terrified" to take the road out of the village, which has
been attacked by aircraft for more than two weeks. The seven-mile
highway between Qana and Tyre is littered with civilian homes in ruins
and burnt-out family cars. On Thursday, the Israeli Army's Al-Mashriq
radio, which broadcasts into southern Lebanon, told residents that
their villages would be "totally destroyed" if missiles were fired from
them. But anyone who has watched Israel's bombing these past two weeks
knows that, in many cases, the Israelis do not know the location in
which the Hizbollah are firing missiles, and - when they do - they
frequently miss their targets. How can a villager prevent the Hizbollah
from firing rockets from his street? The Hizbollah do take cover beside
civilian houses - just as Israeli troops entering Bint Jbeil last week
also used civilian homes for cover. But can this be the excuse for
slaughter on such a scale?

Mr Siniora addressed foreign diplomats in Beirut yesterday, telling
them that the government in Beirut was now only demanding an immediate
ceasefire and was not interested any longer in a political package to
go with it. Needless to say, Mr Jeffrey Feltman, whose country made the
bomb which killed the innocents of Qana yesterday, chose not to attend.

) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 31, 2006 10:32:30 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: C-Span Firestorm: 9/11 Truth Symposium Gains Momentum

C-Span Firestorm: 9/11
Truth Symposium Gains Momentum
Scholars symposium to re-air
again on Tuesday

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | July 31 2006

Judging by the reaction on the web to C-Span's airing of the American
Scholars Symposium, the 9/11 truth movement has been afforded another
jolt of momentum in its quest to bring criminal proceedings against
those complicit in the attack and its subsequent cover-up.

C-Span repeated the show Sunday and set to re-air it again Tuesday at
6:10PM EST, 5:10 CST.

The show is currently archived on C-Span's website and you can watch it
for free here.

Webster Tarpley, one of the keynote speakers and panel members at the
symposium, today calls for a concerted effort to use the C-Span
broadcast to discredit phony left-right gatekeepers who have resolved
to blindly accept the government's version of what happened on 9/11.

"Let us mobilize to organize the biggest audience ever by an incessant
and sustained intervention in radio and television call-in talk shows,

by blast emails, by direct personal contact alerts, by public signs,

leaflets, and by every other means at our disposal," Tarpley wrote.

See extended highlights of the conference with full speaker
presentations, subscribe, download and share with your friends! Click
here to subscribe!

"Let us overwhelm Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Jerry Doyle, Glenn Beck, and
the other fascist parrots of the airwaves with the announcement of the
Tuesday broadcast. Let us confront Ed Shultz and the other Air America
gatekeepers with reality of the Tuesday show. Please do the same in the
rest of the world."

Before its initial screening on Saturday evening, many were concerned
that the conference was so unrelenting in its hardcore stance on 9/11,
that C-Span would be pressured into canning the show. This proved not
to be the case and multiple repeats of the conference within days at
peak times prove the program has received very favorable ratings.

This is another hammer blow to the establishment kingpins who had hoped
questions about 9/11 would evaporate as we approach the 5th anniversary
of the attack.

The 9/11 Blogger website is coordinating numerous activism campaigns in
alliance with the C-Span coverage, including encouraging UN members to
view the broadcast, targeting left and right radio and TV gatekeepers,
and also a flyer campaign.

We implore everyone to get onboard with these campaigns and help spread
9/11 truth to the four corners of the world via the exemplary platform
of the American Scholars Symposium.


From: "Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr." <>

Date: July 31, 2006 5:03:50 PM EST
Subject: Falling Towers?; A Challenge

Falling Towers?

A Challenge

I have crystal clear recollection of watching the twin towers
disintegrate and fall into their own footprints. As I watched the first
one fall, my "gut" told me that something was very, very wrong. When
the second tower came down in the same fashion, I was shocked! Later,
when Building 7 was pulled, I understood what had been done.

I am an old engineer with years of experience in the oil field
working on and around heavy steel structures. I have witnessed some
very intense fires on and in steel structures, and only in one
particular circumstance have I ever seen structural steel even sag,
much less melt. That circumstance is a "blowout" wherein thousands of
cubic feet of natural gas push the drill fluid out of the borehole, and
ignite above the wellhead. This can be compared to a blowtorch with a
hundred-foot flame! Even then, although the rig tilts and falls over,
only the lightest steel actually melts!

If you want to prove that fire cannot bring down steel, or even
a wooden or paper structure, into its footprint, try this. Recreate a
scale model of one of the WTC twin towers. You can make it of
cardboard, wood, steel, plastic, anything you want to. It doesn't have
to be fancy or elaborate. Once you have your model finished, fill it
half full of cotton soaked with kerosene, light it (in an open space
away from any other flammable materials) and watch what happens.
(Fireworks, thermite, thermate and tritium bombs are not allowed in
this experiment.)

All but steel models will burn and topple over sideways (not
strait down), since the fire will not burn the material symmetrically.
The steel structure will not sag, bend, melt or in any way be
distorted, unless you build it of tin foil, and maybe not even then.

The WTC towers were built with 57 huge structural steel central
columns, and a steel and structural aluminum outer frame, with at least
an 800% redundancy.

They were among the best-engineered and constructed buildings in the
world. Fire and planes DID NOT have anything to do with their
destruction. This is simply a fact. You can prove it at home. (Be
careful with fire).



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Iran. The Next War
War with Iran has been in the
works for the past five years
by James Bamford
August 1, 2006
Rolling Stone - 2006-07-25

Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon
officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert
campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But
this time, the target was Iran.

How did the Bush administration sell the Iraq war? Is war with Iran

I. The Israeli Connection

A few blocks off Pennsylvania Avenue, the FBI's eight-story Washington
field office exudes all the charm of a maximum-security prison. Its
curved roof is made of thick stainless steel, the bottom three floors
are wrapped in granite and limestone, hydraulic bollards protect the
ramp to the four-floor garage, and bulletproof security booths guard
the entrance to the narrow lobby. On the fourth floor, like a tomb
within a tomb, lies the most secret room in the $100 million concrete
fortress - out-of-bounds even for special agents without an escort.
Here, in the Language Services Section, hundreds of linguists in padded
earphones sit elbow-to-elbow in long rows, tapping computer keyboards
as they eavesdrop on the phone lines of foreign embassies and other
high-priority targets in the nation's capital.

At the far end of that room, on the morning of February 12th, 2003, a
small group of eavesdroppers were listening intently for evidence of a
treacherous crime. At the very moment that American forces were massing
for an invasion of Iraq, there were indications that a rogue group of
senior Pentagon officials were already conspiring to push the United
States into another war - this time with Iran.

A few miles away, FBI agents watched as Larry Franklin, an Iran expert
and career employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency, drove up to the
Ritz-Carlton hotel across the Potomac from Washington. A trim man of
fifty-six, with a tangle of blond hair speckled gray, Franklin had left
his modest home in Kearneysville, West Virginia, shortly before dawn
that morning to make the eighty-mile commute to his job at the
Pentagon. Since 2002, he had been working in the Office of Special
Plans, a crowded warren of blue cubicles on the building's fifth floor.
A secretive unit responsible for long-term planning and propaganda for
the invasion of Iraq, the office's staffers referred to themselves as
"the cabal." They reported to Douglas Feith, the third-most-powerful
official in the Defense Department, helping to concoct the fraudulent
intelligence reports that were driving America to war in Iraq.

Just two weeks before, in his State of the Union address, President
Bush had begun laying the groundwork for the invasion, falsely claiming
that Saddam Hussein had the means to produce tens of thousands of
biological and chemical weapons, including anthrax, botulinum toxin,
sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. But an attack on Iraq would require
something that alarmed Franklin and other neoconservatives almost as
much as weapons of mass destruction: detente with Iran. As political
columnist David Broder reported in The Washington Post, moderates in
the Bush administration were "covertly negotiating for Iran to stay
quiet and offer help to refugees when we go into Iraq."

Franklin - a devout neoconservative who had been brought into Feith's
office because of his political beliefs - was hoping to undermine those
talks. As FBI agents looked on, Franklin entered the restaurant at the
Ritz and joined two other Americans who were also looking for ways to
push the U.S. into a war with Iran. One was Steven Rosen, one of the
most influential lobbyists in Washington. Sixty years old and nearly
bald, with dark eyebrows and a seemingly permanent frown, Rosen was
director of foreign-policy issues at Israel's powerful lobby, the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Seated next to Rosen was
AIPAC's Iran expert, Keith Weissman. He and Rosen had been working
together closely for a decade to pressure U.S. officials and members of
Congress to turn up the heat on Tehran.

Over breakfast at the Ritz-Carlton, Franklin told the two lobbyists
about a draft of a top-secret National Security Presidential Directive
that dealt with U.S. policy on Iran. Crafted by Michael Rubin, the desk
officer for Iraq and Iran in Feith's office, the document called, in
essence, for regime change in Iran. In the Pentagon's view, according
to one senior official there at the time, Iran was nothing but "a house
of cards ready to be pushed over the precipice." So far, though, the
White House had rejected the Pentagon's plan, favoring the State
Department's more moderate position of diplomacy. Now, unwilling to
play by the rules any longer, Franklin was taking the extraordinary -
and illegal - step of passing on highly classified information to
lobbyists for a foreign state. Unable to win the internal battle over
Iran being waged within the administration, a member of Feith's secret
unit in the Pentagon was effectively resorting to treason, recruiting
AIPAC to use its enormous influence to pressure the president into
adopting the draft directive and wage war against Iran.

It was a role that AIPAC was eager to play. Rosen, recognizing that
Franklin could serve as a useful spy, immediately began plotting ways
to plant him in the White House - specifically in the National Security
Council, the epicenter of intelligence and national-security policy. By
working there, Rosen told Franklin a few days later, he would be "by
the elbow of the president."

Knowing that such a maneuver was well within AIPAC's capabilities,
Franklin asked Rosen to "put in a good word" for him. Rosen agreed.
"I'll do what I can," he said, adding that the breakfast meeting had
been a real "eye-opener."

Working together, the two men hoped to sell the United States on yet
another bloody war. A few miles away, digital recorders at the FBI's
Language Services Section captured every word.

II. The Guru and the Exile

The White House accuses Iran and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, of
developing WMDs and posing "a grave threat" - the exact same pretexts
it used to invade Iraq.

In recent weeks, the attacks by Hezbollah on Israel have given
neoconservatives in the Bush administration the pretext they were
seeking to launch what former House Speaker Newt Gingrich calls "World
War III." Denouncing the bombings as "Iran's proxy war," William
Kristol of The Weekly Standard is urging the Pentagon to counter "this
act of Iranian aggression with a military strike against Iranian
nuclear facilities." According to Joseph Cirincione, an arms expert and
the author of Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
Threats, "The neoconservatives are now hoping to use the
Israeli-Lebanon conflict as the trigger to launch a U.S. war against
Syria, Iran or both."

But the Bush administration's hostility toward Iran is not simply an
outgrowth of the current crisis. War with Iran has been in the works
for the past five years, shaped in almost complete secrecy by a small
group of senior Pentagon officials attached to the Office of Special
Plans. The man who created the OSP was Douglas Feith, the
undersecretary of defense for policy. A former Middle East specialist
on the National Security Council in the Reagan administration, Feith
had long urged Israel to secure its borders in the Middle East by
attacking Iraq and Iran. After Bush's election, Feith went to work to
make that vision a reality, putting together a team of neoconservative
hawks determined to drive the U.S. to attack Tehran. Before Bush had
been in office a year, Feith's team had arranged a covert meeting in
Rome with a group of Iranians to discuss their clandestine help.

The meeting was arranged by Michael Ledeen, a member of the cabal
brought aboard by Feith because of his connections in Iran. Described
by The Jerusalem Post as "Washington's neoconservative guru," Ledeen
grew up in California during the 1940s. His father designed the
air-conditioning system for Walt Disney Studios, and Ledeen spent much
of his early life surrounded by a world of fantasy. "All through my
childhood we were an adjunct of the Disney universe," he once recalled.
"According to family legend, my mother was the model for Snow White,
and we have a picture of her that does indeed look just like the movie

In 1977, after earning a Ph.D. in history and philosophy and teaching
in Rome for two years, Ledeen became the first executive director of
the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a pro-Israel
pressure group that served as a flagship of the neoconservative
movement. A few years later, after Reagan was elected, Ledeen had
become prominent enough to earn a spot as a consultant to the National
Security Council alongside Feith. There he played a central role in the
worst scandal of Reagan's presidency: the covert deal to provide arms
to Iran in exchange for American hostages being held in Lebanon. Ledeen
served as the administration's intermediary with Israel in the
illegal-arms deal. In 1985, he met with Manucher Ghorbanifar, a
one-time Iranian carpet salesman who was widely believed to be an
Israeli agent. The CIA considered Ghorbanifar a dangerous con man and
had issued a "burn notice" recommending that no U.S. agency have any
dealings with him. Unfazed, Ledeen called Ghorbanifar "one of the most
honest, educated, honorable men I have ever known." The two men
brokered the arms exchange - a transaction that would result in the
indictment of fourteen senior officials in the Reagan administration.

"It was awful - you know, bad things happened," Ledeen says now. "When
Iran-Contra was over, I said, Boy, I'm never going to touch Iran

But in 2001, soon after he arrived at the Pentagon, Ledeen once again
met with Ghorbanifar. This time, instead of selling missiles to the
Iranian regime, the two men were exploring how best to topple it.

"The meeting in Rome came about because my friend Manucher Ghorbanifar
called me up," Ledeen says. Stout and balding, with a scruffy white
beard, Ledeen is sitting in the living room of his white-brick home in
Chevy Chase, Maryland, smoking a Dominican cigar. His Airedale terrier,
Thurber, roams the room protectively. In his first extensive interview
about the covert Pentagon operation, Ledeen makes no secret of his
desire to topple the government in Tehran. "I want to bring down the
regime," he says. "I want the regime gone. It's a country that is
fanatically devoted to our destruction."

When Ghorbanifar called Ledeen in the fall of 2001, he claimed, as he
often does, to have explosive intelligence that was vital to U.S.
interests. "There are Iranians who have firsthand information about
Iranian plans to kill Americans in Afghanistan," he told Ledeen. "Does
anyone want to hear about it?"

Ledeen took the information to Stephen Hadley, the deputy national
security adviser at the White House. "I know you're going to throw me
out of the office," Ledeen told him, "and if I were you I would throw
me out of the office too. But I promised that I would give you this
option. Ghorbanifar has called me. He said these people are willing to
come. Do you want anybody to go and talk to them?"

Hadley was interested. So was Zalmay Khalilzad, then the point man on
Near East issues for the National Security Council and now the U.S.
ambassador to Baghdad. "I think we have to do this, we have to hear
this," Hadley said. Ledeen had the green light: As he puts it, "Every
element of the American government knew this was going to happen in

III. The Meeting in Rome

Larry Franklin, a former Bush administration official who attended the
meeting in Rome, has pleaded guilty to passing classified information
about Iran to a pro-Israel lobbying group. (Photo: Kevin Wolf / AP)

Weeks later, in December, a plane carrying Ledeen traveled to Rome with
two other members of Feith's secret Pentagon unit: Larry Franklin and
Harold Rhode, a protigi of Ledeen who has been called the "theoretician
of the neocon movement." A specialist on Islam who speaks Hebrew,
Arabic, Turkish and Farsi, Rhode had experience with shady exiles like
Ghorbanifar: He was close to Ahmed Chalabi, the Iraqi dissident whose
discredited intelligence helped drive the Bush administration to invade
Baghdad. According to UPI, Rhode himself was later observed by CIA
operatives passing "mind-boggling" intelligence to Israel, including
sensitive information about U.S. military deployments in Iraq.

Completing the rogues' gallery that assembled in Rome that day was the
man who helped Ledeen arrange the meeting: Nicolr Pollari, the director
of Italy's military intelligence. Only two months earlier, Pollari had
informed the Bush administration that Saddam Hussein had obtained
uranium from West Africa - a key piece of false intelligence that Bush
used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

To hide the shadowy rendezvous in Rome, Pollari provided a
well-protected safe house near the noisy espresso bars and busy
trattorias that surround the Piazza di Spagna in central Rome. "It was
in a private apartment," Ledeen recalls. "It was fucking freezing - it
was unheated." The Pentagon operatives and the men from Iran sat at a
dining-room table strewn with demitasse cups of blackish coffee,
ashtrays littered with crushed cigarette butts and detailed maps of
Iran, Iraq and Syria. "They gave us information about the location and
plans of Iranian terrorists who were going to kill Americans," Ledeen

Ledeen insists the intelligence was on the mark. "It was true," he
says. "The information was accurate." Not according to his boss. "There
wasn't anything there that was of substance or of value that needed to
be pursued further," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld later conceded.
"It went nowhere."

The men then turned their attention to their larger goal: regime change
in Iran. Ghorbanifar suggested funding the overthrow of the Iranian
government using hundreds of millions of dollars in cash supposedly
hidden by Saddam Hussein. He even hinted that Saddam was hiding in

Ledeen, Franklin and Rhode were taking a page from Feith's playbook on
Iraq: They needed a front group of exiles and dissidents to call for
the overthrow of Iran. According to sources familiar with the meeting,
the Americans discussed joining forces with the Mujahedin-e Khalq, an
anti-Iranian guerrilla army operating out of Iraq.

There was only one small problem: The MEK had been certified by the
State Department as a terrorist organization. In fact, the White House
was in the midst of negotiations with Tehran, which was offering to
extradite five members of Al Qaeda thought to be of high intelligence
value in return for Washington's promise to drop all support for the

Ledeen denies any dealings with the group. "I wouldn't get within a
hundred miles of the MEK," he says. "They have no following, no
legitimacy." But neoconservatives were eager to undermine any deal that
involved cooperating with Iran. To the neocons, the value of the MEK as
a weapon against Tehran greatly outweighed any benefit that might be
derived from interrogating the Al Qaeda operatives - even though they
might provide intelligence on future terrorist attacks, as well as
clues to the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

Ledeen and his Pentagon cabal were not the only American officials to
whom Ghorbanifar tried to funnel false intelligence on Iran. Last year,
Rep. Curt Weldon, a Republican from Pennsylvania, claimed he had
intelligence - from an "impeccable clandestine source" he code-named
"Ali" - that the Iranian government was plotting to launch attacks
against the United States. But when the CIA investigated the
allegations, it turned out that Ali was Fereidoun Mahdavi, an Iranian
exile who was serving as a frontman for Ghorbanifar and trying to shake
down the CIA for $150,000. "He is a fabricator," said Bill Murray, the
former CIA station chief in Paris. Weldon was furious: The agency had
dismissed Ali, he insisted, "because they want to avoid, at all costs,
drawing the United States into a war with Iran."

After the Rome rendezvous, Ledeen and Ghorbanifar continued to meet
several times a year, often for a day or two at a time. Rhode also met
with Ghorbanifar in Paris, and the Iranian phoned or faxed his Pentagon
contacts almost every day. At one point Ledeen notified the Pentagon
that Ghorbanifar knew of highly enriched uranium being moved from Iraq
to Iran. At another point, in 2003, he claimed that Tehran was only a
few months away from exploding a nuclear bomb - even though
international experts estimate that Iran is years away from developing
nuclear weapons. But the accuracy of the reports wasn't important -
what mattered was their value in drumming up support for war. It was
Iraq all over again.

IV. On the Trail of Mr. X

Such covert efforts by Feith's team in the Pentagon started to have the
desired effect. In November 2003, Rumsfeld approved a plan known as
CONPLAN 8022-02, which for the first time established a
pre-emptive-strike capability against Iran. That was followed in 2004
by a top-secret "Interim Global Strike Alert Order" that put the
military on a state of readiness to launch an airborne and missile
attack against Iran, should Bush issue the command. "We're now at the
point where we are essentially on alert," said Lt. Gen. Bruce Carlson,
commander of the 8th Air Force. "We have the capacity to plan and
execute global strikes in half a day or less."

But as the Pentagon moved the country closer to war with Iran, the FBI
was expanding its investigation of AIPAC and its role in the plot.
David Szady, then the bureau's top spy-catcher, had become convinced
that at least one American citizen working inside the U.S. government
was spying for Israel. "It's no longer just our traditional adversaries
who want to steal our secrets, but sometimes even our allies," Szady
declared. "The threat is incredibly serious." To locate the spy
sometimes referred to as Mr. X, agents working for Szady began focusing
on a small group of neoconservatives in the Pentagon - including Feith,
Ledeen and Rhode.

The FBI also had its sights on Larry Franklin, who continued to hold
clandestine meetings with Rosen at AIPAC. Apparently nervous that the
FBI might be on to them, the two men started taking precautions. On
March 10th, 2003, barely a week before the invasion of Iraq, Rosen met
Franklin in Washington's cavernous Union Station. The pair met at one
restaurant, then they hustled to another, and finally they ended up in
a third - this one totally empty. As an added precaution, Franklin also
began sending faxes to Rosen's home instead of to his AIPAC offices.

A few days later, Rosen and Weissman passed on to Israeli-embassy
officials details about the draft of the top-secret presidential
directive on Iran, saying they had received the document from a "friend
of ours in the Pentagon." They also relayed to the Israelis details
about internal Bush-administration discussions on Iran. Then, two days
before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Rosen leaked the information to the
press with the comment "I'm not supposed to know this." The Washington
Post eventually published the story under the headline "Pressure Builds
for President to Declare Strategy on Iran," crediting the classified
information to "well-placed sources." The story mentioned Ledeen, who
helped found the Coalition for Democracy in Iran, a pressure group
dedicated to the overthrow of the Iranian government, but gave no
indication that the leak had come from someone with a definite agenda
for planting the information.

That June, Weissman called Franklin and left a message that he and
Rosen wanted to meet with him again and talk about "our favorite
country." The meeting took place in the Tivoli Restaurant, a dimly lit
establishment two floors above the metro station in Arlington that was
frequently used by intelligence types for quiet rendezvous. Over lunch
in the mirrored dining room, the three men discussed the Post article,
and Rosen acknowledged "the constraints" Franklin was under to meet
with them. But the Pentagon official placed himself fully at AIPAC's
disposal. "You set the agenda," Franklin told Rosen.

In addition to meeting Rosen and Weissman, Franklin was also getting
together regularly with Naor Gilon, an Israeli embassy official who,
according to a senior U.S. counterintelligence official, "showed every
sign of being an intelligence agent." Franklin and Gilon would normally
meet amid the weight machines and punching bags at the Pentagon
Officers Athletic Club, where Franklin passed along secret information
regarding Iran's activities in Iraq, its missile-testing program and
even, apparently, New York Times reporter Judith Miller. At one point,
Gilon suggested that Franklin meet with Uzi Arad, Mossad's former
director of intelligence and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's
foreign-policy adviser. A week later, Franklin had lunch in the
Pentagon cafeteria with the former top Israeli spy.

V. Iran's Double Agent

Larry Franklin, it turns out, wasn't the only person involved in the
Pentagon's covert operation who was exchanging state secrets with other
governments. As the FBI monitored Franklin and his clandestine dealings
with AIPAC, it was also investigating another explosive case of
espionage linked to Feith's office and Iran. This one focused on Ahmed
Chalabi, the head of the Iraqi National Congress, the militant
anti-Saddam opposition group that had worked for more than a decade to
pressure the U.S. into invading Iraq.

For years, the National Security Agency had possessed the codes used by
Iran to encrypt its diplomatic messages, enabling the U.S. government
to eavesdrop on virtually every communication between Tehran and its
embassies. After the U.S. invaded Baghdad, the NSA used the codes to
listen in on details of Iran's covert operations inside Iraq. But in
2004, the agency intercepted a series of urgent messages from the
Iranian embassy in Baghdad. Intelligence officials at the embassy had
discovered the massive security breach - tipped off by someone familiar
with the U.S. code-breaking operation.

The blow to intelligence-gathering could not have come at a worse time.
The Bush administration suspected that the Shiite government in Iran
was aiding Shiite insurgents in Iraq, who were killing U.S. soldiers.
The administration was also worried that Tehran was secretly developing
nuclear weapons. Now, crucial intelligence that might have shed light
on those operations had been cut off, potentially endangering American

On May 20th, shortly after the discovery of the leak, Iraqi police
backed by American soldiers raided Chalabi's home and offices in
Baghdad. The FBI suspected that Chalabi, a Shiite who had a luxurious
villa in Tehran and was close to senior Iranian officials, was actually
working as a spy for the Shiite government of Iran. Getting the U.S. to
invade Iraq was apparently part of a plan to install a pro-Iranian
Shiite government in Baghdad, with Chalabi in charge. The bureau also
suspected that Chalabi's intelligence chief had furnished Iran with
highly classified information on U.S. troop movements, top-secret
communications, plans of the provisional government and other closely
guarded material on U.S. operations in Iraq. On the night of the raid,
The CBS Evening News carried an exclusive report by correspondent
Lesley Stahl that the U.S. government had "rock-solid" evidence that
Chalabi had been passing extremely sensitive intelligence to Iran -
evidence so sensitive that it could "get Americans killed."

The revelation shocked Franklin and other members of Feith's office. If
true, the allegations meant that they had just launched a war to put
into power an agent of their mortal enemy, Iran. Their man - the
dissident leader who sat behind the first lady in the president's box
during the State of the Union address in which Bush prepared the
country for war - appeared to have been working for Iran all along.

Franklin needed to control the damage, and fast. He was one of the very
few in the government who knew that it was the NSA code-breaking
information that Chalabi was suspected of passing to Iran, and that
there was absolute proof that Chalabi had met with a covert Iranian
agent involved in operations against the U.S. To protect those in the
Pentagon working for regime change in Tehran, Franklin needed to get
out a simple message: We didn't know about Chalabi's secret dealings
with Iran.

Franklin decided to leak the information to a friendly contact in the
media: Adam Ciralsky, a CBS producer who had been fired from the CIA,
allegedly for his close ties to Israel. On May 21st, the day after CBS
broadcast its exclusive report on Chalabi, Franklin phoned Ciralsky and
fed him the information. As the two men talked, eavesdroppers at the
FBI's Washington field office recorded the conversation.

That night, Stahl followed up her original report with "new details" -
the information leaked earlier that day by Franklin. She began,
however, by making clear that she would not divulge the most explosive
detail of all: the fact that Chalabi had wrecked the NSA's ability to
eavesdrop on Iran. "Senior intelligence officials were stressing today
that the information Ahmed Chalabi is alleged to have passed on to Iran
is so seriously sensitive that the result of full disclosure would be
highly damaging to U.S. security," Stahl said. "Because of that, we are
not reporting the details of what exactly Chalabi is said to have
compromised, at the request of U.S. officials at the highest levels.
The information involves secrets that were held by only a handful of
very senior intelligence officials." Thanks to the pressure from the
administration, the public was prevented from learning the most
damaging aspect of Chalabi's treachery.

Then Stahl moved on to Franklin's central message. "Meanwhile," she
said, "we have been told that grave concerns about the true nature of
Chalabi's relationship with Iran started after the U.S. obtained,
quote, 'undeniable intelligence' that Chalabi met with a senior Iranian
intelligence officer, a, quote, 'nefarious figure from the dark side of
the regime, an individual with a direct hand in covert operations
against the United States.' Chalabi never reported this meeting to
anyone in the U.S. government, including his friends and sponsors." In
short, the Pentagon - and Feith's office in particular - was blameless.

VI. The Cabal's Triumph

Soon after the broadcast, David Szady's team at the FBI decided to wrap
up its investigation before Franklin leaked any more information.
Agents quietly confronted Franklin with the taped phone call and
pressured him to cooperate in a sting operation directed at AIPAC and
members of Feith's team in the Pentagon. Franklin, facing a long prison
sentence, agreed. On August 4th, 2005, Rosen and Weissman were
indicted, and on January 20th, 2006, Franklin, who had earlier pleaded
guilty, was sentenced to twelve years and seven months in prison. In an
attempt to reduce his sentence, he agreed to testify against the former
AIPAC officials. The case is set to go to trial this fall.

So far, however, Franklin is the only member of Feith's team to face
charges. The continuing lack of indictments demonstrates how
frighteningly easy it is for a small group of government officials to
join forces with agents of foreign powers - whether it is AIPAC or the
MEK or the INC - to sell the country on a disastrous war.

The most glaring unindicted co-conspirator is Ahmed Chalabi. Even
top-ranking Republicans suspect him of double dealing: "I wouldn't be
surprised if he told Iranians facts, issues, whatever, that we did not
want them to know," said Rep. Chris Shays, R-Conn., who chairs the
House subcommittee on national security. Yet the FBI has been unable to
so much as question Chalabi as part of its ongoing espionage case. Last
November, when Chalabi returned to the United States for a series of
speeches and media events, the FBI tried to interview him. But because
he was under State Department protection during his visit, sources in
the Justice Department say, the bureau's request was flatly denied.

"Chalabi's running around saying, 'I have nothing to hide,'" says one
senior FBI official. "Yet he's using our State Department to keep us
from him at the same time. And we've got to keep our mouth shut."

In the end, the work of Franklin and the other members of Feith's
secret office had the desired effect. Working behind the scenes, the
members of the Office of Special Plans succeeded in setting the United
States on the path to all-out war with Iran. Indeed, since Bush was
re-elected to a second term, he has made no secret of his desire to see
Tehran fall. In a victory speech of sorts on Inauguration Day in
January 2005, Vice President Dick Cheney warned bluntly that Iran was
"right at the top" of the administration's list of "trouble spots" -
and that Israel "might well decide to act first" by attacking Iran. The
Israelis, Cheney added in an obvious swipe at moderates in the State
Department, would "let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up
the diplomatic mess afterward."

Over the past six months, the administration has adopted almost all of
the hard-line stance advocated by the war cabal in the Pentagon. In
May, Bush's ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, appeared
before AIPAC's annual conference and warned that Iran "must be made
aware that if it continues down the path of international isolation,
there will be tangible and painful consequences." To back up the tough
talk, the State Department is spending $66 million to promote political
change inside Iran - funding the same kind of dissident groups that
helped drive the U.S. to war in Iraq. "We may face no greater challenge
from a single country than from Iran," Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice declared.

In addition, the State Department recently beefed up its Iran Desk from
two people to ten, hired more Farsi speakers and set up eight
intelligence units in foreign countries to focus on Iran. The
administration's National Security Strategy - the official policy
document that sets out U.S. strategic priorities - now calls Iran the
"single country" that most threatens U.S. interests.

The shift in official policy has thrilled former members of the cabal.
To them, the war in Lebanon represents the final step in their plan to
turn Iran into the next Iraq. Ledeen, writing in the National Review on
July 13th, could hardly restrain himself. "Faster, please," he urged
the White House, arguing that the war should now be taken over by the
U.S. military and expanded across the entire region. "The only way we
are going to win this war is to bring down those regimes in Tehran and
Damascus, and they are not going to fall as a result of fighting
between their terrorist proxies in Gaza and Lebanon on the one hand,
and Israel on the other. Only the United States can accomplish it," he
concluded. "There is no other way."

James Bamford is the author of A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq and the
Abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies. His story for RS on
consultant John Rendon, "The Man Who Sold the War" [RS 988], won the
2006 National Magazine Award for reporting. And he wrote the classic
"Puzzle Palace" on the NSA.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:07:48 -0700 (PDT) From: James Morris

Why war with Syria is inevitable

Damian Lataan


It is very difficult to see how Israel can actually avoid attacking
Syria. They and their US backers have set up Syria as the proverbial
monster which they now have no option but to destroy. To a certain
extent the same applies to Iran though, because Syria is closer, the
logistics of Israel striking Syria are a lot less complex than trying
to attack Iran, something the Israelis would prefer the US to do for

I stated in an earlier article that the Israelis are playing an
extremely dangerous game.[1] I said this in the context that Israel, if
they continued pushing their weight around in the way that they are,
will at some stage have to rely on some sort of major support from the
US, particularly if the Syrians and/or the Iranians are physically
drawn into the conflict.

However, the game that they are playing at the moment in Lebanon is not
one that they can possibly win in the end, despite their military
superiority, even if they shattered all of Lebanon by bombing it and
then invading and occupying it from the south.

In invading Lebanon they will simply force Hizbollah to move
northwards. Syria then will continue to arm them and Hizbollah will
continue to respond to Israeli occupation by launching attacks against
the occupying Israelis from their side of the Israeli created 'buffer
zone' which, of necessity, will then need to be continually increased.

The Israeli strategy of hitting Lebanese infrastructure and calling it
'Hizbollah infrastructure' in the hope that Hizbollah will crumble does
not work because Hizbollah are not buildings or bridges or roads or
airports but people. So far the Israelis have succeeded in killing well
over 400 people; very few of them, however, are actually Hizbollah
fighters. Rather than hit Hizbollah where it hurts, Israel in fact has
done a very good job of demolishing what little goodwill the Lebanese
people did have toward the Israelis. The Israelis can kiss that goodbye
for many years to come. Israel has also succeeded in creating a new
generation of Hizbollah fighters and volunteers. If Israel continues
its occupation of southern Lebanon as it did before, then these new
recruits will be the ones they will need to face in the future as they
avenge the loss of parents, homes, land, jobs and 'infrastructure'.

Meanwhile, Hizbollah will continue its battle against the Israelis as
the Israelis attempt to create their buffer zone and to consolidate
their position inside of southern Lebanon. The US has allowed the
Israelis time to do this by simple virtue of Condoleeza Rise not being
in any rush to either demand that the Israelis halt their attacks or to
convene further meetings to discuss how a peace plan can be put in
place. How this can be done without any of the major players like
Hizbollah, Syria or Iran being involved remains to be answered.[2]

It is this factor that goes to the heart of the problem; there will be
a diplomatic stalemate during which period the Israelis will continue
to push into Lebanon. The Israelis clearly will do no deals with
Hizbollah and Hizbollah will not be budging or giving away their land
without a fight ? a fight that inevitably will draw in Syria.

From the Israeli side there are some that are able to see that indeed
Israel will have to attack Syria with some extreme right-wing Zionists
insisting that the sooner this is done the better. Efraim Inbar, for
example, an Israeli academic with neoconservative connections in the US
and who advises the Israeli government, told "I advocate
attacking Syria ? to some extent we are wasting ammunition in Lebanon."
When asked if the peace process is now dead he replied, "Forget about
it, it's over."[3] Whether or not Inbar was privy to the Israeli
government's long term plans to attack Lebanon is not known, though,
had he had any input to such planning, he would clearly have advocated
taking on Syria as well or attacking Syria directly.

The problem with that scenario is that Israel would have had to have
set up a pretext for doing so that would have to have been far more
plausible than the story that their attack on Lebanon was in response
to the capture of a couple of Israeli soldiers after Hizbollah fighters
had 'crossed into Israel'. (We now know, of course, that in fact the
Israeli soldiers had actually crossed in to Lebanon when they were
arrested[4] and that the Israelis had planned their attack on Lebanon
long before the Israeli soldiers were captured.[5])

The big problem as far as the Israelis are concerned is that a wide
enough buffer zone would have to be created that would out-range any
missile that Hizbollah have. This would be almost impossible without
over-running Lebanon entirely since no matter where the Israelis are in
Lebanon, Hizbollah will always be able to launch their missiles against
them even if it's into occupied territory. Israel, with all its
military superiority, does not have anywhere near the wherewithal to be

able to launch a full scale invasion and occupation of all of Lebanon
to be able to succeed in eliminating Hizbollah. Nor indeed would Syria
allow it to.

The buzz words now coming from Israel, the US and their Western and
Arab allies is of a 'sustainable peace'.[6] It has, however, become a
euphemism serving two purposes. First, it buys more time for the
Israelis to continue attacking Lebanon because the Israelis, the US and
their allies have said that there is no point in having an immediate
ceasefire until a 'sustainable peace' can be achieved. Second, one
needs to ask; what does a sustainable peace actually mean? On what
terms would a 'sustainable peace' be achieved? Does 'sustainable
peace', from the Israelis point of view, mean that they continue to
have the upper hand in controlling the Palestinians and their lands and
unilaterally making decisions about where borders are going to be?

And, of course, therein lies the rub. The only terms on which Israel
are likely to disengage are those that see Hizbollah not just disarmed,
but dismantled as an organisation bearing in mind that the US, Israel
and their Western allies regard Hizbollah as a 'terrorist'
organisation. This simply will not happen.

The other question that needs to be asked is; with whom will this
'sustainable peace' be negotiated? Clearly Syria and Iran will need to
at the table. But this is hardly likely to occur considering the stance
Israel and Iran have adopted against each other.

The Rome meeting of 26 July 2006 that was arranged to discuss how a
'sustainable peace' might be organised ended in failure with no
agreement being reached other than an agreement that somehow at some
time an agreement does have to be reached. On the major issue of who
should and shouldn't be involved, there was major disagreement between
the UN and the US. The UNs Koffi Anan, furious over the deaths of four
UN peacekeepers deliberately killed by the Israelis, insists that Syria
and Iran must be involved in talks while Rice insisted they should not
be involved because of their 'role in the region'.[7] Meanwhile, in
Lebanon, the Gaza and the West Bank the killing goes on unabated.[8]

The only 'sustainable peace' that will be acceptable to the Israelis
and their US allies is one where Israel continues to occupy and annex
the Gaza and the West Bank on a permanent basis without interference
from the Palestinians, the Lebanese or any of the surrounding Arab
states ? particularly Syria.

Every day that now goes by puts the Israelis in an increasingly weaker
position despite its military superiority. As Neil MacFarquhar of the
New York Times reports, "with each passing day, the sight of an Arab
force hitting Israel with rockets makes Hezbollah increasingly popular
across the region and therefore more costly to restrain, particularly
because the Israelis have labelled the struggle a death match."[9]

Israel has expended a massive amount of effort to achieve their aims of
eliminating Hizbollah without any success whatsoever. All they have
achieved is massive amounts of civilian deaths in Lebanon, massive
amounts of damage to the Lebanese people's infrastructure, and they
have brought death and destruction upon themselves in doing so.

The aim of the Israeli attack on Hizbollah and the Lebanese people was
to drag the Syrians into the war and get the US to attack Iran.

This is still yet to come. The Israelis had not expected Hizbollah to
resist as long as they have in the face of such terrible bombardment
and invasion without asking Syrian forces to help directly defend
Lebanon. The Israelis, unable to accept their own surprise losses in
their limited invasion of southern Lebanon, have faltered and reverted
to aerial and artillery bombardment. They are losing in Lebanon despite
the massive damage and loss of life. They now either need to pull back
entirely and sue for peace or attack Syria and hope that the US will
attack Iran.

Either way it will all end in disaster all round. Particularly for the
Israeli people.

ENDNOTES [1] Damian Lataan, 'It seems Israel planned deliberate
provocation of Hamas and Hizbollah', lataan.blogspot, 13 July 2006.
Available online:
.html Accessed 24 July 2006. [2] Simon Tisdall and Ewan MacAskill,
'Iran warns the west: ignore us at your peril', The Guardian, 26 July
2006. Available online:,,1830139,00.html Accessed 26
July 2006. [3] Rachel Shabi, 'The focus should be on Damascus',, 24 July 2006. Available online:
DE0A2E.htm?printguid={010676D6-1F09-456F-8C16-6BD44499A644} Accessed 26
July 2006. [4] Joseph Panossian, 'Hezbollah captures 2 Israeli
soldiers',, 12 July 2006. Available online:
Accessed 26 July 2006. 5] 'An Israeli spy network arrested in Lebanon'
Syrian Arab News Agency, 22 July 2006. Available online: Accessed 26 July 2006.
also: Yaakov Katz, 'Reservists called up for Lebanon strike', Jerusalem
Post, 12 July 2006. Available online:
st%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Accessed 13 July 2006. [6] Condoleeza Rice,
'Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice With Israeli Foreign Minister Livni
in Jerusalem', US Department of State, 24 July 2006. Available online: Accessed 27 July 2006.
[7] Robin Wright and Fred Barbash,' Nations Fail to Reach Agreement on
Middle East Ceasefire', Washington Post, 26 July 2006. Available
6072600289.html Accessed 27 July 2006. [8] 'Israel strike on Gaza kill
24', Yahoo!news, 27 July 2006. Available
online: Accessed 27 July
2006. [9] Neil MacFarquhar, 'Why Syria Has Much to Lose if Hezbollah Is
Finally Halted', New York Times, 25 July 2006. Available online:

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From: "paul illich" <>
Date: July 31, 2006 5:21:38 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: More Than 60 Percent of U.S. in Drought

More Than 60 Percent of U.S. in Drought
More Than 60 Percent of U.S. Now Has Abnormally Dry or Drought
Dakotas at 'Epicenter'

The Associated Press

STEELE, N.D. - More than 60 percent of the United States now has
dry or drought conditions, stretching from Georgia to Arizona and
across the
north through the Dakotas, Minnesota, Montana and Wisconsin, said Mark
Svoboda, a climatologist for the National Drought Mitigation Center at
University of Nebraska at Lincoln.

An area stretching from south central North Dakota to central South
is the most drought-stricken region in the nation, Svoboda said.

"It's the epicenter," he said. "It's just like a wasteland in north
South Dakota."

Conditions aren't much better a little farther north. Paul Smokov and
wife, Betty, raise several hundred cattle on their 1,750-acre ranch
north of
Steele, a town of about 760 people.

Fields of wheat, durum and barley in the Dakotas this dry summer will
end up as pasta, bread or beer. What is left of the stifled crops has
salvaged to feed livestock struggling on pastures where hot winds blow
clouds of dirt from dried-out ponds.

Some ranchers have been forced to sell their entire herds, and others
either moving their cattle to greener pastures or buying more
feed. Hundreds of acres of grasslands have been blackened by fires
by lightning or farm equipment.

"These 100-degree days for weeks steady have been burning everything
said Steele Mayor Walter Johnson, who added that he'd prefer 2 feet of
over this weather.

Farm ponds and other small bodies of water have dried out from the heat,
leaving the residual alkali dust to be whipped up by the wind. The
dirt-and-salt mixture is a phenomenon that hasn't been seen in south
North Dakota since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, Johnson said.

North Dakota's all-time high temperature was set here in July 1936, at
Smokov, now 81, remembers that time and believes conditions this summer
probably are worse.

"I could see this coming in May," Smokov said of the parched pastures
wilted crops. "That's the time the good Lord gives us our general
rains. But
we never got them this year."

Brad Rippey, a federal Agriculture Department meteorologist in
said this year's drought is continuing one that started in the late
"The 1999 to 2006 drought ranks only behind the 1930s and the 1950s.
the third-worst drought on record period," Rippey said.

Svoboda was reluctant to say how bad the current drought might
eventually be.

"We'll have to wait to see how it plays out but it's definitely bad," he
said. "And the drought seems to not be going anywhere soon."

Herman Schumacher, who owns Herreid Livestock Auction in north central
Dakota, said his company is handling more sales than ever because of the

In May, June and July last year, his company sold 3,800 cattle. During
same months this year, more than 27,000 cattle have been sold, he said.

"I've been in the barn here for 25 years and I can't even compare this
to any other year," Schumacher said.

He said about 50 ranchers have run cows through his auction this year.

"Some of them just trimmed off their herds, but about a third of them
complete dispersions they'll never be back," he said.

"This county is looking rough these 100-degree days are just killing
said Gwen Payne, a North Dakota State University extension agent in
County, where Steele is located.

The Agriculture Department says North Dakota last year led the nation in
production of 15 different commodity classes, including spring wheat,
wheat, barley, oats, canola, pinto beans, dry edible peas, lentils,
flaxseed, sunflower and honey.

North Dakota State University professor and researcher Larry Leistritz
it's too early to tell what effect this year's drought will have on
commodity prices. Flour prices already have gone up and may rise more
because of the effect of drought on wheat.

"There will be somewhat higher grain prices, no doubt about it,"
said. "With livestock, the short-term effect may mean depressed meat
with a larger number of animals being sent to slaughter. But in the
run it may prolong the period of relatively high meat prices."

Eventually, more than farmers could suffer.

"Agriculture is not only the biggest industry in the state, it's just
the only industry," Leistritz said. "Communities live or die with the
fortunes of agriculture."

Susie White, who runs the Lone Steer motel and restaurant in Steele,
Interstate 94, said even out-of-state travelers notice the drought.

"Even I never paid attention to the crops around here. But I notice
them now
because they're not there," she said.

"We're all wondering how we're going to stay alive this winter if the
farmers don't make any money this summer," she said.

On the Net:

National Drought Mitigation Center:


From: Tim Barton / BlueGreenEarth <>
Date: July 31, 2006 5:35:04 PM EST
To: _BlueGreenEarth Forum <>

Subject: [bluegreenearth] Heatwave shuts down nuclear power plants,,1833620,00.html

Heatwave Shuts Down Nuclear Power Plants

Juliette Jowit and Javier Espinoza
Sunday July 30, 2006
The Observer

The European heatwave has forced nuclear power plants to reduce or halt
production. The weather,
blamed for deaths and disruption across much of the continent, has
caused dramatic rises in the
temperature of rivers used to cool the reactors, raising fears of mass
deaths for fish and other wildlife.

Spain shut down the Santa Maria de Garona reactor on the River Ebro,
one of the country's eight
nuclear plants which generate a fifth of its national electricity.
Reactors in Germany are
reported to have cut output, and others in Germany and France have been
given special permits to
dump hot water into rivers to avoid power failures. France, where
nuclear power provides more than
three quarters of electricity, has also imported power to prevent

The problems have come to light just weeks after Britain declared it
will build a new generation
of nuclear power stations, prompting opponents to claim the crisis
proved nuclear reactors -
although they emit no carbon dioxide greenhouse gases - are not the
solution to the problem of
global warming.

'The main problem they have is: How are they going to expand nuclear
power when they are so
vulnerable to such things as global temperature?' said Shaun Burnie,
Greenpeace International's
nuclear specialist.

But Bruno Comby, president of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy,
said future power stations
could have bigger cooling towers, or be built near the sea. 'The big
problem the earth is facing
today is global warming, it's not a one-degree local increase in [the
temperature of] a river,' he added.

The heatwave in Britain appeared to break last week, with the Met
Office forecasting more normal
summer weather this week. Today London and south-east England face a
repeat of last week's heavy
rains; for the rest of the week the country is expected to alternate
between sunny spells, with
warm temperatures and showers.

However, hotter weather is set to return. 'We could be looking at some
very warm weather coming
back towards next weekend,' said meteorologist Andrew Sibley.

Last week a series of power cuts in central London prompted fears of
regular blackouts as global
temperatures are predicted to keep rising, bringing more long, hot
summers. EDF, the capital's
main electricity supplier, said the problems were caused by a 'very
unusual' combination of several
faults and huge demand for air-conditioning.

'Over the weekend, our engineers are working round the clock to
maintain power supplies to the
area and avoid any further interruptions,' a company official said.

Network Rail, the main rail infrastructure operator, said fewer speed
restrictions were expected
in cooler temperatures, although track temperatures can rise to 20C
above the air temperature on
hot days.


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Lebanon: "We Have Lost
Faith in the International Community"
Moving Testimony of a
Lebanese Christian living in Beirut

by Mayssoun Sukarieh
August 1, 2006



Beirut - 30 July 2006 - I have been feeling numb for awhile because the
news over the past few days has been overwhelmingly focused on the
displaced, on the mind-searing stories of the 750,000 Lebanese people
who have had to flee in fear, leaving behind all of their worldly
possessions. The television and radio stations broadcast
heart-rendering pleas by people who have lost their loved ones...
Stories of their rising anxiety about homes they left behind in towns
that are now reportedly in rubble...Awful scenes of people murdered on
the roads as they fled... Stories of hair-raising destruction witnessed
by the refugees on those roads.

At times I get confused: Am I seeing and hearing the old stories of
Palestinians who fled their homes in mortal fear back in 1948?

Then I shake it off. No: I am in Beirut, it is 2006, and these are the
stories of the Lebanese who have been rendered refugees, but by the
same perpetrators of the 1948 displacement: the State of Israel.

Sometimes I have been collapsing. I cannot even write, or talk...I'm
beyond sad for my countrymen, and for my French niece and nephew, who
were excitedly dreaming of an adventurous summer in Lebanon, where they
hoped to learn about their heritage, to attend a performance of the
legendary Fairuz in Baalbeck, and to see the ancient ruins about which
they'd read in their school in France. My niece was especially awaiting
this visit; now it is far too dangerous for them to come here.

So I have been increasingly feeling imprisoned, in a jail cell that is
getting smaller and smaller by the day. I miss strolling by the sea. I
miss reading some news. In particular, I miss receiving good news...

Good news: Analysts are claiming Israel lost the war! Israelis
themselves are now saying this. I never imagined in my life that I
would hear of a defeat of the state of Israel without feeling
victorious and elated. But I feel neither.


We woke up this morning to the news of another massacre in Qana, the
little town that suffered so much in April of 1996. Reporters are still
choking on the dusty air while they reported from the scene of the
crime. The broken bodies of children and women start to come out.

Ten bodies were removed. Twenty bodies were removed. Forty bodies were

More than 50 bodies have now been removed.

The mangled carnage is ghastly beyond belief. Twenty-one children under
ten, many women, and then under them, still more women and children.

The rescuers from the village are lucky people who survived the
bombing. One of them told the story to the Lebanese reporters, which is
as follows:

"We were 63 people from two extended families in that shelter, we came
to this house because it is in the middle of Qana; our houses are
mostly on the outskirts of the village and whenever Israeli shells we
get hit with shrapnel. We decided we needed to move to this house since
it is in the middle, and we will be safer. We have been staying here
for more than fifteen days; we do not leave the house, and the Red
Cross kindly brings water and food for us. At 1:00 AM, after everyone
was asleep, my cousin called me to have a cup of tea. I went to his
room, and as we were just about to sip our tea, we heard a huge
explosion and loud screams, 'Yaa Muhammad!', as dust filled the air. My
cousin started to cry,'My family, my children...they are gone!' I
started to comfort him."

"Then, a few minutes later, another Israeli missile hit this same
building again, and there was so much dust that we could not see.... So
we fled to the center of the village, and we started to yell for anyone
who was still there, and could not make the move to Beirut. We told
them there is a massacre, and we need their help! They started to call
for the Red Cross, for other rescue organizations, and for the Lebanese
Army. We kept crying for help. From 1 AM until 8 AM, the very meager
rescue team that you see -- the Red Cross, a few Lebanese army
soldiers, and mostly people from the village -- arrived to help us."

An Al-Manar reporter becomes so emotional that he is barely able to
control himself, and keeps repeating Islam's traditional saying,"God is
Great!", after each sentence. He is seeing scenes of grotesque horror:
the smashed corpses of babies, one child, two children, three children.
A total of 57 innocent civilian non-fighter people have been unjustly
murdered -- and half of them are children under 13 years of age.

With each body removed from under the rubble, journalists run to take


How can they do it? I am outraged on behalf of the dead. Even as their
souls are hovering somewhere above their shattered bodies, they are
being turned into lurid objects for the camera to catch...grisly
objects for some photographer who is hoping for that "killer" shot to
advance his or her career.

I am now at my computer, trying to tell my friends what I am watching,
in outrage and disgust, on the television screen; in other words, I am
doing a body count.

I write to an American friend, and then I get an e-mail back from her:
"I wish you could send me footage for people here to see in the U.S.!"

I am not sure how much you need to see in order to feel outrage, in
order to refuse these savage wars of aggression, in order to denounce
this rampage of murderous butchery and wanton destruction.

I think: Why should I send footage for you to see? If the eye sees
while the brain is dead -- dead from the bloody images you see so
frequently that they get normalized -- what then happens if you see?
Maybe you'll send me an apology?

Write creatively about it? Try to aestheticize this? Call for another
theater performance with eloquently-spoken words in order to give
people an incentive to come here, or to act? But they won't come.


But can there be any people who do not yet know what is happening here?
Do they need to see the dead in order to know who to vote for the next
time, in a country where there is virtually no difference between the
Republicans and the Democrats?

Does it require more knowledge for you to realize that wars which kill
innocent people are unjust and unjustifiable? Do we need to see more
dismembered bodies, more demolished houses, and more shattered dreams?
Do we need to see more horrific scenes of real women and children
weeping, their hearts broken, in order to humanize those who are dying?
Do we need more of this pornography of war?

Is there not a danger that the repetitive viewing of these crimes and
atrocities will only result in emotional numbness, collective amnesia,
or sadistic schadenfreude? Is it simply knowledge that you lack? Is it
the courage to understand what we already know? OR IS IT THE COURAGE TO

Put our knowledge into your practice. Integrate our mental anguish into
your emotions. Be passionate about what we know.


How many more massacres do you have to see to know that the State of
Israel is unconscionably brutal? Aren't the massacres at Deir Yassin,
Kafar Qasem, Safsaf, Tantoura, Sabra and Shatila, Qana I, Marwaheen,
Sour/Tyre, and now Qana II, enough information for you to know the

Just how many blood-curdling shrieks from the dying, and horrified
outcries from the grief-stricken, do you need to hear before you will
finally act out of a commitment to humanity -- a humanity that
hopefully still links you to me, and to so many more, above and beyond
this sick voyeuristic consumption of pornographic images from wars?

To tell you the truth, my friend, we who are here have lost faith in
the idea that "public opinion" is capable of changing anything. We have
lost faith in the idea of an "international community" that can help us
by stopping these massacres.

The U.N. is now just another cold and unfeeling puppet face of the U.S.
government puppeteers. Or it is simply an organization that is as
helpless and powerless as we are here. U.N. representatives have also
been dying under the bombs alongside us, AND YET NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO


We have lost faith in you because we do not think you can act on your
knowledge, or that your knowledge even matters anymore.

We have lost faith in you because we think your governments do not give
a damn about how you think or what you think. We have lost faith in you
because you do not live in real democracies, and hence your opinion
does not matter anyway!


Finally, please read two firsthand reports from Lebanon by the
courageous, internationally-respected American journalist Dahr Jamail:

[1] Dahr Jamail's 7-30-06 Inter Press Service article, "If You Haven't
Left Yet, You're Hezbollah!" [Israel is killing innocent civilians who
haven't left southern Lebanon because they're sick and elderly who
cannot be moved, poor rural families with no place to go, lack vehicles
in which to flee, or are too afraid to travel on roads that the Israeli
air force has been routinely bombing.]:

[2] Dahr Jamail's 7-29-06 IPS article, "Oil Spill Hits Lebanon"
[Israeli air force has intentionally targeted Lebanon's economic
infrastructure by releasing 35,000 bombs that have destroyed 70
bridges, highways, seaports, water plants, electrical plants, and
radio/TV broadcasting stations. Israel knows Lebanon is economically
dependent on international tourists who visit its legendary beaches.
Nevertheless, Israeli air force bombs just struck a Lebanese site and
released a huge oil spill. Now the rapidly-spreading oil slick has
created an environmental disaster of the first magnitude that is
killing marine wildlife and destroying the beautiful coastline of

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 2, 2006, 1:03:05 PM8/2/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 2, 2006

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Censure Israel Now!
Israelbs offensive on Lebanon is an act of
under international law & "a supreme crime against the

by BRussells Tribunal
August 1, 2006
BRussells Tribunal

Censure Israel
now!B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B

The killing of 56 Lebanese civilians in Qana is a war crime.B

The veto system in the UN Security Council is bankrupt.

The Council is complicit with war crimes in failing again to maintain
peace and security.B

The UN General Assembly can and must act to stop the
killing by ending Israelbs state of exception to international law.
(01 August 2006)

The BRussells Tribunal condemns the State of Israel for its barbaric
killing of 56 Lebanese civilians, including many children, in Qana. 750
Lebanese have been killed since Israel began its military campaign
three weeks ago.B

Israelbs offensive on the sovereign state of Lebanon is a clear act of
aggression under international law and is a supreme crime against
peace. The indiscriminate mass killing of civilians also constitutes
collective punishment, another imputable crime under international

The United States stands accused alongside Israel. It has rushed
massive arms deliveries to Israel. Again, it has proven its partiality
in the UN Security Council, vetoing all moves towards an immediate
ceasefire. B

The United States and Israel are acting as one. The illegal pre-emptive
war on Iraq was prelude and made possible Israelbs campaign of
aggression on Lebanon. No solution to this crisis can be forthcoming
unless the United States is isolated and equally condemned by the
international community. B

Force cannot justify what law denies. Israelbs continued war crimes,
which are a staple of its foreign policy and occupation of Palestine,
constitute the gravest threat to international peace in decades. B

The BRussells Tribunal opposes all rhetoric of a bgreaterb or bNew
Middle Eastb and condemns the use of this phrase to sanction continued
killing in Lebanon and Gaza.B B B

Action is possible nowB

It is time for the international community to fulfil its duty and
prevent Israel being the exception to the rule of international norms
and peaceful aspirations.B

Under UN General Assembly resolution 377 of 1950 b the bUniting for
Peaceb resolution b the General Assembly is empowered to act where the
UN Security Council has failed. The UN General Assembly can and must,
as an urgent measure and as a moral imperative, convene an immediate
emergency session, condemn the State of Israel, and its partner in
crime and arms supplier, the United States.B

Israel must cease all military operations immediately and

The international community must also stand against US-Israeli plans
for the post-aggression interjection of an international force in
Lebanon. Any bstabilisingb force should be stationed on the Israeli
side of the Blue Line. Israel is the aggressor state and must be
restrained. It is the sovereignty of Lebanon that must be guaranteed. B

The Lebanese have the sovereign right to decide how to organise the
defence of their territory and they stand in agreement on how to
resist. Their right to resist is guaranteed by the UN Charter and
customary international law.B

The UN General Assembly should act to implement all UN resolutions
regarding Palestine, Israel and Lebanon b including resolutions 194,
242 and 425 b and demand the immediate withdrawal of Israel from all
occupied territories, along with just compensation for all human and
material losses.B

The BRussells Tribunal calls upon all organisations, institutions,
parliaments, governments and individuals to ACT NOW and call for an
extraordinary session of the UN General Assembly to condemn Israelbs
aggression on Lebanon and its continuous war crimes. Inaction or
silence is complicity.B

The BRussells Tribunal Committee - 01 August 2006

B Support this statementB

The BRussells Tribunal asks people who endorse this statement to

diffuse it widely. Email contact for the BRussells Tribunal:

Further reading: the BRussells Tribunal Statement on the bombing of
Lebanon (23 July 2006)
Further reading:B A Road to Peace in Lebanon? Jeremy Brecher and
Brendan Smith, member of the BRussells Tribunal Advisory Committee (27
July 2006)


B ... if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the
permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there
appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of
aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately
with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for
collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or
act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or
restore international peace and security. If not in session at the
time, the General Assembly may meet in emergency special session within
twenty-four hours of the request therefor. Such emergency special
session shall be called if requested by the Security Council on the
vote of any seven members, or by a majority of the Members of the
United Nations ...

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 377 (V) "Uniting For Peace"
302nd plenary meeting, 3 November 1950



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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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'No Hezbollah Rockets Fired from Qana'

by Dahr Jamail
August 1, 2006
Inter Press Service

QANA, Aug 1 (IPS) - Red Cross workers and residents of Qana, where
Israeli bombing killed at least 60 civilians, have told IPS that no
Hezbollah rockets were launched from the city before the Israeli air

The Israeli military has said it bombed the building in which several
people had taken shelter, more than half of them children, because the
Army had faced rocket fire from Qana. The Israeli military has said
that Hezbollah was therefore responsible for the deaths.

"There were no Hezbollah rockets fired from here," 32-year-old Ali
Abdel told IPS. "Anyone in this village will tell you this, because it
is the truth."

Abdel had taken shelter in a nearby house when the shelter was bombed
at 1 am. When the bombings finally let up in the morning, he went back
to the bombed shelter to search for relatives.

He found his 70-year-old father and 64-year-old mother both dead inside.

"They bombed it, and afterwards I heard the screams of women, children,
and a few men -- they were crying for help. But then one minute after
the first bomb, another bomb struck, and after this there was nothing
but silence, and the sound of more bombs around the village."

Masen Hashen, a 30-year-old construction worker from Qana who lost
several family members in the air strike on the shelter, said there
were no Hezbollah rockets fired from his village. "Because if they had
done that now, or in the past, all of us would have left. Because we
know we would be bombed."

Qana had been a shelter because no rockets were being fired from there,
survivors said. "When Hezbollah fires their rockets, everyone runs away
because they know an Israeli bombardment will come soon," Abdel said.
"That is why everyone stayed in the shelter and nearby homes, because
we all thought we'd be all right since there were no Hezbollah fighters
in Qana."

Lebanese Red Cross workers in the nearby coastal city of Tyre told IPS
that there was no basis for Israeli claims that Hezbollah had launched
rockets from Qana.

"We found no evidence of Hezbollah fighters in Qana," Kassem Shaulan, a
28-year-old medic and training manager for the Red Cross in Tyre told
IPS at their headquarters. "When we rescue people or recover bodies
from villages, we usually see rocket launchers or Hezbollah fighters if
they are there, but in Qana I can say that the village was 100 percent
clear of either of those."

Another Red Cross worker, 32-year-old Mohammad Zatar, told IPS that "we
can tell when Hezbollah has been firing rockets from certain areas,
because all of the people run away, on foot if they have to."

While IPS was interviewing people in Qana at the site of the shelter
Monday, Israeli warplanes roared overhead. Vibrations from nearby
bombing rattled many buildings. At least three villages in southern
Lebanon were attacked in Israeli air strikes Monday.

Following the international outcry over the air strike, Israel declared
a 48-hour cessation of air strikes in order to carry out a military
probe into the Qana killings.

Despite the false Israeli statement that it was halting its air
strikes, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon told Army Radio that the
stoppage "does not signify in any way the end to the war."

Israel has rejected mounting international pressure to end the
20-day-old war against Hezbollah. The United Nations has indefinitely
postponed a meeting on a new peacekeeping force for southern Lebanon.

While defending the Israeli air strike on the civilians in Qana,
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillerman told the UN
Security Council that Qana was "a hub for Hezbollah", and said that
Israel had urged villagers to leave.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres said in reply to questions
in New York Monday that the bombing was "totally, totally its
(Hezbollah's) fault."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 1, 2006 12:57:08 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -

[newsletter 31 jul 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Qana - again and again...

I am sure an Israeli statement will resemble the following: Dear
residents of Qana, It is your fault that you have not been able to flee
from the village. We have given you numerous warning and have made it a
lot easier for you by shelling every inch of your country. There is no
excuse for you to still be in the South of Lebanon. Why haven't you
crossed all the bridges we have brought down? Why haven't you taken a
bus and drove out of the city? Sure we are striking buses, but! what
are the chances that your bus will be hit? It is only a ninety nine per
cent chance that we will kill you and your family when you are fleeing.
Since you Muslims are very compassionate and are true believers of God
and his mercy, we thought that the only way to force Hezbollah to
surrender is by killing your women and children. We know that you are
very sensitive about that. But we are not. You see, we believe that in
times of war it is rightful to kill women and children. My statement to
the Israeli government: I hope you never find peace!...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


12 Official Guidelines for the Israeli Spokesman in Time of War
Gilad Atzmon, peacepalestine

The Israeli Foreign Ministry urges the Israeli lobbyists around the
world as well as its representatives to spread the message below. This
war is all about our survival unlike all the other wars that were all
about our survival. We must to stand up firmly and tell the world that:
*Our army is the most humanist army in the world. *Our army always
informs the helpless victims before we drop tonnes of bombs on their
heads. *! Is there any other army in the world that spreads leaflets
before it commits genocide? *As if this isnt enough, we always 'deeply
regret after weve committed atrocities. *Didnt we 'sincerely
apologise after smoking four UN peacekeepers? *Unlike, the Hamas and
the Hezbollah, we never kill indiscriminately. We always kill very
discriminately. We kill Arabs whether they are Arab women, Arab elders,
Arab children, Arab refugees, Arab disabled hiding in a Red Cross
shelter in Kafar Quana. We are after Arabs and to speak about us as if
we are bombing and killing indiscriminately is an utter anti-Semitic

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Gaza in darkness; quickly running out of water
Mona El-Farra

The irony is almost beyond belief. Since the capture of an Israeli
soldier, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a large-scale military
operation, what Israel calls "Summer Rain". Because Israel bombed the
power plant, and the area needs electricity to pump water, most of Gaza
now has almost no access to drinking water (...) As a physician, I fear
for our patients. Twenty-two hospitals have no electricity. They have
to rely on generators, but the genera! tors need fuel. We have enough
fuel to last a few days at most, because the borders are sealed so no
fuel can get in. The shortage of power threatens the lives of patients
on life-support machines and children in intensive care, as well as
renal dialysis patients and others. Hundreds of operations have been
postponed. The pharmacies were already nearly empty because of Israeli
border closures and the cut-off of international aid. What little
supplies were left have gone bad in the absence of refrigeration...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Israeli Prime Minister: No ceasefire; prepare for blood, pain and tears
IMEMC & Agencies

"We are fighting against murderous terrorists and the war will not stop
until we clear them from the border. The fighting continues. There is
no ceasefire and there will not be any ceasefire in the coming days,"
said Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Monday, to the sound of
thunderous applause from the Israeli audience. He said that the ongoing
Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which has claimed over 700 Lebanese lives
so far, w! ill not cease, despite growing international condemnation...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Qana Revisited
Robert Thompson*,

Qana is back in the international news just over ten years after the
terrible massacre in 1996. The Zionists have once again bombed and
killed a large number of defenceless civilians, mainly children. On the
previous occasion the casualties numbered over one hundred and this
time they were over fifty. This is clear evidence that the "clinical
pin-point-accuracy" of Zionist "carefully targeted" attacks on supposed
"terrorists" in the Lebanon is a totally false cla! im. What normal
people cannot accept is the sheer lack of concern and/or conscience
shown by such international criminals as Mr Bush, Mr Olmert, Mr Blair
and Dr Rice. Mr Blair's latest Foreign Secretary, Mrs Margaret Beckett
(she who was described as "not so much a safe pair of hands, more of a
glove-puppet"), refused fully to answer questions put to her on BBC
Radio this morning regarding the carefree lack of haste in the policies
of the USA and the United Kingdom. I have to admit that I fully
understand that she cannot give any justification for the deliberately
long drawn-out discussions resulting in continuing delays which
increase the loss of innocent lives.

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Camp Casey III and Iraq
Cindy Sheehan, t r u t h o u t | Perspective

After BushCo's stooge, Nouri al-Maliki, was in America last week
thanking soldiers for their sacrifices in helping the USA kill and
oppress his very own people and thanking Congress for giving George a
blank check to spend as he sees fit to kill and oppress the Iraqi
people, almost 4,000 of our soldiers in Alaska's 172nd Stryker Brigade
were shown how much they are appreciated by having their enlistments
extended another 120 days. I saw the Ang! el of Death in the skin of
Donald Rumsfeld say, while he was busy rushing in or out of the
Pentagon (it doesn't really matter), that it is "unfortunate" that the
soldiers have to remain in Iraq. I think it is unfortunate for our
troops and for the innocent people of Iraq and Afghanistan that Donald
Rumsfeld has to remain as the Secretary of War...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Statement by H.E. Dr. M. Javad Zarif, Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran before the Security Council New York, July 31,
M. Javad Zarif, Via

Mr. President, In my letter of 28 July 2006, I had requested to be
given an opportunity to speak before the Council takes action, so that
the Council would be appraised for the first time, of the views of the
concerned party before it adopts a decision. You may recall that my
previous request to speak before the Council, when it ado! pted its
Presidential Statement on March 29th, had also been denied. It is
indeed indicative of the degree of transparency and fairness, that the
Security Council has adopted a presidential statement and a resolution
without even allowing the views of the concerned party to be heard. Be
it as it may, I will make, for the record I presume, the statement that
was intended for presentation before action.

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Israel's Latest Massacre in Qana: Racist Jewish Fundamentalism a Factor
Omar Barghouti, Electronic Lebanon

...In 1996, the same year the first Qana massacre was committed, Rabbi
Yitzhak Ginsburgh, a leader of the powerful Lubavitch Hassidic sect,
echoed the same principle, rhetorically asking, "If a Jew needs a
liver, can he take the liver of an innocent non-Jew to save [the
Jew]?," answering, "The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life
has an infinite value. There is something more holy and unique about J!
ewish life than about non-Jewish life."[8] Moreover, Ginsburgh
coauthored a book defending the 1994 massacre of Muslim worshippers in
Al-Ibrahimi mosque (Patriarchs' Cave) in Hebron, in which he argued
that when a Jew kills a non-Jew the act does not constitute murder
according to the Halakhah, adding that the killing of innocent
Palestinians as an act of revenge is a Jewish virtue. During the first
months of the current Palestinian initfada, it was common for Israeli
army spokespeople to justify killing Palestinian children throwing
stones by saying that they "threatened human life." (B'Tselem Report)
Not soldiers' lives, not Israeli lives, but human life. One cannot
escape the implication that the alleged sources of the threat are not
exactly eligible to be called human in the army's common diction. In
this context, it is entirely justified to see Israel's second massacre
in Qana as the rule, not the exception...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Today in Iraq

Gunmen in military uniforms kidnapped dozens of people in an upscale
Baghdad neighborhood. The kidnapping was carried out by gunmen in
military fatigues who drove to the main shopping area of Karradah in 15
vehicles and split into two groups. One went into a mobile phone shop
and the other into the office next door of the Iraqi-American Chamber
of Commerce, said police Lt. Thair Mahmoud. They kidnapped 15 staff and
customers from the shop and 11 from the cham! ber, he said. All were
believed to be Iraqis. No other details were available. Gunmen in
commando uniforms blocked a car carrying a millionaire businessman and
his two sons and seized the three in southeastern Baghdad. Gunmen
killed Maad Jihad, an advisor to the health minister, in the Mansour
district of Baghdad. Gunmen in a sedan shot and killed two vendors
selling cooking-gas cylinders in Baghdad's western Yarmouk

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of SUnday, 30 July 2006.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial
board, the Free Arab Voice.

...As western media reports have indicated the US is transferring 3,700
troops into Baghdad ostensibly to "preserve security" in the occupied
Iraqi capital. The Iraqi Organization for Follow-up and Observation
("Mi'mar") has reported from Baghdad that the US has some specific
reasons for fearing heightened threats to their control of the city in
coming days. A! ccording to information obtained by Mi'mar, the reasons
for boosting US troop strength in Baghdad focus on concern that the
on-going Zionist-American aggression on Lebanon and Palestine, is
further increasing Iraqis hostility to the American occupation forces.
In addition to such existing American "security concerns" Mi'mar
reports that 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Hakim, the chief of the pro-American
Shi'i sectarian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq
(SCIRI) is engaged in moves towards declaring a separate "southern
region" of Iraq, further advancing the American plan to split Iraqi
into three mini states along ethnic and sectarian lines...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Mobilize to avenge the blood of Qana
Uri Avnery

George Bush and his vassal, Tony Blair, are no statesmen. They are war
criminals. They claim to be pious Christians. They are the physical
manifestation of the devil himself. Interviewed by the BBC's political
editor, Nick Robinson, on Saturday 30 July, Blair repeatedly declined
to call for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. "Give Israel time to do
its job of destruction. Let Israel annihilate Hizbullah and,
preferably, Syria as well. When this is done, we shall cal! l for a
ceasefire." This is the conclusion which any reasonable person watching
Blair's interview would draw. Indeed, it is the conclusion which Nick
Robinson himself drew - he said so himself in conversation with the
television news presenter after the interview. Well, Israel has done
its job. At least 60 innocent civilians, including many children, were
murdered on Sunday 30 July, the very next day after Blair's interview,
when Israeli warplanes bombed the basement in which they were
sheltering. And still, Bush's vassal will not call for an immediate

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The American Left and the Middle East: the case of Paul Krugman.
The Angry Arab News Service

I believe that Krugman is one of the sharpest columnists; his
criticisms of the Bush administration have been quite effective. But
you have to understand that American liberals are willing to tolerate
from Israel what they would never tolerate from their own American
government. Look at Krugman: "There's no question of this war having
been sold on false pretenses; unlike America in Iraq, Israel is clearly
acting in self-d! efense." And in case you missed that point, he later
repeats it: "Again, Israel has the right to protect itself." As for the
violence and destruction, this peaceful American liberal is willing to
even provide a road map of bombings and devastationn: "There is a case
for a full-scale Israeli ground offensive against Hezbollah. It may yet
come to that, if Israel can't find any other way to protect itself"..

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Qana: Exterminating the Ants
Kurt Nimmo

In order to understand the racist brutality of the latest Qana
massacre, it is instrumental to look at the previous Qana massacre.
James Bovard writes: "When you see the photos of corpses of young
children being dragged from the Qana rubble, remember: These are not
human beings. These are terrorists. And Israel announced ahead of time
that, because they were in south Lebanon, they were legitimate
targets," as Haim Ramon made sure to inform us. In his blog entry,
Bovard quot! es from his book, Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling
Freedom, Justice and Peace to Rid the World of Evil...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

[SNIP] a site gathering daily information concerning
occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts of iraqi resistance
available in Italian and English.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 1, 2006 2:47:32 PM ES
Subject: Fw: Iraq Dispatches: Lebanese Red Cross Repeatedly Targeted

Lebanese Red Cross Repeatedly Targeted

*Inter Press Service*
Dahr Jamail

*TYRE, Aug 1 (IPS) - Israeli warplanes are attacking the Lebanese Red
Cross repeatedly, members of the medical aid group say.*

"The night of July 23 we were called to rescue a family whose home was
bombed," Kassem Shaulan, a 28-year-old medic with the Lebanese Red Cross
in Tyre told IPS. "Just as I finished loading the three injured people
in my ambulance, it was struck by a rocket and all of us were injured."

The ambulance, now parked outside of the Red Cross headquarters in this
coastal city, had a hole through the centre of the red cross painted on
its roof. The inside was heavily damaged and pieces of the metal frame
of the van hung limply, riddled with shrapnel holes.

The Red Cross worker had several wounds on his body, and stitches on his
chin and leg. He said he could not hear very well any more.

"There was an old man on a stretcher in the ambulance who lost his leg
from the bomb," Shaulan said. "And a child with us is now in coma. The
third person is critically injured."

Shaulan, who has worked with the Red Cross for 13 years, is also
training manager at the headquarters. He said that minutes after his
ambulance was bombed, another ambulance nearby that was collecting
injured people was also bombed.

Nobody seems to feel safe anywhere any more. During the brief let-up in
air strikes after Israel's disastrous strike on a shelter in Qana that
killed at least 60 civilians - more than half of them children --
villagers are fleeing their homes in southern Lebanon by the tens of

The United Nations World Food Programme and other relief agencies have
been working tirelessly to take advantage of the short window to ferry
truckloads of aid to stranded civilians.

The brief halt also revealed more death and destruction. Members of the
Lebanese Red Cross in Tyre told IPS that their rescue workers retrieved
more than 30 bodies from destroyed homes, streets, cars, gardens and
ditches as they began their search. They continued to receive calls
about the dead and injured from villages throughout the south.

Shaulan said his headquarters had received calls from Qana pleading for
rescue assistance at 5 am on the morning of the Israeli strike. The
shelter was bombed at 1 am.

"Immediately after we got the call we took three ambulances and headed
to Qana," he said. "But three bombs nearly hit our first ambulance, so
we turned back."

They attempted to head out to Qana a second time, but again their
ambulances were attacked, and they returned to base. "They were keeping
us away," Shaulan said. They succeeded a third time, just before 9 am.

"You can see here that everyone the Israelis are attacking are civilians
and the Red Cross," Shaulan said. "And now we are having trouble
reaching villages to collect bodies because they've bombed most of the
roads and bridges before they told people to leave their homes."

Mohammad Zatar, who has been working for the Lebanese Red Cross in Tyre
since 1993, said he had never before seen attacks on rescue workers.

"As a Red Cross volunteer I need to be very clear that we are not
political -- we rescue anyone who needs help," the 32-year-old Zatar
told IPS. As a colleague unloaded bodies from bloody stretchers, Zatar
said "whether they are civilian, a resistance fighter or an Israeli
soldier, our policy is to help any human who needs help. But the
Israelis seem to be attacking us now."

Zatar said that most of the bodies they were picking up were of women
and children. "Sometimes we pick younger or middle-aged men, but that is

Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz told the Israeli Parliament Monday
that Israel plans to "expand and strengthen" its attack against
Hezbollah. "It's forbidden to agree to an immediate ceasefire," he said.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said there would be no ceasefire, and
that Israeli forces will continue fighting from the air and sea and on
the ground in Lebanon.

(c)2006 Dahr Jamail.
All images, photos, photography and text are protected by United States
and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's
Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a
prominent link to the website. Website by
photographer Jeff Pflueger's Photography Media
. Any other use of images, photography, photos and text including, but
not limited to, reproduction, use on another website, copying and
printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free
to forward Dahr's dispatches via email.

More writing, commentary, photography, pictures and images at


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 1, 2006 2:26:49 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: The Forgotten Victims

Sunday, July 30, 2006 From:
The Forgotten Victims

In late 1990, in the run-up to the Gulf War, I was a graduate student
in political theory at The Catholic University of America in
Washington, D.C. The coming war occupied much of our talk outside the
classroom, and I can recall only one graduate studenta Sicilo-American
Republican from Philadelphia who had gone through ROTC and was studying
at the law school so he could be a JAG Corps attorney for the Armywho
was in favor of the war.

I was a subscriber to the American edition of the Italian Catholic
magazine 30 Days, and we were all shocked when the American publisher
(Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.) decided to quit publishing the American
edition when the Italians ran a cover story on Pope John Paul IIs
opposition to the war. (For those unfamiliar with the story, that was
the genesis of Catholic World Report, which was given to American 30
Days subscribers to fill out the rest of their subscription.)

While it was clear that there were some Catholics in favor of the war
(Catholic politicians, in particular), much of the conservative
political opposition to the war was being led by Catholics, such as Pat
Buchanan and Russell Kirk, as well as an increasingly Catholic-themed
publication called Chronicles.
How times have changed. Today, the war in Iraq is far less justified,
morally or strategically, than the Gulf War was; and yet, outside of
Chronicles and Pat Buchanan, most conservative Catholics have
supported the war unquestioningly. Take a spin around St. Blogs
Parish and try to find anyone who raises any objection to the war.
Mark Shea is about the only one, but even when he questioned the most
over-the-top proposal by Michael Ledeen (that terrorists should be
killed on the battlefield, not captured), many of those who commented
on his post (as well as many of his fellow St. Bloggers) took him to

And anyone who points out that John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger
opposed the war is simply dismissed: Dont you know that they oppose
all war? Dont you understand that this is just a prudential judgment?
Are you suggesting that my prudential judgment may not be better than
that of two popes? After all, theres a lot they dont knowJohn Paul
and Benedict arent even Americans, much less Republicans!
And everything I just wrote applies in spades to conservative
American Catholic support for Israels latest attack on Lebanon.

Back in 1990, the opposition of us conservative students at Catholic U
was both moral and strategic. One thing that may have set us apart from
others, however, was an awareness that the conflict in the Middle East
can never be boiled down to just two extremes, whether Judaism versus
Islam or Israel versus Arabs. We had watched the Lebanese civil war
rage most of our lives; we knew the effect it had had on Maronite
Christians. Coming from Michigan, I knew of the massive influx of
Lebanese Christians to the Detroit area, in large part because of the

In the eyes of todays conservative American Catholics, the Christian
populations of the Middle Eastthe oldest continuing Christian
communities in the worldare simply invisible. Palestinians are all
Muslims; there are no Melkites. Lebanese are all Muslims; there are no
Maronites or Syrian Catholics or Orthodox. Ditto for Syria herself.
Iraqis are Sunni and Shiite and Kurd; Chaldean and Assyrian Christians
simply dont exist. And everyone who lives within the borders of Israel
is an observant Jew.

This blindness on the part of conservative American Catholics is
partly ignorance; even many of those who have heard the words Melkite
and Maronite have no particular interest in trying to learn anything
about either rite, must less trying to grapple with the history of
these Christian populations or even being bothered to find out who
lives where or how they worship.

More importantly, though, it reflects a growing political reality.
Since at least the Six-Day War, the presence of Christians in the
Middle East has been a sign of contradiction that has stood in the way
of American and Israeli attempts to reduce the broad conflict in the
Middle East to the dualism of Judaism/Israel versus Islam/Arabs. The
inconvenient reality of Middle Eastern Christianity has been a
stumbling block to remaking the Middle East in a particular ideological

I started to write the irreducible (instead of inconvenient)
reality of Middle Eastern Christianity, but, unfortunately, it is not
so. By acting as if they were dealing only with Muslims, both the
United States and Israel have changed the demographic reality in the
Middle East. Palestinian Christians have left in droves. Much of the
Maronite population is now in the United States. The Chaldean and
Assyrian Christians in Iraq have, as Wayne Allensworth predicted before
the war, largely fled the country.

These Christians, who used to act as leaven, politically and
spiritually, in a troubled region can no longer do so. And so the
ideological description of the conflict as the dualism of
Judaism/Israel versus Islam/Arabs has gone from an inaccurate reduction
of reality to something more than a half-truth today.
What is astounding is that so few conservative American Catholics
realize that the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Middle East is
not, in the long run, in the national interest of either the United
States or Israel. Blinded by American nationalism or partisan politics
or maybe just bloodlust, theyre supporting policies that will likely
cost more American and Israeli blood in the decades to come.

All of which was a long way to introduce the comments below that Andrea
Kirk Assaf, a journalist and the youngest daughter of Russell Kirk
(author of The Conservative Mind) made in response to Pat Buchanans
July 21 column on the war. I once knew Andrea quite well, having spent
seven months living at Kirks Piety Hill with my wife and our first
child, at the gracious invitation of Kirks widow and Andreas mother,
Annette. She writes:

Thank you, Mr. Buchanan, for being the lone sane voice among
conservatives in Washington today. I really appreciate this article and
have posted it on my blog:

This is the same Andrea Kirk you know, the youngest daughter of Russell
Kirk. I married a Maronite Lebanese man, Tony Assaf, and so have been
directly affected by this war. In fact, my in-laws home, and sadly my
father-in-law too, were hit by the Israeli missile that struck Baabda
last night. Incidentally, there are no Hezbollah targets within miles,
though the presidential palace is just next door. And Olmert claims
hes trying to help the Lebanese government? I fail to see how
destroying Lebanon could possibly help the Lebanese or the Israelis, in
the short or long term.

Please speak out on this as frequently and loudly as you can. It could
save lives if certain actors finally see the light.

You can read more details of the attack that injured Andreas
father-in-law, who for years has been a cook in a Maronite monastery,
in this post on her blog, which she has made into an excellent
compendium of source documents on the conflict. Those who subscribe to
Inside the Vatican may well remember the extensive coverage of Andreas
wedding to Tony Assaf a few years back. If I recall correctly, there
were some photos of Andreas in-laws, for those interested in putting a
human face on this conflict.

Please keep Andreas in-laws (and, of course, Andrea herself) in your
prayers, as we all join Pope Benedict in praying for the day of peace
to come today and not tomorrow.

/The World Beyond/Lebanon | print | permanent link | writebacks (29)


From: Stephen Lendman <>
Date: August 2, 2006 6:00:09 AM EST

Freedom to Fascism - A Must-See Film by Aaron Russo -
by Stephen Lendman

Aaron Russo has produced an important documentary film
titled Freedom to Fascism that should be must viewing
by everyone. It's now playing in theaters in
selective cities around the US and hopefully will be
shown abroad as well as what happens in the most
powerful country on earth affects all others for
better or worse. No one seeing this film will doubt
it's frighteningly for the worst.

The film focuses mainly on the US Internal Revenue
Service proving that the federal income tax on an
individual's wage-paid labor is illegal and
unconstitutional because there's no law written
requiring that anyone pay it. It also exposes the US
Federal Reserve System as a private for-profit banking
cartel owned and run by its member banks for their
benefit and at the expense of the public forced to pay
them interest on money they have no legal right to
print, put in circulation and control. That's because
it's creation by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
passed by Congress (in the middle of the night and
during the Christmas holiday break when many
legislators were gone) and signed into law by Woodrow
Wilson violated Article 1, Section 8 of the
Constitution that states (only) the Congress shall
have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the
value thereof.

In 1935, the US Supreme Court ruled the Congress
cannot constitutionally delegate its power to any
other body or group. By signing this outrageous act
into law, Woodrow Wilson did exactly that and violated
the law of the land in doing it. He later admitted he
made a terrible mistake when he said: (By doing it),
"I unwittingly ruined my country." Wilson had been a
distinguished professor of jurisprudence at Princeton
University where he later became its president before
becoming president of the United States. Because he
was trained in the law, it's more likely he knew full
well what he was doing but acted anyway
unconstitutionally in service to the powerful bankers
of his day.

The film goes further as well showing how our freedoms
are being eroded by fascist laws like the USA Patriot
Act that virtually by itself has eliminated most of
them and by George Bush's power-grab giving himself,
on his say alone, the right to assume dictatorial
powers if he wishes. He's done it through his
excessive and abusive issuance of presidential
executive orders that essentially rewrite US law as he
chooses to do it. Above all, he did it by claiming
the unchallengeable right to govern as a "Unitary
Executive" with the power to abrogate the separation
powers doctrine (implied but not specifically stated
in the Constitution), bypass the Congress and courts,
and act as he chooses to protect the national security
when he claims there's a threat to it. In effect,
he's given himself the right, on his say alone and
with no evidence to back it up, to annul the
Constitution, declare martial law if he wishes, and
govern by presidential edict, assuming total power and
functioning as a dictator. And he can do it if he
alone thinks it's necessary to protect the national
security against a threat he may have only concocted
and likely will have.

The film also covers other important information
including how US elections are now routinely stolen by
government controlled manipulation and voter fraud
through easily rigged electronic voting machines with
no verifiable paper trail to verify results. It also
discusses the Orwellian Real ID Act of 2005 the
Congress passed effective in May, 2008 requiring the
states to meet federal ID standards. This law makes
it mandatory for every US citizen and legal resident
to have a national identity card (in most cases a
person's driver's license) that will contain on it a
person's vital and personal information. Once the law
takes effect, no one will be able to open a bank
account or maybe even have one, board an airplane, be
able to vote or conduct many other kinds of essential
business without it.

It may also become a requirement in the future that
this ID card contain a radio frequency identification
(RFID) technology computer chip that will be able to
track all the movements, activities and transactions
of everyone having one. In Orwellian terms, this is
the ultimate dream of any government wanting police
state powers. The fact that US law now mandates as of
May, 2008 that everyone have this type ID means this
country is on a fast track toward becoming a
full-blown national security police state subject only
to the limits, whims and wishes of those in power.

Go see this film and bring family and friends with
you. Then go back and spread the word to others how
important it is that they too see it. Everyone must
now understand that unless "we the people" act in our
own behalf to save our precious freedoms, we'll awaken
one day soon to the reality that they were taken from
us while we weren't paying attention. Long ago Edmund
Burke explained it when he said: "All that is
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to
do nothing." He only neglected to include women in
his important aphorism.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit his blog
site at


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: July 31, 2006 12:26:38 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: The Voice of the White House

The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., July 27, 2006: I have been involved with American
political matters for many years now and have watched the ebb and flow
of concepts, ideologies, policies and personnel with some interest.
Having said that, I also have to say that the current Administration of
George W. Bush is, without any question, the most incompetent,
dishonest and divisive I have ever encountered in person. On the
domestic scene, Bush has personally allied himself with the lunatic
Christian Right to the point where he has alienated a good part of the
American religious scene.

He has willfully interfered with the funding of stem cell research
that all sane medical people have said is vitally important in finding
cures for such widespread diseases as diabetes, Parkinsons disease and
many, many other major killers of people. Bush has also pursued an
agenda that is transparently anti poor in general and anti black in
specific. His bored reactions and lack of action in the Katrina New
Orleans hurricane disaster is typical of the man. He did not care about
the very obvious suffering of the poor, certainly because the poor are
just that, poor.

The New Orleans poor are generally Democrats, black, on welfare or
some kind of subsidy, can do nothing for the Republican party and, in
the eyes of this party, are parasitic and unproductive. Bushs idiotic
tax breaks for his rich friends have clearly sown the seeds of a future
major economic disaster, one that he will not be around to deal with.
Bush has personally negated years of environmental advances because
many of the restrictions mandated by these advances cost his business
friends, and political contributors money.

Bush and his associates hold the laws of the land in contempt,
feeling, without any legal basis, that they can rule the United States
as they wish.

But it is the international arena that the bumbling, incompetent Bush
policies have created immensely critical problems that will cost
Americans a great deal of money on a personal level and put the United
States in opposition to the rest of the world.

The most important case in point here relates directly to the growing
violence being committed by the state of Israel against Lebanon and the
Palestinian state. Humanitarian concerns aside, the economic
consequences for Bushs encouraging this naked aggression coupled with
his flat refusal to make any official effort to stop it will certainly
result, almost at once, in an immediate surge of the price of crude oil
due to growing fears on all sides that this violence could very well
lead to a major war and the total disruption of the worlds major oil

The Bush administrations course of threatening Iran with military
actions coupled with their equally obvious intent to permit Israel to
continue its ruthless destruction of Lebanon and deliberate seizure of
its territory will certainly result in a sharp surge in oil prices that
will certainly prevent them any room for diplomatic actions and, in the
end, cause titanic economic upheavals in the United States. At a time
when the Republicans are suffering from monumental declines in the
polls and with a major midterm Congressional election looming in
November, the Bush people blindly push ahead with their senseless and
very destructive policies.

The price of oil has surged up to nearly $80 a barrel and most
professional non- government experts in the oil field are highly
concerned that if the Lebanon attacks do not cease and the area is not
brought under strong external control, such as a UN military mission,
the unabated and savage actions of the IDF is expected to involve Syria
and, even more seriously, Iran. If Iran becomes involved militarily
(they are already supplying Hezbollah with very advanced weaponry) this
could not only threaten the position of American military units now in
Iraq but also interdict the movement of oil from both Iran and Iraq to
world markets.

The leaders of Iran have before them the example of Russian President
Putins brief but devastating shut-off of Russian oil and gas to
eastern Europe last winter. This was calculated to make a point, which
it did, but the Iranians can easily see that even a temporary cessation
of their oil shipments to other oil-hungry nations would have a
devastating effect.

This would, in essence, turn these nations against the United States
for its clearly perceived role in instigating and maintaining the
violence in the Middle East This explains why Russia, China and
other countries have continued to resist Bushs demands that they force
Iran to abandon their nuclear program. That this position is basically
that of Israel and as it is universally believed everywhere that Israel
has a disproportionate amount of influence in Washington,
anti-Semitism, always endemic, will erupt in many areas with terrible
results to diverse Jewish communities worldwide.

If Bush and his people thought that their threats against Iran would
have any effect on that country, they were sadly mistaken and Iran
counter threats to cut off their oil has caused many countries whom
Bush counted on to support his, and Israelis, to withhold substantive
support for Bushs threats. demands .

This has become clearly evident to the Iranians and the fact that they
can defy Bush with growing impunity has not gone unnoticed by other
countries who hitherto had been afraid of American actions against them
in the event that they proved to be intransigent to any American

The Bush Administration has made similar demands and issued stern
threats against North Korea but when that country fired test rockets
after Bush personally had threatened immediate military reprisal,s.
When nothing happened, both North Korea and Iran have devastatingly
called Bush, and Americas, bluff.

Iranian threats to cut off oil shipments have immediately caused an
upward surge of oil prices from a high of $28 a barrel in 2002 to $78 a
barrel in 2006. This increase in price pours huge amounts of money into
the coffers of Iran, a strong military and political force in the
Middle East and the accounts of Saudi Arabia whose leaders, once
pro-American, have turned away from American because of the reactions
of their people to the Israeli destruction of life and property in

It should be noted that in addition to supplying hostile Arab states
with huge revenues, the rising prices will have, and are having, a
strong, negative effect on the American public. Once a major oil and
natural gas producer, America has now become a major oil and natural
gas consumer but official Bush policies have so infuriated many oil
producing countries that they would prefer to sell to China and India,
both with burgeoning needs for oil.

Remember that the soaring price of gas at the pumps was the primary
reason why the presidency of Jimmy Carter toppled. Bush might not worry
about this as he cannot be reelected but the damage will be visited
upon the Republicans who most probably will lose control of at least
one of the branches of Congress in November. If they lose both houses,
as is not impossible given the increasing disasters, loud and
persistent Beltway rumors have it that Bush could very well be
impeached and even more certain, massive investigations into rampant
Republican corruption would follow as surely as night follows day

That not everyone in America is upset with the surging prices of
gasoline, it is noted that

Exxon/Mobil will be announcing the highest second-quarter earnings
of any corporation, American or foreign, in history. This will be a
$9.9 billion profit raked in over the three month quarter.

The strongly pro-Israeli neocons have repeatedly called for Bush to
launch an American air attack on Irans reported nuclear facilities,
regardless of whether they are peaceful or militant in nature. The plan
is to use tactical nuclear weapons and so-called bunker buster bombs
on any area in Iran believed to be involved, even remotely, in their
nuclear power programs. This would include homes of personnel, schools,
electrical power grids and any kind of Iranian infrastructure that
could even remotely be connected with this program. Although this
course is eagerly and often put forward by militant pro-Israel neocons,
the economic results would be catastrophic and the price of oil would
go so high that it would be sold by the cup, not the gallon.

Money, unfortunately, is power, and the increase of the price of oil
has not only enriched various hostile Arab states, it has also done
this for the Russian Republic.

Russia, once an economic basket case after the collapse of Communism,
now is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, controller and developer
of oil, natural gas and nuclear power in the world.

This is an extreme irritant to the Bush administration who have tried,
in vain, to secure pipelines for oil and gas that would ship
non-Russian resources to the West outside of Russian territory. To
this end, the U.S. has attempted to gain control over countries over
whose territories such pipelines would have to cross but in spite of
early successes with the Ukraine and Georgia, Putin has effectively
blocked an uninterrupted passage and has effectively blocked Central
Asian countries from dealing with American oil interests and preventing
the establishment, or continuation, of American military bases in these
strategic areas.

In furtherance of this program, Russia has cooperated with China to
use a group called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This was
initially formed on June 5, 2001 by China, Russia , Kazakhstan,
Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The first joint military exercise between the China and Russia, called
Peace Mission 2005 started on August 19, 2005. Following the successful
completion of the Sino-Russian military exercises, Russian officials
have begun speaking of the SCO taking on a military role and of India
also joining these exercises in the future.

Other states, to include Mongolia , Pakistan, India and Iran have
observer status and in Serbia, the Serbian Radical Party has called for
Serbia to try to join. The Serbian Radical Party is doing this because
they tend to view the European Union as being a negative force on
Serbia and because they want to seek better relations with Russia. The
Serbian Radical Party has also proposed that Serbia join the Union of
Russia and Belarus to improve relations with Russia.

The U.S. Department of Defense has expressed growing concerns that
this group could quickly develop into a military entitiy in opposition
to NATO. The DoD feels strongly that pressure eminating from the United
States is materialy assisting Putins plans for a counterbalance to
NATO and, in addition, has expressed strong concerns that the admission
of Russia into the EU would further a European bloc that would spread
from France, through Germany to Russia, creating a unified and
potentially very powerful entity stretching from the Atlantic to the

Both the SCO and a Russian entry into the EU could form an economic
and military bloc that could easily rival the U.S. in power and that
would be a very strong rival to Americas foreign and economic

Much, if not all, of this organizing is due, in the main, to the Bush
inability to produce an effective diplomatic policy as well as his
ongoing policy of threat and bluster towards anyone he perceives as
opposed to American business (read oil and energy) interests.

The results of this ineptnness and total lack of foresight could
easily do terrible damage to the interests of the American public.


From: Paul de Burgh-Day <>
Date: August 1, 2006 7:44:06 AM EST

How can we
stop this crime against the world?

I think we all ask this question!

Today I posted to my list the following. It is preceded by my comments.
It is all too easy right now to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of what
we are facing.
Somehow we must keep the candle of hope burning!

So I offer this as something positive - that MIGHT help. If you agree,
spread the word!
It most certainly isn't going to make things worse than they are.

May we one day find this peaceful world we all seek!



A document of hope!

And make time to look into the links in the documents, and most
particularly the links at the end.
Just a quick look at the first one on mind control - and freedom, looks
like essential study.


Try the opening paragraph! Rather good I think!

I do commend you to read the whole review. This is a very interesting
and demanding challenge to the tapeworm [the system as we know it].
For dealing with what lies ahead - a grim scenario indeed, you could do
a lot worse than hear what Catherine Austin Fitts has to say.

There is so much all pervading horror and hopelessness around.
I order to survive, we must keep the candle of hope burning.
There is much here that will help you to do that!
I think we all need it! I certainly do!!

Bold sections are my emphasis.


The Source of Hopelessness
A Review of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth

by Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.

) Copyright 2006, Catherine Austin Fitts, All Rights
Reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted on an Internet web
site for non-profit purposes only.

July 24th 2006, 11:50 [PST] - The day after 9-11, a person whom I
respect and care about a great deal said to me, "George Bush was
anointed by God for a time such as this." He then asked me what I
thought. I said that I thought that the Bush family was anointed by
financial fraud, narcotics trafficking, and pedophilia. Stunned, he
said, "If that is true, then it's hopeless." I replied that things
were far from hopeless, but that for me solutions started with faith in
a divine intelligence rather than affirming a dependent relationship
with organized crime.

Last week I had dinner with a wonderful couple -- activists in the San
Francisco Bay Area -- and the woman told me how wonderful she thought
Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth was. She then asked for my
opinion. When I gave it, she said, "If that is true, then it's
hopeless." We then proceeded to have a rich conversation about why
folks who used to call themselves liberal or progressive are in the
same trap as folks who used to call themselves conservative

In order to respond to the problem of global warming, it is necessary
to look at the ways that we as citizens support criminal activity by
our government and how we as consumers, depositors and investors
support the private banking, corporate and investment interests that
run our government in this manner. This is easier said than done. When
we get it i.e., that we have to withdraw from a co-dependent
relationship with organized crime in order to save and rebuild our
world we can find ourselves struggling to envision the system-wide
actions that are needed and feeling overwhelmed by the task of
determining how to go about them personally and in collaboration with

My nickname for our current economic system is The Tapeworm. [ ] For decades I have
listened to Americans from all walks of life insist that we must find
solutions within the system i.e. within the socially acceptable
boundaries laid down by the Tapeworm. Believing that our solutions for
addressing global warming lie within the system defined by the Tapeworm
goes hand in hand with obtaining our media from companies controlled by
the Tapeworm, and having to choose from among leaders anointed by the
Tapeworm, such as Al Gore. This belief is, in fact, the source of our

George Orwell once said that omission is the greatest form of lie.
Gore's omissions in An Inconvenient Truth are so extraordinary that it
is hard to know where to start. Watching An Inconvenient Truth is more
useful for understanding how propaganda is made and used than for
understanding the risks of global warming (I am not qualified to judge
the scientific evidence here -- I am assuming that Gore's presentation
on global warming is sound).

The fundamental lie that Al Gore is telling comes from defining our
problem as environmental -- in this case global warming, whereas our
environmental problems -- as real and important as they are -- are but
a symptom of the problem, not the problem. Gore defines our problem as
"what." He is silent on "who." For example, Gore does not ask or
Who is doing this?
Who has been governing our planet this way and why?
Cui bono? Who benefits?
Who has suppressed alternative technologies resulting in our
dependency on fossil fuels? Why?
Who has generated how much financial capital generated from this
How did things get this bad without our changing? How much was
related to fear of and dirty tricks of those in charge?
How do we recapture resources that have been criminally drained and
use them to invest in restoring environmental balance?
Utah Phillips once said, "The earth is not dying. It is being killed,
and the people killing it have names and addresses." In one sentence,
Utah Phillips told us more about global warming than Al Gore has told
us in a lifetime of writing and speaking, let alone in An Inconvenient

Needless to say, Gore offers no names and addresses. Gore's "who"
discussion is limited to population. He seems to imply that the issue
is the growth in population combined with busy people being
shortsighted, leading to some giant incompetency "accident." That
makes it easy to avoid digging into the areas that would naturally
follow from starting with "who" which should lead to dissecting the
relationship between environmental deterioration and the prevailing
global investment model that is such a critical part of the governance
infrastructure and incentive systems.

Gore walks us through timelines showing the global warming of
temperatures. By defining the problem as simply environmental damage,
and shrinking the history down to temperatures, there is no need to
correlate environmental deterioration with the growth of the global
financial system and the resulting centralization of economic and
political power. The planet is being run by people who are
intentionally killing it. Their power is their ability to offer all of
us ways of making money by helping them kill it. Hence, understanding
how the mechanics of the financial system and the accumulation of
financial capital relate to environmental destruction is essential. If
we integrate these deeper systems into an historical timeline,
authentic solutions will begin to emerge. But Gore omits the deeper
systems and the lessons of how we got here and in so doing closes the
door on transformation.

For example, there is no place on Gores time line that shows:
the creation of the Federal Reserve:
the movement of currencies away from the gold standard:
the growth of non-accountable fiat currency systems:
the growth of consumer, mortgage and government debt;
the growth in the superior rights of corporations over people and
living things;
the growth of "privatization" (which I call piratization);
the subversive and sometimes violent suppression of renewable
energy, housing and transportation technologies and innovations;
the growth of the offshore financial system and the use of that
system to launder and accumulate vast sums of pirated capital
accumulated through the onshore destruction of communities.

Understanding the fundamental imbalance of the corporate model -- where
enterprises have the rights of personhood, but not the finite existence
of people or the legal responsibilities and liabilities -- and the
corporate model's economic dependence on subsidy that drives up debt,
economic warfare and the destruction of all living things is a critical
piece to developing actions to reverse environmental damage. Al Gore is
a man that has made money for corporations his entire life. He is a
member in good standing of the Tapeworm and his current lifestyle and
this documentary are rich with the resources that corporations can

There is also no personal accountability. Al Gore has not come clean.
There is no discussion of Gore's role in the Clinton Administration in
facilitating worldwide economic centralization and warfare, and with it
genocide and environmental destruction -- for example, there is no
mention of The Rape Of Russia [ ] or the driving out
of Washington of an investment model proposing to align places with
capital markets to create a win-win economic model that he intimates is
possible. For more, see my recently published case study on Tapeworm
Economics, and the competition between two economic visions during the
Clinton Administration, "Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Prison
Profits". [ ]

The documentary ends with a long list of things that we can do. Many
of these items are on my list. We all need to come clean in the process
of evolving towards sustainability. However, without a new investment
model and the governance changes that automatically follow, the result
of An Inconvenient Truth is to teach us to be good consumers of global
oil and consumer product corporations and banks and -- we are supposed
to intuitively understand -- vote for Al Gore or the candidates he
endorses. Gore draws us down a rabbit hole, which leaves us even more
dependent on the people and institutions that created and profited from
the problem in the first place. What that means is that the real
solution will be significant depopulation. The viewer is left to
preserve a bit of the shrinking American bubble to protect us from
having to face the depopulation solutions underway (See above links on
The Rape Of Russia and Dillon , Read & The Aristocracy Of Prison

The way a tapeworm operates inside our bodies is to inject a chemical
into its host that makes it crave what is good for the tapeworm and bad
for the host. An Inconvenient Truth is an injection from the Tapeworm.
Dont see it and crave a new round of what has not worked before.
Things are not hopeless. There is no need to waste time and money
adoring and financing the people who are killing the planet, or
counting on the politicians who protect them.

To get you started, let me recommend that you take the money and time
that you would spend watching An Inconvenient Truth and invest it in
reading or watching a few of many authentic leaders with useful maps
and solutions that are leading to serious ecosystem healing and

Mind Control, Mind Freedom
By Jon Rappoport

Escaping the Matrix: How We the People Can Change the World
By Richard Moore

America: From Freedom to Fascism
A documentary by Aaron Russo

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

What The Bleep Do We Know?
A documentary by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente

Messages from Water

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee
Bill Murphy, Chris Powell

Cynthia McKinney for Congress

Ron Paul for Congress

Can you imagine what these folks could do and what could happen if we
all invested 2 hours each and the price of a movie theatre ticket in
their work? Can you imagine what would happen if all the money donated
to Al Gore and candidates like him were invested in authentic leaders
and our access to them? I can and the truth and beauty of that future
fills my life and work with hope.

Catherine Austin Fitts is President of Solari and may be contacted at


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 3, 2006, 2:50:13 PM8/3/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 3, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 2, 2006 11:19:32 PM EST
Subject: Re: Kuala Lumpur Peace Conference...Text Of Dr. Mahatir
Mohamad's Statement

Sound advice! ...Nearly!... But they should apply it where it really
hurts, i.e., the sale of crude oil for gold and silver, not dollars,
not Euros. Screw the Euro, the dollar likewise, sell the crude for the
universal currency of precious metals! The trouble with the Muslims is
that they don't have the guts to do what obviously should be done. They
continue to waffle and temporize while the Jews cut them apart one by
one. When will they wake up? H.

----- Original Message -----
To: Stop the neo kahns
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 1:33 PM
Subject: Kuala Lumpur Peace Conference...Text Of Dr. Mahatir Mohamad's

July 29, 2006 19:17 PM

Dr M Tells World to Use Dollar Weapon to Pressure Washington

LANGKAWI, July 29 (Bernama) -- Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir
Mohamad Saturday urged countries in the world to stop using the US
dollar in their international trade in order to pressure Washington to
end its support for Israel's savage attack on Lebanon.

He said the oppression and cruelty of Israel against the Lebanese and
Palestinians would not end so long as the United States continued to
support and give aid to the Jewish regime.

"Switching out of the US dollar to using other currencies such as the
euro and yen or gold will somewhat weaken the US and put pressure on
it," he told reporters after visiting several development projects

He was asked to comment on the fierce land, sea and air bombardment of
Lebanon in the past few weeks which had destroyed much of southern
Lebanon and killed more than 600 Lebanese.

Dr Mahathir said Israel would not have dared to attack Lebanon without
the financial and arms support given to it by America.

He said Israel was definitely wrong in attacking Lebanon but the bigger
wrong was committed by the US in supporting the Israeli action.

"If the world is sincere in helping the Lebanese and Palestinians, they
should reject the use of the dollar in international trade.

"When the demand for the dollar falls, America will be weakened and it
will lack the ability to act as a bully in the global stage," he said.

He said the suggestion to stop using the dollar in international trade
would be difficult to implement because many countries relied on it and
they were also afraid of offending the US.

Even the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) did not have the
courage to take on the US because its members were divided in their
stand, with some supporting the US while others were opposed.

"We cannot hope for OIC to do anything. Only when the Western world
acts, then the OIC might follow suit," he said.
Source from :

The world is once again forced to watch helplessly Israeli
intransigence and brutish ways in Lebanon and Palestine. The
destruction and killings by Israeli terrorists would not be possible
without the support and collusions of the United States of America and
The world must therefore condemn all three and act against them. The
oil producing countries can stop these atrocities by stopping all
transactions in U.S. Dollars or British pounds.
I do not believe in futile condemnations because they would simply be
ignored. It is time for the world to act.
Only a poverty-stricken U.S. will stop the killings and the
destruction. And the U.S. will not be able to finance war if it is
I appeal to the world to take this simple action. Reject the dollar
and the pound. There will be economic turmoil for the whole world.
But this is a price we must be prepared to pay. It would be temporary.
Until we do this the Israeli-U.S.-Britain Axis will advance into Syria
and Iran and other countries on the excuse they are all harbouring
To the defenders of Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Syria and Iran, fight
against those who fight you as enjoined by the Al-Quran. Do not kill
civilians and innocent people even if your enemies do that.
Uphold the name of Islam and its teachings. Unite and Allah will be
with you until victory over your enemies is achieved.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of sign_drM.gif]
Mahathir bin Mohamad
Former Prime Minister
28 July 2006


NOTE: Support for this analysis below occurs when we remember how
feloniously UN "peace"keepers in Haiti supported the recent vicious
US-puppet Tortue dictatorship at the great expense (e.g., even some
murders) of the Haitian citizenry. -- kl, pp

Peacekeepers to the Rescue
Tom Mysiewicz Shamireaders

The calculated madness of the Israeli incursion into Lebanon, the
attacks on ambulances, columns of civilians, bridges, power plants,
Shiites, Sunnis, Druze, Christians and just about everything that
movesand now the horrendous "bunker buster" attack on a building in
Qana filled mostly with child refugees--may simply be a gambit to
create a humanitarian crisis of such a degree in Lebanon that the world
will rush to allow a strong UN, NATO or other "peacekeeping" force to
enter the country. Such an eventuality, while in the interest of
Israeli planners and of great benefit in a future war against Iran and
Syria, would be a serious error for the participants as well as the
victims. For a "peacekeeping" force is no substitute for strict
international sanctions on Israel (including an embargo on WMDs and
weapons capable of being used on civilian populations)...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


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Qana Bomb Made in the

August 2, 2006
The Guardian

Guardian: Qana Bomb Made in the US

By Foreign News Desk
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It has been revealed that the bombs used in the attacks Israel launched
on the southern Lebanese village of Qana were produced by the US.

At least 60 civilians, most of whom were children had been killed in
the attack.

The British newspaper Guardian reported that the bombs used in the
attacks were laser-controlled BSU 37/B bunker busters manufactured by
the US.

The Independent claimed that inscriptions on shrapnel found at the
sight of the attack indicate that the bombs were manufactured by the

It also noted that the bombs were tested in the war field.

The same type bomb had been used in last weeks attack that killed
four UN observers.

The Bush administration had shipped 2.5 tons, 100 GBU-28 bunker
busters to the region after the operation began on 12 July.

Silence Requires a Heart of Stone!

The carnage in Qana dominated the world media.

The Guardian, recalling the Qana massacre of 1996 when 105 people were
killed, stressed that Israels foreign policies have never yielded
concrete results and there was no guarantee that their latest policies
would be any different.

David Clark, adviser for the Workers Party government, wrote that
Israel had openly committed war crimes and that Blair and Bush were
being hypocrital by not condeming all forms of terror.

In an article titled, 'How can we stand by and allow this to go on?
Robert Fisk, a popular journalist for Independent, writes, You must
have a heart of stone not to feel the outrage.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
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must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding of
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) Copyright , The Guardian, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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911 "Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon
Deliberately Misled Public Opinion
Military officials made false statements to
Congress and to the 911 Commission

by Michel Chossudovsky
August 2, 2006

Recent revelations by members of the 911 Commission (quoted in the
Washington Post, 2 August 2006) have farreaching implications.

They confirm that the Pentagon was involved in criminal wrongdoing by
deliberately distorting and/or withholding information concerning the
September 2001 attacks:

"Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded
that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001
terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead
the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of
events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate." (WP,
2 August 2006)

These revelations uphold what has been documented regarding 911 in
several carefully researched studies, which the mainstream media
continue to identify as "conspiracy theories".

It would appear that the 911 "Conspiracy Theorists" have at last been
vindicated. The information now released and yet to come is that the
Pentagon was involved in acts of coverup at the highest levels of the
military hierarchy.

"Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in
a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated
referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal
investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members
and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided
enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials
violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the
commission, hoping to hide the bungled response to the hijackings,
these sources said."

If this were known to the 911 Commission, why was it withheld?

More generally, why was the contradictory evidence presented by the
Pentagon, the White House and the CIA taken at face value. Why did the
911 Commission uphold the lies and falsehoods in its "authoritative"

Damage control

The Commission was not misled. The Commission deliberately and
consciously distorted the facts regarding 911. A large part of the 911
narrative as presented in its report is fabricated.

The Pentagon's top brass (including senior NORAD
officials) was involved in acts purjury with a view to misleading
public opinion. If the Commission doubted the veracity of the
information presented, why did it replicate the lies and falsehoods in
its report.

These recent revelations have all the appearances of "damage control":
they consist in admitting that the Pentagon withheld
information, without questioning the broader findings of the 911
Commission Report:

"I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was
described," John Farmer, a former New Jersey attorney general who led
the staff inquiry into events on Sept. 11, said in a recent interview.
"The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to
us and the public for two years. . . . This is not spin. This is not

Arnold, who could not be reached for comment yesterday, told the
commission in 2004 that he did not have all the information unearthed
by the panel when he testified earlier. Other military officials also
denied any intent to mislead the panel.

John F. Lehman, a Republican commission member and former Navy
secretary, said in a recent interview that he believed the panel may
have been lied to but that he did not believe the evidence was
sufficient to support a criminal referral.

"My view of that was that whether it was willful or just the fog of
stupid bureaucracy, I don't know," Lehman said. "But in the order of
magnitude of things, going after bureaucrats because they misled the
commission didn't seem to make sense to me."

The integrity of the 911 commission members remains unscathed. The
broader issue of sheer fabrication, presenting al Qaeda as the
architect of the WTC attacks is not mentioned. Neither is the issue of
Operation Able Danger, the Pentagon's secret operation, which
consisted essentially is fabricating terrorist cells ahead of 911:

"Atta, according to the Kean report, was the tactical leader of the
9/11 plot. He was the pilot who on that dreadful morning flew the
first plane, American Airlines 11, into the North Tower of the World
Trade Center in New York. It was Attas face, on television and in
newspapers across the world, that became the symbol of Islamic
terrorism. And it was Attas name - not the names of any of the 18
other hijackers allegedly lead by Atta on that day - that was cited by
international security researchers. Atta was, as the Kean report
stresses, the tactical commander of the operation in the United
States. According to both the Bush administration and the official
9/11 Commission report, he was working on the orders of Osama Bin Laden
who, from remote Afghanistan, controlled the entire operation.

Now, almost exactly four years after 9/11, the facts appear to have
been turned upside down. We now learn that Atta was also connected to a
top secret operation of the Pentagons Special Operations Command
(SOCOM) in the US. According to Army reserve Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony
Shaffer, a top secret Pentagon project code-named Able Danger had
identified Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers as members of an
al-Qaida cell more than a year before the attacks.

Able Danger was an 18-month highly classified operation tasked,
according to Shaffer, with developing targeting information for
al-Qaida on a global scale, and used data-mining techniques to look
for patterns, associations, and linkages. He said he himself had
first encountered the names of the four hijackers in mid-2000." (See
Daniele Ganser's study on Operation Able Danger

Michel Chossudovsky's most recent book, which reviews in detail the
events of 911 is entitled: Americas "War on Terrorism", Global
Research, 2005. To order Chossudovsky's book America's "War on
Terrorism", click here.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

To become a Member of Global Research

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
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request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Michel Chossudovsky,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Recent Top Headlines:

Talk Show Mobilization for CSPAN Rerun Tuesday 6:10PM

Vanity Fair to Cover 9/11 for 2nd Straight Month

CSPAN Coverage of L.A. 9/11 Panel

Kevin Barrett on Fox News, Fetzer on Fox News

Loose Change the Focus of 4 Page Spread in Vanity Fair

Recent 9/11 Media Recap:
What's the Truth?, Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
Take Back 9/11, September 11 Revisited, Evidence to the Contrary
Dr. David Ray Griffin '9/11 Myths' Speech - MP3
Who Killed John Oneill, Orwell Rolls in His Grave

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Washington Post: Government Lied about 9/11

The Washington Post has a story today about how the Government lied
about the military response to 9/11 (free subscription required). The
story is also covered by Raw Story

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded
that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001
terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead
the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of
events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a
secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated
referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal
investigation, according to several commission sources.


"We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace
Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former
New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so
far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got

* * *

"I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was
described," John Farmer, a former New Jersey attorney general who led
the staff inquiry into events on Sept. 11, said in a recent interview.
"The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to
us and the public for two years. . . . This is not spin. This is not

* * *

John F. Lehman, a Republican commission member and former Navy
secretary, said in a recent interview that he believed the panel may
have been lied to but that he did not believe the evidence was
sufficient to support a criminal referral.

"My view of that was that whether it was willful or just the fog of
stupid bureaucracy, I don't know," Lehman said. "But in the order of
magnitude of things, going after bureaucrats because they misled the
commission didn't seem to make sense to me."

posted by George Washington at 1:47 AM EST


Date: August 2, 2006 1:31:33 PM EST
Subject: Fwd: FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN - Eyewitness Reports By Christopher
Bollyn, Wed Aug 2

From: APFN <>
Date: August 2, 2006 12:41:42 PM EST
To: APFN Yahoogroups <>
Subject: 9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon

Washington Post
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon;article=103379

FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN - Eyewitness Reports By Christopher Bollyn,
Wed Aug 2 14:23
NEWS (Mark Glenn)


From: "Bill Douglas" <>
Date: August 2, 2006 12:30:37 PM EST


Given the Washington Post article that now after the C-SPAN program and
VANITY FAIR Magazine's article SUDDENLY the 9/11 Commission realises it
was lied to . . . it is time to press the media on one fact that the
nation was exposed to this week, and ask why they are not reporting on

THERMATE TRACES IN WTC DEBRIS !! This needs to be a mantra we
encourage all our 9/11 truth contacts and organizations to pound home.


Let's begin discussing this in the 9/11 lists and discussion groups,
and acting on it.

At this link you'll find emails for major and alternative media thruout
the US and world. It is a dated list, but thousands will get thru. It
is best to set up free email accounts to send from, so your box isn't
filled with the returns of defunct addresses.


From: James Patton <>
Date: August 2, 2006 11:58:10 PM EST
To: 911Truth Action <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: 36% of Americans suspect 9-11 government
conspiracy - Scripps

> The headline should read '64% of Americans still slumbering in
media-induced coma',
> or 'Almost two thirds of Americans still asleep at the wheel.'
>For those guys, I've got some good Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction
>that I can sell them! (nudge nudge wink wink).

36% of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy - Scripps
Posted by: "Dick Eastman" oldickeastman
Date: Wed Aug 2, 2006 10:01 am (PDT)

Scripps Howard News Service - Aug 1, 2006

Third of Americans Suspect 9-11 Government Conspiracy

Scripps Howard News Service

More than a third of the American public suspects that federal
officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to
stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East,
according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.

The national survey of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the
federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they
"personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be.

Widespread resentment and alienation toward the national government
appears to be fueling a growing acceptance of conspiracy theories
about the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" _ the common
phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet _ quickly have
become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theories that the
federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy's
assassination and that it has covered up proof of space aliens.

Seventy percent of people who give credence to these theories also say
they've become angrier with the federal government than they used to

Thirty-six percent of respondents overall said it is "very likely" or
"somewhat likely" that federal officials either participated in the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or took no action
to stop them "because they wanted the United States to go to war in
the Middle East."

"One out of three sounds high, but that may very well be right," said
Lee Hamilton, former vice chairman of the National Commission on
Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also called the 9/11
commission.) His congressionally appointed investigation concluded
that federal officials bungled their attempts to prevent, but did not
participate in, the attacks by al Qaeda five years ago.

"A lot of people I've encountered believe the U.S. government was
involved," Hamilton said. "Many say the government planned the whole
thing. Of course, we don't think the evidence leads that way at

The poll also found that 16 percent of Americans speculate that
secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real
reason the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.

Conspiracy groups for at least two years have also questioned why the
World Trade Center collapsed when fires that heavily damaged similar
skyscrapers around the world did not cause such destruction. Sixteen
percent said it's "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that "the
collapse of the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives
secretly planted in the two buildings."

Twelve percent suspect the Pentagon was struck by a military cruise
missile in 2001 rather than by an airliner captured by terrorists.

That lower percentage may result from an effort by the conservative
Washington-based Judicial Watch advocacy group to debunk the claim.
The group filed claims under the Freedom of Information Act and got
two fill loops released from Pentagon security cameras.

"Some people claim they can't see anything, but I see a plane hitting
the Pentagon at incredibly high speed," said Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton. "I see the nose of the plane clearly entering the frame of
one video and the tail of the plane entering the Pentagon in the other

Many conspiracy Web sites have posted the video loops and report the
films are inconclusive or were manipulated by the government.

"Some folks will never be convinced," Fitton said. "But I'm hoping
that these videos will dissuade reasonable people from falling into a
trap with these conspiracy theories."

University of Florida law professor Mark Fenster, author of the book
"Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture," said the
poll's findings reflect public anger at the unpopular Iraq war,
realization that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass
destruction and growing doubts of the veracity of the Bush

"What has amazed me is not that there are conspiracy theories, but
that they didn't seem to be getting any purchase among the American
public until the last year or so," Fenster said. "Although the Iraq
war was not directly related to the 9/11 attacks, people are now
looking back at 9/11 with much more skepticism than they used to."

Conspiracy-believing participants in the poll agree their suspicions
are recent.

"I certainly didn't think of conspiracies when 9/11 first happened,"
said Elaine Tripp, 62, of Tabernacle, N.J. "I don't know if President
Bush was aware of the exact time it was going to happen. But he
certainly didn't do enough to stop it. Bush was so intent on having
his own little war."

Garrett Johnson, 19, of Manassas, Va., said it was "well after the
fact" before he started questioning the official explanation of the
attacks. "But then people I know started talking about it. And the
Internet had a lot to do with this. After reading all of the different
articles there, I started to think we weren't being told the truth."

The Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University has tracked the
level of resentment people feel toward the federal government since
1995, starting shortly after Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal
building in Oklahoma City. Forty-seven percent then said they,
personally, feel "more angry at the federal government" than they used
to. That percentage dropped to 42 percent in 1997, 34 percent in 1998
and only 12 percent shortly after 9/11 during the groundswell of
patriotism and support for the government after the attacks.

But the new survey found that 77 percent say their friends and
acquaintances have become angrier with government recently and 54
percent say they, themselves, have become angrier _ both record

The survey also found that people who regularly use the Internet but
who do not regularly use so-called "mainstream" media are
significantly more likely to believe in 9/11 conspiracies. People who
regularly read daily newspapers or listen to radio newscasts were
especially unlikely to believe in the conspiracies.

"We know that there are a lot of people now asking questions," said
Janice Matthews, executive director of, one of the most
sophisticated Internet sites raising doubts about official
explanations of the attacks. "We didn't have the Internet after Pearl
Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin or the Kennedy assassination. But we live
in different times now."

Matthews' Web site averaged 4,000 "hits" a day last year, but
currently has at least 12,000 visits every 24 hours. The site,
according to its online policy statement, is dedicated to showing the
public that "elements within the U.S. government must have
orchestrated or participated in the execution of the attacks for these
to have happened the way in which they did."

Participants in the poll were asked to respond to "several serious
accusations that some people have made against the federal government
in recent years." Five conspiracy theories were described and
participants were asked if each was "very likely, somewhat likely or

The level of suspicion of U.S. official involvement in a 9/11
conspiracy was only slightly behind the 40 percent who suspect
"officials in the federal government were directly responsible for the
assassination of President Kennedy" and the 38 percent who believe
"the federal government is withholding proof of the existence of
intelligent life from other planets."

The poll found that a majority of young adults give at least some
credence to a 9/11 conspiracy compared to less than a fourth of people
65 or older. Members of racial and ethnic minorities, people with only
a high school education and Democrats were especially likely to
suspect federal involvement in 9/11.

The survey was conducted by telephone from July 6-24 at the Scripps
Survey Research Center at the University of Ohio under a grant from
the Scripps Howard Foundation. The poll has a margin of error of 4
percentage points.

[Thomas Hargrove is a reporter for Scripps Howard News Service. Guido
H. Stempel III is director of the Scripps Survey Research Center at
Ohio University.]



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The Qana
Massacre and the UN Security Council
The role of a Chapter VII
resolution or a U.N. peacekeeping force
must be to
protect Lebanon from Israeli aggression.

by Siddarth Varadarajan
August 1, 2006
The Hindu

The primary role of any Chapter VII resolution or expanded U.N.
peacekeeping force must be to protect Lebanon from Israeli aggression.

TEL AVIV's announcement of a 48-hour suspension of air operations
following the international outcry over the massacre of 56 Lebanese
civilians half of whom were young children is not so much an act of
contrition as an attempt to shift the American-Israeli war aims against
Hizbollah and Lebanon on to a higher, more effective plane.

The fact that the Israeli authorities are granting this `grace period'
primarily in order to allow the United Nations to evacuate any
civilians who wish to leave southern Lebanon is itself a blatant
declaration of the Olmert regime's intention to continue bombing
residential areas. Serving notice on non-combatants and then flattening
their dwellings does not exonerate Israel's commanders from culpability
for violating the laws of war. Would Israel protest any less if
Hizbollah preceded its barrage of Katyushas with a general warning to
all residents of Haifa and northern Israel that they leave the area?

While the announcement of 48 hours breathing space is intended to allow
anti-Israeli opinion around the world to settle down a little, its main
purpose is to give Washington time to try and impose on the government
of Fouad Siniora in Lebanon a NATO-led "international stabilisation
force" armed with a `robust mandate' under Chapter VII of the U.N.

The purpose of such a force would be to put into effect Resolution 1559
a non-binding resolution of the Security Council passed in 2004
calling on the Lebanese government to disarm Hizbollah and assert its
military control over the entire territory of Lebanon. The purpose of
the force would certainly not be to facilitate a just political
settlement and protect Lebanon from the kind of aggression Israel has
regularly been launching since 1978.

Ever since UNIFIL (the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon) was first
deployed 28 years ago, Israel has displayed utter contempt for the
presence of international peacekeepers across the blue line. In 1996,
it bombed a U.N. post at Qana, killing more than 100 civilians. Last
week, it "accidentally" killed four peacekeepers and refused to allow
the U.N. to join the investigation into the incident. Surely America,
France or Britain would not allow the U.N. to probe an incident which
occurred on their territory, Dan Gillerman, Israel's Ambassador in New
York, argued lamely. Forgetting, conveniently, that the flattened U.N.
post at Khiyyam was on Lebanese and not Israeli soil.

Mandate of U.N. force the key

Given its track record, Israel will allow the U.N. Security Council to
stay its hand in Lebanon only if this results in the deployment of a
well-armed U.S./NATO/European-led force a force that would complete
Tel Aviv's stated war aims for it. This is something that suits the
Bush administration too. The U.S. sees Hizbollah as a powerful
detachment of "international terrorism" and a tool of Syria and Iran.
Thus, getting a `stabilisation force' on the ground in Lebanon and on
Lebanon's border with Syria, as Condoleezza Rice said on Monday would
be a relatively low-cost alternative to the more direct forms of
military pressure on Damascus and Teheran that Washington can ill
afford to exert for the moment.

Since the `war on terror' has been defined by American ideologues as an
`endless war', the U.S. will not deploy in Lebanon unless it is
confident of staying there indefinitely. Like Bagram in Afghanistan,
Camp Bondsteel in Serbia and the enormous bases coming up all over
Iraq, the proposed stabilisation force under the overall control of
U.S. Central Command is likely to dig itself in. Therefore, if the
Siniora government accedes to the deployment of the kind of force
George W. Bush and Tony Blair have in mind, it might as well forget
about asserting sovereign control over its "entire territory" for the
foreseeable future.

But more dangerous than any symbolic affront to national honour what
this will entail is the very real possibility that the `robust'
international force would be no more effective in disarming and
defeating Hizbollah than the Israeli armed forces have been in the past
two weeks. Eventually, as Anglo-American casualties mount, sectarian
militias are likely to be promoted as a conscious military strategy to
undermine and contain Hizbollah. If the Lebanese people are lucky, the
clock will be turned back to the chaos and mayhem that plagued them in
the 1980s. If they are unlucky, they will become the next Iraq.

There is, of course, another alternative, if only the world could find
a way to insist that the U.S. and Israel agree to it.

The starting point has to be the Israeli recognition of a simple fact:
that it is Israel's legacy of disastrous wars against Lebanon that lies
at the root of the present problem. Tel Aviv cannot take refuge under
the claim that Hizbollah attacked first. Israel remains in illegal
possession of Lebanese territory the Sheba Farms and is thus an
occupying power. Secondly, there has hardly been a day since its
withdrawal from Lebanon two years ago that Israel has not violated
Lebanese air space or territorial waters. Thirdly, Israel has refused
to provide the Lebanese government with a map of the thousands of
landmines it buried throughout its erstwhile occupation zone in
southern Lebanon, leading to the death and maiming of Lebanese
civilians on an almost monthly basis. Fourthly, it is Israel that first
placed civilians, including its own citizens, at risk by
indiscriminately bombing Lebanese towns and villages.

Despite these provocations, the Lebanese people and government are
entitled to question the wisdom of Hizbollah in unilaterally
undertaking a mission to abduct two Israeli soldiers from across the
Blue Line. And the seven-point formula presented by Prime Minister
Siniora contains within it all the elements necessary for peacefully
resolving the ongoing conflict as well as addressing the security
concerns of Israel.

In a nutshell, what the Lebanese government and all major parties in
parliament (including Hizbollah) are saying is that there should first
be an unconditional and immediate ceasefire. A 48-hour suspension of
air attacks is not the same thing. The ceasefire would then be followed
by a number of steps, including an exchange of prisoners by both sides;
the return by Israel of the Sheba Farms to Lebanon; an independent
probe into the indiscriminate bombing Israel launched; the deployment
of the Lebanese army all the way down to the border with Israel; the
disarming of Hizbollah as an independent militia following national
consultations; the provision by Israel of maps indicating the location
of its land mines in southern Lebanon; and, finally, the deployment of
a U.N.-led blue helmet force, which would help the Lebanese army ensure
that Lebanon is never again attacked by Israel.

This is the big package the Security Council must act upon when it
meets this week to resolve the crisis caused by Israel's latest
aggression. Substituting this package for the one-point agenda of
disarming Hizbollah through military means and attempting to dictate a
broader political settlement with the Damocles Sword of Israeli air
strikes hanging over Lebanon will only make matters worse.

Siddharth Varadarajan is Associate Editor of The Hindu.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Date: August 2, 2006 8:01:13 PM EST
Subject: Genetically Engineered Cotton killing sheep

From CDC, Kellers


>In India's Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh, government officials
>have ordered an investigation into the deaths of hundreds of sheep
>and goats who appear to have been poisoned by eating genetically
>engineered (GE) cotton. "They just became very dull and lifeless and
>died," said one shepherd, Pendala Venkatamma. Sheep and goats
>regularly graze on traditional cotton, but after 4-5 days of eating
>Monsanto's genetically engineered bT cotton, the animals'stomachs
>swelled, and they died. Although Monsanto denies its cotton could
>have this effect, government officials have launched a scientific
>investigation. "We have immediately alerted the animal husbandry
>department to give us the details of villages where this has
>happened and... their findings regarding this" said Poonam
>Malakondaiah, Agriculture Commissioner.

>Learn more: http://www.organicchttp://wwhttp://wwhttp://www.ohtt

Date: August 3, 2006 12:31:47 AM EST
Subject: Genetically Engineered Corn Produces Herbicide in Your Gut

from CDC, Kellers


>A widely cultivated variety of genetically engineered corn may be
>slowly poisoning American consumers. Dupont's Pioneer Liberty Link
>corn was bioengineered to withstand high levels of the toxic
>herbicide glufosinate. Enzymes in the plant actually break down the
>herbicide, making it less toxic to the plant, thereby allowing
>farmers to apply higher levels of herbicides to the plant and
>surrounding weeds. Scientists are now finding that enzymes in the
>human gut are likely "reactivating" the herbicide within our bodies.
>A recent study on rats found that 10% of the chemicals were
>reconverted back to the toxic herbicide within the digestive tract
>of the animal. Another study on goats found a full 30% of the
>herbicide was rebuilt in the gut. Glufosinate is known to cause
>nerve damage and is a likely endocrine disruptor. Scientists are
>also concerned that by reactivating the toxic chemical in the
>digestive tract, it is likely killing off beneficial bacteria
>necessary for healthy digestion.

>more: http://www.organicchttp://wwhttp://wwhttp://www.ohtt


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

Lebanon, Syria, Iran and the Coming
Imperialist Re-Division of the World

by Steve Masterson
August 2, 2006

The sheer brutality of the butchery of civilians by Israeli WMD bombs
and fighter planes provided by the United States on Lebanon is
firstly a warning to the rest of the world from the United States:
accept US global domination, or else; and secondly, it is the
beginning of a serious struggle for all-out control over Middle-East,
Caspian Basin and Central Asian oil and gas. It is not the puppet
Israel but the US itself who sets the tone of this purposefully brutal
war, a war which opens up a qualitative change in US aggression and
inter-imperialist conflict, a period that will draw the whole world
into intensifying horrors and suffering. At the same time this new
period opens a large window for the dramatic re-appearance of
world-wide mass class struggle bringing workers and youth back into the
centre-stage of global politics.

Increasing numbers of analysts and commentators now say the Israeli war
against Lebanon was planned and prepared for in detail, in rooms in the
White House, Pentagon and no doubt elsewhere. The Lebanon war is
definitely a proxy-war. In the first hours after Israel started bombing
Lebanon on 12 July the USs Bush and Rice, the UKs Blair and
Israels Prime Minister Olmert, all started naming Iran and Syria as
the real problem, the real backers of Hezbollah, even pathetically,
declaring Iran had plans to dominate the whole Middle-East. The
coolness and content of their language was almost identical. Only the
US has the power to force the other parties to speak as one but it
should be said that Britain and Israel are willing junior partners in
the slaughter. It should be mentioned, when I mention the US or Israel,
or any country, I mean by this the ruling class of these countries and
not the people.

Condoleezza Rice, the USs Secretary of State, visited Lebanon on the
24th June, nearly two weeks after the bombing started and her statement
lyingly declared that all that was needed to stop the bombing was the
release of the two captured Israeli soliders the excuse that Israel
used to start its bombing of Lebanon before a single Hezbullah missile
had been launched at Israel. The next day in Tel Aviv, standing next to
Israels Olmert, the US's Rice announced that, It is time for a new
Middle East, it is time to say to those who do not want a different
kind of Middle East that we will prevail; they will not we need a
durable solution. She said, What we are seeing is the birth pangs of
a new Middle East, its hard. We are going through a very violent

However, the US-Israel-UK evil axis has already created a new
Lebanon, bombing it back 30 years, killing many hundreds of mostly
women and children, injuring thousands and displacing over a million.
However echoing the bogged-down occupations of Iraq and Iran
after three weeks the Israeli military ground war has hardly penetrated
beyond its own borders into South Lebanon as the Hezbullah are, to
date, holding them back, having spent years digging-in and preparing
for this attack. This is why Israel under US command is calling up tens
of thousands of military reservists in order to take south Lebanon:
this has become paramount for the axis.

So, why is the US so brutally, so suddenly, pushing this war to create
their new Middle-East? The reasons do not belong to Israeli security
at all and are two-fold.

Firstly the United States struggle for total global domination after
the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 has faced multiple setbacks
and defeats in many ways and places, especially since their invasion of
Iraq. The most serious losses and retreats are in the fight to control
oil supplies in several parts of the world.

Secondly, the USs own mountains of economic and financial trade
deficits are still increasing at a faster rate and the US dollar is on
the precipice with many economists now concerned about the danger of
US hyper-inflation and economic crash. The sheer brutality of this war
is about the US struggling to re-establish itself as the singular
global imperialist power it was in the 1990s, and struggling is the
operative word. Serious readers of this article, if you do not have
accurate maps in your heads of the Middle-East and Eurasia, would
benefit from getting them out.


Whilst the US has been bogged down in the sands of Iraqi resistance and
the hills of Afghan resistance; they have also lost out to China and
Russia who have successfully cooperated in carving up almost the whole
of the oil rich Central Asia and are making gains in the Caspian Basin
and the Middle East (details below). The US has lost in its attempt to
dominate South America with the collapse of the all-Americas FTAA last
year brought on by the masses in many countries voting-in anti and
semi-anti US governments. The US has failed, due to mass popular
action, to bring down left-wing Chavez in oil-rich Venezuela. The US
has lost out to the Islamists in Somalia who have taken Mogadishu. The
US has been outmaneouvred in several oil-rich African countries by
China (details below).

Further, the US have been facing increasingly belligerent responses
from their main imperialist challengers to their global hegemony from
Europe, China and Russia. Iran is standing firm against US bullying and
is busy making many economic-energy deals with China in particular, but
also India, Pakistan, Russia, Venezuela, Turkmenistan, etc. The US have
been blamed by almost all other World Trade Oganisation members for the
seemingly definitive recent collapse of the WTO Doha-round of talks at
the G8 in Geneva, which has been rambling on since 2001. They have
faced increasingly strong warnings from many world economists and
authorities about the dangers of their ever-increasing financial and
trade deficits, as the US economy and especially the dollar is on a
precipce (details below) that could well lead to hyper-inflation and
economic depression making the 1929 Wall Street collapse and global
recession, which led to WWII, appear mild. Ironically, for these
neo-liberals, defecit-trading and financing is awfully neo-Keynesian.

The internal and external problems facing the US overlap and
interpenetrate considerably. The present conjuncture is so serious, so
unique, that Newt Gingrich, famous Republican and former Speaker of the
House of Representatives, has declared that this Israeli war against
Lebanon is in fact the beginning of World War III. Whether history will
prove him correct or whether this war is a forerunner proxy war, we
will find out within months, rather than years.


Before we go on to examine why the major target of this war on Lebanon
is Iran, there is another main reason for the brutality in Lebanon. It
is the battle for military control of the East Mediterranean region by
the US and its puppets, in declining order: the UK, then Israel and
Turkey, then Azerbaijan and Georgia. Their battle on this coastline is
against Syria and Russia. I thank the well-known academic Michel
Chossudovsky for his article on 26 July, The War on Lebanon and the
Battle for Oil, in which he provides all the evidence (I have checked
out his sources). I will merely summarise his excellent article here,
which also provides useful maps, quoting freely.

Chossudovsky writes, Virtually unnoticed, the inauguration of the
Ceyhan-Tblisi-Baku (BTC) oil pipeline, which links the Caspian Sea to
the Eastern Mediterranean took place on the 13th July, at the very
outset of the Israeli [US sponsored] bombings of Lebanon the
reception was in Istanbul, hosted by Turkeys President Ahmet Necdet

Sezer in the plush surroundings of the G}rapan Palace.

British Petroleums CEO Lord Brown was there and BP lead the BTC
pipeline consortium of western oil companies. Senior government
officials, top oil ministers and bosses of western oil companies, from
Britain, the US, Israel and Turkey were all present the BTC pipeline

totally bypasses the territory of the Russian Federation. It transits
through the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia, both of

which have become US protectorates, firmly integrated into a military

alliance with the US and NATO. Moreover, both Azerbaijan and Georgia

have longstanding military cooperation with Israel. Israel has a stake
in the Azeri oil fields, from which it imports some 20% of its oil.

In April 2006, Israel and Turkey announced plans for four underwater

pipelines, transporting water, electricity, natural gas and oil to
Israel, by-passing Syrian and Lebanese territory. The pipeline to

bring water to Israel, pumping water from upstream resources of the

Tigris and Euphrates river system in Anatolia has been a long-run

strategic objective of Israel to the detriment of Syria and Iraq.

The oil pipeline is planned to be very large, from which Israel can
siphon-off all it needs. Israel already has internal pipelines which
would be used to carry this water to Israels Red Sea port of Eilat,
with direct links to the Indian Ocean.

He continues, Diverting Central Asian oil and gas to the Eastern
Mediterranean (under Israeli protection), for re-export back to Asia,
serves to undermine the inter-Asian energy market, which is based on
the development of direct pipeline corridors linking Central Asia and

Russia to South Asia, China and the Far East. Ultimately, this design

is intended to weaken Russias role in Central Asia and cut off China
from Central Asian resources. It is also intended to isolate Iran.

Meanwhile, Israel has emerged as a new powerful player in the global
energy market

And things get even more serious. He writes, Meanwhile, Moscow has
responded to the US-Israeli-Turkish design to militarise the East
Mediterranean coastline with plans to establish a Russian naval base in
the Syrian port of Tartus Moscow intends to deploy an air defence
system the S-300PMU-2 Favorit system [which] will be manned and
serviced by Russian peronnel Tartus is strategically located 30 km
from the Lebanese border. Russia has also agreed to modernise Syrian
ground and air defences, modernise its MIG-29 fighters and its
submarines these developments have far-reaching implications.

Chossudovsky sums up: The bombing of Lebanon is part of a carefully

planned and coordinated military road map. The extension of the war

into Syria and Iran has already been contemplated by US and Israeli

military planners. This broader military agenda is intimately related

to strategic oil and oil pipelines Israel is now fully part of the
Anglo-American axis serving the interests of the Western oil giants in

the MiddleEast and Central Asia.


Just look at a map: Iran is that country which has both the oil-rich
Caspian Basin and Turkmenistan/Central Asia to its immediate north -
and also Middle-East oil and gas to its immediate south and south-west,
including control of the Strait of Hormuz through which almost all
Middle-East oil-tankers travel. Like no other country Iran
strategically straddles a clear majority of the worlds oil and gas
reserves. Further, in its own right Iran has the worlds third largest
oil reserves and the worlds second largest gas reserves after Russia
all this at a time in history when what is called peak oil is fast
approaching: that moment when global oil supplies begin running out, a
time when demand is also rapidly increasing from developing countries.

With the global and internal crisis the US is facing, described above,
if the US is to reassert itself as the singular dominant imperialist
power in the world, then it desperately needs regime change in Iran.
The US needs a puppet like the former Shah of Iran.

The US is bogged down in Iraq, but Iran is not Iraq! Irans population
is almost 90 million to Iraqs 26 million. Further there is a very high
level of culture in Iran, inherited partially from it being the heart
of the old Persian empire, but also in recent decades theres been a
high investment in industry, research, education, sport and the arts.
Further, Iran is overwhelmingly Shia, whereas Iraq is divided with 63%
Shia, and 33% Sunni. The Shia majority in Iraq, mainly in the energy
rich south and south east, are increasingly appreciating Iranian
weapons and finance in its battle against US/UK occupation and against
the increasingly vulnerable Sunni population. Indeed, the occupation of
Iraq has totally backfired, dramatically increasing the influence of
Iran in the Shia oil areas of Iraq. Iran and Syria may have made the
most ferocious protests against the Israeli assault on Lebanon, but the
next most ferocious condemnation in the Arab/Muslim world of both
Israel and its US support came from the elected Iraqi Prime Minister,
who is Shia himself.

Further, Iran has armed itself far better to meet any US-led invasion
than Iraq did in 2003, which, along with the outline above, is why many
military commentators the world over think it unbelievable that the US
is seriously considering military conflict with Iran, especially
considering how the US military is bogged down in both Iraq and
Afghanistan but these commentators do not understand the desperation
of the US at this historic juncture.

That the US is politically and economically losing out rapidly across
the world and is also in internal economic and financial crisis means
that their one remaining arena of total global superiority, military
power, must now come to the fore in a much more aggressive way than in
Iraq or Afghanistan. Indeed amongst leading politicians and generals in
the US there has been recent public talk of using mini-nukes or
so-called tactical-nukes against Iran.

Getting international forces into the buffer zone in South Lebanon,
using mainly European forces, but not US or UK forces, was Tony Blairs
plan, announced on the second day of Israeli bombing of Lebanon, a plan
he has since been pushing within Europe and with the UNs leader Kofi
Annan. This too seems to be part of the US broader plan, with Blair
getting immediate support from both the US and Israel. To date,
Euroland countries are very wary of becoming junior partners in plans
for the USs new Middle East. If successful, it would release
Israeli, British and US troops for action elsewhere and that is in
Iran. Whether they go for Syria first or by-pass it, is uncertain at
this stage.

Certainly within days of Israels war beginning, a New York Times
article published a leak that the US is speedily delivering large
numbers of lazer and satellite guided bombs to Israel not denied by
the US government and remember, it is not Israel but the US who guide
the satellite guided bombs. Further, when Israeli commanders were
challenged that they are now using cluster-bombs in populated areas of
Lebanon, outlawed across the world, they accepted this was the case.

The very scale of destruction in Lebanon, of its ordinary people, of
its infrastructure, water, sewage, electricity, gas, roads,
communications, airports, seaports, homes, industry, food warehouses,
milk factories, of UN monitoring posts (who are observing Israeli
atrocities) and more is a loaded message to anyone who opposes the US
in the world. The messsage is: The US and our allies will inflict the
most brutal and barbaric destruction if you oppose our total domination
anywhere in the world get in line or else!

Even before these horrrific pictures on our TVs, websites and
newspapers of a bombed-out Lebonon and its people, a clear majority of
people in the US and UK were saying it was a mistake to invade Iraq.
20-30 million people around the world protested against war on the
streets in February 2003 before the invasion of Iraq. This is well in
advance of opposition at this equivalent time in the Vietnam war, the
spectre of which now hangs over Bush and Blair. In Israel too, protests
against the bombing of Lebanon are increasing in size every other day.

But most significant of all, it is the Arab and Muslim masses and
workers whose justifiable anger grows daily against US-sponsored
Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and Palestinian areas who pose the
greatest threat to US plans for their new Middle-East. The US invaded
Iraq with the hope of regime change happening in several nearby
countries. The truth of the matter is that today regime change is due
in the region foremost in the pro-US regimes of Egypt and
Saudi-Arabia and even Turkey.

However, it is not all bad news for Bush and Blair. The US has military
air-bases almost completely surrounding Iran: to the south in various
Gulf states and Saudi Arabia; to its east in Afghanistan and Pakistan;
to the north-west in Turkey, to the north-east in some of the Central
Asian states; and to the west and in Iraq, Cyprus and Turkey and of
course theres Israel in the west. Further the US has significant navy
warships and aircraft carriers it could use to control the Gulf waters,
though they would be subject to Irans considerable well-disguised
missile batteries all along its south coast, especially around the
narrow Strait of Hormuz and opposite Kuwait. It has a naval base in
Oman near the Strait of Hormuz, and in the Indian Ocean in the British
territory of Diego Garcia, the US has both naval and air bases.

One powerful tool the US planners most certainly have considered is to
extend its policy giving Iraqi Kurds freedom, towards Iranian Kurds
offering Kurds the possibility of an enlarged free Kurdistan and be
sure, significant numbers of Kurds would fight for independence from
Iran on its north-western border, armed to the teeth by the US. The US
may even try persuade and bribe or threaten Turkey to grant its
Kurdistan population semi-autonomous rule, linking in with both Iranian
and Iraqi Kurds in a completely unified Kurdistan. Such a turnaround
would make Turkish entry into the EU much easier. Such a pro-US
Kurdistan of some 27 million people, already well-used to guerilla war,
would be a major boost to the US in a crucial region and a Kurdish
war for independence from Iran would take up considerable military
resources from Iran. Have a look at the Kurdistan map on

But at this moment in time, the fight is in Lebanon, and Hezbullah on
the ground are proving a military match against Israeli forces. Again,
the US has miscalculated, and tens of thousands more Israeli reservists
are being called up whilst the bombings and slaughter continues. Whilst
the pro-western Lebanese government is doing nothing, Lebanese
political opinion is shifting rapidly. According to the Beruit Center
for Research and Information, after two weeks of bombing Beruit, 86.7%
now support Hezbollah. Clear majorities in the Christian, Sunni and
Druze communities support the Shia Hezbollah. They would win the next
elections, as Hamas did in Palestine or more likely, they could just
take power in the increasing vacuum created by Lebanese government
paralysis. The proxy-Israeli war against Lebanon is a sign not of US
strength but the beginning of a desperate attempt to reassert US global
hegemony by military means even at the expense of failing and putting
the future existence of Israel and its significant working class on the
line not that the vast bulk of the US ruling class care about that.


Today, US attempts to re-dominate the world as it did in much of the
1990s continues apace, but they are not as confident as they appear in
media statements. Parallel to this process, there is clear public
evidence (details below) that the United States and Chinese ruling
elites are now well into advanced preparations for a classic geographic
imperialist re-division of the world, both preparing their own versions
of what west European capital has done in eating-up central and eastern
Europe since 1990 now set to grow as far as Russia, the Caspian
basin and into the Middle-East with Turkey. For the US such a
re-division would be a major retreat from its present hopes of total
global domination, but it seems a more realistic one.

We now live in a transitional phase that has reached the height of the
globalisation phase of neo-liberal finance-monopoly capitalism,
especially of the US dominated World Bank and IMF. The bombing of
Lebanon has opened a trajectory to imperialist re-division and global
polarisation between the biggest ruling classes, but also announces
intensified war against the global working class.

The beginnings of such imperialist re-partitioning of the world would
declare the opening of a new global era of wars and revolutions that
might well make the the first half of the last century with two world
wars look tame by comparison. Lenins understanding of imperialism
looks as fresh today, if not fresher, than when written in 1916, It is
beyond doubt that capitalisms transition to the stage of monopoly
capitalism, to finance capitalism, is connected with the
intensification of the struggle for partitioning the world.
(Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism).


North America, led by the US rulers and Bush, but also joined by the
Canadian and Mexican premiers and ruling classes: are already making
advanced plans for an EU-type enlargement behind the backs of their
populations - who would not tolerate this if they knew what is urgently
being prepared. There have been annual summits of the premiers for
several years, but in the last two years, since the US became bogged
down in Iraq, the premiers have ordered a rapid stepping up of making
detailed plans for much greater integration of the three countries than
has ever been considered before.

The US attempt at an all-Americas FTAA bloc it could dominate,
collapsed last year because of the South American masses increasing
resistance to US domination in recent years. As such the US has
recently revamped the North American Free Trade Agreement, now called
NAFTA-Plus, which has had a baby, a new preparatory planning body, with
ten large planning teams, busy drawing up highly detailed blue-prints
for the transition. This baby is called the Security and Prosperity
Partnership for North America - SPP.

The US ruling class are preparing for a sudden lurch to unity, to
partially open the borders between each country and make a more
effective border around their joint countries against terrorism. They
are preparing for a rapid economic harmonising process: for joint
financial structures, joint labour and business practices, environment
agreements, safety rules in work, rail, roads, shipping, air-travel,
etc; they are preparing to win the hearts and minds of the masses to
the project at the right time, and so on. Whilst they are moving to
open up the free flow of capital, goods, services, ownership,
technology it is labour and especially the poor of Mexico which will
not be allowed free flow. Business men and wealthy safe people are to
get their own new fast-flow border crossings. Whilst their plans are
highly detailed, they also acknowledge there are major headaches in
this plan.

The US-Canada-Mexico bloc is described as only the first stage. At a
second stage both central America and the Caribbean are to be dragged
into the new bloc. A third stage is described as well down the road
when the political climate has changed in South America and an
All-Americas empire is projected under US domination of course. There
is also talk in SPP circles and beyond about replacing the US dollar
with a North American Amero (google it and see it in Wilkepedia) in
some future crisis which is not so ridiculous as it first sounds, but
this story is not for now.


A very similar process is occurring in Asia. Six years ago China
initiated the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, SCO, and its members
are China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Khazakhstan, Kyrgyztan and Tajikstan.
Their leaders have been meeting in summits every year making various
economic, infrastructure and security agreements, and joint military
exercises. In response to US global bullying and an awareness of US
desperation, this year China has considerably stepped up the
integration (and bi-national agreements) process and expansion of the
SCO. Significantly SCOs recent June summit of leaders included India,
Pakistan, Mongolia and, wait for it, Iran, as participating observers;
and also Afghanistan, CIS and ASEAN as visitors all with a view to
membership of SCO.

At their recent summit in June this year the SCO joint statements were
seriously bullish about the dangers of outside interference and
terrorism into Asia, without naming, but clearly fingering the US and
the undemocratic nature of bodies like the IMF, World Bank, NATO, etc.
SCO is rapidly developing towards a semi-common market, many more
energy/oil/gas trade agreements, building regional infrastructure and
much better transport links. China and Russia have already worked
together in outflanking the US and EU in the energy rich central Asian
countries and an oil pipeline is already up and running from Kazakhstan
to west China, whilst US hopes of an oil pipeline from the Caspian
through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Arabian Sea flounder in growing
Afghan resistance. Russia and China have linked electricity grids with
the flow to China, and they are building both gas and oil pipelines
from Siberia to north China. China is making finance/capital inroads
into many countries, especially oil areas in Sudan, Angola, Chad and
Nigeria, but they ask their businessmen to keep this work quiet under
the pre-text of avoiding the growth of a China-levy. Iran, India and
Pakistan have joint plans, known as IIP, for a major gas pipeline from
Iran and Iran is now making further oil/gas deals on its north-east
border with Turkmenistan.

The SCO June 2006 summit of leaders made several declarations, quite
blatently stating: The world and international relations today are
going through volatile, unprecedented and profound changes. There are
increasing trends towards multipolarisation and economic globalisation
amid twists and turns SCO has outlined a new norm of international
relations aiming at ensuring the equal rights for all countries
worldwide SCO members aspire for the democratisation of international
relations we oppose interference in other countries internal affairs
we safeguard each others sovereignty, security and territorial
integrity and in case of emergencies that threaten regional peace,
stability and security, we will have immediate consultations and
respond effectively to protect our member states our defence forces
have already had a number of joint anti-terror military exercises and
the largest-ever one is going to be staged in Russia in 2007 the SCO
has set up seven specialist panels to study and coordinate action we
have set up the SCO Business Council and the Interbank Association and
are working on 127 joint projects covering areas of trade, investment,
customs, finance, taxation, transportation, energy, agriculture,
technology, telecommunications, environment, sports, culture, health
and education we seek to enhance mutual understanding amongst member
states the goal of the SCO in economic cooperation is to realise a
free flow of goods, services, capital and technnology by 2020 amongst
its members [but, as with the North Amercian project, no free flow of
people and labour SM] SCO holds that the next Secretary-General of
the United Nations should come from Asia we are changing the title of
the SCO Secretariat into Secretary-General we are now growing rapidly
with stability in this global period of instability the next meeting
of the Council of Heads of State will be held in Bishkek in 2007.

Now, look at a map of Eurasia and you will see we are looking at a
majority of humanity in one geographic area. SCO integration plans are
not as advanced or detailed as the North American SPP process, but one
thing clearly drawing them together is the bullying, the military and
oil-controlling exploits of the US in recent times. Further, as with
the European rulers, they know of the fragility of the US economy and
finances. Will SCO change its name to the Asian Union in the next
years? Ten years ago Russia was probing the EU with the idea of joining
the EU, but they were decisively rebuffed. For the moment Putin has
decisively turned to China.


The losses of the US globally are described above. However, there are
two central economic forces driving the frantic preparations for this
new re-division of the world, which would open a new era of wars and

Firstly, and most decisively in the long run - just like it prepares
its gravedigger, the proletariat - capitalism must develop the
productive forces, must develop ever-larger planning for efficiency and
profits, must prepare, in a twisted way, the economic socialist future
within itself that is if the competing imperialist powers are to
survive against each other. Here lies the genius of Marx in fathoming
out the essential contradictions and processes at the heart of societal

The growth of the European Union since the collapse of the Soviet Union
in 1991 provided the massive economic base to launch the euro in 1999
and successfully challenge the US-dollar as the only global
reserve-currency since 1945. This has provided the example that smaller
nation states can merge, remove borders, harmonise industry and
services, provide a giant market to mutual benefit and/or domination
of some and an example that it works. Increasing numbers of South
American, Middle-East and African leaders are talking of copying the EU
example but these are likely arenas of proxy-wars by the three
giants. China or the US alone, in this modern world, are too small to
compete unless they build ever-bigger economic production and consumer
blocs and security/military pacts.

Europe has shown that a key bourgeois argument against a world
socialist federation and global planning, is that competetion and wars
between nations and peoples is natural, that we will not be able to
cooperate is very wrong as it happens partially in the capitalist
Though it must be said that amongst the big three, the EU rulers have
the biggest problems with their own workiing class, which is dealt with
later in this article.

The other, more immediate economic/financial factor driving recent
urgent preparations by the US and China, is the dire state of the US
financial system, in particular how over-capacity in capitalist
production especially since 1945, first with Japan, now joined in an
even bigger way by China has led to US financial and trade-deficit
mountains against these Asian giants which threatens dollar collapse,
hyper-inflation and a major US recession, making the Wall Street crash
of 1929 look mild by comparison.

In particular, for over 60 years, since 1945, the US-dollar has been
the global reserve currency. So for 60 years the US has been able to
literally print dollars, buy goods, pay for wars, mercenaries,
politicans the world over, for the cost of a forest or two, printing
notes to fill the vaults of banks around the world and crucially,
without affecting inflation in the US! This process increased rapidly
after the 1971 refusal of the US to pay several countries gold for
dollars. It was in effect a declaration of bankruptcy. The dollar then
floated, divorced from its promise of gold for the dollar, and from
that time the US has printed and exported dollars like theres no
tomorrow. Today, just over 70% of the worlds reserves, their total
savings, are in US-dollars, and it is much higher in China and Japan.
Dollar imperialism and semi-colonial rule is different from the direct
military rule of past empires, in that every dollar abroad is pointing
back in a US direction, pointing at hyper-inflation of a ferocity never
before experienced. Indeed, banks the world over are currently playing
currency-chicken, especially China and Japan. For whoever starts
first in selling their dollars big-time gets the big advantage of
losing least amounts of wealth as the dollar crashes. Increasingly,
commentators from various political traditions are saying that in the
near future there is going to be a serious run on the dollar and global
chaos will ensue. See my recent article, Why the dollar-bubble is
going to burst.

Certainly, the ever-increasing cyber-world of gaining giant profits
from derivative and futures trading, which is completely separated from
industrial capital, has postponed the US crash, as did the intorduction
of information technology into industrial production at an earlier
phase. However, it only means the fall will be from an even higher

It should also be said, that if we are to deal effectively with the
environmental crisis and global warming, it should now be clear to any
green activist, that the competing imperialist blocs will contribute
ever-greater to the problem. Only a democratically planned socialist
world can cooperate in allowing nature the space to mend itself from
the harm capitalism has done to it. Any serious green activist must
recognise that the very best greens will also be red internationalists.


Of course if the US were to achieve unlikely successes in Iraq,
discover ways to discipline Europe, China, Russia, India, Iran,
Venezuela, Brasil, et-al., then the moves towards a tri-lateral
imperialist world may be slowed down but the process itself cannot
now be stopped. It is no wonder that recently both the US and UK have
announced major developments of both nuclear power stations and for
modernising programmes for futuristic nuclear weapons as if they
could not blow up the whole world several times over right now whilst
hypocritically making war noises at Iran for wanting a nuclear energy

This re-division of the world is already happening, but exactly how and
when matters open up more seriously between the main imperialist powers
where the fault lines will appear, weak links break, how alliances
and blocs will change, where proxy wars will first explode, especially
for control of oil distribution, is hard to say it seems it has begun
with the Lebanon carnage.

A Middle East Theatre of War map produced by is very
helpful and worth studying, as it shows where the oil and gas reserves
are, oil pipelines, proposed pipelines, the known US air and naval
bases, which have Iran almost surrounded. It does not show, however,
the Kazakhstan pipeline to China, nor the four proposed pipelines to
Israel from Turkey of oil, gas, electricity and water, nor the proposed
Iran gas pipeline to Pakistan and India. See:

If we project forward to a world of three openly competing main
imperialist blocs, led by the US, Europe and an Asia led mainly by
China, with Russia and/or India an Orwellian 1984-type nightmare
then we could predict that the US would obviously try encourage and
bully Europe to bloc with itself for control of first the Middle-East
looking north towards Caspian riches. Indeed, the US, UK and Israel at
this time are urgently trying to get EU countries and Turkey to provide
20,000 troops for a buffer zone in South Lebanon with little success
to date. We will soon know how this unfolds.

Such projections would see that Russia and India would be wooed by the
US and EU to break from China this is even also happening now, but
with little success. Britain itself is one major fault-line having one
economic foot in Europe and the other political and military foot in
the US with Scotland approaching a majority for independence. An
increasingly sharply divided British ruling class would certainly open
up chances for the workers and anti-war movements here. Europe as a
whole does not have a unified bloc of capital to unify its bloc
politically in the way China and the US can dominate their blocs. This
weakens the Euro-bloc considerably and opens up the way for internal
divisions induced from the other two blocs and more significant for our
movement, opens up the way for serious Europe-wide working class mass

Japan becomes a major fault-line in this scenario, having geographic
proximity and most of its trade with east and south-east Asia, but
hopelessly tied-in with financial and political agreements and
post-WWII agreements with the US: they too will be torn. Turkey too,
has political ties with both the US, Israel and EU, but its population
is 99% Muslim, 20% of which are Kurds in the east along its Iranian and
Iraqi borders. Georgia too has politically and militarily linked up
with the US and has the western BTC pipeline running through it to
Turkey. But to its north, along the border with Russia are the South
Ossetian and Abkhazian peoples with regional separatist leaders who
want to link with Russia. Russia still refuses to obey Georgia and
remove its military bases in these areas. Instead Russia obeys the
separatist leaders who want Russian troops on their land.

In a tri-polar imperialist world it seems there would be four major
arenas of proxy-wars. Firstly would be the ongoing fight for control
of Middle-East/Caspian energy, which has now been kicked-off by the US.
Once the US-Israel-UK axis has secured its back door, south Lebanon,
which they will do, as Israel is calling up tens of thousands of
reservists, whether they secure Syria first or bypass it, this
imperialist axis will point to Iran. As we found out from Chussodovsky,
Russia, with Syrian support is even today building a naval and
air-military base at the Syrian port of Tartus.

Even before the US starts to make military moves on Iran, do not be
surprised to hear that Iran has suddenly become a full member of the
fast emerging economic/military Asian bloc of the SCO. Do not be
surprised if within hours Iranian TV reports will show, invited by
Iran, many Russian and Chinese military aircraft landing in large
numbers at Ahvaz Airport in the Khuzestan region, south-west of Iran,
near Irans main oil areas, next to the Shia populated Iraqi oil areas,
near Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. But time is running short for the US as
they have already lost ground to China and Russia in the oil-rich
Caspian and central Asian areas. They may even land along the Bandar
Abbas coastline which overlooks the narrow Strait of Hormuz where so
much of the worlds oil tankers must pass. These actions will be
described as joint SCO exercises against terrorism. However, the
Chinese and Russians could establish semi-permanent military bases in
the region the consequences are almost unimaginable. The Arab and
Islamic masses would rise as one against their historic enemy,
US-imperialism and its puppet regimes. The danger of course is that
nationalist and not class forces would come to the fore as one
imperialist power is replaced with another which is why it is so
crucial for socialists to really get their act together right now.

The second area of proxy-wars must surely be South East Asia and the
crucial trade and military sea routes through their region, which, has
very large Islamic populations. This region, through the Association of
South East Asian Nations, were guests at the SCO summit just weeks ago,
with a view to joining! Australia is divided between all three blocs,
in trade with South East Asia, but they are most likely to go with the
US in a struggle to dominate South East Asia and its global strategic
sea passages.

The third and fourth most significant areas of proxy-wars are South
America and Africa. , Whilst attempting to become sub-imperialist
powers already both continents have leaders talking about unified
economic markets and a unified currency like the euro they too will
be increasingly ravaged by the three dominent competing imperialisms
for cheap labour and resources. The develoment of the left and mass
resistance to neo-liberalism across Latin America holds much for the
future. Which brings us to Mexico, whose ruling class is pro-US, but
days ago, over 2 million people were on the streets protesting at
recent elections fixed by the right. The Mexican masses would look to
link up with the rest of the Latin America rather than the US.

South Korea, Taiwan, Cuba, even Greenland, all too have geographic
economic and political dislocations. Frankly, this type of discussion
of future trends could go on forever.

Of course the US may back down from trying to control Iran and its oil
as things get militarily worse for themselves. The heat will temorarily
cool a little but not for long. Germany and France may try to keep the
EU out of either the US or Asian camps. Whilst Europe has a partially
common culture with the US, it is important to note its geographical
unity in Eurasia. It is not impossible to imagine France, invited by
Iran, to also put a military base on its land if China and Russia did
it first.

Whatever happens, it is the Marxist method when used correctly, which
gives the workers and socialist movement the advantage being able to
understand this period we are in, of pointing to likely trends and
scenarios, of being able to orient ourselves and prepare for future
events. The tempo of capitalism today indicates that any lurch into an
imperialist World War III may not be far behind, or even happen
alongside global re-division unless stopped by the worlds masses
alongside the rapid development of a new mass workers International.

Whilst much of the above describes the crisis of capitalism and its
rivalries, only the workers, youth, anti-war and anti-capitalist masses
can end forever the atrocities of capitalism with the rapid building of
a new workers International, which is capable of leading the fight to
world socialism.

In this coming period our class the world over will be forced to fight
tooth and nail against drastic reductions in wages, conditions, rights,
welfare and benefits as the capitalists try to make the workers and
poor pay for their wars and indeed for our class to be the soldiers
being killed in those wars. The buffer between the ruling and working
classes in developed countries, the buying-off sections of skilled
workers since 1945, will certainly be largely removed in the next

As millions of us surge into action against wars, injustice and attacks
on our class, the left must right now prepare unified democratic
working class parties in every country for the masses to flow into. Of
neccessity these parties will have to be multi-tendency with full
rights for differences to be expressed, but we must develop as fast as
possible, unity in action. The bulk of the existing left will have to
shake-off the routinism of its activities built during the relative
tranquility since 1945 to the present. The left will also have to
shake-off the understandably developed catastrophobia that has plagued
so many of its brains. If the left remains tied to the coat-tails of
the pro-capitalist anti neo-liberal academics, as many currently are,
if the old left does not turn to the inspiration of the mass
radicalisation of workers, peasants and youth, then large sections of
the left may will act as a brake on their political development. The
existing left is going to polarise in this coming period, in what
proportions is hard to say as we have never been in this situation

The most clear-sighted Marxists, will fight tooth and nail for our new
workers International to be decisively revolutionary in character and
develop a new programme of action related to the new times, and, in my
opinion, will name itself the Fifth International, taking forward with
us all the rich positive experience from the previous four
Internationals, but also the lessons behind their weaknesses and
defeats. To young comrades I would urge you to take on board three
suggestions from Lenin to youth during WWI, study, study and more
study. This is a fight that our class can win before too much of
humanity is slaughtered, but if we fail this time we do face a
barbarism, environmental destruction and a nuclear holocaust of
unfathomable consequences for humanity.

Steve Masterson, is not a member of any group or party, but when
living in Scotland, acted as a revolutionary Marxist member of the SSP.
I now see the workers party tactic should be applied in the struggle
for a united fighting English Socialist Party, uniting all the left
groups and also the Labour left. Steve Masterson has set up an open
discussioin list on the issue of Imperialist Re-Division at

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Ecological Options Network <>

Date: August 2, 2006 10:52:11 PM EST
Subject: George & Jeb & Raul & Fidel

Aug. 2, 2006 -- Brothers versus brothers. Bush and his right-wing
Cuban-American friends and donors engaged in a macabre Castro death
watch in Miami. President George W. and Florida Governor Jeb Bush, two
brothers who owe their offices to the power of the right-wing
Cuban-American community in south Florida, engaged in a macabre and
sinister death watch for Cuban President Fidel Castro while being
hosted by wealthy Cuban-American supporters.

As Castro was rushed to the hospital suffering from internal bleeding,
just two weeks after visiting, along with Venezuela's President Hugo
Chavez, the boyhood home of Che Guevara in Alta Gracia, Argentina, the
Bush brothers began planning action against the Cuban government and
the two Castro brothers -- Fidel and Raul. Defense Minister Raul Castro
took over the reins of power from Fidel, the first time the Cuban
leader had given up power since 1959.

The Bush brothers huddled at a Republican National Committee fundraiser
with Jeb Bush's business mentor and partner, wealthy Cuban-American
real estate developer Armando Codina, head of the Codina Group and
close friend of George H. W. Bush. Codina sponsored the fundraiser at
his Coral Gables home. Until 1994, the firm was known as the
Codina-Bush Group. Codina and Jeb Bush made a fortune in developing
southern Florida real estate properties. He invested $1000 in 1984 in a
Miami office tower project and cashed out his shares in 1990 for a
hefty $346,000. Before he left Codina in 1993, Jeb earned huge
commissions for the sale of real estate to Japanese investors. Jeb also
sold water pumps to Nigeria in a questionable deal involving Nigeria's
military junta, M&W Pump, and another Bush company, Bush-El. These
deals occurred at the same time that Jeb Bush was enmeshed in the
savings and loan scandal involving Florida-based financial

As reported by WMR last November, the politically-powerful St. Joe
Company has a significant investment in the Codina Group. After Jeb
Bush became governor, he took care of his real estate business friends,
selling them state-owned land at cut rate prices.

Joining the Bush brothers in Coral Gables were the Florida
Cuban-American GOP congressional team of Representative Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen, who best represents the fact that America's foreign
policies on the Middle East and Latin America have been outsourced to
two vocal and politically powerful special interests -- the Israeli and
Cuban exile lobbies. Ros Lehtinen's mother was a Jewish-Cuban refugee
from Cuba. Joining the Bush brothers in the Florida death watch huddle
were another GOP brother team, Representatives Lincoln and Mario-Diaz

The brothers Bush and Balart and Ros-Lehtinen and Codina have their
eyes set on lucrative real estate development schemes for post-Castro
Cuba. The fact that oil has been discovered in Cuban waters has also
earned the interest of the Bush-Cheney petroleum cartel. The Bush crime
family and their associates see Cuba as a place where they can either
force European and Canadian hotels to pay original land owners
compensation for deals made with the Castro government or forfeit their
properties to Miami-based Cubans working in concert with
multi-billionaire non-Cuban GOP moguls, including another major Bush
donor in Florida, real estate developer, GOP financier, pro-Israel
activist, and former ambassador to Australia and Italy, Mel Sembler.

Like buzzards and hyenas waiting for the death of an old elephant, the
Bush cartel and their Florida friends are anxiously awaiting the death
of Castro in order to devour the self-sufficient nation he and his
fellow Cuban revolutionaries took so long to build. And there is little
wonder that the Cuban government insists on keeping Fidel Castro's
medical condition secret. They, too, are aware of the Coral Gables GOP
confab and have said they do not want to tip off the plotters to the
north about their leader's condition.


the Ecological Options Network
"What's Working Where, Worldwide"


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 1, 2006 9:16:04 PM EST
Subject: Family grows its meals on tiny urban lot

Back(yard) to the Land

Family Grows Its Meals on Tiny Urban Lot

Justin Clark
Natural Home magazine
Saturday, July 22, 2006

For most people, eating organic means a trip to the local whole- foods
store and, often, a hit to their wallets. For the Dervaes family,
eating organic requires only a trip to the garden. The family of four
raises 3 tons of food each year -- enough to supply three-quarters of
their diet and maintain a thriving organic produce business to boot.

Jules Dervaes, along with his three grown children, lives on 1/5 of an
acre in suburban Pasadena and cultivates about half the property, or
1/10 of an acre. Given that the average American's diet requires 1.2
acres of farmland per person, the Dervaeses are eating quite well off
one-fiftieth of the land the rest of us require.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture reports that most
California corn or rice farms produce an annual yield of less than a
1/2-ton per acre and the average bean farm 1/5-ton per acre. The
Dervaeses' operation is about 60 to 150 times as efficient as their
industrial competitors, without relying on chemical fertilizers and

"Everybody wants more land," Dervaes says. "We decided to find out how
much we could accomplish on this piece of land."

Path to freedom

Dervaes had been running a small lawn-maintenance business six years
ago when he and his family started their self-sufficiency garden
project, dubbed Path to Freedom. They started the garden because of
their growing concerns about genetically modified organisms and other
potentially harmful additives in mass-market produce. Since then, the
Dervaeses have raised everything from asparagus and jicama to kiwis and
cotton -- all of it organic. They've been successful using
space-maximizing gardening techniques, including raised earth beds and
potted plants that hang between trellised plants.

Jules Dervaes' genius lies in his ability to adapt his back-to-the-land
vision to an urban environment. Ultimately, he realized that in
addition to providing food for his family, this garden also could help
sustain them financially if he sold its bounty to local businesses.
Rather than competing head-on with larger produce suppliers, the family
raises niche products that only a city full of gourmet restaurants
could support: nasturtiums and Khaki Campbell duck eggs, for example.

The Dervaeses' garden exemplifies both sustainability and frugality:
manure (sweepings from local stables) used as fertilizer, trellises
made from old bicycle wheels, planter dividers made from recycled glass
bottles and homemade pots-within-pots that save water.

In addition, the family drives one vehicle, a black Chevy Suburban that
runs on biodiesel refined from discarded cooking oil provided by local
restaurants. The Dervaeses reach out to their community by using their
garage to screen environmental films and by holding seminars on going
solar. They also took advantage of Pasadena's home-greening rebates by
installing a $14,000, 2-kilowatt solar-cell system for less than half
the retail cost.

The family is installing a wastewater reclamation system, a dual-flush
toilet and a composting toilet. Already, they rely on hand-crank
appliances and a pedal-power grain mill.

Urban gardening tips

"Anyone can do this, if they have dedication," says Dervaes of his
wildly productive garden. "Don't be afraid to start small with
something like herbs that you know will survive." For aspiring urban
gardeners, Dervaes has plenty of advice.

1. Get to know your backyard's ecology. As an example, Dervaes points
out a patch in his yard that doesn't appear to be shaded but that feels
cool. He uses a canopy with a shade cloth and squeezes out one more
round of lettuce in summer.

2. Let natural ecosystems develop. Dervaes recommends exercising
patience when aphids invade because the solution already may be in the
local insect population. Recalling Path to Freedom's first infestation,
he says: "I tried spraying soapy water, but I actually had to let the
aphids spread. Their natural ladybug predators needed the aphids to max
out before they got to work." Now, says Dervaes, an entrenched ladybug
and praying mantis population takes care of most of his pests.

3. Keep a nursery. Dervaes keeps a large workbench with dozens of
seedlings that he uses as guinea pigs to help him figure out when to
plant. If one type of plant fails, he simply pulls it out and
substitutes another. He also rotates plants that like it hot and dry
(beans, cucumbers, corn and peppers) with cool crops (kale, mesclun,
snow peas).

4. Start a skyscraper farm. Most of the Dervaeses' backyard was
initially covered in concrete, so they experimented with multistory
container plantings, with each plant occupying its own "story" in the
skyscraper (for instance, broccoli, a tall, strong plant, paired with
endive, a low-growing salad green. Dervaes plants three or sometimes
four crops vertically, using trellises to support vine plants that grow
above their downstairs neighbors.

5. Take a holistic approach. "It's so important to feed the soil,"
Dervaes says. He fertilizes between plantings using a mixture of
kitchen compost, bat guano pellets and droppings from his rabbits,
ducks and chickens. Every week during growing season, he dilutes 1/4 to
1/2 teaspoon of a kelp fertilizer in a gallon of water and sprays it
directly on the plants. (Salad greens, such as lettuce, should not be
eaten right after contact with kelp fertilizer, especially without
washing, because it can leave a fishy taste.)


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 4, 2006, 2:00:54 PM8/4/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free
Via <>

August 4, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This piece below underscores a point I've suggested for more than
a decade now.
That is, the Fourth Reich differs from the Third in that its
uniform--instead of the brown shirt--is the blue pimp-stripe suit cum
little red power tie. More importantly, it targets poor people in
general, regardless of whether they're Jews, Gypsies, Blacks or
As we head now into a dreadful historical period marked by
frequent large food shortages, maybe the definition of terrorist will
degenerate even more and become anyone who looks hungry or
malnourished. Will soldiers be encouraged to shoot them on sight?
Note that in unspeakable Las Vegas it is unlawful to feed poor
people for "a nominal fee" but lawful to charge them huge sums and make
obscenely large profits. Note too that it defines an indigent person
solely on the basis of her/his appearance.
All of which gives us quite a good look at the mentality of those
whom we must resist with all our energies. Let's keep an eye on Las
Vegas because it's one of the cutting edges of the current human
degeneration, the current monumental human degeneration.
The degeneration is fueled mainly by a common perception of
scarcity. This is why we absolutely must accomplish an energy
breakthrough--e.g., Zero Point--dramatic enough to overcome such a deep
and widespread sense of scarcity.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

Las Vegas Sued over
Homeless Feeding Law

By KATHLEEN HENNESSEY, Associated Press Writer Wed Aug 2, 10:50 PM ET

LAS VEGAS - Activists sued Wednesday to strike down a new city law that
makes it illegal to feed homeless people in parks.

The law violates free speech, free assembly and other rights, says the
federal suit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada.

The suit was filed on behalf of five activists and the local chapter of
Food Not Bombs, a national organization that describes its objective as
"sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and

The group and its members regularly served meals to homeless people in
a Las Vegas park, angering neighbors and sparking the debate that led
to the ordinance, passed July 19.

It prohibits "providing food or meals to the indigent for free or for a
nominal fee" in a city park and defines indigent as a person whom a
reasonable ordinary person would believe to be entitled to county
public assistance.

Violators face a fine up to $1,000 and as many as six months in jail.
Seven people have been issued summonses, and three have been arrested.

Lee Rowland, public advocate for the ACLU of Nevada, called the
ordinance "immoral" and "embarrassing for the city." Its language
violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment by
"requiring people to make a snap judgment about others based on how
they look," she said.

City attorney Brad Jerbic said he had not seen the suit but planned to
defend the law and the City Council, which is named in the complaint
along with Mayor Oscar Goodman, the city manager, city marshals and

The law was aimed at the advocates' activities in Huntridge Circle park
near downtown, Jerbic said. Their mobile meals program drew homeless
people away from shelters and health providers.

"The shelters provide food, beds, counseling services and doctors," he
said. "What this is doing is, it's pulling them away from services and
abandoning them in these parks."


From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: August 4, 2006 8:53:34 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: SPECIAL: A Call for New Energy

Webster Tarpley on Malloy -- download link (free):

to download the MP3 of the entire show (c. 30.8MB), just do the usual
right-click, 'save as' routine -- and of course, to listen, just
double-click the downloaded MP3

Mike had Tarpley on for the entire last 2-1/2 hours of the show,
starting (after the break) c. 34 minutes in -- the first time, in over
20 years doing radio, that he's ever had a guest on for that long -- an
important show very worth a listen
this is great also:
Morgan Reynolds Presentation at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas on July
22nd is now streaming at Google Video, 55 minutes


NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


From: <>
Date: August 4, 2006 12:25:16 AM EST
To: <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
Subject: [911TruthAction] Excellent 9/11 Truth Outreach Materials
Available for Free On The Internet.

See below.B You can use this for yourself.B In addition, you can copy
and paste the information below, and send it to everyone on your email
list, to all the email groups you belong to, and you can post it on
Internet discussion groups and internet blogs.B Spread the word.B Copy
and paste.

B Excellent 9/11 Truth Outreach Materials Available for Free On The
Internet.B This is the best computer CD Ibve seen by far.

Download a great flyer 8.5x11 for free.

Also download and burn a great CD which you can make copies of and give
or sell to others, all for free.

B Download Instructions:

Go to URL

Type the 3 digit number shown in the window at the bottom

Press bSubmitb button

Wait 30 seconds as there is a brief pause and a countdown before the
bDownloadb button appears.

After the pause, bDownloadb button appears.B Now press the download

B 1.B DOWNLOAD ONE PAGE 8.5 X 11 INCH FLYER (Total download time a

Download for free at:


B Folder A b 1st

B Folder B b 2nd

B Folder C b 3rd

B The three folder files are in zip format.B Unzip each file, and it
will become a folder.B Use a free file like Winzip to unzip the files.B

(If you donbt have a zip extracting file, Winzip can be downloaded for
free at B )

B You can use the information on Folders A through C either on your own
computer for your own educational purposes, and/or you can also use the
folders to easily create a distributable information CD useful for
outreach, if you have a CD burner.

To make the CD, use your CD burning software (e.g. Nero) to add all
three unzipped folders onto a blank CD and burn the CD.B All 3 folders
will fit together on one CD.B Label the CD bBuilding 7b or bBldg 7b.

Each of the three folders takes about 20 minutes to download with

B The positive features of this CD once you burn it is:

B 1.B B B B B The CD is very user-friendly, and does not overwhelm the user
when they first look at Folder A, which has only a few files in it.

2.B B B B B The title of the CD itself is low key and non-threatening to
the newbie: bBuilding 7.b

3.B B B B B The CD begins with the most interesting and obvious issues
first, and progressively tells the story of 9/11 truth in a logical,
progressive, methodical order.

4.B B B B B The CD is packed with hundreds of hours of audio and video for
those who are really interested in this topic, yet it is so compact
that it fits onto a CD.B (Some of the multimedia is via web links).

5.B B B B B Because it fits onto a CD, almost anybody with a computer has
the ability to make copies of your CD to distribute to others.

6.B B B B B The contents of the CD have been specifically created and
edited to eliminate red herrings, conjecture, disproved theories, and
disinformation to the greatest extent possible.


B If you have time, review the CD to get a feel for what is on it.B You
might learn some information you have not seen before.

Give CDbs to your friends, family, and/or acquaintances.B You can also
give them out or sell them to strangers.

You can either give them away for free, or, if you consider this as an
incentive to go out and do the work, you can charge up to $2 max.
bdonationb to reimburse you for your materials and labor.

Think about it, if you want you can earn some money while you are
spreading the word about 9/11.B You have the choice of giving the CDbs
away for free or selling them, whatever works for you.

B Print the flyers.B Use the flyers to get strangers interested in 9/11,
and then try to give away and/or sell the CD.B Give out the flyers
free.B Then offer to give or sell for a variable bdonationb a CD or


B 1.B Go to political rallies, parades, or meetings, where people are
open to looking at new political ideas. B Or go to public parks, or
other places were people congregate, and start conversations with
strangers.B Give the flyers free to start a discussion.B Sell the CDbs
or DVDbs for a variable donation, or give them for free if the person
cannot afford a donation.

B 2.B Another place to go: Best Buy, or other big store that has TVbs
and DVD players on display.B This is best done in a big store that is
not overstaffed, or that has cooperative employees.B Act like a
customer.B Be discreet.B Put into a DVD into a DVD player connected to
a big TV.B B It could be a copy of Loose Change or your other favorite
911 DVD.B Turn the sound up pretty high, and turn the sound from nearby
TVbs down.B I always start Loose Change at the beginning the WTC
segment.B Hang out either by the TV, or circulate in the store and come
back to the TV every few minutes.B Some customers (and even salesmen)
might start watching and get interested.B Ask them a few questions.B
Ask if theybve seen this movie before or heard about it.B Ask if they
know much about 9/11.B Ask if they have heard of any of the evidence
contradicting the govtbs account.B Tell them youbve got a free copy
youbll give them, and tell them you are asking for a donation of a
dollar or two or even 25 cents for your expenses, but if they canbt
afford it youbll give it for free.B Give them a flyer too for free.B If
you are really prepared, you will carry DVDbs and computer CDbs.B Some
might want or be able to use only one, some might want both.B


PRE-PAID ENEVLOPES: Also put them into any prepaid postage envelopes
you get and mail them for free.B

NEWSRACKS: the free weekly rags are good, coz you don't have to pay to
open the newsracks. These papers are often distributed on Wed or Thur
for the paper dated the following week. But if you're willing to part
with 50-100 cents, definately hit those other MSN news racks: NYT, WSJ,
YourTownRag etc. Put a flyer in between section 1 and 2 of each rag,
that way the people will definitely find them as they open the paper to
read. In "tabloid" (magazine) style rags, put them inside the front
cover, near the table of contents. For the daily rags, hit the
newsracks EARLY, to reach the maximum # of people.It takes several
minutes of standing there to insert these flyers into the papers. One
idea is, make quick work of opening the rack, take about 3/4 of the
stack of papers and return to your nearby car. In the car you can
insert the flyers more easily and less conspicuously. If you paid to
open the rack, obstruct the spring loaded door from closing while you
do your biz in the car. Then return the new and improved papers to the
rack for sale.

SHOPPING CARTS: these are often collected in the parking lots of
stores. Whether they're separate or inserted into one another like a
freight train, you can toss a flyer into them. The ones together like a
train make the quickest work- just insert them at the top of each cart,
where they'll sit waiting to fall into the cart when the cart behind it
is removed. The store grunts who collect the carts won't take the time
to de-flyer them... and you can flyer them 10X faster than they can
de-flyer them.

B A good opening question is, bDo you believe everything the government
has told us about 9/11?bB Two good follow-up questions are:

1.B bDo you know how many skyscrapers taller than 40 floors collapsed
to the ground in New York on 9/11?bB Most people say of course 2.

2.B bDo you know approximately how long after the 2nd tower was hit
that Osama bin Laden was both named by the FBI as wanted for 9/11, and
at the same time formally indicted for the crimes of 9/11: Closer to 1
minute after the attack, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, or 2 years
after the attack?bB Whatever they say, it will be wrong, because it is
a trick question.B The answer is OBL has NEVER been named as being
wanted by the FBI, has never been indicted for 9/11, and furthermore,
the FBI recently admitted that there is bno hard evidenceb linking OBL
to 9/11.

Those two questions are surprising for most newbies, and gets them
interested in learning more about 9/11.

You can give the flyers away free to known people or strangers, or
leave them in a group of one or more in lobbies, on the floor next to
elevators, or other public places where people are likely to take them
and read them.

Once you start doing this, spread the word, and teach others to do

Everyone can make an impact spreading the word about 9/11, and if you
are so inclined, you even have the option of earning a little small
change in the process by selling the CDbs for a bdonation.b

B Another way to disseminate this information to friends or family who
are far away is to email them these instructions, and they can download
the information themselves from the Internet, and can follow the
instructions so they can get the materials, learn about 9/11, and
spread the word themselves.

B P.S. when distributing CDbs to total strangers in mass in a public,
trafficked area, you might want to consider the advantages of asking
for a token donation, even if itbs only 25 cents, for the following 2

B B B B B B B B B B B a.B Only those who really want to see the CD will pay
something for it.B You may be otherwise giving out CDbs to strangers
who are not going to watch it, and maybe just throw it away.

B B B B B B B B B B B b.B There is a psychological incentive for people to
something they have paid for more than something they have gotten for
free.B Once they pay you, they have binvestedb their money, so they are
psychologically binvestedb in getting something out of their purchase.B
In other words, everything else being equal, they are more likely to
value and watch a CD they have paid for versus one they have received
for free at no cost.

B Please post what you think.

B =======================================================================

NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

Forward: Bush Urged To Give Israel More Time for Attacks

Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 22:48:27 -0700 From: Jeffrey Blankfort

{comment - JB} As I have pointed out in the past, the Jewish Zionist
lobby is much more than AIPAC and is, in fact, the entire organized
Jewish community which has rallied behind Israel's war on Lebanon and
the slaughter of much of its civilian population. We have read over the
years many statements from so called Jewish "extremists" in Israel who
say that "the life of a single Jew is worth more than that of a
thousand Arabs." It seems that the number of "extremists" is quite
large and they are not all in Israel.. {end}

Bush Urged To Give Israel More Time for Attacks


July 21, 2006

WASHINGTON b Bucking calls in the international community for a
cease-fire in the Middle East, Jewish organizations launched a major
lobbying offensive in the nation's capital this week to give Israel
more time to deal a decisive blow to Islamist militants in Lebanon and

With the civilian death toll in Lebanon surpassing 200 early in the
week, international calls were increasing for a cease-fire and the
deployment of an international force to Lebanon, and the United States
signaled that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would arrive in the
region Sunday. Israeli military officials, however, were saying that
they would need up to two more weeks to decimate Hezbollah's
operational capabilities.

In an effort to head off calls in Washington for a quick cease-fire,
some officials with Jewish groups have spent the past few days urging
policymakers to make sure that Israel is given ample time and freedom
of action to inflict as much damage as possible on Hezbollah's
infrastructure in southern Lebanon.

About 50 leaders of the Jewish community from across the country were
scheduled to meet Thursday with Bush administration officials and
congressional leaders. Pro-Israel advocates said that they would be
asking the administration to slap more sanctions on Syria and to push
the European Union to follow America's lead by labeling Hezbollah a
terrorist organization.

In a particularly unusual move, one top Jewish communal leader,
Anti-Defamation League National Director Abraham Foxman, visited the
Saudi ambassador in Washington, Prince Turki al-Faisal, to thank him
for his country's condemnation of Hezbollah for igniting the crisis by
launching a cross-border raid against Israel and abducting two of its

"We told the ambassador that this could be a new moment in the
relationship, that the neighborhood is changing because the threats
that face the Jewish people are also facing moderate Arab states,"
Foxman said. According to the ADL, the Saudi ambassador urged all
parties to "return to the basics" of Middle East peacemaking by
embracing the Saudi peace plan of March 2002, which calls for an
Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines in return for peaceful, normal
relations between Israel and the Arab world. The Saudi diplomat, Foxman
said, agreed that "this could be a moment to bring moderates on all
sides closer together."

Many Jewish organizations, including the ADL, were also praising
President Bush for repeatedly defending Israel's right to defend
itself. But their most important goal appeared to be to keep America
from shutting down Israel's military operations prematurely.

"The timing is very important, because we don't know how long the
fighting will continue. We don't know if these are the days leading up
to the proverbial Six Day War or whether this is the fifth day of a
six-day war," said William Daroff, vice president of public policy at
United Jewish Communities, which is co-sponsoring the impromptu
lobbying day. "It is important, as the fighting continues," he said,
"that the United States government continues its steadfast support for

Israel's right to defend itself."

The lobbying campaign is one of numerous actions taken by American
Jewish organizations to show solidarity with Israel and to help
Israelis cope with the ongoing rocket attacks.

This week, several Jewish groups b including UJC, the American Jewish
Committee and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations b organized emergency missions to Israel to meet with
Israeli leaders and to tour Israeli communities that have come under
rocket fire.

Other groups are helping Israelis temporarily relocate from the north
of the country to the center, helping with the mobilization and funding
of psychological support for Israeli trauma victims.

Jewish communities in several major American cities b including New
York, Washington, Miami, St. Louis, Detroit, Los Angeles, Boston,
Chicago and Philadelphia b have organized rallies in support of Israel.
Jewish activists are also scheduling meetings with diplomats stationed
in foreign embassies in Washington and consulates across America to
encourage foreign governments to support Israel's campaigns against
Hamas and Hezbollah.

Two organizations, the Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of
America, called for a nationwide night of prayer and Torah study July

"This is a unique moment of broad consensus in the community in support
of Israel's right to defend itself and to take the measures necessary
to stop the reign of terror," said Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice
chairman of the Presidents Conference. The conference is a 52-member
umbrella group widely seen as the Jewish community's collective voice
on Middle East affairs. "There is deep concern because people have come
to realize that this has nothing to do with occupation of territory.
This is really about Israel's right to exist. There are no issues here
that justify what's happening either from Gaza or from Lebanon. People
also see it as a part of the war on terrorism."

While the Bush administration strongly expressed support for the notion
that Israel was waging a legitimate fight against terrorism, it urged
caution and insisted that no steps be taken that could threaten the
stability of Lebanon's democratically elected government. Bush and Rice
used their influence to block or tone down international criticism of
Israel. Jewish communal leaders expressed particular appreciation for
the administration's early public support of Israel's position that it
was pointless to push for a cease-fire before Hezbollah was
significantly weakened.

Thanks to the pressure from Bush, the statement of the G8 industrial
nations was "remarkably positive, more than most of us would have
imagined," said the AJCommittee's executive director, David Harris. He
was speaking from Israel, where he is leading an AJCommittee delegation
of 40 lay leaders and staffers from America and Europe. Jack Rosen,
chairman of the American Jewish Congress, also expressed relief that
the G8 statement avoided any harsh criticisms of Israel. "I would have
expected a much harsher reaction from around the world," Rosen said. "I
think that what has finally settled in everyone's mind is that this is
a war that has to be fought by all countries that suffer from
extremism. It's a united world against extremism."

Jewish groups said that they were quite happy with the response of
several Arab countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah last week endorsed
an official Saudi statement blaming Hezbollah b which strongly benefits
from Iranian financial and military support b for the deterioration
across the Israeli-Lebanese border. Iran's growing influence in the
region "causes serious concern among 'status quo' regimes such as the
Saudi, the Egyptian and the Jordanian," said Gary Sick, who is a
professor of international affairs at Columbia University and a former
National Security Council expert on Iran and the Gulf.

While officials with Jewish groups applauded and celebrated the
administration's suspension of efforts to bring about a cease-fire,
experts warn that America's continued standing on the sidelines may
erode its ability to play a role in renewed peace efforts in the
region. The Bush administration has lost influence in the region
because of its diplomatic standoffishness, said Richard Murphy, a
former secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs in the Reagan
administration. Murphy was also a former U.S. ambassador to Syria and
Saudi Arabia. The current crisis may open new opportunities for a peace
process, he said, but the administration seems uninterested in
exploring them together with its international partners. "Without our
trying to mold things, things will not go anywhere," he said.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 3, 2006 5:44:48 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: What the "Major Media" is NOT telling you...

B What the "Major Media" Is NOT Telling You...

CCW On-Target!
Originally Inspired by Northpoint Tactical Teams (NPT)B
August 1, 2006
Christian Science Monitor

Hizbullah's Attacks Stem From Israeli Incursions Into Lebanon
by Anders Strindberg

As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in Lebanon,
their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created this
crisis. Israel is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab

Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two
Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's silent but
unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a
six-decades long Arab-Israeli conflict.

Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May
2000, Israel has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on
an almost daily basis, according to UN reports. Hizbullah's military
doctrine, articulated in the early 1990s, states that it will fire
Katyusha rockets into Israel only in response to Israeli attacks on
Lebanese civilians or Hizbullah's leadership; this indeed has been the

In the process of its violations, Israel has terrorized the general
population, destroyed private property, and killed numerous civilians.
This past February, for instance, 15-year-old shepherd Yusuf Rahil was
killed by unprovoked Israeli cross-border fire as he tended his flock
in southern Lebanon. Israel has assassinated its enemies in the streets
of Lebanese cities and continues to occupy Lebanon's Shebaa Farms area,
while refusing to hand over the maps of mine fields that continue to
kill and cripple civilians in southern Lebanon more than six years
after the war supposedly ended. What peace did Hizbullah shatter?

Hizbullah's capture of the soldiers took place in the context of this
ongoing conflict, which in turn is fundamentally shaped by realities in
the Palestinian territories. To the vexation of Israel and its allies,
Hizbullah - easily the most popular political movement in the Middle
East - unflinchingly stands with the Palestinians.

Since June 25, when Palestinian fighters captured one Israeli soldier
and demanded a prisoner exchange, Israel has killed more than 140
Palestinians. Like the Lebanese situation, that flare-up was detached
from its wider context and was said to be "manufactured" by the enemies
of Israel; more nonsense proffered in order to distract from the
apparently unthinkable reality that it is the manner in which Israel
was created, and the ideological premises that have sustained it for
almost 60 years, that are the core of the entire Arab-Israeli conflict.

Once the Arabs had rejected the UN's right to give away their land and
to force them to pay the price for European pogroms and the Holocaust,
the creation of Israel in 1948 was made possible only by ethnic
cleansing and annexation. This is historical fact and has been
documented by Israeli historians, such as Benny Morris. Yet Israel
continues to contend that it had nothing to do with the Palestinian
exodus, and consequently has no moral duty to offer redress.

For six decades the Palestinian refugees have been refused their right
to return home because they are of the wrong race. "Israel must remain
a Jewish state," is an almost sacral mantra across the Western
political spectrum. It means, in practice, that Israel is accorded the
right to be an ethnocracy at the expense of the refugees and their
descendants, now close to 5 million.

Is it not understandable that Israel's ethnic preoccupation profoundly
offends not only Palestinians, but many of their Arab brethren? Yet
rather than demanding that Israel acknowledge its foundational wrongs
as a first step toward equality and coexistence, the Western world
blithely insists that each and all must recognize Israel's right to
exist at the Palestinians' expense.

Western discourse seems unable to accommodate a serious, as opposed to
cosmetic concern for Palestinians' rights and liberties: The
Palestinians are the Indians who refuse to live on the reservation; the
Negroes who refuse to sit in the back of the bus.

By what moral right does anyone tell them to be realistic and get over
themselves? That it is too much of a hassle to right the wrongs
committed against them? That the front of the bus must remain
ethnically pure? When they refuse to recognize their occupier and
embrace their racial inferiority, when desperation and frustration
causes them to turn to violence, and when neighbors and allies come to
their aid - some for reasons of power politics, others out of idealism
- we are astonished that they are all such fanatics and extremists.

The fundamental obstacle to understanding the Arab-Israeli conflict is
that we have given up on asking what is right and wrong, instead asking
what is "practical" and "realistic." Yet reality is that Israel is a
profoundly racist state, the existence of which is buttressed by a
seemingly endless succession of punitive measures, assassinations, and
wars against its victims and their allies.

A realistic understanding of the conflict, therefore, is one that
recognizes that the crux is not in this or that incident or policy, but
in Israel's foundational and per- sistent refusal to recognize the
humanity of its Palestinian victims. Neither Hizbullah nor Hamas are
driven by a desire to "wipe out Jews," as is so often claimed, but by a
fundamental sense of injustice that they will not allow to be

These groups will continue to enjoy popular legitimacy because they
fulfill the need for someone - anyone - to stand up for Arab rights.
Israel cannot destroy this need by bombing power grids or rocket ramps.
If Israel, like its former political ally South Africa, has the
capacity to come to terms with principles of democracy and human rights
and accept egalitarian multiracial coexistence within a single state
for Jews and Arabs, then the foundation for resentment and resistance
will have been removed. If Israel cannot bring itself to do so, then it
will continue to be the vortex of regional violence.

[Anders Strindberg, formerly a visiting professor at Damascus
University, Syria, is a consultant on Middle East politics working with
European government and law-enforcement agencies. He has also covered
Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories as a journalist since
the late 1990s, primarily for European publications.]

From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: August 4, 2006 12:21:46 AM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] The fall of the WTO

The Fall of
the WTO:

The Doha Round
Negotiations Suspended!

By Carlos Marentes (Border Agricultural Workers Project El Paso, La Via

B B On Monday July 24, 2006, the General Secretary of the World Trade
Organization (WTO), Pascal Lamy, officially announced the suspension of
the Doha Round talks. Outside the somber WTO headquarters in Geneva, a
large group of La VC-a Campesina, Fisher Folk Federation, and members of
other social movement celebrated the failure of the negotiations and
WTO.B The organizations publicly stated: bThe Doha Round cycle is over,
now is the time for food sovereigntyb&b

B On Friday July 28, 2006, La VC-a Campesina and other social
organizations marched from Wilson Palace to the WTO, to accompany the
Fluvial Parade of the fisher folks in the Lake of Geneva to celebrate
the collapse of the WTO. The Philippino fishefolks launched four
traditional fishing boats decorated with huge banners against the WTO,
and navigated until they reached a small dock in the back of the WTO
headquarters. A flotilla of yachts of local supporters and social
organizations accompanied the fisherfolks boats. The marchers followed
them to that point walking along the edge of the lake. In front of the
march, a tractor driven by a Swiss farmer carried a giant effigy
depicting Pascal Lamybs severed head. Following behind the tractor the
Korean Peasants League carried a coffin symbolizing the death of the
WTO. They were followed by a large delegation of La VC-a Campesina
representing 12 countries, members of social movements like Friends of
the Earth International, Our World is not for Sale, Focus on the
Global South, the Geneva Coalition Against the WTO as well as local
farmers and activists. The fisherfolks got off their boats and
everybody marched to the WTO.

B The march ended across the street from the WTO. Police officers did
not allow the marchers to get close to the main entrance to deliver the
coffin. A cheerful and colorful rally was held at this point were Henry
Saragih from La VC-a Campesina told the crowd; bThe Doha Round is dead,
long live food sovereignty!bB Walden Bello from Focus on the Global
South urged the marchers: bThe WTO is dying, letbs bury the sucker!b

B The rally ended and the Korean farmers decided to leave the coffin
there. When all the protestors left, some WTO armed guards crossed the
avenue to carefully inspect the coffin making sure that no explosives
were inside. They then carried it inside the WTO.

B This was a day of celebration for international social movements
opposed to the WTO, free trade and neoliberalism in general. But letbs
briefly review the road that lead to the spectacular failure of the

B The United States has always actively promoted the liberalization of
markets as a strategy to win economic dominance. These neoliberal
policies became more significant with the negotiation in 1993 of the
North America Free Trade Agreement and the foundation of the World
Trade Organization in 1995.

B The WTO was the continuation of the Uruguay Round that lasted from
1986 and 1994. Two Ministerial meetings of the WTO took place and the
negotiation process among its members continued slowly but steadily
into 1999, the year when the WTO suffers its first setback.

B The 3rd Ministerial meeting took place in Seattle, Washington in
1999.B As a result of the mobilization of thousands of people, from
farmers to trade unionists, from indigenous peoples to
environmentalists, students and social activists, the meeting was
derailed. Under a heavy fog of tear gas, pepper gas and rubber bullets,
the negotiators suddenly suspended their deliberations and went home.B

Then in 2001, the meeting was held in Doha, in Qatar. The protests
against WTO were contained due to the authoritarian and repressive
environment of Qatar. The negotiators were able to begin a round of
negotiations imposed by US trade negotiators and the WTO released the
Doha Declaration setting forth the framework for negotiations as well
as extending the powers of the WTO.

B The 5th Ministerial meeting was moved to the resort city of CancC:n,
MC)xico.B Again as a result of the mobilizations of thousands of people,
and the self-immolation of Korean farmer Lee Kyang Hae on September 10,
2003, the negotiation process was suspended.

B On December of 2005, this time in Hong Kong, mobilizations, including
a large contingent of migrant workers, caused the failure of the
negotiations of the WTO. More than 1,000 protesters, mainly Korean
farmers, were repressed and arrested. But no progress was made in the
meetings and the fate of the WTO became uncertain.

B Last weekend, July 23-24, an international delegation of La VC-a
Campesina, as well as members of other social movements, arrived in
Geneva to continue the fight with a planned week of demonstrations,
meetings and press conferences. But on Monday July 24, 2006, the first
day of actions by La VC-a Campesina and a large contingent of other
social movements, Pascal Lamy announced the suspension of negotiations
and so the abrupt stop of the Doha Round.

B La VC-a Campesina and other social organizations happily received the
announcement. However, some organizations were saddened by the collapse
of the WTO. Some development NGObs took on the position that the
suspension was a disaster for poor farmers of the Third World. Other
organizations as well the European media, some developing countries,
and China, went as far as demanding the continuation of the

B La VC-a Campesina, accompanied by other organizations like Friends of
the Earth International, the World Women March, and others, went to the
WTO headquarters to welcome Mr. Lamy announcement and to publicly state
that this is the moment for food sovereignty. Surprisingly, during the
rally, an assistant of the General Secretary came out to invite La VC-a
Campesina members to speak with Lamy.

B The next day, July 26, a delegation of La VC-a Campesina that included
JosC) BovC) from the French farmers and Ms. Yoon Geum B Soon from the
Korean Women Peasants League, as well as representatives of the fisher
folk from the Philippines, met for more than an hour with Lamy. In the
meeting, Lamy appeared confused and upset and blamed bcertainb
countries (did not mention names) for the suspension of the Doha Round.
The delegates explained the position of La VC-a Campesina. He was told
that the WTO and the neoliberal policies have worsened the economic
crisis of the rural poor living in the so-called developing countries
and that it has created a global system of unlimited competition among
farmers in the developed countries that have only benefited
multinational agribusiness and their shareholders.

B The Doha Round is over and the negotiations may not be reinstated
again soon. In fact, it is probable that the suspension may bring about
the fall of the WTO. The collapse of the Doha Round represents an
opportunity for La Via Campesina and other social movements to promote
our own alternatives to WTO, Free Trade and Neoliberalism. As a leader
of La VC-a Campesina, Basque farmer Paul Nicholson stated: bWTO is an
octopus that is why we have been attacking its head, now we need to
start cutting the tentacles. Now is time to develop our global,
regional, national and local strategies to bury the WTO and more
importantly, to bring food sovereignty, our alternative, as the
alternative of the citizens of the world and into the agenda of the
social movementsb&b

B August 1, 2006

Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia

B =======================================================================

Date: July 29, 2006 12:25:41 PM EST
Subject: Civilian Inmate Labor Program

Dear Prez,
I suggest you google for "peter dale scott," go to "groups", sort by
date, and then look at this lead item:
Civilian Inmate Labor Program is in full swing B
... 10-Year US Strategic Plan For Detention Camps Revives
P.S. My story on detention camps will be in the next volume of "Project


From: Taking Aim <>
Date: August 3, 2006 12:24:20 PM EST
To: Ralph Schoenman <>
Subject: Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone speak August 17 in Berkeley B
Please spread the word - distribute widely

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone Discuss:
Apocalypse Now -
The U.S. and Israeli Master Plan for the
Middle East

Also, to be shown for the first time in the Bay Area: "The War in
An Inside View" including harrowing photos of the 1982 Sabra and Shatila

Thursday, August 17 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the Unitarian
Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar St., at Bonita Berkeley, CA,. $10 suggested
donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For more
call 707.552.9992 or write

Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone, producers of the national radio show
Aim,b present a dramatic exposC) of the current wave of U.S. coordinated
Israeli mass slaughter in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. They discuss
compelling and heart-rending detail the U.S. and Israeli murderous
its timetable and the collusion of client Arab regimes in targeting the
peoples of the region.

From Rafah to, Ramallah and Nablus, from Bint Jbail, Tyre, Sidon and
to Tripoli, from 1947, 1967 to 1982 and now, an ongoing genocide has
unleashed b part of a plan to visit the identical agony on the people of
Syria, Iran, Iraq and the region.

This murderous agenda proceeds under the cover of the false category of
terror for which 9/11 was planned, implemented and orchestrated by the
ruling class and its Israeli cohorts.

Heralded authors of bThe Hidden History of Zionism,b bPrisoners of
and bHomage to Palestine,b Schoenman and Shone, reveal through first
testimony and shocking visuals the wholesale massacre and mass expulsion
that emptied Palestine of its population in 1948 and was repeated in an
identical operation in Lebanon in 1982.

In 1982-83, Schoenman and Shone lived in the Palestinian refugee camps
these were reduced to rubble. They documented the round-up by the
invaders of males from ages 7 to 70 across Lebanon and took 6,000
from the victimsb families. They witnessed and made a photo record of
mass murder and the mass graves from Ain El Helweh, Rashidieh, Bourj al
Burajneh to Sabra and Shatila in Beirut.

Schoenman and Shone draw from their experiences in Palestine and
their testimony presented to the United Nations, Foreign Ministers and
the Nordic Commission in Oslo, Norway as well as their years of
advocacy on
behalf of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International Tribunal on
War Crimes in Indochina. He worked with Malcolm X with respect to the
for the Congo and has negotiated the release of political prisoners in
countries. He was the Executive Director of the Committee in Defense of
Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples and the Committee for a Democratic and
Secular Palestine. He is the author of bThe Hidden History of Zionism,b
bIraq and Kuwait: A History Suppressed,b and co-authored with Mya Shone
bPrisoners of Israelb (report for the United Nations) and bHomage to
Palestine.b Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone co-produce bTaking Aim with
Schoenman and Mya Shoneb heard weekly on Pacificabs WBAI-NY and
on the Progressive Radio Network.

Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an activist
involved in
political, community and labor issues. She worked closely with Casa
Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the struggles taking place in
America, was the coordinator of the Tri-County (Santa Barbara, Ventura,
Luis Obispo) Labor Party chapter and co-coordinator of the Open World
Conference in Defense of Trade Union Independence and Democratic
Rights. She
was the coordinator of the Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and
Lebanese Peoples and the Committee for a Democratic and Secular
Mya Shone was also an award-winning documentary filmmaker as well as a
newscaster at KPFK in Los Angeles.
The first two parts of Taking Aim's series on the Middle East,
"Apocalypse Now: The U.S. and Israeli Master Plan for the Middle East"
available on our website archive
Part 1: Death and Devastation in Lebanon
Part 2: The Meaning of Qana
Ben Gurion and the Final Aim:
(an excerpt from "The Hidden History of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman,
available from Veritas Press b see and

In 1938, David Ben Gurion, who became the first Prime Minister of the
Israeli state, wrote in a letter to his son: "A partial Jewish State is
the end, but only the beginning. I am certain that we can not be
from settling in the other parts of the country and the region."

In 1937, he declaimed: "The boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the
concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to

In 1938, he was more explicit: "The boundaries of Zionist aspirations,"
told the World Council of Poale Zion in Tel Aviv, "include southern
southern Syria, today's Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan [the West Bank] and


Evidence of Election Fraud
Grows in MC)xico

By Chuck Collins and Joshua Holland, AlterNet. Posted August 2,

As the U.S. media distorts the aftermath of the July 2 election,
evidence suggests there may be an attempted theft in progress.

A month after more than 41 million Mexicans went to the polls to elect
their next president, the country is still awaiting a result. A
preliminary count of polling station tally sheets put conservative
Felipe CalderC3n of the National Action Party (PAN) ahead with a slight
lead over left-populist Andres Manuel LC3pez Obrador of the Democratic
Revolution Party (PRD). Both candidates have claimed victory, with
LC3pez Obrador and his supporters holding vigils and protests across the
country and calling for a vote-by-vote recount.

That hasn't kept a consensus from emerging in the commercial media that
CalderC3n won by a small margin in a squeaky-clean election. In a
hyperbolic editorial on July 30 -- one that bordered on the ridiculous
-- the Washington Post accused LC3pez Obrador, known as AMLO to his
supporters, of taking "a lesson from Joseph Stalin" and launching an
"anti-democracy campaign" by demanding a manual recount and urging his
supporters to take to the streets in peaceful protests. Calling the
vote "a success story and a model for other nations," the editors
concluded that it's "difficult to overstate the irresponsibility of Mr.
LC3pez Obrador's actions."

Days after the election, the New York Times irresponsibly declared
candidate CalderC3n the winner, even though no victor had been declared
under Mexican law, and just this week, in an article about LC3pez
Obrador's protests, the Times reported that LC3pez Obrador had
"escalated his campaign to undo official results."

But there are no "official" results and probably won't be until after
Sept. 1. Under Mexican law, the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) is
charged with running the elections and counting the vote. But only the
country's Election Tribunal, known by its Mexican nickname as the
"TRIFE," has the power to declare a victor (See here for background on
the TRIFE). They have until Sept. 6 to rule on the election.

It appears that the U.S. media has become so enamored with the
construct of the "anti-democratic" left in Latin America -- the
ubiquitous "fiery populists" (a term that has described everyone from
the centrist Lula da Silva to Hugo ChC!vez) -- that they are incapable
of fulfilling their basic mandate to inform their readers when it comes
to the political landscape south of the border. It's nothing short of
journalistic malpractice.

But back in the real world, a growing body of credible evidence from
mainstream Mexican journalists, independent election observers and
respected scholars indicates that an attempt was made to deliver the
presidency to CalderC3n. It includes a pattern of irregularities at the
polls, interference by the ruling party and some very suspicious
statistical patterns in the "official" results.

The TRIFE is now sifting through 900 pages of formal complaints lodged
by LC3pez Obrador. Their ruling on those challenges will indicate how
well MC)xico's electoral process holds up in a closely fought and highly
polarized race.

Growing evidence of irregularities and fraud

MC)xico has a history of the party in power's using its clout to tip the
election in its favor, and strict laws prohibiting ruling party
interference were enacted in the 1990s. Election law prevented Vicente
Fox, the outgoing PAN president, from making public statements of a
partisan or political nature. But he overstepped this line many times
in the 2006 campaign, including dozens of speeches reinforcing
candidate Felipe CalderC3n's basic message that LC3pez Obrador was a
"danger to MC)xico." In a well-publicized speech, candidate LC3pez
Obrador responded, "With all respect, Mr. President, shut up. You sound
like a chattering bird." Fox continued with these speeches until
election authorities and public commentators warned Fox he was
violating election laws.

The Fox administration also ran public service announcements touting
government programs and services and promoting the vote. PAN saturated
the television airwaves with "swift-boat" style attack ads against
LC3pez Obrador, comparing him to Venezuela's Hugo ChC!vez and calling him
a "danger to MC)xico." Election authorities eventually ordered these
commercials off the air on the grounds that they were untrue and
maligned the candidate's character, but critics believe they moved too

Under Mexican law, ruling party interference is a serious charge and
grounds for annulling an election. In the last ten years, the same
Electoral Tribunal judges that are reviewing AMLO's complaints annulled
governors' races in Tabasco and Colima, based on ruling party
interference. The Institutional Revolution Party (PRI), which ruled
MC)xico for seven decades before the system was reformed in the 1990s,
made vote buying and voter coercion into a high art form, and there is
strong evidence that they were up to their old tricks in the 2006
election. With PRI governors in 17 of MC)xico's 31 states, election
observers documented a significant number of examples of voters being
offered money or receiving food or building materials in exchange for
their PRI vote. In a country where half the citizens live in poverty
and rely on different forms of government assistance, voters are often
told that their public assistance is dependent on voting for the party
in power. There are examples of PAN using similar practices, especially
a well-documented case of funds diverted from a San Luis Potosi
building program into PAN electoral races.

The Mexican electoral system has come a long way in two decades in
implementing anti-fraud systems. But there are still several ways that
results can be tampered with on election day. LC3pez Obrador's campaign
and hundreds of independent election observers documented several
hundred cases of "old fashioned" election-day fraud in making their
case for a recount.

Here's how the system was supposed to work. On July 2, Mexicans voted
at over 130,000 different polling stations, casting separate ballots
for president, senator and federal deputy. Each political party was
encouraged to have registered poll watchers at every polling station to
observe the voting process and count at the end of the day. As
international and Mexican election observers noted, however, problems
emerged when there weren't enough independent and party observers to go
around. In regions where one party was dominant, this created
opportunities for vote shaving, ballot stuffing, lost ballots and other
forms of fraud.

The PRD's strongest case for a recount comes from the fact that ballots
in almost one-third of the country were not counted in the presence of
independent observers. One analysis of IFE results found that there
were 2,366 polling places where only a PAN observer was present. In
these districts, CalderC3n beat LC3pez Obrador by a whopping 71-21

Other elements of PRD's legal challenge include documentation of
several ballot boxes found in dumps in the PRD stronghold of MC)xico
City. They also point to evidence such as the nonpartisan Civic
Alliance's report documenting 17 polling sites in PAN-dominated Nuevo
LeC3n, Michoacan and QuerC)taro, where the number of votes cast vastly
exceeded the number of registered voters at a site.

Reports by international and domestic election observers affiliated
with the Civic Alliance and Global Exchange stop short of claiming
fraud in the elections. They laud the dedication of most poll workers
they monitored and the preparations for the vote in most of the polling
places, as well as the orderly and peaceful process overall. But the
cumulative evidence is damning in such a closely contested race.

In the weeks after the election, PRD observers again sounded the alarm
as sealed ballot packets were being illegally opened at IFE district
offices in several PAN-dominated regions. PRD officials accused IFE
officials of possibly tampering with ballots or attempting to cover up
fraud in the event of a recount. The TRIFE ordered these offices to
stop opening vote packets.

While the LC3pez Obrador campaign has not made major charges of "cyber
fraud," there is an emerging controversy over the IFE's role in
reporting who was ahead in the vote count. For the 2006 election, the
IFE had developed a sophisticated system to provide preliminary results
called the PREP. Relying on results being phoned in from a sample of
precincts, the IFE could compile a credible picture of the vote. If the
PREP showed one candidate with a clear majority, the system would have
allowed Mexicans to go to sleep on election night knowing who their
next president would be. But because of the razor close results, the
PREP proved to be an inadequate measure.

Now research is emerging to suggest that the PREP results were cooked
to create the appearance of a CalderC3n victory. Physicist Jorge LC3pez
at the University of Texas, El Paso, conducted a statistical analysis
of the PREP results and found that, as the results came in, the
differential between the candidates' totals remained almost constant.
One would expect that, as results from each party's geographic
strongholds were counted, the gap between their totals would rise and
would fall. In such a tight election, one would even expect the lead to
change back and forth as the count progressed. None of that happened.
The results of a third candidate, Roberto Madrazo of the Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI), fluctuated as expected.

He also noted that there was very little deviation between the actual
results as they came in and the average results; in a normal, natural
distribution, one would expect significant differences between the two
(it should look something like a squashed bell-shaped curve). Dr. LC3pez
concluded the pattern was "a clear indication that the data was
manufactured by an algorithm and does not stand a chance at passing as
data originated at the actual voting."

Luis Mochan, a physicist at the Universidad Nacional AutC3noma de
MC)xico, did similar work. He noted that the PREP data was posted after
the first 10,000 reports had been processed, and looked at whether
those first 10,000 reports were consistent with the statistical trends
for the rest of the day. When he plotted the data backwards, CalderC3n's
vote total originated at zero, as is normal, but LC3pez Obrador began
the day 126,000 votes in the hole.

Mochan and LC3pez both point out that the CalderC3n began the day
building a large percentage lead -- seven points -- that decreased
steadily throughout the day. The large early lead would have been handy
from a psychological and political perspective, allowing CalderC3n to
claim that he led all day long, but the results had to end in a close
result given that polls conducted a week before the tally showed a
statistical dead heat.

Mochan also notes gross discrepancies in the number of votes processed
late in the evening: "At the end of the plot, we find intervals with
more than 1,200 votes per [voting] booth. I understand that no booth
was to receive more than 750 votes. Even more worrisome, some data
points indicate a negative number of votes per booth."

Mochan notes that these statistical anomalies aren't definitive proof
of anything. But economist James Galbraith, reviewing Mochan's data,
speculated about a likely scenario that would fit the discrepancies
seen that night:

Felipe CalderC3n started the night with an advantage in total votes, a
gift from the authorities.

As the count progressed, this advantage was maintained by misreporting
of the actual results. This enabled CalderC3n to claim that he had led
through the entire process -- an argument greatly repeated but spurious
in any case because it is only the final count that matters.

Toward the end of the count, further adjustments were made to support
the appearance of a victory by CalderC3n.

Critics suggest that the IFE may have aggressively pushed to swiftly
declare CalderC3n a victor, obviating the need for a poll-by-poll vote

The U.S. media was also confused on the Wednesday after the vote when
the IFE ordered all 300 district offices to review the tally sheets. It
was widely reported as a "recount," when in fact very few ballots were
actually counted. In some cases, such as when a tally sheet was
illegible, the sealed ballot packets where opened and recounted. Almost
every time that occurred, observers encountered significant errors in
the vote count. In the state of MC)xico, one tally sheet recorded 88
votes for LC3pez Obrador when the recount of ballots found 188 votes.
Whether it was human error or intentional vote shaving, in a tight
election race, these examples gain heightened significance.

None of these reports in and of themselves constitute a smoking gun.
But the questions they raise need to be answered. There is far more
evidence pointing to fraud in the Mexican elections in 2006 than was
made publicly available about Ukraine's contested vote in 2004.
Comparing the media and political establishment's reactions to the two
reveals the transparent dishonesty in backing CalderC3n's claim of
victory; in 2004 many of the same voices that are now calling LC3pez
Obrador "undemocratic" were screaming that the Ukrainian tally had to
be annulled and only a new election would assure democracy in the
former Soviet satellite. In both instances, the candidate who declared
victory was friendly towards a powerful neighboring state; in 2004 that
state was Russia, and two years later it's the United States. Forget
about threatening MC)xico's fragile democratic institutions -- that
makes all the difference to the editorial boards of the New York Times
and the Washington Post.

According to the Mexican daily La Jornada, over two million supporters
of LC3pez Obrador gathered in MC)xico City on Sunday, July 30, the
largest public demonstration in MC)xico's history. Millions of voices
chanted "vote by vote, poll by poll," calling on the Electoral Tribunal
to order a recount. A poll released this week found that Mexicans, by a
20-point margin (48-28), want a vote-by-vote count. LC3pez Obrador has
said he will call off protests when the Tribunal agrees to a recount
and will honor its final decision.

As for the charge in the U.S. media that LC3pez Obrador is undermining
democracy and the rule of law by calling on his supporters to protest,
we believe that the rights of peaceful assembly and free speech are
important democratic tenets. Public protests have played a historic
part in MC)xico's three decade-long transition to democracy.

President and PAN leader Vicente Fox called for direct action when he
believed he was victimized by electoral fraud in his race for the
governorship of Guanajuato in 1991. Fox called on thousands of
supporters to take to the streets and block highways, and the results
were eventually overturned. Asked before the 2000 presidential election
if he would do the same thing if he suspected fraud, he didn't hesitate
to say "we will be very alert to any irregularities, and we will submit
the appropriate legal accusations that are necessary. If there is any
instability [as a result of those accusations], it will be due to
whatever they have done fraudulently to avoid recognizing our victory."

While CalderC3n has opposed a ballot-by-ballot recount, even some of his
staunchest supporters have argued that the process would assure
Mexicans' faith in their electoral authorities and strengthen the
country's young democracy. In a race where over 64 percent of Mexicans
voted against him, CalderC3n, if he should prove victorious, will need
all the legitimacy he can muster.

As MC)xico awaits the rulings of the electoral tribunal, tensions are
high. The campaign -- often dirty -- and the close results have
polarized the country. Given the context, the U.S. media's
water-carrying for CalderC3n's campaign is anything but helpful. The
fact that there have been no "official" results is not open to dispute,
and until AMLO's allegations have been investigated, there is no way
that anyone can say who will come out ahead.

Chuck Collins is the co-author of "Economic Apartheid in America: A
Primer on Economic Inequality and Insecurity" (New Press). He is a
senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies and lives in Oaxaca,
MC)xico. Joshua Holland is an AlterNet staff writer.


From: Peter Myers <>
Date: August 3, 2006 6:37:32 AM EST
To: clem clarke <>

Subject: Official Presbyterian publisher issues 9/11 conspiracy book

(1) China to build oil refineries in Iran
(2) Official Presbyterian publisher issues 9/11 conspiracy book by
David Ray
(3) Kevin Barrett to teach 9/11 Conspiracy theory at University of
(4) People's Secretary of State Cindy Sheehan
(5) Abe Foxman's horror show - Defending "the Jewish people" against UN
(6) Women were the first Mexicans -- Rockefellers: we created the
(7) Victor Marchetti in Hollywood
(8) Robert Faurisson's trial in France July 11, 2006

(1) China to build oil refineries in Iran

Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 06:56:20 -0700 From: "Dave Chiang"

Iran signs $2.7 bln refinery deal with China Sinopec

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 - B)2005
NewsKin d=Current%20Affairs

LONDON, August 1 (IranMania) - OPEC member Iran has signed a
2,7-billion-dollar oil refinery upgrade deal with China which will help
feed the Islamic republic's hunger for fuel, Iranian state television

Under the accord, a consortium led by Chinese firm Sinopec will upgrade
capacity at a refinery in the central Iranian city of Arak from the
current 150,000 barrels of crude oil per day to 250,000 barrels.

"Currently, Arak refinery produces about six million liters (1.6
million gallons) of petrol a day and when the upgrade operation is done
the figure will reach about 16 million liters (four million gallons),"
said deputy oil minister in charge of refining affairs, Mohammad-Reza

The project will take less than four years to complete, he added.

Iran is OPEC's second biggest oil producer after Saudi Arabia, AFP

Most of its refineries, however, were built by American companies
before the 1979 Islamic revolution and refurbishment has been hampered
by trade sanctions imposed since then.

The contract with the Sinopec consortium marks an effort by the Islamic
republic to increase its petrol production.

Its refineries have a capacity of 40 million liters (10 million
gallons) of petrol a day, but demand is over 70 million liters (18
million gallons) a day, AFP stated.

Iran pays several billion dollars per year to import petrol to meet
growing domestic consumption by its 68-million-strong population.

(2) Official Presbyterian publisher issues 9/11 conspiracy book by
David Ray Griffin

Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 11:00:46 +0300 From: "Dalits; The Seeds of India
.." <> From: Dick Eastman <>
From: Sean McBride

July 31, 2006

Official Presbyterian Publisher Issues 9/11 Conspiracy Book -
Christianity Today Magazine

< >


The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were orchestrated by the U.S.
government, according to a book to be released later this month by
Westminster John Knox Press - a division of the denominational
publisher for the Presbyterian Church ( U.S.A.).

Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and

Action is the third book on the subject by David Ray Griffin, a
professor emeritus of theology at Claremont School of Theology who is
also a well-published and prominent process theologian.

His previous work has influenced Kevin Barrett, a Muslim lecturer for
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who has received recent national
attention for espousing the theory. Of the 133 members in Wisconsin's
legislature, 61 signed a letter to university officials and Gov. James
Doyle demanding that Barrett be fired before the fall term begins. He
is scheduled to teach about some of the conspiracy theories surrounding
September 11 during his 15-week fall course,
"Islam: Religion and Culture."

"Without David, I would not just lose my faith in Christianity,"
Barrett said in an interview with CT. "I would almost lose my faith in
the humanity of Christians."

Barrett, who co-founded the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11
Truth, and Griffin are both members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth-a
non-partisan organization that is "dedicated to exposing falsehoods and
to revealing truths behind 9/11."

In his book, Griffin argues the Bush administration planned the events
of September 11 so they could provide justification for going to war
with Afghanistan and Iraq. He writes that although Christianity began
as a specifically anti-empire gospel, the church has been silent about
an imperialistic America-which he compares to the Roman Empire.

"I became more convinced that if the truth about 9/11 was going to be
exposed, the churches were probably going to have to be involved,"
Griffin told CT. "If we become convinced that the so-called war on
terror is simply a pretext for enlarging the American empire, we have
every reason as Christians to try and expose the truth behind 9/11."

Westminster John Knox (WJK) officials said they published Griffin
because of the questions that he raised in his previous books, The New
Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and
9/11, and The 9/11 Commission
Report: Omissions And Distortions.

(3) Kevin Barrett to teach 9/11 Conspiracy theory at University of

Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 01:14:32 EDT From:

Current Issues with Hesham Tillawi

THIS THURSDAY 3rd AUGU In this issue... 1- Latest analysis on Lebanon
2- 8:00 PM Central Interview with Kevin Barrett. The Islamic Study
teacher who wants to teach the conspiracy Theory of 9/11 that the US
government may have been involved in the destruction of the twin
towers. 3- 9:00 PM Central,Terrell Arnold,retired Senior Foreign
Service Officer and former Chairman of the Department of International
Studies of the National War College. Views on Iraq, Palestine, and

8:00 PM (CST) . . .


"As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I'll
say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war
on terror itself is as phony as the latest "Bin Laden tape." (Guardian
04) It's tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is
buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping
my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with
Islam has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished
my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my
nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I'll be on the fast
track to tenure. The trouble is, it's all based on a big lie. Take the
recent "Bin Laden tape," - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden
than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped
translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the
early 90s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy's flowery
religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn't him." ... more

"The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence,
head of Duke University's Religious Studies Department, has just
finished a book of translations of Bin Laden's speeches. He says the
recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC

Dr Barrett holds a PhD in Arabic, with a focus on Islamic studies, from
the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is cofounder of the
Muslim-Christian-Jewish Alliance for 9/11 Truth: WEBSITE

Join us at 9:00 PM Central to hear this fascinating man who ones taught
our Army Officers everything they needed to know about the rest of the
World. 9:00 PM (CST)

TERRELL ARNOLD: Under the searing light of Arnold's impeccable
reasoning and trenchant common sense, the idiocy and hypocrisy of the
current Bush Administration are exposed for all to see. For example,
Arnold writes that "the stated goal of the Bush team was to make our
country safe. For that purpose, the War on Terrorism was launched with
the invasion of Afghanistan. For that purpose, the Bush team invaded
Iraq at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of
American lives, and tens of thousands of Iraqis killed and wounded. For
that purpose, the United States rededicated itself to Israel, while
continuing to turn a blind eye to the repression of the Palestine
people. For that purpose, the United States now threatens Iran and
fumbles around over threatening North Korea for thinking nuclear, while
the United States launches a new effort to design and build new
generations of nuclear weapons and deliberately talks about using

(4) People's Secretary of State Cindy Sheehan

Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 11:44:14 +0500 From: "Eric Walberg"

To this end of creating a peace plan that the Iraqi people want and can
feel comfortable and secure with (it is, after all, their country), a
contingent of peace activists, including myself, will travel to Amman,
Jordan, to meet with Iraqi parliamentarians who don't parrot what
BushCo wants them to say and would actually like coalition forces to be
removed from their country. It is a historic and significant step in
this abominable and shameful episode of our history. The meeting is
also highly significant since our State Department has been transformed
into an adjunct of the War Department and is headed by the Deputy
Secretary of War, Condi Rice. We have no diplomats in our country: just
warmongers who can clear brush, shop for shoes, and laugh at gullible
Americans all the way to the bank while they are depositing their war

We will be meeting with the Iraqi representatives in Amman on August
4th, and many of us will return to Camp Casey in Crawford on August 6th
to outline the plan and present a way that Americans and Iraqis can
work together to end the killing on both sides of the conflict. August
6th is also a very meaningful date for me because it is the same day,
one year ago [WOW - it seems like a decade ago], that I originally sat
in the ditch with other peacemongers and we were eventually joined by
thousands of peacemongers from all over the world.



Israel Hacks into Hezbollah TV

From correspondents in Beirut

August 02, 2006 06:18am
Article from: Agence France-Presse

ISRAEL today hacked into the television station of Hezbollah,
emblazoning images on the screen showing pictures of corpses and
claiming the Shiite militant group's leader Hassan Nasrallah was a liar.

One of the images shown on Al-Manar television portrayed the body of a
fighter lying face-down, wearing khaki trousers with a text beneath in
Arabic reading: "This is the photograph of a body of a member of
Hezbollah's special forces".

"Nasrallah lies: it is not us that is hiding our losses," continued
the text, which appeared during the evening news and stayed on the
screen for several minutes.

A photograph of Nasrallah himself also appeared with the legend:
"member of Hezbollah: watch out".

Another photograph of corpses was framed by the words: "there are a
large number of corpses like this on the ground and Nasrallah is
hiding this truth".

Israel also hacked into FM radio stations and instead of normal
programs a two-minute recording was repeatedly broadcast.

"Hassan sent men to fight the Israeli army, an army of steel, without
preparing them. Stop listening to patriotic hymns for a moment,
reflect and bring your feet back to the ground," said the Arabic

Israel has used a variety of technological weapons to wage a
psychological war in Lebanon, also sending text messages to mobile
phones and voice messages saying their war was against Hezbollah and
not the Lebanese people.

Source: Herald Sun:,21985,19992671-5005961,00.html


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 7, 2006, 12:15:19 PM8/7/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 7, 2006
Weekend Edition
August 5 / 6, 2006

The Case for
Boycotting Israel

Boycott Now!

Johannesburg, South Africa.

It is finally time. After years of internal arguments, confusion, and
dithering, the time has come for a full-fledged international boycott
of Israel. Good cause for a boycott has, of course, been in place for
decades, as a raft of initiatives already attests. But Israel's war
crimes are now so shocking, its extremism so clear, the suffering so
great, the UN so helpless, and the international community's need to
contain Israel's behavior so urgent and compelling, that the time for
global action has matured. A coordinated movement of divestment,
sanctions, and boycotts against Israel must convene to contain not
only Israel's aggressive acts and crimes against humanitarian law but
also, as in South Africa, its founding racist logics that inspired and
still drive the entire Palestinian problem.

That second goal of the boycott campaign is indeed the primary one.
Calls for a boycott have long cited specific crimes: Israel's
continual attacks on Palestinian civilians; its casual disdain for the
Palestinian civilian lives "accidentally" destroyed in its
assassinations and bombings; its deliberate ruin of the Palestinians'
economic and social conditions; its continuing annexation and
dismemberment of Palestinian land; its torture of prisoners; its
contempt for UN resolutions and international law; and especially, its
refusal to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. But
the boycott cannot target these practices alone. It must target their
ideological source.

The true offence to the international community is the racist
motivation for these practices, which violates fundamental values and
norms of the post-World War II order. That racial ideology isn't subtle
or obscure. Mr. Olmert himself has repeatedly thumped the public
podium about the "demographic threat" facing Israel: the "threat" that
too many non-Jews will - the horror - someday become citizens of
Israel. It is the "demographic threat" that, in Israeli doctrine,
justifies sealing off the West Bank and Gaza Strip as open-air prisons
for millions of people whose only real crime is that they are not
Jewish. It is the "demographic threat," not security (Mr. Olmert has
clarified), that requires the dreadful Wall to separate Arab and
Jewish communities, now juxtaposed in a fragmented landscape, who
might otherwise mingle.

"Demographic threat" is the most disgustingly racist phrase still
openly deployed in international parlance. It has been mysteriously
tolerated by a perplexed international community. But it can be
tolerated no longer. Zionist fear of the demographic threat launched
the expulsion of the indigenous Arab population in 1948 and 1967,
created and perpetuates Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, inspires its terrible human rights abuses against Palestinians,
spins into regional unrest like the 1982 attack on Lebanon (that gave
rise to Hezbollah), and continues to drive Israeli militarism and

This open official racism and its attendant violence casts Israel
into the ranks of pariah states, of which South Africa was the former
banner emblem. In both countries, racist nationalist logic tormented
and humiliated the native people. It also regularly spilled over to
destabilize their surrounding regions (choc-a-block with "demographic
threats"), leading both regimes to cruel and reckless attacks. Driven
by a sense of perennial victimhood, they assumed the moral authority
to crush the native hordes that threatened to dilute the organic
Afrikaner/Jewish nations and the white/western civilization they
believed they so nobly represented.

A humiliated white society in South Africa finally gave that myth up.
Israel still clings to it. It has now brought Israel to pulverize
Lebanon, trying to eliminate Hezbollah and, perhaps, to clear the way
for an attack on Iran. Peace offers from the entire Arab world are
cast aside like so much garbage. Yet again, the Middle East is plunged
into chaos and turmoil, because a normal existence -- peace, full
democracy -- is anathema to a regime that must see and treat its
neighbors as an existential threat in order to justify the rejectionism
that preserves its ethnic/racial character and enables its continuing
annexations of land.

Why has this outrageously racist doctrine survived so long, rewarded
by billions of dollars in US aid every year? We know the reasons. For
too many Westerners, Israel's Jewish character conflates with the
Holocaust legacy to make intuitive sense of Israel's claim to be under
continual assault. Deep-seated Judeo-Christian bias against Islam
demonizes Israel's mostly Muslim victims. European racist prejudice
against Arabs (brown-skinned natives) casts their material
dispossession as less humanly significant. Naove Christian visions of
the "Holy Land" naturalize Jewish governance in biblical landscapes.
Idiot Christian evangelistic notions of the Rapture and the End Times
posit Jewish governance as essential to the return of the Messiah and
the final Millennium (even though, in that repellent narrative, Jews
will roast afterwards).

All those notions and prejudices, long confounding international
action, must now be set aside. The raw logic of Israel's distorted
self-image and racist doctrines is expressed beyond confusion by the
now-stark reality: the moonscape rubble of once-lovely Lebanese
villages; a million desperate people trying to survive Israeli aerial
attacks as they carry children and wheel disabled grandparents down
cratered roads; the limp bodies of children pulled from the dusty
basements of crushed buildings. This is the reality of Israel's
national doctrine, the direct outcome of its racist worldview. It is
endangering everyone, and it must stop.

Designing the Campaign

Much debate has circulated about a boycott campaign, but hitherto it
has not moved beyond some ardent but isolated groups. Efforts have
stalled on the usual difficult questions: e.g., whether a boycott is
morally compulsory to reject Israel's rampant human rights violations
or would impede vital engagement with Israeli forums, or whether
principled defense of international law must be tempered by (bogus)
calls for "balance". Especially, recent debate has foundered on calls
for an academic boycott. Concerns here are reasonable, if rather
narrow. Universities offer vital connections and arenas for
collaboration, debate, and new thinking. Without such forums and their
intellectual exchange, some argue, work toward a different future is
arguably impeded.

But this argument has exploded along with the southern Lebanese
villages, as Israeli university faculties roundly endorse the present
war. As Ilan Pappi has repeatedly argued, Israel's universities are
not forums for enlightened thought. They are crucibles of reproduction
for racist Zionist logics and practice, monitoring and filtering
admissible ideas. They produce the lawyers who defend the occupation
regime and run its kangaroo "courts"; the civil planners and
engineers who design and build the settlements on Palestinian land;
the economists and financiers who design and implement the grants that
subsidize those settlements; the geologists who facilitate seizure of
Palestinian aquifers; the doctors who treat the tortured so that they
can be tortured again; the historians and sociologists who make sense
of a national society while preserving official lies about its own
past; and the poets, playwrights, and novelists who compose the
nationalist opus that glorifies and makes (internally, at least)
moralistic sense of it all.

Those of us who have met with Jewish Israeli academics in Israeli
universities find the vast majority of them, including well-meaning
liberals, operating in a strange and unique bubble of enabling
fictions. Most of them know nothing about Palestinian life, culture,
or experience. They know strangely little about the occupation and its
realities, which are crushing people just over the next hill. They
have absorbed simplistic notions about rejectionist Arafat, terrorist
Hamas, and urbane Abbas. In this special insulated world of illusions,
they say nonsense things about unreal factors and fictionalized
events. Trying to make sense of their assumptions is no more
productive that conversing about the Middle East with the Bush
administration's neo-cons, who also live in a strange bubble of
ignorance and fantasy. Aside from a few brave and beleaguered souls,
this is the world of Israel's universities. It will not change until
it has to - when the conditions of its self-reproduction are impaired
and its self-deceptions too glaring.

The Real Goal: Changing Minds

The universities represent and reproduce the bubble world of the
Israeli Jewish population as a whole. And no people abandons its
bubble willingly. In South Africa, Afrikaners clung to their own
bubble - their self-exonerating myths about history, civilization, and
race -- until they were forced by external sanctions and the collapsing
national economy to rethink those myths. Their resistance to doing so,
while racist, was not purely vicious. Many kind and well-meaning
Afrikaners simply didn't believe they had to rethink ideas that
manifested to them as givens and that shaped their reality. (One
valued Afrikaner friend here recalls her life during apartheid South
Africa as being like The Truman Show, a film in which a man unknowingly
grows up in a television show, set in an artificial dome world
designed to look like a small town.) When their reality fell apart,
suddenly no one would admit to ever having believed or supported it.

The Zionist worldview is an even more complete system. All historical
and geographic details are provided to create a total mythical world,
in which Jews have rights to the land and Palestinians have none. It
is a fully realized construction, like those Hebraized maps carefully
drawn by the Zionist movement in the 1930s to erase the ancient Arabic
landscape and substitute Hebrew biblical references. It is also very
resilient. The "new historians" have exposed the cherished national
historical narrative of 1948 and 1967 as a load of fictions, but the
same fictions are still reproduced by state agencies to assure Israeli
and diaspora Jews of their innocence and the righteousness of their
cause. The vast majority of Israelis therefore remain comfortable in
their Truman Show and even see any external pressure or criticism as
substantiating it. We need no more graphic evidence of that campaign's
success than the overwhelming support among Israeli Jews for the
present catastrophic assault on Lebanon, reflecting their sincere
beliefs that nuclear-power Israel is actually under existential threat
by a guerrilla group lobbing katyushas across the border. Staggering
to observers, that belief is both sobering and instructive.

To force people steeped in such a worldview to rethink their notions,
their historical myths, and their own best interests requires two

(1) Serious external pressure: here, a full boycott that undermines
Israel's capacity to sustain the economic standards its citizens and
corporations expect, and which they associate with their own
progressive self-image; and

(2) clear and unwavering commitment to the boycott's goal, which - in
Israel as in South Africa - must be full equality, dignity, safety,
and welfare of everyone in the land, including Palestinians, whose
ancestral culture arose there, and the Jewish population, which has
built a national society there.

That combination is essential. Nothing else will work. Diplomacy,
threats, pleading, the "peace process," mediation, all will be useless
until external pressure brings Israel's entire Jewish population to
undertake the very difficult task of rethinking their world. This
pressure requires the full range of boycotts, sanctions, and divestment
that the world can employ. (South African intellectual Steven
Friedman has observed wryly that the way to bring down any established
settler-colonial regime is to make it choose between profits and
identity. Profits, he says, will win every time.)

What to Target

Fortunately, from the South African experience, we know how to go
forward, and strategies are proliferating. The basic methods of an
international boycott campaign are familiar. First, each person works
in his or her own immediate orbit. People might urge divestment from
companies investing in Israel by their colleges and universities,
corporations, clubs, and churches. Boycott any sports event that hosts
an Israeli team, and work with planners to exclude them. Participate
in, and visit, no Israeli cultural events - films, plays, music, art
exhibits. Avoid collaborating with Israeli professional colleagues,
except on anti-racist activism. Don't invite any Israeli academic or
writer to contribute to any conference or research and don't attend
their panels or buy their books, unless their work is engaged directly
in anti-racist activism. Don't visit Israel except for purposes of
anti-racist activism. Buy nothing made in Israel: start looking at
labels on olive oil, oranges, and clothing. Tell people what you are
doing and why. Set up discussion groups everywhere to explain why.

For ideas and allies, try Googling the "boycott Israel" and
"sanctions against Israel" campaigns springing up around the world.
Know those allies, like the major churches, and tell people about
them. For more ideas, read about the history of the boycott of South

Second, don't be confused by liberal Zionist alternatives that argue
against a boycott in favor of "dialogue". If we can draw any
conclusion from the last half-century, it is that, without the
boycott, dialogue will go nowhere. And don't be confused by
liberal-Zionist arguments that Israel will allow Palestinians a state
if they only do this or that. Israel is already the only sovereign
power in Palestine: what fragments are left to Palestinians cannot
make a state. The question now is not whether there is one state, but
what kind of state it comprises. The present version is apartheid, and
it must change. However difficult to achieve, and however frightening
to Jewish Israelis, the only just and stable solution is full

Third, be prepared for the boycott's opposition, which will be much
louder, more vicious, and more dangerous than it was in the boycott of
South Africa. Read and assemble solid documentable facts. Support each
other loudly and publicly against the inevitable charges of
anti-Semitism. And support your media against the same charges. Write
to news media and explain just who the "Israel media teams" actually
are. Most pro-Israeli activism draws directly from the Israeli
government's propaganda outreach programs. Spotlight this fact. Team
up to counter their pressure on newspapers, radio stations, and
television news forums. Don't let them capture or intimidate public
debate. By insisting loudly (and it must be sincere) that the goal is
the full equality of dignity and rights of everyone in
Israel-Palestine, including the millions of Jewish citizens of Israel,
demolish their specious claims of anti-Semitism.

Finally, hold true to the principles that drive the boycott's
mission. Don't tolerate the slightest whiff of anti-Semitism in your
own group or movement. Anti-Jewish racists are certainly out there,
and they are attracted to these campaigns like roaches. They will
distract and absorb your energies, while undermining, degrading, and
destroying the boycott movement. Some are Zionist plants, who will do
so deliberately. If you can't change their minds (and don't spend much
time trying, because they will use your efforts to drain your time and
distract your energies), denounce them, expel them, ignore them, have
no truck with them. They are the enemy of a peaceful future, not its
allies - part of the problem, not the solution.

Boycott the Hegemon

This is the moment to turn international pressure on the complicit US,
too. It's impossible, today, to exert an effective boycott on the
United States, as its products are far too ubiquitous in our lives.
But it's quick and easy to launch a boycott of emblematic US products,
upsetting its major corporations. It's especially easy to boycott the
great global consumables, like Coca-Cola, MacDonald's, Burger King,
and KFC, whose leverage has brought anti-democratic pressures on
governments the world over. (Through ugly monopoly practices, Coke is
a nasty player in developing countries anyway: see, for example, Think you'll miss these foods too much? Is
consuming something else for a while too much of a sacrifice, given
what is happening to people in Lebanon? And think of the local
products you'll be supporting! (And how healthy you will get).

In the US, the impact of these measures may be small. But in Africa,
Latin America, Europe, and the Arab and Muslim worlds, boycotting
these famous brands can gain national scope and the impact on
corporate profits will be enormous. Never underestimate the power of
US corporations to leverage US foreign policy. They are the one force
that consistently does so.

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred,
arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into
retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle
against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no
killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of
every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building
a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral
outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however,
well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three
monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" -
the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this
effort, which we must defend together.

Virginia Tilley is a professor of political science, a US citizen
working in South Africa, and author of The One-State Solution: A
Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock (University
of Michigan Press and Manchester University Press, 2005). She can be
reached at


Israel using US-supplied depleted uranium in Lebanon
Written by Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free from Atomic,
Biological & Chemical Weapons

The government of Israel has recently purchased from the United States
bunker-busting bombs (GBU-28), for use in its war in Lebanon. These
bombs contain depleted uranium - a carcinogenic substance that spreads
in the form of a toxic and radioactive dust, which enters the lungs and
bones and is especially harmful to babies and young children. We call
on the govern! ment of Israel not to make use of these bombs. This call
is of special significance on 6 August, the anniversary of the dropping
of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 6, 2006 10:18:57 PM EST
Subject: Fw: This is another "Yellow cake" deception

Correct. U238 IS NOT FISSILE.

On 7/8/06 9:18 AM, "Sharyn Burley" <> wrote:,,176-2300772,00.html

Iran's plot to mine uranium in Africa
A United Nations report, dated July 18, said there was no doubt that
a huge shipment of smuggled uranium 238, uncovered by customs officials
in Tanzania, was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the Congo.
Posted Aug 6, 2006 11:47 AM
cat_coverupdeceptions.html#050983> PST

This is another "Yellow cake" deception, and here is why. Uranium
coming out of the mines is a mixture of many different isotopes. It
cannot be called Uranium 23X until after refinement. As a side note,
Uranium 238 is the most common form of uranium AND THE LEAST USABLE FOR
NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Uranium 238 is often called "depleted uranium" because
Uranium 238 is what is left over after the Uranium 235 has been
extracted. Therefore, if Iran is shipping Uranium 238 from Africa, it
is not for a weapons program.

----- Original Message -----
To: Sharyn Burley
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: This is another "Yellow cake" deception


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 7, 2006 1:39:54 AM EST
Subject: Fw: - War on Terror - General Advisory

War on Terror - General Advisory

To the Directors of Major Intelligence Organizations in the United
States, Great Britain, and Elsewhere From: Mother Media

The War on Terror - General Advisory - August 7, 2006
by Professor A. K. Dewdney

The War on Terror, currently being prosecuted by the United States and
its allies, is based entirely on the premise that the "terror attacks"
of September 11, 2001 were planned and carried out by Arab/Muslim
extremists. The War has been given further impetus and justification by
additional attacks taking place in Bali, Indonesia, in Madrid, Spain,
in London, England, and elsewhere. However, it now appears that "Al
Qaeda" is an extensive "false flag" operation.

There is strong evidence that the attacks of September 11 were not
carried out by Arab/Muslim extremists. The aircraft that struck the
twin towers, as well as the Pentagon, were not the aircraft alleged to
have done so. The twin towers did not collapse as a result of fires
caused by the impact of incoming aircraft, but were brought down by
controlled demolition. Indeed, the WTC leaseholder at the time has
confessed on video to having agreed to bring down Building 7 (which was
not struck by any aircraft) by controlled demolition. There is a great
deal of evidence, all of it based on credible primary sources, that
stands in direct contradiction to the White House scenario, as
portrayed in the 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST WTC reports. The
latter documents are notable only for their avoidance of the central
issues raised by this evidence.

There is also strong evidence that the aforesaid bombings in Bali,
Madrid, and elsewhere were not the work of "terrorists," but staged

Sadly, the mistaken nature of the War on Terror leaves us with only two
alternatives: Your agency is either aware of these facts or it is not.
We ask that you review the evidence and declare immediately for the
second alternative, informing your government in the process. We are
aware that precedents exist for the first alternative; the plan called
Operation Northwoods was approved by the US Joint Chiefs in 1962. Among
other covert operations lacking in moral integrity, it called for the
fake hijacking and shootdown of a US aircraft where the blame was to be
placed on Fidel Castro.

It needs to be stressed that our analyses do not represent "theories"
of any kind. They are conclusions based on what can only be described
as "forensic analysis."

This message constitutes an open letter to intelligence agencies
generally. Specific versions, essentially identical to the foregoing,
have been sent to the directors of the five major intelligence agencies
in North America to see if a response is forthcoming or not. Any such
response will be posted with the next edition of this message.


A. K. Dewdney
Coordinator, Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven

Click here to see mailed letters:


The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven

The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven is an organization of
scientists, engineers, airline pilots, military and intelligence
officers, as well as experts in Islam and Politics. All have
professional credentials, with solid contributions in their respective
fields. The Panel maintains a website which contains much of the
relevant evidence and its analysis:

This website also links to other groups, such as as Scholars for 911

Judging from the rapid growth in internet traffic at our sites, we are
in a position to declare that our view is rapidly gaining ground and
that sooner or later a majority of westerners will no longer believe
the official scenario. For example, as early as 2004, a Zogby poll
revealed that 49% of New Yorkers believed that the White House had
advance knowledge of the attacks.

This advisory is on the web at

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Professor Says Israel Violated UN Blue Line" in Lebanon Regularly


Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 11:57:23 +0300 From: "Israel Shamir"

Anders Strindberg, formerly a visiting professor at Damascus
University, Syria, is a consultant on Middle East politics working with
European government and law-enforcement agencies. He has also covered
Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories as a journalist since
the late 1990s, primarily for European publications

Hizbullah's attacks stem from Israeli incursions into Lebanon

By Anders Strindberg

Opinion from the August 01, 2006 edition

NEW YORK - As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in

Lebanon, their conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created
this crisis. "Israel" is defending itself. The underlying problem is
Arab extremism.

Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two
Israeli soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of "Israel's" silent
but unrelenting aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a
six-decades long Arab-Israeli conflict.

Since its withdrawal of occupation forces from southern Lebanon in May
2000, "Israel" has violated the United Nations-monitored "blue line" on
an almost daily basis, according to UN reports. Hizbullah's military
doctrine, articulated in the early 1990s, states that it will fire
Katyusha rockets into "Israel" only in response to Israeli attacks on
Lebanese civilians or Hizbullah's leadership; this indeed has been the

In the process of its violations, "Israel" has terrorized the general
population, destroyed private property, and killed numerous civilians.
This past February, for instance, 15-year-old shepherd Yusuf Rahil was
killed by unprovoked Israeli cross-border fire as he tended his flock
in southern Lebanon. "Israel" has assassinated its enemies in the

streets of Lebanese cities and continues to occupy Lebanon's Shibaa

in "Israel's" foundational and persistent refusal to recognize the

humanity of its Palestinian victims. Neither Hizbullah nor Hamas are
driven by a desire to "wipe out Jews," as is so often claimed, but by a
fundamental sense of injustice that they will not allow to be

These groups will continue to enjoy popular legitimacy because they
fulfill the need for someone - anyone - to stand up for Arab rights.
"Israel" cannot destroy this need by bombing power grids or rocket

ramps. If "Israel", like its former political ally South Africa, has

the capacity to come to terms with principles of democracy and human
rights and accept egalitarian multiracial coexistence within a single
state for Jews and Arabs, then the foundation for resentment and
resistance will have been removed. If "Israel" cannot bring itself to
do so, then it will continue to be the vortex of regional violence.

Anders Strindberg, formerly a visiting professor at Damascus
University, Syria, is a consultant on Middle East politics working with
European government and law-enforcement agencies. He has also covered
Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories as a journalist since
the late 1990s, primarily for European publications.

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7

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incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. If
your emails to me bounce, write to me at To
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From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 6, 2006 1:53:38 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: India Bans All Arab TV Channels under ZIONIST Pressure,
now only Zionist approved ies will be shown on Indian TV

WHY NOT BAN CNN INSTEAD, asks Dr. Leo Rebello

India Bans All Arab TV Channels under ZIONIST Pressure, now
only Zionist approved lies will be shown on
Indian TV!!!

To: Prime Minister of India <>, "Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam" <>, Sonia Gandhi <>, , "L. K. Advani, M.P." <>
Cc:, "Dr. AB Thwahir" <>,
Rajiv Dixit <>, pushpa vijula
<>, aiesha sheikh <>, fayyaz
pathan <>, Abhay Mokashi < >

Dear Mr. Prime Minister: From: alex james

This is a shameful act. Instead of banning Arab TV, you should ban the
which spreads worldwide lies and indulges in cover-up.

I am sorry, Mr. PM, you are becoming more and more an American puppet,
which is NOT good for the future of our country. India is the greatest
and best secular country on Earth; do not make a sham of our sacred

Frankly, but with kind regards,

Dr. Leo Rebello

World Peace Envoy



India Bans Arab TV Channels
Under Pressure from Israel

Shahid Raza Burney, Arab News

BOMBAY , 6 August 2006 In a country widely referred to as the
world's largest democracy, the Indian government has succumbed to
mounting Israeli pressure and ordered a nationwide ban on the broadcast
of Arab television channels.

The Indian government's ban on Arab television stations is in complete
contrast to the friendship that Arab countries imagine exists with
their neighbor across the Arabian Sea . It seems the ban is a move to
ensure that Indians do not get to see the atrocities that are presently
being committed by Israel in Lebanon and the occupied territories.

Nabila Al-Bassam, a Saudi businesswoman on a trip to Bombay , told Arab
News how she became exasperated at not being able to watch Arab
channels at Bombay's leading five-star Oberoi Hotel. When she took up
the issue with the hotel manager, she was told that Arab television
channels had been banned across India .

A perplexed Al-Bassam then sent an SMS to Arab News Editor in Chief
Khaled Almaeena to verify whether this was indeed the case. "Oberoi
Hotel tells me that the government of India has banned all Arab TV
channels. Why? I hate watching CNN and BBC," she wrote to Almaeena .

Talking to Arab News, Oberoi Hotel Manager Mohit Nirula did allude to
the fact that a ban was in place. "The Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting has laid down certain rules. It is our duty to abide by
and follow the rules of the country," he told this correspondent.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi was
busy in Parliament and was unavailable for comment on the issue.
However, a ministry official explained why the Indian government
decided to enforce the ban. The official highlighted that India enjoys
close and cordial relations with Israel and the US more than any of the
Arab governments.

According to another source within the government, the ban is a clear
sign to all governments in the Middle East that the Israeli, American
and British governments carry far more influence in India than any of
the Arab governments.

Several senior Indian journalists explained that the ban was an
indication that India had succumbed to Israeli pressure rather than

"The whole exercise is to browbeat Arabs and show them as terrorists.
The government is subscribing to the absurd argument that channels like
Al- Jazeera and Al-Arabiya promote hatred and encourage terrorism,"
they said.

Political analysts in India described the move as a game of double
standard that India is playing. On the one hand India establishes
friendship with the Arab world while simultaneously it joins with
Israel and the US in defaming them. It seems that the pro-Israeli lobby
wishes to drive a wedge between India and its time-tested Arab allies.
The Indian government's present stance is in stark contrast to the late
Mrs. Indira Gandhi's staunch support of the Palestinian cause.

The banning of Arabic channels is a federal government decision, done
under what senior Indian journalists claim to be intense pressure from
the Israeli, American and British governments.

The Indian government has been vocal in its condemnation of Israeli
barbarity and has offered millions of rupees in aid to refugees in
Lebanon . Arabs sympathetic to India have therefore met the news with

Many Arabs draw inspiration from India's heroic struggle against
British imperialism and the Indian independence struggle is seen by
Palestinians as a brilliant example of throwing out the yoke of
imperialism. It is sad that 50 years after independence the world's
largest democracy unfairly suppresses alternative opinion and allows
itself to be dictated to by foreign powers.

The analysts believe the Indian government may have used a clause
within the Cable TV Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995, that certain
channels or programs that can potentially cause damage to India's
friendly relations with foreign countries can be banned, a clear
violation of democratic ideals such as freedom of expression and
freedom of speech.

The response to the ban by hotel administrations across Bombay has
been dismal. Chad Alberico , JW Marriott's customer care official in
Washington , said: "We have reviewed your recent inquiries regarding
the television offerings at our JW Marriott Bombay. We have phoned our
colleagues at the hotel to discuss the matter at hand, but as it is the
weekend, we will need additional time to form a complete response."

"I'm on my way home, it's the weekend and I will respond on Monday,"
said Shehnaz Ankelsaria from the Taj President Hotel. Annan Udeshi from
The Hilton was unavailable and asked for a message to be left on her
recorder. Khushnooma Kapadia of Marriott Hotel said she would get back
later. Rafat Kazi from the Grand Central Sheraton said that she would
answer after consulting her general manager. Puja Guleria of Sheraton
Maratta said she needed time to deal with the questions. Firuza Mistry
of Grand Hyatt said that she was not aware of the facts and would check
and respond, and Priya Mathias of Hyatt Regency said that she would
also need to check with her senior officials to comment.

Published: 05 August 2006

Robert Fisk: A terrible thought
occurs to me - that there will be another 9/11

The room shook. Not since the 1983 earthquake has my apartment rocked
from side to side. That was the force of the Israeli explosions in the
southern suburbs of Beirut - three miles from my home - and the air
pressure changed in the house yesterday morning and outside in the
street the palm trees moved.

Is it to be like this every day? How many civilians can you make
homeless before you start a revolution? And what is next? Are the
Israelis to bomb the centre of Beirut? The Corniche? Is this why all
the foreign warships came and took their citizens away, to make Beirut
safe to destroy?

Yesterday, needless to say, was another day of massacres, great and
small. The largest appeared to be 40 farm workers in northern Lebanon,
some of them Kurds - a people who do not even have a country. An
Israeli missile was reported to have exploded among them as they loaded
vegetables on to a refrigerated truck near Al-Qaa, a small village east
of Hermel in the far north. The wounded were taken to hospital in Syria
because the roads of Lebanon have now all been cratered by Israeli
bomb-bursts. Later we learnt that an air strike on a house in the
village of Taibeh in the south had killed seven civilians and wounded
10 seeking shelter from attack.

In Israel two civilians were killed by Hizbollah missiles but, as
usual, Lebanon bore the brunt of the day's attacks which centred -
incredibly - on the Christian heartland that has traditionally shown
great sympathy towards Israel. It was the Christian Maronite community
whose Phalangist militiamen were Israel's closest allies in its 1982
invasion of Lebanon yet Israel's air force yesterday attacked three
highway bridges north of Beirut and - again as usual - it was the
little people who died.

One of them was Joseph Bassil, 65, a Christian man who had gone out on
his daily jogging exercise with four friends north of Jounieh. "His
friends packed up after four rounds of the bridge because it was hot,"
a member of his family told us later. "Joseph decided to do one more
jog on the bridge. That was what killed him." The Israelis gave no
reason for the attacks - no Hizbollah fighters would ever enter this
Christian Maronite stronghold and the only hindrance was caused to
humanitarian convoys - and there were growing fears in Lebanon that the
latest air raids were a sign of Israel's frustration rather than any
serious military planning.

Indeed, as the Lebanon war continues to destroy innocent lives - most
of them Lebanese - the conflict seems to be increasingly aimless. The
Israeli air force has succeeded in killing perhaps 50 Hizbollah members
and 600 civilians and has destroyed bridges, milk factories, gas
stations, fuel storage depots, airport runways and thousands of homes.
But to what purpose?

Does the United States any longer believe Israel's claims that it will
destroy Hizbollah when its army clearly cannot do anything of the kind?
Does Washington not realise that when Israel grows tired of this war,
it will plead for a ceasefire - which only Washington can deliver by
doing what it most loathes to do: by taking the road to Damascus and
asking for help from President Bashar al-Assad of Syria?

What in the meanwhile is happening to Lebanon? Bridges and buildings
can be reconstructed - with European Union loans, no doubt - but many
Lebanese are now questioning the institutions of the democracy for
which the US was itself so full of praise last year. What is the point
of a democratically elected Lebanese government which cannot protect
its people? What is the point of a 75,000-member Lebanese army which
cannot protect its nation, which cannot be sent to the border, which
does not fire on Lebanon's enemies and which cannot disarm Hizbollah?
Indeed, for many Lebanese Shias, Hizbollah is now the Lebanese army.

So fierce has been Hizbollah's resistance - and so determined its
attacks on Israeli ground troops in Lebanon - that many people here no
longer recall that it was Hizbollah which provoked this latest war by
crossing the border on 12 July, killing three Israeli soldiers and
capturing two others. Israel's threats of enlarging the conflict even
further are now met with amusement rather than horror by a Lebanese
population which has been listening to Israel's warnings for 30 years
with ever greater weariness. And yet they fear for their lives. If Tel
Aviv is hit, will Beirut be spared. Or if central Beirut is hit, will
Tel Aviv be spared? Hizbollah now uses Israel's language of an eye for
an eye. Every Israeli taunt is met by a Hizbollah taunt.

And do the Israelis realise that they are legitimising Hizbollah, that
a rag-tag army of guerrillas is winning its spurs against an Israeli
army and air force whose targets - if intended - prove them to be war
criminals and if unintended suggest that they are a rif-raff little
better than the Arab armies they have been fighting, on and off, for
more than half a century? Extraordinary precedents are being set in
this Lebanon war.

In fact, one of the most profound changes in the region these past
three decades has been the growing unwillingness of Arabs to be afraid.
Their leaders - our "moderate" pro-Western Arab leaders such as King
Abdullah of Jordan and President Mubarak of Egypt - may be afraid. But
their peoples are not. And once a people have lost their terror, they
cannot be re-injected with fear. Thus Israel's consistent policy of
smashing Arabs into submission no longer works. It is a policy whose
bankruptcy the Americans are now discovering in Iraq.
And all across the Muslim world, "we" - the West, America, Israel - are
fighting not nationalists but Islamists. And watching the martyrdom of
Lebanon this week - its slaughtered children in Qana packed into
plastic bags until the bags ran out and their corpses had to be
wrapped in carpets - a terrible and daunting thought occurs to me, day
by day. That there will be another 9/11.

Also in this section

Robert Fisk: This draft shows who is running America's policy... Israel

Robert Fisk: Slaughter in Qana

Robert Fisk: Entire Lebanese family killed in Israeli attack on

Robert Fisk: A Nato-led force would be in Israel's interests, but not

Robert Fisk: 'How can we stand by and allow this to go on?'


Re: John Caylor, editor of

Dear Prez: This is from Wayne Madsen and I think it
underscores our current political situation.

Aug. 4, 2006 -- Our prayers and thoughts are with our
friend and colleague John Caylor, editor of

John, whose intrepid reporting on the Bush crime
family's operations in the Florida Panhandle and
Alabama, reports that his 78-year old mother succumbed
to blunt head wound trauma that may have resulted from
a physical assault that took place at her Alabama home
by, as yet, unknown perpetrators. Local police in
Alabama have been slow to investigate his mother's
death, according to Caylor.

Caylor, himself, was subject last month to arrest and
physical abuse by Bay County, Florida police when he
attempted to retrieve public documents in the Bay
County, Florida courthouse pursuant to Florida's
Freedom of Information and sunshine laws. Caylor's
dogged reporting on the murder of Florida Department
of Transportation investigator Ray Lemme led right to
the office of Governor Jeb Bush. In addition, Caylor
discovered a Duke Cunningham-like real estate deal on
a Florida home owned by White House adviser Karl Rove.

As the Bush administration continues its attempt to
limit the freedom of the press in this country by
seeking to implement an Official Secrets Act, this
editor is aware of several incidents in which
journalists have been assaulted, burglarized, and
threatened. Fascism in the United States is no longer
a nebulous over-the-horizon peril -- it is a reality.

Charles Stegiel
Commercial/Residential Financing
FCF: 680 8th Street #255
SF, CA. 94103
415-863-2200 Ext 23

From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: August 7, 2006 2:36:16 AM ES
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions
to Israel and 9-11

From: AugustineT
August 06, 2006

Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to
Israel and 9-11
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
Jul 31, 2006, 00:19

Think of this as part two of Recherche du trillions perdu, my Online
Journal article on Dov Zakheim, former Bush appointee as Pentagon
Comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. At that time he was
unable to explain the disappearance of $1 trillion dollars. Actually,
nearly three years earlier, Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10,
2001 that an audit discovered $2.3 trillion was also missing from the
Pentagon books. That story, as I mentioned, was buried under 9-11s
rubble. The two sums disappeared on Zakheims watch.

Yet on May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position at Booz Allen
Hamilton, one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the
world. One of its clients then was Blessed Relief, a charity said to be
a front for Osama bin Laden. Booz, Allen & Hamilton then also worked
closely with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
which is the research arm of the Department of Defense. So the dark
card was shifted to another part of the deck.

Judicial Incs bio of Dov (linked below) tells us Zakheim was/is a dual
Israeli/American citizen and an ordained rabbi and had been tracking
the halls of US government for 25 years, casting defense policy and
influence on Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. He is,
as I described him earlier, the bionic Zionist. In fact, Judicial Inc
points out that most of Israels armaments were gotten thanks to him.
Squads of US F-16 and F-15 were classified military surplus and sold to
Israel at a fraction of their value.

Judicial Inc also points out that Israel, a country of 4.8 million
Russian and Polish Jewish imigris, flies on one of the biggest Air
Forces in the world, thanks to Dov. Conflict of interest here? Depends
on what youre interested in. That is, in 2001 Dov was CEO of SPS
International, part of System Planning Corporation, a defense
contractor majoring in electronic warfare technologies, including
remote-controlled aircraft systems, and the notorious Flight
Termination System (FTS) technology that could hijack even a hijacked
plane and land or crash it wherever.

More from the resume: Wikipedia points out that Zakheim is also a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations and in 2000 a co-author of
the Project for the New American Centurys position paper, Rebuilding
Americas Defenses, advocating the necessity for a Pearl-Harbor-like
incident to mobilize the country into war with its enemies, mostly
Middle Eastern Muslim nations.

As to Dovs hell-raiser lineage, Judicial Inc points out that Grandpa
Zakheim was born in 1870, Julius Zakheim (Zhabinka), in the Ukraine, a
Russian rabbi who married a relative of Karl Marx. He was a
Menshevik/Bolshevik and played a leading role in the 1905 turmoil that
paved the way for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik master
plan called for the state of Israel, which was chosen for its proximity
to the world's oil and an area of religious significance.

Dovs Father, Rabbi Jacob I. Zakheim was born in 1910 and reared in
Polands swarm of Zionist hard guys, read assassins and bombers. His
Polish town, near Bilaystok, also brought us Yitzhak Shir, and family
friends included Menachem Begin and Moshe Arens. Dovs father was an
active member of Betar, formed in 1923 in Riga, Latvia. Its goal was to
control the Middle East (and its oil). It was known that the Jewish
people needed their own country and they chose Palestine and claimed it
a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan.

Betar was in essence a terrorist organization formed because Zionists
were sick of being chased from and arrested in country after country.
They wanted both a place to escape and a base for their power. Betar
joined forces with the Haganah, Irgun, and Stern gangs. With no
prospect of a Jewish state in sight, they argued that armed struggle
against the British was the only way. Since Britain occupied Palestine
and was containing them they went on a blood feast of bombings that
killed hundreds of British soldiers. The British pulled out, but the
Zionists continue to maul the Arabs to this day.
For a concise history on the Formation of Israel in 1947, I suggest
this link to

For an interesting look at The United States and the Recognition of
Israel: A Chronology compiled from Harry S. Truman and the Founding of
Israel by Michael T. Benson, link above. For a rounded look at Israel,
see Wikipedia.

Returning to Dov: he was born in Brooklyn in 1943 and attended
exclusive Jewish schools, spent summers in Israel Zionist camps, which
trained the Zionists of the future. As to Dovs formal education, he
graduated from Columbia University in 1970 and the University of Oxford
in 1972. From 1973 to 75, he attended the London school of Jewish
studies, described as a Harry Potter type cauldron; among the
subjects Jewish supremacy, Advanced Bible, Talmud, Jewish Mysticism,
Holocaust, Anglo-Judaica, and Zionism. After, he was ordained a Rabbi.
From 1975 to 80, Zakheim was an adjunct professor at the National War
College, Yeshiva University, Columbia University and Trinity College,
Hartford, Connecticut.

As he stepped into the Reagan administration, he talked them into
funding development of the Lavi Fighter at a cost of $3 billion. The
Lavi was a total flop and Israel dropped it, though it owed $450
million in contract fees that were cancelled. Israel, according to
Judicial Inc, also created a story that China was eager to buy the
Lavi. Zakheim convinced Reagan that China had to be sandbagged. Reagan
gave Israel $500 million for its lost contracts. Reagan then threw in a
wing of F-16s as a bonus and sign of good will. Do we see a pattern
here, personal, familial, career-wise, of over-the-top Israeli

Again, during Zakheims tenure as Pentagon controller from May 4, 2001,
to March 10, 2004, over $3 trillion dollars were unaccounted for.
Additionally, military Information was jeopardized and military
contractors billed the US for Israeli items: $50 million dollar fighter
jets were rated as surplus and the list rolls on. As the scandal of the
missing trillion dollars surfaced and Dov resigned, Israel was handed
the finest fighter jets in the US inventory while 15 percent of US jets
were grounded for lack of parts. In whose best interest was this?

But Dov is not alone. He is one of an elite group of Jewish
Americans/Israelis who inter-marry and enter government. They and their
Christian counterparts are called neocons and their sole purpose is
directing US policy. Most of them are dual citizens and few serve in
the US military. Think of Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle,
Ben Wattenberg, to mention a few. Whether their motivation is anger at
the Muslim world, seen as a religious and territorial enemy, or a
deep-rooted reaction to the Holocaust, the culmination of European
anti-Semitism, their reactionary militarism becomes a world-threatening
force unto itself. Hence our concern.

Dov and the World Trade Center

Perhaps not coincidentally in May 2001, when Dov served at the
Pentagon, it was an SPS (his firms) subsidiary, Tridata Corporation,
that oversaw the investigation of the first terrorist attack on the
World Trade Center in 1993. This would have given them intimate
knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the
World Trade Center. From the '90s through 2001, WTC Security was
handled by Securacom, a Kuwait-American firm, on whose board Marvin
Bush, the presidents brother, sat. After 9/11, Securacom was let go,
changed its name to Stratosec, and was delisted from the Stock Exchange
in 2002.

According to Conspiracy writers Shadow and Pax in Dov
Zakheim and the 9/11 Conspiracy, (and I suggest you look at this link)
According to the SPC website (4), a recent customer at that time was
Eglin AFB, located in Florida. Eglin is very near another Air Force
base in Florida-MacDill AFB, where Dov Zakheim contracted to send at
least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as part of the Boeing /Pentagon tanker
lease agreement. (5)

As the events of September 11, 2001 occurred, little was mentioned
about these strange connections, and the possible motives and proximity
of Dov Zakheim and his group. Since there was little physical evidence
remaining after the events, investigators were left only with
photographic and anecdotal evidence.

There is a photograph of the Flight Termination System module, from
their site.(5). Note it has a cylindrical shape, and is consistent with
the size and shape of the object observed under the fuselage of flight

The Boeing lease deal involved the replacement of the aging KC-135
tanker fleet with these smaller, more efficient Boeing 767s that were
to be leased by Dov Zakheim's group. The planes were to be refitted
with refueling equipment, including lines and nozzle assemblies.

(Remember both Flight 175, that hit the South Tower, and Flight 11,
that hit the North Tower, were Boeing 767s. Flights 77 and 93 were
In the enlargement of flight 175s photo, we can clearly see a
cylindrical object under the fuselage, and a structure that appears to
be attached to the right underside of the rear fuselage section.

When seen in comparison, it is obvious that the plane approaching the
Trade Center has both of these structures-the FTS module and the midair
refueling equipment, as configured on the modified Boeing 767 tankers.
Of particular interest is the long tube-like anomalous structure under
the rear fuselage area of flight 175-this structure runs along the
right rear bottom of the plane, as it also does on the Boeing 767
refueling tanker pictured.

After considering this information, I [the author/s] am convinced that
flight 175, as pictured on the news media and official reports, was in
fact a refitted Boeing 767 tanker, with a Flight Termination System
attached. Use of this system would also explain the expert handling of
aircraft observed in both New York and Washington investigations, which
has been officially credited to inexperienced flight school students.

Since the refitted 767s were able to carry both passengers and a fuel
load, as shown in this photo, it is likely that the plane designated
Flight 175 was in fact a refitted 767 tanker, disguised as a
conventional commercial passenger plane.

As shown in this photo of a 767 being serviced, the FTS unit, when in
position, would be small and unobtrusive enough to be fairly innocuous
(at least to casual observers, such as passengers). The smallest circle
indicates the size and position of the anomaly depicted in the photos
of Flight 175. The larger circle, which is the size of the engine
housing, shows the size of the anomaly in relation to the engine. Note
the size and position of the open hatches on the engine housing, which
would tend to discredit the widely held theory that the anomaly is an
open hatch or cargo door.

As the . . . diagram shows, all flights involved in the events
traveled very near many military installations, and appear to have
traveled in a manner suggesting guidance and possible transfer of the
control of the planes among the bases.

Since the evidence from the World Trade Center site was quickly
removed, there is little concrete evidence of the involvement of Dov
Zakheim, who has since left his position at the Pentagon. However, the
proximity of Eglin AFB to MacDill AFB in Florida and Dov Zakheim's work
via SPC contracts and the Pentagon leasing agreement on both of these
installations, combined with SPC's access to World Trade Center
structural and security information from their Tridata investigation in
1993, is highly suspicious. Considering his access to Boeing 767
tankers, remote control flight systems, and his published views in the
PNAC document, it seems very likely he is in fact a key figure in the
alleged terrorist attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001.


In response to some of our readers who have questioned our premise
that it was Rabbi Dov Zakheim who 'called for' the Pearl Harbor type of
incident, we here at Conspiracy News Net acknowledge that the PNAC
document was written by the likes of William Kristol and Donald Kagan,
and therefore as the real brains behind the agenda they are the ones
calling for it in a literal sense. However, we do stand by our
assertion that the Rabbi called for it as well, insofar that he signed
his name onto this document. If he signed it he agrees with it and
therefore he is calling for it.

Some of you have argued that we are singling out Rabbi Zakheim because
he is Jewish, implying that we are pushing some sort of twisted
anti-Semitic agenda while noting that he is not the only one who signed
the PNAC document and therefore wondering why our article is about him
and not the others. We do not mean to imply that the Rabbi acted alone,
our article simply points out that Rabbi Zakheim had access to things
like structural integrity, blueprints and any number of important
facets of information about the WTC through his work with TRIDATA
CORPORATION in the investigation of the bombing of the WTC in 1993.

That he had access to REMOTE CONTROL Technology through his work at
System Planning Corporation (SPC). That he had access to BOEING
AIRCRAFT through a lease deal HE BROKERED while working at the

. . . Finally that he was part of a group of politically radical
Straussian Neo-Conservatives, who, through their association with PNAC,
called for restructuring of the Middle East, noting that a Pearl Harbor
type of event MAY BE NEEDED to foster the frame of mind required for
the American public to accept such a radical foreign policy agenda. In
light of all this information we here at Conspiracy News Net stand by
our statement that Mr. Zakheim not only called for the slamming of the
WTC Towers on 9-11, but he activity took part in their demolition by
providing the logistics necessary for such an attack to occur.

Coda, a Bitter Frosting on the Cake

Whether or not you agree in whole or in part with these findings, here
is an eye-opening article originally from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
by Milan Simonich. It is titled Army unit piecing together accounts of
Pentagon attack, and from it comes this striking information in
paragraph six . . ."One Army office in the Pentagon lost 34 of its 65
employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called
Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers
and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines
Flight 77 struck.

Apart from the question of whether it was F 77 that struck the
Pentagon, it is more than ironic that accountants, bookkeepers and
budgets analysts, the very people who could pick up the financial
frauds were struck. Especially since the hit was directed supposedly at
the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Nevertheless, Dov is busy at his Booz Allen job, involved in Strategic
Services and who knows what other dark plans as we speak, even as the
Middle East is under heavy fire once again from Israel and its fervid
ally, the US government.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer living in New York. Reach him at


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 8, 2006, 3:39:30 PM8/8/06
GOVERNMENT OF THE USA IN EXILE Free Americans Reaching Out to
Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 8, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Three cheers for this articulate call
for an Anti-Zionist Boycott!

Since it's now overwhelmingly obvious that not even the most elegant
of moral appeals can come anywhere near reaching Zionists, we need
to take another path. They seem to care about only three things:

money, power and sex. Since it's easier to hurt them financially
than gain control of their governments or interrupt their sex lives,
a boycott seems the best place to start.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

The Anti-Zionist Boycott Xymphora August 7, 2006

The world faces a set of unique circumstances which make a boycott
of business leaders and businesses that support Israel and Zionism
both possible, and necessary:

1. Since the first settlers were allowed to live in the Occupied
Territories, Israels crimes have continued to escalate, and the
latest attack on the civilian population and infrastructure of
Lebanon proves that Israel is beyond redemption. I remember noting
that the optimism over the last Israeli election results was
misplaced, and the tragedy is that there is now no real opposition
in Israel to the worst excesses of the extreme Israeli right,
represented by the generals, which has become mainstream Israeli
thinking. No opposition from political parties, and no opposition
from the people. The only real opposition is that the brutalization
of Lebanon isnt brutal enough. Israel is like a serial killer that
has psychologically worked its way up to mass murder. There is no
cure. When Israel eventually partly withdraws from Lebanon, it
will just be the usual temporary 'ratchet measure, a PR move intended
to set the stage for the next outrage.

2. Israel is inevitably going to pull the world into World War
Three, the Energy War, a certainty which is so important that it
calls for emergency measures to stop it. Even leaving aside
self-interest, every decent human being has an obligation to attempt
to stop the kind of crimes being committed in the name of Zionism
against the peoples of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, not to mention
whoever is next on the list.

3. The world community has proven itself to be completely useless,
or worse than useless, in answering the challenge of Israeli crimes.
The current American and French the French appear to have set
themselves up for some big terrorism attacks, which, frankly, will
be well deserved ceasefire proposal is some kind of joke, and looks
like it was written by the American neocons with the help of the
Israeli generals. We have seen the beginnings of the Euro pusillanimity
in its bizarre choice to support the Israeli 'diet plan for the
Palestinians because they had the temerity to exercise the democracy
supposedly granted to them by the Americans and vote for who they
wanted to lead them. There are no longer any 'honest brokers. The
average people in the world cannot rely on their governments or on
international organizations to do the right thing.

4. On the positive side, the problem has a single source, and a
single vulnerability. Israel is able to do what it does solely
because of support from the Anglophone world, particularly the
United States, and the craven inability of Europe to put up any
kind of opposition to American policies. The American situation,
closely paralleled in the UK and Canada, is that the government is
run by a relatively small number of Zionists, who control key
bureaucratic positions, key politicians (Bush and Blair), and all
the media. In the United States, Zionists have a stranglehold over
both political parties, with the Democrats actually much more
corrupted than the Republicans. The politicians are beyond redemption
Bush and particularly Blair are religiously insane but the peculiar
intensity of the pressure leaves a particular vulnerability.

5. A boycott clearly directed at business leaders and businesses
that support Zionism has a chance to cut Zionism off at the knees.
This boycott would be directed at anyone who has shown support for
either Israel or Zionist policies we can no longer afford to play
along with the Zionist lie that there is a difference between Israel
and Zionist colonialism including support for any of the usual
suspect lobby groups (and almost all lobby groups associated with
support for Israel are suspect). Anyone who participates in any
of the recent rallies 'standing for Israel, which is essentially
aiding and abetting massive war crimes, should be on the list. Note
that this boycott is not directed at Jews the obvious attack which
this proposal will receive as it applies to Christian Zionists as
well as Jewish Zionists, and anyone - Christian, Jew or Hindu - can
get off the list by denouncing Zionism and Israeli colonialism,
pledging to work towards Israel being limited to its 1967 borders
next to a full Palestinian state, and, depending on how much support
has been given to Zionist organizations in the past, making a
generous compensatory donation to Palestinian/Lebanese relief

6. The world is seriously engaged on this issue, and Im sure this
would be a popular boycott (needless to say, a full boycott against
Israel itself including academic and investment divestment boycotts
- would be a part of the program, but would not succeed unless we
can cut off American government and media support for Israel, simply
because American support is the real reason Israel survives as a
colonialist power). People want to do something, realize their own
governments are corrupted or worse than useless, but need information
in order to boycott effectively. What we require to go forward is
a full list of all the financial supporters of Zionism, and the
businesses with which they are associated, so we can know where to
make our purchasing decisions. Publicly-traded corporations would
no longer be able to be associated with Zionists, as it would depress
their share prices. It should be possible for businesses to obtain
some kind of certification from an international body of being free
of Zionist supporters, thus allowing moral individuals to purchase
their products.

7. In the case of media outlets, where Zionist lies help to hide
the worst outrages, we need a list of advertisers, so that we can
threaten to boycott the advertisers on the worst offending media
outlets. This will take some time as, in the case of the United
States, all media outlets are corrupted. Nevertheless, those outlets
that attempt to tell the truth should be rewarded by not having
their advertisers on the secondary boycott list.

We can and should get our placards and march around in a circle,
but until the American government/Zionist/Israel nexus is broken,
the Israeli generals will just laugh at us. This is why it is so
critically important to fight the closet Zionist idea that what
Israel does is at the instance of the American establishment, or
is merely part of a covert war over oil, a classic example of getting
the cart and the horse mixed up. The only way to put an end to
Israeli colonialism, and to prevent World War Three, is to hurt the
supporters of Zionism financially. The fact that this is the only
way to stop Zionism is proof of the real power relations between
the parties. The Noams of the world can issue all the letters they
want claiming how upset they are over Lebanon, and it wont make a
tinkers damn of difference. A boycott of Zionists will work.

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name of blank1x1.gif] New and Unknown Deadly Weapons Used by Israeli
Forces 'direct energy' weapons, chemical and/or biological agents,
in a macabre experiment of future warfare

by Professor Paola Manduca August 7, 2006

By now there are countless reports, from hospitals, witnesses,
armament experts and journalists that strongly suggest that in the
present offensive of Israeli forces against Lebanon and Gaza 'new
weapons' are being used.

New and strange symptoms are reported amongst the wounded and the

Bodies with dead tissues and no apparent wounds; 'shrunken' corpses;

civilians with heavy damage to lower limbs that require amputation,
which is nevertheless followed by unstoppable necrosis and death;

descriptions of extensive internal wounds with no trace of shrapnel,
corpses blackened but not burnt, and others heavily wounded that
did not bleed.

Many of these descriptions suggest the possibility that the new
weapons used include 'direct energy' weapons, and chemical and/or
biological agents, in a sort of macabre experiment of future warfare,
where there is no respect for anything: International rules (from
the Geneva Convention to the treaties on biological and chemical
weapons), refugees, hospitals and the Red Cross, not to mention the
people, their future, their children, the environment, which is
poisoned through dissemination of Depleted Uranium and toxic
substances released after oil and chemical depots are bombed.

Right now, the Lebanese and Palestinian people have many urgent and
impellent problems, yet many people believe that these episodes
cannot and must not pass ignored. In fact several appeals have been
launched to scientists and experts with a view to investigating the

With the intent of responding to such appeals, we have set up a
team to investigate the testimonies, the images, and possibly the
material evidence that delegations and NGOs will be able to bring
from the affected areas. We want to offer support to the health
institutions of Lebanon and Palestine, which ask constantly for
help and external verification and monitoring, and we are examining
all available materials in order to formulate hypotheses which can
be verified or disproved.

We ask for the active participation of our (Italian) scientific
institutions, and, following the request from medical personnel in
the conflict area, we are requesting that the UN set up a international
independent verification and investigation committee, with a view
to facilitating entry into conflict zone, as well as collecting
material and testimonies directly in the field, and undertaking
inquries and verificaitons concerning the various claims regarding
these new kinds of weapons of mass destruction being used by Israeli
forces in Lebanon. We request that such investigating teams be set
up immediately, and that procedures be defined and implemented with
a view to supporting future investigations. Of particular concern
is the issue of how to collect and store samples from the different
theatres, with a view to preserving important information regarding
the various impacts of these weapons.

We ask that the international committee have access to all sources
of information, that is be fully operational, while abiding by
relevant investigative procedures, including cross-checking of
information between different laboratories. The international
committee is to report to the competent authorities, including Human
Rights tribunal and international courts, if appropriate..

As people and as scientists, we are offering our time and expertise
in order to reach an understanding of the underlying facts, in the
belief that a perspective of justice, equity and peace among people
can be reached only with the respect of the rules defined up to now
within the international community of nations. The issue pertains
to the behavior of the parties in an armed conflict.

We ask that the respect of these rules be verified in the context
of the present conflict.

We invite scientists to contribute to this effort by offering their
specific competences. In particular we seek collaboration of
toxicology experts, pharmacologists, anatomy pathologists, doctors
with an expertise in trauma and burns, chemists.

They can reach the working group at the E-mail address: Paola Manduca, Professor of.Genetics, University
of Genova, Italy

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Rick Davis <> Date: August 7, 2006 9:38:50
PM EST Subject: More on the coming food crisis

Global Warming Could Slam Food Supply Food Prices Could Rise as
Farmers in California's Prolific San Joaquin Valley Feel the Effects

By Bill Blakemore and Clayton Sandell Fresno, California Saturday,
Aug. 5, 2006

Suppose the dinner on your table last night had cost 20 times what
it did? Or 50 times as much?

Scientists say global warming very likely has something like that
in store in the coming decades.

The agricultural abundance Americans have long taken for granted
and the low food prices that go with it, they say, now face a
withering enemy and the recent blows to California agriculture are
a taste of things to come.

The threat to the state's $30 billion agriculture industry has
farmers and legislators battling over differing ideas about how to
deal with what climatologists tell them future temperatures in the
Golden State will likely be before mid-century.

In the very short term, a number of food prices will be creeping
up over the next few months as the impact of the 21-day double heat
wave of 2006 works its way from withered fields to the market

In that double heat wave, Fresno County, Calif., alone suffered $85
million in beef, dairy and poultry losses. That's not surprising,
as they had 20 days exceeding 100 degrees, including three consecutive
days of 113 degrees.

Scientists have linked this latest heat assault to man-made global
warming in a number of ways, most simply because it fit exactly the
global warming pattern of more frequent and more intense heat waves
predicted 30 years ago.

Scientists now calculate that man-made global warming makes the
chances of events such as the deadly 2003 European heat wave, which
killed more than 35,000 people, twice as likely and that by 2040
Europe could well experience such serious heat waves every other

Or take the case these past three weeks of one of America's most
taken-for-granted miracles: the cornucopia of California's San
Joaquin Valley. Sprinklers to wet the panting cows in the San
Joaquin's massive dairy and meat farms, and fans to cool them, were
not enough. Thousands of cows dropped dead in the heat.

This one valley grows nearly half of America's fruits and vegetables.

You've most likely tasted some recently, wherever in the United
States you are.

Not only that, the San Joaquin Valley grows 95 percent of America's
apricots, almonds, raisins, olives and the list goes on.

"We grow over 250 different types of crops here lettuce for the
base of your salad; you may have garlic and onions with tomatoes
for the sauce for your pasta," said Liz Hudson of the Fresno County
Farm Bureau, as she stood shoulder-deep in a field of dense green
wheat on a bright sunny day.

But that bright sunlight, though a necessary component for the
Valley's abundance, is nowhere near sufficient.

What's also vital is water, and therein lies the greatest threat.

"We're seeing the early signs of climate warming here," said
climatologist Dan Cayan of the Scripps Institution in San Diego,
assessing California's vulnerability. "We're very worried about
climate warming."

The warming attacks in different ways. Blossoms may open weeks too
soon, before insects arrive to pollinate them, and fruit trees may
produce weaker crops because there are fewer cool nights, which the
trees need for recovering between harvests.

The agricultural miracle of the San Joaquin Valley crops stretching
in every direction literally as far as the eye can see simply
wouldn't be possible if the farmers tried to pull it off with the
natural weather. It only rains eight inches a year, and almost all
of that in the wintertime.

What makes all the food possible is irrigation water brought in
from far away, a large part of it from snow pack in the mountains,
and distributed throughout the Valley by a vast system of irrigation
canals and pipes.

Our ABC News team drove three hours up into the Sierras to Sequoia
National Park to see the fast-disappearing snow pack under the
towering ancient trees.

Even though the Sierras had a snowfall far above average this past
winter, as did many of the western mountain regions, in most places
that didn't help the valleys much because the snowpack melted weeks
too soon as it has been doing for some years with global temperature
rising. And snowpack provides about three-fourths of the West's

The trouble is, as scientists studying the change explain, water
normally used to trickle out over the summer. Now, running downhill
too soon, it is leaving many valleys dry by midsummer, and crops

San Joaquin farmers like Dan Errotabere, whose family corporation
farms thousands of acres in the San Joaquin Valley, will get through
this summer. But they must strain to use every drop.

Errotabere, like most working the rich ground, metes out water to
his almond trees through pressurized tanks and lines.

The water distribution station next to his almond groves looks more
like what you'd expect to find in a high-tech chemical factory
shiny, round metal flasks, three feet in diameter, sealed tight
against sun and drippage, interconnected by varying sizes of pipes
and supports.

"It's all contained," Errotabere said, "so the only place that water
should leak out is at the drip system."

For the farmers, it's as precious as oil. We found water meters
spinning at the corners of fields all over the great valley. Like
oil, it's expensive.

"Water is a big piece of our farm budget" he said.

And if water becomes even more scarce, thus more costly?

"Food prices will go up," he said matter of factly.

This summer, San Joaquin growers will probably have enough water.
The dams and reservoirs built around the edges of California's Great
Central Valley have just enough capacity to hold one year's supply.

But computer model projections shown to ABC News by eminent
climatologist Steve Schneider at Stanford University, and other
calculations from California state water boards, now warn that
because of global warming the mountain snowpack so essential to all
the food is most likely to be not only melting out too fast in the
spring, but diminishing drastically by as much as 90 percent,
according to some computer models before the end of the century,
well within the lifetime of today's kids.

San Joaquin farmers are famous for their adaptability and ingenuity.

They have to be to wring so much for America's tables from ground
that naturally gets only eight inches of rain a year, and that only
in winter.

And there's the pride and responsibility they feel as producers of
nearly half our fruit and vegetables.

If anyone can figure out how to deal with hard times down on the
farm, supplying the bursting supermarkets in which most American
kids think the food they love so much somehow just magically appears,
the San Joaquin farmers can.

But even San Joaquin farmers will need the water.


From: "Bill Douglas" <> Date: August 8,
2006 3:39:13 AM EST To: Subject: Hope for
all 9/11 truth seekers. The guilty are beginning to crack.

Hope for all 9/11 truth seekers. The guilty are beginning to crack.

Today's AOL poll many voted in now shows 50 percent believe the

is involved (AOL was a few months ago filled with Bush lovers).

Today's CNN Poll showed 70 percent believe 9/11 was an inside job.

Professionally I teach stress management for corporations. I have
observed Rumsfeld and Rice's behaviour lately on TV. They are
terrified. They can barely breathe. There is a defeatism and
terror in their eyes and frantic speech patterns, that were not
long ago so arrogant and proud.

Why? Because as we've all realized, the 9/11 lies are so incredibly
transparent, once people get thru the media blockade of propaganda
and realize how absolutely transparent the 9/11 fraud was. Millions
have done that. The few thousand of us that were bouncing off the
walls to get the truth out, have now been replaced with reinforcements.
People not burned out from our years of struggle. People with fire
and energy, and a burning need to get truth out far and fast.

Bush, is a different story. He's too stupid to be as afraid as he
should be at this point, but even he is now terrified. However,
as Rumsfeld, Rice, etc.'s fear grows . . . he too will become
increasingly frantic and frazzled. Cheney is AWOL, probably because
he most of all is terrified. Which I think is why he got drunk and
shot a guy, because he was smart enough to see they were caught
before any of the others fully realized it.

Even the most conservative 9/11 poll shows one in every three people
you meet on the street in America know the Administration is complicit
in the 9/11 attacks. Most polls show between 50 percent and 70
percent do.

Keep contacting the media, demanding answers. Keep showing up at
public meetings, Congressional town meetings, etc. demanding answers.

Keep emailing and Loose Change to everyone you can.
Leaflet at the coming opening of "World Trade Centers" movie.

Gandhi said, "First the ignore you, then they laugh at you, then
they fight you, then you win."

The last weeks have seen their clumsy attempts to fight us, futilely,
as the truth is so much more powerful and real than any tricks they
might pull out. We all know what the next step is now that they
are fighting us. Media that once attacked visciously is softening
their attacks. They don't want to end up looking like accomplices.

The war in Lebanon, is a temporary distraction. Eventually media
eyes will turn back home, and the truth of 9/11 will be here waiting.

People all across this nation are now talking about 9/11 being an
inside job, in bars, and resteraunts, and around dinner tables.
They are looking at websites, and reading Vanity Fair, and watching

The awakening spreads every day, even as TV cameras focus on Lebanon.

"There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can
seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it.

-- Mahatma Gandhi


From: "CLG News" <> Date: August 8, 2006 1:08:28
AM EST To: "CLG News" <> Subject: Court told
US troops gang-raped Iraqi girl 08 Aug 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

08 August 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Court told US troops gang-raped Iraqi girl 07 Aug 2006 A U.S.
military court in Baghdad heard graphic testimony on Monday of how
three U.S.

soldiers took turns raping a 14-year-old Iraqi girl before murdering
her and her family.

US Soldiers 'hit golf balls before going out to kill family' --US
military court told of brutal attack in Iraq --Evidence from colleague
describes rape and murder 08 Aug 2006 US soldiers, accused of raping
and murdering a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, drank alcohol and hit golf
balls before the attack. One of them grilled chicken wings afterwards,
a criminal investigator told a US military hearing yesterday.

Lawyer: Ex-CIA Worker Beat Detainee --Prosecutors Say Contractor
Used Flashlight to Beat Afghani Who Later Died 07 Aug 2006 A former
CIA contractor broke both agency rules and the law when he used a
two-foot-long metal flashlight to beat an Afghan man who later died,
a prosecutor told a jury Monday in the trial of the first U.S.
civilian charged with mistreating a detainee during the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan.

Judge rules for govt in CIA testimony 07 Aug 2006 Federal prosecutors
won their battle Monday to keep former CIA Director George Tenet
and several other agency employees from having to testify at the
trial of a one-time CIA contractor accused of beating an Afghan

Seven rushed to hospital after opening suspicious envelope 07 Aug
2006 Palestinians launched an investigation today after seven people
were rushed to hospital when one of them opened a suspicious envelope
addressed to Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, officials

Hamas official detained by Israel taken to hospital [Note: Hezbollah
"kidnaps" - Israel "detains."] 07 Aug 2006 The speaker of the
Palestinian parliament, Aziz Dweik, who was detained [kidnapped]
by Israel on Sunday, was taken to hospital on Monday with heart
pains and breathing problems, Dweik's spokesman said. The spokesman
said the health scare was the result of Dweik being beaten by his
Israeli prison guards. The Israeli army, which is holding him,
denied the allegations.

Israeli Army Declares Indefinite Curfew in South Lebanon 07 Aug
2006 The Israeli army said it declared an indefinite curfew that
began Monday night on the movement of vehicles in Lebanon south of
the Litani River. Residents were notified by leaflets dropped by
Israeli aircraft and by media broadcasts. The ban went into effect
at 10 p.m. (3 p.m.

EDT). [Canada has declared a curfew in Washington DC and Bush isn't
allowed to go outside.]

Israel threatens invasion deeper into Lebanon if diplomacy fails
08 Aug 2006 Israel yesterday threatened an all-out invasion that
would penetrate 20km deep into Lebanon if diplomatic efforts to end
fighting with Hezbollah do not bear fruit within days.

Israel threatens to expand Lebanon ground offensive 07 Aug 2006
Israel will broaden its ground offensive in Lebanon within days if
diplomatic efforts to end the fighting fail to make progress, Defense
Minister Amir Peretz said on Monday.

Israel Intensifies Airstrikes in Lebanon 07 Aug 2006 Israel intensified
its strikes on Beirut and southern Lebanon on Monday, killing at
least 33 people in one of the heaviest tolls in days.

Israel cuts aid artery to south Lebanon 07 Aug 2006 An Israeli air
strike destroyed the last crossing over Lebanon's Litani river on
Monday, cutting off the main artery for aid to the southern port
of Tyre and hard-hit areas nearby, a humanitarian group said.

Tearful PM pleads for Lebanon not to be 'punch bag' 07 Aug 2006
Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora broke down in tears on Monday
as he appealed to Arab foreign ministers not to allow his war-torn
country to remain a conflict zone and a "punch bag" for Israel.

Lebanon demands Israeli withdrawal 07 Aug 2006 Lebanon was today
urging changes to a draft UN resolution on the conflict between
Israel and Hizbollah, insisting it must include an explicit demand
for a full Israeli pullout from south Lebanon.

Lebanon to send 15,000 troops to south when Israel pulls out 08 Aug
2006 Lebanon's cabinet decided unanimously on Monday to deploy
15,000 troops in south Lebanon as soon as Israel withdrew its troops
from the area, Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said after a cabinet
session on Monday.

Lebanese infrastructure damage tops $2.5B 07 Aug 2006 Israel's
bombing campaign in Lebanon has sliced the country into pieces and
caused more than $2.5 billion in damage, says Lebanon's Council for
Development and Reconstruction. [US taxpayers will eventually pay
to rebuild that which US taxpayers paid to have destroyed. --LRP]

Israel responded to an unprovoked attack by Hizbullah, right? Wrong
--The assault on Lebanon was premeditated - the soldiers' capture
simply provided the excuse. It was also unnecessary. By George
Monbiot 08 Aug 2006 "The San Francisco Chronicle reports that 'more

than a year ago, a senior Israeli army officer began giving PowerPoint

presentations, on an off-the-record basis, to US and other diplomats,
journalists and thinktanks, setting out the plan for the current
operation in revealing detail'. The attack, he said, would last for
three weeks. It would begin with bombing and culminate in a ground

Israel recalls Caracas envoy after Chavez compared state to Hitler
07 Aug 2006 Israel has recalled its ambassador to Caracas following
comments made by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez comparing Israel
to Hitler, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.

Anti-war protesters break into airfield and cockpit of US military
transport [Awesome!] 08 Aug 2006 Police ordered a security review
at Prestwick airport yesterday after anti-war protesters boarded a
US military aircraft unchallenged.

Activists held after boarding US plane searching for weapons 08 Aug
2006 Twelve antiwar protesters were arrested by police yesterday
after campaigners boarded a plane at Prestwick airport in Scotland
to search for US weapons being transported to Israel.



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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] The Neocons' Next War Hardliners in the Bush
Administration Are Trying To Widen the Middle East Conflict to Iran
and Syria

by Sidney Blumenthal August 7, 2006 - 2006-08-03

By secretly providing NSA intelligence to Israel and undermining
the hapless Condi Rice, hardliners in the Bush administration are
trying to widen the Middle East conflict to Iran and Syria, not
stop it.

The National Security Agency is providing signal intelligence to
Israel to monitor whether Syria and Iran are supplying new armaments
to Hezbollah as it fires hundreds of missiles into northern Israel,
according to a national security official with direct knowledge of
the operation. President Bush has approved the secret program.

Inside the administration, neoconservatives on Vice President Dick
Cheney's national security staff and Elliott Abrams, the neoconservative
senior director for the Near East on the National Security Council,
are prime movers behind sharing NSA intelligence with Israel, and
they have discussed Syrian and Iranian supply activities as a
potential pretext for Israeli bombing of both countries, the source
privy to conversations about the program says. (Intelligence,
including that gathered by the NSA, has been provided to Israel in
the past for various purposes.) The neoconservatives are described
as enthusiastic about the possibility of using NSA intelligence as
a lever to widen the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah and
Israel and Hamas into a four-front war.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is said to have been "briefed"
and to be "on board," but she is not a central actor in pushing the
covert neoconservative scenario. Her "briefing" appears to be an
aspect of an internal struggle to intimidate and marginalize her.
Recently she has come under fire from prominent neoconservatives
who oppose her support for diplomatic negotiations with Iran to
prevent its development of nuclear weaponry.

Rice's diplomacy in the Middle East has erratically veered from
initially calling on Israel for "restraint," to categorically
opposing a cease-fire, to proposing terms for a cease-fire guaranteed
to conflict with the European proposal, and thus to thwarting
diplomacy, prolonging the time available for the Israeli offensive
to achieve its stated aim of driving Hezbollah out of southern
Lebanon. But the neocon scenario extends far beyond that objective
to pushing Israel into a "cleansing war" with Syria and Iran, says
the national security official, which somehow will redeem Bush's
beleaguered policy in the entire region.

In order to try to understand the neoconservative road map, senior
national security professionals have begun circulating among
themselves a 1996 neocon manifesto against the Middle East peace
process. Titled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the
Realm," its half-dozen authors included neoconservatives highly
influential with the Bush administration -- Richard Perle, first-term
chairman of the Defense Policy Board; Douglas Feith, former
undersecretary of defense; and David Wurmser, Cheney's chief Middle
East aide.

"A Clean Break" was written at the request of incoming Likud Party
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and intended to provide "a new
set of ideas" for jettisoning the policies of assassinated Israeli
Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Instead of trading "land for peace,"
the neocons advocated tossing aside the Oslo agreements that
established negotiations and demanding unconditional Palestinian
acceptance of Likud's terms, "peace for peace." Rather than
negotiations with Syria, they proposed "weakening, containing, and
even rolling back Syria."

They also advanced a wild scenario to "redefine Iraq." Then King
Hussein of Jordan would somehow become its ruler; and somehow this
Sunni monarch would gain "control" of the Iraqi Shiites, and through
them "wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hezbollah, Iran, and

Netanyahu, at first, attempted to follow the "clean break" strategy,
but under persistent pressure from the Clinton administration he
felt compelled to enter into U.S.-led negotiations with the
Palestinians. In the 1998 Wye River accords, concluded through the
personal involvement of President Clinton and a dying King Hussein,
the Palestinians agreed to acknowledge the legitimacy of Israel and
Netanyahu agreed to withdraw from a portion of the occupied West
Bank. Further negotiations, conducted by his successor Ehud Barak,
that nearly settled the conflict ended in dramatic failure, but
potentially set the stage for new ones.

At his first National Security Council meeting, President George

Bush stunned his first secretary of state, Colin Powell, by rejecting
any effort to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. When
Powell warned that "the consequences of that could be dire, especially
for the Palestinians," Bush snapped, "Sometimes a show for force
by one side can really clarify things." He was making a "clean
break" not only with his immediate predecessor but also with the
policies of his father.

In the current Middle East crisis, once again, the elder Bush's
wise men have stepped forward to offer unsolicited and unheeded
advice. (In private they are scathing.) Edward Djerejian, a former
ambassador to Israel and Syria and now the director of the James
Baker Institute at Rice University, urged on July 23, on CNN,
negotiations with Syria and Iran. "I come from the school of diplomacy
that you negotiate conflict resolution and peace with your enemies
and adversaries, not with your friends," he said. "We've done it
in the past, we can do it again."

Charles Freeman, the elder Bush's ambassador to Saudi Arabia,
remarked, "The irony now is that the most likely candidate to back
Hezbollah in the long term is no longer Iran but the Arab Shiite
tyranny of the majority we have installed in Baghdad." Indeed, when
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki came to Washington in the last
week of July he preceded his visit with harsh statements against
Israel. And in a closed meeting with U.S. senators, when asked to
offer criticism of Hezbollah, he steadfastly refused.

Richard Haass, the Middle East advisor on the elder Bush's National
Security Council and President Bush's first-term State Department
policy planning director, and now president of the Council on Foreign
Relations, openly scoffed at Bush's Middle East policy in an interview
on July 30 in the Washington Post: "The arrows are all pointing in
the wrong direction. The biggest danger in the short run is it just
increases frustration and alienation from the United States in the
Arab world. Not just the Arab world, but in Europe and around the

People will get a daily drumbeat of suffering in Lebanon and this
will just drive up anti-Americanism to new heights." When asked
about the president's optimism, he replied, "An opportunity? Lord,
spare me. I don't laugh a lot. That's the funniest thing I've heard
in a long time.

If this is an opportunity, what's Iraq? A once-in-a-lifetime chance?"

The same day that Haass' comments appeared Brent Scowcroft, the
elder Bush's national security advisor and still his close friend,
published an Op-Ed in the Washington Post written more or less as
an open letter to his erstwhile and errant protigi Condoleezza Rice.
Undoubtedly, Scowcroft reflects the views of the former President
Bush. Adopting the tone of an instructor to a stubborn pupil,
Scowcroft detailed a plan for an immediate end to the Israel-Hezbollah
conflict and for restarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process,
"the source of the problem." His program is a last attempt to turn
the president back to the ways of his father. If the elder Bush and
his team were in power and following the Scowcroft plan, a cease-fire
would have been declared. But Scowcroft's plan resembles that of
the Europeans, already rejected by the Bush administration, and
Rice is the one offering a counterproposal that has put diplomacy
into a stall.

Despite Rice's shunning of the advice of the Bush I sages, the
neoconservatives have made her a convenient target in their effort
to undermine all diplomatic initiatives. "Dump Condi," read the
headline in the right-wing Insight Magazine on July 25. "Conservative
national security allies of President Bush are in revolt against
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, saying that she is incompetent
and has reversed the administration's national security and foreign
policy agenda," the article reported. Former House Speaker Newt
Gingrich, a member of the Defense Policy Board, was quoted: "We are
sending signals today that no matter how much you provoke us, no
matter how viciously you describe things in public, no matter how
many things you're doing with missiles and nuclear weapons, the
most you'll get out of us is talk."

A month earlier, Perle, in a June 25 Op-Ed in the Washington Post,
revived an old trope from the height of the Cold War, accusing those
who propose diplomacy of being like Neville Chamberlain, the British
prime minister who tried to appease Hitler. "Condoleezza Rice,"
wrote Perle, "has moved from the White House to Foggy Bottom, a
mere mile or so away. What matters is not that she is further removed
from the Oval Office; Rice's influence on the president is undiminished.
It is, rather, that she is now in the midst of and increasingly
represents a diplomatic establishment that is driven to accommodate
its allies even when (or, it seems, especially when) such allies
counsel the appeasement of our adversaries."

Rice, agent of the nefarious State Department, is supposedly the
enemy within. "We are in the early stages of World War III," Gingrich
told Insight. "Our bureaucracies are not responding fast enough.
We don't have the right attitude."

Confused, ineffectual and incapable of filling her office with
power, Rice has become the voodoo doll that Powell was in the first
term. Even her feeble and counterproductive gestures toward diplomacy
leave her open to the harshest attacks from neoconservatives.
Scowcroft and the Bush I team are simply ignored. The sustained
assault on Rice is a means to an end -- restoring the ascendancy
of neoconservatism.

Bush's rejection of and reluctance to embrace the peace process
concluded with the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections.
This failure was followed by a refusal to engage Hamas, potentially
splitting its new governmental ministers from its more radical
leadership in Damascus. Predictably, the most radical elements of
Hamas found a way to lash out. And Hezbollah seized the moment by
staging its own provocation.

Having failed in the Middle East, the administration is attempting
to salvage its credibility by equating Israel's predicament with
the U.S.

quagmire in Iraq. Neoconservatives, for their part, see the latest
risk to Israel's national security as a chance to scuttle U.S.
negotiations with Iran, perhaps the last opportunity to realize the
fantasies of "A Clean Break."

By using NSA intelligence to set an invisible tripwire, the Bush
administration is laying the condition for regional conflagration
with untold consequences -- from Pakistan to Afghanistan, from Iraq
to Israel. Secretly devising a scheme that might thrust Israel into
a ring of fire cannot be construed as a blunder. It is a deliberate,
calculated and methodical plot.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "Total Information" <> Date: August 7,
2006 11:14:37 AM EST Subject: [911TruthAction] corrected -- Leafleting
Stone's 'World Trade Center' film Reply-To:

Leafleting Stone's 'World Trade Center' Film

center.html >

There will be a good opportunity to spread the 9/11 truth meme this
week with the release of Oliver Stone's film "World Trade Center"
on 1, 871 screens nationwide. has constructed the following leaflet for distribution
at theaters screening the film. It can fit two to a page, draws a
few quick points taken from the truthful anomalous information (or
"clues") Stone places in the film, and directs the reader to websites
for more information.

Some misguided activists have focused on leafleting as an opportunity
to get arrested rather than to inform people. This is a mistake.
There was a leaflet campaign accompanying Michael Moore's limited-hangout
film "Farenheit 9/11" which succeeded without calls for 9/11 activists
to be thrown in jail. The focus should be on informing filmgoers
--not an easy task from jail.

Following is a jpg of and recommended text for (make your own!)
flyers to hand out, place on theater seats, or otherwise insinuate
into the hands of filmgoers. (If anyone wishes to convert this jpg
into a two-to-a-page pdf file, please send to the editor.):

The film you just saw was a visceral portrayal of the horrifying
events of 9/11. But did you notice the anomalies?

WTC7: Late in the film and late in the afternoon, WTC building 7
collapsed, even though it wasn't hit by a plane. WTC leaseholder
Larry Silverstein even admitted on PBS that it was intentionally

That kind of controlled demolition implies explosives planted weeks
in advance.

Bombs in the towers: The WTC towers themselves fell at approximately
freefall speed; again pointing to a planned, controlled demolition.

This is reflected in the film's portrayal of explosives going off
in the tower before the collapse. Real FDNY firefighters reported
those explosions.

Molten metal: Stone's film also accurately portrays the molten metal
pouring from the towers before collapse. Burning jet fuel can't
melt steel. Dr. Steven Jones of BYU tested samples of the towers
and found evidence of the explosive thermate, which can melt steel.

This evidence all indicates that the destruction of WTC was a
pre-planned INSIDE JOB by elements inside our government. 'WTC,'
the film, ends by stating: "This must be avenged... if only we are
brave enough to do so." Are you brave enough to bring the true
perpetrators of 9/11 to justice?

-- __._,


War Protesters Held in Scotland

Tuesday, August 8, 2006 Posted: 0908 GMT (1708 HKT)

LONDON, England (AP) -- British authorities arrested seven anti-war
protesters Monday after demonstrators said they boarded a plane at
a Scottish airport to search for evidence of U.S. weapons being
transported to Israel.

Local police said two men and a woman were arrested after getting
on the plane at Prestwick Airport, near Glasgow. Four other people
were arrested at the airport at around 3:30 a.m. (0230 GMT).

Anti-nuclear campaign group Trident Ploughshares said its activists
had cut through a perimeter fence and boarded a U.S. plane to search
for evidence of arms shipments to Israel.

Spokesman David Mackenzie said the group had not found any weapons
aboard the cargo plane, whose destination was unknown.

The seven arrests follow those of four other members of the group,
who ran onto a runway at the airport on Sunday.

Last month, a stopover at Prestwick of U.S. flights carrying missiles
to Israel sparked intense criticism in Britain.

U.S. President George W. Bush apologized for the flights' stopping
without declaring the cargo they were carrying to Tel Aviv, Prime
Minister Tony Blair's office has said.

Blair has denied Britain has acted inappropriately and dismissed
critics who have called for a ban on U.S. military aircraft landing
on British airfields.

About 70 protesters, including members of Scotland's Lebanese
community, chanted anti-war slogans outside the airport's entrance
last week to coincide with the expected arrival of two more weapons
flights to Israel.

Instead, two cargo flights bound for Israel landed for refueling
at RAF Mildenhall, a U.S. operated base 65 miles (105 kilometers)
north of London.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


From: "Chihaya" <> Date: August 6, 2006 6:38:25
PM EST To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;"> Subject: I
read this somewhere, but now we can watch and listen to him


Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down."

Very different from the story presented in the movie "United 93"


Greg Palast: "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Recount";

Mexico's Lesson in the Dangers of the Paper Ballot

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Mon, 08/07/2006 - 8:15am.


for The Guardian, Comment is Free

In the six years since I first began investigating the burglary
ring we call "elections" in America, a new Voting Reform industry
has grown up.

That's good. What's worrisome is that most of the effort is focused
on preventing the installation of computer voting machines. Paper
ballots, we're told, will save our democracy.

Well, forget it. Over the weekend, Mexico's ruling party showed how
you can rustle an election even with the entire population using
the world's easiest paper ballot.

On Saturday, Mexico's electoral tribunal, known as the "TRIFE" (say
"tree-fay") ordered a re-count of the ballots from the suspect July
2 vote for president. Well, not quite a recount as in "count all
the ballots" -- but a review of just 9% of the nation's 130,000

The "9% solution" was the TRIFE's ham-fisted attempt to chill out
the several hundred thousand protesting supporters of Andres Manuel
Lopez Obrador who had gathered in the capital and blocked its main

Lopez Obrador, the Leftist challenger known by his initials AMLO,
supposedly lost the presidential vote by just one half of one percent
of the vote.

I say "supposedly" lost because, while George Bush congratulated
his buddy Felipe Calderon on his victory, the evidence I saw on the
ground in Mexico City fairly shrieks that the real winner was
challenger AMLO.

President Bush should consider some inconvenient truths about the
Mexican vote count:

First: The exit poll of 80,000 voters by the Instituto de Mercadotecnia
y Opinion showed that AMLO bested Calderon by 35.1% to 34.0%.

Second: The precinct-by-precinct returns were quite otherworldly.
I used to teach statistics and what I saw in Mexico would have
stumped my brightest students.

Here's the conundrum: The nation's tens of thousands of polling
stations report to the capital in random order after the polls

Therefore, statistically, you'd expect the results to remain roughly
unchanged as vote totals come in. As expected, AMLO was ahead of
the right-wing candidate Calderon all night by an unchanging margin
-- until after midnight. Suddenly, precincts began reporting wins
for Calderon of five to one, the ten to one, then as polling nearly
ended, of one-hundred to one.

How odd. I checked my concerns with Professor Victor Romero of
Mexico's National University who concluded that the reported results
must have been a "miracle." As he put it, a "religious event," but
a statistical impossibility. There were two explanations, said the
professor: either the Lord was fixing the outcome or operatives of
the ruling party were cranking in a massive number of ballots when
they realized their man was about to lose.

How could they do it? "Easy pea-sy," as my kids would say. In Mexico,
the choices for president are on their own ballot with no other
offices listed. Those who don't want to vote for President just
discard the ballot. There is no real ballot security. In areas
without reliable opposition observers (about a third of the nation),
anyone can stuff ballots into the loosely-guarded cardboard boxes.
(AMLO showed a tape of one of these ballot-stuffing operations
caught in the act.)

It's also absurdly easy to remove paper ballots, disqualify them
or simply mark them "nulo" ("null," unreadable).

The TRIFE, the official electoral centurions, rejected AMLO's request
to review those precincts that reported the miracle numbers. Nor
would the tribunal open and count the nearly one million "null"
votes -- allegedly "uncountable" votes which totaled four times
Calderon's putative plurality.

Mexico's paper ballot, I would note, is the model of clarity --
with large images of each party which need only be crossed through.
The ruling party would have us believe that a million voters waited
in line, took a ballot, made no mark, then deliberately folded the
ballot and placed it in the ballot box, pretending they'd voted.
Maybe, as in Florida in 2000, those "unreadable" ballots were quite

Indeed, the few boxes re-counted showed the "null" ballots marked
for AMLO. The Tribunal chose to check no further.

The only precincts the TRIFE ordered re-counted are those where the
tally sheets literally don't tally -- precincts in which the
arithmetic is off. They refuse even to investigate those precincts
where ballot boxes were found in city dumps.

There are other "miracles" which the TRIFE chose to ignore: a weirdly
low turnout of only 44% in the state where Lopez Obrador is most
popular, Guerrero (Acapulco), compared to turnouts of over 60%
elsewhere. The votes didn't vanish, the ruling party explained,
rather the challenger's supporters, confident of victory, did not
bother to vote. Confident ... in Mexico?

In other words, despite the right to paper ballots, the election
was fiddled, finagled and fixed.

Does this mean US activists should give up on the fight for paper
ballots and give in to robo-voting, computerized democracy in a

Hell, no! Lopez Obrador has put hundreds of thousands in the street
week after week demanding, "vota por vota" -- recount every vote.
But AMLO's supporters can only demand a re-count because the paper
ballot makes a recount possible. Were Mexico's elections held on a
Diebold special, there would be no way to recount the electrons
floating in cyberspace.

Paper ballots make democracy possible, but hardly guarantee it.

votes, not voters, have chosen Mexico's president. The only other
nation I know of with such a poisonously high percentage of "null"

votes is the "Estados Unidos," the USA.

And just as in Mexico, the "null" vote, the trashed, spoiled,
rejected ballots, overrode the voters' choice, so it was north of
the Rio Grande in 2000 and 2004. Ballot spoilage, not computer
manipulation, stole Ohio and Florida in those elections -- and will
steal Colorado and New Mexico in the 2008 election.

In other words, my fellow gringo activists, we'd better stop fixating
on laptop legerdemain and pledge our lives and fortunes to stopping
the games played with registration rolls, provisional ballots,
absentee ballots, voter ID demands and the less glamorous, yet
horribly effective, methods used to suppress, invalidate and otherwise
ambush the vote.


Greg Palast is the author of the just-released New York Times
bestseller, "ARMED MADHOUSE: Who's Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China
Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal '08, No Child's Behind Left
and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War." Go to


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] Israel, Oil and the "Planned Demolition" of

by Mike Whitney August 7, 2006

"The world has become accustomed to the idea of mass migrations and
has become fond of themHitleras odious as he is to ushas given this
idea a good name in the world." Zeev Jabotinsky; Ideological founder
of the Likud Party "One Palestine Complete" p 407

"The raw logic of Israels distorted self-image and racist doctrines
is exposed beyond confusion by the now-stark reality: the moonscape

rubble of once-lovely Lebanese villages; a million desperate people
trying to survive Israeli aerial attacks as they carry children and

wheel disabled grandparents down cratered roads; limp bodies of

children pulled from the dusty basements of crushed buildings. This

is the reality of Israels national doctrine, the direct outcome of
its racist worldview." Virginia Tilley "The Case for Boycotting


By bombing the highways and main bridges into Beirut, Israel has
cut off the capital from the outside world and put the entire nation
under siege. Israel can now execute its plan to pummel Lebanon into
rubble without the threat of foreign intervention.

The north has been effectively severed from the south allowing the
IDF to continue its ethnic cleansing operations as well as its
search-and-destroy missions for Hezbollah fighters. They have
meticulously destroyed all the main points of entry at the Syrian
border and blockaded the coastline. Israel believes that their
earlier occupation (which ended in year 2000) failed due to the
unrestricted flow of supplies and weaponry from Syria and Iran. The
Bush administration has assisted this effort by providing crucial
intelligence from the NSA about the movement of material from the

By now, it should be apparent that Israels military campaign has
nothing to do with Hezbollahs capturing of the 2 Israeli soldiers
on July 14. The present plan, which was drawn up more than a year
ago (and which high-ranking members of the Bush administration were
fully briefed) is designed to establish a new northern border for
Israel at the Litani River and create an "Israel-friendly" regime
in Beirut.

The plan to annex the land south of the Litani River dates back to
the founding of the Jewish state when Israels first Prime Minister
David Ben Gurion described the countrys future borders this way:
"To the north the Litani River, the southern border will be pushed
into the Sinai, and to the east, the Syrian Desert, including the
furthest edge of Transjordan." (See Map of post WW1 Zionist plan
for region )

In 1978 the IDF launched Operation Litani with the intention of
annexing the southern part of Lebanon and setting up a Christian
client-regime in Beirut that would take orders from Tel Aviv. Israel
said that it needed a "buffer zone" for its security, the same
excuse that it uses today. The 1982 invasion devolved into an 18
year onslaught which ravaged the Lebanese economy and killed more
than 20,000 civilians. In 2000, Israel was driven from Lebanon by
the persistent attacks of the Lebanese resistance organization,

The media portrayal of the current conflict is blatantly absurd.
It has nothing to due with "captured soldiers" or Israels "right
to defend itself". This is a traditional war with clear territorial
and political objectives. The border controversy is nonsense. Israel
is trying to seize more land to realize its vision of "Greater
Israel" while reducing an adjacent Arab country to a "permanent
state of colonial dependency". This explains the vast and deliberate
destruction to Lebanons civilian infrastructure. Israels dominance
requires that its neighbors endure abject poverty and oppression.
By destroying the infrastructure and life-support systems, Israel
hopes to eliminate the rise of a potential rival as well as to
diminish the ability of the Lebanese resistance to wage war against
the Jewish state. Once Lebanon is decimated, it will be delivered
to Zionists at the World Bank (Paul Wolfowitz) who will apply the
shackle of reconstruction loans and structural readjustment, which
will keep Lebanon as an indentured servant to the global banking
establishment. This model of economic servitude has been used
throughout the developing world with varying degrees of success.
It anticipates Israels regional ascendancy while ensuring that
Lebanons sovereignty will be compromised for decades to come.

The United States has played a unique role in Israels war on Lebanon.

In its 230 year history the US has never deliberately assisted in
an attack on an ally. That record will end with Lebanon.

Lebanon was demonstrably "pro-American" government on friendly terms
with Washington. In fact, American NGOs and intelligence organizations
helped to activate the "Cedar Revolution" which gave rise to the
Fouad Siniora government and the eventual expulsion of Syrian troops.
To a large extent, Washington and Tel Aviv had achieved what they
wanted to by meddling in Lebanons political affairs. The country
was singled out as a shining example of Bushs "global democratic
revolution", which was the stated goal of American intervention in
the Middle East.

Lebanon has since been rewarded for its cooperation by the total
obliteration of its economy and infrastructure. The Bush administration
has abandoned any pretense of being an "honest broker" and is now
providing Israel with precision-guided missiles to prosecute a war
against a (mainly) civilian population. They are also actively
collaborating with the Olmert regime to foil all plans for an
immediate ceasefire. The United States is a fully-engaged partner
in the premeditated destruction of a democratic country. It is as
much a part of the Israeli aggression as any IDF tank commander
rumbling towards Beirut.

The United Nations has been sidelined by the administrations
obstructionism at the Security Council. The efforts of the Bolton-Rice
team are tantamount to a "declaration of war". So far, the Israeli
offensive has uprooted nearly 1 million people in the south; making
refugees of approximately 25% of the Lebanons total population. The
UN has done nothing to respond to this calamity. Its ineffectiveness
casts doubt on whether it will survive the present crisis. Security
in the new century will ultimately depend on alliances between the
individual countries. The UN model of one, monolithic international
institution trying to "preserve the peace" has proved to be a
wretched failure.

The scene in the south of Lebanon is hauntingly similar to the
ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1948; the Nakba. Once again,
Israel is seen driving Muslims from their homes in an attempt to
expand its territory. The "deliberate" attack on Qana, which killed
57 civilians, as well as the bombing of clearly marked ambulances
and "white flag-waving" mini-buses chock-full of fleeing villagers,
shows that the Israeli high-command still understands the importance
of using terror as a means of controlling behavior. Israels carefully
calculated atrocities have had the desired effect; triggering the
mass-exodus of hundreds of thousands of frightened civilians and
leaving Hezbollah guerillas to fight it out with the IDF.

The Bush administration is now attempting to pacify its critics by
pushing a resolution that calls for a "full cessation of hostilities".

The resolution does not demand that Israel stop attacking Hezbollah
nor does it require the IDF to leave Lebanon. It is Munich all over

a miserable "sell-out" by the Security Council that guarantees a
steady increase in the violence as well as an intensification of
the rage that is sweeping across the Muslim world. The UN has
unwittingly endorsed Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon and
created the foundation for another generation of terrorists. The
resolution shows that the UN is nothing more than a "cats paw" for
US/Israeli geopolitical ambitions and that the "post-colonial"
European allies are willing to succumb to the neocon plan for a
"New Middle East".

The UN is not an "honest broker"; its bumbling attempts at peace
have only provided the cover of international legitimacy to Israels
rampage. Israel will now continue its crusade unobstructed; setting
up outposts throughout the south, pushing the Shia off their land,
attacking Hezbollah as they see fit, and installing an Israeli-client
in Beirut.

Israel will never return to its "internationally recognized" northern
border unless it is beaten-back by the Lebanese national resistance,

What does Israel want?

The only way that Israel can maintain its dominance in the region
is by becoming a main-player in the oil-trade. Otherwise it will
continue to be dependent on the United States to strengthen its
military and defend its interests. Israels determination to "stand
on its own 2 feet" is outlined in the neocon plan for "rebuilding
Zionism" in the 21st century; "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm". The document is the blueprint for redrawing
the map of the Middle East and eliminating rivals to Israeli power.
Most of the attention has been focused on the parts of the paper
which presage the attacks on Iraq, Lebanon and Syria; including
this ominous passage:

"Securing the Northern Border: Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese
soil. An effective approach, and one with which America can sympathize,
would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern
borders by engaging Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran, as the principle
agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by:

paralleling Syrias behavior by establishing the precedent that Syria
is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy

striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove
to be insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper."
("A Clean Break"; Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser)

Clearly, this is the basic schema for US/Israeli aggression in the
region. What has been overlooked, however, is Israels determination
to "break away" from its traditional dependence on American support.
As stated in the text:

(Israel intends to) "forge a new basis for relations with the
USstressing self-reliance, maturity, strategic cooperation on areas
of mutual concern, and furthering values inherent to the West. This
can only be done if Israel takes serious steps to terminate aid,
which prevents economic reform. Israel can make a clean-break from
the past and establish a new vision for the US-Israeli partnership
based on self-reliance, maturity, and mutualitynot one narrowly
focused on territorial disputes. (Israel) does not need US troops
in any capacity to defend itand can manage its own affairs. Such
self-reliance will grant Israel greater freedom of action and remove
a significant lever of pressure used against it in the past.No
amount of weapons or victories will grant Israel the peace it seeks.
When Israel is on sound footing, and is free, powerful, and healthy
internally, it will no longer simply manage the Arab-Israeli conflict;
it will transcend it".

Israels "economic freedom" depends in large part on its ability to
become a central petroleum-depot for the global oil trade. In Michel
Chossudovskys recent article "Triple Alliance: US, Turkey, Israel
and the War on Lebanon", the author provides a detailed account of
the alliances and agreements which underscore the current war. As
Chossudovsky says, "We are not dealing with a limited conflict
between the Israeli Armed Forces and Hezbollah as conveyed by the
Western media. The Lebanese War Theater is part of a broader US
military agenda, which encompasses a region extending from the
Eastern Mediterranean into the heartland of Central Asia. The war
on Lebanon must be viewed as 'a stage in this broader 'military
road map".

Chossudovsky shows how the recently completed Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan
pipeline has strengthened the Israel-Turkey alliance and foreshadows
an attempt to establish "military control over a coastal corridor
extending from the Israeli-Lebanese border to the East Mediterranean
border between Syria and Turkey."

Lebanese sovereignty is one of the unfortunate casualties of this
Israel-Turkey strategy. Most of the oil from the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan
pipeline will be transported to western markets but, what is less
well-known, is that a percentage of the oil will be diverted through
a "proposed" Ceyhan-Ashkelon pipeline which will connect Israel
directly to rich deposits in the Caspian. This will allow Israel
to supply markets in the Far East from its port at Eilat on the Red
Sea. It is an ambitious plan that ensures that Israel will be a
critical part of the global energy distribution system. (See Michel
Chossudovsky, ,The war on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil, July 2006)

Oil is also a major factor in the calls for "regime change" in

An article in the UK Observer "Israel Seeks Pipeline for Iraqi Oil"

notes that Washington and Tel Aviv are hammering out the details
for a pipeline that will run through Syria and "create an endless
and easily accessible source of cheap oil for the US guaranteed by
reliable allies other than Saudi Arabia." The pipeline "would
transform economic power in the region, bringing revenue to the new
US-dominated Iraq, cutting out Syria, and solving Israels energy
crisis at a stroke."

The Israeli Mossad is already operating in northern Iraq where the
pipeline will originate and have developed good relations with the
Kurds. The only remaining obstacle is the current Syrian regime
which has already entered the US/Israeli crosshairs. The Observer
quotes a CIA official who said, "It has long been a dream of a
powerful section of the people now driving this administration and
the war in Iraq to safeguard Israels energy supply as well as that
of the US. The Haifa pipeline was something that existed, was
resurrected as a dream, and is now a viable projectalbeit with a
lot of building to do."

Former US ambassador James Atkins added, "This is a new world order
now. This is what things look like particularly if we wipe out

It just goes to show that it is all about oil, for the United States
and its ally."

The Middle East is being reshaped according to the ideological
aspirations of Zionists and the exigencies of a viciously-competitive
energy market. Behind the bombed-out ruins of Qana and the endless
sorties laying Lebanon to waste, are the tireless machinations of
the energy giants, the corporate media, the banking establishment
and Israel.

Dont expect a quick return to peace. This war is just beginning.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Copyright Mike Whitney,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 August 2006, 01:22 GMT 02:22 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of o.gif] Israel withdraws Venezuela envoy

Israel is withdrawing its ambassador to Venezuela as a row grows
between the two countries over the war in Lebanon.

At the weekend President Hugo Chavez recalled his envoy to Israel
and described the Jewish state's campaign in Lebanon as a "new

On Monday Israel said it would be flying its ambassador back for

The BBC correspondent in Caracas says the row marks an all-time low
in relations between the two governments.

Mr Chavez has railed against Israel in interviews and statements
in recent days, describing its offensive in Lebanon as "genocide".

"Israel has gone mad," he said in a weekly broadcast on Sunday.

"It's attacking, doing the same thing to the Palestinian and Lebanese
people that they have criticized - and with reason - the Holocaust.
But this is a new Holocaust."

'Wild slurs'

He was also highly critical of Israel last week during a two-day
visit to Iran, a key sponsor of Lebanon's Hezbollah militia.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a
name of _41976592_ven_203afp.jpg] Mr Chavez has won some admiration
in the Arab world The Israeli foreign ministry said it was bringing
the ambassador back temporarily "as an act of protest against the
one-sided policy of the president of Venezuela and in light of his
wild slurs against the state of Israel".

Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Israel was concerned that Mr
Chavez had allied itself with "the most extreme elements in the

"We have a Venezuelan president who embraces the Iranian leader who
just a couple of days ago called for Israel to be wiped off the

said Mr Regev.

The BBC's Greg Morsbach in Caracas says Mr Chavez's stance has won
him some admiration in the Arab world.

His fierce rhetoric is geared towards gaining support in countries
marginalised by the US, particularly in the hope of securing support
for Venezuela's bid for a seat on the UN Security Council, our
correspondent reports.


'Dual Covenant' Christians Christian Zionists and the Strangest
Alliance in History

by Jon Basil Utley

The major internal conflict for the strangest alliance in history
is about what will happen to Jews who don't convert to evangelical
Christianity. The Armageddonites, those 30 million Americans who
happily see Mideast chaos as hastening their one-way trip to paradise,
are being increasingly questioned about the fate of Jews whom they
urge to help fulfill the prophecies.

Once their death wish agenda is realized, the end-of-the-worlders
believe that Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims (of course), other Christians
(apparently including Catholics and Orthodox), and all the rest of
humanity will be killed. But the born-again will be "raptured" to
Heaven. (See "The Brutal Christ of the Armageddonites.")

Now some enterprising Texans have "resolved" the big question. The
Jews God kills will go to a parallel heaven, "their" kind of heaven,
to enjoy eternity alongside the good Christians. The Jewish heaven
will presumably be what "they" would like, perhaps different from
the evangelical heaven, where there will be "no booze, no bars, and
no need to mow the grass on one's lawn," according to a popular
Gaither Singers song. (The fact that the Jewish faith has no afterlife
at all similar to the Christian one is irrelevant, nor do the
faithful Texans probably even know it.) It is called the "dual
covenant theory" the belief that Jews and Christians have separate
deals with God. However, Muslims, Hindus, and others have no deal.

A Wall Street Journal piece described the dual covenant theory in
an article about a Christian Zionist meeting in Washington two weeks

In particular it reported on Rev. John Hagee, who founded Christians
United for Israel and organized the event. Now, Jerry Falwell and
other evangelicals who once opposed the thesis have joined the Hagee
group board of directors. They urge no peace concessions by Israel
and, now, war with Iran.


The 3,500 delegates held a major rally in Washington attended by,
among others, Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), Senators Sam Brownback
(R-Kans.) and Rick Santorum (R-Penn.), Republican National Committee
chairman Ken Mehlman, Israel's ambassador to the U.S., and other
leading Zionists. As the Journal reports, "They see, and even
sometimes seem to embrace, the notion of a global conflict between
Islam and the Judeo-Christian West, just as do many zealous Muslims."

(Protesters outside the meeting were led by Carol Moore, who long
ago first brought media attention to the Waco and Weaver travesties.)

Interestingly, polls indicate that most Americans are nowhere near
as pro-Israel as their elected representatives. Recent polls show
strong majorities of Americans do not want the U.S. to intervene
on Israel's behalf in its current military campaign. 12697

There are many other strange facets to the Zionist-Evangelical

* God needs Jews to gather in Israel for the fulfillment of His

To further this, the Christian Zionists collect money (from churchgoers
and on TV programs) to pay for primarily Russian Jews to emigrate
to Israel, because God can't end the world until most Jews have
returned to the holy land. However, American Jews apparently can
stay in America without hindering His agenda.

* The great advantage of being "raptured" is that there is no
Judgment Day. Everybody who is "born again" automatically goes to
Heaven, their sins all forgiven, and no good works are necessary.
But it must happen soon. If John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, or Pat
Robertson should die before Armageddon happens, then God will handle
their souls the ordinary way.

* God loves the Jews, according to fundamentalist theology, but not
if they work for peace. Pat Robertson explained that murdered Israeli
leader Yitzhak Rabin was killed because he got in the way of God's
plans for continued war. Robertson also blamed Ariel Sharon's recent
stroke on his withdrawal from Gaza. Similarly, according to the
Wall Street Journal, Hagee said that "calls for Israel to show
restraint violate 'God's foreign policy statement' toward Jews."
In May, 2003 Hagee and other evangelical leaders sent a letter to
President Bush applauding the invasion of Iraq but complaining about
the Israel-Palestine peace plan. They said it would be "morally
reprehensible" for the U.S. to be "evenhanded."

* Hardly any leader of the Christian Right publicly opposes the
torture of prisoners of war (with the notable exception of Chuck
Colson of Prison Fellowship). Perhaps predictably, many fundamentalists
are passionate supporters of John Bolton, the U.S.

ambassador to the United Nations, noted for symbolizing all that
the rest of the world dislikes about America. Just war, rule of
law, the Geneva Convention, charity to one's enemies such concepts
are all anathema to these Christians who long for the end of the

* Millions of Arab Christians are certainly not loved by the God
of the Armageddonites. In fact, Arab Christians don't seem to exist.
Pat Robertson's 700 Club, for instance, refused to show a segment
about Christian Arabs. Jerry Falwell's tours of Israel purposely
avoided them, according to Grace Halsell, who traveled with Falwell's
group and wrote a book about it. Robert Novak has written about the
plight of Christians under Israeli rule and how almost no representative
in Congress dares to speak up for them, except for Henry Hyde, who
is retiring. The self-proclaimed "Christian" columnists and
commentators on Fox News and the Washington Times op-ed page remain


The White House has explained the nuances of God's plans to
Armageddonites before. Last year, it sponsored a meeting with leading
fundamentalist preachers to explain that Gaza was not part of the
historical Judea and Samaria. Therefore, its spokesman argued,
Israel's withdrawal of settlements would not interfere with God's
plan to end the world.,perlstein,53582,1.html

It is a bit weird that we begin the 21st century with American
foreign policy being made by religious fundamentalists who mirror
some of their Muslim brethren in their hatred. And now they want
to attack Iran, whatever the consequences for the world's oil
supplies through the Straits of Hormuz. Never mind all the wisdom
and experience, books and lectures of America's foreign policy
establishment: State Department and CIA experts overseas, analysts
at think tanks, the most brilliant thinkers in the nation might as
well be whistling in the dark. George Bush has been asked if he
believes that we are in the "end times." He refused to answer. He
has said that God tells him what policies to pursue, presumably
those now inflaming the Muslim world.

Catholics and most other Christians, incidentally, do not believe
the Armageddonites' scenario. Others believe God's prophecies already
occurred in Biblical times.

And the preachers? Just in case the world does not end soon, Rev.
Hagee has set aside several million dollars in trusts, money earned
from his prophecies and preaching. The San Antonio Express News
reported on the IRS filings of his Global Evangelism Television
network. After their report, Hagee re-registered the fundraising
network as a church, which does not need to show its IRS filings.

Source: Support: Mon Aug 7, 2006 6:45 am


Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Crazy Mega-Conspiracy Oil Theory

Juan Cole posits the crazy mega-conspiracy oil theory in order to
explain the Israeli attack on Lebanon. The problem with the theory
is the obvious one: rather than weaken Hezbollah and Iran, nothing
has done more to strengthen them, and even encourage the dreaded
Sunni-Shiite alliance. In order to accept the theory, you have to
believe that the Anglo-American geopolitical strategists are idiots
(the Europeans have no interest in whether their Iranian oil is
pumped by Iranian companies or American ones). Whats happening in
Lebanon is exactly what it looks like: the Israeli generals,
perceiving a weakening of the neocons in Washington (Israeli
neocolonialism is tied directly to crooked American voting machines!),
and wanting to take a last crack at stealing Litani River water and
breaking up Lebanon, are using the Christian Zionist duo of Bush-Blair,
while they are in power, along with the neocon traitors and the
Zionist American media spin machine, to expand Israel while they
still can. Christian Lebanon is being attacked as part of the Yinon
strategy - followed religiously by the generals who really rule
Israel - to destroy Lebanon as a single state.

Its funny how we hear that the most obvious conspiracy theories in
the world are nonsense, unless they provide cover for Zionism, in
which case the most insane counterintuitive conspiracy theories are
the only possible answer. I hope that Peak Oil is true (unlikely
that we would be so lucky), as it is the only thing that will save
us from our real problem, global warming (the obvious long-term
plan is to power everything by hydrogen manufactured using energy
from mini-nuclear plants, leaving oil as a quaint chapter in the
history of technology).

posted at 2:41 AM


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 9, 2006, 6:48:46 PM8/9/06
Free Americans Reaching Out
to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

Nagasaki Day 2006

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

Demand an Immediate International Criminal Tribunal for Israel to Stop
Global War!

August 8, 2006

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

To: The United Nations General Assembly

The brutal bombings and invasion of Lebanon and Gaza are acts of
Israeli state terrorism. The U.S. invasion and occupation of
Afghanistan and Iraq, and the present U.S.-Israeli threat to Syria and
Iran indicate their ruthless struggle for hegemony in the oil-rich
Middle East, which would escalate into a global war.

At least 900 people have been killed in Lebanon, more than one-third
children, and 3,000 wounded. The number of refugees in Lebanon has
already exceeded one million. Whole residential areas, roads, bridges,
ports, power stations, factories and other infra-structure have been
destroyed by Israeli precision bombing. Lebanons economic and
infrastructure damage tops $2.5B as of 4 August 2006.

In Gaza hundreds have been killed. Homes, greenhouses, bridges, water
and sewerage treatment plants and electricity generators have been
destroyed in the latest acts of Israeli genocide sadistically
code-named Operation Summer Rain, which began on 27 June 2006. Israel
continues its brutal air strikes on the Gaza Strip almost daily.

Israel must be prosecuted immediately for its war crimes, crimes
against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and
Palestine to stop the war escalating into a global catastrophe. Frances
A. Boyle, Professor of Law, University of Illinois, has asserted the
legal framework for The United Nations General Assembly to immediately
establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI).

The United Nations General Assembly must immediately establish an
International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a subsidiary
organ under U.N. Charter Article 22. The ICTI would be organized along
the lines of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY),
which was established by the Security Council.

The purpose of the ICTI would be to investigate and prosecute Israeli
war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of
Lebanon and Palestine--just as the ICTY did for the victims of
international crimes committed by Serbia and the Milosevic Regime
throughout the Balkans.

The establishment of ICTI would provide some small degree of justice
to the victims of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity and
genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine--just as the ICTY
has done in the Balkans. Furthermore, the establishment of ICTI by the
U.N. General Assembly would serve as a deterrent effect upon Israeli
leaders such as Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief
of Staff Halutz and Israels other top generals that they will be
prosecuted for their further infliction of international crimes upon
the Lebanese and the Palestinians.

Without such a deterrent, Israel might be emboldened to attack Syria
with the full support of the Likhudnik Bush Jr. Neoconservatives, who
have always viewed Syria as low-hanging fruit ready to be taken out
by means of their joint aggression.

The Israeli press has just reported that the Bush Jr administration is
encouraging Israel to attack Syria. If Israel attacks Syria as it did
when it invaded Lebanon in 1982, Iran has vowed to come to Syrias

And of course Israel and the Bush Jr administration very much want a
pretext to attack Iran. This scenario could readily degenerate into
World War III.

For the U.N. General Assembly to establish ICTI could stop the further
development of this momentum towards a regional if not global

We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly
immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel
(ICTI) as a subsidiary organ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to
prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz,
Chief of Staff Halutz and Israels other top generals and war criminals
for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against
humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.


The Undersigned

View Current Signatures

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"America Will Attack Iran, Syria in
According to Former Head of Pakistan's
Military Intelligence

August 8, 2006

Pakistan Tribune
America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

RAWALPINDI: The former chief of ISI, Maj. Gen (R) Hameed Gul has
"predicted" that America would definitely attack Iran and Syria
simultaneously in October.

He was talking after attending the Hamdard Majlis Shoora, Tuesday
evening. He also condemned the lackluster and weak reaction of Pakistan
and Islamic bloc about Israels attack of Lebanon.

Analyzing the current war scenario he observed that war has both
political and strategic factors and despite "using" Israel, America has
lost the war in Lebanon, where masses have united against the recent
Israeli onslaught, and would have been more formidable if the generals
of Saddam had not sold out to American dollars.

He analyzed that Israel would soon be "forced" to stop its land
strikes but would continue its horrific and heinous air strikes against
Lebanon, converting it to ruins.

He also "predicted" that after Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia would also
meet the same fate, followed by Pakistan.

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responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: ufka <>
Date: August 9, 2006 8:56:00 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: FlyingSnail: News & Views for Remnants of Paradise

Presbyterian Church
Publishes 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Malaysia Sun
Tuesday 8th August, 2006

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s publishing arm has released a book
that says President Bush organized New York's Sept. 11 attacks.

The decision by the 160-year-old Westminster John Knox Press, the trade
and academic publishing imprint of the Presbyterian Publishing Corp.,
to attribute the attacks on the World Trade Center brings into the U.S.
religious mainstream a conspiracy theory long held by the world's

In 'Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and
Action,' author David Ray Griffin calls the United States the world's
'chief embodiment of demonic power, says he initially scoffed at 9/11
conspiracy theories.

But after investigating he concluded that the Twin Towers were brought
down by controlled demolition, military personnel were given stand-down
orders not to intercept hijacked flights and the 9/11 Commission,
ostensibly created to uncover the truth behind the events of 9/11,
'simply ignored evidence' that the administration was involved in the

Griffin further asserts that such events such as that of 9/11 are part
of a long history of 'false-flag attacks,' attacks orchestrated by
governments against their own people to garner popular support for
military action.

Griffin is a professor at California's Claremont School of Theology and
Claremont Graduate University, and a codirector of the Center for
Process Studies.


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The End of the Beginning
US forces ready to destroy 10,000 targets
in the Middle East in a few hours

by Dan Plesch
August 9, 2006

The Guardian - 2006-08-08

Regardless of any impending ceasefire, the removal of Hizbullah and the
Iranian nuclear position sets up the prospect of an US war against Iran

US forces are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in the Middle East
in a few hours. US readiness for more war is just one indicator that
the present war is likely to spread and intensify in the coming months.

Unnoticed amidst coverage of the war, Iran has rejected a UN resolution
demanding it halt uranium enrichment. Condoleezza Rice anticipates that
on the nuclear issue: "when the Iranians get past this August 31
deadline, I think they're going to see sanctions from the international
system that are going to start to make life pretty miserable." Ehud
Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, stated back in April that the
decisive point in Iran's development of nuclear arms would come in

Both the Iranian and US governments regard the fighting in Lebanon and
Israel as related to their own conflict. President Bush made the end of
Iranian and Syrian support of Hizbullah a condition of any ceasefire,
though he has since softened his stance at the UN. Condoleezza Rice
remarked that "we do know that this is more than just Hizbullah in
Lebanon. This is an extension of Iranian power through a proxy war."

US Intelligence Chief, John Negroponte, told the US Senate
Intelligence Committee earlier this year that Iran regarded Hizbullah
as "a critical regime safeguard by deterring US and Israeli attacks".
With Hezbollah already at war, this "safeguard" is in the process of
being removed.

Iran has threatened a world oil price crisis in response to UN
sanctions. We do not now know if China, France and Russia will support
sanctions or if US will once more regard the UN's failure as a license
to act militarily. These "ifs" require a close look at the US, Israeli
and Iranian political intentions and military capabilities.

American intentions towards Iran are fairly clear. If diplomacy and
sanctions fail to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions then military force
must be used. No one should be shocked that William Kristol, the
neoconservative leader, has already called for a military strike on
Iran in response to Hizbullah's attack on Israel.

Seymour Hersh's articles claim that President Bush ordered war against
Iran shortly after the President's re-election in 2004. His claim that
Bush is determined not to leave Iran to a future president and that he
has support from leading Democrats is born out by numerous
conversations I have had with colleagues in Washington. As a senior
staffer to Senator Kerry put it: "why should people object if we carry
out disarmament militarily?"

There are plenty more reports that war with Iran is either underway or
in preparation. Special forces "prepare for Iran attack" wrote Robert
Fox back in 2003. Pat Buchanan's American Conservative argues along
with Hersh that vice-president Cheney has prepared a war plan for Iran
including the use of nuclear weapons by summer 2005. Scott Ritter has
claimed that President Bush ordered that the US be ready to attack Iran
at any point after June 2005 and Newsweek reported that the
administration was considering options for regime change. The Atlantic
Monthly concluded after conducting a wargame that attacking Iran was
too risky. The powerpoint slides from that game provide a glimpse into
the world of war planning. Their analysis assumes a large ground
invasion, clearly not a favoured option of either Don Rumsfeld or the
American public. Most recently, the eminent investigative writer, James
Bamford, has described a neoconservative push for regime change.

Speculation aside, we do know that Don Rumsfeld has placed US forces on
alert. "We're now at the point where we are essentially on alert,"
lieutenant-colonel Bruce Carlson, commander of the 8th Air Force, said.

"We have the capacity to plan and execute global strikes in half a day
or less."

Under the command of marine-general James Cartwright, US Global Strike
planning has the potential to destroy over 10,000 targets in Iran in
one mission with "smart" conventional weapons. US government documents
obtained by Hans Kristensen and analysed by William Arkin has described
the development of this Global Strike capability.

Awaiting his orders, George Bush has more than 200 strategic bombers
(B52-B1-B2-F117A) and US Navy Tomahawk cruise missiles. One B2 bomber
dropped 80,500lb bombs on separate targets in 22 seconds in a test
flight. Using just half the available force, 10,000 targets could be
attacked almost simultaneously. This strike power alone is sufficient
to destroy all major Iranian political, military, economic and
transport capabilities.

Such a strike would take "shock and awe" to a new level and leave Iran
with few if any conventional military capabilities to block the
straights of Hormuz or provide conventional military support to
insurgents in Iraq. If this was not enough, the latest generation of
smart bombs now being delivered to the US air force quadruples the
number of weapons all US warplanes can carry.

Placing forces on high alert, no more means that the US will actually
use them. However, in combination with an increasing crisis, high alert
levels mean we should be extra careful how we move forward. We should
heed Tony Blair. When Mike Gapes MP, chair of the Foreign Affairs
Committee, queried the prime minister's equivocation over pre-emptive
war on Iran, asking: "Does that mean, then, we are just left with
sanctions? Mr Blair replied: "It means that you take this a step at a

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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Dan Plesch, The Guardian, 2006

The url address of this article is:



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Lebanon government joins forces with bid to have Blair tried in
Scotland for war crimes

by Neil Mackay
August 8, 2006

Sunday Herald (Scotland)

THE Lebanese government is working behind the scenes to bring Tony
Blair before the Scottish courts, charged with war crimes for aiding
and abetting the Israeli onslaught against Lebanon.

Ali Berro, the Lebanese governments special adviser on legal affairs,
is assisting Lebanese nationals living in Scotland, and their legal
team, in their attempt to take the Scottish Executive and the UK
government to court for allowing US aircraft to fly bunker-buster
bombs from America to Israel via Scottish airports.

Berro is providing the legal team, led by the Glasgow-based human
rights lawyer Aamer Anwar, with detailed information about alleged
Israel war crimes, and also forwarding information on the casualty
rates of Lebanese civilians and the type of weapons being deployed by
the Israeli army. In total, some 30 lawyers, including QCs, in Scotland
and England are helping prepare the case against the government.

Along with his briefing, Berro sent Anwar and his clients this message:
We are laying before you all these facts and we count on you to use
all possible means of pressure to put an end to the destruction
targeting civilians. We are counting on you and thank you.

The team is accusing Blair of assisting Israel in carrying out war
crimes against civilians, citing various pieces of international
legislation, including the Geneva Conventions, which say that it is a
war crime to aid and abet a nation carrying out attacks targetted
against civilians.

Berro has said he is angry and astonished that the UK is assisting
Israel, claiming the UK can no longer be seen as an honest broker in
the Middle East.

Anwar said: The Lebanese government have made it clear that they want
this conflict to stop. Both they and us are aware that every time more
weapons are supplied to Israel, more Lebanese civilians will die. We
wish to indict Tony Blair for war crimes as he is complicit in the war
crimes of Israel by allowing the passage of arms through Scotland. This
will take time, and that is why the Lebanese government is helping to
catalogue information.

Berro has also supplied a legal briefing to Anwar and his clients
outlining which pieces of international law have been violated. Berro
said: Since July 12, 2006, the Israeli army, which has the largest and
most advanced military machinery in the region, has committed all kinds
of crimes: crimes against humanity, war crimes and mass killings.

Some 750 Lebanese civilians have died in the attacks many women and
children. Berro said: Human shreds are scattered amid the
destruction. He also outlined Israeli attacks on petrol stations,
warehouses, electricity companies, places of worship, bridges,
hospitals and ambulances.

Berro said the Israelis were using phosphorous bombs, and sending
ultimatums to the inhabitants of villages, waiting for them to get out
and then hunting them on their way to safety.

International legislation, which Berro said was breached by Israel,
included The Hague Convention, The 1948 Convention Against Mass
Killings and The Geneva Conventions.

Azam Mohamad, one of the Scottish-based Lebanese nationals taking the
case against the Scottish Executive and the UK government, said: We
took this action as US aircraft are going through Prestwick airport
with bombs bound for Israel that will be used to shell our families. We
want to stop those bombs.

Mohamad, the director of Glasgows Middle East Society, added: We are
shocked that Tony Blair has allowed aircraft carrying bombs bound for
Israel to come through this country. These weapons are illegal as they
are used to kill civilians. I cannot find words to explain my
unhappiness at Blairs decision. If we get a chance to take Tony Blair
to court, we will do so.

The Lebanese government will help our cause by giving us as much
information as they can. Even the prime minister of Lebanon will help
us in our attempt to stop these bombs being sent through Britain to
destroy Lebanon. The government in Lebanon appreciates what we are
doing to help protect the freedom and democracy of Lebanon.

The Lebanese community in Scotland and England is now collectively
raising the money needed to fund the legal challenge. Members of the
20-strong group of Lebanese, who have put their names to the suit
against the government, have lost loved ones in the conflict, had
property destroyed and seen their relatives and friends turned into

Another Lebanese national living in Scotland who is taking the case
against the government, Mohamad Saadi, lost his aunt, 55-year-old
Khadija, last Friday. She died of a heart attack when her area came
under heavy Israeli bombing.

It is very hard for us, Saadi said. Every family is suffering. This
is not just about my family everyone in Lebanon is now my family. We
are calling our relatives every hour. While I am talking now something
could be happening to my family back in Lebanon. A humanitarian
disaster is happening.

Blair is helping terrorism because what Israel is doing to Lebanon is
terrorism they are attacking and killing civilians. He is utterly in
the wrong.

Both Mohamad and Saadi have raised their children in Scotland and
started thriving businesses in Glasgow. They say they have been
overwhelmed by support from the people of Scotland towards the people
of Lebanon, and on Friday launched a Scottish-Lebanese friendship
society. They said that many in the large Christian community in
Lebanon were now supporting Hezbollah as the Islamic militia were the
only ones fighting for us and the country.

Zouheir Swade, another member of Glasgows Lebanese community backing
the legal action, told how he lost nine members of his extended family
just over a week ago when his brother-in-laws house was hit by an
Israeli shell.

This is just one of many massacres in Lebanon, Swade said. A friend
and his wife and two children were also killed in their car by an
Israeli bomb. I sleep for no more than two hours before I get up and
turn on the news. Im phoning my family all the time. When I hear my
mothers voice I cry.

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responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Neil Mackay, Sunday Herald (Scotland), 2006

The url address of this article is:



Desperate Lebanese Flee
to Syria on Foot

By ALBERT AJI, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 40 minutes ago

ON THE LEBANON-SYRIA BORDER - Carrying luggage and infants, a couple
hundred Lebanese and foreigners stepped around craters left behind from
Israeli airstrikes and debris from a destroyed immigration office as
they fled war-torn Lebanon for Syria on Tuesday.

Desperate for food, shelter and medicine, they risked being hit by
Israeli bombs as they walked along the Beirut-Damascus highway and
through the Masnaa border crossing to escape the escalating violence in

" Israel's daily attacks of the crossings and roads will not prevent us
from crossing by all means," said Rakan al-Saedi, 45, from the central
Lebanese town of Zahle.

The highway, which links the two countries' capitals, once handled
hundreds of cars, buses and trucks daily. But after Israeli attacks
destroyed large swaths of the road, making traveling by car impossible,
fleeing on foot is the only way to cross the border.

Along with the highway, Israeli airstrikes also have pounded the Masnaa
border crossing several times since the start of the crisis four weeks
ago in an effort to cut off Hezbollah's supply routes.

But the bombing also has put civilians who want to flee the violence at
risk and has prevented trucks from resupplying Lebanon with necessary
items like fuel and food. Some Lebanese say they are now forced to
travel on their own to Syria to get household necessities.

Naser Abdul-Hak said he was going to Syria to bring food back to his
family stranded in Lebanon.

"There is no fuel, no food and no medicine in Lebanon. ... How could we
survive?" said Abdul-Hak, 36, from the Lebanese town of Qibb Elias.

Once people make it across the Masnaa border in Lebanon, they must walk
another 1,000 feet before hiring a Syrian taxi or taking the bus to the
Syrian crossing at Jdeidet Yabous. From there, many travel the 20 miles
to Damascus.

The Syrian government has set up help centers at the border crossings
to assist Lebanese fleeing the war. Some 300,000 Lebanese have come to
Syria during the past four weeks, staying at Syrian hotels, schools and
with families who have opened their homes.

Mazen Sabri, 50, said he was traveling to Syria with his family to
escort them to safety in the neighboring country. But he planned on
returning to his village of Majdel Aanjar in central Lebanon.

"I prefer to die in my homeland," Sabri said.


From: "Chihaya" <>
Date: August 8, 2006 5:39:55 AM EST
Subject: Please watch this and forward to everybody!

George Galloway ROARING for Justice!
from a friend:

YouTube - Galloway on Israel and lebanon 06/08/2006

Watch this, please! Whose lives are more valuable? You decide! Galloway
pulls no punches! Forward it on please! Please!



Published by Greg Palast August 8th, 2006 in Articles
The Brilliantly Profitable Timing of the Alaska Oil Pipeline Shutdown

by Greg Palast
For The Guardian (UK)
Tuesday, August 9, 2006

Is the Alaska Pipeline corroded? You bet it is. Has been for more than
a decade. Did British Petroleum shut the pipe yesterday to turn a quick
buck on its negligence, to profit off the disaster it created? Just ask
the smart pig.

Years ago, I had the unhappy job of leading an investigation of British
Petroleums management of the Alaska pipeline system. I was working for
the Chugach villages, the Alaskan Natives who own the shoreline slimed
by the 1989 Exxon Valdez tanker grounding.

Even then, courageous government inspectors and pipeline workers were
screaming about corrosion all through the pipeline. I say courageous
because BP, which owns 46% of the pipe and is supposed to manage the
system, had a habit of hunting down and destroying the careers of those
who warn of pipeline problems.

In one case, BPs CEO of Alaskan operations hired a former CIA expert
to break into the home of a whistleblower, Chuck Hamel, who had
complained of conditions at the pipes tanker facility. BP tapped his
phone calls with a US congressman and ran a surveillance and smear
campaign against him. When caught, a US federal judge said BPs acts
were reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

This was not an isolated case. Captain James Woodle, once in charge of
the pipes Valdez terminus, was blackmailed into resigning the post
when he complained of disastrous conditions there. The weapon used on
Woodle was a file of faked evidence of marital infidelity. Nice guys,

Now lets talk timing. BPs suddenly discovered corrosion necessitating
an emergency shut-down of the line is the same corrosion Dan Lawn has
been screaming about for 15 years. Lawn is a steel-eyed government
inspector who has kept his job only because his unions lawyers have
kept BP from having his head.

Indeed, its pretty darn hard for BP to claim it is surprised to find
corrosion this week when Lawn issued a damning report on corrosion
right after a leak and spill were discovered on March 2 of this year.

Why shut the pipe now? The timing of a sudden inspection and fix of a
decade-long problem has a suspicious smell. A precipitous shutdown in
mid-summer, in the middle of Middle East war(s), is guaranteed to raise
prices and reap monster profits for BP. The price of crude jumped $2.22
a barrel on the shutdown news to over $76. How lucky for BP which sells
four million barrels of oil a day. Had BP completed its inspection and
repairs a couple years back say, after Dan Lawns tenth warning the
oil market would have hardly noticed.

But $2 a barrel is just the beginning of BPs shut-down bonus. The
Alaskan oil was destined for the California market which now faces a
supply crisis at the very height of the summer travel season. The big
winner is ARCO petroleum, the largest retailer in the Golden State.
ARCO is a 100%-owned subsidiary of British Petroleum.

BP could have fixed the pipeline problem this past winter, after their
latest corrosion-caused oil spill. But then ARCO would have lost the
summertime supply-squeeze windfall.

Enron Corporation was infamous for deliberately timing repairs to
maximize profit. Would BP also manipulate the market in such a crude
manner? Some US prosecutors think they did so in the US propane market.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) just six weeks ago
charged the company with approving an Enron-style scheme to crank up
the price of propane sold in poor rural communities in the US. One
former BP exec has pleaded guilty.

Lord Browne, the imperious CEO of BP, has apologized for that scam, for
the Alaska spill, for this weeks shutdown and for the deaths in 2005
of 15 workers at the companys mortally sloppy refinery operation at
Texas City, Texas.

I dont want readers to think BP isnt civic-minded. The companys US
CEO, Bob Malone, was Co-Chairman of the Bush re-election campaign in
Alaska. Mr. Bush, in turn, was so impressed with BPs care of Alaskas
environment that he pushed again to open the states arctic wildlife
refuge (ANWR) to drilling by the BP consortium.

Indeed, you can go to Alaska today and see for yourself the evidence of
BPs care of the wilderness. You can smell it: the crude oil still on
the beaches from the Exxon Valdez spill.

Exxon took all the blame for the spill because they were dumb enough to
have the companys name on the ship. But it was BPs pipeline managers
who filed reports that oil spill containment equipment was sitting
right at the site of the grounding near Bligh Island. However, the
reports were bogus, the equipment wasnt there and so the beaches were
poisoned. At the time, our investigators uncovered four-volumes worth
of faked safety reports and concluded that BP was at least as culpable
as Exxon for the 1,200 miles of oil-destroyed coastline.

Nevertheless, mLord Browne preens himself with his corporations
environmental record. We know BP cares about nature because they have
lots of photos of solar panels in their annual reports and theyve
painted every one of their gas stations green.

The green paint-job is supposed to represent the oil giants love of
Mother Nature. But the good Lord, Mr. Browne, knows it stands for the
color of the Yankee dollar.

BP claims the profitable timing of its Alaska pipe shutdown can be
explained because theyve only now run a smart pig through the pipes
to locate the corrosion. The pig is an electronic drone that BP
should have been using continuously, though they had not done so for 14
years. The fact that, in the middle of an oil crisis, theyve run it
through now, forcing the shutdown, reminds me, when I consider Lord
Brownes closeness to George Bush, that the companys pig is indeed,
very, very smart.

Greg Palast, an energy economist and investigative reporter, is the
author of Exxon Valdez: A Well-Designed Disaster. His reports can be
seen on BBC Televisions Newsnight, Democracy Now! and in Harpers


Last Updated: Wednesday, 9 August 2006, 06:21 GMT 07:21 UK

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Venezuela 'to Sever Israel Ties'

The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has said his country is
likely to sever ties with Israel in protest at its military offensive
in Lebanon.

Mr Chavez said he had "no interest" in maintaining relations with
Israel, whom he has accused of committing genocide.

Venezuela recalled its charge d'affaires to Israel last week,
prompting Israel to withdraw its ambassador to Caracas on Monday.

Mr Chavez recently expressed his support for Israel's arch-foe, Iran.

In a televised speech, Mr Chavez said he had "no interest in
maintaining diplomatic relations, or offices, or businesses, or
anything with a state like Israel".

Mr Chavez rounded on Israel at the weekend, accusing the Jewish state
of committing a "new Holocaust".

"Israel has gone mad. It's attacking, doing the same thing to the
Palestinian and Lebanese people that they have criticised - and with

reason - the Holocaust. But this is a new Holocaust."

The Venezuelan president has also angered Israel by showing support
for Iran, which backs Hezbollah and has called for Israel's

During a visit to Tehran at the end of last month, Mr Chavez said
Venezuela would "stand by Iran at any time and under any condition".

Israel said it had withdrawn its ambassador to Venezuela "as an act of

protest against the one-sided policy of the president of Venezuela and

in light of his wild slurs against the State of Israel".


(3) Non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel

Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 18:58:54 EDT From: From:
"alex james" <>

Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in
Israel? Did you now that cars owned by Palestinians are colour coded to
distinguish Jews from non-Jews? Did you know Palestinians are not
allowed to move from one city, say Gaza to Bethleham, to another
without first getting a 'visa' from Israel? Did you know that Israel
allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is
divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in
Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 Jewish settlers, while
15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians? Did you know
that Israel routinely confiscates Palestinian bank accounts, businesses
and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

Podhoretz calls for genocide Norman Podhoretz makes a passionate call
for a Final Solution to the Iraqi and Palestinian problems

...Can any war be won when one of the combatants voluntarily limits
itself in this manner? Could World War II have been won by Britain and
the United States if the two countries did not have it in them to
firebomb Dresden and nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (...) What if the
tactical mistake we made in Iraq was that we didn't kill enough Sunnis
in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us
they would go along with anything? Wasn't the survival of Sunni men
between the ages of 15 and 35 the reason there was an insurgency and
the basic cause of the sectarian violence now? If you can't imagine
George W. Bush issuing such an order, is there any American leader you
could imagine doing so? And if America can't do it, can Israel? (...)
What if Israel's caution about casualties among its own soldiers and
Lebanese civilians has demonstrated to Hezbollah and Hamas that as long
as they can duck and cover when the missiles fly and the bombs fall,
they can survive and possibly even thrive?...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
41262296 Mirror: I use the old Mac OS; being
incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. If
your emails to me bounce, write to me at To
unsubscribe, reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line; allow 1 day.


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: August 7, 2006 11:09:33 PM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Vma Campesina in Latin America
Will Form an Agro-Ecological Contingent

Vma Campesina in Latin America Will
Form an Agro-Ecological Contingent

by Fausto Torrez

On September 26, 2005 in Sabaneta, Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
municipality, state of Barinas, Venezuela an agreement on agricultural
technical cooperation was signed between the Via Campesina- MST and the
Bolivarian Government of Venezuela.

The signatories were President Hugo Chavez on behalf of the Bolivarian
government of Venezuela, authorities of the state government of
Barinas, the Minister of Agriculture and Land, and Joao Pedro Stedile
on behalf of the Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil (MST) and
the Via Campesina.

One of the planks of this agreement establishes that: "It is necessary
to develop all possible efforts to defend the principle of food
sovereignty of our peoples, for the protection and multiplication of
native seeds and all productive agricultural species, for affirming the
value of small-scale community and family farming, to strengthen
internal markets and to search for new agricultural techniques adapted
to the environment to produce a high quality of food for our peoples."

To put this agreement into effect, a group of leaders and
professionals of Latin American organizations, together with the
authorities of the Bolivarian University and the Ministry for Higher
Education are in the final phase of creating the Institute of
Agro-Ecology including Campesino (Small Scale Community and Family
Farming), Indigenous and Afro-descendant Studies.

The goal is to train qualified activists for the organization and
development of agro-ecology, contributing to a new ethic in the
relationship between technicians and farmer, indigenous and
afro-descent organizations, in order to construct a new paradigm in the
Latin American countryside.

The promulgation of scientific, holistic and humanistic values will
provide a new perspective to thousands of youth of both sexes which in
the future will strengthen rural social movements, with the goal of
promoting technologies that are enriched by traditional knowledge and
return education to a practice of strengthening the food sovereignty of
the peoples.

The first 250 students (50% women) will initiate coursework in this
institute in the month of September 2006, in the Alberto Arvelo
municipality in the State of Barinas. This center falls within the
framework of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas and the previously
described agreements. In this first stage students of a high
professional quality from the entire region, both Venezuelan and
foreign, will participate. A participatory methodology will be
employed that balances school work with community work in a
'social-productive' practice. The program will last five years and be
completed in a professional graduation.

The Pedagogical Method will focus to advantage on classical scientific
ideas, without side-stepping traditional knowledge or the
socio-cultural cosmovision of Indigenous and Afro-descent America, to
instill a pedagogical and political thought committed to the social
dynamics of popular struggle, an education described by Antsn Makarenco
as one where: "Each person must be useful to the cause of the working

The Institute will carry the name of the Brazilian educator Paulo
Freire, universal symbol of popular education, signifying that each
student is the subject of a social project. Ethical, political, moral,
and ideological values are the basis for the construction of a new
focus, under the assumption that: "Only knowledge liberates."

The Institute will have the support of the Bolivarian University, the
Ministry for Higher Education of Venezuela, and the methodological
contributions of organizations that for many years have developed the
training methods of the MST, the ATC, the ANAP, etc... in general all
the experiences accumulated by the Latin American Coordination of
Countryside Organizations (CLOC), the Via Campesina and Afro-descendant
and Indigenous Organizations, as well as contributions by the Institute
of Education Josui de Castro of Brazil.

Finally, the Institute will be under the central coordination of the
member Organizations of the Latin American Countryside Coordination
(CLOC), the Via Campesina, and Indigenous and Afro-Descendant
representatives, with a rotating direction and curriculum design
structure to ensure the necessary competencies in order to create new
productive and social spaces for Agro-ecological practice as a new
element required by the socialism of the 21st century.

Globalize Struggle, Globalize Hope

Latin American Agro-Ecological Institute "Paulo Freire"

for Campesino, Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Studies.

ATC, CLOC-Vma Campesina

Nicaragua, July 2006.

Date: August 8, 2006 12:24:06 AM EST

Dear all,
The Movement of Women Peasants (MMC) in Brazil has produced an
excellent folder on the campaign against green deserts and the Aracruz
case. You can download it from our website
Please circulate widely. If you want to keep informed about this
campaign, you can send an e-mail to MMC asking them to be put on their
distribution lists: (please mention the
language(s) that you understand).
Best regards,

Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 7, 2006 8:40:20 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>
Subject: Fw: 9/11 Commission's Lies Unravelling

From: Stephen M. St. John
To: Editor USA Today ; Senator Hurley ; Senator Humphries ; Senator
Hogg ; Senator Heffernan ; Senator Forshaw ; Senator Fifield ; Senator
Fierravanti-Wells ; Senator Bob Brown ; Roger ; ;
Michele W ; Mervyn H ; J M Baurelius ; Henri The Celt ; Charlton P
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: 9/11 Commission's Lies Unravelling

Text of fax broadcast:

NEW YORK, NEW YORK *** 7 AUGUST 2006 Citizen of the USA Stephen M. St.
John addresses the international community in Washington and here in New
York City, all members of the US Congress as well as other
organizations and
individuals, public and private, and brings to their attention 9/11
Commission Cochairman Thomas H. Kean's recent -- though belated --
revelation of deception on the part of officials of NORAD (North
Aerospace Command) in their testimonies about their activities
the attacks of 9/11. Citizen St. John further notes that Kean's
finger-pointing occurs even as his own integrity is again being called
question by the newly released book CHRISTIAN FAITH and the TRUTH
9/11 by David Ray Griffin (now available at Citizen
John senses that Kean, feeling Griffin's heat, is blaming the Pentagon
in a
"limited hangout" revelation so as to head off deeper inquiry.
Citizen St. John notes that Kean is acting in this fashion in the vain
that few will ever learn of Karl Schwarz's revelations that he and seven
other 9/11 Commissioners had severe conflicts of interest related to
companies wanting to terminate the Taliban's oil pipeline contract with
Argentine company Bridas, which was accomplished under the guise of
retaliation for the attacks of 9/11. According to Karl Schwarz
(, 9/11 "was an excuse for policies and actions that
otherwise would not make sense or would not be condoned by the
people." Citizen St. John adds to the oil motive for carrying out the
flag attacks of 9/11 the Zionist motive to put American muscle on
Mesopotamian patrol. As the 9/11 Commission's lies continue to
unravel, the
definitive proof of an inside job will be attained by matching 9/11
readings taken by the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory with the
of Richard Siegel's "9/11 Eyewitness" video (see


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 15, 2006, 2:54:55 AM8/15/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 11, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 11, 2006 12:36:51 AM ES
Subject: Marvels at Ahmadinejad's civil engineering degree,
'intellect', 'savvy'

Aside from the fact that the expression "pitbull journalist" is a
hilarious oxymoron, this in-column commentary in the Drudge Report is
more than a bit eye-opening. One sees at least two aspects hitherto
unknown, first that Mike Wallace may have become mature enough to see
and speak the truth; second, that Iranian President Ahmadinejad is so
much more intelligent than our resident Meathead that no comparison
is possible...

journalist Mike Wallace says Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a
'reasonable' man on Sean Hannity's ABC radio program... Points out
Ahmadinejad not anti-Jewish... just anti-Zionist state. Says many Jews
in Iranian Parliament, in great positions in Iranian life... Believes
Ahmadinejad sincere in his hope for peaceful coexistence between Iran
and West... Troubled by comparisons of leader to Hitler... Marvels at
Ahmadinejad's civil engineering degree, 'intellect', 'savvy'... Asks
viewers not to bring 'prejudices' to Sunday night '60 MINUTES'
broadcast... Proclaims 'discussion' was sincere and not for propaganda
purposes... Developing...


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 10, 2006 2:58:44 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Awakening the Resistance

From today's Counterpunch ( )

Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America:
Awakening the Resistance
Thousands of Lebanese, Palestinians and others made a kind of
pilgrimage to Fatimas gate in the summer of 2000 to celebrate the end
of Israels 22 -year occupation of south Lebanon. Fatimas gate
denoted a stretch of land on the Lebanon-Israel border newly controlled
by Hizbullah after it pursued the retreating Israeli forces back into
Israel. Yellow Hizbullah flags flew everywhere. The atmosphere was
festive and light. People set up souvenir stands selling Hizbullah
memorabilia flags, key-rings, postcards, pens to commemorate the
historic event. Families strolled up and back along the road parallel
to the border, pointing out the Israeli towns in the distance. Friends
strode along together talking politics and stopping to stare at the
last wreckages of the event, the burned out jeeps and cars, the bullet
holes and shrapnel wounds in the facades of the walls and buildings
left behind by the retreating Israelis. Parents and children alike
gazed at these remains; some took pictures posed next to them. Others
passed by more solemnly, wary of disturbing the near-sanctity of these
symbols of struggle and of the years of adversity they recalled.

Across a stretch of land demarcated by barbed wire and signposts stood
a lone Israeli watch-tower. From Fatimas gate one could just make out
the shapes of helmeted soldiers within, behind a small rectangular
window of bullet-proofed glass: the hapless targets of rocks hurled
continually across the border by all who could manage to throw them and
the cheering on-lookers applauding each lob.
The summer of 2000 has taken on the transient quality of a landscape
brightened by a break in the clouds for an all too brief interlude.

That was the summer Lebanon began to awaken again; to bloom into a
metropolis of culture and scandal, nightlife and slums, commerce and
tourism, stretching, yawning and weeping with sorrow and relief. The
stiflingly hot streets of Haret Hreik in the south suburbs were
neighbors the of the Bourj al-Barajneh, Chatila and Mar Elias
Palestinian refugee camps all full of the squalor and pulsing of life,
the worlds within worlds of poverty, hope, despair and faith. There in
the slums of the city a young, intelligent doctor from the camp
hospital invited me to his home to meet his mother and sister and to
explain why he, a Sunni Muslim and a Palestinian, had chosen to become
a member of Hizbullah. Safwat was an anomaly then, or so I believed.
But now, when I traverse the str! eets of Haret Hreik in my mind, the
fruit and vegetable stands, the phone stores and electronics shops, the
clothing stores, restaurants and cafes, the banks and Internet stops,
the grocery and household supply marts where one could purchase all her
daily necessities, it is clear that the seeds of a vast resistance had
just begun to germinate. It was unclear to me then just how fully it
would bloom; just how tenacious its roots would become.

Today, the bustling streets of Haret Hreik are gone. Where families
lived and thrived, struggled and laughed, is an emptiness of rubble
the bombed ruins of a greedy imperial war that stops at nothing. Today
Lebanon stands behind Hizbullah. The Lebanese have become the bitter,
cheering on-lookers of the resistance which lobs its out-dated missiles
relentlessly across the border as the Israeli war machine refuels again
and again. But US precision guided bombs, cluster bombs, white
phosphorus, unmanned aerial drones, drones to guide the bombs,
helicopters armed with missiles, F-16s, gun ships and state-of-the-art
armed and trained ground forces with night vision surveillance and
combat goggles have succeeded in uniting far more than the Lebanese
behind the daring defiance of Hassan Nasrallah.

Sixteen years of civil war, of murderous sectarian acrimony, of
inter-ethnic killing, suspicion and paranoia and today after 28 days
of hell unleashed upon it by the arrogant racism of a militant and
ideological Zionism 89% of Lebanons Sunni Muslims, 80% of its
Christians, 80% of its Druze and 100% of its Shiite populations support
Hizbullahs resistance against Israel and the United States.

At least as telling are statistics showing that 97% of Palestinians
support Hizbullahs position toward Israel including 95% of Christian
Palestinians. Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian territories and Iran are
not the only places where support for Hizbullah has increased
dramatically in the last month. Among the populations of the
American-backed Arab states, notably Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia,
there is also widespread support. Indeed, seizing upon the corruption
and obsequiousness of these regimes and their tacit support of Israel,
Nasrallah intoned in a recent address, there will be no place for
[you] if you abandon your moral and national responsibility. For the
sake of your thrones I say to you gather [up your humanity] and act for
one day in order to stop this aggression on Lebanon. He understands,
as do they, that their unwillingness to condemn the insouciant murder
of more than a thousand people will cost them dearly. Suddenly these
merciless, sell-out regimes are left scrambling to help author a
ceasefire agreement less embarrassing than the Bolton-Gillerman diktat
that left the Israeli military in place in south Lebanon while seeking
to disarm Hizbullah.!

Are we really surprised by the vast, Hizbullah-led resistance? By the
linkage it makes with people across the boundaries of national insult,
defeat and humiliation? Are we really surprised that 40 years after
Israels occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip
and the Golan Heights and 6 years into its continued occupation of the
Shebaa Farms in Lebanon that people are have had enough? Are we really
surprised that 3 and a half years into the US occupation and
devastation of Iraq, 5 years after the US invasion and destruction of
Afghanistan and decades of killings, intrusions, violations,
abductions, assassinations, meddling, economic sanctions, pilfering and
exploitation of the people, lands and resources of the Middle East that
the reckless, racist, power-drunk mercenaries of empire should finally
be met with a legitimate popular resistance? not an outgrowth of
displaced fana! ticism, not an al-Qaeda gang of killers, but the
beginnings of a grassroots pan-Arab and pan-Islamic movement seeking to
heal the wounds of perpetual subjugation?

What message have the purveyors of state power brought with them that
their listeners should wish to continue to bow in subservience? The
conditions are not right for a ceasefire, say George Bush and
Condoleeza Rice. First burn down the house and then we can discuss how
to put out the flames. We are not just fighting Hizbullah, says Israeli
Prime Minister Olmert, but Syria and Iran as well. Accept our vision of
a Starbucked-MidEast; a Middle East with sanitized Muslims appointed by
the corporate board of Ziocondriacs who break into hives at the words
Islam and Arab; whose peace imposes fast food franchises; whose
freedom is the right to purchase arms at the Great Mall of the Gulf
States; whose riches are the oil w! ells mortgaged to Texas; and whose
water resources run through the processing plants of the Ariel and Gush
Etzion settlement blocs.

They tell you that a Jewish state is democratic but a Muslim state is
evil; that Palestinians living in Palestine have no rights and no state
but Jews living in the rest of the world can return and live there
as rights-bearing citizens; that Jesus wants you in Palestine unless
you are a Palestinian or a Muslim; that Washington, London and Tel Aviv
can produce nuclear warheads but that Tehran is a global threat for
daring to enrich uranium; that legitimate resistance is terrorism but
state terrorism is self-defense; that the desert state of Syria is
Nasrallahs courier and puppeteer but that Washington is an honest
broker and a partner for peace; that Iran is a rogue state for arming
Hizbullah but that America is freedom-loving for arming Tel Aviv; that
we cannot talk to Damascus or Tehran unless they renounce themselves
out of existence first; that expansionism and regime change are
necessary for American and Israeli national security but that the Arab
and Muslim winners of free and fair democratic elections should be
arrested in the middle of the night and imprisoned in secret police
detention centers for attempting to rule.

They tell you that three soldiers captured by Hamas and Hizbullah are
worth the collective destruction of Palestine and Lebanon but that
civilians kidnapped by Israel are not worth the price of a printed
page; that the tens of thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners
in Israeli jails and the hundreds of Afghanis, Pakistanis, Arabs and
others at Guantanamo Bay are worth less than the abandoned pets of the
residents of North Israel fleeing to the bomb shelters. They sing
sanctimonious hymns to the glory of international law as they veto it
into the oblivion of a million shell fragments.

Dont count the blackened bodies of the peach farmers of Qaa laid out
in the afternoon sun along the roadside. Dont weep for the petrified,
death-stolen children under the concrete rubble of Qana. Dont suffer
the incinerated of Marwaheen, the blasted of Srifa and Khiam and
Tibnine. Dont list the villages lost or the homes destroyed; dont
number the dead of Beirut and Tyre. Dont listen to the wailing on the
beaches of Gaza. Dont mourn the lost lives of Khan Yunis or Beit
Hanoun, people of the sand and the dust; of corrugated iron and
uprooted orange groves. Dont number the fallen in Nablus or Jenin: the
old shepherds, the young rebels, the pregnant wives and weary husba!
nds, the somber schoolgirls and the angry boys in the lost alleys of
the camps. We will hear all of their voices again; see their likenesses
in the shattered streets of the Levant. They will gather beneath the
cedar and the minaret; carry with them the kuffiyeh and the Quran;
they will speak the language of the resistance that we have breathed
into them like fire.

Jennifer Loewenstein is a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford
University's Refugee Studies Centre. She has lived and worked in Gaza
City, Beirut and Jerusalem and has traveled extensively throughout the
Middle East, where she has worked as a free-lance journalist and a
human rights activist. She can be reached at:


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 10, 2006 2:47:39 PM EST
Subject: Terror alert a trial balloon for invasion of Iran, World War

Terror Alert a Trial Balloon for Invasion of Iran, World War III

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 10 2006

Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with escalation of conflict
in the Middle East is the trial balloon for a massive staged false flag
terror attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will light the
blue touch paper for World War Three.

Radio host Alex Jones, who predicted a staged attack on the World Trade
Center involving the use of Osama bin Laden as a fall guy in July 2001,
has now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged
government terror attack will occur before the end of October unless a
gargantuan effort to prevent it is launched.

Only through a massively increased counter-propaganda effort on behalf
of all truth activists can prevent an imminent cataclysmic horror show
that will make 9/11 look like a walk in the park.

We have exhaustively documented that criminal elements in control of
major western governments have carried out terror attacks and
deliberately manufactured fake alerts for political purposes.

In 2002, then White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told the
Washington Times that terror alerts were issued "as a result of all the
controversy that took place last week," referring to political heat
bestowed on President Bush when 9/11 prior knowledge evidence first

From this point onwards smoking guns of government complicity in 9/11
became intrinsically linked with fake terror alerts.
In January of 2003 FBI and CIA whistleblowers told Capitol Hill Blue
that the White House was scripting phony terror alerts to maintain
hysteria, upkeep President Bushs approval ratings and milk extra
defense funding. The report that five Pakistani men had entered the
States via Canada and were planning on carrying out a dirty bomb or
biological attack was completely conjured up by the Bush
administrations black propaganda office. New York Harbor was shut down
to visibly pump up the fear. One of the named suspects, Mohammed Asghar
(pictured left), was tracked down to Pakistan by the Associated Press.
He was a fat guy running a jewellers shop and had never even been to

World Net Daily commented:

Other sources within the bureau and the Central Intelligence Agency
said the administration is pressuring intelligence agencies to develop
"something, anything" to support an array of non-specific terrorism
alerts issued by the White House and the Department of Homeland
Security CHB reported that FBI and CIA sources said a recent White
House memo listing the war on terrorism as a definitive political
advantage and fund-raising tool is just one of many documents
discussing how to best utilize the terrorist threat.


From: "Ahmed" <>
Date: August 10, 2006 1:05:23 PM EST
To: <>, <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] Free Videos to download

Free Videos to download from these sites, that you can burn on CDs and
distribute to friends.

From: torell <>
Date: August 10, 2006 11:37:31 PM EST

To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: SPECIAL: A Call for New Energy

This Call for New Energy is one of your best postings.

Almost two decades ago, in a community college electronics class, of
all places, I saw the light. It did not register until just recently,
but now I have no doubt that the energy that ZPE researchers and
tinkerers talk about really exists and can be tapped..

Here's what happened.

We were putting together circuits at the lab benches. One of the
students was a rockhound and talked about this pretty rock he had found
the previous weekend. I don't remember the name of it, only that it
was not homogeneous. In the conversation, one thing led to another,
and the guy went out to his car to fetch the rock. He brought it in
and placed it on a paper towel on the bench. We blew it off with
canned air and checked the resistance in different parts of it. Since
there were supposed to be clusters of metal atoms or clumps of metal in
that kind of stone, we thought we might find them because they would be
more conductive that other parts. Then for some reason, maybe someone
had accidentally set his meter to microamps instead ohms, we noticed
that the rock was actually putting out a few microamps if you touched
certain parts of it. It you used different metals -- like a copper
penny -- as a contact the effect was more pronounced. Our first
thought was that the meter was broken so we tried another. The
results were the same. We moved the rock. The results were the
same. The point is, those microamps shouldn't have been there. We
didn't process it. We looked at that rock as a battery that had not
run down after uncounted millenia. Not possible, except that the
readings said otherwise.

The memory of that spontaneous inquiry and the unnatural deaths of so
many people involved in ZPE research makes a strong circumstantial case
that ZPE development threatens the government/energy industry
complex. ZPE must be that close to supplanting nuclear, coal and
petroleum energy.

I do not know in what form ZPE implementation will hit the market.
It will be thunderclap sudden. Consider how fast television and the
internet penetrated. The ZPE researchers, mindful of the untimely
deaths of their fellows, will keep mum about what they are doing until
they show the world how to do it, complete with parts specifications
and installation instructions. At that point there will no longer be
any point in killing them to protect energy industry profits.

Imagine people dropping off the grid in droves. That will rock
politics as well as industry.

Being able to provide life's necessities for yourself gives you
political independence. When energy is free except for the ZPE
device, people will be growing a lot of their own organic food. See
the cute LED growlights at:

And check out:



From: "marguerite hampton" <>
Date: August 7, 2006 8:51:18 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Emailing: Vac_energy_jse.htm


Robert Matthews, Science Correspondent, the London Sunday Telegraph
From New Scientist, 25 February 1995, Vol.145, No.1966, pp. 30-33.
Copyright ) Reed Business Information, New Scientist 1995 (posted with

IT is all around you, yet you cannot feel it. Its effects may have lit
the Universe in the big bang but today just lights up your office. It
is the
source of everything, yet is nothing. Such are the paradoxical features
one of the hottest topics in contemporary physics - the vacuum. It is
proving to be a wonderland of magical effects: force fields that emerge
nowhere, particles popping in and out of existence and energetic
with no apparent power source.

Many researchers see the vacuum as a central ingredient of 21st-century
physics. "We now know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful
effects over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the
says Peter Milonni of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
Some even contemplate the prospect of harnessing the vacuum's bizarre
properties to provide an apparently limitless supply of energy.

The vacuum's miraculous properties all stem from a combination of
theory and relativity. As Werner Heisenberg showed almost 70 years ago,
mechanics of the subatomic world mean that an uncertainty is attached
to any
measurement of physical properties such as energy. This uncertainty
manifests itself in random, causeless fluctuations in energy: the
larger the
fluctuation, the shorter the time it survives.

Thanks to Einstein's famous equation E = mc2, Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle also implies that particles can flit into and out of
their duration dictated only by their mass. This leads to the
realisation that all around us "virtual" subatomic particles are
popping up out of nothing, and then disappearing again within about

"Empty space" is thus not really empty at all, but a seething sea of
activity that pervades the entire Universe.

Relatively Fluid

Such an image is worryingly reminiscent of the ether - a discredited
that bedevilled physics until the beginning of this century. But
special theory of relativity showed that physics works perfectly well
without this peculiar, all-pervasive fluid, which was supposed to be the
medium through which light and other interactions travelled from place
place. This does not mean that a universal fluid cannot exist, but it
mean that such a fluid must conform to the dictates of special
The vacuum is not forced to be mere quantum fluctuations around an
state of true nothingness. It can be a permanent, nonzero source of
in the Universe.

This has cosmic consequences. Special relativity demands that the
properties must appear the same for all observers, whatever their
speed. For
this to be true it turns out that the pressure of the vacuum "sea" must
exactly cancel out its energy density. It is a condition that sounds
harmless enough, but it has some astounding consequences. It means, for
example, that a given region of vacuum energy retains the same energy
density, no matter how much the region expands. This is odd, to say the
least. Compare it with the behaviour of an ordinary gas, whose energy
density decreases as its volume increases. It is as if the vacuum can
on a constant reservoir of energy.

But there is more. One of the key features of Einstein's general
(GR) theory is that mass is not the only source of gravitation. In
particular, pressure, both positive and negative, can also give rise to
gravitational effects. If the vacuum has a permanent (positive) energy
density, it must be balanced by a negative pressure (a tension).
to GR, this must give rise to a repulsive gravitational effect. This
of the vacuum lies at the heart of perhaps the most important new
concept in
cosmology of the past decade: cosmic inflation. Developed principally by
Alan Guth at MIT and Andrei Linde, now at Stanford, the idea of cosmic
inflation arises from the assumption that the very early Universe was
with unstable vacuum energy whose "antigravitational" effect expanded
Universe by a factor of perhaps 1050in just 10-32 seconds. Then the
energy died away, leaving random fluctuations whose energy turned into
Because energy and matter are interchangeable, the result was the matter
creation we now call the big bang.

At a stroke, inflation solves a number of problems that had troubled
cosmologists. For example, it explains the apparent coincidence that the
Universe we see today seems to be teetering between expanding forever
collapsing. Cosmic inflation would have "flattened out" the initially
curved surface of the Universe, and according to calculations based on
this would have led to the amount of mass-energy that was formed being
enough to allow the Universe to escape from its own gravity and expand
ever. The behaviour of the vacuum 15 billion years or so ago thus holds
key to the future fate of the Universe.

But convenient as this is, most cosmologists would like the vacuum to
packed up its bag of tricks and disappeared once it had inflated the
Universe. One reason is aesthetic. If the vacuum amounts to anything
than random fluctuations about true emptiness in today's Universe, an
term has to be added to GR, and nobody is in a rush to make GR even more

But some reseachers are coming up with evidence suggesting that
may be missing from GR in any case. Last autumn, teams led by Michael
of Kitt Peak Observatory in Arizona, and Wendy Freedman of the Carnegie
Institute of Washington's observatories in Pasadena, California, both
announced findings that put the age of the Universe at around 8 billion
years. This was embarrassing, because there is sound evidence that some
stars in our Galaxy are around twice this age.

One way out of this bind would be a vacuum state that did not vanish
inflating the Universe. Perhaps a tiny remnant of it persists,
providing a
gentle unseen "push" to the contents of the Universe. This would boost
speed at which galaxies race away from each other, and give the
that the Universe as it is now is nearer to the big bang state - and
younger - than it really is.

Vacuum energy can do more, however. Though inflation predicts that the
density of mass-energy in the Universe is right on the borderline
expansion and collapse, astronomers have only found between 10 and 20
cent of the required mass. So where is the rest? This is another problem
that a remnant nonzero vacuum may solve. By Einstein's equation, an
density is equivalent to a mass density, so vacuum energy could account
some - perhaps most - of the missing mass.

Some cosmologists, notably George Efstathiou at Oxford University,
that for vacuum energy to solve these problems it would have to amount
to 80
per cent of the mass-energy of the Universe. But does it? Chris
Kochanek of
the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge,
says that observations of gravitational lensing show that it can't.
is the phenomenon that occurs when light on its way to us from a very
distant source such as a quasar passes by a galaxy, and is bent by the
galaxy's gravity. This creates multiple images of the quasar.
have been surveying the sky for these effects, and counting how many
objects they see out to a specific distance. If some cosmic vacuum
still exists, its antigravitational effect should expand the volume of
encompassed by a given distance and thus boost the number of
lenses caught by the surveys.

Kochanek calculates that for vacuum energy to account for the required
per cent of the cosmic mass-energy, about 15 gravitational lenses should
have been seen by current surveys. In fact, only 6 have been found.
This, he
says, translates to odds of around 10 to 1 against vacuum energy being
than about half of what is needed by cosmologists. Those cosmologists
support the idea of vacuum energy say that the lensing observations
have been affected by dust obscuring distant galaxies. But Kochanek says
that this won't do, as all such fixes lead to inconsistencies elsewhere.
With so much riding on the outcome, however, the debate looks set to

While cosmologists and astronomers wrangle about lensing, physicists
been looking at the possibility that the vacuum could answer more
earth questions. The most intriguing centres on inertia - the property
matter that makes heavy things hard to get moving, but once moving,
hard to
stop. Inertia is so familiar that its attributes seems beyond question,
they have perplexed scientists of the calibre of Einstein and Richard
Feynman. If an object is at rest, or moving at constant velocity, its
inertia stays hidden. But try to accelerate it and inertia suddenly
its head, fighting against the change in velocity. This is summed up in
Newton's second law of motion: F = ma, force equals inertia times

But where does the inertia come from? Einstein believed that it was
induced in objects whenever they accelerate relative to the rest of the
Universe, though quite how this interaction worked he never made clear.
a group of American researchers has put a new gloss on Einstein's idea:
instead of acceleration relative to the distant stars, they believe that
inertia is generated by acceleration through the vacuum.

They base their idea on an esoteric quantum vacuum effect first
in the mid-1970s by Paul Davies, now at the University of Adelaide, and
independently by William Unruh of the University of British Columbia.
Davies-Unruh effect predicts that if you accelerate through it, the
uniform vacuum state turns into a tepid sea of heat radiation from your
point of view if you accelerate through it. Two years ago, this
triggered a
thought in the minds of Bernhard Haisch of the Lockheed Solar and
Astrophysics Laboratory in Palo Alto and, independently, Hal Puthoff of
Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas. Both wondered if, like
heat radiation, inertia is a product of acceleration through the vacuum.
Joining forces with Alfonso Rueda, a theorist at California State
Long Beach, Haisch and Puthoff last year came up with a new version of
Newton's second law. Again, it has F for force on the left-hand side,
and a
for acceleration on the right. But in place of M, their version
featured a
complex mathematical expression tying inertia to the properties of the
vacuum. It implies that fluctuations in the vacuum give rise to a
field through which all objects move. If the object accelerates, its
constituent particles feel the grip of this magnetic field, whose
manifests itself as inertia. The larger the object, the more particles
contains and the stronger the reluctance to undergo acceleration.

If the Theory Fits...

It is a neat idea, though it is not without its critics. Haisch and his
colleagues had to deal with a problem familiar to every theorist trying
understand the vacuum, which is that estimates of the effects of vacuum
energy inevitably end up having to add together all the frequencies of
fluctuation that contribute to the total vacuum energy. The trouble is
some frequency limit has to be imposed, otherwise the result is an
infinitely energetic vacuum. Worse still, all sensible guesses as to
the frequency cutoff might be still lead to ludicrously high values, as
as 120 orders of magnitude out of kilter with the limits set by
of distant galaxies. As Nobel prizewinning physicist Steven Weinberg of
University of Texas puts it, "This must be the worst failure of an
order of
magnitude estimate in the history of science."

This problem has prompted some theorists to search for a mechanism that
forces the vacuum energy to be precisely zero, while Haisch and his
colleagues have tried resorting to a rather obscure theory of gravity
was sketched out in the late 1960s by the Russian physicist Andrei
According to Sakharov's theory, the vacuum has no gravitational
effects. But
Milonni, for one, is not impressed with the way Haisch has applied the
theory to vacuum energy.

Important as this wrangle is, it pales into insignificance compared with
another consequence of the link between the vacuum state and inertia. By
altering the vacuum state it might be possible to alter the inertia of
objects. This is the stuff of science fiction, though as Haisch points
History is full of impossibilities turned into technologies, from
flying to
splitting atoms". He stops short of talk about spacecraft powered by
energy, which "switch off" their inertia when they want to move on. "It
might only prove possible to modify inertia on the atomic scale, but
not the
macroscopic scale," he says.

In the meantime, Haisch and his colleagues are concentrating on
building up
solid observational support for their theory. Later this year, The
Astrophysical Journal will publish research by Rueda, Haisch and Daniel
of IBM in Vermont that suggests that the vacuum plays a key role in
structure in the Universe. (Ap. J. article now online) They claim that
vacuum accelerates charged particles, sweeping them up to form
concentrations of matter surrounded by vast cosmic voids. The formation
structure in the Universe is one of the oldest mysteries of cosmology,
so it
would be a feather in the cap of the theorists if the vacuum proved to
the missing ingredient.

But the most tantalising idea to emerge from these developments remains
prospect of manipulating the vacuum. The idea originated in 1948, when
Hendrick Casimir of the Philips Laboratory in Eindhoven, Holland, made a
startling prediction. Bring two perfectly conducting flat plates close
each other, he claimed, and a force will appear between them, pushing
closer together. That force, he said, was the result of the flat plates
cutting off the space between them from the seething sea of the vacuum
around them. It was as if the rest of the vacuum was hammering on the
trying to get in and thus forcing them together.

Nine years later, M. J. Sparnaay, also at Philips, verified Casimir's
startling prediction. The effect is, however, incredibly feeble,
to a pressure of just one hundred-millionth of an atmosphere on plates
a thousandth of a millimetre apart. It may be unfamiliar, but it can be
in the forces within liquids and gases (see "A brief history of the

Though no one has the faintest idea how to boost the Casimir effect to a
useful size, its existence has prompted some theorists, including Cole
Puthoff, to look at ways of putting the vacuum to technological use. In
research published 18 months ago in Physical Review, they pointed out
as plates are drawn together by the Casimir effect they develop kinetic
energy that turns into heat when the plates finally collide. They went
on to
look at exploiting this effect by imagining a vacuum "engine"
consisting of
large numbers of colliding plates. Astonishingly, their calculations
that such an engine could indeed extract energy from the bottomless
well of
the vacuum. There wouldn't be much energy to play with. "Optically
square-metre plates collapsing to one micron spacing would yield half a
nanojoule, and even if the collapse took place in a millisecond, that's
half a microwatt - not much to write home about," admits Puthoff.
why you would need microscopic, throwaway systems running at high rate."
Quite what form they would take, no one yet knows.

The solution to the cosmologist's nightmare, the explanation of inertia
the cure for the world's energy crisis? The vacuum is in danger of
everyone's answer to everything. But it seems a safe bet that the vacuum
theorists are likely to come up with some big surprises over the coming
years. The philosophers were right: nature does abhor a vacuum.
of the next century may well come to love it.


Until about a century ago, the vacuum was just a vague philosophical
In the 17th century, for example, Descartes came up with the decidedly
dubious argument that it was impossible to have a vacuum - that is,
- separating two particles, as the particles would by definition not be
separated at all.

It took the advent of quantum theory, with its concept of energy coming
discrete packets, to cut through such word games. Hints that there was
to the vacuum than its name suggests first emerged as long ago as 1911,
during research by Max Planck, the originator of the quantum concept.
Planck found that one of his equations for the energy of a hot body had
term in it that did not depend on temperature. In other words, even at
absolute zero the body would have some residual energy. Other
including Einstein, found similar terms popping up in their own
investigations. This seemed bizarre, for where could this energy come
So physicists began to look for experimental evidence for the existence
this "energy from nowhere". In 1925, the American chemist Robert
found it, in the spectrum of boron monoxide. Analysing the frequency of
spectral lines, he discovered a slight shift, the energy for which had
seemingly come from "nowhere".

Two years later, Werner Heisenberg in Germany put this "energy from
on its modern foundations with his uncertainty principle. This shows
even empty space is seething with activity, and the effects of this
crop up in the most surprising places. For example, vacuum energy
fluctuations cause random "noise" in electronic circuits, and this puts
limits on the level to which signals can be amplified. Van der Waal's
the feeble attractive forces that allow real gases to be turned into
also come from distortion of vacuum energy by molecules.

This same vacuum energy also explains why cooling alone will never
liquid helium. Unless pressure is applied, vacuum energy fluctuations
prevent its atoms getting close enough to trigger solidification. Even
fluorescent strip lighting relies on the causeless, random energy
fluctuations of the vacuum state. When atoms of mercury vapour are
by the electrical discharge in the tube, their spontaneous emission of
photons is triggered by vacuum fluctuations knocking them out of their
unstable energy state. Every time you switch on your office lights, you
seeing an effect that physicists now think could hold the key to the big


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: August 11, 2006 6:23:53 AM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Via Campesina takes part in
solidarity mission to Lebanon

Press release La Via Campesina

La Via
Campesina takes part in solidarity mission to Lebanon

(Jakarta/Oslo, 11 August 2006) Two representatives of the
international peasants movement la Via Campesina are taking part in a
peace mission to Lebanon organised by the NGO Focus on the Global South
and other civil society groups from 12 to 16 August, 2006. The team is
made up of 12 representatives from social movements, trade unions,
human rights groups and members of parliament from various countries.
This mission is responding to calls by Lebanese civil society
organisations to come to their country to witness the war.

The mission is calling for an immediate ceasefire. The delegates will
convey solidarity to the people of Lebanon and get broad information
about the areas affected by the war. The delegates will also meet with
civil society networks, political parties and top Lebanese officials.

La Via Campesina will be represented by Kari Kobberoed Brustad and
Girard Durand, respectively from the Norwegian Peasants Union (NBS) and
Confidiration Paysanne (France). Both of them are farmers (milk
producers). They are specifically going to Lebanon to assess the
farmers situation and to show solidarity to peasants and food
producers there. The war has a devastating impact on peoples lives,
land, cattle and environment.

La Via Campesina is struggling for food sovereignty around the world.
This includes access to land, water, productive resources and adequate
public services: something that war is destroying on a long term basis.

Hundreds of innocent civilians have already been killed, farmers have
been killed in their fields, thousands have been wounded, and almost a
million people have been made homeless in this tragic conflict. This is
unacceptable and we hope this peace mission will contribute to put an
end to this inhuman situation very soon.

La Via Campesina is an autonomous, pluralistic movement, independent
from all political and economic organisations. It represents millions
of peasants, landless, rural woman, indigenous people and agricultural
workers from all around the world.

For more information about the mission, please contact:

Kari Kobberoed Brustad: +47 90534238 (in English and Norwegian)
Girard Durand: +33 680723274 (in French)
Paul Nicholson: +34636451566 (in English, Spanish and French)


Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


Boycott of Soybeans Grown in the Amazon - Global Trade Newsletter #42

Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 15:08:52 +1000 From: Global Trade Watch

Global Trade Watch E-Newsletter #42 - August 2006 **

... As the CEO of Bluescope Steel put it so succinctly last month, "We
(Australia) are caught up in ideology in the fantasy that we can lead
the world to a free-trade nirvana by unilaterally dropping our tariffs"

* Consumers (& Greenpeace) Force European Food Giants out of the Amazon

Leading European supermarkets, food manufacturers and fast-food chains,
including McDonald's, have pledged not to use soya illegally grown in
the Amazon region in response to evidence that large areas of virgin
forest are being felled for the crop. In a victory for consumer power,
the companies say they will not deal with the four trading giants who
dominate production in Brazil unless they can show they are not
sourcing soya from areas being farmed illegally. The traders met in Sao
Paolo last week and are expected to sign up to a moratorium on using
soya grown in the Amazon. The deal has been brokered by Greenpeace
which, in an investigation earlier this year, linked the illegal
destruction of the forest to large-scale soya farming financed by
US-based commodity multinationals Cargill, ADM and Bunge.


* Banks Adopt Green Principles

Dozens of international commercial banks and lenders, including global
heavyweights like Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Standard Chartered,
have signed an updated set of environmental and social safeguards that
binds them to shoulder more responsible lending in the future. Under
the programme, more than 40 international financial institutions have
committed to financing only those projects that comply with the Equator
Principles (EP), a set of voluntary environmental and social standards
that seek to uphold the rights of people displaced by projects and to
protect endangered ecosystems.



* Tell KFC to stop trashing the Amazon

Despite repeated requests from consumers, KFC have refused to agree to,
or even comment on, a ban on the use of soya grown in deforested areas
of the Amazon. Thanks to people like you taking action (and to
Greenpeace), McDonald's and other food companies have made a big
commitment to help protect the Amazon by instigating a moratorium on
Amazon soya, so why can't the Colonel? The moratorium will only succeed
if we get as much support as possible, so getting a company the size of
KFC, and its parent company, Yum! Foods, involved is vital. They can
put pressure on their suppliers and insist on a complete ban on
chickens fed on Amazon soya as well as other Amazon soya products.
Please email David Fitzjohn, KFC's Managing Director for Europe, and
tell him to stop trashing the Amazon:


* Bertone slams IMF and World Bank "usury" (Aug 9) Pope Benedict XVI's
choice as the next secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, has
said in an interview that he considered international lending by the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and by richer countries a
form of usury that "should be declared illegal." "Some technocrats,
especially those of multinationals, the World Bank and the
(International) Monetary Fund, have imposed unacceptable conditions on
the poor populations, like forced sterilization and obligatory closing
of Catholic schools," he said.

* IMF Chief Previews New Focus on Poor Nations (Aug 1) - The
International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it is moving to give poor
nations greater say and representation on its board of directors and to
refocus its work to help prevent financial crises in those nations.

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
41262296 Mirror: I use the old Mac OS; being
incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. If
your emails to me bounce, write to me at To
unsubscribe, reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line; allow 1 day.


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 10, 2006 9:30:10 PM EST
Subject: Twin Towers wreckage turning up all over the place

Twin Towers wreckage turning up all over the place

By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Aug 7, 2006, 01:21

And you thought all the 9/11 WTC wreckage was swept up in eight months
and sent to be smelted in foreign countries or secret places in our own
strange land, right? And that the rest of the rubble was buried in
Fresh Kills (appropriate name), Staten Island. So did I. But now it
turns out last remains of the Towers are being stored in an
80,000-square-foot hangar at JFK International Airport in New York.
Aint that a kick in the head?...


From: Taking Aim <>
Date: August 10, 2006 4:02:57 PM EST
To: Taking Aim 2 <>
Subject: Taking Aim Bulletin August 10, 2006 - We need your support

We need your support:

1. To have Taking Aim broadcast by KPFA, Pacifica's Bay Area radio
and other stations throughout the US and internationally.

2. To have the Chinese translation of "The Hidden History of Zionism"
for publication.

3. To spread the word about our upcoming event, next Thursday, August

The details:

Our proposal for Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone to be
broadcast on KPFA is before the KPFA Program Council. We meet with the
Program Council this coming Tuesday, August 15 (our proposal is

This is our third attempt to have Taking Aim aired on the Pacifica Radio
Network's Bay Area station (KFPA) and we need you to contact the Program
Council to tell its members how much it means to you have Taking Aim
broadcast over KPFA. Contact Tracy Rosenberg <>

Our first proposal was "lost" three years ago even though we had been in
regular communication with the staff person handling our application.

Our second proposal was turned down last year - no reason given - even
though the Program Council told us that we are intelligent and skilled
programmers, that our broadcasts had a large supportive KPFA audience
Taking Aim shows had been re-broadcast on Guns and Butter) and that we
had a
track record of raising significant funds for KPFA.

Make your voice heard. Don't let the KPFA Program Council suppress our
cutting-edge political analysis.


WBAI-NY continues to be an ardent supporter of Taking Aim as we are of
important radio station. Taking Aim is the top rated weekly program
according to a WBAI member survey.

We have been picked up by the Progressive Radio Network (streamed on
Wednesday at 11:00 am PT/2:00 pm ET) and have been contacted by other
Internet radio stations. Please contact your Pacifica Radio Network
or affiliate to recommend the broadcast of Taking Aim with Ralph
and Mya Shone.

Taking Aim reaches people worldwide via our Internet archive at We have heard from supporters on all
Your messages of encouragement are greatly appreciated as are your
to spread the word about Taking Aim.


"The Hidden History of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman has become a
classic. As
Akiva Orr, founder of Matzpen, and author of "The UnJewish State: The
Politics of Jewish Identity in Israel" stated upon the initial
of HHZ: "If you are not afraid to be shocked into rethinking your views
Israel, then "The Hidden History of Zionism" is the best short sharp
you can get."

We have an excellent Chinese translation. It was prepared in handwritten
script rather than on a computer and must be typed into a computer. The
is $3,000. We intend to make this translation available on the Internet
accessible for print publication. [Checks made out to Veritas Press, PO
6345, Vallejo, CA 94591 - please include a notation that the funds are
the Chinese translation.]

HHZ was translated into French and Spanish and published by Selio upon
original publication. It has since been translated into Portuguese by a
Brazilian group. It has been translated into other languages and placed
the Internet by groups internationally (Please let us know if you find
it on
the Internet in various languages.)

One of our supporters has scanned the French edition. We need someone to
review the scan (scans introduce typographical errors) and make
in order to make the French version available on the Internet.

The Spanish version needs to be scanned and then corrected, too.

Please contact us if you can assist us so that we can make the French
Spanish versions available on the Internet as we have done with the
English of "The Hidden History of Zionism."

Note that "The Hidden History of Zionism" is available in print edition,
too, by ordering it from us (Veritas Press) or from


Mark your calendars - one week from now:

"Apocalypse Now: The US and Israeli Master Plan for the Middle East"

Thursday, August 17 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the Unitarian
Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar St., at Bonita Berkeley, CA,. $10 suggested
donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For more
call 707.552.9992 or write

Bring a friend, colleague and members of your family.

See you there.

Mya and Ralph


From: "NguyenKhaPhamThanhChuong" <>
Date: August 10, 2006 3:00:42 PM EST
Subject: View from ME

http://DuyViet.Org (Galloway vs

The Arrogance of Zionists in Planning a New
Middle East

Muhammad Salahuddin,

Some features and characteristics of the new Middle East which US
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice promised what she earlier called
the creative mess are gradually appearing and becoming clearly
visible. For many years, the plan has been unclear and known only
through rumors being spread here and there by the American Zionist
government, intelligence bodies or certain research centers.

In spite of the massive destruction, the massacres and the genocide
happening where the American war is using the most violent weapons in
its arsenal, including those that are internationally forbidden,
Lebanon is considered the first practical model of the new Middle
East. It is something that Rice chose to draw our attention to as a
lesson and as something to be taken on board lest we consider opposing
or resisting.

The opening night of the second practical model was held in Britain a
few days ago. A British report revealed the plans for settling 50,000
Palestinian refugees in Egypts western desert and the Sudan.

It was a plan that called for settling Palestinian refugees in a
number of Arab countries. The British newspaper, The Guardian, noted
that the CIA was in charge of carrying out the project and that it
would soon present a tender for bids to construct model villages in
Egypt and Sudan to house a number of residents.

The buildings themselves will be located in a special area of fertile
land with good quality water and a very small population. The Guardian
also stated that the CIA named the project Village 2010 with 2010
referring to the year of completing the project and noting that
American President Bush had suggested the name.

The American Zionist interest in Sudan in other words the keeping
the Sudanese population away from the area for years and the
international forces to be sent to Darfur are not there to save
innocent children and women victims and not to prevent the genocide
happening there.

Its all being carried out by the Israeli forces in Lebanon for the
benefit of the United States of America. So what has been planned for
Sudan is to get rid of a part of the five million Palestinian refugees
who disturb the American president, his secretary of state and of
course, Israel. The region in Sudan is rich in resources and most
importantly, oil and uranium.

Iraq is undoubtedly another example of the new Middle East. The
American war brought the country bloody massacres, destructive
rebellions and resentful racism that are destroying the countrys
unity. Yet, it is obvious and assured that the Zionists in Washington
planned for all the Arab countries in the new Middle East what is
sadly similar to whats happening in Iraq and Lebanon. The theory is
turning into reality and it is more than just another frightening

Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal was asked last week whether he
approved of the term the New Middle East. And I wish that he had
drifted a little bit away from his usual good manners and sophisticated
diplomacy in expressing his opinion.

I truly believe that the arrogant Condoleezza Rice has reached an
unaccepted and illogical level of humiliation, addressing the new
Middle East as if Arabs were a herd of sheep and she the butcher who
decides their fate.

Prince Saud said, We want to go back to our old Middle East. We can
only see more problems and catastrophes in the new one. The Middle East
is not a territory without human beings and therefore, our fates must
be decided by our nations. If people deserve to live, then they will
become united and create a situation that will save our interests. I do
believe that our fate is in our hands and not someone elses; no matter
how strong the confronting forces are, there are always capabilities
and powers to help us protect ourselves.

His response was both polite and profound and it only makes sense and
can be carried out by people who are civilized, have humanitarian goals
and respect for others.

The Zionist mind, however, is incapable of comprehending any of these
nor does it understands the subtlety of complex diplomatic signals.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 15, 2006, 12:06:26 PM8/15/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 15, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 14, 2006 1:57:57 PM EST
Subject: China Drought Leaves 17 Million without Water

While here in Alaska the fall rains have begun early...
China Drought Leaves 17 Million without Water - Media

CHINA: August 14, 2006

BEIJING - About 17 million people in southwest China don't have access
to clean drinking water due to sustained drought, state media reported
on Sunday.

Crops on large tracts of farmland in Sichuan province and the nearby
Chongqing municipality have withered due to the month-long drought,
causing economic losses of 9.23 billion yuan (US$1.15 billion), the
Beijing News and the Xinhua news agency said.

Local governments have allocated funds to help residents fight the
drought by tapping ground water and improving water conservation
facilities, Xinhua said.

The searing heat meant 14 million people in Chongqing and three million
in Sichuan lack clean drinking water, the media said.

State television showed pictures of trucks transporting water to the
worst-hit areas and villagers digging wells.

The water level in the Chongqing section of the Yangtze river --
China's longest river -- hit 3.5 metres (11.5 feet), its lowest in 100
years, the online edition of state broadcaster CCTV said.



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 14, 2006 3:25:20 PM EST
Subject: In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts!

George Bushs Mental State:
In Your Guts, You Know Hes Nuts!
By Jeffrey Steinberg
August 13th, 2006

The word is circulating in high-level Republican Party circles that
former President George H.W. Bush is profoundly worried about the
mental state of his son, the current President. According to the
sources, Bush 41 has been communicating with his own intimate circle,
including former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, and former
Secretary of State James Baker III, along with former President Bill
Clinton, about G.W.s over-the-top support for Israels current
self-destructive assault on Lebanon. The ex-President has reportedly
conveyed to his close associates that he fears that G.W. is in a
messianic state and is unreachable, even by such close advisors as
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Insight magazine, the online
publication of the Washington Times, buttressed this account, reporting
in early August that, for the first time, a rift has developed between
Rice and President Bush, over the Presidents one-sided support for
Israel, in the ongoing Israeli Defense Forces invasion of Lebanon.

The former PresidentsBush and Clintonwho have worked together on
post-Katrina humanitarian relief efforts and other projects, are
reportedly attempting to encourage President Bush to take the
diplomatic high ground, and avoid further bloodshed in Lebanon, which
could spill over into an out-of-control clash of civilizations
conflict, engulfing much of the planet.

Unfortunately for the Bush Family legacy, and for the fate of the
United States and the world at large, there is scant evidence that the
President is in the least interested in returning from the Far Side. If
anything, his performance during an Aug. 7 press conference with Rice
at Crawford, Texas, convinced many previously hopeful observers that
George W. Bush is suffering from what some would dare to call absolute

To be sure, the notorious sociopath, Vice President Dick Cheney, has
been one of the principal Bush Administration architects of Israels
no-holds-barred invasion of Lebanon, and has been waging a
behind-the-scenes war with an ever-more inept and frustrated Condi
Rice, over the issue. And, as even the New York Times noted on Aug. 10,
National Security Council Near East chief Elliott Abrams, one of the
leading Clean Break neo-cons remaining in the Bush White House inner
circle, has been Cheneys mole, shadowing Rice to Israel and Lebanon,
and reporting back to the Vice Presidents office, to make sure that
the Israeli hardliners prevail, even if it means they steer the Jewish
State into a suicidal
Thirty Years War misadventure across their northern border.

Sources close to the White House have been reporting for several months
that Cheney has been waiting in the wings for Rices diplomacy to hit a
brick wall. At that point, the sources report, Cheney intends to step
back into the limelight, and press President Bush to order military
action against Iran. Plans have been on the drawing board at the
Strategic Command for a year or more, for vigorous air strikes against
as many as 40 sites inside Iran, said by the Cheney faction to be part
of an underground nuclear weapons program.

Furthermore, the administration has been in talks with European NATO
allies and Israel over the need to take out Irans alleged asymmetric
warfare asset, Hezbollah, prior to any direct confrontation with
Tehran. From Cheneys point of view, the now ongoing Israeli incursion
into Lebanon, which is moving as of this writing, into a fullscale
ground invasion, is a critical first step towards a military
confrontation with Iran, that, he hopes, will result in regime-change
in Tehran. David Frum, the former Bush speechwriter who authored the
now infamous Axis of Evil State of the Union address in January 2002,
told the McClatchy newspapers that, The reason hes [President Bush]
been giving the green light to Israel in southern Lebanon is hes
heading toward a confrontation with Iran. Hezbollah is Irans strongest
weapon. Thats what this is aboutthe United States benefits from
taking away Irans weapon.

Bush Eyes Armageddon

But for all of their imperial fantasies, Cheneyand, perhaps, even
Abramsare driven by real-world considerations like oil geopolitics,
and the larger Synarchist drive to foment perpetual asymmetric warfare
all across Eurasia, to shatter the Westphalian nation-state system.
They are sickos to be sure, but not religious zealots, caught up in End
Times fantasies and God complexes. Bush, on the other hand, is believed
by some close observers to be in a paranoid, megalomaniacal state, in
which he harbors Armageddonist delusions that God personally intervened
to place him in the Presidency, to support Israel in the present bloody
fiasco in Lebanon. If these reports have even a shred of truth behind
them, the U.S.A., Israel, and the extended Southwest Asian region are
in even more grave danger.

Dr. Justin Frank, the noted George Washington University Medical School
psychiatrist and author of the book-length diagnosis of the President,
Bush on the CouchInside the Mind of the President (see book review, in
this section), detailed George W. Bushs 24-year bout with alcoholism,
which only ended when the Rev. Billy Graham converted the future
President to born-again Christianity. Dr. Frank warned, in his
frightening clinical evaluation of the President, that Bush never
recovered from his alcoholism, never received any kind of treatment for
the disease, and merely adopted another mechanism to escape realitya
form of religious zealotry, associated with the Christian Zionism of
such latter-day Elmer Gantry types as Graham, Jerry Falwell, and Pat

A look inside President Bushs special relationship to Israel
appeared in an Aug. 3, 2006 McClatchy wire story by Ron Hutcheson.
Hutcheson interviewed Matthew Brooks, a Max Fisher protigi, who was the
executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition in 1998, when he
escorted then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush and three other GOP governors
on a tour of the Middle East. It was on this trip that Bush had his
first encounter with Ariel Sharon, then the Israeli Foreign Minister,
who took him on a helicopter tour of the Israeli Occupied Territories.

If theres a starting point for George W. Bushs attachment to
Israel, Brooks told Hutcheson, its the day in late 1998, when he
stood on a hilltop where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and,
eyes brimming with tears, read aloud from his favorite hymn, Amazing
Grace. He was very emotional. It was a tear-filled experience. He
brought Israel back home with him in his heart. I think he came away
profoundly moved.

In a 2005 speech, President Bush reflected on his helicopter tour with
Sharon: Its interesting how history works, isnt it? The future
President of the United States and the future Prime Minister of Israel
were flying across that country, with him describing to me how to keep
Israel secure.

Strategic Distraction

Increasingly, American voters are waking up to the fact that the
President of the United States gives all the clinical appearances of
being mad as a hatter. The Aug. 8 Democratic Primary vote in
Connecticut, in which incumbent Sen. Joseph Lieberman was defeated by
insurgent candidate Ned Lamont, was as much a vote of no-confidence in
Bush and Cheney, as it was a repudiation of Iraq warhawk Lieberman.
Stephen Colbert, the television humorist, had captured the essence of
the Bush-Lieberman love affair in a recent TV spot, which featured news
footage of the Presidents smooch on the Connecticut Senators lips,
during a Presidential speech before a joint session of Congress.

The day after Liebermans stunning defeat, Vice President Cheney made a
rare phone call to a group of reporters, in which he ranted that
Liebermans defeat represented a major victory for al-Qaeda types.
The very next day, Aug. 10, British police carried out arrests of 24
Muslims, declared a state of terrorist red alert, and announced that a
plot to blow up trans-Atlantic commercial airliners headed from
Heathrow Airport to the United States, had been foiled. The Bush
Administration instantaneously went into full wartime propaganda mode,
declaring a similar terror red alert, staging a series of news
conferences and briefings, and attempting to parlay the Cheney comments
about the Lieberman defeat and al-Qaeda into a political assault on the
Democratic Party. At the time he spoke to reporters, Cheney knew of the
pending British raids, according to news reports.

Lyndon LaRouche added a further strategic dimension to the
mass-distraction efforts of the Bush-Cheney White House. LaRouche
highlighted the overtime work of the Plunge Protection Teamcentered
out of the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and other leading
central banks around the globeto cover up and carry out damage control
for a major hedge-fund collapse, which threatens the entire world
financial system. News of this hedge-fund meltdown had barely made it
into the back pages of the financial press in Europe, but LaRouche had
been warning for months about a major financial chain-reaction crisis
before September, and the reports echoed precisely such an already
ongoing event.

Security sources in the United States and Europe quickly confirmed that
the timing of the crackdown on the purported British-Pakistani-based
terror cell had been politically engineered to distract attention away
from the accelerating collapse of public support for both President
Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair. While the cell had been
under investigation for a year, and did represent a potential threat,
the public hype was completely disproportionate to the reality of the
threat, and the timing was unmistakably aimed at diverting world
attention away from the financial crisis and the shrinking support for
the Anglo-American leaders, the sources confirmed.

Indeed, Bush and Blair, according to news accounts, had had telephone
discussions for months about the probe of the terror cell, and had
spoken by phone on Sunday, Aug. 6, and again on Monday, Aug. 7. Both
heads of state were on vacation as of Aug. 7. Two days later, Cheney
was ranting about Democrats being in bed with al-Qaeda types, and the
very next day, the sensational headlines in the Anglo-American press
invoked the images of another 9/11.

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), during an Aug. 11 campaign stop in New
York City, lambasted Vice President Cheney for his over-the-top tirade,
declaring, I dont take anything he says seriously anymore. I think
that he has been a very counterproductiveeven destructiveforce in our
country, and I am very disheartened by the failure of leadership from
the President and Vice President.

A majority of Americans appear to agree with Senator Clintons
appraisal. Sources close to White House political svengali Karl Rove
reported on Aug. 11 that, to their horror, the terror hype had already
backfired, with polls showing that support for Bush had fallen since
the terror plot was revealed.

This article appears in the August 18, 2006 issue of Executive
Intelligence Review

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Flying without liquids

A few useful articles on the latest phony terror scam aka Operation
Save Tonys Ass from London:
The UK Terror plot: what's really going on?
The Transatlantic Airplane Bomb Plot Armageddon - DON'T TALK ABOUT
IT !
The 10-Year-Old Terrorist Plot
Doubts Hang Over Terror Plot
TATP: about that pyro stuff in reports of alleged plane-bomb plot
Source: U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests

The internet is agog over the revelation in the last article that some
of the alleged terrorists hadnt bothered to obtain passports! It is
clear that the governments of the United States, Britain, and Canada
have an inventory of suspects under long-term surveillance who can be
used as patsies whenever the mood strikes the politicians. The crime
of the patsies consists entirely in the fact that they are young Muslim

We will continue to be fooled by the politicians as long as they need
to hide behind the war on terror in order to stay in power. In this
case, we have upcoming American elections coupled with Tonys pressing
problem of unpopular support for Israels massacre of Lebanese
civilians. Therefore, everyone else gets to pay with increasing
inconvenience at the airports. The joke is that the inconvenience
stays at its highest levels until the airline executives manage to get
their phone calls through to the politicians, when suddenly the
terrorist threat is reduced a shade or two, just in time to save the
airlines from bankruptcy.

This political scam can continue as long as we agree to put up with
it. Airline security is a joke, with the neanderthal screeners picking
out the 90-year-old grandmothers for strip-searches, and the guards
pouring all the chemicals, which supposedly explode on being mixed,
into the same vats. Why cant the terrorists soak their sweaters in
one chemical, their shirts in another, and repair to the airplane
bathrooms to soak themselves up an explosion when the two chemicals are
mixed? Whether they actually do this or not, the politicians can
continue to fool us as long as there is a reasonable reason to believe
that there is anger in the world-wide Muslim community. The only way to
stop the problem in the long term is to stop the root cause, and the
root cause is almost entirely Anglo-American support for Zionist wars
against Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon.

People forget that the inventor of the war on terror, the war we are
fighting at great expense and inconvenience but can never win, is a guy
called Benjamin Netanyahu. He set out the basic principles in books
and in a famous speech (or here) he made at the Jewish Agency Assembly
Plenary meetings on June 24, 2001 (note the date). On the morning of
September 11, Netanyahu said:

Its very good. Well, its not good, but it will generate immediate
sympathy [for Israel from Americans].

The plan has always been to involve the Americans and the British in
the Zionist phony war on terror. The war on terror is simply a
propaganda trick developed to allow Israel to steal land from, amongst
others, the Palestinians. Isnt it time we put an end to the
inconvenience, the expense (in money and lives), the fear, and the
violence, and stopped dancing to the tune of land thieves like

posted at 2:00 AM


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 15, 2006 3:57:02 AM EST
Subject: Bill Christison comes around on 9/11

Former CIA official Bill Christison, who was originally skeptical of
9/11 theories, has studied the matter and changed his position!


Stop Belittling the
Theories About September 11

by Bill Christison
August 14, 2006

However horrendous the crimes of two of the worlds great liars and
terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon, it is imperative that we not let the
deeds of Ehud Olmert and George W. Bush distract us from another recent

The U.S. alliance with Israel and the power of the lobby that lets
Israel so easily influence U.S. foreign policy have been major factors
in allowing the monstrous slaughter of innocent civilians in Gaza and
Lebanon. What is happening in these lands may also encourage Olmert and
Bush to start new hostilities in Syria and heavy, possibly nuclear,
bombings in Iran -- and this entire mess of neocon pottage may lead to
a new World War and clashes of civilizations and religious
fundamentalisms that these two wretched politicians seem quite
literally to want to impose on the rest of us. Its a tough case to
make that anything else going on in the world -- anywhere -- could
possibly be of equal importance.

But on July 29 and 30, and then again on August 1, something else
happened that increasing numbers of people believe is of equal
importance. On these dates C-SPAN rebroadcast a panel discussion, held
originally in late June, sponsored by an organization called the
American Scholars Symposium to discuss what really happened on
September 11, 2001. Held in Los Angeles, the meeting lasted two days,
and the C-SPAN rebroadcast covered one almost two-hour wrap-up session.
The meeting was attended by 1,200 people interested in hearing
something other than the official story of 9/11. The TV audience was
evidently large enough to spur C-SPAN to broadcast the panel discussion
five separate times in four days.

Even a month late, this is a lot of airtime for stories that many
people call conspiracy theories -- and for which many others use
nastier descriptions. It is possible that the head of C-SPAN, Brian
Lamb, so strongly disbelieves the conspiracy theories that he felt
giving them ample publicity would discredit them further. It is equally
possible, however, that Lamb, who seems honestly to believe in
presenting various sides of most issues as fairly as he can (although
not always giving every side equal time), tried to do exactly that on
the many legitimate questions raised about what actually happened on
September 11. In any event, C-SPAN has made a major effort to bring
information on the principal theories about 9/11 to the mainstream U.S.
media. Lamb cannot be blamed for the coincidence that recent heavy
military activity in Gaza and Lebanon is nearly drowning out his

Lets address the real issues here. Why is it important that we not let
the so-called conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 be drowned out?
After spending the better part of the last five years treating these
theories with utmost skepticism, I have devoted serious time to
actually studying them in recent months, and have also carefully
watched several videos that are available on the subject. I have come
to believe that significant parts of the 9/11 theories are true, and
that therefore significant parts of the official story put out by the
U.S. government and the 9/11 Commission are false. I now think there is
persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the
Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. The
items below highlight the major questions surrounding 9/11 but do not
constitute a detailed recounting of the evidence available.

ONE: An airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon. Hard
physical evidence supports this conclusion; among other things, the
hole in the Pentagon was considerably smaller than an airliner would
create. The building was thus presumably hit by something smaller,
possibly a missile, or a drone or, less possibly, a smaller manned
aircraft. Absolutely no information is available on what happened to
the original aircraft (American Airlines Flight 77), the crew, the
hijackers, and the passengers. The official story, as it appeared
in The 9/11 Commission Report simply says, At 9:37:46, American
Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at
approximately 530 miles per hour. All on board, as well as many
civilians and military personnel in the building, were killed. This
allows readers to assume that pieces of the aircraft and some bodies of
passengers were found in the rubble of the crash, but information so
far released by the government does not show that such evidence was in
fact found. The story put out by the Pentagon is that the plane and its
passengers were incinerated; yet video footage of offices in the
Pentagon situated at the edge of the hole clearly shows office
furniture undamaged. The size of the hole in the Pentagon wall still
remains as valid evidence and so far seems irrefutable.

TWO: The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost
certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft
hit them. A plane did not hit Building 7 of the Center, which also
collapsed. All three were most probably destroyed by controlled
demolition charges placed in the buildings before 9/11. A substantial
volume of evidence shows that typical residues and byproducts from such
demolition charges were present in the three buildings after they
collapsed. The quality of the research done on this subject is quite

If the judgments made on Points ONE and TWO above are correct, they
raise many Who done it questions and strongly suggest that some
unnamed persons or groups either inside or with ties to the government
were actively creating a Pearl Harbor event, most likely to gain
public support for the aggressive foreign policies that followed --
policies that would, first, transform the entire Middle East, and
second, expand U.S. global domination.

These first two points provide the strongest evidence available that
the official story of 9/11 is not true. If the government could prove
this evidence false, and its own story on these points correct, all the
other data and speculation supporting the conspiracy theories would be
undermined. It has provided no such proof and no answers to growing

Other, less important points supporting the theories include the

THREE: For at least one hour and 45 minutes after the hijacking of the
first aircraft was known, U.S. air defense authorities failed to take
meaningful action. This strikes some conspiracy theorists as valid
evidence that the U.S. Air Force was deliberately restrained from
acting. Maybe so, but my own skepticism tells me that the inefficiency
of U.S. defense forces is likely to be just as plausible an

FOUR: Some of the theorists believe that the 19 named hijackers were
not actually the hijackers. One claim is that the names of the
hijackers were not on the manifests of any of the four aircraft.

FIVE: None of the 19 hijackers bodies were ever autopsied (since they
were allegedly totally destroyed in the crashes, including even the
people in the Pennsylvania crash).

SIX: At least five of the alleged hijackers (or persons with identical
names) have since turned up alive in the Middle East. Nonetheless, the
FBI has never bothered to re-investigate or revise the list of
hijackers. Does this suggest that the FBI knows that no one in the
administration is interested in reopening any further investigations?

SEVEN: Numerous pilots have allegedly told the theorists that none of
the 19 hijackers could have flown the airliners well enough to hit the
World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon with as much accuracy as was
displayed. The debate on this issue simply raises more doubt about the
governments charge that the people it has named as hijackers are the
real hijackers.

EIGHT: No one, except possibly government investigators who are not
talking, has seen the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Some of the
conspiracy theorists suggest that it was deliberately destroyed before
it hit the ground; others suggest that the plane actually landed in
Cleveland and that passengers then were whisked away to some unknown
destination. What happened to them at that point is simply a large
question mark that makes it more difficult to believe this particular

NINE: Machinations in the U.S. stock market in the days before 9/11
suggest that some inside players in the market knew or suspected that
United and American Airlines stock would soon drop. Two of the four of
the aircraft involved in 9/11 were, or course, United planes and the
other two were American Airlines planes.

It should be reemphasized that these items do not make up a complete
list of all the charges made by the theorists, but they are a good
sample. Anyone interested in perhaps the best summary of these charges
should watch the video Loose Change.

To repeat, points ONE and TWO above are the most important. If
something other than an airliner actually did hit the Pentagon on 9/11,
and if the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center actually
were dropped to the ground by controlled demolitions rather than by
anything connected to the hijackings, the untrue stories peddled by The
9/11 Commission Report are clearly susceptible of being turned into
major political issues.

A Scripps-Howard News Service/Ohio University poll taken from July 6 to
24, 2006 concluded that more than a third [36 percent] of the American

public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist

attacks or took no action to stop them, so that the United States could
go to war in the Middle East. The poll also found that 16 percent of

Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning
passenger jets, were the real reason the massive twin towers of the
World Trade Center collapsed.

A poll done by the Zogby polling organization two months earlier,
between May 12 and 16, 2006, and using questions worded somewhat
differently, suggested even more strongly that the issue could become a
big one if aggressively publicized. This poll concluded that 42
percent of Americans believed there had indeed been a cover-up of the
true events of 9/11, and an additional 10 percent of Americans were
unsure. The co-author of the poll, W. David Kubiak, stated that,
despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash, and 9/11
Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still cant even muster
50 percent popular support.

Whichever of these polls is closer to the truth, it would seem that
there is considerable support for making a major political issue of the

This should be worked on at two different levels. At the first level,
the objective should be long-term, centered on making a maximum effort
to find out who the individuals and groups are that carried out the
attacks in New York and Washington. Then, these people should be tried
in an international court and, if possible, convicted and punished for
causing so many deaths. Such a trial, accompanied by actual change in
U.S. policies, would show that some people on this globe are at least
trying to move closer to more just and decent behavior in human
relationships around the world.

At the second level, the short term, the task should be to immediately
set to work as hard as is humanly possible to defeat in this years
congressional election any candidate who refuses to support a
no-holds-barred investigation of 9/11 by the Congress or a high-level
international court. No more evidence than is now available is needed
in order to begin this process.

A manageable volume of carefully collected and analyzed evidence is
already at hand on both items ONE and TWO above. Such evidence should
be used right now to buttress charges that elements within the Bush
administration, as well as possibly other groups foreign or domestic,
were involved in a massive fraud against the American people, a fraud
that has led to many thousands of deaths.

This charge of fraud, if proven, involves a much greater crime against
the American people and people of the world than any other charges of
fraud connected to the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. It
is a charge that we should not sweep under the rug because what is
happening in Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Syria, and Iran seems more pressing
and overwhelming. It is a charge that is more important because it is
related to all of the areas just mentioned -- after all, the events of
9/11 have been used by the administration to justify every single
aspect of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East since September 11. It
is a charge that is more important also because it affects the very
core of our entire political system. If proven, it is a conspiracy, so
far successful, not only against the people of the United States, but
against the entire world. Finally, it is a charge too important to
ignore simply because the U.S. government refuses to discuss it. We
must force the Bush administration to discuss it.

Discussions aggressively pushed day after day about what really
happened on 9/11 will be one of the most important tasks between now
and early November. Such discussions can, one hopes, provide
progressives with a way to jolt voters out of their apathy and inchoate
willingness to support the status quo that they think gives them
security -- and encourage more voters to stop supporting Bush, the
Republicans, and the wobbly Democratic politicians who might as well be
Republicans. A major issue like this, already supported by many voters,
may prove particularly important in a congressional election year when
new uncertainties in the Middle East, new possibilities of terrorism
against the U.S. in retaliation for recent large-scale acts of
Israeli/U.S. terrorism in Gaza and Lebanon, and the corrupt
almost-single-party U.S. political system combine to make it more
likely that supporters of Bush will retain their majority this

In terms of electoral impact, it would not matter whether heavy
publicity did in fact force the administration to accept a new
high-level investigation of the 9/11 events. Initially, the principal
goal would be to contribute heavily to the defeat of both Republicans
and Democrats who refuse to support wholeheartedly a major new
investigation by Congress or an international court. This might result
in the defeat of more Republicans than Democrats in November, but
ultimately the hoped-for goal should be the end of a system in which
Democrats are barely different from Republicans, along with cutbacks in
the political power of wealth and the foreign and domestic lobbies paid
for by wealth. These are the dominant features of our system today that
have practically eliminated meaningful democracy in the U.S. This
failure of democracy has happened before in U.S. history, but this time
it is likely to last longer -- at least until U.S. policies begin to
pay as much attention to the needs of the world as they do to selfish
or thoughtless needs of the U.S. and of its military-industrial
complex. Attacks on the criminal events surrounding 9/11 might speed
this process.

Virtually no members of Congress, Democratic or Republican, will relish
calling for a further investigation of 9/11. For right now, in addition
to other motives, the issue should be used to go after those political
prostitutes among elected office-holders who should also be defeated
because they are so easily seduced by money and power to vote for
immoral wars against weak enemies.

At the Los Angeles meeting of the American Scholars Symposium, one of
the main speakers, Webster Tarpley, summarized his own views on the
events of 9/11. He emphasized that neocon fascist madmen had
perpetrated the 9/11 myth. He went on to say, The most important
thing is that the 9/11 myth is the premise and the root of the
Afghanistan War and the Iraq War and the coming attack on Iran. ... We
must ... deprive [the myths perpetrators] of the ability to stampede
and manipulate hundreds of millions of people [with their] ...
cynically planned terrorist events.

Lets give Webster Tarpley and other mistakenly labeled conspiracists
who have labored in the wilderness for so long three cheers.


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The UK Terror Plot: What's Really Going On?

by Craig Murray
August 14, 2006

I have been reading very carefully through all the Sunday newspapers to
try and analyse the truth from all the scores of pages claiming to
detail the so-called bomb plot. Unlike the great herd of so-called
security experts doing the media analysis, I have the advantage of
having had the very highest security clearances myself, having done a
huge amount of professional intelligence analysis, and having been
inside the spin machine.

So this, I believe, is the true story.

None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane
ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of
the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for
quite some time.

In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases
passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond
reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide
bombings, whatever rash stuff they may have bragged in internet chat

What is more, many of those arrested had been under surveillance for
over a year - like thousands of other British Muslims. And not just
Muslims. Like me. Nothing from that surveillance had indicated the need
for early arrests.

Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing
plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had
not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators
of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like
canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most
extraordinary information this way. Trouble is it always tends to give
the interrogators all they might want, and more, in a desperate effort
to stop or avert torture. What it doesn't give is the truth.

The gentleman being "interrogated" had fled the UK after being wanted
for questioning over the murder of his uncle some years ago. That might
be felt to cast some doubt on his reliability. It might also be felt
that factors other than political ones might be at play within these
relationships. Much is also being made of large transfers of money
outside the formal economy. Not in fact too unusual in the British
Muslim community, but if this activity is criminal, there are many
possibilities that have nothing to do with terrorism.

We then have the extraordinary question of Bush and Blair discussing
the possible arrests over the weekend. Why? I think the answer to that
is plain. Both in desperate domestic political trouble, they longed for
"Another 9/11". The intelligence from Pakistan, however dodgy, gave
them a new 9/11 they could sell to the media. The media has bought,
wholesale, all the rubbish they have been shovelled.

We then have the appalling political propaganda of John Reid, Home
Secretary, making a speech warning us all of the dreadful evil
threatening us and complaining that "Some people don't get" the need to
abandon all our traditional liberties. He then went on, according to
his own propaganda machine, to stay up all night and minutely direct
the arrests. There could be no clearer evidence that our Police are now
just a political tool. Like all the best nasty regimes, the knock on
the door came in the middle of the night, at 2.30am. Those arrested
included a mother with a six week old baby.

For those who don't know, it is worth introducing Reid. A hardened
Stalinist with a long term reputation for personal violence, at
Stirling Univeristy he was the Communist Party's "Enforcer", (in days
when the Communist Party ran Stirling University Students' Union, which
it should not be forgotten was a business with a very substantial cash
turnover). Reid was sent to beat up those who deviated from the Party

We will now never know if any of those arrested would have gone on to
make a bomb or buy a plane ticket. Most of them do not fit the "Loner"
profile you would expect - a tiny percentage of suicide bombers have
happy marriages and young children. As they were all under
surveillance, and certainly would have been on airport watch lists,
there could have been little danger in letting them proceed closer to
maturity - that is certainly what we would have done with the IRA.

In all of this, the one thing of which I am certain is that the timing
is deeply political. This is more propaganda than plot. Of the over one
thousand British Muslims arrested under anti-terrorist legislation,
only twelve per cent are ever charged with anything. That is simply
harrassment of Muslims on an appalling scale. Of those charged, 80% are
acquitted. Most of the very few - just over two per cent of arrests -
who are convicted, are not convicted of anything to do terrorism, but
of some minor offence the Police happened upon while trawling through
the wreck of the lives they had shattered.

Be sceptical. Be very, very sceptical.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"

by Michel Chossudovsky
August 14, 2006

The announcement by the British Home Office of a foiled terror plot to
simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic
flights, conveys the impression that it is the Western World rather
than the Middle East which is under attack.B

Had the terrorist plot gone ahead as planned,B it would have resulted
in "the loss of life on an unprecedented scale", said Home Secretary
John Reid. (BBC, 10 August 2006).B

"We are confident we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to cause
untold death and destruction.... Put simply, this was intended to be
mass murder on an unimaginable scale", said Deputy Commissioner of the
Metropolitan police, Paul Stephenson. (Complete statement, 10 August

The London terror warning has served to divert World public attention
from the war in Lebanon and the atrocities committed by coalition
forces in the Middle East.B B

Realities have been twisted and turned upside down. A fear and
intimidation campaign has been launched. The "civilized" Western World
is threatened by "extremists" and "homegrown Islamic terrorists":B

"The global loathing for the United States and its ally, the United
Kingdom, has helped corrupt the minds of a generation of disaffected
young Muslims..."

Meanwhile, the real "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" (to use
Scotland Yard's expression) committed in Lebanon at the height of a
major escalation of the Israeli led invasion, was barely acknowledged
by the Western media.B B

President Bush stated (August 10) that the planned terror plot wasB

"..a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists
who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt
our nation".

Media Disinformation

The global media is inundated with "authoritative" stories on the
foiled UK terror plot "to smuggle liquid bomb components in hand
luggage" onto transatlantic flights. The alleged plot involves some 50
British born Muslims, with insidious links to Al Qaeda and terror
groups in Pakistan.B

CNN's top journalists were rushed from the war theater in Lebanon to
cover unfolding events in London, England.B While Israel continues to
target civilians, the Western media has its eyes riveted on what is now
being described as a foiled "Second 9/11", which was allegedly slated
to occur on the 11th of September, on the day of commemoration of 9/11:

"It could have been a second 9/11 -sized slaughter..."B

"[W]e could have woken up this morning and the news could have been
that Act II, the second 9/11 could have occurred. And thank God it did
not, because we know the goal of those enemies that want to kill
innocent people here. (Fox News, Hannity Colmes, 10 August 2006)

In the days following the British Home Secretary's announcement, the
media disinformation campaign went into full gear. CNN's buzz words
are: "Target USA", "Could it happen right here in the United

The objective of the media campaign is to instill fear and
intimidation: "The British Home secretary, ... warned that another
terrorist attack on Britain is very likely...";B B "MI5 and the police
are investigating 'dozens and dozens' of possible Al Qaeda inspired
plots to cause mass murder in Britain" (Independent, 14 August 2006)

"Counter-terrorism" and war propaganda are intertwined: The message in
several British and US media points to "preemptive warfare" as a
justifiable act of "self defense" against what Condoleeza Rice calls
"the State sponsors of terrorism", who are preparingB a "Second 911".

The hidden agenda is to build public acceptanceB for the next stage of
the Middle East war which is directed against Syria and Iran, whileB
also weakening the antiwar movement.B

The Pakistani ConnectionB

While it may be premature to comment on the police investigation at
this early stage, due to the lack of information,B there are,
nonetheless, a number of obvious flaws and contradictions in the
statements emanating from Scotland Yard and Britain's Home Office. B

The initial reports of the Home Office point to the active
collaboration of Pakistani Military Intelligence in uncovering the
alleged terror plot. From the outset, most of the intelligence which
led to the arrests in the UK was apparently gathered by Pakistan's
military intelligence, who is said to "have tipped off MI5":B

"The plot to blow up passenger planes bound for the US from Britain by
making bombs onboard was revealed for the first time by Pakistan's
prime intelligence agency, which then brought it into the notice of its
counterpart agencies in the US and the UK, ... The agencies of all the
three countries then launched a successful operation in unison to foil
the plot. Well-placed sources revealed to The News on conditions of
anonymity that the operation was coordinated at the highest level by
all the three agencies. The heads of governments of all three countries
were also kept abreast with the efforts in this regards.

Pakistan's top intelligence agency's chief, Lt-Gen Ashfaq Pervez
Kiyani, personally supervised the coordination of the three agencies.
Gen Kiyani, who is director-general of the Inter-Services Intelligence
(ISI), returned from London only last week. The ISI chief and senior
aides travelled regularly to the West and even across the Atlantic in
this endeavour and not only unearthed the plot but also rendered
tangible assistance with precision in nabbing the suspects."B (The News
website, Islamabad, 12 August 2006)

Unfolding ContradictionsB

Of significance in assessing "the reliability" of the intelligence
transmitted by the ISI to its British and US counterparts, are the
detailed documented links of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) to
the "Islamic terror network".B

While actively collaborating with the British police investigation, the
Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) is known to have supported and
financed a number of "Islamic terror groups" including Al Qaeda.B In
fact the terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan were set
up in the early 1980s with the support of the ISI and the CIA. And the
leaders of these various Islamic organizations were also indoctrinated
in the ISI sponsored madrassas.B B

The ISI was instrumental in the creation of the militant Jammu and
Kashmir Hizbul Mujahideen (JKHM) in the late 1980s. Confirmed by the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), it has also supported and provided
financial assistance (during the entire post-Cold War era), to the two
main Pakistan-based Kashmir rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba, (Army of the
Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), which claimed
responsibility for the terror attack on the Indian parliament in
October 2001.

According to theB Council on Foreign Relations (CFR):B

[T]hrough its Interservices Intelligence agency (ISI), Pakistan has
provided funding, arms, training facilities, and aid in crossing
borders to Lashkar and Jaish. This assistance-an attempt to replicate
in Kashmir the international Islamist brigade's "holy war" against the
Soviet Union in Afghanistan-helped introduce radical Islam into the
long-standing conflict over the fate of Kashmirb&

See Council on Foreign Relations, "Terrorism: Questions and Answers,
Harakat ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Muhammad" , Washington
2002,B )

More recently, an Associated Press report suggested that
Jaish-e-Mohammed was allegedly behind the Mumbai July 2006 train
bombing that killed 190 people:B B

B " [A] US official who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of

anonymity pointed to another group, Jaish-e-Mohammed, or Army of
Mohammed, which is also affiliated with al-Qaeda, according to the Bush
administration. Targeting trains at rush hour traffic is a tactic

Jaish-e-Mohammed favors, the official said" (Associated Press Report
quoted by Larry Chin, July 2006).

The ISI has also provided support to the Bangladeshi based
Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, the South East Asian Jemaah Islamiah (JI),
the two main Chechen rebel factions, and other terrorist organizations.
The 2002 Bali attack in the Kuta seaside resort was allegedly
perpetrated by Jemaah Islamiah, which had previously been supported by
Pakistani Military Intelligence.

And the ISI, which is actively assisting Scotland Yard is also alleged
to have played a behind the scenes role in the 9/11 attacks.

The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence in 9/11

On the 9th of September 2001, two days before 9/11,B the charismatic
leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Masood
was assassinated in a suicide attack.B The Northern Alliance had
informed the Bush Administration that Pakistani intelligence (ISI) was
allegedly implicated in the assassination. (The Northern Alliance's
statement was released on 14 September 2001, quoted in a Reuters report
on 15 September 2001)

Moreover, according to several reports, Pakistan'sB ISI allegedly also
played a role in supporting the presumed 9/11 terrorists.B Of
particular significance is an FBI report leaked to ABC News in late
September 2001:B

"As to September 11th, federal authorities have told ABC News they have
now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in
Florida, to accounts held by suspected hijack ring leader, Mohammed
Atta. ... It's all part of what has been a successful FBI effort so far
to close in on the hijacker's high commander, the money men, the
planners and the mastermind." (Statement of Brian Ross reporting on
information conveyed to him by the FBI, ABC News, This Week, September
30, 2001,. emphasis added)

The FBI report was corroborated by an official Indian intelligence
document (apparently been dispatched to Washington), which was reported
by Agence France Presse (AFP) and The Times of India. These reports
suggested that financial assistance to the 911 ringleader had been
transferred on the orders of the Head of Pakistan's ISI:

B "[The money was] wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by
Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [the Head of Pakistan's Military
Intelligence (ISI)] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]."B See Times of India,
Delhi, 9 October 2001,B AFP, 10 October 2001, Further details, see
Michel Chossudovsky, America's "War on Terrorism", GlobalB Research,
2005) .B

"ISI Fingerprints"

Some of the contradictions underlying the recent role of the ISI, were
addressed in a 2005 debate at the Nixon Center (7 July 2005), which was
broadcast on C-Span: B

Nikolas Guosdev: "You can see another one of these mainstream parties,
Jammat-e- Ulama-e-Isam, which is ... linked to the main Kashmiri
radical groups -- Lashkar-e- Jhangvi, Harakat-ul-Mujahedin -- which
serves as a logistical -- which helps al Qaeda and the Taliban in the
the tribal areas in Pakistan. Jaish-e-Muhammad, you can see all of that
fits in.

The fingerprints of the ISI, by the way, are all over this. And the
question, of course, is whether it is an institutional policy or if it
is through personal connections and personal relationships.B

Alexis Debat: "I agree with you that fingerprints can mean many things,
and there is certainly several ways that the ISI has been in contact
with -- officially or unofficially -- with these groups. What I was
referring to is that these groups have been, and still are, at least
for the majority of them, instrumentalized by the ISI in Baluchistan
and in Kashmir, in Afghanistan, and there's considerable evidence that
a lot of the trainers in Afghanistan in the 1990s were Pakistani --
retired Pakistani military officers, retired ISI." (Nixon Center
Discussion on Pakistan and Terrorism with Alexis Debat, Historian and
Terrorism analyst Nikolas Guosdev, Editor of the National Interest
Journal, emphasis added)B

The PakistanB ISI - Scotland Yard Connection

Pakistan's ISI has a shady record of supporting terrorist organizations
on the one hand while helping British police and intelligence officials
on the on the other hand.B

Was the ISI providing institutional support to the terror network or
was this support carried out through complex personal links by
so-called "rogue elements" within the ISI?B

Has the ISI, under President Pervez Musharraf been duly reformed (as
conveyed by the mainstream media), to undertake its new role of
combating rather than supporting " Islamic terrorism"?

The evidence suggests that the ISIB remains the core institutional
architect (in liaison with the CIA) of the "Islamic terror network",
from the Soviet-Afghan war to the present.B

Recent Indian press reports (August 2, 2006) suggest that the ISI is
still running the terrorist training camps:B

"[A]s many as 52 [ISI] terrorist training camps are still functioning
in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir. (Statesman News Service,
Delhi, 2 August 2006)

Britain's Sunday Times (August 13, 2006) corroborates these damning
reports, without, however, pointing fingers at the Home Office and
Scotland Yard:B

It was the ISI that turned the Taliban from a bunch of religious
students into a movement that took over Afghanistan. According to Hamid
Karzai, president of Afghanistan, ISI continues to provide a safe
haven, training them to fight British soldiers in Helmand....

Pakistan's problem is that extremist organizations and training camps,
such as those linked to the London bombers, were either created by, or
supported and used by, ISI."B (emphasis added)

The Sunday Times underscores yet another apparent "inconsistency" by
revealing that the ISI is providing support toB groups whichB are
actually fighting British troops in Afghanistan.B B B

What are the implications? What does this imply in relation to London
Met's police investigation?B

The London Police Anti-Terrorist Branch (SO13) headed by Peter Clarke
together withB MI6, The Secret Intelligence Service, and MI5, The
Security Service (which operates under the authority of Home Secretary
John Reid), are working hand in glove with a Pakistani based
intelligence agency which has supported known terrorist organizations,
while also collaborating with its Western counterparts "in going after
the terrorists".B B

The facts speak for themselves. The least we might ask at the outset of
the British police investigation is:
b* How reliable is the information transmitted from Pakistan's ISI to
its British police and intelligence counterparts?B The sweeping Home
Office statements that the plot would have resulted in "an unimaginable
loss of human life", were in large part based on information out of
Rawalpindi, Pakistan, courtesy ofB B Scotland Yard's Pakistani partner:
The Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).B
b* Is the credibility of Scotland Yard impaired by its working
relationship with an organization which, for the last 25 years, has
promoted international terrorism?B
b* What would be the perceptions of the British and American public
were they to learn that the London Metropolitan police was conducting
its investigation with the assistance of an organization known to have
close links to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda?B
b* Can an independent police investigation be conducted with the
active participation of British and US intelligence, knowing that both
MI6 and the CIA have links (either directly or via the ISI) to "Islamic
terrorist organizations".

"The War on Terrorism"B

According to Pakistani press reports (Dawn, August 12, 2006) two
Pakistani Islamic militant groups Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Sunni group
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi were involved in the UK terror plot. Two other
UK-based outfits Al Mahajroon and Hizbul Tehrir, are allegedly also

Matiur Rehman "a senior figure" in Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is considered to
be "the possible mastermind behind the plot".B Rehman, who is still "at
large" is identified according to The Independent as "Al-Qaeda's
planning director".B

One of the main suspects Rachid Rauf has been arrested by the ISI. The
Pakistani authorities have put Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, the founder of
Laskhar-e-Taiba under house arrest. Ironically, Lashkar e Taiba, which
now operates clandestinely, is one of the main Kashmir rebel groups
which had been supported and financed by the ISI, yet, at the same
time, it is the ISI which has been entrusted in investigating Lashkar's
role in the UK terror plot.B

Moreover, according to former CIA intelligence analyst Jim Loftus in
relation to last year's 7/7 London bomb attack, Al Mahjajoon,
identified as a British based organization in the foiled August terror
attack, has been supported by MI6. (See Michel Chossudovsky, London 7/7
Terror Suspect Linked to British Intelligence? 1 August 2005)B

While channeling covert support to Mahjajoon [Muhajiroun], MI6 (The
Secret Intelligence Service) also collaborates with Scotland Yard's
Anti-Terrorism Branch, in liaison with US Homeland Security headed by
Michael Chertoff and the CIA.B B B B B

This contradictory relationship between intelligence agencies and
terror groups should come as no surprise. Amply documented, Western
intelligence agencies including the CIA and MI6, in liaison with the
ISI, are known to have supported the "Islamic terror network" including
Al Qaeda. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, America's "War
on Terrorism", GlobalB Research, 2005)

The "War on Terrorism" is a fabrication. Al Qaeda, the "outside enemy"
of the West is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus. In
intelligence parlance, Al Qaeda is an "intelligence asset", an
"instrument" of the intelligence agencies.B B

The intelligence agencies oversee their "intelligence assets", which
have a certain degree of independence and autonomy in relation to their
sponsors.B B

While they promote the terror network through covert operations,
intelligence agencies also engage in the legitimate practice of
"counter-terrorism". The latter is invariably a smokescreen, which
essentially consists in "going after" the organizations created and/or
indirectly supported by the intelligence apparatus.B

The system of "color coded" terror alerts, the fear campaign, the
terror warnings, the anti-terrorist drills and exercises, in the name
of "national security" have become part of a heavily ritualized process
which supports a global military agenda. All of these various
initiatives, including the campaign against Islam, are undertaken to
confuse public opinion --through media disinformation-- into believing
that the "outside enemy" is real and that the "war on terrorism" waged
in the Middle East, which has resulted in countless civilian deaths,
constitutes a justified "national security" objective.B B

Moreover, to sustain the "war on terrorism", US and British
intelligence must continue to support (through covert operations) the
"Islamic terror network". Without an "outside enemy" there is no "war
on terrorism", no "just cause" for waging a profit driven Middle East
war of conquest, which responds to carefully defined strategic and
economic objectives.B

Without the " war on terrorism", the war criminals in high office and
their powerful corporate sponsors do not have a leg to stand on. Their
legitimacy collapses like a deck of card.

Michel Chossudovsky is the author of the international best seller "The
Globalization of Poverty " published in eleven languages. He is
Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the
Center for Research on Globalization, at B B . He
is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.B His most recent
book is entitled: Americabs "War on Terrorism", Global Research, 2005.B

Note: ReadersB are welcome to cross-post this article with a view to
spreading the word and warning people of the dangers of a broader
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A Defeat for Israel, but also for Justice

by Siddharth Varadarajan
August 14, 2006
The Hindu

The U.N. resolution is a consolation prize for the Olmert regime, whose
failure in Lebanon throws the wider U.S.-Israeli game plan for the
region into disarray.

WHEN ISRAEL attacked Lebanon a month ago, it had two stated and two
unstated military objectives. The stated objectives were the
unconditional release of two of its soldiers captured by Hizbollah, and
the physical destruction of the Lebanese resistance force, its
leadership and command structure. As for the unstated objectives, the
first was to so totally degrade the civilian infrastructure of the
country that the non-Shia population of Lebanon would turn against
Hizbollah and the Shias for inviting the wrath of Israel upon them in
this manner. And the second, to deny Iran and its supporters the chance
of opening a second front against Israel from close quarters in the
event of American airstrikes on Iranian nuclear installations.

In turn, these military objectives were part of a wider political
objective: to use Israel's overwhelming military superiority as the
basis for implementing the Sharon-Olmert plan of a unilaterally imposed
"peace settlement" on the region which would leave Tel Aviv in control
of as much Palestinian, Lebanese, and Syrian land and water as it deems

Predictable blame-game

When the promised ceasefire takes effect on Monday morning, however,
Israel will find that not a single one of its objectives has been

This failure has ignited a predictable blame-game within the Israeli
military and political establishment but the repercussions of military
defeat will travel much further afield. The Olmert regime took a big
gamble in going to war and the Bush administration backed it to the
hilt in the hope that a "New Middle East" could be built on the backs
of a military machine that was believed to be invincible. By smashing
that myth of invincibility and registering a decisive military and even
moral victory over the Israeli Defence Forces, Hizbollah has thrown the
neo-conservative agenda for a "New Middle East" into utter disarray.

The Lebanese militia has not only managed to preserve its capability to
fight despite the withering bombardment of its strongholds in southern
Lebanon but has also inflicted severe losses on the Israeli military.
Nor has its ability to fire Katyusha rockets into northern Israel in
retaliation for the Israeli bombing of civilian areas been effectively
degraded. The IDF's desperate push towards the Litani river following
the adoption of a ceasefire resolution by the United Nations Security
Council has itself cost the lives of more than two dozen soldiers,
taking the number of Israeli troops killed in the war to well over 100.

More than 30 years of enforcing a military occupation and fighting
children and poorly-equipped guerrillas have clearly taken their toll
on the ability of the legendary Israeli army to fight a full-fledged
war. That is why, right at the outset, the IDF had hoped to rely more
or less exclusively on air power and deploy ground forces only after
Hizbollah had been sufficiently softened up. However, the international
outrage that Israel's bombardment of Lebanon provoked, particularly
after the Qana massacre, forced Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his
backers in Washington to change tack. Israel realised it had to commit
a more significant detachment of ground troops if Hizbollah was to be
defeated. At the same time, it preferred the easier option of an
international stabilisation force coming in to finish the job for it.

Since the political balance of power in the Security Council is more
decisively in favour of Israel than the military balance is on the
ground in southern Lebanon, Washington's priority has been to use its
clout at the U.N. to bring in to the region a well-armed military force
that could prosecute Tel Aviv's war aims more effectively. UNSC
Resolution 1701, passed unanimously on Friday, was originally intended
to do just that. Its original version ignited outrage in Lebanon and
the Arab world but even as now amended, the resolution is problematic
on a number of grounds. At the same time, its military provisions fall
somewhat short of the original American-Israeli objective.

Rather than creating a new stabilisation force which would respond,
by default, to the command and control structures of the U.S. and the
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) the Security Council has
expanded the mandate and size of the existing U.N. peacekeeping force
on the ground, UNIFIL. The new mandate will include monitoring the
cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the Lebanese Army
as it deploys up to the Israeli border in tandem with the Israeli
withdrawal, assisting the Lebanese army "in taking steps towards the
establishment" of an area between the border and the Litani river that
is free of armed forces not authorised by the Lebanese Government, and
assisting the Lebanese Government "at its request" to establish better
control over its borders.

In order to discharge this enlarged mandate, UNIFIL has been authorised
to "take all necessary action" a code word for the use of even
offensive military action to ensure that the territory where it is
deployed is "not utilised for hostile activities of any kind." In other
words, UNIFIL would be authorised to attack Hizbollah if the militia
sends fighters south of the Litani to launch rockets into Israel.
UNIFIL has also been authorised to use deadly force "to protect
civilians under imminent threat of physical violence," which, at least
in theory, could also apply to situations such as Israeli airstrikes
and attacks on civilian areas of the kind Lebanon has witnessed this
past month.

Whether this expanded mandate will help preserve the peace will depend
entirely on UNIFIL's ability to avoid getting caught in the wider
American political agenda. If it acts professionally and solely as a
facilitator for the Lebanese army, there is no reason why Hizbollah
will not cooperate with it. At any rate, Hizbollah, with the consent of
the Lebanese Government, is free to preserve its military capability
north of the Litani as a hedge against future Israeli aggression.

The problem with Resolution 1701, however, is that it is structured in
such a way as to prolong or re-ignite the conflict between Israel and
Lebanon rather than to settle it expeditiously on the basis of reason
and justice.

The most important shortcoming is the resolution's vague formulation on
the need for Israel to vacate the territories in Lebanon it has
forcibly occupied over the past month. If Israel takes the view that it
will not begin withdrawing until the expanded UNIFIL force is in place,
Hizbollah will be perfectly justified in attacking what is after all an
army of occupation. But apart from the immediate issue of an Israeli
withdrawal, the resolution contains no timeframe for tackling the root
causes of the conflict. Israel will remain in occupation of the Shebaa
farms, which is Lebanese territory, it will not be obliged to hand over
within any specified time period the map of land mines it has laid on
Lebanese territory, nor is it obliged to return the Lebanese prisoners
it is holding. As for the hundreds of Israeli violations of Lebanese
airspace and territorial waters which occur every year, no specific
mechanisms for redressal have been created to ensure these do not occur

Glaring omissions

There are other glaring omissions too. For example, the resolution does
not oblige Israel to pay Lebanon any compensation for the destruction
of civilian life and property it has wilfully caused since its attack
began on July 12.

Unless the international community moves sincerely to address these
fundamental questions and finds a way to impose punitive costs on
Israel for its wholly disproportionate use of military force, the
underlying problem will never go away.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Citizens, Internationals and Lebanese Risk Safety
To Bring Humanitarian Aid to
Devastated Southern Lebanon

August 13, 2006

August 12, 2006

On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and
international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity
will gather in Martyrs Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to
the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international civilians
will express their solidarity with the inhabitants of the heavily
destroyed south who have been bravely withstanding the assault of the
Israeli military. This campaign is endorsed by more than 200 Lebanese
and international organizations. This growing coalition of national and
international non-governmental organizations hereby launches a campaign
of civil resistance for the purpose of challenging the cruel and
ruthless use of massive military force by Israel, the regional
superpower, upon the people of Lebanon.

August 12 marks the start of this Campaign of Resistance, declaring
Lebanon an Open Country for Civil Resistance. August 12 also marks the
international day of protest against the Israeli aggression.

In the face of Israels systematic killing of our people, the
indiscriminate bombing of our towns, the scorching of our villages, and
the attempted destruction of our civil infrastructure, we say No! In
the face of the forced expulsion of a quarter of our population from
their homes throughout Lebanon, and the complicity of governments and
international bodies, we re-affirm the acts of civil resistance that
began from the first day of the Israeli assault, and we stress and add
the urgent need to act!, said Rasha Salti, one of the organizers of
this national event.

After August 12, the campaign will continue with a series of civil
actions, leading to an August 19 civilian march to reclaim the South.
Working together, in solidarity, we will overcome the complacency,
inaction, and complicity of the international community and we will
deny Israel its goal of removing Lebanese from their land and
destroying the fabric of our country, explained Samah Idriss, writer
and co-organizer of this campaign.

An international civilian presence in Lebanon is not only an act of
solidarity with the Lebanese people in the face of unparalleled Israeli
aggression, it is an act of moral courage to defy the will of those who
would seek to alienate the West from the rest and create a new Middle
East out of the rubble and blood of the region, said Huwaida Arraf,
co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and campaign
co-organizer. After having witnessed the wholesale destruction of
villages by Israels air force and navy and having visited the victims
(so-called displaced) of Israels policy of cleansing Lebanese
civilians from their homes, continued Arraf, it is imperative to go
south and reach those who have stayed behind to resist by steadfastly
remaining on their land.

Israel has been indsicrimately bombing civilian targets and the convoy
recognizes that they place their life in peril by trying to bring aid
to the thousands that are dying of hunger, thirst and lack of medical
care in Southern Lebanon as a result of Israels relentless bombing

U.S. Press contact based in Lebanon:
Ali Tonak
961 70 150 247

Lebanon Contact:
Rasha Salti
+961 3 970855


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From: Paolo Teobaldelli <>
Date: August 14, 2006 11:25:34 AM EST

a must see, it's great, beyond the lies of propaganda
and the demonization of the other in Hitler's style:

instead of demonizing, it's time to start understanding, isn't it?

best regards to all,



Dr. Paolo Teobaldelli
Ph.D. in Semiotics and
Communication Theory
Cafferata 2208
Remedios De Escalada
tel. +54 911 15 6521 2831


From: Peter Myers <>
Date: August 14, 2006 6:42:59 AM EST
Subject: "International Law"? Finkelstein on Dershowitz's legitimating
Israel's aggression

Lebanon's Devastation - Rana El-Khatib

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:54:10 -0700 From: Jeffrey Blankfort

The San Francisco Chronicle ran the following op-ed today by
Beirut-based writer Rana El-Khatib. It is critical that the Chronicle
hear from us so that they will have the courage to continue running
powerful pieces like this one. ***

San Francisco Chronicle

Beirut neighbors devastated again
How much more can they tolerate?

Rana El-Khatib

Sunday, August 13, 2006

In my once-delightful Beirut neighborhood, everyone's life has
irrevocably changed. It is as if we inhabit a different planet than we
did a month ago.

Upstairs, my neighbor's 84-year-old father lost his home in the lovely,
southern Lebanese city of Bint Jbeil. A broken man, he sits in his
daughter's apartment and says, "Four times I've had to rebuild my home.
I don't have the years or the strength to rebuild another." His
memories and life's possessions were pulverized by a bomb dropped from
an American-made, Israeli-piloted F-16.

Across the hall, our neighbor has taken in her mother, sister, brother
and their families. Her mother and brother have also lost their homes,
flattened by Israeli bombs.

Some people are transfixed with worry and uncertainty. My friend's
weekend escape used to be to an exquisite home in the southern village
of Tibneen. There, I had experienced the unmatched hospitality of the
southern Lebanese. I had enjoyed mouth-watering traditional dishes
under the shade of their lovingly tended trees. The air was fresh, the
sky big and the graciousness of our hosts humbling.

Because they cannot visit, my friend's family does not know if the home
is gone. Her mother stoically declared, "A house can be rebuilt..."
And, if necessary, they will rebuild -- stone for stone, plant for
plant, tile by tile. They will again invite guests to sit under the
shade of the trees they planted and share, once more, the richness of
their heritage and land. But they, too, have had to rebuild their lives
more than once -- their house, like countless others, the target of
Israeli bombs from previous attacks.

Stepping out in Beirut on a recent evening to visit my uncle in his
usually quaint urban neighborhood, I was faced with a surreal sight.
The street was transformed by an endless stream of new, bewildered and
uncomfortable faces -- refugees from the southern suburbs of the city
that have been devastated by a rain of destruction from the sky.

Six children approached us, arms linked together. The oldest, about 8,
blurted out "Give us money to buy candy?" They looked disheveled and
hungry. "Where are you staying?" my mother asked. "In the school" they
responded, pointing to the school just around the corner.

As my mother gave them each a little money, I noticed just how much my
uncle's charming neighborhood had changed in a span of three weeks.
There were unkempt youngsters everywhere. Parents stood idle in the
streets -- the same mothers and fathers who, under normal
circumstances, would have been preparing dinner for their families in
their own homes.

Then I looked at my uncle's stone fence and on it I saw a tiny,
emaciated, gray-and-white kitten. It could barely stand; hunger and
fatigue ravaged the tiny creature as it looked out helplessly at the
world from its perch. That skinny kitten seemed to represent the
desperation of all of Lebanon.

Everyone in Lebanon has a heartbreaking story to tell. Entire families
have been murdered -- mother, father and five children; mother and four
children; a woman in her ninth month of pregnancy who died when an
Israeli bomb landed on her car on the way to the hospital to give

An old man, left in a wheelchair by a nurse fleeing danger, was found
dead by his frantic daughter, who came to their town with the Red Cross
to get him to safety but arrived too late. My co-worker's aunt,
daughter and granddaughter were buried under the rubble of their home
and no one could pull them out for two days because of the intense,
relentless Israeli bombing.

Close to 1 million Lebanese, almost one-fourth of the population, have
been uprooted from their homes. An estimated 1,000 innocent civilians
are dead. We have rebuilt before, but even the most resilient of people
have a threshold for how much injustice -- how many lost homes, lost
limbs and lost family members -- they can tolerate. Israel can bury
Lebanon again with its military arsenal. But while doing so, is there
not a part of Israel that dies a little, too?

Rana El-Khatib is a Palestinian-Lebanese poet and writer who lives in
Beirut. Contact us at


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 14, 2006 3:10:34 PM EST
Subject: Zionist USA Terror Fedgovt Set to Strike Again!

Jones predicted the 911 attacks in July of 2001....NOW he's predicting
another MASSIVE staged attack or series of attacks by the government no
later than the 6th of October THIS YEAR. Listen to this and then CALL
the bastards and let them know we're on to them.....


Who is Alex Jones?

Five years ago (July 25, 2001) Alex Jones warned on his internet TV
show that elements within the US Government would launch or allow
terrorist attacks on US soil and blame Osama Bin Laden (who had long
been employed by the CIA).

Jones is NOW saying the same rogue elements within the US and other
western governments will stage 5 to 10 fake busts of terrorism events
such as the discovery of bomb chemicals in Canada and the latest
discovery of a plot to bomb passenger jets with liquid explosives.
And then one will get through, which will allow the Bush
administration to declare total martial law and avoid Senate elections
in October. Such an attack will also ensure that the US, the UK,
Israel Australia and other Bush supporters can go to war against Iran
and take almost complete control of the Middle East and its oil.

Its like knowing theres a murder going to take place and you could
stop it if the people would just take action ... and knowing the
murderers will pose as our saviours. Theres going to be all these sick
neo-con followers who are going to be happy when tens of thousands die.
Its gonna be like a euphoria to them, theyll all be strutting around
and theyll be allowed to keep their guns.

Hear Alex Jones special message and with other video clips at Youtube.

For more background on western government involvement in terrorism



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 14, 2006 3:13:31 PM EST
Subject: Fw: Iraq Dispatches: Ehren Watada

Ehren Watada

By Dahr Jamail

t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday 14 August 2006

On Saturday night, I was lucky enough to be at the Veterans for Peace
National Convention. For that night, Lt. Ehren Watada was able to give
the following speech, which I've just received permission to post here.
The speech was met with a powerful, standing ovation from the vets
who've been there.

Lt. Ehren Watada, for those who don't already know, became the first
commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful war
and occupation in Iraq. While doing this on June 22, 2006, Watada said,
"As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as
well, I must refuse that order."

Just as Watada took the stage and began to speak, over 50 members of
Iraq Veterans Against the War filed in behind him. Watada, surprised by
this and obviously taken aback by the symbolic act, turned back to the
audience, took some deep breaths, then gave this speech:

/Thank you everyone. Thank you all for your tremendous support. How
honored and delighted I am to be in the same room with you tonight. I am
deeply humbled by being in the company of such wonderful speakers./

/ You are all true American patriots. Although long since out of
uniform, you continue to fight for the very same principles you once
swore to uphold and defend. No one knows the devastation and suffering
of war more than veterans - which is why we should always be the first
to prevent it./

/ I wasn't entirely sure what to say tonight. I thought as a leader in
general I should speak to motivate. Now I know that this isn't the
military and surely there are many out there who outranked me at one
point or another - and yes, I'm just a Lieutenant. And yet, I feel as
though we are all citizens of this great country and what I have to say
is not a matter of authority - but from one citizen to another. We have
all seen this war tear apart our country over the past three years. It
seems as though nothing we've done, from vigils to protests to letters
to Congress, have had any effect in persuading the powers that be.
Tonight I will speak to you on my ideas for a change of strategy. I am
here tonight because I took a leap of faith. My action is not the first
and it certainly will not be the last. Yet, on behalf of those who
follow, I require your help - your sacrifice - and that of countless
other Americans. I may fail. We may fail. But nothing we have tried has
worked so far. It is time for change and the change starts with all of

/ I stand before you today, not as an expert - not as one who pretends
to have all the answers. I am simply an American and a servant of the
American people. My humble opinions today are just that. I realize that
you may not agree with everything I have to say. However, I did not
choose to be a leader for popularity. I did it to serve and make better
the soldiers of this country. And I swore to carry out this charge
honorably under the rule of law./

/ Today, I speak with you about a radical idea. It is one born from the
very concept of the American soldier (or service member). It became
instrumental in ending the Vietnam War - but it has been long since
forgotten. The idea is this: that to stop an illegal and unjust war, the
soldiers can choose to stop fighting it./

/ Now it is not an easy task for the soldier. For he or she must be
aware that they are being used for ill-gain. They must hold themselves
responsible for individual action. They must remember duty to the
Constitution and the people supersedes the ideologies of their
leadership. The soldier must be willing to face ostracism by their
peers, worry over the survival of their families, and of course the loss
of personal freedom. They must know that resisting an authoritarian
government at home is equally important to fighting a foreign aggressor
on the battlefield. Finally, those wearing the uniform must know beyond
any shadow of a doubt that by refusing immoral and illegal orders they
will be supported by the people not with mere words but by action./

/ The American soldier must rise above the socialization that tells them
authority should always be obeyed without question. Rank should be
respected but never blindly followed. Awareness of the history of
atrocities and destruction committed in the name of America - either
through direct military intervention or by proxy war - is crucial. They
must realize that this is a war not out of self-defense but by choice,
for profit and imperialistic domination. WMD, ties to Al Qaeda, and ties
to 9/11 never existed and never will. The soldier must know that our
narrowly and questionably elected officials intentionally manipulated
the evidence presented to Congress, the public, and the world to make
the case for war. They must know that neither Congress nor this
administration has the authority to violate the prohibition against
pre-emptive war - an American law that still stands today. This same
administration uses us for rampant violations of time-tested laws
banning torture and degradation of prisoners of war. Though the American
soldier wants to do right, the illegitimacy of the occupation itself,
the policies of this administration, and rules of engagement of
desperate field commanders will ultimately force them to be party to war
crimes. They must know some of these facts, if not all, in order to

/ Mark Twain once remarked, "Each man must for himself alone decide what
is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn't.
You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your conviction is
to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to
your country " By this, each and every American soldier, marine,
airman, and sailor is responsible for their choices and their actions.
The freedom to choose is only one that we can deny ourselves./

/ The oath we take swears allegiance not to one man but to a document of
principles and laws designed to protect the people. Enlisting in the
military does not relinquish one's right to seek the truth - neither
does it excuse one from rational thought nor the ability to distinguish
between right and wrong. "I was only following orders" is never an

/ The Nuremburg Trials showed America and the world that citizenry as
well as soldiers have the unrelinquishable obligation to refuse
complicity in war crimes perpetrated by their government. Widespread
torture and inhumane treatment of detainees is a war crime. A war of
aggression born through an unofficial policy of prevention is a crime
against the peace. An occupation violating the very essence of
international humanitarian law and sovereignty is a crime against
humanity. These crimes are funded by our tax dollars. Should citizens
choose to remain silent through self-imposed ignorance or choice, it
makes them as culpable as the soldier in these crimes./

/ The Constitution is no mere document - neither is it old, out-dated,
or irrelevant. It is the embodiment of all that Americans hold dear:
truth, justice, and equality for all. It is the formula for a government
of the people and by the people. It is a government that is transparent
and accountable to whom they serve. It dictates a system of checks and
balances and separation of powers to prevent the evil that is tyranny./

/ As strong as the Constitution is, it is not foolproof. It does not
fully take into account the frailty of human nature. Profit, greed, and
hunger for power can corrupt individuals as much as they can corrupt
institutions. The founders of the Constitution could not have imagined
how money would infect our political system. Neither could they believe
a standing army would be used for profit and manifest destiny. Like any
common dictatorship, soldiers would be ordered to commit acts of such
heinous nature as to be deemed most ungentlemanly and unbecoming that of
a free country./

/ The American soldier is not a mercenary. He or she does not simply
fight wars for payment. Indeed, the state of the American soldier is
worse than that of a mercenary. For a soldier-for-hire can walk away if
they are disgusted by their employer's actions. Instead, especially when
it comes to war, American soldiers become indentured servants whether
they volunteer out of patriotism or are drafted through economic
desperation. Does it matter what the soldier believes is morally right?
If this is a war of necessity, why force men and women to fight? When it
comes to a war of ideology, the lines between right and wrong are
blurred. How tragic it is when the term Catch-22 defines the modern
American military./

/ Aside from the reality of indentured servitude, the American soldier
in theory is much nobler. Soldier or officer, when we swear our oath it
is first and foremost to the Constitution and its protectorate, the
people. If soldiers realized this war is contrary to what the
Constitution extols - if they stood up and threw their weapons down - no
President could ever initiate a war of choice again. When we say, "
Against all enemies foreign and domestic," what if elected leaders
became the enemy? Whose orders do we follow? The answer is the
conscience that lies in each soldier, each American, and each human
being. Our duty to the Constitution is an obligation, not a choice./

/ The military, and especially the Army, is an institution of fraternity
and close-knit camaraderie. Peer pressure exists to ensure cohesiveness
but it stamps out individualism and individual thought. The idea of
brotherhood is difficult to pull away from if the alternative is
loneliness and isolation. If we want soldiers to choose the right but
difficult path - they must know beyond any shadow of a doubt that they
will be supported by Americans. To support the troops who resist, you
must make your voices heard. If they see thousands supporting me, they
will know. I have heard your support, as has Suzanne Swift, and Ricky
Clousing - but many others have not. Increasingly, more soldiers are
questioning what they are being asked to do. Yet, the majority lack
awareness to the truth that is buried beneath the headlines. Many more
see no alternative but to obey. We must show open-minded soldiers a
choice and we must give them courage to act./

/ Three weeks ago, Sgt. Hernandez from the 172nd Stryker Brigade was
killed, leaving behind a wife and two children. In an interview, his
wife said he sacrificed his life so that his family could survive. I'm
sure Sgt. Hernandez cherished the camaraderie of his brothers, but given
a choice, I doubt he would put himself in a position to leave his family
husbandless and fatherless. Yet that's the point, you see. People like
Sgt. Hernandez don't have a choice. The choices are to fight in Iraq or
let your family starve. Many soldiers don't refuse this war en mass
because, like all of us,, they value their families over their own lives
and perhaps their conscience. Who would willingly spend years in prison
for principle and morality while denying their family sustenance?/

/ I tell this to you because you must know that to stop this war, for
the soldiers to stop fighting it, they must have the unconditional
support of the people. I have seen this support with my own eyes. For me
it was a leap of faith. For other soldiers, they do not have that
luxury. They must know it and you must show it to them. Convince them
that no matter how long they sit in prison, no matter how long this
country takes to right itself, their families will have a roof over
their heads, food in their stomachs, opportunities and education. This
is a daunting task. It requires the sacrifice of all of us. Why must
Canadians feed and house our fellow Americans who have chosen to do the
right thing? We should be the ones taking care of our own. Are we that
powerless - are we that unwilling to risk something for those who can
truly end this war? How do you support the troops but not the war? By
supporting those who can truly stop it; let them know that resistance to
participate in an illegal war is not futile and not without a future./

/ I have broken no law but the code of silence and unquestioning
loyalty. If I am guilty of any crime, it is that I learned too much and
cared too deeply for the meaningless loss of my fellow soldiers and my
fellow human beings. If I am to be punished it should be for following
the rule of law over the immoral orders of one man. If I am to be
punished it should be for not acting sooner. Martin Luther King Jr. once
said, "History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this
period was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the
appalling silence of the good people."/

/ Now, I'm not a hero. I am a leader of men who said enough is enough.
Those who called for war prior to the invasion compared diplomacy with
Saddam to the compromises made with Hitler. I say, we compromise now by
allowing a government that uses war as the first option instead of the
last to act with impunity. Many have said this about the World Trade
Towers, "Never Again." I agree. Never again will we allow those who
threaten our way of life to reign free - be they terrorists or elected
officials. The time to fight back is now - the time to stand up and be
counted is today./

/ I'll end with one more Martin Luther King Jr. quote:/

/ One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust, and
who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the
conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing
the highest respect for law./

/ Thank you and bless you all./

The only thing Watada said that I would disagree with is that he claimed
that he is not a hero. He is a leader, yet again, by taking this stance.
And he may never know how many lives he has already touched.

Today, it is up to the anti-war movement to make sure his leadership
touches as many soldiers' lives in Iraq as possible. Watada is making
his stand. He needs continued support.

As he said, if more American soldiers in Iraq know that they, along with
their families, will be supported if they stand up against this illegal
occupation, countless more will follow, and this repulsive war will end.

(c)2006 Dahr Jamail.
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and international copyright law. If you would like to reprint Dahr's
Dispatches on the web, you need to include this copyright notice and a
prominent link to the website. Website by
photographer Jeff Pflueger's Photography Media
. Any other use of images, photography, photos and text including, but
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printing requires the permission of Dahr Jamail. Of course, feel free
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President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 16, 2006, 6:30:56 PM8/16/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 16, 2006

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Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza: "People Are Crying,
Hungry, Thirsty, and Desperate"
Appeal from Churches in Gaza

by Father Manuel Musallam
August 16, 2006

Urgent appeal from Caritas and churches in Gaza

"If you wish to really understand what is taking place in the Gaza
Strip, please open your Bible and read the Lamentations of Jeremiah.
This is what we are all living. People are crying, hungry, thirsty, and
-- Father Manuel Musallam - Parish Priest- Latin
Convent, Gaza

The current situation in the Gaza Strip is descending precipitously
into a serious humanitarian disaster. Caritas Jerusalem operates a
medical centre in the Gaza Strip as well as a mobile medical clinic.
Our medical centre also engages in numerous local and regional health
campaigns to help build the health capacity of families and children in
Gaza through project activities conducted in schools and community
based organizations. We also undertake social and educational
assistance programs as well as programs and direct assistance for
catastrophic medical care cases in Gaza.

Our program manager is in daily contact with our team in the Gaza Strip
to follow up on the ongoing situation. Our medical centre in Gaza is
working full time and is presenting all services to the community
without any charge at the moment.

Our medical director, Dr. Bandaly, who is a native of Gaza, says that
he has never seen Gaza in such a bad situation. Homes have no
electricity or water. Luckily, the medical centre has its own generator
which they are using sparingly only for serious emergency situations
and they have some stored water. The medical clinic is providing
drinking water for the patients, the medical team and neighbours.
Without this stored water, there is no other readily available clean
water source for the medical clinic, except for bottled water. For our
basic needs in the medical centre, we are very well equipped. We have
basic medicines, as we were just resupplied, thank God, prior to the
beginning of this recent escalation.

Due to the main power station in Gaza being bombed, this has seriously
disrupted electrical supplies in Gaza. With the electricity cut,
ordinary people will not be able to get water pumped from wells and
this is a very hot time of year in Gaza. Cutting the power will have
serious and far reaching consequences especially for the sick, old,
small children, and babies. With no power, they cannot store food
easily. Now that the signs of military activities are pending, people
are really afraid. Children are really terrified.

The main hospital in Gaza, Al Shifa, is operating on generator power,
but they cannot keep this up for long. This is good, but sick people
still need transportation, and with no diesel fuel or gasoline, there
are no buses or taxis for transportation. The situation is really
terrible and it is the innocent, the old, the sick and small children
who are suffering the most. Our medical director also said that within
two more days they estimate that they will be walking to and from work
as there is apparently no more gasoline or diesel fuel in all Gaza for
transportation. This is a serious situation.

Dr. Bandaly, concerned of an invasion into the Gaza Strip, is asking
for urgent first aid kits that will be distributed around Gaza in case
regular citizens are forced to address medical emergencies on their
own. They want to position these resources around so, God forbid, if
need be, people will be able to do something to help injured people
because if a ground offensive takes place in Gaza, the whole region
will be under curfew and the injured will have to be treated in their
own home regions. Doctors and ambulances will not be able to reach

Our medical clinic is, thank God, fully operational. While they do not
have regular power, they are still working full time and in full force.
Thankfully, our staff are still coming to work as they are being paid
their regular salaries unlike the Palestinian governmental sector who
is without financial support for their governmental employees going on
five months.

Dr. Bandaly also pointed out that with the wage crisis in the
Palestinian Authority, his clients have no money to pay for anything.
"When the situation was better, we requested nominal co-payments for
our services and for medicines that we provided. These co-payments were
very minimal, but today people have no means to pay. We are providing
our medical treatment free. We must continue to reach out in ministry
to the sick. People really feel humiliated, tired, desperate, alone and

Food is a big problem. The people in Gaza like all other people need
access to good quality balanced food to live healthy lives. Our medical
director said: "In Gaza, we have lots of anaemic women and malnourished
children. He added: "There is no milk, meat, cheese, yogurt or anything
that requires refrigeration. This is a terrible situation. We do not
know what to do." The food that is available also cannot just be eaten
alone. To cook rice or hummus or to make bread, you need water and a
means to cook the food. This was highlighted by the people at the World
Food Programme who pointed out those basic foodstuffs like flour or
hummus cannot be consumed without the ability to add water and cook

Note: We understand that food is presently available in Gaza if the
people only have money to buy it. With the commitments to provide cash,
we can get food to hungry people right away. We can handle the
administrative details of bank transfers and other details to ensure
accountability, but with solid commitments, we can direct the
assistance to needy people right now through our Caritas team in Gaza.

Caritas Jerusalem also operates a mobile medical clinic in Gaza. This
clinic targets a number of highly marginalised areas in the Amore, Imm
Sadar, Magazi Bridge, Al Shati Camp and near Rafah in some villages and
in Breij Camp. We are focusing on these locations, targeting two to
three villages in each area. We are seeking to provide them with a
minimum of medical coverage. These areas are very poor and the people
living there are under very serious humanitarian situations of

While the Israelis have left Gaza and this has allowed for greater
internal mobility, one must remember that transportation is not free.
By bringing the medical care to them, we help them save money. We also
offer medicine at heavily subsidised prices. For example, our mobile
clinic will provide a prescription to a person for less than 1 Euro.
Often people can afford either the medicine or the transportation, but
not both. So bringing the medical care to them makes a huge difference.
For those who cannot pay anything, we give it to them free.

For almost a week, our mobile medical clinic has stopped working
because the areas where we have been targeting are near those which are
currently the target of potential military activity. Due to the
constant bombardments in Gaza, it is not safe to operate a vehicle like
our mobile clinic. These areas are isolated areas which very few people
go to. That is why we are targeting them because the need is so great.
Our medical professionals in Gaza have told us "lets wait and see what
happens for the next coupe of days before we start the mobile medical
clinic back up again."

Fr. Manuel Musallam is the parish priest at the Latin Convent in Gaza.
He said: "The people in Gaza are suffering unbelievably. They are
hungry, thirsty, have no electricity, no clean water and they are
suffering constant bombardments and sonic booms from low flying

"They are suffering from hunger. They need food. Even if there is food
for sale, people have no money to buy food. The price of food, of
course, has doubled and tripled in the situation. They have no income,
no opportunities to get food from outside and no opportunities to
secure money inside Gaza. No work. No livelihood. No future. They have
no hope and many very poor people are aimlessly wandering around trying
to beg for something from others who also have nothing. It is heart
breaking to see.

"We need food. We only need bread and water. Children and babies are
hungry. Unfortunately, we are seeing sickness increase and to add
insult to injury, people cannot afford to pay for transportation to
hospital. This is not only hard suffering for now, but this fact will
have long reverberations for the future. The sicknesses we have now
will degrade the future generation.

"Children are afraid. They are going on one week with no electricity.
No light at night. No oil or candles. Some can't even buy matches.
These children are seeing the exodus of their entities.

"Children are suffering from the sonic booms. Many have been violently
thrown from their beds at night. Many arms and legs are broken due to
this fact. These planes fly low over Gaza and then reach the speed of
sound. This shakes the ground and creates shock waves like an
earthquake that can cause a person to be thrown from their bed. I
myself weigh 120 kilos and was almost thrown from my bed due to the
shock wave produced by a low flying airplane that made a sonic boom. It
is terrifying. It is worse than a film. It is real. It is like someone
picked up your house and shook it.

"We are now going into the seventh day without water. We cannot drink
water from the ground here as it is salty and not hygienic. People can
only buy water to drink. With no electricity to pump the water from
wells, no fuel to boil, we are all thirsty. Thirsty children are
crying, afraid and desperate. Of course, those who are sick in hospital
are suffering an unimaginable horror. There is no electricity to
operate life saving machines and the simplest of treatments is not able
to be undertaken.

"These actions are war crimes. When I cry as a priest, I beg you; we do
not need pity. We only need justice. If you don't give justice, there
will be no peace. Peace is the farthest thing away from the mind of
anyone, Christian or Moslem, in Gaza at this time.

"Every minute, a minimum of two bombardments hits Gaza from the sea,
air or land. I have an employee who lives in Bet Hanoun. He told me he
has not slept in one week. Gaza cannot sleep.

"I sent the Sisters of the Baby Jesus to Jabalia Camp to check on some
poor families. They returned to me crying at the unspeakable horror
they saw. The cries of hungry children, the sullen faces of broken men
and women who are just sitting in their hungry emptiness with no light,
hope, or love. Christians must work to stop this silly war. I am
against fanaticism and violence, but these actions guarantee an
increase in support for Hamas.

"I demand that those outside of Gaza must care for us here in Gaza,
Muslims and Christians. There are no differences here in religion. A
hungry child is a hungry child. A sick person is a sick person. Our
Lord demanded through St. John that you remember us in our affliction.
We are now in a serious affliction."

Caritas Jerusalem has issued an appeal for financial support for the
project "Emergency Support for Palestine." This 1.16 million appeal was
just launched in May 2006 and contributions to the program are still
being received at this time with initial commitments already received
from Caritas Australia (29,135), Caritas Belgium (50,000), Caritas
Canada (56,543), Caritas Japan (15,666) and Caritas Spain (200,000). A
significant portion of this project will be directed to assistance for
the Gaza Strip region, which is suffering an acute crisis at this time.
This program offers assistance for food provision, medical cases,
education assistance, direct relief and assistance to create work for
the jobless. We are coordinating our assistance in Gaza through our
medical clinic, the parish priest and the Near East Council of Churches
and other partners in the area.

Caritas Jerusalem urges all parties to reject violence and make every
effort to restore some sense of calm and orderliness that is needed to
re-enter negotiations for peace. Killing, aggression, hostage taking
and efforts to harm a civilian population are wrong and must be
condemned in the strongest terms with a view to end them immediately.

Please contact your religious leaders and or elected representatives
and demand from them that the situation in Palestine not be allowed to
spiral out of control and descend into a deeper abyss of despair,
hopelessness and violence than already exists. The region of Gaza
particularly needs to see an end to violence.

To send financial assistance, please contact:

"Love is not the starving of whole populations. Love is not the
bombardment of open cities. Love is not killing, it is the laying down
of one's life for one's friends. Our manifesto is the Sermon on the
Mount, which means that we will try to be peacemakers." - Dorothy Day

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Manuel Musallam,, 2006

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From: Naveed <>
Date: August 16, 2006 1:19:47 AM EST


We got to be vigilant!!!


( A nuclear attack is the only way to successfully
conquer Iran -- and a false-flag nuclear attack is the only way the
neocon war cabal can justify a nuclear attack on Iran. Such false-flag
attacks are regularly bootlegged through military drills and wargames
so the warmakers can confuse good people inside the military and divert
resources as needed.

Last August this site was instrumental in shutting down the Sudden
Response '05 drill. Sudden Response was a mock nuclear drill based in
Charleston, South Carolina. The general in charge of the operation had
been fired just weeks before and various military flacks were caught in
equivocations about the nature of the drill. This site and others
pegged the drill as having a high danger of "going live," like drills
conducted on 9/11 and in London on 7/7/2005.

So much publicity was drummed up about the Sudden Response 05 situation
that the story made the front page of the Charleston newspaper and the
drill had to be massively scaled down; and ultimately, thankfully, did
not go live.

But now the sequel to Sudden Response 05 is upon us, this year in
Hawaii. After NORTHCOM got an earful from wary Americans last year,
this year's exercise is being run out of another command. The name is
no longer "Sudden Response," but make no mistake, it's the same drill
-- "terrorists" detonating a nuclear weapon in a major U.S. harbor.
With the 9/11 myth falling apart, astute commentators such as Alex
Jones have raised the code-red alarm that another false flag attack is
imminent. The nuclear drill in Hawaii scheduled for August 15-17 is
most likely outlet for such a scenario, and we have only days to stop

Here is a background report from the Honolulu Star-Bulletin of August
6 with more analysis to follow below:

"For 34 straight hours beginning Aug. 15, state Civil Defense planners
will be manning the command center inside Diamond Head Crater in an
exercise to cope with the effects of the detonation of a low-yield
nuclear bomb planted by terrorists. It's one of 15 scenarios -- wiping
out 30 percent of the communications in the downtown area and killing
10,000 people -- involving improvised nuclear devices that the Defense
Threat Reduction Agency wants states to prepare for, according to
Edward Teixeira, state vice civil defense director. "The state civil
defense's job will be to tie into the various, state, city and
non-governmental agencies and to coordinate their efforts," Teixeira

The mock half-kiloton nuclear explosion would take place at the
entrance of Honolulu Harbor and would result in immediate casualties of
nearly 400 people within 2,000 feet of ground zero, Teixeira said.

But because it will take place near government centers of the state
Capitol and City Hall, "the electromagnetic pulse could knock down 30
percent of our communications ability," he added.

Coordinating the combined state-county-federal operation will be Maj.
Gen. Vern Miyagi, who is the mobilization assistant to Adm. William
Fallon, head of Pacific Forces in the Pacific.

More than 700 state, city and military planners will participate in the
mock exercise, dubbed "Exercise A Kele," running Aug. 15-17.

Because the state did not want to interfere with the operations of
Honolulu Harbor, Bellows Air Force Station will be the stand-in for the

The Coast Guard will run its operations from the Clean Island Council
on Sand Island The Queen's Medical Center also will be utilized.

Teixeira, a retired Army colonel who used to work with Pershing nuclear
rockets, said the scenario envisions 10,000 casualties during the first
48 hours not only from the immediate blast but also from the nuclear

"No question all of urban Honolulu and maybe even as far as Ewa Beach
will feel such a blast," Teixeira said. "But in the early moments no
one will know whether it was natural or manmade or that it's even

The blast zone would encompass Sand Island and the Coast Guard Station
and the state park located there, he said. "The prevailing trades would
then take plume out over the ocean moving parallel down the coast to

"An improvised nuclear device of that size may be a more real threat,"
Teixeira said, "and a terrorist group planting it at a harbor is a real

Teixeira said in Hawaiian "a" can mean "hot and fiery," while "kele"
can be translated to mean "impurity." There is no Hawaiian word for

This story and a similar one on the Honolulu Advertiser try to play
this exercise off as originating at the state rather than the
federal/military level. But that is a flimsy fig leaf indeed, as we see
that the response is being coordinated from the US Pacific Command at
Camp H.M. Smith in Hawaii.

Now, as the Star-Bulletin reports, the defensive "blue team" is be
heading by a Gen. Miyagi. But who will be heading the offensive enemy
"red team"?

The best bet is a Major General David Fridovich, head of Special
Operations Command, Pacific (SOCPAC), also based at Camp Smith.

Fridovich's background raises red flags for students of false flag
terror. Fridovich was Commander of Special Operations Task
Force-Philippines in 2002 when an undercover British-American agent in
the Philippines, Michael Meiring, blew himself up constructing a
terrorist bomb.

As USPACOM Deputy Director for Operations Gen. Fridovich, continued to
"coordinate" with the Philippine military in 2003, hundreds of
soldiers, led by scores of Philippine officers, rebelled, asserting
that two so-called "terror bombings' were in fact false-flag inside
jobs orchestrated inside the armed forces.

Unsurprisingly, Fridovich -- a graduate of the British Forces' Royal
College of Defence Studies -- has continued to rise in the ranks of the
Bush/Rumsfeld military through all of this.

Hawaiians, Americans, and humans seeking to thwart false flag terror
attacks should ask each other, the media, and public servants the
following questions:

Are you aware of the Hawaii nuclear drill, Operation A Kele?

Are you aware that military exercises are used as cover for
inside-job false-flag terror, such as on 9/11 and 7/7?

Do you think SOCPAC Major Gen. Fridovich is loyal to America and
the U.S. Constitution, or is he loyal to the PNAC neocon war cabal and
their desire for a "New Pearl Harbor"?
And here's who to ask:

Special Operations Command, Pacific (SOCPAC), Camp H.M. Smith, HI
Phone: 808-477-6180; Fax: 808-477-0001

U.S. Pacific Command Public Affairs; Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii (808)
477-1362 ; Duty phone: (808) 348-1734

Hawaii National Guard: (808) 733-4258

Hawaii Public Radio : (808) 955-8821 ;

Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle: 808-586-0034; Fax: 808-586-0006

KHNR 97.5 FM / 870 AM (808) 533-0065; Fax: (808) 524-2104

KORL 690 AM (808) 538-9690 & 246-4444; Fax: (808) 538-9548

KGU 760 AM "Hawaii's Christian Talk" -- Studio: (808) 296-7676

KUMU 1500 AM: (808) 947-1500 Fax: (808) 947-1506

KNDI 1270 AM: (808) 946-2844; (808) 946-2845

KHBZ 9900: (808)-528-3981

KHNL NBC 8 Newsroom: 808 847-1112

KGMB9 Newsroom: (808) 973-9889

KITV 4 Newsroom: (808) 536-9979

KHON2 Newsroom: (808) 536-9979

KHVH 830 Studio Line: 1-888-565-8388; (808)-521-8383

KSSK AM/FM Newsroom: Phone (808) 528-3981

Honolulu Advertiser newsroom (808) 525-8090; Fax (808) 525-8037;

Honolulu Star-Bulletin 808-529-4747

FEMA Region IX: (510) 627-7006

POSTSCRIPT: It is also worthwhile to note that August 17th, the
culmination of the A Kele exercise, is the pagan feast of Portunalia,
celebrating the god of harbors and portals, Portunes -- also the god of
opening of locked gates. The Portunalia festivals would end with the
throwing of keys into a roaring fire. In the 21st century, a fiery
nuclear blast would open the doors to a new age of nuclear warfare.

--- Posted at 12:21


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 11:48:33 PM EST
Subject: Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"

Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
say group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan's ISI

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 16 2006

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged
transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf
of Bush and Blair - who yearn for a "new 9/11" to absolve them of
domestic political trouble.

Murray previously blew the whistle on how the British government was
using evidence obtained from torture in Uzbekistan - inflicted on its
population US-funded regime of Islam Karimov - the dictator who likes
to boil people alive.

Murray questions the intent and capability of the alleged terrorists to
carry out the attack and offers the likelihood that evidence of the
plot was obtained through torture in Pakistan.

"None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a
plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the
efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a

plane bomber for quite some time," says Murray (pictured).

"In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases
passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond
reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide
bombings, whatever rash stuff they may have bragged in internet chat

"Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing

plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had
not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators
of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like
canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most
extraordinary information this way. Trouble is it always tends to give
the interrogators all they might want, and more, in a desperate effort
to stop or avert torture. What it doesn't give is the truth."

Murray describes the alert as "more propaganda than plot," and points
out that of all the Muslim terror suspects who have been charged, 80%
have been acquitted and only 2% have ever been convicted on offenses
related to terrorism.

Meanwhile, Delhi police in India claim they have concrete evidence that
proves collusion between Pakistani intelligence service ISI and the
terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in carrying out militant attacks in

One of the alleged mastermind's of the liquid bomb plot, Rashid Rauf,
is a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba. The ISI is a CIA front and the CIA have
privately ignored their control of terror groups while publicly lauding
Pakistan's status as an ally in the war on terror.

On Monday night it emerged that elements of MI5 wanted the liquid bomb
plot to proceed and make the arrests only after the attack had taken
place - sacrificing an estimated 3,000 lives and ensuring Britain
experienced its own 9/11.


NOTE: It's pleasant to have Ralph Nader becoming feisty. Now if he'd
just start telling the truth about 9/11. . . -- kl, pp

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 11:20:46 PM EST
Subject: Open letter to President George W. Bush By Ralph Nader

Letter to President George W. Bush

By Ralph Nader
Aug. 14, 2006

Open letter to President George W. Bush:

The widespread destruction of a defenseless Lebanonits civilians, its
life-sustaining public services, its environmentis a grim and
indelible testament to your consummate cruelty and ignorance. Nearly
two weeks ago when your tardy Secretary of State met with the Israeli
Prime Minister, the message she carried was summarized in a large
headline across page one of an Israeli newspaper, "TAKE YOUR TIME."

Yes, take your time, says George W. Bush, pulverizing fleeing refugees
in cars full of families, bombing apartment buildings, hospitals and
the poor huddled in large south Beirut slums.

Take your time, says George W. Bush, in destroying bridges, roads,
gasoline stations, airports, seaports, wheat silos, vehicles with
medical supplies, clearly marked ambulances taking the wounded to
clinics, even a milk factory .

Take your time, says George W. Bush, while shelters are demolished with
bodies of little children together with their mothers and fathers
buried in the rubble.

Take your time, says George W. Bush, while the number of fleeing
refugees nears one million Lebanese, many exposed to hunger, disease,
lack of potable water and medicines. All this in a country friendly to
the United States, which played by your rules, protested the Syrian
army back into Syria and was trying democratically to put itself

Take your time, says George W. Bush, while he speeds more supplies of
precision missiles containing deadly anti-personnel cluster bombs which
will claim the lives of innocent children for years into the future.
The phosphorous bombs laying waste to fields growing crops and horribly
burning innocents come from the U.S.A. under your direction.

Do you think the taxpayers of America would approve of such shipped
weapons were they ever asked?

Are there words in the English language suitable for the impeachable
serial war crimes you are intimately involved in committing not only in
Iraq but also now through your encouragement and supplying of the once
again invading Israeli government?

Are there words to describe your strategic stupidity which will
further increase opposition and peril to the United States around the
world and especially in the Middle East? Your own Generals and former
CIA Director, Porter Goss, among others in your Administration, have
declared that your occupation of Iraq is a magnet attracting the
recruiting and training of more and more "terrorists" from Iraq and
other countries. And so now this will be the case in Lebanon. All this
is a growing "blowback," to use the CIA word for a boomeranging foreign
policy, that is endangering the security of the United States.

The calibrated Israeli terror bombing of Lebanon comes in three stages.
With its electronic pinpoint precision bombing and artillery, the
Israeli government goes after civilians, their homes, cities, towns and
villages. Then after telling some to abandon their neighborhoods, it
cuts population centers off from each other by destroying
transportation facilities into and inside Lebanon, making both refugee
flight and delivery of emergency relief efforts either impossible or
very difficult. Then its planes, tanks and artillery endanger or
destroy what food, water and relief efforts manage to get through to
the injured and dying. Warehouse food supplies are incinerated. About
four hundred small fishing boats north of Beirut on the oil-polluted
coastline were demolished as well.

All the above mayhem and much more have been reported in the U.S.,
European, Lebanese and Israeli media. The bulk of the fatalities in
Lebanon have been civilians. The bulk of the fatalities on the Israeli
side have been soldiers. Very fortunately for the Israelis, the
Hezbollah rockets are very inaccurate, the vast majority falling

Unfortunately for the Lebanese, the precision American armaments of
the Israelis are very accurate, which serves to account for why the
total casualties and physical destruction are 100 times greater in
Lebanon than in Israel.

Most of these accurate munitions come from your decision to send them.
Knowing they will be used for offensive purposes, including the lethal
demolition of a long-established UN compound, in violation of the Arms
Export Control Act which you have sworn to uphold, places the
responsibility of being a domestic law breaker squarely on your

There is another law that is not being enforcedthe Humanitarian Aid
Corridor Act of 1996 sponsored by then Republican Senator Robert Dole.
Foreign aid is supposed to be cut off to any nation that obstructs the
provision of humanitarian aid to another country. As one example, press
reports that two tankers, each with 30,000 tons of diesel fuel critical
for operating Lebanese hospitals and water pumping stations, are idling
in Cyprus from fear of the totally dominant Israeli navy and air force.

There are only a few days left of fuel in Lebanon, which is heading
for a larger wave of secondary casualties. They and other critical
suppliers need safe passage which the U.S. Navy in the area can readily
provide, should it receive orders from the Commander in Chief.

You heard high Israeli officials accurately say on the day the massive
bombing of Lebanon began, followed not preceded by Hezbollah rockets,
that "nothing in Lebanon is safe." That huge over-reaction to the
recent Hezbollah border raid, in addition to many more previous air,
sea and land border violations by the Israeli government, certainly put
you on public notice.

Since you view yourself as a reborn Christian, and since you have the
power to stop the Israeli state terror assaults on Lebanon, you may
wish to reflect on Leviticus 19:16 "Neither shalt thou stand idly by
the blood of thy neighbor." Lebanon was a friendly country to you and
you have stood by not just idly, but willfully aiding and abetting its



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 2:38:30 PM EST
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 14 Aug 2006 - Part One]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Ceasefire or Trojan Horse?
Mike Whitney

Israels sudden push to the Litani River is a blatant act of political
desperation intended to conceal the humiliating defeat the IDF has
suffered at the hands of Hezbollah. It comes in the wake of a UN
ceasefire agreement worked out by friends of Israel in the Bush
administration who were looking for a diplomatic way for Olmert to
climb down from Israels greatest debacle since the Yom Kippur war. The
so-called ceasefire is tailored to stop the victim of Israeli
aggression! from defending himself, but provides the IDF with the
go-ahead to continue its rampage. Such is the Kafkaesque logic of the
United Nations and their puppet-masters in Tel Aviv (...) The UN
ceasefire agreement was clearly written in close collaboration with
Israel. It allows the IDF to continue "defensive operations" while
Hezbollah is required to stop fighting. Israel interprets this as a
green light for aggressively pursuing Hezbollah. ..

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Captured Prisoners: The Full Story

There is much talk of the current war against Lebanon being triggered
by Hezbollah's capturing of two Israeli soldiers. Not only is this
statement inaccurate, its excessive recycling creates the false
perception that only the two Israelis in Lebanon and the one in Gaza
are the prisoners of this conflict. If Americans Knew, is a great
website that tracks bias in the news coverage of the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Now it has produced a great 15-minute
video titled "Captured Prisoners: The Full Story," which puts in
perspective the issue of the prisoners of the conflict, highlighting
the plight of the 9,000 prisoners in Israeli jails, and tens of
thousands of Palestinians who graduated from them...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


An Interview with Dr. Ismail Zayid, President of the Canadian
Palestinian Association
Angie Tibbs

Israels ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from 1947 to the
present has caused monumental devastation to the exiled, those hundreds
of thousands who were forced from their homes and never allowed to
return. Dr. Ismail Zayids family suffered this unspeakable horror in
1967 when their village of Beit Nuba was erased from the face of the
earth by Israeli bulldozers (...) Dr. Zayid: The Israeli war crimes in
Lebanon and Gaza are part and parcel of the continuing Zionist agenda
of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from their homeland and the
Lebanese from South Lebanon. The campaign in Lebanon is an attempt to
achieve some of the longstanding Zionist designs on Lebanon which were
first formulated in the submission of the World Zionist Organisation to
the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris in 1919..

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection"

Michel Chossudovsky,

The announcement by the British Home Office of a foiled terror plot to
simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on transatlantic
flights, conveys the impression that it is the Western World rather

than the Middle East which is under attack. Had the terrorist plot gone
ahead as planned, it would have resulted in "the loss of life on an

unprecedented scale", said Home Secretary John Reid. (BBC, 10 August

2006). ! "We are confident we have disrupted a plan by terrorists to

cause untold death and destruction.... Put simply, this was intended to
be mass murder on an unimaginable scale", said Deputy Commissioner of
the Metropolitan police, Paul Stephenson. (Complete statement, 10
August 2006) The London terror warning has served to divert World
public attention from the war in Lebanon and the atrocities committed

by coalition forces in the Middle East...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Liquid Bombing the Constitution
Kurt Nimmo

Michael Chertoff, the Federalist Society gremlin and current bossman of
the Ministry of Homeland Security, has it out for the Constitution. "We
have to make sure our legal system allows us" to trash the Bill of
Rights, Chertoff told the Associated Press. "Its not like the 20th
century, where you had time to get warrants." In order to create the
proper environment for chucking the Constitution, the neocons are
pushing hard on the latest incident of fake terrorism, a hyped
non-attack led by a pregnant woman and a pizza delivery driver...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Is Jill Carroll lying?
Truth About Iraqis

Adnan was gone. The rotund man was in the driver's seat now. Other men
jumped in sandwiching me between them. We sped away, out onto the main
road, then turned right. "Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!" my abductors shouted,
excited and joyful. "Jihad! Jihad!" My captors peppered me with
questions in Arabic. I played dumb, fearful they would think I
understood too much and kill me. This from the first of many interviews
with freelance reporter Jill Carroll. I find this very str! ange.
Yelling Jihad over and over sounds out of touch with Arab mannerisms.
Have you ever seen videos of Iraqi fighters downing Apache helicopters
or Abrams tanks or even blowing up US armored vehicles? Listen to the
audio. They never shout Jihad, Jihad, Jihad. You call someone to Jihad,
you embark on a Jihad, but you do not scream Jihad as if it were an
offshoot of Hooray, Yipee, or Alright. Jihad is not meant to sound like
woooohaaa (...) In fact, the shouting of Jihad sounds like something
out of a bad Hollywood movie where non-Arabs don Arab garb and shout a
word familiar to Hollywood audiences. I'm sorry, but it is just
incorrect for an Arab to shout Jihad in such a situation. It does not
fit. So, I have to come to the following conclusions: 1) Jill Carroll
is lying; 2) Jill Carroll misunderstood; 3) Her captors were not really

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The cry of "wolf!" over terror: A comment on the plane "plot"
Richard Marsden, The Business of Emotions

If President Bush would like us to take these Terror Alerts
seriouslyre the alleged air terror plot in Englandhe should stop
making political capital out of them. Do we really need yet another
reminder that: This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use

any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation.

Well, no we don't, but he and the Republicans do. So, too, does Tony
Blair who must face a back-bench revolt over his position over Israel
and Lebanon when he returns from his vacation in the Bahamas. And Ehud
Olmert, Israel's prime minister, no doubt would like his mind taken off
his rapidly diminishing credibility. Above all, this terrible trio
would appreciate anything that diverts attention from the grotesque
spectacle of the Anglo-Israeli-American destruction of Lebanon...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The 'peace' dividend.
Lenin's Tomb

Israel is about to swing dramatically to the right, if current
indications are anything to go by. Israelis interviewed on Channel Four
news all (aside from twits like Michael Oren, the historical fabricator
cum Israeli military spokesperson) expressed dismay. Not at the
butchery inflicted on Lebanon. Not at the obscene massacres carried out
by the IDF. Not by the despicable excuses given by their government for
leading them into an unnecessary and brutal war. But at the fact tha! t
they lost. Oh, they all know the Lebanese resistance won this one. A
couple of days ago, a poll found that only 20% of Israelis believed
they were winning. I'd be surprised if that many believe they've won.
Returning soldiers look shell-shocked. They can't believe it...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Are New Weapons Being Used In Gaza and Lebanon
David Halpin MB BS FRCS

Gulf News reported a claim by Dr Al Saqqa, Head of the Emergency Unit
of El Shifa Hospital, Gaza on 7-07-06 that the Israeli Occupation Force
was using a new 'chemical' weapon. He has worked at El Shifa for ten
years. He had noted that two hundred and more casualties of Summer Rain
(sic) had unusual wounds. These numbers included about fifty children.
Later evidence from Dr Al Saqqa described surface wounds as having the
general appearance of those due to 'shrapnel' fragments from shell,
missile or bomb casings but no fragments were to be seen on Xray.
There were usually entry and exit wounds. When the wounds were explored
no foreign material was found. There was tissue death, the extent of
which was difficult to determine. It is vital, especially with deep
wounds, to excise all dead tissue. A higher deep infection rate
resulted with subsequent amputation. In spite of amputation there was a
higher mortality (...) Surgeons in Lebanon have also claimed that new
and more injurious weapons have been used...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 15, 2006 2:52:15 AM EST
Subject: Depleted Uranium: U.S. Soldiers Are Sick of It,71585-0.html?tw=wn_index_13

U.S. Soldiers Are Sick of It

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of s.gif]
Associated Press 10:20 AM Aug, 12, 2006

NEW YORK -- It takes at least 10 minutes and a large glass of orange
juice to wash down all the pills -- morphine, methadone, a muscle
relaxant, an antidepressant, a stool softener. Viagra for sexual
dysfunction. Valium for his nerves.

Four hours later, Herbert Reed will swallow another 15 mg of morphine
to cut the pain clenching every part of his body. He will do it twice
more before the day is done.

Since he left a bombed-out train depot in Iraq, his gums bleed. There
is more blood in his urine, and still more in his stool. Bright light
hurts his eyes. A tumor has been removed from his thyroid. Rashes erupt
everywhere, itching so badly they seem to live inside his skin.
Migraines cleave his skull. His joints ache, grating like door hinges
in need of oil.

There is something massively wrong with Herbert Reed, though no one is
sure what it is. He believes he knows the cause, but he cannot convince
anyone caring for him that the military's new favorite weapon has made
him terrifyingly sick.

In the sprawling bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs, he
has many caretakers. An internist, a neurologist, a pain-management
specialist, a psychologist, an orthopedic surgeon and a dermatologist.
He cannot function without his stupefying arsenal of medications, but
they exact a high price.

"I'm just a zombie walking around," he says.

Reed believes depleted uranium has contaminated him and his life. He
now walks point in a vitriolic war over the Pentagon's arsenal of it --
thousands of shells and hundreds of tanks coated with the metal that is
radioactive, chemically toxic, and nearly twice as dense as lead.

A shell coated with depleted uranium pierces a tank like a hot knife
through butter, exploding on impact into a charring inferno. As tank
armor, it repels artillery assaults. It also leaves behind a fine
radioactive dust with a half-life of 4.5 billion years.

Depleted uranium is the garbage left from producing enriched uranium
for nuclear weapons and energy plants. It is 60 percent as radioactive
as natural uranium. The United States has an estimated 1.5 billion
pounds of it, sitting in hazardous waste storage sites across the
country. Meaning it is plentiful and cheap as well as highly effective.

Reed says he unknowingly breathed DU dust while living with his unit in
Samawah, Iraq. He was med-evaced out in July 2003, nearly unable to
walk because of lightning-strike pains from herniated discs in his
spine. Then began a strange series of symptoms he'd never experienced
in his previously healthy life.

At Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C, he ran into a
buddy from his unit. And another, and another, and in the tedium of
hospital life between doctor visits and the dispensing of meds, they
began to talk.

"We all had migraines. We all felt sick," Reed says. "The doctors said,
'It's all in your head.' "

Then the medic from their unit showed up. He too, was suffering. That
made eight sick soldiers from the 442nd Military Police, an Army
National Guard unit made up of mostly cops and correctional officers
from the New York area.

But the medic knew something the others didn't. Dutch marines had taken
over the abandoned train depot dubbed Camp Smitty, which was surrounded
by tank skeletons, unexploded ordnance and shell casings. They'd
brought radiation-detection devices. The readings were so hot, the
Dutch set up camp in the middle of the desert rather than live in the
station ruins.

"We got on the Internet," Reed said, "and we started researching
depleted uranium."

Then they contacted The New York Daily News, which paid for
sophisticated urine tests available only overseas.

Then they hired a lawyer.

Reed, Gerard Matthew, Raymond Ramos, Hector Vega, Augustin Matos,
Anthony Yonnone, Jerry Ojeda and Anthony Phillip all have depleted
uranium in their urine, according to tests done in December 2003, while
they bounced for months between Walter Reed and New Jersey's Fort Dix
medical center, seeking relief that never came.

The analyses were done in Germany, by a Frankfurt professor who
developed a depleted uranium test with Randall Parrish, a professor of
isotope geology at the University of Leicester in Britain.

The veterans, using their positive results as evidence, have sued the
U.S. Army, claiming officials knew the hazards of depleted uranium, but
concealed the risks.

The Department of Defense says depleted uranium is powerful and safe,
and not that worrisome.

Four of the highest-registering samples from Frankfurt were sent to the
VA. Those results were negative, Reed said. "Their test just isn't as
sophisticated," he said. "And when we first asked to be tested, they
told us there wasn't one. They've lied to us all along."

The VA's testing methodology is safe and accurate, the agency says.
More than 2,100 soldiers from the current war have asked to be tested;
only eight had DU in their urine, the VA said.

The term depleted uranium is linguistically radioactive. Simply
uttering the words can prompt a reaction akin to preaching atheism at
tent revival. Heads shake, eyes roll, opinions are yelled from all

"The Department of Defense takes the position that you can eat it for
breakfast and it poses no threat at all," said Steve Robinson of the
National Gulf War Resource Center, which helps veterans with various
problems, including navigating the labyrinth of VA health care. "Then
you have far-left groups that ... declare it a crime against humanity."

Several countries use it as weaponry, including Britain, which fired it
during the 2003 Iraq invasion.

An estimated 286 tons of DU munitions were fired by the United States
in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. An estimated 130 tons were shot toppling
Saddam Hussein.

Depleted uranium can enter the human body by inhalation, the most
dangerous method; by ingesting contaminated food or eating with
contaminated hands; by getting dust or debris in an open wound, or by
being struck by shrapnel, which often is not removed because doing so
would be more dangerous than leaving it.

Inhaled, it can lodge in the lungs. As with imbedded shrapnel, this is
doubly dangerous -- not only are the particles themselves physically
destructive, they emit radiation.

A moderate voice on the divisive DU spectrum belongs to Dan Fahey, a
doctoral student at the University of California at Berkeley, who has
studied the issue for years and also served in the Gulf War before
leaving the military as a conscientious objector.

"I've been working on this since '93 and I've just given up hope," he
said. "I've spoken to successive federal committees and elected
officials ... who then side with the Pentagon. Nothing changes."

At the other end are a collection of conspiracy-theorists and internet
proselytizers who say using such weapons constitutes genocide. Two of
the most vocal opponents recently suggested that a depleted-uranium
missile, not a hijacked jetliner, struck the Pentagon in 2001.

"The bottom line is it's more hazardous than the Pentagon admits,"
Fahey said, "but it's not as hazardous as the hard-line activist groups
say it is. And there's a real dearth of information about how DU
affects humans."

There are several studies on how it affects animals, though their
results are not, of course, directly applicable to humans. Military
research on mice shows that depleted uranium can enter the bloodstream
and come to rest in bones, the brain, kidneys and lymph nodes. Other
research in rats shows that DU can result in cancerous tumors and
genetic mutations, and pass from mother to unborn child, resulting in
birth defects.

Iraqi doctors reported significant increases in birth defects and
childhood cancers after the 1991 invasion.

Iraqi authorities "found that uranium, which affected the blood cells,
had a serious impact on health: The number of cases of leukemia had
increased considerably, as had the incidence of fetal deformities," the
U.N. reported.

Depleted uranium can also contaminate soil and water, and coat
buildings with radioactive dust, which can by carried by wind and

In 2005, the U.N. Environmental Program identified 311 polluted sites
in Iraq. Cleaning them will take at least $40 million and several
years, the agency said. Nothing can start until the fighting stops.

Fifteen years after it was first used in battle, there is only one U.S.
government study monitoring veterans exposed to depleted uranium.
Number of soldiers in the survey: 32. Number of soldiers in both Iraq
wars: more than 900,000.

The study group's size is controversial -- far too small, say experts
including Fahey -- and so are the findings of the voluntary,
Baltimore-based study. It has found "no clinically significant" health
effects from depleted uranium exposure in the study subjects, according
to its researchers.

Critics say the VA has downplayed participants' health problems,
including not reporting one soldier who developed cancer, and another
who developed a bone tumor.

So for now, depleted uranium falls into the quagmire of Gulf War
Syndrome, from which no treatment has emerged despite the government's
spending of at least $300 million.

About 30 percent of the 700,000 men and women who served in the first
Gulf War still suffer a baffling array of symptoms very similar to
those reported by Reed's unit.

Depleted uranium has long been suspected as a possible contributor to
Gulf War Syndrome, and in the mid-90s, veterans helped push the
military into tracking soldiers exposed to it.

But for all their efforts, what they got in the end was a questionnaire
dispensed to homeward-bound soldiers asking about mental health,
nightmares, losing control, exposure to dangerous and radioactive

But, the veterans persisted, how would soldiers know they'd been
exposed? Radiation is invisible, tasteless, and has no smell. And what
exhausted, homesick, war-addled soldier would check a box that would
only send him or her to a military medical center to be poked and
prodded and questioned and tested?

It will take years to determine how depleted uranium affected soldiers
from this war. After Vietnam, veterans, in numbers that grew with the
passage of time, complained of joint aches, night sweats, bloody feces,
migraine headaches, unexplained rashes and violent behavior; some
developed cancers.

It took more than 25 years for the Pentagon to acknowledge that Agent
Orange -- a corrosive defoliant used to melt the jungles of Vietnam and
flush out the enemy -- was linked to those sufferings.

It took 40 years for the military to compensate sick World War II vets
exposed to massive blasts of radiation during tests of the atomic bomb.
In 2002, Congress voted to not let that happen again.

It established the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans'
Illnesses -- composed of scientists, physicians and veterans'
advocates. It reports to the secretary of Veterans Affairs. Its mandate
is to judge all research and all efforts to treat Gulf War Syndrome
patients against a single standard: Have sick soldiers been made

The answer, according to the committee, is no.

"Regrettably, after four years of operation neither the Committee nor
(the) VA can report progress toward this goal," stated its December
2005 report. "Research has not produced effective treatments for these
conditions nor shown that existing treatments are significantly

And so time marches on, as do soldiers going to, and returning from,
the deserts of Iraq.

Herbert Reed is an imposing man, broad shouldered and tall. He strides
into the VA Medical Center in the Bronx with the presence of a cop or a
soldier. Since the Vietnam War, he has been both.

His hair is perfect, his shirt spotless, his jeans sharply creased. But
there is something wrong, a niggling imperfection made more noticeable
by a bearing so disciplined. It is a limp -- more like a hitch in his
get-along. It is the only sign, albeit a tiny one, that he is extremely

Even sleep offers no release. He dreams of gunfire and bombs and
soldiers who scream for help. No matter how hard he tries, he never
gets there in time.

At 54, he is a veteran of two wars and a 20-year veteran of the New
York Police Department, where he last served as an assistant warden at
the Riker's Island prison. He was in perfect health, he says, before
being deployed to Iraq.

According to military guidelines, he should have heard the words
depleted uranium long before he ended up at Walter Reed. He should have
been trained about its dangers, and how to avoid prolonged exposure to
its toxicity and radioactivity. He says he didn't get anything of the
kind. Neither did other reservists and National Guard soldiers called
up for the current war, according to veterans' groups.

Reed and the seven brothers from his unit hate what has happened to
them, and they speak of it at public seminars and in politicians'
offices. It is something no VA doctor can explain; something that
leaves them feeling like so many spent shell rounds, kicked to the side
of battle.

But for every outspoken soldier like them, there are silent veterans
like Raphael Naboa, an Army artillery scout who served 11 months in the
northern Sunni Triangle, only to come home and fall apart. Some days he
feels fine. "Some days I can't get out of bed," he said from his home
in Colorado.

Now 29, he's had growths removed from his brain. He has suffered a
small stroke -- one morning he was shaving, having put down the razor
to rinse his face. In that moment, he blacked out and pitched over.
"Just as quickly as I lost consciousness, I regained it," he said.
"Except I couldn't move the right side of my body." After about 15
minutes, the paralysis ebbed.

He has mentioned depleted uranium to his VA doctors, who say he suffers
from a series of "non-related conditions." He knows he was exposed to
DU. "A lot of guys went trophy-hunting, grabbing bayonets, helmets,
stuff that was in the vehicles that were destroyed by depleted uranium.
My guys were rooting around in it. I was trying to get them out of the

No one in the military talked to him about depleted uranium, he said.
His knowledge, like Reed's, is self-taught from the internet. Unlike
Reed, he has not gone to war over it. He doesn't feel up to the fight.
There is no known cure for what ails him, and so no possible victory in

He'd really just like to feel normal again. And he knows of others who
feel the same.

"I was an artillery scout, these are folks who are in pretty good
shape. Your Rangers, your Special Forces guys, they're in as good as
shape as a professional athlete.

"Then we come back and we're all sick."

They feel like men who once were warriors and now are old before their
time, with no hope for relief from a multitude of miseries that has no


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: August 15, 2006 9:59:24 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: Bombs in the North Tower on lower floors
before South Tower was hit. -- NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Says 9/11
Commission Twisted His Words

Subject: 911 TRUTH:
NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Says 9/11 Commission Twisted His Words
NY Fireman Lou Cacchioli Says 9/11 Commission Twisted His Words



When Co. 47 arrived with Cacchioli leading the way as the senior member
of the crew, the second plane had already hit the south tower and they
were told to head directly to the Marriot Hotel across from the WTC,
since a fire was blazing form debris falling from the towers. Cacchioli
recalls hearing radio reports of people jumping and when he got
closer to the Marriot, the reports turned into reality.

I looked up and there were about 6 to 10 people flying through the air
coming down right on us, said Cacchioli. It was horrible when they
hit the ground, something you had to turn your eyes away from. One of
the jumpers landed directly on fireman Danny Sur, killing him on the
spot. I remember saying, Oh my God, what are we getting into?

Cacchioli then recalls entering the Marriot, trying to lead the kids
as he called them, adding that words could not describe the screaming
and chaos within.

There was debris flying everywhere and it was just mass chaos, said
Cacchioli. At that point, orders were changing fast and furious and
our company was directed to lend assistance in the north tower."


Although the Marriot was a bad scene, the north tower looked like a war
zone. When he entered the lobby, Cacchioli recalls elevator doors
completely blown out and another scene of mass chaos with people
running, screaming and being hit with debris.

I remember thinking to myself, my God, how could this be happening so
quickly if a plane hit way above. It didnt make sense, said

At that point, Cacchioli found one of the only functioning elevators,
one only going as high as the 24th floor, a twist of fate that probably
saved his life.

Looking back if it was one of the elevators that went higher, I
wouldnt be here talking today, added Cacchioli.

As he made his way up along with men from Engine Co. 21, 22 and Ladder
Co. 13, the doors opened on the 24th floor, a scene again that hardly
made sense to the seasoned fireman, claiming the heavy dust and haze of
smoke he encountered was unusual considering the location of the

Tommy Hedsal was with me and everybody else also gets out of the
elevator when it stops on the 24th floor, said Cacchioli, There was a
huge amount of smoke. Tommy and I had to go back down the elevator for
tools and no sooner did the elevators close behind us, we heard this
huge explosion that sounded like a bomb. It was such a loud noise, it
knocked off the lights and stalled the elevator.

Luckily, we werent caught between floors and were able to pry open
the doors. People were going crazy, yelling and screaming. And all the
time, I am crawling low and making my way in the dark with a flashlight
to the staircase and thinking Tommy is right behind me.

I somehow got into the stairwell and there were more people there.
When I began to try and direct down, another huge explosion like the
first one hits. This one hits about two minutes later, although its
hard to tell, but Im thinking, Oh. My God, these bastards put bombs
in here like they did in 1993!

But still it never crossed my mind the building was going to collapse.
I really only had two things on my mind and that was getting people out
and saving lives. Thats what I was trained for and thats what I was
going to do.

I remember at that point in the stairwell between the 23rd and 24th
floor, I threw myself down on the steps because of the smoke. It was
pitch black, I had my mask on and I was crawling down the steps until I
found the door on the 23rd floor.

When Cacchioli entered the 23rd floor, he found a little man holding
a handkerchief in front of his face and hiding under the standpipes on
the wall, used for pumping water on the floor in case of fire.

Leading the man by the arm, he then ran into a group down the hall of
about 35 to 40 people, finding his way down the 23rd floor stairwell
and beginning their descent to safety.

Then as soon as we get in the stairwell, I hear another huge explosion
like the other two. Then I heard bang, bang, bang - huge bangs and
surmised later it was the floors pan caking on top of one another.

I knew we had to get out of there fast and on the 12th floor a man
even jumped on my back because he thought he couldnt make it any
farther. Everybody was shocked and dazed and it was a miracle all of us
got this far.

When the group led by Cacchioli finally made it to the lobby level, he
was unable to open the door at first, the concussion of the explosions
or perhaps the south tower falling, jamming the lobby door.

Finally jarring it loose, the group entered the lobby finding total
devastation with windows blown out and marble falling form the walls,
but strangely no people. At that point, it was either left or right to
an exit, Cacchioli, the man he originally found by the standpipes and
another lady going right while the others went left, a move which by
the grace of God saved his life.

It seemed like every move I made that morning was the right move,
said Cacchioli. I should have been killed at least five times. The
people that went left didnt make it out, but we came out alive on West


After making sure the two civilians were attended to, Cacchioli went to
his fire truck finding Lance, the driver, who was attending to the
truck and waiting for the crew to return.

Looking up at the north tower directly above, Cacchioli recalls not
having the slightest idea when he exited that the south tower had
already collapsed. He also remembers wondering about the fate of his
crew members, the driver telling him two were missing and two others
injured and already taken to the hospital.

Next thing, we look up and see the tower collapsing. We saw it
starting to come down fast, Lance running towards the water to safety
and I headed down West Side Highway.

Cacchioli said he remembers looking back at the north tower antenna
falling, at the same time trying to stay ahead of the huge ball of
black smoke gaining ground. He then threw of his mask to make himself
lighter, a move that allowed him to run faster and perhaps save his
life, while eventually having to throw himself on the ground from the
heavy sawdust-like air mixed with glass that was choking him to death
and taking away his vision.

Landing in debris, he luckily fell by the wheels of another fire truck,
another twist of fate that may have saved his life, where he then
managed to find a compressed air breathing mask. He then passed out and
recalls waking up some time later after another fireman pulled him to

I dont really know how much time passed, but once I felt better, I
quickly went back to look for my friends and stayed till I couldnt
walk anymore, said Cacchioli, who began crying when he talked about
his close friend. They finally found Tommys body in the debris about
10 days later. I went back to Ground Zero every day for a long time,
going AWOL, until I finally went to a doctor and was put on medical

They were very good about it. Everybody understood. It got to the
point I couldnt breadth anymore and I lost a lot of vision due to the
broken glass getting into my eyes. Finally, the doctors told me in
January 2002, I couldnt work and I remember feeling devastated like my
whole world was coming to an end.

I couldnt tell this story for the longest time and I have to admit it
is still difficult.


Cacchioli was called to testify privately, but walked out on several
members of the committee before they finished, feeling like he was
being interrogated and cross-examined rather than simply allowed to
tell the truth about what occurred in the north tower on 9/11.

My story was never mentioned in the final report and I felt like I was
being put on trial in a court room, said Cacchioli. I finally walked
out. They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only
what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and
when they wouldnt let me do that, I walked out.

It was a disgrace to everyone, the victims and the family members who
lost loved ones. I dont agree with the 9/11 Commission. The whole
experience was terrible.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 10:12:50 PM EST
Subject: Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature

Comment: Hezbollah becomes Lebanon's de facto government!
August 16, 2006

Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Aug. 15 As stunned Lebanese returned Tuesday over
broken roads to shattered apartments in the south, it increasingly
seemed that the beneficiary of the destruction was most likely to be

A major reason in addition to its hard-won reputation as the only
Arab force that fought Israel to a standstill is that it is already
dominating the efforts to rebuild with a torrent of money from oil-rich

Nehme Y. Tohme, a member of Parliament from the anti-Syrian reform bloc
and the countrys minister for the displaced, said he had been told by
Hezbollah officials that when the shooting stopped, Iran would provide
Hezbollah with an unlimited budget for reconstruction.

In his victory speech on Monday night, Hezbollahs leader, Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah, offered money for decent and suitable furniture and a
years rent on a house to any Lebanese who lost his home in the
month-long war.

Completing the victory, he said, can come with reconstruction.

On Tuesday, Israel began to pull many of its reserve troops out of
southern Lebanon, and its military chief of staff said all of the
soldiers could be back across the border within 10 days. Lebanese
soldiers are expected to begin moving in a couple of days, supported by
the first of 15,000 foreign troops. [Page A8.]

While the Israelis began their withdrawal, hundreds of Hezbollah
members spread over dozens of villages across southern Lebanon began
cleaning, organizing and surveying damage. Men on bulldozers were busy
cutting lanes through giant piles of rubble. Roads blocked with the
remnants of buildings are now, just a day after a cease-fire began,
fully passable.

In Sreifa, a Hezbollah official said the group would offer an initial
$10,000 to residents to help pay for the year of rent, to buy new
furniture and to help feed families.

In Taibe, a town of fighting so heavy that large chunks were missing
from walls and buildings where they had been sprayed with bullets, the
Audi family stood with two Hezbollah volunteers, looking woefully at
their windowless, bullet- and shrapnel-torn house.

In Bint Jbail, Hezbollah ambulances large, new cars with flashing
lights on the top ferried bodies of fighters to graves out of
mountains of rubble.

Hezbollahs reputation as an efficient grass-roots social service
network as opposed to the Lebanese government, regarded by many here
as sleek men in suits doing well was in evidence everywhere. Young
men with walkie-talkies and clipboards were in the battered Shiite
neighborhoods on the southern edge of Bint Jbail, taking notes on the
extent of the damage.

Hezbollahs strength, said Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a professor at the
Lebanese American University here, who has written extensively about
the organization, in large part derives from the gross vacuum left by
the state.

Hezbollah was not, she said, a state within a state, but rather a
state within a nonstate, actually.

Sheik Nasrallah said in his speech that the brothers in the towns and
villages will turn to those whose homes are badly damaged and help
rebuild them.

Today is the day to keep up our promises, he said.

All our brothers will be in your service starting tomorrow.

Some southern towns were so damaged that on Tuesday residents had not
yet begun to return. A fighter for the Amal movement, another Shiite
militia group, said he had been told that Hezbollah members would begin
to catalog damages in his town, Kafr Kila, on the Israeli border.

Hezbollah men also traveled door to door checking on residents and
asking them what help they needed.

Although Hezbollah is a Shiite organization, Sheik Nasrallahs message
resounded even with a Sunni Muslim, Ghaleb Jazi, 40, who works at the
oil storage plant at Jiyeh, 15 miles south of Beirut. It was bombed by
the Israelis and spewing pollution northward into the Mediterranean.

The government may do some work on bridges and roads, but when it
comes to rebuilding houses, Hezbollah will have a big role to play, he

Nasrallah said yesterday he would rebuild, and he will come through.

Sheik Nasrallahs speech was interpreted by some on Tuesday as a kind
of watershed in Lebanese politics, establishing his group on an equal
footing with the official government.

It was a coup ditat, said Jad al-Akjaoui, a political analyst
aligned with the democratic reform bloc. He was among the organizers of
the anti-Syrian demonstrations after the assassination of former Prime
Minister Rafik Hariri two years ago that led to international pressure
to rid Lebanon of 15 years of Syrian control.

Rami G. Khouri, a columnist for The Daily Star in Beirut, wrote that
Sheik Nasrallah seemed to take on the veneer of a national leader
rather than the head of one group in Lebanons rich mosaic of political

In tone and content, his remarks seemed more like those of a president
or a prime minister should be making while addressing the nation after
a terrible month of destruction and human suffering.

His prominence is one of the important political repercussions of this
war, Mr. Khouri wrote.

Defense Minister Elias Murr said Tuesday that the government would not
seek to disarm Hezbollah.

The army is not going to the south to strip the Hezbollah of its
weapons and do the work that Israel did not, he said, showing just how
difficult reining in the militia will most likely be in the coming
weeks and months. He added that the resistance, meaning Hezbollah,
had been cooperating with the government and there was no need to
confront it.

Sheik Nasrallah sounded much like a governor responding to a disaster
when he said, So far, the initial count available to us on completely
demolished houses exceeds 15,000 residential units.

We cannot of course wait for the government and its heavy vehicles and
machinery because they could be a while, he said. He also cautioned,
No one should raise prices due to a surge in demand.

Support for Hezbollah was likely to become stronger, Professor
Saad-Ghorayeb said, because of the weakness of the central government.

Hezbollah has two pillars of support, she said. The resistance and
the social services. What this war has illustrated is that it is best
at both.

He tells the people, Dont worry, were going to protect you. And
were going to reconstruct. This has happened before. We will deliver.

Hassan M. Fattah contributed reporting from Sreifa, Lebanon, for this
article, Sabrina Tavernise from Taibe and Robert F. Worth from Jiyeh.


Key Reagan Advisor: "Gullible Americans" Duped by 9/11 Hoax

Key Reagan advisor Paul Craig Roberts: "Don't ask me what happened on
9/11. The official account of the buildings' collapse is improbable."

Gullible Americans

By Paul Craig Roberts

08/14/06 "Information Clearing House" -- --

I was in China when a July Harris Poll reported that 50 percent of
Americans still believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when
Bush invaded that country, and that 64 percent of Americans still
believe that Saddam Hussein had strong links with Al Qaeda.

The Chinese leaders and intellectuals with whom I was meeting were
incredulous. How could a majority of the population in an allegedly
free country with an allegedly free press be so totally misinformed?
The only answer I could give the Chinese is that Americans would have
been the perfect population for Mao and the Gang of Four, because
Americans believe anything their government tells them.

Americans never check any facts. Who do you know, for example, who has
even read the Report of the 9/11 Commission, much less checked the
alleged facts reported in that document. I can answer for you. You
dont know anyone who has read the report or checked the facts.

The two co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission Report, Thomas Kean and Lee
Hamilton, have just released a new book, Without Precedent: The Inside
Story of the 9/11 Commission. Kean and Hamilton reveal that the
commission suppressed the fact that Muslim ire toward the US is due to
US support for Israels persecution and dispossession of the
Palestinians, not to our freedom and democracy as Bush
propagandistically claims. Kean and Hamilton also reveal that the US
military committed perjury and lied about its failure to intercept the
hijacked airliners. The commission even debated referring the
militarys lies to the Justice Department for criminal investigation.
Why should we assume that these admissions are the only coverups and
lies in the 9/11 Commission Report?

How do you know that 9/11 was a Muslim terrorist plot? How do you know
that three World Trade Center buildings collapsed because two were hit
by airliners? You only know because the government gave you the
explanation of what you saw on TV. (Did you even know that three WTC
buildings collapsed?)

I still remember the enlightenment I experienced as a student in
Russian Studies when I learned that the Czarist secret police would set
off bombs and then blame those whom they wanted to arrest.

When Hitler seized dictatorial power in 1933, he told the Germans that
his new powers were made necessary by a communist terrorist attack on
the Reichstag. When Hitler started World War II by invading Poland, he
told the Germans that Poland had crossed the frontier and attacked

Governments lie all the time--especially governments staffed by
neoconservatives whose intellectual godfather, Leo Strauss, taught them
that it is permissible to deceive the public in order to achieve their

Some readers will write to me to say that they saw a TV documentary or
read a magazine article verifying the governments explanation of 9/11.
But, of course, these Americans did not check the facts either--and
neither did the people who made the documentary and wrote the magazine

Scientists and engineers, such as Clemson University Professor of
Engineering Dr. Judy Woods and BYU Professor of Physics Dr. Steven
Jones, have raised compelling questions about the official account of
the collapse of the three WTC buildings. The basic problem for the
government's account is that the buildings are known to have fallen at
free fall speed, a fact that is inconsistent with the government's
"pancaking" theory in which debris from above collapsed the floors
below. If the buildings actually "pancaked," then each floor below
would have offered resistance to the floors above, and the elapsed time
would have been much longer. These experts have also calculated that
the buildings did not have sufficient gravitational energy to
accommodate the government's theory of the collapse. It is certainly
a known and non-controversial fact among physicists and engineers that
the only way buildings can collapse at free fall speed into their own
footprints is by engineered demolition. Explosives are used to remove
the support of floors below before the debris from
above arrives. Otherwise, resistance is encountered and the time
required for fall increases. Engineered demolition also explains the
symmetrical collapse of the buildings into their own foot prints. As it
is otherwise improbable for every point in floors below to weaken
uniformly, "pancaking" would result in asymmetrical collapse as some
elements of the floor would give sooner than others.

Scientific evidence is a tough thing for the American public to handle,
and the government knows it. The government can rely on people
dismissing things that they cannot understand as "conspiracy theory."
But if you are inclined to try to make up your own mind, you can find
Dr. Jones' and Dr. Woods papers, which have been formally presented to
their peers at scientific meetings, on line at

Experts have also pointed out that the buildings' massive steel
skeletons comprised a massive heat sink that wicked away the heat from
the limited, short-lived fires, thus preventing a heat buildup.
Experts also point out that the short-lived, scattered, low-intensity
fires could barely reach half the melting point of steel even if they
burned all day instead of merely an hour.

Don't ask me to tell you what happened on 9/11. All I know is that the
official account of the buildings' collapse is improbable.

Now we are being told another improbable tale. Muslim terrorists in
London and Pakistan were caught plotting to commit mass murder by
smuggling bottles of explosive liquids on board airliners in hand
luggage. Baby formula, shampoo and water bottles allegedly contained
the tools of suicide bombers.

How do we know about this plot? Well, the police learned it from an
Islamic militant arrested near the Afghan-Pakistan border several
weeks ago. And how did someone so far away know what British-born
people in London were plotting?

Do you really believe that Western and Israeli intelligence services,
which were too incompetent to prevent the 9/11 attack, can uncover a
London plot by capturing a person on the Afghan border in Pakistan? Why
would an Islamic militant rat on such a plot even if he knew of it?

More probable explanations of the plot are readily available.
According to the August 11 Wayne Madsen Report, informed sources in the
UK report that the Tony Blair government, under siege by a Labor Party
revolt, cleverly cooked up a new terror scare to avert the publics
eyes away from Blairs increasing political woes. British law
enforcement, neocon and intelligence operatives in the US, Israel, and
Britain, and Rupert Murdochs global media empire cooked up the
terrorist plot, liberally borrowing from the failed 1995 Oplan Bjinka
plot by Pakistan- and Philippines-based terrorist Ramzi Ahmad Yousef to
crash 11 trans-Pacific airliners bound from Asia to the US.

There are other plausible explanations. For example, our puppet in
Pakistan decided to arrest some people who were a threat to him. With
Bushs commitment to building democracy in the Middle East, our
puppet cant arrest his political enemies without cause, so he lays the
blame on a plot.

Any testimony against Muslim plotters by an Islamic militant is
certain to have been bought and paid for.

Or consider this explanation. Under the Nuremberg standard, Bush and
Blair are war criminals. Bush is so worried that he will be held
accountable that he has sent his attorney general to consult with the
Republican Congress to work out legislation to protect Bush
retroactively from his violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Tony Blair is in more danger of finding himself in the dock. Britain
is signatory to a treaty that, if justice is done, will place Blair
before the International Criminal Court in the Hague.

What better justification for the two war criminals illegal actions
than the need to foil dastardly plots by Muslims recruited in sting
operations by Western intelligence services? The more Bush and Blair
can convince their publics that terrorist danger abounds, the less
likely Bush and Blair are ever to be held accountable for their crimes.

But surely, some readers might object, our great moral leaders wouldnt
do something political like that!

They most certainly would. As Joshua Micah Marshall wrote in the July
7 issue of Time magazine, the suspicion is quite reasonable that the
Bush Administration orchestrates its terror alerts and arrests to goose
the GOPs poll numbers.

Joshua Micah Marshall proves his conclusion by examining the barrage of
color-coded terror alerts, none of which were real, and, yes, it all
fits with political needs.

And dont forget the plot unearthed in Miami to blow up the Sears Tower
in Chicago. Described by Vice President Cheney as a very real threat,
the plot turned out to be nothing more than a few harmless whackos
recruited by an FBI agent sent out to organize a sting.

There was also the foiled plot to blow up the Holland Tunnel and
flood downtown New York City with sea water. Thinking New Orleans, the
FBI invented this plot without realizing that New York City is above
sea level. Of course, most Americans didnt realize it either.

For six years the Bush regime has been able to count on the ignorant
and naive American public to believe whatever tale that is told them.
American gullibility has yet to fail the Bush regime.

The government has an endless number of conspiracy theories, but only
people who question the governments conspiracies are derided for
having a conspiracy theory.

The implication is even worse if we assume that the explosive bottle
plot is genuine. It means that America and Britain by their own
aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, and by enabling Israels war crimes
in Palestine and Lebanon, have created such hatred that Muslims, who
identify with Bushs, Blairs, and Israels victims, are plotting
But Bush is prepared. He has taught his untutored public that they
hate us for our freedom and democracy.

Gentle reader, wise up. The entire world is laughing at you.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 2:44:18 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: ### MUST READ ###

CNN's Amanpour Links 9/11 Truthers with Sky Terrorists

Says Muslims "succumbing to the conspiracy theories"

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 11 2006 or

CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour equated yesterday's alleged sky
terrorist liquid explosive plotters with the 9/11 truth movement, the
latest brazen attempt to vilify anyone who disagrees with the official
9/11 fairytale.

Here's the quote in full.

"And there is some evidence that is coming out now, five years after
9/11, that many, many Muslims in England and around the world,
according to documentaries that have been produced, are really
succumbing to the conspiracy theories. They're really now saying that
9/11 was not al Qaeda; it was a U.S./CIA, Mossad/Israel, Zionist plot,
basically designed to cause a war against Islam."

Taken on its own, one would think Amanpour was saying Muslims are
embracing 9/11 'conspiracy theories,' not necessarily terrorists.

However, viewed in context of the fact that Amanpour made the statement
on an Anderson Cooper special entitled 'Sky Terror,' which was solely
about yesterday's alleged plot, the intended meaning becomes clear.

'Muslims' is Amanpour's euphemism for terrorists.

Other recent 9/11 hit pieces have slandered the 9/11 truth movement as
having a violent extremist undertone. No incidents of violence at any
9/11 truth convergence or protest have ever occurred and organizers
consistently advocate purely peaceful demonstrations.

During a recent appearance on Fox News, Newt Gingrich said that
opponents of pro-war candidates and their supporters were "insurgents,"
equating anyone that disagrees with the Bush administration's foreign
policy with terrorists......


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 15, 2006 2:42:11 PM EST
Subject: "...the atrocious Fox News Network"

It Couldnt Happen to Nicer Guys

by Ian Mosley
Faux News

A large part of the moral responsibility for what is happening in Iraq
and Afghanistan comes down to the atrocious Fox News Network. Owned by
Australian neocon tycoon Rupert Murdoch, Fox News has become the
official Bush Network, roughly equivalent to Pravda in the old Soviet
Union. Fox News is largely responsible for feeding the American people
masses of disinformation about the war in Iraq and the state of Israel,
and thus keeping Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpack in a state of catatonic
stupor as to what is really going on, and why.

The Muslims seem finally to be waking up to the crucial role that Fox
News plays in keeping their people enslaved. A Reuters news article
reports that Palestinian gunmen kidnapped two foreign journalists
working for the Fox News Channel in Gaza on Monday.A Fox spokeswoman
in New York named the two journalists as correspondent Steve Centanni,
an American, and cameraman Olaf Wiig, from New ZealandTwo vehicles
blocked the journalists transmission truck in the center of Gaza City
and a masked man put a gun to a bodyguards head, forcing him to the
ground. The kidnappers then sped away with the two journalists.

The same article continues A Fox news report said the network did not
know who had seized them but that negotiations were under way to secure
their release. One wonders if the kidnappers will insist on mere money
for the release of the two neocon flacks, or if they will have sense
enough to demand payment in kind, in the form of a public retraction by
Fox News of the thousand and one lies that these neo-con stooges have
been telling the American people about the Palestinian situation, the
occupation of Iraq, and the atrocious Israeli assault on Lebanon.
We need to bear in mind, always, that the neocon George W. Bush regime
does not exist in a hermetically sealed little vacuum bubble in the
Oval Office, although that seems to be the way our illustrious chief
executive in fact spends his days. There are thousands of willing and
eager collaborators to the neocons crimes against humanity, not the
least of whom are flacks in the news media.

These people are motivated by a twisted and mutated patriotism that
calls for America to conquer the world, or else by a weirded-out
Rapture cult that believes there has to be a nuclear war in the valley
of Megiddo (Armageddon) in Palestine in order to make Jesus come back,
or else theyre motivated purely by money. While the neocons and Fox
News continue to get away with their lies here in America (with the
recent exception of Joe Lieberman), the Muslims are apparently waking
up to Fox News and making them pay for their lies.


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Really Started the War Against Lebanon?
A team of Israeli lawyers are suing the Lebanese
government for starting the war

by Trish Schuh
August 15, 2006

A team of Israeli lawyers are suing the Lebanese government for
starting the war. The projected multi-million dollar case, to be filed
in US civil court, will sue for compensation and war damages incurred
by Israeli residents and businesses. Attorneys Yehudah Talmon, Yoram
Dantziger and Nitzah Libai claim the Lebanese government violated
international law because it didn't stop Hezbollah's casus belli
cross-border raid into Israel.

The contested justification for Israel's 'self-defense' invasion, and
the location of its original provocation will take on new legal
significance in coming months. Who infiltrated who, and on what
territory did the initial capture of the IDF soldiers occur? Differing
press accounts that the capture occurred in Lebanon- not Israel- are
now widely known: AFP, Hindustan Times, Deutsche Press Agentur, Asia
Times, Bahrain News Agency and Voltairenet are a few. Others reflect
changes of direction in the recording of basic facts.

Newsweek's Michael Hirsh of on July 12 said: "As a result,
things are blowing up so quickly it's difficult to know where to focus
any longer. After the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hizbullah
in Lebanon on Wednesday, which the hard-line group linked to a similar
kidnapping by Hamas the week before, the mideast seemed to be closer to
all-out war."

By July 13, the story out of's Jerusalem bureau was
different. In a piece titled "Crisis allows Israel to pursue strategic
goals- Kidnappings give Israel excuse to neutralize Hamas, Hezbollah",
Jerusalem bureau chief Steven Gutkin wrote: "Kidnappings changed
everything: All that changed Wednesday, when Hezbollah guerillas
crossed into Israel, seizing Goldwasser and Regev and killing eight
other soldiers in the ensuing fighting."

AP also ran changed versions. On July 12, at 5:41AM Joseph Panossian
wrote: "The militant group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers
during clashes Wednesday across the border in southern Lebanon,
prompting a swift reaction from Israel, which sent ground forces into
its neighbor to look for them."

At 7:09 AM, Associated Press Writer Joseph Panossian had altered his
report: "The Hezbollah militant group captured two Israeli soldiers
during clashes along the Lebanese border on Wednesday."

By late afternoon, at 4:13 PM, AP's Panossian had completely shifted
location: "Hezbollah militants crossed into Israel on Wednesday and
captured two Israeli soldiers. Israel responded in southern Lebanon
with warplanes, tanks and gunboats, and said eight of its soldiers had
been killed in the violence."

Israeli sources went almost unnoticed. Cybercast News Service
( of July 12 said: "The abduction of two Israeli soldiers
by Hizbullah militants in southern Lebanon was not a terrorist attack
but an act of war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday."

Australia's ABC News (Reuters) on July 13 quoted the IDF: "The sources
say the Israeli soldiers had been seized at around 9am local time
across the border from Aita al Shaab, some 15 kilometers from the
Mediterranean coast. The Israeli army confirmed that two Israeli
soldiers had been captured on the Lebanese frontier. Israeli ground
forces crossed into Lebanon to hunt for the missing soldiers, Israeli
Army Radio said."

Voice of America, Jerusalem, on July 12 said: "Speaking to reporters
outside the Israeli Foreign Ministry, spokesman Mark Regev says
Hezbollah is responsible for the violence. "It appears we have an
escalation in the North," he said. "It is very clear that the
escalation started on the Lebanese side of the border, and Israel will
respond appropriately."

In his article "Casus Belli", IDF Brigadier General Moshe Yaalon wrote:
"The present crisis was initiated- in Gaza by Hamas and in southern
Lebanon by Hezbollah- from lands that are not under Israeli
occupation." New Republic, July 31

A quote by Hamas political bureau member Mohammad Nazzal in the July 13
edition of Haaretz said: "This is a heroic operation carried out
against military targets and so it is a legitimate operation,
especially as it took place in occupied Lebanese territory."

A Lebanese government official told this writer that the first
information about the soldiers' capture in southern Lebanon came from
the Lebanese Army Police, a source also quoted in many media accounts.
"At the beginning the Lebanese Army said it was on the Lebanese side,"
the official told me. The verbatim Army communique' to the Lebanese
government follows: " 'At 9:03 or 9:05am in the vicinity or in front of
Ayt Al Shaab village the members of the resistance have abducted two
soldiers. At 9:15am the resistance shelled the position of the enemy in
the occupied territories. At 10:10am the Resistance and Israeli forces
clashed with each other in the area of Naqoura,' on Lebanon's side of
the border."

Lebanon's Ambassador to the US, Farid Abboud discussed the events
publicly on July 12, 2006. Because of his stance to CNN Abboud was
reprimanded, and recalled to Lebanon.

MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN International: You say that you don't want any
escalations, but...

FARID ABBOUD: No, we don't.

MICHAEL HOLMES: ... but crossing over the border into Israel, killing
and seizing soldiers, what did you think would happen?

FARID ABBOUD: I'm not sure where the location of the attack took place.
I understand that there was another battle, also, where during which
the Israelis crossed Lebanese soil and that the casualties that fell
then were inside Lebanon territory... We do not want any escalation,
and I don't think we have ever attacked Israel. I mean, Israel has
always occupied our territory, and we have always defended ourselves.
Our position has always been very reactive, defensive.

This writer then spoke to the chief of the Lebanese Defense Cabinet
General Edmond Fadel in Beirut for clarification. He said he was not
authorized to speak on Hezbollah's position.

Hezbollah's position had been earlier cited in the Jerusalem Post of
July 12 : "Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said the timing of
the capture of two Israeli soldiers in southern Lebanon on Wednesday
would boost the position of Palestinians in Gaza."

It was a view Hezbollah spokesman Ibrahim Mousawi had reiterated to me
on July 16 by phone. He insisted that the crisis occurred on the
Lebanese side of the border "in front of the village of Ayt Al Shaab"
adjacent to a military post.

On August 2, I discussed the kidnapping issue again with Hezbollah's
Mousawi in Beirut.

Q: We spoke earlier on July 16, 2006 about this issue and I would like
to make it official. The Lebanese Army has claimed that the Israeli
soldiers captured on July 12, 2006 were captured in Lebanon, not Israel
as we hear in the US. Were they caught inside Israel or Lebanon?

A: How can you possibly say Israel? This is an occupied land, occupied

Q: Alright. Was it in occupied Palestine or Lebanon?

A: It was in Lebanon, on the border.

Q: On the border- What town? Where was it near?

A: There is no town. It was a military post.

Q: Did Hezbollah cross over into Israel?

A: This has never been claimed by Hezbollah- only on the border. And
don't say Israel- its occupied Palestine.

Q: The IDF soldiers in the tank who hit the mine and were killed?

A: It was all in the Lebanese lands when they wanted to penetrate- to
go after the resistance.... No one believes anymore that this is about
the two soldiers, not with the destruction of the infrastructure.
Besides, Hezbollah got information that this Israeli aggression was
scheduled to take place this September or October...

According to Attorney Yehudah Talmon, Israelis will also sue to collect
money from Lebanese assets and property in the United States. "No group
associated in any way, shape or form to Hizbullah is immune to these
claims." Never mind if the claims are based on shifting boundaries.

Trish Schuh wrote on the coming Hezbollah-IDF border crisis in "Faking
the Case Against Syria" in November, 2005.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: August 16, 2006 1:17:23 AM ES
Subject: Impeachment Or World War III?

Impeachment or World War III?
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to

Hezbollah has gained immensely in strength and resolve as a result of
the current unprovoked and unjustified carnage planned and executed by
Israel against a peaceful Lebanon. These horrific war crimes
perpetrated by Bush USA and Israel, two of the axis-of-evil nations,
were supplemented by the distraction provided by the third AOE nation
in manufacturing yet another phony false-flag terrorist plot. I didn't
even bother to familiarize myself with the long array of descriptive
details, which as of yet haven't even been invented. I trust nothing
either my government or the governments of the other two criminal
nations have to say through their harlots in the "American" MSM.

I am an American, but I hate my government for not only doing nothing
to stop the totally unnecessary slaughter of innocent and unarmed men,
women, children, the aged and the infirmed in Lebanon, but for
encouraging, aiding and abetting the holocaust as well in supplying
additional precision weaponry to carry out the mass murders. Bush may
be heavily guarded and feel secure in his bunkers in Crawford and
Washington, but he's got an unavoidable rendezvous with some serious
reckoning. And the sooner this serious reckoning takes place, the
better for all Mankind. Bush must be impeached immediately. If this
doesn't happen, we will assuredly be irreversibly enmeshed in Bush,
Israel and Great Britain's plot to ignite World War III and to launch
the New World Order global government.

To facilitate impeachment, and to bring the Bush crime and war machine
to a halt, the American political environment must now be inundated
with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
"Politics-as-usual" or PAU will be the prescription to bring about the
most horrendous conditions in America since those early dark days of
the American Revolution, when the impending crushing force of the
world's most powerful nation, Great Britain, was about to be unleashed
on the people of the American colonies.

American fools who think a political solution is available for removing
these criminals from control over the horrific power of the American
military have all but succumbed to the distraction that is America's
so-called two-party system. It is for this reason that I consider Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and all of FOXNews as traitors.
This crisis is not about liberal versus conservative, or even about
conservative versus neoconservative; it turns on the survival of our
nation which is now totally under the control of lunatics.

Let US first examine the charges and the response from the MSM
apologists, sycophants and enablers of the Bush war and crime machine.
All the articles already written, as well as those recently penned by
Dr. Henry Makow and Henry Picciotto on and that of Bill
Christison on Alex Jones' ["Former CIA Analyst: Stop
Belittling the Theories About September 11"] expose in depth serious
and glaring flaws in the Bush regime's explanations of the
vulnerabilities and circumstances of 9/11. The explanations are
astonishing in terms of their effrontery to even individuals of average
intellect. And given the challenges that even people of average
intelligence can pose to the explanations offered by Bush and his Kean
9/11 Commission, why do the MSM stooges take such umbrage with any
modicum of inquiry demanding a clearer line of reasoning?

Of course, we know the answer. The charges are codified as being so
horrific, so outlandish, and so ridiculous that they need to be
summarily dismissed as only being politically based and orchestrated.
In other words, challenging the Bush regime's story is just "politics
as usual" as mentioned earlier. But instead of news junkies and the
information audience writing off accusations of wrong-doing, it is the
American mass news media that is doing this. Where is there any
evidence of either journalistic challenge or independence? Where is
there loyalty to America, to its founding, to its war veterans and our
war dead that fought in all America's wars? What about journalistic
loyalty honoring our patriots, and the slaughtered innocent workers and
our fellow citizens at the WTC and the Pentagon? Isn't there even one
American journalist that cares for America? Not even one? Perhaps Lou
Dobbs and/or Brian Lamb?

It's BAU [business as usual] for journalists and PAU for our elected
politicians. Fortunately, former government employees are increasingly
coming forward, such as Christison, and this is helpful. But whether
or not Bush and his fellow criminals will be held accountable, or even
whether or not the GOP will be ejected from the halls of Congress in
the November midterm elections, neither is of any importance within the
context of the present dangerous international political environment
created by Bush, his GOP Congress, and the spineless wimps representing
the Democratic Party. The dead cannot be brought back. The dead in
Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and
Flight 93 will never be amongst US again. Indeed, Bush and his
criminals saw to that.

Rather, it is for US the living, to not only honor their sacrificed
lives, but to prevent the impending and horrific carnage and
destruction that will be initiated by World War III. World War III
will not be "over there"; it will be here and now! And if Americans
are so stupid, H. L. Mencken's "booboisie" if you will, such is no
longer the case. As Christison correctly points out, Americans are
beginning to see the crimes perpetrated by the criminal Bush regime in
spite of the smokescreens and propaganda hogwash continuously and
senselessly articulated by Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and Amanpour.

I disagree totally with Christison's conclusions that relegate to
secondary importance the simple question regarding military drills on
that day. Christison's "key" points require proof supported by
forensic inquiry, inquiry the Bush regime and its FBI went way out of
their way to block and prevent. And Christison highlights his key
points by launching them in an air of high probability: "ONE: An
airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon." Then, "TWO: The

North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did
not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them."

I'm sorry, but to me, "almost certainly" is a shaky foundation to make
such "astounding and outlandish" charges against our caring,
compassionate and constitutional government.

All that is required of the Bush regime is a simple answer as to
whether or not there were drills being conducted that morning.
Considering the testimony of Bush's Transportation Secretary, Norman
Mineta, when speaking in front of the 9/11 Commission, the basis for
that simple inquiry is anchored in the recorded testimony attributed to
this high-level Bush administration appointee. All that is required
from this salient is a simple "yes" or "no" answer; even this we
weren't able to obtain from Bush-Kean.

Clearly, the most expeditious route to a real and meaningful inquiry
would be regarding "stand down" drills. It is these that contributed
most heavily accentuating our vulnerability and made all the other
events and conditions of 9/11 possible. This is not to quibble, but to
simply employ the most expeditious and most easily established fact.
Someone somewhere will fess up, and the dominoes will begin to fall.
Any other approach is shrouded by lengthy tests, testimony,
legalistics, precedent, the President's "right to privacy," "privileged
information," "national security," etc., etc., etc. And Christison's
motivation in terms of trying to find out and fix responsibility is
equally flawed - by the time the finger pointing is launched, dependent
upon the aforementioned tedious and lengthy processes and hurdles that
must be overcome, Iran will be engulfed in nuclear flames and mushroom

The lengthy and drawn-out process required to get at the whole truth
can, and should be, incorporated in the impeachment process. But first
things first: Bush and his neoconservative loony tunes must be stopped
before it is too late. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is no
dummy - he is extremely educated and convincing. Not having seen his
interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," I can only guess he came across far
more intelligently than our moron in the White House. In all
likelihood, Iran not only has nuclear arms, but has the missiles and
therefore the means to deliver them. With his engineering background,
Ahmadinejad knows that no matter how advanced his WMDs are, unlike the
19 camel drivers that so easily penetrated America's unmatched and
failsafe defenses on September 11, 2001, another means of retaliation
must be deployed.

It has been pointed out that Iran trades heavily with North Korea
providing them with ample supplies of crude oil. North Korea is a
starving nation, so what could they possibly offer Iran in return? The
implication is obvious, and Ahmadinejad's cockiness and confidence as
expressed in his admonitions to US and Israel leave me feeling very
uneasy. Consider the Bush insanity that has left our southern borders
totally vulnerable as he bumbles, fumbles and stumbles to move US
towards the New World Order. Does Iran already have an
anti-American/counter terrorism strategy in place? Should we find
out? Should Israel?

Bush and Israel must be stopped, and they must be stopped now before
the mushroom clouds come home to roost. And the means are now
available to bring this rapidly about. Politics is NOT the means, but
it can be tried first as well. It requires grass roots pressure.
Members of Congress, ALL OF THEM, must be contacted immediately and
told that Bush's warmongering powers must immediately be suspended to
avert the neocons' plans to ignite World War III with Syria and Iran.
That war will move swiftly to our soil, since Russia and China will
correctly surmise that they will be next. That precludes putting
Iran's strike capability in a neat little box. We are already
vulnerable thanks to Bush's non-border policy. Americans must take
advantage of those courageous MSM outlets that are trying to save
America from the Bush's regime's suicidal hallucinations. They must be
employed as fact-base sources to counter charges of whacko conspiracy
theories launched by the FOXNews conspiracy practitioners.

We can bring pressure on both the Congress and all the governors in our
states to demand Bush's impeachment, not in terms of political
vendetta, but to avoid World War III. And C-Span and Scholars for 9/11
Truth will provide a believable base for argument. Bush and Israel's
planned nuclear attack on Iran, as well as the response from that
nation and possibly others, will not be the same WMD/regime change
"cakewalk" that was Iraq; things will be very different this time
around. Consider the resolve the ill-planned Lebanese Holocaust
brought forth in Hezbollah, Hamas and ALL the Arab and Muslim nations.
Consider the reaction of the entire world community! Can there be any
doubt as to the expected level of response?

Former CIA official and National Intelligence Officer Christison
explains the grassroots potential: "A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio

University poll taken from July 6 to 24, 2006 concluded that 'more than
a third [36 percent] of the American public suspects that federal
officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to
stop them, so that the United States could go to war in the Middle
East.' The poll also found that '16 percent of Americans speculate
that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the
real reason the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center

A poll done by the Zogby polling organization two months earlier,
between May 12 and 16, 2006, and using questions worded somewhat
differently, suggested even more strongly that the issue could become a
'big one' if aggressively publicized. This poll concluded that 42
percent of Americans believed there had indeed been a cover-up of the
true events of 9/11, and an additional 10 percent of Americans were
'unsure.' The co-author of the poll, W. David Kubiak, stated that,
'despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash, and 9/11

Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still can't even muster

50 percent popular support.' Whichever of these polls is closer to the
truth, it would seem that there is considerable support for making a
major political issue of the subject."

Precisely! It is the "American" MSM that is not only America's
greatest enemy, but humanity's as well. If those who blindly support
the Bush regime and the GOP are so assured of the total absurdity,
ridiculousness, and outlandishness of the charges of an "inside job" on
9/11, why don't they initiate debate on their radio and TV shows to
finally settle and silence these "phony" conspiracy claims?

Can you believe that Christine Amanpour of CNN and Rush Limbaugh are
now reading from the same page to protect Bush? Remember Limbaugh's
former rage at CNN during those awful days of the Clinton regime? And
what about "Guy Smiley" O'Reilly? Writing in his organization's
general e-mail newsletter, Dr. Kevin Barrett, the organizational head
of MUJCA [Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9-11 Truth] the
organization that sponsored the Dr. David Ray Griffin 9/11 University
of Wisconsin speech carried on C-Span, stated in his newsletter that
O'Reilly virtually came out and strongly suggested that Barrett be
outed via physical violence. In a
"Who-will-rid-me-of-this-meddlesome-priest" non-invective directed at
Barrett in a televised tirade on FOX, O'Reilly "couched his remarks in
the context of assailing other academicians who have asserted that the
government had a role in bringing about the events of 9/11, a claim to
which he takes strong exception."

These quotes are taken from the website of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and
posted in their "Press Releases" section. The article detailed
O'Reilly's attack on both Barrett and his university: "He attacked the
leadership of the University of Wisconsin, which has reviewed the case
and will allow Barrett to teach a course this fall. During his program
on 11 July, O'Reilly remarked, 'This guy would have been gone at Boston
University, my alma mater, in a heartbeat. The Chancellor there, John
Silber, would of--would have--this guy'd be in the Charles River
floating down, you know, toward the harbor.' He implied that allowing
Barrett to teach at BU 'wouldn't happen' but 'at the University of
Wisconsin there are no standards. . . . I'm stunned.'"

The article goes on: "What's stunning is that this man, who knows
nothing about the events of 9/11 apart from what the government has
told him, nevertheless assumes unto himself the role of judge, jury,
and (it even appears) executioner! This is a travesty, an astonishing
violation of academic freedom, freedom of speech, the right of the
people to be free from assault. Verbal threats are assaults,
especially when, as in this case, they endorse physical violence
against a citizen. Barrett, who was alerted to the threat by David von
Kleist of The Power Hour, has replied by writing to Rupert Murdoch, who
owns Fox News, suggesting that if he were killed as a result of these
remarks, 'Fox News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits,

and my family might very well end up in control of the Murdoch


I ask simply: Why wait?! Sue O'Reilly and FOXNews right now, first by
demanding an apology and then putting Murdock and his Irish Setter junk
yard dog on notice that if Barrett were to lose his job, O'Reilly's
vicious attacks documented in the public news domain defamed him! And
if any Bush supporter at either the University of Wisconsin or an
elected fascist in the state legislature tries to maneuver Barrett out
of his job, all involved will be sued.

And what about the families of the 9/11 victims? What about Cindy
Sheehan who lost her boy? Legal expert Jonathan Turley offered during
the impending Clinton impeachment that all that has to be shown to
impeach the president is to prove that the president lied to the
people. That's all - just prove he lied? We have mountains of
evidence that Bush lied and that virtually everyone in the Bush
administration lied about 9/11. No impeachment? Then let the lawsuits

) THEODORE E. LANG 8/15/06 All rights reserved

Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 20, 2006, 2:16:51 PM8/20/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 20, 2006

NOTE: Ethiopia's current plight will occur elsewhere with increasing
frequency in coming decades: two huge Extreme Weather Events (in this
case a drought followed by floods) back-to-back, causing stupendous
hardship. -- kl, pp

Marooned Ethiopians Refuse

Saturday, August 19, 2006 Posted: 1303 GMT (2103 HKT)

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of start_quote.gif]
Survival without cattle is meaningless. I would prefer to die than lose
my cattle. No milk, no life. No cattle, no life.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of end_quote.gif]
-- Awala Rendela

OMERATE, Ethiopia (Reuters) -- Hundreds of Ethiopians marooned on small
outcrops above flooded plains refused to abandon livestock despite
rescuers' pleas on Saturday.

Special forces, sliding down ropes from helicopters and airdropping
aid, tried to rescue people trapped by flash floods that have killed
nearly 900 people and displaced almost 50,000 across the Horn of Africa
nation this month.

Stranded on hillocks by the floodwaters, herders in the southwestern
town of Omerate leaned on sticks and stared across the virtual sea
separating them from their cows and goats.

A special forces commander said they would die unless they agreed to be

"Survival without cattle is meaningless. I would prefer to die than
lose my cattle," Awala Rendela, a rescued resident, said. "No milk, no
life. No cattle, no life."

A drought earlier this year killed thousands of livestock in the
region, and many herders in Omerate said they would not abandon what
cattle they had left.

Pleading with them to leave, rescuers on boats brought food and
supplies to the encircled residents in the town near the Kenyan border,
where the Omo River burst its banks on Sunday killing 364 people, many
while they were sleeping.

"They are encircled by flood water and they are facing certain death
unless they are rescued, but they have refused to budge," said Major
Solomon Gebre-Ebegzabher, commander of the special forces conducting
rescue operations in Omerate.

Residents said flood waters ripped through their houses taking away
families and friends, and many only survived by grabbing onto nearby
trees or scrambling onto rooftops.

"The flood that hit my bedside in the middle of the night took my wife
and daughter. By the time I reached the bedside, they were gone,"
resident Makone Koleta said. "I wish my new-born baby and my wife would
have survived instead of me."

In a tour of the devastated area on Friday, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
promised the government would help the stranded.

Local officials pledged to replace livestock lost in the flooding and
sent a team of elders to convince the trapped herders to evacuate.

"We are hoping that they will heed the call and register the number of
animals lost in the flood," district administrator Dirma Gmewenya said.
"We have no means to rescue the cattle."

Bad weather and poor access to remote areas have hindered relief
efforts by already overwhelmed emergency services, and officials fear
the death toll could rise rapidly.

Aid agencies say heavy rains are likely to continue until September and
spread flooding to other areas.

The United Nations estimates that as many as 48,000 people across the
country have been displaced by flooding, which typically happens in
lowland areas when rains during the June-September rainy season drench
Ethiopia's highlands.

Ethiopia has appealed for help as rivers in the north, south, east and
west burst their banks and the country's major dams swell to breaking

The United States said it had sent 35 soldiers based in Djibouti to aid
relief efforts in Dire Dawa, 525 km (324 miles) east of the capital,
where the Dechatu River overflowed two weeks ago, killing 254 and
leaving 250 missing, feared dead.

As well as bringing tents and medicine, the soldiers would dig latrines
for the thousands of survivors.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

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Crying Wolf:
Terror Alerts Based on Fabricated Intelligence

by Michel Chossudovsky
August 20, 2006

"It would be easy for terrorists to cook up radioactive dirty bombs
to explode inside the U.S. How likely it is, I can't say..."
(Secretary of State Colin Powell, 10 February 2003)

"The near-term attacks ... will either rival or exceed the 9/11
attacks... And it's pretty clear that the nation's capital and New York
city would be on any list..." (DHS Secretary Tom Ridge, December 2003)

"You ask, 'Is it serious?' Yes, you bet your life. People don't do that
unless it's a serious situation." (Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
December 2003)

"... Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with
its plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an
effort to disrupt our democratic process... (Secretary Tom Ridge, 8
July 2004)

"The enemy that struck on 9/11 is weakened and fractured yet it is
still lethal and planning to hit us again." (Vice President Dick
Cheney, 7 January 2006)

''Had this plot been carried out, the loss of life to innocent
civilians would have been on an unprecedented scale,'' ( Home Secretary
John Reid, 10 August 2006)

"Crying Wolf: To raise a false alarm too many times, with the result
that no one believes you when help is necessary."


The British Home Office announced (August 10) that a "foiled terror

plot" to simultaneously blow up as many as ten airplanes on

transatlantic flights had been uncovered. So far Scotland Yard has not
presented documentary evidence of this carefully coordinated suicide
bombing operation.

Confirmed by media reports, there is no evidence that the arrested
suspects had actually purchased plane tickets which would have enabled
them to undertake this operation. Several of the suspects did not even
possess a passport. (Craig Murray, 14 August 2006).

Meanwhile, the feasibility of the plot (at a technical-scientific
level) has been questioned. No chemical labs were discovered, which
might have confirmed that the suspects had the prior knowledge or
skills to manufacture a triacetone triperoxide ( TATP) bomb, let alone
their ability to appropriately mix the deadly liquid chemicals on board
a transatlantic flight ( Thomas C. Greene, 17 August 2006)

Moreover, much of the confidential information which led to the arrests
of the British suspects by Scotland Yard was made available, courtesy
of Pakistani Military intelligence (ISI), which coincidentally is known
to have supported and financed the terror network including the
Pakistani based Islamic groups which are allegedly behind the foiled UK
plot.(Michel Chossudovsky, 15 August 2006).

The British and American corporate media are complicit. Pakistani
President Pervez Musharraf is upheld as "a hero" for assisting in the
foiled UK plot. Carefully omitted from most press reports, the London

Police Anti-Terrorist Branch (SO13) headed by Peter Clarke together

with MI6 and MI5 (which operates under the authority of Home Secretary
John Reid) have been working hand in glove with a Pakistani based
intelligence agency which has and continues to support the Islamic
jihad including Al Qaeda, while also collaborating in a cozy
relationship with its Western counterparts "in going after the

According to "reliable" intelligence transmitted from ISI headquarters
in Rawalpindi, the explosive TATP chemical mixture "had been tested in
Pakistan", but the British based suspects "had not yet actually
prepared or mixed it".

Crying Wolf

This is certainly not the first time that brash and unsubstantiated
statements have been made regarding an impending terror attack, which
have proven to be based on "faulty intelligence".

Since 2003, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued
several terror warnings about possible Al Qaeda plans to launch "an
attack on America" similar in magnitude to that of September 11,
2001. In some of the high profile terror alerts, the alleged plot also
involved a mysterious "Pakistani connection".

The foiled UK plot replicates several features of an alleged Al Qaeda
1995 terror plot entitled "Operation Bojinka " which relied on
triacetone triperoxide ( TATP) bomb. It also bears a canny resemblance
to a more recent December 2003 Code Orange Terror Alert, which served
to disrupt transatlantic flights at the height of the holiday period.
(See below).

Reviewed below (chronologically) are selected clear-cut cases of terror
alerts based unsubstantiated information and "faulty intelligence".

1. The Foiled Ricin Threat: London, January 2003

There was a ricin terror alert in January 2003, barely two months
before the invasion of Iraq. According to several media reports, it had
been ordered by terror mastermind Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. The ricin had
allegedly been discovered in a London apartment. It was to be used in a
terror attack in the London subway.

A team from Porton Down chemical and biological weapons research centre
confirmed that they had found no ricin. (See Milan Rai, April 2005).

British press reports, quoting official statements claimed that the
terrorists had learnt to produce the ricin at the camp in Northern
Iraq. General Richard Myers, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff,
asserted that

"It is from this site that people were trained and poisons were
developed which migrated into Europe... We think that's probably where
the ricin found in London came from." (quoted in Birmingham Evening
Mail, March 31, 2003)

Yet when US Special Forces in March 2003 raided the camp in Northern
Iraq, nothing resembling biological or chemical weapons was found:

"What they found was a camp devastated by cruise missile strikes during
the first days of the war. A specialized biochemical team scoured the
rubble for samples. [there was] no immediate proof of chemical or
biological agents. (ABC News, 29 March 2003)

The London Observer's correspondent in Northern Iraq (9 February 2003)
blatantly refuted these claims:

" There is no sign of chemical weapons anywhere - only the smell of
paraffin and vegetable butter used for cooking. ... Mohammad Hasan,
spokesman for Ansar al-Islam, explained. 'We don't have any drugs for
our fighters. We don't even have any aspirin. How can we produce any
chemicals or weapons of mass destruction?'"

2. Radioactive Dirt Bombs: Washington, DC, 8 February 2003 (Three days
after Colin Powell's Presentation to the UN Security Council)

In the immediate aftermath of Secr. Colin Powell's presentation to the
UN Security Council regarding Iraq's alleged Weapons of Mass
Destruction, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declared a code
orange terror alert, pointing to insidious links between Al Qaeda and
Sadaam Hussein:

"Top intelligence officials gave Congress a sobering warning Tuesday of
the al-Qaeda terrorist network's interest in using missiles and poisons
to inflict mass casualties in the United States, adding grim new detail
to previous accounts of looming terror attacks. The warning came as a
broadcast statement believed to have come from al-Qaeda leader Osama
bin Laden pledged the terrorist group's support for Iraqis and called
on followers to defeat a US-led invasion. ... Taken together, the
statements from U.S. officials and the shadowy terrorist organization
sharpened the sense that the United States faces its greatest threat of
terrorist assault since the Sept. 11 attacks." (US Today, 12 February
2006, emphasis added)

The announcement served to turn realities upside down. Sadaam and Osama
had joined hands. America rather than Iraq was under attack. The
terror alert also contributed served to diverting public attention from
the divisions within the Security Council and the accusations directed
against Colin Powell for having misled the UN's highest body.

A fabricated story on so-called radioactive dirty bombs had been
planted in the news chain. A few days following his address to the UN,
Sec. Powell warned that:

"it would be easy for terrorists to cook up radioactive dirty bombs
to explode inside the U.S. How likely it is, I can't say... But I
think it is wise for us to at least let the American people know of
this possibility." (Statement by Colin Powell, ABC This Week quoted in
Daily News (New York), 10 Feb. 2003).

Musab Abu Al Zarqawi was identified as the number one suspect.
Meanwhile, network TV had warned that:

"American hotels, shopping malls or apartment buildings could be al
Qaeda's targets as soon as next week".

Following the announcement, tens of thousands of Americans rushed to
purchase duct tape, plastic sheets and gas-masks.

It later transpired, that the terrorist alert was " fabricated" by the

"According to officials, the FBI and the CIA are pointing fingers at
each other. An FBI spokesperson told ABCNEWS today he was 'not familiar
with the scenario', but did not think it was accurate."

(ABC News, 13 Feb. 2003, See also

In another related report on ABC TV:


(Off Camera) ABC's Brian Ross begins our reporting. Brian, last night
we were wondering whether the intelligence agencies were operating on
good information. What do we know today?


(Off Camera) Well, Peter, today, two senior officials tell ABC News
that a key piece of the information leading to the recent terror alerts
was, in fact, fabricated.


(Voice Over) In particular, a claim by a captured al Qaeda member that
Washington, New York, or Florida would be hit by a dirty bomb sometime
this week, by a secret al Qaeda cell operating in Virginia or Detroit.



This piece of that puzzle turns out to be fabricated. And therefore,
and the reason for a lot of the alarm, particularly in Washington this
week, has been dissipated, after they found out that this, this
information was not true.

(ABC News, 13 February 2003)

Both the FBI and the CIA in contradictory statements subsequently
clarified that the intelligence had not fabricated. But rather, it was
the "suspected terrorist in custody [who had deliberately] fabricated
information about potential attacks. The detainee's remarks were one
factor in raising the threat advisory to code orange" (Los Angeles
Times, 15 Feb 2006)

While tacitly acknowledging that the alert was a fake, Homeland
Security Secretary Tom Ridge decided to maintain the Orange Code

"Despite the fabricated report, there are no plans to change the threat
level. Officials said other intelligence has been validated and that
the high level of precautions is fully warranted." ( ABC News, 13 Feb.
2003 ).

A few days later, in another failed propaganda initiative, a mysterious
Osama bin Laden audio tape was presented by Sec. Colin Powell to the US
Congress as evidence that the Islamic terrorists "are making common
cause with a brutal dictator". (US official quoted in The Toronto Star,
12 Feb. 2003). Curiously, the audio tape was in Colin Powell's
possession prior to its broadcast by the Al Jazeera TV Network. (Ibid.)

3. Alleged Chemical Weapons' Attack: Madrid, 5 February 2003

Meanwhile in Spain, coinciding with Colin's Powell's Security Council
presentation, Bush's coalition partner, Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar
had initiated his own disinformation campaign, no doubt in liaison with
US officials.

Perfect timing! While Colin Powell was presenting the Al-Zarqawi
dossier to the UN, on the very same day, February 5, 2003, Prime
Minister Jose Maria Aznar was busy briefing the Spanish parliament on
an alleged chemical terror attack in Spain.

According to Aznar, Al Zarqawi was apparently linked to a number of
European Islamic "collaborators" including Merouane Ben Ahmed, "an
expert in chemistry and explosives who visited Barcelona" (reported in
El Pais, February 6 2003).

Prime Minister Aznar's speech to the Chamber of Deputies (Camera de
diputados) intimated that the 16 alleged Al Qaeda suspects, who
apparently were in possession of explosives and lethal chemicals, had
been working hand in glove with Al Zarqawi.

According to Aznar, Al Zarqawi was apparently linked to a number of
European Islamic "collaborators" including Merouane Ben Ahmed, "an
expert in chemistry and explosives who visited Barcelona" (reported in
El Pais, February 6 2003).

Prime Minister Aznar's speech to the Chamber of Deputies (Camera de
diputados) intimated that the 16 alleged Al Qaeda suspects, who
apparently were in possession of explosives and lethal chemicals, had
been working hand in glove with Al Zarqawi.

The information had been fabricated. The Spanish Ministry of Defense
report confirmed that:

"the lethal chemicals" turned out to be "harmless and some were
household detergent... " (quoted in Irish News, 27 February 2003,
emphasis added):

"A defence ministry lab outside Madrid tested the substances - a bag
containing more than half a pound of powder and several bottles or
containers with liquids or residues- for the easy-to-make biological
poison ricin...The Spanish defence ministry, which carried out the
tests, and the lab itself declined to comment " (Ibid)

4. Alleged Al Qaeda Plot to Attack Transatlantic Flights: Christmas 2003

A few days before Christmas in a scenario similar to the foiled August
UK attack, (former) Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge intimated
that a second 9/11 was imminent involving attacks on transatlantic
airplanes over the holiday period.

On December 21st, 2003, four days before Christmas, Homeland Security
raised the national threat level from "elevated" to "high risk" of a
terrorist attack. According to Tom Ridge, these "credible
[intelligence] sources" raise "the possibility of attacks against the
homeland, around the holiday season..."

"Terrorists still threaten our country and we remain engaged in a
dangerous - to be sure - difficult war and it will not be over soon,"
warned Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. "They can attack at any
time and at any place."

The official Christmas announcement by the Homeland Security Department
dispelled any lingering doubts regarding the threat level:

"the risk [during the Christmas period] is perhaps greater now than at
any point since September 11, 2001;"

It also warned Americans, in no uncertain terms, but without supporting
evidence, that there are:

"indications that [the] near-term attacks ... will either rival or
exceed the [9/11] attacks".

"And it's pretty clear that the nation's capital and New York city
would be on any list..." (emphasis added)

Following Secretary Ridge's announcement, anti-aircraft missile
batteries were set up in Washington:

"And the Pentagon said today, more combat air patrols will now be
flying over select cities and facilities, with some airbases placed on
higher alert."

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said

"You ask, 'Is it serious?' Yes, you bet your life. People don't do that
unless it's a serious situation." (ABC News, 23 December 2003)

According to an official statement: "intelligence indicates that Al
Qaeda-trained pilots may be working for overseas airlines and ready to
carry out suicide attacks." (quoted by ABC News, 23 December 2003).

More specifically, Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists were, according to
Homeland Security, planning to hijack an Air France plane and "crash it
on US soil in a suicide terror strike similar to those carried out on
September 11, 2001."

Air France Christmas flights out of Paris were grounded. F-16 fighters
were patrolling the skies.

The terror alert contributed to creating a tense atmosphere during the
Christmas holiday. Los Angeles International airport was on "maximum
deployment" with counter-terrorism and FBI officials working around the

The stand-down orders on Air France's Christmas flights from Paris to
Los Angeles, which were used to justify the Code Orange Alert during
the Christmas holiday, were based on fabricated information. Following
the French investigation conducted in collaboration with US officials,
it turned out that the terror alert was a hoax. The information was not
"very very precise" as claimed by US intelligence. The six Al Qaeda men
turned out to be a five year old boy, an elderly Chinese lady who used
to run a restaurant in Paris, a Welsh insurance salesman and three
French nationals. (Le Monde and RTBF TV, 2 January 2004)

The decision to cancel the six Air France flights was taken after 2
days of intense negotiations between French and American officials. The
flights were cancelled on the orders of the French Prime minister
following consultations with Secr. Colin Powell. This decision was
taken following the completion of the French investigation. Despite the
fact that the information had been refuted, Homeland Security Secretary
Tom Ridge insisted on maintaining the stand-down order. If Air France
had not complied, it would have been prevented from using US air space,
namely banned from flying to the US.

It was only on January 2nd, once the holiday season was over that the
US authorities admitted that they were in error, claiming that it was a
unavoidable case of "mistaken identity." While tacitly acknowledging
their error, Homeland Security insisted that "the cancellations were
based on solid information."

5. Foiled Terror Attack on the Bretton Woods Institutions and Wall
Street: August 1st 2004

The decision to launch the Code Orange Terror Alert in New York City,
Washington DC and northern New Jersey was taken on the night of July
29th 2004, within hours of John Kerry's acceptance speech at the
Democratic convention.

According to a unnamed senior intelligence official, the decision to
launch the high risk (code orange) terror alert was taken on that same
Thursday evening (July 29 2004) in the absence of "specific" and
detailed intelligence, which was being provided by Pakistan's Military

"At the daily CIA's 5 p.m. counterterrorism meeting on Thursday, the
first information about the detailed al Qaeda surveillance of the five
financial buildings was discussed among senior CIA, FBI and military
officials. They decided to launch a number of worldwide operations,
including the deployment of increased law enforcement around the five
[financial] buildings." [World Bank, IMF, NYSE, Citigroup, Prudential]

(WP, 3 August 2004, )

On Thursday July 29, when the decision was taken to increase the threat
level, the "precise" and "specific" information out of Pakistan
including "the trove of hundreds of photos and written documents", was
not yet available.

The information regarding the role of a mysterious Pakistani computer
engineer, Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan, later identified as Osama's
webmaster, was only made available ex post facto on the Friday, once
the decision had already been taken:

"A senior intelligence official said translations of the computer
documents and other intelligence started arriving on Friday [one day
after the decision was taken to launch the operation]. (WP, 3 August

President Bush was "informed of the potential threat on Friday morning
[July 30] aboard Air Force One". (WP, 2 August 2004). On that same
morning, President Bush approved the decision of the CIA to raise
"the threat level" in the absence of "specific" supporting

Following the DHS's Sunday August 1st advisory that the Bretton Woods
institutions were a potential target, the World Bank spokesman Dana
Milverton retorted that the information was "largely out of date,''
and "a lot of it was actually public information that anyone from
outside the building could have gotten.'' (Guardian, 3 August 2004)

"One federal law enforcement source said his understanding from
reviewing the reports was that the material predated Sept. 11 and
included photos that can be obtained from brochures and some actual
snapshots. There also were some interior diagrams that appear to be
publicly available." (WP, 3 August 2004, emphasis added)

According to the New York Times (August 3, 2004) report:

"the information, which officials said was indicative of preparations
for a possible truck- or car-bomb attack, left significant gaps. It did
not clearly describe the suspected plot, indicate when an attack was to
take place nor did it describe the identities of people involved."
(emphasis added)

Ironically, when the mysterious Pakistani computer engineer Noor Khan
was arrested, he was not charged or accused of masterminding a terror
attack on Wall Street and the IMF. (See The Pakistani Connection: The
London Bombers and "Al Qaeda's Webmaster" Michel Chossudovsky, 20 July

In fact quite the opposite: he was immediately recruited by Pakistan's
military intelligence (ISI). Two weeks later, when the news regarding
his alleged role in planning the attacks on America's financial
institutions had hit the news chain in early August 2004, Noor Khan was
duly employed by Pakistan's secret service on behalf of the CIA:

Khan had been arrested in Lahore on July 13, and subsequently "turned"
by Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence Agency. When his name
appeared in print [in early August 2004], he was working for a combined
ISI/CIA task force sending encrypted e-mails to key al Qaeda figures in
the hope of pinpointing their locations and intentions. (The Herald, 9
August 2005)

Fabricated Intelligence for Political Gain

The various terror alerts reviewed above were all carried out in a
timely fashion at a politically opportune moment. The underlying
instrument in all these cases is a sense of fear and intimidation "that
politicians can capitalize on". (See Sheila Copps, Edmonton Sun, 13
August 2006)

The objective is to galvanize public opinion in favor of a military
solution, while temporarily boosting the fragile image of main
political and military actors. .

While, the UK foiled terror attack announced by Home Secretary John
Reid has served to temporarily distract public attention from the
ongoing atrocities committed in the Middle East war, it has also
triggered a wave of public skepticism which could potentially lead to
the downfall of Prime Minister Tony Blair. This skepticism is in part
based on the pattern of repeated terror warnings over several years.

The London terror alert has replicated the US pattern of "crying wolf".
Britain's counter-terrorism is a "copy and paste" of US procedures.

John Reid's August 10 statement emulates the pronouncements of his US
counterparts, Michael Chertoff and (former) Homeland Security Secretary
Tom Ridge, which have been repeated ad nauseam over the last few

Moreover, there are indications of deep-seated divisions within the New
Labour government. The announcement of the foiled terror attacks were
ordered by the government of Tony Blair, with the support of the
corporate media. US officials and Vice president Dick Cheney were
consulted and had advanced notice regarding the timing of John Reid's

The sequence of these terror alerts based on phony information,
repeated over several years, inevitably creates amidst the British and
American public, a sense of disbelief: an uncomfortable feeling that
both Scotland Yard and the British Home office are lying.

The counter-terrorism apparatus is desperately crying wolf, which could
potentially trigger in the United Kingdom, a political crisis of
immeasurable consequence.

Crying Wolf from the Horse's Mouth

How can we be sure that the brazen statements by senior Bush
administration officials in support of successive code orange alerts
were based on fake intelligence?

Upon retiring from his position at Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, who
made several far-reaching announcements during his term in office,
candidly admitted (mea culpa), that the code orange terror alerts were
in fact based on "flimsy evidence" (See Tom Ridge's Mea Culpa, May

The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for
terrorist attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge
argued 'there was only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat
level' Ridge [said] he often disagreed with administration officials
who wanted to elevate the threat level to orange, or "high" risk of
terrorist attack, but was overruled.

"More often than not we were the least inclined to raise it Sometimes
we disagreed with the intelligence assessment. Sometimes we thought
even if the intelligence was good, you don't necessarily put the
country on (alert). ... There were times when some people were really
aggressive about raising it, and we said, 'For that?' " (USA Today , 10
May 2005, emphasis added)

Michel Chossudovsky is the author of the international best seller "The
Globalization of Poverty " published in eleven languages. He is
Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the

Center for Research on Globalization. His most recent book is Americas
"War on Terrorism", Global Research, 2005. (This book also provides a
detailed analysis and review of fake intelligence and the terror

Note: Readers are welcome to cross-post this article with a view to

spreading the word and warning people of the dangers of a broader

Middle East war. Please indicate the source and copyright note.

Related articles by the author:

The Foiled UK Terror Plot and the "Pakistani Connection", Michel
Chossudovsky, 15 August 2006

Who was Abu Musab al Zarqawi? Michel Chossudovsky, 8 June 2006

London 7/7 Terror Suspect Linked to British Intelligence?, Michel
Chossudovsky, 1 August 2005

The Pakistani Connection: The London Bombers and "Al Qaeda's Webmaster"
Michel Chossudovsky, 20 July 2005

Tom Ridge's Mea Culpa Michel Chossudovsky, May 2005

Fabricating Intelligence for Political Gain, Michel Chossudovsky. 3
August 2004

The Criminalization of the State, Michel Chossudovsky, February 2004

Orange Code Terror Alert based on Fabricated Intelligence, Michel
Chossudovsky 3 January 2004.

Bush's Christmas Terror Alert, Michel Chossudovsky, 24 December 2003,

FBI points finger at the CIA: Terror Alert based on Fabricated
Information, 14 February 2003

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 20, 2006 12:48:58 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Hezbollah 2, Israel 0

Hezbollah 2, Israel 0
By Joanna Francis
Crescent and Cross

Make no mistake about it - the Israelis are getting their tails kicked
in Lebanon! Just like they did in May 2000, when Hezbollah sent them
scurrying back across the border with their tails between their legs.
The Israelis never forgot that stinging defeat and have now demanded a
rematch with Hezbollah. And much to their surprise, Israel has already
managed to lose the rematch too.

Considering the disparity in numbers and weaponry between Israel and
Hezbollah, Israel should have achieved a decisive victory by now. But
they haven't. And it doesn't help their case any that they have had to
resort to bombing the entire country, killing women and children, to
try to save face. It only makes them look more pathetic.

They will never be able to swagger quite so arrogantly again, or
instill fear in the groveling leaders of their neighboring countries in
quite the same way. The Israelis have been outfoxed at every turn by an
irregular army using prehistoric weaponry, with little to no support
from neighboring countries (the leaders, that is), but who have proven
themselves to be unwavering in their determination. Hezbollah are
fighting against the best weaponry American money can buy. And they are

Because you can't buy courage. Even with the entire United States
treasury at your disposal, the things that matter most to real men
simply cannot be purchased. Therefore, the poor man has the advantage
over the rich man because valor, manliness, and honor are free to those
with nothing to lose. The Israelis had everything to lose in this
misguided operation and have proceeded to do so exceedingly well. Even
among their most brainwashed sycophants, their credibility is in the
single digits.

The excuse of the "kidnapped" soldiers is totally bogus to anyone with
an I.Q. over 70, because Hezbollah has offered to release them in
exchange for a ceasefire but Israel has refused. Meanwhile, Israel has
kidnapped thousands of Lebanese citizens over the years who languish in
Israeli prisons to this day. And the Katyusha rocket pity party won't
work either, because the Katyusha rockets are simply in retaliation for
Israeli aggression, not vice versa, and can hardly compare to the bombs
being dropped on Lebanon. If they thought for one moment that they
would rout out Hezbollah, they were seriously mistaken. You cannot
eliminate a fighting force whose reason for existence is justified by
the fact that Israel continues to occupy their land, invade their air
space, and hold their people as political prisoners. Kill them all, and
another generation will simply step up to the plate and take their

The Israelis fight like sissies from fighter jets, dropping
bunker-buster bombs on defenseless women and children. That's real
manly! They roll across the border in heavily-armored tanks, confident
that they'll be impervious to Hezbollah's weaker arsenal. Only lately,
those tanks have had the surprising habit of turning into human
crematoria for the Israeli soldiers inside them. So why don't they get
out of their tanks and fighter jets and go toe-to-toe with Hezbollah
like real men? (See first sentence of essay).

The fourth most powerful military in the world has been given a shiny
black eye that no amount of make-up will ever be able to hide. The aura
of invincibility they so haughtily projected is now tarnished beyond
repair. Bragging rights go to Hezbollah, as Israel eats its
long-overdue humble pie. Why do I feel so strongly about this, you
might ask? Because Israel has made me, an American taxpayer, complicit
in their war crimes, and I, for one, am glad to see them finally
getting their comeuppance.

In fact, the Israelis are losing so badly that their co-religionists in
the West have had to order new false flag operations to take their
humiliating defeat off the front pages. It's like that scene in the
Wizard of Oz where Toto pulls back the curtain on the "Great Oz," only
to discover that he's really a weaselly old man, pretending to be
something that he's not. Well, the curtain has been pulled back on the
Zionists, and they are standing there in all their naked cowardice and
cruelty, for all world to see. And the world is repulsed. Hence, the PR
campaign now underway to try to remind us goyim that all Muslims are
"terrorists" and that the Israelis are always the victims.

So now we're supposed to feel relieved that the Israelis are only
killing "terrorists" (not human beings), and that they are only trying
to make the world a safer place for all of us. Only it's not going to
work this time. I mean, how stupid do they think we are? Just when
world sympathy was leaning heavily towards Lebanon and away from
Israel, does any sane person really believe that Muslims would try to
pull off an ill-fated stunt? Only the most credulous of FOX News
watchers could fail to notice that the timing of these supposed terror
plots is extraordinarily convenient.

The mainstream media is just another weapon in the Israeli armory, but
this time, chinks are beginning to show. The Zionist-controlled media
try their best to obfuscate the cowardice of their own kin by wrongly
portraying Hezbollah as hiding behind women and children. In psychiatry
(a dangerous medical specialty they (the Jews) invented), this is
called "projection," or the attempt to transfer your own negative
traits onto another person. They know all about projection because they
do it so well. But Israel cannot hide the fact that they have
slaughtered more than 1,000 civilians, mostly women and children, and
have destroyed almost the entire infrastructure of a modern, democratic
state. Yet they cynically try to portray themselves as reluctant and
contrite killers, in a grotesque attempt to blame innocent victims for
their own deaths.

What did they think was going to happen when they plunked themselves
down in the middle of a million Arabs, after slaughtering them to steal
their land in 1948? Did they really think they would get away with it
indefinitely? Obviously so, since they've now set out to conquer more
sovereign Arab territory, fully revealing their expansionist agenda to
anyone with eyes to see. Only something unexpected has happened on the
way to Eretz Israel; they've run into a brick wall called Hezbollah,
who will not relinquish their sovereignty to the Zionist land-grabbers.

It's slowly starting to dawn on the Zionists that Lebanon will never be
part of Eretz Israel, and that the Litani River will never provide
drinking water to Israeli settler households. Plan "Eretz Israel" has
been put on hold by a small Lebanese militia with more guts than most
men can even dream about. In any area that counts, Hezbollah is already
victorious. Courage? How brave do you have to be to stay and fight when
you are out-numbered, out-gunned, out-tanked, and out-bombed? Very
brave, indeed.

This war was nothing more than an Israeli land-grab attempt, and an
opportunity to exercise collective punishment on an entire people for
Israel's defeat at the hands of Hezbollah in May 2000. But the Israeli
soldiers aren't half the fighters Hezbollah are; hence, their second
defeat in six years at the hands of their bitter enemies. Hezbollah now
owns them - lock, stock and barrel.


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 18, 2006 9:08:00 PM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Judge's ruling may provide grounds to impeach Bush

Judge's Ruling
May Provide Grounds to Impeach Bush

By CHB Staff
Aug 18, 2006, 07:57

If a judge's ruling that declares President George W. Bush's domestic
spying program unconstitutional holds up under appeal, the President
will be guilty of violating federal law at least 30 times and that
could provide grounds for impeachment, says a leading Constitutional

Jonathan Turley, law professor at George Washington University and a
recognized expert on constitutional law, says the ruling Thursday by a
federal judge in Detroit raises "serious implications for the Bush
administration" and indicates that the President "could well have
committed a federal crime at least 30 times."

"This ruling is a bad situation that just got worse for the White
House," says Turley. "These crimes could constitute impeachable

Turley knows a thing or two about the impeachment process. He worked
with Special Prosecutor Ken Starr on the investigation that led to
impeachment proceedings against former President Bill Clinton.

U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, in a stinging indictment of
Constitutional abuse by the Bush Administration over its use of
warrantless wiretaps of American citizens by the National Security
Agency, ruled the program violates the Administrative Procedures Act,
the doctrine of separation of powers, and the First and Fourth
amendments to the Constitution and ordered an immediate halt to the

"There are no hereditary Kings in America and no powers not created by
the Constitution. So all 'inherent powers' must derive from that
Constitution," Taylor wrote in her lengthy opinion.
The White House went into immediate attack mode, claiming Taylor is an
activist judge appointed by a Democratic president (Jimmy Carter) and
vowing to appeal the ruling all the way to the Supreme Court.

A Republican National Committee press release declared: Liberal judge
backs Dem agenda to weaken national security.

Turley says such tactics are typical for the Bush White House.

"That's what's really distasteful," Turley said Thursday night on
MNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann show. "This is not the first
judge to rule against the administration. But every time a judge rules
against the administration, they're either too Democratic or they're
too tall or too short, or they're Pisces. I mean, it, you can, all this
spin, this effort to personalize it is really doing a great injustice
to our system. If you look at this opinion, it's a very thoughtful
opinion. The problem is not the judge. The problem is a lack of
authority. You know, when Gonzales says I've got something back in my
safe, and if you could see it, you'd all agree with me, well, unless
there's a federal statute in his safe, then it's not going to make a

The judge's order to halt the program is stayed during the appeal
process and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales vowed the domestic spying
program will continue during those appeals, which could extend well
beyond the end of Bush's final term in office.


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Former US Military
Leaders and Foreign Policy Officials
Call on Bush Administration to Negotiate
with Iran

Letter to President G. W. Bush
August 19, 2006
Information Clearing House

Former Diplomats' and Retired Generals' Letter to President Bush

Words not War, A Statement on Iran, August 2006

As former military leaders and foreign policy officials, we call on the
Bush administration to engage immediately in direct talks with the
government of Iran without preconditions to help resolve the current
crisis in the Middle East and settle differences over the Iranian
nuclear program.

We strongly caution against any consideration of the use of military
force against Iran. The current crises must be resolved through
diplomacy, not military action. An attack on Iran would have disastrous
consequences for security in the region and U.S. forces in Iraq, and it
would inflame hatred and violence in the Middle East and among Muslims

A strategy of diplomatic engagement with Iran will serve the interests
of the U.S. and its allies, and would enhance regional and
international security.


Ambassador Harry Barnes, Former Ambassador to Chile, India, and Romania

Lieutenant General Julius Becton, U.S. Army (Ret.); Former commander,
Corps, and Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Parker Borg, Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy;
Former Ambassador to Iceland and Mali; Deputy Assistant Secretary of
State for International Narcotic Matters; Deputy Director of the Office
for Combating Terrorism, U. S. State Department

Ambassador Peter Burleigh, Former U.S. Ambassador and Deputy Permanent
Representative of the United States to the United Nations; Ambassador
to Sri Lanka and the Maldives; Ambassador and Coordinator of the Office
of Counter-Terrorism; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Intelligence and Research; and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
the Near East and South Asia

Ambassador Ralph Earle II, Former chief negotiator of the SALT II
Treaty and Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament

Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote, U.S. Army (Ret.). Former Deputy
Inspector General, U.S. Army

Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr., Former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia;
Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs;
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, African Affairs,
Charge/Deputy Chief of Mission, American Embassy (Bangkok; Beijing);
and Director, Chinese Affairs, Department of State

Morton Halperin, Senior Fellow of the Center for American Progress;
Director of U.S. Advocacy for the Open Society Institute; Former
director of Policy Planning, Department of State

Lieutenant General Robert G. Gard, Jr., U.S. Army (Ret.); Former
military assistant to the Secretary of Defense; president, National
Defense University. Currently Senior Military Fellow, Center for Arms
Control and Non-Proliferation

General Joseph P. Hoar, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.); Former Commander in
Chief, U.S. Central Command

Brigadier General John Johns, U.S. Army (Ret.); Former Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense

Professor Frank N. von Hippel, Former Assistant Director for National
Security in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Dr. Lawrence Korb, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower,
Installations and Logistics

Major General Frederick H. Lawson, U.S. Army Reserve (Ret.); Former
Reserve Division Commander

Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy, U.S. Army (Ret.); former Deputy
Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Lieutenant General Charles P. Otstott, U.S. Army (Ret.); former Deputy
Chairman, NATO Military Committee

Ambassador Edward L. Peck, Former Chief of Mission in Iraq and
Mauritania; Deputy Director of the White House Task Force on Terrorism;
Deputy Coordinator for Covert Intelligence Programs and Special
Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Department of
State; Liaison Officer to the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Brig. Gen. Maurice D. Roush, U.S. Army (Ret.)

Dr. Sarah Sewall, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance; Foreign Policy Adviser to
Senator George J. Mitchell

Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, U.S. Navy (Ret.). Former Director of the
Center for Defense Information and currently Chairman, Military
Advisory Committee, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities

LTG James M. Thompson, U.S. Army (Ret.), Former Chief of Military
Mission to Turkey (JUSMMAT); Chief of Staff, Allied Forces, Southern

Vice Admiral Ralph Weymouth, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Former Commanding
Officer of Flagship on Commander Middle East Force; Northern NATO Desk
Officer in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Internal Security Affairs; and Commander, Iceland Defense Force.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Subject: [911TruthAction] Aaron Russo UNPLUGGED


Aaron Russo speaks candidlty about his movie America: Freedom to
Fascism, shot on location at the Landmark Cinema and Borders Books in
Chicago on 7/30/06.

Listen to Aaron discuss 9/11/01, being asked to join the CFR, the truth
behind the creation of the women's lib movement, personal stories,
short discussion on vaccination and medical slavery, and much more.



From: torell <>
Date: August 19, 2006 7:52:11 PM EST

Subject: Pray this is so

a bit more about the Steorn free energy

Steorns Free Energy Technology

Steorn, an Irish technology development company, has issued a challenge
to the global scientific community to test Steorns free energy
technology and publish the findings.

Steorns technology is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and
allows the production of clean, free and constant energy. The
technology can be applied to virtually all devices requiring energy,
from cellular phones to cars.

Steorn has placed an advertisement in The Economist this week to
attract the attention of the worlds leading scientists working in the
field of experimental physics. From all the scientists who accept
Steorns challenge, twelve will be invited to take part in a rigorous
testing exercise to prove that Steorns technology creates free energy.
The results will be published worldwide.

Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, commented: During the years of its
development, our technology has been validated by various independent
scientists and engineers. We are now seeking twelve of the most
qualified and most cynical from the worlds scientific community to
form an independent jury, test the technology in independent
laboratories and publish their findings.

We are under no illusions that there will be a lot of cynicism out
there about our proposition, as it currently challenges one of the
basic principles of physics. However, the implications of our
technology go far beyond scientific curiosity: addressing many urgent
global needs including security of energy supply and zero emission
energy production. In order for these benefits to be achieved, we need
the public validation and endorsement of the scientific community.

Were playing our part in making that happen by throwing down the
gauntlet with todays announcement now its over to the scientists to
ensure that the real potential and benefits of our technology can be

Following the validation process, Steorn intends to license its
technology to organisations within the energy sector. It will allow use
of its technology royalty-free for certain purposes including water and
rural electrification projects in third world countries, details to be
announced later.

the patent application:

Stoern's patent application is available online:

However on their site's forums they claim that this is only _part_ of
the technology.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 20, 2006 1:15:49 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Chavez launches fundraising drive for Lebanon, Palestinians

Chavez Launches Fundraising Drive for Lebanon, Palestinians

By The Associated Press

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 0.gif]
President Hugo Chavez said Venezuela is carrying out a nationwide
fundraising drive to raise money for rebuilding Lebanon and for the
Palestinian people.

Chavez called the Lebanese and Palestinians "heroic people" and
reiterated his criticisms of Israel over its military offensive in

"I ask everyone in the country to give what we can for this fundraising
campaign for the reconstruction of Lebanon - destroyed by the genocidal
and fascist hand of Israel, and its masters, the U.S. empire," Chavez

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 0.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 0.gif]
The Venezuelan president said on Aug. 3 that he was withdrawing his
country's top diplomat to Israel to protest its attacks in Lebanon and
its actions toward the Palestinians.

Israel, which responded by calling home its ambassador, has criticized
what it calls Chavez's "one-sided policy" and "wild slurs."

Earlier this month, Chavez said he recalled his country's ambassador to
Israel to show his "indignation" over the military offensive in

"We have ordered the withdrawal of our ambassador in Israel," Chavez
said in a televised speech, calling Israeli attacks in Lebanon

"It really causes indignation to see how the state of Israel continues
bombing, killing ... with all of the power they have, with the support
of the United States," Chavez said after a military parade in the
northwestern state of Falcon.

The leftist Venezuelan leader has repeatedly criticized Israel's
offensive aimed at Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon, noting mounting
civilian deaths and saying the United Nations should act to halt the

"It's hard explain to oneself how nobody does anything to stop this
horror," said Chavez, whose government has until recently said it had
good relations with Israel.

Chavez, an outspoken critic of Washington, also criticized what he
called a relentless "campaign" by the U.S. government to keep Venezuela
from obtaining a seat on the UN Security Council. U.S. officials have
backed Guatemala for the seat, saying Venezuela would be a disruptive
influence on the council.

The Venezuelan leader, a close ally and protege of Cuban President
Fidel Castro, spoke after returning from an international tour that
took him to Argentina, Belarus, Russia, Qatar, Iran, Vietnam, Mali and
Benin. While in Iran, Chavez called the Israeli offensive in Lebanon a
"fascist outrage."

"The Israeli elite repeatedly criticize Hitler's actions against the
Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticized, not just against
the Jews but against the world," Chavez said during his visit to Iran,
adding: "It's also fascism what Israel is doing to the Palestinian
people ... terrorism and fascism."

Venezuela has both Arab immigrant and Jewish communities, and officials
have insisted the government will continue to fully respect the Jewish
community despite its strong opposition to Israel's war in Lebanon.

Some in Venezuela have protested against the fighting in Lebanon,
including one group that burned an Israeli flag outside the Israeli
embassy last month.


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: August 19, 2006 9:47:35 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Beyond comparison, Israel / Third Reich

Beyond Comparison
By Gilad Atzmon
Online Journal Guest Writer

Aug 11, 2006, 01:19

Israel Military action is an unjustified aggression that is being
out in a style of Hitler, in a fascist fashion. (Venezuelan President

Clearly, President Chavez needs a reality check when it comes to the
East conflict. (Anti-Defamation League National Director, Abraham H.

There is a trend amongst us all, the critical voices of Israel and
Time after time we compare Israel to the Third Reich; we equate the IDF
the Wehrmacht, we find a resemblance between the Israeli Air Forces
to the blitz technique of the Luftwafe, we occasionally associate
and Olmerts war crimes with those of Hitler. I myself have fallen into
very trap more than once. But I have now made up my mind. This fashion
speaking must be stopped once and for all.

To regard Hitler as the ultimate evil is nothing but surrendering to the
Zio-centric discourse. To regard Hitler as the wickedest man and the
Reich as the embodiment of evilness is to let Israel off the hook. To
compare Olmert to Hitler is to provide Israel and Olmert with a
moral shield. It maintains Hitler at the lead and allows Olmert to stay
the tail.

My mother, indeed a very clever woman, challenged me a long time ago
Tell me Gilad, why is it that you and your friends always compare
Israel to
the Nazis? Isnt Israel bad enough? At the time I found her remark
amusing, but my mothers cynical instinct was more than correct. Israel
indeed bad enough. Israel has already established a unique
of the notion of wickedness that has managed to surpass any other evil.
is about time we internalise the fact that Israel and Zionism are the
ultimate Evil with no comparison. And if this is not enough, unlike
that belongs to the past, Zionisms wickedness is a crime which is still
unfolding and worsening.

Chavez obviously has the absolute right to say what he said, yet I have
remind the adorable Venezuelan President that Hitler never flattened a
country for no reason at all, and this is exactly what the Israelis have
been doing in Lebanon for four weeks already and in Gaza for years and
years. Looking at the carnage and the devastation in Lebanon doesnt
any room for doubt. The current Israeli brutality is nothing but
for the sake of evilness. Retribution that knows no mercy. Israel is a
devastating collective resurrection of the Biblical Samson. It is a
representation of the man who kills women, children and the elderly, the
Hebraic victorious master of blind indiscriminate retaliation.

For years, politically correct liberals who present themselves as
have been insisting upon telling us that Israeli aggression should be
understood in expansionist colonial terms. This line of thinking is
promoted by more than a few Jewish peace activists around the world. The
reason is simple; as long as Israel is a colonialist state, then the
19th century Marxist orthodox paradigm can be applied to the conflict.
Moreover, if Israel is indeed an expansionist colonial regional force,
nothing is categorically wrong with the Israelis, they are just like the
British were, but 150 years too late.

Nonsense! The above dated interpretation is fundamentally wrong and
deliberately misleading. Moreover, it is not applicable anymore, not
even as
a Judeo-centric PC fig leaf. Watching the devastation the Israeli Air
has left in its wake, looking at the death and carnage in Lebanon
leave any room for doubt. It has nothing to do with colonialism or
expansionism. Lebanon and Beirut are not and have never been part of the
Zionist Lebensraum aspiration.

It is the other way around, till the late 1960s the Israelis were
sure that Lebanon would be the first Arab country to make peace with the
Jewish State. Israel has never had any interest north of the Litani
and in spite of that, Israel has now destroyed every single Lebanese
every airport, every power station. Hospitals are bombed, villages and
neighbourhoods have been wiped out, one thousand Lebanese civilians have
lost their lives and over a million citizens are displaced and homeless.

Now is the time to stand up and say it, unlike the Nazis who had
respect for
other national movements including Zionism, Israel has zero respect for
anyone, including its next door neighbours. Israeli behaviour should be
realised as the ultimate vulgar biblical barbarism on the verge of
cannibalism. Israel is nothing but evilness for the sake of evilness.
It is
wickedness with no comparison.

Hence, there is no room for comparison between Israel and the Nazis. If
comparison is to be made, then it is the Israelis who win the
of ruthlessness and the reasons are obvious. Nazi Germany was a tyranny,
Israel is a democracy led by a centre-left national unity government.
we do not have any formal objective tool to determine the German
approval of Nazi crimes (in the first place, Germans were not informed
Nazi homicidal crimes. Secondly, there was no objective independent poll
system active in Germany at the time), the Israelis collectively approve
their governments crimes in Lebanon and this fact is overwhelmingly
documented in more than a few polls.

Nazis were indeed proper expansionists, they were trying to take towns
land intact. Carpet bombing and total erasure of populated areas that
is so
trendy amongst Israeli military and politicians (as well as
was never a Nazi tactic or strategy. Apparently, Israel isnt trying to
Lebanon; Israelis do not seem to be interested in Lebanese land. They
want to demolish it.

One may wonder what it is that they really want to achieve. In fact no
in Israel, or anywhere else for that matter, knows. Do they want to
dismantle Hezbollah? Surely, they have achieved the very opposite.

Their impression that Hezbollah is a small faction of a minority
fundamentalist militia that could be done away with effortlessly is
shown as
a ridiculous thesis with each passing day. Not only has it demonstrated
itself as a force to be reckoned with, Hezbollah is now supported by 85
percent of the Lebanese people and this includes the Christian
(80 percent support among the Christian Lebanese).

Does Israel want to maintain its power of deterrence? Surely it
achieved the
very opposite. By now, every Arab knows that the Israeli Army isnt that
glamorous anymore. In fact the photos of the Israeli military boot left
Lebanese soil says it all. In this war, it is the Israeli soldier who is
taking off his military boots and running away for his life.

Does Israel want to secure its populated centres? Surely it has
achieved the
very opposite. The more Israel hits Lebanons infrastructure, the
are the barrages of missiles that are falling on Israeli cities. In
fact, it
is just a question of time before Tel Aviv gets a glimpse into the
notion of
life in Gaza and Beirut. Indeed Israel has no plan or strategy; instead
practices the lowest form of collective barbarian zeal. The Israelis
demolish for the sake of demolishing. Israel is indeed an evil with no

Yet, we have to admit that Nazis were pretty good in provoking some
international outrage. Not many loved Hitler beyond the Germanic world
the English aristocracy). Israeli cannibalism, on the other hand, is
by some Western leaders, and it is Blair, Bush and even Merkel who are
afraid to stand up to Zionist barbarism.

While Nazism was defeated 12 years after it took power, Zionist
brutality is
a snowball of repulsive anger that knows no boundaries and no end. It
over the West and recruits the most morally deteriorated forces around,
whether they are Blair and his ilk or some radical American Christian
Fundamentalists. Zionism aims at turning our planet into a bloody
battlefield. For the time being it is reducing the UN institution into
American neoconservative puppet. It is time we admit that Zionists are
standing in the very centre of the so-called Cultural Clash.

While Nazism was a nationalist expansionist movement with extensive yet
limited ambitions, the Jewish State and its Zionist lobbies are trying
revive the spirit of a global crusade in the name of a bizarre
religious war
(Judeo-Christian versus Muslim).

If we want to save this world, if we want to live in a humane planet, we
must focus on the gravest enemy of peace, those who are wicked for the
of evilness: the Israeli State and world Zionism.

It is about time to get out of the closet and to say it all loudly.
and Zionism endanger our world. It isnt just Lebanon, Palestine and the
Arabs who suffer. It is now Britain and America that are dragged into an
idiotic war. It is the entire West that is asked to rescue what the
left out of Lebanon. We all have to de-Zionise ourselves before it is
late. We have to admit that Israel is the ultimate evil rather than Nazi
Germany. Abe Foxman and the ADL are correct for a change, we all need a
reality check. We should never compare Israel to Nazi Germany. As far as
evilness is concerned, we should now let Israel take the lead.

Coming very soon: The revelation of a top secret Israeli weapon that has
long been kept under wraps. Gilad Atzmon has discovered details of this
destructive new weapon used against the Lebanese people.

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli jazz musician, author and political activist.


Date: August 19, 2006 8:38:34 PM EST
Subject: Online Journal News Alerts: Week of Aug. 13, 2006

For the next month or so, things may be erratic here
By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

Yours truly had a bit of an accident yesterday that required 16
stitches to
close the gash. In addition, my hubby may be facing back surgery --
with any
luck, the minimally invasive kind. Bottom line: I may not posting as
articles per day and may even be skipping some days altogether,
that would make my hubby happy, because he feels I need a break.

"Terra, terra, terra!" but "where's the beef?"
By Bev Conover
Online Journal Editor & Publisher

Clair Pellar may have gone to that big Wendy's hamburger joint in the
but the question that brought her 15 minutes of fame is more relevant
with each "terror" scare: Where's the beef?

"Who are the terrorists?"
By Luciana Bohne
Online Journal Contributing Writer

"Who are the terrorists? Damn Israel. Damn America. Damn the Arab

Fear! Fear! shouted hawks and profiteers
By Brian Bogart
Online Journal Contributing Writer

As soon as it came out that the apparent new 9-11 threat had been
with the help of Pakistani Intelligence Services (ISI), it also became
that it was a political tool for further legitimizing the lucrative
war on
terror. After all, the ISI with Saudi financing and covert CIA training
created al-Qaeda in the first place, to counter another threat: Soviet
"communist enslavement.

Fighting Jim Crow in Israel
By Mike Whitney
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Ideas have consequences, and the effects of a racist ideology are
and destruction. The growing similarity between the debris-strewn
Levant and
the Gaza Strip are not accidental; they are the predictable results of a
worldview which places the value of one people above another. In Israel,
there is a two-tiered system of justice; one for Jews and another for
non-Jews; full-citizenship for Israeli-Jews and Jim Crow for Arabs.

Lebanon war resonates in Iraq
By Nicola Nasser
Online Journal Guest Writer

The Israeli war on Lebanon has shaken the sectarian pillar of the
U.S.-Israeli regional plans, especially in the Iraqi launching pad of
U.S.-promoted New Middle East, where major ethnic and sectarian
are being incited against their historical peaceful co-existence with
cultural Pan-Arab and Islamic heritage of the Arab majority as well as
against each other.

Remembrance of terrors past
By Luciana Bohne
Online Journal Contributing Writer

I am sure that we will be reading illuminating detective work on the
liquid-bombs plot very soon, exposing the holes in the official version
detective work by journalistic investigators with better resources and
expertise than I can muster. However, in preparation for the
revelations to
come, I am going to focus on a crash review of the relations between the
paladins of the so-called "war on terror," Britain and the US, with
and the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).



President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 28, 2006, 5:25:11 PM8/28/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 28, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It's encouraging that EON is bringing more energy into the
Election Integrity Movement during this run-up to the November
What else will this run-up contain? A huge false-flag sequel to
9/11 in order to take US fear levels high enough for the Bush Junta to
get away with a sleazy rhetoric centered on the notion of
don't-change-horses-in-the-middle-of-the-stream? A huge war?
Meanwhile, please note that among the videos below much of the
six-month-old Stinson Beach presentation has been rendered quaint by a
recent energy report that all currently accepted technologies without
exception are utterly inadequate to cope with the emergency on Earth.
The report came in July at the Aspen Ideas Festival and its presenters
were John Holdren, head of Woods Hole Institute, and Nathan Lewis, a
CIT chemist.
I doubt that the Stinson Beach evening--though quite
well-intentioned, of course--dealt with anything beyond currently
accepted technologies. In fact, I can imagine that some of those in
attendance were so culturebound as to believe that these currently
accepted technologies are themselves "beyond". In which case I'd say
it's urgent that all of us (in the spirit of the Prajnaparamita Sutra)
go beyond beyond.
But this is not to say that the evening was totally without
value. Remember the unfortunate bumpersticker a couple decades ago
which said THINKING GLOBALLY, ACTING LOCALLY? Well, the transition
from currently accepted energy technologies to new ones is quite like
going from THINKING GLOBALLY, ACTING LOCALLY (much better than no
action at all) to the much more appropriate THINKING AND ACTING
GLOBALLY AND LOCALLY. That is, the best new-energy modes work well at
any scale rather than just a household scale. And this is why Big Oil
resents them so much.
Richard Heinberg either doesn't know that scientists of the New
Energy Movement (<>) with proper funding in
fact can cope with the current vast bio-emergency--or else pretends not
to in order to have wider acceptance. In any case, it's important to
make this a larger and larger issue with him because he has an
influential following these days. Let's see if he's willing to become
less fashionable.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

PS: Solar is hot, yes, (see below) but not so hot that putting solar
panels on your roof gets you assassinated. So this is precisely what
physicist Adam Trombly did recently, knowing that if he put the really
hot stuff on his roof he'd endanger his life because Big Oil knows it's
sooooo hot it could render them quaint before oil is even scarce. So
we arrive at the seemingly juicy irony that Big Oil knows more about
Powering Down than does Richard Heinberg. But this is to be expected:
Big Oil gets to listen to Adam Trombly's phone conversations--and
Richard Heinberg doesn't. Yeah, Big Oil is always watching its flank.

From: Ecological Options Network <>

Date: August 28, 2006 1:17:18 AM EST
To: CCA <>
Subject: New EON DVDs Released, Video Blog Launched

Greetings EON Allies and Friends,

EON is pleased to announce several new summer DVD releases and the
launch of the new EON Video Blog.

We invite you look at the details below, then visit our website's new
QuickLinks menu at

and our new-and-growing video blog at

The EON Crew is off to Ohio and S. California to report on Ohio Sec. of
State Blackwell's attempt to destroy the 2004 election ballots and the
Busby/Bilbray election scandal and the fight-back efforts of election
integrity activists. We'll be collecting footage for our new
documentary,' DEMOCRACY IS COMING...TO THE USA - Inside America's
Election Integrity Movement.' We'll send dispatches from the road as

To purchase videos, make a tax-exempt donation to support our work, or
to enquire about activist group DVD discounts, please visit the site
above, email, order and pay via paypal c/o our email
address, or send a check made out to EON to: EON, POB 1047, Bolinas,
CA, 94924.

What motivates us is this: No Clean US Elections = No Clean US Energy
Policy, No Peace, No Healthy Planet. Election Integrity is THE key
issue for responsible and engaged citizens.

Here's the list of our new DVD releases:

Mark Crispin Miller - Whats At Stake

The author of FOOLED AGAIN speaks out on election theft, theocratic
politics and the threats to the American experiment in democracy.
May 4, 2006
Plus an in depth interview - 2 DVDs -

Author, investigative journalist, media critic and NYU professor Mark
Crispin Miller exposes the wide scope of election fraud in the U.S. and
explores the implications of the apocalyptic worldview held by the men
who have seized power in the current administration. He describes the
dire threats their actions pose to Americas most fundamental values
and institutions, faults the deep state of denial of opposition party
leaders, and urges committed citizen action now to counter these
alarming trends. Running time: 58.5 minutes.

Lecture Audio Recording by Maria Gilardin,
Time of Useful Consciousness (TUC) Radio

In the second DVD in this set, MCM explores these themes further in an
in depth interview with EONs Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle.
Running time: 45 minutes.

For more information: www.markcrispinmiller.


SOLAR IS HOT! a 3 DVD set in 2 Volumes

A Conference On Global Challenges and Local Energy Independence
Stinson Beach Community Center, Stinson Beach, CA Feb. 12, 2006
Volume 1 of 2 - Keynotes
Richard Heinberg Donald Aitken

Presented by Stinson Beach Solar Committee (SBSC)

SOLAR IS HOT! Volume 1 of 2 - Keynotes 3 tracks:

1) Preview Highlights in 4 minutes Includes music by Leon Vest and
music by Space Debris.

2) Richard Heinberg - Keynote One - 45 mins.
Professor at New College of Santa Rosa and author of The Party is Over
& Power Down provides a sobering view of future energy choices and why
the shift toward solar and renewable sources is so urgent.

3 ) Donald Aitken - Keynote Two 57 mins.
Physicist, solar architect, recipient of the Worlds Solar Industry
Award presents an inspiring yes we can vision of a solar energy
future and how to get there.

SOLAR IS HOT! Vol 2 of 2 DVDs 2&3 Speaker Presentations

MC Peter Asmus

Opening Talks
Jan McFarland
Americans for Solar Power

Steve Kinsey
Marin County Supervisor

Jared Huffman
California Assembly Candidate

Local Government Options
Gwen Johnson
Marin County Solar Coordinator

Don Smith
Environmental Design Services

Dan Pellegrini
Cooperative Community Energy

Steven Heckeroth
Solar Architect -

Marin Countys Solar Legacy
Anoosh Mizany
The Solar Depot

Aran Collier

Roy Philips
Marin Solar

Sandy Leon Vest
Stinson Solar Times

Robert Gould
GreenLight Solar




Greg Palast on receiving his 7th

Sonoma State University June 7, 2006

Author, BBC investigative journalist and peerless raconteur Greg Palast
talks about some of the findings in his new book ARMED MADHOUSE. How
was the 2004 U.S. presidential election stolen? Why did the U.S.
invade Iraq? To get the oilor to turn off the spigot and boost
corporate profits? Why were there not one, but two post-invasion plans
for Iraq? Who wrote them? Which one was implemented? Whos running
this country and what can we do about it? Running time: 59 minutes.

For more information:


local power
the story of community choice energy

How a small non-profit organization is promoting the national spread of
local initiatives for energy independence through a grassroots-up
strategy called community choice aggregation - combining business,
government and homeowner buying power to fund the transition to clean,
renewable sources.

There IS a practical solution that stabilizes electricity rates,
creates local jobs, boosts the local economy and takes significant
steps towards energy independence while reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and local pollution.

Over 5 states in the U.S., and over 50 cities and counties in
California are already moving on this solution, called Community Choice

Paul Fenn and Julia Peters of local power have authored the legislation
and are working with growing numbers of grassroots groups and
government decision-makers in what has become a state-, and nation-wide
movement for local energy independence and the build-out of clean,
renewable power generation technologies. This is the story of an idea
whose time has come and of people who are helping it happen.
For more information:

The Palau Chronicles

STRATEGIC TRUST: The Making of Nuclear Free Palau
Narrated by Joanne Woodward

Produced by
Directed by

The PALAU CHRONICLES A Microcosm In Micronesia

For more than twenty years from 1982 to 1996 award-winning
filmmakers Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle documented on film and
video unfolding events in the fledgling island nation of Palau. When
Palaus voters made it the first nation in history to adopt a nuclear
free, green constitution, Washingtons war planners saw it as the
threat of a good example.
Palau became the poster child for the growing Nuclear Free Pacific
movement and a cause celebre for the global nuclear free zone movement.

The 10-year-long manipulation of the electoral process the U.S. then
unleashed to force the rollback of Palaus nuclear ban became a text
book case for subversion of the democratic process in developing
countriesand at home.
Their experiences covering this story made the filmmakers life-long
advocates of election integrity. These two 1-hour films - produced for
the Corporation for Public Broadcasting a decade apart - tell the


the Ecological Options Network
"What's Working Where, Worldwide"


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: August 28, 2006 2:11:51 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>
Subject: US set to bypass UN over Iran 28 Aug 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

28 August 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

US set to bypass UN over Iran 28 Aug 2006 The British Prime Minister,
Tony Blair, faces the embarrassing prospect of once again being asked
to back the US over the United Nations as Washington prepares to forge
a diplomatic "coalition of the willing" [US, Israel] to pursue economic
sanctions against Iran.

Israel air force chief to plan war on Iran 27 Aug 2006 Israel has
appointed a top general to oversee a war against Iran, prompting
speculation that it is preparing for possible military action against
Teheran's nuclear programme. Maj Gen Elyezer Shkedy, Israel's air force
chief, will be overall commander for the "Iran front", according to
military sources spoken to by The Sunday Telegraph.

Russia blocks sanctions against Iran 26 Aug 2006 Russia ruled out
imposing economic sanctions on Iran yesterday, delivering a blow to
America's efforts to isolate Teheran's regime in protest over its
nuclear programme.

Ahmadinejad launches new nuclear project 26 Aug 2006 Iran's president
launched a new phase in the Arak heavy-water reactor project on
Saturday, saying Tehran would not give up its right to nuclear
technology despite Western fears it is aimed at producing a bomb. [See:
U.S. Cold War gift: Iran nuclear plant --Now cited as evidence of
weapons activity, facility was provided to shah's government 24 Aug

Leading Iraq archaeologist flees --Archaeologist is well known
internationally for his efforts to recover Iraq's looted antiquities
[by Bush's barbarians]. 26 Aug 2006 Iraq's most prominent
archaeologist, Donny George, has fled the country and is reported to
have said poor security and political pressures forced him out.

Bush's corpora-terrorists continue to rape Iraq: Weary Iraqis Face New
Foe: Rising Prices 26 Aug 2006 For Mehdi Dawood, Iraqs failures have
leached into the cucumbers, a staple of every meal that now devours a
fifth of his monthly pension. Fuel and electricity prices are up more
than 270 percent from last years, according to Iraqi government
figures. Tea in some markets has quadrupled, egg prices have doubled...



From: s culver <>
Date: August 27, 2006 11:00:44 PM EST
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Debunking the 911 Debunkers, with gusto!

must listen: Arizona radio show wherein the interviewer KNOCKS OUT a rep
from Popular Mechanics who is going around the country giving
interviews to
promote PM's new BOOK (with intro by John McCain!) about "Debunking 9/11
Conspiracy Theories." -- I mean, he flattens the guy.

This is really worth listening to. Very good points are made.

20 minutes long, mp3. Download at


Last Updated: Monday, 28 August 2006, 01:00 GMT 02:00 UK

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Mexicans Await Election Verdict

The top electoral court in Mexico is to release the crucial results of
a partial recount of the votes in the 2 July presidential election on

There have been mass protests by the opposition since conservative
candidate Felipe Calderon was declared winner by less than 1% of the

Leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has led the protests
demanding a recount of all 41m ballots cast.

The electoral court must formally declare the winner by 6 September.

The seven judges on the Federal Electoral Tribunal will meet at 0800
(1300 GMT) to begin considering 375 complaints of vote-tampering.

It is not clear how long the process will last.

Mr Lopez Obrador's campaign had filed complaints at around 50,000
polling stations but the court ordered a recount at just 11,839 of them
- about 9% of the national total.


Mr Calderon has already said he won fairly.

However, Mr Lopez Obrador says the ballot was rigged and that the
country's political system is rotten.

Thousands of his supporters are still camped out on Mexico City's
historic main square, the Zocalo, hoping to change the result.

At a rally on Sunday, he told them that he had categorically won the
election and that there was a danger of "the people's rights" being

He also suggested that the left might set up a civil resistance
movement or parallel government.

Mexico's political crisis may not be ended with the results of the
partial recount especially if it gives ammunition to both candidates,
the BBC's Duncan Kennedy reports.

That would then take the country's still young multi-party democracy
into new territory and keep the attention of the Americans and other
neighbours firmly fixed on what happens next, our correspondent adds.


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AIPAC, the
Religious Right and American Foreign Policy

By Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay
August 28, 2006

Online Journal

"Most citizens are unaware of the startling fact that for years our
U.S. Middle East policy has not been crafted by seasoned experts who
are committed to America's basic national interests." --Paul Findley,
U.S. Republican Congressman, (1961-83)

Thank God we have AIPAC, the greatest supporter and friend we have in
the whole world, --Ehud Olmert, Israels Prime Minister
"Either I make policy on the Middle East or AIPAC makes policy on the
Middle East." --Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter administration National
Security Advisor

Nobody can understand what's going on politically in the United States
without being aware that a political coalition of major pro-Likud
groups, pro-Israel neoconservative intellectuals and Christian Zionists
is exerting a tremendously powerful influence on the American
government and its policies.

Over time, this large pro-Israel Lobby, spearheaded by the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has extended its comprehensive
grasp over large segments of the U.S. government, including the vice
president's office, the Pentagon and the State Department, besides
controlling the legislative apparatus of Congress. It is being assisted
in this task by powerful allies in the two main political parties, in
major corporate media and by some richly financed so-called
"think-tanks," such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage
Foundation, or the Washington Institute for Near East Policy .

AIPAC is the centerpiece of this coordinated system. For example, it
keeps voting statistics on each congressional representative and
senator, which are then transmitted to political donors to act
accordingly. AIPAC also organizes regular all-expense-paid trips to
Israel and meetings with Israeli ministers and personalities for
congressmen and their staffs, and for other state and local American
politicians. Not receiving this imprimatur is a major handicap for any
ambitious American politician, even if he can rely on a personal

In Washington, in order to have a better access to decision makers,
'The Lobby' even has developed the habit of recruiting personnel for
senators and House members' offices. And, when elections come, 'The
Lobby' makes sure that lukewarm, independent-minded or dissenting
politicians are punished and defeated. It is a source of such political
power, campaign financing and media propaganda that no U.S. politician
can dare ignore its demands without fear of being destroyed. As veteran
columnist Robert Novak recently pointed out, thanks to the influence of
AIPAC and 'The Lobby,' "Washington remains largely a bipartisan,
criticism-free zone for Israel."

This is understandable. AIPAC's techniques are so efficient that one
can easily have the impression that it is a 'parallel government' in
Washington, D.C. In the words of its president, Howard Friedman,
consigned in a hubristic bulletin to supporters, it relies on two
techniques in particular:

1. "AIPAC meets with every candidate running for Congress. These
candidates receive in-depth briefings to help them completely
understand the complexities of Israel's predicament and that of the
Middle East as a whole. We even ask each candidate to author a
'position paper' on their views of the U.S.-Israel relationship, so
it's clear where they stand on the subject."

2. "Members of Congress, staffers and administration officials have
come to rely on AIPAC's memos. They are very busy people and they know
that they can count on AIPAC for clear-eyed analysis. We present this
information in concise form to elected officials. The information and
analyses are impeccable, -after all our reputation is at stake. This
results in policy and legislation that make up Israel's lifeline."

I doubt that there is any democratic country in the entire world where
candidates have to pass an ideological litmus test, if they want to
have a chance of being chosen candidates and being elected. Thus, who
could blame AIPAC from being convinced that it has the U.S. Congress on
a very short leash? If AIPAC were a company, it could be subject to a
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) antitrust and anti-cartel investigation
for cornering the market.

Therefore, it should be no surprise that, on Capitol Hill, 'The Lobby'
seems to be in charge, so much so that its near complete control of
U.S. foreign policy and other policies, such as defense, has become the
equivalent of a joke. We are not witnessing consensus here, but rather
a situation tantamount to unanimity in the desire to align American
policies to Israeli policies, each time Israel's interests in the
Middle East are on the line. A totalitarian country would not function

AIPAC has such a grip on Washington that sometimes one can be forgiven
for confusing Tel Aviv and Washington, D.C. A recent example: AIPAC
penned a resolution of support for Israel in its savage and illegal
bombings of Lebanon. On July 20, 2006, the resolution was voted
unanimously by the 100-member Senate and the vote in the House was 410
to 8. Case closed.

For many years, the influence of 'The Lobby' remained under the radar,
being ignored or concealed by the media it controlled and by most
commentators. On March 10, 2006, however, two respected American
scholars, professors Stephen Walt from Harvard University and John
Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago published a study in The
London Review of Books, entitled The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Policy, about the disproportionate influence that this special interest
Lobby has on American foreign policy. It said that AIPAC was "the most
powerful and best known" organization in a pro-Israel lobby that
systematically distorts American foreign policy. The study concluded
that Israel played a major role in pushing the Bush administration
toward a war with Iraq, and it argued that the pro-Israel lobby's
influence on U.S. foreign policy was bad both for Israel and for the
U.S. Thereafter, nobody could feign ignoring the corrosive influence of
this powerful lobby on U.S. foreign policy.

Another example of the type of power 'The Lobby' carries these days in
Washington, D.C., is its success in establishing within the State
Department, with taxpayers' money, a special interest agency, called
the 'Office of Global Anti-Semitism'. In a move reminiscent of what
happened during past centuries under totalitarian regimes, this new
'agency' is totally devoted to monitoring around the world instances,
among other things, of criticism of Israel or of American pro-Israel
policies. The creation of this new department of Inquisition was
mandated by a law, [H.R. 4230], that President George W. Bush signed on
October 16, 2004. Who says that reality is not stranger than fiction!

So-called Christian Zionists also have a significant influence on
American foreign policy, especially as it relates to the Middle East.
Their propaganda has been so successful that today, 40 percent of
Americans believe that Israel was directly given to the Jewish people
by 'God'. One-third of Americans even believe that the creation of the
state of Israel, in 1948, after a terrorist campaign against Great
Britain, was a step towards the 'Second Coming of Jesus Christ' and the
'End of the world'. For the most fanatical ones among them, the 'war on
terrorism,' whatever it means, is a war of religion between
Christianity and Islam. With such thinking, the world is thrown back
four centuries, since the last war of religion was the 1618-1648 Thirty
Years' War between European Protestants and Catholics.

These days, the American religious Right has its own special interest
office within the State Department. It is called the 'Office of
International Religious Freedom,' whose principal mission is to meddle
in the domestic affairs of other countries. Such a state agency would
seem to run contrary to the "wall of separation" between church and
state that President Thomas Jefferson thought he had erected with the
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Such governmental forays in
religious matters are in addition to the state-financed 'Office of
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives' that the Bush administration
created soon after it took office.

Since the current occupant of the White House is a born-again Christian
who harbors ideas which are close to those advanced by the American
Christian Right it should not be too surprising if the Bush
administration's policy in the Middle East has very strong religious

In any government, one has to look behind the curtains to see who is
really pulling the strings and who is steering the policies. In the
case of the Bush-Cheney administration, one has to know about 'The
Lobby' and the 'religious Right'. Without that knowledge, one is in the
dark when it comes to understanding the direction taken by certain

Rodrigue Tremblay is professor emeritus of economics at the University
of Montreal and a former Cabinet Minister in the Quebec
government. He can be reached at rodrigue.tremblay@ He is
the author of the book 'The New American Empire'. Visit his blog site

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Rodrigue Tremblay, Online Journal, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: August 27, 2006 10:58:51 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: US Terror Paranoia Taking Comic Proportions

US Terror Paranoia Taking Comic Proportions | August 27 2006

The rise in terrorism paranoia that reignited following the second
9/11 plan claimed to have been targeted against Britain has reached
comic proportions.

Pronunciation of the word bomb in American airports can lead to
arrest and flight delays. Different versions of this paranoia have
created a comedy-like terror panic, which delayed seven U.S.-bound
flights in just one day.

Another plane was forced to land after it was discovered that the
mirror in one of the lavatories was not properly secured, and in
another event, passengers were made to wait in an airport for hours
because of the panic caused by a screaming child that refused to get on
a plane.

A false bomb threat forced another plane to land urgently and the
discovery of an unclaimed knife in an empty seat caused terror
paranoia on another flight.

Another example of this Dark comedy occurred on a Continental
Airlines flight from Argentina to the United States. A 21-year-old
university student was arrested when sniffer dogs discovered dynamite
in the students baggage.

It was later revealed that the student had taken the dynamite as a
souvenir from a Bolivian mine.

It was reported that the American student may be charged with carrying

In another incident, a passenger argued with the staff on a U.S.
Airways plane bound for the American city of Charlotte from Phoenix.
The plane was forced to land in Oklahoma City and the passenger in
question was removed from the plane and taken into custody.

An American Airlines flight from Britain to Chicago was also rerouted
and forced to land in Bangor due to an undisclosed security concern.

One of the most bizarre events in the U.S. occurred on a Continental
Airlines flight from Corpus Christi, Texas to Bakersfield, California.

When staff discovered that the lavatory mirror had been removed, the
plane rerouted and landed in El Paso, where passengers were questioned.
The questioning yielded no results.

A knife accidentally left on a U.S. Airways flight from Philadelphia
to Bradley caused major panic, although nobody was arrested in this

FBI agents, considering the knife evidence, questioned passengers and
assessed in a statement released after conducting their investigation
that there was no danger.

Following a bomb threat on a flight from New York to Dublin, the
flight was forced to land to another airport in western Ireland;
however, no explosive device was found on the plane that had been
immediately evacuated.

In yet another incident, a child refusing to board a United Airlines
flight to Chicago caused a scene delaying the flight for hours,
unnerving the other passengers.


From: Che Pratt <> (by way of s culver <>)
Date: August 27, 2006 11:11:54 PM EST
Subject: You wouldn't catch me dead in Iraq: AWOL

From a British newspaper (not US, of course). Excerpt:

"We was going along the Euphrates river, says Joshua Key,
detailing a
recurring nightmare that features a scene he stumbled into shortly after
the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Its a road right in the city of
Ramadi. We turned a sharp right and all I seen was decapitated bodies.
heads laying over here and the bodies over there and US troops in
them. Im thinking, Oh my God, what in the hell happened here? Whats
caused this? Why in the hell did this happen? We get out and somebody
screaming, We f***ing lost it here! Im thinking, Oh yes, somebody
definitely lost it here. Key says he was ordered to look for evidence
a firefight, for something to explain what had happened to the beheaded
Iraqis. I look around just for a few seconds and I dont see anything.
Then he witnessed the sight that still triggers the nightmares. I
two soldiers kicking the heads around like soccer balls. I just shut my
mouth, walked back, got inside the tank, shut the door, and thought, I
cant be no part of this. This is crazy. I came here to fight and be
prepared for war, but this is outrageous.
Hes convinced that there was no firefight.
A lot of my friends stayed on the ground, looking to see if there
any shells. There was never no shells. He still cannot get the scene
of his mind: You just see heads everywhere. You wake up, youll just be
sitting there, like youre in a foxhole. I can still see Iraq just as
clearly as it was the day I was there. Youll just be on the side of a
little river running through the city, trash piled up, filled with
dead. I
dont sleep that much, you might say. His wife, Brandi, nods in
and says that he cries in his sleep.
The Sunday Times August 27, 2006

Report: You wouldnt catch me dead in Iraq

Scores of American troops are deserting even from the front line in
But where have they gone? And why isnt the US Army after them? Peter
Laufer tracked down four of the deserters

They are the US troops in Iraq to whom the American administration
not to draw attention. They are the deserters those who have gone Awol
from their units and not returned, risking imprisonment and opprobrium.

When First Lieutenant Ehren Watada of the US Army, who faced a court
martial in August, refused to go to Iraq on moral grounds, the
in his home state of Hawaii were full of letters accusing him of
He said he had concluded that the war is both morally wrong and a
breach of American law. His participation, he stated, would make him
to war crimes. Watada is just one conscientious objector to a war that
has polarised America, arguably more so than even the Vietnam war.

It is impossible to put a precise figure on the number of American
who have left the army as a result of the US involvement in Iraq. The
Pentagon says that a total of 40,000 troops have deserted their posts
simply those serving in Iraq) since the year 2000. This includes many
went AWOL for family reasons. The Pentagons spokesmen say that the
number of deserters has actually gone down since operations began in
Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is no doubt that a steady trickle of
deserters who object to the Iraq war have made it over the border and
now living in Canada. There they seek asylum, often with the help of
Canadian anti-war groups. One Toronto lawyer, Jeffry House, has
at least 20 deserters from Iraq in the Canadian courts; he is himself a
conscientious objector, having refused to fight in the Vietnam war
with 50,000 others, at the peak of the conflict. He estimates that 200
troops have already gone underground in Canada since the war in Iraq

These conscientious objectors are a brave group their decisions will
result in long-term life changes. To be labelled a deserter is no small
burden. If convicted of desertion, they run the risk of a prison
with hard labour. To choose exile can mean lifelong separation from
and friends, as even the most trivial encounter with the police in
say, over a traffic offence could lead to jail.

Many of the deserters are not pacifists, against war per se, but they
the Iraq war as wrong. First Lt Watada, for instance, said he would face
prison rather than serve in Iraq, though he was prepared to pack his
for Afghanistan to fight in a war that he considered just. They dont
to face the military courts, which is why they have decided to flee to
Canada. A generation ago, Canada welcomed Vietnam-war draft dodgers and
deserters. Today, the political climate is different and the score or
so of
US deserters who are now north of the border are applying for refugee
status. So far, the Canadian government is saying no, so cases rejected
refugee status are going to appeal in the federal courts.

But there is no guarantee that these exiles will ultimately find safe
in Canada. If the federal courts rule against the soldiers and they then
exhaust all further judicial possibilities, they may be deported back to
the United States and that may not be what the Americans want. Their
presence in the US will in itself represent yet another public-relations
headache for the Bush administration.


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25% of Palestinian MPs Detained by Israel

By Conal Urquhart
August 27, 2006

Guardian - 2006-08-21

Israel has arrested almost one quarter of the members of the
Palestinian parliament as part of its campaign to free an Israeli
soldier captured on the Gaza border in June.

Mahmoud Ramahi became the 33rd member of the legislative council (PLC)
to be taken in by the Israelis during an operation yesterday.

Amani Rahami, 36, said her husband had been avoiding home for fear the
Israelis would arrest him, but did not realise he was important enough
to warrant surveillance.

"They came to arrest him many times but he was not here. This time they
arrived minutes after he did. He is a father, an educated man and they
take him away like a criminal. It is the Israelis who are criminals in
this," she said.

Mr Ramahi is an anaesthetist at a Jerusalem hospital and is considered
a Hamas moderate who opposes violence. When he arrived at his home in
Ramallah yesterday, a squad of Israeli soldiers in jeeps were waiting
nearby. They surrounded the house and summoned him by loudspeaker
before tying him up and taking him away.

Mr Ramahi is the second Hamas representative to be taken into custody
in Ramallah in as many days. On Saturday, Israeli soldiers detained
Nasser Shaer, the deputy prime minister of the Palestinian Authority.
Earlier this month, they arrested the PLC speaker, Aziz Dweik, a
prominent political leader of Hamas in the West Bank.

After the capture of Corporal Gilad Shalit on June 12, Israel launched
a series of military operations which left almost 200 Gaza residents
dead and the territory besieged. Despite the damage, the militants
holding Corporal Shalit continue to insist they would only release him
in return for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.

Since June, Israel has arrested 49 senior Hamas officials, including
the 33 parliamentarians, as an extra bargaining chip in the prisoner
exchange negotiations, which are being conducted by Egyptian mediators.

The officials are all from the West Bank and most have been a strong
moderating force within Hamas, urging leaders in Gaza to recognise
Israel and ensure the party is acceptable to the international

The Israeli government has arrested the men because it claims that
technically they are members of "a terrorist organisation" although
they may not be involved in terrorist acts themselves.

Mark Regev, a spokesman for the Israeli foreign ministry said: "The men
who have been arrested are self-confessed senior members of Hamas
which, in Europe, in Britain, in Japan, in Australia and in Israel is
regarded as a terrorist organisation. They have been picked up and will
be placed before a judge who will decide if there is sufficient
evidence to try them."

Mr Regev would not confirm that their arrest was directly related to
the detention of Corporal Shalit but added: "You cannot act like a
terrorist and expect to be treated like a statesman. If Palestinian
leaders act like statesmen and in accordance with conventional
practices, they will earn the respect their position gives them."

Hamas has accused Israel of trying to destroy the Palestinian
Authority, but members of the parliament said it is still managing to
operate. PLC member Qais Abu Leila said that the arrest of PLC members
was a show of force designed to demonstrate that Palestinians only have
rights that Israel is prepared to give them.

"They have arrested as many as they can but still the PLC is working.
It has more that 67 members out 132 which is a quorum and the
deputy-speaker is presiding over the sessions. The PLC is not working
at the same tempo as previously but it is moving on although there is
an agreement that controversial subjects will not be voted on," he

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Conal Urquhart, Guardian, 2006

The url address of this article is:



President, USA Exile Govt.

Aug 30, 2006, 1:44:57 PM8/30/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

August 30, 2006

Towards a New Sexual Politics --
Part Two

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In Steven Yates' poignant account below we learn a bit of what
it's like to be a philosophy professor who happens to be merely male.
During the past four decades US sexual politics has been classic
in the sense of thesis (male chauvinism) followed by antithesis (female
chauvinism). Steven's observations are one in a long series of
reminders about how overdue is the arrival of synthesis (equality
between the genders--optimally as represented by the transformational
yin/yang logo).
The current phase of US feminism is what's called women's lib--and
it's thirty-eight years old next week. If we do an Environmental
Impact Analysis (EIA) of it, the first thing we notice is that such an
extended period of antithesis has so eroded the stamina and
self-confidence of males that they are unable to be available in
adequate numbers for any impressive last-minute effort to avoid a Homo
sapiens die-back. Neither are females available adequately for this:
they're too busy protecting or extending the powers they've achieved
during the past three decades.
But emphatically this is not to say that female chauvinism is the
only obstacle. Both genders usually participate in an overarching
human chauvinism so solipsistic that it overlooks--and frequently
abuses--the delicate complex web of species' interdependence underlying
our now-attenuated ability to survive.
Another way of saying this is that far too much of our activism is
anthropocentric--e.g., human males and human females contending--and
far too little is biocentric--e.g., climate destabilization affecting
most species.
Can US males and females learn to replace so much competition with
lots of cooperation? The answer to this may determine the outcome of
current resistance to the impending die-back.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

Women Were the First Mexicans -- Rockefellers: We
Created the Women's Movement

Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 10:53:53 -0700
From: "Dick Eastman" <>

Women were a cheaper labor pool -- and so anti-motherhood
feminism was pushed

In a recent interview with The New American (June 12, 2006), Aaron
Russo, currently of America: Freedom to Fascism fame, reports how he
once defended his sympathy with the women's movement and with equal
opportunity to an unnamed member of the Rockefeller clan. Russo
describes the chilling response: "He looked at me and said, 'You know,
you're such an idiot in some ways. We created the women's movement,
and we promote it. And it's not about equal opportunity. It's designed
to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce, where they
will pay taxes. And then we can decide how the children will be raised
and educated.'"

[end excerpt]


By Steven Yates

August 1, 2006

A useful idiot is someone who, while zealously promoting one cause,
ends up advancing a very different one through stupidity, naivete or
inattention. The useful idiot never sees the big picture. Vladimir
Lenin, the first Soviet dictator, is credited with coining the phrase,
although according to P. Boller and J. George's They Never Said It, he
- well - most likely never said it. Not even in Russian. Whatever its
origins, the phrase sometimes comes in handy.

--- Thank you for writing this piece, Steven. Such observations
are long overdue. I want to use the usual Internet style of inserting
my responses directly below your relevant paragraph. But I want to
make one major exception by responding now to the Rockefeller comment
which appears both in the excerpt above this and near your final
paragraph below. By the way, it may amuse you to know that back in
'56-'57 when I was a graduate student (mainly Kierkegaard) at the
University of Copenhagen, I toyed briefly with becoming a philosophy

--- Okay, I happened to have been in on the September '68
beginning of what is now called women's lib. I did the introductory
press relations for it, so in a media-fetish society like the current
US one I get subsumed historiographically as one of the founders, which
as a Kierkegaardian I quite enjoy in the sense of "having the irony on
one's own side."

--- It's extremely unlikely that the Rockefellers "created" it but
it is quite possible that they were behind the swift and highly
successful infiltration of it. Evidently the CIA used its various
assets within NYC media to manifest Gloria Steinem as Exciting New
Spokeswoman #2 just a couple months after it started. Then Warner
Communications, perhaps fronting for the Rockefellers, started throwing
lots of money at Gloria so she could establish herself as the central

--- Not that the movement in any case would move in a manner
pleasing to us. Robin Morgan, the first spokeswoman, brought out an
anthology just a few months later. It's called SISTERHOOD IS POWERFUL
and on its dustjacket is the Macho Male Clenched Fist!!! She had
opportunistically chosen to fuel a woman's movement with macho energy.
This is so perverse that at an anthropological level it can be seen as
a major element in the not-so-slow death of Occidental so-called

--- I think the main reason for infiltrating Gloria was to prevent
the movement from targeting capitalism as macho. Additionally, some of
the younger hipper types at the CIA (or in the Rockefeller Cabal) might
have asked her to keep all the major sexual taboos in place, for
without them folks might gradually develop enough self-confidence to be
a danger to those controlling them. But this is not at all clear.
There may be quite other reasons why such ludicrous taboos still
debilitate us. On the other hand, we can see that part of current
feminist power comes from exploiting the quaint notion that when a man
and a woman make love, he takes and she gives.

My first two experiences with radical feminists in academia didn't make
much of an impact on me until later. The first was in Fall 1987 at
Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. It was my first
full-time job out of graduate school, and I was making a presentation
on what was then my area of expertise: theories about the conceptual
foundations of science and the dynamics of scientific change. After
outlining four such theories, I took questions. At one point a female
graduate student put up her hand and wanted to know to what extent I
could relate the scarcity of women in science to scientific method. I
hadn't thought about it. The question had never occurred to me. A few
women have made major contributions to science. Madame Curie comes to
mind. Their methods weren't different than those of men, so I
considered the range of methods employed in the sciences to be
gender-neutral. The relative scarcity of women in science I attributed
mostly to women's overall lack of interest in science. My politically
incorrect answer caused me no problems at the time. This was, after
all, before the main wave of feminist incursions into academia and the
rise of political correctness (speech control, thought control).

The second incident occurred a few months later at an American
Philosophical Association (APA) meeting where I had a job interview.
The APA is the largest organization of philosophy professors in the
country. What I saw and heard was from the hall because of an unusually
large, overflow crowd. A somewhat diminutive woman was being verbally
attacked - hissed at, in fact! - by an audience that seemed to be
mostly women. None of the panelists (also women) came to her defense.
The meeting - supposedly of adults and professionals - disintegrated
into chaos. I wasn't sure what I had seen until months later, when
reports began circulating and angry letters to the editor began
appearing in the association's flagship journal.

The diminutive woman, I learned, was Christina Hoff Sommers, a
then-unknown professor at tiny Clark College in Massachusetts. She had
read a paper on "Feminists Against the Family," arguing just that to an
audience unused to having its basic premises questioned. Sommers had
concluded that feminists in academia were more interested in promoting
revolutionary social change than in furthering a responsible exchange
of ideas. Their ends justified their means. Among the ends they wanted
was an end to the traditional, nuclear (two-parent) family. According
to their Marxist view of things, the family is a repository of
gender-oppression. Men are bourgeois; women are proletariat. Such
notions, however contrived and unoriginal, took academia by storm in
the 1980s and even more so in the 1990s.

--- "An end to the traditional, nuclear (two-parent) family" is an
absolute necessity--but not for the reasons espoused by feminists.
Rather, the nuclear family (with some exceptions, of course) is no
longer viable within current steadily deteriorating US economic
circumstances. Both ma and pa are so tied down by their daily
ever-more-difficult struggle to sustain rent/mortgage money, food money
and child care that they have no time for the household's long-term
concerns pertaining to reforestation, reduction of atmospheric toxins,
learning the truth of stolen elections, 9/11, DU, etc. But with four
(or more) adults plus whatever dear children, three can do the
short-term scrambles and the fourth can be a full-time volunteer for
the household's favorite cause. If US activists can once again be led
by volunteers instead of by those on salaries or grants, we might
become as strong again as we were forty years ago. Then we'd stand a
much better chance of avoiding James Lovelock's recent prophecy they
we're going to die all the way back to a certain number of "breeding
pairs" living in the Arctic, the only place still temperate enough for
survival. Unfortunately, the Fourth Reich knows this. Thus their
frequent vicious attacks on communes of whatever persuasion.

Sommers distinguished between "liberal" feminism and "gender" (radical)
feminism. The first promoted, e.g., equal pay for equal work, and
opposed discrimination. The latter is a full-fledged worldview that
subjects every institution of society to scrutiny through the lens of
gender. Sommers had no quarrel with the former; she had plenty of
quarrels with the latter. Its influence, which puts science under the
gender microscope along with everything else, explained the question
from the Clemson graduate student.

I met Sommers a couple of years later. My interests had begun shifting
from the foundations of scientific method to political thought and the
foundations of a free society. I was interested in libertarian ideas
and was networking with other libertarian philosophers, several of whom
had befriended her. We were all outsiders, after all, because we were
not collectivists. Based on what Sommers had to say, and on a few of
her articles, I took a look at so-called "feminist scholarship." What I
found jolted me. One radical feminist called Newton's and Bacon's ideas
about scientific method a "rape manual" (they spoke of "penetrating"
nature's secrets - get it?). Another compared a romantic candlelight
dinner to prostitution. These are just two examples, and not even the
weirdest (don't ask!). Around this time it surfaced that a "feminist
legal theorist, " Catharine A. MacKinnon, had compared voluntary sexual
intercourse to rape. That oversimplifies somewhat; what she says is
that in "male-dominated, patriarchical, heterosexist society" the line
between voluntary consent and coercion is blurred, so that in sexual
relations between men and women a fine distinction between "voluntary"
intercourse and rape can't be drawn. Yup: under the insidious
patriarchy, men as a collective are potential rapists; women are
helpless victims.

It seemed like a sick joke to me. Men dominating women? Where? At the
time I couldn't even get a date, much less find someone to dominate.
Approach an academic woman? I'd have to have been out of my mind! But
these people were being lionized and treated as heroines who had
cracked the academic "glass ceiling," and whose "scholarship" was
"cutting edge." They were employed permanently by their institutions
and paid comfortable salaries, while guys like myself struggled to
survive as academic cheap labor. We migrated from school to school to
school on "visiting assistant professor" contracts or "adjunct"
appointments every one, two or three years.

--- It makes no difference which gender controls the shameful US
universities because neither gender has shown any significant
inclination to provide students with relatively accurate versions of
recent and contemporary US and world history. Neither gender seems
even slightly miffed that what goes down at US universities these days
is predominantly not education in its etymological sense of "to lead
out from" but in fact its polar opposite "inducation"--that is, the
induction of helpless young people into an unquestioning acceptance of
the disastrous Occidental heritage.

It would not have been as bad if the world according to radical
feminism weren't pure fantasy. There is no "patriarchy"! The courts
clearly favor women in divorce and child custody cases, and have for
years. Women tend to live longer than men - possibly because men have
long tended to work in more hazardous occupations, and are far more
likely to die of work-related injuries than women. Far more attention
is paid to - and government money spent on - women's health issues than
men's health issues. Men have always been the ones to fight and die in
wars, or suffer war-related disabilities. (Radical feminists apparently
want as many women killed or maimed in wars as men - hence "women in

Radical feminist "research" on academic topics like the philosophy of
science is often just silly. Some of their proposals, e.g., for "female
friendly science," seem to invite ridicule - which they sometimes
receive, as when around 1990 a responsible woman philosopher named
Marguerita Levin asked sarcastically whether "feminist airplanes would
stay aloft for feminist engineers" ("Science and Feminism," The
American Scholar). The more I investigated affirmative action programs,
the clearer it became that they explained the growing influence of
radical feminism (also multiculturalism and other chicaneries of the
politically correct era). At the root was the longstanding commitment
to collectivism generally. Preferential hiring for "diversity" had led
to a free fall in quality control. Political correctness, when it
rushed across the landscape like a tornado in the 1990s, made the free
fall semi-permanent. (Now to be sure, academic philosophy wasn't
setting the world on fire before this nonsense started, but that's
another article.)

Christina Hoff Sommers went on to write Who Stole Feminism? (1994).
Under sustained attack in academia, she dropped her APA membership and
finally left teaching for a research position at the American
Enterprise Institute in Washington. There she researched and wrote The
War Against Boys (2000).

--- Yes, the question of who stole feminism is an interesting one.
You may know that a "leak" from London's infamous Tavistock Institute
indicated it had "scripted" US feminism, Leary and the Beatles. I
don't know how much connection there is between it and the
Rockefellers. In any case, I think the "leak" was a fake designed in
part to get the US Left to acquiesce in the frequently vicious wipe-out
of the US hippie.

--- My half-educated guess is that the US secret police stole
it--mainly via Steinem.

--- The best early US feminism was happening not in NYC with
Morgan/Steinem but in Marin County, California. In late '68 or early
'69 a marvelous bunch of artists and hippies founded a group determined
to be a yin corrective to the crude clenched-fist energy afflicting the
East Coast. But within a year and with a style implying a police
black-op the group had been taken over by the very sorts of feminists
whom it had originally wished to be an alternative to.

Today, the fruits of radical feminism are everywhere in evidence. The
nuclear family is in trouble (although in fairness this is due more to
the collapse of real, debauched-dollar-adjusted wages forcing both
parents to work). Radical feminists dominate many academic humanities
departments, including where I did my graduate work; they are well
represented in many administrations at four-year research institutions;
they control professional groups such as the Modern Language
Association. Much contemporary "scholarship" is predictably
sex-drenched and gender-obsessed.

Meanwhile, enrollment statistics over the past few years indicate a
fall-off in men enrolling in four-year institutions. This has begun to
attract national attention. Recent stats indicate that the percentage
of men on college and university campuses has fallen to 43 percent
nationwide, with some institutions falling under 40 percent. This is
treated like a great mystery: why are men falling behind? To those of
us who have watched gender politics in academe since the 1980s, the
answer is obvious. No man with self-respect is going to sit in a
classroom, at the mercy of a radical feminist professor's
denunciations, if he has an alternative. With political correctness
shackling free speech, men are speaking with their feet. Some are going
to less-politicized technical colleges. Others are choosing occupations
that don't require a four-year degree.

--- I hadn't known that there's a significant number of US men
responding in these ways. Bravo!

Has radical feminism helped women? A better question might be: was it
intended to help women? Some think not. Many women have the careers
feminism promised - but also kids born out of wedlock, from one-night
stands and the feminist conviction that "a woman needs a man like a
fish needs a bicycle." They come home from work exhausted and then have
one or more kids to handle. The result: stress, exhaustion, burn-out.
Boys, meanwhile, grow up without proper male role models. One of the
effects of radical feminism is the feminization of boys and men.
Masculine assertiveness is "out"; "metrosexual" sensitivity is "in" - a
recipe for trouble. As Christina Hoff Sommers argues convincingly,
normal boys just aren't wired that way.

Some men are consciously deciding to stay single. They will not
approach women, in college or at work, out of fear of guilty-if-charged
"sexual harassment" allegations. And with one in two marriages ending
in divorce, they are justifiably afraid of being cleaned out - of
having their finances destroyed by divorce courts that favor women.
Worse still, more than one man has had his life ruined by malicious
child-molestation allegations. Again, guilty if charged. Not to mention
the emotional devastation to kids after watching their parents fight,
sometimes for years.

All of which presages a lot of people - of both sexes - growing older

--- One way around this is to establish theme retirement
communities--especially in countries with a much lower cost of living
than in the US so folks on small pensions can have both good food and
good medicine. For the past several years I've wanted to be able to
place an ad in High Times (or wherever) announcing "finally a
retirement community for hippies and for all those who enjoy hanging
out with them." But of course there are many other congenial themes
besides hippie.

Could it be that someone wants things this way, because when people's -
especially children's - families are dismembered and they are
psychologically cut off from the most important support network a
person can have in an impersonal, materialistic society, they are
vulnerable? How does all this tie in with my opening paragraph?

--- I think there's no doubt that most of what you've described
here is being slyly instigated by the Fourth Reich as part of a broader
divide-and-conquer strategy. I'd earlier mentioned frequent vicious
attacks (e.g., Jonestown, Waco) on communes regardless of whether they
are right or left, hip or straight.

---- Two other attacks stand out as being police-instigated or at
least police-protected. In '70 my then wife and I bought 300 acres in
the Sangre de Cristos and turned them into a hippie commune by allowing
people with no money onto the land free--and then removing ourselves as
the owners. Within a few months the adjacent hippie commune (The
Kingdom of Heaven) was attacked two consecutive nights with a rape one
night and a murder the other. Obviously, people don't commit such
horrendous crimes in the same place two nights in a row unless they're
the police or at least sure that the police will not investigate.

In a recent interview with The New American (June 12, 2006), Aaron
Russo, currently of America: Freedom to Fascism fame, reports how he
once defended his sympathy with the women's movement and with equal
opportunity to an unnamed member of the Rockefeller clan. Russo
describes the chilling response: "He looked at me and said, 'You know,
you're such an idiot in some ways. We created the women's movement,
and we promote it. And it's not about equal opportunity. It's designed
to get both parents out of the home and into the workforce, where they
will pay taxes. And then we can decide how the children will be raised
and educated.'"

--- Already we can notice that the percentage of students who know
that the US government murdered nearly 3000 of its own citizens 9/11/01
is hardly different from that in the general population. This is quite
a contrast compared to forty years ago when the heaviest info was
absorbed by a much higher percentage of students than of the general
population. I think this is the result of a subtle systematic campaign
aimed at luring or pressuring students to become escapists, to hide
inside Denial. Those crude TV sitcoms are part of an insidious
glamorization of escapism and Denial. In the '60s it became clear to
the oppressors that they absolutely needed tight control of secondary
and "higher" education so young people would stop going out into the
streets in large numbers. So the military-industrial complex became
the military-industrial-academic complex. For example, UC-Berkeley
initiated a very tight screening policy to assure that no high-school
activist ever was admitted so they could prevent any sequel to the Free
Speech Movement.

Behind the feminist movement, like a shadow, was the super elite
lusting for controlover men, over women, over children, over the
workplace, over education, eventually over society itself. Radical
feministsobsessed with gender politics but never looking behind the
sceneshave been great useful idiots for over 40 years. Feminism was
never really about women or their opportunities, which is why its
benefits, viewed objectively, turn out to be illusory. A lot of women
have filled their prescribed roles unwittingly. Still more have
followed their leaders naively. Political correctness has been a good
tool for gaining the cooperation of menor, at least, intimidating many
of them into silence. Thus todays feminized order: women dont trust
men; men dont trust women. Women have careers in record numbers; their
children are in state-sponsored daycare where they begin their
indoctrination into New World Order globalism and the Earth Charter.
Neither men nor women have lives. Neither pays significant attention to
their real enemies at the top.

--- Great final paragraph here, Steven. It really gets down. So
how do we overcome the distrust between US women and men so that women
and men elsewhere on the planet stand a better chance of surviving the
next several decades? I'd be quite pleased to hear from you on this.

--- Thanks again, mon.

) 2006 Steven Yates - All Rights Reserved


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 5, 2006, 7:00:25 PM9/5/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 5, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 3, 2006 4:10:29 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Former IDF Captain to troops: Just Walk Away!!!

"As a former captain in the Israeli Defense Forces I am also calling on
all Israeli soldiers to drop their weapons wherever they are, to take
off their uniforms, and just walk away. Don't worry, no one will harm
you for acting decently."
Comment: It's hard to pretend that something big is not happening!
These are a watershed words!
Just Walk Away!!!
By Reuven Schossen
Former Captain, IDF

The idea is frightening at a very basic level. We are taught that we
need a lot of things to live. We seek material comfort instead of a
clear conscience. Material comfort is perceived as physical security,
which we want to insure. We even want insurance against insurance
companies who won't pay; like a job that will provide a safe pension.
Any elder could tell you a thing or two about that illusion. We need a
mortgage, and better if it is refinanced from time to time. We need
usurious credit cards to allow comfortable payments for the latest
hyper-gadget. We need the twenty-ton refrigerator to keep the ten
gallon bottle of milk fresh. We need health insurance against a
possible accident on the way to the shopping mall; but when it comes
time to get coverage, some survivors will tell you a tearful story of
broken promises.

The development of such a system was gradual. I don't think the first
bankers could imagine credit cards and frequent flier miles earned
while buying bubble gum. But it happened. We let it happen. However, it
has become a system designed to make us more dependent; comfortably
numb waiting for our next Coca-Coma. It transforms us into

In a certain sense, there is nothing wrong with this. In a democratic
regime, all citizens share responsibility. They have elected the
government and thus they are responsible - to a certain extent - for
its actions. But to what extent? Many people in my country believe
their responsibility ends at the exact moment they drop their vote into
a ballot box every few years. I don't think in such a way. In the same
country - Israel - I was taught that all Germans shared responsibility
for the Nazi atrocities.

We are daily responsible for monitoring the actions of our government,
and, at the exact moment they violate their mandate, we should say so
loud and clear. Otherwise we share responsibility for the crimes
committed in our name. We begin buying insurance, but we end up

Sometimes even speaking out is not enough. An immoral government may
decide to bomb children across the border to hide its inability to
solve internal social problems. It may violate basic Human Rights in
such a way that normal life is no longer possible. The government
strategy to avoid a revolt under such conditions is to play upon
citizens' basic fear of losing imaginary benefits. The fear of losing
luxury privileges or not getting any buys complacence. "With every
bottle of milk you buy for your children you are committing a crime" I
told several Israeli friends, and lost them. The price of milk includes
a tax that empowers a criminal government.

There are no excuses. If one pays taxes, it implies acceptance of the
government's behavior and you share in its responsibilities. We were
instructed by the Teacher to give Caesar that which belongs to him. But
sometimes, to pay taxes means to collaborate with hideous crimes. Not
paying taxes would mean to break the law. Transforming ourselves into
criminals while trying to fight a criminal government is a moral error.
In the long run, no matter how small the transgression, it would
corrupt us. Instead, we must make every legal effort to avoid paying
taxes or otherwise empowering criminality.

Am I moving in logical circles? No. We have the right and the
responsibility to choose morally. We can always say "No!" and just walk
away. Does this sound strange, frightening? I did that more than four
years ago, and you can too. I left the borders of my ghetto-wall
country; without thinking about pensions, insurance, mortgages or
ultra-gadgets. Although there are of course grey areas on this subject,
if each of us would take care of our own garden, we would live in a
better world.

As a former captain in the Israeli Defense Forces I am also calling on
all Israeli soldiers to drop their weapons wherever they are, to take
off their uniform and just walk away. Don't worry, no one will harm you
for acting decently.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 4, 2006 11:15:09 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Gaza doctors encounter 'unexplained injuries'

Gaza Doctors Encounter
'Unexplained Injuries'

By Donald Macintyre in Gaza From: hengist
Published: 04 September 2006

Doctors in Gaza are reporting what they say are unexplained injuries
among the dead and wounded in operations by the Israeli military, which
have killed more than 200 Palestinians in the past nine weeks.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is considering whether there is a
case for an investigation into the injuries amid suspicions by the
medics that the injuries were inflicted by what they claim may have
been unidentified "non-conventional" weapons.

Beside especially severe burning "down to the bones", the doctors say
that, in other cases, internal organs have been ruptured without any
obvious sign of shrapnel wounds.

While a report from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health said the injuries
raised the possibility Israel could be using "unprecedented"
projectiles with "radiant" substances, the medics acknowledge that
there is no proof so far of their claims. They also admit that the
difficulty of establishing the exact cause of death is greatly
exacerbated by the reluctance of most bereaved Palestinian families to
allow autopsies.

Dr Juma al Saqqa, the director of public relations at Shifa Hospital,
said the type of injuries presented by some victims were "very strange"
and added: "We think this should be studied. In some cases we have
opened the abdomen and found very fragmented organs." He said this was
despite X-rays showing no shrapnel lodged in the patients' bodies. He
said one, unsubstantiated suggestion by sympathetic doctors consulted
in Italy was that some injuries might have been caused by phosphorus.

The concerns were aired at the weekend by a group of Palestinian
medics during a visit to Gaza by a delegation from Physicians for Human
Rights - Israel (PHR). The delegation agreed to take away fragments of
tissue from the bodies of Palestinians killed during the recent
military operations in Gaza for possible analysis in Israel but urged
the medics to seek an international investigation.

Dr Ambrogio Manenti, the head of the WHO's West Bank and Gaza office,
said the organisation had undertaken a short preliminary assessment of
the claims and had now referred the issue to the organisation's
headquarters in Geneva so that it can decide whether fuller
investigation was appropriate. The Israel Defence Forces said yesterday
all its "weapons and ammunition are legal under international law and
conform with international standards". It said it could not respond in
greater detail without more information about the injuries.

A leader of the PHR delegation, Professor Zvi Bentwich, said PHR was
focusing on raising the numbers of patients allowed out of Gaza into
Israel and Egypt for treatment and the relief of equipment and medicine
shortages because of frequent closures of the main Karni crossing, and
external training for Palestinian medical staff.

PHR is pressing the Israeli authorities to reduce the costs of patients
being treated in Israel. Professor Bentwich said the denial of external
specialist treatment to Palestinians was a denial "of the basic human
right to health".

He added that military operations since militants captured the Israeli
soldier Gilad Shalit in June had "exacerbated an already appalling
situation".The army said the attacks were aimed at releasing Cpl Shalit
and halting the firing ofrockets into Israel.

Doctors in Gaza are reporting what they say are unexplained injuries
among the dead and wounded in operations by the Israeli military, which
have killed more than 200 Palestinians in the past nine weeks.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is considering whether there is a
case for an investigation into the injuries amid suspicions by the
medics that the injuries were inflicted by what they claim may have
been unidentified "non-conventional" weapons.

Beside especially severe burning "down to the bones", the doctors say
that, in other cases, internal organs have been ruptured without any
obvious sign of shrapnel wounds.

While a report from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health said the injuries
raised the possibility Israel could be using "unprecedented"
projectiles with "radiant" substances, the medics acknowledge that
there is no proof so far of their claims. They also admit that the
difficulty of establishing the exact cause of death is greatly
exacerbated by the reluctance of most bereaved Palestinian families to
allow autopsies.

Dr Juma al Saqqa, the director of public relations at Shifa Hospital,
said the type of injuries presented by some victims were "very strange"
and added: "We think this should be studied. In some cases we have
opened the abdomen and found very fragmented organs." He said this was
despite X-rays showing no shrapnel lodged in the patients' bodies. He
said one, unsubstantiated suggestion by sympathetic doctors consulted
in Italy was that some injuries might have been caused by phosphorus.

The concerns were aired at the weekend by a group of Palestinian
medics during a visit to Gaza by a delegation from Physicians for Human
Rights - Israel (PHR). The delegation agreed to take away fragments of
tissue from the bodies of Palestinians killed during the recent
military operations in Gaza for possible analysis in Israel but urged
the medics to seek an international investigation.

Dr Ambrogio Manenti, the head of the WHO's West Bank and Gaza office,
said the organisation had undertaken a short preliminary assessment of
the claims and had now referred the issue to the organisation's
headquarters in Geneva so that it can decide whether fuller
investigation was appropriate. The Israel Defence Forces said yesterday
all its "weapons and ammunition are legal under international law and
conform with international standards". It said it could not respond in
greater detail without more information about the injuries.

A leader of the PHR delegation, Professor Zvi Bentwich, said PHR was
focusing on raising the numbers of patients allowed out of Gaza into
Israel and Egypt for treatment and the relief of equipment and medicine
shortages because of frequent closures of the main Karni crossing, and
external training for Palestinian medical staff.

PHR is pressing the Israeli authorities to reduce the costs of
patients being treated in Israel. Professor Bentwich said the denial of
external specialist treatment to Palestinians was a denial "of the
basic human right to health".

He added that military operations since militants captured the Israeli
soldier Gilad Shalit in June had "exacerbated an already appalling
situation".The army said the attacks were aimed at releasing Cpl Shalit
and halting the firing ofrockets into Israel.


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The Next Phase of the Middle East War

By Michel Chossudovsky
September 4, 2006

Israel's war on Lebanon is an integral part of a US sponsored "military

The war on Lebanon, which has resulted in countless atrocities
including the destruction of the nation's economy and civilian
infrastructure, is " a stage" in a sequence of carefully planned
military operations.

Lebanon constitutes a strategic corridor between Israel and
North-western Syria. The underlying objective of this war was the
militarization of Lebanon, including the stationing of foreign troops,
as a precondition for carrying out the next phase of a broader military

Formally under a UN mandate, the foreign troops to be stationed on
Lebanese soil on the immediate border with Syria, are largely although
not exclusively from NATO countries. This military force mandated by
the UN Security Council is by no means neutral. It responds directly to
US and Israeli interests.

Moreover, the timely withdrawal of Syrian troops, following the
February 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri has
contributed to opening up a "new space". The withdrawal of Syrian
troops served Israel. The timely pullout was of strategic significance,
it certainly was a major factor in the timing and planning of the July
2006 IDF attacks on Lebanon.

In the aftermath of the Israeli bombings and the "ceasefire", UN
Security Council Resolution 1701, drafted by France and the US in close
consultation with the Israeli government, has paved the way for the
militarization of Lebanon, under a bogus UN mandate.

The Next Phase of the Middle East War

Confirmed by official statements and military documents, the US in
close coordination with Britain and (and in consultation with its NATO
partners), is planning to launch a war directed against Iran and
Syria. US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton has already initiated the
draft of a UN Security Council resolution with a view to imposing
sanctions on Tehran for its alleged (nonexistent) nuclear weapons
program. Whether this resolution is adopted is not the main issue. The
US may decide to proceed in defiance of the Security Council, following
a veto by Russia and/or China. The vote of France and Britain, among
the permanent members has already been secured.

US military sources have confirmed that an aerial attack, pursuant to a
sanctions regime on Iran, with or without UN approval, would involve a
large scale deployment comparable to the US "shock and awe" bombing
raids on Iraq in March 2003:

American air strikes on Iran would vastly exceed the scope of the 1981
Israeli attack on the Osiraq nuclear center in Iraq, and would more
resemble the opening days of the 2003 air campaign against Iraq. Using
the full force of operational B-2 stealth bombers, staging from Diego
Garcia or flying direct from the United States, possibly supplemented
by F-117 stealth fighters staging from al Udeid in Qatar or some other
location in theater, the two-dozen suspect nuclear sites would be

Military planners could tailor their target list to reflect the
preferences of the Administration by having limited air strikes that
would target only the most crucial facilities ... or the United States
could opt for a far more comprehensive set of strikes against a
comprehensive range of WMD related targets, as well as conventional and
unconventional forces that might be used to counterattack against US
forces in Iraq

(See at

The aerial bombing plans have been fully operational ("in an advanced
state of readiness") since June 2005. The various components of the
military operation are firmly under US Command, coordinated by the
Pentagon and US Strategic Command Headquarters (USSTRATCOM) at the
Offutt Air Force base in Nebraska.

In November 2004, US Strategic Command conducted a major exercise of a
"global strike plan" entitled "Global Lightening". The latter involved
a simulated attack using both conventional and nuclear weapons against
a "fictitious enemy" [Iran]. Following the "Global Lightening"
exercise, US Strategic Command declared "an advanced state of

The operational implementation of the Global Strike is called CONCEPT
PLAN (CONPLAN) 8022. The latter is described as "an actual plan that
the Navy and the Air Force translate into strike package for their
submarines and bombers,'

The command structure of the operation is centralized and ultimately
The Pentagon will decide on the sequence; " if and when" to launch
military operations against Iran and Syria. Israeli military actions
and those of other coalition partners including Turkey, would be
carried out in close coordination with the Pentagon.

Ground War

While the threat of punitive aerial bombardments of Iran's nuclear
facilities have been announced repeatedly by the Bush administration,
recent developments suggest that an all out ground war is also under

CONPLAN constitutes only one component of the Middle East military
agenda. CONPLAN 8022 does not contemplate a ground war. It posits "no
boots on the ground", which was the initial assumption envisaged in
relation to the proposed aerial attacks on Iran.

US and Israeli military planners are fully aware that the aerial
"punitive bombings" will almost inevitably lead coalition forces into a
ground war scenario in which they will have to confront Iranian and
Syrian forces in the battlefield.

Tehran has confirmed that it will retaliate if attacked, in the form of
ballistic missile strikes directed against Israel as well as against US
military facilities in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf, which
would immediately lead us into a scenario of military escalation and
all out war.

Iranian troops could cross the Iran-Iraq border and confront coalition
forces inside Iraq. Israeli troops and/or Special Forces could enter
into Syria.

The foreign troops stationed in Lebanon under UN mandate would respond
to the diktats of the US led coalition and the prior commitments
reached with Washington and Tel Aviv in the context of the various
military alliances (NATO-Israel, Turkey-Israel, GUUAM, etc).

War Games

These military preparations have also been marked, quite recently, by
the conduct of war games.

In late August, Iran was involved in the conduct of war games in major
regions of the country, including border areas with Turkey, Iraq,
Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Iran's Defense Minister General
Mostafa Mohammad Najjar has confirmed the deployment of enhanced
military capabilities including weapons systems and troops on the
Iranian border: "[Iranian] forces are supervising all movements by
trans-regional troops and their agents around the Iranian borders"
(FARS news, 2 September 2006)

Barely acknowledged by the Western media, military exercises organized
by Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan under the Collective
Security Treaty Organization, (CSTO) were also launched in late August.
These war games, officially tagged as part of a counter terrorism
program, were conducted in response to US-Israeli military threats in
the region including the planned attacks against Iran. (See Michel
Chossudovsky, August 2006). In turn, China an Kazakhstan held
concurrent war games under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO).

Azerbaijan and neighboring Georgia have close military ties to
Washington. Both countries are part of GUUAM, a military alliance with
the US and NATO.

Turkey is a close ally of Israel. Since 2005, Israel has deployed
Special Forces in the mountainous areas of Turkey bordering Iran and
Syria with the collaboration of the Ankara government: Pakistan is
also a close ally of the US and Britain. Georgia has a longstanding
military cooperation agreement with the US and Israel. Meanwhile, the
USS Enterprise, America's largest aircraft carrier is en route to the
Persian Gulf.

US Troop Build-up

US troops in Iraq have been increased to 140,000 as confirmed by recent
Pentagon statements (Reuters, 2 September 2006) These plans have been
coupled with a the compulsory recall of "inactive servicemen" as well
as the expansion of mercenary forces. (Mahdi Darius Namzaroaya, August

The Pentagon justifies the troop build-up as part of a "routine"
process of replacement and rotation, required in its ongoing war
against "terrorists" in Iraq. The speeding up of military recruitment
is also occurring in the core countries of the Anglo-American coalition
including Great Britain. Australia and Canada (see also Recruiting
Canada). Canada and Australia are aligned with the US. Australian
Prime Minister John Howard as well as Canada's Steven Harper have
confirmed their commitment to the US-Israeli war and have promised an
expansion of the armed forces in their respective countries.

Meanwhile British troops stationed in Iraq have been redeployed to the
Iranian border in southern Iraq. This redeployment has been casually
presented by Britain's Ambassador to Iraq as part of a "crack down on
smuggling and the entrance of weapons into Iraq from Iran".

While British officials are maintaining no desire or preparations for a
conflict with Iran, more British troops are being mobilized and
deployed to Iraq at the same time. The Light Infantry of the 2nd
Battalion, another unit with rapid deployment capabilities, is
deploying to the southern Iraqi border with Iran. The 2nd Battalion is
being sent to Iraq under the pretext of working in the Rear Operations
Battle Group which will provide escorts for military convoys and
security for British forces and bases in Basra. (See Mahdi Darius
Namzaroaya, August 2006)

The Role of Israel

In the wake of the war on Lebanon. Israel's military plans and
pronouncements are increasingly explicit. Tel Aviv has announced plans
to wage a pre-emptive "full-scale war" against Iran and Syria, implying
the deployment of both air and ground force. These war plans are now
said to at the top of the defense agenda:

"Israel is preparing for a possible war with both Iran and Syria,
according to Israeli political and military sources."


The challenge from Iran and Syria is now top of the Israeli defense
agenda, higher than the Palestinian one, said an Israeli defense
source. Shortly before the war in Lebanon Major-General Eliezer Shkedi,
the commander of the air force, was placed in charge of the Iranian
front, a new position in the Israeli Defense Forces. His job will be
to command any future strikes on Iran and Syria."


In the past we prepared for a possible military strike against Irans
nuclear facilities, said one insider, but Irans growing confidence
after the war in Lebanon means we have to prepare for a full-scale war,
in which Syria will be an important player.


As a result of the change in the defense priorities, the budget for the
Israeli forces in the West Bank and Gaza is to be reduced. (Sunday
Times, 3 September 2006)

Media Disinformation

The Western media is beating the drums of war.

The Sunday Times views Israel's war plans as legitimate acts of self
defense, to prevent Tehran from launching an all out nuclear attack on
Israel: "Iran and Syria have ballistic missiles that can cover most
of Israel, including Tel Aviv. An emergency budget has now been
assigned to building modern shelters."

The fact that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons capabilities as
confirmed by the IAEA report does not seem to be an issue for debate.

Media disinformation has contributed to creating an atmosphere of fear
and intimidation. The announcement on August 10 by the British Home
Office of a foiled large scale terror attack to simultaneously blow up
as many as ten airplanes, conveys the impression that it is the Western

World rather than the Middle East which is under attack.

Realities are twisted upside down. The disinformation campaign has gone
into full gear. The British and US media are increasingly pointing
towards "preemptive war" as an act of "self defense" against Al Qaeda
and the State sponsors of terrorism, who are allegedly preparing a
Second 911.

The underlying objective, through fear and intimidation, is ultimately
to build public acceptance for the next stage of the Middle East "war
on terrorism" which is directed against Syria and Iran.

The antiwar movement has also been weakened.

While China and Russia will oppose the US led war at the diplomatic
level as well as at the UN Security Council, Washington has secured the
support of France and Germany. While Russia and China have military
cooperation agreements with Iran, they would most probably not would
intervene militarily in favor of Iran.

NATO is broadly supportive of the US led military agenda. In February
2005, NATO signed a military cooperation agreement with Israel.

Nuclear Weapons against Iran

The use of tactical nuclear weapons by the US and Israel against Iran,
is contemplated, ironically in retaliation for Iran's nonexistent
nuclear weapons program.

The Bush administration's new nuclear doctrine contains specific
"guidelines" which allow for "preemptive" nuclear strikes against
"rogue enemies" which "possess" or are "developing" weapons of mass
destruction (WMD). (2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and Doctrine for
Joint Nuclear Operations (DJNO)).

CONPLAN 8022, referred to above, is 'the overall umbrella plan for sort
of the pre-planned strategic scenarios involving nuclear weapons.'

'It's specifically focused on these new types of threats -- Iran, North
Korea -- proliferation and potentially terrorists too,' he said.
'There's nothing that says that they can't use CONPLAN 8022 in limited
scenarios against Russian and Chinese targets.'(According to Hans
Kristensen, of the Nuclear Information Project, quoted in Japanese
economic News Wire, op cit)

The mission of JFCCSGS is to implement CONPLAN 8022, in other words to
trigger a nuclear war with Iran.

The Commander in Chief, namely George W. Bush would instruct the
Secretary of Defense, who would then instruct the Joint Chiefs of staff
to activate CONPLAN 8022.

The use of nuclear weapons against Iran would be coordinated with
Israel, which possesses a sophisticated nuclear arsenal.

The use of nuclear weapons by Israel or the US cannot be excluded,
particularly in view of the fact that tactical nuclear weapons have now
been reclassified as a variant of the conventional bunker buster bombs
and are authorized by the US Senate for use in conventional war
theaters. ("they are harmless to civilians because the explosion is

In this regard, Israel and the US rather than Iran constitute a nuclear

Even in the case of an aerial attack using conventional weapons, the
bombings would unleash a nuclear nightmare resulting from the spread of
nuclear radiation following the destruction of Iran's nuclear energy

The World is at a Critical Crossroads

The Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which
threatens the future of humanity

Throughout history, the structure of military alliances has played a
crucial role in triggering major military conflicts. In contrast to the
situation prevailing prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, America's
ongoing military adventure is now firmly supported by the Franco-German

NATO is firmly aligned with the Anglo-American-Israeli military axis,
which also includes Australia and Canada. In 2005, NATO signed a
military cooperation agreement with Israel, and Israel has a
longstanding bilateral military agreement with Turkey.

Iran has observer status in The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
and is slated to become a full member of SCO. China and Russia have
far-reaching military cooperation agreements with

China and Russia are firmly opposed to a US-led military operation in
the diplomatic arena. While the US sponsored military plan threatens
Russian and Chinese interests in Central Asia and the Caspian sea
basin, it is unlikely that they would intervene militarily on the side
of Iran or Syria.

The planned attack on Iran must be understood in relation to the
existing active war theaters in the Middle East, namely Afghanistan,
Iraq and Lebanon-Palestine.

The conflict could easily spread from the Middle East to the Caspian
sea basin. It could also involve the participation of Azerbaijan and
Georgia, where US troops are stationed.

Military action against Iran and Syria would directly involve Israel's
participation, which in turn would trigger a broader war throughout the
Middle East, not to mention the further implosion in the Palestinian
occupied territories. Turkey is closely associated with the proposed
aerial attacks.

If the US-UK-Israeli war plans were to proceed, the broader Middle
East- Central Asian region would flare up, from the Eastern
Mediterranean to the Afghan-Chinese border. At present, there are three
distinct war theaters: Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine-Lebanon. An
attack directed against Iran would serve to integrate these war
theaters transforming the broader Middle East Central Asian region into
an integrated war zone. (see map above)

In turn the US sponsored aerial bombardments directed against Iran
could contribute to triggering a ground war characterized by Iranian
attacks directed against coalition troops in Iraq. In turn, Israeli
forces would enter into Syria.

An attack on Iran would have a direct impact on the resistance movement
inside Iraq. It would also put pressure on America's overstretched
military capabilities and resources in both the Iraqi and Afghan war

In other words, the shaky geopolitics of the Central Asia- Middle East
region, the three existing war theaters in which America is currently,
involved, the direct participation of Israel and Turkey, the structure
of US sponsored military alliances, etc. raises the specter of a
broader conflict.

The war against Iran is part of a longer term US military agenda which
seeks to militarize the entire Caspian sea basin, eventually leading to
the destabilization and conquest of the Russian Federation.

The Pentagon's Second 911

The economic and political dislocations resulting from this military
agenda are far-reaching.

If the attacks directed against Iran and Syria were to proceed, martial
law and/or a state of emergency could be declared in the US and
possibly Britain on the pretext that the homeland is under attack by
Iran sponsored terrorists. The purpose of these measures would
essentially be to curb antiwar movement and provide legitimacy to an
illegal war.

The Pentagon has intimated in this regard, in an official statement,
that "another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an
opportunity to retaliate against some known targets [Iran and Syria]".
In a timely statement, barely a few days following the onslaught of the
bombing of Lebanon, Vice President Cheney reiterated his warning: "The
enemy that struck on 9/11 is fractured and weakened, yet still lethal,
still determined to hit us again" (Waterloo Courier, Iowa, 19 July
2006, italics added).

Reversing the Tide of War

The issues raised in this article do not necessarily imply that the war
will take place.

What the analysis of official statments and military documents onfirms
is that
a) the war is part of a political agenda and

b) military plans to launch an attack on Iran and Syria are "in an
advanced stage of readiness".

The issue is not whether the war will inevitably take place but what
are the instruments at our disposal which will enable us to shunt and
ultimately disarm this global military agenda.

War criminals occupy positions of authority. The citizenry is
galvanized into supporting the rulers, who are "committed to their
safety and well-being". Through media disinformation, war is given a
humanitarian mandate.

The legitimacy of the war must be addressed. Antiwar sentiment alone
does not disarm a military agenda. High ranking officials of the Bush
administration, members of the military and the US Congress have been
granted the authority to uphold an illegal war.

The corporate backers and sponsors of war and war crimes must also be
targeted including the oil companies, the defense contractors, the
financial institutions and the corporate media, which has become an
integral part of the war propaganda machine.

There is a sense of urgency. In the weeks and months ahead, the antiwar
movement must act, consistently, and address a number of key issues.

1. The role of media disinformation in sustaining the military agenda
is crucial.

We will not succeed in our endeavours unless the propaganda apparatus
is weakened and eventually dismantled. It is essential to inform our
fellow citizens on the causes and consequences of the US-led war, not
to mention the extensive war crimes and atrocities which are routinely
obfuscated by the media. This is no easy task. It requires an
effective counter-propaganda program which refutes mainstream media

It is essential that the relevant information and analysis reaches the
broader public. The Western media is controlled by a handful of
powerful business syndicates. The media conglomerates which control
network TV and the printed press must be challenged through cohesive
actions which reveal the lies and falsehoods.

2. There is opposition within the political establishment in the US as
well as within the ranks of the Armed Forces.

While this opposition does not necessarily question to overall
direction of US foreign policy, it is firmly opposed to military
adventurism, including the use of nuclear weapons. These voices within
the institutions of the State, the Military and the business
establishment are important because they can be usefully channeled to
discredit and ultimately dismantle the "war on terrorism" consensus.
The broadest possible alliance of political and social forces is,
therefore, required to prevent a military adventure which in a very
real sense threatens the future of humanity.

3. The structure of military alliances must be addressed. A timely
shift in military alliances could potentially reverse the course of

Whereas France and Germany are broadly supportive of the US led war,
there are strong voices in both countries as well as within the
European Union, which firmly oppose the US led military agenda, both at
the grassroots level as well within the political system itself.

It is essential that the commitments made by European heads of
government and heads of state, to Washington be cancelled or nullified,
through pressure exerted at the appropriate political levels. This
applies, In particular, to the unbending support of the Bush
adminstration's military agenda by President Jacques Chirac and
Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The weakening of the system of alliances which commit Western Europe to
supporting the Anglo-American military axis, could indeed contribute
reverse the tide. Washington would hesitate to wage a war on Iran
without the support of France and Germany.

4. The holding of large antiwar rallies is important and essential. But
in will not in itself reverse the tide of war unless it is accompanied
by the development of a cohesive antiwar network.

What is required is a grass roots antiwar network, a mass movement at
national and international levels, which challenges the legitimacy of
the main military and political actors, as well as their corporate
sponsors, and which would ultimately be instrumental in unseating those
who rule in our name. The construction of this type of network will
take time to develop. Initially it should focus of developing an
antiwar stance within existing citizens' organizations (e.g. trade
unions, community organizations, professional regroupings, student
federations, municipal councils, etc.).

5. 9/11 plays a crucial and central role in the propaganda campaign.

The threat of an Al Qaeda "Attack on America" is being used profusely
by the Bush administration and its indefectible British ally to
galvanize public opinion in support of a global military agenda.
Revealing the lies behind 911 would serve to undermine the legitimacy
of the "war on terrorism". Without 911, the war criminals in high
office do not have a leg to stand on. The entire national security
construct collapses like a deck of cards. Known and documented, the
"Islamic terror network" is a creation of the US intelligence
apparatus. Several of the terror alerts were based on fake intelligence
as revealed in the recent foiled "liquid bomb attack". There is
evidence that the several of the terrorist "mass casualty events" which
have resulted in civilian casualties were triggered by the military
and/or intelligence services. The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911
narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The
Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at
the highest levels of government.

Michel Chossudovsky is the author of the international best seller "The
Globalization of Poverty " published in eleven languages. He is
Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the
Center for Research on Globalization. His most recent book is Americas
"War on Terrorism", Global Research, 2005.

To order Chossudovsky's book America's "War on Terrorism", click here

Note: Readers are welcome to cross-post this article with a view to
spreading the word and warning people of the dangers of a broader
Middle East war. Please indicate the source and copyright note.

The following texts by Michel Chossudovsky provide detailed analysis of
the US war plans:

Triple Alliance": The US, Turkey, Israel and the War on Lebanon

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil - 2006-07-26

Israeli Bombings could lead to Escalation of Middle East War -

Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? - 2006-02-22

The Dangers of a Middle East Nuclear War - 2006-02-17

Nuclear War against Iran - 2006-01-03

Israeli Bombings could lead to Escalation of Middle East War -

Iran: Next Target of US Military Aggression - 2005-05-01

Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran - 2005-05-01

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Michel Chossudovsky,, 2006

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From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 5, 2006 2:07:26 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: ABC News: "9/ 11 Conspiracy Theorists Thriving"

ABC News: "9/ 11 Conspiracy Theorists Thriving"

5 Years Later, Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theorists Say They're Gaining

By Justin Pope
The Associated Press
August 6, 2006

Associated Press offers a decent beefy run on progress in the movement
focusing on recent contributions by Scholars for 9/11 Truth. A few
hours later Google News lists over 100 news outlets running the story.
While we deeply wish such coverage concentrated more on the issues, in
terms of visibility at least we are indeed grateful that editors are
finally awakening to public interest in our story and that a major
corner has been turned. - Ed.

- Kevin Barrett believes the U.S government might have destroyed the
World Trade Center. Steven Jones is researching what he calls evidence
that the twin towers were brought down by explosives detonated inside
them, not by hijacked airliners.

These men aren't uneducated junk scientists: Barrett will teach a
class on Islam at the University of Wisconsin this fall, over the
protests of more than 60 state legislators. Jones is a tenured
physicist at Brigham Young University whose mainstream academic job has
made him a hero to conspiracy theorists.

Five years after the terrorist attacks, a community that believes
widely discredited ideas about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001,
persists and even thrives. Members trade their ideas on the Internet
and in self-published papers and in books. About 500 of them attended a
recent conference in Chicago.

The movement claims to be drawing fresh energy and credibility from a
recently formed group called Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

The organization says publicity over Barrett's case has helped boost
membership to about 75 academics. They are a tiny minority of the 1
million part- and full-time faculty nationwide, and some have no
university affiliation. Most aren't experts in relevant fields. But
some are well educated, with degrees from elite universities such as
Princeton and Stanford and jobs at schools including Rice, Indiana and
the University of Texas.

"Things are happening," said co-founder James Fetzer, a retired
philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, who
maintains, among other claims, that some of the hijackers are still
alive. "We're going to continue to do this. Our role is to establish
what really happened on 9/11."

What really happened, the national Sept. 11 Commission concluded after
1,200 interviews, was that hijackers crashed planes into the twin
towers. The National Institute of Standards and Technology, a
government agency, filed 10,000 pages of reports that found fires
caused by the crashing planes were more than sufficient to collapse the

The scholars' group rejects those conclusions. Their Web site contends
the government has been dishonest. It adds: the "World Trade Center was
almost certainly brought down by controlled demolitions" and "the
government not only permitted 9/11 to occur but may even have
orchestrated these events to facilitate its political agenda."

The standards and technology institute, and many mainstream
scientists, won't debate conspiracy theorists, saying they don't want
to lend them unwarranted credibility.

But some worry the academic background of the group could do that

Members of the conspiracy community "practically worship the ground
(Jones) walks on because he's seen as a scientist who is preaching to
their side," said FR Greening, a Canadian chemist who has written
several papers rebutting the science used by Sept. 11 conspiracy
theorists. "It's science, but it's politically motivated. It's science
with an ax to grind, and therefore it's not really science."

Faculty can express any opinion outside the classroom, said Roger
Bowen, general secretary of the American Association of University
Professors. However, "with academic freedom comes academic
responsibility. And that requires them to teach the truth of their
discipline, and the truth does not include conspiracy theories, or flat
Earth theories, or Holocaust denial theories."

Members of the group don't consider themselves extremists. They simply
believe the government's investigation was inadequate, and maintain
that questioning widely held assumptions has been part of the job of
scholars for centuries.

"Tenure gives you a secure position where you can engage in
controversial issues," Fetzer said. "That's what you should be doing."

But when asked what did happen in 2001, members often step outside the
rigorous, data-based culture of the academy and defer to their own

Daniel Orr, a Princeton Ph.D. and widely published retired economics
chair at the University of Illinois, said he knew instantly from
watching the towers fall that they had been blown apart by explosives.
He was reminded of watching an old housing project being destroyed in
St. Louis.

David Gabbard, an East Carolina education professor, acknowledges this
isn't his field, but says "I'm smart enough to know ... that fire from
airplanes can't melt steel."

When they do cite evidence, critics such as Greening contend it's junk
science from fellow conspiracy theorists, dressed up in the language
and format of real research to give it a sense of credibility.

Jones focuses on the relatively narrow question of whether molten
metal present at the World Trade Center site after the attacks is
evidence that a high-temperature incendiary called thermite, which can
be used to weld or cut metal, was involved in the towers' destruction.
He concludes thermite was present, throwing the government's entire
explanation into question and suggesting someone might have used
explosives to bring down the towers.

"I have not run into many who have read my paper and said it's just
all hogwash," Jones said.

Judy Wood, until recently an assistant professor of mechanical
engineering at Clemson University, has been cited by conspiracy
theorists for her arguments the buildings could not have collapsed as
quickly as they did unless explosives were used.

"If the U.S. government is lying about how the buildings came down,
anything else they say cannot be believed," she said. "So why would
they want to tell us an incorrect story if they weren't part of it?"

In fact, say Greening and other experts, the molten metal Jones cites
was most likely aluminum from the planes, and any number of
explanations are more likely than thermite.

And the National Institute of Standards and Technology's report
describes how the buildings collapsed from the inside in a chain
reaction once the floors began falling.

"We respect the opinions of others, but we just didn't see any
evidence of what people are claiming," institute spokesman Michael
Newman said.

Wisconsin officials say they do not endorse the views of Barrett, an
adjunct, but after investigating concluded he would handle the material
responsibly in the classroom.

That didn't mollify many state legislators.

"The general public from Maine to Oregon knows why the trade towers
went down," said state Rep. Stephen Nass, a Republican. "It's not a
matter of unpopular ideas; it's a matter of quality education and
giving students their money's worth in the classroom."

In a July 20 letter obtained by The Associated Press in an open
records request, Wisconsin Provost Patrick Farrell warned Barrett to
tone down his publicity seeking, and said he would reconsider allowing
Barrett to teach if he continued to identify himself with the
university in his political messages.

BYU's physics department and engineering school have issued statements
distancing themselves from Jones' work, but he says they have not

At Clemson, Wood did not receive tenure last year, but her former
department chair, Imtiaz ul Haque, denies her accusation that it was at
least partly because of her Sept. 11 views.

"Are you blackballed for delving into this topic? Oh yes," Wood said.
"And that is why there are so few who do. Most contracts have something
to do with some government research lab. So what would that do to you?
The consequences are too great for a career. But I made the choice that
truth was more important."

"If we're in higher education to be trying to encourage critical
thinking," Wood says, "why would we say 'believe this because everybody
else does?'"

Scholars for Truth:

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. Copyright ) 2006 ABC News
Internet Ventures



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 4, 2006 1:23:31 PM EST
Subject: As Media Hit Pieces Continue, Father Of 9/11 Victim Says
Government Ran Attack

Father Of 9/11 Victim Says Government Ran Attack As Media Hit Pieces
Emotional shell game accusation of
'disgracing victim's memories' doesn't jive anymore

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 4 2006

Another 9/11 family member has gone public to rubbish the conspiracy
theory that the attacks were planned and executed by nineteen
incompetent Arabs with box cutters who were getting drunk in a strip
club the night before and barely even made it to the airport on time.
Meanwhile, hit pieces against the 9/11 truth movement continue in the
lead up to the fifth anniversary of the event.

A familiar emotional shell game on the part of the debunkers is to
proclaim that questioning any aspect of 9/11 disgraces the memory of
the victims. This tactic is clearly not working anymore especially in
light of the fact that Bill Doyle, representative of the largest group
of 9/11 family members - says that half now completely distrust the
official version of events.

Bob McIlvaine's son Bobby was working for Merrill Lynch in the 103rd
floor of the south tower when Flight 175 struck. He was likely one of
the unfortunate individuals who obeyed the Port Authority's ridiculous
order for workers to stay in the building and not evacuate even after
Flight 11 had ploughed into the north tower.

McIlvaine is convinced that the attacks were an inside job
orchestrated by elements within the US government.

"Today, there are no ifs or buts in my mind that this was an inside
job. The US government orchestrated it with the help of MI6 and
Pakistan and Mossad. What they are telling us is bullshit. The
hijackers were patsies and Osama bin Laden was set up," McIlvaine told
the London Independent .

McIlvaine has since devoted his life to educating others on what
really happened on 9/11.

Despite the best efforts of Jewish American Adam Yehiye Gadahn to
propagandize the reality of the Al-Qaeda myth, Americans are becoming
increasingly skeptical of 9/11 and if the recent rash of hit pieces
against the 9/11 truth movement are anything to go by, the
establishment is stricken with concern.

There were another two major 9/11 semi-debunking pieces over the
weekend, one in the San Francisco Chronicle and one in Reuters .
Expect a deluge of them for the next two weeks as the five year
anniversary comes to pass.

The most incongruous sentence from the Chronicle piece is where CIA
involvement in 9/11 is characterized as "the epitome of preposterous
beliefs that start with a conclusion and work backward to find

Wasn't it media talking heads and government officials in the hours
after the attacks who were reading off the same script and ascribing
blame to Bin Laden with no substantiating evidence? Did they then not
present alleged "evidence" to work backward to the already
pre-determined conclusion? So-called evidence that is insufficient to
federally indict Bin Laden for involvement in 9/11 five years after the
attack - despite the fact that it took less than three months to indict
him for the 1998 embassy bombings.


Wayne Madsen Dumps Maher and Air America from Web

Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 13:23:44 -0700 From: Jeffrey Blankfort

Sept. 2/3, 2006 -- WMR is de-linking to Air America Radio as a result
of its decision to fire Mike Malloy. We will not provide portals to
those who claim they are liberals and progressives but serve as
information gatekeepers and censors for the global media elites and
neo-con types.

The Washington Post's cheap shot at Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his
former covert CIA wife in yesterday's edition should earn them a
de-linking from our site, but there are still a few (very few) decent
reporters there whose articles should be read. However, the paper's
editorial staff consists of nothing more than neo-con apologists and
enablers and globalists who decry Mexico's popular revolt against
election fraud, Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution, Bolivia's peasant
and Native American rise to power, and anything that endangers the
plans of the corporate and banking elites. In one of the highest
compliments paid to WMR, a former Washington Post senior editor said we
are providing the hard-hitting coverage of politics and corruption in
Washington that the Post should be doing. And with that and other words
of support at are backs, we will continue to ply ahead as the November
election -- the most critical in the history of the United States --

Mike Malloy: Fired by the information gatekeepers and censors at Air
America Radio.

The Post and Air America Radio are in the same category of other
so-called "liberal" web sites to which we de-linked as soon as it
became apparent that they were nothing more than Democratic Leadership
Council annexes parading around as liberal web sites. They are
identifiable by their banning of posters and incessant censorship of
content. Malloy unabashedly told his listening audience that he and his
wife voted for Cynthia McKinney in the recent Georgia primary run-off
election. The sacking of Malloy and the party purge of McKinney are all
part of the censorship in this country -- censorship that is aided and
abetted from the ranks of so-called Democrats. This country will not
return ton an even keel until we not only cleanse the neo-cons and
fanatic right-wingers from our midst, but also those who claim
"progressive: credentials but are, in fact, lickspittles for the
corporate elites.

WMR continues to provide direct links to the Randi Rhodes Show, Ring of
Fire with Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio, Thom Hartmann, and Sam
Seder's Majority Report. We support their continued independence from
the corporate censors and overseers at Air America Radio. Our boycott
of Air America Radio and its sponsors will continue until that network
re-instates Malloy with a new and more financially beneficial contract.
Until then, Air who?

-- Peter Myers, 381 Goodwood Rd, Childers 4660, Australia ph +61 7
41262296 Mirror: I use the old Mac OS; being
incompatible, it cannot run Windows viruses or transmit them to you. If
your emails to me bounce, write to me at To
unsubscribe, reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line; allow 1 day.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 7, 2006, 2:57:06 AM9/7/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 6, 2006

From: 9/11 Citizens Court <>
Date: September 5, 2006 12:26:07 PM EST

Subject: 9/11 Rally at the White House 9/11/06!

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ept 1

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Fellow Patriots!

March and Rally permit approved and issued for September 11, 2006!
Get your trip to DC lined up! We will be bringing 9/11 Truth right to
the front doorstep of the White House on Monday September 11th!

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of spacer.gif]
9/11 at Camp Democracy!
Join the 9/11 DC March and Rally at the White House
September 11th Program

9/11 at Camp Democracy!

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of spacer.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 59.jpg]
Visualize hundreds of thousands of Patriots converging on Washington to
demand a new investigation and justice for the crimes of September 11,

Sept 9th and 10th meet up with Rick Siegel at the '9/11 Citizens Court'
table at Camp Democracy on the Mall and spread the word to our friends

Join the 9/11 DC March and Rally at the White House

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Patriots from far and wide will gather in the belly of the beast to
join together in one voice of 9/11 Truth that will be heard around the

Join Rick Siegel and thousands of devoted patriots in a March and
Rally at the White House that will make history. Exercise your First
Amendment Rights! Join the Citizen's March in DC for Freedom, Liberty
and 9/11 Truth!

Participate in an informal Citizen's Court gathering and examine the
conclusive evidence that the mainstream media is not permitted to show
you for reasons of National Security.

The world is counting on you!

September 11th Program

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8:00 am ~ Victims' Memorial Service at Reflecting Pond on the Mall
Prayers and Tribute Speeches

9:30-11:00 am ~ LA Grand Jury Press Conference
National Press Club - Edward R. Murrow Room

11:00 - 12:15 ~ 9/11: Press for Truth
National Press Club - Zenger Room

11:30 - 2:30 pm ~ Keane-Hamilton Luncheon at the National Press Club
Morgan Reynolds has been invited and will be there with a pointed
question for the 911 Commission members

2:30 pm ~ Morgan Reynolds & Judy Woods hold a 'counter' Press
Conference at the National Press Club to analyze the claims made at the
Keane-Hamilton Luncheon

12:30 pm ~ Assemble for March preparations at 23rd and Constitution
Ave. Prepare banners, signs and chants.

1:30 pm ~ Citizens Court March begins up Constitution Avenue, circle
around 15th to Pennsylvania Avenue, ending at the White House

2:30 to 4:30 pm ~ White House Rally and Speeches
Speakers include:
Dr Bob Bowman
L.A. Grand Jury Team
Dennis Morrisseau
9/11 Family Representatives
Alfons Olszewski
Morgan Reynolds
Richard Siegel
End rally, get a bite to eat, and travel to Citizens Court *

Participate in the first annual 9/11 Citizen's Court in DC!

911 Citizen's Court Special Show and Conference at AMC 'Mazza Galerie' 7

6:30 pm ~ Doors open

7:00 pm ~ Program commences
Introduction of Evidence by 911 Eyewitness Rick Siegel
followed by Dennis Morrisseau and Alfons Olszewski

8:00 pm ~ Lt Col Robert Bowman Keynote Address

9:00 pm ~ Hoboken Highlights Special Edition

10:00 pm ~ Morgan Reynolds

10:30 pm ~ Citizen's Court Evidence Discussion

11:00 pm ~ Program Ends

11:30 pm ~ Doors Close

Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis,
so don't delay, buy your ticket today at the 911 Eyewitness Store!
The $20 donation will help us offset organizational expenses and
includes a 911 Eyewitness Hoboken DVD!

Join the 911Citizens Court forums to post evidence, exchange
information and find out the latest details of the DC event.

Please forward this email widely!

AMC Theaters 'Mazza Galerie'
75300 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington, DC

* Directions to 'Mazza Galerie' 9/11 Event from the Mall:
From Metro Center get on the Red Line heading toward Shaddy Grove.
Go seven stops and get off at Friendly Heights Metro Station.
Fare: $1.90 Travel time: 14 minutes
Exiting from Friendly Heights Metro station the direct mall entrance
is now under construction. So take the Jennifer St. exit, turn left at
street level and cross the street to 'Mazza Galerie'. Big signs take up
the whole block so you can't miss it.
Event will finish at 11:00 pm doors close 11:30 pm
Last train back into the center about 12:30 pm.

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We will be seen & heard! Come and make history with us!

We petition for redress of grievance! Restore the Republic, the
Constitution and our unalienable rights! Bring the real criminals to

Please join the forum for updates of events
and meeting places!

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of spacer.gif]
Quick Links...

Strike The Root

9/11 Eyewitness clips

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of spacer.gif]
Join our mailing list!


The White Rose | "It does not require a majority to prevail, | but
rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's
minds | -- Samuel Adams | FL | 33680


From: Pay_the_Piper <>
Date: September 5, 2006 7:26:18 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Re: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] Fw: Yahoo is
violating the 1st Amendment

Complaints from both lists cc'd indicate to me they are likely using
"Dark Web" programming to "capture" politically undesired messages.


----- Original Message -----
From: elvira52
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 5:01 PM
Subject: [UNIVERSALHUMANRIGHTS] Fw: Yahoo is violating the 1st Amendment

----- Original Message -----
From: James Benjamin Roth
To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 10:17 AM
Subject: Yahoo is violating the 1st Amendment


My friend runs at least 100 Yahoo groups with thousands of participants.
Yahoo has taken out three of his groups and has violated many people's
1st Amendment rights.
1. Constitutional Crisis
2. Robert Bowman for Congress (see P.S.)
3. Election Fraud
Apparently Yahoo is kowtowing to this Bush Fascist dictatorship.
When anyone comes too close to exposing their corruption, they get
taken out one way or another.

I hear there is a better system of having groups. It's called Gmail.
Those who love freedom of speech will want to teach Yahoo a lesson by
participating in some serious boycotting.
I hope you'll be one of them. It's time to kick Yahoo in the assets.


P.S. In case you want to know who Robert Bowman is...
Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in
Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F.
Kennan Peace Prize, the Presidents Medal of Veterans for Peace, the
Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and
dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and
Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international
conferences, and is one of the countrys foremost experts on National
Security. He's running for Congress in Florida's 15th district.


NOTE: This quite recent statement from Al Gore is a good summary of
current ludicrous political conditions in the USA. The way to overcome
this is to revitalize the oral tradition by replacing media-oriented
projects with door-to-door ones. -- kl, pp

Finding cash to fund TV commercials is "the only thing that matters in
American politics now", former US Vice-President Al Gore has said. 9/5


NOTE: Most of this summary is quite familiar stuff--but there are
fresh stats revealing an appalling increase in the rate of atmospheric
CO2 pollution; this increase occurs within a dynamic of vicious
cycling, so overcoming it is arduous and complex. -- kl, pp

Ice Bubbles Reveal Biggest Rise in CO2
for 800,000 Years

By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Published: 05 September 2006

The rapid rise in greenhouse gases over the past century is
unprecedented in at least 800,000 years, according to a study of the
oldest Antarctic ice core which highlights the reality of climate

Air bubbles trapped in ice for hundreds of thousands of years have
revealed that humans are changing the composition of the atmosphere in
a manner that has no known natural parallel.

Scientists at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) in Cambridge have
found there have been eight cycles of atmospheric change in the past
800,000 years when carbon dioxide and methane have risen to peak

Each time, the world also experienced the relatively high temperatures
associated with warm, inter-glacial periods, which were almost
certainly linked with levels of carbon dioxide and possibly methane in
the atmosphere.

However, existing levels of carbon dioxide and methane are far higher
than anything seen during these earlier warm periods, said Eric Wolff
of the BAS.

"Ice cores reveal the Earth's natural climate rhythm over the last
800,000 years. When carbon dioxide changed there was always an
accompanying climate change," Dr Wolff said. "Over the past 200 years,
human activity has increased carbon dioxide to well outside the natural
range and we have no analogue for what will happen next.

"We have a no-analogue situation. We don't have anything in the past
that we can measure directly," he added.

The ice core was drilled from a thick area of ice on Antarctica known
as Dome C. The core is nearly 3.2km long and reaches to a depth where
air bubbles became trapped in ice that formed 800,000 years ago.

"It's from those air bubbles that we know for sure that carbon dioxide
has increased by about 35 per cent in the past 200 years. Before that
200 years, which is when man's been influencing the atmosphere, it was
pretty steady to within 5 per cent," Dr Wolff said.

The core shows that carbon dioxide was always between 180 parts per
million (ppm) and 300 ppm during the 800,000 years. However, now it is
380 ppm. Methane was never higher than 750 parts per billion (ppb) in
this timescale, but now it stands at 1,780 ppb.

But the rate of change is even more dramatic, with increases in carbon
dioxide never exceeding 30 ppm in 1,000 years -- and yet now carbon
dioxide has risen by 30 ppm in the last 17 years.

"The rate of change is probably the most scary thing because it means
that the Earth systems can't cope with it," Dr Wolff told the British
Association meeting at the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

"On such a crowded planet, we have little capacity to adapt to changes
that are much faster than anything in human experience."

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of trpix.gif]

) 2006 Independent News and Media Limited


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 4, 2006 3:24:22 PM EST
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 03 Sep 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Syrian sanctuary for Iraqs displaced Christians
Chris Walker

...Iraqi Christians made up around 3% of the population, a prosperous
minority numbering 700,000 pre-war and living mainly in Baghdad, a city
with more Christians than any other city in the Middle East.
Well-educated, it suited Saddam to offer security and public profile,
embodied in the person of Tariq Aziz, like Blair, a Roman Catholic
(well, nearly). I could look across the Baghdad skyline and see a rich
miscellany of Christian churches, embracing A! ssyrian, Armenian,
Byzantine, Anglican, Mandeans and Methodist, some of them with a
presence since the first century, six centuries before Islam began.
Christians sold from their shops the local Perido beer, and had a
prominent role in banking, urban planning, science and commerce. I had
many Christian friends, and like all Iraqis they were very hospitable.
Traumatised by the killing, kidnapping and gangsterism that constitutes
life in Iraq since those fine Christian gentlemen, Bush and Blair,
liberated their country, 350,000 Iraqi Christians now live as
near-penniless refugees, principally in Damascus, Syria, where they
have been given safe status. One such refugee, Shamun Daawd, having
received death threats, recently said: "Before the war there was no
separation between Christian and Muslim. Under Saddam, nobody asked you
your religion. We attended each other's religious services and
weddings." This confirmed my own experiences in the years I lived
there, Iraq's religiou! s freedom and pluralism being explicit and

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Gaza doctors encounter 'unexplained injuries'

Donald Macintyre, Independent

Doctors in Gaza are reporting what they say are unexplained injuries
among the dead and wounded in operations by the Israeli military, which
have killed more than 200 Palestinians in the past nine weeks. The
World Health Organisation (WHO) is considering whether there is a case
for an investigation into the injuries amid suspicions by the medics
that the injuries were inflicted by what they claim may have been

unidentified "non-convention! al" weapons. Beside especially severe

burning "down to the bones", the doctors say that, in other cases,
internal organs have been ruptured without any obvious sign of shrapnel


Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Amid threats and assassinations
U.S. war criminals stage show trial for Saddam Hussein
Sunil Freeman, Socialism and Liberation

...The real reason Hussein and members of his government are on trial
and facing execution today is that they dared to stand up to U.S.
imperialism. All the rest of the charges are window dressing to deceive
public opinion. Anti-war and anti-imperialist activists should expose
the hypocrisy of U.S. occupation forces carrying out a trial for
"crimes against humanity" while U.S. t! roops and their puppets commit
daily rapes, massacres and assassinations against the Iraqi population.
The U.S. occupation regime has no right to try Saddam Hussein or any of
his co-defendants. They should be released immediately. Real trials for
"crimes against humanity" would see Bush administration officials and
Pentagon generals in the docks...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

[SNIP] a site gathering daily information concerning
occupied Iraq: news, analysis, documents and texts of iraqi resistance
available in Italian and English.


From: "Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr." <>
Date: September 6, 2006 10:38:43 AM EST
Subject: Fury as Academics Claim 9/11 Was 'Inside Job'

Fury as Academics
Claim 9/11 Was 'Inside Job'

The Daily Mail
Last updated at 15:47pm on 6th September 2006
by JAYA NARAIN Last updated at 15:47pm on 6th September 2006

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people
dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics.

Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks
were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the
invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.

The claims have caused outrage and anger in the US which marks the
fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Monday.

But leading scientists say the facts of their investigations cannot be
ignored and say they have evidence that points to one of the biggest
conspiracies ever perpetrated.

Professor Steven Jones, who lectures in physics at the Brigham Young
University in Utah, says the official version of events is the biggest
and most evil cover up in history.

He has joined the 9/11 Scholars for Truth whose membership includes up
to 75 leading scientists and experts from universities across the US.

Prof Jones said: "We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others
in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone.

"We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going
to get to the bottom of this."

In essays and journals, the scientists are giving credence to many of
the conspiracy theories that have circulated on the internet in the
past five years.

They believe a group of US neo-conservatives called the Project for a
New American Century, set on US world dominance, orchestrated the 9/11
attacks as an excuse to hit Iraq, Afghanistan and later Iran.

The group says scientific evidence over the attacks on the World Trade
Centre and the Pentagon is conclusive proof.

Professor Jones said it was impossible for the twin towers to have
collapsed in the way they did from the collision of two aeroplanes.

He maintains jet fuel does not burn at temperatures high enough to
melt steel beams and claims horizontal puffs of smoke seen during the
collapse of the towers are indicative of controlled explosions used to
bring down the towers.

The group also maintains World Trade Centre 7 - a neighbouring
building which caught fire and collapsed later in the day - was only
partially damaged but had to be destroyed because it housed a
clandestine CIA station.

Professor James Fetzer, 65, a retired philosopher of science at the
University of Minnesota, said: "The evidence is so overwhelming, but
most Americans don't have time to take a look at this."

The 9/11 Commission dismissed the numerous conspiracy theories after
its exhaustive investigation into the terror attacks.

Subsequent examinations of the towers' structure have sought to prove
they were significantly weakened by the impact which tore off fire
retardant materials and led the steel beams bending under heat and then

Christopher Pyle, professor of constitutional law at Mt Holyoake
College in Massachusetts, has dismissed the academic group.

He said: "To plant bombs in three buildings with enough bomb materials
and wiring? It's too huge a project and would require far too many
people to keep it a secret afterwards.

"After every major crisis, like the assassinations of JFK or Martin
Luther King, we've had conspiracy theorists who come up with plausible
scenarios for gullible people. It's a waste of time."

But University of Wisconsin assistant professor, Kevin Barrett, said
experts are unwilling to believe theories which don't fit into their
belief systems.

He said: "People will disregard evidence it if causes their faith to
be shattered. I think we were all shocked. And then, when the voice of
authority told us what happened, we just believed it."

As the fifth anniversary approached, the 9/11 Scholars for Truth is
urging Congress to reopen the investigation claiming they have amassed
a wealth of scientific evidence to prove their version of the terror


Donors to Palestine: What Mission?
"Aid" Has Turned into a
Tool Which Supports Israeli Ambitions

September 6, 2006

RAMALLAH, 6 Septmber 2006. The Palestinians have been too grateful and
too helpless for too long to be critical of the political agenda of
their donors who have practically nailed them down as political
hostages to the donors money, which was promised initially to help
build an independent Palestinian state, but ended as a political
instrument effectively used by the Israeli occupying power.

Donors have embroiled themselves in an internal Palestinian political
crisis they themselves created when they withheld their aid as a
collective punishment to squeeze out of power a political movement not
of their liking, which ironically came to power in a fairly and
transparently democratic elections that were financed and monitored by
none other than themselves.

The internal political crisis is only a result of the deeper economic
and humanitarian crisis, which is crushing the Palestinian people to
the brink of a social revolt, especially in the ticking time bomb
of Gaza Strip, (1) and the donors-sustained Palestinian Authority (PA)
to the brink of collapse since the donors tightened the Israeli
military siege by imposing a suffocating financial blockade early in
the year.

The ensuing Palestinian divide is being further exacerbated by the
donors public siding with one party of the divide, to the detriment of
the people whom the donors are trying in vain to reach out for.

On September 1 the donors meeting in Stockholm pledged about $500
million in mostly selective humanitarian handouts. But how could this
meagre amount make any difference when $7 billion could not?

The amount was pledged as an Israeli military court was extending the
detention of the Palestinian finance minister, Dr. Omar Abdul-Razeq, an
irony which puts in spotlight the overall policy of donors.

The end political as well as the economic result of at least seven
billion dollars of donors aid over the past ten years is raising both
Palestinian and international voices to ask whose political agenda the
donors are serving, what is their true mission and which role they are

Their initial plan was to bail out a Palestinian Authority representing
the 3.5 million Palestinians under Israeli occupation since 1967 --
within the context of the Madrid Middle East peace process in 1991 and
the ensuing Palestinian Israeli Oslo accords in 1993 -- until the end
of the Palestinian autonomous interim period ends in July 1999, when
the final status negotiations were scheduled to hopefully lead to the
creation of an independent Palestinian state living peacefully
alongside Israel.

However the bullets that killed the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin in Tel Aviv on God's orders by the law student, Yigal Amir,
in November 1995 had also assassinated the Oslo accords.

From the start the Israelis have envisioned an autonomous PA as the end
goal. Rabin was assassinated to curb whatever peace illusions a few
of the Israelis might have otherwise developed. And when comatose
former prime minister Ariel Sharon announced his acceptance of a
Palestinian state in accordance with the U.S. President George W.
Bushs vision of a two-state solution he attached 14 conditions thereto
and embarked on a unilateral policy, inherited by his successor Ehud
Olmert, that negated the existence of a Palestinian partner and
downsized the area of the perceived state to 42 percent of the West

Then, the donors should have posed and reconsidered the framework of
their aid, but they didnt.

The donors money continued to flow nonetheless with or without
awareness that thereafter their aid had shifted to serve a completely
different and contradictory political Israeli agenda and became an
instrument of Israels foreign policy and thus became part of the
problem and not of the solution, without alleviating the Palestinian
economic plight.

Donors have turned to finance either the Palestinian submission,
compliance, passivity or collaboration and collusion vis-`-vis the
Israeli U.S.-backed unilateral plans, with a questionable indifference
to the death of the peace process and the reoccupation of the PA
autonomy, while showing an astonishing exemplary tolerance towards
Israels destruction of the state-building infrastructures financed
mainly by money paid by European and American taxpayers.

Their aid has turned into a tool in Israeli hands to appease
disillusioned Palestinian population who are witnessing daily the
infrastructure of their promised state either being demolished by
Israeli military bulldozers or bombed to rubble by the US-made Israeli
Apaches and F-16s, because Israel has decided unilaterally to allow
into being only a Bantustan-state in Gaza Strip and to demarcate its
borders deep into the West Bank after slicing it into two southern and
northern parts by extracting Jerusalem, the heart of any viable and
sustainable Palestinian state.

Thirteen years on, the Israeli destructive offset factor, the PA
corruption, the high management costs, the conditions attached to their
aid, and the political deadlock have all drained the donors efforts
into a zero-sum result economically and politically, leaving the
donors taxpayers as the main loser next to the Palestinians and the
Israeli Occupying Power as the sole beneficiary.

The donors have relieved Israel from its obligations under
international law as the occupying power and at the same time used
their aid to appease the Palestinians. Thats why Israel played the
fundraiser for the Palestinians, but withheld their dues when their
January elections changed the rules of the game.

A show case of how donors squander their taxpayers money was their
financing the Palestinian presidential and legislative elections with
more than $250 million, which they strictly monitored, only to
immediately refuse the outcome and give ammunition to Palestinian
accusations that their democratic rhetoric was a sham.

At least this is how the donors role has become to be perceived, not
by a minority but by the mainstream Palestinian, as was proved both by
the landslide victory of the Hamas-led opposition in the January 25
legislative elections and by the failure of the Oslo camp to avert
that victory in spite of the billions of dollars channelled to it by
the donors.

The donors collective punishment against the Palestinian people after
the victory of Hamas has only reinforced that perception among the
Palestinians and at the same time added fuel to the fire by exposing
the donors aid as also devoid even of its widely-promoted humanitarian
aspect to be seen as it is: A conditional political funding.

Their financial and diplomatic embroilment in the Palestinian internal
dialogue has affected their image from bad to worse. The donors and
their democracies are now publicly criticized as being in collusion
with a plan to bring down the Palestinian government and to bring the
PA to its knees politically.

The Palestinians have no resources under the Israeli occupation and it
is difficult for them to negotiate the type of aid they get. Either
they take it or they leave it. If they take it, they take it with
conditions. If they don't, they end up with nothing, which sums up
their current dire situation.

The Fatah-led Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the former
ruling government of the PA, had accepted the conditions from the start
and the survival of the PA became hostage to the ensuing status quo,
but the Hamas-led incumbent government who won the January elections is
refusing to subscribe to the same conditions; hence the internal

Taking sides in the crisis by the donors is a position encouraged by
Israel, with an eye on escalating a dispute into a conflict with the
aim of doing away with the outcome of the January elections, including
the winning Hamas, its government and its ideology that adopts all
forms of resistance to the Israeli occupation, hopefully to bury for
the foreseeable future any expectations that such an ideology might

Meanwhile the peoples plight keeps worsening. The PA bureaucracy went
on an open-ended strike early in September, paralyzing the
Fatah-dominated rank and file of the government, whose executive,
legislative and local branches were brought to a halt by Israels
kidnapping of more than 60 cabinet ministers including a deputy
premier, MPs including the parliamentary speaker, and mayors.

Only the PA presidency is kept floating politically and financially,
thanks to the donors, who are now in a predicament trying to whitewash
their collective punishment and counterproductive role by meagre and
selective humanitarian aid.

True the donors money has been a vital lifeline for the survival of
the grateful Palestinians under the Israeli occupation, but it neither
alleviated their economic plight nor served their political goals of
liberation and self-determination, and doesnt promise to do so in the
foreseeable future.

The Palestinians are today the largest per capita recipients of
foreign aid in the world. (But) According to the 2004 World Bank
report, they are suffering the worst economic depression in modern
history. (2)

The World Bank predicted that the PAs GDP per capita will fall to
$1,063 in 2007; the unemployment rate will rise to 31%, and the poverty
rate to 50%.

The paradox is that although at the declaratory level there has been a
growing acceptance of the two-state solution, the feasibility of its
materialization dramatically decreased as the decade unfolded, Anne Le
More, of Oxford University, wrote in a study titled Killing with
Kindness: Funding the Demise of a Palestinian State. (3)

In the course of the last decade, the international donor community
has financed not only Israels continued occupation but also its
expansionist agendaat the expense of international law, of the
well-being of the Palestinian population, of their right to
self-determination, and of the international communitys own stated
developmental and political objectives. Looking ahead, this bodes well
neither for the emergence of a viable Palestinian state nor for the
securitycollective and individualof the Israeli and Palestinian
people, Le More concluded. (4)

It is high time for the Palestinian donors to reconsider their mission
to be conducive to peace-making.

Nicola Nasser is a veteran Arab journalist in Kuwait, Jordan, UAE and
Palestine. He is based in Ramallah, West Bank of the Israeli-occupied
Palestinian territories.


(1) Agencies quoting United Nation's top aid official, Jan Egeland, in
Stockholm on August 31, 2006.
(2) Ghada Karmi, The Guardian, December 31, 2005.
(3) International Affairs, Volume 81, Issue 5, Page 981 - October 2005.
(4) Ibid.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 8, 2006, 2:50:06 PM9/8/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 8, 2006

From: "Total Information" <>
Date: September 7, 2006 4:33:05 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Full schedule of DC events for 9/11/06

-91106.html >

Full Schedule of DC Events for 9/11/06

8:00 am ~ Victims' Memorial Service at Reflecting Pond on the Mall

Prayers and Tribute Speeches (Rick Siegel)

9:30-11:00 am ~ LA Grand Jury Press Conference -- National Press Club -
Edward R. Murrow Room

10am ~ Jim Marrs & Barbara Honneger -- National Press Club

11:00 - 12:15 ~ 9/11: Press for Truth -- National Press Club - Zenger

12:30 - 2:30 pm ~ Kean-Hamilton Luncheon at the National Press Club --

1:30pm -- March from 23d & Constitution to Lafayette Park (Rick Siegel)
-- early arrival encouraged

2:30 pm ~ Morgan Reynolds & Judy Wood hold a 'counter' Press Conference

at the National Press Club to analyze the claims made at the
Keane-Hamilton Luncheon

2:30pm -- Rally @ Lafayette Square outside White House. Speakers: Dr
Bob Bowman, L.A. Grand Jury Team, 9/11 Family Representatives
(invited), Morgan Reynolds, Richard Siegel

7pm-11pm -- Screening of 9/11 Eyewitness: Hoboken, and remarks from Lt.
Col. Robert Bowman, Morgan Reynolds and others. AMC Theaters 'Mazza
Galerie,' 75300 Wisconsin Ave NW ($20 donation)

7pm -- Screening of 9/11: Press for Truth with remarks from Kyle Hence
and Paul Thompson. E Street Cinema, 555 11th St NW


From: Joanne Murphy <>
Date: September 7, 2006 4:02:41 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Smoking Gun: Bush STOLE Election 2004

Sept. 7, 2006 -- "Smoking gun" evidence uncovered in Ohio of massive
vote fraud in 2004 election.

After the November 2004 presidential election, this editor reported on
massive vote fraud, particularly in Ohio. The relevant articles are
found here, here, here, and here. Sources within the U.S. Intelligence
Community provided information on the financing -- via foreign funding
sources, covert intelligence networks, and illegal pseudo-banking
routes -- of programmers, election officials, and others to ensure that
Bush and Cheney captured Ohio's critical 20 electoral votes.

Pursuant to a federal law that permits the destruction of ballots,
including absentee ballots, 22 months after a federal election, ballots
from the 2004 Ohio election were scheduled to be destroyed on Sept. 2,
but the intervention of Columbus-based attorney Cliff Arnebeck and the
New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights with the U.S. Court in
Columbus resulted in a protective order being issued for ballots and
voting records in all 88 Ohio counties. This decision upset the corrupt
Ohio Republican Party and its gubernatorial standard bearer Kenneth
Blackwell, the Secretary of State who helped engineer the 2004
electoral vote fraud coup in his state, who wanted to begin the
document shredding process in Sept. 2.

Not only can the ballots and voting records now be used in a major
civil rights case against Blackwell, in which he is accused of
"inequitably distributing voting resources, suppressing votes, and
spoiling ballots" in the 2004 election, but may also serve as major
evidence in impeachment hearings against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
when Michigan Rep. John Conyers becomes the Chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee, if the Democrats, as expected, win control of the
U.S. House of Representatives. Blackwell still clings to the
fast-eroding stance that the 2004 Ohio vote was legitimate.

The reason the Ohio GOP was anxious to destroy the ballots and records
is that they are rife with prima facie evidence of massive vote fraud.
Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, a researcher who uncovered the evidence of
vote fraud, submitted an affidavit to the U.S. federal court in
Columbus outlining details of the vote fraud. Along with the affidavit,
Phillips provided evidence of vote fraud, including "documentation of
ballot tampering in . . . eleven counties." The most startling evidence
of ballot tampering is a punch card ballot that show tape affixed over
votes for Kerry/Edwards. Other "stickered ballots" were apparently
destroyed during an FBI investigation. The affidavit states:
"In Clermont County, eleven weeks of negotiations with the County
Prosecutors office were required in order to gain access to the public
records, and even then we were actively discouraged from completing our
tasks in an expeditious manner. On each scheduled visit we were denied
access to certain records and told to return another day. In the
aftermath of the recount of December 2004, sworn affidavits were signed
by three witnesses stating that they observed, on some ballots, white
oval stickers over the Kerry-Edwards mark, and the Bush-Cheney oval
filled in. The County Prosecutors office confirmed this in writing,
stated further that there were fewer than 100 such ballots countywide
(out of 89,822 ballots cast), and claimed that there had been an FBI
investigation into the matter upon the request of Congressman John
Conyers, but that the FBI report could not be located.

In Clermont County, in the first 4 precincts that we photographed, with
3589 ballots cast, we saw not one stickered ballot. Board of Elections
personnel have confirmed that these 4 precincts were among the 97% of
the ballots that were recounted by machine in December 2004, and that
the observers who reported seeing stickered ballots were observing the
3% of the ballots that were hand-counted. The Board of Elections
provided a statement, in writing, that 14 precincts were chosen for the
hand count because they were the smallest in the county, with only 2696
ballots cast among them. Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwells
directive at that time required that the hand-counted precincts be
chosen at random. We have now photographed ballots from 20 precincts,
including the 14 hand-counted precincts, and have seen only one
stickered presidential ballot, in Pierce Township H. [ See EXHIBIT C
and EXHIBIT D ] In this case, there is a white oval sticker over the
Kerry-Edwards mark, and the Bush-Cheney oval is filled in with a
distinctively different pencil than was used on the rest of the ballot.
Also in Pierce Township H we have digital photographs of 6 ballots
rubber-stamped with the word DUPLICATE. The Board of Elections has
been unable to provide the original ballots or the stickered ballots
from which these are said to have been duplicated, and thus the
validity of the duplicate ballots remains unverified."

Tampered ballot from Ohio: Smoking gun evidence of massive vote fraud
in 2004 election.

According to the affidavit, in Delaware County, Ohio, an armed,
uniformed security policeman working for an entity called Global
Security Services (GSS), LLC, headquartered in Severna Park, Maryland,
interfered with the team of researchers who attempted to examine punch
card ballots. GSS's web site says the firm is composed of "former
career U.S. Secret Service and FBI Agents, Customs Agents, CIA
intelligence and operations specialists, Special Operations personnel,
U.S. Marshals, former state and local law enforcement and emergency
services professionals." And in a revelation that supports this
author's original findings that the 2004 vote fraud had significant
foreign and U.S. intelligence links, including off-shore banking
connections, the GSS web site states the company has "a carefully
developed a network of 11 affiliated offices in the United States and
an additional 43 offices throughout Europe, Russia, the former Soviet
Union and the Western Hemisphere. The network of affiliates and
contacts also include a presence in the 'off-shore safe havens' found
in the Caribbean, Europe, South America, Asia and the South Pacific."
This author's November and December 2004 articles stated that the money
for the throwing of the 2004 election was tied to accounts in the Isle
of Man, Vanuatu and the Cook Islands (South Pacific), Nevis
(Caribbean), and the Bahamas.

Evidence of the use of pre-programmed software to affect the election
outcome was also discovered in Delaware County. Election officials said
they allowed a "mentally retarded man" to corrupt the punch card
ballots in record speed before they were run through vote tabulation
machines. According to the affidavit:
"The chain of custody on November 2, 2004 could have allowed for ballot
tampering in Delaware County. According to Board of Elections
personnel, whichever party wins the precinct in the gubernatorial
election gets to choose the precinct judge for the next four years. The
precinct judges, unaccompanied, bring the ballots to the Board of
Elections after the polls close on Election Night. In Delaware County,
almost all of these would be Republicans, as Bob Taft, the Republican,
carried Delaware County with 71.9% of the vote to 23.5% for Timothy
Hagan, the Democrat, winning 121 of 123 precincts. On November 2, 2004,
the ballots were driven to an underground parking area, where they were
unloaded by teams of teenaged volunteers, including Boy Scouts, and
carried into the Board of Elections building where, again according to
Board of Elections personnel, a mentally retarded man scraped the
chads from the ballots before they were run through the tabulator. For
the record, even now, 20 months after the election, we are not allowed
to touch the ballots in Delaware County. They must be handled by county
employees, one Republican, one Democrat. Moreover, there were 79,691
ballots cast on Election Day and, according to the minutes of the Board
of Elections, the unofficial results were certified at 12:40 AM, only 5
hours and 10 minutes after the polls closed. The mentally retarded
man would have had to examine, and clean as needed, four or five
ballots per second, which calls the whole story into question."

George W. Bush is on the speaking circuit this week, bragging about
America's "democracy" and why "terrorists" hate us. Bush, who stole two
presidential elections, has no ground to stand on. Mexico's actual
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who saw his election stolen with
interference from the same covert elements who engineered the 2004
election fiasco in America, has every reason to resist the illegal
swearing in of neo-con Felipe Calderon, a tool of the global banking
class and neo-con manipulators.


From: "shaman_nation" <>
Date: September 8, 2006 2:54:43 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As
Terrorist Recruiters

House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters
'Strategy for winning the war on
terror' says world contaminated, corrupted by misinformation

Take the link below for many embedded links of information

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 7 2006

A document cited by President Bush in his recent speech at the
Capital Hilton Hotel on how to 'win the war on terror' cites
conspiracies as one of the wellsprings of terrorism and threatens
to "address" and "diminish" the problems they are causing the
government in fulfilling their agenda.

On Tuesday Bush referred to the strategy paper as "an unclassified
version of the strategy we've been pursuing since September the 11th,
2001," that takes into account, "the changing nature of this enemy."
The document says that terrorism springs from "subcultures of
conspiracy and misinformation," and that "terrorists recruit more
effectively from populations whose information about the world is
contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The
distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would
challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda."

The terminology echoes President Bush's speech (video below) to the
UN General Assembly on November 10th 2001 in which he stated, "Let us
never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks
of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame
away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."

This is an outright threat to the 9/11 truth movement and is meant to
have a chilling effect on freedom of speech.

It is also a callous reminder that the administration that has been
the progenitor of the most heinous and deliberate campaign to mislead
and lie to its own people is so transfixed by its own hubris that it
has the temerity to accuse others of propagating deceptive

This is the same administration that deliberately included the Niger
yellow cake fraud in a state of the union speech to sell a war -
knowing that the information was completely bogus.

How dare they threaten us with the very defining characteristic of
their black legacy and equate us with terrorists?

This is a direct assault on the alternative media and a continuation
of the twilight zone rhetoric that saw the administration attempt to
link its critics with Fascists and Hitler appeasers. The only
fascists that should really concern us are not
imaginary 'Blogofascists' or 'Islamofascists' but the Neo-Fascist
slugs that occupy the White House and their cheerleading sycophants
in the mainstream media and congress.

This is by no means the first time political enemies of the state
have been smeared as terrorist sympathizers.

Alex Jones' 2001 documentary film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny featured
footage from a FEMA symposium given to firefighters and other
emergency personnel in Kansas City in which it was stated that the
founding fathers, Christians and homeschoolers were terrorists and
should be treated with the utmost suspicion and brutality in times of
national emergency.

We have highlighted previous training manuals issued by state and
federal government bodies which identify whole swathes of the
population as potential terrorists. A Texas Department of Public
Safety Criminal Law Enforcement pamphlet gives the public
characteristics to identify terrorists that include buying baby
formula, beer, wearing Levi jeans, carrying identifying documents
like a drivers license and traveling with women or children.

A Virginia training manual used to help state employees recognize
terrorists lists anti-government and property rights activists as
terrorists and includes binoculars, video cameras, pads and notebooks
in a compendium of terrorist tools.

Shortly after 9/11 a Phoenix FBI manual that was disseminated amongst
federal employees at the end of the Clinton term caused waves on the
Internet after it was revealed that potential terrorists
included, "defenders of the US Constitution against federal
government and the UN, " and individuals who "make numerous
references to the US Constitution." Lawyers everywhere cowered in
fear at being shipped off to Gitmo.

In May we broke the exclusive of a nationwide FEMA program which is
training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret
police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the
government" in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property
and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 7, 2006 6:58:55 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: Five Years After and We Still Don't Know

"The belief that Muslims pulled off the attacks is based on the
concreteness of the 19 names identified as the hijackers by the FBI.
The fact that the FBI attests to the identity of the hijackers is the
source of the official storys credibility.

"Considering the official storys dependence on the identity of the
hijackers, how is it possible for the official story to survive for 5
years after the BBCs report ( September 23, 2001) that a number of the
alleged hijackers are alive and well?" How indeed?

September 06, 2006

Five Years After and We Still Dont Know

By Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts Archive

In the five years since three World Trade Center buildings collapsed
into their own footprints in virtually free fall time, the convincing
power of the official explanation of that days events has evaporated.
Polls show that 36% of Americans do not believe the official account.
As Lev Grossman writes in Time magazine (September 3, 2006),
"Thirty-six percent adds up to a lot of people. This is not a fringe
phenomenon. It is a mainstream political reality."

Grossman acknowledges that alternative explanations of 9/11 are more
compelling than the official explanation. Grossman offers a
psychological explanation for the success of alternative explanations:
"a grand disaster like Sept. 11 needs a grand conspiracy behind it."

However, Grossmans psychological explanation fails on its own terms.
Which is the grandest conspiracy theory? The interpretation of 9/11 as
an orchestrated casus belli to justify US invasions of Afghanistan and
Iraq, or the interpretation that a handful of Muslims defeated US
security multiple times in one short morning and successfully pulled
off the most fantastic terrorist attack in history simply because they
"hate our freedom and democracy"? Orchestrating events to justify wars
is a stratagem so well worn as to be boring. Indeed, it is the
fantastic conspiracy of the official explanation that makes it

The scientists, engineers, and professors who pose the tough questions
about 9/11 are not people who spend their lives making sense of their
experience by constructing conspiracy theories. Scientists and scholars
look to facts and evidence. They are concerned with the paucity of
evidence in behalf of the official explanation. They stress that the
official explanation is inconsistent with known laws of physics, and
that the numerous security failures, when combined together, are a
statistical improbability.

The call by 9/11 skeptics for an independent investigation by an
international panel of experts is not a conspiracy theory. In principle
there is nothing wrong with such an investigation. In practice, it
might be difficult to create a truly independent panel. How many
physicists, for example, have careers independent of government grants,
and how many engineering firms would risk being branded "unpatriotic"
and lose business by coming down on the "wrong" side of the issue?

Nowhere is there a surfeit of brave men.

I do not know what happened on 9/11, and I dont expect to ever find
out. Neither government nor media show any interest in providing us
with anything except a political commissions report.

9/11 skeptics have pointed out a large number of problems with the 9/11
Commission Report. Here is a very short list:

(1) There appears to be a very large energy deficit in the official
explanation of the collapse of the two WTC towers, and no explanation
for the collapse of WTC 7. What is the source of the energy that
brought down the three buildings?

In the PBS documentary, " America Rebuilds," broadcast in September
2002, Larry Silverstein, who had the lease on the World Trade Center,
said that WTC 7 was brought down by a decision of the authorities on
the scene: "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department
commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able
to contain the fire, and I said, Weve had such terrible loss of life,
maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it. And they made that
decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

Two striking facts jump out from this quote. One is that fire was not
raging in WTC 7. The other is that "to pull" a building means to bring
it down by engineered demolition. For WTC 7 to be pulled on the late
afternoon of September 11, it would already have had to be wired for
demolition. Why was WTC 7 wired for demolition?

Brigham Young University Professor of Physics Steven Jones has
suggested that thermite, or some other powerful, high temperature, high
explosive capable of slicing the powerful steel columns that comprised
the WTC towers central core, provided the energy missing in the
official account.

In a September 1, 2006, New York Times article, "U.S. moves to debunk
alternative theories on Sept. 11 attacks," Jim Dwyer reports that the
National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S.
Dept. of Commerce, disputes Professor Jones suggestion. NIST believes
that such "enormous quantities of thermite would have to be applied to
the structural columns to damage them" that engineered demolition is
not feasible.

Gentle reader, note what NIST is saying. If no reasonable quantity of
the explosive thermite, which is used for engineered demolition, could
damage the powerful buildings, the measly energy from an airliner, a
bit of jet fuel, and gravity could not have collapsed the buildings.

The fact of the matter is that there has been no investigation of why
the three buildings collapsed. Bill Manning, the editor-in-chief of
"Fire Engineering" got it right when he wrote in the January 2002 issue
of that publication that "the official investigation blessed by FEMA
and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers is a half-baked
farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose
primary interests, to put it mildly, lie far afield of full disclosure.
. . . As things now stand . . . the investigation into the world Trade
Center fire and collapse will amount to paper- and computer-generated

Manning complained about the "destruction of evidence . . . of the
largest fire-induced collapse in world history" and wrote that nowhere
in the "national standard for fire investigation" is there "an
exemption allowing the destruction of evidence."

Obviously, we were not meant to know why the buildings collapsed.

This conclusion does not automatically lead to the conclusion that
some elements of the US government and/or Israeli intelligence
destroyed the buildings, using airliners as cover, in order to justify
invasions to achieve US/Israeli hegemony in the Middle East or US
control of oil supplies. No doubt, neoconservatives in the Bush
administration used 9/11 for this purpose. However, perhaps the
buildings failed for reasons that involve enormous liabilities, and
those liabilities were covered up with a bogus explanation.

According to news reports, insurance payments to Silverstein for the
buildings were many multiples larger than the price he paid for the
lease. If the reports are correct, perhaps money explains the story.

(2) The belief that Muslims pulled off the attacks is based on the
concreteness of the 19 names identified as the hijackers by the FBI.
The fact that the FBI attests to the identity of the hijackers is the
source of the official storys credibility.

Considering the official storys dependence on the identity of the
hijackers, how is it possible for the official story to survive for 5
years after the BBCs report ( September 23, 2001) that a number of the
alleged hijackers are alive and well?

According to BBC News World Edition, "Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al
Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed
American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11
September. His photograph was released, and has since appeared in
newspapers and on television around the world. Now he is protesting his
innocence from Casablanca, Morocco. He told journalists there that he
had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington, and had
been in Morocco when they happened. He has contacted both the Saudi and
American authorities, according to Saudi press reports. He acknowledges
that he attended flight training school at Daytona Beach in the United
States, and is indeed the same Waleed Al Shehri to whom the FBI has
been referring."

Obviously, Waleed Al Shehri would not be alive if he had crashed an
airliner into the World Trade Center. It would appear that the FBIs
confidence in the identity of the hijackers is more public relations
than reality. As the FBI has been proven wrong about the identity of a
number of the hijackers, how do we know the FBI is right about any of

There are many holes in the official 9/11 story and very little
evidence in its behalf. Did the government, terrified by possible
public reaction to the catastrophe and expected to have an explanation
for the terrifying event, simply concoct a story?

The reason so many people doubt the 9/11 story is not because they
have psychological needs for conspiracies, but because the 9/11 story
is not believable.


Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

in the Reagan Administration. He is the author of Supply-Side

Revolution : An Insider's Account of Policymaking in Washington;
Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet

Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny

of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the

Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelows
Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of
prosecutorial misconduct.

The articles on are brought to you by the Lexington Research
Institute and The Center for American Unity. We are supported by
generous donations from our readers. Contributions are tax deductible
and appreciated. Contribute...


From: "JP Liggett" <>
Date: September 8, 2006 12:45:13 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Fw: [Project-Censored-L] Project Censored
Announces the Release of the Top 25 Most Censored Stories for 2005-06

This is good news for us. For the first time, 911 truth makes the top
25 censored news list. This post will help get the word out, and
hopefully we'll see more newbies.

18. Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story

Research by Brigham Young University physics professor, Steven E.
Jones, concludes that the official 9/11 explanation for the collapse of
the World Trade Center buildings is implausible according to laws of

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]
Project Censored Announces
the Release of the Top 25 Most Censored Stories for 2005-06

For thirty years Project Censored at Sonoma State University has been
reporting the real news that corporate media refuses to cover. The 250
student researchers and faculty find cutting-edge news stories that go
under-reported in the mainstream corporate media. Real news is not
there for the selling of material goods or entertainment. Real news can
only be measured through its success in building democracy, stimulating
grassroots activism, and motivating resistance to top-down
institutions. Democratic activism underlies the purpose, reason, and
message of free speech. Here again is Project Censoreds release of the
news that didnt make the newsa compilation of the best examples of
journalism that the corporate media marginalized in 2005-06.

Full reviews of the stories are published in Censored 2007: 30th
Anniversary Edition from Seven Stories Press, available at:

1. Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media

Throughout 2005 and 2006, a large underground debate raged regarding
the future of the Internet. Referred to as network neutrality, the
issue has become a tug of war with cable companies on the one hand and
consumers and Internet service providers on the other.

2. Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran
As recently as January of 2005 and a decade before Halliburton sold key
components for a nuclear reactor to an Iranian oil development company
in violations of US sanctions.

3. Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger
Sea temperature and chemistry changes, along with contamination and
reckless fishing practices intertwine to imperil the worlds largest
communal life source.

4. Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US

The number of hungry and homeless people in US cities continued to grow
in 2005.

5. High-Tech Genocide in Congo
The world's most neglected emergency is the ongoing tragedy of the
Congo, where six to seven million have died since 1996 as a consequence
of invasions and wars sponsored by western powers trying to gain
control of the region's mineral wealth

6. Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy

Special Counsel Scott Bloch, appointed by President Bush in 2004, is
overseeing the virtual elimination of federal whistleblower rights in
the US government.

7. US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq

The American Civil Liberties Union released documents of forty-four
autopsies held in Afghanistan and Iraq October 25, 2005. Twenty-one of
those deaths were listed as homicides. These documents present
irrefutable evidence that US operatives tortured detainees to death
during interrogation.

8. Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act
In December 2005, Congress passed the 2006 Defense Authorization Act
which renders Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) operational files
fully immune to FOIA requests, the main mechanism by which watchdog
groups, journalists and individuals can access federal documents.

9. The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall
Despite the 2004 International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision that
called for tearing down the Israel-Palestinian Wallconstruction of the
Wall has accelerated using World Bank funds.

10. Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians

A key element of Bushs drawdown plans in Iraq includes increased uses
of airpower. Expanded air strikes will likely lead to increased
civilian deaths.

11. Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed
Several recent studies confirm fears that genetically modified (GM)
foods damage human health.

12. Pentagon Plans to Build New Landmines
The US plans to resume production of antipersonnel landmines.

#13 New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup
New studies reveal that Roundup, the most widely used weed killer in
the world, poses serious human health threats.

14. Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US
Halliburtons subsidiary KBR has been awarded a $385 million
contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build
detention camps in the United States for immigrations surges and news

15. Chemical Industry is EPAs Primary Research Partner
The American Chemical Council is now EPAs leading research partner

16. Ecuador and Mexico Defy US on International Criminal Court

Ecuador and Mexico have refused to sign bilateral immunity agreements
(BIA) with the US, in ratification of the International Criminal Court
(ICC) treaty, despite the Bush Administrations threat to withhold
economic aid

17. Iraq Invasion Promotes OPEC Agenda
The US occupation of Iraq has been used by the US to acquire access to
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

18. Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story

Research by Brigham Young University physics professor, Steven E.
Jones, concludes that the official 9/11 explanation for the collapse of
the World Trade Center buildings is implausible according to laws of

19. Destruction of Rainforests Worst Ever

New developments in satellite imaging technology reveal that the Amazon
rainforest is being destroyed twice as quickly as previously estimated

20. Bottled Water: A Global Environmental Problem

Consumers spend a collective $100 billion every year on bottled water
in the beliefoften mistakenthat it is better for us than what flows
from our taps. Worldwide, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to
bottle water each year.

21. Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers
Barrick Gold, a powerful multinational gold mining company, planned to
melt three Andean glaciers in order to access gold deposits through
open pit mining.

22. Billions in Homeland Security Spending Undisclosed

More than $8 billion in Homeland Security funds has been doled out to
states since the September 11, 2001 attacks, but the public has little
chance of knowing how this money is actually being spent.

23. US Oil Targets Kyoto in Europe

Lobbyists funded by the US oil industry have launched a campaign in
Europe aimed at derailing efforts to enforce the Kyoto Protocol against
global warming

24. Cheneys Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year

Vice President Dick Cheneys stock options in Halliburton rose from
$241,498 in 2004 to over $8 million in 2005, an increase of more than
3,000 percent

25. US Military in Paraguay Threatens Region

South American countries are concerned that a massive air base at
Mariscal Estigarribia, Paraguay is designed to be a US military
stronghold in the region.


Contact Information:

Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Full reviews of the stories are available at:


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 7, 2006 4:35:11 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: 9/11 Truth Hits Main Stream Media

9/11 Truth Hits Main
Stream Media

3 September 2006

It has officially happened. After five long years, the topic of 9/11
truth has grown so large that it finally made the front cover of TIME
Magazine. When the mainstream media realizes that news harmful to the
Empire can no longer be ignored? It must now do its real job and work
full-time in order to showcase, spin, and thoroughly marginalize the

The same thing just recently occurred with Uranium Weapons (mis-named
Depleted Uranium or DU) as it was recently featured by the Associated
Press. The slanted, only partial-truth media coverage of the use of
these radioactive Uranium Weapons that are causing devastating health
effects on our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq is but another example
of how the media tries to do "damage control" on these subjects that
are dangerous to the Empire - as they have become "hot" topics (pardon
the expression) out in everyday, normal conversation. Banking on the
fact that most Americans do not get their news from alternative media,
people are thus likely to continue to believe the governments' and
mainstream media' reporters', newscasters', and movie-makers' versions
of these stories. Or, so hope the domestic evil-doers in power.

The TIME article must be read and studied as a stunning example of how
the propaganda spin machine works to marginalize truth that can be
devastating to the Empire. It is apparent after reading this piece that
writers simply do not make it through the doors of TIME and other major
media venues without the requisite obedience to the DC power holders
inside the Beltway. This particular TIME writer fully cooperates with
the keepers of the 9/11 "official story" by delving into the psychology
of why 9/11 truth activists make the claims they do in order to hold
onto such "comforting" concepts such as a "malevolent controlling force
orchestrating global events".

Talk about a bass ackwards explanation of why 9/11 truth activists do
what we do! Just go ahead and ask any person who has awakened to the
fact that 9/11 is an inside job if s/he has been "comforted" by this
research and see what kind of look you get. From someone who has spoken
to countless numbers who have woken up to 9/11 truth, I know with great
certainty that had he bothered to actually ask? This TIME reporter
would have gotten any word other than "comfort" as a description of
what actually happens to the psyche of the awakened!

If Grossman had done his homework, instead of using the word
"comforting" to describe the reality of the truth behind 9/11, he would
have chosen a word such as shock, outrage, horror, nauseating disgust -
and that's just for starters! It is apparent that such a condescending
approach and ungrounded statement was made by someone who had clearly
not spoken with many who had experienced the devastating horror of
learning that 9/11 was an inside job, as well as one who was fully
cognizant that he would be receiving a tidy reward commensurate with
his obedience to the official lie-keepers.

As Lev Grossman writes: "People who believe the second explanation live
in a very different world from those who believe the first....This is
not a fringe phenomenon. It is a mainstream political reality." On that
point, Grossman's absolutely right. Our worlds are indeed different -
forever changed - once we discover the horrible truths behind these
lies. And articles like this that re-iterate the many lies told to us
by our government and the 9/11 Commission only serve to make us learn
the actual facts that disprove the "official story" a little bit better
- and spread them out just a little bit wider.

So to all those who know the official 9/11 story is a lie and have
spread these truths far and wide? Let's give credit where credit is
due. If we had not been doing what we do, the necessity of TIME doing
such a necessary spin piece would never have become a reality!
Certainly no thanks to the mainstream media, it is because of the
efforts of ordinary people who know the truth and who do not keep it to
ourselves that the likes of TIME and FOX News now have no choice but to
be forced to continue to de-bunk 9/11 "conspiracy" theories.

The more effective that we are, the more the media and the talking
puppet heads in power will have to spin! And the more often they bring
up the so-called 9/11 "conspiracy" stories? The more the still
un-knowing will become curious upon hearing these intriguing things and
then start to do the research for themselves... just like all of us,
the previously un-knowing, did at one point in time for ourselves.

Make no mistake about this. The truth - about the mass murder of 2,800
five years ago - has now hit the proverbial fan and can no longer be
ignored. And, just like a genie's bottle, once it has been opened? The
entire issue of 9/11 lies has escaped right out of the bottle and can
never again be put back in. The so-called "conspiracy" theories around
9/11 have been released forevermore. And thanks to the efforts of 9/11
truth tellers everywhere? As these articles receive more and more
press, the questions and doubts concerning what Americans were told
about that day will only continue to grow.

Reader Joshua Ash comments:
Depleted uranium is called depleted uranium or DU by every country in
the world. They aren't referred to as Uranium munitions as you
mistakenly refer to them. You need to do some research and realize that
the UN has defined these DEPLETED URANIUM munitions as banned weapons
of mass destruction, and therefore any ambiguity is derelict on your
part. Get over yourself if you think you're breaking the story, because
it's an old one. If you're confused, fine. If you aren't, don't create
any confusion. Depleted Uranium:

Editor's Note: For more on Depleted Uranium see

Cathy Garger:
Veterans for 9/11 Truth:
Scholars for 9/11 Truth:


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Mexico: A New Revolution

by Roger Burbach
September 7, 2006

Mexico moved one step closer to a social explosion with the Federal
Election Tribunal's decision to crown conservative Felipe Calderon as
the victor in the hotly contested presidential elections of July 2.

The tribunal acknowledged Calderon's campaign had "violated the norms
of public order," particularly with the role played by the business
associations in airing rabid TV ads attacking leftist candidate Andres
Miguel Lopez Obrador. But it refused to question the fundamental
legitimacy of the elections or to recount all the votes as demanded by
the leftist opposition.

Lopez Obrador immediately rejected the tribunal's ruling, declaring
that a "privileged minority" has seized control of Mexico's
institutions, "keeping the country in ruins and the majority in

He called for the convening on September 16 of a National Democratic
Convention "to form a government that has the legitimacy to reestablish
the Republic and constitutional order".

As he spoke tens of thousands of his supporters retained control for
the 37th consecutive day of the centre of Mexico City around the
Zocalo, the country's main historic plaza. The rest of Mexico is also
gripped with unrest, particularly the city of Oaxaca to the south.

There some 350 popular organizations have staged a virtual
insurrection, taking control of the city and demanding the ouster of
the state's governor. While not directly tied to the presidential
election, the movement reflects the profound discontent in recent years
that has led to similar uprisings in Chiapas, Mexico's southern most
state, and in San Salvador Atenco, a city that borders on the capital.

Some political observers, like Denise Dresser of Mexico's Autonomous
Technical Institute, recognize the legitimacy of much of the political
and economic platform of the left, but lament the "refusal of Lopez
Obrador to move to the centre, to modify his demands. He says 'to hell
with the institutions' and this could tear the country apart".

But the real problem of Mexico runs much deeper. The entrenched
political classes along with the Electoral Tribunal, and the Federal
Electoral Institute before it, will not make any concessions to Lopez
Obrador because they are afraid the entire system of privileges will
collapse if they make even modest concessions.

The campaign slogan of Lopez Obrador was straightforward: "For the good
of all, the poor first." His program during the campaign was actually
quite reformist. In a country where half the population lives below the
poverty line Lopez Obrador pledged to provide a stipend to the elderly
and healthcare for the poor.

Millions of jobs would also be created, particularly by undertaking
large construction projects to modernize Mexico's dilapidated
transportation system. He also promised to renegotiate the North
American Free Trade Agreement with the United States, particularly the
clauses that allow the importation of cheap subsidized grains that
undermine Mexico's peasant producers.

More importantly Lopez Obrador pledged to break up the corrupt economic
relationship that exists between the business class and government

Everyone in Mexico knows that bribes and kickbacks are commonplace
throughout Mexico as much of the country's wealth is skimmed off at the
expense of the workers and the poor.

This system existed under the previous governments of the Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI). It became particularly insidious under the
incumbent President Vincente Fox and his National Action party (PAN)
because it more than the PRI, is the party of an entrenched business

And not only is Lopez Obrador threatening to break up the system of
inside favours and corruption, he is also proclaiming that the rich
will have to pay the income and business taxes that they routinely

All this is too much for the dominant classes. They cannot countenance
a thorough review of the election process or the opening of the ballot
boxes to recount all the votes in an election that was fraught with
innumerable irregularities.

It is this privileged minority that has radicalized Lopez Obrador and
the Mexican masses.

Mexico has had two major social upheavals in its history. One came with
the independence movement in 1810, and the other with the revolution
that began in 1910 with a fraudulent election staged by a dictator.

On September 16, the same day on which a military parade will take
place in Mexico City, a massive popular assembly will be held to
discuss the creation of an authentic democracy and the possible
formation of a parallel government.

This could very well be Mexico's next revolution, four years before the
century mark.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Roger Burbach, Guardian, 2006

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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 7, 2006 12:31:11 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: General Wesley Clark: "the Pentagon, by late 2001, was
Planning to Attack Lebanon"

General Wesley Clark: "the Pentagon, by late 2001, was Planning
to Attack Lebanon"

Secret 2001 Pentagon Plan to
Attack Lebanon

Bush's Plan for "Serial War" revealed by General Wesley Clark
July 23, 2006 From:

"[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries,

beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and

(Pentagon official quoted by General Wesley Clark)

According to General Wesley Clark--the Pentagon, by late 2001, was
Planning to Attack Lebanon

"Winning Modern Wars" (page 130) General Clark states the following:

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the
military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on
track for going
against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as
of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven
countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran,
Somalia and Sudan.

...He said it with reproach--with disbelief, almost--at the breadth of
vision. I moved the conversation away, for this was not something I
wanted to
hear. And it was not something I wanted to see moving forward, either.
...I left
the Pentagon that afternoon deeply concerned."

Of course, this is fully consistent with the US Neocons' master plan,

"Rebuilding America's Defenses," published in August 2000 by the
Project for the
American Century (PNAC)

And, as PNAC's website ( ) notes,
the lead author of that plan, Thomas Donnelly, was a top official of
Martin--a company well acquainted with war and its profit potential.

It's no surprise that Republicans are starting to talk about withdrawing
troops from Iraq; the troops will be needed in Lebanon. And maybe
Sudan and Syria?


More on General Clark--and his failure to mention all this in his
war commentary on CNN--is in Sydney Schanberg's 9/29/03 article "The
Clark Kept: What the General Never Told Us About the Bush Plan for
Serial War"


From: ufka <>
Date: September 8, 2006 10:38:01 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Rethinking 9/11

dear pine,

this is 'dah and friends' current completed 9/11 piece and it is one
of those long pages that one might choose to read on a slow day.

luv, ~@~


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 7, 2006 12:46:02 PM EST
Subject: Fw: Swedish Professor says Israel violated UN "blue line" in

Swedish Professor Says Israel Violated
UN "Blue Line" in Lebanon Regularly

Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2006 11:57:23 +0300 From: "Israel Shamir"
<> From:

By Anders Strindberg


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 11, 2006, 1:46:02 AM9/11/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 10, 2006

Dear Paul,
Thanks very much for yours below. No, mon, none of this pertains
to whether they agree with me.
What's at stake here is that these people opportunistically
suppress the info best able to wake citizens to the enormity of the
current home-planet emergency: not just 9/11 but also (with maybe one
or two exceptions) the stolen elections of '00 and '04, the effects of
DU, the various murders of activists/inventors/whistleblowers, the GOP
Kidnap/Blackmail/Murder Pedophile Culture, climate destabilization.
These people portray themselves as "truth-seekers" but they
aren't. They're more interested in foundation grants, speaking
engagements and book contracts than in the truth. To portray one's
self as a truth-seeker while in fact seeking other things is of course
a major betrayal.
Some might say that these people aren't sleazy but merely quaint,
that life has passed them by--but I don't buy that. All of them are
far too sophisticated at information retrieval to be deemed quaint or
effete or stupid as an excuse for failing to reflect contemporary
reality forthrightly.
Others might say, well, they shouldn't be held responsible for
themselves because they have to rub shoulders with Amerikans on a daily
basis--but I don't buy that one either. Journalists Christopher
Bollyn, Bonnie Faulkner, Wayne Madsen and Curtis Spangler also rub
shoulders with Amerikans on a daily basis, yet are still able to
provide generally accurate summaries of the most significant current
The most fitting 9/11 Fifth Anniversary Memorial tomorrow would be
one during which all these scoundrelous left/liberal/progressive/green
journalists are burned in effigy. It would also be appropriate to shut
down the offices of pimp/whore Nation Mag tomorrow to protest--among
many other issues--its bribe of Cockburn to lie about 9/11. I say
"lie" because I'm convinced that Cockburn is not innocently misguided
but in fact is too aware to believe what he writes. The truth of 9/11
is as easily available to him as to all the others of us. Please note
carefully here, Paul, that in this and in many other instances there is
no significant moral difference between Cockburn and the average Fox
News journalist--even though they're seen as being quite far apart on a
linear political spectrum.
But fortunately for all of us, you're overrating the significance
of these people--and thus the situation (though it's not looking good)
is not hopeless. What remains of our original '60s huge hopefulness is
the possibility that somehow the US public can come to trust these new
energy breakthroughs so that the notion of scarcity can disappear.
Only such trust can bring the money needed to take these awesome new
ideas from drawing board to application. But based on their current
performances, we can expect little or no help with this from these
aforementioned dissemblers.
It's quite understandable that you'd be taken in by
Chomsky's/Goodman's relatively convincing portrayals of themselves as
truth-seekers---but I'm appalled that you've fallen for David Corn.
Are you kidding?
Since you're unfamiliar with Stewart Brand as a journalist, I
suggest you google for him and on page one there you can click on a
sleazy piece he wrote last year which peddles nuclear energy.
Meanwhile, I think the best way around the
Solomon Information Suppression Cartel is to go door-to-door with
truthful CDs, videos and texts.

Yours for all species,


Transition Prez

PS: We must grudgingly admit that this suppression cartel does its job
well: the percentage of those in the US left/liberal/progressive/green
community who know that 9/11 was an Inside Job is hardly higher than
that of the general population.
PPS: I'll repeat below yours here a brief post from Rick Davis in this

From: Paul Krassner <>
Date: September 9, 2006 1:03:01 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: A Day in the Life: 9/9/6

On Sep 9, 2006, at 8:35 AM, President, USA Exile Govt. wrote:

Journalists Dennis Bernstein, Stewart Brand, Noam Chomsky, Alexander
Cockburn (see below), David Corn, Amy Goodman, David Horowitz, William
Rivers Pitt, Danny Schechter and Norman Solomon are so spectacularly
sleazy that I suspect they'll gradually become fascinating to future


OK, David Horowitz is the epitome of sleaziness, and Stewart Brand is
not a journalist, but the others in your list (which would also
include, I assume, Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn) I consider
truth-seekers, and I think it's unfair to dismiss them simply because
they don't agree with your conclusions. If they are indeed the enemy,
then there's no hope.



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: August 31, 2006 6:33:40 AM EST
Subject: Shame for the left gatekeepers

"Third, insiders are on the verge of going public. 9/11 was so over
the top, so murderous, and the next event will be even bigger, that
patriotism and conscience are working overtime among insiders to
restore a semblance of sanity to our nation. In a hub-and-spoke
conspiracy this large, most participants did not know in advance the
scope of the planned terrorist event. On hindsight, some of the
participants are appalled at what they participated in. They are going
to spill the beans. Furthermore, virtually everyone across the world
inside intelligence services, the military, airline pilots and other
technical experts know full well that the U.S. government and selected
outsiders did 9/11, not nineteen incompetent Arabs at the behest of a
couple of cave dwellers in Afghanistan. Upshot? The dam is going to
break, and probably sooner rather than later." ---

Reynolds is saying what I said a long time ago: Sooner or later,
somebody is going to talk.

It will be delicious watching Bush, Cheney, and their ilk led away in

But you know what will be almost as delicious? We are going to enjoy
ourselves tremendously as we laugh at all the left gatekeepers who
claim that 9/11 "conspiracy theories" are absurd. People like David
Corn, Noam Chomsky, and William Rivers Pitt will be so completely
shamed that they won't come out of their holes for a year. And we
should never, never let them forget it.



From: ufka <>
Date: September 9, 2006 5:36:21 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: If They Lied About One Thing

if they lied about 'one thing' is it not possible they lied about other
things, giving greater possibility that 9/11 WAS an inside job?

(smile) luv ~@~


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: September 10, 2006 7:50:16 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Siberian thaw to speed up global
warming [uk guardian]

Thaw to Speed Up Global Warming

The release of trapped greenhouse gases is pushing the world

past the point of no return on climate change

Robin McKie and Nick Christian
Sunday September 10, 2006
The Observer,,1869000,00.html

The frozen bogs of Siberia are melting, and the thaw could have
devastating consequences for the planet, scientists have discovered.

They have found that Arctic permafrost, which is starting to melt due
to global warming, is releasing five times more methane gas than their
calculations had predicted. That level of emission is alarming because
methane itself is a greenhouse gas. Increased amounts will therefore
accelerate warming, cause more melting of Siberian bogs and Arctic
wasteland, and so release even more. 'It's a slow-motion time bomb,'
said climate expert Professor Ted Schuur, of the University of

The discovery of these levels of methane release, revealed in a report
in Nature last week, suggests that the planet is rapidly approaching a
critical tipping point at which global warming could trigger an
irreversible acceleration in climate change. 'The higher the
temperature gets, the more permafrost we melt, the more tendency it
has to become a more vicious cycle,' said Chris Field, director of
global ecology at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. 'That's the
thing that is scary about this.'

The news of the danger posed by rising methane levels comes after a
week in which scientists outlined a series of disturbing developments
in climate research. These disclosures included news that nearly every
wild animal in Britain has extended its range northwards as the
country heats up; ice cores from the Antarctic have revealed that
carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising at an unprecedented
rate; and analysis suggesting that the world has less than a decade in
which to halt global warming before it reaches a point of no return.

The revelations about Siberia's methane add to these worries. Methane
is produced in soil by bacterial decomposition and normally released
into the air. However, in the permafrost regions of Siberia and the
Arctic the gas gets locked into the frozen soil, and over the
millennia this has built up to create a vast reservoir of the gas.

In addition to the methane built up, it is also known that vast
amounts of carbon dioxide are locked in the planet's frozen zones. In
total, it is estimated there could be as much as 450 billion tonnes of
methane and carbon dioxide trapped in the world's permafrost.

A team led by Katey Walter of the University of Alaska decided to
investigate the rate at which methane is being released as the world
succumbs to the effects of climate change. She chose an area along the
Kolyma river near Cherskii in Russia for the study.

The results revealed levels of discharge that were five times higher
than previous estimates. The results, echoed by studies at 100 other
sites in the north Siberia region, are alarming because methane is far
more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide and is therefore
potentially much more dangerous to the planet. Scientists have
calculated that methane has a global warming potential that is 23
times that of carbon dioxide. This means that a kilogram of methane
warms the planet's atmosphere 23 times as much as the same amount of
carbon dioxide.

'The effects can be huge,' admitted Walter, adding: 'I don't think it
can be easily stopped - we would have to have major cooling. It's
coming out and there is a lot more to come out.'

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Retalix and the Israeli Dallas Spy Cell

Postman Patel excerpts a part from the DEA report on the pre-911
actions of the Israeli spy ring, showing how members of the Dallas cell
purported to be connected to an Israeli firm named Retalix, which makes
product scanners for retail outlets. Postman Patel notes that Retalix
is working with a company called Pay By Touch to develop biometrics to
replace cash and credit cards for retail payments. If Retalix was a
willing front for Israeli spying (of course, it might have been unaware
that the spies were using its name, but you have to wonder why they
chose that particular name, and whether Retalix would have vouched for
them), we have to be open to the fact that once biometics is fully in
place for retail payments, the Mossad could have access to all
information on such payments, with the accompanying possibilities
for blackmail and other shenanigans (including financing itself by
lifting money from bank accounts).

It is interesting how often Israeli firms connected with security come
up when we dig even a little into the story of September 11. In fact,
it appears that all the security connected with September 11 was being
run by firms connected with Israel. It must be a coincidence.

posted at 4:41 AM


Last Updated: Friday, 8 September 2006, 09:37 GMT 10:37 UK

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UN Warns of Gaza 'Breaking Point'

Living conditions for Palestinians in Gaza have reached breaking
point, a senior UN official has said.

The warning came from Karen Abuzayd, head of the UN Relief and Works

She said Israeli military action in Gaza over recent weeks was
creating suffering and mass despair, rather than any desire for
political compromise.

Israel keeps Gaza's borders largely sealed and conducts regular
military operations, prompted in part by the capture of an Israeli

Ms Abuzayd said that Gaza was becoming increasingly isolated by
financial sanctions, the Israeli siege of the territory and daily
targeted killings.

"It would be great to have an international presence, civilian,
military, whatever," she said, adding that an international force of
peacekeepers could offer Gaza's 1.5m people some protection.

"The strangulation of commerce and trade has ruined the economy, it
has brought the institutions of government to a point of near-meltdown
and badly shaken the society," she said.

"These pressures and tactics have not resulted in a desire for
compromise on the part of the government or the people, or yet the fall
of the government, but rather have created mass despair, anger and a
sense of hopelessness and abandonment."

Crossing points

Ms Abuzayd suggested foreign monitors may be able to help some of
Gaza's border crossings re-open more frequently, enabling goods and
people to move freely.

She said EU monitors had successfully enabled Gaza's Egyptian border
crossing at Rafah to function until its closure by Israel earlier this

"It allowed people to move," she said.

"It was very exciting for people who'd been under occupation for 37
years to finally get out of their country."

An Israeli spokeswoman quoted by the Associated Press news agency said
the international community must urge Palestinians "to stop terror and
to recognize Israel".

Ms Abuzayd also criticised a temporary mechanism set up to deliver aid
to the Palestinians as a "stopgap measure" that had not improved Gaza's
"appallingly low standards of living".

Heavy toll

Foreign aid donors established the mechanism in May to deliver limited
funds for Palestinian public services.

Donations to the Palestinian Authority were suspended over the
recently-elected Hamas government's refusal to recognise Israel and
renounce violence.

In late June, Israeli Cpl Gilad Shalit was captured in a cross border
raid by Palestinian militants.

Between then and the end of August, Israeli security forces killed 226
Palestinians, 54 of them minors, in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Human
rights group, B'Tselem has reported.

The group says 114 of these were not taking part in any hostilities
when killed, and 46 of them were minors.

In August alone 76 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military,
19 of them minors, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. More than half of
those killed were not participating in hostilities at the time,
B'Tselem says.


Last Updated: Sunday, 10 September 2006, 02:36 GMT 03:36 UK

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UK Charity Warns of Afghan Famine

Millions of people in Afghanistan face starvation after a drought
destroyed crops, a UK charity has warned.

A Christian Aid survey of 66 villages suggests farmers in the worst
affected areas have lost all their produce.

The aid agency is urging the British government and international
bodies to give money to prevent people starving in north and west

The crop failure comes as fighting continues in the south between the
Nato-led troops and the Taleban.

Most of the water has dried up in the provinces of Herat, Badghis and
Ghor, and the wheat harvest is down by 90% to 100% in parts of Faryab
province, the study indicates.

The Afghan government has set up a drought appeal which needs B#41m.

John Davison, from Christian Aid, said: "This week the world will
clearly be remembering the terrible events of 11 September 2001 in New
York and Washington.

"We would ask them also to remember that five years ago, there was a
drought in Afghanistan that threatened the lives of five million

"While much has happened on the international scene over this period,
once again we are facing a serious drought threatening the lives and
livelihoods of millions in Afghanistan."

The survey indicates those most at risk from starvation are children,
pregnant women, landless families and the elderly.

Sultan Maqsood Fazel, from Christian Aid in Afghanistan, said the
situation would become very serious within a few months.

Christian Aid estimates more than a million people in Herat, Ghor,
Farah, Badghis and Faryab are affected by the drought.

The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) described the
report as "worrying".

"It paints a more serious picture than reports to date from the UN,
although it highlights the same parts of the country," said a


Subject: Israel B Lebanon 'Water War', by Paul Likoudis
Date: September 9, 2006 6:11:56 AM EST

(1) Israel/Lebanon 'Water War', by Paul Likoudis
(2) Reuven Schossen on Israeli Refugees from the Lebanon War: "Running

Israel/Lebanon 'Water War', by Paul Likoudis

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 16:34:04 -0700 From: "gsgbooks"

Following are a couple of articles that get to the real reason for
Israel's war upon Lebanon.

George Gabric

Israel/Lebanon 'Water War'

Paul Likoudis

The Battleground

What if the recent wars in the Mideast b and by recent, (this) means
the last 20 years or so b were not about oil, or "terrorism," but

Hilaire Belloc's 1936 study of the Mideast, The Battle Ground, a
history of "Syria," when Syria was that geographical area that ran from
the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. Even though Belloc wrote his book
after England and France carved up the region, creating Lebanon,
Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq out of the old Ottoman Empire
following World War I, he still referred to the region as "Syria" b for
that is what it is.

"Syria," he wrote, "the battleground of great empires and of much more
important religions, was, at its beginnings, and remains to this day, a
battleground of nature: the battleground between the desert and the

"Syria is a fringe of life established precariously and artificially,
as it were, on the edge of death's empire. It is a frontier occupation
by an invading power b the power of moisture and fertility which has
attacked the dominion of sterile sand and stone. That invading power
has never been able to reach more than a few miles from the seacoast.
Over those few miles it has entrenched itself and it holds them
permanently. That is Syria. That, at least, is habitable Syria, for the
name is extended over the whole vast desert land behind the fields and
the harvests of the coastal hills."

It is water, particularly the winter rains, wrote Belloc, that
determines the fate of empires.


The San Francisco Chronicle's top foreign affairs reporter, Matthew
Kalman, wrote that Israel began planning for its invasion of southern
Lebanon more than a year ago. He reported, in part, in a July 21
dispatch from Jerusalem:

"Israel's military response by air, land, and sea to what it considered
a provocation last week by Hezbollah militants is unfolding according
to a plan finalized more than a year ago. . . ."

'Of all of Israel's wars since 1948, this was the one for which Israel
was most prepared,' said Gerald Steinberg, professor of political
science at Bar-Ilan University. 'In a sense, the preparation began in
May 2000, immediately after the Israeli withdrawal, when it became

clear the international community was not going to prevent Hezbollah

from stockpiling missiles and attacking Israel. By 2004, the military
campaign scheduled to last about three weeks that we're seeing now had
already been blocked out and, in the last year or two, it's been
simulated and rehearsed across the board.' "More than a year ago, a

senior Israeli army officer began giving PowerPoint presentations, on

an off-the-record basis, to U.S. and other diplomats, journalists, and
think tanks, setting out the plan for the current operation in

revealing detail. Under the ground rules of the briefings, the officer

could not be identified.

"In his talks, the officer described a three-week campaign: The first
week concentrated on destroying Hezbollah's heavier long range
missiles, bombing its command-and-control centers, and disrupting
transportation and communication arteries. In the second week, the
focus shifted to attacks on individual sites of rocket launchers or
weapons stores. In the third week, ground forces in large numbers would
be introduced, but only in order to knock out targets discovered during
reconnaissance missions as the campaign unfolded. There was no plan,
according to this scenario, to reoccupy southern Lebanon on a long-term

Lifeblood of a Nation

Israel is facing a severe water shortage, and the sources of some of
the best water in the mideast are in the region secured by Hezbollah
after Israel invaded Lebanon 1982 b which gave birth to Hezbollah.

One recent article posted on the Internet and making the rounds now to
many other web sites is the earthchamber11 blog spot's "The
Israeli-Lebanon Water Wars," which begins:

"If the water resources in your country are rapidly decreasing, and the
neighboring country has an intact water supplyb&and if you think that in
the future you will need the other country's water supplyb&then you will
not attack that country saying you need their water. If you attack that
country you will do so for another reason, hiding your real objective
behind a wall of deception and lies.

"Israel has always had water problems. Today, in 2006, Israel lives
with increasing water shortages and a rapidly decreasing supply of
fresh water. The river Jordan may run dry within the next two years,
because of the vast amount of water being drawn from the river by the
people living in the area. People cannot survive without water, towns
and cities cannot survive without water, and past civilizations have
died out as water became scarce. You cannot grow crops without water,
which means you cannot store food. Water is the lifeblood of a nation.

"In the [Mideast], the supply of water is much less than its demand,
thereby resulting in conflict over it. This is true for Israel and
Lebanon, where there have been struggles, although not always armed,
for the waters of the Litani River. At this point, Israel remains in
southern Lebanon. Part of the Litani is located in this region.

"Israel seemingly is tempted to reach beyond its border to get access
to the needed water. Almost half of the water currently used in Israel
is captured, diverted, or preempted from its neighbors. This is
understandable, given water can be described as 'Israel's vulnerable
and fragile source of life.'

"Historically, Israel has been interested in the Litani, and conflict
with Lebanon over the Litani is more likely given this....Israel hoped
that it would have use of the Litani by the mid-1980s, when it
projected that it would have fully used up the waters captured in the
1967 war. Israel hoped to meet this goal by securing the Litani in
1978. Israel had even included the Litani in calculations of their
water resources.

"Israel's significant sources of water are currently exploited, and the
only other source is the Litani, which, in order for Israel to use it,
would have to be in Israel's possession, which could possibly happen
through seizure. The only other source of additional water would be
recycled water.

"Israel could increase its annual water supply by 800 MCM [million
cubic meters] (approximately 40% of its annual water consumption in
1993) if it had continued access to the Litani through
continued/permanent occupation of southern Lebanon. Another reason for
Israel to want the Litani is that, especially along the Israeli coast,
many aquifers are stressed and their water is increasingly brackish."

Natural and Man-Made Causes

Israel's water crisis is more than severe:

The Jordan River, which originates in southern Lebanon and is fed by
springs on the West Bank b which Israel seized after the 1967 war b is
now little more than a "sewage canal," reported the BBC earlier this
year, with Israel tapping off more than 90% of the annual flow, which
has had a destructive effect on the Sea of Galilee b which is now so
polluted, and so over-pumped, that many Israeli experts predict it may
no longer exist within ten years.

As the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs observed following a special
Knesset report on Israel's water crisis in 2002, in a paper titled,
"Israel's Chronic Water Problem": "Water is considered as a national
resource of utmost importance. Water is vital to ensure the
population's well-being and quality of life and to preserve the
rural-agricultural sector. Israel has suffered from a chronic water
shortage for years.

"In recent years, however, the situation has developed into a crisis so
severe that it is feared that by the next summer it may be difficult to
adequately supply municipal and household water requirements. The
current cumulative deficit in Israel's renewable water resources
amounts to approximately 2 billion cubic meters, an amount equal to the
annual consumption of the state. The deficit has also led to the
qualitative deterioration of potable aquifer water resources that have,
in part, become either of brackish quality or otherwise become

"The causes of the crisis are both natural and man-made. Israel has
suffered from four consecutive years of drought. The increase in demand
for water for domestic uses, caused by population growth and the rising
standard of living, together with the need to supply water pursuant to
international undertakings have led to over-utilization of its
renewable water sources. . . .

"The current crisis has led to the realization that a master plan for
policy, institutional, and operational changes is required to stabilize
the situation and to improve Israel's water balance with a long-term

Israel is not the only Mideastern country facing a serious water
crisis. Iraq also is. Turkey's building of dams on the sources of the
Tigris and Euphrates, is causing severe environmental problems in Iraq,
and its ground waters are diminishing rapidly after years of drought.

Global Hotspots

Other geopolitical hotspots b areas which we have been taught to think
are "terrorist hotspots" or "oil-rich" regions sought by the Europe and
the United States, or India and China b are, according to a study by
Peter Allison for ITT Industries, prepared in March 1999, really "water

b" Egypt/Sudan/Ethiopia: "It is hard to see if a solution will ever be
reached between the Nile basin states. The 1959 agreement is a
non-negotiable issue for Egypt and Sudan. But for the upstream states
its renegotiation is a precondition for future basin agreements. Thus
Egypt and Ethiopia are on a collision course. Ethiopia will inevitably
start to use more Nile water, especially as population increases in the
new century. But the strength of Egypt's resistance to any upstream
development is huge, and Egypt has made it perfectly clear that it will
go to war to protect its share of the Nile waters."

b" Turkey/Syria/Iraq: "One of the world's major hot-spots which could
easily erupt in violence. Turkey holds the dominant position since both
the Tigris and Euphrates rise in its eastern mountains. Both rivers
then flow through Syria and Iraq before draining to the Persian Gulf.
Syria and Iraq are thus dependent on Turkish cooperation for the amount
of water they receive.

"However, Turkey is in the midst of a $32 billion water development
scheme called the Grand Anatolia Project (GAP). GAP includes the
construction of over 20 dams on the Tigris and Euphrates and aims to
irrigate large tracts of land in Turkey's underdeveloped southeast
region as well as providing billions of kilowatt hours of

"GAP is bad news for both downstream states as it reduces the flow of
the Euphrates into Syria, and subsequently into Iraq. . . .Tensions
erupt nearly each time Turkey begins to fill up a new dam built as part
of GAP. . . . And when Turkey started construction of the Birecik Dam
on the Euphrates in the mid-1990s, Syria and Iraq threatened to
blacklist and seek compensation from the U.S. and European companies b
including the Chase Manhattan Bank b building and financing it.

"Syria and Iraq continue to lobby the Arab League states to unite
against Turkey on the GAP issue. As a form of retaliation, both states
have also supported the minority Kurdish Workers Party in its struggle
against the Turkish government. This has prompted Turkey to threaten to
cut off the flow of water to Syria and Iraq on more than one occasion.
Actions like these could well escalate into more serious conflicts."

b" Mozambique/South Africa: "One of several regional disputes in
southern Africa which still remains unresolved. Mozambique's rivers all
originate outside its borders in South Africa, Zimbabwe, or Swaziland.
By the time they reach Mozambique, rivers like the Limpopo, Injaka, and
Incomati are substantially drained or else polluted.

"The Mozambican government has become particularly concerned that South
Africa has increased its agricultural withdrawals from tributaries of
the Incomati which flow through the Kruger National Park along the
border with Mozambique, so depriving Mozambican irrigation in the

b" Kazakhstan / Turkmenistan/Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan/Uzbekistan: This is
the "one to watch." "The Aral Sea in central Asia is in danger of
drying up and disappearing completely because water from the two major
rivers which drain into it is being diverted through irrigation
channels to feed the region's enormous cotton fields.

"The Amu Darya river, which originates in the mountains of Afghanistan
and Tajikistan, and the Syr Darya river, which originates in
Kyrgyzstan, used to replenish the Aral Sea but now neither can provide
enough water to even reach the sea shoreline. The Aral Sea was once the
fourth largest inland lake in the world but since the 1960s the water
volume in the lake has diminished rapidly. Even worse, saline intrusion
and pollution in the Aral Sea, Amu Darya, and Syr Darya rivers, as well
as the surrounding groundwater has meant that many of the villages in
the former Soviet republics which make up the basin have no clean
drinking water."

Moreover, the Texas-Mexico border is another global water hotspot.

Wells with No Water

"Water" b not counting related words such as "watered," "waterest,"
"watering," waterpot," "waters," "waterspots" and "watersprings" b is
one of the words that appear most frequently in the Old and New
Testaments, and, of course, there is this warning from 2 Peter on false

"They are wells with no water in them, clouds driven before the storm;
the lot that awaits them is darkness and gloom. Using fine phrases that
have no meaning, they bait their hook with the wanton appetites of
sense, to catch those who had but a short respite from false teaching.
What do they offer them? Liberty. And all the time they are enslaved to
worldly corruption; whatever gets the better of a man, becomes his

Paul Likoudis is a staff writer for The Wanderer

Reprinted 'From the Mail' column of The Wanderer August 3, 2006 issue
(GSG & Assoc's has modified minor segments of this article for present
tense clarity) ==

Israel's War to Capture 'Litani River' Water

Paul Likoudis

On August 2, as the latest conflict between Israel and Lebanon moved
into its fourth week, and Israel's response to the capture of two
Israeli Defense Force soldiers in southern Lebanon has been to
pulverize southern Beirut, and destroy towns and villages in southern
Lebanon, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force, Gen.
Moshe Kaplinsky, said that Israel was prepared occupy southern Lebanon,
to the north of the Litani River, indefinitely.

In an exclusive interview with the Jerusalem Post, published August 2,
Gen. Kaplinsky said that Israel was determined to control southern
Lebanon, above the Litani, "for a long time."

Disregarding pledges by both Lebanon and Syria that an Israeli military
invasion of southern Lebanon would not be tolerated, Gen. Karpinsky
moved up to 20,000 infantrymen and paratroopers as part of its
Operation Change of Direction in Lebanon and mobilized thousands of
Israeli reservists for action on the new front.

According to the Jerusalem Post: "Signifying, however, that the IDF
might also try to send troops north of the Litani, IAF fighter jets
dropped tens of thousands of leaflets over villages north of the river
on Tuesday calling on the residents to flee further north in
anticipation of IDF operations in the area.

"Brig. Gen. Alon Friedman, deputy commander of the Northern Command,
said Tuesday evening [Aug. 2] that while it would take until the end of
the week for the IDF to take up positions within southern Lebanon, it
could take over a month to destroy Hezbollah terror infrastructure in
the area.

"'If we will need to operate north of the Litani,' Friedman said, 'we
will also operate there.'

A high-ranking officer said the IDF was slightly disappointed with the
progress of the ground operations in southern Lebanon and was hoping
that the current incursion would bring the results. 'We would have
liked things to go faster,' the officer said. 'The enemy, however, had
six years to get ready and infantry units can only go as fast as they
can walk.'"

Israel's decision to re-conquer southern Lebanon, in defiance of U.N.
resolutions, fulfills the vision of the latter Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin, who in March 1978 launched Operation Litani, to seize
southern Lebanon as a security zone or buffer from the Palestine
Liberation Organization, which had been operating there since Israel
seized Palestinian lands on the West Bank in the 1967 war.

However, Begin's dream to capture one of the richest sources of water
in the Middle East - after the Nile and the Tigris and Euphrates in
Iraq - has long been a part of the Zionist vision for Israel.

In a 1997 study on the Litani River prepared by the Inventory for
Conflict & Environment study group at American University in
Washington, D.C., written by Angela Joy Moss, "Case No. 7: The Litani
River: Israel and Lebanon," Moss predicted that the very survival of
both Israel and Lebanon depended upon who controlled the Litani, and it
was likely that an armed conflict would determine who enjoyed the water
and who didn't, for the Litani was an insufficient supply for the water
needs of both countries.

The Litani rises in Lebanon's northern Biqa'a Valley, and empties into
the Mediterranean some 105 miles later, two-and-a-half miles north of
Israel's border.

"The river's proximity to Israel may make it even more tempting for
Israel to exploit," wrote Moss.

"In the Israeli-Palestinian context, water is a central ingredient,
perhaps only second to land, of the wider conflict between the two
sides...the water conflict is not just about water; it reaches to the
recesses of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to questions of land and
annexation. Those are abnormal in a water conflict, and render the
Israeli-Palestinian water conflict more complex and acute than others
in the region.

"Israel seemingly is tempted to reach beyond its border to get access
to the needed water.... Historically, Israel has been interested in the
Litani, and conflict with Lebanon over the Litani is more likely given
this. Essentially, control of the Litani has long been a dream of
Israel in hopes of establishing a greater Zion from Sinai to ancient

"Israel has considered diverting the Litani southward, first proposed
in 1905 because it seemed 'the waters of the Jordan basin would be
insufficient for the future needs of Palestine.'

"The Litani, because of its water, was suggested to become part of the
'national Jewish entity' in 1919 but this was rejected by the League of
Nations, and the Litani became part of Lebanon. There were also
pre-statehood Jewish interests in the Litani. David Ben-Gurion,
Israel's first prime minister, suggested the inclusion of the Litani in
the Jewish state. The 1941 international commission to whom this was
suggested recommended seven-eighths of the Litani be 'leased to
Israel.' Ben-Gurion and Moshe Dayan advocated Israeli occupation of
southern Lebanon and the Litani. In 1945, Professor Lowdermilk proposed
a comprehensive water plan for the region, which would have included
changing the course of the Litani toward the Jordan, and used its water
for irrigation along the Jordan Valley and in central Eretz Israel
(Palestine) where the electricity produced could be transferred to
Lebanon. This was never implemented because the Arabs did not want to
cooperate with Israel. In 1947, Ben Gurion thought the Litani should be
Israel's northern border. In addition, water was a source of conflict
in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

"In fact, in the war in 1967, water resources were 'perhaps the
prominent factor in Israeli strategic calculations'....

"Captured water is the most important part of Israel's total water
supply. The four most important sources of Israel's water are, ground
water; the Jordan watershed; lesser surface waters; and recycled water
and water from desalinization plants,' for a total of just less than
2,000 million cubic meters (MCM) per year.

"Israel's significant sources of water are currently exploited, and the
only other source is the Litani, which, in order for Israel to use it,
would have to be in Israel's possession, which could possibly happen
through seizure. The only other source of additional water would be
recycled water.... 'It is therefore becoming increasingly evident that
the only feasible solution, in terms of water quality, volume, and
proximity of the resource, to Israel's growing water problem is to tap
a nearby source, namely the Litani River.' In addition, declining water
quality in the form of seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers is a
critical issue in Israel. To Israel, therefore, it seems that use of
the Litani is the best way to meet its water needs...."


For Lebanon, the Litani is also crucial, for it provides drinking water
to Beirut, 35 percent of the country's total electrical power, and
irrigates much of the country's farms.

"International law," continues Moss, "establishes that water ought not
to be diverted from this area. It states 'water within one catchment
area should not be diverted outside that area - regardless of political
boundaries - until all needs of those within the catchment area are

"Israel could increase its annual water supply by 800 MCM
(approximately 40% of its annual water consumption in 1993) if it had
continued access to the Litani through continued/permanent occupation
of southern Lebanon. Another reason for Israel to want the Litani is
that, especially along the Israeli coast, many aquifers are stressed
and their water is increasingly brackish.

"Chain Weizmann, head of the World Zionist Organization, wrote (around
1919-1920) to Prime Minister David Lloyd George that Lebanon was
'well-watered' and that the Litani was 'valueless to the territory
north of the proposed frontiers. They can be used beneficially in the
country much further south.' He concluded the Litani was 'essential to
the future of the Jewish national home'..."

In view of the recent destruction of numerous towns and villages in
southern Lebanon, as well as the bombardment of the Shi'ite suburbs of
Beirut which have left the region looking like Stalingrad during the
Nazi siege, as video clips from Middle East news reports indicate,
Moss' prognostications on the Litani dispute between Lebanon and Israel
shed much light on the current conflict.

"It is easy to see that if Lebanon gave Israel the waters of the
Litani," Moss wrote, "opposition from anti-government forces,
especially the fundamentalist movement, would be strengthened, and
there would be continued instability in Lebanon.

"For instance, if Lebanon gave the Litani to Israel and denied the Shia
Muslims, who are predominate in the area, use of the water for
agriculture and domestic purposes, they would be increasingly
frustrated with the Lebanese government. An example of this is that in
1974 there were rumors that water from the Litani were being diverted
to Beirut to meet predicted shortages, which caused large
anti-governmental demonstrations.

"If Lebanon allowed Israeli diversion of the Litani, the economic
development of Lebanon would be adversely affected, and groups calling
for the canonization or Islamization of the country would be
strengthened. Also, much of southern Lebanon would become desert, and
irrigation would be nearly impossible.

"A further reason for concern is that for water, 'stated in terms
relative to their income level, Palestinians pay a minimum of 15 times
more than Israeli settlers - a phenomenal difference for water systems
managed by the same company.' In addition, Elmusa also argues that
water stress is relative, and the Palestinians are much more water
stressed than the Israelis.

"In the 1960's and early 1970's, Lebanon had a plan, presented by Dar
al-Hendesah to irrigate the Shi'ite territories in southern Lebanon
through 'a series of dams and weirs.' But the US and Israel blocked
this plan by pressuring project lenders...."

If Israel succeeds in capturing the Litani, which seems highly likely
at this writing, not only will the Palestinians remain homeless, but so
too will the Lebanese, because there simply is not enough water to meet
the needs of Jews and Arabs.

Paul Likoudis writes for, The Wanderer, a National Catholic Weekly. St.
Paul, MN This feature appeared in the August 17, 2006 edition



President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 13, 2006, 5:18:24 PM9/13/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 13, 2006

From: Janice <>
Date: September 11, 2006 3:42:36 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>


People are being arrested everywhere for nothing... it's here. We're
it. ...

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:22:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tristyn <>

Hey all ! Its tristyn from chicago, and i need your help... I and 4
people who served in the Iraq war... were arrested at the pentagon for
passing out fliers... here is the story... please spread this... we
need all the help we can get.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]
By Joe Hatcher / Iraq Veterans Against the War, Board of Directors

Four veterans of the current war in Iraq along with one supporter were
arrested at the Pentagon on Saturday after they attended this first
open house at the facility since September the 11th, leaving behind
flyers providing information about the lethal effects of depleted
uranium. The flyers were left alongside camouflaged Gideon New
Testaments and information on "Military Survival" for Christian
soldiers in the freshly constructed chapel that now resides at the site
of the 9/11 attack.

Retired Col. Ann Wright states "Iraq veterans who have suffered the
effects of depleted uranium have every right to educate others about
the terrible effects of this illegal substance used in weapons produced
by the United States government." Arrested veteran and depleted uranium
poisoning victim Geoff Millad adds "in spite of the fact only around
7,000 soldiers were wounded in combat during the first Gulf War, over
half a million currently collect disability. This is undeniable proof
of the effects of DU."

Other veterans arrested include Steve Mortillo of Penington, New
Jersey; Toby Hartbarger from Muncie, Indiana and Joe Hatcher from
Oceanside, California. All are members of Iraq Veterans Against the
War. Also arrested was Tristyn Watson of Chicago, Ill. Iraq Veterans
Against the War are currently organizing and participating in the
events at Camp Democracy on the national mall, but hope to find the
support for a nationwide campus and music tour in the form of a bus.

For more information, or to support Iraq Veterans Against the War,
please visit or

Smash the state. Smash the borders. Smash capitalism. Fuck, just smash


!Ya basta!
Enough! Out with them all!!

Janice Matthews
816.444.3249 (office)
816.277-9375 (cell)

S. 2453--Specter/Hagel National Security Surveillance Act of 2006 "A
bill to establish
procedures for the review of electronic surveillance programs"

Rise up! Be heard! Power to the People!
Watch "The Fourth World War" --

Find out just what people will quietly submit to, and you have found
out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will
be imposed on them, and these will continue till they are resisted with
either words or blows. The limits of tyrants are prescribed
by the endurance of those whom they oppress." ~ Frederick Douglass

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial
element in the large centers has owned the government of
the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 12, 2006 9:32:37 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: You've got to watch this...

From: Nila Sagadevan <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:19:57 -0700
To: 911 Research <>, Aero
<>, US <>, INT'L

Conversation: Dutch Controlled Demo expert on Building 7
Subject: Dutch Controlled Demo expert on Building 7

Youve got to watch this...

A Dutch expert on controlled demolition is shown video footage of the
collapse of WTC Building 7 without being told what it is! (He was
unaware there was a THIRD tower that collapsed on 9/11).

As hes shown the freefall collapse (6.6 seconds) from multiple angles,
the reporter repeatedly asks the demolition professional whether or not
its a controlled demolition.

His answer: Absolutely...without a doubt.

Hes then told this was one of the WTC towers, and that it was pulled
on 9/11/01, eight hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers...

Youve got to see the mans look of utter disbelief...


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 12, 2006 9:37:17 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: "More than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon"

Last update - 14:20 12/09/2006

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a name of image.tiff]
IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon

By Meron Rappaport From: Peter Marshall

"What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in
cluster bombs," the head of an IDF rocket unit in Lebanon said
regarding the use of cluster bombs and phosphorous shells during the

Quoting his battalion commander, the rocket unit head stated that the
IDF fired around 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million
cluster bomblets.

In addition, soldiers in IDF artillery units testified that the army
used phosphorous shells during the war, widely forbidden by
international law. According to their claims, the vast majority of said
explosive ordinance was fired in the final 10 days of the war.

The rocket unit commander stated that Multiple Launch Rocket System
(MLRS) platforms were heavily used in spite of the fact that they were
known to be highly inaccurate.

MLRS is a track or tire carried mobile rocket launching platform,
capable of firing a very high volume of mostly unguided munitions. The
basic rocket fired by the platform is unguided and imprecise, with a
range of about 32 kilometers. The rockets are designed to burst into
sub-munitions at a planned altitude in order to blanket enemy army and
personnel on the ground with smaller explosive rounds.

The use of such weaponry is controversial mainly due to its inaccuracy
and ability to wreak great havoc against indeterminate targets over
large areas of territory, with a margin of error of as much as 1,200
meters from the intended target to the area hit.

The cluster rounds which don't detonate on impact, believed by the
United Nations to be around 40% of those fired by the IDF in Lebanon,
remain on the ground as unexploded munitions, effectively littering the
landscape with thousands of land mines which will continue to claim
victims long after the war has ended.

Because of their high level of failure to detonate, it is believed that
there are around 500,000 unexploded munitions on the ground in Lebanon.
To date 12 Lebanese civilians have been killed by these mines since the
end of the war.

According to the commander, in order to compensate for the inaccuracy
of the rockets and the inability to strike individual targets
precisely, units would "flood" the battlefield with munitions,
accounting for the littered and explosive landscape of post-war

When his reserve duty came to a close, the commander in question sent a
letter to Defense Minister Amir Peretz outlining the use of cluster
munitions, a letter which has remained unanswered.

'Excessive injury and unnecessary suffering'

It has come to light that IDF soldiers fired phosphorous rounds in
order to cause fires in Lebanon. An artillery commander has admitted to
seeing trucks loaded with phosphorous rounds on their way to artillery
crews in the north of Israel.

A direct hit from a phosphorous shell typically causes severe burns
and a slow, painful death.

International law forbids the use of weapons that cause "excessive
injury and unnecessary suffering", and many experts are of the opinion
that phosphorous rounds fall directly in that category.

The International Red Cross has determined that international law
forbids the use of phosphorous and other types of flammable rounds
against personnel, both civilian and military.

IDF: No violation of international law
In response, the IDF Spokesman's Office stated that "International law
does not include a sweeping prohibition of the use of cluster bombs.
The convention on conventional weaponry does not declare a prohibition
on [phosphorous weapons], rather, on principles regulating the use of
such weapons.

"For understandable operational reasons, the IDF does not respond to
[accounts of] details of weaponry in its possession.

"The IDF makes use only of methods and weaponry which are permissible
under international law. Artillery fire in general, including MLRS
fire, were used in response solely to firing on the state of Israel."

The Defense Minister's office said it had not received messages
regarding cluster bomb fire.


From: Joe Stokes <>
Date: September 12, 2006 8:29:17 PM EST
To: Joe <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] Loose Change Creators on CNN


NOTE: These next two items belong together because they are a powerful
reminder of just how much suffering the people controlling the US
two-party system are willing to cause in order to have even more money
for themselves. -- kl, pp

VA Report: There Is No Gulf War Syndrome

POSTED: 1535 GMT (2335 HKT), September 12, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- There is no such thing as Gulf War syndrome, even
though U.S. and foreign veterans of the war report more symptoms of
illness than do soldiers who didn't serve there, a federally funded
study concludes.

U.S. and foreign veterans of the Gulf War do suffer from an array of
very real problems, according to the Veterans Administration-sponsored
report released Tuesday.

Yet there is no one complex of symptoms to suggest those veterans --
nearly 30 percent of all those who served -- suffered or still suffer
from a single identifiable syndrome.

"There's no unique pattern of symptoms. Every pattern identified in
Gulf War veterans also seems to exist in other veterans, though it is
important to note the symptom rate is higher, and it is a serious
issue," said Dr. Lynn Goldman, of Johns Hopkins University, who headed
the Institute of Medicine committee that prepared the report.

The VA contracted with the institute, part of the National Academy of
Sciences, to review scientific studies and probe the issue at the
direction of Congress.

Tuesday's report is the latest in the important series, which the VA
will rely on to determine whether Gulf War veterans are eligible for
special disability benefits if they are found to suffer from illnesses
that can be linked to their service.

Veterans can now claim those benefits only by making an undiagnosed
illness claim, said Steve Robinson, a Gulf War Army veteran and
government relations director for Veterans for America.

"They keep saying it over and over, every year. We know that -- we know
that there is no single thing that made veterans sick. We know this
thing is likely a combination of various exposures," Robinson said in
pushing for new studies he hopes will find what ails tens of thousands
of his fellow vets.

A member of the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans'
Illnesses, also chartered by Congress, called the report the "first
step" in cataloging the studies done on veterans of the conflict.

"But the most prevalent problems in Gulf War veterans are the
multisymptom illness/Gulf War syndrome-type problems that still affect
a sizable proportion of those who served in the war. I am disappointed
that the IOM report does little to analyze what these studies
collectively tell us about the nature and causes of these conditions,"
said Lea Steele, a Kansas State University epidemiologist who is the
committee's scientific director.

Soldiers who served in the Persian Gulf following the Iraqi invasion of
neighboring Kuwait in August 1990 have reported symptoms that include
fatigue, memory loss, muscle and joint pain, rashes and difficulty
sleeping. But not all suffer from the same array of symptoms, which has
complicated efforts to pinpoint their cause, according to the report.

Department of Veterans Affairs spokesman Phil Budahn said the VA would
not comment until it had a chance to study the report. The Veterans of
Foreign Wars of the United States also was reviewing the study.

Nearly 700,000 U.S. soldiers, along with troops from 34 other
countries, took part in the Gulf War. Once in the region, those
soldiers were exposed to a wide array of toxins and other potential
health hazards, including smoke from hundreds of oil well fires,
pesticides, depleted uranium ammunition and possibly the nerve agent
sarin, released during the demolition of a munitions dump.

Inadequate screening of soldiers before deployment in the Gulf War,
coupled with a lack of environmental monitoring during the conflict,
have hindered efforts to determine whether exposure to those
contaminants is linked to any illness, the report also notes.

For years, the government denied the mysterious illnesses were linked
to the war. It now acknowledges that at least some were due to wartime
service. The government is no longer pointing to stress as the likely
reason, as some federally funded studies had suggested.

The new report did find evidence of an elevated risk of the rare nerve
disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig's
disease, among Gulf War veterans. They also face an increased risk of
anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse, it said.

Tuesday, September 12 | Upstate South Carolina News, Sports and

Agent Orange Cancer
Findings Won't Get In Report, Air Force Says
chairman raises questions about decision to leave data out

Published: Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 6:00 am

By Clark Brooks

ROCKVILLE, Md. -- Cancer findings described as potentially significant
by the chairman of an advisory committee won't be in the final report
of a 25-year government study of the effects of Agent Orange on Vietnam

The $140 million study of airmen who sprayed herbicides in a series of
missions called Operation Ranch Hand was designed to be used as a basis
for compensation for thousands of veterans. It ends Sept. 30.

The analysis showed a doubling in cancer rates among the
highest-exposed veterans, according to information submitted to the
advisory committee.

The Air Force has no plans to publish the new cancer findings in any
Air Force report or scientific journal, Col. Karen Fox told the
civilian advisory committee during a meeting in Maryland in response to
spirited and sustained questioning during the panel's final meeting

Fox said the Air Force instructed the scientist who conducted the
analysis to destroy the data.

Michael Stoto, committee chairman and a professor at Georgetown
University, said the new analysis included "some interesting and
potentially important findings" about the health of airmen involved in
herbicide spraying missions during the Vietnam War.

"Frankly," Stoto said at one point in the hearing, "when it shows a
significant finding and it seems to have been suppressed, that doesn't
add credit to the study." However, Stoto said later in the hearing he
perhaps should not have used the word "suppressed."

In an interview during a break in the meeting, Stoto said the
discussion was triggered by questions The Greenville News posed to him
about the status of the unpublished data the week before the meeting.

The U.S. military sprayed 18 million gallons of herbicides over 3.6
million acres of South Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 to destroy enemy crops
and hiding places and to clear areas for American base camps. The
majority of it was Agent Orange, which contained cancer-causing dioxin.

Agent Orange and other herbicides, some of which also were tainted with
dioxin, were named for the color of the stripe around their 55-gallon
storage drums.

Sapp Funderburk, an Air Force veteran who lives in Taylors, recalls
loading orange-striped drums on aircraft in 1969 when he was an air
freight sergeant in charge of special handling at Phu Cat Air Base.

"They told us they were Agent Orange, so wear these gloves," he said.
"They were big, heavy rubber gloves like you see in a science fiction

Funderburk, who was diagnosed with cancer of the larynx in December
2001, said that in the tropical heat and humidity, the instant he
lowered his hands, the gloves slid off.

He had to unscrew a plug to open a hole to relieve the pressure in the
drums, he said, and Agent Orange sloshed over him.

Veterans complaining of health problems they said were caused by Agent
Orange began filing claims in the late 1970s, and Congress funded the
Ranch Hand study to investigate the health effects of herbicides. The
study, also known as the Air Force Health Study, began in 1982.

Although the study is ending for the Air Force, the Institute of
Medicine wants the government to preserve the data sets and frozen
biological specimens of about 1,000 Ranch Hand veterans and 2,000
comparison airmen who did not spray herbicides.

A recent IOM report said the materials are valuable and should be
studied further. Legislation pending in Congress would turn everything
over to the IOM's Medical Follow-up Agency, which would collaborate on
analyses with other scientists and research centers.

The Air Force scientists never reported significant incidences of
cancer in any of the study's periodic reports on the participants, who
were examined every three to five years.

Nor has the Ranch Hand data ever yielded a finding of cancer increasing
with dioxin exposure until the new analysis that was the topic of
discussion at last week's advisory committee meeting.

That analysis showed a doubling of cancer among Ranch Hand veterans who
have the highest blood-serum levels of dioxin. Committee members were
aware of the findings because the work was done by Joel Michalek, a
civilian scientist with the Ranch Hand study from the beginning and its
principal investigator for 14 years.

Stoto said in an interview the week before the meeting that the cancer
analysis, which Michalek presented to the advisory committee in a June
2005 meeting, "really needs to be published."

Michalek's data analysis, as detailed on slides presented at that
meeting, shows cancer increasing with dioxin exposure. A separate
analysis showed a stronger diabetes finding among Ranch Hand veterans
than previously, Michalek said. Ranch Hand scientists reported a
significant risk of diabetes among exposed veterans seven years ago.

Michalek, who did not attend the meeting, told The Greenville News he
did the analyses before he left the Air Force in May 2005 for a job as
a professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio. He said he wants to use a similar approach to examine a
variety of other health outcomes in the Ranch Hand group.

In his cancer analysis, Michalek said he took into consideration that
there were intervals during the war when no spraying was done, and that
Agent Orange and other herbicides may have been more heavily
contaminated with dioxin earlier in the war.

Fox, who succeeded Michalek as principal investigator, told the
advisory committee she had doubts about his analyses.

"I don't think there was a hypothesis before he started crunching the
data," she said.

Michalek disagrees.

"We tried to question all of our assumptions and incorporate external
information about the war to once again test the underlying hypothesis
that exposure to Agent Orange may be related to the risk of cancer," he
said. "I hope the new custodian will find a way to give other
researchers access to the study material so these methods and results
can be peer-reviewed."

Fox, responding to questions from the advisory committee, said that in
spite of her misgivings about Michalek's analyses, the Air Force tried
to work with him on the cancer and diabetes papers after he left, but
Michalek didn't follow through.

"We tried to enter into a relationship with him for him to write those
papers," Fox said. "He did not do that."

Michalek said he negotiated with Maurice Owens, a project manager for
Science Applications International Corp., which is under contract to do
data analysis for Ranch Hand study reports. Owens, who attended the
advisory committee meeting last week, told The Greenville News that
SAIC decided working with Michalek would be a conflict of interest
because he had been a scientist for the Air Force.

Michalek said he has since done as ordered and deleted the Ranch Hand
data that was in his possession.

Fox declined to be interviewed during breaks in the meeting.

Ron Trewyn, a biochemist and member of the Ranch Hand study advisory
committee, said during the meeting that if Michalek had left one
university for another, he would have been able to complete unfinished
research papers. He asked Fox why Michalek couldn't do that for the Air

The scientist is "more than welcome" to talk to whatever entity winds
up as custodian of the data and specimens, Fox said.

Trewyn, a Vietnam veteran, said in an interview that getting the new
cancer analysis published is important to veterans who are not yet
being compensated for cancers and other illnesses related to their
service in Vietnam.

The Agent Orange Act of 1991 established a compensation list. The first
entries were non-Hodgkins lymphoma, soft-tissue sarcoma and chloracne,
a skin condition. The act also authorized the National Academy of
Sciences to evaluate medical and scientific data about the health
effects of dioxin exposure from a host of studies, mostly in the
civilian population.

Based on NAS research, the Department of Veterans Affairs has added
nine diseases, among them diabetes and respiratory cancers, which
include cancer of the larynx. Prostate cancer and multiple myeloma are
also on the list.

Among those the NAS is studying that have not yet made the list are
bone cancer, melanoma, testicular cancer, urinary bladder cancer,
breast cancer and most leukemias.

The Department of Veterans Affairs no longer keeps statistics on Agent
Orange claims because of variables such as veterans applying for more
than one type of compensation per claim, said Jim Benson, a VA

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported in 1998 that 92,276 Agent Orange
claims had been filed by veterans and their survivors, and 5,908 of
them had been approved.

Funderburk, the Taylors veteran, receives compensation in the form of
monthly checks from the VA. But he thinks it's unfair that thousands of
other Vietnam veterans with cancer are not getting help.

Trewyn, vice provost for research and dean of the graduate school at
Kansas State University, said cancers caused by exposures in Vietnam
could show up anywhere.

"Some people are going to be susceptible to one type of cancer versus
another," he said. "Having done research on cancer, it doesn't surprise
me at all that you find this at a whole host of different sites."

Or, as Funderburk put it, "To me, cancer is cancer is cancer."

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Test "Non Lethal Weapons" on U.S.
Citizens in "Crowd Control" Situations

September 13, 2006

This report suggests that the so-called non lethal weapons which are
electromagnetic devices are to be used both in war theaters, against
civilians, as well as an instrument of "Domestic Security", directed,
for instance, against demonstrators and antiwar activists.

Air Force chief: Test weapons on testy U.S. mobs

POSTED: 7:56 p.m. EDT, September 12, 2006 POSTED: 7:56 p.m. EDT,
September 12, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave
devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations
before being used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said

The object is basically public relations. Domestic use would make it
easier to avoid questions from others about possible safety
considerations, said Secretary Michael Wynne.

"If we're not willing to use it here against our fellow citizens, then
we should not be willing to use it in a wartime situation," said Wynne.
"(Because) if I hit somebody with a nonlethal weapon and they claim
that it injured them in a way that was not intended, I think that I
would be vilified in the world press."

The Air Force has paid for research into nonlethal weapons, but he said
the service is unlikely to spend more money on development until injury
problems are reviewed by medical experts and resolved.

Nonlethal weapons generally can weaken people if they are hit with the
beam. Some of the weapons can emit short, intense energy pulses that
also can be effective in disabling some electronic devices.

On another subject, Wynne said he expects to choose a new contractor
for the next generation aerial refueling tankers by next summer. He
said a draft request for bids will be put out next month, and there are
two qualified bidders: the Boeing Co. and a team of Northrop Grumman
Corp. and European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co., the majority owner
of European jet maker Airbus SAS.

The contract is expected to be worth at least $20 billion (15.75

Chicago, Illinois-based Boeing lost the tanker deal in 2004 amid
revelations that it had hired a top Air Force acquisitions official who
had given the company preferential treatment.

Wynne also said the Air Force, which is already chopping 40,000 active
duty, civilian and reserves jobs, is now struggling to find new ways to
slash about $1.8 billion (1.4 billion) from its budget to cover costs
from the latest round of base closings.

He said he can't cut more people, and it would not be wise to take
funding from military programs that are needed to protect the country.
But he said he also incurs resistance when he tries to save money on
operations and maintenance by retiring aging aircraft.

"We're finding out that those are, unfortunately, prized possessions of
some congressional districts," said Wynne, adding that the Air Force
will have to "take some appetite suppressant pills." He said he has
asked employees to look for efficiencies in their offices.

The base closings initially were expected to create savings by reducing
Air Force infrastructure by 24 percent.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material
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President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 15, 2006, 2:25:26 AM9/15/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 14, 2006

From: "CLG News" <>
Date: September 13, 2006 5:27:19 PM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
13 September 2006

Syria Says US Behind Attack On Own Embassy 13 Sep 2006 Senior Syrian
government official have accused the US of being behind Tuesday's
assault on its own embassy in downtown Damascus. A Baath party
official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told WorldNetDaily,
"We in the government are 100 percent sure America was behind this
attack, which is not the same as other attacks by Islamic groups." He
explained, "Only the Americans can succeed in carrying out an attack
just 200 meters from President [Bashar] Assad's residence in the most
heavily guarded section of Syria."

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested.

Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:
Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder
and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.


From: "Scott Peden" <>
Date: September 13, 2006 10:38:38 PM EST
To: <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 5 Years Later...In Tampa Bay

9/11 5 Years Later... in Tampa Bay

By: Elaine Nichols

I left my house Monday morning a little later than I wanted to, and
worried if I would make it on time for our first event of the day, the
morning service memorializing those who lost their lives so horribly on
that fateful day 5 years ago, and wondering to myself how everyone
could just go on about their daily lives as if nothing ever happened.

I arrived, with 10 minutes to spare, at the Old Historic Courthouse in
Downtown Tampa where a very small gathering of friends and media as
they awaited our guest of honor, Ray McGovern, who arrived shortly
after I did.

The service was really beautiful, with Ray's inspiring and thoughtful
words, a heart stirring poem written by a friend and fellow activist,
and the singing of America the beautiful...

After the service, a very small group of us walked to the tallest
buildings, Ameritrust and BankofAmerica, to hand out 9/11Truth leaflets
and DVD's. As we walked around we were accompanied by our friendly TPD
detail that were arranged beforehand to make sure we were protected
throughout downtown and also later at the afternoon rally. I was
pleasantly surprised at the friendly nature of our police detail, and
for the most part, they stayed back and allowed us to pass out our
leaflets and talk to the public without any problems.

In past events, this has not always been the case.

My friends and I continued to be surprised at the lack of interest by
many passers by, which truly saddens me, and was just more validation
of the apathetic nature of too many citizens of this nation.

The afternoon rally near the front gate of MacDill AFB (CENTCOM), was
hugely succesful. We had the VFP, CodePink, StPeteForPeace, and 911
meet-up Tampabay, some local and state Anti-War/Pro-911truth
candidates, and even a few stragglers join us. This is one of the
busiest intersections in Tampa on a Monday afternoon, and the response
from vehicles was more positive than negative. I could count the
negative comments on one hand, and that was after three hours of heavy

I then made my way to the library where I had organized a screening of
911 Mysteries following the rally, and was pleasantly surprised to hear
that they had moved us to a bigger room, because they were bombarded
with phone calls all afternoon from people who were coming to see the
movie. Needless to say we had a really great crowd, and Ray McGovern
got up to speak following the movie, which led into a question and
answer session, which we eventually continued at a nearby BeefOBradys.
What a great night!

Thanks so much to Ray, who is a not only extremely intelligent, well
spoken, funny, and down to earth, but an all around really wonderful
guy, and I can't wait for him to come and visit with us again.

Needless to say, after all of the media presence throughout the day,
there was nothing to show for it, not even a back page mention, not
even in the St.Pete Times, which usually gives us a good write up, and
so the media cover-up continues...

In Unity and Truth,


PS...I had the pleasure of speaking to Sophia, the maker of 911
Mysteries today, and she is really an amazing woman. I want all of you
to know that this woman maxed out her credit cards, and mortgaged her
home to make this movie, so please, please, please, help her recoup her
money by purchasing the movie.

There are two more parts of the movie that need to be made, and she
cannot continue her work without funding.

This movie is the MOST powerful 911Truth tool yet, and she needs our
help to finish it!!


On Sep 14, 2006, at 1:38 AM, Jolly Roger wrote:

Read something very interesting at prison planet -- In my account of
the ground zero action I mentioned that I had a feeling the cops were
on our side -- Alex Jones says he has video of one of them saying
"thank you, we appreciate your investigation, keep it up" --- or
something to that effect, and that many of the cops there shared that
same opinion. I thought it was weird how they were escorting us around
-- almost like they were protecting us rather then being ready to taser
and mace us.

As it turns out, a lot of cops (and rescue workers) are suffering from
lung damage because the feds lied about the air quality --- so we may
have picked up an important ally in this struggle. I think the cops
really are on our side, but they're just not allowed to talk about it.

A few days ago I read somewhere that some military brass ignored Rummy
when he told them to send troops into Iraq (or possibly Afghanistan).

These events are very significant, and the best thing we could hope for
--- it means we can reach a peaceful solution, and no dissenters will
be "rounded up." We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

everyone who knows the truth is on our side.


From: Kevin Lee Hammond <>
Date: September 14, 2006 12:26:51 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: [ParanoidTimes] Alex Jones' Ground Zero
Report and 9/11 news around the world the truth is out!

shane_digital <> wrote:
From: "shane_digital" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 04:50:41 -0000
Subject: [ParanoidTimes] Alex Jones' Ground Zero Report and 9/11 news
around the world the truth is out!

Alex Jones' Ground Zero Report and
9/11 news around the world: the truth is out!

We have made available the MP3 of the entire Alex Jones Show today
because of the importance of the broadcast. Alex is back in the studio
to discuss his role in the 9/11 anniversary protests, and is joined by
several truth activists who were there with him including Jason Bermas
from the Loose Change crew. Also featured is a short interview with
BBC reporter Greg Palast, who is being criminally charged with
unauthorized filming of a "critical national security structure" in

> VIDEO: Alex Jones @ Ground Zero
> VIDEO: Alex Jones & Truth Activists Protest Elliot Spitzer
> VIDEO: Venezuela's Chavez says Bush planned 9/11 attacks
> Norwegian imam: Muslims not behind 9/11
> UNH backs prof with controversial views on Sept. 11
> French Newspaper Le Monde Covers 9/11 Truth
> Internet gives voice to 9/11 'truth seekers'
> HIT PIECE: Attack sparked an industry for conspiracies
> It's 9/11, stay aware
> VIDEO: Alex Jones, Protesters Confront CFR Globalists
> PHOTOS: 9/11 Truthers at Ground Zero
> Alex Jones Bullhorning at the WTC
> Empty Words: No Longer Believable
> VIDEO: David Ray Griffin BBC interview about 9/11
> Pyroclastic Flows - 9/11's `Smoking Gun'
> Loose Change on Paula Zahn

all this here:

Got flooded with news submissions today. I would encourage everyone to
make use of the blogs section to post and discuss news as we can't
give each of these submissions the attention they deserve at the rate
they are coming in.

(image courtesy of louder than words)

Loose Change Creators post Photos and Commentary from 5th Anniversary

Massive Protests at Ground Zero with Alex Jones on a bullhorn:

9/11 Mysteries available on google video:
9/11:Press for Truth on google video:
New first hand footage from 9/11 in NYC: September 11, 2001: What We Saw .MOV
Google video

Dutch program Zembla investigates 9/11 theories - streaming video

One of the more interesting moments in this documentary (about
46:25 minutes into it) is when they ask demolition expert Danny
Jowenko (who has his own demolition firm and reportedly has been
active in this business for 27 years) to comment on videos of the
collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. His response to the WTC 7 video:
"This is controlled demolition".

Dutch 'Metro' paper publishes 2 pages on 9/11 skepticism (translation)
9/11: Press for Truth Premeir in Decatur, GA -
Enough of the 9/11 Conspiracies, Already -
Brad Blog editor reviews 9/11:Press for Truth
Oliver Stone hints at darker 9/11 film in future
Five years later, 9/11 doubters linger - Aspen Daily News
VIDEO: The Debate: Loose Change Vs. Popular Mechanics
Rush Limbaugh fields Caller who says 9/11 an inside job
9/11 Truth Movement Needs Legal Action Group

thanks to kim, stuart, barry, JT, Kev, Sam L, johan, road66, david,
Michael, Paul, and others for the submissions!!

all this here:


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: September 13, 2006 11:46:38 PM EST
Subject: How 50 Men May Have Engineered 911

Here's a sensible response to those who claim it would be impossible to
keep the lid on 9/11. Note that Ruppert's book also features Zakheim
and his company.


How 50 Men May Have Engineered 911
Douglas Herman

I've read a lot of commentary about the number of plotters it would
have required to carry out an "Inside Job," black operation on
September 11, 2001. One lively critic of the Truth Movement, Jan
Burton, emailed me that 10,000 men would be needed. And all of them
would have to keep their mouths shut forever.

I think 50 top specialists might carry out an operation like 9-11
successfully. Here's how it might be done.

Four or five head plotters at the top might hatch a plan. Call our plan
PNAC. Plan of a New Attack Conspiracy. This handful of top government
officials would hold the true reins of power in the White House and the
Pentagon. I could name three or four players right now, just as anyone
could, but I'll leave their identities to the imagination of my

These powerful men, connected to banking, oil and the defense industry,
would have a plan in place months in advance. They would then be joined
by a half dozen foreign political operatives from a small, tech-savvy
country. This small tech-savvy country would, ironically, have top
officials in place already in the Pentagon. They would possess dual
citizenship but be most loyal to one country. The small one.

Now we have 10-12 plotters.

The secretive, top operatives of the two countries would be joined by a
few top honchos in the intelligence field. They would serve as a
delaying force, delaying the warnings of loyal and patriotic Americans
in the FBI, NSA and the FBI. Any whistleblowers that arose---like FBI
translator Sibel Edmonds or the deceased FBI agent John O'Neill---would
be marginalized later by a complicit mainstream media. This media would
consist mostly of dupes and true believers. They would be outside the
loop and not required to have insider information.

Now we number 15-20 key plotters.

These remarkable and clever men command huge numbers of SPECIAL FORCES.
These special commandos resemble the Navy Seals. They possess certain
demolition skills and variety of disguises and genuine-looking yet fake
identification. I suspect these key players pledged a loyalty to a
certain tech-savvy country and have been highly trained to follow
orders. Trained professional killers who ask no question. Ever.
Additionally, with their identifications, they are allowed ready access
to key security points easily. Perhaps a dozen men altogether--maybe as
few as a half dozen-probably gained access to the WTC buildings 1,2,
and 7 in the months prior to that "attack."

How many conspirators do we number thus far? 30 or 35 maybe? Far cry
from the "tens of thousands" the Bushco apologists suggest.

Next, one would need the ability to control planes by remote control.
Curiously, the head of a small, tech-savvy company that possessed that
very technical electronic skill also enjoyed ready access to the
Pentagon. He worked there in a high position as Comptroller,
controlling the flow of money (during a time when 2.6 trillion went
unaccounted for). According to Wikipedia: "In 2001, Dov Zakheim was
CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation,
a defense contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies
including remote-controlled aircraft systems.

Coincidental? Perhaps-perhaps not.

Now you would need two or three more top people, preferably very rich,
connected to the New York real estate market to acquire control of a
suitable target. Let us call this target the WTC complex, a suitable
array of architectural white elephants and one very highly important US
government building (WTC-7) that could be insured for far more money
than they cost.

Now we number 38 insiders at the most. Almost all of our ducks are in
place. The shooting gallery is just about to open.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll require some skilled commandos to
remain close to the targets. To remotely control the hijacked planes
into the towers and Pentagon. How many skilled technicians would this
require? Five thousand, you say? How about a dozen?

Well, now we've reached the 50. Anyone else is a peripheral player. Any
top US general, befuddled at the Pentagon or NORAD is simply a victim,
as much as those bewildered FAA air traffic controllers or USAF pilots.
By the way, whatever happened to those air traffic control tapes? Guess
we can add that fellow to our list of plotters, the top official who
ordered the tapes destroyed after the New York Massacre.

That takes us to 51. Call it Area 51. A place that doesn't exist.
Except in the twilight zone of our imagination. Except in the minds of
"conspiracy nuts" like myself.

Lastly, critics of an inside job, like my correspondent Jan Burton,
claim that somebody, anybody, would have come forward by now and
"blown" the plot wide open. Now why would they do that? Indeed,
well-trained commandos from another country might feel compelled to
drunkenly boast about their exploits but I seriously doubt any commando
would suffer any pangs of conscience.

And suppose some top official already came forward? Sybil Edmonds
already came forward about 911 and her revelations have amounted to
exactly nothing. Any top US official would have to think twice before
risking his neck to suffer ridicule and probable recriminations---and
threats of harm to himself and his family. I'm reminded of those US
Navy sailors who were threatened with simple military courts martials
and demotions if they talked about the attack on the USS Liberty. Now
multiply the threat by, say, death. How many would talk then?

USAF veteran, amateur historian and controversial novelist of The Guns
of Dallas, Douglas Herman explained the likely scenario of the JFK
assassination in his recent suspense thriller. He writes for that last
bastion of free speech--the internet. Support it or lose it. Contact
him at


From: "Amy Sasser" <>
Date: September 14, 2006 11:35:50 AM EST

This Affidavit Is 18 Pages Long: Stealing Ohio

This Affidavit is 18 pages long

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You

have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the
current President.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

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Last Updated: Thursday, 14 September 2006, 05:18 GMT 06:18 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
'Drastic' Shrinkage in Arctic Ice

By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website

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A Nasa satellite has documented startling changes in Arctic sea ice
cover between 2004 and 2005.

The extent of "perennial" ice - thick ice which remains all year round
- declined by 14%, losing an area the size of Pakistan or Turkey.

The last few decades have seen summer ice shrink by about 0.7% per

The drastic shrinkage may relate partly to unusual wind patterns found
in 2005, though rising temperatures in the Arctic could also be a

The research is reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the global average.

Perennial decay

Recent studies have shown that the area of the Arctic covered by ice
each summer, and the ice thickness, have been shrinking.

September 2005 saw the lowest recorded area of ice cover since 1978,
when satellite records became available.

This latest study, from scientists led by Son Nghiem of Nasa's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory in California, measures something slightly
different from the extent of summer ice cover - the extent of
"perennial" ice cover.

Perennial or "multi-year" ice is up to 3m thick and survives through
at least one summer. It is different from "seasonal" ice, which is
thinner and melts more easily, surviving for just one winter before
succumbing to the summer sun.

"Perennial ice contains less salinity," explained Dr Nghiem. "It's
freshwater ice - there are more bubbles in it and typically its surface
is much rougher - and a scatterometer [a radar-based instrument] can
distinguish between the two types."

Using the scatterometer on Nasa's Quikscat satellite, researchers
scanned the Arctic for perennial and seasonal ice. From October 2004 to
March 2006 they plotted a steady decline.

When they compared figures for the 2004 and 2005 northern hemisphere
winter solstices - 21 December - a huge change showed up.

"In previous years there is some variability, but it is much smaller
and regional," Dr Nghiem told the BBC News website.

"However the change we see between 2004 and 2005 is enormous."

The area of perennial sea ice lost was about 730,000 sq km, with a
huge loss in the East Arctic (defined as north of Russia and Europe)
and a small gain in the West Arctic, north of the Americas and the
Atlantic Ocean.

Stray winds

Continuous scatterometer data has been available only since 1999, so
for comparison researchers must use the records of summer ice extent -
which is almost, but not exactly, the same thing as perennial ice

"If we average that over the long term we find a reduction of between
6.4% and 7.8% per decade," said Dr Nghiem. "What we have here is 14% in
one year - 18 times the previous rate."

The key questions are what caused it, and whether it is an anomaly or
the first sign of a major change of pace for Arctic melting.

Quikscat also monitors winds, and noted unusual patterns of wind in
the East Arctic in 2005 which could be related, perhaps propelling old
ice from east to west, though how that could explain such a drastic
loss of perennial ice is not clear.

If the pace of Arctic melting is quickening, the implications for the
future are not reassuring.

Ice reflects the Sun's energy back into space; open water absorbs it.
So a planet with less ice warms faster, potentially turning the
projected impacts of global warming into reality sooner than


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: September 14, 2006 7:02:07 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Venezuelas promising future [lemonde]>

Le Monde Diplomatique
September 2006

Popular revolution, culture of impunity

Venezuelas promising future

Local councils Units of Popular Power are being set up in the hope
their members, and the small groups they represent, will take
for changing their lives.

By Renaud Lambert

Juan Guerra, a lorry driver from Zulia state, knew that he looked out of
place in an office in his dirty jeans and three-day beard. But he had
a week crossing Venezuela and he would not be intimidated by a civil
from the national assembly. He slammed his fist on the table and said:
we are not asking, we are demanding that the comrade deputy transmit our
complaint to the citizen president.

Juan and his colleague Jhonny Plogar represent 700 lorry drivers. In
they filed a complaint against their employers, the coal haulage
Cootransmapa, Coozugavol and Coomaxdi. According to the plaintiffs, the
companies misused their cooperative status to benefit from tax
and state contracts. Over the past five years the two men have been
from office to office and Jhonny has a bulging file of copies of letters
written to ministries, town halls, the state government and the

When Venezuelas National Superintendence of Cooperatives (Sunacoop)
withdrew the companies cooperative status, the national coal mining
continued to use their services. The Zulia state governor and
candidate, Manuel Rosales, who signed a decree dismantling all bodies
set up
during the 2002 coup, is in no hurry to put Sunacoops decision into
The bosses are using the time to get organised. Hired killers known as
sicarios will soon be threatening people.

This is a common situation in Venezuela. When the two men reached the
national assembly to present their case, they found a crowd of other
plaintiffs with similar cases. All support Hugo Chavez, the citizen
president, and all demand an end to bureaucracy and corruption. They are
hostile towards a government that they consider inefficient at best,
reactionary at worst. Chavez himself has said: Our internal enemies,
most dangerous enemies of the revolution, are bureaucracy and

This language has been used before to blame incompetent activists for
applying presidential policies correctly. But the Bolivarian process
stresses popular participation as a means of transforming the state
apparatus. In Venezuela it is called the revolution in the revolution.

Before Chavez was elected in 1998, two parties shared power for 40
the Venezuelan Christian Democratic party (Copei), and the social
party, Democratic Action (AD). They were adept at using petrodollars to
with problems. They handed out government posts to calm social unrest
had to comply with the neoliberal ideology of the North and the need to
limit public policies. The only way to offset the bloated state
was to organise its inefficiency. With Venezuelas social divisions,
civil servants often come from backgrounds resistant to social change,
sometimes because of ignorance of the conditions in which most
live. Gilberto Gimenez, director of the foreign ministers private
has said his solution was: Diplomats will be promoted only if they
two weeks in the barrios (working class districts). He was smiling
when he
said it.

Few political leaders are able to take an active role in transforming
state from within. Before the foreign minister, Ali Rodriguez (2), got
job, six others had tried their hand since 1998.

Not a political party

The Fifth Republic Movement that brought Chavez to power is not a
party. After 1994 (3) it grew out of a coalition of leftwing parties and
former guerrilla movements disgruntled with their leaders, who some
settled too comfortably into the society they had struggled against.
activists trained by AD and Copei quickly realised that the Chavez
candidature would open up new ways to reach power and many joined his

In November 2001, when Chavez tried to pass 49 decrees to start social
reform, Luis Miquilena, who had been responsible for bringing the
left and Chavez together, decided the decrees were too radical. He
as interior minister (4) and his followers in the National Assembly
followed. We lost a legislature, explained sociologist Edgar Figuera,
They were passing those laws on the cheap. Venezuela is still stuck in
legal framework of the Fourth Republic (5). Until the country could
its activists, a revolutionary project was being built with tools
from a state devoted to perpetuating the neoliberal model.

At the December 2005 parliamentary elections pro-government parties won
167 seats in the national assembly and no longer had any excuse to delay
legislative reforms. The 75% abstention rate in the elections may have
the result of a boycott by the opposition, realising that it would be
and preferring to abstain. Even so, it revealed dissatisfaction with a
common failing in the revolutionary process, one with which Venezuela
deal: the replacement of a bourgeois elite by a political elite that
has the
same shortcomings and distances itself from the daily realities of the

Without a real party, a solid state, enough revolutionary activists or,
the moment, a coherent social movement, the Bolivarian revolution in
Venezuela is no different from any other experiment in Latin America.
said in 2004: The people must be organised and take part in a new
participative, social state so that the old rigid, bureaucratic,
state is overthrown. He was referring to missions, programmes
managed by
the community, that bypassed the old state to deal with social
The creation of communal councils this April is an important step
building the new state and the type of local government on which it
will be

A small house shelters the Unit of Popular Power (UPP) at Vela de Coro
the sun that scorches the Paraguana peninsula. A small poster explains
communal councils are a push for participative democracy, for assisting
social movements in their quest for solutions to collective problems and
paying back the nations social debt. Here, the town hall took the
initiative to help set up these organisations. Xiomara Pirela, UPP
coordinator, said: We just supply the tools or help in the event of
conflict. Only a citizens assembly can make decisions.

The councils at work

The councils task is to coordinate and integrate activities of local
missions, urban land and cultural committees. Pedro Morales, director
the Caracas region of Fundacomun, the organisation that finances the
councils, said they do not represent, but speak for the citizens
which is the ultimate decision-making body.

Xiomara Pirela showed us a pile of maps, some drawn in felt-tipped pen.
People start by making a social sketch of their community: houses,
inhabitants, their income, infrastructure, social problems. This work
contributes to the participative diagnosis and highlights priorities:
water supplies, drainage, a health centre. On that basis the communal
council suggests projects to citizens assemblies, passes them to
authorities and manages resources allocated through a communal,
bank. Each project can get up to $15,300; applications for more
projects can be made to public planning councils or town halls for the
following year.

In Barinas, Mirida, Tachira and Trujillo, the four most advanced states
the Occidente region, more than $44.6m has already been paid for some
projects. After 2007 half the money allocated to the Intergovernmental
Decentralisation Fund and the Special Economic Assignments Law for
mines and
hydrocarbons, nearly $1.2bn, will be earmarked to finance the councils.
halls and states that used to benefit from these funds will have to
make do
with what is left over.

Some mayors are tempted to push their sympathisers for election to the
councils, although it is illegal. According to Pedro Morales: The
are not only a response to the problems of bureaucracy and corruption;
also increase the accountability of people who were used to letting the
state decide for them and then complain about the result. The
population is
more than ready to take on the responsibilities.

On 16 July Block 45, a huge apartment building in the 23 de Enero
barrio of
western Caracas, leapt a political hurdle. After half a dozen
assemblies, they elected a council. A resident pointed to the garbage
carelessly around the block. This building is known as one of the
in all of South America, she said, then added proudly, but now people
get a grip on the situation.

No vote, no meals!

Something similar happened further up the hill in the El Observatorio
district. A plastic sheet pinned in a corner served as a voting booth, a
poster reminded voters balloting must be direct and secret and a queue
formed in front of the cardboard urns, shown to be empty before voting
began. As is so often true, the local women had taken matters in hand.
stakes were considerable and the law clear. Notices said: If less than
of the community takes part (6) the election will be invalid and no
complaints will be accepted afterwards. The women were confident: The
will come, one said. Ive told my husband: no vote, then no meals, no
laundry, nothing!

In a few months thousands of councils have been or are being set up.
that existed before the law was passed are gradually being legalised.
are already more than 500 in Caracas and 50,000 are expected overall.
Upper-class districts are also taking part that is, when people
agree to
provide information on salaries, said a resident of Prado del Este.
Paraguan, an El Observatorio council member, said: At least theyre
part. Who would have thought that possible a few years ago?

Why did the government wait seven years to set up the councils? Engels
Riveira of the Camunare Rojo council said: If the mayors and governors
done their jobs properly, we wouldnt have needed the councils. In a way
its thanks to them.

The rush to set up the councils shows that they cater to a need for
democratic process. Participation had already been encouraged in the
workplace, as co-management, self-management or cooperatives (the
number of
these shot up from under 1,000 in 1999 to more than 100,000). There were
local cultural committees. But political arrangements were still needed.

Now the community is the basic structural unit of government of the new
state, legally defined as 200-400 families in urban areas, around 20 in
countryside and from 10 up for the indigenous population. The Spanish
political analyst Juan Carlos Monedero observed that the main reason
20th-century socialism failed was a lack of participation by the people.
Communal councils may be instrumental in the construction of Venezuelas
21st-century socialism. If we get the money, said Xiomara Paraguan.
Another El Observatorio council member countered, If the money doesnt
come, well go and get it.

Since the elections things are moving in El Observatorio. Paraguan
a workshop on social projects and showed off her diploma. All council
members will have similar training.

Faced with the inertia of some bureaucrats and politicians, people have
rely on the vigour of Contralorma (social control), a citizens watch
defends the process. Councils may be more finely tuned version of the
principle and help Venezuelans get the means to exercise
with the state.

Juan Guerra is a grassroots expression of Contralorma. After he finally
to meet a deputy, he said: Revolution is like an iron fence protecting
bourgeoisie. If we, the people, allow the rust to accumulate, the fence

Translated by Krystyna Horko

(1) On Hugo Chavezs Sunday evening chat show, Als Presidente, 5

(2) Rodriguez resigned for health reasons on 8 August.

(3) The year Chavez was freed from prison after an attempted coup on 4
February 1992.

(4) Before taking part in the April 2002 coup.

(5) The 1999 constitution established the Fifth Republic.

(6) Anyone over the age of 15 who has lived in the district for more
six months is entitled to vote.

Renaud Lambert is a journalist


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 16, 2006, 1:56:41 AM9/16/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 15, 2006

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

NOTE: These first two pieces below reveal an evil US deception program
aimed at developing a favorable "PR" for grabbing Iran's oil. That
they assume they can get away with a ploy so similar to the one used
against Iraq shows how confident they are about always totally
controlling media. -- kl, pp

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

Last Updated: Thursday, 14 September 2006, 17:07 GMT 18:07 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

US Iran Report Branded Dishonest

The UN nuclear watchdog has protested to the US government over a
report on Iran's nuclear programme, calling it "erroneous" and

In a leaked letter, the IAEA said a congressional report contained
serious distortions of the agency's own findings on Iran's nuclear

The IAEA also took "strong exception" to claims made over the removal
of a senior safeguards inspector.

There was no immediate comment from Washington over the letter.

But Rep Rush Holt, a Democratic member of the House intelligence
committee, which released the report, said it had never been meant for
release to the public.

"This report was not ready for prime time and it was not prepared in a
way that we can rely on. It relied heavily on unclassified testimony,"
he told the BBC's PM programme.

'Deja vu'

Signed by a senior director at the International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vilmos Cserveny, the letter raises objections over the committee's
report released on 23 August.

It says the report was wrong to say that Iran had enriched uranium to
weapons-grade level when the IAEA had only found small quantities of
enrichment at far lower levels.

The letter took "strong exception to the incorrect and misleading
assertion" that the IAEA removed senior safeguards inspector Chris
Charlier for "allegedly raising concerns about Iranian deception" over
its programme.

It said Mr Charlier had been removed at the request of Tehran, which
has the right to make such an objection under agreed rules between the
agency and all states.

He remains head of a section investigating Iran, the IAEA says.

The letter went on to brand "outrageous and dishonest" a suggestion in
the report that he was removed for not adhering "to an unstated IAEA
policy barring IAEA officials from telling the whole truth" about Iran.

The letter, sent to Peter Hoekstra, head of the House of
Representatives' Select Committee on Intelligence, was aimed at setting
"the record straight on the facts", the IAEA said.

"This is a matter of the integrity of the IAEA and its inspectors,"
spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said in a statement.

A Western diplomat called it "deja vu of the pre-Iraq war period".

The IAEA and the US clashed over intelligence that Saddam Hussein had
weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the war in Iraq in March


Date: September 15, 2006 3:43:36 AM ES
Subject: Bush pledged $25 Million to plant WMDs in Iran

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: July 22, 2006 5:04:03 PM EST
Subject: Bush Pledges $25 Million To Plant WMD In Iran - Report

Bush Pledges $25 Million
To Plant WMD in Iran - Report
By Wayne Madsen

Informed sources have told WMR that arch-neocon Michael Ledeen, who
acts as an unofficial foreign policy adviser to Karl Rove, was at the
White House yesterday with a group of Iranian opposition figures.
the topics discussed was a promised $25 million grant by the Bush
administration to the Iranian insurgents.

The money is to be used to plant Desert Storm-vintage biological and
chemical weapons shells, confiscated by U.S. forces in Iraq, on the
Iranian side of the Iraqi border. The weapons will be used as "proof"
of Iran's plan to "attack" U.S. troops in Iraq. That will be used to
justify, ex post facto, the coming U.S. attack on Iran. Our sources
report that George W. Bush dropped by the White House meeting to offer
his support to the Iranian opposition operatives.


Princeton Scientists Create Vote-Stealing Program for Diebold
t r u t h o u t | Press Release
Thursday 14 September 2006

Researchers reveal "extremely serious" vulnerabilities in
e-voting machines.

In a paper published on the Web today, a group of Princeton
computer scientists said they created demonstration vote-stealing
software that can be installed within a minute on a common electronic
voting machine. The software can fraudulently change vote counts
without being detected.

"We have created and analyzed the code in the spirit of helping
to guide public officials so that they can make wise decisions about
how to secure elections," said Edward Felten, the director of the
Center for Information Technology Policy, a new center at Princeton
University that addresses crucial issues at the intersection of society
and computer technology.

The paper appears on the Web site for the Center for
Information Technology Policy.

The researchers obtained the machine, a Diebold AccuVote-TS,
from a private party in May. They spent the summer analyzing the
machine and developing the vote-stealing demonstration.

"We found that the machine is vulnerable to a number of
extremely serious attacks that undermine the accuracy and credibility
of the vote counts it produces," wrote Felten and his co-authors,
graduate students Ariel Feldman and Alex Halderman.

In a 10-minute video on their Web site, the researchers
demonstrate how the vote-stealing software works. The video shows the
software sabotaging a mock presidential election between George
Washington and Benedict Arnold. Arnold is reported as the winner even
though Washington gets more votes. (The video is edited from a longer
continuously shot video; the long single-shot version will be available
for downloading from the center's site as well.)

The researchers also demonstrate how the machines "are
susceptible to computer viruses that can spread themselves
automatically and invisibly from machine to machine during normal pre-
and post-election activity."

Felten said that policy-makers should be concerned about
malicious software infecting the Diebold AccuVote-TS and machines like
it, from Diebold and other companies. "We studied these machines
because they were available to us," the researchers wrote in their Web
posting. "If we had gotten access to another kind of machine, we
probably would have studied it instead."

Felten said, "There is reason for concern about other machines
as well, even though our paper doesn't directly evaluate them.
Jurisdictions using these machines should think seriously about finding
a backup system in time for the November elections."

Felten, a professor of computer science and public affairs who
is known for his groundbreaking work in computer security, said that
some of the problems discussed in the paper cannot be fixed without
completely redesigning the machine.

Other problems can be fixed by addressing software or
electronic procedures. "But time is short before the next election," he

According to the researchers' paper, the Diebold machine they
examined and another newer version are scheduled to be used in 357 U.S.
counties representing nearly 10 percent of all registered voters. About
half those counties, including all Maryland and Georgia, will use the
exact machine examined by Felten's group.

Felten said that, out of security concerns, the Diebold machine
infected with the vote-stealing software has been kept under lock and
key in a secret location.

"Unfortunately election fraud has a rich history from ballot
stuffing to dead people voting," he said. "We want to make sure this
doesn't fall into the wrong hands. We also want to make sure that
policy-makers stay a step ahead of those who might create similar
software with ill intent."

Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy includes
members from diverse departments, including computer science,
economics, electrical engineering, operations research and financial
engineering, sociology and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs.

More information can be found on the Princeton Engineering News
Web site.

Office of Communications
Chambers St.
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Telephone (609) 258-3601; Fax (609) 258-1301

From the full paper: Click here to view the pdf file.

Main Findings

The main findings of our study are:

1. Malicious software running on a single voting machine can
steal votes with little if any risk of detection. The malicious
software can modify all of the records, audit logs, and counters kept
by the voting machine, so that even careful forensic examination of
these records will find nothing amiss. We have constructed
demonstration software that carries out this vote-stealing attack.

2. Anyone who has physical access to a voting machine, or to a
memory card that will later be inserted into a machine, can install
said malicious software using a simple method that takes as little as
one minute. In practice, poll workers and others often have
unsupervised access to the machines.

3. AccuVote-TS machines are susceptible to voting-machine
viruses-computer viruses that can spread malicious software
automatically and invisibly from machine to machine during normal pre-
and postelection activity. We have constructed a demonstration virus
that spreads in this way, installing our demonstration vote-stealing
program on every machine it infects.

4. While some of these problems can be eliminated by improving
Diebold's software, others cannot be remedied without replacing the
machines' hardware. Changes to election procedures would also be
required to ensure security.


Princeton Prof Hacks E-Vote Machine
By Chris Newmarker
The Associated Press

Wednesday 13 September 2006

A Princeton University computer science professor added new
fuel Wednesday to claims that electronic voting machines used across
much of the country are vulnerable to hacking that could alter vote
totals or disable machines.

In a paper posted on the university's Web site, Edward Felten
and two graduate students described how they had tested a Diebold
AccuVote-TS machine they obtained, found ways to quickly upload
malicious programs and even developed a computer virus able to spread
such programs between machines.

The marketing director for the machine's maker - Diebold Inc.'s
Diebold Election Systems of Allen, Texas - blasted the report, saying
Felten ignored newer software and security measures that prevent such

"I'm concerned by the fact we weren't contacted to educate
these people on where our current technology stands," Mark Radke said.

Radke also question why Felten hadn't submitted his paper for
peer review, as is commonly done before publishing scientific research.

Felten said he and his colleagues felt it necessary to publish
the paper as quickly as possible because of the possible implications
for the November midterm elections.

About 80 percent of American voters are expected to use some
form of electronic voting in the upcoming election, in which the makeup
of the U.S. House will be decided, as well as 33 Senate seats and 36

The AccuVote-TS is commonly used across the country, along with
a newer model, the AccuVote-TSx. While Felten wasn't able to test the
new machine, he said he thought much of what he found would still

The machine Felten tested, obtained in May from an undisclosed
source, was the same type used across Maryland in its primary election
Tuesday, according to Ross Goldstein, a deputy administrator with the
state's Board of Elections. Goldstein said he couldn't comment on the
report until he read it.

Diebold and other machine manufacturers, including
California-based Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. and Nebraska-based
Election Systems & Software Inc., have been the subject of lawsuits,
claiming the machines are vulnerable to hacking and breakdowns that can
assign votes to the wrong candidate.

Election officials in some states have also complained.

Previous studies have claimed hacking vulnerabilities with the
machines. But Felten claims his study is the first time that an
independent research group has obtained an actual machine and tested it

Felten and graduate students Ariel Feldman and Alex Halderman
found that malicious programs could be placed on the Diebold by
accessing the memory card slot and power button, both behind a locked
door on the side of the machine. One member of the group was able to
pick the lock in 10 seconds, and software could be installed in less
than a minute, according to the report.

The researchers say they designed software capable of modifying
all records, audit logs and counters kept by the voting machine,
ensuring that a careful forensic examination would find nothing wrong.

The programs were able to modify vote totals or cause machines
to break down, something that could alter the course of an election if
machines were located in crucial polling stations.

It was also possible to design a computer virus to spread
malicious programs to multiple machines by piggybacking on a new
software download or an election information file being transferred
from machine to machine, Felten said.

"I think there are many people out there who have the type of
technical ability to carry out the sort of attacks we describe here,"
he said.

Felten said hacking dangers could be mitigated with better
software, more restrictions on access to machines and memory cards, and
paper receipts verified by the voter.

Radke said Diebold already has implemented many of those things.


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From: "CLG News" <>
Date: September 15, 2006 1:08:20 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: 'We have to go beyond the American administration's wall of
lies.' 15 Sep 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
15 September 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

EU lawmaker denounces US president's CIA prisons lies 14 Sep 2006 A
European parliamentarian probing suspected secret CIA prisons denounced
Thursday US President [sic] George W. Bush and members of his
administration as liars. "I am stunned that he lied to us for months.
Mrs (US Secretary of State Condoleezza) Rice lied to the European
Council," Italian socialist deputy Claudio Fava told other members of
the investigating commission. "We have to find out where these prisons
were. We have to go beyond the American administration's wall of lies,"
he said. [Well, *we* have to go beyond it every day of our lives,
starting with the biggest lie of all of them: the 2000 'election.'


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 14, 2006 11:26:36 PM EST
Subject: Most Police, Firefighters Now Believe 9/11 Inside Job

Alex Jones: Most Police, Firefighters
Now Believe 9/11 Inside Job
Truth events at ground zero enjoy
very encouraging reception

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 11 2006

Documentary film maker and radio host Alex Jones, coordinating today's
9/11 truth movement events in downtown New York City, says that the
atmosphere around ground zero has dramatically changed, with the
majority of firefighters and police officers now sympathetic to the
claim that 9/11 was an inside job.

Alex is featured at the end of the Associated Press video above
imploring viewers to understand that 9/11 was "a self-inflicted wound
designed to create a police state in the U.S. and capture us as an
engine for world government and world domination."

Alex was assigned to lead a protest march today which he described as
over 1000 strong as it snaked across ground zero and through lower

Saying that the "entire atmosphere had changed," Alex explained how
police support for protesters at ground zero had gone from 20% support
two years ago to around 60% support now - with many willing to affirm
that sentiment on camera and many knowledgeable about Alex Jones' work
and the 9/11 truth movement.

"Police just saying 'keep your investigation going, we appreciate you'
on video," said Jones.

"TerrorStorm sets a new standard in documentary filmmaking. Alex Jones
knocks it out of the park yet again." -Dylan Avery, Director, "Loose
Change" - Click here to get the DVD or click here to watch online now!

"The firemen we've been talking to - a hundred per cent are on our side
and have seen the documentary is just incredible what's
happened at the grass roots."

Jones said that the few debunkers who were spewing Bush administration
style propaganda were met with distain from the police.

"I think that thing that triggered it was the fact that the government
lied about the dust, the asbestos all of it," said Jones in citing why
first responders and police have become increasingly skeptical about
anything the government says about 9/11.

Alex later commenced a vocal bullhorning of ground zero and led a chant
of "9/11 was an inside job," more on that to come tomorrow.

Click here to listen to Alex Jones' groud zero report.

A benchmark of the wildfire success of the 9/11 truth movement can be
measured with a new CNN poll released today that shows the amount of
American citizens who "blame the Bush administration for the September
11, 2001, attacks," has risen from a third to over a half over the past
four years.


Date: September 15, 2006 3:06:07 AM
Subject: Tell USDA NOT to approve illegal GE rice

Tell USDA NOT to Approve Illegal GE Rice!
September 14, 2006

USDA to Rubber-Stamp Contamination of Food with Illegal, Genetically
Engineered Rice Banned in Japan and Europe

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has initiated fast-track
market approval of an illegal, genetically-engineered (GE) rice variety
that has contaminated long-grain rice throughout the South, throwing
rice markets into turmoil and causing potential harm to consumers and
the environment. The variety, known as LL601, was developed by Bayer
CropScience. Bayer field-tested LL601 from 1998-2001, but for unknown
reasons never applied to USDA for market approval.
Though it is known that LL601 is illegally present in rice supplies,
U.S. authorities have failed to recall LL601-contaminated rice supplies
or food products, despite a lack of information on potential health or
environmental impacts. In contrast, Japan has banned U.S. long-grain
rice imports, and the European Union is testing U.S. rice shipments and
rejecting those that contain LL601.

Bayer is now asking USDA to grant retroactive market approval of the
illegal rice, even though it remains inadequately tested, and the
company gave up plans to market LL601 in 2001.

Consumers should not be asked to pay for Bayer's mistake. USDA should
hold Bayer accountable: test and recall contaminated food products,
make all test protocols and positive samples available to the public,
destroy the contaminated rice and compensate farmers and food companies
for their losses - not deregulate an illegal product after the fact.

A public comment period is open now through October 10th. Tell USDA
NOT to approve this illegal, inadequately tested rice, and to hold
Bayer CropScience accountable!

**If you have problems with the links in this email, cut and paste the
following URL into your browsers address bar to take action online:


NOTE: These astute comments on the current BOOsch-impeachment drive
come from one of the 9/11 Truth lists. -- kl, pp

Anyone who thinks it prudent to play the Impeachment angle, clearly
sees our future inside the controlled left, and, in particular, the
Democratic Party.

We all remember how the impeachment farce was played out against

Sounds like Michael wants to go the same route.

Turn the evidence over to the establishment flunkies (Democrats,
principally) who will promptly bury the murder and treason of 9/11, and
instead wave the anti-war flag.

Then we can all line up behind Cindy Sheehan and march for peace.
Wont it be lovely.

We can forget all about 9/11 .... since the leadership of any
impeachment effort will no doubt tag 9/11 as a distraction that
damages the movement to impeach.

After all, there are plenty of grounds for impeaching Bush that have
nothing to do with 9/11.

So opting for impeachment, really means surrendering the whole effort
to nail the perps of 9/11.

And exchanging it for some cheap Congressional theatrics, a total
limited hangout, co-optation and sell-out.

Raising 9/11 as grounds for arrest doesnt mess around with lame
hand-wringing and pacifist whining.

The distinction between impeachment and arrest is the distinction
between business-as-usual and what amounts to a revolution.

Michael ... why do you seek to subordinate our efforts and submerge
our evidence of murder and treason inside the big corrupt controlled
tent of the Democratic Party ?

Thats exactly what the impeachment scam will do.

Michael wants impeachment, because he wants the same old corrupt
That way the criminals can retire to private life and continue their
false-flag terror from the safety and low profile of the corporate

Impeachment is nothing but a slap on the wrist.

I think Michael is a reformist who is deathly afraid of anything that
even hints at the possibility of a revolutionary movement in the US.

Michael wants to REFORM the bloodthirsty murderers who carried out

Thats just so sweet.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 14, 2006 11:51:21 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Reporter Palast Slips Clutches Of Homeland Security

Reporter Palast Slips
Clutches of Homeland Security
By Greg Palast

Forget the orange suit. Exxon Mobil Corporation, which admits it was
behind the criminal complaint brought by Homeland Security against me
and television producer Matt Pascarella, has informed me that the oil
company will no longer push charges that Pascarella and I threatened
"critical infrastructure."

The allegedly criminal act, which put us on the wrong side of post-9/11
anti-terror law, was our filming of Exxon's Baton Rouge refinery where,
nearby, 1,600 survivors of Hurricane Katrina remain interned behind
barbed wire.

I have sworn to Homeland Security that we no longer send our footage to
al-Qaeda -- which, in any case, can get a much better view of the
refinery and other "critical infrastructure" at Google maps.

Given Exxon's back-down, I hope to confirm with Homeland Security,
Baton Rouge, that charges will be dropped today.

Matt and I want to thank you, our readers and viewers, for your
extraordinary and heartfelt responses. Public support undoubtedly led
Exxon to call off the feds.

Of course, this was never about our tipping off Osama that Louisiana
contains oil refineries. This has an awful lot to do with a petroleum
giant's sensitivity to unflattering depictions of their plants which
are major polluters along Louisiana's notorious "Cancer Alley."

I've learned that, in April last year, Exxon brought a similar Homeland
Security charge against Willie Fontenot, an assistant to the Attorney
General of Louisiana. Fontenot was guiding a group of environmental
studies pupils from Antioch College on a tour of Cancer Alley. Exxon's
complaint about the "national security" threat posed by their photos of
the company's facility cost Fontenot his job.

The issue is not national security but image security. You can get all
the film you want from Exxon of refineries if you'll accept nice,
sanitized VPRs (video press releases) of clean smokestacks surrounded
by happy herons.

What's dangerous is not that reporters will end up in Guantanamo; the
insidious effect of these threats is to keep networks from filming
government and corporate filth, incompetence and inhumanity. Besides
the Exxon foolishness, our camera crew was also blocked from filming
inside the notorious Katrina survivors trailer encampment.

Furthermore earlier that same day, a FEMA contractor had grabbed our
camera, in mid-interview, when polite but pointed questions exposed
their malfeasance.

As with Exxon, the bar from filming at the refugee camp and in the
offices of the government contractor were presented to us as a
"Homeland Security" matter.

After the September 11 attacks, CBS Newsman Dan Rather said, "George
Bush is the President. Wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me

Reporters who step out of line, who ask uncomfortable questions and
film uncomfortable scenes, soon find their careers toasted, as Dan can
attest to.

One of George Bush's weirder acts in office (and that's saying a lot)
was to move FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, whose main
job is to save us from floods and earthquakes, into the control of the
Department of Homeland Security. Exxon's refineries, once "pollution
source points" scrutinized by government watchdogs, are now "critical
infrastructure" protected by federal hounddogs.

As the front lines in the War on Terror expand from Baghdad to Baton
Rouge, we find that America has been made secure only against hard news
and uncomfortable facts.

Again, our sincere thanks and gratitude for your support. Cakes with
files have been consumed.

-- Greg Palast, New York


Many of you have asked for copies of the film which threatened national
security. In response to your requests, with the permission of LinkTV,
we are making "Big Easy to Big Empty: the Untold Story of the Drowning
of New Orleans" available on DVD. The disc will also include an
interview of reporter Greg Palast by Democracy Now's Amy Goodman plus
an excerpt from Palast's bestseller, Armed Madhouse on the topic,
"Class War and Hurricane Katrina."

For a copy of the film, I am asking for a modest, tax-deductible
donation to our foundation, the Palast Investigative Fund. The fund
supports our work and pays our legal fees.


NOTE: I suggest you visit Wayne's site (see below) to view photos
supporting his report here. -- kl, pp

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 14, 2006 11:48:09 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: grim : strange disease-symptoms point to
high-energy-release on 9/11

"FEMA officials from Washington, DC were quick to ban any unofficial
photography in southern Manhattan in the weeks following 9/11. Any
photographers who had not received prior permission from FEMA to be in
southern Manhattan found their photographic and filming equipment
confiscated by the government."

Comment: ...from which the probability-based conclusion that FEMA and
the entire upper echelon of the Federal government were well aware that
mini-nukes had been used to bring down the Twin Towers... and with the
further conclusion that in any similar case the evidence must be
protected against the criminal government by immediately posting such
evidence on the Internet from which it will be picked and saved up by a
million eager and curious eyes...

Very Grim : Strange Disease Symptoms
Point to High Energy Release on 9/11...

From: Peter Marshall

Sept. 12, 2006 -- According to sources who worked with the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at Ground Zero on and after 911,
residents of southern Manhattan and rescue and clean-up workers
involved in the recovery operations at the site of the former World
Trade Center are experiencing an unusually high rate of non-Hodgkin
lymphoma -- a cancer that is common among individuals who have been
exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation, such as that
from nuclear blasts and major nuclear reactor leaks. In addition to the
respiratory problems among rescue workers at Ground Zero who breathed
toxic "pulverized" concrete and other debris into their lungs, the
radiation cancer is of extreme interest to researchers who suspect that
the World Trade Center towers and Building 7 were brought down with the
help of high energy releases. WMR spoke to a number of individuals who
were at Ground Zero on 911 who are now experiencing symptoms resulting
from severe damage to their immune systems -- a condition that is
common among those exposed to high levels of radiation.

Sources close to FEMA in New York confirmed to WMR that the lymphoma
cases are believed to be the result of a release of extremely high
levels of radiation from a series of nuclear events on the morning of
911. They believe that explains the reason for the "pulverization" of
concrete, molten metals, pyroclastic surges and fallout, and other
anomalies resulting from the catastrophe. It was also pointed out that
some vehicles parked on the west side of the World Trade Center were
"fused" on the sides facing the towers -- the doors being melted into
the body frames. Other cars parked nearby were not similarly affected.
There is also evidence of explosions and fires on top of the Woolworth
Building, three blocks away from the World Trade Center, during the
attack on the towers.

FEMA officials from Washington, DC were quick to ban any unofficial
photography in southern Manhattan in the weeks following 911. Any
photographers who had not received prior permission from FEMA to be in
southern Manhattan found their photographic and filming equipment
confiscated by the government.

Left to right: First two photos are underground nuclear tests, the last
three are the destruction of the World Trade Center.
right: collapsing skyskrapers---even with a demolition-job do NOT ERUPT
like mount st. helens... you go figure...


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: September 11, 2006 6:32:47 PM EST
Subject: Joshua Frank joins the ranks of left gatekeepers and 9/11


Date: September 15, 2006 1:07:16 AM EST
Subject: K: Public stoning not just for Taliban

Please send as far and wide as possible.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Public Stoning: Not Just for the Taliban Anymore
By John Sugg, Church and State
Posted on August 15, 2006

Two really devilish guys materialized in Toccoa, Ga., last month to
harangue 600 true believers on the gospel of a thoroughly theocratic
America. Along with lesser lights of the religious far right who
spoke at American Vision's "Worldview Super Conference 2006," Herb
Titus and Gary North called for nothing short of the overthrow of

the United States of America.

Titus and North aren't household names. But Titus, former dean of TV
preacher Pat Robertson's Regent University law school, has led the
legal battle to plant the Ten Commandants in county courthouses
across the nation. North, an apostle of the creed called Christian
Reconstructionism, is one of the most influential elders of American

"I don't want to capture their (mainstream Americans') system. I
want to replace it," fumed North to a cheering audience. North has
called for the stoning of gays and nonbelievers (rocks are cheap and
plentiful, he has observed). Both friends and foes label him "Scary

Are we in danger of an American Taliban? Probably not today. But
Alabama's "Ten Commandments Judge" Roy Moore is aligned with this
congregation, and one-third of Alabama Republicans who voted in the
June primary supported him. When you see the South Dakota
legislature outlaw abortions, the Reconstructionist agenda is at
work. The movement's greatest success is in Christian home
schooling, where many, if not most, of the textbooks are
Reconstructionist-authored tomes.

Moreover, the Reconstructionists are the folks behind attacks on
science and public education. They're allied with proselytizers who
have tried to convert Air Force cadets -- future pilots with fingers
on nuclear triggers -- into religious zealots. Like the communists
of the 1930s, they exert tremendous stealth political gravity,
drawing many sympathizers in their wake, and their friends now
dominate the Republican Party in many states.

Titus' and North's speeches, laced with conspiracy theories about
the Rockefellers and the Trilateral Commission, were more Leninist
than Christian in the tactics proposed -- as in their vision to use
freedom to destroy the freedom of others. That's not surprising --
the founder of Christian Reconstruction, the late fringe Calvinist
theologian Rousas J. Rushdoony, railed against the "heresy" of

A Harvard-bred lawyer whose most famous client is Alabama's Judge
Moore, Titus told the Toccoa gathering that the Second Amendment
envisions the assassination of "tyrants;" that's why we have guns.
Tyranny, of course, is subjective to these folks. Their imposition
of a theocratic state would not, by their standards, be tyranny.
Public schools, on the other hand, to them are tyrannical.

North is best known to Internet users for his prolific auguring that
a Y2K computer bug would cause the calamitous end of civilization.
In the days prior to the advent of this millennium, North urged
subscribers to his delusional economic newsletters to go survivalist
and prepare for the end. Many did so, dumping investments and life
savings, a big oops.

"I lost a million and a half dollars when I sold off real estate,"
one of North's fans, a home-schooling advocate from Florida, told me
during a lunch break between lectures touting creationism and
damning secular humanism. But my lunch companion still anted more
than pocket change to hear North make more prophesies in Toccoa. "I
believe Gary North on Bible issues," he explained. I suggested that
false prophets often pocket big profits, but I was talking to deaf

Hosting the "Creation to Revelation... Connecting the Dots" event
was a Powder Springs, Ga., publishing house, American Vision, whose
pontiff is Gary DeMar. The outfit touts the antebellum South as a
righteous society and favors the reintroduction of some forms of
slavery (it's sanctioned in the Bible, Reconstructionists say) --
which may explain the blindingly monochrome audience at the

The setting was the Georgia Baptist Conference Center, a sprawling
expanse of woods, hills and a man-made lake in the North Georgia
mountains. Four decades ago, the Southern Baptists officially
declared, "no ecclesiastical group or denomination should be favored
by the state" and "the church should not resort to the civil power
to carry on its work."

Times change. The Baptists lust for power, and they demand the state
to do their bidding. I guess that explains the denomination's
hosting of theocrats no less rigid and bloodthirsty than the
Taliban's mullahs.

DeMar christened the gathering with invective against science.

"Evolution is as religious as Christianity," he said, a claim that
certainly must amaze 99.99 percent of the scientific community.
Science is irrelevant to these folks.

Everything they need to know about the universe and the origin of
man is in the first two chapters of Genesis. They know the answer
before any question is asked. DeMar's spin is what he calls a clash
of "worldviews." According to DeMar and his speakers, God sanctions
only their worldview. And that worldview is a hash of enforcing Old
Testament Mosaic law (except when it comes to chowing down on pork
barbecue), rewriting American history to endorse theocracy and
explaining politics by the loopy theories of the John Birch Society.
(Christian Reconstructionism evolved, so to speak, from a radical
variation of Calvinism, AKA Puritanism, and the Bircher politics of
such men as the late Marietta, Ga., congressman, Larry McDonald.)
For most of the four-day conference, DeMar turned the Bible over to
others to thump. North blamed the Rockefellers and the Trilateral
Commission for the success of secularists. Titus told of Jesus
making a personal appearance in the rafters of his Oregon home.

At the heart of what was taught by a succession of speakers:

Six-day, "young earth" creationism is the only acceptable doctrine
for Christians. Even "intelligent design" or "old earth" creationism
are compromises with evil secularism.
Public education is satanic and must be destroyed.
The First Amendment was intended to keep the federal government from
imposing a national religion, but states should be free to foster a
religious creed. (Several states did that during the colonial period
and the nation's early days, a model the Reconstructionists want to
The Founding Fathers intended to protect only the liberties of the
established ultra-conservative denominations of that time. Expanding
the list to include "liberal" Protestant denominations, much less
Catholics, Jews and (gasp!) atheists, is a corruption of the
Founders' intent.

Education earned the most vitriol at the conference. Effusing that
the Religious Right has captured politics and much of the media,
North proclaimed: "The only thing they (secularists) have still got
a grip on is the university system." Academic doctorates, he
contended, are a conspiracy fomented by the Rockefeller family. All
academic programs (except, he said, engineering) are now dominated
by secularists and Darwinists.

"Marxists in the English departments!" he ranted. "Close every
public school in America!"

Among North's most quoted writings was this ditty from 1982: "[W]e
must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for
Christian schools until we train up a generation...which finally
denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God." Titus followed
that party line when he proclaimed that the First Amendment is
limited to guaranteeing "the right to criticize the government,"
but "free expression is not in the Constitution." When I asked him
if blasphemy -- castigating religion -- was protected, he shook his

Like North, Titus sees public education as decidedly satanic. Also,
welfare. He contended the Founding Fathers -- and Americans today --
owe their "first duties to God. It's not just worship. It's
education... welfare to the poor. Welfare belongs exclusively to
God. Why do schools fail? They're trying to do the business of God.
Medicaid goes. Education goes. The church gets back to doing what it
should do." And what should the church be doing According to these
self-appointed arbiters of God's will, running our lives. And
stoning those who disagree.

At the Toccoa conference, DeMar organized several debates -- and he
commendably invited articulate opponents of his creed.

One was Ed Buckner, a retired Georgia State University professor,
unabashed atheist and a member of the Atlanta Freethought Society.
He debated Bill Federer, who makes a living trying to prove
America's founders intended this to be a Christian nation.

Buckner offered to concede the debate if Federer could disprove any
one of four points: Americans don't agree on religion, human
judgment is imperfect, religious truth can't be determined by votes
or force and freedom is worth protecting. Federer ran from the
challenge, and instead offered a litany of historic quotes showing
that most of America's founders believed in God.

Federer never got the point that if, as he argued, government should
endorse his faith today, tomorrow officials might decide to ban his

The other debate featured University of Georgia biologist Mark
Farmer versus Australian "young earth" creationist Carl Wieland.
Farmer, religious himself, tried to explain that no evidence had
ever damaged evolutionary theory -- at best, creationists point to
gaps in knowledge.

"Yes, we don't know the answers to everything," Farmer told
me. "That's what science is all about, finding answers."

It would be easy to dismiss the Reconstructionists as the lunatic
fringe, no more worrisome than the remnants of the Prohibition
Party. But, in fact, they have rather extraordinary entrie and
influence with top-tier Religious Right leaders and institutions.

James Dobson's Focus on the Family is now selling DeMar's book,
America's Christian Heritage. Dobson himself has a warm relationship
with many in the movement, and he has admitted voting for
Reconstructionist presidential candidate Howard Phillips in 1996.

TV preacher Robertson has mentioned reading North's writings, and he
has hired Reconstructionists as professors at Regent University.
Jerry Falwell employs Reconstructionists to teach at Liberty
University. Roger Schultz, the chair of Liberty's History
Department, writes regularly for Faith for all of Life, the leading
Reconstructionist journal.

Southern Baptist Bruce N. Shortt is aggressively pushing his
denomination to officially repudiate public education and call on
Southern Baptists to withdraw their children from public schools.
Shortt's vicious book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools, was
published by the Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation.

There are big theological differences between the Religious Right's
generals and the Reconstructionists. Traditional Christian theology
teaches that history will muddle along until Jesus' Second Coming.
That teaching is tough to turn into a political movement.
Reconstructionists preach that the nation and the world must come
under Christian "dominion" (as they define it) before Christ's
return -- a wonderful theology to promote global conquest.

In short, Dobson, Robertson, Falwell and the Southern Baptist
Convention (the nation's largest Protestant denomination) may not
agree with everything the Reconstructionists advocate, but they sure
don't seem to mind hanging out with this openly theocratic, anti-
democratic crowd.

It's enough for Americans who believe in personal freedom and
religious liberty to get worried about -- before the first stones
start flying.

--- John Sugg is senior editor of Creative Loafing Newspapers. He
the recipient of the 2005 Society of Professional Journalists "Green
Eyeshade" award for serious commentary, and he has won more than 30
other significant awards.


From: "What concern is that of yours?" <>
Date: September 14, 2006 11:55:23 PM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: Republic of New Hampshire

--- In, "What concern is that of
yours?" <ratlord@...> wrote:

We thus hereby request that the legislature of New Hampshire make the
resolution: That the State of New Hampshire is, and of right ought to
be, a free and
independent state; that she is absolved from all allegiance to the
Federal Union, and that
all political connection between us and the United States of America,
is and ought to be
totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent state, we have
full power to levy war,
conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all
other acts and things
which independent states may of right do.

- From the text of our Declaration of Independence, written by Caleb
Johnson, inspired by
Thomas Jefferson

It is with a deep sense of regret, and a profound feeling of loss, that
we must reluctantly
recommend to the citizens of New Hampshire that our state declare its
independence from
the Federal Union. As concerned citizens, we do not take such a drastic
lightly. This group has been created for the purpose of explaining the
reasons which
compel us to advise such a drastic step. It is hoped that you will
consider the evidence in
the same spirit of reflection with which it has been presented.


Trail of Tears
Ride September 16th.

Trail History

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 called for the voluntary or forcible
removal of all Indians from the eastern United States to the state of
Oklahoma. May of 1838 marked the deadline for voluntary native
removal. The military was prepared to use force and did so under the
command of General Winfield Scott. General Scott ordered the round-up
and removal of over 17,000 Cherokees who refused to leave. So began
the Cherokee "Trail of Tears," one of the darkest episodes in
relations between the United States and Native Americans.

The process was swift and brutal. Detachments of soldiers arrived at
every Cherokee house and drove men, women, and children out of their
homes with only the clothes on their backs. They were placed in
concentration camps where conditions were horrendous. Food and
supplies were limited and disease was rampant. Many perished.

By late June of 1838, the upper Tennessee River had become too low for
navigation due to a drought. The U.S. government hired wagonmaster
J.C.S. Hood to transport 1,070 Native Americans by foot and wagon
from Ross's Landing in Chattanooga, Tennessee to what is now Waterloo,
Alabama - about 230 miles. Much of the journey followed what is now
U.S. Highway 72.

Upon reaching Waterloo, the survivors were in despicable condition.
Migration had to be suspended until the river was high enough for
navigation. Many died in Waterloo and others escaped into the hills.
Many area residents can trace their native American ancestry to those
who fled.

As many as 4,000 deaths occurred because of this forced removal of
civilized Native Americans from their rightful homes.

In the end, members of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole
nations suffered the same fate as the Cherokees.

Join us as we honor those from the past who traveled this Trail of
Tears. Let us learn from this mistake, accept each other as we are,
and walk together in peace.


Alternative Source:

Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:53 am


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 19, 2006, 5:12:11 PM9/19/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 19, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 18, 2006 1:56:54 PM EST
Subject: Bush Demands Lebanese Commit Suicide

Bush Demands Lebanese Commit Suicide

Monday September 18th 2006, 9:40 am

Hassan Nasrallah understands what will happen to the people of Lebanon
if Hezbollah disarms. In 1982, when Israel invaded Lebanon, 20,000
Palestinians and Lebanese were slaughtered and 400,000 were made
homeless. The tonnages dropped on Beirut alone surpassed those of the
atomic bomb which devastated Hiroshima. Schools and hospitals were
particularly targeted, writes Ralph Schoenman, who experienced the
carnage firsthand. Virtually all rolling stock and heavy equipment
from Lebanese factories were looted and taken to Israel The citrus and
olive production of Lebanon south of Beirut was destroyed. The Lebanese
economy, whose exports had competed with Israels, became moribund.

Chris Giannou, a Canadian surgeon working in Lebanon at the time of the
Israeli invasion, testified before the U.S. Congress that he witnessed
the total devastation of residential areas and the blind, savage,
indiscriminate destruction of refugee camps by simultaneous shelling
and carpet bombing from aircraft, gunboats, tanks and artillery,
leaving only large blackened craters filled with rubble and debris,
broken concrete slabs and twisted iron bars and corpses. A Norwegian
doctor and social worker told the Guardian the siege of Beirut seemed
[like] gratuitous brutality. The arsenal of weapons, unleashed in a
way that has not been seen since the Vietnam War. The use of cluster
bombs and white phosphorus shells, a vicious weapon, was widespread.
All of West Beirut was living in wreckage and garbage and loss (see
John Rose, The Israeli invasion of Lebanon 1982).

If the residents of the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp had weapons in
September of 1982, as Hezbollah now has weapons, no doubt over 2,000
Palestinians would not have fallen victim to the brutality of Major
Saad Haddad of the Christian (Phalangist, i.e., fascist) South Lebanon
Army, a militia armed, supplied, and uniformed by the Israelis. As Noam
Chomsky writes in The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and
the Palestinians (pages 364-S), Chief of Staff Eitan and Generals
Drori and Yaron met with the Phalangist command. Eitan congratulated
them on having carried out good work, offered them a bulldozer with IDF
[Israeli Defense Forces] markers removed and authorized them to remain
in the camps for another 12 hours. The killing continued. At 5 a.m.
Saturday morning the murderers began to leave the camps and, after 36
hours, the slaughter ended. According to the Kahan Commission, a
whitewash commission empanelled to investigate the ethnic cleansing of
refugee camps in Beirut, Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon, was found to
be personally responsible for the massacre at Sabra and Shatila. Of
course, such bloody details were of little concern to the Israeli
people, as they elected him prime minister in March, 2001.

We view Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and I would hope that
Hezbollah would prove that theyre not, by laying down arms and not
threatening peace, declared Bush last week, reports Agence
France-Presse. We are being asked to disarm so that Lebanon remains
defenseless. Our force is protecting Lebanon, Nasrallah responded. As
long as Lebanon remains threatened, even if that lasts a million years,
we will say to our children and to their descendants that their
patriotic, human, moral and sacred religious duty is to defend their
people and their fatherland. Nasrallah then threw the ball back in
Bushs court by stating, if you can convince me that there are other
ways to protect Lebanon, Im ready to listen. In other words, if Bush
can contain Israeli aggression and guarantee the outlaw state will not
invade again, he may entertain disarming. However, as Bigfoot will
appear in a Broadway musical before Israel will stop killing Arabs in
large numbers, Hezbollah will not disarm Hezbollah anytime soon.

Meanwhile, the demonization of Islam continues unabated. Last week Pope
Benedict XVI cited a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the
teachings of Islams Prophet Muhammad as evil and inhuman, a comment
interpreted by some Muslims as a call by the Catholic church for
another Crusade. Naturally, al-Qaeda, specifically the Mujahedeen
Shura Council in Iraq, a Pentagon black op claiming to be an umbrella
organization representing the Iraqi resistance, responded to the
dotterel in the Vatican by declaring it would break up the cross,
spill the liquor and impose head tax, then the only thing acceptable is
a conversion (to Islam) or (killed by) the sword, the sort of
gibberish neocon newspaper columnists and radio and television talk
show hosts and anchors consume with orgiastic delight.


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: September 19, 2006 10:42:40 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: Congress Considering Strip Searching Students

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
19 September 2006

Congress Considering Strip Searching Students --Congress to vote on HR
5295 Tuesday or Wednesday 18 Sep 2006 ( The Student
Teacher Safety Act of 2006 (HR 5295) is a sloppily written bill that
would require any school receiving federal funding (essentially every
public school) to adopt policies allowing teachers and school officials
to conduct random, warrantless searches of every student, at any time,
for essentially any reason they want. These searches could be
pat-downs, bag searches, or strip searches depending on how far school
administrators wanted to go.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested.
Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:
Please write to: for inquiries. lrp/mdr

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved. CLG Founder
and Chair is Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.


From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 19, 2006 9:38:32 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 18 Sep 2006 - Part One]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Bushs Cruel and Degrading Presidency
Mike Whitney

Washington is a moral swamp. When the chief executive can stand at the
presidential podium and make an unabashed appeal for torture, then the
American dream is dead. Bush hates America and only God knows why? Hes
been buoyed-along his entire life on a raft of wealth and privilege;
distancing himself from his endless failures, one after the otherflop,
flop, flop. Still, President Codpiece wants more; another pound of
flesh to inflate his battered, alcohol-saturated ego. He wants to snuff
out anything that even vaguely resembles honor or decency or dignity so
he can permeate the world with his own fiendish image beaming from TVs
across the globe. Who could ever have imagined the President of the
United States making the case for torture like some flannel-mouth
medicine man at a tent show?...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Shia community watchdogs 'will spy for death squads'
Hassan Jarah in Najaf and Ned Parker in Baghdad

A POWERFUL Iraqi Shia political party has set up neighbourhood watch
groups, which Sunni politicians fear will feed intelligence to death
squads. The "popular committees" have been established in Najaf by the
Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Sciri) without the
Governments permission. It has ignored the commitment of Nouri
al-Maliki, the Prime Minister, to dismantle the countrys militias,
which have infiltrated security forces and helped to push Iraq to the
brink of civil war. The Sciri has its own 15,000-man militia, the Badr
Corps, which Sunnis blame, along with the radical Shia cleric Moqtada
al-Sadrs Mahdi Army, for much of Iraqs sectarian violence. Sunnis are
threatening to form their own citizen groups. "Sciris proposal aims to
bring new militias into communities. This is unacceptable," said the MP
Ayad al- Samarrai, who belongs to Iraqs largest Sunni political group,
the Islamic Party...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Sarko and the al-Qaeda Wannabe Threat
Kurt Nimmo

In order to justify repressive "anti-terrorism" legislation, various
scary miscreants are required, never mind if they lack persuasiveness.
For instance, in France, a recently enacted "law facilitates the
surveillance of communications allowing the police to obtain
communication data from telephone operators, Internet Services
Providers, Internet cafes," according to European Digital Rights...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Posted by NBC local journalist in Baghdad*

With bodies showing signs of torture turning up every day on the
streets of Baghdad, we set out this morning to gain permission to shoot
video at the city's morgue. First, I started my day by going to the
media office of the Ministry of Health to get permission for the shoot.
All went well; in about 45 minutes I had the permission I needed (...)
The FPS officer glanced at my paperwork, told me to leave my crew at
the checkpoint and to follow! him inside. There I met with a commander
of the morgue's FPS platoon, a short man dressed in civilian clothes.
He made a phone call to a higher-ranking official and said it was okay
for us to film. As I was walking back outside, gunfire erupted all
around us. It turns out the Ministry of Health FPS had gotten into a
firefight with nearby FPS officers from the Ministry of Electricity,
which is not run by a al-Sadr supporter. Unfortunately, my crew was
caught in the middle. With bullets crackling overhead, I yelled at my
crew to run towards me and take cover behind a concrete barricade. The
Ministry of Health FPS also took cover behind our barricade and
continued to fire at the Electricity FPS officers about 100 feet away.
One of the Health FPS officers near us was furiously firing a PKC
machinegun and yelling, "I will kill every one of them. I will kill
every one of those Sunni bastards."...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


I Was A PR Intern in Iraq
Willem Marx, Harper's

Last spring, during my final semester at Oxford, a cousin wrote to tell
me that she was planning to work for an American company in Iraq over
the summer. She suggested I join her. The company was called Iraqex,
and it claimed on its website to have "expertise in collecting and
exploiting information; structuring transactions; and mitigating risks
through due diligence, legal strategies and security." Iraqex was also
looking for summer media interns, my cousin pointed out, who would
"interact with the local media" in Baghdad and "pitch story ideas."
This was almost too good to be true...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder-A Glimpse Into Israeli Collective
Gilad Atzmon

While many may find it heartening or amusing that even an Israeli right
winger cannot see a ray of light at the end of the Zionist tunnel, it
is rather disconcerting to read that Israelis are already seriously
contemplating their next Shoah. I would argue here that it is exactly
this form of deadly meditation that turns Israel, Israelis, global
Zionists and Neocons into the gravest enemies of world peace. Indeed, a
growing number of people want to see an end to Israel, the 'Jew Only
State. Yet, no one around expresses any murderous or terminal plans
against world Jewry or even against their Jewish State. No one in the
political or the media spheres is calling for a homicidal act against
the Jews or their Jewish State. Thus the well-established Judeocentric
tendency to interpret almost any legitimate political and ideological
criticism as a perpetration of an upcoming Judeocide should be
comprehended as a severe form of paranoia verging on collective
psychosis, which I define as Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Pre-TSD)...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 18, 2006 11:27:52 PM EST
Subject: The Dollar$ & $en$e Of 911

The Dollar$ & $en$e of 9/11

By Douglas Herman

"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime." -Balzac

Who benefitted most by the New York Massacre? Millions were invested
before the attack. Hundreds of millions were made the same day. Neither
crime received much attention by the US government. Perhaps because
friends of the US government stood to gain billions of dollars, in the
following years. Trillions eventually will change hands, simply because
a great crime was never properly investigated.

Behind every great crime lies a great fortune.

Remember those Put Options? "The identity of this person who had
foreknowledge of the attack is known and this person's identity is
being protected by our government and this is a fact! Period, end of
story," reported Jesse Richard, editor of A few years
ago, TNL carried the definitive argument against the official version
of 9-11: All The Proof You Need--Two Moves to Checkmate.

"Try to purchase some stock, or some futures, a mutual fund or some put
options, without providing your identity. Go ahead and try it! See if
you get anywhere. Find out what happens when you tell the investment
firm that you want to make a huge investment anonymously. It can't be

"Then ask yourself this question: How could someone have placed
anonymous put options on American Airlines and United Airlines just
prior to the attacks of 9/11? Then ask yourself why no one has
investigated this suspicious deal. Ask yourself why there has been no
attempt by the US government to identify the person who anticipated
huge profits from a disaster that was yet to occur. Is it because the
trail possibly leads to the CIA?

Millions of dollars in such options were placed. If the perpetrators
had been Islamic terrorists or fellow plotters, wouldn't Americans have
heard by now? Logically then, the co-conspirators were high officials
in banking, finance or tied to the US government.

How embarassing for the US government and the mainstream media if those
who sought to profit from the massacre of nearly 3,000 people were
Americans? Curiously, neither the US government nor the media chooses
to investigate, thus implicating them both in the plot.

Not surprisingly, the CIA occupied offices in the WTC-7, which
mysteriously fell down. Wrote Richard: "Larry Silverstein invested $386
million in WTC 7. On 9/11, by his own admission, Larry Silverstein
ordered the demolition of his building (for all intents and purposes a
highly secure,US government building). In February of 2002, his company
won a settlement of $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers."

In any great crime---except this one---the Justice Department and the
local police officials would work tirelessly to find and punish the
mass murderers. Instead they have relied on circumstantial evidence
(fuzzy videotapes of OBL, Korans, charred passport) that would be
laughed out of any honest court in the land. If one could be found.

Behind every great crime are great criminals who planned it well.

Remarkable, Brilliant, Cunning. Diabolical. Those words best describe
the masterminds and the crime. Except for a few flaws--like those Put
Options--probably placed by a greedy co-conspirator, 9-11 was the
Perfect Crime. Because it masqueraded as an act of terrorism, few
questioned the billions, dare I say trillions, in profits that continue
to accumulate today.

Like the hundreds of millions of dollars in gold and silver that
reportedly disappeared from beneath the imploded WTC-7. Here stood a
stout steet US government building, recently purchased, that
inexplicably fell down from a few fires. Remarkable. Down below, far
below street level, a vault containing hundreds of millions in gold was
pillaged in the seven hours between the first strike and the collapse
of WTC-7.

Was the cunning, insider, masterplan to hijack the gold while Islamic
terrorists carried out their suicide plot? Sounds believable, doesn't
it? Only one problem. For the hijackers to escape and cover their
tracks, they would need to blow the building. Which fell seven hours
after the Twin Towers. As mentioned, the building housed the secret spy
organization, the CIA, most adept at diabolical deeds and monitoring Al

And curiously, the WTC-7 also warehoused an enormous amount of Security
& Exchange records. Was there a connection between the destruction of
WTC-7 and the SEC records? These records pertained to investigations
into corporate scams totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. You
don't suppose someone could have?---no, that's an impossibility.

Behind every great crime is a great fortune.

Any accounting into who benefitted from the New York Massacre, would
have to list all the hundreds of millions alloted for security. The
hundreds of billions alloted for a Middle Eastern war, alleged to have
occured because of the events of 9-11. The trillions of dollars
misplaced by the Pentagon---announced the day before the "attack."

Behind every great crime lie greater crime figures.

Who else benefitted? Some say Larry Silverstein, the suddenly new
landlord of that architectural white elephant known as the World Trade
Center. Suddenly very wealthy, with newfound insurance money,
Silverstein seemed to benefit greatly from a tragedy. He collected some
4.7 billions.

Others claimed the state of Israel benefitted greatly. The dancing
Israelis seemed to indicate this, as did former prime minister
Netanyahu, who remarked upon hearing of the atack: "It's very
good...Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy."
(Which it did). And very good, especially, for those estimated 4,000
Israelis who worked at the WTC, who otherwise might have been there
that day but weren't. Somehow--through great fortune, luck or curious
circumstances--only one died.

"Alon Pinkas, Israel's consul general here, said that lists of the
missing included reports from people who had called in because, for
instance, relatives in New York had not returned their phone calls from
Israel. There were, in fact, only three Israelis who had been confirmed
as dead: two on the planes and another who had been visiting the towers
on business and who was identified and buried." (New York Times, Sept.

So who benefitted by 9-11? Everybody it seems, except the 9-11 victims,
US taxpayers, US soldiers, and tens of thousands of Afghani and Iraq
citizens. Monetarily, Halliburton and Exxon and Blackwater and Boeing
benefitted (just to name a few of the hundreds of corporations that
benefitted by the tragedy). They benefitted to the tune of billions if
not trillions of dollars in contracts. Huge contributers, these
corporations, to the Republican and Democrat parties, whose pro-war
politicos benefitted by their support for the war and the official
version of events on 9-11.

Benefitting to the tune of millions of dollars in campaign funds.

Behind every great crime is a fortunate few. Yes, 9-11 was very great
crime, yet unsolved, beneficial to a select few. Millions of dollars
trickled forth that day and became a gusher of billions, eventually to
become a torrent of trillions. No need to ask too closely who
benefitted. Just look around at the ones dancing with glee.

USAF veteran and iconoclast, Douglas Herman writes regularly for Rense
and is the author of the suspense thriller, The Guns of Dallas.


From: "Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr." <>

Date: September 19, 2006 12:36:36 AM EST
Cc: "People's Attorney / Volks-Anwalt Wolfram "Gro?=tz"
<> Cc":
Subject: Chirac Threatens a Separate Peace With Iran Regime

My comments: The withdrawal of France from the coalition of the willing
seems yet another impediment to the NWO aspirations of global empire.

I am now concerned that W may be targeted as "the" villain in the NWO
plot and 9/11, as it deteriorates in the face of global adverse
reactions. This would serve several purposes to the banksters,
including perhaps postponing the recognition of the comparatively
minute value of the inflated American dollar. It is possible if not
probable that "the MSM could convince the sheeple that impeaching Bush
would solve all the problems. This scenario would divert attention from
and marginalize all of our work. The NWO could then continue its plans
to unite the Americas, as well as kill and enslave the people of the


Chirac Threatens a Separate Peace With Iran Regime

By BENNY AVNI - Staff Reporter of the Sun
September 19, 2006

UNITED NATIONS Ahead of what is now certain to be a contentious
meeting with President Bush today, President Chirac of France reneged
on his previous support for a united international approach to halting
Iran's nuclear program.

In two interviews on the eve of his trip to Turtle Bay to attend the
U.N. General Assembly, Mr. Chirac threatened to restart negotiations
with Iran. His comments called into question the united position of the
five permanent members of the Security Council and Germany, whose
foreign ministers had said that unless Iran suspended enrichment by the
end of August, the council would consider punitive measures.

"I don't believe in a solution without dialogue," Mr. Chirac told
Europe 1 radio. "We must, on the one hand, together, Iran and the six
countries, meet and set an agenda, then start negotiations."

The French president added, "I suggest that the six renounce referring"
Iran to "the U.N. Security Council and that Iran renounce uranium
enrichment during negotiations," according to an Associated Press

However, Iran is already on the Security Council's agenda. The
15-member body earlier adopted a declaration by the foreign ministers
of Russia, China, America, France, Britain, and Germany to consider
sanctions unless Tehran suspends enrichment. And the International
Atomic Energy Agency has said since then that it has been unable to
verify that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful.

But though the steering group appeared to be diverging yesterday, with
some nations calling for more dialogue and others urging a more
muscular stance, there were also indications it could expand.



Attorney General Warns US on
Torture Bill

Clare Dyer
Monday September 18, 2006
The Guardian

The attorney general warned the US at the weekend that its bill to try
to limit its obligations under the Geneva convention while
interrogating and trying detainees risked international condemnation.

Lord Goldsmith waded into the row after a Senate committee rejected the
bill and backed alternative legislation proposed by Republican senator
John McCain and supported by George Bush's former secretary of state,
Colin Powell.

The attorney general's comments, in a lecture to lawyers in Chicago,
signal an attempt by Britain to bring the US back in line with
international law. The bill follows a US supreme court ruling that the
Geneva convention's prohibitions on torture apply to al-Qaida members,
which the Bush administration had denied.

Lord Goldsmith said he had thought hard about whether to interfere in
a "live, and sensitive, domestic political debate". But the issue was
not purely domestic. "This is an international standard of very
considerable importance and its content must be the same for all

Guantanamo Bay had become "a symbol" which "the long American tradition
of justice and liberty deserves to see removed at the earliest moment".


From: Isabelle Delforge <>
Date: September 18, 2006 8:33:54 PM EST
Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] The World Bank is deporting
farmers form their farmland

World Bank Is Deporting Farmers from Their Farmland

(Jakarta, 18 September 2006) Two Via Campesina activists were detained
by the Singapore authorities last night at Changi international airport
and were deported this morning to Jakarta. They were interrogated for
14 hours continuously. They were not doing anything criminal and they
had come to Singapore without any intention of disturbing the people of
Singapore. But the officers kept saying that they were just obeying

Irma Yanni and Achmad Yakub, both working for the Federation of
Indonesian Peasant Unions (FSPI)/Via Campesina, entered Singapore to
prepare a Via Campesina Press Conference. Other representatives were
supposed to follow them to address the media, so the world could hear
the peasants voice. Peasants are among the first victims of the World
Bank and IMF policies. But they were silenced.

This incident clearly reveals the criminal character of the World Bank
and the IMF. The twin institutions have deported millions of peasants
from their farmland through their program of Market Assisted Land
Reform (MALR) and other large projects. And instead of being listened
to, farmers have been deported: the World Bank and the IMF are not able
to create the conditions to listen to dissenting views.

Farmers Rally in Front of World Bank Office in Jakarta

On their return to Jakarta, both deported activists joined an action
against the World Bank and the IMF that started at 10 AM. About 1000
people, led by peasant members of FSPI, labors group, youth
organizations, environmental groups and other social movements, marched
to the office of the Finance minister. The IMF meeting in Singapore had
just nominated the Indonesian Finance minister, Sri Mulyani, the best
finance minister.
This clearly indicates that the Indonesian government is the good boy
of the IMF. Yet recent statistics show that poverty is increasing
inIndonesia. It is ironical that a minister whose policies have created
poverty is granted this award.

The rally continued to the presidential palace, demanding Indonesia to
stop its collaboration with the World Bank and the IMF and ended up in
front of the World Banks office that is the largest office in
South-East Asia. Protestors shouted: Reject the IMF, Oust the World
Several international farmers leaders members of La Via Campesina
joined the rally, expressing their solidarity with the Indonesian
people: they
were coming from MST Brazil, Paragos Philipine, UNORKA
Philipine, KRRS
India, and Monlar Sri Lanka.

More information:
Achmad Yakub : 62 (0) 817712347
Irma Yanni : 62 (0) 816306331

Isabelle Delforge

La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat

Jakarta - Indonesia
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile in JKT: +62-81513224565 (in Belgium: +32498522163)

Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 20, 2006, 2:13:25 PM9/20/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 20, 2006

From: Henri the Celt <>
Date: September 20, 2006 12:10:54 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: At U.N., Chavez Calls Bush 'The Devil'

Comment: Well, he's got that right!
At U.N., Chavez Calls Bush 'The Devil'
Sep 20 12:06 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United
States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling
President Bush "the devil."

"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said, referring to Bush's
address Tuesday. "He came here talking as if he were the owner of the

The leftist leader, who has joined Iran in opposing U.S. influence,
accused Washington of "domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples
of the world."

"We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt
this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head," he said.

He also said the U.N. "doesn't work" in its current system and is
"antidemocratic." He called for reform, saying the U.S. government's
"immoral veto" had allowed recent Israeli bombings of Lebanon to
continue unabated for more than a month.

"Venezuela once again proposes today that we reform the United
Nations," he said. He drew tentative giggles at times from the
audience, but also some applause when called U.S. "imperialism" a

Chavez lambasted Washington for trying to block Venezuela's campaign
for a rotating seat on the U.N. Security Council. He said if chosen
over U.S.-favorite Guatemala in a secret-ballot U.N. vote next month,
Venezuela would be "the voice of the Third World."

The U.S. government warns that Chavez, a close ally of Iran, Syria and
Cuba, would be a disruptive force on the council.
Retired Colonel: We Are
Conducting Military Operations
Inside Iran Right Now. The
Evidence Is Overwhelming.

Just now on CNN, Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner (Ret.) said, We are
conducting military operations inside Iran right now. The evidence is

Gardiner, who taught at the U.S. Armys National War College, has
previously suggested that U.S. forces were already on the ground in
Iran. Today he added several additional new points:

1) The House Committee on Emerging Threats recently called on State and
Defense Department officials to testify on whether U.S. forces were in
Iran. The officials didnt come to the hearing.

2) We have learned from Time magazine today that some U.S. naval
forces had been alerted for deployment. That is a major step.

3) The plan has gone to the White House. Thats not normal planning.
When the plan goes to the White House, that means weve gone to a
different state.

Watch it:

Digg it!

Read the full transcript HERE.

Posted by Think Progress September 18, 2006 6:49 pm


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 20, 2006 1:00:21 AM ES
Subject: Roberts - War Criminal At Bay

War Criminal at Bay
By Paul Craig Roberts

President George Bush, betrayed by the neoconservatives whom he
elevated to power and by his Attorney General, Torture Gonzales, who
gave him wrong legal advice, is locked in a desperate struggle with the
Republican Congress to save himself from war crimes charges at the
expense of America's reputation and our soldiers' fate.

Beguiled by neoconservatives, who told him that the virtuous goals of
the American empire justified any means, and misled by an incompetent
Attorney General, who told him that the President of the US is above
the law, Bush was deceived into committing war crimes under Article 3
of the Geneva Convention and the US War Crimes Act of 1996. Bush is now
desperately trying to save himself by having the US Congress
retroactively repeal both Article 3 and US law.

Under the US Constitution retroactive law is without force, but
desperate men will try anything.

President Bush has given no thought to the impact on America's
reputation of his strident campaign to write torture into US law. He
has given no thought to what saving himself means for captured US
troops if the US government guts Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.

How could he care? This is the same president who prevented the world
from intervening to stop Israel's slaughter of Lebanese civilians. This
is the same president who describes tens of thousands of slaughtered
Iraqi and Afghan civilians as "collateral damage." What sort of war is
it when civilian casualties far outnumber casualties among combatants?

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who was used by Bush to lie to
the UN in order to create a pretext for Bush's illegal invasion of
Iraq, denounced Bush's attempt to repeal Article 3 of the Geneva
Conventions. Powell said Bush's proposal causes the world to "doubt the
moral basis of our fight against terrorism" and will "put our own
troops at risk." Republican senators John McCain, John Warner, and
Lindsey Graham agree with Powell, although their arms may yet be
twisted out of their sockets.

Bush's claim that America cannot fight the "war on terror" without
employing torture is just another Bush lie. It is a known fact that
torture produces unreliable information. Torture can make people talk
but it cannot make them give reliable information.

Very few of the tens of thousands of "suspects" that the US has
detained are guilty of anything. We know this because the US Iraqi
Command says that 18,700 Iraqis have been released since June 2004. US
officers told the International Red Cross that 70 to 90 percent of the
Iraqi detentions were "mistakes." (See Associated Press reporter
Patrick Quinn, September 17, 2006.)

Most of these mistakes were people who were simply pulled out of their
beds or grabbed off streets as "suspected insurgents," victims of
military sweeps akin to the KGB street sweeps of the Stalin era, which
resulted in so many Soviet citizens disappearing into the Gulag. Others
were sold to naove Americans by warlords who collected a bounty for
turning in "terrorists."

When innocent people are tortured they invent information in order to
stop the pain. Sometimes they settle a score with a personal enemy or
someone they dislike by giving their name. People who experienced
Soviet torture and survived say they tried to remember names of
deceased persons to identify as "enemies of the state."

An actual terrorist or insurgent who believes in his cause is not going
to give accurate information. If his torturers demand information on a
pending attack, he will give the wrong location. If they demand the
identities of his group, he will give the wrong names. He is worth very
little as an information source, because his colleagues, aware that he
is captured or missing, will change plans and arrangements.

The US military has not learned anything from torturing detainees and
continues to loose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan despite its
widespread use of torture.

Lying is now a full-time occupation for US military spokespersons as
well as for President Bush. Lt. Col. Keir-Kevin Curry, a spokesman for
US military detainee operations in Iraq says that every detainee "is
detained because he poses a security threat to the government of Iraq,
the people of Iraq or coalition forces." President Bush says, "These
are enemy combatants who are waging war on our nation." Someone needs
to tell Bush and Lt. Col. Curry that what they allege cannot be true if
70-90 percent of detainees are mistaken detentions and if 18,700
detainees have been released in the last 14 months.

Baghdad shopkeeper Amjad Qassim al-Aliyawi is a good example. He
languished in detention limbo for 20 months without charges and without
apology when released.

= ======================================================================

By: Devvy Kidd
September 18, 2006
) 2006 -

My last column on 9/11 brought some angry denials from Americans who
believe anyone who asks reasonable questions about what really happened
that day is mentally ill - including widows, widowers, moms and dads
who lost their loved ones on 911. We're all "whack jobs." There has
been a concerted effort by the Bush Administration and it's Ministry of
Propaganda ("mainstream" and cable media) to reinforce their version as
the truth, written on nothing more than shifting sand. Two columnists
for recently made their feelings quite clear:

"The world you grew up in, the one you alternately loved, hated,
lavished indifference upon and dreamed of passing on to your children
and grandchildren (perhaps in better shape than you found it), is gone.
That world did not die of natural causes. Neither did it expire by its
own hand. You and your friends killed it. Your involvement in the 9/11
"conspiracy movement" is ample evidence of your guilt. No one could be
involved in such outlandish folly without being the product of a
fraudulent education system...........What stands at the gate is an
Islamic civilization. Where the West was ruled by law, Islam is ruled
by the law of violence. You did your best to demoralize or destroy
those who fought to protect you from this fate; therefore, your blood
and there will be much of it spilled is upon your own head." Craig
McMillan, WND, September 14, 2006
What McMillan is saying is that the widows, widowers, fathers and moms
who lost their loved ones that day who are asking for answers to their
questions and a new, real investigation, are responsible somehow for
what happened and that the blood in on their hands, and mine as well
since I have unanswered questions. According to McMillan we have
"killed the world." McMillan's statements are the most cruel and
irresponsible I have ever read. Next:

"However, where 9/11 conspiracy theorists cross the line into Bizarro
Land is when they conclude, utterly without proof, that the Bush
administration is filled with the most craven mass murderers in
American history in other words, that 9/11 was an "inside
job."........In case you're not aware, brainwashers and dictators and
master manipulators of all sorts have long known and exploited the
knowledge that when people are angry, emotional and upset, they are
automatically more vulnerable to outside suggestion (that is, to
believing nonsense) than if they were not angry. (That's why Hitler
always insisted on appealing to the German population on the basis of
powerful emotion, never reason and logic). If, in addition, the people
are in denial that is, they've rejected the truth then they are
open to believing virtually anything. Having already denied reality,
they literally have a need for lies." David Kupelian, WND, September
11, 2006

So, David is saying that all the family members who have reasonable
questions that have never been responded to or answered, have become
conspiracy wackos because they've been brainwashed, believe nonsense
and "need" lies. Because I have spent hundreds - not ten or twenty -
but hundreds of hours studying videos, reading everything available on
9/11 and have questions that have no answers, I am simply angry,
emotionally upset, believe nonsense and have a "need" for lies in my

9/11 is an emotional issue. By the poll numbers, millions of Americans
are upset and they are upset because they know they have been fed lies.
As I have said before, I came to the 9/11 truth movement kicking and
screaming after a year of willfully ignoring nagging questions. I
simply didn't want to believe that my dear friends could actually have
some valid reason for questioning events that day. Because 9/11 is such
an emotional issue, there are Americans who will grasp onto any source
that refutes any reasonable questions being asked and sling popular
labels such "whack job" because they cannot go where it might lead.

Who in their right mind doesn't want to believe that what happened that
day was exactly as presented by the Bush Administration? Any
alternative train of thought is beyond painful and requires the
individual to look evil straight in the eye. I also find it quite
interesting that so many in the media who have questioned the
government's actions in cover ups like the OKC bombing, TWA Flight 800,
Ron Brown and other tragedies, refuse to ask even one question about
the official story sold about 9/11. I suppose that's a tribute to the
excellent job done by the Ministry of Propaganda in combating any
efforts to find answers. The exception and kudos to Lou Dobbs for
stepping up to the plate:

"Incompetence and ineptitude on the part of this government on
September 11th and in the weeks and months leading up to it are
established. The fact that the government would permit deception after
a deception, whether honestly, if you can call it that, honestly
intended or not. But the fact that they were continue and perpetuate
the lie, suggests that we need a full investigation of what is going on
and what is demonstrably an incompetent and at worst deceitful federal
government." (Full transcript here; about half way down.)

In all my past columns I have recommended that Americans do their own
research on this issue. Don't let me or anyone else make up your mind.
Don't let someone from the media or your favorite politician tell you
what you saw really isn't what you saw with your own eyes. If you are
someone who has made up their mind that the government's version of
events is accurate and you don't want to take the chance of finding out
there might just be some questions that need answering, then that's
your right and I'm not going to plaster you with a label. I will say
this: it is not unpatriotic to question the actions of a sitting
president or any event which takes place in our country. The basis for
the unconstitutional invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is a direct
result of 9/11. The continued destruction of the Bill of Rights is a
direct result of 9/11. This entire police state being erected around US
is a direct result of 9/11. Shouldn't we be sure of all the facts?

No doubt there is a tremendous amount of silly garbage out there that
has hurt efforts to get to the truth. I understand how difficult it is
to separate the flaky purveyors of outlandish accusations and
government disinformation operations from genuine research. I hope I
can provide some important resources here.

Wayne Madsen is a rabid Democrat with a very public hatred of Bush and
his cohorts. However, he is a very good researcher whose material
continues to prove accurate. He has put together one of the most
complete essays on a particular aspect of 9/11 that is factual. How do
I know that? Because if you go back to all the investigations and hard
documents obtained, the dots have been connected and verified. 9/11 was
a crime of massive proportions and every single facet of the planning
and execution of that day must be properly investigated and not white
washed as we saw with the 9/11 Omission Commission. If some folks find
this upsetting or wish to reject the very idea of asking reasonable
questions, they should just move on to more comfortable reading.

The Israeli Art Students and Movers Story

"Being presented with a document such as the DEA report, titled
Suspicious Activities Involving Israeli Art Students at DEA
Facilities, posed unique problems in itself. For example, the document
had to be verified as authentic and not a hoax. Many times, government
agencies will merely state they can neither confirm nor deny the
genuineness of leaked documents. However, in the case of the DEA
report, confirmation of its genuineness came from the DEA in relatively
quick fashion."

This column is 100% factual and contains a great deal of information
that won't be covered by Katie Couric or Shawn Hannity:

Larry Lucky Larry Silverstein

"Youve got to be lucky to make $4 Billion killing on a 6-month
investment of $124 Million. Larry Silverstein is the New York property
tycoon who purchased the entire WTC complex just 6 months prior to the
9/11 attacks. That was the first time in its 33-year history the
complex had EVER changed ownership. Mr. Silversteins first order of
business as the new owner was to change the company responsible for the
security of the complex. The new security company he hired was
Securacom (now Stratasec). George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, was
on its board of directors, and Marvins cousin, Wirt Walker III, was
its CEO. According to public records, not only did Securacom provide
electronic security for the World Trade Center, it also covered Dulles
International Airport and United Airlines two key players in the 9/11

Here is yet ANOTHER American being terrorized for blowing the whistle
about 911 events:

9/11 Toxic Dust Whistle blower Raided By SWAT Team

"A 9/11 toxic dust whistle blower, a ground zero hero and one of the
individuals influential in the release of documents proving a
government cover-up that deliberately put police, firemen and rescue
personnel at risk, has been raided by a New York SWAT team - who
ransacked his home for three hours after he was arrested. Major Mike
McCormack is a hospital technician and civil air patrol pilot who
worked the ground zero site for eight days after the collapse of the
twin towers. He is one of the real heroes of 9/11 and was the man who
found the American flag that was later displayed as a token of unity
atop the rubble."

John P O'Neill died in the WTC Towers. Very few Americans knew who he
was, but he knew a lot and his death that day was just another one of
those convenient coincidences.

28-Year Career CIA Official Says 9/11 An Inside Job - Highlights
missing Pentagon trillions as potential motive

A 28-year CIA career man and a former skeptic of alternative 9/11
explanations has gone further than ever before in voicing his
convictions that the attacks bore the hallmarks of an inside job and
the three buildings in the WTC complex were brought down by controlled
demolition...Christison initially approached the subject unwilling to
even consider that elements of the government could be engaged in such
heights of criminality but his research quickly began to change his
mind. "Just about half a year ago it dawned on me that not only was I
trying to avoid an issue that might be extraordinarily important - more
important than any other issue," said Christison. "I have since decided least some elements in this US government had contributed in
some way or other to causing 9/11 to happen or at least allowing it to

What missing Pentagon trillions?

Rumsfeld Buries Admission of Missing 2+ Trillion Dollars in 9/10/01
Press Conference

"On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a
press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon
funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: "According to some
estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."

"Such a disclosure normally would have sparked a huge scandal. However,
the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the
morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions
already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by
anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the
"War on Terror."

"The Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time of the attack was Dov
Zakheim, who was appointed in May of 2001. Before becoming the
Pentagon's money-manager, he was an executive at System Planning

Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in electronic warfare

technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. 2. 3 Zakheim
is a member of the Project for a New American Century and participated
in the creation of its 2000 position paper Rebuilding America's
Defenses which called for "a New Pearl Harbor. 4 (Footnotes can be
viewed at the link above)

A new DVD has come out titled 9/11 Press for Truth. This DVD was made
by those bastions of angry, confused, easily manipulated family members
who, according to David Kupelian, "need" lies. This video is important
for all Americans to watch (free here). Americans need to see the Hell
the family members went through to get Bush to finally approve an
investigation. Why would Bush fight so hard to stop any investigation
of that horrible day? I believe the answer is here:

Secrecy Surrounds A Bush Brother's Role in 9/11 Security

"The White House opposed an independent commission to investigate 9/11
until after the terrorism insurance protections and protections for
security companies had safely passed Congress. It has also quietly
intervened in lawsuits against United Airlines in New York, brought by
relatives of the victims."

Explosive Testimony: Police & Firemen Report What Really Happened on
911. This is an amazing compilation of eye witness statements worthy of
reading time; click here.

If you have taken the time to read the link above and because so much
of the testimony is about bombs going off in the buildings, I will end
this column by recommending that everyone watch a new video just made
available because I believe it is the best on the WTC Towers. You can
watch it for free here. This three video presentation titled 911
Mysteries: Demolitions, is by far and away the most compelling,
professionally done explanation of what happened to the WTC Towers and
Building 7, hands down. (Remember: Internet videos are sometimes
difficult unless you let them completely load first and then hit play.)

For those who continue to label anyone asking reasonable questions
"whack jobs" or imply we all "need" lies to get by in our lives, I
would challenge you to watch 911 Mysteries: Demolitions and try to
prove these facts wrong. Much hay has been made about the position of
Popular Mechanics Magazine and their concerted effort to debunk 9/11
"conspiracy theories." Who made Popular Mechanics the one and only
source for truth on 9/11 and everyone else is a kook? Do your own
research, watch 911 Mysteries: Demolition and see if it stacks up to
Popular Mechanics story or the version of events promoted by Kool Aid
guzzler, Bill O'Reilly and other very high paid talkers. Despite these
relentless smear campaigns, there are millions who won't forget 9/11
and we won't stop until all those responsible are brought to justice.

) 2006 - - All Rights Reserved

Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind
Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio
shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought
after public speaker. Your complimentary copy of the 32-page report may
be obtained from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for

Devvy's website:
E-mail is:


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: September 19, 2006 5:57:44 PM EST
To: "'Stephanie Sutton'" <>

From: Nance ~ []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:59 AM

A must see...
It is despicable and very sad....
please send this to everyone you know.

The War on Terror is Bogus (and so is Al Qaeda) - Video

9-11 WTC/Pentagon attack was an INSIDE JOB - Video

9-11 The Great Conspiracy - Video


WITNESS and 14
Non-Profit Organizations Worldwide

Click VIDEO Link:

Outlawed: Human rights organisations have found that the US
government, in collusion with other governments across the world, is
involved in the illegal detention and torture of completely innocent
civilians. All in the name of fighting "terror".


FAR AND WIDE . . . . . FAR AND WIDE . . . . . FAR AND WIDE . . . . .


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 20, 2006 3:00:12 AM EST
Subject: Fw: Another Secret Study Surfaces at FCC

From: hengist
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:57 PM
Subject: Another Secret Study Surfaces at FCC

Here we go again.

Another Federal Communications Commission study on the negative
impacts of media consolidation came to light Monday after being buried
at the agency for at least two years the second suppressed FCC
ownership study to surface in as many weeks.

Its clear that FCCs top brass are willing to deep-six any research
that contradicts the media industrys pro-consolidation claims.
In fine bureaucratic fashion, neither former Chairman Michael Powell
nor current Chairman Kevin Martin has accepted responsibility for the
alleged cover-up. In the minds of both of them, its better we all
forget about it so the FCC can return to its work of handing out
billions of dollars in monopoly privileges to massive media firms.

The recently spiked study, a Review of the Radio Industry conducted
by the FCC Media Bureau, found that the Telecommunications Act of 1996
had led to a drastic decline in the number of radio station owners
even as the actual number of commercial stations in the United States
had increased.

A copy of the study is available at
Although the study would have been the fifth of its kind since the 1996
Act which lifted national radio ownership caps it was never
released, and no subsequent studies on the topic have been conducted.
It only became public after a copy was leaked to the office of Sen.
Barbara Boxer.

Last week, Jonathan Rintels reported here that Boxer also uncovered a
buried federal study that showed media consolidation is harmful to
local news reporting. The 2004 report found that locally owned stations
produced on average five minutes more local news coverage in a
half-hour newscast than their consolidated competitors.

Upon seeing the results, senior managers at the FCC ordered that every
last piece of that study be destroyed, according to the Associated

The unraveling controversy has been met with the standard denials from
both FCC chairmen. Powell told NPR on Friday that he never saw the
study. Any suggestion that senior levels of the commission spiked that
report, at least from my vantage point, didnt happen. In a letter to
Senator Barbara Boxer of California, Martin repeated that he knew
nothing of the study: I was not Chairman at the time that this report
was drafted. I had not seen nor was I aware of this draft report
No one on my staff had seen this report nor were they aware of it. I am
not aware of any other commissioners, past or present, who knew of the

Members of the Coalition have sent a letter to
Chairman Kevin Martin to immediately seek an independent
investigation, through the Office of the Inspector General, to
determine the circumstances under which the public was denied access to
this important, taxpayer-funded research, the parties involved and the
processes that may have allowed any record of its existence to be

Under Martin, the FCC is again considering handing control of more
local news outlets to massive media conglomerates by eliminating local
ownership caps and the longstanding prohibition on newspaper-broadcast

Ninety-seven percent of the public feedback received by the FCC in 2003
opposed further media consolidation, and more than 100,000 people have
already filed comments this time around. Yet Chairman Martin continues
to push for rules that will let a small handful of companies swallow up
more of our local media.

Maybe Kevin Martin should start reading his own research.

He and the agencys GOP majority are continuing Powells plan to gut
the last remaining limits to local media conglomerates, but before he
can proceed, Chairman Martin has promised to hold at least six public
hearings, to make a show of his planned rule changes with average
citizens. So far he has scheduled only one in Los Angeles on Oct. 3.

There needs to be an independent investigation and a full review of all
research conducted under the leadership of both Powell and Martin.

This article is from Huffington Post. If you found it informative and
valuable, we strongly encourage you to visit their website and register
an account to view all their articles on the web. Support quality


From: "Jacob G. Stansbury, Jr." <>
Date: September 18, 2006 10:59:21 PM EST
Cc: "People's Attorney / Volks-Anwalt Wolfram "Gro?=tz"
<> Cc":

Subject: Canadian police errors led to man's torture -probe

Canadian police errors led to man's torture: probe
18 Sep 2006 22:19:55 GMT
Source: Reuters

(Adds quotes from Arar, government, lawyer. Please note unusual
spelling of Marlys Edwardh in second last paragraph)

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Canadian police wrongly identified an
Ottawa software engineer as an Islamic extremist, prompting U.S. agents
to deport him to Syria, where he was tortured, an official inquiry
concluded on Monday.

Maher Arar, who holds Canadian and Syrian nationality, was arrested in
New York in September 2002 and accused of being an al-Qaeda member. In
fact, said the judge who led the probe, all the signs point to the fact
Arar was innocent.

Arar, 36, says he was repeatedly tortured in the year he spent in
Damascus jails, and the inquiry agreed that he had been tortured. He
was freed in 2003.

Judge Dennis O'Connor, who was asked by the Canadian government in 2004
to examine what had happened, found the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
had wrongly told U.S. authorities that Arar was an Islamic extremist.

"The provision of this inaccurate information ... (was) totally
unacceptable" and guaranteed the United States would treat Arar as a
serious threat, O'Connor said.

"I am able to say categorically that there is no evidence to indicate
that Mr Arar has committed any offense or that his activities
constitute a threat to the security of Canada."

Civil rights advocates said the case of Arar and three other Canadians
who ended up in Syrian jails raised suspicions that Canada might be
outsourcing interrogation to nations where torture was commonplace.

O'Connor said the case of the other three men was troubling and
warranted further investigation. But he found no evidence that the
Canadian government had played any direct role in the U.S. decision to
deport Arar to Syria.

Arar, calling on the government to hold accountable the officials he
said were responsible for his ordeal, had tears in his eyes when asked
by reporters for his reaction.

"Today Justice O'Connor has cleared my name and restored my
reputation," said Arar, who has launched a lawsuit against Ottawa
seeking compensation.

O'Connor's three-volume report castigated the Mounties for slipshod
work in the wake of the 9/11 suicide attacks.

It said the Mounties exaggerated Arar's importance and later asked U.S.
customs agents to put Arar and his wife on a special watch list,
calling them "Islamic extremist individuals suspected of being linked
to the Al Qaeda terrorist movement".

U.S. agencies declined to be questioned by O'Connor as to why they had
deported Arar.

"I do conclude it is very likely that they relied on information
received from the RCMP in making the decision to remove Mr Arar to
Syria," the judge wrote.

Public Security Minister Stockwell Day, who has overall responsibility
for the forces of law and order, said he was satisfied with the finding
that Canadian officials had not played a direct role in the U.S.
decision to deport Arar to Syria.

"What happened to Mr Arar is very regrettable. We hope ... never to see
this happen again," he told reporters.

Arar first came to police attention in October 2001 when he was seen
talking to another man already being investigated for possible al-Qaeda

O'Connor found that police made a number of serious mistakes in the
Arar case.

The unit probing possible terror networks was poorly supervised and was
comprised largely of financial fraud experts, who had little experience
of national security cases.

Police gave all the files from their probe to the United States without
screening the data for inaccuracies or following internal rules that
limited what they could hand over.

"It was a breathtakingly incompetent investigation ... a disaster,"
said Marlys Edwardh, a lawyer for Arar.

O'Connor criticized unnamed Canadian officials, whom he said had leaked
confidential and sometimes inaccurate information about Arar both
before and after his release in a bid to demonstrate he really was a
threat to national security.

(With additional reporting by Randall Palmer in Ottawa)


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 22, 2006, 2:34:14 PM9/22/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 22, 2006

From: Richard Pierce <>
Date: September 21, 2006 12:59:03 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] ISRAEL PUSHING U.S. TO BOMB IRAN


By Mike Blair

The Bush administration and the British government are under increasing
pressure from the Israelis to conduct an illegal air strike against
Irans nuclear facilities, according to a number of reports in Europes
largest newspapers.

In London, The Sunday Telegraph and the daily Telegraph have reported
that war clouds are spreading as Iran continues its nuclear development
and Israel reacts to it.

According to The Sunday Telegraph Israel has appointed Maj. Gen.
Elyezer Shkedy, commander of the Israeli air force, to direct military
action against Tehran. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that Britain is
holding secret talks at which senior defense chiefs and government
officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran.

The Pentagon is also drawing up plans for an attack. U.S. military
ground forces are already bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in
dozens of other deployments abroad.

Still, irresponsible air strikes against Irans nuclear sites, which
would inevitably result in massive, insoluble geopolitical, military,
energy and economic problems, are planned by Bush administration

Israel, as usual, is counting on U.S. backingand it is making it
obvious that if there is no strike on Iran it will act on its own.

In a recent visit to the United States, former Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu warned friend and foe alike that Israel is
prepared to take on any country or combination of countries to
protect itself.

The Israelis refer to the Iran Front, The Sunday Telegraph reports.
Israel is becoming extremely concerned now with what they see as
Irans delaying tactics, an Israeli-Iran analyst told the newspaper.
The [Israeli] planners think negotiations are going nowhere, and Iran
is becoming a major danger for Israel. Now they are getting ready for
living with a nuclear Iran or letting the military take care of it.

According to the British publication Gen. Shkedy will coordinate the
intelligence gathered by Israels foreign spy agency Mossad and
military sources, in order to draw up battle plans. . . . He will
command the campaign from a hot seat in the Israeli armys
headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Uri Dromi, a former air force colonel and analyst, told The Sunday
Telegraph: Its natural that Shkedy is nominated in this role, because
the air force is Israels only force that can reach and sustain a
military operation against Iran. . . .Everyone is playing with dates
and time frames . . . but the list of options is becoming shorter. I
think we have one year open [to launch military action].

Israel reportedly has an arsenal of at least 200 nuclear warheads and
as many as 400.

The Telegraph reported wishfully:

[It is] believed that an American-led attack, designed to destroy
Irans ability to develop a nuclear bomb, is inevitable if Tehrans
leaders fail to comply with United Nations demands to freeze their
uranium enrichment program..

Tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from U.S. Navy ships and
submarines in the gulf would, it is believed, target Irans air defense
systems at the nuclear installations.

That would enable attacks by B2 Stealth bombers equipped with eight
4,500-pound enhanced BLU-28 satellite-guided bunker busting bombs,
flying from Diego Garcia, the isolated U.S. Navy base in the Indian
Ocean, RAF [Royal Air Force] base Fairford in Gloucestershire and
Whiteman USAF base in Missouri.

It is understood that any direct British involvement in an attack would
be limited but may extend to the use of the RAFs highly secret
airborne warning aircraft. The belief in some areas of Whitehall is
that an attack is now all but inevitable.

(Issue #38 & 39, September 18 & 25, 2006)


NOTE: Rangel should be ashamed of himself for being such a pimp for
the Bush fascists. His value here is that he demonstrates the absolute
futility of supporting anyone within the US fake two-party system. --
kl, pp

Democrats Warn Chavez: Don't Bash Bush

POSTED: 0025 GMT (0825 HKT), September 21, 2006

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two of President Bush's staunchest domestic critics
leapt to his defense Thursday, a day after one of his fiercest foreign
foes called him "the devil" in a scorching speech before the United

"You don't come into my country; you don't come into my congressional
district and you don't condemn my president," Rep. Charles Rangel,
D-New York, scolded Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her
criticism of the Venezuelan leader. "He is an everyday thug," she said.
(Watch Rangel rip Chavez -- 1:28 )

Chavez kept up his criticism of Bush during a visit to Harlem on
Thursday, calling the U.S. president "a sick man" who is unqualified
for the job. Chavez also said he is expanding his heating-oil program
to help low-income Americans.

During his speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, Chavez
launched into a caustic verbal attack of Bush that shocked diplomats
and observers accustomed to the staid verbiage of international
diplomacy. (Full story)

"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said, referring to Bush, who
addressed the world body during its annual meeting Tuesday. "And it
smells of sulfur still today."

Chavez accused Bush of having spoken "as if he owned the world" when
the U.S. president addressed the world body on Tuesday. (Watch Chavez
headline a devil of a week at the U.N. -- 2:11)

"As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums to try
to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage
of the peoples of the world. An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as
a scenario. I would even propose a title: 'The Devil's Recipe.' "

Bush's domestic foes fumed Thursday.

"If there's any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to
Americans, whether they voted for him or not," Rangel said at a
Washington news conference.

"I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other
president: Don't come to the United States and think, because we have
problems with our president, that any foreigner can come to our country
and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our
chief of state," Rangel said.

"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had speaking at the United
Nations," Pelosi said. "In doing so, in the manner which he
characterized the president, he demeaned himself and demeaned

Bush administration officials dismissed the Chavez tirade.

"We're not going to address that sort of comic-strip approach to
international affairs," John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.,
said shortly after Chavez spoke Wednesday.

Chavez's tirades against Bush have become common. In May, he accused
Bush of committing genocide and said the U.S. president should be
imprisoned by an international criminal court.

Chavez also alleged during the U.N. speech that the United States is
planning, financing and setting in motion a coup to overthrow him. The
U.S. has denied such accusations in the past.

As he was exiting the U.N. building in New York, Chavez told reporters
that Bush is not a legitimate president because he "stole the

"He is, therefore, a dictator," Chavez said.(Watch Chavez's bellicose
comments -- :57)

During a stop in Harlem on Thursday, Chavez said he has no quarrel with
the American people.

"We are friends of yours, and you are our friends," he said.

Underscoring his point, he announced he is expanding his heating-oil
program to help impoverished Americans from 40 million gallons last
year to 100 million gallons this year, and from 180,000 families to
459,000 families.

But in the heart of Rangel's congressional district, he blasted away at
Bush for a second day.

"He walks like this cowboy John Wayne," said Chavez. "He doesn't have
the slightest idea of politics. He got where he is because he is the
son of his father. He was an alcoholic, an ex-alcoholic. He's a sick
man, full of complexes, but very dangerous now because he has a lot of

Chavez, clad in a fire-engine-red shirt, called Bush a "menace" and a
"threat against life on the planet."

In the United States, rich people are getting richer, and poor people
are getting poorer, he said. "That's not a democracy; that's a

After his address, a Chavez spokesman said the Secret Service and New
York Police Department had barred the Venezuelan president from
granting media interviews and cut his delegation's satellite feed --
claims the New York police and State Department denied.

NYPD Assistant Chief Michael Collins called the allegations
"absolutely false" and said the Venezuelan delegation refused to comply
with requirements on where to place their satellite dish.

"What they were doing was dangerous and illegal," he said. "We made
every accommodation not to interfere with what was going on."

State Department spokesman Gonzo Gallegos, in New York with Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice, said: "As a matter of policy, there are no
restrictions on President Chavez or anyone else wanting to speak their
mind in the United States."


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Iraq: U.S. Resorting to 'Collective Punishment'

by Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily
September 21, 2006
Inter Press Service

RAMADI, Sep 18 (IPS) - U.S. forces are taking to collective punishment
of civilians in several cities across the al-Anabar province west of
Baghdad, residents and officials say.

"Ramadi, the capital of al-Anbar province, is still living with the
daily terror of its people getting killed by snipers and its
infrastructure being destroyed," Ahmad, a local doctor who withheld his
last name for security purposes told IPS. "This city has been facing
the worst of the American terror and destruction for more than two
years now, and the world is silent."

Destroying infrastructure and cutting water and electricity "for days
and even weeks is routine reaction to the resistance," he said. "Guys
of the resistance do not need water and electricity, it's the families
that are being harmed, and their lives which are at stake."

Students and professors at the University of al-Anbar told IPS that
their campus is under frequent attack.

"Nearly every week we face raids by the Americans or their Iraqi
colleagues," a professor speaking on condition of anonymity told IPS.
Students said that U.S. troops occupied their school last week..

"We've been under great pressure from the Americans since the very
first days of their occupation of Iraq," a student told IPS.

Such raids are being reported all over Ramadi. "The infrastructure
destruction is huge around the governorate building in downtown
Ramadi," said a 24-year-old student who gave his name as Ali al-Ani.
"And they are destroying the market too."

IPS reported Sep. 5 that the U.S. military was bulldozing entire blocks
of buildings near the governorate to dampen resistance attacks on
government offices.

Such U.S. action seems most severe in al-Anbar province, where
resistance is strongest, and which has seen the highest U.S.

The city of Hit 80km west of Ramadi was surrounded by U.S. troops for
several days earlier this week. Several civilians were killed and at
least five were detained by U.S. forces. Checkpoints are in place at
each entrance to the city after the U.S. military lifted the cordon
around it. This has stifled movement and damaged local businesses.

"There was an attack on a U.S. convoy, and three vehicles were
destroyed," a local tribal chief who gave his name as Nawaf told IPS.
"It wasn't the civilians who did it, but they are the ones punished.
These Americans have the bad habit of cutting all of the essential
services after every attack. They said they came to liberate us, but
look at the slow death they are giving us every day."

In Haditha, a city of 75,000 on the banks of the Euphrates River in
western al-Anbar, collective punishment is ongoing, residents say. This
was the site of the massacre of 24 civilians by U.S. marines in
November 2005.

"The Americans continue to raid our houses and threaten us with more
violence," a local tribal leader who gave his name as Abu Juma'a told
IPS. "But if they think they will make us kneel by these criminal acts,
they are wrong. If they increase the pressure, the resistance will
increase the reaction. We see this pattern repeated so often now."

Abu Juma'a added: "I pray that the Americans return to their senses
before they lose everything in the Iraqi fire."

In Fallujah, local police say residents have turned against them due to
the collective punishment tactics used by U.S. forces.

"The Americans started pushing us to fight the resistance despite our
contracts that clearly assigned us the duties of civil protection
against normal crimes such as theft and tribal quarrels," a police
lieutenant told IPS. "Now 90 percent of the force has decided to quit
rather than kill our brothers or get killed by them for the wishes of
the Americans."

At least one U.S. vehicle is reported destroyed every day on average in
the face of mounting U.S. raids and a daily curfew. The scene is one of
destruction of the city, not rebuilding.

"Infrastructure rebuilding is just a joke that nobody laughs at," Fayiq
al-Dilaimy, an engineer in Fallujah told IPS. He was on the rebuilding
committee set up after the November 2004 U.S.-led operation which
destroyed approximately 75 percent of the city..

"People of this city could rebuild their city in six months if given a
real chance. Now look at it and how sorrowful it looks under the boots
of the 'liberators'."

Many of the smaller towns have been badly hit. "Khaldiyah (near
Fallujah) and the area around it have faced the worst collective
punishments for over two years now," said a government official in
Ramadi. "But of course most cities in al-Anbar are being constantly
punished by the Americans."

Samarra and Dhululiyah towns, both north of Baghdad, have also been
facing collective punishment from the U.S. military, according to

"Curfews and concrete walls are permanent in both cities, which makes
life impossible," Ali al-Bazi, a lawyer who lives in Dhululiyah and
works in Samarra told IPS. "There are so many killings by American
snipers. So many families have lost loved ones trying to visit
relatives or even just stepping outside of their house."

While Baghdad is not in al-Anbar province, occupation forces have used
similar tactics there. In January 2005 IPS reported that the military
used bulldozers to level palm groves, cut electricity, destroy a fuel
station and block access roads in response to attacks from resistance

A U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad did not comment on specific cases,
but told IPS that the U.S. military "does its best to protect civilians
from the terrorists."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.
The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to
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must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print
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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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For media inquiries:

) Copyright Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service, 2006


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: September 22, 2006 3:20:46 AM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Take part in the struggle for food

Time for Food Sovereignty

Take part in the struggle against corporate control of our food, fish
and agriculture. The time is overripe for food sovereignty the
alternative to the current neoliberal policies on food, fish and

Food and agriculture are fundamental to all peoples, in terms of both
production and availability of sufficient quantities of safe and
healthy food, and as foundations of healthy lives, communities,
cultures and environments. On the contrary, the consequences of the
dominating neoliberal policies are hunger, poverty and environmental
damage. The multinational companies are taking over the control while
farmers and fisherfolks are marginalized, and consumers often receive
unhealthy food. The breakdown of the negotiations in the WTO underlines
the need for a total change in the policies for food, agriculture and
fisheries. It is Time for Food Sovereignty.

Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to define their own food and
agriculture policies; to protect and regulate domestic agricultural
production and trade in order to achieve sustainable development
objectives; to determine the extent to which they want to be self
reliant; to eliminate the dumping of products in their markets, and; to
provide local fisheries-based communities the priority in managing the
use of and the rights to aquatic resources. Food sovereignty promotes
the formulation of trade policies and practices that serve the rights
of peoples to safe, healthy and ecologically sustainable production.
This system is a form of trade that goes far beyond the restrictive
model that easily lends itself to corporate control.

From Discussions to Actions: The fight for food sovereignty is not
about academic discussions, but about the life and death of billions of
people, a fight for democracy, for consumer rights and for preserving
the environment for future generations. Farmers, fisherfolks, herders,
indigenous peoples and other food producers are fighting every day to
keep their dignity, livelihoods and preserve the environment. We must
build strong alliances and develop concrete plans of action to advance
food sovereignty.

Dynamic and living Debate: The concept of food sovereignty and the
actualisation of it is continually being developed and deepened. New
issues, challenges and needs for answers and policies are constantly
evolving. Many organisations, groups and individuals are supporting
the principles of food sovereignty, but many others are not familiar
with the concept. We must spread information about food sovereignty and
mobilise people and organisations around it. As food sovereignty has
become more popular, some politicians, institutions and other entities
are misusing the term. As a result, we must protect it from co-option.

Nyilini an important step on the road: Nyilini 2007 the World Forum
for Food Sovereignty - will be held in Mali in February 200. Five
hundred delegates representing farmers, fisherfolks, indigenous
peoples, womens groups, workers, environmentalists, consumers, NGOs,
youth groups, government representatives will meet to advance food
sovereignty on all levels within all sectors.

During the forum, the right to food sovereignty will be reaffirmed;
the economic, social and environmental implications of food sovereignty
will be deliberated; and, the global movement for the recognition of
the right to food sovereignty will be initiated. Overall, Nyeleni 2007
aims to define a global and collective strategy to guarantee the right
of all peoples to food sovereignty, realized by all countries and
guaranteed by the United Nations.

Nyeleni 2007 is only a part of the process to step up the struggle for
food sovereignty, develop and actualise the concept, build alliances
and develop plans of action in order to change the balance of power to
favour food sovereignty worldwide. A wide range of input in the
preparation of Nyilini is essential to actualise food sovereignty. Many
more organisations can take part in the preparation and follow up than
in the forum itself. The fight for food sovereignty is a long-term
fight where all people, organisations, governments and institutions who
are positive to the concept, are essential.

What can you and your organisation do?

7 Adopt the concept of food sovereignty.

7 Organise discussions around the concept of food sovereignty
within your organisation, locally and regionally with various sectors
of society that the right to food impacts farmers, fisherfolks,
envrionmentalists, consumers, indigenous peoples . . .

7 Develop plans and actions for food sovereignty which address
the following:

o Development of new alliances.

o How to combat transnational corporations, which threaten food

o Protection of community access to natural resources.

o How to maintain local economies where people and communities
decide what and how they produce food.

o To fight regional trade agreements and international lending
institutions, as well as alternatives to those systems.

o Alternative framework to the current World Trade Organisation
in order to ensure that international trade does not undermine food

o What current policies are in place that actualise food

7 Sign up for information and input on an e-mail list.

Contact information

There is an international steering committee for the Nyilini 2007[1],
and regional committees for the preparation and follow up.

To help organise local, national and regional processes in the lead up
to Nyilini 2007, contact the regional contact person below.

Asia: Saro Rengam (, Henry Sarangi
(,, Herman Kumara

West and Central Asia, incl Caucuses: Maryam Rahmanian

Africa: Ibrahim Coulibaly (, Ndiougou Fall
(, Diamantino Nhampossa

Europe: Paul Nicholson (, ),
Aksel Naerstad (

Latin/Central America and the Carribean: Alberto Villareal
(, Karin Nansen (, Miriam
Noble (

North America: Pedro Avedano (, Andrianna
Natsoulas (, Alberto Gomez

For more information:

[1] La Via Campesina, World Forum of Fish harvesters and Fish Workers
(WFF), World Forum of Fisherpeople (WFFP), Friends of the Earth
International (FOEI), World March of Women, Reseau des Organisations
Paysannes et de Producteurs de lAfrique de lOuest (ROPPA), the
Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes (CNOP)-Mali,
International Planning Committee on Food Sovereignty (IPC), Food and
Water Watch (USA), The Development Fund (Norway).

Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat

Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


From: "Anne Goddard" <>
Date: September 21, 2006 8:26:37 AM EST
To: <>
Subject: [bluegreenearth] Launch of Global Climate Change Action

Asylum Seekers, Irregular Migrants, Refugees and Human Rights News
Service from Australia.Hiya BGE readers :-)

We are proud to announce launch of the "Global Climate Change Action"
please participate in out first poll:

Do you wish to see an expansion of the nuclear industry in Australia?
currently running at 94% AGAINST

we ask for no donation, just your enthusiastic and continual ACTIVE
participation... and enjoyment :-)

Warm regards

ps: Steal our Logo!
print it out and iron it on your own T-shirt.

Promote Global Climate Change Action!

please promote widely throughout your networks...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 21, 2006 1:32:58 PM ES
Subject: Israel Plunders Lebanon While Corporate Media Sleeps

Israel Plunders Lebanon While Corporate Media Sleeps

Wednesday September 20th 2006, 1:36 pm

On the one hand, we are told Israel plans to pull its troops out of
south Lebanon by the weekend, according to the Minister of Offense
and Ethnic Cleansing, Amir Peretz, while on the other hand Lt. Gen. Dan
Halutz, the chief of staff of Israeli Occupation Forces, tells us no
deal, the troops will stay put, at least through the weekend.

Israel said it would pull out its troops from southern Lebanon once
the number of Lebanese soldiers and international troops in the region
was large enough to enforce the cease-fire that ended 34 days of
fighting between Israel and Hezbollah militants last month.

Of course, as usual, people who defend their country against invasion
are militants, probably the same way the Continental Army consisted
of militants who attacked defenseless Brits over the Pennsylvania

Meanwhile, the corporate media does not bother to report what Israeli
troops are doing in Lebanon. Israeli bulldozers started to level the
soil and cut down olive trees in Yarin in the Tyre region on Monday,
spoiling several cultivated fields and preventing farmers from
inspecting their lands, reports the Daily Star. Israeli troops set up
a fence last week in a Marjayoun field, leveled soil and created a
large trench despite the presence of UNIFIL forces.

Of course, this is predictable behavior, as any Palestinian or resident
of southern Lebanon will tell you. In 1982, Israel not only killed over
20,000 people by way of saturation bombing, but they also targeted
Lebanons economy and agricultural infrastructure. Prior to Hezbollah
defeating Israeli occupation forces in 2000, the Israelis went so far
as to scoop up Lebanons rich agricultural topsoil and cart it back
over the border.

Youd think the fact Israel is preparing to steal Lebanons water would
be newsworthy. A few of us predicted this, realizing Israel is a
creature of criminal habit, repeating the same behavior over and over,
if only because the rest of the world turns away, lest they be called
antisemitic and Holocaust deniers. From the same Daily Star
article, linked above:

[A]n Israeli bulldozer carried out digging work on Tuesday before
laying water pipes in the Wazzani River in Marjayoun in a bid to funnel
water to the town of Ghajar, the National News Agency (NNA) reported
this week. Five Israeli tanks were seen in Tallat Mahames inside the
eastern sector in the South, the NNA added. Ghajar is situated on the
border of Lebanon and the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights. No
doubt there are a few settler swimming pools in the Golan in need of
water illegally siphoned from Lebanon.

A Google News Search returns no mention of the above criminal behavior.
Obviously, it is only a concern for the Lebanese, who are suffering in
silence now that the worlds attention is focused elsewhere, for
instance upon the Iranian-born U.S. entrepreneur Anousheh Ansari, who
dropped $20 million to ride a Soyuz TMA-9 space capsule.

Despite significant humanitarian needs, Baalbek and south Beirut have
both received limited international assistance to date, reports
ReliefWeb. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reports
that the destruction of water distribution pipescurrently inaccessible
under piles of rubbleremains the most significant challenge to water
supply restoration. Although all water pumping stations remain intact,
ICRC reports damage to transformers, generators, reservoirs, and pumps.
Fuel and electricity shortages are also hindering pumping capacity.

Some people, of course, are more innocent and in need of water than
other people, especially fanatical settlers perched upon stolen land.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 20, 2006 1:14:53 PM EST
Subject: Chavez, Ahmadinejad cite 9/11 in attempt to counter fake war

Chavez, Ahmadinejad Cite 9/11 in Attempt
To Counter Fake War Provocations

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 20 2006

Fearing that they are the next targets of the U.S. led imperial new
world order, leaders of foreign nations are beginning to understand
that by drawing attention to the use of staged provocations and state
terror, they may be able to move one step ahead in the world of public
opinion and avoid the wrath of the Neo-Fascists.

In July of 2005 we released an article entitled 'A Warning to the
World' which called for, "all governments who still operate outside of
the control of the Globalists to come forward and join humanity in
unveiling the real terrorists who are attempting to deform the world
into a prison planet."

This was a plea for all credible whistleblowers, and especially those
within government, to shine a spotlight on the true face of terrorism.
"We are calling on all whistleblowers to reveal themselves now and
stand with us in the corner of truth and the future of this species.
These bastards are indiscriminate killers and withholding information
only paints a bigger target on your forehead. Your words need to be

"On a governmental level the challenge is here before you. Either
scream from the rooftops about government orchestrated terrorism or sit
back and watch your country become a victim of it as it is wrestled
away from your hands and placed in the domain of a black and cancerous
global dictatorship."

That challenge is now being answered not simply because of our article
but due to increased exposure of 9/11 and a clearer understanding of
how governments create crises in order to justify wars.

The crescendo of credible individuals blowing the whistle on government
sponsored terror has increased exponentially.

Not only did we witness a coming together of academics, scientists and
former government officials with the birth of the Scholars for 9/11
truth, but a number of world leaders used their platforms to warn the
world of western state sponsored terror.

In May of this year Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed
9/11 complicity in a letter to the U.S. government.

"September eleven was not a simple operation," he wrote.

"Could it be planned and executed without coordination with
intelligence and security services or their extensive infiltration?
Of course this is just an educated guess."

"Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are
we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why arent those
responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial? All
governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their

Ahmadinejad knows his leadership has been targeted for decapitation and
only by shining a bright light on the omnipresent possibility of a
staged war provocation on the part of the Neo-Cons - such as the
Bush/Blair fake Saddam UN plane shoot down memo - can he offset a
likely entree to the air strike of Iran.

Like Ahmadinejad, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is rightly obsessed
with the intentions of the Bush regime to overthrow his government,
having already been the subject of a CIA kidnapping on a previous

Six months before Chavez gave a speech in which he lent credence to the
notion that 9/11 was a self-inflicted wound, this website reported on
9/11 activists holding private meetings with Chavez and his cabinet in
anticipation of a potential Venezuelan government investigation into

Though the formation of that inquiry is still an open question,
Chavez's public questioning of 9/11 earlier this month left no doubt as
to who he thinks was behind the attack (see video above).

HUGO CHAVEZ, VENEZUELAN PRES. (through translator): "The hypothesis
that is gaining strength, which was said on television last night, and
which could soon blow up, was that it was the same U.S. imperial power
that planned and carried out this terrible terrorist attack, or act,
against its own people and against citizens all over the world. Why? To
justify the aggression that was immediately unleashed on Afghanistan,
on Iraq and the threats against all of us, against Venezuela, too."

Since our plea for influential power brokers worldwide to blow the
whistle on state-sponsored terror, the threshold of understanding about
9/11 has been given a new lease of life.

The grounds of consciousness are fertile and now is the most opportune
time for whistleblowers, government officials and any individual of
credible standing, to add their voice to the chorus of truth and rise
up in unison against this global crime syndicate.

RELATED: More Highly Credible Whistle Blowers Identifying Global
'Al-Qaeda' Terrorism as State Controlled


Anonymising Browser Debuts

Web users worried about privacy can now use a modified version of
Firefox that lets them browse the net anonymously.

The Torpark browser has been created by a hacking group and uses
technology backed by digital rights group the Electronic Frontier

Torpark uses its own network of net routers to anonymise the traffic
people generate when they browse the web.

The browser can be put on a flash memory stick so users can turn any
PC into an anonymous terminal.

Hide and seek

The Torpark tool has been created by Hacktivismo - an international
coalition of hackers, human rights workers, lawyers and artists.

Torpark uses the Tor network of internet routers set up by the
Electronic Frontier Foundation that already has tens of thousands of
regular users.

Whenever any computer connects to the net it freely shares information
about the address it is using. This is so any data it requests is sent
back to the right place.

The Tor network tries to stop this information being shared in two
ways. First, it encrypts traffic between a computer and the Tor
network of routers - this makes it much harder to spy on the traffic
and pinpoint who is doing what.

Second, the Tor network regularly changes the net address that someone
appears to be browsing from - again this frustrates any attempt to pin
a particular browsing session on any individual.

"We live in a time where acquisition technologies are cherry picking
and collating every aspect of our online lives," said Oxblood Ruffin,
one of the founders of Hacktivismo, in a statement announcing Torpark.

Mr Ruffin was at pains to point out that the anonymising abilities of
Torpark had its limitations. Data travelling between the websites
people look at and the Tor network is unencrypted and it could be
possible to identify users if they visit sites that do not encrypt
login sessions.

The programs making up the free Torpark download are small enough to
install on a USB flash memory stick allowing people to take the
anonymising browser with them. Before now it has been possible to
configure Firefox to use Tor and its associated identity hiding
programs but Torpark puts all these elements in one package.

Hacktivisimo said that anyone using Torpark might see a slight
reduction in their browsing speed as the package of programs connect
to the Tor network and scramble traffic.

The Torpark browser includes an clickable icon that lets people switch
between anonymous and ordinary browsing.

It may also cause frustration as the regular change of net address may
make some sites think that a new user is visiting and ask once more
for login details.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/09/20 12:02:28 GMT

Want to download Torpark ?

Welcome to the official Torpark homepage. Download Torpark and put it
on a USB Flash keychain. Plug it into any internet terminal whether at
home, school, or public. Run Torpark.exe and it will launch a Tor
circuit connection, which creates an encrypted tunnel from your
computer indirectly to a Tor exit computer, allowing you to surf the
internet anonymously. How much does Torpark cost? IT'S FREE.

[Note: Based on Mozilla Firefox, currently available for Windows, Mac
version is NOT available, but being considered.]

Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:46 pm


From: Taking Aim <>
Date: September 21, 2006 12:35:04 PM EST
To: Taking Aim 2 <>

Subject: Taking Aim Bulletin - September 21, 2006 - new show in archive

"The Terror State Targets Lynne Stewart, part 2: A Modern Inquisition"
Listed as 060919 - our WBAI show this past Tuesday, September 19 is
to the Taking Aim Program Archive.

Part 1, "The Terror State Targets Lynne Stewart: The Destruction of
Democratic Rights" was broadcast May 2 and is available on the archive

Mark your calendars:
Lynne Stewart's sentencing hearing is Monday, October 16, 10:00 a.m.,
courtroom of Hon. John G. Koeltl, Federal Court House in Manhattan, 500
Pearl Street, Courtroom 12B.

There will be a mass rally during the afternoon of October 15 (the day
before the sentencing hearing) from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the
Church, South Hall.

Make every effort to attend the rally and the sentencing hearing. Join
Ralph, who is flying in from California specifically to attend the
rally and
sentencing hearing. Your presence makes a difference.

Visit - the website of the Lynne Stewart
committee for more details and for a schedule of activities.
Transcripts of
the entire trial are available on the site. See for yourself why the
persecution of attorney Lynne Stewart is a modern inquisition.

Countdown to October 16 (from the defense committee website)
In a case that has echoes of Haymarket, Sacco/ and Vanzetti, and the
Rosenbergs, attorney Lynne Stewart will be sentenced on Monday, October

The government is calling her a terrorist because of her legal work for
Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a convicted Egyptian Islamic scholar and has
demanded that Judge John Koeltl sentence her to federal prison for 30

Supporters of Lynne and her work, supporters of the Constitution [Bill
Rights], political activists and leaders have joined to demand no jail.
Lynne is 67, is fighting breast cancer and has suffered the worst
punishmentshe is no longer able to legally represent people in Court.

IT IS CRUCIAL that our resistance to this government outrage be focused,
directed, loud and clear.

To accomplish this as widely as possible the LSDC has scheduled numerous
events leading up to 10/16. We ask that you join us that you get your
organization to join us, that you email your personal network to join

Please contact or 212-625-9696

Mya Shone/Ralph Schoenman
Taking Aim

Contributions to Taking Aim enable us to continue our radio broadcasts,
expand our Internet sites, produce workbooks, pamphlets and books and
organize events. Make your checks payable to: Veritas Press
PO Box 6345, Vallejo, CA 94591


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Who Benefits from the Afghan Opium Trade?
By Michel Chossudovsky
September 21, 2006

The United Nations has announced that opium poppy cultivation in
Afghanistan has soared and is expected to increase by 59% in 2006. The
production of opium is estimated to have increased by 49% in relation
to 2005.

The Western media in chorus blame the Taliban and the warlords. The
Bush administration is said to be committed to curbing the Afghan drug
trade: "The US is the main backer of a huge drive to rid Afghanistan of
opium... "

Yet in a bitter irony, US military presence has served to restore
rather than eradicate the drug trade.

What the reports fail to acknowledge is that the Taliban government was
instrumental in implementing a successful drug eradication program,
with the support and collaboration of the UN.

Implemented in 2000-2001, the Taliban's drug eradication program led to
a 94 percent decline in opium cultivation. In 2001, according to UN
figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Immediately following
the October 2001 US led invasion, production increased dramatically,
regaining its historical levels.

The Vienna-based UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that the 2006
harvest will be of the order of 6,100 tonnes, 33 times its production
levels in 2001 under the Taliban government (3200 % increase in 5

Cultivation in 2006 reached a record 165,000 hectares compared with
104,000 in 2005 and 7,606 in 2001 under the Taliban (See table below).

Multibillion dollar trade

According to the UN, Afghanistan supplies in 2006 some 92 percent of
the world's supply of opium, which is used to make heroin.

The UN estimates that for 2006, the contribution of the drug trade to
the Afghan economy is of the order of 2.7 billion. What it fails to
mention is the fact that more than 95 percent of the revenues generated
by this lucrative contraband accrues to business syndicates, organized
crime and banking and financial institutions. A very small percentage
accrues to farmers and traders in the producing country.

(See also UNODC, The Opium Economy in Afghanistan, ,
Vienna, 2003, p. 7-8)

"Afghan heroin sells on the international narcotics market for 100
times the price farmers get for their opium right out of the field".(US
State Department quoted by the Voice of America (VOA), 27 February

Based on wholesale and retail prices in Western markets, the earnings
generated by the Afghan drug trade are colossal. In July 2006, street
prices in Britain for heroin were of the order of Pound Sterling 54, or
$102 a gram.

Narcotics On the Streets of Western Europe

One kilo of opium produces approximately 100 grams of (pure) heroin.
6100 tons of opium allows the production of 1220 tons of heroin with a
50 percent purity ratio.

The average purity of retailed heroin can vary. It is on average 36%.
In Britain, the purity is rarely in excess of 50 percent, while in the
US it can be of the order of 50-60 percent.

Based on the structure of British retail prices for heroin, the total
proceeds of the Afghan heroin trade would be of the order of 124.4
billion dollars, assuming a 50 percent purity ratio. Assuming an
average purity ratio of 36 percent and the average British price, the
cash value of Afghan heroin sales would be of the order of 194.4
billion dollars.

While these figures do not constitute precise estimates, they
nonetheless convey the sheer magnitude of this multibillion dollar
narcotics trade out of Afghanistan. Based on the first figure which
provides a conservative estimate, the cash value of these sales, once
they reach Western retail markets are in excess of 120 billion dollars
a year.

(See also our detailed estimates for 2003 in The Spoils of War:
Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade, by Michel Chossudovsky,
The UNODC estimates the average retail price of heroin for 2004 to be
of the order of $157 per gram, based on the average purity ratio).

Narcotics: Second to Oil and the Arms Trade

The foregoing estimates are consistent with the UN's assessment
concerning the size and magnitude of the global drug trade.

The Afghan trade in opiates (92 percent of total World production of
opiates) constitutes a large share of the worldwide annual turnover of
narcotics, which was estimated by the United Nations to be of the order
of $400-500 billion.

(Douglas Keh, Drug Money in a Changing World, Technical document No. 4,
1998, Vienna UNDCP, p. 4. See also United Nations Drug Control Program,
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1999,
E/INCB/1999/1 United Nations, Vienna 1999, p. 49-51, and Richard
Lapper, UN Fears Growth of Heroin Trade, Financial Times, 24 February

Based on 2003 figures, drug trafficking constitutes "the third biggest
global commodity in cash terms after oil and the arms trade." (The
Independent, 29 February 2004).

Afghanistan and Colombia are the largest drug producing economies in
the world, which feed a flourishing criminal economy. These countries
are heavily militarized. The drug trade is protected. Amply documented
the CIA has played a central role in the development of both the Latin
American and Asian drug triangles.

The IMF estimated global money laundering to be between 590 billion and
1.5 trillion dollars a year, representing 2-5 percent of global GDP.
(Asian Banker, 15 August 2003). A large share of global money
laundering as estimated by the IMF is linked to the trade in narcotics.

Legal Business and Illicit Trade are Intertwined

There are powerful business and financial interests behind narcotics.
From this standpoint, geopolitical and military control over the drug
routes is as strategic as oil and oil pipelines.

Moreover, the above figures including those on money laundering,
confirm that the bulk of the revenues associated with the global trade
in narcotics are not appropriated by terrorist groups and warlords, as
suggested by the UNODC report. In the case of Afghanistan, the UN
Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that a mere 2.7 billion accrues as
revenue within Afghanistan. According to the US State department
"Afghanistan drug profits support the Taliban and their terrorism
efforts against the United States, its allies and the Afghan
government." (statement, the House Appropriations foreign operations,
export financing and related programs subcommittee. September 12,

However, what distinguishes narcotics from legal commodity trade is
that narcotics constitutes a major source of wealth formation not only
for organized crime but also for the US intelligence apparatus, which
increasingly constitutes a powerful actor in the spheres of finance and
banking. This relationship has been documented by several studies
including the writings of Alfred McCoy. (Drug Fallout: the CIA's Forty
Year Complicity in the Narcotics Trade. The Progressive, 1 August

In other words, intelligence agencies, powerful business, drug traders
and organized crime are competing for the strategic control over the
heroin routes. A large share of this multi-billion dollar revenues of
narcotics are deposited in the Western banking system. Most of the
large international banks together with their affiliates in the
offshore banking havens launder large amounts of narco-dollars.

This trade can only prosper if the main actors involved in narcotics
have "political friends in high places." Legal and illegal
undertakings are increasingly intertwined, the dividing line between
"businesspeople" and criminals is blurred. In turn, the relationship
among criminals, politicians and members of the intelligence
establishment has tainted the structures of the state and the role of
its institutions including the Military.

Related Article: The Spoils of War: Afghanistan's Multibillion Dollar
Heroin Trade, by Michel Chossudovsky, July 2005

Table 1

Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan

Year Cultivation in hectares
Production (tons)

71,470 3,400
53,759 2,300
56,824 2,200
58,416 2,800
63,674 2,700
90,983 4,600
82,172 3,300
2001 7,606
74,000 3400
80,000 3600
131,000 4200
165,000** 6100**

Source: United Nations,,

** estimates.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on
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Sep 23, 2006, 1:53:42 PM9/23/06
Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's
Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 22, 2006

From: Richard Pierce <>
Date: September 21, 2006 12:59:03 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] ISRAEL PUSHING U.S. TO BOMB IRAN




By Mike Blair

The Bush administration and the British government are under
increasing pressure from the Israelis to conduct an illegal air strike

against Iran's nuclear facilities, according to a number of reports in
Europe's largest newspapers.

In London, The Sunday Telegraph and the daily Telegraph have reported
that war clouds are spreading as Iran continues its nuclear
development and Israel reacts to it.

According to The Sunday Telegraph Israel has appointed Maj. Gen.
Elyezer Shkedy, commander of the Israeli air force, to direct military
action against Tehran. Meanwhile, the Telegraph reports that Britain
is holding secret talks "at which senior defense chiefs and government
officials will consider the consequences of an attack on Iran."

The Pentagon is also drawing up plans for an attack. U.S. military
ground forces are already bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in
dozens of other deployments abroad.

Still, irresponsible air strikes against Iran's nuclear sites, which

would inevitably result in massive, insoluble geopolitical, military,
energy and economic problems, are planned by Bush administration

Israel, as usual, is counting on U.S. backingand it is making it
obvious that if there is no strike on Iran it will act on its own.

In a recent visit to the United States, former Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu warned "friend and foe alike" that Israel is
prepared to "take on any country or combination of countries" to
protect itself.

The Israelis refer to the "Iran Front," The Sunday Telegraph reports.
"Israel is becoming extremely concerned now with what they see as

Iran's delaying tactics," an Israeli-Iran analyst told the newspaper.

"The [Israeli] planners think negotiations are going nowhere, and Iran
is becoming a major danger for Israel. Now they are getting ready for
living with a nuclear Iran or letting the military take care of it."

According to the British publication "Gen. Shkedy will coordinate the

intelligence gathered by Israel's foreign spy agency Mossad and

military sources, in order to draw up battle plans. . . . He will

command the campaign from a `hot seat' in the Israeli army's
headquarters in Tel Aviv."

Uri Dromi, a former air force colonel and analyst, told The Sunday

Telegraph: "It's natural that Shkedy is nominated in this role,
because the air force is Israel's only force that can reach and

sustain a military operation against Iran. . . .Everyone is playing
with dates and time frames . . . but the list of options is becoming
shorter. I think we have one year open [to launch military action]."

Israel reportedly has an arsenal of at least 200 nuclear warheads and
as many as 400.

The Telegraph reported wishfully:

[It is] believed that an American-led attack, designed to destroy

Iran's ability to develop a nuclear bomb, is `inevitable' if Tehran's

leaders fail to comply with United Nations' demands to freeze their
uranium enrichment program..

Tactical Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from U.S. Navy ships and

submarines in the gulf would, it is believed, target Iran's air

defense systems at the nuclear installations.

That would enable attacks by B2 Stealth bombers equipped with eight
4,500-pound enhanced BLU-28 satellite-guided bunker busting bombs,
flying from Diego Garcia, the isolated U.S. Navy base in the Indian
Ocean, RAF [Royal Air Force] base Fairford in Gloucestershire and
Whiteman USAF base in Missouri.

It is understood that any direct British involvement in an attack

would be limited but may extend to the use of the RAF's highly secret



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Time for Food Sovereignty

peoples, women's groups, workers, environmentalists, consumers, NGOs,

Contact information

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Paysannes et de Producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA), the

Warm regards


targeted Lebanon's economy and agricultural infrastructure. Prior to

Hezbollah defeating Israeli occupation forces in 2000, the Israelis

went so far as to scoop up Lebanon's rich agricultural topsoil and

cart it back over the border.

You'd think the fact Israel is preparing to steal Lebanon's water

would be newsworthy. A few of us predicted this, realizing Israel is a
creature of criminal habit, repeating the same behavior over and over,
if only because the rest of the world turns away, lest they be called
"antisemitic" and "Holocaust deniers." From the same Daily Star
article, linked above:

"[A]n Israeli bulldozer carried out digging work on Tuesday before
laying water pipes in the Wazzani River in Marjayoun in a bid to
funnel water to the town of Ghajar, the National News Agency (NNA)
reported this week. Five Israeli tanks were seen in Tallat Mahames
inside the eastern sector in the South, the NNA added." Ghajar is
situated on the border of Lebanon and the Israeli-occupied Syrian
Golan Heights. No doubt there are a few settler swimming pools in the
Golan in need of water illegally siphoned from Lebanon.

A Google News Search returns no mention of the above criminal
behavior. Obviously, it is only a concern for the Lebanese, who are

suffering in silence now that the world's attention is focused


we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren't those

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Multibillion dollar trade

Table 1

** estimates.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 25, 2006, 4:31:24 PM9/25/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 25, 2006

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Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons against Iran
September 25, 2006

The following report, while presenting Iran rather than Israel as the
threat, must be taken very seriously.

The decision by Israel to deploy its nuclear weapons against Iran is
consistent with America's nuclear doctrine which also considers the use
of tactical nuclear weapons as an act of "self-defense".

The US with the support of Israel and NATO has already deployed
tactical nuclear weapons directed against Iran. The US led coaltion is
in an advanced state of readiness to wage war on Iran.

Michel Chossudovsky, 25 September 2006

Israel seen lifting nuclear veil
in Iran stand-off

Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:38 PM BST
By Dan Williams

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - In October 1973, with its forces battling to repel
invasions by Egypt and Syria, Israel did what had previously been
unthinkable: It briefly wheeled its nuclear-capable Jericho-1 missiles
out of their secret silos.

That, historians believe, was picked up by U.S. spy satellites and
stirred up fears in Washington of a catastrophic flare-up between the
Jewish state and the Soviet-backed Arabs. Message received, an urgent
American shipment of conventional arms to Israel was quick to follow,
and helped turn the war.

With Israel's current arch-foe Iran seen gaining the ability to produce
nuclear weapons within a few years, and preventive military options
limited, some experts now anticipate another "lifting of the veil" on
the assumed Israeli atomic arsenal.

Were that to happen, experts say, the objective would be to establish a
more open military deterrence vis-a-vis Iran and perhaps win Israel's
nuclear option formal legitimacy abroad.

"No one should simply assume that Israel would stay where it is now
with its ambiguous capability if Iran becomes a nuclear power," said
Professor Gerald Steinberg, head of the Conflict Management Programme
at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

"Israeli policy is likely to change, in order to demonstrate that the
country has continued strategic superiority," he said.

Israel neither confirms nor denies it has the Middle East's only
nuclear weapons, under an "ambiguity" policy billed as warding off
enemy states while avoiding a regional arms race.

Steinberg said this might be abandoned only as a last resort to
persuade a nuclear-armed Iran that it stood to suffer far greater
devastation in any full-blown future conflict.

"It's not desirable, but this is about survival," he said.

Iran, the world's fourth largest oil exporter, says its nuclear
programme is for energy needs alone. But calls by its President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad for Israel to be "wiped off the map" have fuelled Western
calls for the programme to be curbed.


Talk of a nuclear stand-off between Israel and Iran has sparked
comparisons with the "mutually assured destruction" formula that
reigned during the Cold War and, more recently, between India and

But those precedents assume a parity that may not exist with Israel and
Iran. Militarily advanced Israel is geographically small and
vulnerable. Iran's atomic ambitions are at fledgling stage but its
large size could help it survive a major strike.

"The use of a nuclear bomb against Israel would completely destroy
Israel, while (the same) against the Islamic world would only cause
damage. Such a scenario is not inconceivable," former Iranian President
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said in a 2001 speech.

There is also speculation that Ahmadinejad might welcome an apocalyptic
confrontation, meaning the idea of a deterrent would not work. Yet he
answers to Iranian clerics who work by committee and thus provide a
rational set of safeguards.

Reuven Pedatzur, defence analyst for the respected Israeli daily
Haaretz, proposed that the country, under U.S. guidance, go public with
its nuclear capability in the hope of building back-channel ties with
Iran and establishing mutual deterrence.

"Israel cannot continue to rely on it (ambiguity policy) if Iran has
nuclear weapons. This is because ambiguity leaves too many grey areas.
The enemy cannot know with certainty what the red lines are and when he
is risking an Israeli nuclear response," he wrote.

"There must be a deterrent policy that will leave no room for
misunderstandings," he added. "Thus, for example, we would make it
clear that the identification of any missile launched from Iran in a
westerly direction means, as far as we are concerned, the launch of an
Iranian nuclear missile at us."

Declaring capabilities is one way for a nation to becomes an official
nuclear power. The other is a controlled atomic blast.

"If the Israelis really have any doubt about the credibility of their
deterrence, they could conduct a nuclear test, say, in the Negev
desert," said Gary Samore, a former adviser on nuclear
non-proliferation in the U.S. National Security Council under President
Bill Clinton.

But he said the diplomatic fall-out of such a move would draw scrutiny
away from Tehran and further alienate those Arab nations willing to
endorse Western pressure on the Iranians.

"It would be a godsend for Iran," Samore said.


Israel did not sign the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It thus
kept its main nuclear facility, outside the desert town of Dimona,
exempt from inspection. It has received billions of dollars in aid from
Washington, whose laws ban funding states with unregulated
non-conventional arsenals.

A nuclear weapons test by Israel would effectively blow away that U.S.
blind eye. Iran, in turn, could withdraw from the NPT and argue that it
should not be subjected to sanctions. After that, other Middle East
states would likely seek atomic arms.

Avner Cohen, author of the seminal study "Israel and the Bomb", has
suggested that Israel seek to form a new nuclear pact along with India
and Pakistan, which refuse to join the NPT.

"Such a protocol might permit them to retain their atomic programmes,
but inhibit further development. It could also require cooperation with
international nuclear export controls, prohibit explosive testing of
nuclear devices, and call for the phased elimination of fissile
material production," Cohen said.

Iran would not be able to join such a pact, he added, as it has
violated the NPT by pursuing unauthorised nuclear projects.

Cohen poured cold water on the idea of Israel seeking mutual deterrence
with a nuclear-armed Iran, noting that during the Cold War parity was
achieved only after Washington and Moscow scraped through two crises --
over the 1948 Western airlift to Berlin and the 1962 deployment of
Soviet missiles in Cuba.

"The sense of stability associated with mutually assured destruction
grew out of a learning curve," he said. "Israel had its learning
through crisis, especially the 1973 war. Do we have time for the
Iranians to learn? Will they learn?"

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 24, 2006 7:02:41 AM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez, 9/11 Whistle Blower Speaks Out to
the Editor of the Cincinnati Post

Become a Member, Join us in Operation Vigiliant Truth
United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1. The Flag.
Section 8. Respect for flag. [ ] "a. The flag should never be displayed
with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances
of extreme danger to life or property."

Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez,
9/11 Whistle Blower,
Speaks Out to the Editor of
the Cincinnati Post

Thought I'd share this rant with all you Veterans - It kills me when
idiots (in the Zionist Mass Media) don't do their homework...

Greetings Mr. White,

I felt it necessary to follow up to a recent story that
was published in Cincinnati Post. It was that 1 in 3 believe 9-11
conspiracy theory. I must admit that at first I was overwhelmed with
joy that our local paper was actually starting to have real journalism
and talk about real issues. Then I read the story and it was a total
debunk to make the actual people around the world who feel there was
something not right about 9-11, to look like over-reacting
conspiracy theorists.

I'm utterly outraged. My 9-year-old daughter could have done more
research in this, as opposed to just trying to throw the public's ideas
and feelings out. Is this not what journalism is supposed to represent
- real issues? There have been many, many polls done in major cities
that actually ask people how they felt about the 9-11 tragedy. One
such poll is called the Zogby poll; which was offered in New York City.

Honestly I could care less what is done with this letter, but I feel
that I should speak my mind and Ill tell you some things that I have
not told many people at all. From 1995 till 2002 I was a Sergeant in
the United States Army. Not only this, but I was stationed at United
States Central Command, which is located at MacDill AFB in Tampa
Florida. I was on active duty when 9-11 happened. In the days prior to
the tragedies, we were involved in many exercises. Some of these
exercises included the scenarios of hijacked planes crashing into, our
building the world trade center, the White House, Sears Tower, and the
Pentagon. These drills or exercises as we called them, where
classified Top Secret. Having a Top Secret rated clearance I was
dumbfounded that they would ever push a training exercise above the
level of Secret. Over my 8 years in the Army, I had participated in
many exercises around the world, none of which were ever classified
over the Secret level.

Ill start by saying a few months prior it was announced by President
Bush that Dick Cheney would be heading up operations over NORAD our
North American Aerospace Defense Command. Along with many of my peers,
we were shocked. Over the years, if you research NORAD, it has always
been under the command of a Military officer. It was done this way
because the defense of this country has always been in the hands of
such. Prior to the months before 9-11 this was all of the sudden
changed. Like I said, if you research NORAD and the command structure
you will find that it was imposed long ago that the military should be
in control of the order to scramble planes in the defense of American
air space. For some strange reason, Bush changed this and gave that
power to a civilian person on his Staff team yes I know, very

Back to the morning of 9-11; the command was busy with this training
exercise. We were instructed to bring all our gear in to prep for a
mock (staged) deployment to the Middle East. On the morning of 9-11 I
had been on base prepped and ready to go since about 0400am. During my
time at the base that morning, they were setting up barriers around
the command and placing gun posts on the roofs. When I questioned one
of the security officers about the machine gun and shoulder fired
rockets on the roof I was given the answer its a precaution for a
plane attempting to crash into this building.

So, I was standing in the SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information
Facility), which is basically this underground bunker command post for
USCENTCOM, when the first plane hit. We were watching the fly patterns
of all the planes on the aerospace grid. This contained not only all
commercial flights at the time, but all military flights, and fake
enemy planes that were supposedly put on there for the exercise. Many
of the planes sent to intercept the fake blips were scrambled from
Andrews which is an air defense AFB for the East Coast. They were sent
across the US and left very few planes to defend the capital. After
the first plane hit the tower we were all in disbelief. After the
initial shock was over, our questions were what are the odds this
could happen for real, during a training exercise thats covering the
same scenario? We were all at wits end. Then to top all of this off,
Cheney gave NORAD the order to stand down scrambling jets to
intercept. A few moments later tower 2 was hit. Only after the
Pentagon was hit, did he give the orders to scramble the jets to
intercept the plane bound for the White House.

All of this is very interesting to me it sickened me so that I left
the Army after coming back from an 8 month deployment to Afghanistan.
There were just too many questions that no one could answer, too many
things that did not make sense. How is it possible to have a training
exercise about planes hitting the WTC and then actually have planes
hit the WTC?
3. This kind of thing just does not happen unless its
pre-planned. What reason would there be to have this type of exercise
on that morning, Ill tell you if you are placing fake planes all
over the north American aerospace grid then you have no way of
knowing which planes are real and which are fake. Then to thicken the
plot you put a civilian in charge of NORAD so that the military does
not have the power to initiate the order for jets to be scrambled to
intercept. If the military would have still commanded power over NORAD
they would have scrambled jets because they would have simply
followed the procedures that had been in place for this type of
situation for years and years and scrambled jets.

To delve even further, as I'm standing there watching the towers
collapse, next to me is one of my good friends and a former commander
of the Army Corps of Engineers. He is a demolitions expert. He was
even more surprised than me. When the towers collapsed he kept saying
this isn't right, this isn't right. When I asked him what he was
talking about he told me that steel buildings dont fall down that
way. Even if they are struck by objects; he went on to say that in
theory if the top 10 floors were hit, then possibly just that part of
the building would fall over and off, but the rest would remain
5. When I asked him, not understanding the implications of
demolitions, he told me that it looked as if they were brought down by
controlled demolitions. I was utterly amazed, but after he said that
it did sort of appear that way.

Ill tell you what gave this whole thing away was building 7. If
they would not have brought this building down, then they probably
could have gotten away with it all. It was the most amazing site I
have ever seen. Not only was it amazing, it bore reality to the truth
of the situation something was not right here. Now, Im going to
tell you all I have learned, but I urge anyone to just spend 1hr
reading about this incident on the internet and learning the facts.
There have been numerous scholars, numerous physicists that have
analyzed this over and over and over again. And they all come to the
same conclusion, something does not add up. Building 7 was never
directly hit by a plane. Now it was stated that a piece of one of the
towers fell onto the side of building 7 and caught one of the floors
on fire. A few moments later we all witnessed the most perfect example
of controlled demolitions to ever be caught on camera. It could not be
proved that building 7 fell due to fire. My friend and I standing
there in the SCIF watching in uninterruptible awe with all those other
military members; watching building 7 fall perfectly onto its
footprint; my friend stating that it was beautifully done.

We all knew then we all realized that this was not some group of
unorganized cave dwellers from Afghanistan orchestrating a perfect hit
on American soil. It was impossible. Shortly after the Pentagon was
struck I called my close friend that I went to Basic Training with.
All civilian lines were down and I had to contact him via STU which is
a black line classified phone system. He did not answer, but one of
his soldiers did. I asked if SGT Worthington was ok and he said yes. I
asked if the plane did severe damage and he told me I didn't see any
plane. Then when I finally got to speak to my friend, he started
acting strange saying he could not talk about the incident over this
line. He was shipped off overseas a few weeks later and I never to
this day have had the chance to speak with him.

The Pentagon crash tape was released a few months back after 5 years.
You need to watch that tape since no where can you see a plane strike
Pentagon. This is because it was not a plane. I cannot tell you
exactly what hit the Pentagon, but its unanimous; it was definitely
not a plane. I can assure you that there is more than one CCTV camera
around the Pentagon. On September 25, 4 days before my 25th birthday,
I deployed to Afghanistan. Over the 8months I was there I had never
seen one intelligent Afghani soldier. They were all tattered and
scrawny and could barely shoot their weapons straight. This does not
mean that there were not men that could fly a plane, but after what I
saw it was extremely hard to believe they could be taught to fly a
sophisticated piece of aeronautical equipment.

My point Mr. Editor is that I spent 8 months in combat watching my
brothers die in the name of Freedom. I killed, in the name of Freedom
and to this day my brothers are still being killed for this
illusionary war we call the War on Terror. Where the enemy has no face
where there is no clear objective. In this War, anyone with ill
thoughts toward this country can be defined as a terrorist. Well, I
guess that includes me in this group as well as everyone else who
questions the events of 911, because we all hold ill thoughts toward
the leadership of this country and I say the real terrorists in this
world sit right in the heart of its capital.

I have bled for this country and would do so again in a heart beat
but only to protect its people, the true Americans that live here. I
would never again offer my life under the leadership whose real goal
is oil and money. The same ones who staged the most perfect
illusionary tactic in our history that was a pretext to a war on
terror that would never again go away. Their goal was to scare the
American public into submission making it easier for the world powers
to do their evil and get away with it.

Now that may sound like a typical conspiracy theorist I guess, but how
many do you actually talk to? I'm not here saying that Aliens came
down and used laser beams to bring the towers down or control the
planes that were flown; I'm telling you as a sane, logical and
intelligent individual, something does not add up about this. Earlier
this year I was watching the Discovery channel. They have a PBS
program called Rebuilding America. This particular episode was about
the WTC building 7. They interviewed Larry Silverstein (the owner)
about building 7. He stated on national TV the following which is the
direct quote and can be found here:

"I remember getting a call from the, ER, fire department commander,

telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain

the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the
smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull

and we watched the building collapse."

I actually have the program recorded and you are more than welcome to
come by my house and watch it. He actually stated this on national TV.
I was so amazed that I almost shat myself. I could not believe he
actually stated this on a nationally broadcasted TV program. You can
ask any person who has done controlled demolitions... please interview
someone... they will tell you it takes weeks of planning to do this. We
are expected to believe that this was facilitated and planned in a
matter of hours for building 7, while the damn thing was on fire you
have got to be kidding me. If that is not enough to make you believe
something was fishy well then nothing will ever do.

Since that time there have been numerous scholars, some of which have
actually been publicly broadcasted on CSPAN. The latest program was
called: Theories about 9-11. American Perspectives and you can watch
this (which I advise you do) per this link: Theories about 9-11
(American Perspectives) or you can go to and look under
their video/audio section to find this title. Its an outstanding
video and encompasses the thoughts of not only the American public,
but also Dr Steven Jones from Brigham Young University a physics
professor that actually received a piece of the rubble from the WTC.
Not only does he profoundly agree that building 7 was a controlled
demolition he can prove it. After he analyzed the piece of debris
they found; there were large traces of sulfur and Thermite found. If
you did not know, Thermite is a chemical compound found in many
explosives including C4 which I have used many times in the Army. It
leaves a distinct smell and identifiable residue upon explosion. Dr
Jones found large traces of this from the rubble.

Sir, there are many things that I never wanted to know for one that
the government that is supposed to be caring for the American people
could be corrupt. This was the last thing that I ever wanted to be
true but its time we wake up and smell the bullshit because its
permeating throughout the American public and we are all starting to
realize what's really going on. If your news station actually did a
similar Zogby type poll here in Cincinnati, I think you would find
that a lot more than 1/3 of the people believe this. I know tons just
in this area.

I could literally write you 100 pages of truths that could prove that
9-11 was an inside job, but I'd probably just be passed off as some
crazy conspiracy theorist. Instead I want to give you the tools to
look for yourself because the quest for wisdom is a journey we must
all take alone. So, to you I add the following links and if you just
spend a small portion of your day reading and watching some of this
footage, who knows you may wake up and stand along side the rest of us
in utter amazement.


SGT Lauro Chavez
United States Central Command

Thanks to the Internet, one of the few freedoms we have left, these
truths can be sent to the public. Thank God we dont have to rely on
news media to get this information out to everyone!

This is only about a 10th of my list of sites. Enjoy; and when you are
sick with the truth of things, let me know and Ill buy you a beer to
ease your nerves.

Loose Change Volume 2
(An outstanding documentary done about 911 that includes news reports
and live footage of the tragedy and finds that some things are not
what they seem)

Official Pentagon Plane Crash Video
(You tell me where the plane is)

Silverstein saying we decided to pull the building
The collapse of building 7

Another video of bldg 7
(In this you can see the widely noticeable crinkle that is common in
controlled demolitions)

Watch the following in sequence:

1. Showing the Thermite at work.
(In this video you can see the molten concrete and metal spewing out
of the WTC. This is what happens when a Thermite type explosive is
used to cut down steel pillars)

2. Then watch this video
(it shows the spot where the molten metal is coming out the same
spot where the building crinkles and collapses)

Misc Links for research:

Zogby Poll Results

As you can see, Im not your typical conspiracy theorist I
actually have a good job! I thought at first I might send you this
from an anonymous email address, but you know what now you know Im
not just some stupid kid.
Thanks for taking the time to read.


Lauro "LJ" Chavez
Director of Information Security
Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions
As the guardians of technology; security shall be our shield and
vigilance our sword

More, but still not nearly all the Evidence. There are literally
thousands of pieces to the 9/11 puzzle, and when we put them together,
they make a picture that looks like, walks like, talks like, an inside
Free 9/11 conspiracy Videos -- Loose Change Second Edition Learn More
Upcoming International Conference sponsored by 9/11 Truth:
Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future
Chicago, IL June 2-4th -- Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont
Take Action
Featured Videos:
Watch 911 Eyewitness --- Watch 911 in Plane SIte --- Watch Loose
Change Second Edition --- Watch 911 Revisited ---
Watch MIT Engineer ----- Watch JFK2 --- E-MAIL CNN ask for MORE of
Charlie Sheen, Alex Jones 911
--- Must See Boston Legal US Liberty --- Actor Charlie Sheen talks 9/11
With Alex Jones ---
Actor Charlie Sheen talks 9/11 With Alex Jones2 --- Watch Dr. James
Fetzer --- Watch proof of controlled demolition

Listen To our Grassroots InfoMedia's Of The People Radio Show

We, the Undersigned, endorse the following petition:
Scholars Call for Release of 9/11 Information
Sponsor: Alex Floum Take Action

What first woke you up to the Truth of 911? Take the Survey at the
Veterans for 911 Truth Group.

What did not happen

Project Achilles: Cellphone Experiments in a Light Aircraft
A. K. Dewdney

Aircraft Parts and the Precautionary Principle
George Nelson Colonel USAF (Ret.)

The Cellphone and Airfone Calls from Flight UA93
A. K. Dewdney

The Missing Wings
A. K. Dewdney & Jerry Longspaugh

Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77
Thomas R. Olmsted, MD

911 and the Impossible Pentagon
Ralph Omholt

The Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers
Morgan Reynolds

Islam Does Not Support Suicide Attacks
A. K. Dewdney

Hard Science and the Collapse of the World Trade Center
Dave Heller

Why Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
Dr. Steven Jones

What may have happened

Operation Pearl
A. K. Dewdney

Calculations on the Possible Use of Thermite to Melt Sections of the
WTC Core Columns
Derrick Grimmer

A3 Skywarrior: The Probable Pentagon Attack Aircraft?
Karl W. Schwarz

How to fake a terrorist attack

How to Fake a Terrorist Campaign
Report from the Panel

The London Bombing
Paul Joseph Watson

Background Information

The German Intelligence Report
Unknown Source

The DEA Report
Drug Enforcement Administration

General Partin's Report
Benton K. Partin

Israel, Iran and a Nuclear False Flag Attack
R. Leland Lehrman

Larry Franklin and Two AIPAC Members Indicted for Espionage
US Department of Justice

More Evidence

Popular Mechanics debunked

Free 9/11 Videos

WTC Dust Analysis The EPA Chromatograph tells of the chemicals that
were left at the scene of the WTC crimes.

FOIA Bombs at WTC Emergency Responders talk about bombs and missiles at
the WTC on 9/11 in documents released by the City of New York under the
Freedom of Information Act.

NY 9/11 Truth A yahoo group for exposing the truth of 9/11.

Forensic Seismology Of 911 - Update By Steve Davis Geologist &

PNAC Project For The New American Century, a think tank that now
pervades the Bush cabinet, they say things like "Further, the process
of transformation,even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to
be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a
new Pearl Harbor." And even more chilling is their statement of
genocide "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target
specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of
terror to a politically useful tool."

9/11 in Plane Site

Skull and Bones

Scientific 9/11 Investigation


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: September 24, 2006 2:07:04 PM EST
To: "'Stephanie Sutton'" <>

Subject: Dr. Robert Bowman speaks out

Please watch this.just a few minutes of videovery interesting.


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 24, 2006 6:41:25 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: ### HOW THE MEDIA WORKS: 911 Cover-up ###

### HOW THE MEDIA WORKS: 911 Cover-up ###

I just received a message that contained the following information. I
hope you will read this carefully and then contemplate the meaning. CNN
interviewed Jamie McIntyre, the reporter who was on the scene at the
Pentagon immediately after the attack there. His totally spontaneous
report at that time was clear. He saw "no evidence of a plane having
crashed anywhere near the Pentagon." Now he has changed his story. So
you can choose which version you believe. Was his spontaneous report at
the scene at the time true? Or is the completely different version now
reported the one you should believe?

Please send this to others.

Don Stacey From: Dstacey


The release of new video footage of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon has
spurred yet another controversy. In anticipation of the release, CNNs
Kyra Phillips was interviewed Jamie McIntyre that Tuesday afternoon,
and asked him what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, as he was
reporting live from the scene that day.

Referring to the idea that something other than a 757 hit the Pentagon,
McIntyre stated, "Having been there on September 11th, having seen the
plane wreckage and photographed it myself personally, I can tell you
thats nonsense"Sound Clip:

"I had a camera with me, I took pictures of some of the wreckage, some
of the parts of the fuselage of a part of the cockpit,
until they told us we had to move back away from the scene
" Sound Clip:

However, McIntyres comments are in direct contradiction to his
"original" report on 9/11, when he stated, "from my close-up
inspection, theres no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near
the Pentagon. The only site is the actual side of the building thats
crashed in, and, as I said, the only pieces left that you can see are
small enough that you can pick (them) up in
your hand. There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage,
nothing like that anywhere around which would
indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon." S
ound Clip:

You can't have it both ways! If the Pentagon was a lie so was the
whole 911 WTC scenario also a lie.


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: September 25, 2006 2:29:24 AM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Final declaration: "World Bank/
IMF Out of Agriculture"

La Via Campesina


On World Bank/IMF Annual Meeting Singapore September 2006

Bank/ IMF Out of Agriculture

We, members of La Via Campesina, together with other social movements
organized a series of activities in Medan, Jakarta (Indonesia), Batam,
and Singapore simultaneously on the World Bank (WB)/ International
Monetary Fund (IMF) annual meetings on September 15-20, 2006. We as
farmers representative from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Brazil,
Philippine and Indonesia gathered to share the impact of the WB/IMF
policies on our respective countries. We also discussed on how it was
possible for social movements develop alternative proposals to struggle
for alternative proposals and their implementation.

The conference revealed that peasants lives turn into misery when
their government starts working with the World Bank. On the other hand,
when the IMF enters the country with its promise for economic recovery
from economic crisis, a deeper crisis actually occurs and farmers
actually become the victims of those policies.

It is usually assumed that the governments are proposing the
development programmes and the loans to be financed by the World Bank.
But in reality, the WB only supports and develops programs where they
can make large profits. More over, the WB program requires laws and
regulations amendment that guarantee transnational corporation
interest. This means that farmers never benefit from the loans even
marginally- but on the other hand, they have to pay back those loans
with the tax they pay to the government.

We also learned that behind the WB and the IMF, there were some
developed countries governments. They are the big shareholders of
these sisters institutions and they benefit financially from the
exploitation of other poorer countries.

During the conference, farmers gave several examples on how the WB
policies had created difficulties to the farmers families.

The construction of the Pak Mun Dam and other mega projects supported
by the WB in Thailand have tremendously impacted the people and their
environment. Farmers are being displaced and evicted form ther fertile
farmland and houses. While the environment degradation and biodiversity
loss could not bee recovered anymore. --- for more details, see paper
sent by AOP Thailand (

In the PHILIPPINES, the free market and export led development
strategy have not delivered their promises of development in
agriculture. The World Bank/IMF instigated privatization and
deregulation policies with direct consequences to rural livelihood that
overlapped with GATT-WTO trade exchange rule.

These policies of privatization and deregulation related to
agricultural production and exchange have largely reinforced, not
undermined or eroded pre-existing agrarian structures dominated by
domestic and transnational elites. The overall outcome is the opposite
of neo-liberal reformers predictions: from a net agricultural exporting
country, the Philippines became a net agricultural importing country.

Massive imports are killing domestic agriculture and manufacturing
industries like tires, steel, textile, shoes, paper industries and many
more. This caused a lot of labor displacement and millions of workers
lost their jobs - summing up to more than 8 million Filipinos being

The IMF-WB strategy has failed to address the persistence of poverty,
economic development

and growing inequality not only in the Philippines but all over the
developing countries. The international financial institutions became
an economic colonizer through repressive policies resulting to
widespread poverty and injustice. The IMF-WB policies control the
lands, production and economy of the member nations. As a consequence,
their development was curtailed. The promise of development became the
bait that trapped the member nations into misery creating corruption,
injustice and death of our democracy.

The landless people movement in Brazil struggles to reclaim land from
the landlords and to use this land to farm and feed our families. Our
struggle for life is facing terror, and even murder. Access to public
services can not reach the landless people, especially woman and

The Indian economy is completely dependant on World Bank aid.
Government policies are therefore framed by the WB/IMF. WB
four-year Country Strategy for 2005-2008 focuses on lendings for
infrastructure, human development, and rural livelihoods. The Bank is
increasingly focusing on providing analytical reports on the countrys
major development challenges, and extending impractical advice to
policy makers by sharing practices and experience from within the
country and abroad. This is the strategy adopted by the WB/IMF to
control India policy making. New lending to the country in financial
year 2006 was US$1.416 billion. Of this, US$500 million was from the
IDA, the World Banks concesional lending arm, and US$916 million from
the IBRD. At end of June 2006, the Bank group had 56 active programs in
India. The policies of the WB/IMF are disastrous; they create huge
unemployment, displacement of land holders, and they increase rural
migrations to urban areas. They increase poverty.

In Bangladesh there is a huge number of projects supported by the WB.
The Bank has lended funds for irrigations projects, water and energy
development / privatization. It is creating a huge land crisis in
Bangladesh. This has created landlessness, unemployment,
marginalization, and massive migration of people from rural area to
cities. The IMF/WB projects have escalated poverty. There is a
livelihood crisis, natural resources are depleting are periodical
famines have become a usual phenomenon.

In Sri Lanka, water privatization and difficulties of rural livelihood
have occurred under WB influence on its economic policies. For
instance, WB recommend for a policy of Non Plantation Crop Sector
Alternative released 1996 and Promoting Agriculture and Rural Non Farm
Sector Growth in 2003. In 1996 WB recommend for priority actions to
get agriculture moving again through initiation of trade policy
liberalization, adopting a policy of full private ownership of
agriculture land and land market development programs,
commercialization of the irrigation system through creating water
property rights and market and a system of management by owners,
phasing out all government sponsored market intervention program.

In Indonesia, the WB has been funding many projects which paved the
way to large trans-national corporation (TNCs) grip and exploitation of
natural resources. It initiated the administration program (LAP) which
pushed for land titling of peasants land in order to easily take over
the land from farmers at a very cheap price. Furthermore, they approved
a loan to change the law on water to a new law protecting foreign
investors in controlling the water resources. This leads the way to
water privatization trough a project called WATSAL (Water Resources
Structural Adjustment Loan).

The destructive impacts of the WB and the IMF policies on farmers
have been spreading all over the world.

We, as a peasants movement could not keep silent in front of this
neo-imperialism. This is why resistance and protests against those
institutions have been launched. Farmers have been struggling against
the WB and the IMF from their farm land in their villages, in their
provinces, their countries, up to the international level. We are
rejecting all the WB and IMF program because those programs dont
answer farmers needs and demands.

Farmers have been developing their own agenda to have better lives,
without WB and IMF. We believe that development with WB/IMF loans and
their conditionality attached to it will never bring sovereignty to
farmers. It will only drive the country into indebtness. Instead of
alleviating poverty, as they promised in their program, they
marginalize and evict farmers from their farm land.

Farmers cannot wait passively to become the victims of WB/IMF
policies. This is why during the WB/ IMF annual meetings in Singapore,
the international peasants movement La Via Campesina organized an
international conference.

The delegates of Via Campesina in this conference demand:

1. The world without WB/IMF will be a better place for people to
live. We demand WB/ IMF out from our countries as all their policies
only bring peoples suffering and poverty.

2. We denounce the WB and the IMF for their human rights
violations , and for their crimes against humanity.

3. The policies of the WB/IMF and all their conditions are
trapping us into new colonialism and lead our countries into crisis.

4. To stop all the WBs projects in agriculture because they
only create more poverty - instead of generating poverty alleviation.

5. To push governments in each country to cancel their debt,
because those loans are actually financing their institutions instead
of helping the people.

6. WB out of any agricultural and food program, because the
neo-liberal approach it goes against farmers demands and needs.

7. Stop Market Assisted Land Reform (MALR), because it hijacks
the genuine agrarian reform demanded by peasants on the distribution of
fertile farm land.

8. Implement genuine agrarian reform in order to fulfill the
peasants right for their sovereignty. Genuine agrarian reform
demanding the land, seed, water, technologies be controlled by farmers
and not by agribusiness companies.

9. Implement food sovereignty as a peasants genuine alternative
for food production, distribution, trade and consumption. Food
sovereignty emphasizes the right of people to food. It does not
consider food as commodity or a mere economic good. We proudly state
that food sovereignty is our proposal and it is our alternative to
WB/IMF practices.

Signatories of this declaration are consisting of:
1. Federation of Indonesia Peasant Union (FSPI), Indonesia
2. KMP, Philippine
3. PARAGOS, Philippine
4. BKU, India
5. BKF, Bangladesh
6. MONLAR, Sri Lanka
7. MST, Brazil
8. UNORKA, Philippine

President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 30, 2006, 3:08:18 AM9/30/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 29, 2006

From: Me <>
Date: September 26, 2006 7:56:12 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: Truth Movement Reaches Critical Mass

Note: forwarded message attached.

Expose the New World Order to FIGHT the New World Order!


From: "5 5" <>
Date: September 16, 2006 10:02:17 AM EST
Subject: Truth Movement Reaches Critical Mass

Five Years On, 9/11 Truth Movement Reaches Critical Mass:
Near-Majority Support,
Powerful New Tools and Energized Activism Promise Endgame

September 2006 - The year leading up to the fifth anniversary of the
September 11 attacks has been marked by an unprecedented upsurge in
public mistrust of the official story portrayed in the 9/11 Commission
Report. Respected national polling firms Zogby and Scripps Howard have
shown that less than half the public believes in the conclusions or
integrity of the 9/11 Commission, and 36% of Americans now think the
administration was actively complicit in the attacks to advance its
preplanned Mideast war agenda.

This outburst of popular skepticism has come in spite of five years of
lockstep support for the official 9/11 narrative by the national press,
broadcast media, and both major political parties. The mounting
distrust spans the political, religious and ethnic spectrums, and has
been largely driven by compelling new films, books, whistleblower
reports, and escalating grassroots activism. Collectively these
resources and constituencies not only offer the country hope for a
fresh and truly honest 9/11 probe, but also a potent new base for
radical political reform.

Activating the Newly Awakened

To mobilize the 70+ million voting age 9/11 skeptics identified by
Zogby, has organized "Politics 911," a national effort to
identify congressional candidates who would demand an honorable new
9/11 inquiry and then help generate support for their election. This
campaign has started polling candidates nationwide and is currently
recruiting grassroots poll volunteers at Early progress includes 9/11
truth advocate Dr. Robert Bowman's lopsided Democratic primary victory
on September 5th in Florida's 15th Congressional District. Mavereick
Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich has also repeatedly promised at
least new 9/11 hearings if his party retakes the House, but there are
also courageous GOP, Green and Libertarian hopefuls demanding 9/11
truth in their campaigns.

Majoritarian Education

National 9/11 poll analyses indicate that among citizens who know the
most basic facts about September 11 anomalies (e.g., the unexplained
WTC 7 collapse, the Pentagon's six coincidental aerial war games, the
23 specific advance warnings from 11 foreign governments, etc.), four
out of five support an independent re-investigation. This strongly
suggests that simply continuing to publicize the most elemental facts
and unanswered questions could swiftly build an irresistible public
outcry for a new inquiry.

New and Old Tools for Enlightenment

The truth movement is currently blessed with an extraordinary array of
new films and books that deconstruct the official story with meticulous
research, passion and clarity. Among the latest crop,
particularly recommends:

"9/11: Press for Truth" - a stunning new documentary based on Paul
Thompson's "Terror Timeline" and the story of the "Jersey Girls" who
lobbied the 9/11 Commission into existence and still feel betrayed by
the cover-up it spawned. (Full film available free online for several
days at

"9/11 and American Empire: American Intellectuals Speak Out" and
"Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and
Action" by Dr. David Ray Griffin et al. that smartly introduce the 9/11
truth conversation to influential new constituencies.

"Towers of Deception - The Media Cover-up of 9-11" by Canadian media
scholar Barrie Zwicker that thoroughly dissects corporate media
complicity in the suppression of inconvenient 9/11 truths.

There are many more powerful works now available at and
more are on the way. In the meantime, it is useful to remember some of
the most basic questions that the corporate media still refuse to ask
and a new 9/11 inquiry must confront:

- Why do 70% of the victim families' questions remain unanswered to
this day, questions that the Commission initially promised would become
the investigation's "road map"?

- Why has the FBI gone to such lengths to cover up its passive unto
hostile response to terrorist investigations prior to September 11? Why
did it promote the officials who quashed these investigations while
gagging agents who claim to have vital information the public still
needs to know?

- Why did the 9/11 Commission steer its investigation away from
virtually indisputable evidence for government complicity in the 9/11
attacks? And why hasn't the corporate media followed up on this story?

- Why were dozens of intelligence experts "turned away, silenced or
censored" by the 9/11 Commission, according to the National Security
Whistleblowers Association, so that not a single meaningful word from
any of their testimony made it into the final report?

- Who ordered the half dozen aerial war games that were going on during
the 9/11 attacks? Who commanded and controlled them, and why has the
media never questioned this bizarre coincidence?

- Why has the 9/11 Commission sealed its private hearing and interview
records until January 2009? How can anyone assess its integrity or
performance without any of this material?

- Why were NORAD officials permitted to repeatedly lie about our
military response that morning without ever facing reprimand or
censure, let alone courts martial? executive director, Janice Matthews thoughtfully welcomes
the new stage the movement has reached. "The forces aligned against
9/11 truth have moved in recent months from disregard and ridicule to
mass media damage control and openly hostile attacks. While this is a
certain sign of progress, citizens should be alert to the ubiquitous
strawman tactics now employed by official story flacks to defame our
movement and re-marginalize 9/11 truth. Specifically, this involves
choosing the most ludicrous hypotheses ever uttered and trying to tar
the entire 9/11 movement with their absurdities. These include bizarre
propositions known as the no-plane, hologram, and pod theories among
others, which the mainstream movement considers as preposterous as do
its disingenuous foes, who rationally cower at commonsensical questions
like those above.

"Overall, however, the real message of 9/11 truth has now reached a
critical mass of citizens, and ruthless defamation tactics may prolong
the "media controversy" but are ultimately doomed to fail. Truth has an
inherent strange attractor force that cannot be dispelled, not by
cynical propaganda nor overwhelming media power. It is in that lust for
truth and justice that our democracy once began, and 9/11 truth now
offers Americans the chance to feel that thrill again."


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 28, 2006 11:56:27 PM EST
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 27 Sep 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Most Iraqis want U.S. troops to leave immediately
Roads to Iraq

This poll released today by PIPA (Program on International Policy
Attitudes at the University of Maryland). The most important thing in
this poll shows are the following points: Talabani with his last
statement doesnt represent Iraqis wishes, he speaking for himself and
his own benefits. large majority of Iraqis71%say they would like the
Iraqi government to ask for US-led forces to be withdrawn from Iraq
within a year or less.

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Today in Iraq

A U.S. air strike destroyed a house in a city north of Baghdad on
Wednesday, killing eight civilians and wounding several others,
witnesses said, according to Reuters news agency. The U.S. army said
that the raid in Baquba came during a gun battle with Iraqi fighters
before dawn Wednesday. It claimed that its soldiers shot dead two
fighters before the air strike, which killed two men and four women.
Two other men and a woman were injured, it added. Th! e army, which
called the deaths "unfortunate", said that it was unsure how many of
those killed were fighters. But witnesses and relatives said all the
dead were civilians, including seven members of a family and one
neighbor. Neighbors also said that the U.S. strike came as they were
preparing for the pre-dawn Ramadan meal. "I was inside preparing for
Ramadan morning meal. I heard explosions and shooting and I ran out,"
Anaam Jassim, a young women told Reuters. "When I came back I saw all
my family killed. My father -- four women and three men. All of them,
including my brother and his pregnant wife. They took two of our family
away, a man and a woman. They were wounded," she said. The Muslim
Scholars Association, a Sunni clerical group, issued a statement
denouncing the U.S. raid as a "terrorist massacre."...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Today in Iraq

Two American troops have been killed in fighting in Anbar province on
Monday. One was a soldier with the 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division,
and the other is a Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 7. Two
passers-by were wounded when the al-Ashra al-Mushara mosque in
Baghdads al-Amel district was stormed about 4:30 p.m. by gunmen in
black uniforms. About 15 minutes later, black-clad gunmen attacked
Sunni homes in the same western neighborhood! . Residents fought back,
wounding five of the militants, while three civilians and a police
officer were also injured. The wounded attackers were captured and
identified as Mahdi Army members. Three gunmen died in an attack on the
Sunnis' al-Kheyr mosque in Khadra, another western neighborhood of
Baghdad. No other details were released. On the eastern side of Baghdad
the bodies of 23 men were found dumped in streets, all with bullet
wounds and most showing signs of torture...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


War in October? Bush positions strike group in Gulf prior to midterm
Geov Parrish

...And, so, I've been holding out the vain hope that the Bush
administration is incapable of launching a new war against Iran. How
can we nuke Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when most Americans can neither spell
not pronounce his name? The Prince of Darkness has many names, but most
roll easily off the tongue. Increasingly, however, it appears Bush is
going to launch a new war anyway, an illegal war, not authorized by
Congress, again! st a threat that does not exist, overseen by a man
born immune to American pop culture ridicule. Last week, two ominous
developments suggested a military strike, and the inevitable
region-wide conflagration that will follow, may well happen before the
November 7 elections...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Bombs prevent return of 200,000 Lebanese

The return home of some 200,000 people displaced by the
Israel-Hezbollah war is being held up by hundreds of thousands of
unexploded bomblets, the UN refugee agency warned yesterday.
"Displacement is going to continue for many months to come," Arjun Jain
of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) told a news conference
in Beirut. From about 1mn people displaced during the war, which cost
more than 1,200 lives in Lebanon alone, the return of 200,000 residents
of t! he south faces the lethal obstacle of bomblets sprayed by cluster
bomb attacks, he said...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


'Turkey and Iran Preparing for Operation in N. Iraq'
Anadolu News Agency (aa), Ankara

The Israeli website DEBKA, known for its connections with sources from
the Israeli intelligence agency the Mossad, claimed Turkey and Iran are
prepared for an operation in northern Iraq. A new war in the Middle
East war is pending, according to DEBKAs exclusive military sources,
which revealed that Turkey and Iran are poised for an imminent and
coordinated invasion of the northern Iraq Kurdish dominated autonomous
province. The! sources pinpoint the target of the combined
Iranian-Turkish offensive as the Kandil Mountains, where some 5,000
Kurdish rebels from Turkey and Iran, and members of the PKK and PJAK
respectively, are holed up...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:



From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 28, 2006 2:05:53 PM EST
Subject: Twilight Struggle: Finally Standing Up as the Republic Crashes

Twilight Struggle: Finally Standing Up
As the Republic Crashes Down

Chris Floyd | September 28 2006

So the New York Times has finally roused itself and laid out the
straight facts about the presidential tyranny that has been erected
around the pathetic figure of George W. Bush: Rushing Off a Cliff. The
Times is to be lauded for this eloquent and powerful depiction of our
degraded political state, and you should read it in full. But a few
vital points must mitigate our praise of this otherwise remarkable

First, and most importantly: it comes very, very late in the game
perhaps too late. All of the tyrannical powers enumerated by the
editorial were claimed and put into practice by Bush and Cheney
five years ago. I began writing columns about these very claims in
October 2001. In November 2001, I first wrote of Bush's claim that he
could not only declare anyone on earth an "enemy combatant" and jail
them forever in black holes without charges, but he could also have
them summarily killed. This was not classified information that I got
from some bold Ellsbergian whistleblower; these were claims being made
openly and proudly by "senior Administration officials" to the New
York Times, among others. I'll be writing more on this point later in
the week.

Second, the editorial, as strong as it is, doesn't go far enough: We
not looking at "our generation's version of the Alien and Sedition
Acts" as the newspaper puts it; things are much farther gone than that.
What we are looking at is the death knell of the constitutional
republic of the United States. Bush has long claimed dictatorial powers
in secret; if Congress writes these liberty-gutting strictures into
law, then the fundamental nature of the American state will be
transformed. It will not be, in any sense not even formally a free
country anymore. All of our rights and liberties will be the "gift" of
the President, who can bestow them or revoke them as he sees fit.

Third, many legal experts note that the language of the laws in
question here does not specifically exclude their application to
citizens of the United States. Although Bush's willing executioners of
liberty among the Senate leadership such as Lindsay Graham, John
McCain and the lipless, cat-torturing, money-grubbing excuse for a man
named Bill Frist insist that these draconian powers will apply only
to "furreners" (as though that made it all OK), Cheney and his minions
have in fact ensured that the measures can be used against American
citizens as well as they already have been, over and over, during the
past five years.

The Times has taken a good, strong first step; now they need to march
forward boldly and tell the rest of the truth. Bush's "War on Terror"
is coming to the Homeland, and its target is the American people. Bush
and his handlers want to destroy the ability of anyone to oppose their
hard-right and overwhelmingly unpopular agenda. It's the only way
the Faction can maintain its domination and avoid prosecution for its
many crimes. They're fighting for their freedom so they'll take ours.
They're fighting for their lives so they'll take ours.

Next time, the NYT should put a piece like this on the front page and
end it with a call for mass marches in the street, exhorting the
American people to rally for their liberty and bring down the
bloodstained tyrants who have usurped the Republic and dishonored our


NOTE: This is an interesting contest. The author lists 13 incidents
with approximately 50-50 probabilities (e.g. three TV networks nailed,
three not--plus the Republican/Democrat distinction is nearly 50-50),
so the possibility of all 13 being coincidental rather than
conspiratorial is one in 8192. -- kl, pp

[William Brandon Shanley, a documentary filmmaker, is offering a clever
and brilliant contest which challenges coincidence theory and asks
contestants to analyze the odds of certain events happening by chance.
FTW readers will greatly appreciate Shanleys challenge, which is why
we are posting it on the site.CB]

Meta-Analyses of Odds Against Chance Ratios
Progressive Deviations, Theoretical Anomalies, and
Missing Smoking Guns
In U.S. Political Murder Mysteries: Part I

By William Brandon Shanley*

) Copyright 2006, From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be
posted on any Internet web site without express written permission.
Contact May be circulated, distributed or
transmitted for non-profit purposes only.

September 27th 2006, 1:30PM [PST] - It is now September 27, 2006 -
9/11/01 + 1842 days.

Authors Note: This document is not intended to impugn the Republican
Party or Conservatives. Its only purpose is to highlight and explore
unusual patterns in recent U.S political history.

Question #1: What are the odds against chance that the only U.S.
political leaders to have been assassinated in the past 100 years were
Democratic or Progressive?

(All biographical and Anthrax Attacks information excerpted from
Wikipedia entries.)

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 November 22, 1963), the 35th President
of the United States.

Robert F. Kennedy (November 20, 1925 June 6, 1968), a United States
Senator from New York and candidate for the 1968 Democratic
presidential nomination.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 April 4, 1968), leader of
the American Civil Rights Movement and peacemaker.

Question #2: What are the odds against chance that the only U.S.
political leaders (or heirs apparent) to die in plane crashes at
pivotal moments in political history in the past 50 years were

Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr. (February 15, 1914 October 16, 1972), a
Democratic member of the U.S House of Representatives from Louisiana
and House Majority Leader. While still Majority Leader, in October,
1972, he was aboard a twin engine Cessna 310 with Congressman Nick
Begich on the way to a fundraiser when it disappeared during a flight
from Anchorage to Juneau, Alaska. Begich's aide and the pilot were the
only others on board. The plane presumably crashed and was never found.

Mel Carnahan (February 11, 1934 October 16, 2000), was Governor of
Missouri from 1993 to 2000. He died in a plane crash during a campaign
for the U.S. Senate, weeks before the election, after which he was
elected posthumously to the office. His opponent was U.S. Senator John
Ashcroft, later U. S Attorney General from 2001-2005 in the
administration of U.S President George W. Bush.

Paul Wellstone (July 21, 1944 October 25, 2002), was a two-term U.S.
Senator from Minnesota. A Democrat, he served in the Senate from 1991
until his death in a plane crash on October 25, 2002. His wife, Sheila,
and daughter, Marcia, also died in the crash. Wellstone's death came
just 11 days before his potential re-election in a crucial race to
maintain Democratic control of the Senate.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (November 25, 1960 July 16, 1999), was an
American lawyer, journalist, socialite, and publisher. He was the son
of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and heir
apparent to lead the Democratic Party to the White House in future
years. On July 16, 1999, Kennedy was killed along with his wife,
Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, and his sister-in-law Lauren Bessette, when
the aircraft he was flying crashed on a hazy night into the Atlantic
Ocean en-route from West Caldwell, New Jersey, to Martha's Vineyard.

Question #3: What are the odds against chance that only Democratic
leaders in the U.S. Senate received, or were the intended recipients
of, weapons grade, aerosolized anthrax in the 2001 Anthrax Attacks?

Tom Daschle (born December 9, 1947), was a U.S. Senator from South
Dakota and the Senate Majority Leader. He is a member of the Democratic
Party. He was defeated on November 2, 2004. On October 9, 2001,
Daschle's office received a letter containing the highly lethal Ames
strain of weapons-grade anthrax bacteria. Many of his staffers were
diagnosed with inhalation anthrax and the Congress was closed during
Senate consideration of the Patriot Act which was signed into law by
President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. A total of twenty-two
people died in the attacks.

Patrick Leahy (born March 31, 1940) is the senior United States Senator
from Vermont. He is a member of the Democratic Party and Chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee. Leahy was one of three Democratic
Senators targeted in the 2001 anthrax attacks. The anthrax letter
containing weapons-grade anthrax bacteria was intercepted before it
reached his office.

Russell Feingold (born March 2, 1953) is a U.S. Senator from the state
of Wisconsin. He has served as a Democratic member of the U.S. Senate
since 1993. Several of Senator Feingold's staffers were diagnosed with
weapons-grade inhalation anthrax bacteria. Feingold was the only
senator to vote against the Patriot Act when first voted on in 2001.

Question #4: What are the odds against chance that the only TV news
outlets targeted in the 2001 Anthrax Attacks were ones accused of being
liberal by some elements of the political right in the United States?

ABC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly
one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

NBC News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly
one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

CBS News received an anthrax letter dated September 18, 2001, exactly
one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Question #5: What are the odds against chance that all events in
questions 1-4 involved Democrats, Progressives and TV networks accused
of being liberal by the some elements of the political right in the
United States?

While these data would seem to point to the existence of extreme,
reactionary forces in our presence that are attempting to unravel our
democratic progress and discourage social and economic justice, it is
therefore imperative that we pivot away from these tragedies and
recommit ourselves to the principles and vision articulated in the
Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Let us also restate the covenant that We the people of the United
States have the power to manifest our destiny as expressed so
powerfully in the Preamble of the United States Constitution:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect
union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the
common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings
of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.

Its often said, Whats past is prologue, but I beg to differ. Human
beings are not gears in a machine imprisoned in La Places nightmare
of determinism. Nor, must we live in a Kantian nightmare of paradox,
insanity and suffering. These are not our destiny! We are creative
entities capable of great visions and manifesting magnificence through
inspired action. And while the past will always be a component of the
future, it is only that, a part of it; for as we take new actions each
day to fulfill our vision, these new actions recede into the past and
become it. This is how we can change the past by creating a new vision
which incorporates the best from the past, recommitting ourselves to it
each new day and manifesting it now. And every succeeding now

All the wars and suffering and heartache and trails of tears and blood
that have characterized these hundreds of years are calling us to birth
a new future, to move beyond the tragedy, to fulfill the possibility
and promise of the visions of our founding fathers with their
fulfillment and realization in an abundant loving and joyous land
characterized by brother and sisterhood, creativity, freedom, equality,
equanimity, harmony and justice.

We cant let a handful of evil ones get us down!

Good luck and God Bless America!

William Brandon Shanley

Kindly send answers to by midnight on the
Ides of November (the 13th). Best, first answers will be announced on
Christmas Day, 2006. Please include name and contact information, as
well as questions being answered, narrative, calculations and notes. No
attachments please. If anyone prefers to remain anonymous, please
indicate the same.

*Williams documentary work has appeared on PBS, A&E, Discovery and
CNN. Other projects include the feature length documentary, The
Made-for-TV Election with Martin Sheen and the science novel, Lewis
Carrolls Lost Quantum Diaries. He may be contacted by email at


From: "marguerite hampton" <>
Date: July 1, 2006 12:26:45 PM EST
Subject: Fw: Award-winning Documentary on Breakthrough Energy
Inventions (view free)

From: PEERS: List
Date: 06/30/06 10:06:37
Subject: Award-winning Documentary on Breakthrough Energy Inventions
(view free)

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See our archive of revealing news articles at

Your tax-deductible donations, however large or small, help greatly to
support this important work.
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From: Peter Myers <>
Date: September 29, 2006 6:17:54 AM EST
Subject: Africa borrowing from China in place of IMF & World Bank

(1) Why Bush Will Nuke Iran, by Paul Craig Roberts
(2) Baroness Jenny Tonge (Liberal-Democrat) says Pro-Israel lobby
controls West
(3) Africa borrowing from China in place of IMF & World Bank
(4) Question for the Pope: Was it Muhammad who was flying those Bombers
over Beirut?
(5) Banned From teaching - 911 Physicist who proved Thermite involved

(1) Why Bush Will Nuke Iran, by Paul Craig Roberts

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 13:56:04 -0400 (EDT) From: IHR News
Subject: IHR News and Comment - September 27, 2006

Why Bush Will Nuke Iran

Paul Craig Roberts 6.html

The neoconservative Bush administration will attack Iran with tactical
nuclear weapons, because it is the only way the neocons believe they
can rescue their goal of U.S. (and Israeli) hegemony in the Middle

The U.S. has lost the war in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Generals in both
war theaters are stating their need for more troops. But there are no
troops to send.

Bush has tried to pawn Afghanistan off on NATO, but Europe does not see
any point in sacrificing its blood and money for the sake of American
hegemony. The NATO troops in Afghanistan are experiencing substantial
casualties from a revived Taliban, and European governments are not
enthralled over providing cannon fodder for U.S. hegemony.

The "coalition of the willing" has evaporated. Indeed, it never
existed. Bush's "coalition" was assembled with bribes, threats, and
intimidation. Pervez Musharraf, the American puppet ruler of Pakistan,
let the cat out of the bag when he told CBS' 60 Minutes on Sept. 24,
2006, that Pakistan had no choice about joining the "coalition." Brute
coercion was applied. Musharraf said Assistant Secretary of State
Richard Armitage told the Pakistani intelligence director that "you are
with us" or "be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the
Stone Age." Armitage is trying to deny his threat, but Dawn Wire
Service, reporting from Islamabad on Sept. 16, 2001, on the pressure
Bush was putting on Musharraf to facilitate the U.S. attack on
Afghanistan, stated: "'Pakistan has the option to live in the 21st
century or the Stone Age' is roughly how U.S. officials are putting
their case."

That Musharraf would volunteer this information on American television
is a good indication that Bush has lost the war. Musharraf can no
longer withstand the anger he has created against himself by helping
the U.S. slaughter his fellow Muslims in Bush's attempt to exercise
U.S. hegemony over the Muslim world. Bush cannot protect Musharraf from
the wrath of Pakistanis, and so Musharraf has explained himself as
having cooperated with Bush in order to prevent the U.S. destruction of
Pakistan: "One has to think and take actions in the interest of the
nation, and that's what I did." Nevertheless, he said, he refused
Bush's "ludicrous" demand that he arrest Pakistanis who publicly
demonstrated against the U.S.: "If somebody's expressing views, we
cannot curb the expression of views."

Bush's defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel's defeat by Hezbollah
in Lebanon have shown that the military firepower of the U.S. and
Israeli armies, though effective against massed Arab armies, cannot
defeat guerillas and insurgencies. The U.S. has battled in Iraq longer
than it fought against Nazi Germany, and the situation in Iraq is out
of control. The Taliban have regained half of Afghanistan. The king of
Saudi Arabia has told Bush that the ground is shaking under his feet as
unrest over the American/Israeli violence against Muslims builds to
dangerous levels. Our Egyptian puppet sits atop 100 million Muslims who
do not think that Egypt should be a lackey of U.S. hegemony. The king
of Jordan understands that Israeli policy is to drive every Palestinian
into Jordan.

Bush is incapable of recognizing his mistake. He can only escalate.
Plans have long been made to attack Iran. The problem is that Iran can
respond in effective ways to a conventional attack. Moreover, an
American attack on another Muslim country could result in turmoil and
rebellion throughout the Middle East. This is why the neocons have
changed U.S. war doctrine to permit a nuclear strike on Iran.

Neocons believe that a nuclear attack on Iran would have intimidating
force throughout the Middle East and beyond. Iran would not dare
retaliate, neocons believe, against U.S. ships, U.S. troops in Iraq, or
use their missiles against oil facilities in the Middle East.

Neocons have also concluded that a U.S. nuclear strike on Iran would
show the entire Muslim world that it is useless to resist America's
will. Neocons say that even the most fanatical terrorists would realize
the hopelessness of resisting U.S. hegemony. The vast multitude of
Muslims would realize that they have no recourse but to accept their

Revised U.S. war doctrine concludes that tactical or low-yield nuclear
weapons cause relatively little "collateral damage" or civilian deaths,
while achieving a powerful intimidating effect on the enemy. The "fear
factor" disheartens the enemy and shortens the conflict.

University of California Professor Jorge Hirsch, an authority on
nuclear doctrine, believes that an American nuclear attack on Iran will
destroy the Nonproliferation Treaty and send countries in pell-mell
pursuit of nuclear weapons. We will see powerful nuclear alliances,
such as Russia/China, form against us. Japan could be so traumatized by
an American nuclear attack on Iran that it would mean the end of
Japan's sycophantic relationship to the U.S.

There can be little doubt that the aggressive U.S. use of nukes in
pursuit of hegemony would make America a pariah country, despised and
distrusted by every other country. Neocons believe that diplomacy is
feeble and useless, but that the unapologetic use of force brings forth
cooperation in order to avoid destruction.

Neoconservatives say that America is the new Rome, only more powerful
than Rome. Neoconservatives genuinely believe that no one can withstand
the might of the United States and that America can rule by force

Hirsch believes that the U.S. military's opposition to the use of
nuclear weapons against Iran has been overcome by the civilian neocon
authorities in the Bush administration. Desperate to retrieve their
drive toward hegemony from defeat in Iraq, the neocons are betting on
the immense attraction to the American public of force plus success. It
is possible that Bush will be blocked by Europe, Russia, and China, but
there is no visible American opposition to Bush legitimizing the use of
nuclear weapons at the behest of U.S. hegemony.

It is astounding that such dangerous fanatics have control of the U.S.
government and have no organized opposition in American politics.

September 26, 2006

Dr. Roberts [send him mail] is Chairman of the Institute for Political
Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. He is a
former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, former contributing
editor for National Review, and was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
in the Reagan administration. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of
Good Intentions.

Copyright ) 2006 Creators Syndicate



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War Signals? What Is the
White House Planning in Relation to Iran?

By Dave Lindorff
September 28, 2006

As reports circulate of a sharp debate within the White House over
possible US military action against Iran and its nuclear enrichment
facilities, The Nation has learned that the Bush Administration and the
Pentagon have issued orders for a major "strike group" of ships,
including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser,
destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the
Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast. This information follows a
report in the current issue of Time magazine, both online and in print,
that a group of ships capable of mining harbors has received orders to
be ready to sail for the Persian Gulf by October 1.

As Time writes in its cover story, "What Would War Look Like?,"
evidence of the forward deployment of minesweepers and word that the
chief of naval operations had asked for a reworking of old plans for
mining Iranian harbors "suggest that a much discussed--but until now
largely theoretical--prospect has become real: that the U.S. may be
preparing for war with Iran."

According to Lieut. Mike Kafka, a spokesman at the headquarters of the
Second Fleet, based in Norfolk, Virginia, the Eisenhower Strike Group,
bristling with Tomahawk cruise missiles, has received recent orders to
depart the United States in a little over a week. Other official
sources in the public affairs office of the Navy Department at the
Pentagon confirm that this powerful armada is scheduled to arrive off
the coast of Iran on or around October 21.

The Eisenhower had been in port at the Naval Station Norfolk for
several years for refurbishing and refueling of its nuclear reactor; it
had not been scheduled to depart for a new duty station until at least
a month later, and possibly not till next spring. Family members,
before the orders, had moved into the area and had until then expected
to be with their sailor-spouses and parents in Virginia for some time
yet. First word of the early dispatch of the "Ike Strike" group to the
Persian Gulf region came from several angry officers on the ships
involved, who contacted antiwar critics like retired Air Force Col. Sam
Gardiner and complained that they were being sent to attack Iran
without any order from the Congress.

"This is very serious," said Ray McGovern, a former CIA
threat-assessment analyst who got early word of the Navy officers'
complaints about the sudden deployment orders. (McGovern, a
twenty-seven-year veteran of the CIA, resigned in 2002 in protest over
what he said were Bush Administration pressures to exaggerate the
threat posed by Iraq. He and other intelligence agency critics have
formed a group called Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.)

Colonel Gardiner, who has taught military strategy at the National War
College, says that the carrier deployment and a scheduled Persian Gulf
arrival date of October 21 is "very important evidence" of war
planning. He says, "I know that some naval forces have already received
'prepare to deploy orders' [PTDOs], which have set the date for being
ready to go as October 1. Given that it would take about from October 2
to October 21 to get those forces to the Gulf region, that looks about
like the date" of any possible military action against Iran. (A PTDO
means that all crews should be at their stations, and ships and planes
should be ready to go, by a certain date--in this case, reportedly,
October 1.) Gardiner notes, "You cannot issue a PTDO and then stay
ready for very long. It's a very significant order, and it's not done
as a training exercise." This point was also made in the Time article.

So what is the White House planning?

On Monday President Bush addressed the UN General Assembly at its
opening session, and while studiously avoiding even physically meeting
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was also addressing the body,
he offered a two-pronged message. Bush told the "people of Iran" that
"we're working toward a diplomatic solution to this crisis" and that he
looked forward "to the day when you can live in freedom." But he also
warned that Iran's leaders were using the nation's resources "to fund
terrorism and fuel extremism and pursue nuclear weapons." Given the
President's assertion that the nation is fighting a "global war on
terror" and that he is Commander in Chief of that "war," his prominent
linking of the Iran regime with terror has to be seen as a deliberate
effort to claim his right to carry the fight there. Bush has repeatedly
insisted that the 2001 Congressional Authorization for the Use of Force
that preceded the invasion of Afghanistan was also an authorization for
an unending "war on terror."

Even as Bush was making not-so-veiled threats at the UN, his former
Secretary of State, Colin Powell, a sharp critic of any unilateral US
attack on Iran, was in Norfolk, not far from the Eisenhower, advocating
further diplomatic efforts to deal with Iran's nuclear program--itself
tantalizing evidence of the policy struggle over whether to go to war,
and that those favoring an attack may be winning that struggle.

"I think the plan's been picked: bomb the nuclear sites in Iran," says
Gardiner. "It's a terrible idea, it's against US law and it's against
international law, but I think they've decided to do it." Gardiner says
that while the United States has the capability to hit those sites with
its cruise missiles, "the Iranians have many more options than we do:
They can activate Hezbollah; they can organize riots all over the
Islamic world, including Pakistan, which could bring down the Musharraf
government, putting nuclear weapons into terrorist hands; they can
encourage the Shia militias in Iraq to attack US troops; they can blow
up oil pipelines and shut the Persian Gulf." Most of the major
oil-producing states in the Middle East have substantial Shiite
populations, which has long been a concern of their own Sunni leaders
and of Washington policy-makers, given the sometimes close connection
of Shiite populations to Iran's religious rulers.

Of course, Gardiner agrees, recent ship movements and other signs of
military preparedness could be simply a bluff designed to show
toughness in the bargaining with Iran over its nuclear program. But
with the Iranian coast reportedly armed to the teeth with Chinese
Silkworm antiship missiles, and possibly even more sophisticated
Russian antiship weapons, against which the Navy has little reliable
defenses, it seems unlikely the Navy would risk high-value assets like
aircraft carriers or cruisers with such a tactic. Nor has bluffing been
a Bush MO to date.

Commentators and analysts across the political spectrum are focusing on
Bush's talk about dialogue, with many claiming that he is climbing down
from confrontation. On the right, David Frum, writing on September 20
in his National Review blog, argues that the lack of any attempt to win
a UN resolution supporting military action, and rumors of "hushed back
doors" being opened in Washington, lead him to expect a diplomatic
deal, not a unilateral attack. Writing in the center, Washington Post
reporter Glenn Kessler saw in Bush's UN speech evidence that "war is no
longer a viable option" in Iran. Even on the left, where confidence in
the Bush Administration's judgment is abysmally low, commentators like
Noam Chomsky and Nation contributor Robert Dreyfuss are skeptical that
an attack is being planned. Chomsky has long argued that Washington's
leaders aren't crazy, and would not take such a step--though more
recently, he has seemed less sanguine about Administration sanity and
has suggested that leaks about war plans may be an effort by military
leaders--who are almost universally opposed to widening the Mideast
war--to arouse opposition to such a move by Bush and war advocates like
Cheney. Dreyfuss, meanwhile, in an article for the online journal, focuses on the talk of diplomacy in Bush's Monday UN
speech, not on his threats, and concludes that it means "the realists
have won" and that there will be no Iran attack.

But all these war skeptics may be whistling past the graveyard. After
all, it must be recalled that Bush also talked about seeking diplomatic
solutions the whole time he was dead-set on invading Iraq, and the
current situation is increasingly looking like a cheap Hollywood
sequel. The United States, according to Gardiner and others, already
reportedly has special forces operating in Iran, and now major ship
movements are looking ominous.

Representative Maurice Hinchey, a leading Democratic critic of the Iraq
War, informed about the Navy PTDOs and about the orders for the full
Eisenhower Strike Group to head out to sea, said, "For some time there
has been speculation that there could be an attack on Iran prior to
November 7, in order to exacerbate the culture of fear that the
Administration has cultivated now for over five or six years. But if
they attack Iran it will be a very bad mistake, for the Middle East and
for the US. It would only make worse the antagonism and fear people
feel towards our country. I hope this Administration is not so foolish
and irresponsible." He adds, "Military people are deeply concerned
about the overtaxing of the military already."

Calls for comment from the White House on Iran war plans and on the
order for the Eisenhower Strike Group to deploy were referred to the
National Security Council press office, which declined to return this
reporter's phone calls.

McGovern, who had first told a group of anti-Iraq War activists Sunday
on the National Mall in Washington, DC, during an ongoing action called
"Camp Democracy," about his being alerted to the strike group
deployment, warned, "We have about seven weeks to try and stop this
next war from happening."

One solid indication that the dispatch of the Eisenhower is part of a
force buildup would be if the carrier Enterprise--currently in the
Arabian Sea, where it has been launching bombing runs against the
Taliban in Afghanistan, and which is at the end of its normal six-month
sea tour--is kept on station instead of sent back to the United States.
Arguing against simple rotation of tours is the fact that the
Eisenhower's refurbishing and its dispatch were rushed forward by at
least a month. A report from the Enterprise on the Navy's official
website referred to its ongoing role in the Afghanistan fighting, and
gave no indication of plans to head back to port. The Navy itself has
no comment on the ship's future orders.

Jim Webb, Secretary of the Navy in the Reagan Administration and
currently a Democratic candidate for Senate in Virginia, expressed some
caution about reports of the carrier deployment, saying, "Remember,
carrier groups regularly rotate in and out of that region." But he
added, "I do not believe that there should be any elective military
action taken against Iran without a separate authorization vote by the
Congress. In my view, the 2002 authorization which was used for the
invasion of Iraq should not extend to Iran."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Three Recent Wake-Up Calls

* Lovelock: the point of no return is behind us (Jan. 2006)

* Jim Hansen's very urgent warning (Dec. 2005)

* IPCC Chief: deep carbon cuts needed "if humanity is to be saved"
(Jan. 2005)


From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 29, 2006 12:06:56 AM EST
Subject: Fw: 911 Mysteries

LET all of us do
likewise!!!! -- H.

From: CCW
To: Henry Ayre
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:39 PM
Subject: Fw: 911 Mysteries

Henry... Here's what I sent to the local PBS station in Seattle --
trying to break the proverbial "log jam" in 911 censorship. Maybe
others could do something similar in their own particular media
markets. Keep it factual and friendly, but STERN!


----- Original Message -----
From: CCW
To: KCTS Channel 9 PBS
Cc: KCTS Membership
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:25 PM
Subject: 911 Mysteries

Hello KCTS & George Ray:

As a former Seattle radio air personality (John Ross in the
Morning/KBSG 97.3FM, and "JR" at KUBE 93 FM), I have always been a
constant KCTS Channel 9 viewer. How about it guys and gals, could you
see your way to add this particularly excellently produced 911 video to
your programming schedule?

And if not, WHY not?

Please review the video... I think your KCTS viewers are mature enough
to see through the 911 smokescreen and security-police state facade
being created/erected by Bush Bones & Company, as well as those PBS
propaganda flicks from mother headquarters, such as Frontline. Perhaps
if KCTS took-up the lead, the rest of the controlled media in Seattle
would get the drift and truly serve the public's interest, convenience
and necessity, according to long-standing FCC doctrine. BTW, I am the
holder of what used to be called a First-Class Radio-Telephone License,
now called a "General Radio-Telephone License", and as such, a
little more than versed in radio & television broadcast law together
with my independent legal research.

Time to get with the program, for as they say, "If you're not part of
the solution, you're SURELY A PART OF THE PROBLEM!"

Please advise. The deceptively hidden Truths of 9-11 are LONG overdue.
9-11 was an inside job and our entire country and our way of life are
in peril.


John R. Prukop, Executive Director
Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
Puyallup, WA 98373


President, USA Exile Govt.

Sep 30, 2006, 12:57:46 PM9/30/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

September 30, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
There are only a few days now before the quite-well-timed Day of
Mass Resistance October 5. I urge everyone to take part, for it may be
the start of something quite beneficial historically.
In order that it truly be a day of mass resistance--rather than
just a slice of the mass--it's important to represent one of the four
neglected themes: New Energy Truth, 9/11 Truth, Thug GOP Pedophile
Truth and "Depleted" Uranium Truth.
Please see some more comments about October 5 in an exchange
directly below between Rick Siegel, one of the main organizers of the
actions in DC 9/11 through 9/18, and me.
Since October 5 has great potential if it reflects the full
spectrum of our grievances, I'll also paste again the info on it which
I sent you two days ago.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

From: <>
Date: September 29, 2006 2:58:28 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Re: Urgent for Morgan - 3
Reply-To: <>

This Chicago org is fully corrupt Pondo. I am from there and roots are
deep. Franchi is a major funding point for 911 and other activities
there and I spent months trying to talk to these people but it runs
into a wall.

Big donations and no real plan other than to keep divisions and
pointless provocations to keep the people sated that they have done

I can clearly see there will be no move to freedom.

I am trying to write the book, it may help.



Dear Rick,
Thanks very much for yours above. I'm especially glad to hear
from you because I know from your early focus for DC:9/11-18 that you
THINK BIG--and we no longer have any alternative to such.
Okay, so what's the most effective way to think big within current
Well, current circumstances are what's called A Whole New Ballgame
because the US left/liberal/progressive community is so shocked by what
went down yesterday in the notorious US Congress. Sure, we may say
it's just a formalization of police-state stuff put into practice quite
some time ago--but these liberals etc are deeply shocked.
So if we reach out politely to them, some may be able to do a
quantum leap into hip/rad consciousness (or whatever label) rather than
continuing their usual plodding incremental progress.
Thus in terms of this Chicago bunch we shouldn't dismiss them as
"fully corrupt" but instead notice that some of them are merely quaint
or effete. Their commitment to the October 5 scenario is a step
forward for them and shows a ripening sense of urgency among them. We
can maintain a compassionate attitude towards them if we remember that
very few of them had a chance to travel outside the Judeo-Christian
Empire when young and very few have had any major yogic or psychedelic
My notion, then, is to join them October 5 (except I can't
physically from this remote Andean village) in a complementary
("Complementary Is Complimentary") manner by representing one of the
four huge themes they're ignoring: New Energy Truth, 9/11 Truth, Thug
Pedophile Truth and "Depleted" Uranium Truth. The trick is to use
October 5 as a springboard up into something much more significant.
Hey, mon, it seems to me that another book is the very last thing
we need in these circumstances--especially if it's printed on the
precious flesh of our brother/sister trees rather than on hemp or kenaf
or agricultural residue. Do you really want to become a classical
authwhore in this sense? Why not instead do "news" as part of a
Survival Revival news-and-music nomadic campus troupe? Wouldn't that
be much more effective? Can you dig working with David Rovics on
something like this? The "move to freedom" mainly involves turning
young people on again; only they have the stamina to pull off such a
move--but of course they'll need much support from the older
generations. It's difficult to turn young people on with a book
because in so many cases books have been spoiled for them by their
"teach"ers. (DVDs maybe: "a picture is worth a thousand words".)

With highest regards,


PS: I'll paste below two examples of how shocked the liberals
are. I love the earnestness of Scott Peden as he wakes up to the fact
that Amerika is not as depicted "in our school books." I learned this
more than 56 years ago when the twerpy-hustler Detroit police
commissioner directed his secretary to tear up my press card saying I
was 18 and give me one saying I was 22 so I could get served illegally
in Detroit's bars. But I'm not going to make fun of Scott merely
because he's learning this only now. No! I respect him and I want to
work with him.
PPS: For us hippies the US has been a full-blown police state
ever since autumn '66 when they outlawed our sacraments. We're used to
it, so maybe we can provide a perspective on it.


From: "Scott Peden" <>
Date: September 29, 2006 1:36:54 AM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] The America of our School books

I am an American who believes in the Constitution of his country.

I am now told, that the man who claims to be our leader, has made all
who would defend our constitution and Bill of rights, which he asked
Congress to suspend 5 years ago, that I am basically an enemy
combatant, because I do not believe the Government conspiracy theory
about 911. Our Constitution wouldnt have been suspended with out those
acts of terrorism and no military defense or effective actions for over
One and One Half Hours.

A law-abiding citizen, whose constitution was written to protect us
from our government, which was suspended by our government and then our
Officious representatives tell us if we dont believe as they do we are
enemies of this nation whose constitution they have taken away that
guarantees us our freedom of speech, privacy and a great many other

Hell, yes! I am a citizen of the USA, I love my country! I love my
Constitution and my Bill of Rights! I pledge allegiance to the flag, of
the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands, one
Nation, indivisible with Liberty and justice for all, including the
criminals who have stolen my country and now pass laws that say they
arent breaking the laws of the land.

What a sad day it is when the man who is in the President's Office can
call anyone that disagrees with him an enemy of the nation, the man
that calls my Constitution a Gawd Damned piece of paper, and my
Congress, my Senate just jack step along with him.

Where the hell did the America go that we were taught about in our
school books?

Who the hell are those impersonators in Washington DC that tell us one
thing, then so something else. Why the hell are they representing Multi
National Mega Corporations and not the People of the United States of


On Friday, September 29,
It's Mourning in America

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 5:42am.

Just as it is hard to fully comprehend the grief of a beloved friend or
relative killed needlessly in an accident, it is excruciatingly painful
to try to come to terms with the pernicious betrayal of our
Constitution and liberty that occurred in the Senate on Thursday,
September 28.

In the past week alone, we have seen factual evidence that belies the
need for the power play/pre-election attack on our Constitution. In
fact, these developments indicate that giving Bush even more
unprecedented power is not only unconscionable; it puts the national
security of the United States of America in peril:

Bushs newly "revamped" top 16 intelligence agencies reached the
conclusion that the Iraq War had become a primary cause in the growth
of terrorists and the increased threat of terrorism to the United
States. Bush called the report of his own top intelligent agencies
"naove." Meanwhile, a second U.N. report came to the same conclusion as
the American spy agencies. The U.N. also reported that more Iraqis may
now be being tortured under U.S. occupation than were tortured under
Saddam Hussein.

And there is a second National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report just
on Iraq that the Bush Administration will not release until after the
election. So it clearly must be even more harsh in its assessment of
the Iraq War than the White House "selective conclusions" Executive
Summary of the first NIE, which was revealed by the New York Times.

On September 25, retired American generals provided testimony that
Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush Administration threatened to fire any
member of the Pentagon brass that provided a plan for keeping the peace
in Iraq after the invasion. They testified that Rumsfeld, who has no
combat experienced, has made peremptory, uninformed and arrogant
decisions that have resulted in the needless deaths of American Gis and

Bob Woodward, for many years the loyal Royal Court reporter of the Bush
Administration, now has been stricken with a case of reality. In his
latest book, he apparently reports, according to "60 Minutes," "that
the Bush administration has not told the truth regarding the level of
violence, especially against U.S. troops, in Iraq. He also reveals key
intelligence that predicts the insurgency will grow worse next year."

According to Woodward, insurgent attacks against coalition troops
occur, on average, every 15 minutes, a shocking fact the administration
has kept secret. "Its getting to the point now where there are eight-,
nine-hundred attacks a week. That's more than 100 a day. That is four
an hour attacking our forces," says Woodward.

The situation is getting much worse, says Woodward, despite what the
White House and the Pentagon are saying in public. "The truth is that
the assessment by intelligence experts is that next year, 2007, is
going to get worse and, in public, you have the president and you have
the Pentagon [saying], 'Oh, no, things are going to get better,'" he
tells Wallace. "Now theres public, and then theres private. But what
did they do with the private? They stamp it secret. No one is supposed
to know," says Woodward.

"The insurgents know what they are doing. They know the level of
violence and how effective they are. Who doesn't know? The American
public," Woodward tells Wallace.

Woodwards view is confirmed by the National Intelligence Estimate and
a report that this summer set a record for Iraqi civilian deaths in
recent years.

Whats more, a poll in Iraq reported in the Washington Post indicates
60% of Iraqis support attacks on American GIs. We repeat, while Bush
is saying we are fighting the terrorists in Iraq, the overwhelming
majority of Iraqis believe killing American soldiers is justifiable!
The population we are supposedly liberating and bestowing democracy on
in Iraq supports the deadly assaults on our military.
For 59% of Americans, Iraq is already in a civil war. And the
"confidence in Iraq policies" dropped to 20% in the U.S.

And, according to the Washington Post, "A strong majority of Iraqis
want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country,
saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease
sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and
independent researchers."

In addition, "Almost four in five Iraqis say the U.S. military force
in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents."
Meanwhile, the Bush vaunted efforts to train the Iraqi police and army
are being proven a sham. An Iraqi police academy that was built as a
war profiteering gift to some American firm is a total failure,
symbolic of the Bush Administrations fiasco in Iraq:

"A $75 million project to build the largest police academy in Iraq has
been so grossly mismanaged that the campus now poses health risks to
recruits and might need to be partially demolished, U.S. investigators
have found. The Baghdad Police College, hailed as crucial to U.S.
efforts to prepare Iraqis to take control of the country's security,
was so poorly constructed that feces and urine rained from the ceilings
in student barracks. Floors heaved inches off the ground and cracked
apart. Water dripped so profusely in one room that it was dubbed the
rain forest."

We are losing the war in Afghanistan to a resurgent Taliban, who is
being given safe harbor by our "major ally," Pakistan. And the leaders
of Afghanistan and Pakistan arent even cooperating with each other.

We could go on and on. This is just the tip of the iceberg all from
just the last week.

So how do the White House and the Congressional Republicans respond?

They give the man responsible for this tremendous loss of life, for
wasted expenditures of hundreds of billions of dollars, for lies upon
lies, for fighting an ineffective battle against terrorism that has
resulted in an increase in terrorists and a rise in the terrorist
threat to AmericaThey respond by giving this man the right to suspend
habeas corpus, declare who is an enemy combatant, and the right to
torture at will -- and they absolve him of the crimes in violation of
American law, the Constitution and the Geneva Convention that he has
committed up to now.

The man who has endangered America, according to his own restructured
intelligence agencies and the facts reported in just one week, is
allowed to destroy our Constitution and decide, on his own, who will be

This isnt just a Rubicon that has been crossed that may mean the death
of the American Republic, as we know it. This isnt just our Reichstag

This is a suicidal act in terms of our national security. It is giving
unConstitutional and barbaric powers to a man who has miserably and
persistently failed us and lied to this nation at every turn as born
out by the facts. It is a thuggish game of forcing an alternative
reality upon America, a noxious, deadly one.

Today, tears would flow down the olive robe of the Statue of Liberty if
she were human.

But she is just an inanimate symbol. We are the ones who have to cope
with the pain of a democracy destroyed in a political play for power
and permanent one-party rule, which is not a Constitutional form of
government. That is called a dictatorship.

And the one thing in common with dictators through history, whether
Communist or fascist, is their state-sanctioned ability to torture
people at will.

Beyond the overwhelming facts this week that Bush has endangered the
national security of the United States of America with his failed and
costly fanatic ignorance, we are left with this sad fact.

With the law passed on September 28th by Congress, we have become the
Republic of torture. We not only have lost our claim to be a civilizing
force among nations and abandoned our Constitution, we have appeased
the terrorists by doing so.

Because isnt it Bush who keeps telling us that the "terrorists hate
us for our freedoms." So, to appease those same enemies of America, the
White House and the Republicans have taken freedoms away.

We are only beginning to grieve for the great beacon of democracy and
justice that we lost yesterday.



----- Original Message -----
From: President, USA Exile Govt.
To: Morgan Reynolds
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 2:35 AM
Subject: Urgent for Morgan - 3

Dear Morgan and 9/11 Colleagues, Greetings again. Here's my effort
today to place the 9/11 Truth Movement within a wider--thus more
effective--context. What do you think? Regards, Pondo

Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to
Breathe Free
Via <>

September 28, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
This is quite an encouraging development--especially when viewed as
originating within the usually passive US liberal/left/progressive
community. Viewed historiographically, it seems like a sequel to the
quaint US anti-war movement.
The potential here is to establish a United Front against the Fourth
Reich. But for such to happen these World-Can't-Wait originating folks
must tolerantly allow others to represent various additional themes
within it.
For of the six most odious Bush Junta aspects, only the Iraq-atrocity
and stolen-election ones are cited below.
Thus we need each of the other four to be represented independently
within the United Front. Otherwise, the focus is too narrow for the
resistance to develop the momentum it deserves. These four are:

(1)-- The Bush Junta's clandestine--sometimes murderous--sabotage of
projects capable of massively threatening Big Oil by replacing it
swiftly with clean, inexpensive, decentralized energy able to
significantly mitigate the current viciously-cycled
climate-destabilization dynamic (cf., <>) so
we can keep growing food outdoors.
(2)-- The Bush Junta's engineering of the attacks of 9/11/01.
(3)-- The Bush Junta's complicity with the vast GOP-dominated
Kidnap/Blackmail/Murder Pedophile Culture-of-Immunity (cf., Kathy
O'Brien's THE TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA), which after four decades of
impunity now has developed such a satanic confidence from it that it
felt capable of pulling off something as audacious as 9/11.
(4)-- The Bush Junta's endangerment of all humans by its ongoing
releases of windblown radioactive particles from its monstrous
"Depleted" Uranium weaponry.

I hope I don't sound divisive when I say that these other four themes
need to be represented independently. All I mean is that since none of
these was mentioned explicitly, there's a strong implication that these
well-intentioned originating folks wouldn't represent them thoroughly
enough if called upon to do so within their own numbers.
In any case, my hat is off to these originators. By taking these
matters into the streets they are taking all of us into a long-awaited
new phase of homeplanet history. Their disdain of the notorious US fake
two-party system and their emphasis on imminent US theocracy both are
quite pleasant to have at last.

Yours for all species,
Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te
Ponderosa Pine
Transition Prez

From: carol <>
Date: September 28, 2006 12:50:36 AM EST
To: <>
Subject: Re: Announcing A Day of Mass Resistance

From: Alicia Power []
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:28 AM
To: Alicia Power
Subject: Announcing a Day of Mass Resistance + Secret North American
Union Meeting

Hello everyone

This is a VERY special compilation which needs your immediate
attention. No matter what other important things you have to do, taking
a couple minutes to review at least the first part below could help
make a HUGE difference.

Thank YOU for heeding this very urgent request...

Jean Hudon


Announcing a Day of Mass Resistance: OCTOBER 5, 2006


The following ad appeared in the September 20 issue of USA Today

Let us all empower this magnificent initiative through all possible
means and let us make October 5 the turning point in the fight to rid
the world of the worst threat to all Life it has ever faced...

The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime

YOUR GOVERNMENT, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous
and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their

YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and justifying it.

YOUR GOVERNMENT puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing
them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in
the dead of night.

YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a
narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.

YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious,
political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations
to pay a terrible price.

YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world,
the right to birth control and abortion.

YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and

People look at all this and think of Hitler--and rightly so. The Bush
regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a
fascist way, and for generations to come.

We must act now; the future of the world is in our hands.

Millions and millions are deeply disturbed and outraged by this. They
recognize the need for a vehicle to express this outrage, yet they
cannot find it;politics as usual cannot meet the enormity of the
challenge. There is not going to be some magical "pendulum swing."
People who steal elections and believe they're on a "mission from God"
will not go without a fight. There is not going to be some savior from
the Democratic Party. This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies
into "leaders" who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and
religious fanatics is proving every day to be a disaster, and actually
serves to demobilize people.

But silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not
resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn--or be forced--to accept.
There is no escaping it: the whole disastrous course of this Bush
regime must be STOPPED. And we must take the responsibility to do it.
And there is a way. We are talking about something on a scale that can
really make a huge change in this country and in the world. We need
more than fighting Bush's outrages one at a time, constantly losing
ground to the whole onslaught. We must, and can, aim to create a
political situation where the Bush regime's program is repudiated,
where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the whole direction
he has been taking society is reversed. We, in our millions, must and
can take responsibility to change the course of history.

On October 5, people everywhere will walk out of school, take off
work, and come to the downtowns and town squares and set out from
there, going through the streets and calling on many more to join
us--making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT
US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!" Acting in this way, we join with and
give support and heart to people all over the globe who so urgently
need and want this regime to be stopped. This will not be easy. If we
speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will to
try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the
world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people
who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are NOT going to stop.
History is full of examples where people who had right on their side
fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full
of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get
swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is



Join this partial list of endorsers:

James Abourezk, Edward Asner, Russell Banks, Ed Begley Jr. , Harry
Belafonte, St. Clair Bourne, Gabriel Byrne, Margaret Cho, Ward
Churchill, US Rep John Conyers Jr. , John Densmore, Jesse Diaz Jr. ,
Michael Eric Dyson, Steve Earle, Niles Eldredge, Daniel Ellsberg, Eve
Ensler, Jane Fonda, Martin Garbus, Andri Gregory, Sam Hamill, Suheir
Hammad, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Rickie Lee Jones, Sarah Jones, Brig.
Gen. (Ret) Janis Karpiniski, Jonathan Kozol, Jessica Lange, Rabbi
Michael Lerner, US Rep Cynthia Mc Kinney, Mark Crispin Miller, Tom
Morello, Viggo Mortensen, US Rep Major Owens, Grace Paley, Harvey
Pekar, Sean Penn, Michelle Phillips, Harold Pinter, Michael Ratner,
Mark Ruffalo, US Rep Bobby Rush, Susan Sarandon, Richard Serra, Rev. Al
Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan, Martin Sheen, Nancy Spero, Gloria Steinem,
Lynne Stewart, Serj Tankian, Sunsara Taylor, Studs Terkel, Gore Vidal,
Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Naomi Wallace, Lt. Ethren Watada, US Rep
Maxine Waters, Cornel West, Ann Wright, Howard Zinn, and thousands more
who have already joined us. . .




[ ] $2500 [ ] $1000 [ ] $500 [ ] $200 [ ] $100 [ ] $_______
Make checks payable to "World Can't Wait" or donate on-line. (To make a
tax deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational
activities, checks should be made out to "The Alliance for Global
Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, and designate "for WCW" in the
check memo line.)

Mail coupon to:
305 W. BROADWAY, #185
NEW YORK, NY 10013



To download this ad as a pdf file go at



October 5: There Is a Way! There Is a Day!

[Find a protest in your area October 5th] -- [List a protest in your

NOTE from Jean: Dozens of U.S. cities are already listed. There will
even be a protest in Geneva. This could go on to be a worldwide event
if everyone rallies to support this...

Think of all the people who are deeply distressed over the direction
in which the Bush regime is dragging the country - and the world... All
the people who are outraged over the way in which this regime is
arrogantly seeking to bludgeon into submission people in the Middle
East, and throughout the world, while trampling on the rights of the
people in the U.S. itself... All the people who care about the future
of humanity and the planet we live on, and who recognize the many ways
in which the Bush regime is increasingly posing a dire threat to
this... All the people who are stirred with a profound restlessness by
these feelings but are held back by the fear that they are alone and
powerless; or who say that they wish something could be done to stop
and reverse this whole disastrous course, but nothing will make a
difference; or who hope that somehow the Democrats will do something to
change this, when everyday it becomes more clear that they will not...
All these people, who make up a very large part of the population of
this country and whose basic sentiments are shared by the majority of
people throughout the world...

Imagine if, from out of this huge reservoir of people, a great wave
were unleashed, moving together on the same occasion, making, through
their firm stand and their massive numbers, a powerful political
statement that could not be ignored: refusing that day to work, or
walking out from work, taking off from school or walking out of school
-- joining together, rallying and marching, drawing forward many more
with them, and in many and varied forms of creative and meaningful
political protest throughout the day, letting it be known that they are
determined to bring this whole disastrous course to a halt by driving
out the Bush Regime through the mobilization of massive political

If that were done, then the possibility of turning things around and
onto a much more favorable direction would take on a whole new
dimension of reality.

It would go from something only vaguely hoped for, by millions of
isolated individuals, and acted on by thousands so far, to something
that had undeniable moral force and unprecedented political impact.

There is a way to make this happen. There is a day, coming soon, on
which people will be mobilizing to make this a reality. There is a
vehicle and a means through which anguish, outrage and frustration can
be transformed into truly meaningful, positive and powerful political

On October 5, 2006, on the basis of the Call, The World Can't Wait -
Drive Out the Bush Regime!, people throughout the country will be
stepping forward in a day of mass resistance. The breadth, the depth,
the impact and the power of that day depends not only on those in The
World Can't Wait organization, and others, who are already organizing
for this day -- it depends on you, on us, on all those who have been
hoping and searching for a means to do something that will really make
a difference.

If we fail to act to make this a reality, then it will definitely make
a difference -- in a decidedly negative way. But if we do take up the
challenge to build for this, and then do take history into our hands on
that day, through political action on the massive scale that is called
for -- it can make all the difference in the world, in a very positive
sense and for the possibility of a better future for humanity.


"The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had
right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious.
And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it
out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever
imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US."

Note From Jean: There is so much more to discover about this amazing
initiative and the miracles making it all possible. Please go at to find out more and network this massively
right now. Thanks!!


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: September 30, 2006 2:06:24 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: Gonzales Cautions Judges on Interfering With Bush's
Anti-Terror Tactics 30 Sep 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
30 September 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Gonzales Cautions Judges on Interfering With Bush's Anti-Terror Tactics
29 Sep 2006 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is defending
Dictator Bush's anti[pro]-terrorism tactics in multiple court battles,
said Friday that federal judges should not substitute their personal
views for the president's judgments in wartime.

US warns charities on any links to terror groups 29 Sep 2006 The U.S.
Treasury Department warned charities on Friday to be sure they are not
even indirectly funding activities that build support for terrorist
organizations. In an annex to the guidelines, the department for the
first time cautioned that charitable activities could build public
support for terrorist groups, even if they don't channel funds to
terrorist organizations. "Terrorist abuse also includes the
exploitation of charitable services and activities to radicalize
vulnerable populations and cultivate support for terrorist
organizations and activities," the Treasury said.

Congress Sends Bush Terror Tribunal Bill 29 Sep 2006 Congress sent
President [sic] Bush a bill Friday that endorses his plan to
interrogate and prosecute terror suspects, legislation Republicans hope
will win them political points on the campaign trail. Once Bush signs
it, which he was expected to do very soon, the military can begin
prosecuting terror suspects.

U.N. Official Decries Anti-Terror Bill 29 Sep 2006 The top U.N.
official on torture said Friday that a bill before the U.S. Congress
could deprive terrorism suspects of a fair trial and was especially
troubling after the mistreatment of prisoners at Iraq's Abu Ghraib

Bush faces wave of challenges to terror law 30 Sep 2006 The Bush
regime yesterday faced a raft of legal challenges to a sweeping new
regime for Guantanamo that would deny court oversight to detainees in
the war on terror, and would bar prosecution of US personnel for war

Attorneys For Guantanamo Detainees Could Be Detained As Enemy
Combatants Under New Legislation --President Given Undue Power to
Silence Critics 26 Sep 2006 On September 26, 2006, attorneys for the
Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) determined that what appears to
be the final version of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 could
allow the government to detain the attorneys themselves as 'enemy
combatants.' CCR Legal Director Bill Goodman said: "This ominously
broad definition of enemy combatants would mean that almost anyone who
actively opposes the President or the government could be locked up
indefinitely. This bill makes a mockery of the rule of law."

Vote Summary 28 Sep 2006 On Passage of the Bill (S. 3930 As Amended)
Measure Number: S. 3930 Measure Title: A bill to authorize trial by
military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other
purposes. Vote Result: Bill Passed. [Did you ever thought you'd live to
see the day when Congress would vote on 'acceptable levels' of torture,
rape and biological experiments?

DemocRATs who voted for torture: Carper (DE), Johnson (SD), Landrieu
(LA), Lautenberg (D-NJ) LieberBush (CT) [Gee, there's a big f*cking
surprise], Menendez (NJ), Nelson (NE), Nelson (FL), Pryor (AK),
Rockefeller (WVA), Salazar (CO), Stebenau (MI).

"This unprecedented and expansive suspension of habeas corpus is
utterly unconstitutional, and we will challenge it." Legal Battle Over
Detainee Bill Is Likely --The Senate approves Bush's plan for military
tribunals. Limits on terror suspects' options for appeal could lead to
a Supreme Court ruling. 29 Sep 2006 The Senate on Thursday approved
President Bush's plan to question and try foreign terrorism suspects
before military judges without oversight by the federal courts. Bush
is expected to receive a bill he can sign into law in the next few
days, but legal challenges almost assuredly will be pursued against the
prosecution process, which the administration considers a key element
in its war on [of] terrorism.



From: Peter Myers <>
Date: September 30, 2006 4:53:51 AM EST
Subject: Ahmadinejad squares off with the foreign policy establishment

(1) Abandoned and depopulated villages - The Struggle For Survival, by
Judy Andreas
(2) NY Sun: Mearsheimer says Israel Lobby' caused War in Iraq,
September 11 Attacks
(3) Tony Judt sides with Mearsheimer in debate vs Martin Indyk and
Dennis Ross
(4) U.S. House of Representatives approves new sanctions against Iran
(5) Ahmadinejad squares off with the foreign policy establishment
(6) Feedlots creating new strains of E.COLI bacteria

(1) Abandoned and Depopulated Villages - The Struggle For Survival
By Judy Andreas

From: Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 08:03:55 EDT

The Struggle For Survival, by Judy Andreas

On September 26, 2006, I attended an event in New York City called
Occupation of Palestine/Invasion of Lebanon: A Forum on the Mid-East
Crisis. There were two speakers on the menu, Aaron Levitt, from Jews
Against the Occupation and International Solidarity Movement's Bashir
Abu Manneh, from the English Department of Barnard College.

Judging by the size of the room, the organizers had not anticipated a
large crowd. And yet, the small room was packed to capacity. The
gathering group was there because they were seeking solutions. They
were sick of the Middle East situation and the bullying stance of
Israel and the United States. They were heartbroken about the
devastation and brutality in Palestine and Lebanon. They were concerned
about the endless wars. They were there because they deeply desire
peace in the Middle East.

Mr. Levitt opened the evening with a question. "Is there anyone here
that is Pro Israel"? Not one hand was raised. Then he proceeded with
his brief talk. He explained that in 2004, he had been stranded in
Palestine and took the opportunity to visit the abandoned and
depopulated villages He had his camera with him and showed us the film
footage. Seeing the villages had been a powerful experience for him and
it was a powerful experience for the audience as well.

Levitt began with footage of Ein Kerem, the alleged birthplace of John
the Baptist. Thousands of people had populated the area prior to 1948
when they had been driven into exile by such bloodthirsty groups as the
Irgun, the Haganah and the Stern Gang.

Today Ein Kerem is populated by North American Jews. "They are artsy
people; the granola crunching, politically correct set", Mr. Levitt
explained. And yet, their political correctness does not extend to the
people whose land they are occupying.

The village was impressive; the old stonework was breathtaking. It was
the work of the Palestinians.

A total of four hundred and thirty villages were depopulated. In every
single case, the excuse was that these were "vital military outposts".

"This was utter nonsense", Mr Levitt explained.

Today, close to 400 villages are scrub brush, ghost towns and little
pieces of farms giving low yield crops. The Israelis have taken the
most fertile parts of the country.

One of the most notorious and controversial events of current conflict
between Israel and the Palestinians was the April, 2002 Israeli
invasion of Jenin Refugee Camp. For weeks, the Israeli army assaulted
the camp with helicopters, tanks, bulldozers, and troops.

Mr. Levitt explained that in Jenin, everyone is originally from Haifa,
and they still hold the deeds and keys to their stolen homes.

Lifta had approximately 2500 Palestinians prior to the occupation. It
was emptied out because, once again, it was said to be a "super
strategic" place. Every home and Mosque contained a hole that was blown
in the roof by the Haganah. The two foot hole was to make the places
uninhabitable so that no families could return. Beautifully built homes
were now no protection from the cold Jerusalem rain.

On the 28th of December in 1947, six people were gunned down when
Jewish terrorists (probably from Begin's IZL or the Stern gang) shot
them in the village coffee house. Soon after the terror act on Lifta's
coffee house, its population was terrorized repeatedly into leaving by
Menachem Begin's IZL and Yitzhak Shamir's Stern terror gangs. By
February 1948, the village was completely emptied and all of its
inhabitants were trucked to East Jerusalem.

Ethnically Cleansed Palestinian Refugees, October, 1948

Bashir Abu-Manneh talked about Hezbollah and Hamas. People in the
United States are fairly ignorant of the true nature of these
organizations. Hezbollah is mainly defensive. They want national unity
and are fundamentally democratic. They are socially philanthropic and
provide Social Services and Healthcare. 80% of the Lebanese people
supported Hezbollah.

Hamas wants to end the oppression and free the 10,000 political
prisoners. They want to end the siege in Gaza and dismantle the
settlements. They want control over their own borders. They want
democratically elected officials. They want an end to national
oppression. They want to return to the 1967 borders.

Today there is 70% poverty in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israeli terror against Palestinians has intensified. Israel has halted
the transfer of about $55 million a month in taxes it collects for the
PA in an attempt to bankrupt its government. Its army had closed
El-Montar trade crossing (Carney Crossing); the only passage Gaza has
to the rest of the world. More army checkpoints were erected within
cities, and people were not allowed to move between neighborhoods.
Israeli offensive army had intensified its terrorist attacks against
Palestinian cities; raiding homes, completely destroying their contents
or demolishing the whole house, randomly arresting people, raiding
mosques and churches stripping worshippers naked and harassing
religious figures, and beating or shooting reporters and confiscating
their cameras. The Israeli tanks continuously shell civilian
communities in Gaza Strip killing children and women, while military
drones continue their targeted assassinations of alleged militant
leaders by bombing their vehicles. The Israeli government is grabbing
more land to expand its colonies and is finishing its jailing wall on
Palestinian land to besiege more Palestinian cities and to destroy
their economy. The wall and military checkpoints had divided the West
Bank into small 64 cantons. Palestinian prisoners including children
(boys and girls in their teens) in Israeli prisons are routinely
tortured and denied heath care.

The presentation did not offer much hope. The question and answer
period contained more questions than answers. I asked Bashir Abu Manneh
if the Israelis and the U.S really wanted peace. His facial expression
answered my question.

I took the long walk to the subway. The crisp air did nothing to clear
my head. I thought of the pictures of the villages. I thought of the
pictures of little Palestinian and Lebanese children I had seen. I
thought of the pictures of deformed Iraqi babies. I thought of the
"granola crunching" Israelis. I was wrestling with "despair" and I was
losing. As I descended subway stairs I paused for a moment to pay
homage to a homeless man. The sounds of a saxophone sweetened the
surreal subway scene. Street musicians are commonplace in New York
City. They too are a part of the struggle for survival.


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Bad Faith and the Destruction of Palestine

By Jonathan Cook
September 29, 2006

NAZARETH, 29 September 2006 A mistake too often made by those examining
Israels behaviour in the occupied territories -- or when analysing its
treatment of Arabs in general, or interpreting its view of Iran -- is
to assume that Israel is acting in good faith. Even its most trenchant
critics can fall into this trap.

Such a reluctance to attribute bad faith was demonstrated this week by
Israels foremost human rights group, BTselem, when it published a
report into the bombing by the Israeli air force of Gazas power plant
in late June. The horrifying consequences of this act of collective
punishment -- a war crime, as BTselem rightly notes -- are clearly
laid out in the report.

The group warns that electricity is available to most of Gazas 1.4
million inhabitants for a few hours a day, and running water for a
similar period. The sewerage system has all but collapsed, with the
resulting risk of the spread of dangerous infectious disease.

In their daily lives, Gazans can no longer rely on the basic features
of modern existence. Their fridges are as good as useless, threatening
outbreaks of food poisoning. The elderly and infirm living in
apartments can no longer leave their homes because elevators dont
work, or are unpredictable. Hospitals and doctors clinics struggle to
offer essential medical services. Small businesses, most of which rely
on the power and water supplies, from food shops and laundry services
to factories and workshops, are being forced to close.

Rapidly approaching, says BTselem, is the moment when Gazas economy
-- already under an internationally backed siege to penalise the
Palestinians for democratically electing a Hamas government -- will
simply expire under the strain.

Unfortunately, however, BTselem loses the plot when it comes to
explaining why Israel would choose to inflict such terrible punishment
on the people of Gaza. Apparently, it was out of a thirst for revenge:
the groups report is even entitled Act of Vengeance. Israel, it
seems, wanted revenge for the capture a few days earlier of an Israeli
soldier, Gilad Shalit, from a border tank position used to fire
artillery into Gaza.

The problem with the revenge theory is that, however much a rebuke it
is, it presupposes a degree of good faith on the part of the
vengeance-seeker. You steal my toy in the playground, and I lash out
and hit you. I have acted badly -- even disproportionately, to use a
vogue word BTselem also adopts -- but no one would deny that my
emotions were honest. There was no subterfuge or deception in my anger.
I incur blame only because I failed to control my impulses. There is
even the implication that, though my action was unwarranted, my fury
was justified.

But why should we think Israel is acting in good faith, even if in bad
temper, in destroying Gazas power station? Why should we assume it was
a hot-headed over-reaction rather than a coldly calculated deed?

In other words, why believe Israel is simply lashing out when it
commits a war crime rather than committing it after careful advance
planning? Is it not possible that such war crimes, rather than being
spontaneous and random, are actually all pushing in the same direction?

More especially, why should we give Israel the benefit of the doubt
when its war crimes contribute, as the bombing of the power station in
Gaza surely does, to easily deciphered objectives? Why not think of the
bombing instead as one instalment in a long-running and slowly
unfolding plan?

The occupation of Gaza did not begin this year, after Hamas was
elected, nor did it end with the disengagement a year ago. The
occupation is four decades old and still going strong in both the West
Bank and Gaza. In that time Israel has followed a consistent policy of
subjugating the Palestinian population, imprisoning it inside
ever-shrinking ghettos, sealing it off from contact with the outside
world, and destroying its chances of ever developing an independent

Since the outbreak six years ago of the second intifada -- the
Palestinians uprising against the occupation -- Israel has tightened
its system of controls. It has sought to do so through two parallel,
reinforcing approaches.

First, it has imposed forms of collective punishment to weaken
Palestinian resolve to resist the occupation, and encourage
factionalism and civil war. Second, it has domesticated suffering
inside the ghettos, ensuring each Palestinian finds himself isolated
from his neighbours, his concerns reduced to the domestic level: how to
receive a house permit, or get past the wall to school or university,
or visit a relative illegally imprisoned in Israel, or stop yet more
family land being stolen, or reach his olive groves.

The goals of both sets of policies, however, are the same: the erosion
of Palestinian societys cohesiveness, the disruption of efforts at
solidarity and resistance, and ultimately the slow drift of
Palestinians away from vulnerable rural areas into the relative safety
of urban centres -- and eventually, as the pressure continues to mount,
on into neighbouring Arab states, such as Jordan and Egypt.

Seen in this light, the bombing of the Gaza power station fits neatly
into Israels long-standing plans for the Palestinians. Vengeance has
nothing to do with it.

Another recent, more predictable example was an email exchange
published on the Media Lens forum website involving the BBCs Middle
East editor, Jeremy Bowen. Bowen was questioned about why the BBC had
failed to report on an important peace initiative begun this summer
jointly by a small group of Israeli rabbis and Hamas politicians. A
public meeting where the two sides would have unveiled their initiative
was foiled when Israels Shin Bet secret service, presumably with the
approval of the Israeli government, blocked the Hamas MPs from entering

Bowen, though implicitly critical of Israels behaviour, believes the
initiative was of only marginal significance. He doubts that the Shin
Bet or the government were overly worried by the meeting -- in his
words, it was seen as no more than a minor irritant -- because the
Israeli peace camp has shown a great reluctance to get involved with
the Palestinians since the outbreak of the intifada in 2000. The
Israeli government would not want Hamas looking more respectable, he
admits, but adds that that is because they believe that it is a
terrorist organisation out to kill Jews and to destroy their country.

In short, the Israeli government cracked down on the initiative because
they believed Hamas was not a genuine partner for peace. Again, at
least apparently in Bowens view, Israel was acting in good faith: when
it warns that it cannot talk with Hamas because it is a terrorist
organisation, it means what it says.

But what if, for a second, we abandon the assumption of good faith?

Hamas comprises a militant wing, a political wing and a network of
welfare charities. Israel chooses to characterise all these activities
as terrorist in nature, refusing to discriminate between the groups
different wings. It denies that Hamas could have multiple identities in
the same way the Irish Republican Army, which included a political wing
called Sinn Fein, clearly did.

Some of Israels recent actions might fit with such a simplistic view
of Hamas. Israel tried to prevent Hamas from standing in the
Palestinian elections, only backing down after the Americans insisted
on the groups participation. Israel now appears to be destroying the
Palestinians governing institutions, claiming that once in Hamas
hands they will be used to promote terror.

The Israeli government, it could be argued, acts in these ways because
it is genuinely persuaded that even the political wing of Hamas is
cover for terrorist activity.

But most other measures suggest that in reality Israel has a different
agenda. Since the Palestinian elections six months ago, Israels
policies towards Hamas have succeeded in achieving one end: the
weakening of the groups moderates, especially the newly elected
politicians, and the strengthening of the militants. In the debate
inside Hamas about whether to move towards politics, diplomacy and
dialogue, or concentrate on military resistance, we can guess which
side is currently winning.

The moderates not the militants have been damaged by the isolation of
the elected Hamas government, imposed by the international community at
Israels instigation. The moderates not the militants have been
weakened by Israel rounding up and imprisoning the groups MPs. The
moderates not the militants have been harmed by the failure, encouraged
by Israel, of Fatah and Hamas politicians to create a national unity
government. And the approach of the moderates not the militants has
been discredited by Israels success in blocking the summer peace
initiative between Hamas MPs and the rabbis.

In other words, Israeli policies are encouraging the extremist and
militant elements inside Hamas rather the political and moderate ones.
So why not assume that is their aim?

Why not assume that rather than wanting a dialogue, a real peace
process and an eventual agreement with the Palestinians that might lead
to Palestinian statehood, Israel wants an excuse to carry on with its
four-decade occupation -- even if it has to reinvent it through
sleights of hand like the disengagement and convergence plans?

Why not assume that Israel blocked the meeting between the rabbis and
the Hamas MPs because it fears that such a dialogue might suggest to
Israeli voters and the world that there are strong voices in Hamas
prepared to consider an agreement with Israel, and that given a chance
their strength and influence might grow?

Why not assume that the Israeli government wanted to disrupt the
contacts between Hamas and the rabbis for exactly the same reasons that
it has repeatedly used violence to break up joint demonstrations in
Palestinian villages like Bilin staged by Israeli and Palestinian peace
actvists opposed to the wall that is annexing Palestinian farm land to

And why, unlike Bowen, not take seriously opinion polls like the one
published this week that show 67 per cent of Israelis support
negotiations with a Palestinian national unity government (that is, one
including Hamas), and that 56 per cent favour talks with a Palestinian
government whoever is leading it? Could it be that faced with these
kinds of statistics Israels leaders are terrified that, if Hamas were
given the chance to engage in a peace process, Israeli voters might
start putting more pressure on their own government to make meaningful

In other words, why not consider for a moment that Israels stated view
of Hamas may be a self-serving charade, that the Israeli government has
invested its energies in discrediting Hamas, and before it secular
Palestinian leaders, because it has no interest in peace and never has
done? Its goal is the maintenance of the occupation on the best terms
it can find for itself.

On much the same grounds, we should treat equally sceptically another
recent Israeli policy: the refusal by the Israeli Interior Ministry to
renew the tourist visas of Palestinians with foreign passports, thereby
forcing them to leave their homes and families inside the occupied
territories. Many of these Palestinians, who were originally stripped
by Israel of their residency rights in violation of international law,
often when they left to work or study abroad, have been living on
renewable three-month visas for years, even decades.

Amazingly, this compounding of the original violation of these
Palestinian families rights has received almost no media coverage and
so far provoked not a peep of outrage from the big international human
rights organisations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty

I can hazard a guess why. Unusually Israel has made no serious attempt
to justify this measure. Furthermore, unlike the two examples cited
above, it is difficult to put forward even a superficially plausible
reason why Israel needs to pursue this policy, except for the obvious
motive: that Israel believes it has found another bureaucratic wheeze
to deny a few more thousand Palestinians their birthright. It is
another small measure designed to ethnically cleanse these Palestinians
from what might have been their state, were Israel interested in peace.

Unlike the other two examples, it is impossible to assume any good
faith on Israels part in this story: the measure has no security
value, not even of the improbable variety, nor can it be sold as an
over-reaction, vengeance, to a provocation by the group affected.

Palestinians with foreign passports are among the richest, best
educated and possibly among the most willing to engage in dialogue with
Israel. Many have large business investments in the occupied
territories they wish to protect from further military confrontation,
and most speak fluently the language of the international community --
English. In other words, they might have been a bridgehead to a peace
process were Israel genuinely interested in one.

But as we have seen, Israel isnt. If only our media and human rights
organisations could bring themselves to admit as much. But because they
cant, the transparently bad faith underpinning Israels administrative
attempt at ethnic cleansing may be allowed to pass without any censure
at all.

Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His
book, Blood and Religion: the Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic
State, is published by Pluto Press. His website is

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Jonathan Cook,, 2006

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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: September 29, 2006 11:00:20 PM EST
To: AAAHenri <>

Subject: Fw: 9/11 Mysteries docu: Ask yourself why you haven't seen
this video and others about 9/11 Truth on TV; DENIAL IS OVER, 9/11
families speak out against government fairy tale

9/11 Mysteries docu: Ask yourself why you haven't seen this video and
others about 9/11 Truth on TV; DENIAL IS OVER, 9/11 families speak out
against government fairy tale

Hi everyone

Ask yourself why you havent seen the videos listed below.

The lid is now completely blown off 9/11, the Iraq War, the WMDs et l..

How are George Bush, Johnny Howard, Tony Blair, et al sleeping now?

Subject: 9/11 Mysteries docu: Ask yourself why you haven't seen this
video and others about 9/11 Truth on TV; DENIAL IS OVER, 9/11 families
speak out against government fairy tale

This documentary done by a conservative Republican supporter who has
finally seen the truth

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) <>

1 hr 30 min 41 sec - 15-Sep-2006

This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the
controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's ... all ;
excellent. Pass this link on! :: 9/11 Denial is Over



From: "Chihaya" <>
Date: September 29, 2006 7:44:40 AM EST
Subject: I agree. ;O)

Ecuador Candidate Defends Chavez Ties

The Associated Press
Monday, September 25, 2006; 9:00 PM

QUITO, Ecuador -- A tough-talking leftist economist and presidential
front-runner who rattles foreign investors said Monday he is proud to
call Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez his friend.

Rafael Correa also said he would not extend the U.S. military's use of
the Pacific coast Manta air base as an operational site for drug
surveillance flights when the treaty runs out in 2009.

"A symbol of sovereignty is to not have foreign soldiers on national
soil," he said. The only way the U.S. military presence would continue
in Ecuador was if Washington allowed "an Ecuadorean military base in
Miami," he said.
(End quote from
AR2006092501191.html )

I wish Japanese PM said the same....
That shocking far right Abe, grandson of a war criminal from WWII never
has got that kind of guts... And,

Corea referred to Chavez's remarks in his televised speech Wednesday
but added that "to call Mr. Bush the devil is an insult to the devil."
There was no immediate reaction from Washington.
(End quote from )

Yet, the article I read about this in Japanese said that what Correa
meant was what above two didn't have the courage to print, but IHT:

"Calling Bush the devil is offending the devil," Correa told Channel 8
television Wednesday. "The devil is evil, but intelligent."

"I believe Bush is a tremendously dimwitted president who has done
great damage to his country and to the world," Correa said.
(End quote from
LA_GEN_Ecuador_Leftist_Front_Runner.php )


President, USA Exile Govt.

Oct 10, 2006, 8:53:47 PM10/10/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

October 10, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I'd like to remind that this week is a good time to influence the
World-Cant-Wait (WCW) people who did the Oct 5 Day of Mass Resistance.
They're asking for suggestions for their next action. So by suggesting
that New Energy Truth and/or 9/11 Truth and/or Thug Mind-Control
Pedophile Truth and/or "Depleted" Uranium Truth be major themes at
their next action, we can learn whether they're indeed willing to
become more inclusive or whether we need a rad coalition independent of
their moderate one. If we do an independent rad coalition, I suggest
that we approach WCW with the idea that the two coalitions work
together rather than in a divided-and-conquered condition.
You can reach them via <> .
Meanwhile, CNN currently is running this headline: "Drumbeat of
Scandal Grows Louder in U.S." The louder the drumbeat, the better our
chances of getting some media to go beyond Rep. Foley and at least
scratch the surface of the iceberg of The Mainly GOP But Far-Flung Thug
Kidnap/Murder/Blackmail/MindControl Pedophile Culture. I hope many of
you have time to help with this effort.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te,

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez
PS: Does anyone have a clear picture of what went down at the WCW
Portland OR demo?


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Modified Seeds: Women in India Take On Monsanto

The way to food security

By Arun Shrivastava
October 9, 2006

We do not buy seeds from the market because we suspect they may be
contaminated with genetically engineered or terminator seeds, says
Pavamma, a Dalit woman in village Palarum, near the town of Zaheerabad,
about 110 kms north-west of the high-tech city of Hyderabad.

George W Bush signed Knowledge Initiative in Agriculture [KIA] with
Manmohan Singh [the Indian Prime Minister] in March 2006, cheered by
representatives of Monsanto and Wal-Mart, in the same city. Pavamma
does not know about KIA. .

Pavamma looks after a household of 14 members, from 2 year old infants
to 80 year old grandparents. She owns nine acres of land on the
semi-arid Deccan plateau. One acre, she says, is sufficient to feed her
household highly nutritious three full meals every day all year round.
The surplus from eight is sold or stored in the household food bank. I
spent about two hours with her and learnt that she has a bank of fifty
different seeds that she says she needs to feed her household

Palarum is a habitation of about thirty households and is part of
Village Council of Devrampalli in district Medak. Each village has its
own sangham, comprising of all households, of all castes and
religion. A Village Council is a Constitutional body whereas the
sangham is a community-based organization. The seventy-two Sanghams are
part of a regional federation welded together by Deccan Development
Society, nominally headed by PV Satheesh, that won the COG Award for
Best Peoples Defense on 25th March 2006. [See See
also ETC Group website.]

Women manage seed bank

Earlier men managed the household seed stock. Now, it is women. Men
wanted to store fewer seeds and preferred to buy from the market. We
want all sorts of seeds for all sorts of food that we eat, said the
women, while men stood nearby smoking local cigarillos.

They have a very simple contraption to store seeds. A basket, about two
feet in diameter by eighteen inches deep, is plastered with cow dung.
When it dries, seeds are placed in it, covered with grass and capped
with cow dung. This simple contraption protects all their seeds. It
hardly costs a few rupees.

And women ensure the bio-diversityand health

Pavamma and her friends showed me four varieties of green moong and
sixteen varieties of millet. Real tongue twisters but try to pronounce
these: Korralu (Foxtail millet, 4 varieties), Saamai (Little millet,
two varieties), Thaidalu (Finger millet), Sajjalu (Pearl millet, two
varieties) and Jonnalu (sorghum, seven varieties). And then five local
varieties of lentils and another four wild varieties, so effectively
nine, all edible and rich in proteins. They have two varieties of rice
in just one village; one is harvested for its medicinal properties; it
is easy to digest and given during convalescence. [India had 100,000
varieties of rice just 40 years ago; today with much difficulty one may
get seeds for 50]

Crops of truth [Satyam Pantalu]

Nature has given us plants that do not seek anything in return, not
even water. One simply has to broadcast the seed and in time reap a
nutritious harvest. These are called the crops of truth locally. In
fact crops of truth abound everywhere that do not take anything in
return but give you nutrition and health, provided we seek the truth.

These are hardy genes, evolved over centuries. It is important that
these crops of truth are protected from the venal buccaneers. The women
of Zaheerabad have done just that because they are mothers.

These local sources of nutrition have not even been properly surveyed
or listed by the National Institute of Nutrition or the Indian Council
of Agriculture Research, according to PV Satheesh.

Nutritive content

These women grow nutrition, not just food. Data on nutritive content of
these wild, un-listed, un-catalogued, indigenous foods that nature has
given these people, is available at
(Click on community food system data tables).

This is a huge data bank on nutritive content of foods from the cluster
of villages I am writing about. These foods, some of them classified as
wild, are highly nutritious.

Nutrition does not come from the factories of trans-national
corporations; it comes from Mother Nature. I realized that these
illiterate women of Zaheerabad understood that truth more than any one
of us would ever appreciate.

Social organization

The sangham is an informal social security network. What happens when
the going gets rough within the community?

If crops collapse and a household is short of seeds for the next
season, it can borrow seeds from the community seed bank. The seed is
given on loan and after harvest the household must return twice the
amount borrowed to the community bank. If the crop fails again, the
household must return four times the borrowed seeds.

Landless labourers, and there are many because this region was once
the most impoverished in India, are entitled to 25% of the gross
produce of the land they work. If a household reneges on sharing, the
entire village boycotts that household. I met a few landless labourers;
they have no complaint.

If the entire village faces crop failure, the neighbouring villages
come to its rescue on similar terms.

Seeds Festival

These 72 villages organize an annual seeds festival lasting about a
month to mid February. Small groups of villagers visit each of the 72
villages. The host village takes care of their shelter, food and water
needs. These groups inspect how each village is managing its seed bank.
The village with best managed seed bank gets an award and the award is
never given to an individual; it is given only to a community.

Interaction with market

There is minimal interaction with market. Main items of consumption
like soap, books for children, light bulb, clothes, etc., are purchased
locally. Cooking oil is obtained by sending oilseeds to a local
facility for oil extraction. The facility uses traditional cold-press
method, i.e. oil is extracted at low temperature thereby retaining the
nutrients in the seeds.

A small group of men takes the produce of a cluster of household to
the market and returns with whatever the households need from the
market, a system that has reduced shopping by individual households.

Communications strategy

These villages got together and realized that they need to communicate
more effectively particularly because of what was happening to farmers
in neighbouring regions and districts. The majority of farmers
suicides took place in and around these parts and behind each death
there is a ghastly story of GM/hybrid seeds, fertilizers, pesticides,
loans, and indebtedness.

So, they collected fund and with some external support they got their
own FM radio station to forewarn their communities if a wolf is around
and, of course, to continuously inform and educate people on key issues
of survival. They now have a transmitter, microphone, recording studio
but the Government of India has yet to grant a license to broadcast! Oh
yes, India is a democracy with right to freedom of speech, so long as
it does not affect the buccaneers profits.

Undaunted, they record programmes in the studio and send it across to
the people on ordinary ten rupee audio or hundred rupee video
tapes. The manager of this FM radio station is barely literate but an
excellent communicator, a Dalit woman, affectionately called The
General. The general travels on her bicycle to keep her troops ready
to take on the Terminator.

Green schools [Pachasala]

The Deccan Development Society has organised a Green school but it is
yet to cover the entire population of the seventy-two village councils.
The green school is unique in that it trains its pupils in nine skills
such as carpentry, computing, pottery, book binding, Para-veterinary
science, herbal medicine, sewing, farming, waste management and
agro-forestry, skills that Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture of
George W Bush and Manmohan Singh can never match.

The facilities are simple, low cost, and adequate but the teachers are
each imbued with missionary zeal to prepare the kids for sustainable
living and in the process ensure that they achieve equivalency of
primary and middle schools. The society has specifically targeted
school drop outs, children of landless labour and those of bonded
labour. There is no attempt to help these kids take up regular
employment, if they want they can, but majority elect to remain in the

The uniqueness of Sangham

The sangham portends shape of things to come. Unless, local communities
work to preserve local seeds, especially indigenous seeds of crops that
are highly nutritious and tasty and can be grown at low or no cost, and
no energy input, we shall cease to exist as a viable society. Please
also remember that low and no cost and no energy input also implies
that there will be minimal or no CO2 emission from such farming
activities. That is the emerging concept of Dream Farm [See Dream Farm,
Institute of Science in Society, UK], but these women have created
their own Dream Farms at virtually no cost. All they need now is to
produce their own energy for lighting.

The second unique thing is the social organization. Every member of the
community has access to food and is assured of some work even if

Lessons to be drawn

Social engineering can be achieved in about two years. These
seventy-two villages were once horizontally and vertically stratified
along caste, class and religious lines, food scarcity was endemic,
people were malnourished, majority worked as unskilled day wager. Today
they are cohesive, interdependent. I did not see one malnourished
person; not one. Rarely do people go to urban centres to seek work.

Social engineering does not cost much in terms of money but it does
require a change agent, a good communicator, and a person of character
who refuses to take no from anyone.

Third, it is possible to minimize interaction with the market,
possibly eliminate the system. The community is the most important
entity that can help us ensure food and nutrition security and cope
with the post-carbon contingencies. The market mechanism in its current
form actually works against the interest of farmers and the
communities. Most crucially, market responds to many irrational demands
of the consumers, invariably driven by convenience, whereas an honest
farmer has to balance the environmental costs that are not factored in
by the market in its cost calculations. For a full discussion on this
issue, I have yet to see anything better than the essays of Richard
Norgaard, who gave a talk in Delhi in 1997 on the need to accept the
alternative economics.

Fourth, it is important to realize that we cant separate human rights
from the right to seeds and food as well as the right to grow food for
our consumption. Most people in the west have forgotten that access to
food is a basic human right and they have been misled to believe that
that right can only be exercised in a supermarket run by Wal Mart or
Tesco. We all can exercise this human right by refusing to purchase
engineered and manufactured food and by claiming our right to grow any
food that Nature gave us. It is important to inform our political
representatives the consequences of refusing to accept that essential
precondition for survival. That basic human right to food [and water,
and air, and forests, and rivers, and the planet in which we were born]
is a fundamental right which no living entity should be allowed to
expropriate. And we have inadvertently done just that. All over the

Fifth, it is important for us, especially those of you who live in
Anglo-Saxon countries that the time is upon us when Community Rights
will have to take primacy over the rights of the State, Corporations
and the individuals. Most of us in most countries, emulating
Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence, believe that individual right is the mother
of all rights. The Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence gives primacy to
individual rights and untrammeled rights to the corporations and the
state. We will all have to work to change this. Actually, we cant
survive even for a day in post oil world without the help and support
of our community. Therefore, legal instruments for giving primacy to
community rights should be developed and legislated, everywhere.

Sixth, right of access to natural resources-like land, rivers, forests,
air, and everything that Nature has given us including seeds-is the
fundamental right of the communities, not of the corporations or the
state or the individual. No corporation has the right to expropriate
what Nature gave us. We have all been misled that the state cares for
us and will use natural resources for our welfare: this has been the
Father of all bullshit.

And lastly, whilst community rights will help us survive, tide over the
crisis of survival and may be extend our survival by a few centuries,
itd require a different standards of equity, and different constructs
of morality, mores and law. Only that paradigm shift would ensure our
survival. Otherwise, I have a nagging fear that we as human race do not
have much to look forward to.

But I have faith in the women of Zaheerabad. They have the seeds to
grow nutritious food, to feed their men to fight the goons, the
corporations, who are slowly taking control of seeds and our food.

Arun Shrivastava is a management consultant and can be contacted at
email id:

Post script

A word of caution: The Centre for Indigenous Peoples Nutrition and
Environment [CINE], based in Canada, whose website I have referred to
is financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, which puts them in an
obvious conflict of interest. I know what Rockefeller has done in
India; the Great Gene Robbery, documented by Dr. Claude Alvarez, is a
classic example of the way Rockefellers and the US government works.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 10 October 2006, 05:29 GMT 06:29 UK

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Oaxaca Demo Reaches Mexico City

Thousands of protesters from Oaxaca have marched to Mexico City to
demand their state governor's resignation.

They accuse Ulises Ruiz, governor of the southern state, of rigging
elections and using brutal forced to put down protests.

The protesters have been involved in a bloody struggle with security
forces in which five people have died since May.

Mr Ruiz has denied any responsibility for the violence and has refused
to step down.

The demonstrations started as a demand by teachers for more pay - but
it has since become a much wider campaign.

The demonstrators have walked from Oaxaca city, waving banners and
shouting slogans.

They carried effigies of the Oaxaca state governor, Ulises Ruiz, and
coffins - one with the words "the bad government is dead" written on

By marching to the country's capital city, the protesters believe they
can pressure the Senate into forcing Mr Ruiz to quit.

President Vicente Fox says he wants the dispute to end before he
leaves office in December.

But the BBC's Duncan Kennedy, in Mexico, says it is not proving easy
to pacify the teachers and their demands for political as well as
economic changes.


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"Gunboat Diplomacy" Aimed at the
Indigenous People of North America

By Kahentinetha Horn
October 10, 2006

MNN Mohawk Nation News - 2006-10-09


MNN. Oct. 9, 2006. Because most conflicts have to do with land and
resources which belong to the Indigenous people.

What is not being realized is that the Kyoto Accord stands in the way
of certain goals being achieved by the corporations that control the
governments of Canada and the United States. Did anyone ever wonder
why Canada and the U.S. dont want to cut greenhouse gases and save the

The rest of the world wants the greenhouse effect to be stopped. The
Kyoto Accord would slow down this greenhouse affect. The ice would not
melt and the northern icecap would gradually reform. Kyoto is meant to
stop the depletion of the ozone layer in the north by the gases that
congregate there. The sunlight now goes through and melts the ice
resulting in the break-down and melting of the ice cap over the North
Pole, which is the northern part of Turtle Island .

There lies the scheme. Under the ice cap are unlimited minerals,
industrial gas and oil. The U.S. and Canada want year round use of the
Northwest Passage to get these resources into tankers and onto ships to
take to Los Angeles and New York City . The only way this can be
achieved is through an ecological disaster by encouraging more
industrial pollution and bigger gas guzzler cars.

The Inuit surround the North Pole in Canada, Greenland, Iceland,
Russia, Siberia and Alaska, who speak different dialects of the same
language. Canada and the U.S. are making policies for the north which
dont respect their existence and their aboriginal rights to their
land, waters and resources. In fact they created "Nunavik" to take
these territories out of federal protection. They have semi-provincial
status. Now the new territory can be exploited by corporations as
they are no longer protected by federal legislation that deal with
Indians and aboriginal title to lands and resources. The provinces
pretend they have control over Indigenous resources.

The U.S. gave up the Panama Canal because they know there is going to
be a Northwest Passage. They dont want to go through the Canadian
landmass because of the resistance that Indigenous people are putting
up against the multinational corporations and the governments they
control. For example, the U.S. wants the offshore resources to go
through the McKenzie Valley but is getting resistance there by the
Indigenous people. The U.S. would rather dock a ship, load up and take
our resources south.

There is ongoing paranoia being created against Indians because of
recent court decisions that support us, such as the Western Shoshonie
decision in the U.S. and the Noongar case in Western Australia. Canada
and the United States refused to follow international law that makes
clear that colonialism is dead! This is despite the U.S. Supreme Court
decision in Lara v. USA when Justice Clarence Thomas said that, as far
as he could see, there is no evidence that the Indigenous people ever
gave up their sovereignty or any of their land. Federal Indian law
[and the Indian Act] is schizophrenic and, as long as this is not dealt
with, there will be chaos.

The U.S. wants to justify making the Indigenous people into the bogey
man. Creating the Mohawk menace is one of their ongoing tactics.
This strategy revealed itself in the planted article that appeared in
the New York Times in April 2006 condemning the Mohawks to the rest of
the world. Is this a diversion? Our resistance and their difficulties
in taking us down could be their excuse to justify going further. They
want to demonstrate to other Indigenous people what they have in store
for those who resist them. The bottom line is they want whats

The Conservative government in Canada appears unalarmed that the ATF
[Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] of the U.S. are working in Ontario and
the FBI come and go into Canada as they please. Theyve been working
diligently to soften Canada to not resist the loss of their
sovereignty over the Northwest Passage and the resources there. They
want Canada to rubber stamp anything they do.

Canada has also been made impotent by what seems like the infiltration
of the army, police forces, government and corporations. For example,
in neutering the Canadian military, the Airborne Regiment was
disbanded. One of their jobs was to defend northern sovereignty. Two
native soldiers, Brown and Matchee, were used to bring about an inquiry
over violence in Somalia that led to the disbandment of the

Gunboat diplomacy is being aimed at the Indigenous people. To create
visible enemies for the North American public, they constantly
emphasize Indigenous people as being smugglers, organized criminals or
terrorists. We Indigenous people should be suspicious of the many
unexplained deaths of our people across the country. Making 500
Indigenous women disappear without any police investigation, taking our
young boys and leaving them to freeze to death on the prairies, killing
our Indian leaders like J.J. Harper, shooting unarmed Indians on an
abandoned military base at Ipperwash and setting up the uncalled-for
violence and attacks on the Six Nations who have reclaimed our stolen
land are just a few of the recent questionable events. Why was the ATF
doing surveillance on Six Nations anyways?

This gunboat diplomacy has been going on for a long time. In 1990 they
had to neutralize the Mohawks of Kanehsatake because of the niobium
underneath their community. This metal is used to strengthen and
lighten industrial metals for military hardware and rockets for outer
space exploration. A U.S. corporation, Boeing Aircraft, is getting $20
billion to develop the border between Canada and the U.S. The U.S. has
created the idea that Canada is a hotbed of terrorists that pass into
the U.S. They are creating paranoia among the U.S. public of
Indigenous people in Mexico and Canada . Why do they need 20 armed
policing agencies to patrol the Canada-U.S. border at the community of
Akwesasne when there is virtually no crime there? Who is doing all the
crime? Are we being set up?

The agreements and proclamations are supposed to be unbreakable
allowing us entry into the U.S. Six Nations territories cover the U.S.
and Canada. It was revealed at the September 29th 2006 Border Summit in
Tucson that the U.S. is planning to break all these rights by stopping
Indigenous people from traversing Turtle Island, which encompasses the
colonial states of U.S., Canada and Mexico. The size of the border
between the U.S. and Mexico is 3000 miles. Its 5000 miles on the 49th
Parallel between Canada and the U.S. The Alaska and Canada border is
about another thousand. Along the 49th Parallel they want to put a
virtual electronic wall monitor in conjunction with satellites.
Without consulting us or getting our consent, theyre going to stop us,
and even animals, from traveling into the U.S. This will be an
environmental disaster!

The Canadian army war room at Indian Affairs in Ottawa has been in
place since 1978 or so. The soldier who revealed it to me may not have
known whom he was working for. The September 12th bombing at Indian
affairs is suspicious. Have there been other mysterious fires and
bombings at places that held important documents? What were they
trying to destroy?

None of our waterways were ever leased. We own all the land and
control so many feet on either side of all the rivers, lakes, streams
and waterways.

Why is the U.S. putting guns on their U.S. Coast Guard ships on the
Great Lakes? Is there a big fight going on between Canada and the U.S.
over our land, waters and resources? You bet there will be guns on
those boats going through the Northwest Passage and maybe even the St.
Lawrence Seaway and other waterways.

Another aspect of all this is how Indigenous people, band councils and
casinos are being used. Did you ever wonder why the U.S. government
has set up Indian casinos all over the U.S.? This is one way that
unmonitored money and agents can pass through the Indian reservations,
which are under federal jurisdiction, into some of the covert
operations of the U.S government.

Remember Jack Abramhoff of the lobbying and Enron scandal? There is
virtually no overseeing of this casino money he took by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs BIA. Billions were found to be financing illegal
activities. Isnt it strange there is so much interest in putting more
of these casinos on Indian lands so theres no surveillance by the
Indigenous people? In the past Indian Affairs in Canada and the U.S.
were both part of the War Departments. The BIA could be used like
Indian Affairs in Canada as a military center point for its worldwide
operations. Is money being laundered through Indian communities to
carry out these operations all over the world? It provides an open
opportunity to send people and money to finance illegal activities.

In Canada Indian Affairs works through its band councils in Indigenous
communities. They declare that an Indian band council has mismanaged
their funds. They take over and send in their people to run
everything. Then the Indigenous people cannot find out anything that
is going on. The people on band councils are now either court
appointed politicians or compliant Indians who do what their team of
Indian Affairs lawyers and advisors tell them. For them its a gravy
train of unaccounted money. All they have to do is look the other
way. A few communities that come to mind in this boat are Kanehsatake,
Burnt Church , Piegan, Kashachewan and Grassy Narrows . Also, why has
the Minister of Indian Affairs in Canada , Jim Prentice, suddenly
announced that he plans to privatize all Indigenous lands? Is it
because we are putting up too much resistance against land and resource

Is this why there is a deliberate attempt to stop economic development
and independence in Indigenous communities? Is it to keep the native
people demoralized, ignorant and dependant so that we can be victimized
by these corporate conglomerates that control the politics, the police,
the military and the economies of Canada and the United States ?

Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News

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) Copyright Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Peter Myers <>
Date: October 10, 2006 7:05:02 AM EST
Subject: Multinationals cheating poor countries via pricing & tax scams

Items 1 to 3 are from Tax Justice Focus - The Africa Issue - Quarter 3

(1) Multinationals cheating poor countries via pricing & tax scams, and
theft of resources
(2) Getting multinationals to report on their activities in poor
(3) Tax justice and the oil industry
(4) Rising Chinese Oil imports from Africa replacing Middle East energy
(5) Foreign investors face tighter controls with Chinese Economic
policy change
(6) No Recovery for Workers: Downward Mobility, by SHARON SMITH

(1) Multinationals cheating poor countries via pricing & tax scams, and
theft of resources

Forwarded from: John Christensen <>
Date: 09/10/06 20:48

Tax Justice Focus - The Africa Issue - Quarter 3 2006


Tax Justice Focus - The Africa Issue - Quarter 3 2006

Capital Flight and Africa

Africa loses billions of dollars every year through corruption, money
laundering and tax evasion. But as the World Bank prepares to get tough
on corruption, it has failed to grasp a critical part of the problem,
writes Patrick Smith.

Nigeria's anti-corruption czar, Nuhu Ribadu, tells of the multi-billion
dollar losses suffered by his country from corrupt deals, tax evasion
and pricing scams. He held the World Bank and IMF annual meeting in
Singapore spellbound with his accounts of billions of Nigeria's oil
wealth which have been siphoned into western accounts and tax havens
over the past three decades.

Ribadu was feted by World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz who is working
hard to convince everyone that the Bank is getting serious about
corruption - both within his organisation, and within both within
western and developing country governments, and within the transnation
companies that dominate the global economy.

Wolfowitz is using tougher language than his predecessors and has
appointed a high-powered lawyer, Suzanne Rich Folsom, to head up the
Bank's new investigation unit, the Department of Institutional
Integrity. Wolfowitz's anti-graft blitz comes as a raft of new books
highly critical of foreign aid and the growth of state corruption have
been written by former World Bank officials such as Robert Calderisi
and William Easterly.

Such books and at least some of Wolfowitz's rhetoric openly question
the wisdom of the big new foreign aid push promoted by British prime
minister Tony Blair's government last year alongside proposals by
American economist Jeffrey Sachs to end global poverty by 2025 with a
massive transfer of wealth from the world's richest economies to the

There is, however, one critical issue missing from the arguments of
both the pro and anti-aid camps, and indeed missing from much serious
economic analysis by the World Bank and the IMF. There is in fact
already a massive transfer of wealth in the global system but the
transfers -- amounting of several hundred billion dollars a year - are
overwhelmingly from the world's poorest countries to the richest. This
is not just the corruption, more narrowly defined by Wolfowitz, it is a
range of global financial transactions - both legal and illegal - that
are starving the treasuries of some of the world's poorest states.

Call it 'dirty money' or flight capital, it's the money that is
illegally taken out of developing countries each year through a
combination of pricing and tax scams, and the plain theft of state
resources. The cost of corrupt contracts currently is one of the
smaller elements of this outflow, according to experts such as Raymond
Baker based at Washington's Brookings Institution (i). Current
estimates are that it's over US$30 billion a year from Africa alone.
These losses easily eclipse the value of the aid and debt promised to
Africa by the rich countries at their annual G8 summit.

No one can put a precise figure on volume of dirty moneybut in 1998,
Michel Camdessus then managing director of the IMF said in Paris that
"estimates of the present scale of money laundering transactions are
almost beyond imagination - 2%-5% of global GDP would probably be a
consensus range". Applied to global GDP of $32 trillion a year, that
indicates a range of $640 bn to $1.6 trillion a year.

This figure is just part of the dirty money equation. 'Laundered money'
is money that breaks anti-money laundering laws. It doesn't cover the
billions of dollars of tax-evading funds - the revenues from commercial
crime on transactions that are deliberately mispriced to move money,
mainly out of developing countries to offshore tax havens.

So where does all the money come from? First, there are the proceeds
from crime: global organised crime, which is rapidly infiltrating
Africa, makes around $1.5 trillion a year of which the drugs trade -
again much of it originating or transiting through Africa - makes
around $400 bn a year.

Counterfeit goods, many of them coming from Asia but again increasingly
produced in Africa, are reckoned by Interpol to account for about $450
bn of current world merchandise exports of $6.5 trillion a year. Also
important are the illegal arms sales: these cover most of the small
arms used in Africa's wars, either by rebel movements or governments
such as Sudan's which are subject to international sanctions. Illegal
sales of small arms alone are put at over $1 billion a year, with
illegal sales of all conventional weapons at as mauch as $10 billion.

Growing in importance, too, are illegal sales of oil as the world price
spirals. Unrecorded oil sales come mainly from Saudi Arabia, Russia and
increasingly from Angola and Nigeria. More than a million barrels a day
are illegally extracted and traded.

Shell reckons Nigeria is losing more than 100,000 barrels a day from
various forms of oil theft, known locally as 'illegal oil bunkering'
where the stolen oil is clandestinely loaded onto tankers and the trade
documentation is elaborately forged. This trade deprives Nigeria of
several billion dollars of oil revenue a year, and many of the gangs
behind the violence in the Niger Delta buy their arm s with the
proceeds from bunkering.

Commercial and state corruption are important not just for the volume
of funds that are shifted out but also because of the damage they do to
the integrity of judicial and political institutions. If officials can
be easily bribed, they allow corporate criminals and drug barons to
operate with impunity. "Government corruption creates a permissive
environment, and this magnifies criminal activities and financial
shenanigans in the rest of the economy,' says Raymond Baker.

Those financial shenanigans, Baker says, are the biggest components of
'dirty money': the transfer pricing and mispricing that allow
corporations to take out hundreds of billions of dollars each year from
developing countries and into tax havens.

How does it work? The basic principle is to use mispricing to take the
money out: over pricing the goods that a country imports or
underpricing the goods that it exports. For decades, in Cote d'Ivoire,
President Houphouet-Boigny and commodity traders deliberately
underpriced the country's cocoa exports. The difference between the
price officially recorded and channelled through Cote d'Ivoire's
central bank and the real market price of the exports was shared
between the politicians and the traders involved in the scam, and then
banked offshore.

The scam also works other way around: researchers have found that
Nigeria pays as much as ten times the market price for many of its
finished good imports such as generating sets: the central bank remits
the money overseas in payment of the grossly inflated invoice. Again
the proceeds are shared between the foreign trading company and the
local corrupt officials facilitating the payment and order.

The other key technique is transfer pricing. This can only happen
within a multinational corporation with a headquarters organisation,
usually in Europe or the USA, and several subsidiaries, usually in
Africa, Asia and Latin America. The headquarters of the multinational
sells components and services 'internally' to its affiliate company in
Africa at a hugely marked up price thus ensuring that the local entity
makes only a minimal profit and minimise its tax liabilities.

Researchers such as Baker put the volume of mispriced trade at between
5%-7% of the $4 trillion of world trade each year: that's over $200 bn
each year. Common to all these transactions - mispricing, drug
smuggling or corrupt payments - is the use of the West's pin-striped
army of lawyers, accountants and company formation agents and the
experts who hide the ill-gotten gains in offshore tax havens.

Attempts to improve international cooperation on tax and regulate
offshore operations are moving painfully slowly. At least $11.5
trillion is currently held in offshore tax havens. Incredibly, tracking
such huge illicit outflows is not regarded as a priority by
international financial institutions.

(i) Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the
Free-Market System by Raymond Baker (John Wiley & Sons, New York,

Patrick Smith, Editor of Africa Confidential"



From: Kevin Barrett <>
Date: October 9, 2006 9:57:48 PM EST
Subject: Kevin Barrett's TRUTH JIHAD: review copies available

it's now possible to order advance review galley copies of Kevin
Barrett's Truth Jihad directly from the print-on-demand outfit:
Price is set at $9.95 apiece regardless of volume, plus shipping (from
Buffalo NY by UPS Ground, Media Mail etc. Example, 2 copies for $3 by
Media Mail) .
Books are usually produced and shipped out in 3 days or so.
If someone wants just one copy this is the place to get it.
You can also preview some pages from the book at the Lulu site.
If you would like to see a full pdf let me know.
If you want to get them in volume, then I can order them for you at the
publisher's lower price of $9.02 apiece and have them shipped to you
direct from Lulu.
All best
John Leonard
Progressive Press


from: "dahbud_mensch" <>

In praise of ... Anna Politkovskaya
Monday October 9, 2006
The Guardian

"People sometimes pay with their lives for saying out loud what they
think," Anna Politkovskaya told a conference on press freedom last
December. On Saturday she was killed outside her apartment in Moscow -
an assassination that ended the life of one of Russia's bravest and
most brilliant journalists, and set back the cause of freedom in her
country. In books and articles, including several for this paper, she
confronted repression and deceit in all its forms, well aware of the
risk she was running. More than any other journalist, she defied both
the Russian state and Chechen rebel forces to expose the brutality of
the Chechen war, which has been sustained by Moscow, often in secret,
for 12 years. Her sympathies as a writer and campaigner always lay
with the civilian victims of a conflict they had done nothing to start
and could do nothing to resolve. In her last piece for the Guardian,
published in March, she described the consequences of intentional
chemical poisoning in the Shelkovsk region of the republic. "People
who have the misfortune to live in Chechnya are seen as biomaterial
for experiments," she wrote. A victim of poisoning herself, in an
earlier apparent assassination attempt, she defied enemies in the
Russian government, military and underworld, though friends, aware of
the risk she faced, encouraged her to leave Moscow. Instead she stood
her ground. Such courage cost Ms Politkovskaya her life. The test for
President Putin is to be equally courageous in finding her killers.

[Comments at the source]:,,1890911,00.html

Mon Oct 9, 2006 3:50 am


President, USA Exile Govt.

Oct 16, 2006, 2:53:17 AM10/16/06
GOVERNMENT OF THE USA IN EXILE Free Americans Reaching Out to
Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

October 15, 2006

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] American Prison Camps Are on the Way

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn October 14, 2006

AlterNet - 2006-10-09

The Military Commissions Act of 2006 governing the treatment of
detainees is the culmination of relentless fear-mongering by the
Bush administration since the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Because the bill was adopted with lightning speed, barely anyone
noticed that it empowers Bush to declare not just aliens, but also

citizens, "unlawful enemy combatants."

Bush & Co. has portrayed the bill as a tough way to deal with aliens
to protect us against terrorism. Frightened they might lose their
majority in Congress in the November elections, the Republicans
rammed the bill through Congress with little substantive debate.

Anyone who donates money to a charity that turns up on Bush's list
of "terrorist" organizations, or who speaks out against the
government's policies could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant"
and imprisoned indefinitely. That includes American citizens.

The bill also strips habeas corpus rights from detained aliens who
have been declared enemy combatants. Congress has the constitutional
power to suspend habeas corpus only in times of rebellion or invasion.
The habeas-stripping provision in the new bill is unconstitutional
and the Supreme Court will likely say so when the issue comes before

Although more insidious, this law follows in the footsteps of other
unnecessarily repressive legislation. In times of war and national
crisis, the government has targeted immigrants and dissidents.

In 1798, the Federalist-led Congress, capitalizing on the fear of
war, passed the four Alien and Sedition Acts to stifle dissent
against the Federalist Party's political agenda. The Naturalization
Act extended the time necessary for immigrants to reside in the
U.S. because most immigrants sympathized with the Republicans.

The Alien Enemies Act provided for the arrest, detention and
deportation of male citizens of any foreign nation at war with the
United States. Many of the 25,000 French citizens living in the

could have been expelled had France and America gone to war, but
this law was never used. The Alien Friends Act authorized the
deportation of any non-citizen suspected of endangering the security
of the U.S.

government; the law lasted only two years and no one was deported
under it.

The Sedition Act provided criminal penalties for any person who
wrote, printed, published, or spoke anything "false, scandalous and

with the intent to hold the government in "contempt or disrepute."
The Federalists argued it was necessary to suppress criticism of
the government in time of war. The Republicans objected that the
Sedition Act violated the First Amendment, which had become part
of the Constitution seven years earlier. Employed exclusively against
Republicans, the Sedition Act was used to target congressmen and
newspaper editors who criticized President John Adams.

Subsequent examples of laws passed and actions taken as a result
of fear-mongering during periods of xenophobia are the Espionage
Act of 1917, the Sedition Act of 1918, the Red Scare following World
War I, the forcible internment of people of Japanese descent during
World War II, and the Alien Registration Act of 1940 (the Smith

During the McCarthy period of the 1950s, in an effort to eradicate
the perceived threat of communism, the government engaged in
widespread illegal surveillance to threaten and silence anyone who
had an unorthodox political viewpoint. Many people were jailed,
blacklisted and lost their jobs. Thousands of lives were shattered
as the FBI engaged in "red-baiting." One month after the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001, United States Attorney General John
Ashcroft rushed the U.S.A. Patriot Act through a timid Congress.
The Patriot Act created a crime of domestic terrorism aimed at
political activists who protest government policies, and set forth
an ideological test for entry into the United States.

In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the legality of the internment
of Japanese and Japanese-American citizens in Korematsu v. United

Justice Robert Jackson warned in his dissent that the ruling would
"lie about like a loaded weapon ready for the hand of any authority
that can bring forward a plausible claim of an urgent need."

That day has come with the Military Commissions Act of 2006. It
provides the basis for the President to round-up both aliens and

citizens he determines have given material support to terrorists.

Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Cheney's Halliburton, is
constructing a huge facility at an undisclosed location to hold
tens of thousands of undesirables.

In his 1928 dissent in Olmstead v. United States, Justice Louis
Brandeis cautioned, "The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious
encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding."

Seventy-three years later, former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer,
speaking for a zealous President, warned Americans "they need to
watch what they say, watch what they do."

We can expect Bush to continue to exploit 9/11 to strip us of more
of our liberties. Our constitutional right to dissent is in serious
jeopardy. Benjamin Franklin's prescient warning should give us

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
deserve neither liberty or security."

Marjorie Cohn, a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, is
president-elect of the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S.

representative to the executive committee of the American Association
of Jurists. Her new book, "Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang
Has Defied the Law," will be published in 2007 by PoliPointPress.B
Marjorie Cohn is a frequent contributor to Global Research.B B

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

To become a Member of Global Research

The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at
grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles
in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on community internet
sites, as long as the text & title are not modified.

The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address
to the original CRG article must be indicated. The author's copyright
note must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles
in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: contains copyrighted material the use of which
has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
We are making such material available to our readers under the
provisions of "fair use" in an effort to advance a better understanding
of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site
is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If
you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair
use" you must request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

B) Copyright Marjorie Cohn, AlterNet, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: APFN <> Date: October 14, 2006 3:57:31 PM EST
To: * APFN Yahoogroups <> Subject: [911TruthAction]
[Fwd: Wow! alright........... this one is HOT, but is only one of
SEVERAL] Reply-To:

Subject: Wow! alright........... this one is HOT, but is only one
of SEVERAL Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 08:24:19 -0600 From: heroay
<> To: flagstone456 <>

Add to this EXPERT accusation, a certain Criminal TRAITOR 'Dick
CHENEY' at the SS Command Bunker, and you have The Picture of the
REAL 911 Conspiracy.B Prayer: 'May the ROPES be ROUGH on their
deserving NECKS...'B Amen.B Now, wasn't WTC 1 supposed to have
in place anti-aircraft missiles on top? To confirm, we need to ask
lil' MARVIN BUSH about it.

B taken from: B Senior Military,
Intelligence, and Government Critics Of 9/11 Commission Report B

Barbara Honegger b Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval
Postgraduate School, the Navybs advanced science, technology and
national security affairs university (1995 - present). White House
Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to President
Ronald Reagan (1981-83).

Essay: "The US military, not al Qaeda, had the sustained access
weeks before 9/11 to also plant controlled demolition charges
throughout the superstructures of WTC 1 and WTC2, and in WTC7, which
brought down all three buildings on 9/11. ... A US military plane,
not one piloted by al Qaeda, performed the highly skilled, high-speed
270-degree dive towards the Pentagon that Air Traffic Controllers
on 9/11 were sure was a military plane as they watched it on their
screens. Only a military aircraft, not a civilian plane flown by
al Qaeda, would have given off the "Friendly" signal needed to
disable the Pentagonbs anti-aircraft missile batteries as it
approached the building. Only the US military, not al Qaeda, had
the ability to break all of its Standard Operating Procedures to
paralyze its own emergency response system."


Alan Miller September 2006 Email:


I believed the official explanation of 9/11 for four and one-half
years. I remember, during that time, becoming angry at news stories
about people who challenged that explanation. However, in the Spring
of 2006, I saw the documentary, Loose Change, on the Internet.
Although not an entirely objective documentary, it raised many
serious and disturbing questions about the events of 9/11 that I
had previously simply accepted without much critical thought.

And so I began a several-month period of researching the events of
9/11. I found a great deal of material challenging the 9/11 Commission
Report on web sites like,,
and many others. I attended a lecture by David Ray Griffin. I learned
much about what has become known as the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Much of the information and most of the rather limited media coverage
about the 9/11 Truth Movement focuses on college professors, such

David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, James Fetzer, Kee Dewdney, and

In August of 2006, I began searching for statements about 9/11 by
members of the intelligence services, military and government.
Because of their experience in these areas, I felt their opinions
about 9/11 would be an additional valuable source of information.
I was surprised by the amount of criticism of 9/11 from this group
that I found scattered around the Internet. I had learned of virtually
none of this criticism through newspapers, television, or radio
news sources.

I feel this information is very important and that it has been
seriously under-reported. This web site is an effort to collect and
summarize these public statements and make them easily accessible.

If you are aware of any similar statements made by senior members
of the intelligence services, military or government, I would greatly
appreciate knowing about them. Please email me at Additionally, if you find any
errors in this material, please let me know.

I don't claim to know what really happened on 9/11. I cannot examine
the facts of the matter first hand. And I don't have the experience
to know what's possible and what is unlikely regarding terrorist
activities or military operations. For that analysis, I need to
rely on experts. I greatly value these individuals' statements
because most of them have spent large portions of their careers
studying espionage, terrorism, and military operations throughout
the world and personally planned and carried out United States'
military and intelligence activities. In other words, they're
experienced professionals, whom I trust.

My objective, at this point, is to have our government launch a
new, extremely thorough and impartial re-examination of the terrible
acts of 9/11 and the events leading up to them. In my opinion, and
in the opinion of the above listed experienced individuals, the
current 9/11 Commission Report is seriously inadequate in explaining
what really happened.

I also want to acknowledge that none of the information on this web
site is the result of any original investigation on my part. I have
merely researched and compiled public information available on the
Internet. I want to thank those in the 9/11 Truth Movement for their
efforts over the last five years for conducting a great deal of
research and for keeping the Movement alive in the face of both
ridicule and indifference.

For the sake of those who died on 9/11, their families, the American
people, and for the sake of peace in the world, please continue to
seek the truth about 9/11. Demand a thorough and impartial
reinvestigation of 9/11.

b' Write your elected representatives in Congress. b' Write your
local television and radio stations and the networks. b' Write your local newspapers,
national newspapers, and magazines.

If you are an active or former senior member of the military,
intelligence services, or government, who has publicly expressed
concerns about the 9/11 Commission Report, and would like your
comment to be added to this list, please email your information to


Alan Miller September 2006 Email:


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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] VIDEO: Bush Torture Crimes October 14, 2006 The International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes
Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Adminstration


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If
you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair
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For media inquiries:

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The url address of this article is:



From: "Judith Karpova" <> Date: October 14,
2006 8:36:12 PM EST To: <>
Subject: Please contact the UN High Commission for Human Rights re
detained Iraqi woman journalist

Dear Friends and Journalists:

I received this alert from a US Human Shield I was with in Baghdad.
It is to be forwarded to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
of the UN High Commission on Human Rights. Their intervention may
be able to protect this Iraqi woman journalist. My friend wrote,
"It is most imperative that this group (the UN High Commission) be
contacted regarding the arrest and detention of Iraqi journalist
Gulshan (Khashan) al-Bayati. I hope you'll take a moment to write
a plea for this group to intervene in this matter."

Background of the Alert

My friend received the alert from a person she is in touch with in
Iraq, Eman Ahmed Khammas, copied below. A photo of Gulshan Al-Bayati,
the journalist arrested and whose whereabouts are currently unknown,

From: Eman Ahmed Khammas <> Date: Oct
8, 2006 2:46 PM Subject: Help Iraqi Journalist Tortured in Jail

Dear Friends You remember about three weeks ago I sent some of you
a letter about a young Iraqi woman journalist, Gulshan , who was
arrested, then released three days later.

Gulshan Al-Bayati is arrested again about two weeks ago by the Iraqi
security forces.

News from inside the prison says that she was cruelly tortured, and
now no one knows her whereabouts Please call upon your women,
journalists, human rights or any organizations in your countries,
do whatever you can do to help release Gulshan from prison, to stop
torturing her immediately, to let her family see her, and to tell
where she is now.

I attach Gulshan 's photo and a letter from a friend of hers who
knows her and worked with her. Please do whatever you can very

Gulshan is just a young Iraqi journalist. She is not a criminal
to be treated like this.



[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/tiff which had a
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The Committee to Protect Journalists (as well as The International
Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has also issued a call just today,
October 14th, to help this young woman:

Subject: IRAQ: Journalist held without charge for 3 weeks by Iraqi

Committee to Protect Journalists

330 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 USA Phone:

(212) 465-1004 Fax: (212) 465-9568 Web: E-Mail: Contact: Abi Wright e-mail:
Telephone: (212) 465-1004 x-105

IRAQ: Journalist held without charge for 3 weeks by Iraqi forces

New York, October 11, 2006The Committee to Protect Journalists today
demanded that Iraqi authorities release Al-Hayat correspondent
Kalshan al-Bayati, who was detained in Tikrit three weeks ago.

Al-Bayati has been held without charge since she went to the security
forces headquarters in Tikrit on September 18 to retrieve a personal
computer confiscated during a raid on her home, according to CPJ

"It is outrageous that Iraqi forces feel free to lock up a journalist
without explanation or due process for three weeks," CPJ Executive
Director Joel Simon. "The authorities in Tikrit must release Kalshan
al-Bayati immediately and cease harassing her."

Al-Bayati, an Iraqi correspondent for the London-based, Arabic-language
daily Al-Hayat, is being held in a women's prison in Tikrit, 112
miles (180 kilometers) north of Baghdad.

A sister said Al-Bayati was working on an article for the Saudi-owned
newspaper about insurgents in Saleheddin province. Al-Bayati's prior
reporting had been critical of security forces in Tikrit, hometown
of ousted President Saddam Hussein.

Al-Bayati was jailed for three days in early September before being
released by local authorities and ordered to stay at home, according
to news reports and CPJ sources. Iraqi forces raided al-Bayati's
house in the al-Zuhour neighborhood of Tikrit early on September
11, arresting her and seizing her car, personal computer, notes,
and articles, those sources said. Her brother Najad was also arrested
and released the following day.

Al-Hayat quoted al-Bayati at the time as saying that security forces
had investigated her for possible ties to insurgents but found no

CPJ is a New Yorkbased, independent, nonprofit organization that
works to safeguard press freedom worldwide. For more information,

The Alert to be Sent to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

The email address of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of
the UN High Commission for Human Rights is: . Please cut and paste the text below and
send to this email address: Again, .

Judith Karpova

Release Iraqi Woman Journalist and Writer Kelshan Al Bayati

Who is Kelshan? (also spelled, "Gulshan" or "Khashan")

1- Gulshan Al-Bayati, Iraqi, born in 1971.

2- BA in English, College of Education , Tikrit University.

3- Short story writer, published two books of stories, and
has novel to be published soon talking on the occupation.

4- Journalist, currently a correspondent of Al-Hayat newspaper.

5- Anti-occupation activist, published many articles in her
name, openly criticizing the occupation, published on

6- When she was warned that she was being too open criticizing
the occupation, she said I do not need to hide my loyalty to my
homeland (country).

7- Member of Iraqi Journalists Union, Arab Journalists Union,
and Iraqi Writers Union .

8- Gulshan does not have anything else to resist the occupation
other than her pen. That is what we know about her for sure, as a
close friend.

Gulshan was arrested for the first time on Sept, 11, her computer
and car was confiscated, and her brother was arrested with her too.
She was slapped on her face by the Iraqi police the first moment
they raided her house. She was released two days later. From what
she said then we understood that she was accused of having a contact
with some of Saddam's relatives. She said that they asked her what
you are doing with those terrorists. She was asked if she had
contacts with some of the resistance groups. She replied that as
she lives in Tikrit, she knows those relatives of Saddam before the
war and she respects them.

As for her contact with the resistance, she said that she is a
journalist, and a correspondent of Al-Hayat, a London-based Arabic
newspaper, and as such she interviews different kinds of people,
whether they were in the Iraqi police and army, or whether they
were supporting the resistance.

She was ordered to stay at home, not move, and not to give any
statement. She asked for a meeting with the general Commander of
the Iraqi security forces in Tikrit to explain to him what she went
through in the prison and what she had seen there. It seems that
her self- confidence as a journalist, led her to talk , not to keep
silent, not to be prudent enough for the coming days. She insisted
on seeing the Iraqi Commander to tell him what she had to tell him.

This is the background of Gulshan's first arrest. Five days after
her release, she was arrested again.

Now we would like to explain the following:

1- The first time she was arrested with her brother, as it is usual
in Tikrit, families do not want their women to be arrested alone.

2- In the second time she was called by telephone, by the forces
who arrested her in the first time, the told her to come to the
forces headquarters to collect her confiscated computer in what was
called Saddam's Palace, which was evacuated by the Americans and
now is used as headquarters of the Iraqi security forces, police
and the many apparatus, from the first brigade to the commandos,
these forces are responsible of the security in particular e.g. the
arrests and the investigations with detainees. It is in this place
that Gulshan went, and never came out again.

3- A trusted source of information said that she was investigated
by what is called the coordination committee, which represent all
the security forces that work in Tikrit, this committee decides
whether to keep a detainee or to release him or her.

4- The same source said that Gulshan was cruelly tortured. He said:
"Oh if you just know what kind of torture she was exposed to".
Obviously he was too ashamed to talk about what he tried to inform
and what he saw of torture to a woman of his community.

5- The first moment she was arrested again, Gulshan called somebody
and told him to tell the commander that she was arrested again.

6- We do not have any other information if Gulshan is still in
Tikrit prisons or if she was moved to other ones, we do not know
about what she is going through at this moment.


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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a
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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a

name of blank1x1.gif] Neocons in Space: Pre-emptive War Goes
Interplanetary The Privatization of Government Space Projects

By R. J. Eskow October 15, 2006

The Huffington Post

Welcome to a radical new vision of space and the future, from the
same crowd that brought you Iraq. In a little-noted policy document,
the Bush Administration has unilaterally declared its right to
conduct pre-emptive attacks on foreign spacecraft and on any objects
or installations that might support them from the ground. It has
also declared its opposition to international treaties that might
restrict space exploration to primarily peaceful purposes.

These policies could have disastrous consequences right here on
Earth someday.

They've also committed themselves to privatizing government space
projects, an initiative that could hand billions more tax dollars
to the usual set of government beneficiaries. And they emphasize
nuclear power in space - ironically, on the same day that Americans
learned of hundreds of cancer deaths from a nuclear accident in
Southern California - deaths that were covered up by the U.S.
government and its contractor Boeing.

But the new directive's biggest change from previous space policies
is in its emphasis on war. While it supports some positive goals,
its militaristic statements have the effect of declaring a "New
Space Order."

One thing the world should have learned by now is to take the
syndicate now in power at its word. Their blue-sky academic exercises
in re-imagining the Middle East led to a catastrophic war in Iraq.

Theoretical discussions about abrogation of American rights resulted
in the creation of barbed-wire 'Free Speech Zones,' the dismantling
of habeus corpus, and the assertion of a unilateral right to spy
on our country's own citizens.

That means that a recent Presidential Directive on National Space
Policy (pdf file) should be considered a serious declaration of
purpose. Steven Aftergood of the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
describes the policy as "assertive." That's an understatement.

First, after a few bromides about the peaceful use of space, the
document declares a new emphasis on militarization by declaring
that those 'peaceful purposes' "allow U.S. defense and intelligence-related
activities in pursuit of national interests." Then comes this
important statement:

"The United States considers space capabilities -- including the
ground and space segments and supporting links -- vital to its
national interests. Consistent with this policy, the United States

preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space;

dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or
developing capabilities intended to do so; take those actions
necessary to protect its space capabilities; respond to interference;
and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities
hostile to U.S.

national interests."

Note that each of these statements is sweeping in nature. Terms
like "adversary," "deter," "deny," and "those actions necessary"
are undefined. This paragraph asserts an unlimited U.S. right to
act pre-emptively against the space capability of any nation who
it chooses to label an adversary or a threat.

What could those acts actually be? There are only a few possibilities.

One would be to use ground, air, or space-based weaponry (e.g.

missiles, 'killer satellites') to 'take out' satellites or even
space stations placed by a foreign power. Another, more threatening
possibility, is that the U.S. could unilaterally 'deny the use of
space capabilities' by bombing a launching facility or staging area.
A third possibility is the destruction of research facilities in
order to prevent a nation from 'developing capabilities' for hostile
space flight.

Presumably the 'one-percent doctrine' would also apply here. If
there is a one-percent possibility that another nation might use
its space capability against the US, even to defend itself, pre-emptive
attacks could be undertaken.

This last point is critical. The Administration is asserting its
right to deny any country its own space-based defense capability,
while continuing to pour millions into this technology (which has
proved spectacularly unsuccessful to date).

Only a few countries are capable of implementing such technology
right now, the likeliest of which is Russia. The President's claim
represents, in effect, a re-establishment of the Cold War and a
declaration of his unilateral right to move beyond the spirit of
those treaties that helped end it.

The Directive also dismisses the central role of treaties in
preserving peaceful coexistence in space, saying instead that "the
United States ... rejects any limitations on the fundamental right
of the United States to operate in and acquire data from space,"

"Proposed arms control agreements or restrictions must not impair
the rights of the United States to conduct research, development,
testing, and operations or other activities in space for U.S.
national interests"

There are good arguments to be made for taking an aggressive (excuse
me, 'assertive') stand in favor of our right to conduct espionage
and other defense-related activities from space-based platforms.
But it's a long leap from that position to the one in this Directive,
which closes the door on future agreements that might be in the
interests of the U.S.

This Directive is yet another example of contempt for diplomacy,
and for a lack of skill and knowledge in the field of negotiation.
(See Kathleen Reardon.) Strong and smart negotiators don't telegraph
their position before starting to talk, nor do they box themselves
into a corner with bellicose statements. The watchword of a good
negotiator is "Don't talk before you talk." They fail to heed this
good advice - but then, negotiation isn't the objective.

Even from a hawkish point of view, the bellicose statements are
foolish. If you perceive a real threat at some point, you can always
choose to act. But warlike statements only serve to limit a
government's options - or to make it appear weak should it choose
not to act.

The underlying purpose of the Directive, however, is to declare a
"New American Century" and assume the rights of empire - in this
case, in space. But 'Star Wars' fans will tell you what can happen
when someone tries to assert imperial power across the dominion of

The privatization of the space effort is spelled out here, too.

"Departments and agencies shall use commercial space capabilities
and services to the maximum practical extent, purchase commercial
capabilities and services when they are available in the commercial
marketplace ... continue to include and increase U.S. private sector
participation in design and development," and "refrain from conducting
activities that preclude, deter, or compete with U.S. commercial
space activities, unless required by national security or public

In other words, the U.S. space program must now use the same
procurement policies that brought you Halliburton, Blackwater, lost
billions in Iraq, and faulty body armor. If nothing else, the
Republicans are consistent to a fault in their desire to enrich a
small group of contractors.

There are some good things in the Directive, too. The development
of a healthy private-sector space industry is, in fact, a good goal
for U.S.

public policy - provided that it's balanced by strong oversight and
supported with public-sector research that's available to all

The Directive encourages the development of more American space
professionals, and emphasizes stronger research and development
initiatives. These are also excellent objectives. It emphasizes
"... a sustained and affordable human and robotic program of space
exploration" for scientific research - although most space scientists
would rather leave the emphasis on "robotic" exploration, which is
a much more cost-effective way of advancing human knowledge.

When it comes to the militaristic threats and plans, however, it's
important to take it very seriously when the Republicans make
statements of this kind. Day after day they're working in think
tanks across the country, envisioning the world as they'd like to
see it.

Then they put their theories into action in the real-world. This
Directive is a glimpse into their thinking. Therefore, it's a glimpse
of a possible dark future where pre-emptive space conflict triggers
earthbound war - possibly with a nuclear superpower.

Democrats and other groups should take the lead in articulating an
alternative vision for space - one that includes scientific research,
improvement in U.S. research capabilities, development of new
technologies, and the novel uses of space by individuals, organizations,
and commercial interests. All of this can be accomplished with an
emphasis on peaceful international collaboration, while at the same
time reserving the right to use space as part of our array of defense

Until that vision is articulated and implemented, however, take

today's policy statement is tomorrow's reality.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "Dick Eastman" <> Date: October 13, 2006
9:14:12 PM EST Subject: [911TruthAction] what happened to Stanley?


George W. Bush goes to a primary school to talk to the kids in an
effort to get a little positive PR. After his talk, he offers a
question-and-answer time for the kids. One little boy raises his
hand and George asks his name.

"Stanley," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Stanley?"

"I have four questions. First, why did we invade Iraq without the
support of the UN? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got
more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama bin Laden? And
fourth, why are we supposed to be concerned about gay marriage when
half of all Americans don't have health insurance?"

Just as Stanley finishes speaking, the bell rings for recess. George
informs the kids that they will continue after recess. When they
resume, George says, "Okay, where were we? Ah, right - question

Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. George points him out and
asks his name.

"Steve," he responds.

"And what is your question, Steve?"

"Actually, I have six questions. First, why did we invade Iraq
without the support of the UN? Second, why are you President when
Al Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama bin
Laden? Fourth, why are we supposed to be concerned about gay
marriage when half of all Americans don't have health insurance?
Fifth, why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes early? And sixth,
what the hell happened to Stanley?"


President, USA Exile Govt.

Oct 18, 2006, 2:41:23 PM10/18/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

October 18, 2006

State of the Union Autumn 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Of course I refer here to the state of the all-species union. We
want symbiosis--not symnecrosis! No more human chauvinism!
This is quite an appropriate time for looking in on ourselves. As
activists within our planet's steward species, where do we go from
The first point I want to make about activism is that there are
two sorts--and seemingly the best labels for them are yin and yang.
Black-op divide-and-conquer agents have been quite successful in
keeping yin and yang divided and conquered. For decades I've
encouraged more cooperation between them--but with little success. On
several occasions I've suggested that yin back-to-the-land activists
provide retreats where yang urban street activists periodically can
restore energies necessary for their singularly arduous role. But
there has been very very little of this sort of thing.
In order to suggest a current focus for us I need to do a quick
summary of where I've recently been coming from. Back in '79 I'd
written a piece for activists called "From Anthropocentrism to
Biocentrism"--but soon after 9/11/01 I went full circle back to
anthropocentrism. I felt that the anthropocentric issue of 9/11 Truth
was by far our best opportunity to discredit the Bush Junta enough for
the ensuing distrust of it to overcome--finally!--its lock-down of all
environmental initiatives adequate for maintaining climate
characteristics supportive of all species and of human outdoor
So for the past five years I've averaged somewhere between a
couple and a few hours daily immersed in various 9/11 matters. But
during the past few months my attention has been drawn increasingly to
an energy underlying 9/11 and in fact affecting Good Guys and Bad Guys
equally. I refer to the Psychology of Scarcity, which lodged itself in
our forebrains during the first decade of the environmental movement.
But after that first decade, the awareness of scarcity (namely,
burgeoning populations overwhelming resources depleted by air/water
pollution and deforestation) got driven into our backbrains because Big
Oil's disinfo schemes (cf, its "Global Climate Coalition") undermined
the relatively accurate climate-destabilization information of the
'70s, causing passivity through confusion. In our backbrains it became
dread--anxiety lacking definition--and thus a large unconscious
influence on all our behavior regardless of where we were on the
obsolete linear left/right political spectrum.
Fortunately, during the past few years our sense of scarcity has
returned to our forebrains because it has become so overwhelmingly
obvious that we're losing the sorts of climates necessary for our
outdoor agriculture. Our awareness had been obfuscated for so many
years that now scarcity gets treated as breaking news rather than as
something we've known for decades.
So the Psychology of Scarcity is the underlying factor within US
fear levels now so high that folks are frozen-in-place and can't deal
with any of what frightens them. So our first step as activists must
be to reduce fear levels to the point where people no longer are
And the most effective way to do this is to reach them with the
glad tidings that it doesn't make any difference if oil soon will start
to become scarce because we no longer need to burn it. Of course, Big
Oil is determined that we not reach people with this news because it'll
cost them many billions in profits. They're ready to spend hundreds of
millions to persuade people that the energy modes capable of putting
them out of business are not to be trusted, are mere "technofixes" put
forward by people with sinister agendas, etc.
This excerpt from Brian O'Leary's recent writings says it like it

. . . we still need to become aware of lasting
solutions, of which new energy sources, heretofore
suppressed and unrecognized by mainstream science,
could provide us with a quantum-leap in cleanliness,
affordability and decentralization. These include
zero-point, cold fusion and advanced hydrogen
technologies, now being researched in scattered
laboratories throughout the world. Any one of these
technologies, if properly supported, could provide the
needed breakthrough to reverse climate change. So
the real question is, is it still politically incorrect to
discuss and promote the real solutions to climate change--
such as new energy?

So as activists, we need to help the New Energy Truth Movement so
it can overcome all the sly Big Oil efforts to discredit it. For not
till we can dispel the hysteria currently being whipped up by Peak Oil
commentators can we expect to achieve any of our other goals.
Both yin and yang activists can help the New Energy Truth
Movement. A critically important yin role is that of fund-raising.
Brian estimates that the cost of preparing clean sequels to petroleum
"would only be on the order of $200 million for five years, equivalent
to one day of fighting in Iraq and two days of profits for ExxonMobil".
Seemingly the best first step for yang activists is to help
activists in other movements become aware that we're now able to
replace petroleum swiftly enough to give the continuation of outdoor
agriculture a rather good chance. An appropriate place to start is
with the World-Can't-Wait people because they're currently trying to
decide the best follow-up to their October 5 Day of Mass Resistance.
So please help them understand that only the wide application of
breakthrough energy modes can reduce fear levels far enough for them to
achieve the goal(s) of their particular movement.
The beauty of the New Energy Truth Movement is that it doesn't
have to be oppositional (except to resist all BigOil/PeakOil efforts to
discredit it) to achieve its goals. It need only present itself
rigorously enough before a jury of its peers to receive the support
necessary for proper funding. Thus a non-oppositional (yin) energy can
loosen people enough for needed changes--now sought oppositionally
(yang)--to take place. Once these amazing new energy modes are in
place we can return to the Psychology of Abundance (namely, enough for
all) underlying almost all of what we call human culture.
Yours for an
elated state of the all-species union,

Keith Lampe,
Ponderosa Pine
Transition Prez

PS: I'll paste here excerpts from a couple recent comments of mine
relevant to this matter.

. . . Absolutely nothing will cause fear levels to drop farther
and more swiftly than the realization that we have, after all, new
energy paths available which are so beneficial that in fact there is no
significant energy scarcity. Nothing! So New Energy is a way to
reduce fear levels far enough to allow us to administer the
coup-de-grace to the BOOsch Junta in this matter of 9/11. It's
unlikely we can do this while fear levels range from 8.6 to 9.5. But
it becomes quite likely within the much lower post-scarcity fear
For the Psychology of Scarcity is our broadest problem. It has
bred the fear and greed ("I'm gonna git mine while there's still some
left") underlying not only 9/11 but also the refusal of US
left/liberal/progressive/green circles to acknowledge that 9/11 was an
Inside Job. It established itself during the '70s--before Big Oil
moved in with its Global Climate Coalition ruse to control what people
learned about Climate Destabilization.
The sense of scarcity is not always conscious--but this makes it
worse. The best depiction of this is found in Kierkegaard's THE
CONCEPT OF DREAD wherein he discusses dread as anxiety lacking
definition. So dread is a backbrain (reptile) fear--and thus so potent
that Bad Guys (lunging, impatient, crazed) and Good Guys (aware but too
frightened to respond) are affected by it almost equally within a
ubiquitous sociology of dread now into its second generation and thus
well on its way to becoming an anthropology of dread.


. . . Informationally speaking, "the climate disaster" has been
upon us for more than 37 years. That is, there was a "golden" period
from '69 till sometime in the mid or late '70s when climate-disaster
info circulated rather freely. Then Big Oil stepped in massively with
its Global Climate Coalition wherein professwhores were bribed with
fame (they got to see their faces on network TV) and/or money to lie
about what was happening. The infamous Reagan Regime cooperated by
taking control of what its scientists at NCAR, NOAA and elsewhere said
to the media.
These combined sleazy furtive efforts were so successful that
today climate-disaster info seems new to
One prime example of the golden period was a summer-'69 page-one
banner headline in the right-of-center daily Berkeley [CA] Gazette for
a piece which predicted the disaster now upon us.
James Lovelock and others may be correct that it's now too late
for any adequate response--but if it isn't, then a
window-of-opportunity of five to ten years is appropriate for our
last-minute efforts to bring one or more New Energy modes into
operation quickly enough and extensively enough.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Oct 20, 2006, 2:06:37 PM10/20/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

October 20, 2006

From: Janice <>
Date: October 19, 2006 2:49:57 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: We've lost posse comitatus, too... I'm packing!

HUGE! Bush Guts Posse Comitatus, Grabs National Guard!

By Major Danby

Wed Oct 18, 2006 at 06:10:33 PM PDT

I'm not really all that much of a states' rights guy. I fall more on
the "strong federal government" side of the spectrum. So when someone
like me starts screaming about a massive sneak attack on federalism,
you might want to pay attention.

If I told you that Congress was considering passing a law that gives
the President -- this President -- the power, in the event of any
"disaster, accident, or catastrophe" that he deems to require it, to:

- involuntarily take National Guard troops from State A and
- require them to work in State B for up to a year,
- in law enforcement rather than just traditional areas like disaster
- over the objection of both state's governors

would you believe it? Probably not. And you'd be right. Congress is
not considering such a bill.


Follow me over the jump. Read it, weep, and prepare to pass on the
word - and to act.

Major Danby's diary :: ::

It's important that we understand what the Bush Administration has
done here, because they've done it in a sneaky, underhanded, and almost
invisible way. We need to start with some basic concepts. I am
indebted to two diaries by Cedwyn (here and here) and a previous diary
by Rusty1776, as well as sources such as Sen. Patrick Leahy, whom I
quote in my previous diary on this subject, and to a great blog post by
Sarah R. Carter on her father's Senate campaign website.

The National Guard:

First, and most basically, because it confuses some people: each state
(and territory, and D.C., but we'll ignore those for this discussion)
has its own "National Guard." As with the concept of "federalism,"
which refers to the power that the states retain despite the existence
of a federal government, this name can be misleading. The National
Guard belongs to the states, not to the Federal Government, except with
the governor's agreement or under certain specified conditions. The
National Guard is the Governor's muscle.

The Posse Comitatus Act:

"Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized
by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the
Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years,
or both."

What that means is that the federal government can't use federal
troops -- or federalized state troops (which is what this outrage is
about) -- as a national law enforcement posse to enforce the law,
except under certain exceptions. You probably already know the term
for putting an area under military law enforcement control: it's called
"martial law." Now, a Governor can declare martial law in an emergency
under terms that vary by state. You saw an example of that when Gov.
Blanco declared martial law in parts of Louisiana during Hurricane
Katrina. But a President can only federalize troops for such use under
exceptions specified by law. Where do you find those?

The Insurrection Act:

You find them in the Insurrection Act. This was invoked, for example,
in Arkansas in the 1950s when President Eisenhower controversially
nationalized the Arkansas National Guard over the objections of that
state's Governor and directed them to enforce the law ending mandatory
school segregation. He argued that the state's refusal to follow the
federal law constituted an insurrection against the federal government.

Well, OK, you might say, I can see giving the power to nationalize a
state's National Guard in that situation, even if the governor objects.
They were defying federal law. That's not such a bad exception.

Right. But guess what just got amended? This small exception is now a
gaping hole.

Here's what happened.

You can see my previous diary for Sen. Patrick Leahy's September 19
statement on what the legislation then before Congress would do. The
Fiscal Year 2007 Defense Authorization Bill was envisioned as a bill
that would strengthen the National Guard. With a sick sense of irony,
the Bush Administration gutted this provision and replaced it with a
"body snatcher" provision that represented "a sizable step toward
weakening states' authority over their Guard units." The provision
"mak[es] it easier for the President to declare martial law, stripping
state governors of part of their authority over state National Guard
units in domestic emergencies."

Here's an explanation for what this law does; the citation for which
I'm omitting:

When the President invokes section 333 of chapter 15, he may
involuntarily call to active duty members of the reserve components
(not more than 200,000 Select Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve, of
whom not more than 30,000 may be Individual Ready Reserve) for up to
365 days to conduct law enforcement activities in a disaster, accident,
or catastrophe area and, if such incident involves a terrorist or WMD
threat or attack, other response activities. In addition, the President
may involuntarily call to active duty members of the reserve components
to provide supplies, services, and equipment to persons affected by the
disaster, accident, or catastrophe. As soon as practicable after
invoking section 333 of chapter 15, the President must notify Congress
of his determination to exercise this authority. However, within 24
hours of involuntarily calling to active duty members of the reserve
components, the President must submit to Congress a report, in writing,
setting forth the circumstances necessitating this action and
describing the anticipated use of these members.

Alberto Gonzales could drive a tank through the vague language you see
up there.

They did this in a very subtle way. It's hard to notice unless you're
looking for it.

* Section 522 (House section 511) extends from 270 days to 365 days
the period for which the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve
may be involuntarily called to active duty.

* Section 1076 (Senate section 1042):

o Amends the "Insurrection Act" (i.e., Chapter 15 of title 10, U.S.
Code) by:

' Changing the title of chapter 15 of title 10, U.S. Code) from
"Insurrection" to "Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order";

' Changing the title of section 333 of chapter 15 from "Interference
with State and Federal Law" to "Major Public Emergencies; Interference
with State and Federal Law";

' Clarifying the President's authority, under section 33 of chapter 15,
to use the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal
service, without a request from a State governor, to restore order and
enforce Federal laws in cases where, as a result of a terrorist attack,
epidemic, or natural disaster, public order has broken down; and

' Including those who are obstructing the laws to the existing
requirement for the President to issue a proclamation ordering
insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a
limited time.

o Amends Chapter 152 of title 10, U.S. Code, to authorize, with certain
limitations, the President, in any situation he determines to exercise
the authority provided in section 333 of chapter 15, to direct the
Secretary of Defense to provide supplies, services, and equipment
(e.g., food, water, utilities, transportation, search and rescue,
medical care, and other assistance necessary to save lives and
property) to persons affected by the incident.

o Amends section 12304 of title 10, U.S. Code, eliminating the
limitation imposed on the President's authority to involuntarily call
to active duty members of the reserve components to perform law
enforcement and other duties in response to serious natural or man-made
disasters, accidents, or catastrophes to only those incidents involving
terrorist or weapons of mass destruction threats or attacks.

So now the President can send troops from Tennessee to quash what he
deems a threat to civil order in Oregon, even if the governors of
Tennessee and Oregon both object.

This, by the way, is how the Chinese - whose approach to government and
party building Bush seems so much to admire - broke up the protests in
Tienanmen Square. They brought in troops from the provinces who knew
nothing about what the protest was about, but knew that if they were
ordered to shoot, they had to shoot.

Such small changes to the law. Such a huge result. Imposition of
federal martial law, using state troops, over the objection of the

What can you do?

You can make noise.

No - you can make a LOT OF NOISE.

Write letters to the editor. Call your representatives in Congress and
make them pledge to rescind these changes. Call the offices of Senator
Harry Reid's and Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

This is an issue on which the most rock-ribbed conservatives, the most
ardent populists, the staunchest libertarians, and the most committed
liberals ought to be able to agree. Even non-Democrats are looking for
any excuse now to reject Bush and his fawning supporters. This is as
big and fat an excuse as one could want. Bush and his flying monkeys
are politically weakened now. We can beat them.

We can't give this measure of power to the President. Power corrupts.

And we can't give this measure of power to THIS President, who is
already corrupted.

Our Founding Fathers anticipated and dreaded this moment. Their last
line of defense is you. It's your Constitution. Make some noise. A


(1) Call Members of Congress AND Governors. Most of them still don't
know that they were bamboozled like this because they don't know that
the "Reserve" legally includes the National Guard.

(2) Call any members of the National Guard you know, and their families.

(3) Let's put this on Redstate, etc. On these sorts of Federalism
questions, the decent ones among them can be our allies. This may be
enough to shake them away from Bush and his enablers, just this once.

More action items to come as they develop.


!Ya basta!
Enough! Out with them all!!

Janice Matthews


From: Joanne Murphy <>
Date: October 19, 2006 12:42:27 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Fwd: Wake Up And Smell The Voter PURGE

Note: forwarded message attached.

Joanne G Murphy


From: The Peace Team <>
Date: October 19, 2006 10:31:36 AM EST
Subject: Wake Up And Smell The Voter PURGE

Tell The DNC To WAKE UP And Immediately Seek An Injunction To Reverse
The Purge Of Democratic Voters In Ohio


You had to know this was coming. The further they fall in the polls
the more massive the voter fraud and preemptive vote suppression the
other side will attempt. The key word here is "attempt". We're not
supposed to let them get away with it without a fight. That fight must
start NOW!

Reports are breaking that the pathologically partisan Ohio secretary of
state has been secretly using the master database of voters to
systematically purge hundreds of thousands of likely Democratic voters
from the registered rolls. Their latest version of an old scam is to
put a discriminatory burden on voters in heavily Democratic precincts
to meet a special hurdle of verification of their address, a guilty
until proven innocent routine. And they have been doing this without
any public notice that such a massive operation was underway, and timed
in such a way that voters would have no recourse to re-register.

Never again will we allow such outrages against democracy to go
unchallenged by the fullest force we can bring to bear. Bob Fitrakis,
who has been fighting the election criminals in Ohio for years, has
announced he will file a lawsuit no later than this coming Monday.
Please tell the DNC, and also the Ohio Democratic party (if you are an
Ohio resident), to bring every resource to bear to join in this battle
for the soul of our electoral process


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours.

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From: Henri the Celt <>

Date: October 19, 2006 4:35:48 PM EST
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 18 Oct 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

The Lancet Study...
Riverbend, Bagdad burning

... The latest horror is the study published in the Lancet Journal
concluding that over 600,000 Iraqis have been killed since the war
(...) So far, the only Iraqis I know pretending this number is
outrageous are either out-of-touch Iraqis abroad who supported the war,
or Iraqis inside of the country who are directly benefiting from the
occupation ($) and likely living in the Green Zone. The chaos and lack
of proper facilities is resulting in people being buried withou! t a
trip to the morgue or the hospital. During American military attacks on
cities like Samarra and Fallujah, victims were buried in their gardens
or in mass graves in football fields. Or has that been forgotten
already? We literally do not know a single Iraqi family that has not
seen the violent death of a first or second-degree relative these last
three years. Abductions, militias, sectarian violence, revenge
killings, assassinations, car-bombs, suicide bombers, American military
strikes, Iraqi military raids, death squads, extremists, armed
robberies, executions, detentions, secret prisons, torture, mysterious
weapons with so many different ways to die, is the number so far
fetched? There are Iraqi women who have not shed their black mourning
robes since 2003 because each time the end of the proper mourning
period comes around, some other relative dies and the countdown begins
once again.

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The 'S' Word
Felicity Arbuthnot

In the U.S., the thought of another humiliation on the scale of Viet
Nam sends shivers down spines in the corridors of power. In Britain it
is the 'S' word: Suez, Prime Minister Anthony Eden's ill fated foray of
exactly fifty years ago this month. As the precise anniversary (29th
October) approaches, another Anthony (Blair) is in deep trouble and the
parallels are startling. From health to hubris, from deceit to dizzying
arrogance, the paths of the two Anthonys seem to conv! erge. In July
1956, Egypt's President Gamal Abdul Nasser nationalised the
Country's Suez Canal Company, which operated the Canal, a vital artery
for world oil distribution which, for transporation of oil from the
Persian Gulf to Europe, cut eleven thousand nautical miles off the

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Exit Habeas Corpus, Enter Night and Fog
Kurt Nimmo

As if to confirm that Republicans are indeed a fascist rabble, consider
their uniform silence in regard to the military commissions bill,
otherwise known as the monstrosity that ate the Constitution,
specifically Article 1, Section 9, dealing with habeas corpus.
Republicans, who are primarily neocons, that is to say fascist
authoritarians, consider themselves patriots, and yet almost to the man
and a few women they have not said a word about the evisceration of h!
abeas corpus, once considered such an elemental liberty it was the only
one enumerated in the original text of the Constitution...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:

Last Updated: Friday, 20 October 2006, 00:01 GMT 01:01 UK

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
Climate Water Threat to Millions

By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 999999.gif]
Climate change threatens supplies of water for millions of people in
poorer countries, warns a new report from the Christian development
agency Tearfund.

Recent research suggests that by 2050, five times as much land is
likely to be under "extreme" drought as now.

Tearfund wants richer states to look at helping poorer ones adjust to
drought at next month's UN climate summit.

This week the UK's climate minister said he is confident of reaching
an deal on adaptation funds at the talks.

There is an "urgent need" for such measures, Ian Pearson told a
parliamentary committee.

The Tearfund report, Feeling the Heat, urges donors to ramp up
assistance quickly. Other charities are likely to make similar pleas in
the run-up to the Nairobi summit, which begins on 6 November.

Citing research by the Oxford academic Norman Myers, Tearfund suggests
there will be as many as 200 million climate refugees by 2050.

Level of rhetoric level

One of Britain's leading climate scientists, Sir John Houghton, said
the severity of climate change was getting through to world leaders "at
a level of rhetoric", but not yet at a level of action.

"There were promises made at the G8 summit and at the last UN meeting
in Montreal about money for adaptation," he told the BBC News website,
"but I understand that very little of that has come through."

Sir John, who contributed a foreword to the Tearfund report, said
water shortages will be the biggest climate threat to developing

"It's the extremes of water which are going to provide the biggest
threat to the developing world from climate change," he said.

"Without being able to be too specific about exactly where, droughts
will tend to be longer, and that's very bad news. Extreme droughts
currently cover about 2% of the world's land area, and that is going to
spread to about 10% by 2050."

Overall, he said, climate models show a drying out of sub-Saharan
Africa, while some other areas of the world will see more severe

Sir John is a former head of the UK Meteorological Office, former
chair of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, and
co-chaired one of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
working groups.

He now chairs the John Ray Initiative, whose mission is to "connect
environment, science and Christianity".

The positive side of the Tearfund report is that simple measures to
"climate-proof" water problems, both drought and flood, have proven to
be very effective in some areas.

In Niger, the charity says that building low stone dykes across
contours has helped prevent runoff and get more water into the soil,
while in Bihar, northern India, embankments have been built to connect
villages during floods, with culverts allowing drainage.


From: Progressive Press <>
Date: October 19, 2006 8:37:06 PM EST
Subject: Amazon's #1 Non-fiction Reviewer says 9/11 Synthetic Terror is
best book he's ever reviewed

Amazon's #1 Non-fiction Reviewer says Tarpley's 9/11 Synthetic
Terror: Made in USA is "strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed"

Reviewer, a former spy and founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence
Command, is convinced by Progressive Press offering that 9/11 was a
"US-based conspiracy"

Press release URL

Washington DC (PRWEB) October 18, 2006 -- Progressive Press announced
that its "9/11 Synthetic Terror" has just been cited as the best
non-fiction book ever by Amazon's top non-fiction book reviewer,
intelligence professional Robert Steele, in a 5-star review at .

Progressive specializes in books that contend 9/11 was an "inside
job." Publisher John Leonard says "it's a coup to have Steele with us
on this. Here you have a level-headed, respected insider, lifelong
Republican, veteran spy, and he's breaking the taboos. It's a great
tribute and a vindication of the work we put into 9/11 Synthetic

Steele's statement that 9/11 was a "US-based conspiracy" may be a
first coming from a senior US intelligence community figure. He came to
this conclusion "with great sadness" after reading "9/11 Synthetic
Terror: Made in USA," which he praises as "without question, the most
important modern reference on state-sponsored terrorism."

A unique feature of "9/11 Synthetic Terror" is that Tarpley does not
blame an entire government or agency. His "rogue network" model
features small numbers of moles infesting critical nodes in key
institutions like the CIA and mass media.

Steele also believes the CIA's mission has been subverted by the
follies of the covert operations branches, for example, the fake
evidence for a war on Iraq. He says the majority of CIA and military
officers are honest; it's the system that is corrupt.

When Steele is not reading hundreds of non-fiction books, he's busy
trying to put some intelligence back into the intelligence business.
His website, , advocates open source information
sharing for peacekeeping.

In his review "Among Hundreds of Books, The Strongest Approach to
Truth," Steele notes, "Most fascinatingly, the author links Samuel
Huntington, author of Clash of Civilizations, with Leo Strauss, the
connecting rod between Nazi fascists and the neo-cons." According to
Steele's biography on Wikipedia, , he "is a former
Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer for twenty years and was
the second-ranking civilian (GS-14) in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence
from 1988-1992. Steele is a former clandestine services case officer
Central Intelligence Agency."

Tarpley was a Fulbright scholar in Italy, where he exposed the Red
Brigades as a countergang run by NATO intelligence to defeat
Eurocommunism. In 1991 he broke the story of the Bush dynasty's deep
involvement in financing Nazism with "George Bush: The Unauthorized
Biography," also published by Progressive Press. See also his bio at .

We invite you to read the complete review at .

In a separate development, Tarpley's publisher Progressive Press is
giving away 2,000 copies of a 352-page book, "You're Not Stupid: A
Brief on the Bush Presidency," for fundraisers. More information at

Buying information: List price: $17.95. From Amazon: $12.21
On Amazon Marketplace: $9.99 - $10.79
From us: as low as two for $20.95, box of 24 for $180 ($7.50 each),
incl. shipping
512 pages, June 2006 edition.

John Leonard, ProgressivePress.Com, PO Box 126, Joshua Tree CA 92252,
Tel/fax 760-366-2937
Tune in to World Crisis Radio at


Date: October 20, 2006 3:05:06 AM EST
Subject: What's Really Happening in Iraq

From: Che Pratt <> (by way of s culver <>)
Date: August 27, 2006 11:11:54 PM EST
Subject: You wouldn't catch me dead in Iraq: AWOL

From a British newspaper (not US, of course). Excerpt:

"We was going along the Euphrates river, says Joshua Key,
detailing a recurring nightmare that features a scene he stumbled into
shortly after the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Its a road right
the city of Ramadi. We turned a sharp right and all I seen was

bodies. The heads laying over here and the bodies over there and US

in between them. Im thinking, Oh my God, what in the hell happened

Whats caused this? Why in the hell did this happen? We get out and

somebody was screaming, We f***ing lost it here! Im thinking, Oh

somebody definitely lost it here. Key says he was ordered to look for
evidence of a firefight, for something to explain what had happened to

beheaded Iraqis. I look around just for a few seconds and I dont see
Then he witnessed the sight that still triggers the nightmares.
see two soldiers kicking the heads around like soccer balls. I just
shut my
mouth, walked back, got inside the tank, shut the door, and thought, I
cant be no part of this. This is crazy. I came here to fight and be
prepared for war, but this is outrageous.
Hes convinced that there was no firefight.
A lot of my friends stayed on the ground, looking to see if
was any shells. There was never no shells. He still cannot get the
out of his mind: You just see heads everywhere. You wake up, youll
just be
sitting there, like youre in a foxhole. I can still see Iraq just as
clearly as it was the day I was there. Youll just be on the side of a
little river running through the city, trash piled up, filled with
dead. I dont sleep that much, you might say. His wife, Brandi, nods
agreement, and says that he cries in his sleep.


From: "Eric Stewart" <>
Date: October 20, 2006 4:02:24 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] From the Bay of Pigs to 9/11 Pt. 2

the Bay of Pigs to 9/11 Pt. 2

The Bush-Florida-Cuba Connection
By Larry Chin

December 27, 2000 On November 22, a violent Republican-sanctioned mob
shut down the Miami-Dade canvassing board, stopping a decisive ballot
recount, and snuffing out Al Gore's chances for victory.

This incident, which was instrumental in seizing the American
presidency for George W. Bush, was not (as most media accounts suggest)
merely the work of [Tom] DeLay congressional aides and angry pro-Bush

In fact, the true intimidation came at the hands of hundreds of
militant right-wing Cuban operatives. It is important to note that the
recount shutdown was the latest chapter of an alliance between the Bush
family, right-wing anti-Castro Cubans, Florida-based covert operatives
and extreme elements of the Republican party that has persisted for
nearly half a century.

1953: CIA operative George Herbert Walker Bush founds Zapata Petroleum
in Texas. Its subsidiary, Zapata Offshore is used as a CIA front.
Initiating his career-long foray into Latin American shadow politics,
Bush establishes ties with CIA operative and narco-trafficker Manuel
Noriega of Panama (later its dictator).

19601961: Bay of Pigs. Bush and fellow CIA operative Felix Rodriguez
organize and train Cuban exiles in Florida and across the Gulf region
for an invasion of Cuba, and the assassination of Fidel Castro, with
assistance from elements of the Mafia (based in Florida). President
John F. Kennedy pulls the plug on the operation, infuriating the
Cubans, the CIA, the mob, and Bush.

1963: JFK is assassinated in Dallas. The involvement of Cubans, CIA
operatives in Florida (Felix Rodriguez), and the questionable
activities of Bush, Richard Nixon, Texas oil moguls and Texas
politicians during the period, are detailed by numerous assassination
researchers. J. Edgar Hoover interviews a "George Bush of the CIA"
regarding "anti-Castro exile reaction" to the murder.

19681973: With Richard Nixon in the White House, Antonin Scalia in
charge of the White House communications office, and George H.W. Bush
heading the Republican National Committee, the Republicans maintain
close ties to right-wing Florida Cubans. Bebe Rebozo, a prominent
Florida Cuban with intelligence ties, is a close friend of Nixon. In
1971, journalist Ken Collier calls on Nixon to investigate 1970 Florida
election fraud by Republicans. Scalia persuades Nixon to remain silent,
Collier alleges.

1973: The Watergate Break-In is conducted by anti-Castro Cubans and CIA
agents tied to the Bay of Pigs: Rodriguez, Bernard Barker (former Cuban
secret police), Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, and Eugenio Rolando
Martinez. Nixon tapes reveal that the objective is to hide evidence
regarding "Dallas" and "the Bay of Pigs thing." Bush assists Nixon in
the coverup, and the stonewalling of the Congress.

1976: CIA Director George H.W. Bush stonewalls Congress regarding the
aerial bombing of a Cubana Airline jet and a car bomb slaying of a
Chilean diplomat. Anti-Castro Cubans are arrested, including Luis
Carriles. Carriles' immediate superior is Felix Rodriguez (who boasts
to have assassinated Che Guevara).

During the Bush CIA years, the loyal Rodriguez is involved with the
Phoenix program, Air America, and heroin smuggling in Southeast Asia.

19821986: Iran-Contra. With Vice President Bush "in the loop" with CIA
Director William Casey and other members of the Reagan "firewall,"
Felix Rodriguez coordinates the contra resupply program in El Salvador
under Oliver North. In Senate testimony, Rodriguez alleges to have
passed ten million dollars to the contras from the Colombian Medellin
cocaine cartel. In Florida, Jeb Bush (the head of the Dade County
Republican Party) operates as the Republican administration's
unofficial link with Cubans, the contras and Nicaraguan exiles in
Miami. During this period, Jeb aligns with Leonel Martinez, a
Miami-based right-wing Cuban-American drug trafficker associated with
contra dissident Eden Pastora. Jeb forges business ties with contra
supporter Miguel Recarey, a right-wing Cuban, and major contributor to
PACs controlled by then-Vice President Bush.

Florida-based drug-running fronts funnel US government funds as
humanitarian aid to the contras. Senator John Kerry investigates
Miami-based Ocean Hunter, one of many Florida-based drug-running
fronts, and discovers $200,000 channeled south.

1986: Reagan appoints Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court. At his
confirmation hearing, Ken and James Collier accuse Scalia of
sandbagging their lawsuits against the Republican National Committee
for election fraud in Florida.

19881992: With George H.W. Bush as president, the US invades Panama,
toppling former CIA ally, contra compatriot and narco trafficker Manuel
Noriega. Cuban operatives assist. As a link to that powerful and
wealthy South Florida community, Jeb remains a tireless supporter of
reactionary Cuban-American political causes, such as the freeing of
right-wing terrorist Orlando Bosch. Bosch is responsible for more than
50 anti-Castro bombings in Cuba and elsewhere in the Western
Hemisphere. Jeb is also a supporter of CANF projects like Radio and TV
Marti (propaganda broadcasts into Cuba, in violation of
telecommunications laws).

Jeb Bush is also involved with Florida-based BCCI banks and money
laundering operations. The Miami US Attorney is rebuffed by the Justice
Department in his efforts to indict BCCI and some of its principal
officers on tax fraud charges.

1994: After benefiting financially and politically from oil, money and
CIA ties to his father and brother, George W. Bush becomes governor of

1998: Jeb Bush becomes governor of Florida with strong backing from
long-time friends in the Cuban community. Jorge Mas Canosa, president
of the ultra-right wing Cuban American National Federation (CANF)
succinctly describes Jeb's role throughout the 1980s and 1990s: "He is
one of us."

The Elian Gonzalez affair ignites Florida, setting off partisan
conflict (and violence). Anti-Castro Cubans are incensed at the
Clinton/Gore administration.

2000. Jeb Bush "promises to deliver Florida" to his brother,
presidential candidate George W. Bush. Florida is delivered, and the
election sealed with help from Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
With the Southern Hemisphere foreign policy agenda (ranging from the
American involvement in Colombia to the future of Cuba) about to be
handed to a right-wing George W. Bush administration, the
Bush-Florida-Cuba connection will continue to be a play an active and
dangerous role.

After the election, Fidel Castro mocked the incoming president as "the
little idiot son of the former CIA director friend of mafia worms." The
gauntlet has been thrown.

SOURCE: Psy-Op (originally posted at Online Journal)

General Limnitzer in 1962: "We could blow up a drone...Casualty lists
in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national
indignation...We could develop a Communist Cuba terror campaign in the
Miami area, in other Flordia cities and even in Washington...aircraft
at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a
civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization
in the Miami area..."


From: "Henri the Celt" <>

Date: October 20, 2006 1:54:22 AM EST
Subject: It required only a few...

911 Conspirators: "10,000 Men?" or a Few
Top Insiders & Highly-Trained Commandos?

By Douglas Herman
Exclusive to

A bad government lies as official policy. A bad government cannot be
trusted to tell the truth. A bad government cannot be trusted for the
safety of its own citizens or the citizens of other countries. A bad
government always acts malevolently, selfishly, secretively. A bad
government suppresses information, censors the truth, and harasses
whistleblowers. A bad government must always be forced, if possible,
to do the right thing.

Which type of government do we now have?

Contrary to the official government report, the 9-11 attack resembles a
clever yet diabolical plan, carried out successfully by a few key
government insiders and several dozen top commandos. Let us call this
group, simply for the sake of argument, The Network.

Their mission was fourfold. (1) Create an unforgettable terror event to
be blamed on an Islamic group. (2) Create a series of spectacular
catastrophes that symbolized an attack on America but which also served
as diversions. (3) Create a multi-million dollar gold heist that would
occur simultaneously to the terror events. (4) Create a network of
draconian agencies and laws soon after the terror events, that would
curtail individual rights and create an atmosphere for endless imperial
war. Not to mention, make any reinvestigation of 9-11 difficult or

The 9-11 attack then resembles an ingenius diversion concealing a
master plan to invade and occupy Middle Eastern countries while
simultaneously effecting draconian and costly government security
measures, but not before heisting several hundred million in gold
bullion. The 19 hijackers may have been actual Islamic agents, Israeli
double agents, CIA assets--or peripheral components of The Network.

The hijackers are the least important aspect of the plot.

According to this scenario, The Network would need remote control
planes, aircraft that resembled Boeing jumbo jets. Plenty of
planes--available cheap--now gather dust in the deserts of California
and Arizona. They would need the technology to adapt planes. (Remote
control airplanes have been around for more than 40 years) They would
need a sufficient amount of money--large amounts of money--to hire
commandos. Both the money and the expertise were readily available
through top Pentagon connections and their network of suppliers. Not
surprisingly, the Pentagon came up billions short---on September 10,
2001--one day before the attack.

Not surprisingly, the man who controlled the money at the Pentagon, Dov
Zakheim, also enjoyed connections to an electronics firm specializing
in remote control aviation.

The Network would need several dozen, top foreign commandos who swore
no allegiance to any country, cetainly not allegiance to America.
Approximately 200 Israelis were rounded up immediately following 9-11.
Some were stopped in vans driving into Manhattan. Some were arrested
while celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers. Some were stopped
and discovered to possess evidence remarkably similar to that connected
to the 9-11 attack.

These facts were all reported by the mainstream media immediately after
9-11. Rarely have they reported since.

The FBI interviewed and interrogated those arrested near Manhattan. No
lie detector tests, no confessions (and no torture) and no results were
reported by the FBI before the suspects were released. "The Terror
Enigma," by Justin Raimondo, takes a more in depth look at this
suspicious feature, of possibly using Israeli double agents and Mossad
commandos masquerading as movers, artists, and students. Prior to 9-11,
these "artists" had been trying to infiltrate secure government
facilities and buildings. Quite likely they were part of The Network.

Several men would be needed to assemble and plant explosive devices in
the weeks and perhaps months required to do the job properly. According
to one Finnish demo expert: "Ordering, preparing and transportation of
the charges for the demolition of the WTC. Solely for the steel pillars
of the outer circle 40 x 240 charges were needed, let's say 10 000
cutting charges each weighing 50 lbs for each tower. For WTC 7 at least
4000 charges were needed.....1) One needs to find out the right size
and the dimensions of suitable cutting charges and then order 24 000
pieces. One must as well order fitting detonators (detonators were
needed a lot more). Fitting detonators usually already exist in stores
of military forces (or the CIA). Time of delivery is several months in
any case. All detonators must be equipped with some kind of safety
mechanism, which will be removed by a radio signal at the final
moment." (See this link-- )

"After this, the cutting charges are installed in the selected rooms
that are not in use. Some of these rooms may as well serve as temporary
storages for charges needed elsewhere. After this the apartment is
renovated and circulated to the clients in the WTC. One man
continuously assembles maybe 5 cutting charges per hour. With 10
assemblers 350 charges are installed a day. As surplus transportations
of supplies, renovators and guards. Maybe about 20 people more were
needed (5 of them know what is going on, 15 do not). For the
installation of the charges this operation takes at least four months
with 30 men."

Not ten thouand men, not even one thousand. Just dedicated men who knew
the importance of their mission.

The Network would need top aviation and electronic specialists to
control those jumbo jets while in flight. Remote signal device may
have been planted in the buildings also. A couple dozen men at most
were needed--probably less--certainly not thousands. They would need
men sworn to no other ideology, aside from the mission and the
immediate rewards.

Once again, the mission was fourfold. Create a terror event to be
blamed on an Islamic group, that would justify invasion of the host
countries. Create a series of spectacular catastrophes that symbolized
an attack on America but also served as diversions. Create a
multi-million dollar gold heist that would occur simultaneously to the
terror events. (The gold heist may have been a sort of reward, a carrot
on a stick). Create a network of draconian agencies and laws soon
after the terror events, that would curtail individual rights and
create an atmosphere for never-ending imperial war.

Very likely those involved enjoyed vast intelligence capabilities. Very
likely they included former or active members of the Mossad, the CIA,
the Pentagon, possibly even the FBI. Indeed those FBI crimefighters NOT
privy to the master plan--like FBI Special agents John O'Neill or
Coleen Rowley--tried to warn their superiors, tried to warn the US
government, but were thwarted.

Instead The Network operated like a separate entity, a succubus. And no
local law enforcement official, no ordinary miliary official, no
ordinary government official, enjoyed access to the secret plan.

But somewhere along the way three key security points were compromised.
Logan airport, NORAD and WTC-7. The Network accessed all three sites
and gained entrance through insider connections. Logan airport through
the Israeli security company that ran it; NORAD & the command of the US
Air Force to Dick Cheney on 9-11; WTC-7 through the CIA, Silverstein
Properties or Securacom, the company headed by Marvin Bush. Not
surprisingly, only a few top operatives were needed to access each
site. Not tens of thousands, as debunkers constantly claim. Perhaps not
even hundreds, but a few dozen, highly-trained men performed their
tasks to perfection, in the weeks before 9-11.

Could Al Qaeda--or the 19 hijackers--have compromised any of the three
key points and gained access? No. Could a group of top government
insiders and their hired commandos have accessed those three sites?
Yes, easily.

The Network might have relied on remote-controlled planes from the very
beginning. Why trust a complex operation to 19 flight school dropouts
who spent more time in strip clubs than flight simulators? The simplest
scenario would use remote controlled planes, shadowed by fast-moving
guidance planes. The unidentified white plane reported by several
witnesses near Shanksville may have been such a plane.

But what happened to the original flights and the missing passengers?
Only the shadowy operatives of the Network knows for sure. What remains
most peculiar, and thus most suspicious, are the four flights
themselves. Not only were the planes mostly empty of passengers, but a
couple of the planes--reported destroyed on 9-11--were still registered
and flying months later!

Yes, there were flaws in the master plan. The WTC-7 fires that were
very likely set by a commando team sometime after 12 noon on September
11th, convinced many gullible citizens and government experts that a
fiery conflagration had weakened the structure. Yet the simple fact
that WTC-7 was arsoned and then demolished seems obvious. Building 7
had to be burned and then collapsed in a controlled demolition, not
only for diversionary purposes, but to destroy sensitive Security &
Exchange records of ongoing lawsuits involving billions of dollars. Not
surprisingly the floors that housed the SEC records were the first to
burn mysteriously.

Meanwhile, down below street level, a heist worthy of Hollywood was
taking place. How many men were needed to move several hundred million
in gold bullion bars? You do the math. Probably not thousands of men;
probably not even hundreds. The company security guards may have been
ordered away--after all, building 7 was about to collapse. Power to the
alarm system may have been shut down. Who would restore it, even if
some honest security guard reported it disabled?

So, was 9-11 a heist wrapped around an attack, or an attack wrapped
around a heist? If the gold was gone, how much went missing exactly?
How could Al Qaeda have taken it? How embarassing for New York City or
US government officials to even admit some millions in gold were taken,
for many citizens might logically conclude 9-11 was an inside job. And
if a group of thieves not affiliated or connected to the "terrorists"
took the gold, why were they never caught? Two truckloads of gold were
recovered, crushed in a tunnel, beneath the WTC complex. How many
truckloads got away?

Nowadays we have many excellent detective shows on television but very
few good detectives when we really need them. If the WTC site had been
treated as a crime scene immediately following a week of rescue work,
the ingenuity of the crime might have been revealed. As it was, 9-11
was sold to the public as an act of foreign terrorism from day one and
whatever evidence that might have been uncovered was hastily removed
and either destroyed or recycled.

The years pass and The Crime of The Century---9-11-- has never been
fully solved nor even adequately investigated. Readers email me asking
what proof do I have of this scenario? Only gut instinct and common
sense. If it looks like a crime scene and people profitted immensely, I
think any good detective might also have suspicions. I ask believers
what proof do they have of the government version of 9-11 events? They
quote me the testimony of government approved experts. They offer me a
fuzzy videotape of someone identified as Osama bin Ladin. They mention
a charred passport miraculously found a few blocks from the demolished

Not enough evidence to fit in a shoebox or stand up in a court of law.
Besides, taking the word of a bad government, never known for speaking
the truth, is not good practice.

USAF veteran and crime novelist, Douglas Herman wrote The Guns of
Dallas and contributes to Rense regularly. Email

The 9/11 Operation: A Summary

9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush

9-11 Review: Precious Metals Stored Beneath the World Trade Center Terror Enigma: 9/11 And the Israeli Connection: Books ...

Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney


Oregon Speaks Out for Net Neutrality, Warns of
Threats to Internet Freedom

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 10:47am. News Releases


Oregon Speaks Out for Net Neutrality

Senator Ron Wyden, Internet Companies, Small Business Owners, Labor
Leaders and Local Activists Warn of Threats to Internet Freedom

PORTLAND -- Sen. Ron Wyden today joined large and small business
owners, labor leaders and consumer advocates in calling on Congress to
protect Network Neutrality -- the endangered principle that ensures all
Web sites and services are treated equally.

"The powerful interests that control the pipes are trying to take
control of the Internet away from their consumers by creating
discriminatory networks that play favorites," said Senator Wyden, the
first member of Congress to introduce legislation protecting Net
Neutrality. "Over the past decade, Oregon businesses, consumers, and
political activists have come to rely on the Internet as a free and
open forum to buy, sell or simply exchange ideas. We can't afford to
let discrimination rule the Internet, which is why I'll continue
fighting to ensure Net Neutrality."

The press conference took place at Powell's Books in Portland, where
Senator Wyden was greeted by local business owners, representatives of
Google, Yahoo! and E-Bay, the Oregon Alliance to Reform Media, and
local members of the Coalition, who delivered more
than 20,000 petitions from Oregon residents supporting Net Neutrality.

"For 35 years, Powell's Books has prided itself on keeping ideas in
circulation, providing our community with access to the wealth of
information on our shelves," said Michael Powell, the store's longtime
owner. "Net Neutrality seeks to maintain that same freedom of access
online, now and in the future."

Big telephone and cable companies like AT&T, Qwest and Comcast have
spent millions lobbying Congress to eliminate Net Neutrality, the
longstanding principle that prevents Internet service providers from
discriminating against content or services traveling over their wires
based on which companies pay them the most.

"Our Web site hosting customers are often the entrepreneurs and
businesspeople whose innovative applications make the Internet the
thriving environment it is," said Rich Bader, president and CEO of
Oregon's EasyStreet Online Services. "They are dependent on unfettered
access to all Internet users. It is essential, especially in this time
of consolidation of Internet service providers and telecommunications
firms, that Congress enact legislation ensuring Net Neutrality remains
a cornerstone of our Internet in the future."

Congress is now considering a major overhaul of the nation's
telecommunications laws (H.R. 5252) that fails to protect Net
Neutrality. Senator Wyden has placed a hold on this legislation until
clear language is included in the bill to protect Net Neutrality. He is
also a co-sponsor of a bipartisan Net Neutrality measure offered this
spring by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).

"The key to the Internet's growth and success has been its inherent
openness and freedom," said Alan Davidson of Google. "Senator Wyden has
been among the strongest voices fighting to protect the freedom of
Internet users. We applaud his efforts to preserve Network Neutrality
and to make sure any Internet content can be accessed free of

Net Neutrality is supported by a diverse, growing coalition of big and
small businesses, unions, educators, thousands of bloggers and every
major consumer group in the country. More than 750 organizations from
across the political spectrum have come together as the Coalition, including Free Press, U.S. PIRG, the
Christian Coalition, MoveOn, Consumers Union, Gun Owners of America,
ACLU and the American Library Association. has
collected more than 1.2 million petition signatures nationwide.

"In Oregon, as elsewhere, the advance of media consolidation has
virtually forced independent musicians and artists into the
Internet-driven marketing technologies," said Bruce Fife, member of the
American Federation of Musicians, Local 99 and Oregon Alliance to
Reform Media. "If a few corporations are allowed to control access and
delivery of information over the Internet, independent voices won't be
able to reach a wide audience."

"If the big phone and cable companies succeed in taking over the
Internet," added Laura Etherton of OSPIRG, "content from public
interest organizations, small companies, political movements,
independent artists, filmmakers and musicians would be relegated to
traveling on slower lanes. The Internet should work for everyone, not
just for the big telephone and cable companies. As the debate
continues, we urge Congress to listen to the public and preserve Net


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: October 19, 2006 2:38:43 PM EST
Subject: Judge: American to go to Iraq, his death 19 Oct 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

19 October 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Judge: American to go to Iraq, his death 19 Oct 2006 An American
citizen facing a death sentence in Iraq lost a court challenge Thursday
that would have prohibited the military from turning him over to Iraqi
authorities. Mohammad Munaf was convicted and sentenced to death by an
Iraqi judge last week on charges he helped in the 2005 kidnapping of
three Romanian journalists in Baghdad. Munaf, who was born in Iraq and
became an American citizen in 2000, sought an emergency order blocking
U.S. military officials from turning him over to Iraq. He claimed his
trial was flawed and his confession was coerced.

'He imposed a system of kangaroo courts that was more about expanding
his power than about combating terrorism.' A Dangerous New Order (The
New York Times) 19 Oct 2006 Once President [sic] Bush signed the new
law on military tribunals, administration officials and Republican
leaders in Congress wasted no time giving Americans a taste of the new
order created by this unconstitutional act. Within hours, Justice
Department lawyers notified the federal courts that they no longer had
the authority to hear pending lawsuits filed by attorneys on behalf of
inmates of the penal camp at Guantanamo Bay. They cited passages in the
bill that suspend the fundamental principle of habeas corpus, making
Mr. Bush the first president since the Civil War to take that
undemocratic step.

'Beginning of the end of America' --Keith Olbermann addresses the
Military Commissions Act in a special comment 18 Oct 2006 We have lived
as if in a trance. We have lived as people in fear. And nowour rights
and our freedoms in perilwe slowly awake to learn that we have been
afraid of the wrong thing. Therefore, tonight have we truly become the
inheritors of our American legacy. For, on this first full day that the
Military Commissions Act is in force, we now face what our ancestors
faced, at other times of exaggerated crisis and melodramatic
fear-mongering: A government more dangerous to our liberty, than is the
enemy it claims to protect us from. [A must read]

EU urges further investigation into alleged CIA illegal flights in
Romania 20 Oct 2006 A special committee of the European Parliament
urged on Thursday a thorough investigation of alleged illegal flights
of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Romania's territory.
The committee, which is in charge of investigating the CIA's illegal
activities in Europe, said on Thursday it deemed "superficial" the
probe by the Romanian authorities into the reported CIA's illegal

Iraq headed for US-style dictatorship: 'Dramatic change of direction'
coming for Iraq 19 Oct 2006 Leaks from a U.S. task force headed by
former Secretary of State James A. Baker III are contributing to the
widespread sense that the Bush administration is preparing for a
"course correction" in the coming months... Another scenario is being
discussed -- and taken seriously in Iraq -- by many of Iraq's leading
political players, under which the U.S.-trained army would overthrow
struggling Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and replace him with a
strongman who would restore order while Washington looks the other way.

"Every US labor law was broken." Baghdad Express By David Phinney 17
Oct 2006 Working as general foreman, he [John Owen, of the First
Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting] would be overseeing an army of workers
building the largest, most expensive and heavily fortified US embassy
in the world. ...[S]even months into the job, he quit... Brutal and
inhumane, he says "I've never seen a project more fucked up. Every US
labor law was broken." In the resignation letter last June, Owen told
First Kuwaiti and US State Department officials that his managers beat
their construction workers, demonstrated little regard for worker
safety, and routinely breeched security. And it was all happening smack
in the middle of the US-controlled Green Zone -- right under the nose
of the State Department that had quietly awarded the controversial
embassy contract in July 2005.



From: "Henri the Celt" <>
Date: October 19, 2006 11:37:24 PM EST
To: "AAAHenri" <>

Subject: Striking the US where it hurts...

Striking the US Where It Hurts...

By Victor N Corpus

Victor N Corpus is a retired brigadier general of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP); former chief of the Intelligence Service, AFP;
and holds a master's degree in public administration from the Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University.

10/19/06 "Asia Times" -- -- A noted Chinese theorist on modern warfare,
Chang Mengxiong, compared China's form of fighting to "a Chinese boxer
with a keen knowledge of vital body points who can bring an opponent to
his knees with a minimum of movements". It is like key acupuncture
points in ancient Chinese medicine. Puncture one vital point and the
whole anatomy is affected. If America ever goes to war with China, say,
over Taiwan, then America should be prepared for the following
"acupuncture points" in its anatomy to be "punctured". Each of the
vital points can bring America to its knees with a minimum of effort.

1 Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

China and Russia are two potential US adversaries that have the
capability for this kind of attack. An EMP attack can either come from
an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), a submarine-launched
ballistic missile (SLBM), a long-range cruise missile, or an orbiting
satellite armed with a nuclear or non-nuclear EMP warhead. A nuclear
burst of one (or more) megaton some 400 kilometers over central United
States (Omaha, Nebraska) can blanket the whole continental US with
electro-magnetic pulse in less than one second.

An EMP attack will damage all electrical grids on the US mainland. It
will disable computers and other similar electronic devices with
microchips. Most businesses and industries will shut down. The entire
US economy will practically grind to a halt. Satellites within line of
sight of the EMP burst will also be damaged, adversely affecting
military command, control, communications, computers, intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR). Land-based intercontinental
ballistic missiles will be rendered unserviceable in their silos.
Anti-ballistic missile defenses will suffer the same fate. In short
total blackout. And American society as we know it will be thrown back
to the Dark Ages.

Of course, the US may decide to strike first, but China and Russia now
have the means of striking back with submarine-launched ballistic
missiles with the same or even more devastating results. But knowing
China's strategy of "active defense", when war with the US becomes
imminent, China will surely not allow itself to be targeted first. It
will seize the initiative as mandated by its doctrine by striking

China has repeatedly announced that it will not be the first to use
nuclear weapons. But as an old Chinese saying goes: "There can never be
too much deception in war." If it means the survival of the whole
Chinese nation that is at stake, China will surely not allow a public
statement to tie its hands and prevent it from seizing the initiative.
As another saying goes: "All is fair in love and war."

2 Cyber Attack

America is the most advanced country in the world in the field of
information technology (IT). Practically all of its industries,
manufacturing, business and finance, telecommunications, key government
services and defense establishment rely heavily on computers and
computer networks.

But this heavy dependence on computers is a double-edged sword. It has
thrust the US economy and defense establishment ahead of all other
countries; but it has also created an Achilles' heel that can
potentially bring the superpower to its knees with a few keystrokes on
a dozen or so laptops.

China's new concept of a "people's war" includes IT warriors coming,
not only from its military more than 2-million strong, but from the
general citizenry of some 1.3 billion people. If we add the hackers and
information warriors from Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba,
Syria and other countries sympathetic to China, the cyber attack on the
US would be formidable indeed.

So, if a major conflict erupts between China and America, more than a
few dozen laptops will be engaged to hack America's military
establishment; banking system; stock exchange; defense industries;
telecommunication system; power grids; water system; oil and gas
pipeline system; air traffic and train traffic control systems; C4ISR
system, ballistic missile system, and other systems that prop up the
American way of life.

America, on the whole, has not adequately prepared itself for this kind
of attack. Neither has it prepared itself for a possible EMP attack.
Such attacks can bring a superpower like America to its knees with a
minimum of movement.

3 Interdiction of US Foreign Oil Supply

America is now 75% dependent on foreign imported oil. About 23.5% of
America's imported oil supply comes from the Persian Gulf. To cut off
this oil supply, Iran can simply mine the Strait of Hormuz, using
bottom-rising sea mines. It is worthwhile to note that Iran has the
world's fourth-largest inventory of sea mines, after China, Russia and
the US.

Combined with sea mines, Iran can also block the narrow strait with
supersonic cruise missiles such as Yakhonts, Moskits, Granits and
Brahmos deployed on Abu Musa Island and all along the rugged and
mountainous coastline of Iran fronting the Persian Gulf. This single
action can bring America to its knees. Not only America but Japan
(which derives 90% of its oil supply) and Europe (which derives about
60% of its oil supply from the Persian Gulf ) will be adversely

In the event of a major conflict involving superpower America and its
allies (primarily Japan and Britain) on the one hand and China and its
allies (primarily Russia and Iran) on the other, Iran's role will
become strategically crucial. Iran can totally stop the flow of oil
coming from the Persian Gulf. This is the main reason why China and
Russia are carefully nurturing intimate economic, cultural, political,
diplomatic and military ties with Iran, which at one time was condemned
by US President George W Bush as belonging to that "axis of evil",
along with Iraq and North Korea.

This is also the reason why Iran is so brave in daring the US to attack
it on the nuclear proliferation issue. Iran knows that it has the power
to hurt the US. Without oil from the Gulf, the war machines of the US
and its principal allies will literally run out of gas.

A single blow from Iran or China or Russia, or a combination of the
three at the Strait of Hormuz can paralyze America. In addition,
Chinese and Russian submarines can stop the flow of oil to the US and
Japan by interdicting oil tanker traffic coming from the Middle East,
Africa and Latin America. On the other hand, US naval supremacy will
have minimal effect on China's oil supply because it is already
connected to Kazakhstan with a pipeline and will soon be connected to
Russia and Iran as well.

One wonders: what will be the price of oil if Iran blocks the Strait of
Hormuz. It will surely drive oil prices sky high. Prolonged high oil
prices can, in turn, trigger inflation in the US and a sharp decline of
the dollar, possibly even a dollar free-fall. The collapse of the
dollar will have a serious impact on the entire US economy.

This brings us to the next "acupuncture point" in the US anatomy:
dollar vulnerability.

4 Attack on the US Dollar

One of the pillars propping up US superpower status and worldwide
economic dominance is the dollar being accepted as the predominant
reserve currency. Central banks of various countries have to stock up
dollar reserves because they can only buy their oil requirements and
other major commodities in US dollars.

This US economic strength, however, is a double-edged sword and can
turn out to be America's economic Achilles' heel. A run of the US
dollar, for instance, which would cause a dollar free-fall, can bring
the entire US economy toppling down.

What is frightening for the US is the fact that China, Russia and Iran
possess the power to cause a run on the US dollar and force its

China is now the biggest holder of foreign exchange reserves in the
world, accumulating $941 billion as of June 30 and expected to exceed a
trillion dollars by the end of 2006 - a first in world history. A
decision by China to shift a major portion of its reserve to the euro
or the yen or gold could trigger other central banks to follow suit.
Nobody would want to be left behind holding a bagfull of dollars
rapidly turning worthless. The herd psychology would be very difficult
to control in this case because national economic survival would be at

This global herd psychology motivated by the survival instinct will be
strongly reinforced by the latent anger of many countries in the Middle
East, Eurasia, Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America that silently
abhor the pugnacious arrogance displayed by the lone Superpower in the
exercise of its unilateral and militaristic foreign policies. They will
just be too happy to dump the dollar and watch the lone Superpower
squirm and collapse.

The danger of the dollar collapsing is reinforced by the mounting US
current account deficit, which sky-rocketed to $900 billion at an
annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2005. This figure is 7% of US
gross domestic product (GDP), the largest in US history. The current
account deficit reflects the imbalance of US imports to its exports.
The large imbalance shows that the US economy is losing its
competitiveness, with US jobs and incomes suffering as a result.

These record deficits in external trade and current accounts mean that
the US has to borrow from foreign lenders (mostly Japan and China) $900
billion annually or nearly $2.5 billion every single day to finance the
gap between payments and receipts from the rest of the world. In
financial year 2005, $352 billion was spent on interest payment of
national debt alone - a national debt that has ballooned to $8.5
trillion as of August 24.

The International Monetary Fund has warned: "The US is on course to
increase its net external liabilities to around 40% of its GDP within
the next few years - an unprecedented level of external debt for a
large industrial country."

The picture of the US federal budget deficit is equally grim. Dennis
Cauchon, writing for USA Today said:

"The federal government keeps two sets of books. The set the
government promotes to the public has a healthier bottom line: a $318
billion deficit in 2005. The set the government doesn't talk about is
the audited financial statement produced by the government's
accountants following standard accounting rules. It reports a more
ominous financial picture: a $760 billion deficit for 2005. If social
security and medicare were included - as the board that sets accounting
rules is considering - the federal deficit would have been $3.5
trillion. Congress has written its own accounting rules - which would
be illegal for a corporation to use because they ignore important costs
such as the growing expense of retirement benefits for civil servants
and military personnel. Last year, the audited statement produced by
the accountants said the government ran a deficit equal to $6,700 for
every American household. The number given to the public put the
deficit at $2,800 per household ... The audited financial statement -
prepared by the Treasury Department - reveals a federal government in
far worse financial shape than official budget reports indicate, a USA
Today analysis found. The government has run a deficit of $2.9 trillion
since 1997, according to the audited number. The official deficit since
then is just $729 billion. The difference is equal to an entire year's
worth of federal spending."

The huge US current account and trade deficits, the mounting external
debt and the ever-increasing federal budget deficits are clear signs of
an economy on the edge. They have dragged the dollar to the brink of
the precipice. Such a state of economic affairs cannot be sustained for
long, and the stability of the dollar is put in grave danger. One push
and the dollar will plunge into free-fall. And that push can come from
China, Russia or Iran, whom superpower America has been pushing and
bullying all along.

We have seen what China can do. How can Russia or Iran, in turn, cause
a dollar downfall? On September 2, 2003, Russia and Saudi Arabia signed
an agreement on oil and gas cooperation. Russia and Saudi Arabia have
agreed "to exercise joint control over the dynamics of prices for raw
materials on foreign markets". The two biggest oil and gas producers,
in cooperation, say, with Iran, could control oil production and sales
to keep the price of oil relatively high. Sustained high oil prices, in
turn, could trigger a high inflation rate in the US and put extreme
pressure on the already weak dollar to trigger a more rapid decline.

Russia is now the world's biggest energy supplier, surpassing Saudi
Arabia in energy exports measured in barrel oil equivalent or boe (13.3
million boe per day for Russia vs 10 million boe per day for Saudi
Arabia). Russia has the biggest gas reserves in the world. Iran, on the
other hand, runs second in the world to Russia in gas reserves, and
also ranks among the top oil producers. If and when either Russia or
Iran, or both, shift away from a rapidly declining dollar in energy
transactions, many oil producers will follow suit. These include
Venezuela, Indonesia, Norway, Sudan, Nigeria and the Central Asian

There is a good chance that even Saudi Arabia and the other
oil-exporting countries in the Middle East may follow suit. They
wouldn't want to be left with fast-shrinking dollars when the shift
from petro-dollar to euro-dollar occurs. Again, the herd psychology
will come into play, and the US will eventually be left with a dollar
that is practically worthless. Considering the strong anti-American
sentiments in the world caused by American unilateralism, especially in
the Middle East, a concerted effort to dump the dollar in favor of the
euro becomes even more plausible.

When the dollar was removed from the gold standard in August 1971, the
dollar gained its strength through its use as the currency of choice in
oil transactions. Once the dollar is rejected in favor of the euro or
another currency for global oil transactions, the dollar will rapidly
lose its value and central banks all over the world will be racing to
diversify to other currencies. The shift from petro-dollar to
petro-euro will have a devastating effect on the dollar. It could cause
the dollar to collapse; and the whole US economy crushing down with it
- a scene reminiscent of the collapse of the Twin Towers on September
11, 2001. But this one will be a thousand times more devastating.

A successful assault on the US dollar will make America crawl on its
knees with a minimum of movements. And this assault can come from
China, Russia or Iran - or a combination of the three - if they ever
decide that they have had enough of US bullying.

5 Diplomatic Isolation

In 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed from its own weight, the US
emerged as the sole superpower in the world. At that crucial period, it
would have been a great opportunity for the US to establish its global
leadership and dominance worldwide. With the world's biggest economy,
its control of international financial institutions, its huge lead in
science and technology (specially information technology) and its
unequaled military might, America could have seized the moment to
establish a truly American Century.

But in the critical years after 1991, America had to make a choice
between two divergent approaches to the use of its almost unlimited
power: soft power or hard power. The exercise of soft power would have
seen America leading the world in the fight against poverty, disease,
drugs, environmental degradation, global warming and other ills
plaguing humankind.

It would have pushed America in leading the move to address the debt
burden of poor, undeveloped or developing countries; promoting distance
learning in remote rural areas to empower the poor economically by
providing them access to quality education; and helped poor countries
in Asia, Africa and Latin America build highways, railways, ports,
airports, hospitals, schools and telecommunication systems.

Unfortunately, such was not to be. If there was any effort at the
exercise of soft power at all, it was minimal. In fact, it is not
America which is practicing soft power in diplomacy but a rising power
in the East - China. China has been busy in the past decade or so
exercising soft power in almost all countries in Africa, Latin America,
Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Middle East, winning
most of the countries in these regions to its side. Through the use of
soft power, China has created a de facto global united front under its
silent, low-key leadership.

The US, on the other hand, decided to employ mainly hard power in the
exercise of its global power. It adapted the policy of unilateralism
and militarism in its foreign policy. It discarded the United Nations
and even the advice of close allies. It unilaterally discarded signed
international treaties (such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty). It
adapted the policy of regime change and preventive war. It led the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the 78-day bombing of Serbia
purportedly for "humanitarian" reasons. It invaded Afghanistan and Iraq
without UN sanctions and against the advice of key European allies like
France and Germany.

The US-led war in Iraq was a tactical victory for the US initially, but
has resulted in strategic defeat overall. The Iraq war caused the US to
lose its principal allies in Europe and be isolated, despised and hated
in many parts of the world. Without too many friends and allies, the US
is likened to an "emperor with no clothes".

So in a major conflict between America and China, isolated America
cannot possibly win against a global united front led by China and

This brings us to the question of alliances, another "acupuncture
point" in the anatomy of the superpower, which will be addressed in the
second part of this report.

Click here for part II - The assassin's mace

Victor N Corpus is a retired brigadier general of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP); former chief of the Intelligence Service, AFP;
and holds a master's degree in public administration from the Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University.

Copyright 2006 Asia Times Online Ltd


From: Gar Smith <>
Date: October 19, 2006 4:13:51 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

Subject: Article from The-Edge. October Surprise an Attack on Iran

Hi Pondo,
I just posted this article on
And here's hoping I'm wrong about the WW 3 breaking out before the
November elections.

Me Twice: Will Bush's 'October Surprise' Be an Attack on Iran?

Gar Smith /
October 18, 2006

On October 15, The Washington Post noted that "amid the widespread
panic in the Republican establishment about the coming midterm
elections," George W. Bush and Karl Rove seem "almost inexplicably
upbeat." An earlier Post story thought it odd that Bush has made "no
plans" for dealing with a likely loss of the House and, possibly the
Senate, in the mid-term elections.

With the number of vulnerable GOP seats having soared from 15 to 50 in
the wake of a succession of GOP sex and lobbying scandals, how could
Messrs. Bush and Rove maintain such calm indifference to the
possibility of sweeping losses in the pending ballot? Could it be that
they know something the rest of us do not? This is, after all, the
traditional month of the October Surprise.

Asked on October 11, whether the Mark Foley sex scandal might cost
Republican seats, Bush assured reporters at a Rose Garden news
conference that, come election time, "when [voters] get in that booth,
they are going to be thinking about how best to secure the country from

Perhaps Bush's self-confidence has something to do with events that he
has already quietly set in motion.

On September 24, an Open Letter to the American People was posted on
the Internet. It warned: "Your government appears to be preparing for
their third new war in six years -- this time it's against Iran. They
are beginning their military build up as we speak, moving minesweepers
towards the Persian Gulf. The USS Eisenhower and its entourage of war
boats are due to leave for Iran on the 1st of October, months before it
was due to return to active service following extensive refurbishment."

The ships were set to reach the Persian Gulf around October 21.
Historically, the Pentagon prefers to launch massive air strikes on
moonless nights. In October, the new moon falls on October 22.

The departure of the naval strike force was confirmed by an impeccable
source, Colonel Sam Gardiner (USAF, ret.). Gardiner, who has taught
military strategy at the National War College, has personally overseen
at least Pentagon 30 "war games" involving US attacks on Iran.
According to Gardiner, the carrier deployment and arrival date of
October 21 is "very important evidence" that the Bush administration is
prepared to launch a unilateral, undeclared, unprovoked and
unconstitutional attack on Iran.

"I know that some naval forces have already received 'prepare to

deploy orders' (PTDOs)," Gardiner stated. (A PTDO requires that all
crews must be at their stations -- with ships and planes ready to move
-- by a certain date.) "You cannot issue a PTDO and then stay ready for
very long," Gardiner notes. "It's a very significant order, and it's

not done as a training exercise.

"I think the plan's been picked: bomb the nuclear sites in Iran," says

Gardiner. "It's a terrible idea, it's against US law and it's against
international law, but I think they've decided to do it."

But with the US already losing two wars, why would Bush want to start
a third war with Iran? "For one obvious reason," observes "to prevent Democrats from sweeping the November
elections, as all polls now predict."

Iran Does Not Pose a "Nuclear Threat"

The GOP Dominated House Intelligence Committee (HIC) has issued a
conveniently timed report claiming that Iran's uranium enrichment
program poses an imminent weapons threat. But the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) quickly dismissed the report as "erroneous,
misleading and unsubstantiated." Other US intelligence officials also
reject claims that Iran poses a threat. The partisan Intelligence
Committee report stated that Iran has produced "weapons-grade uranium"
but the Washington Post notes that "weapons-grade uranium is enriched
to a level of 90 percent or more [while] Iran has enriched uranium to
3.5% under IAEA monitoring."

Dennis J. Kucinich, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight
subcommittee on National Security and International Relations has
demanded to know how John Negroponte, Bush's Director of National
Intelligence, managed to release the error-laden HIC report "without
correcting the obvious inaccuracies." Kucinich believes this
demonstrates that, "Once again, a case for war is being built on lies."

In March 2003, Kucinich lead 125 other Democrats who opposed the "war
resolution" that lead to the US aggression against Iraq. Three years
later, he is convinced that "the very same people who brought us Iraq
in 2003 are getting reading to bring us a war against Iran."

A Warning from Dennis Kucinich

On September 24, Kucinich emailed an urgent warning: "The Bush
Administration is preparing for war against Iran, using an almost
identical drumbeat of weapons of mass destruction, imminent threat,
alleged links to Al Qaeda, and even linking Iran with a future 9/11."

Kucinich referenced a flurry of articles in TIME, Newsweek, GQ
Magazine and ABC News that revealed the White House has already
recruited terrorist groups inside Iran to destabilize the country. The
New Yorker and London's The Guardian reported that Bush had already
inserted US military forces inside Iran. TIME has revealed plans for a
sea blockade of Iran.

Warning that plans to strike more than 1,000 would produce "a great
long term humanitarian and environmental disaster," Kucinich demanded
congressional hearings on these attack plans. He was promised "a
classified briefing from the Department of Defense, the State
Department and the CIA" but when Congress called the hearing, Kucinich
says, the Pentagon and the State Department "refused to show and are
continuing to block any congressional inquiry into plans to attack

If he wins re-election, Kucinich has a four-point plan to resolve the
standoff between Washington and Tehran. Kucinich would: (1) call on the
White House to begin direct negotiations with Iran; (2) guarantee that
the US will not attack Iran unilaterally; (3) insist that Iran open its
nuclear facilities to international inspection and; (4) agree not to
build nuclear weapons.

The problem, according to former US Senator Gary Hart, is that this
may be too late.

A Warning from Gary Hart

On September 27, former presidential candidate Gary Hart placed an
astonishing essay on It was headlined: "The October
Surprise: Attack on Iran." The lead sentence read: "It should come as
no surprise if the Bush Administration undertakes a preemptive war
against Iran sometime before the November election."

In normal times, Hart conceded, such a scenario would be "quickly
dismissed by thoughtful people as dangerous, unprovoked and out of
keeping with out national character." Unfortunately, Hart observed, "we
do not have a government much concerned with our national character."

Hart predicts "the steps will be these: Air Force tankers will be
deployed to fuel B-2 bombers. Navy cruise missile ships will be
positioned at strategic points in the northern Indian Ocean and perhaps
the Persian Gulf, unmanned drones will collect target data, and
commando teams will refine those data. The latter two steps are already
being taken." [Emphasis added.]

Finally, Hart wrote: "The president will speak on national television.
He will say this: Iran is determined to develop nuclear weapons; if
this happens, the entire region will go nuclear; our diplomatic efforts
to prevent this have failed; Iran is offering a haven to known al Qaeda
leaders; the fate of our ally Israel is at stake; Iran persists in
supporting terrorism, including in Iraq; and sanctions will have no
affect.... He will not say: ... And besides, we need the oil."

The president will appear on TV to announce: "Tonight, I have ordered
the elimination of all facilities in Iran that are dedicated to the
production of weapons of mass destruction." Practically, that would
amount to a few dozen targets, but a report by the Century Foundation
has set a list of "at least 400 targets."

Hart concludes: "it does not involve much imagination to understand
the timing. The US is poised to adopt a congressional regime change of
its own in November."

Will the USS Enterprise be the target of a "false flag" attack? Stay

Sinking of the USS Enterprise?

Dave Lindorff, co-author of "The Case for Impeachment," notes with
concern that "the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Eisenhower and its
accompanying strike force of cruiser, destroyer and attack submarine
slipped their moorings and headed off for the Persian Gulf region" on
October 2. (See Lindorff's article in The Nation.) Lindorff claims that
the ship's departure was "pushed forward& by about a month by the
Pentagon for clearly political reasons."

Lindorff believes the role of a second US naval strike force in the
Arabian Sea will be crucial. That armada, lead by the aircraft carrier
USS Enterprise, has spent six months pummeling targets in Afghanistan
and supporting air strikes inside Iraq. Ordinarily, after a six-month
deployment, these ships would be recalled to base for resupply,
maintenance and R&R for the crew. "If the Enterprise is held over for a
longer deployment," Lindorff writes, "we will know that something
serious is planned."

In one of those unsourced "stories" that give Internet journalism a
bad name, The Hal Turner Show recently claimed it "has been told" that
sometime in October, the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65),
presently on patrol near the Persian Gulf, will be attacked with
Silkworm and/or Sunburn missiles capable of sinking the vessel and
killing many of the 5,000 crew.

The attack will be blamed on Tehran, providing the Pentagon with a
fiery pretext to unleash its pre-packaged attack on Iran but, according
to Turner "the missiles used to attack the USS Enterprise will actually
involve a 'false flag operation' made to LOOK as though Iran carried
out the attack!"

Unfortunately, such outrageous predictions are not without basis in
fact. There is a long history of countries using "false flag" attacks
to trigger pre-planned wars. (See The-Edge, "How to Fake a Wargasm".)
The "bombing" of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor and the "attack" on US
Navy ships in the Tonkin Gulf are two well-known examples. Some
historians are convinced that President Roosevelt allowed Pearl Harbor
to happen to speed America's entrance into WWII. Nearly half of America
now believe the White House had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 plot and
failed to act. A May 2006 Zobgy poll reported that 42% of Americans now
believe the government is "covering up" the truth about 9/11.

At the outbreak of the 2003 attack on Iraq, a missile was fired at a
port city in Kuwait. Fortunately, it fell short and did little damage.
The attack was initially blamed on Iran -- until a serial number found
in the wreckage revealed that it was a US Conventional Air Launched
Cruise Missile that had apparently been launched covertly by a British
B-52H bomber flying over the Red Sea. (See The-Edge, "Bombs Awry! The
Imprecision of Precision Bombing.")

The USS Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier, was commissioned in 1961. Since this aging vessel is due to be
decommissioned in 2014 or 2015, it could be seen as an ideal candidate
for sacrificing in a "false flag" attack.

A Warning of a New 'Gulf of Tonkin' recently sent an email to its members warning that "while
North Korea is dominating the headlines, the threat of an 'October
Surprise' US attack on Iran has not diminished. Pentagon planners have
moved from routine 'contingency' war plans to 'second-stage' war

What would happen if Iran were attacked? "Iran has three times the
population of Iraq, and a modern military capable of firing missiles at
our oil-producing allies and shutting down all shipping in the Straits
of Hormuz, through which 20% of the world's oil travels every day. The
140,000 US soldiers in Iraq would be attacked by Iran's Iraqi allies,
and Hezbollah would attack Israel."

With US ground forces mired in Iraq and Afghanistan Bush would need to
resort to bombs and missiles fired from ships. "And,"
cautions, "If conventional bombs won't cause enough destruction, Bush's
neocon supporters are urging Bush to use nuclear weapons."

And when it comes to finding a pretext for war, believes
Bush may provoke an Iranian attack on US forces "most likely by sending
a US warship near Iranian waters or flying a US warplane near Iranian
airspace. After all, Bush planned to send a US spy-plane over Saddam
Hussein's Iraq painted in UN colors to provoke an Iraqi attack that
would get Bush the UN resolution he desperately wanted."

Only the American People Can Stop This War

"Your insane leaders believe that they can go into Iran and bomb
10,000-plus targets from the air and that this will make the world a
safer place," the Open Letter declares. Even worse, the White House is
"prepared to use NUCLEAR WEAPONS against Iranian targets in the hope of
taking out some of their underground bunkers."

While the US can easily hit Iranian sites with cruise missiles,
Gardiner warns that "the Iranians have many more options than we do:

They can activate Hezbollah; they can organize riots all over the
Islamic world, including Pakistan, which could bring down the Musharraf
government, putting nuclear weapons into terrorist hands; they can
encourage the Shia militias in Iraq to attack US troops; they can blow

up oil pipelines and shut the Persian Gulf."

"This is very, very serious," the Open Letter concludes, "and the only
people in the world who can do anything to stop it, are the Ordinary
American Citizens. You are being ruled by a bunch of Crazy people. They
have NOT got your interests at heart. They are NOT making America a
safer, more secure place.

"You need to gather on the streets of Washington, New York, Boston,
Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle -- everywhere. You need to gather in your
millions... demanding that your military disobey these insane orders
and that your government be immediately removed from power.... Every
individual must act. If you don't do anything, then the consequences of
Bush's actions will be YOUR FAULT TOO."

What You Can Do

Bush fooled America once already with his invasion of Iraq. How can we
stop him from invading Iran?

1. Tell your Representative to support Rep. Peter DeFazio's resolution
requiring a Congressional vote prior to military action against Iran.

2. Join 60,000 people who have signed our petition:

3. Forward our message to your friends.

4. Call talk shows and write letters to your newspaper - and don't
hesitate to express your fear and anger.

5. Challenge your congressional candidates to declare their opposition
to a US attack on Iran.

6. Register to vote immediately and vote on November 7.

7. Read Scott Ritter's new book, Target Iran.

8. Follow important Iran War news at

9. Be prepared to march peacefully if the White House starts signaling
an imminent attack on Iran.


Cindy Sheehan: Sit Down for Peace,
Justice, and Accountability

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 11:00am.
by Cindy Sheehan

I usually end my articles with a call to action, but today, I begin
with one. Maybe readers get bored with my pieces before the end and
don't get to the action part, which is the most important part.

Gold Star Families for Peace is calling for an action in front of the
White House on the days of November 6th to November 9th (due to the
urgency of our situation, we are beginning the sit-in on Saturday, Nov.
4) to perform a Gandhi-like sit down for peace and justice. Join us to
sit down for all or part of the time we will be there. We might as well
face it, the White House is where the power is. Congress has spent 6
years invalidating themselves and creating a Unitary Executive Branch
that pats Congress on the head for being obedient and circumvents the
Supreme Court and goes whining to the same agreeable Congress when the
Court (in rare cases) slaps Georgie on the wrist. The potential Speaker
of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) has already said that if the
Democrats take back the House, impeachment proceedings will not be
forthcoming. Who's going to sit down with us to hold the war criminals
in power accountable for their war crimes and crimes against humanity
and peace?

Tuesday, without a peep from we the people, and while 10 soldiers were
being murdered in George's horrendous war for corporate greed, he
signed HR6166 into law. 10 soldiers were killed defending the war
machine's right to garner obscene profits while the soldiers were being
told that they were spreading "freedom and democracy" to Iraq. While
they were dying for this supposed "freedom and democracy" their
commander in chief and Congress were busy taking away ours. Who's going
to sit down with us for these 10 young people to make sure their deaths
do count for freedom and democracy?

HR6166 is the Military Commissions Act which allows everyone from
George on down to the actual torturer to inflict inhumanity on our
fellow human beings with impunity. The Act also allows George to decide
who is a terrorist who does not deserve the right to Habeas Corpus and
who is not a terrorist who does deserve the right to Habeas Corpus.
Who's going to sit down with us to say: "I demand my rights to Habeas
Corpus and I repudiate torture in all forms."

Where were the massive demonstrations against this bill? Where was the
outrage when King George the Illigitimate Pretender to the Throne
signed it into law? Where are we the people? May I assume by the
relative silence that the majority of Americans approve of torture and
suspending Habeas Corpus? When does silence begin to equal complicity?
Who's going to sit down with us to say "I am not a war criminal like

We the people, over two-thirds of us who disapprove of BushCo and their
destructive foreign and callous domestic policies, need to stand up to
be counted. Such memorials to our children who have been killed in Iraq
as Arlington West and Eyes Wide Open are excoriated by the reich as
"political," but they serve the purpose of showing we the people what
2768 actually looks like. 65% of America is just an abstract number.
Who's going to sit down with us to show our blood-thirsty
administration and Congress what a majority of America looks like?

George has condemned our irreplaceable young people to early graves and
almost 700,000 innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered due to his
policies. This number is staggering and heart rending to me. I met a
young man in an airport that was in tears. He is a member of the First
Cavalry (like Casey) and his unit is heading back to Iraq at the end of
this month. He was just told that they would have to stay there for 18
months! He said he feels like he was just sentenced to a year and a
half in prison for the crime of having enlisted to serve his country.
Who is going to sit down with us for my young friend, Carl, and the
tens of thousands of Carls who have been sentenced to similar fates?

While we the people have been naively pinning our hopes on the mid-term
elections, 68 of our children have been killed in Iraq this month and
untold numbers of innocent Iraqis have met similar and unjust fates. 68
families have been violently torn asunder so far this month, with no
end on the horizon. 68 flag draped coffins will be coming home in a
veil of secrecy, as if their civilian leaders are ashamed of them, to
68 devastated families while the war profiteers on all levels of
society are rubbing their blood-stained hands with glee. 68 funerals,
that George will never attend, while BushCo are planning the next wars
using our children (not theirs) as pawns in their evil game of death
for profit. How can we justify our comfortable complacency when 68
mothers will never be comfortable again? Who's going to sit down with
us so no other mothers, Iraqi or American, white or brown, Christian or
Muslim, end up with the same sorrow-filled fate?

We at Gold Star Families for Peace wonder why our children died? They
all took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all
enemies "foreign and domestic" and our leaders are busy decimating the
same document, after they also took an oath. Who's going to sit down
with Gold Star Families to help us bring closure to this war and help
us make our loved ones' death count for the Noble Cause of peace?

There is no Noble Cause for war and other people's children are dying
while our emperor without clothes, courage, or honesty is fiddling with
our nation's freedoms, treasure (or lack thereof) and he is
dishonorably mis-using our honorable babies who would never sign up to
fight wars for the war machine if they knew what they were really
getting into. Who is going to sit down with us to show the war machine
that we intend to throw a monkey wrench into its ravenous cogs?

We the people do have recourse, but we can't sit on our duffs waiting
for bereaved families to do most of the dirty work. It is up to us, we
are the ones we have been waiting for, not the blood-thirsty Congress
where most of the members are benefitting financially from the fiascoes
in the Middle East. We know we can't count on the blood drenched
administration to help us...George has said over and over that the
troops aren't coming home while he is President. Who's going to sit
down with us to make sure that Congress does the right thing and
institutes impeachment proceedings so our young people can finally come
home from the nightmare in the desert and so the people of Iraq can go
about the business of rebuilding their own country and their demolished

Please, please, please....join GSFP in front of the White House. If
there ever was a time to end our complacency and commitment to politics
as usual and the status quo of wars for profit, it is now. There are
people all over the world counting on us to do our parts for true
democracy and for world peace.

Who's going to sit down with us for true democracy and world peace?

The time is now. The person is you!


Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc. Casey Sheehan who was KIA in Iraq
on 04/04/04. She is the co-founder and president of Gold Star Families
for Peace and author of the newly released book: Peace Mom, A Mother's
Journey Through Heartache to Activism. For more information on the sit
in go to Gold Star Families for Peace or email


President, USA Exile Govt.

Oct 30, 2006, 2:03:21 PM10/30/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

October 30, 2006

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Depleted Uranium Death Toll
among US War Veterans Tops 11,000
Nationwide Media Blackout Keeps U.S. Public
Ignorant About This Important Story

By James P. Tucker Jr.
October 29, 2006
American Free Press

The death toll from the highly toxic weapons component known as
depleted uranium (DU) has reached 11,000 soldiers and the growing
scandal may be the reason behind Anthony Principis departure as
secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department.

This view was expressed by Arthur Bernklau, executive director of
Veterans for Constitutional Law in New York, writing in Preventive
Psychiatry E-Newsletter.

The real reason for Mr. Principis departure was really never given,
Bernklau said. However, a special report published by eminent
scientist Leuren Moret naming depleted uranium as the definitive cause
of Gulf War Syndrome has fed a growing scandal about the continued
use of uranium munitions by the U.S. military.

The malady [from DU] that thousands of our military have suffered and
died from has finally been identified as the cause of this sickness,
eliminating the guessing. . . . The terrible truth is now being
revealed, Bernklau said.

Of the 580,400 soldiers who served in Gulf War I, 11,000 are now dead,
he said. By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on permanent medical
disability. More than a decade later, more than half (56 percent) who
served in Gulf War I have permanent medical problems. The disability
rate for veterans of the world wars of the last century was 5 percent,
rising to 10 percent in Vietnam.

The VA secretary was aware of this fact as far back as 2000, Bernklau
said. He and the Bush administration have been hiding these facts, but
now, thanks to Morets report, it is far too big to hide or to cover

Terry Johnson, public affairs specialist at the VA, recently reported
that veterans of both Persian Gulf wars now on disability total
518,739, Bernklau said.

The long-term effect of DU is a virtual death sentence, Bernklau
said. Marion Fulk, a nuclear chemist, who retired from the Lawrence
Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, and was also involved in the Manhattan
Project, interprets the new and rapid malignancies in the soldiers
[from the second war] as spectacularand a matter of concern.

While this important story appeared in a Washington newspaper and the
wire services, it did not receive national exposurea compelling sign
that the American public is being kept in the dark about the terrible
effects of this toxic weapon. (Veterans for Constitutional Law can be
reached at (516) 474-4261.)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright James P. Tucker Jr., American Free Press , 2006

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NOTE: The ninth paragraph here says: "Even to stabilise at that
level, emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) would need to
be cut by an average of three quarters by 2050 - a frightening
statistic". This statistic is frightening only for those who fail to
understand that recently it has become possible to replace petroleum
swiftly--and to replace it much less expensively than if we don't. --
kl, pp

Last Updated: Sunday, 29 October 2006, 15:22 GMT

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

Report's Stark Warning on Climate

By Robert Peston

Business Editor, BBC News

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The Stern Review says that climate change represents the greatest and
widest-ranging market failure ever seen. And on the basis of this
intellectually rigorous and thorough report, it is hard to disagree.

Sir Nicholas Stern, a distinguished development economist and former
chief economist at the World Bank, is not a man given to hyperbole.

Yet he says "our actions over the coming few decades could create
risks of major disruption to economic and social activity, later in
this century and in the next, on a scale similar to those associated
with the great wars and the economic depression of the first half of
the 20th century".

His report gives prescriptions for how to minimise this economic and
social disruption.

His central argument is that spending large sums of money now on
measures to reduce carbon emissions will bring dividends on a colossal
scale. It would be wholly irrational, therefore, not to spend this

However, he warns that we are too late to prevent any deleterious
consequences from climate change.

The prospects are worst for Africa and developing countries, so the
richer nations must provide them with financial and technological help
to prepare and adapt.

Tough decisions

He believes it is practical to aim for a stabilisation of greenhouse
gas levels in the atmosphere of 500 to 550 parts per million of carbon
dioxide equivalent by 2050 - which is double pre-industrial levels and
compares with 430ppm today. But even stabilising at that level will
probably mean significant climate change.

Even to stabilise at that level, emissions per unit of gross domestic
product (GDP) would need to be cut by an average of three quarters by
2050 - a frightening statistic.

As well as decarbonising the power sector by 60%-70% there will also
have to be an end to deforestation - emissions from deforestation are
estimated at more than 18% of global emissions, more than transport.
And there will have to be deep cuts in emissions from transport.

The costs of these changes should be around 1% of global GDP by 2050 -
in other words the world would be 1% poorer than we would otherwise
have been, which would be significant but far from prohibitive.

To be clear, this does not mean we would be 1% poorer than we are
today, but that global growth will be slower.

The way to look at this 1% is as an investment. Because the costs of
not taking this action are mind-bogglingly large.

Rising estimates

Sir Nicholas Stern's start point is economic modelling carried out in
other studies showing that a scenario of 2-3 degrees of warming would
lead to a permanent loss of up to 3% in global world output, compared
to what would have happened without climate change. But he says those
estimates are too low.

He believes 5-6 degrees of warming is a "real possibility" for the next

Having fed the probabilities of the various different degrees of
global warming into his economic model, he estimates that "business as
usual" would lead to a permanent reduction in global per-capita
consumption of at least 5%.

But, that estimate does not include the financial cost of the direct
impact on human health and the environment from global warming, or the
disproportionate costs on poor regions of the world.

It also ignores so-called "feedback mechanisms", which may mean that
as the stock of greenhouse gases increases there is a disproportionate
rise in warming with each new increment in emissions.

Unfair burden

Putting all these factors together, he comes up with the stark
conclusion that if we do nothing to stem climate change, there could be
a permanent reduction in consumption per head of 20%.

In other words, everyone in the world would be a fifth poorer than
they would otherwise have been.

Even worse, these costs will not be shared evenly. There will be a
disproportionate burden on the poorest countries.

So here?s the winning formula: Stern says spend 1% of world GDP to be
20% richer than we will otherwise be. It looks like a no-brainer.

There is another way of presenting this analysis of benefits versus

Stern says that if you take the present value (the value in today's
money) of the benefits over the coming years of taking action to
stabilise greenhouse gases by 2050, then deduct the costs, you end up
with a "profit" of $2.5 trillion (#1.32 trillion).

Any way you look at it, the financial case for tackling climate change
looks watertight.


That said, there are great impediments to harvesting this dividend.

One is the obvious problem, which is that it requires collective,
coordinated action by most of the world's governments - and securing
the requisite consensus on the way forward will not be simple.

In the interests of fairness, Stern argues that the richer countries
should take responsibility for between 60% and 80% of reductions in
emissions from 1990 levels by 2050.

But assuming that consensus is reached, what is the best way to
correct the grotesque market failure that is currently taking us on a
path to poverty? How do we start to pay a price for carbon that
reflects its true economic and social costs, or a price that includes
the present value of future climate change?

There are two main ways of achieving this.

One is through taxation. The other is through rationing the amount of
carbon emissions that any business - or any individual - can make, and
then creating a proper global market.

Such a move would allow any business or institution that wants to emit
more than its entitlement to buy that right, and any business that
emits less than its entitlement to sell the unused portion of its
entitlement - effectively carbon trading.

Another imperative for governments is to encourage research and
development on low-carbon technologies.

Governments must also encourage "behavioural change", through
regulation - such as imposing tighter standards on the energy
efficiency of buildings - as well as educating the public about the
true costs of wasting energy.

Trouble ahead

That said, we should prepare for a whole series of shocks from the
effects of climate change that are already unavoidable.

There will probably be both more droughts and more floods. An increased
incidence of devastating storms is expected. And there is an increased
risk of famine in the poorest countries.

So we must start to get better at monitoring of climate conditions -
and adapt ourselves for the new world.

That means reinforcing buildings and infrastructure to make them
sturdier in the face of extreme weather conditions, investment in new
dykes, and support for financial markets so that it is possible to
purchase insurance against climate-related disaster.

It will all be very expensive, disproportionately so for developing
countries. So Stern argues, and it's hard to disagree, that there is a
strong moral obligation on the richer countries to help the poorest
ones protect themselves against the very worst that may transpire.


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: October 30, 2006 2:30:45 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: British to evacuate consulate in Basra after mortar attacks

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government
30 October 2006

British to evacuate consulate in Basra after mortar attacks 30 Oct 2006
The British consulate in Basra will evacuate its heavily defended
building in the next 24 hours over concerns for the safety of its
staff. Despite a large British military presence at the headquarters in
Basra Palace, a private security assessment has advised the consul
general and her staff to leave the building after experiencing regular
mortar attacks in the last two months.

Bomb at Baghdad Market Kills 31 People 30 Oct 2006 A bomb targeting
poor Iraqi Shiites lining up for day jobs in Baghdad's Sadr City killed
at least 31 people Monday and wounded more than 50 others, police said.

U.S. military deaths in Iraq hit 100 in October 30 Oct 2006 The U.S.
military death toll in Iraq in October reached 100 when a U.S. Marine
was killed on Sunday in western Anbar province.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested.
Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:
Please write to: for inquiries.

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,

Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved.


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: October 29, 2006 11:10:48 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Nicholas Rockefeller spoke of "event" that
would trigger war months before 9-11 (Aaron Russo on Alex Jones)

Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger
War Eleven Months Before 9/11

Hollywood director
Russo recalls remarkable "forecast" of coming attack

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | October 28 2006

Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo, currently
receiving a wave of plaudits for his latest release, America: From
Freedom to Fascism, told The Alex Jones Show that Nicholas Rockefeller
had personally assured him there was going to be an "event" that would
trigger the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq eleven months before 9/11
took place.

"Here's what I do know first hand - I know that about eleven months to
a year before 9/11 ever happened I was talking to my Rockefeller friend
(Nicholas Rockefeller) and he said to me 'Aaron there's gonna be an
event' and he never told me what the event was going to be -

I'm not sure he knew what the event was going to be I don't know that
he knew that," said Russo.

Russo related how Rockefeller knew precisely what the event would lead
to and which countries would be militarily targeted by the elite.
"He just said there's gonna be an event and out of that event we're
gonna invade Afghanistan so we can run pipelines through the Caspian
sea, we can go into Iraq to take the oil and establish bases in the
middle east and to make the middle east part of the new world order and
we're going to go after Venezuela - that's what's going to come out of
this event."

"Eleven months to a year later that's what happened.... he certainly
knew that something was going to happen."

"In my relationships with some of these people I can tell you that it's
as evil as it really gets - this is it - this is the game," stated
Russo - also relating how members of the elite were routinely obsessed
by creating a world identification society where people had to carry ID
cards and prove who they were at all times.

Rockefeller also told Russo that the elite families created and
financed the women's lib movement so they could tax another half of the
population and so that the children would be trained by them in
government schools rather than in the context of the family unit.

Russo also sounded off on 9/11, openly airing his view for the first
time that it was a complete inside job.

"People know that 9/11 was an inside job," said Russo, "look what they
did here in America, look at 9/11, look what they did - they killed
thousands of Americans - people jumping out of windows from a hundred
floors up - they don't care," said the director.

"There's no way that Building 7 came down without a controlled
demolition, it takes weeks to do the controlled demolition, they
couldn't have done it in a few hours like Larry Silverstein said - it
blows the whole game - concrete doesn't turn to powder unless its

"We all know that 9/11 was a fraud - an inside job," concluded Russo.


From: "S Miles Lewis" <>
Date: October 30, 2006 7:53:12 AM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] CFR Pres says "American era in the Middle
East ... has ended"

Let the end game commence:

"Just over two centuries since Napoleon's arrival in Egypt heralded the
advent of the modern Middle East some 80 years after the demise of
the Ottoman Empire, 50 years after the end of colonialism, and less
than 20 years after the end of the Cold War the American era in the
Middle East, the fourth in the region's modern history, has ended.
Visions of a new, Europe-like region peaceful, prosperous, democratic
will not be realized. Much more likely is the emergence of a new
Middle East that will cause great harm to itself, the United States,
and the world"

That's the lead in paragraph of an article by Richard Haass, President
of the Council on Foreign Relations.

It's official. The end game has commenced.



From: Rick Davis <>
Date: October 30, 2006 3:44:36 AM EST
Subject: Students terrorized by "safety drill"

School Safety Drill
Upsets Some Parents

WYOMING, Mich. - A school safety drill that included police officers in
riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it
was too realistic and frightened some students.

Police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two
classrooms at Lee Middle and High School on Thursday and announced
there was a threat to the school, The Grand Rapids Press reported.

Students, who were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken
from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers and asked
what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said.

"Some of these kids were so scared, they just about wet their pants,"
said Marge Bradshaw, a parent with four children in Godfrey-Lee
Schools. "I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were
not informed of this."

Officers wore protective gear, including vests and helmets, and carried
rifles that were unloaded and marked with colored tape to indicate they
were not live weapons, the newspaper said.

Diana Silva, a parent of an eighth-grade student, said the drill went
too far.

"My child was with his face to the wall in the hallway of the high
school," Silva said. "I certainly don't want anything like this
happening to my child."

Principal David Britten said students weren't told ahead of time to
make the drill as realistic as possible. Teachers were informed moments
before it took place, he said.

"I think this is the best way to do it," Britten said. "We're not
looking to scare anyone, but we want a sense of urgency."

But Wyoming Police Chief James Carmody said his officers were not aware
students and parents were not told. He said his department will mandate
that parents be notified ahead of time in the future.

"The purpose was to show how we will evacuate the classroom, not to
assault the classroom," Carmody said.


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Is Attacking Iran a Viable
The definitive
end of U.S. military supremacy

by Liam Bailey
October 29, 2006

I have written several articles on the Iran crisis pitting two
expanding and important strategic alliances against each other and the
similarities to the powder keg of Balkan and European alliances that
erupted into World War I.

On one side is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Led by
China and Russia, the SCO has four other permanent member states:
Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Along with a senior
official from India's oil and gas industry, the prime ministers of
Pakistan, Mongolia, Afghanistan and Iran attended the last meeting in
Shanghai on June 15. It was the first meeting since Iran announced that
it had successfully enriched Uranium: Iran was invited to become a full

The meeting was about strengthening trade and exports but also had a
strong undertone of strengthening the alliance. A verbal oath was sworn
for defending each other in the event of any attack. China and Russia
have already signed military cooperation agreements with and are the
main suppliers of advanced weaponry to Iran and Syria. This gave them
verbal military cooperation agreements with all the SCO members,
including Iran.

A senior spokesperson for U.S. ally Japan said: "The SCO is becoming a
rival block to the U.S. alliance; it does not share our values. We are
watching it very closely." The U.S. too was watching it very closely,
but from afar because their request for observer status at the meeting
had been denied on the grounds that they shared neither land nor
fluvial border with any of the SCO member states.

The meeting's undertone of warning the U.S. against attacking Iran was
evident in Chinese President Hu Jintao's closing statement: "We hope
the outside world will accept the social system and path to development
independently chosen by our members and observers and respect the
domestic and foreign policies adopted by the SCO participants in line
with their national conditions."

Jintao's statement was immediately followed by the verbal agreement --
all members vowing to defend each other's sovereignty and the alliance
as a whole.

The strengthening of this rival alliance and its challenge to U.S.
supremacy was worrying amid speculation of advanced U.S. plans for war
in Iran. The developments in the coming weeks and months increased the
powder keg tensions of a well-backed Iranian nuclear standoff.

The start of July, with joint military exercises by U.S., Romanian and
Bulgarian armed forces, which continued until September, coincided with
the North Korean missile tests of July 5 and began an intense period of
war games and weaponry testing from all the major players in both

Aug. 19 saw the beginning of Iranian military exercises and missile
tests in all the border provinces likely to become the frontline in the
event of a U.S. attack. The SCO and Collective Security Treaty
Organization (CSTO) headed by China and Russia respectively, held joint
exercises in coordination with the Iranian exercises, both launched
Aug. 24 in Kazakhstan, which between them involved all 10 members of
the SCO except Uzbekistan.

The Russian and Chinese exercises were thought to have come in response
to mistrust of the U.S.'s intentions in the region, the threat of
attack on Iran, the U.S. navy's involvement in the rebuilding of
Kazakhstan's navy since 2003, and Iranian fears that the U.S. was
attempting to build up their ally Azerbaijan to counter Iranian
influence and dominance in the region. Hence, the Iranian exercises
along the Azerbaijan border.

These provocative drills from all sides of the powder keg of alliances
could easily have taken us one step closer to war, because of the
strong support from the Muslim world, Russia and China for Iran's
stance that it has a right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes
under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. As the exercises continued,
they coincided with Iran's response to the six-nations incentive
package on Aug. 22, which was a practically flat refusal to suspend
enrichment as a precursor for U.S.-involved talks. This made Iran's
failure to comply with U.N. Resolution 1696 and suspend enrichment by
Aug. 31 inevitable.

This lead to a stalemate, the U.S. maintaining its hard line toward the
rogue regime and immediately pressuring for sanctions, the EU taking
the middle ground, and Russia and China effectively vetoing any form of
U.N. punishment against Tehran. China is of course heavily dependant on
Iran's oil reserves on its path to becoming a world superpower.

As October comes to an end, we are still no closer to a compromise on
ending Iranian enrichment and possible proliferation. The U.N. is split
and sanctions just do not look viable in the foreseeable future. Yet
another draft resolution has been drawn up by the U.S. and its allies
and diplomats say it could be presented to Russian and Chinese
officials this week. The proposed resolution aims to impose
restrictions on Iran's nuclear progression similar to those imposed on
North Korea last week with the passing of U.N. Resolution 1718.

However, the fact that North Korea angered China and Russia with its
openly defiant and dangerous (for China) nuclear test, has put the bond
between China and Russia, and the dependence of China on Iran, foremost
in their decision making processes, not to mention strengthening the
SCO alliance. All of which makes the passing of this draft resolution

As the U.S. has always maintained that it will not let Iran get the
bomb, decisive military action continues to become increasingly likely.
Who knows, Bush may give us one last expensive war on his way out of
office. All the signs seem to indicate that this is highly possible.
North Korea, named alongside Iran and Iraq as part of Bush's axis of
evil, performed its first nuclear test on Oct. 9. Its defiance of the
international community in its six-nations format could and in my view
will harden Bush's already hard-line stance toward Tehran's enrichment
program and make military action a real possibility should Iran seem
close to obtaining the bomb.

The months between Iran ignoring U.N. Resolution 1696 and North Korea's
nuclear test brought many statements from senior Iranians. Many
speaking on condition of anonymity threatened tough retaliation against
any imposed sanctions. The latest announcement, on Oct. 23, that Iran
had launched a second batch of 164 centrifuges, bringing the total to
328 interconnected centrifuges, which can enrich uranium for energy or
weaponry purposes, further exasperated the Bush administration.

But according to a diplomat close to the Vienna-based International
Atomic Energy Agency, no UF6 uranium gas is being fed into the cascade,
as has generally been the case with the first batch: "The second
cascade was brought on line earlier this month but they appear to be
just running it empty. That is, vacuum-testing to assess durability."

These reported advances in Iran's quest for nuclear power, either for
civilian or military use, are increasing the pressure on the U.S., the
EU and the fractured UN to end the standoff before it reaches a
critical point like North Korea's defiant test. As is Israel's
leadership, who have also constantly fueled the tensions over the past
months by periodically threatening the use of its military might to end
Iranian enrichment, a cycle of responding to Iran's slow but
propagandized advances tit-for-tat. Therefore, in such a heightened
climate, if Bush puts another wrong foot forward in his handling of Kim
Jong-il (that is, concentrates on Iraq and pressurizes Iran while
allowing North Korea's nuclear ambitions to become nuclear weapons and
reach a catastrophic climax), it could strengthen the Iranians'
resolve, which is already strong because of China's large dependence on
Iranian oil.

Chinese dependence, which is empowering an Iranian regime bent on
becoming a nuclear power, is a dangerous mix in itself. Add to this,
reports from Chinese and Russian defectors that a catastrophic conflict
with the U.S. has been in the planning for years and that the timetable
is to be stepped up in the event of an attack on Iran, and it becomes
very dangerous indeed.

Despite the consequences of a U.S. attack on Iran ranging from bad to
catastrophic, depending on the strategy and success of the attack, the
stalemate within the dysfunctional U.N. is threatening to leave Bush
with no option. Speculation over the use of military force against Iran
has been rife since Tehran's April announcement of successful uranium

The latest surge in tensions is over proposed U.S. naval exercises with
Britain, France, Bahrain and Kuwait in the Persian Gulf next week.
Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) quoted an unnamed
Foreign Ministry official as calling the maneuvers dangerous and
suspicious. The official also said the exercises, reported to be
practice runs for intercepting and searching ships carrying WMDs, were
not in line with the security and stability of the region but instead
aimed at fomenting crisis. The source blamed the neoconservatives'
warmongering, which is being used in an attempt to achieve success in
the mid-term elections.

I believe the proposed exercises are another attempt by the U.S. to
provoke Iran into a knee-jerk reaction, which would further alienate it
from Russia and China and ultimately allow Bush to use military action
to stop Iran's nuclear program.

According to a war game organized by The Atlantic with the help of
retired air force colonel and specialist in the field Sam Gardiner,
which simulated preparations for an assault on Iran by the next
American administration be it Republican or Democrat, such an assault
could involve any or all of three separate strategies: (1) a punitive
raid on key Revolutionary Guard units to retaliate for Iranian actions
in Iraq and elsewhere, (2) a pre-emptive strike on all possible nuclear
facilities or (3) the forceful removal of the Mullah regime from Tehran
in a regime change operation.

The war games panel decided that the first two could be carried out
independently but that the third would require the success of the first
two as preparation. In reality, the second option -- a pre-emptive
strike against Iran's nuclear facilities -- is the one most often
discussed. Also in reality, any one of these actions or the
encouragement of similar actions from Israel's military forces could
well unleash a catastrophic global conflict.

The earliest retaliation would likely come in the form of missile
attacks on Israel and other U.S. allies within the range of Iranian
missiles (1,280 kilometers), followed by the blocking of the Strait of
Hormuz, a vital oil channel, as threatened in the event of sanctions.
Also, Iran may decide that a bloody defeat for the U.S., even if it
means chaos in Iraq, is something they might actually prefer and begin
exerting their significant influence over the majority Shia militias in
Iraq to more heavily join the war against U.S. forces. Iran has so far
discouraged the Shia communities from becoming involved in the
insurgency. This would mean that the number of U.S. forces in Iraq
would be greatly reduced for the first time as forces would be needed
for the Iran invasion, which would coincide with the most dramatic rise
of violence against U.S. forces since the Iraq invasion began.

If the Iran invasion did not go according to plan, the subsequently
shrinking number of U.S. troops in Iraq could shortly find themselves
unable to control the rising violence and forced into a hasty
withdrawal from the Green Zone. Such an outcome would be seen as a
defeat and empower the Jihadists for decades to come.

If any or all of the SCO members (China, Russia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) were dragged into the conflict
with allegiance to Iran, in turn bringing involvement from U.S. allies
(Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Japan, Israel and the U.K.,
although the latter two would quite possibly be involved in some
capacity from the beginning), a catastrophic global conflict would
become World War III.

If none of these countries became involved but the badly overstretched
U.S. military failed to achieve regime change in Tehran, whatever
Iranian nuclear capabilities remained would undoubtedly be channeled
toward the rapid advancement of any existing nuclear weapons program.

Military action in Iran, therefore, should be consigned to the realm of
fiction. But Bush's predisposition to falling for his own rhetoric, and
the slim chances of achieving any form of sanctions against Tehran,
leave a catastrophic global conflict that could easily become World War
III looming over our heads. Whatever the strategy, if Bush or the next
American president decides to use military force against Iran, it could
easily result in the definitive end of U.S. military supremacy in the
21st century.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Liam Bailey,, 2006

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NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

America's Middle Class is Globalization's Loser - Gabor Steingart
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 04:00:26 -0500 (EST) From: IHR News
Der Spiegel (Germany) October 24, 2006

America's Middle
Class Has Become Globalization's Loser

By Gabor Steingart

At the beginning of the 21st century, the United States is still a
superpower. But it's a superpower facing competition from beyond its
borders as well as internal difficulties. Its lower and middle classes
are turning out to be the losers of globalization.

First, Americans are so optimistic that they often blur the line
between optimism and naivete. Public, private and corporate debt far
exceeds any previously known dimensions. Forever piously trusting in a
future rosier than the present, millions of households are borrowing so
much money that they end up endangering the very future they're looking
forward to. The lower and middle classes have practically given up on
putting aside any savings. They're going into the 21st century like a
poverty-stricken, Third World family, living from hand to mouth without
any financial reserves whatsoever.

Second, globalization is striking back. The United States has promoted
the worldwide exchange of commodities like no other nation, and the
result is that their local industry has begun to be eroded. Some
production sectors -- such as the furniture industry, consumer
electronics, many automobile part suppliers, and now computer
manufacturers -- have left the country for good. In the recent past,
free trade has primarily benefited the very rival states that are now
mounting an economic offensive on the United States -- and which have
cut off a large slice of America's global market share for themselves.

Third, the dollar doesn't just strengthen the United States; it also
makes it vulnerable. The government has pumped its currency into the
world economy so vigorously that the dollar can now be brought to the
point of collapse by external forces - such as those in Beijing, for

The rise of Asia has only led to a relative decline of the US national
economy. At least so far. But for many blue- and white-collar workers,
this decline is already absolute because they have less of everything
than they used to. They possess less money, they are shown less respect
in society and their chances for climbing up the social ladder have
deteriorated dramatically. They're the losers in the world war for
wealth. But while that may be their fate, they cannot be faulted for
it. And it's certainly not a private affair. Every nation has to face
uncomfortable questions when an ever-larger part of its citizenry is
delinked from the nation's overall wealth. This is all the more true of
a society that has made the pursuit of happiness a fundamental right.

On Oct. 28, 1998, the US Congress established a commission that brought
together highly respected experts to examine the effects of the
country's trade deficit and the withering away of industrial labor.
Donald Rumsfeld, the current US defense secretary, then-US Trade
Representative Robert Zoellick, Anne Krueger, the number two at the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) Professor Lester Thurow provided their assessment of
the situation at the behest of the president.

Things were going swimmingly for the Americans until the end of the
1970s, the commission report concluded. Family incomes grew virtually
at the same rate in all sections of the population during the first
three decades after World War II, with those of the poor growing
slightly faster. The lowest fifth of US society saw a 120 percent
increase in incomes, the second fifth 101 percent, the third 107
percent, the fourth 114 percent and the fifth 94 percent. It was as if
the American dream had manifested itself in statistics.

But then the trend reversed, and not just in the United States. Japan
had awakened, and global trade had shifted directions. Capitalists left
their home turf and went looking for suitable locations to invest in.
Direct investment abroad - which had been more or less in harmony with
exports until then - rose dramatically.

Until then, investment abroad had served mainly to boost the export of
German, US or French products. But then factories themselves began to
be relocated, mainly to cut manufacturing costs. Production for the
world market became increasingly global itself, which led to a
redistribution of capital and labor. Global production increased by a
solid 100 percent between 1985 and 1995. But direct investment abroad
increased by 400 percent during the same time period. Capital's new
mobility began to make the other factor of production, labor, restless,

Producing all over the world

The new jobs were created elsewhere, which had to have an effect on
family income in the United States. Within the next two decades, the
income of the lowest fifth sank by 1.4 percent. The second fifth still
managed to gain by 6.2 percent, the third by 11.1 percent and the
fourth by 19 percent. At the tip of the pyramid - where the promoters
and planners of globalization reside, and those who profit most from it
- income gains climbed by 42 percent.

The US national economy clearly bears the signs of this break with its
golden age, when the country produced prosperity for almost everyone.
Until the 1970s, the productive core of the country burned with such a
fiery light that it illuminated the entire world. The United States
provided dollars and products for everyone.

This undoubtedly superior United States doesn't exist anymore. The
world's greatest exporter became its greatest importer. The most
important creditor became the most important debtor. Today, foreigners
dispose of assets in the United States with a net value of $2.5
trillion, or 21 percent of gross domestic product. Nine percent of
shares, 17 percent of corporate bonds and 24 percent of government
bonds are held by foreigners.

Neither laziness nor the obvious American penchant for consumerism can
be blamed for this changed reality in America. US industry -- or at
least what little is left of it -- is responsible. In the span of only
a few decades, US industry has shrunken to half what it once was. It
makes up only 17 percent of the country's GDP, compared to 26 percent
in Europe.

Every important national economy in the world now exports products to
the United States without purchasing an equivalent amount of US goods
in return. The US trade deficit with China was about $200 billion
dollars in 2005; it was a solid $80 billion with Japan; and more than
$120 billion with Europe. The United States can't even achieve a
surplus in its trade with less developed national economies like those
of Ukraine and Russia. Everyday, container-laden ships arrive in the
United States - and after they unload their wares at American ports,
many return home empty.

Those looking for something good to say about the superpower won't find
it in the trade balance. The growing imbalance can't be attributed to
natural resources or the import of parts for manufacturing firms. Oil
imports, for example, don't make as significant a difference to the
trade balance as is often assumed: They account for only $160 billion
dollars, a comparably small sum. Instead, it's the top products of a
developed national economy that the United States is importing from
everywhere in the world - cars, computers, TV sets, game consoles -
without being able to sell as many of its own products on the world


Date: October 29, 2006 11:44:57 AM EST
Subject: [David Rovics] My friend Brad Will has been shot to death in

feel free to post and distribute. for more information on the death of
brad will and the circumstances surrounding it, check out and

brad will was a dear friend, and a true revolutionary. he died the way
countless and uncounted numbers of beautiful people have died in recent
centuries -- he was shot in the chest by rightwing paramilitaries. he
was filming the scene around one of thousands of barricades that have
shut down oaxaca city since last june, when the governor there tried to
ban public expressions of dissent, thus throwing one more historical
spark into one more historical powder keg.

brad embodied the spirit of indymedia. he was not just covering
stories that the "mainstream" press ignores, such as the exciting,
violent revolutionary moment which has gripped oaxaca for several
months now. brad was not risking his life to get a good shot of a
confrontation at a barricade because he might get a photo on the cover
of a newspaper, get some (perhaps well-deserved) fame and money -- he
was posting his communiques on indymedia, for free.

sure, brad was filming in order to cover history. but he was there
also to make history. brad knew that a camera is a weapon, or
hopefully a shield of some sort, and sometimes can serve to de-escalate
a situation, to protect people from being violated, beaten, killed.
and brad knew that if the independent media didn't document history,
nobody else would.

brad deeply appreciated the power of music and culture. if he didn't
have a camera in his hands, he often had a guitar. during some of his
many travels around latin america he wrote emails to me about the
musicians he met, with whom he shared my songs and recordings. he
particularly liked my song "saint patrick battalion," and reportedly
shared his rendition of it with lots of people. he would not live to
know just how much his life and death would resemble the san patricios,
who died fighting for mexico during the first u.s. invasion of that
country in the 1840's.

through all brad did and saw on large swaths of three different
continents, he somehow continually brought with him a boundless
enthusiasm and obvious love of life, love, a good party, or a good
riot. he was my favorite kind of person, my favorite kind of
revolutionary -- the sort who is just as comfortable talking about
revolutionary theory, current events, music, relationships or smoking a
bowl on a manhattan rooftop at sunset. the kind of person who is
alive, in mind, body and spirit, in equal proportions.

brad became a radical long before it was briefly fashionable in the
u.s. (with the wto protests in seattle), and long since it became
unfashionable there (september 11th, 2001). the kinds of tactics and
politics that the global justice movement became briefly known for were
practiced by people like brad in the squatters' movement in new york
city and the radical environmental movement on the west coast in the
1990's. brad was in both places and many more. brad was somewhere
near the ground floor of many other more recent anarchist institutions
-- food not bombs, critical mass, reclaim the streets, guerrilla
gardening, indymedia. he saw the connections, deeply understood the
concept of "the commons," and went for it, as an activist, a
videojournalist, a musician and a cheerleader.

i never knew brad's last name until he was murdered. for me he was
just brad. in my cell phone he was "brad nyc" (to distinguish him from
another good friend named brad, who lives in baltimore). i don't
remember talking with him much about his past, where he grew up, how he
became a revolutionary, though we may have talked about that sort of
thing. but generally i saw him in the course of events, whether it was
a film showing/concert on a brooklyn rooftop, a land occupation in the
bronx, or, just as often, a large demonstration against an evil
financial institution somewhere in the world.

i've sung at many such events, and brad has been at most of them -- and
he's been present at many which i didn't make it to. they're all such
a blur, i don't remember which ones anymore. but the many encounters
always start out with a warm smile and a hug, and usually involve some
kind of chaos going on, with brad comfortably in the middle of it.
sometimes -- all too rarely, i suddenly realize -- the encounters would
continue after the chaos subsided, and we could be in a quiet place
with a small group of people, chilling and talking about life, my
favorite bits.

there have been many debates about whether it is more useful to
organize large events or to focus on community organizing locally.
whether to focus on recording history or making it. whether to educate
or to act. whether to have a party or have a meeting. brad clearly
decided that the correct answer is "all of the above." the reality of
this is easy to demonstrate -- talk to anybody in new york city
involved with just about any aspect of the progressive movement. it's
a city of 8 million people, but if they are serious participants in the
more grassroots end of the movement, they know brad. though they may
not have known his last name. he's just brad, the tall, thin guy with
long hair who is often flashing a warm, gentle smile with a
compassionate, intelligent glint in his eye. he's often described with
a connector like "brad from indymedia" or "brad from more gardens" or
"brad the musician."

i haven't seen him in a while. several months at least. but suddenly
i miss him so much. i miss hanging out with him in the lower east
side, chilling at his place there, swapping stories. i miss the
rejuvinating warmth of his presence. i miss the unspoken, mutual
admiration. i miss the feeling that i was in the presence of someone
who so deeply felt his connection to the world. the feeling that here
was someone who would die for me, and me for him, no questions asked.
and now, like so many others before him, he's done just that.

like all of the rest of us, over the generations his memory will fade
and eventually disappear. but for those of us alive today who had the
honor of being one of brad's large circle of friends, his memory will
be with us painfully, deeply, lovingly, until we all join him beneath
the ground -- hopefully only after each of us has managed to have the
kind of impact on each other, on the movement, and the world that brad
surely had in his short 36 years.

David Rovics
(617) 872-5124
P.O. Box 300995
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]

Vetoes Motion on Gaza Attack!

The US has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning an
Israeli attack in Gaza that killed 18 civilians, including women and

The draft, which also condemned Israeli military operations in Gaza,
followed Wednesday's attack in Beit Hanoun.

The US ambassador at the UN, John Bolton, described the text as
unbalanced and politically motivated.

Ten of 15 Security Council members backed the resolution. Four
abstained - Denmark, Japan, Slovakia and the UK.

This was the second time this year the US used its veto on a draft
resolution on Israeli military operations in Gaza.

The US has a history of vetoing resolutions condemning Israel which it
feels are biased against the country, says the BBC's Laura Trevelyan at
the UN in New York.

'Not even-handed'

The draft resolution - backed by Arab, Islamic and non-aligned states
and formally proposed by Qatar - called for a withdrawal of Israeli
troops from the Gaza Strip.

It also asked the UN secretary general to set up a fact-finding
mission into the deaths in Beit Hanoun.

The draft urged the Palestinian Authority to act to end violence -
including rockets fired at southern Israel.

The US ambassador said he regretted the Palestinian loss of life, but
disagreed with the language used in the resolution.

"This resolution does not display an even-handed characterisation of
the recent events in Gaza, nor does it advance the cause of
Israeli-Palestinian peace to which we aspire and for which we are
working assiduously," he said.

Qatar's ambassador said the credibility of the Security Council had
been called into question by the vote and the cycle of violence in the
Middle East would continue.

Israel launched its operation in and around Beit Hanoun last month in
an effort to root out militants firing rockets.

The deaths were caused when what witnesses described as a volley of
tank shells hit a built-up civilian area. Many of the dead were from
one extended family, and included several women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert apologised for the attack,
describing it as a "technical failure".


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Massacre of Palestinian Women and Children
Israel's "Cloud of Autumn"
Massacre in Gaza

Global Research, November 10, 2006


Global Research Editor's Note:

Israeli Forces shoot indiscriminately at Palestinian Women and Children.

The official story of the Israeli military is that this was a
crack-down operation on "terrorists".

Read the semi-official report by the Voice of America (VOA) (below) and
then view the video to see what really happened:

"Mr. Olmert says Israel intends to stop what he describes as the terror
coming from Gaza, but has no intention of reoccupying the territory.

Israeli military authorities expressed regret for the death of a
12-year old girl. She was shot by an Israeli sniper who Israeli
authorities say was aiming at a Palestinian militant.

Two Palestinian women were killed by Israeli troops in a chaotic
demonstration by Palestinian women acting as human shields for
Palestinian militants. The militants escaped from a mosque in Beit
Hanoun that was under siege by Israeli forces." (VOA)
The "hidden agenda" behind Israel's so-called "unilateral disengagement
plan" (leading to the 2005 evacuation of Jewish Settlers) is to
transform Gaza into a concentration camp.

How long will the Western media, which claims to be balanced, continue
to justify Israeli war crimes?

Michel Chossudovsky, 10 November 2006




Mass Kidnapping of Palestinian Men in Beit Hanoun by Israeli
Occupation Forces

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Date: 02 / 11 / 2006 Time: 17:02

Gaza - Ma'an -

Israeli occupation forces, on Thursday afternoon, transferred the males
of Beit Hanoun aged between 16-45 in a convoy of large trucks to
unknown destinations.
Security sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces called
the men through loudspeakers, and gathered them in front of An-Nassr
mosque in the north of Beit Hanoun.
In addition, Palestinian sources stated that Nadi Salim Ubaid, 20,
from the Al-Shuja'iya district was injured, while medical personnel can
not transfer him to hospital. According to the director of relief and
ambulances, the young man is being detained by Israelis near the border
line between the Gaza Strip and Israeli territory.

Khalleej Times Online

And Israels brave soldiers do not think twice before firing at a crowd
of peaceful women protesters. . The siege and attack on Beit Hanun
mosque in northern Gaza on Friday killed two women and seriously
injured dozens of them.

The scenes of women wailing over their children as young as 15 and
children crying for their mothers are truly heart-rending despite the
fact that they have long been a regular feature of the life in occupied

Also on Saturday, a 12-year-old girl was shot in the head and killed by
an Israeli sniper in Gaza, Palestinian officials said. The Israeli
military expressed regret, saying the sniper was aiming at an armed

emphasis added

GAZA, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian medics said on Friday that 23
people, including militants, women and children, were killed as the
Israeli army ground military operation called "Cloud of Autumn" went on
in northern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army stormed early Wednesday the border town of Beit
Hanoun between northern Gaza Strip and Israel.

Residents in the town said on Friday that Israeli forces had completely
seized the town and imposed a curfew on it, and the town had witnessed
clashes between militants and Israeli soldiers.

Joma'a al-Saqqa, chief of emergency at Shiffa Hospital in Gaza City,
said that the Israeli army killed on Friday seven Palestinians, four of
them women and children.

Of the dead, two women were from a parade of woman demonstrators, who
gathered and marched toward the occupied town from nearby towns and
refugee camps in northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers opened fire and dispersed them when they approached
the besieged town, killing two women and wounding 15 others, according
to witnesses.

Local residents also said that Israeli snipers shot dead on Friday
morning two Palestinian teens, residents of the town, and wounded five

Meanwhile, witnesses and security sources said that an Israeli army
reconnaissance drone fired one missile at a car driving east of Gaza
City, killing three Hamas militants.

The Israeli army killed eight people on Wednesday and another eight and
on Thursday, Al-Saqqa said, adding that so far, 23 people have been
killed in northern Gaza Strip.

Residents said that in Beit Hanoun, Israeli tanks and armored vehicles
were stationed on major crossroads, adding that sounds of shooting and
gunfire could be heard all the time.

According to residents, Israeli army bulldozers demolished a mosque in
the town, where about 50 militants were believed to be hiding up. The
militants, however, managed to flee the mosque, according to the

The Israeli army also called on males aged between 16 and 45 to gather
in the playground of a school in the town and detained at least 100,
residents said.

The Israeli army said in a statement that the aim of the operation in
the town was to curb rampant homemade rocket attacks on Israel by
Palestinian militant groups from the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian militant groups claimed responsibility for firing dozens of
homemade rockets and mortar shells at Israeli communities in southern
Israel as well as firing missiles at Israeli army vehicles.

Meanwhile, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, an Israeli army unit
arrested Abdel Rahman Zeidan, minister of Work and Municipal Affairs in
the Hamas-led government, from his home.

Since the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier in Gaza on June 25, Israel
has detained many Palestinians ministers and lawmakers, most of them
from the ruling Hamas movement.

In the city of Nablus in northern West Bank, an Israeli army force on
Friday shot dead a 15-year-old boy, the brother of a militant from the
al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, in an attack on their home.

Editor: Han Lin

Read more "official lies" of the IDF and Israeli government in the
Jerusalem Post;

IDF: Error Caused
Beit Hanun Tragedy
Nov 8, 2006

A technical failure in the artillery's radar system was to blame for
Wednesday's tragedy in Beit Hanun, the IDF announced Thursday night.

A failure in the targeting mechanism caused seven shells to stray from
their intended trajectories, resulting in the deaths of 19 Palestinian
civilians, said Maj.-Gen. Meir Klifi, who headed the investigation into
the incident.

In light of the inquiry, Defense Minister Amir Peretz ordered Thursday
evening that all artillery fire into the Gaza Strip must first be
approved by OC Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Yoav Galant.

Meanwhile, Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz ordered a halt
to all artillery fire aimed at Gaza until further technical,
professional and operational inquiries are completed, the IDF
Spokesman's Office said.

"The chief of General Staff emphasized that the IDF operates solely
against the terrorist infrastructure and uses all means at its disposal
to avoid targeting uninvolved civilians. The chief of General Staff
expressed his regret for the civilian casualties as a result of the
technical failure," its statement read.

Speaking with reporters soon after submitting the results of his
investigation to Halutz and Defense Minister Amir Peretz, Klifi, who is
deputy OC Ground Forces Command, said his team found that the "Shilem
System" kit had been installed in the cannon by IDF technicians five
days previously.

It was tested in live firing exercises, and checked again by
technicians 11 hours before its use Wednesday, Klifi said. The kit had
been in use since the 1980s and after "hundreds of thousands" of
firings showed a margin of error of 25 meters, Klifi said. However, for
reasons that are not entirely clear, the system failed - with tragic
results. Nineteen members of an extended family were killed, including
many women and children, and some 50 others wounded when the errant
shells tore through an apartment complex. The attack outraged the
international community, and Israel was placed on heightened alert in
anticipation of reprisals by the terror organizations.

Klifi said instruments on the cannon showed a variation of 200 meters
immediately after the shelling, but that the margin could have been
larger because of the faulty kit. He said his probe found that at least
two homes in Beit Hanun showed evidence of having been directly hit.
All the evidence of the inquiry indicated that the civilian casualties
were caused by IDF artillery, Klifi said.

Peretz reiterated his regret for the tragic accident and, in an effort
to aid the victims, he ordered the Rafah border crossing to be opened
until 5 p.m., with preference given to ambulances, medical and
humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip, according to a statement from
the Defense Ministry. The crossing had been closed due to intelligence
of plans to attack the installation.

But the Palestinians were unswayed by Peretz's apology, and Kassam
cells targeted Sderot through out the day, launching five rockets into
the town. One Kassam scored a direct hit on a store at 6:50 p.m.,
spraying shrapnel that lightly wounded three people, the army said.

Earlier, two Kassam rockets landed in one the kibbutzim in the Eshkol
Regional Council. No one was wounded, but some of buildings were
damaged. Three others rockets struck open areas.

Security forces, meanwhile, braced for Palestinian reprisals inside
the Green Line, and security sources said there are currently 80
warnings of plans to carry out attacks. They said there is intelligence
of 15 specific cells that are in the final stages of preparation for
attacks ranging from suicide bombings to kidnappings. The current alert
level is six - the maximum - a police official said.

Meanwhile, demonstrations in east Jerusalem and Hebron turned violent
as Palestinians took to the street to protest the botched artillery

Residents of east Jerusalem closed businesses and schools in
solidarity with a three-day mourning period decreed by Palestinian
Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, and spontaneous demonstrations
broke out inside the Old City and in Arab neighborhoods.

Hundreds of youths rallied at the Damascus Gate and near the Temple
Mount, where they chanted anti-Israel slogans and threw stones at
border policemen.

Anticipating disturbances in the area, police reinforced their
presence, and the Temple Mount compound was closed for closed for close
to an hour. When the rioters turned their rage against the police
station near the Western Wall, police dispersed the angry crowd with
stun grenades.

In separate incidents on on Sultan Suleiman and Salah a-Din streets,
youths bombarded police with stones and debris, slightly injuring two
officers, and at a gas station in Isawiya, youths hurled stones from
inside a bus at police on patrol. When the police stopped the bus, the
youths attacked the officers before police subdued them and arrested
four believed to have thrown the stones.

Jerusalem police said they were planning to maintain a heavy presence
during Friday prayers on the Temple Mount in light of intelligence
information that activists planned to disturb public order there.

They announced that entrance to the compound would be permitted only
to those men presenting an Israeli identity card who were older than
45, and to women of any age with Israeli identity cards.

Rebecca Anna Stoil contributed to this report.

copyright Jerusalem Post 2006

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
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Israel Detonated Radioactive
Bunker Buster Bomb in Lebanon
What kind of weapon leaves traces of radiation & produces such lethal
and circumscribed consequences?

Global Research, November 11, 2006

RAI News (translated from the ItaIian) - 2006-11-09

Maurizio Torrealta presents a new documentary:

By Flaviano Masella, Angelo Saso, Maurizio Torrealta

The special report was triggered by the radioactivity measurements
reported on a crater probably created by an Israeli Bunker Buster bomb
in the village of Khiam, in southern Lebanon. The measurements were
carried out by two Lebanese professors of physics - Mohammad Ali
Kubaissi and Ibrahim Rachidi. The data - 700 nanosieverts per hour
showed remarkably higher radiocativity then the average in the area
(Beirut = 35 nSv/hr ). Successivamente, on September 17th, Ali Kubaissi
took British researcher Dai Williams, from the environmentalist
organization Green Audit, to the same site, to take samples that were
then submitted to Chris Busby, technical adisor of the Supervisory
Committee on Depleted Uranium, which reports to the British Ministry of
Defense. The samples were tested by Harwells nuclear laboratory, one
of the most authoritative research centers in the world. On October
17th, Harwell disclosed the testing results - two samples in 10 did
contain radioactivity.

On November 2nd, another British lab, The School of Oceanographic
Sciences, confirmed Harwells results the Khiam crater contains
slightly enriched uranium. Rainews24 also took a sample taken by Dai
Williams for testing by the Department of Earth Sciences of the
University of Ferrara. The testing - which is still ongoing - found an
anomalous structure: the samples surface includes alluminium and iron
silicates, normal elements in a soil fragment. Yet, looking inside,
estremely small bubbles can be found with high concentration of iron.
Further testing will clarify the origin of these structures: what seems
to be certain at the moment is that they are not caused by a natural

What kind of weapon is this? What weapon leaves traces of radiation and
produces such lethal and circumscribed consequences?

Researcher Dai Williams believes this is a new class of weapons using
enriched uranium, not through fission processes but through new
physical processes kept secret for at least 20 years.

Physicist Emilio del Giudice form the National Institute of Nuclear
Phisics came to the same conlcusion: There are two ways to explain the
origin of the enriched uranium found in Khiam:

About the origin of enriched Uranium there are two possibilities:

1) this material was present already in the structure of the bombs, but
I am puzzled since one should explain the rationale of the use of a
material which is both expensive and dangerous , because of its
enhanced radioactivity, to people handling it , including military
personnel of Israeli Army.

2) the enrichment has been the consequence of the use of the bomb; this
possibility is hardly compatible with the known effects of conventional
nuclear weapons and should imply that some newly discovered nuclear
phenomenon could be at work.

The Israeli army denied the use of uranium-based weapons in Lebanon.
So, how can people defend themselves from potential uranium-related
harm? What precautions will the Unifil troops in the area take, and
what kind of testing has been carried out to prevent the risks? The
documentary directly covers those qestions.

Translation by Desiree Berlangieri and Maria Letizia Tesorini

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Henri <>
Date: November 11, 2006 1:15:02 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>
Subject: ...the pro-Chavez legislature declared that the 9/11 attacks
were `self-inflicted.'

"Both Chavez and Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro have referred several
times in the past to suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were planned by
the Bush administration, and have called for an inquiry.

"But this appears to be the first time that the term ''self-inflicted
attack'' has been used without qualification."

Chavez Attacks Bush as a 'Genocidal' Leader

Venezuela's president continued his criticism of President
After the pro-Chavez legislature declared that the 9/11
attacks were `self-inflicted.'


Special to The Miami Herald

CARACAS - When Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chavez called
President Bush ''the devil'' in a U.N. speech in September, many
thought his ''anti-imperialist'' rhetoric had reached rock bottom.

But fresh depths have since been plumbed. The Venezuelan government, to
judge from recent events, officially regards Bush as a genocidal Nazi
who arranged the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to justify
aggression against other nations.

Comment: Right on!

In a speech Tuesday, Chavez criticized the decision of an Iraqi court
to sentence former dictator Saddam Hussein to the death penalty. ''If
sentencing is to be done,'' Chavez said, ``the first one to be given
the most severe sentence this planet has to offer should be the
president of the United States, if we're talking about genocidal


His comments, which were fairly typical of his recent attacks on Bush,
came shortly after the publication of a resolution by Venezuela's
legislative National Assembly describing the 9/11 attacks as
''self-inflicted'' and after an exhibition at the Foreign Ministry
building in Caracas in which Bush was portrayed as a Nazi storm

The resolution, which appeared in the official government gazette in
mid-October, primarily criticized Washington's decision to build a wall
along the Mexican border to keep illegal immigrants out.

But in its fourth paragraph, it calls on the U.S. Congress to ``demand
that the government of President Bush explain the self-inflicted attack
on the World Trade Center and its victims, the supposed aircraft that
crashed into the Pentagon and the links between the bin Laden family
and the Bush family.''

The resolution, drafted by the deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Commission, Carlos Escarra, was passed unanimously by the 167-member
assembly, all of them Chavez supporters after an opposition boycott of
elections last December.

Both Chavez and Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro have referred several
times in the past to suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were planned by
the Bush administration, and have called for an inquiry.

But this appears to be the first time that the term ''self-inflicted
attack'' has been used without qualification.

Asked how the legislature had reached that conclusion, Escarra said
that ''evidence and testimonies'' had emerged in the United States and
that ''for the rest of the world, there is no longer any question''
that 9/11 was not an al Qaeda attack.

About the time the lawmakers were approving the resolution, an
exhibition called ''Truths About the Empire'' was on display in the
foyer of the Foreign Ministry. It included a photo montage showing Bush
dressed in the uniform of the German SS.

The exhibition was removed after a reporter for a U.S. newspaper asked
to photograph it. A U.S. diplomat, who asked for anonymity because he
was not authorized to speak on the record about the issue, said the
display was ``an insult to the 400,000 Americans who died in World War
II fighting the Nazis.''

Escarra said the comparison might indeed be considered unfair -- but to
Hitler, not to Bush. ''Hitler was a babe in arms compared to Bush,'' he
asserted. He added that just like Hitler, Bush had ``an extermination


U.S. Ambassador William Brownfield told a Venezuelan radio station last
week that differences between the two governments were ''large, broad
and deep'' and were unlikely to disappear.

It is a view shared by Escarra, who told The Miami Herald that Bush
''defends the most outdated, the most radical form of capitalism'' and
added that it was evident to the whole world that the U.S. ``empire is
in decline.''

Chavez insists that it is Bush, rather than the main opposition
contender, Manuel Rosales, who is his true adversary in the Dec. 3
presidential election. The opposition, he argues, is merely puppets of
the United States.

He has also often claimed that Washington has plans to invade
Venezuela, assassinate him and install a government more in accordance
with U.S. interests. Washington has dismissed his allegations as


From: Henri <>
Date: November 11, 2006 7:10:07 PM EST
Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -
[newsletter 10 Nov 2006]
:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Uranium Weapons Causing Cancer in Iraq

There are claims that the cancer rate in Iraq has increased tenfold,
and the number of birth defects has multiplied fivefold times since the
1991 war, and the increase is believed to be caused by depleted
uranium. There are people who want to investigate these events, but the
United States is quite uneasy about the attempts to inspect the
aftermath of the war. The United States was also criticized due to its
unwillingness to cooperate with the United Nations on the issue. A girl
who appeared in a famous photograph taken in 2003 in Fallujah was
suffering from leukemia while soldiers and scientists were discussing
depleted uranium....

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Treacherous Road to Oslo Begins Here
Ramzy Baroud

Attempts to coerce Palestinians into submission have not always
manifested themselves in the crude form of a tank, a bullet, the
withholding of aid or the denial of freedom of movement. These efforts
were at times more imaginative and shrewd, through the sponsoring and
espousing of factionalism, the purchasing of the integrity of a
politician, pressing Palestinians themselves to promote foreign
agendas, whether knowingly or unwittingly. Coupled with the collective
punishment endowed on Palestinians by the ever-indifferent
international community - i.e. Israels friends in the West and a few
Arab and Muslim allies - such creative methods often reaped the desired
results, albeit for a little while. I became familiar with one of these
attempts recently in London...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Cheney in a Box
Mike Whitney

...Bush is teetering and hes probably left the Cheney-Rumsfeld orbit
already. Robert Gates job is to influence Bush, to win him over with
reason and, thus, move the country away from the brink of disaster.
Cheney has been removed from the policy-making apparatus and he knows
it. So, whatll he do next? What will Cheney do now that hes been
backed into a corner and his power is oozing away like the blood from a
sucking chest-wound? Will he quietly retire and disappear into the
political vapor or "lock-n-load" and go down with both guns blazing?
Heres a clue: Cheney is "dead-ender". He wont go peacefully...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


True Lies About U.S. Aid to" Israeli " War Machinery
Cost of Israel to U.S. Taxpayers

For many years the American media said that "Israel receives $1.8
billion in military aid" or that "Israel receives $1.2 billion in
economic aid." Both statements were true, but since they were never
combined to give us the complete total of annual U.S. aid to Israel,
they also were liestrue lies. Recently Americans have begun to read
and hear that "Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid."
That's true. But it's still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997
alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at
least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign
aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So
the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for
fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


There Was No Warning

Watch the video without the obscene spin of ignorant journalists. First
the Jewish supremacists of the IOF called them whores, then they
started shooting. There was no warning. Their men weren't "holed up" as
western media derisively natters. They were seeking shelter in a
mosque, trying to avoid the facist state's mass arrest of men and boys
between the ages of 15-35. A short clip follows showing Jewish
supremacist snipers shooting unarmed Palestinian boys...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:



From: "CLG News" <>
Date: November 12, 2006 12:23:45 PM EST
Subject: Outrage at London sting by US spies 12 Nov 2006

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
12 November 2006

All links to articles as summarized below are available here:

Outrage at London sting by US spies 11 Nov 2006 Undercover American
agents are staging secret 'sting' operations in Britain against
criminal and terrorist suspects they want to extradite to the US.
Urgent questions were being asked about whether the British Government
had been aware of the operation. If so, it raises issues of the State
collaborating with foreign agencies to entrap suspects - and if not it
raises the spectre of American spies working unchecked on British soil.
[Well, Israeli spies work unchecked on US soil.]

Beware: George Bush's secret agents can now arrest us in our own
country By Alun Jones QC, lawyer of the NatWest Three 11 Nov 2006 The
Government last week cravenly surrendered control of the independence
of our criminal justice system to the United States. It rejected a
final chance to make two key amendments to the Extradition Act 2003 - a
dereliction of duty that means American secret agents can now arrest us
in our own country.



From: Marsha MCClelland <>
Date: November 11, 2006 10:33:08 PM EST

MSNBC Poll: Should Bush be impeached?

cast your vote!

MSNBC: Should Bush be impeached?

http://www.msnbc. 10562904/

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?

* 314138 responses

*87*% Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and
more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.

*4.4*% No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing
approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors. "

*7.3*% No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would
just be a political lynching.

*1.8*% I don't know.

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

To find our page on the net, go to:


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VIDEO: World Trade Center
Building 7 Was Not Hit by an Aircraft

Global Research, November 11, 2006


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright ,, 2006

The url address of this article is:



From: Henri <>
Date: November 12, 2006 2:03:28 AM EST


From: Presszoom

By the resolution, adopted by a recorded vote of 183 in favour to 4
against ( Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau, United States ), with 1
abstention ( Federated States of Micronesia ), the Assembly urged
States that had such laws and measures to repeal, or invalidate them.
It also requested the Secretary-General to report on the texts
implementation at the Assemblys next session. ( For details of the
vote, see annex II. )

Prior to taking action on the text, Australias delegate submitted a
first-ever amendment, which would have added an operative paragraph
noting that such laws and measures were motivated by valid concerns
about the continued lack of democracy and political freedom in Cuba.
The additional provision would have had the Assembly call on the Cuban
Government to release, unconditionally, all political prisoners,
cooperate fully with international human rights bodies, respect the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and comply fully with its
obligations under all human rights treaties to which it was a party.

A no action motion tabled by Cubas delegation to suppress the
amendment was adopted by a recorded vote of 126 in favour to 51
against, with 5 abstentions ( Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Samoa,
Switzerland, Tonga ). ( For details, see annex I. )

Introducing the motion, Cubas representative charged that the United
States had drafted the amendment as a pretext for continuing and
extending the unilateral embargo against the country. He said that
concerns about human rights in Cuba should be channelled through the
Third Committee ( Social, Humanitarian and Cultural ), but the United
States feared the face-to-face debate that would ensue there. The real
purpose of the amendment had been to legitimize the desires of the
powerful to impose unilateral coercive methods on others.

Explaining his opposition to avert Assembly action on the amendment,
Australias speaker said the amendment had been intended to draw
attention to the fact that, while States had the right to pursue their
own economic and development path, they were also obliged to comply
with the principles of the United Nations Charter and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. To call for an end to the embargo, but not
to call on Cuba to implement human rights norms, was a refusal to
accept reality and the linkage between the two.

Also supporting that action to go forward on the amendment, the United
States delegate said that the annual resolutions of condemnation
against his country were inaccurate in attributing the suffering of the
Cuban people to the embargo. The Cuban Governments own policies should
be addressed, as those continued to deny the human, labour and economic
rights of the Cuban people. He called on the international community to
speak up for the Cuban people and on Member States to not turn a blind
eye to human rights violators. The Assembly should not act as a
protector, or an apologist, for regimes that violated human rights.

Cubas Foreign Affairs Minister, whose delegation had presented the
draft to the General Assembly for the past 15 years, said that the
economic war waged by the United States against Cuba for more than four
decades had been the longest and cruellest in history; it was an act
of genocide and a flagrant violation of international law and the
Charter of the United Nations. The United States was pursuing plans to
re-colonize Cuba, and further tightening restrictions. Those
limitations encroached on family-related visits by Cuban residents in
the United States and involved further restraints on academic,
cultural, scientific, medical and sports exchanges with the United

Many speakers, as evidenced by the resounding support of the text,
echoed the call to lift the blockade, saying that Cuba had endured the
embargo valiantly, but at a forbidding cost. The embargo had been
particularly damaging to the Cuban population, in particular, to the
women, children and the elderly. Many held the view that the sanctions
imposed under the United States 1996 law, known as the Helms-Burton
Act, had exceeded the jurisdiction of national legislation and
encroached on the sovereignty of other States that dealt with Cuba.
They deemed the Act to be incompatible with the principle of the
sovereign equality of States and deemed the embargo to be a systematic
collective punishment that ran counter to international law and
prevailing moral and ethical values.
Text continues...


Bush to U.S. Enemies: Don't Look at Vote as Lack of

POSTED: 1524 GMT (2324 HKT), November 11, 2006

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush, in his Saturday radio address, said
the Democrats' takeover of Congress on Tuesday showed the world the
strength of America's democracy.

He said enemies of the United States should not confuse the election
results as a sign of "a lack of American will."

"Whatever your opinion of the outcome, all Americans can take pride in
the example our democracy sets for the world by holding elections even
in a time of war," said. "Our democratic institutions are a source of
strength, and our trust in these institutions has made America the most
powerful, prosperous, and stable nation in the world.

Message comes after al Qaeda taunt

Bush's message comes a day after an Islamist Web site posted an audio
recording purported to the from the latest leader of al Qaeda in Iraq
addressing the outcome of the midterm elections, calling Bush a "lame
duck" and labeling outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a

"The elections will bring changes to Washington," Bush said. "But one
thing has not changed: America faces brutal enemies who have attacked
us before and want to attack us again. I have a message for these
enemies: Do not confuse the workings of American democracy with a lack
of American will. Our nation is committed to bringing you to justice,
and we will prevail."

Bush said Iraq "is the central front in this war on terror."

The president said he will be "listening to ideas from the new leaders
of Congress on the best way to support our troops on the front lines --
and win the war on terror."

Bush also said Robert Gates, his choice to replace Donald Rumsfeld as
defense secretary, "will provide a fresh outlook on our strategy in
Iraq, and what we need to do to prevail."


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U.S. Will Train Latin American Militaries

Global Research, November 10, 2006

Global Research Editorial Note:

This article published in USA Today reveals Washington's plans to
repeal a 2002 ban, which prevented Latin American countries from
receiving military aid and training if they "refused to promise
immunity from prosecution to U.S. servicemembers who might get hauled
before the International Criminal Court".

The title of the USA Today article is in some respects misleading. The
US never waived in its resolve to train the Latin American military.

The infamous School of the Americas (SOA), which was renamed the
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, has trained
generations of Latin American officers.

"Initially established in Panama in 1946, it was kicked out of that
country in 1984 under the terms of the Panama Canal Treaty. Former
Panamanian President, Jorge Illueca, stated that the School of the
Americas was the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America.
The SOA, frequently dubbed the School of Assassins, has left a trail
of blood and suffering in every country where its graduates have

Over its 59 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American
soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and
psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics.
These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war
against their own people. Among those targeted by SOA graduates are
educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and
others who work for the rights of the poor. Hundreds of thousands of
Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, disappeared,
massacred, and forced into refugee by those trained at the School of
Assassins." (see

12 November 2006
U.S. will train Latin American militaries
Ban lifted to offset trend toward Left
by Barbara Slavin

USA TODAY, 10 November 2006

Concern about leftist victories in Latin America has prompted President
Bush to quietly grant a waiver that allows the United States to resume
training militaries from 11 Latin American and Caribbean countries.

The administration hopes the training will forge links with countries
in the region and blunt a leftward trend. Daniel Ortega, an adversary
of the United States in the region during the 1980s, was elected
president in Nicaragua this week. Bolivians chose another leftist, Evo
Morales, last year.

A military training ban was originally designed to pressure countries
into exempting U.S. soldiers from war crimes trials.

The 2002 U.S. law bars countries from receiving military aid and
training if they refuse to promise immunity from prosecution to U.S.
servicemembers who might get hauled before the International Criminal
Court. The law allows presidential waivers.

The White House lifted the ban on 21 countries, about half in Latin
America or the Caribbean, through a presidential memorandum Oct. 2 to
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The training is conducted in the

A ban on giving countries weapons remains. Commercial arms sales are
not affected, said Jose Ruiz, a U.S. Southern Command spokesman.

The training ban had resulted in a loss of U.S. influence in the
region. The issue gained urgency after a string of leftist candidates
came to power in Latin America.

On a trip to the region this year, Rice said that the impact of the
ban had been the same as shooting ourselves in the foot.

China stepped into the gap. Ruiz said China has approached every
country in our area of responsibility and has exchanged senior
military officials with Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Cuba and provided
military aid and training to Jamaica and Venezuela.

The ban remains in effect for some countries. Venezuela, whose fiery
President Hugo Chavez is a critic of the Bush administration, remains
ineligible because it is on a State Department list of countries
alleged to have permitted the trafficking of women and children for
sexual exploitation and forced labor.

Chavez is up for re-election in December and leads in the polls. Cuba
is also off-limits because of a long-standing U.S. embargo against
Fidel Castro's regime.

Ruiz said efforts are being made to transfer money this year to begin
training foreign officers from eligible countries.

Copyright USA Today 2006

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright , USA TODAY, 2006

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From: Henri <>
Date: November 11, 2006 7:49:44 PM EST
Subject: Why water is gravest challenge facing humanity

Why Water Is Gravest Challenge Facing Humanity
Tomorrow, a UN report highlights the
need to provide the most vital resource of all

By Paul Vallely

Published: 10 November 2006

The children of the Grace Revival School do not have far to go when
they need the lavatory. They get up from their ramshackle desks and
move just outside their corrugated iron classroom to the vast dungheap
that stands beside the building.

There are no latrines for the 74,000 people who live in their section
of Kibera, the biggest slum in Africa, which lies either side of the
main railway line between Nairobi and Mombasa in the Kenyan highlands.

People there use what, with dark humour, are called "flying toilets".
They defecate in a plastic bag and then throw it into the street or on
to one of the vast dungheaps. Some just visit the heaps and relieve
themselves directly. The heap next to Grace school is about 20 feet
high and the size of a quarter of a football pitch.

The stench is unimaginable. When it rains, a noxious black liquid runs
off the heap, and through the school, over the dirt floor of the
classrooms. It seeps into the drinking water supply pipes, which run
beneath the dump.

There is more to this story than a piece of prurient poverty
pornography. It has a point, which is the one made more genteelly by
the UN's annual Human Development Report, published tomorrow. For
Kibera is but one stark example of what is perhaps the greatest
developmental challenge facing humanity.

More than one billion peoplelive without clean water. Some 2.6 billion
- half of the developing world's population - lack access to
sanitation. The two issues are inextricably linked, for without proper
sanitation pollution of drinking water is almost inevitable.

At the start of the 21st century, 5,000 children die every day for want
of clean water. That is why, in the sprawling slum of Kibera, where
typhoid and dysentery are rampant, Kevin Watkins, the chief researcher
of the UN report, found that child death rates run eight times higher
even than in the rest of Nairobi.

We know from our own history that providing sanitation and clean water
is the biggest single thing that can be done for the poor. Dysentery,
typhoid and cholera killed as many children in Manchester and London in
early Victorian times as they do in Africa today. The increasing wealth
from industrialisation boosted income, but child mortality barely
changed - until the introduction of sewers. It was the same in New
York, Birmingham and Paris.

Water and sanitation are among the most powerful preventive medicines
available to reduce infectious disease. The presence of a flush
lavatory in a house, the UN report says, reduces the risk of infant
death by more than 30 per cent. Sewers save more lives than
antibiotics. Astonishingly, then - despite one of the Millennium
Development Goals being to halve the number of people without water and
sanitation - the amount of aid to this sector has, according to the
Commission for Africa, fallen by 25 per cent over the past decade.

The problem is twofold. The first is that such basics are unfashionable
among Western donor governments. The second is that many African and
Asian governments do not prioritise the area; in Ethiopia the military
budget is 10 times the water and sanitation budget; Pakistan spends 47
times more on guns than on sewers and clean water.

Why? Because water and sanitation are problems which disproportionately
affect the poorest, women and children in particular, - a class which
has no political leverage with urban Third World elites.

Water is about power. The most striking political example of which, the
report shows, is that Israeli settlers take six times the water from
the West Bank as local Palestinians. But there are countless economic
examples. In Ghana the poorest, who use standpipes provided by private
companies, pay treble what the better-off pay for water piped to their
homes. In Kibera they pay five times more. People living in many of the
world's most squalid slums pay more per litre for water than people in
New York and London. The perverse rule operating in water markets is
that the poorer you are, the less you get and the more you pay.

To set aside the financial resources to fulfil the Millennium
Development Goal to halve the number of people without sustainable
access to safe water would cost about $10bn (#5.3bn) annually over the
next decade.

It requires sustained efforts and specific strategies. General economic
development is not enough. It can be seen by contrasting India - which
has a booming economy but no proper targeting on clean water and sewers
- with Bangladesh - which has less growth but effective water
strategies. India's people are becoming wealthier but not healthier.
Some 700 million people there lack adequate sanitation - and in cities
such as Delhi and Mumbai the water systems are collapsing, with rivers
being transformed into fetid sewers. As a result infant mortality is
down by just 22 per cent since 1990, compared with a drop of 40 per
cent in much poorer Bangladesh.

The UN report is full of examples of strategies that have worked, and
those that have not. It cites success stories in Thailand, Sri Lanka
and Vietnam and comparative good news in South Africa, where water was
once a symbol of apartheid division, but a system of entitlement has
been introduced. It should be extended across the world, the report
says, with all governments legislating for water as a human right, with
a basic minimum of 20 litres per person per day - less than half of
what we in Britain each flush daily down the lavatory.

To do that, the report says, would increase aid spending by about $4bn
a year. That is less than Europe spends on bottled mineral water.

Liquid assets

* The average Briton flushes 50 litres of water down the lavatory each
day - ten times what many Africans have for drinking and washing.

* One in six of the world's population lacks clean water and one in
three lacks proper sanitation - that's pit latrines, not sewage

* The average European uses 200 litres of water a day compared with
less than 20 per person per day in Africa. (Americans use 400 litres.)

* 1.8 million children under five die each year from diarrhoea caused
by contaminated water.

* Every $1 spent on sewage saves $8 in lost productivity.

* The $10bn the Millennium Development Goal needs to halve the number
of people without clean water equals five days of global military


President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 14, 2006, 1:42:30 PM11/14/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 14, 2006

Warming Isolates Canadians in Far North

POSTED: 1550 GMT (2350 HKT), November 13, 2006

TORONTO, Ontario (Reuters) -- Aboriginal communities in Ontario's far
north are becoming increasingly isolated as rising temperatures melt
their winter route to the outside world and impede their access to

"The ice doesn't have its solid blue color anymore," said Stan Beardy,
the grand chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents Ontario's
remote First Nations. "It's more like Styrofoam now, really brittle."

"With the toxic waste moving north, and global warming, we don't have
that solid ice anymore, and that's why we have problems with winter
roads when it's mild."

The 34 First Nations reservations, scattered in boreal forest across
northern Ontario, are accessible only by plane for much of the year.

During the coldest months between January and March, "winter roads" are
cleared on the frozen network of rivers and lakes to let trucks deliver
bulk supplies like fuel and building materials.

But average temperatures have risen during the past decade, weakening
the ice and shrinking the bulk-shipping season by several weeks,
aboriginals say.

Beardy said the communities he represents have lost up to a month of
heavy trucking time "because one or two degrees really makes a big
difference" to the endurance of the icy route.

About 20,000 people live in the remote reservations and rely on winter
shipments of heating oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel to power generating
stations. The fragile ice has forced them to hire more trucks to carry
lighter loads.

In the past 60 years, regional temperatures have increased by an
average of 0.8 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter,
and by 1.3 degrees Celsius in spring, according to Environment Canada,
a federal government body.

That change has been more pronounced in the far north, where average
winter temperatures have jumped 4.4 degrees Celsius over the same time.

Indeed, warming has speeded up since 1998, after which temperatures in
Canada have consistently been above normal, said Bob Whitewood, a
climatologist at Environment Canada.

Sea ice in Hudson Bay, Ontario's north shore, thaws and breaks up a
week earlier every 10 years.

"The changes in temperature are reflective of changes we're seeing
globally," Whitewood said. "They are also in keeping with what we would
expect with climate change -- a greater warming in winter temperatures
and in the Arctic areas."

The crimped duration of icing has added a sense of urgency to the
communities' bulk-shipping period.

"Once the hauling season opens there's a mad rush, 24 hours, because
you might only have four or five weeks," Beardy said.


Climate Rankings: U.S. near Bottom

POSTED: 0329 GMT (1129 HKT), November 13, 2006

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- Sweden, Britain and Denmark are doing the most
to protect against climate change, but their efforts are not nearly
enough, according to a report released Monday by environmental groups.

The United States -- the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases --
ranked at 53, with only China, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia doing worse.

"We don't have any winners, we only have countries that are better
compared to others," said Matthias Duwe of the Climate Action
Network-Europe, which released the data at the U.N. climate conference.
"We don't have big shining stars."

The index ranks 56 countries that were part of a 1992 climate treaty or
that contribute at least 1 percent of the world's greenhouse gas
emissions. The countries make up 90 percent of global carbon dioxide

The calculations by the environmental group Germanwatch took into
account emissions levels, emissions trends and climate policy.

About one-quarter of the energy consumed in Sweden in 2003 came from
renewable sources -- more than four times as much as the European Union
average of 6 percent. In Stockholm, one-quarter of city buses run on
ethanol or biogas.

The country with the worst ranking was Saudi Arabia, the world's
largest oil exporter. Duwe said the kingdom's policies generally block
attempts to reduce greenhouse gases.

"If you try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, you will also reduce
oil consumption," Duwe said. "So Saudi oil will be in less demand."

Christoph Bals, political director of Germanwatch, said policy had an
enormous effect on the rankings. The U.S. could move up 30 spots if its
policies were akin to Britain's, he said.

The United States and Australia are the only major industrialized
countries to reject the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which calls for mandatory
cuts in greenhouse gases.

The Bush administration's policy on climate change focuses on voluntary
emissions cuts by industry and long-term development of clean-energy
technology. In rejecting the Kyoto Protocol's mandatory caps on
greenhouse gas emissions, President Bush said they would hamstring the
U.S. economy and complained that poorer countries also should have been

"The president has made dealing with climate change a priority for this
administration (and) will continue to," White House spokesman Tony Snow
said Monday.

When asked about the rankings, Kristen A. Hellmer, a spokeswoman for
the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said there were many
different ways to measure environmental progress.

"The U.S. has seen one of the smallest increases -- 1.3 percent from
2000-2004 -- in greenhouse gas emissions (of) any major world economy,"
she said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press.

"This compares favorably with Europe's more than 2 percent increase
during the same time period," she added. "At the same time, the U.S.
successfully met the needs of a growing population and grew the economy
nearly 10 percent, and the U.S. is exceeding the president's goal to
reduce greenhouse gas intensity 18 percent by 2012."

Climate Action Network is a group of more than 300 non-governmental
organizations working to stem climate change. Germanwatch is a
non-profit group that focuses on issues such as trade and environment.

Scientists blame the past century's 1-degree rise in average global
temperatures at least in part on the accumulation of carbon dioxide,
methane and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere --
byproducts of power plants, automobiles and other fossil fuel-burning

Some climate conference participants said Democratic victories in U.S.
midterm elections were a good sign for environmental issues.

"The U.S. elections are clearly good news for strong U.S. action on
global warming," said Jeremy Symons of the National Wildlife
Federation. He said new leadership will "break the conspiracy of
silence and denial" on environmental issues.


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Open Letter to Reps Pelosi and Conyers: We the People
Are Setting the Table Now

By Cindy Sheehan

Global Research, November 13, 2006

We the people are here to tell you that we are the ones that are going
to be setting the table, now. For too many years, we have allowed you
people, who are just like us and elected by us and from us, to tell us
what the agenda will be. Like I told George in a recent letter to him,
a sleeping giant has been awakened in this country and we are not
falling asleep again just because the Democrats, only with grassroots
involvement and commitment, are back in power in Congress. It turns our
stomachs when you talk about "working" with the Republicans. First of
all, these people have allowed BushCo free rein in committing their
high crimes and misdemeanors and crimes against humanity. Why would you
want to work with murderers, liars, and crooks? When one works with
criminals, one becomes complicit and culpable for those crimes. We
elected you all to be different, not more of the same.

Cindy Sheehan


Dear Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Conyers,

I am writing this open letter to you both on the day after Veteran's
Day. A day that has so much more meaning to me since my son Casey was
KIA in Iraq for absolutely no reason but to line the pockets of the war
machine. I cried in front of his symbolic tombstone at Arlington
Northeast in Philadelphia and I dreamed of him before I awakened.
Casey's "tombstone" was planted in the ground directly across from
Liberty Hall which was the birth place of our Republic. How tragic it
was to see 2842 tombstones of our brave young people who have been
killed by people who are trampling all over our Constitution and making
a mockery out of the separations of power and the original intent of
that document. 2842 citizens who were willing to volunteer for service
and were killed by people who lied to the world to send them to invade
and occupy a country in a war of aggression that has killed almost a
million Iraqi citizens. How tragic it is that you both, our newly
elected Democratic leadership are already talking about abrogating
their Constitutional responsibilities, again.

We the people are shocked that you two are already stridently saying
over and over again that impeachment is "off the table." Since the
historic Nov. 7th elections, I have talked to a boat-load of Americans
who want impeachment on the table. We activists worked hard to make
these elections about national issues, like the illegal and immoral
occupation of Iraq, and the culture of corruption that, especially you,
Ms. Pelosi have been railing against for months now. And you, Mr.
Conyers, have already written a brilliant and detailed indictment of
BushCo. We the people are definitely puzzled by your rhetoric.

We the people put the Democrats back into power because we want to see
a change in this country and a rejection of politics as usual. We want
politics as unusual. We want to see the issue of impeachment and a
speedy and safe withdrawal of our troops from Iraq de-politicized and
brought into the realm of "right and wrong" where these issues belong,
not "right and left."

We the people are here to tell you that we are the ones that are going
to be setting the table, now. For too many years, we have allowed you
people, who are just like us and elected by us and from us, to tell us
what the agenda will be. Like I told George in a recent letter to him,
a sleeping giant has been awakened in this country and we are not
falling asleep again just because the Democrats, only with grassroots
involvement and commitment, are back in power in Congress.

It turns our stomachs when you talk about "working" with the
Republicans. First of all, these people have allowed BushCo free rein
in committing their high crimes and misdemeanors and crimes against
humanity. Why would you want to work with murderers, liars, and crooks?
When one works with criminals, one becomes complicit and culpable for
those crimes. We elected you all to be different, not more of the same.

Secondly, and more importantly, BushCo have openly committed egregious
crimes which they have all admitted to. The question really isn't:
should they be impeached, but why haven't they been impeached, removed
from office and criminally charged and tried for these crimes, yet? I
believe that when Congressional Representatives and Senators are sworn
into office they take an oath to protect the constitution, not to
protect, aid, and abet criminals. The investigation and eventual rubber
stamp to begin impeachment proceedings against Nixon was a bi-partisan
effort and Nixon wasn't even investigated for the level of crimes that
BushCo should be investigated for.

We realize that you have a tremendous and daunting task before you
both. We know for six years that your governmental body has been busy
giving its power away to a maniac who has abused and misused that power
so incompetently and tragically. However, to say that impeachment can't
be one of the issues that Congress begins immediate work on is not
giving you all enough credit. We know that you can do it! We have
confidence in your abilities. Impeachment has been done before in our
country and it has never before been so urgent.

How many times has George said that the troops aren't coming home
while he is president? How many times has BushCo lied to us and
admitted those lies? Or been caught in those lies? How many people have
they killed for greed of money and power and how many lives have been
destroyed by them? How many laws have BushCo broken and admitted to
breaking? How many people have they physically and mentally wounded by
torture and by sending our brave young people wrongly to Iraq and not
supporting them when they get there? How much longer will you allow
them to violate and desecrate everything that we hold dear as Americans
and human beings?

We the people demand that you do your duties as officers and
protectors of our Constitution and we demand that you do your duties as
members of humanity to call a halt to the crimes against humanity of
the Bush regime.

When the 110th Congress is seated on January 3rd, we the people, who
also have a duty to our Constitution (We the People is the first line)
and a duty to humanity will be walking the halls of your offices to
tell you what our agenda is and what we want on the table.

I admire and respect both of you and I know you will do the right
thing, but you better heed the will of we the people, or we will find
other people who will. I hope you do believe that we want you to
represent us and not the special interests of the war machine.

We the people are serious about true change this time and we are
willing to walk, work, sit, stand, write, travel, sweat, freeze, be
arrested, and scream for these changes.

Impeachment and removal from office are not for the squeamish or faint
of heart, but we are neither of those things. We are all brave and
(p)(m)atriotic Americans who realize that healing of the political
divide that has characterized the Bush regime will only begin when our
young people and the people of Iraq see justice for all of the death
and misery that they have afflicted humanity with. Our children who
have been sent to early graves or have to live the rest of their lives
with PTSD or missing limbs, and the people of Iraq (not to mention the
victims of Katrina) are crying out for this justice. Justice is meted
out everyday in our world and if BushCo are not brought to justice then
justice loses its meaning and effectiveness.

Do it for Casey, do it for his buddies, do it for the people of Iraq,
do it for the people who were devastated by Katrina, do it to bring
legitimacy back to Congress and our Constitution, do it to raise our
reputation in the international community, do it just because it is the
right thing to do.

See you on January 3rd.

Peace soon,
Cindy Sheehan
Activists can contact the potential Madam Speaker at:
and the potential Chairperson of the Judiciary Committee, Hon. John
Conyers, or your personal Congressional Representative at:

Cindy Sheehan is Mother of Casey Sheehan who was KIA in Iraq on
04/04/04 by George's war of terror.
Co-founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace.
Founder of Camp Casey Peace Institute
Author of Peace Mom: A Mother's Journey through Heartache to Activism
and Jail Bird for Peace.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: Marsha McClelland <>
Date: November 13, 2006 4:19:54 PM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] No Warrant? No Search.

No Warrant? No Search.

The Senate will soon vote on a bill that permits the Administration to
spy on Americans without court approval. This violates the Bill of
Rights and leaves us all unprotected from snooping government agents.
Click here: to tell your
Senators to oppose warrantless spying on Americans.

Please stand by this organization and help take back our country

Come to to learn more:


From: "Dick Eastman" <>
Date: November 14, 2006 12:22:13 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] The WTO announces formalized SLAVERY MARKET
for AFRICA -- WTO's "full private stewardry" program "best available
solution to African poverty"

"This is what free trade's all about. It's about the freedom to buy
and sell anything--even people."

November 13, 2006

US Trade Representative to Africa, Governor of
Nigeria Central Bank weigh in at Wharton

Text, photos, video:
WTO Contact: Hanniford Schmidt (
Conference website:
Conference contacts:

Philadelphia - At a Wharton Business School conference on business in
Africa, World Trade Organization representative Hanniford Schmidt
announced the creation of a WTO initiative for "full private stewardry
of labor" for the parts of Africa that have been hardest hit by the 500
years of Africa's free trade with the West.

The initiative will require Western companies doing business in some
parts of Africa to own their workers outright. Schmidt recounted how
private stewardship has been successfully applied to transport, power,
water, traditional knowledge, and even the human genome. The WTO's
"full private stewardry" program will extend these successes to
(re)privatize humans themselves.

"Full, untrammelled stewardry is the best available solution to African
poverty, and the inevitable result of free-market theory," Schmidt told
more 150 attendees. Schmidt acknowledged that the stewardry program was
similar in many ways to slavery, but explained that just as
"compassionate conservatism" has polished the rough edges on labor
relations in industrialized countries, full stewardry, or
"compassionate slavery," could be a similar boon to developing ones.

The audience included Prof. Charles Soludo (Governor of the Central
Bank of Nigeria), Dr. Laurie Ann Agama (Director for African Affairs at
the Office of the US Trade Representative), and other notables. Agama
prefaced her remarks by thanking Scmidt for his macroscopic
perspective, saying that the USTR view adds details to the WTO's
general approach. Nigerian Central Bank Governor Soludo also
acknowledged the WTO proposal, though he did not seem to appreciate it
as much as did Agama.

A system in which corporations own workers is the only free-market
solution to African poverty, Schmidt said. "Today, in African
factories, the only concern a company has for the worker is for his or
her productive hours, and within his or her productive years," he said.
"As soon as AIDS or pregnancy hits--out the door. Get sick, get fired.
If you extend the employer's obligation to a 24/7, lifelong concern,
you have an entirely different situation: get sick, get care. With each
life valuable from start to finish, the AIDS scourge will be quickly
contained via accords with drug manufacturers as a profitable
investment in human stewardees. And educating a child for later might
make more sense than working it to the bone right now."

To prove that human stewardry can work, Schmidt cited a proposal by a
free-market think tank to save whales by selling them. "Those who don't
like whaling can purchase rights to specific whales or groups of whales
in order to stop those particular whales from getting whaled as much,"
he explained. Similarly, the market in Third-World humans will
"empower" caring First Worlders to help them, Schmidt said.

One conference attendee asked what incentive employers had to remain as
stewards once their employees are too old to work or reproduce. Schmidt
responded that a large new biotech market would answer that worry. He
then reminded the audience that this was the only possible solution
under free-market theory.

There were no other questions from the audience that took issue with
Schmidt's proposal.

During his talk, Schmidt outlined the three phases of Africa's 500-
year history of free trade with the West: slavery, colonialism, and
post-colonial markets. Each time, he noted, the trade has brought
tremendous wealth to the West but catastrophe to Africa, with poverty
steadily deepening and ever more millions of dead. "So far there's a
pattern: Good for business, bad for people. Good for business, bad for
people. Good for business, bad for people. That's why we're so happy to
announce this fourth phase for business between Africa and the West:
good for business--GOOD for people."

The conference took place on Saturday, November 11. The panel on which
Schmidt spoke was entitled "Trade in Africa: Enhancing Relationships to
Improve Net Worth." Some of the other panels in the conference were
entitled "Re-Branding Africa" and "Growing Africa's Appetite."
Throughout the comments by Schmidt and his three co-panelists, which
lasted 75 minutes, Schmidt's stewardee, Thomas Bongani-Nkemdilim,
remained standing at respectful attention off to the side.

"This is what free trade's all about," said Schmidt. "It's about the
freedom to buy and sell anything--even people."

From: Henri <>
Date: November 13, 2006 4:04:23 PM EST

To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: Fw: Vote Fraud? How AIPAC Lieberman Won

Comment: Unfortunately, the concept of "statistically impossible" will
not resonate in the minds of most brain-dead, TV-sodden citizens...
"It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE and could not happen twice in one
million years, much less twice in 6 years for one lucky Pro-Israel
Jewish Senator."
Vote Fraud? How AIPAC Lieberman 'Won'

By Karl WB Schwarz

We may have the clearest evidence of vote fraud coming out of
Connecticut with the re-election of Pro-Israel Joe Lieberman as an

Now, how exactly did Lieberman win TWO elections and his two
opponents got exactly the SAME number of votes at exactly 448,077 votes
each time?!?!

"In Connecticut Ned Lamont (Dem.) lost EXACTLY with THE SAME number
of votes as did Phil Giordano (Rep.) collected in 2000."

Any of you mathematical geniuses want to calculate the odds on that?
It is beyond staggering. It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE and could not
happen twice in one million years, much less twice in 6 years for one
lucky Pro-Israel Jewish Senator. I think this matter needs to be
investigated because it is smoking hot and beyond outrageous.


Date: November 13, 2006 2:09:43 PM EST
Subject: one in six, 18,382 votes vanish in Sarasota

I dont know if youve heard about this - its ridiculous. 18,382
votes have been LOST by paperless voting machines in one Florida House
That's one in seven of the votes cast there JUST GONE because
electronic voting machines left no paper record! The Republican
candidate only won by 368 votes.
Common Cause is jumping in, demanding tests of the machines and a
revote, and I just took action to push for the big-picture solution -
mandatory paper trails - by writing to my Senator. I hope you'll join
me at
This debacle didn't have to happen. A voter-verified paper record of
the ballot would have shown voters that their choice in the race wasn't
Ironically, that same day, those Florida voters overwhelmingly
approved a measure requiring paper receipts in their county. is the campaign for that same solution
The first step is flooding Congress with 100,000 letters demanding
voter-verified paper records and random audits of electronic machines.
Write your Senators NOW for a paper trail:
When you act, you join Common Cause in documenting voting problems
nationwide, pushing for a revote in Sarasota, and forcing the Senate's
hand on clean elections. Please pass this message on far and wide.


From: Henri <>
Date: November 13, 2006 3:53:49 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: The Democrats Don't Care

"This obscenity of oppression and murder does not faze the Democrats or
any of Israel's Zionist supporters in the U.S. Whatever Israel wants is
all right with the Democrats. The 110th Congress will screw the
Palestinians just the way the Republican 109th did."

From Today's Counterpunch:

The Democrats Don't Care

Screw the Palestinians, Full Steam Ahead

At a panel on the defense and foreign policy impact of the midterm
election, sponsored two days after the election by Congressional
Quarterly, Steven Simon, late of the Clinton administration and still a
member of the Democratic, pro-Zionist mainstream at the Council on
Foreign Relations, pronounced on prospects for Palestinian-Israeli
peace and essentially declared it not worth anyone's effort. Using
words, a tone, and a body language that clearly betrayed his own
disinterest, he said that Hamas is "there" (exaggerated shrug), that
the Israeli government is in turmoil after its Lebanon "contretemps"
(dismissive wave of the hand), that both sides are incapable of
significant movement, and that therefore there is no incentive for
anyone, Democrat or Republican, to intervene (casual frown indicating
an unfortunate reality about which serious people need not concern
themselves). There is simply no prospect for more unilateral Israeli
withdrawals and therefore for any progress toward peace, Simon said in
conclusion -- signaling not only a total lack of concern but an utter
ignorance of just what it is that might bring progress, as if Israeli
unilateralism were truly the ticket to peace.

Thus spake the Democratic oracle. Not that anyone who knows the
Palestinian-Israeli situation from other than the selective focus of
the Zionist perspective had any expectations in the first place. No one
ever thought the new Democratic Congress would hop to and put pressure
on Israel to make peace. Just remember John Kerry and Hillary Clinton,
to say nothing of Bill Clinton, when any question of the Democrats'
stance arises. And don't forget Nancy Pelosi, who rushed to condemn
Jimmy Carter for using the word "apartheid" in the title of his new
book and for whom, according to a Jewish Telegraphic Agency profile,
support for Israel is personal and "heartfelt." One Jewish activist and
long-time friend described her as "incredibly loyal" (interesting term)
and as feeling Jewish and Israeli issues "in her soul."

But Simon's brief disquisition on the futility of even making an effort
was particularly striking for its profound dismissiveness and its
profound blindness to what is and has been going on on the ground.
Simon's "contretemps" in Lebanon was no mere embarrassing misstep but a
murderous rampage that killed 1,300 innocent Lebanese and dropped over
a million cluster bomblets in villages across the south, left to be
discovered by returning residents. But the Democrats don't care, and
Steven Simon considers this hardly worth a second thought. Israel gets
itself in trouble, showing its true brutal nature in the process, and
this gives Simon and the Democrats a handy excuse to avoid doing

Eighteen Palestinian innocents in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza
Strip were murdered while sleeping in their beds a day before Simon
spoke, killed by Israeli shellfire, round after round fired at a
residential housing complex -- 16 members of one extended family and
two others who came to help them after the first round exploded. The
Democrats don't care. Steven Simon considers this not worth a mention.

In the six days preceding this incident, Israel assaulted Beit Hanoun
the way it assaulted Jenin and Nablus and other West Bank cities in
2002 -- a murderous assault reminiscent of Nazi sieges or of the
Russian siege of Chechnya, in which in these six days 57 Palestinians
were killed, to one Israeli soldier. The dead include Palestinian
fighters and a large number of civilians, including children and
including two women shot down in the street while attempting to lift
the Israeli siege of a mosque. The mosque was leveled. The Democrats
don't care. Steven Simon considers this not worth a mention.

In the four months preceding this six-day siege, the Israelis killed
247 Palestinians in a prolonged attack on Gaza. Of the dead, two-thirds
are civilians, 20 percent children. Of nearly 1,000 injured, one-third
are children. The Democrats don't care. Steven Simon considers this not
worth a mention.

Israel is planning a larger siege of Gaza, concentrating not just on
Beit Hanoun in the north but on Rafah in the south, ostensibly to
unearth arms-smuggling tunnels. This has been going on for years; Rafah
has been the scene of Israel's murderous pummeling periodically since
the intifada began -- in 2003 when Rachel Corrie was killed trying to
protect the home of an innocent family from demolition, in 2004 when
hundreds of homes were demolished in multiple sieges and a peaceful
protest demonstration was strafed from the air. But the Democrats don't
care. Steven Simon considers this not worth a mention.

Gaza, of course, is not the only Palestinian territory being raped and
pillaged. Its 1.4 million residents are the most distraught -- living
imprisoned in a territory with the highest population density in the
world, walled in with no exit except as Israel sporadically allows,
being deliberately starved by the official policy of Israel, which
dictates to the U.S., which dictates to Europe, vulnerable to constant
Israeli assault. But the West Bank's 2.5 million Palestinians are not
much better off. They continue to be killed by Israelis and squeezed by
Israel's separation wall, by settlement expansion, by movement
restrictions, by theft of agricultural land, by diminishing economic
opportunity, and by massive Israeli-fostered unemployment. Their death
toll is only minimally less than Gaza's.

This obscenity of oppression and murder does not faze the Democrats or
any of Israel's Zionist supporters in the U.S. Whatever Israel wants is
all right with the Democrats. The 110th Congress will screw the
Palestinians just the way the Republican 109th did.

Kathleen Christison is a former CIA political analyst and has worked on
Middle East issues for 30 years. She is the author of Perceptions of
Palestine and The Wound of Dispossession.

Bill Christison was a senior official of the CIA. He served as a
National Intelligence Officer and as Director of the CIA's Office of
Regional and Political Analysis. They spent October 2006 in Palestine
and on a speaking tour of Ireland sponsored by the Ireland Palestine
Solidarity Campaign.


From: Henri <>
Date: November 13, 2006 3:17:00 PM EST
Subject: Are Democrats Turning a Blind Eye to Civil Liberty?

Are Democrats Turning a Blind Eye
to Civil Liberty?

Paul Craig Roberts
Lew Rockwell
Monday, November 13, 2006

Unless Novembers new blood improves the Democratic Partys civil
liberties pedigree, the Democrats will have failed even before they are
sworn in next January.

In its disregard for truth, public opinion, the separation of powers,
the Geneva Conventions, the US Constitution and statutory law, the Bush
administration has been more of a regime than an administration. The
Bush/Cheney executive branch has operated independently of all the
constraints that provide accountability and prevent despotism.
The Bush regime was able to evade these restraints, because
Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and because Republicans
wielded 9/11 as a weapon to forestall political opposition.

With signing statements and other unilateral declarations of
presidential authority, the Bush regime asserted executive branch
powers beyond the reach of Congress and the judiciary.

The Bush regime was a coup ditat against the Bill of Rights and the
jurisdictions of Congress and the courts. Unless Democrats roll back
this coup, Americans have seen the last of their civil liberties.

Judging by Democrats statements in the flush of their electoral
victory, Democrats have little, if any, awareness of this critical
fact. Democrats are anxious to get on with their agendas and have shown
no recognition that the first order of business is to repeal the
legislation that permits torture, warrantless detention and domestic

If Bush threatens to veto the resurrection of US civil liberty, the
Democrats can impeach Bush as a tyrant as well as for pushing America
into an illegal and catastrophic war on the basis of lies and

Bush is the most impeachable president in American history. However,
the incoming Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has declared
impeachment to be "off the table." Obviously, this means that Bush will
not be held accountable and that the Bill of Rights is a casualty of
the vague, undefined, and propagandistic "war on terror."

Do Pelosi and the incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have the
intellect and character to deliver the leadership required for
Americans to remain a free people? Instead of bemoaning the damage Bush
has done to civil liberty, Democrats are up in arms over one child in
five being raised in poverty. The more important question is whether
children are being raised as a free people protected by civil liberties
from arbitrary government power.

Do Democrats share the delusion of Bush supporters that it is only
Middle Eastern terrorists who are deprived of the protection of the US
Constitution? One can understand the reluctance of Americans to extend
constitutional protection to terrorists who are trying to kill
Americans. However, without these protections, there is no way of
ascertaining who is a terrorist.

Currently, a "terrorist" is anyone given that designation by any of a
large number of unaccountable government officials and military
officers. No evidence has to be provided in order to detain a
designated suspect. Moreover, designated suspects can be convicted in
military tribunals on the basis of secret evidence not made available
to them or to any legal representation that they might be able to
secure. In other words, you are guilty if charged.

As the case of US citizen Jose Padilla makes clear, these gestapo
police state proceedings apply to Americans. Padilla was declared to be
an "enemy combatant." He was held in a US prison for three and one-half
years with no charges and no warrant. He was kept in isolated
confinement, tortured, and denied legal representation.

In order to avoid US Supreme Court jurisdiction over the case, the Bush
regime filed charges after stealing three and one-half years of
Padillas life. However, the charges have no relationship to the Bush
regimes original allegations that Padilla, an Hispanic-American, was
an al Qaeda operative who was going to set off a radioactive dirty bomb
in an American city. The US government no longer designates Padilla as
an "enemy combatant." The dirty bomb charge has disappeared, and US
Federal District Judge Marcia Cooke has criticized the governments
indictment as vague with sketchy evidence "weak on facts."

The reason that the Bush regime wants to detain people indefinitely
without evidence is that it has no evidence. The reason the Bush regime
passed torture legislation is in order to produce the missing evidence
by torturing a suspect into self-incrimination. "Evidence" procured by
torture has been illegal in civilized societies for centuries. But the
Bush regime has resurrected the medieval rack and substituted it for
the Bill of Rights.
If Democrats cannot bring themselves to rectify the inhumane and
barbaric practices that now pass for US justice, then they, too, have
failed the American people.


NOTE: These next two pieces provide a pessimistic and an optimistic
notion of the near future in the US. Choose your expectation. --
kl, pp

From: "Peter Vervoorn" <>
Date: November 13, 2006 5:30:32 AM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] Who done it?

The only way for Cheney to avoid being made a scapegoat and achieve his
ambitions now is to have George Bush assassinated and become President.
No-one can doubt he is capable of it. About the only way to prevent
Cheney from having Bush killed or otherwise creating absolute havoc is
to have him assassinated. Who will die first?

This could become a fascinating power struggle among the US power
elite. There is an incredible amount at stake, including blame for
crimes carrying the death sentence. It is life and death stuff, not
just political wrangling; and not just a matter of the two men at the
top, but two factions at the top and wider global interests. Cheney
wants to obliterate Iran. The Baker-Hamilton Commission wants to
negotiate with Iran and Syria. Whose side is Israel likely to take?

If Bush dies first, no doubt the Iranians will be blamed. If Cheney is
killed, it might be an accident, heart failure or Al Qaeda.
International assassins are probably lining up for a shot at both men.
What an opportunity for mayhem with so many people to blame. I cant
see how Cheney can be left as VP or how Bush can show his head until
Cheney is out of the way. One or both men have to die.

November 13, 2006 at 11:58:23


Republicans Will Force Bush/Cheney Resignation

by Rob Kall

Tell A Friend

The democrats "have a constitutional duty," as Nancy Pelosi has said,
to investigate--- criminal wrongs, offenses to the constitution...

In the coming months, as the Democrat-led congress moves forward,
dealing with the war, unemployment, health care, medicare drugs,
immigration (ignoring flag burning, gay marriage, and other BS the
republicans wasted whole sessions on) they will also be convening
hearings. The Democrats will force the release of reports that the
Republicans held back from the public. They will begin to shed line on
the dark recesses that the Republicans hid.

The truth will see the light of day.

Once the dirty truth comes out-- that Bush was a criminal and
constitutional violator in SO many ways, the 31% rating for Bush that
we see today will look huge. The American public will demand that
something be done. They will insist upon the rescue of the

I believe that there will be more network anchors who, emboldened by
the tough talk of first and foremost, Keith Olbermann, but also Jack
Cafferty and Lou Dobbs. These gutsy media spokesman will rally the
American people to demand that the perpetrators face justice, that the
abuses to the constitution and the bill of rights be righted (or, with
the current climate, "lefted.")

The Republican party will be faced with a disastrous 2008 election and
they will have little choice but to cut the damage-- the slowly, but
strongly growing media storm of outrage over the crimes and abuses of
Bush, Cheney and their worst appointees, particularly Gonzalez.

The Republicans will be forced to take a walk to the white House-- at
least 15 or 16 of them-- and they will tell Bush and Cheney, that they
have to resign, because the Republican party will be obliterated if
they don't clean up their own mess. And Bush and Cheney are their mess.

It will be oh so delicious to see the day that Bush and Cheney resign
because the Republicans told them to. Either that, or the Dems will
take an additional 50 house seats and 15-20 MORE senate seats in 2008.
At that point, the two party system could be replaced by new parties.

It is a certainty, the Republicans will not allow that to happen. The
senators will go to Bush and Cheney and tell them they have to resign--
and fast.

This won't happen overnight, but it won't take too long. There are
already a few Republicans who have expressed reservations. Expect the
ones who will be facing elections in 2008 to be under more pressure to
get on board, and the few remaining moderates remaining on the
Republican side of the aisle.

Don't expect every Democrat to get on board. Joe, the red, Lieberman
might hold out just to annoy the Dems, or to hold out for a deal of his
own. Seriously though, that is VERY unlikely, with his constituent

Eventually though, Bush will get a visit. Almost certainly, it will be
a real, actual visit, from a big enough group of Republicans to make it
clear to George and Dick that they really do have a choice-- face
impeachment or resign.

Of course, when Bush gets the visit from the Republicans, he will drag
James Baker from wherever he is, to negotiate a deal. Cheney will pull
out his shotgun and shoot at them, probably at a more moderate one,
like Arlen Spector or Olympia Snowe who will surely be amongst the
resignation demand team.

The Dems will be straining at the leash to take any offer. That will be
a mistake. Bush and Cheney do NOT deserve to get off with just
resigning. They must plead guilty to crimes. They must do at least some
time-- so they lose their right to vote. They must, as part of their
"deal" agree to never speak in public, to not give speeches, to give
all claims to all monies in any bank accounts they did not have upon
entering office. They should pay fines consisting of all their assets.
They should be put in house arrest-- on Bush's remote ranch. Government
security agents should be supplied to keep all visitors out except
family, and to keep Bush and Cheney in. Okay-- Cheney can do house
arrest in some ranch in Wyoming.

There are those who would imprison these criminals for life, and those
who believe they deserve execution as mass murderers. The US should
also allow the world court to try them, with Rumsfeld, Gonzalez, Tommy
Franks, and a number of the generals who allowed or even observed
torture and other war crimes. The US owes the world access to the
criminals who got out of control. We need to clear our Karma. Allowing
justice to take its course-- true justice, not the perverted,
despicable thing that Gonzalez, Yoo and company perpetrated upon this
nation and this planet.

On the other side, James Baker and Bush's few remaining friends will
negotiate on behalf of Bush. Some of my wish list of sentencing
elements will fall. I hope not many. They are designed to prevent Bush
or Cheney from contining to do damage or to benefit from their crimes.

The American people will see the light and they will make at least most
of these things come to pass. And it will be sweet to see Bush and
Cheney and friends do the perp walks they so richly deserve.


Rob Kall is executive editor and publisher of, President
of Futurehealth, Inc, and organizer of several conferences, including
StoryCon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of
Story and The Winter Brain Meeting on neurofeedback, biofeedback,
Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology. He is a frequent Speaker
on Politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's
journey, Positive Psychology, Stress, Biofeedback and a wide range of
subjects. See more of his articles here and, older ones, here.


Russ Wellen

Here's How Wayne Madsen Sees It

His weekend report excerpted: "According to Washington insiders, there
are moves afoot to dump Vice President Dick Cheney and replace him with
either John McCain or Rudolph Giuliani prior to the 2008 presidential

"Since the increasingly-besieged Cheney has signaled he has no
intention of voluntarily stepping down, the strategy by the Bush camp
may be to force him out by presenting evidence before Special Counsel
Patrick Fitzgerald that it was Cheney who was responsible for the
compromise of CIA non-proliferation covert officer Valerie Plame Wilson
and her Brewster Jennings & Associates cover firm."

by RussWellen (16 articles, 137 comments) on Monday, November 13, 2006
at 1:46:32 PM

Tell A Friend

Copyright ) OpEdNews, 2002-2006


From: lowell dent <>
Date: November 13, 2006 8:29:10 PM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Uranium Weapons Cover-ups in Our Midst

This lengthy November 1, 2003 article Post-conference to the World
Uranium Weapons Conference

Hamburg, October 16-19, 2003, three years ago is full of information
that may not be new to you--- but it is nicely organized and presented
with plenty of linked references ...only a very few excerpts are
here--- this is lengthy, but worthwhile

Depleted Uranium Watch
DU at work in Iraq ten years later (WARNING: Extremely Disturbing)
Uranium Weapons Cover-ups in Our Midst
Copyright 2003. All rights reserved.

US War Departments Manhattan Project considered development of
uranium aerosol weapons, as is documented in a 1943 memo to general

Uranium Medical Research Centre (UMRC) found high contamination of
residents near sites bombed in Afghanistan
[; Durakovic 2003].

The isotopic composition of military uranium residue in Afghanistan
resembles natural uranium, except for traces of uranium 236, which most
labs cannot detect and would declare natural uranium

How does it affect us..
Even a cursory review of humanitarian law supports the conclusion that
uranium weaponry of any type is so patently illegal that the discussion
should really focus on bringing to justice those who have used it and
redirecting action towards the victims of these weapons. But the
international community and the anti-uranium movement still confronts
the denial and deflect policies of the weapon makers, proliferators
and users.

Part 1: Anatomy of cover-ups

radioactivity and toxicity. The hazards are similar, regardless of the
type of uranium metal used: depleted, non-depleted or in alloys with
other metals

A critique by the European Committee on Radiation Risk reveals that
ICRP models of risk from internal particles underestimate empirical
mortality and morbidity by a factor of 100 to 1000 [ECRR 2003].

Without exception, at every bombsite investigated, people are ill. A
significant portion of the civilian population presents symptoms
consistent with internal contamination by Uranium."

< DIV>Information warfare

(DoD) targets foreign nations and groups, including foreign
governments. DoD actions "convey and/or deny selected information and
indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives,
and objective reasoning; and to intelligence systems and leaders at all
levels." DoD management of the foreign perceptions, "combines truth
projection, operation security, cover and deception, and psychological

Behind the scenes

(PA) of Information Warfare "provides objective reporting without
intent to propagandize" and disseminates information internationally.
PA involves press releases, media briefings and statements by the
military that "are based on projection of truths and credible message
[that serve to discredit] adversary propaganda or misinformation
against the operations of US/coalition forces [which] is critical to
maintaining favorable public opinion."

Despite large resources expended on PsyOps, amateurs recognize and
debunk spin and deception easily. In 1999, Bein predicted in a Polish
article [] the following techniques for
cover-up of Balkan DU, based on post-Gulf War I experience:
7 Deny information and delay its release; understate the
quantity of DU weapons used.
7 Belittle harmful effects of DU, change emphasis and dilute
scientific information.
7 Manipulate reports and scientific evidence, including those
from previous DU wars.
7 Censor DU information in mass media.
7 Blame other causes, such as pre-war or general pollution.
7 Coerce the government to withhold the truth.
7 Blame "Milosevics secret weapons, and DU deployed by
Yugoslav forces.

- Manipulation and corruption of laboratories chosen to do
medical research for the complex.
- Pressures on the executives of national and international
organizations conducting studies of contaminated sites and victims.
- Intimidation and discreditation of independent medical
scientists and researchers.

Part 3: Cases

the adversary seeks out and manipulates the honest differences to
neutralize the capacity to incriminate the uranium weapon proponents
and the nuclear lobby

Part 4: Conclusions and Recommendations

- Educate the groups in those regions about cover-ups and
manipulations, so that sincere members of the groups are aware of
potential threats in their geographical and organizational domains.

- Stay vigilant against infiltration and manipulation or
mistaken people from these groups when they attempt to corrupt the rest
of the movement. A potential for this is realistic with groups
apparently domiciled in areas hardest hit by radiological wars, because
being a victim arouses human feelings of empathy and trust of others.

Please post documentation of cover-ups, deceptions and manipulations to
your networks. Publish success stories of de-bunking and exposure of
manipulations. If you prefer anonymity, send them to, or to the du-watch list by first subscribing to The list is self-moderated and one of
a few remaining uncensored on the subject. You can unsubscribe and
subscribe any time.


From: "Eric Stewart" <>
Date: November 13, 2006 8:20:28 AM EST
Subject: [911TruthAction] Site Hacked to Keep BBC 911 Anniversary Video
Off Web

Site Hacked to Keep
BBC 911 Anniversary Video Off Web

Regarding 9/11: Controlled Demo Proven in 19 Seconds, whose posting at
this blog has brought a world of electronic "difficulties":

by Rick Siegel

I just never thought it was that important. How many millions of people
already know that the destruction of the Trade Centers in NYC on
September 11, 2001 were not caused by some jet or its subsequent fire.

This latest release of footage from BBC on the anniversary of the 911
events did not seem to me that important even though it clearly has
audible and visual evidence of the demolition charges destroying the
building. It was given to me from a person who told me that google,
yahoo and his web provider closed his accounts for having it on. I did
not believe this and put it up myself.

Well, here I am to tell you within 38 hours of posting the article and
getting it on Shoutwire the site was hacked. Not a normal hack, but a
root level attack to turn the whole thing off. There was no defacement
just dismemberment.

I only noticed it at 3amCST and it was taken down at 8pmCST as far as
the logs can show. We are working to identify the culprit but as this
usually goes to a building there will be very little in getting to the


On September 7, 2006 the BBC showed a special anniversary program for
the anniv ersary of 911 events. The show was called "911: The
TwinTowers". The video is of great significance as you can see and hear
the Tower being demolished and hear the sequence of charges.


The sound allegedly has not been enhanced in any way and is even
distorted by the Google encoding yet sets itself in accord with the
testimony of most eyewitness testimony. That includes testimony from
the FDNY firefighters.

The building had 114 floors and took approximately 10 seconds to
collapse. In this video fourteen explosions can be heard in a period of
5 seconds dispelling any belief in a "pancake theory".

While more and more evidence piles up and the floodgates are ready to
burst one ponders what it will take for the people to finally get up
and kick the people subverting the indictments into jail. Instead we
note that they have now been promoted to higher positions of power/
they have passed more draconian laws stripping more freedoms and
liberties in the belief that it will save us from the invisible enemy
who cannot be killed.

If you or yours were murdered, would you not hope for a murder
investigation? 3000 people died in NYC that day and there has not been
one murder investigation, indictment or trial for any crime. Not one.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Everybody even the mainstream media seems to have picked up on the
idea that the replacement of Rummy by Gates is an attempt by the
paleocons surrounding Father Bush to finally take back some power from
the neocons, and try to salvage what they can from the Iraq debacle.
There is a real fear in the Establishment you know, the guys Noam
claims, in the ultimate insane conspiracy theory, to have been running
things all along, an odd idea if such drastic steps have to be taken to
rescue the United States from Lobby treason that the results of Iraq
will be a permanent destruction of American military power coupled with
the real potential for a grass-roots revolution across the entire
Middle East, leading to the loss of literally trillions of dollars of
Establishment wealth. Thus the traditional Establishment, which has
allowed the neocons and their Israel Lobby bosses to get away with
murder for the past six years, have finally decided to take back the
American government from the pro-Israeli traitors.

While Gates is certainly a paleocon figure from Father Bushs circle,
and the fabulous James Baker boys are working out a more conciliatory
approach to the Middle East which may even involve a little diplomacy,
it would be a mistake to count the neocons out completely. We have
just witnessed a rather sweet Israeli maneuver whereby the pro-Israeli
Republican Congress was replaced by an even more pro-Israeli Democrat
Congress, under the control of Israeli agents including Rahm Emanuel.
The rather incompetent campaign run by the Republicans, the delay
in firing Rummy thus wasting the political advantage of removing him at
a time when it could have done the Republicans some political good (to
the fury of the party), and the failure to fully use the Diebold
advantage when the races were won on razor-thin margins, all point to
an upper-level conspiracy to allow the Democrats to win. One advantage
is that the crooked voting machines will live to see another election.
Another is that Israeli policies will continue to dominate American

Gates is an interesting figure. A clear paleocon with a CIA/Cold
Warrior background, he is also one of the main criminal figures in
Iran-Contra (as well as being involved in the 1980s program to arm
Saddam; the first October surprise; and the extending of the Cold War
through lying CIA estimates of Soviet power). Iran-Contra was the
first neocon attack on the United States. It follows the model of
cloaking Israeli partisan interests behind a fagade of American
Establishment interests. Somehow the neocons, essentially the same
group that now runs the Bush Administration, managed to convince
otherwise sane and supposedly intelligent paleocons that it would be a
good idea to break laws involving sale of arms to Iran in order to
provide funding to break laws involving the providing of arms to the
Contras. The only beneficiaries of this wild scheme were Israel and
some Israeli arms dealers.

Youll remember that the end game for Wurmsers Zionist Plan for the
Middle East involves the break-up of Iraq, leading to the creation of a
moderate Shiite state in Iraq, which will in turn influence Iran to
become moderate (i. e., friendly to Israel), and eventually influence
Shiite rebellion in the Saudi oil fields, finally leading to the
control of Saudi oil by Zionist interests, thus removing the oil
weapon from the Arabs. Just as the paleocons, for what seemed to them
to be Establishment interests, were led by the nose by the neocons in
Iran-Contra, the same thing appears to be happening in paleocon
planning for Iraq. The plan will involve some kind of partition of
Iraq, exactly what Wurmser and his Israeli bosses want to see.

This is not a new paleocon idea. Gelb has been writing about it for
years. The devil will be in the details. The neocons want American
troops to stay in Iraq long enough so there will be no possibility of
any kind of federal Iraqi state surviving. The paleocons will want
such a federal state, even a weak one, if only to ensure cooperation in
moving oil (at least, what oil there is left to extract). The Zionists
still control Bush/Cheney, all the American media, and the entire
Congress. They can thus continue to throw roadblocks in the way of any
sane paleocon plan. It is still too early to say the neocon nightmare
is over.

Old pals from twenty years ago Rummy and Saddam both had a bad week;
old enemies from twenty years ago Gates and Daniel Ortega both had a
good week. The world is full of surprises.

posted at 2:16 AM


From: "Ahmed" <>
Date: November 12, 2006 10:17:04 PM EST
To: <>

Subject: [911TruthAction] Palestinian Women Pay Health Toll at
Checkpoints Body:

Womens ENews - Nov 12, 2006

In the past six years, at least four pregnant women and 34 newborns
have died after the mothers were delayed at Israeli military
checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza, Brenda Gazzar reports today.
Volunteers and aid groups are working to ease access restrictions.

Palestinian Women
Pay Health Toll at Checkpoints

By Brenda Gazzar

WeNews correspondent SHEIKH SA'AD, West Bank (WOMENSENEWS)-- At the
entrance of this small village near Jerusalem, Palestinian grandmother
Khadijeh Musa Alaan was told at an Israeli checkpoint that she could
not leave to visit her daughter in a nearby village.

Two Israeli volunteers, Laura Sznajder and Tamar Bilu, politely tried
to persuade an Israeli army official to let the 59-year-old woman pass
on that hot August afternoon.

He refused. Alaan, a Palestinian resident of the West Bank, did not
have a temporary permit from the district commander's office, he said.

She was also turned back at the checkpoint in July while trying to
visit a doctor for treatment of her diabetes, she says.

Alaan is just one of many women whose health and safety have been
placed in jeopardy as a result of Israel's nearly 40-year occupation of
the West Bank and Gaza Strip and increasingly restrictive security

"Health is one of the most basic needs of a human being," says
Sznajder, who as part of the Israeli women's organization Machsom Watch
monitors military checkpoints in the West Bank for potential human
rights abuses and violations. (Machsom means "checkpoint" in Hebrew.)
"The minute that you hurt mobility, you hurt health. They go together."

Palestinian women have for decades faced a multitude of health risks
shared by the overall population, including restricted access for
patients and medical professionals due to the occupation, the
deteriorating economic situation, traditional cultural beliefs, and
lack of adequate services and facilities. Since the second intifada, or
Palestinian uprising, in September 2000, those hardships have been

Between Sept. 28, 2000, and Aug. 20, 2006, for instance, 10 percent of
women in the West Bank and Gaza who needed to give birth in medical
centers or hospitals were delayed by Israeli forces from two to four
hours, according to the Palestinian Health Information Center, an
agency of the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Sixty-eight women gave birth at checkpoints during this period,
considered a factor in the deaths of 34 newborns and four mothers.

'Constantly Anxious' Pregnancies

"Palestinian women live in frustration of not being assured that they
can reach a maternity facility on time," said Rita Giacaman, professor
of public health at the Institute of Community and Public Health at
Birzeit University in the West Bank. "That means they are constantly
anxious during their pregnancy."

An already weak economy has been worsened by sanctions by the United
States, Israel and the European Union that followed the election of the
militant Hamas government earlier this year. In the Gaza Strip, recent
Israeli military actions and a tight siege on goods have resulted in
shortages of food, water and medicine that increase the prospects of
malnutrition and disease for the more than 1.4 million Palestinians who
live there.

About 65 percent of the population in the Palestinian territories lives
under the poverty line and about 30 percent of the population is
unemployed, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs in Jerusalem.

On Wednesday, 18 civilians in Gaza were killed in a shelling that
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said was caused by "technical
failure." In response, Hamas threatened to resume suicide bombings for
the first time since striking a partial cease-fire with Israel in 2005.

Military checkpoints and the new dividing wall known as the "Security
Fence," located partly within the West Bank and partly along the border
between the West Bank and Israel proper, are meant to deter such
attacks, but pose travel problems for Palestinians.

"Militarily, it works," said Capt. Noa Meir, spokesperson for the
Israeli Defense Forces, who spoke with Women's eNews before the most
recent shelling in Gaza. "The number of suicide attacks has gone down.
To a large part it's due to the security fence and checkpoints. And the
fact that terrorists have been stopped at checkpoints shows that they
try to get through them."

Humanitarian Groups Step In

On a humanitarian level, however, several Palestinian and Israeli
organizations consider the defensive barriers a humanitarian problem to

In 2004 the Palestinian Medical Relief Society, the largest Palestinian
nongovernmental health organization with at least 350 employees that
works throughout the West Bank and Gaza, established the Mythaloon
Maternity Home near Jenin in the Northern West Bank. The facility is
intended to reduce the number of women who deliver babies at
checkpoints or on roads and to provide services to expectant mothers,
such as birthing counseling, home visits and health instruction for the
mother and her family.

The relief society is trying to raise enough funds to open two more
maternity homes in the West Bank areas of Ramallah and Hebron. About 60
to 70 deliveries take place at the Mythaloon clinic each month and the
need for similar facilities, particularly for communities separated
from health services by the security barrier, is great, says Dr.
Khadijeh Jarrar, women's health program director.

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society also offers affordable clinical
services for women in 26 primary health care clinics throughout the
Bank and Gaza, including breast exams, pap smears and family planning

Since 1984, the organization has trained close to 300 women--mainly in
villages--to serve as community health workers. The women go through a
two-year program of nursing and public health.

Another organization is the Tel Aviv-based Physicians for Human
Rights-Israel. Founded by Israeli and Palestinian doctors, it advocates
behalf of patients and medical personnel in the West Bank and Gaza who
are refused passage into Israel on security grounds.

The organization succeeds in attaining permits for Palestinians in
about 98 percent of the cases it advocates for, said Maskit Bendel,
director of the Occupied Territories Project for the group in Tel Aviv,
which submits about 1,000 appeals for patients denied entry each year.

Palestinians "don't know they can appeal. Nobody tells them," Bendel

Waging a Court Campaign

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel is also waging a campaign in the
Israel Supreme Court to allow Palestinian ambulances from the West Bank
to enter Jerusalem, something that has been forbidden since 2002.

Today, Palestinians in the West Bank who need emergency care in
Jerusalem must take a Palestinian ambulance to a checkpoint, then be
transferred by stretcher to an Israeli ambulance and pay for the
expense themselves, Bendel said.

Machsom Watch, which has approximately 400 members and opposes both the
Israeli occupation and West Bank military checkpoints, has Israeli
women monitoring checkpoints, documenting any violations and
intervening to prevent violations, whether it is unwarranted
detentions, the prevention of passage of citizens or violence. In
extreme incidents, the organization files complaints to the Army.

Many Palestinians haven't been able to leave their towns or villages
for years and permits are often given arbitrarily, says Adi Dagan,
spokesperson for Machsom Watch.

The organization's goal is to inform the Israeli public and the world
"and tell them the story of what is going on there so eventually one
day, this will stop," Dagan said. "We don't believe in a nice
occupation or an enlightened occupation."

Jarrar of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society agreed, saying that
her women's program is merely trying to help Palestinian women survive
a crisis.

"We are trying our best to help our women bear their life, not to live
a quality life," said Jarrar from her office in Ramallah. "It is
There is no quality in occupation."

[Brenda Gazzar is a freelance journalist based in Jerusalem.]

For more information:

Palestinian Medical Relief Society: -

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel:

Machsom Watch: -

Copyright 2006 Women's eNews.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Rain Journal 11-12-06:
Climate Crisis Update --
Greatest Challenge Is Overcoming
Denial and Greed that
Cloud Minds and Close Hearts

Because of a rapid warming trend over the past 30 years, the Earth is
now reaching and passing through the warmest levels seen in the last
12,000 years. This color-coded map shows average temperatures from
2001-2005 compared to a base period of temperatures from 1951-1980.
Dark red indicates the greatest warming and purple indicates the
greatest cooling. Credit: NASA

Hard Rain Journal 11-12-06: Climate Crisis Update -- Greatest Challenge
Is Overcoming Denial and Greed that Cloud Minds and Close Hearts

By Richard Power

The stakes in the climate crisis were already as high as they could be,
nothing less than the difference between a flourishing civilization and
at best a marginal survival. But the odds of winning are getting worse
year after year.

Consider these recent revelations:

The growth in global emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels
over the past five years was four times greater than for the preceding
10 years (Independent, 11-11-06)

New scientific data shows that Africa is more vulnerable to the
impacts than previously thought.Seventy million people and 30 percent
of Africa's coastal infrastructure face the risk of coastal flooding by
2080 linked to rising sea levels, the report found.By 2025, some 480
million people in Africa could be living in water-scarce or
water-stressed areas. (Inter Press Service, 11-7-06)

There are viable solutions. What is lacking is will and accountability.

Consider these recommendations from Norwegian Church Aid:

A framework for a post 2012-agreement: negotiations to bring about a
new climate agreement for the period after 2012 must be concluded
within 2008 so that it may be ratified in good time before the expiry
of the Kyoto Protocol.
Adaptation Fund: Agreement must be reached on the governing structures
for an Adaptation Fund.

Clean development mechanism (CDM): CDM activities must continue, with
the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable
development in developing countries.

Technology transfer & access to green energy: mechanisms for technology
transfer and access to environmentally friendly energy must be
strengthened by a new climate agreement, and new, binding instruments
for effective and sustainable technology transfer from rich
industrialised nations to developing countries must be ensured.

Climate change itself is not the greatest challenge; the greatest
challenge is overcoming the denial and greed that cloud the minds and
close the hearts of those who wield corporate and governmental power
and those who manufacture the consent of their countrys populaces
(i.e., the mainstream news media).

Here are brief excerpts from the news items cited, with links to the
full texts:

The growth in global emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels over
the past five years was four times greater than for the preceding 10
years, according to a study that exposes critical flaws in the attempts
to avert damaging climate change. Data on carbon dioxide emissions
shows that the global growth rate was 3.2 per cent in the five years to
2005 compared with 0.8 per cent from 1990 to 1999, despite efforts to
reduce carbon pollution through the Kyoto agreement. Much of the
increase is probably due to the expansion of the Chinese economy, which
has relied heavily on burning coal and other fossil fuels for its
energy. Dr Mike Raupach, chair of the Global Carbon Project, an
international collaboration of researchers who compiled the latest
figures, warned yesterday that emissions were spiralling out of
control. "This is a very worrying sign. It indicates that recent
efforts to reduce emissions have had virtually no impact on emissions
growth Steve Connor Science Editor, Global growth in carbon emissions
is 'out of control', Independent, 11-11-06

Climate change will devastate Africa without substantial help from the
world community, according to a new report released at the opening of a
major U.N. climate change conference in Nairobi, Kenya Monday. "Africa
is the least responsible for climate change but will be hit the
hardest," said Nick Nuttall, spokesperson for the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP).
New scientific data shows that Africa is more vulnerable to the impacts
than previously thought, Nuttall told IPS from Nairobi.
Seventy million people and 30 percent of Africa's coastal
infrastructure face the risk of coastal flooding by 2080 linked to
rising sea levels, the report found. More than one-third of the
habitats that support African wildlife could be lost. Crop yields will
fall due to warmer temperatures and more intense droughts.

By 2025, some 480 million people in Africa could be living in
water-scarce or water-stressed areas. Stephen Leahy, Billions Needed to
Climate-Proof Africa, Inter Press Service, 11-7-06

"Environmental issues have always been central to Norwegian Church
Aid's values, and our position is laid out in our Guiding Principles.
But we now see that climate change is creating ever greater challenges
for the world's poor, and for those who are involved in work to fight
poverty. This is why Norwegian Church Aid's Board has approved a motion
to strengthen our competence within environmental issues and anchor
this in our development work around the world," says Atle Sommerfeldt,
General secretary of Norwegian Church Aid.

Norwegian Church Aid presented a list of challenges and recommendations
to the Norwegian Minister for the Environment, Helen Bjxrnxy, on Friday
3rd November, just two days before its representatives flew to Nairobi
to participate in the UN Climate Change Conference that opens today.

Norwegian Church Aid recommends:
A framework for a post 2012-agreement: negotiations to bring about a
new climate agreement for the period after 2012 must be concluded
within 2008 so that it may be ratified in good time before the expiry
of the Kyoto Protocol.
Adaptation Fund: Agreement must be reached on the governing structures
for an Adaptation Fund.
Clean development mechanism (CDM): CDM activities must continue, with
the aim of reducing gree
gas emissions and promoting sustainable development in developing
Technology transfer & access to green energy: mechanisms for technology
transfer and access to environmentally friendly energy must be
strengthened by a new climate agreement, and new, binding instruments
for effective and sustainable technology transfer from rich
industrialised nations to developing countries must be ensured.
Norwegian Church Aid's Gaim Kebreab and Therese Vangstad will be
participating in the UN Conference on Climate Change in Nairobi, Kenya
from November 6th 17th, Reuters Alternet, 11-6-06

Want to participate in the effort to mitigate the impact of global
warming? Download "Ten Things You Can Do"

There is a powerful magic in personal commitment.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 15, 2006, 2:04:43 PM11/15/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 15, 2006

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Here we have the ultimate in corporate obscenity.
First you destroy the weather supporting outdoor agriculture by
altering atmospheric chemistry in the name of private profit, then you
privatize (like Katrina) ensuing disaster-relief projects so you can
make even more money.
The UN once again pimps luridly for the corporations.
This may be the Bush Junta's pay-back to the huge reinsurance
conglomerates in compensation for the losses they incurred from the
junta's 9/11/01 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
Note the horrendous deception in the final sentence below. The
implication is that developing countries will be helped by this.
It's quite unlikely that the salary-ridden environmental
organizations (e.g., Friends of the Earth) at this conference will make
a major issue of this.

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez

Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 November 2006, 21:12 GMT

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of o.gif]
Climate Insurance Urged for Poor
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website, Nairobi

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of 999999.gif]
The UN wants insurance companies to help protect the world's poor
against the impacts of climate change.

Insurance-based schemes could make money available to affected
communities much faster than traditional aid, its climate meeting in
Nairobi was told.

A pilot project in Ethiopia earlier this year insured 17 million
subsistence farmers against drought.

Computer models of climate change suggest droughts and floods will
become more common across Africa.

Current extreme weather events on the continent affect most severely
the livelihoods of people with no access to conventional insurance.

"Every year, the World Bank donates millions in order to repair events
and to repair disasters; and we need a step change in the way we manage
relief for poorer parts of the world," said Thomas Loster of the Munich
Re Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation linked to the re-insurance

"Through public-private partnerships that match seed money from public
sources with the skills of the private sector, I believe we can do this
by realising new kinds of risk cover across large parts of the
developing world."

Poor harvest

The pilot project in Ethiopia shows how such schemes could work in

Using money provided by the US government, the Ethiopian
administration and other donors, the World Food Programme (WFP)
brokered a deal with the Axa Re insurance company to obtain cover for
17 million subsistence farmers against drought.

The insurers agreed that below a certain minimum of rainfall, they
would pay $7m within a matter of days, to be spent on food aid or
payments to farmers. The premium paid was $930m.

As it happened, rainfall stayed above the threshold, and Axa Re kept
its money. But WFP's Peter Smerdon believes the project shows how poor
communities can gain relief quickly.

"The big advantage is it's much faster," he told BBC News.

"Normally, you see a disaster coming, you wait for it to get there,
you go and assess the damage, you go and see what you need, you appeal
to donors, you have to get the food and assistance in there; and that
can take months."

By that time, he observed, farmers might have lost their livestock,
sold their farming equipment, and eaten their seeds.

Subsequently, they must rely on international assistance to restore
living standards, which is much more expensive in the long run as well
as much more damaging to people's lives.

Disastrous costs

The United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) has set up a forum with
165 banks, insurers and asset managers worldwide to find ways of
dealing with the costs of climate change.

In a new report, released at the meeting, they concluded that the
costs of weather-related disasters would inevitably rise in the coming

"Somewhere in the next 30 years, there will be a year where the total
costs of these disasters will exceed $1 trillion," said Unep's
Executive Director, Achim Steiner.

"This is one of the reasons why climate change is now getting so much
attention. It is economically very much a concrete risk factor; and it
is of such magnitude that it threatens whole industries and whole
sectors in the economy."

While big insurance companies are well aware of the risks, delegates
said, ideas to insure the poor were still in their infancy.

The WFP project in Ethiopia was, said Peter Smerdon, "the first time
that risks have been transferred from a developing nation to the
developed world, ie the people who own the insurance company".


From: Mark S Bilk <>
Date: November 14, 2006 1:22:34 PM EST
Subject: [consortium] Beit Hanoun Massacre - People Burned and Melted
by Israeli Weapons

Forwarded message from MA PA <> -----

From: MA PA <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:21:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [cia-drugs] US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre

US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre Part of Haitham's
adventure in Bleeding Edge, Palestine, USA, Terrorism, Zionism, War
13. November 2006 WARNING: The article contains very disturbing
pictures Pictures that are not of the type you will see on TV or
your local newspaper, trust me. In fact, Israel will pay anything
for such pictures not to be published. If you have weak heart, STOP




[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of blank1x1.gif]

Israeli Death
Squads Execute PFLP Fighter in West Bank

Global Research, November 15, 2006

Israeli Death Squad Executes PFLP's Baha Al-Khutari, After Kidnapping
his Father

IOF Kills Citizen in Nablus

NABLUS, November 14, 2006 (WAFA)-Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killed
on Tuesday morning a citizen in the West Bank (WB) city of Nablus,
security sources said.

They added that a group of Israeli soldiers stormed Ein Beit al-Ma
Refugee Camp, west the city, amid intensive fire shooting, and killed
Salah al-Khutari 24. The IOF imposed a strict siege on the Camp and
turned two buildings into military post.

M.H.(10:25 P)08:25 GMT)

Israeli army kills a 26-year old PFLP fighter in Nablus

Date: 14 / 11 / 2006 Time: 09:01

Nablus - Ma'an - An Israeli occupation death squad executed a 26-year
old Palestinian man early on Tuesday morning during an Israeli
occupation incursion into Ein Beit Al-Ma refugee camp, west of Nablus
city, in the north of the occupied West Bank (without any provocation
from the Palestinian side).

Palestinian medical sources said that Baha' Salah Al-Khater, 26, was
killed during fierce confrontations that took place in the camp after
dozens of Israeli military vehicles stormed the camp.

The same sources reported that the ambulance and medical crew could not
reach Al-Khater, who was inside one of the houses, due to the intensive
shooting taking place.

The Israeli forces carried on searching a number of houses in the camp
after killing Al-Khater.

Baha' Salah Al-Khater was a member of the Abu 'Ali Mustafa Brigades,
the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP). Yesterday, Monday, the Israeli forces entered Ein Beit Al-Ma
refugee camp and ransacked the local PFLP office, destroying it with

Northern West Bank PFLP still under attack

PNN, (Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh Tuesday, 14 November 2006

Israeli occupation death squads invaded the northern West Bank's Al-Ein
Refugee Camp and killed Baha Salah Khatari. During the early morning
hours of Tuesday 25 military vehicles incurred into Nablus though
Checkpoint 27 and Beit Iba Checkpoint. Israeli occupation soldiers
began storming houses and then the bulldozing began, destroying several
facades and cars parked in the streets of the camp.

An Israeli occupation death squad opened fire at 24 year old Khatari,
for mere affiliation with the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed
resistance wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP). The shot injured Khatari and his death was announced shortly

It is of note that Israeli death squads have been hunting young Khatari
since they kidnapped his father in an attempt to pressure him.

During the raids Israeli occupation forces stormed the home of Mahmoud
Ramaha and converted into a military installation. Another home near Al
Ein Refugee Camp was overtaken for a control point. A home owner said,
I heard explosions and heavy gunfire during the operation which lasted
more than three years.

The leftist Popular Front for the Liberation issued a statement read
through a loudspeaker vowing to avenge Khatari's senseless murder.

On Monday Israeli forces bulldozed the PFLP offices in Al-Ein Refugee

Al-Jazeerah Editor's Note:

Israeli media describe killing civilians as terrorism. However, when
Israeli occupation soldiers kill Palestinian civilians, they do not
describe the Israeli killers of civilians as terrorists. It's time for
Israeli terrorist acts to be described as terrorism.

Israeli occupation forces use the term "arrest" for "kidnapping"
Palestinians from their homes. Objective media worldwide should not
fall to the Israeli trap. This is kidnapping.

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is illegal under international law.
The Israeli occupation government and its occupation forces have no
jurisdiction over Palestinians. Only legitimate governments can arrest
citizens. It follows that the correct term is "kidnapping"
Palestinians, not "arresting" them by Israeli occupation forces.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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NOTE: Why did Kofi wait till we're "out of time" before saying this?
Why didn't the UN push this attitude thirty years ago? -- kl, pp

Last Updated: Wednesday, 15 November 2006, 08:56 GMT

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Annan Chides Inaction on Climate

UN chief Kofi Annan has criticised a "frightening lack of leadership"
in tackling global warming, at a major UN climate summit in Nairobi.

Mr Annan told delegates at the three-day conference the phenomenon was
one of the world's biggest threats.

He said sceptics were "out of step, out of arguments and out of time".

Ways to bring clean energy projects to Africa and help the continent
to adapt to climate change are among key measures expected to be

Ministers from 189 countries will begin discussing draft agreements
prepared over the last week and a half.

Environmental groups however are bemoaning a lack of ambition on
cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

'Lack of urgency'

Deals have been reached on many of the issues outstanding two days ago.

But delegates have failed to agree a timetable for the completion of
discussions on globally binding emissions cuts beyond the existing
Kyoto Protocol targets.

"Just two weeks ago the Stern Report made clear that urgent global
action is needed to head off the devastating human, environmental and
economic impacts of climate change," said Catherine Pearce,
international climate campaigner at Friends of the Earth UK.

"So far at Nairobi we have seen precious little sense of urgency."

The BBC News website's environment correspondent Richard Black says
there was never a chance of the targets themselves being negotiated

But many observers maintain that unless a clear timetable emerges
there will not be enough time to get new targets into place before
2012, when the Kyoto targets expire.

Fund management

One outstanding issue which has for now been resolved concerns the
management of the Adaptation Fund, designed to help the poorest
countries protect themselves against climate impacts.

A bloc of richer countries had been arguing for the fund to be
administered by the Global Environment Facility (Gef), a UN affiliate
which already manages many environmental funds.

Some developing countries argued that Gef constraints were too

Our correspondent says for the moment they have got their way in a
compromise deal which will see the fund governed by a new body with a
guaranteed majority of developing country delegates, though Gef might
still be called in to manage it under this new body.

"The fund is how we [the richer developing countries] share the
benefits of clean development with the poorest countries, the countries
which produce least greenhouse gases and so have few options for
mitigating their emissions," said Bernaditas Muller, head of the
Philippines delegation, who spoke for the G-77 bloc during

"It can't be treated like donor money - it's our money, a solidarity

Ministers can over the next three days revisit any of the areas which
appear to have been agreed, and lengthy negotiations are anticipated.


From: s culver <>
Date: November 14, 2006 5:59:58 PM EST
Subject: impeach: Set the table.

MSNBC POLL: as of 11/14/06

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? * 382472

87% Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and

there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.

4.4% No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing

approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors."

6.4% No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would

be a political lynching.

1.9% I don't know.


Plans call for a national Impeachment Day on December 10
see Impeach for Change Kicks off National Campaign


From: Carol Moore <>
Date: Nov 13, 2006 11:35 PM
Subject: [dawn-discuss-dc] Impeachment Movement Taking Off - Join
Impeach DC yahoogroup
To: impeach-dc <>,

On Veterans Day, November 11 anti-war activists and progressive
democrats announced a movement to impeach George Bush in Philadelphia
See and Cindy Sheehan's Open Letter to
Pelosi and Conyers

On Monday, November 13 there was an Impeachment Movement Strategizing
Conference Call arranged by AfterDowningStreet.Org members and
facilitated by David Swanson. At least 50 activists from around the
country participated.

While we all recognized that many different groups will be organizing
around impeachment, with different goals, strategies, etc. we did agree
we should try to support each other or at least to try not to conflict
with each other as much as possible!


1. Grassroots petition drive to collect 1 million signatures. See

2. Form Impeachment Committees in 435 Congressional Districts to lobby
every Member of Congress:

3. Hold Town Hall Meetings and rallies on impeachment around the country
on December 10th (Human Rights Day):

4. Pass Impeachment resolutions in state legislatures, cities, towns,
unions, political parties:

5. Make plans for January (i.e., when Congress goes into session, and
perhaps in tandem with the just announced January 17 United for Peace
and Justice March.)

** is facilitating some organzing through a web site
reachable from and organized by
states. (MD and VA people might connect there.)

** IMPEACH-DC yahoogroup was started after some Washington DC residents
met with David Swanson in spring of 2006. It can be one organizing tool
for people not already working on the issue with other groups and/or be
a networking tool among groups.

**MEETUP.COM I know there is a small DC group that meets through it, so
that might be another option for recruiting and organizing.

One of us regular D.C. suspects - not me! - has got to call a
meeting ASAP. Get on the yahoogroup, suggest a time and place, and
let's get going!!


Impeachment and the Table
t r u t h o u t | Editorial, Monday 13 November 2006

"... However, in stating flatly that "impeachment is off the table,"
incoming Speaker Pelosi and incoming Chairman Conyers appear to have
rather substantially. Impeachment, of course, is a matter of
law, not personal discretion on the part of individual lawmakers. The
pre-emptive nature of the decision by Pelosi and Conyers stands in sharp
contrast to every principle of law enforcement. Congress - whether
controlled by Democrats or Republicans - has a solemn duty to uphold and
when necessary enforce the law...."


From: The Real Cindy Sheehan
Date: Nov 13, 2006 6:15 PM
Subject: Sign this petition to have Congress institute impeachment
Also, there is a lot of information concerning impeachment on this
website. is the website and is the place to

info for impeachment and to see how you can help.

Please pass onto your network.

Love, peace and justice,
Cindy Sheehan


"Breathing the 'I' word" by Elizabeth Holtzman, SF Chronicle
Friday, November 10, 2006


Published on Sunday, November 12, 2006 by the New York Times
Let the Investigations Begin
by Stanley Brand

The Democrats victory has stoked the fire beneath an already brewing
debate within the party regarding the need for investigations of the
executive branch during the Bush administrations two remaining years.
Democratic members of Congress are reluctant to pursue investigations
war profiteering, detainee interrogation or other controversial issues,
fearing that such scrutiny of the administration will make Democrats
petty and partisan and cost them electoral support in 2008.

A vigorous examination of the administrations conduct, however, is not
only the appropriate action as a matter of constitutional prerogative,
is the politically necessary response to voters overwhelming rejection
the current Congresss failure to assert itself in this area.

Nothing is better established in constitutional history and
than Congresss power to investigate the executive. Centuries of
in Parliament, colonial legislatures and United States law endorse it.
1742, William Pitt the Elder summarized the powers of Parliament: We
called the grand inquest of the nation, and as such it is our duty to
inquire into every step of public management, either at home or abroad,
order to see that nothing has been done amiss.

Indeed, the very first example of congressional oversight in our history
was an inquiry into President George Washingtons deployment of the
military. In that case, a committee appointed by the House in 1792 was
authorized to investigate the disastrous defeat the year before of Gen.
Arthur St. Clair by Indians in the Ohio Territory, with the power to
subpoenas for persons, papers and records as may be necessary to assist
their inquiries.

Congress is a coequal branch with explicit power to declare war, raise
armies and navies and appropriate money for such activities. The Supreme
Court has also repeatedly ratified Congressional authority to
executive departments. Congressional powers to probe into departments
the federal government to expose corruption, inefficiency or waste, the
court has stated, are as penetrating and far reaching as the potential
power to enact and appropriate under the Constitution.

For the past six years, Congresss oversight function has atrophied in a
unitary Republican landscape. To be sure, investigative power should be
exercised carefully, thoughtfully and with due regard for the rights of
coordinate branch. But Congress should not shrink from its duty to
investigate a reluctant or recalcitrant executive, especially one that,
while cloaking itself in secrecy, has boldly asserted unprecedented
in the initiation and conduct of war with disastrous consequences that
the electorate has now repudiated.

By performing their constitutional obligations, the new Democratic
majorities in the House and Senate will surely do right by the
and the country. But they will also no doubt do very well for

--Stanley Brand, a former general counsel to the House of
under Speaker Tip ONeill, teaches constitutional law at Penn State
Dickinson School of Law.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pork Barrel Politics Fails
Curt Weldon

Will Bunch asks (found via Wot is it Good 4):

If the White House really wanted to win Rep. Curt Weldon's seat in
Delaware County, why did the Air Force wait until two days after
(second item) the election to announce a huge new helicopter contract
for the Boeing plant that is the largest private employer in Weldon's

Here is the full text of the note from Todd Mason of the Philadelphia

Big news is coming, U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.) promised midway
through his unsuccessful bid for reelection.

And it was, although not the kind he expected.

Disclosure of a federal criminal investigation and FBI raids at the
homes of his daughter and a close friend dominated the final weeks of
the campaign.

Last week, observers finally saw what Weldon had in mind. The Air Force
awarded a contract to Boeing Co. to build 141 search-and-rescue
helicopters at the company's Ridley Township plant. The contract means
hundreds of new jobs for Delaware County, Weldon said in a statement.

Trouble is, the Air Force announced the contract late Thursday, 48
hours after the polls closed. Can Weldon catch a break? Not from the
press. Not from the Pentagon, answered Russ Caso, his chief of staff.

Wow! Only occasionally does the curtain part enough to see a sliver of
the truth. The Pentagon pork barrel is the main way most unlikely
Congressmen retain their seats year after year, and you can be sure
that this contract would have been announced well in advance of the
election, with a smiling Weldon taking credit for it, in any normal
situation. This was not a normal situation. The Pentagon was furious
with Weldon for failing to let the Able Danger scandal fade into
obscurity, for, as I have pointed out, Able Danger proves that the
entire war on terror based on the Official Story of the 19 Arab
terrorists is a scam. Weldon was too far off the reservation to be
allowed to slurp from the pork barrel.

It was obvious that this was going to be a very close election, and the
White House would have much preferred to keep Weldons seat, even if he
wouldnt shut up. The Pentagon thus made a decision against the
interests of the White House. It is starting to become clear that the
real alliance, the real deep alliance, isnt Republican-Zionist, but
rather Pentagon-Zionist. The Republicans were just a temporary host
for Zionism, which is now infecting the Rahm-selected Congressional
Democrats. The permanent alliance has to be Joint Chiefs of
Staff-Likudniks. It makes sense. If you ran the Pentagon and wanted
to ensure the maximum world turmoil, thus leading to the maximum power
for the Pentagon, what better group is there to ally with than the
Zionists? If you, like me, think the United States has been a military
dictatorship since November 1963, it is not surprising that the
Pentagon treats the White House as just another employee, whose
interests can be ignored if it suits the wider plan.

posted at 3:57 AM


NOTE: Usually the Vatican is slick enough to avoid seeming like
outright laughingstocks--but not this time. Does the twerpy-hustler
Cardinal here mean that immigrants "must respect the traditions,
culture and religion of the nations they go to" the way the Vatican did
when it invaded the indigenous nations of South America? As soon as I
have time, I'll provide a summary of the Vatican's impact on South
America to the present day. It is one of the most shameful stories in
human history and strongly implies that Catholicism is a protection
racket masquerading as a religion: "Okay, lady, we can protect ya from
Eternal Hellfire but it's gonna cost ya." -- kl, pp

Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 November 2006, 21:51 GMT

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Vatican Enters Muslim Veil Debate
By David Willey
BBC News, Rome

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A senior Vatican cardinal has expressed concern over the use of some
Muslim veils by Islamic immigrants in Europe.

This is the first time that the Vatican has joined in the Europe-wide
debate on how women who insist on wearing the veil affect the
integration of Muslims.

Cardinal Renato Martino said immigrants must respect the traditions,
culture and religion of the nations they go to.

They ought to abide by local laws banning the wearing of certain types
of Muslim veils, he added.

"It seems elementary to me and it is quite right that the authorities
demand it," said Cardinal Martino, who heads the Vatican department
dealing with migration issues.

He was speaking at a news conference launching a papal statement
calling for laws which encourage the better integration of migrants.

Here in Italy, a law was passed during the attacks of the Red Brigades
urban guerrillas three decades ago which still makes it an offence to
cover your face in public if your identity is challenged by a

At that time there were very few Muslim women immigrants in Italy.

Common values

Another Vatican expert on immigration, Archbishop Agostino Marchetto,
said it was important in the course of dialogue with Muslims to make
them understand that the consequences of some of their religious
traditions might not be positive in the societies in which they now
find themselves.

The Italian government is trying to draw up what it calls a Charter of
Common Values to get local Muslim leaders to help integrate Italy's
fast-growing population. But it is hard going.

At one recent meeting, a radical Muslim delegate proposed separate
charters for men and for women, and favoured the death penalty.

Equal rights for men and women are guaranteed, and the death penalty
is banned, under the Italian constitution.


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Controlled Demolition Expert and WTC7

(original subtitles)

Global Research, November 14, 2006

Click here to view video
Dutch with english

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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9/11: Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

By Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe and Jason Bermas

Global Research, November 14, 2006


1h.52 min.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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are making such material available to our readers under the provisions
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political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to
use copyrighted material for purposes other than "fair use" you must
request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries:

) Copyright Dylan Avery, Global Research, 2006

The url address of this article is:



NOTE: One reason the Backroom Boys/Girls are so comfortable with
Hillary is they know that if ever she deviates even slightly from their
desires, all they have to do is threaten to leak to the media her role
in the enormous trafficking of cocaine into and out of Mena, Arkansas.
-- kl, pp

From: Rick Davis <>
Date: November 14, 2006 7:04:57 PM EST
Subject: Clinton and Bush crime families: thick as thieves

Note: Before you start reading, make these preparations: (1) Have barf
bag close at hand and (2) place pillow under jaw.


Hillary Clinton: Who's Party?
Rubbing shoulders with the "Conservative" elite and "opposition"

Steve Watson | May 10 2006

Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul whose New York Post
tabloid savaged Hillary Clintons initial aspirations to become a US
senator for New York, has agreed to host a political fundraiser for her
re-election campaign, reports the Financial Times.

Such elite back-slapping and shoulder-rubbing again highlights that
when it comes to getting ahead it pays to be on the same page.

The notion that leading Democrats and Republicans are in opposition is
ludicrous. The belief that a true left / right paradigm still exists in
global politics is as antiquated as a grandfather clock in a coffin.

The Anglo-American aristocracy, big businesses and banks have long been
pulling the strings behind the curtain in the theatre of politics and
underlings such as the Clintons and the Bushes know what they have to
do to satisfy their desire for political control.

Recently Hillary has also been spotted partying at Fox News, with
Murdoch and his cronies, and buddying up with the very same Republicans
who vociferously tried to get her husband impeached for having sex with
another woman.

Whilst her husband has been hanging around with the Bushes, Hillary has
also been living it up with the likes of Newt Gingrich, Bill Frist,
John McCain and Rick Santorum. There is clearly a bipartisan move
underway to shift public perception.

Hillary Clinton supports every Bush policy with as much if not more

She supported the war and recently again stated that American troops
should be kept in Iraq as more sons, daughters, mothers and fathers
return in body bags hidden from the media.

"Hillary Clinton today holds the new North American record for fakery,"
wrote Newsday columnist Jimmy Breslin. "She copies. She sneaks and
slithers past you with her opinion on a war that kills every day."

We can make a strong case that Bush and his cadre have set some
precedents, but the Democratic opposition offers little hope. Bush
spies on Americans with no regard for the Bill of Rights or even the
meager statutory restraints imposed on him, and all the Democrats do is
whine that they werent in on the snooping, and that next time they
want to be informed. Of course, they have an interest in keeping the
police state healthy and strong. The idea that Hillary Clinton would be
more sensitive to civil liberties if she were at the empires helm is
too absurd for words.

Republican Senators cited Hillary Clinton as the reason for opposing
the renewal of the Patriot Act, saying Mrs. Clinton is likely to abuse
the security measure if she becomes president - unless additional
safeguards are built in.

We have continually exposed how Clinton and the Bushes personally
profited from massive drug smuggling operations through Mena, whilst
Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Alex Jones has interviewed multiple
former CIA officers who were UNLOADING the cocaine. Bush Snr, met
ELEVEN times with the Clintons in the year before Clinton announced his
run for President. Teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives were murdered for
accidentally witnessing a CIA cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Bill
Clinton aided in the cover up, as well as the money laundering. The
Clinton-Bush relationship is a long and fruitful one.

The Clintons and the Bushes have been known to vacation together in
more recent times. Earlier this year on CBS, Clinton revealed that he
looks upon the Bushes as a surrogate family, and how Barbara Bush
refers to him as "her son". Is this really a picture of two distinct
and opposed political ideologies pitted against one another?

Last year George W invited both Clintons as guests of honor and praised
them to the hilt as he unveiled portraits of the two to be hung in the
White House. Bush described him as having "...a great compassion for
people in need... a man of enthusiasm and warmth". This after Bush's
2000 campaign was built around Clinton having no honor or dignity
whilst in the White House.

Festivities continued in November 2004 when the entire Bush family
journeyed to Little Rock for the opening of the Clinton Presidential
Library. The praise from both President Bushes for Bill Clinton was
sick bag overwhelming. "The William J. Clinton Presidential Library is
a gift to the future by a man who always believed in the future and
today we thank him for loving and serving America." Bush 43 was quoted.

After this Bush Snr and former President Bill Clinton joined forces for
Tsunami Relief. They appeared at last year's Super Bowl and seemed to
be having a blast together. They declared their friendship; we learn
they talk on the phone often, play golf together and are just plain

The Washington Times revealed that the current President even takes
foreign policy advice from Clinton, along with his father, and lets
them sit in on CIA briefings.

They again teamed up last year to form a non partisan Katrina relief
fund. Why is it that these two get to privately oversee the funds and
relief efforts for major global disasters now? Perhaps one reason is
that it allows them to personally and directly profit. It was revealed
in March this year that Barbara Bush gave relief money to the
Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund on the condition that it be spent to buy
educational software from her son Neil's company.

The tag team serves to create the impression that the two hands
together can lift more stones, whilst backstage, behind the scenes both
hands are scratching the proverbial behind of the New World Order.

These two families are desperate attention loving power mad elitists
and want to retain control of their respective political parties. They
are using each other to soften' their disapproval in the opposite
party. We have two simultaneous dynasties - the Bushes and the
Clintons. The Bushes are the hand of the Republican arm and the
Clintons the hand of the Democratic arm. The body is of course
controlled by one mind that outranks them all, the corporate fascist

Just as the two major parties - with isolated examples of winning third
party candidates - control who can win elections, these two family
dynasties control who can be nominated inside their respected parties.

There has not been an occupant in the White House outside of the Bush
or Clinton families since 1988. This will seemingly continue through to
2012 and beyond. How can this be in a constitutional republic?

Police State policies such as the Patriot Act, put in place by Bush
have set the stage for the next Clinton who will be able to exploit
them to extremes far beyond the Republicans would ever dream of being
able to. Under another Clinton a horrific event like that at Waco under
William J could become an everyday occurrence.

The policies stay the same, the faces alternate. The elite system of
control has worked this way for centuries, when it's time for a change
one dynasty takes a backseat and the other moves forward.


NOTE: Thanks to Peter Myers for this. -- kl, pp

American Economy in Crisis

From Date 11/11/06 19:26

America Today - Dangerously Vulnerable
Printed on: Friday, November 10, 2006

1. Wholesale sellout of core strategic assets to foreign acquirers:
according to official figures, more than 8,000 American companies have
been sold to foreign corporations in the last 10 years for at least
$1.2 trillion (US Dept of Commerce)

2. Decline of vital industries through bankruptcy, foreign predatory
competition, and foreign acquisition: foreign interests now own a
majority of US industries in areas like mining, publishing/movies,
cement, mineral manufacturing, rubber and plastics, and engine
manufacturing and own substantial portions in areas like
pharmaceuticals, glass, coal, chemicals, industrial machinery,
transportation equipment, petroleum, and others (Internal Revenue

3. Inability to manufacture competitively: American manufacturers
suffer a 30+ percent structural cost disadvantage compared to overseas
competitors through taxes, health and pension benefits, litigation,
regulation, and energy costs this disadvantage is more than the total
labor cost of production in many other countries (National Association
of Manufacturers)

4. Overdependence on imports: $1 in $4 of US consumption of
manufactured goods now goes immediately and directly to imports (US
Dept of Commerce)

5. Massive wealth transfer to foreign ownership: our trade deficit, at
$723 billion in 2005, is funding foreign competitors with $1.4 million
per minute of our dollars or $2,400 per US person per year spent on
imported cars, clothes, toys, and thousands of other products (US

6. Loss of job and career opportunities for people at all educational
levels: 3 million high-paying manufacturing jobs lost over past 5 years
(US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

7. Transition to low-paying services-oriented ("servant") economy:
high-paying goods-producing industries have lost net employment over
the past 25 years while non-tradable service-providing employment has
nearly doubled (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

8. Insourcing of foreign manufacturers destroys our domestic
industries, takes profits and taxes overseas, and provides only
low-skill jobs for American workers: foreign manufacturers operating in
the US now account for over 20 percent of our exports and manufacturing
assets, and a large percentage of our employment (Internal Revenue

9. Foreign financing of vast majority of government debt: foreign
countries now control 47 percent of our total federal deficit and
finance nearly 100 percent of all new borrowings our competitors are
now our bankers (US Federal Reserve)

10. Outsourcing key manufacturing, research, and design: unchecked
offshore outsourcing benefits individual companies and shareholders but
destroys entire industries and communities

11. Lost scientific, engineering, technological prowess: in 2004, China
and India graduated a combined 950,000 engineers versus 70,000 in the
US. US ranks near the bottom of science/math proficiency (Associated

12. Wealth shift into less productive assets: residential real estate
now represents a record 38 percent of household net worth on record
over-inflated home valuations and record mortgage levels (US Federal

13. Record levels of personal and government debt: household
liabilities at record levels, federal government adding record levels
of debt each year financed mostly by foreign countries, trade deficits
transferring unprecedented accelerating amounts of wealth to foreign
hands each year (US Federal Reserve)

14. Misleading commonly used economic statistics: misleading incomplete
statistics like GDP, job creation, and productivity belie our crumbling
economic infrastructure

15. Proven failed trade policies and other legislation contributing to
our demise continue unchallenged: destroying our industry and allowing
our assets to be sold or taken from us

If these trends continue unabated, what future could we possibly have?
This wealth of this country was created under far different conditions
than those that now exist. We are being misled into believing a false
sense of perpetual invulnerable self-sufficiency. We largely fail to
acknowledge just how extremely vulnerable we are. Given the scale of
the problems outlined below, any single major disruption to our economy
could have devastating consequences. Decide for yourself.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why Do We Keep Believing Them?

Yet more revelations that the Lockerbie trial was a CIA/FBI-managed
frame-up of Libya (more here). MI6 assisted the CIA in the spin. We
should never forget that all these guys are professional liars. Lying
is what they do. Gates lying about the strength of the old Soviet
Union, Amos Gilad lying to Clinton and Barak about what Israeli
intelligence knew about Arafats willingness to make a deal at Camp
David (a lie which ruined the chances of a settlement that would have
led to the peace that the Zionists have never wanted), MI5 lying about
terrorist treats to Britain. Why do we keep believing people who we
know are paid to lie?

posted at 12:38 AM


From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: November 14, 2006 12:25:25 AM EST
To: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Subject: and pass the wine..........

Eleven New And Happy Things
Santorum dead, religious right imploding, Bush whimpering
in the corner. Can we all exhale now?

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Friday, November 10, 2006

1) (Chant, in happy sing-song voice, while holding bottle of wine,
Astroglide and copy of Rob Brezsny's Pronoia): Rick Santorum is gone,
Rick Santorum is gone, oh praise Jesus, Rick Santorum is gone. The
third most powerful and first most reprehensible "Christian" Republican
lawmaker in Congress was also arguably the most homophobic,
misogynistic and small-minded of them all, especially given his sticky
sheen of fundamentalist goo.

Remember Rick? He's the one who equated homosexuality with pedophilia
and bestiality. He championed intelligent design, tossed Terry
Schiavo's lifeless body like a political football, voted against Plan B
and funding for contraception education and voted to ban abortions on
military bases (among many, many other attacks on women's rights), thus
earning himself a whopping 0 percent rating from NARAL. He also voted
to cut the NEA, increase school prayer, pursue ANWR drilling and on and
on. Ricky's voting record is the ethical equivalent of a pie full of
nails left over from the "Passion of the Christ" bake sale. Women, the
sexually awake and Dan Savage fans rejoice: Rick Santorum is gone.
Praise Jesus and pass the wine.

2) While you're at it, all hail the happy defeat of Dick Pombo,
Christian Coalition/NRA poster boy and powerful GOP "eco-thug" from
Tracy who oversaw the House Resources Committee and whose agenda on
environmental and social issues reads like a rundown of the murder
techniques of a serial killer. What, too extreme? Check the voting
record, baby. Dick and Rick were two peas in a savage, misogynist pod.
This guy made trees weep. Good riddance.

3) A loving, bittersweet farewell to Don "Black Soul" Rumsfeld, a
nasty, otherworldly hunk of wartime lizard leather who should've been
fired three years ago but whom Dubya clung to like a terrified child
clings to a ragged, spit-soaked security blanket. Downside: Rumsfeld's
bizarre utterances and unmatched aura of bemused evil will be missed by
comedians and caricaturists alike. Downside No. 2: Word is that Rummy's
replacement nominee, Robert "I (Heart) Iran/Contra" Gates, is even
worse than Rummy -- which, if true, would seem to defy the universal
laws of evilness.

4) Apparently, even the reddest of lumpish red states knows a
horrific, woman-hating law when it see it, and hence South Dakota's
appalling ban on all abortions, passed with vicious glee by the S.D.
state legislature not long ago in hopes it would be contested all the
way to the Supreme Court so as to stab at the heart of Roe vs. Wade,
was beaten back like the rabid dog it was by S.D. voters who not only
realized such a despicable law would violate women 10 ways from Sunday,
but would cement their state's newly minted status as the most
misogynistic and backasswards in the Union -- which, in this day and
age, is no easy feat indeed.

5) I have a deliciously attuned friend who is convinced that Nancy
Pelosi has only been playing nice by saying she has no intention of
pursuing impeachment against the Worst President Ever. At the first
sign of some new atrocious Bush glitch, my friend thinks, Nancy will
"modify" her promise and pounce. And with a Dem-controlled House and
slight edge in the Senate, a Bush impeachment just might stick. San
Francisco, for one, is all for it. Has any president ever deserved
impeachment more? Is it not delicious amounts of fun just relishing the

6) The federal courts -- and most importantly, the Supreme Court --
have narrowly averted becoming choked with hawkish, regressive,
homophobic neoconservatives. Bush had six years to pack the federal
judiciary with extremist right-wing judges, and he did a nauseatingly
good job of it. What's more, we'll be suffering John Roberts and Samuel
Alito for decades to come. But Bush's extremist streak has been
snapped. Supreme Court nominees from here on out will have to be
moderate, if not even a bit progressive, to earn appointment.
Considering what the court could've become had just one or two more
justices died or retired in the past few years, this is glorious news

7) Praise Jesus, the Christian right's stranglehold on culture and
morality is over. As pointed out by Slate, the all-powerful evangelical
church's bizarre and insufferable run of influence has peaked, and its
easy access to Washington is now falling away like Tom DeLay's toupee
during the Apocalypse. And Ted Haggard, bless his little meth-happy gay
soul, provided the final nail in the coffin of religious right
hypocrisy at just the right moment. It's almost as if it were ...

Alas, the culture wars will certainly continue. Female nipples, swear
words, sex in movies -- we have not heard the last of the angry,
sexless Bible-thumping set. But it does mean that official policy and
American law will no longer be so shaped by deeply unhappy men who
wield Bibles the way drunk hunters wield shotguns (hi, James Dobson!).

8) A grab bag of progressive goodies: First woman speaker in history.
Huge surge in Democratic governors across the United States. First
black gov in Massachusetts history, only the second in American
history. Fewer childish "I'm the decider" blurts (hopefully). Possible
major policy items long repressed by the GOP, like socialized medicine,
stem cell research and real Medicare reform, are suddenly back on the
table. Hell, even contemplating such possibilities is like taking a
deep, fresh breath after having a smelly sock shoved in your mouth for,
oh, about six years.

9) Did you hear that? That sound like a warm, rushing breeze? Why,
it's the entire civilized world heaving an enormous sigh of relief that
Bush's reign of faux-cowboy terror is over. Perhaps now the world can
begin -- slowly, possibly, over time -- to respect us again. Perhaps
now we can regain a bit of lost stature in the world, given how BushCo
alienated every ally and insulted every foreign diplomat and degraded
every nation via rogue kill-'em-all attitudes.

The world knows it: This has been, without doubt, one of the ugliest
and most depressing half-decades in U.S. history, rife with some of the
worst policy and worst warmongering and worst environmental abuses we
have ever known. Hell, not three years ago, the GOP stranglehold was so
strong, the fortress so impenetrable that it seemed as though their run
could continue until they sucked the planet dry.

10) But here's the good news: Almost everyone -- including, in my
darker periods of mourning, this very column -- underestimated the
GOP's ability to scandalize, warmonger, abuse and hypocritize
(hypocriticize? hypocreaze?) itself to quick and painful death. They
were far better at it than anyone imagined. Apparently, poetic and
karmic justice is alive and well. Isn't that right, Mr. Haggard? Mr.
Abramoff? Scooter? Mr. DeLay? Mr. Foley? Et al.?

11) But wait (your inner cynic cannot help but say), won't the
incoming army of Democrats be just like every other gaggle of
politicians? That is, a bunch of duplicitous, self-serving,
double-speaking shysters? How will they be any different? Won't it soon
be just business as usual?

Well, yes. Yes it will. But the good news is, there is simply no way
this far less hateful, moderately progressive group could ever touch
the epic, historic levels of abuse and misprision the GOP attained
during the height of their neo-fascist run. Such an impossible feat
would again seem to defy the laws of evilness.

Put another way, we might indeed soon be back to business as usual in
D.C. But never has a return to obnoxious, contentious, healthy American
politics seemed so incredibly refreshing. Praise Jesus, and pass the
Thoughts for the author? E-mail him.

Mark Morford Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every
Wednesday and Friday on SFGate and in the Datebook section of the SF
Chronicle. To get on the e-mail list for this column, please click here
and remove one article of clothing. Mark's column also has an RSS feed
and an archive of past columns, which includes another tiny photo of
Mark probably insufficient for you to recognize him in the street and
give him gifts.


President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 20, 2006, 2:55:28 AM11/20/06
Free Americans Reaching
Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 19, 2006
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
What's below is a response to a report I'd included in #7 of my
New Energy series two days ago.
Funding both sides of this seemingly endless bickering about how
much petroleum remains would be greatly to the financial benefit of Big
Oil. Publicizing the bickering over and over and over again would
condition folks to pay more and more for their filthy auto fuel. Also
the bickering distracts energy from efforts to replace
petroleum--which, after all, is biocidal if burned at current rates
much longer--regardless of how much is available.
So in the interests of moving on, I'll snip this latest bicker
after a few paragraphs and you can conclude it at the url directly
below should you be so masochistically inclined.
Please note the naive notion in the second paragraph that oil has
provided the US "with an entire way of life" rather than with an entire
way of death. Symnecrosis mistaken for symbiosis! One can hardly
imagine a larger error. Can the New Energy Truth Movement reach these
poorly informed authors in time? Please stand by. . .

Yours for all species,

Keith Lampe, Ro-Non-So-Te

Ponderosa Pine

Transition Prez


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: November 17, 2006 6:27:57 PM EST
Subject: Peddling PetroProzac: CERA Ignores Ten Warning Signposts of
Peak Oil

Peddling PetroProzac: CERA Ignores Ten Warning Signposts of Peak Oil
15 November 2006 Oil

In Brief: In recent years, Daniel Yergin and his colleagues have been
peddling a curious form of PetroProzac. This fall, Esser went so far as
to proclaim, Peak oil theory is garbage, as far as we are concerned.
In this newly updated article, ASPO USA responds.

Randy Udall, Energy Analyst, Co-Founder ASPO-USA
Jeremy Gilbert, Former Chief Petroleum Engineer, BP
Steve Andrews, Co-Founder ASPO-USA

At the end of World War II, the entire planet ran on ten million
barrels a day, two-thirds of it produced in the U.S. Since 1950, global
oil production has expanded eightfold, driving a similar expansion in
economic activity. This era of exponential increase is now drawing to a
close, even as the oil appetites of China, India and other developing
countries grow apace.

Half the oil ever produced has been consumed since 1983. Today,
Americans use 140 pounds of petroleum products per person per week. We
are the Oil Tribe, consuming one-quarter of the worlds supply. We have
built an entire way of life around cheap oil. Our land use patterns,
agriculture, transportation systems, inefficient vehicles, and
prosperity all owe a debt to what Chevron calls easy oil.

A number of independent, mainstream analysts have confirmed that growth
in global conventional oil production may end soon. Last week, the
International Energy Agencys Claude Mandil concluded, On current
trends we are on course for a dirty, expensive, and unsustainable
energy future. Urgent government action is required. The key word is
urgent. However, a few outliers, like ExxonMobil and Cambridge Energy
Research Associates, continue to insist that all is well, and that
there is no immediate need for action.

Daniel Yergins book The Prize is a triumph and the companion VHS
tapes should be required viewing by all teenagers. In recent years,
though, Yergin and his colleagues Peter Jackson and Robert Esser have
been peddling a curious form of PetroProzac. This fall, Esser went so
far as to proclaim, Peak oil theory is garbage, as far as we are
concerned. Tell it to Texas. Tell it to Norway. Tell it to the United
Kingdom, whose citizens will soon be heavily dependent on imported oil
and natural gas.


NOTE: This is a downright inspiring story! Such magnificent courage
is so rarely seen within the ill-fated Occidental "civilization". This
huge difference in the ability to face death explains the current Iraqi
victory over the despised Anglo-Amerikkkan invaders. -- kl, pp

Last Updated: Sunday, 19 November 2006, 01:41 GMT

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Human Shield Deters Israel Strike

The Israelis have called off a planned air attack on a house in
Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza after hundreds of Palestinians formed a
human shield.

Mohammedweil Baroud said he was warned by Israeli forces to leave his
home. He instead ran to a mosque and summoned neighbours to help defend
the house.

Mr Baroud is a commander in the Popular Resistance Committees militant

The Israeli army often orders people out of homes ahead of attacks,
saying it aims to avoid casualties.

A Hamas commander at the scene said people had gathered to show that
the demolition strategy of the Israelis could be defeated.

Chanting slogans

The BBC's Alan Johnston in Gaza says it appears that an unprecedented
act of defiance by the Palestinians to a particular Israeli tactic has

The Israeli air force often uses night-time helicopter missile strikes
to target the homes of leading militants in Gaza, which the Israelis
say have been used to store weapons or plan attacks on Israel.

Very often the air force telephones a warning 10 minutes before the
strike to give the occupants time to escape and keep down casualties,
our correspondent says.

But on this occasion, the presence of so many people has made it
impossible for the Israelis to carry though their planned air strike.

Hundreds of relatives and neighbours gathered at the house, where
about 50 people reportedly climbed onto the roof. Others stood in the
street chanting anti-Israeli and anti-American slogans.

Repeat urged

The Israeli military may have to factor in more such Palestinian
protests in future when it targets the homes of suspected militants
from the air, our correspondent adds.

An Israeli military spokesman confirmed to Reuters news agency that the
raid had been called off because of the Palestinian action.

"The attack plan was cancelled because of the people there," he said.
"We differentiate between innocent people and terrorists."

He said Israel would continue its policy of targeted air strikes and
accused militants of using the civilians in the camp as human shields.

Following the protest, militant leaders urged Gazans to repeat the
tactic in the face of future warnings by the Israeli air force.

"We call upon all the fighters to reject evacuating their houses and
we urge our people to rush into the threatened houses and make human
shields," said a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees,
quoted by Reuters.

Mosque stand-off

Two weeks ago, Palestinian women went to a mosque in the nearby town of
Beit Hanoun in response to a request from Hamas commanders.

Up to 15 Palestinian militants were hiding inside the mosque and a
tense stand-off had developed between them and the Israeli forces
surrounding the building.

The Israeli army said the crowd of women acted as "human shields". The
men were able mingle with them and escape, despite two of the women
being killed when Israeli troops opened fire on the group.

Earlier on Saturday, two Palestinians were killed in clashes as the
Israeli army seized two houses near Beit Lahiya, Palestinian residents
and medics said.

Palestinian militants went to confront them and at one point Hamas
fighters struck with an anti-tank weapon.

The army said it targeted groups that fire rockets into Israel. It
said three soldiers were wounded in the raid.


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Iran Turns Up
the Heat

By Mike Whitney

Global Research, November 19, 2006 - 2006-11-17

By now, anyone with a lick of sense can see that the war in Iraq has
been a dead-loss. Still, few people understand how it has disrupted the
regions strategic balance and is quickening Americas decline as a
world power.

The US is already facing fierce headwinds in the near future with the
deflating housing market, the falling dollar, and the growing prospects
of a deep recession. A sudden realignment in the Middle East would be a
major hit to the American economy. Even so, its looking more and more
like big changes are on the way.

The problem is that American power is waning just as Irans is
ascendant. This doesnt bode well for the "Great Satan" whose economy
relies on dependable sources of cheap oil.

Iran is playing a clever game in Iraq using US occupation forces to
crush the Baathist-led resistance while expanding their influence via
the Shiite militias. This is a "lose-lose" situation for the United
States. American troops must continue to focus on one enemy while they
inadvertently strengthen the other. How long will it be before the Bush
administration sees that theyve been supporting the very group which
is most hostile to American interests?

The smarter strategy would have been to replace Saddam but leave the
Baath Party in power. That way civil services and government
bureaucracy could have continued without radical changes to the entire
system. The Bush plan was the fast-track to anarchy, a phenomenon which
now grips the entire country. Undoubtedly, the veteran diplomats in
James Bakers "Iraq Study Group" will want to engage the leaders of the
Iraqi resistance as a last-ditch effort to cobble together a coalition
government and stem the violence. But time is running out.

The mass kidnapping of 150 employees at the Education Ministry shows
that the Shiite militias in the Interior Ministry are getting more
brazen by the day. The gunmen stormed the building in broad daylight
wearing government-issue uniforms and abducted their victims without a
struggle. Prime Minister al-Maliki offered a feeble defense of the
kidnappers saying that it was "not an act of terrorism" but merely a
dispute between competing militias.

Al-Maliki has clearly cast his lot with his Shiite base.

While the militias do not take their orders directly from Tehran, its
clear that theres a tacit agreement between the two and their
objectives are nearly identical. Both are determined to defeat the
Sunni-led resistance so that the Baath Party can never return to
power. The mass abductions show that they are moving as quickly as
possible to execute their strategy.

The US military has fallen into a trap and is (unwittingly) helping
Iran expand its influence. In fact, Bushs plan to increase
troop-strength by 20,000 in Baghdad just makes it easier for the
militias to operate. The heavy American presence on the streets and
checkpoints forces the Sunni resistance to remain underground while the
Shiite militias conduct their round-ups and raids with complete
impunity. Its no wonder theyve stepped up operations in recent weeks.
The talk of an American withdrawal following the midterms has only
increased their determination to crush the resistance while American
troops still provide cover.

Who could have imagined that US forces would be acting as security
guards for Iranian-backed militias?

In fact, members of the Iranian political establishment like Pirouz
Mojtahedzadeh are now openly calling "for the US to REMAIN in Iraq
until it has established a strong, stable central government capable of
providing adequate security." (Kim Murphy LA Times)

Of course, Iranians have to be discreet in their support for the
ongoing occupation, but the truth is obvious; Bush is laying the
groundwork for a fundamentalist regime in Baghdad by quashing the
secular, Baathist-backed resistance.

Does Bush really believe he can control a Shiite-dominated government?
Or does he really understand whats going on?

Cant he see that the US-Shiite alliance is simply a "marriage of
convenience" that will end as soon as the Sunnis are sufficiently
weakened and there is no longer a threat of them returning to power?

The Baker group was formed as a last-gasp attempt to avert the greatest
foreign policy train-wreck in American history. Its no surprise that
Bush and Israeli PM Olmert decided to conduct their high-level meetings
on the same day that the Iraq Study Group met in the Oval Office. It
was clearly meant to subvert Bakers impact on the news-cycle. As soon
as Bush had used Baker as a prop for his public relations photo-op
(showing Bushs "openness to new ideas") the ex-diplomats were bundled
out the servants exit so Bush could put the final touches on the plans
for bombing Irans nuclear facilities.

The whole event was perfectly choreographed to marginalize Baker and
undermine the groups recommendations.

This just proves that Bushs throttling in the midterm elections has
had no effect whatsoever. Hes still firmly in Cheneys clutches and
edging ever-closer to Armageddon. Theres no indication that anything
substantial has changed.

Cheneys approach is fundamentally flawed. It will take more than
laser-guided munitions or "bunker busting" bombs to beat Iran. In fact,
that will only speed up Americas inevitable withdrawal from Iraq. Even
if half of Iran is buried beneath glowing-nuclear rubble, they still
have the wherewithal to take out every oil tanker, every oil field,
every oil depot, every oil-platform, and every oil pipeline in the
entire gulf region. How long will Americas teetering economy persist
with its Middle East arteries slashed and oil futures shooting through
the stratosphere.

Then, of course, Iran has the option of smuggling high-tech weaponry,
anti-tank missiles and the whole array of military hardware into Iraq,
where they can swiftly cut off supply-lines, wreak havoc across the
country, and force an American retreat.

A war against Iran is a foolhardy scheme that has no chance of

Communiqui connects Iran to Iraqi Militias

A chilling communiqui from the Shiite-led "Badr Brigade" has appeared
in Alliraqnews. The message warns of an agreement between the Sunnis
and the "Anglo-American occupation forces" which threatens the
continued dominance of the Shiite-led government. Leaders from the Badr
Brigade" intend to intensify their attacks on all "public offices and
institutions", to "neutralize the activities of journalists, media and
intellectuals", to undermine "any attempt to rebuild the Iraqi army",
and prepare for "an armed confrontation" with the enemy.

The message calls on all Shiites, including employees in the "Ministry
of Defense and Interior Ministry to join the Badr Brigade, the Mahdi
Army, and the Al-Dawa Party, to continue stealing weapons and
equipment" to get ready for the conflagration.

The communiqui adds ominously: "The government of the Islamic Republic
of Iran, providing us with all weapons and equipment for the battle, as
well as the preparations of troops from the Revolutionary Guards for
rapid intervention near the border areas."

The message is signed by the Secretary-General Badr Organization.

Whether the communiqui is authentic or not is almost irrelevant. The
blueprint is indistinguishable from the pattern of activity on the
ground. The militias are using the occupation to strengthen their base
and ready themselves for the inevitable confrontation with US forces.
Behind the scenes, Iran is patiently waiting for Americas hourglass to
run out of sand.

Prime Minister Al-Maliki has aligned himself with the main Shiite
militias. He has issued a warrant for Harith al-Dhari, the head of
Iraqs prestigious Association of Muslim Scholars, on the charges of
"inciting violence and terrorism among the Iraqi people". It is a
baseless claim intended to drive the Sunnis out of the government and
set the stage for a Shiite-dominated regime.

The Sunnis have left according to plan. There will be no coalition
government and civil war is all but certain. The bloodbath has just

Bush has opened Pandoras Box and therell be a terrible price to pay.
He has allowed Iran to take root in Baghdad and upset the regional
balance of power. Now, there really are no easy solutions. The only
question is whether the impending holocaust is containable or if it
will consume the entire region.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright Mike Whitney,, 2006

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From: Joe Stokes <>
Date: November 18, 2006 11:07:05 PM EST
To: Joe <>

22ND 2006


9-11 TRUTH

In honor of the 43rd anniversary of the JFK assassination, I would
like to invite anyone who can attend to come to Dealy Plaza on
November 22nd. Anyone who comes is encouraged to bring signs,
wear shirts, hand out DVDs and videos, bullhorn, etc and join
us to try to spread the truth to the masses on this historic day.

We will be passing out Terrorstorm, JFK2, the Bush
Connection, 9-11 Mysteries, and more. We are attempting to
reach a critical mass of awakening in the Dallas area for 9-11
truth. Please spread the word this is a great chance to bring 9-
11 truth to people already interested in government wrongs
against its people.


Report Links Ex-Mexican Leaders to Killings, Other

POSTED: 0239 GMT (1039 HKT), November 18, 2006

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- The Mexican government has released a
long-awaited report that for the first time officially blames "the
highest command levels" of three former presidencies for the massacres,
tortures and slayings of hundreds of leftists from the 1960s to the
early 1980s.

Based partly on declassified Mexican military documents, the report,
issued Saturday, ends a five-year investigation by a special prosecutor
to shed light on past crimes, including a 1968 student massacre.

The report states that "the authoritarian regime, at the highest
command levels," broke the law and "committed crimes against humanity"
that resulted in "massacres, forced disappearances, systematic torture
and genocide to try to destroy a sector of society that it considered
ideologically to be its enemy."

Special prosecutor Ignacio Carrillo, who was appointed by President
Vicente Fox in November 2001, handed his report to the attorney
general's office late Friday.

It later was posted on the Internet, and Carrillo said it would
presented at a ceremony with Fox before he leaves office December 1.

The incidents occurred during the administrations of Presidents Gustavo
Diaz Ordaz, Jose Lopez Portillo and Luis Echeverria.

Asked by The Associated Press if the presidents knew of the atrocities
but did nothing, Carrillo replied, "Yes."

'Plan to do away with political dissidents'

Carrillo said the report is only the beginning -- that the Mexican
government must prosecute those responsible if it is to prevent such
atrocities from occurring in the future. The state also must compensate
victims' families, he said.

"This was not about the behavior of certain individuals," Carrillo
said. "It was the consequence of an authorized plan to do away with
political dissidents."

Fox vowed to prosecute Mexico's past crimes when he was elected in
2000, ending 71 years of single-party rule by the Institutional
Revolutionary Party, or PRI.

But the courts repeatedly have blocked Carrillo's efforts to detain
Echeverria, the only implicated president who is still living.
Echeverria, 84, has denied any wrongdoing.

In July, a federal judge threw out genocide charges against Echeverria,
ruling that a 30-year statute of limitations had run out. Echeverria
had been under house arrest for more than a week on charges that he
organized a student massacre as interior secretary in 1968. The charges
were the first to have been filed against a former Mexican president.

The massacre took place in Mexico City's Tlatelolco Plaza on October 2,
just before the capital hosted the Olympics. Officials said 25 people
were killed, though human rights activists say as many as 350 may have
died. The attack is considered one of the darkest moments of PRI rule.

Carrillo also has attempted to bring charges against Echeverria,
president from 1970 to 1976, for a 1971 student massacre and for the
disappearance of leftist activists in the southern state of Guerrero.

Kate Doyle, a Mexico expert at the Washington-based National Security
Archive, a private, nonpartisan research group, said the report is a
"powerful development" because for the first time the government
"officially lays the blame at the feet of three Mexican presidents."

It "clearly describes in detail how the authoritarian regime" of the
Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, "used violence to silence
the opposition," while painting an image to the world that it was
running a democracy, she said.

The report tones down an earlier version leaked on the Internet in
February that stated military bases under Echeverria's rule served as
"concentration camps" for the elimination of leftists and suspected
guerrilla fighters.

Carrillo said Saturday that wording was too strong and did a disservice
to victims of the Holocaust.

But the report is the first time "the state has judged itself" and
found former presidents and the presidential guard were behind the
atrocities, Carrillo said.


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: November 18, 2006 1:33:19 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Venezuela: Another Coup In The Making?

Venezuela: Another Coup in the Making?

by Chris Carlson
November 17, 2006

On April 11th, 2002, a group of businessman, politicians, and
military officers, in conjunction with the cooperation of the major
national media, kidnapped the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez,
and took over the national government. Two days and 19 deaths later,
the coup d'etat ultimately failed and the president was returned to
power. The wealthy businessmen and oligarchs were unable to get rid
of the popular president of the masses. However, recent events give
the impression that they will soon make another attempt.

With most of the polls and surveys showing that Chavez has a huge
advantage in the upcoming December elections, there remains little
doubt about who will win the presidential elections on December 3rd.
However, the opposition candidates and opposition media in Venezuela
have a habit of claiming fraud every time Chavez or his party win an
election. The stage is already being set for the upcoming elections,
as mainstream media in Venezuela constantly mention the possibility
of fraud, and claims the elections are not transparent. The question
remains; how can they claim fraud when dozens of surveys taken over
the last few months show that the election won't even be a close
contest? And secondly, why would the Chavez government commit fraud
when it is obvious that they will easily win? The answer: it is all
part of a plan to overthrow the government in the days following the
December 3rd election.

The opposition parties in Venezuela have been making claims of
fraudulent elections over the last few years. Often times they focus
on the "captahuella" machines, which take the voters fingerprint to
prevent them from voting more than once. Other times the claims
center on the CNE, the national electoral body which oversees the
elections. The opposition claims that this body is totally under the
control of the Chavez government. All of these claims by the
opposition are, of course, widely covered in the private media, and
have created the feeling that Venezuela has unfair elections. So,
for the December presidential elections, whether people believe it or
not, this is all more of the same old story.

Last week, however, leaders of the opposition stepped up their
rhetoric and discussed a "plan" for the days surrounding the
elections. Prominent journalistic businessman Rafael Poleo, who was
also involved in the 2002 coup attempt, announced on the cable
network Globovision the opposition "plan" for December 3rd, 4th, and
5th. The plan calls for all voters aligned with the opposition to
come out and vote on December 3rd. Then, on December 4th, claiming
that the elections were fraudulent, the opposition voters must take
to the streets to protest the Chavez victory. Referring to the
"Orange Revolution," when popular protests in Ukraine overturned
fraudulent elections in 2004, Poleo claims that the electoral fraud
is already in place, and makes a call for all Venezuelans who are
opposed to Chavez to come out into the streets and protest on
December 4th. He emphasizes that Manuel Rosales, the opposition
candidate, must join this movement on December 4th and claim that the
elections were fraudulent. If he does, says Poleo, Rosales could
become the most important person in 21st century Venezuelan history.

With all of this in place, the plan continues with a call to the high
military command, in the words of Poleo, to "decide if it is going to
continue forcing the Venezuelan opposition to put up with an
embarrassing regime." These words, directed to the high military
command, basically amount to a call to overthrow the government. He
continues by referring to the plan as a sequence of events that all
Venezuelans are going to see this December, and in which their
destiny as dignified human beings, and the destiny of their
respectable nation, is at play. Obviously, Poleo is implying that if
Chavez continues in power, Venezuela will cease to be a dignified and
respectable nation, and that Venezuelans should not have to continue
putting up with him. He forgets to mention, however, that surveys
show Chavez has the support of the majority of Venezuelans.

This message to the high military command coincides with a similar
call made by candidate Manuel Rosales one day before. At a political
rally, Rosales made a call for a meeting with the high military
command, "because we have to be preparing for a transition and change
of government that will come to Venezuela in the near future," he
said. Rosales has yet to make the claim that the elections are
fraudulent, but he did call on the government to get rid of the
"captahuella" machines, which he had previously accepted as a
condition of the election. Rosales maintains that he will win at the
ballot box, although nearly all the polls show him to be trailing
Chavez by a large margin.

If it weren't for the 2002 coup attempt, which occurred in a
strikingly similar fashion, these words from the opposition might not
be as significant. But the 2002 coup also began with large
opposition protests against the government. When violence broke out
between pro and anti-government groups, snipers and the Metropolitan
police opened fire on innocent protesters both from the Chavez camp
and from the opposition. Next, blaming the violence on the
government, military officers aligned with the opposition forced the
president to leave office under the threat that the Presidential
Palace would be bombed. Just as they appear to be doing now, the
private media set the stage for the coup after they made numerous
calls for the people to come out and march against Chavez. Later,
with the intervention of a group within the military they were almost
successful in overthrowing the government. Popular demonstrations
forced them to hand power back over Chavez, but the radical
opposition groups didn't go away, and they have continued their
attempts to destabilize the country in the years since.

On December 4th, it is almost certain that there will be large
opposition protests in the major cities of Venezuela. Since the
private media continues to report false surveys that show a possible
victory for the opposition, a large sector of the population now
believes that Rosales may hold the lead. When Chavez beats him at
ballot box, which is the obvious result according to most polls, it
will be a hard reality to accept for all those Venezuelans who have
been deceived by their major media's manipulation. Rosales and the
opposition leaders have called out to the people, and to the military
command. There will no doubt be protests in the days following the
elections, but will there be a coup?

From: David West <>
Date: November 18, 2006 8:06:14 AM EST
Subject: Flu shots worthless

Flu Shots Are Virtually Worthless, Says New British Medical
Journal Analysis

Friday, October 27, 2006 by: Jessica Fraser
28 Issue of the British Medical Journal.

(NewsTarget) Flu vaccines are largely ineffective in the populations
for which they are most highly recommended, according to a new study
published in the Oct Issue of the British Medical Journal.

Dr. Tom Jefferson, coordinator of the Cochrane Vaccines Field in Rome,
Italy, conducted an extensive review of previous studies on the
effectiveness of inactivated [dead virus] flu vaccines on hospital
admissions, death rates and time off work.

"We've got an exaggerated expectation of what vaccines can actually
do," Jefferson said. "I'm hoping American and European taxpayers will
be alerted and start asking questions."

Most developed and developing countries have influenza vaccination
programs that are believed to help reduce the number of flu deaths and
hospitalizations. United States health authorities currently recommend
flu vaccine shots for most Americans -- children 6 to 23 months; kids
23 months to 5 years old; those 50 and older; people with chronic
health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, HIV or heart disease;
health-care professionals and caregivers; and anyone with household
contact of high-risk individuals, such as stay-home mothers with young

Jefferson notes that recommendations for flu vaccines have
significantly increased in recent years -- a move he says may not be
"I looked at the evidence described by systematic reviews and
confronted it with policy and I found that there is a massive gap," he
"Almost none of the benefits that these policy documents list are
actually given by inactivated vaccines or, if they are, they are given
in slighter measure."

Consumer health advocate Mike Adams, author of "Conquering the Common
Cold," called flu vaccine shots "one of the greatest medical cons
perpetrated on the populations of the world," and questioned new U.S.
policies pushing the vaccines on young children and expectant mothers.

"Flu shots only prevent colds in about 1 percent of people who get
them, making them 99 percent useless," Adams said. "They also inject
unhealthy substances such as mercury preservatives directly into
tissues, poisoning the patient with a chemical burden that accumulates
with each flu shot."


Last Updated: Sunday, 19 November 2006, 16:42 GMT

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African Flood Rescue Gathers Pace

International aid agencies have launched a massive relief operation to
help 1.8 million people affected by heavy flooding in the Horn of

Large areas of central and southern Somalia have been flooded after
several weeks of heavy rains. Neighbouring Kenya and Ethiopia are also

Crocodiles in Somalia killed at least nine people after floodwaters
swept them into villages, reports say.

At least 80 people in the region have died in the last three weeks.

The UN has said the floods could be the worst in the region for 50

Crocodile-infested waters

Several rivers have burst their banks, washing out roads and destroying

Particularly hard hit have been the areas around the Shebelle and Juba
rivers in southern Somalia.

The region contains some of the most productive farmland in the

The Shebelle river has flooded its banks, affecting towns and villages
in a swathe of territory stretching hundreds of kilometres.

A UN aid worker on high ground near Beledweyne in Somalia told the BBC
Somali service he could see people climbing trees or fleeing the town
as it became flooded with crocodile-infested waters.

The interim government of Somalia, based in Baidoa, has appealed for
international help.

The Islamic militia which controls much of the south of the country,
including the capital Mogadishu, has also asked for help, Reuters news
agency said.

Refugee camps flooded

Floodwaters from the Juba river in Somalia and the Tana river in Kenya
have combined to inundate a large region of north-eastern Kenya.

Three camps in the area, housing 80,000 refugees from the conflict in
Somalia, have been cut off.

The UN refugee agency has begun airlifting emergency supplies to the
camps, at Daabad near the border with Somalia, and has ordered its
staff to move to higher ground. A dam on the Tana river, south of the
town of Garissa, is close to bursting, the UN said on Friday.

Much of Garissa is underwater and 20 people are missing, AFP news
agency reported.

In western Kenya, a hippo went berserk and killed six people after
floods washed it into the town of Busia, Elizabeth Byrs from the UN's
humanitarian affairs agency told AP news agency.

The heavy rains in the Horn of Africa follow a long drought that has
dried the ground and left it unable to soak up large amounts of

Crops already blighted by the drought have now been destroyed by the

"We are facing a disaster where many people will die not only of
floods, but also of diseases and food shortages," a Somali government
spokesman told AFP.

Heavy rains are expected to continue for several more weeks.


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Iraq: Education Under

Kidnapping of scores of academics in Baghdad

By Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily

Global Research, November 19, 2006


BAGHDAD, Nov 18 (IPS) - The recent kidnapping of scores of academics in
Baghdad highlights the desperate situation of the educational system in
occupied Iraq.

Armed men wearing Iraqi police uniforms abducted as many as 150
academics from the Ministry of Higher Education on Tuesday.

Alaa Makki, the head of the Parliament's education committee called the
action a "national catastrophe" and the minister of higher education,
Abed Dhiab al-Ujaili, announced that teaching in all of Baghdad's
universities would be halted "until we find out what happened," and
because "we are not ready to lose more professors."

While 70 of the academics have been released since then, others remain

Academics, along with other professionals, have been increasingly
targeted by sectarian violence which continues unchecked across much of
Iraq. Thousands of professors and university researchers have long
since fled the war-torn country.

An administration manager of a large university in Baghdad spoke with
IPS on condition of anonymity: "Iraqi universities have turned into
militia and death squad headquarters... Pictures of clerics and
sectarian flags all over are not the only problem, but there is the
interference of clerics and their followers in everything."

The university employee, who said he fears for his life each day he
goes to work, explained that religious clerics now had the authority to
"sack teachers and students, forbid certain texts, impose certain
uniforms and even arrest and kill those who belong to other sects or
those who object to their behaviour."

He angrily added, "Our government seems to approve all that, as no
security office ever intervened to protect teachers and students or
make any change to the situation."

Iraqi security forces have been accused of taking part in, or at least
ignoring several mass kidnappings, which are widely believed to have
been carried out by sectarian groups. The Sunni minority have blamed
many of the kidnappings on armed groups from what are now the dominant
Shi'ite political parties, who also control the Ministry of Interior.

The higher education ministry is currently headed by a member of the
main Sunni Arab political bloc.

The 2003 U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, with the broken
promises of reconstruction and rehabilitation of Iraq's educational
system, have not been the only cause of the current disaster.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organisation) had reported before the 1991 Gulf War that Iraq had one
of the best educational performances in the region. Literacy rates were
extremely high and primary school enrollment was 100 percent.

The number of schools in Iraq under the Saddam Hussein regime
(1979-2003) increased due to the compulsory learning law enacted in the
1970s. A huge campaign for the eradication of illiteracy was organised
and people had to send their children to school to avoid legal

The Ba'ath party had influence on the kind of subjects studied
concerning religion. In addition, education administrators and teachers
preferred to join the ruling party, mostly for job security, but they
still had to be scientifically qualified as teachers.

Being members of the Ba'ath party when the U.S.-led occupation began,
particularly when CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) Administrator
Paul Bremer instituted the "de-Ba'athification" plan, caused most
teachers and administrators to be fired, arrested or later to be
assassinated by death squads and replaced by others who were selected
by new ruling parties, which tended to be Shi'ite religious

These factors, on top of the harsh economic sanctions and the current
occupation, have left Iraq's education system in shambles.

"The newly employed teachers are either selected for being members of
Islamic parties in power or those who paid bribes in order to get the
job," a chief education supervisor in Baghdad told IPS, speaking on
condition of anonymity.

He has managed to keep his job since he had never joined the Ba'ath
Party, and added that other problems had arisen because, "Some of them
[teachers] are too old to teach and others brought fraudulent
graduation certificates that we could not deny because they were sent
to us by parties who have militias."

Billions of dollars were supposedly spent for rehabilitating schools
that were severely bombed by U.S. war planes during the 2003 invasion.
However, the quality of work by foreign contractors, such as Bechtel
Corporation, and their subcontractors was so poor that thousands of
schools across the country remain in a state of disrepair.

Most of the money was spent on repainting and supplying the schools
with cheap equipment that has not stood for long.

"The money for rebuilding schools just vanished between the
U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council and the western contractors and
so we still need a lot to be done," Abdel Aziz, an education manager
told IPS, "We are doing our best to facilitate the educational
operation, but we are facing a great deal of problems with the capacity
of our schools and teachers."

Another problem in some areas is the misuse of school buildings. People
in conflict-ridden areas like Ramadi and parts of Baghdad have
complained that U.S. soldiers use school buildings as combat posts,
especially for snipers.

Other schools are used by militias and death squads in areas of Baghdad
and southern provinces of Iraq.

Today, security is perhaps the major problem facing the education
system. Teachers and students find it too dangerous to move between
their homes and schools under such a chaotic security situation.
Further complicating matters, there is great fear of abduction for
ransom and an even greater of for assassination by death squads.

And the poor state of Iraq's economy has exacerbated the situation.

"There is no possible way for me to cover school expenses," Omar Jassim
told IPS. Father of four from Baghdad, Jassim said, "I am unemployed
and life became too expensive, as well as the high school bus fare and
clothes for the children. I had to cut them from school and make them
help me provide food for the family."

Many families have decided not to send their children to school and
have instead pushed them to work as cleaning boys or beggars in the

Last month Iraq's Ministry of Education released statistics which
indicated that only 30 percent of Iraq's 3.5 million students were
attending classes. This is less than half the number from the previous
year, which, according to the Britain-based non-governmental
organisation Save the Children, was 75 percent attendance.

Attendance rates for the new school year which started on Sep. 20 were
at a record low, according to the ministry.

According to the Ministry of Education, 2006 has been the worst year
for school attendance since U.S.-led invasion in March 2003. The
immediate pre-war level of attendance in 2003 was nearly 100 percent.

At least 270 academics have been killed during the occupation,
according to the Iraq study group Brussels Tribunal.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: "Stephanie Sutton" <>
Date: November 18, 2006 4:31:51 PM EST
To: "Stephanie Sutton" <>

Subject: Countdown to an official and open contact with ETs ???

From: Ecological Options Network []
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:12 PM
To: Stephanie; Sutton Stephanie
Subject: Fwd: Countdown to an official and open contact with ETs ???
Importance: High

From: "A. J. Gevaerd \(Revista UFO\)" <>
Date: November 16, 2006 1:20:20 PM PST
Subject: Countdown to an official and open contact with ETs ???
Reply-To: "A. J. Gevaerd \(Revista UFO\)" <>

For the Record:

Countdown to an official and open contact with ETs ???

Dear colleagues of the World UFO Community:

Jan Val Ellam, a Brazilian prominent author and lecturer about Ufology
and Spirituality, says that several ET races are coming to Earth for an
official and open contact with the human race. The meeting should take
place anytime from November 16, 2006 to April 30, 2007. Today is the
first day of the predicted event and the many members of the Brazilian
UFO Community are in countdown waiting for the alleged arrival.

Jan Val Ellam is the literary pseudonym of the executive Rogerio de
Almeida Freitas, from Rio Grande do Norte, one of the states of the
Brazilian Northeast region. With 15 books published and over 200
lectures per year, he is regarded one of the most serious and reliable
sources in the vast segment of Spirituality in Brazil. Freitas is also
a recognized businessman and represents several European tourism
companies in the country. He started in Ufology under his 20s as a
prolific field investigator who used to cooperate with Irene Granchi,
Brazils UFO pioneer, and American writer Bob Pratt.

Freitas soon started his research into Spirituality and eventually got
it overlapped with Ufology in a peculiar way and with very coherent
conclusions, as noted by distinguished representatives of both fields.
This is when he started what he alleges to be a continuous daily
contact with space and spiritual beings, sometimes apart from each
other, sometimes operating together. The contacts have lasted two
decades, according to him. He kept it private for several years before
started writing his books.

Freitas had a very close encounter with aliens back in November 18,
1999, in Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande do Norte, in a night at
the Ocean Palace Hotel, just after a meeting between technicians from
NASA, ESA and Brazilian Space Agency at that facility. By that time, he
was the general manager of that hotel. It was then, as he claims, that
he was told that the so expected contact between the human race and
other species would happen in 7 years from that date. As from March
this years, he claims that he was contacted again and was given the
information that the alleged contact will happen anytime from November
16, 2006 to April,30 2007. The clock is ticking for him.

He was also given specifics of such meeting: It will involve many huge
spacecrafts that will be seen by everybody all over the world. The
sighting will last only a couple of hours and the ETs will not perform
any direct contact with the governments, but only with selected people
here and there. Freitas also claims that the UFOs will be seen and
largely registered by media, in such a way that the sighting will be
undeniable by any means. They will go away after a few hours but will
be back after some months, and repeat it over and over, until we are
prepared for their landing.

Last August, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas, or Jan Val Ellam, gave an
exclusive interview to the Brazilian UFO Magazine where he explained in
detail his contacts, visions and most importantly, his predictions of
an official and open contact with ETs and what they are based on. The
Brazilian UFO Magazine carried the long interview in 13 pages in its
October edition, number 126. The Magazine is neutral about the Freitas
story and served only as a channel of communication of his story to its
readership, as any other specialized UFO magazine would do, especially
considering who the source is and what information it is giving.

Soon after the magazine reached the newsstands, and even prior to that,
Freitas has gained a lot of support from people who share his visions
but also a lot of criticism from those who wont accept his predictions
and what they are based on, which are his alleged personal contacts
with space and spiritual beings. There has been a great debate over
Freitas claims that nearly divided Brazilian UFO Community in two
polarized groups. And because of that, both the Brazilian UFO Magazine
website ( and its December edition, number 128, already
in newsstands, are continuously publishing the opinions of those UFO
researchers who oppose and those who support the predictions, and still
keeping a neutral position.

Upon request of a few colleagues outside Brazil, we are publishing this
message and attaching to it some of the editorial and parts of the
interview with Rogerio de Almeida Freitas translated into English. They
follow these lines and are been sent to overseas with the sole purpose
of communication the rest of the world of what is going on.

As Freitas says that such official and open contact with ETs is
scheduled for anytime from November 16, 2006 to April 30, 2007, we are
spreading this info.And again, the Brazilian UFO Magazine is neither
supporting nor rejecting his claims, but informing them to the
Worldwide UFO Community.

Best regards to everyone.

A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Director, Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research

Note: Below is the introduction of the interview given by Jan Val
Ellam to the Brazilian UFO Magazine and his three first answers to our
questions. The whole interview has 32 questions and is 13 pages long.
Links are available in the news found at the magazines website

Jan Val Ellam: The date for the official contact is set and it will be
for the next few months

Interview given to A. J. Gevaerd, editor. With collaboration of Nelson
Vilhena Granado, Reinaldo Prado Mello, and Miriam Heder, consultants


Few people in the World and Brazilian Ufological Community share the
reputation of Jan Val Ellam, pseudonym of the executive from the State
ofGrande do Norte, northeastern Brazil, Rogerio de Almeida Freitas.
With a similarly easy transit among Brazilian spiritualists, we can say
that Ellam is renowned among them as well. Author of 15 books
approaching pure spiritualism and mixed ufological and spiritual
studies as well as several others yet to be published , he excels for
making strong and revealing statements in both fields. Ellam seems to
have a very precise notion of where ufology and spiritualism meet one
another and gives a practical sense to this view by giving lectures
that face alien demonstrations in our planet in a unique way. He sees
and narrates with exceptional assertiveness the way our visitors
interact with the terrestrial human race, which to him is only a small
and dormant portion of a broad species of cosmic beings that inhabit
countless planets but has no idea of its importance inside this set.

I dont ask you to believe me, but only to think about what Im saying. I
ask you to think if I'm doing this because I believe to have
revelations passed on to me by those many of us call 'cosmic brothers',
which they really are: beings very similar to us, though much ahead in
evolution, like elder brothers, states the spiritualist ufologist. This
is not simply rhetoric. He confesses many times to be surprised with
the information he receives or accesses as he prefer to say , just like
someone who finished reading a book and tries to digest what the pages
contain. Ellam is far from being a guru or having a mystical profile.
Graduated in business administration, he holds a position as executive
at the Federation of Commerce, Services, and Tourism of the State of
Rio Grande do Norte, besides being a consultant for foreign groups that
invest in that State. In order to add credibility to his figure, we
should also say that Ellam, while still Freitas more than 20 years ago,
was an affiliate field ufologist always ready to go out and investigate
cases of ETs attacking humans in the Brazilian Northeast region. He
worked with the pioneer ufologist Irene Granchi (president of honor of
Brazilian UFO Magazines Editorial Council) and with the lateUS
journalist Bob Pratt. He was mentioned in his book Brazil: UFO danger

Powerful forces approaching

His inclination for a spiritualist interpretation for the UFO
phenomenon began with his personal experiences. It was a series of
events that transcended the common pattern of human view, which took me
to isolate myself even more in my attempts to understand what was
happening. I believe I didnt go mad because I have enough good humor to
carry on with facts in life, he said to Brazilian UFO Magazine in an
interview published in our issue # 103, September 2004. The impact of
these events were so strong on Freitas that he chose a pseudonym Jan
Val Ellam in order to write under these cosmic brothers orders the news
perspectives through which he became to see the actions of our visitors
on Earth. When questioned about such a strange pseudonym, which made
many think of an esoteric nature in his choice, he explains that it was
a personal choice saying that in case the messages were of any use it
would not matter under which name they would come.

Some Brazilian and foreign spiritualist sectors already mentioned that
it is neither Freitas nor Ellam who writes the books, but really strong
forces that constantly instruct him. The electrical engineer and
Brazilian UFO Magazines consultant Reinaldo Prado de Albuquerque Mello
even compared Elams activity to a broadband internet connection with
other realities, through which a constant symphony and perfect
integration is kept between Ellam and the cosmic intelligences he
always quote. He makes no secret on that and admits to be really in
constant contact with advanced cosmic intelligences, while seeing them
with the spontaneity of a person who has been living with this for
years. While more orthodox ufologists question his statements, the fact
is that few human beings have the knowledge to write so many books with
such a vast, rich, and profound content in such a brief period of time
as he did. Ellam write them during the night since he works full time
as every mortal and still needs to share his professional activities
with presentation of lectures in Braziland abroad. In other countries,
he is also known as the mentor of Projeto Orbum, a manifesto dealing on
planetary citizenship (

In one of his books, Fator Extraterrestre (Extraterrestrial Factor),
Ellam discusses on the origin of life, the understanding called missing
link of the human genesis, the cosmic isolation of our species, the
abductions and psychological barriers that impairs a transparent study
of the extraterrestrial themes. In a recent conference in Campo Grande
(MS) he condemned the insistent religious, scientific, and government
deny on the alien presence on Earth, giving reasons why after so many
decades of evidence there is still a strong resistance against such
reality. The human being lacks knowledge of his own past and also
humbly enough to understand minimal facts that happen since the dawn of
ages and links us to the extraterrestrial issues and indicate the
broadness of life in the Universe. His lectures and books greatly refer
to the figure of Jesus whom he calls a Master and who would be closely
linked to the UFO phenomenon. This attracts many of his admirers and a
lot of misunderstanding from those who want to set Ufology apart from
religious matters.

Radical changes on Earth

This interpretation of the facts is a mistake, says Ellam. Since Jesus
has absolutely nothing to do with any religion. A study of pre-Bible
times shows us that the UFO phenomenon already existed in our planet
with great comprehensiveness much before Jesus had come to Earth. And
he came as one of our own species, though from other room of the
Fathers house, to show that we were wrong in almost everything we were
doing. Ellam is not afraid of attracting the rage of orthodox and
doctrinaire spiritualists who see Jesus in an almost religious manner.
He calls him an Authority from the Skies and believes he came to Earth
with special powers and a well-defined and clear message that could not
be understood to anyone, not in that time neither today. Jesus has
never asked us to raise religions to him or to the Creator, but only to
respect and to love one another, concepts that are an absolutely normal
living condition in his world of origin and also in the places he
visited, and that only on Earth seem to be senseless.

Jan Val Ellam is a daring man and yet reasonable and known for the
seriousness with which he treats all ufological and spiritualist themes
without any appeal to sensationalism. Now, he gets totally out of the
prudent stance from the previous weeks by surprising everyone with his
serious statements concerning facts that are to come to the planet. I
never wanted to show up. I work to spread the information I receive
because I find them important to many people. Now, what Ive been
receiving since last March is so heavy and incisive that I need to
reveal to any who wants to listen. In his most recent lectures, Ellam
has crossed a barrier untouchable even to the most daring prophets in
order to convey facts he says to have made known through his channels.
Andthese are really shocking. Ellam states that he was informed that
the moment for an official and formal contact with our extraterrestrial
visitors is not only near, but has its date set to happen within the
next months, between November 2006 and April 2007.

Yes, Jan Val Ellam states his cosmic inspirers the same that guided him
to write his rich contented texts informed him that a global and
undeniable presentation is to finally happen and has its date set. Itll
be something for nobody to question. Not the media, nor scientists or
governments. There will be no way to question. And after that they will
come many other times, always to fill the skies with their gigantic
vehicles not to land but to interact with us until the right time

The interview (only 3 Q&A out of 32)

Brazilian UFO Magazine Many others made similar statements before
concerning an official and ultimate contact with ETs, but none of them
was so emphatic. Nobody established such a near date for the contact
fearing it could not happen. Why are you doing exactly the opposite?

Jan Val Ellam This is actually one of the issues in my personal drama.
If I were spreading a warning from my cosmic friends saying that
something would happen in a distant future, that would be great for my
mind since my personal responsibility would be softened. However, all
thats been happening with me since 1986 promoted by these spiritual
beings and entities who work together no matter how orthodox ufologists
and spiritualists think has the power to make me realize that the
moment so long announced may finally come into place in the present
days. More than this: they asked me something they never did before.
They asked me to convey the announcement of an official and ultimate
contact with extraterrestrial beings by means of the fulfillment of the
promise made by Jesus when he was among us, the promise of returning to
Earth in his natural condition of an authority from the skies. This
will be the first official contact that earthly beings would have with
beings from other worlds in the present days.His return would happen a
little later in a time between the second half of November 2006 until
April 2007.

Brazilian UFO Magazine If this really comes to happen that will be a
moment of great commotion for the humankind indeed. What do you think
such fact would cause to the planetary population?

Jan Val Ellam This fact is to mark the first moment of the so long
awaited reintegration of our planet to the cosmic interchange. This
would be the end of the isolation experienced by us for so long since
we live on Earth under some kind of cosmic quarantine. After all, we
are the unwanted companions in this part of the Galaxy, since we commit
all sorts of crimes against the dignity of life. After this first visit
which would be objective, clear, unquestionable, filmed and reported,
yet very brief, maybe lasting for a few hours or even less others will
happen in order to make terrestrials even more used to resuming their
communion with humankinds of other planets. That should be followed by
future contacts with many other extraterrestrials species, all of them
linked to what I call cosmic brotherhood ideals.

Brazilian UFO Magazine Arent you afraid of being seen as a guru or even
a lunatic when presenting these facts in your lectures and to UFO
readers?Wouldnt that jeopardize all the credibility youve acquired
along two decades of ufological and spiritual work?

Jan Val Ellam No, Im not. Im doing this because I cant find another way
to live with these facts. It would be comfortable or even a good
strategy to stay quiet according to human standards without exposing
myself by setting a date only to say I knew it before. If it were only
for my convenience, you can be sure that this would be my choice.
However, to my despair, there is an explicit demand from these beings I
call cosmic brothers which makes me clearly understand what was
performed by them along these 20 years of shared experiences. Its as if
every other option planned by them had failed and the appeal from the
other side had the objective of creating another option that didnt
exist before once they insist in telling me that I had taken a
commitment with this process. I dont know. What I know is that it would
be dishonest on my part towards them to refrain in my human condition
when the invitations tells us to grow stronger in love, regardless of
any price the world my charge for such a daring attitude. What I got
from the whole story is that my spirit might have committed itself with
them in order to accomplish the task in case they ask me to. Now they
came to ask me and I have to find forces to carry on with the orders
presented to me. As Im not a believer and not moved by religious faith,
I can only rely on myself, on the philosophical code of behavior I
developed as a master rule in my life. Im now dealing with facts and
not with issues arising from spiritualist experiences. Theres nothing I
can say against facts. I can only watch and live with them while
increasing my levels of intellectual reasoning as highly as possible.
Thats what Ive been doing.

The complete interview will soon be made available in English language.

For the Portuguese version of the interview, hit:


the Ecological Options Network
"What's Working Where, Worldwide"


From: Henri <>
Date: November 19, 2006 2:24:25 AM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: Fw: WHOOPEE NEWS: . . . Street Confrontations at Melbourne G20

Police Ready
for Renewed G20 Protests

Police are expecting more violent protests at the G20 Summit in
The two-day gathering winds up this afternoon.
Police have manned barricades surrounding the Grand Hyatt Hotel through
the night.
Protesters, meanwhile, have continued their action at the venue.
Police are expecting today's protests to be worse than yesterday's
violent clashes.
Their security arrangements are focusing on a group of protesters
calling themselves Arterial Block, who police say led attacks against
So far, six people have been arrested and more than 30 police officers


City calm after G20 storm
Reko Rennie
November 19, 2006 - 1:25PM

Melbourne's city streets are deserted and only slightly battle scarred
this morning after protests outside the G20 summit yesterday, which
ambulance officers have slammed as disgusting and abhorrent.
Scores of police continue to stand at blockades surrounding the Grand
Hyatt Hotel, where the G20 summit is resuming, but there is little sign
of protest activity.
They have doubled their numbers at the barricades and removed any items
that could be used as missiles, including witches hats, signs and other
road markers, from behind the barricades about 12.30pm (AEDT).
The G20 summit is in its closing phases and police are concerned that
there may be an attempt to attack delegates' vehicles as they leave.
Chauffeur-driven cars have passed through the barricades around the
Grand Hyatt.
Police 'ready for anything'
Senior Constable Karla Dennis from Victoria Police says police will be
ready to deal with any contingency.
"We are confident that we have got the resources and forward planning
to make it a peaceful day for all involved," she said.
Const Dennis said some roads in the city centre will be closed again as
part of the security for the event.
In yesterday's violent protests, involving two to three thousand
demonstrators, a police officer was taken to hospital with a suspected
broken wrist and other police were left battered and bruised.
The protesters overturned barriers and smashed vehicles in street
battles around the Grand Hyatt Hotel, the venue for the meeting of
finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 countries and the
European Union.
Protests 'most violent' in 30 years
Paul Holman, operations manager for the Metropolitan Ambulance Service,
said today the protests were by far the worst he had seen in 30 years.
"It was abhorrent. Just disgusting. It is not behaviour our society is
used to," Mr Holman said.
"I have no problems with people demonstrating. I have problems with
people taking over the streets," he said.
Mr Holman, who has worked at numerous major rallies in Melbourne,
including the World Economic Forum protests of 2000, said yesterday's
protesters were highly organised and the most violent.
He said the hit-and-run tactics by demonstrators had caused several
police and some protesters to be taken to hospital.
"We've seen a number of minor injuries consistent with scuffles," Mr
Holman said.
He said three police officers, two suffering bites, were taken to St
Vincent's Hospital last night, and a protester was taken to the Royal
Melbourne Hospital.
A policeman was taken to hospital with a broken wrist yesterday.
Mr Holman said he feared for the safety of ambulance officers at the
"We are always concerned about our members. We have a number of
contingencies in place," he said.
He praised police for their restraint at yesterday's rally.
"I can't speak too highly of the police," he said.

Four arrests

Last night, four police were taken by ambulance to St Vincents Hospital
after they were bitten by protesters who had chained themselves to a
car in the city.
Police have adopted new measures to deal with protests, following
recommendations in a report on their tactics outside the World Economic
Forum in Melbourne in 2000, which was also marred by violence.
Yesterday, several dozen protesters, dressed in white jumpsuits with
scarves over their faces, led the crowd to Collins Street and threw
items at police.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said later the group
in white were believed to have come from interstate and Europe.
Melbourne is expecting a top temperature of 31 degrees today, and Ray
Rowe from the Metropolitan Ambulance Service said ambulance staff would
be at the protest.
"Obviously when you get warmer weather you have to be particularly
mindful of dehydration," Mr Rowe said.

- with AAP


Anton Gomer wrote:

Well, that's the way we have to go to solve the international problems:

1. That what this people do here has to be extended on the whole
Western World.

2. Confiscation of the International Banks and Multi-Nationals.

3. Arrest of the richest people in all the countries.

4. National-peoples power back to the people of the nation in every
nation of this world.

5. Re-organization of the UN by the new nationals of each nation.

6. Finish the Holo - Hoax worldwide as it is the alibi of the
Richest people to condemn socialism and nationalism for the people.

How ? See here:


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Israel developing anti-militant "bionic hornet"

Global Research, November 18, 2006

Reuters - 2006-11-17

Israel is using nanotechnology to try to create a robot no bigger than
a hornet that would be able to chase, photograph and kill its targets,
an Israeli newspaper reported on Friday.

The flying robot, nicknamed the "bionic hornet," would be able to
navigate its way down narrow alleyways to target otherwise unreachable
enemies such as rocket launchers, the daily Yedioth Ahronoth said.

It is one of several weapons being developed by scientists to combat
militants, it said. Others include super gloves that would give the
user the strength of a "bionic man" and miniature sensors to detect
suicide bombers.

The research integrates nanotechnology into Israel's security
department and will find creative solutions to problems the army has
been unable to address, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres told Yedioth

"The war in Lebanon proved that we need smaller weaponry. It's
illogical to send a plane worth $100 million against a suicidal
terrorist. So we are building futuristic weapons," Peres said.

The 34-day war in Lebanon ended with a U.N.-brokered ceasefire in
mid-August. The war killed more than 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians,
and 157 Israelis, mostly soldiers.

Prototypes for the new weapons are expected within three years, he said.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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From: s culver <>
Date: November 18, 2006 1:05:44 AM EST
Subject: re What Vote Theft Conspiracy?

-- please read especially the email from David Griscom, right after the
first article.

From: "Ecological Options Network" <>

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 9:44 PM
Subject: Did the fraudsters take a substantial vacation?

Electronic voting: the silent catastrophe

11/14/2006 3:55:45 PM, by <>Jon Stokes

Though you wouldn't know it from watching the election night and
post-election coverage on the Cable news shows, preliminary reports from
local papers and from a host of electronic voting activist groups and
researchers indicate that there were widespread and significant problems
with the new electronic voting machines used in the November 7th
The many groups who're working on collecting and summarizing the
information gleaned from nationwide hotlines and poll watching efforts
a ton of data to sort through, but a few of the broader outlines are
already. In a nutshell, the kinds of problems highlighted by the two
post-mortems done on Cuyahoga County, Ohio's May 2nd primaries proved
exemplary-in terms of the types of problems and their relative
frequencies-of what the nation as a whole faced on November 7th.

Many activist groups kept logs, like this one, of problems
cropped up on election day. Among the most publicized collections of
problems is the database run by Common Cause. Common Cause logged 16,000
calls on the 1-866-MYVOTE1 hotline. The calls registered all sorts of
problems, with registration problems being the most common. The biggest
change from their 2004 hotline was the percentage of calls reporting
mechanical failures, up from 3 percent to almost 17 percent. Poll access
was also a big problem, and one that was greatly exacerbated by the
mechanical failures. There were reports of people waiting in line for
and four hours, due to issues like poor machine allocation and voting
machines that didn't work.

Most of the House and Senate races on Nov. 7th were very, very close,
many being decided by a few thousand (or in some cases, a few hundred)
votes. With margins of victory so narrow, the kinds of problems I'll
describe below are simply unacceptable, and in some instances these
problems could've decided the race. (Whether they actually did decide a
race or not is impossible to determine, which is the problem.)

Voting machine failures

Problems with voting machines that either wouldn't start or would stop
working surfaced across the country. In many cases, these problems
delays in the opening of polling places, and in others the poll workers
were forced to fall back on paper and/or provisional ballots. Michigan,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio had some of the most widely
problems of this type, but there were many other states that also
machine failures.

For instance, in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 43 out of 573 precincts reported
problems getting machines started and working. This resulted in poll
opening delays and the use of paper ballots. There were also reports
Cleveland of machines that stopped working in the middle of voting, and
calls from other many other parts of Ohio reporting a litany of problems
that range from registration and voter ID confusion to printer jams and
vote flipping. You can get a quick list of some of the reports from
n_Update_1.htm>this site. (If the state of Ohio decides to do the kind
independent post-mortem analysis of the mid-terms that Cuyahoga did of
primaries, those reports will make for even more miserable and
reading than the Cuyahoga reports.)

In Pennsylvania, polling hours were extended after some polling places
opened late due to problems getting the machines started. There were
reports of machines not going through all of the election screens,
that were not functioning at all, machines automatically shutting down
early due to timing problems, and so on. Indeed, Pennsylvania was
state that saw extremely widespread problems with electronic voting
machines across multiple counties. Like Ohio, it will yield an
batch of lengthy post-mortem reports if state officials opt to

In Cook County, Illinois, where I voted, there were multiple reports of
problems with the touchscreen voting machines from Sequoia. The one
touchscreen machine at my precinct was frozen, and the poll worker that
talked to said that other precincts in the area were reporting the same
problem. The BOE was so swamped with calls, though, that they couldn't
a technician out to the site to fix the machine. All of us ended up
with the optical scan ballots. Other e-voting activist sites are also
investigating the problems in Cook County, as is the state.

At any rate, I'm not going to go on here, because you get the idea. You
find much more of the kinds of these kinds of stories by checking the
in the "Further reading" section at the end of this post. If you take a
look at Election Protection 365's short, preliminary, and very
(I can vouch for that)
n_Update_1.htm>state-by-state run-down of election problems, then you
you get is a picture of a massive, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
attack. A lot of machines in a lot of precincts across the country just
not work as advertised, and far too many voters were either forced to
without voting or given provisional ballots.

Before moving on from the DDoS theme, let me ask you this: if you were
fired up about voting in this election, and you were turned away from
polls two or three times in the morning before giving up because you
had to
go to work, would you feel like the mid-terms were a success? I know I
wouldn't, regardless of what I thought about the outcome of the

Vote flipping

I concur with computer scientist and voting activist David Dill's
assessment of the prominent reports of stories that machines across the
country were flipping votes on Nov. 7: this problem is a national

The most basic thing that a voting machine should be able to do is
the proper vote for the proper candidate, but time and again voters in
states found that the ballot summary screen indicated that they'd voted
a different roster of candidates than they had actually voted for. In
instances, repeated attempts to go back and correct the problem were to
avail, and those voters' votes simply were not counted correctly.

Texas, Florida, and New Jersey were the sources of the majority of these
reports, but voters in other states (Ohio, Louisiana, Maryland, South
Carolina, Georgia, and others) reported instances of it.

These vote-flipping problems were so widespread and so well-documented,
that statements like the following from e-voting machine vendors just
boggle the mind. From a
icleId=273455&pageNumber=1>new Computerworld article on vote flipping:

E-voting machines are far more secure, accurate and auditable than the
mechanical lever-operated voting machines and other systems they
the [Sequoia] spokeswoman contended. She called vote-flipping concerns a
"conspiracy theory from activists and bloggers."

A spokesman at e-voting equipment vendor Diebold Election Systems also
that e-voting machines don't cause vote flipping. "It's not a problem,"
said. "It doesn't exist. This again falls into the 'what if' scenario."

The two leading candidates for the cause of vote-flipping reports are
touchscreen calibration and user error. Most researchers reject the idea
that deliberate fraud is to blame. (As I said in a previous article, if
you're smart enough to compromise a machine to steal votes, then you
certainly write your vote-stealing Trojan so that it shows the voter
his or
her correct vote choices on the summary screen.)

Nonetheless, there are enough reports of voters who tried multiple
times to
cast a correct ballot, and even called poll workers over for help, that
think it's impossible that user error is to blame for all the cases.
Touchscreen calibration may turn out to be the ultimate culprit, but
needed is a full investigation into this phenomenon.

Missing votes in Florida

The Miami Herald reports that 18,382 votes either weren't cast or
counted in the race for House District 13, Katherine Harris's old seat.
What this means is that of all of the voters who went to the polls in
district, signed in, and cast ballots, 18,382 of them either didn't
vote in
the House race or didn't have their votes recorded. So one out of every
seven ballots cast in that race did not register a vote for the House
this is an extremely high number of undervotes. From the Herald:

But on Election Day on touchscreen machines, voters had a 14 percent
undervote rate and 18 percent undervote rate in the early-voting week
before, when complaints surfaced.

Dr. Richard Malkin said he and his wife voted early and realized their
votes in the congressional race weren't recorded just before
casting their ballots. So they re-voted. ''The lady right next to us had
the same problem. So many people said the same thing,'' said Malkin, a
Democrat who sits on a SunTrust bank board with Buchanan. "It's like
all over again.''

The Republican in this race, Vernon Buchanan, has declared victory on
basis of a 368-vote margin and stated that it's "time to move on."
Yeah, I
bet he'd like to move on and forget about the 18,000+ missing votes, but
his opponent, Christine Jennings, is going to fight it out. Right now,
official plan is to
shtml>conduct a "recount," but of course a legitimate recount is
to conduct for touchscreen machines with no paper trail, where a vote
never recorded in the first place. So the recount idea is going nowhere.
There's certain to be litigation here, but there's just no way to
the intent of the voters with these machines.

The only thing that will work here if these votes aren't somehow
from the machines is a new round of voting in Sarasota County.

Supervisor of Elections Kathy Dent has now
<>done a 180
will comply with voters' demands to scrap the electronic machines
and return to paper ballots. Dent had previously accused proponents of a
voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) of trying to obstruct the vote
"disenfranchise" voters. But in light of a newly passed referendum
demanding a return to paper ballots (at least those referendum votes
counted), and in light of the embarrassingly large number of undervotes
Sarasota County, Dent has thankfully changed her tune.

Conclusions: the meltdown that wasn't?

I watched the election night coverage on the major news networks,
that Matt Tabbi has brilliantly (if vulgarly)
is_election_night_diary>lampooned at Rolling Stone, and amid all the
analogies and talking heads I don't recall hearing much (if anything)
the electronic voting problems that I knew had gone on all day long. If
such problems were referenced, it was in passing-I certainly didn't see
segment dedicated to them as we waited for the returns to come in, but
perhaps I just missed that part of the coverage.

After the election, as many of use feared and expected, election
and e-voting vendors rushed to assure the public that everything had
smoothly, and that any reports of problems were either "conspiracy
"urban legend," or user error. For the most part, the media has bought
narrative. The party that came out ahead on Tuesday, many members of
were worried about electronic voting problems prior to the election,
moved on to bigger and more important issues, like who will be the new
Senate majority leader.

The problems in Florida, however, threaten the "move along, nothing to
here" narrative, and you can be certain that this issue will take center
stage again in 2007, as official, detailed reports of what happened last
week start to surface and the 2008 presidential campaign gets under way.

By way of conclusion, I want to link this truly excellent post by, entitled "What, Exactly, IS an Election Meltdown?" The
post first cites pundits and commentators stating that things went
smoothly, or better than expected, and that the forecast meltdown didn't
materialize. It then runs down a long litany of major problems, some of
which resulted in large-scale disenfranchisement, and others that cast
doubt on the outcome of critically important races. Here are just two of
the items in the list:

What if lots of electronic ballot boxes (memory cards) were missing in a
major city, and only 23 had been found after an extensive search, and
election director said she loses them all the time and normally no one
any attention, but this time four local races hung in the balance? Is
"smooth" to the people whose ballots were lost in Indianapolis? And then
... what if partisan control of the United States Senate depended on one
race in one state, where the reported margin of victory was
three-tenths of
a percent, and a recount was impossible because there was no way to
voter intent from the electronic tallies? In what world is this "better
than expected"?

Be sure and read the whole thing, and don't let this issue die. There's
whole lot to do before 2008 gets here, and relatively little time to do


On election day, a major piece of the mystery of "how did we let things
this bad?" became very clear to me. People that used the touchscreen
machines, including my wife, who'd read my report and was duly
skeptical of
the DREs, raved about the experience. The touchscreen machines make
fantastic demo units that really sell you on the idea of e-voting. So
no wonder that states and counties across the country went gaga over
machines and just opened up their wallets when a vendor rep showed them
product demo.

This positive user appraisal accords with the exit polls from the
primaries, where over 90% of voters reported being pleased with the
experience of voting on a DRE. The elderly were among most satisfied
the new machines.

So if you watched an e-voting documentary like "Hacking Democracy," or
you've been following my coverage of e-voting, and you're wondering how
of this happened, then here's your answer: DREs are awfully pleasant to
use, in spite of the fact that they're not worth much as actual voting
machines. Ultimately, the story of the triumph of the touchscreen DRE is
really a story of the triumph of style over substance, a story that
participants in our democracy are all too familiar with.


Subject: [election] Did the fraudsters take a substantial vacation?
Date: November 15, 2006 9:55:48 AM PST

Rich et al.,

To save myself a little time, I am going to answer
your questions by pasting in below the correspondence
I exchanged with my son this morning.


Thanks for the Ars Technica column. However, in the
section on vote flipping on DREs, I found this
statement: "Most researchers reject the idea that
deliberate fraud is to blame."

But by virtue of my constant contact via about a half
dozen election-integrity email groups, I feel that I
personally know "most researchers" and I can assure
you that they are quite convinced that fraud IS to

I keep coming back to the exit polls. Because
statistics is at the heart of much of physics (ALL of
quantum mechanics), I believe that statistical
analyses of exit polls can tell us the way people
really voted. In Germany where all ballots are 100%
hand counted (there are no DREs "innocently" flipping
votes) the exit polls agree with the hand counts
within 0.26%. Contrast that with the 2004 election
when a 2.6% Kerry lead in the exit polls turned into a
2.8% Bush win after the polls had closed. A
conservative statistical calculation (attached) gives
less than one chance in 959,000 that the final result
came out as it did by sheer chance. (Thus, there were
958,999 chances out of 959,000 that the votes were

But the media immediately jumped in with "expert"
opinions that it is the exit polls that were flawed.
However, all of the proffered reasons, like the
"reluctant Bush responder" model, have been
mathematically disproved using available precinct
level data for Ohio (documentation on request).

Still, the notion that exit polls have become
unreliable has now been institutionalized. Although
the news services still commission a national exit
poll, only a few reporters locked in a room without
their cell phones or Palm Pilots are allowed to see
the raw data coming in. Then at 5 pm they make one
report, after which the polls are "corrected" to agree
with the official count. According to a Fox News
Senior Vice President,
"We looked at the exit polls and noted what we thought
was a pattern -- a 6 to 8 percent skew to Democratic

Well, this was not evidence of "another" big
Democrat-favoring "error" in the exit polls. No, it
was evidence that the irrefutably demonstrated
possibility of hacking of both voting-machine memory
cards and the Diebold GEMS central tabulators was once
again being exploited, this time flipping votes in the
range of 6-8% nationally, as contrasted with the
"mere" 5.4% flipping of the presidential vote in 2004.

But that's just the national average. I attach an
Excel that was released only yesterday by a woman who
ran parallel elections at four Ohio precincts Tuesday
a week ago. On the average, 32% of the people who had
voted also participated in these parallel elections (a
hell of a good statistical sample!). If you scroll to
the right on the spreadsheet to find the individual
races, you will find evidence that 12 to 18% of each
Democratic candidate's votes had been shifted the
Republican. (Fortunately, the races weren't even

So this brings me to my theory of why George Allen
conceded to Jim Webb in Virginia without even
demanding a recount: A recount would have revealed the
vote theft that is presently being covered up by
suppression of the exit polls. So the perpetrators
decided that accepting a Democratic majority in
Congress for a couple years was a tolerable price to
pay for concealing their power to steal future
presidential elections (all eyes on 2008!). (Remember
that the current regime believes in the "unitary
executive" theory that the president should have
dictatorial powers, so no need to worry about the

Love, Dad


President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 23, 2006, 11:30:49 AM11/23/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 22, 2006

NOTE: This is an old story but still interesting because of the
possibility that the US Strategic Defense Initiative is using
technology provided by one or more extraterrestrial societies--and that
as its employees learn too much about this, they are terminated in the
more serious sense of that word. Additionally, Preston Dennett says
that quite a few independent "U"FO researchers recently have died
"mysteriously" for the same reason--especially for knowing too much
about technology which can replace petroleum with breathtaking
swiftness. -- kl, pp

From: Henri <>
Date: November 21, 2006 3:42:25 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: The 22 SDI Researchers Who All Committed 'Suicide'

Comment: The odds against these deaths being non-related and without
ulterior purpose are astronomical! Given the various types of death,
one must assume that a power skilled in assassination is responsible...
But which one? Is it the one which openly declares its policy is to use
deception and misdirection?
The 22 SDI Researchers Who All Committed 'Suicide'


Fifty-year-old Alistair Beckham was a successful British aerospace-
projects engineer. His specialty was designing computer software for
sophisticated naval defense systems. Like hundreds of other British
scientists, he was working on a pilot program for America's Strategic
Defense Initiative--better known as Star Wars. And like at least 21 of
his colleagues, he died a bizarre, violent death.

It was a lazy, sunny Sunday afternoon in August 1988. After driving his
wife to work, Beckham walked through his garden to a musty backyard
toolshed and sat down on a box next to the door. He wrapped bare wires
around his chest, attached the to an electrical outlet and put a
handkerchief in his mouth. Then he pulled the switch.

With his death, Beckham's name was added to a growing list of British
scientists who've died or disappeared under mysterious circumstances
since 1982. Each was a skilled expert in computers, and each was
working on a highly classified project for the American Star Wars
program. None had any apparent motive for killing himself.

The British government contends that the deaths are all a matter of
coincidence. The British press blames stress. Others allude to an
ongoing fraud investigation involving the nation's leading defense
contractor. Relatives left behind don't know what to think.

"There weren't any women involved. There weren't any men involved. We
had a very good relationship," says Mary Beckham, Alistair's widow. "We
don't know why he did it...if he did it. And I don't believe that he
did do it. He wouldn't go out to the shed. There had to be

The string of unexplained deaths can be traced back to March 1982, when
Essex University computer scientist Dr. Keith Bowden died in a car
wreck on his way home from a London social function. Authorities claim
Bowden was drunk. His wife and friends say otherwise.

Bowden, 45, was a whiz with super-computers and computer-controlled
aircraft. He was cofounder of the Department of Computer Sciences at
Essex and had worked for one of the major Star Wars contractors in

One night Bowden's immaculately maintained Rover careened across a
four-lane highway and plunged off a bridge, down an embankment, into an
abandoned rail yard. Bowden was found dead at the scene.

During the inquest, police testified that Bowden's blood alcohol level
had exceeded the legal limit and that he had been driving too fast. His
death was ruled accidental.

Wife Hillary Bowden and her lawyer suspected a cover-up. Friends he'd
supposedly spent the evening with denied that Bowden had been drinking.
Then there was the condition of Bowden's car.

"My solicitor instructed an accident specialist to examine the
automobile," Mrs. Bowden explains. "Somebody had taken the wheels off
and put others on that were old and worn. At the inquest this was not
allowed to be brought up. Someone asked if the car was in a sound
condition, and the answer was yes."

Hillary, in a state of shock, never protested the published verdict.
Yet, she remains convinced that someone tampered with her husband's
car. "It certainly looked like foul play," Hillary maintains.

Four years later the British press finally added Bowden's case to its
growing dossier. First, there appeared to be two interconnected deaths,
then six, then 12--suddenly there were 22.

Take 37-year-old David Sands, a senior scientist at Easams working on a
highly sensitive computer-controlled satellite-radar system. In March
1987 Sands made a U-turn on his way to work and rammed his car into the
brick wall of a vacant restaurant. His trunk was loaded with full
gasoline cans. The car exploded on impact.

Given the incongruities of the accident and the lack of a suicide
motive, the coroner refused to rule out the possibility of foul play.
Meanwhile, information leaked to the press suggested that Sands had
been under a tremendous emotional strain.

Margaret Worth, Sand's mother-in-law, claims these stories are totally
inaccurate. "When David died, it was a great mystery to us," she
admits. "He was very successful. He was very confident. He had just
pulled off a great coup for his company, and he was about to be greatly
rewarded. He had a very bright future ahead of him. He was perfectly
happy the week before this happened."

Like many of the bereaved, Worth is still at a loss for answers. "One
week we think he must have been got at. The next week we think it
couldn't be anything like that," she says.

This wave of suspicious fatalities in the ultrasecret world of
sophisticated weaponry has not gone unnoticed by the United States
government. Late last fall, the American embassy in London publicly
requested a full investigation by the British Ministry of Defense

Members of British Parliament, such a Labour MP Doug Hoyle, copresident
of the Manufacturing, Science & Finance Union, had been making similar
requests for more than two years. The Thatcher government had refused
to launch any sort of inquiry.

"How many more deaths before we get the government to give the
answers?" Hoyle asks. "From a security point of view, surely both
ourselves and the Americans ought to be looking into it."

The Pentagon refuses comment on the deaths. However, according to
Reagan Administration sources, "We cannot ignore it anymore."

Actually, British and American intelligence agencies are on the
situation. When THE SUNDAY TIMES in London published the details of 12
mysterious deaths last September, sources at the American embassy
admitted being aware of at least ten additional victims whose names had
already been sent to Washington. The sources added that the embassy had
been monitoring reports of "the mysterious deaths" for two years.

English intelligence has suffered several damaging spy scandals in the
20 century. The CIA may suspect the deaths are an indication of
security leaks, that Star Wars secrets are being sold to the Russians.
Perhaps these scientists had been blackmailed into supplying classified
data to Moscow and could no longer live with themselves. One or more
may have stumbled onto an espionage ring and been silenced.

As NBC News London correspondent Henry Champ puts it, "In the world of
espionage, there is a saying: Twice is coincidence, but three times is
enemy action."

Where SDI is concerned, a tremendous amount is at stake. In return for
the Thatcher government's early support of the Star Wars program, the
Reagan Administration promised a number of extremely lucrative SDI
contracts to the British defense industry--hundreds of millions of U.S.
dollars the struggling British economy can little afford to lose.

Britain traditionally has one of the finest defense industries in the
world. Their annual overseas weapons sales amount to almost $250
billion. The publicity from a Star Wars spy scandal could seriously cut
into the profits.

It would appear that only initial promises made to Prime Minister
Thatcher hold the U.S. from cutting its losses and pulling out. A
high-ranking American source was quoted in the SUNDAY TIMES saying, "If
this had happened in Greece, Brazil, Spain, or Argentina, we'd be all
over them like a glove!"

The Thatcher government's PR problem is that the scandal centers around
Marconi Company Ltd., Britain's largest electronics-defense contractor.
Seven Marconi scientists are among the dead.

Marconi, which employs 50,000 workers worldwide, is a subsidiary of
Britain's General Electric Company (GEC). GEC managing director Lord
Wienstock recently launched his own internal investigation.

Yet, the GEC and the Ministry of Defense still contend that the 22
deaths are coincidental. A Ministry of Defense spokesman claims to have
found "no evidence of any sinister links between them."

However, an article in the British publication THE INDEPENDENT claims
the incidence of suicide among Marconi scientists is twice the national
average of mentally healthy individuals. Either Marconi is hiring
abnormally unstable scientists or something is very wrong.

Two deaths brought the issue to light in the fall of 1986. Within weeks
of each other, two London-based Marconi scientists were found dead 100
miles away, in Bristol. Both were involved in creating the software for
a huge, computerized Star Wars simulator, the hub of Marconi's SDI
program. Both had been working on the simulator just hours before their
death. Like the others, neither had any apparent reason to kill

Vimal Dajibhai was a 24-year-old electronics graduate who worked at
Marconi Underwater Systems in Croxley Green. In August 1986 his
crumpled body was found lying on the pavement 240 feet below the
Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.

An inquest was unable to determine whether Dajibhai had been pushed off
the bridge or whether he had jumped. There had been no witnesses. The
verdict was left open. Yet, authorities did their best to pin his death
on suicide.

Police testified that Dajibhai had been suffering from depression,
something his family and friends flatly denied. Dajibhai had absolutely
no history of personal or emotional problems.

Police also claimed that the deceased had been drinking with a friend,
Heyat Shah, shortly before his death, and that a bottle of wine and two
used paper cups had been found in his car. Yet, forensic tests were
never done on the auto, and those who knew Vimal, including Shah, say
that he had never taken a drink of alcohol in his life.

Investigating journalists found discrepancies in other evidence. "A
police report noted a puncture mark on Dijabhai's left buttock after
his fall from the bridge," explains Tony Collins, who covered the story
for Britain's COMPUTER NEWS magazine. "Apparently, this was the reason
his funeral was halted seconds before the cremation was to take place.

"Members of the Family were told that the body was to be taken away for
a second postmortem, to be done by a top home- office pathologist.
That's not normal. Then, a few months later, police held a press
conference and announced that it hadn't been a puncture mark after all,
that it was a wound caused by a bone fragment.

"I find it very difficult to reconcile the initial coroner's report
with what the police were saying a few months later," Collins contends.

Officials didn't fare any better with the second Bristol fatality.
Police virtually tripped over themselves to come up with a motive for
the apparent--and unusually violent--suicide of Ashaad Sharif.

Sharif was a 26-year-old computer analyst who worked at the Marconi
Defense Systems headquarters in Stanmore, Middlesex. On October 28,
1986, he allegedly drove to a public park not far from where Dajibhai
had died. He tied one end of a nylon cord around a tree and tied the
other end around his neck. Then he got back into his Audi 80 automatic,
stepped on the gas and sped off, decapitating himself.

Marconi initially claimed Sharif was only a junior employee, and that
he had nothing to do with Star Wars. Co-workers stated otherwise. At
the time of his death, Sharif was apparently about to be promoted.
Also, Ashaad reportedly worked for a time in Vimal Dajibhai's section.

The inquest determined that Sharif's death was a suicide. Investigating
officers maintained that the man had killed himself because he'd been
jilted by an alleged lover. Ashaad hadn't seen the woman in three

"Sharif was said to have been depressed over a broken romance," Tony
Collins explains. "But the woman police unofficially say was his lover
contends that she was only his landlady when he was working for British
Aerospace in Bristol. She's married, has three children, and she's
deeply religious. The possibility of the two having an affair seems
highly unlikely--especially since Sharif had a fiancee in Pakistan. His
family told me that he was genuinely in love with her."

Police suddenly switched stories. They began to say that Sharif had
been deeply in love with the woman he was engaged to, and that he'd
decapitated himself because another woman was pressuring him to call
off the marriage.

Authorities claimed to have found a taped message in Sharif's car
"tantamount" to a suicide note. On it, officers said, he'd admitted to
having had an affair, thus bringing shame on his family. Family members
who've heard the tape say that it actually gave no indication of why
Sharif might want to kill himself.

Sharif's family was told by the coroner that it was "not in their best
interest" to attend the inquest.

"It's been almost impossible to get to information about deaths that
should be in the public domain," Tony Collins laments. "I've been given
false names or incorrect spellings, or I've not been told where
inquests have taken place. It's made it very difficult for me to try to
track down the details of these cases."

In the Sharif case, two facts stand out: Ashaad had no history of
depression, and there was absolutely no reason for him to be in

A widely help theory among the establishment press is that the
mysterious deaths are stress-related accidents or suicides. Such
theories may not be far off the mark.

According to a high-ranking British government official, for the past
year and a half the Ministry of Defense has been secretly investigating
Marconi on allegations of defense- contract fraud--overcharging the
government, bribing officials. The extensive probe has required most of
the MoD's investiga- tive resources, conceivably reaching as far as
Marconi's sub- contractors and into MoD research facilities such as the
Royal Military College of Science and the Royal Air Force Research

Almost all of the dead scientists were associated with one or more of
these establishments.

If Marconi employees were being forced by management to perform or to
cover up illegal activities, it may be that the stress did indeed get
to them.

"In America, there are considerable incentives for people to blow the
whistle if they're being asked to perform illegal acts like ripping off
the government," a confidential source in Parliament explains.
"However, in this country there have been perhaps 20 people who've
blown the whistle, and none of them have ever worked again. They didn't
receive any compensation. Here, you don't get any recognition. You get
threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act. They can
fire you. Then they can take away your home and get you blacklisted.

"It's an impossible position to be placed in," the source adds. "It's
quite conceivable that these people could have killed themselves
because they felt terribly ashamed of what they'd done. For that
matter, some of the accidents or suicides could have been men who'd
taken bribes but who couldn't face the embarrassment of public

If Marconi was systematically defrauding the government for millions of
pounds each year, perhaps an employee stumbled upon incriminating
evidence and had to be done away with. It would be easy enough to make
it look like an accident.

Consider the peculiar death of Peter Peapell, found dead beneath his
car in the garage of his Oxfordshire home. Peapell, 46, worked for the
Royal Military College of Science, a world authority on communications
technology, electronics surveillance and target detection. Peapell was
an expert at using computers to process signals emitted by metals. His
work reportedly included testing titanium for its resistance to

On the night of February 22, 1987, Peapell spent an enjoyable evening
out with his wife, Maureen, and their friends. When they returned home,
Maureen went straight to bed, leaving Peter to put the car away.

When Maureen woke up the next morning, she discovered that Peter had
not come to bed. She went looking for him. When she reached the garage,
she noticed that the door was closed. Yet she could hear the car's
engine running.

She found her husband lying on his back beneath the car, his mouth
directly below the tail pipe. She pulled him into the open air, but he
was already dead.

Initially, Maureen thought her husband's death an accident. She
presumed he'd gotten under the car to investigate a knocking he'd heard
driving home the night before, and that he'd gotten stuck. But the
light fixture in the garage was broken, and Peter hadn't been carrying
a flashlight.

Police had their own suspicions. A constable the same height and weight
as Peter Peapell found it impossible to crawl under the car when the
garage door was closed. He also found it impossible to close the door
once he was under the car.

Carbon deposits from the inside of the garage door showed that the
engine had been running only a short time. Yet, Mrs. Peapell had found
the body almost seven hours after she'd gone to bed.

The coroner's inquest could not determine whether the death was a
homicide, a suicide or an accident. According to Maureen Peapell, Peter
had no reason to kill himself. They had no marital or financial
problems. Peter loved his job. He'd just received a sizable raise, and
according to colleagues, he'd exhibited "absolutely no signs of

We may never know what is killing these scientists. Everyone has a

The National Forum Foundation, a conservative Washington D.C., think
tank, believes the deaths are the work of European-based, left-wing
terrorists, such as those who took credit for gunning down a West
German bureaucrat who'd negotiated Star Wars contracts. The group also
claims the July 1986 bombing death of a researcher director from the
Siemens Company--a high-tech, West German electronics firm. They have
yet to take credit for any of the scientists.

A more outrageous theory suggests that the Russians have developed an
electromagnetic "death ray," with which they're driving the British
scientists to suicide. A supermarket tabloid contends the ultrathin
waves emitted by the device interfere with a person's brain waves,
causing violent mood shifts, including suicidal depres- sion.

The genius of such a weapon is that the victim does all the dirty work
and takes all the blame. Yet, if the Soviets have actually developed
such a weapon, why waste it on 22 British defense workers?

Are the scientists victims of a corrupt defense industry? Have they
been espionage pawns? Are the deaths nothing more than an extraordinary
coincidence? Guess.


1. AUTO ACCIDENT--Professor Keith Bowden, 45, computer scientist, Essex
University. In March 1982 Bowden's car plunged off a bridge, into am
abandoned rail yard. His death was listed as an accident.

2. MISSING PERSON--Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley, 49, defense
expert, head of work-study unit at the Royal Military College of
Science. Godley disappeared in April 1983. His father bequeathes him
more than $60,000, with the proviso that he claim it be 1987. He never
showed up and is presumed dead.

3. SHOTGUN BLAST--Roger Hill, 49, radar designer and draftsman,
Marconi. In March 1985 Hill allegedly killed himself with a shotgun at
the family home.

4. DEATH LEAP--Jonathan Walsh, 29, digital-communications expert
assigned to British Telecom's secret Martlesham Health research
facility (and to GEC, Marconi's parent firm). In November 1985 Walsh
allegedly fell from his hotel room while working on a British Telecom
project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa). He had expressed a fear for
his life. Verdict: Still in question.

5. DEATH LEAP--Vimal Dajibhai, 24, computer-software engineer (worked
on guidance system for Tigerfish torpedo), Marconi Underwater Systems.
In August 1986 Dajibhai's crumpled remains were found 240 feet below
the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol. The death has not been listed
as a suicide.

6. DECAPITATION--Ashaad Sharif, 26, computer analyst, Marconi Defense
Systems. In October 1986, in Bristol, Sharif allegedly tied one end of
a rope around a tree and the other end around his neck, then drove off
in his car at high speed. Verdict: Suicide.

7. SUFFOCATION--Richard Pugh, computer consultant for the Ministry of
Defense. In January 1987 Pugh was found dead, wrapped head-to- toe in
rope that was tied four times around his neck. The coroner listed his
death as an accident due to a sexual experiment gone awry.

8. ASPHYXIATION--John Brittan, Ministry of Defense tank batteries
expert, Royal Military College of Science. In January 1987 Brittan was
found dead in a parked car in his garage. The engine was still running.
Verdict: Accidental death.

9. DRUG OVERDOSE--Victor Moore, 46, design engineer, Marconi Space
Systems. In February 1987 Moore was found dead of a drug overdose. His
death is listed as a suicide.

10. ASPHYXIATION--Peter Peapell, 46, scientist, Royal Military College
of Science. In February 1987 Peapell was found dead beneath his car,
his face near the tail pipe, in the garage of his Oxfordshire home.
Death was due to carbon-monoxide poisoning, although test showed that
the engine had been running only a short time. Foul play has not been
ruled out.

11. ASPHYXIATION--Edwin Skeels, 43, engineer, Marconi. In February
1987 Skeels was found dead in his car, a victim of carbon-monoxide
poisoning. A hose led from the exhaust pipe. His death is listed as a

12. AUTO ACCIDENT--David Sands, satellite projects manager, Eassams (a
Marconi sister company). Although up for a promotion, in March 1987
Sands drove a car filled with gasoline cans into the brick wall of an
abandoned cafe. He was killed instantly. Foul play has not been ruled

13. AUTO ACCIDENT--Stuart Gooding, 23, postgraduate research student,
Royal Military College of Science. In April 1987 Gooding died in a
mysterious car wreck in Cyprus while the College was holding military
exercises on the island. Verdict: Accidental death.

14. AUTO ACCIDENT--George Kountis, experienced systems analyst at
British Polytechnic. In April 1987 Kountis drowned after his BMW
plunged into the Mersey River in Liverpool. His death is listed as a

15. SUFFOCATION--Mark Wisner, 24, software engineer at Ministry of
Defense experimental station for combat aircraft. In April 1987 Wisner
was found dead in his home with a plastic bag over his head. At the
inqust, his death was rules an accident due to a sexual experiment gone

16. AUTO ACCIDENT--Michael Baker, 22, digital-communications expert,
Plessey Defense Systems. In May 1987 Baker's BMW crashed through a road
barrier, killing the driver. Verdict: Misadventure.

17. HEART ATTACK--Frank Jennings, 60, electronic-weapons engineer for
Plessey. In June 1987 Jennings allegedly dropped dead of a heart
attack. No inquest was held.

18. DEATH LEAP--Russel Smith, 23, lab technician at the Atomic Energy
Research Establishment. In January 1988 Smith's mangled body was found
halfway down a cliff in Cornwall. Verdict: Suicide.

19. ASPHYXIATION--Trevor Knight, 52, computer engineer, Marconi Space
and Defense Systems. In March 1988 Knight was found dead in his car,
asphyxiated by fume from a hose attached to the tail pipe. The death
was ruled a suicide.

20. ELECTROCUTION--John Ferry, 60, assistant marketing director for
Marconi. In August 1988 Ferry was found dead in a company-owned
apartment, the stripped leads of an electrical cord in his mouth. Foul
play has not been ruled out.

21. ELECTROCUTION--Alistair Beckham, 50, software engineer, Plessey.
In August 1988 Beckham's lifeless body was found in the garden shed
behind his house. Bare wires, which ran to a live main, were wrapped
around his chest. No suicide note was found, and police have not ruled
out foul play.

22. ASPHYXIATION--Andrew Hall, 33, engineering manager, British
Aero-space. In September 1988 Hall was found dead in his car,
asphyxiated by fumes from a hose that was attached to the tail pipe.
Friends said he was well-liked, had everything to live for. Verdict:


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VIDEO: The Third World War: The CIA's
Secret War on the Third World

By John Stockwell

Global Research, November 21, 2006

View the Webcast of John Stockwell's Presentation on the CIA's Secret

John Stockwell is an ex CIA official. His speech focusses on America's
war on the people of the Third World

"We are not attacking our enemy we are attacking the 3rd World."

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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) Copyright John Stockwell, Global Research, 2006

The url address of this article is:



NOTE: Actually the 9/11 Insider-Trading analysis was done not by the
CIA but by the SEC. Its conclusions were so hot that to minimize
chances of a leak the US Injustice Department seized all the relevant
files and prevented SEC analysts from talking about them. It's
lamentable that the US 9/11 Truth Movement is more than five years old
but hasn't yet done a sit-in at Injustice to demand release of all the
files. -- kl, pp

From: Henri <>
Date: November 21, 2006 2:38:56 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: Fw: New Bond Film Highlights 911 Insider Trading

To: Stop the neo kahns
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 10:33 AM
Subject: New Bond Film Highlights 911 Insider Trading

New Bond Film Highlights 9/11 Insider Trading

Fails to mention it led straight back to the
CIA, was not investigated by 9/11 Commission | November 20, 2006
Steve Watson

In a twenty first century update, the new James Bond Movie, Casino
Royale, directly references 9/11 and highlights the fact that massive
manipulation of airline stocks prior to the attacks account for a
leading motive behind the event.

The movie, based on the original 1953 novel, has been updated with a
terrorism plotline in which the bad guy, Le Chiffre, is a banker to the
world's terrorists and in order to stop him, and bring down the
terrorist network, Bond must beat Le Chiffre in a $150 million poker
game at the Casino Royale.

The movie contains a significant reference to 9/11 when M, the
fictional head of MI6, tells Bond the following: "When they analyzed
the stock market after 9/11 the CIA discovered there had been massive
shorting of airline stocks. When the stocks hit bottom on 9/12,
somebody made a fortune."

In the film, Bond prevents the same thing happening again with the
Boeing stock, by thwarting the bombing of an airbus prototype plane at
Miami airport. With their prototype destroyed the company would have
been near bankruptcy. Instead, someone (we later discover it's Le
Chiffre) loses over a hundred million dollars betting the wrong way as
Bond foils the plot.

As has been extensively reported over the past five years, multiple
sources of criminal insider trading were discovered after 9/11,
indicating that many different parties had prior knowledge of the

The most significant instances of this however, and ones obviously not
revealed in the Bond film, are the CIA and FBI linked cases that
indicate the intelligence services, at best had prior knowledge of the
attacks, and at worst were involved in their orchestration.

The London Independent among others reported that the firm used to buy
many of the "put" options where a trader, in effect, bets on a share
price fall on United Airlines stock was headed until 1998 by "Buzzy"
Krongard , at the time the executive director of the CIA.

Until 1997, Mr Krongard was chairman of Alex Brown Inc, America's
oldest investment banking firm. Alex Brown was acquired by Bankers
Trust, which in turn was bought by Deutsche Bank. His last post before
resigning to take his senior role in the CIA was to head Bankers Trust
Alex Brown's private client business, dealing with the accounts and
investments of wealthy customers around the world.

Other publications reported similar stories concerning FBI personnel.

On the one hand it is quite surprising to see that such a reference to
the shorting of airline stocks made it into the Bond movie, primarily
because the 9/11 Commission spectacularly omitted it from their
investigation into the attacks.

One would think that any investigation would attempt to follow the
money as it were, to trace the funding of and profits made from the
attack in an attempt to discover the perpetrators. Apparently not in
this case.

The Commission also failed to look into the fact that the head of the
Pakistani Intelligence agency, General Mahmoud Ahmed, wired $100,000 to
the lead hijacker , Mohammed Atta, in the days before 9/11. Ahmed was
having breakfast on the morning of 9/11 with Porter Goss, the head of
the House Intelligence Committee and the next head of the CIA.

Is the 9/11 reference a simple plot device in the Casino Royale? Is it
an attempt by the script writers to further blow the whistle on the
insider trading? Or is it an attempt to steam valve the information, to
mix fiction with reality and thus confuse the two?

In another item of interest to Infowars readers, the film, on general
release now, also features Bond being "chipped" with a tracking device
in his forearm, which at one point saves his life.

"TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter
what their stance/affiliation/political bent. " - Rich Rosell,
Digitally Obsessed UK

Get TerrorStorm on DVD today is Copyright 2006 Alex Jones |

Last Updated: Wednesday, 22 November 2006, 12:52 GMT

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Somalia Flood Waters Still Rising

Flood waters are still rising in southern Somalia, an aid worker in
the area has told the BBC.

"Our hospital is surrounded by water," said Julie Neubuhr from medical
aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres.

She said aid workers were already treating cases of cholera and she
feared a major outbreak of disease.

Aid agencies have launched an appeal to help some 1.8 million people
affected by the floods in parts of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The aid effort in Somalia is especially difficult because of the lack
of infrastructure following 15 years of conflict and the absence of a
central government.

Refugee camps flooded

Ms Neubuhr told the BBC's World Today programme that people were still
arriving by boat as some villages were completely cut off.

She was speaking from a clinic in Marere, near the Juba river, about
80km north of the port of Kismayo.

She said the waters had been rising for the past two weeks and aid
workers were now setting up a camp on higher ground.

The Shabelle and Juba rivers have both flooded their banks, affecting

towns and villages in a swathe of territory stretching hundreds of

In eastern Kenya, the UN refugee agency has started to move thousands
of Somali refugees, whose camps near Dadaab have been flooded.

The BBC's Bashkas Jugsodaay says some 35,000 new arrivals have agreed
to move but a larger group, which has been there for 15 years, refuse
to move to higher ground near Hagdera.

Some of them have built solid houses which they do not want to
abandon. They instead want the UNHCR to build a dam to protect their

Parts of the nearby town of Garissa are also underwater, with houses
near the River Tana submerged.

The floods have knocked out bridges and made roads impassable, meaning
aid drops are the only way to deliver food.

One Somali refugee in Kenya told the BBC he and others were living in
trees and were attacked by wild animals.

The floods in the Horn of Africa follow last year's droughts in the

That left the earth unable to absorb the heavy rains, leading to flash
floods in Ethiopia, as well as Somalia and Kenya.

The UN has said the floods could be the worst in the region for 50

The rains are expected to continue for another month.


Nepal, Rebels Sign Peace Accord

POSTED: 0101 GMT (0901 HKT), November 21, 2006
From Manesh Shrestha

KATHMANDU, Nepal (CNN) -- Nepal's government and Maoist rebels have
signed a peace accord, ending 10 years of fighting and beginning what
is hoped to be an era of peaceful politics in the Himalayan kingdom.

In a ceremony, Nepali Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and Maoist
leader Prachanda signed the agreement on Tuesday, which brings the
rebels into peaceful multiparty democratic politics.

"The politics of violence has ended and a politics of reconciliation
has begun," Koirala said after the signing.

Last week, the Maoists agreed to intern their combatants and store
their arms in camps monitored by the United Nations.

Nepal's Maoist rebels have been fighting an armed rebellion for 10
years to replace the monarchy with a republic. More than 13,000 people
have been killed in the fighting.

According to the agreement, any use of guns by the rebels will be

The democratic government and the Maoists have agreed to hold elections
in June 2007 for constituent assembly that will decide the fate of the

"This is a historic occasion and victory of all Nepali people,"
Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal Prachanda said at the signing
ceremony, witnessed by political leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats and
the media.

"A continuity of violence has ended and another continuity of peace has
begun," Koirala said.

"As a democrat it was my duty to bring non-democrats into the
democratic mainstream. That effort is moving ahead towards success.

"The peace agreement is an example for the whole world since it is a
Nepali effort without outside help," he added.

The challenge Nepal now faces is holding constituent assembly elections
in a peaceful manner.

Meanwhile, Maoist combatants continued to arrive in seven camps across
the country Tuesday, albeit without United Nations monitoring.

A tripartite agreement between the government, Maoists and the U.N. has
to be signed before the U.N. can be given a mandate to monitor arms and

"I hope that we will quickly be able to reach tripatriate agreement on
the full modalities for the management of arms and armies clarifying
essential detail," said Ian Martin, Special Representative of the
United Nations Secretary General in Nepal.

The Maoists will now join an interim parliament and an interim
government, as early as next week, following the agreement.


From: Henri <>
Date: November 20, 2006 3:58:37 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>




By Mark Anderson

Backers of a South Dakota initiative designed to reform the states
courts by holding judges accountable for their rulings are licking
their wounds after the amendments defeat at the polls. Organizers
behind the measure said they had to contend with a well-funded
propaganda mill that ran nonstop to defeat the proposed state
constitutional amendment.

Still, backers say they will not give up and hope that this
revolutionary measure will spread like wildfire across the country.

The onslaught against Amendment E, known officially as the Judicial
Accountability Initiative Law, or JAIL, featured several key players.
The South Dakota State Bar figured prominently in the anti-amendment
movement, reportedly spending at least $1 million. The bars allies
included the insurance lobby, Citibank, which donated $50,000 and the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which donated $15,000. All of the 105 state
legislators signed a resolution opposing the amendment.

The legislators resolution claimed that Amendment E would have
prohibited summary judgment, which is considered a legal remedy for
quickly and cheaply ridding courts of lawsuits. The
legal-banking-insurance juggernaut against the amendment also claimed
it would have permitted convicted felons, whose convictions were
Supreme Court-affirmed, to sue the prosecutors, jurors and judges who
convicted them.

As a result of the barrage of powerful opposition, it was defeated with
294,747 no votes to 35,640 yes votes. A recent polleven with its
questions based on the state attorney generals wording, which E
backers considered flawed and unsuccessfully challenged in both the
Circuit Court and Supreme Courtcame out 51% to 40% percent in favor of
the amendment. The results had been announced on a local television
station on Nov. 4, three days before the election.

Six hundred people were polled. E organizer Bill Stegmeier said he
wonders why the final vote was so lopsided. Our Zogby Poll on Sept. 20
resulted in 67 to 20 percent in favor of passing, he said. Amendment
Es plank No. 2, the crux of the amendment, said judges would be held
accountable for any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy,
intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of
material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a
lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the
constitutions of South Dakota or the United States. . . .

The amendment would create a 13-member special grand jury with
statewide jurisdiction, independent of statutes governing county grand
juries. This bodys function largely would be limited to determining
objectively whether a civil lawsuit against a judge is frivolous or
whether it is a valid complaint.

Amendment backers argued that many judges were kicking proper court
procedures to the curb, oftentimes abusing defendants rights by
preventing them from calling key witnesses or presenting crucial
evidence. Feeling there was not a genuine mechanism in place to hold
such judges accountable, amendment backers collected over 33,456
signatures to get their initiative on the ballot.

Besides the state bar, the state legislature and other groups, various
county commissions and even local school boards went on record against
it. In many cases these public bodies, which are supposed to stay
neutral in their official capacities, broke state law by using public
funds to fight the amendment, said Stegmeier.

South Dakota legislators claimed that Amendment E would have exposed
the individual members of these boards and commissions to litigation.
The backers answered: County commissioners and school board members
make decisions as a group, never as individuals. We have already
established that Amendment E has no effect whatsoever on these groups,
let alone their members. . .nobody gets sued for just doing their
job. People get sued for wrongdoing. . . . These boards and
commissions can already be sued, and do get sued quite often.

And as for opponents claim that Amendment Es passage would have dried
up bank credit overnight, the backers answered that this was a
ridiculous scare tactic hatched by bankers who rely on not-so-honest
judges in order to take advantage of the little guy. Judicial
accountability spells the end to their gravy train, backers said.

Backers say the added accountability would put a damper on developers
grabbing land using the courts and eminent domain powers. Backers also
noted that the insurance industry, with which banks are heavily
involved, would have to deal honestly when paying claims, especially
personal injury, workmans compensation and property claims, had E

They are terrified that if accountability comes to the judiciary, it
may very well come to the banking and insurance industry next and force
them to be honest, said backers.

Opponents also said that had Amendment E passed, a criminal could have
sued jurors who helped convict him.

Backers answered that Amendment E was intended to have specific and
limited jurisdiction. It can only address certain classes of judicial
misconduct. As a jury member, you cannot possibly engage in the types
of judicial misconduct covered by the amendment. On the contrary,
Amendment E will actually restore a lost right jury members once

And that is the right to vote your conscience, as opposed to how the
judge wants you to vote.

Backers added that Amendment E would have ensured that if a law is
being misapplied, or is a bad law, the jury may vote their conscience
and overrule even the judge and the legislators by acquitting the
defendant. This is called jury nullification.

As it is now, backers say that judges prevent juries from learning they
have the right to nullification. Opposition groups also claimed that
South Dakotas Judicial Qualifications Commission already disciplines
bad judges. Backers said that instead of disciplining wayward judges,
the commission covers for them. The commission, backers say, is nothing
more than a good ole boys club, comprised of two judges, three
lawyers, and two of the governors politically connected cronies.
(Issue #48, November 27, 2006)

Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as
long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania
Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003


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From: Henri <>
Date: November 21, 2006 10:06:33 PM EST

To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: Using Logic To Counter 911 Non-Thinkers

Using Logic to Counter 911 Non-Thinkers

By Douglas Herman
Exclusive to


"Nowhere am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical
humans." -Spock

Most folks don't think, not logically, about 9-11. Most people prefer
that others-so-called experts--do the thinking for them.
Understandably, to really think about the events of 9-11 requires an
abiding love of truth, a logical mind, a rational mind far removed from
emotion and prejudice, and a trust of scientific law rather than an
unquestioning trust of the state. Let us now look at only five facets
using these principles of logic.

1. A building constructed over a highly sensitive, highly dangerous,
highly expensive industrial site will be engineered and constructed
that much stronger. Logical and rational, right? B WTC-7 was engineered
to be stronger, not weaker, than other buildings surrounding it, simply
because it enclosed an electrical power station. But WTC-7 fell at near
free fall speed. Logical deduction would conclude building 7 was
purposely demolished at the end of the day on September 11, 2001, most
likelyB to destroy evidence of arson and to clear the WTC site entirely.

2. Fuel fires burn intensely for short periods of time. Fuel fires
also burn at well-known scientific temperatures. Scientifically, and
thus logically, fuel fires cannot melt steel, which requires blast
furnace conditions. Melted pools of steel were discovered, observed and
recorded in the debris of three steel skyscrapers long after September
11, 2001. Logically then, fuel fires alone did not destroy the World
Trade Center. Logically then, some other, far more powerful substance
that could melt steel must have.

3. Passengers on commercial jets are required to check in at the desk
and present their ticket and boarding pass. No passenger is allowed to
board a major commercial carrier without first being logged onto a
computer today. This list of passengers is called a flight manifest.
This list of passengers is available to airline personnel within
minutes. Logically then, the names of ALL hijackers should have
appeared in the mainstream media hours (and days) after the flights
crashed. They did not. Either there never were any hijackers or they
boarded through the complicity of airline personnel, thus indicating a
greater conspiracy. Logical.

4. When the chief of security of one government gives $100,000 to an
alleged terrorist mastermind, and then meets with the security heads of
the government to be attacked on the exact day of the attack,
logically, some complicity is suspected. In the days before September
11, 2001 the head of Pakistani Intelligence, General Mahmoud Ahmed,
wired $100,000 to the lead hijacker, Mohammed Atta. Ahmed then attended
breakfast on the morning of 9-11 with Porter Goss, the head of the
House Intelligence Committee (and the next head of the CIA) and Florida
Senator Bob Graham. Coincidentally, Florida was home base to most of
the alleged hijackers. According to the FBI, Indian Intelligence and
several press reports, General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man"
(to use the FBI expression), allegedly ordered the bank transfer of
$100,000 to the accused 9/11 ring-leader, Mohamed Atta, and then met on
the morning of the attack with a trio of US lawmakers and top
intelligence insiders, Bob Graham, Porter Goss and Jon Kyl for a
friendly breakfast. What exactly did they discuss? B Logically then, one
could conclude a huge conflict of interests. Logically one could
conclude a vast government conspiracy. As if to confirm a government
conspiracy between the two security states, $8 billion in US aid was
funneled to Pakistan between 2002 and 2006, ostensibly to fight the war
on terror. No word where that $100,000 came from (US taxpayers?), money
that was wired to mastermind Atta to attack America.

5. Airplane parts are easily traceable. Airplane parts are stamped
with serial numbers. Machined airplane parts are made to exact
specifications. Logically an aviation expert could take any large,
machined part from any of the 911 attack sites and say, yes or no, this
part originated from a Boeing 757. Or did NOT originate from a Boeing
757, as Jon Carlson claims. Scientific study of the engine parts alone
could have demolished any and all 911 conspiracies. Logical, correct?
But because no such investigations were permitted or conducted, a huge
government conspiracy appears likely. Logically then, one could
conclude the conspirators had something to hide.

I have noted only FIVE suspicious anomalies. Dozens of other examples
exist. For example the disappearance of the black boxes from the WTC.
While first responders claimed the black boxes were found, the
government denies it. Since most of the WTC debris was sifted and
sorted (or melted), anyone could logically conclude the government had
something to hide. Anyone could logically conclude, without too much
effort, that 911 was an inside job and continues to be the greatest
unsolved crime in American history.

USAF veteran and author of suspense thriller, The Guns of Dallas,
Douglas Herman writes regularly for Rense.


From: Henri <>
Date: November 21, 2006 1:19:04 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: Fw: [UrukNet] - [Daily Information from Occupied Iraq] -

[newsletter 20 Nov 2006 - Part One]


:: information from occupied iraq
:: informazione dall'iraq occupato

Email received November 19, 2006
Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq

Dear Dr Imad. I just received news from Baghdad that Mehdi army has
occupied my house in Aljehad district with all my belongings
(furniture). A systematic procedure is beibg carried out to occupy
Baghdad under the eyes of both American and the government. I spent 25
years of my life to have a 200m house. I bought it from Nabil Abdul
Hamid, you remember him. So during the last year I have lost my job, my
house and all my belongings: which are nothing compared to Iraq that we

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Democrats and Republicans Agree: Iraq Shall Suffer Occupation in
Kurt Nimmo

As it turns out, predictably so, the tussle between neocon Republicans
and their kissing cousin neoliberal Democrat relatives is not about
ending the "war" in Iraq but rather over how many brainwashed kids will
be sent there to be shot up, killed and maimed, afflicted with
"mysterious diseases" that translate into a "debilitating death
sentence," thanks to depleted uranium (see Soldiers Face Debilitating
Diseases). "[Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer] said Democrats
would continue funding the existing troop levels," reports the
Associated Press. "Our objective was to remove Saddam Hussein and
create an environment in which a democracy could be established. That
has been done." In Bushzarro world, a realm populated equally by
Republicans and Democrats, in order for democracy to arise, a nation
must be reduced from first to third world status...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Desert Peace

...A 19-year old Swedish human rights worker had her cheekbone broken
by an Israeli settler in Hebron today. Tove Johansson from Stockholm
walked through the Tel Rumeida checkpoint with a small group of human
rights workers to accompany Palestinian schoolchildren to their homes.
They were confronted by about 100 settlers in small groups, who started
chanting in Hebrew "We killed Jesus, webll kill you too!", a refrain
the settlers had been repeating to internationals in Tel Rumeida all
day. After about thirty seconds of waiting, a small group of very
aggressive settler men surrounded the international volunteers and
began spitting at them, so much so that the internationals described it
like "rain."...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


The United States use of Depleted Uranium, installment number one
Mary MacElveen

...Dr. Alim Yacoub of Basra University conducted a study on the
malignancies of children in Basra that was bombed in the first Gulf War
that "found from 1990-1999, there was a 242% rise. That was before the
recent invasion. Because conditions now are so chaotic in Iraq, only a
small fraction of both cancer and birth defects due to DU are being
reported. There are, however, many photos of infants born without
brains, with their internal organs outside their bodies, without sexual
organs, without spines, with terribly shortened limbs, with huge
bulging tumours where their eyes should be, or with a single eye, or
without eyes, or without limbs, and even without heads. Such birth
defects are now commonplace." I truly want all of you that read this
piece to think of why there is a hatred towards America if we can do
this to the most innocent amongst us living on this planet. What right
did we have to do this? Do those who promulgate these immoral wars even
care as babies are being born "without heads"?...
Warning: Graphic Pictures

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Order out of chaos
Imad Khadduri, Free Iraq

"Anyone who has followed the discourse over the past decade having to
do with Iraq; would be aware that 'liberationb, or weapons of mass
destruction was never the intent. The strategy has always been to
divide the country b into manageable regions and divvy up the oil
resources. Reconstruction was always a joke b nothing has been done
except to build more prisons, and a billion dollar (small town b
housing 7000) embassy to oversee the business of oil. With hundreds of
thousands homeless in America, seniors not able to afford medicines,
veterans living under bridges/refused medical compensation, factories
closed, foreclosures rampant; a billion + is being spent on this
compound, complete with swimming pools, recreation centers, theaters
etc. You will not see this reported anywhere on U.S. news (little
wonder Iraqis see us as occupiers, eh?) but you will see, some jerk off
named Tom Cruise and non-stop coverage, of his obscene materialistic
wedding taking place in some castle in Italy or coverage on O.J (
resurrected) and how he might have killed his wife etc. I feel

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Support Gathers for Sunni Leader
Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily, Inter Press Service

The arrest warrant issued last week by the Iraqi government for Sunni
leader Dr. Harith al-Dhari has sent shockwaves through the government,
and galvanised much of the Sunni population. Iraq's minister for the
interior Jawad al-Bolani told reporters that al-Dhari was wanted for
inciting terrorism and violence. At the same time, Vice-President Tariq
al-Hashimi said the warrant was "destructive to the national
reconciliation plan." Sixty-five-year-old Harith al-Dhari heads the
influential Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS), the leading Sunni
religious leadership of Iraq. Al-Dhari is currently in Jordan; he left
Iraq five months back for fear of personal safety. The AMS is known to
have contacts with the Iraqi resistance, and has been opposed to the
U.S. occupation and the U.S.-backed Iraqi government...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Democrats seek accommodation with Bush administration to continue Iraq
Joe Kay, WSWS

Over the weekend, leading Democrats pledged their eagerness to work
closely with the Bush administration in forging a bipartisan policy to
continue the occupation of Iraq, and voiced their support for a
substantial increase in the military budget and the recruitment of more
Army troops. The remarks come amidst an intense debate within ruling
circles over how to salvage the Iraq occupation and preserve the
interests of American imperialism in the Middle East. While several
different options are being considered, the possibility of an immediate
withdrawal of some or all troopsbthe position supported by the vast
majority of those who voted for Democratic candidates in the elections
held less than two weeks agobhas been removed from the table...

Read the full article / Leggi l'articolo completo:


Date: November 22, 2006 3:07:04 AM EST
Subject: Scientist finds risk in West Nile fight

Thanks to "airplanenut" for the following:

Thu 26 Oct 2006
Contra Costa Times

Scientist Finds Risk in West Nile Fight


The chemical cocktail used in some California counties, including
Contra Costa, to kill mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus is
potentially toxic to small animals and insects in creeks.

The pesticides are unlikely to affect humans in the concentrations
used for mosquito control. But UC Berkeley environmental toxicologist
Donald Weston, who studied creeks near Sacramento after the area had
been sprayed with the mosquito pesticides, found that toxicity had
risen to levels lethal to some insects and small crustaceans.

One of the chemicals enhances another type of pesticide known as
pyrethroids that have already accumulated in the creeks, probably
from run-off from lawns and other urban uses. The combination is far
more deadly than the individual chemicals, Weston said.

He found the mosquito spray effectively doubled the toxicity of the
sediment in many Sacramento creeks.

The toxins are not an immediate threat to fish, but some of the
likely victims, such as may flies and caddis flies, are part of the
fish diet.

"These species are important prey for fish," Weston said. "So it does
mean that their prey will be less abundant."

His work prompted the state Department of Pesticide Regulation to
re-evaluate more than 600 products containing pyrethroids.

"While we've found no imminent hazard to humans or fish, we must take
action to protect the environment, under state and federal water
laws," said Glenn Brank, spokesman for the pesticide regulation

In September, the department ordered 123 manufacturers to provide
data on those products, including how long they remain active in the
environment, how they may be getting into creeks, and how the
contamination can be controlled. This is the largest re-evaluation in
state history and one of the few to consider the environment. The
process usually addresses public health concerns.

The pesticide combination sprayed in Sacramento is also used in San
Joaquin, Solano, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma and Yolo
counties and by the Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control
District. But East Bay toxicity problems likely will be far less
severe than in Sacramento, Weston said.

One reason is that the Sacramento study followed three consecutive
nights of aerial spraying.

In Contra Costa, truck-mounted sprayers are usually used instead of
planes, and usually for just one night. Aerial spraying was done
twice this year along the waterfront between the Carquinez Bridge and
Pittsburg, but all other treatments have been from truck- mounted
sprayers, which reduce the amount of chemicals that reach creeks.

"There is a small amount that could be deposited, say, in a creek. We
try to minimize that," said Carlos Sanabria, operations manager of
Contra Costa's mosquito district. "The biggest problem would be
people overwatering their lawns."

Also, the concentration of chemicals used is lower in Contra Costa
than was used in Sacramento.

Alameda County has had just one human case of West Nile and has not
sprayed for adult mosquitoes. Instead, the county has targeted
mosquito larvae in standing water with a bacterial-based treatment or
an insect growth regulator that only affects the larvae.

East Bay creeks also have an advantage because many have gravelly
bottoms that are far less effective at trapping pyrethroids than the
muddy-bottom creeks common in Sacramento.

"It can be a problem if all the things line up just wrong, as in the
case of Sacramento," Weston said. "But it's probably not the norm."

Still, the potential is there. Weston found pyrethroids in a third of
the East Bay creeks he studied.

Pyrethroids alone can be deadly for small creek animals and insects.
However, these chemicals are far less toxic than the organophosphates
that began being phased out in 2000 by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, which is why pyrethroids are widely used in both
urban and agricultural settings today.

But when the pyrethroids come in contact with one of the chemicals
used to kill mosquitoes, they become more lethal.

Sacramento, Yolo, Santa Clara and Contra Costa counties use a
combination of pesticides called pyrethrin and piperonyl butoxide, or
PBO. The PBO shuts down an animal's natural defense against
pyrethrin, making the pyrethrin more lethal. Without PBO, far more
pyrethrin would be needed to effectively kill mosquitoes.

The problem is that PBO also boosts the deadliness of the pyrethroids
people use on their lawns and that accumulate in creekbeds.

These kinds of interactions are not considered when a chemical is
registered with the EPA, Weston said. Only the toxicity of a
substance factors in.

"They never give a thought to any interaction," he said. "That
doesn't even enter the equation."

Public health has to take precedence over the health of creeks,
Weston said, which is one reason he thinks the best way to fix the
problem is to control the use of pyrethroids in urban areas rather
than limiting the use of PBO to control West Nile virus.

The Department of Pesticide Regulation is hoping to find a way to
keep pyrethroids available while protecting the environment.

"It's important to conduct this research thoroughly and thoughtfully
because if we simply slapped a ban on some products, their
replacements could lead to more problems down the road," Brank said.

"Pyrethroids replaced some very toxic chemicals, and we want to
encourage least-toxic pest management while maintaining protection
for waterway environments. So it's important to establish a solid
scientific basis for whatever requirements we impose in the future."


From: "Isabelle Delforge" <>
Date: November 21, 2006 1:53:05 PM EST
To: "Via Info Eng" <>

Subject: [ViaCampesina-info-english] Reject the Economic Partnership
Agreement EU-ACP!
CPEB European Farmers CoordinationB -B COAG
Members ofB Via Campesina, international peasants mouvement
Reject the
Economic Partnership Agreement EU-ACP!

The member organizations of Via Campesina in Africa, in Europe and in
the CaribbeanB consider that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific
countries (ACP) are a new threat for the peasants and small farmers in
the four regions. We ask a definitive stop in the negotiations and the
opening of a period of debate and analyses on the impacts of free-trade
on our national agricultures. Alternatives based on the right to food
sovereignty exist.B
The Economic Partnership Agreements UE-ACP are free trade agreements.
They are not, as the European Commission pretends, development
agreements benefiting the ACP countries. At the time when WTO undergoes
a crisis of legitimacy, the EPAs are a replacement tool to force the
countries to open and liberalize their agricultural market, despite the
growing popular opposition against these policies.
We consider that the proposal that is currently under negotiation will
be prejudicial to theB peasants and small farmers in the Caribbean,
Africa, the Pacific and Europe for the following reasons:
b"B B B B B B B+B ReciprocityB B; that the European Commission claims has
other meaning than the opening of the ACP markets for the European
b"B B B B B B The peasants and small farmers in the Caribbean, the
and in Africa will have to compete with food imports from the EU sold
at artificially low prices.B
b"B B B B B B More export market access will not benefit the small scale
producers in neither of the four regions, because the great majority of
peasants and small farmers sell their products on the local, national
or regional markets, not on the international market.
b"B B B B B B The prices at which the producers of ACP countries will be
able to export their products on the European market will decrease
sharply, thus reducing the advantage that they had to export to the EU.
b"B B B B B B The elimination of the import tariffs will lead to a sharp
decrease in the ACP states revenues, while many of these states are
very dependant of these revenues for their budget. This lost will have
a very critical impact on the capacity of the sates to invest in
health, education, agriculture and public infrastructure for their
Nothing compels neither the ACP countries nor the European Union to
negotiate such agreements (They could get a new derogation to renew the
Cotonou agreements). Inspite of this, the European Commission insists
to terminate the negotiations before the 31st of December 2007.
The member organizations of Via Campesina in Africa, Europe and in the
Caribbean thus call for the mobilization of peasants, small farmers and
civil society in our regions to stop definitively the Economic
Partnership Agreements.
We ask that the cooperation between the European Union and ACP
countries be based on the following principles:
b"B B B B B B Food sovereignty: the countries have the right to define
own agricultural policies, without dumping towards third countries.
b"B B B B B B Priority should be given to the capacity of the countries to
develop the production for their national and regional food necessity.
This implies that all countries have the right to protect their
agricultural production towards importations that threaten their
internal markets.
b"B B B B B B Regional integration should be the result of internal
processes and not be imposed by external powers, as it is the case with
the EPAs.
b"B B B B B B The regional associations in Africa, Europe, the Pacific and
the Caribbean have the right to have high level of regional
b"B B B B B B The dumping of food products must stop. This implies that the
European Union preserve or re-build efficient supply management
mechanisms in the sectors where it produces surpluses and stop using
direct payments to reduce the agricultural prices.
b"B B B B B B The results of Everything But Arms should be analysed before
any other trade liberalization agreement is signed. Peasants and small
farmers in the ACP countries that belong to the category of the least
developed countries have not benefited from this agreement and EBA has
not resulted in poverty reduction.
b"B B B B B B The system of non reciprocal trade preferences set up between
the EU and the ACP countries through the Cotonou agreement should be
maintained, but should be bettered in order to allow the producers in
the ACP countries to diversify their agriculture to be less dependent
of their exports to the EU.
b"B B B B B B Considering the raising energetic crisis, it is urgent to
re-localize the food production and thus to strengthen the capacity of
the farmers to produce food for their domestic markets in the three
We call the governments of ACP countries to resist to the pressures
made by the European Commission to terminate the negotiations. We call
the social movements and civil society organizations in Africa, Europe,
the Pacific and the Caribbean to mobilize to prevent the signature of
the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Reject EPAS!
sovereignty, now!

B November 20, 2006


Via Campesina Caribbean: Juana Ferrer (Dominican Republic), 001 809
686 7517B ;

Via Campesina Africa:

Ibrahima Coulibaly (CNOP-Mali)B ;B; (+223) 228 74 15

Diamantino Nhampossa (UNAC-Mozambique)B ;; (+258)
824 904 050

CPE: RenC) Louail (France) +33 6 72 84 87 92B ;

COAGB : Javier Sanchez (Estado Espanol) +34 609 35 93 80B ;

Isabelle Delforge
Communication assistant - La Via Campesina
International Operative Secretariat
Office: + 62-217991890
Mobile: +62-81513224565
Home: +62-217946029
Website :
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV No. 5
Jakarta Selatan 12790 - Indonesia


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Is Depleted
Uranium the Suspect behind Military Suicides?

By Greg Mitchell

Global Research, November 19, 2006

Editor and Publisher - 2006-11-13

Global Research Editorial Note

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has become an epidemic amongst
soldiers/sailors serving and veterans who have returned from the war
zones in Iraq and Afghanistan. The reasons are being depicted as purely
psychological, but this seems to be very misleading.

The general public in the United States, Britain, and the rest of the
world, including much of the Arab World, are unaware of one of the
greatest war crimes and criminal acts against humanity that has been
unfolding since the Gulf War from the Balkans to the Middle East and
Afghanistan. Depleted uranium has been used for military use from
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia to the Gaza Strip, Lebanon,
Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

The use of depleted uranium (D.U.)more properly nuclear wasteand
other substances in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be ruled out as a cause
of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) reported by U.S., Coalition,
and NATO veterans. Veterans who have served in Anglo-American occupied
Iraq and NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan are coming back in sizeable
numbers with medical, stress, and psychological problems, but there are
undoubtedly more factors involved than just the theatre of military
service or the war zone.

It is now known that Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the large-scale
use of depleted uranium against Iraq in 1991. Additionally, about 70%
(even possibly more) of Gulf War Veterans have had children born after
the Gulf War with mutations, deformities, genetic disorders, and severe
medical illnesses.

Causal analysis of the increasing rates of mutation, medical problems,
and cancer in both foreign troops and local populations alike in Iraq
and Afghanistan indicates that it is the military application of
nuclear waste (D.U.) being used against civilian populations and
resistance movements that is the cause.

There have been omissions to this such as the use of dosimeters by
troops in Afghanistan. Dosimeters are measuring devices worn around
soldiers necks that record exposure to radioactivity.

Although it replicates the U.S. and NATO claims that depleted uranium
(D.U.) is safe and posses no health hazards to human beings, the
Toronto Star, the newspaper with the largest number of circulations in
Canada, published a revealing piece by Bruce Campion-Smith that gives
an indirect omission of the horrors that foreign troops and local
populations alike have been exposed to in the war zone.

Although the rudimentary causes of Jeanne Michels PTSD are not know,
there is no doubt these causes at a minimum can be attributed to the
war in Iraq, warfare, and the occupation of Iraq by American troops.

The article writes that Iraq killed her just as certainly, meaning it
was because of the occupation of Iraq that Jeanne Michel died. This
statement should proceed deeperthe regressive foreign policy of the
United States dictated by interest groups concerned with their own
profiteering and luxury is what killed Jeanne Michel and thousands of

In both Iraq and Afghanistan, the citizens of the United States,
Britain, Iraq, and Afghanistan paradoxically suffer together because of
war criminals in Washington D.C. and London.

Global Research, 19 November 2006

She Survived
IraqThen Shot Herself at Home
Editor and Publisher
November 13, 2006

Greg Mitchell

Her name doesn't show on any official list of American military deaths
in the Iraq war, by hostile or non-hostile fire, who died in that
country or in hospitals in Europe or back home in the USA. But Iraq
killed her just as certainly.

She is Jeanne "Linda" Michel, a Navy medic. She came home last month to
her husband and three kids (ages 11, 5, and 4), delighted to be back in
her suburban home of Clifton Park in upstate New York. Michel, 33,
would be discharged from the Navy in a few weeks, finishing her five
years of duty.

Two weeks after she got home, she shot and killed herself.

"She had come through a lot and she had always risen to challenges,"
her husband, Frantz Michel, who has also served in Iraq, lamented last
week. Now he asks why the Navy didn't do more to help her.

Michel's story has now been probed by reporter Kate Gurnett in today's
Albany Times-Union. It's headlined, "A casualty far from the

And yet, in many ways, not far at all.

Why did it happen? "Like thousands of others returning from Iraq, her
mental state was fractured," Gurnett explains. "And it went untreated.
Within two weeks, Linda Michel would become a private casualty of war.
Re-entry into the world of peace can be harder than deployment, experts
say. Picking up where you left off doesn't just happen. ...

"Women experience stronger forms of post-traumatic stress disorder and
have higher PTSD rates, experts say. In response, the Veterans Affairs
Department launched a $6 million study of female veterans.
Seeking treatment -- seen by some as a weakness -- may be even tougher
for women, who still feel the need to prove themselves to men in
military service."

In fact, this past August, three veterans in New York's Adirondack
region committed suicide within three weeks, according to Helena Davis,
deputy director of the Mental Health Association in New York.

Michel has served under extremely stressful conditions at Camp Bucca in
southern Iraq, a U.S-run prison where guards shot four inmates dead in
a 2005 riot -- and an episode of female mudwrestling drew headlines.
Michel was treated for depression and prescribed Paxil, but they took
her off that medicine when she returned home. Her husband was not

"I just wish the Navy would have done some more follow-up, instead of
just letting her come home," Frantz, who is on the division staff of
the Army National Guard, told the reporter. "If somebody needs Paxil in
a combat zone, then that's not the place for them to be. You either
send them to a hospital or you send them home and then make sure that
the family members know and that they get follow-up care."

He has pressed the Navy for answers: "Why wasn't she sent to a facility
to resolve the issues? Not keep her in Iraq and give her some
antidepressant medication and then just send her home. So those are the
answers that I don't have. Which makes me a little angry because I know
what is supposed to occur."

The Times Union carried another lengthy story on Sunday, by Dennis
Yusko, on post-traumatic stress syndome (PTSD) and Iraq veterans. "The
number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans getting treatment for PTSD at
VA hospitals and counseling centers increased 87 percent from September
2005 to June 2006 -- to 38,144, according to the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs," Yusko revealed.

"At least 30 percent of those who fought in Iraq or Afghanistan are now
diagnosed with PTSD, up from 16 percent to 18 percent in 2004, said
Charlie Kennedy, PTSD program director and lead psychologist at the
Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Of the 400 Capital Region
vets in the program, 81 served in Iraq or Afghanistan, Kennedy said,
and that number is growing. 'This kind of warfare is devastating,'
Kennedy said. 'You don't know who is your friend and who is your

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole
responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of
the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 25, 2006, 2:58:51 PM11/25/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 25, 2006

From: Rich Winkel <>
Date: November 12, 2006 2:51:07 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>

The American Way of
Birth: Trauma and Brain Damage

(excerpt from a letter to a legislator)

Munchausen Obstetrics

... in my continuing research into (MGM and) related areas I've been
horrified to discover a pattern of wholesale institutionalized
medical malpractice and quackery surrounding the business of birth
and child health. I can't account for how this could have come to
pass, but the science is difficult to ignore.

First let me mention the epidemiology: a steadily rising rate of
symptoms of trauma and brain damage, including ADHD, autism, mental
illness and addiction among US-born people, a trend dating back to
the post-WWII period when certain obstetrical practices became

These practices are now thoroughly entrenched and seem to be immune
from appeals to science, human rights or common sense. It appears
that medicine views the bodies of women and children as some kind
of empty wilderness waiting to be conquered and colonized.

I assume you're familiar with some of the huge body of research
relating to the enduring effects of early imprinting and abuse of
children. Everything from post traumatic stress to sadism, suicide
and specific suicide methods have been strongly connected to early
experiences in infancy.

The implication is that this is the most pivotal time to ensure
that the rights and well-being of children are respected and
protected, not just for their sake, but for the sake of the people
whose lives they impact as adults.

Briefly, this crucial imperative is simply a non-factor in american
birthing practices. The huge dinosaur of american obstetrics is
creating generation after generation of unconsciously traumatized
and often subtly brain-damaged people, people whose lives are often
subsequently burdened with criminal behavior, learning difficulties,
ADHD, addiction, depression and other mental illnesses and symptoms
of brain damage. These iatrogenic outcomes are entirely preventable,
in fact in most cases can be avoided at less cost than the procedures
which cause them. The question of whose interests are served by
making birth needlessly difficult I'll leave to your imagination.

The american way of birth (unfortunately spreading world-wide) has
now been linked to large increases in rates of mental ailments
including depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse and
dependencies by at least 2 large well controlled studies, which
both studiously avoided the most obvious conclusion.

Post traumatic stress reactions have been noted in american infants
returning to hospitals, again while neglecting the obvious possibility
that they were remembering birth trauma.

In fact these researchers actually call for more medical intervention
to treat "mentally ill infants." The level of denial going on in
medicine surely deserves a DSM category all its own.

Furthermore, most of the medical "heroics" which lead to these
iatrogenic outcomes are a product of legal pressures
and medical culture and incentives rather than responses
to actual medical crises. For instance:

1) "The majority of hospitals and obstetricians in this country (still)
insist on a birthing position that quite literally makes the baby,
following the curve of the birth canal, be born heading upwards.
States Williams: "The most widely used and often the most satisfactory
(position for delivery) is the dorsal lithotomy position on a
delivery table with leg supports" (Cunningham et al. 1989:315). No
reasons why this position is "the most satisfactory" are given, but
a strong clue is provided in an earlier text:

The lithotomy position is the best. Here the patient lies with
her legs in stirrups and her buttocks close to the lower edge
of the table. The patient is in the ideal position for the
attendant to deal with any complications which may arise (Oxorn
and Foote 1975:110)

"This position, in other words, is the easiest for performing obstetric
interventions, including maintaining sterility, monitoring fetal
heart rate, administering anesthetics, and performing and repairing
episiotomies (McKay and Mahan 1984:111).

"Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia, past president of the International
Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, states unequivocally,
"Except for being hanged by the feet, the supine position is the
worst conceivable position for labor and delivery""

Lithotomy Position

This dysfunctional medicalized birthing position is the cause of
most difficulties and medical interventions in birth, interventions
which are often traumatic and dangerous to both the baby and the mother.

2) "Immediate clamping of the umbilical cord at birth has become a
standard procedure during the past two decades. This merits
investigation as the cause of increased incidence of autism. Clamping
of the umbilical cord before the lungs function induces a period
of total asphyxia and produces severe hypovolemia by preventing
placental transfusion - a 30% to 50% loss of blood volume - resulting
in a hypoxic, ischemic neonate at risk for brain damage.
As in circulatory arrest and other factors that disrupt aerobic
metabolism, damage of brainstem nuclei and the cerebellum can result.
Visible damage seen in some cases of autism also involves brainstem
nuclei and the cerebellum. The brainstem auditory pathway is
especially vulnerable to brief total asphyxia. Impairment of the
auditory system can be linked to verbal auditory agnosia, which
underlies the language disorder in some children with autism.
Due to blood loss into the placenta, the immediately clamped
is very prone to develop infant anemia that has been widely correlated
with mental deficiency and learning / behavior disorders that become
evident in grade school.
We propose that increased incidence of autism, infant anemia,
childhood mental disorders and hypoxic ischemic brain damage, all
originate at birth from one cause - immediate umbilical cord clamping.
This deserves to be investigated as extensively as genetics or
exposure to toxic substances as an etiological factor for autism.
Normal cord closure, with placental oxygenation and transfusion,
prevents asphyxia and ischemia. Allowing physiological cord closure
at every delivery could at least reduce the incidence of birth brain

... "Immediate clamping of the umbilical cord before the child has
breathed (ICC) has been condemned in obstetrical literature for
over 200 years. [1] [2] In the 1970s, primate research [A][3][4]
using ICC to produce neonatal asphyxia resulted in brain lesions
similar to those of human neonatal asphyxia."

Anemia resulting from premature clamping may lead to long-term
cognitive deficiencies, even where iron supplements are given:

SIDS has been correlated with abnormalities in neurochemical
metabolism in the brainstem, which is the area most affected by

The trauma of being asphyxiated at birth after losing half your
blood to the placenta can only be imagined.

3) "In 1975, the College Entrance Examination Board commissioned an
advisory panel to examine the possible reasons for an alarming
continuing decline in the scores of high school students on the
Scholastic Aptitude Tests or, "SAT's," a decline which had started
with the 18-year-olds born in 1945 and thereafter. From 1963 to
1977, the score average on the verbal part of the SAT's fell 49
points. The mathematical scores declined 31 points. (1) (...)

"The SAT is designed to be an unchanging measurement. Considerable
effort has been made to keep the test a sufficiently constant measure
so that any particular score received on a current test indicates
the same level of ability to do college work that the same score
did 36 or 20 or 5 or 2 years ago. The SAT measures individual
students' capacities not only in comparison with their peers in the
particular group but also in comparison with those who took the
test in earlier years .... The SAT score decline does not result
from changes in the test or in the methods of scoring it." (2) (...)

"What happened around 1945 that might have contributed to declining
academic performance in the United States in the years that followed?
Consider this brief history: According to figures from the National
Center for Health Statistics, hospitals were the setting for only
36.9% of American births in 1936. By 1945 that figure had more than
doubled to 78.8%. In 1950, 88% of Americans were born in hospitals.
In 1960 the figure was 96.6% and in 1970, 99.4%. (...)

"A reading of the obstetric literature indicates that there had
always been philosophic differences among doctors regarding normal
childbirth. There were those who felt it was best to allow nature
to take its course and there were those who felt that intervention
was better. In the years following the 40s and under the stresses
of the population explosion, there was a tremendous acceleration
of intervention in obstetric care. Instead of adapting to the
time-consuming demands of normal childbirth, the obstetric community
(with very few exceptions) changed normal childbirth to conform to
the comfort of the mothers and the convenience of the doctors,
hospital staffs and hospital routines -- all at the expense of the
fetus and newborn."

4) "The practice of routinely cutting the perineum during hospital
deliveries in the United States, episiotomy, has been shown to be
the principal risk factor for severe tearing during delivery, which
is the injury that it is supposed to prevent. Nonetheless American
obstetricians continue to overuse this procedure ten times more
often than is called for. Episiotomy is also a major risk factor
for infection, loss of sexual pleasure, and incontinence. Women who
have been subjected to episiotomies take longer to heal from delivery,
even compared to women who have equivalent tears."

Episiotomy: Ritual Genital Mutilation in Western Obstetrics

5) Male circumcision has been linked to severe child psychological
adult male violence, addiction and violence against women,
and brain damage.
Other research implies that the neurological impact
of circumcision is likely to lead to adult violence,
sadomasochism and addiction.

Circumcision HR primer:

6) "ABSTRACT: Twenty years of clinical and behavioral observation
indicate that cesarean births cause considerable trauma to babies.
The physical and psychological effects are subtle and powerful,
occurring at the unconscious level of the infant psyche. Negative
impacts include excessive crying, feeding difficulties, sleeping
difficulties, colic, and tactile defensiveness. There also may be
long-term psychological effects such as rescue complexes, inferiority
complexes, poor self-esteem, and other dysfunctional behaviors and

"Prima Non Nocere: Iatrogenic Cesareans

"When used inappropriately, medical interventions interfere with the
normal process of birth and increase the risk of complications and
cesarean deliveries.28, 29 A US national survey of birth practices
revealed that 93 percent of women had electronic fetal monitoring,
86 percent had intravenous fluids administered through a blood
vessel in their arm (an IV), 55 percent had their amniotic sac
membranes artificially ruptured, 53 percent had oxytocin to strengthen
contractions, and 63 percent had epidurals for pain relief. More
than a third of labors were artificially induced. Almost three
quarters of the women were restricted to bed, and three out of four
were on their backs while pushing their babies out.30

"(...) Our physicians actively resist the implementation of
evidence-based practice and dont believe a cesarean rate in the low
twenties is a problem.31

"Personal accounts from women who have had a cesarean, as well as
emerging research, suggest that despite a healthy baby and a timely
physical recovery, some women experience cesarean birth as a
traumatic event. An unanticipated cesarean is more likely to
increase the risk for postpartum depression and post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). As in other traumatic human experiences,
the symptoms of birth-related PTSD may emerge weeks, months, or years
after the event.9,11 Women re-experience the birth and the emotions
associated with it in dreams or thought intrusions. They avoid
places or people that remind them of the event. Some mothers have
difficulty relating to their infants, and some will avoid sexual
contact that may result in pregnancy. They will also exhibit
symptoms of hyperarousal, such as difficulty sleeping or concentrating,
irritability, and an excessive startle response. Untreated
post-traumatic stress often leads to clinical depression.12"

7) "Flat earth obstetrics is a 21st century version of a medical Dark
Ages, in which contemporary medicine has forgotten or ignored the
traditional knowledge base and physiological principles necessary
for normal labor and safe, spontaneous birth. Flat Earth Obstetrics
is the belief that medical and surgical interventions are necessary
in every normal childbirth, despite evidence that such a policy is
harmful. The term is derived from the insistence by religious and
political leaders during the Dark Ages that the earth was flat
despite evidence to the contrary.

"The problem with the current form of obstetrical care in the United
States is the uncritical acceptance of an unscientific method --
the routine use of interventionist obstetrics for healthy women
with normal pregnancies.

"Medicalizing normal childbearing in healthy women makes childbirth
unnecessarily and artificially dangerous."

"Obstetrics has been rated as the least scientifically-based specialty
in medicine" [Dr. Ian Chalmers 1987].

8) "Myth: Epidurals are safe for mother and baby.

"Fact: An epidural increases the odds of cesarean for lack of progress
somewhere between 2- and 8-fold, especially in first-time moms and
causes fetal distress in about 10% of babies."

9) The medical community's "guidance" on breastfeeding is a scandal
in itself. Even without the now abundant evidence of the immunological,
nutritional and psychological benefits of breastfeeding for the
baby, and its psychological, hormonal and physiological benefits
for post-partum mothers, common sense and human empathy would
strongly argue against intervening in this intimate time of
mother-child bonding. Yet generations of american children have
been denied this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for normal health,
growth and emotional well being on the basis of little more than
uninformed medical hubris working in concert with a well-financed
corporate marketing campaign.

OB's are routinely pulling babies out with forceps and suction
machines, pulling and twisting their necks and spines to compensate
for the dysfunctional birth position. Babies often come out with
huge bruises, dents and bulges on their heads where various devices
were attached. Presumably the brain is easily injured in such

The real kicker in all this is how easy it would be to avoid:

The Truth About Birth

Leaving Well Alone: A Natural Approach to the Third Stage of Labour

"I always thought there was no other way for me to give birth- that
I was a birthing failure; incapable of birthing without an induction
jumpstart or a surgical incision. For five childbirths I always
"needed" my doctors to create my birth experiences for me, and to
save me from my own birthing inefficiency and hopelessness. (I was
actually addicted to their "helping" me, and was always effusive
in my gratitude for their efforts.) But then with my sixth, I just
couldn't do it again- I couldn't go back to another hospital to
give birth... I was just too hurt and broken inside.

"I found a lay midwife, and had the beautiful, easy birth that I am
intended to have. I finally gave birth as a full, luscious woman-
all my own hormones, in my own safe place- with no fingers in me,
or straps on my belly. (Or knives in my belly.) I simply pushed my
baby out and went to bed."

A letter from Leilah McCracken

Early organized medicine saw midwifery was successfully competing
with them in terms of safety and affordability while undermining their
claims to scientific authority, so they mounted a campaign to
force them out of the birthing business in the early 20th century

The next thing our altruistic medical profession did, after eliminating
one of the few professional opportunities available to women at the
time, was to discard their accumulated wisdom and pathologize and
try to control the whole process, rather than let nature take its
course. The results have been disastrous.

It seems medicine's appreciation of its own level of ignorance and
compulsion to intervene is governed by a reckless misapplication
of the principle of "innocent until proven guilty." But while the
economically conflicted medical research establishment is busy
catching up with monkeys and dogs in its understanding of birth and
child care, children are being hurt, with often life-long consequences.

I urge you to investigate this issue. Once you crack open this
pandora's box, I guarantee your life will never be the same. But
you will have many allies, and as public awareness is raised, this
country will experience a time of self-reflection that will profoundly
change it for the better.

Thank you.

Rich Winkel


President, USA Exile Govt.

Nov 25, 2006, 3:03:17 PM11/25/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 25, 2006

NOTE: Hats off to Rod Coronado for this lucid analysis. -- kl, pp

From: "paul illich" <>
Date: November 25, 2006 9:59:25 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Howling Like a Wild Wolf

Howling Like a Wild Wolf: Overcoming Fear and
Undermining the Invader

by Rod Coronado

It's hard to judge the radical environmental movement by the last 25
years, but if I had to, I'd say that I'm very disappointed. Twenty
ago, when I discovered the Earth First! movement, I thought that the
generation of Earth warriors I shared this country with had a fighting
chance. People from all walks of life in the center of the First World
were coming together and strengthening an already strong love and
affinity for the natural world, shaking off their consumerist
and realizing their wild dreams with creative direct action that marked
an allegiance with the Earth instead of the society responsible for her
destruction. Monkeywrenching was the ultimate demonstration of our love
for Mother Earth, and none among us questioned its historical or
practical necessity, let alone its legitimacy. We were warriors, and
connection as a tribe meant the shared commitment to abandon the system
that constantly betrayed the people and places we loved.

Monkeywrenching was not just another tool in the box, it was what
separated EF! from the toothless, First World environmental movement. A
fellow Arizonan, Dave Foreman, was our firebrand spokesperson, bringing
listeners to tears with his stories of seeing the dying green fire in a
wolf's eyes, telling us how the chainsaws also tore his flesh when they
tore through an ancient redwood, before hoisting the sacramental
monkeywrench to the sky and howling like a wild wolf himself. What else
were we supposed to do once that fire was lit inside our hearts, but
defend the wildness we loved by any and all means?

Back in the early days of EF!, Dave and the gang erected a monument in
New Mexico to Victorio, a Mimbres Apache who drove out or killed
invading miners in the late 1800s. After years of watching his people
die on the dreaded reservations, Victorio had enough of being pushed
around by the system. He knew there was no other way to live than with
the Earth, not against her like the Invaders were forcing his people to
do. So rather than die a slow death on the malaria - infested
reservation, Victorio and a small band broke free to live the only way
they knew how.

By identifying with the Apache wars of the American Southwest, EF! held
up as an example a people whose worldview centered, like most
peoples, on living in harmony with their environment and who, when
attacked, fought ferociously to defend their way of life. That is what
the Earth needed from the US environmental movement, then and now.
That's what I thought was beginning 20 years ago when I first heard
Foreman speak, and I knew there was no greater responsibility than the
time-honored tradition of fighting against one's Invaders and

Then in 1990, in Arizona, FBI agents kicked in Dave Foreman's door,
while simultaneously ambushing a band of monkeywrenchers in action
toppling powerlines. It was the first time that EF! experienced the
legal consequences of its low-intensity campaign of what Foreman called
"ecotage" - acts of economic sabotage against the forces destroying the
Earth. Foreman - the editor/publisher of Ecodefense: A Field Guide to
Monkeywrenching - received a suspended sentence and probation. The
case against Foreman and EF! effectively ended Foreman's advocacy of
ecotage. Gone were the days of Foreman pedaling Ecodefense after his
lectures and signing copies for wild, awakened "ecoteur" recruits (he
refused to sign my copy in 2001). Most importantly to our growing
struggle, the FBI had silenced our most outspoken representative while
also demonstrating that "monkeywrencher" was just another name for
"terrorist." But the ecological insurrection did not end as the Invader
had hoped - like the living organism it represents, seeds took to the
Earth and grew into something very familiar.

Like Victorio and his struggle against the Western worldview invasion,
the actions of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation
Front (ALF) are enough of a threat to have been deemed by the FBI as
most active domestic terrorism groups in the US. Burning SUVs would be
the same as attacking the horse - drawn wagons and supply lines of the
pioneer Invader; torching luxury trophy homes, the same as burning down
their forts. Today, the insurrection comes from within the fort's
and those still fighting have been forced to realize that when they
abandon the privileges of the Invader, they join the ranks of all who
have challenged him before. Bloodthirsty savage, ecoterrorist - it's
the same.

The Invader continues to instill fear with outrageous prison sentences.
The American Indian Movement suffered Leonard Peltier as an example,
just as we have with Jeffrey "Free" Luers. What both have shown is that
what fear does not kill, it makes stronger-and those conscious enough
defend the Earth do so knowing that there is no turning back on this
ancestral path to freedom, no matter how dear the personal price.

That's what disappoints me today - not the constant assault or the
of destruction against our life support system, but the lack of action
to stop it. When I used to go to Game and Fish Department public
hearings 20 years ago, EF!ers packed the house. If the meetings
accomplished nothing else, they let us tell the bastards killing the
last of the wild nations that they'd have to go through us first. It
might have meant little to them, but to EF! it was another way to
them, and ourselves, that our love and allegiance was to our Mother.
Nowadays, I'm grateful to have more than myself representing our animal
relations at the system's meetings. Wherever the desperately needed
Earth warriors from this suicidal society have gone, they have thrown
away a sacred responsibility in the hour of our planet's greatest need,
and I think I know why.

The thing that prevents the multitudes of conscious and aware
individuals in our culture from taking direct action to stop, or at the
very least interfere with, what they know to be wrong, is fear. Fear
makes us withdraw, and instead of fulfilling our social, ecological and
political responsibilities, we feel depressed or guilty for remaining a
part of the problem. Without an ability to deal with fear, one may feel
great empathy, but not enough to risk one's own place of comfort and
privilege. Some reinforce their fear by discrediting those who do try
make a difference. Fear is common in the broad, political left and its
paralyzing effect on direct action in the First World is what separates
our resistance to ecological destruction from that of generations past,
and from those in what the Invader calls the "Third World."

We here in the First World feel fear when we think of Free's 22-year
prison sentence or of a violent death. Yet for so many across the
oppression, tragedy and violence have become all they know. How do we
defeat the fear and intimidation that robs us of our wild nature,
and willingness to fight back? We confront it. We know how bad things
are, and I'm not going to waste time rattling off the numbers and
statistics. We know the unthinkable evil and cruelty that is being
committed in places like Huntingdon Life Sciences and Guantanamo Bay in
our own name and by our own citizens, yet we do so little to stop
it-little that is truly effective.

Instead of accepting responsibility for our rogue government, the
American left-including most environmentalists - has become less
politically active, barely challenging the corruption that we know
exists. We turn on our computers and become more aware of the
oppression, war and destruction committed by US corporate armies. But
rather than take to the streets, liberals worship messengers like Amy
Goodman and Michael Moore.

When the Internet first became a primary form of communication for our
resistance, many spoke of the information that would be shared -
believing, as the American left still does, that if people are made
aware of injustice, somehow it will stop. But the US is still torturing
prisoners; the last wild buffalo are still being slaughtered; hundreds
of thousands of young harp seals are still dying every Spring; the last
wild wolves and indigenous people are under continued assault. Instead
of the citizen action that one would expect from non-sympathizers and
non-collaborators, we hide in our remaining privilege - hiking, river
rafting, drinking, cashing our career environmentalist checks, paying
the bills, growing ever more cynical, angry or depressed, but most of
all ignoring the deep feeling in our hearts that still allows us to
the Earth's cries.

Awareness without action is worthless. Most people who rise up to
prevent the destruction of their lives and homes, like Victorio, didn't
learn such responsibilities late in life, but were taught by families
living in harmony with the life around them - something there's ever
less of in our consumer-based society. That is what we must return to
any movement hoping to preserve life on this planet is to survive.

In the EF! campaign to defend Mt. Graham here in southern Arizona, an
Apache elder told me that we must not forget why Mt. Graham was sacred,
continue to practice that belief with prayer and teach our children to
honor the mountain in the way our ancestors had. If we did that, he
said, protecting Mt. Graham and all of Mother Earth would come
naturally. Defending your home should be second nature, and helping
others who are doing the same is still what the Earth and our movement
needs most. What's needed is not just more monkeywrenching, but more of
the human-to-human and animal-to-human living that keeps the Earth's
spirit, and our own, alive.

In my own awakening from the fear that immobilized me while living
underground as an FBI fugitive, the Earth Mother spoke to me, saying,
"We are here, we have been here and always will be here, but there is
nothing we can do to help you until you believe in us more than what
fear." Once freed from fear - and despite five federal grand juries
investigating our ALF cell at the time - we were able to rise from
hiding, organize and destroy the US government's Predator Research
Facility in Utah.

We must always remember where our power comes from, and believe in it
more than in the fear our enemies use. When we believe in the power of
the Earth more than in our fear of prisons or death, we attain the
of warriorhood we need to survive the future. When we follow our hearts
and instincts, and act to prevent the Earth's destruction and protect
the innocent, we tell the Invader that the resistance is alive and
strong. We say that the sisterhood and brotherhood with all life that
has already survived so many generations of war will not be broken on
our watch.

The price of such responsibility may result in us being hunted down
Victorio, the bison of Montana or the wolves of New Mexico and Arizona
today. But if we allow fear to prevent us from doing what we know is
fair and just, we disrespect our still-living and fighting wild sisters
and brothers and those who are in prison, paying a higher price for
freedom than most of us ever have. That is what hurts the most. Despite
the number of people among us who are fully aware and able to describe
the ecological turning point we have either already passed or are fast
approaching - global warming, habitat destruction, species extinction,
human wars and corporate pollution - so few are standing up to fight

Still, I'm a fool, because my strong belief in the power of the Earth
gives me hope. And if grown-ups fail to answer the call now, we'd
start raising more of our own children and building the kind of
community support structures that a real resistance needs to survive.
And I'm not just talking about knowing how to build a fire; we must
support, house, teach and feed the refugees that our enemies are always
creating. The Earth will support us, that is not a question. But the
society dependent on her exploitation will one day collapse, and when
does, the only ones left standing will be those who never were
on it in the first place. All others will once again be subject to the
Invader for their daily rations.

I'm still under federal indictment for stopping a mountain lion hunt
here in Arizona, and I'm facing another indictment for giving a lecture
about monkeywrenching. But on November 1, I'll still be helping escort
sandhill cranes safely past the hunters' guns, not far from where
Victorio rode himself. And though we may only save a few birds, our
hearts will remain free, and those killing our winged relations will
know it. So to those still ready to ride and break free from the
reservations of our minds and hearts, to build the kind of sustainable
resistance our Earth needs, the tribe still awaits you. The family of
all life on Earth awaits you, around the sacred fire with hero warriors
of generations before. That's where you can still find me, hoisting a
monkeywrench to the sky and howling like a wild wolf.

Rod Coronado is an organizer with Chuk'shon EF!, and he is looking for
people to join him in the field this Fall and Winter in defense of the
wild animal nations.

SOURCE: Earth First! Journal


From: Henri <>
Date: November 25, 2006 2:45:15 AM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>


Depleted Uranium & the REAL Reason for the Draft
From Dick Eastman

Jeff -- The Democrats push the draft they say to "end war" by exposing
"the sons of the rich" to conscription -- that's sucker's bait -- Old
soldier Ralph C. Whitley tells us why the bi-partisan Zionist war
machine must have the draft...

"Military and Civilians rotated into the area without RADTriage
dosimeters or any type of dosimeter took their posts as good American
Combat and Support men and women thinking IF the DU was dangerous UNCLE
would protect the U.S. Forces and others volunteering from Allied
Forces or Civilian units in the United States."

"The DRAFT must be in place and bringing an additional 450,000 NEW
PERSONNEL into the Military and Civilian services to be able to send
225,000 NEW people to any area for one year with RADTriage dosimeters
which will tell when the 50 RAD level is reached, then replacements
from the remaining 225,000 must take their place and the cycle goes on
KILLING OUR MEN AND WOMEN plus perhaps dooming America to action taken
by the people who lose loved ones to Radiation Exposure from the DU
particles WORLDWIDE.";article=106306;


By Ralph C. Whitley Sr.
(A Decorated Veteran of One)

Mr. Garvey:

Unfortunately, you and some others fail to see the reason why it is
necessary to bring the DRAFT back into service in America. Let me give
you and others the real reason.

Go to <>

Think about some 450,000 military and civilians who have been rotated
from America to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other areas where
Depleted Uranium Weapons were utilized. Imagine that the U.S.
Government KNEW of the RADTriage dosimeter and cost of $20.00 even when
the older models were brought out. Some SEALS and special ops units
were provided no doubt with smaller and cheaper models which sold for
perhaps $10.00 and registered similarly from 1-50 RADS. NOW let me tell
you a story:

Once upon a time in America, the military males decided to use Depleted
Uranium Weapons in battle on several fronts. The reason for using the
DU Weapons was no force on earth had such devastating weapons which
would penetrate a tank or armored vehicle and make all occupants crispy
critters in an instant, killing everyone in the opposing group's
would leave particles with a half-life of perhaps 4.5 Billion Years.
America and the Allies took great pleasure in the FIRST GULF WAR and
SECOND GULF WAR which is still ongoing--so very pleased at the fact
that the so-called terrorists and enemy did not have such a weapon of
mass destruction which would not only destroy military personnel and
weapons but be guaranteed to contaminate the entire country where the
weapons were dispersed with little or no casualties to American or
Allied Forces.

Military and Civilians rotated into the area without RADTriage
dosimeters or any type of dosimeter took their posts as good American
Combat and Support men and women thinking IF the DU was dangerous UNCLE
would protect the U.S. Forces and others volunteering from Allied
Forces or Civilian units in the United States. Little did all humans
realize that the Military Powerful stayed many thousands of miles away,
commanding operations which contaminated many Nations and could spread
this contamination to the rest of the World. Some civilians called for
the United Nations to intervene and use the Security Council to STOP
America and Allied forces to the United States from using DU weapons.
Many prayed for the UN to step in and hear from two senior citizens who
tried to ask for 10 minutes to appear at the UN at their own costs
without payment from the United States Government or anyone!

Those brave military and civilians serving one full year IN COUNTRY
with DU Weapons and DU Particles contaminating the Air, Earth, Animals,
Birds, Fowl, Pets, Humans, plus Water would find by dedicated
specialists from France and the United States such as Doctor Moret and
Doctor Rokke that the entire areas are HOT with radiation and exposure
was unknown levels for the first 450,000 brave American's serving their
President. Annual ROTATION began with fresh personnel being brought
over to contaminated areas for one YEAR duty and sent back home. Some
units were called back for another YEAR without any way of measuring
Depleted Uranium Radiation Exposure levels. Many of those who were in
for one tour DIED or were DISABLED from Radiation related illnesses.
Another 450,000 who would rotate for several tours without RADTriage
dosimeters costing $20.00 from
<> would be again
contaminated and have no knowledge of the level of contamination.
SOLUTION: START THE DRAFT as we may very well lose not only 450,000
brave men and women with Radiation Contamination but the particles may
spread across the GLOBE causing massive orders for BODY BAGS as the
body of one contaminated cannot, IMHO, be cremated or allowed to ROT as
water will take the extremely fine particles down through the soil to
infect the underground streams and thus pass on to more humans,
animals, insects, pets and birds who drink the contaminated water for
which the less than 1 micron particles cannot be filtered.

Men, Women, Children will develop ILD which is like asbestosis a
smothering disease from inhaling particles and the lungs, as GOD
intended, will encapsulate the particles and make scar tissue until the
human smothers to death. Mesotheleoma is a smothering disease with fine
asbestos particles and these DU particles are 500 times as dangerous
carried on the clothing, body and WINDS to all corners of the globe.
The ONLY solution is to let the UN Security Council HEAR OF THE DANGER

The UN Security Council and all Permanent Representatives have to hear
the problem even if from two senior citizens of the HOST NATION who
have asked multiple times for 10 minutes to talk on the dangers. Since
America and American Allies are using these DU Weapons and spreading
this radioactive contamination across the Planet the UN must BAN the
use of a specific Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction - DEPLETED URANIUM
WEAPONS. There is a hitch which many do not realize.

The UN was formed with specific Nations including the United States and
Allies to the United States with VETO POWER as they have no doubt

America and the Allied Nations who have used DU MUST BE REMOVED FROM

The UN must hear the Depleted Uranium BAN request and vote within the
Security Council passes a resolution to BAN DU and sanctions America
and Allied Nations, calling for immediate identification of all areas
UNDER UN PROTECTION AND SECURITY, then special teams could go into all
areas with GEIGER COUNTERS and identify HOT areas and Tanks which are
HOT plus Soil and Buildings which are HOT. The next step would be to
dosimeters to every living human in the hot areas to confirm radiation.
Such RADTriage dosimeters can be attached to existing TANKS with DU
weapons onboard to confirm the time it takes being around DU armor and
weapons before the CASUALTY LEVEL IS REACHED.

Remember: The DRAFT must be in place and bringing an additional 450,000
NEW PERSONNEL into the Military and Civilian services to be able to
send 225,000 NEW people to any area for one year with RADTriage
dosimeters which will tell when the 50 RAD level is reached, then
replacements from the remaining 225,000 must take their place and the
cycle goes on KILLING OUR MEN AND WOMEN plus perhaps dooming America to
action taken by the people who lose loved ones to Radiation Exposure
from the DU particles WORLDWIDE!


Imagine a tank gunnery specialist riding around 8 hours per day 365
days per year in a TANK with DU Weapons behind his head radiating like
the armor plating on that spiffy TANK or Armored Personnel Carrier.
Unless these people are issued dosimeters which are READ AND RESULTS
DOCUMENTED IN SERVICE JACKETS those people may come back to civilian
life, wait two or three years, develop radiation sickness diseases and
be UNINSURABLE because of an Existing Condition.

Imagine a tank gunnery specialist coming home, fathering a baby who is
born deformed... that same person must stay in the military to have
full coverage for that deformed child if it lives.

<>> to the President of the
United States at
<> and
<>> PLUS to all
Congressional Representatives WHO CAN OVERRIDE A VETO calling for
stopping the DU weapons use and allowing teams to verify contamination
and clean it up everywhere. There are specific HOT ZONES in America
where training and use of DU contaminate many hundreds of square
miles... they are known, yet everyone working at the manufacturing
sites for the Weapons or Armored protection with DU still have no
dosimeters which only cost $20.00. They make EXCELLENT XMAS GIFTS AND
how much radiation your loved one is exposed to before the UN stops
such weapons from being used.





Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr., age 65
a decorated American Veteran of One
4532 W. Kennedy Blvd. PMB-276
Tampa, Florida 33609-2042
Phone: 813-241-7940 cellular
Ruth DeLaMater Bundy, Age 76
4503 W. North A Street
Tampa, Florida 33609-2028
Phone: 813-286-2333


From: John Leonard <>
Date: November 24, 2006 12:06:58 PM EST
Subject: [WarOnFreedom] Sociopaths Rule - now this explains everything !

This is it! An answer to why the world is in the mess it is, and why
the world is run by the worst, not by the best of humankind.

The secret is that 4% of people are born sociopaths - meaning they
have no conscience.
They can also easily hide this fact, which gives them a huge
competitive advantage over the 96% of normal people.

This is why psychopaths have ruled the world through history.
Psychyologist Lobaczewski says they also set the tone for the whole
Capitalism favors this antisocial behavior. Totalitarian systems are
built on it.

The solution?
Us. We normal people are a huge majority.
We first need find out about this, see through the psychos, and remove
them from power.

So please read the article - parts 1 and 2 at

and spread the word if you can.


From: "CLG News" <>
Date: November 25, 2006 3:53:01 AM EST
To: "CLG News" <>

Subject: Honduras fines U.S. company subsidiary, saying it illegally
trained mercenaries to work in Iraq

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government
25 November 2006

Honduras fines U.S. company subsidiary, saying it illegally trained
mercenaries to work in Iraq 24 Nov 2006 The Honduran government said
Friday it has fined the local subsidiary of a U.S. company US$25,000
(19,000) for allegedly training more than 300 Hondurans and foreigners
last year to work as mercenaries in Iraq. The company Your Solutions
trained 340 Hondurans, Chileans and Nicaraguans in violation of labor
laws, Public Safety Department spokesman Santos Flores told a news

At CIA, Robert Gates advocated air strikes against Nicaragua in 1984,
documents say 24 Nov 2006 In 1984, Robert Gates, then the No. 2 CIA
official, advocated U.S. airstrikes against Nicaragua's government to
reverse what he described as an ineffective U.S. strategy to deal with
'communist' advances in Central America, previously classified
documents say.

Please forward this update to anyone you think might be interested.
Those who'd like to be added to the Newsletter list can sign up:
Please write to: for inquiries.

CLG Newsletter editor: Lori Price, General Manager. Copyright ) 2006,
Citizens For Legitimate Government . All rights reserved.


From: Henri <>
Date: November 24, 2006 2:04:00 PM EST
Subject: Teens Frustrate Military Recruiter's ASVAB Scam

Teens Frustrate Military Recruiter's ASVAB Scam

by Scott Horton

With bulletins and a handful of homemade flyers, two teens
have struck a blow against the American Warfare State, Lindale, Georgia

On a Friday afternoon the 17th of November, 17-year-old high school
seniors Robert Day and Samuel Parker decided to act after Day overheard
some teachers at Pepperell High School saying that first thing Monday
morning the school's juniors would be made to take the ASVAB military
aptitude test.

Often administered under the guise of a career aptitude test, the
ASVAB's purpose is to better equip the State to prey on young people
tricked or pressured into taking the test. According to Debbie Hopper
of Mothers Against the Draft, it is often given under the pretext of
being a "career placement" test. (In some cases it has in fact been
used that way, no doubt in an attempt to legitimize what many Americans
regard as not legitimate: the use of government schools as military
recruiting grounds.)

The school board answered a concerned email from Parker's mother with a
suggestion that the test is not mandatory but "customary." Sane
Americans might ask, "Where, in Prussia?"

As a senior, he would not be made to take the test, but Day confronted
the high school principal, Phil Ray, in defense of students younger
than himself, and was told that the test was mandated by federal law.
Day says he already believed that to be false, since he remembered the
test being given only to the kids actually trying to join the military
the year before. Regardless, the principal dismissed his objections.
The juniors who were to be tested for their military "aptitude" were
not to be told before the weekend.

Principal Ray did not return repeated calls to his office.

Not easily deterred, Day and Parker decided they would do what they
could to "warn" the juniors themselves. They talked to a few kids at
the end of school Friday afternoon, and over the weekend sent out more
than 20 messages to MySpace bulletin boards discouraging cooperation.
Arriving early Monday morning, Day and Parker picked out spots soon to
be populated with kids waiting for the bell to ring, and with the help
of some others who quickly volunteered, rapidly distributed their 200
homemade fliers to some and also spoke to many others, encouraging all
to refuse to report to the cafeteria or to sabotage the test either
by ripping it up or filling in false information.

One of the military recruiters present attempted to snub their efforts,
claiming the No Child Left Behind Act allows access to all of their
information anyway, and so they might as well take the test.

Journalist and author James Bovard says the NCLB does indeed "roll out
a red carpet" in terms of empowering the military to demand school
records, but says that the ASVAB is far beyond what even it allows. The
pushing of this military aptitude test, Bovard says, is "typical of how
government guides kids to an early funeral."

Despite the recruiter's interruption, Parker says that he, Day and
their volunteers made sure every junior who may not have wanted to take
the test had a chance to hear them explain its purpose and to
understand that it was not mandatory.

They estimate that about half of the school's juniors refused to even
leave their regular classes to report to the testing site in the
school's cafeteria. Some of the teachers, apparently learning about
this at the last minute like most everyone else, and confused as to the
nature of the proceedings, insisted that their students at least go to
the cafeteria even if they did not mean to cooperate with the military.
Once they were there, the kids were informed that anyone who showed up
in the cafeteria would be made to take the test.

The old lunch room Catch-22.

Some of the students decided to deliberately fill in faulty
information. Perhaps that will go on their permanent record instead.
"Listen kid, we're looking for test-refusers just like yourself. Do you
have what it takes?"

The soldiers told the students that if anyone ripped up their test,
then all the tests, including those belonging to the one-third or so of
the kids who actually wanted to take it and receive their scores, would
be thrown out. This bit of blackmail apparently worked on the kids who
had reluctantly taken it, as no one physically destroyed their tests.
Day and Parker estimate that less than a third of Pepperell's juniors
went along with their government's scheme.

The high school counselor, Ms. Nixon, made it clear to the juniors that
she was very disappointed in them for embarrassing principal Ray, but
so far, no punishments have been handed down.

All in all, Parker and Day said they were pleasantly surprised by the
help and encouragement of kids who they thought would not have cared at

We could all learn from their example.


From: "Charles Bruce, Stewart" <>
Date: November 24, 2006 9:56:30 AM EST

Subject: [Fwd: Irwin-Schiff/IRS-Battle Up-Date <Fwd>]

Dear Friends:

I wanted to remind everyone of the website
where many dedicated Americans monitor the trials and trial aftermaths
people who have been attacked by the IRS and DOJ with criminal

I have included below an excerpt on the treatment Irwin Schiff has
which is even worse than the railroading he received at his trial. If
anyone knows someone in the Bureau of Prisons or in Congress who can
commence an investigation into the torture of Irwin Schiff, please seek
out and ask them to intervene. For all of us, let us pray to the
Intervener that He will take away this suffering from those who have
worked so hard to tell the American people the truth. And as hard as
it is,
we must pray for those who would inflict such horrors on their fellow
beings. May God have mercy on their souls.


Thursday, July 20, 2006
Here is an update on Irwin Schiff posted by "the Constitutionalist",
one of
our commenters.


When Mr. Schiff was not allowed to present evidence or witnesses at his
trial the IRS agents and pro prosecution types that haunt this blog spot
denied those facts. When the IRS illegally took Mr. Schiff's commissary
funds which kept him from buying anything in prison to make his life
tolerable they were silent. Well, here is another activity the
employers of
all DOJ and IRS agents are engaged in they can be proud of.

Mr. Schiff requested his sentence be served in Connecticut. The real
criminal during Me. Schiff's trial, Judge Dawson, granted that request.
However, that is not exactly what happened. During a four month period
almost eighty year old Mr. Schiff was transferred from Las Vegas via New
Mexico to Arizona. Then to California. Next came Oklahoma. Now he is in
Jersey. Each time he was shackled hand to foot and in a cage on a bus
sitting on a hard bench for hours on end. This is referred to as "Diesel

Even though they know Mr. Schiff has a condition that prevents him from
feeling anything below his knees they made him wear army boots. After he
removed those boots his socks were soaked with blood and all the skin
worn off of his toes!

Not only is he being his physically tortured but because the prison
does not forward mail it also keeps Mr. Schiff from receiving mail from
people who are helping him with his appeal or are concerned about his
welfare. Five of our letters to him have been returned as "Unknown

We will not be surprised if the next address for Mr. Schiff is
Bay Cuba, Abu Graib or Boot Hill in a unmarked pauper's grave.

It is obvious to us this is a effort to incapacitate or kill Mr. Schiff
shut him up before he can embarrass the federal justice system during

Therefore, we hope those DOJ employees and IRS agents beam with pride as
they tell their grandchildren just how proud they should be of the
way their masters treat a proud, honest patriot whose health is failing.

The Constitutionalist
posted by David Jahn @ 7/20/2006 11:18:00 PM Comments (75) | Trackback


Charles Bruce, Stewart
Sandy Oregon

Friday, November 24, 2006

Olmert on
Truth Serum

Olmerts just a ton o laughs these days. First, he confirms the
existence and massive power of the Israel lobby, thus putting the last
nail into Chomskys intellectual coffin (btw, it is not an
exaggeration to note that Venezuela lost its bid for a security
council seat the minute Hugo Chavez mentioned Chomskys name in his UN
speech). Then, he informs us that the Iraq war was good for Israeli
security, which, when coupled with his acknowledgment of Lobby power,
means the attack on Iraq was about Israeli security (the Americans will
now have something for which to give thanks). Finally (my emphasis in

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 's office denied allegations that the PM
used classified information in order to censure Defense Minister Amir
Peretz for a telephone conversation with Palestinian President Mahmoud

Former and current members of the defense establishment who spoke to
Ynet Wednesday harshly criticized the use of classified information for
personal political ends.

Wednesday morning, Yedioth Aharonoth reported that the prime minister
used top secret intelligence information in order to censure Peretz for
and, by doing so, exposed a number of Israeli intelligence
capabilities, including the capability to listen to Abbas'

posted at 8:31 AM


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: November 25, 2006 10:04:40 AM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: RAWA - Afghanistan: Behind the burqas

Afghanistan: Behind the Burqas

Activist with Afghani organization for womens rights RAWA tells Ynet
womens situation in Afghanistan even worse than before American
Rape, kidnapping, murder go unpunished. Without western interference,
could happen again, warns Sahar Saab

Tamar Dressler
Published: 11.24.06, 21:34

I know what they tell you in the West about the situation here, Sahar
sighs despairingly. Saab, an activist with the womens movement RAWA
operates almost underground in Afghanistan, adds, They tell you womens
circumstances have improved greatly, but in reality there is no
In the capital, Kabul, and in a few more cities, women even work in
government offices, but their numbers are very few, and many dangers
ambush women in the cities. And in the suburbs? For their own safety,
continue to wear burqas. Almost daily, we hear of kidnappings, rape,
suicide and disappearance in areas still ruled by the Taliban or the
Northern Alliance, and we know there are many more incidents not

Thus, in fluent English and a businesslike tone, free of criticism or
attempts to shake up her listener with horror stories of the type of
incidents the movement is trying to eradicate, Saab tells of the lives
women for whom leaving the house is a luxury.

Officially the situation is better since the international forces
but most of the new laws have not been assimilated. The condition of
civilians, especially women and children, has deteriorated. In areas
by religious extremists, most women feel only a change for the worse.
In the
past five years, for example, the number of female suicides has
significantly. If our situation is so improved why the increase? We
the full price of war and poverty.

Three decades of underground activity

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA),
founded in
Afghanistan in 1977 by a group of educated women led by Meena
fights for womens rights, for their assimilation into the political
and the establishment of a democratic regime based on secular

But even after three decades of partially underground activity, "womens
rights" remains an unknown term in most of the torn nation. Women are
persecuted, kidnapped and raped, and no one pays the price for these
The movement mostly deals with rehabilitating women and children hurt
the war years, aiding sexually assaulted women, providing medical
and operating schools in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan.

Before the invasion of the country in 1979, which ended two decades of
Soviet rule, the Afghani government was relatively moderate. Women were
allowed to study and work and served as teachers, doctors and lawyers.
However, the invasion altered the situation, and RAWA founder Meena was
murdered in Pakistan at the end of the 1980s due to her opposition to
Soviet regime.

Despite being harassed during the years of the communist rule, the
earned relative success. Some activists were even sent to Pakistan where
they established homes for children and taught local women to read and
write, English, and even nursing.

In 1996, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Shaaria rule was
and Afghani lived under the terror of Muslim extremism. Women were
to study, work or leave their houses without the accompaniment of a
member. They were forbidden to address judicial institutions, and were
certainly barred from recreational activities, singing, showing their
to men or wearing makeup. Women were stoned to death for daring to
refuse an
arranged marriage; young girls were kidnapped by soldiers and Taliban
commanders, and after being raped were abandoned by their own families.

Persecuted and condemned for their secular beliefs, RAWA activists
to fight the Talibans crimes. Simultaneously, they set up an
network of temporary schools and orphanages, to avoid discovery and
certain death.

Following the terror attacks on September 11 and the entry of American
forces into Afghanistan, in 2001 the Taliban regime came to an end.
its members continue to rule extended parts of the nation, and their
has even increased recently.

Telling our story everywhere possible

We fear the only way to break through the worlds awareness is to tell
story through any media possible, and this is why I am speaking with
Saab explains why, despite the dangers involved, she agreed to be
interviewed for the Israeli press.

My activities in RAWA enable me to take advantage of every opportunity
turn to officials in the West and tell them they must take
for what is happening in Afghanistan today. You cant close your eyes
think the war succeeded, because it didnt.

"Unfortunately, if the West doesnt interfere and help set up a true
democratic government, September 11 could happen again. I see the
gaining popularity lately and being strengthened in certain parts of the
country. Therefore I turn to you with the request to help us continue to
fight for womens rights and a democratic leadership.

Is there no change in civilian life?

"The situation is difficult not only for women but for the entire
population. In many areas there is no water, electricity or employment.
world reports Americas victory over the Taliban, but in real life it
not so at all. Thus, for example, although there is no official ban on
studying in university, few do so due to the dangers ambushing women in
city. If you dont live in central Kabul, it is not safe to wander
Aside from that Kabul has only one university, and women have to deal
the family tradition that discourages (women from) studying.

In spite of everything, our aim is to continue acting. We want to
illiteracy and educate women. We dream of computer courses for women,
aim to open more hospitals like the one we established in Pakistan,
stopped operating for six years but was reopened in 2001. We are acting
the whole of the Afghan people, because you cant advance women without
advancing those around them.

Do you feel you are endangering youself?

"Yes, definitely. Even today it is dangerous to be associated with RAWA
we operate almost completely in secrecy."

Well continue to fight for democracy

Saab, who lives in Kabul, readily admits that her situation is
comfortable compared to most Afghanis over 30 million residents, more
half of whom are below the national poverty level. She speaks fluent
English; her education helps her maintain contacts with women
throughout the
world, and her cellular phone lets her tell her story to anyone willing

Compared to most Afghani women, Saab is lucky. The May 2005 Amnesty
International report declared that countless women and girls suffer
inflicted by family members and professionals, including police
and they dont dare complain. The judicial system and the public show
mercy towards such criminals, and the local regime cooperates with
Muslim elements. Investigators further claim that aid provided by
organizations in the past five years actually worsened womens

In the absence of public antagonism towards the severe abuses women
Saab has difficulty numbering the female victims. She says that daily
women report incidents of rape and kidnapping, but she estimated that
true numbers are much higher.

Via their website, which include dozens of reports, mostly accompanied
photographs that are especially difficult to view, they collect
and record every incident.

It is hard for us to see Islamic extremists and Northern Alliance
sitting in the government instead of being tried for their crimes, she
up. We want to tell them we will not forgive nor forget; well continue
fighting for a democratic government despite the dangers we face.


From: "shaman_nation" <>
Date: November 25, 2006 12:15:29 PM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Fathers No Longer Cost-Effective?

Fathers No Longer Cost-Effective?
Carey Roberts

I'm not one who is prone to get misty-eyed, but Tim Russert's latest
book did it.

Two years ago Russert penned a moving tribute to his own father, Big
Russ and Me, which quickly became a New York Times best-seller.
Russert was inundated with so many poignant letters that he decided
to compile them into a sequel, Wisdom of Our Fathers. Now that book
has become a run-away top-seller, as well.

There's a message here: persons have an enormous sense of gratitude
for the many things big and small that dad did for them. I know,
that's exactly how I feel about my father.

But there is a small yet influential group in our society that views
fatherhood as an anachronism and a stubborn obstacle to their utopian
vision of the social welfare state. And they see divorce and award of
child custody to mothers as a highly-effective ploy to achieve their

When one million children experience divorce each year, and when
custody is awarded to mothers in 85% of cases, you can see the scope
of the problem. If you want to scale down male influence in a
society, what better way than to bar fathers from seeing their own
sons and daughters?

So this past spring, Mitch Sanderson of Grand Forks, North Dakota set
out to make things better for kids. He canvassed voters throughout
the state, collecting signatures for a measure on the November ballot
to promote shared parenting. The petition stated that in the event of
divorce, "each parent would be entitled to joint legal and physical
custody unless first declared unfit."

One of Sanderson's most vocal supporters was grandmother Myrna
Meidinger, who explained, "If you don't have shared parenting like I
went through, it's hard to see your grandkids." Before long over
17,000 signatures were gathered, proving that the shared parenting
idea enjoyed support throughout the state.

But what happened next is comprehensible only if you remember the old
saying, "Follow the money." Under federal regulations, states stand
to gain millions in federal incentives and reimbursements by
increasing their child support rolls. If kids spend equal time with
dad and mom, child support payments are reduced accordingly.

So in July, Thomas Sullivan of the federal Administration for
Children and Families (the gargantuan federal agency that runs our
child support apparatus) sent a letter to state senator Tom Fisher.
Since the measure would reduce federal largesse by $70 million,
citizens should vote against the pro-child ballot initiative,
Sullivan argued.

Since when are green-visor bureaucrats allowed to lobby state

As columnist Stephen Baskerville lamented, "federal bureaucrats are
now using taxpayers' money to strong-arm citizens from democratic
decisions that, by relieving a serious social problem, threaten to
render the bureaucrats redundant." [

Then North Dakota Human Services director Carol Olson weighed in with
the same Chicken-Little message, raising the specter of federal
cutbacks. How could anyone so brazenly ignore the well-being of

This catapulted Mitch Sanderson's sleeper initiative into the most-
debated topic throughout the state. Soon former governor Ed Schaeffer
announced his support for the shared parenting measure.

Schaeffer also chastised the lawyer-dominated state legislature for
dragging its feet on the issue. Remember, when divorcing couples
litigate high-priced child custody disputes, it's the lawyers who
make out like bandits.

Proving Mr. Schaeffer's point to be true, the North Dakota bar
association soon jumped into the fray. The attorneys hastily
assembled a front organization known as the North Dakota Concerned
Citizens for Children's Rights. Soon the group was resorting to scare
tactics such as the claim that shared parenting would "dismantle the
current child support system."


Two years ago a similar ballot measure was presented to the voters of
Massachusetts, where 85% of the electorate approved the idea.

But this time, the lawyers, social workers, and others who profit
from family break-up succeeded in sowing enough confusion to tip the
balance. This past Tuesday, the shared parenting measure was defeated
by a 56% to 44% margin, thus dashing the hopes of Mitch Sanderson,
Myrna Meidinger, and the many kids who, like the persons who wrote
loving tributes in Tim Russert's book, long to see their daddies.

(Transporter's note: Like many activists that do not evaluate
the 'big picture' and focus on portions of the problem, it is more
likely that the voting was merely fixed. Fixed voting is
documented. One may only spend money for a counter theme and give
the ILLUSION that the public COULD believe the propaganda, THEN MERELY
of New Orleans, LA & 36 Other State's Elections Fixed -

Brock Chisolm, former head of the World Health Organization, once
admitted, "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove
from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family
traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." Men are often
the staunchest defenders of those democratic ideals, so it only makes
sense to marginalize males by any means possible.

Usually the Lefties work their mischief behind closed doors. But this
time around, the rats came scurrying out of the woodwork.

Carey Roberts analyzes and lampoons political correctness. His best-
known work is an exposi on Marxism and radical feminism. Mr. Roberts'
work has been cited on the Rush Limbaugh show and has been published
regularly in The Washington Times. Besides serving as a Guest Writer
for, he has published at,, Men's News Daily, and elsewhere.

Downsize DC, - Read The Bill
Act, Many other
quick and simple ways to email your voice on Constitutional rights
and organizing for activism -

Dei Jurum Conventus

Ed Ward, MD;
Independent writer/Media Liaison for The Price of Liberty;



Nov 26, 2006, 1:28:46 AM11/26/06

SOURCE: Earth First! Journal





Dear Friends:





Olmert on
Truth Serum

Olmert's just a ton o' laughs these days. First, he confirms the

existence and massive power of the Israel lobby, thus putting the last

nail into Chomsky's intellectual coffin (btw, it is not an

exaggeration to note that Venezuela lost its bid for a security

council seat the minute Hugo Chavez mentioned Chomsky's name in his UN


Afghanistan: Behind the Burqas

Activist with Afghani organization for women's rights RAWA tells Ynet
women's situation in Afghanistan even worse than before American

Rape, kidnapping, murder go unpunished. `Without western interference,
could happen again,' warns Sahar Saab

Tamar Dressler
Published: 11.24.06, 21:34

"I know what they tell you in the West about the situation here,"
Sahar Saab

sighs despairingly. Saab, an activist with the women's movement RAWA
operates almost underground in Afghanistan, adds, "They tell you women's

fights for women's rights, for their assimilation into the political

and the establishment of a democratic regime based on secular principles.

But even after three decades of partially underground activity, "women's

rights" remains an unknown term in most of the torn nation. Women are
persecuted, kidnapped and raped, and no one pays the price for these
The movement mostly deals with rehabilitating women and children hurt
the war years, aiding sexually assaulted women, providing medical
and operating schools in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan.

Before the invasion of the country in 1979, which ended two decades of
Soviet rule, the Afghani government was relatively moderate. Women were
allowed to study and work and served as teachers, doctors and lawyers.
However, the invasion altered the situation, and RAWA founder Meena was

murdered in Pakistan at the end of the 1980's due to her opposition to
Soviet regime.

Despite being harassed during the years of the communist rule, the
earned relative success. Some activists were even sent to Pakistan where
they established homes for children and taught local women to read and
write, English, and even nursing.

In 1996, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Shaaria rule was
and Afghani lived under the terror of Muslim extremism. Women were
to study, work or leave their houses without the accompaniment of a
member. They were forbidden to address judicial institutions, and were
certainly barred from recreational activities, singing, showing their
to men or wearing makeup. Women were stoned to death for daring to
refuse an
arranged marriage; young girls were kidnapped by soldiers and Taliban
commanders, and after being raped were abandoned by their own families.

Persecuted and condemned for their secular beliefs, RAWA activists

to fight the Taliban's crimes. Simultaneously, they set up an underground

network of temporary schools and orphanages, to avoid discovery and
certain death.

Following the terror attacks on September 11 and the entry of American
forces into Afghanistan, in 2001 the Taliban regime came to an end.
its members continue to rule extended parts of the nation, and their
has even increased recently.

`Telling our story everywhere possible'

"We fear the only way to break through the world's awareness is to

tell our
story through any media possible, and this is why I am speaking with
Saab explains why, despite the dangers involved, she agreed to be
interviewed for the Israeli press.

"My activities in RAWA enable me to take advantage of every
opportunity to
turn to officials in the West and tell them they must take responsibility

for what is happening in Afghanistan today. You can't close your eyes and
think the war succeeded, because it didn't.

"Unfortunately, if the West doesn't interfere and help set up a true

democratic government, September 11 could happen again. I see the Taliban
gaining popularity lately and being strengthened in certain parts of the
country. Therefore I turn to you with the request to help us continue to

fight for women's rights and a democratic leadership."

Is there no change in civilian life?

"The situation is difficult not only for women but for the entire
population. In many areas there is no water, electricity or
employment. The

world reports America's `victory' over the Taliban, but in real life

it is
not so at all. Thus, for example, although there is no official ban on
studying in university, few do so due to the dangers ambushing women
in the

city. If you don't live in central Kabul, it is not safe to wander alone.

Aside from that Kabul has only one university, and women have to deal
the family tradition that discourages (women from) studying.

"In spite of everything, our aim is to continue acting. We want to
illiteracy and educate women. We dream of computer courses for women, and
aim to open more hospitals like the one we established in Pakistan, which
stopped operating for six years but was reopened in 2001. We are
acting for

the whole of the Afghan people, because you can't advance women without
advancing those around them."

Do you feel you are endangering youself?

"Yes, definitely. Even today it is dangerous to be associated with
RAWA and
we operate almost completely in secrecy."

`We'll continue to fight for democracy'

Saab, who lives in Kabul, readily admits that her situation is relatively
comfortable compared to most Afghanis over 30 million residents,
more than
half of whom are below the national poverty level. She speaks fluent
English; her education helps her maintain contacts with women
throughout the
world, and her cellular phone lets her tell her story to anyone
willing to

Compared to most Afghani women, Saab is lucky. The May 2005 Amnesty
International report declared that countless women and girls suffer
inflicted by family members and professionals, including police officers,

and they don't dare complain. The judicial system and the public show

mercy towards such criminals, and the local regime cooperates with
Muslim elements. Investigators further claim that aid provided by

organizations in the past five years actually worsened women's condition.

In the absence of public antagonism towards the severe abuses women
Saab has difficulty numbering the female victims. She says that daily
women report incidents of rape and kidnapping, but she estimated that the
true numbers are much higher.

Via their website, which include dozens of reports, mostly accompanied by
photographs that are especially difficult to view, they collect
and record every incident.

"It is hard for us to see Islamic extremists and Northern Alliance
sitting in the government instead of being tried for their crimes,"
she sums

up. "We want to tell them we will not forgive nor forget; we'll continue



Dei Jurum Conventus



Nov 26, 2006, 1:42:37 AM11/26/06
Free Americans Reaching Out to Amerika's
Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

November 25, 2006

From: Rich Winkel <>

Munchausen Obstetrics

Lithotomy Position

Thank you.

Rich Winkel


President, USA Exile Govt.

Dec 5, 2006, 1:25:45 PM12/5/06
Free Americans
Reaching Out to Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free

Via <>

December 5, 2006

NOTE: This piece fails to explain that the brown clouds reduce
rainfall because the particulate pollution in them causes
temperature-lowing shade which in turn causes the rain-making nodules
to freeze before they're large enough to make it all the way down to
the planet's surface. So they merely leak from the cloud in a virga,
vaporize in warmer temperatures at lower altitudes and all that happens
at the surface is a slight increase in humidity. -- kl, pp

'Reducing Rice Harvest'

Pollution-laden clouds may be partly to blame for India's dwindling
rice harvests, according to research.

A US team found brown clouds, which cloak much of South Asia, have a
negative impact on rice output by reducing sunlight and rainfall.

They discovered elevated levels of greenhouse gases also reduced

The study, reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, came a day after researchers said new crops adapted to a
warmer climate are needed.

Since the 1980s, India has faced ever-declining harvests of its staple
food, raising concerns that shortages could occur.

To investigate the cause, researchers looked at the impact of the
"brown clouds" or "Asian haze" which cover the region.

South Asia has one of the most widespread atmospheric brown clouds on
the planet.

Blocking the rays

These layers of air pollution, which contain soot and other fine
particles, are primarily created from burning fossil fuels and other
organic matter.

The clouds interfere with the local climate by blocking the Sun's
radiation from reaching the ground, leading to cooler and dimmer
conditions. Recent research has revealed the polluted haze can also
reduce rainfall.

Using climate models and historical data on Indian rice harvests, the
team built up a picture of the brown clouds' effect on rice growth over
the years.

"We found if there had been no atmospheric brown clouds between 1985
and 1998, the annual rice harvest yield would have been 11% higher than
it was," said Maximilian Auffhammer of the University of California at

The team concluded the clouds had a negative effect on rice yields.

He said while the cooler night-time temperatures caused by the clouds
were beneficial for the rice, the negative impact of the decreasing
rainfall outweighed these benefits.

Useful levers

Yields would also have been higher under lower concentrations of
greenhouse gases, the researchers found.

Many researchers, Dr Auffhammer told the BBC News website, had been
worried that reducing brown clouds could boost temperatures and so
further diminish rice yields.

This was because previous research found the clouds' cooling
properties can mask the heating effect of greenhouse gases.

But, he said, the team's findings revealed that reducing clouds alone
or with reductions in greenhouse gases would benefit rice output.

He added the study only looked into farming regions which used rain to
water their crops. He said the effect would be less pronounced on areas
which relied on other irrigation methods.

On Monday, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR), the global network of research centres devoted to
farming in developing countries, warned of an urgent need to develop
new strains of staple crops, including rice, which are tailored to the
changed conditions of the future.

The researchers said they now plan to look at other countries with
polluted atmospheres, such as China and Indonesia.

Dr Auffhammer said: "I think this research is crucial because it gives
policymakers a lever to increase rice output.

"This study shows that decreasing the levels of these particulates may
boost agricultural output."


From: David West <>
Date: December 5, 2006 9:51:13 AM EST
Subject: New information regarding Tamiflu

Information Update
November 29, 2006
For immediate release

New Information
Regarding Tamiflu

OTTAWA - Health Canada is informing Canadians of international reports
of hallucinations and abnormal behaviour, including self harm, in
patients taking the antiviral drug Tamiflu. These reports include
children and teenagers, primarily from Japan. While the connection with
the drug in these cases has not yet been proven, high fever or other
complications of influenza can affect mental state, which in turn can
lead to abnormal behaviour. Health Canada has not received any such
reports in Canada and is continuing to actively monitor adverse events
reported for Tamiflu.

As of November 11, 2006, there have been 84 reports of adverse events
occurring in Canadian patients using Tamiflu, including 10 which
reported a fatal outcome. A causal relationship has not been confirmed
in these cases. There have been seven Canadian reports of psychiatric
adverse events, suspected by those reporting the events, due to
Tamiflu, most involving elderly patients. There have been no Canadian
reports of abnormal behaviour or deaths involving children.

Health Canada has requested that the manufacturer of Tamiflu,
Hoffmann-La Roche Limited, update the Canadian prescribing information
for Tamiflu to include this new information.

Health Canada continues to monitor the safety of Tamiflu and will
continue to inform Canadians if new safety information arises.

Canadians taking Tamiflu should consult with their physician if they
have any questions or concerns.

Any serious or unexpected adverse reactions in patients receiving
Tamiflu should be reported to the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction
Monitoring Program (CADRMP) of Health Canada by one of the following
Telephone: 1-866-234-2345
Facsimile: 1-866-678-6789
Marketed Health Products Directorate
Tunney's Pasture, AL 0701C

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

House Demolitions in the
West Bank

Here we can see one of the relatively rare accounts of the ongoing
Israeli war crime of house demolitions in the West Bank (see also here;
of course resistance to war crimes, according to the colorfully but
inaccurately named Human Rights Watch (C unless the name is somebody!/s
idea of a sick joke, or unless they are watching to ensure nobody has
any human rights (C is the real crime), part of the process of clearing
out the vermin so that the Chosen People can have some Lebensraum.
This has been going on since 1967, under a number of excuses (C
sometimes bureaucratic and sometimes expressly collective punishment (C
and sometimes no excuse at all, and it is abundantly clear, to anyone
not consumed by tribal considerations, that house demolitions are a
major part of a planned long-term program of politically acceptable
ethnic cleansing. Those who !.stand for!/ Israel are standing for a
terrible series of crimes, and are as reprehensible as is the state of
Israel itself.

posted at 4:37 AM


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: December 4, 2006 6:27:15 PM EST
Subject: Former senator on the power of the Israel lobby

Do you still think the Israel lobby does not control the US Congress
and media? Think again!


Subject: Former Senator James Abourezk on Chomsky and the Lobby
From: Jeffrey Blankfort <>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 21:34:59 -0800

The following letter was sent to me today by James Abourezk, former US
Senator from South Dakota, and he readily complied when I asked that I
be allowed to forward it to my list because what he had to say is of
the utmost importance, given last month's election and all the new
faces in Congress, and the immediate previous posting to you and James
Petras's article earlier in the day..

*/Jim Abourezk <>/* wrote:

Dear Jeff:
I just finished reading your critique of Noam Chomsky's
in an e mail sent to me by Tony Saidy.
I had never paid much attention to Chomsky's writings, as I had
all along assumed that he was correct and proper in his position
on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
But now, upon learning that his first assumption is that
Israel is
simply doing what the imperial leaders in the U.S. wants them to
do, I concur with you that this assumption is completely wrong.
I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the
Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely
on political fear--fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what
Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of
Congress--at least when I served there--have any affection for
Israel or for its Lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is
silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel. I've
heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the
Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they're pushed
around by the Lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the
dislike of Israel and the tactics of the Lobby, but not one of
them is willing to risk the Lobby's animosity by making their
feelings public.
Thus, I see no desire on the part of Members of Congress to
further any U.S. imperial dreams by using Israel as their pit
bull. The only exceptions to that rule are the feelings of Jewish
members, whom, I believe, are sincere in their efforts to keep
U.S. money flowing to Israel. But that minority does not a U.S.
imperial policy make.
Secondly, the Lobby is quite clear in its efforts to suppress
congressional dissent from the policy of complete support for
Israel which might hurt annual appropriations. Even one voice is
attacked, as I was, on grounds that if Congress is completely
silent on the issue, the press will have no one to quote, which
effectively silences the press as well. Any journalists or
editors who step out of line are quickly brought under control by
well organized economic pressure against the newspaper caught
I once made a trip through the Middle East, taking with me a
reporter friend who wrote for Knight-Ridder newspapers. He was
writing honestly about what he saw with respect to the
Palestinians and other countries bordering on Israel. The St.
Paul Pioneer press executives received threats from several of
their large advertisers that their advertising would be terminated
if they continued publishing the journalist's articles. It's a
lesson quickly learned by those who controlled the paper.
With respect to the positions of several administrations on the
question of Israel, there are two things that bring them into
line: One is pressure from members of Congress who bring that
pressure resulting in the demands of AIPAC, and the other is the
desire on the part of the President and his advisers to keep their
respective political parties from crumbling under that pressure.
I do not recall a single instance where any administration saw the
need for Israel's military power to advance U.S. Imperial
interests. In fact, as we saw in the Gulf War, Israel's
involvement was detrimental to what Bush, Sr. wanted to accomplish
in that war. They had, as you might remember, to suppress any
Israeli assistance so that the coalition would not be destroyed by
their involvement.
So far as the argument that we need to use Israel as a base for
U.S. operations, I'm not aware of any U.S. bases there of any
kind. The U.S. has enough military bases, and fleets, in the area
to be able to handle any kind of military needs without using
Israel. In fact I can't think of an instance where the U.S. would
want to involve Israel militarily for fear of upsetting the
current allies the U.S. has, i.e., Saudi Arabia and the Emirates.
The public in those countries would not allow the monarchies to
continue their alliance with the U.S. should Israel become involved.
I suppose one could argue that Bush's encouragement of Israel
the Lebanon war this summer was the result of some imperial urge,
but it was merely an extension of the U.S. policy of helping
Israel because of the Lobby's continual pressure. In fact, I
heard not one voice of opposition to the Israeli invasion of
Lebanon this summer (except Chuck Hagel). Lebanon always has been
a "throw away" country so far as the congress is concerned, that
is, what happens there has no effect on U.S. interests. There is
no Lebanon Lobby. The same was true in 1982, when the Congress
fell completely silent over the invasion that year.
I think in the heart of hearts of both members of congress and
the administrations they would prefer not to have Israel fouling
things up for U.S. foreign policy, which is to keep oil flowing to
the Western world to prevent an economic depression. But what our
policy makers do is to juggle the Lobby's pressure on them to
support Israel with keeping the oil countries from cutting off oil
to the western nations. So far they've been able to do that. With
the exception of King Feisal and his oil embargo, there hasn't
been a Saudi leader able to stand up to U.S. policy.
So I believe that divestment, and especially cutting off U.S.
to Israel would immediately result in Israel's giving up the West
Bank and leaving the Gaza to the Palestinians. Such pressure
would work, I think, because the Israeli public would be able to
determine what is causing their misery and would demand that an
immediate peace agreement be made with the Palestinians. It would
work _because_ of the democracy there, unlike sanctions against a
dictatorship where the public could do little about changing their
leaders' minds. One need only look at the objectives of the
Israeli Lobby to determine how to best change their minds. The
Lobby's principal objectives are to keep money flowing from the
U.S. treasury to Israel, requiring a docile congress and a
compliant administration. As Willie Sutton once said, "That's
where the money is."
Jim Abourezk


From: Henri <>
Date: December 5, 2006 2:52:14 AM EST
Subject: Spread Freedom For The Holidays!!!

From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:20 PM
Subject: Spread Freedom For The Holidays!!!



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In addition to giving AFTF DVDs as gifts I would like to encourage
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holidays screening AFTF at house parties.

I hope you, your family and friends had a great Thanksgiving and may
you have wonderful Christmas Season!

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Aaron Russo


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847-878-8090 c


From: Henri <>
Date: December 4, 2006 11:42:29 PM EST
Subject: We are unloved!!!

Shias Also Lose Faith in Iraqi 'Government'

By Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily
Inter Press Service

BAGHDAD (IPS) -- The noisy demonstration that greeted Iraqi Prime
Minister Noori al-Maliki on his visit to Sadr City last week was more
than just a protest. It meant that the leader of a Shia-dominated
government was being rejected by an angry and influential group of

Maliki's heavily guarded convoy was pelted with stones and with shoes
-- a grave insult in Iraq. And this happened in a Shia area.

About 60 percent of the 25 million population of Iraq is Shia, and Shia
leaders now dominate government. The government faces increasingly more
aggressive opposition from Sunni groups who feel persecuted.

Sunnis, an estimated five million, were the dominant group earlier
under the regime of Saddam Hussein. The rest of the Iraqi population is
Kurdish in the north. Kurds include both Shias and Sunnis, but stand
apart ethnically as Kurds.

Iraq is now a deeply divided Muslim world. Sectarian clashes between
Shia and Sunni groups have been growing by the day. Shias are a Muslim
group who believe - unlike the Sunnis -- that Prophet Muhammad
designated his nephew Imam Ali to lead the Islamic community after his
death. That old schism is now deepening.

Sunni insurgents are suspected in the bomb blasts that killed more than
200 in Sadr City. Noori al-Maliki had gone there to pay condolences to
the families of the car bomb victims. But he was abused as a traitor to
the cause of Shias.

"He and other Dawa party leaders did not keep the promises made to the
Sadr movement before the elections," a leader of Shia cleric Muqtada
al-Sadr's movement told IPS in Baghdad. Noori al-Maliki is from the
Shia Dawa party, but the Sadr group is far more influential among Shias
in this area.

"People are complaining that this government is not paying any
attention to them and their ruined city despite the huge contracts
signed for reconstruction," the Sadr leader said. "We believe that this
government is not suitable for leading the country, and we might
withdraw support to it if no major change is conducted."

Differences also arose between Maliki and the Sadr movement, on which
he depends heavily for political support, over his meeting with U.S.
President George W. Bush in Amman last week.

The Sadr movement has 30 MPs in the Iraqi government, and a withdrawal
could damage a government with little popular support.

The Mehdi Army, the armed wing of the Sadr group, has issued stern
warnings over the government's relations with the United States.
"America is our enemy, and Bush wants to save his chair and party at
our expense," Hussein al-Bahadly of the Mehdi Army told IPS. "The Amman
meeting was a conspiracy against the Shias, especially that King
Abdullah of Jordan was its godfather."

Both Iraqi and Iranian Shias consider King Abdullah of Jordan an enemy
because his father, King Hussein, supported Sunni-administered Iraq
during the Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s.

Disquiet is arising all around because the present Iraqi government is
losing support and so is the United States in its occupation of Iraq.
Recent news that Britain expects to withdraw its 7,000 troops from
southern Iraq by the end of next year is likely to bring further
frustration to the Iraqi government and the embattled Bush

Italy and Poland have already announced withdrawal of their remaining

These forces in the south are likely to be replaced by U.S. troops, who
are then likely to face increased attacks from the Mehdi Army, which
has already launched an uprising twice against occupation forces.

Further frustrating Washington is the recent visit to Tehran by Iraqi
President Jalal Talabani. Talabani is seeking help from Iran for
preventing Iraq's extreme violence from sliding into all-out civil war.

Much of western media already calls the violence in Iraq a civil war,
but many within the country remain reluctant to do so.

"Civil war as the media expresses is not yet a solid fact," professor
of political science at Baghdad University Zahiu Yassen told IPS. "The
violence is still within the limits of political conflict between
ruling parties, and all the killings are conducted by gangs hired by
politicians. No Iraqi has killed his neighbour for being Sunni or Shia,
but how long would people keep reason and patience?"

Shia death squads composed of members of the Mehdi Army and the Badr
Army, the armed wing of the Iran-backed Supreme Council for Islamic
Revolution in Iraq are responsible for much of the recent bloodshed in
the country. Sunni insurgents too have been hitting back.

It is widely believed that Shia militia groups are backed by senior
Shia leaders in the government and parliament.

(c)2006 Dahr Jamail.

More writing, commentary, photography, pictures and images at


From: Henri <>
Date: December 4, 2006 6:23:19 PM EST
To: AA Henri the Celt <>

Subject: MUST READ: Russian General Explains International Terrorism &
9/11 all staged by CIA/Mossad/MI-6; "War on Terror" is actually "War on

Comment: Please forgive the lack of formatting...

Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 12:01 PM
Subject: FW: MUST READ: Russian General Explains International
Terrorism & 9/11 all staged by CIA/Mossad/MI-6; "War on Terror" is
actually "War on Peace"

From: Alex James <>
Organization: totaltruthsciences
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 00:04:29 +0300
To: Alex James <>
Subject: MUST READ: Russian General Explains International Terrorism &
9/11 all staged by CIA/Mossad/MI-6; "War on Terror" is actually "War on

General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of Staff of the Russian armed
forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. General Leonid
Ivashov is the vice-president of the Academy on geopolitical affairs.
He was the chief of the department for General affairs in the Soviet
Union#_s ministry of Defense, secretary of the Council of defense
ministers of the Community of independant states (CIS), chief of the
Military cooperation department at the Russian federation#_s Ministry of
defense and Joint chief of staff of the Russian armies.

Just like British MP Robin Cook and French Colonel and many others,
Russian General Leonid Ivashov explains that 9/11 and International
Terrorism are all staged by the CIA/Mossad/MI-6.

The !0War on Terror!1 is actually a !0War on Peace!1.

The main target of the world elite is the historical, cultural,
traditional and natural reality; the existing system of relations among
states; the world national and state order of human civilization and
national identity.

At the same time, international terrorism, in complicity with the
media, becomes the manager of global processes. It is precisely the
symbiosis between media and terror, which allows modifying
international politics and the exiting reality.

[] On Behalf Of Debi Clark
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:47 PM
Subject: [TruePatriotsUnite] Fw: Russian General Says, International
Terrorism does not Exist!

General Leonid Ivashov with journalist Christopher Bollyn from
American Free Press

General Ivashov: #_International terrorism does not exist#_ [Voltaire]

Axis for Peace
General Ivashov: #_International terrorism does not exist#_
by General Leonid Ivashov *

General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of Staff of the Russian armed
forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. This military
man, who lived the events from the inside, offers an analysis which is
very different to that of his colleagues. As he did during the Axis for
Peace 2005 <> conference, he now explains
that international terrorism does not exist and that the September 11
attacks were the result of a set-up. What we are seeing is a
manipulation by the big powers; this terrorism would not exist without
them. He affirms that, instead of faking a #_world war on terror#_, the
best way to reduce that kind of attacks is through respect for
international law and peaceful cooperation among countries and their

17 January 2006

Brussels (Belgium)

Global war on "terrorism"
Axis for Peace <>

General Leonid Ivashov (left) at the Axis for Peace Conference 2005 in
Brussels, with Webster Tarpley As the current international situation
shows, terrorism emerges where contradiction aggravate, where there is
a change of social relations or a change of regime, where there is
political, economic or social instability, where there is moral
decadence, where cynicism and nihilism triumph, where vice is legalized
and where crime spreads.

It is globalization what creates the conditions for the emergence of
these extremely dangerous phenomena. It is in this context that the new
world geo-strategic map is being designed, that the resources of the
planet are being re-distributed, that borders are disappearing, that
international law is being torn into pieces, that cultural identities
are being erased, that spiritual life becomes impoverished...

The analysis of the essence of the globalization process, the military
and political doctrines of the United States and other countries, shows
that terrorism contributes to a world dominance and the submissiveness
of states to a global oligarchy. This means that terrorism is not
something independent of world politics but simply an instrument, a
means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a
pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new
world elite. It is precisely this elite that constitutes the key
element of world terrorism, its ideologist and its #_godfather#_. The
main target of the world elite is the historical, cultural, traditional
and natural reality; the existing system of relations among states; the
world national and state order of human civilization and national

Today#_s international terrorism is a phenomenon that combines the use
of terror by state and non-state political structures as a means to
attain their political objectives through people#_s intimidation,
psychological and social destabilization, the elimination of resistance
inside power organizations and the creation of appropriate conditions
for the manipulation of the countries#_ policies and the behavior of

Terrorism is the weapon used in a new type of war [by the feudal elite
against the masses]. At the same time, international terrorism, in
complicity with the media, becomes the manager of global processes. It
is precisely the symbiosis between media and terror, which allows
modifying international politics and the exiting reality.

In this context, if we analyze what happened on September 11, 2001, in
the United States, we can arrive at the following conclusions: 1.
The organizers of those attacks were the political and business circles
interested in destabilizing the world order and who had the means
necessary to finance the operation. The political conception of this
action matured there where tensions emerged in the administration of
financial and other types of resources. We have to look for the reasons
of the attacks in the coincidence of interests of the big capital at
global and transnational levels, in the circles that were not satisfied
with the rhythm of the globalization process or its direction. 2.
Unlike traditional wars, whose conception is determined by generals and
politicians, the oligarchs and politicians submitted to the former were
the ones who did it this time. 3. Only secret services and their
current chiefs #_ or those retired but still having influence inside
the state organizations #_ have the ability to plan, organize and
conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services
create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the
support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist #_ let
alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well
protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is
extremely complex. 4. Osama bin Laden and #_Al Qaeda#_ cannot be the
organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not
have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of
professionals had to be created and the Arab kamikazes are just extras
to mask the operation. 5. The September 11 operation modified the
course of events in the world in the direction chosen by transnational
mafias and international oligarchs; that is, those who hope to control
the planet#_s natural resources, the world information network and the
financial flows. This operation also favored the US economic and
political elite that also seeks world dominance. The use of the term
#_international terrorism#_ has the following goals:

--Hiding the real objectives of the forces deployed all over the
world in the struggle for dominance and control; Turning the people#_s
demands to a struggle of undefined goals against an invisible enemy;

--Destroying basic international norms and changing concepts such as:
aggression, state terror, dictatorship or movement of national

--Depriving peoples of their legitimate right to fight against
aggressions and to reject the work of foreign intelligence services;

-- Establishing the principle of renunciation to national interests,
transforming objectives in the military field by giving priority to the
war on terror, violating the logic of military alliances to the
detriment of a joint defense and to favor the anti-terrorist coalition;

-- Solving economic problems through a tough military rule using the
war on terror as a pretext.

In order to fight in an efficient way against international terrorism
it is necessary to take the following steps:

-- To confirm before the UN General Assembly the principles of the UN
Charter and international law as principles that all states are obliged
to respect;

-- To create a geo-strategic organization (perhaps inspired in the
Cooperation Organization of Shanghai comprised of Russia, China,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) with a set of values
different to that of the Atlantists; to design a strategy of
development of states, a system of international security, another
financial and economic model (which would mean that the world would
again rest on two pillars);

- To associate (under the United Nations) the scientific elites in
the design and promotion of the philosophical concepts of the Human
Being of the 21st Century.

-- To organize the interaction of all religious denominations in the
world, on behalf of the stability of humanity#_s development, security
and mutual support.

General Leonid Ivashov
General Leonid Ivashov is the vice-president of the Academy on
geopolitical affairs. He was the chief of the department for General
affairs in the Soviet Union#_s ministry of Defense, secretary of the
Council of defense ministers of the Community of independant states
(CIS), chief of the Military cooperation department at the Russian
federation#_s Ministry of defense and Joint chief of staff of the
Russian armies.


From: "Janice Matthews" <>
Date: December 4, 2006 2:33:54 PM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <>, "Michael Berger"
<>, "" <>
Subject: Fwd: Rumsfield replacement (Robert Gates) was director of
voting company

Oh my gosh.... it just never ends! First I've seen of this particular
aspect of Mr. Gates' long and sordid history!! Also, important to read
the PS here... how can we support this guy?


In case anyone missed this little nugget:

> Permission to excerpt or reprint granted, with link
> to
Rumsfield Replacement (Robert
Gates) Was Director of Voting Company

by Bev Harris
> Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfield will resign,
> reportedly to be replaced by former CIA director
> Robert Gates.
> Gates was on the board of directors of VoteHere, a
> strange little company that was the biggest
> elections industry lobbyist for the Help America
> Vote Act (HAVA). VoteHere spent more money than
> ES&S, Diebold, and Sequoia combined to help ram HAVA
> through. And HAVA, of course, was a bill sponsored
> by convicted Abramoff pal Bob Ney and K-street
> lobbyist buddy Steny Hoyer. HAVA put electronic
> voting on steroids.
> You can find copies of the VoteHere lobbying forms
> here:
> I can't get them to save to pdf, perhaps you can.
> Enter search terms in both "registrant" and "client"
> fields and put in terms "Rhoads" "Livingston" and
> "Votehere" (one at a time.). Then look at the gravy
> train while it was in the process of derailing
> American democracy.
> I first became acquainted with VoteHere when I met a
> source, Dan Spillane, who is the wonderful guy that
> identified the Diebold source code modules for me
> after I found the Diebold files. He is the person
> who introduced me, and subsequently everyone else,
> to the odd role of The Election Center and R. Doug
> Lewis in the elections industry.
> Spillane also filled me in on The Livingston Group,
> VoteHere lobbyists, run by Bob Livingston -- the
> fellow that Hustler publisher Larry Flynt outed
> during the Bill Clinton blow job days. Larry Flynt
> offered a million dollars to anyone who could locate
> a Republican congressman committing adultery, and
> out popped peccadilloes by Livingston.
> Livingston couldn't live that one down, so he
> resigned his post as House Speaker-Elect and became
> a lobbyist -- but that's not all! He also launched a
> group called "Center for Democracy" which was going
> to "monitor elections." This group also featured
> several good old boys from the tobacco industry and
> some mining companies.
> Former VoteHere test engineer Dan Spillane was
> looking into all this because he had been fired
> after he questioned the certification process on a
> touch-screen system in which he had identified 250
> flaws. It was way back in November 2002 that
> Spillane told me, "The voting machine industry is a
> house of cards. And the certification and testing
> process is the bottom card in the house of cards."
> There's more.
> VoteHere was a company shilling cryptographic
> solutions and filled with NSA types (another
> director was Admiral Bill Owens, another crony of
> Rummy, Perle and Wolfowitz). For some reason this
> company claims it was unable to prevent itself from
> being hacked. In this alleged hack, VoteHere claims
> that someone stole their source code. Said source
> code was offered to me in October 2003, an obvious
> attempt at entrapment which I refused.
> Nevertheless, VoteHere claimed to the media that its
> master security experts had supposedly "tracked" the
> hacker and had identified the hacker as an activist
> in the election reform community.
> For some reason, it was decided that I should be
> investigated in connection with this "hack" of
> VoteHere -- nevermind that I can't remember how to
> change the password on my own laptop. Therefore I
> was interviewed by the Secret Service several times
> about this. Curiously, they never seemed to ask any
> questions about VoteHere, only my role in finding
> the Diebold files and publishing the Diebold memos.
> This nonsense eventually culminated in a gag order
> and a letter from the U.S. Attorney to appear in
> front of a federal grand jury with information on
> all the visitors to the Black Box Voting Web site.
> (As if they couldn't get that in less dramatic ways
> in post-Patriot Act America). Attorney Lowell Finley
> (now with ) went to bat
> for me on this. A reporter named George Howland from
> the Seattle Weekly also got wind of it. When it hit
> the press, and with Lowell Finley's help, their
> harassment of me stopped.
> VoteHere never sold any voting machines that I can
> find, but apparently did set up some deals to embed
> its cryptography into some voting systems. We found
> memos in the Diebold trash about VoteHere's
> crypto-crap, and Maryland Director of Elections
> Linda Lamone shows up in VoteHere-related letters.
> Sequoia Voting Systems signed an agreement with
> VoteHere, but its not clear to me whether they ever
> did anything about it.
> Robert Gates stepped away from VoteHere shortly
> before he showed up in Chapter 8 of my book, Black
> Box Voting, in a short bit about the VoteHere
> company history. You can read that here:
> I don't know about you, but I'd rather use a paper,
> pencil, and count by hand at the polling place than
> have former CIA director Robert Gates fooling around
> with my vote.
> But that's just me.
> -- Bev Harris
> Founder, Black Box Voting
> P.S. Since the HBO special, I have plenty of moral
> support, but even after the Secret Service
> interviews and all the rest of the nonsense my
> husband and I have had to put up with, there are
> others who have had it rougher.
> I'd like you to take a moment to visit this Web site
> -- not affiliated with Black Box Voting -- to meet
> one of the heroic citizens in this movement who has
> faced the most brutal retaliation of all:
> Stephen Heller. If you saw the HBO film "Hacking
> Democracy" you may remember a scene where I am
> chastising Diebold for lying about correcting
> problems with its product. I refer to "Release
> Notes." Those notes came from a source. Stephen
> Heller is being threatened with up to five years in
> prison for allegedly leaking me those documents.
> Kevin Shelley then decertified Diebold, and
> recommended criminal prosecution of Diebold. Diebold
> was never prosecuted, but Stephen Heller is being
> prosecuted RIGHT NOW. I hope you will donate to his
> defense. If not for citizens like him, where would
> your vote be now?
> To contribute to Stephen Heller's defense fund:
> * * * * *
> Black Box Voting is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501c(3)
> elections watchdog group supported entirely by
> citizen donations. We refuse funds from any vendor
> or vested interest.
> To support Black Box Voting: click to
> or send
> to:
> Black Box Voting
> 330 SW 43rd St Suite K
> PMB 547
> Renton WA 98055
> * * * * *
> Citizens Tool Kit:

"This is not an election anymore, it's an intervention." --Andrew
Sullivan, conservative reporter

How to Steal an Election:

George W. Bush: Putting the "Dubya" in "WTF?"


From: Rick Davis <>
Date: December 4, 2006 5:36:02 PM EST
Subject: How prepared are Americans for the Crash?

Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for peak oil
than the US


Because this presentation contains many slides I won't email it, but
it's well worth the read! This comparative analysis of the US and USSR
is a great primer that can help readers prepare themselves for the
inevitable crash, which could happen any time considering that the US
economy is barely hanging on by a thread. Readers in other countries
should also take note, because when the US economy crashes, it's going
to send an economic tsunami around the world.


From: Henri <>
Date: December 4, 2006 2:33:28 PM EST
Subject: Germany Goes Bankrupt Too!

Goes Bankrupt Too!

By Martin W. Hennecke From: hengist
December 1, 2006

<> <>

Regular readers of websites like this one will already be well
informed of
the onrushing financial collapse and national bankruptcy of the United
States, as this topic is receiving ample coverage nowadays from an
abundance of writers and economists, including unmistakable warnings
former senior government officials and central bankers as well as from
very institutions that are presently in charge, such as the
.ece> Monetary Fund, the Bank of
International Settlements or the US Federal Reserve. So I will save
repeating the obvious here, suffice to say that anyone who is new to the
real world and would scoff at such notion may want to start educating
himself/herself by reading some introductory books such as Bill Bonner's
'Empire of Debt <>
', or
browse the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' report 'Is
Kotlikoff.pdf> the
United States Bankrupt?' published earlier this year.

What a large number of even the more educated US Dollar bear-and US
financial crisis expectation camp however do NOT seem to be aware of is
global nature of the problem. It is completely wrong to assume, for
that the Euro or the British Pound are inherently 'hard' and healthy
currencies that would provide protection from a plunging US Dollar. It
not known by most, that in fact the majority of the Western 'developed'
world and not just the United States is facing national bankruptcy
ahead, and that this has been officially predicted by the world's
rating agency, Standard & Poor's.

US, Germany, France and UK face junk debt status

Chart <>
Source: Standard & Poor's

It has also largely gone unnoticed that Germany
<> 's
capital city Berlin just went officially bankrupt, and that Standard &
Poor's has revised its rating outlook for Germany since publication of
above chart, stating that the
country may loose its triple-A credit rating on sovereign bonds already
in 2007,
which would speed up the previous sovereign default projection as above
roughly 10 years. Weimar II is much closer than most people would

It is the same old story time and time again that repeats itself.
Governments go too deep into debt, lose control of their budget
and then have to hyperinflate their currencies to get out of unpayable
There is not a single case in history where this has NOT happened. And
most investors who seek 'safety' today mostly still choose to invest in
government bonds or bank deposit thinking it is safe and earns a
'yield'. I
am afraid, not only is such yield mostly an illusion, as true inflation
nowadays is at least as high as the interest earned on deposit or
bonds, but the entire capital invested is now at acute risk of being
destroyed through either default or hyperinflation, whether it is UK
German bunds or US T-bills, it really doesn't matter, although, unlike
projected in the above chart, my guess is that the US will be hit first
hardest, due to the large trade deficit on top of the debt.

worthless money

Source: <>

What lies ahead therefore is yet another replacement of the major
currencies with new ones. Life will go on, but those holding the present
(old) money or bonds are at risk of loosing everything while those
precious metals can simply, after the crisis, use the metal to exchange
for the new currency, with no loss and very possibly actually with
substantial gains.

Against this background it is very curious, if not intriguing, to note
those institutions commonly entrusted with taking care of the financial
security of individuals, mainly the banks and insurance companies,
portray gold and silver as an unpromising, high-risk speculative assets,
while marketing cash deposits, or Western sovereign bonds or bond funds
meaningful and basically risk-free investment-strategies. Nothing could
further removed from reality.

Giving the rise of Asia, and China in particular, precious metals
should, at
worst, have a very limited downside due to increasing demand from this
region, even if a financial crisis should not materialise for whatever
reason. In particular silver prices are actually likely to soar in any
scenario due to extremely low prices today - the metal still trades at
a 90%
inflation-adjusted discount over 1980s levels -, incredibly low global
silver bullion stockpiles, which have been reduced from around 10
ounces at the end of WWII to a few hundred million ounces today, and
diminishing <>
underground reserves.


Source: Pan American Silver Corp Annual Report 2005

Furthermore there
<> are
currently more patents for new silver applications being filed each year
than for all other metals combined, due to silver's unique
light-reflectivity, conductivity and anti-bacterial properties, with
promising future-oriented industries depending on use of the metal,
such as
space travel, the solar industry, water purification and the fastest
sector of <> nanotechnology,
silver nanoparticle textiles, among many others. The often cited
in silver demand for photography has in fact very little bearing on
silver demand.


Source: Pan American Silver Corp Annual Report 2005

But clearly, and most importantly, non-withstanding details in demand
for various metals, it is most important of all for investors to
that gold and silver mean safety as either a sovereign bond default
wave or
hyperinflation in the major Western economies is approaching. Anyone
with an
open mind therefore is advised to educate himself/herself on the true
of the financial system, and to use his/her common sense rather than
on the mainstream media or the banks for advise.

Owning gold and silver today is no guarantee to make a fortune, but it
increase the chances of investors to go through the coming financial
unharmed. One word of caution though, when purchasing precious metals,
should purchase the physical bars and coins and/or fully allocated,
independently audited and un-leased/lend bullion funds which store the
metals on a fully segregated basis from the custodians' assets and/or
precious metals mining assets. The 'paper-gold' offered by most banks
on the
other hand should be avoided, as it is usually not backed by any
metals and therefore subject to the risk of default.


Copyright (c)2006 Bridgewater Limited. All rights reserved


From: "paul illich" <>
Date: December 4, 2006 4:52:25 PM EST

Subject: [bluegreenearth] fwd: Plunging dollar will set world markets
reeling [observer uk],,1962449,00.html

Plunging dollar will set world markets reeling
Heather Stewart, economics correspondent
Sunday December 3, 2006
The Observer

The slowdown in the US economy, which has sent the dollar into freefall
the past fortnight, will have devastating knock-on effects in markets
the world, analysts warn.

As the US slows, and consumers in the world's biggest economy feel the
buying power of the dollar in their pocket declining, global growth
will be
hit hard, economists say. The greenback took yet another turn for the
on Friday, after a survey of the US manufacturing sector showed output
declining for the first time in more than three years.

Wall Street is now betting that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke
slash interest rates to stave off a recession. The dollar ended the
week at
$1.98 against the pound, and $1.32 to the euro, but analysts say there
further weakness to come. 'I think the dollar's going to hell in a
said David Bloom, currency strategist at HSBC. 'The market is starting
think that the US is going from a soft landing to a hard landing.'
Some analysts have argued that a more balanced global economy, with
growth in Asia and Europe, means the impact of a US slowdown will be
limited; but Stephen Roach, chief economist at Morgan Stanley, believes
China - and in turn the rest of Asia - will follow.

'America is China's largest export market, accounting for 21 per cent
of its
total exports over the past five years,' he said, adding that economies
as Japan, Korea and Taiwan, which export directly to the US but also
components to China that are assembled before being sent on to the US,
be hit.

Eurozone finance ministers have expressed alarm at the strength of the
against the dollar, fearing that their exporters will suffer; but the
European Central Bank is expected to push up interest rates by another
quarter-point on Thursday, as it frets about inflation.

Despite increasing signs of weakening demand in the world's biggest
ECB chairman Jean-Claude Trichet has insisted the 12-member single
zone can shrug off a US slowdown.

'The ECB's in a complete state of denial,' said Paul Mortimer-Lee,
head of market economics at BNP Paribas. 'Quite a lot depends on how
plays it at the ECB press conference next week. They're hankering after
raising rates again next year.'

Wall Street will also be watching Bernanke for signals of a change. The
has left rates on hold at 5.25 per cent since the summer, after
them 17 times over the previous two years as the US economy recovered
the post-dotcom downturn. Bernanke sought to reassure the currency
last week by stressing that the Fed is still concerned about inflation,
his words failed to stem the sell-off. 'It's as though the markets are
saying, "you central bankers are worrying about inflation, we're
about the reality of life",' said Bloom.

Mortimer-Lee said the Fed would wait for definitive evidence before
making a
move. 'At the end of the tightening cycle, you know you've got an
problem, and it's only when the evidence is overwhelming that you move.'
However, he believes that evidence will come soon: with investment in
construction already falling as the housing boom turns to bust, BNP
is predicting that a million jobs will be lost in the building industry
alone over the coming 18 months.

Equity markets are already wobbling as investors weigh the cost of a US
slowdown. Graham Turner of GFC Economics said a shake-out would raise
questions about this year's merger frenzy.

'We have had an absolute monster year in terms of leveraged
he said. 'A lot of them looked quite dubious in terms of their economic
value. Once the market starts to retreat, all the suspect things that
on come out of the woodwork.'


From: Henri <>
Date: December 4, 2006 2:58:31 PM EST
Subject: New Dollar for Us


Published November 28, 2006 From:

"It appears our own government is attempting to do away with our
nation! If true, our U.S. government may have to be attacked and
destroyed by force."

In an interview with CNBC, a vice president for a prominent London
investment firm yesterday urged a move away from the dollar to the
"amero," a coming North American currency, he said, that "will have a
big impact on everybody's life, in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico."

Steven Previs, a vice president at Jefferies International Ltd.,
explained the Amero "is the proposed new currency for the North
American Community which is being developed right now between Canada,
the U.S. and Mexico."

The aim, he said, according to a transcript provided by CNBC, is to
make a "borderless community, much like the European Union, with the
U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso being replaced
by the amero."

Previs told the television audience many Canadians are "upset" about
the amero. Most Americans outside of Texas largely are unaware of the
amero or the plans to integrate North America, Previs observed,
claiming many are just "putting their head in the sand" over the plans.

CNBC asked Previs whether he thought NAFTA was "working and doing

He replied: "Until it created a lot of illegal immigrants coming
across the border. I don't know. You get the pros and cons on NAFTA.
For some people it is a good thing, and for other people it has been a

The speculation on the future of a new North American currency came
amid a major U.S. dollar sell-off worldwide that began last week.

Yesterday, the dollar also reached new multi-month low against the
euro, breaking through the $1.30 per euro technical high that had held
since April 2005.

At the same time, the Chinese central bank set the yuan at 7.0402 per
dollar, the highest level since Beijing established a new currency
exchange system in 2005 that severed China's previous policy of tying
the value of the yuan to the U.S. dollar.

Many analysts worldwide attributed the dramatic fall in the value of
the U.S. dollar at least partially to China's announcement last week
that it would seek to diversify its foreign exchange currency holdings
away from the U.S. dollar. China recently has crossed the threshold of
holding $1 trillion in U.S. dollar foreign-exchange reserves,
surpassing Japan as the largest holder in the world.

Barry Ritholtz, chief market strategist for Ritholtz Research &
Analytics in New York City, in a phone interview, characterized today's
downward move of the dollar as "wackage," a new word he coined to convey
that the dollar is being "whacked" in this current market movement.

Ritholtz told WND that yesterday's downward move "was a major market
correction that points to the risk of subsequent downside to the

Asked whether he would characterize the dollar's downside move as
signaling a possible collapse, Mr Ritholtz told WND, "Not yet."

Ritholtz pointed out market professionals had long looked at a dollar
collapse as a "low probability event," but the recent fall suggests
"the probabilities have increased of a major dollar correction, or
even of a collapse."

U.S. trade imbalances with China have hit a record $228 billion this
year, largely reflecting a surging flow of containers from China with
retail goods headed for the U.S. mass market.

Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez is in Bejing leading a trade
delegation of more than two dozen U.S. business executives.

"The future should be focused on exporting to China," Guiterrez told
reporters in Bejing, noting that this year, U.S. exports to China are
up 34 percent on a year-to-year basis, surpassing last year's gain of
20 percent.

One way to improve the U.S. trade imbalance may be to ease up on
restrictions of exporting high-tech products and allowing technology
transfers to China, a move likely to be politically charged in the U.S.

The decline in value of the dollar will also make U.S. exports more
attractive and Chinese exports to the U.S. more expensive.

In February 2007, a virtually unprecedented top-level U.S. economic
mission is scheduled to travel to China. Included in the mission are
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Jr., Secretary of Commerce Carlos
Gutierrez and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Previs declined to be interviewed for this article, saying in an
e-mail he did not want to be quoted directly in any article that may
express a political point of view.


From: Jonathan Mark <>
Date: December 4, 2006 10:34:47 AM EST
To: Flyby News Alert <>
Subject: [911TruthAction] 9/11 Meeting this Wednesday - Smith Campus
Center -

Flyby News Alert - December 4, 2006
Editor - Jonathan Mark

A meeting for the Western Mass 9/11 Truth Alliance will be happening
this Wednesday (12/6) at the campus center of Smith College at the
6:00 pm. -

One can purchase food at the cafe or byo. Following informal discussion
and agenda setting, the meeting will begin 7:00 pm in a lounge section
the campus center.

The Campus Center is past John M. Green auditorium on
rte 9 west, (bear right at smith, after academy of music),
onto Elm Street, Campus Center is on left inside campus..
but parking is best on main street..

Likely agenda items include:

- - upcoming Dec. 14th gig:

Western Mass 9/11 Truth Alliance
Improbable Collapse:
The Demolition of our Republic
at the Media Education Foundation
Thursday, December 14, 2006; 7pm

[please let us know if you need flyers to help us post?]
i will also send a pdf of flyer.. later today

other items..

- - update on campaigns for library donations and letters to editors,
other actions.

- - december 16 botson tea party
plans, carpooling, etc..
if you cant download flyer .. we have copies too..
if you have any extra colonial garb.. (triangle hats) please reply,
since the organizers want us to dress to replicate the
original times and conditions of the 12/16/1773 tea party..

- - spring event regarding bringing Mike Berger
to present his film, "Improbable Collapse" this spring throughout
New England.. and related issues regarding the group and plans
for events, benefits and directions..

The next meeting will happen on December 14, at 6pm at Media Education
Foundation; the film is publicized to begin at 7pm there.

For more inforamtion on the Western Mass 9/11 Truth Alliance, write to:
Stephen Goodale

News fit to transmit in the post Cassini flyby era
<>~<>~<>~ ~<>~<>~<>
for life's survival in the 21st Century


From: "jewish_from_brooklyn" <>
Date: December 3, 2006 9:19:00 PM EST

Subject: [911TruthAction] Who is behind the mysterious car bombings in
Iraq ?

Podcast interview with journalist and 9-11 researcher Christopher

Bollyn and Smith discuss the mysterious car bombings in Iraq and other
issues ......


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