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United Nations' secret Arizona military encampments- entrenchments, tunnels

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Jul 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/18/98

Dear Citizens:

Here is the latest update on United Nations' secret military bases on
U.S. soil in Arizona as submitted by Clarence Napier - It
seems that the only statement from these military types to American citizens
is that citizens MUST immediately leave these areas and MUST NOT talk about
seeing the military installations or they will be KILLED by the military

Are we citizens going to just roll over and take this treatment???? Who is
going to find out and do something about the helicopter and aircraft gasoline
depots at which the "military" craft land and refuel? Who is going to find
out and do something about the suppliers of the fuel? Who is going to find
out and do something about the pilots and crew members of these "military"
aircraft when they land to refuel? Who is going to penetrate deeply and
infiltrate the Arizona State lands which our federal MILITARY has usurped from
We the People? Who is going to find out who provides and from where the
supplies come from and how they get to the secret military bases? Who is
going to puncture the nefarious "aliens" labels foisted upon We the People and
discover that the feds and United Nations are planning their impending attacks
upon We the People when Clinton and the New World Order bosses give the
command? Who?


Subj: Re: United Nations foreign troops increase 400% in Arizona
Date: 98-07-18 16:55:55 EDT
From: (Clarence Napier)

The following is an in-depth report on new information coming forward
about a secret military base located near Sedona, Arizona.

September 16th, 1997
(Updated June 30, 1998)

By Justin Tribble
President, C.U.N.B.D.

Based on the testimony of numerous local individuals, and a report on the
television show "Sightings", Citizens for U.N. Base Disclosure (C.U.N.B.D.)
must ask the question, "Is there a secret military base located within the
Secret Mountain area of Sedona, Arizona?"

On March 6th, 1997 (a week before the infamous "Phoenix lights" incident),
local resident Bret Wilson, of Clarkdale, Arizona witnessed an incredible
event at around 11:00pm. From his house, which is at the base of Mingus
Mountain (a 7,500 ft. mesa located in central Arizona), he is able to see
northeast across the Verde Valley and into the Sedona area. On this night,
he looked towards the Sedona area and saw something peculiar. About half of
a mile north of the Peck Lake area, in a remote arroyo located at the foot
of a small "rim" of mountains forming the Verde Valley, he sighted

1) Numerous lights which seemed to resemble those of helicopters flying in
from the Navajo Army Depot area near Bellemont (about 30 miles north of
Clarkdale). These helicopters hovered and manuevered over the canyons
within the area.

2) He saw a large, bright light of different colors which was hovering over
the ravine area where the helicopter lights were.

3) He saw what appeared to be a large spotlight and/or lights coming from
within the bottom of the ravine which illuminated the canyon walls very
brightly with an "orangish" color.

This activity continued on for quite some time through the night. Wilson
proceeded to view the strange activity through his high-powered binoculars,
thus giving him a very clear view of what was happening. He explains the
event as being, "astonishing."

Mr. Wilson also reports that during the years 1994, 1995, and in early
1996, so-called "black helicopters" frequented his home. "At first, we
were pretty shocked about it. But after a while we got used to it," says
Wilson. He states that he would see the helicopers at least every week fly
near his home. He said that a reporter for the Verde Independent contacted
Luke Air Force Base and asked why so many helicopters were flying in the
area. The AFB said that they were just normal military helicopters from
local Arizona military outposts. Mr. Wilson stated that his father, B. W.
Wilson, observed these helicopters through his binoculars a number times
and each time noticed that the helicopters had absolutely no markings on
them. Mr. Wilson has said that the helicopters do not fly over Clarkdale
any longer.

I recently talked with Robert Harkey, a local man, who says he and a few of
his friends went driving in the Secret Mountain Wilderness area during the
summer of 1997 using their all-terrain, dune-buggy vehicles. They came
across what appeared to be a military outpost. Robert says the reason he
and his friends went hiking in the area was due to the fact that one of his
friends was curious about, "...these black helicopters that had been flying
around that had no markings on them." He says that he and his friends came
across a large chain-linked fence. At this point, at least two men wearing
military attire and holding large semi-automatic rifles politely, but
firmly asked for Robert and his friends to leave the area. Robert says that
these military men said that the area involved a "U.N." (United Nations)
military operation.

I also talked with Edward Benoit, a Psychology and Human Growth &
Development teacher at Yavapai College (a local community college situated
in Cottonwood, AZ.; about 20 miles west of Sedona), about the possibility
of a secret military base within the Secret Mountain area. He told me that
he knew someone who claimed to have known someone who worked at the base.
He says that this person said that the base was a top secret Air Force
base. He tells me that has heard of many "stories" and "rumors" about this

I recently had a conversation at my local barber shop with a barber named
Dee (her last name has been withheld by request). She stated that many a
time she has spoken with people who have gone hiking in the Loy Butte area
and have been encountered by military officials and told to leave. She said
that she has talked with a man who lives on a cattle ranch near Loy Butte
who says one night he heard something going on outside his house that was
disrupting his cattle. He went outside with his shotgun and he was
encountered by military officers wearing black masks. He says that these
military officers told him to leave the area and go home and to never speak
of the incident again.

Dee also tells of a man who, while having lunch near the Sedona Airport,
attempted to speak with military officers who were near two Blackhawk
helicopters that were resting on the airport runway (it is worth noting
that military Blackhawk helicopters frequent the Sedona Airport weekly).
This man says that these officers told him to stop asking questions, and
that if he even tried to follow the helicopters he would be "killed". The
man did not heed to their warnings and he eventually followed the
helicopters as they flew into the Secret Mountin Wilderness area. At this
point, the man did not attempt to travel any further.

Two years ago I watched an interesting television show called "Sightings"
which reported on the Bradshaw Ranch, which is located near Loy Butte,
Sedona. The long time residents of the Bradshaw Ranch claim that almost
weekly strange lights appear in the sky near their ranch. They have
recorded on video these lights. They stated that they wanted to turn the
ranch into a full time "UFO" research center.

I called Mr. Robert Bradshaw on the phone on Sept. 16th and talked to him
about his experiences. He says that there certainaly have been some unusual
activities in past years. He explains that a few years back the military
was involved in a large operation to build "tunnels" through Secret Canyon
and Sycamore Canyon. He said that when they were building these tunnels the
pipes and water troughs on his ranch would vibrate violently. He also
explains that he has seen large buses with tinted windows with the letters
"U.N." painted on them that drive by his house. Bradshaw says that the U.S.
Forest Service and local newsmedia are not allowed to talk about these
military operations, but they do indeed know about them. His son has also
had run-ins with these supposed "U.N." officials. One U.N. offical even
threatened to pull a gun on his son after he demanded to see the official's
credintials. Mr. Bradsaw is a very manner-of-fact and trustworthy man and I
certinaly believe he makes a very credible witness.

Mr. Bradshaw's son, John Bradshaw, claims, according to local resident Bill
Minard, that he and a few friends went horseback riding up on Wilson
Mountain about 10 years ago late at night. After heading up the canyon past
the main trail they supposedly came across a large, 100 foot long steel
bridge suspended between two cliffs. When they approached the bridge
military men holding weapons told them to leave immediately or they would
be killed. This took place somwhere between the Vultee Arch and the Wilson
Mountain trailhead on highway 89A. We have attempted to contact John
Bradshaw to no avail.

For six months now I have propelled this investigation without the aid of
the book Merging Dimensions, which is considered to be the cornerstone of
documented "high strangeness" activity going on near Sedona. The book was
published in 1995, and was jointly written by Tom Dongo and Linda Bradshaw.
It details in length the bizarre events the Bradshaw family have witnessed
near their ranch, along with other reports compiled by Dongo concerning
military activity.

The book created a lot of "buzz" when first published, and has been widely
read. I finally managed to sit down and read this intriguing book (circa
April 6th). The synchronousity in which this book's reports parallel our
own findings is astonishing. In great detail, military activity - including
"black helicopters", convoys of military style vehicles near Secret
Mountain, and confrontations with armed military guards - is described.
There also are many reports in this book of UFO activity near the Sedona area.

The book reports on an incident involving Victor Bradshaw. He was hiking
near Loy Butte/Hart Well Canyon with his video-camera. He saw in a small
canyon at a distance a number of large, white vehicles, some of them being
unloaded into a facility of some sort. He also saw men in white uniforms.
He says he videotaped this along with an aircraft which flew directly over
him while he was there. Our team is doing everything possible to obtain
this video.

Merging Dimensions is a breakthrough for our investigation, and may provide
us with many more leads. What is most interesting is that our investigation
so far has managed to come across so much information independently -
without the aid of this book. What we see here is that the phenomena taking
place near Sedona clearly exists abundantly outside the realm of interest
created by this ground-breaking book. Mr. Dongo also published a book in
the early '90s called The Alien Tide, and this book also details
extensively strange military activity near Sedona.

New information has surfaced from anonymous sources. This information leads
us to believe that an exterior portion of this underground base may exsist
near Sycamore Canyon, about 3 miles due west of Loy Butte. The location of
this exterior portion may consist of small buildings, and large fences with
warning signs. This exterior portion may be located near Casner Mountain
(6,800 ft.) and Black Mountain (6,100 ft.) within Sycamore Pass, which can
be reached using forest service roads off of Bill Gray Road (such as 525C).
We also believe this exterior portion may exsist further north, past the
Sycamore Creek spring near the town of Williams. Our sources tell us that
two unidentified persons who are residents of the Verde Valley (and former
bomb specialists in the Army) have taken pictures of this exterior "base"
(we have recently gained new information about these persons, and are in
the process of contacting them).

In the book "Cosmic Top Secret" (ISBN: 0938294733), by William F. Hamilton,
III, it is stated,

"Black helicopters have been sighted around Boynton and Secret Canyon near
Sedona, Arizona. A man living in Long Canyon has sighted a lot of strange
things in the canyon areas, and residents suspect a secret government
installation has been established in, of all places, Secret Mountain! One
of my investigators hiked to Secret Canyon late one night and was stopped
by a voice on a loudspeaker and a laser-targeting light on his chest. He
was told he had entered a restricted area and to turn around and leave."

Another quote verifying helicopter activity...

"Blackhawk-type helos (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, & Air Force--but mostly AZ
ANG) stop at Sedona to refuel enroute to/from their home base. [Sedona]
Airport has a U.S. Govt. fueling contract solicited by DoD."

- Robert A. Wiswell, Gen. Mgr., Sedona Airport Admin. 4/8/98

The following quote was received by way of email on 1/6/98 by a local
resident wishing to remain anonymous...

"Were you here when those bodies (beheaded) were found out in Long/Boynton
Canyon area? A friend of mine was parked next to the van of one of the
women and was talking to her just hours before she and the other two were
apparently killed. Another friend of mine was called in on the
investigation to help determine whether or not it was ritual murder. The
Red Rock Snooze [News] refused to print anything about it for at least 2
weeks (and I never did find out if they covered it at all). Most of the
official voices of Sedona denied the 'rumors'. This happened just a day or
two after I left Sedona, yet I heard about it in Southern Utah a few days
Beyond the evidence presented on this web site, there is also the local
myth and folk lore that has been floating around for years. In the towns of
Cottonwood and Clarkdale there are many who tell stories of odd activity
taking place at the gigantic, remote Phoenix Cement Co. plant. Other say
there is a "secret base" within Mingus Mountain amongst the many old mines
and caverns. Others claim to see odd lights over Mingus Mountain weekly.
This sort of folk-lore and rumor seems to be isolated to this area - in
other words, stories like this do not circulate in just every town in the
United States. This is something unique to this area.

With all of this put together, I see a pattern. There is the saying, "Where
there's smoke, there's fire". This old adage seems appropriate for the
situation near Sedona. Although we have yet to uncover the "fire", we have
certainly seen a lot of "smoke". What we are most likely dealing with here
is a military operation, taking place in an underground facility, of an
extremely secret nature. This is an operation possibly involving "aliens",
advanced technology, and taking place without the knowledge of portions of
the military sector. In other words, this is so top secret, only a few may
know of it's exsistence. We have a strong feeling that for one to
understand and comprehend what is happening they must accept that this is
something that is very uncommon and very secret. It is not something meant
to be known by the public.

It is also worth noting that the areas spoken of above (Secret Mountain,
Loy Butte, etc.) are all designated Forest Service Wilderness areas that
are not known to have any military affiliation. They are also extremely
remote areas. In fact, the government does not awknowledge that there are
any military bases or military points of operations anywhere within the
Sedona area, except for the Sedona Airport, which is considered a
re-fueling station for military helicopters.

Sedona, Arizona is located in the middle of Arizona, at an elevation of
4500 ft. Sedona has around 10,000 residents, yet over 3 million tourists
visit Sedona every year. The town is located within high red-rock mountains
and canyons, some reaching over 7,000 ft. elevation.

At 11:32 PM 7/17/98 EDT, USCMike1 wrote:
}Post from Mark A. Smith: United Nations foreign troops increase 400% in
}>Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 18:07:42 -0400
}>From: "Mark A. Smith" <>
}>Subject: [Fwd: Food for thought]
}>> Hey Mark.
}>> Here are a couple of items to mull over. Got a friend in Arizona,
}>> land borders Ft. Wachuka (thats not how it is spelled, just how it is
}>> said), any way he has a friend who is an Army (high rank deleted)
}stationed there
}>> working in Admin. The (high rank deleted) said that U.N. troop strength
}had gone from
}>> about 4000 to over 12000 recently. They are putting them in the Intel
}>> Section to hide the numbers.
}>> He also had a customer stop by yesterday with an interesting tale.
}>> seems that he and his wife (both in their 60's) enjoy rock collecting.
}>> They were on such a trip out in the Nevada desert when they were
}>> accosted by U.S. Troops. They were told, "Better move along unless you
}>> want to join the rest of the folks in the compound." There is no known
}>> or listed military base anywhere near where they were.
}>> He says unusual level of troop exercises recently. They are
}>> increasing in tempo. Sees more UN types and uniforms than ever.

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