How write output file for water level height values on particular stations?

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premal sheth

May 21, 2015, 7:31:06 AM5/21/15
Hello users,

I have done fault deformations. I tried to use swan for tsunami propagation but it is generate .grd files and i am not able to read the values. 
I imported station gauges in swan. 
Can anyone please tell me how to get output values of water level height at particular station in text file? 
Thanks in Advance

Joaquim Luis

May 21, 2015, 7:27:40 PM5/21/15
to, premal sheth

I have done fault deformations. I tried to use swan for tsunami propagation but it is generate .grd files and i am not able to read the values. 

To 'read' .grd files just open them with Mirone. No hard, no?

I imported station gauges in swan. 
Can anyone please tell me how to get output values of water level height at particular station in text file? 

Don't get it. See the attached Fig. It seams pretty obvious to me that 'Out File' means the output file name where the virtual tide gauges will be saved (and it has a tooltip box too).
And, again, Swan is very old  and will be deprecated in future. Use the TINTOL tool.

Thanks in Advance
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premal sheth

May 22, 2015, 2:19:50 AM5/22/15
Thanks a lot for reply

I tried with TINTOL tool but i am not able to run the case. Main thing is i am not able to understand whats maregraphs file? is it generate when we run the case in SWAN?
Please let me know

premal sheth

May 22, 2015, 2:46:28 AM5/22/15
I am importing this files and try to run the case but it is not running can please anyone tell me where am I wrong and what mistake I am doing?

On Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:01:06 PM UTC+5:30, premal sheth wrote:

Joaquim Luis

May 22, 2015, 7:28:04 AM5/22/15
to, premal sheth
Sorry, things are not well documented yet. You need to open first the bathymetry grid and than select the TINTOL tool. Next you enter the name of the deformation file in the box that says "Source"

You also need to update because there was a bug in parsing the virtual maregraph options. To update just do "Help -> Check for updates" and restart Mirone when it finishes.

Finally, do not expect large amplitudes when using a strike slip fault solution.


premal sheth

May 25, 2015, 4:57:33 AM5/25/15
Hi Jluis

I updated Mirone and I went through all steps you mentions. I gave source in TINTOL and then run the case. generate .grd files for surface level but when I load that .grd file it shows me initial fault deformation only.......

Can you please tell me how to dump out solution for surface level or any variable so we can read at what time step what is wave height?

Thanks in advance

On Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:01:06 PM UTC+5:30, premal sheth wrote:

Joaquim Luis

May 25, 2015, 1:19:11 PM5/25/15
to, premal sheth
It does write all the grids one ask and not only the first.
There is however something wrong when one select the "3D File". You must uncheck it. See the attached fig.

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