Please, keep posting to the group.
This is more difficult than it seams at first. In fact, preparing a good
bathymetry is perhaps the most important task. And for that one need to
have access to good, dense, quality data. Specially if one want to model
inundations. If the underwater part (bathymetry) is not exactly in the
same vertical datum than the land (topography) there will be (false) jumps
at the shore line that will completely fake the modeling results.
That said, using contours to create grids is normally a bad start. There
are interpolation algorithms that try to minimize the stair effect
resulting from the fact that data is dense along a line but very sparse
between lines.
If you don't know how to calculate grids ... well that is another subject.
There is a minimal background to do this type of work. GMT creates grids,
Arc does that as well but many products have the horrible habit of
calculating by triangulation, which does not create smooth, differentiable
surfaces and than the triangles create little wavelets themselves.
> I thank you most sincerely for your return and for your attention.
> I would like to write to you again to ask you for your help in carrying
> out these steps.
> 1- For the bathymetry, I have a map that represents the bathymetry of
> the study area and that I
> will digitize under ArcGIS in order to have the contours and to be able
> to extract the Z. Could
> you explain me how can I make it a grid?
> 2 - For MIRONE software I just installed it and it seems simple to
> manipulate but I wish I had
> your instructions and suggestions.
> Thank you very much in advance for your great help.