1.9.1 release!

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Stephen Burrows

Jan 22, 2013, 9:37:08 PM1/22/13
to miro-communit...@googlegroups.com
At long last, we have made an official 1.9.1 release, which includes a number of bugfixes, a lot of work on the tests, and a lot of cleanup to the default theme. See the release notes for more details.

The 1.10 release scope has been changed somewhat. We're aiming for a small release that brings in some long-awaited improvements (namely, using new versions of django-uploadtemplate and vidscraper) but which will hopefully be wrapped up quickly so that we can move on to 1.11, which will focus on revamping the appearance of the admin.

Dean Jansen

Jan 23, 2013, 10:42:58 AM1/23/13
to miro-communit...@googlegroups.com
Congrats on this release, Stephen!
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