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repetition in generated playlist

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Nov 27, 2008, 1:21:36 PM11/27/08
to Mirage - Automatic Playlist Generation
Hmm, after using Mirage for awhile, I just want to throw out the idea
that Mirage should, by default, choose to shuffle artists a little
more than it does. I tend to throw a song in the generator and get a
LOT (3-5 songs) of a single artist, and usually all clumped together,
and often even get a single song repeated.

My collection isn't particularly extensive (12 gigs or so) so that
could be the problem, but it seems to me that it might be more
pleasurable to receive a richer mix of similar artists...

Just an idea :)
I love the project; keep up the good work. There is nothing else out
there like this, at least in the Linux world.


eric casteleijn

Nov 27, 2008, 5:44:28 PM11/27/08

I agree, I'm totally in awe of what mirage has done. I dare say there is
very little like it outside the linux world either. (Maybe muffin,
haven't tried it, so I don't know how it measures up.)

What I've done with my port of mirage might be of interest to you, and
could probably easily be implemented in the banshee plugin:

I keep track of what tracks have been played and prevent them from
coming up again for a configurable number of days.

I also keep track of artists whose tracks have been played, and
typically block any songs by them for a different usually much smaller
number of days.

How I've set things up, the same artist will not come up more than once
every 24 hours, and the same track will not more than once every 3
months (but then my library is quite a lot larger) unless the song is in
my favorites.

- eric casteleijn

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