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[mirage-list] scanning library dialog?

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May 12, 2010, 5:23:24 PM5/12/10
to Mirage - Automatic Playlist Generation

I apologize if this is something that has been answered elsewhere, but
I couldn't find it.

Everyone seems to be discussing the library scan failing as if they
can actually see some type of dialog that tells them that. I never
see anything like this when I hit "Rescan music library." The only
thing that might be possible is the little spinning image in the
bottom left corner, but that seems to be going pretty frequently any

I have fftw, libmono, gtk-sharp, and all of the other dependencies
listed. i'm running banshee 1.6 on ubuntu 9.10

so, basically, I was wondering, how do I even know that mirage has
begun and/or completed scanning my library? is there a dialog or is
this only visible in some type of debug environment? when i first
installed mirage, I couldn't actually get it to pick a song when I had
"by similar" selected. however, now it will play another song, which
inclines me to believe it has at least begun to scan

...right now it's gone from the shins, to ryan adams, to carbon leaf,
to neil young (I don't remember the songs). also, some of the songs
now have BPM information, but I know that i have that selected in
banshee proper, so is that evidence that is working?

basically a) how do I know it is working and b) how do I know when it
is done scanning my library, which btw is 30.8 gb


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