Scoring for evaluative priming task

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Michael Andreychik

Dec 14, 2021, 2:38:01 PM12/14/21
to Minno.js
Greetings, and thanks as always for providing this valuable resource!

A student of mine had created an evaluative priming task using the script provided. The task runs fine and the data seems to save appropriately but when we try and score the data we don't get an output in the "fb" column of the resulting data file. I assume that since all the raw data (e.g., trial type, errors, rts) output correctly, it's still possible to compute a total score from the file, but we're unsure of the most efficient way to do so. Although we're most interested in computing a score, if you're able to let us know why the "fb" column remains blank for us that'd be useful information to have as well. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! Here's the script we're using:

define(['pipAPI', '*/ep/qualtrics/quep5.js'], function(APIConstructor, epExtension){

var API = new APIConstructor();

var global = API.getGlobal();

return epExtension(


//The prime categories.

primeCats : [


name : 'Latino', //Will appear in the data.

//An array of all media objects for this category.

mediaArray : [

{image : 'LF1.bmp'},

{image : 'LF2.bmp'},

{image : 'LF3.bmp'},

{image : 'LF4.bmp'},

{image : 'LF5.bmp'},

{image : 'LM1.bmp'},

{image : 'LM2.bmp'},

{image : 'LM3.bmp'},

{image : 'LM4.bmp'},

{image : 'LM5.bmp'}




name : 'White', //Will appear in the data.

//An array of all media objects for this category.

mediaArray : [

{image : 'WhFL1.bmp'},

{image : 'WhFL2.bmp'},

{image : 'WhFL3.bmp'},

{image : 'WhFL4.bmp'},

{image : 'WhFL5.bmp'},

{image : 'WhML1.bmp'},

{image : 'WhML2.bmp'},

{image : 'WhML3.bmp'},

{image : 'WhML4.bmp'},

{image : 'WhML5.bmp'}




nTrialsPerPrimeTargetPair:15, //How many trials in a block, per prime-target combination (always three blocks).

fixationDuration : 500,

errorFBDuration : 1500,

ITIDuration : 500,

//Set the image folder here.

base_url : {

image : ""




Mayan Navon

Dec 19, 2021, 4:31:20 AM12/19/21
to Michael Andreychik, Minno.js
Hi Michael,

I just ran the example from our blog, and got the feedback on the FB column, in trial number 999:
Could you please check if it appears there in your data?


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Mayan Navon

Dec 19, 2021, 12:24:52 PM12/19/21
to Michael Andreychik, Minno.js
Unfortunately, our script does not log the exact score for the EPT. Also, keep in mind that the feedback & scores on any of our task scripts are for educational purposes only (i.e., to present to participants, if needed), and not for data analysis. This is because our task scripts use simplified versions of the commonly used scoring algorithms, and also because there is not wide agreement on the single 'correct' way to score these tasks. So, I recommend you compute your scores manually following data collection.

Good luck!

On Sun, 19 Dec 2021 at 14:56, Michael Andreychik <> wrote:
Hi Mayan,

Thanks for your response! That feedback does appear in the file in trial 999. The remaining question for us is whether a continuous score is computed anywhere (I realize I wasn't clear about this in my earlier post...apologies!). The feedback that appears in trial 999 seems to group participants into larger categories based on their performance (e.g., "your data suggest a preference for Group A") but we'd like to use precise scores for analysis purposes. Are such exact scores computed anywhere or is that something that needs to be done on the researcher's end with the raw data? 

Thanks again!
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