Floating point variables are generally quite hard to support for many paradigms. Both the HiGHS solver and the CBC solver are MIP solvers, which work very well with floating point numbers.
You are right that Chuffed and OR-Tools just in general do not support floating point variables.
FindMUS and Globaliser are not solvers (they are tools that can be very useful while develop models, see the handbook). The error they are giving at the moment is a bug in MiniZinc, and they can be made to work by disabling the "Output objective value" option in the "configuration editor" of the IDE. I believe these tools also do not support floating point variables.
Gecode is a CP solver that does support floating point variables, but it is limited to 32-bit floating point numbers if I remember correctly. I think the problem might just lie in the numerics of the problem itself. For example, changing the parameters to
var float: quarterly_repayment = 26.0;
var float: principal_borrowed = 100.0;
does allow you solve the problem with Gecode.
There are other (MIP) solvers that also work well with MiniZinc that do support floating point numbers. You can have a look at Gurobi, CPLEX, XPRESS, (paid licenses), or SCIP (open source).