Revive Minix again

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John Olakunle

Jun 20, 2024, 10:32:57 AM6/20/24
to minix3
Since the makers of minix put in pause mode.
Let's continue to release new (unofficial) versions of it since it is open source.
We can put on GitHub or Gitlab.
If we can make Minix have support for usb, sound, printers and those basic stuff, more people would want to use it.

Since the BeagleBoard XM, White and Black have support for SD card slots(ports), it means that the ARM version of Minix3 has an SD card driver installed by default in it.

If we can write new drivers like from for different devices on Minix it'll be a better OS.
Also has anyone made an app like calculator etc that can actually make Minix pop?
Let's make our unofficial community blossom so that Minix3 can come to life again even if it's just unofficially.
Let's actually make changes to the real OS and not just apps.

I think Minix is really popular in the BeagleBoard world but not generally.
So as I keep trying stuff out. We all should . 
We might need to start learning driver (system programming) stuff but it's worth it. 

I just don't want this cool OS to die like others did and also, this'll really upgrade my developer skills and make me more efficient.

So let's work on Minix and THANK YOU to everyone who will actually write Minix software again.

Mathew Roberts

Jul 12, 2024, 10:03:10 AM7/12/24
to minix3
Do let us know if you set up a repo and start coding.

Feel free to drop by on #minix on for discussion. Please be patient when waiting for a reply there.

Many have wanted to continue minix development but few ever follow through with anything concrete. Mostly just a wishlist and wanting others to do the work. If you put in the work I'm sure others will help.

Many thanks,
Mathew Roberts.

Han Yang

Jul 12, 2024, 11:50:38 AM7/12/24
Hello Mathew,
I am learning Minix3 in my free time with The MINIX book "Operating Systems - Design and Implementation -  3rd Edition", and my personal forked Minix3 repo is
keep in touch,

Best regards,
Han Yang

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