Invertebrate tissues: cell sizes and autofluorescence

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Gabrielle Winters Bostwick

Sep 16, 2024, 8:52:57 PMSep 16
to Miniscope
Hello Everyone, 
I am new to using Miniscopes and would be interested to learn if anyone has attempted to use them with invertebrates or non-model organisms? We have been able to get the image acquisition to work in our system, but are trying to adjust analysis protocols for neural tissues with different cell sizes (~8-26 micron soma diameters) and autofluorescent structures. The neurons are so small and faint compared to other bright connective tissues, that I'm wondering if there's a way to tell the software what is (and is not) a cell.  
If anyone has any experience with either issue I would love the opportunity to chat with you about how you addressed them. 
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