Dear all,
I am using the latest version of the miniscope V4.4 for my specific application and I'm having a few problems that are limiting the technique I'm developing to be used in vivo:
- too much blue LED light is leaked to the camera when I try to use LED power above 50% of the scale so that the background due to LED is huge.
- the camera's bit depth (8bit) seems to be not ideal for me, 16 bit would be way better.
- spatial resolution is poor because for most people's applications that is not important, but for me it is, it would be great if I had a better spatial resolution (I don't need a big FoV. For example, if my FoV were ~400x400µm or even ~300x300µm it would be totally fine).
- Emission filter: can we choose a different emission, for example with a different EM window range? The EM central wavelength center is totally fine.
This is because, for my work, the spatial intensity details in the video of the Ca+2 events (GCamp8) are the key information.
As far as I searched on the previous conversation topics here, only Miguel (25-March-2021) asked about changing the miniscope LENS configuration for higher resolution, but I didn't get much information about customization of the detection path.
Please, do you know what it is possible to do in order to adapt/customize the miniscope to reach closer to what I need?
Thank you very much for the support,
Postdoctoral researcher
LKB & IBENS, Paris, France