MiniLFOV Functional Issue

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Hannah Muana

Oct 30, 2023, 6:43:16 AM10/30/23
to Miniscope

Hello Miniscope community,

We have built a first batch of five MiniLFOV. All functions when tested individually on our device do work. However, we have been encountering issues with the LED and gyroscope functionality

We used the published Gerber, BOM and the currently uploaded videodevice.json file during the testing. But only the imaging and focus worked.

On the other hand, when we updated the videodevices file ourselves, we come up with two different results (1) We can make all the functions work - imaging, focus, gyroscope all worked well and we are able to control both LEDs independently. However, this resulted of frame rates drop to an unstable 10 fps which is not ideal. (2)  We can make imaging, focus function works with the ideal FPS of 30 and was able to control both LEDs independently. But the gyroscope is still not working.

We would appreciate if you can help us resolve this issue. Also, if you can share the files that you used for successful testing, it would really be a great help!

Looking forward to your response!

Jonny Saunders

Dec 13, 2023, 6:09:20 PM12/13/23
to Miniscope
Raised issues: 

Could you attach the modified `videoDevices.json` file either here or on issue 7?

Hannah Muana

Dec 15, 2023, 8:22:27 AM12/15/23
to Miniscope
Hello Jonny,

Hope you're doing well! Thanks for raising the issue in github, hopefully this helps us get more audience to resolve this problem.
Here's the updated videodevices files for (1) and (2) results.

Let us know if you've come up with the result as what we had.
LFOV-LM Version(2).zip
LFOV-LM Version(1).zip
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