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Help with Bonsai

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Daniel Robert Griffiths

May 9, 2024, 7:59:58 PM5/9/24
to Miniscope
We are looking for help programing in Bonsai. We created a very simple time lapse imaging program in Bonsai but would like to switch from capturing a single image to capturing z-stacks. I have experience coding in Matlab but am new to Bonsai... I have watched the online training videos but still struggling to figure it out. Does anyone have experience coding in Bonsai and able to help? Please let me know if you have any questions or know of another way to accomplish the goal!


Kapil Saxena

May 10, 2024, 2:50:09 PM5/10/24
to Daniel Robert Griffiths, Miniscope
Bonsai_group might be able to help.

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Dr. Kapil Saxena 
PhD (Biotechnology)
Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Office: 111 Church St SE, ME 376, Minneapolis, MN 55455
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