Minian error: "Don't know how to convert {0} to RGB"

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Anew Fonnapat

Aug 13, 2024, 1:21:11 PMAug 13
to Miniscope
Hello everyone,
I started using Miniscope V4 recently,and I am currently using minian to analyze the data and I fllow the pipeline step by step. I am currently trying to denoise the video using the 'denoise' module and I keep getting the error:
TypeError: Don't know how to convert ('#440154', '#440255', '#440357', '#450558', '#45065A', '#45085B', '#46095C', '#460B5E', '#460C5F', '#460E1', '#470F62', '#471163', '#471265') to RGB
!Any help would be much appreciated

Federico Sangiuliano

Aug 26, 2024, 2:18:11 AMAug 26
to Miniscope
Hello Anew. Which compression did you use for your miniscope recording?
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