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MMC Dev Notes: From the Trenches (Nov 5th, 2021) [Repost]

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Mini Militia Classic Alpha Force

Nov 13, 2021, 3:01:37 PM11/13/21
to Mini Militia Classic Alpha Force
Hey all, apparently very few people saw this dev post last week. So I am going to rebroadcast it. Sorry to those that did get this already, no one likes getting the same message twice. Thanks for understanding. I copied the text below for convenience and reattached the files that went out originally in this post:

We're still working on getting the ad driven token systems working. We've got a lot of tweaks and fixes coming too. We will post more on that when we actually get ready for release of v0.6.x, but there are enough major changes client and server we're a little worried its gonna be a long release with a lot of patches to follow. We're very much enjoying how stable v0.5.2 has proven itself to be. We'd like to keep that level of stability or better (a dev can dream.) But there is still a little alpha bloodshed ahead of us as we wrap up the final (and major) features for the alpha.

We may have saved the worst for last in many regards... Time will tell. Ok I will shut up, get back to coding to make this dream a reality, and let you read the update already.


Altered Ammo Reload - This is not a bug. It is an unfinished part of the server management system and will be finished with the next release.

Health Bar at Zero? - It is possible to appear at zero health until your client is updated by the server. Next update will improve this.

Roadmap Reevaluation (file attached) - Now that we are closer to Beta we've needed to do some more thorough planning of our roadmap. THERE HAVE BEEN A LOT OF CHANGES TO THE ROADMAP... Many things have been tweaked, added and pushed around to make a logical plan. The Comms Officer/testing feedback wants to know your questions. Reply here, on your comms channel, Discord, email support, etc. Please send those in so we can answer them. We want the roadmap to be clear as it can be, within reason.  Find the latest roadmap attached and here:

Roadmap Archives - We've also archived information about the older releases v0.0.3 thru v0.1.5. You can find all the old roadmap files in our archives:

Sponsor Tokens (working name) - These are part of the new currency system that will unlock game features or services. Players will be able to convert the battle coins they have earned into the sponsor tokens. The sponsor tokens can be used to do things like turn off ads (we will test this part first). Sponsor Tokens can be purchased or earned by watching rewarded ads (these are different from banners and forced interstitials that show up between games).

Pro Pass (working name) - A nod to the old Pro Pack feature and our take on a Battle Pass. These are the subscription related services that are going to roll out into smaller pieces so we can test each piece along the way. Initially Pro Pass subscribers will get discounts on battle coin spending and ad removal.

Gifting - Another completely new system, you will be able to 'Gift' other players sponsor tokens and Pro Pass. Like the Pro Pass roll out, gifting will also be released and tested in smaller pieces.

Daily Rewards - This item is listed under Beta Phase 1, but we may pull this in sooner. It is a return engagement tool that would be nice to have in place so we can start testing some of the sponsor token services on it.

MMC Battle Coin & Sponsor Token Flow (file attached) - We've created a basic flowchart to help explain the new currency system as we think it will work right now. This flow isn't final because we may discover areas that need improvement along the way. 

Hang on to your devices! Another multi release phase is incoming! The next release will NOT be the entire Beta Phase 0, which will likely be immediately followed with a bug fix release (or two, because that can happen...)

FIRST We will start with testing the new things added and Sponsor Tokens (earning via ads, gifting, using, etc.) <== THIS UPCOMING RELEASE

THEN we will test purchasing sponsor tokens via an "in app purchase" system we're writing now. <== FUTURE RELEASE

THEN we will test Pro Pass purchasing. It has three tiers with several different types so each type of purchase will have a test period)
We will start with tier I (tier one)
-Monthly one time gift purchase (have a friend gift you)
-Monthly one time purchase
-Monthly gifted subscriber purchase (have a friend gift you)
-Monthly subscriber purchase
-Annual gifted subscriber purchase(have a friend gift you)
-Annual subscriber purchase
Each one of those MAY be a release every few days. Assuming we don't find bugs or worse and have to roll back.

THEN we do the same thing for tier II... just kidding. I hope we can release tier II all at once and know that our one time and subscription systems are operational.

THEN tier III... see Tier II (above mentioned...)

Beta Phase 0 is largely about monetization and the continued building out of systems (and bug fixes/tweaks). By the end of Beta Phase 1, app monetization will be nearing launch readiness. Purchasing during these early tests SHOULD NOT require live money. We won't be using live money until we're open testing (late beta; last phases of beta) although I think Google might make it look that way.

Subscription periods will be shortened drastically for testing but the app will say annual and month. For testing Monthly will only last a day (24 hours) and we'll have Annual last three days (72 hours) or however Google/Apple do that. We won't know until we get there and that's not even this next release. So more on that later as it evolves.

We've been hard at work and our next release will have some bug fixes along with lots of new stuff. Here is our list so far:
- Fixed altered ammo issue (handled by server now)
- Improved health bar display (should better reflect the server controlled health state)
- Fixed (again?) extra "ghost weapons" being drawn (a graphical glitch during loadout selection)
- Leaderboard tweak (latest season leaderboard will be on top and season's will have a name... and more to come over time.)
- New ad bar (can be hidden after 15 seconds and will be visible again when a new ad is loaded)  
- New screens for earning Sponsor Tokens
- Menu changes to support new in-game economy (some of the buttons/screens are place holders for features that will be added in later releases)
- Added new customized avatar shirt and pants(gasp!)
MMC Battle Coin & Sponsor Token Flow2021Nov05.png
Classic MiniMilitia Roadmap2021Nov5.pdf
Classic MiniMilitia Roadmap2021Nov5.png
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