That gives the nearest player (@p) a command block (item nr 137)
At least that will get you started.
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Thanks for the explanation, it really does make sense to work this way as you thought it out.
All in all, great map. I will test it next week on a group of 15 students.
My kids are from grades 5 through 7, as this is an after school club which takes place on Saturdays. Today we worked in one 3 hour session with a 15 minute break halfway through. The curriculum is a little more relaxed than that at schools. Anyway, my goal is to teach them basic programming paradigms, as in what it is and how to use loops, conditionals, logic, variables etc. And with CCEdu it is easy to get visual results quickly.
The idea on checkpoints with command blocks sending a chat message is great. Is it possible to send a private chat message that only the teacher can see?
Regarding challenges with while loops, yes, we definitely need more puzzles. Now that they are acquainted with the idea of loops, we need to reinforce it, so they would not be afraid to use it. Now they fear that the turtle will go out of their reach, so they hesitate to use those loops.
Before I knew about CCEdu, I was building a world with a regular CC, so now I am thinking in converting it to use CCEdu turtles and then gradually moving to CC turtles with more advanced functions and capabilities. When the world will be ready, I will definitely upload it so everyone could benefit from it. But it is still in the making and you know how long it takes to make one. Or maybe I just could extend your world as it would be easier for students to go back and repeat what they had forgotten. What do you think I should do? Do you intend to use CCEdu only or will you consider including regular CC also?
Next week I think we will try the other CCEdu map in online template database.
Hey guys, how do you solve structure copying problem when command blocks' texts, signs' texts, chests' contents, information signs' texts are not copied using either wordedit or mcedit? It's unfortunate when you have then manually enter all commands manually for more than 20 identical lines of puzzles.
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MCEdit should copy the sign info etc.But other wise you can use a couple of different methods. If it is strictly sign data, you can use the "copy" button inside the sign gui then go and place all the signs that need to say the same thing, using the "paste" button inside the sign gui as you go. Otherwise you can copy and paste text from an outside document (like a .txt or .doc file) into the appropriate places.
On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Andrius P. <> wrote:
Hey guys, how do you solve structure copying problem when command blocks' texts, signs' texts, chests' contents, information signs' texts are not copied using either wordedit or mcedit? It's unfortunate when you have then manually enter all commands manually for more than 20 identical lines of puzzles.
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As Saturday is coming (that's when we have our supplementary course) I was thinking in how could I combine different level students on the same server. Because last Saturday not all of my students finished Land of Turtles map, some of the students were absent, and I really wanted all of them finish this map (because it is so awesome!), and also I wanted to do something new with those, who finished the map. There is another map made by MisterA, so I thought it would be nice to do that. But how could I run them on the same server.. So I decided to combine those two maps in order to have only one server running where all students played together.
Now I have a hybrid map made out of Michael's Land of Turtles and MisterA's CCEdu Challenge map, with some minor modifications. Now all students will be able to finish all the challenges with CCEdu.
So, the students finish at the Faultline Island and then they have to find the entrance to the next challenge (based on MisterA's map). The hunt for the entrance idea is borrowed from EduElfie's idea on Treasure Maps (Thanks!). I put some pointers on the map so the will be able to practice their character movement control skills, which involves navigating according to some landmarks, going over water, climbing a hill and climbing a tree via vines. I hope it will be fun!
The main difference from MisterA's map is that I removed all the hints and help text for the puzzles, only the description and the task of the puzzle. To my mind at this stage most of them should already have the basic understanding of how to do what. In case they forget, I can easily send them back to the SkyTurtle Island to practice some more. What do you think of this approach?
We'll see how it goes this Saturday!
If anybody wants, I can upload this map somewhere so anyone could use it. Just let me know.
Some pics:
In an effort to embrace the new structure of the Google Group, I want to start this thread for all discussions of my world. I'm glad people are excited to use it, even though it's of course a work in progress. If you're trying to get it working in your classroom or you have feedback for me, please use this thread.Here is a link to the world file, which also includes other details such as the mods required and a lesson plan.Thanks,Mike Harvey
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Would our group recording of this world help?
On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, Mr. Isaacs <> wrote:
I think I figured the one question out. I think he was just supposed to be 10 high. However, is the idea that the kids should just see that, but can't change it? The directions say not to alter the code. As they explore the museum will more be revealed? It seems to me like the inclination would be to fix the code on that turtle and I just want to ensure that I guide the students as intended.--Steve
On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 12:57:57 PM UTC-4, Mr. Isaacs wrote:Hi Mike,The link is not working - page cannot be found. I am wondering how to revert things back if changes were made. I am working on a hosted minecraftedu server for a camp with the neighborhood schools in Texas. I believe the first turtle code may have been altered. RIght now it just has the turtle going down 6 (which of course it cannot do). What should the code be for that one?Steve
On Tuesday, February 4, 2014 11:06:52 AM UTC-5, Michael Harvey wrote:In an effort to embrace the new structure of the Google Group, I want to start this thread for all discussions of my world. I'm glad people are excited to use it, even though it's of course a work in progress. If you're trying to get it working in your classroom or you have feedback for me, please use this thread.Here is a link to the world file, which also includes other details such as the mods required and a lesson plan.Thanks,Mike Harvey
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Long story short: today I got the "great news" (not) that I'm going to be a replacement in a course teaching the basics of object-oriented programming. No knowledge, no experience but I, as the students, loves minecraft. I happen to run a MCEdu project at my school and I also happen to have the Land of Turtles map on the server: there's my solution.
But, as my students are 18-22 yo I have to challenge them from the start.
My idea is to give them code, not a printscreen of design mode, plain text code.
With the code in their hands they have to search the right turtle, analysis what the code does and tell all.
Do you happen to have all code in text, ready to copy paste here?
Just a shot, otherwise I have to copy all turtles the hard way... :-S
Here's the long story: Imagine Friday lunchtime and you start to understand that you're a bit in the shit, on Monday you're about to be a replacement for a colleague teaching the basics in python. Welcome to my world...
First, what comes to parental leaving and kids it's difference in the world. In the nordic countries you are allowed to be home 1-1,5 year, and as a father and to prove you're not a male chauvinist, you should stay home at least three months or more likely 50%. And when the baby is born, you as a father are allowed to directly take three (3) weeks. I was home with my daughter Vera (minecraft nick AquaVera) for 14 months. Because I could.
Two colleagues could also.
One became dad three weeks ago and the other two days ago. The first one shared material 12 hours before lessons starts and the second one doesn't share at all. I'm the replacement, so welcome to my world... 12 hours before start? I got the message 22:18 Monday evening and the course, a new one, started the following day 10:15. What piss me off is that they have known for weeks and months when the baby will come and they have had all time in the world to prepare us who is about to replace them, but no...
I've been stressing a lot and have been begging on my knees to get material from the second colleague but no chance. When I look at my next three weeks schedule I have two more courses without material or, actually knowledge. As a remedial teacher I know the basics, I'm not an expert, this course is way over my top.
The course in the fundamentals of object-oriented programming we will be three parts (3 teachers as replacements) to share, the other two has experience from Java and C++ and we should run Python. I have some experience of Java, but the problem usually is you need a lot and lot of code to see something really happening, and students usually need the kick earlier than that to get caught of the subject. The age doesn't matter.
What do I have?
Experience from MinecraftEDU... ROFL
But hey!
I can use it!
I really can solve my three weeks of problems with MinecraftEDU, ComputerCraftEDU and the awesome world "the Land of Turtles".
I actually do know that you have made it for younger kids/pupils/students and I also know Lua ain't object oriented.
Part of my problem I've described above. Some other parts: some students do a game in as a final project and that program also uses Lua. Lua is also used to macros in World of Warcraft. So they can connect to Lua anyhow. Also, more important, as they behave in another way when they're gaming (not that easily giving up) I hope I could use your truly awesome map to catch their interest. If they even get some knowledge and interest of programming in general it's a huge success.
So what comes to age, mine students are 18-22, yours half that age.
If you start teach programming basics when the pupils are in the age you teach, they will be on another level that mine are. My daughter will be on an higher level. But the students I have, they rather play than learn. Everytime they knock the wall and the solution not drop in their hands, they give up and starts to play games (Internet is full of them). If I don't make my lessons interesting enough, they stop listen and starts to play video games, during class, lessons in school. Or watch YouTube :( the main reason why they are on this program/education is because they love to play computer games.
Same question I've been starting to ask myself lately:
What happen if I allow a game and xhallenge them within that game?
Will they learn more or less?
Most of the students play Minecraft anyway and with MinecraftEDU and computecraftEDU I maybe hopefully can give them a positive learning experience.
The design view of coding in your map is the same as in our iPad apps, drag and drop. With one difference, you can choose the see the code. That option I have to use more often than if the students are younger. I have to make them have a second thought about the code, what they actually are doing.
Last, but not less.
I've already in another group tested the map /world.
The usually weaker students (dyslexia, dyscalculia and more) was the stronger ones and also was faster learning how to code (to make the turtle doing stuff). They could see, or testrun, what was happening in another way than ordinary coding. The challenge is to remind them what they are doing, why and what is happening: reflect and analyze.
I would love to do the research first, but as I wrote in the long answer above, I have (or had) like 56 hours to prepare. And that's one of the things that piss me off, because I have both own courses to prepare, a weekend with my family so there's not time enough or at all :(
And I hate it.
I want to be prepared, your map is actually my perfect solution to get rid of the stress and actually have a chance to learn them something.
As we're three (3) teachers as replacements and the other two HATES games I believe the students will have enough of object oriented theory and I hope my part of it will be fun and challenging enough to get them some knowledge ;)
Hi Kalle,
n is the counter variable for the loop between do and end. n starts from 1 and increments after every loop until its value equals 11.
The step 1 can be changed with a third parameter:
for n=1,10,2 loops only 5 times.
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With step 1 and increment I mean:
Increment/Add 1 to the value of n after every loop.
N and n are different identifiers. So Lua is case-sensitive, right :)
You have one loop in another there.
Here's the report -->
In an effort to embrace the new structure of the Google Group, I want to start this thread for all discussions of my world. I'm glad people are excited to use it, even though it's of course a work in progress. If you're trying to get it working in your classroom or you have feedback for me, please use this thread.Here is a link to the world file, which also includes other details such as the mods required and a lesson plan.Thanks,Mike Harvey
But first, it's a "funny" group that has no interest at all making code (main subject).
Until now.
Because I'm using a game as a tool.
My colleagues, both the other two replacements as well as the ordinary teacher, tries and tries but doesn't catch them. Instead most of the class plays other games during class or looking (study) at YouTube to be a better gamer...
This Monday the other half of the class came as well, so I had to stop the first half so the other ones had a chance to catch up. First I was going to actually add trees to Faultline Island, as I wrote in my wishlist, but luckily I had a second thought and didn't. Instead I gave them a scenario to solve:
"Your spaceship has crashed in a desert with very limited resources. You have to leave that place (Island) and create a civilization (survive) until rescue might come. There's only one catch, the gravity of this world prevent you to build anything by your own hands. Luckily you have your little helper with you that can do whatever you say (code) him to do.
Collect resources, build houses and roads and wait for the rescue..."
I had to add a couple of spots where they could put down or pick up their turtles. Some was doing great and made programs to chop down 2x2 trees with branches but unfortunately even this was a bit too creative.
Without using a game like Minecraft you have very hard to give this knowledge to the students, the key competences of life long learning (creative, problemsolving, math and science, languages, collaboration and more). Without a to-do-list they are helpless and needs guidence. Strange actually, because they are 18-22, not 8-10. When playing your chapters, intro worked great as well as the first floor in Skyturtle Island but when you stopped with the hints they got more and more problem. Not with the code, but "the meaning of life" = they suck with be creative!!
I will check the places I find and return what plans you had and what I could use them too. Thanks for your time Mike ;)