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Crashing server and Mod Rejection issues

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Nancy Raskauskas

Mar 24, 2016, 4:10:17 PM3/24/16
to Minecraft Teachers

I am a Windowsphobe. My newest server is on a Lenovo laptop running Windows 7. My clients are Macs. I have been using minecraft off of our own servers for 2 years successfully and have added many mods. 

I posted this yesterday to support.

I have installed Turtle Island onto my newest minecraft server along with the

mods computercraft and custom npcs. I also installed the mods on

client machines. This is the error I get once I log in :

Connection Lost: Mod rejections [FMLMod:ComputerCraftEdu{1.74},

FMLMod:qCraft{1.2}, FMLMod:ComputerCraft{1.74},


Thank you for any information you can give me on this issue.

I received this answer:

Those mods listed in the disconnect message are the ones that are enabled on the server but not on the client computers.

Could you make sure that all of those are enabled in the "Mods" menu on the Launcher. Ironically the clients with the installed new mods now work well with the old servers, desktops running Windows 7.  

Well, I checked that all mods were the same on client and server ends. Both server and client are running minecraft 1.7.10 build 21. 

Now I have a new problem in that the server keeps crashing within seconds of launch. 

My crash report says that the server starts but the mods are "unloaded" then it fails. 

Did I mention I am a Windowsphobe? I have no idea how to troubleshoot anything that is not the obvious. 

Thank again for any help you can offer with this matter.



Mar 24, 2016, 7:38:26 PM3/24/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Try looking in the mods button within the launcher to ensure that the correct mods are enabled (they must be ticked)


Nancy Raskauskas

Mar 25, 2016, 7:41:14 AM3/25/16
Thank you Elfie.

Yes as I indicated  all mods are ticked. 

This is going to get convoluted so I hope I am being clear in this response.  

Now my own client computer keeps crashing. It will load sometimes with just Computercraftedu and I untick Custom NPCs but when I try and enable both they crash. 

When I delete the mods from my client mod folder and then go back in and tick off the mods in client on the server, they no longer appear in the mod folder. So, I have been physically dragging, as someone suggested, the mods into the folder manually from my computer. Could this be causing issues?

Also, I am running two different servers on my network. The student client computers connect great to the older server that they have been connecting to for a couple years. I want to have some classes use my world with no mods and others connect to Turtle Island so I will have to install computercraftedu and customnpcs on all clients. I already have “regular” computercraft running on the older server and all my clients.  I replaced computercraft with computercraftedu on my own client computer which is now crashing. The customnpcs which is not installed on the older server seems to be the problem in some way as well as computercraftedu (as opposed to just computercraft)-very puzzling. 

This is exasperating but I do not want to give up. Minecraft has been a  salvation,  getting my students involved in every aspect of computer learning from social networking to coding. 


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Mar 25, 2016, 6:07:47 PM3/25/16
to Minecraft Teachers
All I can suggest then is a completely fresh install with only the mods you want for both the server and the clients. See if that resolves the issue, I know many people run CCEdu with NPC's without a concern, so there should be no incompatibility there. That being said, in your initial crash report it mentions qCraft as a mod, is that present or not, you have mentioned CCEdu and NPC's but not qCraft.


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Nancy Raskauskas

Mar 25, 2016, 7:33:14 PM3/25/16
Oh yes, the qcraft. I disabled that finally. When I originally downloaded and installed Edu 1.7.10 it was in the Mod queue already and ticked. I kept unticking it and it would come freakishly back ticked even after a a save and restart for several go-'rounds. I deleted it from the folder and it has not returned.  I am in the process of deleting and reinstalling the entire as we speak. I was thinking you would not get back to me this soon , this being Easter weekend , but was pleasantly surprised when I  just sat down to check my email. 

Thank you for all your help. 


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Nancy Raskauskas

Mar 25, 2016, 9:17:32 PM3/25/16
Just finished finally installing fresh Minecraftedu 1.7.10 build 21,  computercraft and customnpcs and everything runs well in tutorial world and my own world. As soon as I install Turtle Island and start the server with it, it crashes.Ugh!  Guess I will look for an alternative.
On Mar 25, 2016, at 6:07 PM, EduElfie <> wrote:

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Mar 29, 2016, 11:52:10 AM3/29/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Hi Nancy, what are the required mods for turtle island, make sure you get the version number correct, some of the earlier CCEdu maps may not work correctly with the latest version of that mod, there were big changes from early on that may be causing your crash issues.


Nancy Raskauskas

Mar 29, 2016, 1:10:27 PM3/29/16
Thanks for getting back with me again, Elfie. I have all the latest versions. I think the problem is the computer that the school gave me to use. 
I assumed they got the configuration that I put on my P.O. but when I looked up the specs and read reviews of the computer many say that configuration 
can not run anything but simple programs. So, I am going to re-allocate a desktop PC and use it for minecraftedu.

Nancy Raskauskas
Technology Specialist
Worcester Preparatory School
Berlin, MD 21811

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Mar 29, 2016, 6:49:58 PM3/29/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Hi Nancy, as I mentioned, it may be the latest version that is causing your issue. Check the version requirements of Turtle Island, I have a feeling it is not the latest CCEdu.


Nancy Raskauskas

Apr 5, 2016, 1:35:34 PM4/5/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Okay. I am now over the fact that it might be the computer. I also lowered my version of CustomNPCs to 1.72 and Computercraft to 1.74. I cn not find the documentation that tells which mod versions as the instructions just say "download the latest version". Am I missing something?This has been going n for weeks now. Not even my most savvy minecrafty kids can figure it out. 

That said, I installed the server on a desktop computer running Windows7 and as soon as I launch the server with computer craft and Custom NPCs, it crashes with Turtle Island or any other world I create. I remove Custom NPCs and it is all good with any world except, of course,Turtle Island because it needs Custom NPCs to launch. Are there any other alternatives. 

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Nancy Raskauskas

Apr 5, 2016, 3:55:01 PM4/5/16
to Minecraft Teachers

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 1:35:34 PM UTC-4, Nancy Raskauskas wrote:
Okay. I am now over the idea that it might be the computer. I also lowered my version of CustomNPCs to 1.72 and Computercraft to 1.74. I cn not find the documentation that tells which mod versions as the instructions just say "download the latest version". Am I missing something?This has been going n for weeks now. Not even my most savvy minecrafty kids can figure it out. 

Pat James

Apr 5, 2016, 4:46:46 PM4/5/16
to Minecraft Teachers
I'm not sure you can use CustomNPCs 1.72.  I use 1.7.10d.  I had some problems at one point where clients had a different letter version than the server, for example 1.7.10c vs 1.7.10d and they would not work.

Try getting CustomNPCs version 1.7.10d directly from the source at That is the version I am currently using in my classroom on both client and server and it is working fine with ComputerCraftEdu 1.74


Nancy Raskauskas

Apr 6, 2016, 9:43:47 AM4/6/16
Thank you so much. Finally someone who explained exactly what version I should use of CustomNPCs. It was suggested that I use a lower version of the mod so I have tried almost every version out there below 1.7.4 and it keeps crashing my server. 

I will try this version. Thank you for the link.

Nancy Raskauskas
Technology Specialist
Worcester Preparatory School
Berlin, MD 21811

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