Letter Blocks Mod - First Release

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Nov 7, 2014, 3:36:49 PM11/7/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

I am pleased to share my first mod! It simply adds alphabet blocks to the game. I have always wanted a set of letters to match the MinecraftEdu number blocks, so I made some!

I have tested the mods on different systems without any problems, so I think it is safe to say they are stable.
I am really excited about using these letters with command blocks in 1.7.10!

Download Letter Blocks 1.0 for MC 1.7.10
Download Letter Blocks 1.0 for MC 1.6.4

Bugs or Errors or Suggestions:
If you have any of these, please let me know!

A note on mod development:
I used MCreator to make the 1.6.4 version, thinking it would be very quick to make some blocks. The program worked really well and I was able to add a letter in about a minute. However I had quite a few blocks to add, half-way through the alphabet I was wondering if MCreator was the best tool for this kind of mod...so many clicks...so boring! >_<
On the other hand, I made a mod with NO CODING! It actually took longer to make the graphics than it did to make the mod.
I was also able use MCreator to acquaint myself with the structure of Minecraft mods so when it came time to make the 1.7.10 version, I decided to see how long it would take to just code it from scratch. Including setup and my rusty java skills...about the same amount of time, but without the 10,000 clicks.
Of course I was only able to do this because I know how to code (and enjoy it!), otherwise it would have been a very different story. I am going to revisit MCreator to make some other kinds of mods (or use it to learn how). I think this program has great potential to teach mod design and coding, it sure helped get me going!
MCreator Website

Matt Coia

Nov 7, 2014, 4:14:51 PM11/7/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Awesome Maize!  I just tested it out with the latest MinecraftEDU 1.7.10 stable build and it works awesome!  These are obtainable in creative only (or giveable by the teacher), right? 

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Nov 7, 2014, 4:41:57 PM11/7/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Yay! Glad its working for you! :D

Yes, the blocks are only available from the creative inventory...sorry I forgot to mention that.
I also didn't include any install instructions either, but its the same as always, import the mod for both the client and server.
Let me know if I forgot anything else!
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Nov 13, 2014, 9:45:12 PM11/13/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

Here is a mini-mod to go with the letter blocks, French Letter Blocks!
This mod adds another creative tab that contains blocks with french characters.
They are only obtainable from creative inventory - "un-craftable" - just like the English blocks.
To install the mod, import it with the MinecraftEdu launcher to the server and clients.
I am currently working on more blocks and I am taking requests. If you would like a particular language set, please let me know!

French Letter Blocks Add-on:

Download French Blocks 1.0 for Minecraft 1.6.4


Download French Blocks 1.0 for Minecraft 1.7.10

I have also updated my English blocks, no major changes, but the newest versions are here:

Download English Blocks 1.1 for Minecraft 1.6.4
 - fixed name display for letters w & x (>_<)


Download English Blocks 1.1 for Minecraft 1.7.10
 - Fixed image for mod info screen (it was bugging me)

I have been looking into making these blocks more "interesting" but it looks like the only way to do it well is with tile entities. The only problem with this is that too many tile entities in a world can hurt performance. I haven't had any problems with this myself, but not all systems are the same and I don't want people to feel they need to use the blocks sparingly. So even though I could add features like changing the colours and font, I think I will just keep them as regular blocks for now - nothing fancy, just functional. This may change if I find another way to save block info without tile entities, or there are requests for more "creative" features. Any suggestions, opinions or ideas would be welcome!


Nov 14, 2014, 5:11:46 AM11/14/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I actually started to render your block to be able to add the three Norwegian letters Æ-æ Ø-ø Å-å. (capital letter-small letter)

Would you by any chance be so extremely kind to add those to the extra blocks?

I also simply love the tutorial about bibliocraft painting. I said I got paintings ++ to work, men not the gui selection. Now I will skip that cause this seemed way better. Thanks for the amazing work.


Nov 15, 2014, 3:29:13 PM11/15/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Okay! In attempting to fulfill Halligator's request, I ran into the same conundrum I started with. What is the best way to represent a character set that is shared between so many languages? At first I thought to make a separate set for each language, but in a multilingual situation this would result in too many redundancies. For example, the letter "B" in English is the same in French, so it would be confusing to have "English B" and a "French B" block (especially when trying to use them with command blocks). I thought creating sets with only the letters that are unique to each language would work better, but now I realize this will result in the same problem.

So, instead of making many sets with the same letters, how about one big "Extended Latin Letters" set? Then only two mods would be required to spell words in any language that uses Latin script! I have been making the characters, now I'm ready to turn them into blocks. The names of the blocks will change a bit for this set. I don't think there is any point in trying to indicate what language the letter comes from, since it can be used for many languages. I will just use the English names to be consistent. So the "é" would not be named "e aigu - minuscule - fre", it would just have the English name "e acute - lowercase".

Here is a pic of the future blocks, since my knowledge of most European languages is basic at best, please check if I have made any mistakes or missed any letters. I will be coding the mod this weekend so it will be ready soon!

Extended Latin Letters


Nov 16, 2014, 3:47:04 AM11/16/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I think that is the perfect solution. And the characters you have made looks correct to me. Wow

Josh Gray

Nov 16, 2014, 9:34:55 AM11/16/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I used the letter blocks with students this week. Fantastic. My request for the next language would be Japanese. If you want an alphabet for this - about 46 characters - let me know.


Nov 16, 2014, 4:20:00 PM11/16/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Actually, Japanese is the other set I have been working on, along with some others...but I will keep those a surprise! I was intending to include Hiragana and Katakana, and perhaps the Kanji for JLPT N5. I first thought it would be interesting to have blocks for the radicals and "build" the characters, but thats not working out very well, so JLPT Kanji is my next choice.
I thought I should finish the Latin letters first before releasing a whole new character set, but yes, a Japanese set is coming soon!


Nov 20, 2014, 2:41:12 PM11/20/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Here we go, hot off the gradle is the Latin Extended Letter Blocks Mod!
Sorry it took longer than I thought, it didn't seem like 96 blocks until I had to program them, plus releasing versions for 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 requires recoding... >_<
Good thing I love letters! :D

Making this mod has reminded of how many languages there are in the world - 6500 - and I am only fluent in one!?! So much to learn, so little time...Good thing there is Minecraft! ;)

For the most part I have used English/Unicode names for these letters. My apologies in advance if I have made any mistakes, please let me know!

A big thanks to Halligator for requesting more letters, and all the encouragement, and checking my work - this one's for you! (and everyone else too :)

Download Latin Extended Blocks for MC 1.6.4
Download Latin Extended Blocks for MC 1.7.10

The next letter set from "Maize Block Factory" will be Japanese - I really enjoy fulfilling requests!  Josh, I'm guessing you are looking for Hiragana? I was intending to release one big Japanese mod, but now I think it would be better to release each alphabet as I complete them so you will not have to wait as long. I am looking forward to developing a "craft a Kanji" mod that will use radical items to create character blocks - I just love how that sounds! It might take me a little bit to work that out, but first...ひらがなを作りましょう!


Nov 21, 2014, 9:11:51 AM11/21/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
aMAIZEing :) Thank you ever so much.
And you even got the Boat right :) Great. And what perfect timing, since I can then move along with my project planned for the upcoming Wednesday.

I have made some blocks (based on yours) of the Common Germanic Runes. I am trying replace them with some of your latin letters, but without luck so far (cause I need some luck) 
Can you help with the best way of doing this? If you are interested in these blocks I will of course share them with you, but I wanted to test them first ...


Nov 21, 2014, 11:13:42 AM11/21/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I managed to put them in by replacing your blocks (by using the same name) This is the 1.6.4 version.
I would really like to out these RUNES on a stone background like the top two. I guess I then have to do it separately for each resource pack right?
You can see them not being as Bold as your letters, but I find it to be a bit more realistic to have the Runes like this. And they should be carved out of stone. Agree?


Nov 21, 2014, 12:44:06 PM11/21/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

That's so AWESOME!!!

You got it! Just replace the images with yours, as long as they have the same file name, Minecraft will replace them in the game.
I do agree, with an engraved effect they would look like they were chiseled into the rock!

You can create one resource pack that will replace the graphics from all the letter mods, as long as the folders and file names are the same. This might be easier than having to change the textures in each mod file. It doesn't really matter which way you do it, since a resource pack just overrides existing textures (which you are already doing).

If you do want to create a resource pack, you need to include a pack.mcmeta file along with the new images. Here is an example file you can edit:

So the resource pack zip would look something like this:

The pack.png is the image that is displayed in the resource pack list (you could just rename one of your Rune graphics for this).

I have been trying to change the block names with a resource pack, its easy to do in 1.7 but I haven't figured out how to get this to work for 1.6.4...yet!

If you run into trouble with anything, please let me know...and maybe, if you want, you could share your super cool Runes? I would LOVE to have them in my world!

Best of Luck,


Nov 23, 2014, 2:44:46 PM11/23/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Okey, that was hard but rewarding work. I guess I have made it difficult for me to use them properly, but at least I can use it for the Iron age project.

I would to love to share. Would you like me the post the MOD file? Or just the block files?

The reason for the background textures are that we use the MOMILANI resourcepack (64 px) on our server, but on this project we use the John Smith legacy (32 px). So I decided to take out two of those stones to put them on.
I am not a photoshopper, and definitely not a mod maker, but this was fun and very educational to me in so many ways. 
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Joel S.

Nov 24, 2014, 2:22:43 PM11/24/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I tried to install the 1.6.4 .zip file of letter blocks, with no luck. When I looked at the mod list on the server, it shows (not available) in the list.


I put one copy in the server mods 1.6.4 folder, and one in the client 1.6.4 folder, and when I tried loading the game, nothing happens: no welcome screen, no username input screen, no nothing. I wound up removing it from the mod lists in both client and server until I can figure out why it's not working.

Thanks for any help/advice you can provide.

Joel S.


Nov 25, 2014, 9:42:42 AM11/25/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
That was weird. It says unavailable in my list as well, but it works fine. 1.6.4 version.
You should try to start it up without any of the other mods, and if it works then, you should try to add one at the time.
Maybe it crashes with of the others?

I actually use the same mods as you except for the biomes plenty and XL, so you could start by removing the them.

Jennifer Krouse

Nov 29, 2014, 11:26:48 PM11/29/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Yup, that figures...problems always seem to appear when your away! Drat! Hopefully we can get this worked out...

As far as the "not available" showing next to the mod, I'm pretty sure it's referring to the mod version number, not the mod itself. The English Blocks 1.6.4 was generated with MCreator and it seems some info is not being communicated properly.

John, could you post your crash report? Maybe you could paste the text on paste bin then just add the link here to save space?
I'm suspecting a block ID conflict. If that is the problem then the idfixminus mod will sort things out for you, but I find this method works best when generating a fresh world. If you want to use the letter blocks with an existing world and there are ID conflicts...well...I have been considering re-coding the English blocks mod to match the rest, so this may be my excuse! I could add a config file that would allow you to assign the starting block ID (to a number that is not used in any other mod), but this would add a layer of complexity that I was trying to avoid, both in coding and general usage. >_<
I can only guess at solutions until I take a look at the crash log, so lemme know!

Halligator, your Rune blocks look great! They blend very nicely with the resource pack. It would be so much fun to decipher the mysterious symbols found in the depths of a cave!!! Cooooool!
And I agree that making textures is a lot of work, but well worth it! :D
You could share your customized mod file if you like, I would suggest renaming it to something different than the original, like "Maize Letter Blocks - Halligator Runes.zip" or something like that. I could also put the textures in a resource pack and share that as well.
I'm not sure why the Rune blocks would be more difficult to use now? Is it because the names don't match the blocks anymore? I could try to do something about that, we will see!

Right now I'm finishing up the Hiragana blocks and hopefully I can share them soon!

Good Luck,

Tim Boettiger

Dec 11, 2014, 7:45:51 AM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Maize and Halligator1.

Your work is just what I need. Thanks for that. 
BUT I cant figure out how to get it in my server. I'm a beginner at this so I would be very pleased if you could helt me.
When I download the Download Latin Extended Blocks for MC 1.7.10 it comes as a .jar - file. Shouldent it be a .zip-file?

The rune-alfabet from you Halligato1 is a great idea. When I come from denmark it is very usefull.

Could you please tell me what to do to get the lettermods in my maps/worlds?

Best, Tim


Dec 11, 2014, 11:07:09 AM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hey Tim. I would love to share my part of this, but this is all Maizes work. I have changed some textures in a pretty amateur way really.

I have not made a 1.7.10 version yet, but I plan to. Cause then I van just add it as a resource pack to my world.

I can however share the 1.6.4 version, which is simply a replica of Maizes extended Latin blocks where I have replaced the images of her wonderful letters into two different backgrounds that would fit neatly into my project world on the iron age. (plus our æ, ø, å letters)

I will share this as soon as I get some free time, but I have been packed the last two weeks. Maybe I can find some time this weekend. ☺

The only thing I did was to put those two zip files for the 1.6.4 version (the 1.7.10 version is supposed to be a jar file, but you do exactly the same as with the zip file.

Simply download Maizes two mods. And paste the file into the clients minecraft/mod/1.7.10/ folder.
You must also paste it to your server.
Under the folder I can't remember (will add this later when I am in front of my compiter)

When you launch a server this should be automatically added, but make sure to check the mod button in your launcher, to see that the two mods are checked.

Sorry if this is a bit inaccurate. I am on my phone on the train, so it's from my memory.


Tim Boettiger

Dec 11, 2014, 11:21:26 AM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Halligator1.

Thanks for your respons. Great.

Looking forward to hear from you later on. But no rush. 

I'm excited to see it. Hope it works.

Have a nice day.

Best, Tim

Joel S.

Dec 11, 2014, 2:13:37 PM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I am still unable to get this mod to work. I've followed the advice from earlier posts, unchecked ALL mods on the server except for the letters, and did the same on the client machine. When I start up Minecraft, nothing happens. I can't even get to the welcome screen. The game starts up, then immediately shuts down after about 5-10 seconds. 

Does it make a difference if a REMOVE these mods instead of simply unchecking them?


Dec 11, 2014, 3:31:28 PM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Yes, I am pretty sure that will make a difference. That is what I normally do.


Dec 11, 2014, 3:49:11 PM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
I have never done this before, so bare with me if I am doing this wrong, but here is a dropbox link til my edition of the 1.6.4 version.
Pleease report back if it ain't working.


Tim Boettiger

Dec 11, 2014, 4:53:46 PM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Halligator.

Thanks. I try if it work.

What are the different from version 1.6.4 and 1.7.10 version?

Best, Tim


Dec 11, 2014, 7:42:01 PM12/11/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Halligator for sharing your custom textures!

Here is a 1.7.10 version for Tim:

Just to confirm what Halligator was saying about jar files, just treat them like a zip file, put them in the same mods folders, etc.

And here is a resource pack for the Latin Extended Blocks mod that will change the textures to Halligator's Runes, it will probably work for both 1.6.4 and 1.7.10:
Please note this file goes in the resource pack folder and will only work if the Latin Extended Blocks mod is installed, it just overrides the textures.

For the mod crashing problem that Joel is having, try removing all other mods from the mods folder and see if the client launches with only the blocks mod installed. If that works then try adding the other mods back.
I'm still guessing at the cause of the problem without a crash report, but in the next mod update (maybe before the holidays) I will add a config file that allows for the block IDs to be re-assigned (this is usually the problem when if comes to crashing with multiple mods).
Let me know if you can get the mod running all by itself... *crosses fingers*

I have been swamped with wrapping up projects lately, but I am trying to get the Hiragana mod finished before I start wrapping up presents!
(one more block....one more block....)

Good luck to all,


Dec 12, 2014, 1:56:33 AM12/12/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Thanks again for the 1.7.10 version And the resourcepack. That is even better since that is what I am trying to do with my world. I started updating it yesterday and would like to use a resourcepack I most preferably will add to the iron age world.
I can not get that to work with the recepie at the wiki. Putting it in the MCEDU folder? Without unpacking it?

Your gift wrapping will be very well deserved Maize. GREAT work.

Tim Boettiger

Dec 12, 2014, 2:29:52 PM12/12/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Maize.

I have tryed to import one of your letter mods, but they are not active in the folder when I find them. It is from a iMac. Is that a problem?

The 1.6.4 version, does it work on later versions?

Thanks for an amazing work. Do you have a "Donate"-button somethere?

Best, Tim

Tim Boettiger

Dec 17, 2014, 3:06:10 PM12/17/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Maize.

I have tryed your letter mod and it is great. 

Now I have a little problem. I have started a new world but forgot to delete your mods. It is a world that I want to export to others. But then I deleted your mods, saved the world and exported it to another computer. When I started the worlds server this messages came up (see image). When I close it the server crashes. Do you know what to do. I think it would be a little crazy if the users of my world would have to import your two mods to get it working, without using you mods.

Do you know what to do? It's hard work to start all over.

Best, Tim

Tim Boettiger

Dec 17, 2014, 3:08:29 PM12/17/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Image for the last tread.

Best, Tim
Delete mods.png

Jennifer Krouse

Dec 20, 2014, 1:24:35 PM12/20/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tim,
If you didn't put any of the mod blocks in the world, you should be able to continue loading the world and Forge will remove the references. If you've placed letter blocks in the world, I would try breaking them first before reloading without the mods installed.
Forge complains when you remove mods but if you continue past that warning screen it should load the world without them and things usually work normally after that.
As a worst case scenario you could cut out the area that you built using World Edit then import the schematic into a vanilla world (generated with the same seed). A program called MCEdit can do larger areas and preserve sign data, chest contents, etc. You probably won't have to resort to that, Forge is just complaining...but if you are still having problems you could post your world folder and I could take a look at it.
Good Luck!

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Dec 20, 2014, 3:31:30 PM12/20/14
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

Japanese Hiragana Blocks are ready! This set took a while to do, but I think they came out pretty good:


Japanese Hiragana Blocks 1.0 - MC 1.6.4.zip


Japanese Hiragana Blocks 1.0 - MC 1.7.10.jar

The 1.6.4 version is sporting a configuration file that allows you to change the starting block ID if you run into ID conflicts. The file is generated in the config folder the first time the mod runs. This is not important unless your running other mods and the game crashes when you add the letter blocks. If this happens, change the number in the config file to something that is not used by the other mods. (The crash report will tell you where the conflict occurred).

I have made the IDs sequential in all the letters blocks mods so they can all be installed together without conflict. However I can't account for mods I didn't make, hence the need for a config file. I would like to go back and add ID configuration support to all the 1.6.4 mods I have done so far, but right now only the Hiragana set has this feature. The 1.7.10 mods don't need it since the block IDs are automatically assigned.

A note on removing mods - A world generated with mods installed should still work if they are removed. Forge will display a warning about missing mods when the world loads, but should continue without them. If for some reason the world does become corrupted, there are tools to fix that! I don't think this is likely to happen since I have been swapping these mods in and out of worlds and haven't had any trouble yet.

Other than updating existing mods, I'm planning to make a Katakana set next. As always I am happy to take requests!

Here is a link to the Maize Mods folder on Google Drive, it contains all the mods I have done so far - this might make everything easier to find for now:

Maize Mods Folder

Happy Holidays,



Mar 3, 2015, 4:31:26 PM3/3/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

Updates and New Mods: Roman Numbers - Greek Alphabet & Katakana Letter Blocks!

I (finally) finished another batch of blocks, the Katakana set has all the standard characters for spelling names and such.

The Roman Numerals - Greek Alphabet mod uses quartz textures (for awesome looking builds) and features crafting recipes for the Roman numerals.

Mod Updates:

  • All the 1.6.4 version mods now generate config files with starting block IDs
  • All mods have been coded completely from scratch in Eclipse
  • Added Spanish punctuation blocks to the Latin Extended mod

The latest versions are available on my website (always a WIP) with more info and pics. I will continue to use the Google Drive as a lazy repository, so if you can download from there as well.

I have ideas for some different kinds of mods (involving containers >_<) and some more block sets in the works. I'm always open to suggestions and if anyone is having any problems, please post them on this thread for support.

Download Mods from Maize Blocks Webpage

Good Luck,

Joel Solomon

Mar 4, 2015, 3:06:40 PM3/4/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating these, and for the the thorough directions on your site. This has SO much potential, especially for the younger kids. I can't wait to start using this mod!

Joel S.

Jennifer Krouse

Mar 4, 2015, 8:54:41 PM3/4/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Yay! Your most welcome! I'm super happy they are working and will be useful. I did make them with language learning in mind, though they could be used in algebra equations as well. I hope I can come up with more helpful little mods...once you start modding, its hard to stop! :D

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Brian Subia

May 20, 2015, 12:55:32 PM5/20/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Thank you for the wonderful mod, it has been working great. I have one small issue I can't figure out. I originally used version 1 of your mod and created a world. I have recently updated the mod on the server and client to version 2. I was getting the error about missing blocks but after making a new save the old letter blocks are gone. I was going to start replacing them but noticed that the letters tab on creative mode is not alphabetized. If I start a new world the letters are listed fine. Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you for your help,

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Jennifer Krouse

May 23, 2015, 10:48:42 AM5/23/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hello Brian,

Yes, that is a really annoying problem with updating an existing world with a new version of the letter blocks. It has to do with the ID numbers that Minecraft assigns each item and block. It hard-codes these IDs to the world, so if you add a different version of the mod, it may change how the mod items are listed in the creative tab. Usually it's not a big deal if the "gadget" is listed before the "gizmo", but with alphabet blocks, the order is rather important! >_<
 All I can suggest is to remove the mods completely from the server and start it up, that might clear out the existing ID list. Save the world and close it, then add the new mods and start it up again. That may force Minecraft to give up the old IDs and assign a fresh set that is in alphabetical order. This only happens with existing worlds since IDs have already been assigned. So if you can get Minecraft to give up those IDs, hopefully the order will sort itself out.
Let me know if that works, if not, I will try to find another solution...I should mention that I don't intend to be adding or removing any more blocks from these mods, so future updates will not have this issue.

Also, I noticed that version 2 of the Hiragana blocks for 1.6.4 was missing some textures. If anyone is getting purple and black checkers instead of a "small tsu", please download the mod again. Nothing has changed except for the images so it will not mess up your block IDs or cause any sorting problems. ;p

Good Luck,

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Jennifer Krouse

Jun 24, 2015, 5:33:39 PM6/24/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com
Hello! That sounds like the problem with the Edu Blocks inventory tab being displaced by mod tabs. In Build 12, only teachers are allowed to access the first tab in second page of the inventory screen, which is designated as the Edu Blocks tab. However sometimes a mod is assigned that position and the Edu tab is pushed to the second or third tab position. This results in students not being able to access mod items that are in that first tab position and at the same time allows them to get the Edu blocks that are in a different tab potion. >_<

I think this problem was fixed in Build 14, so one solution is to upgrade your version of MinecraftEdu - I'm currently running Build 15 and its pretty awesome!

http://services.minecraftedu.com/wiki/Changelog - Build 14 changelog lists the problem with students getting Edu blocks when mods are installed as fixed (the other side of this problem is students not being able to get the mod blocks in the first tab)

I'm not quite sure how to fix this problem from my end, but I can look into it...maybe I can add some code to my mods so Minecraft will always list my mod tabs last or something, unless there will be a stable update of MinecraftEdu soon that fixes this problem completely. I'm not sure which will come first!

In the meantime I will try to think of a faster work around, since setting up command blocks to hand out letter blocks is kind of a pain...hmm....

Working on it,

On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Joel Solomon <joelsol...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm downloading and testing version 1.7.10 Build 12 (stable) and am unable to use the english letter blocks. I've installed in client and server's mods folder, and the mod appears in my inventory. However, when I try to click on the letters tab, I'm getting an error message that says: "You do not have access to these blocks."
I've tried in teacher and I can access these blocks and place them. When I try to login as a student (switched to creative mode and selected "students can build") I cannot use these blocks. Is this mod designed to be used only by teachers? I have used them with students in 1.6.4 and they were able to spell words. I just can't get this to work in 1.7.10 the same way.

Any suggestions?

Joel S.

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Jun 24, 2015, 7:28:13 PM6/24/15
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

So I'm thinking the good old "button 3" can help out with the inventory tab problem! How about an "Alphabet Wall" where students can middle-click in creative mode to obtain the letters they need? The very handy "pick block" feature is the fasted way to grab a block that is sitting in the world, just click the middle mouse button (press down the scroll wheel) while looking at a block and it will be added to your toolbar! XD

Here's some screenshots from Build 12 that may explain things more clearly:

This isn't a solution to the other problem of obtaining Teacher Blocks, but it does make it easy for students to get the letter blocks if they can't access the inventory tab.

This issue has been fixed in more recent development versions and will of course be fixed in the next stable release of MinecraftEdu.

Hope that helps,



Jun 13, 2020, 4:45:36 PM6/13/20
to Minecraft Teachers

Is it possible for you to export your MCreator Workspace for this so that i might try to port it to the latest version of MC? 

Or, think you might be able to port this to the latest verson? 

Great mod, thanks!
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