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MinecraftEdu 1.8.9 Development Build 3 Available!

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Toni Paavola

Apr 4, 2016, 10:09:12 AM4/4/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Get it while it's hot! From the Updates as well as

Ashley Trevino

Apr 5, 2016, 10:07:47 AM4/5/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Thank you!!!! :)  My little friends keep asking me for this.  I appreciate it.


Apr 8, 2016, 1:07:17 AM4/8/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Did I miss out on downloading this? I can't see a link on the website to login any more :(


Apr 8, 2016, 3:26:35 AM4/8/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Try this from another thread, unsure whether 1.8.9dev3 is there but the latest stable is for sure.

"You can still download the latest version of MinecraftEdu at our new URL:



YamCom Yamba

Apr 8, 2016, 5:18:29 AM4/8/16
Awesome, it was. Thanks for that :)

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George Boyce

Apr 12, 2016, 10:31:07 PM4/12/16
to Minecraft Teachers
And now the 1.8.9 dev version is gone. Is it legal to post it somewhere for those of us who missed it? Doesn't seem fair to have it pulled like that. Not the best way to win the loyalty of former customers.


Apr 13, 2016, 2:00:12 AM4/13/16
to Minecraft Teachers
I am not sure why all the versions other than 1.7.10 stable 22 were pulled. Chances are it was for a legitimate reason, and legally uploading them elsewhere is probably not a good idea. I will await a word from the TeacherGaming team and report back if anything changes.


Matt Coia

Apr 13, 2016, 8:26:04 AM4/13/16
Correct, definitely not legal to post elsewhere. 
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George Boyce

Apr 14, 2016, 7:43:14 AM4/14/16
to Minecraft Teachers
But someone can give it to me, right? Like someone who can verify that I am a licensed edu customer. It was released for download and use by licensed customers. By pulling it MS had created two classes of licenses, those with and those without a copy of 1.8.9. And that's not what my purchase or license says should be true.

But I'm probably not talking to the right person. Can someone provide me a direct contact to a MS edu representative who can go on record that this situation is their official policy?


Neal Manegold

Apr 15, 2016, 1:46:25 AM4/15/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Hello, I work on the Minecraft Education team. The 1.7.10 build (Stable 22) is the official build and the one available for use. The Development Build 3 offered temporarily is no longer available. Our official policy is that we worked closely with TeacherGaming so 1.7.10 could be released to support MinecraftEDU customers before ceasing development on the software. I'm sure you have other questions and concerns about this but that is what I can offer at this time. Thanks.

George Boyce

Apr 15, 2016, 6:47:08 AM4/15/16
to Minecraft Teachers
Thanks Neal. I appreciate the answer as it helps me plan for our summer camps and the future.


Amy Eko Morgan

May 18, 2016, 10:38:13 AM5/18/16
to Minecraft Teachers
It was implied, however, that 1.8.9 would be available before the transition took place.  I was able to download 1.8.9 (1), but the abrupt announcement of the actual transition occurred during our spring break and I was not available to get the 1.8.9 (3) version offered.  What would be wrong with Microsoft allowing the distribution of this build to those who own MinecraftEDU and would like this option?   Our school purchased MinecraftEDU in February assuming we would be able to use 1.8.9.  This makes Microsoft look pretty bad, in my opinion.  MinecraftEDU is for educational settings.  Why is Microsoft making this transition so frustrating for the educators choosing to use it with their students?  Our jobs are already difficult enough.

On another note, I do believe the new pricing model, as well as the system requirements, will prevent many schools from adopting Minecraft in the future.  It would be wise for Microsoft, such a large and influential company, to make the EDU version free to schools, or at the very least, keep a similar pricing strategy that Teacher Gaming had.  Such a great marketing strategy...  Microsoft looks good because it providing a fun, motivating teaching tool either free or very cheaply to schools.  Then there is the residual bonus of all of those students who are being exposed to it at school coming home and asking their parents to purchase the commercial version.  $$$  Cha-Ching!!  $$$

David Hawkins

May 18, 2016, 12:21:21 PM5/18/16
to Minecraft Teachers
The more voices we have the better... 

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