Full Tutorial ComputercraftEdu

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Mar 3, 2021, 1:58:49 PM3/3/21
to minecraft...@googlegroups.com

Hi teachers,

When I started using it in the classroom I had a hard time finding the documentation for all commands, so I decided to create explanatory videos about each button with some practical example. Then I even started a series of skyblock with computercraftedu showing their usefulness.
I hope it will be useful.

Thank you!

Aldyr Amaro

Joel Levin

Mar 4, 2021, 10:13:55 AM3/4/21
to Minecraft Teachers
This is amazing. Your videos will be so helpful to many people. Thank you for sharing. I just wish i spoke Portuguese! 

Also, it makes me very happy to know that people are still finding ways to keep MCEdu and CCEdu alive and useful!


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