The World of Humanities - "Educational MMORPG" - For Download and Distribution

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Oct 24, 2013, 4:00:17 PM10/24/13
You will need MinecraftEdu installed to run this. Please see the "Download and Installation" page below to see which version works best. 

This is the latest version of my "Wonderful World of Humanities" project, featuring various worlds from ancient history and tons of information to read / secrets to find / characters to talk to / quests to complete / building projects to collaborate on, etc.
Feel free to use this however and whenever you see fit, just please give me credit. :)  

Some activities your students can take part in within the world:

- Students explore a virtual realization of ancient history at their leisure, and can team up to talk with real characters from history and complete learning quests for in-game rewards.

- Blue "Info Blocks" deliver age-appropriate and engaging chunks of content following the "History Alive!" middle school curriculum.

- Students can find and participate in evolving storylines and conflicts from history.

- Hundreds of characters and quests in historical areas like Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, India, Medieval Times, and many more.

- More than 200 red "Link Blocks" can be found around the world, which will open up a web browser and take players to quizzes, games, videos, 360 degree panoramas of real-world locations, extra information, and activities tied to progress in the game world.

- Hidden secrets and rewards, including fun pets and character customization options, await the diligent explorer.

- Students can participate in active learning and apply their knowledge by collaborating to create new portions of the world, themed to historical eras and concepts.

Please have a look through this information packet that I give to my students. It will give you many more details. You may also want to print it and distribute it to your students: (please note that some information is specific to my personal students only, such as the installation instructions section)


Please click on this link to the MinecraftEdu Wiki and follow the steps in the "Install Instructions" section:


Intro video of the world:

Video of an interview that was conducted with me. Note that this is for an older version of the world:

Packet for parents, including my master's research paper on games in education, and the World of Humanities in particular:

Badges students can earn by finding the "secret code words" hidden around the world. I cut these out and put them on a big "Wall of Scholars and Explorers" bulletin board in my room:

Here's the "master list" of where all those codes are located so you can check student progress:

Here's a good example of the digital citizenship learning possible in the world, a chat log of students playing:

And here are some "promotional posters" you can use to help promote the world at your school (I have them all over my room and the hallways!):

/\ Example, here are the others: 
(more can be found on the MinecraftEdu Wiki page)

PHEW! Enjoy!! Please post in this thread to let me know how things work, how your students enjoy the world, and any other thoughts and impressions! I've been working on this for almost two years now, probably more than 700 hours put into it, and I'd love to hear how it's being used by students outside my own school.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the world, the panoramas, creation of characters and quests, or anything else! I'll try to review this thread often and reply as soon as I can. I will also add new updates and information as replies to this thread.


German Sevilla

Oct 24, 2013, 4:54:12 PM10/24/13
Thank you Eric. Will try ASAP.

Richard Campbell

Oct 25, 2013, 10:05:05 AM10/25/13
The world is amazing! I would would really like to know more about how you put NPCs into your world. After I installed your world into Minecraftedu I don't see how I can edit NPCs.

On Friday, October 25, 2013 5:00:17 AM UTC+9, Eric wrote:
You will need MinecraftEdu installed to run this. Please see the "Download and Installation" page below to see which version works best. 

This is the latest version of my "Wonderful World of Humanities" project, featuring various worlds from ancient history and tons of information to read / secrets to find / characters to talk to / quests to complete / building projects to collaborate on, etc.
Feel free to use this however and whenever you see fit, just please give me credit. :)  


Oct 25, 2013, 11:04:01 AM10/25/13
Thanks so much! NPCs is a process that has quite a learning curve, but is well worth it for the engagement and educational benefits. You need to turn on your creative mode, then select the "NPC Wand" item from the inventory (click the arrow to tab over the categories, to the NPC Tools category). With the wand in your hand, click on the ground to place a new NPC, or click on an existing NPC to edit it. A good video that goes over the whole NPC mod can be found here (try to ignore the slightly annoying voice):


Oct 26, 2013, 3:35:25 PM10/26/13
I have just spend a couple of hours like a student, enjoying every minute of it. I did not discover any problems what so ever, and the new graphics runs smoothly on my computer. I am afraid I have to turn of the shaders when we are going to use on my schools computers. Hopefully I am wrong.
I am still trying to figure out how to use this in a Norwegian school, since the English language is a tad to difficult for my students to be able to enjopy the world in a curriculum sense of it.
But I can of course be wrong about that also, so I just decided to give at a go. :)

I will start out by doing it as a project using your refugee camp, hopefully be learning myself custum NPCs, and translate some of your quests. 
Thank you again for your outstanding work.



Oct 26, 2013, 4:50:05 PM10/26/13
You're welcome. So glad you and your students will be enjoying it. Please let me know how everything goes - including specific quests/characters/areas they like, or don't! I always love feedback on designs in the world.

Aleksi Postari

Oct 27, 2013, 3:59:41 AM10/27/13
What age level are your students? I remember I used to play English games long before I even started learning English here in Finland. I used to for ex. recognise some words like "skull" and see 21. And the guy had some skulls already in the cave, so I though I had to collect 21 skulls.

And the same went into more storytelling games like Metal Gear Solid too, in where you had these longer narrative talks going on. I used to figure out from people's outfit, acting and scenery about what I would need to do. Talk about learning creativity and problem solving!


Oct 27, 2013, 8:04:23 AM10/27/13
I did the exact same thing, so it is excellent for learning English, problemsolving and creativity. But in order to fulfill the learning goals in Society studies (humanities) I feel that they have to "understand" the text in a deeper sense. They will undoubtfully learn a lot anyhow, and that's why I see Erics way of using it as an afterschool-study as a smart move. However, I wan to use it in the classroom as well, so there's the challenge. 
I guess WoH is teaching me to be creative and problemsolving as well :)
I will report back later on my progress, as well as the students :)


Oct 27, 2013, 8:34:42 AM10/27/13
Although it won't help with the Society Studies standards, one place you may want to send your students is the Great Library of Alexandria. Almost all the books in there were written by me when I was writing for an ESL publisher in Korea. The books are all geared towards English language learners, of varying skill levels.

Joel Mills

Nov 1, 2013, 7:34:02 AM11/1/13
Hi Eric,

Not sure if this is the most appropriate thread for my query.... But here goes.

We REALLY REALLY want to run WOH on our MinecraftEdu server, but we are using quite old Macs as client machines (iMac Model 5,2 Intel Dual Core, 1,85 Ghz Processor with 1.25 GB RAM) and the same as a stand alone Server machine.

I have installed the latest MinecraftEdu and latest WOH updates and every time a client machine tries to connect to the server, it crashes out saying "Reached end of stream for ip XX.XX.XX.XX"

I am guessing that the machines cannot handle the power needed to run WOH? 
Would that be right?

Any help appreciated otherwise we are stuck with the basic MinecraftEdu set up :(


Joel Mills
Darlington College
Learning Resources Manager


Nov 1, 2013, 10:03:13 AM11/1/13
Hi Joel. I hope you can get it working.

I don't think you would get an "end of stream" message because of computers being too slow. I think that would cause a crash at first launch of Edu and a message about your graphics card, or just freezing once you start to play. I think "end of stream" is usually a Java issue or a network issue.

Try re-installing the latest version of Java from Also, make sure you are running MinecraftEdu version 164 build 6. You can update using the "Update" button in your main Edu launcher.

Lastly, make sure you have installed to the correct directory for all student machines. It should ask you if you want to backup your old install, select No. 

Let me know if any of these things work.

Joel Mills

Nov 1, 2013, 11:10:06 AM11/1/13
Hi Eric...

All very helpful.
I have the latest builds of MinecraftEdu and WOH so I know it isnt those things!

I will try the Java update first.
I'll try the fresh install of the WOH with the "NO" back up too as I might not have done that originally.

I installed into the existing MinecraftEDU folder in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraftEdu  ? That should be right i think.

Ok... off to try these things now.

You sound hopeful, so I am hopeful too!



Mr Mills

Nov 1, 2013, 12:01:02 PM11/1/13
Hi Again Eric,

I have the latest version of Java that will run on the client machines. (Java 6 build 17) on Snow Leopard 10.6.8
I have the latest WOH and Minecraft Edu
I have installed fresh on the client machines with "No" as the option to back up when instructed.

I know it is not Server machine that is causing the problem as I can connect to the server using my Macbook Air.
I am therefore guessing it is the client machines that are the problem. I have even tried the minimum settings for everything in MineCraftEdu options. FPS, Shaders off, Low texture pack, and render depth to 3 on the server.

Is it..
a) needs Java 7 to rune WOH?
b) needs faster client machine (have you had it running on an intel Duel core white iMac with only 1.24GB Ram?) or have you had it running on even less?? Would be good to know.
c) it is a network issue, but that wouldn't explain why other more recent macs can connect to the server.
I will also try a PC client too... :)

Help appreciated... Guys at Minecraft chat are all quiet at the moment... Probably playing!!!




Nov 1, 2013, 3:04:44 PM11/1/13
Make sure you are installing into the Application Support folder then. It will create its own minecraftedu folder. You don't want to accidentally install into minecraftedu/minecraftedu !

Kate Booth

Nov 2, 2013, 2:55:19 AM11/2/13
This is a fantastic resource with so much potential. A HUGE thank you Eric for making it available and taking the time to build it! 

Joel Mills

Nov 4, 2013, 7:25:35 AM11/4/13
Hi Again Eric,

Yes, I am installing in to the correct folders.

I cannot think of anything else as If i replicate what I am doing on my Macbook Air, (It works fine on there) on one of the White intelDuelCore iMacs, it simply crashes out of the server with the End of Stream error.

I have the latest Java they can run (6.X)
I have installed in to the correct files and folders (It works fine on the Macbook Air)
I have the latest versions of the installers (Again, works fine on the macbook Air)

So i am thinking that the white iMacs either don't have the Java capabilities to run it... (6.x)
They are not powerful enough to keep up with the server and crash out (Maybe too much Ram requests...(They only have 1024GB Ram)

Any more ideas???




Nov 4, 2013, 7:45:12 AM11/4/13
I'm sorry, I haven't heard of any computers before that can run Edu but not WoH. It must be some type of mod conflict. Try running the world without any mods on one of those computers (install the servertool on one, deleting the contents of the /mod folder for both server and client) and see if it runs just the landscape of the world by itself. 

Joel Mills

Nov 4, 2013, 9:06:07 AM11/4/13

Now we are getting somewhere.
I have run it with no MODS on the client and server and it connects just fine.
So now I am going to add the mods 1 at a time and see if I can find out what is causing the conflict.

Obviously the Mods are what make the WOH so special, e.g. NPCs but we are getting there!!!

I'll post back with my findings.


Joel Mills

Nov 4, 2013, 10:20:23 AM11/4/13

I have identified it as the Shaders.JAR file that is causing the problem. Installing WOH and then deleting the shaders.jar file from the Mods folder on the client machine makes it run properly.

Shame about the shaders, but maybe they were causing the client machines to run out of RAM or something....?
Still, its working with all the MODS in place... Just got to test it under load now.

Thanks for all the advice and help. 
We got there in the end and I hope my journey has helped others too.



Nov 4, 2013, 4:07:09 PM11/4/13
Great to hear. Hopefully not too many people will have problems with the shader mod. If so, I will maybe post removal directions on the download page, or even remove it and have it as an optional download. I would think you could also just edit the minecraft/optionsshaders.txt file and set the shaderpack=(none), and not have to remove the jar file. But maybe not. 


Nov 9, 2013, 5:10:00 AM11/9/13
New video showing actual gameplay and a partial tour of the world:


Nov 9, 2013, 5:30:38 AM11/9/13
Sorry, making a few edits. I'll repost it soon.


Nov 9, 2013, 8:56:14 AM11/9/13
Video is up at:
Check it out!

Richard Campbell

Nov 12, 2013, 1:53:46 AM11/12/13

Eric, when I am running WOH and my avatar looks down I am blinded by a bright light. It is almost like i am looking into the sun. This happens on multiple computers. I have a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina and a 2012 iMac and it happens on both computers. Have you run into similar problems before?


Nov 12, 2013, 8:14:34 AM11/12/13
It's a shaders conflict. Go to Options, click the Shaders button, and experiment with some of the different choices. Some are higher graphics than others.


Nov 13, 2013, 8:39:29 AM11/13/13

I have updated the download files so that the high graphics default to OFF. This will avoid crashing and confusion on the less-technically-inclined users. To enable high graphics, hit Esc, go to OPTIONS, then click on the SHADERS button. Experiment with the different choices to see how high of graphics your computers can handle. "High Graphics" is strongly recommended, but may severely lag or even crash older computers.

tuckertron tucker

Nov 18, 2013, 8:53:26 PM11/18/13
THis has some really good content... I have been using MinecraftEDU to teach history and this is a great model to use, thank you. We just finished natural disasters with the Tornado Mod set and ORE mod for evolution and surviving in the outdoors, students enjoyed making a survival kit for other students and housing with disaster bunkers for refuge and warning abd detection systems... been a blast, however we are now moving into history and this has been a fun kickstart. We were using my Map which started off in remote and past America, looking into the power of the Rail system and the lifeblood it provided for remote towns and villages. Our colonists could only rely on what they found at the end of the rail, setting up their own functioning trade and town. The major city sent supplies down the line when the mail system sent back correspondence and used their mining boom for new equipment and supplies... students were compelled to do their own research into America's history and cant wait to see where this map and pack takes us... thanks again



Nov 19, 2013, 12:10:21 AM11/19/13
Wow, cool! Please share those maps that you've made!

Scott Pollmann

Nov 19, 2013, 1:38:55 AM11/19/13

I have been testing my old dell laptops with 1.6.4. Yikes. Couldn't get them to run. I removed the shaders mod. How will this effect WOH?

Scott Pollmann

Nov 19, 2013, 2:06:31 AM11/19/13

Scott Pollmann

Nov 19, 2013, 2:07:50 AM11/19/13


Nov 19, 2013, 2:51:57 AM11/19/13
It wont. The shaders are an option, that may be above many school based computers. The base world will still run as normal, with normal Minecraft graphics.



Nov 20, 2013, 8:40:21 AM11/20/13
I updated the "Starter Pack" with some new information on the graphics settings.


Nov 22, 2013, 6:20:52 PM11/22/13
Ok Eric, so I took my English group of a few 5th graders to dive into your books at the Great Library. Spend two lessons there, divided in about 50 minutes play/readtime and about 25 minutes writing activities. My goal was somewhat different to the kids goals, since I wanted to find out if a 5th grader with English as their 2nd language would get anything out of your amazing world. 
The first lesson was spent looking around, reading your signs, and picking out a book or two they wanted to read in the next lesson. I tried to tell them to take a look at the first page, and reject the book if they couldn't quite get their heads around the story. As a homework for the next lesson I wanted them to write a short text about their experiences from the first day. 
Day 2 they were supposed to read the book, and give me a short summary in Norwegian about what the book was about. Then they could explore on their own.
Even though I knew they were a diverse group, little did I know how different it was possible for 4 kids to solve that assignment,

One of them solved it perfectly. He picked out a book, ran around for a bit. Wrote an amazing text including words he probably must have rememberd from your signs. He read the book the next day, gave me  short summary, and away he went to explore the Coluseum. This student loves history, but I thought his English was way to limited to enjoy the WWOH. Never been more happy about my misjudgement.
The second one, had filled her inventory of books, wrote a good text, but had huge problems choosing which book to read. She ended up reading 8 different first pages, all of which she tried to translate for me. She was never happy though, and opened the next book. After book number 9 I said she did good, and sent her off to explore more for herself. 
The third one ran around exploring like a maniac, without reading a single sign. Did not manage to collect any books, and wrote a short text about Minecraft in general. Before he got the chance to continue his WWOH life the second day, he had to rewrite his text to better fit the actual assignment. After this he went reading. Spend 5 minutes wandering around to find a good spot to read, 2 minutes later he was "finished" reading :) Could not grasp a single sentence from the text when I asked him to wrrite what the book was about. And then the bell rang.....
Number four was the most eager one to use Minecraft. She do not play the game herself, but spend hours and hours watching Youtube clips of people playing the game. At least so she says. She picked out two books, seemingly ok. The text she wrote was.... mmm awful. And in Norwegian. She also had to rewrite the text, but totally uanable to tell any details from her experience the day before. I thought she was just lazy, then I remembered that she probably was waaaay to excited to actually play the game herself to be able to grasp anything... I kind of regret to let her rewrite the text, because she would probably had a lot more to gain from just running around, letting out steam...

I promised you to tell how this went... Well... This kind of blew my mind, and I am still trying to evaluate this...The only thing I know for certain is that all of them had good experiences, even though I thought the two rewriters would kill me, they seemed kind of happy as well.



Nov 23, 2013, 3:57:36 AM11/23/13
Thanks for the story! I myself have seen similar experiences. Some students learn an immense amount of information, to the point where it has frustrated other Humanities teachers at my school when the student already seems to "know everything" before learning it in class!

And others don't really read a single thing, but just go off in search of loot and treasure. This year, the student with perhaps the most coins and collectibles of anyone, really hasn't read too much and in my current opinion, has not done much learning at all. To me, this points to a flaw in my design. I need to work to improve the world so that you can only "get ahead" by learning.

But I guess, in the end, it's a far better game for students to be addicted to then GTAV or Call of Duty, for example. So I guess that's a small success.

And the student who has the most stuff? He has learned an immense amount of digital citizenship. At the beginning of the year he was banned twice, and I had to be constantly dealing with his "griefing" of other players. Now? He is a polite and respectful tour guide who can't wait to show new players around the world. I still count him as a "success", even if it's not exactly in the ways I intended as I designed the world.


Nov 23, 2013, 5:30:21 PM11/23/13
I think it is very interresting to listen to the thoughts on the Connected Kearning Webinars how you experienced MC users can see the whole picture of learning. So far I still get a bit hung up on "curriculum learning", but you points about digital citizenship is of course very important to bear in mind. I mean we have social goals for the students as well. Thanks again for all  your hard work, and I will continue to find good ways of using this with my kids. Next up is to allow the 7th graders access to see how much they are able to learn from your Refugee camp. :)


Dec 1, 2013, 9:59:23 AM12/1/13
Moved from another thread:


I hope you get to see this and answer my questions. :)

First of all, great job on developing the World of Humanities. It looks great and from the videos that I've seen, seems like it's very expansive and has a good mix of building and learning. My wife and I are teachers and we'd love to incorporate this in to our classrooms. I had a few questions for you:

1) I know that the target audience for WOH is middle school kids, but can elementary school kids play it as well (say ages 6 through 10)?

2) I am worried about making this too open ended for kids. I would like to allow kids to explore the world, but I would like to give them some direction as well. I want them to accomplish certain things - like maybe make a point of learning about Greece for e.g. before they leave Greece and go to another world. Ideally, they should pick up 1 or 2 facts about a place and write it down before they move on to the next land. What is the best way to do that?

3) You mentioned that you have a packet or booklet that you give out to kids that goes over what they can do in what parts of the world. Can you please share that?

4) Is there a way for me to set barriers so that kids can't go beyond that area to another world until I remove that barrier?

5) How can I incorporate Math in to this game? Nothing too complicated, but maybe some simple addition/subtraction and integer type learning. I would like to use WOH on elementary kids if at all possible and getting them to do basic Math calculations in order to open up doors or chests or something of that nature would be great.

6) Any other elementary school learning ideas that I can leverage or add to WOH?

7) Is there any way for me to add on a natural disasters mod to WOH? In part of the world, I'd like kids to learn about natural disasters like an earthquake or tornado and then have them work together to create early detection systems, survival kits and eventually to rebuild structures after the occurrence of the disaster. I think there is a tornado mod, but I'm not sure if it's compatible or if you already use it as part of WOH. Please advise.

8) What is a good way to reward the students who actually follow my direction and spend time learning rather than just running around gathering loot and money? Is there an in-game way to reward them that they would love? Or maybe award them special badges in the game? Or maybe award them physical badges? I heard you talk about Edmodo, but do elementary school and middle school kids use edmodo? I don't really know what it is, I just heard you mention in an interview on youtube. Please let me know how best to reward students for showing that they are learning.

Again, great work on this. I hope to hear from you soon!

3:28 AM (14 hours ago)
Hello Suman,

First off, congrats Suman for discovering the powerful learning tool that is MinecraftEdu. I thought I would give it a shot at answering some of your questions, and also maybe helping you for your implementation of Minecraft into the classroom.

My first piece of advice that would go out to anyone and everyone that is thinking or starting to implement MinecraftEdu into the classroom the game. Not just for a minute or two, but for hours. You and your students will gain a much more rich and fulfilling experience if you have actually played the game in creative and survival modes. Invite a small group of "experts" into a lunch or after school session to help you learn the game. It's okay if they know more than you...why wouldn't you want to learn from the hours of experience the students have?

My next piece of advice is, play with the mod or the map that you want to use, before you implement it into class. Chances are it isn't perfect and you will run into glitches. I constantly have students from other grade levels come in and "test" my maps out...and then the actual class using it still finds something. Above and beyond any inherent issues a map may have, you will also want to know what content and level it provides to make sure it matches your learning outcomes.

1. To answer your first question, there are many maps that provide a wonderful experience in MinecraftEdu, but remember that map makers make them for their own students, and only the teacher of those students knows them best. The same holds true for you. If you have worked in the map and played in it...only you can decide if it is appropriate for your students.

2. For your second question, I would provide this advice...combine your teaching talents with the game and you will be able to figure this out. You are a teacher, MinecraftEdu and many other maps are basically a version of non-fiction sources of information.

3. I have no idea if he offers this, but if he doesn't it is probably because it applies to his students and his learning outcomes. Given that there has been hundreds of hours put into this map, I can only imagine it would take a fraction of that time to make up a student booklet. I know he provides a master list of badges and codes.

4. This questions is best answered by having you look at the tools MinecraftEdu gives you and that should be able to help you decide how to accomplish the learning outcomes. Here is a series of videos by EduElfie that you can watch to get a better understanding.

5. Once you are more familiar with the game and the functions, I promise the ideas for uses in any subject will come much more quickly. I find that math is one of the easiest subjects to incorporate into MinecraftEdu maps.

6. There are many examples of maps and ideas within this very board. Do a search and you will find GOLD as Maize puts it!

7. I know there are mods that will add this functionality to the game. I have not tried them, so I do not know if they work with MinecraftEdu. What I will offer on this is advice: Work with the basic game before you start to implement mods and complexity to the experience. Once you have a good feel for it, then let your imagination go wild.

8. I think that if you implement properly, just being in the game will be rewarding enough to them without having to "give" them anything. MinecraftEdu provides such a high level of engagement, that very rarely do I have to even have a talk with many of my 3rd to 6th grade students.

Good luck and get out there and play.

Thanks again, Shane. I agree with everything you said. To add some points:

1) Absolutely elementary kids can play. They may not understand all the info and the text may not perfectly align with their curriculum, but there is nothing "inappropriate".

2) I think this is best accomplished through real-world quests and activities that you create and manage for your class.

3) The packet is linked on the main World of Humanities download page on the MinecraftEdu wiki. See the first post in this thread for the link.

4) Yep, you can use the "border block" that is included with MinecraftEdu.

7) You can add any Forge-compatible mods you like to the WoH.

8) I have lots of badges linked at that same download page. There are 43 at latest count, I believe. I print these off and put them on a bulletin board in my room. Students also get the comfortable recliner chair for the period. But they have to fill out a sheet on information they learned while playing, first. Also, the coins and unique items in the game are designed to only be acquired after learning has occurred. They are not in there just "for fun", or as a distraction. They are there to add more extrinsic reward to the learning.

Thanks for your appreciation, and as Shane said, the best thing you can do is just play it for a while (maybe quite a while) and get the feel for it. You will get your own ideas for additions/modifications as you do.


Dec 6, 2013, 3:40:16 PM12/6/13
Pasted from an old topic:

Hi!  I am a 4th grade aftercare teacher at Pease Elementary in Austin, Texas.  I am new to minecraftEDU, but my seven year old has played a lot of minecraft both by himself and on a private server.  Any advise on using yoru world with fourth graders?  There is a handful of kids that are really into minecraft, so I am planning on just letting them loose in The Wonderful World of Humanities.  Thank you for creating it!  --Beverly

Hi Beverly, 4th grade would work wonderfully with WoH. I would recommend exploring the world yourself first, and perhaps creating some "scavenger hunt" sheets and activities for the kids to complete as they play.

Suman Chaudhuri

Dec 9, 2013, 10:39:30 PM12/9/13

My wife's school just got MCEdu and I've been playing with it for 2 days and it's really awesome. Great work!

A few questions:

1) Is there a walkthru of the world? I know it's a huge world, so I'm not looking for a complete walkthru, but something that goes over the most interesting parts. 
2) Is there a cheat sheet of meeting the historical figures - for e.g.: at which location/area in the game I get to meet Socrates or someone else from another land?
3) People talk about creating a scavenger hunt in Minecraft. Question is, how do you go about doing it? Sorry - newbie to this, so any pointers would be appreciated. Anyone done this as part of WOH in a classroom?
4) What are the most interesting lands to visit if kids only had 2-3 days to play this for, say 2 hours a day?



Dec 10, 2013, 9:03:28 AM12/10/13
1) This video is the closest thing that exists currently.  But there is also the listing of places in the information packet.

2) No, I didn't really compile a list. Many are mentioned by other characters, or in the game's hints that pop up from time to time. If you're looking for a certain character, they will probably be in the area they are associated with (Confucius in Ancient China, for example).

3) Just play on your own for a while, and write down questions that you think lead to important reading, quests, or finding hard-to-reach areas. I just made one for Mesopotamia for my students to preview their upcoming unit in class.

4) Hmmmm... Greece and Rome have many areas around them, and climbing the "Big Ben" Mysterious Clocktower in Mesopotamia (and all that comes after) has always been a big hit. The refugee camp simulation near Timbuktu in the Sahara Desert can also be a powerful experience for students that can help build empathy. 

Suman Chaudhuri

Dec 10, 2013, 9:56:19 AM12/10/13
Thanks Eric. Does it affect gameplay if I teleport kids to, say, Sahara on their 2nd day? If some kids are bored with one area and I want to take them some place "more interesting", I'm wondering if it impacts their gameplay/ability to earn points, etc?


Dec 10, 2013, 1:01:15 PM12/10/13
No, and there are teleporters in the game to do just that. The students can use them themselves. I would suggest you just play for several hours, go on quests, write some notes for scavenger hunt ideas, and the plans will come to you.


Dec 10, 2013, 6:41:52 PM12/10/13
This is awesome but the link to download the map is not here. Is there any way to get the map?
Thank you

Matt Coia

Dec 10, 2013, 6:56:10 PM12/10/13
I followed the instructions here ( and had no trouble. This is the original post at the top of this thread.

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Dec 10, 2013, 8:38:24 PM12/10/13
Just a piece of advice. This is the new thread for WWOH, please avoid commenting/posting on the old one. There is no need to post the same question in both threads. It makes it much easier for the author if they only have to search one thread for the questions.

We will be looking at having it locked in the next day or so.


Dec 11, 2013, 1:23:27 PM12/11/13
Thank you! Somehow people are still following links to the old thread (I have no idea from where) and thinking the downloads are down there. I hope all traffic is forwarded to this thread or, of course, the actual download site:

Dec 20, 2013, 2:05:12 PM12/20/13
Hi. We are just getting started with the Wonderful World of Humanities. We love the world for our curriculum, however, we are encountering discipline problems as kids get on the single player mode to play traditional minecraft. They just want to shoot monsters all day and not actually do the learning activities. I thought I would have total control over minecraftedu settings, but they only work on the multiplayer mode with the WWH. Is there a way to block single player mode without blocking the multiplayer? Is there a way to control settings in single player?

Thanks for your help!

Michael Harvey

Dec 20, 2013, 2:12:06 PM12/20/13
From the wiki:

Disable Singleplayer Button

Singleplayer button can be disabled in client by setting the parameter.

   to minecraftedusettings.ini file.

You would add or change that line in that file on each client computer and then the single player option will simply not be there.  Questions about controlling students have been coming up a lot lately. Minecraft by nature is open-ended and unrestrained. Make sure you spend some time describing your expectations before starting play. The students should understand that MinecraftEdu will be different than Minecraft at home in certain ways. What those differences are is completely up to you as the teacher.  Good luck!
Message has been deleted


Dec 28, 2013, 12:44:18 AM12/28/13
Um....I have a bug.
So you know how World of Humanities has the Animal Bikes mod? Well, a lot of the bikes aren't, when I go in the elite tower and buy the dragon bike, the dragon doesn't spawn...
Help! And also, is there a link for teachers to find out what to do with the code words?


Dec 28, 2013, 6:02:02 PM12/28/13
Hmmm... They've always worked for me and my students. What version of Edu are you using?

I'm away from home for break right now, so I can't take a closer look or test with the new Edu build 7. I'll try to help more after break.

Bernice Chen

Dec 28, 2013, 7:07:02 PM12/28/13
Right now I am using the build 6, but it has always worked before build 7 came out. Do I have to update to build 7?

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Eric <> wrote:
Hmmm... They've always worked for me and my students. What version of Edu are you using?

I'm away from home for break right now, so I can't take a closer look or test with the new Edu build 7. I'll try to help more after break.

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Jan 3, 2014, 1:36:09 AM1/3/14
I just tested again on build 6 and everything works fine with the pets. Are you sure you have the latest version of WoH installed from the Wiki page? They updated Animal Bikes a while ago, and existing items do not match up with the new items. But if you have everything installed correctly from the latest version, it works great.
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Jan 3, 2014, 1:00:26 PM1/3/14
Do you think I need to delete everything and try again?

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

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Jan 3, 2014, 11:46:35 PM1/3/14
It wouldn't hurt to try.

On Friday, January 3, 2014 9:00:26 PM UTC+3, Bernice wrote:
Do you think I need to delete everything and try again?

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Eric <> wrote:
I just tested again on build 6 and everything works fine with the pets. Are you sure you have the latest version of WoH installed from the Wiki page? They updated Animal Bikes a while ago, and existing items do not match up with the new items. But if you have everything installed correctly from the latest version, it works great.

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 3:07:02 AM UTC+3, Bernice wrote:
Right now I am using the build 6, but it has always worked before build 7 came out. Do I have to update to build 7?

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Eric <> wrote:
Hmmm... They've always worked for me and my students. What version of Edu are you using?

I'm away from home for break right now, so I can't take a closer look or test with the new Edu build 7. I'll try to help more after break.

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Bernice Chen

Jan 4, 2014, 12:19:07 AM1/4/14
Okay, thanks

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

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Jan 6, 2014, 1:33:22 PM1/6/14
Thank you so much!
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Jan 14, 2014, 11:24:31 AM1/14/14
Hmmm... very strange that it works with b7 but not b6. I'm not really sure what the issue would be. For me, I'm having issues with b7 crashing my client!

Try deleting shaders.jar from his minecraft/mods folder and see what happens.

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 7:01:22 PM UTC+3, Lisa Douthit wrote:
I am looking for some other items to troubleshoot with a teacher computer that will not connect to the WoH server here at our school.  I just recently set this up.   Did WoH in a separate install on our server (1.6.4 build 6).  Installed the client on all the student machines, they all connect fine.  As the tech teacher I can also connect fine as the teacher client.  Now in working with our History teacher, I also did the same install process on his classroom machine, but when he tried to connect he gets all the way past the log in as teacher or students screen and then it just quits. I have reinstalled from scratch 3 times. I also update his java incase that was the issue. I also tried forcing a couple of other IP addresses on his machine in case it was rejecting that somehow. Later, I went ahead and installed 1.6.4 b 7 in a separate folder/place (but same server IP) just to test that as well to another project we will be beginning soon and he connects fine with that one. All the machines are Macs running 10.7.x and the server is in 10.9. My machine is 10.8.5 (though I do not think this is an issue since the lab machines running 10.7 are all working).

What are some other things I need to consider in troubleshooting why his computer or his particular install will not work?  -Lisa

Lisa Douthit

Jan 14, 2014, 11:29:15 AM1/14/14

I am looking for some other items to troubleshoot with a teacher computer that will not connect to the WoH server here at our school.  I just recently set this up.   Did WoH in a separate install on our server (1.6.4 build 6).  Installed the client on all the student machines, they all connect fine.  As the tech teacher I can also connect fine as the teacher client.  Now in working with our History teacher, I also did the same install process on his classroom machine, but when he tried to connect he gets all the way past the log in as teacher or students screen and then it just quits. I have reinstalled from scratch 3 times. I also update his java incase that was the issue. I also tried forcing a couple of other IP addresses on his machine in case it was rejecting that somehow. Later, I went ahead and installed 1.6.4 b 7 in a separate folder/place (but same server IP) just to test that as well to another project we will be beginning soon and he connects fine with that one. All the machines are Macs running 10.7.x and the server is in 10.9. My machine is 10.8.5 (though I do not think this is an issue since the lab machines running 10.7 are all working).
Deleted the previous message in order to add this update.  I tried this on another computer with the same spec as the history teacher and got the same results.  Tried it on yet another teacher with a slighty different computer on the same floor and it did work.  I am thinking it is the computers in question: iMac 1.83 ghz intel core 2 Duo with 2 GB RAM, the other machines I have tried it successfully on are 2.26 and up ghz intel core 2 duo.  Now with that said it does not really make too much sense because my previous server was even older than these, but just thought I would throw that out there if it could be the actual computer that is the problem.

What are some other thing I need to consider in troubleshooting why his computer or his particular install will not work or are there work around I need to do etc?  -Lisa

Lisa Douthit

Jan 14, 2014, 11:31:15 AM1/14/14
yes this is why I chose not to install the WoH with the b7 update.  I added to this note below.  Just looking for other things to try.  I hate telling the teacher he needs to come to the computer lab or another teachers classroom to do some exploring. Would be nice having it on his machine since he is the history teacher.


Jan 14, 2014, 12:22:28 PM1/14/14
Did you read my post above your edit?

Lisa Douthit

Jan 14, 2014, 2:04:05 PM1/14/14
Yes…Good idea.  I did take out all the mods and of course knew I would get the message that the mods were missing, but that also pointed to the fact that really everything is working the way it should.  Will try the shaders only out. going right now….

Lisa Douthit

Jan 14, 2014, 2:13:39 PM1/14/14
O MY MY Thank You!  I do not know why I did not even think of that…but that did it.  He is now in and can do some exploring before we sit down to discuss how we will do some of this with our 6th graders!  Thanks Thanks Thanks.

Jan 16, 2014, 4:06:46 PM1/16/14
Hi Everyone!
I need your help!
Some background: I'm new to Minecraft, Minecraftedu, WOH, etc....  I'm just trying to test this out for my district and look into building curriculum around it,.  So at this stage, I have installed the server (I think), there are no student users as of yet, but I am struggling with loading  WOH.
The problem: I have downloaded the .jar file for the teacher version of World of World of Humanities into the same folder as Minecraftedu as indicated on the wiki page.  When I go to the server tool, and choose Select Save World  I do not see the World of Humanities listed.  Oddly, (at least to me it is odd), when I open the .jar file for World of Humanities it opens the Minecraftedu launcher (the same as it would if I simply launched minecraftedu).  Please help!!   I'm so excited yet frustrated at the same time.



Marc Alexander


Jan 17, 2014, 4:19:15 AM1/17/14
You need to double-click on the WoH jar teacher file you downloaded to install it. Carefully read and follow the instructions on the wiki page.

Jan 24, 2014, 4:08:56 PM1/24/14
 I am getting an error.  I hope that someone can help!
I have just installed WOH.  I opened up the server tool first and then went to open the game.  When I go to open it, it says: "Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server. The mods and versions listed below could not be found.  They are required to play on this server.
Backpack: 1.18.17
custompcs: 0.8
animalbikes: 2


Jan 24, 2014, 5:20:29 PM1/24/14
Do you have older versions of those mods already in your mods directory? If so, you will need to delete them.

Otherwise, the mods should have been installed into the correct folder.

Are you using Edu build 7? Did it give you a bunch of error messages when you started the server tool? You may need to move the mods from the /mods folder into the mods/1.6.4 folder if you are using build 7.

Jan 29, 2014, 4:56:32 PM1/29/14
I do not have older versions and I am using 1.6.4.
I have now been able to open the welcome screen to WWOH (by placing the reource pack files for WWOH in System 32 instead of AppData.  But the world itself does not actually open.  I believe that is because WWOH does not show up as a "Saved World" option in the server tool. 
It seems that IF WWOH was located in the following place it would open: C:\Windows\System32\Servertool\worlds\savedworlds.  Do you know if that is true?
If WWOH should be located there, how can I actually get it there?  I've been working on this for weeks and still not there.  Thanks for your suggestions!!!


Jan 29, 2014, 10:33:03 PM1/29/14
If your files need to be in that location, you have done something during the installation to alter the install path. That is definitely not the default install path for MinecraftEdu.


Jan 30, 2014, 7:25:23 AM1/30/14
I would try re-installing MinecraftEdu, and do not change the default install path. Then re-install the teacher version of the World of Humanities, and again don't change the default install path. 

If you need to use a custom path, make sure you are setting them to the same exact folder location. However, if you see the World of Humanities install screen, you would think the files are in the correct place.

Just thought of something ---- Are you sure you didn't just install the student version? The student version does not have the map. The teacher version does. Make sure you are installing the Teacher File on your own computer, and the Students File on the student computers.

Bernice Chen

Jan 30, 2014, 5:01:26 PM1/30/14
Is there a link for teachers for when a student gives them a code word????

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

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Jan 31, 2014, 2:37:07 AM1/31/14
Yes, look at the supporting files section at the bottom of the main page.

On Friday, January 31, 2014 1:01:26 AM UTC+3, Bernice wrote:
Is there a link for teachers for when a student gives them a code word????

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 6:25 AM, Eric <> wrote:
I would try re-installing MinecraftEdu, and do not change the default install path. Then re-install the teacher version of the World of Humanities, and again don't change the default install path. 

If you need to use a custom path, make sure you are setting them to the same exact folder location. However, if you see the World of Humanities install screen, you would think the files are in the correct place.

Just thought of something ---- Are you sure you didn't just install the student version? The student version does not have the map. The teacher version does. Make sure you are installing the Teacher File on your own computer, and the Students File on the student computers.

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 6:33:03 AM UTC+3, MisterA wrote:
If your files need to be in that location, you have done something during the installation to alter the install path. That is definitely not the default install path for MinecraftEdu.

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Feb 1, 2014, 3:50:25 PM2/1/14
New update coming soon. Pretty much as soon as build 8 of Edu releases, I'll compile the install files together and get it on the download page. A list of most of the updates is already included in the "upcoming additions" sections of the download page if you want to take a look.
Message has been deleted


Feb 17, 2014, 9:25:47 AM2/17/14
New update available! Visit the main download page to get it. Don't forget to delete your old mods out of the outdated /mods/ folder if you haven't already for the newer versions of Edu. Updates are as follows:

→ Experience points (XP) and levels matter now! Many areas of the world will not be open to players until they have successfully completed a certain amount of quests and gained a certain amount of levels. The XP bar and current player level will always be visible at the bottom of the screen. Quests that are the most difficult, or require the most content knowledge to complete, will give the largest amounts of XP. This should add an extra level of engagement and motivation for reading/learning in students.

→ Several "Scavenger Masters" can be found near the entrances to major sections of the world. Students can download a PDF scavenger hunt, fill it in as they explore and read, and then recite the correct answers to the Scavenger Masters for large rewards. These scavenger hunts will also help prepare students for the Grand Master Quiz in the Humanities Treehouse - perhaps the most challenging task in the whole World of Humanities.

→ A new post system, where students can receive letters in the mail from characters and quests, and can also send letters to each other. Many existing quests and dialogues have been updated to take advantage of this new feature.

→ The "Plot Diagram" - a 3-D representation of the plot structure of storytelling can be explored near the Isles of Mythology. This ties into both Greek Mythology for Humanities and also English/Language Arts content areas.

→ The "Elite Coral Island", a new free-building island only for higher-level players.

→ New treasures and secret areas added around the world to increase motivation for exploration.

→ New code words and badges.

→ Content added to the areas between the Treehouse and Mesopotamia, encouraging movement towards the earlier civilizations. Characters and quests added, as well.

→ Revision and updating of many characters, quests, and areas.

→ Updated the "Starter Pack" to include new information about the enhanced graphics settings.


Feb 17, 2014, 6:02:42 PM2/17/14
Can't wait to check this out. Hopefully this version will be the one we will launch for our students at home.
But one question. Will the group that have been working in the last version of the game loose their progress when I update?


Feb 17, 2014, 9:33:16 PM2/17/14
Nice! Thanks Eric!  I'm downloading it now.

Halligator,  how do you plan on using this for your students at home when students aren't allowed to have copies of mcedu on home computers?  Will the map run on a normal minecraft server as well?


Bernice Chen

Feb 17, 2014, 9:36:59 PM2/17/14
Having bugs with the new World of Humanities. A lot of the people's skins are not working, and when I press the menu button (M), some Rei Minimap Config. menu comes up instead. Please help!

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Brian <> wrote:
Nice! Thanks Eric!  I'm downloading it now.

Halligator,  how do you plan on using this for your students at home when students aren't allowed to have copies of mcedu on home computers?  Will the map run on a normal minecraft server as well?


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Feb 17, 2014, 11:00:34 PM2/17/14
Hal: they will lose the buildings they built if you don't copy them over in schematic form. They will not lose their quests, items, etc., if you make sure you keep the /players folder from your old map, and the /customnpcs/playerdata folder as well. These should not be overwritten by installing the new version, so that should all save with no trouble.

Bernice: are you using build 8? Did you install the the right folders? Did you delete your old mods out of the /mods/ folder (this installs the required mods to the new /1.6.4/ folder). You must be doing something different, because everything should be the same (skins, menu keys, etc.) as the old versions.


Feb 17, 2014, 11:08:23 PM2/17/14
Oh and Bernice: don't delete the rei_minimap FOLDER out of the /mods/ directory. Just the old mod zip files. That folder contains the changed keybindings that free up the M key, etc. You will need to install the new version of WoH again to get that folder back (or move it back from your recycle bin).

Auuuugh, I knew this switching of mod folders was going to mean confusion and frustration for WoH installs. It's going to be worse with my students. I asked the developers to make the moving of old mod files automatic in build 8, but they didn't.

Bernice Chen

Feb 18, 2014, 4:58:58 PM2/18/14
Ok I will try re-installing it.

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

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Caitlin McLemore

Feb 18, 2014, 5:01:47 PM2/18/14
This is a great world, thank you so much for creating and sharing it with others! 

I know there is a list of secret codes available to teachers, to help monitor student progress, which is very helpful. Are there other resources for teachers in the world? For example, locations of all magicians, how to complete quests, locations of merchants, etc.



Feb 19, 2014, 1:25:44 AM2/19/14
You're welcome! Let me know what your students enjoy about it, or don't enjoy.

I don't have extra resources written out. But one thing you could do is turn on creative mode for yourself, go to the NPC Tools tab in your creative inventory, and select the NPC Wand. Then look at any NPC and right-click. This will bring up the Custom NPCs menu. If you go to the Global tab, you will have access to a lot of the "backbone" of WoH, which includes quest lists and descriptions, dialogue lists, and more. It's a bit convoluted, but you can see much of the dialogue, questing, and items of the whole world in there.


Feb 19, 2014, 4:02:06 PM2/19/14
I was under the impression that WWOH was build to be used for the students at home. Am I wrong Eric, or what have I been missing here? We have bought 25 licences for our school which I thought I could hand out to students, for them to connect to the server for a certain period of time.
Our plans are to give the 7th graders this opertunity the next 4 weeks, for them to explore the humanity universe by themselves. The passwords will then be reset and the students will be unable to further use the accounts.

Am I doing something against the law or principles here I would really wants some feedback on this before I move on with this project.


Feb 19, 2014, 4:09:31 PM2/19/14
I'm not saying this is definitive Hal...but I really think that letting your students have the licenses even for a short time, may be walking that line of violating the agreement.

Now with that said, Eric has a much locked down launcher, that I believe makes the program fairly useless unless connecting to his always online server running WWOH. He doesn't give them the map, and give them the licenses and let them go.

It sound slike you might be skirting the wrong side of that line if you do what you are planning. You are basically distributing the MCEdu client without any way of controlling the connection. So even after the project is over, they will still be able to use the program. Which does violate the agreement, since the licenses are provided to the school, not the students. Changing the password of the account would only prevent them from updating, but they could still play fully functional.

Also remember that many of the MCEdu features do not work in single player.

I would definitely think more about this before you let it go forward. Maybe even hop into HipChat (The chat room for help and questions with the people within TG) and ask there. Be very specific about your project and let them know what you plan on doing. Get your answer directly from them.


Feb 19, 2014, 5:05:41 PM2/19/14

Thank you so much for the reply. The plan was to only give them the stripped down student version, and of course no map. That would be on the schools server. So I didn't think they would be able to use anything but the multiplayer. 
Our server is still not open outside of the schools network, so my plans have been delayed because of this. 
I will no immediately freeze my project that was about to launch in week 11 (If IT would open our server which I fought for the last 6 months) and further investigate the rules for how this is done.
Thanks for the warning Shane, and I would love to hear if someone has done this "by the book" :)

Bernice Chen

Feb 19, 2014, 5:21:19 PM2/19/14
I reinstalled WOH, but all the NPC's and mailboxes are gone! I deleted all the mods except rei_minimap...also when I start MinecraftEDU it says that there's some D_Store or something like that in the wrong version folder but I can't find it at all in my mods folders.

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

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Feb 19, 2014, 5:23:55 PM2/19/14
Hey Hal,

Send me a private message...and we can discuss this more.


Feb 20, 2014, 3:29:49 AM2/20/14
Yes, I have extensively edited the Edu install files, so that once a student installs the game on their home computers, they can't play single player, they can't create a server, they can't connect to any server other than my school server, and their name and gender is already personalized and locked in for them. So if my server isn't working, the only thing students could see in the program is the main menu. 

It took me a long time, and a lot of command variables, before I was able to do this. And it's still a quite difficult and technical process whenever I need to distribute updates to students (like now with the new build 8). But thankfully the programmers have added in a lot of command and ini variable that make this possible.

WWoH can easily be run during classtime though. Just remember to save it at the end of the every class, and then students could continue playing next class.


Feb 20, 2014, 3:50:20 AM2/20/14
Very strange... you might want to re-install Edu build 8 to a new folder on your computer (c:\wohedu\ or something like that) and then install WoH to that folder. Starting a fresh install should fix your issues.

On Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:21:19 AM UTC+3, Bernice wrote:
I reinstalled WOH, but all the NPC's and mailboxes are gone! I deleted all the mods except rei_minimap...also when I start MinecraftEDU it says that there's some D_Store or something like that in the wrong version folder but I can't find it at all in my mods folders.

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Halligator1 <> wrote:

Thank you so much for the reply. The plan was to only give them the stripped down student version, and of course no map. That would be on the schools server. So I didn't think they would be able to use anything but the multiplayer. 
Our server is still not open outside of the schools network, so my plans have been delayed because of this. 
I will no immediately freeze my project that was about to launch in week 11 (If IT would open our server which I fought for the last 6 months) and further investigate the rules for how this is done.
Thanks for the warning Shane, and I would love to hear if someone has done this "by the book" :)

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Feb 20, 2014, 3:59:10 PM2/20/14
Hey Shane... we were talking about making HD Edu number blocks. What's your opinion on this design? Good?


Feb 20, 2014, 4:09:59 PM2/20/14
Hey looks sharp. Just wondering if it could be clearly seen from far away though. So for instance if the numbers were used to lead kids along some path...maybe the number be more white?

Matt Coia

Feb 20, 2014, 4:22:10 PM2/20/14
i was thinking it looks a little dark myself.  Maybe an outline around the number that is brighter or white?

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:09 PM, MisterA <> wrote:
Hey looks sharp. Just wondering if it could be clearly seen from far away though. So for instance if the numbers were used to lead kids along some path...maybe the number be more white?

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Feb 20, 2014, 4:41:11 PM2/20/14
Is this better?

Bernice Chen

Feb 20, 2014, 4:54:29 PM2/20/14
I'll try reinstalling it, thanks!

~Bernice Chen
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Eric <> wrote:
Is this better?

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Feb 20, 2014, 5:05:37 PM2/20/14
Yeah that looks good.


Feb 21, 2014, 12:45:01 AM2/21/14
OK, I'll make the number set, 0-9. Not sure I will be able to make all the signs and symbols though... do you care as much about those?

On Friday, February 21, 2014 1:05:37 AM UTC+3, MisterA wrote:
Yeah that looks good.


Feb 21, 2014, 2:01:09 AM2/21/14
It would be nice eventually..but no not immediately.


Feb 21, 2014, 3:16:38 AM2/21/14
OK, I actually made all of them, including all the symbols. Here's the new resource pack:

They're already included in the download of the new WoH version.
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