The Adventure Continues

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Phil Rodrigues

Feb 16, 2014, 12:32:43 AM2/16/14
Friends, Minecrafters, countymen lend me your ears. We have accomplished much but there is more to do before the Ender Dragon is defeated. What is next?

Create Potions:

I made a batch of Speed, Strength and Healing potions in the Library, which were added to the Fire Immunity and Water Breathing in the chest. We need to gather components to make enough for everyone:

- Farm Sugar for Speed Potions
- Kill Blazes in the Nether for Strength Potions
- Farm Melons and Mine Gold for Health Potions
- Kill Slimes and Kill Blazes Fire Immunity Potions

Remember, one ingredient can make 3 potions at a time. There is plenty of glass and Nether Seeds in the Library (nice work, Villagers and Woodsmen).

Max Enchant (Diamond) Equipment:

Now is the time to build up XP and enchant your class items at max level, which is 30 levels of green XP. Use Diamond where possible, like for Miner's Picks and Woodsmen's Axes. Create a max enchanted suit of your best armor - and have a Miner repair it when it gets damaged.

Hunt Endermen:

We need 8 more Ender Pearls to combine with Blaze Power and make Eyes of Ender to fill the Ender Gate frame. Form parties and stay out at night to look for Endermen, or take advantage of random ones you see along the way. Potions make the fights easier! No Pearls = No Ender Gate.

Once we have 8 more pearls, everyone in enchanted gear and lots of potions we will enter the End and hunt the Dragon.

I'd like to try this Thurs Feb 20 at 9pm Eastern US (or let me know what time works best).

Also remember to hunt Wither Skeletons in the Nether Fortresses for their skulls! We need them for something even more powerful than the Ender Dragon...

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