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What Have You Been Hacking/Making [2024-05-20 edition]

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Pete Prodoehl

May 20, 2024, 11:24:34 AM5/20/24
to MMS-Public

Hello Makers! It is now time to share... What have you been hacking on
or making?

Reply to this email with a brief run-down of whatever projects have been
keeping you busy, either at the space(s) or elsewhere.

Include a photo and/or link if you can and show us something neat!

~[ * __ * ]~

Sara Cellucci

May 23, 2024, 1:37:45 AM5/23/24
to Friends of MMS
Finally got to try out block printing with a linocut I did a few months ago.  Not bad results for a first go I think!  Tried a couple different papers and also fabric.  Huge thanks to everyone over at the printing area for setting this up, and to Maya and Sylvia for getting me rolling!


Pete Prodoehl

May 23, 2024, 10:46:23 AM5/23/24

Those look awesome for a first attempt! It can take a bit of practice to get the amount of ink just right, as well as the pressure when doing the print.

Were these hand burnished or did you use a press?

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• 羲天 •Random Adventurer X

Jun 24, 2024, 10:26:46 PM6/24/24
to Friends of MMS
download (15).jpeg
I've been doing some experiments with ebikes.

I just finished this.  The fifth experiment. 

About to begin my sixth bike project! 


Mark Rehorst

Jul 3, 2024, 10:02:33 AM7/3/24
to Friends of MMS
I bought an recapped a 25 year old Krell KAV-300i stereo amplifier. Sounds great!

front small.jpg

top open small.jpg

There were about 40+ electrolytic caps to replace, plus a few other parts that were damaged by heat. About $100 worth of parts in all.

Mark Rehorst

Jul 3, 2024, 10:08:02 AM7/3/24
to Friends of MMS
I made another painting using the sand table Arrakis 2.0:


Mark Rehorst

Jul 3, 2024, 10:12:40 AM7/3/24
to Friends of MMS
I made a ladder for Ms. Kitty to climb up a wood post in my livingroom:

kat ladder small.jpg

There are 6 steps about 18" apart. Each step is just a pine board, sealed with one coat of polyurethane, and covered with a piece of self adhesive carpet tile. The steps are mounted using 3D printed brackets screwed to the back side of the post. I'll be adding either a platform at the top or a long plank that she can run on.

Mark Rehorst

Jul 3, 2024, 10:17:30 AM7/3/24
to Friends of MMS
I recapped the crossovers in a pair of 20 year old Canton Ergo 22DC speakers:

ergo small.jpg

They sound great with the Krell amplifier. I also got an SVS 3000 Micro sub to go with them. Amazing little box! I'm expecting the neighbors to complain any minute now...
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