Saturday, April 20 Questions

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Jodi May

Apr 14, 2024, 10:32:10 PMApr 14
Hi there! 
I am interested in learning more about welding and possibly joining the MMS. I see the event this Saturday with the Tigerlilly Build Day and would like to attend but I have no idea what to expect. 
Would I stay for the entire 12-5 duration or do people just drop in at some point during that time frame? 

Do I need to register somewhere? Is there a cost? Any other info I need to know? 

I’m starting from a bare minimum of knowledge so any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Anna Kirch

Apr 14, 2024, 10:59:30 PMApr 14
Hello Jodi!

The steel Tigerlillies is our women-led sculpture gang.  To participate in things on the calendar like the build day, you will need to become a member first by  coming to two of our public meetings.  Our next public meeting is this upcoming g Tuesday at 7 PM at our Norwich facility.  

If you know a member already they can invite you as a guest to observe the build day, but to participate in it, membership is required.  

I hope that answers some questions for you!

- Anna

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