Just set up a new Fedora 39 machine.
Got me a timing issue: something isn't loaded by the time my mounts start and the machine fails to boot. I'm surprised that it doesn't just take of this. How rude.
The kicker is that it's not just the off-box (NFS) mounts that cause it to fail. I'm also attempting to mount an mdadm RAID and that also causes it to fail. WAIT... That's not quite true. I now have a second problem. See Problem 2 below.
Problem 1: the machine won't boot and drops to maintenance mode unless all external mounts are set to noauto. Once up and running, I can start a console, su to root or use sudo, and mount them all, with no problems.
Note: the first time I manually mount /data/thecus1, it reports:
Created symlink /run/systemd/remotefs.target.wants/rpc-stat-d.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/rpc-statd.service.
This mount's entry on fstab has the fs type as "nfs" and so do some of the others, but I've always had to use "nfs4" to mount my TrueNAS volumes on a Fedora/Redhat/CentOS machine. Everything else off-box is given as "nfs".
A copy of my messy fstab file is at the end of this message. The tabs didn't translate, so it's hard to read. Sorry.
Problem 2: I mounted /dev/md127 successfully when testing, then put /dev/md127 in my fstab file. This prevented boot. Why? Because /dev/md127 magically changed to /dev/md0 between boots. So I changed it to an automatic mount at boot of /dev/md0 and presto! it boots nicely.
So I guess problem 2 is: Why did the name of the RAID array change on me? Will it change again? Of course, I do see that it has a UUID for what is now md0 -- is my best play here to mount id by its UUID? Since when do mdadm logical drives change names? That's perverse. I don't ever remember an MD device changing numbering between boots.
Thanks in advance for any insights.
# /etc/fstab
# local array
/dev/md0 /raid xfs defaults 0 0 /data/archive nfs noauto,defaults 0 0 /usr/local/shared nfs noauto,defaults 0 0
# Drobo NAS /data/drobo5n nfs noauto,rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=131072,wsize=131072,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,local_lock=none
# Iomega NAS
iomega-nas1:/mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares/public /data/iomnas1/public nfs rw,noauto,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountport=981,mountproto=udp,local_lock=none,addr= 0 0
iomega-nas1:/mnt/soho_storage/samba/shares/Backups /data/iomnas1/backups nfs rw,noauto,local_lock=none,addr= 0 0 /data/media nfs noauto,defaults 0 0 /data/media/TV nfs noauto,defaults 0 0
# Gibson /data/gibson/ds0 nfs4 noauto,defaults 0 0 /data/gibson/ds1 nfs4 noauto,defaults 0 0 /data/gibson/d2 nfs4 noauto,defaults 0 0
# Thecus NAS
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