Developer/technologist partnership opportunity in healthcare

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Matt Richardson

May 19, 2013, 4:20:00 PM5/19/13
Hey everybody. I was contacted by a woman looking for technical help getting her idea off the ground. Here's the description below, if you know of anyone with an interest or looking for an opportunity. Sounds pretty good, and could be moderately lucrative.

Let me know if you're interested, I'll forward you her contact info if you respond.

In the US (and internationally), medical research is a large industry. An expert in the medical field has identified a market opportunity to take her proprietary workflow and convert it into an online app. She has existing custoemrs and an identified market, and is looking for a partnership opportunitiy with a software developer/technologist to develop this web-based app. Experience/expertise building document management systems is required. Microsoft technology experience is helpful but not required, as the medical industry favors Microsoft. No experience with HIPAA/HITECH is required, as medical records information will not be managed.
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