TWALD 2022 - get your room booked

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Bob Burns

May 9, 2022, 5:37:38 PM5/9/22
to ChiVinMoto - Chicago Vintage Motorcyclists, MilVinMoto
If you're planning on staying at The Hickory Hill Motel for TWALD 2022 coming up on September 16, 17 and 18 you need to get a move on. There are 9 rooms left (one bed) and the nice folks that run the place just called me to let me know they've got a group that wants 7 of them.

I asked them to give me one week. By which I mean give you one week because I've already got a room. You have until next Sunday night to book your room for TWALD.

As always thanks for supporting the last 20 years of TWALD.

-Bob Burns
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