Important - Activity restriction requirement

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Michael West

Apr 28, 2017, 12:00:09 PM4/28/17

Hi All

We’ve had some issues over the past couple of weeks with insurance.

As the shed has grown, and the activities have changed, we had to update the incumbent provider as to the activities.

This caused them to no longer provide cover.

New cover has been arranged (with a cost increase), however, there are a number of conditions for “hot work”. This is defined as naked flame or spark generation. This in theory does include soldering.

Until we amend our procedures, hot work such as welding, grinding and cutting of metals with power tools is forbidden.

This is will hopefully be sorted quickly as most of it is procedural as we already do most of it.

Please respect this request, as frustrating as it may be if you wanted to carry out these activities in the meantime.


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