I have a possible project (surfboard) that I'm looking at the feasibility of tackling. It would require a fair bit of laser cutting of corrugated cardboard and as I'm without a laser cutter myself I'm investigating the possible use of one.
I'm not looking to free load but did wonder if it's possible to hire the use / commission someone to cut for me using your cutter? Clearly I'm not trained in it's use so wouldn't expect to be able to rock up and use it, nor do I pay to access the space. While I would love to be a member, I'm down in Aylesbury so long term membership would be a bit pointless for me.
Any advice appreciated!
It might also be worth me pointing out that I'm a hobbyist knifemaker with quite a bit of tooling so if there is anything anyone would need making on or working as trade that could be a possibility too. Of particular interested might be my heat treating oven which can cope with 22" length and 1200 degrees celcius.