Apache Daffodil graduating to TLP and also DFDL v1.0 Spec finalized

瀏覽次數:18 次

Mike Beckerle

2021年3月4日 中午12:03:082021/3/4
收件者:Military Open Source Software (Mil-OSS)
It's official and announced!

Apache Daffodil is now a top-level project at Apache.

Read more, including nice user testimonials at this link.
(Since this is the mil-oss group, I'll note that the testimonials are mostly about mil applications areas)

Or same but direct from ASF site: https://s.apache.org/18vo

 But wait, there's more!.....

At the same time, the Open Grid Forum has finalized the DFDL v1.0 specification as a full "Recommendation", which is what OGF calls a final standard. The OGF just sends out a calm announcement to their wg-all 'at' ogf.org mailing list, but you can tell by following this link, and looking for the letters "REC" next to the DFDL spec (which is at the top of the list).


the actual official document is this one: http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.240.pdf

an HTML version of the final spec is here: https://opengridforum.github.io/DFDL/current/gwdrp-dfdl-v1.0.8-GFD-R-P.240.htm

Thanks for reading

Mike Beckerle
Principal Engineer - Owl Cyber Defense
Apache Daffodil PMC Chair
OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-chair

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