John Scott <>: Mar 28 01:33PM -0700
there is this:
Also: Sounds like an excellent question for the OSI licensing workshop next
John Scott
< >
On March 28, 2023 at 4:29:22 PM, David Cantrell (
Howdy all,
I have an org (mil) looking to publish some (extremely simple) code
examples and templates online so other mil orgs can take advantage of them
without needing to manage access to any sensitive source repos. There's
nothing sensitive in the code at all so github seems a perfect fit, but
that would entail establishing an official account, building internal
policies regarding account ownership and boundaries of use, policies on
what can or can't be published, etc.
Are there any lists of what DoD / Air Force policies apply to the act of
reviewing and publishing itself? I'm looking for some helpful guidance in
navigating the process of (1) setting up this type of internal process so
we can have good policy in place to help reduce the burden when more people
ask "can I also do X" which is inevitable, and (2) ensuring we check the
right boxes along the way so we don't run afoul of any policies.
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Deb Bryant <>: Mar 28 01:55PM -0700
Oh gentlemen thank you for the opportunity to shamelessly plug an entirely
relevant resource your way, better than a list, rather short stack of
experts on the topic. Besides having policy work Dan Risacher contributing
to the program, the clinic will be attended by lots of agencies, including
.mil; it's a question that might be asked there (and we promise to write
down the answer and include it in the proceedings). Next Tuesday April 4,
2023 in downtown D.C. , see the link and registration page for details.
Free to folks with .gov and .mil email addresses
If you have any questions or would like to contribute drop a line to me at
my OSI email address- deb dot bryant at opensource dot com.
On Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 4:34:03 PM UTC-4 john scott wrote: