OSI Open Source License Clinic April 4, 2023

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Deb Bryant

Mar 14, 2023, 8:00:11 PM3/14/23
to Military Open Source Software (Mil-OSS)
Hello friends,

The *OSI is conducting an open source license clinic in April designed for federal agency personnel.  We did this a decade ago (time flies!) and are coming back at it again by popular demand of course.

Registration is open, more info is at : https://ti.to/open-source-initiative/license-clinic-2023

I could use your help in a couple of ways -

Help us (the Open Source Initiative) socialize the workshop to colleagues who might find the workshop valuable.

Help me fill out our practitioners on the panel discussions (Licensing 201; AI/ML and OSS).  I'm pleased to say that Dan Risacher will join in on the licensing discussions, and we expect to have a colleague from DARPA on the AI discussions.  We could use a few more folks with experience to share (or bring all the interesting open questions someone should be exploring) - just send them my way.



John Scott

Mar 16, 2023, 2:53:51 PM3/16/23
to Deb Bryant, mil...@googlegroups.com
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