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Walt Nagel

Jul 19, 2023, 7:58:59 PM7/19/23
to MikeOS
I have been considering the USB post from before. There are a couple of
programs that may be able to be modified to work. I have been
concentrating on the DOS USB driver that was shipped with FreeDOS. It is
more of a driver than a 'stack.' That makes it more manageable in size,
but it's still close to a segment long. One thing that may help is to
give MikeOS the ability to load programs in memory outside of the OS
program segment (see the attached for my suggested modifications). I
have done some minimal testing and there haven't been any glaring problems.

Changes included updating the API document (also attached). While 'in
there' I added some minimal information on os_string_tokenize and
clarified that if there are no parameters on the command line SI=0 (it
doesn't point to a null string).

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