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imperialOS Development

Feb 11, 2024, 5:20:49 PM2/11/24
to MikeOS
I'm currently working on my own os based off of "the little book of os development", but I'm getting stuck on one screen. I can share the code if needed. but here is the screenshot of my problem:  
Screenshot 2024-02-11 172000.png

James Huddle

Feb 11, 2024, 8:30:41 PM2/11/24
to imperialOS Development, MikeOS
It sounds like you have written a lot of code and you've reached a failure point.
It seems like it's not booting.  Is that right?
Is this problem a new development?  (Did it boot yesterday? Last week? - for instance)
It sounds like a great book, but I don't have it, so I have to ask these kinds of questions.
What kind of machine (and OS) are you doing development on (Windows? Mac? Linux?)
And of course code is always great but if you're designing your own OS, you may not want
to just give code away.
Sometimes, these things just right themselves!
If you haven't already solved it, maybe shoot back with more info.  Best of luck!

On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 2:20 PM imperialOS Development <> wrote:
I'm currently working on my own os based off of "the little book of os development", but I'm getting stuck on one screen. I can share the code if needed. but here is the screenshot of my problem:  
Screenshot 2024-02-11 172000.png

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Walt Nagel

Feb 11, 2024, 8:57:51 PM2/11/24
to, imperialOS Development

A free copy of the book may be downloaded from GitHub. The instructions seem clear. The authors use GRUB to load the OS from a CDROM; it all appears straightforward.

When you did the test compile on pages 13 and 14 what were the results? Did you follow the same analogous steps when compiling your first version of ImperialOS?

On 2/11/2024 5:20 PM, imperialOS Development wrote:
I'm currently working on my own os based off of "the little book of os development", but I'm getting stuck on one screen. I can share the code if needed. but here is the screenshot of my problem:  
Screenshot 2024-02-11 172000.png
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